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The past simple: an action was in the past The past continuous: the action was already in progress

at a certain time in the past.

Regular verbs: worked – enjoyed
Irregular verbs: break –broke be in the past + verb-ing
Subject + didn’t + infinitive verb
Did + subject + infinitive verb

The action in the past simple is short and usually unexpected. It interrupts the “longer” action which is usually in a
past continuous form. Example: I was watching a horror movie, when I heard a strange sound.

Past simple

1. I ____________________ (meet) members of my art club last Friday.

2. Jacky ________________(make) some sandwiches for the picnic last weekend.
3. My dad _______________(not walk) this morning.
4. __________ you ________(listen) to music yesterday?
5. They __________ (watch) series on Netflix last weekend.
6. Where _______ Emily _______(go) yesterday night?

Past continuous
1She ________________ (cry) when I got home.
2Thirty people ________________ (travel) on the bus when it left London.
3They ________________ (leave) when I arrived at the party.
4My dad ________________ (cook) dinner when I got home.
5I ________________ (not/listen) when my teacher told me that important information.
6What ________________ you ________________ (do) last night?

Choose the correct option for each sentence.

I 1) shop/was shopping yesterday when I 2) was meeting/met my friend, Alice. She 3) wore/was wearing
beautiful red shoes so I 4) asked her/was asking her where she 5) was buying/bought them. She 6) was
saying/said that she bought them from the market.

Used to se utiliza para hablar de una costumbre del pasado, es decir, algo que solía suceder de forma
habitual pero ya no ocurre en el presente.
Subject + used to + infinitive verb Example: When I was a child, I used to play in the park.

Subject + didn’t/did not + use to + verb

Did/Didn’t + Subject + use to + verb

Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

1 Why did people _______________ mend their clothes?

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

2 I _______________ like watching football, but now I do.

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

3 What did you _______________ like doing when you were young?

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

4 John _______________ like Mary, but he doesn’t now.

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

5 People _______________ produce as much rubbish as we do nowadays.

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

6 Did you _______________ collect anything when you were young?

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

Make affirmative, negative or interrogative sentences

1. I / live in a flat when I was a child.

2. We / go to the beach every summer?
3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.
4. He / not / smoke

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses using the SIMPLE PAST or the PAST CONTINUOUS:

1. Sally …………………………… (eat) dinner last night when someone ………………….. (knock) on the door.

2. I ……………………………… (study) when Fred ……………………….. (come).

3. While I ………………………………. (cook) last night, you…………………………… (watch)

4. While they …………………………… (walk) home, it …………….…….. (begin) to rain.

5. I ………………………. (cut) myself while I …………………………(cook).

6. Jane …………………………………. (sleep) when the telephone …………………………… (ring).


When we want to know information When we want to know who or what  performs the action.
about how, when, where, why..., the subject
performs an action Who works in a bank? Mary.
Where does Mary work? In a bank.
Question word + main verb + (complements)?
Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + main
verb + (complements)? QWs usually used with subject questions are the following:

WHO? Who answered the phone?

WHAT? What happended at the party?

WHICH?1 Which car arrived first?

WHOSE?1 Whose dog bit you?

HOW MANY? How many people attended the


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