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Dictionary &
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Over 40,000 words and phrases

Over 100,000 synonyms
Dictionary &
Editor: Robert Allen



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Dictionary and Thesaurus Features
Parts of speech
Pronunciations (word classes)
are given for are given for all
difficult words plaintiffoun plaintiffs the person who brings headwords and
a complaint against somebody else to a derivatives
lawcourt Compare defendant
9 tive spjective sounding sad e a plaintive cry Cross-references
plait( plat) vers plaits, plaiting, plaited weave are given to
three or more strands of hair or rope to form other words of
Plurals of nouns one length interest
are given plaitvoun’ptaits a length of hair or rope that has
been plaited
plannoun plans 1 way of doing something
Definitions are thought out in advance 2a drawing showing
clear and the arrangement of parts of something 3a
accurate map of a town or district
planvers plans, planning planned make a
plan for something Headwords are
> plannernoun numbered when
plane’ noun planes 1 anaeroplane 2 tool for they have
making wood smooth by scraping its surface different
Headwords in 3 flat or level surface meanings or
the dictionary origins
and the planevers planes, planing, plane
thesaurus are on wood with a plane
the same pageto planeanyectve flaterTevel e a plane surface
make access USAGE DggetTonfuse with plain
quick and easy plane? noun planesa tall tree with broatte
Usage notes in
planetnoun planets one of the bodies that the dictionary
move in an orbit round the sun. The main give grammar
planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and language
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto support
> planetaryADEcTIVE

plannoun 1 (infoggal) a plan of the building Register labels

> chart, diagram, Maprayout, blueprint, help users to
representation 2 a clever plan jorreising money select
pm scheme, idea, proposal, project, appropriate
programme, strategy, suggestion, proposition
Dlamvers 1 She began planning tomorrow’s
Over 100,000 journey. » organize, arrange, work out, think
synonyms are out, prepare 2 somen tips for1 anyone planning
f a Usage notes in
listed with the new garden» design, devise, contrive, sketch the thesaurus
most out 3 We plan to go abroad this year. » intend, give language
F propose, aim, mean, envisage, contemplate, and grammar
Se ast be thinking of USAGEIf you use any of the las support
three synonyms, you need to say going instead
of to go, e.g. We envisage going abroad this year.
planenoun 1 The plane rose gently in the air. Up-to-date
> aeroplane, aircraft, jet, airliner, craft 2 The example
thought that came to her now was on a more sentences and
creative plane. » level, stage, degree, position hrases show
planetwoun the population of the planet ow words are
> globe, world, orb used in context
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a => -able

USA 2 abbreviating something [from Latin
brevis = short]
abdicate vers abdicates, abdicating,
abdicated 1 resign from athrone 2 give up an
important responsibility
@ADJECTIVE (called the indefinite article and > abdicationnoun
changing to anbefore most vowel sounds)
1 one (but not any special one) e Can you lend abdomen (ab- dom- en) noun abdomens
me a book? 2 each; per e We see it once a day or 1 the lower front part of aperson’s or animal’s
once an hour. body, containing the stomach, intestines, and
aback apvers other digestive organs 2 the rear section of an
taken abacksurprised insect’s body
[from Old English on baec = backwards] > abdominal (ab- dom-in- al) ADJECTIVE
abacus (ab-a- kus) noun abacuses a frame abductvers abducts, abducting, abducted
used for counting with beads sliding on wires take a person away illegally; kidnap
[from a Greek word abax meaning ‘slab’. An > abductionnoun abductornoun
early form of abacus was a slab of wood with a abhorvers abhors, abhorring, abhorred
coating ofdust, for writing on and adding up (formal) hate something very much
figures] > abhorrentapjective abhorrence
abandonvers abandons, abandoning, abide vers abides, abiding, abided 1 (old use;
abandoned 1 give up e We never abandoned
past tense abode) remain or dwell somewhere
hope. 2 leave something without intending to
2 bear or tolerate e I can’t abide wasps.
return @ Abandon ship!
abide by keep a promise etc.
> abandonmentnoun [from Old English]
abandomnoun a careless and uncontrolled
manner @ She was dancing with great abandon. ability oun abilities 1 being able to do
something 2 cleverness or talent
goes abbeys 1 a monastery or convent
2a church that was once part of a monastery ablaze apjctive blazing; on fire
© Westminster Abbey. ableapective 1 having the power or skill or
abbotnoun abbots the head of an abbey opportunity to do something 2 skilful or clever
abbreviatevers abbreviates, abbreviating, > ably spvers
abbreviated shorten something -ablesurnx (also -ble, -ible and -uble) forms
abbreviationnoun abbreviations 1a adjectives (e.g. readable, legible) The nouns
shortened form of a word or words, especially formed from these end in -bility (e.g.
one using the initial letters, such as GCSE, St, readability, legibility)

abandonvers 1 The children had been expects its employees to abide by its rules.
abandoned in the war. » desert, leave behind, > obey, observe, follow, accept, keep to, carry
leave stranded, strand, forsake, leave in the out, conform to, stick to, adhere to, act in
lurch 2 The car was abandoned near the accordance with, stand by, submit to
motorway. » leave, (more informal) dump,
(more informal) ditch 3 The entire project had to abilityoun 1 An unexpected inheritance gave
be abandoned. » cancel, drop, discontinue, him the ability to travel the world. » power,
(more informal) give up, (more informal) scrap, resources, capability, capacity, means,
(very informal) ditch 4 The company abandoned opportunity, potential, wherewithal 2 Jane’s
its claims to the money. » drop, give up, new employers had received good reports of her
renounce, waive, (more formal) relinquish ability. » capability, competence, aptitude,
abbreviate vers The medium is known as a expertise, proficiency, (more informal) know-
digital versatile disc, usually abbreviated to DVD.
how 3 You have the ability to do well in life.
> shorten > capacity, talent, intelligence, skill, aptitude,
flair 4 He has many unusual abilities. » talent,
abhorrentzapyective Racial abuse is abhorrent to skill, accomplishment, gift, qualification
most people. » hateful, loathsome, detested
(by), detestable, repugnant, repellent, ableapyctive 1 group of the most able students
obnoxious, odious, offensive, horrifying, > talented, accomplished, proficient, efficient,
repulsive, revolting gifted, capable, clever, skilled, competent,
abidevers 11 cannot abide grown men walking intelligent, effective AN OPPOSITE IS
around in trainers. » bear, stand, endure, incompetent 2 able toAre you able to come?
tolerate, (more informal) stomach, (more > allowed to, free to, prepared to, in a position
informal) put up with 2 abide by, The company to, (more informal) up to (coming)
abnormal — absent
abnormal apective not normal; unusual various parts of e They ran about the
> abnormally sovers abnormality NOUN playground.
aboard apvers, preposition on or into a ship or about sdvere 1 in various directions e They were
aircraft or train running about. 2 not far away e He is somewhere
abolish vers abolishes, abolishing, be about to be going to do something
abolished put an end to a law or custom etc.
> abolition (ab- ol- ish- on) NOUN above preposition 1Thigher than 2 more than
abominable apective very bad or unpleasant above apvere at or toa higher place
> abominably Apvers abomination Noun abrasive apective 1 that scrapes things away
e an abrasive wheel. 2 harsh e an abrasive
aborigine (ab- er- ij-in- ee) noun aborigines manner.
one ofthe original inhabitants of acountry
> aboriginal ADjECTIVe, NOUN abreast Aovers 1 side byside 2 keeping up with
Aborigine one of the original inhabitants of something
Australia who lived there before the Europeans abridge vers abridges, abridging, abridged
arrived shorten a book etc. by using fewer words e an
[from Latin ab origine = from the beginning] abridged edition.
abort vers aborts, aborting, aborted put an > abridgement NOUN
end to something before it has been completed abroad apvere in or to another country
e They aborted the space flight because of abrupt anective 1 sudden or hasty e his abrupt
problems. departure. 2 rather rude and unfriendly; curt
abortion noun abortions an operation to e@ She has quite an abrupt manner.
remove an unborn child from the womb before > abruptly Advers abruptness NOUN
it has developed enough to survive abscess (ab- sis) noun abscesses an inflamed
abortive apjective unsuccessful @ an abortive place where pus has formed in the body
attempt. abscond vers absconds, absconding,
abound vers abounds, abounding, absconded go away secretly @ The cashier had
abounded 1 be plentiful or abundant e Fish absconded with the money.
abound in the river. 2 have something in great absent spective not here; not present @ absent
quantities e The river abounds in fish. from school.
about preposition 1 near in amount or size or > absence NOUN
time etc. e It costs about £5. e Come about two absent (ab- sent) vers absents, absenting,
o'clock. 2 on the subject of; in connection with absented
e Tell me about your holiday. 3 all round; in absent yourself stay away

abnormal apective 1 The tests produced some abominable apective The revolt was suppressed
abnormal results. » unusual, untypical, with abominable cruelty. » atrocious, appalling,
uncommon, extraordinary, exceptional, detestable, hateful, odious, detestable, vile,
unrepresentative, aberrant, anomalous, freak obnoxious, brutal, dreadful, abhorrent,
2 He was surprised by her abnormal beliefs and diabolical, disgusting, repellent, horrifying
behaviour. » strange, peculiar, odd, weird, AN OPPOSITE IS humane
curious, eccentric, wayward, perverse, erratic, about-turn noun The change in policy amounted
queer, bizarre AN OPPOSITE IS Normal to a complete about-turn. » reversal, U-turn,
volte face, change of direction, change of
abnormality noun 1 The study gave evidence of course, change of mind, sea change
some abnormality. » strangeness, peculiarity,
irregularity, oddity, oddness, aberration, abrupt apjctive 1 She gave a cry and came to an
anomaly, deviation, eccentricity, idiosyncrasy, abrupt halt. » sudden, hurried, unexpected,
waywardness, singularity 2 The baby was born quick, hasty, rapid, swift, precipitate,
with several abnormalities. » deformity, unforeseen, unpredicted 2 Beyond the cliff edge
malformation they could see an abrupt drop. » sheer, sharp,
steep, precipitous AN OPPOSITE IS gradual 3 He
abolish vers a decision to abolish the community had a decidedly abrupt manner. » blunt, harsh,
charge » end, cancel, put an end to, (more curt, terse, gruff, rude, offhand, brusque,
informal) get rid of, (more informal) do away insensitive, outspoken, plain-spoken
with, (technical) abrogate, annul, repeal, OPPOSITES ARE polite, courteous
remove, rescind, revoke, quash, suppress, absent apjective 1 The man had been absent from
terminate, eliminate, eradicate, overturn, work all week. » away, off, missing, (more
withdraw AN OPPOSITE IS create informal) skiving AN opposite Is present 2 Her
absentee > abuse
absenteenoun absentees a person who is abstainvers abstains, abstaining, abstained
absent 1 keep yourself from doing something; refrain
> absenteeism NOUN 2 choose not to use your vote
absent-minded apjctve having your mind on > abstention Noun
other things; forgetful abstinence
noun abstaining, especially from
absolute spective complete; not restricted alcohol
e absolute power. > abstinent ADECTIVE
> absolutely apvers abstract(ab- strakt) anective 1 concerned with
absolute zerownoun the lowest possible ideas, not solid objects e Truth, hope, and
temperature, calculated as -27,315°C danger are all abstract. 2 (said about a painting
absolve vrs absolves, absolving, absolved or sculpture) showing the artist’s ideas or
1 clear a person of blame or guilt 2 release a feelings, not showing a recognizable person or
person from a promise or obligation thing
absorbvers absorbs, absorbing, absorbed absurdapectve ridiculous or foolish
1 soak up a liquid or gas 2 receive something > absurdlysovers absurdity Noun
and reduce its effects e The buffers absorbed
most of the shock, 3 take up a person’s attention
abundancenoun a large amount, plenty
or time abundantzapecrve plentiful
> absorption Noun > abundantly Apvers
absorbentapyective able to soak up liquids abuse (ab- yooz) vers abuses, abusing,
easily @ absorbent paper. abused 1 use something badly or wrongly;

eyes had an absent look. » distracted, dreamy, eschew, avoid, reject, renounce, deny yourself,
far-away, absorbed, inattentive, preoccupied, desist from AN OPPOSITE IS indulge (yourself)
absent-minded opposites ARE attentive, alert
abstemiousapective They lead an abstemious
absent-minded apectve Stephen looked life. » frugal, temperate, austere, ascetic,
absent-minded as he hurried off. » forgetful, restrained, sparing, puritanical, strict, spartan,
distracted, preoccupied, inattentive, sober AN OPPOSITE IS self-indulgent
absorbed, scatterbrained OPPOSITES ARE
attentive, alert abstractapective 1 Abstract concepts are hard to
absoluteapctive 1 The house was an absolute define.» theoretical, conceptual, hypothetical,
mess, » complete, total, utter, sheer, perfect, academic, notional, metaphysical,
downright, unmitigated 2 The venture had been philosophical, intangible, intellectual,
an absolute success. » complete, total, outright, indefinite AN OPPOSITE Is concrete 2 The pieces
categorical, out-and-out, unqualified 3 Speak are stitched together to form a large abstract
only the absolute truth. » definite, positive, design. » symbolic, non-pictorial, non-
categorical, undoubted, unquestioned 4 The representational AN OPPOSITE IS
country had known only absolute rulers. representational
> autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, tyrannical, abstruseapyctive He had spent a lifetime poring
omnipotent, sovereign, totalitarian, over abstruse codes. » obscure, cryptic,
unrestricted, undemocratic complex, difficult, hard, puzzling,
absolutely overs You are absolutely right. incomprehensible, perplexing, mysterious,
> completely, totally, utterly, perfectly, quite, unfathomable An opposite Is obvious
unquestionably, unreservedly
absorbvers 1 Wood absorbs wetness and absurd apectve It was an absurd suggestion.
expands.» soakup, suck up, assimilate, take in > ridiculous, preposterous, ludicrous,
AN OPPOSITE IS emit 2 It is difficult to absorb so unreasonable, nonsensical, incredible,
much information at once. » assimilate, take in, irrational, senseless, insane, mad, anomalous,
soak up, digest, comprehend 3 Getting through silly, stupid, illogical, incongruous,
the day absorbed all her energies. » consume, meaningless, paradoxical, untenable,
drain, exhaust, use up, take up, swallow up laughable, (more informal) crazy, (more
4 Special buffers absorb the impact. » cushion, informal) daft, (more informal) barmy, (more
deaden, soften, reduce, lessen 5 The children informal) zany OPPOSITES ARE reasonable,
were absorbed by their game. » preoccupy, sensible
engross, captivate, occupy, enthral, fascinate, abundant apyective Luckily, there was an
interest, involve, rivet abundant supply of things to do. » plentiful,
abstainvers abstain from They agreed to copious, ample, liberal, profuse, generous,
abstain from violent action for the time being. lavish, rich, bountiful, prolific, inexhaustible
> go without, give up, forgo, refrain from, OPPOSITES ARE scarce, sparse
abuse = accent
misuse 2 hurt someone or treat them cruelly the garden where the Greek philosopher Plato
3 say unpleasant things about a person or thing taught his pupils The garden was named after
abuse (ab- yooss) Noun abuses 1 amisuse Akademos, one of the ancient heroes of Athens]
e the abuse ofpower. 2 ill-treatment 3 physical accelerate vers accelerates, accelerating,
harm or cruelty done to someone accelerated make or become quicker;
abusive spective rude and insulting e abusive increase speed
remarks. acceleration noun accelerations 1 the rate
at which the speed of something increases
abysmal (ab- iz- mal) apjecrive extremely bad
e abysmal ignorance. 2 the rate of change of velocity
accelerator youn accelerators 1 the pedal
abyss (ab- iss) voun abysses an extremely deep thata driver presses to make a motor vehicle go
pit [from Greek abyssos = bottomless]
faster 2a thing used to increase the speed of
AC assreviaTion alternating current something
academic spective 1 to do with education or accent (ak- sent) NOUN accents 1 the way a
studying, especially at a school or college or person pronounces the words of a language
university 2 theoretical; having no practical © She has a French accent. 2 the main emphasis
use @ an academic point. or stress ina word e@ In ‘strawberry’, the accentis
academic noun academics a university or on ‘straw-’. 3.a mark placed over a letter to
college teacher show how it is pronounced, e.g. on féte
academy noun academies 1a school or
college, especially one for specialized training
2.a society of scholars or artists e The Royal
Academy. [from Greek Akademeia, the name of

abuse noun 1 The action amounted to a serious scholastic, scholarly, pedagogical 2 They are
abuse of authority. » misuse, misapplication academic historians and not writers for the
2 No society can tolerate the abuse of children. popular market. » scholarly, studious, learned,
> maltreatment, mistreatment, ill-treatment, intellectual, erudite, educated, cultured,
misuse, (sexual) assault, molestation 3A group bookish, clever, highbrow, intelligent, well-
of mothers yelled abuse. » insults, invective, read, (more informal) brainy 3 The point is of
obscenities, curses, slanders more than academic interest. » theoretical,
abuse vers 1 Players on both sides were abusing notional, conceptual, conjectural,
the referee. > insult, be rude to, curse, swear at, hypothetical, speculative AN OPPOSITE |S
call someone names, malign, revile, defame, practical
slander 2 He was accused of abusing children. academic noun a group of visiting academics
> mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat, (sexually) > scholar, intellectual, professor, lecturer,
assault, molest, interfere with, batter, harm, thinker, (more informal) egghead, (more
hurt 3 The judge had abused his authority in his informal) highbrow
directions to the jury. » misuse, misapply,
exploit academy noun The students of the academy were
involved in a project to catalogue the papers.
abusive apjective He was thrown out ofthe hall for > college, educational institution, training
yelling abusive remarks. » insulting,
establishment, conservatory, conservatoire,
derogatory, rude, offensive, opprobrious, university, institute
pejorative, defamatory, disparaging, scathing,
hurtful, impolite, libellous, obscene, scurrilous, accede vers accede to He acceded to all her
slanderous, vituperative opposites ARE friendly, demands. » agree to, consent to, accept,
polite grant, comply with, concur with
abysmal apective 1 The service was abysmal. accelerate vers 1 The vehicle accelerated
> poor, very bad, awful, appalling, dreadful, sharply. > go faster, speed up, pick up speed,
disgraceful, terrible, worthless 2 the abysmal quicken speed opposites ARE decelerate, slow
ignorance of science in Britain » profound, down 2 The oil-producing countries have agreed
extreme, utter, complete, deep, to accelerate production. » increase, step up,
unfathomable, immeasurable, incalculable, stimulate, expedite, promote, spur on
accent Noun 1 She spoke with a distinct Welsh
abyss noun There is still a deep abyss to be crossed. accent. pronunciation, intonation, inflection,
> chasm, pit, void, gulf, crater, fissure, gap, tone, cadence, enunciation 2 There is an accent
hole, opening, rift on the first syllable. » stress, emphasis,
academic apective 1 She had spent her entire life accentuation, force 3 The accent is on economy.
in an academic environment. » educational, > emphasis, stress
accept > accommodate
acceptvers accepts, accepting accepted accessory (ak- sess- er- ee) NOUN accessories
1 take athing thatis offered or presented 2 say 1 an extra thing that goes with something 2a
yes to an invitation, offer, etc. person who helps another with a crime
> acceptance Noun accidentyoun accidents an unexpected
USAGEDo not confuse with except happening, especially one causing injury or
acceptable spective good enough to accept; damage ,
pleasing > accidentalapjecive accidentally apvers
> acceptably spvers acceptabilitynoun by accident by chance; without its being
arranged in advance
access(ak- sess) NOUN 1 a way to enter or reach
acclaimyers acclaims, acclaiming,
something 2 the right to use or look at
acclaimed welcome or applaud
> acclaimnoun acclamationnoun
@ccessvers accesses, accessing, accessed find
accommodate vers accommodates,
information that has been stored in a computer
accommodating, accommodated 1 provide
accessible,pyctive 1 able to be reached 2 able somebody with a place to live, work, or sleep
to be understood easily overnight 2 help by providing something e We
> accessiblyspvers accessibility oun can accommodate you with skis.

acceptvers 11 decided to accept the offer. with being an accessory to the crime.
> receive, take, get, welcome, (more informal) > accomplice, associate, collaborator (in)
jump at 2 The council does not accept accidentnoun 1 He died in an accident while
responsibility. » admit, acknowledge, bear, working on his boat. » misfortune, mishap,
assume, undertake 3 Reluctantly, he had to disaster, calamity, catastrophe, misadventure
accept the decision. » agree to, go along with, 2 She had witnessed a traffic accident.
accede to, acquiesce in, defer to, comply with, > collision, smash, (more informal) pile-up 3 It
consent to, concur with, abide by, was pure accident that we met that day.
acknowledge, be reconciled to, recognize, > chance, luck, coincidence, fate, a fluke
resign yourself to, submit to, yield to by accident] found it by accident.» by chance,
AN OPPOSITE IS reject accidentally, fortuitously, unwittingly,
acceptablespectve 1 The agreement was coincidentally
acceptable to the majority. » welcome, accidental apective Make sure you avoid
agreeable, appreciated, gratifying, pleasant, accidental erasure of the tape. » unintentional,
pleasing, worthwhile 2 The courses fell below an chance, coincidental, fortuitous, inadvertent,
acceptable standard. » adequate, satisfactory, unintended, adventitious, arbitrary, casual,
reasonable, tolerable, admissible, appropriate, lucky, random AN opPOSITE IS intentional
passable, suitable AN OPPOSITE IS unacceptable accidentally apvers We met accidentally. » by
acceptancenoun 1 The plan found wide accident, by chance, fortuitously,
acceptance. » approval, consent, unintentionally, unwittingly AN OPPOSITE IS
acquiescence, agreement, welcome intentionally
AN OPPOSITE IS refusal 2 Their acceptance of the acclaimvers The film has been widely acclaimed
explanation came as some relief. > belief (in), in the press. » praise, applaud, commend,
confidence (in) cheer, congratulate, celebrate
accessnoun 1 The away fans could not gain acclimatizevers They soon became acclimatized
access to that end of the stadium. » entry, to their new surroundings. » accustom, adjust,
admission, admittance, right of entry 2 The familiarize
building has no access at the front. » entrance, accoladenoun He received the accolade of a
entry, way in, approach knighthood. » praise, honour, tribute,
accessible,pective 1 The library has been made recognition, admiration, acclamation, plaudits
accessible for wheelchairs. » reachable, within accommodate vers 1 We will do our best to
reach, at hand, available, convenient, (more accommodate your wishes. >» serve, help, aid,
informal) get-at-able, (more informal) handy assist, supply, oblige, provide 2 The lodge
AN OPPOSITE IS inaccessible 2 Ministers want to accommodates nine residents. » house, lodge,
be more accessible. » approachable, available, provide for, cater for, shelter, board, take in,
informal, welcoming hold, (more informal) put up
accessorynoun 1 Accessories include a remote accommodatingapycrve The local tourist
control. » attachment, fitting, extra, addition, office is very accommodating. » helpful,
appendage, extension 2 He might be charged obliging, cooperative, considerate
accommodation = accumulate
accommodation noun somewhere to live, accordion Noun accordions a portable
work, or sleep overnight musica] instrument like a large concertina with
a set of piano-type keys at one end, played by
accompanist Noun accompanists a pianist squeezing it in and out and pressing the keys
etc. who accompanies a singer or another
musician account Noun accounts 1. statement of
money owed, spent, or received; a bill 2 an
accompany VERs accompanies, arrangement to keep money ina bank etc. 3a
accompanying accompanied 1go0
somewhere with somebody 2 be present with description or report
something @ Thunder accompanied the storm. on account of because of
3 play music, especially on a piano, that on no account under no circumstances;
supports a singer or another player etc. certainly not
take something into account consider or
> accompaniment NOUN
include it when making a decision or
accomplice (a- kum- pliss) Nou accomplices calculation
a person who helps another in a crime etc.
account vers accounts , accounting,
accomplish vere accomplishes, accounted
accomplishing .accomplished dosomething account for make it clear why something
successfully happens
> accomplishment NouN [from early French conter = to count]
accomplished apective skilled accountable apective responsible; having to
accord Noun agreement; consent explain why you have done something
of your own accord without being asked or > accountability Noun
compelled accountant Noun accountants a person
according Adverse whose job is keeping or inspecting financial
accordingto 1 asstated by e According to him, accounts
we are stupid. 2 in relation to e Price the apples > accountancy NOUN
according to their size. accumulate vers accumulates,
accordingly 4pvers 1 in the way that is accumulating accumulated pile up or
required e@ I’ve given you your instructions and I increase
expect you to act accordingly. 2 therefore > accumulation Noun

accommodation Noun The cost includes three account Noun 1 Write down a full account of
days’ accommodation in Bruges. » board, what you saw. » description, report,
lodging, shelter, housing, rooms statement, report, record, explanation,
accompany vers 1 She regularly accompanied narrative, version, commentary, (more
groups of her students. » go with, escort, travel informal) write-up 2.An account for the work has
with, attend, follow, chaperone, look after, come in the post. » invoice, statement, bill
partner, (more informal) tag along with 2A 3 The damage done to the vehicles is of little
note accompanied the flowers. » go with, occur account. » importance, significance,
with, coincide with, be present with, coexist consequence, concern, moment, interest,
with, complement, belong with, supplement worth, value, use
accomplice Noun An accomplice stood at the on account of They stayed indoors on account of
door on lookout. » associate, partner, the bad weather. » because of, in view of,
accessory, abetter, confederate, collaborator, owing to, due to, as a result of, as a
co-conspirator consequence of, considering
accomplish vers Brady believes his side can account vers account for It is difficult to account
accomplish the awesome task. » achieve, fulfil, for such a sudden change in their attitude.
succeed in, realize, complete, conclude, bring > explain, justify, clarify, elucidate, answer for,
off, carry out, discharge, attain, effect, give reasons for, excuse, make excuses for,
execute, finish, perform rationalize, vindicate
accomplished apyctive Diana is an accountable spective The Minister is
accomplished pianist. » expert, talented, able, accountable to Parliament. » responsible,
skilled, gifted, capable, clever, competent, answerable, subject, liable
proficient accrue vers The honour that is supposed to accrue
accomplishment Noun This was quite an from being unpaid» result, follow, ensue,
accomplishment and she was duly rewarded. arise, stem, spring, emanate, be produced
> achievement, attainment, ability, talent, accumulate vers 1 He accumulated information
skill, gift from different sources. » gather, collect, amass,
accurate = acorn
accurate apective correct or exact salt
> accurately Apvers accuracy NOUN > acidicapjective acidity Noun Ce
@CCUSE vers accuses, accusing, accused say acid nective 1 sharp-tasting; sour 2 looking or
that a person has committed a crime etc.; sounding bitter e an acid reply.
blame > acidly Apvers
> accusationNoun accuser NOUN
acid rainwoun rain made acidic by mixing with
acenoun aces 1 aplayingcardwithonespot 2a waste gases from factories etc.
very skilful person or thing 3 (in tennis) a serve
that is too good for the other player to reach acknowledge vers acknowledges,
acknowledging, acknowledged 1 admit
achenoun aches a dull continuous pain that something is true 2 state that you have
ache vers aches, aching, ached have an ache received or noticed something e The college
wrote back to acknowledge my letter. 3 express
achieve vers achieves, achieving, achieved
thanks or appreciation for something
succeed in doing or producing something > acknowledgementnoun
> achievablespjecrve achievement
acne (ak- nee) Noun inflamed red pimples on
acidnoun acids a chemical substance that
the face and neck
contains hydrogen and neutralizes alkalis The
hydrogen can be replaced by a metal to forma acormnoun acorns the seed of the oak tree

assemble, bring together, heap up, mass, pile used to, adapt to, adjust to, acclimatize to,
up, hoard, store up, (more informal) stash away become conditioned to, become inured to,
AN OPPOSITE IS disperse 2 Leaves tend to familiarize yourself with, (more informal) feel at
accumulate in the gullies. » build up, increase, home in
multiply, grow, accrue AN OPPOSITE IS decrease.
accumulationnoun The book is an achenoun A nagging stomach ache spoiled the
accumulation of work by many scholars. evening. > pain, pang, soreness, hurt,
> collection, build-up, mass, store, supply, discomfort, twinge
heap, pile, hoard, stock, conglomeration
achevers His tooth was beginning to ache. > hurt,
accuracy noun Can we trust the accuracy of these smart, be painful, be sore, throb, sting
figures? » precision, correctness, exactness,
validity, reliability achieve vers 1 Students who achieve their goals
accurateapectve 1 It was an accurate account of will be promised jobs. » succeed in, accomplish,
what had happened. » faithful, factual, fulfil, complete, carry out, attain, manage,
authentic, true, truthful, close, exact, precise, bring about, bring off 2 They worked hard to
reliable 2 She took accurate notes during the achieve success. > acquire, win, gain, earn, get,
meeting. » exact, precise, correct, careful, obtain, procure, reach, score
faultless, errorless, error-free, meticulous,
minute, perfect, scrupulous 3 His aim was achievementnoun 1 They are proud of their
steady and accurate. » certain, unerring, sure, achievement. » accomplishment, attainment,
(more informal) spot-on AN OPPOSITE IS success, deed, exploit 2 We hoped for the
inaccurate achievement of all our aims. » attainment,
accusationnoun There had been several realization, accomplishment, fulfilment,
accusations of cheating. » allegation, charge, reaching, gaining, winning, conclusion
complaint, indictment, alleged offence
acknowledgevers 1 They acknowledged their
accuSevers 1 accuse of The men were accused of obligation to their predecessors. » admit,
disorderly behaviour. » charge with, blame for, concede, accept, grant, recognize, allow
put on trial for, take to court for, indict for AN OPPOSITE Is deny 2 No one has acknowledged
2 accuse of The banks are accused of creating my letter. » answer, reply to, respond to, react
confusion among customers. » blame for, hold to, notice 3 She acknowledged him with a nod.
responsible for, criticize for, condemn for, > greet, salute, hail, recognize, respond to,
denounce for AN OPPOSITE IS defend (more informal) say hello to
accustomed apctive Wars remove whole
populations from their accustomed ways of life. acknowledgementnow 1 There was an
> normal, customary, familiar, habitual, acknowledgement of a need for action.
established, usual, common, conventional, > admission, acceptance, agreement,
traditional, ordinary, regular, routine, set realization, concession 2 Tom gave a smile of
becomeor get accustomed to The family soon acknowledgement. » greeting, recognition,
became accustomed to life in the country. » get welcome, (more formal) salutation
acoustic = action
acoustic (a- koo- stik) apjective 1 to dowith acrobat Noun acrobats a person who performs
sound or hearing 2 (said about a musical spectacular gymnastic stunts for
instrument) not electronic e an acoustic guitar. entertainment
> acoustically ADverB > acrobatic ADJECTIVE acrobatics PLURAL NOUN
[from Greek akouein = hear] acronym (ak- ron- im) NouN acronyms a word
acoustics (a- koo- stiks) pLuRAL NOUN 1 the or name that is formed from the initial letters of
qualities of a hall etc. that make it good or bad other words and pronounced as a word in its
for carrying sound 2 the properties of sound own right e Nato is an acronym of North Atlantic
acquaint vers acquaints, acquainting, Treaty Organization.
acquainted tell somebody about something ACFOSS PREPOSITION, ADVERB 1 from one side to the
e Acquaint him with the facts. other @ Swim across the river. @ Are you across
be acquainted with know slightly yet? 2 on the opposite side e the house across
acquaintance Noun acquaintances 1a the street.
person you know slightly 2 familiarity with
someone or something acrylic (a- kril- ik) noun a kind of fibre, plastic,
or resin made from an organic acid
acquire vers acquires, acquiring, acquired
obtain act Noun acts 1something someone does 2a
pretence e She is only putting on an act. 3 one of
acquisition Noun something you have the main divisions of a play or opera 4 each
short performance in a programme of
acquit vers acquits, acquitting, acquitted entertainment e a juggling act. 5a law passed
decide that somebody is not guilty e The jury by a parliament
acquitted her.
> acquittal Noun act vers acts, acting,acted 1 do something;
acquit yourself well perform or do perform actions 2 perform a part in a play or
something well film etc. 3 function; have an effect
acre (ay- ker) NouN acres an area of land action Noun actions 1doing something
measuring 4,840 square yards or 0405 2 something done 3 a battle; fighting e He was
hectares killed in action. 4 a lawsuit
> acreage NOUN out of action not working or functioning
[from Old English aecer = field] take action do something

acquaint vers be acquainted with Lorna is performance, routine, sketch
acquainted with several European languages. put on an act » pretend, dissemble, play a
> be familiar with, be conversant with, be part
versed in, be informed about An opposite is be
ignorant of act vers 1 Jim was beginning to act strangely.
> behave, conduct yourself 2 The large table
acquaintance Noun Philip was just a business also acted as a work area. The medicine will soon
acquaintance. » associate, colleague, contact begin to act. » function, operate, serve, work,
acquire vers His father had acquired some shares take effect, have an effect 3 He has always
in a freight company. » obtain, get, receive, wanted to act the role of a villain. » play,
come by, gain, appropriate ‘ portray, appear (as), perform, represent,
acquit vers The jury acquitted all three of the assume the character of, characterize, enact,
accused. » absolve, clear, exonerate, find impersonate 4 It was obvious that they were only
innocent, find not guilty, free, discharge, acting. » pretend, sham, fake, pose, (more
excuse, (more informal) let off informal) kid
acrimonious Apective The meetings were
acrimonious and badly managed. > bitter, action Noun 1 It was a decisive action and very
hostile, abusive, peevish, acerbic, caustic, effective. » act, deed, step, feat, exploit,
angry, petulant, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, endeavour, enterprise, proceeding, effort,
ill-natured, venomous, biting, sharp measure, performance, process, undertaking
AN OPPOSITE IS peaceable 2 Write a story with plenty of action. » activity,
drama, excitement, vitality, movement,
acrobat noun An acrobat performed a back energy, liveliness, vigour 3 The action of the play
somersault. » gymnast, tumbler, contortionist is set in medieval France. » story, plot, events,
act noun 1 It needed an act of great courage. happenings, incidents 4 The clock has a
> deed, feat, action, exploit, undertaking, mechanical action. » working, works,
effort, enterprise, operation, proceeding 2 The mechanism, functioning, operation 5 McLeish
next act will be a juggler. » item, turn, led his troops into action. » battle, engagement
activate = add
activatevers activates, activating, activated acute spective 1 sharp or strong e acute pain.
start something working 2 having a sharp mind
> activationNnoun activator Noun > acutelyApvers acuteness NOUN
active spective 1 taking part in many activities; [from Latin acus = needle]
energetic 2 functioning or working; in acute accentwnoun acute accents a mark over
operation e an active volcano. 3 radioactive a vowel, as over é in fiancé
4 (said about a form of a verb) used when the -

subject of the verb is performing the action In acute angle noun acute angles an angle of
‘The shop sells videos’ the verb is active; in less than 90°
‘Videos are sold by the shop’ the verb is passive ADzassreviation Anno Domini (Latin = in the year
> actively spvers activeness NOUN of Our Lord), used in dates counted from the
activistnoun activists a person who is active birth of Jesus Christ
and energetic, especially in politics
adamant (ad- am- ant) apective firm and not
activity oun activities 1 an action or giving way to requests
occupation e outdoor activities. 2 being active
or lively adapters adapts, adapting, adapted
actornoun actors a person who acts a part ina 1 change something so that it is suitable for a
play or film etc. new purpose 2 to become used to a new
actressnoun actresses awoman who acts a > adaptablespective adaptation noun
part in a play or film etc.
actual apjective real adaptor noun adaptors a device to connect
> actuallyspvers actuality Noun pieces of electrical or other equipment
acupuncture (ak- yoo- punk- cher) Noun adders adds, adding, added 1 put one thing
pricking parts of the body with needles to with another 2 make another remark
relieve pain or cure disease add up 1 make orfind a total 2 (informal)
> acupuncturist Noun make sense; seem reasonable

activate vers The smaller button activates the certain, concrete OPPOSITES ARE imaginary,
reboot function. » operate, start, initiate, supposed, notional, non-existent
mobilize, actuate, trigger off, set in motion acuteapjective 1 The pain was acute. » sharp,
activeapjective 1 They were having an active time. severe, stabbing, burning, intense, piercing,
> busy, lively, eventful, energetic, vivacious fierce AN OPPOSITE IS mild 2 There is an acute
OPPOSITES ARE inactive, uneventful 2 She is very shortage ofteachers. » severe, drastic, extreme,
active for her age. » energetic, agile, sprightly, serious, dire, grave AN OPPOSITE IS continual
lively, spry, frisky, (more informal) on the go, 3 He was suffering from an acute illness.
(more informal) full of beans OPPOSITES ARE > critical, sudden 4 Jenna has an acute mind.
inactive, lethargic 3 Yvonne is an active member > sharp, keen, astute, shrewd, penetrating,
of the society. » diligent, hard-working, perceptive, quick, discerning OPPOSITES ARE
dedicated, enthusiastic, assiduous, industrious, dull, stupid
committed, devoted, staunch, zealous adaptvers 1 adapttoThe children have adapted
OPPOSITES ARE inactive, unenthusiastic 4 Part of well to their new surroundings. » adjust to,
the old factory was still active. » functional, acclimatize yourself to, get used to, reconcile
functioning, operative, working, in operation yourself to 2 The vans are all adapted to carry
OPPOSITES ARE inactive, defunct dangerous substances. » modify, alter, convert,
change, rearrange, reorganize, reconstruct,
activitynoun 1 At weekends the house is always
customize, tailor, prepare, transform 3 The
a scene ofgreat activity. » liveliness, action, story has been adapted for television. » edit,
commotion, bustle, life, hustle, animation, modify, prepare, alter
movement, excitement 2 Marketing is an
activity in which all staff can be involved. » job, adaptableaspcive 1 The tool is adaptable to
task, venture, enterprise, undertaking, project, many tasks. adjustable, versatile, convertible
scheme 3 She enjoyed many leisure activities. 2 Michael is always willing and very adaptable.
> interest, pursuit, hobby, pastime, > flexible, versatile, resilient, amenable
occupation addvers 1 Add all the numbers in the first column.
> addup, count, count up, calculate, total, find
actor noun He was the actor who played James the sum of, work out, (more informal) tot up
Bond. » player, performer, stage performer, OPPOSITES ARE deduct, subtract 2.A conservatory
artist, (female) actress, (female) artisté was added in the 1930s. » build on, attach, add
actual apective Have you seen the actual damage on, integrate, join, (more informal) tack on
done? > real, true, physical, genuine, definite, OPPOSITES ARE remove, demolish 3 add to Our
adder = adjourn
adder noun adders asmall poisonous snake address vers addresses, pasienssings
[from Old English; originally called a nadder, addressed 1 write an address ona letter etc.
which became an adder The same change 2 make a speech or remark etc. to somebody
happened to other Old English words, e.g. adenoids p.urai noun thick spongy flesh at the
apron] back of the nose and throat, which may hinder
addict noun addicts a person who does or uses breathing
something that he or she cannot give up adept (a- dept) apjective very skilful
> addicted spective addiction NOUN adequate spective enough or good enough
addictive spective causing a habit that people > adequately Advers adequacy NOUN
cannot give up e an addictive drug. adhere vers adheres, adhering, adhered
addition oun additions 1 the process of stick to something
adding 2 something added > adhesion NOUN
> additional Apjective additionally Apvers adhesive apective sticky; causing things to stick
in addition also; as an extra thing together
additive noun additives a substance added to adhesive noun adhesives a substance used to
another in small amounts for a special purpose, stick things together; glue
e.g. as a flavouring adjacent Apjective near or next to e I waited in
an adjacent room.
address noun addresses 1 the details of the
place where someone lives or of where letters adjective noun adjectives a word that
etc. should be delivered to a person orfirm escribes a noun or adds to its meaning, e.g.
2 (in computing) the part of an instruction that big, honest, strange, our
shows where a piece of information is stored in > adjectival Apjective adjectivally Apvers
a computer’s memory 3.aspeech to an adjourn (a-jern) vers adjourns, adjourning,
audience adjourned 1 break off a meeting etc. until a

shouts only added to the confusion. » increase, address vers A man came up and addressed me.
intensify, amplify, augment, enlarge, > greet, hail, salute, speak to, talk to, accost,
supplement approach, engage in conversation, (more
add up 1 It was time to add up the scores. informal) buttonhole
> count, count up, calculate, total, find the
sum of, work out, (more informal) tot up
adequate spective 1 The work must be of an
adequate standard, » satisfactory, acceptable,
2 (more informal) The story didn’t add up.
sufficient, suitable, tolerable, competent, fair,
> make sense, be convincing, be reasonable,
good enough, passable, presentable,
(more informal) hold water, (more informal)
ring true
respectable AN opposite IS inadequate 2 The
hospital lacks adequate resources. » sufficient,
add up to The costs added up to many thousands.
enough, suitable, appropriate
> total, amount to, come to, make
adhere vers 1A piece offluff adhered to his collar.
addiction noun An addiction to crisps was > stick, cling, be fixed, be fastened 2adhere
putting cellulite on her thighs. » dependence, to We must adhere to our principles.
compulsion, craving, fixation, habit, obsession > maintain, observe, follow, respect, stick to,
addition noun 11’m not very good at addition. abide by, stand by, comply with
> adding, adding up, counting, calculating, adjacent spective adjacent to the area adjacent
totalling 2 The porch is a nineteenth- century to the fire station » adjoining, bordering,
addition. » supplement, appendage, abutting, neighbouring, alongside, touching,
extension, attachment, afterthought, (more next to, close by, next door to, (more formal)
informal) add-on contiguous with
additional anyective The railways need additional adjoin vers The house adjoins an old warehouse.
resources. » extra, added, further, > benext to, abut, border on, connect with,
supplementary, increased, more, new, other, link up with, be next door to, touch, (more
spare formal) be contiguous with
address noun 1 They live at a smart address in adjourn vers The meeting was adjourned for a
town. » residence, location, locality, home, week. » suspend, break off, discontinue, defer
abode 2 The president gave a short address to the dissolve, postpone, interrupt, put off
press. » speech, talk, discourse, lecture, adjournment noun The reason for the
monologue, (more formal) oration, (more adjournment of the meeting will become clear in
formal) disquisition time. » suspension, postponement, putting
adjudicate = adolescent
later time 2 break off and go somewhere else (bahr = sea) Early Christian writers thought that
e@ They adjourned to the library. amir-al was one word meaning commander,
> adjournment Noun whereas it meant ‘commander of the ’]
adjudicate (a-joo- dik- ayt) vers adjudicates, admire vers admires, admiring, admired
adjudicating, adjudicated act as judge ina 1 look at something and enjoy it 2 think that
competition etc. someone or something is very good
> adjudication noun adjudicator Noun > admifationnoun admirer noun
adjust vers adjusts, adjusting, adjusted admissionnoun admissions 1 admitting
1 put a thing into its proper position or order 2 the charge for being allowed to goin 3a
2 alter something so that it fits or is suitable statement admitting something; a confession
> adjustable spective adjustment noun
ad-lib vers ad-libs, ad-libbing, ad-libbed say admit vers admits, admitting, admitted
or do something without any rehearsal or 1 allow someone or something to come in
2 state reluctantly that something is true;
confess e We admit that the task is difficult. e He
administer vers administers, admitted his crime.
administering, administered 1 give or
provide something e He administered medicine. admittance noun being allowed to go in,
2 manage business affairs especially to a private place
admirable spective worth admiring; excellent admonish vers admonishes, admonishing,
> admirably Apvers admonished advise or warn someone firmly
admiral noun admirals a naval officer of high > admonitionnoun
tank [from Arabic amir = commander The full adolescentnoun adolescents a young person
title was amir-al bahr = commander of the sea at the age between being a child and being an

off, break (in), pause (in), interruption, marvellous, enjoyable, likeable AN OPPOSITE IS
discontinuation, deferment deplorable
adjusters 1 You need to adjust the picture. admirationnoun Their achievement won much
> modify, alter, regulate, rectify, tune, vary, admiration. » esteem, acclaim,
change, balance, amend, arrange, position, put commendation, high regard, honour, praise,
right 2 adjust to The workforce have had to respect, appreciation, approval AN OPPOSITE IS
adjust to new procedures, » adapt to, contempt
acclimatize yourself to, accommodate yourself admire vers 1 Jill is much admired for her
to, familiarize yourself with, get used to, efficiency. » applaud, approve of, respect,
reconcile yourself to, harmonize yourself with praise, revere, esteem, value, look up to,
ad-libapyctive The chairperson made a few ad-lib marvel at, think highly of, (more formal) laud
remarks. » impromptu, extempore, AN OPPOSITE IS despise 2 Come and admire the
improvised, spontaneous, unplanned, view. » enjoy, appreciate, be delighted by
unprepared, unrehearsed, made-up, (more admirernoun He is a great admirer ofNapoleon.
informal) off the cuff, (more informal) off the > fan, devotee, supporter, adherent,
top of your head enthusiast
ad-lib vers She ad-libbed a large part of her admissionnoun 1 Admission to the gallery is
speech. » improvise, extemporize, make it up, free. >» entrance, entry, admittance, access
(more informal) play it by ear 2 The statement sounded like an admission of
administer vers 1 The director administers an guilt. » confession, declaration,
organization of two hundred people. » regulate, acknowledgement, profession, revelation,
run, manage, direct, preside over, conduct the affirmation, avowal, acceptance AN OPPOSITE IS
affairs of, control, supervise, govern, head, denial
lead, look after, command, organize, oversee admit vers 1 Some of the people were not
2A nurse administered medicines throughout the admitted to the house. > let in, allow in, grant
ward. » dispense, hand out, deal out, give, access, receive, take in AN OPPOSITE IS exclude
provide, supply, apply, distribute, dole out, 2 She admitted she had been to the house that
measure out, mete out (a punishment) morning. » acknowledge, concede, confess,
reveal, declare, disclose, divulge, agree, grant,
admirableapectve Their aims are admirable but accept, allow, own up, profess, recognize
will be difficult to achieve. » laudable,
praiseworthy, worthy, fine, commendable,
creditable, estimable, excellent, pleasing, adolescence noun The problems are the normal
exemplary, honourable, wonderful, ones of adolescence and will pass in time.
adopt = advent
adult advance noun advances 1a forward
> adolescence Noun adolescent ADJECTIVE movement; progress 2 an increase 3a loan;
adopt vers adopts, adopting, adopted 1 take payment made before it is due
someone into your family as your own child in advance beforehand; ahead
2 accept something; take something and use it
e They adopted new methods of working. advance vers advances, advancing,
> adoption Noun advanced 1 move forward; make progress
adore vers adores, adoring, adored love a 2 lend or pay money ahead of the proper time
person or thing very much © Can you advance me a month’s salary?
> adorable ApecTive adoration NOUN > advancement NOUN
adorn vers adorns, adorning, adorned advantage noun advantages 1 something
useful or helpful 2 the next point won after
> adornment NouN
adrenalin (a- dren- al-in) noun ahormone deucein tennis gard
that stimulates the nervous system, making > advantageous ADJECTIVE
your heart beat faster and increasing your take advantage of use a person or thing
energy and your ability to move quickly profitably or unfairly
adrift apjective, apvers drifting to advantage making a good effect @ The
adulation noun very great flattery painting can be seen to its best advantage here.
adult (ad- ult) noun adults a fully grown or to your advantage profitable or helpful to you
mature person Advent noun the period just before Christmas,
adultery noun being unfaithful to your wife or when Christians celebrate the coming of Christ
husband by having sexual intercourse with
someone else advent oun the arrival of anew person orthing
> adulterer NOUN adulterous ADjECTIVE @ the advent of computers

> puberty, teens, youth, boyhood, girlhood, informal) make strides, (more informal) push
growing-up ON AN OPPOSITE IS retreat 2 Computer technology
adopt vers 1 The blue shirt was adopted as the has advanced in the last few years. » develop,
official uniform in the 1930s. He asked them to evolve, improve, increase, grow, thrive
adopt a more professional approach. » take up, AN OPPOSITE IS regress 3 Good qualifications will
choose, support, follow, accept, approve, back, advance your career. » benefit, boost, further,
embrace, espouse, endorse, (more informal) go promote, foster, assist, expedite, facilitate,
for 2 She already knew that she had been accelerate AN opposite is hinder 4 The Bank has
adopted. » foster, take in agreed to advance the money. » lend, loan, pay
in advance, provide, supply 5 He advanced some
adorable apective What an adorable little cat! interesting ideas. » present, propose, submit,
> lovable, delightful, charming, appealing,
enchanting suggest, adduce, cite, furnish, give
adore vers 1 Neil obviously still adores you. advanced spective 1 Advanced techniques have
> love, be fond of, dote on, idolize, worship, solved many of these problems. » progressive,
cherish, admire 2 We all adore shopping. leading, modern, sophisticated, up-to-date,
> love, like opposites ARE’ hate, detest forward, latest AN opposite is obsolete 2 Their
ideas were very advanced for the time.
adorn vers The room was adorned with tapestries. > forward-looking, innovative, pioneering,
> decorate, embellish, enhance, beautify,
progressive, revolutionary, trend-setting,
furnish, trim
leading, futuristic, avant-garde, new, novel,
adult anyective a medical problem associated with original AN opposite Is old-fashioned 3 a course
adult males » grown-up, of age, fully grown, in advanced mathematics » higher, complex,
full-grown, developed, mature AN OPPOSITE IS complicated, difficult, hard AN OPPOSITE IS
immature elementary 4 Jamie appears quite advanced for
advance noun There has been a considerable his age. » mature, grown-up, sophisticated,
advance in cancer treatments. » progress, well-developed
development, improvement, headway, step, advantage Noun There is an advantage in
stride having a bank account. » benefit, asset, help,
advance vers 1 The column of soldiers began to assistance, aid, blessing, convenience, boon,
advance. » move forward, go forward, favour, gain, use, service
proceed, press ahead, press on, progress, take advantage of His friends all took
approach, come near, gain ground, forge advantage of him. » exploit, make use of,
ahead, make headway, make progress, (more utilize, profit by, manipulate
adventure = aerosol
adventure noun adventures’ 1 an exciting or advice noun 1 telling a person what you think
dangerous experience 2 willingness to take he or she should do 2 a piece ofinformation
risks e We received advice that the goods had been
> adventurer Noun adventurous ADJECTIVE dispatched.
USAGE Do not confuse with the verb advise.
adverb noun adverbs a word that adds to the
meaning of a verb or adjective or another advisable spective to be recommended;
adverb and tells how, when, or where sensible +
something happens, e.g. gently, soon, and > advisability noun
upstairs advise vers advises, advising, advised 1 give
> adverbial apjective adverbially Adverse somebody advice; recommend 2 inform
> adviser NOUN advisory ADJECTIVE
adversary (ad- ver- ser- ee) Noun adversaries
an opponent or enemy aerial apective 1in or from the air 2to do with
adverse spective unfavourable or harmful
e@ adverse effects. aerial youn aerials a wire or rod etc. for
> adversely Abvers receiving or transmitting radio ortelevision
adversity youn adversities trouble or
misfortune aerobics piurai noun exercises to stimulate
breathing and strengthen the heart and lungs
advert noun adverts (informal) an > aerobic ADJECTIVE
aerodrome noun aerodromes an airfield
advertise vers advertises, advertising, aerodynamic apective designed to move
advertised 1 praise goods etc. in order to through the air quickly and easily
encourage people to buy or use them 2 make
something publicly known e advertise a aeronautics noun the study of aircraft and
meeting 3 ask or offer by a public notice flying
e@ advertise for a secretary > aeronautic ADECTIVE aeronautical ADJECTIVE
> advertiser NOUN aeroplane noun aeroplanes a flying machine
advertisement noun advertisements a with wings
public notice or announcement, especially one aerosol youn aerosols a container that holds a
advertising goods or services in newspapers, liquid under pressure and can let it out ina fine
on posters, or in broadcasts spray

adventure noun 1 His adventures had already make known, market, announce, broadcast,
turned him into a local hero. » exploit, display, flaunt, show off, (more informal) push,
escapade, venture, enterprise, undertaking, (more informal) spotlight, (more informal) tout,
deed, feat 2 They travelled the world together in (more informal) plug
search of adventure. » excitement, danger, advertisement noun 1 There are far more
interesting times, fun, stimulation advertisements on television now. » commercial,
adventurous spective 1 an adventurous child (more informal) ad, (more informal) advert
> daring, enterprising, bold, venturesome, 2 Let’s put an advertisement in the local
heroic, intrepid, valiant 2 an adventurous time newsagent. » announcement, notice, (more
> eventful, exciting, challenging, dangerous, informal) ad, (more informal) advert 3 There are
perilous, risky AN OPPOSITE IS unadventurous advertisements all along the main road.
adverse spective 1 The request brought an > hoarding, placard
adverse response. » hostile, unfriendly,
advice noun I could do with some advice.
unfavourable, critical, antagonistic, negative, > guidance, counselling, counsel, directions,
uncomplimentary, derogatory, disapproving,
suggestions, recommendations, tips, pointers
censorious 2 The treatment can produce adverse
side effects. » harmful, unfavourable, advisable spective It is advisable to arrive early.
disadvantageous, unfortunate, inauspicious, > wise, sensible, prudent, desirable, a good
uncongenial, unpropitious, contrary idea, recommended AN opposite Is inadvisable
AN Opposite Is favourable advise vers 1 He advised her to go the police.
adversity noun Peter showed he was stable in > recommend, counsel, instruct, encourage,
adversity. » misfortune, bad luck, hardship, admonish, caution, warn, (more formal) enjoin,
difficulty, affliction, tribulation, suffering, (more formal) exhort 2 The doctor advised a
sorrow, misery, hard times f period of rest. » suggest, prescribe, urge,
advertise vers The job will be advertised in advocate 3 Visitors are advised that the house
national newspapers. » publicize, promote, will close at six o'clock. » inform, notify, warn
aesthetic — after
aesthetic (iss- thet- ik) apjective to do with the afflict vere afflicts, afflicting, afflicted cause
appreciation of beautiful things somebody to suffer @ He is afflicted with
afar apvers far away @ The din was heard from arthritis.
afar. > affliction Noun
affair oun affairs 1 an event or matter e The affluent (af- loo- ent) apjective rich
party was a grand affair. 2 a temporary sexual > affluence noun
relationship between two people who are not afford vers affords, affording, afforded
married to each other 1 have enough money to pay for something
affairs puurat noun the business and activities 2 have enough time or resources etc. to do
that are part of private or public life e Keep out something 3 to be able to do something
of my affairs @ current affairs without a risk e We can’t afford to complain.
affect vers affects, affecting, affected 1 have affront vers affronts, affronting, affronted
an effect on; influence 2 pretend e She affected insult or offend someone
ignorance. affront youn affronts an insult
USAGE The word afffectis a verb. Do not confuse afloat pjctive, Aovers floating; on the sea
it with the noun effect. afraid apjective frightened or alarmed
affectation noun affectations unnatural I'm afraid | regret e I’m afraid I’m late.
behaviour that is intended to impress other afresh apvers again; in a new way e We must
people start afresh.
affected apjective pretended and unnatural African nective to do with Africa or its people
affection oun affections a strong liking for a Africannoun Africans an African person
aft apvers at or towards the back of a ship or
affectionate spective showing affection; aircraft
> affectionately Anvers after preposition 1 later than e Come after tea.
2 behind in place or order @ Which letter comes
affirm vers affirms, affirming, affirmed state after H? 3 trying to catch; pursuing e Run after
something definitely orfirmly him. 4in spite of e We can come after all. 5 in
> affirmation Noun imitation or honour of e She is named after her
affirmative spective that says ‘yes’ e an aunt. 6 about or concerning e He asked after
affirmative reply COMPARE negative you.

affair oun 1 The meeting was an odd affair. affectionate anecnve an affectionate smile
> incident, event, happening, episode, > fond, loving, devoted, tender, friendly, kind,
occurrence, circumstance, occasion, (more kind-hearted, warm-hearted, sympathetic
informal) business 2 She suspected her husband affllictvers The family has been afflicted by illness.
was having an affair.» relationship, love affair, > trouble, bother, torment, beset, burden,
romance, (more informal) fling 3 affairs They strike, distress, oppress, harass, vex, plague
need to put their financial affairs in order.
> business, activities, concerns, transactions, affliction noun He bore his affliction with great
operations, undertakings, interests, matters dignity. » suffering, distress, misfortune,
hardship, misery, torment, ordeal, pain,
affect vers 1 Alcohol affects women and men: trouble, tribulation, adversity
differently. » have an effect on, have an impact
on, influence, impinge on, modify, act on, affluence noun In recent years the country has
alter, attack, change, transform, (more shown signs ofgreater affluence. » wealth,
informal) hit 2 The sad news affected all of us. prosperity, opulence, fortune, richness
> upset, disturb, trouble, concern, move, affluent njective The more affluent houses had
perturb, sadden, distress, agitate, grieve, compost heaps in their large gardens.
impress, stir, touch 3 The man affects a Glasgow > prosperous, rich, well-off, wealthy, opulent,
accent. > assume, feign, put on (more informal) flush OPPOSITES ARE poor,
affected anyective He assumed an affected voice, as impoverished
though coming from God. > artificial, sham, afford vers We can’t afford a holiday this year.
insincere, pretentious, assumed, (more > have enough money for, pay for, manage
informal) put-on afraid anjective 1 The younger children were
affection oun The friends show obvious affection afraid of the dark. » frightened, scared,
for one another. » fondness, friendship, terrified, alarmed {at, by), fearful, intimidated
friendliness, attachment, devotion, (by), anxious, nervous OPPOSITES ARE unafraid,
tenderness, warmth, feeling, liking, love, (more brave, bold, confident 2 I’m afraid all the food
informal) soft spot AN OPPOSITE IS hatred has gone. » sorry, regretful, unhappy 3 Don’t
after > agitate
after apvers 1 behind e Jill came tumbling after. which something is done e Flowers are
2 later e It came a week after. pollinated by the agency of bees.
afternoon noun afternoons the time from agenda (a-jen- da) Noun agendas alist of
noon or lunchtime to evening things to be done or discussed @ The agenda is
aftershave noun a pleasant-smelling lotion rather long.
that men put on their skin after shaving agent Noun agents 1 a person who organizes
afterwards Apvers at a later time things fopother people 2. spy e a secret agent
again Aovers 1 another time; once more e try aggravate vers agarayates, aggravating,
again. 2 as before e You will soon be well again. aggravated 1 make a thing worse or more
3 besides; moreover serious 2 (informal) annoy
> aggravation NOUN
against prerosition 1 touching or hitting e He [from Latin gravis = heavy]
leant against the wall. 2 in opposition to; not in
favour of @ They voted against the proposal. 3 in aggregate Noun aggregates a total amount
preparation for e Protect them against the cold. or score
age NOUN eae 1 the length of time a person has aggression noun starting an attack or war etc.;
- lived ora thing has existed 2 a special period of aggressive behaviour
history or geology e the ice age aggressive apjctive likely to attack people;
ages PLURAL NOUN (informal) avery long time orceful
@ We've been waiting for ages. > aggressively ADvers aggressiveness NOUN
come of age reach the age at which you have aggressor NOUN
an adult’s legal rights and obligations (now at aggrever (a- greevd) ADjective resentful
18 years; formerly 21) ecause of being treated unfairly
age vers ages, ageing, aged make or become aghast apjective horrified
old agile apjective moving quickly or easily
aged apectve 1 (ayjd) having the age of e a girl > agilely Apvers agility Noun
aged 9 2 (ay-jid) very old e an aged man agitate vers agitates, agitating, agitated
agency Noun agencies 1 the office or business 1 make someone feel upset or anxious 2 stir up
of an agent e a travel agency 2 the means by public interest or concern; campaign e They

be afraid to ask. » reluctant, hesitant, shy, trouble, (more informal) needle, (more
slow, chary (of) informal) peeve
age Noun. 1 The grandparents were showing signs aggravation Noun It’s not worth all the
of age. » old age, senility, elderliness, aggravation. » bother, annoyance, nuisance,
decrepitude, dotage, decline AN OPPOSITE IS trouble, hassle, irritation, difficulty
youth 2 the Elizabethan age » era, period, aggression noun an act of aggression
epoch, days, generation, time, years 3 (more > hostility, aggressiveness, provocation,
informal) It’s an age since you were last here. militancy, violence
We've had to wait for ages. > lifetime, long aggressive Apjective Lily was in one of her
time, aeon aggressive moods. » hostile, provocative,
age vers 1 Frank had aged in the last few years. pugnacious, antagonistic, militant, belligerent,
> decline, degenerate, look older, fade 2A bellicose, argumentative, quarrelsome,
good wine needs to age. » mature, mellow, attacking, violent, warlike, assertive, bullying,
ripen, develop, grow older (more informal) pushy, (more informal) macho
AN OPPOSITE IS. friendly
aged ADJECTIVE an aged relative » elderly, old, aggrieved anective He sounded aggrieved and
senile astonished. » offended, indignant, resentful,
agent noun When she became a writer she needed wronged, distressed, discontented, piqued,
an agent. » representative, mediator, riled
intermediary, broker, delegate, emissary, go- aghast apjective They were aghast at the news.
between, middleman, negotiator, trustee > horrified, appalled, shocked, dismayed,
aggravate 1 The delays only aggravated the astounded, astonished, amazed
situation. » worsen, exacerbate, increase, agile apective The child was as agile as a monkey.
intensify, magnify, add to, make more serious, > nimble, lithe, spry, deft, graceful, fleet,
make worse, augment, compound, heighten, adroit, sprightly, supple, lively, acrobatic,
inflame, exaggerate AN OPPOSITE IS alleviate active, limber, lissom, mobile, quick-moving,
2 (informal) Their flippant remarks aggravated swift OPPOSITES ARE clumsy, slow
us. » annoy, irritate, bother, exasperate, agitate vers 14 special device agitates the
incense, vex, irk, anger, nettle, provoke, clothes. » stir, disturb, shake, ruffle, stimulate,
agnostic = aim
agitated for a new bypass. 3 shake something agreeableapectve 1 willing e We shall go ifyou
about are agreeable. 2 pleasant e an agreeable place
> agitationNoun agitator Noun > agreeably apvers
agreementnoun agreements 1 agreeing
agnostic (ag- nost- ik) Noun agnostics a 2 an arrangement that people have agreed on
person who believes that it is impossible to
agriculture noun cultivating land on a large
know whether God exists
scale and rearing livestock; farming
> agnosticism NOUN
> agricultural Apjective
[from a- = not + Greek gnostikos = knowing The
word was invented by the biologist Thomas aground apvers, apjective stranded on the
Huxley in the 19th century He based it on the bottom in shallow water
word gnostic which meant ‘relating to ahead apvers 1 further forward; in front
knowledge’] 2 forwards e Full steam ahead!
aidwoun aids 1 help 2 something that helpse a
a@QoOapvers in the past e long ago hearing aid 3 money, food, etc. sent to another
@QGOGADjJECTIVe eager and excited country to help it @ overseas aid
in aid offor the purpose of; to help something
agony noun agonies extremely great pain or aid vers aids, aiding, aided help
suffering Aids noun a disease that greatly weakens a
> agonizing ADJECTIVE person’s ability to resist infections [from the
agreevers agrees, agreeing, agreed 1 think initial letters of ‘acquired immune deficiency
or say the same as another person etc. syndrome’ }
2 consent @ She agreed to come. 3suita ailinganectve Till; in poor health 2in
person’s health or digestion @ Curry doesn’t difficulties; not successful @ the ailing ship
agree with me. 4 correspond in grammatical industry
number, gender, or person In ‘They were good ailmentyoun ailments a slight illness
teachers’ they agrees with teachers (both are aim vers aims, aiming, aimed 1 point agun
plural forms) and were agrees with they; was etc. 2 throw or kick in a particular direction
would be incorrect because it is singular 3 try or intend to do something

beat, churn, convulse, toss 2 Her remark harmonize, fit OPPOSITES ARE disagree, conflict
seemed to agitate her guest. » upset, alarm, agree on We should agree on a price. > fix,
rouse, unsettle, disquiet, disturb, excite, worry, settle, decide on, establish, choose
confuse, trouble, disconcert, fluster, perturb, agree to He agreed to their requests. » accept,
stir up AN OPPOSITE IS calm consent to, acquiesce in, accede to, assent to,
agitated spective She became agitated when they grant, allow
did not appear. » upset, unsettled, anxious, agree with! don’t agree with the decision to go
confused, disturbed, ruffled, edgy, excited, to war. support, advocate, defend, argue for,
distraught, flustered, nervous, restive, restless, (more informal) back
fidgety, feverish, (more informal) tin a tizzy agreeable apyecrive I spent an agreeable day with
OPPOSITES ARE calm, relaxed their family. » pleasant, likeable, pleasing,
delightful, congenial, appealing OPPOSITES ARE
agonize vers We agonized for hours over the
disagreeable, unpleasant
decision. » worry, fret, fuss, struggle, labour,
suffer, wrestle, be anxious agreementnoun 1 There's a large measure of
agreement between them. » accord, concord,
agonizing apective an agonizing pain concurrence, unanimity, consensus, harmony,
> excruciating, acute, intense, severe, unity, affinity, similarity, sympathy,
extreme, piercing, painful conformity, consistency, correspondence
agony noun The victims died in agony. » pain, AN OPPOSITE IS disagreement 2 The two sides
torment, torture, suffering, anguish, distress, reached an agreement. » settlement, deal,
suffering compact, accord, pact, understanding, pledge,
agreevers 1 I'll have a word with your father, and arrangement
I’m sure hell agree. » approve, consent, be aidoun The project was largely financed from
willing 2 You must agree to take six books in the foreign aid. » help, support, assistance, relief,
first year of membership. » be willing, consent, favour, patronage
undertake, promise 31 think we all agree on the aid vere 1 an agreement to aid the poorest
action needed. » concur, be unanimous, be countries > help, assist, support, sustain,
united, (more informal) see eye to eye 4 No two relieve, subsidize 2 These measures will aid the
versions of the story seem to agree. » match, process. » encourage, support, promote,
accord, correspond, tally, coincide, conform, facilitate, expedite
aim => alarm
aim Noun aims 1 aiming a gunetc. 2a purpose airline youn airlines acompany that provides a
or intention regular service of transport by aircraft
aimless apjective without a purpose airliner youn airliners a large aircraft for
> aimlessly ADvers carrying passengers
air NOUN airs 1 the mixture of gases that airlock Noun airlocks 1a compartment with
surrounds the earth and which everyone an airtight door at each end, through which
breathes 2 the open space above the earth 3.a people can go in and out of a pressurized
tune or melody 4 an appearance or impression chamber 2a bubble of air that stops liquid
of something @ an air of mystery 5an flowing through a pipe
impressive or haughty manner e He puts on airmail youn mail carried by air
airs. airman Noun airmen amanwhoisamember of
by air in or by aircraft an air force or of the crew of an aircraft
on the air on radio or television airport Noun airports a place where aircraft
air vers airs, airing,aired 1 putclothesetc. ina land and take off, with passenger terminals and
warm place to finish drying 2 ventilate aroom other buildings
3 express @ He aired his opinions. air raid Noun air raids an attack by aircraft
air bag Noun air bags a safety device ina airstrip youn airstrips a strip of ground
vehicle, which inflates in front of the driver or prepared for aircraft to land and take off
passenger to reduce the impact in a collision airtight nective not letting air in or out
air-conditioning noun asystem for airy apective 1 with plenty of fresh air 2 light as
controlling the temperature, purity, etc. of the air 3.vague and insincere e airy promises
air in a room or building > airily Aovers
> air-conditioned ADJECTIVE aisle (I'll) youn aisles 1a passage between or
beside rows of seats or pews 2a side part of a
aircraft Noun aircraft an aeroplane, glider, or church
helicopter etc.
ajar Apvers, ADJECTIVE slightly open e Leave the
aircraft carrier Noun aircraft carriers alarge door ajar.
ship witha long deck where aircraft can take off akin anjective related or similar to e a feeling akin
and land to regret
airfield noun airfields an area equipped with alarm noun alarms 1a warning sound or
runways etc. where aircraft can take off and signal; a piece of equipment for giving this 2a
land feeling of fear or worry 3 an alarm clock
air force noun air forces the part of acountry’s alarm vers alarms, alarming, alarmed make
armed forces that is equipped with aircraft someone frightened or anxious

aim Noun Our aim is to win the championship. air your opinions » express , voice, utter,
> ambition, goal, objective, object, aspiration, disclose, divulge, vent, declare, make known
plan, purpose, intention, target, wish, end, airy Apective 1 The room was light and airy.
dream, hope, desire, design > fresh, well ventilated, spacious, roomy,
aim vers 1 He aimed a gun at her. » point, breezy opposites ARE stuffy, airless, close,
direct, level, train, focus 2 We aim to meet our oppressive 2 He looked at them with an airy
targets in full next year. » intend, aspire, confidence. » cheerful, cheery, light-hearted,
resolve, want, wish, seek, plan, strive, try, nonchalant, lively opposites ARE serious,
endeavour, attempt solemn
aisle youn The cinema had several aisles.
aimless anjective an aimless existence > gangway, passage, passageway, corridor,
> pointless, purposeless, undirected, lane
haphazard, random, meaningless, senseless,
fruitless alarm noun 1 The woman looked round in alarm.
> fear, fright, panic, terror, trepidation,
air Noun 1 the air around us» sky, atmosphere, apprehension, consternation, dismay, anxiety,
ether, heavens, airspace 2 Open the window and distress, nervousness, uneasiness 2 Suddenly
let some air in. » breeze, draught, breath of air, the alarm sounded, » signal, alarm signal,
oxygen, waft, wind 3 She showed an air of warning signal, distress signal, siren
defiance. » appearance, look, aura, manner, alarm vers The news had alarmed us > frighten,
impression, bearing, aspect, ambience, scare, startle, unnerve, agitate, shock, disturb,
character, demeanour, effect, feeling , fluster, surprise, terrify, upset, daunt, dismay,
air vers 1 You will need to air the room. distress, panic, (more informal) put the wind up
> ventilate, aerate, freshen 2 an opportunity to AN OPPOSITE IS reassure
alarm clock = alimony
> alarming ADJECTIVE of something [from Italian all’ erta! = to the
[from Italian all’ arme! = to arms!] watchtower! ]
alarm clocknoun alarm clocks a clock that A leveloun A levels advanced level in GCSE
can be set to make a sound at a fixed time to algae (al- jee) pLura noun plants that grow in
wake a sleeping person water, with no true stems or leaves
alasinreRection an exclamation of sorrow algebra (al-jib- ra) noun mathematics in which
albatross noun albatrosses a large seabird letters and symbols are used to represent
with very long wings quantities
albino (al- been- oh) Noun albinos a person or > algebraic (al-jib- ray- ik) ADJECTIVE
animal with no colour in the skin and hair [from Arabic al-jabr = putting together broken
(which are white) parts It was part of the name of an Arabic
mathematical work written in the 9th century]
albumwoun albums 1 a book with blank pages
in which to keep a collection of photographs, aliias (ay- lee- as) youn aliases a false or
stamps, autographs, etc. 2a collection of different name
songs ona CD, record, or tape alias apvers also named e Clark Kent, alias
alcoholoun 1a colourless liquid made by Superman.
fermenting sugar or starch 2 drinks containing alibi(al- ib- I)noun alibis evidence that a person
this liquid (e.g. wine, beer, whisky), that can accused of a crime was somewhere else when it
make people drunk [The original meaning was was committed
a powdered cosmetic, and it came from an alien(ay-lee- en) oun aliens 1 a person who is
Arabic word al-kuhul. The meaning changed to not a citizen of the country where he or she is
any powder and then to a refined liquid living; a foreigner 2 a being from another world
produced by purifying, as alcohol is]
aliemapective 1 foreign 2 unnatural e Crueltyis
alcoholicapective containing alcohol alien to her nature.
alcoholicnoun alcoholics a person who is alienate (ay- lee-en-ayt) vers alienates,
seriously addicted to alcohol alienating, alienated make a person become
> alcoholismNoun unfriendly or not willing to help you
alenoun ales beer > alienation Noun
allertapjective watching for something; ready to alightapective 1onfire 2 lit up
act alike apjective, apvers like one another; in the
> alertlyApvers alertness Noun same way ® The twins are very alike. e Treat
alertnoun alerts a warning or alarm them alike.
on the alerton the lookout; watchful alimony noun money paid by someone to their
alertvers alerts, alerting, alerted warn wife or husband after they are separated or
someone of danger etc.; make someone aware divorced; maintenance

alertapectve 1 We need to stay alert driving in aliiemnoun illegal aliens » foreigner, immigrant,
the dark.» attentive, vigilant, watchful, aware, stranger, outsider
circumspect, wide awake, on the lookout, on
the ball, on your guard, (more informal) on'the alight nective The house was well and truly
qui vive AN OPPOSITE IS inattentive 2 mentally alight. > on fire, ablaze, burning, blazing, in
alert sharp, quick-witted, alive, active, acute flames, ignited, lit up
alertvers We alerted them to the problem. alightvers 1 Three passengers alighted from the
> warn (of), notify (of), tip off (about), inform train. > get off, get down, descend,
(about) disembark, dismount 2 The bird alighted on a
alias oun Jack was not his real name, only an branch. » land, settle, perch, come to rest,
alias. » pseudonym, false name, assumed touch down, come down
name, (said of a writer) pen name, (said of an
actor) stage name aligmvers 1 The shelves are aligned in rows.
alibinoun She has a cast-iron alibi for that > place inline, arrange in line, line up,
evening. excuse , pretext, story, defence, straighten up 2 He aligns himself with the
explanation workers. > associate, affiliate, side,
sympathize, agree, ally, cooperate, join
aliemapective 1 an alien landscape > strange, A

unfamiliar, outlandish, exotic, foreign, remote alike apyective All the houses looked alike.
2 alien beings » foreign, extra-terrestrial, > similar, identical, indistinguishable, the
remote same, uniform, comparable, interchangeable
alive = allow
alive anective 1 living 2alert e Be alive to the moral lesson
possible dangers. > allegorical (al- ig- o-rik- al) ADJECTIVE
alkali (alk- al-1) youn alkalis a chemical alleluiia wrerection praise to God
substance that neutralizes an acid to form a salt
> alkaline ADJECTIVE
allergy (al- er- jee) noun allergies something
[from Arabic al-kali = the ashes (because alkalis that a person is sensitive to and that can make
were first obtained from the ashes of seaweed)] them ill e He has an allergy to cats.
> allergft (al- er-jik) ADJECTIVE
all apective the whole number or amount of e All
my books are here. e all day alley Noun alleys 1 narrow street or passage
2a place where you can play bowls or skittles
all voun 1 everything e That is all I know.
2 everybody e All are agreed. alliance (a-leye- ans) noun alliances an
all avers 1 completely e She was dressed all in association formed by countries or groups who
wish to support each other
white. 2 to each team or competitor e The score
is fifteen all. allied Apective 1 joined as allies; on the same
allin (informal) exhausted e I’m all in. side 2 of the same kind
all-in Adjecrive including or allowing everything alligator Noun alligators a large reptile of the
e an all-in price crocodile family [from Spanish el lagarto = the
all there (informal) having an alert mind lizard]
all the same in spite of this; making no
difference e I like him, all the same. alliteration noun the repetition of the same
letter or sound at the beginning of several
Allah noun the Muslim name of God words to make a special effect, e.g. in
allegation (al- ig- ay-shon) Noun allegations © Whisper words of wisdom.
a statement made without proof
allotment Noun allotments 1a small rented
allege (a- lej) vers alleges, alleging, alleged piece of public land used for growing
say something without being able to prove it vegetables, fruit, or flowers 2 allotting; the
e He alleged that I had cheated. amount allotted
> allegedly (a-lej- id- lee) anvers
allow vers allows, allowing, allowed
allegiance (a-lee-jans) Noun allegiances 1 permit e Smoking is not allowed. 2 permit
loyalty someone to have something; provide with
allegory (al- ig- er- ee) Noun allegories a story e She was allowed £10 for books. 3 agree e I
in which the characters and events represent or allow that you have been patient.
symbolize a deeper meaning, e.g. to teach a > allowable Apjective

alive apjective 1 She was last seen alive a week ago. alleviate vers Medicines can help alleviate the
> living, live, breathing, animate, existing pain. » ease, relieve, calm, soothe, diminish,
AN OPPOSITE IS dead 2 Many of the old customs of reduce, lessen, dull, assuage, moderate
the country are kept alive.» active, inexistence, AN OPPOSITE IS aggravate
current, functioning, flourishing, surviving
OPPOSITES ARE Obsolete, inactive 3 The company alliance noun 1 a political alliance
is alive to recent developments. » alert, sensitive, & association, confederation, federation,
aware (of), conscious (of), apprised (of), compact, league, bloc, treaty, pact 2 a business
cognizant (of) alliance » partnership, relationship,
allegation Noun There were the usual allegations consortium, affiliation
of police brutality. » accusation, charge, claim,
assertion, declaration, statement, testimony allocate vers Funds are allocated to each project.
> allot, assign, apportion, grant, award,
allege vers She alleged that he had attacked her.
> assert, affirm, maintain, claim, contend, distribute, set aside (for), allow, dispense, give
declare, insist, state out, share out
allegiance noun an oath of allegiance to the king allow vers 1 Smoking is only allowed in certain
> loyalty, fidelity, obedience, devotion, duty,
faithfulness, (historical) fealty . parts of the hotel.» permit, approve, authorize,
tolerate, bear, (more informal) put up with
allergic spective 1 Ifyou are allergic to foods, AN OPPOSITE |S forbid 2 The teacher allowed him
you'll know what these are. » sensitive 2 (more
informal) I think I must be allergic to hard work. to go home. » permit, let, authorize, give
> averse, opposed, hostile, resistant, ‘ permission, enable 3 We need to allow more
disinclined, antagonistic, unsympathetic, time for the journey. » provide, set aside, grant,
antipathetic allot, allocate, give
allowance = already
allowancenoun allowances an amount of almostapvers near to being something but not
money that is given regularly for a particular quite © almost ready
purpose alomeapjective without any other people or
make allowances be considerate; excuse things; without help
@ Make allowances for his age. alongprerosition following the length of
alloynoun alloysametal formed by mixing two something e Walk along the path.
or more metals etc.
alongaovers 1 on or onwards e Push it along.
all rightaojective, apvers 1 satisfactory 2in 2 accompanying somebody e I’ve brought my
good condition desired 4 yes, |consent brother along.
all-round apyective general; not specialist e an along withas well as; together with
all-round athlete alongside preposition, Apvers next to
> all-roundernoun something; beside
alludevers alludes, alluding, alluded refer to aloofpvers apart; not taking part e We stayed
something without naming it
> allusionnoun aloof from their quarrels.
USAGE Do not confuse with elude. aloofapcrve distant and not friendly in manner
allurevers allures, alluring, allured attract or @ She seemed aloof.
fascinate someone aloudapvere in a voice that can be heard
> allurenoun alluringapjective alphanoun the first letter of the Greek alphabet,
ally (al-eye) noun allies 1a country in alliance =a
with another 2a person who cooperates with alphabetnoun alphabets the letters used ina
another language, usually arranged in a set order
ally vers allies, allying, allied form an alliance > alphabeticalapjecrive alphabeticallyapvers
almighty agectve 1 having complete power [from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the
2 (informal) very great e an almighty din Greek alphabet The Hebrew names aleph and
almond (ah- mond) noun almonds an oval beth are related to the Greek words]
edible nut already spvers by now; before now

allowancenoun 1A weekly allowance is forces, side, team up, form an alliance, make
provided for each prisoner. » allocation, common cause
portion, measure, quota, ration, share, amount
2 He received an allowance from his father. almighty spective 1 Almighty God > all-
powerful, omnipotent, supreme, pre-eminent
> remittance, payment, pocket money,
2 an almighty explosion » huge, enormous,
subsistence, annuity, grant, stipend, pension tremendous, mighty, overpowering,
3 The shop will offer you an allowance for your old overwhelming, big
appliance. » discount, rebate, reduction,
deduction almostapvere The riders had almost reached her.
make allowances for You have to make He was earning nearly a million a year by now. I
allowances for possible delays on the journey. was almost tempted to ask why they had come.
> take into account, consider, bear in mind, > nearly, not quite, practically, virtually,
keep in mind, remember, have regard for , about, just about, all but, around, as good as,
alll rightanjective 1 She seemed all right. » well,
unhurt, unharmed, uninjured, in good health, aloneapjctive 1 The man was alone in the house
safe, secure 2 The food’s all right, though not at the time. » on your own, by yourself,
very exciting. » satisfactory, acceptable, solitary, single, unaccompanied, apart,
adequate, reasonable, tolerable, passable separate, solo 2 She said she often felt very alone.
OPPOSITES ARE unsatisfactory, unacceptable > lonely, isolated, lonesome, solitary,
friendless, forlorn, desolate
alludevere allude to Several speakers alluded to
the problem. » refer to, hint at, make an aloofanyctive Michele seemed aloof and oddly
allusion to, mention, touch on, speak of, tense. » distant, remote, haughty,
suggest supercilious, forbidding, cold, unfriendly,
allywoun a political ally » associate, colleague, reserved, standoffish, austere, scornful,
collaborator, partner, companion, unsympathetic, unforthcoming, inaccessible,
confederate, supporter, friend, helper, detached OPPOSITES ARE friendly, approachable
accomplice, helpmate AN OPPOSITE IS enemy
aloudaovers Madge read the letter aloud. » out
allyvere Bruce again allied himself with the loud, audibly, clearly, distinctly, plainly, loudly
English. » unite, join, band together, join AN OPPOSITE IS silently
Alsatian => amateurish
Alsatian (al- say- shan) youn Alsatians a alternative medicine noun types of medical
German shepherd dog treatment that are not based on ordinary
also pvere in addition; besides medicine
altar youn altars a table or similar structure alternator youn alternators a dynamo that
used in religious ceremonies generates an alternating current
USAGE Do not confuse with the verb alter.
although cowunction though
alter vers alters, altering, altered make or
become different; change altitude youn altitudes the height of
> alteration NouN something, especially above sea level
USAGE Do not confuse with the noun altar. alto voun altos 1 an adult male singer with a
alternate (ol-tern- at) apjective 1 happening or very high voice 2a contralto
coming one after the other e alternate layers of altogether overs 1 with all included; in total
sponge and cream 2 one in every two e We meet ® The outfit costs £20 altogether. 2 completely
up on alternate Fridays. © The stream dries up altogether in summer. 3 on
> alternately spvers the whole e Altogether, it was a good concert.
USAGE See the note at alternative. USAGE Do not confuse altogether and all
- alternate (ol-tern- ayt) vers alternates, together.
alternating, alternated use or come aluminium now a lightweight silver-coloured
alternately metal
> alternation NOUN
alternating current youn alternating always aovers 1 at all times 2 often e You are
currents electric current that keeps reversing always crying. 3 whatever happens e You can
its direction at regular intervals always sleep on the floor.
alternative apective available instead of Alzheimer's disease youn aserious disease
something else of the brain which affects some old people and
> alternatively spvers makes them confused and forgetful
USAGE Do not confuse alternative with @.IM. ABBREVIATION before noon
alternate. If there are alternative colours it
means that there is a choice of two or more amalgamate vers amalgamates,
colours, but alternate colours means that there amalgamating, amalgamated mix or
is first one colour and then the other. combine
> amalgamation Noun
alternative youn alternatives one of two or
more possibilities amateur (am- at- er) NOUN amateurs a person
no alternative no choice who does something as a hobby, not as a
alternative energy noun any form of energy professional
that does not use up the earth’s resources or amateurish spective not done or made very
harm the environment well; not skilful

also spvers His married sister also lives nearby. altogether apvers We are not altogether
> too, additionally, in addition, as well, satisfied. » completely, entirely, fully, wholly,
besides, furthermore, moreover totally, perfectly, absolutely, quite,
thoroughly, utterly
alter vers The text ofthe speech had been altered to
take account of the recent events. » change, always overs 1 You are always late. » every
adjust, modify, vary, adapt, convert, time, constantly, repeatedly, habitually,
transform, amend, re-form invariably, regularly 2 He is always complaining.
> forever, constantly, incessantly, endlessly
alteration youn After a few alterations the 31 will always remember you. » for ever,
typescript was ready for publication. » change, permanently, perpetually, evermore
modification, variation, adaptation,
amateur spective The band was made up entirely
adjustment, amendment, reorganization, of amateur musicians. » unpaid, unqualified,
transformation untrained, inexperienced AN OPPOSITE IS
alternate vers In a democratic system political professional
parties alternate in office. » take turns, amateur Noun The players were all amateurs.
interchange, act alternately, swap round, > non-professional, layman, layperson,
replace each other, rotate enthusiast, devotee, dabbler AN OPPOSITE IS
alternative noun There is no alternative. professional
> choice, option, other possibility, substitute, amateurish apjctive There are some very poor
replacement amateurish productions around. » unskilful,
amaze = amino acid
amaze vers amazes, amazing, amazed ambivalent (am- biv- al- ent) ayective having
surprise somebody greatly; fill with wonder mixed feelings about something (e.g. liking
> amazement NOUN and disliking it)
amazing Apective very surprising or remarkable > ambivalence NouN
amble vers ambles, ambling, ambled walk at
amazon Noun amazons a strong or athletic a slow easy pace
woman [The Amazons were a mythical race of
women warriors The Greeks thought that the ambulancenoun ambulances a vehicle
name came from a- = without + mazos = breast, equipped to carry sick or injured people
believing that the Amazons used to cut off their ambushnoun ambushes a surprise attack
right breast in order to hold a bow better] from troops etc. who have concealed
noun ambassadors a person
sent to a foreign country to represent his or her ambushvers ambushes, ambushing,
own government ambushed attack someone after lying in wait
for them
amber noun 1a hard clear yellowish substance amen INTER|ECTION a word used at the end of a
used for making ornaments 2. yellow traffic prayer or hymn, meaning ‘may it be so’
light shown as a signal for caution, placed
between red (= stop) and green (= go) amendvers amends, amending, amended
alter something in order to improve it
ambidextrousapyective able to use either your > amendment Noun
left hand or your right hand equally well make amends make up for having done
something wrong; atone
ambiguous agecnive having more than one
possible meaning; unclear American apecive 1 to do with the continent
> ambiguously Apvers ambiguity NOUN of America 2 to do with the United States of
ambitionnoun ambitions 1 a strong desire to > American NOUN
achieve something 2 the thing desired
amino acid (a- meen- oh) noun amino acids
ambitious apeciive full of ambition an acid found in proteins

incompetent, inept, inexpert, crude, scale, big, far-reaching, unrealistic
bumbling, amateur AN opposite Is skilled OPPOSITES ARE modest, realistic
amaze vers It always amazes me how dirty the ambivalentapectve an ambivalent attitude
place is.» astonish, astound, surprise, stagger, towards the new technology » equivocal,
startle, disconcert, dumbfound, shock, uncertain, hesitant, fluctuating, contradictory,
flabbergast, perplex, stun, stupefy, bewilder, inconsistent, vacillating, wavering, ambiguous,
confound confused, muddled
amazing ADECTIVE an amazing sight ambushwoun The fighters set up an ambush.
> astonishing, astounding, extraordinary, > surprise attack, trap, snare, ambuscade
remarkable, staggering, startling, stunning, ambusltvers The gang specialized in ambushing
breathtaking, fantastic, wonderful, unsuspecting passers-by. » waylay, pounce on,
magnificent, phenomenal, incredible surprise, swoop on, trap, entrap, ensnare,
AN OPPOSITE IS unimpressive intercept, attack
ambiguousanjciive The replies were ambigu amendsnoun make amends tolt’s not too late
and misleading. » confusing, obscure, to make amends to them for the trouble you
enigmatic, ambivalent, uncertain, unclear, caused. » recompense, compensate, make it
equivocal, indefinite, indeterminate, puzzling, up to
vague, woolly AN opposite Is definite amenity Noun an old house with few amenities
ambitionnoun 1 young people with a lot of > facility, service, benefit, provision
ambition » drive, enthusiasm, enterprise, self- amiable nective an amiable old fellow
assertion, zeal, (more informal) push 2 Her > friendly, amicable, agreeable, affable,
ambition is to become a model. » aim, dream, likeable, pleasant, congenial
hope, goal, aspiration, objective, object, ammunitionwnoun 1 The house was full of
target, wish, desire, ideal, intention ammunition. » bullets, cartridges, shells,
ambitious apecnve 1 an ambitious politician bombs, missiles, shrapnel 2 The blunder
> aspiring, assertive, determined, provided ammunition for the opposition.
enthusiastic, (more informal) go-ahead, (more > evidence, arguments, material, information
informal) pushy AN OPPOSITE IS apathetic. amok or amuchaAovers run amok Some of the
2 ambitious ideas » grand, grandiose, large- animals had broken loose and run amok. » go
amiss => anachronism
amiss apjective wrong or faulty e She knew amphibious agctive able to live or move on
something was amiss. both land and in water
ammonia noun a colourless gas or liquid with a ample apjctive 1 quite enough e ample
strong smell provisions 2 large
ammunition noun a supply of bullets, shells, > amply Apvers
grenades, etc. for use in fighting amplifier youn amplifiers a piece of
amnesia (am- nee- zee- a) Noun loss of memory equipment for making a sound or electrical
amnesty noun amnesties a general pardon for signal louder or stronger
people who have committed a crime amplify vers amplifies, amplifying,
amoeba (a- mee- ba) Noun amoebas a amplified 1 make a sound or electrical signal
microscopic creature consisting of a single cell louder or stronger 2 give more details about
which constantly changes shape and can split something @ Could you amplify that point?
itself in two amplitude noun 1 (in science) the strength of
among oramongst preposition 1 surrounded a sound wave or electronic signal 2 largeness
by; in e There were weeds among the flowers. or abundance
2 between e Divide the sweets among the amputate vers amputates, amputating,
children. amputated cut off an arm or leg by a surgical
amount noun amounts 1a quantity 2a total operation
> amputation Noun
amount vers amounts, amounting,
amounted amuse vers amuses, amusing, amused
amount to 1add up to 2 be equivalent to 1 make a person laugh or smile 2 make time
e Their reply amounts to a refusal. pass pleasantly for someone
> amusing ADJECTIVE
@MpPp Noun amps 1 an ampere 2 (informal) an
amplifier amusement noun amusements 1 being
ampere (am- pair) Noun amperes a unit for amused ‘2a way of passing time pleasantly
measuring electric current @M ADJECTIVE SEE

pephiben NOUN amphibians. animal anachronism (an-ak- ron- izm) Noun
able to live both on land and in water, such as a anachronisms something wrongly placed ina
frog, toad, or newt 2a vehicle that can move particular historical period, or regarded as out
on both land and water of date e Bows and arrows would be an

berserk, go on the rampage, run riot, go out of heighten, increase, make louder, raise the
control, go crazy volume of AN OPPOSITE IS decrease 2 The
amoral apjective Guy was greedy, amoral, and following notes amplify the position. » expand,
obsessed with power. > unprincipled, loose, lax, enlarge on, elaborate on, develop, supplement,
unethical AN OPPOSITE IS moral. augment, add to, flesh out, broaden
amorous apjective Her employer had made
amorous advances. » sexual, romantic, lustful, amuse vers Their comments amused him.
erotic, carnal, passionate, impassioned > entertain, delight, divert, enliven, gladden,
OPPOSITES ARE unloving, frigid cheer up, make laugh, raise a smile, (more
amount noun 1 He wrote out a cheque for the informal) tickle
whole amount. » quantity, sum, total, lot, amuse yourself He amused himselfby writing
whole 2 The program needs a large amount of postcards. » occupy yourself, pass the time,
computer memory. » quantity, volume, bulk, engage yourself, interest yourself, immerse
lot, mass, expanse, extent, measure, supply yourself (in)
amount vers amount to The cost amounted to amusement noun 1 We read the article with
several thousands. » add up to, come to, total, amusement. » mirth, hilarity, delight,
aggregate, be equivalent to, equal, make merriment, enjoyment, laughter 2 A theme
ample spective ample supply of books and park with a wide range of amusements for all the
magazines » plentiful, abundant, copious, family. > entertainment, activity, leisure
lavish, generous, liberal, rich AN OPPOSITE IS activity, recreation, diversion, interest, delight,
meagre 2 ample space for several cars distraction, enjoyment, game, hobby, pastime,
> enough, adequate, sufficient, plenty of sport
OPPOSITES ARE inadequate, insufficient , amusing Ap/ective an amusing story
amplify vers 1.A good acoustic will amplify the > entertaining, enjoyable, witty, funny,
sound. > louden, magnify, boost, intensify, diverting, pleasing
anaemia = angel
anachronism in modern warfare. [from Greek anarchist (an-er- kist) Noun anarchists a
chronos = time] person who believes that all forms of
government are bad and should be abolished
anaemia (a- nee- mee- a) NOUN a poor
condition of the blood that makes a person anarchy (an-er- kee) noun 1 lack of
pale government orcontrol, resulting in lawlessness
> amaemicADJECTIVe 2 complete disorder
anaesthetic (an- iss- thet- ik) noun anatomy (an- at- om- ee) Noun the study of the
anaesthetics a substance or gas that makes structure of the bodies of humans or animals
you unable to feel pain > anatomical ADjecTive anatomist NOUN
> anaesthesia Noun ancestornoun ancestors anyone from whom
anaesthetist (an- ees- thet- ist) noun a person is descended
anaesthetists a person trained to give > ancestralADECTIVE ancestry NOUN
anaesthetics anchornoun anchors a heavy object joined to
> anaesthetize vers a ship by a chain or rope and dropped to the
anagramnoun anagrams a word or phrase bottom of the sea to stop the ship from moving
made by rearranging the letters of another anchorvers anchors, anchoring, anchored
@ ‘Trap’ is an anagram of ‘part’. 1 fix or be fixed by an anchor 2 fix something
anal (ay- nal) apjective to do with the anus firmly
analogy (a- nal- 0j- ee) Noun analogies a ancientapective 1 very old 2 belonging to the
comparison between things that are alike in distant past @ ancient history
some ways @ the analogy between the human andconunction 1 together with; in addition to
heart and a pump @ We had cakes and buns. 2 so that; with this
> analogousAD/ECTIVE result e Work hard and you will pass. 3 to e Go
and buy a pen.
analyse vers analyses, analysing, analysed
1 examine and interpret something @ The book androidnoun androids (in science fiction) a
analyses the causes of the war. 2 separate robot that looks like a human being
something into its parts anecdotenoun anecdotes a short amusing or
analysisnoun analyses 1a separation of interesting story about a real person or thing
something into its parts 2 a detailed angeloun angels 1 an attendant or
examination of something messenger of God 2a very kind or beautiful
> analyticADectiVe analytical ADJECTIVE person

