Marine Pollution Review 13-01-2023.

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1 A mini-review on microplastic pollution and its solution

2 Aqsa kanwal1, Min zhang1, Faisal Sharaf1

3 1
College of Environmental Science & Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi’an 710021,
4 China).
5 Correspondence to: Min Zhang (e-mail:

6 Abstract
7 Plastic pollution is recognized as a severe anthropogenic issue of marine ecosystems that
8 has increased to an alarming stage due to the single-use of plastic products that are being dumped
9 into the natural environment and reach the respective water sources to disturb the structure and
10 function of aquatic ecosystem. Land and sea-based sources are the primary sources of plastic
11 pollutants that enter the ocean. In this review paper, we focused on highlighting different aspects
12 related to plastic pollution in coastal and marine environments and the importance of
13 biodegradable polymers to overcome this issue. Different sizes of plastic pollutants are
14 distributed in the ecosystems such as mega plastic, macroplastic, mesoplastic, and microplastic.
15 Microplastics are widely spread in the water, sediment, and biota of marine and coastal
16 environments due to improper disposal of plastic waste. Upon ingestion, plastics can cause many
17 negative impacts on ecology like predicament, noxious effects by plastic assimilation, asphyxia,
18 famishment, dispersion, and propelling of organisms, provision of new habitats, and introduction
19 of invasive species are significant ecological effects with increasing pressures on biodiversity.
20 To overcome this problem there is a need to develop a reliable and efficient remediation
21 technique. One solution is either prevention of plastics from entering the water or the removal of
22 plastic debris from the water and another one is the use of biodegradable polymers that can
23 degrade naturally in an environment without harming the ecosystem. Plastic identification,
24 extraction, and separation are among some methods for removing plastics from the marine
25 environment. Hence scientists around the globe are working on a biodegradable polymer that can
26 mitigate this issue. Existing and adopted policies, legislations, regulations, and initiatives at the
27 global, regional, and national levels play a vital role in reducing plastic debris in marine and
28 coastal zones. In conclusion, this paper demonstrates the current status of plastic pollution in the
29 marine ecosystem to spread awareness for a plastic-free and healthy Blue Ocean soon.
30 Keywords: Marine plastic pollution, microplastic disposal, biodegradable polymers, Poly
31 (butylene adipate terephthalate) (PBAT)

32 Graphical Abstract





38 List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Full name
PBAT Poly (butylene adipate terephthalate)
MP microplastic
MMT million metric tons
PLA Polylactic acid
TPS Thermoplastic starch
PBS Poly (butylene succinate)
IMO International Maritime Organization
UNEA United Nations Environment Assembly
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
PE polyethylene
PS polystyrene
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PA polyamide
PP polypropylene 
GESAMP Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects
of Marine Environmental Protection











50 Table of contents

Graphical Abstract……………………………………………………………………………..2

List of Abbreviations………………………….…………………………………………..........3

1 Introduction…………………..……….…………………………………..….........................5

2 Sources of MPs………………………………………………………………………………7

2.1 Effects of MPs on soil ecosystem and plant growth………………………………………8

2.2 Consequences of MPs accumulation in marine ecosystem……………………………..………….10

3 Biodegradable polymers and biodegradation to tackle marine pollution………………….…12

4 Efforts to tackle marine pollution………………………………………...……....................14


Ethical Statement………………………………………………………………………...……16

Consent to participate………………………………………………………………………….16

Consent to publish…………………………………………………………………………….16

Authors’ Contribution..……………………………..……………...…………….....................17


Competing Interest…………………………………………...……………………………….17

Availability of data and Material…………………………………………………………...…17


51 1 Introduction
52 The Marine and coastal environments are extremely prolific zone consisting of various types
53 of subsystems, such as coral reefs and seagrasses. Various primitive to advanced organisms are
54 present in a marine environment. The marine environment covers nearly 71% of the earth's
55 surface [1]. Based on historical, cultural, geographical, and scientific characteristics, and size the
56 global ocean system is divided into five major oceans and many seas. The major oceans are the
57 Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic. The International Hydrographic Organization
58 divided the Southern Pole (Antarctic) as the fifth ocean basin [2]. All systems are ecologically and
59 economically important. Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are interconnected and affect each
60 other. Anthropogenic activities along with other factors had been affecting the coastal and
61 marine environment for a long time [3]. Compared with other debris, plastic debris is tenacious in
62 ocean basins due to its distinctive features. More than 260,000 tons of plastic are floating over
63 the world's ocean surface due to inappropriate waste disposal techniques . At present, plastic

