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Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, 2022, 13(1), 195-204


Rudy Budiatmaja, Yanuar Ramadhan

Universitas Esa Unggul, Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9, Kebon Jeruk 11510, Jakarta


Volume 13 Abstrak - Tiga Strategi Pengendalian Perusahaan dan Kecurangan

Nomor 1
Halaman 195-204
Malang, April 2022 Tujuan Utama - Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui dampak tiga
ISSN 2086-7603 strategi pencegahan atas kecurangan akuntansi dapat diminimalisir se­
e-ISSN 2089-5879 kecil mungkin.
Metode – Penelitian ini menggunakan uji T sebagai metode. Adapun
Tanggal Masuk: sampel penelitian adalah 105 karyawan perusahaan.
01 Oktober 2021 Temuan Utama – Penelitian ini menemukan hingga saat ini masih ba­
Tanggal Revisi: nyak kasus korupsi dan kecurangan akuntansi. Kasus penggelapan
25 April 2022 uang tunai dan hilangnya bukti transaksi di dalam perusahaan masih
Tanggal Diterima: dilakukan oleh karyawan. Kasus lainnya adalah praktik mempercantik
30 April 2022 laporan keuangan guna meningkatkan kinerja keuangan perusahaan.
Implikasi Teori dan Kebijakan - Auditor Internal bertanggung jawab
untuk mendukung pencegahan kecurangan akuntansi. Selain itu, ada­
Kata kunci: nya pengendalian internal, SOP perusahaan, dan profesionalisme audi­
tor internal dapat mencegah kecurangan akuntansi.
accounting fraud, Kebaruan Penelitian – Penelitian ini menggabungkan teori agensi, teori
agency theory, segitiga fraud, serta gone theory dalam mencegah kecurangan akuntansi.
fraud triangle,
gone theory, Abstract - Three Strategies of Corporate Control and Accounting
internal auditor Fraud.
Main Purpose - This study seeks to determine the impact of three pre-
vention strategies on accounting fraud that can be minimized as small as
Mengutip ini sebagai: possible.
Budiatmaja, R., & Ra­ Method – This study uses the T-test as a method. The research sample is
madhan, Y. (2022). Three 105 company employees.
Strategies of Corporate Main Findings – This study found that there are still many cases of cor-
Control and Account­ ruption and accounting fraud. Cases of embezzlement of cash and loss of
ing Fraud. Jurnal Akun- evidence of transactions within the company are still carried out by em-
tansi Multiparadigma, ployees. Another case is the practice of beautifying financial statements to
13(1), 195-204. https:// improve the company’s financial performance. Theory and Practical Implications - Internal auditors are responsible
ub.jamal.2021.13.1.15 for supporting the prevention of accounting fraud. In addition, the existence
of internal controls, company’s SOP, and the professionalism of internal
auditors can prevent accounting fraud.
Novelty – This research combines agency theory, fraud triangle theory,
and gone theory to prevent accounting fraud.

