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Friendship is one of the most valuable things in life.

Everyone understands this in their own way. In today’s
world, where money and power are everything, it is difficult
to find friendship.
As they say, true friendship is like a diamond. It is
rare, it is, of course, expensive, and there are many fakes.
Friendship is like wine, it gets better with age.
Let’s remember how many people we had in
childhood, whom we called brothers, and now we don’t
say hello. You ask how to find a true friend? And how to
be like that?
All this depends on the nature of the person. If a
person seeks only his own benefit in everything, then he
can never be a true friend. Friendship is a relationship
between people in which there is mutual kindness,
respect, trust, love. These relationships must be selfless. If
there is envy, then it is no longer friendship.
Many people say that true friends should have
common interests. Yes, if there are common interest, this
is very good, but you can also do without them. If one is
into music and the other is crazy about football, that’s
even cooler. They complement each other, and this will
have a very cool effect in the future.
Remember a true friend is the one who, no matter
what, comes to your aid. Appreciate and do not miss such
people, because in the future it will even more difficult.

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