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May 12, 2022

Competency: Identifies the festivals celebrated all over the country through out the year
Code: A7EL-IVa-1

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson students should be able to
a. identify the festivals celebrated all through out the country
b. categorize the different festivals as religious or non-religious festival
c. create a festival costume describing the kind of festival located in your town

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Religious and Non- Religious Festivals in the Phillipines
Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation, Videos/Pictures
Reference: Mapeh 7, Learner’s Material), Arts Quarter 4- Module 1
Value Focus: Appreciation of one’s culture and tradition

III. Learning Procedures

A. Greetings
B. Prayer
C. Checking of Attendance
D. Class Rules
E. Motivation:
Guess the picture of the following events during Pasalamat Festival Celebration



A. Activity: (By Group)
Differences and Similarities
Here are two 2 pictures of the Philippine festivals. Using a Venn diagram, list all of your
observations about the similarities and differences of the two pictures. Place the similarities in the area
where the circles intersect and their differences with the rest of the circles’ spaces. Write your
observation inside it. (Share it to the class)

Picture A Picture B

Picture A Picture B
(differences) Picture A & B

B. Analysis
1. What are these two pictures shows or present?
2. How one is uniquely different from the other?
3. What are the factors did you consider in identifying the similarities and differences between the two
4. Which is more difficult to notice - the similarities or the differences between the pictures? What made
you say so?
5. Have you experienced joining or watching this kind of activity before the pandemic?

C. Abstraction
Discuss the different festivals celebrated all through out the country.

A. Religious Festival - celebrated in honor of a saint or any religious practices

> Ati - atihan
> Sinulog
> Santa Cruzan
> Dinagyang
B. Non - religiuos / Cultural Festival - celebrations of thanksgiving that focus on tradition and
> Panagbenga
> Masskara
> Kadayawan

D. Application
Let’s discover the different festivals celebrated in Negros Occidental.
Direction: Pictures of different festival will be presented then the students will identify the place
of origin and if it is religious or non-religious.

1. Pinta Flores Festival ----- San Carlos City --------Non-religious

2. Dinagsa Festival ----------- Cadiz City -------------- Religious
3. Sinulog Festival ---------- Kabankalan City -------- Religious
4. Bulang-Bulang Festival ---------- San Enrique -------Non-religious
5. Bailes de Luces -------------- La Castellana ---------Non-religious

IV. Evaluation
Performance Task
By Group: Costume Making (collage)
1. Create a festival costume describing the kind of festival we have in our beloved city, La
Carlota using local materials found in school or at home.
2. You will be given 2 minutes to go outside to find your needed materials.
3. You may take/use the living(biotic) and the non-living(abiotic) things that could be found outside
like dry leaves, twigs,stones and any.
4. You are free to choose the materials according to your choice, will, capacity and what you are able
to do to accomplish the task.
5. In doing the activity outside, please do not play with classmates to avoid any untoward incident and
always observe safety.
6. Each group members should have their own equal task, remember it is a group effort.
The group must be composed of the following task to encourage maximum participation.
>Designer (do the sketch of the costume)
>Artist (the one who will put all the details (chosen materials) in the sketch made)
>The rest will be in-charge of the preparation of materials.
7. Present your festival costume in class.

Creativity ---------- 10 pts
Presentation ------ 10 pts
Over-all Impact -------- 5 pts
Total -------- 25 pts

D. Assignment
Search for the different festivals of the cities and municipalities in Negros Occidental not
mentioned above.
LEGENDS: Teachers Reflection:
Across Curriculum
Difficult Circumstances Percentage passed: _____________
Gender Equality Percentage failed: ______________
Diversity of Learners
Safe Learning Environment

Prepared by:

Jennylyn N. Jungco
MAPEH 7 - Teacher

Observed by:

Rowena C. Golez, Ph D
Principal 1
March 24, 2022

Competency: Executes the skills involved in the dance

Code: PE7RD-IIId-h-4

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson students should be able to
a. identify the fundamental position of arms and feet in folk dancing
b. appreciate the importance of the dance as a form of exercise in achieving physical fitness
c. execute the fundamental arms and feet positions (dance steps)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Fundamental Position of Arms and Foot
Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation, Videos
Reference: Mapeh 7, Learner’s Material) Pp. 135 – 137, Physical Education MELC 4 v=kckR6wf5xe8&feature=share v=-hE-Anpzqyw&feature=share
Value Focus: Cooperation and Self Awareness

III. Learning Procedures

F. Greetings
G. Prayer
H. Checking of Attendance
I. Class Rules
J. Review of Past Lesson
* Nature and background of dance
K. Motivation: Warm up Exercise
*Students will choose one part of the body(prepared by the teacher). As the
teacher calls the parts of the body, the one who have chosen it will do the action
using that specific parts of the body.