analogy noun There is an analogy between the predecessor, progenitor AN OPPOSITE IS
human brain and a computer. » similarity, descendant RELATED ADJECTIVE atavistic
parallel, resemblance, comparison, likeness,
correspondence, correlation ancestrynoun The family has a Spanish ancestry.
> lineage, origin, pedigree, roots, stock,
analyse vers You need to analyse your motives. pedigree, parentage, ancestors, forebears
> examine, evaluate, review, scrutinize,
consider, study, interpret, investigate anchorvers 1 Several ships had anchored in the
harbour. >» berth, moor, tie up, make fast 2 The
analysisnoun an analysis of the unemployment lid was anchored to the sides with screws.
figures » examination, breakdown, > fasten, attach, fix
evaluation, study, scrutiny, research (into),
enquiry (into), interpretation, investigation, ancientanjective 1 the ancient buildings at
Pompeii» old, historic, early, classical
2 ancient civilizations » early, old, historic,
analytical apctive an analytical approach to the prehistoric (= before the time of written
problem » systematic, logical, methodical, records), archaic, bygone AN OPPOSITE IS
rational, critical, rigorous, searching, inquiring, modern
investigative, penetrating, questioning
AN OPPOSITE IS unsystematic angelnoun 1 a depiction ofangels with wings and
beautiful faces » archangel, divine messenger,
anarchynoun The country is threatened with cherub, seraph 2 She was an absolute angel
anarchy. » lawlessness, disorder, bedlam, during my illness. » dear, darling, treasure,
disorganization, insurrection, chaos, gem, (more informal) brick
confusion, misgovernment, misrule, mutiny,
pandemonium, riot bel pal Bt angelic beings » heavenly,
celestial, divine, ethereal 2 an angelic expression
ancestornoun We can trace our ancestors back to > beautiful, lovely, heavenly, enchanting
the Stuarts.» forebear, forefather, antecedent, 3 angelic behaviour » innocent, virtuous,
anger — annihilate
> angelic (an-jel- ik) ADjEcTIVE English spoken from about 700 to 1150; Old
[from Greek angelos = messenger] English
anger Noun astrong feeling that you have angry ADecTIVe angrier, angriest feeling anger
towards someone who has done wrong or has > angrily ADverB
done something you do not like
angular apjective 1 having angles or sharp
anger vers angers,angering,angered makea corners 2 (said about a person) bony, not
person angry plump,
angle youn angles 1 the space between two animal noun animals 1a living thing that can
lines or surfaces that meet; the amount by
feel and usually move about e Horses, birds, fish,
which a line or surface must be turned to make
bees, and people are all animals. 2.a cruel or
it lie along another 2 point of view
uncivilized person
angle vers angles, angling, angled 1 put
something ina slanting position 2 present animate vers animates, animating,
news etc. from one point of view animated make a thing lively
> animation Noun
angler oun anglers a person who fishes witha
fishing rod and line animated sgective 1 lively and excited 2 (said
> angling NOUN about a film) made by photographing a series
of still pictures and showing them rapidly one
Anglican apjctive to do with the Church of
England after another, so they appear to move
> Anglican Noun ankle noun ankles the part of the leg where it
Anglo-Saxon noun Anglo-Saxons 1an joins the foot
English person, especially of the time before annihilate (an- I- il- ayt) vers annihilates,
the Norman conquest in 1066 2 the form of annihilating, annihilated destroy something

exemplary, pure, saintly, pious, unworldly deep end, (very informal) freak out, (very
AN opposite IS devilish. informal) go ballistic
anger Noun Anger surged through him. anguish noun a cry of anguish » agony, pain,
distress, torment, torture, sorrow, suffering,
> annoyance, irritation, crossness,
exasperation, displeasure, fury, rage, anxiety, grief, misery, tribulation, heartache,
indignation, temper, vexation, bitterness, (literary) woe
hostility, outrage, resentment, passion, pique, animal noun 1 Like many animals they hibernate
(more formal) rancour, (literary) wrath, in winter. » living being, creature, beast,
(literary) ire being, brute 2animals > wildlife
animate vers A feeling of excitement animated
anger vers Their rudeness angered all of us. the whole team. » invigorate, enliven, vitalize,
> enrage, annoy, irritate, infuriate, exasperate, revitalize, energize, stimulate, hearten,
incense, vex, madden, aggravate, antagonize, activate, revive, liven up, excite, encourage,
displease, incite, inflame, make angry, (more exhilarate, fire, inspire, arouse, rejuvenate,
informal) needle, (more informal) rile, (more galvanize, (more informal) buck up, (more
informal) bug, (more informal) rub up the informal) pep up, (more informal) give a buzz
wrong Way OPPOSITES ARE pacify, placate,
appease animated anjective There was a sound of
animated conversation in the next room. & lively,
angle noun 1.4 cupboard built into the angle of spirited, excited, enthusiastic, exuberant,
the two walls » corner, intersection, recess heated, vivacious, high-spirited, passionate,
2 We need to look at the problem from another impassioned opposites ARE lethargic, lifeless
angle. » perspective, point of view, animation Noun They arrived full of animation
standpoint, viewpoint, position, slant, and determination. » liveliness, energy,
approach, outlook vitality, spirit, enthusiasm, excitement, activity
OPPOSITES ARE lethargy, inertia
angry Apjective John looked angry and started to
shout. She gave us all an angry look. » annoyed, animosity noun There was a strong animosity
enraged, angered, cross, displeased, furious, between the two brothers. » hostility, ill-feeling,
irritated, irate, infuriated, incensed, indignant, antagonism, enmity, acrimony, antipathy,
outraged opposites ARE pleased, calm rancour, bitterness, hate, hatred, loathing,
become angry Eventually the witch became Venom OPPOSITES ARE goodwill, rapport,
angry. » lose your temper, go into a rage, fly friendship
into a rage, flare up, (more informal) see red, annihilate vers The army set about annihilating
(more informal) fly off the handle, (more the whole population. » destroy, wipe out,
informal) hit the roof, (more informal) go off the eliminate, eradicate, exterminate, extinguish,

anniversary => ant
completely amom~overs (old use) soon e I will say more about
> annihilationNoun this anon.
anniversaryNoun anniversaries a day when @MOMN. ABBREVIATION anonymous
you remember something special that anonymous(an- on- im- us) Apective without
happened on the same day ina previous year the name of the person responsible being
vers announces, announcing, known or made public e an anonymous donor.
announced make something known, > anonymouslyAbvers anonymity (an- on-
especially by saying it publicly or to an audience im- it- ee) NOUN
> announcementNoun announcer NOUN anorakwnoun anoraks a thick warm jacket with
annoyvers annoys, annoying, annoyed a hood [from an Inuit word]
1 make a person slightly angry 2 be anorexia(an- er- eks- ee- a) Noun anillness that
troublesome to someone makes a person so anxious to lose weight that
> amnoyanceNoun he or she refuses to eat
annualapective 1 happening once a year e her > amorexicADJECTIVE
annual visit 2 calculated over one year @ our anotherapyctive, pronoun a different or extra
annual income 3 living for one year or one person or thing e another day e choose another
season @ an annual plant amswernoun answers 1 areply 2 thesolution
> annuallyADvers
toa problem
annualnoun annuals 1 a book that comes out answervers answers, answering, answered
once ayear 2 an annual plant [from Latin annus 1 give or find an answer to; reply 2 respond to
= year]
a signal @ Answer the telephone.
anodenoun anodes the electrode by which answer backreply cheekily
electric current enters a device COMPARE answer for be responsible for
cathode answer tocorrespond to e This answers to the
anointvers anoints, anointing, anointed put description of the stolen bag.
oil or ointment on something, especially in a antnoun ants a very small insect that lives as
religious ceremony one of an organized group

obliterate, slaughter, raze, abolish, erase, anmnoyancenoun 1 Much to her annoyance, Mike
liquidate, (more formal) extirpate, (more had taken the car. > irritation, indignation,
informal) kill off displeasure, exasperation, pique, chagrin,
vexation 2 The animals in the road proved quite
announcevers 1 The government will announce an annoyance. > irritant, irritation, nuisance,
its plans next week. » make public, make bother, worry, (more informal) aggravation
known, declare, reveal, disclose, divulge,
publish, publicize, broadcast, advertise annoyed apjective His mother was beginning to
OPPOSITES ARE conceal, suppress 2 The presenter look annoyed. > irritated, angry, cross,
announced the next act. » introduce, present displeased, vexed, peeved, infuriated,
incensed, enraged, (more informal) miffed,
announcementnoun 1 There will be an (more informal) put out AN OPPOSITE IS pleased
announcement from the Palace this afternoon.
> statement, declaration, communiqué, .
annoyingapective His mouth curled into an
pronouncement, proclamation, bulletin, annoying smile. > irritating, infuriating,
dispatch 2 We are still waiting for an exasperating, maddening, irksome,
announcement of the decision. » declaration, bothersome, tiresome OPPOSITES ARE pleasant,
notification, intimation, disclosure agreeable
anonymousapective 1 The author was
anmouncernoun The announcer gave details of anonymous. » unnamed, nameless, incognito,
the programme changes. » presenter, unacknowledged, unidentified, unknown,
anchorman, anchorwoman, newscaster, unspecified, (literary) unsung 2 an anonymous
newsreader, broadcaster, commentator, letter > unattributed, unsigned 3 an
compere, master of ceremonies anonymous way of writing » impersonal,
ammoy vers The comments had clearly annoyed nondescript, characterless, faceless,
her. » irritate, displease, anger, infuriate, unremarkable
enrage, exasperate, incense, vex, madden, answernoun 1 Our letter brought a quick
aggravate, nettle, antagonize, inflame, make answer. » reply, response, reaction,
angry, (more informal) needle, (more informal) acknowledgement, riposte 2 The answer to the
rile, (more informal) bug, (more informal) rub question was far from clear. » solution,
up the wrong way OPPOSITES ARE please, gratify explanation 3 Violence is no answer.» solution,
antagonism => antics
antagonism (an-tag-on-izm) NOUN an > anthropological Apjecrive anthropologist
unfriendly feeling; hostility NOUN
> antagonist NOUN antagonistic ADJECTIVE
antibiotic youn antibiotics a substance (e.g.
antagonize vers antagonizes antagonizing, penicillin) that destroys bacteria or prevents
antagonized make a person feel hostile or them from growing
antelope noun antelope orantelopes:a fast- antibody youn antibodies a protein that
running animal like a deer, found in Africa and forms in the blood as a defence against certain
parts of Asia substances which it then attacks and destroys
antenatal (an- tee- nay- tal) anjective before anticipate vers anticipates, anticipating,
birth; during pregnancy anticipated 1 take action in advance about
antenna noun 1 (antennae) a feeler on the something you are aware of @ A good teacher
head of an insect or crustacean 2 (antennas) learns to anticipate what students will ask. 2 act
an aerial before someone else does @ Others may have
anthem noun anthems a religious or patriotic anticipated Columbus in discovering America.
song, usually sung by a choir or group of people 3 expect e We anticipate that it will rain.
anthology vou anthologies a collection of > anticipation Noun anticipatory ADJECTIVE
poems, stories, songs, etc. in one book [from USAGE Many people regard use 3 as incorrect; it
Greek anthos = flower + logia = collection: early is better to avoid it and use ‘expect’.
collections of poems were regarded as anticlimax oun anticlimaxes a
including the ‘flowers’, ie the most beautiful disappointing ending or result where
examples] something exciting had been expected
gue alesADJEcTIVE like a human being
@ Gorillas are anthropoid apes. anticlockwise Apvers, anective moving in the
direction opposite to clockwise
anthropology noun the study of human
beings and their customs antics Piura Noun funny or foolish actions

remedy, way out 4 his answer to the charge antagonistic spective The march threatened to
> defence, plea, vindication attract an antagonistic rival mob. > hostile,
opposed, ill-disposed, antipathetic
amswer vers 1 Please answer my question. Will antagonize vere They seem to be trying to
nobody answer me? »& reply to, respond to, antagonize us. » alienate, provoke, make an
acknowledge, give an answer to, reactto 2 I’m enemy of, offend, anger, annoy, embitter,
not feeling well,’ she answered. » rejoin, reply, estrange, irritate, upset OPPOSITES ARE pacify,
respond, retort, return 3A good encyclopedia placate
will answer your problem. » resolve, solve, anthology Noun an anthology of short stories
explain 4 The accused could answer all but one of > collection, selection, treasury, compilation,
the charges. » refute, rebut, defend yourself compendium, miscellany, digest
against 5 We have enough money to answer our anticipate vers 1 It was impossible to anticipate
present needs. » satisfy, serve, fulfil, meet, all the possible moves. » forestall, pre-empt,
correspond to, echo, fit, match up to, suffice, intercept, prevent 21 anticipate that the result
suit 6 The police have arrested a man answering will be a draw. » expect, foresee, predict,
the description. » match, fit, correspond to, forecast, foretell, hope
conform to
anticlimax noun After all the excitement, the
answer someone back It was unwise to answer
journey proved to be rather an anticlimax. >, let-
the teacher back in those days, however provoked
down, comedown, disappointment
you felt. » talk back to, be impertinent to, be
cheeky to, contradict, (more informal) cheek antics Piura noun He was reminded of his
childhood antics. » foolery, tricks, capers,
answerable apgective Ministers are answerable buffoonery, tomfoolery, clowning, escapades,
to Parliament. » responsible, accountable, fooling, pranks, (more informal) larking about,
subject (more informal) skylarking
antidote Noun The poison has no known antidote.
antagonism Noun She was pleased, despite her > antitoxin, cure, remedy, neutralizing agent
antagonism to him. » hostility, ill-feeling, antipathy noun He expressed his antipathy to
animosity, enmity, acrimony, antipathy, institutions of any kind. » hostility, ill-feeling,
rancour, bitterness, hate, hatred, loathing, animosity, enmity, acrimony, antagonism,
venom OPPOSITES ARE goodwill, rapport, rancour, bitterness, hate, hatred, loathing,
friendship venom opposites ARE fondness, goodwill, liking
anticyclone = apart
anticyclonenoun anticyclonesan area where anus(ay- nus) Noun anuses the opening at the
air pressure is high, usually producing fine lower end of the alimentary canal, through
settled weather which solid waste matter is passed out of the
antidotenoun antidotes something that acts body
against the effects of a poison or disease anvilnoun anvilsa large block of iron on which
antifreezenoun aliquid added to water to a blacksmith hammers metal into shape
make it less likely to freeze anxiousapecive 1 worried 2 eager e She is
antihistaminenoun antihistamines a drug anxious to please us.
that protects people against unpleasant effects > anxiouslybvers anxiety NOUN
when they are allergic to something @MYADJECTIVE, PRONOUN 1 One or some @ Have you
antimonywoun a brittle silvery metal any wool? @ There isn’t any. 2no matter which
antiquarian (an- ti- kwair- ee- an) ADjECTIVE to e Come any day you like. 3 every @ Any fool
do with the study of antiques knows that!
antiquated anectve old-fashioned amy pvers at all; in some degree e Is that any
antique (an- teek) apjective very old; belonging better?
to the distant past anybodynoun, pronoun any person
antiquenoun antiques something that is anyhowsovers 1 anyway 2 (informal)
valuable because it is very old carelessly @ He does his work anyhow.
antiquity (an- tik- wit- ee) noun ancient times anyonenoun, pronoun anybody
anti-Semitic(an- ti- sim- it- ik) ADJECTIVE anythingwoun, Pronoun any thing
hostile or prejudiced towards Jews
> anti-Semitism (an- ti- sem- it- izm) NOUN amyway overs whatever happens; whatever
the situation may be
antisepticanecrve 1 able to destroy bacteria,
especially those that cause things to become anywherezspvers in or to any place
septic or to decay 2 thoroughly clean and free anywherepronoun any place e Anywhere will
from germs do.
antisepticnoun antiseptics a substance with aorta (ay- or-ta) Noun aortas the main artery
an antiseptic effect that carries blood away from the left side of the
antisocial apyective unfriendly or inconsiderate heart
towards other people apartspvers 1 away from each other; separately
antlervoun antlersthe branching horn of a @ Keep your desks apart. 2 into pieces e It fell
deer apart. 3 excluded e Joking apart, what do you

antiquatedapyective Their ideas seem antiquated uncooperative, unfriendly, troublesome,
these days. an antiquated typewriter » old- unruly, alienated, anarchic, disagreeable,
fashioned, out-dated, outmoded, out-of-date, nasty, rebellious, rude OPPOSITES ARE friendly,
obsolete, ancient, antediluvian, antique, sociable
archaic, dated, anachronistic, old, passé, (more
informal) past it, (more informal) prehistoric, anxietynoun 1 anxiety about money
primitive, quaint, (humorous) superannuated, > concern, apprehension, unease, worry,
unfashionable OPPOSITES ARE up to date, , disquiet, foreboding, nervousness, tension,
modern, current, new distress, doubt, dread, fear, fretfulness,
misgiving, qualm, scruple, strain, stress,
antiqueapjective Amanda has an eye for good uncertainty AN OPPOSITE IS calmness 2 She
antique furniture. » old, ancient, antiquarian, showed a strong anxiety to please. » eagerness,
antiquated, historic, old-fashioned, traditional, enthusiasm, desire, keenness, impatience,
veteran (car), vintage (car) OPPOSITES ARE willingness OPPOSITES ARE reluctance,
modern, new unwillingness
antiquenoun a sale of antiques > collector’s
item, curio, curiosity, rarity amxiousapjective 1 Anxious relatives were
waiting for further news. Everyone is anxious
antiquitynoun 1 The place had been a harbour about the next few weeks. » worried, concerned,
in antiquity. » ancient times, the ancient past,
nervous, apprehensive, fearful, uneasy,
past times 2a site ofgreat antiquity » age, troubled, distressed, agitated, tense, restless
oldness, elderliness AN OPPOSITE IS calm 2 She always seems anxious
antisocial spective Most people show some signs to please. » eager, keen, enthusiastic, willing,
of antisocial behaviour. » asocial, unsociable, impatient
unacceptable, objectionable, undisciplined, be anxiousHe was anxious about his work.
offensive, disorderly, disruptive, obnoxious, > worry, fret
apartheid = apparition
think of it? apologynoun apologies 1 astatement saying
apart from excluding, other than that you are sorry for having done something
apartheid (a- part- hayt) noun the political wrong or badly 2 something very poor e this
policy that used to be practised in South Africa, feeble apology for a meal.
of keeping people of different races apart apoplexy (ap- op-lek- see) noun 11 (old use)
[Afrikaans, = being apart] sudden loss of the ability to feel and move,
apartmentnoun apartments 1 a set of caused bythe blocking or breaking of a blood
rooms 2 (American) a flat vessel in the brain 2 (informal) rage or anger
> apoplecticanjective
apathy (ap- ath- ee) noun not being interested Apostlenoun Apostles any of the twelve men
in something or caring much about it sent out by Christ to preach the Gospel
> apathetic (ap- a- thet- ik) ADJECTIVE
apostrophe (a- poss- trof- ee) noun
@Penoun apes any of the four kinds of monkey apostrophes the punctuation mark’ used to
(gorillas, chimpanzees, orang-utans, and show that letters have been missed out (as in I
gibbons) that do not have a tail can’t = |cannot) or to show possession (as in the
boy’s book; the boys’ books)
apevers apes, aping, aped imitate or mimic
appallingapctve shocking; very unpleasant
aperturenoun apertures an opening
apparatuswoun the equipment for a particular
apex (ay- peks) youn apexes the tip or highest experiment orjob etc.
point apparentapectve 1 clear or obvious e His
aplomb (a- plom) noun dignity and confidence embarrassment was apparent to everyone.
e@ She handled the press conference with aplomb. 2 seeming; appearing to be true but not really
so @ I could not understand her apparent
apologeticanyective making an apology indifference.
> apologetically apvers > apparently apvers
apologizevers apologizes, apologizing, apparitionnoun apparitions 1a ghost
apologized make an apology 2 something strange or surprising that appears

apartspvers Their parents are now living apart. confession, explanation, justification, defence,
> separately, independently, on your own excuse, plea
apart fromEveryone came apart from him.
> except (for), but for, aside from, besides, appalvers The level ofviolence appals most people.
excepting, excluding > horrify, shock, alarm, outrage, dismay,
scandalize, repel, offend, disgust, sicken, revolt
apatheticanyective They seem apathetic about the
whole idea. » uninterested (in), indifferent (to), appallingaoective 1 Their attitude was
unconcerned, unenthusiastic, uncommitted, appalling in its callousness. » horrifying,
unfeeling, uninvolved, unmotivated (by) horrific, shocking, outrageous, revolting,
OPPOSITES ARE enthusiastic, eager, keen (on) repellent, repulsive, terrifying, terrible,
dreadful, awful, unnerving, sickening,
apathynoun At the general election the voters nauseating, horrible 2 an appalling piece of
showed more than usual apathy. » indifference, work > dreadful, awful, terrible, atrocious,
coolness, lack of interest, unconcern, lassitude, abysmal
lethargy, listlessness, passivity, inertia,
inactivity AN OPPOSITE IS enthusiasm apparatusnoun 1 an apparatus for processing
aperturenoun There was a strange window-like sea water » device, appliance, gadget,
aperture in one wall. » opening, hole, gap, slit, instrument, machine, mechanism, system,
vent, fissure, (technical) orifice tool, (usually disapproving) contraption, (more
informal) set-up 2 Laboratory apparatus can be
apologeticanctive They don’t sound too extremely expensive. >» equipment,
apologetic considering it was their fault. implements, materials, machinery, (more
> regretful, repentant, sorry, contrite, informal) tackle, (more informal) gear
penitent, remorseful, rueful OPPOSITES ARE
unrepentant, defiant apparentapyecrive There was no apparent motive
for the crime. A sense ofrelief was all too apparent.
apologizevers He apologized for his mistake. > evident, discernible, ostensible, perceptible,
> say sorry, express regret, ask for forgiveness, recognizable, noticeable, observable, obvious,
be penitent, make an apology, repent - clear, manifest, conspicuous, detectable,
apologynoun We all owe you an apology. overt, patent, visible, self-explanatory
> expression of regret, acknowledgement, OPPOSITES ARE obscure, hidden, concealed
appeal — applicabie
appeal vers appeals appealing appealed appendicitis \oun inflammation of the
T ask for something earnestly or formally appendix
e They appealed for funds. 2 ask for a decision to appendix Nouv 1 @ppendixes) a small tube
be changed e He appealed against the prison leading off from the intestine 2 eit et
sentence. 3 seem attractive or interesting a section added at the end of aboo
© Cricket doesn’t appeal to me.
appeal Noun appeals 1 asking for something
appetite \oun appetites 1 desire for food
2. an enthusiasm for something e an appetite
you badly need 2 asking foradecision to be
for violent films
changed 3 attraction or interest
appear VER. appears ,appearing appeared
appetizing spective (said about food) looking
Frccvle into ent 2seem 3 take partina play, and smelling good to eat
film, or show etc. applaud vere applauds applauding,
appearance NouN appearances 1 appearing applauded show that you like something,
2 what somebody looks like; what something especially by clapping your hands
appears to be applause noun clapping
appease VéRs appeases ,appeasing . apple noun apples a round fruit with a red,
appeased calm or pacify someone, especially yellow, or green skin
by giving in to demands
> appeasement NOUN cl sei NOUN glalee a device or piece
of equipmente electrical appliances
appendage \ouN appendages something
eeed ppebbactiad: ening that forms a natural applicable (ap- lik- a- bul) anective able to be
part of something larger applied; suitable or relevant

apparently overs Apparently satisfied, the man appearance Noun 1 His scruffy appearance took
leaned back. » seemingly, evidently, ostensibly us by surprise. » look, looks, aspect, bearing,
appeal noun 1 The radio station broadcast an demeanour, impression 2 an appearance of
appeal for calm. > call, request, cry, entreaty, friendliness » semblance, air, pretence,
petition, supplication, prayer 2 Packaging is an illusion, facade, guise, veneer
important part of a product’s appeal. appetite voun 1A long walk will sharpen our
> attraction, attractiveness, charm, allure, appetites. » hunger, need for food, taste buds
charisma, seductiveness, (more informal) pull 2 Her appetite for information was phenomenal.
appeal VERB Tappeal for Detectives are > craving, longing, yearning, eagerness,
appealing for information about the incident. hankering (after), desire, passion, thirst, relish,
> call for, cry out for, beg for, plead for, ask zest, demand
earnestly for, request, solicit Zappeal to appetizing 4Qectve The woman brought in a
Hoskins said that at first the film role didn’t large appetizing meal. » tasty, delicious,
appeal to him. » attract, interest, please, inviting, palatable, (more informal) mouth-
entice, tempt watering
appealing Apective The prospect of a whole day applaud vers 1 The audience applauded loudly.
with Jemima was rather appealing.» attractive, > clap, cheer, give an ovation, acclaim, show
agreeable, engaging, captivating, charming, your approval, (more informal) bring the house
delightful, lovely, enchanting opposites ARE down opposites ARE boo, hiss 2 They were
unappealing, disagreeable watching and applauding the youngsters’ efforts.
> acclaim, commend, praise, salute,
appear vers 1A large building appeared in the
congratulate, compliment, eulogize, extol,
istance. » come into view, come into sight, be
seen, arise, loom up opposites ARE disappear, (more formal) laud an opposite ts criticize
vanish 2 By lunch time the twins still hadn't applause Noun 1 There was a great round of
appeared. » arrive, come, make an applause when the dance ended. » clapping,
appearance, put in an appearance, (more cheering, acclamation, (an) ovation, plaudits,
informal) show your face, (more informal) show approval 2 The author wins universal applause
up, (more informal) turn up 3A few problems from his followers. » praise, acclaim, approval,
have appeared since we last met. » emerge, acclamation, plaudits, accolades, admiration
arise, develop, come to light, materialize, appliance noun 1 There’s no reason why you
occur, (more informal) crop up, (more informal) shouldn’t use individual heating appliances.
turn up 4 The road did not appear to lead > device, apparatus, gadget, instrument,
anywhere. » seem, look, turn out 5 Jake’s sister machine, mechanism, system, tool, (usually
was appearing in the school play for the first time. disapproving) contraption, (more informal)
> perform, take part, act setup
applicant > apprehensive
applicantnoun applicants a person who appointmentyoun appointments 1 an
applies for a job or position arrangement to meet or visit somebody at a
particular time 2 choosing somebody forajob
applicationnow applications 1 the action 3a job or position
of applying 2.a formal request 3 the ability to
apply yourself 4 (in computing) a program or apposition
noun placing things together,
especially nouns and phrases in a grammatical
piece of software designed for a particular relationship In the reign of Elizabeth, our Queen,
purpose ‘our Queen’ is in apposition to ‘Elizabeth’
applied nective put to practical use e applied appreciable spective enough to be noticed or
maths felt; perceptible
> appreciably apvers
apply vere applies, applying, applied 1 put
vers appreciates, appreciating,
one thing on another 2 start using something
appreciated 1 enjoy or value something
3 concern; be relevant e This rule does not apply 2 understand 3 increase in value
toyou. 4 make a formal request e apply for ajob > appreciationnoun appreciativeapjecive
apply yourself give all your attention to a job; apprehend
vers apprehends,
work diligently apprehending, apprehended 1 seize or
appointvers appoints, appointing, arrest someone 2 understand
appointed 1 choose a person for a job apprehensionnoun 1 fear
or worry
2 arrange something officially e They appointed 2 understanding 3 the arrest of a person
a time for the meeting. apprehensive spective anxious or worried

applicantwoun The best applicant was a female appraisal
oun The article is an honest appraisal
graduate with fresh ideas. » candidate, of the problems. » assessment, evaluation,
contender, interviewee, competitor, entrant, estimation, valuation, review, rating,
participant, aspirant consideration, appreciation
applicationnoun 1 an application for a grant appraise vers They stood back to appraise the
> request, appeal, claim 2 the application of work they had done. » assess, evaluate,
new solutions to old problems estimate, review, consider, (more informal) size
> implementation, employment, use, exercise up
applyvers 1 Apply antiseptic cream to the cut. appreciable spective an appreciable sum of
> administer, bring into contact, lay on, put money » considerable, substantial, significant,
on, spread 2 Contestants will need to apply all sizeable, large, (more informal) tidy
their skill and experience. » employ, exercise,
use, utilize, bring into use, implement, practise appreciate vers 1I’d appreciate any help you
3 apply for More than a hundred people have can give me. » be grateful for, value, welcome,
applied for the job. » put in an application for, prize, regard highly, esteem OPPOSITES ARE
seek, request, (more informal) put in for think little of, despise, disparage 2 We
4 apply to The rules only apply to England and appreciate good music. » enjoy, value, cherish,
Wales. » be relevant to, pertain to, refer to, respect, treasure, like, think highly of
relate to, appertain to, concern, affect, involve OPPOSITES ARE despise, dislike 3 I appreciate that
apply yourself > concentrate, exert yourself, you cannot stay long. » recognize, realize,
be diligent, be assiduous, be industrious, work understand, acknowledge, comprehend,
hard, make an effort, persevere, (more know, apprehend, see OPPOSITES ARE be
informal) buckle down unaware of, disregard 4 Most properties in the
area have appreciated in value. » increase, gain,
appoint vers Amanda had been appointed store rise, go up, grow, improve, build up, escalate,
manager. » name, nominate, designate, mount, soar, strengthen OPPOSITES ARE
choose (to be), engage (as), take on (as), install depreciate, decrease, fall, go down, weaken
(as) appreciationnoun 1 They showed their
appointmentwoun 1 June had to rush to keep appreciation by taking us out to dinner.
her five o'clock appointment. » engagement, > gratitude, indebtedness, thanks, obligation,
assignation, arrangement, consultation, thankfulness 2 an appreciation ofgood literature
session, date, fixture, meeting, rendezvous, (in
> enjoyment, understanding
poetry) tryst 2 the appointment of new members
of staff > nomination, selection, choice, apprehensive agective Polly was apprehensive
choosing, commissioning, election, naming about going back up on deck. » anxious,
3 Frank held an appointment at the University. worried, concerned, nervous, fearful, uneasy,
> position, post, job, situation, office, place troubled, distressed, agitated, tense, restless
apprentice — April
apprentice Noun apprentices a person who is approval Noun approving somebody or
learning a trade or craft by a legal agreement something
with an employer on approval received by a customer to
> apprenticeship Noun examine before deciding to buy
apprentice vers apprentices, apprenticing, approve vers approves, approving, !
apprenticed place a person as an apprentice approved 1 say or think that a person or thing
approach vers approaches, approaching, is good or suitable 2 agree formally to
approached 1comenear 2 go to someone something e The committee has approved the
with a request or offer e They approached me for expenditure.
help. 3 set about doing something or tackling a approximate (a- proks- im- at) ADJECTIVE
problem almost exact or correct but not completely so
approach Noun approaches 1 approaching > approximately ADvER8
2 away or road approximate (a- proks- im- ayt) vere
appropriate (a- proh- pree- at) ADJECTIVE approximates, approximating,
suitable approximated make or be almost the same as
> appropriately ADVERB something
appropriate (a- proh- pree- ayt) vers apricot Noun apricots a juicy orange-coloured
appropriates, appropriating, fruit with a stone in it [from Spanish or
appropriated take something and use it as Portuguese]
your own April oun the fourth month of the year [from
> appropriation NOUN atin Aprilis]

Pisekoek NOUN 1 Flowers in the park announced appropriate Apective 1 This isn’t an
the approach of spring. > arrival, coming, appropriate time to ask questions. » suitable,
advance, appearance, nearing, imminence, fitting, proper, apt 2 The form should be
advent opposites ARE retreat, departure 2 The completed with any appropriate comments.
most beautiful approach to the city is from the > relevant, apposite, pertinent, applicable,
south. » access, passage, road, way in, entry, germane opposites ARE Inappropriate,
entrance, drive 3 His approach was to try out irrelevant
new ideas on other people. » method, approval noun 1 Jane looked at them with
procedure, technique, way, system, course, approval. » favour, approbation, admiration,
manner, means, style, mode 4 We need an support, appreciation, commendation,
international approach to problems such as global acclaim, acclamation, applause, respect,
warming. » attitude, perspective, policy (for, regard, esteem, liking OPPOSITES ARE
regarding), outlook (on), point of view (on), disapproval, disfavour 2 Congress had given
viewpoint (on) 5 Imade an informal approach to final approval to the bill in October. » consent,
the bank manager. » appeal, application, assent, support, agreement, endorsement,
invitation, offer, overture, proposal, acceptance, authorization, acquiescence,
proposition (more informal) blessing, (more informal) (the)
approach vers 1A grinning dark-haired youth go-ahead, (more informal) (the) green light,
approached them, holding out his hand. » move (more informal) OK, (more informal) thumbs up
towards, proceed towards, come towards, go OPPOSITES ARE refusal, veto
towards, come near, draw near, advance on, approve vers 1 Some members are thought to
bear down on, near 2 The committee approached have approved the plan. » support, accept,
its task with determination. » set about, tackle, agree to, assent to, consent to, acquiesce in,
embark on, make a start on, begin, undertake, accede to, endorse, back, subscribe to,
get down to 3 Should we approach the bank authorize opposites ARE refuse, veto
manager about a loan? » contact , speak to, 2approve of Some parents and teachers still do
sound out, appeal to 4 The likely cost was now not approve of the use ofcalculators. » welcome,
approaching several millions. » border on, get favour, endorse, advocate, support, hold with,
near, get close to, verge on, approximate, countenance, tolerate, recommend, (more
(more informal) get on for informal) go along with opposites ARE
disapprove of, condemn, reject
approachable sgective She looked younger and
more approachable. » friendly, welcoming, approximate apective All measurements are
well-disposed, congenial, cordial, agreeable, approximate. » rough, estimated, close,
pleasant, obliging, communicative, accessible, inexact, Near AN OPPOSITE IS exact
affable, informal, kind, open, sociable, approximately
overs Homework should last
sympathetic, (more informal) unstuffy, (more approximately an hour. » roughly, about,
informal) matey opposites ARE aloof, formal round about, around, more or less, nearly, in
apron = archipelago
@pronnoun aprons 1 apiece of clothing worn @FCNOUN arcs 1a curve; part of the
over the front of the body, especially to protect circumference of a circle 2a luminous electric
other clothes 2a hard-surfaced area on an current passing between two electrodes
airfield where aircraft are loaded and unloaded arcadenoun arcades a covered passage or
aptapectve 1 likely @ He is apt to be careless. area, especially for shopping
2 suitable e an apt quotation arch’ youn arches 1a curved structure that
> aptly overs aptness NOUN helps to support a bridge or other building etc.
aptitude noun a talent or skill e an aptitude for 2 something shaped like this
languages archyvers arches, arching, arched form
aquarium noun aquariums a tank or building something into an arch; curve e The cat arched
in which live fish and other water animals are its back and hissed.
displayed arch? apective pretending to be playful;
mischievous e an arch smile
aquaticapective to do with water e aquatic > archly avers
archaeology (ar- kee- ol- 0j- ee) Noun the
_aqueductnoun aqueducts a bridge carrying a study of ancient civilizations by digging for the
water channel across low ground or a valley remains oftheir buildings, tools, coins, etc. and
Arabnoun Arabs a member of a Semitic people examining them
living in parts of the Middle East and North > archaeological apjecrive archaeologist
Africa NOUN
> Arabiamapjective archaic (ar- kay- ik) apjective belonging to
Arabicapyective to do with the Arabs or their former or ancient times
language archangel youn archangels an angel of the
Arabicnoun the language of the Arabs highest rank
archbishopnoun archbishops the chief
arabic numerals p.ura: noun the symbols 1, 2, bishop of a region
3, 4, etc. COMPARE Roman numerals
arch-enemy noun arch-enemies the chief
arable spective suitable for ploughing or enemy
growing crops on e arable land
archeryoun archers a person who shoots with
arbitrary (ar- bit- rer- ee) anective chosen or a bow and arrows
done on an impulse, not according to a rule or archery noun the sport of shooting at a target
law @ an arbitrary decision. with a bow and arrows
> arbitrarily Apvers
archetype (ark-i-typ) noun archetypes the
arbitrationnoun settling a dispute by callingin original form or model from which others are
someone from outside to make a decision copied
> arbitrate vers arbitrator Noun archipelago (ark- i- pel- ag- oh) noun
arbour (ar- ber) youn arbours a shady place archipelagos a large group of islands, or the
among trees sea containing these

the region of, in the order of, approaching, unrestrained, high-handed, oppressive,
(more informal) something like, (more informal) repressive, imperious, summary, tyrannical,
... OF SO, (more informal) ... or thereabouts, tyrannous
(much more informal) pushing, (literary) nigh
on arbitrate vers The ambassador offered to
aptapectve 1 He tried to think of an apt reply. arbitrate in the dispute. » adjudicate, judge,
> appropriate , suitable, fitting, proper 2 The intercede, mediate, negotiate, pass
old man is apt to fall asleep in the evening. judgement, referee, umpire, settle, make
> inclined, liable, prone, likely peace, decide the outcome
aptitudenoun an aptitude for dancing talent, arbitration oun The county court will
gift, flair, ability, genius, faculty, capacity automatically refer the matter to arbitration.
arbitrary apectve 1 Decisions can appear > mediation, negotiation, conciliation,
arbitrary without all the information. adjudication, judgement, settlement
> random, irrational, indiscriminate,
capricious, unreasonable, unpredictable, archaicapjctive 1 archaic Greek sculpture
whimsical, wilful, casual, chance, fanciful, > ancient, old, primitive 2 He arrived in a top
illogical, subjective OPPOSITES ARE methodical, hat and morning coat, already a somewhat
rational 2 the exercise of arbitrary power archaic form of working dress. » old-fashioned,
> autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, absolute, antiquated, outmoded, obsolete
architect — aristocracy
architect (ark-i-tekt) youn architects a Roman arenas were covered with sand to soak
person who designs buildings [from Greek up the blood that was spilt in fighting between
arch- = chief + Greek tekton = builder] gladiators]
architecture noun 1 the process of designing aren’t (mainly spoken) are not
buildings 2 a particular style of building aren’t I? (informal) am | not?
e Elizabethan architecture.
> architectural ADJECTIVE arguable spective possible but not certain
archives (ark-I'vz) pLurar noun the historical > arguably ADVERB
documents etc. ofan organization or
it: VERB argues, arguing, argued 1 say
community that you disagree; exchange angry comments
archway Noun archways an arched passage or 2 state that something is true and give reasons
arc lamp orarc light youn arc lamps orarc argument Noun arguments 1 adisagreement
lights a light using an electric arc or quarrel 2.a reason or series of reasons put
arctic Apjective very cold e The weather was forward
arctic. argumentative specrive fond of arguing
ardour (ar- der) noun enthusiasm or passion
aria (ar- ee- a) NOUN arias a solo in an opera or
arduous apjective needing much effort; oratorio
> arduously ADVERB arid apective dry and barren
area NOUN areas 1 the measurement of a arise vers arises, arising, arose, arisen
surface, or the amount of space a surface 1 come into existence; come to people’s notice
covers e The area ofthe room is 20 square metres. @ Problems arose. 2 (old use) rise; stand up
2 aparticular region or piece of land 3 asubject
e Arise, Sir Francis.
or activity
arena (a- reen- a) NOUN arenas the level area in aristocracy (a-ris- tok- ra- see) Noun people of
the centre ofanamphitheatre or sports the highest social rank; members of the
stadium [from Latin, = sand: the floors of nobility

architect Noun Ictinus, architect of the Parthenon argument \oun 1A fierce argument followed.
> builder, master builder, designer, planner > quarrel, disagreement, squabble, row,
ardent apjective ardent admirers of good music wrangle, altercation, difference, dispute,
> passionate, avid, fervent, zealous, eager, dissension, clash, controversy, feud, fight,
keen, enthusiastic remonstration, expostulation, (more informal)
set-to 2a long argument about politics
arduous Adjective an arduous journey over the > discussion, debate, consultation,
hills >»exhausting, tiring, punishing, onerous, deliberation 3 No convincing argument has been
demanding, daunting, rigorous, tough offered. » case, line of reasoning,
OPPOSITES ARE easy, effortless demonstration, hypothesis, defence, gist, idea,
area Noun 1 They came to an open area of land. summary, synopsis, view 4 the principal
> expanse, extent, stretch, patch, tract, argument of the book » thesis, contention,
sector, sheet, space, surface, width, breadth theme, topic, plot
2 More money is needed for deprived urban areas.
> district, region, sector, locality, argumentative spective He could be difficult
neighbourhood, precinct, vicinity, zone, and argumentative at times. » quarrelsome,
environment, environs, province, territory 3 an combative, contentious, disputatious,
area of study » field, domain, sphere, subject truculent, aggressive
arguable apctive It is arguable that the official arid apective an arid landscape » barren,
figures exaggerate the unemployment problem. parched, desert, dry, waste, waterless,
> possible, conceivable, tenable, credible, infertile, lifeless, sterile, torrid, unproductive
OPPOSITES ARE fertile, lush
argue vers 1 The children do seem to argue a lot.
> quarrel, squabble, wrangle, bicker, row arise vers 1 If any problems arise go and see your
2 The group argued late into the night. doctor. » emerge, develop, appear, come to
> deliberate, discuss, debate, dispute 3 Some light, materialize, occur, (more informal) crop
people argue that all ownership is theft. up, (more informal) turn up 2 The
> contend, maintain, postulate, assert, claim, misunderstanding arose from poor
submit, suggest, reason, insist, show, communications. > result, originate, stem,
demonstrate, prove derive, spring, follow, ensue, proceed
aristocrat > array
aristocrat (a- ris- tok- rat) noun aristocrats a armournoun 1a protective covering for the
member of the aristocracy body, formerly worn in fighting 2 a metal
> aristocratic ADJECTIVE covering on a warship, tank, or car to protect it
arithmeticnoun the science or study of from missiles
numbers; calculating with numbers > armoured AD/ECTIVE
> arithmetical Apective armpitnoun armpits the hollow underneath
arknoun arks 1 (in the Bible) the ship in which the top of,the arm, below the shoulder
Noah and his family escaped the Flood 2a @FMS PLURAL NOUN 1 weapons 2a coat of arms
wooden box in which the writings of the Jewish up in arms protesting vigorously
Law were kept
arms race noun competition between nations
arm noun arms 1 either of the two upper limbs in building up supplies of weapons, especially
of the body, between the shoulder and the nuclear weapons
hand 2asleeve 3 something shaped like an
arm orjutting out from a main part 4 the raised army Noun armies 1a large number of people
side part of a chair trained to fight on land 2 a large group
_ > armful youn aroma (a-roh- ma) NOUN aromas a smell,
arm? vers arms, arming, armed 1 supply especially a pleasant one
someone with weapons 2 prepare for war > aromatic (a- ro- mat- ik) ADJECTIVE
armada (ar- mah- da) Noun armadas a fleet of around apvers, preposition all round; about
warships arouse vers arouses, arousing, aroused 1 stir
the Armada or Spanish Armadathe warships up a feeling in someone e You’ve aroused my
sent by Spain to invade England in 1588 curiosity. 2 wake someone up
armadillonoun armadillos a small burrowing arpeggio (ar- pej- ee- oh) Noun arpeggios the
South American animal whose body is covered notes of a musical chord played one after the
with a shell of bony plates other instead of together
armature oun armatures the current- arrange vers arranges, arranging, arranged
carrying part of a dynamo or electric motor 1 put things into a certain order; adjust 2 form
armchair youn armchairs a chair with arms plans for something @ We arranged to be there.
armed forces or armed services Piura. 3 prepare music for a particular purpose
NOUN a country’s army, navy, and air force > arrangement NouN
armistice youn armistices an agreement to array Noun arrays 1a display 2 an orderly
stop fighting in a war or battle arrangement

aristocrat noun an aristocrat from an old family arrange vers 1 It was time to arrange the seating
> noble, nobleman, noblewoman, lord, lady, for dinner.» organize, set out, lay out, sort out,
peer, peeress, patrician, grandee, titled person, put in order, plan, fix, order, spread out,
(more informal) toff, (more informal) nob dispose 2 We hope to arrange an outing for next
aristocraticapjective a member of an aristocratic week. ® organize, fix, fix up, plan, setup, make
family > noble, upper-class, high-born, titled, arrangements for, devise, schedule, contrive,
patrician, blue-blooded, lordly, princely, royal, coordinate, manage, prepare, see to, settle
courtly, élite, thoroughbred 3 Ravel arranged the music for an orchestra.
> adapt, score, set, harmonize, orchestrate
arm vers The woman had gone downstairs, armed
with an empty bottle. » equip, provide, protect, arrangementnoun 1 They’ve changed the
supply, fortify, furnish arrangement of the furniture. » positioning,
army noun 1 The king raised an army of ten layout, placing, planning, spacing, disposition,
thousand foot soldiers. » armed force, fighting distribution, organization, setting out,
force, force, militia, horde RELATED ADJECTIVE alignment, display, grouping, design
military army of tourists » crowd, swarm, arrangement to share the costs » agreement,
throng, horde, stream, mass, herd, host, understanding, settlement, compact,
multitude contract, deal, pact, scheme, terms 3 a musical
aroma noun an aroma offresh coffee > smell, arrangement » adaptation, setting,
fragrance, odour, bouquet, perfume, scent, harmonization, orchestration, version
arouse vers The proposals aroused strong public array Noun a gleaming array of vintage cars
hostility. » rouse, cause, kindle, prompt, > arrangement, display, presentation, show,
provoke, instigate, spark off, stimulate, stir up, exhibition, parade, collection, muster, (more
(more informal) whip up AN OPPOSITE IS allay informal) line-up
arrears = articulate
arrears PLURALNOUN 1 money that is owing and artefact \oun artefacts an object made by
ought to have been paid earlier 2 a backlog of humans, especially one from the past that is
work etc. studied by archaeologists
in arrears behind with payments artery Noun arteries 1 one of the tubes that
arrest vers arrests, arresting, arrested carry blood away from the heart to all parts of
1 seize a person by authority of the law 2 stop the body compare vein 2 animportant road or
a process or movement route
> arterial (ar-teer- ee- al) ADJECTIVE
arrest NOUN afrests 1 arresting somebody artesian well noun artesian wells awell that
e The police made several arrests. 2 stopping is bored straight down into a place where water
something will rise easily to the surface
arrive vers arrives, arriving, arrived 1 reach artful apjective crafty
the end of a journey or a point on it 2 come > artfully Apvers
e@ The great day arrived. arthritis (arth- ry- tiss) voun a disease that
> arrival NOUN makes joints in the body stiff and painful
arrogant apjective behaving in an unpleasantly > arthritic (arth- rit- ik) ADJECTIVE
proud way because you think you are superior arthropod noun arthropods an animal of the
to other people group that includes insects, spiders, crabs, and
> arrogantly ADvers arrogance NOUN centipedes
arrOW NOUN arrows 1 apointed stick to be shot artichoke noun artichokes a kind of plant
from a bow 2a sign with an outward-pointing with a flower head used as a vegetable [from
V at the end, used to show direction or position Arabic]
> arrowhead NouN article noun articles 1a piece of writing
[from Old Norse } published in a newspaper or magazine 2 an
arsenic Noun avery poisonous metallic
definite article the word ‘the’
indefinite article the word ‘a’ or ‘an’
arson Noun the crime of deliberately setting fire articulate (ar- tik- yoo- lat) apjective able to
to a house or building express things clearly and fluently
> arsonist NOUN
articulate (ar-tik- yoo- layt) vere articulates,
art Noun arts 1 producing something beautiful, articulating, articulated 1 say or speak
especially by painting or drawing; things clearly 2 connect by a joint
produced in this way 2 a skill e the art of sailing > articulation NOUN

arrest vers 1 Police arrested him for shoplifting. arrogance noun His arrogance took her breath
> apprehend, detain, take into custody, take away.» haughtiness, conceit, self-
in, (more informal) book, (more informal) pullin, importance, high-handedness, condescension,
(more informal) pick up, (more informal) nick, disdain, insolence
(more informal) nab 2 Recent measures have arrogant Apjective He was proud, and had an
arrested the spread of disease. » check, stop, arrogant manner. » haughty, conceited, self-
end, halt, prevent, retard, slow, stem, impede, important, high-handed, lordly, overbearing,
slow down, block, inhibit, interrupt, delay, boastful, scornful, condescending,
hinder, obstruct supercilious, superior, bumptious, disdainful,
cavalier, imperious, insolent, pompous,
arrival noun 1A crowd awaited the Queen’s presumptuous, proud, snobbish, vain, (more
arrival. » coming, appearance, approach, informal) hoity-toity, (more informal) cocky,
entrance, homecoming, landing, return, (more informal) high and mighty, (more
touchdown 2Pretty girls greeted the new informal) stuck-up AN OPPOSITE IS modest
arrivals. » comer, caller, newcomer, visitor art noun 1 She had done an art course. > fine art,
arrive vers 1 Guests started to arrive at around painting, sculpture, drawing, artistry, artwork,
six o’clock. » come, come along, appear, enter, craft, craftsmanship, draughtsmanship 2 the
present yourself, (more informal) turn up, (more art of writing » skill, craft, talent, technique,
informal) roll up, (more informal) show up aptitude, gift, knack, expertise, facility, knack,
2 (informal) When they got the invitation they proficiency, trick, cleverness, dexterity
knew they had arrived. » succeed, be article youn 1 various household articles
successful, reach the top, break through, (more > object, item, thing, commodity, product, (in
informal) make it 3 arrive at We arrived at the plural) goods 2¥ read an article on the subject.
bus station. » reach, come to, get to, (more > essay, report, paper, study, feature, review,
informal) make account, piece
articulated > Asian
articulated pect (said about a vehicle) in missed the train. 3 ina way that e Leave it as it is.
two sections that are connected by a flexible as forwith regard to e As for you, I despise you.
joint @ an articulated lorry. as it werein away e She became, as it were, her
artificial apjecrve not natural; made by human own enemy.
beings in imitation of a natural thing as wellalso
> artificiallyapvers artificiality Noun AJ Sasereviation advanced subsidiary level in
artificial intelligemcenoun the use of GCSE,
computers to perform tasks normally requiring asbestoswoun a fireproof material made up of
human intelligence, e.g. decision-making fine soft fibres
artificial respirationnoun helping ascend vers ascends, ascending ascended
somebody to start breathing again after their go up
breathing has stopped ascend the thronebecome king or queen
artillerynoun 1 large guns 2 the part of the ascentnoun ascents 1 ascending 2a way up;
army that uses large guns an upward path or slope
artistnoun artists 1 a person who produces ascertain (as- er- tayn) ver ascertains,
works of art, especially a painter 2. an ascertaining, ascertained find something
entertainer out by asking
> artistry Noun > ascertainableaDjective
artisticapective 1 to do with art or artists ascetic(a- set- ik) Apective not allowing yourself
2 having a talent for art pleasure and luxuries
> artistically Apvers > asceticismNouN
artspurAL NouN subjects (e.g. languages, ascribevers ascribes, ascribing ascribed
literature, or history) in which opinion and regard something as belonging to or caused by;
understanding are very important, as opposed attribute @ She ascribes her success to good luck.
to sciences where measurements and
calculations are used asexual nective (in biology) not involving
the arts painting, music, and writing etc., sexual activity e asexual reproduction
considered together ash’ noun ashes the powder that is left after
@SADvERB equally or similarly @ This is just as easy. something has been burned
> ashy Adjective
asprerosiTion in the function or role of @ Use it as
a handle. ash? oun ashes a tree with silver-grey bark
@SCONUNCTION 1 when or while e She slipped as ashamedaoective feeling shame
she got off the bus. 2 because e As he was late, we Asiamapjective to do with Asia or its people

artificialanecnve 1 artificial light; artificial trees ascentnoun A gradual ascent made the walk
> synthetic, imitation, simulated, unnatural, more arduous. & rise, slope, gradient, hill,
man-made, manufactured, false, fake, incline, climb, elevation, ramp AN OPPOSITE IS
substitute AN OPPOSITE IS natural 2 an artificial descent
smile » false, spurious, affected, fake, feigned, ascertainvers The police had to ascertain
assumed, pretended, bogus, contrived, whether Darren had actually entered the room.
counterfeit, factitious, pseudo, sham, > find out, establish, confirm, determine,
simulated, unreal, (more informal) phoney, discover, learn, make certain, make sure,
(more informal) put-on AN OPPOSITE Is genuine settle, verify, identify
artistvoun 1 The artist used a wide range of ascribevers The inquest ascribed his death to
colour. » painter, sculptor, craftsman, natural causes, » attribute, assign, put down,
craftswoman, designer 2.a music-hall artist blame (on), connect (with), associate (with)
> performer ashamedapectve 1 She was ashamed of her
artisticanjective Desktop publishing requires outburst ofbad temper.» sorry (for), apologetic
artistic skills. The designs looked very artistic. (about), remorseful (about), contrite (about),
> creative, imaginative, aesthetic, decorative, repentant (about), shamefaced (about),
ornamental, tasteful, stylish, elegant, abashed (about), penitent (about),
beautiful, attractive, cultured OPPOSITES ARE embarrassed (about), distressed (about), upset
crude, ugly (about), conscience-stricken (about),
ascendvers 1 He ascended the stairs. » climb, discomfited (about), mortified (about), red-
climb up, go up, come up, mount, move up, faced (about), chastened (about), rueful
scale 2 The little plane began slowly to ascend. (about). OPPOSITES ARE unrepentant, unabashed
> rise, soar, take off, lift off, fly up 3 An unmade 2 He seemed too ashamed to admit his mistake.
road ascends to the church. » climb, slope up > reticent, reluctant, loath, unwilling, bashful,
AN OPPOSITE IS descend shy, diffident, hesitant, embarrassed, modest,
Asian = assemble
Asian Noun Asians an Asian person aspirote (asp- er- at) NoUNaspirates the sound
of ‘h’
Asiatic apjective to do with Asia
aspiration \ounaspirations ambition; strong
aside Apvere 1 to or at one side e pull it aside esire
2 away; in reserve
aspire vere aspires aspiring aspired have an
aside noun asides words spoken so that only ambition to achieve something e He aspired to
certain people will hear be world champion.
ask vers asks ,asking,asked 1 speak so as to aspirin Noun aspirins a medicinal drug used to
find out or get something 2 invite e Ask her to relieve pain or reduce fever
the party. ass NoUNasses 1 adonkey 2 (informal) a stupid
asleep apvers, Anjective sleeping person
asparagus Noun a plant whose young shoots assassin NOUN assassins a person who
are eaten as a vegetable assassinates somebody [from Arabic hashishi =
hashish-takers: the word was used as aname
aspect Noun aspects 1 one part of aproblem for a group of Muslims at the time of the
or situation @ Violence was the worst aspect of the Crusades, who were believed to take hashish
crime. 2. a person’s or thing’s appearance e The before going out to kill Christian leaders]
forest had a sinister aspect. 3 the direction a
house etc. faces @ This room has a southern assassinate vere assassinates ,
assassinating ,assassinated kill an
important person deliberately and violently,
asphalt (ass- falt) noun a sticky black substance especially for political reasons
like tar, often mixed with gravel to surface > assassination NOUN
roads etc. assault youn assaults a violent or illegal attack
asphyxiate (ass- fiks- ee- ayt) vere assault vers assaults assaulting assaulted
asphyxiates ,asphyxiating asphyxiated make an assault on someone
suffocate assemble vers assembles ,assembling,
> asphyxiation NOUN assembled 1 bring or come together 2 fit or
aspidistra Noun aspidistras a house plant put together the parts of something
with broad leaves > assemblage NOUN

prudish, self-conscious, sheepish OPPOSITES ARE aspersions Noun cast aspersions on The
proud, shameless remarks are not intended to cast any aspersions
on your honesty. » criticize, disparage,
ask vers 11'll ask him what he means. » enquire
denigrate, belittle, vilify, deprecate, poor scorn
(of somebody), quiz (somebody about) 2 They on, decry, condemn, malign, discredit,
want to ask a few questions. » pose, put, raise, stigmatize, denounce
submit 3.Ask them to fetch help. > entreat,
request, implore, beg, solicit, exhort, urge, ba i VERB aspire to They aspired to be back in
plead with, (literary) beseech, (literary) enjoin the city to which they belonged. We can aspire to
4 We could ask them to dinner. » invite, a higher and fuller life. > aim to or for, wish to or
summon, (more formal) request the pleasure of for, want, yearn to or for, strive (after), seek
the company of Sask for Don’t hesitate to ask (to), long to or for, desire to, crave to or for,
for anything youneed.» request, demand, seek dream of, hope to or for, pursue, set your sights
6ask for The remarks were asking for trouble. on, have ambitions to or for
> look for, provoke, invite, attract, court, aspiring 4D/ctive aspiring young writers >
incite, tempt, cause, encourage, generate, would-be, intending, aspirant, budding,
(more informal) stir up hopeful, eager, potential
asleep Apective The girls were asleep in bed. assault vers He was prosecuted for assaulting a
> sleeping, slumbering, dozing, napping, police officer. » attack, hit, strike, set upon,
(more informal) out like a light, (more informal) beat up, fall on, molest, (more informal) rough
dead to the world up
aspect Noun 1 The article describes every aspect of assault Noun an assault on the enemy position
life in deprived areas. » feature, facet, > attack, onslaught, strike, offensive, raid,
characteristic, side, angle, respect, particular, foray, sortie, charge
circumstance, detail, standpoint 2 Dark stone assemble vers 1A crowd began to assemble.
gave the facade a grim aspect. » appearance, > gather, congregate, come together, collect,
look, air 3 The house has a southern aspect. converge, convehe, crowd together, rally, rally
> outlook, view, prospect, exposure, round, meet, flock together, join up, swarm,
orientation, direction, position, situation muster, throng round, accumulate 2 We
assembly = assist
assemblynoun assemblies 1 assembling 2a assetnoun assets something useful
regular meeting, such as when everybody in a
school meets together 3 people who regularly assets PLURAL NOUN a person’s or company’s
meet for a special purpose; a parliament property that could be sold to pay debts or raise
assentvers assents, assenting, assented
consent; say you agree assignvers assigns, assigning, assigned
1 give or allot 2 appoint a person to perform a
assentnoun consent or approval task rs
assertvers asserts, asserting, asserted state
something firmly assignmentnoun assignments 1 assigning
> assertion NOUN 2 something assigned; a task given to someone
assert yourself use firmness or forcefulness assimilatevers assimilates, assimilating,
assertive apjective acting forcefully and with assimilated take in and absorb something,
confidence e.g. nourishment into the body or knowledge
into the mind
@SSESS VERB assesses, assessing, assessed > assimilationNoun
decide or estimate the value or quality of a
person or thing assist vers assists, assisting, assisted help
> assessmentnouN assessor NOUN > assistance NOUN

assembled our belongings in the hall. The general confident, decisive, firm, assured, self-assured,
assembled his forces. » gather, collect together, authoritative, strong-willed, bold, positive,
bring together, amass, convene, get together, aggressive, domineering, strong, (usually
round up, marshal, mobilize, muster, pile up, disapproving) pushy OPPOSITES ARE submissive,
rally OPPOSITES ARE disperse, scatter 3 Few cars reticent, retiring
are now assembled in Britain. » build, assessvers 1 The hospital used a scanner to assess
construct, manufacture, produce, put the extent of their head injuries. » evaluate,
together, erect, fabricate, fit together, make, gauge, judge, determine, review, reckon,
Piece together AN opposite Is dismantle estimate, appraise, calculate, work out, value
assemblywnoun 1 a political assembly, an 2 All pupils are assessed and graded at the end of
assembly of bishops » gathering, meeting, their first term. » rate, judge, appraise, check,
congress, convocation, assemblage, council, review
(church) synod 2 An assembly of spectators assetnoun 1A good sense of humour can be an
waited at the gates. » crowd, gathering, asset. » benefit, advantage, blessing, boon,
throng, rally, meeting, (literary) multitude strength, virtue, help, aid, support, good,
3 The special glue is used in the assembly of model (more informal) plus, (more informal) godsend
aircraft. » construction, building, making, 2 assets The family’s assets were reckoned at over
putting together, manufacture, erection (of two million dollars. » capital, resources,
buildings) possessions, reserves, property, estate, funds,
assentnoun Parents need to give their assent to goods, holdings, means, money, savings,
attendance on field trips. » agreement, securities, wealth, (more informal) worldly
approval, consent, permission, authorization, goods
blessing, (more informal) go-ahead assign vers 1 Tasks are assigned on the basis of
AN OPPOSITE IS refusal experience. » allocate, distribute, allot,
assertvers 1 She asserted that multinational apportion, dispense, give out, hand over, share
out 2 Kathryn was told she would be assigned to
companies should not be blamed for damage to the
the case. » appoint, consign, delegate,
environment. » declare, maintain, contend,
designate, nominate, put down, choose (for),
submit, insist, argue, proclaim, profess, claim,
emphasize, affirm, allege, protest, state, stress select (for)
2 It is not always easy for people to assert their assignmentwoun 1 Ihave a difficult assignment
rights. » insist on, claim, stand up for, make to finish. » task, piece of work, exercise,
use of, uphold project, job, duty 2 the assignment of
assert yourself Some of the newer committee responsibilities » allocation, issuing, granting
members began to assert themselves at meetings. assistvers Could you assist us for a while? » help,
> beassertive, behave confidently, be aid, support, give a hand to, lend a (helping)
resolute, make yourself felt, exert your hand to, oblige opposites ARE hinder, impede
influence, make demands, persist, stand firm, assistance noun They said they would not need
(more informal) stick to your guns any assistance. » help, support, aid,
assertive spective You will need to be assertive in encouragement, reinforcement, backing,
this job. » forceful, determined, resolute, collaboration, cooperation, contribution,
assistant — astonish
assistant Noun assistants 1a person who assume vers assumes, assuming ,assumed
assists another; a helper 2 a person who serves 1 accept (without proof or question) that
customers in a shop something is true or sure to happen 2 take on;
undertake e She assumed the extra
assistant agective helping a person and ranking
responsibility. 3 put on e He assumed an
next below him or her e the assistant manager
innocent expression.
associate vers associates ,associating, > assumption NOUN
associated 1 connect things in your mind e I assumed name a false name
don’t associate Ryan with fitness and healthy
living. 2 spend time or have dealings with a
assurance Noun assurances. 1 a promise or
guarantee that something is true or will
group of people
happen 2akind oflife insurance 3 confidence
associate Noun associates a colleague or in yourself
companion; a partner aSSUFe VERB assures, assuring, assured. 1 tell
> associate ADJECTIVE
somebody confidently; promise 2 make
association noun associations 1 an certain
organization of people; asociety 2 associating asterisk Noun asterisks a star-shaped sign *
3 aconnection or link in your mind used to draw attention to something
Association football youn a form of football asteroid noun asteroids one of the small
using a round ball that may not be handled planets found mainly between the orbits of
during play except by the goalkeeper Mars and Jupiter
assonance (ass- on- ans) Noun similarity of asthma (ass- ma) Noun a disease that makes
vowel sounds, e.g. in vermin and furnish breathing difficult
assorted agective of various sorts put together; > asthmatic ADJECTIVE, NOUN
mixed @ assorted sweets astonish vers astonishes, astonishing,
assortment Noun assortments a mixed astonished surprise somebody greatly
collection of things > astonishment Noun

patronage, sponsorship, subsidy AN OPPOSITE IS come to the conclusion, guess, suspect,
hindrance believe, imagine, deduce, expect, think,
assistant noun The team leader has three understand, (more informal) have a hunch
assistants. » helper, subordinate, supporter, 2 The children should be encouraged to assume
associate, deputy, colleague, underling, junior, responsibilities. » take on, undertake, accept,
ancillary, collaborator embrace 3 To play the part she had to assume a
associate vers 1 Stephen had been associating Scottish accent. » adopt, put on, feign, acquire
with dropouts and oddballs. » mix, keep assumption Noun The assumption is that prices
company, go about, consort, socialize, will stay the same. » supposition, presumption,
fraternize, mingle, (more informal) hang about conjecture, expectation, belief, guess,
AN OPPOSITE IS dissociate 2 Patience was not a hypothesis, premise, surmise, theory
quality I associated at all with him. » connect,
link, identify, equate, relate (to) assurance Noun She had an air of complete
association Noun 1 They enjoyed several years of assurance. » confidence, composure, self-
friendly association.» relationship, connection, confidence, poise, aplomb, level-headedness,
link, bond, ties, friendship, attachment, union self-possession, self-reliance
2 an association of sports clubs » organization, assure vers 1 He assured me he would arrive in
confederation, federation, coalition, society, time.» promise, reassure, convince, persuade,
league, partnership, alliance, syndicate, group satisfy 2 The win assured them a place in the
assorted apjecrive a collection of assorted objects finals. » ensure, secure, guarantee, make
> miscellaneous, mixed, different, sundry, certain, confirm, establish
varied, various, differing, diverse, diversified,
heterogeneous, manifold, motley, assured AbDjective an assured manner
multifarious, several, (old-fashioned) divers > confident, self-confident, self-assured,
assortment Noun an assortment of dog-eared positive, assertive, composed, collected, calm,
paperbacks » mixture, selection, collection, level-headed
variety, array, miscellany, choice, diversity, astonish vers We were astonished at how much
medley, mélange the place had changed. » amaze, astound,
assume vers 11 assumed the book was a gift. surprise, stagger startle, disconcert,
> presume, suppose, infer, deduce, take for dumbfound, shock, flabbergast, perplex, stun,
granted, surmise, conjecture, reckon, imagine, stupefy, bewilder
astound = atomic number
astound vers astounds, astounding, at it doing or working at something
astounded astonish; shock somebody greatly at once 1 immediately 2 at the sametime e It
astray pvers, ADJecTive away fromthe right path all came out at once.
or place or course of action atheist (ayth- ee- ist) Noun atheists a person
go astray be lost or mislaid who believes that there is no God
lead astray make someone do something > atheismNoun
wrong athlete vqun athletes a person who is good at
astrideapvers, prerosiion with one leg on each sport, especially athletics
side of something athleticapjctve 1 physically strong and active
astringentagective 1 causing skin or body 2 to do with athletes
tissue to contract 2 harsh or severe e astringent > athletically Apvers
athletics pura: noun physical exercises and
noun the study of how the stars and sports, e.g. running, jumping, and throwing
planets may influence people’s lives atlasnoun atlases a book of maps [named after
> astrologer Noun astrological ADJECTIVE Atlas, a giant in Greek mythology who was
_astronautnoun astronauts a person who punished for taking part in a revolt against the
travels in a spacecraft gods by being made to support the sky on his
> astronautics NOUN shoulders. Atlas was used as the title of a 17th-
astronomicalapectve 1 to dowithastronomy century Flemish book of maps which had a
2 extremely large e The restaurant’s prices are picture of Atlas at the front]
astronomical. atmosphere noun atmospheres 1 the air
astronomy noun the study of the stars and round the earth 2a feeling or mood given by
planets and their movements surroundings e the happy atmosphere of the
> astronomer NOUN fairground 3 (in science) a unit of pressure,
astute apjective clever and good at equal to the pressure of the atmosphere at sea
understanding situations quickly; shrewd level
> astutely Abvers astuteness NOUN > atmospheric ADjEcTive
asylumnoun asylums 1 refuge and safety atomyoun atoms the smallest particle of a
offered by one country to political refugees substance [from Greek atomos = indivisible:
from another 2 (old use) a hospital for mentally people used to think that an atom could not be
ill people divided]
asymmetrical (ay- sim- et- rik- al) apjective atom bombor atomic bombnoun atom
not symmetrical bombsor atomic bombs a bomb that
> asymmetrically apvers explodes from the energy produced by
at preposition This word is used to show splitting atoms
1 position (at the top), 2 time (at midnight), atomicapective 1 to do with an atom or atoms
3 condition (Stand at ease), 4 direction towards 2 to do with the energy produced by splitting
something (Aim at the target), 5 level or price atoms
etc. (Sell them at £1 each), 6 cause (We were atomic numbernoun atomic numbers (in
annoyed at his failure) science) the number of protons in the nucleus
at all in any way of the atom of a chemical element

astound vers His arrogance astounded her. athletic apjective an athletic physique
> astonish, amaze, surprise, stagger, startle, > muscular, fit, well-built, powerful, strong,
disconcert, dumbfound, shock, flabbergast, sturdy, acrobatic, active, energetic, robust,
perplex, stun, stupefy, bewilder sinewy, vigorous, wiry, (more informal) sporty,
(more informal) strapping OPPOSITES ARE frail,
astray apvers Several missiles had gone astray and
hit civilian targets. » off course, adrift, amiss,
awry, lost, wide of the mark
atmospherenoun 1 Harmful gases are
astute Apjective an astute manager, some astute escaping into the atmosphere. » air, sky, ether,
remarks » shrewd, sharp, acute, canny, (literary) heavens 2 the warm cosy atmosphere of
prudent, clever, intelligent, quick-witted, the kitchen » ambience, aura, environment,
perceptive, discerning, crafty, wily surroundings, quality, character, climate,
AN OPPOSITE IS stupid mood, feeling, (more informal) vibes
asylumwoun Spain refused to hand over four men
who had sought asylum in their embassy. atomnoun There is not an atom of truth in the
> haven, shelter, refuge, retreat, safety, story. » scrap, speck, spot, trace, morsel, bit,
sanctuary crumb, grain, iota, jot, molecule, particle
atrocity > attend
atrocity (a- tross-it- ee) Noun atrocities attain vers attains, attaining, attained
comathine extremely bad or wicked; accomplish; succeed in doing or getting
wickedness something
attach vers attaches, attaching, attached > attainable ApecTive attainment NOUN
1 fix or join to something else 2 think that attempt vers attempts, attempting,
something is an important part of something attempted make an effort to do something;
else e We attach great importance to fitness. try
> attachment NOUN
attached to fond of attempt \oun attempts an effort to do
attack noun attacks 1a violent attempt to something; a try
hurt or overcome somebody 2 piece of attend vers attends, attending, attended
strong criticism 3 sudden illness or pain 4an 1 give care and thought to something; look
attempt to score a goal ina game and listen e Why don’t you attend to your
attack vers attacks, attacking, attacked teacher? 2 be present somewhere; go often to
make an attack a place 3 look after someone; be an attendant
> attacker Noun > attendance Noun

atrocious Apjctive They were guilty of atrocious up, (more informal) do over, (more informal) lay
brutality. » abominable, appalling, brutal, into 3 The clergy regularly attack government
vicious, detestable, hateful, odious, detestable, policy. > criticize, find fault with, censure,
vile, obnoxious, dreadful, abhorrent, diabolical, denounce, condemn, impugn, vilify, inveigh
disgusting, repellent, horrifying AN OPPOSITE IS against, malign, round on, snipe at
humane AN OPPOSITEIS defend 4 We need to attack the
atrocity voun Further atrocities have been problem ofpoverty. » confront, address, focus
reported. » outrage, enormity, cruelty, act of on, attend to, apply yourself to, deal with,
brutality (more informal) have a go at
attach vers 1 The brackets are attached to the attacker noun 1 The little force fought bravely
wall with a pair of small screws. » fix, fasten, against its attackers. » aggressor, assailant,
secure, affix, join, link, stick, bond, couple, invader, opponent, raider, enemy 2 The
anchor, connect, tie, add, append attacker ran off empty-handed. » assailant,
OPPOSITES ARE detach, remove 2 We attach mugger, aggressor, intruder, rapist 3 The
great importance to punctuality. » attribute, journal agreed to publish a defence against her
ascribe, assign, apply, put (on), place (on), attackers. > critic, detractor, persecutor,
associate (with), impute opponent, enemy
attached anjctive attached to The sisters seem
very attached to each other. » fond of, close to, attain vers He did not attain this honour until the
devoted to, dear to, affectionate to or towards, reign of Queen Victoria. » achieve, accomplish,
friendly to or towards, loving to or towards, obtain, gain, win, earn, get, acquire, secure,
loyal to or towards, warm to or towards reach, (more informal) clinch, (more informal)
attack noun 1 An attack on the enemy was carry off, (more informal) pull off
planned for the next day. » assault, onslaught,
strike, offensive, raid, charge, ambush, foray, attempt voun a brave attempt » try, effort,
sortie, rush, blitz, bombardment, broadside, endeavour, venture, (more informal) shot
cannonade, counter-attack 2 Their attack on
her honesty upset her very much. > criticism (of),
attempt vers 1 We attempted to visit all three
sites in one day. » try, endeavour, aim, aspire,
tirade (against), outburst (against), vilification
strive, undertake, set out, make an effort or
(of), abuse (of), censure (of), denunciation (of),
every effort, do your best, do your utmost,
diatribe (against), revilement (of), invective
venture, seek, (more informal) have a go (at),
(against) 3 an attack of coughing > fit, bout,
(more informal) have a stab (at), (more informal)
spasm, convulsion, outbreak, paroxysm,
bend over backwards 2 Candidates should
seizure, stroke, (more informal) turn
attempt three questions. » undertake, try,
attack vers 1 We attack the enemy position at choose, answer
dawn, » charge, bombard, assault, ambush,
raid, rush, descend on, storm, strike at, (more attend vers 1 Frances had to attend an interview
informal) blast, (more informal) pitch into, the following week. » go to or for, present
(more informal) wade into 2.A bunch ofyouths yourself at, appear at, be present at 2 The bride
attacked him in the street on his way home. was attended by two bridesmaids. » escort,
> assault, mob, mug, pounce on, ambush, set assist, accompany, chaperone, follow, guard,
about, set on, jump on, (more informal) beat usher, wait on 3attend to A nurse attended to
attendant — audacious
attendant oun attendants a person who attribute (a- trib- yoot) vers attributes,
helps or accompanies someone attributing, attributed regard something as
attention noun 1 giving concentration and belonging to or created by @ We attribute his
careful thought e Pay attention to what I’m success to hard work.
saying. 2a position in which a soldier etc. > attribution noun
stands with feet together and arms straight attribute (at-rib- yoot) youn attributes a
downwards quality orcharacteristic e Kindness is one of his
attentive spective giving attention to attributes.
> attentively pvers attentiveness NOUN
attributive (a- trib- yoo- tiv) aDjective
expressing an attribute and placed before the
atticnoun attics a room in the roof of a house word it describes, e.g. old in the old dog COMPARE
attitude noun attitudes 1 the way a person predicative
thinks or behaves 2 the position of the body; > attributively Apvers
auburn apective (said about hair) reddish-
attract vers attracts, attracting, attracted brown
1 get someone’s attention or interest; seem
pleasant to someone 2 pull something by an auction noun auctions a public sale where
invisible force e Magnets attract metal pins. things are sold to the person who offers the
most money for them
attraction noun 1 something that attracts
visitors @ a tourist attraction 2 what is pleasant auction vers auctions, auctioning,
or appealing about something e City life has auctioned sell something by auction
many attractions. > auctioneer NOUN
attractiveapecive 1 pleasant or good-looking audacious (aw- day- shus) apjective bold or
2 interesting or appealing e an attractive plan daring
> attractively apvers attractiveness NOUN > audaciously Abvers audacity Noun

the injured. » look after, care for, tend, treat, attractvers 1 The recent lecture attracted a good
help, deal with, (more formal) minister to turnout. » draw, bring, bring in, produce,
4 attend to Frank said he would attend to the cause, generate 2 They were attracted by the
details of the trip. » deal with, take care of, look beauty of the place.» enchant, entrance, excite,
after, see to, manage, organize, make captivate, lure, entice, allure, tempt, charm,
arrangements for, take responsibility for fascinate, beguile, bewitch AN opposite Is repel
5 attend to Please attend to what Isay. > listen
to, pay attention to, heed, mark, mind, attractive apjectve 1 an attractive young
concentrate on, follow carefully, hear, note, woman good-looking, nice-looking, pretty,
notice, observe, think about striking, fetching, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely,
charming, engaging, appealing, delightful,
attendant oun The Queen had three attendants. glamorous, stunning AN opposite Is repulsive
> assistant, aide, retainer, companion, escort,
2 an attractive offer » appealing, agreeable,
equerry, servant, bodyguard
tempting, interesting, difficult to resist or
attention oun Please give the matter your full refuse
attention. » concentration, observation,
regard, consideration, scrutiny, notice, attribute vers A cool head is not the first quality
thought, concern, care, diligence, heed, I would attribute to the colonel. » ascribe,
recognition associate (with), connect (with), assign, put
attentive specie 1 Julian was standing silent down, blame (on)
and attentive in the shadows. > alert, vigilant,
watchful, aware, circumspect, wide awake, on
audacious apjcrve an audacious decision
> bold, daring, brave, courageous,
the lookout, on the ball, on your guard, (more adventurous, enterprising
informal) on the qui vive 2 Helen was patient
and attentive, holding my hand to calm me. audacity noun 1 His sheer audacity was enough
> thoughtful, considerate, kind, caring, to carry the day. » bravery, daring, boldness,
understanding, tender, devoted courage, enterprise 2 (usually disapproving)
attitude noun a positive, joyful attitude Then they had the audacity to ask for money.
> outlook, approach, air, manner, demeanour, > effrontery, cheek, nerve, boldness,
disposition, inclination, position, bearing, temerity, impertinence, impudence, insolence,
frame of mind, mien, mood, posture, stance, presumptuousness, shamelessness, (more
behaviour informal) sauce

audible — authority
audible spective loud enough to be heard aural (or- al) apjective to do with the ear or
> audibly apvers audibility Noun hearing :
> aurally ADveRB
audience noun audiences 1 people who have USAGE Do not confuse with oral.
gathered to hear or watch something 2a
formal interview with an important person aurora (aw- raw- ra) NOUN auroras bands of
coloured light appearing in the skyat night, the
audio noun reproduced sounds aurora borealis (bor-ee-ay- liss) in the
audio-visual agective using both sound and northern hemisphere and the aurora
pictures to give information australis (aw- stray- liss) in the southern
audit noun audits an official examination of hemisphere
financial accounts to see that they are correct auspices (aw- spiss- eez) PLURAL NOUN
audit vers audits, auditing, audited make an protection or support @ under the auspices of the
audit of accounts Red Cross
> auditor NOUN auspicious (aw- spish- us) apjecrive fortunate
or favourable e an auspicious start
audition oun auditions a test to see if an
actor or musician is suitable for a job austere (aw- steer) Anjective very simple and
> audition vers plain; without luxuries
> austerely ADvers austerity NOUN
auditorium noun auditoriums the part of a
theatre or hall where the audience sits authentic apective genuine e an authentic
August noun the eighth month of the year > authentically spvers authenticity Noun
[named after Augustus Caesar, the first Roman
author noun authors the writer of a book, play,
poem, etc.
aunt Noun aunts the sister of your father or > authorship Noun
mother; your uncle’s wife authoritative apjecnve having proper
au pair (oh pair) Noun au pairs a person from authority or expert knowledge; official
abroad, usually ayoung woman, who works for authority voun authorities 1 the right or
a time in someone’s home power to give orders to other people 2a
aura (or-a) NOUN auras a general feeling person or organization with the right to give
surrounding a person or thing e an aura of orders 3 an expert; a book etc. that gives
happiness reliable information e an authority on spiders

audible anctive Her words were hardly audible author noun 1 modern American authors
above the noise of the traffic. » perceptible, > writer, novelist, dramatist, composer,
discernible, recognizable, clear, distinct, creator, playwright, poet, scriptwriter 2 the
detectable, high, loud, noisy, strong author of the plan » originator, creator,
AN OPPOSITE IS inaudible initiator, instigator, architect, producer,
begetter, designer, inventor
audience noun There was a more lively audience
on the Saturday. » spectators, onlookers, authoritative apecnve 1,an authoritative
crowd, gathering, turnout, (television) viewers, edition of the text » definitive, authorized,
(radio) listeners classic, standard 2 an authoritative source of
austere Apective 1 Their lives tended to be short information > reliable, dependable, sound,
and austere. » severe, sober, frugal, strict, authentic, trustworthy
spartan, restrained, abstemious, ascetic,
temperate, simple, chaste OPPOSITES ARE authority noun 1 The salesperson does not
indulgent, elaborate 2 She seemed austere but always have the authority to deal with a
had a great deal of charm, once you got to know complaint. » authorization, power, right,
her. » stern, severe, strict, grave, solemn, prerogative, consent, licence, mandate,
forbidding, dour, formal, remote, distant, aloof permission 21 was convinced that she would
AN OPPOSITE IS. genial 3 Dark windows gave the never accept a challenge to her authority.
house an austere appearance. » stark, grim, > power, sovereignty, control, jurisdiction,
bleak, forbidding opposites ARE bright, ornate domination, supremacy, charge, command,
authentic apecnve 1 an authentic painting by force, influence, might, prerogative, right,
Rembrandt » actual, bona fide, certain, sway, weight 3 He is the world’s foremost
genuine, legitimate, original, real, true, valid authority on the subject. » expert, specialist,
AN OPPOSITE IS fake authentic story pundit, boffin, connoisseur (of)
> accurate, authoritative, dependable, the authorities The matter was reported to the
factual, honest, reliable, truthful, veracious authorities. » officials, officialdom,
AN OPPOSITE IS false government, management, administration,
authorize = average
authorize vers authorizes, authorizing, without being told what to do
authorized give official permission for > autonomous ADJECTIVE
something autumn Noun autumns the season between
> authorization Noun summer and winter
autistic (aw- tist- ik) apjective havinga disability > autumnal ADJECTIVE
that makes someone unable to communicate auxiliary spective giving help and support
with other people or respond to surroundings @ auxiliary services.
> autism NOUN
auxiliary youn auxiliaries a helper
autobiography noun autobiographies the
story of a person’s life written by himself or auxiliary verb noun auxiliary verbs a verb
herself such as do, have, and will, which is used to form
> autobiographical ADecTive parts of other verbs, e.g. have in I have finished
autocrat noun autocrats a ruler with unlimited avail noun
power to no avail without any success
> autocratic ADeEcTiVe autocratically apvers available Anyective ready or able to be used;
autocue Noun autocues (trade mark) a device obtainable
that displays the script for a television presenter > availability noun
or newsreader to read avalanche noun avalanches a mass of snow or
autograph noun autographs the signature of rock falling down the side of amountain
a famous person avenge vers avenges, avenging, avenged
autograph vers autographs, autographing, take vengeance for something done to harm
autographed sign your name ina book etc. you
automatic ayecive 1 working onits own > avenger NOUN
without continuous attention or control by avenue Noun avenues 1 awide street 2 aroad
people 2 done without thinking with trees along both sides
> automatically Advers average Noun averages 1 the value obtained
automation noun making processes by adding several quantities together and
automatic; using machines instead of people to dividing by the number of quantities 2 the
do jobs usual or ordinary standard
automaton (aw- tom- at- on) Noun average ADEcTIve 1 worked out as an average
automatons 1 a robot 2a person who seems e Their average age is ten. 2 of the usual or
to act mechanically without thinking ordinary standard
autonomy (aw- ton- om- ee) Noun 1 self- average vers averages, averaging, averaged
government 2 the right to act independently work out, produce, or amount to as an average

people in charge, (more informal) the powers available apjecrive Camping facilities will be
that be available on site. » obtainable, accessible,
authorize vers The government has authorized a procurable, ready, at or on or to hand, to be
further billion pounds of spending on health. had, usable, disposable AN OPPOSITE IS
> approve, permit, allow, agree to, enable, unavailable
sanction, back, accede to, consent to, (more avenge vers We shall avenge their deaths a
informal) OK, ratify, (more informal) rubber- thousand times. » take revenge for, take
stamp, (more informal) give the go-ahead for vengeance for, punish, exact punishment for,
automatic apectve 1 His reaction was exact retribution for, repay, (more informal) get
automatic, » instinctive, spontaneous, your own back for
involuntary, unconscious, reflex, unthinking, average ADjecTive 1 Few of us have any idea how
unintentional, natural, mechanical, habitual, much water we use on an average day. » typical,
impulsive 2 automatic windows » mechanical, normal, ordinary, usual, regular, standard 2 He
automated, computerized, programmed, is only an average golfer. » mediocre,
robotic, self-regulating, unmanned undistinguished, unremarkable, indifferent,
autonomous ADJeEcTive an autonomous nation unexceptional, run-of-the-mill, second-rate,
> independent, self-governing, sovereign, passable, tolerable, mainstream OPPOSITES ARE
free, self-ruling, self-determining exceptional, outstanding 3 The average
AN OPPOSITES. subject summer temperature is 18 degrees. » mean,
medial, standard
auxiliary Anectve 1 an auxiliary power supply
> supplementary, additional, ancillary, average Noun Prices of new cars will rise by an
reserve, secondary, spare, subsidiary, average of3per cent. » mean, median, mid-
emergency, extra, (more informal) back-up point

aversion = awe
aversion noun astrong dislike awake vers awakes, awaking, awoke,
awoken wake up
avert vers averts, averting, averted 1 turn
something away e People averted their eyes from awake apectve not asleep
the accident. 2 prevent e We averted a disaster. award vers awards, awarding, awarded give
aviary Noun aviaries a large cage or building something officially as a prize, payment, or
for keeping birds penalty
aviation noun the flying of aircraft award noun awards something awarded, such
> aviator NOUN
as a prize or a sum of money
aware spective knowing or realizing something
avocado (av- ok- ah- doh) noun avocados a @ Were you aware of the danger?
pear-shaped tropical fruit [via Spanish from > awareness NOUN
Nahuatl (a Central American language)]
away Abvere _1 to or at a distance; not at the
avoid vers avoids, avoiding, avoided 1 keep usual place 2 out of existence e The water had
yourself away from someone or something boiled away. 3 continuously or persistently
2 keep yourself from doing something; refrain e We worked away at it.
from e Avoid rash promises.
> avoidable Apective avoidance NOUN away Apective played on an opponent’s ground
® an away match
avoirdupois (av- wah- dew- pwah) noun a awe noun fearful or deeply respectful wonder
system of weights using the unit of 16 ounces = @ The mountains always fill me with awe.
1 pound > awed ADJECTIVE awesome ADJECTIVE
await vers awaits, awaiting, awaited wait for awestricken ADJECTIVE awestruck ADJECTIVE

avid apjective avid fans of the movies » keen, intransitive (i.e. can have no object, as in the
eager, enthusiastic, ardent, passionate, second example). Awaken and waken are rather
fervent, devoted, dedicated, zealous more formal or literary in effect than awake and
OPPOSITES ARE uninterested, apathetic wake.
avoid vers 11 try to avoid arguments. » refrain awaken vers 1 The noise outside awakened us.
from, stay clear of, steer clear of, eschew, We awakened early. » wake (up), waken,
circumvent opposites ARE seek, confront 2 You awake, stir, come to 2 The incident awakened
cannot avoid responsibility for the decision. strong feelings in her. » awake, waken, rouse,
> evade, escape, dodge, shirk, sidestep, (more ung stir up, revive, stimulate, trigger, bring
informal) get out of, (more informal) duck ack
AN OPPOSITE IS face up to 3 She had to swerve to
avoid a collision. » prevent, avert, circumvent award noun 1 By his third year he had won three
4 There was a woman at the party he was anxious awards, » prize, trophy, decoration, medal
to avoid. » ignore, shun, keep away from, hide award of £5,000 » payment, grant,
from, stay clear of, steer clear of AN OPPOSITE IS subsidy, subvention, bursary 3 the award of an
seek out 5 Women should avoid alcohol during honour » granting, bestowal, conferment,
pregnancy. > refrain from, desist from, abstain conferral
from, eschew AN OPPOSITE IS indulge in award vers 1 MPs plan to award themselves a
awake apective They are often not awake until ten four per cent pay rise. Referee Hart did not even
or eleven. She felt too awake to go back to sleep award a free kick. » grant, give, present,
again. » conscious, alert, sleepless, wakeful, accord, allot, assign 2 The college awarded her a
wide awake, lively, restless AN OPPOSITE IS scholarship. » grant, present, (more formal)
asleep endow, (more formal) confer, (more formal)
awake vers 1 The alarm awoke her at six. bestow
> wake (up), waken, awaken, rouse, arouse USAGE If you use present or endow, you say The
2 James awoke with a start. » wake (up), waken, college presented (or endowed) her witha
awaken, stir, come to 3 The accident awoke old scholarship. If you use bestow or confer, you say
fears about passenger safety. » awaken, waken, They bestowed (or conferred) a scholarship on her.
rouse, arouse, stir up, revive, stimulate, trigger, These words are much more formal in effect
bring back and are mainly used in official language.
USAGE The normal word to use for the main aware Apective aware of The children were
meanings is wake or wake up. There are three aware of the dangers. » conscious of,
other words, awake, awaken, and waken, but acquainted with, alive to, appreciative of,
you cannot use up with any of these. All four mindful of, informed about, knowledgeable
words can be transitive (i.e. can take an object, about, sensitive to, familiar with, attentive to,
as in the first example in this entry) or conversant with, heedful of, observant of,
awful = azure
awful spective 1 very bad e an awful accident. have an axe to grind have a personal interest
2 (informal) very great e That’s an awful lot of in something and want to take care of it
money. @Xe vers axes, axing,axed 1 cancel or abolish
> awfully Apvers something 2 reduce something greatly
awkward apective 1 difficult to use or deal axis NOUN axes 1a line through the centre of a
with; not convenient 2 clumsy; not skilful spinning object 2 line dividing a thing in half
3 the horizontal or vertical line on a graph
> awkwardly Advers awkwardness NOUN
[from Old Norse afugr = turned the wrong way] axle voun axles the rod through the centre of a
wheel, on which the wheel turns
awning Noun awnings aroof-like shelter made ayatollah (I- a- tol- a) Noun ayatollahs a
of canvas etc. Muslim religious leader in Iran
@Xe@ NOUN axes 1a tool for chopping things aye (I) ADvers yes
2 (informal) being axed azure apjective sky-blue

responsive to OPPOSITES ARE unaware, ignorant, awkward movements. » clumsy, ungainly,
insensitive (to) inept, inexpert, unskilful, uncoordinated,
awe-inspiring Apjective The stained-glass graceless, blundering, bungling, gauche,
windows were awe-inspiring in gold and blue. gawky, ham-fisted, maladroit OPPOSITES ARE
> awesome, breathtaking, dramatic, skilful, dexterous, adroit 3 This is an awkward
stunning, stupendous, spectacular, situation to be in. » difficult, troublesome,
astonishing, grand, imposing, impressive, trying, vexatious, vexing, annoying, perplexing
magnificent, amazing, marvellous, AN OPPOSITE IS straightforward 4 There was an
overwhelming, wonderful, fearsome, (poetic) awkward pause in the conversation.
wondrous opposites ARE insignificant, > embarrassing, uncomfortable, uneasy,
unimpressive delicate, tricky, unwelcome AN OPPOSITE IS
comfortable 5 He thought she was being
awful spective 1 awful weather» bad, terrible, extremely awkward. » unreasonable,
dreadful, atrocious, appalling, frightful, poor, unhelpful, uncooperative, stubborn, obstinate,
(more informal) lousy Opposites ARE wonderful, perverse, tiresome, exasperating, wayward,
lovely awful smell >» unpleasant, (more informal) bloody-minded, (more
disgusting, nasty, dreadful, terrible, horrible, informal) bolshie OPPOSITES ARE Cooperative,
horrid, foul, frightful, obnoxious OPPOSITES ARE obliging, amenable
pleasant, lovely 3 awful news, an awful illness
> grave, serious, bad, terrible, dreadful axe vers The company will axe thousands ofjobs.
AN OPPOSITE IS excellent 4 Ifelt awful for losing > terminate, discontinue, eliminate, cut,
my temper. » guilty, remorseful, regretful, cancel, drop, get rid of, remove, withdraw
ashamed, sorry
axis Noun The earth spins on its axis once a day.
awkward agective 1 The case was an awkward > centre line, central line, pivot
objecttocarry. » cumbersome, bulky,
unmanageable, unwieldy, inconvenient axle noun Something had broken the car’s back
AN OPPOSITE IS Convenient 2 He ran with axle. » rod, shaft, spindle
babble — background

back apvers 1 to or towards the back 2 to the
place you have come from @ Go back home. 3 to
an earlier time or position @ Put the clocks back
one hour.
back vers backs, backing, backed 1 move
babble vers babbles, babbling, babbled backwards 2 give someone support or help
1 talk very quickly without making sense 3 bet on something 4 cover the back of
2 make a murmuring sound something @ Back the rug with canvas.
> babblenoun babbler Noun > backer NOUN
baboonnoun baboons a kind of large monkey back out refuse to do what you agreed to do
from Africa and Asia Baboons have long back up 1 give support or help to a person or
muzzles and short tails thing 2(in computing) make a spare copy of a
baby noun babies a very young child or animal file or data back-up NouN
> babyish Apjective backbencher
noun backbenchers a Member
babysitter noun babysitters someone who of Parliament who does not hold an important
looks after a child while the parents are out position
bachelor noun bachelors a man who has not backbone noun backbones the column of
married small bones down the centre of the back; the
Bachelor of Arts or Science a person who has spine
taken a first degree in arts or science backfire vers backfires, backfiring,
backwnoun backs 1 the part that is furthest backfired 1 if a car backfires, it makes a loud
from the front 2 the back part of the body from noise, caused by an explosion in the exhaust
the shoulders to the buttocks 3 the part of a pipe 2 if a plan backfires, it goes wrong
chair etc. that your back rests against 4a backgroundnow 1 the back part of apicture,
defending player near the goal in football, scene, or view etc. 2 the conditions influencing
hockey, etc. something 3a person’s family, upbringing,
back apjective 1 placed at or near the back 2 to and education
do with the back e back pain in the background not noticeable or obvious

