Umniah VPS Cloud Tenant Guide v1.6

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Umniah Cloud VPS Tenant

Initiated for

Umniah Customers

Proposal Reference: - Umniah VPS Cloud Tenant Guide v1.0.docx

Umniah Enterprise & High Value Segment

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

November 18, 2021


All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Technical specifications of all system devices are provided to us by the respective companies.

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary ..............................................................................................................................3
1.1 About Umniah...............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Why Umniah? ...............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Our ICT Services Portfolio .............................................................................................................4
2. Checking Subscription Usage Statistics ................................................................................................5
3. Restrictions ...........................................................................................................................................5
4. Creating your Virtual Network..............................................................................................................6
4.1 Create a virtual network ...............................................................................................................6
4.2 How To check Public IP assigned to Virtual Network ...................................................................8
4.3 How to create new Publishing Rule to publish your services through internet Web service
publishing .................................................................................................................................................8
4.4 Enable the SSH services ................................................................................................................9
4.5 How to modify your Virtual Network configuration? .................................................................11
5. Create your first Virtual Server ...........................................................................................................12
5.1 Create Virtual Server ..................................................................................................................12
5.2 Check Virtual Server control and access functions.....................................................................14
5.3 Checking Virtual Server Dashboard ............................................................................................15
5.4 Modifying Virtual Server hardware configuration .....................................................................15

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1. Executive Summary
Al Bahrainia Al Urdunia Lil Taknia Wa Alitisalat "Umniah" is an industry leader in providing Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions with over 25 years’ experience backed by certified
solutions and engineers.
1.1 About Umniah
We have evolved since 1993, when Umniah had introduced an ultimate solution for first time in Jordan
to offer frame relay connectivity solution that could connect banks and government entities. A long
journey with hard work, today, we are proud to have cultivated a loyal business customer base from
public and private sector, which use Umniah Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions.

1.2 Why Umniah?

As a subsidiary of Bahrain’s Batelco Group, our mission in Jordan has been clear from day one;
offering a cutting-edge portfolio of ICT services, enriching the people life with advanced communicate
and collaboration methods, securing organizations and assuring business continuity:
 One stop-shop for providing innovative Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
 ISO 27001 certified, which confirms that Umniah along with the business continuity planning and
security controls is an entrusted service provider
 The first and only colocation service provider in Jordan that offers Tier III Design and Constructed
Facility data center
 Umniah is a CISCO Master Cloud and Managed Services Certified Partner (CMSP)
 Umniah has been awarded the best MSSP of the year -2018 by Fortinet
 Umniah SOC is the first center in Jordan that obtains the PCI-DSS certification
 Umniah is the first entity that obtains the ISO 22301 certification regarding the business

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1.3 Our ICT Services Portfolio

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2. Checking Subscription Usage Statistics
From Umniah Console Portal, click on MY Account as shown below:

User: your registered email

Pass: Your registration password

Click on your subscription ID, the Usage statistics will appears as shown below:

3. Restrictions & Conditions

VPS running on Microsoft Windows does not support MAC OS client console. Umniah will help
you configure the remote desktop for windows, and SSH for Linux (go to section 4.4)
Creating a Virtual Network is a mandate before creating your VPS server
Network forwarding rules does not support port ranges
Number of forwarding rules has limit of about 60 rules

Public & Private IPs

1- Public IP Is assigned to Tenant Virtual Network when its created, public IP assignment is done
through vmm which selects available public IP from public IP pool and assign it to the customer
virtual network not VM.

2- If customer removes its Virtual Network, public IP assigned to that virtual network will be
released and there is no guarantee that WAP will re-assign that IP to that customer again.

3- Public IPs numbers controlled by plan as plan add-on, additional Public IP can be added to the
customer network however outbound NAT is always assigned to the first public IP assigned to

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tenant Virtual Network, additional public IP can be assigned for inbound NAT Rules only; Note
that this is not configured on the VPS cloud.

4- Private IP addresses are assigned dynamically to VM vNIC from subnet pool, if Network card is
deleted by tenant private IP address assigned to vNIC will be released and there is no guarantee if
customer re-created VM vNIC WAP will re-assign the same IP private address to it.

5- Incase Tenant created multiple subnets within Tenant Virtual Network, during VM creation
Tenant can choose IP subnet for the first vNIC, in case second vNIC added to existing VM, WAP
will not give option to which subnet this vNIC will be assigned to and WAP will automatically
assigns vNIC to second IP subnet that was not assigned to the first vNIC.

4. Steps in sequence
4.1 Creating your Virtual Network->Create Virtual Server -> Enable the SSH services for Linux
->or-> Enable the RDP service

5. Creating your Virtual Network

5.1 Create a virtual network
From Umniah console Portal, click on New on page below to the left as shown below:

Select Virtual Networks from the selection as shown below:

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From Virtual Network wizard, select Custom Create as shown below:

On Create Virtual Network page, insert a name for this virtual network, Leave the default “IPV4”
selected on IP address protocol and click Next as shown below:

On DNS Servers and Connectivity page, Insert DNS servers needed for external Domain Names
resolving such as Google DNS server “”, and select “Enable direct internet access using
NAT” check box if internet access to your server is needed leaving Gateway default setting
without any modification as shown below:

On Address Space page, leave the default address space settings unless there is a need to modify
them as shown below:

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Click Next to finish Virtual Network creation.