E. Activity:
Present the video of Tinikling
*Students will take some notes to answer the following questions below.

F. Analysis
1. From the video shown, what are the movements performed by the dancers? Show it to your
2. How are these movements being performed?
3. Why it is important that these movements shall be done step by step or in order?
(relate to Math - Step by step process of solving problems to get the solution or answer)
(Science - steps or process in doing an experiment)
(English and Filipino - order of the elements or parts of the story)
(T. L.E - steps or procedures in cooking, welding and in planting)
4. In this time of pandemic, what do you think are the benefits that can be gained in dancing?
5. Does dancing is only for men or women? Young or adult?Why?

G. Abstraction
Discuss the fundamental positions of arms and feet in folk dancing through a video.
(Video Presentation)
D. Application
Students will perform the fundamental position of arms and feet accompanied with music

E. Generalization
Why do we need to learn the dance?
* We need to learn the dance for
- it is fun and enjoyable
- improves physical fitness and
- in order for us to pose proudly in the end and receive a big round of applause for a
great performance thus cooperation is indeed important.

IV. Evaluation
By Group: Creative Dance

Each group will perform a dance incorporating the fundamental position of arms and feet
A. Folk Dance
B. Festival Dance (Pasalamat Festival)
C. Dance Exercise (Zumba)

The dance will be composed of 3 figures or steps with 16 counts (3x16).

Cooperate with the group in doing your presentation.

V. Assignment
Have an advance research or watch in youtube the “ Tinikling Dance Steps”

“Keep Moving and Dancing!”

“Keep a Physically active life!”

LEGENDS: Teachers Reflection:

Across Curriculum
Difficult Circumstances Percentage passed: _____________
Gender Equality Percentage failed: ______________

Prepared by:

Jennylyn N. Jungco
MAPEH 7 - Teacher

Observed by:

Rowena C. Golez, Ph D
Principal 1
Marlyn L. Mesobre
Master Teacher 1

MARCH 3, 2021

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson students should be able to
a. identify the fundamental skills (locomotor & non-locomotor) involve in dance

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Locomotor & Non- Locomotor Movements
Materials: Video, Tarpapel , Powerpoint and Laptop
Reference: Mapeh 7, Teacher’s Guide (PE & HEALTH) Pp. 246 - 248
Value Focus: Honesty

III. Learning Procedures

Watch Pasalamat Festival Video

A. Activity:
Watch the video of Locomotor & Non-Locomotor Dance. Students will take note of the
following movements being presented and answer the diagram below following the
questions in ANALYSIS part of the lesson plan.


Ex. Ex.

B. Analysis
1. How many fundamental skills involve in a dance? What are they?
2. What is locomotor movements?
3. What is non-locomotor movements?
4. What are the examples of locomotor and non-locomotor movements?

C. Abstraction
Discuss the following:
1. Locomotor Movements
2. Non- locomotor Movements

D. Application
By Group
Each group will have a task to do.
Dancer: Create a 16 measures of at least 3 combination steps using locomotor and
non-locomotor movements.
Writer: Create a short story using the locomotor and non-locomotor movements
Actor/Actress: Dramatize the short story created by the writer.
IV. Evaluation
Formative Test
Direction: Identify the followings skills presented in the sentences if it is Locomotor or Non-
locomotor. Be honest in checking your own paper. Avoid erasure, erasure means you have
changed your answer.

1. We walk every morning going to San Miguel National High School

2. Before we have our practical test in P.E class with Mrs. Jungco we do stretching.
3. Hips rotation is one of the best exercise to achieve body shape.
4. Running strengthens your leg muscles.
5. One way to cool down after the activity is shaking your hands.

V. Assignment
Ask your parents what are their native ways in treating injuries.

Prepared by:

Jennylyn N. Jungco
Mapeh 7 - Teacher

Numeracy – Question 1 in Analysis
Application (dancer)
Contextualization or Localization – Motivation
Evaluation ( Q. 1 and 2 )

Across curriculum – Application (Dancer and Writer)

Values Integration - Evaluation
October 27 , 2020

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson students should be able to
a. identify the arts and crafts of Ilocos Region and Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Arts and Crafts of Ilocos Region and Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
Materials: Tarpapel , Powerpoint and Laptop
Reference: Mapeh 7, Teacher’s Guide (Music & Arts) Pp. 153 - 158
Value Focus: Honesty

III. Learning Procedures

Present different pictures of arts and crafts locally found in La Carlota City.

A. Activity:
By Group
On the pictures being presented, each group will give name to it and identify the materials
being used and how it is being made. Share it to the class.