64 pollution has become a serious concern in almost all parts of ocean basins regardless of
65 developed or underdeveloped regions in the world [5].
66 The oceans had become a massive trash bin for all kinds of plastics. Environmental and
67 health concerns related to plastic reefs of the Northwest Hawaiian Island Marine National
68 Monument pollution are a long-documented global issue . Approximately 10% of all solid

69 waste is plastic and up to 80% of the total waste is accumulated. Plastics are indispensable
70 materials that are being widely used in agriculture, industry, national defense, and transportation
71 due to excellent properties like low density, high strength, good wear, and corrosion resistance
72 that make them resistant to degradation [7]. Hence, recycling is desirable to avoid adverse effects
73 on plants and animals and harm to the natural ecosystem. After the Second World War, plastic
74 began to be manufactured and consumed widely but already the mass of all plastic ever produced
75 is twice as high as the overall mass of all terrestrial and marine animals combined. The highest
76 production rate was observed during 2003-2016 . By 2020, 80% of all plastic ever produced

77 had already become waste, a significant part of which has ended up in the ocean. It was reported
78 that by now 86-150 MMT of plastic had accumulated in the oceans at a constantly increasing
79 rate. In 2010, it was estimated that 4.8-12.7 MMTof plastic waste entered the ocean from land
80 which increased from 19-23 MMT in 2016 . The MP level of different marine ecosystems is

81 0.001-140 particles/m3 in water and 0.2-8766 particles/m3 in sediments in different marine

82 environs. Oceanic plastic pollution is not evenly distributed [10]
. Planetary hotspots include the
83 five large ocean gyre systems (where the ‘garbage patches’ accumulate floating plastic debris),
84 coastal and ocean areas near major emission points such as the deltas of large rivers that run
85 through urban centers, coral reefs, mangroves, and the deep seafloor, especially canyons . In

86 2015, it was reported that plastic used for packaging contributed 50% of total plastic waste which
87 is responsible for 60-95% of marine debris. Communities residing near the coasts contribute the
88 most to marine pollution [12]. According to an estimate, every year Europe releases 82% of plastic
89 debris into the oceans. Another report suggested that fisheries contribute 22% to marine plastic
90 pollution [13]
. The wear of vehicle tyres and brakes, wind abrasion from plastic-coated surfaces,
91 waste processing, roads, and agriculture are major sources of MP emissions. White pollution has
92 become a public hazard in the world, posing a potential hazard to the ecological environment .

93 Animals that have eaten discarded plastic films are prone to intestinal obstruction. Synthetic fiber
94 fishing nets and fishing lines that are lost or discarded into the ocean have caused considerable
95 harm to marine life. Managing white pollution and seeking new environmentally friendly
96 polymers has become a global problem to be solved. Improper disposal of plastics can cause
97 serious environmental pollution . Plastics’ buoyancy means they can be simply passed by

98 ocean currents and ecstatic across ocean basins, their pollution extends from the coastlines to the
99 deep parts of the sea, from the poles to the Equator, and the most remote of islands. Stewart
100 Island’s Mason Bay, a sandy shore open to the Southern Ocean fouled with 2 to 3 tons of plastic
101 pollution [16]
. Most of this stuff comes from Korea, Japan, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile,
102 France, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Suspended
103 upside down and freely drifting past a deep-sea submersible at depths of 2,000 m, as an
104 assemblage of ghosts . This problem can be solved by treating conventional plastic waste and