196 Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2022, Hlm 195-204

The high incidence of accounting fraud reasons to cover up their actions by convincing
makes the company must try to be careful to pre­ people that their efforts are considerable and rea­
vent and anticipate it. It will cause a loss for the sonable to the community. In Indonesia, the laws
company not only in terms of finances but also governing accounting fraud have been regulated.
in time and energy. Therefore, the management Out there, there are still many conflicts with eth­
team needs to think of the right way to prevent ac­ ics that should not be violated (Dion, 2019).
counting fraud from happening in the company. The researcher uses a combination of ac­
This study focuses on three prevention variables counting fraud theory which is agency theory.
of the formulation of the problem, which are the Fraud triangle theory and gone theory is in the
company’s efforts or actions to reduce the occur­ different business section. They focus on three
rence of accounting fraud and the consequences of prevention control strategies within the company
corruption to create an honest work environment where there is an economic crush, greed, prestige
where conveyed information is completely trans­ for luxury styles, and conflicts of interest to enrich
parent and accountable to the decision-makers. themselves. Then, there is time and the thought
This current study continues the previous that has been planned to commit corruption, all
research, namely proprietary research by Fung of which are factors for committing accounting
(2019), Hauser (2019), Krajčovič et al. (2020), fraud. If the company does not take decisive ac­
Madolidi & Bayunitri (2021), Odukoya & Samsu­ tion to stop it, then the company will go bankrupt
din (2021), Oyerogba (2021), and Paugam et al. (Abdel-khalik, 2019; Black et al., 2021; Friedrich,
(2021). The theory used as a reference in this re­ 2021). For this reason, the company is trying to
search is a combination of theories. Specifically, take strict supervisory steps and enforce compa­
agency theory, fraud triangle theory, and gone ny’s SOP for all employees who are supported by
theory. Agency theory states that the company’s internal audit supervision, which always oversees
employment contract relationship with employees the company’s operations. When an employee is
and managers is interrelated by giving authori­ found to have violated or is caught doing corrup­
ty to the duties and obligations of employees for tion, the company immediately provides termina­
managers to make decisions that will benefit the tion penalties to the employee for the company
company and reduce excess costs, including tax to run smoothly and have an impact by ensuring
costs. Agents will try to find profit for themselves employees don’t do it again.
to get bonuses from the company in various ways, Being committed to the organization and the
for example, committing accounting fraud in the existence of culture in the organization, the role of
financial report (fraudulent financial). This theory competence as well as the independence of inter­
has a prefference to trust the management team nal audit are the limitations of previous research
and employees is difficult because the manage­ (Krajčovič et al., 2020; Odukoya & Samsudin,
ment team (agents) is assumed to not always act 2021). Now, this research emphasizes controlling
in the interests of shareholders (Riney, 2018). the three strategies implemented by the company
Fraud Triangle theory states that there are three to eradicate and reduce all forms of fraud so that
stages to the cause of accounting fraud which are: all company rules and strict supervision are ex­
pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. Yuni­ pected to be carried out properly then. The role of
arti (2017) argue that someone who commits ac­ internal audit can conduct the audit function cor­
counting fraud can be caused by their behavioral rectly to achieve company goals and targets and
intentions or external factors. also run smoothly due to early detection in over­
People can think about committing fraud coming the occurrence of accounting fraud in the
because usually, there is enough time and oppor­ company. The number of criminal cases in busi­
tunity to do so, which is supported by an intense ness and government, such as corruption, bri­
impulse due to financial pressure carried within bery, gratuities, illegal fees, and the rise of other
a rational mind. Those three combined become social issues related to the practice of accounting
one unit (Barker, 2020). The following is an ex­ fraud have encouraged the emergence of forensic
planation of each accounting fraud triangle: pres­ accounting science (Bao et al., 2020). Forensic ac­
sure, one’s desire to live a better life and escape counting is a combination of expertise in auditing
from a bad economic situation, and the encour­ and accounting supported by investigative abili­
agement from the environment for a luxurious ties in financial matters that trigger accounting
lifestyle makes a person feel pressured to fulfill fraud (Rezaee & Wang, 2019). The purpose and
all his desires. Therefore, he commits accounting contribution for the general public and students
fraud. Opportunity, weak internal controls, and is to emphasize the importance of studying foren­
inadequate management make someone dare to sic accounting because through this knowledge.
commit accounting fraud, believing that no one It is hoped that it can help build awareness and
will know about his actions, thus making the equip us all with the understanding to distinguish
perpetrators dare to take the opportunity to com­ from the beginning what is right and wrong with
mit accounting fraud (Donelson et al., 2017). Ra­ a rational way of thinking to minimize accounting
tionalization is accounting fraud committed by fraud and mental corruption (Liu, 2016).
someone who usually looks for various rational
Budiatmaja, Ramadhan, Three Strategies of Corporate Control and Accounting Fraud... 197

Table 1. Overview of Questionnaire Distribution

Descriptive Total
Questionnaire distribution 150
Missing and incomplete questionnaires (45)
Sample Questionnaire (105)

