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PLE Corp is known as one of the primary profes- Erect Rec cia ana ane aaa DeMarco nae vs ert ena i ola owe nace tenes el ean cee ace) CEE Mer ts Ree arate aha kel ane reputation in the market, PLC continues to Cet curr ean cas eee am Me Ur coe ctl co Ra majority of Vietnam large scale projects in the fields of infrastructure, refinery, petroliurn, enegy and mining activities. PLCisa collection of friends and brothers who love Sa Rl eure aaa) Score Sea Res ieee ca) Oe Re esa Re ea is) In addition, PLC has also been participating more eee oa Rca mn gaa earns ce eee kee ween oR) vr gos al aa ce ea eek une Reso Dek Race Pomme Nac So ent Re ea aaa io RE REE tay eMac Aenean el Remo eet cern es Per eae tee oe aaa) erred Be easing services for tower cranes, mabile cranes, CO gee sacha eee ea Erckc Sait Colac noes With the principle of “Success Shared On Trust”, [Re Mest ataa ee CCM Ma = PN Rear Sea ncaa are ig a en ee aa ed eas Saco Ete Nikenl enced! cece Reale oI Raa aM Re een R CRY ancl eet Reece a) eee Deena ha eke oR NLRC E a] eR Rote Rac Prmectne Vea MeN Ne Macnee sra aaa er nent ieee aed ren aged a eve Tena! Ce eR ie ae mae als Dee Rata Ned Ral Recht ae SeT, fa Eee ae] Boe Beenie Ngodiro, F eon CRE enenGc ig Pee Re Ren Raat R aR) Ogee acta ek Ree en Leelee gr) So ae eRe eT le Tan en eid) erent nein eMac) Ceca ve ead eke Rt eR nee) Reyes SN ae eRe negy: Cho thué cdu thép, cdu I6p, cdu xich te 6 tén Caneel leer ar Neg en eee Toe materi Vee Re Ra ene ee ere ea eRe) Cera a hop ew Moving STS crane from barge to wharf in Long An international Port sI Scenery MISSION sU MENH RE Se eee ear ee eae Race Rae aac gaa maa a] Tee na ela aa Ra en We build an important linkin the field of renewable eneray in particular and contribute to create Eve ar eacu an a We constantly apply and update the latest advances in science and technology, build and set new standards for the heavy lifting, hoisting and transport industry. To become a leading heavy lifting, installation and transport company in the region and Pree ORT a a Tn eee aes Re cere Rae ene Reta eka) Oe ae ge Ria ae geal RecA eT ae eR cal egal ao eek eo eg Beg eae oe a coe ee mea na aE ae te hhh aR eed A Ta eRe Re aa Reg A Ree Ne Re nana Ry ae a Mg ee a a a Ree CR Re) cere | CORE VALUES GIA TRI COT LOI oy Py Prd aig eee Ieee gan res find the best develop- eee ed Bhi PooRae ae Malet ard RDU CT eeenate nang) Poe R en ge (eg eae Reena) eels ten anaes i TRUST Pelt) Trl) Der eaten era aaa ics ered eke Perea sy a BRI TIN CAY Te R oan 1aZe1 er Nd Peta aa i) aren oan aa rae eee tari i aaah i PC Dr ee eco Breer curaglo Eval eee eer eine CHIA SE RAM e guna Er Tee sae aaned arena eats ae OUR PEOI CON NGUGIC 7) SO KE HOACH YA DAD TU ‘CONG HOs XA NO CHU NGA vier NAM TTHANELPHO HA NOL ge Hip ~ Ty do ~ Hanh phic PHONG DANG KY KINI DOANE. Xa ee GIAY CHUNG NHAN DANG KY DOANH NGHIEP CONG TY CO PHAN ‘Mii sé doanh nghigp: 0106487888 Baing ky tin dist: ngiy 14 thang 02mm 2014 lim thay tn dtc 9, ngs 14 tng [2 nti 2022 1. Tea cng ty ‘Ton-cing ty vidt bling ting Vig CONG TY CO PHAN MAY XAY DUNG PLC Ten cong ty vit bing vigng muse ngoai: PLO CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY JOINT STOCK COMPANY “Test Geng 6 Weta 2. Dia ei try si ehinh Ting 6 Tag nka Vit d, S69 Phd Duy Tin, Pacing Dich