105 using biodegradable plastics. Landfilling, incineration, blending with new materials after
106 granulation, chemical degradation, and recycling is among the few methods used for treating
107 polymer waste [18]
. Among them, some methods are very costly, while others can cause
108 secondary pollution problems. To overcome this problem biodegradable polymers can be the best
109 solution. Using plastics that can degrade naturally in the environment by the action of different
110 microorganisms are termed as biodegradable [19]
. Therefore, scientists started to design a plastic
111 that possesses all the beneficial properties like consistency and resilience as well as being more
112 vulnerable to microbial degradation in nature without harming the environment . Using these

113 plastics instead of conventional polymers can be an effective way of solving plastic problems as
114 compared to treating polymer waste. The waste of biodegradable plastics is utilized by microbes
115 as a carbon source [21]
. Considering this, biodegradable plastics have now been widely
116 researched, manufactured, and used in almost every country. Since the 1980s, biodegradable
117 polymers have been widely manufactured and used in every field of life. In 2019, biodegradable
118 and non-biodegradable polymers account for 941,000 MT and 1.17 million metric tons,
119 respectively. European plastic statistics showed that global bioplastic production capacity will
120 probably increase from around 2.1 MT in 2019 to 2.4 MT in 2024 . Biodegradable polymers

121 have the advantage materials of conserving fossil resources as well as reducing environmental
122 pollution. Microorganisms can degrade biodegradable polymers either aerobically or
123 anaerobically and convert them to bio-decomposed products including CH 4, H2O, and some
124 inorganic compounds. It may also involve hydrolysis, photodegradation, oxidation, etc. .

125 Besides household applications, biodegradable polymers are also being widely used in the
126 biomedical industry for various purposes like drug delivery, implants, a few medical devices, etc.
127 Sutures are materials that had been used for wound healing for many centuries. It contributes the
128 largest share among other biomedical materials. Previously, metals, alloys, and ceramics were
129 widely used as biomaterials but nowadays biodegradable polymers have taken their place due to
130 their unique properties. The biomedical application includes tissue engineering and regeneration,
131 enzyme immobilization, wound dressing, controlled drug and gene delivery, medical implants,
132 and devices [24].
133 2 Sources of MPs
134 With industrial development, plastic materials are applied as a product of the times.
135 Plastics are polymer materials composed of a variety of synthetic or semi-synthetic organics,
136 mainly PE, PS, PVC, PA and PP etc. These are characterized by low cost, good ductility, and
137 durability, and are widely used in many aspects of life. However, a large number of waste
138 plastics are difficult to recycle and most of them are difficult to degrade, and remain in the
139 environment for a long time, causing serious hazards to the environment. Most plastic wastes
140 break up over time into smaller pieces and particles, and among these particles, plastic particles
141 smaller than 5 mm in size are defined as MPs, which are already abundant in freshwater systems,
142 oceans, and terrestrial ecosystems. MPs have a variety of shapes in the environment, such as
143 fibrous, fragmentary, and spherical, are smaller in size, have strong hydrophobicity, are
144 relatively stable, and can exist for a long time . MPs come from a wide range of sources,

145 mainly from industry, agriculture, manufacturing such as plastic bags, clothing products,
146 tableware, automobiles, and ship construction, and their sources are mainly two categories; the
147 first is artificially manufactured MP, mainly found in detergents and personal care products used
148 to enhance washing capacity and the second type is the tiny plastic produced by the
149 decomposition of larger plastic products. The plastics in the environment decomposed into
150 plastic fragments after the action of ultraviolet rays, wind, and seawater that continue to
151 decompose into the micron and nano-scale plastic particles. As a kind of micro and nano-level
152 particles, MPs have a large specific surface area and a strong ability to adsorb toxic pollutants
153 . The size, surface charges, and other physical and chemical properties of MP affect the