B. Analysis
1. What are the materials being used?
2. What makes it unique?
3. How the process of making their arts and crafts being done?
4. Do you think how long would it takes them to finish the said arts and crafts?
C. Abstraction
Discuss the following:
The Arts and Crafts of Ilocos Region and Crdillera Administrative Region (CAR)

Ilocos Region
* Calle Crisologo, Vigan City
* Inabel
* Burnay

Cordillerra Administrative Region

* Kain (wrap-around skirt or tapis)
* Labba
* Bul’ul
* Lingling-o or dinumug
Mountain Province
* Kabayan Mummies
* Ginaspala Wane

D. Application
By Group
Each group will have a task to do.
Designer: Create your own unique pattern or design of a tattoo
Sculptor: Make your own sculpture.
Writer: Create a story about the arts and crafts of your own place.
Actor/Actress: Through actions, present how to make one arts and crafts of your choice.

IV. Evaluation
Formative Test
Direction: Identify the following arts and crafts being presented. Choose your answer in the box
below. Write the letter only. Be honest in checking your own paper. Avoid erasure,
erasure means you have changed your answer.

A. Burnay B. Lingling-o C. Tattoo

D. Calle Crisologo E. Inabel

1. A Spanish colonial architecture along its narrow and cobble-stoned streets.

2. The amulets of the Ifugaos which is a fertility symbol.
3. Unglazed earthen jar with small opening used for water storage.
4. Hand weaving technique that is produced using traditional wooden looms in
creating their textile.
5. It is considered as clothing and body decorations which signifies heroism and bravery

V. Assignment
At home, find any available materials to create your own arts and crafts. Give it a name.

Prepared by:

Jennylyn N. Jungco
Mapeh 7 - Teacher

Numeracy – Question 4 in Analysis
Contextualization or Localization – Motivation

Across curriculum – Application

Values Integration - Evaluation

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson students should be able to
a. identify the right food during adolescence

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Nutrition During Adolescence
Materials: Laptop, Online Delivery
Reference: Mapeh 7, Teacher’s Guide, Health Module

Value Focus: Honesty

III. Learning Procedures

Reflect on this video, entitled: “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT “

A. Activity:
Wish upon a fairy godmother!
Have you experience craving for a certain food and you cannot buy it for certain reason?
Maybe it’s the right time to have it in just one clap!
Directions: Imagine there is a fairy godmother who can give the foods you wish to eat every day. Write
those foods on your wish list. Share it with the class.
B. Analysis
1. Does the food you wish to eat are nutritious?
2. Which food is good for your health and not?
3. Why do adolescents need healthy food and good nutrition?

C. Abstraction
Discuss the following:
A 1. Fruits and Vegetables
2. Grain Foods
3. Dairy Foods
4. Protein
5. Healthy drinks

B. 1. What food should you avoid or limit?

C. 1. Why do adolescents need healthy food and good nutrition?

* Go back with our history, our ancestors live for almost hundred years beacause they only eat
foods which is good for health. There is no such thing we called Fast food, Street food and many others.
Even you ask your lolo and lolas, they would only say, they eat fresh foods found in their backyard and
we barely hear that they got sick or they died because of diseases.

* Now we are experiencing the pandemic which put our health and life at stake. There is a high
demand for vaccines and low supply of it around the world. Many of us wanted to get vaccinated even
there are news that the efficaccy of the said vaccine are not good and it can cause or result into other
illnesses. But why we should not eat nutritious food to keep our body healthy and have a prevention to
fight the said virus. We have lots of ways to acquire these healthy foods without risking our health and
safety in going to crowded places like market where we could get infected. We are very fortunate weare
living in rural area where we can plant fruits and vegetables and other rootcrops in our own backyard.
We can raise chicken, cows and other farm animals which is one way to have nutritious food, we are
able to save and also source of income for the family.

*In getting nutritious food and good health,money is not necessary. We only need our two
hands to work for it together with being industrious and resourceful.

D. Application
Wish Granted!
Let’s go back to what you have wished to your fairy. After hearing from our discussions, complete the
statements below and write it in your wish list.

I discovered that the foods I wish to eat are…………………………………………………………………………….

I learned that as an adolescent, I need to eat ………………………………………………………………………….

Now, wish again for at least five set of foods. List them on your wish list and identify the nutrients
you can get from it.

IV. Evaluation
Formative Test
Direction: Identify the following healthy foods being describe. Write your answer on your notebook.
You are going to check your own paper, so please avoid erasures. Let’s practice honesty!
Choose your answer below.
1. This food gives the energy you need to grow and develop.
2. Food that gives you vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and water.
3. Hard working nutrient needed for growth and repair of muscles and tissues.
4. It is the healthiest and cheapest drink.
5. These foods are rich in calcium and protein such as milk, cheese and yoghurt

V. Assignment
Create a nutritious MENU for your everyday meal and make it real.
If you have health concerns, you may ask help from your parents in preparing the menu and please use
ingredients that can be locally found in your area.

Prepared by:

Jennylyn N. Jungco
Mapeh 7 - Teacher
Numeracy – Question 4 in Analysis
Contextualization or Localization – Motivation

Across curriculum – Application

Values Integration - Evaluation

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