METHOD by a Likert scale (scale value 1-5). With the en­

The method required for research is mul­ vironmental control information, there is a risk
tiple regression linear analysis with the reason and activity control, and communication facilities
of knowing the influence of the relationship be­ are available to obtain and monitor informations
tween three company strategies, including inter­ clearly (Madolidi & Bayunitri, 2021). Company’s
nal control, company’s SOP, and professionalism SOP (CS) variable is measured by a Likert scale
of internal auditors on one dependent variable, (value scale 1-5) by looking at indicators such as
which is the efforts to prevent accounting fraud ease, clarity, effectiveness and efficiency, dyna­
by using descriptive statistical test analysis tools micity,legal compliance and law as a reference for
that are correlated with the coefficient of deter­ filling out the questionnaire. Auditors proffesion­
mination test (R2) and statistical using a partial alism (AP) likert scale (scale 1-5) shows that the
test (T-test). The samplings used in this study indicators of professional service, social obliga­
took only 105 respondents who were involved in tions, independence, trust in the profession and
accounting fraud from the data of 150 company profession relations are the benchmarks for filling
employees. out a questionnaire.
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework. Questionnaire data are analyzed using de­
From the picture above, the researchers formulate scriptive analysis, which data has been tested
and create an equation model as follows previously to obtain an accurate data by multicol­
linearity, and the correctness of data is measured
AFPM = α+ β1IC + β2CS + β3AP + e by heteroscedasticity. The suitability of data is
(1) based on autocorrelation and test conditions. The
results of the study are presented after a multi-re­
gression analysis test is performed.
Accounting fraud prevention measures
Table 1 shows the scheme of questionnaire
(AFPM) are used as a dependent variable. Likert
distribution. Based on Table 1, the 150 question­
scale measurement (scale 1-5) about accounting
naires that are evenly distributed. It turned out
fraud prevention measures states that indicators
that those that could be processed into research
create an attitude of honesty, create openness,
samples are only 105 respondents with the re­
transparency, an honest recruitment process, and
sponse rate of 70%.
awareness of fraud. Sanctions against all forms
Internal control questions, company’s SOP,
of accounting fraud are used as benchmarks in
and professional auditors in the questionnaire are
filling out the questionnaire (Lisic et al., 2015). In
stated to be correlated and validated according to
comparison, the independent variable consists of
the prevention of accounting fraud. After there is
several variables, Internal Control (IC) measured

Internal Control

Accounting Fraud
Company's SOP
Prevention Measures


Figure 1. The Conseptual Framework

198 Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2022, Hlm 195-204

Table 2. Descriptive Analysis

Variable Mean Skewness

Internal Control 40,895 0,076
Company’s SOP 40,781 -0,032
Auditor Professionalism 40,781 -0,041
Accounting Fraud Prevention 39,01 -0,229

