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I Can Face My Fears

Write the things that you fear or makes you

anxious inside the box.

What happens when you feel fearful, worried, or sad?

Changes in your body Thoughts I have… Things I do…
(sweating, trembling,
breathing fast, etc.)

When I feel fearful, worried, or sad, I can cope by, check those which
might be helpful and use the blank spaces to write your own:
 Deep breathing _________________
 Using positive self-talk _________________
 Relaxing _________________
 Talking to friends _________________
 Talking to an adult _________________
 Going for a walk _________________
 Writing on my diary or journal
 Praying
 Listening to music
 Thinking happy thoughts
 Keeping myself busy

I Can! ADSTI Grade 6 Spiritual Retreat 2023/I-Can-Face-My-Fears

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