Ethical Considerations in Police Use of Force The Case of George Floyd - Edited

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Title Page

Ethical Considerations in Police Use of Force: The Case of George Floyd

Table of Contents
- Introduction

- Issue

- Handling of the Issue

- Legal Considerations

- Professional Considerations

- Opinions of Experts

- Conclusion

- Recommendations

- References

The death of George Floyd, dated May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sparked widespread
rallies and called for police reformation across the United States and worldwide. Floyd, a Black
man, died while being restrained by four police officers, one of whom, Derek Chauvin, knelt
down on his neck for over nine minutes. Bystanders captured the incident on video and widely
circulated on social media, prompting outrage and condemnation.

The death of George Floyd raised numerous ethical considerations regarding the use of force by
law enforcement professionals. This case study will explore the ethical issues posed by the
incident, as well as how the issue has been handled, legal considerations, professional
considerations, and the opinions of experts in the field.
The primary ethical issue posed by the death of George Floyd is the use of excessive force by
police officers. According to the video footage, Floyd was compliant with police orders and
posed no threat to the officers when they initially approached him. However, after being
handcuffed, he was forced to the ground and restrained by three officers while a fourth, Derek
Chauvin, knelt on his neck. In spite of Floyd's repeated pleas that he could not breathe, Chauvin
continued to kneel on his neck for over nine minutes until Floyd became unresponsive.

Using excessive force by police officers is a longstanding ethical issue that has been the subject
of much debate and controversy. While law enforcement professionals are trained to use force
when crucial to protect themselves and others, the use of excessive force may result in serious
injury or death and violates the basic human rights of individuals.

Handling of the Issue

The public, media, and legal experts have closely scrutinized the handling of the George Floyd
case. After the incident, all four police officers involved were fired from the Minneapolis Police
Department, and Chauvin was sentenced to 22 1/2 years after being guilty of second-degree
murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. Chauvin's trial took place in
March and April 2021 and resulted in his conviction on all three charges.

The handling of the George Floyd case raises a number of legal considerations, including the use
of force by police officers, the role of race in policing, and the accountability of law enforcement
professionals. Furthermore, the case highlights the importance of transparency and accountability
in policing and the need for systemic reforms to address issues of police brutality and racial bias.

Legal Considerations
Using force by police officers is governed by the Fourth Amendment through the U.S.
Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. The Supreme Court has
established that the use of force by police officers must objectively be reasonable under the
occurrences, based on the totality of the occurrences known to the officer at the time. Factors that
may be considered include

 the crime's severity,

 the threat posed by the suspect, and
 the level of resistance by the suspect.

In the case of George Floyd, the use of force by police officers was widely viewed as excessive
and unreasonable. The prolonged restraint of Floyd by Chauvin, in particular, was seen as a clear
violation of his constitutional rights and flagrant abuse of police power.

Professional Considerations
Using of force by police officers is also governed by professional standards and best practices
established by law enforcement agencies. These standards typically require officers to use force
only as a last resort and to escalate the level of force used in reply to the level of resistance by
the suspect. In addition, officers are typically required to use the least force necessary to gain
control of the situation and stop the threat posed by the suspect.

In the case of George Floyd, the actions of the police officers involved were widely viewed as
falling short of professional standards. It was a violation of best practices and evidence of a lack
of proper training and supervision by the Minneapolis Police Department.

Opinions of Experts
Law enforcement and policing experts have provided a range of opinions on the George Floyd
case and the ethical considerations it raises. Some experts have called for reforms to address
police brutality and racial bias, including changes to use-of-force policies, increased
accountability for law enforcement professionals, and improvements in training and supervision.
Others have emphasized the need for greater community engagement and collaboration between
law enforcement and the communities they serve.

Regardless of their specific recommendations, most experts agree that the death of George Floyd
highlights the urgent need for systemic reforms to address issues of police misconduct and to
promote greater transparency, accountability, and trust between law enforcement professionals
and the community.

The death of George Floyd increased numerous ethical considerations regarding the use of force
by police officers, including the need for greater accountability, transparency, and
professionalism in policing. The handling of the case by the Minneapolis Police Department and
the legal system highlights the importance of holding law enforcement professionals accountable
for their actions and promoting greater transparency and accountability in policing.

A range of reforms may be necessary to address the ethical issues raised by the George Floyd
case. These reforms may include changes to use-of-force policies, improvements in training and
supervision for law enforcement professionals, increased accountability for police misconduct,
and greater community engagement and collaboration between law enforcement and the
communities they serve. Ultimately, the goal of these reforms should be to promote greater
transparency, accountability, and trust in policing and to ensure that law enforcement
professionals maintain a higher ethical standard in their work.

American Psychological Association. (2016). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of
conduct. Retrieved from

National Institute of Justice. (2016). Use of force. Retrieved from

Police Executive Research Forum. (2016). Guiding principles on use of force. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Justice. (2015). Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department. Retrieved

ABC7 New York. (2023). Former Police Officer Derek Chauvin's murder conviction upheld in
George Floyd killing. Retrieved from

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