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STUDENT : Tran Xuan Tu


DaNang, July 2021


Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit: Cloud Computing

Date received (1st sub-

Submission date 12/07/2021 12/07/2021

Date received (2nd

Re-submission date

Student name Tran Xuan Tu Student ID BDAF190018

Class PBIT15101 Assessor name Xuan Ly Nguyen The

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences
of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:


Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:


TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ii

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ...................................................................... iv

LIST OF ACRONYMS ........................................................................................ vi

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 1 CLOUD COMPUTING SOLUTION ............................................... 2

1.1 Analyse the evolution and fundamental concepts of Cloud Computing ........ 2

1.1.1 The evolution of Could Computing ..................................................... 2

1.1.2 Definition of Cloud Computing ........................................................... 3

1.1.3 Some characteristics cloud computing................................................ 3

1.1.4 Cloud Service Models ....................................................................... 5

1.1.5 Cloud Deployment Models ................................................................. 9

1.1.6 Benefit of cloud computing .............................................................. 10

1.1.7 The appropriateness solution ........................................................... 11

1.2 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a given

scenario 12

1.2.1 Deploying Wordpress on Windows server 2012 ................................ 12

1.2.2 Deploying WordPress on Ubuntu ..................................................... 17

1.2.3 Design cloud computing system of TuDoi company ........................... 20

1.2.4 Architectural design ........................................................................ 20

1.3 Why an organisation should migrate to a Cloud Computing solution ......... 23

1.3.1 Why TuDoi company must use Cloud Computing? ............................ 23

1.3.2 The appropriateness solution ........................................................... 24

1.3.3 The benefits of using cloud computing.............................................. 24

1.4 Deployment model of Cloud Computing ................................................. 28

1.4.1 Public Cloud ................................................................................... 28

1.4.2 Private Cloud .................................................................................. 28

1.4.3 Community Cloud ........................................................................... 29

1.4.4 Hybrid Cloud .................................................................................. 29

1.4.5 Compare deployment models .......................................................... 30

1.4.6 Deployment model for company TuDoi ............................................. 31

1.5 Compare the service models for choosing an adequate model for a given
scenario 32

1.5.1 Compare service models in cloud computing .................................... 32

1.5.2 Choosing a service model for Tu Doi company ................................. 34

1.6 Programming language, web server, database server ............................. 35

1.6.1 Programming language ................................................................... 35

1.6.2 Web server ..................................................................................... 36

1.6.3 Database server ............................................................................. 36

1.7 Example of deployment models in cloud computing ................................ 37

CONCLUSION................................................................................................. 39

REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 40


Table 1 Compare deployment models (Haris, 2018) ........................................... 30

Table 2 Compare service models in cloud computing (Singh, 2017) .................... 32

Figure 1 Cloud computing ................................................................................... 3

Figure 2 Essential characteristics ........................................................................ 5

Figure 3 Cloud Service Models ........................................................................... 5

Figure 4 Microsoft Azure..................................................................................... 7

Figure 5 AWS .................................................................................................... 7

Figure 6 Google Cloud Platform .......................................................................... 8

Figure 7 Oracle Cloud ........................................................................................ 8

Figure 8 VMware Cloud ...................................................................................... 9

Figure 9 Deployment Models .............................................................................. 9

Figure 10 Install IIS .......................................................................................... 13

Figure 11 Install Visual C ++ Redistributable cho Visual Studio 2015 ................... 13

Figure 12 Install PHP Manager for IIS................................................................ 14

Figure 13 Install php successfully ...................................................................... 14

Figure 14 Install MySQL ................................................................................... 15

Figure 15 Install phpMyadmin ........................................................................... 15

Figure 16 Install WordPress .............................................................................. 16

Figure 17 Install WordPress successfully ........................................................... 17

Figure 18 Install apache2 successfully............................................................... 18

Figure 19 Install MariaDB ................................................................................. 18

Figure 20 Install PHP ....................................................................................... 19

Figure 21 Install WordPress .............................................................................. 19

Figure 22 Result configure WordPress .............................................................. 19

Figure 23 Cloud computing system of TuDoi company ....................................... 20

Figure 24 Architectural diagram of the company TuDoi ....................................... 21

Figure 25 Employees and Director use case ...................................................... 22

Figure 26 Customer use case ........................................................................... 23

Figure 27 Cloud Service Models........................................................................ 34

Figure 28 Icloud ............................................................................................... 37

Figure 29 Google Drive .................................................................................... 38


WWW World Wide Web

AWS Amazon Web Services

EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud

IBM International Business Machines

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

IDE Integrated Development Environment

IIS Internet Information Services

PaaS Platform as a Service

SaaS Software as a Service

IaaS Infrastructure as a Service

SQL Structured Query Language


TuDoi Company is a Vietnamese company selling shoes in many provinces and cities
across Vietnam. In Vietnam, shoes are quite a popular fashion item. TuDoi company aims
to offer high quality shoe products, meeting the needs of customers, at low prices. The
company has sales of over $500,000/year. Currently, each shop has its own database to
store transactions specific to that shop. Each store has to send sales data to the
management monthly, and it takes a lot of time for the management to compile the data
collected from all the stores. In addition, the board cannot view real-time stock information

The proposed solution for TuDoi company is to apply cloud computing to its business.
I will explain and show the appropriate deployment models and service models for the
company TuDoi. This report consists of 1 chapter:

Chapter 1: Cloud computing solutions

In this chapter I perform two major tasks:

LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and its


In this assignment, I cover the development process of cloud computing and the basic
components of cloud computing. And design the architecture for the company. And finally I
give reasons why companies should use cloud computing.

