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State the difference between impairment, disability, handicap and vulnerability with
Impairment means a lack/abnormality of an anatomic, physiological or psychological structure or
function or deviation on a person.
It refers to any loss or abnormality of physiological, psychological or anatomical structure or
function. It is the absence of particular body part or organ. It could also a condition in which the
body exists but doesn’t function.
Some children, for instance, have impairments such as eyes that do not see well, arms and legs
that are deformed, or a brain not developing in a typical way etc.

Disability is pathology (physiological, biological and intellectual). Disability means functional
limitations due to physical, intellectual or psychic impairment, health or psychic disorders on a
person (WHO,1996).
 Disability largely depends on the context and is a consequence of discrimination, prejudice and
• Emphasizes the shortcomings in the environment and in many organized activities in society,
for example on information, communication and education, which prevent persons with
disabilities from participating on equal terms.
 has a physical or mental disability that prevents them living a totally normal life.

 being bedridden or confined to home; being unable to use public transport; being
socially isolated. Disabled people do not form a homogenous group.


Mistakes happen, even in the process of building and coding

technology. What’s left behind from these mistakes is commonly
referred to as a bug. While bugs aren’t inherently harmful (except to
the potential performance of the technology), many can be taken
advantage of by nefarious actors—these are known as vulnerabilities.
 A weakness in a firewall that can lead to malicious hackers getting
into a computer network. Lack of security cameras. Unlocked doors at
1. Elaborate the categories of vulnerability

2. State the difference between impairment, disability, handicap and

vulnerability with examples
3. Elaborate the categories of vulnerability
4. Identify and briefly explain the modalities to teach children with disabilities
5. Discuss the evolution of the concept of disability
6. Why do you think that inclusion is needed for PWDs and vulnerable groups
in the society?
7. What are the principles of inclusion?
8. Discuss the features of an inclusive environment
9. Identify the limitations that make persons with disabilities not to participate
equally in the society?

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