a correlation and a valid relationship between the to do, because management team (agents) are as­
three prevention strategies for accounting fraud, sumed to not act in the interests of shareholders
the descriptive analysis stage is carried out. (Riney, 2018).
Acts of accounting fraud within the company
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is occuring everywhere, it can be done by anyone
One business risk that must be anticipated under any conditions because the motivation and
is the occurrence of accounting fraud. Whether a intentions of the perpetrators have been planned
company is large or small there is still a risk of and there is a strong urge in them to cheat by see­
accounting fraud or theft. A mindset that tends ing the unestablished rules and weak internal au­
to tolerate and consider bad things as a habit re­ ditor controls so that they will commit accounting
sults in many acts of accounting fraud. Behind fraud (Nathan & Jacobs, 2020; Yuniarti, 2017).
the cases of accounting fraud in various private People’s desire to live a better life and avoid a bad
organizations and government institutions, a fan­ economic situation as well as environmental in­
cy lifestyle is usually the cause of a high level of fluence for a luxurious lifestyle makes a person
consumerism. So, it is necessary to build a solid feel pressured to fulfill all his desires. Therefore,
supervisory system, improve the regulations and he commits accounting fraud. Weak internal con­
systematic development of aspects of the quality trol and inadequate management causes some­
of human resources (Prabowo, 2016). The most one to dare to take accounting fraud actions be­
crucial understanding now for companies is the lieving that no one will know about their actions,
role of internal auditors for them to fulfill the thus making someone dare to take the opportu­
development of a new paradigm. As the internal nity to take accounting fraud. The perpetrators of
company’s auditor, checking is not an only func­ accounting fraud find various rational reasons to
tion but other roles are also important such as the cover up their actions so that the actions they do
service function and consultative function to im­ is considered to be normal habits by society.
prove the company’s performance that has more The factors that occur in accounting fraud
roles and those are the functions of internal au­ can be caused by the greed in human nature sup­
ditors are desired nowadays (Bakri et al., 2017). ported by existing opportunities that they are not
Table 2 shows that the results of the com­ supervised thus committing accounting fraud, or
parison between skewness and standard error it can also be the result of economic conditions
show skewness internal control is controlable. that are always lacking due to the necessities of
Tight internal controls carried out by company life such as tertiary needs because of prestige. In
can minimize accounting fraud prevention mea­ Indonesia, the laws governing fraud have been
sures. It is concluded that if the company’s SOP regulated, but out there are still many conflicts
is appropriately implemented, adhered to all com­ with ethics that should not be violated. As we al­
pany employees and receive special attention from ready know that accounting fraud is an act that
internal audit. It will be able to control the com­ can harm other people or companies. Therefore,
pany’s activities in making a positive contribution accounting fraud must be prevented as much as
to the company due to data information obtained possible. Several ways that could be used to con­
with a normal distribution. trol accounting fraud are: internal controls, com­
The concept of agency theory explains the pany’s SOP, and auditor professionalism.
occurrence of an employment relationship agree­ Internal control is a strategy that is influ­
ment from the company to employees regarding enced by the directors, managers, and other
their duties and responsibilities in contributing stakeholders that is planned with confidence in
to the company in achieving company goals and achieving the objectives of operational reporting
targets for its delegation to employees (Jensen & and compliance reports. These three strategies
Meckling 1976). Agents will try to find their own can be achieved by taking into account the fac­
profit to get bonuses from the company in vari­ tors of internal controls, namely the controls for
ous ways, such as committing accounting fraud environment, risk for assessment, controls for
in financial reporting (fraudulent financial). Agen­ activities, communication availability to access
cy theory says that giving trust to management information (Puspita, 2021). Internal control is
team (managers and employees) is a difficult thing a structured strategy to achieve the company’s
Budiatmaja, Ramadhan, Three Strategies of Corporate Control and Accounting Fraud... 199

Table 3. T-Test Result

Independent Variables Coefficients T Values

Constant -14,597 -5,072
Internal Control 1,287 22,58
Company’s SOP 1,314 19,324
Auditor Professionalism 1,339 21,254

