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1 MAKOLE NELSON P 2018-04-01341 BAED
3 MASAY KULWA J 2018-04-01215 BAED
4 NNKO JAPHASON E 2018-04-01152 BAED
6 MANGU PETER G 2018-04-07569 BAED
8 YUSUPH SHELLA T 2018-04-10511 BAED
9 NDELWA GRACE W 2018-04-01060 BAED
10 RYOBA MSETI J 2018-04-00374 BAED
11 MPARAZO KALIKA M 2018-04-01200 BAED
12 HUSSEIN KALUNDE J 2018-04-01202 BAED
13 CHARLES ESTER N. 2018-04-00981 BAED
14 KAYANDA ANJELA J 2018-04-00831 BAED
15 MAGOSO ESTER N 2018-04-00977 BAED
17 TARIMO SAMWEL J. 2018-04-11334 BAED
Democratic leadership style is effective in raising effectiveness of school. To what extent do you agree with this
According to Leithwood at al (1999-12) Democratic leadership style, assumes that the decision
making process of the group ought to be the central focus of the group. And they propose three
assumption of model, participation is justified by democratic principles and in context of site-
based management, leadership is potential available to any legitimate stakeholder.
According to Sharma and Singh (2013) Democratic leadership is the type of leadership style in
which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision making process.
According to John Hastily, democratic leadership defined as the performance of the three
function: distributing responsibility among the membership, empowering group members and
aiding the group's decision making process.
According to White and lippit (1960) Democratic leadership emphasize group participation,
discussion and group and over group decision encouraged by a leader.
According to Afro Asian journal of social science (2012) democratic leadership is the type of
leadership style in which the member of the group takes a more participative in decision making
According to Dewey democratic leadership an environment that support participation, sharing of
ideas and the virtues of honesty, openness, flexibility and compassion.
Generally, as a group we see Democratic leadership style is a type of leadership style where by
members are participating fully in various activities and also are encouraged to share their ideas
with others in decisions making progress.
It is true that democratic leadership style is effective in raising the effectiveness of the school, the
following as the argument justify the connotation.
Encourage participation in decision making; it is democratic leadership style which includes
employees in decision making. According to Leithwood believe that participation in decision
making will increase school effectiveness, this is because people shared various ideas which
might be useful in a school. In democratic leadership style each member in a school have right of
decision making and finally a leader come to the final say that is who draw conclusion of what is
discussed. Therefore participation of all members in decision making is important in raising
effective of the school because no one's view is complete.
It build team work (cooperation) among the members of the school; its democratic leadership
style which perpetuates cooperation among employers and employees.
In the school cooperation between teachers and students helps to raise up school performance.
Also team work make easier teaching and learning process is when teachers of the same
department teach by team a certain subject within department. This team teaching is very
important to the student because teachers have different ideas and different approaches in
teaching. Therefore team teaching allows students to participate in asking question to any teacher
in a particular department. For example if a student have a history question may ask any in a
department out his or her subject teacher. Democratic situation in teamwork during teaching and
learning process lead to increase academic performance among the student.
It facilitate open communication amongst the school members; open communication means
every member have a right to speak. For example if student have problem his or her may face a
teacher or head of school because have no worry to express his or her feelings. Also teachers
could have a problem due to presence of democracy my face his/her fellow teacher or head of
school in order to express what is face him/her and also solution could be drawn. This is quiet
difference from leadership style like authoritative leadership where manager are only speaker
means that open communication are discouraged. Therefore open communication in a school is
important because it reduce different crimes within the school and also open communication
motivating academic performance
Democratic leadership it develop creativity; in a democratic leadership style teachers or students
are more encourage to contribute their opinions also to develop the plans of action. So this
situation helps teachers to be creativity in planning various project in teaching and learning
which are more important to student’s performance again students encouraged to be creative for
their own success. Despite other leadership style like authoritative leadership style which
believed that only managers or employers have a right or chance to initiate that is leaders are
only creative and subordinators are considered to be receiver o what managers initiate(useless
contribution).Therefore creativity among the school help to boost the school and academic
It increase productivity and employee commitment; in terms of productivity for example a
teacher may propose some project which could help to raise students’ performance and results,
also due to the democratic situation in a school the resources expanded through cooperation
between students, teachers \,and head of the school, in teams ov employee commitment due to
the democratic leadership style teachers and all school stave help to perform well their
responsibility because have proper work conditions.
It develop conducive environment or teaching and learning process, with democratic leadership
style encourages elements which influence teaching and learning process. These element
includes free communication among members of the school, cooperation between o the school