babynoun 1 The woman was holding a baby. > reverse, go backwards, move back 2 We
> babe, infant, toddler, child 2 a baby car would like them to back our plan. » support,
> miniature, mini, small-scale, midget, endorse, approve of, stand behind, sponsor,
diminutive patronize 3 He backed a horse at 3-1.» beton,
babyishaojectve Older children are usually told place a bet on, put money on
that it is babyish to cry. » childish, juvenile, back down The government has had to back
puerile, immature, infantile AN OPPOSITE |S down on tax increases. » withdraw, concede,
mature yield, give way, retreat, change your mind,
(more informal) do a U-turn
backwoun 1. person’s back spine, backbone, back out of MrJames wanted to back out of the
spinal column RELATED ADJECTIVE dorsal (upper deal. » withdraw from, give up, pull out of
side of an animal), lumbar (lower back) 2 the backbone noun 1 She has an injured backbone.
back of the vehicle » end, rear, tail-end > spine, spinal column, vertebrae RELATED
AN OPPOSITE |S front 3 the back of the building ADJECTIVEspinal 2 The backbone of a good team is
> rear, rear side Opposites ARE front, facade
a good manager. » mainstay, foundation,
4 the back of the ship » stern OPPOSITES ARE
cornerstone, chief support 3 Drivers need to
front, bow 5 the back of an envelope » reverse,
have some backbone to sustain pole position.
verso AN OPPOSITE IS front 6 the back of an
> courage, nerve, spirit, mettle,
animal > rear, tail, hindquarters, posterior
determination, strength of character, firmness
of purpose
backapectve 1 the back door » rear backfire vers The plan backfired. » miscarry,
AN OPPOSITE IS front animal's back legs misfire, fail, flop, rebound
> rear, hind, hindmost AN opposite Is front
backgroundwoun 1 You can see a steeple in the
3 the back row of the hall » end, rearmost background. » distance, (on the) horizon
AN OPPOSITE |S front 4 a bird’s back feathers; the
AN OPPOSITE IS foreground 2 the background to
back fin of a fish » (technical) dorsal 5 back
the war > circumstances (of), context (of),
issues of a journal » past, previous
history, (informal) lead-up 3 students from
OPPOSITES ARE forthcoming, future
different backgrounds » environment, social
backers 1 He decided to back his van into the circumstances, breeding, culture, (formal)
space. The car backed slowly up the drive. milieu, tradition, upbringing
backing = baffle
backing noun 1 support 2 material thatis used USAGE Note that it isa mistake to use the plural
to line the back of something 3 musical form bacteria as if it were the singular. It is
accompaniment incorrect to say ‘a bacteria’ or ‘this bacteria’;
backlash noun backlashes a violent reaction correct usage is this bacterium or these bacteria.
to an event bad spective worse, worst 1 not having the
backlog noun backlogs an amount of work right qualities; not good 2 wicked or evil
that should have been finished but is still 3 serious or severe @ a bad accident 4 ill or
waiting to be done unhealthy 5 harmful e Sweets are bad for your
backstroke noun away of swimming lying on teeth. 6 decayed or rotten e This meat has gone
your back bad.
> badness Noun
backward agective 1 going backwards 2 slow not bad quite good
at learning or developing
> backwardness Noun badge noun badges a button or sign that you
backward apvers backwards wear to show people who you are or what
USAGE The adverb backward is mainly used in school or club etc. you belong to
American English. beduet NOUN badgers a grey burrowing animal
backwards apvers 1 to or towards the back with a black and white head
2 with the back end going first 3 in reverse badger vers badgers, badgering, badgered
order @ Count backwards. keep asking someone to do something; pester
backwards and forwards in each direction —— ADVERB Worse, worst 1 ina bad way; not
alternately; to and fro well 2 severely; causing much injury e He was
bacon noun smoked or salted meat from the badly wounded. 3 very much e She badly wanted
back or sides of a pig to win.
bacterium noun bacteria a microscopic baffle vers baffles, baffling, baffled puzzle or
organism that can cause disease confuse somebody
> bacterial ADJECTIVE > bafflement Noun

backing noun 1 We need the backing of the crude, foul, coarse, indecent, offensive,
unions. » support, agreement, endorsement, profane, blasphemous 7 bad news
assistance, encouragement, help 2 financial > unpleasant, disagreeable, unwelcome
backing » support, funding, patronage, OPPOSITES ARE good, welcome 8a bad time to
subsidy, sponsorship 3a musical backing buy a house » unsuitable, inappropriate,
> accompaniment, orchestration, scoring difficult, unfavourable, unfortunate,
backward apectve 1a backward movement inauspicious Opposites ARE favourable,
> reverse, rearward, regressive, retrograde, suitable, good 9 a bad accident, a bad toothache
> serious, severe, acute, grave, critical
retrogressive AN OPPOSITE IS forward 2 Don’t be
backward ifyou need to ask for help. » reticent, OPPOSITES ARE minor, slight 10 the meat is bad
bashful, coy, diffident, shy, timid, > rotten, off, putrid, decomposing,
unforthcoming, hesitant, inhibited, afraid,
decomposed, mouldy, contaminated, sour
modest, reluctant, reserved, self-effacing (milk), rancid (butter) AN opposite 1s fresh
AN OPPOSITE IS confident 3 The decision was a 11 feeling bad > unwell, ill, sick Opposites ARE
backward step. » retrograde, regressive, well, healthy 12.4 bad leg» injured, wounded,
negative 4a backward learner » subnormal, diseased 131 felt bad after losing my temper.
(offensive) retarded > guilty, remorseful, ashamed, conscience-
stricken OPPOSITES ARE proud, unrepentant
bad apective 1 bad work» poor, inferior, bad-tempered pjctive She was a thoroughly
substandard, second-rate, unsatisfactory, selfish, bad- tempered litle girl. » irritable,
inadequate, deficient, awful, terrible, dreadful, irascible, grumpy, testy, grouchy, touchy,
(more informal) shoddy, (more informal) ropy crotchety, cantankerous, peevish, fractious,
OPPOSITES ARE excellent, outstanding, good 2a cross, (more informal) stroppy, (more informal)
bad driver » incompetent, poor, awful, shirty OPPOSITES ARE good-tempered, good-
terrible, dreadful 3 a bad effect » harmful, humoured, affable
damaging, detrimental, injurious, undesirable
OPPOSITES ARE beneficial, good 4 leading a bad baffle vers Her answer baffled him. » perplex,
life > wicked, sinful, immoral, depraved, bewilder, puzzle, mystify, confuse, bemuse,
degenerate, dissolute opposites ARE virtuous, disconcert, confound, fox, (more informal)
good 5abad child» naughty, badly behaved, flummox, (more informal) floor
disobedient, mischievous opposites ARE Well baffling snjective a baffling response » puzzling,
behaved, good 6.bad language » vulgar, bewildering, perplexing, confusing,

bag = balcony
bagnoun bags acontainer made of a soft baitwoun 1 food thatis put onahookorinatrap
material, for holding or carrying things to catch fish or animals 2 something that is
bags (informal) plenty e bags of room meant to tempt someone
bagvers bags, bagging, bagged 1 (informal) baitvers baits, baiting, baited 1 put bait ona
catch or claim something 2 put something into hook or ina trap 2 try to make someone angry
bags by teasing them
baggagewnoun luggage baizenoun the thick green cloth that is used for
covering snooker tables
baggy anjctive (said about clothes) large and
bake vers bakes, baking, baked 1 cookin an
oven 2 make or become very hot 3 make a
bagpipespzurl noun a musical instrument in thing hard by heating it
which air is squeezed out of a bag into pipes bakernoun bakers a person who bakes and
Bagpipes are played especially in Scotland sells bread or cakes
bail noun money that is paid or promised as a > bakery Noun
guarantee that a person who is accused of a balancenoun balances 1 asteady position,
crime will return for trial if he or she is released with the weight or amount evenly distributed
in the meantime 2a person’s feeling of being steady 3.a device
bailvere bails, bailing, bailed provide bail fora for weighing things, with two containers
person hanging from a bar 4 the difference between
money paid into an account and money taken
bail? noun bails one of the two small pieces of out 5 the amount of money that someone still
wood placed on top ofthe stumps in cricket has to pay
bail3 vers bails, bailing, bailed scoop out water balance vers balances, balancing, balanced
that has got into a boat make or be steady or equal
bailiffoun bailiffs 1a law officer who serves balconynoun balconies 1a platform that
writs and performs arrests 2 an official who sticks out from an outside wall of a building
takes people’s property when they owe money 2 the upstairs part of a theatre or cinema

mystifying, mysterious, inexplicable, to stumble and lose your balance. » equilibrium,
inscrutable, insoluble, unfathomable, stability, equipoise, poise, steadiness 3a
extraordinary, frustrating OPPOSITES ARE Clear, balance between fairness and firmness » parity,
straightforward, comprehensible correspondence, symmetry, evenness,
bagnoun 111 put these things in a bag. equality, equivalence 4a sense ofpersonal
> container, carrier bag, carrier 2 We'd better balance » composure, self-assurance,
go and pack our bags » case, suitcase 3 She equanimity, self-possession 5 The balance of the
always carried a bag. » handbag, shoulder bag paymentisdue in July.» remainder, difference,
4 The walkers had bags on their backs. rest, residue
> backpack, rucksack on balance On balance it is a good scheme.
bagvere 1 You need to get there early and bag a > overall, all in all, by and large
good seat. » secure, obtain, reserve, acquire, balancevers 1 IfI carry one bag in each hand,
get 2 He bagged four pheasants. » catch, shoot, they balance each other. » counteract,
kill, capture : counterbalance, neutralize, offset, equalize,
baggage noun She put her baggage in and match, stabilize, steady 2 He tried to eat by
climbed aboard. » luggage, bags, cases, balancing a plate on his knee. » support, keep,
suitcases, trunks, belongings, paraphernalia, keep balanced, steady 3 You have to balance the
(informal) gear, (informal) stuff advantages and disadvantages. » weigh, weigh
baitnoun The offer was meant to be a bait. up, compare, assess, appraise, consider,
> enticement, inducement, lure, bribe, estimate
allurement, attraction
balancedapective 1 balanced view of the
bait vers The boys wouldn’t stop baiting her. issues > fair, objective, impartial, equitable,
> tease, torment, annoy, goad, persecute,
even-handed, impartial, disinterested
pester, provoke, hound, jeer at, (more informal) OPPOSITES ARE partial, biased 2 a balanced
needle individual » level-headed, equable, sensible,
bake vers The hot sun was baking the earth. sane, stable, practical OPPOSITES ARE
> scorch, burn, parch, sear unbalanced, neurotic 3 a balanced diet
balanmcenoun 1 You can weigh the fruit in the > mixed, varied, well-planned, healthy
balance.» scales, weighing machine 2 It iseasy OPPOSITES ARE unbalanced, unhealthy
bald — bandwagon
bald agective 1 without hair on the top of the Paper 2a piece of paper on which a vote is
head 2 with no details; blunt e a bald statement made
> baldly Apvers baldness Noun ballot vers ballots, balloting, balloted invite
ball youn balls 1a round object used in many people to vote for something by a ballot
games 2 anything that has a round shape e a ballpoint pen vou ballpoint pens apenwith
ball of string a tiny ball round which the ink flows
ball of the foot the rounded part ofthe foot at balm noun 1asweet-scented ointment
the base of the big toe 2 something that soothes you
ball ? noun balls a formal party where people balmy apective 1 sweet-scented like balm
dance 2 soft and warm e a balmy breeze
ballad nounballads asimple song or poem that bamboo noun bamboos 1a tall plant with
tells a story hard hollow stems 2a stem of the bamboo
ballast (bal- ast) voun heavy material that is
carried ina ship to keep it steady ban vers bans banning banned forbid
something officially
ball bearings piurat noun small steel balls
rolling in a groove on which machine parts can ban noun bans an order that bans something
move easily banana Noun bananas along curved fruit with
a yellow or green skin
ballerina (bal- er- een-a) noun ballerinas a
female ballet dancer band ‘noun bands 1 astrip or loop of
something 2 range of values, wavelengths,
ballet (bal- ay) noun ballets astage etc.
entertainment that tells a story with dancing, band ? noun bands 1 an organized group of
mime, and music people doing something together e a band of
ballistic missile youn ballistic missiles a robbers 2a group of people playing music
missile that is initially powered and guided and together
then falls under gravity on its target band vers bands ,banding, banded form an
balloon noun balloons 1a bag made of thin organized group
rubber that can be inflated and used as a toy or bandage Noun bandages astrip of material for
decoration 2a large round bag inflated with binding up a wound
hot air or light gases to make it rise in the air, > bandage vers
often carrying a basket for passengers to ride in bandit noun bandits a member of a gang of
3. an outline round spoken words in a strip robbers who attack travellers
cartoon bandwagon noun
ballot noun ballots 1a secret method of jump orclimb on the bandwagon join other
voting, usually by making a mark on a piece of people in something that is successful

bald apective 1a bald man > bald-headed, boring, tedious, (more informal) corny
hairless, (euphemistic) thin on top 2 bald tyres OPPOSITES ARE Original, interesting
> bare, smooth 3a bald statement » plain,
direct, forthright, plain, simple, stark, band noun 1 red with a blue band along the top
straightforward, unadorned, uncompromising > strip, stripe, streak, belt, line, loop, ribbon,
ring 2.a band offollowers » troop, body,
balll noun 1 a ball of string, The little animal curled
itself into a ball. » sphere, globe, globule, orb, company, group, gang, horde, party,
spheroid 2 a ball offood > pellet, globule, slug association, clique, club, crew, flock, herd,
3 afancy-dress ball» dance, party, disco, social society 3.A band was playing. » orchestra,
ensemble, group
ballot noun a ballot for the party leadership
> election, vote, poll, plebiscite, referendum band vers band together The village banded
ban Noun a ban on smoking » embargo, together to repel their attackers. » gather,
prohibition, bar, moratorium, veto group, unite, cooperate, join together, work
ban vers The government wants to ban some blood together, fight together, collaborate
sports. » prohibit, forbid, bar, disallow, bandage Noun The nurse put a bandage on his
proscribe, suppress, make illegal, stop, restrict wound. » dressing, plaster, gauze, lint
OPPOSITES ARE permit, allow
banal spective a banal image of the perfect bandit voun The camp was attacked by bandits.
married couple » trite, hackneyed, > robber, brigand, thief, outlaw, desperado,
commonplace, stereotypical, stock, gangster, gunman, marauder, highwayman,
humdrum, clichéd, dull, unimaginative, tired, pirate, hijacker
bandy = bar
bandyvers bandies, bandying, bandied if a bankvers banks, banking, banked put money
word or story is bandied about, it is mentioned ina bank
or told by a lot of different people bank onrely on
bamenoun a cause of trouble or worry etc. bankernoun bankers a person who runs a
e Exams are the bane of our lives! bank
bangnoun bangs 1a sudden loud noise like bank holidaywnoun bank holidays a public
that of an explosion 2. sharp blow or knock holiday, when banks are officially closed
bangvers bangs, banging, banged 1 hit or bankruptagectve unable to pay your debts
shut something noisily 2 make a sudden loud > bankruptcy Noun
noise bannernoun banners 1 aflag 2 astrip of cloth
bamgapvers 1 with a bang; suddenly with a design or slogan on it, carried on a pole
2 (informal) exactly e bang in the middle or two poles in a procession or demonstration
banishvers banishes, banishing, banished banquetnoun banquets a formal public meal
1 punish a person by ordering them to leave a > banqueting Noun
place 2 drive away doubts or fears banter oun playful teasing or joking
> banishmentnoun > bantervers
banisters piurat noun a handrail with upright baptismoun baptisms the ceremony of
supports beside a staircase baptizing someone
banjonoun banjos an instrument like a guitar ss sees Baptists a member of a group of
with a round body Christians who believe that a person should not
bank' noun banks 1aslope 2a long piled-up be baptized until he or she is old enough to
mass ofsand, snow, cloud, etc. 3 a row oflights understand what baptism means
or switches etc. baptizevers baptizes, baptizing, baptized
bankvers banks, banking, banked 1 build or receive a person into the Christian Church ina
form a bank 2 tilt sideways while changing ceremony in which he or she is sprinkled with or
direction @ The plane banked as it prepared to dipped in water, and usually given a name or
land. names
bank? youn banks 1 a business that looks after barnoun bars 1 along piece of something hard
people’s money 2a reserve supply e a blood e a gold bar 2a counter or room where
bank refreshments, especially alcoholic drinks, are

bangnoun 1 He had got a bang on the head. bankers 1 The little plane banked to the left.
> blow, hit, smack, knock, thump, rap, clout, > tilt, lean, slant, pitch, tip, incline, cant, heel,
punch, whack, cuff, bump, collision, slam, list, slope 2 Bank the cheque immediately.
stroke, (more informal) wallop 2 Suddenly there > deposit, pay in
was a loud bang. » blast, report, boom, crack, bankruptapjcrve 1 The business was soon
thud, thump, explosion, clap, crash, pop bankrupt. > insolvent, failed, ruined, in
liquidation, (more informal) bust AN OPPOSITE IS
bamngvers He banged the table with his fist. » hit, solvent
thump, strike, whack, (more informal) bash,
(more informal) clout banner oun A banner was flying from a tall
building. » flag, pennant, pennon, standard,
banishvers 1 The authorities banished him as a streamer, ensign, colours (plural)
traitor. > exile, expel, deport, send away, banternoun good-humoured banter » joking,
eject, evict, expatriate, outlaw, ship away, jesting, repartee, badinage, raillery, ribbing,
transport 2 Her look banished any remainng jocularity, teasing, word play, chaffing,
fears. > dispel, remove, dismiss, disperse, pleasantry
allay, scatter, dissipate, drive away or out
barnoun 1 aniron bar» rod, pole, stake, shaft,
banknoun 1 agrassy bank» slope, rise, incline, batten, stick, strut, beam, girder, rail, railing
earthwork, embankment, mound, ridge, dike, 2 a bar of chocolate, a bar of soap » block, slab,
rampart 2 the bank of the lake » edge, border, cake, tablet, chunk, wedge, piece, hunk, ingot,
margin, shore, side, brink 3 a steep bank on the lump, nugget 3a bar to progress » obstacle,
curve » camber, gradient, incline, slope, tilt, barrier, obstruction, hindrance, impediment,
ramp, rise, (formal) declivity 4a bank of dials block, hurdle, check, deterrent, barricade
and switches » array, row, panel, tier, console, 4 eating and drinking at bars » pub, public
collection, series, display, file, group, line 5a house, saloon, cafe, tavern 2
blood bank » store, reserve, stock, supply, barvers 1 The people were barred from entering
fund, depository the country. » ban, prohibit, forbid, exclude,
bar = bark
served 3 barrier or obstruction 4 one of the and can be read by a computer to give
small equal sections into which musicis divided information about the goods, books, etc.
-@ three beats to the bar. bard noun bards a poet or travelling singer
the Bar barristers [from a Celtic word used in Scottish, Irish, and
bar vers bars, barring, barred 1 fasten Welsh]
something with a bar or bars 2 block or
obstruct @ A man with a dog barred the way.
bare spective 1 without clothing or covering
2 empty e The cupboard was bare. 3 plain;
3 forbid or ban
without details e the bare facts 4 only just
barb noun barbs the backward-pointing spike enough e the bare necessities of life
of a spear, arrow, or fish hook, which makes the > bareness NOUN
point stay in
bare vers bares, baring, bared uncover or
barbarian noun barbarians an uncivilized or reveal e@ The dog bared its teeth in a snarl.
brutal person
barbaric spective savage and cruel barely apvers only just; with difficulty e We
barely reached home in time.
> barbarity Noun barbarism NouN
barbecue noun barbecues 1a metal frame for bargain Nou bargains 1 an agreement about
grilling food over an open fire outdoors 2a buying or selling or exchanging something
party where food is cooked in this way 2 something that you buy cheaply
barbecue vers barbecues, barbecuing, bargain vere bargains, bargaining,
barbecued cook food ona barbecue [via bargained argue over the price to be paid or
American Spanish from a Caribbean word It what you will do in return for something
originally meant awooden frame fordryingfish bargain for be prepared for or expect e He got
and meat] more than he bargained for.
barbed apctive 1 having a barb or barbs 2a barge noun barges along flat-bottomed boat
barbed comment or remark is deliberately used on canals
hurtful barge vers barges, barging, barged push or
barbed wire noun wire with small spikes in it, knock against roughly
used to make fences barge in-rush into a room rudely
barber noun barbers a men’s hairdresser baritone noun baritones a male singer witha
bar chart voun bar charts a diagram that voice between a tenor and a bass
shows amounts as bars of varying width or barium (bair- ee- um) noun a soft silvery-white
height metal
bar code noun bar codes a set of black lines bark’ youn barks the short harsh sound made
that are printed on goods, library books, etc., by a dog or fox

debar, forbid to enter, prevent from entering, unconcealed, undisguised 7 the bare necessities
keep out 2 An angry crowd barred the way. > basic, essential, minimum, mere, just
> block, obstruct, hinder, impede, check, halt, adequate, just sufficient
prevent, stop, thwart bare vere She bared her arm for the injection.
barbaric spective a barbaric attack > uncover, expose, unclothe, strip
> barbarous, brutal, cruel, cold-blooded, bargain Noun 1 The government has made a
inhuman, primitive, savage, uncivilized, wild bargain with the other parties. » agreement,
OPPOSITES ARE Civilized, humane deal, understanding, arrangement, pact,
pledge, compact, contract, negotiation,
bare spective 1 bare flesh >» naked, unclothed,
uncovered, nude, stark-naked, exposed,
promise, settlement, transaction, treaty 2a
bargain at £12.99 » good buy, good value,
stripped, unclad, undressed, bald
(more informal) snip, (more informal) steal
OPPOSITES ARE clothed, covered 2a bare
landscape > barren, bleak, desolate, exposed, bargain vers The union is trying to bargain with
featureless, treeless, stark, empty, open, the employers, » negotiate, do a deal, barter,
windswept opposites ARE lush, fertile 3.bare discuss terms, hold talks, argue, haggle
trees » leafless, defoliated AN opposite Is leafy bargain on or for The crush at the doors was
4a bare room » empty, unfurnished, vacant, somethingIhadn’t bargained for. » expect,
cleared, plain, simple, austere 5 a bare wall foresee, imagine, plan for, allow for, reckon on,
> blank, clean, uncovered, unadorned, anticipate, be prepared for, contemplate,
undecorated, unmarked, stripped 6 the bare consider
facts » straightforward, plain, simple, basic, bark vers 1 The dog barked. » woof, yap, yelp
pure, essential, fundamental, hard, bald, literal, 2 The sergeant barked an order. » shout, snap,
unadorned, unambiguous, unembellished, growl, snarl
bark = base
> bark vers barrel youn barrels 1a large rounded
[from Old English beorc, imitating the’sound] container with flat ends 2 the metal tube of a
gun, through which the shot is fired
bark? noun the outer covering of a tree’s
branches or trunk barrel organ youn barrel organs a musical
instrument which you play by turning a handle
barley noun a cereal plant from which malt is
made barren apjective 1 (said about a woman) not
able to have children 2 (said about land) not
bar mitzvah youn bar mitzvahs a religious fertile
ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13
barricade youn barricades a barrier,
barn noun barns a farm building for storing hay especially one put up hastily across a street or
or grain etc. door
> barnyard noun
barricade vers barricades, barricading,
barnacle noun barnacles a shellfish that barricaded block a street or door witha
attaches itself to rocks and the bottoms of barricade
barrier youn barriers 1 fence or wall that
barometer (ba- rom- it- er) oun barometers prevents people from getting past
an instrument that measures air pressure, used 2 something that stops you doing something
in forecasting the weather
barrister noun barristers a lawyer who
baronyoun barons 1a member of the lowest represents people in the higher lawcourts
rank of noblemen 2. powerful owner of an
industry or business @ a newspaper baron barrow noun barrows 1a wheelbarrow 2a
> barony noun baronial (ba- roh- nee- al) small cart that is pushed or pulled by hand
ADJECTIVE barter vers barters, bartering, bartered
trade by exchanging goods for other goods,
baroness oun baronesses a female baron or
not for money
a baron’s wife
USAGE This word does not mean ‘to bargain’.
baronet youn baronets a nobleman ranking barter youn the system of bartering
below a baron but above a knight
> baronetcy Noun basalt (bas- awlt) noun. a kind of dark volcanic
baroque (ba- rok) noun an elaborately
decorated style of architecture used inthe 17th base’ noun bases 1 the lowest part of
and 18th centuries something; the part on which a thing stands
2 a starting point or foundation; a basis 3.a
barracks noun a large building or group of headquarters 4 each of the four corners that
buildings for soldiers to live in must be reached by a runner in baseball 5a
barrage (ba-rahzh) noun barrages 1adam substance that can combine with an acid to
built across a river 2 heavy gunfire 3a large form a salt 6 the number in terms of which
amount of something e a barrage of questions other numbers can be expressed in a number

bark oun the dog’s bark » woof, yap, yelp > infertile, sterile, childless, sterilized
barmy apective (informal) You must be barmy..a AN OPPOSITE IS fertile
barmy idea > mad, crazy, foolish barricade noun barricades across the road
barnwoun The farm vehicles were kept in a barn. > barrier, obstruction, obstacle, blockade,
> shed, outbuilding bulwark, fence, palisade, stockade
barrage noun 1 barrage across a river > dam, barriernoun 1 Police put up barriers to keep out
barrier, embankment, wall 2a barrage of the crowd. » barricade, fence, obstacle,
gunfire » bombardment, salvo, battery, obstruction, railing, fencing, wall, bar, hurdle
cannonade, fusillade, storm, volley, assault, 2. barrier to progress » obstacle, hindrance,
attack, onslaught 3 a barrage of criticism impediment, check, drawback, handicap,
> stream, deluge, flood, onslaught, torrent, limitation, restriction, stumbling block
shower, mass base noun 1 the base of the tower > foot,
barrel noun abarrel of beer » cask, butt, keg, bottom, foundation, pedestal 2 The hut was
tub, tun, drum, canister, hogshead, water-butt used as a base for the expedition.
> headquarters, centre, station, camp, depot,
barremapective 1 barren desert > infertile,
lifeless, arid, parched, desert, dry, waste, bY
waterless, sterile, torrid, unproductive base vers 1 The company is based in Paris.
OPPOSITES ARE fertile, lush 2 a barren woman > locate, establish, set up, station 2 Base your
base = baths
system 10 is the base of the decimal system bass (bayss) anjective deep-sounding; the bass
and 2 is the base ofthe binary system part of a piece of music is the lowest part
base vers bases, basing, based use something bass Noun basses 1 male singer with a very
as a starting point or foundation @ The story is deep voice 2 bass instrument or part
based on facts. bassoon Noun bassoons a bass woodwind
base? apjective 1 dishonourable e base motives instrument
2 not of great value e base metals bastard Noun bastards 1 (old use) an
> basely Apvers baseness NOUN illegitimate child 2 (slang) an unpleasant or
baseball noun baseballs 1. an American game difficult person or thing
in which runs are scored by hitting a ball and > bastardy Noun
running round a series of four bases 2 the ball bat' noun bats 1a shaped piece of wood used
used in this game to hit the ball in cricket, baseball, etc. 2'a
basement noun basements a room or rooms batsman e their opening bat
below ground level off your own bat without help from other
bash vers bashes, bashing, bashed hit hard
bash noun bashes 1 ahardhit 2 (informal) atry bat vere bats, batting, batted use a batin
cricket etc.
e Have a bash at it.
bat? Noun bats a flying animal that looks like a
bashful apective shy and self-conscious mouse with wings
> bashfully overs
batch noun batches a set of things or people
basic anjective forming a basis or starting point dealt with together
e Bread is a basic food.
bath noun baths 1 washing your whole body
basin Noun basins 1a deep bow! 2 awashbasin while sitting in water 2 a large container for
3 asheltered area of water for mooring boats water in which to wash your whole body; this
4 the area from which water drains into a river water e Your bath is getting cold. 3.a liquid in
e the Amazon basin which something is placed e an acid bath
basis Noun bases something to start from or Pada i baths, bathing, bathed washina
add to; the main principle or ingredient at
bask vers basks, basking, basked sit or lie bathe vers bathes, bathing, bathed 1 go
comfortably warming yourselfinthe sun swimming 2 wash something gently
basket voun baskets a container for holding or > bathe Noun bather Noun bathing suit Noun
carrying things, made of strips of flexible bathroom Noun bathrooms aroom
material or wire woven together containing a bath
basketball noun basketballs 1a game in baths piurai noun 1 a building with rooms
which goals are scored by putting a ball where people can bath 2 public swimming
through high nets 2 the ball used in this game pool

story on events in the news. » build, construct, spartan, unsophisticated OPPOSITES ARE
establish, found, ground elaborate, sophisticated
basin noun She poured some water into the basin.
bash vers 1 She could hardly avoid bashing him in > bowl, dish, sink, stoup
the stomach. > hit, strike, knock, smack, clout,
(more informal) biff 2bash into The car bashed basis Noun The accusations had no factual basis.
into a lamp post. » collide with, crash into, run > foundation, justification, support, rationale,
into, bang into, bump into base
basket noun a basket offruit » hamper,
bashful anective Men tend to be bashful about pannier, creel, punnet, trug
their feelings. » shy, coy, reserved, diffident, bass Apjecrive a bass note » low, deep, bottom
embarrassed, inhibited, modest, self- batch noun a batch of cakes » consignment,
conscious, hesitant, timid, reserved, retiring group, quantity, assortment, lot, set
OPPOSITES ARE assertive, forward, bold,
confident bath noun 11’m going to have a bath. » wash,
douche, jacuzzi (trademark) , sauna, shower,
basic apective 1 You must first learn the basic (more informal) soak
principles of the subject. » fundamental, chief, bathe vers 1 Holiday-makers were bathing in the
main, key, crucial, principal, central, primary, sea. » swim, paddle, plunge, splash about,
elementary AN OPPOSITE Is secondary (more informal) take a dip 2 The wound must be
2 Washing facilities at the camp are very basic. carefully bathed. » cleanse, clean, wash, rinse,
> plain, simple, crude, modest, stark, sparse, immerse, moisten, soak, steep, swill
batsman = bead
batsman oun batsmen a player who uses a bay3 Noun bays the long deep cry of a hunting
bat in cricket etc. : hound or other large dog
battalion oun battalions an army unit at bay cornered but defiantly facing attackers
containing two or more companies @ a stag at bay
keep at bay prevent something from coming
batten vers battens, battening, battened
fasten something down firmly near or causing harm @ We need laws to keep
poverty at bay.
batter vers batters, battering, battered hit
hard and often bayonet noun bayonets a blade that can be
fixed to the end of a rifle and used for stabbing
batter youn batters 1a beaten mixture of
flour, eggs, and milk, used for making pancakes bay window noun bay windows a window
etc. 2a player who is batting in baseball that sticks out from the main wall of a house
battery youn batteries 1 device for storing bazaar oun bazaars 1a market place in an
and supplying electricity 2.a set of similar Eastern country 2a sale to raise money for a
pieces of equipment; a group of large guns 3.a charity etc.
series of cages in which poultry or animals are BBCassreviation British Broadcasting
kept close together @ battery farming Corporation
battle youn battles 1 fight between two BC assreviation before Christ (used with dates
armies 2.a struggle counting back from the birth ofJesus Christ)
> battlefield oun battleground noun be vers am, are, is; was, were being, been
battle vers battles, battling, battled fight or 1 exist; occupy a position e The shop is on the
struggle corner. 2 happen; take place @ The wedding is
tomorrow. This verb is also used 1 tojoin
battlements piural noun the top of a castle subject and complement (He is my teacher) 2 to
wall, often with gaps from which the defenders form parts of other verbs (It is raining. He was
could fire at the enemy killed)
battleship oun battleships a heavily armed have beenhave gone to or come to as a visitor
warship etc. e We have been to Rome.
bawl vers bawls, bawling, bawled 1 shout beach noun beaches the part of the seashore
2 cry noisily nearest to the water
bay’ oun bays a place where the shore curves beaconnoun beacons alight or fire used as a
inwards signal or warning
bay? oun bays acompartment or small area set bead noun beads 1a small piece of a hard
aside for something e a parking bay substance with a hole in it for threading with

batter vers 1 Someone battered on the door. bawl vers 1 The child sat on its bed bawling.
> pound, beat, knock 2 Winds were battering > cry, sob, weep, blubber 2 ‘Get out,’ she
the waterfront. » pound, buffet, lash, pummel bawled. » yell, shout, roar, bellow, shriek,
3 He was battered into submission. » beat, scream
pummel, thump baynoun 1 alarge bay on the coast» cove, inlet,
battered spective help for battered wives gulf, bight 2 a loading bay » recess, alcove,
> beaten, abused, assaulted, maltreated, booth, compartment, niche, nook, opening
victimized bazaarnoun the church bazaar > sale, fair, fete,
battlenoun 1 The battle took place a few miles jumble sale, car boot sale, bring-and-buy,
north of the city. » fight, engagement, action, market, auction
clash, encounter, conflict 2 a legal battle for be vers 1 There was a young family next door.
ownership of the club > conflict, struggle, > exist, live 2 After he’d been there a while he
dispute 3 a battle to save the library from closure ordered a drink. » remain, stay, wait, linger,
> campaign, crusade (more informal) hang on 3 The next performance
battle vers They battled to control the fire. of the play will be tomorrow. » take place,
> fight, struggle, strive occur, happen, come about
baullc vers baulk at Some farmers baulk at using beachwoun a picnic on the beach » shore, sand,
pesticides. » resist, (more formal) eschew, be sands, seashore, coast, (poetic) strand
reluctant to beaconnoun a beacon on the hill» flare, signal,
bawdy apective bawdy stories » rude, indecent, bonfire, beam
crude, ribald, naughty, improper, risqué, lewd, bead noun beads ofsweat » drop, droplet,
vulgar, obscene globule, blob, drip, pearl
beady — beat
others ona string or wire, e.g. to make a > bearer NOUN
necklace 2a drop of liquid e a bead of sweat bear in mind remember something and take it
[from Old English gebed The original meaning into account
was ‘prayer’: people kept count of the prayers bear out support or confirm
they said by moving the beads on a rosary, to bearable apjective able to be endured; tolerable
which the meaning ofbead was transferred. |
beard noun beards hair ona man’s chin
beany ADJECTIVE (said about eyes) small and > bearded ADJECTIVE
beard vere beards, bearding, bearded come
beak noun beaks the hard horny part of a bird’s face to face with a person and challenge him or
mouth [via early French from Latin beccus] her boldly
beaker Noun beakers 1 tall drinking mug, bearing Noun bearings 1 the way a person
often without a handle 2 aglass container used stands, walks, behaves, etc. 2 relevance e My
for pouring liquids in a laboratory friendship with Tom has no bearing on his
beam Noun beams 1 along thick bar of wood or selection for the team. 3 the direction or position
metal 2a ray or stream of light or other of one thing in relation to another 4 a device for
radiation 3a happy smile preventing friction in a machine e ball bearings
beam vers beams, beaming, beamed 1 smile get your bearings work out where you are in
happily 2 send out a beam of light or other relation to things
radiation beast Noun beasts 1 any large four-footed
bean Noun beans 1a kind of plant with seeds animal 2 (informal) a cruel or vicious person
growing in pods 2 its seed or pod eaten as food > beastly ADJECTIVE
3 the seed of coffee beat vere beats, beating, beat, beaten 1 hit
bear" youn bears a large heavy animal with often, especially with a stick 2 shape or flatten
thick fur and large teeth and claws something by beating it 3 stir vigorously
bear ” vere bears, bearing, bore, borne 4 make repeated movements @ His heart beat
1 carry or support 2 have or show a mark etc. faster. 5 do better than somebody; overcome
@ She still bears the scar. 3 endure or stand e I > beater NOUN
can't bear this pain. 4 produce or give birth to beat Noun beats 1a regular rhythm or stroke
@ She bore him two sons. e the beat ofyour heart 2 emphasis in rhythm;

beaker noun a beaker of water » mug, tumbler, bearable apective The pain was only just
goblet, cup, glass, jar, tankard bearable. » tolerable, endurable, acceptable
beam Noun 1a house with wooden beams bearing Noun 1 The Baroness had a regal
bearing. » demeanour, air, manner, look,
> timber, joist, girder, spar, bar, plank, post,
appearance, behaviour, presence, carriage,
rafter, support, stanchion, boom 2a beam of
deportment, mien, poise, posture, style 2 The
light » ray, shaft, gleam, stream
discovery could have some bearing on the mystery.
beam vers 1 Satellites beam radio waves to > connection (with), relevance (to),
rooftop aerials. » broadcast, transmit, direct, significance (for), import (for), pertinence (to),
emit, radiate, send out, aim 2 Daphne beamed reference (to), relationship (with)
happily. » smile, grin OPPOSITES ARE glower, bearings PLURAL Noun When it got dark we began
frown to lose our bearings. » sense of direction,
orientation, whereabouts, position, situation,
bear vers 1 The rope would no longer bear his way
weight. » support, carry, hold, sustain, prop
beast Noun 1 the roars of wild beasts » animal,
up, take 2 The document bore a signature. creature, brute 2 Her husband was a beast.
> display, possess, show, exhibit, have 3 The
> brute, monster, fiend, demon RELATED
postman arrived, bearing alarge parcel.» carry,
bring, convey, transport, deliver, fetch, move,
take, transfer 4 I cannot bear pain. We found the beastly apjective Derek had been beastly to them.
noise hard to bear. » put up with, endure, > unkind, cruel, mean, nasty, horrible, spiteful
tolerate, stand, stomach, abide, accept, cope beat. noun 1 music with a strong beat » rhythm,
with, live with, suffer, sustain, undergo, brook pulse, throb, accent, stress 2 a policeman’s beat
5 The woman bore a child. » give birth to, > circuit, rounds, route, itinerary, journey,
produce, mother, bring forth path, way
bear down on A huge vehicle was bearing down beat vers 1 The man was beating a dog with a
on them. » approach, advance on, close in on stick. > hit, strike, thrash, whip, attack, assault,
bear out The report bears out what Iwas saying. (more informal) wallop, (more informal) whack
> confirm, endorse, corroborate 2 Molly was beating eggs for her omelette.

beautiful — beef
the strong rhythm of pop music 3a became dark. 2 be suitable for; make a person
policeman’s regular route ; look attractive
beautifull apjective attractive to your senses or become of happen to e What became of it?
your mind bedwoun beds 1a piece of furniture that you
> beautifully Apvers sleep or rest on, especially one with a mattress
beautify vers beautifies, beautifying, and coverings 2. piece of a garden where
beautified make someone beautiful plants are grown 3 the bottom of the sea or of
> beautification noun ariver 4a flat base; a foundation 5a layer of
beauty noun beauties 1 quality that gives rock or soil
pleasure to your senses or your mind 2a bedclothes piura: noun sheets, blankets, etc.
person or thing that has beauty 3 an excellent bedpannoun bedpans a container for use as a
example of something lavatory by a bedridden person
beavernoun beavers an animal with soft
brown fur and strong teeth; it builds its home in
bedraggled (bid- rag- eld) anjective very
a deep pool which it makes by damming a untidy; wet and dirty
stream bedridden pective too weak or ill to get out of
beaververs beavers, beavering, beavered bed
work hard @ He's beavering away on the bedrock oun solid rock beneath soil
computer. bedroomnoun bedrooms aroom for sleeping
because conunction for the reason that in
because offor the reason of e He limped
bedtimewnoun bedtimes the time for going to
because of his bad leg.
at someone's beck and call always ready and beenoun bees a stinging insect with four wings
waiting to do what he or she asks that makes honey
beckon vers beckons, beckoning, beckoned beechwnoun beeches a tree with smooth bark
make a sign to a person asking him or her to and glossy leaves
come beef oun meat from an ox, bull, or cow [via
become vers becomes, becoming, became, early French from Latin bos bovis = head of
become 1 come orgrowto be; begin to be e It cattle]

> whip, agitate, blend, froth up, mix, stir 3 His beckon vers She beckoned him to go over to her.
heart was beating faster.» pound, pulsate, > signal, gesture, motion, gesticulate, invite
race, thump, flutter, palpitate 4 William of become vers 1 Caterpillars become butterflies.
Normandy beat the English at the Battle of > grow into, turn into, change into, develop
Hastings. The visitors beat the home team into, 2 The family soon became rich. » grow,
decisively. » defeat, overcome, conquer, come to be, turn 3 She wants to become the
vanquish, subdue, crush, overpower, second woman prime minister. » be appointed,
overwhelm, rout, trounce, win against, get the be elected, be chosen, be made 4 Dark colours
better of, (more informal) thrash become you. > suit, flatter, befit, grace, set off,
beat about the bush Let’s not beat about the enhance, harmonize with
bush. » prevaricate, vacillate, hedge, (more
informal) flannel becoming pective The dress is very becoming.
beat up They went into town and got beaten up. > attractive, elegant, fetching, pretty, comely
> assault, attack bedwoun 1A cat lay on the bed. » divan, bunk,
beautiful spective a beautiful young woman, a couch 2a flower bed » plot, patch, area 3 the
beautiful garden » attractive, pretty, good- bed ofa river» bottom, floor, course 4 posts set
looking, nice-looking, lovely, glamorous, in a bed of concrete » base, foundation,
gorgeous, stunning AN OPPOSITE IS ugly support, setting
beauty noun the beauty of the scene bedraggledanyctve The heavy rain had left him
> attractiveness, prettiness, loveliness, charm, looking bedraggled. » dishevelled, unkempt,
allure, magnificence, radiance, splendour, untidy, sodden, messy, scruffy, dirty, soiled,
appeal, glamour, glory, grace, handsomeness stained, wet OPPOSITES ARE neat, clean, spruce
AN OPPOSITE IS ugliness RELATED ADJECTIVE bee noun Bees hovered round the flowers.
aesthetic > drone, worker, bumblebee, honeybee,
because conunction queen
because ofHe missed most of the season because a bee in your bannetHe had a bee in his bonnet
of injury. » on account of, owing to, due to, as about queues. » obsession, preoccupation,
a result of, as a consequence of, in view of fixation, compulsion, (more informal) hang-up
beefy = behave
beefy gective having a solid muscular body 1 beg your pardon | apologize; | did not hear
> beefiness NOUN what you said
beehive Noun beehives a box or other beggar Noun beggars 1a person who lives by
container for bees to live in begging 2 (informal) a person e You lucky
beeline noun beggar!
make a beeline for go straight or quickly > beggary NouN
towards something begin vers begins, beginning began begun
beer Noun beers an alcoholic drink made from 1 do the earliestorfirst part ofsomething; start
malt and hops speaking 2.come into existence e The problem
> beery ADJECTIVE began last year. 3 have something as its first
part e The word begins with B.
beet Noun beet orbeets a plantwitha thick root
used as a vegetable or for making sugar beginner Noun beginners a person who isjust
beginning to learn a subject
beetle Noun beetles an insect with hard shiny
wing covers beginning Noun beginnings the start or first
part of something
beetroot Noun beetroot the dark red root of
beet used as a vegetable begrudge vers begrudges. begrudging,
begrudged resent having to give or allow
before aovere at an earlier time e Have you been something; grudge
here before?
beguile (big- I'll) vers beguiles beguiling,
before preposition, CONUNCTION 1 earlier than e I
beguiled 1 amuse or fascinate 2 deceive
was here before you! 2 in front of e He came
before the judge. behalf noun
on behalf of for the benefit of someone else or
beforehand Apvers earlier; in readiness as their representative e We are collecting
befriend vere befriends , befriending, money on behalf of cancer research.
befriended make friends with someone on my behalf for me
beg vere begs begging ,begged 1Tasktobe USAGE Do not use on behalfof(= for someone
given money, food, etc. 2 ask formally or else) when you mean on the part of (= by
desperately someone). For example, do not say: This was
beg the question argue in an illogical way by the worst performance on behalf ofArsenal that I
relying on the result that you are trying to can remember.
prove behave vers behaves, behaving, behaved
go begging be available 1 actin a particular way e They behaved badly.

beefy anective A beefy man sat at the bar. going AN opposite is conclude 3 Where did the
> muscular, brawny, burly, hefty, stocky, fat, rumour begin? » start, originate, spring up,
portly emerge, (more formal) commence
before aovers She had called the day before. AN OPPOSITE IS Nd RELATED ADJECTIVE incipient
> earlier, in advance, previously, sooner
beginner noun 1 The course is for beginners.
befriend vere He had tried to befriend the new > novice, initiate, learner, starter, new recruit,
boy. » make friends with, get to know, look trainee, apprentice, tiro
after, stand by, help, support, take under your
wing beginning Noun 1 the beginning of a new era
beg vers 1A man on the pavement was begging. > birth, dawn, start, starting point, inception,
> ask for money, solicit money, (more establishment, origin, onset, emergence 2 She
informal) cadge, (more informal) scrounge 2 Do had been opposed to the idea from the beginning
we have to beg for a favour? » plead, entreat, > outset, start 3 the beginning of the story
implore, ask, beseech, crave, importune, > opening, start, prelude
petition, pray, request, (formal) supplicate
begrudge vers Kate didn’t seem to begrudge
beggar Noun He always gave money to beggars he Harry all his wealth. » resent, grudge, mind,
met in the street. » tramp, vagrant, destitute object to, be bitter about, covet, envy, be
person, down-and-out, homeless person, jealous of, be envious of
(more formal) mendicant, pauper, poor person
begin vers 1 We will begin work tomorrow. behave vers 1 The children worked hard and
> start, embark on, set about, get down to, behaved well. » conduct yourself, act, react,
(more formal) commence an opposite |s finish respond, run, acquit yourself 2behave
2 The interviewer began with a few quick yourself Try to behave yourself. » be good, act
questions, » start, start off, open, lead off, get correctly, be on your best behaviour
behead = belong
2 show good manners @ Behave yourself! beliefyoun beliefs 1 believing 2something a
> behaviournoun behavioural Apjective person believes
beheadvers beheads, beheading, beheaded believevers believes, believing, believed
cut the head off a person or thing; execute a think that something is true or that someone is
person in this way telling the truth
behind apvers 1 at or to the back; at a place > believableapjective believer noun
people have left e Don't leave it behind. 2 not believe inthink that something exists or is
making good progress; late I'm behind with good or can be relied on
my rent. belittle vers belittles, belittling, belittled
behind preposition 1 at or to the back of; on the make something seem of little value e Do not
further side of 2 having made less progress belittle their success.
than e He is behind the others in French. > belittlement noun
3 supporting; causing @ What is behind all this belloun bells 1a cup-shaped metal
trouble? instrument that makes a ringing sound when
behind a person's backkept secret from him struck by the clapper hanging inside it 2 any
or her deceitfully device that makes a ringing or buzzing sound to
behind the times out of date attract attention 3a bell-shaped object
behindnoun behinds (informal) a person’s
belligerent (bil- ij- er- ent) anjecrive
1 aggressive; eager to fight 2 fighting;
behindhanddpvers, anjective late or slow in engaged in a war
doing something > belligerentlyspvers belligerence noun
beige (bayzh) noun, anjective avery light brown
bellowwoun bellows 1 the loud deep sound
made by a bull or other large animal 2a deep
beingwnoun beings 1 existence 2a creature shout
belated apjective coming very late or too late bellow vers bellows, bellowing, bellowed
> belatedly spvers
give a deep shout
belchvers belches, belching, belched 1 send
out wind from your stomach through your belly oun bellies the abdomen; the stomach
mouth noisily 2 send out fire or smoke etc. belongvers belongs, belonging, belonged
from an opening have a proper place e The pans belong in the
> belchnoun kitchen.

behaviournoun Their behaviour was disgusting. > think, consider, maintain, conclude, be of
> conduct, manners, attitude, demeanour, the opinion, think it likely, feel, imagine, judge,
deportment, bearing suppose, take it for granted
behead vers The king was beheaded. believer oun a religious believer » devotee,
> decapitate, execute, guillotine disciple, follower, adherent, fanatic, proselyte,
beingnoun 1 She loves him with all her being. supporter, upholder, zealot OPPOSITES ARE
> existence, soul, spirit, essence, actuality, life, sceptic, agnostic, atheist
living, reality, solidity, substance 2 a mortal belloun I can hear the bell. » chime, gong,
being » person, creature, individual, animal, alarm, carillon, knell, peal, signal
entity belligerentanycrive 1 She stared in a belligerent
belchvers 1 Laurence belched behind his hand. > manner. » aggressive, hostile, antagonistic,
burp, emit wind 2 The vehicle was belching black confrontational, argumentative, quarrelsome,
smoke. » emit, give out, discharge, send out, militant, combative, provocative, contentious,
smoke, spew out, erupt, fume, gush pugnacious 2 a belligerent nation » warlike,
beliefvoun 1 She had a strong belief that he was bellicose, militant, militaristic, violent
innocent. » conviction, confidence, opinion, AN OPPOSITE IS peaceable
certainty, credence, sureness OPPOSITES ARE bellow vers He bellowed something in her ear.
disbelief, doubt 2 a beliefin the benefits of a good > shout, yell, bawl, roar, boom, shriek
diet > trust, reliance (on), credence 3 religious belly noun He stood scratching his belly.
belief> faith, ideology, principle, creed, > stomach, abdomen, middle, (usually
dogma AN OPPOSITE IS scepticism disapproving) paunch, (more informal) tummy,
believevers 11 find that hard to believe. (much more informal) tum
> accept, be certain about, be convinced by, belongvers 1 belong toThe house belongs to his
regard as true, (more informal) swallow mother. » be owned by, be the property of
AN OPPOSITE IS disbelieve RELATED ADJECTIVE 2 belong to! belong to a sports club.» bea
credible 2 believe several people have cheated. member of, be affiliated with, be connected
belongings = benignant
belong to be the property of; be a member of beneath overs underneath
e We belong to the same club.
belongings p.ura noun a person’s possessions benefactornoun benefactors a person who
gives money or other help
beloved anctive dearly loved
below overs at or to a lower position; beneficial anective having a good or helpful
underneath e There's fire down below. effect; advantageous
below prerosiion lower than; under e The beneficiary (ben- if- ish- er- ee) noun
temperature was ten degrees below zero. beneficiaries a person who receives benefits,
beltwoun belts 1 strip of cloth or leather etc. especially from a will
worn round the waist 2 a band of flexible
material used in machinery 3.a long narrow benefitoun benefits 1 something that is
area @ a belt of rain helpful or profitable 2 a payment to which a
person is entitled from government funds or
beltvers belts, belting, belted 1 puta belt from an insurance policy
round something 2 (slang) hit or beat 3 (slang)
rush along benefitvers benefits, benefiting, benefited
benchwnoun benches 1a long seat 2along 1 do good to a person or thing 2 receive a
table for working at 3 the seat where judges or benefit
magistrates sit; the judges or magistrates benevolentapectve 1 kind and helpful
hearing a lawsuit 2 formed for charitable purposes @ a benevolent
bend vers bends, bending, bent 1 change fund
from being straight 2 turn downwards; stoop > benevolentlysnvers benevolencenoun
@ She bent to pick it up. i
bendyoun bends a place where something benign(bin-I'n) apjective 1 kindly 2 favourable
bends; a curve or turn e a bend in the road 3 (said about a disease) mild, not malignant
> benignly Apvers
beneath preposmion 1 under 2 unworthy of
© Cheating is beneath you. benignant (bin- ig- nant) anjective kindly

. with 3 They felt they did not belong there. > feel beneficial anective A good diet is beneficial to
welcome, have a place, be at home 4 The book health. » good (for), advantageous, =

belongs on the top shelf. » be located, have a favourable, useful, valuable, helpful, salutary,
place, go wholesome AN Opposite |S harmful
belongingspiura noun Remember to take all benefitvoun 1 the benefits of a healthy diet
your belongings with you. » possessions, > advantage, reward, strength, blessing,
property, personal effects, (more informal) stuff convenience, gain, asset, service AN OPPOSITE IS
beloved apective her beloved father » dear, disadvantage 2 We are doing it for your benefit.
dearest, darling, loved, much loved, cherished > good, sake, interest, welfare, advantage
beltoun 1 raincoat tied with a belt » girdle, 3 the unemployed who are on benefit » social
sash, strap, waistband, (of a man’s evening suit) security, welfare, assistance, allowance,
cummerbund 2. spindle driven by a belt income support
> band, loop, circle 3 a belt of woodland benefitvers The tax cuts will benefit those on a
> strip, stretch, area, tract, zone, region, low income. » help, advantage, assist, aid,
district, line, swathe advance, be beneficial to, do good to, profit,
beltvers belt along (informal) They all belted serve AN OPPOSITE IS hinder
along to the bus station. » hurry, rush, speed
bemused apyctive She sat there with a bemused benevolencenoun The hospital is dependent on
the benevolence of local businesses. » kindness,
expression. » bewildered, confused,
generosity, goodness, goodwill, consideration,
distracted, puzzled, muddled, baffled,
charity, magnanimity
benchwoun The children sat in a row on a bench. benevolentapjective She smiled a benevolent
> pew, long seat, form, stall smile. » kind, generous, helpful, caring,
bendwoun We came to a bend in the road. benign, friendly, magnanimous, sympathetic,
> curve, turn, angle, corner, twist, zigzag
considerate, philanthropic AN OPPOSITE Is
bendvers 1 You can bend the pipe round the tank.
> curve, curl, angle, turn 2 The road bends benignanectve 1 benign smile > friendly,
ahead. » curve, turn, veer, deviate, twist kind, benevolent 2 a benign influence
bend dowmnHe bent down to pick up the piece of > favourable, beneficial, advantageous,
paper. » stoop, bow, crouch, duck, kneel, lean propitious
bent = betray
bemtapective curved or crooked besiegevers besieges, besieging besieged
bent onintending to do something 1 surround a place in order to capture it
2 crowd round e Fans besieged the singer after
bentwoun a talent for something the concert.
bequeathvers bequeaths, bequeathing
bequeathed leave something to a person, besottedanpective too fond of something; fond
especially in a will ina silly way
bequestnoun bequests something left toa besoughtyast tense of beseech
person, especially in a will bestapjective of the most excellent kind; most
bereavedapective extremely sad because a able to do something
relative or friend has died bestapvers 1 in the best way; most 2 most
> bereavementNoun usefully; most wisely e We had best go.
berrynoun berries any small round juicy fruit best mamnoun the bridegroom’s chief
without a stone attendant at a wedding
berserk(ber- serk) ADJECTIVE bestowvers bestows, bestowing bestowed
go berserkbecome uncontrollably violent present to someone
berthyoun berths 1 a sleeping place ona ship > bestowalnoun
or train 2.a place where a ship can moor best-sellernoun best-sellersa book that sells
give a wide berth tokeep at a safe distance in large numbers
from a person or thing betnoun bets 1 an agreement that you will
berthvers berths berthing berthedmoor in receive money if you are correct in choosing
a berth the winner of a race, game, etc. or in saying
beseechvers beseeches, beseeching something will happen, and will lose money if
beseechedor besought ask earnestly; you are not correct 2 the money you risk losing
implore ina bet
besideprerosition 1 by the side of; near betvers bets, beng, betor betted 1 make a
2 compared with bet 2 (informal) think most likely; predict e I
be beside himselfor herselfetc. be very bet he will forget.
excited or upset beta(beet- a) noun the second letter of the
besidesprerosition, abverB in addition to; also Greek alphabet, =b
e@ Who came besides you? @ And besides, it's the betrayvers betrays betraying betrayed
wrong colour. 1 be disloyal to'a person or country etc.

bemtapective 14 bent nail » crooked, twisted, AN OPPOSITE IS Worst 2 Do whatever you think
misshapen, angled, buckled, distorted, folded, best. » most suitable, most appropriate, most
looped, warped AN opposite Is straight 2 a man fitting, most sensible
with a bent back » crooked, hunched, arched, bestowvvers The college bestowed a scholarship on
bowed, curved 3 (informal) bent politicians her. » award, confer, endow, (less formal)
> corrupt, criminal, dishonest, fraudulent, present, (less formal) give
immoral, untrustworthy, wicked AN OPPOSITE IS USAGEIf you use award, you say The college
honest awarded her a scholarship. This is a much less
formal and more ordinary word. If you use
berserkapective go berserkreports of a man present or endow, you say The college presented
who went berserk in the street and was hit by a car (or endowed) her with a scholarship. If you use
m gocrazy, go mad, become demented, Niece you say The college conferred a scholarship
become frantic, become hysterical, go out of on her.
your mind, rave, become deranged, run amok,
(more informal) freak out betnoun 1a £10 bet » gamble, wager,
(informal) punt 2 My bet is they won’t come.
besiegevers 1 Alexander besieged the city for > opinion, forecast, prediction, feeling, hunch
two years. » lay siege to, blockade, surround, betvers 1 She bet all her savings and won.
encircle, confine, beleaguer, (old use) invest > wager, gamble, stake, risk 2 (informal) I bet
2 She spent a whole day besieged by reporters I'm right. » (less informal) be sure, (less
outside her London home. » surround, mob, informal) be confident, (less informal) be
plague, harass, pester, overwhelm convinced, (less informal) expect
bestapjective 1 one of the best bookshops in London betrayvers 1 We trusted him and he betrayed us.
> foremost, leading, top, finest, pre-eminent, > let down, break your promise to, be
supreme, premier, optimum, outstanding, unfaithful to, double-cross, deceive 2 They
unsurpassed, unequalled, unrivalled were betrayed to the authorities. » inform on,
betrothed — bid
2 reveal something without meaning to beyond preposition, abvers 1 further than;
> betrayal oun betrayer Noun further on e Don't go beyond the fence. 2 outside
betrothed snctive (formal) engaged to be the range of; too difficult for e The problem is
married beyond me.
> betroth vers betrothal noun biaswoun biases 1 feeling or influence for or
betterapective 1 more excellent; more against someone or something; a prejudice 2a
satisfactory 2 recovered from illness tendency to swerve 3a slanting direction
better spvers 1 ina better way; more 2 more biased spective prejudiced
usefully; more wisely e We had better go. bib noun bibs 1a cloth or covering put under a
get the better of defeat or outwit baby’s chin during meals 2 the part of an apron
better vers betters, bettering, bettered above the waist
1 improve something 2 do better than Biblenoun Bibles the sacred book of the Jews
> betterment oun (the Old Testament).and of the Christians (the
between preposition, abvers 1 within two or Old and New Testament) [from Greek biblia =
more given limits e between the walls books. The word originally meant rolls of
2 connecting two or more people, places, or papyrus from Byblos, a port now in Lebanon.]
things @ The train runs between London and biblical anective to do with or in the Bible
Glasgow. 3 shared by e Divide this money bibliography (bib- lee- og- ra- fee) noun
between you. 4separating; comparing e Can bibliographies 1 a list of books about a
you tell the difference between them? subject or by a particular author 2 the study of
USAGE The preposition between should be books and their history
followed by the object form of the pronoun > bibliographical adjective
(me, her, him, them, or us). The expression bicentenary (by- sen- teen- er- ee) noun
‘between you and |’ is incorrect; say between bicentenaries a 200th anniversary
you and me. > bicentennial (by- sen- ten- ee- al) ADJECTIVE
beverage noun beverages any kind of drink biceps (by- seps) noun biceps the large muscle
bewail vers bewails, bewailing, bewailed at the front of the arm above the elbow
mourn for something bicker vers bickers, bickering, bickered
beware vers be careful e Beware ofpickpockets. quarrel over unimportant things; squabble
bewilder vers bewilders, bewildering, bicycle noun bicycles a two-wheeled vehicle
bewildered puzzle someone hopelessly driven by pedals
> bewilderment noun > bicyclist noun
bewitch vers bewitches, bewitching, bid" youn bids 1 the offer of an amount you are
bewitched 1 put a magic spell on someone willing to pay for something, especially at an
2 delight someone very much auction 2 an attempt

denounce 3 Please don’t betray my secret. He mystified, confused, bemused, disconcerted,
found it hard not to betray his feelings. » reveal, (more informal) flummoxed
give away, manifest, show, indicate, disclose, bewitch vers We were bewitched by the beauty of
divulge, expose, let out, let slip, tell the place. » captivate, charm, enchant,
betteranjective 1 We are looking for better entrance, enthral, delight, mesmerize
facilities. » superior, finer, preferable 2 Are you AN OPPOSITE IS repel
feeling better? » healthier, fitter, stronger, biiasnoun The management was accused of bias.
recovered, (more informal) on the mend > prejudice, partiality, discrimination,
better vers The idea cannot be bettered.
unfairness, injustice, partisanship, favouritism,
bigotry, intolerance, chauvinism, racism,
> improve on, surpass, outdo
beware vers 1 There are landmines in the fields biased pctv a biased attitude The judge was
so beware. » watch out, look out, be careful, clearly biased. » prejudiced, partial, one-sided,
take care, be on the lookout, be on the alert partisan, subjective, bigoted, chauvinistic,
2 Beware of the dog. » watch out for, mind, racist, sexist OPPOSITES ARE unbiased, impartial
avoid, steer clear of
bicker vers I don’t want to stand here all day
bewilder vers His remarks had bewildered her. bickering about it. » quarrel, squabble,
> puzzle, perplex, baffle, mystify, confuse, wrangle, argue, scrap, row
bemuse, disconcert, confound, (more informal) bidnoun 1. bid of £5,000 » offer, tender,
flummox, (more informal) floor proposal, price, proposition 2 a bid to discover
bewildered apecnve Harry looked quite the truth attempt, effort, endeavour, try (at),
bewildered. » puzzled, perplexed, baffled, (informal) go (at), (informal) crack (at)

bid = binary system
bidvers bids, bidding bidmake a bid bilenoun, a bitter liquid produced by the liver,
> biddernoun helping to digest fats
bid vers bids bidding bidor(old use) bade biaagarin ling- wal) ADJEcTiVE 11 able to
bidor bidden 1 say as a greeting or farewell @ I speak two languages well 2 written in two
bid you all good night. 2 command e Do as you languages
are bid or bidden biliousanective feeling sick; sickly
biddingnoun ifyoudo someone’s bidding, you > biliousmessnoun
do what they tell you to do
bill youn bills 1a written statement of charges
bidevers bides biding bided for goods or services that have been supplied
bide your timewait patiently for the right 2a poster 3a list; a programme of
time to do something entertainment 4 the draft of a proposed law to
biennialvoun biennialsa plant that lives for be discussed by Parliament 5 (American) a
two years, flowering and dying in the second banknote
year bill of farea menu
bier(beer) Noun biersa movable stand on bilP noun billsa bird’s beak
which a coffin or adead body is placed before it
is buried billabongnoun billabongs(in Australia) a
bifocal(by- foh- kal) apjective (said about lenses backwater
for glasses) made in two sections, with the billboardnoun billboardsa tall fence or
upper part for looking at distant objects and hoarding for advertisements
the lower part for reading billiardsnoun a game in which three balls are
bifocalspiurat noun bifocal glasses struck with cues on a cloth-covered table
biganective bigger, biggest 1 large (billiard table
2 important e the big match 3 more grown-up; billionnoun billions 1 a thousand million
elder e my big sister (1,000,000,000) 2a million million
bigamy(big- a- mee) noun the crime of (1,000,000,000,000)
marrying a person when you are already > billiomthadjective, NOUN
married to someone else USAGEAIthough the word originally meant a
> bigamousapective bigamistnoun million million, nowadays it usually means a
bigotnoun bigotsa bigoted person thousand million.
bigotedagective narrow-minded and intolerant billownoun billowsa huge wave
> bigotryNoun binwoun binsa large or deep container,
bikenoun bikes (informal) a bicycle or especially one for rubbish or litter [via Old
motorcycle English from a Celtic word]
bikinivoun bikinisa woman's two-piece binary(by- ner- ee) apjective involving sets of
swimsuit [named after the island of Bikiniin the two; consisting of two parts
Pacific Ocean, where an atomic bomb test was
carried out in 1946, at about the time the bikini binary digitwoun binary digitseither of the
was first worn (both caused great excitement)] two digits (0 and 1) used in the binary system
bilateralapectve 1 of or on two sides binary systemor binary notationvoun (in
2 between two people or groups e a bilateral computing) a system of expressing numbers by
agreement using the digits 0 and 1 only

bidvere A buyer bid a record price at the auction. intolerant, narrow-minded
> offer, make an offer of, putin a bid of, tender, USAGENote that bigoted is a much stronger
proffer, propose word than the alternatives given here.
biffvers (informal) He had biffed her by mistake. billvoun 1 The bill came to over a thousand
> hit, strike, knock, smack, bash, clout pounds, » account, invoice, statement, list of
bigaoyective 1 a big house, The bill was very big. charges 2a bill advertising a sale » poster,
> large, great, huge, enormous, colossal, notice, advertisement, placard, sheet, leaflet,
immense 2 a big difference » significant, broadsheet, circular, handout, bulletin 3 a bill
important, substantial, considerable, sizeable in parliament » draft law, proposed law
3 big ideas » ambitious, grand, grandiose, far- billowvvers 1 Her dress billowed out in the wind.
reaching 4 That was big ofyou. » generous, > balloon, blow, puff, swell, bulge 2 Smoke
considerate, magnanimous, kind, gracious billowed from the.chimney. » pour, swirl, spiral
bigotedanjctve He disliked people who held such binwoun a row of storage bins » container,
bigoted views. » prejudiced, biased, partial, canister, receptacle, drum
bind = bit
bind vers binds, binding, bound 1 fasten bird noun birds 1 an animal with feathers, two
material round something 2 fasten the pages wings, and two legs 2 (slang) a young woman
of a book into a cover 3 tie up or tie together bird's-eye view a view from above
4 make somebody agree to do something bird of prey noun birds of prey a bird that
> binder Noun feeds on animal flesh, such as an eagle or hawk
bind a person over make him or her agree not birthwoun births 1 the process bywhicha baby
to break the law or young animal comes out from its mother’s
bind noun (slang) a nuisance; a bore body 2 origin; parentage e He is of noble birth.
binding oun bindings something that binds, birth control noun ways of avoiding
especially the covers, glue, etc. of a book conceiving a baby
binding spective (said about an agreement or birthday noun birthdays the anniversary of
promise) that must be carried out or obeyed the day a person was born
binge noun binges (slang) a time spent eating
birth rate noun birth rates the number of
children born in one year for every 1,000
a lot of food
bingo noun a game using cards on which birthright noun a right or privilege to which a
numbered squares are crossed out as the person is entitled through being born into a
numbers are called out at random particular family or country
binoculars Piura: noun a device with lenses for biscuit oun biscuits asmall flat kind of cake
both eyes, making distant objects seem nearer that has been baked until it is crisp [from Latin
biochemistry noun the study of the chemical bis = twice + coctus = cooked: originally they
composition and processes of living things were baked and then dried out in a cool oven to
> biochemical spective biochemist Noun make them keep longer]
biodegradable ADJECTIVE able to be broken bisect (by- sekt) vers bisects, bisecting,
down by bacteria in the environment e All our bisected divide something into two equal
packaging is biodegradable. parts
> bisectionnoun bisector NouN
biography (by- og- ra- fee) noun biographies
the story of a person’s life bishopwnoun bishops 1 animportant member
> biographical apjective biographer Noun of the clergy in charge of all the churches in a
city or district 2 a chess piece shaped like a
biology noun the study of the life and structure bishop’s mitre
of living things
> biological spective biologist NouN bismuth wou a greyish-white metal
bionic (by- on- ik) apyective (said about a person
bison (by- son) Noun bison a wild ox found in
North America and Europe, with a large shaggy
or parts of the body) operated by electronic
bit' youn bits 1a small piece or amount of
biopsy (by- op- see) Noun biopsies something 2 the metal part of a horse’s bridle
examination of tissue from a living body that is put into its mouth 3 the part of a tool
biped (by- ped) noun bipeds a two-footed that cuts or grips things when twisted
animal a bit 1a short distance or time @ Wait a bit.
birchwoun birches 1a deciduous tree with 2 slightly @ I'm a bit worried.
slender branches 2a bundle of birch branches bit by bit gradually
for flogging people bit? past tense of bite

bind vers 11 bind the two pieces with string. breeding, background, blood, extraction,
> fasten, tie, secure, attach, clamp, stick, family, genealogy, line, race, stock, strain 3 the
connect, join, lash, link, rope, strap, truss, hitch birth of socialism » beginning, origin,
2A nurse bound their wounds. » bandage, emergence, advent, dawn
dress, cover, wrap, swathe 3 They were bound
by a solemn oath not to reveal their secret. bit voun a bit of chocolate, a bit of stone > piece,
> oblige, require, compel, constrain, force, portion, chunk, lump, hunk, fragment, morsel,
necessitate 4 Their sufferings had bound them particle, slice
together. » unite, join, draw, hold a bit That was a bit hard. » rather, fairly,
slightly, somewhat, a little, (more informal)
birthwoun 1 the birth of a child > delivery, pretty
childbirth, (technical) parturition RELATED a bit of a bit of a shame » rather
ADJECTIVE natal 2 of noble birth » ancestry, bit by bit Bit by bit she began to understand.
descent, origin, parentage, lineage, pedigree, > gradually, slowly, little by little
bit > black spot
bit8 youn. bitsthe smallest unit of information in blackberrynouy blackberriesa sweet black
a computer, expressed as a choice between berry
two possibilities blackbirdyoun blackbirdsa European
bitchwyoun bitches 1 a female dog, fox, or wolf songbird, the male of which is black
2 (informal) a spiteful woman blackboardyoun blackboardsa dark board
> bitchyapjective for writing on with chalk
bitevers bites biting bit bitten 1 cut ortake black boxwoun black boxesa flight recorder
something with your teeth 2 penetrate; sting blackenvers blackens blackening
3 accept bait @ The fish are biting. blackened make or become black
bite the dustdie or be killed
black eyenoun black eyesan eye with a bruise
bitenoun bites 1 an act of biting @ She took a round it
bite. 2a wound or mark made by biting e an
insect bite 3a snack blackguard(blag- erd) noun blackguards
(old use) a wicked person
bitterapective 1 tasting sharp, not sweet
2 feeling or causing mental pain or resentment black holenoun black holesa region in outer
© a bitter disappointment 3 very cold space with such a strong gravitational field that
> bitterlysnvers bitternessvoun no matter or radiation can escape from it
bivalvenoun bivalvesa shellfish (e.g. an black icenoun thin transparent ice on roads
oyster) that has a shell with two hinged parts blacklistvers blacklists blacklisting
blacklistedput someone on alist of those who
bizarre(biz- ar) apective very odd in are disapproved of
appearance or effect
blackmailvers blackmails blackmailing
blackwoun blacks 1 the very darkest colour, blackmaileddemand money etc. from
like coal or soot 2 a person with a very dark or
someone by threats
black skin > blackmailvoun blackmailernoun
blackapyective 1 of the colour black 2 (said black marketwoun black marketsillegal
about a person) having dark skin 3 dismal; not trading
hopeful @ The outlook is black. 4 hostile;
disapproving @ He gave me a black look. 5 very black sheepnoun a member of a family who
dirty 6 (said about coffee or tea) without milk behaves badly or has a bad reputation
> blacklyspvers blacknessnoun blacksmithnoun blacksmithsa person who
blackvers blacks blacking blackedmakea makes and repairs iron things, especially one
thing black who makes and fits horseshoes
black out cover windows etc. so that no light black spotnoun black spotsa dangerous
can penetrate 2faint, lose consciousness place

bitevoun 1a bite on the arm» nip, sting, pinch, hurtful, cruel, sharp 4 She felt bitter about what
wound 2a bite to eat >»mouthful, snack, had happened. » resentful, embittered,
morsel, bit, nibble, piece, taste cynical, aggrieved, disgruntled 5 a bitter
bitevers 1 He bit a chunk out of an apple. quarrel » acrimonious, rancorous, angry,
> munch, nibble, chew, crunch, gnaw, nip, vitriolic 6 a bitter wind » biting, freezing, icy,
champ, (formal) masticate 2 She had been | raw, piercing, perishing, bitterly cold, arctic
bitten by an insect. » sting, pierce 3 Tax AN OPPOSITE IS gentle
increases will begin to bite in the new tax year. bizarrespective a bizarre story of survival in
> take effect, have an effect, take hold 4 bite wartime » strange, weird, odd, extraordinary,
intoAcid starts to bite into the metal. » eatinto, eccentric, peculiar, curious, queer, unusual,
corrode, erode, wear away grotesque AN OPPOSITE Is ordinary
bitinganective 1a biting wind » bitterly cold, blackanyective 1 blackink jet-black, coal-black
bitter, freezing, icy, raw, piercing, perishing, 2a black night > dark, unlit, moonless,
arctic 2.a biting remark » caustic, harsh,
starless, gloomy 3 hands black from mending the
cutting, incisive, bitter, penetrating, stinging,
mower & filthy, dirty, grimy, grubby, soiled
hurtful, cruel, sharp
AN OPPOSITE IS spotless 4 in a black mood
bitterapjective 1 bitter taste » sour, sharp, > melancholy, miserable, glum, wretched,
acid, acrid, tart, harsh OPPOSITES ARE mild, unhappy, despondent
sweet 2 The decision was seen as a bitter
disappointment. » cruel, distressing, painful, blackvere I blacked my shoes. » blacken, polish
unpleasant 3 bitter remarks » harsh, cutting, blackenvers She decided to blacken her hair.
caustic, incisive, biting, penetrating, stinging, > darken, make black
bladder = bleach
bladder noun bladders 1 the bag-like part of blank verse noun poetry without rhyme,
the body in which urine collects 2 the inflatable usually in lines of ten syllables
bag inside a football blare vers blares, blaring, blared make aloud
blade noun blades 1 the flat cutting edge of a harsh sound
knife, sword, axe, etc. 2 the flat wide part of an > blare Noun
oar, spade, propeller, etc. 3.a flat narrow leaf blaspheme (blas- feem) vers blasphemes,
ate ofgrass 4a broad flat bone e shoulder blaspheming, blasphemed talk or write
e irreverently about sacred things
blame vers blames, blaming, blamed 1 say blasphemy (blas- fim- ee) noun blasphemies
that somebody or something has caused what irreverent talk about sacred things
is wrong @ They blamed me. 2 find fault with > blasphemous ADJECTIVE
someone e We can't blame them for wanting a blast oun blasts 1 strong rush of wind or air
holiday. 2a loud noise e the blast of the trumpets
blame noun responsibility for what is wrong blast vere blasts, blasting, blasted blow up
blancmange (bla- monj) noun blancmanges with explosives
a jelly-like pudding made with milk blast off launch by the firing of rockets blast-
~ bland apective 1 having a mild flavour rather off NOUN
than a strong one 2 lacking any interesting blatant (blay- tant) apjective very obvious e a
featues or qualities e a bland manner blatant lie
> blandly Apvers blandness NouN > blatantly apvers
blank apecive 1 not written or printed on; ee NOUN blazes avery bright flame, fire, or
unmarked 2 without interest or expression e a ight
blank look. 3 empty of thoughts e My mind's blaze vers blazes, blazing, blazed 1 burn or
gone blank. shine brightly 2 show great feeling e He was
> blankly Apvers blankness NOUN blazing with anger.
blank noun blanks 1 anempty space 2 blank blazer noun blazers a kind of jacket, often with
cartridge a badge or in the colours of a school or team
blanket noun blankets 1a warm cloth etc.
covering used ona bed etc. 2 any thick soft bleach vers bleaches, bleaching, bleached
covering e a blanket of snow make or become white
blanket apjective covering all cases or instances bleach noun bleaches a substance used to
e a blanket ban bleach things

blame noun 1 They were cleared of all blame. > expressionless, featureless, impassive,
> responsibility, guilt, liability, culpability vacant, deadpan, inscrutable, unresponsive
2 Who got the blame for it? » criticism, censure, AN OPPOSITE IS expressive
condemnation, (more informal) rap blanket noun a blanket offog > covering, layer,
blame vere The report blamed the driver for the film, shroud, cloak, mantle, mask, sheet, cover
accident. » hold responsible, hold blare vers Sirens were blaring. » blast, resound,
accountable, condemn, censure, criticize, screech, shriek
reprove, reprimand, accuse (of), charge (with)
AN OPPOSITE IS excuse blast noun 1a blast of cold air » gust, rush,
blow, draught, squall 2 Hundreds were injured
blameless spective a blameless life > innocent, in the blast. » explosion, discharge, shock
guiltless, faultless, exemplary, irreproachable,
upright, virtuous, unblemished opposites ARE blast vers 1A series of missiles blasted the
blameworthy, guilty building. » blow up, bomb, demolish, raze
2 radios blasting out rock music » blare, boom,
bland spective 1a bland taste > insipid, roar, thunder, bellow
uninteresting, dull, weak, nondescript, watery,
mild, boring, flat opposites ARE sharp, strong blatantapecrve a blatant lie flagrant, brazen,
2.a bland personality, bland remarks » dull, barefaced, glaring, shameless, unconcealed
tedious, uninteresting, unexciting, AN OPPOSITE IS inconspicuous
monotonous, drab, dreary, feeble, vapid, weak, blazenoun 1 It took firefighters all night to control
(informal) wishy-washy OPPOSITES ARE the blaze. » fire, flames 2 a blaze of light
interesting, stimulating > burst, flash, gleam, streak, beam, glitter
blankaoyective 1 a blank page > empty, unused, blaze vers 1 The fire began to blaze. > burn, flare
unfilled, clear, bare, void, unmarked up, be alight 2 Lights blazed from the top floor.
AN OPPOSITE IS used 2a blank look > shine, beam, flare, flash,.gleam, glitter
bleak = blindfold
bleakkanjective 1 bare and cold e a bleak hillside blessingyoun blessings 1 a prayer that
2 dreary or miserable e a bleak future © blesses a person or thing; being blessed
> bleaklyspvers bleaknessyoun 2 something that people are glad of
blearyapective watery and not seeing clearly blightyoun blights 1a disease that makes
e bleary eyes plants wither 2 something that does a lot of
> blearilyapvers harm e Vandalism is a blight on our community.
bleatyoun bleatsthe cry of a lamb, goat, or calf blightvers blights blighting blighted
1 affect with blight 2 spoil or damage
bleatvers bleats bleating bleatedmakea something @ Injuries have blighted his career.
blindacective 1 without the ability to see
bleedvers bleeds bleeding bled1 lose blood 2 without any thought or understanding
2 draw blood or fluid from © blind obedience. 3 (said about atube, passage,
blemishyoun blemishesa flaw; a mark that or road) closed at one end
spoils a thing's appearance > blindlyspvers blindnessyoun
> blemishvers blindvers blinds blinding blindedmake a
blenchvers blenches blenching blenched person blind
flinch blindwoun blinds 1a screen for a window 2a
deception; something used to hide the truth
blendvers blends blending blendedmix @ His journey was a blind.
smoothly or easily
blind dateyoun blind datesa date between a
blendyoun blendsa mixture man and woman who have not met before
blendernoun blendersan electric machine blindfoldnoun blindfoldsa strip of cloth tied
used to mix food orturn it into liquid round someone's eyes so that they cannot see
blessvers blesses blessing blessed 1make blindfoldvers_ blindfolds blindfolding
Vy! sacred or holy 2 bring God's favour ona person blindfoldedcover someone's eyes with a
or thing blindfold

bleakagective a bleak landscape » bare, barren, convenience, godsend, help AN OPPOSITE IS
desolate, exposed, featureless, treeless, stark, affliction
empty, open, windswept
blightyoun 1 potato blight » disease, rot,
blearyanyctive bleary eyes, bleary vision decay, (more formal) infestation 2 the blight of
> blurred, blurry, unfocused, clouded, cloudy, traffic noise » affliction, curse, plague,
fogged, foggy, hazy, murky AN OPPOSITE ISclear menace, nuisance, tribulation, trial, misfortune
bleedvers The wound began to bleed. » lose AN OPPOSITE IS blessing
blood, haemorrhage, weep, seep blighitvers Their lives were blighted by
blemishwoun a beautiful rose bloom without a troublesome neighbours. >» ruin, wreck, spoil,
single blemish » imperfection, flaw, fault, afflict, shatter, disrupt
defect, spot, mark, stain, speck, taint
blindapctive 1 She had been blind from birth.
blendwoun a blend of several ingredients > sightless, unsighted, visually impaired,
> mixture, mix, combination, mingling, partially sighted, unseeing 2 blind to all dangers
amalgam, fusion, synthesis ' > oblivious, imperceptive, heedless (of),
blendvers 1 Blend the ingredients carefully. unaware (of), inattentive, indifferent,
> mix, combine, mingle, merge, stir together, insensible, insensitive, ignorant (of), blinkered
beat, fold in, integrate, whip, whisk 2 The (from) OPPOSITES ARE aware, perceptive
colours blend well. » harmonize, match, fit 3 showing a blind acceptance of criticism
blessvers The couple were blessed with a child. > uncritical, reckless, impulsive,
> favour, grace, endow indiscriminate, unreasoning, mindless 4 a blind
corner » concealed, hidden, obscure,
blessedapctive a blessed place » holy, sacred, obstructed
sanctified, adored, divine, hallowed, revered
blessingvoun 1 The priest gave a blessing. blindyoun She pulled down a blind. » screen,
> benediction, grace, prayer 2 The manager shade, cover, curtain, shutter
gave the scheme his blessing. » approval, blindvers 1 The light blinded her for a few
backing, support, consent, approbation, leave, moments. » dazzle 2 They are trying to blind us
permission AN OPPOSITE IS disapproval all with science. » confuse, deceive, overawe,
3 Central heating is a blessing in the winter. intimidate, disconcert, unsettle, (more
> benefit, advantage, asset, boon, comfort, informal) put off
blind spot > bloody
blind spot youn blind spots a subject that you blood noun 1 the red liquid that flows through
do not understand or know much about veins and arteries 2 family relationship;
blink vers blinks, blinking, blinked shut and ancestry @ He is of royal blood.
open your eyes rapidly in cold blood deliberately and cruelly
> blink noun blood bank noun blood banks a supply of
bliss noun perfect happiness blood and plasma for transfusions
> blissful apjective blissfully apvers bloodbath youn bloodbaths a massacre
blister youn blisters a swelling like a bubble, blood donor youn blood donors a person
especially on skin who gives blood for use in transfusions
> blister vers
blizzard youn blizzards a severe snowstorm blood group noun blood groups any of the
classes or types of human blood
bloated spective swollen by fat, gas, or liquid
bloodhound noun bloodhounds a large dog
blob youn blobs a small round mass of that tracks people by their scent
something e blobs ofpaint
block oun blocks 1 asolid piece of something bloodshed noun the killing or wounding of
_ 2anobstruction 3 alarge building divided into
flats or offices 4a group of buildings bloodshot apjctive (said about eyes) streaked
block vers blocks, blocking, blocked with red
obstruct; prevent something from moving or blood sport youn blood sports a sport that
being used involves wounding or killing animals
> blockage noun bloodstream
woun the blood circulating inthe éé
blockade noun blockades the blocking ofa body
city or port etc. in order to prevent people and bloodthirsty anective eager for bloodshed
goods from going in or out
blockade vers blockades, blockading, blood vessel youn blood vessels a tube f Tt}

blockaded set up a blockade of a place carrying blood in the body; an artery, vein, or
block letters pura: youn plain capital letters
bloody anjective bloodier, bloodiest
bloke noun blokes (informal) aman 1 bloodstained 2 with much bloodshed e a
blond or blonde spective fair-haired; fair bloody battle
blonde noun blondes a fair-haired girl or bloody-minded spective deliberately awkward
woman and not helpful

blink vers A light on the control panel began to block vers 1 The drain was blocked with leaves
blink. » flash, wink, flicker, twinkle, flutter, > (informal) bung up, choke, clog, close,
gleam, glimmer congest, constrict, dam, fill, jam, obstruct,
bliss woun a life of bliss » joy, delight, pleasure, plug, stop up 2.A parked van was blocking access
rapture, ecstasy, euphoria, felicity, gladness, to the house. » obstruct, bar, impede, inhibit,
happiness, heaven, paradise AN OPPOSITE IS restrict, limit 3 The scheme was blocked by the
misery directors. » stop, prevent, halt, thwart
blissful acjecrive They spent a blissful week blockage noun The drain has a blockage.
> obstruction, stoppage, block, constriction,
together. » ecstatic, joyful, rapturous,
jam, obstacle, resistance, barrier, bottleneck,
euphoric, elated, happy AN OPPOSITE |S
bloke noun (informal) He’s a funny bloke, isn’t he?
blizzard youn They were kept indoors by > chap, fellow, guy, man, boy, individual
blizzards. » snowstorm, squall blond, blonde spective blond hair» fair,
bloated spective a bloated stomach » swollen, flaxen, golden, light, yellow, bleached
dilated, distended, enlarged, inflated blood noun a person of noble blood » ancestry,
OPPOSITES ARE shrunken, shrivelled descent, origin, parentage, lineage, pedigree,
blob noun a blob of ice cream » drop, droplet, breeding, background, birth, extraction,
globule, lump family, genealogy, line, race, stock, strain
block oun 1 a block of chocolate, a block of stone bloodshed noun The government were anxious
> chunk, hunk, slab, bar, brick, cake, lump, to avoid further bloodshed. > killing, slaughter,
mass, piece 2 The pipe had a block in it. carnage, butchery, violence
> blockage, obstruction, stoppage 3.Lack of bloody nective 1 bloody wound » bleeding,
funds proved a block to progress. » barrier, blood-stained, raw, gaping 2 a bloody battle
hindrance, impediment, obstacle > fierce, gory, bloodthirsty, violent
bloom — blueprint
bloomnoun blooms 1a flower 2 the fine damn e Blow you!
powder on fresh ripe grapes etc. blow up inflate 2 explode 3 shatter by an
bloomers blooms, blooming, bloomed explosion
produce flowers blow noun blows the action of blowing
blossomNoun blossoms a flower or mass of
flowers, especially ona fruit tree a
blow? Noun blows 1a hard knock or hit 2a
blossom vers blossoms, blossoming, shock; a disaster
blossomed 1 produce flowers 2 develop into blowlampor blowtorchnoun blowlamps
something e She blossomed into a fine singer. or blowtorches a device used for directing a
blotnoun blots 1a spot of ink 2a flaw orfault; very hot flame at a surface
something ugly e a blot on the landscape
blotvers blots, blotting, blotted 1 make a blot blubber
oun the fat of whales
or blots on something 2 dry with blotting bludgeon (bluj- on) Noun bludgeons a short
paper stick with a thickened end, used as a weapon
blot out 1 cross out thickly 2 obscure e Fog
blotted out the view. bludgeon vers bludgeons, bludgeoning,
blotchwoun blotches an untidy patch of colour bludgeoned hit someone several times with a
> blotchy ADjeCTIVE heavy stick or other object
blotting papernoun absorbent paper for bluenoun blues the colour of acloudless sky
soaking up ink from writing out of the blue unexpectedly
blousenoun blouses a loose piece of clothing
like a shirt, worn by women blueagectve 1 of the colour blue 2 unhappy;
blow’ vers blows, blowing, blew, blown depressed e feeling blue 3 indecent; obscene
1 send out a current ofair 2 move in or witha e blue films
current of air e His hat blew off. 3 make or > blueness NOUN
sound something by blowing @ blow bubbles bluebottlenoun bluebottles a large bluish fly
e blow the whistle 4 melt with too strong an
electric current @ A fuse has blown. 5 (slang) blueprintnoun blueprints a detailed plan

bloomwoun 1 rose blooms » blossom, flower, blownoun 1 a blow on the head» knock, bang,
bud 2 the bloom of youth » prime, peak, glow, hit, thump, smack 2 The news was a terrible
flush, acme blow. » shock, surprise, reverse, setback,
bloomers 1 The roses have all bloomed now. upset, disappointment, calamity, disaster
> blossom, flower, open an opposite Is fade
2 The children had bloomed in the country air.
blow vers 1 The storm blew the ship on the rocks.
> flourish, thrive, prosper, blossom, develop > drive, sweep, force, blast, fling, whisk
2 Leaves were blowing across the drive. » drift,
blossomoun apple blossom » blooms, buds, flutter, whirl, stream
florets, flowers
blow outThe heater blows out hot air. » puff
blossomvers 1 The trees have started to blossom. out, blast out, exhale, breathe, fan, waft
> bloom, flower, open an opposite is fade blow up 117 blow up the tyres. > inflate,
2 The scheme can blossom.with the right support. pump up, fill, dilate, expand opposites ARE let
> flourish, thrive, prosper, bloom, develop down, deflate 2 The photograph can be blown
blotnoun 1 blot of ink» spot, blotch, mark, up.» enlarge 3.A bomb blew up the building.
smear, smudge, stain, splodge, blob 2 a blot on > bomb, blast, detonate, dynamite, explode
ihelandscape > eyesore, blemish, defect, fault, 4 (informal) When he heard what we had done he
aw blew up. » grow angry, lose your temper, rage
blotvere Ink blotted the page. » smudge, mark,
spoil, spot, stain, bespatter, mar blueapjective 1 pretty blue colour » sky-blue,
blot outA tall building blotted out the view turquoise, ultramarine, aquamarine, azure,
> conceal, hide, mask, obliterate, obscure, cerulean, cobalt, indigo, navy, sapphire 2 a blue
cover, delete, eclipse, erase, expunge, rub out, movie > indecent, coarse, obscene, salacious,
wipe out, cancel risqué 3 (informal) Jake was feeling blue that day.
> sad, depressed, dejected
blotchnoun The walls had damp blotches down
them. » patch, smudge, speck, speckle, blot, blueprintnoun 1 blueprints of the new aircraft
mark > design, plan, drawing, draft, outline,
blotchypective a blotchy skin » spotty, pattern, layout, prototype 2 a blueprint for
spotted, blemished, marked, patchy, political reform » model, plan, scheme,
smudged, uneven framework, basis, pattern, guide, proposal
blues = boast
blues noun a slow sad jazz song or tune blush noun blushes reddening in the face
the blues a very sad feeling; depression bluster vers blusters, blustering, blustered
bluff" vers bluffs, bluffing, bluffed deceive 1 blow in gusts; be windy 2 talk loudly and
someone, especially by pretending to be aggressively
someone else or to be able to do something > blustery spective
bluff youn bluffs the act of bluffing; a threat BIMIX ssereviarion a kind of bicycle for use in
that you make but do not intend to carry out racing ona dirt track
bluff? apective frank and hearty in manner boar noun boars 1a wild pig 2a male pig
> bluffness noun board noun boards 1 flat piece of wood 2a
blunder noun blunders a stupid mistake flat piece of stiff material, e.g. a chessboard
blunder vers blunders, blundering, 3 daily meals supplied in return for payment or
bilundered 1 make a blunder 2 move clumsily work e board and lodging. 4acommittee /
and uncertainly on board on or ina ship, aircraft, etc.
board vere boards, boarding, boarded 1 go
blunt apctive 1 not sharp 2 speaking in plain
on board a ship etc. 2 give or get meals and
terms; straightforward e a blunt refusal
> bluntly aovers bluntness noun
board up block with fixed boards
blunt vers blunts, blunting, blunted make a boarder noun boarders 1 a pupil who lives at
thing blunt
a boarding school during the term 2a lodger
blur vers blurs, blurring, blurred make or who receives meals
become indistinct or smeared boarding school youn boarding schools a
blur noun blurs an indistinct appearance school where pupils live during the term
@ Without his glasses on, everything was a blur. boast vers boasts, boasting, boasted 1 speak
blurt vers blurts, blurting, blurted say with great pride and try to impress people
something suddenly ortactlessly @ He blurted it 2 have something to be proud of e The town
out. boasts a fine park.
blush vers blushes, blushing, blushed > boaster noun boastful apjecrive boastfully
become red in the face because you are ADVERB
ashamed or embarrassed boast youn boasts a boastful statement

blues piura noun the blues I woke up with the blunt vere A series of snacks blunted my appetite.
blues just like you did. » depression, sadness, > dull, reduce, dampen, take the edge off,
melancholy, dejection, despondency, low weaken OPPOSITES ARE sharpen, intensify
spirits, misery, gloom blur vers The steam had blurred her glasses.
bluff youn The offer is regarded as a crude bluff. > cloud, fog, mask, obscure, befog, blear, dim,
> deception, subterfuge, sham, pretence, smear
fake, fraud, ruse, artifice, trick blurred anctive When he lifted his head
bluff vers 1 We think they must be bluffing us. everything looked blurred. » indistinct, blurry,
> deceive, delude, mislead, hoodwink, trick bleary, fuzzy, hazy, misty
21 am sure they are only bluffing. » pretend,
blush vers She blushed as he kissed her hand.
sham, put on an act, lie, (more informal) kid > gored, flush, glow, colour
blunder noun Harry shook his head at his own
board youn 1.4 wooden board > plank, panel,
blunder. » mistake, error, gaffe, slip, faux pas,
(more informal) howler, (much more informal) beam, length of timber, lath 2 the board of
cock-up directors » committee, council, panel
blunder vere 1 The security officer had blundered board vers 1 Passengers may now board the
by letting the men into the building. » make a aircraft. » get on, go on board, enter, embark,
mistake, bungle, err, be in error, misjudge, ascend 2 His wife boarded students in a spare
miscalculate, slip up, (more informal) put your room. » accommodate, house, lodge, put up,
foot in it, (more informal) goof, (much more billet, quarter
informal) screw up, (much more informal) cock boast vere His mother had been boasting about
up how cleverhewas. » brag, crow, bluster, swank,
blunt apective 1 blunt knife > dull, rounded, show off, gloat, sing someone’s praises, (more
thick, unpointed, unsharpened AN OPPOSITE !S informal) talk big
sharp 2. blunt reply » abrupt, harsh, curt, boastful apective He was constantly boastful ofall
terse, gruff, rude, offhand, brusque, his achievements. » bragging, conceited, big-
insensitive, outspoken, plain-spoken headed, bumptious, proud, puffed-up,
OPPOSITES ARE polite, tactful swaggering, swollen-headed, vain, egotistical,

boat — bolster
boatnoun boats a vehicle built to travel on bognoun bogsan area of wet spongy ground
lin\ water and carry people etc. > boggyADJECTIVE
in the same boatin the same situation; bogged downstuck and unable to make any
suffering the same difficulties progress
bobvers bobs, bobbing, bobbed move quickly bogusagective not real; sham
up and down boil! vere boils, boiling, boiled 1 make or
become hot enough to bubble and give off
bobsleighor bobslednoun bobsleighs or steam 2. cook or wash something in boiling
bobsleds a sledge with two sets of runners
water 3 be very hot
bodicenoun bodices the upper part of a dress boilnoun boiling point e Bring the milk to the
bodily anjective to do with your body e bodily boil. [via early French boillir from Latin bullire
functions = to bubble]
bodily apvers by taking hold of someone e He boil? youn boils an inflamed swelling under the
was picked up bodily and bundled into a car. skin
boilervoun boilersa container in which water
bodywnoun bodies 1 the structure consisting of is heated
bones and flesh etc. of aperson or animal; the
main part of this apart from the head and limbs boisterousapectve noisy and lively
2.acorpse 3 the main part of something 4a boldapectve 1 confident and courageous
group or quantity regarded as a unit @ the 2 impudent 3 (said about colours, designs,
school's governing body 5 a distinct object or etc.) strong and bright
piece of matter e Stars and planets are heavenly > boldlyapvers boldnessnoun
bodies. bolstervoun bolsters along pillow for placing
> bodilyAbjective, ADVERB across a bed under other pillows
bodyguardnoun bodyguards a guard to bolstervers bolsters, bolstering, bolstered
protect a person's life add extra support