planning targets (Amaliyah, 2019): the reality of icant value, it can be concluded that the three
the transparency of financial reports so that the corporate strategies are positive.
effectiveness and efficiency are in compliance with It is recommended for stakeholders and all
the company’s regulations. The efforts and strate­ parties involved in company activities to maintain
gies can minimize accounting fraud in the compa­ integrity, trust and good ethics in order to create
ny that is carried out with the right mindset and a clean and comfortable work environment free
lifestyle under strict supervision while working from accounting fraud, so that management team
in a healthy work environment is a supervisory should not intervene at all in the auditor’s deci­
strategy that can create a working environment sions. So, that internal auditors can be respon­
that’s honest and free from all accounting fraud, sible for their independence and objectivity as to
then the implementation of internal control must produce truly transparent information for deci­
be effectively integrated (Aksa et al., 2020; Rosz­ sion makers within the company, for all company
kowska, 2021). employees must comply with all company’s rules
Anisykurlillah et al. (2020) and Hashem and SOP that have been set and run them well.
(2021) stated that the accounting fraud eradica­ Company management always controls internal
tion policy will be effective if it is supported by the by periodic and routine company’s SOP for the
right company’s SOP and it should reviewed pe­ operations of daily activities within the company
riodically to be effective and not outdated. SOP is so that if symptoms or signs of accounting fraud
need to be understood by all employees. A compa­ are found, they can be prevented and addressed
ny needs to convey important data about anticor­ as soon as possible and for them to take further
ruption through socialization of SOP discipline. actions.
This activity requires all employees to socialize, The effect of internal control on account-
accompanied by strict sanctions from the com­ ing fraud prevention action strategy. The cur­
pany if there are employees who dare to commit rent phenomenon of fraud and corruption cases is
accounting fraud or corruption. This punishment due to the nonexistent or weak internal controls
must be carried out indiscriminately, both on the that are carried out loosely and ineffectively, there­
lawbreakers and the perpetrators of corruption, fore, we need a prevention/eradication method of
so it is hoped that acts of accounting fraud or cor­ accounting fraud with accounting fraud preven­
ruption that exist in the company will be mini­ tion strategy. The application of accounting fraud
mized. prevention theory in cleaning up accounting fraud
Prevention of accounting fraud can also be within the company must be carried out with a
done in other ways, namely by analyzing finances strict supervision and employees must carry out
properly so that the opportunity for employees to an effective work in creating a clean workplace
carry out accounting fraud can also be reduced. so that the occurrence of accounting fraud can
This action is important to take as a form of antic­ be minimized as much as possible (Brazel et al.,
ipation so that it can minimize accounting frauds. 2021; Suwitoyo et al., 2021).
According to Utami et al. (2020) and Yuniarti Accounting fraud in the company occurs
(2017), accounting fraud in the form of financial because there is no firm action from the manage­
statements can generally be detected through ver­ ment in giving strict punishments such as firing
tical analysis, horizontal analysis, and ratio anal­ them so that many employees won’t dare to do it
ysis in financial reports. again because they are punished strictly. This re­
Table 3 shows the t-test result. Based on search is in accordance with Madolidi & Bayunitri
Table 3, it can be seen that all independent vari­ (2021), Fung (2019), Hauser (2019), and Krajčovič
ables has positive coefficients. Then, the equation et al. (2020) who show that internal controls a
model is formed: positive and signific effect on accounting fraud
prevention but it contradicts with Popoola et al.
Y = -14,597 + 1,287IC + 1,314CS (2015)’s argument which shows that internal con­
+ 1,339AP + e (1) trols negative value and there’s also no signific ef­
fect on accounting fraud prevent.
Accounting fraud prevention procedures
The t-test in statistic explains thar the sig­
have a good control system. It can prevent a col­
nificant is worth 0,000, thus the three prevention
lision with supervising employees and provide
strategies in the company are able to reduce and
telecommunications channels for reporting ac­
minimize accounting fraud. Based on this signif­
200 Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2022, Hlm 195-204

