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I- Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Some words are not necessary. (Vocabulary related to

desert - ocean – shore – hill - waterfall - stream – volcano - valley - cliff

1. There are a lot of rocks on that ________________.

2. The cottage was in a wooded________________.

3. Last year, we waded across a shallow_______________ and we found small fish there.

4. Our beach house is just a couple of miles from__________________.

5. Their journey across the Sahara_______________ was wonderful.

6. They climbed a steep _______________ and came to the town.

7. Yellowstone _______________ could be about to erupt and challenge humanity’s existence.

II- Complete the sentences with Simple Past or Past Continuous.

1. It__________________(start) to rain while the children _________________(walk) to Toby’s party.

2. Last night, I_________________(work) when the my husband_________________(arrive) home.

3. The thief __________________(break) into the house, ___________________(steal) the jewels

and__________________(leave) without a trace.

4. When Mike_________________(paint) the walls, his dog __________________(knock) over the paint pot.

5. The receptionist_________________(welcome) the guests and__________________(ask) them to fill in the


6. My cousins __________________(cycle) through the park when they__________________(hear) a strange


7. Suddenly, she ________________(look) at the weather outside. It _________________(snowing).

III- Make questions using Simple Past or Past Continuous.

1.______________________________________________________? My siblings were reading a magazine.

2.______________________________________________________? He wrote a novel last year.

3. _____________________________________________________? I went to England 3 years ago.

4. _____________________________________________________? Helen was playing the guitar in her room.



I- Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Some words are not necessary. (Vocabulary related to

ocean – desert - shore – hill - waterfall - stream – volcano – cliff - valley

1. The cottage was in a wooded________________.

2. They climbed a steep _______________ and came to the town.

3. Our beach house is just a couple of miles from__________________.

4. There are a lot of rocks on that ________________.

5. Yellowstone _______________ could be about to erupt and challenge humanity’s existence.

6. Their journey across the Sahara_______________ was wonderful.

7. Last year, we waded across a shallow_______________ and we found small fish there.

II- Complete the sentences with Simple Past or Past Continuous.

1. The thief __________________(break) into the house, ___________________(steal) the jewels

and__________________(leave) without a trace.

2. The receptionist_________________(welcome) the guests and__________________(ask) them to fill in the


3. It__________________(start) to rain while the children _________________(walk) to Toby’s party.

4. Last night, I_________________(work) when the my husband_________________(arrive) home.

5. My cousins __________________(cycle) through the park when they__________________(hear) a strange


6. Suddenly, she ________________(look) at the weather outside. It _________________(snowing).

7. When Mike_________________(paint) the walls, his dog __________________(knock) over the paint pot.

III- Make questions using Simple Past or Past Continuous.

1. _____________________________________________________? Helen was playing the guitar in her room.

2.______________________________________________________? My siblings were reading a magazine.

3. .______________________________________________________? He wrote a novel last year.

4. _____________________________________________________? I went to England 3 years ago.

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