(informal) cocky, (informal) swanky bogusapjective The man had given a bogus
AN OPPOSITE IS Modest address. » fake, false, spurious, fraudulent,
counterfeit, pretended
boatnoun boats in the little harbour > craft,
vessel, ship bogynoun bogies and other beings of the night
> evil spirit, ghost, spectre, phantom
bobvers Little boats were bobbing in the water. boiloun a boil on the skin » swelling, pustule,
> bounce, move up and down, dance, toss pimple, abscess, blister, spot, tumour
about, skip about, oscillate boillvers 1 Boil the potatoes in water. » bring to
bob upA woman at the back bobbed up to ask a boiling point, bring to the boil, cook, heat,
question. » jump up, leap up, spring up, rise simmer 2 The water was beginning to boil.
(up), appear > bubble, effervesce, foam, seethe, steam
bodilyanective bodily contact » physical, 3 She was boiling with anger. » seethe, be
corporeal angry, lose your temper, go into a rage, fly into
a rage, flare up, (more informal) see red
bodynoun 1 the human body » frame, figure, boisterousapjective a boisterous beach game
form, physique, shape, anatomy, being, build > lively, spirited, animated, exuberant, rough,
RELATED ADJECTIVESCorporal, somatic 2 a blow to rowdy OPPOSITES ARE restrained, calm
the body » trunk, torso 3 a body floating in the
river ® corpse, cadaver, carcass, mortal boldanjective 1. bold move, a bold traveller
remains, (more informal) stiff 4 the managing > brave, courageous, daring, adventurous,
body » committee, company, association, audacious, confident, dauntless, enterprising,
corporation, society, band 5.a large body of fearless, forceful, gallant, heroic, intrepid, self-
evidence » quantity, collection, volume, mass, confident, valiant, valorous, venturesome,
accumulation, agglomeration, corpus (more informal) plucky AN OPPOSITE Is Cowardly
2 bold remarks » brazen, forward, cheeky,
bognoun The ground became wetter, and brash, impertinent, impudent, insolent,
eventually they were on the edge of a bog. presumptuous, fresh, pert, rude, saucy,
> marsh, marshland, swamp, mire, morass, shameless, unashamed opposites ARE polite,
fen, quicksands, mudflats, quagmire reticent 3a bold pattern, bold colours
bogged downbogged down with all the work > striking, strong, bright, clear, conspicuous,
> encumbered, hindered, impeded, slowed eye-catching, prominent, pronounced, showy,
down, in difficulties, stuck, sunk vivid AN OPPOSITE IS inconspicuous
bolt + book
bolt noun bolts 1 sliding bar for fastening a bone noun bones one of the hard parts that
door 2. thick metal pin for fastening things make up the skeleton of a person's or animal's
together 3 sliding bar that opens and closes body
the breech of a rifle 4a shaft of lightning 5 an bone vers bones, boning, boned remove the
arrow shot from a crossbow 6 the action of bones from meat or fish
a bolt from the blue a surprise, usually an bonfire noun bonfires an outdoor fire to burn
unpleasant one rubbish or celebrate something [originally bone
bolt upright quite upright fire =a fire to dispose of people's or animals’
bolt vers bolts, bolting, bolted 1 fasten witha
bolt or bolts 2 run away or escape 3 swallow bonnet noun bonnets 1a hat with strings that
food quickly tie under the chin 2.a Scottish beret 3 the
bomb noun bombs an explosive device hinged cover over a car engine
the bomb an atomic or hydrogen bomb bonus (boh- nus) youn bonuses 1 an extra
bomb vers bombs, bombing, bombed attack payment in addition to a person's normal
a place with bombs wages 2 an extra benefit
bombard vers bombards, bombarding, bony apective 1 with large bones; having bones
bombarded 1 attack with gunfire or many ae little flesh on them 2 full of bones 3 like
missiles 2 direct a large number of questions or ones
comments etc. at somebody boo vers boos, booing, booed shout ‘boo’ in
> bombardment noun disapproval
bomber noun bombers 1 someone who > boo noun
plants or sets off a bomb 2 an aeroplane from booby noun boobies a babyish or stupid person
which bombs are dropped booby prize noun booby prizes a prize given
bombshell youn bombshells a great shock as a joke to someone who comes last in a
bonanza (bon- an- za) Noun bonanzas sudden contest
great wealth or luck booby trap noun booby traps something
bond noun bonds 1a close friendship or designed to hit or injure someone
connection between two or more people unexpectedly
2 bonds ropes or chains used to tie someone book noun books a set of sheets of paper,
up 3.adocument stating an agreement usually with printing or writing on them,
bond vers bonds, bonding, bonded become fastened together inside a cover
closely linked or connected > bookseller noun bookshop Noun
bondage now slavery; captivity bookstall noun

bolt noun 1 The door bolt was stuck. » catch, blast, shelling, attack, cannonade, discharge,
bar, latch, lock, fastening 2 Put a nut on the bolt. fusillade, hail, salvo, volley
> pin, rivet, rod, screw
a bolt fromthe blue > shock, surprise, (more bond noun 1 There was a close bond between the
informal) bombshell two brothers. » attachment, connection, tie,
link, relationship, affinity, unity, affiliation 2 By
bolt vers 1 We'd better bolt the door. » fasten, running away he had broken his bond
latch, lock, secure, bar 2 She bolted from the
> promise, pledge, word, agreement,
room. » dash, dart, flee, fly, rush, hurry, sprint,
compact, contract, covenant, guarantee
run, escape 3 He was in such a rush he had to bolt
3 bonds The prisoner struggled to undo his
his food. » gobble, gulp, wolf, guzzle, stuff,
bonds. » chains, fetters, manacles, shackles,
scoff down
restraints, fastenings
bomb noun The building was destroyed by bombs.
> explosive, missile bonus Noun 1n0 Christmas bonus this year
bomb vere The city was bombed for days on end. > extra payment, handout, reward 2A meal
» bombard, drop bombs on, shell out was an unexpected bonus. » benefit, extra,
bombard vers 1 Offshore ships bombarded the addition, advantage, (informal) plus
city all night. » shell, pound, blast, strafe, bony agective a bony figure > thin, angular,
assault, attack, beset, bomb, fire at, pelt, shoot gawky, lanky, gaunt, emaciated, gangling,
at, assail 2 The speaker was bombarded with lean, scraggy, scrawny, skinny AN OPPOSITE IS
questions. » overwhelm, inundate, swamp, plump
flood, deluge, pester, plague
bombardment noun The city was practically book noun a book to read and enjoy » volume,
demolished by the bombardment. » barrage, tome, publication, tract, booklet
book = bore
bookvers books, booking, booked 1 reserve boostvers boosts, boosting, boosted
a place ina theatre, hotel, train, etc. 2 enter a 1 increase the strength, value, or reputation of
person ina police record e The police booked him a person or thing 2 push something upwards
for speeding. > boosternoun
bookcasenoun bookcases a piece of furniture boostnoun boosts 1 anincrease 2 an upward
with shelves for books push
bookkeepingwoun recording details of the bootnoun boots 1a shoe that covers the foot
money that is spent and received by a business and ankle or leg 2 the compartment for
> bookkeepernoun luggage in a car
bookletnoun booklets a small thin book > bootedApeEcive
bookmakernoun bookmakers a person bootvers boots, booting, booted 1 kick hard
whose business is taking bets 2 switch on a computer
bookmarknoun bookmarks something to bootywnoun valuable goods taken away by
mark a place ina book soldiers after a battle
bookwormnoun bookwormsa person who boozevers boozes, boozing, boozed (slang)
loves reading drink alcohol
boomvers| booms, booming, boomed boozenoun (slang) alcoholic drink
1 make a deep hollow sound 2 be growing and bordernoun borders 1 the boundary of a
prospering e Business is booming. country; the part near this 2 an edge
boomnyoun booms 1a deep hollow sound 3 something placed round an edge to
2 prosperity; growth strengthen or decorate it 4a strip of ground
boomerangnoun boomerangsa curved round a garden or part of it
piece of wood that can be thrown so that it bordervers borders, bordering bordered
returns to the thrower, originally used by put or be a border to something
Australian Aborigines [from an Australian borderlineagectve only just belonging toa
Aborginal word] particular group or category e a borderline case
boornoun boorsan ill-mannered person bore' vers bores, boring bored 1 drill a hole
> boorishapjective 2 get through by pushing

bookvers 1 On his way to the hospital he was boostvers The award boosted everyone's morale.
booked for speeding. » arrest, take your name, > raise, uplift, heighten, stimulate, bolster,
write down details 2 We booked tickets for the increase, enhance OPPOSITES ARE depress,
concert. » reserve, order, arrange for, hinder
prearrange, buy 3 Will you book a disco for the bootnoun He had lost his left boot in the mud.
party? » engage, organize, sign up, arrange > gumboot, wellington, (more informal) welly
bookletnoun a booklet of travel advice boothwoun a telephone booth, a voting booth
> pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, paperback > cubicle, kiosk, stall, compartment,
boomwnoun 1 Suddenly there was the boom of the enclosure, carrel, hut, stand
one o'clock gun. » bang, reverberation, roar, boozenoun (informal) Lunch had to include lots of
sound, blast 2a boom in trade > upturn, booze. > alcohol, drink, alcoholic drink, liquor,
upsurge, upswing, boost, growth, spirits
improvement, expansion, increase, spurt
boozevers (informal) They had been boozing all
night. » drink, have a drink, indulge, imbibe,
boomers 1 The guns began to boom. » rumble, (also informal) tipple
thunder, crash, reverberate, resound, echo
2 Business is booming. » thrive, prosper, bordernoun 1 the border of a tablecloth; the
flourish, do well, (more informal) pick up border of a lake » edge, margin, perimeter,
OPPOSITES ARE decline, slump fringe, verge 2 the border between Italy and
Slovenia » frontier, boundary, borderline
boonnoun Cheap travel is such a boon. benefit,
blessing, help, asset, advantage, (more bordervers The park borders a housing estate.
informal) piece of luck > skirt, adjoin, be adjacent to, be alongside,
abut on, join, share a border with, touch
boostnoun 1 boost to morale » impetus,
stimulus, lift, uplift, (more informal) shot in the borderlineapjectve a borderline case
arm 2a boost in sales » increase, expansion, > marginal, indeterminate, uncertain,
growth, improvement, boom, upturn, ambivalent .
upsurge, upswing, spurt OPPOSITES ARE borevers. 1 You need to bore a hole in the wall.
decrease, decline > drill, punch, cut, pierce, sink 2 Long films
bore = bottle bank
bore? vers bores, boring, bored make botany noun the study of plants
somebody feel uninterested by being dull > botanical Anecive botanist NOUN
bore noun bores a boring person or thing
both spective, pronoun the two; not only one
> boredom noun
e Are both films good? e Both are old.
bore 3past tense of bear 2
both apvers
bored pjctive weary and uninterested because both ...and not only ... but also @ The house is
something is so dull both small and ugly.
boring agective dull or tedious
bother vers bothers, bothering, bothered
born apective 1 having come into existence by 1 cause somebody trouble or worry; pester
birth (See the note on borne) 2 having a 2 take trouble; feel concern @ Don't bother to
certain natural quality or ability e a born leader reply.
borne past participle of bear?
USAGE The word borne is used before by or bother noun trouble or worry
after have, has, or had, e.g. children borne by bottle noun bottles 1a narrow-necked
Eve; she had borne him a son. The word born is container for liquids 2 (slang) courage @ She
used e.g. in a son was born. showed a lot of bottle.
bosom Noun bosoms a woman's breasts
bottle vers bottles, bottling, bottled put or
boss noun bosses (informal) a manager; a store something in bottles
person whose job is to give orders to workers bottle up if you bottle up your feelings, you
etc. keep them to yourself
boss vers bosses, bossing, bossed (informal) [via early French botaille from Latin buttis = cask]
order someone about bottle bank noun bottle banks a large
bossy apective fond of ordering people about container in which used glass bottles are
> bossiness NOUN collected for recycling

tend to bore him. » weary, tire, (more informal) oppressive, peremptory, tyrannical
turn off opposites ARE interest, entertain AN OPPOSITE IS submissive
bore noun What a bore to have to wait another botch vers They managed to botch the next job as
hour. » nuisance, bother, annoyance, (more well. » bungle, make a mess of, mismanage,
informal) drag, (more informal) pain, (more mishandle, do badly, spoil, mess up, (more
informal) pest informal) screw up AN OPPOSITE IS succeed in
boring anjective What a boring book. The work bother noun 1 There was some bother at the
turned out to be very boring. » tedious, dull, disco. » disorder, trouble, disturbance,
monotonous, dreary, humdrum, routine, difficulty, fuss, (more informal) hassle, (more
uninteresting, unexciting, insipid, vapid, jejune informal) aggro 2 It was a bother to keep the food
OPPOSITES ARE interesting, stimulating hot. » nuisance, annoyance, irritation,
born apective a born comic natural, untaught, inconvenience, palaver, pest, trouble, worry,
instinctive, genuine trial, job
borrow vers I need to borrow a pen. > loan, bother vers 1 We found a quiet spot where no one
have use of, obtain, acquire, (more informal) would be able to bother us. » disturb, trouble,
cadge, (more informal) scrounge AN OPPOSITE IS pester, molest, annoy, vex, worry, concern,
lend dismay, exasperate, harass, (informal) hassle,
bosom noun 1 The dress was cut high over her inconvenience, irk, irritate, nag, plague, upset
bosom. » bust, chest, breasts 2 The family took 2 The accident was too minor to worry about.
her into its bosom. » care, protection, shelter > concern yourself, be concerned, be worried,
boss noun (informal) The boss would be away all care, mind
that week. » head, chief, manager, leader bottle youn 1 a bottle of wine; water in bottles
boss vers You have no right to boss me about like > flask, carafe, decanter, flagon, jar, pitcher
this. » order, dictate to, push around, lord it 2 (informal) She had bottle to stand up to him,
over, bully, domineer they had to admit. » courage, nerve, pluck,
bossy Anective Why do you treat us in such a bossy spirit, mettle, daring, audacity, boldness,
manner? » domineering, officious, bravery
overbearing, high-handed, imperious, bottle vers bottle up He had bottled up his
dictatorial, authoritarian, autocratic, problems for too long. » suppress, repress, hold
aggressive, bullying, despotic, lordly, in, keep in, stifle

bottleneck — boutique
bottleneckwoun bottlenecks narrow place boundwoun boundsa bounding movement
where something, especially traffic, cannot bound? past tense of bind
flow freely boundyppectve
bottomwnoun bottoms 1 the lowest part; the bound tocertain to e He is bound to fail.
base 2 the part furthest away e the bottom of bound up withclosely connected with
the garden 3 a person's buttocks e Happiness is bound up with success.
bottompective lowest e the bottom shelf bound apjective going towards something
boughnoun boughsa large branch coming e We are bound for Spain.
from the trunk of a tree bound4 vers bounds, bounding bounded
boulderyoun bouldersa very large smooth limit; be the boundary of e Their land is
bounded by the river.
bouncevers bounces, bouncing bounced
boundarynoun boundaries 1 line that
marks alimit 2 a hitto the boundary ofacricket
1 spring back when thrown against something
2 make a ball etc. bounce 3 (said about a
cheque) be sent back by the bank because boundsp.urat noun. limits e This was beyond the
thereis not enough money in the account bounds ofpossibility.
4 jump suddenly; move in a lively manner out of boundswhere you are not allowed to go
bouncenoun bounces 1 the action or power of bouquet(boh- kay) noun bouquetsa bunch of
bouncing 2a lively confident manner e full of flowers
bounce boutyoun. bouts 1 a boxing or wrestling
> bouncyAdjectivE contest 2 a period of exercise or work or illness
bound' vers bounds, bounding bounded e a bout offlu
jump or spring; run with jumping movements boutique(boo-teek) Noun boutiquesa small
© The dogs were bounding along. shop selling fashionable clothes

bottlemeckwnoun There was a bottleneck ahead ankles were bound with rope. » tied, tied up,
at the old bridge. » blockage, hold-up, traffic shackled, fettered, secured, trussed up,
jam, tailback strapped 4 bound for a train bound for the
bottomapective 1 the bottom rung of a ladder north » going to, heading for, making for, off
> deepest, lowest AN OPPOSITE IS top 2 bottom to, travelling towards
marks » least, minimum AN OPPOSITE Is top bound vers A dog bounded across the lawn.
bottomyoun 1 the bottom of the stairs » foot, > leap, jump, skip, spring, bounce, gambol,
base AN OPPOSITE IS top 2 the bottom of the wall bob, caper, frisk
> foot, base, foundation AN OPPOSITE IS top
3 the bottom of the car » underside, boundarynoun 1 wire fence marks the
underneath AN OPPOSITE IS topside 4 the bottom boundary. » border, frontier, borderline,
of the sea» bed, depths, floor AN OPPOSITE Is dividing line 2 the boundary of the estate
surface 5 They were at the bottom of their m bounds, confines, circumference, perimeter,
fortunes » lowest point, nadir AN OPPOSITE IS extremity, outer edge, fringe, limit, margin
peak 6 It is very hard to get to the bottom of the boundlessapyctive The boys seemed to have
problem. > origin, root, source, heart, essence, boundless energy. » unlimited, limitless,
grounds 7 She said she had a tattoo on her ' unbounded, untold, endless, immeasurable,
bottom. » buttocks, rear, rump, seat, (more incalculable, inexhaustible, infinite,
informal) behind, (more informal) backside, unflagging, vast AN OPPOSITE |S limited
(more informal) bum, (humorous) sit-upon,
(formal or humorous) posterior bouquetnoun 1a bouquet offlowers » bunch,
spray, posy, sprig, nosegay, corsage, garland
boumncevers The ball hit the ground and bounced 2 The white wine had a sweet bouquet. » aroma,
up.» rebound, spring up, bob up, bound, leap
fragrance, nose, scent
up, recoil, ricochet
bouncenoun She was exhausted and had lost bourgeoisapctive a bourgeois family
much of her bounce. » vitality, energy, vigour, > middle-class, suburban, conventional,
liveliness, vivacity, verve, exuberance traditional, conservative
boundapective 1 Our friends are bound to help. boutyoun 1 bout of coughing » attack, fit,
> certain, sure, very likely, liable, obliged, spasm, outburst, burst, convulsion 2a boxing
destined, fated 2 bound by an oath bout » contest, match, round, fight,
> obligated, committed, obliged, duty- encounter, engagement, struggle, combat,
bound, pledged, compelled 3 His wrists and competition
bow = bracket
bow’ (rhymes with go) noun bows 1 astrip of Boxing Daywoun the first weekday after
wood curved by a tight string joining its ends, Christmas Day
used for shooting arrows 2.a wooden rod with
horsehair stretched between its ends, used for box officevoun box offices an office for
playing a violin etc. 3a knot made with loops booking seats at a theatre or cinema
bow? (rhymes with cow) vers. bows, bowing
boynoun boys 1a male child 2a young man
bowed 1 bend your body forwards to show
respect or as a greeting 2 bend downwards > boyhoodyoun boyishanectve
e bowed by the weight boycottvers boycotts, boycotting
bownoun bows bowing your body boycottedrefuse to use or have anything todo
bow3 (rhymes with cow) noun bowsthe front with @ They boycotted the buses when the fares
part of a ship went up.
bowelspiueai noun the intestines > boycottvoun
bowl youn bowls 1 a rounded deep container
for food or liquid 2 the rounded part of aspoon boyfriendyoun boyfriendsa person's regular
or tobacco pipe etc. male companion in a romantic or sexual
bowF noun bowlsa ball used in the game of relationship
bowlsor in bowling, when heavy balls are branoun brasa piece of underwear worn by
rolled towards skittles
women to support their breasts
bowlvers bowls, bowling bowled 1senda
ball to be played by a batsman 2 get a batsman bracevers braces bracing bracedsupport;
out by bowling 3 send a ball etc. rolling make a thing firm against something
bow-leggedanective having legs that curve
outwards at the knees; bandy braceletyoun braceletsan ornament worn
round the wrist
bowlingnoun 1 the game of bowls 2 the game
of knocking down skittles with a heavy ball bracespiural noun stra ps to hold trousers up,
bow tieyoun bow tiesaman's necktie tied passing over the shoulders
into a bow
bow windownoun bow windowsa curved bracingapyctive making you feel refreshed and
window healthy e the bracing sea breeze.
box' noun boxes 1 a container made of wood, brackemwyoun a type of large fern that grows in
cardboard, etc., usually with atop or lid 2a open country; a mass of these ferns
rectangular space to be filled in on a form,
computer screen, etc. 3a compartmentina bracketyoun brackets 1 a mark used in pairs
theatre, lawcourt, etc. @ the witness box 4a hut to enclose words or figures @ There are round
or shelter e a sentry box 5a small evergreen brackets () and square brackets []. 2a support
shrub attached to a wall etc. 3.a group or range
the box(informal) television
between certain limits @ a high income bracket.
box? vers boxes boxing boxedfight with the
fists as a sport bracketvers brackets bracketing
boxeryoun boxers 1a person who boxes 2a bracketed 1 enclose in brackets 2 put things
dog that looks like a bulldog together because they are similar

bowers (rhymes with cow) 1 The man bowed his boynoun He had loved reading as a boy. > lad,
head. > incline, lower, bend 2 In the end they youngster, (more informal) kid, (more informal)
had to bow to pressure. » yield, succumb, nipper
submit, surrender, give way, give in boyishapyctive He had a boyish sense offun.
bownoun (rhymes with cow) the bow of a ship > youthful, childlike, young, (disapproving)
> front, prow, fore-end childish, (disapproving) puerile OPPOSITES ARE
manly, mature, adult
bownoun (rhymes with go) She tied the ribbon
into a neat bow. > loop, knot
bracingapective The sea air is very bracing.
> invigorating, stimulating, refreshing,
bowlwoun a bowl of soup dish, basin, tureen, exhilarating, fortifying AN OPPOSITE Is
vessel debilitating
bow lvere He bowled three fast balls in a row. bragvers He was bragging about all the friends he
> throw, toss, fling, hurl, pitch, lob had. » boast, crow, bluster, swank, show off,
boxwoun a box of coloured pencils » carton, gloat, sing someone's praises, (more informal)
pack, packet, case, casket, chest talk big

brahmin = brawl
brahmin noun brahmins a member ofthe art 3. ashop or office etc. that belongs to a
highest Hindu class, originally priests large organization
Braille (rhymes with mail) noun a system of branch vers branches, branching, branched
representing letters etc. by raised dots which form a branch
blind people can read by feeling them branch out start something new
brain noun brains 1 the organ inside the top of brand noun brands a particular make of goods
the head that controls the body 2 the mind; brandish vers brandishes, brandishing,
intelligence brandished wave something about
brainwash vere brainwashes, brand new apectve completely new
brainwashing, brainwashed force a person brandy noun brandies astrongalcoholic drink,
to give up one set ofideas or beliefs and accept usually made from wine
new ones; indoctrinate
brash nective 1impudent 2 reckless
brainwave noun brainwaves a sudden bright brass noun brasses 1a metal that is an alloy of
idea copper and zinc 2 wind instruments made of
brainy apective clever; intelligent brass, e.g. trumpets and trombones
brake noun brakes a device for slowing or > brass ADJECTIVE
stopping something brassy Aoecrve brassier, brassiest
brake vers brakes, braking, braked usea 1 resembling brass in colour 2 loud or showy
brake bravado (brav- ah- doh) noun a display of
bramble noun brambles a blackberry bush or boldness
a prickly bush like it brave apjective having or showing courage
bran noun ground-up husks of corn > bravely apvers bravery NOUN
branch noun branches 1a woody arm-like brave vers braves, braving, braved face and
part of a tree or shrub 2a part of a railway, endure something bravely
road, or river etc. that leads off from the main brawl noun brawls a noisy quarrel or fight

brain voun 1 You need brains to succeed in this brand noun a new brand of margarine » make,
job. » intelligence, intellect, sense, common kind, type, variety, brand-name, trademark,
sense, understanding, a good mind, a good label, line, sort
head, (informal) grey matter, (informal) nous
2 the brains of the family » intellectual, clever brand vers 1 The cattle are branded with hot
one, clever person, mastermind, (more irons.» mark, stamp, burn, identify, label, scar
informal) egghead RELATED ADJECTIVE cerebral 2 The men are all branded as troublemakers.
> stigmatize, vilify, censure, denounce,
brainwash vers He likes to brainwash people into discredit, disgrace, taint, give (someone) the
thinking they need help. » indoctrinate, reputation of
condition, re-educate
brash spective a group of
brash youths » brazen,
brainy apecrve a brainy child > intelligent, forward, insolent, (more informal) cocky
clever, bright, gifted, brilliant, intellectual, OPPOSITES ARE meek, shy
highbrow, (more informal) smart OPPOSITES ARE
stupid, unintelligent brave spective He was a good fighter and a brave
man. They put up a brave fight. » courageous,
brake vers She saw a child step out and braked valiant, daring, audacious, spirited, intrepid,
quickly. » slow down, reduce speed, put onthe plucky, adventurous, fearless AN OPPOSITE IS
brakes, (more formal) decelerate AN OPPOSITE IS cowardly
bravery noun Everyone praised their bravery.
branch noun 1 abranch ofatree bough, limb, > courage, audacity, boldness, daring, nerve,
arm, offshoot, sprig 2 the executive branch of gallantry, determination, fearlessness,
government » department, section, division, fortitude, heroism, (more informal) bottle,
subdivision, wing, part 3 The firm has closed (more informal) grit, (more informal) guts,
several overseas branches. » office, bureau, (more informal) pluck, (much more informal)
agency spunk AN OPPOSITE IS. cowardice
branch vers The road branches ahead. » divide, brawl noun The argument rapidly grew into a
fork drunken brawl.» fight, affray, melee, wrangle,
branch out She wanted to branch out into altercation, fracas, clash, fray, scrap, scuffle,
another career. » diversify, develop, expand, tussle, (informal) punch-up, (more informal)
extend, enlarge, broaden out set-to, (more informal) bust-up
brawl — breakfast
brawlvers brawls, brawling brawled take break a recorddo better than anyone else has
part in a brawl done before
brawmnyagectve strong and muscular break down 1 stop working properly
brazenvers brazens, brazening, brazened 2 collapse
break out 1 begin suddenly 2 escape
brazen it outbehave as ifthere isnothing to be
break the newsmake something known
ashamed of when you have done wrong
break up 1 break into small parts 2 leave for
breachwoun breaches 1 the breaking of an the holidays at the end of aschool term
agreement or rule etc. 2. a broken place; a gap breakwoun breaks 1 a broken place; agap 2 an
breadnoun breadsa food made by baking flour escape; a sudden dash 3a short rest from work
and water, usually with yeast 4a number of points scored continuously in
> breadcrumbs p.ural Noun snooker etc. 5 (informal) a piece of luck; a fair
breadthwoun width; broadness chance e Give me a break.
breakvers breaks, breaking broke, broken break of daydawn
1 divide or fall into pieces by hitting or pressing breakdownnoun breakdowns 1 breaking
2 damage; stop working properly 3 fail to keep down; failure e the breakdown of law and order
a promise or law etc. 4 stop for a time; end 2. a period of mental illness caused by anxiety or
e She broke her silence. 5 change e the weather depression 3 an analysis of accounts or
broke 6 (said about waves) fallin foam 7 go statistics 4.a sudden failure to work, especially
suddenly or with force e They broke through. by acare We had a breakdown on the motorway.
8 appear suddenly e Dawn had broken. breakfastvoun breakfasts the first meal of
> breakagenoun the day

brawlvers grown men brawling in the street OPPOSITES ARE Obey, respect, abide by 4 Let’s
> fight, scuffle, scrap, tussle, wrestle, break for lunch. » pause, stop, take a break,
exchange blows (more informal) knock off 5 She was determined
brazemapyctve a brazen lie » blatant, to break the power of the unions. » subdue,
barefaced, flagrant, shameless, unashamed, tame, defeat, crush, smash, suppress,
unabashed, audacious, cheeky, defiant, undermine
impertinent, impudent, insolent, rude break down 1 The car broke down near the
OPPOSITES ARE modest, shamefaced border. » stop working, go wrong, (more
informal) pack up, (more informal) conk out
breachnoun 1 a breach of the rules » breaking, 2 Negotiations broke down without an agreement.
infringement, violation, contravention, offence > fail, collapse, fall through, come to nothing
(against), transgression 2 a breach between the break in 1 His mother then broke in with a
king and his chancellor » rift, break, split, question about the arrangements. » interrupt,
difference, disagreement, drifting apart, butt in, intrude 2 Thieves had broken in during
estrangement, quarrel, separation, alienation the night. » commit burglary, force your way
3. a breach in the sea wall» break, split, fissure, in, make a raid
gap, crack, fracture, rupture, aperture, chasm, break offltwas hard to break offbefore finishing
hole, opening the chapter. » discontinue, pause, stop
breadnoun 1 She was responsible for keeping a break out of Several prisoners were able to
roof over their heads and bread in their mouths. break out of the detention centre.» escape from,
> food, nourishment, sustenance, subsistence abscond from, break loose from
breaknoun 14 break ina pipe» breach, split, break up 1A dump where they break up old
fissure, gap, crack, fracture, rupture, aperture, cars. » demolish, dismantle, take apart 2 The
chasm, hole, opening 2 a break in work meeting broke up after several hours. » adjourn,
> pause, respite, rest, breathing space, finish, end, come to an end, (more formal)
intermission, interval, hiatus, interlude, terminate 3 The crowd began to break up.
(informal) let-up, lull, (informal) breather 3 He > disperse, scatter, disband, go their separate
had listened to thirty new songs without a break, ways 4 Jane and her boyfriend had recently
> interruption, disruption, halt, stop, lapse, broken up. » separate, split up, stop living
suspension together, get divorced
breakvers 1 The cup fell to the floor and broke. breakdowmnnoun 1 The system has experienced
> shatter, smash, crack, split, fragment, a complete breakdown. » malfunction, failure,
splinter, (more informal) bust 2 He broke the collapse 2. breakdown in the peace talks
stick into three pieces. » split, cut, divide, sever, > failure, collapse 3 a breakdown of the figures
(more informal) bust OPPOSITES ARE repair, > analysis, classification, itemization
mend 3 It would be unwise to break the law. break-inyoun a break-in at the bank
> contravene, violate, disobey, flout, infringe > burglary, robbery, theft, raid

breakneck = bribe
breakneck apjctive dangerously fast e He had out again 2 speak or utter @ Don't breathe a
to drive at breakneck speed to get there on time. word of this.
breakthrough noun breakthroughs an breather (bree- ther) youn breathers a pause
important advance or achievement for rest @ Let's take a breather.
breast noun breasts 1 one of the two fleshy breathless apective out of breath
parts onthe upper front of awoman's body that breed vers breeds, breeding, bred 1 produce
produce milk to feed a baby 2a person's or young creatures 2 keep animals in order to
animal's chest produce young ones from them 3 bring up or
breastplate noun breastplates a piece of train 4 create or produce e Poverty breeds
armour covering the chest illness.
> breeder noun
breath (breth) youn breaths 1 air drawn into breed noun breeds a variety of animals with
the lungs and sent out again 2 a gentle blowing
qualities inherited from their parents
e a breath of wind
out of breath panting breeze noun breezes a wind
take your breath away surprise or delight you > breezy ADJECTIVE
greatly brevity youn shortness; briefness
under your breath in a whisper brew vers brews, brewing, brewed 1 make
breathalyser noun breathalysers a device for beer or tea 2 develop e Trouble is brewing.
measuring the amount ofalcohol in a person's brew noun brews a brewed drink
breath brewery noun breweries a place where beeris
> breathalyse vers brewed
breathe (breeth) vers breathes, breathing, bribe noun bribes money or a gift offered to a
breathed 1 take air into the body and send it person to influence him or her

breakneck apjctive driving at breakneck speed cause, create, arouse, engender, foster,
> headlong, dangerous, reckless, fast, hasty, cultivate, develop, generate, induce, nourish,
suicidal nurture, occasion
breakthrough noun a breakthrough in the breeze noun A slight breeze made the tall grass
search for a cure >» advance, leap forward, tremble. » gentle wind, breath of air, puff of air,
discovery, development, revolution, progress, flurry
find, improvement, innovation, invention, breezy apective 1a breezy afternoon » windy,
success blowy, fresh, brisk, airy, draughty, fresh
breast noun a woman’s breast » bosom(s), OPPOSITES ARE still, windless 2 She walked in with
bust, chest, front RELATED ADJECTIVE Mammary a breezy air.» cheerful, jaunty, lively, bright,
breath noun 1 Take a deep breath. > gulp of air, animated, carefree, light-hearted
(technical) inhalation 2 a breath of wind > puff, OPPOSITES ARE sombre, serious
waft, whiff, whisper, breeze, sigh brevity noun Everyone who had to read it
breathe vers 1 It is lovely to breathe fresh air welcomed the brevity of the report.
again. » inhale, exhale, respire, puff, pant > conciseness, shortness, succinctness,
2 Try not to breathe a word of what happened. economy, briefness, compression,
> speak, whisper, hint, let out incisiveness, pithiness, terseness, crispness,
breathless spective They arrived breathless and curtness OPPOSITES ARE verbosity, long-
red in the face. » out of breath, gasping, windedness
panting, puffing, tired out, wheezy, exhausted brew noun a strong brew made with fruit juices
breathtaking Aojective The view was > mixture, blend, concoction, compound,
breathtaking. » spectacular, magnificent, infusion, potion, preparation, punch, drink,
stunning, amazing, astonishing, astounding, liquor
staggering, startling, fantastic, wonderful, brew vers 1 Southerners just can’t brew good
phenomenal AN opposite IS unimpressive beer. » ferment, make 2 Christopher and
breed noun 1a rare breed of dog > variety, Francis disappeared to brew coffee. » make,
type, kind, sort, strain, family, pedigree 2a prepare, heat 3 Someone is brewing mischief for
new breed of writer » type, kind, sort, class, us. & plot, stir up, foment, threaten, concoct,
variety, genre, order contrive, hatch, plan, prepare, scheme, (more
breed vers 1 Rabbits have a reputation for informal) cook up 4 Trouble is brewing.
breeding rapidly. » reproduce, produce young, > develop, loom, build up, threaten, gather
bear young, multiply, procreate, increase bribe noun He was accused of accepting bribes.
2 Familiarity breeds contempt. » produce, > inducement, enticement, incentive, (more
bribe > brighten
bribevers bribes, bribing, bribed give bridlenoun bridlesthe part of ahorse's harness
someone a bribe that fits over its head
> briberyNoun bridlewayor bridle pathwoun bridleways
bricknoun bricks 1 asmall hard block of baked or bridle paths a road suitable for horses but
clay etc. used to build walls 2.a rectangular not for vehicles
block of something briefapjective short
brickvers bricks, bricking bricked close > brieflyspvers briefmessnoun
something with bricks e We bricked up the gap in briefin a few words
in the wall. briefvoun briefs instructions and information
bricklayernoun bricklayers a worker who given to someone, especially to a barrister
builds with bricks briefvers briefs, briefing briefed 1 givea
bridenoun bridesa woman on her wedding day brief to a barrister 2 instruct or inform
> bridalapective someone concisely in advance
bridegroomnouy bridegroomsa man on his briefcasenoun briefcases a flat case for
wedding day carrying documents etc.
bridesmaidnoun bridesmaids a girl or briefingnoun briefings a meeting to give
unmarried woman who attends the bride at a someone concise instructions or information
wedding briefspiura: voun very short knickers or
bridge’ noun bridges 1 structure built over underpants
and across a river, railway, or road etc. to allow brigadenoun brigades 1 large unit of an
people to cross it 2 a high platform above a army 2a group of people organized for a
ship's deck, forthe officer in charge 3 the bony special purpose e the fire brigade
upper part of the nose 4 something that brightanectve 1 giving a strong light; shining
connects things 2 clever 3 cheerful
bridgevers bridges, bridging, bridged make > brightlysovers brightnessNoun
or form a bridge over something brightenvers brightens, brightening
bridge? noun a card game rather like whist brightened make or become brighter

informal) sweetener, (more informal) briefvers Staff will be briefed about the changes.
backhander, (more informal) carrot > inform, advise, direct, instruct, prime,
bribevers They had tried to bribe an official. apprise of, give the facts, guide, prepare, (more
> offer a bribe to, buy off, pay off, corrupt, informal) fillin, (more informal) put in the
entice, influence, pervert, (more formal) suborn picture
brickwoun an outhouse made of bricks » block, briefspiural noun He stood in the doorway in
nothing but briefs. » underpants, pants,
building block, breeze-block
knickers, panties, shorts, trunks
bridgewnoun a bridge over the river > viaduct, brigandnoun The travellers were robbed by
aqueduct (carrying water), arch, crossing,
brigands. » bandit, robber, thief, outlaw,
span, way over desperado, gangster, gunman, marauder,
bridgevers A footpath bridged the motorway. highwayman, footpad, pirate, hijacker
> span, cross, straddle, traverse, go over, brightapectve 1 bright colours; bright sunshine
extend across, reach across > shining, luminous, brilliant, vivid, radiant,
briefanjective 1 a brief visit » short, cursory, dazzling, glaring, blazing, sparkling, twinkling
fleeting, passing, quick, hasty, limited, little, OPPOSITES ARE dark, dull 2a bright morning
momentary, sharp, short-lived, temporary, > sunny, fine, fair, clear, cloudless
transient Opposites ARE long, prolonged 2a OPPOSITES ARE dull, cloudy 3 a bright manner
brief account of the incident » short, concise, > cheerful, jaunty, lively, breezy, animated
succinct, pithy, crisp, incisive, compact, AN OPPOSITE IS subdued 4 a bright student
condensed, curt, terse, thumbnail > clever, intelligent, gifted, sharp, quick,
OPPOSITES ARE wordy, verbose, lengthy quick-witted, smart, brilliant OPPOSITES ARE
briefvoun. 1 Here is a detailed brief forthe dull, stupid, unintelligent
assignment. » (set of) instructions, (set of) brightemvers The weather brightened
orders, (set of) directions, (set of) guidelines, > become sunny, become bright, clear up,
set of information, outline, plan 2 a barrister’s lighten. AN OPPOSITE IS darken
briefe case, defence, argument, dossier, brighten upSome pictures will brighten the
summary place up. » cheer up, smarten up, embellish,
brilliant — broad bean
brilliamt nective 1 very bright; sparkling bristle youn bristles 1 short stiff hair 2 one
2 very clever of
the stiff pieces of hair, wire, or plastic etc. ina
> brilliantly apvers brilliance noun brush «
brim noun brims 1 the edge of acup etc. 2 the > bristly apective
bottom part of a hat that sticks out bristle vers bristles, bristling, bristled 1 (said
about an animal) raise its bristles in anger or
brim vers brims, brimming, brimmed be full fear 2 show indignation
to the brim bristle with be full of e The roof bristled with
brim over overflow aerials.
brimfull Apjective full to the brim brittle spective hard but easy to break or snap
bring vers brings, bringing, brought cause a > brittleness noun
person or thing to come; lead; carry broad spective 1 large across; wide 2 full and
bring about cause to happen complete e broad daylight 3 in general terms;
bring off achieve; do something successfully not detailed e We are in broad agreement.
bring up 1 look after and train growing 4 strong and unmistakable e a broad hint e a
children 2 mention a subject 3 vomit 4 cause broad accent :
to stop suddenly > broadly spvers broadness noun
brisk apjective quick and lively broad bean noun broad beans a bean with
> briskly apvers briskness NouN large flat seeds

enhance, enliven, gladden, illuminate, light up, make obvious, play up, point up, show clearly,
revitalize AN OPPOSITE IS darken spotlight
brilliant aoective 1 brilliant light » blazing, bring up 1s a young child she was brought up
bright, dazzling, glaring, gleaming, glittering, in Poland. » raise, rear, educate, care for, look
glorious, resplendent, scintillating, shining, after, nurture, teach, train 2 The baby brought
showy, sparkling, splendid, vivid AN OPPOSITE IS up his dinner.» vomit, sick up 3 There’s a small
dull 2. brilliant student » clever, intelligent, matter I want to bring up. » mention, raise,
outstanding, gifted, sharp, quick, quick-witted, broach, touch on, refer to
smart, bright OPPOSITES ARE dull, stupid brink youn 1 The children stood at the brink
3 (informal) a brilliant game » excellent, staring into the water. » edge, verge, margin,
marvellous, wonderful, superb, exceptional bank, brim, border 2 We were on the brink of a
brim noun full to the brim > top, rim, edge, major discovery. » verge, point, threshold,
limit, lip, brink, circumference, margin, start
perimeter, periphery brisk apjective 1 walking at a brisk pace > quick,
bring vers 1 She brought me a mug of tea. rapid, fast, lively, energetic, speedy, swift,
> fetch, carry, convey, bear, deliver, take, hurried OPPOSITES ARE leisurely, slow 2 brisk
transfer, transport 2 Bring your friends into the exercise » vigorous, energetic, bracing,
garden. » escort, accompany, conduct, guide, refreshing 3 The hotel was doing a brisk trade.
lead, usher 3 Their success brought a great deal of > busy, bustling, lively, hectic, good
great attention. » draw, attract, produce, OPPOSITES ARE quiet, slack
cause, engender, generate bristle youn John rubbed a hand over his bristles.
bring about The new manager brought about > stubble, facial hair, whisker, prickle, spine,
many changes. » cause, effect, achieve, create, wire
engineer, manage
bring in 1 The appeal brought in a huge brittle apective brittle bones » breakable,
response.» result in, lead to, realize, yield, fragile, frail, delicate, splintery, crackly
earn, gross 2 The company is bringing in a new OPPOSITES ARE flexible, resilient
product » introduce, initiate, start, make broad spective 1 They were walking along a
available broad path. » wide, large, big, ample,
bring off It was a difficult play to bring off. capacious, expansive, extensive, great, large,
> achieve, accomplish, be successful in, do open, roomy, spacious, sweeping, vast
successfully, succeed in OPPOSITES ARE narrow, small 2. broad sweep of
bring on The shock brought on his asthma. countryside » wide, spacious, ample,
> cause, give rise to, induce, trigger, lead to, extensive, vast, rolling 3 the broad outline of the
precipitate, provoke, aggravate story » general, rough, vague, loose,
bring out 1 The publishers are to bring out a imprecise, indefinite, inexact, undetailed
new edition. » publish, release, issue, produce, OPPOSITES ARE detailed, precise 4 She had broad
print 2 The description brings out the comical side tastes in music » tomprehensive, eclectic,
of the story. » emphasize, accentuate, catholic, wide-ranging, all-embracing,
underline, highlight, stress, dwell on, feature, encyclopedic, universal OPPOSITES ARE
broadcast = brother-in-law
broadcastnoun broadcasts a programme 4 yellowish-brown
sent out on the radio or on television > bronzeadjecrive
broadcastvers broadcasts, broadcasting, Bronze Agenoun the time when tools and
broadcast send outa programme on the radio weapons were made of bronze
or on television
broochnoun brooches an ornament with a
> broadcaster NouN
hinged pin for fastening it on to clothes
broadenvers broadens, broadening, =
broadened make or become broader broodwout broods young birds that were
hatched together
broad-mindedapecmve tolerant; not easily
shocked broodvers broods, brooding, brooded 1 sit
on eggs to hatch them 2 keep thinking and
broccolinoun broccoli a kind of cauliflower worrying about something
with greenish flower heads
brochure(broh- shoor) youn brochures a brookwoun brooks asmall stream
booklet or pamphlet containing information broomwoun brooms 1a brush witha long
brokeapyctve (informal) having spent all your handle, for sweeping 2 shrub with yellow,
money white, or pink flowers
broken-heartedapecive extremely sad or broomsticknouy broomsticks the handle of
upset about something a broom

broken homenoun broken homes a family brothwoun broths a kind of thin soup
lacking one parent through divorce or brothervoun brothers 1 ason of the same
separation parents as another person 2a man whois a
bronchitis (bronk- I- tiss) noun a disease with fellow member of aChurch, trade union, etc.
bronchial inflammation, which makes you > brotherlyapjective
cough a lot [from Old English]
bronzenou bronzes 1a metal thatis an alloy brother-in-lawwoun brothers-in-law the
of copper andtin 2 something made of bronze brother of a married person's husband or wife;
3 a bronze medal, awarded as third prize the husband of a person's sister

restricted, limited, narrow 5 broad humour television is broken. » faulty, defective, out of
> coarse, earthy, racy, ribald, indecent, vulgar, order, not working, (more formal) inoperative
indelicate, bawdy, suggestive, improper, OPPOSITES ARE working, fixed 3 The failure of the
impure, (more informal) blue 6a broad local company left him a broken man. » defeated,
accent » pronounced, strong, marked, crushed, beaten, overwhelmed 4a broken
noticeable 7 You'll need to drop a broad hint.
marriage » failed, ended 5a few hours of
> clear, direct, obvious, unmistakeable
broken sleep > interrupted, disturbed,
broadcastnoun a radio broadcast
> transmission, relay, programme
disrupted, fitful, troubled opposites ARE
continuous, uninterrupted
broadcastvers 1 The concert was broadcast
worldwide on television. » transmit, relay, send broken-hearted apjective The little girl was
out, televise, show, (more informal) screen, broken-hearted at the loss of her doll.
(more informal) air 2 This is sensitive information > heartbroken, inconsolable, devastated,
and should not be broadcast too widely. grief-stricken, desolate, despairing
> report, publicize, circulate, spread, make
known, make public, proclaim, advertise, AN OPPOSITE Is happy
announce, (more formal) disseminate, (more broodnoun 14 mother hen and her brood
formal) promulgate > young, offspring, clutch, family 2 Felicity was
broad-mindedaoectve Their language would the eldest of a large brood. » family, household
offend the most broad- minded ofpeople.
> liberal, tolerant, enlightened, permissive, broodvers 1A hen was brooding her eggs.
forbearing, open-minded, unbiased, receptive > hatch, incubate, sit on 2 It’s a mistake to
OPPOSITES ARE narrow-minded, intolerant brood over past mistakes. » dwell (on), agonize,
brokeapctive (informal) He reached home muse (on), ponder, reflect (on), think (about),
completely broke. » impoverished, penniless, sulk (about), fret, meditate (on), mope, mull
poor, insolvent, destitute, ruined over
brokemapective 1A waitress was picking up the
broken plates. » smashed, shattered, cracked, brothervoun Freddie was Margaret's brother.
split Opposites ARE whole, unbroken 2 The > sibling RELATED ADjECTIVefraternal

brow = bubble
brow noun brows 1 an eyebrow 2 the 3 brushing e@ Give itagood brush. 4 ashortfight
forehead 3 the ridge at the top of a hill; the e They had a brush with the enemy.
edge of a cliff
brush vers brushes, brushing, brushed 1 use
brown joun browns the colour of earth a brush on something 2 touch gently in passing
brown spective 1 of the colour brown 2 having brush up revise a subject
a brown skin; suntanned
brusque (bruusk) apjecrive curt and offhand in
Brownie youn Brownies a member of a junior
branch of the Guides
> brusquely spvers
browse vers browses, browsing, browsed
1 read or look at something casually 2 feed on Brussels sprouts piura. noun the edible buds
grass or leaves 3 (in computing) to look of a kind of cabbage
through files or data, especially on the Internet
brutal apjective very cruel
browser youn browsers (in computing) a > brutally Apvers brutality noun
program for searching the Internet
bruise youn bruises a dark mark made on the brute youn brutes 1 brutal person
skin by hitting it animal
> brutish apjective
bruise vers bruises, bruising, bruised give or
get a bruise or bruises BSE aserevation bovine spongiform
brunette youn brunettes a woman with encephalopathy; a fatal disease of cattle that
brown hair affects the nervous system and makes the cow
brunt woun the chief impact or strain e They stagger about BSE is sometimes known as ‘mad
bore the brunt of the attack. cow disease’
brush youn brushes 1 an implement used for bubble youn bubbles 1 a thin transparent ball
cleaning or painting things or for smoothing of liquid filled with air or gas 2 a small ball of air
the hair, usually with pieces of hair, wire, or in something
plastic etc. set in a solid base 2 a fox's bushy tail > bubbly apjective

brow noun the brow of the hill » peak, crest, pooh-pooh
summit, crown, top OPPOSITES ARE foot, brush off He was trying to be friendly but they
bottom brushed him off. » spurn, rebuff, snub, cold-
brown spective 1 brown hair » brunette,
shoulder, reject, disregard, ignore, slight
auburn, bronze, chestnut, chocolate-coloured brush upAre you going to brush up your French?
2.abrown coat» fawn, beige, buff, tan, tawny, > revise, improve, read up, go over, refresh
biscuit, terracotta, dun, khaki, ochre, russet, your memory of, relearn, study, (more informal)
swot up
sepia, umber
browned off apjctive (informal) He was feeling brutal apjective a brutal attack > savage, cruel,
tired and browned off. » fed up, dispirited, vicious, fierce, ferocious, barbaric, callous,
depressed, peeved, disgruntled, disheartened heartless, cold-blooded, pitiless, ruthless,
merciless, vile, sadistic, brutish OPPOSITES ARE
browse vers 11 was browsing in a book. > flick gentle, humane
through, leaf through, look through, scan,
skim, thumb through, dip in, (more formal) brutality youn The crime was committed with
peruse 2 Cattle browsed in a field. » graze, staggering brutality. » savagery, cruelty,
pasture, crop grass, feed, eat viciousness, ferocity, barbarity, callousness,
heartlessness, cold-bloodedness, ruthlessness
bruise youn He had a bruise on his leg. AN OPPOSITE IS gentleness
> swelling, bump, contusion, lesion,
discoloration brute youn He began behaving like the brute he
bruise vers The blow bruised her arm. » mark, was. » beast, animal, monster, fiend, demon
discolour, injure, hurt brute aojctive brute force » physical, crude,
brushwoun 1 Use a brush to sweep up.» broom, rough, unthinking
besom 2a brush with the law clash, bubble noun 1 bubbles rising to the ceiling
encounter, altercation, quarrel, wrangle > globule, ball, blister, hollow, (more formal)
brush vers Wait while I brush my hair. » tidy, vesicle 2 bubbles soap bubbles » foam, froth,
comb, groom lather, suds 3 bubbles bubbles of champagne
brush aside The minister tried to brush aside the > effervescencesfizz
objections. » discount, dismiss, disregard, bubble vers The water was bubbling. » boil,
ignore, shrug off, put aside, (more informal) gurgle, seethe, sparkle
bubble > bug
bubbleves bubbles bubbling bubbled > budgetaryapective
1 send up bubbles; rise in bubbles 2:show great the Budgetthe Chancellor of the Exchequer's
liveliness statement of plans to raise money (e.g. by
buccaneeroun buccaneersa pirate taxes)
buckyoun bucksa male deer, rabbit, or hare [via early French bougette = little leather bag,
from Latin bulga = leather bag In the 18th
buckvers bucks bucking bucked(said about century, the Chancellor presented his
a horse) jump with its back arched statementby ‘opening the budget’]
buck up(informal) 1 hurry 2 cheer up
buffaloyoun buffaloor buffaloesa large ox
bucketyoun bucketsa container with a
Different kinds are found in Asia, Africa, and
handle, for carrying liquids etc.
> bucketfulyoun North America (where they are also called
buckleyoun bucklesa device through which a
belt or strap is threaded to fasten it bufferyou buffers 1 something that softens
bucklevers buckles buckling buckled a blow, especially a device on a railway engine
or wagon or at the end of atrack 2(in
fasten something with a buckle
computing) amemory in which text or data can
_ budyoun budsa flower or leaf before it opens be stored for a time
Buddhism(buud-izm) noun a faith that buffet (buu- fay) noun buffets 1a cafe at a
started in Asia and follows the teachings of the station 2a meal where guests serve
Indian philosopher Gautama Buddha, wholived themselves to food
in the 5th century BC
> Buddhistyoun buffet (buf: it) vouv buffetsa hit, especially
budgevers. budges budging budgedif you with the hand
Faniot budge something, you cannot move it buffeters buffets buffeting buffetedhit or
ata knock @ Strong winds buffeted the aircraft.
budgerigatmoun budgerigarsan Australian buffoomouw buffoonsa person who plays the
bird often kept as a pet in a cage [from fool
Australian Aboriginal budgeri = good + gar = > buffoonerynoun
cockatoo] bugvoun bugs 1 aninsect 2anerrorina
budgetyoun budgets 1 plan for spending computer program that prevents it working
money wisely 2 an amount of money set aside properly 3 (informal) a germ or virus
for a purpose 4 (informal) a secret hidden microphone

bubblyspectve 1 bubbly drink » fizzy, potential, (more informal) would-be
carbonated, foaming, seething, sparkling, OPPOSITES ARE established, experienced
effervescent OPPOSITES AREstill, flat 2a bubbly budgevers 1 The window was stuck and wouldn't
personality » vivacious, animated, spirited, budge. » give way, move, shift, change
vibrant, lively AN OPPOSITE IS dull position 2 The solution is a compromise but no
buckvers The horse began to buck. » jump, leap, one will budge. » change your mind, give way,
prance, bound, jerk, spring yield, compromise, influence, move, persuade,
buck up(informal) 1 We'll have to buck up if propel, push, remove, shift, sway 3 They are
we're going to catch the train. » hurry, speed much too stubborn and won’t be be budged.
up, get a move on 2 She did her best to buck me > persuade, influence, sway, induce, cajole
up but I still felt miserable. » cheer up, budgetyoun The hospital had not spent all its
encourage, rally, hearten, enliven, inspire, budget for the year. » allowance, allocation of
make cheerful, please, revitalize, revive funds, quota, estimate, resources, funds,
bucketwoun a bucket of water > pail, can, tub, means
pitcher buffetvers The sea front was buffeted by the wind
and spray. » batter, pound, lash, dash
buckleyoun a belt buckle > clasp, clip, fastener, buffoomvoun She thought her cousin was a
fastening, hasp, catch
complete buffoon. » fool, idiot, clown, ass, dolt,
bucklevere 1 He quickly buckled his coat. blockhead, (more informal) prat, (more
> fasten, do up, clasp, hook up, secure, clip informal) halfwit, (more informal) chump
2 The bridge began to buckle under the weight. bugvoun 1 The plants were covered in tiny bugs.
> bend, warp, twist, crumple, distort, fold, > insect, pest, mite 2. stomach bug > illness,
bulge, collapse, contort, curve, dent disease, upset, ailment, complaint, disorder
buddingsoyctive a budding young singer 3 The computer software developed a bug.
> promising, aspiring, developing, (informal) > fault, error, defect, flaw, (more informal)
hopeful, inexperienced, intending, new, gremlin

bug = bulletin
bug vers bugs, bugging. bugged (informal) bulge noun bulges a rounded swelling; an
1 fit with a secret hidden microphone2 annoy outward curve
> bullgy ADjEcTIVE
bugbear noun bugbears something that you
fear or dislike bulge vers bulges, bulging, bulged form or
cause to form a bulge
buggy NOUN buggies a pushchair
children bulimia (buv-lim- ia) voun an illness that
makes someone eat too much and then too
build vers builds, building, built make little People who suffer from bulimia often
something by putting parts together makes themselves vomit after eating
build in include > bulimic ADECTIVE
build up 1 establish gradually 2 accumulate bulk noun bulks 1 the size of something,
3 cover an area with buildings 4 make stronger especially when itis large 2 the greater portion;
or more famous e build up a reputation the majority e The bulk of the population voted
build noun builds the shape of someone's body for it.
© of slender build. in bulk in large amounts
builder noun builders someone who puts up bulk vers bulks, bulking, bulked increase the
buildings size or thickness of something e bulk it out
building noun buildings 1 the process of bulky spective bulkier, bulkiest taking up alot
making houses and other structures 2a of space
structure with walls and a roof that people can > bulkiness Noun
go into bull youn bulls 1 fully grown male of the cow
family 2 an adult male seal, whale, or elephant
building society Noun building societies an
organization that people can pay money into bulldog noun bulldogs a dog of a powerful
and that lends money to people who want to courageous breed with a short thick neck
buy houses bulldozer noun bulldozers a powerful tractor
with a wide metal blade or scoop in front, used
bulb noun bulbs 1 thick rounded part of a for shifting soil or clearing ground
plant from which a stem grows up and roots
grow down 2a rounded part of something bullet youn bullets a small piece of metal shot
e the bulb of a thermometer 3 a glass globe that from a rifle or revolver
produces electric light bulletin noun bulletins 1 brief news report
> bulbous ADJECTIVE on radio or television 2a regular letter or

bug vere 1 The telephone had been bugged. expansion, development, accumulation,
> intercept, tap, interfere with, listen in to proliferation
2 (informal) Her constant whining was bugging bulge noun There was a strange bulge at the
me > annoy, irritate, anger, infuriate, needle, bottom of the bed. » bump, swelling,
rile protuberance, hump, lump, projection, (more
build vers 1 There are plans to build a new formal) protrusion
apartment block on the site. » construct, erect, bulge vers The sheets bulged in the breeze.
raise, put up, set up, assemble, fabricate > swell, billow, puff out, balloon out, dilate,
OPPOSITES ARE demolish, destroy distend, expand, belly, enlarge, project,
build up 1 He has built up a thriving business. protrude, stick out
> establish, develop, create, enlarge, expand, bulk youn 1 The sheer bulk of the containers was
raise, accumulate, amass, assemble, begin, staggering. » size, volume, dimensions,
bring together, collect 2 Traffic is building up in proportions, extent, magnitude, mass,
the city centre. » increase, intensify, escalate, substance, amplitude, body, immensity,
grow, mount up, strengthen, rise, augment largeness 2 We did the bulk ofthe work ourselves.
build noun aman of slim build» physique, form, > most, best part, most part, greater part,
frame, body preponderance, majority
bulky aojective a bulky parcel » sizeable, large,
building noun a large grim building with few substantial, cumbersome, unwieldy, massive,
windows » structure, construction, premises, immense, enormous OPPOSITES ARE small,
erection, establishment, place, piece of compact, manageable
architecture, (more formal) edifice, (more
informal) pile bulletin oun 14 television news bulletin
> report, statement, announcement,
build-up noun a steady military build-up on the communication, communiqué, dispatch,
border » increase, growth, escalation, message, newsflash, notice, proclamation
bullfight > bunk
report giving information about an bumper youn bumpersa bar along the front
organization or back of a motor vehicle to protect it in
bullfightyoun bullfightsa public collisions
entertainment in which bulls are tormented bumper? apective unusually large or plentiful
and killed in an arena @ a bumper crop
> bullfighternoun bumpkinyouy bumpkinsa country person
bullockwoun bullocksa young castrated bull with awkward manners
uNvoun buns 1a small round sweet cake
bullseyenoun bullseyesthe centre of a target 2 hair twisted into a round bunch at the back of
bullyvers bullies bullying bullied 1 use the head
strength or power to hurt or frighten a weaker bunchwoun bunchesa number of things joined
person 2 start play in hockey, when two or fastened together
opponents tap the ground and each other's bundieyoun bundlesa number of things tied
stick @ bully off
or wrapped together
_bulllyvoun bulliessomeone who bullies people bundlevers bundles bundling bundled
bulwarkwoun bulwarksa wall of earth built as 1 make a number ofthings into a bundle
a defence; a protection
2 push hurriedly or carelessly e They bundled
him into a taxi.
bumblebeenouy bumblebeesa large bee bungalownoun bungalowsa house without
with aloud hum any upstairs rooms [from Hindi bangla = to do
bumpvers bumps bumping bumped with Bengal, where there were houses of this
1 knock against something 2 move along with kind]
jolts bunglevers bungles bungling bungled
bump into(informal) meet by chance make a mess of doing something
bump off(slang) kill > bunglernoun
bumpnyoun bumps 1 the action or sound of bunionyoun bunionsa swelling at the side of
bumping 2a swelling or lump the joint where the big toe joins the foot
> bumpyapfective bunkwoun bunksa bed built like a shelf

2 The club's monthly bulletin » newsletter, > uneven, rough, irregular, pitted, knobbly,
news-sheet, gazette lumpy OPPOSITES ARE even, smooth
bulllynoun the well-known school bullies bunchyoun 1.4 bunch of carrots; a bunch of keys
> tormentor, persecutor, oppressor, thug, > bundle, cluster, clump, collection, heap,
tough, (more informal) heavy batch, set, lot, number, quantity 2 a bunch of
flowers » bouquet, posy, spray, garland 3a
bullyvers Some of the other children used to bully friendly bunch ofpeople » group, set, circle,
him. » persecute, torment, intimidate, band, (more informal) gang, (more informal)
oppress, tyrannnize, (more informal) push crowd
bunchwere The friends had bunched together ina
bumpnyoun 1 The man fell on the floor with a corner. > gather, assemble, cluster, huddle,
bump. » thud, thump, smack, crash, bang, collect, congregate, crowd, flock, group, herd
blow, collision, hit, knock, smash 2 When he got AN OPPOSITE IS scatter ty

up he had a bump on the head. » swelling, lump, bundleyoun a bundle ofpapers» bunch, sheaf,
bulge, (technical) contusion, protuberance carton, collection, pack, package, packet,
bumpvers 1 Chris bumped his head while parcel, bag, bale
snorkelling. » hit, strike, knock, bang 2 bump bundleyers 1 He quickly bundled up the
intoA lorry had bumped into a parked car. remaining papers. » tie, bind, wrap, bale, truss,
> collide with, run into, crash into, bang into, fasten, pack, roll 2 The kidnappers bundled their
smash into, knock into, knock, hit, ram, slam, victim into the back of the car. » hustle, jostle,
strike 3 We were bumping up and down on the shove, sweep
rough road. » bounce, shake, jerk, jolt bungvers (informal) You'd better bung that in the
bump off(informal) He became president by bin. » throw, chuck, toss, stick, put
bumping off all his rivals. > kill, murder, bunglevers Two prisoners bungled an escape bid
assassinate, eliminate after running either side of a lamp-post while
bumpyapective 1a bumpy ride > bouncy, handcuffed. » mishandle, mismanage, botch,
rough, jerky, jolting, lurching 2 a bumpy surface ruin, spoil, fluff, muff, mess up, make a mess of,

bunker => burning
bunker oun bunkers 1 a container
for storing especially in government departments
fuel 2.a sandy hollow built as an obstacle ona > bureaucratic (bewr- ok- rat- ik) ADJECTIVE
golf course 3 an underground shelter burger noun burgers a hamburger
bunny woun bunnies (informal) a rabbit burglar youn burglars a person who breaks
Bunsen burner oun Bunsen burners a small into a building in order to steal things
gas burner used in scientific work > burglary Noun
bumting' oun buntings a kind of small bird burgle vers burgles, burgling, burgled rob a
place as a burglar
bunting? Noun strips of small flags hung up to
decorate streets and buildings burial youn burials burying somebody
buoy (boi) Noun buoys a floating object buplese (ber-lesk) noun burlesques a
anchored to mark a channel or underwater comical imitation
rocks etc. burly pcre burlier, burliest having a strong
buoyant (boi- ant) agective 1 able to float heavy body
2 light-hearted; cheerful burn vers burns, burning, burned or burnt
> buoyantly ADvers buoyancy NOUN 1 blaze or glow with fire; produce heat or light
by combustion 2 damage or destroy
bur noun burs a different spelling of burr (seed something by fire, heat, or chemicals 3 be
damaged or destroyed by fire etc. 4 feel very
burden noun burdens 1 a heavy load that you hot
have to carry 2 something troublesome that USAGE The word burnt (not burned) is always
you have to bear @ Exams are a burden. used when an adjective is required, e.g. in burnt
> burdensome ADJECTIVE wood. As parts of the verb, either burned or
burden vers burdens, burdening, burdened burnt may be used, e.g. the wood had burned or
cause someone work or trouble had burnt completely.
bureau (bewr- oh) noun bureaux 1a writing burnyoun burns 1a mark or injury made by
desk 2. business office e They will tell you at burning 2 the firing of a spacecraft's rockets
the Information Bureau. burning Apecrve 1 intense e a burning
bureaucracy (bewr- ok- ra- see) Noun the use ambition. 2 very important; hotly discussed e a
of too many rules and forms by officials, burning question

(more informal) make a hash of, (much more burglar noun Burglars stole jewellery worth
informal) cock up, (much more informal) screw thousands ofpounds. » housebreaker, robber,
UP OPPOSITES ARE succeed in, bring off thief, intruder
buloyaat ADJECTIVE 1a buoyant material burglary noun Barry had been convicted of
> floating, light 2 in a buoyant mood burglary. » housebreaking, breaking and
> cheerful, happy, cheery, carefree, light- entering, robbery, theft, forcible entry, larceny,
hearted, lively, optimistic, animated, sunny pilfering, stealing, thieving, break-in
OPPOSITES ARE depressed, pessimistic burial youn a burial service » burying,
entombment, funeral, interment, obsequies
burdennoun 1 donkeys carrying heavy burdens burly anctive a burly figure > hefty, beefy,
> load, weight, encumbrance, pack, bundle, sturdy, well-built, strapping, brawny, hulking,
cargo 2a large financial burden muscular, powerful, stocky, stout, athletic, big,
> responsibility, obligation, liability, duty, heavy OPPOSITES ARE slight, thin
onus, charge, affliction, anxiety, worry, care,
handicap, problem, millstone burn vers 1 The bonfire burned all day. > be
alight, be on fire, be ablaze, flare, blaze, flicker,
burden vers For years she was burdened by family glow, smoke, smoulder 2 An incinerator will
worries. » afflict, oppress, bother, beset, burn anything. » ignite, kindle, incinerate,
torment, distress, strain, tax, trouble, worry, cremate, consume 3 The heat began to burn our
encumber, hamper, handicap, load (with), skin.» scald, scorch, blister, brand, toast, char,
Wenn lumber (with), (informal) saddle sear, singe, sting
wit burning spective 1 a burning building
bureauan information bureau agency, office, > blazing, flaming, glowing, ablaze, afire,
service, department, organization, counter alight, incandescent, lit up, on fire, raging,
smouldering 2a burning pain » scalding,
bureaucracy Noun hampered by regulations searing, acute, stinging, biting 3 a burning
and bureaucracy » administration, desire > intense»extreme, fervent, passionate,
government, officialdom, paperwork, (more eager, ardent, profound, consuming 4a
informal) red tape burning question » urgent, crucial, vital,
burr > busy
burrnoun burrs 1 plant's seed case or flower bushnoun bushes 1a shrub 2wild
that clings to hair or clothes 2. a whirring sound uncultivated land, especially in Africa and
3a soft country accent Australia
burrownoun burrowsa hole or tunnel dug by > bushyAdjective
a rabbit orfox etc. as a dwelling bushelyoun bushelsa measure for grain and
burrowvers burrows burrowing fruit (8 gallons or 4 pecks)
burrowed 1 dig a burrow 2 push your way business(biz-niss) Nouv businesses 1a
through or into something; search deeply e She person's c6ncern or responsibilities e Mind
burrowed in her handbag. your own business. 2 an affair or subject @ I'm
tired of the whole business. 3. a shop or firm
bursarnoun bursarsa person who manages 4 buying and selling things; trade
the finances and other business of a school or > businessmannoun businesswomannoun
buskingnoun playing music for money in the
burstvers bursts bursting burst 1 break or street
force apart 2 come or start suddenly e It burst > buskernoun
into flame. @ They burst out laughing. 3 be very bustwoun busts 1a sculpture of a person's
_ full e bursting with energy head, shoulders, and chest 2 the upper front
burstyoun bursts 1 a split caused by part of a woman's body
something bursting 2 something short and bustlevers bustles bustling bustledhurry in
forceful e a burst of gunfire a busy or excited way
buryvers buries burying buried 1 place a bustlenoun hurried or excited activity
dead body inthe earth, atomb, orthe sea 2 put busyapjectve busier, busiest 1 having alot to
underground; cover up do; occupied 2 full of activity 3 (said about a
buswoun busesa large vehicle for passengers to telephone line) engaged
travel in > busilyapvers busynessnoun

essential, pressing, important, pertinent, competent, methodical, well organized,
relevant systematic, practical, pragamtic, orderly
burrowvers A rabbit could burrow under the businessman, businesswomannoun a
fence. >» tunnel, excavate, dig, mine, delve shrewd businesswoman ®» entrepreneur,
burstvers 1 The impact cause a tyre to burst. executive, industrialist, dealer, financier,
> rupture, split open 2 Water burst through the manager, merchant, trader, tycoon, magnate
hole. » gush, surge, stream, pour, spurt, bustvoun a woman's bust » bosom, chest,
cascade 3A man suddenly burst into the room. breast, breasts
> rush, run, charge, plunge, shove your way bustvers Be careful with that or you'll bust it.
buryvers 1 The dog buried its bone in the ground. > break, snap, crack, split, burst
> hide, conceal, cover, sink, embed bustlenoun The air terminal was full of bustle.
AN OPPOSITE IS uncover 2 The dead are buried in > activity, hustle, commotion, stir,
the local cemetery. » inter, lay to rest, entomb excitement, flurry, fuss, haste, hurly-burly,
3 She buried herselfinher work. » absorb, hurry, movement, restlessness, scurry,
engross, engage, occupy, immerse agitation
businessnoun 1 It proved to be quite a tricky bustlevers People were bustling about looking for
business. » matter, affair, issue, problem, their friends. » rush, dash, scurry, scamper,
point, question, concern 2 What sort of
business scuttle, hurry, hustle, dart, fuss, move busily,
do you want to go into? » work, job, scramble, whirl, hasten, (more informal) tear
occupation, employment, career, line of work, busyanjective 1 Are you very busy at work?
profession, pursuit, trade; vocation, calling, > active, occupied, hard-pressed, (more
craft, industry 3 The new supermarket has taken informal) rushed off your feet AN OPPOSITE ISidle
a lot of business from the local shops. » trade, 2 She’s a very busy person. » active, energetic,
trading, buying and selling, selling, diligent, industrious Opposites ARE lazy, idle
merchandising, transactions, commerce, 3 The manager is busy at the moment but can see
dealings, industry, marketing 4 He wants to run you this afternoon. » engaged, unavailable,
his own business. » firm, company, occupied, (more informal) tiedup AN OPPOSITE IS
establishment, enterprise, organization, free 4Her mother leads a busy life. » active,
concern, venture, corporation, practice, (more hectic, lively, strenuous, demanding, exacting
informal) outfit, (more informal) set-up 5 The committee members are busy organizing the
businesslikespctve The office was run in a next conference. » occupied (with), working
businesslike way. » efficient, professional, (at), engaged (in), hard at work (on), wrapped
busy => by
busy vers busies, busying, busied _ stroke in which both arms are lifted at the same
busy yourself occupy yourself; keep busy time
busybody noun busybodies a person who butto¢knoun buttocks either of the two fleshy
meddles or interferes rounded parts of your bottom
but conjunction however; nevertheless e I button noun buttons 1 a knob or disc sewn on
wanted to go, but I couldn't. clothes as a fastening or ornament 2a small
but preposition except @ There is no one here but knob pressed to work an electric device
me. button vers buttons, buttoning, buttoned
but vvers only; no more than e We can but try. fasten something with a button or buttons
butcher youn butchers 1 person who cuts buttonhole noun buttonholes 1a slit
up meat and sells it 2. a person who kills cruelly through which a button passes to fasten
or needlessly clothes 2 a flower worn ona lapel
> butchery Noun buttonhole vers buttonholes,
butcher vers butchers, butchering, buttonholing, buttonholed stop somebody
butchered kill cruelly or needlessly so that you can talk to him or her
butleroun butlers a male servant in charge of buttress oun buttresses a support built
other servants in a large private house [from against a wall
early French bouteillier = someone who carried buy vers buys, buying, bought get something
the bottles] by paying for it
butt' youn butts 1 the thicker end of a weapon > buyer Noun
or tool 2a stub e cigarette butts buy noun buys something that is bought
butt? oun butts a large cask or barrel buzz noun buzzes a vibrating humming sound
butt3 youn butts a person or thing that isa buzz vers buzzes, buzzing, buzzed 1 make a
target for ridicule or teasing @ He was the butt of buzz 2 threaten an aircraft by deliberately
their jokes. flying close to it
burtt+ vers butts, butting, butted 1 push orhit by preposition This word is used to show
with the head as aram or goat does 2 place the
1 closeness (Sitbyme), 2 direction or route (We
edges of things together
got here by a short cut), 3 time (They came by
butt in interrupt or meddle
night), 4 manner or method (cooking by gas),
butter oun a soft fatty food made by churning 5 amount (You missed it by inches)
cream by the way incidentally
> buttery ADJECTIVE by yourself alone; without help
buttercup NOUN buttercups a wild plant with by overs 1 past eI can't get by. 2 in reserve; for
bright yellow cup-shaped flowers uture use @ Put it by.
butterfly youn butterflies 1 an insect with by and by soon; later on
large white or coloured wings 2a swimming by and large on the whole

up (in) 6 The shopping malls were busy all day. butt vers He butted her playfully with his head.
> crowded, hectic, lively, teeming, bustling, > hit, ram, bump, knock, jab, prod, poke
swarming, thronging, frantic, full of people butt in Nick didn’t want to butt in, so he waited
AN OPPOSITE IS quiet patiently. » interrupt, break in, cut in, (more
informal) chip in
busybodynoun Pry was an inquisitive busybody.
> meddler, interferer, gossip, scandalmonger, buttocks piura. noun He knelt with his heels
snooper, eavesdropper, (more informal) nosy against his buttocks. » bottom, behind,
parker, (more informal) gawper backside, rear, rump, seat, haunches,
hindquarters, (more informal) bum, (usually
butch apjectve (informal) a butch builder humorous) posterior
> masculine, manly, virile OPPOSITES ARE
effeminate, feminine buy vers 11 will buy the drinks. » get, pay for,
obtain, acquire, (more formal) purchase
butt oun 1 the butt of a rifle stock, shaft, AN OPPOSITE IS sell 2a man who could not be
shank, handle, hilt, haft 2. water butt bought » bribe, buy off, suborn, corrupt
> barrel, cask, keg, vat 3a cigarette butt
> stub, end, stump, remnant, (more informal) buy noun A well-looked- after used car can be a
fag end 4 the butt of a joke » target, victim, good buy. » acquisition, deal, bargain, (more
object, subject, mark formal) purchase
by-election > byword
by-electionnoun by-electionsan election to by-productnoun by-products something
replace a Member of Parliament who has died useful produced while something else is being
or resigned made
byroadwoun byroadsa minor road
bygoneapectve belonging to the past bystandernoun bystandersa person
let bygones be bygonesforgive and forget standing near but taking no part when
bypassnoun bypasses 1 road taking traffic something happens
round a city or congested area 2 a channel that bytenoun bytesa fixed number of bits (= binary
allows something to flow when the main route digits) in a computer, often representing a
is blocked single character
bywordnoun bywordsa person or thing
bypassvers bypasses bypassing bypassed spoken of as a famous example e Their firm
avoid something by means of a bypass became a byword for quality.

bypassvers 1 To speed things up we can bypass complement, corollary, (more informal) knock-
the usual checking process. » ignore, omit, on effect, (more informal) spin-off (from), (more
avoid, circumvent, sidestep, neglect, find a way informal) fallout (from)
round, get out of, go round, dodge, evade
bystandernoun The man had assaulted a
by-productnoun Temporary deafness was a bystander and smashed windows. » onlooker,
by-product of her illness. » side effect, passer-by, observer, spectator, watcher,
consequence, repercussion, result, witness, eyewitness
cab = calamity

caddie noun caddies a person who carries a
golfer’s clubs during a game
cadence (kay- denss) Noun cadences
1 rhythm; the rise and fall of the voice in
speaking 2 the final notes of amusical phrase
cabwnoun cabs 1a taxi 2a compartment for the cadenza (ka- den- za) Noun cadenzas an
driver of a lorry, train, bus, or crane elaborate passage for a solo instrument or
cabaret (kab- er- ay) noun cabarets an singer, to show the performer’s skill
entertainment provided for the customers ina cadet oun cadets a young person being
restaurant or nightclub [from early French trained for the armed forces or the police
cabaret = wooden inn or hut] cadge vers cadges, cadging, cadged get
cabbagewnoun cabbages a vegetable with something by begging for it
green or purple leaves [from early French > cadger Noun
caboche = head] cadmium noun a metal that looks like tin
cabinnoun cabins 1a hut or shelter 2a room Caesarean or Caesarean section (siz- air-
for sleeping ona ship 3 the part of an aircraft in ee- an) NouN Caesareans or Caesarean
which passengers sit 4a driver’s cab sections a surgical operation for taking a baby
Cabinet youn the group of chief ministers, out of the mother’s womb
chosen by the Prime Minister, who meet to cafe (kaf- ay) noun cafes asmall restaurant
decide government policy caffeine (kaf- een) noun a stimulant substance
cabinetnoun cabinets a cupboard or container found in tea and coffee
with drawers or shelves Cage Noun cages 1 a container with bars or
wires, in which birds or animals are kept 2 the
cablenoun cables 1 a thick rope of fibre or wire; enclosed platform of a lift
a thick chain 2.a covered group of wires laid
underground fortransmitting electrical signals cairnnoun cairns a pile of loose stones set up as
3. atelegram sent overseas a landmark or monument
cajolevere cajoles, cajoling, cajoled persuade
cable televisionnoun asystem of television
someone to do something by flattering them;
programmes transmitted by cables to people
who have paid for themd coax
cakenoun cakes 1a baked food made from a
cacklenoun cackles 1 aloud silly laugh 2 noisy mixture of flour, fat, eggs, sugar, etc. 2a
chatter 3 the loud clucking noise a hen makes shaped or hardened mass e a cake of soap e fish
> cackle vers cakes
cactus noun cacti a fleshy plant, usually with caked apective covered with dried mud etc.
prickles, from a hot dry climate calaminewnoun a pink powder used to make a
cadwnoun cads a dishonourable man soothing lotion for the skin
cadaverous (kad- av- er- us) ADjective pale and calamity noun calamities a disaster
gaunt > calamitous ADECTIVE

cabaretnoun a cabaret at a nightclub in town Cage Noun an animal’s cage » enclosure, pen,
> floor show, revue, entertainment pound, coop, hutch usaceA large cage for birds
cabinnoun 1a cabin by the river > hut, lodge, is called an aviary
chalet, shack, shanty, shed, shelter 2 a cabin on
the lower deck» berth, compartment, sleeping cagey Apjective He was being very cagey about
quarters 3 the driver’s cabin » cab, what he had been up to. » secretive, guarded,
compartment cautious, tight-lipped, reticent, evasive, wary,
cabinet oun a glass-fronted cabinet for china chary OPPOSITES ARE open, frank
> cupboard, dresser, closet, chest
cakenoun 1 There are cakes for tea today.» bun,
cablenoun 1 The ship was moored by means of gateau 2a cake of soap > bar, tablet, block,
thick cables. » rope, cord, hawser, line, chain,
mooring 2 Watch out for the power cable. lump, piece, slab
> wire, lead, line cake vers Finn’s shoes were caked with mud.
cachenoun a cache of weapons; a cache ofgold > cover, coat, clog, encrust
> hoard, store, stock, stockpile, depot, dump,
repository, storehouse, supply calamity noun Disobedience will bring calamity
cafe noun We could have a snack at a local cafe. on the nation. » disaster, catastrophe, tragedy,
> snack bar, cafeteria, coffee bar, coffee shop, misfortune, affliction, blow, cataclysm,
tea shop, buffet, canteen, bistro tribulation, mishap
calcium = calm
calcium noun a chemical substance found in call vere calls, calling, called 1 shout or speak
teeth, bones, and lime loudly, e.g. to attract someone’s attention
calculate vers calculates, calculating, 2 telephone somebody 3 name a person or
calculated 1 work something out by using thing @ They've decided to call the baby
mathematics 2 plan something deliberately; Alexander. 4 tell somebody to come to you;
intend e Her remarks were calculated to hurt me. summon 5 make a short visit
> calculable spective calculation noun > caller youn
call a person's bluff challenge a person to do
calculator youn calculators a small electronic what was threatened, and expose the fact that
device for making calculations it was a bluff
calculus youn mathematics for working out call for 1 come and collect 2 require e The
problems about rates of change scandal calls for investigation.
call off cancel or postpone
calendar youn calendars a chart or set of call up summon to join the armed forces
pages showing the dates of the month or year
calligraphy (kal- ig- raf- ee) voun the art of
calf’ youn calves a young cow, whale, seal, etc. beautiful handwriting
_ Calf? noun calves the fleshy back part of the leg calling noun callings an occupation; a
below the knee profession or trade
calibre (kal-ib-er) noun calibres 1 the callous (kal- us) agjective hard-hearted;
diameter of a tube or gun barrel, or ofa bullet unsympathetic
etc. 2 ability; importance e someone ofyour > callously apvers callousness noun
calibre calm spective 1 quiet and still; not windy 2 not
call youn calls 1a shout or cry 2a visit excited or agitated
3 telephoning somebody 4a summons > calmly apvers calmness Noun

calculate vers Interest on the loan is calculated completed.
monthly. » work out, compute, reckon, assess, call on I might call on my friends this afternoon.
count, determine, add up > visit, go and see, (more informal) drop in on,
calibre noun People of this calibre are not (more informal) look up
something you come across every day. > quality, call youn 1. call for help » cry, exclamation,
ability, distinction, excellence, capacity,
shout, yell, scream 2 call for strike action {4
standard, talent, stature, character “a
> appeal, plea, summons, demand, request
call vers 1 ‘Come here!,’ she called.» cry, cry out,
3 He decided to pay a call on his old father.
shout, yell, exclaim 21 call you this evening.
> visit, stop 4 There’s little call for caviar here.
> phone, telephone, ring, ring up, give
someone a call 3 What did they call him? > demand, market, need 5 There’s no call for 2

> baptize, christen, dub, name 4 Why did you that kind of talk. » need, necessity, occasion,
call your cat Albert? » name 5 His mother said reason, justification, excuse
she would call him early next morning. » wake, calling noun He thought that the law was the right
wake up, waken, awaken, get someone up,
calling. » profession, career, line of work,
arouse, rouse 6 The headteacher called me to her
office. » summon, invite, order 7 We'd better occupation, vocation, business, employment,
call the doctor. » send for, fetch, summon, ask walk of life, job, trade, work
to come 8 We need to call a meeting. callous apjective a callous remark » heartless,
> convene, organize, gather 9 Harriet’s mother hard-hearted, unfeeling, uncaring, indifferent,
called the next day. » visit, pay a visit, (more insensitive, cruel, brutal, ruthless OPPOSITES ARE
informal) drop in, (more informal) drop by
call for 1 The assignment calls for careful kind, considerate
planning. » require, need, demand, calm spective 1.4 calm sunny day > still,
necessitate, make necessary, involve, entail, tranquil, quiet, peaceful, balmy OPPOSITES ARE
warrant 2 Shall we call for you about six o’clock? stormy, windy 2 The sea was calm. » smooth,
> fetch, pick up, come for, collect tranquil, still, flat, waveless 3 He remained calm
call off The barbecue was called off because of
bad weather. » cancel, abandon, postpone, despite the difficulties. » composed, collected,
adjourn, discontinue, drop, end, halt USAGE You self-possessed, cool, poised, dispassionate,
use cancel if you mean calling off for good, and unperturbed, imperturbable, unruffled,
postpone if you mean calling off until a later unflustered, unbothered, untroubled,
date. You often use abandon to refer to things unemotional, (more informal) unflappable,
that have been started but cannot be (more informal) laid-back OPPOSITES ARE
calm = cancel
calm vers. calms, calming, calmed make or > campaigner NOUN
become calm : [via French from Latin campania = a piece of
calorie noun calories a unit for measuring an open ground (where armies camped and had
amount of heat or the energy produced by food exercises)]
> calorific ADJECTIVE camphor noun a strong-smelling white
calypso Noun calypsos a West Indian song substance used in medicine, mothballs, and
about current happenings, made up as the making plastics
singer goes along > camphorated ADJECTIVE
calyx (kay-liks) Noun calyces a ring of leaves campsite noun campsites a place where
(sepals) forming the outer case of a bud people can have a camping holiday
camcorder Noun camcorders a combined campus Noun campuses the grounds of a
video camera and sound recorder university or college
camel noun camels a large animal with along can 'wnoun cans 1a sealed tin in which food or
neck and either one or two humps on its back, drinkis preserved 2 a metal or plastic container
used in desert countries for riding and for for liquids
carrying goods Cain vers cans, canning, canned preserve ina
cameo (kam- ee- oh) NouN cameos 1a small sealed can
hard piece of stone carved with a raised design > canner NOUN
in its upper layer 2.a short part in a play orfilm, Cam AUXILIARY veRB past tense could 1 be able to
usually one played by a well-known actor e He can play the violin. 2 have permission to
camera Noun cameras a device for taking e You can go.
photographs, films, or television pictures USAGE Some people object to can being used
> cameraman NOUN with the meaning ‘have permission to’ and
in camera in a judge’s private room; in private insist that you should only use may for this
meaning. Can is widely used in this meaning,
camouflage (kam- off- lahzh) noun a way of however, and in most situations there is little
hiding things by making them look like part of reason to prefer may. May is appropriate,
their surroundings though, in formal or official writing.
camouflage vers camouflages, canal noun canals 1 an artificial river cut
camouflaging, camouflaged hide by through land so that boats can sail along it or so
camouflage that it can drain or irrigate an area 2a tube
Camp NOUN camps a place where people live in through which something passes in the body
tents or huts etc. @ the alimentary canal
camp VERs: camps, camping, camped have a canary NOUN canaries a small yellow bird that
holiday in a tent sings
> camper NOUN cancel vers cancels, cancelling, cancelled
campaign Noun campalans Taseries of 1 say that something planned will not be done
battles in one area or with one purpose 2a or will not take place 2 stop an order or
planned series of actions, usually to arouse instruction for something 3 mark a stamp or
interest in something e an advertising ticket etc. so that it cannot be used again
campaign > cancellation NOUN
campaign vers campaigns, campaigning, cancel out stop each other’s effect e The good
campaigned take part in a campaign and harm cancel each other out.

anxious, upset, excited 4a calm temperament animal's camouflage » protective
> serene, placid, phlegmatic, tranquil, relaxed colouring 3 Their friendly manner was only
calm Noun. 1 the calm of a summer afternoon camouflage. » facade, front, disguise, mask,
> tranquillity, calmness, quietness, stillness, pretence
peace, quiet, quietude AN Opposite Is storm 21 Camp NOUN an army camp » encampment,
had to admire her calm. » composure, camping ground, campsite, base
calmness, self-possession, equanimity
campaign noun 1a military campaign
calm vers He was so upset it was impossible to calm > operation, offensive, action, engagement,
him. » soothe, placate, quieten, mollify,
advance, battle, push 2 a campaign to save the
pacify, settle down, sober down, tranquillize,
environment » crusade, movement, drive,
appease, compose, control, cool down, lull effort, struggle, fight, push
OPPOSITES ARE agitate, upset
camouflage Noun 1 The foliage made good CaM NOUN a can of orange juice » tin, canister, jar
camouflage. » disguise, concealment, cover, cancel vers 1 Thefamily had to cancel their
screen, veil, blind, cloak, front, guise, mask holiday. » call off, abandon, drop, end, (more
cancer = canyon
cancer noun cancers 1a disease in which cannon ball noun cannon balls a large solid :
harmful growths form in the body 2a tumour, ball fired from a cannon ci
especially a harmful one cannot cannot L
> CaNCcerous AD/ECTIVE
candid apjcnve frank and honest Canoe noun canoes a narrow lightweight boat,
> candidly apvers candour noun moved forwards with paddles
candidate youn candidates 1a person who Canoe vers canoes, canoeing, canoed travel in
wants to be elected or chosen for a particular acanoe # Sawce

job or position etc. 2.a person taking an > canoeist Noun

examination CaNON youn canons 1a general principle or
> candidacy noun candidature joun rule 2a clergyman of a cathedral
candle noun candles a stick of wax with a wick USAGE Do not confuse with cannon.
through it, giving light when burning Canopy noun canopies 1 a hanging cover ns
> candlelight noun forming a shelter above a throne, bed, or
candyfloss youn candyflosses a fluffy mass of person etc. 2 the part of a parachute that ve
very thin strands of spun sugar spreads in the air ,
_ Cane noun canes 1 the stem of a reed or tall cant noun insincere talk 2 jargon i
grass etc. 2a thin stick can’t (mainly spoken) cannot
Cane vers canes, caning, caned beat someone cantankerous spective bad-tempered
with a cane
canine (kayn-I'n) apjective to do with dogs canteen noun canteens 1 a restaurant for taows

canine tooth a pointed tooth at the front of workers in a factory, office, etc. 2.a case or box
the mouth containing a set of cutlery 3 a soldier’s or
camper’s water flask
canine noun canines 1adog 2acanine tooth
canter noun a gentle gallop
canker noun a disease that rots the wood of
trees and plants or causes ulcers and sores on canter vers canters, cantering, cantered go
animals or ride at a canter
cannabis noun hemp, especially when smoked cantilever youn cantilevers a beam or girder
as a drug fixed at one end only and used to support a
bridge etc.
cannibal youn cannibals 1a person who eats
human flesh 2 an animal
that eats animals of its CaNVas noun canvases 1 a kind of strong -
own kind coarse cloth 2 apiece of canvas for painting on;
> cannibalism noun a painting
cannon noun 1 (cannon) a large heavy gun CaMvass vers canvasses, canvassing, -
2 (cannons) the hitting of two balls in billiards canvassed visit people to ask them for their
by the third ball support, especially in an election
Cannon vers cannons, cannoning, cannoned > Canvasser NOUN
bump into something heavily Canyon youn canyons a deep valley, usually
USAGE Do not confuse with canon. with a river running through it

informal) axe 2 They agreed to cancel the debt. because they imply a kind of dishonesty, are
> revoke, annul, nullify, rescind, erase, cunning, crafty, and wily Ay
expunge, set aside, withdraw
cancel out One small mistake could cancel out all cantankerous apjcrive The heat had made him
our hard work. » counterbalance, neutralize, especially cantankerous. » bad-tempered,
wipe out, offset, outweigh, make up for, irritable, irascible, grumpy, testy, grouchy,
compensate for touchy, crotchety, peevish, fractious, cross,
(more informal) stroppy, (more informal) shirty
candid spective a candid reply » frank, honest, OPPOSITES ARE good-tempered, good-
open, sincere, straightforward, blunt, truthful, humoured, affable
outspoken, forthright, unequivocal
OPPOSITES ARE insincere, guarded, devious canteen noun Let's have a quick lunch in the
canteen. snack bar, cafeteria, cafe, coffee bar,
Cammy Apjective a canny businessman » shrewd, coffee shop, tea shop, buffet, bistro
astute, sharp, acute, perceptive, clever,
prudent USAGE Canny is a generally favourable Canyon Noun The army moved through a deep
word. Other words that are less favourable, canyon. » gorge, ravine, defile

cap = capricious
Cap NouN caps 1a soft hat without a brim but capital youn capitals 1 acapital city 2 acapital
often with a peak 2a special headdress, e.g. letter 3 the top part of a pillar 4 money or
that worn by a nurse 3.a cap showing property that can be used to produce more
membership of asports team 4 acap-like cover wealth
or top 5 something that makes a bang when capital city youn capital cities the most
fired in a toy pistol important city in a country
Cap vers caps, capping, capped 1 puta cap or capitalism (kap- it- al-izm) oun an economic
cover on something; cover 2 award a sports system in which trade and industry are
cap to someone chosen to be ina team 3 do controlled by private owners for profit, and not
better than something e Can you cap that joke? by the state COMPARE communism
capable aojctive able to do something capitalist (kap- it- al-ist) noun capitalists 1a
> capably Apvers capability noun person who has a lot of wealth invested; a rich
person 2. aperson whois in favour of capitalism
capacious (ka- pay- shus) ApecTive roomy; able
to hold a large amount capitalize (kap- it- al- I'z) vere capitalizes,
capitalizing, capitalized 1 write or print as a
capacity noun capacities 1 the amount that capital letter 2 change something into capital;
something can hold 2 ability; capability 3 the provide something with capital (= money)
position that someone occupies e In my > capitalization noun
capacity as your guardian I am responsible for capitalize on profit by something; use it to
you. your own advantage e You could capitalize on
cape! noun capes acloak your skill at drawing.
Cape? noun capes alarge piece of high land that capital letter youn capital letters a large
sticks out into the sea letter of the kind used at the start of aname or
Caper vers capers, capering, capered jump or
run about playfully capital punishment noun punishing
criminals by putting them to death
Caper Noun capers 1 jumping about playfully
2 (slang) an activity or adventure capitulate vers capitulates, capitulating,
capitulated admit that you are defeated and
capihary (ka- pil- er- ee) Noun capillaries any surrender
of the very fine blood vessels that connect veins > capitulation Noun
and arteries
lobia (ka- prish- us) apjective deciding or
capital apecnve 1 important 2 (informal) changing your mind in an impulsive way
excellent > capriciously Advers capriciousmess NOUN

