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Section 3 3.

Be incapacitated to accept the

Substitution of Heirs inheritance (Art. 859, NCC)

Art. 857. Substitution is the Q: What is the implication if a simple

appointment of another heir so that substitution is made without a
he may enter into the inheritance in statement of the cases mentioned
default of the heir originally above?
A: A simple substitution without a
Q: What is ‘substitution of heirs? statement of the cases to which it
refers, shall comprise the three
A: Article 857,NCC mentioned unless the testator has
provided otherwise (Art. 859, NCC)
General Limitation. — If the heir for
whom a substitute is appointed is a PEREZ Us. GARCHITORENA, 54 Phil.
compulsory heir, the rule is that the 431 (G.R. No. L-31703, February 13,
substitution cannot affect the legitime of 1930)
such heir. Since the right to appoint a
substitute for the heir instituted is based The testatrix instituted as her sole heir
on the testator’s freedom of disposition, her niece-in-law, Carmen Garchitorena,
the same limitation which is imposed "so that upon my death and after the
upon such freedom of disposition must probate of this will xxx she will receive
also be imposed upon such right to from my executrix the properties
appoint a substitute. This is clear from composing my hereditary estate, that
the provisions of Arts. 842, 864, 872, she may enjoy them with God's blessing
and 904. and my own." It was further provided
that should the heiress die, "I order that
my whole estate shall pass unimpaired
Q: What are the different types of to her surviving children × xx in such
substitution of heirs? wise that my estate shall never pass out
of the hands of my heiress or her
A.: Art. 858, NCC children in so far as it is legally
possible." Further on it was provided
that should "Carmen Garchitorena die
Art. 858. Substitution of heirs may after me while her children are still in
be: their minority" the estate shall be
(1) Simple or common; administered by persons named in the
(2) Brief or compendious; will.
(3) Reciprocal;or
(4) Fideicommissary. ISSUE: Was this a simple substitution,
or a fideicommissary substitution?
Q: What is simple substitution?
HELD: The will contemplates the
A: Simple or common substitution is enjoyment of the estate by the heir
that which takes place when the instituted during her lifetime, with the
testator designates one or more only proviso that she could not dispose
persons to substitute the heirs of it, because its transmission is limited
instituted in case such heir/s should to her children, and it is provided that
the whole of it should pass to them
1. Die before the testator; unimpaired. It also contemplates the
2. Not wish to accept the survivorship of the heir. All the
inheritance; or

requisites of a fideicommissary Crisologo vs. Singson
substitution are present. 4 SCRA 491 (G.R. No. L-13876
February 28, 1962)
The time when the transmission is to be
made to the second heir is left to the will Leona Singson died with a will wherein
of the testator; the disposition in his will she devised one- half of a big parcel of
must be followed in this regard, if there land to her three brothers, Evaristo,
be any. If the testator should not have Manuel and Dionisio, and the other
expressly provided when the one-half to a grandniece, Consolacion
transmission shall take place, it is Florentino, but subject to the condition
understood to be at the death of the that upon Consolacion’s death, whether
fiduciary. before or after that of the testatrix, said
one-half of the property devised to her
Art. 864. A fideicommissary shall be delivered to Evaristo, Manuel
substitution can never burden the and Dionisio, or their heirs should
legitime. anyone of them die before Leona and
Consolacion. After the will was admitted
Art. 865. Every fideicommissary to. probate, Consolacion demanded for
substitution must be expressly made the partition of the property. Evaristo,
in order that it may be valid. Manuel and Dionisio, however, con-
tended that since she is only a
The fiduciary shall be obliged to usufructuary she cannot demand for the
deliver the inheritance to the second partition of the property.
heir, without other deductions than
those which arise from legitimate ISSUE: Is this contention tenable?
expenses, credits and improvements,
save in the case where the testator Held: This contention is untenable. Art.
has provided otherwise. 785 (now Art. 865) of the Civil Code
provides that a fideicommissary
Q: What does the obligation to substitution shall have no effect unless it
deliver include? is made expressly either by giving it
such name or by imposing upon the first
ANS: The fiduciary shall be obliged to heir the absolute obligation to deliver the
deliver the inheritance of the second inheritance to the second heir. The
heir, without other deductions than those testamentary clause under
which arise from legitimate expenses, consideration does not call the
credits and improvements, save in institution a fideicommissary substitution
cases where the testator has provided nor does it contain a clear statement
otherwise. (Art. 865, par. 2, NCC) that Consolacion enjoys only a
usufructuary right the naked ownership
Q: What are the limitation being vested in the brothers of the
testatrix. The will therefore, establishes
a simple or common substitution, the
Art. 866. The second heir shall necessary result of which is that, upon
acquire a right to the succession the death of the testatrix, Consolacion
from the time of the testator’s death, became the owner of an undivided half
even though he should die before the of the property. She can, therefore,
fiduciary. The right of the second heir demand for partition.
shall pass to his heirs.
Q: When does the fiduciary transfers
the property or inheritance to the