154 produced toxins. It had been noted that nanoscale plastic particles produce higher toxicity than
155 micron-level plastic because they are more likely to enter cells by destroying the cell membrane
156 and causing toxicity to the organelle membranes such as mitochondria and endoplasmic
157 reticulum [27].
158 2.1 Effects of MPs on soil ecosystem and plant growth
159 Soil ecosystems are among the most abundant systems of microbial communities (Figure
160 2.1) having great potential for functional and genetic diversity. Microorganisms play an
161 important role in circulating soil elements, decomposing organic matter, and maintaining soil
162 fertility. Microbial composition and activity is the indicator of soil quality [28]
. Most plastic waste
163 in the ocean comes from terrestrial environments, and soils may contain larger (micro) plastic
164 reservoirs than the ocean. As a source of plastic production and an important reservoir, land
165 releases 4-23 times as many MP into the soil each year and it is difficult for MPs entering the
166 soil environment to decompose in the soil with no fluidity and reduced amplitude of ultraviolet
167 radiation, also known as a MP repository. China consumes the highest proportion of agricultural
168 mulch film, the use of mulch film accounts for 90% of the global use but due to the small
169 thickness, ease of age, and recovery difficulties it is considered to be an important source of MP
170 pollution. The soil microbiome is the key to maintaining above-ground and sub-surface
171 interactions in terrestrial ecosystems, a repository of active substances that are closely related to
172 human health, and a regulator of global change that influences greenhouse gas emissions to a
173 large extent through biogeochemical processes [29]. The chemical properties of MP are stable and
174 can persist in the environment for a long time. There are two main modes of migration in the
175 environment, one is through natural conditions, including weather factors (such as wind, tides,
176 runoff, and precipitation), geomorphology, gravity, and biological action while the other is by
177 human activities such as industrial production and landfill. When MPs are decomposed to the
178 nanoscale, they are transferred to the upper layer of the soil by plant roots through adsorption
179 and are also absorbed by invertebrates or insects through swallowing, and then preyed upon by
180 other animals, spreading along and accumulating in the food chain. The presence of MP entering
181 the soil also affects the soil's hydraulic characteristics, and soil aggregates, reducing soil and
182 water permeability, and thereby affecting root growth and plant production capacity [30]
. At the
183 same time, MP also has an impact on the composition of soil root microbial communities,
184 destroying the beneficial interaction system that provides an adsorption site for microorganisms
185 to survive on the surface of MPs for a long time, forming a biofilm by the original colonization
186 process, the growth process, and the maturation process. Microbial communities residing on
187 plastic debris are significantly different from surrounding soils, which may alter the functional
188 properties of soils, and with the migration of MPs, microorganisms spread to other ecosystems
189 that can alter the microbiota and function of ecosystems. Soil MPs formed by conventional
190 plastics migrate, transform, and accumulate under plant roots, and affect the properties,
191 diversity, stability, and functionality of soil microorganisms. It had been reported earlier that
192 MPs increased the heavy metal concentration in the soil by adsorbing them due to the large
193 surface area and acting as a carrier to transport heavy metals . Different MP has different

194 adsorption rates and surface areas i.e adsorption rate of cadmium and lead was 6.9 and 7.5%,
195 respectively. Another group reported that UV irradiation (2000 h) had increased the adsorption
196 of copper and zinc. Plants survive in polluted environments either by avoiding the uptake of
197 harmful substances or by making complexes (phytochelates). It was reported that the presence of
198 MPs hindered the absorption of water and nutrients by plants, so plants secreted several types of
199 enzymes along with soil microorganisms to degrade the MPs to avoid long-term effects (Figure
200 1.2). Different types of macro and microorganisms consumed these products to fulfill their
201 nutritional needs which in turn cleaned the rhizosphere. Research had shown that degradation
202 products of biodegradable polymers like PBSA had no harmful effect on plant growth. These
203 products enhanced the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere which in turn
204 enhanced the vegetative growth of plants [32].