counting fraud thus creating a picture of the pen­ that when accounting fraud is found, it can be
alties that will be received if accounting fraud is immediately detected and a decisive action can
committed and inspections should be carried out be taken as fast as possible as a punishment for
proactively. those who violate it. It can improve the compa­
The Influence of Company SOP on ac- ny’s performance for the survival of the company
counting fraud prevention action strategy. The in attracting investors to invest in the company
policy for eradicating accounting fraud should (Jiang & Zhao, 2020). Valuable information ob­
establish a training program on banishing ac­ tained from financial statements for the company
counting fraud and establishing behavioral rules, must be transparent and presented correctly and
including training and educating employees on it must be the disclosure of actual facts that oc­
accounting fraud, awareness of accounting fraud, cur in the company’s operational activities. The
programs for eradicating accounting fraud and financial reports produced by the company are
behavioral rules related to efforts to eradicate ac­ considered successful in conveying information
counting fraud within the company (Anisykurlil­ in a transparent and quality manner for the de­
lah et al., 2020; Hashem, 2021). SOP is a descrip­ cision-makers must be in accordance with the
tion of the work steps (systems, mechanisms, and application of the generally accepted financial
internal work procedures) needed in carrying out analysis (Scheetz & Fogarty, 2019). A phenome­
tasks, so that company goals are achieved. An­ non could occur when there is a lack of strict su­
ti-accounting fraud socialization as the company’s pervision from internal auditors. The importance
slogan and SOP as a document/instrument that of a controlled supervision for all employees are
contains processes and procedures for an effec­ so that the company can run smoothly without
tive and efficient task based on a predetermined any interference from accounting fraud. A weak
standard. SOP are based on quality management internal audit will make it easier for the manage­
that prioritizes documentation procedures that ment team to commit accounting fraud getting
have been systemized and standardized in accor­ maximum profit and making themselves rich.
dance with applicable accounting practices. The The application of accounting fraud pre­
current phenomenon of accounting fraud and cor­ vention theory shows that the better the financial
ruption cases is due to the company SOP that are analysis are carried out by the company’s internal
not running well and where there is no support auditors, the greater the number of financial re­
from the company’s leadership to implement an ports that shows a piece of accurate and correct
operational system and procedure correctly for all information as to reduce accounting fraud in the
employees. This requires a prevention/eradica­ company. Therefore, fraud prevention actions in
tion of accounting fraud and corruption using an the company is done (Xiang & Zhu, 2020). This
accounting fraud prevention strategy. is done if the internal auditor’s role is carried out
Agency and gone theory show that the properly, it will lead to a high level of prevention of
stricter the company’s SOP are carried out for all accounting fraud. This research is in accordance
employees to create a conducive and clean work with Fung (2019), Oyerogba (2021), Krajčovič et
environment from all forms of fraud, automa­ al. (2020), and Paugam et al. (2021) which show
tically improves the company’s performance so the influence of auditor professionalism to pre­
that it can reduce accounting fraud in the com­ vent accounting fraud.
pany if accounting fraud prevention actions are The procedure for assessing the risk of ac­
carried out effectively and efficiently. Odukoya & counting fraud, audit teams must identify the
Samsudin (2021) shows that SOP have a positive risks of accounting fraud together into an element
value for accounting fraud prevention. However, of the accounting fraud triangle. The risks that
they contradicts with Krajčovič et al. (2020) which have been classified into the elements of the ac­
shows that the anti-accounting fraud awareness counting fraud triangle will later be assessed on
contained in the company’s SOP has no effect on a significance level based on a professional judg­
preventing accounting fraud. ment. The fraud risk assessment procedure is
The company’s management team can pre­ carried out with the following stages. First, au­
vent accounting fraud by introducing the anti-cor­ dit team discussion is discussing information ob­
ruption SOP. Both old and new employees must tained by members of the audit team to obtain an
be fully aware of the anti-corruption regulations integrated belief regarding possible fraud risk fac­
along with the consequences. tors (Black et al., 2021). Second, identification of
The influence of auditor professionalism fraud risk factor is a process of identifying fraud
on accounting fraud prevention action stra­ risk factors (Boo et al., 2021). Third, the assess­
tegy. With the role of internal audit, it is hoped ment of fraud risk is to estimate the likelihood of
that the company will be more careful with accu­ the risk of an occurrence and the magnitude of
racy so that internal audit can carry out its duties the impact using a risk register (Oyerogba, 2021).
to control and analyze financial statements with Fourth, fraud risk register is a form of format for
reliable expertise and commitments according to identifying and assessing fraud risks (Shariha,
the applicable accounting standards so that it can 2014). Fifth, determination of significant risks is
help management teams find out the weaknesses an assessment of a level’s significance of identified
and strengths that exist within the company so risks by transferring the values contained in the
Budiatmaja, Ramadhan, Three Strategies of Corporate Control and Accounting Fraud... 201