but merely a simple institution of heir
A: Transmission of inheritance. — combined with a legacy.
The Code is silent with regard to the
time when the property or inheritance Q: What does "one degree" mean?
shall be transmitted by the fiduciary to
the fideicomissary. According to Spanish ANS: It refers to the degree of
relationship(i.e., "one generation"). As
commentators, the reason for this is the
such, a fideicommissarycan only be
fact that the same is subject to the either a parent or a child of the firstheir
testator’s freedom of disposition. (Palacios v.Ramirez,G.R. No. L-27952,
February 15, 1982).
Art. 868. The nullity of the
fideicommissary substitution does Note: There are two views as to the
not prejudice the validity of the meaning of "one degree,":
institution of the heirs first
Traditional view (degree of
designated; the fideicommissary relationship) -When the law says that
clause shall simply be considered as the substitution must not go beyond one
not written. degree from the heir originally instituted,
what is meant that the fideicommissary
Effect of Void Fideicommissary substitute must not beyond one degree
Substitutions. — According to Art. 868, of relationship from the fiduciary heir.
Consequently,only the child or parent of
the nullity of the fideicomissary
the latter can be appointed as
substitution does not prejudice the fideicommissaryheir.
validity of the institution of the heirs first
designated; the fideicomissary clause 2. Modern view (designation or
shall simply be considered as not transmission//lamamiento)- When the
written. This rule is of course logical law says that the substitution must not
go beyond one degree from the heir
considering that the fideicomissary sub-
originally instituted, what is meant is that
stitution is the subsidiary institution, the substitution must not extend beyond
while the first institution of heirs is the one degree of designation from the heir
principal institution. originally instituted.

Art. 869. A provision whereby the Consequently, any person, whether

testator leaves to a person the whole natural or juridical, or any entity not
disqualified by law to inherit from the
or part of the inheritance, and to
testator can be appointed as
another the usufruct, shall be valid. If fideicommissary heir (JURADO,
he gives the usufruct to various Succession, supra at 197-198).
persons, not simultaneously, but
successively, the provisions of article By providing that the substitution shall
863 shall apply. not go beyond one degree "from the heir
original instituted. The present Codehas
obviously followed the interpretation of
Disposition of Usufruct to Various
the world decree "as generation. The
Persons. — The rule stated in the first Code, thus, clearly indicates that the
sentence of Art. 869 is a logical second heir must be related tom and be
consequence of the principle that the one generation from the first heir.
owner of a thing has the power to (Ramirez v Vda. de Ramirez, GR No.
dispose of not only the whole but also L-27952, February 15, 1982)
any part of his right of ownership over
Art. 870. The dispositions of the
the thing. With regard to the rule stated testator declaring all or part of the
in the second sentence, although the estate inalienable for more than
rules regarding fideicomissary twenty years are void.
substitution are applicable, in reality,
there is no fideicommissary substitution,

Q: Is there a conflict between the performance and is not contrary to law
provision of Art. 870 and Art. 867 (2)? or public morals*