Cap vers The mountains were capped with snow. caper vers The children capered about the room.
> cover, top, crown, blanket > skip, bound, dance, leap, cavort, jump,
spring, bounce, gambol, bob, frisk
capable apctive a capable young woman
> competent, able, accomplished, proficient, capital apective 1 capital city > chief,
efficient, talented, gifted, clever, skilled, principal, leading, main, first, foremost 2 in
intelligent, effective AN OPPOSITE IS capital letters » upper-case, large, big, block
incompetent ‘
be capable of He’s capable of doing any of these capital noun 1 Rome is the capital of Italy.
tasks. » have the ability (to do), be competent > chief city, first city, seat of government,
(to do), be adept (at doing), be equal (to doing) centre of government 2 In three years he had
AN OPPOSITE IS be incapable of enough capital to start his own business. » funds,
finance, money, cash, assets, savings, means,
capacity noun 1 The tank's capacity is 30 litres. wherewithal
> size, volume, magnitude, extent, space
t™ 2 You need the capacity to motivate yourself. capitalize vers capitalize on The opposition
> ability, power, potential, capability, capitalized on the government's mistakes.
competence, aptitude, faculty, skill, talent > exploit, take advantage of, profit from,
3 He acted in his capacity as commander-in- chief make capital out of
of the army. » position, function, role, office
capitulate vers The enemy capitulated after a
Capenoun 1 She was wearing a waterproof cape. siege of ten months. » surrender, give in,
> cloak, mantle, shawl, wrap, stole 2 The ship submit, succumb, admit defeat, yield, (more
rounded the cape at dawn. » headland, informal) throw in the towel OPPOSITES ARE
promontory, head, point, foreland resist, hold out
capsize = card
capsize vers capsizes, capsizing, capsized caramel noun caramels 1a kind of toffee
overturn @ The boat capsized. tasting like burnt sugar 2 burnt sugar used for
capsule noun capsules 1 hollow pill colouring and flavouring food
containing medicine 2 plant’s seed case that carat noun carats 1a measure of weight for
splits open when ripe 3.a compartment of a precious stones 2 a measure of the purity of
spacecraft that can be separated from the main gold @ Pure gold is 24 carats.
part Caravan noun caravans 1 avehicle towed bya
captain noun captains 1 apersonin command car and used for living in 2. a group of people
ofaship oraircraft 2 the leaderinasportsteam travelling together across desert country
3 an army officer ranking next below a major; a > Caravanning NOUN
naval officer ranking next below a commodore carbohydrate oun carbohydrates a
> captaincy noun compound of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen
caption noun captions 1 the words printed (e.g. sugar or starch)
with a picture to describe it 2.a short title or carbolic youn a kind of disinfectant
heading in a newspaper or magazine
carbon noun carbons 1 asubstance that is
captious (kap- shus) apective pointing out present in all living things and that occurs in its
~ small mistakes orfaults pure form as diamond and graphite 2 carbon
captivate vers captivates, captivating, Paper 3a carbon copy
captivated charm or delight someone carbonate nou carbonates acompound that
> captivation Noun gives off carbon dioxide when mixed with acid
captive noun captives someone taken prisoner carbon dioxide noun a gas formed when
captive apecnve taken prisoner; unable to things burn, or breathed out by humans and
escape animals
> captivity noun carburettor youn carburettors a device for
capture vers captures, capturing, captured mixing fuel and air in an engine
1 take someone prisoner 2 take or obtain by Carcass noun carcasses 1 the dead body of an
force, trickery, skill, or attraction e He captured animal 2 the bony part of a bird’s body after
her heart. 3 (in computing) put data in a form the meat has been eaten
that can be stored in a computer carcinogen noun carcinogens any substance
capture noun taking or obtaining by force; that produces cancer
capturing card youn cards 1 thick stiff paper or thin
Caf noun cars 1amotor car 2a carriage of a cardboard 2.a small piece of stiff paper for
train @ the dining car writing or printing on, especially to send

capsize vers Some of the boats capsized. captive noun The captives all wore handcuffs.
> overturn, tip over, turn over, turn upside > prisoner, convict, detainee, inmate,
down, flip over, keel over, (more informal) turn internee, hostage
turtle captivity noun Years of captivity had ruined his
health. » imprisonment, confinement,
captain noun 1 the captain of the winning team
internment, incarceration, detention, custody
> leader, chief player, head, boss 2 the ship’s
captain » commander, master, officer in AN OPPOSITE IS freedom
charge, skipper 3 a captain of industry capture vers 1 He was captured boarding a ship
> magnate, mogul, tycoon, mandarin, baron for France. » catch, arrest, apprehend, seize,
take prisoner, take into custody, (more
captivate vers The beauty of the scene captivates informal) nab, (more informal) pull in, (much
all visitors. >»charm, enchant, delight, more informal) nick 2 The building was captured
entrance, enthral, fascinate, bewitch, beguile, by stormtroopers. » occupy, take, seize, secure
engross, excite, mesmerize opposites are car noun A lot of the students arrived in cars.
repel, disgust > motor car, automobile, motor, vehicle
captive apjcrive 1 captive animals » confined, card noun 14 piece of stiff card » cardboard,
caged, captured, incarcerated, chained, pasteboard, board 2 Let’s play cards. » card
detained, enslaved, ensnared, fettered, gaoled, game, game of cards
imprisoned, jailed, restricted, secure, taken USAGE Card is often short for playing card,
prisoner 2 The men had been held captive for greetings (or birthday or Christmas) card, and
several weeks. » locked up, imprisoned, jailed, credit card
detained, under lock and key AN OPPOSITE IS on the cards (informal) e A marriage was
free always on the cards. » possible, a possibility,
cardboard = careless
messages or greetings orto record information cardinal points p.ura: noun the four main
3.asmall, oblong piece of plastic issued to a points of the compass (North, South, East, and
customer by a bank or building society, giving West)
details of their account and allowing them to Care noun cares 1 serious attention and
use cash machines etc. 4a playing card thought e Plan your holiday with care.
cards PLURAL NOUN a game.using playing cards 2 caution to avoid damage or loss e Glass—
on the cards likely; possible handle with care. 3 protection or supervision
e Leave the child in my care. 4 worry or anxiety
cardboard noun a kind of thin board made of e freedom from care
layers of paper or wood fibre take care be especially careful
cardiac (kard- ee- ak) apjective to do with the take care of look after
heart Care vere cares, caring, cared 1 feel interested
or concerned 2 feel affection
cardigan noun cardigans a knitted jersey care for 1 have in your care 2 be fond of
fastened with buttons down the front [named Career noun careers aseries of jobs that mark a
after the Earl of Cardigan, a commander in the person’s progress in the profession or work
Crimean War in the 19th century, whose troops they choose to do e a career in journalism
wore this kind ofjersey] career vers careers, careering, careered rush
cardinal youn cardinals a senior priest in the along wildly
Roman Catholic Church carefree spective without worries or
cardinal agectve 1 chief; most importante the
cardinal features of our plan. 2 deep scarlet (like
careful agective 1 giving serious thought and
attention to something 2 avoiding damage or
a cardinal’s cassock)
danger etc.; cautious
cardinal number noun cardinal numbers a > carefully aovers carefulmess NOUN
number for counting things, e.g. one, two, careless apjective not careful
three, etc. COMPARE ordinal number > carelessly apvers carelessness NOUN

likely, a likelihood, probable, a probability, in 31 don't really care for those biscuits. > like,
the offing AN OPPOSITE IS out of the question fancy, feel like, be keen on, enjoy, want
cardboard noun a cardboard cutout » card, Career noun a career in teaching » profession,
pasteboard occupation, job, calling, position
carefree nective 1 carefree young girl
carenoun 1 We need to proceed with care. > unworried, untroubled, cheerful, cheery,
> caution, carefulness, vigilance, light-hearted, easy-going, casual, relaxed,
watchfulness, awareness, prudence, (more informal) laid-back OPPOSITES ARE
circumspection, concentration, attention, anxious, tense 2 carefree time » relaxing,
concern, diligence, heed AN OPPOSITE |S restful, trouble-free, untroubled, peaceful,
carelessness 2 The job needs to be done with quiet OPPOSITES ARE hectic, nerve-wracking
great care. » discretion, thought, attention,
thoroughness, meticulousness, concentration careful agective 1 Be careful walking through the
3 You need to escape from all your cares. park at night. > alert, vigilant, heedful,
> worry, anxiety, trouble, concern, burden, attentive, watchful AN OPPOSITE IS. careless
problem, difficulty, hardship, responsibility, 2 You must be careful with your spending.
> prudent, cautious, circumspect,
sorrow, stress, tribulation, vexation, woe
AN OPPOSITE IS joy 4 She left the baby in the care of economical, thrifty, canny OPPOSITES ARE
careless, extravagant, reckless 3 Such a long
a minder. » charge, safe-keeping, keeping,
journey needs careful planning. » detailed,
custody, control, supervision, protection
thorough, meticulous, conscientious,
Care vers care aboutShe obviously cares about scrupulous 4 She’s a very careful driver.
her staff. >» interest yourself in, concern > attentive, diligent, conscientious
yourself about, mind about , bother about, OPPOSITES ARE careless, inattentive
worry about, be troubled by careless apjctive 1 careless driver; careless
care for 1 The hospice cares for sick children. remarks > inattentive, thoughtless,
> look after, take care of, tend, attend to, inconsiderate, negligent, absent-minded,
provide for, nurse, supervise, watch over, (more heedless, irresponsible, reckless OPPOSITES ARE
informal) keep an eye on 2 He cares for his careful, attentive 2 There is no excuse for careless
grandchildren. » love, be fond of, adore, work. & slipshod, shoddy, slapdash, slovenly,
cherish, hold dear, dote on, think the world of inaccurate, scrappy, incorrect OPPOSITES ARE
caress = cart
Cafess NOUN caresses a gentle loving touch carpet noun carpets a thick soft covering fora :
Caress vers caresses ,caressing ,caressed floor a
touch lovingly > carpeted Apjective carpeting NouN 5
caretaker noun caretakers a person [from early Italian carpita, from Latin carpere = LD |
employed to look after a school, block of flats, to pluck] ec.
etc. carriage noun carriages 1 one of the separate C
Cargo Noun cargoes goods carried in a ship or parts of a train, where passengers sit 2a a
aircraft passengef vehicle pulled by horses 3 carrying :
Caribbean apc to do with or from the goods from one place to another; the cost of -
Caribbean Sea, a part of the AtlanticOceaneast Carrying goods e Carriage is extra. 4a moving ¥
of Central America part carrying or holding something ina
caricature noun caricatures an amusing or Ramune
exaggerated picture of someone carrier noun carriers a person or thing that
carnage noun the killing of many people carries something
carnival youn carnivals afestival, oftenwitha carrot NOUN carrots a plant witha thick orange- h
procession in fancy dress [from Latin carnis = of coloured root used as a vegetable
flesh: originally this meant the festivities before
Lent, when meat was given up until Easter] Carry vers carries ,carrying,carried 1 take
carnivorous (kar- niv-er- us) ADjecTIVe meat- something from one place to another
eating Compare herbivorous 2 support the weight of something 3 take an
> carnivore NOUN amount into the next column when adding
figures 4 be heard along way away e Sound
carol noun carols a Christmas hymn carries in the mountains. 5 if a proposal at a
> caroller noun carolling noun meeting is carried, it is approved by most
carp ' noun carp an edible freshwater fish people at the meeting e@ The motion was carried
Carp 2 vers carps carping ,carped keep finding by ten votes to six.
fault be carried away be very excited
car park noun car parks an area where cars carry on 1 continue 2 (informal) behave
may be parked excitedly 3 (informal) complain
carry out put into practice
carpenter noun carpenters a person who
makes things out of wood cart noun carts an open vehicle for carrying
> carpentry NOUN loads

careful, accurate 3 She has always been rather carriage noun a railway carriage » coach,
careless about money. » extravagant, reckless wagon
OPPOSITES ARE careful, prudent
carry vers 1 We will have to carry our own
carelessness noun The accident was caused by luggage. » convey, take, transfer, bring, fetch,
carelessness. » inattention, inattentiveness, haul, lift, manhandle, move, remove, shoulder,
absent-mindedness, negligence, recklessness, (more informal) lug 2 The channel ships carry
irresponsibility, slovenliness, thoughtlessness, passengers and freight. » transport, convey,
untidiness, haste, (more informal) sloppiness
handle, ferry, ship 3 Telegraph wires carry
OPPOSITES ARE care, carefulness signals. » communicate, relay, transmit 4 The
caretaker noun the caretaker at the village hall bridge would not carry the weight of a large
> janitor, warden, custodian, attendant, vehicle. » support, bear, hold up 5 The job
keeper, porter, superintendent, watchman carries many responsibilities. » demand, entail,
Cargo NouN a ship’s cargo » freight, load, haul, involve, require, lead to, result in
payload, consignment, merchandise, carryon 1 We carried on for as longas we could.
shipment, goods > persevere, persist, continue, go on, keep on,
last, remain, stay, (informal) stick it out 2 She
caricature vers She caricatured the movements of has been carrying on her own business for several
a ballerina. » parody, mimic, imitate, years. > run, engage in, maintain, manage,
lampoon, mock, ridicule, satirize, burlesque, operate, administer 3 (informal) Tell them to
make fun of, exaggerate, (more informal) send stop carrying on like that! » misbehave, behave
up, (more informal) take off badly, cause trouble
carnival noun the town’s annual carnival carry out They were just carrying out orders.
> festival, gala, jamboree, fiesta, fete; fair, > obey, follow, discharge, implement,
celebration, revelry execute, finish, perform, complete
cart — cassette
Cartvers carts, carting, carted 1 carryinacart words. Fred's is the possessive case of Fred; him
2 (informal) carry something heavy or tiring is the objective case of he
e I've carted these books all round the school. in any case anyway
carthorsenoun carthorses a large strong in case because something may happen
horse used for pulling heavy loads cashyoun 1 money in coin or notes
cartilage oun tough white flexible tissue 2 immediate payment for goods etc.
attached to a bone cashvers cashes, cashing, cashed change a
cartonwoun cartons acardboard or plastic cheque etc. for cash
container cashew noun cashews a small kidney-shaped
cartoonnoun cartoons 1 an amusing drawing nut [via Portuguese from Tupi (a South
2a series of drawings that tell a story; a comic American language)]
strip 3. an animated film cashier youn cashiers a person who takes in
> cartoonist Noun and pays out money in a bank or takes
cartridgenoun cartridges 1 acase containing payments in a shop
the explosive for a bullet or shell 2. a container cash machine or cash dispenser youn
holding film for a camera, ink for a pen, etc. cash machines or cash dispensers a
3 the device that holds the stylus of a record machine, usually outside a bank or building
player society, from which people can draw out cash
cartwheel oun cartwheels 1 the wheel of a by using a bank card
cart 2a handstand balancing on each hand in cashpointyoun cashpoints a cash machine
turn with arms and legs spread like spokes of a cash registeryoun cash registers a machine
wheel that records and stores the money received ina
Carve vers carves, carving, carved 1 make shop
something by cutting wood or stone etc. 2 cut casing oun casings a protective covering
cooked meat into slices casinonoun casinos a public building or room
> Carver NOUN for gambling
case! youn cases 1a container 2 suitcase
caskwoun casks a barrel
Case? youn cases 1 an example of something
casketnoun caskets a small box for jewellery
existing or occurring; a situation @ In every case
we found that someone had cheated.
2 something investigated by police etc. or bya casserolenyoun casseroles 1 a covered dishin
lawcourt @ a murder case 3a set of facts or which food is cooked and served 2 food cooked
arguments to support something e She put in a casserole
forward a good case for equality. 4 the form of a cassette youn cassettes a small sealed case
word that shows how it is related to other containing recording tape, film, etc.

cartwoun The fruit was taken to the barns in carts. sideboard 5.a classic case of misunderstanding
> barrow, wheelbarrow, handcart, trolley, > instance, example, occurrence, occasion,
truck manifestation, illustration 6 If that’s the case
Cart vers (informal) The books were too bulky to we'll have to think of an another way.
cart around. » carry, move, take, haul, > situation, position, state of affairs, event,
(informal) lug circumstances 7 Police from several forces are
CartoonMnoun 1 The story is in the form of a’ involved in the case. » investigation, inquiry
cartoon. » comic strip, drawing, caricature, 8 The lawyers agreed it was a difficult case.
sketch 2. film cartoon » animation 3a > lawsuit, action, legal action, suit, trial
political cartoon » caricature, parody, cashwoun a purse full of cash ® money,
lampoon notes, banknotes, coins, change, ready
Carvevers 1 It was time to carve the meat. » cut, money
slice, chop 2. tool for carving wood » chisel, cashivers I need to cash a cheque. » exchange,
hew, sculpt, fashion, form, shape change, get money for, get cash for
CaSenNoun 1 She hurriedly threw a few clothes cash in on] don't like to cash in on your bad luck.
into a case. » suitcase, bag, travel bag, trunk > take advantage of, profit by, exploit
2 The books were still in their packing cases.
> box, chest, canister, carton, crate, container casingnoun The hard disk has its own protective
3 The videotape was spilling out of its case. casing. » case, shell, cover, sheath, housing,
> shell, cartridge, cassette, container, capsule, sleeve
cover 4 The china was kept in a handsome display caskwoun a cask of
Wine » barrel, keg, butt, vat,
case.» cabinet, cupboard, showcase, tun, hogshead, firkin
cast = catch
Cast vers casts casting cast 1 throw 2shedor domestic cat, e.g. a lion, tiger, or leopard =
throw off 3 make a vote 4 make something of 3 (informal) a spiteful girl or woman &

metal or plaster ina mould 5 choose let the cat out of the bag reveal a secret
performers for a play or film etc. cataclysm (kat- a- klizm) noun cataclysms a
cast noun casts 1a shape made by pouring violent upheaval or disaster
liquid metal or plaster into a mould 2 all the catalogue noun catalogues 1 alist of things
performers in a play or film (e.g. of books ina library), usually arranged in
castaway Noun castaways a shipwrecked order 2 book containing a list of things that
Person can be bought e a Christmas catalogue
caste Noun castes (in India) one of the social catalogue vers catalogues, cataloguing,
classes into which Hindus are born catalogued enter something in a catalogue
casting vote noun casting votes the vote that catalyst (kat- a- list) noun catalysts 1 (in
decides which group wins when the votes on science) something that starts or speeds up a
each side are equal chemical reaction 2 something that causes a
castle noun castles 1a large old fortified
building 2a piece in chess, also called arook catalytic converter noun catalytic
castles in the air daydreams converters a device fitted to a car’s exhaust
system, with a catalyst for converting pollutant
castor noun castors a small wheel onthe leg of gases into less harmful ones
a table, chair, etc.
catapult noun catapults 1 a device with elastic
castor sugar noun finely ground white sugar for shooting small stones 2 an ancient military
castrate vers castrates, castrating, weapon for hurling stones etc.
castrated remove the testicles of a male catapult vers catapults, catapulting,
animal COMPARE spay catapulted hurl or rush violently
> castration NouN cataract noun cataracts 1a large waterfall or
casual spective 1 happening by chance; not rush of water 2 a cloudy area that forms in the
planned 2 not careful; not methodical eye and prevents a person from seeing clearly
3 informal; suitable for informal occasions catastrophe (ka- tass- trof- ee) NouN
casual clothes 4 not permanent e casual work catastrophes a sudden great disaster
> casually apvers casualness NOUN > catastrophic (kat- a- strof- ik) ADJECTIVE
casualty noun casualties 1a person who is catastrophically Apvers
killed or injured in war or in an accident 2a catch vers catches, catching, caught 1 take
department of a hospital that deals with and hold something 2 arrest or capture
emergency patients 3 overtake 4 be in time to get on a bus or train re:
cat noun cats 1a small furry domestic animal etc. 5 be infected with an illness 6 hear e I
2a wild animal of the same family as a didn't catch what he said. 7 discover someone

cast vers 1 He cast a coin into the fountain. fleeting, passing, hasty, quick, perfunctory
> throw, toss, fling, flip, sling, (more informal) OPPOSITES ARE thorough, careful 6 casual clothes
chuck, hurl 2 The statue is cast entirely in bronze. > informal AN OPPOSITE IS formal
> mould, form, shape, model, sculpture casualty noun The bombing led to many
cast down They all felt cast down at the news. casualties. » death, fatality, injury, loss, victim,
» dejected, depressed, saddened, upset, (in plural )dead and wounded
disheartened cat noun People thought he was odd for talking to
his cat. » tom, tomcat, tabby, kitten, (more
casual spective 1 casual encounter with an old informal) moggy, (more informal) pussy
friend chance, unexpected, unforeseen, RELATED ADJECTIVE feline
unintentional, unplanned, fortuitous,
accidental, random Opposites ARE deliberate,
catalogue noun 1a library catalogue
intentional 2 a casual remark » offhand, > inventory, list, record, register, directory,
spontaneous, impromptu, unconsidered, index, roll, schedule, table 2 a catalogue ie
mistakes » series, sequence, string, long list
random OPPOSITES ARE committed, enthusiastic
3a casual acquaintance » slight, vague catastrophe noun The floods were a catastrophe
OPPOSITES ARE Close, intimate 4a casual for the area. » calamity, tragedy, misfortune,
approach to life » relaxed, nonchalant, mishap, tragedy, affliction, cataclysm, blow
lackadaisical, indifferent, carefree, easy-going, catch vers 1 Josh caught the ball. » seize, grab,
offhand, apathetic, flippant, (more informal) take hold of, grip, clutch, intercept 2 They
laid-back OPPOSITES ARE concerned, serious hadn’t managed to catch any fish. » hook, net,
5 He gave her a casual glance. » cursory, land, trap 3 Do you think they will catch the thief?
catch — cauliflower
doing something wrong e They were caught caterpillar youn caterpillars the creeping
smoking in the playground. 8 make or become worm-like creature that will turn into a
fixed or unable to move; entangle e I caught my butterfly or moth
dress on a nail. 9 hit; strike @ The blow caught cathedral noun cathedrals the most
him on the nose. important church of a district, usually
catch fire start burning containing the bishop’s throne
catch it (informal) be scolded or punished
catch on (informal) 1 become popular Catherine wheel youn Catherine wheels a
2 understand firework that spins round
catch out discover someone in a mistake cathode noun cathodes the electrode by
catch noun catches 1 catching something which electric current leaves a device COMPARE
2 something caught or worth catching 3.a anode
hidden difficulty 4 a device for fastening Catholic anective 1 belonging to the Roman
something Catholic Church 2 of all Christians e the Holy
Catholic Church
catching apecrive infectious > Catholicism Noun
catchment area Noun catchment areas Catholic noun Catholics a Roman Catholic
1 the area from which a school takes pupils ora
hospital takes patients 2 the whole area from catholic spective including most things e Her
which water drains into a river or reservoir taste in literature is catholic.
catchphrase noun catchphrases a popular cattle piurat noun animals with horns and hoofs,
phrase kept by farmers for their milk and beef
catchy apjective easy to remember; soon catty spective cattier,cattiest speaking or
becoming popular e a catchy tune spoken spitefully
category Noun categories a set of people or catwalk noun catwalks along platform that
things classified as being similar to each other models walk along at a fashion show
cater vers caters ,catering, catered 1 provide cauldron noun cauldrons a large deep pot for
food, especially for a lot of people 2 provide boiling things in
what is needed cauliflower noun cauliflowers a cabbage
> caterer NOUN with a large head of white flowers

> capture, arrest, apprehend 4 We have a train categorical apectve a categorical assurance
to catch. » board, be in time for, get to, reach > absolute, unqualified, unconditional,
5 He caught a rare virus on a business trip. unequivocal, unreserved, outright, complete,
> contract, be infected with, develop, get, go definite, express
down with, become sick with, become ill with
6 She caught them in the act.» discover, detect, category Noun There is a maximum penalty for
find, find out, surprise, expose 7 A trip to Paris each category ofoffence. Non-fiction books fall into
caught their fancy. » capture, attract, appeal several categories. » class, type, classification,
to, seize, win, absorb, engross 81 didn’t catch kind, sort, division, group, grade, heading
what you said. » hear, perceive, discern, make
cater vers 1cater for The hotel will cater for
out, recognize ‘
vegetarians.» provide for, make arrangements
catch up Ifwe hurry we can catch them up.
for, supply, feed, cook for 2cater for A simple
> reach, overtake, draw level with
barrow will cater for most ofyour gardening
catch noun 1 The fishermen returned with their needs. » serve, satisfy, answer, provide for,
catch over their shoulders. » haul, net, bag, cope with, take care of
booty, prize 2 The price is so good there must be
cause Noun 1 Police are still trying to find the
a catch. » snag, disadvantage, difficulty, cause of the explosion. » source, origin, root,
drawback, obstacle, problem, trap, trick 3 He basis, reason (for), beginning, genesis,
tried to slip the catch on the window. > latch, grounds, motivation, motive, occasion, spring,
lock, fastener, fastening, bolt, clasp stimulus 2 The older boys were the cause of much
catching ADJECTIVE Fortunately the disease is not of the trouble. > initiator, instigator, originator,
catching. » infectious, contagious, producer, agent 3 There is no cause for alarm.
communicable, transmittable, spreading > reason, grounds, justification, call, need,
necessity, occasign, excuse, pretext 4 a worthy
cately ADJECTIVE a catchy tune » memorable, cause ® purpose, object, end, aim, ideal,
tuneful, haunting, attractive, popular, singable undertaking, enterprise
cause = celebrate
Cause Noun causes 1a person or thing that cavity noun cavities a hollow or hole
makes something happen or produces an cavort (ka-vort) vers cavorts ,cavorting,
effect 2a reason e There is no cause for worry. cavorted jump or run about excitedly
3.a purpose for which people work; an CaW noun caws the harsh cry of a crow etc.
organization or charity
CC ABBREVIATION Cubic centimetre(s)
Cause vers causes, causing caused be the
CCTV assreviation closed circuit television, a
cause of; make something happen
security device
causeway Noun causeways a raised road
across low or marshy ground
CD assreviaTion compact disc
CD-ROM asereviation compact disc read-only
caustic apjective 1 able to burn or wear things
memory; a compact disc on which large
away by chemical action 2 sarcastic amounts of data can be stored and then
> caustically apvers
displayed on a computer screen
caution noun cautions 1 care taken in order to cease vers ceases, ceasing ,ceased stop or end
avoid danger etc. 2. a warning
cease NouN
caution vers cautions, cautioning, without cease not ceasing
cautioned warn someone
ceasefire noun ceasefires a signal to stop
- cautionary spective giving a warning firing
cautious Apective showing caution ceaseless apjective not ceasing
> cautiously Apvers cautiousmess NOUN
cedar noun cedars an evergreen tree with hard
Cavalier noun Cavaliers a supporter of King fragrant wood
Charles | in the English Civil War (1642-9) > cedarwood NouN
cavalry noun soldiers who fight on horseback or cedilla (sid-il- a) noun cedillas a mark underc
in armoured vehicles compare infantry in certain languages to show that it is
Cave noun caves a large hollow place in the side pronounced ass, e.g. in facade
of a hill or cliff, or underground ceiling noun ceilings 1 the flat surfaceunder
Cave vers caves, caving, caved the top of aroom 2 the highest limit that
cave in 1 fall inwards 2 give way in an something can reach i. i
argument celebrate vers celebrates, celebrating,
Cavern noun caverns a large cave celebrated 1 do something special or a) §

> Cavernous ADJECTIVE enjoyable to show that a day or event is

cause vers 1 The bad weather has caused many cave noun There are caves at the foot of the cliffs.
delays. » bring about, result in, give rise to, > cavern, grotto, hollow, cavity, underground
lead to, produce, generate, create, precipitate, chamber, den, hole, pothole
induce, entail, stimulate 2 Poor health caused Cave vers 1cave in The roof caved in» collapse,
him to give up work. » force, compel, lead, fallin, give way, disintegrate, crumble 2cave
encourage, induce, make in The government refused to cave in to the
caustic spective 1 caustic substance protesters’ demands. > yield, surrender, comply
> corrosive, acid, astringent, burning 2 caustic (with)
remarks » sharp, sarcastic, scathing, hurtful, cavity noun a secret cavity in the wall » space,
acid, acerbic, cutting, bitter, spiteful, vicious, chamber, hollow, hole, pit, cave, crater, dent
abrasive cavort vers The children cavorted about the room.
caution noun 1 Drivers were advised to proceed > skip, bound, dance, leap, caper, jump,
with extreme caution. » care, alertness, spring, bounce, gambol, bob, frisk
attentiveness, carefulness, wariness, cease vers Hostilities will cease at midnight. Both
watchfulness, vigilance, restraint, discretion, armies have ceased military activity. » end,
circumspection, heed, heedfulness, prudence stop, finish, halt, come or bring to an end,
AN OPPOSITE IS recklessness 2A first offender is
conclude, terminate AN OPPOSITE IS commence
usually let off with a caution. » reprimand,
warning, admonition ceaseless apjective ceaseless activity
> continuous, continual, constant, incessant,
cautious spective 1 He was a cautious man and
endless, unceasing, interminable, non-stop
avoided risks. » careful, attentive, vigilant, OPPOSITES ARE temporary, intermittent
circumspect, heedful, alert, prudent,
scrupulous, watchful OPPOSITES ARE careless, celebrate vers 1 They celebrated with a bottle of
reckless 2 Their response was cautious. champagne. » enjoy yourself, have fun, have a
> guarded, discreet, wary, chary, tactful good time, make merry 2 The couple celebrate
OPPOSITES ARE forthright, impetuous their golden wedding this week.

celebrated = central heating
important 2 perform a religious ceremony cement youn 1a mixture of lime and clay used
> celebrant noun celebration noun - in building, to join bricks together, etc. 2a
celebrated pyective famous strong glue
cement vers cements, cementing cemented
celebrity youn celebrities 1a famous person 1 put cement on something 2join firmly;
2 fame; being famous strengthen
celery noun a vegetable with crisp white or cemetery (sem-et- ree) noun cemeteries a
green stems place where people are buried
celestial (sil- est- ee- al) anjective 1 to do with censor Noun censors a person who examines
the sky 2 to do with heaven; divine films, books, letters, etc. and removes or bans
celestial bodies purAL Noun stars etc. anything that seems harmful
cell noun cells 1a small room where a prisoner > censor vers censorship NOUN
is locked up 2asmall room ina monastery 3a USAGE Do not confuse with censure.
microscopic unit of living matter 4a censure (sen- sher) Noun strong criticism or
compartment of ahoneycomb 5a device for disapproval of something
producing electric current chemically 6 asmall > censure VERB
group or unit in an organization etc. USAGE Do not confuse with censor.
cellar noun cellars an underground room ceNsSusS Noun censuses an official count or
survey of the population of a country or area
cello (chel- oh) noun cellos a musical
instrument like a large violin, placed between cent noun cents a coin worth one-hundredth of
the knees of a player a dollar
> cellist noun centenary (sen- teen- er- ee) NOUN
centenaries a 100th anniversary
cellular anjecrive 1 consisting of living cells
2 (said about amobile telephone system) using > centennial (sen- ten- ee- al) ADJECTIVE
a number of short-range radio stations to cover centigrade ADJECTIVE Measuring temperature
the area it serves ona scale using 100 degrees, where water
freezes at 0° and boils at 100°; Celsius
cellulose noun 1 tissue that forms the main
part of all plants and trees 2 paint made from centimetre noun centimetres one-
cellulose hundredth of a metre, about four-tenths of an
Celsius (sel-see- us) anjective measuring
temperature on a scale using 100 degrees, centipede noun centipedes a small crawling
where water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° creature with a long body and many legs
[named after A. Celsius, a Swedish astronomer, central apective 1 to do with or at the centre
who invented it] 2 most important
Cellttic nective to do with the Celts, a group of > centrally Apvers
peoples living in parts of Europe and Asia central heating noun a system of heating a
before Roman times, or to the languages building from one source by circulating hot
spoken by them, including Irish, Scottish water or hot air or steam in pipes or by linked
Gaelic, and Welsh radiators

> commemorate, observe, mark, recognize, of a honeycomb » compartment, cavity,
honour, remember, keep chamber, hollow, section 3 a terrorist cell
celebration noun 1 birthday celebration > unit, group, faction, caucus, section, arm,
> party, function, festivity, (more informal) wing
binge 2 a cause for celebration > festivities, censure noun Her voice had a note of censure.
jollification, merrymaking, enjoying yourself, > criticism, disapproval, reproach, rebuke,
partying condemnation, reproof
celebrity noun 1a team made up of celebrities
> star, famous person, public figure, dignitary, censure vers Shareholders censured the bank.
idol, personality, luminary 2 The group seemed > criticize, reprimand, condemn, rebuke,
to be enjoying their celebrity. » fame, stardom, reproach
prominence, popularity, glory, reputation, central apjective 1 the central chamber of the
renown temple» innermost, inner, interior, middle,
cell youn 14 prison cell » room, cubicle, focal 2 the central issues » chief, key, main,
chamber, compartment, enclosure, unit 2 cells essential, pivotal, primary, principal, vital,
centre = chain
centre nouncentres 1 the middle point or part ceremony Noun ceremonies the formal
2 an important place e a centre of the film actions carried out on an important occasion,
industry 3 a building or place for a special e.g. at a wedding or a funeral
purpose e a sports centre certain apjective sure; without doubt
centre vers centres centring ,centred place a certain person orthing a person or thing
something at the centre that is known but not named
centre on orcentre around 1 be > certainly Abvers
concentrated in 2 have as its main subject or certainty noun certainties 1 something that
concern is sure to happen 2 being sure
centre of gravity noun centres of gravity certificate nouncertificates an official written
the point in an object around which its mass is or printed statement giving information about
perfectly balanced a person etc. @ a birth certificate
century noun centuries 1a period of one certitude noun a feeling of certainty
hundred years 2a hundred runs scored by a cervix Noun cervices (ser- vis- ees) the
batsman in an innings at cricket entrance to the womb
ceramic Apjective to do with or made of pottery > cervical ADJECTIVE
cereal noun cereals 1 grass producing seeds cesspit orcesspool noun cesspits or
which are used as food, e.g. wheat, barley, or cesspools a covered pit where liquid waste or
rice 2.a breakfast food made from these seeds sewage is stored temporarily
USAGE Do not confuse withserial. CFC assreviation chlorofluorocarbon; a gas
cerebral (se- rib- ral) anjective to do with the containing chlorine and fluorine that is thought
brain to be harmful to the ozone layer in the Earth’s
cerebral palsy noun a condition caused by atmosphere
brain damage before birth that makes a person chaff | youn husks of corn, separated from the
suffer from spasms of the muscles and jerky seed
movements chaff 2 vers tease someone
ceremonial spective to do with or usedina chain noun chains 1a row of metal rings
ceremony; formal fastened together 2a connected series of
> ceremonially Apvers things e a chain of mountains e a chain of events
ceremonious apecrve full of ceremony; 3 anumber of shops, hotels, or other
elaborately performed businesses owned by the same company

fundamental, crucial, major, overriding, person has been here. » particular, specific,
important AN OPPOSITE IS peripheral definite, unnamed, individual
centre noun 1 the centre of a circle > middle, certainly aovere It was certainly a beautiful
mid-point, heart, core, eye, bullseye 2 the building. » undoubtedly, unquestionably,
centre of the city » middle, heart, nucleus surely, undeniably, definitely, without
question, without doubt
cereal noun farmers who prefer cereal production certainty noun 1 The answers may never be
to livestock ® corn, grain known with certainty. » assurance,
ceremony Noun 1a wedding ceremony » rite, assuredness, confidence, conviction, certitude
ritual, service, observance, celebration 2a OPPOSITES ARE uncertainty, doubt 2A high-
grand occasion with all due ceremony scoring match seemed a certainty.
> formality, pomp, protocol, propriety, ritual, > inevitability, certain fact, foregone
solemnity conclusion, matter of course, necessity, (more
informal) sure thing AN OPPOSITE IS
certain spective 11 was certain they did it. impossibility
> sure, confident, positive, convinced,
certify vers You have to sign the form to certify
assured, satisfied OPPOSITES ARE uncertain that the information is true. » verify, guarantee,
(whether), doubtful (whether) 2 It is certain
confirm, affirm, testify, warrant, declare,
that there will be reprisals. » definite,
undeniable, indubitable, unquestionable, demonstrate
clear, plain, evident, obvious, conclusive chain youn 1 The prisoners were held in chains.
OPPOSITES ARE uncertain (whether), doubtful > fetters, shackles, bonds, irons, manacles,
3 She faced certain failure. » inevitable, coupling, handcuffs, links 2 a chain of events
assured, inescapable, unavoidable 4 They are m series, sequence, succession, string, course,
certain to win. » sure, bound, assured (of train, progression 3 a chain of supermarkets
winning) AN opposite Is unlikely 5A certain > group, firm, series
chain = chancellor
chain vers chains, chaining, chained fasten chamber noun chambers 1 (old use) aroom
something with a chain or chains 2 hall used for meetings of a parliament etc.;
chain letter youn chain letters a letter that the members of the group using it 3.a
you are asked to copy and send to several other compartment in machinery etc.
people, who are supposed to do the same chambermaid noun chambermaids a
chain reaction noun chain reactions a series woman employed to clean bedrooms ata hotel
of happenings in which each causes the next
chamber music noun classical music for a
chain store Noun chain stores one of a small group of players
number of similar shops owned by the same
firm :
chamber pot noun chamber pots a
receptacle for urine etc., used ina bedroom
chair youn chairs 1a movable seat, with a chameleon (kam-ee- lee- on) NOUN
back, for one person 2 the person in charge at chameleons a small lizard that can change its
a meeting colour to that of its surroundings
chair vers chairs, chairing, chaired be in champagne (sham- payn) Noun a bubbly
control of a meeting e Who will chair this white wine, especially from the Champagne
meeting? region in France
chairman youn chairmen the person whois in champion youn champions 1a person or
control of a meeting thing that has defeated all the others in a sport
> chairmanship noun or competition etc. 2someone who supports a
USAGE The word chairman may be used of a cause by fighting, speaking, etc.
man or of awoman; they are addressed > championship noun
formally as Mr Chairman and Madam Chairman champion vers champions, championing,
chairperson noun chairpersons a chairman championed support a cause by fighting or
speaking for it
chalk noun chalks 1 soft white or coloured
chance noun chances 1 an opportunity or
stick used for writing on blackboards orfor
drawing 2 soft white limestone possibility e Now is your chance to escape. 2 the
> chalky anjective way things happen without being planned e I
met her by chance.
challenge noun challenges 1 call to take a chance take a risk
someone to take part ina contest 2a task or chancellor youn chancellors 1 an important
activity that is new and exciting but also government or legal official 2 the chief
difficult minister of the government in some European
challenge vers challenges, challenging, countries
challenged 1 make a challenge to someone Chancellor of the Exchequer the
2 be a challenge to someone 3 question government minister in charge of a country’s
whether something is true or correct finances
> challenger noun [from Latin cancellarius = secretary]

chain vers The bicycle was chained to a fence. defend, campaign for, fight for, stand up for,
> tie, fasten, secure, hitch, tether, manacle, advance, espouse, protect
chance anyctive a chance discovery» accidental,
challenge vers 1 The woman had challenged an fortuitous, coincidental, casual, incidental,
intruder. » accost, confront, take on 2 It was a unintentional, unforeseen, random
job that would challenge their abilities. » test, OPPOSITES ARE intentional, planned
tax, try, stretch 3 He challenged one of the men to
a duel. » dare, summon, invite, defy, provoke chance noun 1 There is a slight chance of snow.
4 We will have to challenge the decision. > possibility, likelihood, probability, prospect,
> dispute, oppose, object to, protest against, risk, danger 2 Give them a chance to answer.
query, question, disagree with, argue against, > opportunity, time, turn, occasion 3 We were
dissent from taking an awful chance. » risk, gamble
by chance Ifound the earring by chance. » by
champion noun 1 the world champion > title- accident, accidentally, fortuitously,
holder, victor, conqueror, winner 2.a champion inadvertently, unwittingly
of reform » supporter, advocate, defender,
upholder, patron, backer, guardian, protector chancy agective (informal) It was chancy taking a
shortcut across the neadow in the dark. » risky,
champion vers a charity championing the rights dangerous, hazardous, unsafe, precarious,
of asylum-seekers » support, promote, uphold, insecure, tricky, uncertain, unpredictable,
change = character
change vers changes ,changing ,changed chant vere chants ,chanting,chanted 1 sing
1 make or become different 2 exchange 3 put 2 call out words in a rhythm yee]
on different clothes 4 go from one train or bus
etc. to another 5 give smaller units of money, chaos (kay- oss) Noun great disorder
or money in another currency, for an amount of > chaotic Apjective chaotically ADvers
money e Can you change £207 [from Greek, = vast chasm or pit]
change nounchanges 1 changing; a difference chap Noun chaps (informal) aman
in doing something 2 coins or notes of small chapatti noun chapattis a flat cake of 4)
values 3 money given back to the payer when unleavened bread, used in Indian cookery
the price is less than the amount handed over
4a fresh set of clothes 5a variation in routine
chapel noun ne 1a small building or
room used for Christian worship 2 a section of ¢
e Let's walk home for a change.
a large church, with its own altar [via early i
changeable apcrive likely to change; French chapele from Latin capella = little cloak:
changing frequently e changeable weather the first chapel had as a relic the cloak of St 5
channel noun channels 1 stretch of water Martin]
connecting two seas 2a broadcasting chaplain noun chaplains a member of the
wavelength 3 a way for water to flow along clergy who regularly works ina college,
4 the part of a river or sea etc. that is deep hospital, prison, regiment, etc.
enough for ships
channel vers channels ,channelling, chapped agecrve with skin split or cracked
channelled 1 make a channel in something from cold etc.
2 direct something through a channel or other chapter noun chapters 1 division of a book le
route 2 the clergy of a cathedral or members of a ‘
chant noun chants 1 tune to which words monastery. The room where they meetis called
with no regular rhythm are fitted, especially achapter house
oe used in church music 2 a rhythmic call or character noun characters 1apersonina
shout story, film, or play 2 all the qualities that make

(more informal) dicey OPPOSITES ARE safe, chaotic anjectve 1A good party is a chaotic re
predictable jumble of noise and movement. » disorderly, a
change noun 14 change ofplan > alteration, confused, disorganized, disordered, topsy-
modification, variation, revision, amendment turvy, uncontrolled, muddled, tumultuous G
(to), replacement (for) 2 We'd like a change. OPPOSITES ARE organized, orderly 2 The country ;
> diversion, novelty, innovation, variety 3 I’ve was in a chaotic state for years. » anarchic,
got no change for the bus.» coins, small change, lawless, unruly, uncontrolled AN OPPOSITE IS
loose change orderly
change vers 1 These events have changed the chap Noun (informal) Some chap gave it to me.
world for ever. » alter, make different, > man, boy, individual, bloke
transform, modify, reshape, refashion, reorder chapter noun 14 chapter of a book » section,
2 Things have changed a lot since we were last part, division 2.a new chapter in the nation’s
here. > alter, become different, develop, history » stage, phase, period, era, epoch P
fluctuate, (more informal) move on 31 need to
change my library book. » exchange, swap, character noun 1 Jane has aforceful character.
substitute, switch, replace > personality, temperament, nature, temper VV
changeable anyctive The weather is very 2 The trees and parks add a special character to
changeable. » variable, unsettled, the town. » distinctiveness, individuality, “
unpredictable, unreliable, temperamental, uniqueness, stamp, feature 3 He was acquitted
volatile without a stain on his character. » reputation,
name, standing, stature, position 4 (informal)
channel noun 1a water channel» duct, The new doctor is a charming character.
conduit, gully, gutter, furrow, flume 2a > person, individual, being, sort, type, fellow,
channel of communication » medium, avenue, (more informal) bloke, (more informal) chap
means, route, path, way 3 a television channel 5 (informal) Her father is something of a
> station, waveband, wavelength character. » eccentric, oddity, (more informal)
chaos noun When we arrived on the scene there oddball, (more informal) case 6 a woman of
was total chaos. » confusion, disorder, character > integrity, honour, quality 7 She has
mayhem, muddle, bedlam, pandemonium, played several characters in the same play.
anarchy, disorganization, lawlessness, > part, role 8 The sign was printed in Greek
shambles, tumult AN OPPOSITE IS order characters. » letter, figure, symbol
characteristic > charm
a person or thing what he, she, or itis 3. a letter charge vers charges, charging, charged
of the alphabet or other written symbol 1 ask a particular price 2 rush forward in an
characteristic youn characteristics a quality attack 3 give an electric charge to something
that forms part of a person’s or thing’s 4 accuse someone of committing acrime
character 5 entrust someone with.a responsibility or task
characteristic apecrve typical of a person or chariot youn chariots a horse-drawn vehicle
thin with two wheels, used in ancient times for
> characteristically ADVERB fighting, racing, etc.
charade (sha-rahd) noun charades 1a scene > charioteer youn
inthe game of charades, in which people tryto charity youn charities 1 an organization set
guess a word from other people’s acting 2a up to help people who are poor, ill, or disabled
pretence or have suffered a disaster 2 giving money or
charcoal youn a black substance made by help etc. to the needy 3 kindness and
burning wood slowly. Charcoal can be used for sympathy towards others; being unwilling to
drawing with. think badly of people
charge noun charges 1 the price asked for > charitable anective charitably spvers
something 2 arushing attack 3 the amount of charm youn charms 1 the power to please or
explosive needed to fire a gun etc. 4 electricity delight people; attractiveness 2 a magic spell
in something 5 an accusation that someone 3 asmall object believed to bring good luck
has committed a crime 6a person or thing in 4 an ornament worn on a bracelet etc.
someone’s care
in charge in control; deciding what shall charm vers charms, charming, charmed
happen to a person or thing 1 give pleasure or delight to people 2 puta

characteristic anjective He spoke with his tax, empower 3 The witness was later charged
characteristic eloquence. » typical, distinctive, with perjury. » accuse (of), prosecute (for),
usual, normal, particular, singular, special, indict (for), put on trial (for) 4 The mounted
individual, peculiar, recognizable, specific, cavalry charged the enemy line. » attack, storm,
unique, distinguishing, essential, idiosyncratic rush, assault, assail, fall on, set on
characteristic youn The building has some charitable spective 1 charitable activity
interesting characteristics. >» feature,
peculiarity, trait, attribute, distinguishing > philanthropic, humanitarian, benevolent
feature, property, aspect, hallmark, 2 charitable attitude » generous,
idiosyncrasy magnanimous, friendly, liberal, benign,
considerate, compassionate, understanding,
characterize vere 1 The film characterizes the broad-minded
king as a cruel dictator. » portray, depict,
represent, describe, categorize, delineate, charity youn 1 Show some charity towards those
draw, present 2 The period after the War was in need. » goodwill, generosity, consideration,
characterized by great social hardship. kindness, sympathy, compassion, fellow
> distinguish, mark, identify, set apart, brand, feeling AN OPPOSITE IS selfishness 2 The church
differentiate, individualize, recognize, typify depends on the charity of parishioners.
charge noun 11 Our charges will increase from > financial assistance, generosity, donations,
next April. » fee, price, cost, tariff 2The , contributions, subsidies, patronage
children were left in their sister’s charge. » care,
protection, custody, keeping, surveillance, charm noun 1 As he relaxed, his charm and
command, control, responsibility, safe- humour returned. » attractiveness, appeal,
keeping, trust 3 The company’s directors face allure, lure, charisma, desirability, fascination,
criminal charges. » accusation, allegation, enchantment 2 magical charms > spell,
indictment, imputation 4 The infantry suffered incantation, 3. lucky charm > trinket,
heavy casualties in the charge. » assault, attack, talisman, amulet, mascot, idol
onslaught, offensive, rush, sortie, raid
in charge of He was in charge of the factory
charm vers He charmed everyone with his stories.
> delight, please, captivate, bewitch, enchant,
during his father’s absence. » responsible for,
entrance, enthral, mesmerize OPPOSITES ARE
acon of, managing, running, looking
repel, disgust
charge vers 1 What do they charge for a coffee? charming spective My mother tells me that Iwas
> ask for, askin payment, make you pay, exact, a charming baby. » delightful, attractive,
levy, require 2 They charged him with producing pleasant, pleasing, endearing, alluring,
a video of the event. » entrust, burden, saddle, disarming, likeable
chart = check
spell on someone; bewitch chaste spective not having sexual intercourse at
> charmer noun all, or only with the person you are married to
chart youn charts 1a map for people sailing > chastity youn
ships or flying aircraft 2 an outline map chat youn chats a friendly conversation
showing special information e a weather chart chat vere chats, chatting, chatted havea
3.a diagram, list, or table giving information in friendly conversation
an orderly way chatter vers chatters, chattering, chattered
the charts a list of the records that are most 1 talk quickly about unimportant things; keep
popular on talking 2 (said about the teeth) make a
chart vers charts, charting, charted make a rattling sound because you are cold or
chart of something; map frightened
> chatterer youn
charter youn charters 1 an official document chatter youn chattering talk or sound
giving somebody certain rights etc.
2 chartering an aircraft, ship, or vehicle chauvinism (shoh- vin- izm) noun
1 prejudiced belief that your own country is i
charter cre charters, chartering, chartered superior to others 2 the belief of some men a
T hire an aircraft, ship, or vehicle 2 give a that men are superior to women
charter to someone > chauvinist youn chauvinistic spective
charwoman jouw charwomen a woman cheap nective 1 lowin price; not expensive 2 of
employed as a cleaner poor quality; of low value
> Cheaply apvers cheapness noun
chase vers chases, chasing, chased go quickly cheapen vers cheapens, cheapening,
after a person or thing in order to capture or
cheapened make cheap
catch them up or drive them away
> chase youn cheat vers cheats, cheating, cheated 1 try to
do well in an examination or game by breaking
chasm (kazm) noun chasms a deep opening in the rules 2 trick or deceive somebody so they
the ground lose something
chassis (shas- ee) noun chassis the framework cheat youn cheats a person who cheats
under a car etc., on which other parts are check! vers checks, checking, checked
mounted 1 make sure that something is correct or in eo

Thesaurus .
chart youn 1a flow chart» diagram, graph, cheap spective 1 a cheap edition of Shakespeare’s
plan, table 2 a weather chart » map works > inexpensive, economical, low-priced,
chary apective She was chary about lending him affordable, reasonable 2 racks of cheap digital
any more money. » wary, cautious, doubtful, watches » inferior, second-rate, shoddy,
dubious, careful, hesitant, guarded vulgar, tawdry, (more informal) tatty, (more
AN OPPOSITE IS heedless informal) tacky 3 cheap tabloid journalism
chase vers The farmer chased the intruders across > mean, despicable, low, contemptible,
a field. » pursue, run after, track, trail, drive, tasteless 4 They made us feel cheap.
follow, hound, hunt > ashamed, embarrassed, humiliated,
chase around I've been chasing around all degraded
morning trying to finish my work. » rush, hurry, cheat vers Some dealers are cheating their
bustle, scamper customers. » swindle, defraud, deceive,
chat vers We spent hours chatting about nothing exploit, hoodwink, short-change, dupe, (more vi
in particular. > talk, gossip, chatter, (more informal) con, (more informal) rip off
informal) jabber, (more informal) babble cheat oun 1He called his brother a cheat.
chat up (informal) e He tried to chat Jenny up in > swindler, deceiver, fraud, charlatan,
the bus queue. > flirt with, make up to, make impostor, (more informal) phoney 2 The scheme
advances to was really a bit of a cheat.» deception, deceit,
chat oun I needed to have a chat with her. talk, fraud, pretence, hoax, trick, (more informal)
conversation, chatter, (more informal) natter, racket, (more informal) fiddle
(more informal) chinwag check vers. 1 Police were checking vehicles at
chatter vere Some of the people stayed chattering roadblocks. » examine, inspect, test, look over,
at one end of the room. » talk, gossip, chat, scrutinize, scan, investigate 2 Il check the
(more informal) jabber, (more informal) babble answers against this list. » verify, confirm, test,
chatty anjctive (informal) She seemed to be in a compare 3 He checked an impulse to look round.
chatty mood. » talkative, communicative, > resist, control, suppress, restrain, curb,
effusive, expansive, open, friendly repress, stifle 4 Extensive flooding checked their

check = cherry
good condition 2 make something stop or go cheerful apective 1 looking or sounding happy
slower 3 in chess, put an opponent’s king in 2 pleasantly bright or colourful
check > cheerfully Advers cheerfulness NOUN
check noun checks 1 checking something cheerless anective gloomy or dreary
2 stopping or slowing; a pause 3 areceipt; a bill cheery apyective bright and cheerful
inarestaurant 4 in chess, the situationin which cheese noun cheeses a solid food made from
a king is threatened with capture [via early milk
French from a Persian word meaning ‘king’: the cheetah nouncheetahs a large spotted animal
chess meaning is the oldest] of the cat family that can run extremely fast
check 2 noun checks a pattern of squares chemical aoective to do with or produced by
> checked ADJECTIVE chemistry
checkmate noun the winning situation in chess chemical noun chemicals a substance
> checkmate VERB obtained by or used in chemistry
checkout noun checkouts a place where chemist vouvchemists 1a person who makes
goods are paid for in a self-service shop or sells medicines 2. shop selling medicines,
cosmetics, etc. 3 an expert in chemistry
check-up nouncheck-ups a routine medicalor
dental examination chemistry noun 1 the way that substances
combine and react with one another 2 the
cheek nouncheeks 1 the side of the face below study of substances and their reactions etc.
the eye 2rude or disrespectful behaviour;
chemotherapy Noun the treatment of
disease, especially cancer, by the use of
cheeky aojective rude or disrespectful; chemical substances
impudent cheque noun cheques a printed form on which
> cheekily spvers cheekiness NOUN you write instructions to a bank to pay out
cheer noun cheers 1a shout of praise or money from your account
pleasure or encouragement 2 cheerfulness cherish vers cherishes ,cherishing ,
@ full ofgood cheer cherished 1 look after a person or thing
cheer verscheers cheering cheered 1 givea lovingly 2 be fond of
cheer 2 gladden or encourage somebody cherry Noun cherries a small soft round fruit
cheer up make or become cheerful with a stone

progress. » hinder, obstruct, hamper, impede, > take heart, become more cheerful, perk up,
restrict, inhibit, frustrate brighten, rally, revive
check noun 1 There will be an official check of cheer noun The spectators gave her a cheer.
documents at the border. » inspection, > hurrah, cry of approval, shout of approval,
examination, scrutiny, perusal, investigation ovation, acclamation, applause,
2 a check on the abuse ofpower > curb, restraint, encouragement
check-up Noun The car goes for a check-up next cheerful apjective They arrived looking cheerful.
week. & check, inspection, examination, It was a cheerful occasion. » happy, jolly, glad,
overhaul joyful, joyous, lively, elated, animated,
contented, buoyant, good-humoured, light-
cheek noun (informal) He had the cheek to tell me hearted, chirpy opposites ARE sad, dejected
to leave. » audacity, effrontery, nerve,
temerity, impertinence, impudence, insolence, cheerless anjective The town was a nondescript
presumptuousness, shamelessness, (more cheerless place. » dreary, dull, gloomy, bleak,
informal) sauce dismal, grim, sombre, dingy, drab, stark,
cheeky sojective A cheeky boy from down the road desolate AN opposite is cheerful
called after him: » impudent, impertinent,
insolent, impolite, disrespectful, brazen, cheery spective She answered the phone with a
audacious, forward, pert cheery ‘Good morning’. » cheerful, jolly, merry,
spirited, jaunty, carefree, happy, sunny, joyful,
cheer vers 1 We'll be there to cheer our team. joyous
> applaud, acclaim, clap, shout 2 The good
news cheered them a great deal. » comfort, cherish vers 1 His friends all cherished him.
console, gladden, delight, encourage, uplift, > adore, love, be devoted to, be fond of, hold
exhilarate, make cheerful, please, solace dear, care for, foster, keep safe, look after,
AN OPPOSITE IS. sadden nourish, nurse, protect 21 shall cherish this gift
cheer up As I reached home I began to cheer up. all my life. » treasure, value, prize
chess = chime
chess noun a game for two players with sixteen chief youn chiefs 1 aleader or ruler of a people,
pieces each (calledchessmen) ona board of 64 especially of a Native American tribe 2 a person
squares (a chessboard) with the highest rank or authority
chest youn chests 1 the front part of the body chief spective most important; main
between the neck and the waist 2a large > chiefly pvers
strong box for storing things in cuerats noun Chieftains the chief ofa tribe or
chestnut youn chestnuts 1 tree that clan
produces hard brown nuts 2 the nut of this tree child youn’children 1a young person; a boy or
3 an old joke or story girl 2 someone’s son or daughter
chest of drawers noun chests of drawers a childhood noun childhoods the time whena
piece of furniture with drawers for storing person is a child
clothes etc. childish apctive 1 like a child; unsuitable for a
grown person 2:silly and immature |
chew vere chews, chewing, chewed grind > childishly apvers 3
food between the teeth
> chewy Adjective
childminder youn childminders a person
who is paid to look after children while their
- chewing gum noun asticky flavoured type of Parents are out at work
sweet for chewing chill youn chills 1 unpleasant coldness
chick noun chicks a very young bird illness that makes you shiver
chicken youn chickens 1a younghen 2a Chill vere chills, chilling, chilled make a person
hen’s flesh used as food or thing cold
chicken nective (slang) afraid to do something;
chilli youn chillies the hot-tasting pod of a red
pepper [via Spanish from Nahuatl (a Central
American language)]
chicken vers chickens, chickening, chilly anjective 1 rather cold 2 unfriendly e We m
chickened got a chilly reception. :
chicken out (slang) not take part in something > chilliness youn
because you are afraid chime noun chimes a series of notes sounded
chickenpox noun a disease that produces red by aset of bells each making a different musical
spots on the skin sound

Eliesauris, 2a
eee =P
chest noun 1 The ball hit him in the chest. > offspring, progeny, daughter (or son),
> breast, ribcage RELATED ADJECTIVE pectoral 2a descendant, heir, issue
large chest of tools » case, crate, box, casket, childish apjective It was childish of
him to say that.
coffer, strongbox, trunk > immature, babyish, puerile, infantile,
juvenile, silly, foolish AN OPPOSITE IS mature
chew vers Claire was chewing a piece of bread. USAGE Note that childish is normally an
> eat, munch, nibble, champ, bite, crunch, unfavourable word, whereas childlike is
gnaw, (more formal) masticate favourable or neutral in tone.
chief anjective 1 Money was the chief problem. childlike spjective a world of childlike simplicity
> main, principal, primary, prime, most > innocent, naive, artless, guileless,
important, overriding, foremost, fundamental, ingenuous, trusting OPPOSITES ARE artful,
key, crucial, central, paramount, predominant, disingenuous
basic, essential 2 the chief cook » head, senior, chill youn 1 We felt a distinct chill in the air.
principal, leading > coldness, chilliness, coolness, crispness,
chief youn He is the chief of a merchant bank. rawness, bite, nip 2 She decided to stay at home
> head, principal, president, chairman, chief because of her chill. » cold, flu
executive chill vere The drinks need to be chilled. » cool,
refrigerate, ice, freeze, make cold
chiefly overs Dogs were chiefly to blame for the AN OPPOSITE IS warm
damage. » mainly, mostly, primarily, chilly apjective 1 a chilly evening in March cold,
principally, predominantly, especially, crisp, sharp, fresh, cool, frosty, icy, raw, (more
essentially informal) nippy, (more informal) parky
child noun 1 She was only a child when I last saw AN OPPOSITE IS warm 2 You may get a chilly
her. » youngster, girl (or boy), baby, infant, reception. » unfriendly, cool, lukewarm,
little one, (more informal) kid, (more informal) unwelcoming, frigid, hostile, unsympathetic,
nipper, (more informal) tot RELATED ADJECTIVE reserved, aloof, (informal) standoffish
juvenile 2 She is the child of Greek parents. OPPOSITES ARE warm, friendly, enthusiastic

chimney = choose
chimney noun chimneys a tall pipe or chivalrous (shiv- al- rus) apjective being
structure that carries smoke away from a fire considerate and helpful towards people less
chimney pot noun chimney pots a pipe fitted strong than yourself
to the top of a chimney > chivalry Noun
chimpanzee noun chimpanzees an African chlorine (klor- een) noun a greenish-yellow gas
ape, smaller than a gorilla used to disinfect water etc.
chin noun chins the lower part of the face below chloroform (klo- ro- form) noun a liquid that
the mouth gives off a vapour that makes people
china noun thin delicate pottery unconscious
chink noun chinks 1a narrow opening e a chlorophyll (klo- ro- fil) oun the substance
chink in the curtains 2a chinking sound that makes plants green
chink vers chinks ,chinking ,chinked make a chock-full anective crammed full
sound like glasses or coins being struck chocolate noun chocolates 1a solid brown
together food or powder made from roasted cacao
chip noun chips 1a thin piece cut or broken off seeds 2a drink made with this powder 3.a
something hard 2 afried oblongstrip of potato sweet made of or covered with chocolate [via
3 a place where a small piece has been knocked French or Spanish from Nahuatl (a Central
off something 4 asmall counter used in games American language)]
5 a microchip choice noun choices 1 choosing between
a chip off the old block a child whois very like things 2 the range of things from which
their father or mother someone can choose e There is a wide choice of
havea chip on your shoulder feel resentful or holidays. 3 a person or thing chosen
defensive about something choice apective of the best quality e choice
chip vers chips chipping chipped 1 knock bananas
small pieces-off something 2 cut a potato into choir noun choirs a group of people trained to
chips sing together, especially in a church
chipolata noun chipolatas a small spicy > choirboy noun choirgirl noun
sausage choke vers chokes ,choking ,choked 1 cause
chiropody (ki- rop- od- ee) noun medical somebody to stop breathing properly 2 be
treatment of the feet, e.g. corns unable to breathe properly 3 clog
> chiropodist Noun choke noun chokes a device controlling the
chirp vere chirps ,chirping chirped make flow of air into the engine of a motor vehicle
short sharp sounds like a small bird cholera (kol- er- a) noun an infectious disease
> chirp NOUN that is often fatal
chisel noun chisels a tool with a sharp end for cholesterol (kol- est-er- 01) noun a fatty
shaping wood, stone, etc. substance that can clog the arteries
chisel vers chisels ,chiselling ,chiselled shape choose vers chooses ,choosing chose,
or cut something with a chisel chosen decide which you are going to take

chip noun 1 chip of wood » fragment, piece, viewers’ choice ofprogrammes > selection,
bit, sliver, splinter, slice, flake, fleck, scrap, choosing, preference, election 3 Write in with
shaving 2 The cup had a chip init.» crack, nick, your choice. » decision, selection, vote,
flaw, scratch, gash, notch, snick nomination 4a wide choice ofgood food
chip vers Someone had chipped the teapot. > range, variety, selection, array, assortment,
> crack, nick, scratch, splinter, notch, damage display
chirpy aojecrive She came in with a chirpy grin. choke vers 1 The dust was nearly choking them.
> cheerful, happy, jolly, glad, joyful, joyous, > suffocate, asphyxiate, smother, stifle
lively, elated
2 There was a danger of the necklace choking her
chivalrous spective He treated everyone in the to death. » strangle, throttle, suffocate,
same chivalrous manner. » gallant, courteous, asphyxiate 3 Oliver choked and had to be
polite, honorable, considerate, gracious, thumped on the back. » gag, gasp, retch,
thoughtful opposites ARE dishonourable, rude suffocate 4 The motorways are constantly choked
chivalry noun Where is your sense of chivalry with traffic. » clog, congest, constrict, block,
Roger? » gallantry, courtesy, politeness, obstruct
consideration, graciousness, thoughtfulness choke back Sandra choked back the tears as she
choice noun 1 We have no other choice now. tried to answer. » stifle, suppress, fight back,
> option, alternative, possibility, answer 2 the hold back
chop = chubby
from among a number of people or things Christian name nou Christian names a
> choosy ADJECTIVE name given to a person at his or her
chop vers chops, chopping, chopped cut orhit christening; a person’s first name
something with a heavy blow Christmas noun Christmases the day (25
chop noun chops 1a chopping blow 2a small December) when Christians commemorate the
thick slice of meat, usually on a rib birth of Jesus Christ; the days round it
choppy spective choppier ,choppiest (said Christmas pudding noun Christmas di
about the sea) not smooth; full of small waves puddings a dark pudding containing dried °
> choppiness Noun fruit etc., eaten at Christmas
chopsticks pirat noun a pair of thin sticks used Christmas tree youn Christmas trees an
for lifting Chinese and Japanese food to your
evergreen or artificial tree decorated at
choral apctive to do with or sung by a choir or
chorus chromatic (krom-at- ik) apjective to do with (
chord ' (kord) noun chords a number of chromatic scale Noun a musical scale going up
musical notes sounded together or down in semitones
_ Chord 2(kord) noun chords a straight line
joining two points on a curve chromium (kroh- mee- um) noun a shiny
USAGE Do not confuse with cord. silvery metal
chore (chor) noun chores a regular or dull task chromosome (kroh- mos- ohm) Noun
choreography (ko- ree- og- ra- fee) Noun the chromosomes a tiny thread-like part of an
art of writing the steps for ballets or stage animal cell or plant cell, carrying genes
dances chronic apecrive lasting for a long time e a
> choreographer Noun chronic illness
chorus noun choruses 1 the words repeated > chronically apvers
after each verse of a song or poem 2 music chronicle youn chronicles a record of events
sung by a group of people 3.a group singing in the order that they happened
chronology (kron- ol- 0j- ee) noun the order of
chorus vers choruses, chorusing, chorused
events in the sequence in which they
sing or speak in chorus happened, e.g. in history
christen vers christens, christening, > chronological spective ]
christened 1 baptize 2 give a name or
nickname to a person or thing chrysalis youn chrysalises the hard cover a
> christening Noun caterpillar makes round itself before it changes
into a butterfly or moth
Christian youn Christians a person who
believes in Jesus Christ and his teachings chrysanthemum noun chrysanthemums a
Christian apjective to do with Christians or their garden flower that blooms in autumn
beliefs chubby apycrive chubbier, chubbiest plump
> Christianity noun > chubbiness noun

choose vers 1 We chose a quiet spot by the river. chorus noun 1 The chorus sang well. » choir,
> pick, pick out, select, opt for, plump for, go choral group, choral society, vocal ensemble
for, settle on, fix on, decide on 2 Mark chose to 2 Everyone can join in the choruses. » refrain,
goin first.» decide, elect, make up your mind, response
determine, prefer, resolve, see fit
christen vers 1 The church in which Tania was
chop vers 1 He was in the yard chopping wood. christened. » baptize, name 2His friends
> cut, hew 2Chop the vegetables into small christened him ‘The King’ >» name, dub, style,
chunks. » cut up, slice, split, dice designate
chop down The tree should be chopped down.
> cut down, fell chronic apective 1 achronicillness> persistent,
chop off His arm had been chopped off in an long-standing, lifelong, lingering, incurable
accident. » sever, amputate, detach, lop off OPPOSITES ARE acute, temporary 2 chronic food
chopper noun He cut up the logs with a chopper. shortages » constant, persistent, continuous,
> axe, cleaver continual
chore noun I spent the day cooking and doing chubby apyecrive a chubby little baby » plump,
household chores. » task, job, duty, burden, tubby, podgy, round, dumpy, portly, rotund,
errand stout, buxom
chuckle = circumcise
chuckle noun chuckles a quiet laugh cine-camera (sin- ee) NouN cine-cameras a
chuckle vers chuckles chuckling , chuckled camera used for taking moving pictures
laugh quietly cimema Noun cinemas 1 a place where films
chum noun chums (informal) a friend are shown 2 the business or art of making films
> chummy ADJECTIVE cipher (sy- fer) noun ciphers 1akind of code
chunk noun chunks a thick piece of something 2 the symbol 0, representing nought or zero
> chunky ADECTIVE
circle noun circles 1a perfectly round flat
church oun churches 1 a public building for shape or thing 2a number of people with
Christian worship 2. religious service in a similar interests 3 the balcony of a cinema or
church e I will see you after church. 3a theatre
particular Christian religion, e.g. the Church of
England circle vers circles, circling, circled moveina
churlish aoyective ill-mannered and unfriendly; circle; go round something
surly circuit (ser- kit) youn circuits 1 circular line
churn noun churns 1a large can in which milk orjourney 2 atrackformotor racing 3 the path
is carried from a farm 2a machine in which of an electric current
milk is beaten to make butter circular spective 1 shaped like a circle; round
churn vers churns, churning ,churned 2 moving round a circle
1 make butter in a churn 2 stir or swirl > circularity NOUN
churn out produce something in large circular youn circulars a letter or
quantities advertisement etc. sent to a number of people
chute (shoot) noun chutes a steep channel for circulate vers circulates, circulating,
people or things to slide down circulated 1 go round something
chutney noun chutneys a strong-tasting continuously e Blood circulates in the body.
mixture of fruit, peppers, etc., eaten with meat 2 pass from place to place 3 send something
[from Hindi chatni] round to a number of people
cider noun ciders an alcoholic drink made from circulation noun circulations 1 the
apples movement of blood around the body 2 the
cigar noun cigars a roll of compressed tobacco number of copies of each issue of a newspaper
leaves for smoking or magazine that are sold or distributed
cigarette \oun cigarettes a small roll of circumcise vers circumcises ,circumcising,
shredded tobacco in thin paper for smoking circumcised cut off the fold of skin at the tip of
cinder noun cinders a small piece of partly the penis
burnt coal or wood > circumcision Noun

chuck vers (informal) I'll chuck the letter in the earth. » orbit, go round, circumnavigate,
bin. » throw, toss, fling, hurl, dump, sling revolve round 3 The grass was circled by trees.
chuck out There are a lot of old clothes to chuck > surround, enclose, encircle, ring, skirt,
out. » throw away, discard, dispose of, reject, girdle, hem in
scrap circuit noun 1 two circuits of the playing field
chuckle vers Andrew chuckled as he left the room. > lap, turn, round, revolution 2 a racing circuit
> chortle, snigger, giggle, laugh > track, course
chunk noun little chunks of cheese on a plate; a circular Apjctive a circular window » round,
chunk of wood » lump, hunk, block, wedge, discshaped, ring-shaped USAGE You can also
piece, portion, slab use oval and elliptical to describe a shape that is
churn vers nearly circular but slightly flattened
churn up The propellers churned up the water. circular noun an advertising circular
> agitate, stir up, disturb > advertisement, leaflet, letter, notice,
churn out When he was young he churned out pamphlet
poem after poem. » produce, turn out circulate vers We circulated a notice about our
circle noun 1 The children stood ina circle ring, sale. > send round, distribute, issue, publicize,
FOUNGRELATED ADJECTIVE circular 2 He has a new publish, spread about, disseminate
circle offriends. » group, set, band, body, circulation noun 1 air circulation > flow,
company, society, association, gang, party motion, movement, course 2 the circulation of
circle vers 1 The birds circled over his head. information » dissemination, distribution,
> wheel, fly round, spiral 2 Satellites circle the spread, transmission, broadcasting 3.a
circumference = clairvoyant
circumference youn circumferences the line city Noun cities a large important town, usually
or distance round something, especially round with special rights given by a charter
a circle
Civic apjective 1 to do witha city or town 2 to do
circumflex accent noun circumflex accents with citizens
a mark over a vowel, as over e in féte civil Anective 1 polite and courteous 2 to do
circumnavigate vers circumnavigates, with citizens 3 to do with civilians; not military
e civil aviation
circumnavigating, circumnavigated sail
completely round something > civilly Aovers
> circumnavigation Noun civilian noun civilians a person who is not
serving in the armed forces
circumscribe vere circumscribes, civility Noun civilities politeness
circumscribing ,circumscribed 1 drawaline
round something 2 limit or restrict something civilization noun civilizations 1a society or
@ Her powers are circumscribed by many culture at a particular time in history e ancient
regulations. civilizations. 2.a developed or organized way of
life e We were far from civilization.
circumspect apjecrive cautious and watchful civilize vere civilizes, civilizing, civilized
> circumspection NouN bring culture and education to a primitive
circumstance noun circumstances a fact or community
condition connected with an event or person or Civil Service noun people employed by the
action government in various departments other than
the armed forces
circumstantial (ser- kum- stan- shal) Adjective
consisting of facts that strongly suggest civil war noun civil wars war between groups
something but do not actually prove it of people of the same country
@ circumstantial evidence claim vers claims, claiming, claimed 1 ask for
something to which you believe you have a
Circus noun circuses a travelling show usually right 2 declare; state something without being
performed ina tent, with clowns, acrobats, and able to prove it
sometimes trained animals [from Latin, = ring; > claimant Noun
related to circle]
claim noun claims 1 claiming 2something
cistern oun cisterns a tank for storing water claimed 3 a piece of ground claimed or
assigned to someone for mining etc.
citizen youn citizens a person belonging to a
particular city or country clairvoyant noun clairvoyants a person who
> citizenship Noun is said to be able to predict future events or
communicate mentally with people who are
citrus fruit youn citrus fruits alemon, dead orfar away
orange, grapefruit, or other sharp-tasting fruit > clairvoyance NOUN

newspaper’s circulation » distribution, rights » social, state, communal, national,
readership, sales figures public 4 civil politics » domestic, home,
circumstances P.urAL Noun 1 the right internal, national, local
economic circumstances » situation, conditions, civilization noun 1 ancient civilizations
state of affairs, factors, position, background > culture, society, people 2 advances in
2 The police wanted to know all the circumstances. civilization » human development, human
> facts, details, particulars, incidents, events achievements, human attainments,
citizen noun 14a British citizen » subject, enlightenment
national, taxpayer, voter RELATED ADJECTIVES
civic, civil, civilian 2 the citizens of Glasgow
civilized apjective 1a civilized nation
> advanced, developed, enlightened,
> inhabitant, resident, native, townsperson,
cultured, refined AN opposiTE Is uncivilized
householder 2 civilized behaviour > polite, orderly
city Noun a large city north of the river » town,
metropolis, conurbation RELATED ADJECTIVES claim vers 1 You can claim a refund at the office.
civic, urban > ask for, request, demand, collect, require,
take 2 He claimed the witness had been lying.
civil apjective 1 Iknow you don’t like her but try to > allege, maintain, contend, assert, avow,
be civil. » polite, respectful, well mannered, protest, insist
courteous, considerate, affable, civilized,
refined, obliging opposites ARE impolite, rude claim noun 1 daim for damages; an insurance
2 acivil wedding» secular, non-religious 3 civil claim » application, demand, request 2 Their

clamber = class
clamber vers clambers, clambering, clap noun claps 1 asudden sharp noise e a clap
clambered climb with difficulty of thunder. 2.a round of clapping e Give the
winners a clap. 3a friendly slap
clammy apjective damp and slimy
claret noun clarets a kind of red wine
clamour noun clamours 1a loud confused
clarify vere clarifies, clarifying, clarified
noise 2 an outcry; aloud protest or demand
make something clear or easier to understand
> clamorous ADJECTIVE
> clarification Noun
clamour vers clamours, clamouring, clarinet noun clarinets a woodwind
clamoured make aloud protest or demand instrument
clamp noun clamps a device for holding things > clarinettist Noun
tightly clarity youn clearness
clamp vers clamps, clamping, clamped _1 fix clash vere clashes ,clashing,clashed 1 makea
something with a clamp 2 fix something firmly loud sound like that of cymbals banging
clamp down on become stricter about together 2 conflict 3 (said about two or more
something or put a stop to it events) happen inconveniently at the same
clan noun clans a group sharing the same time 4 (said about colours) look unpleasant
ancestor, especially in Scotland together
> clash noun
clang noun clangs aloud ringing sound clasp noun clasps. 1 a device for fastening
> clang verB things, with parts that lock together 2. tight
clank noun clanks a sound like heavy pieces of grasp
metal banging together clasp vers clasps,clasping, clasped 1 grasp or
> clank vers hold tightly 2 fasten with a clasp
clap vers claps,clapping, clapped 1 strike the class noun classes 1a group of children,
palms of the hands together loudly, especially students, etc. who are taught together 2a
as applause 2 slap ina friendly way @ She group of similar people, animals, or things
clapped him on the shoulder. 3 put quickly 3 people of the same social or economic level
e They clapped him in gaol. 4 level of quality e first class

claim is hardly credible. » assertion, allegation, clash noun 1 There was a metallic clash as the two
contention, declaration vehicles came together. » crash, striking, bang
clammy agective 1 They sat waiting with clammy 2 Clashes followed between students and riot
hands for an hour and a half. » moist, sticky, police. » fight, conflict, hostilities, collision 3.4
sweaty, damp 2 The atmosphere was cold and clash between the president and his secretary of
clammy.» dank, humid, damp, moist, muggy, state » disagreement, altercation, argument,
slimy, sticky quarrel, exchange
clamp vers Each shelfisclamped to three brackets. clash vere 1 The cymbals clashed. crash, strike,
> fasten, fix, secure, attach, clip resound, bang 2 The violence began outside a
clamp down on a plan to clamp down on illegal chip shop, when rival gangs clashed. » disagree,
parking » reduce, suppress, end, stop, conflict, quarrel, wrangle, fight 3 The interview
eradicate, get tough on, crack down on clashes with my holiday. » coincide, conflict,
come at the same time (as)
clap noun 1 clap of thunder » crash, crack,
boom, bang, thunderclap 2 clap on the clasp noun 1 The bracelet needs a strong clasp.
shoulder » slap, thump, smack, blow > fastener, fastening, catch, hook, buckle, clip,
hasp, pin 2 His clasp loosened a bit, but he didn’t
clap vers 1 The audience clapped her performance. let her go. » hold, grasp, grip, embrace,
> applaud, cheer, acclaim 2 Someone clapped squeeze, hug, cuddle
me on the shoulder. » slap, hit, pat, smack
clasp vers 1 John clasped the woman in his arms.
claptrap noun (informal) He was speaking > hug, hold, embrace, squeeze, cling to,
claptrap. » nonsense, rubbish, gibberish, clutch, enfold, grasp, grip 2 Before leaving she
drivel, (informal) poppycock clasped his hand for a few moments. » grasp,
clarify vers To clarify matters, let us ask some hold, grip, clutch
basic questions. » explain, throw light on, class noun 1 Our hotel is quite good for its class.
elucidate, make clear, gloss, illuminate, define > category, grade, classification, group,
section, division, status 2 a new class of
clarity oun She explained the problem with great medicine » type,kind, sort, genre, species,
clarity. » clearness, lucidity, transparency, genus 3 discrimination on the basis ofsocial class
intelligibility, simplicity, precision, coherence > status, standing, position, station, caste,
class = clean
class vers classes, classing, classed arrange clause noun clauses 1a single part of a treaty,
things in classes or groups; classify law, or contract 2 part of a complex sentence,
classicanyctive generally agreed to be excellent with its own verb e There are two clauses in ‘We
or important choose what we want’.
classicyoun classics a classic book, film, writer, claustrophobiawoun fear of being inside an
etc. enclosed space
classical spective 1 to do with ancient Greek or clawnoun claws 1a sharp nail ona bird’s or A
Roman literature, art, or history 2 serious or animal's foot 2 a claw-like part or device used
conventional in style e classical music for grasping =
classified nective 1 put into classes or groups clay oun a kind of stiff sticky earth that
2 (said about information) declared officially to becomes hard when baked, used for making
be secret and available only to certain people bricks and pottery
p> clayey ADective qj
classify ers classifies, classifying, classified
arrange things in classes or groups cleanapective 1 without any dirt or marks or
> classificationjoun stains 2 fresh; not yet used 3 honourable; not
unfair e a clean fight 4 not indecent 5a clean
classroomyoun classrooms a room where a
catch is one made skilfully with no fumbling
class of children or students is taught > cleannessnoun
clattervers clatters, clattering, clattered
make a sound like hard objects rattling
cleanvers cleans, cleaning, cleaned make a j
together thing clean
> clatter Noun | cleamspvers completely e I dean forgot

grouping 4a history class » form, set, group, clattervers Something in the engine began to
stream clatter. » rattle, clank, clunk
class vere Her performance was classed as a clausewoun There is an extra clause in the new
distinction. » classify, categorize, group, contract. » section, article, condition,
grade, designate, rank, label provision, proviso, subsection, paragraph,
classicapyective 1 the classic book on the subject; item, part, passage
classic works of literature » definitive,
outstanding, established, best, ideal, time- clawnoun 1a bird’s claws » talon, nail 2a
honoured, abiding, enduring 2 a classic crab’s claw > pincer, nipper
example of how a good idea has gone wrong cleanapective 1 She went in to put on clean
> typical, characteristic, quintessential,
clothes.» washed, cleaned, laundered, pristine
archetypal, perfect
2 Keep the wound clean. » sterile, sterilized,
classicnoun The film has good points but is healthy, uncontaminated 3 Write your details
certainly not a classic. » masterpiece, on a clean sheet ofpaper. » blank, unused,
masterwork, model empty, plain, fresh, bare 4 The air is clean in the
classical apective 1 classical civilizations mountains, » pure, clear, fresh, untainted
m ancient, Greek and Roman 2a classical style 5 The family all led a clean life. » virtuous,
> traditional, simple, pure, restrained, honest, moral, decent, respectable,
elegant, well-proportioned 3 classical music; exemplary, blameless, upright, pure, innocent
classical ballet » traditional, established, 6 We hope for a clean fight. » fair, honest,
harmonious, highbrow AN OPPOSITE IS modern sporting 7 Make a clean cut with a sharp knife.
classificationnoun the classification of > smooth, neat, tidy, straight, accurate 81
volcanoes into active, dormant, and extinct; a decided to make a clean break with the place.
system of classification » categorization, > complete, total, thorough, decisive, final
division, grading, ordering, organization, cleamvers 117 go and clean the car. » wash,
codification, taxonomy sponge, hose down, shampoo, polish 2 We'll
classify vers We can classify the plants according have to clean the bathroom floor. » wash, wipe,
to the shape of their leaves. » categorize, class, sponge, scrub, sweep, mop, swab 3 Put out the
group, organize, grade, sort, catalogue, order clothes you want to be cleaned. » launder, dry-
classyapjective a classy outfit » stylish, elegant, clean 4 The whole room needs cleaning. » dust,
smart, chic, sophisticated, fashionable, high- brush, spruce up 5 Make sure you clean the
class, (more informal) posh, (more informal) wound. » cleanse, wash, bathe, disinfect,
snazzy sanitize, purify
clear = climate
clear apective 1 transparent; not muddy or clench vers clenches ,clenching ,clenched
cloudy 2 easy to see or hear or understand; close your teeth or fingers tightly
distinct 3 free from obstacles or unwanted clagy ‘Noun the people who have been
things 4 free from guilt e a clear conscience ordained as priests or ministers of the Christian
5 complete e Give three clear days' notice. Church
> clearly Apvers clearness NOUN > clergyman Noun clergywoman NOUN
clear apvers 1 distinctly; clearly e We heard you clerical apective 1 to do with the routine work
loud and clear. 2 completely e He got clear in an office, such as filing and writing letters
away. 3 apart; notin contact e Stand clear of the 2 to do with the clergy
doors. clerk (klark) noun clerks a person employed to
clear vers clears clearing cleared 1 make or keep records or accounts, deal with papers in
become clear 2 show that someone is innocent an office, etc.
or reliable 3 jump over something without clever apjective 1 quick at learning and
touching it 4 get approval or authorization for understanding things 2 skilful
something e Clear this with the headmaster. > cleverly Apvers cleverness NOUN
clear away remove used plates etc. after a cliché (klee- shay) noun clichés a phrase or idea
meal that is used so often that it has little meaning
clear off orout (informal) go away
clear up 1 make things tidy 2 become better click noun clicks a short sharp sound
or brighter 3 solve e clear up the mystery > click vere
clearing noun clearings an open space ina
client youn clients a person who gets help or
forest advice from a professional person such as a
lawyer, accountant, architect, etc.; a customer
clef oun clefs a symbol ona stave in music, cliff noun cliffs a steep rock face, especially ona
showing the pitch of the notes e treble clef
e bass clef
climate noun climates the regular weather
cleft noun clefts a split in something conditions of an area
clemency noun gentleness or mildness; mercy > climatic (kly- mat- ik) ADJECTIVE

clear apectve 1 clear instructions » plain, go above 8 The appeal judges are expected to
understandable, easy, direct, logical 2 It was clear him this week. » acquit, exonerate, free
clear we would have to wait. a clear case of AN OPPOSITE IS condemn
discrimination » evident, obvious, plain, clear up 1]I stay here and clear up the mess.
apparent, patent, blatant, glaring, manifest 3.a > tidy (up), clean (up) 21’m glad we’ve cleared
pool of clear water » transparent, translucent, up the misunderstanding. » resolve, explain,
crystalline 4 a clear blue sky » bright, straighten out, get to the bottom of
cloudless, unclouded, sunny, fair, fine 5 a clear clearly snvers 1 Clearly we will need to make
complexion» fresh, unblemished 6 a clear voice some changes. » obviously, evidently, surely,
> pure, distinct 7 The motorway was clear plainly, undoubtedly, patently 2 It is important
again by the afternoon. » open, unobstructed, to write clearly. » legibly, distinctly, intelligibly
unblocked, unrestricted, passable 8 a clear clench vers 1 She clenched her hands to stop them
conscience » untroubled, undisturbed, easy, shaking. » squeeze (tightly), press (together)
calm, guiltless, blameless 9a clear month’s 2 He looked ridiculous, clenching a rose in his
notice » full, whole, entire, complete, total teeth. » hold, clasp, grasp, grip
clear vers 1 The weather seemed to be clearing. clergymanclergywoman noun an elderly
> brighten, become brighter, turn fine, lighten clergyman in a cassock » cleric, churchman,
OPPOSITES ARE darken, get worse 2 Rain will churchwoman, man orwoman of God,
slowly clear from the south. » disappear, fade minister, priest, vicar, pastor, parson, chaplain
out, dwindle, disperse, recede, diminish, peter usage Special ranks of clerics include canon,
out, wear off, dry out 3 We should clear the curate, deacon, dean, rector
backlog of work by Friday. » complete,
eliminate, deal with, get rid of 4 a special tool for clever apjcrive a clever young student; It was
clearing drains » unblock, unclog, free, loosen clever ofyou to work that out. » intelligent,
AN OPPOSITE IS block 5I have cleared most of the bright, gifted, brilliant, intellectual, talented,
weeds. » tidy, remove, get rid of, eliminate, capable, (more informal) smart
disentangle 6 Staff were told to clear the building climate noun 1 countries with a temperate
immediately. » evacuate, empty, leave 7 The climate » weather, weather conditions,
ball cleared the bar easily. » go over, pass over, weather pattern 2a changed political climate
climax = close
climax noun climaxes the most interesting or cloak vers cloaks, cloaking, cloaked cover or
important point of a story, series of events, etc. conceal
climb vers climbs, climbing, climbed 1 go up cloakroomoun cloakrooms 1 a place where
or over or down something 2 grow upwards people can leave outdoor clothes, luggage, etc.
3 go higher 2a toilet
> climb noun. climber noun
clockwoun clocks 1 a device that shows what
climb dowmadmit that you have been wrong
the time is 2a measuring device with a dial or
clinch vers clinches, clinching, clinched digital display
1 settle something definitely e We hope to
clinch the deal today. 2 (said about boxers) be clock vers clocks, clocking, clocked
clasping each other clock in or out register the time you arrive at
> clinch noun work or leave work
clock up reach a certain speed
Cling vers clings, clinging, clung hold on
tightly clockwise spvers, anjective moving round a
circle in the same direction as a clock’s hands
clinic noun clinics a place where people see
doctors etc. for treatment or advice clockwork
noun a mechanism with a spring
Clinical agectve 1 to do with the medical that has to be wound up
treatment of patients 2 coldly efficient or aloof like clockwork very regularly
clinknoun clinks a thin sharp sound like glasses clod noun clods a lump of earth or clay
being struck together clognoun clogs a shoe with a wooden sole
> clink vers clog vers clogs, clogging, clogged block up
clip’ noun clips a fastener for keeping things cloisternoun cloisters a covered path along
together, usually worked by a spring the side of a church or monastery etc., round a
Clip vers clips, clipping, clipped fasten with a courtyard
clone noun clones an animal or plant made
Clip? vere clips, clipping, clipped 1 cut with from the cells of another animal or plant and
shears or scissors etc. 2 (informal) hit therefore exactly like it
clipnoun clips 1a short piece of film shown on clone vers clones, cloning, cloned produce a
its own 2 (informal) a hit on the head clone of an animal or plant
clippers p.ura. noun an instrument for cutting
close! (klohss) anective 1 near 2detailed or
concentrated e with close attention 3 tight; with
clique (kleek) noun cliques a small group of little empty space e a close fit 4 in which
people who stick together and keep others out competitors are nearly equal e a close contest
cloakwoun cloaks a sleeveless piece of outdoor 5 stuffy
clothing that hangs loosely from the shoulders > closely apvers closeness NOUN

> atmosphere, mood, spirit, ambience, clutch, embrace, grasp, hug 3 cling to! still
temper, trend, environment, feeling cling to the hope that I’m mistaken. » adhere to,
climaxwoun The appointment marked the climax stand by, abide by, have faith in, cherish
of her career.» peak, summit, acme, zenith, clipnoun 1 He undid the clip and opened the case.
highlight, high point, head AN OPPOSITE IS nadir > fastener, clasp, catch, hook 2a clip from a
climbvers 1 She climbed the stairs. » ascend, go film » excerpt, extract, section, fragment
up, mount, move up, scale, clamber up 2 The clip vere 1 It’s my job to clip the hedge. » cut,
plane climbed to 30,000 feet. » rise, ascend, fly trim, snip, prune, crop 2 Clip the coupon and
up, soar 3 The road climbs steeply into the hills. send it to the address below. » cut out, remove,
> rise, ascend, slope up 4 They climbed the detach, tear out 3 She clipped him on the head
mountain in three days. » conquer, reach the and made him yell. » slap, smack, hit, cuff
top of cloakwnoun 1 She threw her cloak over her
climb down The Government has had to climb shoulder. » cape, wrap, mantle, coat, cope,
down on the issue.» give way, back down, yield, robe 2. cloak of secrecy® screen, mask, shield,
retreat, capitulate cover, veneer
clinch vers eager to clinch a deal » conclude, clogvers Wet leaves had clogged the drains.
agree, settle, sign, close, ratify, confirm, > block, bung up, stop up, obstruct, choke
decide, make certain of, shake hands on, verify close,pective 1 close toA large proportion ofthe
cling vere 1 cling to Climbing plants cling to the world’s population lives close to rivers. » near,
walls. » adhere to, fasten on, stick to 2 cling near to, adjacent to, alongside, not far from, in
to Charles took her hand and clung toit. > clasp, the vicinity of, within reach of 2 close to He

close = club
close apvers closely e close behind clothing noun clothes
close nouncloses 1 astreet thatis closed at one cloud noun clouds 1 amass of condensed
end 2 an enclosed area, especially round a water vapour floating in the sky 2.a mass of
cathedral smoke, dust, etc., in the air
close 2 (klohz) vers closes, closing, closed cloudy spective cloudier,cloudiest 1 full of
Tshut 2end clouds 2 not transparent @ The liquid became
closein 1 get nearer 2 if the days are closing cloudy.
in, they are getting shorter > cloudiness noun
close noun end e at the close ofplay clover noun a small plant usually with three
close-up noun close-ups a photograph or leaves on each stalk
piece of film taken at close range in clover in ease and luxury
closure youn closures closing clown noun clowns 1 performer who does
amusing tricks and actions, especially in a
clot youn clots 1asmall mass of blood, cream, circus 2a person who does silly things
etc. that has become solid 2 (slang) a stupid
person cloying anjective sickeningly sweet
clot vers clots, clotting, clotted form clots club noun clubs 1 a heavy stick used as a
weapon 2 astick with a shaped head used to hit
cloth noun cloths 1 woven material or felt 2a the ball in golf 3.a group of people who meet
piece of this material 3 a tablecloth
because they are interested in the same thing;
clothes pzura noun things worn to cover the the building where they meet 4a playing card
body with black clover leaves on it 5a nightclub

seemed to be close to tears as he told the story. cloth noun a length of cloth » fabric, material,
> near to, on the verge of, on the brink of, on textile
the point of 3 The house is fairly close. » near, clothe vers 1 Despite the war she was able to
nearby 4 At last an agreement seemed close. clothe herself well. » dress, fit out, attire 2be
> imminent, impending, at hand 5 It was a clothed in He was clothed in a long striped
very close contest. » even, level, evenly garment. » be dressed in, be attired in, wear
matched, evenly balanced, hard-fought 6 The
aircraft were flying in a close formation. » tight, clothes piurai noun She wore lovely clothes,
dense, concentrated, compact 7 They are close beautifully made from fine materials. » clothing,
friends. » intimate, dear, devoted, loving, garments, attire, garb, dress, (more informal)
constant 8 The problem needs our close attention. QearRELATED ADJECTIVE sartorial
> careful, thorough, fixed, concentrated, cloud noun 1 Visibility was affected by cloud.
keen, intense 9 The weather had become > haze, vapour, mist 2a cloud of steam
somewhat close. » humid, muggy, stuffy, > mass, billow, haze, mist, puff
airless, heavy, sticky, clammy, oppressive
cloud vers 1A light haze clouded the view.
close vers 1 Come in and close the door. » shut, > obscure, shade, hide, conceal, shroud, mist,
lock, secure, fasten, bolt 2 The road was closed dim 2 Anger clouded their judgement.
at the far end. » block off, cordon off, bar, > confuse, obscure, blur, muddle, obfuscate
barricade, obstruct 3 The chairman closed the
meeting at this point. » conclude, end, finish, cloudy apjctive 1. cloudy sky» overcast, dull,
stop, terminate, discontinue, wind up, grey, gloomy, hazy, leaden OPPOSITES ARE clear,
complete 4 The hole had been closed with a wad bright 2 The water went cloudy. » hazy, milky,
ofpaper. > fill, stop, seal, plug, bung 5 a plan to murky, muddy AN OPPOSITE IS clear
close the gap between rich and poor » narrow, clout vers His mother clouted him on the ear.
reduce, lessen, shorten, fill, make smaller > hit, slap, thump, bash, box, smack, cuff,
close noun At the close ofpolling, the votes are strike
collected in a central area. » end, finish, clout youn She threatened him with another clout
completion, conclusion, cessation, termination on the ear. » slap, smack, thump, bash
clot noun 1. clot of blood » lump, mass, (in an clown noun They regarded him as the clown ofthe
artery or vein) embolism, thrombosis group. » joker, jester, comedian, comic, fool,
2 (informal) Ifelt a real clot. » fool, idiot funny man orwoman, buffoon
clot vere a substance to make the blood clot club noun 1 He had been hit with a heavy club.
> coagulate, congeal, set, thicken, solidify, > cosh, cudgel, bat, bludgeon, truncheon,
stiffen baton, stick 2 She belonged to a local book club.
club = coarse
club vers clubs, clubbing, clubbed hit with a clutter vers clutters, cluttering, cluttered fill
heavy stick with clutter e Piles ofpapers cluttered her desk. Gg

club together join with other people in order Co.ABBREVIATION Company

to pay for something e club together to buy a
CO=pREFIX 1 together, jointly (as in coexistence,
cluck vere clucks, clucking, clucked make a cooperate) 2 joint (as in co-pilot)
hen’s throaty cry
> cluck Noun coach nouy coaches 1 bus used for long
clue noun clues something that helps a person journeys 2.a carriage of arailway train 3 alarge
to solve a puzzle or a mystery horse-drawn carriage with four wheels 4 an
not have a clue (informal) be stupid or instructor in sports 5 a teacher giving private
helpless specialized tuition
clump noun clumps 1a cluster or mass of coach vers coaches, coaching, coached
things 2 a clumping sound instruct or train somebody, especially in sports
clump vere clumps, clumping, clumped coagulate vers coagulates, coagulating,
1 form a cluster or mass 2 walk with a heavy coagulated change from liquid to semi-solid;
tread clot
clumsy spective clumsier, clumsiest 1 heavy > coagulation Noun
and ungraceful; likely to knock things over or coal noun coals a hard black mineral substance
drop things 2 not skilful; not tactful e a clumsy used for burning to supply heat; a piece of this
apology coalesce (koh- a- less) vers coalesces,
> clumsily aovers clumsiness NOUN coalescing, coalesced combine and form one
cluster oun clusters a small close group whole thing
cluster vere clusters, clustering, clustered > coalescence Noun
form a cluster coalition noun coalitions atemporary
clutch vers clutches, clutching, clutched alliance, especially of two or more political
grasp tightly parties in order to form a government
clutch oun clutches 1a tight grasp 2 a device cOarseapjective 1 not smooth or delicate; rough
for connecting and disconnecting the engine of 2 composed of large particles 3 not refined;
a motor vehicle from its gears vulgar
clutter youn things lying about untidily > coarsely ADVERB coarseness NOUN

