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“The Effects of Different Learning Modality to the Academic Performance of Agusan National

High School G10 Students”

The Researchers
Chapter I



Our world has been so devastated with the past two years with the existence of the pandemic
Covid-19. Many aspects in life have been affected and norms became unusual.

One aspect that has suffered from this pandemic was the education of our students who have
been considered our own future. Such adjustments were made to cope with all the times lost to ensure
the learning of students. Young individuals have given the options to continue their studies while
people are not capable of going out. There are online classes that were implemented and the others
through distance learning.Difference from having face to face classes are taken. In-person classes
allows teachers and students to communicate directly about questions and clarifications that arise from
day to day class discussions and allows students to answer concerns quickly. Moreover, students are
clearly assured that they get all information to support their knowledge of different areas in all subjects
present in each level. Greatly, parents are more confident that their daughters/sons have absorbed and
continue their growth as individual. These things are contrary to what distance learning are taken. No
assurance that students are the once complying all necessary actions to be taken in school.
Furthermore, parents are able to see their daughters/sons living their student life normally. Thus, most
of the people are very thankful that back to school concept has been approved and pursued.

The problems of students during the course of their academic learning may affect their mental
state as well as negative causes on their academic performances.In such cases,further studies are for
further determination on the effects for mental issues.

This study is useful for learning about different teaching methods that exist and which ones
may suit us best depending on the academic performance of students.

the purpose of this study research may be a basis of further studies and can be used as related
literature.To determine the preference between the learning modalities.And how it will give them
advantage or assessment when it comes on their learning process.
Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the effects of different learning modality to the academic
performance of agusan national high school g10 students.

The purpose of this study is to determine the preference between the learning modalities.And
how it will give them advantage or assessment when it comes on their learning process.

Hence, the study will answer the following problems:

1. What is the learning preference of G10 students in terms of:

 In-person
 Online
 Modular

2. What is the level of academic performance of G10 students in terms of:

 In-person
 Online
 Modular

3. Why is there an effect between the learning modality of G10 students academic performance?

Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by three theories which are: the Experiential Learning Theory (Kolb,
1984), Theory of Transactional Distance (Moore, 1993), The Theory of Teaching -Learning
conversations (Holmberg). These theories helped us to understand how face to face learning and
distance learning could indicate the student’s performance towards learning. Having a little knowledge
about these theories will help us to prove how face to face learning is effective rather than distance
learning for senior high school students.

First of all, Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory (ELT), understanding and interpreting human
learning behavior and for assisting others in learning. The learner's own thought processes are a major
focus of Kolb's theory. Kolb notes that different persons have a fundamental preference for a particular
learning method. As said by Kolb, learning includes acquiring abstract concepts that may be
effectively used in a broad range of situations. According to Kolb's view, fresh experiences serve as the
spark for the creation of new ideas. "Learning is the process wherein experience is transformed into
knowledge to produce knowledge" (Kolb, 1984, p. 38).

In addition, Moore’s Theory of Transactional Distance, Moore (1993) explained how

interaction and structure are essential for success in online education in one of the few theories specific
to distance learning. Moore said that distance education is "the mutual activity between professors and
students, in surroundings whose uniqueness is separation from each other, and as a result exhibit
unique behavior patterns of distance education" in his concept of transactional distance (Moore &
Kearsley, 2005, p. 224). The physical distance in distance education, which is absent in online
education, creates a communication and psychological gap that may lead to misunderstandings and
disruptions in communication between students and teachers. Adjusting the conversation and course
structure towards the requirements of the students is one technique to decrease transactional distance
and increase learning effectiveness(Moore, 1993).

Finally, The Theory of Teaching-learning conversations (Holmberg), motivation, empathy,

non-contiguous communication, learner autonomy, and interpersonal communication are the key
elements. His theory focuses on the student's emotions and empathy with the organization that supports
them. It is based on the broad observation that social interactions and sentiments of empathy between a
learner and a teacher increase motivation for learning and likely to enhance learning experiences.
Holmberg used the example of the interaction to describe the educational discussion and develops
explanations on how distance teachers should connect with students to ensure true learning.

Conceptual Framework

This study revolves between the learning modalities which are in-person learning and online
learning modality and the academic performances of grade 10 students.

