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Passenger and Light/Medium Commercial Issue Date:11 June, 2003

Circulate to Service Manager Parts Manager Foreman Receptionist Technicians


Models: All BA Falcon models built with new triple suffix part number PCMs

Latest level PCM calibration files do not have facility to change PCM programmable
parameters using WDS
Follow the procedure outlined below to make changes to programmable parameter
settings using WDS
Warranty Status: Reimbursable within the provisions of the Warranty and Policy Manual.

Parts Required
Description Part Number Quantity
No parts required - -

Service Procedure
Concern Description:
Due to an error with the PCM calibration files, it is not possible to change the individual PCM programmable
parameters to allow for cruise control to be installed or for the tyre settings to be changed to suit the installation of
accessory wheels. Until this concern is rectified dealers are advised to use the following temporary process to
overcome this concern.

Service Action:
Ensure you are running WDS version B25.0.3 software. If this is not the case then install B25.0 CD-ROM (not the
B25 CD-ROM) and also install the required patch file available from website.

At the vehicle locate the PCM part number. This

is printed on the identification sticker on the
outboard side of the PCM module. Make a note of
the PCM part number in particular the part number
(triple digit) suffix. You may find that the part
number suffix has been overwritten in texta with a
new suffix. In this case use the new part number
suffix written on the PCM. Refer Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Triple suffix PCM part numbers

1. Connect the WDS to vehicle using the DLC cable. It is recommended that the auxiliary WDS power supply
cable is connected to the vehicle battery to ensure sufficient power is available to the WDS unit.
2. Ensure vehicle ignition is switched to off.
3. Initialise session by attempting to communicate with vehicle. An error message will be displayed indicating
that no communication could be established with the vehicle.
4. Remove the DLC cable from the WDS unit. Select 'No' when asked if you want to Retry.

5. Follow a number of WDS prompts to turn the ignition "OFF" and "ON". Press Tick at each prompt, leaving
the ignition switch off until WDS asks you to specifically select the vehicle from the list. Select 'All other'
6. A screen will appear requesting you to enter the PCM part number. Reconnect the 16 PIN cable to WDS
PTU and turn the ignition on. Enter the PCM part number that was noted down previously (eg 3R23 –
12A650 – AFA as in figure 1)
7. Continue through the normal initialization screens to identify vehicle.
8. A 'network TEST' screen appears. Scroll down to the bottom of the network test screen and select exit and
press tick.
9. Under the toolbox tab select module programming. Select programmable parameters. Select Speed
Items, press tick.
10. The WDS will prompt you for four pieces of information. These are:
a. Speed Control (cruise control)
b. Tyre Size
c. Axle Ratio
d. Speed source

11. For each item, select the necessary settings required for the particular vehicle. NOTE: All configuration
settings must be made before the technician presses the tick to move to the next step. No question
marks or default settings should be left visible. Select axle and tyre size data from the drop down
menu not the numeric keypad. Press tick to move to the next screen.
12. Select 'yes' at PATS system installed screen.
13. Follow the prompt and switch on ignition. The WDS will now commence to download the calibration file.
This will take approximately ten minutes and during this time the WDS should not be touched. It is
recommended that all accessories (eg radio) be switched off to minimize interference on the network during
this time.
14. Follow the prompts to cycle ignition on/off. WDS will tell you that programming was successful. Continue
to follow the remaining screen prompts and end the WDS session.
15. Identify the vehicle as per normal and recheck that the calibration's programmable parameters have been
set correctly. If not repeat the above process.
16. Take note that there is no modification to the calibration part number.

Warranty Information:
The cost of the installation of dealer fit cruise control or accessory wheels (including reprogramming the PCM) is
normally met by the customer. In this case to overcome the above concern dealers are permitted to claim only this
additional repair time against warranty for each affected vehicle. This is only a temporary measure until a new level
PCM calibration is made available and dealers are advised of further action.

Operation Number/Standard Repair Time

Operation Description Operation Number Time
Change PCM programmable parameters 12650D 0.4

Repair/Claim Coding
Warranty Claim Causal Part Condition
Enter 03030 in box "X" of warranty claim to reference this TSB. PCMFLASH 42


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