206 Figure 2.1 Interaction between MPs and soil ecosystem

207 2.2 Consequences of MPs accumulation in marine ecosystem
208 Plastics are being widely used in every field of life, from microneedles to high machinery
209 used in the medical field, kitchen utensils, chairs, tables, packaging boxes, lunch boxes, furniture,
210 toys, and pipes all are made up of polymers. Unluckily, increasing plastic production increases
211 plastic waste and due to high durability and lightweight plastics are resistant to degradation in
212 the natural environment. Of the total plastic manufactured one-third is being used for packaging
213 and the same in making building materials. Disposable items make life easy in one way but when
214 these plastics are thrown away they cause environmental pollution, when this plastic waste is not
215 treated properly it may reach the sea and floats over the surface due to low density. It badly
216 pollutes the water and is harmful to aquatic life [33]
. The number of plastics that end up in the
217 ocean each year in million kg is presented in Figure 2.2. Repeated use of non-biodegradable
218 polymers results in the accumulation of plastic residues in soil. Plastic waste could cause many
219 harmful diseases in plants and animals. The release of harmful substances from plastic enters the
220 groundwater and causes serious harm to the species that utilize them [34 ].

P la s t ic e n t e r in g t h e o c e a n s ( m illio n k
120 Plastic entering the oceans






0 India China Indonesia Brazil Thailand Mexico Egypt united states Japan UK

221 Top contributors of marine plastic pollution

222 Figure 2.2 Amount of plastics that end up in the ocean each year in million kg
223 Approximately 800 marine species are being affected by the debris of which 80% are
224 plastic debris. Every year approximately 13 MMTof plastic enter the oceans which is a serious
225 threat to marine animals like fish, sea birds, sea turtles, etc. Plastic ingestion causes many
226 harmful effects on marine species. According to previous research, 208 species encountered
227 species related to ingestion and 243 species suffer due to the entanglement of plastic residues.
228 Animals that have eaten discarded plastic films are prone to intestinal obstructions and hormonal
229 imbalances. Synthetic fiber fishing nets and fishing lines that are lost or discarded into the ocean
230 have caused considerable harm to marine life [35]
. Non-biodegradable polymers reside in the soil
231 for a longer time even centuries as compared to biodegradable polymers which readily degrade
232 under natural conditions. So non-biodegradable polymers must be disposed of properly to avoid
233 pollution as it badly harms plants and animals. Among the top ten plastic-producing countries,
234 the United States is at the top producing about 42 billion kg, India is second producing 26.3
235 billion kg and China is third producing about 21.5 billion kg, whereas, Brazil, Indonesia Russian
236 Federation, Germany, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Japan produce 10.6, 9.1, 8.4, 6.6, 6.4,
237 5.9, and 4.8 billion kg, respectively [36]
. A forecast of plastic accumulation in oceans is presented
238 in Figure 2.3. The number of MP per cubic meter of the ocean is increasing every year.


500 No. of MPs/m (N/m3)

No. of MPs/m




2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100
239 Year
240 Figure 2.3 Forecast of MP accumulation in oceans

242 3 Biodegradable polymers and biodegradation to tackle marine pollution

243 Reducing plastic waste through proper treatment can control marine pollution. Landfills,
244 recycling, incineration, and composting are the ways by which plastic is treated to minimize
245 marine pollution. But due to some limitations, these methods cannot fully stop the discharge of
246 pollutants into water. Waste materials from landfills get their way into the water and affect
247 aquatic life badly. About 80% of plastic enters the oceans from land resources. Another option to
248 reduce plastic marine debris is to recycle it but it results in poor mechanical properties of the
249 polymer and generated waste can cause secondary pollution . Incineration and composting can

250 be possible alternatives but also present some limitations. Hence, Scientists around the world are
251 trying to find an alternate method to halt this problem. Plastic composting is done in industries
252 where plastic waste is subjected to heat (∼58 °C) and microbes that easily degrade them e.g.
253 PBAT, PLA, TPS, and PBS are among some compostable plastics. Nowadays scientists around

254 the globe are working on biodegradable polymers that are the solution to plastic problems.
255 European standards further define a polymer as a biodegradable polymer if after 6 months over
256 90% of the polymer breakdown into its products i.e. Carbon dioxide, H 2O, and biomass .