> society, association, circle, group, union, clusternoun 1 duster of buildings » group,
organization, league, set bunch, collection 2a cluster ofpeople > crowd,
club vers The man had been clubbed almost to group, gathering, body, throng, assembly
death. » beat, batter, cosh, cudgel, hit, strike, clutch vers They were all clutching beer mugs.
(more informal) clobber > grip, grasp, clasp, hold
clue noun 1 Give me a clue what it’s all about. clutter youn It’s difficult to work with all this
> hint, indication, sign, pointer, inkling, tip, clutter around. » mess, muddle, confusion,
idea, suggestion, key 2 Police are looking for untidiness, disorder, jumble, junk, litter,
clues in the immediate area of the crime. » piece lumber, mix-up, odds and ends, rubbish
of evidence, lead, evidence clutter vere Bits of broken machinery cluttered the
not have a clue (informal)Ididn’t have a clue yard. > litter, fill, cover, bestrew, mess up
what to do next. » have no idea, be baffled, be coachwoun 1 The coach takes the motorway.
completely stuck, be at a loss, (more informal) > bus, motorcoach 2a railway coach
not have the faintest idea > carriage, wagon, van 3. sports coach
clumpwoun 1 aclump of trees cluster, group, > trainer, instructor, teacher
mass, thicket, bunch, bundle, collection 2a coach vers Michael coached her to an
clump ofgrass » tuft, bundle, bunch 3.a clump international standard. » train, instruct, tutor,
of earth » lump, clod, mass teach, prepare
clumsy apective 1 She was clumsy and spilt most coalition oun a coalition from the three main
of the milk. » inept, bungling, bumbling, political parties » combination, alliance, union,
blundering, fumbling, uncoordinated, unskilful partnership
OPPOSITES ARE Careful, adroit 2 His movements cOarseADEcTIVE 1 coarse sand; coarse cloth
looked clumsy. » awkward, ungainly, graceless, > rough, unrefined, unprocessed, lumpy,
ungraceful, gawky, gangling, fumbling gritty OPPOSITES ARE fine, soft 2 coarse language
OPPOSITES ARE graceful, elegant > crude, vulgar, offensive; bawdy, lewd, foul,
coarsen = cogitate
cOarsen vers coarsens, coarsening, cockroach noun cockroaches a dark brown
coarsened make or become coarse ~ beetle-like insect, often found in dirty houses
coast youn coasts the seashore or the land cocksure ,pjctive very sure; too confident
close to it COCOA NOUN Cocoas 1a hot drink made froma
> coastal apjective coastline Noun powder of crushed cacao seeds 2 this powder
the coast is clear there is no chance of being
seen or hindered coconut youn coconuts 1 large round nut
coastguard noun coastguards a person that grows ona kind of palm tree 2 its white
whose job is to keep watch on the coast, detect lining, used in sweets and cookery
or prevent smuggling, etc. COCOON Noun cocoons 1 the covering round a
coat noun coats 1a piece of clothing with chrysalis 2a protective wrapping
sleeves, worn over other clothes 2 the hair or cod youn cod a large edible sea fish
fur on an animal’s body 3 a covering layer e a
code noun codes 1 aword or phrase used to
coat ofpaint represent a message in order to keep its
coat vers coats, coating, coated cover meaning secret 2 a set of signs used in sending
something with a coating messages by machine etc. e the Morse code 3a
coating noun coatings a thin covering or layer set of numbers that represents an area in
coat of arms noun coats of arms a design on telephoning e Do you know the code for
a shield, used as an emblem by a family or Norwich? 4a set of laws or rules @ the Highway
institution Code
cCOaX vers coaxes, coaxing, coaxed persuade code vers codes, coding, coded put a message
someone gently or patiently into code
cobalt noun a hard silvery-white metal coeducation youn educating boys and girls
cobble noun cobbles a rounded stone used for together
paving streets etc. > coeducational jective
> cobbled spective cobblestone noun
coefficient youn coefficients a number by
cobra (koh- bra) Noun cobras a poisonous which another number is multiplied; a factor
snake that can rear up
coexist vers coexists, coexisting, coexisted
cobweb joun cobwebs the thin sticky net
exist together or at the same time
made by a spider to trap insects > coexistence noun coexistent ADjECTIVE
cocaine noun a drug made from the leaves of a
tropical plant called coca coffee youn coffees 1a hot drink made from
the roasted ground seeds (coffee beans) of a
cock youn cocks 1 amale chicken 2a male bird
tropical plant 2 these seeds
3 astopcock 4a lever ina gun
cock vers cocks, cocking, cocked 1 makea coffin youn coffins along boxin whicha bodyis
gun ready to fire by raising the cock 2 turn buried or cremated
something upwards or in a particular direction COg Noun Cogs one of anumber of tooth-like
e The dog cocked its ears. parts round the edge of a wheel, fitting into
cockatoo noun cockatoos a crested parrot and pushing those on another wheel
cockerel youn cockerels a young male chicken cogent (koh- jent) agective convincing @ a
cocker spaniel youn cocker spaniels a kind cogent argument
of small spaniel cogitate vers cogitates, cogitating,
cockpit youn cockpits the epee ne cogitated think deeply about something
where the pilot of an aircraft sits > cogitation Noun

dirty, smutty, indecent, indelicate, improper, cOaxX vers It was impossible to coax them back
obscene, ribald OPPOSITES ARE refined, polite home. > persuade, tempt, cajole, allure, entice,
coast noun a house by the coast » seaside, induce, wheedle, beguile, inveigle, woo
seashore, sea, shore, beach, coastline, code noun 1 code of conduct; a social code
seaboard > system, set of rules, set of principles 2 The
coat noun 1 Put on a coat ifyou go out. message was written in code. » cipher, secret
> overcoat, jacket 2 the coat of an animal language
> fur, hair, hide, pelt, skin, fleece 3. coat of
coerce vers He was coerced into signing an
paint > layer, coating, covering, veneer
agreement. » pressure, pressurize, force (to),
coat vers Coat the surface with varnish. » cover, compel (to), constrain (to), bully, browbeat,
paint, glaze, varnish, laminate, smear intimidate
coherent = collapse
coherent (koh- heer- ent) apjective clear, cold nective 1 having alow temperature; not
reasonable, and making sense warm 2 not friendly or loving; not enthusiastic
> coherently apdvers > coldly Apvers coldness Noun
coil Noun coils something wound into a spiral get cold feet have doubts about doing
something bold or ambitious
coil vers coils, coiling, coiled wind something give someone the cold shoulder be
into a coil deliberately unfriendly
Coin NOUN coins a piece of metal, usually round, cold noun colds 1 lack of warmth; low
used as money temperature; cold weather 2 an infectious
Coin vere coins, coining, coined illness that makes your nose run, your throat
1 manufacture coins 2 invent a word or phrase sore, etc.
coincide vere coincides, coinciding, cold-blooded apctive 1 having a body
coincided 1 happen at the same time as temperature that changes according to the
something else 2 be in the same place 3 be the surroundings 2 callous; deliberately cruel
same @ My opinion coincided with hers. collaborate vers collaborates,
_coincidence noun coincidences the collaborating, collaborated work together
happening of similar events at the same time ona job
by chance > collaboration Noun collaborator NOUN
colander noun colanders a bowl-shaped collapse vers collapses, collapsing,
container with holes in it, used for straining collapsed 1 break or fall to pieces; fall in
water from vegetables etc. after cooking 2 become very weak or ill 3 fold up

coercion noun Some form of coercion is needed to cold anjctive 1a cold day; cold weather > chilly, m
get them to start work. » compulsion, pressure, cool, fresh, freezing, icy, raw, bitter, biting,
force, constraint, intimidation, duress, perishing, wintry, (more informal) nippy, (more
harassment informal) parky AN OpPosITE!S hot 21 was
coherent anectve a coherent argument feeling cold. » chilly, chilled, shivery, freezing,
> logical, reasonable, rational, lucid, clear, frozen AN OPPOSITE IS hot 3 a cold reception
sound, cogent, compelling, persuasive > unfriendly, unsympathetic, unwelcoming,
OPPOSITES ARE incoherent, illogical cool, frosty, lukewarm, forbidding, indifferent,
unenthusiastic OPPOSITES ARE warm, friendly
coil noun coils of rope > loop, twist, ring, spiral,
roll, turn cold noun We all feel the cold in winter.
> coldness, chill, chilliness
coil vers He coiled her hair round his finger.
> curl, wind, twine, loop, roll cold-blooded apjctive cold-blooded murder
coin noun 14 pile of silver coins » piece, bit > cruel, brutal, savage, barbaric, callous,
2 large quantities of coin» change, loose inhuman, pitiless, merciless, sadistic
change, small change, coppers, silver AN OPPOSITE IS humane
Coin vers 1 The city began to coin silver money at collaborate vers 1 Several companies have
this time. » mint, make, mould, stamp RELATED collaborated to develop a new vaccine.
ADJECTIVE Numismatic 2A Czech writer coined > cooperate, combine, unite, work together,
the word ‘robot’. » invent, devise, make up, join forces, team up 2 Several villagers were
create, originate, think up, conceive accused of collaborating with the enemy.
> conspire, fraternize, collude, consort,
coincide vers 1 It was a nuisance that the two cooperate
programmes coincided. » come together, occur
simultaneously, happen at the same time, collaboration noun 1 The work was done in
overlap, clash 2 coincide with His life coincides collaboration with a British firm. » association,
with the decline of the Empire. » clash, coexist, cooperation, partnership, combination,
fall together, happen together, synchronize alliance, tandem 2 collaboration with the enemy
3 Your interests and ours do not always coincide. > collusion, connivance, conspiring
> correspond, tally, agree, match, accord, collaborator oun 1 She wrote the book with
harmonize the help of a collaborator. » associate,
coincidence noun The resemblance was just colleague, partner, co-worker, co-author
coincidence. » accident, chance, fluke, luck, 2 After the war he was accused of being a
providence collaborator. » traitor, fraternizer, colluder,
coincidental apectve Any resemblance is purely defector, fifth-columnist, quisling
coincidental. » accidental, fortuitous, by collapse vers 1 Part of the floor collapsed. > fall
chance, unintentional in, cave in, fall down, give way, crumble,
collapse = colour
collapse noun collapses 1 collapsing 2a collide vers collides, colliding, collided crash
breakdown into something
collapsible apyctive able to be folded up e a > collision noun
collapsible bed colloquial (col- oh- kwee- al) anjective suitable
collar youn collars 1 the part of a piece of for conversation but not for formal speech or
clothing that goes round your neck 2.a band writin
> colloquially apvers Colloquialism Noun
that goes round the neck of a dog, cat, horse,
etc. colon 'youn colons a punctuation mark (:),
often used to introduce lists
colleague youn colleagues a person you work
with colon 2 youn colons the largest part of the
collect (kol- ekt) vers collects, collecting,
collected 1 bring people or things together colonel (ker- nel) noun colonels an army
from various places 2 obtain examples of officer in charge of a regiment
things as a hobby e She collects stamps. 3 come colonial apjctive to do with a colony
together 4 ask for money or contributions etc. colonize vers colonizes, colonizing,
from people 5 fetch e Collect your coat from the colonized establish a colony in a country
cleaners. > colonist youn colonization noun
> collector youn colony noun colonies 1 anareaoflandthat the
collection youn collections 1 collecting people of another country settle in and control
2 things collected 3 money collected for a 2 the people of acolony 3.a group of people or
charity etc. animals of the same kind living close together
collective noun youn collective nouns a colossal anjctive immense; enormous [from
noun that is singular in form but refers to many colossus = huge statue, from the bronze statue
individuals taken as a unit, e.g. army, herd of Apollo at Rhodes, called the Colossus of
college noun colleges a place where people Rhodes]
can continue learning something after they colour youn colours 1 the effect produced by
have left school waves of light of a particular wavelength 2 the

crumple, tumble down, buckle, disintegrate outside the ground » group, crowd, gathering,
2 People were collapsing in the heat.» faint, pass band, accumulation 3a collection of poems
out, lose consciousness, black out, keel over, > anthology, selection, compilation, treasury,
(more informal) flake out 3 Harriet collapsed miscellany
exhausted in her chair. » fall, sink, slump 4 The college youn a college ofart» school, academy,
banking system was about to collapse. > fail, institute, conservatory
break down, founder, come to grief
collide vers 1 collide with A van collided head
collapse youn 1 the collapse ofpart of the floor on with the stolen vehicle. » crash into, smash
> cave-in, disintegration, subsidence 2 the into, hit, strike 2 The two vehicles collided head
collapse ofpeace talks » breakdown, failure, on. crash, hit each other, run into each other,
foundering meet
collect vers 1 He collected data from over fifty collision oun a collision on the motorway
countries. » accumulate, gather, assemble, > crash, accident, smash, pile-up
amass, accrue, bring together 2 The squirrels
scurried round collecting nuts. » gather, heap,
colloquial anjective colloquial language
> informal, conversational, everyday, casual,
hoard, lay up, pile up, put by, reserve, save,
vernacular AN OPPOSITE!S formal
scrape together, stockpile, store AN OPPOSITE IS
scatter 3 People collected to watch the fireworks. colony noun 1 Britain’s former colonies in the
> assemble, gather, come together, region » territory, possession, dependency,
congregate, crowd round, convene, converge, dominion, protectorate, province, settlement,
flock, group, muster AN OPPOSITE IS disperse outpost 2 the British colony in New York
4 We are collecting money for charity. » raise, > population, community
appeal for, ask for, seek, solicit 5 I must collect colossal Aective a colossal building » huge,
the children from school. » fetch, get, meet, go massive, enormous, gigantic, immense, vast,
and get, bring, call for OPPOSITES ARE take, drop giant, towering, mammoth, monumental,
off elephantine AN OPPOSITE IS tiny
collection youn 1 collection of strange objects colour noun 1 You can choose from over thirty
> assortment, accumulation, hoard, array, beautiful colours.» hue, shade, tint, tone,
cluster, conglomeration, heap, mass, pile, tinge, pigment, tincture, colouring 2 The
supply, stock, set, stack 2 a collection ofpeople exercise put some colour back in her cheeks.
colour = combine
use of various colours, not only black and white coma (koh- ma) Noun comas a state of deep
3 the colour of someone’s skin 4a substance unconsciousness, especially in someone
used to colourthings 5 the special flag of a ship who is ill or injured [from Greek koma = deep
or regiment
colour vers colours, colouring, coloured
1 put colour on; paint or stain 2 blush comb noun combs 1 astrip of wood or plastic
3 influence what someone says or believes etc. with teeth, used to tidy hair or hold it in
> colouring NOUN place 2 something used like this, e.g. to
separate strands of wool 3 the red crest ona
colour-blind spective unable to see the
difference between certain colours fowl’s head 4 a honeycomb

coloured apectve 1 having colour 2havinga comb vers combs, combing, combed 1 tidy
dark skin hair with a comb 2 search thoroughly
USAGE The word coloured, used to describe combat noun, vers combats, combating,
people, is often considered to be insulting. It is combated fight
better to use black.
> combatant (kom- ba- tant) Noun
colourful spective 1 full of colour 2 lively; with
vivid details combination noun combinations
1 combining 2a number of people or things
column noun columns 1a pillar 2 something that are combined
long or tall and narrow e a column of smoke 3.a combination lock a lock that is opened by
vertical section of a page e There are two using a special sequence of numbers or letters
columns on this page. 4a regular article ina
newspaper combine (komb-I'n) vers combines,
> columnist Noun combining, combined join or mix together

> bloom, redness, pinkness, glow, rosiness, column noun 1 The temple stood on massive
ruddiness 3 colours the team’s new colours columns. > pillar, support, pilaster, post,
> strip, kit, uniform, livery, outfit 4 colours upright 2 His sister writes a column in the local
the regimental colours » banner, ensign, flag, newspaper. » article, report, feature, review,
standard editorial 3 a column offigures > list, line, string
4 The troops advanced in three columns. > line,
colour vers 1 Why not colour it blue? » paint, row, rank
tint, tinge, dye, stain, shade, colourwash 2 Her
face began to colour. » blush, flush, redden, go comb vers 1 He looked for a mirror to comb his
red opposites ARE fade, go pale 3 The experience hair. » groom, tidy, neaten, arrange, smarten
had coloured his judgement. » influence, affect, up, smooth out, untangle 2 Police combed the
prejudice, sway, impinge on, slant, bias, house and garden for signs of a struggle.
distort, pervert > search, scour, explore, rake, ransack, hunt,
colourful apective 1 a colourful bunch offlowers combat noun Many men were killed in the combat
> brilliant, bright, showy, radiant, vibrant, that followed. » action, battle, fight, fighting,
gaudy, iridescent, multicoloured, psychedelic hostilities, warfare, engagement, encounter,
OPPOSITES ARE colourless, dull 2 a colourful armed conflict, contest, clash
account of the incident » graphic, vivid,
dramatic, picturesque, animated, exciting, combat vers new measures to combat crime
stimulating, striking, florid, picturesque, rich > fight, battle against, tackle, contest,
opposites ARE dull, plain 3 music and colourful counter, contend against, stand up to, strive
dancing » lively, flamboyant, glamorous, against, struggle against, withstand, face up
energetic, dashing, vigorous, flashy to, grapple with, oppose, resist
AN OPPOSITE IS restrained combination noun 1 a combination of luck and
colourless spective 1 a bottle of colourless liquid good judgement » blend, mixture,
> transparent, uncoloured, neutral, watery 2a amalgamation, fusion, synthesis 2 The evidence
was considered in combination with other factors.
colourless complexion » pale, pallid, wan,
> conjunction, association
anaemic, sickly 3 a colourless personality > dull,
uninteresting, unexciting, boring, tedious, combine vers 1 His father combines a social visit
insipid, dismal, drab, characterless, dreary, with a trip to the laundry. » merge,
vapid, lacklustre, monotonous AN OPPOSITE IS amalgamate, join (to) 2 Several drivers
colourful combined to get everyone home. » cooperate,
combustion = comma
combustion noun the process of burning, a comfort noun comforts 1a comfortable
chemical process (accompanied by heat) in feeling or condition 2 soothing somebody who
which substances combine with oxygen in air is unhappy or in pain 3 a person or thing that
gives comfort
come vers comes, coming ,came,come
1 move towards somewhere @ Come here! comfort vers comforts ,comforting,
2 arrive at or reach a place or condition or result comforted make a person less unhappy;
e They came to a city. e We came to a decision. soothe
3 happen e How did you come to lose it? 4 occur comfortable spective 1 (said about a person)
or be present @ It comes on the next page.
physically relaxed and feeling good 2 making
5 result e That's what comes of being careless.
someone physically relaxed @ a comfortable
come by obtain
come in for receive a share of
> comfortably spvers
come to 1 amount to 2 become conscious
again comic spective making people laugh
come to pass (old use) happen > comical Apjective comically apvers
comedian noun comedians someone who comic strip a series of drawings telling a story,
entertains people by making them laugh especially a funny one
comedy noun comedies 1 play or film etc. comic noun comics 1a paper full of comic
that makes people laugh 2 humour [from strips 2a comedian
Greek komos = noisy fun + oide = song] comma Noun commas a punctuation mark (,)
comet noun comets an object moving across used to mark a pause in a sentence or to
the sky with a bright tail of light separate items ina list

collaborate, join forces, pool resources, come comedy noun The show contained a great deal of
together, get together, link up, unite comedy. » humour, farce, wit, jesting,
facetiousness, clowning, satire, slapstick, fun,
come vers 1 Our friends came last night. joking, buffoonery, hilarity
> arrive, appear, visit, (more informal) turn up
2 Spring came early this year. » occur, happen comfort noun 1 They like to live in comfort.
3come to Eventually they came to a river. > ease, tranquillity, luxury, opulence,
> reach, arrive at, get to, come across, happen prosperity, relaxation, well-being
on, approach, near 4come to The shirt came to OPPOSITES ARE. discomfort, hardship 2 We tried
his knees. » reach, extend to to offer the unfortunate woman some words of
come about > happen, occur, (more formal) comfort. » consolation, sympathy,
come to pass condolence, commiseration, encouragement,
come across I came across an old friend. > find, moral support, reassurance, solace, succour,
encounter, discover, chance upon, meet, (more support, aid, help OPPOSITES ARE misery, grief
informal) bump into
come apart One of my shoes came apart. comfort vers Her sister tried to comfort her.
> disintegrate, fall to pieces, break up > console, soothe, cheer, assuage, hearten,
come clean You'd better come clean before they encourage, reassure, solace, sympathize with
find out. » confess, own up
come out with Goodness knows what he'll. come comfortable apjctive 1a comfortable chair; a
out with next. » say, let out, utter, disclose comfortable house » snug, cosy, relaxing,
come round It took nearly an hour for her to convenient, pleasant, easy, enjoyable, roomy,
come round after the operation. » recover, plush, soft, well furnished, warm, (more
wake, awake informal) comfy AN OPPOSITE IS uncomfortable
come up Something has come up and she has had 2 comfortable shoes » well fitting, well made,
to leave. » arise, occur, happen, crop up snug 3 a comfortable lifestyle » prosperous,
come upon He came upon a little hut in the affluent, pleasant, well off, luxurious, agreeable
wood. » find, discover, (more informal) bump
into comic apjective The effect of the speech was almost
comic. » comical, humorous, funny, amusing,
comeback noun The band has achieved an entertaining, diverting, laughable, facetious,
amazing comeback. » recovery, revival, hilarious, absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous
resurgence, rally, upturn
comic noun 1 The show included a rather feeble
comedian noun a well-known television comic. » comedian, entertainer, jester, clown,
comedian » comic, entertainer, humorist, wit, humorist 2A girl was buying a comic to read on
jester, buffoon, clown, fool, joker, wag the train. » magazine, cartoon paper
command = commiserate
command noun commands 1a statement commence vers commences, commencing,
telling somebody to do something; an order commenced begin a
2 authority; control 3 abilitytouse something; > commencement NOUN Fe
mastery @ She has a good command of Spanish. commend vers commends, commending, 0
command vers commands, commanding, commended 1 praise e He was commended for
commanded 1 give acommand to bravery. 2 entrust e We commend him to your
somebody; order 2 have authority over care.
3 deserve and get e They command our respect. > commendation noun
> commander Noun comment noun comments an opinion given
about an event etc. or to explain something
commandeer vers commandeers,
commandeering, commandeered take or comment vers comments, commenting,
seize something for military purposes or for commented make a comment
your own use commentary vers commentaries a
description of an event by someone who is
commandment noun commandments a watching it, especially for radio or television
sacred command, especially one of the Ten > commentate vers commentator NOUN HD
Commandments given to Moses
commercial apjective 1 to do with commerce
commando noun commandos a soldier 2 paid for by firms etc. whose advertisements H
trained for making dangerous raids are included e commercial radio 3 profitable
commemorate vers commemorates, > commercially apvers
commemorating, commemorated be a commercial youn commercials a broadcast
celebration or reminder of some past event or advertisement a
person etc. commiserate vers commiserates,
> commemoration noun commemorative commiserating, commiserated sympathize t
ADJECTIVE > commiseration Noun

command noun 1 Officers shouted commands. acclaim AN OPPOSITE |S criticize 2 They have done
> order, instruction, directive, direction, well and I commend them unreservedly.
requirement 2 He has twenty men under his > recommend, endorse, support, vouch for
command. » authority, control, direction,
charge, leadership, supervision, jurisdiction comment noun 1I have had some very positive
comments about it. » remark, opinion,
3 She has a good command of French and
criticism, observation, reference, statement, “Y
German. » knowledge, mastery, grasp,
mention 2 He added a few comments at the end
understanding, comprehension, grip, fluency
of the paper. » note, annotation, footnote,
(in) gloss 3 The news caused a lot of comment in the =
command vers 1 He commanded his men to press. » discussion, debate, interest, 3
advance. ® order, instruct, direct, tell, call on, consideration
require, bid 2 Meredith commands a squadron.
> be in charge of, be in command of, have comment vers comment on The article
charge of, lead, head, manage, supervise, rule, commented on the problems of travel in the area. P
control, govern > mention, discuss, refer to, allude to, remark ‘
on, touch on, speak about
commander noun Army commanders were
discouraged from getting involved in politics. commentary Noun 1a commentary on the test
> chief, leader, officer, general, head, captain, match » description, report, narration, vid
commanding officer account 2 The second part contains a
commentary on the text. » analysis, criticism, Y
commemorate vers The ceremony
critique, explanation, review, interpretation, <
commemorated those who died in war.
treatise, discourse, elucidation, notes
> celebrate, honour, salute, remember, be a
memorial to, be a reminder of, pay respects to, commerce noun Settlers came to Gaul for the
pay tribute to sake of commerce. » trade, trading, buying and
commence vers 1 Work will commence in the selling, business, dealing, traffic, (old-
spring. » begin, start, get under way 2 He has fashioned) merchandising
now commenced his contract with an Italian club. commercial apjective 1 The ships were built for
> begin, start, inaugurate, launch, open, get commercial use. » trading, trade, business,
under way economic, financial, mercantile 2 She turned to
commend vers 1 The committee commended her writing as a commercial venture. » business,
for a thorough and useful report. » praise, monetary, financial, profitable, profit-making,
compliment, congratulate, applaud, salute, viable, lucrative

commission = commotion
commission youn commissions: 1 a task common apyective 1 ordinary; usual; found or
formally given to someone e@ a commission to occurring frequently @ a common weed 2 of all
paint a portrait 2 an appointment to be an or most people @ They worked for the common
officer in the armed forces 3.a group of people good. 3 shared @ Music is their common interest.
given authority to do or investigate something 4 vulgar
4 payment to someone for selling your goods > commonly sdvers Commonness NOUN
etc. in common shared by two or more people or
commission vers commissions, things
commissioning, commissioned give a
commission to a person or for a task etc. Common Market noun a group of European
commit vers commits, committing, - countries that trade freely together
committed 1 door perform e commita crime commonplace spective ordinary; usual
2 place in someone’s care or custody e He was
committed to prison. 3 promise that you will common sense youn normal good sense in
make your time etc. available for a particular thinking or behaviour
purpose e Don't commit all your spare time to
commonwealth noun 1a group of countries
helping him.
cooperating together 2 a country made up of
commitment youn commitments an association of states e the Commonwealth of
something you have agreed to do or to be
involved in; an obligation
the Commonwealth 1 an association of
committee youn committees a group of
Britain and various other countries that used to
people appointed to deal with something
be part of the British Empire, including Canada,
commodity youn commodities a useful Australia, and New Zealand 2 the republic set
thing; a product
up in Britain by Oliver Cromwell, lasting from
commodore noun commodores 1 a naval 1649 to 1660
officer ranking next below a rear admiral 2 the
commander of part of a fleet commotion noun an uproar; a fuss

commission noun 1.4 commission to paint the COMMON ADEcTive 1 This is a common question.
family’s portraits » assignment, appointment, Accidents are quite common on this stretch of
contract, order, mandate, charge, instruction, road. » frequent, regular, usual, normal,
project, undertaking, task habitual, customary, familiar, standard,
commission vers They went on to commission typical, routine, everyday 2 Her parents had
him to build a palace for the queen. » appoint, thought some of her friends were too common for
engage, contract, recruit, employ, hire, retain, her. > inferior, low-class, ill-bred, vulgar,
delegate, select, nominate coarse, crude 3 There is a common belief in these
commit vers 1 He swore he had not committed superstitions. » widespread, general, popular,
any crime. » carry out, be guilty of, be universal, prevalent, conventional, established,
responsible for, perform, perpetrate, do, accepted 4 working for the common good
effect, enact, execute, (more informal) pull off > collective, communal, public, shared, joint
2 The child was committed to her care.» entrust,
consign, hand over, give over, turn over, commonplace spective 1a commonplace
deliver, deposit occurrence > common, regular, normal,
commit yourself to Students often have to typical, familiar, routine, standard, everyday,
commit themselves to long leases on lodgings. typical, unremarkable AN OPPOSITE IS unusual
> undertake, pledge, guarantee, promise, 2. commonplace style of writing » ordinary,
contract plain, simple, unremarkable, undistinguished,
commitment woun 1 The contract included a average, indifferent, humdrum, pedestrian,
commitment to complete the work by the end of prosaic OPPOSITES ARE remarkable, original
the year. » promise, pledge, undertaking,
guarantee, assurance, liability, duty 2 The team commotion noun She was distracted by the
felt a commitment to continue the search. commotion across the street. » disturbance,
> determination, resolution, obligation, uproar, racket, tumult, hullabaloo, hubbub,
responsibility, dedication, devotion 3 There are rumpus, fracas, furore, upheaval, agitation,
only a few commitments this week. excitement
> engagement, duty, appointment
committee voun A committee will be set up to communal anjecte communal washing facilities
supervise the project. » board, panel, council, > collective, shared, joint, common, public,
supervisory body, advisory group, task force general, mutual, open AN OPPOSITE IS private
commune = company
commune (kom-yoon) Noun communes 1a community noun communities 1 the people
group of people living together and sharing living in one area 2 a group with similar
everything 2. district of local government in interests or origins
France and some other countries commute vers commutes, commuting,
commuted 1 travel a fairly long way by train,
communicate vers communicates, bus, or car to and from your daily work 2 alter a
communicating, communicated 1 pass punishment to something less severe
news, information, etc. to other people 2 (said
about rooms etc.) have a connecting door commuter voun commuters a person who
commutes to and from work
communication noun communications compact spective 1 closely or neatly packed
1 communicating 2 something together 2 concise
communicated; a message > compactly Apvers compactness NOUN
communications PLURAL NOUN links between compact noun compacts a small flat container
places (e.g. roads, railways, telephones, or for face powder
compact disc noun compact discs a small
communicative apecive willing to talk plastic disc on which music, information, etc. is
stored as digital signals and is read by a laser
communion noun the act of sharing thoughts beam
or feelings
Communion orHoly Communion the companion noun companions 1 a person you
Christian ceremony in which consecrated bread spend time with or travel with 2 one of a
matching pair of things 3 (in book titles) a
- and wine are given to worshippers
guidebook or reference book e The Oxford
communism noun a political system where Companion to Music
the state controls property, production, trade, > companionship Noun
etc. COMPARE Capitalism company noun companies 1a number of
> communist NOUN people together 2 business firm 3 having

commune noun She lived for several years in a outgoing, informative, candid, uninhibited,
commune in Chicago. » community, collective, frank, open, sociable, talkative OPPOSITES ARE
settlement, colony, fellowship, kibbutz uncommunicative, secretive
communicate vers 1 Somebody has to community noun 1 He had the interests of the
communicate the bad news to her. » convey, community in mind. » population, populace,
announce, report, reveal, declare, disclose, society, people, residents, inhabitants, local
impart, pass on, relateUSAGE You can also say people, general public 2a small farming
Somebody has to tell her the bad news, or community in the Borders » district, region,
Somebody has to inform her of the bad news, or locality, neighbourhood 3a community ofgay
Somebody has to acquaint her with the bad news men group, colony, commune, coterie,
2communicate with Parents and teachers band, society
need to communicate with one another regularly. commute vers 1 The death sentence will be
> speak to, talk to, make contact with, liaise commuted to life imprisonment. » reduce,
with 3communicate with Each bedroom lessen, cut , lighten, remit, moderate, adjust
communicates with its own bathroom. 2 Her husband commutes to the city every day.
> connectwith, adjoin, lead to 4 Itis possible to > travel, journey, shuttle
communicate the disease through ordinary compact spective 1 a compact machine that will
contact. » transmit, pass on, infect someone fit in a small suitcase » small, little, petite,
with, spread, transfer, give portable 2. compact enyclopedia » concise,
communication noun 1 She received an official succinct, condensed, brief
communication from the tax office. » message, companion noun He turned to speak to his
letter, correspondence, advice 2 There has been companions. » friend, associate, comrade,
little communication between them for several colleague, partner, mate, escort
years. > contact, dealings, association, company Noun 11 miss her company.
relations, correspondence, intercourse 3 The > companionship, fellowship, society,
newsletters are used for the communication of presence, friendship 2 We are expecting
information. » transmission, imparting, company tomorrow evening. » visitors, guests,
disclosure, dissemination, reporting, callers 3 He works for an insurance company.
imparting, passing on > firm, business, corporation, establishment,
communicative spective They are always concern, enterprise, office, bureau 4a
friendly and communicative. » forthcoming, performance by the local theatre company
comparative = compete
people with you; companionship 4 visitors compartment youn compartments 1 one of
© We've got company. 5 a section of a battalion the spaces into which something is divided; a
comparative apjective comparing a thing with separate room or enclosed space 2 a division of
something else @ They live in comparative a railway carriage
comfort. cOMpass Nouv compasses a device that shows
> comparatively spvers direction, with a magnetized needle pointing
comparative youn comparatives the form of to the north
an adjective or adverb that expresses ‘more’ compasses or pair of compasses a device for
@ The comparative of ‘big’ is ‘bigger’. drawing circles, usually with two rods hinged
compare vers compares, comparing, together at one end
compared put things together so as to tell in
what ways they.are similar or different
compassion noun pity or mercy
> compassionate Apjecive compassionately
compare notes share information
compare with 1 be similar to 2 be as good as
e Our art gallery cannot compare with Tate compel vers compels, compelling,
Modern. compelled force somebody to do something
USAGE When compare is used with an object, it
can be followed by either to or with. compensate vers compensates,
Traditionally to is used when you are showing compensating, compensated 1 give a
the similarity between two things: She person money etc. to make up for a loss or
compared me to a pig. With is used when you are injury 2 have a balancing effect @ This victory
looking at the similarities and differences compensates for our earlier defeats.
> compensation youn compensatory
between things: Just compare this year's profits
with last year's. ADJECTIVE
comparison noun comparisons the act of compete vers competes, competing,
comparing things competed take part in a competition

> group, troupe, society, ensemble, small compartment at the back for tools.
association 5a company offriends » group, > alcove, space, niche, cubby hole, chamber,
circle, community, band, gang, gathering division
comparable spective Customers will look compel vers 1 The court could compel him to give
elsewhere for better service at comparable prices.
evidence. » force, oblige, coerce, constrain,
Interest rates are not comparable to those in the
order, pressure, pressurize 2 be compelled to
rest of Europe. » similar, equivalent,
In the end Jem was compelled to admit the truth,
corresponding, proportionate, commensurate
> have to, be obliged to, be bound to, have no
(with), analogous, parallel, compatible (with),
choice but to
equal, related AN OPPOSITE IS dissimilar
compare vers 1 We have to compare this year’s compensate vers 1 Ifyou have lost money you
results with last year’s. » check (against), will be compensated for it. » recompense,
contrast, correlate, juxtapose, set side by side, repay, reimburse, pay back, remunerate
weigh, draw parallels between, make 2compensate for Nothing can compensate for
connections between, match, relate 2 You such a dreadful loss. » make up for, make
can’t compare the book to the video. » liken, amends for, balance, offset, counteract, cancel
equate, draw a parallel between (the book and out, neutralize, redress, atone for
the video), regard (the book) as the same as (the
video) 3compare with Our achievements compensation noun 1 You will receive
hardly compare with yours. » match, equal, compensation for any loss. » reparation,
compete with, emulate, rival, vie with recompense, reimbursement, repayment,
comparison noun 1 There is no comparison restitution, amends 2 The balmy evening was
between the two versions of the story. some compensation for the unpleasantness of the
> resemblance, likeness, similarity, day. » consolation, recompense, comfort
correspondence, parallel, correlation, compete vers 1 The boys were competing in a
equivalence, analogy 2 The conclusions are five-a-side tournament. » take part,
based on a comparison of Hackney and participate, perform, enter, go in for 2 You will
Westminster. » analysis, collation, correlation, have to compete with children over twice your age.
juxtaposition, contrast > contend, vie 3compete with No one can
compartment noun 1 He then discovered that compete with him when he’s on good form.
the case had a secret compartment. » section, > match, rival, compare with, equal,
space, pocket, cavity, recess 2 The shed has a challenge, emulate, keep up with
competent — complete
pompetent ADJECTIVE able to doa particular complaint noun complaints 1 a statement
thing complaining about something 2 an illness
> competently apvers competence NOUN
complement noun complements 1 the
competition Noun competitions 1agameor quantity needed to fill or complete something
race or other contest in which people try to win @ The ship had its full complement of sailors.
2 competing 3 the people competing with 2 the word or words used after verbs such as be
yourself and become to complete the sense. In She was
> competitive ADJECTIVE brave and He became king of England, the
competitor noun competitors someone who complements are brave and king of England
competes; a rival USAGE Do not confuse with compliment.
compile vers compiles ,compiling ,compiled complementary aoective completing;
put things together into a list or collection, e.g. forming a complement
to form a book complementary angle noun
> compiler noun compilation Noun complementary angles either of two angles
complacent apjective smugly satisfied with the that add up to 90°
way things are, and feeling that no change or complete apectve 1 having all its parts
action is necessary 2 finished 3 thorough; in every way e a
> complacently spvers complacency NOUN complete stranger
complain vers complains complaining, > completely Apvers completeness NOUN
complained say that you are annoyed or complete vers completes, completing,
unhappy about something completed make a thing complete; add what a

competent spective 1 competent builder > protest about, grumble about, make a fuss
> capable, proficient, accomplished, qualified, about, object to, carp about, find fault with,
able, skilful, efficient, adept AN OPPOSITE IS criticize, condemn, (more informal) whinge
incompetent 2a competent performance about, (more informal) go on about
> adequate, satisfactory, acceptable, decent, complaint noun 1 After a series of complaints
reasonable about his behaviour he was sent back to England.
> protest, objection (to), criticism (of),
competition noun 1 We face some fierce accusation, grumble, censure, fault-finding,
competition this year. » opposition, rivalry,
(more informal) gripe 2 Supporters have little
contention, struggle, contest 2 Lisa came third
cause for complaint. » grievance,
in the competition. » contest, match,
tournament, game, championship, race dissatisfaction, disapproval, criticism,
grumbling, fuss 3 Her breathing difficulty was
competitive snjecrve 1a competitive sport due to a lung complaint. » disorder, disease,
> combative, contentious, aggressive, illness, infection, sickness, upset, affliction,
antagonistic 2a competitive player ailment, indisposition, malady, malaise
> ambitious, aggressive, combative 3 Banking complement vers The restaurant’s wine list
is a highly competitive business. » ruthless, complements its good food perfectly.
aggressive, contentious, fierce, cut-throat > accompany, complete, go with, round
4 top quality at competitive prices» reasonable, off, enhance, make complete, make perfect
moderate, affordable, keen, economical USAGE Do not confuse complement with
OPPOSITES ARE exorbitant, uncompetitive compliment
competitor noun 1 Every competitor has to take complete spective 1 The complete report will be
a blood test. » candidate, contestant, entrant, published tomorrow. » whole, full, entire,
participant, contender 2 We have to improve on unabridged, unedited, unexpurgated, total,
our business competitors. » rival, challenger, unabbreviated AN opposite Is incomplete 2 The
adversary, opponent exercise is now complete. » completed, finished,
complacent apjctive We are doing a good job concluded, ended, accomplished, achieved
but we must not be complacent. » smug, self- AN OPPOSITE IS incomplete 3 He was acting like a
satisfied, overconfident, oversatisfied, pleased complete fool. » absolute, utter, out-and-out,
with yourself, self-congratulatory, self- thorough, thoroughgoing, outright
righteous, unconcerned, contented, OPPOSITES ARE qualified, partial 4 The story was
untroubled AN opposite IS. dissatisfied complete rubbish. » utter, absolute, downright,
complain vers 1 We'll wait till we get home sheer, pure, total, unqualified, unmitigate
before complaining. » protest, make a complete vers 1 She will complete her training in
complaint, grumble 2complain about The two years. » finish, end, conclude, terminate,
neighbours complained about the noise. finalize, fulfil, round off, accomplish, achieve,
complex — composite
is needed compliments piurAl Noun formal greetings
> completion noun given in a message
complex apecrive. 1 made up of parts compliment vers compliments,
2 complicated complimenting, complimented pay
> complexity noun someone a compliment; congratulate
complex noun complexes 1 set of buildings USAGE Do not confuse with complement.
made up of related parts @ a sports complex 2a complimentary pcre 1 expressing a
group of feelings or ideas that influence a compliment 2 given free of charge
person’s behaviour etc. @ a persecution complex © complimentary tickets.
complexion Noun complexions 1 the natural
component noun components each of the
colour and appearance of the skin of the face parts of which a thing is made up
2 the way things seem @ That puts.a different
complexion on the matter. COMPpoOSe vers composes, composing,
complicated apjctive 1 made up of many composed 1 form or make up @ The class is
parts 2 difficult to understand or do composed of 20 students. 2 write music or poetry
etc. 3 arrange in good order 4 make calm
complication noun complications © compose yourself
1 something that complicates things or adds
difficulties 2 a complicated condition COmMpoOser Noun composers a person who
compliment youn compliments something composes music etc.
said or done to show that you approve of a composite (kom- poz- it) ApjecTive made up of
person or thing @ He paid me a compliment. a number of parts or different styles

carry out, clinch, close, do, perfect, perform, USAGE Do not confuse compliment with
(informal) wind up 2 Please complete the complement. Flattery usually means insincere
application form attached. > fill in, fill out, fill praise.
up, answer compliment vers He complimented her on the
completely Avvers He was completely honest performance. » praise, applaud, commend,
about what had happened. > totally, absolutely, congratulate, flatter OPPOSITES ARE criticize,
utterly, entirely, perfectly, quite insultUSAGE See the note at the previous entry.
completion noun the completion of the project complimentary apective 1 The comments were
> finish, conclusion, realization, achievement, all complimentary. » appreciative, approving,
fulfilment favourable, congratulatory, laudatory,
complex spective a complex subject admiring, commendatory, eulogistic,
> complicated, intricate, involved, elaborate, flattering, fulsome, generous, rapturous,
convoluted, tortuous, tangled, diverse, supportive OPPOSITES ARE critical, insulting
manifold OPPOSITES ARE simple, 2 You.get a complimentary lunch on the day of
straightforward arrival. >» free, gratis, courtesy
complexion noun 1 young girl with a pale comply vers comply with He was anxious to
complexion » colouring, colour, appearance, comply with their wishes. » abide by, accede to,
skin, skin colour 2 The latest revelation put a new observe, obey, follow, fulfil, acquiesce in,
complexion on things. » perspective, angle, submit to, yield to, agree to, assent to, conform
slant 3 political views of different complexions to, consent to, defer to, fall in with, perform,
> type, kind, sort, nature, character : satisfy OPPOSITES ARE ignore, defy
complicated anective a complicated story; a component noun a store full of components for
complicated set of rules » complex, intricate, computers » part, piece, bit, constituent part,
involved, elaborate, convoluted, tortuous, spare part, unit, element, ingredient, item,
tangled, diverse, manifold OPPOSITES ARE (more informal) spare
simple, straightforward
COMpoOse vers 1 The village was composed of
complication noun 1 Patients can leave small huts. » build, compile, constitute,
hospital after three days ifno complications occur. construct, fashion, form, frame, make, put
> problem, setback, repercussion, difficulty, together 2 That year he composed mainly film
drawback, snag, complexity, ramification 2 the music. She sat down to compose a letter. » write,
complication of modern city life » intricacy, create, arrange, devise, imagine, make up,
complexity, confusion produce 3 compose yourself He began to
compliment noun She blushed at the tremble and tried to compose himself. » calm
unexpected compliment. » praise, flattery, down, control yourself, settle down, pull
tribute, accolade, approval, eulogy, (more yourself together
informal) pat on the back AN OPPOSITE IS: insult be composed of The government was composed

composition — compunction
composition noun compositions comprehensive school noun
1 composing 2 something composed, comprehensive schools a secondary school
especially a piece of music 3 an essay or story for all or most of the children of an area
written as a school exercise 4 the parts that
make something e the composition of the soil compress (kom- press) vers compresses,
compressing, compressed press together or
compost noun 1 decayed leaves and grass etc. into a smaller space
used as a fertilizer 2 a soil-like mixture for > compression NOUN compressor NOUN
growing seedlings, cuttings, etc. -»

compromise (kom- prom-I'z) noun

composure noun calmness of manner compromises an agreement reached by each
compound apjctive made of two or more parts
side accepting less than it asked for
or ingredients compromise vers compromises,
compound noun compounds a compound compromising, compromised 1 settle a
substance dispute by a compromise 2 expose someone
to danger or suspicion etc. @ His confession
compound vers compounds, compounding, compromises his sister.
compounded put together; combine
compulsion noun compulsions a strong and
comprehensible apjctive understandable uncontrollable desire to do something
comprehensive apective including all or many compulsery ADJECTIVE required by law or rule;
kinds of people or things not optional e Wearing seat belts is compulsory.
comprehensive noun comprehensives a compunction noun aguilty feeling e She felt
comprehensive school no compunction about hitting the burglar.

of individuals rather than parties. » consist of, comprise vers The building comprises several
comprise, contain, embody, incorporate, apartments. » consist of, contain, be
involve, comprehend, embrace, include composed of, include, incorporate, embody,
embrace, involve
composition noun 1 the composition of the new
team > structure, make-up, formation, compromise noun Eventually the two sides
constitution, content, establishment, reached a compromise. » understanding,
formulation 2 the composition of a group of accommodation, settlement, agreement,
poems » writing, creation, devising, middle course, middle way
production 3. musical composition » piece, compromise vers 1 In the end we had to
work, (technical) opus compromise. » make concessions, meet
halfway, strike a balance, concede a point,
composure Noun She acted with great negotiate, settle 2 The scandal has severely
composure. » self-control, dignity, calmness, compromised his reputation. » undermine,
coolness, tranquillity, (more informal) cool discredit, jeopardize, weaken, prejudice, risk,
dishonour, imperil
compound vers The bad weather compounded
our difficulties. » aggravate, exacerbate, compromising Apyective Before he left he tore up
intensify, increase, worsen, complicate the compromising letter. » embarrassing,
damaging, scandalous, discreditable,
comprehend vers I tried to comprehend what dishonourable, improper
he was saying. » understand, grasp, conceive, compulsion noun 1 There is no compulsion to
fathom, make sense of, appreciate, discern, go. > obligation, necessity, constraint,
fathom, follow, perceive pressure 2 She felt a strong compulsion to tell the
whole story. » urge, impulse, desire, longing,
comprehensive apjective a comprehensive obsession
account of the topic » inclusive, complete, full,
compulsive apjctive 1 He felt a compulsive urge
broad, exhaustive, compendious, wide- to jump out. » irresistible, uncontrollable,
ranging, detailed, extensive, all-embracing,
overpowering, overwhelming, besetting,
thorough, total, universal, encyclopedic
compelling, driving, involuntary, powerful
OPPOSITES ARE selective, partial 2 Not all fat people are compulsive over- eaters.
compress vers 1 The activities can be > habitual, obsessive, addicted, persistent,
compressed into an eight-hour day. » squeeze, incorrigible, incurable
press, squash, jam 2 The text has been compulsory apjctive Each exam paper has one
compressed into a mere ten pages. » condense, compulsory question. Carrying an identity card is
abridge, shorten, cut, summarize now compulsory. » obligatory, mandatory,
compute = concern
compute vers computes computing, conceive vers conceives, conceiving,
computed calculate , conceived 1 become pregnant; forma baby in
> computation Noun the womb 2form an idea or plan; imagine e I
computer voun computers. an electronic can't conceive why you want to come.
machine for making calculations, storing and concentrate vers concentrates,
analysing information put into it, or controlling concentrating concentrated 1 give your full
machinery automatically attention or effort to something 2 bring or
comrade noun comrades a companion who come togetherin one place 3 make aliquid etc.
shares in your activities less dilute
> comradeship Noun
concentration noun concentrations
concave apective curved like the inside of a ball 1 concentrating 2 the amount dissolved in
or circle (The opposite is convex) each part of a liquid
> concavity NOUN
conceal vers conceals, concealing, concentric apjective having the same centre
concealed hide; keep something secret © concentric circles
> concealment NouN concept noun concepts an idea
concede vers concedes, conceding,
conceded 1 admit that something is true conception noun conceptions 1the
2 grant or allow something @ They conceded us conceiving of a baby 2. an idea
the right to cross their land. 3 admit that you concern vers concerns, concerning,
have been defeated concerned 1 be important to or affect
conceit noun being too proud of yourself; somebody 2 worry somebody 3 be about;
vanity have as its subject e The story concerns a group
> conceited ADJECTIVE of rabbits.

binding, required, stipulated, unavoidable, de proud, complacent, (more informal) cocky
rigueur, imperative, imposed, incumbent, AN OPPOSITE IS modest
inescapable, official AN OPPOSITE IS optional conceive vers 1 She was unable to conceive.
COM NOUN The offer proved to be just a con. » trick, > get pregnant, become pregnant, have a
cheat, swindle, deception, fraud baby 2 The plan was conceived after the war.
COM vers They conned the couple out of their life > think up, devise, originate, create, form,
savings. » trick, cheat, swindle, dupe, deceive, formulate, invent, design 3 Itis hard to conceive
inveigle, hoodwink, (more informal) bamboozle what it must have been like for them. » imagine,
envisage, visualize, picture, appreciate,
conceal vers 1 She concealed the device in her comprehend, apprehend, grasp
camera. A mass of cloud concealed the sun.
> hide, cover up, disguise, secrete, blot out, concentrate vers 1concentrate on Sharon
mask, obscure, screen, veil, bury, cloak, was concentrating on the video. » pay attention
envelop, camouflage OPPOSITES ARE reveal, to, keep your mind on, put your mind to, apply
expose, uncover 2 He could barely conceal his yourself to, focus on, be engrossed in, be
frustration. > hide, suppress, keep secret, hush absorbed in, attend to, think about 2 Troops
up, keep dark, keep quiet AN OPPOSITEIS reveal concentrated on the border. » gather, mass,
collect, congregate, converge, crowd,
concealed apyective The house stood behind a accumulate AN OPPOSITE IS disperse 3 We need
concealed entrance. » hidden, invisible, to concentrate our efforts on improving public
camouflaged, disguised, secret, cloaked, services. » focus, direct (to), aim (at), intensify
furtive, unobtrusive OPPOSITES ARE obvious, OPPOSITES ARE reduce, dilute
concentrated spective 1 concentrated fruit
concede vers 1 I conceded that I might have been juice > condensed, undiluted, reduced, rich,
wrong. >» admit, acknowledge, accept, grant, dense, strong, evaporated AN OPPOSITE IS
agree, recognize, allow, confess AN OPPOSITE IS diluted 2 making concentrated efforts
deny 2 The country conceded some ofthe territory > intense, strenuous, intensive, concerted,
to its neighbour. » surrender, yield, give up, vigorous, committed, thorough, hard, (more
relinquish, cede, hand over, submit informal) all-out AN OpPosiTE IS half-hearted
conceit noun She said it without conceit, simply as concept noun It’s not an easy concept to grasp.
a fact. » vanity, arrogance, pride, boastfulness > idea, notion, principle, theory, thought,
conceited anyective Without sounding conceited, hypothesis, image, conception
I think we offer the best service. » vain, boastful, concerm vers 1 What Ihave to say concerns
immodest, arrogant, haughty, self-satisfied, everyone. » affect, involve, apply to, refer to,

concern = condemn
concern noun concerns 1 something that conclusion noun conclusions 1 an ending
concerns you; a responsibility 2 worry 3a 2 an opinion formed by reasoning
business conclusive apjctive putting an end to all doubt
concert youn concerts a musical > conclusively apvers
entertainment concoct vers concocts, concocting,
concerto (kon- chert- oh) Noun concertos a concocted 1 make something by putting
piece of music for a solo instrument and an ingredients together 2 invent e We'll have to
orchestra concoct afi excuse.
concession noun concessions 1 conceding > concoction Noun
concord noun friendly agreement or harmony te
2 something conceded 3a reduction in price
for a certain category of person concrete noun cement mixed with sand and
> concessionary ADJECTIVE gravel, used in building
conciliate vers conciliates, conciliating, concrete Apective 1 able to be touched and felt; if
conciliated 1 win over an angry or hostile not abstract 2 definite e We need concrete
person by friendliness 2 help people who evidence, not theories.
disagree to come to an agreement concurrent pjective happening or existing at
> conciliation Noun the same time
concise apecive brief; giving much information concussion noun atemporary injury to the
in a few words brain caused by a hard knock
> concisely apvers conciseness NOUN > concussed ADJECTIVE
conclude vers concludes, concluding, condemn vers condemns, condemning,
concluded 1 bring or come to an end condemned 1 say that you strongly
2 decide; form an opinion by reasoning e The disapprove of something 2 convict or sentence
jury concluded that he was guilty. a criminal e He was condemned to death. 3 make

relate to, be relevant to, be important to, suppose, think, reckon, surmise, assume
interest, matter to, (more formal) pertain to attempt to conclude a treaty negotiate, agree,
2 The book concerns various aspects of the subject. come to terms on, arrange, effect, bring about,
> deal with, be about, treat, describe, review, broker
relate to 3 Her news concerned us deeply. conclusion noun 1A few gentle jokes formed the
> worry, disturb, upset, trouble, distress, conclusion of her speech. » end, finish, close,
bother completion, termination, culmination, finale,
Concern noun 1 concern for others » regard, rounding-off, peroration 2 The court’s original
consideration, thought, care, attention (to), conclusion in the case has been proved correct.
interest (in) 2 It’s no concern of ours. > affair, > deduction, decision, judgement, verdict,
business, matter, responsibility, problem 3a opinion, interpretation, inference, resolution,
cause for great concern » anxiety, worry, belief, conjecture, assumption, presumption,
disquiet, unease, distress, apprehension 4a surmise
publishing concern » company, firm, business, conclusive anyective It will be difficult to provide
enterprise, establishment, organization, conclusive proof. » decisive, definitive, definite,
corporation indisputable, incontrovertible, irrefutable,
concerned apyective 1 His parents looked unequivocal, unambiguous, unarguable,
concerned. » worried, anxious, troubled, convincing, persuasive, unanswerable
AN OPPOSITE IS inconclusive W
bothered, disturbed, distressed, fearful, upset
AN OPPOSITE IS unconcerned 2 Ifyou want more concoct vere She didn’t have much time to concoct
information, talk to the people concerned. her story. » make up, think up, invent,
> connected, interested, involved, relevant fabricate, contrive, formulate, prepare, devise,
concise apjective a concise account of events in the create, develop, (more informal) cook up
war & brief, succinct, compact, short, concrete spective 1 concrete objects » solid,
condensed, concentrated, compressed, physical, material, palpable, substantial,
abridged, abbreviated, pithy, terse tactile, touchable, visible 2 The case lacks
OPPOSITES ARE lengthy, diffuse concrete evidence. The proposals are not yet
conclude vers 1 Hostilities concluded at concrete. » firm, solid, objective, tangible,
midnight. > finish, end, stop, cease, terminate, material, physical, factual, real, actual, definite,
be over, come toa close, be brought to an end existing OPPOSITES ARE abstract , theoretical
OPPOSITES ARE start, commence 2 The jury condemn vers 1 He condemned all forms of
concluded that the witness had been lying. violence. » deplore, denounce, castigate,
> infer, deduce, decide, gather, judge, criticize, censure OPPOSITES ARE commend,
condense = confectionery
someone suffer something unpleasant e They condom noun condoms arubber sheath worn
were condemned to a life ofpoverty. 4 declare on the penis during sexual intercourse as a
that houses etc. are not fit to be used contraceptive and as a protection against
> condemnation noun disease
condense vers condenses, condensing, condone vers condones, condoning,
condensed 1 make a liquid denser or more condoned forgive or ignore wrongdoing e We
compact 2 put something into fewer words do not condone violence.
3 change from gas or vapour to liquid e Steam
condenses on windows. conduct (kon- dukt) vers conducts,
> condensation noun condenser Noun conducting, conducted 1 lead or guide 2 be
condescend vers condescends, the conductor of an orchestra or choir
condescending, condescended 1 behave in 3 manage or direct something @ conduct an
a way which shows that you feel superior to experiment 4 allow heat, light, sound, or
others 2 allow yourselftodo something that electricity to pass along or through 5 behave
e They conducted themselves with dignity.
seems unsuitable foraperson ofyour high rank
> condescension NouN conduction noun the conducting of heat or
condition noun conditions ‘1 the state or electricity etc.
fitness of a person or thing e This bicycle is in conductor noun conductors 1a person who
good condition. 2 the situation or surroundings directs the performance of an orchestra or
etc. that affect something e working conditions choir by movements of the arms 2a person
3 something required as part ofanagreement who collects the fares on a bus etc.
on condition that only if; on the 3 something that conducts heat or electricity
understanding that something will be done etc.
condition vers conditions, conditioning, > conductress NOUN
conditioned 1 put something into a good or
proper condition 2 train someone to behave in cone noun cones 1 an object that is circular at
a particular way or become used to a particular one end and narrows to a point at the other end
situation 2 anice cream cornet 3 the dry cone-shaped
fruit of a pine, fir, or cedar tree
conditional anectve depending ona condition
or requirement being met e a conditional offer confectionery noun sweets, cakes, and sweet
> conditionally pvers biscuits

approve of 2 The committee condemned them for ailment, infirmity 3 There are some conditions
their behaviour. > criticize, censure, denounce, attached to membership. » requirement,
reprehend, deprecate, disparage, berate, revile proviso, term, qualification, restriction,
3 After a lengthy trial the court finally condemned stipulation, limitation, obligation
them. » convict, find guilty, sentence, pass conditional apjective The offer of a place was a
judgement, prove guilty, punish, judge conditional one. » provisional, qualified,
AN OPPOSITE IS acquit dependent, limited, restricted AN OPPOSITE IS
condense vere 1 She condensed the ten episodes unconditional
into a single hour-long drama. » shorten, condone vers We cannot condone this sort of
reduce, abridge, compress, cut, contract, behaviour. » tolerate, endorse, disregard,
telescope, summarize AN OPPOSITE IS expand overlook, pardon, forgive, ignore, allow,
2 The liquid is slowly condensed. » distil, reduce, connive at, excuse, let someone off
concentrate, solidify, thicken. AN OPPOSITE IS OPPOSITES ARE condemn, punish
conduct noun 1 good conduct » behaviour,
condescend vere Eventually an official demeanour, attitude, bearing, manner, ways,
condescended to see us. > deign, consent, see fit, actions 2 the conduct of the nation’s affairs
vouchsafe, stoop, lower yourself > management, direction, handling,
condescending apyctive She narrowed her eyes organization, running, supervision,
at us in a condescending manner. » superior, administration, control, discharge
supercilious, disdainful, patronizing, haughty, conduct vers 11 Visitors are conducted round the
imperious, lofty, (more informal) snooty building in small groups. » escort, guide,
condition noun 1 Check that your vehicle is in accompany, take, usher, lead, convey,
good condition. » order, state, shape, (more shepherd 2 The group conducted a survey into
informal) trim, (more informal) nick USAGE If children’s eating habits. » organize, administer,
you use state you have to say in a good state coordinate, carry eut, manage, direct, run,
2 She was told she had a medical condition. handle, preside over
> disorder, illness, disease, complaint, conduct yourself He conducted himselfin a

confederate = confirm
confederate apecrive allied; joined by an confidence noun confidences 1 firmtrust 2a
agreement or treaty feeling of certainty or boldness; being sure that
confederate youn confederates 1 amember you can do something 3 something told
of a confederacy 2 an ally; an accomplice confidentially
confederation noun confederations 1 the in confidence as a secret
in a person's confidence trusted with his or
process ofjoining in an alliance 2.a group of
her secrets
people, organizations, or states joined
together by an agreement or treaty confidence trick youn confidence tricks
swindling a person after persuading him or her
conference noun conferences a meeting for to trust you
holding a discussion
confident Anective showing orfeeling
confess vers confesses, confessing, confidence; bold
confessed say openly that you have done > confidently Apvers
something wrong or have a weakness; admit
confidential anective meant to be kept secret
confession noun confessions saying that you > confidentially overs confidentiality noun
have done something wrong confine vers confines, confining, confined
confetti noun tiny pieces of coloured paper 1 keep something within limits; restrict
thrown by wedding guests at the bride and e@ Please confine your remarks to the subject being
bridegroom discussed. 2 keep somebody in a place
confide vers confides, confiding, confided confirm vere confirms, confirming,
1 tell someone a secret @ I decided to confide in confirmed 1 prove that something is true or
my sister. 2 entrust something to someone correct 2 make a thing definite e Please write to

typically high-handed manner. » behave, act, reliance, trust OPPOSITES ARE doubt, scepticism,
carry on, acquit yourself diffidence
confer vere 1 The King conferred a knighthood on have confidence in They have confidence in
him. » bestow, award, accord, give, grant, your abilities. » trust, believe in, be sure of
honour with, invest USAGE Note that with all the confident apective 1 We are confident that the
alternatives apart from bestow, you say (for money can be found. » optimistic, hopeful,
example) The King awarded him a knighthood. If sure, certain, convinced, sanguine, positive,
you use bestow you follow the same pattern as trusting AN OPPOSITE IS doubtful 2 She lifted her
for confer. 2 He asked for a pause to confer with head in a confident gesture. » self-assured, self-
his colleagues. » consult, discuss things, have a confident, assertive, assured, self-possessed,
discussion, speak, communicate, deliberate self-reliant, positive, bold, composed, definite,
conference noun 1 an international conference fearless, secure, unafraid AN OPPOSITE IS
on the environment. » congress, convention, diffident
meeting, symposium, summit 2 They gathered confidential apjctive 1 All conversations are
round the table for a conference. » discussion, strictly confidential. » secret, top secret,
cousitations deliberation, exchange of views, private, personal, classified, restricted,
talks suppressed, intimate, (more informal) hush-
confess vers 1 Several of the suspects later hush, (more informal) off the record 2a
confessed. » admit guilt, plead guilty, own up, confidential secretary » personal, private,
accept blame, (more informal) come clean 2 She trusted
confessed that she had broken the man’s window. confine vers 1 She confined her writing to poems
> ownup, admit, acknowledge, concede 31 and short stories. » restrict, limit, keep
confess I agree with all they have said. » admit, 2 During the winter months the animals are
concede, grant, allow confined in a small field near the buildings. He was
confession noun The interrogators failed to get a confined in the Tower to await his trial.
confession out of him. » admission of guilt, > enclose, imprison, keep, shut, close, fence,
acknowledgement of guilt, declaration, box, cage, incarcerate, intern, isolate
disclosure, profession, revelation confinement noun 14a period of confinement
confide vers He confided his fears to his wife. > imprisonment, incarceration, detention,
> reveal, disclose, divulge, admit, declare internment, custody, captivity, restraint
confide in He is not easy to confide in. OPPOSITES ARE freedom, liberty 2 She was
> unburden yourself to, tell all to, trust in admitted to hospital for her confinement.
confidence noun 1 We can face the future with > labour, delivery, childbirth
confidence. She shows a lot of confidence. confirm vers. 1 What happened next day
> optimism, assurance, positiveness, confirmed her suspicions about the place.
conviction, certainty, credence, faith, hope, > support, corroborate, bear out, back up,

confiscate = confuse
confirm your booking. 3 make a person a full conform vers conforms, conforming,
member of the Christian Church conformed keep to accepted rules, customs,
> confirmation youn confirmatory ADJECTIVE or ideas
> conformist Noun conformity oun
confiscate vers confiscates, confiscating,
confiscated take something away as a confound vers confounds, confounding,
punishment confounded 1 astonish or puzzle someone
> confiscation Noun 2 confuse
conflagration youn conflagrations a great confront vers confronts, confronting,
and destructive fire confronted 1 come or bring face to face,
conflict (kon- flikt) youn conflicts a fight, especially in a hostile way 2 be present and
struggle, or disagreement have to be dealt with e Problems confront us.
> confrontation NouN
conflict (kon- flikt) vers conflicts,
conflicting, conflicted have a conflict; differ confuse vers confuses, confusing, confused
or disagree 1 make a person puzzled or muddled

upheld, validate, approve, give credence to, orthodoxy, uniformity, compliance,
substantiate OPPOSITES ARE contradict, disprove obedience, submission. OPPOSITES ARE
2 The hotel will need a deposit to confirm the eccentricity, rebellion
booking. » verify, guarantee, clinch, endorse,
validate, ratify, formalize, make legal, make confront vers 1 He confronted an intruder in the
official AN OPPOSITE IS cancel 31 confirm that I hallway. » challenge, accost, approach, stand
will be arriving on Saturday. » affirm, assert, up to, take on, tackle, defy, face, meet, oppose,
assure you, give an assurance withstand, argue with, brave AN OPPOSITE IS
avoid 2 He realized he had to confront his
confirmation noun 1 The DNA evidence problems and sort himself out. » tackle, face up
provided confirmation of his guilt. » proof, to, address, deal with, cope with
corroboration, verification, testimony,
substantiation 2 Confirmation of the confrontation youn a serious confrontation
appointment will follow shortly. » ratification, with the authorities » conflict, dispute,
endorsement, approval, validation, disagreement, discord, contention, dissension,
formalization antagonism, hostility, friction, strife, clash
conflict youn 1 conflict between management confuse vers 1 All these comments only confuse
and workers » dispute, disagreement, discord, the issue. » complicate, muddle, obscure,
contention, confrontation, dissension, cloud, obfuscate 2 Too much detail will confuse
antagonism, hostility, friction, strife, clash us. bewilder, perplex, baffle, puzzle, mystify,
AN OPPOSITE IS harmony 2a military conflict bemuse, disconcert, confound, (more informal)
> war, struggle, confrontation, contest, clash, flummox, (more informal) floor
campaign, encounter, engagement, action,
battle, combat, feud, fight, quarrel, skirmish, confused anjective 1 The children were very
warfare confused about what was happening.
conflict vers This fact conflicts with statements > bewildered, perplexed, baffled, puzzled,
made back in September. » clash, disagree, mystified, bemused, disconcerted,
differ (from), be incompatible, be inconsistent, confounded, (more informal) flummoxed
be at variance, be at odds OPPOSITES ARE AN OPPOSITE IS clear 2 Her clothes lay in a
support, agree with confused pile on the floor. » untidy, disorderly,
conform vers 11 conform because I think it gives disorganized, muddled, jumbled opposites ARE
a good impression. » comply, acquiesce, follow tidy, organized 3 confused accounts of the
convention, fit in, obey the rules, play by the incident » vague, muddled, unclear, indistinct
rules, keepin step OPPOSITES ARE rebel, disobey, AN OPPOSITES. clear
differ 2 conform to You have to conform to strict confusion noun 1 alot of confusion about which
rules of etiquette. » comply with, follow, obey, system to buy ® uncertainty, indecision,
abide by, accept, accede to, fit in with, uphold, misunderstanding, hesitation, doubt,
fulfil 3conform to Our experiences do no always ignorance 2 People were wandering about in
conform to our beliefs. » match, fit, suit, confusion. » bewilderment, perplexity,
correspond to, agree with, tally with, bafflement, mystification, shock 3 The kitchen
harmonize with, accord with, compare with, was in a terrible state of confusion. » disorder,
square with disorganization, ugtidiness, clutter, chaos,
conformity noun There is a lot of conformity mayhem, disarray, muddle, jumble, mess,
among young people. » conventionality, shambles
confute — conquer
2 mistake one thing for another conifer (kon- if- er) noun conifers an
> confusion NouN evergreen tree with cones
confute vers confutes, confuting, confuted > coniferous ADJECTIVE
prove a person or statement to be wrong conjecture noun conjectures guesswork ora
> confutation noun guess
congeal (kon-jeel) vers congeals, > conjecture vers conjectural ADJECTIVE
congealing, congealed become jelly-like conjugate vers conjugates, conjugating, i
instead of liquid, especially in cooling conjugated give all the different forms of a
e congealed blood. verb
congenital (kon-jen- it- al) apjective existing in > conjugation Noun
a person from birth conjunction noun conjunctions 1aword
> congenitally apvers that joins words or phrases or sentences, e.g.
congested anyective crowded or blocked up and, but 2 combination or union e The four ns
© congested streets @ congested lungs armies acted in conjunction. be
> congestion NouN
conjure vers conjures, conjuring, conjured :
conglomeration noun conglomerations a perform tricks that look like magic Ps
mass of different things put together > conjuror NOUN
congratulate vers congratulates, conjure up produce in your mind e Mention of
congratulating , congratulated tell a person the Arctic conjures up visions of snow.
that you are pleased about his or her success or connect vers connects, connecting,
good fortune connected 1 join together; link 2 think of L,
> congratulation noun congratulatory things or people as being associated with each <
congregate vers congregates, connection noun connections 1a point
congregating , congregated assemble; flock where two things are connected; alink e We all
together know there is a connection between smoking and

congregation noun congregations a group cancer. 2 a train, bus, etc. that leaves a station
of people who have come together to take part soon after another arrives, so that passengers
in religious worship can change from one to the other
Congress noun the parliament of the USA connoisseur (kon-a- ser) Noun connoisseurs
congruent apjective congruent triangles have a person with great experience and
exactly the same shape and size appreciation of something @ a connoisseur of
> congruence NOUN wine
conic apectve to do with a cone conquer vers conquers, conquering,
conical apjective cone-shaped conquered defeat or overcome
> conically apvers > conqueror NOUN

congratulate vere I must congratulate Freda on up, bracket together, put together
her success. » praise, compliment, commend, AN OPPOSITE IS_ dissociate
applaud, acclaim connection noun There is a connection between
congratulations pura noun 1 We sent our money and power. » relationship, link, \
congratulations on their wedding. association, correlation, correspondence,
> compliments, good wishes, greetings, bond, affinity, coherence, contact,
felicitations 2 You all deserve warm interrelationship, join, unity, (more informal)
congratulations on the success of the enterprise. tie-up AN OPPOSITE IS distinction
> praise, commendation, applause conquer vers 1 Napoleon's attempt to conquer
Europe » seize, capture, overrun, occupy, ‘
congregate vers A large crowd had congregated invade, take possession of, subjugate, take,
in the town square. » gather, assemble, come win, annex, subject 2 William of Normandy
together, collect, converge, convene, crowd conquered the English at the Battle ofHastings.
together, rally, rally round, meet, flock > defeat, beat, overcome, conquer, vanquish,
together, join up, swarm, muster, throng subdue, crush, overpower, rout 3 With a great
round, accumulate effort she conquered her fears. » overcome,
connect vers 1 The speakers are connected to a suppress, master, control, curb, surmount,
powerful amplifier. > link, attach, couple, join, prevail over
fasten AN OPPOSITE IS disconnect. 2 Police conqueror noun He entered the capital of Bengal
believe the two crimes could be connected. as a conqueror. » victor, subjugator, defeater,
> associate, link, relate, couple, compare, tie winner, champion, master

conquest — conservative
conquest noun conquests 1 a victory over especially a building, is holy
someone 2 conquered territory jl > consecration NOUN
conscience (kon- shens) Noun consciences consecutive apjective following one after
knowing what is right and wrong, especially in another
your own actions > consecutively advers
conscientious (kon- shee- en- shus) ADJECTIVE CONSENSUS NOUN consensuses general
careful and honest about doing your work agreement; the opinion of most people
properly consent youn agreement to what someone
> conscientiously Advers
wishes; permission
conscientious objector noun
conscientious objectors a person who consent vers consents, consenting,
consented say that you are willing to do or
refuses to serve in the armed forces because he
allow what someone wishes
or she believes it is morally wrong
comscious (kon- shus) Adjective 1 awake and consequence noun consequences
knowing what is happening 2 aware of 1 something that happens as the result of an
something @ I was not conscious of the time. event or action 2 importance e It is of no
3 done deliberately e a conscious decision consequence.
> ‘consciously ADvers consciousness NOUN consequent apjective happening as a result
conscript (kon- skript) vers conscripts, > consequently apverB
conscripting, conscripted make a personjoin conservation noun conserving; preservation,
the armed forces especially of the natural environment
> conscription NOUN > conservationist Noun
conscript (kon-skript) Noun conscripts a conservative apecive 1 liking traditional ways
conscripted person and disliking changes 2 moderate or cautious;
consecrate vers consecrates, consecrating, not extreme e a conservative estimate
consecrated officially say that a thing, > conservatively apvers conservatism NOUN

conquest noun Alexander's conquest of the months in succession), in a row (six months in a
Persian Empire » defeat, subjection, row)
subjugation, capture, invasion, occupation, consent vers 1 In the end she consented to do
annexation, appropriation, overthrow, something about it. » agree, be willing,
triumph (over), victory (over), (more informal) undertake OPPOSITES ARE refuse, decline
takeover 2 consent to He said the girl had consented to
conscience noun 1 His conscience forced him to his advances. » agree to, allow, approve,
admit the truth in the end.» moral sense, concede, grant, authorize, permit, comply with
principles, morals, ethics, standards 2 Large OPPOSITES ARE refuse, forbid
organizations have no conscience about getting rid consent noun The authorities refused their
of people. » scruples, compunction, consent. » agreement, assent, permission,
misgivings, qualms, reservations authorization, approval, backing,
conscientious spective a conscientious worker endorsement, (more informal) go-ahead
> hard-working, diligent, industrious, consequence noun 1 Cooling of the
painstaking, thorough, meticulous, stratosphere was seen as a consequence of the
punctilious, accurate, attentive, dedicated, greenhouse effect. > result, effect, outcome,
rigorous, careful, dutiful, unflagging, aftermath, by-product, corollary, repercussion,
assiduous, scrupulous OPPOSITES ARE careless, sequel, side-effect, upshot 2 These small losses
irresponsible, lazy are of little consequence. » importance,
conscious apective 1 Despite the blow to his significance, account, concern, moment, note,
head, he remained conscious. » awake, aware, value, weight
alert, compos mentis, sensible AN OPPOSITE IS conservation noun the conservation of energy
unconscious 2 It was a conscious attempt to and resources ® preservation, protection,
deceive us.» deliberate, intended, intentional, safeguarding, saving, careful management,
calculated, knowing, planned, premeditated, economy, maintenance, upkeep AN OPPOSITE IS
studied, wilful AN OPPOSITE IS accidental destruction
consecutive ,pjective Interest rates have conservative apjective 1 conservative ideas; his
remained unchanged for six consecutive months. conservative father ® traditional, conventional,
> continuous, successive, uninterrupted, orthodox, reactionary, old-fashioned, die-
running (six months running), in succession (six hard, hidebound, moderate, narrow-minded,

Conservative — consolidate
Conservative noun Conservatives a person considering preposition taking something into
who supports the Conservative Party, a consideration e The car runs well, considering its
political party that favours private enterprise age. mad
and freedom from state control consist vers consists, consisting, consisted
> Conservative ADJECTIVE be made up or composed of e The flat consists of
conserve vers conserves, conserving, three rooms.
conserved prevent something valuable from consistency noun consistencies 1 being
being changed, spoilt, or wasted consistent 2 thickness orstiffness, especially of
a liquid
consider vers considers, considering,
considered 1 think carefully about or give consistent apectve 1 keeping to a regular
attention to something, especially in order to pattern or style; not changing 2 not
make a decision 2 have an opinion; thinkto be contradictory
© Consider yourself lucky. > consistently spvers
consolation youn consolations 1 consoling Yon’
considerable anective fairly great e a 2 something that consoles someone
considerable amount
> considerably Apvers console’ (kon- sohl) vers consoles, eth

consoling, consoled comfort someone whois

considerate apyective taking care not to unhappy or disappointed
inconvenience or hurt others console? (kon- sohl) youn consoles a panel or
> considerately apvers unit containing the controls for equipment
consideration noun considerations 1 being consolidate vers consolidates,
considerate 2 careful thought or attention 3.a consolidating, consolidated 1 make or
fact that must be kept in mind 4 payment given become secure and strong 2 combine two or
as areward more organizations, funds, etc. into one
take into consideration allow for > consolidation Noun

sober, unadventurous OPPOSITES ARE generous, sensitive, accommodating
progressive, radical 2 the conservative section of OPPOSITES ARE inconsiderate, selfish
the party » right-wing, right-of-centre, consideration noun The matter needs careful
reactionary, traditionalist, Tory OPPOSITES ARE consideration. » thought, attention,
radical, socialist 3 Fifty pounds is a conservative deliberation, reflection, examination, =|
estimate. » cautious, moderate, reasonable, contemplation, meditation, scrutiny, review

understated, unexaggerated AN OPPOSITE IS

extreme consist vers consist of Audiences consist of very
different types ofpeople. » be composed of,
conserve vers It is important to conserve energy.
comprise, be made of, include, contain,
Pm save, preserve, protect, sustain, maintain, incorporate, involve
safeguard, be economical with, use sparingly,
keep, look after, store up OPPOSITES ARE waste, consistent apjective 1 a consistent pattern of
squander behaviour » steady, uniform, stable, regular,
even, uniform, constant, unchanging, ul
consider vers 1 Donna paused to consider the unvarying, dependable, reliable, predictable,
possibilities. » think about, contemplate, unfailing 2 The theory is consistent with recent WV
ponder, reflect on, weigh up, mull over, research, » compatible, in accordance, in
cogitate, deliberate, muse, meditate on, agreement, in harmony AN OPPOSITE IS Vi/
discuss, examine, ruminate, study, (informal) inconsistent
turn over 21 consider it a privilege. » regard
(as), deem, count, think, judge, reckon, believe consolation noun I tried to offer her some
(to be) consolation for her loss. » comfort, solace,
sympathy, commiseration, compassion,
considerable apjective There was a considerable
reassurance, support, succour,
amount of traffic on the road. He had inherited a
encouragement, cheer, ease, help, relief
considerable sum from his grandparents.
> substantial, sizeable, appreciable, console vers His friends tried to console him.
significant, reasonable, respectable, tolerable, > comfort, solace, hearten, encourage,
worthwhile, large, comfortable, noteworthy, relieve, soothe, sympathize with, calm, cheer
noticeable, perceptible AN OPPOSITE Is consolidate vers 1 attempts to consolidate their
negligible reputation in Europe » strengthen, reinforce,
considerate apjective We are encouraged to be fortify, enhance, stabilize, make secure, make
polite, modest, and considerate to others.> kind, strong AN OPPOSITE IS weaken 2 All the resources
thoughtful, attentive, helpful, caring, obliging, need to be consolidated. » amalgamate,
consonant — construction
consonant youn consonants a letter that is constituent youn constituents 1 one of the
not a vowel e b, c, d, f, etc. are consonants. parts that form a whole thing 2 someone who
conspicuous spective easily seen; noticeable lives in a particular constituency
> constituent ADJECTIVE
> conspicuously apvers conspicuousness
NOUN constitute vers constitutes, constituting,
constituted make up or form something
conspiracy noun conspiracies planning with © Twelve months constitute a year.
others to do something illegal; a plot
> conspirator NOUN constitution noun constitutions 1 the group
of laws or principles that state how a country is
constable noun constables a police officer of to be organized and governed 2 the nature of
the lowest rank the body in regard to healthiness e She has a
constant apjective 1 not changing; happening strong constitution. 3 constituting 4the
all the time 2 faithful or loyal composition of something
> constantly Apvers constancy NOUN > constitutional ADjecTIVE
constant noun constants 1 a thing that does constrict vers constricts , constricting,
not vary 2 (in science and mathematics) a constricted squeeze or tighten something by
number or value that does not change making it narrower
> constriction NOUN
constellation noun constellations a group of
construct vers constructs, constructing,
constructed make something by placing parts
constipated apjective unable to empty the together; build
bowels easily or regularly > constructor NOUN
> constipation Noun construction noun constructions
constituency noun constituencies a district 1 constructing 2 something constructed; a
represented by a Member of Parliament building 3 two or more words put together to
elected by the people who live there form a phrase or clause or sentence 4an

combine, integrate, merge, unify, bring firm, dependable, reliable, dedicated
together, fuse OPPOSITES ARE fickle, unreliable
consort vers consort with consorting with the constantly apvers The train times are constantly
opposition > associate with, socialize with, changing. » always, continually, repeatedly, all
have dealings with, befriend, fraternize with, the time, forever
keep company with, mix with, be friends with, constitute vers 1 Their attitude constitutes a
be seen with form of discrimination. » amount to, be
conspicuous apjective 1 Her bright clothes made equivalent to, be tantamount to, compose,
her conspicuous. » prominent, distinct, clearly comprise, form, make up 2A Scottish
visible, easily seen, noticeable, apparent, Parliament was constituted in 1999. » establish,
perceptible AN OPPOSITE IS inconspicuous 2 The set up, inaugurate, create, found, appoint
infantry showed conspicuous bravery that day. constraint noun Political constraints prevented
> obvious, manifest, evident, outstanding, him from speaking his mind. » restriction,
exceptional, marked, pronounced, restraint, limitation, inhibition, control,
unmistakable hindrance, check
conspiracy noun They were involved in a constriction noun He felt a constriction in his
conspiracy to kill the king. » plot, scheme, throat. » tightening, tightness, narrowing,
intrigue, machination, plan, stratagem pressure, stricture
construct vers 1 The local council wants to
conspire vers They twice conspired to overthrow construct a new bridge over the railway line.
the dictatorship. > plot, scheme, intrigue, plan, > build, erect, put up, set up, assemble 2 We
hatch a plot, collude, connive, collaborate, must construct a new form of society. » create,
consort, be in league devise, develop, formulate, fashion, design,
constant apjctive 1 the constant hum of traffic invent
on the bypass » continuous, continual, construction noun 1 In 1858 the construction of
persistent, ceaseless, incessant, endless, the present chapel was put in hand. > building,
unending OPPOSITES ARE changeable, irregular erection, assembly, creation, establishment,
2 The wheel should turn at a constant speed putting-up, setting-up, erecting 2 The new
> steady, regular, stable, uniform, even, building was a mainly timber construction.
invariable, fixed 3 She proved to be a constant > building, edifice, erection, structure,
friend. » faithful, loyal, devoted, staunch, true, framework
constructive — contemplate
explanation or interpretation ® They put a bad contact vers contacts, contacting,
construction on our refusal. contacted get in touch with a person
constructive jective helpful and positive contact lens youn contact lenses a'tiny lens
© constructive suggestions worn against the eyeball, instead of glasses
consult vers consults, consulting, consulted contagious 4pjective spreading by contact with
go to a person or book etc. for information or an infected person e a contagious disease
advice contain vers contains, containing,
> consultation Noun contained 1 have inside e The box contains
chocolates. 2 consist of e A gallon contains 8
consultant youn consultants a person who is
pints. 3 restrain; hold back e Try to contain your
qualified to give expert advice laughter.
consume vers consumes, consuming, container youn containers 1a box or bottle
consumed 1 eat or drink something 2 use up etc. designed to contain something 2 large
© Much time was consumed in waiting. 3 destroy box-like object of standard design in which
e Fire consumed the building. goods are transported
consumer noun consumers a person who contaminate vers contaminates,
buys or uses goods or services contaminating, contaminated make a thing
consummate (kon- sum- at) ADjecTive perfect; dirty or impure or diseased etc.; pollute
highly skilled @ a consummate artist > contamination Noun
contemplate vers contemplates,
consumption noun 1 consuming 2 (old use) contemplating, contemplated. 1 look at
tuberculosis of the lungs something thoughtfully 2 consider or think
contact youn contacts 1 touching 2 beingin about doing something e We are contemplating
touch; communication 3 a person to a visit to London.
communicate with when you need information > contemplation Noun contemplative

constructive apjective The talks proved to be in Italy. » associate, connection,
helpful and constructive. » positive, useful, acquaintance, liaison
worthwhile, beneficial, advantageous, contact vers I'l contact them when I have more
creative, helpful, practical, valuable information. » notify, communicate with, get
AN OPPOSITE IS destructive in touch with, get hold of, approach,
consult vers 1 He wanted to consult the workforce correspond with, call, call on, phone, ring,
before introducing any changes. » speak to, speak to, talk to, (more informal) drop a line to
confer with, refer to, seek advice from, debate contain vers 1 The box contained bottles of red
with, discuss matters with, exchange views wine. » hold, accommodate 2 The atlas
with 2 Consult your doctor before attempting contains photographs taken from space.
these exercises. » see, ask, get advice from, > include, incorporate, comprise, consist of,
refer to 3 He consulted a list pinned to the wall. be composed of 3 You will have to contain your
> refer to, turn to, look something up in impatience. » restrain, curb, suppress, control,
hold back, keep back, repress, check, stifle,
consume vers 1A lot offood and drink was
consumed that day. » eat, drink, devour, digest,
swallow, feast on, (more informal) gobble up container noun a watertight container
2 The factory consumes thousands of tons offuel > receptacle, vessel, holder, repository,
each year. » use, use up, utilize, expend, canister, case
absorb, swallow up, deplete, drain, eat into, contaminate vers Farming contaminates
employ, exhaust 3 Fire consumed a row of watercourses every day. » pollute, adulterate,
buildings. » destroy, demolish, devastate, defile, infect, poison, foul, soil, taint
wipe out, annihilate, wreck, ravage, ruin AN OPPOSITE IS purify
4 George was consumed by guilt. » overcome,
contemplate vers 1 He contemplated her over
overwhelm, preoccupy, obsess, absorb his glasses. » look at, view, observe, regard,
contact noun 1 He had been avoiding physical survey, watch, eye, gaze at, stare at, (in
contact with her all day. » touch, touching, literature) behold 2 She could not even
proximity 2 Contact between Europe and Africa contemplate what might happen. » think about,
can be traced back hundreds of years. consider, cogitate, deliberate, examine, mull
> communication, connection, association over, plan, reflect on, study, work out 3 He
3 Make sure all electrical contacts are secure. contemplated leaving. » consider, think about,
> connection, join 4 I will ask one of my contacts envisage, have in mind, intend (to), propose

contemporary => contest
contemporary spective 1 belongingtothe contemptuous spective feeling or showing
same period e Dickens was contemporary with contempt @ She gave me a contemptuous look.
Thackeray. 2 modern; up-to-date > contemptuously Apvers
© contemporary furniture content’ (kon- tent) Apjective contented
contemporary Noun contemporaries a > contentment Noun
person who is contemporary with another or content? (kon- tent) noun or contents PLURAL
who is about the same age e She was my NoUN what something contains
contemporary at college.
contented agecnve happy with what you have;
contempt noun a feeling of despising a person satisfied
or thing > contentedly apvers
contemptible apjctive deserving contempt contest (kon- test) Noun contests a
e Hurting her feelings like that was a competition; a struggle in which rivals try to
contemptible thing to do. obtain something or to do best

4 She sat quietly and contemplated. » ponder, content noun 1 The article is admired more for
reflect, ruminate, think, meditate, muse its content than its style. » subject matter,
contemporary apective 1 The historical subject, theme, substance, argument,
information comes from contemporary accounts. message 2 Butter has a high fat content.
> contemporaneous, concurrent, > element, ingredient, substance 3 She smiled
synchronous, coinciding, simultaneous, with content. » happiness, contentment,
coexistent, of the time 2. concert of satisfaction, pleasure
contemporary music » modern, current, content vers The answer seemed to content him.
present-day, recent, fashionable, the latest, > satisfy, please, placate, appease, pacify,
newest soothe
contempt noun She had nothing but contempt contented agective a contented feeling
for them. » disgust, scorn, disdain, loathing, > happy, content, satisfied, pleased, gratified,
abhorrence, derision, disparagement, glad, cheerful, smug OPPOSITES ARE
detestation, dislike, disrespect, hatred, ridicule discontented, dissatisfied
AN OPPOSITE IS admiration contention noun Her contention is that the
feel orshow contempt for He felt contempt for action would be illegal. » argument, claim,
their extreme views. > despise, spurn, revile, opinion, view, assertion, submission, belief,
detest position
contemptible apjcrve a contemptible insult contentious spective 1 contentious issue
> despicable, shameful, disgraceful, > controversial, debatable, disputed,
detestable, hateful, deplorable, ignominious, disputable, vexed 2a contentious group of
loathsome, odious, mean, vile, low, cheap people > quarrelsome, argumentative,
AN OPPOSITE IS admirable disputatious, difficult
contemptuous spective a contemptuous tone of contentment noun They achieved contentment
voice > scornful, disdainful, scathing, in the country. » happiness, well-being,
disrespectful, insulting, derisive, dismissive, comfort, pleasure, content, contentedness,
supercilious, condescending, insolent, gratification, satisfaction, peace of mind,
haughty, mocking, withering, arrogant tranquillity, ease, fulfilment, relaxation,
AN OPPOSITE IS admiring serenity OPPOSITES ARE dissatisfaction,
be contemptuous of > denigrate, disparage, unhappiness
revile, malign, belittle, decry, impugn, abuse contest noun 1 song contest; a boxing contest
contend vers 1 political parties contending for > competition, tournament, match, bout,
power » compete, struggle, vie, strive, fight, encounter, fight, battle, dispute 2 a contest for
grapple, oppose one another, rival one the leadership » struggle, challenge,
another, contest, dispute 2 She contended that confrontation, duel
she had been given bad advice. » claim, declare, contest vers 1 Seven candidates will contest the
maintain, aver, hold, assert, allege, argue, election. » enter, compete in, take part in,
affirm, plead 3contend with They have alot to participate in, contend in, fight in, (informal)
contend with. » cope with, deal with, put up make a bid for, strive for, struggle for, take up
with, sort out, manage, organize the challenge of, vie for 2 They decided to contest
content apjectve He seems content now that he’s the decision. » oppose, challenge, dispute,
got his way. » happy, contented, satisfied, object to, argue against, take issue with, query,
pleased, gratified, glad, cheerful, smug refute, resist, debate, doubt, question
contestant — contractor
contestant youn contestants a person taking > continuously apvers continuity Noun
part in a contest; a competitor USAGE See note at continual.
context youn contexts 1 the words that come contort vers contorts, contorting, contorted
before and aftera particular word or phrase and twist or force out of the usual shape or meaning
help to fix its meaning 2 the background to an > contortion NOUN
event that helps to explain it contortionist youn contortionists a person
continent youn continents one of the main who can,twist his or her body into unusual
masses of land in the world e The continents are positions
Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South
America, Australia, and Antarctica.
contour noun contours 1a line ona map
> continental pjective
joining the points that are the same height
above sea level 2 an outline
the Continent the mainland of Europe, not
including the British Isles contraband oun smuggled goods
continual apjective happening all the time, contraception noun a way of preventing
usually with breaks in between e Stop this pregnancy; birth control
continual quarrelling! contraceptive youn contraceptives a
> continually apvers substance or device that prevents pregnancy
USAGE Do not confuse with continuous.
Continual is used to describe something that contract (kon- trakt) noun contracts 1a
happens very frequently (there were continual formal agreement to do something 2a
interruptions) while continuous is used to document stating the terms of an agreement
describe something that happens without a contract (kon- trakt) vers contracts,
pause (there was continuous rain all day). contracting, contracted 1 make or become
continue vers continues, continuing, smaller 2 make a contract 3 get anillness e She
continued 1 do something without stopping contracted measles.
2 begin again after stopping e The game will contraction youncontractions 1 contracting
continue after lunch. 2a shortened form of a word or words. Can't is
> continuation Noun a contraction of cannot
continuous 4pecive going on and on; without contractor joun contractors a person who
a break makes a contract, especially for building

context noun The events have to be put in their continuous apjective three days of continuous
historical context. » background, rain » uninterrupted, unbroken, constant,
circumstances, surroundings, framework, steady, ceaseless, endless, incessant,
situation, ambience, frame of reference, Persistent, non-stop OPPOSITES ARE
milieu, position intermittent, sporadic
continual apjective She needed continual contract noun A contract is legally binding.
reassurance. The service is affected by continual > agreement, settlement, covenant, compact,
breakdowns. » constant, repeated, frequent, commitment, deal, bond, pact, concordat,
regular, perpetual, ceaseless, incessant, bargain, indenture, lease, treaty,
understanding, undertaking
persistent OPPOSITES ARE occasional, sporadic
contract vers 1 The glass contracts as it cools.
continuation noun 1 He returned to the clinic Labour markets contracted in this area. » shrink,
for the continuation of his treatment. lessen, diminish, reduce, become smaller,
> resumption, maintenance, continuing, condense, shrivel, decrease, dwindle, wither,
continuance, carrying on, extension, close up, draw together, fall away, narrow, slim
prolongation 2 the continuation of a story down, thin out OPPOSITES ARE expand, enlarge
> sequel, supplement, addition, appendix, 2 The company contracted to build an extension to
postscript the house. » sign an agreement, undertake,
covenant, make adeal, promise, agree, arrange
continue vers 1 Police continued the search until 3 The woman might have contracted smallpox.
dark. » carry on, maintain, keep up, keep > develop, catch, get, become infected by, be
going, persevere with, proceed with, prolong, taken ill with
pursue, (more informal) stick at 2 Shall we contraction noun 1 contraction of overseas
continue after lunch? » resume, restart, begin markets » shrinking, shrivelling, diminution,
again, recommence 3 Talks continued all week. decline, decrease 2 ‘Goodbye’ is a contraction of
> last, carry on, go on, endure, persist, keep ‘God be with you’. » abbreviation, diminutive,
on, linger, live on, remain, stay, survive short form, shortened form
contradict — contrite
contradict vers contradicts, contradicting, contrast noun contrasts 1 a difference clearly
contradicted 1 say that something said is not seen when things are compared 2 something
true or that someone is wrong 2 say the showing a clear difference
opposite of e These rumours contradict previous contrast vers contrasts, contrasting,
ones. contrasted 1 compare or oppose two things
> contradiction noun contradictory ADjECTIVE in order to show that they are clearly different
2 be clearly different when compared
contraflow noun contraflows a flow of road
traffic travelling in the opposite direction to the contravene vers contravenes,
usual flow and close beside it contravening, contravened act against arule
or law
contralto noun contraltos a female singer > contravention NouN
with a low voice
contribute vers contributes, contributing,
contraption noun contraptions a strange- contributed 1 give money or help along with
looking device or machine other people 2 write something for a
newspaper or magazine etc. 3 help to cause
contrary spective 1 (kon-tra- ree) of the something e Tiredness contributed to the
opposite kind or direction etc.; opposed; accident.
unfavourable 2 (kon- trair- ee) awkward and > contribution noun contributor noun
obstinate contributory ADjECTIVE
contrary (kon-tra- ree) Noun the opposite contrite apjective very sorry for having done
on the contrary the opposite is true wrong