LO2 Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological drivers of
Cloud Computing and validate their use

In this assignment, I outline the concept, benefits, and disadvantages of each cloud
deployment model. From there, compare these models and come up with the right model
for the company. Next, I compare the service models of cloud computing. Then pick out a
suitable model for the company. And finally give examples of these models.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 1


LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud

Computing and its architectures

1.1 Analyse the evolution and fundamental concepts of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a rapidly evolving technology that has created a lot of innovation
in today's network system. In this part of the report, I will give a brief description of what
cloud computing entails, and thus shed light on the various characteristics that define this

1.1.1 The evolution of Could Computing

The concept of cloud computing was first born in 1961. In the following years, many
technology companies were established and the Internet was born.

In 1971, Intel introduced the first microprocessor, and one of their engineers also
created an application for sending messages between two computers, just like e-mail.

In 1974, Microsoft was established. Two years later, Apple was established. Also in
1976, the concept of Ethernet was clearly proposed.

In 1981, IBM released the first PC model, and only a year later, Microsoft released
the MS-DOS operating system. In 1984, the Macintoah operating system was born, and the
following year, the first version of Windows was released.

In 1991, CERN released an unprecedented connection method for the WWW. Soon
after two years, the first browser was also developed and licensed to private companies.

In 1994, Netscape was established. In 1995, Ebay and Amazon were established.

At the end of the 1990s, the strong development of the Internet and equipment was
the condition for the development of cloud computing. launched and be-
came the first commercial website to provide commercial applications. What is the so-called
cloud computing now?

In 2002, Amazon launched AWS.

In 2004, Facebook was born. This leads to the need to exchange personal infor-
mation and create a definition: personal cloud.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 2

In 2006, the term "cloud computing" really emerged. It was during this time that Am-
azon released the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service-allowing companies to "rent com-
puting and processing power" to run their enterprise applications.

In 2006, Google launched the Google Docs service, demonstrating the power of cloud
computing and sharing documents directly with users.

Since the 2010s, technology companies have stepped up their services to serve cus-
tomers in the best way.

1.1.2 Definition of Cloud Computing

According to NIST's definition: Cloud computing is a form of Internet-based

computing that allows end-users to share resources. In addition, cloud computing is a
popular and convenient on-demand network access model, which can configure shared
computing resources (such as networks, computers, storage, etc.), applications, and
services to provide and release in a fast manner. Strive to manage and interact with service

Figure 1 Cloud computing

1.1.3 Some characteristics cloud computing

Some features of cloud computing:

 On-demand self-service:

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 3

The technical characteristics of cloud computing allow customers to unilaterally pro-
pose resource requirements to meet system requirements, such as server time, storage
capacity, and the ability to meet requests. Great interaction between the system and the

 Broad network access:

Cloud computing provides services that run on the Web, so customers only need to
connect to the Web to use the service. Information retrieval equipment such as mobile
phones and laptops that do not require high configuration requirements.

 Resource pooling:

The "multi-tenant" model supports shared service provider resources that provide
services to multiple users. This model allows the dynamic allocation of hardware resources
and virtualization resources based on supported user needs. As user needs decrease or
increase, resources are enlisted to satisfy the request.

 Rapid elasticity:

This refers to quickly and automatically balancing the available computer processing,
storage, and network bandwidth according to customer requirements.

 Pay-per-use measured service:

Many cloud services use an on-demand computing model, similar to the consumption
of traditional on-demand utilities (such as electricity), while other cloud services are mar-
keted on a stake-based basis. Cloud computing allows limiting monthly storage, bandwidth,
computing resources, and the number of active users.

In addition to the above five main functions, cloud computing also provides several
functions, such as:

 Reliability:

Improve reliability by using sites with a large amount of redundancy, making them
suitable for business continuity and failure recovery. However, most of the services of cloud
computing are in short supply, so occasionally, business managers will have fewer.

Performance: Observable and consistent performance, loosely coupled architecture

built using Web services due to system interfaces.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 4

Tolerance: Tolerance is achieved through improved resource utilization and more
efficient systems. However, the combination of computers and infrastructure is the main
consumer of energy.

Figure 2 Essential characteristics

1.1.4 Cloud Service Models

Figure 3 Cloud Service Models

There are 3 models of cloud delivery. The three cloud delivery models are Infrastruc-
ture as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS):

 Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a service provides online accessible applications managed by software

vendors. Your company or organization will be free from continuous pressure from software
maintenance, infrastructure management, network security, data availability, and any
reverse operational issues related to equipment maintenance and operation.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 5

 Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a service is somewhere between infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and

software as a service (SaaS). It provides access to a cloud-based environment where users
can build and deliver applications without the need to install and use an IDE. In addition,
general users can customize the functions they need to include according to Gartner's
standards, which is the PaaS with the smallest market share among the three service
models. In today’s market, PaaS vendors provide applications such as Microsoft Azure,
Google App Engine, and Apache Stratos.