Vone Haw, Quén Céu Gd, Thanh phd Ha Not gta ign thai: 0949135555 Fak Emails caoanh@pl-corp.n Wwabitesple-corp vn 3.Vén didu if Vénaituie: 34.00.0000 608. Bingchi: Barat 60) oa ‘Méah ei phd 10,000 dB “Tg eb pins 3.400.000 4. Naud di theo php 1u8tcba cong ty * Ho va én: VO-XUAN KET Gidi tinh: Nam Chiredanty Tong gidm 460 Sinhngiy: 0702/1985 Dante: Kink Qude teh Vet Num Logi silt php 1 ea of ahins The cir cic cng din 'Sé gify ty phap IV oa cf nhin; 036086004260 Nalyelp: 09(057202/, Nal ely Ceci qutn mh chink v8 art wea htt ‘iach thutmg tr: 14.2 Gun 5, Fring Khu Bink, Qudn Thr Xn, Tinh ha Ha Nh Ne Nam Ditch tin ige: 752 Cum 3, Phang Khong Dink, Quin Tinh Kuin Thnk ph Ha Np Viet Nam Ae PHONG, Pre RasecsAibc tees Teoh QUALITY - SAFETY - HEAL CHAT LUGNG - AN TOA PLC is clearly aware of and commit to provide the high quality services along with ensuring safety, health and environmental ISO 90012015, ISO 140012015 and ISO 450012018 tly followed at PLC, The basic commitments of the PI standards are str Care as follows: 1, People are always the most important factor in each and every case. Occupational Health and Safety is always our top priority. PLC has adopted the following guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety, 2. Our progressive standards which are focused on Quality become decisive factors which balance the succuss of each project providing PLC an economic efficient advantage for su 3. Harmoniously balance resources to keep inable development. k, nment in the process of implementing wi ensuring sustainable development goals 4. Ensure that the entire leadership team and all employees of PLC are deeply aware of the job to thy, and )se around ensure service quality, keep themselves heal ensure the safety of themselves and 5. Allocate the enterprise's resources to ensure service quality, health, safety and environment in a reasonable manner, suitable to each stage of the enterprise's development. 6 Toa ment and gradually build this, ant part of the business philosophy of the enter- ach importance to sustainable develop- al into an impé prise. This policy is developed, disseminated, recognized and committe y all employ- pe implemented ees of PLC General Director Vu Xuan Ket. PLC nhén thde va cam két mét cdch 16 rang vé viée dém bdo cung cép dich vu chat lung cao cling véi viée dam bdo cdc tiéu chi vé an toan, sue khde, méi truéng. Céc tiéu chudn ISO 90012015, ISO 140012015 va ISO 450012018 duge tuén thd nghiém ngét tai Plc. Céc cam két ed ban etia PLE nhu sau: 1. Con nguBi Juén Ia nhén t6 quan trong nhat trong tét cd moi truéing hgp. Stic khée va. an toan cla con nguéi luén luén Id nhGn té dude uu tién hang déu, Bay la kim chi nam cho moi hoat d6ng cua PLC. 2. Chit luding, tién 6 Ia nhdin t6 quyét dinh toi su thanh céng vé hiéu qué kinh té cia méi céng trinh va Ié nhGn t6 dnh hung téi su séng con cua PLC. 3. Can d6i hai héa cde nguén Ic dé git gin méi trung trong qué trinh trién khai céng viée, dam bdo muc tiéu phat trién bén vang. 4. Dam bdo todn bé déi ngd lanh dao va toan thé CBCNV cia PLC da nhén thie séu sdc dude viée dam bdo chét Iugng dich vu, gi gin suc khée cho ban than, dam bdo an toan cho minh va moi ngudi xung quanh, 5. Phan bé nguén luc cia doanh nghiép cho céng tée dém bdo chét lugng dich vu, stic khée, an toan va méi truéng mét cach hgp ly, phu hdp Véi ting giai doan phat trién ca deanh nghiép. 