No. If the prohibition to alienate is

"It is true that the legatee could not
perpetual, there is no reason why the
entire prohibition should be nullified. In make any disposal of the bequeathed
order to effectuate the testatorial intent, real property to be effective after her
it shall be valid but only for twenty years. death, nor could the property be
And if it so happens that in addition to acquired from her by her heir through
the prohibition to alienate there is a testate or intestate succession; but if we
fideicomissary substitution expressly take into account that the institution of
made, such prohibition shall not only be
donations and legacies depends on the
limited to twenty years but it shall have
to be complemented by another full free will of the testator, and that if the
mandate of the testator — the obligation testator intended no more than that
of the first heir to preserve the property Basilia Gabino should enjoy the
for the benefit of the second heir. ownership of the property during her
Consequently, there can be no conflict lifetime, this testamentary provision is
between the provision of this article and not contrary to law or to public morals,
that of No. 2 of Art. 867.
inasmuch as the testator thereby
intended that the property should revert
to his lawful heir, the latter being obliged
Section 4 — Conditional to make a monetary compensation to
Testamentary Dispositions Lorenzo Salvador who appears to be
the successor of the legatee Gabino."
Art. 871. The institution of an heir
may be made conditionally, or for a
Morente vs. De la Santa, where the
certain purpose or cause.
testatrix merely orders her husband,
who is the principal beneficiary in her
will, not to marry again after her death,
NATIVIDAD vs. GABINO, 36 Phil. 663:
without attaching such order to the
legacies and devises, or without stating
In the sixth clause of the will executed that failure to comply with the order shall
by the decedent he bequeathed to result in the nullity of the legacies and
Basilia Gabino the property therein devices, and subsequently, four months
described, on condition that if the after her death, the husband married
again, it was held that such legacies and
legatee should die, Lorenzo Salvador
devises are not conditional, since the
(successor of Gabino) would be obliged, condition does not fairly appear from the
upon the payment of P4,000 by the language used in the will. (not
testator's grandson Emilio Natividad, to conditional)
hand over this property to the latter.
Broce vs. Marcallana, where the
ISSUE: Did this disposition make Basilia testatrix, in her will, expressly directed
her husband not to get married again,
Gabino a mere usufructuary?
after her death, or if he desires to get
married again, he must choose any of
HELD: This was a double legacy of full her relatives within the sixth degree,
ownership, subject to condition. "The otherwise, he shall lose his right to the
condition imposed by the testator in the properties bequeathed or devised to
double legacy mentioned depends upon him, and subsequently, after her death,
the happening of the event constituting the husband got married again, but not
to any of her relatives, it was held that
the condition, to wit, the death of the
the legacies and devises are
legatee Basilia Gabino, a perfectly valid conditional, and as a consequence of
condition ** as it is not imposable for the violation of the condition, the
husband loses his right to the properties

given to him without prejudice to his beforehand whatever disposition found
legitime. in this will favorable to the person or
persons who fail to comply with this
Art. 872. The testator cannot impose request." The oppositor failed to comply
any charge, condition, or substitution with the condition, when he opposed a
whatsoever upon the legitimes project of partition made according to
prescribed in this Code. Should he Philippine law, claiming that the
do so, the same shall be considered distribution should be according to
as not imposed. Turkish law.

Conditions Which Impair Legitime. — HELD: "If this condition as it is

The rule stated in Art. 872 merely expressed were legal and valid, any
reiterates the principle of the legatee who fails to comply with it, as
untouchability of the legitime of the herein oppositor who, by his attitude
compulsory heirs. There is only one in these proceedings has not respected
instance under our law where the the will of the testator, as expressed, is
testator is allowed to impose a charge prevented from receiving his legacy. The
upon the legitime of compulsory heirs fact, however, is that the said condition
and that is when the testator declares is void, being contrary to law because it
that the hereditary estate shall not be ignores the testator's national law when,
partitioned for a period which shall not according to article 10 (now 16) of the
exceed twenty years. According to Art. Civil Code such national law of the
1083 of the Code, this power of the testator is the one to govern his
testator to prohibit the division of the testamentary dispositions. Said
estate applies even to the legitime of condition then * is considered unwritten,
compulsory heirs. and the institution of legatees in said will
is unconditional and consequently valid
It must also be observed that a condition and effective even as to the herein
imposed upon the legitime of a oppositor."
compulsory heir is a condition which is
contrary to law. Consequently, even Santos vs. Buenaventura 18 SCRA 47
looking at it from the viewpoint of Art.
873, the same shall be considered as The records show that when the 1966
not imposed. will of the late Maxima Santos Vda. de
Blas, which revoked her 1853 will, was
Art. 873. Impossible conditions and presented for probate, Flora Blas de
those contrary to law or good Buenaventura, one of the devisees,
customs shall be considered as not interposed her opposition thereto on the
imposed and shall in no manner grounds that undue and improper
prejudice the heir, even if the testator pressure and influence was exerted
should otherwise provide. upon the testatrix in the execution
thereof; that the testatrix’ signature was
MICIANO VS BRIMO, 50 Phil. 867: secured through fraud; and that at the
time of the ex- ecution of the will, the
The deceased was a Turkish subject, testatrix was mentally incapable of mak-
but disposed that his property should be ing a will. Subsequently, however, she
distributed according to Philippine law. withdrew her opposition. The
He named legatees, including the circumstances which led to said
oppositor Brimo, on condition that they withdrawal are as follows: In order to
respect the testator's will as to the pay for stenographic notes, she had to
manner his property will be distributed, sell her house for P5,000.00. Thereafter,
"otherwise, I annul and cancel Rosalina Santos, the biggest benefi-