 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a service provides unified computing on demand and on the

network. These resources include storage facilities, networks, processing power, and virtual
private servers. These fees are charged according to the "pay as you go" model, and you
need to charge you based on factors such as the amount of memory used or the processing
power consumed over a period of time. time. In this service model, customers do not have
to manage infrastructure, but rely on providers to ensure resource availability and contract
availability. IaaS services are now available, including Google Cloud Platform and Amazon
EC2 For many years.

 Some of the Top Cloud Services

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft has been at the center of the technological world. Although Microsoft
entered the cloud war late, it has been deeply involved in all aspects of the cloud and pushed
the company to the top.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 6

Figure 4 Microsoft Azure

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon has taken advantage of companies large and small that want to move
operations from the data center to the cloud. Amazon Web Services has always benefited
from the big start of the cloud computing market. More than ten years ago, long before the
competition in the cloud world began, AWS began to provide cloud infrastructure solutions,
such as storage and computing.

Figure 5 AWS

Google Cloud Platform

When Alphabet launched the Google Cloud Platform, the tech giant chose to target
SMEs rather than established players, but now has large customers like eBay, Snap, and

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 7

HSBC, although the latter also uses Azure and AWS. After Google announced its second
quarter earnings report in the middle of this year, investors are now very concerned about
the progress of the company's cloud business.

Figure 6 Google Cloud Platform

Oracle Cloud

The leading database software provider Oracle announced in 2015 its ambitious
plans in the field of cloud computing. The company announced its plans during the Oracle
event. OpenWorld to expand its portfolio in analytics cloud services, cloud applications, IaaS
and cloud integration services. Since then, Oracle has not looked back and has grown at an
unprecedented rate.

Figure 7 Oracle Cloud

VMware Cloud

After becoming an established virtualization company, VMware enters the cloud

space with its innovative cloud platform, enabling customers to provide secure access to
data and applications to users. their end from multiple devices. VMware recently partnered

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 8

with AWS, the online cloud computing giant, to provide customers with a more integrated

Figure 8 VMware Cloud

1.1.5 Cloud Deployment Models

Currently, there are 4 main cloud computing deployment models in common use.
They are: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and Community Cloud.

Figure 9 Deployment Models

 Public Cloud:

These are services provided by third parties. They exist outside the corporate firewall
and are managed by the cloud provider. It is built for public use, and users will register with
the provider and pay the usage fee according to the provider's pricing policy. This is the
most commonly used deployment model today.

 Private Cloud:

Private cloud is a cloud computing service provided by enterprises. These "clouds"

exist inside the corporate firewall and are directly managed by the company. This is an in-
evitable trend for enterprises to optimize information technology infrastructure.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 9

 Hybrid Cloud:

It is a combination of private cloud and public cloud. Allows us to take advantage of

each model and provide users with the best method of use. These "clouds" are usually
created by the enterprise, and the management is split between the enterprise and the public
cloud provider.

 Community Cloud:

The services on the cloud computing platform are jointly constructed by enterprises
and provide services to the community.

1.1.6 Benefit of cloud computing

There are many benefits to using cloud computing, here are the benefits:

 Cost savings:

With cloud computing, enterprises do not need initial investment, because they do
not need on-site data centers (no need to install servers, hardware, software, etc.). In
addition, the power used to run and cool the server is also reduced, which helps to improve
environmental friendliness. As capital investment decreases, costs can be spent on
company projects, and companies will have more time to focus on their main business

 Instant access anywhere, anytime:

You can easily store, download, restore or process data with just a few clicks. As long
as you are still connected to the Internet, users can access their accounts on any device
24/7 anywhere in the world.

 Endless Variations:

Cloud computing applications are extremely rich, often classified by function. Users
can also choose to create private, public or hybrid cloud models, or choose to determine the
location of a virtual data center.

 Adaptability:

In addition to endless variability, cloud computing can also adapt to any change.

 Sustainable, undisturbed cooperation:

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 10

With distributed computing, records are midway put away, fixed and reliable, open
from anyplace, making a virtual space where individuals straightforwardly talk about, share
a document and get input. moment. This outcomes in uniquely further developed efficiency,
decreased problem, expanded consumer loyalty, and significantly more.

 Data security:

All cloud exercises will be routinely checked and inspected by outsiders to guarantee
that wellbeing guidelines are met.

 More prominent with modern trends:

The impact of distributed computing is expanding step by step and gives no indication
of finishing. It is important that both little and medium ventures just as global endeavors have
a need to utilize and move to distributed computing.

1.1.7 The appropriateness solution

 Current problems TuDoi company is facing:

Each store of TuDoi company in each locality has its own database storing transac-
tions, products,...

The board of directors of the company TuDoi views the company's sales every month
when the stores make statistics and send sales data to the director.

Management took a lot of time to compile data from all stores across Vietnam.

