WT2 Salary

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Salary is one of the most significant elements to consider when deciding between jobs because it is

the ultimate reward for the work done and plays a vital part in job selection. However, I do not
believe that salary is the most significant factor to consider when choosing a job because job
satisfaction and career progression are equally important aspects to consider. The following essay
will elucidate my opinions.

To begin with, salary cannot be the sole consideration when selecting a job because job satisfaction
is also critical. As a result, most people place a high value on job fulfillment overpay. Work-life
balance, quality of work, working hours, perks and benefits, work environment, and vacation are
some significant factors. Job satisfaction has been scientifically proven to boost people’s happiness
and well-being. For example, a person who earns less money will be happier than someone who
earns a lot of money but is under a lot of stress and pressure at work. As a result, job satisfaction
should be taken into account when choosing a job.

Furthermore, when it comes to choosing a job, people place a great value on career advancement.
Other components of career growth that impact a person’s future career path include promotions,
new skills, and increasing job responsibilities. For example, some people want to advance in their
careers, so they choose jobs that provide prospects for advancement, even if they are only paid a few
dollars. In another instance, if a job pays an astronomical salary, but the working condition and
environment are pathetic, then it isn’t very smart of the individual to take such jobs. Thus, a job that
pays a little less but offers better working circumstances is a far better option.

Salary is indeed the most critical aspect because no other factor has a more significant impact on a
person’s life or lifestyle than money. A good salary also improves a person’s self-esteem and social
position. However, I believe that salary alone cannot provide contentment because what good is a
well-paying job if it does not provide career advancement or satisfaction? Thus, essential facts such
as working hours, working environment, and job happiness should be taken into account when
selecting a decent job.

To sum up, I believe that remuneration shouldn’t be the only factor. Individuals should consider other
parameters like working conditions and hours, career growth, and satisfaction while choosing
between jobs. Thus, it is prudent to be mindful of the employment choices by weighing all facets of
the job equally.


- Job satisfaction : sự hài lòng về công ăn việc làm

- Career progression : sự tiến triển trong công việc
- Important aspects
- Elucidate (v) : làm sáng tỏ
- The sole consideration: sự cân nhắc duy nhất
- Place a high value on : coi trọng, đặt cao vấn đề, đánh giá cao
- Job fulfillment overpay: công việc trả lương cao
- Boost oneself’s happiness and well-being
- Take into account / consideration : chú ý đến
- Career advancement = career progression
- Astronomical salary : lương cao
- Pathetic (a) : thảm hại
- Contentment (n): hài lòng, mãn nguyện
- Provide prospects for advancement
- A decent job: công việc phù hợp
- Remuneration (n) : thù lao -> a posh remuneration : mức thù lao hậu hĩnh
- Parameter (n) : các thông số
- It is prudent to : thật khôn ngoan khi
- Weighing all facets : cân nhắc tất cả các khía cạnh

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