6. Coi trong viéc phat trién bén ving va tung bude xéy dung ly tudng nay thanh mét b6 phan quan trong trong triét ly kinh doanh cuia doanh nghiép. Chinh sdch nay duge xéy dung, phé bién, nhan thie va cam két thuc hién bdi tat cd cde CBCNV cuia PLC. OUR EXPERTISE CHUYEN MON CUA CHUNG TOI INDUSTRIAL & EAM AIRANSE ORT INFRASTRUCTURE HEAVY LIFTING MARINE SERVICES RENTAL & CONSTRUCTION ONSHORE & OFFSHORE WIND PHUONG MAI 1 WIND POWER PLANT, BINH DINH, VN TAI TAM WIND POWER PLANT, QUANG TRI, VN NHA MAY BIEN GIO PHUONG MAI 1 - BINH BINH ~ NHA MAY DIEN GIO TAI TAM - QUANG TRI \ Coane Inder nang: renter Leena ea Ee eas eee ern Poort ac coraar HOANG HAI WIND POWER PLANT, QUANG TRI, VN NHA MAY BIEN GIG HOANG HAI - QUANG TRI GELEX 1,2,3 - HUONG LINH 7,8, HUONG PHUNG 2,3 WIND POWER PLANTS, PHONG NGUYEN WIND POWER PLANT, QUANG TRI, VN QUANG TRI, VN NHA MAY BIEN GIO PHONG NGUYEN- QUANG TRI NHA MAY BIEN GIO GELEX 1,2,3 - HUGNG LINH 7,8 - HUGNG PHUNG 2,3 - QUANG TRI Wind turbine OEM Vestas V'S VIEN AN NEARSHORE WIND POWER PLANT, CA MAU, VN NHA MAY BIEN GI6 GAN BS VIEN AN - CA MAU HUONG LINH 3 WIND POWER PLANT HUONG LINH 4 WIND POWER PLANT NHA MAY BIEN GIO HUGNG LINH 3 NHA MAY BIEN GIG HUGNG LINH 4 Wind turbine OEM: Mingvang MySES2956 OFFSHORE & PORT /cANG & NGOAI KHGI HICT INTERNATIONAL PORT HAI PHONG ANG QUGC TE HICT HAI PHONG LONG AN INTERNATIONAL PORT CANG QUGC TE LONG AN ah leted t Era bataearr aetna serrate Mane oe VINH DAM PORT - NGHI SON CEMENT FACTORY PHU QUOC ISLAND NHA MAY XI MANG NGHI SGN CANG VINH BAM - PHU QUéC. eed iiterioetiet Pr Ce ed sient OIL, GAS & PETROCHEMICAL NGHI SON REFINERY AND PETROCHEMICAL 6 HOP LOC DAU NGHI SON - THANH HOA. ORE oral tact OraRse ta NHA MAY KHi, Loc HOA DAU HAI DUONG, DUNG QUAT MESSER GAS FACTORY NHA MAY KHI MESSER _ CNT ol Cem [eel eM srea aay) ed aa eaae Taye Les INDUSTRY, INFRASTRUCTURE 750T CRAWLER CRANE LOTTE MALL HANOI CONG NGHIEP, HA TANG CAu BANH XiCH 750T LOTTE MAIL HA NOI TERMINAL 2, NOI BAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LOTTE MALL HANOI SAN BAY QUOC TE NOI BAI T2 TRUNG TAM THUGNG MAI LOTTE is is a project that requires during t STEEL FACTORY, CEMENT, MINING NHA MAY THEP, XI MANG, MO. FORMOSA HA TINH STEEL FACTORY NHA MAY THEP FORMOSA HA TINH LNG HY! » HYDROGEN POWER P' NHA MA E om MAY BIEN LNG, wonocen GEN . ra anne qa Cn eee \\ im THERMAL POWER PLANTS NHA MAY NHIET BIEN See ees set ee is eee eee eee ec including heavy lifting and engineered transport, New lifting and transport tech- Ceo Recu ea cla Mice Meet) Poa ete Ce assembly and installation of large and heavy components. PLC is also experi- Cae RM Va aren eel Roc nae eCRrLoa Eee aac [eke gle Rasl Me ean at RL Reka Ci Mana eg acne Res ed OCR aaa area te ON Ae eA Ia) CeCe tn eee aed OR Ree Rae nN Pee a) Tere eRe RM ema age Ul sleet) lugng quan trong nhu tuabin va moy ra NGHI SON 2 THERMAL POWER PLANT NHA MAY NHIET BIEN NGHI SON 2 So eneencaoas eters vara casein LIST OF SOME PERFORMED PROJECTS 2019 - 2021 DANH MYC MOT S6 DY AN BA THUC HIEN 2018 - 2021 Phuong Mai wind power Engineering of wind turbines and crane services, technical services, CE aaa Hoa Dong 2 wind power project Unloading, transpor, leasing 2207 Erwision 3S to barges transport In Onshore DONG Do Onshore = Soc Trang province (7260 LONGAN, Long