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PART ONE: LISTENING Listen and fill in the gaps: (15 ¿ 0.2 = 3.

0 pts)
The Birthday Gift
It is going to be my father's birthday. What can I give him?
I don't have much money. I have looked all through the (1)..............................................., and I
have not found anything that I think he would like, or that I can afford.
I have thought very (2)............................................... about what to buy for him. I thought that
he might like some (3)..............................................., but my father really doesn't eat many
sweets. I thought that he might like a new shirt, but he has lots of
(4)................................................ I can't afford a new car or computer for him. I was
(5)............................................... him on the weekend. He cut the grass, washed the car, took out
the garbage, weeded the garden and (6)............................................... the plants.
I got an idea. I went to my room and took out some paper, I cut
(7)............................................... pieces of paper, and I wrote on them. I wrote on one piece of
paper that I would wash the car every weekend for the summer.
I wrote on another piece that I would (8)............................................... out the garbage every
week for the summer. I (9)............................................... wrote that I would cut the grass, weed
the garden and water the plants every week for the summer. I made a birthday
(10)............................................... for my dad, and I put the pieces of paper inside it.
I went (11)............................................... and gave my gift to my dad. My dad thought that the
(12)............................................... was very thoughtful. He said that it was a gift from the heart.
I did all those things for my dad all summer. He said that he had a lot of free time
because I (13)............................................... him so much.
My dad and I are good friends. I don't mind doing things for him because I know
that he is always there to help me out.
A good gift doesn't have to be something that (14)............................................... a lot.
My dad says that the best gifts are the ones that (15)............................................... how much
you care for the other person. I'm glad my dad liked his gift.
-> Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: (5 ¿
0.2=1.0 pt)
16. A. durian B. hurry C. duty D. computer
17. A. character B. chemistry C. scheme D. chapter
18. A. wanted B. returned C. worried D. preferred
19. A. height B. weight C. eight D. freight
20. A. serious B. sunbathe C. sugar D. symptom
-> Your answers:
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the
(5 ¿ 0.2 = 1.0 pt)
21. A. harvest B. contain C. flower D. awful
22. A. explore B. cartoon C. dislike D. absence
23. A. comfortable B. anniversary C. education D. information
24. A. decorate B. equation C. history D. satellite
25. A. interview B. regular C. restaurant D. selection
-> Your answers:
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.


I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences: (10 ¿ 0.2 =
2.0 pts)
26 . …………… your father play chess at the Chess Club, Lan? - Twice a
A. How much B. How long C. How often D. How
27. My little brother is used to ……………..late in the morning.
A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed
28. My cousin, Ly Hung, is ……………..student in our school.
A. more intelligent B. the most intelligent C. intelligenter D.
29. The …………..always comes early, so my father gets his letters before he goes
to work.
A. engineer B. mailman C. porter D. chemist
30. My friends agreed to come to the festival ……………..from Thomas.
A. except B. only C. apart D. accept
31. Don't forget ……………..your teeth before going to bed, little boys and girls!
A. to brush B. brushing C. about brushing D. not to
32. I didn’t see the end of the movies last night because I ……………..asleep.
A. felt B. fell C. went D. felled

33. We are rehearsing a play for our school anniversary ……………..

A. celebrate B. celebrated C. celebrating D.
34. I never play video games in my free time and..................................
A. so does Ha. B. Ha doesn’t, too C. Ha doesn’t, either D. Neither
doesn’t Ha
35. The letter is ………………..French but I can’t speak a word of French. Can
you help me?
A. in B. with C. by D. on
-> Your answers:
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
II. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences: (10 ¿ 0.2
=2.0 pts)
36. I like this kind of tree because it has a lot of green .............................
37. Now, the students in my class are having a ............................. check-up.
38. Give me something to drink please! I’m dying of.............................
39. You shouldn’t eat ............................ food because it’s not good for your health.
40. All of the us must remember to eat .............................
41. Please help me with this sentence: “............................. is better than cure.”
42. All the words in a dictionary are in ............................. order.
43. People of all............................. can join the walking activity.
44. The noise in the city kept Hoa ............................. at night last week.
45. Last Sunday, we went to the ............................. center.