In-Person learning environment, a group of students receive in-person teaching on course

material and other learning materials. This enables real-time communication between a student and a
teacher. It is the oldest style of teaching. A higher level of interaction among students is advantageous
to learners. In-Person education ensures a better grasp and recollection of the lessons and provides an
opportunity for students to form relationships with one another. While online learning is a study
method where students and teachers conduct class sessions over the Internet instead of physically
meeting in a classroom. Simply said, online learning occurs when students are not in the same specific
place as their classmates or teachers. This means that students obtain their education online and have
no direct contact with their teachers or fellow students.
The students' academic performances will be affected by their preferred learning modality due
to the diverse teaching methods used by In-Person and online learning modality.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Learning Modalities:

 In- Person Learning Academic Performance of G10

 Online Learning

 Modular Learning

Statement of Hypothesis
What modality does g10 students prefer?

Ho1: Students are more compatible In-person classes for they can learn a lot and also they can
develop their academic performance.

Definition of Terms (Alphabetical Order. Paragraph Format.)

The effects of different learning modality to the academic performance of agusan national high
school g10 students

Significance of the study

The researcher believes that the outcome of this study will give great benefits and importance to
the following:
For the future researchers, the result if this study research may be a basis of further studies and
can be used as related literature.
For the teacher, The result of the study may encourage them to use face to face class only as an
additional approach in teaching on overall subject.
For parents or guardians, This study will provide information to the parents and guardians of the
possible resources that they will need, to support their children financially, morally, and emotionally in
any learning modality and educational setup during post-pandemic era.
And For the school administrator, this study may provide them with insights on the development
of educational situation regarding the importance of face to face class than modular learning. Which
may give them the idea not to conduct the distance learning modality method.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main objective of this study is to ascertain the effects of learning modalities students of
Agusan Junior High School G10 student’s academic performance.

Students in Grade 10 who are enrolled in Agusan Junior High School in Butuan City will serve
as the study’s respondents. Stratefied random sampling method will be used to choose the respondents.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature studies of the present in thematic way.

Firstly, some language teachers may view that the technology-enhanced delivery provides
opportunities to improve student learning, others may resist this idea, owing it to some possible
disadvantages of online or flexible learning such as lack of interaction, i.e. student engagement
(Trinder 2015;Vurdien 2019), uncertainty about students' comprehension of learning content (Forrester
2020), and technical issues and lack of skills in technology use (Andrei 2016;Ng 2020;Manlapaz
2020). It should be noted, however, that the aforementioned studies were conducted within the context
that online learning was implemented as a supplement to, rather than a complete replacement of,
classroom learning. ...

Then, This serious concern about internet connectivity indicated by the participants has been
identified as a problem in online or distance learning in previous studies (Andrei 2016;Ng
2020;Manlapaz 2020). Possible technology-malfunction episodes and unstable internet connection
were reported by the teachers.

In addition,Their review suggests that the use of technologically enhanced learning

environments can promote self-regulated learning and that such environments are best used by learners
who can self-regulate their learning.However, an investigation by Peter Serdyukov and Robyn Hill
into whether online students do learn independently argues that independent learning requires active
promotion as well as a desire to promote autonomy on the part of the instructor and the necessary skills
and motivation on the part of students. Where these conditions are not met, the aspiration to autonomy
is frustrated, which can lead to negative outcomes from the online learning experience.Bernacki,
Aguilar and Brynes employed an Opportunity-Propensity (O-P) framework. The O-P framework was
introduced by Brynes and Miller in a 2007 paper exploring the relative importance of predictors of
math and science achievement, where it was described as follows: This framework assumes that high
achievement is a function of three categories of factors: (a) opportunity factors (e.g., coursework), (b)
propensity factors (e.g., prerequisite skills, motivation), and (c) distal factors (e.g., SES).(Brynes and
Miller in a 2007)

Lastly, Research into virtual learning emphasizes the importance of the connection between
students and their teachers. This can be lost if there is no ‘live’ contact element at all. As Beale notes,
this does not necessarily mean that every lesson needs to include a video meeting, though there is a
beneficial psychological impact of knowing that the teacher is still in contact and regular face-to-face
online discussions can enable this. There are other forms – a discussion thread which begins during a
lesson and is open throughout can perform the same role, though in cases where meeting functions are
available, students may be directed to use these rather than email.( Beale,2020.)