aninternatona bore 1 on fect 26.4) - Binh Dinh rane x ec 2020 May 2071 cs province 72M] ream 8. * ses SEES sromet asa GRoUe? Biko tate ee 2020, May 1 Tame Ahomayingorisobonm 2 RMRSMNNOW eR einenrennlescing ty MaY2021 Oct 202 e ‘Cung eco xe edu xich 600T va ode Port ang hans lp onehuyen 28 Nha may dién gié Phucng Gn c6u phy dé fép Bat 12 bé tubine ‘See Trang (72s) tubine Envision 33M Mai Sinn in 26M) Ge autor ‘Unloading transport leading 09 wre Installation of wind turbines and ‘Tranh Phong - Ban Tre wind wind turbine Goldwing SMW to Barges Tei Tam Wind Power Proc 48 Onshore power project (297M) Tact anspor Crane services technical services, 2 May202 Oct 2021 Nama cin gis Ta Tom Gung} CROUP LB asenean intr ike wine Phong: Bén Tre (237M) chuyén tolcarg Quse TéLang An Chinh Thang-Ninh Thuan province caM RAN Unleaing leading wind turbine 16WTO Hoang Hai Wind Power Proect. Intalation of wind turbines ang jg. Onshore wind power project SOV") INTERNATIONAL Wineey SiMwtotucktransportingam nchore Path Coanaruinaorines crane services, technical services Trenbo Nhamaydiengischinhinéng- POR arin international Poe 3 Onshore 12M Quana Tiprovnce —TAITAM — Envion EN saMwatewie —May2021 oct202 tanh Then Soon) Hghang in bg be np 1 Qudg Te (s12h00) {dp det haan thign 16 tubine {eine is Viney ha en ne von one : Envision ENA Sw Unloaing, leasing wind turbine SWIG CeuDat-LamDongprovincewind cay nanih — Gelconhis tuck venaportin Cah anh Huong Linh 4 Wind Power Project Sndecnscorvins cried serdeas % Senbe Buenthemsaenoecavost. TERNATIONAL itermatonat Sor May 2021 Oct 2021 4 Onshore KOM) “Quang province" SINOHVORO. Enwsion ENensshwxTOWIG. Dee7021 Mar2022 Cbg Yee vom Haig erg Satna we bse nfo Tren bd Nhamdydién gis Huéng Linh China Van chuyén vo lap dat hoa thién 1085 " fupne ge GE 4oNW oe Sn caren Quidng Tm (SOM) Iubine Envision ER) (83MM) ‘Used crawler crane 600 ton for Phong Nguyen wind power project Diamantle& Installation Blades, Hub Transport & Installation of wind qs Onshore -Quang Tr province vesras of wind turbines VIO vestos oet20n2 Nov2022 Gelexi25- Huone Linh 78 turbines and crane services, techni Srenbo Nhamdyaiénga Phong Nguyen Oenmark —— SY sung ean edu sich SOOT tho 36 tov 5 Onshore Huong Phung 23 Wind Power scl calservices for maintenance ‘aor2022 ug2022 Qusng fo anh vd Hab o8 lop 401 thay the cho Trenbs Project 4a¥vy}-QuangTh GROUP —_—Enereon ETSB EP5x OSWTC. tuine VIS0 Vestor province 166 36, von chuyén va lap Sot 08 bp tubine Enercon £182 Es itagandinealaionthebiogen ‘Used 750 ton crawler crane mail foun agunrin South East no ote Mall sonerruarso or ing moving and ing pghi han ination of acrycs te guar um Providing experts and engineer 18 General” eéuva tip aeetnuycungianantexing 1M Siaungciusich Osaohaucepherr” — M@y2021 Sep 2021 Vier An Wind Power Project ing servees fr the instalation Industral NamAtanang Tom Tang Mor Late Lin7s0 8 edu ot cruyen vp d0% 58 Neatshore GoMw) -Ca Mau province TaITAM wind turbines MingYang 33MW Hans techo thu cura 6 et Génbo Nhomaydiena@aanbsvien — GROUP. Cungedpnhan cong va apehuae — Ma¥2021, Oct 2071 Pov ats SOM) ho lp dt haan tien tubine Diamante csnoslincdent Mau Jeo 8007 a terrain crane model Liebherr Mingvong 33M Getscontane crane at Her port Cat Crwtaon tot and monte mare te, Port Hi. siProng foal 000 ton weigh ot nedentcontaner Qe ‘PL Ben