-> Your answers:

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

III. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: (5 x 0.2 = 1.0 pt)
46. I’m very hungry, Mom. I think we should stop (have) ………………dinner.
47. I (phone) ………………my parents when I arrive in Da Lat this afternoon.
48. My father decided (not/ buy) ………………that new car.
49. The worker (break) ………………his leg yesterday?
50. Mommy! Could you tell me how (make) ………………a conical hat?
-> Your answers:
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


I. Choose the word or phrase that best fits each gap of the passage: (10 ¿ 0.2 =
2.0 pts)
British parents are always complaining that (51)……….…… children spend
too much time (52)………………TV and not enough time doing other activities
like sports and reading. A (53)……….……survey of people’s free time activities
(54)………………that young people spend about 23 hours a week in (55)……….
……of the television set, that means over 3 hours a day
It is (56) ………………that the average adult watches even more: 28 hours a
week. Every household in the county has a TV set and over half have two or more.
According (57)……………… the survey people do not only watch TV in their
living room, they watch it in the kitchen and in bed as (58) ……………….
We cannot deny that television also has some negative effects (59) ……….
…… children, because many films shown on TV contain violence, crime and other
bad things. Excessive watching of TV by children has lowered their results in (60)
……….……at school.
51. A. he B. they C. their D.
52. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D.
53. A. late B. lately C. recent D.
54. A. show B. shows C. showing D. to
55. A. between B. behind C. opposite D.
56. A. surprise B. surprises C. surprising D. to
57. A. to B. in C. from D. at
58. A. well B. good C. happy D.
59. A. special B. specialise C. especial D.
60. A. learn B. learned C. learning D. to
-> Your answers:
51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space: (10 ¿ 0.2
= 2.0pts)
Mark Twain is a famous American writer. His (61) .....………….…. was
Samuel Longhorn Clemens and “Mark Twain” was (62) .....………….…. pen-name.
Samuel Clemens was born in a small town (63) .....………….…. the Mississippi river in
the USA. The boy (64) .....………….…. many friends at school and when he became a
writer, he described them in his stories. (65).....………….….Samuel was twelve, his
father died and the boy began to work and learned the (66).....………….…. of a painter.
Samuel always (67).....………….…. to be a sailor and when he was twenty he found
work on the river boat. After some time he (68).....………….…. the boat and went to
live in California. Here he began to write short (69).....………….…. under the name of
Mark Twain. He sent (70) .....………….….to newspapers. The readers liked his stories
very much.
-> Your answers:
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

III. Read the text then make questions and answer them: (5 ¿ 0.2 = 1.0 pt)
I get a lot of letters at this time of year from people complaining that they have a
cold which won’t go away. There are so many different stories about how to
prevent or cure a cold, it’s often difficult to know what to do. Although colds are
rarely dangerous, except for people who are already weak, such as the elderly or
young babies, they are always uncomfortable and usually most unpleasant. Of
course, when you have a cold, you often buy lots of medicines which help to make
your cold less unpleasant, but you must remember that nothing can actually cure a
cold or make it go away faster. Another thing is that any medicine which is strong
enough to make you feel better could be dangerous if you are already taking drugs
for some other illness so always check with your chemist or doctor to see whether
they are all right for you. And remember they might make you sleepy – please
don’t try to drive if they do! Lastly, as far as avoiding colds is concerned, whatever
you may be told about magic foods or drinks, the best answer is to keep strong and
healthy – you’ll have less chance of catching a cold, and if you do, it shouldn’t be
so bad!
71. What should/ you/ do before/ buying/ medicine/ cold/ if/ already taking/
drugs/ ?/
72. In/ what/ case/ colds/ dangerous/ ?/
73. What/ people/ often/ do/ when/ have/ cold/ ?/
74. What/ writer’s/ advice/ avoid/ colds?/
75. What/ this passage/ from/ ?/
I. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning. Use the given words:
(5 ¿ 0.2 = 1.0 pt)
76. For me - Going fishing is more interesting than reading books at home.
-> I prefer ………..
77. My uncle is a slower and more careful driver than I am.
-> My uncle drives………………….………………………….
78. We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain.
-> The heavy rain prevented…….
79. Life in the past is not as comfortable as life nowadays.
-> Life nowadays………………………………….
80. It took us about two hours to plant those trees yesterday.
-> We
II. Use the following words and phrases to write complete and meaningful
sentences. Make all the necessary changes and additions if necessary. (5 ¿ 0.2
= 1.0 pt)
81. We/ going/ have/ two- week/ summer vacation/ Da Nang/ next month/ ./
82. You/ should/ eat/ variety/ food/ without/ eat/ too much/ anything/ ./
83. My mother/ worried/ about/ let/ me/ go/ zoo/ alone yesterday/ ./
84. Visitor/ spoke/ too quickly/ me/ understand/ what/ said/ ./
85. Miss Lan/ not/ go/ schoo/l last Monday/ because/ sickness/ ./
III. Write an essay (about 180 words) about the your last holiday: (3.0 pts)
(The essay must have a title and three parts: Opening – Body and Conclusion.
Don’t show your proper names/ school/ village…)


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