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Be eC ol PNP pe eee ae oe ere eT eee) 5.00 | 60.00 Ei0K0]0} Serta ee ala Ge aprovagio) 8.33 ih Pe pea) Pee e Eta ace eat Res em ed eran ed Melhore sua compreensio conceltual Aborde éreas especificas de melhoria personalizadas Petey Categorias de desempenho ‘com base no desempenho dos alunos, enquadramos as seguintes categoria para coloci-lo de acordo com o seu desempenho, Defnigbes de categoria de desempenhe © excelente excelente vel de desempenho a que candidat fe um excelente trabalho e domino os conceos. @nwo Aton! de desempenba nde que o cand frum tabslo acim damn edominou quste todos os conceos @ woderado © nivel active de desempen ndca que ands fezum tabalho md ¢dominou mutos dos concetos @ saxo "Necessidades de melhoria ne deserpenho indieam que o candidate fez e damineu muito poucas ou nenhum dos cancetos. Crtérios de desempenho Excelente 91% 9 100% das Marcas Maximas Ato 819% 2908 das Marcas Maximas Moderado 61% 880% das Marcas Maximas Bale [Abaixo de 60% as marcas mamas Categoria de desempenno com base nas notas dos alunos -Avaliaga0 (Assessment) ‘54.60 e superior 48.50a5400 36.60348.00 Absio de 35.00 Pontuagio Geral 54.60 e superior 48.60054.00 36.60. 48,00 ‘Abalxo © igual 2 36,00, Qual é a sua posigéo? Avaliagio (Assessment) 500/600 Pontuagéo Geral 5.00/60.00 Recomendacées e Sugestdes 1. Com base em suas pontuag6es geras: ‘Sua pontuac30 geral se enquadra na categoria |. Por favor, obtenha mais conhecimentoe pratique mais nimera de perguntas 2.Com base no seu desempenho em termes de segie: Voc# parece ser Inadequado em todas as SegBes. Por favor, obtenha mas conhecimento e pratique mais nimero de perguntas 3. Algumas sugestéesgerais para otimizar sua pontuagéo: ‘0s melhores desermpenhos planejam ealocarn tempo igual para cada se¢to. Overall Performance Analysis ‘The below table shows sectonsnise analysis of marks scored by you, time spent by you, Your percentage, your accuracy and numberof correc, incorrect, unanswered and marked for review questions Ei was oe win ‘Assessment 5001847 83K 8% 2 2 2 1 " a (Assessment) Total 5001847 83K 8.38% 2 2 cy ' " ° ° Noteithe percentage (i) and accuracy below the prescribed value (50%) re shown in re alr Below ple-chart shows seclion-ise percentage of marks scored Section-wise marks Impact of Incorrect Responses Below table provides the marks lost due to incorrect responses. ‘Assessmenterp?) " ° s overall u ° 5.00 In order te attempt more accurately, consider the following suggestions while attempting the questions 1. fyou are noc able o solve a question correctly or have doubts in your approach cowards the solution, skip ifr later 2. Quickly revise te steps for avoiding calculation or casual mistakes. 3. Avoid guesswork. Overall Preparedness Analysis ‘The below table represents the percentage of correct questions achieved atthe analysis level, Conceptual errors, or which you would require mare reading and understanding of concepts Minor or careless mistakes, for which you would require a more composed and calm approach towards solving the question paper. Time Management Below table shows the time you spent in each section, Assessment assessment) 1847 ‘Total time spent 1847 Recommendations {tts essential for each aspirant to plan and schedule time for each section diligently. This fs Important to score well in each section and ultimately meet the cut 2. Tis il aso help ou in attempting allthe questions in each section and hence not missing the opportunity to score more Response Change Pattern Below table provides the numberof times you have changed your responses while answering the test and also the nature of those response changes. Assessment (Assessment) overall Ici suggested that guesswork should be avoided for any type of response changes. Ihas been observed that more often than not, guesswork leads to an incorrect response thereby inviting negative marks whieh incur has an adverse effec onthe overall rank, You must use your knowledge, observation and elimination sls te ariv a the correct answer. Interpretation and Suggestions ‘Incorrect to incorrect cesponse change You may need to work more on the cancept level, n order to gain confidence. 2. Incorrect to correct response change: [Ar the frst glance you were not very sure about the solution. You must spend a least 1 minute per question and if you are not able to reach ta the solution, you must revisit the question to enhance your score, Perform this response change only when you are confident or have spotted a mistake inthe solution of your fst response. 3, Correct to incorrect response change! You are not sure of the solution and have lther applied a wrong concept or made a calculation mistake You need te practice more questions an the same concept. 