Te Wind Power Pr 7 Gang —Thdodkt tharh tSycdhucontainerty — VinalIR-MESM TUNIS Soca Licoherrttinsoo MAY2022 July 2022 7 Neatshore [ony Binroe antic eeunce CPCEC PH DB00¢ mass piling tginan Qc cla hang Mitsuitaicang 5 hd 8 AN ig 1000 Cr SEE Som) inn bai-BenTre province PCE Ftng ang sec PHEDB00 coc thy Feb 2021 May 2021 ude HICT Ca, Ha PrN 00 ou container than Ge (Bonen) Discharge, undoing, instalation, Use 69 tn all eran crane and cermisering ladest or SMS hydraulic hyarau paling Hoa Binh7,2wind power project ass pling construction of prestressed Port ang aternstonarconcaner per Huynh Thy atom crane Mas. to Unoasing and 2 Neatshore -Bac Lou province (50Mw) Phuong Anh Senifugalcancrete plas PHCDBOOC 18 CSng ——Tadagdendng bude ehchuyén Sau MESA Commie STS ee caper) NOW2022 Feb 2023 Gan bo Nhamaydign gis Hoa Bin 12- GROUP orwindturbine foundations" May2020 2ul20 1 oan thin tha tas cau container 15) meh thay is eae he dam pan a Bac Lieu (150M Thveting ding ope PHCDEOO coe th SRS cb nang Mu 98 fon fn Cong Serenade to he some Wego! (7rmsng) sts ate nang Mh {8 olcruyen wo haan tn eau STS onstrucion of pling an foundation ~ Discharge undoading, italian, Used 80 tn allen crane and Construction projec of ilar censctonaf ling ang fours et rie parte nee yore pling foundation on sea = 220K Kien Pecan EME ceo pot esata ares rom mowenelto yyy atm cane mas. tounbaing and Nearshore Binn~PAU QUoE transmission — LUNG LO. Lo wLMTBSL 7S) . 10 Oa carte Poe ac. commissioning SS cranes Dee 2022 Jan 2025 2 Cinbs line project GROUP Thiedngdsngeoerc700.8 pHCEDD veers MAY2019 Apr 2020 Cig cbeintnoe tnacatocds container MEEM Su dung cu lp 80 en vcd hit by Dyldn nay dung dung aién Ging dav mong 96 thou 02 MMe OF Ie crag haut fan fon Cong £9) ty Mi ee ne dm phn th partie bi Pha eee ira gang arc Gontaner an Bah Wo em thin edu SS Skehage arabia salen Used 80 ton allen crane and Heating 142 ne .24 Nace of win Fito container cranes or the veel Diotcrna cane mate to untecing and Hoa Binh}, 2 wind power project turbine Vestas VIO from quay te barges 20 Port ——_taLang.nrternational Poe Huynh Thy Sammissoning SIS cranes Jan 2023 Mar2023 Nearshore , SUNRISE transport n Lang Anintornatonal Por Cing —Tiogwendng uss cichayén ay MES ning STS cranes an ar yo Ne Nhe may din gis Hos Binh 12 " . May 2021 oe 2 SGroung al 80 tar ves ede hist Cie ay aién Loewe caunang22bamsyahaetubine estos Ma¥2021 Oct 2021 ‘hab thee ena eda Si dana cy lp 80 vcd hit by Bac Lieu f'50Mw) Vaso nang 142 Container ATG coe hang Mitsu xd la ten cing Quae Te Lang A eal vuyén va hea thin 2a STS MAIN EQUIPMENTS LIST / DANH MUC THIET BI CHINH EQUIPMENTS / THIET BI Equipments an extremelyimportant factorin the fled of heay iting instalation ancl moving hee loads righ ually equiprnent wil drecty alec the qalty progres of each project 1L__cawerconalei th vso1__ttheriso 29-2088 Parr he sukable equipment wil help trosteasonable cost 2 Crawler crane/Cau xich 1250 1 Terex Demag CC6800 2003, Partner The combination of the suitabk PLC will be the foundation of every 3 caw corwonch waaay 08 zo Barer projects success <_cawercareoeh 02 forenoon a = ewer care ee ra Thi bi 1a non t6 v6 cong 6 Crawler crane/Cau xich 750 1 Liebherr LRI7SO 2012 Partner Thiét bi to husng true tiép tit 7 Crawler crane/Cau xich ‘650 1 ‘Sany SCC6SOOA 2018 Partner bi phat “ coe eee an te 