1. The Theory of Teaching -Learning conversations (Holmberg)

2. Experiential Learning Theory (Kolb, 1984)

3. Theory of Transactional Distance (Moore, 1993)

4. Learning is the process wherein experience is transformed into knowledge to produce knowledge"
(Kolb, 1984, p. 38).

5. The mutual activity between professors and students, in surroundings whose uniqueness is separation
from each other, and as a result exhibit unique behavior patterns of distance education" in his concept of
transactional distance (Moore & Kearsley, 2005, p. 224)

6. the requirements of the students is one technique to decrease transactional distance and increase
learning effectiveness(Moore, 1993).

7. Transactional Distance is the physical separation that creates a communication gap and a
psychological area of possible miscommunication between the learners' and teachers' actions according
to Moore (1996, p. 200).
Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and
statistical technique. The detailed discussion on the research process will be conducted to obtain the
objectives of this research study

Research Design

This study used Qualitative research design for we wanted to investegate the the reason behind the
cause and effect between learning modalities and the students without the researcher controlling or
manipulating any of them. Also Qualitative is a type of research that explores and provides deeper
insights into real-world problems.

Research Instruments

The Study will be using stratified sampling method for the researcher will use survey
questionnaire to collect and measure the preferences of G10 students section Polaris of Agusan Junior
High School. Survey questionnaire were given to the respective G10 respondents to gather
information and analyze their answer through Survey questionnaires.

Rating Scale Description Descriptive Meaning

4 Strongly Agree Excellent

3 Agree Very Good

2 Disagree Fair

1 Strongly Disagree Poor

Data gathering Procedures

The researcher's will undergo two phases of gathering procedures namely. Actual data
collection, and Data management.

Actual data collection

Research survey will be personally conducted, facilitated and collected by the researcher's.
During the distribution phase, the researchers will survey the respondents throough the researchers

Data management

During the data management phase, the researcher will collect the survey form from all
respondents who answer and participate in the offered questionnaire, and it will be used to collect
further data and complete the research.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To facilitate the statistical treatment of the data, some statistical tool will be used by the

Frequency: The number of times a specific value appears in the data frequency (f). A

Variable’s distribution is its frequency pattern or the collection of all conceivable values and
frequencies corresponding to those values. Frequency tables or charts are used torepresent frequency

Percentage: The used of percentages to express statistics is on of the most popular. The word
“Percent” simply refers to “Per Hundred” and the sign for percentage is % By dividing the whole or
whole number by 100, one percentor (or 1%) equal to Hundreath of the total or whole.

Mean: Because it takes into account, the results from each participant in the research project, the
mean is a significant metric. To calculate it, you must first count all of the cases, which is known as the
total number of case (or n in statistics). Then add up all the scores and divide by the total number or
Survey Questionnaire

Name: ____________________________  G10 - ______________________

Directions: Answer the following by giving your level of agreement or disagreement in the given
statement below.

Rating Scale Description Descriptive Meaning

4 Strongly Agree Excellent
3 Agree Very Good
2 Disagree Fair
1 Strongly Disagree Poor

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Agree Disagree
In-person learning help the student’s
understand the lessons better.
In-person learning gives the student’s the
oppurtuity to participate in hands-on lessons.
In-person learning creates strong academic
experiences for students.
In-person learning helps to improve mental
In-person learning help the student’s to
collaborate with others easily.
In-person learning supports the student’s with
forming stronger connections.
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Agree Disagree
Online learning teach student’s how to
manage their time better.
Online learning gives the student’s the ability
to learn at their own pace.
Online learning help the student’s gain better
critical-thinking skills.
Online learning give the student’s the ability
to work a job while studying.
Online learning reduce education cost.
Online learning reduce academic pressure.
Online learning help the student’s to easily
access any needed documentation.
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
Agree Disagree
Modular learning teach student’s how to
manage their time better.
Modular learning gives the student’s the
ability to learn at their own pace.
Modular learning help the student’s gain better
critical-thinking skills.
Modular learning give the student’s the ability
to work a job while studying.
Modular learning reduce education cost.
Modular learning reduce academic pressure.
Modular learning help the student’s to easily
access any needed documentation.

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