AA contradict vers 11 didn’t like to contradict him contradiction, opposition AN OPPOSITE IS
but I really didn’t agree. » disagree with, similarity
challenge, oppose, speak against, impugn
2 The new evidence contradicts earlier contrast vers 1 People contrast the two brothers.
conclusions. » conflict with, be at odds with, be > differentiate, distinguish, make distinctions
inconsistent with, run counter to, challenge, between, discriminate between, compare
disprove 3 The statement was later contradicted 2 contrast with Her fair hair contrasted with
by the Prime Minister.» deny, repudiate, rebut, her dark dress. » set off, complement, clash
dispute, counter AN OPPOSITE IS confirm with
contradictory apjective The two points of view
are completely contradictory. » opposite, contrasting apjctive contrasting colours;
opposed, conflicting, contrary, incompatible, contrasting opinions » complementary,
inconsistent, irreconcilable, different, conflicting, different, opposing, opposite
discrepant, antithetical OPPOSITES ARE AN OPPOSITE IS similar
consistent, compatible
contribute vers 1 Employers have to contribute
contraption noun Above his head was a a set amount to the fund. » give, subscribe,
contraption consisting of springs and wires. donate, provide, put up, supply, add, grant,
> device, contrivance, gadget, apparatus, bestow 2contribute to The weather
mechanism, invention, machine
contributed to the success of the occasion. » play
contrary spective 1 (with the stress on con) a part in, add to, be a factor in, have a hand in,
Other may take the contrary view. » opposite, make for, enhance, help, reinforce, support,
opposing, opposed, contradictory, conflicting, encourage
contrasting, reverse, converse, different, other
AN OPPOSITE IS similar 2 (with the stress on contribution youn All income comes from
-trary, pronounced like Mary) a contrary child charitable contributions. » donation,
> perverse, awkward, difficult, uncooperative, benefaction, payment, gift, subscription,
obstinate, unhelpful, tiresome, disobedient, allowance, endowment, grant, offering,
vexatious, (more informal) bolshie, (more sponsorship, (more informal) handout
informal) stroppy AN OPPOSITE IS Cooperative
3contrary to The result was contrary to all contributor youn 1 The charity has acquired
expectations. » in conflict with, at odds with, at several new contributors. » donor, benefactor,
variance with, counter to
subscriber, supporter, patron, sponsor, giver,
contrast Noun a noticeable contrast between backer, helper 2 regular
a contributor to the
what they say and what they do» difference, magazine » writer, columnist, correspondent,
dissimilarity, disparity, variance, divergence, freelance, journalist, reporter
contrive = conventional
contrive vers contrives, contriving, convalesce vers convalesces, convalescing,
contrived plan cleverly; find a way of doing or convalesced be recovering from an illness
making something > convalescence noun convalescent ADJECTIVE,
control vers controls, controlling, NOUN
controlled 1 have the power to make convection noun the passing on of heat within
someone or something do what you want liquid, air, or gas by circulation of the warmed
2 hold something, especially anger, in check;
parts » c
> controller noun convenience youn conveniences 1 being
control noun controlling a person or thing; convenient 2 something that is convenient 3.a
authority public toilet
in control having control of something at your convenience whenever you find
out of control no longer able to be controlled convenient; as it suits you
controls piural noun the switches etc. used to convenient pjczive easy to use or deal with or
control a machine reach
controversial agctive causing controversy > conveniently Apvers
controversy (kon- tro- ver- see, kon- trov- conventional apjective 1 done or doing things
er- see) NOUN controversies along argument in the accepted way; traditional 2 (said about
or disagreement weapons) not nuclear
conundrum noun conundrums a riddle; a > conventionally Apvers conventionality
hard question NOUN

contrivance noun The blinds were opened by a committee convened at two o'clock. » assemble, mm
strange contrivance at the side. » device, meet, gather, come together
contraption, gadget, apparatus, mechanism, convenient apecrve 1 He asked when it would
invention, machine be convenient to interview her. > suitable,
control youn 1 this theme ofgiving back control appropriate, opportune, fitting, agreeable,
over civic affairs to the local people neat, timely, usable OPPOSITES ARE
> jurisdiction, administration, management, inconvenient, awkward 2 Fast foods are often
regulation, authority, charge, power, the most convenient option. » practical, handy,
government, supervision, command, useful, helpful, labour-saving 3 There is a
direction, oversight, organization, guidance, regular bus service and convenient shops.
influence 2.He needs to exercise a little more > nearby, accessible, handy, at hand, available
control and not lose his temper so much. 4convenient for The house was so convenient
> restraint, self-control, self-command, self- for London. » accessible to, within easy reach
Possession, composure 3 Some of the controls of, well situated for, handy for AN OPPOSITE IS
were difficult to reach. » switch, knob, button, inconvenient
lever, handle, dial convention youn 1 All these social conventions
gain control of The Portuguese had gained can become tedious. » custom, practice,
control of the Indian Ocean a century earlier. tradition, rule, protocol, canon, formality,
> take over, dominate, usurp, win, annex, matter of form, matter of etiquette
seize, steal 2 American-style political conventions
control vers 1 You have to be able to control all > conference, meeting, congress, assembly,
the resources. » be in charge of, manage, symposium 3a convention signed by all the
administer, have authority over, supervise, countries of the area» agreement, treaty,
govern, oversee, run, operate, look after 2 He accord, compact, understanding
found it hard to control his temper. » restrain, conventional apjctive 1 He was willing to
check, contain, curb, confine, keep in check, follow conventional ideas. » orthodox,
master, repress, subdue, suppress established, traditional, customary, prevalent,
controversial spective He wrote a controversial mainstream, commonplace, routine,
article on the death penalty. » contentious, unoriginal, hackneyed OPPOSITES ARE
controvertible, debatable, disputable, unconventional, unorthodox 2 Kevin was a
questionable, doubtful, polemical, conventional man. » conservative, hidebound,
problematical, arguable OPPOSITES ARE traditional, traditionalist, conformist, formal,
uncontroversial, straightforward correct, proper, bourgeois, stereotyped,
convene vers 1 The chairman convened a unadventurous, unimaginative, unoriginal,
meeting. > call, summon, assemble, bring (more informal) stuffy, (more informal) fuddy-
together, (more formal) convoke 2 The duddy OPPOSITES ARE unconventional, radical
conversation => cook
conversation noun conversations talk convict (kon- vikt) noun convicts a convicted
between people person who is in prison
> conversational ADJECTIVE conviction noun convictions 1 convicting or
a) being convicted of acrime 2 being convinced
convert (kon- vert) vers converts,
converting, converted 1 change 2causea 3. a firm opinion or belief
person to change his or her beliefs 3 kick a goal carry conviction be convincing
after scoring a try at rugby football convince vers convinces, convincing,
> converter NOUN conversion NOUN convinced make a person feel certain that
comvex ADJEcTIVe curved like the outside of a ball something is true
or circle (The opposite is concave) CONVOY NOUN convoys a group of ships or lorries
> convexity NOUN travelling together
convey vers conveys, conveying, conveyed convulsion noun convulsions 1a violent
1 transport 2 communicate a message or idea movement of the body 2a violent upheaval
etc. COO vers coos, cooing, cooed make a dove’s
> conveyor NOUN soft murmuring sound
conveyor belt noun conveyor belts a > Coo NOUN
continuous moving belt for moving objects cook vers cooks, cooking, cooked make food
from one place to another ready to eat by heating it
convict (kon-vikt) vers convicts, convicting, cook up (informal) if you cook up a story or
convicted prove or declare that a certain plan, you invent it
person is guilty of a crime cook noun cooks a person who cooks

3 A conventional telephone can be a lot less fiddly convict vere (with the stress on -vict) A jury had
than many mobiles. » standard, normal, earlier convicted Duncan of assault.» condemn,
regular, traditional, ordinary declare guilty, find guilty opposites ARE acquit,
converge vers The light rays converge to form a clear
sharp image. » merge, combine, meet, join, conviction noun 1 He spoke with complete
come together, coincide OPPOSITES ARE conviction. » confidence, assurance, certainty,
separate, diverge sureness, positiveness, firmness AN OPPOSITE IS
conversation noun The rest of the conversation uncertainty 2 She has keenly felt political
was in French. » discussion, talk, discourse, convictions. » belief, opinion, view, principle,
dialogue, exchange, consultation, (more persuasion, creed, faith, tenet
informal) chat convince vers It will be difficult to convince them.
conversion noun 1 the conversion of waste into She tried to convince herself that nobody would
forms of energy » change, changing, turning,
have heard her. » persuade, assure, prove to,
reassure, satisfy, sway, win over, bring round
transformation 2 The house has had a loft
conversion. » adaptation, alteration, convincing apjectve 1 convincing argument
renovation, reconstruction, rebuilding, > strong, powerful, conclusive, cogent,
modification decisive, compelling, definite, persuasive,
unambiguous, unarguable, unequivocal
convert vers 1 We plan to convert the loft into a AN OPPOSITE IS inconclusive 2a convincing
workroom. Most of her novels have now been : victory » decisive, conclusive, resounding,
converted into films. » adapt, change, turn,
emphatic, impressive
rebuild, reconstruct, renovate, modify,
reorganize 2a device for converting digital data CONVOY NouN a convoy of ships » group, fleet,
into audio signals » turn, change, transform, armada, procession
translate convulsion noun 1 The convulsions stopped and
convey vers 1A shuttle service conveys Charles lay back exhausted. > fit, seizure,
passengers from the city to the suburbs. spasm, attack, paroxysm 2 seismic convulsions;
> transport, carry, take, transfer, deliver, a political convulsion » upheaval, disturbance,
bring, fetch, move 2 The dancer’s movements tremor, turbulence, eruption, outburst
can convey a variety of meanings. convulsive apyective convulsive movements
> communicate, signify, indicate, impart, > spasmodic, jerky, shaking, uncontrolled,
disclose, relate, imply, mean, reveal, put uncoordinated, violent, (more informal)
across, get across twitchy
convict noun (with the stress on con-) He looked cook noun the hotel's new cook » chef
like an convict in his striped pyjamas. » prisoner, cook vers She cooked them both a romantic dinner.
criminal, condemned person > prepare, make, get, put together, (more
cookery > copy
cookery noun the skill of cooking food COpe vers copes, coping, coped manage or
cool apective 1 fairly cold; not hot or warm deal with something successfully
2 calm; not enthusiastic copious pctive plentiful; in large amounts
> coolly avers coolness Noun > copiously apvers
cool vere cools, cooling, cooled make or COpper noun coppers 1 a reddish-brown metal
become cool used to make wire, coins, etc. 2a reddish-
> cooler Noun brown cofour 3 a coin made of copper or metal
cooped up spective having to stay ina place of this colour
which is small and uncomfortable > COpper ADJECTIVE
cooperate vers cooperates, cooperating, COpse noun copses a small group of trees
cooperated work helpfully with other people copulate vers copulates, copulating,
> cooperation noun cooperative ADeEcTIVE copulated have sexual intercourse with
Tk wot
coordinate vere coordinates, coordinating, someone
coordinated organize people or things to > copulation youn n
work properly together
COPy Noun copies 1a thing made to look like
> coordination noun coordinator Noun
another 2 something written or typed out
coordinate youn coordinates either of the again from its original form 3 one of anumber
pair of numbers or letters used to fix the of specimens of the same book or newspaper
position ofapoint on a graph or map etc.

informal) fix RELATED ADJECTIVE culinary refused to cooperate with them. » assist, help,
cook something up He cooked up an idea for support, work with
getting her to go with him. » concoct, devise, cooperation youn 1 wise cooperation between
contrive, plot, scheme management and workers » collaboration,
cool apective -1 the cool air of early morning coordination, joint action, teamwork, unity,
> fresh, bracing, crisp, brisk, chilly, chilled, mutual support OPPOSITES ARE conflict, rivalry
(more informal) nippy OPPOSITES ARE warm, 2 She thanked them all for their cooperation.
balmy 2 We got a cool response. » unfriendly, > assistance, help, helpfulness, support,
chilly, lukewarm, unwelcoming, frigid, hostile, backing
unsympathetic, reserved, aloof, (informal) cooperative apjecrive 1 The staff were pleasant
standoffish OPPOSITES ARE warm, friendly, and cooperative. » helpful, obliging,
enthusiastic 3 He was determined to keep cool in accommodating, supportive, constructive,
the crisis. » calm, composed, collected, clear- willing, keen AN OPPOSITE IS uncooperative
headed, self-controlled, self-possessed, 2 The project was achieved by a cooperative effort.
unflustered, unruffled 4 (informal) She seems to > joint, combined, collective, concerted,
think she’s so cool. » fashionable, trendy, coordinated, corporate, shared, communal
stylish, sophisticated, chic 5 (informal) It’s a AN OPPOSITE IS individual
cool song. » good, excellent, super, superb
cool noun He finally lost his cool and started coordinate vers A committee will coordinate all
shouting, » composure, self-control, self- the sporting activities. » harmonize, organize,
possession, calm, calmness bring together, synchronize, systematize
cool vers 1 He threw open the shutters to cool the cope vers 1 She is too old now to cope by herself.
room. & chill, make cooler, lower the > manage, survive, carry on, get by, fend for
temperature of 2 Cool the mixture in the fridge yourself, make do 2cope with We found so
for about an hour. > chill, refrigerate, make many problems at once difficult to cope with.
cold 3 Their enthusiasm had begun to cool. Recent > deal with, handle, manage, contend with,
events had cooled their enthusiasm. » lessen, endure, tolerate
reduce, moderate, dampen, diminish, abate, copious spective They sat listening and writing
take the edge off or lose its edge copious notes. a long breakfast of croissants and
cooped up apjective She doesn’t like being cooped copious coffee » plenty of, abundant, plentiful,
up athome all day.» confined, shutin, shut up, extensive, substantial, profuse, lavish,
caged, trapped, locked up, imprisoned, generous, ample, numerous, full OPPOSITES ARE
incarcerated sparse, meagre
cooperate vers 1 Several police forces copy noun 1 Keep a copy ofyour letter.
cooperated in the operation. » collaborate, > duplicate, photocopy, (trademark) Xerox,
combine, unite, work together, join forces, facsimile, transcript, clone, double, pattern,
team up 2 cooperate with He absolutely print, representation, tracing 2 The painting is
copy = coronation
copy vers copies,copying,copied 1 makea cornea Noun corneas the transparent covering
copy of something 2 do the same as someone over the pupil of the eye
else; imitate > cornmeal ADJECTIVE
copyright oun the legal right to print a book, corner noun corners 1 the angle or area where
reproduce a picture, record a piece of music, two lines or sides or walls meet or where two
etc. streets join 2a free hit or kick from the corner
coral noun 1 ahard red, pink, or white of a hockey orfootball field 3 a region @ a quiet
substance formed by the skeletons of tiny sea corner of the world
creatures massed together 2a pink colour corner vers corners, cornering ,cornered
cord noun cords 1along thin flexible strip of 1 drive someone into a corner or other position
twisted threads or strands 2 piece of flex 3.a from which it is difficult to escape 2 travel
cord-like structure in the body e the spinal cord round a corner 3 obtain possession of all or
4 corduroy most of something @ corner the market
USAGE Do not confuse withchord. cornet noun cornets 1a cone-shaped wafer
cordial apjective warm and friendly etc. holding ice cream 2a musical instrument
> cordially pvers cordiality Noun rather like a trumpet
corduroy noun cotton cloth with velvety ridges cornflakes piural noun toasted maize flakes
core noun cores 1 the part in the middle of eaten as a breakfast cereal
something 2 the hard central part of an apple cornucopia noun 1a horn-shaped container
or pear etc., containing the seeds overflowing with fruit and flowers 2 a plentiful
corgi noun corgis asmall dog with short legs supply of good things
and upright ears corny ADjécrive cornier ,corniest (informal)
cork noun corks 1 the lightweight bark of a 1 repeated so often that people are tired of it
kind of oak tree 2 a stopper for a bottle, made © a corny joke. 2 sentimental
of cork or other material corollary (ker- ol- er- ee) noun corollaries a
cork vers corks ,corking ,corked close fact etc. that logically results from another
something with a cork e The work is difficult and, as a corollary, tiring.
corkscrew noun corkscrews 1a device for coronary Noun coronaries short forcoronary
removing corks from bottles 2 spiral thrombosis, blockage of an artery carrying
corn’ noun 1 the seed of wheat and similar blood to the heart [from Latin corona = crown:
plants 2a plant, such as wheat, grown for its the coronary arteries encircle the heart like a
grain crown]
COFN ? NouN corns a small hard painful lump on coronation noun coronations the crowning
the foot of aking or queen

only a copy. » reproduction, replica, imitation, COrn Noun a field of corn » grain, cereal, cereal
likeness, model, fake, forgery, twinUSAGE You crop, wheat, barley
use fake or forgery when you mean a copy that
is intended to deceive people. AN OPPOSITE IS corner noun 1 Turn left at the corner.» bend,
original curve, turning 2 Three women sat in a corner of
the room. » nook, niche, recess, alcove
copy vers 1 Copy the passage from the book. 3 Stuart felt he was in a bit of a corner.
> write out, reproduce, make a copy of, > predicament, plight, quandary, dilemma,
duplicate, repeat 2 He copied several drawings awkward situation, mess, (more informal) spot,
by Hogarth. » reproduce, make a copy of, (more informal) scrape, (more informal) stew
forge, fake, plagiarize, counterfeit, crib, follow round the corner The shops are round the
usage You use fake or forge or counterfeit when corner. » nearby, close at hand, not far away,
you mean make a copy that is intended to within reach
deceive people. 3 A lot ofmusicians have tried to
copy their sound. » imitate, mimic, reproduce, corner vers The animal had cornered its prey.
emulate, ape, impersonate, parrot, poach > trap, shutin, bring to bay, run to ground,
capture, catch
cord noun I tightened the cord on the hood of my
jacket. » string, thread, strap, tape, rope, COFMy ADJECTIVE corny jokes » hackneyed, banal,
strand, cable stereotyped, stale, feeble, tired
core noun 1 the earth’s core » centre, nucleus, corporation noun 1 business corporation
heart, middle, inside 2 the core of the problem > company, firm} organization, concern,
> heart, essence, crux, nub, central issue, enterprise 2a city corporation » council, town
kernel, (more informal) nitty-gritty council, local authority
corporal = corrupt
corporal noun corporals a soldier ranking next story corresponds with his. 3 be similar or
below a sergeant equivalent e Their assembly corresponds to our
corporal punishment noun punishment on parliament.
the body, such as spanking or caning correspondence noun 1 letters; writing
Corps (kor) Noun corps (korz) 1a special army letters 2 similarity; agreement
unit e the Medical Corps 2 a large group of corridor noun corridors a passage ina
soldiers 3 a set of people doing the same job building ~
e the diplomatic corps [from French, from Latin
corpus = body] corroborate vers corroborates,
corroborating, corroborated help to
COrpse noun corpses a dead body confirm a statement etc.
corpuscle youn corpuscles one of the red or > corroboration Noun
white cells in blood
corrode vere corrodes, corroding, corroded
correct apective 1 true; accurate; without any destroy metal gradually by chemical action
mistakes 2 proper; done or said in an approved > corrosion NOUN corrosive ADJECTIVE
> correctly Apvers correctness NOUN corrugated agective shaped into alternate
ridges and grooves e corrugated iron
correct vers corrects, correcting, corrected
1 make a thing correct by altering or adjusting corrupt Apective 1 dishonest; accepting bribes
it 2 mark the mistakes in something 3 point 2 wicked 3 decaying
out or punish a person’s faults corrupt vers corrupts, corrupting,
> correction NouN corrective ADJECTIVE corrupted 1 cause someone to become
correspond vers corresponds, dishonest or wicked 2 spoil; cause something
corresponding, corresponded 1 write to decay
letters to each other 2 agree; match e Your > corruption noun corruptible spective

COrpse noun Police found the corpse under the communications, memoranda, notes 2 Thereis
floorboards. » body, dead body, remains, some correspondence between the two ideas.
cadaver, carcass, skeleton > correlation, similarity, resemblance,
correct apjective 1 What is the correct time? Not comparability, agreement
all the information proved correct. » right, corresponding apjective Climate change brings
accurate, exact, true, precise, genuine, a corresponding change in average temperature.
authentic, reliable, factual, faithful, faultless, > matching, equivalent, commensurate,
flawless, strict OPPOSITES ARE inaccurate, wrong related, analogous, appropriate,
2 She wanted to know the correct course of action. complementary, parallel
> right, proper, appropriate, fitting, suitable, corrupt Apjecrive 1 The government is accused of
acceptable, just OPPOSITES ARE inappropriate, being corrupt and incompetent. » dishonest,
wrong 3 correct behaviour » proper, decent, dishonourable, unprincipled, unscrupulous,
well mannered, tactful, unexceptionable untrustworthy, underhand, disreputable,
correct vers 1 Please correct your mistakes. discreditable, bribable, unsound, false, (more
> rectify, put right, make good, amend, informal) bent OPPOSITES ARE honest, reputable
remedy, cure, redress, adjust, alter, repair, 2 They were involved in some form of corrupt
right 2 Your work will be corrected within two practice. » dishonest, crooked, criminal,
days. » mark, assess, evaluate, appraise 3 She fraudulent, unethical 3 Some people say society
corrected him for his rudeness. » scold, is getting more corrupt. » sinful, immoral,
admonish, rebuke, chastise, punish decadent, degenerate, depraved, dissolute,
correction noun the correction of errors debauched, rotten, wicked, evil, iniquitous,
> rectification, righting, putting right, low, perverted, profligate, venal AN OPPOSITE Is
resolution, adjustment, amendment moral
correspond vers 1 correspond to The corrupt vers 1 Some firms even try to corrupt
translator must choose words that correspond to local officials. » bribe, suborn, buy off, pay off,
the sense of the original. » match, fit, conform influence, (more informal) fix 2 Pornography
to, accord with, agree with, be consistent with, corrupts the innocent. » pervert, deprave,
parallel, concur with, harmonize with, square debauch, lead astray, make corrupt,
with, tally with, convey 2 Emma and I contaminate, degrade, tempt, seduce
corresponded for many years. » communicate, corruption noun 1 He was found guilty of
exchange letters, write to each other treason, espionage, and corruption.
correspondence noun 1 collection of the > dishonesty, deception, misconduct, bribery,
composer’s published correspondence > letters, fraud AN OPPOSITE IS honesty 2 all kinds ofmoral
cosine — council tax
cosine noun cosines (in aright-angled triangle) cottage noun cottages a small simple house,
the ratio of the length of a side adjacent to one especially in the country
of the acute angles to the length of the
hypotenuse COMPARE sine cotton noun 1a soft white substance covering
the seeds of a tropical plant; the plant itself
cosmetic youn cosmetics a substance (e.g. 2 thread made from this substance 3 cloth
face powder or lipstick) put on the skin to make made from cotton thread
it look more attractive
cotton wool nown soft fluffy material originally
cosmetic surgery Noun surgery carried out to made from cotton
make people look more attractive
couch noun couches 1a long soft seat like a
cosmic spective 1 to do with the universe 2 to sofa but with only one end raised 2 sofa or
do with outer space e cosmic rays settee
cosmopolitan apjctive from many countries; couch vers couches, couching, couched
containing people from many countries express in words of a certain kind e The request
cosmos (koz- moss) Noun the universe was couched in polite terms.
cost noun costs 1 the amount of money needed cough (kof) vers coughs, coughing, coughed
to buy, do, or make something 2 the effort or send out air from the lungs with a sudden sharp
loss needed to achieve something sound
at all costs orat any cost no matter what the
cost or difficulty may be cough noun coughs 1 the act or sound of
coughing 2 an illness that makes you cough
cost vers costs, costing, cost 1 have acertain
amountas its price or charge 2 cause the loss of could past tense of can?
@ This war has cost many lives. 3 (past tense is couldn't (mainly spoken) could not
costed) estimate the cost of something
council oun councils a group of people
costly apctive costlier, costliest expensive chosen or elected to organize or discuss
> costliness NOUN something, especially those elected to
costume noun costumes clothes, especially for organize the affairs of a town or county
a particular purpose or of a particular place or USAGE Do not confuse with counsel.
period councillor noun councillors a member of a
Cosy Apjective cosier ,cosiest warm and town or county council
comfortable council tax noun council taxes a tax paid toa
> cosily ADvers cosiness NOUN
local authority to pay for local services, based
cot noun cots a baby’s bed with high sides [from on the estimated value of someone’s house or
Hindi khat = framework of a bed] flat

corruption » sin, immorality, degradation, costly apjctive The five-star service is very costly.
depravity, degeneracy, impurity OPPOSITES ARE > expensive, dear, overpriced, exorbitant,
morality, purity (more informal) pricey
costume Noun a prize for the best costume
cosmopolitan apjctive 1 large city witha > outfit, dress, ensemble, clothing, suit, attire,
cosmopolitan atmosphere » international, (informal) get-up
multicultural, sophisticated AN OPPOSITE IS
COSY ADJECTIVE They lived in a cosy little house.
provincial 2 cosmopolitan attitudes » worldly, > snug, comfortable, warm, homely, restful,
well travelled, sophisticated, urbane, liberal secure, intimate, reassuring, relaxing, soft,
(more informal) comfy AN OPPOSITE IS
cost noun 1 The cost of a ticket has increased.
> price, charge (for), expense, amount,
payment (for), levy (on), tariff (on), outlay (on), cottage Noun a cottage in the country > little
expenditure (on), rate (for), value, fare, figure house, bungalow, cabin, chalet, (mainly
Scottish) bothy
2 The cost in human lives is too great.» sacrifice,
loss, penalty, price, suffering couch noun A cat sat next to her on the couch.
> sofa, settee, chesterfield, ottoman, divan
cost vers 1 Each item on this shelf costs a pound. council noun 1 The council is responsible for
> be priced at, sell for, go for, come to, fetch, maintaining the roads. » local authority,
realize, (more informal) set you back legislature, corporation, assembly 2 a meeting
counsel = coupon
counsel youn counsels 1 advice e give counsel counterbalance noun counterbalances a
2 a barrister or group of barristers representing weight or influence that balances another
someone ina lawsuit > counterbalance vers
take counsel with consult counterfeit (kownt- er- feet) Anjective fake; not og
USAGE Do not confuse with council. genuine
counsel vers counsels, counselling, counterfeit vers counterfeits ,
counselled give advice to someone; counterfeiting counterfeited forge or make aCi
recommend an imitation of something
count’ vers counts, counting, counted 1 say counterfoil youn counterfoils a section of a
numbers in their proper order 2 find the total cheque or receipt etc. that is torn off and kept
of something by using numbers 3 include ina as arecord
total e There are six of us, counting the dog. 4 be
counterpart youn counterparts a person or
important e It’s what you do that counts.
5 regard; consider e I should count it an honour thing that corresponds to another e Their
to be invited. President is the counterpart of our Prime Minister.
count on rely on countless spective too many to count
count youn counts 1 counting 2a number country noun countries 1 the land occupied
reached by counting; a total 3 any of the points by a nation 2all the people of acountry 3 the
being considered, e.g. in accusing someone of countryside
crimes @ guilty on all counts countryside noun an area with fields, woods,
count? youn counts a foreign nobleman villages, etc. away from towns
countdown noun countdowns counting county noun counties each of the main areas
numbers backwards to zero before an event, that.a country is divided into for local
especially the launching of a space rocket government
counter ‘youn counters 1 flat surface over coup (koo) Noun coups a sudden action taken ww
which customers are served in a shop, bank, to win power; a clever victory
etc. 2. asmall round playing piece used in board
couple noun couples two people or things
games 3a device for counting things
considered together; a pair
counter 2 vers counters, countering,
countered 1 counteract 2 counter-attack;
couple vers couples, coupling, coupled
return an opponent’s blow by hitting back fasten or link two things together
counteract vers counteracts, couplet noun couplets a pair of lines in
counteracting, counteracted act against rhyming verse
something and reduce or prevent its effects COUPON Noun coupons a piece of paper that
> counteraction Noun gives you the right to receive or do something

of the society’s administrative council » board, country noun 1a country of warlike people
committee, commission, panel > nation, land, state, territory, realm 2 They
could return to their own country at last.
count vers 1 He was counting the number of cars > homeland, home, native land, native soil,
parked along the street. » add up, total, mother country, country of origin, birthplace
calculate, work out, reckon, check, (more 3 The prime minister would appeal to the country
informal) tot up 2 It’s important for people to feel in an election. » people, nation, public,
that they count. » matter, be important, have populace, population, community 4 You drive
significance, signify 3count on You can count through lovely open country. » terrain,
on my support. » rely on, depend on, bank on, landscape, countryside, scenery, surroundings,
be sure of, trust, believe in, expect, have faith in environment RELATED ADJECTIVE rural
couple noun 1A couple were dancing on the
counteract vers new laws to counteract
balcony. » pair, twosome, partners, duo,
terrorism » prevent, resist, oppose, curb,
husband and wife 2 Let me know ifyou see him in
forestall, fight against, act against, work the next couple of days. » few, two or three
against, thwart, frustrate, foil, reduce,
usage You can also say in the next day or so
neutralize, withstand
couple vers A second locomotive is coupled to the
countless apjective They have to make countless train at Crewe. » connect, attach, join, link,
decisions every day. » innumerable, untold, fasten, hitch, yoke, unite (with), combine
myriad, numerous, numberless, unnumbered, (with), pair
endless, immeasurable, incalculable, infinite, COUPON Noun 1 The offer includes money-saving
many, measureless, limitless AN OPPOSITE IS few coupons. » voucher, token, ticket, certificate

courage = cover
courage noun the ability to face danger or courtship noun 1 courting someone,
difficulty or pain even when you are afraid; especially a boyfriend or girlfriend 2 the
bravery mating ritual of some birds and animals
> Courageous ADJECTIVE courtyard youn courtyards a space
courier (koor- ee- er) NOUN couriers 1a surrounded by walls or buildings
messenger 2a person employed to guide and
help a group oftourists cousin noun cousins a child of your uncle or
course Noun courses 1 the direction in which aunt
something goes; a route e the ship's course 2a cover vers covers, covering, covered 1 place
series of events or actions etc. @ Your best course one thing over or round another; conceal
is to start again. 3 a series of lessons, exercises, 2 travel a certain distance e We covered ten
etc. 4 part of a meal e the meat course 5a miles a day. 3 aim a gun at somebody e I've got
racecourse 6a golf course
you covered. 4 protect by insurance ora
of course without a doubt; as we expected
guarantee e These goods are covered against fire
court noun courts 1 the royal household 2a
or theft. 5 be enough money to pay for
lawcourt; the judges etc. ina lawcourt 3. an
enclosed area for games such as tennis or something e £10 should cover my fare. 6 deal
netball 4a courtyard with or include e The book covers all kinds of
court vers courts, courting, courted try to win farming.
somebody’s love or support [from early French, > coverage NOUN
from Latin cohors = a crowd of people] cover up conceal something, especially an
courteous (ker- tee- us) ADJECTIVE polite
awkward fact or piece of information
> courteously ADvers courtesy NOUN cover Noun covers 1a thing used for covering
courtier oun courtiers (old use) one of a something else; a lid, wrapper, envelope, etc.
king’s or queen’s companions at court 2 the binding of abook 3 something that hides
courtly agective dignified and polite or shelters or protects you

2 For more information fill in the coupon below. court noun 1 The court acquitted them all.
> form, tear-off slip, slip > lawcourt, court of law, bench, tribunal
2 entertainment for the Queen’s court
courage noun It needs courage to argue with > entourage, followers, royal household,
them. » bravery, audacity, boldness, daring, establishment 3 a court for ball games
nerve, pluck, gallantry, determination, > enclosure, playing area, ground, field
fearlessness, fortitude, heroism, (more
courteous spective The staff are always helpful
informal) bottle, (more informal) grit, (more anid courteous. » polite, civil, obliging,
informal) guts, (much more informal) spunk considerate, respectful, well mannered,
AN OPPOSITE IS. cowardice affable, civilized, refined
courageous Apjective It was a courageous courtesy noun Everyone is entitled to the same
attempt against all the odds. » brave, valiant, level of courtesy. » politeness, consideration,
civility, respect, attention
daring, audacious, spirited, intrepid, plucky,
adventurous, fearless AN OPPOSITE IS cowardly cover Noun 1 The computer screen has its own
plastic cover. > covering, envelope, wrapper,
course noun 1a beginner’s course in German case 2 Lift the cover and look inside. » lid, top,
> programme of study, course of study, cap 3 The book has a blue cover. » jacket, dust
educational programme, classes, lessons, jacket, dust cover, wrapper 4 a thick cover of
studies 2 The aircraft had changed its course snow & covering, layer, coat, coating, blanket,
again. » direction, route, way, tack, path, carpet, cloak, overlay 5 The trees provide some
sort of cover. > shelter, protection, refuge,
flight path, bearing, itinerary 3 an event that
shield, haven, defence 6 The business is a cover
changed the course of history » progress, for spying activities. » front, facade, pretext,
progression, development, advance, disguise, screen
evolution, flow, unfolding, future 4 the best
cover vere 1 She covered her knees with a blanket.
course to adopt > plan, plan of action, > envelop, enclose, protect, overlay USAGE You
procedure, approach, method, programme, can also say She put (or placed) a blanket over her
policy 5 They had only just started the main knees. 2 The car was covered in mud. » coat,
course. > dish, part of ameal, menu item 6six cake, encrust, pla8ter, smother, spread 3 The
laps of the course » track, circuit, ground, book covers most of the main topics. » deal with,
stadium treat, consider, include, contain, comprise,
cow = craft
COW noun cows the fully grown female of cattle crack aojecrive (informal) first-class e He isa crack
or of certain other large animals (e.g. elephant, shot.
whale, or seal)
crack vers cracks, cracking, cracked 1 make
coward noun cowards a person who has no or get a crack; split 2 make a sudden sharp
courage and shows fear in a shameful way noise 3 break down e He cracked under the
> cowardice noun cowardly Apjective strain.
cowboy noun cowboys a manin charge of crack a joke tell a joke
grazing cattle on a ranch in the USA crack down on (informal) stop something that
is illegal or against rules
COWeF vers cowers ,cowering ,cowered get cracking (informal) get busy
crouch or shrink back in fear
cracker noun crackers 1a paper tube that
COY ADJECTIVE pretending to be shy or modest; bangs when pulled apart 2 thin biscuit
bashful crackle vers crackles, crackling, crackled
> coyly ADverB coymess NOUN make small cracking sounds e The fire crackled
crab youn crabs a shellfish with ten legs, the in the grate.
first pair being a set of pincers > crackle Noun

crab apple noun crab apples asmall sour cradle youn cradles 1 asmallcotforababy 2a
apple supporting framework
crack noun cracks 1 aline on the surface of cradle vers cradles, cradling, cradled hold
something where it has broken but not come gently
completely apart 2a narrow gap 3 asudden craft youn crafts 1a job that needs skill,
sharp noise 4a knock e a crack on the head especially with the hands 2 skill 3 cunning;
5 (informal) a joke; a wisecrack 6a drug made trickery 4 (craft) a ship or boat; an aircraft or
from cocaine spacecraft

encompass, embrace, provide for, incorporate > joke, jest, quip, wisecrack, gibe, dig, (more
4The money should cover most of our needs. informal) gag 5 have a crack at it » try,
> cater for, be enough for, meet, suffice for, attempt, (more informal) go, (more informal)
pay for shot, (more informal) stab
covering noun alight covering of snow cover, crack vers 1 She dropped a cup and cracked it.
layer, coat, coating, blanket, carpet, cloak, > break, split, shatter, splinter, chip, fracture
overlay 2 Guns cracked in the distance. » burst, bang,
coward noun He accused them of
being cheats and go bang, explode, thump, boom, pop, crackle,
cowards. » weakling, faint-heart, (more crash 3 She cracked him round the head.
informal) chicken, (more informal) wimp > strike, smack, thump, slap, hit, (more
AN OPPOSITE IS hero informal) bash, (more informal) whack 4 The
cowardice noun Her husband had been executed problem proved hard to crack. » solve, resolve,
for cowardice. » cowardliness, faint- work out, puzzle out, fathom, decipher, break
heartedness, spinelessness, timorousness, 5A suspect finally cracked and confessed.
timidity OPPOSITES ARE bravery, courage > break down, give in, give way, collapse, yield
crack down on a drive to crack down on street
cowardly apjecrive The thieves ran off, showing crime» reduce, suppress, end, stop, eradicate,
how cowardly they are. The decision was feeble get tough on, clamp down on
and cowardly. » faint-hearted, lily-livered, crack up (informal) 1I’m so anxious I could be
spineless, craven, weak, timid, pusillanimous, cracking up. » break down, have a breakdown,
(more informal) gutless, (more informal) yellow lose control, go to pieces, go mad, go crazy
OPPOSITES ARE brave, courageous 2 The remark made everyone want to crack up.
Coy Apjective Don't be coy: come and be introduced > burst out laughing, roar with laughter, laugh
> shy, bashful, reserved, diffident, uncontrollably
embarrassed, inhibited, self-conscious, crackle vers The fire began to crackle. » sizzle,
hesitant, timid, retiring OPPOSITES ARE
fizzle, crack, fizz, hiss, sputter
assertive, forward, bold
crack youn 1 plate with a crack init» break, cradle noun a baby’s cradle » cot, crib, bed
chip, chink, split, fracture, fissure, gap 2. a crack craft noun 1 the traditional craft ofhand weaving
on the head » blow, bang, knock, smack, hit, > handicraft, trade, business, pursuit, activity,
punch, (more informal) bash 3 the crack of a occupation, profession, work, job 2 Pete
rifle; a crack of thunder» bang, report, crash, demonstrated the blacksmith’s craft. » skill, art,
explosion, burst, snap, pop 4 a cheap crack technique, expertise, mastery, talent, ability

craftsman = crawl
craftsman noun craftsmen a person who is ideas
good at a craft > cranky ADJECTIVE
> craftsmanship Noun cranny Noun crannies a crevice
crafty apecrve craftier, craftiest cunning crash noun crashes 1 the loud noise of
> craftily Aovers craftiness NOUN something breaking or colliding 2a violent
collision orfall 3a sudden drop orfailure
Crag Noun crags a steep piece of rough rock
> craggy ADJECTIVE cragginess NOUN crash vers crashes, crashing, crashed 1 make
[from a Celtic word] or have a crash; cause to crash 2 move with a
crash 3 (said about a computer) stop working
cram vers crams, cramming, crammed suddenly
1 push many things into something so that it is
very full 2 learn as many facts as you can ina crash apjective intensive e a crash course
short time just before an examination crash helmet noun crash helmets a padded
helmet worn by cyclists and motorcyclists to
cramp Noun cramps pain caused by a muscle
tightening suddenly protect the head
crass ApjecTive 1 very obvious or shocking; gross
cramp vers cramps, cramping, cramped © crass ignorance 2 very stupid
hinder someone’s freedom or growth etc.
crate noun crates 1a packing case made of
cramped ADJECTIVE in a space that is too small or strips of wood 2 an open container with
tight compartments for carrying bottles
crane Noun cranes 1a machine for lifting and crater noun craters 1 the mouth of a volcano
moving heavy objects 2a large wading bird 2a bowl-shaped cavity or hollow caused by an
with long legs and neck explosion or impact
crane vers cranes, craning, craned stretch craving Noun cravings a strong desire; a
your neck to try to see something longing
crank noun cranks 1 an L-shaped part used for crawl vers crawls, crawling, crawled 1 move
changing the direction of movement in with the body close to the ground or other
machinery 2 a person with strange or fanatical surface, or on hands and knees 2 move slowly

3 The harbour was teeming with river craft. injured in a car crash. » accident, collision,
> vessels, ships, boats smash, bump, pile-up, derailment, disaster,
craftsman noun Passers-by could watch the impact, knock, wreck 3 a stock-market crash
craftsmen at work. » artisan, artist, > collapse, failure, depression, fall, ruin
craftsperson, master crash vers 1crash into The car crashed into a
craftsmanship noun an age when tree. > hit, strike, smash into, collide with,
craftsmanship in building reached a peak & skill, bump into, knock into, lurch into, pitch into
technique, expertise, workmanship, artistry, 2 The company had crashed in the recession.
ability, dexterity, handiwork, (more informal) > fail, collapse, fold, go under, founder,
know-how become bankrupt 3 Parts of the roof crashed to
crafty apjective That’s a crafty way of avoiding the a Senet > collapse, fall, plunge, topple,
problem. » cunning, clever, shrewd, ingenious, urtle
wily, artful, canny : crate noun Three crates of
books stood by the door.
cram vers 1 They were busy cramming burger. > case, packing case, box, carton, tea chest
into their mouths. The shelves were crammed with
books. > stuff, force, press, squeeze, jam, pack, crave vers The chapel might provide the privacy
overfill 2 I never know how we managed to she craved. » long for, yearn for, hunger for,
cram into such a tiny car.» crowd, crush, dream of, hanker after, desire, seek
squeeze, pack 3 Many of the students are still craving Noun the body’s natural craving for food
cramming for tomorrow’s exam. » study hard, > longing, desire, hankering, hunger, thirst,
(more informal) swot, (more informal) mug up appetite
cramped spective It was hard to sleep in the crawl vers 1 He escaped by crawling out of the
cramped quarters of the submarine. back of the house. » creep, edge, inch, slither,
> restricted, confined, poky, constricted, clamber 2 (informal) You can get their support
narrow, tight, uncomfortable AN OPPOSITE IS without having to crawl to them all the time.
roomy > grovel, pander, kowtow, fawn (over), be
crash noun 1 There was a loud crash in the obsequious, (more informal) suck up
kitchen. » bang, smash, clash, clatter, clang, be crawling with The place is crawling with
racket, thump, thud, boom 2 She had been visitors in the summer months. » be full of, be
crawl = créche
3 be covered with crawling things cream vers creams, creaming, creamed make
> crawler NouN creamy; beat butter etc. until it is soft like
crawl noun 1a crawling movement 2a very cream
slow pace 3 an overarm swimming stroke cream off remove the best part of something
Crayon Noun crayons a stick or pencil of Crease NouN creases 1a line made in
coloured wax etc. for drawing something by folding, pressing, or crushing it
2a line on a cricket pitch marking a batsman’s
CraZe NOUN crazes a temporary enthusiasm or bowler’s position
crazy ADJECTIVE crazier, craziest 1 insane 2 very crease vers creases, creasing, creased make a
foolish @ this crazy idea crease or creases in something
> crazily ApverB craziness NOUN
create vers creates, creating, created 1 bring d
crazy paving noun paving made of oddly into existence; make or produce, especially
shaped pieces of stone etc. something that no one has made before
creak noun creaks a harsh squeak like that of a 2 (slang) make a fuss; grumble
stiff door hinge > creation NOUN creator NOUN
> creaky ADJECTIVE creative spective showing imagination and
creak vers creaks, creaking, creaked make a thought e a creative use of language
creak > creativity noun

cream Noun creams 1 the fatty part of milk 2a creature noun creatures a living being,
yellowish-white colour 3 a food containing or especially an animal
looking like cream e chocolate cream 4a soft créche (kresh) youn créches a place where
substance e face cream 5 the best part babies and young children are looked after
> creamy ADJECTIVE while their parents are at work

overrun by, be teeming with, be packed with, create vers 1A new work had to be created from
be crowded with scratch. » produce, make, generate, develop,
Craze Noun the latest craze to sweep the country compose, devise, design 2 His father had
> fad, trend, vogue, fashion, rage, mania, created the business fifty years before. » set up,
diversion, enthusiasm, infatuation, novelty, start, begin, found, establish, institute, initiate
obsession, passion, pastime 3 The appointment created a lot of resentment.
> cause, bring about, lead to, engender,
crazy Apjective 1 It was crazy to expect them to prompt, produce, result in, give rise to
agree. » absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous,
preposterous, foolish, idiotic, stupid, creation noun 1 the creation of a modern
foolhardy, unwise, (more informal) barmy 2 She industrial society » making, formation,
was going crazy with all the work. » mad, foundation, fashioning, establishment,
insane, out of your mind, off your head, institution, conception, birth, development,
unbalanced, demented, deranged 3 The whole origination, production OPPOSITES ARE
family are crazy about golf. » mad, passionate, disintegration, destruction 2 The decor was
keen (on), devoted (to), smitten (with), taken entirely her creation. » work, effort,
(with), (more informal) potty conception, invention, design, devising,
achievement, handiwork, brainchild, product,
creak vers The door began to creak. » squeak, work of art
grate, groan, scrape, grind, rasp
creative apjective Students need to be creative in
cream noun 1 Rub in some skin cream. > lotion, their thinking. » imaginative, inventive,
ointment, rub, salve, moisturizer 2 the cream of expressive, resourceful, original, productive,
the country’s jockeys > pick, elite, choice, finest, fertile, artistic, positive, ingenious, clever,
best AN OPPOSITE IS dregs inspired, talented, visionary AN OPPOSITE IS
creamy Apjective The powder makes a creamy destructive
paste when mixed with water. >»smooth, thick, creator noun 1 the creator of many good novels
rich, velvety, milky, oily > writer, author, producer, composer,
crease noun The cloth was full of creases and designer, deviser, initiator, inventor, maker,
would have to be ironed. » wrinkle, crinkle, manufacturer, parent 2 the creators of the
pucker, fold, furrow, groove, line, pleat, ridge, Assyrian Empire » architect, builder,
ruck, tuck, corrugation originator, begetter
crease vere I tried not to crease my clothes. creature noun 1 Whales are the largest living
> crumple, crinkle, wrinkle, pucker, crush, creatures. ® animal, living thing, beast, being,
crimp, rumple, ruck, fold, furrow, pleat, ridge brute 2 The poor creature had been out in the
credentials = crest
credentials piura: noun documents showing a USAGE Do not confuse with credible or
person’s identity, qualifications, etc. creditable.
credible spective able to be believed; creed noun creeds a set or formal statement of
convincing beliefs
> credibly overs credibility noun creep vers creeps, creeping,crept 1 move
USAGE Do not confuse with creditable or along close to the ground 2 move quietly
credulous. 3 come gradually 4 prickle with fear e It makes
credit noun credits 1 source of pride or my flesh creep
honour e a credit to the school 2 praise or creep Noun creeps 1a creeping movement
acknowledgement given for some 2 (informal) an unpleasant person, especially
achievement or good quality e I must give you one who seeks to win favour
credit for persistence. 3 an arrangement trusting the creeps (informal) anervous feeling caused
a person to pay for something later on 4 an by fear or dislike
amount of money in an account ata bank etc., creeper Noun creepers a plant that grows
or entered in a financial account as paid in along the ground or up a wall etc.
compare debit 5 belief or trust @ I put no credit baha ADJECTIVE creepier, creepiest
in this rumour. frightening and sinister
credits a list of people who have helped to cremate vers cremates, cremating,
produce a film or television programme cremated burn a dead body to ashes
credit vers credits, crediting, credited > cremation Noun
1 believe 2 attribute; say that a person has crematorium noun crematoria aplace where
done or achieved something e Columbus is dead bodies are cremated
credited with the discovery ofAmerica. 3 enter
something as a credit in a financial account
crescendo (krish- end- oh) noun crescendos
a gradual increase in loudness
crescent noun crescents 1 anarrow curved
creditable anecnve deserving praise shape coming toa point at each end 2a curved
USAGE Do not confuse with credible or street
cress Noun a plant with hot-tasting leaves, used
credit card noun credit cards a card in salads and sandwiches
authorizing a person to buy on credit
crest noun crests 1 tuft of hair, skin, or
creditor noun creditors a person to whom feathers on an animal’s or bird’s head 2 the top
money is owed ofa hill or wave etc. 3.a design used on
credulous spective too ready to believe things; notepaper etc.
gullible > crested ADJECTIVE

rain all night. » fellow, individual, person, trust, have confidence in, have faith in, rely on,
wretch, beggar, chap depend on, count on, endorse, reckon on,
credibility oun The details give credibility to the (more informal) swallow, (informal) buy
story. » plausibility, conviction, integrity, AN OPPOSITE IS disbelieve 2 The idea is credited to
believability, reliability, probability, Aristotle. > attribute to, ascribe to, assign to,
trustworthiness attach to, associate (with)
credible anyective The man was unable to giveany creditable anyective The team were on good form
credible explanation for his presence there. and put on a creditable performance.
> believable, plausible, reasonable, tenable, > commendable, laudable, respectable,
conceivable, possible, convincing, imaginable, estimable, admirable, praiseworthy, worthy,
likely, persuasive AN OPPOSITE IS incredible excellent, good, honourable, meritorious, well
thought of AN opPosITE is unworthy
credit noun 1 Gary helped him with his chemistry
and deserves a lot of the credit for the good grades creep vers 1 She watched him creep under the
he got. » praise, acclaim, approval, table. » crawl, slither, slink, wriggle, worm
recognition, acknowledgement, your way, writhe, edge, inch, move slowly
commendation, distinction, prestige, merit, 2 Gilly packed a suitcase and crept down the
esteem, fame, glory, honour, (more informal) stairs. > slip, sneak, steal, move quietly, tiptoe
kudos, reputation, status AN OPPOSITE IS creepy Apjective The place gave her creepy feelings.
dishonour 2 Kate had better taste than she'd > frightening, eerie, spooky, scary, weird,
been given credit for. » recognition, sinister, uncanny, unearthly, macabre,
acknowledgement, approval ominous AN OPPOSITE IS pleasant
credit vers 1 It is difficult to credit such an crest noun 1a bird with a bright crest > plume,
unlikely story. » accept, believe, subscribe to, tuft, comb 2 We reached the crest of the hill.
crestfallen = critic
crestfallen apjctive disappointed or dejected crimson apjective deep-red
crevasse (kri- vass) NOUN crevasses a deep > crimson NouN
open crack, especially in a glacier cringe vers cringes, cringing, cringed shrink
crevice youn crevices a narrow opening, back in fear; cower
especially in a rock or wall
Crew noun crews 1 the people working ina cripple youn cripples a person who is
ship or aircraft 2 a group working together permanently lame
@ the camera crew cripple vers cripples, crippling, crippled
crew ?past tense of crow? 1 make a person lame 2 weaken or damage
crib noun cribs. 1a baby’s cot 2a framework something seriously
holding fodder for animals 3 a model crisis youn crises an important and dangerous
representing the Nativity of Jesus Christ or difficult situation
4something cribbed 5 translation for use by
students Crisp apective 1 very dry so that it breaks with a
crib vers cribs, cribbing, cribbed copy snap 2 fresh and stiff e a crisp£5 note 3 cold
someone else’s work and dry e a crisp morning 4 brisk and sharp e a
crisp manner
creer cricks painful stiffness in the neck or
ac > crisply Aovers crispness NOUN
cricket’ youn agame played outdoors between crisp youn crisps a very thin fried slice of
teams with a ball, bats, and two wickets potato, usually sold in packets
> cricketer NouN
criss-cross Apjective, ADveRB with crossing lines
cricket? youn crickets a brown insect like a
grasshopper criterion (kry- teer- ee- on) Noun criteria a
crime noun crimes 1 an action that breaks the standard by which something is judged or
law 2 lawbreaking decided
criminal youn criminals a person who has critic youn critics 1a person who gives
committed a crime or crimes opinions on books, plays, films, music, etc. 2a
> criminal apjective criminally apvers person who criticizes

> peak, crown, brow, ridge, summit, top, apex hear those songs these days. » wince, blench,
3 the royal crest » insignia, regalia, emblem, squirm, blush
badge, seal, sign, symbol cripple vers 1 The car hit her, crippling her for
crew noun 1a ship’s crew» company, life.» disable, incapacitate, maim, injure,
complement, sailors, seamen 2.4 road- lame, damage, paralyse 2 Industry was crippled
mending crew » team, gang, unit, party, squad by a series of strikes. » ruin, destroy, crush,
paralyse, scupper, bring to a standstill, put out
crime noun 1 The report shows a decrease in of action, spoil
street crime. » lawbreaking, lawlessness,
delinquency, wrongdoing, transgression, crippled spjctive 1 His crippled right leg is bent
back at the knee. » disabled, deformed, lame,
misconduct, dishonesty, illegality 2 Blackmail
is a serious crime. » offence, misdeed, incapacitated, physically impaired, injured,
misdemeanour, transgression, illegal act, maimed, paralysed, handicapped, hurt, invalid,
unlawful act, (more informal) racket, (old use) mutilated 2 Witnesses watched the crippled car
felony being winched on to the Relay tender.
> immobilized, damaged, incapacitated, out
criminal youn His friends were criminals, of action, sabotaged, useless
working with the smugglers. » lawbreaker, crisis youn 1 Events in Europe were reaching a
offender, villain, wrongdoer, delinquent, crisis. » climax, critical point, turning point,
miscreant, convict, culprit, (more informal) moment of truth 2 The following year there was
crook another economic crisis. » emergency,
criminal agective Hardship can never justify predicament, problem, danger, difficulty
criminal behaviour. > illegal, unlawful, illicit, crisp anective 1 crisp biscuits » crunchy, crispy,
dishonest, corrupt, nefarious, (more informal) brittle, crackly, fragile, crumbly AN OPPOSITE IS
crooked, (more informal) bent: OPPOSITES ARE soft 2 a crisp morning in November » fresh,
legal, honest brisk, bracing, exhilarating, refreshing 3 a crisp
cringe vers 1 The old man cringed, his hands style ofwriting» terse, incisive, pithy, succinct,
shaking. » cower, shrink back, draw back, sparing, laconic
recoil, flinch, shy away, quail, tremble, crouch, critic voun 1 the most famous music critic of the
quiver, dodge, duck, grovel 2 I cringe when I time » commentator, reviewer, authority,

critical = cross
critical apyective 1 criticizing 2 to do with critics crook noun crooks 1a shepherd’s stick with a
or criticism 3 to do with or at a crisis; very curved end 2. something bent or curved
serious 3 (informal) .a person who makes a living
> critically Apvers dishonestly
criticism noun criticisms 1 criticizing; crooked ,pjective 1 bent or twisted; not
pointing out faults 2 the work of a critic straight 2 dishonest
criticize vers criticizes, criticizing, criticized Croon vers croons, crooning, crooned sing
say that a person or thing has faults softly and gently
COP NOUN crops 1 something grown for food
croak noun croaks a deep hoarse sound like
e a good crop of wheat 2a whip with a loop
that of a frog
instead of alash 3 part ofa bird’s throat 4a
> croak vers
very short haircut
crockery noun household china Crop vers crops, cropping, cropped 1 cut or
crocodile youn crocodiles 1 large tropical bite off e Sheep were cropping the grass.
reptile with a thick skin, long tail, and huge jaws 2 produce a crop
2a long line of schoolchildren walking in pairs crop up happen unexpectedly
crocodile tears sorrow that is not sincere (so croquet (kroh- kay) Noun a game played with
called because the crocodile was said to weep wooden balls and mallets
while it ate its victim)
CFOSS NOUN crosses 1 amark or shape madelike
CFOCUS NOUN crocuses asmall plant with yellow, +orx upright post with another piece of
purple, or white flowers wood across it, used in ancient times for
crony Noun cronies a close friend or companion crucifixion; (the Cross) the cross on which

expert, pundit, judge, analyst 2 a major critic of tableware, china, crocks, earthenware,
government policy » detractor, attacker porcelain, pottery, ceramics
critical anectve 1 a critical assessment of the crook youn 1 His head was lying in the crook of
available literature » analytical, objective, her arm. » bend, curve, angle 2 She accused
evaluative, discerning, perceptive 2 He is highly them of being crooks. » criminal, lawbreaker,
critical ofAmerican foreign policy. villain, wrongdoer
> disapproving, censorious, derogatory crooked apjctive 1 The picture looks slightly
(about), disparaging (about), scathing (about), crooked. » askew, awry, lopsided, off-centre,
uncomplimentary (about) OPPOSITES ARE slanting, angled, (more informal) skew-whiff
appreciative, complimentary (about) 3 He only 2 The garden was a maze of crooked paths.
escaped death by moving his head at the critical > winding, twisting, tortuous, twisty, zigzag
moment. > crucial, vital, decisive, essential, all- 3 She. put a crooked finger to her lips. » bent,
important 4 She was taken to hospital where her misshapen, deformed, bowed, curved, curving
condition is described as critical. » serious, 4 Several officials were probably crooked.
grave, dangerous, precarious AN OPPOSITE IS > criminal, dishonest, corrupt, nefarious,
safe (more informal) bent
criticism noun 1 The management have come in CFOp Noun My crop of Brussels sprouts are ready to
for a lot of criticism. » disapproval, blame, eat. > harvest, yield, produce, gathering
censure, disparagement, fault-finding, CrOp vers 1 Sheep cropped grass in the fields.
reproach, stricture, tirade, verbal attack, (more > graze on, browse on, eat, nibble, bite off
informal) flak 2 Their work will be submitted for 2 She had to crop her long blonde hair. » cut
criticism. » evaluation, assessment, appraisal, short, cut, clip, trim, snip, shear
analysis, judgement, appreciation crop up The same names keep cropping up over
criticize vers 1 Police criticized motorists for the years. occur, arise, appear, come up, turn
using mobile phones while driving. » condemn, up, emerge, spring up, happen
censure, find fault with, denounce, blame, CFOSS ADJECTIVE Dad got cross and said I was setting
castigate, disparage, denigrate, deprecate, a bad example. » angry, annoyed, testy,
(more informal) knock, (more informal) slam, tetchy, upset, vexed, irate, bad-tempered,
(more informal) pan AN OPPOSITES praise 2a cantankerous, crotchety, ill-tempered,
review criticizing the work offour modern poets irascible, irritable, peevish, short-tempered,
> appraise, assess, evaluate, analyse, judge, (more informal) grumpy AN OPPOSITE Is good-
review humoured .
crockery noun The table had been laid and the CFOSS NOUN 1a difficult cross to bear » burden,
crockery brought out. » dishes, plates, problem, difficulty, misfortune, trial,
cross = crown
Christ was crucified, used as a symbol of cross-reference noun cross-references a
Christianity 3 a mixture of two different things note telling people to look at another part ofa
CIOSS vers crosses, crossing, crossed 1go book etc. for more information
across something 2 draw a line or lines across crossroads noun crossroads a place where
something 3 make the sign or shape of a cross two or more roads cross one another
© Cross your fingers for luck. 4 produce cross-section noun cross-sections 1a
something from two different kinds drawing of something as if it has been cut
cross out draw a line across something through’ 2a typical sample
because it is unwanted, wrong, etc.
crossword noun crosswords a puzzle in
CFOSS ADJECTIVE 1 annoyed or bad-tempered which words have to be guessed from clues and
2 going from one side to another e There were then written into the blank squares in a
cross winds on the bridge. diagram
> crossly ADverB crossmess NOUN crotchet noun crotchets a note in music,
crossbar noun crossbars a horizontal bar, which usually represents one beat (written J)
especially between two uprights crouch vers crouches, crouching, crouched
cross-breed vers cross-breeds, cross- lower your body, with your arms and legs bent
breeding, cross-bred breed by mating an CrOW ' Noun crows a large black bird
animal with one of a different kind as the crow flies in a straight line
> cross-breed noun Compare hybrid
CrOwW? vers crows, crowing, crowed orcrew
cross-examine vers cross-examines, cross- 1 make a shrill cry as a cock does 2 boast; be
examining, cross-examined cross-question triumphant
someone, especially in a lawcourt > CrOW NOUN
> cross-examination noun
crowbar noun crowbars an iron bar used as a
cross-eyed apycrive with eyes that look or lever
seem to look towards the nose crowd noun crowds a large number of people
crossing noun crossings a place where people in one place
can cross a road or railway crowd vers crowds, crowding, crowded
cross-legged apyective, Apvers with ankles 1 come together in a crowd 2 cram; fill
crossed and knees spread apart uncomfortably full
cross-question vers cross-questions, cross- CrOWN NouN crowns 1 an ornamental
questioning, cross-questioned question headdress worn by a king or queen 2 (often
someone carefully in order to test answers Crown) the sovereign e This land belongs to the
given to previous questions Crown. 3 the highest part e the crown ofthe

tribulation, trouble, worry, grief, sorrow, crowd at the ground » gate, attendance,
affliction 2 a cross between a yak and a cow audience, spectators
> hybrid, cross-breed, amalgam (of), blend crowd vers 1 Some of them had crowded round a
(of), combination (of), half-way house, mixture drinks machine. » gather, collect, cluster,
(of) congregate, huddle, muster, mass, swarm,
CFOSS vers 1 The roads cross north of the town. surge 2 The guests were crowding into the dining
> intersect, intertwine, meet 2 There is only room. » stream, push, pile, pack, squeeze,
one place you can cross the river. » go across, swarm, flock, surge, jostle
pass over, ford, traverse 3 It’s better not to cross crowded spective It was hard to find a space on
the common in the dark. » go across, walk the crowded beach. » packed, congested,
across, traverse 4A stone bridge crossed the overcrowded, swarming, teeming, thronging,
stream. span, bridge, arch, go across, extend cramped, full, busy, jammed, jostling,
across, pass across 5 He blew up ifanyone overflowing OPPOSITES ARE empty, deserted
crossed him. » oppose, annoy, defy, argue
with, obstruct, thwart CrOwWN Noun 1 The Queen was wearing her crown.
cross out He crossed out part ofthe sentence and > coronet, diadem, tiara 2 He paused at the
rewrote it. » delete, strike out, erase, cancel crown of the hill. » brow, crest, top, summit,
peak, ridge, head, apex
crouch vers The boys crouched behind alarge tree. Crown vers 1 William was crowned in
> squat, kneel, stoop, bend, bob down, bow Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day. » install,
down, cower, cringe, duck, hunch, huddle enthrone, anoint 2 He crowned his career with a
crowd noun 1 The crowd dispersed quickly. diplomatic post in America. » cap, round off,
> throng, multitude, mob, masses, horde, top off, complete, conclude, consummate,
gathering, company, rabble, crush 2a large fulfil, finish off, perfect
crown — crusade
road 4a former coin worth 5 shillings (25p) cruiser youn cruisers 1a fast warship 2 alarge
A Crown Prince or Crown Princess the heir to motor boat
ra) thesthnone crumb noun crumbs a tiny piece of bread etc.
CrowWN vers crowns, crowning, crowned
1 place a crown on someone as a symbol of crumble vers crumbles, crumbling,
royal power or victory 2 form or cover or crumbled break or fall into small fragments
decorate the top of something 3 reward; make > crumbly Adjective
a successful end to something @ Our efforts
crumpet noun crumpets a soft flat cake made
: were crowned with victory. 4 (slang) hit
E someone on the head with yeast, eaten toasted with butter
- crucial (kroo- shal) apjective most important crumple vers crumples, crumpling,
t > crucially apvers crumpled 1 crush or become crushed into
rc crucifix Noun crucifixes a model of the Cross or creases 2 collapse loosely
™ of Jesus Christ on the Cross crunch vers crunches, crunching, crunched
i crucify vere crucifies, crucifying, crucified crush something noisily, for example between
put a person to death by nailing or binding the your teeth
hands and feet toa cross
> crucifixion NouN crunch noun crunches a crunching sound
> crunchy ADJECTIVE
crude apective 1 ina natural state; not yet the crunch (informal) a crucial event or turning
refined @ crude oil 2 not well finished; rough
@ a crude carving 3 vulgar
> crudely apvers crudity Noun Crusade noun Crusades a military expedition
cruel apctive crueller, cruellest causing pain made by Christians in the Middle Ages to
or suffering recover Palestine from the Muslims who had
> cruelly apvers cruelty NouN conquered it
cruise youn cruises a pleasure trip in a ship > Crusader Noun
cruise vers cruises, cruising, cruised 1 sail or crusade noun crusades a campaign against
travel at a moderate speed 2 have a cruise something bad

crucial apctive 1 Police investigation plays a a cruel blow. » severe, harsh, bitter, grim,
crucial role in the criminal process. » major, painful opposites ARE mild, gentle
central, pivotal, decisive, critical, important,
momentous, serious OPPOSITES ARE minor, cruelty noun The rebellion was put down with
unimportant 2 Secrecy is crucial in this matter. great cruelty. » brutality, savagery,
> paramount, essential, vital, critical, viciousness, ferocity, barbarity, callousness,
indispensable heartlessness, cold-bloodedness, ruthlessness

crude apctive 1 increased production of crude oil crumb noun crumbs of bread; a small crumb of
> unrefined, unpurified, unprocessed, natural, comfort » fragment, grain, morsel, scrap, bit,
Taw AN OPPOSITE IS refined 2a crude method of speck, particle, shred
counting votes » primitive, simple, basic,
rudimentary, rough, makeshift, improvised, crumble vers 1 The damaged buildings were
homespun, clumsy, unrefined, amateurish, beginning to crumble. » disintegrate, break up,
awkward, inelegant, inept OPPOSITES ARE collapse, fall apart, fall down, decay,
sophisticated, advanced 3 He went in for a very decompose, deteriorate 2 He crumbled the soil
crude type of humour. » coarse, indecent, into a fine powder. » crush, grind, pound,
vulgar, bawdy, lewd, offensive, obscene powder, pulverize, break into pieces,
USAGE Obscene is a very strong word and often fragment
implies an intention to offend or corrupt
people. crumple vere It’s hard not to crumple your clothes
in such a tiny car. » crease, crush, crinkle,
cruel apjective 1 Their opponents were huge cruel wrinkle, squash
men. Hunting is widely regarded as a cruel sport.
> brutal, savage, vicious, fierce, ferocious, crunch vers 1 She sat there crunching biscuits.
barbaric, callous, heartless, cold-blooded, > munch, chomp, champ, masticate, devour
pitiless, ruthless, merciless, vile, sadistic, 2 He was fed up with getting his head crunched in
brutish OPPOSITES ARE gentle, humane, kind, rugby matches. » crush, pound, pulverize,
compassionate 2 Her father’s sudden death was grind, smash
crush = cuff
crush vers crushes, crushing, crushed 1 press cube noun cubes 1 an object that has six equal
something so that it gets broken or harmed square sides, e.g. a box or dice 2 the number
2 squeeze tightly 3 defeat produced by multiplying something by itself
crush noun crushes 1a crowd of people twicee The cube of 3is3x%3x3=27.
piacsane together 2.a drink made with crushed cube vers cubes, cubing, cubed 1 multiply a
tuit number by itself twice e 4 cubed is4x4x4=64.
crust noun crusts 1 the hard outer layer of 2 cut something into small cubes
something, especially bread 2 the rocky outer cube root youn cube roots the number that
layer of the earth gives a particular number if it is multiplied by
crustacean (krust- ay- shon) noun itself twice e The cube root of 27 is 3.
crustaceans an animal witha shell, e.g. acrab, cubic apjctive three-dimensional
lobster, or shrimp cubic metre, cubic foot, etc., the volume of a
crutch noun crutches a support like along cube with sides one metre, foot, etc. long, used
walking stick for helping a lame person to walk as a unit of measurement for volume
cry noun cries 1 aloud wordless sound cubicle noun cubicles acompartment of a
expressing pain, grief, joy, etc. 2a shout room
3 crying @ Have a good cry.
cuckoo noun cuckoos a bird that makes a
cry vers cries ,crying,cried 1 shed tears; weep sound like ‘cuck-oo’
2 call out loudly
cucumber noun cucumbers a long green-
cryptic apjecnve hiding its meaning ina puzzling skinned vegetable eaten raw or pickled
> cryptically apvers cuddle vers cuddles, cuddling, cuddled put
your arms closely round a person or animal that
crystal youn crystals 1a transparent you love
colourless mineral rather like glass 2 very clear > cuddle noun
high-quality glass 3 a small solid piece of a
substance with a symmetrical shape e ice cuddly agective pleasantly soft and plump; nice
stals to cuddle
> crystalline Apjective cule ‘noun cues something said or done that acts
crystallize vere crystallizes, crystallizing, as a signal for an actor etc. to say or do
crystallized 1 form into crystals 2 become something
definite in form cule? noun cues along stick for striking the ball
> crystallization noun in billiards or snooker
cub youn cubs a young lion, tiger, fox, bear, etc. cuff noun cuffs 1 the end of a sleeve that fits
Cub orCub Scout noun Cubs or Cub Scouts a round the wrist 2 hitting somebody with your
member of the junior branch of the Scout hand; a slap
Association off the cuff without rehearsal or preparation
cubby hole noun cubby holes a small cuff vers cuffs, cuffing, cuffed hit somebody
compartment with your hand

Thesaurus gaat

crush vers 1 He nearly crushed his arm in the lift gruff, grouchy, tetchy, testy, bad-tempered,
doors. » squash, squeeze, mangle, crunch, irascible, fractious
scrunch, compress, mash, break, bruise, grind
2 She was afraid she would crush her dress. cry vers 1 Debbie looked upset and about to cry.
> crease, crumple, crinkle, wrinkle, squash > weep, shed tears, sob, howl, whimper,
3 The army crushed the rebellion in a short time. snivel, blubber, bawl, wail USAGE The last six
> suppress, subdue, quell, quash, put down, synonyms are unfriendly or disapproving, and
defeat, vanquish, overcome sob means to cry uncontrollably and
unattractively. Weep and shed tears are more
crush noun There was quite a crush by the doors. neutral in tone, although weep is more literary.
> crowd, throng, congestion, jam, press, 2 ‘Come on!’ cried Sam. > call, yell, exclaim,
multitude, mob
shout, shriek, scream, bawl
crust noun The paint left in the pot had formed a cry off The game was cancelled when three
hard crust. » covering, skin, surface, shell, players cried off. » withdraw, back out, cancel,
exterior, outside excuse yourself
crusty apjective 1a meal of dry crusty bread and cry out Somebody was crying out in the
cheese » crisp, crispy, brittle, crunchy 2 He darkness, » call out, yell, scream, screech,
seems so crusty these days. » irritable, grumpy, shout, shriek
cul-de-sac = curb
cul-de-sac noun cul-de-sacs a street with an cumulative apecnve accumulating; increasing
opening at one end only; a dead end by continuous additions
cull vers culls, culling, culled 1 pick outand kill cunning apjctive 1 clever at deceiving people
surplus animals from a flock 2 select and use 2 cleverly designed or planned
e I've culled lines from several poems.
> cull noun cunning noun 1 skill in deceiving people;
craftiness 2 skill or ingenuity [originally=
culpable apjctive deserving blame clever, skilful: perhaps from an Old Norse word
culprit oun culprits the person who has done meaning ‘knowledge’]
something wrong
cult youn cults 1a religious sect 2a film, TV
CUP NOUN cups 1asmall bowl-shaped container
for drinking from 2 anything shaped like a cup
programme, rock group, etc. that is very
3.a goblet-shaped ornament given as a prize
popular with a particular group of people
> cupful noun
cultivate vere cultivates, cultivating,
cultivated 1 uselandto growcrops 2 growor ser VERB CUps, Cupping, cupped form into the
develop things by looking after them shape of acup e cup your hands
> cultivation noun cultivator NouN cupboard noun cupboards a piece of furniture
culture youn cultures 1 appreciation and with a door, for storing things
understanding of literature, art, music, etc.
2 the customs and traditions of a people CUI NOUN curs a scruffy or bad-tempered dog
e West Indian culture 3 (in science).a quantity curate Noun curates a member of the clergy
of bacteria or cells grown for study who helps a vicar
4 improvement by care and training © physical
culture 5 cultivating things curator (kewr- ay- ter) NouN curators a person
> cultural ADjEcTIVE in charge of a museum or other collection
cumbersome apjctive clumsy to carry or curb vers curbs, curbing, curbed restrain
manage e You need to curb your impatience

Cry.NOUN. 1 acry ofpain call, shout, yell, shriek, cultured apjctve a pleasant, cultured man
scream, screech, roar, bellow 2a cry for help > cultivated, educated, well educated, well
> appeal, plea, entreaty read, enlightened, civilized, erudite, artistic,
refined, urbane, highbrow, knowledgeable,
cuddle vers So far he had only kissed and cuddled scholarly AN OPPOSITE IS ignorant
her. » hug, caress, embrace, hold, clasp, pet,
fondle, huddle against, snuggle against cumbersome spective The suitcases were
cumbersome rather than heavy. » unwieldy,
culprit youn New evidence showed that he was not awkward, bulky, clumsy, hefty, burdensome
the culprit after all. » guilty party, person
responsible, offender, criminal, wrongdoer, cunning apjective 14 cunning plan > crafty,
miscreant, transgressor wily, artful, sly, devious, knowing, guileful,
disingenuous, machiavellian Opposites ARE
cultivate vere 1 Peasants cultivated the land. ingenuous, guileless 2 The crime was solved by
> farm, till, dig, work, plough 2 They helped cunning detective work. » skilful, clever,
with cultivating food crops. » grow, raise, rear, shrewd, astute, adroit, subtle, ingenious
sow, plant, tend, produce 3 We need to cultivate cunning Noun The defence counsel will need quite
a better attitude to work. » develop, foster, a bit of cunning. » guile, craftiness, artfulness,
nurture, encourage, promote, pursue, try to shrewdness, astuteness, adroitness,
achieve, cherish, further, improve deviousness
cultural Apective a country’s cultural heritage CUP NouN .1 They were drinking tea from pretty
> artistic, intellectual, aesthetic, educational, cups, » teacup, coffee cup, mug, tankard 2a
elevating, enlightening, improving silver cup for the winner » trophy, award, prize

culture noun 1 modern popular culture cupboard noun The tools and nails were kept in
> civilization, society, intellectual activity, a cupboard. » cabinet, closet, locker, dresser,
arts, traditions, customs, education, learning (for clothes) wardrobe, (for food) larder
2. person of culture » intellectual awareness, curb vere He tried td curb his temper. » restrain,
achievement, enlightenment, education, suppress, control, contain, check, hold back,
discernment, good taste stifle AN Opposite Is release

curb = curry
curb noun curbs a restraint e Put a curb on curl vers curls, curling, curled form into curls
spending curl up sit or lie with your knees drawn up
USAGE Do not confuse with kerb.
curly apective having curls
curd noun or curds piural noun a thick
substance formed when milk turns sour currant Noun currants 1 asmall black dried
curdle vers curdles, curdling, curdled form grape used in cookery 2.a small round red,
into curds black, or white berry
make someone's blood curdle horrify or USAGE D6 not confuse with current.
terrify them Currency NOUN currencies 1 the money in use
Cure vers cures, curing, cured 1 get rid of in acountry 2 the general use of something
someone’s illness 2 stop something bad © Some words have no currency now.
3 treat food in order to preserve it
current Apjective happening now; used now
Cure NOUN cures 1 something that cures a > currently ADverB
person or thing; a remedy 2 curing; being
cured e We cannot promise a cure. current voun currents 1 water or air etc.
curfew Noun curfews a time or signal after moving in one direction 2 the flow of
which people must remain indoors until the electricity along a wire etc. or through
next day something
USAGE Do not confuse with currant.
curiosity noun curiosities 1 being curious
2 something unusual and interesting curriculum
oun curricula a course of study in
curious Apciive 1 wanting to find out about a school or university
things; inquisitive 2 strange; unusual curry’ Noun curries food cooked with spices
> curiously ADVERB that taste hot
curl oun curls a curve or coil, e.g. of hair > curried ADJECTIVE

cure vers 1A long period of rest will cure his smoke in the distance. > spiral, coil, swirl, twirl,
ailment. » heal, remedy, treat, alleviate, whorl, corkscrew
counteract, ease, help, palliate, relieve
OPPOSITES ARE aggravate, worsen 2 The fault curl vers 1 Smoke curled from the tall chimney.
may be difficult to cure. » correct, rectify, > coil, spiral, twirl, swirl, furl 2 The path curls
mend, repair, put right, solve, (more informal) round old tree trunks. » wind, twist, curve,
fix meander, snake, writhe, zigzag 3 Sarah curled
an arm round his waist. » wind, twine, i
cure noun 1a cure for cancer > remedy, entwine, wrap, twist 4 a treatment to curl the
treatment, antidote, medicine, prescription, hair > crimp, wave, frizz, perm
restorative, panacea, palliative, therapy 2 Her
unexpected cure amazed the doctors.» recovery, curly anjective thick curly hair » wavy, curled,
healing, restoration to health curling, crinkly, kinky, frizzy, fuzzy, crimped,
curiosity noun 1 found it hard to contain my permed AN Opposite Is straight
curiosity. » inquisitiveness, interest, nosiness,
prying, meddling, snooping usAGE The last four currency Noun The euro simplifies the business of
synonyms are unfavourable in tone, whereas getting foreign currency.» money, legal tender,
the first two are neutral. 2 He had an elephant’s coinage, cash, coins, banknotes
head displayed as a curiosity in his house.
> novelty, oddity, curio, rarity, collector’s item current Apjective 1 keeping abreast of current
events » modern, contemporary, present-day,
curious Apective 11 was curious about the reason topical AN Opposite Is past 2 The opinion is still
for this unexpected visit. » inquisitive, current. » common, prevalent, prevailing,
intrigued, interested, puzzled, eager to know, widespread, popular, accepted AN OPPOSITE IS
agOg OPPOSITES ARE incurious, unconcerned, obsolete 3.a current driving licence » valid,
indifferent. 2 He walked off with a curious jerking usable, up to date opposites ARE out of date,
motion. » strange, odd, peculiar, queer, funny,
expired 4 the current administration in the
bizarre, unusual, extraordinary, eccentric
AN OPPOSITE IS normal White House » present, incumbent, existing,
extant, reigning Opposites ARE past, former
curl Noun 1 Her hair was a mass of curls.
> ringlet, wave, coil, loop, kink 2 a pattern with current Noun 1a current of air stream, flow,
repeated curls » loop, spiral, swirl, twist, bend, draught, jet, course 2 The girls were in danger
circle, curve, scroll, turn 3 There was a curl of from the strong currents. » tide, undertow, drift

curry =~ custom
Curry 2vers curries, currying, curried. CUrve vers Curves, curving, curved bend
curry favour seek to win favour by flattering smoothly
someone curve noun curves a curved line or shape
curse Noun curses 1 acall or prayer for a person > CUFVY ADJECTIVE
orthing to be harmed; the evil produced bythis
2 something very unpleasant 3 an angry word cushion youn cushions 1 a bag, usually of
or words cloth, filled with soft material so that it is
curse vers curses, cursing,cursed 1 makea comfortable to sit on or lean against
curse 2 use a curse against a person or thing 2 anything soft or springy that protects or
be cursed with something suffer from it supports something @ The hovercraft travels on
Cursor noun cursors a movable indicator, a cushion of air.
usually a flashing light, on a computer screen, cushion vers cushions, cushioning,
showing where new data will go cushioned protect from the effects of a
curt nective brief and hasty or rude e a curt knock or shock etc. @ A pile of boxes cushioned
reply his fall.
> curtly Apvers curtness NOUN
custard youn custards 1a sweet yellow sauce
curtain youn curtains 1 a piece of material made with milk 2 a pudding made with beaten
hung at a window or door 2 the large cloth eggs and milk
screen hung at the front of a stage
curtsy noun curtsies a movement of respect custody noun 1 care and supervision;
made by women and girls, putting one foot guardianship 2 imprisonment
behind the other and bending the knees take into custody arrest
curtsy vers curtsies, curtsying, curtsied [from Latin custos = guardian]
make a curtsy custom noun customs 1 the usual way of
curvature noun curvatures curving; a curved behaving or doing something 2 regular
shape business from customers

curse noun 1 John caught his finger in the door curved agective 1a tall building with a curved
and let out a curse. » swear word, oath, roof> arched, bowed, rounded, humped,
expletive, profanity, obscenity, blasphemy, crescent, vaulted, convex, bent OPPOSITES ARE
exclamation 2 The witch had put a curse on flat, straight 2 The road was narrow and curved.
them. » malediction, imprecation, jinx 3 the > twisty, twisted, sinuous, meandering,
curse of unemployment » affliction, blight, serpentine, sweeping AN OPPOSITE IS straight
scourge, plague, bane, misfortune, torment, cushion noun 1 She put a cushion behind her and
evil leaned back. > pillow, bolster, headrest,
hassock, pad, beanbag 2a cushion against
curse vere I listened to him cursing and shouting. inflation » protection, buffer, shield,
> swear, utter profanities, blaspheme, damn, defence
custom noun 1 local customs dating back to the
be cursed with The family was cursed for years
thirteenth century » tradition, practice, usage,
with sickness and poverty. » be afflicted with, institution, convention, procedure,
be blighted with, be plagued with, be troubled observance, form, habit, way, etiquette,
by, be burdened with manner, formality, routine 2 It is our custom
to visit relatives at the weekends. » practice,
curt Apjective Carl dismissed the idea with a curt
habit, routine, way, rule, policy, wont 3 The
grunt. > abrupt, blunt, harsh, terse, gruff, shop offers discounts to attract custom
rude, offhand, brusque, insensitive, outspoken, > business, trade, customers, buyers,
plain-spoken OPPOSITES ARE polite, courteous patronage, support
curtain Noun Clive closed the curtains. » drape, customary apjecrive 1 It is customary to stand
drapery, hanging, blind, screen during the playing of the anthem. the customary
rules of behaviour > traditional, normal,
CUrVve NouN 1a series of curves in the road usual, common, conventional, established,
> bend, turn, twist, loop 2 a tall window with a expected, general, ordinary, popular,
curve at the top » arch, arc, bow, crescent prevailing, routine, fashionable AN OPPOSITE IS
unusual 2 DrAli féll once again into his
curve vers The river curved to the west. » bend, customary silence. » usual, accustomed,
twist, wind, loop, snake, turn, swerve regular, wonted, habitual, typical
customary = cygnet
customary Apjective according to custom; cute Apjective (informal) 1 attractive 2 clever
usual > cutely ADvers cuteness NOUN
> customarily ADvers
cutlass Noun cutlasses a short sword with a
customer Noun customers a person who uses broad curved blade
a shop, bank, or other business
cutlery oun knives, forks, and spoons
customs PLuRAL Noun 1 taxes charged on
goods brought into a country 2 the place at a cutlet youn cutlets a thick slice of meat for
port or airport where officials examine your cooking
luggage cutting Noun cuttings 1 asteep-sided passage iW

cut vers cuts, cutting, cut 1 divide or wound or cut through high ground for a road or railway
separate something by using a knife, axe, 2 something cut out of a newspaper or Sars,

scissors, etc. 2 make a thing shorter or smaller; magazine 3a piece cut from a plant to form a
remove part of something e They are cutting all new plant
their prices. 3 divide a pack of playing cards cycle noun cycles 1 bicycle or motorcycle 2a §
4 hit a ball with a chopping movement 5 go series of events that are regularly repeated in ie
through or across something 6 switch off the same order
electrical power or an engine etc. 7 (ina film) > cyclic Adjective cyclical ADJECTIVE
move to another shot or scene 8 make a sound
recording cycle vers cycles, cycling, cycled ride a bicycle
or tricycle
cut a corner pass round it very closely
> cyclist Noun
cut and dried already decided
cut in interrupt cyclone noun cyclones a wind that rotates
round a calm central area
cut noun cuts 1 cutting; the result of cutting 2a
> cyclonic ADJECTIVE
small wound 3 (slang) ashare
be a cut above something be superior cygnet (sig- nit) Noun cygnets a young swan

customer noun The business is trying to attract cut down 1 Men are cutting the trees down.
younger customers. » shopper, buyer, > fell, hew, lop 21’m trying to cut down some of
purchaser, client, consumer, patron these expenses. » reduce, decrease, lower,
AN OPPOSITE IS seller lessen
cut youn 1 He had a cut on his hand. » gash, cut in Tessa cut in with a remark that made
wound, injury, nick, incision, scratch, graze everyone laugh. » interrupt, butt in, break in,
usage Scratch and graze do not normally interject, intervene, intrude
involve breaking of the skin and escape of cut off 1 The blade nearly cut off her finger.
blood. 2 She had to accept a small cut in pay. > sever, chop off, amputate, hack off, remove
> reduction, decrease, lowering (of), lessening 2 The Gas Board threatened to cut off the supply.
(of) 3 The leader of the gang demanded a higher > disconnect, discontinue, interrupt, suspend
cut. » share, portion, slice, (more informal)
OPPOSITES ARE restore, reconnect 3 Storms cut
off the village for several days. » isolate,
cut vers 1 He had cut his finger with a kitchen separate, seclude 4 Her family had cut her off
knife.» gash, pierce, wound, injure, slash, nick, without a penny. » disinherit, disown, reject,
incise, scratch, graze USAGE Scratch and graze do repudiate, cast aside
not normally involve breaking of the skin and
cut out The report mentioned several ways in
escape of blood. 2 Cut the vegetables into small
pieces. » slice, chop, dice, cube, divide, pare which we could cut out inefficiencies. » remove,
3 She was going to have her hair cut. It will soon eliminate, excise, get rid of
be time to start cutting the grass again. » trim, cut up Cut up the meat into small cubes.» chop,
clip, crop, mow 4 The supermarkets have cut slice, dice, carve
prices on a wide range ofgoods. » reduce, lower,
lessen, (more informal) slash 5 Parts of the story cute spective When I was young I had a cute little
were cut to make the film version. » omit, collie dog. » appealing, lovely, delightful,
remove, delete, excise, take out, edit out 6 You attractive, pretty, endearing, adorable,
will have to cut your essay by about a third. engaging
» shorten, abridge, condense, reduce,
precis, truncate 7 The remarks were spiteful cycle youn a cycle ofgrowth and decline lasting 75
and cut her deeply. » hurt, offend, upset, years ® pattern, sequence, round, circle,
wound series, era, period, revolution, rotation
cylinder — cypress
cylinder youn cylinders an object with them
straight sides and circular ends > cynical apjective cynically snvers cynicism
> cylindrical apjective NOUN
cymbal youn cymbals a percussion instrument
[from Greek kynikos = surly: probably from the
consisting of ametal plate that is hit to make a name Kynosarges, the gymnasium where the
ringing sound Greek philosopher Aristotle taught, but
USAGE Do not confuse with symbol. popularly associated with the Greek word kuon
cynic (sin- ik) noun cynics a person who = dog]
believes that people’s reasons for doing things CyPFess youn cypresses an evergreen tree with
are selfish or bad, and shows this by sneering at dark leaves

cynical spective I may be unduly cynical in disbelieving, pessimistic, negative, doubting,
thinking they are only in it for the money. questioning AN OPPOSITE IS optimistic
> sceptical, distrustful, suspicious,
dab = damsel

dam vers dams, damming, dammed hold
water back with adam
dam? noun dams the mother of a horse or dog
etc. COMPARE sire

dab noun dabs 1a quick gentle touch, usually damage noun harm or injury done to
with something wet 2.a small lump e a dab of something
butter damage vers damages, damaging, damaged
dab vers dabs, dabbing, dabbed touch harm or spoil something
something quickly and gently damages Piura Noun money paid as
dabble vers dabbles, dabbling, dabbled compensation for an injury or loss
1 splash something about in water 2 do Dame noun Dames the title of awoman who
something as a hobby e dabble in chemistry has been given the equivalent of a knighthood
dachshund (daks- huund) noun dachshunds dame noun dames a comic middle-aged
fsmall dog with a long body and very short woman in a pantomime, usually played bya
egs man
daffodil noun daffodils a yellow flower that damn vers damns, damning, damned curse or
grows from a bulb condemn
daft anyective (informal) silly or stupid damnation noun being condemned to hell
dagger noun daggers a pointed knife with two damined spective hateful or annoying
sharp edges, used as a weapon
damp amective slightly wet; not quite dry
daily spvere, anjective every day > damply overs dampness NOUN
dainty spective daintier, daintiest small, damp noun moisture in the air or ona surface or
delicate, and pretty all through something
> daintily aDvers daintiness NOUN
damp course noun damp courses a layer of
dairy noun dairies a place where milk, butter, material built into a wall to prevent dampness
etc. are produced or sold in the ground from rising
daisy noun daisies a small flower with white dampen vers dampens, dampening,
petals and a yellow centre dampened 1 make something damp
dam ' oun dams a wall built to hold water 2 reduce the strength of something
back damsel noun damsels (old use) ayoung woman

dab vers He dabbed paint on the scratch. » pat, damage noun Fortunately the thieves caused little
daub, touch, apply (to) damage. » harm, injury, destruction,
dabble vers 1 The children dabbled their feet in devastation, havoc, hurt, mutilation
the water. > dip, paddle, splash, wet 2 dabble damage vers High winds damaged properties
in She began to dabble in astrology. » toy with, along the sea front. » harm, hurt, injure, spoil,
dip into, tinker with, trifle with wreck, blemish, disfigure, deface, mutilate
daft anjective a daft idea > silly, stupid, absurd, damn vers 1 The voices damned him to hell.
foolish, crazy, unwise, idiotic > curse, puta curse on, (more formal) execrate
daily anjective a daily occurrence » everyday, 2 They had been damned for something that was
day-to-day, regular not their fault. » condemn, censure, blame,
abuse, revile, criticize, denounce, castigate,
dainty apective 1 a dainty lace handkerchief reprove
> delicate, elegant, exquisite, neat, charming,
fine, graceful, pretty OPPOSITES ARE clumsy, damp apjective 1 Someone had applied a damp
crude 2a dainty eater » fastidious, choosy, cloth to her head. » moist, dampened,
fussy, finicky, discriminating, careful moistened, wet, wetted, soggy 2 The air was
AN OPPOSITE IS gross damp and cold. » wet, drizzly, muggy, humid
dally vers There’s not enough time to dally. dampen vers 1 Dampen a soft cloth.» moisten,
> dawdle, delay, linger, loiter, waste time, idle, wet, damp 2 Nothing could dampen their
loaf, play about, procrastinate, (more informal) enthusiasm now. » lessen, diminish, deaden,
hang about, (informal) dilly-dally, (literary) dull, stifle, muffle, restrain, smother,
tarry discourage, dishearten
dance = dart
dance vers:dances, dancing, danced move dare noun dares a challenge to do something
A about in time to music risky
dance youn dances 1 a set of movements used dark apjctive 1 with little or no light 2 not light
indancing 2 apiece of music for dancing to 3.a in colour e a dark suit 3 having dark hair
party or gathering where people dance 4 sinister or evil
> dancer Noun > darkly Aovers darkness noun
dandelion youn dandelions a yellow wild dark noun 1 absence of light e Cats can see in the
flower with jagged leaves dark. 2 the time when darkness has come e She
dandruff youn tiny white flakes of dead skin in went out after dark.
a person’s hair etry darken vers darkens, darkening, darkened
D and T assreviation design and technology make or become dark
danger noun dangers 1 something that is not darling noun darlings someone who is loved
safe or could harm you 2 the possibility of very much
suffering harm or death
darn vers darns, darning, darned mend ahole
dangerous ADJECTIVE likely to kill or harm you
by weaving threads across it
> dangerously Apvers
dangle ves dangles, dangling, dangled hang darn youn darns a place that has been darned
or swing loosely dart youn darts 1 an object with a sharp point,
dappled apective marked with patches of a thrown at a target 2a darting movement 3a
different colour tapering tuck stitched in something to make it
dare vers dares, daring, dared 1 be brave or
bold enough to do something 2 challengea dart vers darts, darting, darted run suddenly
person to do something risky and quickly

dance noun He was going to take her to the dance gallant, confident, dauntless, enterprising,
next week, & ball, disco, (more informal) hop heroic, valiant, (more informal) plucky.
choreography dark spective 1a dark room > dim, dingy, dull,
dance vers Children danced around playfully. gloomy, unlit, unilluminated, shadowy
> caper, cavort, frisk, frolic, skip, prance, leap, OPPOSITES ARE light, bright 2 a dark night
gambol, hop, jig, jump > black, pitch-black, starless, moonless, unlit,
danger noun 1 There is a danger offlooding on unilluminated OPPOSITES ARE light, bright 3a
low ground. > risk, threat, chance, probability, dark colour » deep, strong, heavy
possibility, likelihood, prospect, liability 2 The OPPOSITES ARE pale, light 4a dark secret
contamination could become a danger to public > mysterious, enigmatic, hidden, obscure,
health. » threat, hazard, menace, risk 3 There impenetrable, cryptic 5 dark thoughts
was a real sense of danger about the place. > pessimistic, gloomy, sinister, sombre, grim,
> insecurity, vulnerability, uncertainty, dismal, bleak, cheerless, fatalistic
precariousness 4 Their very lives were in danger. AN OPPOSITE IS optimistic
> peril, jeopardy, (at) risk AN OPPOSITE IS safety dark noun afraid of the dark » darkness,
dangerous spective 1 Building at such a height blackness, gloom, night, night-time
can be dangerous work. » hazardous, perilous, AN OPPOSITE |S light
risky, unsafe, precarious, insecure, tricky 2 He
was charged with dangerous driving. » reckless, darken vers 1 The sky darkened. » become
careless 3.a dangerous criminal » ruthless,
dark, become overcast, cloud over
violent, vicious, desperate OPPOSITES ARE lighten, brighten 2 These fears
darkened his life for many years. » overshadow,
dangle vere 1 There were curtains dangling above shadow, blacken, threaten, dim, make gloomy
my head. » hang, droop, swing, flap, sway, OPPOSITES ARE lighten, brighten
trail, be suspended, wave about 2 She dangled
the keys in his face. » wave, swing, brandish, darling apjctive his darling wife » dear,
flourish, hold dearest, beloved, adored, cherished, treasured
dare vers 1 No one dared to say anything. » have darling noun 1 Jane had always been his darling.
the courage, be brave enough, take the risk > beloved, loved one, love, sweetheart, dear,
(of), take a chance, venture 2 She dared him to dearest 2 the darling of the gods » favourite,
jump. > challenge, defy, provoke, goad, taunt pet, idol .
daring aoective a daring attack » bold, brave, dart vers Children were darting about everywhere.
courageous, adventurous, audacious, intrepid, > dash, rush, hurtle, leap, shoot, spring,
darts > day-to-day
darts noun a game in which darts are thrown at date 2 noun dates asmall sweet brown fruit that
a circular board (dartboard) grows ona kind of palm tree
dash vers dashes, dashing, dashed 1 run daub vers daubs, daubing, daubed paint or
quickly; rush 2 throw a thing violently against smear something clumsily
something @ The storm dashed the ship against > daub noun
the rocks. daughter noun daughters a girl or woman
dash noun dashes 1 short quick run; a rush who is someone’s child
2 energy or liveliness 3 asmall amount e Add a daughter-in-law noun daughters-in-law a
dash of brandy. 4a short line (-) used in writing son’s wife
or printing
daunt vers daunts, daunting, daunted make
dashboard noun dashboards a panel fitted in somebody afraid or discouraged
a vehicle in front of the driver, with dials and > daunting ADJECTIVE
dawdle vers dawdles, dawdling, dawdled
dashing anectve lively and showy go slowly and lazily
data (day- ta) noun pieces of information > dawdler Noun
USAGE Strictly speaking, this word is a plural dawn noun dawns the time when the sun rises
noun (the singular is datum), so it should be
used with a plural verb: Here are the data. dawn vers dawns, dawning, dawned 1 begin
to grow light in the morning 2 begin to be
However, the word is widely used nowadays as
if it were a singular noun and most people do realized @ The truth dawned on them.
not regard this as wrong: Here is the data. day noun days 1 the 24 hours between
midnight and the next midnight 2 the light
database noun databases a store of part of this time 3 a particular day e sports day
information held in a computer
4a period of time e in Queen Victoria's day
date 'youn dates 1 the time when something daybreak noun dawn
happens or happened or was written, stated as
the day, month, and year (or any of these) 2 an daydream noun daydreams pleasant
appointment to meet someone, especially thoughts of something you would like to
someone of the opposite sex happen
date vers dates, dating, dated 1 givea date to daydream vers daydreams, daydreaming,
something 2 have existed from a particular daydreamed have daydreams
time e The church dates from 1684. 3 seem old- day-to-day apjctive ordinary; happening every
fashioned day