4, Correct to unanswered response change: You are not sure ofthe solution You need to practice more questions on the same concept Perform tis response change only when you are not conident of your solution. You must try to spend at least 1 min before leaving t unanswered 5. Incorrect to unanswered response change: Your judgment of avoiding negative marks i right. You must try to spend at least 1 min before leaving unanswered. Overview: Assessment ‘The below table provides your marks in Assessment along with the average marks scored by the others (students who cleared this assessment) and the marks scored by the topper, 53.007 60.00 833% 833% 1847 Notethe percentage) and acurae below he prescribed values (60%) are shown in red color Question wise Analysis © corect, Incorrect @ Undnawered @@ Marked ‘or Review Performance Analysis: Assessment 1. The below table analyzes your performance at question level 2 Ithighlants conceptually strong and improvernent areas within the section and areas that require reinforcement of concepts 3. The accuracy of the response to each question and time spent are correlated and interpreted in terms of expert advice on preparedness level, Question wise details Please dick on question to view detailed analysis [enews = Eotaea = conse O= reores De Nocnenptes = MatederRevew B= pooner Ye coree onion = YaHropten olen © 1. In order to ensure secured way of working to protect client confidentiality-—- 1. Secured network - Go through Virtual Private Network (VPN) or TCS infrastructure Services (IS) recommended ways of connecting or use customer tokens if applicable 2. ts okto store on your local machine from the customer environment due to prevalent network and bandwidth issues. 3. In case of project related issues, seek required help of colleagues, TCSers or Non TCSers as resolution time is ertical to meet commitment. 4, Use of headsets or earphones are not recommended due to lengthy call durations. ‘sats: ncored options: 113 v24 3. Allofthe above 4234 ‘mespent tn see: 130 | conectoincorec:D | Ineorecto ComeecC | incorectolncorreccC | covrecttounansweresO | Incorectto unanswered:D | ‘Comments: ou have mos probably commited a numerical r conceptual mistake or you would have guested the answer. © Q. When youneed help from athe tems/stakehalaers- {involve everyone fom the dependent teams 2: dentity SPOCS for each team 3. Agre onthe collaboration tls that are preferable for those inthe dependent teams 4. Agree on escalation mechanisms to follow when the help from the dependent team s delayed stone neorret 1134 2234 3, Allofthe above ‘mespontinscek 65 | Corettolncrre:€ | Ineareeta Corees0 | Icavrettonerreet:Q | Correct to unanswered: | Ineoreetunansaered:C ‘Cornmens ou have most probably commited anumercl or conceptual mistake or you would have queseed the anaver. © 03, Workingin SBWS mode requires more discipline a team level. Which recommendations are applicable? 1.Asa team, agree on a specific mechanism for checking and planning the work. 2. Setup a dally syncs call o discuss the work assignment and clarify associated questions 3. Leave free for individuals to report status at any time due to uncertainties involved 4. Since the team members are sing multiple devices to carry aut the work, allow them to work on any collaboration tool and the Team Leader can consolidate a the end ofthe day. options 1123 v2i2 3. Allofthe above ea 12a msec: 340 | comecttomeorect.9 | incrrectteCoreevC | Incorrecttolneoreee | Cereetouransneres-D | Incorectto unanswered: 3 ‘Comments: You have most probably commited a numerical or conceptual make or you would have gueseed the answer © 4. Some norms for seeking expert help within your team would include the following 1. Be aware ofthe defined working hours (tart and end time) for each tie zone where team members operate 2. lan your personal breaks and put the same inthe calendaichat tol for others to see. 3. Ensure that allo the team members align with the Team Leaders Calendar Preference to sync Up 4. Agree on a preferred mode of personal communication stone: neorret options 1134 v2 124 3, Allofthe above “mespont in scek 234 | Comets Incrrct:D | Ieoractto Correct C | Incoreecttelncarrec:@ | Covrecttounanswere:9 | Ineree to unanswered ‘omnes ou ave mos probably commited a numeral or conceptual make or you would have gueseed the anaver. © 5. Ina syncup call the facitator does the following: 1. Helps adhere to time box and moderates the discussion 2. Due ta time constraints prefers to focus on key members during the discussion. 3. Asks participants to playoackto ensure message was received as intended. 4. Faciltator ensures that everyone gets equal opportunity to contribute options vii3A 2123 ©, Allotthe above 4234 “Tmessontinseek 273 | Comettotncrrec:D | Ieorect to CoreeC | Incoreettelncarrec:€ | Covrecttounansaere:9 | Ineree to unanawered) ‘ornmens ou ave most probably commited a numeral or conceptual make or you would have guested the anaver. © 06. When you need expert help what would you do? 1. Checkifa solution Is already avalable inthe teams knowledge repostoy. 2. Use Collaboration tls effectively to post your problem and seek response. 