The solution offered to the company TuDoi was to build an e-commerce website and
deploy it on a cloud server.

 The specific process of the solution is as follows:

Since each local store must have a separate database, the first thing to do is to design
a new database that will be used for the entire company system in the future. Old store data
needs to be digitized and stored in the structure of a new database designed to be easily
copied over to the new system.

Once the digitization and data storage process is complete, customers need to create
both online and cloud data backups to ensure data security and prevent loss. The open
source relational database management system that will be used by TuDoi company is Mar-
iaDB (an upgrade of MySQL).

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 11

Create architectural blueprints for the company. Build a system that can scale dy-
namically to support the company's evolving business model and future growth.

Clearly define the tools the development and operations teams need. Depending on
the tool selection, the company can choose suitable cloud providers such as: Amazon Web
Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Microsoft Azure. AWS is considered the
most suitable choice for TuDoi company.

Develop an electronic website hosted in the cloud. The most suitable tool here is
Wordpress. Users can use open source tools to build applications and save costs.

After building a successful e-commerce website for the company, synchronize data
between the database and the cloud to ensure that the data is updated and accurate.

Confirm that the system works as expected.

Use performance-enhancing tools, such as user and permissions editing, load bal-
ancing, and security enhancement.

Develop employee training schedules to gain proficiency with the new application.

1.2 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a

given scenario

We have 2 ways to deploy cloud computing system on 2 major operating systems

Windows and Linux.

1.2.1 Deploying Wordpress on Windows server 2012

We will install applications to run the system. First install IIS manager in server man-
ager. IIS is one of the most important services in Windows Server 2012. It has improved
many features compared to previous versions and it helps users to publish web applications
or websites.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 12

Figure 10 Install IIS

Next is the installation of the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 ver-
sions for x32 and x64. To run services of wordpress, php,...

Figure 11 Install Visual C ++ Redistributable cho Visual Studio 2015

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 13

Then proceed to install PHP Manager for IIS choose the latest version. This is a visual
tool for installing and configuring PHP with a graphical user interface (GUI) using PHP Man-
ager for IIS.

Figure 12 Install PHP Manager for IIS

Download PHP for Windows Server 2012. PHP Version 7.0 VC14 x64 Non Thread
Safe in ZIP Edition. After successful download, extract to C drive with the directory as php.

Figure 13 Install php successfully

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 14
Then proceed to install the database for wordpress, here my company uses MySQL
as the database. MySQL is the world's most popular free and open source database
management system and is very popular with developers in application development. After
successfully installing MySQL, we proceed to configure and create DataBase for wordpress,

Figure 14 Install MySQL

To make MySQL management easier, my company installed phpMyAdmin.

phpMyAdmin is open source software written in PHP to help users (usually database
administrators or database administrators) manage MySQL databases through a web
interface instead of using command line interface. Using phpMyadmin users can perform
many different tasks like using the command line window. These tasks include creating,
updating, and deleting databases, tables, fields, data on tables, permissions, and user

Figure 15 Install phpMyadmin

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 15

Finally proceed to install WordPress on Windows Server 2012. The configuration
steps we used the staff trained at BTEC to configure and we are very pleased.

Figure 16 Install WordPress

After successfully configuring and installing applications and frameworks. Then the
dashboard interface of our company is displayed. And here are the results:

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 16

Figure 17 Install WordPress successfully

1.2.2 Deploying WordPress on Ubuntu

On Ubuntu in addition to deploying WordPress with Apache2, MariaDB, PHP. Then

we can also deploy WordPress with Nginx, MariaDB, PHP. Here we show how to deploy
with WordPress with Apache2, MariaDB, PHP, and for Nginx it is the same. Finally we will
give the results of these two implementations. As mentioned on Ubuntu installation using
the following commands is the result of each stage.

First, Install Apache2 HTTP Server, WordPress CMS requires web server and
Apache2 HTTP server is the most popular open source web server today…

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 17

Figure 18 Install apache2 successfully

Install the MariaDB database server. WordPress also requires a database server to
host its content… If you are looking for a truly open source database server, then MariaDB
is a great place to start… To install MariaDB, run the commands below:

Figure 19 Install MariaDB

Install PHP 7.2 and related modules. WordPress CMS is a PHP-based CMS and
requires PHP… However, PHP 7.2 may not be available in the default Ubuntu repositories…
To run PHP 7.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 and earlier, you may need to run it. commands below:

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 18

Figure 20 Install PHP

Download WordPress. And configure related modules and update. I also asked the
Engineers at BTEC to perform these steps. And the WordPress load and unzip commands.

Figure 21 Install WordPress

Figure 22 Result configure WordPress

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 19
1.2.3 Design cloud computing system of TuDoi company

This cloud system can help the director manage and control all data on the database
of the whole country. Instead of each facility having to make statistics every day for the board
of directors. Currently, there is a solution that is the use of a cloud system. So the director
can track the transactions of the store. Employees now do not need to make statistics for
the board of directors after every day, saving time and costs for employees. After using this
cloud system, employees can edit, add, update and report situations to the director. This is
a convenient way of management for the board of directors.