5.2 How to check Public IP assigned to Virtual Network

From Umniah Console Portal, click on NETWORKS as shown below:

From virtual networks list, click on your virtual Network name previously created, once clicked
the below page will be shown:

Click on Dashboard tab, check your public IP address assigned to virtual Network as shown below:

5.3 How to create new Publishing Rule to publish your services through internet Web
service publishing
Click on Rules tab to create publishing rules for services that’s required to be published to
internet as shown below:

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Click on Add Rule button located at the bottom of the page at the center of Rules page.
A wizard page will pop up, insert Rule Name for example Web Server, your public IP will be auto
selected, on the protocol select appropriate protocol type for your service, on the source port
select source port for your service, on the destination IP address you can select “Enter IP Address”
to enter your server IP address or select “Choose Destination Virtual Machine” to select your
virtual Server from drop down list, on the destination port, insert destination on port for your
service, the below screenshot is an example for creating Web server publishing Rule:

5.4 Enable the SSH services for Linux

Click on Rules tab to create publishing rules for services that’s required to be published to
internet as shown below:

Click on Add Rule button located at the bottom of the page at the center of Rules page.

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A wizard page will pop up, insert Rule Name for example Web Server, your public IP will be auto
selected, on the protocol select appropriate protocol type for your service, on the source port
select source port for your service, on the destination IP address you can select “Enter IP Address”
to enter your server IP address or select “Choose Destination Virtual Machine” to select your
virtual Server from drop down list, on the destination port, insert destination on port for your
service, the below screenshot is an example for creating Web server publishing Rule:

For MAC OS Device console & Linux we will help you to Login to console or you can login from
another PC
1. For Linux
a. Run the following commands

# apt update
# apt install openssh-server
# systemctl status ssh
b. Enable root account to use ssh

As the root user, edit the sshd_config file found in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

c. Add the following line to the file, you can add it anywhere but it’s good practice to find the
block about authentication and add it there.

PermitRootLogin yes

d. Save and exit the file.

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e. Restart the SSH server:
#systemctl restart sshd

#service sshd restart

f. Then use Putty or ssh command to connect to your VPS

# ssh username@ip_address

5.5 Enable the RDP(Remote Desktop) services for windows

Repeat previous steps with following values
o Name (for example):RDP
o External IP (for example):
o Protocol: TCP
o Source Port:3389
o Destination IP(example):
o Destination Port (3389)
Login to windows Virtual machine ->server Manager-> enable remote desktop

5.6 How to modify your Virtual Network configuration?

From Virtual Network page click on Configure Tab, on this page you can modify your virtual
Network configuration such as your network Address space, DNS servers and Network Address
Translation for enabling a direct internet access as shown below:

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6. Create your first Virtual Server
6.1 Create Virtual Server
From Umniah console Portal, click on New on page below to the left as shown below:

Select Standalone Virtual Machine from the selection as shown below:

From “Standalone Virtual Machine” menu, select From Gallery as shown below:

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On Virtual Machine Configuration page, select required operating system as shown below then
click Next:

On the Provide Virtual Machine Settings Page, Insert Virtual Machine Name, Account Password
and leave Product Key empty, then click Next as shown below:

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On Provide Virtual Machine Hardware Information page, select previously created Virtual
Network then click Next as shown below:

6.2 Check Virtual Server control and access functions

From Umniah Console Portal, click on Virtual Machines as shown below:

Once you select virtual server, a list of controls is enabled at the bottom of the page, these
control buttons enable you to pause, restart, shutdown, force shutdown, delete and connect to
your virtual server.
To connect to your virtual server either a windows or Linux machine, click on the connect button
and select Console as shown below:
o For windows use ctrl + alt + end to unlock the screen

A pop up message will appear and once you accept connect page RDP file will be downloaded to
your local machine, allows you to connect to your virtual server without opening RDP port to the
server, this is helpful for Initial server setup and diagnosing your server either a windows or Linux
in case the server was unable to boot up and RDP or SSH are not available.

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6.3 Checking Virtual Server Dashboard
Virtual Server dashboard lets you check server performance statistics, subscription usage details
and virtual server details; To access Virtual Server Dashboard, select Virtual Machines from
Umniah console portal, then click on required virtual server, and click on Dashboard tab as shown

6.4 Modifying Virtual Server hardware configuration

Virtual Server configuration page enables you to modify hardware configuration (Memory, CPU,
Storage) for Virtual server after initial configuration when virtual server was created, to access
configuration page select Virtual Machines from Umniah console portal, then click on required
virtual server, and click on Configure tab as shown below:

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To change virtual server hardware specification (Memory & CPU) you can select required
hardware profile from Virtual Machine Size, note that Virtual Server should be turned off to be
able to change hardware profile for it as shown below:

To add additional storage to your virtual server, click on the ATTACH button at the bottom of the
page and select Disk of the page as shown below:

On Attach a disk to the virtual machine page, insert a name for this storage, select requested disk
size to add and accept default address setting as shown below, note that Virtual Server should be
turned off to attach additional storage.

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Thank You

For further information, please contact us at:

Tel +962 6 2002000
P.O. Box 942481 Amman, 11194

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