257 Microorganisms secrete enzymes for possible degradation of enzymes on-site. Aliphatic
258 polyesters are biodegradable due to the presence of ester bonds so they cannot be consumed in
259 every field thus limiting their application . Various type of lipase enzymes hydrolyzes their

260 ester bonds thus easing the biodegradation process. Many factors like pH, O.M, soil structure,
261 soil texture, radiations, temperature, moisture, and the activity of macro and microorganisms all
262 influence biodegradation. The molecular weight of the polymer gets reduced by irradiation hence
263 favoring the biodegradation mechanism. Likewise, temperature increases the enzyme activity
264 hence increasing the biodegradation rate, the presence of water is also favorable as it is important
265 for enzyme activity and enzymes can effectively hydrolyze the polymers. Marine biodegradation,
266 as the name suggests marine biodegradation is the type of biodegradation that occurs in water.
267 There are three standards for the biodegradation of marine plastic (Figure 3.1). Floating plastics
268 can be studied at 28-30 °C or underwater buried plastic sediments. There are currently no
269 standards to define the degradation of plastic at the depth of water. Plastic that is either on the
270 surface of water or at the bank is degraded [40].

272 Figure 3.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards for marine biodegradation [19].
273 Polymers are used in agriculture for littering, soil improvement, mulching, and many
274 other purposes. Hence makes its way into the soil and results in soil pollution. Biodegradable
275 polymers reduce the cost of waste management and reduce the accumulation of plastic in an
276 environment which ultimately reduces the emission of greenhouse gases [41].
277 The main problem with using biodegradable polymers is their poor mechanical
278 properties. There is a great difference between biodegradable and bio-based polymers. Polymers
279 that undergo complete deterioration when exposed to microbes are termed as biodegradable. The
280 final products of biodegradation are carbon dioxide, water, and methane. But not all bio-based
281 polymers are biodegradable. Bio-based polymers contribute less than 1 percent of the total global
282 market. In the biodegradation process, the activity of microorganisms is a key factor .

283 Generally, there are two types of biodegradation mechanisms, abiotic and biotic degradation.
284 Polymers when exposed to weathering, aging, etc. they get altered. Due to this performance of

285 biodegradable polymers is highly affected significant reduction in the performance of the
286 biodegradable polymers occurred. Continuous exposure of polymers to light, temperature and
287 other environmental conditions results in the weakening of their molecular structure hence
288 favoring the biodegradation process. These factors are very beneficial for the initiation of the
289 biodegradation process . Their importance cannot be ignored. The Biotic degradation

290 mechanism is a complex process (Figure 3.2). It involves a combination of physical, chemical,
291 and physicochemical processes. It consists of physical, chemical, and biological processes .

292 During physical biodegradation, microorganisms degrade the polymers by attacking their
293 surface. Chemical biodegradation is the microbes depolymerize the polymer chains by direct
294 action on polymers. Biotic degradation involves two main steps. Firstly, microorganisms secrete
295 special exoenzymes that get attached to the surface of polymers and break them into small
296 molecular-weight compounds. In the second step, microbes assimilate these low molecular
297 weight compounds and transform them into biomass, carbon dioxide, methane, and water [45].

Figure 3.2 Biodegradation mechanism
299 4 Efforts to tackle marine pollution
300 For the continuing expansions in the ocean, marine pollution had been documented as a
301 risk to governance [46]. These threats can be addressed by the work of the International Maritime
302 Organization (IMO) which documented the problematic plastic pollution in marine ecosystems.
303 The IMO is accountable for the management of the International Convention for the Prevention

304 of Pollution from Ships 1973/78 (MARPOL), the Convention on the Prevention of Marine
305 Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972, and its 1996 Protocol (London
306 Convention/Protocol) . In 1967, the world community took revolutionary steps to save the

307 common heritage of the world ‘The oceans’. In late 2017, the UNEA resolution on marine plastic
308 pollution serves a similar purpose [48]. International agreements had been made to save the oceans
309 and reduce plastic pollution. Plastics are being disposed of in oceans via water or land-based
310 sources . Water-based disposal includes the Ship disposal of plastics and is banned in the