Figure 23 Cloud computing system of TuDoi company

1.2.4 Architectural design

 Network architecture diagram of TuDoi company

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 20

Figure 24 Architectural diagram of the company TuDoi

Through the connection architecture diagram of TuDoi company above, I will explain
this diagram below:

Three servers ( Northern Base Server, Southern Base Server and Central Base
Server ) represent 3 locations of TuDoi company (there will be many facilities, but I only
show 3 representative servers in the diagram). Each server is located in a different province
in Vietnam, this server stores all the information and data of each facility. These data are
uploaded to the shared cloud of TuDoi by each facility.

This cloud will be rented and configured by TuDoi company. In the cloud contains all
the company's data, the company's website, the company's official information,...

TuDoi's board of directors can directly access the cloud or use a virtual private
network (VPN) to ensure security. The board of directors can manage it directly in the cloud
without the need for each facility to make detailed reports, saving a lot of time.

Customers all over Vietnam can directly access the company's website system to
place orders, purchase goods, answer questions,... For VIP customers, they can contact
directly to the company, the company will let employees meet and customers can buy goods

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 21

 TuDoi Company Usecase Diagram

Figure 25 Employees and Director use case


Employees log in to the store's website with an account provided specifically for
employees. This account is issued to employees by management when they work at a
branch of the company.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 22

Employees do the following tasks: post branch product information, check customer
orders placed at the company's website, change and delete orders when there is an error,
edit customer information or delete customer accounts, add products, update products and
delete products.


Director with an account login can view information and reports of each store, view
store inventory, create accounts for his employees, log out, add, remove, update employees
and finally manage sales of all the company's stores, sales statistics by day, month,

Figure 26 Customer use case

 Customer:

The company's customers can register an account on our company's official website.
Customers may not need to log in when they view products on the website, if they want to
make a purchase, the requirement is to log in, select their preferred product and pay. The
company's staff will check the order and inform the customer.

1.3 Why an organisation should migrate to a Cloud Computing solution

1.3.1 Why TuDoi company must use Cloud Computing?

When using cloud computing, they help TuDoi company save time and investment.
Cloud computing stores programs and data over the Internet without the need for storage

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 23

on a computer or hard drive. You only need to connect to the Internet to access the data
you are looking for. Because the company does not need to buy the server physical
equipment or maintain the system. In addition, the cloud provides a large amount of storage
for our company's use. All we need to do is access data or resources from the cloud and
process and work. We just need to determine the required resources and send the request
to the service provider; they can provide us with resources within minutes.

In addition, if TuDoi company builds the system by itself, the cost of installation,
construction, deployment, maintenance and upgrade of the system is not small. However,
there are some problems such as natural disasters, power outages, etc. But when we use
cloud computing, we will not need to worry about those problems, service providers will help
us. We upgrade and maintain the system quickly. In addition, cloud computing can help
managers monitor the status of branches by controlling the inventory of each branch in real

1.3.2 The appropriateness solution

The problem of TuDoi Company is that currently each shop has its own database to
store transactions for that shop. Each store has to send sales data to the management
monthly, and it takes a lot of time for the management to compile the data collected from all
the stores. In addition, the board cannot view real-time stock information updates.

We need to collect all the data of the branches of the company TuDoi. Then, proceed
to encrypt and save data according to MySQL standards, remove unnecessary data, and
import data into MySQL. We will then develop a website on the WordPress platform, using
plugins for inventory management and site security. Use multiple servers to balance the load
and ensure system availability.

1.3.3 The benefits of using cloud computing

Distributed computing stores projects and information over the web without the
requirement for capacity on a PC or hard drive. You just need to interface with the web to
get to the information you are searching for. Distributed computing offers organizations and
associations numerous advantages. Since the cloud is an extremely huge organization, it is
simpler to store enormous volumes of information. In any case, note that distributed
computing in the business is totally not the same as utilizing the cloud for work space or
individual requirements. When switching to cloud computing, companies and organizations
can get a number of benefits such as:

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 24

 The cloud is flexible:

The cloud is amazingly adaptable. As well as giving huge extra room, it's anything
but a large number of arrangements that organizations like yours need. This further develops
representative effectiveness as well as consumer loyalty. With this measure of room
organizations and associations can hold the entirety of their corporate information. It
additionally lessens the organization's expenses. They should simply get to information or
assets from the cloud and interaction and work. Utilizing the cloud gives representatives
more opportunity to work than simply interfacing with the web. Since the cloud will permit
clients to acclimate to site traffic, tending to the requirements of your customers or clients
will presently don't be an issue. This expands consumer loyalty.

 The cloud is reliable:

In the event that your worker goes down, you can in any case get to your information
as another worker has its spot. This implies that every one of your assets will be remained
careful consistently.

 The cloud is a good investment:

Regardless of the expense, the cloud is a wise venture. All your information is put
away in a protected spot that solitary the organization approaches, setting aside you time
and cash. Your association won't need to spend on actual hardware, utilities, upkeep and
other appropriate expenses, your working costs will be essentially diminished. In addition,
since the cloud is a compensation to-utilize administration, you don't need to stress over
squandering cash on highlights your organization doesn't utilize.

