Covid Pay Repsonse Matrix From 1.11

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Covid Pay Response 1/11/2020 onwards UPDATED 07.01.

Situation Action to Take What will be Paid?

Tested positive for Covid Service Leader logs colleague’s positive status in Maxtime. Contracted hours whilst they cannot work for up
to 10 days.
If a colleague is unable to return to work after 10
days, we would expect them to get some advice
from their GP and provide a self cert/sick note. At
this point the colleague will be paid SSP

Bank colleagues will be paid an average daily rate

calculated over the last 3 months pay.

Isolating Colleague must provide a document to their Line Manager The colleague will be paid their contracted hours
detailing why they must isolate. I.E booking confirmation for a whilst they cannot attend work for up to 10 days.
 Due to showing symptoms and test for the person showing symptoms or documents from
awaiting test result. Test and trace asking them to isolate. Bank Colleagues will be paid an average daily rate
 Household contact showing calculated over the last 3 months pay.
symptoms and awaiting test result. The Service Leader should send this to Payroll.input@c-i-
 Contact with positive case. with the reason and dates the colleague is isolating.

In Maxtime log this as one of the below:

Coronavirus - Self Isolating
Coronavirus - Household Isolating
Coronavirus - Test and Trace Isolation

Travelled from abroad and needs Service Leader to organise cover for the 10 day quarantine Holidays or Unpaid leave.
period, if the colleague can’t work from home. If the
to quarantine on arrival back into colleague would like to take some holidays to cover this period
the UK that is ok; otherwise, it will be unpaid leave.

In Maxtime log as holidays or unpaid leave where necessary

The colleague will be paid a number of contracted hours per calendar day they cannot attend work.

Number of contracted hours paid per day = weekly contracted hours /7.

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