311 MARPOL agreement. The implementation of MARPOL requires a high checks, regulations, and
312 investigation schemes to guarantee actual agreement from the tiniest fishing container to huge
313 supertankers [50]
. Land-based sources are the major contributor that required similar monitoring
314 and control systems. Scientists around the globe are trying to reduce plastic marine pollution
315 through different techniques. About 50 years ago, Arvid Pardo, (Malta’s Ambassador to the UN)
316 called for combined actions to save the oceans, a common heritage of a human . An important

317 preliminary opinion is to build on pledges prepared at Nairobi, endorsing the ideologies enclosed
318 in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development in 19924, and the modern obligations
319 prepared in 2015 by world leaders in approving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
320 that contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [52]
. Among them, SDG 14, ‘Conserve
321 and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, offers an
322 emphasis on the continuing act on marine plastic pollution. The Oceans conference or United
323 Nations conference organized by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) held in
324 New York in June 2017 pledges to implement SDG 14 [53]
. The greatest achievement of this
325 conference was the formation of societies of Ocean Action that manage and control the marine
326 pollution acknowledged in SDG Target 14.1as the clear motivation. The UNEA also organized
327 side events at all forums to get new ideas and solutions to grab this issue. The Joint Group of
328 Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) also works on
329 understanding and combating marine pollution [54].

330 Conclusion
331 Conventional plastics can cause momentous ecological difficulties that do not damage
332 obviously and continue in the soil even after eras so they are a boundless danger to the environs.
333 The marine ecosystem is an intricate system that provides ecological and commercial values with
334 facilities by safeguarding human security. At this time, all oceans and numerous shorelines are
335 unfavorably pretentious through diverse natural and manmade actions. Automation and
336 expansion are known as chief issues for anthropogenic contamination, as well as plastic remains
337 buildup in the oceanic and shore locales. Estuaries are unique seaside ecosystems pretentious by
338 plastic contamination. Plastic contaminants are divided into metaplastic, macroplastic,
339 mesoplastic, and MP based on their size. The use of biodegradable polymers can be an actual
340 tactic to deal with marine pollution. There is a need to manufacture novel biodegradable
341 polymers having similar mechanical possessions to conventional polymers to exchange
342 conventional polymers without giving any damage to the ecosystem. The main objectives of our
343 paper were to acme the modern indication of plastic pollution effects on the marine environment,
344 and to highlight the importance of biodegradable polymers for combating plastic accumulation in
345 the marine environment.
346 Ethical Statement
347 Hereby, all the authors consciously assure that:
348 1) This material is the author's original work, which has not been previously published
349 elsewhere.
350 2) The paper is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
351 3) The paper reflects the author's research and analysis truthfully and completely.
352 4) The paper properly credits the meaningful contributions of co-authors and co-researchers.
353 5) The results are appropriately placed in the context of prior and existing research.
354 6) All sources used are properly disclosed (correct citation). Copying of text must be indicated as
355 such by using quotation marks and giving proper references.
356 7) All authors have been personally and actively involved in substantial work leading to the
357 paper and will take public responsibility for its content.
358 Consent to participate
359 I consent to participate in the research project and the following has been explained to me:
360 the research may not be of direct benefit to me, my participation is completely voluntary, and my
361 right to withdraw from the study at any time without any implications to me.
362 Consent to publish
363 I give my consent for the publication of identifiable details, which can include a
364 photograph(s) and/or videos and/or case history and/or details within the text (“Material”) to be
365 published in this Journal.

366 Authors contribution
367 Min Zhang planned the research, Aqsa Kanwal reviewed the previous paper, analyze the
368 data, and prepared the draft of the manuscript while Faisal Sharaf revised and polished the
369 manuscript. All the authors have approved the final draft of the manuscript

370 Funding
371 The authors did not receive support from any organization for the submitted work.
372 Competing Interests
373 The authors declare no conflict of interest. The authors declare that they have no known
374 competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the
375 work reported in this paper.
376 Availability of data and materials
377 The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the
378 corresponding author upon reasonable request.















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