 Easy mobile access:

Moreover, the cloud has the advantage of simple versatile availability. There are a
many individuals utilizing cell phones these days, they partake in the comfort given by their
cell phones when getting work refreshes. Your organization can concede distant admittance
to telecommuters.

 Easy recovery:

When utilizing the cloud, that implies simple information reinforcement and
recuperation. Since your organization's information, information,... are put away in the cloud,
you are ensured to approach them even on your PC, cell phone or tablet failed. Likewise,
they additionally have various answers for ensure and recuperate your information.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 25

Furthermore, the cloud likewise has fiasco recuperation arrangements, and you will not need
to stress over extra expenses just to exploit them. With this uncommon element, there will
be no motivation to fear information misfortune re-guardless of whether it is taken,
obliterated, lost or because of gadget disappointment.

 Environmental advantages:

Since your organization won't require gear, or actual items, your business will assist
with diminishing ecological waste. So you not just cut organization expenses and let loose
actual space, you likewise urge representatives to embrace a proactive ecological way to
deal with life.

 Top security:

The security of your information and data is one of the advantages that a cloud worker
brings to your organization. These workers are effective in light of the fact that they
guarantee each part of the security of your information is observed and refreshed. The cloud
really utilizes information encryption to ensure anybody unapproved admittance to your
information doesn't have a potential for success.

 Instant access:

The cloud makes it simpler for you to get to and recover information any place you
are, even in the center of the evening or when you're in a hurry. This is on the grounds that
the cloud won't ever kill. It generally works and you should simply track down a dependable
web association and access it.

 Data monitoring:

Information is vital to organizations and associations. At the point when you utilize
the cloud, you partake in the opportunity of having the option to follow your information at
whatever point it suits you. Run reports, check your marketing projections. You can do
everything in a matter of seconds as long as you have a web association.

 Simple implementation process:

While there are a few stages to follow, it's not as convoluted as when you need to
introduce an on-premises worker. The interaction should be arranged, yet it's not actually
something you should stress over. Truth be told, relocating through the cloud can be basic
and simple as long as you utilize your worker to make it simple for you to oversee.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 26

 Be better than your competition:

Distributed computing will give you the advantage of having an edge over your rivals.
As the cloud keeps on filling in fame, use it before your significant rivals are al-prepared
utilizing it. This, will give you extraordinary benefit. With this benefit and the chance to scale,
it will not take long for your business to arrive at its objectives.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 27

LO2 Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological
drivers of Cloud Computing and validate their use

1.4 Deployment model of Cloud Computing

1.4.1 Public Cloud

These are services provided by third parties. They exist outside the corporate fire-
divider and are overseen by the cloud supplier. It is worked for public use, clients will enroll
with the supplier and pay a utilization expense dependent on the suppliers evaluating
strategy. This is the most normally utilized sending model today. Some mainstream cloud
models like Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine, IBM Cloud, Salesforce
Heroku,... (SHAPTUNOVA, 2020)

 Advantages:

Easy infrastructure management: It's helpful to host a third-get-together running your

cloud framework. You don't have to create and keep up with your product on the grounds
that the specialist co-op will do it for you.

Highly scalable: You can undoubtedly extend the limit of your cloud as your
organization's necessities develop.

Reduce costs: You just compensation for the assistance you use.

24/7 Uptime: The supplier's broad organization of workers guarantees your infrastruc-
ture is consistently accessible and has further developed uptime.

 Disavantages:

Your business will be subject to a provider that doesn't have full control.

Your association and business can't even rigorously control the information and can't
ensure its wellbeing and security.

1.4.2 Private Cloud

Private mists are distributed computing administrations offered in ventures. These

"mists" exist inside corporate firewalls and are overseen straight by organizations. This is
an ex-tremely positive pattern for organizations to upgrade their data innovation infrastruc-
ture. Numerous public cloud specialist co-ops like Amazon, IBM, Cisco, Dell and Red Hat,...

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 28

 Advantages:

Private turn of events and adaptability and high versatility, permitting organizations
to cus-tomize foundation to suit their prerequisites.

High security, protection and unwavering quality, just approved individuals can get to

 Disadvantage:

The organization needs to deal with the actual innovation while conveying and the
expense of building and keeping up with the framework.

Just individuals in the interior framework can utilize it.

1.4.3 Community Cloud

Are cloud-based services that companies jointly build and provide services to the
community. (SHAPTUNOVA, 2020)

 Advantages:

Cut the cost

Improved security, privacy and reliability

Easily share data and collaborate.

 Disadvantage:

High cost compared to public deployment model

Shared bandwidth and fixed storage

Not widely used.

1.4.4 Hybrid Cloud

It is a blend of private cloud and public cloud. Permits us to abuse the qualities of
each model just as offer the ideal utilization strategy for clients. These "mists" are regularly
made by the endeavor, and the board is parted between the bar lic and venture cloud
specialist organization. (SHAPTUNOVA, 2020)

 Advantages:

Improved security and privacy

Enhanced scalability and flexibility

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 29

Good price

1.4.5 Compare deployment models

The understanding of deployment models, advantages and disadvantages have been

covered by me in the above section. Below is a comparison of four models: Public Cloud,
Private Cloud, Community Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud.