3.1f you know which expert car hep, keep pinging expert tlhe exper responds. 4 if any other team members also working on a related piece, request fr pairing up with hiner ata fixed tine stone neorret 1134 2 124 3, Alofthe above Timessentinscek 21 | Corettolncrre:€ | Icareeta Corees0 | Iearrettonerreet:Q | Correctto unanswered: | Ineoreetunansnered:C ‘Comments: ou have most probably commited a numeral or conceptual mistake or you would have quesred the answer © 7, When you need help from other teams/stakeholder what would you do? 1. Setup a common dashboard with dependent teams. 2. Setup regular but short syncsup meetings with the SPOCs (Single Point of Contact) fom the other teams 3. Refer ROTA {the shift roster forthe customer team's availabilty ang black their time forthe éscussion 4.Callother teams on demand and seek support and resolution as itis a criss situation options vt 123 2 124 © 3, Allotthe above 4.134 Tmespontinscek 35 | Corettolncrre:€ | Incareete Corees0 | Icrrettaneteet:Q | Comeetto unanswered: | Inoree unanswered: C ‘Cornet ou ave most probably commited a numeral or conceptual mia or you would have guesred the anaver. © 08. When youneed customer inputs to complete a critical work ter and thas to be resolved immediatly, what would you do? 1.Post the query tothe customer through chat, tis good to Use a chat thread where your Lead, members a al locatons and other customer members have visit 2.As last option, cll up the customer following the agreed norm. You may use te collaboration too or Skype for international diaing 3.If you are not abe to reach the customer by any means or the customer is notin a poston to provide fullsuppor. dscuss with your Lead or other identified customer assoclates to work out the bestakternatve 4. Escalate to customer senior management in case ofno response from customer SPOS, Options 11a v2 123 3 Alotthe above 4134 Timerpenttinseeh® | Coreete neorreecO | Incorrect Corree:0 | incorettotncrrect:D | Corretto unanswered | Inerreet te vnanswere 0 ornnens: ou ave most probably commited a numeral or concsptual mstake or you would Mave gueseed the anawer. © 8. Team Norms for monitoring and tracking work status—— 1.Ad-hoc meetings and status calls to check and monitor status real time. 2. Agree on daily sync-up frequency to share update and impediments. Two times a day is great your time zone allows it 3. Agree on a protocol for handover and follow up support needed from each other 4, Keep your collaboration tool status updated throughout the day, options v1 234 2138 3. Allofthe above 4123 Timespencinseer | coreeso reoreecO | Incorrect Correet:0 | icoreettoincorrac:D | Corretto unanswered: | Incorrect. unansweres Cortes: You ave most probably commited a numeral or conceptual make or you would have queseed the anawer. © 10. How do you ensure uninterrupted work in SBWS 1. Use a stable network for connectivity. 2. Have a backup network connection incase of failure of one. 3. Have a backup UPS i possible, at least for 15 minutes to hanale power failure. 4. Ensure that all work items are backed up frequently (say every 30 minutes). stoner -Corec options 1134 2123 9 3, Alot the above Timespontinscer | Corecte hearec-Q | Ieoneeto Cemeet.9 | Incoreettelncrredt:9 | Corvette unanswered: | Ineaeee ‘Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this tpl. © O11. Asa team you agree on some norms. These could be 1.As.a usual norm, provide flexible working hours for every team member 2. Agree onthe collaboration tools 3. Agree on a cadence for daily sync-up meetings. Repeat everyday atthe same time. 4. Adopt Control and Command approach towards getting tasks done 1.123 212 © 3, Allotthe above 423 ‘messentinscer 2 | Corette heareceQ | Ieoneeto Coneet.9 | Incorrect tolncrredt:9 | Correctto unanswered: | Ineeee ‘Cornet: ou ave most probably commited a numeral or conceptual mak or you would have queseed the anaver. ancneres:0 © O12. How do you keep your team informed of your work status? 1, Ensure you update the ALM or ITSM tool (such as Jira, TS etc.) on the progress and highlight blockers that need attention and escalation, 2. Email a crisp update on the day's progress and any specifi action required from others working from other locations. 3. Keep your instant messenger or collaboration tool status updated throughout the day. 4 Highlight only positive work items in order to reduce stress levels and anxiety sts: ncored options 1134 2234 3. Allotthe above v4 12a ‘tmespenttnseee? | conecse ncoreccO | meomecto Conrect.D | iearecttoincrre:D | Correetto unanswered: C | Incorrect to unanswered: O | ‘Comments: YoU have most probably commited a numeral or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer Your Response Change Pattern: Assessment ‘The below table provides the number of mes you have changed your responses tothe Assessment questions and also the nature of these response changes. ° ° ° o ° Error Identification and Rectification: Assessment

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