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Narrator script

Shreyash - Genocide is not a war it’s more dangerous than war

Shreyash, srishti, Avirat – good morning to one and all present here

Avirat – Today, we the students of class 9 Plato are here to present a historic and dark event that
spread massive racism in the world

Shreyash – That’s right, so I would like to pay attention to the efforts of my classmates

*Scene 1 WORLD WAR -1*



*scene 2 peace treaty*

Srishti- After the massive destruction in World War I, a meeting took place at the palace of Versailles
where Germany had to face great humiliation by the other countries. Let’s see how they were forced
to sign a harsh and humiliating treaty.


*scene 3 reactions of people*

Avirat – After facing such a harsh and humiliating treaty the Weimar was not received by their
people. They protested. Weimar became November criminal for the people of Germany.


*scene 3 Rise of Hitler*

Shreyash – When this all was going on in Germany, on the other side a great leader from our history,
the great Hitler was on his way to rising.

Avirat- Born on 20 April 1889 with a heart belonging to Austria but his heartbeats for Germany.

Srishti- During WW1 he enrolled himself in the army and acted as a messenger at the front line. And
he received medals for his bravery.

Shreyansh- In 1919 he joined the German worker party as a member, after some time he took over it
and renamed it the national socialist German worker party shorting the NAZI party.

Avirat – In 1923 Hitler planned to seize control over Bavaria to gain more power. But it didn’t go by
plan. Hitler failed in his intent to capture Bavaria and got arrested, later released too.


*scene 4 Economics crises*

Avirat – Because of the war Germany was on large loans on top of it they have to pay war
reparations in gold, due to this Germany depleted its gold reserves. In 1923 Germany refused to pay
war reparations because of the conditions Germany was facing.

Shreyash – due to this Germany retailed with passive resistance and printed paper currency
recklessly which made money into circulation and it led to the German mark falling.
Srishti – This became the reason for the economic crises in Germany. The situation became so worse
that people would carry luggage full of money to buy a loaf of bread

Avirat – To help Germany US interfered and bailed it by introducing the Dawes plan. The plan was to
give small loans to Germany so that they can stable their situation and pay war reparations.

Shreyash – from 1924 to 1928 there was some stability compared to earlier, they recovered their
industries and farm activities



Shreyash – By 1929 the US withdrew its support because of the Wall Street exchange crash. Wall
Street was the biggest stock exchange market located in the US. This crash not only affected the US
but the impact was seen worldwide

Srishti- People make frantic efforts to sell their shares for fear of a fall in prices. The impact of the
great depression led to the US income falling full by half, factories being shut down, exports falling,
and farmers being hit badly.



Avirat – Germany was already hit badly by the economic crises and the great depression led to
massive hunger in Germany. HUNGER!! Not only for food but for employment also. People of the
middle class were having fear of proletarianization.

Shreyash – people lost their jobs or were paid low, man with placards saying “willing to do anything
“sat on the corner of the street or lined up at local employment exchange. The situation was even
worse because there was raise in criminal activities, and the savings of people like pensions were
diminished. Women were also filled with despair because of being unable to fill their children’s



Srishti – Till the early 1930s Hilter was not much effective and was not having popular support.
During the great depression, Nazism became a mass moment, and by 1932 Nazi party became the
largest party.

Shreyash – After winning, Hilter gave a powerful speech with the feeling of patriotism



Avirat – The propaganda minister was on the plan to spread the Nazi propaganda so that Hitler
could gain more power and the trust of the people in Germany.



Srishti – When 1932 the Nazi party won by 37% votes, Hitler wanted to gain more power and that
was the reason to introduce Nazi propaganda on 30 th January 1993 President Hindenburg offered a
chancellorship to Hilter and he accepted it.


*scene 10 FIRE DECREE*

Shreyansh- on 28 Feb 1933 a mysterious fire broke out in Reichstag, the German parliament.


Shreyansh – After this Hitler imposed a fire decree which suspended all the civil rights of youth like
freedom of speech, press, and assembly.