probability of occurrence and the impact (Khersi­ an act that is not compatible with the main goals
at, 2020). Six, significant risk is addressed when or tasks that will be agreed upon simultaneously
the risk is declared significant, internal auditors in a company (Omar et al., 2016; Wahyuni et al.,
need to be redesigned to implement internal con­ 2021). Abusing one’s position and exploiting the
trol and not rely on the results of the previous use of power, improper management of an organi­
year’s control evaluation (Eilifsen et al., 2019). zational resource will shape the behavior of some­
The effect of internal controls, compa- one who will do unethical behaviors (Brown et al.,
ny’s SOP, and auditor professionalism on ac- 2016). With the existence of employees who are
counting fraud prevention actions strategy. It disappointed and their absence or lack of atten­
can be said that together with internal controls, tion to supervision from management is always
company’s SOP, simultaneous auditor profes­ open to the risk of accounting fraud (Shafer et al.,
sionalism and significant efforts to prevent ac­ 2016; Triantoro et al., 2020). Therefore, the gov­
counting fraud. This means internal controls, ernment is required to strive encouraging ethical
company’s SOP, and auditor professionalism are behavior among its employees to reduce the acts
substantial in efforts to prevent accounting fraud. of corruption. The increase of unethic behavior of
Many companies fail to eradicate and reduce ac­ employees in the company is due to the absence of
counting fraud committed by their employees due internal controls, the higher the act of noncompli­
to actions that are carried out intentionally be­ ance with company’s SOP along with no support
cause the company tolerates and is lax in imple­ from internal audit within the company, the high­
menting company rules that are supported by the er the fraud that occurs in the company (Bailey,
internal audit’s function not working properly. It 2017; Joseph et al., 2021).
is an embarrassing phenomenon for all compa­ According to 2014’s reports, accounting
nies who failed to address accounting fraud with­ fraud violations is mainly caused by the abuse of
in their company like laws that are not regulated, power thus they commit fraud, companies gene­
employees are pressured into achieving financial rally experience a loss of 5% of their annual turn­
goals and objectives leading to fraudulent acts over due to employee’s fraud. The practice of ac­
and internal auditors who do not adequately un­ counting fraud is a critical necessity to combat
derstand the internal control structure cause the in the world of business and government, it is
company to not run well, therefore, the company necessary to make efforts to prevent and handle
should take constructive and positive steps to re­ these cases with concrete actions through profi­
duce the threat (Anisykurlillah et al., 2020; Hash­ cient knowledge in these fields. Forensic account­
em, 2021). ing is a combination of expertise in auditing and
The current phenomenon of accounting accounting supported by investigative capabilities
fraud and corruption cases is due to the absence in financial issues that trigger accounting fraud
of strict supervision in the company’s operational (Sahdan et al., 2020). The steps that the com­
activity, company’s SOP that do not work properly pany should take to ensure it is safe from the
along with the absence of support from the com­ crime of accounting fraud are: conducting exter­
pany’s leadership can cause accounting fraud, for nal audit reports, establishing an employee code
that the company can take constructive and po­ of conducts, supervising the management of fi­
sitive steps to reduce the threat. The application nancial statements, conducting financial by the
of the theory of accounting fraud prevention in management team, developing employee support
cleaning up accounting fraud within the company programs, providing fraud accounting training for
must be carried out continuously and it must be management/executives, conducting sudden and
obeyed by all company employees in addition of final internal audits, and giving prizes to the whis­
strict supervision, with the operation of the proce­ tleblowers (Ghafoor et al., 2019).
dure system running correctly and the existence
of continuous internal audits will reduce account­ CONCLUSION
ing fraud in the company. The combination of in­ Internal Auditors are responsible for sup­
ternal control, company’s SOP and auditor pro­ porting the prevention of accounting fraud by
fessionalism which is a strong accounting fraud evaluating the effectiveness of system internal
prevention coordinated with corrective actions controls, company’s SOP, and the firmness of su­
that are done in time, can mitigate fraud risk sig­ pervisory function of the internal audit is in accor­
nificantly. This research talking about the same dance with the level of the risk that will be lost will
thing with Fung (2019), Hauser (2019), Krajčovič incur potential in activities company. If the inter­
et al. (2020), and Madolidi & Bayunitri (2021) who nal auditor suspects that there is an accounting
show that the company’s internal controls, SOP, fraud, the internal auditors will provide informa­
and positive professional auditors will cause an tion to the authorities within the company. Inter­
impact to accounting fraud. nal audit should give suggestions on carrying out
Coruption caused by the unethical behav­ any investigations deemed necessary in these con­
ior of an employee affects the number of irregu­ ditions of unapplicable rule of laws, employees are
larities in Indonesia (Anindya & Adhariani, 2019; regulated, improperly exploited, abused or placed
Lehmann & Heagy, 2017; Ramadhan & Arifin, under tremendous pressure to achieve financial
2019). Employees with an unethical behavior is goals and objectives that lead to fraudulent ac­
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