ciary under the will, gave a party at the There is, therefore, no further need to
Manila Hotel aimed at settling the case discuss the second issue on the validity
amicably. The lawyer of Rosalina was of a "no-contest and forfeiture" clause in
able to convince Flora to withdraw her this jurisdiction, since, at any rate, said
opposition. When the order admitting clause was not violated in this case.
the will to probate became final and
executory, Flora filed a motion praying
for delivery of the fishpond devised to
Art. 874. An absolute condition not to
her. Rosalina, however, opposed the
contract a first or subsequent
motion on the ground that said devise
marriage shall be considered as not
has been forfeited in favor of the
written unless such condition has
residuary heirs pursuant to the
been imposed on the widow or
“no-contest and forfeiture” clause in the
widower by the deceased spouse, or
will wherein it is stated that should any
by the latter's ascendants or
of the heirs, devisees or legatees
contest or oppose its probate, the latter
shall lose his or her right to re- ceive any
Nevertheless, the right of usufruct, or
inheritance or benefit under it, which
an allowance or some personal
shall be forfeited in favor of the other
prestation may be devised or
heirs, devisees and legatees. Sustaining
bequeathed to any person for the
the view of Rosalina, the trial court
time during which he or she should
denied the motion of Flora. A motion for
remain unmarried or in widowhood.
reconsideration was filed. The court also
denied the motion. Flora appealed to the
Court of Appeals, which certified the
appeal to the Supreme Court for
determination of questions purely of law.
The will of the deceased wife left all her
real property to her husband. In the
Issues: (1) Did Flora’s actuations
second clause, it provided: "That my
amount to a vio- lation of the “no-contest
said husband shall not leave my
and forfeiture” clause of the will? (2) Is
brothers after my death, and that he
the “no-contest and forfeiture” provision
shall not marry anyone; should my said
of the will valid?
husband have children by anyone, he
shall not convey any portion of the
Held: From the foregoing premises it
property left by me, except the one-third
cannot be said that Flora's actuations
part thereof and the two remaining thirds
impaired the true intention of the
shall be and remain for my brother
testatrix in regard to the "no-contest and
Vicente or his children should he have
forfeiture" clause of the will. Flora's act
any." Within four months after the
of withdrawing her opposition before she
testatrix's death, the widower married
had rested her case contributed to the
speedy probate of the will. Since the
withdrawal came before Flora had
Issue: Can the devise be annulled?
rested her case, it precluded the defeat
of the probate upon the strength of
HELD: "It is provided in the second
Flora's evidence. Through said
clause that he shall not marry again. To
withdrawal, Flora conformed to the
no one of these orders (including the
testatrix's wish that her dispositions of
prohibition to remarry) is attached the
her properties under the will be carried
condition that if he fails to comply with
out. It follows that, taken as a whole,
them he shall lose the legacy given to
Flora's actuations subserved rather than
him by the first clause of the will."* We
violated the testatrix's intention.

are bound to construe the will with
reference to all the clauses contained
therein, and with reference to such
surrounding circumstances as duly
appear in the case, and after such
consideration we cannot say that it was
the intention of the testatrix that if her
husband married again he should forfeit
the legacy above mentioned. In other
words, there being no express condition
attached to that legacy in reference to
the second marriage, we cannot say
that any condition can be implied from
the context of the will."

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