Table 1 Compare deployment models (Haris, 2018)

Model Public Cloud Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud

Owned by two or
Partially owned by
Owned by single Service Provider
Ownership Owned by customer organizations
organization and partially by
which has
common goal

Performance Low to medium Excellent Good Very Good

Setup cost of Varies from num-

building Low initial cost High Medium ber of organiza-
datacentre tions

Depend upon
Limited people Medium accessibil-
Used by Anyone can access number of coop-
can access ity

Security Less Highest Medium High

Full control over

High control but
private part and
User's control Limited control Full control limited by com-
limited at public
munity policies

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 30

Lowest Highest Moderate High

Depends on
Space required Very low Very large Medium number of

Normal workload Not suitable for Suitable for

Highly dynamic or
Workload with short-spikes in handling large handling large
demand workload workload

Public cloud >

Size of Less than private
Around 50,000s Around 50,000s 15,000 >Private
Datacentres cloud

Resource Resource
Resource utilization utilization utilization
utilization is
Virtualization is optimized via efficiency gains efficiency gains
optimized via
server virtualization through server via server
server virtualization
virtualization virtualization

Reliability Medium Highest Medium High

Cloud Bursting Not supported Not supported Supported Not supported

Rackspace Hybrid
Example Amazon EC2 Microsoft Azure govermment
community cloud

1.4.6 Deployment model for company TuDoi

After TuDoi company consulted a number of deployment models, I found that Public
Cloud is the right model for the company for the following reasons:

- TuDoi company is just starting to apply cloud computing in business, so cost is one
of the biggest concerns. Because if costs are too high can cause the company's revenue to
go down, choosing the model that fits the budget is an important issue. While Public Cloud
with low investment costs will be a reasonable start for the company.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 31

- Public Cloud does not need to build and install servers and physical devices. So
saving space and installation costs of server systems, reducing the burden on management
and infrastructure, no maintenance costs, ...

- Because TuDoi company's sales website is a commercial website, it requires serv-

ing a wide range of users, unlimited in space and time. Public Cloud meets this need of the
company, it runs 24/7, we can add servers to balance the load so that customers can access
it anytime and anywhere.

- The cloud can also be extended according to the actual needs of the company.
Scalability and flexibility help meet the needs of use and scale the company.

However, the major disadvantage of this model is that it is unsafe and difficult to
control the data. In the future, when TuDoi company grows and needs to expand, hybrid
model or private cloud model can be a solution to this problem.

1.5 Compare the service models for choosing an adequate model for a given

1.5.1 Compare service models in cloud computing

The concepts of the three models were mentioned earlier by my service of cloud
computing. Below is a comparison table of service models in cloud computing.

Table 2 Compare service models in cloud computing (Singh, 2017)

Features SaaS PasS IaaS

Infrastructure (software
Software delivered over Platform delivered over or hardware) delivered
web web, for creation of software on web as an on
demand service

User has nothing to worry User gets what is User gets the
about. A pre configured demanded. Hardware, infrastructure and pays
Offerings package as per equirement Software, Web accordingly. Can install
is given and payed environment, OS. Payment any OS, composition or
accordingly is made accordingly and software.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 32

user gets the platform to

Complete pack of all Basic layer of

Level Top of IaaS
services. computing.

For people or
Used by a variety of users. companies not willing to
All technical stack
sed over web on various invest too much on the
Feasibility requirements met by the
locations (home, road, hardware. For those
platform offerings
office). trying to do something

Technical Knowledge of the subject is

No need of any technical Technical knowledge is
skill required. Only the basic
knowledge. required.
requirement setup is provided.

Only applications (like

Virtual machine storage,
Gmail, Yahoo, etc ). Social Runtimes, Database and
Deals with load balancers,
Networking sites (like web servers.
network, servers.

High popularity among

Most widely used among a Popular among developers
skilled developers or
Consumption common man or companies as they don't need to worry
researchers who have
graph which that don't have to about traffic load or server
need of custom
worry about technicalities. management.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 33

Dependence on a
Limited flexibility.
specific provider. Also
Security concern. Integration problem with the
to mitigate any security
Certain organizations have in-house systems and the
Disadvantage relates risk, it is
regulation related to where application as it could
important to consider
data is stored trigger an increase in
what data is to be sent
to the cloud.

Figure 27 Cloud Service Models

1.5.2 Choosing a service model for Tu Doi company

After pondering and making a decision, TuDoi company chose the IaaS model to
deploy the cloud platform. IaaS is a safer, more reliable, and preferable option for the fol-
lowing reasons:

- The cloud provider will provide the company with a virtual machine and memory,
both of which are sized according to the company's requirements. Including basic network

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 34

- The cloud provider will ensure the physical facility is secure, all your information will
be stored.

Customers can both buy what they need and buy more as the business grows. Fur-
thermore, IaaS operates on a pay-per-use model that should fit most budgets. Users only
pay for the use of the server, saving them the cost of investing in physical hardware.

- IaaS is very flexible and highly scalable, customers can replace it whenever needed
without losing initial investment. Because of its flexibility to scale, it also helps when custom-
ers are uncertain about the requirements a new application will require.

