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A. Prequalification Requirements Check Complianc e

1. Letter of Intent signed by the Mayor/Governor (attached sample Letter of

Intent); 2. Brief Description of the Project as to the nature of proposal, including machinery & equipment to be purchased, building to be constructed, estimated cost per item and project timetable. 3. Financial Reports (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cashflow Statement) audited by the Commission of Audit (COA) for the last three (3) years, interim FS for the current year. 4. Certificate of Borrowing and Debt-Servicing Capacity from the Bureau of Local Government Finance-Department of Finance (BGLF-DOF) (If not readily available, the LGU can submit a computation showing name of all existing creditors-banks and schedule of loan amortization thereat against its annual Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) as basis of certification that annual loan amortization, including that of the proposed loan shall not exceed 20% of the LGUs annual regular income, duly signed by the LGUs Mayor/Governor and certified correct by the Treasurer)

B. If pre-qualified, will submit the following loan evaluation requirements 1. Sangguniang Resolution which will: Authorize the Mayor/Treasurer to negotiate loan, and sign all documents pertaining to the loan with DBP; and Show the specific project to be financed and the corresponding amount of loan proposal (attached proforma Sanggunian Resolution) 2. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Monetary Board Opinion on the proposed loan (attached sample letter requesting MB opinion to BSP) 3. Certified list of elected officials of the LGU and authorized signatory/ies with their respective specimen signatures, duly notarized; 4. Confidential Information Sheet (as per attached DBP form) with attached pictures to be accomplished by the Mayor, Treasurer and other key officers who will directly handle the proposed project; and Customer Information Sheet (as per attached DBP form) 2. On lot/building/machineries (offered collateral): a. Certified true copy of the land titles; b. Approved lot plan with vicinity map duly signed by a geodetic engineer (original copy and blueprint); c. Complete building plans duly approved by building officials; d. Machineries & equipment certificate of ownership. 3. For projects involving construction - Site Development Plan, Bill of Materials, specifications & building plans (if any) for the proposed project. 4. For projects involving acquisition of equipment Quotation and specifications of the equipment to be acquired. 5. Feasibility Study to cover the following (the need to submit a full-blown FS shall be determined by the Bank and its technical consultant on a per project basis, depending on the nature of the proposal and scope of operation): Socio-economic profile of the LGU; Management (Pre-operating and operating period); Marketing (Supply and demand, pricing, marketing strategies); Technical or Production (Description and specifications of the product/services, process, description of the equipment, building layout and schedule of production/services); Compliance with government regulations, such as ECC and other permits & licenses from pertinent agencies; and Financial (investment, sources of financing, financial assumptions, projected balance sheet & income statement, analysis of profitability and other financial measurement). 6. Ten (10)-Year Development Plan and Annual Investment Plan of the LGU approved by the Sanggunian; 7. Major developmental projects undertaken for the last three years/ongoing projects; 8. Budget Appropriation for the current year;

SAMPLE LETTER OF INTENT LOGO OF LGU AND ADDRESS Date __________ AVP MA. OFELIA V. TESORIO Branch Head Tagbilaran City Branch Development Bank of the Philippines Dear AVP Tesorio: The Name of LGU is presently on its massive campaign of uplifting the quality of lives and living conditions of our constituents, particularly the less fortunate ones through delivery of urgent basic services and good governance. The Name of LGU presently has and projects. Consequently, we acquiring funds through long Allotment as our loan guarantee of LGU. limited funds to pursue our priority programs have sought the assistance of your bank in term loans, offering our Internal Revenue for the proceeds to be released for the Name

We intend to apply for a long term loan in the amount of (amount in words) PESOS (amount in figures) to finance the following priority programs and projects, to wit; Project 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ Estimated Amount __________ __________ __________

The realization of the above priority projects will be done through the approval of our application with your Bank for the benefit of our people. Please take note that these projects and our loan application are still subject to the approval by our Sanggunian Bayan/Panlungsod through a Sanggunian Resolution. Anticipating your favorable response to this letter of intent. Thank you very much. Very truly yours, ________________ (Name of Governor/Mayor)


(Name of GOCC/LGU) (Address) (Date) Hon. Armando M. Tetangco, Jr. Governor Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Dear Gov. Tetangco: Pursuant to Section 123 of Republic Act No. 7653, may we request for a Monetary Board opinion on the probable effects on monetary aggregates, price level and balance of payments of the proposed loan amounting to ________________ to financed (purpose of loan) by the (name of GOCC/LGU). In view of this, we are attaching herewith SB Resolution No. ___________ dated ________________authorizing the borrowing and BLGF-DOF Clearance on the (GOCC/LGUs) Borrowing Capacity dated ______________ to support our request with your good office. Your usual kind and favorable action on our request is highly appreciated. Thank you. Very Truly Yours, ____________________ (Head of GOCC/LGU)

Cc: AVP Ma. Ofelia V. Tesorio Branch Head, DBP-Tagbilaran City Branch

CUSTOMER INFORMATION REPORT (For LGUs) A. GENERAL INFORMATION Name Office Address LGU Classification Project Address Nature of Project Authorized Contact Person/Tel. No. B. OFFICERS Mayor Vice Mayor City Treasurer Sanggunian Members

C. HISTORICAL FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 1. Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) Year (last 3 years) Amount Depository Bank

2. Collection of Local Taxes (Real Estate and Other Sources) Year (last 3 years) Projected Collection Actual Collection Realization Rate

3. Budget Surplus/(Deficit) Year (last 3 years) Gross Revenue Expenditures Net Surplus/ (Deficit)

4. List of Revenue-Generating Projects Project Type Annual Revenue Annual Expenses Net Revenue

5. Statement of LGU indebtedness broken down into: loans, contracts payable & other liabilities (bonds) with the following information/documents duly signed by the Treasurer Accountant: b. c. d. e. f. g. a. Kind of loan; Purpose of loan & other obligations; Lending agencies; Date of approval & maturity; Terms & conditions; Amortization schedule; and Current status / remaining balance (current & arrears)

Prepared by: ___________________________ (Signature over Printed Name)

Date: __________________

Noted by: ___________________________ (Signature over Printed Name)

Date ___________________

Development Bank of the Philippines

(For individual applicants, partners and corporate officers and/or principal)
Name of Individual Name of Spouse Residence: Business Address: Citizenship: No. of Children: Other Dependents 1. 2. 3. First Name First Name Middle Initial: Middle Initial: Surname: Surname: Tel No.: Tel No: Number of Still Dependent: Relationship Age: Age:

Applicant School/s Attended and Year Degree/s Obtained Profession or Trade Place and Date of Birth Spouse

EXPERIENCE (Applicant)
Year Position Company Salary Investment

Year Position Company Salary Investment

ASSETS (Real Estate)

TCT/TD No. & Location Area and improvements Income Assessed Value Market Value Encumbrances

TCT/TD No. & Location Area and improvements Income Assessed Value Market Value Encumbrances

Name & Address of Creditors Amount Date Granted Due Security Balance Remarks

Reference (Past credit dealings with Banks, Trade Firms or Private Parties)

Note: Attach latest income tax return and personal balance sheet (If space is not adequate, use another sheet) I declare that above information are true and correct. Furthermore, this serves as waiver of confidentiality of information and authority is hereby granted to DBP to conduct verification with the BIR and referred Banks, suppliers and other creditors. Interviewed by: Date:

, 20

Applicants Signature

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