Avirat – on the other side Hitler gave secrets order to his team to build concentration camps where
the arch enemies of Germany can be kept.


*scene 11 ENABLING ACT*

Srishti – Hitler thought that it was the right time to play his mastermind game and he did an
amendment and imposed enabling act that simply says that from now on there will be only one



Srishti – Now it was the time for the reconstruction of democracy to dictatorship. Hitler appointed
one person named HJALMER SCHACHT for economic recovery. He aimed to make full production and
full employment. Hjalmer also funded in work creation program.

Avirat – Hitler pulled out Germany from League of Nations in 1933, reoccupied the Rhineland in
1936, also integrated Austria and Germany in 1938

Shreyash – In September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and In 1940 Hitler signed a tripartite pact
with Japan and Italy. By the end of 1940, Hitler was stronger than ever, he was more famous than

Srishti – after 1940 Hitler decided to attack the Soviet Union


Srishti – after planning Hitler attacked the Soviet Union but this attack became quite a crushing and
humiliating defeat for Germany. From the western front, the British were doing aerial bombing on
the German soldiers and from the eastern front the red army of the USSR was attacking. USSR kept
attacking until German soldiers reached berlin.


Avirat – there were two aspects of this worldwide view of this Nazi ideology. The first one was the
racial hierarchy.

According to Hitler, there was no equality but only racial hierarchy. The blond, blue-eyed, Nordic
German was on the top and all other colored people lie somewhere in between depending on their
external features. The lowest rate was Jews they were called anti-race or archenemies of Aryans,
they were badly treated worse than animals

Shreyash – The reason for this racism was not only Hitler he borrowed these ideologies from two
philosophers – Charles Darwin and Herbert spencer. Hitler changed their theories and taught people
in the way he wanted to. CHARLES DARWIN- he was a natural scientist. He explained the creation of
plants and animals through the concept of evaluation and natural selection on the other side
HERBERT SPENCER have the idea of survival of the fittest that only those species who adopt changing
climatic condition survive.

Avirat - Now, according to Hitler, the strongest race that would survive is of Aryans and the weak
were Jews and other low-race peoples

Avirat – the other ideology of the Nazi worldwide view was lebensraum means living space. Hitler
intended to extend German boundaries. He believes countries acquiring more space had more
respect and power and so he wanted Germany.


Avirat – Hitler came up with an idea to teach Nazi ideology in schools for the establishment of Nazi

Srishti – teacher taught students to worship Hitler. In every subject, Nazi ideology was mentioned.
Hilter believed that students should know about undesirables means Jews. Hitler does not allow
Jews, physically handicapped, and gypsies to study nor wanted them to talk to Aryan children.

Shreyansh - Now let’s see how the Nazi schooling took place.


Shreyansh – Hitler believed that boxing could make children iron-hearted, strong, and masculine.

Youth organizations were responsible for educating young German youth in the spirit of national
socialism.10 years have to go to jungvolk – this was the Nazi youth group for children below 14 years
of age who had to enter.

Avirat – then they have to join Hitler youth organization where they learn to worship war, glorify
aggression and violence, condemn democracy, and hate Jews, communists, gypsies, and all those
who were looked at as undesirables and they focused on the physical training of the enrolled people

Then they have to join labour services at the age of 18 where they had to serve in the armed forces
or enter one of the Nazi organizations

All other youth organizations were disabled and banned to unite the youth movement under Nazi


Srishti – “wake up to reality” let’s see the truth of how women were brought up and how they were
treated in schools and homes.

In schools, all girls had to attend special classes where they were taught “the ideal women of the
Nazi state”

*thank you stage*

Three of us – so this was the story of Germany and Hitler

Avirat – we the students of Plato hope that it must have been a grateful experience for all of you

Shreyansh –history is not “was” it “is” the evidence of these events still mark in the parts of Germany

Srishti – in the end I would like to conclude that if you don’t know history then you don’t know
anything, a person without the knowledge of their history is like a tree without roots.

Thank you

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