- Customers have full control over their applications and infrastructure. They can ac-
cess and monitor IaaS platforms on their own, without hiring outside experts.

- The cost of IaaS is higher than Paas and SaaS because the additional costs come
from requiring more technical expertise, maintenance, and precision development in each
layer. However, these costs will give customers great flexibility and control over data. Fully
meet your needs and the customer's offer, it doesn't matter a little more expensive, as long
as the satisfied customer is the company paying.

However, you need to deal with security for your virtual machines and applications.
Additionally, your company is responsible for all application support, often including the op-
erating system.

1.6 Programming language, web server, database server

1.6.1 Programming language

 Overview of PHP:

The programming language used is PHP because it is the programming language

used in WordPress. PHP is very fast and efficient. PHP is an open source scripting language
that is commonly used to create web applications that run on servers. PHP is a web appli-
cation programming language and website design. Compared with other languages, it has
super power because it has very good ability to optimize websites, including experience,
processing and website speed.

 The advantages of PHP include:

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 35

The PHP programming language can be used on many different operating systems,
including Windows, Mac OS and Linux (Ubuntu, Linux Mint...). Currently, PHP is one of the
most popular languages in Web programming.

Excellent compatibility of PHP with web languages and browsers: PHP is an open
source programming language for developing web applications. It is the most popular web
programming language today because of its friendly simplicity and high compatibility with all
languages and web browsers.

PHP web design is very popular and is the best choice for users.

PHP web design is fast and cheap: PHP is an open source language with dynamic
characteristics, developed by many people, and it is easier to use PHP to design web pages
and takes less time. PHP uses less code and has the ability to selectively build memory, so
the design results are faster.

1.6.2 Web server

Our company chooses Nginx as the company's Web Server. Nginx is an open source
web server. Nginx is superior to other web servers, such as Apache, in terms of server speed
and memory usage. In addition, Nginx is also very popular and is used by many people to
develop websites. Benefits of companies using Nginx:

High processing power, more than 10,000 simultaneous connections, low memory.

Use cache for reverse proxy acceleration, simple load balancing and fault tolerance.

High stability and simple configuration.

Runs smoothly on minimal hardware and provides excellent performance for static

1.6.3 Database server

We choose MariaDB as our database server. MariaDB is built on the basis of MySQL,
so it inherits most of the basic functions required by MySQL. In addition, MariaDB has also
developed many new features, improved storage mechanisms, and server optimization.

Advantages of MariaDB:

Completely free: This is a completely free and open-source operating system.

Overcome the limitations of MySQL.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 36

Combining SQL and NoSQL: MariaDB is a combination of SQL and NoSQL data-
bases. This combination will help the system integrate all the advantages of these two da-
tabases (dynamic columns and Cassandra storage engine).

1.7 Example of deployment models in cloud computing

Although it has only been developed for a short time. However, today's cloud com-
puting has been very popular application. It is possible that many applications and software
of high-tech devices (smart phones, tablets, laptops) you are using have programs that are
applying cloud computing without you noticing. The applications of cloud computing that we
most often encounter today are:

Apple's Icloud: Iphone or Ipad are two types of high-tech devices that we often use
today. In these types of devices, Apple often provides you with an account called Icloud.
This account helps you to store all personal data to use for the above device. Icloud is one
of the products born from the cloud computing platform that we use most often.

Figure 28 Icloud

Google Driver: Google Driver is the storage space that Google provides for its user
accounts. The storage space that we use on Google driver to store this daily data is also
one of the applications of the cloud computing platform.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 37

Figure 29 Google Drive

In addition to the two common examples above, today cloud computing is also widely
applied to serve the development of information technology.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 38


After completing this report I have learned a lot of things like. Not only do I have
knowledge of the history of cloud computing, the basic concepts of Cloud Computing, cloud -
specific properties and cloud deployment model, the benefits of cloud computing. cloud, the
need for Cloud Computing. In addition, I also selected suitable service models and service
deployment models for TuDoi company. It was a great success for me. I also give ad-
vantages when businesses use cloud computing.

Furthermore, during my school studies and research to complete this report, I was
able to develop skills such as communication, critical thinking, analysis, reasoning and in-
terpretation, document retrieval. Whether. These skills are very important to me.

However, due to limited knowledge and time, my report is not in-depth. The lack of
practical experience also caused me to overlook many problems that still existed in the sys-
tem. I will try to improve my knowledge to be more successful.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 39


Haris, M. (2018, 11). A Systematic Review on Cloud Computing. [Online]. Available

17-24-25_tbl1_330140117 [Accessed 03 July 2021].

SHAPTUNOVA, Y. (2020, 4 08). 4 Best Cloud Deployment Models Overview.

[Online]. Available at:
models-you-need-to-know/ [Accessed 03 July 2021].

Singh, N. (2017). Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment: A Comparative

Study of Service Models and Scheduling Algorithms. [Online]. Available at:
Singh/2b4eb697260b338657aefd9a59e334cde692c587/figure/1 [Accessed 03 July 2021].

MSc. Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE’s lecture notes.

Perfomed Student: Tran Xuan Tu 40

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