and good leadership between teacher and teacher and also teacher and students. Unlike other
leadership style like authoritative leadership style did not encourage these elements. Therefore all
these element are very crucial in any organization success or the school in particular helps to
raise the productivity (students and school performance), it’s very midcult to separate teaching
and learning process due to its importance.
Develops plans to help employees to evaluate their own performance; democratic leadership
style helps school worker to have a plan to their job in order to ensure that teaching and learning
process are going eectivelly or introducing strategies which help their department to upraise the
performance in teaching by introducing weekly test, in order to assess the students iv they
understanding others plans is to introduce remedial, subject clubs in order to help students to
improve in their department. Example in mathematics departments, this is due to freedom which
workers have in order to evaluate their own performance in teaching and learning in school.
It allow employee to establish goods and objectives; democratic leadership style it gives rooms
to the teachers and other cabinet members to set up their goals and objectives which will foster
them to achieve more in their work and this is because people are free to participate and
formulate their tactics. For example in a certain subject the department can decide to set up goals
and objective of a given subject in a school and hence member will choose way can use to reach
their goals and normally is done because there is democracy to the member of the school. In the
other form o leadership style the employee are not right to set up the certain goal but they have to
allow what the organization need or what the leader needs. There ore through allow what the
organization needs will be not much creative to the work because they will be done to
accomplish the work, but if they will have right to participate in any activity like in decision
making even the work process will be going good hence they will have the rights to have their
goals and objectives which will help them to work more efficiency.
Allow for efficiency for problem solving; Democratic leadership style is very appropriate in
problem solving, this is due to the fact that in presence of democracy in a school, it allowed
sharing of idea, in fact in a group of people then a different people with the different ideas in
solving a problem, if in the school there is a problem which require others ideas or contribution it
could be solved well because there are some employees with low status have a good ideas to
solve the problems and because there is democracy in a school and every people or employee can
contribute his or her ideas it will be easy to solve it unlike in the other forms of leadership like
authoritative leadership which believed that workers have useless contribution and only top
management are knowledgeable this is hypothetical. Therefore presence of efficiency in problem
solving in organization, school in particular it very crucial in development of school.
It is important in implementing of policies effective immediately; this is due to fact that
Democratic leadership style allow members of the school to plan for their own, for instance a
teacher can he or she initiate a project of remedial to his or her class in order to help students to
cover the topics or areas within a topic which seems as a problem to the students, so it would be
easier to a teacher of a particular subject to implement his or her project because the the plan it is
in hands of himself or herself. Therefore in any organization to be successful implementation of
policies of an organization , school in particular must be effective and it is Democratic leadership
style which encourage the implementation of these policies.
It increase molale nad job satisfaction; unlike other types of leadership like authoritative
leadership style, Democratic leadership style in a school goes hand in hand with elements like
respect amongst members also tendency of valuing employees all these elements make them to
feel as are respected and valued in working places. When molale rose up and workers feel
satisfied the performance in an organization , school in particular will increase and help to boost
the school development. Therefore molale and satisfaction of workers mostly increases
productivity in an organization , school in particular so is Democratic leadership style which can
do this task.

Therefore a part from the argument above which supports how democratic leadership style is
effective in effectiveness of school but there some weakness of democratic leadership style
includes the following, time consuming in democratic leadership style due to the presence of
freedom of speech and expression also freedom of contributing or in making decision it take time
in reaching the conclusion because everybody have his/her ideas divert from one another so the
situation take more time in reaching conclusion in decision making and it noted that in order to
success in a certain plan or project the issues of time must be maintained in a school in particular
if there is a contradiction of ideas in decision making in school. Again democratic leadership
style becoming Apo logistic , means that in decision making everybody wants his/her view or
ideas to be implemented and in fact not every ideas is useful in development of the school so the
situation led into conflicts and discontents not implemented and it is very dangerous for a school
development if there is a distinct conflicts.

Afro Asian Journal of Social Science (2012). Understanding Democratic Leadership: Some Key
Issues and Perception with Reference to India's Freedom Movement. Vol 3.
Bush, T. (2008). Leadership and Management Development, London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Evered, K.B, Morris, G and Wilson I. (2004). Effective School Management, London: SAGE
International Journal of Leadership Studies, Democratic Leadership: The Lesson of Exemplary
Models for Democratic Governance.

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