1k&t Np of thi bp én tdng thenh cong 2 ewe care o_o 2510 9 awe care ___1 so 5e500 ‘as Parr 10 caver caret ee 2008 11 awe carw Ch ee 720 ee oo = APAC 165 250 15 Caw care Bos eo 7008 a AREA PROJECTS EMPLOYEES 1 caw care Ee “om TE caw caren mo 2 cer zon Te caw care ween 8 ew Saw "ooo zat ve ewe Saree o_o sea 198 Wo Hobie nT 001th zac bare ‘ 20 Noble cata a “acm Parr at Noble cata eT za 22_ Nabe canelehao <0 “Tibherr Tad 2007 cman 25 Hobie cata a 7008 ae AriceRcoucsaves envy 24 ~~ Mobile crane/Caulép 250 1 Liebherr LTMTI250 2008 eras 25 Noble canta Ee 7008 2 Hobie ante 2 err 07 7 WObI6 ana Boonton a9 za Be Noble crane ether TED 7008 { Db =e 3 care RRNA oa} Ton ca a “anspor core 30 Crane Spud Barge/Sa lan chan neo (182) 10016 1 W.8Mx38m / 30m x S2m_ 2020 Partner - PNTIONA TRAILERS Duran nares os 3 caespingenincenad Toa? 1 sire za20___ Perr 32 Barge/Sa lan 5200 2 76m x 24,.5M x 48M 2008 35 Seen Bao) ons sn 7a 3 Seen 709 ramnain zm 72m ; 3 Cane agen $90 smn “2a nomena 37 Vibration Hammer/ bua rung 10 60-120kw 2008-2012 anes me ~ eee Benya re EE Core Pata Ta GOTH 5 eansteaeonTs “38a PARTNERS / 561 TAC a VINACOMIN TAN CANG eS VG@T Binewiry LM WIND POWER viettel 1H Technipemic <@ sumrromo BSDV Jeactico @BRIB NIPPON EXPRESS 7] Ls CARGO o DG LOGISTICS its Panccie Industry | Building | Service sarens GSEsc Marubeni | group ig NIPPON STEEL Amecc TRACTEBEL___@3. Liftra NGIG IDOOSAN| Portable Power CLIENTS / KHACH HANG DAELIM TOSHIBA @& HIENERCON | SIEMENS Gamesa w © —avvunoa! *TNPower GOLDWIND nBee SCI MITSUI E&S: 6 BBE 4 FY — PTSC envision EPVTRAISL Bake SINGHYDRO Lo césc ee Ae SAMSUNG C&T ALTAN tase: SK Ec wus Vestas @ GE Renewable @:. VincrRouP Energy Souris SUBSIDIARY CON CONG TY CON Lo PLC PLC CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY JSC ADDRESS: 22 floor, A3 Block Ecolife Building, NoS8 To Huu Street, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi OTX2-0312 Sunrise City North Tower, 27th Nguyen Huu Tho Str, District 7, HCMC oy WEBSITE: wwwplccorpyn EMAIL: info@ple-corpvn PHONE: —(#84]972521 693 FINE WIND SERVICES JSC ADDRESS: 22 floor, A3 Block Ecolife Building, F( y ) No.58 To Huu Street, Nam Tu Liem District,Hanoi WEBSITE: wwwfinewindyn EMAIL: PHONE: —(+84)968 265 494/(+84)972 521 693 (es) TNI TRANSPORTATION JSC ADDRESS: — 22 floor, A3 Block Ecolife Building, No.8 To Huu Street, Nam Tu Liem District,Hanoi WEBSITE: wwwinitransvn EMAIL: infotnijsc@gmailcom PHONE: —_(+84)985 858 080 =€ VWS Posared by the Wind VIET NAM WIND POWER SERVICES JSC ADDRESS: 47 Alley 384 Lach Tray, Dang Giang, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong. WEBSITE: wwwivietnamwindvn EMAIL: —_info@vietnamwindvn PHONE: ——_(+84)961 330 911/(+84)988 823 355 ar custome! I would like to thank you sincerely and deeply for your trust in choos- ng and us ur services during past time. his is a priceless gift for us, Thanks to the ust of our customers that make us have today suce With the business philosophy of putting customers as the center mise to ¢ ve the stantly impr uality give custome lence in return for jeas for us. Hopefully in the nue to receive your Juld like to expr sincere thanks to our customers. Wish you ways good health, luck and success: Best reg THANK YOU LE THU <¢ LIFTING SERVICES = PLC Nu lea Nom SA ele ee Ce

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