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2ND QUARTER, SY2022 - 2023 GED 102 WEEK 2

Task List

Week 2 is all about the mathematical language – its structure, and the
concepts by which it is constructed and developed. It includes binary operations
and logic.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by checking the box corresponding to
each task.

_____ 1. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 4 Lecture

_____ 2. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 5 Lecture

_____ 3. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 6 Lecture

_____ 4. Submit WGN Week 1.

2ND QUARTER, SY2022 - 2023 GED 102 WEEK 2

Lesson 4. Mathematics as a Language


A. Describe the rhetoric of the mathematical language.

- Mathematical languages ensure conversational understanding. One explains a

topic's relevance with this in mind—the need to explain complicated ideas clearly.

B. What are the characteristics of the mathematical language? Enumerate and

describe each.

- Mathematical language transcends time and space. The language's distinctive

grammar and vocabulary, clarity, lack of fluff, systematic use of symbols to ensure
accuracy, universal applicability, and lack of verb tense are reasons for this.

C. What are the parts of speech of the mathematical language?

- Mathematics uses nouns, pronouns, verbs, connectives, and punctuation.

D. Give three examples of each of the following: (i) mathematical expression, (ii)
mathematical sentence.
- Mathematical Expression1+2
- Mathematical Sentence
2ND QUARTER, SY2022 - 2023 GED 102 WEEK 2

Lesson 5. Sets, Relations and Functions


A. What is a set?

- A set is a category of items.

B. Let A and B be subsets of a universal set U. Give the theoretical definition of the
1. Union of A and B
- Combinations of all Sets A and B items.
2. Intersection of A and B
- Common elements of Sets A and B.
3. Complement of A
- Set B is the universal subset not in Set A.
4. A – B
- Grouping of non-Set B elements from Set A.
5. B – A
- A collection of Set B's non-Set A items.
6. A x B
- All possible pairings, with A members first and B members second.

C. What is a function?
- A data science "function" moves objects between collections. No two ordered pairs
have the same initial element.

D. What are the ways of writing a function?

- Functions can be written in formulas, set notation, tabular form, and mapping
2ND QUARTER, SY2022 - 2023 GED 102 WEEK 2

Lesson 6. Binary Operations


A. What is a binary operation?

- A binary operation takes two elements from a set and produces one from that set.

B. What are the properties of a binary operation? Enumerate and explain each.

- The Closure Property states that binary operations must provide outcomes within
the defined set.

The Commutative Property states that the value of a binary operation cannot
change regardless of order.

The Associative Property guarantees that the order in which two binary operations
carry out does not affect the result. Binary operations use pairs of values.

Identifiers are unique.

Inverse elements reverse.

2ND QUARTER, SY2022 - 2023 GED 102 WEEK 2

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