The Masque of The Red Death Quiz

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The Masque of the Red Death Quiz
24 Questions DATE  : 

1. What had long devastated the country?

A black death B red death

C fever D lice

2. What was its "avatar and its seal"?

A fever B pox

C nausea D blood

3. What was NOT a symptom?

A sudden dizziness B bleeding

C gas D sharp pains

4. Prince Prospero was everything except?

A secluded B concerned

C dauntless D happy

5. What reminded all of time passing?

A chimes B sirens

C darkness D bells

6. What is everywhere in this story?

A clouds B death

C music D birds

7. Poe's main aim is to create a growing sense of 

A comfort B hope

C anger D fear

8. Prince Prospero lives for...

A his people B his children

C pleasure D humanity

9. Which room is farthest east and associated with new beginnings?

A green B blue

C black D purple

10. Which room suggests youth?

A green B violet

C blue D orange

11. Which room suggests darkness?

A orange B violet

C red D black

12. What does Prospero do for his dying subjects?

A nothing B demands the spell be reversed

C puts on a parade in their honor D asks doctors for a cure

13. What does prince prospero weld shut?

A windows B chest with cure

C castle doors

14. What brings the party to a halt?

A The king's body is discovered B there is a knock at the door

C the clock strikes midnight

15. What is true about the seven rooms?

A very small B all different colors

C all have hidden passageways  D smell like flowers

16. What is the new guest dressed as?

A a ghost B a corpse

C a jester

17. What order does prospero give?

A for the party to stop B rooms to be locked

C the new guest be seized and unmasked

18. With what does prospero chase after the new guest?

A a dagger B a candlestick

C his father's sword D an apology

19. Who dies at the end of the story?

A prospero's guests only B prospero and all of his guests

C the red death masquerader D prospero only

20. The events of this story are related to 

A a spreading, infectious disease B costumes for masquerade ball

C a popular ballroom dance D a nickname for Prince Prospero

21. Prince Prospero is a person who basically desires

to be surrounded by people in simple

A B others to share their feelings with him

C to face pain and suffering with courage D good company and entertainment

22. What is unusual about where the masquerade takes place?

There are colored rooms that are not

A Musicians play in a curved hall B connected to each other or situated
along a straight hall

There is a ballroom as large as the entire It begins at sundown and does not end
imperial suite until the ebony clock strikes

23. Few people dare to enter the black apartment because

in this room a strange voice can be heard face look frightening there, and an ebony
whose origins no one can trace clock makes a strange sound

it is the room where Prince Prospero

C D without light, no one can see or dance
wears the masque of the Red Death

24. When Prince Prospero confronts the strangely masked guest, the prince,

asks for the mask and costume so that demands that the masked guest leave
he, the prince, can wear them since he or she was not invited

challenges the guest to a duel and then draws a dagger, then chases the masked
draws his sword in order to fight guest by going from room to room

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