bound, flit, fly, move suddenly, (more informal) dawn noun 1 We got up at dawn. » daybreak,
whiz, (more informal) zip sunrise, break of day, first light, (more informal)
dash noun They made a dash for the door.» rush, first thing AN OPPOSITE Is dusk 2 the dawn of
bolt, leap, sprint, spurt, race, run, chase modern civilization » beginning, start, birth,
dash vers 1 We dashed home as soon as we could. origin, genesis, advent, emergence
> rush, race, bolt, tear, hasten, hurry, speed, day noun 1 He looked after Lucy during the day
shoot, run, sprint, chase, dart, fly, hasten, while I was at work. » daytime, daylight
(informal) zoom 2 He dashed the plate against AN OPPOSITE IS night 2 The girls are required to
the wall. » smash, crash, hurl, strike, throw, plan their own day. » working day, working
knock time, work time, period of work 3 He was the
data noun a group collecting data on teenage leading musician ofthe day.» age, period, time,
pregnancies » information, details, particulars, era, epoch
facts and figures, statistics, evidence, material
date noun 1 coins and pottery from a very early daydream noun She tried to shake off her
date » time, age, era, period 2 She was in daydreams. » reverie, fantasy, trance, fancy,
danger of missing her date with Paul. dream, vision, imagining, absent-mindedness,
> meeting, appointment, rendezvous, meditation, musing, illusion, pipe dream
engagement, assignation, fixture 3 Mary was daydream vers He went out, leaving me to dress
his date for the evening. » partner, escort, and daydream. » fantasize, dream, muse,
girlfriend (or boyfriend) meditate, be lost in thought, imagine
dawzdle vers Ruth dawdled back through the
wood, reluctant to return. » linger, dally, take daylight noun Until eight o'clock there is no
yourtime, delay, idle, (more informal) dilly-dally daylight in our room. » sunlight, light of day,
AN OPPOSITE IS hurry natural light
dazed = deal
dazed spective unable to think or see clearly military prison. If prisoners went beyond it they
> daze Noun could be shot]
[from Old Norse dasathr = weary] deadlock oun deadlocks a situation in which
dazzle vers dazzles, dazzling, dazzled 1make no progress can be made
a person unable to see clearly because of too deadly apective deadlier, deadliest likely to kill
much bright light 2.amaze.or impress a person
by a splendid display deaf spective 1 unable to hear 2 unwilling to
DC jserewiaTion direct current hear
> deafness Noun
de- prefix 1 removing (as in defrost) 2 down,
away (as in descend). 3.completely (as in denude) deafen vers deafens, deafening, deafened
make somebody become deaf, especially by a
dead spective 1no longer alive 2 not lively very loud noise
3 not functioning; no longer in use 4 exact or > deafening ADJECTIVE
complete e a dead loss
deal vers deals, dealing, dealt 1 hand
deaden vers deadens, deadening, deadened
something out; give 2 give out cards for a card
make pain or noise etc. weaker
game 3 do business; buy and sell @ He deals in
dead end noun dead ends 1 aroad or'passage scrap metal
with one end closed 2 a situation where there is > dealer noun
no chance of making progress deal with 1 be concerned with e This
dead heat noun dead heats a race in which book deals with words and meanings, 2 do what
two or more winners finish exactly together is needed e I'll deal with the washing-up.
deadline Noun deadlines atime limit deal youn deals 1 an agreement or bargain
[originally this meant a line round an American 2 someone’s turn to deal at cards

daze vers 1 The fall dazed him for a few minutes. deaden vere 1 Mufflers deaden the noise.
> stun, stupefy, shock 2 She was dazed by the > muffle, soften, mute, damp, reduce,
news. > astound, amaze, astonish, startle, quieten, smother, stifle, suppress, weaken,
dumbfound, bewilder, stagger cushion, lessen, check, hush
OPPOSITES ARE amplify, sharpen 2A local
dazzle vers 1 The sunlight burst through the anaesthetic will deaden the pain. » numb, stifle,
window and dazzled him. » daze, blind 2 The dull, blunt, suppress, alleviate, soothe,
beauty of the place dazzled her. » overpower, desensitize, anaesthetize
overwhelm, overawe, impress, amaze, astonish OPPOSITES ARE intensify, aggravate
dead spective 1 Both her parents were dead. deadly aojctive 1a deadly poison » lethal,
> deceased, departed, passed on, gone noxious, harmful, mortal, dangerous
OPPOSITES ARE alive, living 2 There was a dead AN OPPOSITE IS harmless 2a deadly disease
animal on the road. > \ifeless, killed, inanimate > terminal, fatal, life-threatening, destructive
3 Latin is a dead language. » extinct, obsolete, AN OPPOSITE IS mild:3 (informal) The party turned
defunct, disused, died out out to be deadly. > dull, boring, dreary, tedious,
AN OPPOSITE IS existing 4 My feet were dead with unexciting, uninteresting OPPOSITES ARE lively,
cold. » numb, deadened, insensitive, exciting 4 He fired an arrow with a deadly aim.
paralysed, without feeling > unerring, unfailing, true, perfect
AN OPPOSITE IS sensitive 5 The battery was dead.
> flat, unresponsive, defunct, inoperative, not deaf anective 1 By this time he was deaf and
working, burnt out, used up, useless, worn out nearly blind. » hard of hearing 2 deaf to They
AN OPPOSITE IS operational 6 When Sheila picked were deaf to all our pleas. » indifferent to,
up the phone again the line was dead. » not unmoved by, heedless of, oblivious to,
working, inoperative, out of order, unconcerned with
unresponsive 7 The place is dead on a Friday deafening anjective a deafening roar > loud,
night. > lifeless, dreary, uninteresting, boring, noisy, piercing, ear-splitting, booming,
dull, moribund, slow opposites ARE lively, thunderous, overpowering
exciting 8 (informal) He felt dead by the time he
got home. » exhausted, worn out, drained, deal Noun 1 He was good at business deals and not
tired 9 He is the dead image of his brother. much more. » agreement, arrangement,
> exact, absolute, perfect, complete, utter, negotiation, transaction, settlement, contract,
downright bargain, understanding 2 Shoppers should look
around for the best deal. » buy, bargain,
dead apvers The road ahead was dead straight. transaction
> completely, absolutely, perfectly, utterly a good deal or a great deal We have already

dear = decadent
a good deal or a great deal a large debit vers debits, debiting, debited enter
amount something as a debit in a financial account
dear apjective 1 loved very much 2a polite [from Latin debitum = something owed]
greeting in letters e Dear Sir 3 expensive debris (deb- ree) noun scattered fragments or
> dearly apvers wreckage
death noun deaths dying; the end of life debt (det) noun debts something that you owe
debatable anyctive questionable; that can be in debt owing money etc.
argued against [from Latin debitum = something owed]
debate youn debates a formal discussion debtor (det- or) noun debtors a person who
owes money to someone
debate vers debates, debating, debated hold
a debate decade (dek- ayd) noun decades a period of
> debater noun ten years

debilitating nective causing weakness decadent (dek- a- dent) apjective falling to

lower moral standards, especially in order to
debit youn debits an entry inan account enjoy pleasure
showing how much money is owed > decadence noun

achieved a great deal. » alot, much, plenty,a debatable apjctive It is debatable whether the
large amount, a large quantity public wants this sort of sensationalism.
deal vers. 1 She dealt the cards for another round. > arguable, questionable, disputable,
> give out, distribute, share out, dispense, doubtful, dubious, a moot point, open to
apportion, allot, assign, divide, (informal) dole doubt, open to question, contentious, Mm
out 2 The man dealt him a blow on the head. controversial, controvertible, problematical,
> deliver, inflict, give, administer, apply, mete uncertain AN OPPOSITE IS indisputable
out 3 He deals in stocks and shares. » trade, do debate noun a debate about personal freedom
business, buy and sell, traffic 4 deal with a > discussion, argument, exchange of views, O
difficult issue to deal with » handle, manage, controversy, deliberation, contention,
tackle, cope with, attend to, come to grips dialogue, dispute, (more formal) dialectic, Dp
with, resolve, control, consider, grapple with, (more formal) disputation
look after, see to, sort out, take action on
5 deal with The book deals with several debate vers 1 Parliament will debate schemes for
important topics. » be concerned with, treat, reducing traffic in cities. » discuss, consider,
cover, tackle, explain deliberate, confer about, exchange views on,
dispute, argue, weigh up 21 am debating
dealer noun an antique dealer; a dealer in second- whether to get in touch with them. » consider,
hand cars » trader, supplier, merchant, think over, ponder, deliberate, contemplate,
wholesaler, retailer, merchandiser, reflect, (more informal) mull over
shopkeeper, stockist, tradesman
dear anjective 1 They soon became dear friends.
debris noun 1 There was debris all around from
the collapsed buildings. » rubbish, rubble, ruins,
> beloved, close, intimate, lovable, loved,
remains, wreckage 2 Use rubber gloves to clean
valued, darling AN opposite Is hated 2 Fruit is
out debris from the gutters. » waste, remains,
dear at this time ofyear. » expensive, costly,
detritus, refuse, litter, bits, dregs, scraps
high-priced, overpriced, exorbitant, (more
informal) pricey AN OPPOSITE IS cheap debt oun 1 It is easy for students to build up large
dear noun Everyone agrees he’s a dear.» darling, debts. » money owed, arrears, financial
lovable person, treasure, pet obligation, financial commitment, bill 21 owe
you a great debt for your kindness. » duty,
dearly apvers She loved Simon dearly. » deeply,
intensely, profoundly, fondly, tenderly, very
indebtedness, obligation
in debt By the end of the year he was heavily in
much, a great deal debt. » owing money, in arrears, insolvent
death noun 1 Charles phoned to tell her of her in someone’s debt Ishall be forever in your
uncle’s death. » dying, passing, passing away, debt. » grateful to, indebted to, obliged to,
end RELATED ADJECTIVE mortal 2 The disaster beholden to
caused many deaths. » casualty, fatality RELATED
ADJECTIVE fatal 3 The news meant the death of all debtor noun Debtors who fail to pay their hotel
their dreams. » end, ending, finish, collapse, bill are not usually sent to prison any more.
ruin, destruction, termination, cessation > bankrupt, defaulter
put to death The king put all the conspirators to decadent pective a decadent society
death. » execute, kill, have killed > immoral, dissolute, degenerate, dissipated,

decaffeinated = decimal point
decaffeinated nective (said about coffee or deception noun deceptions deceiving
tea) with the caffeine removed someone
> deceptive apective deceptively Apvers
decapitate vers decapitates, decapitating,
decapitated cut someone’s head off; behead decibel (dess- ib- el) noun decibels a unit for
> decapitation Noun measuring the loudness of sound
decathlon noun decathlons an athletic decide vers decides, deciding, decided
contest in which each competitor takes part in 1 make up your mind; make a choice 2 settle a
contest or argument
ten events
> decider noun
m decay vers decays, decaying, decayed 1.0 decided spective 1 having clear and definite
bad; rot 2 become less good or less strong opinions 2 noticeable e a decided difference
“Ty > decay NOUN > decidedly Abvers
a deceased spective dead deciduous (dis- id- yoo- us) aDjective a
deceit (dis- eet) noun deceits making a person deciduous tree is one that loses its leaves in
believe something that is not true autumn
> deceitful anjective deceitfully apvers decimal apectve using tens or tenths
deceive vers deceives, deceiving, deceived decimal noun decimals a decimal fraction
make a person believe something that is not decimal currency voun decimal currencies
—— true a currency in which each unit is ten or one
> deceiver NOUN hundred times the value of the one next below
December noun the twelfth month of the year it
} [from Latin decem = ten, because itwas the decimal fraction noun decimal fractions a
tenth month of the ancient Roman calendar] fraction with tenths shown as numbers after a
decent spective 1 respectable and honest dot(% is 0.3; 13 is 1.5)
2 reasonable or adequate 3 (informal) kind decimal point noun decimal points the dot
> decently advers decency NOUN in a decimal fraction

corrupt, depraved, declining decent apective 1 Mum always said it wasn’t
AN OPPOSITE IS moral decent to watch people undress. » proper,
decay vers 1 The skulls were in good condition but respectable, appropriate, suitable, fitting,
seemly, becoming, nice, modest, decorous,
the bones had decayed. » decompose, rot,
tasteful AN OPPOSITE Is indecent 2 Apart from
putrefy, go bad, waste away, perish,
that, he seemed a decent enough bloke.
deteriorate, degrade, disintegrate 2 Inner cities
had been allowed to decay. » decline, > obliging, courteous, honest, trustworthy,
reliable, dependable, upright, polite,
deteriorate, degenerate, crumble, corrode,
disintegrate, wither, fall apart, go downhill honourable 3 It was her first decent meal of the
day. > good, satisfactory, nice, pleasant,
decay noun 1 Today Ifound a dead blackbird in agreeable AN OPPOSITE IS unsatisfactory
an advanced state of decay. » decomposition,
rotting, festering, putrefaction 2 Television is deception noun For a spy, I’m not very good at
often blamed for the so-called decay in social: deception. » deceit, duplicity, trickery,
values, » deterioration, decline, degradation, pretence, cheating, misrepresentation, fraud,
collapse, fall, disintegration guile, subterfuge, artifice, ruse
OPPOSITES ARE honesty, openness
deceit noun They achieved much by lies and deceit.
> deception, duplicity, trickery, pretence, deceptive spective 1 Similarities can be
cheating, misrepresentation, fraud, guile, deceptive. » misleading, illusory, false,
subterfuge, artifice, ruse unreliable, delusive, fallacious, fraudulent,
OPPOSITES ARE honesty, openness insincere, specious, spurious, treacherous
AN OPPOSITE IS genuine 2 deceptive practices
deceitful anective George got used to the fact that > dishonest, deceitful, fraudulent, underhand,
I was deceitful and irresponsible. » dishonest, duplicitous, sham, bogus AN opposite Is honest
untruthful, insincere, untrustworthy,
deceptive, duplicitous, underhand, false, decide vere 1 He decided to become a journalist.
fraudulent, (more informal) two-faced > resolve, determine, make up your mind,
choose, reach a decision, opt, plan, aim 2 We
deceive vers It had not been too difficult to deceive don’t have enough evidence to decide the issue.
him. > trick, fool, mislead, hoodwink, delude, > determine, judge, adjudicate on, make a
dupe, cheat, swindle, (more informal) take in judgement on, pronounce on
decipher = decorate
decipher (dis-1- fer) vers deciphers, > declaration noun
deciphering, deciphered 1 work out the declare war announce that you are starting a
meaning of a coded message 2 work out the war against someone
meaning of something written badly
> decipherment noun decline vers declines, declining, declined
T refuse 2 become weaker or smaller 3 slope
decision noun decisions. 1 deciding; what you
downwards 4 state the forms of a noun,
have decided 2 determination
pronoun, or adjective that correspond to
decisive (dis-I-siv) apjective 1 that settles or particular cases, numbers, and genders
ends something e a decisive battle 2 able to
make decisions quickly and firmly decline youn declines a gradual decrease or
> decisively apvers decisiveness Noun loss of strength
deck noun decks 1 floor ona ship or bus 2a decode vers decodes, decoding, decoded
pack of playing cards 3 a turntable on a record work out the meaning of something written in
player code &
deckchair youn deckchairs a folding chair > decoder noun
with a canvas or plastic seat
declaim vere declaims, declaiming, decompose vers decomposes,
declaimed make a speech etc. loudly and decomposing, decomposed decay or rot
dramatically > decomposition noun
> declamation noun decorate vers decorates, decorating,
declare vers declares, declaring, declared decorated 1 make something look more
1 say something clearly or firmly 2 tell customs beautiful or colourful 2 put fresh paint or paper
officials that you have goods on which you on walls 3 give somebody a medal
ought to pay duty 3 end a cricket innings > decoration noun decorator noun
before all the batsmen are out decorative ADjEcTivE

decision noun 1 the jury’s decision on damages recession, slump, diminution (of), loss (of), 7
> verdict, finding, ruling, conclusion, failing (of) 2a decline in their fortunes U
judgement, pronouncement, adjudication > deterioration, degeneration, worsening (of)
2 The King agreed with this decision. decline vers 1 He declined all our invitations.
> resolution, conclusion, outcome, result, > refuse, reject, dismiss, turn down, pass up,
recommendation, resolve, determination forgo AN OPPOSITE IS accept 2 After the accident
decisive apjctive 1 The car’s faster speed proved her health declined. » worsen, deteriorate,
to be a decisive advantage. » conclusive, weaken, degenerate, flag, die away, fail, fall off, i
definite, significant, crucial, critical, positive, sink, wane, wilt AN OPPOSITE IS improve 3 Profits
deciding, determining, convincing, final, have declined for the third year in succession.
influential OPPOSITES ARE inconclusive, > decrease, diminish, be reduced, lessen, go
insignificant 2 His decisive no-nonsense manner down, drop away, dwindle, ebb
had given him quite a reputation. They showed decode vers The messages were quickly decoded.
themselves capable of decisive action. » resolute, > decipher, unscramble, interpret, make sense ie
determined, firm, strong-willed, strong- of, understand, construe, solve, read, (more
minded, forceful, forthright, unhesitating, informal) crack, (more informal) make out,
incisive, decided, definite (more informal) figure out OPPOSITES ARE code,
OPPOSITES ARE indecisive, hesitant encode
declaration noun 1 a joint declaration by the decorate vers 1 nursery chair decorated with
four heads of state >» announcement, little rabbits » adorn, ornament, embellish,
proclamation, notification, promulgation, trim, beautify, enhance 2 We will decorate the
edict, manifesto 2. declaration of trust in the house before moving in. » paint, renovate,
government » affirmation, assertion, smarten up, refurbish, redecorate, paper,
acknowledgement, profession, confirmation, wallpaper, (more informal) do up 3 He was
pledge, avowal decorated for bravery at the end of the war.
declare vers 1 Both sides declared their > honour, reward, give a medal to, mention in
intentions. » announce, proclaim, express, dispatches
voice, affirm, reveal, divulge 2 He declared that decoration 1 a tall ceiling with elaborate
he was ready to do a deal. » assert, insist, decoration » ornamentation, adornment,
maintain, announce, aver, state, claim, certify, embellishment, trimmings, filigree, tracery,
vow, avow frill, scroll 2a decoration for bravery » award,
decline noun 1 decline in profits » reduction, badge, medal, ribbon, star, (more informal)
decrease, drop, fall, downturn, falling off, gong
decorous = deep
decorous (dek- er- us) apjective polite and 2 name a personas a mark of respect, e.g. at
dignified the beginning of a book
> decorously ADVERB > dedication Noun
decoy (dee- koi) noun decoys something used deduce vere deduces, deducing, deduced
to tempt a person or animal into a trap or into work something out by reasoning from facts
danger that you know are true
decoy (dik- oi) vers decoys, decoying, > deducible spective
decoyed tempt a person or animal into a trap
deduct vers deducts, deducting, deducted
subtract part of something
decrease vers decreases, decreasing,
decreased make or become smaller or fewer deduction noun deductions 1 deducting;
decrease noun decreases decreasing; the something deducted 2 deducing; something
amount by which something decreases deduced
decree noun decrees an official order or deed noun deeds 1 something that someone
decision has done; an act 2a legal document
decree vers decrees, decreeing, decreed deep anjective 1 going along way down or back
make a decree orine adeep well e deep cupboards 2 measured
decrepit (dik- rep- it) anjecrve old and weak from top to bottom orfront to back e a hole six
> decrepitude Noun feet deep 3 intense or strong e deep colours
dedicate vers dedicates, dedicating, e deep feelings 4 low-pitched, not shrill e a deep
dedicated 1 devote all your time or energy to voice
something e She dedicated her life to nursing. > deeply Advers deepness NOUN

decorative apyective a decorative mirror ina dedication noun 1 She appreciated all his hard
f cs frame > ornamental, ornate, fancy, adorning, work and dedication. » devotion,
embellishing, enhancing, elaborate, non- commitment, allegiance, faithfulness, loyalty,
functional AN opposite Is functional adherence, single-mindedness 2 The book bore
decoy Noun They set up a decoy to distract our a dedication to his wife. » inscription
attention. > lure, bait, trap, enticement deduce vers He deduced that she must be a good
decoy vers His enemies had decoyed him to cook, » conclude, come to the conclusion,
another part of the country. » lure, entice, reason, work out, gather, infer, surmise, glean
induce, inveigle, ensnare, seduce, tempt, bait, deduct vers The cost of the breakage will be
draw, lead deducted from his allowance. » subtract, knock
decrease noun a decrease in crime levels off, take away, debit (to) opposites ARE add (to),
> reduction, decline, lessening (of), falling off, credit (to)
drop, downturn AN opPOSITE IS increase deduction noun 1usace from the verbdeduct
decrease vers 1 We need to decrease our costs. Income is subject to the deduction of tax.
> reduce, lessen, lower, cut, cut down, curtail > subtraction, taking away, taking off,
AN OPPOSITE IS increase 2 The aircraft’s speed was removal, stoppage 2 USAGE from the verb
rapidly decreasing. » diminish, lessen, reduce, deduce Her deduction was quite correct.
fall off, dwindle AN Opposite Is increase > conclusion, inference, reasoning
decree noun a presidential decree banning all deed noun a heroic deed » act, action, feat,
WV protest meetings » order, edict, command, exploit, endeavour, enterprise, achievement,
mandate, proclamation, dictum, enactment adventure, effort, performance, undertaking
decree vers The law decreed that Sunday should deep apective 1 The well is deep. » bottomless,
be a day of rest. » order, command, declare, fathomless, cavernous, yawning
prescribe, ordain, proclaim, pronounce, direct, AN OPPOSITE IS shallow 2 a deep disappointment
rule, decide, determine, dictate > intense, profound, extreme, serious 3 a deep
mystery » obscure, secret, mysterious,
decrepit anective 1 He lived in a decrepit old unfathomable, fathomless, arcane 4 deep
cottage. » dilapidated, battered, ramshackle, affection » intense, hearfelt, fervent, ardent,
tumbledown, worn out, broken down, derelict deep-seated 5 a deep thinker > wise,
2 a decrepit old woman > feeble, frail, weak, intelligent, profound, perceptive, learned,
infirm discerning 6 They were deep in conversation.
dedicated apctive a dedicated musician > rapt, absorbed, engrossed, immersed,
> devoted, committed, keen, staunch, preoccupied, riveted 7 a deep sound » low,
steadfast, fervent, loyal, enthusiastic, zealous, low-pitched, bass, resonant, booming 8 a deep
whole-hearted, single-minded, faithful colour » dark, rich, vivid, strong, intense
deepen = defiant
deepen vers deepens, deepening, deepened defective anjective having defects; incomplete
make or become deeper > defectiveness noun i
deer youn deer a fast-running graceful animal, defence noun defences 1 defending
the male of which usually has antlers something 2 something that defends or
deface vere defaces, defacing, defaced spoil protects 3 a reply put forward by a defendant
the surface of something, e.g. by scribbling on defend vers defends, defending, defended
it 1 protect, especially against an attack 2 try to
> defacement noun prove that a statement is true or that an
default vers defaults, defaulting, defaulted accused person is not guilty
fail to do what you have agreed to do, especially > defender noun
to pay back a loan defendant youn defendants a person accused
> defaulter youn of something in a lawcourt
default youn defaults 1 failure to do
something 2 (in computing) what a computer defensive apjctive used or done for defence; Gg
does unless you give it another command
by default because something has failed to > defensively spvers
on the defensive ready to defend yourself
defeat vers defeats, defeating, defeated defer! vers defers, deferring, deferred
1 win a victory over someone 2 baffle; be too postpone
difficult for someone > deferment youn deferral noun
defeat youn defeats 1 defeating someone defer? vers defers, deferring, deferred give
2 being defeated; a lost game or battle way to a person’s wishes or authority; yield
defect (dee- fekt) noun defects a flaw deference (def: er- ens) Noun polite respect
defect (dif- ekt) vers defects, defecting, > deferential (def- er- en- shal) ADjectivE
defected desert your own country etc. and join deferentially spvere
the enemy defiant ,njective defying; openly disobedient
> defection noun defector noun > defiantly anvers defiance noun

phesaurusss2 eg
deepen vers 1 Their love had deepened over the justification, endorsement 2 a defence against
years. ® increase, intensify, grow, grow attack » protection, resistance (to), shield,
stronger 2 The hole had been deepened. » dig deterrent, barricade, bulwark
out, make deeper, hollow, scoop out defend vers 1 An air squadron helped to defend
defeat noun 1 the defeat ofNapoleon at Waterloo the country against enemy attack. » protect,
> conquest, subjugation, overthrow, beating, guard, safeguard, secure, shield, shelter,
victory (over) 2 The home side faced defeat. screen, cover 2 He found it hard to defend his
> failure, loss, setback, humiliation, actions. » justify, vindicate, make a case for
disappointment, reverse, trouncing defensive apjective 1 The aircraft formed a
AN OPPOSITE IS victory defensive circle. » defending, protective,
defeat vers 1 The French army defeated the protecting, guarding AN OPPOSITE IS aggressive
enemy in along engagement. » overcome, beat, 2 Her attitude seemed nervous and defensive.
conquer, overpower, subdue, vanquish, > wary, watchful, cautious, apologetic, self-
subjugate, quell, rout 2 The complexity of the justifying AN OPPOSITE IS assertive
task defeated them. » confound, baffle, defer vere 1 She had decided to defer unpacking to
frustrate, fox, (more informal) flummox the following day. » postpone, put off, delay,
defect noun (with the stress on de-) The adjourn, hold over, suspend, (more informal)
machinery showed several defects. » fault, flaw, shelve 2 defer to He agreed to defer to his
imperfection, deficiency, weakness, failing, parents’ wishes. » yield to, submit to, respect,
inadequacy, blemish, error, (more informal) accede to, give way to, agree to, surrender to
bug defiance noun Her dark eyes were ablaze with
defect vers (with the stress on -fect) MPs might defiance. » opposition, confrontation,
defect to other parties. » desert, go over, resistance, challenge, audacity, bravado,
change sides, revolt contempt
defective apjective The car’s brakes were defiant apjective He remained defiant in spite of
defective. » faulty, out of order, deficient, the threats. » obstinate, determined,
broken, malfunctioning, inoperative intransigent, resistant, confrontational,
defence noun 1 Several friends spoke in defence recalcitrant, unyielding
of his actions. » support, vindication, OPPOSITES ARE cooperative, apologetic
deficiency > defy
deficiency oun deficiencies 1 lackor 3 reduce or reverse inflation
shortage 2a defect > deflation Noun deflationary ADJECTIVE
> deficient ADJECTIVE deflect’ vers deflects, deflecting, deflected
defile vers defiles, defiling, defiled make a make something turn aside
thing dirty or impure > deflection youn deflector Noun
> defilement Noun
deforest vere deforests, deforesting,
define vers defines, defining, defined deforested clear away the trees from an area
1 explain what a word or phrase means 2 show > deforestation NOUN
clearly what something is; specify 3 show a
thing’s outline deform vers deforms, deforming, deformed
> definable ADJECTIVE spoil a thing’s shape or appearance
definite anective 1 clearly stated; exact @ Fix a > deformation Noun
definite time. 2 certain or settled @ Is it definite deft apjective skilful and quick
that we are to move? > deftly anvers deftness NOUN
definite article youn definite articles (in defuse vers defuses, defusing, defused
grammar) the word ‘the’ 1 remove the fuse from a bomb so that it
definitely overs certainly; without doubt cannot explode 2 make a situation less
definition youn definitions 1a statement of dangerous or tense
what a word or phrase means or of what a thing defy vers defies, defying, defied 1 resist
is 2 being distinct; clearness of outline (e.g. ina something openly; refuse to obey e They defied
photograph) the law. 2 challenge a person to do something
deflate vers deflates, deflating, deflated you believe cannot be done e I defy you to prove
1 let out air from a tyre or balloon etc. 2 make this. 3 prevent something being done e The
someone feel less proud or less confident door defied all efforts to open it.

deficiency noun a vitamin deficiency definition noun 1 It is hard to write a good
> insufficiency, shortage, inadequacy, lack, definition of ‘left’ and ‘right’. » explanation,
deficit, shortfall description, elucidation, interpretation,
deficient nective 1a diet deficient in vitamins meaning 2 The photograph lacked definition.
> lacking, wanting, defective, inadequate, > clarity, clearness, sharpness, precision, focus
insufficient OPPOSITES ARE adequate, excessive definitive anective 1 the definitive film guide
2 deficient leadersip» defective, flawed, faulty, > authoritative, standard, classic, recognized,
unsound, imperfect, inadequate, (more accepted, official, ultimate, complete, reliable
informal) duff AN OPPOSITE IS perfect 2 a definitive reply » decisive, conclusive,
3 deficit noun a deficit in the budget » loss, categorical, final AN opposite Is provisional
shortfall, deficiency, lack AN OPPOSITE IS surplus deflate vers 1 Someone had deflated two of the
define vers 1 We can define evidence as tyres. » let down, let the air out of, flatten
information about whether a particular thing is AN OPPOSITE IS inflate. 2 The news deflated him.
true or not. » explain, interpret, clarify, > subdue, humble, humiliate, dishearten,
formulate, give the meaning of 2 The fence dispirit, dismay, chasten, mortify
defines the boundary of the estate. » mark, mark OPPOSITES ARE encourage, boost
out, indicate, set, determine, demarcate, deflect vers He managed to deflect the blow.
outline > divert, turn aside, parry, fend off, intercept,
definite anective 1 She came to some definite avert, head off, prevent, ward off
conclusions. » clear, clear-cut, explicit, express, deformed apjctive He was so deformed the gods
precise, established, fixed, concrete, plain, took pity on him. » misshapen, contorted,
hard AN OPPOSITE IS indefinite 2 There are crippled, crooked, distorted, disfigured,
definite signs of improvement. » distinct, clear, twisted, malformed, maimed, bent, warped,
plain, discernible, obvious, perceptible, mutilated, buckled, mangled, defaced,
noticeable, positive, unmistakable, marked, gnarled, grotesque, ugly
pronounced, apparent
AN OPPOSITE IS imperceptible
defy vers 1 He was arrested for defying a court
order to hand over the property. » disobey,
definitely sovers She definitely hadn’t been there refuse to obey, flout, disregard, violate,
before. » certainly, positively, surely, contravene, infringe, breach, resist
unquestionably, beyond doubt, assuredly, for AN OPPOSITE IS Obey: 2 She defied Robin to admit
certain, indubitably, doubtless, without doubt, the truth. » challenge, dare 3 The situation
without fail defied all attempts at rational explanation.
degenerate = delicacy
degenerate (di-jen- e- rayt) vers delay noun delays delaying; the time for which
degenerates, degenerating, degenerated something is delayed e a two-hour delay
become worse or lower in standard delegate (del- ig- at) noun delegates a person
> degeneration noun who represents others and acts on their
degenerate (di-jen- e- ret) agjective having instructions
become immoral or bad delegate (del-ig- ayt) vers delegates,
> degeneracy noun delegating, delegated 1 givesomeoneatask
degrade vers degrades, degrading, or duty to do on your behalf e I'm going to
degraded 1 humiliate or dishonour someone delegate this job to my assistant. 2 appoint
someone as a delegate @ We delegated Jones to
2 reduce to a simpler molecular form
> degradation (deg- ra- day- shon) noun
represent us.
delegation (del- ig- ay- shon) Noun
degree noun degrees 1 a unit for measuring delegations 1 delegating 2a group of
temperature 2a unit for measuring angles delegates
3 extent e to some degree 4 an award to delete (dil- eet) vers deletes, deleting,
someone at a university or college who has deleted cross out or remove something
successfully finished a course written or printed or stored on a computer
dehydrated spective dried up, with all > deletion noun
moisture removed deliberate (dil-ib- er- at) anjectve 1 done on
> dehydration noun purpose; intentional 2 slow and careful
deity (dee- it- ee, day- it- ee) noun deities agod > deliberately pvers
or goddess deliberate (dil- ib- er- ayt) vers deliberates,
deliberating, deliberated discuss or think
dejected anyctive sad or depressed carefully
> dejectedly apvers dejection noun > deliberation noun
delay vere delays, delaying, delayed 1 make delicacy noun delicacies 1 being delicate 2a
someone or something late 2 postpone delicious food

> elude, escape, defeat, frustrate, thwart, procrastinate, (more informal) drag your feet,
resist (more informal) hang about
degree noun The work involves a high degree of delegate vers 1 The council delegated a member
trust. » level, order, measure, extent, range, to speak to the press. » appoint, authorize,
stage, intensity, standard commission, nominate, designate, empower,
to some degree The risk will still be present to mandate 2 She delegates routine tasks to an
some degree. » partly, to some extent, up toa assistant. > assign, entrust, pass on, hand over,
point devolve, consign
deign vere She practised all the things she would delegation noun There was a delegation from
say to him when he deigned to contact her. Nigeria. » deputation, commission, legation,
> condescend, see fit, consent, descend, delegacy, mission, representative group,
stoop contingent
dejected apyctive Lisa was looking dejected.
> downcast, depressed, despondent, delete vers One paragraph was deleted from the
article. » remove, cut out, take out, erase,
dispirited, disheartened, downhearted,
expunge, cross out
unhappy, fed up, sad, down, glum,
melancholy, miserable, cast down deliberate nective 1 The disaster may have
OPPOSITES ARE cheerful, happy been an accident rather than deliberate sabotage.
delay noun 1 Traffic is subject to long delays. > intentional, calculated, conscious, planned,
> hold-up, wait, waiting period, stoppage, culpable, premeditated, wilful
obstruction 2A delay in the proceedings OPPOSITES ARE unplanned, accidental, fortuitous
followed. » deferment, postponement, 2 She could hear the slow deliberate footsteps.
suspension > careful, measured, steady, cautious,
unhurried, considered, methodical
delay vers 1 Heavy traffic delayed many of the AN OPPOSITE IS hasty
guests. » detain, hold up, make late, hamper,
impede 2 We might have to delay the start of the delicacy noun 1 lacework of great delicacy
game. » postpone, put off, defer, suspend, > fineness, exquisiteness, daintiness, fragility,
adjourn, hold over OPPOSITES ARE advance, intricacy, precision, accuracy, care 2 It was an
bring forward 3 There is no time to delay. unpleasant matter that called for some delicacy.
> linger, dally, take your time, (more formal) > sensitivity, subtlety, tact, discrimination,

delicate — deliver
delicate spective 1 fine and graceful e delicate delinquent (dil- ing- kwent) noun
embroidery 2 fragile and easily damaged delinquents a young person who breaks the
3 pleasant and not strong or intense law *
4 becoming ill easily 5 using or needing great > delinquent Apjectve delinquency NOUN
care e a delicate situation delirious (di-li- ri- us) apective 1 affected with
> delicately apvers delicateness NOUN
delirium 2 extremely excited or enthusiastic
delicious spective tasting or smelling very > deliriously Advers
pleasant delirium (dil-irri- um) noun 1 state of
> deliciously ADvers mental confusion and agitation during a
feverish illness 2 wild excitement
delight vers delights, delighting, delighted
1 please someone greatly 2 take great pleasure deliver vers delivers, delivering, delivered
in something 1 take letters or goods etc. to someone’s house
or place of work 2 give a speech or lecture etc.
delight noun delights great pleasure 3 help with the birth of ababy 4 aim or strike a
> delightful anective delightfully Abvers blow or an attack 5 rescue; set free

finesse 3 Several plates of delicacies were brought delighted snyctive He was delighted to see that
in. > titbit, rarity, speciality, treat Jenny had arrived. » pleased, happy, glad,
thrilled, overjoyed, gratified, excited, ecstatic
delicate aojective 1 The tablecloths were made of OPPOSITES ARE dismayed, disappointed
beautiful, delicate fabrics. » fine, exquisite,
elegant, intricate, graceful, flimsy, fragile delightful anectve He told Julie how delightful it
OPPOSITES ARE Coarse, crude 2 He awoke feeling had been to meet her. » pleasant, lovely,
somewhat delicate, after his night on the town. enjoyable, pleasing, pleasurable, gratifying,
> unwell, sickly, ill, unfit, poorly, frail, weak satisfying, marvellous, wonderful
OPPOSITES ARE healthy, fit, robust 3 The old clock delinquency noun attacking the root causes of
had a delicate mechanism. » precise, intricate, delinquency » crime, wrongdoing, criminality,
accurate, exact 4a delicate shade of blue lawbreaking, misconduct, misbehaviour
> subtle, muted, soft, pale, gentle, pastel,
subdued 5 Angie made a tiny, delicate gesture delinquent apectve She was quite good with
with her hand. » gentle, deft, adroit, neat, delinquent adolescents. » lawless, lawbreaking,
skilful 6 The next issue to come up was delicate, to errant, unruly, offending, criminal,
put it mildly. » difficult, tricky, sensitive, unmanageable, uncontrollable
awkward, embarrassing, problematical 7 The
matter called for delicate handling. » sensitive, delinquent noun It was not fair to label them
delinquents. » offender, lawbreaker,
careful, discriminating 8 It would not be easy to
wrongdoer, young offender, criminal,
cater for their delicate taste in food. » fastidious,
hooligan, hoodlum, miscreant, (informal)
discriminating, fussy, (more informal) choosy,
(more informal) pernickety, (more informal)
faddy, (more informal) picky delirious spective 1 The illness made Luke
delirious for days on end. » demented, raving,
delicious spjective You can have a delicious meal incoherent, hysterical, irrational, feverish,
at the local pub. » tasty, appetizing, palatable, frenzied 2 She was delirious with joy. » ecstatic,
delectable, enjoyable, luscious, succulent, | elated, thrilled, beside yourself, exultant, wild
choice, savoury, (more informal) mouth-
watering, (more informal) scrumptious, (more deliver vers 1 The books will be delivered to your
informal) yummy opposites are unpleasant, address within the next week. » send, convey,
uneatable transport, bring, supply, take, dispatch 2 The
court delivered its verdict. » utter, give, make,
delight noun Horence laughed with delight. read, announce, declare, pronounce, speak
> pleasure, happiness, joy, enjoyment, bliss, 3 He delivered a powerful blow to the back of the
rapture, ecstasy head. » administer, deal, launch, aim, strike,
delight vers 1 She delighted her father by singing hit 4 The hostages were all delivered from their
for him. » please, charm, thrill, gratify, captors. » rescue, save, set free, liberate,
enchant, captivate, enthral, entrance, amuse, release, redeem, ransom
(more informal) bowl over delivery noun 1 There is a daily delivery offresh
OPPOSITES ARE displease, disgust 2 delight in vegetables. » consignment, batch, shipment,
Fran delighted in the flowers he gave her. distribution 2 The‘delivery of the message was
> relish, enjoy, love, savour, revel in timed at 3.30. >» dispatch, transmission,
OPPOSITES ARE hate, dislike, loathe conveyance
delta — demonstrative
> deliverer noun deliverance noun delivery democracy noun democracies 1 government
NOUN of a country by representatives elected by the a
delta noun deltas a triangular areaat the whole people 2 a country governed in this way
mouth of a river where it spreads into branches > democrat youn democratic ADJECTIVE b
democratically Apvers
delude vers deludes, deluding, deluded c
deceive or mislead someone Democrat Noun Democrats a member of the
deluge noun deluges 1 alarge flood 2. aheavy Democratic Party in the USA
fall of rain 3 something coming in great demolish vers demolishes, demolishing,
numbers e a deluge of questions demolished 1 knock a building down and
deluge vers deluges, deluging, deluged break it up 2 destroy something completely
overwhelm by a deluge > demolition noun
delusion noun delusions a false belief demon noun demons 1 a devil; an evil spirit 2a
demagogue (dem- a- gog) Noun fierce or forceful person
demagogues a leader who wins support by > demonic (dim- on- ik) ADJECTIVE Tan)
i oxi,
making emotional speeches rather than by h
careful reasoning demonstrate vers demonstrates,
demonstrating, demonstrated 1 show or
demand vers demands, demanding, prove something 2 take partina
demanded 1 ask for something firmly or demonstration
forcefully 2 need @ This work demands great > demonstrator Noun
demand noun demands 1a firm or forceful demonstration youn demonstrations
1 demonstrating; showing how to do or work
request 2a desire to have or buy something
@ There is a great demand for computers something 2.a march or meeting held to show
everyone what you think about something
in demand wanted or needed
demanding spective needing a lot of effort or demonstrative (dim- on- strat- iv) ADJECTIVE
attention e a demanding job; e a demanding 1 showing or proving something 2 showing
child feelings or affections openly 3 (in grammar)
demarcation (dee- mar- kay- shon) NouN pointing out the person or thing referred to.
This, that, these, and those are demonstrative
marking the boundary or limits of something
adjectives and pronouns
demented apjctve driven mad; crazy > demonstratively Apvers
demigod noun demigods a partly divine being demonstrativeness Noun

delude vers You are deluding yourselfifyou think democratic nective a democratic government
that. » deceive, mislead, fool, take in, > elected, elective, popular, representative,
hoodwink, beguile, bamboozle, trick chosen, egalitarian AN OPPOSITE IS
demand noun 1 She refused to give way to their undemocratic
demands. » request, requirement, claim, demolish vers The explosion demolished a row of
ultimatum, stipulation, insistence 2 There is houses. » destroy, wreck, flatten, level, knock
much less demand for hardback books. » call, down, tear down, break down, obliterate,
market, need, necessity reduce to ruins OPPOSITES ARE construct,
demand vers 1 The workers demanded a 10%
pay rise. > call for, ask for, claim, want, insist demolition noun The houses face demolition.
> destruction, dismantling, levelling, pulling W
on, require, request, expect 2 ‘Where are they?’
he demanded. » ask, enquire, challenge, down, flattening, clearance
question demon noun demons from hell » devil, fiend,
spirit, goblin, imp
demanding spective 1. demanding child
> insistent, trying, tiresome, importunate, demonstrate vers 1 The evidence demonstrates
nagging 2a demanding task > difficult, a major change in the role of women. » show,
challenging, testing, exacting, taxing, hard, indicate, establish, display, exhibit, point to,
tough, onerous, arduous, formidable prove, substantiate, verify, exemplify,
illustrate, manifest, represent 2 People
demeanour noun an anxious and nervous demonstrated in the streets. » protest, rally,
demeanour » attitude, bearing, manner, hold a rally, lobby, march, parade, picket
disposition demonstration noun 1 a demonstration ofskill
demise noun the demise of the Assyrian Empire and creativity » display, exhibition,
> downfall, collapse, end, disappearance, manifestation, indication, revelation,
failure expression, presentation, embodiment 2a
demoralize — depart
demoralize vere demoralizes, ; dense apective 1 thick; packed close together
demoralizing ,demoralized dishearten e dense fog e dense crowds 2 (informal) stupid
someone; weaken someone’s confidence or > densely apvers
morale density noun densities 1 thickness 2 (in
> demoralization Noun science) the proportion of mass to volume
demote vers demotes ,demoting, demoted dent noun dents ahollowleftin asurface where
reduce a person to a lower position or rank something has pressed or hit it
> demotion noun dent vers dents ,denting dented make a dent
demure apyective shy and modest in something
> demurely sovers demureness NouN dental anyective to do with the teeth or with
den noun dens 1 alair 2a person’s private dentistry
room 3a place where something illegal dentist youn dentists a person who is trained
happens e a gambling den to treat teeth, fill or extract them, fit false ones,
denial youn denials denying or refusing etc.
something > dentistry Noun
denim woun akind of strong, usually blue, denture noun dentures a set of false teeth
cotton cloth used to make jeans etc. denude vers denudes , denuding, denuded
denomination youn deneminations 1a make bare or naked; strip something away
name or title 2a religious group with a special > denudation noun
name e Baptists, Methodists, and other denunciation youn denunciations
denominations 3 a unit of weight or of money denouncing
© coins of small denomination deny vers denies, denying, denied 1 say that
denominator noun denominators the something is not true 2 refuse to give or allow
number below the line in a fraction, showing something e deny a request
how many parts the whole is divided into, e.g. 4 deodorant (dee- oh- der- ant) Noun
in } COMPARE numerator deodorants a substance that removes smells
denounce vrs denounces, denouncing, depart vers departs, departing, departed go
denounced speak strongly against something; away; leave
accuse @ They denounced him as a spy. > departure Noun
> denunciation Noun [from early French départir = separate]

demonstration against the war » protest, dense apjctive 1 dense crowd; dense
(informal) demo, rally, march, parade, sit-in, undergrowth » thick, closely packed, tightly
vigil packed, impenetrable, massed
demoralize vers Poor pay demoralized the staff. AN OPPOSITE IS sparse 2 dense smoke » thick,
> discourage, dishearten, depress, deject, heavy, concentrated OPPOSITES ARE thin, light
dispirit, disconcert 3 too dense to understand the point » stupid,
den noun He worked all evening in his den upstairs.
foolish, crass, dull, slow, slow-witted,
unintelligent OPPOSITES ARE clever, intelligent
> study, retreat, sanctum, hideaway, hideout,
lair, sanctuary, private place, secret place , dent noun There were several small dents in the
denial noun 1 Reports of a threatened strike met side of the vehicle. » indentation, dint, dimple,
with a firm denial. » contradiction, dip, concavity, depression, hollow, pit
renunciation, repudiation, disavowal, dent vers 1 He dropped the saucepan and dented
P.4 dismissal, abnegation, disclaimer, negation, it. > make a dentin, push in, knock in, buckle,
rejection AN OPPOSITE IS admission 2 the denial depress 2 Nothing much could dent her
of rights to certain minorities » refusal, confidence. » diminish, reduce, impair,
withholding, withdrawal, veto damage, harm, affect
denote vers A snort from the corner denoted deny vers 1 The story was denied by the Prime
disagreement. » indicate, mean , express, Minister’s office. The accused denied all the
signify, stand for, represent, symbolize, be the charges. » contradict, repudiate, rebut, reject,
sign for dismiss, contest, oppose, refute USAGE Note
denounce vers He denounced them for their that refute means ‘to disprove by using
dishonesty. » condemn, censure, find fault arguments’ 2 The authorities have denied them
with, criticize, blame, castigate, disparage, their basic rights. & refuse, forbid, withhold
denigrate, deprecate, (more informal) knock, depart vers 1 The officials departed after lunch.
(more informal) slam, (more informal) pan > leave, go, go away, go off, withdraw, make
department — depose
department noun departments one section dependent apjctive depending e She has two
of a large organization or shop dependent children @ they are dependent on her
> departmental Apjective > dependence Noun
depend vers depends, depending, depended deplore vers deplores, deploring, deplored
depend on 1 rely on e We depend on your help be very upset or annoyed by something
2 be controlled by something else e It all > deplorable spective deplorably spvers
depends on the weather.
dependant noun dependants a person who deport vege deports, deporting, deported
depends on another, especially financially e She send an unwanted foreign person out of a
has two dependants
USAGE Note that the spelling ends in -ant for > deportation noun
this noun but -ent for the adjective depose vere deposes, deposing, deposed
dependent. remove a person from power

off, retire, quit, (old-fashioned) take your leave, what visitors bring for them. » reliant on,
(old-fashioned) decamp AN OPPOSITE IS arrive supported by, sustained by, needful of
2 At this point the speaker departed from his ' 3 dependent on Some of these people are
notes. » deviate, digress, differ, diverge, drift dependent on drugs. » addicted to, reliant on,
AN OPPOSITE IS stick to enslaved by, (more informal) hooked on
department noun 1 He works in a government depict vers 1 The painting depicts a village in
department. » division, section, sector, unit, winter. » show, portray, represent, picture,
branch, subdivision, office, bureau, agency, illustrate, reproduce, delineate, describe, draw,
ministry 2 (informal) I’m afraid travel narrate, outline, paint, sketch 2 The author
arrangements are not my department. depicts his own childhood in the story.
> domain, responsibility, business, affair, > describe, relate, narrate, recount, present,
concern, field, area, sphere, line, province, record, outline, delineate, portray, characterize
function, job, specialism, (more informal)
pigeon, (more informal) baby
deplete vers Local wars have depleted the food
supply. » exhaust, use up, consume, expend,
departure noun 1 Our departure has been reduce, decrease, lessen, drain, cut
delayed by halfan hour. » leaving, setting off, OPPOSITES ARE increase, augment, boost
going, exit, withdrawal, disappearance,
embarkation, escape, exodus, retirement, deplorable spective 1 Their behaviour had been
retreat AN OPPOSITE IS arrival 2 The book deplorable. » disgraceful, shameful,
represents a departure from the author’s familiar inexcusable, unforgivable, disreputable,
style.» change, change ofdirection, deviation, lamentable, shocking, blameworthy,
digression, shift, variation, innovation, discreditable, reprehensible, scandalous,
branching out unfortunate, unworthy
OPPOSITES ARE admirable, praiseworthy 2 The
depend vers 1 depend on Choice of university troops lived in deplorable conditions.
can depend a lot on expected exam grades. » be > lamentable, regrettable, awful, wretched,
dependent on, hinge on, hang on, rest on, terrible, miserable, atrocious
revolve around 2depend on I shall depend on
you to help me. » rely on, count on, need, bank deplore vers 1 We deplore all forms of violence.
on, trust > condemn, disapprove of, denounce, abhor,
decry, deprecate 2 He deplored the past
dependable apyctive She looked at Roland: so difficulties and promised a brighter future.
strong and dependable. » reliable, trustworthy, > regret, lament, bemoan, express regret for
faithful, true, loyal, constant, unswerving,
sensible, responsible, conscientious, sound, deploy vers 1 The government deployed troops to
steady, unfailing AN OPPOSITE IS unreliable prevent demonstrations. » position, station,
dependence noun 1 Trevor was determined to post, install, establish, bring into action 2 You
will need to deploy all your personal and social
reduce his dependence on his family. » reliance,
need (for), trust (in), confidence (in) 2. rise in skills, » use, make use of, utilize, employ,
drug dependence » addiction, dependency, exploit, take advantage of
reliance, craving, abuse deport vers Megal immigrants were deported.
dependent spective 1 dependent on A lot is > expel, banish, exile, expatriate, transport,
dependent on their decision. » conditional on, extradite
contingent on, connected with, controlled by, depose vere A military coup deposed the
determined by, liable to, relative to, subject to, government. >» overthrow, overturn, bring
vulnerable to AN OPPOSITE IS independént down, oust, get rid of, remove, displace, (more
2 dependent on Prisoners remain dependent on informal) topple AN opposite Is enthrone
deposit — deputation
deposit youn deposits 1 an amount of money depression noun depressions 1 feeling of
paid into a bank etc. 2 money paid as a first great sadness or hopelessness 2a long period
instalment 3 a layer of solid matter in or onthe when trade is very slack because many people
earth cannot afford to buy things, with widespread
unemployment 3a shallow hollow in the
deposit vers deposits, depositing, deposited ground or ona surface 4 an area of low air
1 put something down 2 pay money as a pressure which may bring rain 5 pressing
deposit something down
> depositor Noun
depot (dep- oh) noun depots 1 place where deprive vers deprives, depriving, deprived
things are stored 2. place where buses or take or keep something away from somebody
trains are kept and repaired 3 a headquarters > deprival noun deprivation noun

depraved apctive behaving wickedly; of bad depth noun depths 1 being deep; how deep
character something is 2 the deepest or lowest part
> depravity Noun in depth thoroughly
out of your depth 1 in water that is too deep
depress vers depresses, depressing, to stand in 2 trying to do something that is too
depressed 1 make somebody sad 2 lower the difficult for you
value of something e Threat of war depressed
prices. 3 press down e Depress the lever. deputation noun deputations a group of
> depressive ADJECTIVE people sent as representatives of others

deposit youn 1 You will need to pay a deposit to melancholy, miserable, cast down
clinch the booking. » down payment, advance OPPOSITES ARE cheerful, happy
payment, part payment, security, retainer, first depressing apjctive 1 Tuesday was a cold,
payment 2a thick deposit of mud > layer, depressing day. » gloomy, bleak, dreary,
covering, coating, accumulation, sediment, dismal, grim, drab, sombre, dingy, cheerless
silt, sludge, dregs, lees, precipitate 3 a deposit 2 He tried to get rid of all such depressing
at the bottom of the bottle » sediment, thoughts. » dispiriting, disheartening,
accumulation, dregs, silt upsetting, distressing, melancholy, painful,
deposit vers 1 She deposited a pile ofpapers on morbid
the desk. » put down, set down, lay down, depression noun 1A sudden feeling of
place, leave, (more informal) dump, (more depression took hold of him. » sadness,
informal) stick, (more informal) plonk, (more dejection, melancholy, sorrow, despondency,
informal) park 2 The money is deposited each unhappiness, low spirits, glumness, desolation,
Friday. » pay in, bank, lodge, save 3 The flood despair, pessimism, (more informal) the blues,
water deposited layers of mud. » precipitate, (more informal) the dumps
wash up AN OPPOSITE IS cheerfulness 2 an economic
depot noun 14 military depot » store, depression > recession, slump, decline,
storehouse, base, cache, depository, arsenal, downturn, slowdown, stagnation, hard times
dump, hoard 2. bus depot » garage, station, AN OPPOSITE IS boom 3 a meteorological
terminus, headquarters depression» area of lowpressure, cyclone, low
AN OPPOSITE IS anticyclone 4 The wheel hit a
depreciate vere The value ofproperty is not likely depression in the ground. » hollow,
to depreciate. » drop, fall, become less, lessen, indentation, dent, cavity, hole, pothole, dip,
lower, reduce, decrease, go down, deflate, dimple, concavity OPPOSITES ARE bump,
slump, weaken AN OPPOSITE IS appreciate protuberance
depress vers 1 The latest news depressed deprive vers deprive of The war deprived her of
everyone. » sadden, deject, dishearten, herincome.» deny, dispossess of, rob of, divest
dispirit, upset, discourage, grieve, lower the of, strip of, take away, starve of, refuse, prevent
spirits of, oppress, make sad from having
AN OPPOSITE IS cheer 2 Aid tends to depress local deprived apective deprived sections of society
markets.» undermine, weaken, impair, inhibit, > disadvantaged, underprivileged, needy,
check, make less active, slow down, bring poor, badly off, destitute
down, push down, deflate AN OPPOSITE IS boost
depth noun 1 They tried to measure the depth of
depressed anyective Sam looked tired and the water.» deepness, distance to the bottom,
depressed. » dejected, downcast, despondent, vertical extent, drop 2 The orchestra’s playing
dispirited, disheartened, downhearted, showed a great depth offeeling. » extent,
disconsolate, unhappy, sad, down, glum, degree, range, breadth, scope
deputy = desert
deputy noun deputies a person appointed to derived from Latin words.
act as a substitute for another > derivation youn derivative Apjective
deranged spective insane descend vers descends, descending,
> derangement Noun descended go down
> descent NouN
derby (dar- bi) voun derbies a sports match
be descended from have as an ancestor; come
between two teams from the same city or area
[from the name of the Earl of Derby, who in by birth from a certain person or family
1780 founded the famous horse race called the descendant noun descendants a person who
Derby which is run at Epsom in Surrey] is descended from someone
derelict (derri-likt) anjective abandoned and describe vers describes, describing,
left to fall into ruin described 1 say what someone or something
> dereliction Noun is like 2 draw in outline; move ina pattern e The
deride vers derides, deriding, derided laugh orbit of the Earth around the Sun describes an
at with contempt or scorn; ridicule
> derision NOUN > description noun descriptive Adjective

derive vers derives, deriving, derived desert (dez- ert) noun'deserts a large area of
1 obtain something from a source e She derived dry often sandy land
great enjoyment from music. 2 form or originate desert (diz- ert) vers deserts, deserting,
from something e Some English words are deserted leave a person or place without

deputy oun During her absence her duties are descend to In the end they descended to trickery.
done by a deputy. » second in command, > condescend to, stoop to, lower yourself to,
number two, substitute, assistant, stand-in, resort to, be reduced to, go as far as
representative, understudy usAGE Note that descendants pirat noun descendants ofJ.S.
understudy normally means an actor who takes Bach > line, lineage, heirs, family, successors,
the place of the main actor when they are ill or offspring, progeny, children, issue, posterity
indisposed. AN OPPOSITE IS ancestors
derelict nective The car passed a row of derelict descent noun 1 the descent into Dentdale from
buildings. » dilapidated, ramshackle, run Newby Head > way down, drop, incline, dip,
down, tumbledown, ruined, deserted, declivity, slant, slope, fall AN OPPOSITE IS ascent
abandoned, neglected, broken down, decrepit 2.a person of British descent » ancestry,
derivation noun 1 the derivation of the word parentage, origin, lineage, extraction,
‘posh’ > origin, etymology, root, provenance, heredity, blood, pedigree, genealogy,
source 2. family of noble derivation background, derivation, family, stock, strain
> ancestry, origin, genealogy, descent, describe vers 1A witness described the incident
provenance in detail. » report, narrate, relate, set out,
explain, recount 2 describe as I would never
derive vers 1 She derived some comfort from the describe him as ‘charming’. » call, speak of,
fact that she knew the truth. » gain, receive,
refer to, classify, categorize, characterize as,
obtain, draw, acquire, get 2 The family’s wealth
portray, present, represent 3 The pencil
derives from oil. » originate (in), stem, arise,
described a circle. » draw, mark out, trace
spring, flow, emanate 3 be derived from The
word ‘yacht’ is derived from Dutch. » come description oun 1 Shelaunched into a detailed
from, originate in, stem from, descend from description of her day. » account, explanation,
report, narration, commentary (on) 2 The room
descend vers 1 The little plane descended was crammed with furniture of every description.
towards the runway. » come down, go down, > sort, kind, variety, type, category, class,
drop, subside, fall, move down, sink, dive, order
plummet opposites ARE ascend, climb 2 The
road descends to a small village. » slope, dip, descriptive anjctive an exercise using desciptive
drop, fall, incline, slant AN OPPOSITE Is ascend language » expressive, graphic, colourful,
be descended from We are descended from an detailed, pictorial, vivid, striking, explanatory,
Italian family. » come from, originate in, illustrative
spring from, stem from desert noun (with the stress on des-) lost in the
descend from He watched her descend from the desert » wasteland, wilderness, waste, wilds
train. » get off, alight from, disembark from, desert apjective (withthe stress on des-) 1 desert
dismount from conditions » arid, dry, waterless, parched,
descend on A coach party descended on the local barren, infertile, sterile, uncultivated, wild
pub. » engulf, overwhelm, invade AN OPPOSITE |S fertile 2a desert island

desert island — despair
intending to return desirable spectre 1 causing people to desire
> deserter noun desertion noun it; worth having 2.worth doing; advisable
> desirability noun
desert island noun desert islands an desire youn desires a feeling of wanting
uninhabited island
something very much
deserve vers deserves, deserving, deserved > desirous ADJECTIVE
have a right to something; be worthy of desire vere desires, desiring, desired havea
something desire for something
> deservedly apvers desk noun desks 1 piece of furniture with a
design noun designs 1a drawing thatshows flat top and often drawers, used when writing
how something is to be made 2 the way or doing work 2a counter at which a cashier or
something is made or arranged 3 lines and receptionist sits
shapes that form a decoration; a pattern 4a desktop apyective suitable to be used on a desk
mental plan or scheme © a desktop computer
have designs on plan to get hold of desolate spective 1 lonely and sad
2 uninhabited > desolation noun
design vere designs, designing, designed
1 draw a design for something 2 plan or intend despair youn a feeling of hopelessness
something for a special purpose despair vers despairs, despairing, despaired
> designer Noun feel despair

> uninhabited, solitary, lonely, desolate, desirable spective 1. very desirable woman
isolated, unfrequented AN OPPOSITE IS inhabited > attractive, beautiful, alluring, appealing,
desert vers (with the stress on-sert) 1 Her (more informal) sexy 2 It would be desirable for
husband had deserted her. » abandon, leave, them to express their support. » advantageous,
strand, forsake, give up, jilt, renounce, betray, advisable, helpful, beneficial, worthwhile,
(more informal) dump, (more informal) walk out preferable, sensible, prudent
on, (more informal) leave in the lurch 2 He had desire youn 1 Ed has always had a desire to
decided to desert the party and join the travel. » wish, longing, yearning, craving,
opposition. » renounce, abandon, leave, quit, inclination, eagerness, enthusiasm, impulse,
disavow, forsake, (more informal) have done appetite (for), (more informal) yen 2 She saw
with 3 Soldiers were deserting in large numbers. that his eyes were dark with desire. > lust,
> abscond, defect, decamp, make off, go passion, ardour, lasciviousness, libido, love
absent, turn tail, run away
desire vers 1 We all desire peace. » want, wish
deserted spective 1 a deserted village for, yearn for, long for, covet, crave, need,
> uninhabited, empty, unoccupied, hanker after, hunger for, thirst for, pine for,
evacuated, neglected, desolate, vacant 2a ache for, fancy, like, prefer, (informal) set your
deserted wife » abandoned, stranded, heart on, (informal) itch for, (informal) have a
forsaken, jilted, cast off, betrayed yen for 2 He knew she desired him too. » be
deserve vers 1 You deserve a holiday. » be attracted to, be captivated by, be infatuated
entitled to, be worthy of, have earned, have a by, lust after, (more informal) have a crush on
right to, be good enough for 2 The work.
deserves the highest praise. » merit, justify, desolate aoyective 1 They reached a desolate spot
warrant, rate near the coast. > deserted, uninhabited,
abandoned, barren, bare, bleak, gloomy,
design noun 1 design for the new building dismal, dreary, godforsaken 2 Feeling desolate,
> plan, blueprint, drawing, outline, pattern, she asked him to forgive her. » miserable, sad,
prototype, sketch, draft, model 2 furniture of a unhappy, forlorn, depressed, dejected,
fresh bright design » pattern, style, form, downcast, despondent, disconsolate
composition, arrangement, configuration AN OPPOSITE IS cheerful
3 His design was to travel and enjoy life.
> intention, ambition, aim, aspiration, goal, despair noun Stephen was in a state of despair.
object, objective, purpose, end, scheme > hopelessness, desperation, despondency,
anguish, pessimism, melancholy, gloom,
design vers 1 Wren designed several London
churches. » plan, draw plans of, map out,
misery, wretchedness, dejection, depression
outline, draw, sketch engineer who
designed a new kind of aero engine » create, despair vers At times like this you can easily
invent, develop, devise, originate, conceive, despair. > lose hope, give up hope, lose heart,
think up be demoralized AN OPPOSITE IS hope
desperate — detached
desperate spective 1 extremely serious or destined agjective having as a destiny; intended
hopeless e a desperate situation 2 having a
great need or desire for something e She is destiny noun destinies what will happen or has
desperate to get a ticket 3 reckless and ready to happened to somebody or something; fate
do anything destitute apjcrive left without anything; living
> desperately apvers desperation Noun in extreme poverty
> destitution noun
despise vers despises, despising, despised
think someone or something is inferior or destroy vires destroys, destroying,
worthless destroyed ruin or put an end to something
> destruction noun destructive ADjEcTIve
despite preposimion in spite of
destroyer noun destroyers a fast warship
despondent spective sad or gloomy
> despondently spvers despondency Noun detach vers detaches, detaching, detached
unfasten or separate
dessert (diz- ert) noun desserts fruit or a sweet > detachable apective detachment Noun
food served as the last course of a meal
detached spective 1 separated 2 (said about a
destination noun destinations the place to house) not joined to another 3 impartial; not
which a person or thing is travelling involved in something

desperate anective 1 He tried not to listen to the destroy vers 1A bomb had destroyed the
desperate cries outside. » despairing, hopeless, building. » demolish, ruin, wreck, obliterate,
anguished, inconsolable, distraught, devastate, shatter, blow up 2 Disease destroyed
distressed, miserable, wretched. 2 There was a all hopes of an economic recovery. » wreck, ruin,
desperate shortage offood. » acute, critical, spoil, obliterate, disrupt, upset, put an end to,
severe, serious, grave, dire, urgent 3a band of frustrate, thwart, undermine
desperate criminals » violent, wild, dangerous, OPPOSITES ARE raise, revive 3 Their intention was
reckless, impetuous to destroy the enemy. > kill, slaughter,
annihilate, slay, eradicate
desperation noun 1 In desperation, she decided
to go back to London to find him. » despair, destruction noun 1 Fires caused widespread
hopelessness, anguish, despondency, distress destruction. » devastation, damage,
2 The robbery seemed like an act of desperation. demolition, ruination, havoc 2 the destruction of
> recklessness, rashness, impetuosity, all their hopes » annihilation, obliteration,
foolhardiness, frenzy elimination, extinction, extermination
despicable apjective guilty of despicable crimes destructive apectve 1a destructive storm
> contemptible, loathsome, hateful, vile, > devastating, damaging, ruinous,
shameful, detestable, abhorrent catastrophic, violent, ravaging 2 destructive
despise vers She despised the methods he used in criticism » hostile, antagonistic, vicious,
business. » scorn, disdain, look down on, negative, fierce, disparaging
deride, condemn, deplore, revile, detest, AN OPPOSITE IS constructive
loathe, feel contempt for AN OPPOSITE Is admire detach vers You can detach the printing head for
despondent spective Perhaps he was feeling cleaning. » remove, unfasten, disconnect, take
despondent about his exam results. off, separate, disengage, unfix, free
> disheartened, dejected, depressed, AN OPPOSITE IS attach
downhearted, downcast, gloomy, upset,
detached apjctive 1 detached houses set back
down, miserable, sad
from the road » free-standing, separate,
destiny noun 1 Destiny had intervened to help unconnected 2 Her face expressed detached
them. » fate, fortune, chance, luck, amusement. » dispassionate, disinterested,
providence, karma 2 He seemed once more in impartial, aloof, distant, objective
control of his destiny. » future, fortune, fate, lot AN OPPOSITE IS committed

destitute anective He had left her destitute with detachment noun 1 He regarded the matter
two children to care for. » penniless, with detachment. » dispassion, objectivity,
impoverished, poverty-stricken, impecunious, disinterest, impartiality, neutrality, unconcern,
homeless, indigent, deprived, down and out, aloofness, remoteness 2 a detachment of
insolvent, needy, poor, (informal) skint soldiers » unit, squad, force, troop, corps,
AN OPPOSITE IS wealthy brigade, task force
detail > determiner
detail noun details 1a very small part of a detergent noun detergents a substance used
design or plan or decoration etc. 2.a small for cleaning or washing things
piece of information
> detailed ADEcTIVvE
deteriorate (dit- eer- ee- er- ayt) vers
in detail describing or dealing with everything deteriorates, deteriorating, deteriorated
become worse
> deterioration Noun
detain vers detains, detaining, detained
1 keep someone waiting 2 keep someone at a determination noun 1 the firm intention to
place achieve what you have decided to achieve
detect vers detects, detecting, detected 2 determining or deciding something
discover determine vers determines, determining,
> detection noun detector noun determined 1 decide e determine what is to be
detective youn detectives a person who done 2 find out; calculate @ determine the height
investigates crimes of the mountain
detention noun detentions 1 detaining;
being detained 2 being made to stay late in determined spective full of determination;
school as a punishment with your mind firmly made up
deter vers deters, deterring, deterred determiner noun determiners (in grammar)
discourage or prevent a person from doing a word (such as a, the, many) that modifies a
something noun

detail noun 1 The copy of the painting was deter vers 1 It was mainly the expense that
Ase accurate in every detail. » feature, particular, deterred them. » discourage, put off, inhibit,
aspect, characteristic, circumstance, respect, dissuade, intimidate, prevent, exclude
item, point, factor, specific, fact, ingredient AN OPPOSITE IS encourage 2 measures to deter
usage You can also use minutiae, which is a crime » prevent, stop, check, put a stop to,
Latin plural word meaning ‘details’. 2 She has reduce, discourage, counteract
an eye for detail. » precision, exactness,
accuracy, rigour, thoroughness deteriorate vers 1 His health deteriorated
in detail They commented on the proposals in rapidly after his wife’s death. » worsen,
detail. » in depth, thoroughly, closely, weaken, decline, lapse, fail, fade, fall off, get
methodically, minutely, meticulously, point by worse, relapse, slip, collapse, depreciate, (more
point, item by item informal) go downhill AN opposite Is improve
2 These materials deteriorate ifthey are not stored
detail vers 1 An appendix details the sources used correctly. » decay, degenerate, disintegrate,
in the book. » describe, list, present, explain, decompose, crumble
recount, spell out 2 The head boy was detailed to
look after the visitors. » appoint, assign, determination noun 1 His determination to
delegate, commission, nominate, choose win grew daily stronger. » resolution, resolve,
detailed anjctive a detailed description of the will, strength of will, intentness 2 You will need
scene » precise, exact, comprehensive, a lot of determination. » resolve, firmness of
complete, elaborate, exhaustive, minute, purpose, tenacity, persistence, dedication,
intricate, specific OPPOSITES ARE general, drive
determine vers 1 It can be difficult to determine
detain vers 1 The authorities wanted to detain the sex ofpandas. » find out, discover,
them for questioning. » hold, arrest, ascertain, decide, establish, identify, verify
apprehend, hold in custody, confine, restrain, 2 Certain chromosomes determine the sex of an
intern, imprison, gaol, capture embryo. » control, regulate, decide, direct,
AN OPPOSITE IS release 2 Something must have dictate, govern, influence, affect
detained them. » delay, hold up, impede,
hinder, keep, check, prevent, keep waiting, determined spective 1 He is determined he will
retard, slow, stop, waylay have his way. » adamant, resolute, insistent,
detect vers 1 We detected slight patches of rust. convinced, bent (on having), resolved (to
> notice, become aware of, perceive, discern, have), intent (on having)
make out, recognize, identify, spot 2 The crime AN OPPOSITE IS doubtful 2 a determined young
was detected with the help of DNA evidence. woman » resolute, purposeful, strong-willed,
> discover, uncover, expose, reveal, unearth, single-minded, strong-minded, steadfast,
find out, root out, unmask, track down tenacious, dogged AN OPPOSITE! irresolute
deterrent = devilment
deterrentnoun deterrents something that devastatevers devastates, devastating
deters people, such as a powerful weapon or a devastated 1 ruin or cause great destruction
threat of punishment to something 2 cause great shock or grief to
detestvers detests, detesting detested someone
dislike something very much; loathe > devastatingADective devastationNoun
> detestableapjective detestationNnoun developvers develops, developing
detonate (det- on-ayt) vers detonates, developed 1 make or become bigger or better
detonating detonated explode or cause 2 come gradually into existence e Storms
something to explode developed. 3 begin to have or use @ They
> detonationnoun detonatornoun developed bad habits. 4 use an area of land for
building houses, shops, factories, etc. 5 treat
detour(dee-toor) noun detoursa roundabout photographic film with chemicals so that
route instead of the normal one pictures appear
detriment (det- rim- ent) noun harm or > developernoun developmentnoun
disadvantage e She worked long hours, to the deviate(dee- vee- ayt) vers deviates,
detriment of her health. deviating deviated turn aside from a course
detrimental (det- rim- en- tal) apjective or from what is usual or true
harmful or disadvantageous > deviationnoun
> detrimentallyspvers devicenoun devices 1 something made for a
deucenoun deucesa score in tennis where both particular purpose e a device for opening tins 2 a
sides have 40 points and must gain two design used as a decoration or emblem
consecutive points to win leave someone to their own devicesleave
devaluevers devalues devaluing devalued them to do as they wish
1 reduce a thing’s value 2 reduce the value of a devilnoun devils 1 an evil spirit 2.a wicked,
country’s currency in relation to other cruel, or annoying person
currencies or to gold > devilishapjective devilryNoun
> devaluationnoun devilmentwoun mischief

deterrentwoun Penalties need to serve as a developmentnoun 1 the development of a
deterrent to those tempted to offend. national road network » evolution, growth,
> discouragement, disincentive, impediment, advance, furtherance, expansion, spread,
warning, caution, brake, check, curb, obstacle, enlargement, promotion, improvement 2 The
restraint, threat, (more informal) turn-off Cabinet met to discuss recent developments in the
AN OPPOSITE ISencouragement Middle East. » event, happening, occurrence,
outcome, result, change, incident 3 The land
detestvers I detest that kind of talk. » hate, has been set aside for industrial development.
abhor, loathe, despise, dislike, deplore, recoil > exploitation, building, conversion, use
deviatevers politicians who deviate from the
devastatevers 1 Storms have devastated the party policy » diverge, depart, digress, drift,
region. » destroy, damage severely, ravage, stray, wander, turn aside, differ, part, veer,
demolish, flatten, ruin, wreck, lay waste, level, vary, err
overwhelm, raze 2 He was clearly devastated by
the news. » shatter, shock, dismay, stun, deviationnoun Any deviation from the normal
distress, overwhelm, upset routine caused chaos. » departure, divergence,
digression, variation, variance, deflection,
developvers 1 Our plans have developed rapidly alteration, fluctuation, change, shift, disparity
in the last few weeks. » progress, advance,
evolve, grow, flourish, get better, improve, devicenoun 1 a device for converting digital data
mature, thrive, move on AN OPPOSITE ISregress into audio signals » implement, apparatus,
2.An argument developed. » arise, ensue, appliance, contraption, contrivance, tool,
result, emerge, start, begin, erupt, come utensil, gadget, instrument, invention,
about, (informal) blow up 3 The company wants machine 2 a device to avoid prosecution > ploy,
to develop its overseas business. » expand, tactic, plan, ruse, scheme, stratagem,
extend, diversify, build up, enlarge, increase, manoeuvre, contrivance, trick, stunt,
swell 4 Children develop their reading skills at expedient, wile, gambit, gimmick, (more
this age. » evolve, expand, advance, cultivate, informal) dodge 3 a shield with a device showing
acquire 5 Let’s see ifwe can develop these ideas. the family arms » emblem, symbol, motif,
> amplify, augment, elaborate, enlarge on badge, crest, insignia, seal, figure, logo
6 People were developing the disease at an early devilvoun 1. sermon on the Devil and his works
age. » contract, catch, get, succumb to, be > Satan, Lucifer, the Evil One, the Prince of
infected with, come down with Darkness, the Adversary 2a painting with
devious » diagram
devious (dee-vee- us) AnjEcTIVE 1 roundabout; dew noun tiny drops of water that form during
not direct e a devious route 2 not the night on surfaces of things in the open air
straightforward; underhand > dewdrop Noun dewy ADJECTIVE
> deviously ADvers deviousmess NOUN
dexterity (deks- terri- tee) Noun skill in
devise vere devises, devising, devised invent handling things
or plan dhoti noun dhotis the loincloth worn by male
devoid anjctive lacking or without something Hindus
@ His work is devoid of merit.
diabetes (dy- a- bee- teez) Noun a disease in
devolution noun handing over power from which there is too much sugar in a person’s
central government to local or regional blood
government > diabetic (dy- a- bet- ik) ADJECTIVE, NOUN
devolve vers devolves, devolving, devolved diabolical spective 1 like a devil; very wicked
pass or be passed to a deputy or successor 2 very clever or annoying
devote vers devotes, devoting, devoted give diadem (dy- a- dem) noun diadems a crown or
completely e He devoted his time to sport. headband worn by a royal person
devoted spective very loving or loyal diagnose vers diagnoses, diagnosing,
devotee (dev- o-tee) Noun devotees a person diagnosed find out what disease a person has
who is devoted to something; an enthusiast or what is wrong
> diagnosis NouN diagnostic ADJECTIVE
devotion Noun great love or loyalty
diagonal (dy- ag- on- al) Noun diagonals a
devotions Piura Noun prayers straight line joining opposite corners
devour vers devours, devouring, devoured > diagonal AD/EcTIve diagonally ADvers
eat or swallow something hungrily or greedily diagram Noun diagrams a kind of drawing or
devout apjective earnestly religious or sincere picture that shows the parts of something or
> devoutly Aover8 devoutness NOUN how it works

green-skinned devils holding tridents » demon, > piety, spirituality, devoutness, holiness,
fiend, imp, spirit 3 The poor devil looked frozen sanctity
and soaked through. » wretch, fellow, soul
4 cheeky young devils » rascal, rogue, monkey,
devour vers 1 She watched him as he devoured
his meal. » eat, consume, guzzle, gobble, wolf
scamp down, bolt down, (more informal) scoff, (more
devious Apective 1 a devious route round the hills informal) demolish 2 Flames devoured the barn.
> circuitous, indirect, winding, rambling, > destroy, consume, engulf, envelop,
meandering, tortuous, roundabout, erratic, demolish, ravage, wreck, dispatch
deviating, wandering, crooked
AN OPPOSITE IS direct 2 devious methods; a devout spective a devout Muslim » pious,
devious person » underhand, deceitful, devoted, dedicated, reverent, faithful, dutiful,
dishonest, scheming, calculating, cunning,
treacherous, evasive, insincere, misleading, sly, diabolical snjective 1 The soldiers showed
sneaky, wily AN OPPOSITE Is straightforward diabolical cruelty. » outrageous, appalling,
devise vers Devise a history project that includes atrocious, wicked, vile, shocking, fiendish,
role play. » conceive, think up, think out, work devilish 2 (informal) The standard of driving was
out, invent, make up, plan, form, prepare, diabolical. » dreadful, awful, frightful, terrible,
design, concoct, contrive, scheme, formulate, poor, bad
imagine, plot diagnose vers The consultant diagnosed a
devote vers He claimed he wanted to devote more tumour. » identify, detect, recognize, spot,
time to his family. » set aside, dedicate, assign, determine, isolate, distinguish, find, pinpoint
allot, commit, give yourself diagnosis noun The original diagnosis proved to
devoted apjective a devoted wife and mother be incorrect. » identification, explanation,
> loyal, faithful, dedicated, staunch, fond, ~ pronouncement, opinion, verdict, analysis,
loving, caring, committed, devout, steadfast, conclusion, interpretation
diagram Noun a diagram showing the workings
devotion noun 1 her devotion to her family of the digestive system » chart, plan, drawing,
> loyalty, dedication, commitment, outline, representation, sketch, schematic
faithfulness, staunchness, steadfastness, representation, figure, table, flowchart, graph,
fondness (for) 2 a life of religious devotion illustration, picture

dial =» die
dialwoun dialsa circular object with numbers or diarynoun diaries a book in which someone
letters round it writes down what happens each day
dialvere dials, dialling, dialled telephone a diatribenoun diatribesa strong verbal attack
number by turning a telephone dial or pressing dicenoun (strictly this is the plural of die2, butit
numbered buttons is often used as a singular, plural dice) a small
dialectnoun dialects the words and cube marked with dots (1 to 6) on its sides,
pronunciations used by people in one district used in games
but not in the rest of a country dicevers dices, dicing, diced 1 cut meat,
dialoguenoun dialogues 1 the words spoken vegetables, etc. into small cubes 2 gamble or
by characters in a play, film, or story 2a take risks with e dice with death
conversation dictatevers dictates, dictating, dictated
dialysis (dy- al- iss- iss) noun a way of removing 1 speak or read something aloud for someone
harmful substances from the blood by letting it else to write down 2 give orders in a bossy way
flow through a machine > dictationNoun
diameter (dy- am-it- er) youn diameters 1a dictates (dik-tayts) pLural NouN orders or
line drawn straight across a circle or sphere and commands
re through its centre 2 the length of this dictatornoun dictators a ruler who has
ine unlimited power
overs completely > dictatorial (dik- ta- tor- ee- al) ADJECTIVE
e diametrically opposite dictatorshipnoun
diamondnoun diamonds 1 a very hard dictionnoun 1a person’s way of speaking
precious stone, a form of carbon, that looks like words e clear diction 2.a writer’s aides of
clear glass 2.a shape with four equal sides and words
four angles that are not right angles 3 a playing dictionarynoun dictionaries a book that
card with red diamond shapes on it contains words in alphabetical order so that
diapernoun diapers(American) a baby’s nappy you can find out how to spell them and what
(dy- af- an- us) apjecrive (said they mean
about fabric) almost transparent didactic(dy- dak- tik) apyective having the
eee, a- fram) Noun diaphragms manner of someone who is lecturing people
1 the muscular layer inside the body that > didacticallyapvers
separates the chest from the abdomen and is diddlevers diddles, diddling diddled (slang)
used in breathing 2a dome-shaped cheat or swindle
contraceptive device that fits over the cervix didn’t (mainly spoken) did not
diaristwoun diarists a person who keeps a die! vers dies, dying died 1 stop living or
diary existing 2 stop burning or functioning @ The
diarrhoea(dy- a- ree- a) noun too frequent and fire had died down.
too watery emptying of the bowels be dying foror to(informal) want to have or

diarynoun 1 She kept a diary from the age of ten. over, (more informal) push around, (more
> journal, chronicle, daily record, log 2 Put the informal) walk all over
date in your diary. » appointment book, dictatornoun what Iwould do ifIwere dictator
engagement book, organizer, personal for a day» tyrant, despot, autocrat,
organizer oppressor, (more informal) Big Brother
diceyanjective (informal) Crossing the bridge can
dictatorialanjctive a dictatorial regime
> autocratic, authoritarian, (informal) bossy,
be dicey in high winds. » risky, chancy,
despotic, totalitarian, tyrannical, domineering,
dangerous, hazardous, unsafe, precarious,
oppressive, absolute, intolerant, overbearing,
insecure, tricky, uncertain, unpredictable
repressive, undemocratic
dictatevers 1 He dictated a letter to his secretary. dictionarynoun a word that was not in their
> readout, say aloud, recite, utter 2 She wasn't dictionary » lexicon, glossary, vocabulary,
going to let him dictate how she wore her hair. wordbook, wordfinder, thesaurus
> prescribe, lay down, direct, order, ordain, dievers 1 He was sixteen when his father died.
impose, command, decree, enforce, give > Pass away, pass on, lose your life, meet your
orders about, make the rules about, (informal) end, breathe your last, expire, (more formal)
lay down the law about 3 dictate toHe does decease, (more informal) snuff it, (more
rather tend to dictate to his friends. » order informal) bite the dust, (more informal) kick the
about, boss, tyrannize, bully, domineer, lord it bucket 2 Hopes of a peaceful settlement are

die = difficult
do something very much @ We are all dying to from another e The difference between 8 and
see you again. 3 is 5. 3.a disagreement
die? noun singular of dice different apective unlike; not the same
die? oun dies a device that stamps a design on > differently Apvere
coins etc. or that cuts or moulds metal USAGE It is regarded as more acceptable to say
different from rather than different to, which is
diehard noun diehards a person who commoninless formaluse. The phrase different
obstinately refuses to give up old ideas or than is used in American English but not in
policies standard British English.
diesel (dee- zel) youn diesels 1 an engine that differential noun differentials 1 a difference
works by burning oil in compressed air 2 fuel
in wages between one group of workers and
for this kind of engine
another 2. differential gear
diet' youn diets 1 special meals that someone
eats in order to be healthy or to lose weight differential gear youn differential gears a
2 the sort of foods usually eaten by a person or system of gears that makes a vehicle’s driving
animal wheels revolve at different speeds when going
round corners
diet vers diets, dieting, dieted keep to a diet
diet? noun diets the parliament of certain
differentiate vers differentiates,
differentiating, differentiated 1bea
countries (e.g. Japan) difference between things; make one thing
dietitian (dy- it-ish- an) noun dietitians an different from another e What are the features
expert in diet and nutrition that differentiate one breed from another?
differ vers differs, differing, differed 1be 2 distinguish; recognize differences e We do
different 2 disagree not differentiate between them.
difference noun differences 1 being > differentiation NouN
different; the way in which things differ 2 the difficult anjective needing a lot of effort or skill;
remainder left after one number is subtracted not easy

dying. » fade, dwindle, sink, disappear, vanish, deviating, opposed, inconsistent,
wither, melt away, dissolve 3 The engine incompatible, contradictory, contrary,
spluttered and died. » fail, cut out, stall clashing opposites ARE identical, similar
diet youn 1 You need a healthy diet. » nutrition, 2 Everything about the house looked different.
nourishment, nutriment, food, fare 2 His > changed, altered, transformed, strange,
doctor put him on a diet. » dietary regime, unfamiliar AN OPPOSITE IS unchanging 3 We
regimen, abstinence, fast want to try something different. » unusual,
unorthodox, uncommon, new, fresh, original,
differ vers 1 Opinions on the matter differed.
> vary, diverge, be different 2 Our beliefs differ unconventional, unique, abnormal,
from those of other religious groups. » diverge, extraordinary, irregular
vary, deviate, be different, contrast (with) AN OPPOSITE IS conventional 4 Every person’s
AN OPPOSITE IS conform (to) 3 The ministers fingerprint is different. » distinct, unique,
differed about what to do next. » disagree, distinctive, individual, special, peculiar,
argue, dispute, dissent, clash, conflict, be at personal, particular, specific
odds, oppose each other, contradict each OPPOSITES ARE identical, indistinguishable
other, fall out, quarrel AN OPPOSITE Is agree differentiate vers It was hard to differentiate
difference noun There is a big difference in their fact fromfiction. » distinguish, tell apart, tell
ages. > dissimilarity, divergence, contrast, the difference between, discriminate between
disparity, discrepancy, distinction, diversity, difficult anjective 1 difficult problem
gap, variety, inconsistency, incompatibility, > complicated, complex, hard, intricate,
differential, differentiation, incongruity involved, intractable, abstruse, obscure,
an opposite is similarity advanced, perplexing, problematical, baffling,
difference of opinion The brothers were trying deep, enigmatic, (more informal) thorny, (more
to resolve their difference of opinion. informal) tricky OPPOSITES ARE easy,
» disagreement, misunderstanding, dispute, straightforward 2 a difficult climb; a difficult
argument, clash, conflict, controversy, debate, task » hard, arduous, laborious, demanding,
disharmony, dissent, quarrel, strife, tiff, strenuous, tough, formidable, wearisome,
wrangle burdensome, exacting, challenging
different nective 1 There were many different OPPOSITES ARE easy, light 3 difficult neighbours; a
answers to the question. » dissimilar, unlike, difficult child » unmanageable, troublesome,
unalike, diverging, divergent, varying, trying, tiresome, uncooperative, intractable,
difficulty > dilapidated
difficulty oun difficulties 1 being difficult stomach etc. so that the body can absorb it
2 something that causes a problem 2 take information into your mind and think it
diffidemt (dif- id- ent) anective shy and not self- over
confident; hesitating to put yourself or your > digestibleapective digestionNouNn
ideas forward digest (dy- jest) noun digests a summary of
> diffidentlyApvers diffidence NOUN news, information, etc.
diffractvers diffracts, diffracting, diffracted digestiveanecrve to do with digestion e the
break up a beam of light etc. digestive system
> diffractionNoun
diffuse (dif- yooz) vers diffuses, diffusing, re biscuitnoun digestive biscuits a
diffused 1 spread something widely or thinly wholemeal biscuit (because it is supposed to be
@ diffused lighting 2 mix slowly e diffusing gases easy to digest)
> diffusionNoun digit (dij- it) Noun digits 1 any of the numbers
diffuse (dif- yooss) anjective 1 spread widely; from Oto 9 2a finger or toe
not concentrated 2 using many words; not digital anective 1 to do with or using digits
concise 2 (said about a watch or clock) showing the
> diffuselyApvers diffuseness NOUN time with a row of figures 3 (said about a
digvers digs, digging, dug 1 break up soil and computer, recording, etc.) storing the data or
move it; make a hole or tunnel by moving soil sound as a series of binary digits
2 poke something in e Digaknife into it. 3 seek dignified spective having dignity
or discover by investigating e We dug up some
facts. di Hebe k bYi dignitaries an important
> diggerNoun otficia
dignoun digs 1a piece of digging, especially an dignity oun a calm and serious manner
archaeological excavation 2a poke 3. critical beneath your dignity not considered worthy
remark enough for you to do
digest (dy-jest) vers digests, digesting, dilapidated apyctive falling to pieces
digested 1 soften and change food in the > dilapidationNoun

unruly, unhelpful, perverse some more information? » uncover, find out,
OPPOSITES AREManageable, tractable, discover
accommodating digest verB 1 The food is stodgy and difficult to
difficultyoun 1 They found themselves in some igest. » absorb, assimilate, process, dissolve,
difficulty. » trouble, distress, hardship, break down 2 There is a lot of information to
adversity, need, predicament, embarrassment, digest. » take in, consider, absorb, ponder,
(more informal) fix, (more informal) mess 2 The study, understand
cost of the holiday might be a difficulty. digitnoun 1 Add up the digits. » numeral,
> problem, complication, snag, obstacle, figure, number, integer 2 We tried to bring the
hindrance, stumbling block, hurdle, pitfall, blood back to our frozen digits. » finger, toe,
(more informal) headache, (more informal) extremity
hiccup dignified aojective Dr McNab combined an air of
diffidemcenoun She replied with some diffidence. authority with a calm and dignified manner.
> reserve, shyness, bashfulness, timidity, > stately, solemn, noble, majestic, imposing,
modesty, humility, hesitancy, uncertainty, distinguished, honourable, becoming, august,
unassertiveness, self-consciousness proper, grand, grave, decorous, sedate
AN opposite Isundignified :
diffidentanectve a diffident smile » shy, coy, dignity oun 1 They accepted their misfortune
reserved, bashful, sheepish, inhibited, with great dignity. » calmness, decorum,
embarrassed, modest, self-conscious, hesitant, gravity, propriety, self-respect, eminence 2 the
timid, retiring opposites AREassertive, forward, diginity of a state occasion» majesty, grandeur,
bold, confident formality, solemnity, stateliness,
digvers 1 The little dog was digging a hole in the magnificence, glory, greatness, honour,
garden. » burrow, excavate, scoop, tunnel, importance, nobility, pride, respectability,
gouge out, hollow out, mine, quarry, delve seriousness
2 Dinah dug him in the ribs. » poke, prod, jab, digsPiurat Noun (informal) My father paid for my
nudge, shove digs in Paddington. » lodgings, room(s),
dig up 1 The police dug up the remains. accommodation, living quarters, bedsit, flat,
> disinter, extricate, exhume 2 Can you dig up (more informal) place, (more informal) pad
dilemma = dip
dilemma (dil- em-a) noun dilemmas a diminutive (dim- in- yoo- tiv) anjecTive very
situation where someone has to choose small -
between two or more possible actions, each of dimple noun dimples a small hollow or dent,
which will bring difficulties especially in the skin
USAGE Do not use dilemma to mean simply a > dimpled apjective
problem or difficult situation. There should be
some idea of choosing between two (or din woun aloud annoying noise
perhaps more) things. dine vers dines, dining, dined (formal) have
diligent (dil- ij- ent) anjective hard-working dinner
> diligently overs diligence NOUN > diner Noun
dilute vers dilutes, diluting, diluted make a dinghy (ding- ce) noun dinghies a kind of small
liquid weaker by adding water or other liquid boat [from Hindi dingi = a small river boat]
> dilution Noun
dingy (din- jee) apective dirty-looking
dilute spjective diluted e a dilute acid > dingily Apvers dinginess NouN
dim apective dimmer, dimmest 1 not bright or dinner youn dinners 1 the main meal of the
clear; only faintly lit 2 (informal) stupid day, either at midday or in the evening 2a
> dimly Abvers dimness NOUN formal evening meal in honour of something
dim vers dims, dimming, dimmed make or dinosaur (dy- noss- or) Noun dinosaurs a
become dim prehistoric reptile, often of enormous size
> dimmer Noun
diocese (dy- oss- iss) Noun dioceses a district
dimension noun dimensions 1a under the care of a bishop
measurement such as length, width, area, or
volume 2 size or extent dioxide noun an oxide with two atoms of
> dimensional ADjective oxygen to one of another element © carbon
diminish vers diminishes, diminishing,
diminished make or become smaller bas ver8 dips, dipping, dipped put down or go
> diminution Noun own, especially into a liquid

dilapidated snyctive a row of dilapidated lower, dip, shade, obscure OPPOSITES ARE turn
Victorian houses » rundown, ramshackle, up, brighten
decrepit, tumbledown, rickety, derelict, dimensions pirat noun a palace of huge
broken down, crumbling, neglected, ruined, dimensions » proportions, magnitude, size,
decayed, tottering, uncared for scale, capacity, extent, scope
OPPOSITES ARE smart, well maintained
diminish vers 1 His angry feelings diminished in
dilemma noun The need to earn money while still time. » decrease, reduce, lessen, decline,
studying placed him in a dilemma. » quandary, subside, wane, become less, depreciate,
difficulty, predicament, awkward situation, dwindle, peter out, shrink, shrivel, contract
(more informal) catch-22 AN OPPOSITE IS increase 2 We must not diminish
diligent nective She had been diligent about her their achievement. » belittle, disparage,
piano lessons. » conscientious, industrious, demean, minimize, undervalue, devalue
hard-working, painstaking, thorough, OPPOSITES ARE exaggerate, magnify
meticulous, punctilious, accurate, attentive, dimple woun Her smile produced an instant
dedicated, rigorous, careful, dutiful, dimple in each cheek. » hollow, dip, depression,
unflagging, assiduous, scrupulous dint, cleft
OPPOSITES ARE Careless, irresponsible, lazy din noun It was hard to hear anything above the
dim apjective 1 dim shapes in the distance; dim din. » uproar, racket, rumpus, commotion,
memories of their childhood » vague, indistinct, hubbub, clamour, tumult, hullabaloo, noise,
shadowy, unclear, fuzzy, blurred outcry, pandemonium, row, shouting
OPPOSITES ARE distinct, clear 2.a dim room dingy njctive The front door opened on to a dingy
> dark, sombre, dingy, gloomy, murky, dismal hallway.» gloomy, dismal, dim, dreary,
AN OPPOSITE IS bright 3 (informal) You probably sombre, dark, drab, dull, murky
think I’m awfully dim. » stupid, dense, obtuse, OPPOSITES ARE bright, cheerful
(more informal) thick
dip vers 1 She dipped her hand in the water.
dim vers 1 The sky slowly dimmed. » grow dark, > immerse, lower, plunge, submerge, douse,
darken, blacken, dull, cloud over 2 He insisted dunk, drop, duck 2 The path dips towards the
on dimming the lights. » turn down, fade, village. » descend, slope down, go down,
dip — dirt
dipnoun dips 1 dipping 2a downward slope directionnoun directions 1 directing 2 the
a quick swim 4 a substance into which things line along which something moves or faces
are dipped > directional ADJECTIVE
diplomanoun diplomas a certificate awarded directly Apvers immediately; by a direct route
by a college etc. for skill in a particular subject
diplomacy noun 1 the work of making direct objectnoun direct objects the word
agreements with other countries 2 skill in that receives the action of the verb In ‘she hit
dealing with people and gently persuading him’, ‘him’ is the direct object
them to agree to things; tact
directornoun directors 1a person whois in
diplomatnoun diplomats 1 person charge of something 2a person who decides
employed in diplomacy on behalf of his or her how a film, programme, or play should be
country 2a tactful person made or performed
> diplomatic ADJECTIVE
directapectve 1 as straight as possible 2 going directoryNoun directories a book containing
straight to the point; frank 3 exact e the direct a list of people with their telephone numbers,
opposite addresses, etc.
directvere directs, directing, directed 1 tell direct speechnoun someone’s words written
someone the way 2 guide or aim in a certain down exactly in the way they were said
direction 3 control or manage 4 order e He
directed his troops to advance. dirgenoun dirges a slow sad song
direct currentnoun electric current flowing dirtnoun earth, soil; anything that is not clean
only in one direction [from an Old Norse word meaning ‘excrement’]

subside, dive, slump 3 He would just smile and complete, diametrical, downright, thorough,
dip his head a little. » lower, drop utter, head-on, (informal) out-and-out
dipnoun 1 We reached a dip in the ground. directvers 1 Earlier in her career she directed a
> slope, incline, depression, declivity, dent, child- growth project. » manage, run,
hollow, fall, hole, concavity 2 There will be a dip administer, be in charge of, be responsible for,
in sales after Christmas. » decrease, fall, control, preside over, lead, organize 2.An
decline, downturn, falling off 3 He likes a quick official directed them to the meeting room.
dip in the river. » bathe, swim, dive, plunge, > showthe way, tell the way, indicate the way,
splash, paddle give directions to, guide, point, route 3 The
books are mainly directed at teenagers. » target,
diplomacynoun 1 They gave up the war and aim, point, design (for), orient (towards) 4 The
tried diplomacy. » negotiation, discussion, judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not
consultation, dialogue, statesmanship, guilty. » instruct, order, tell, command,
statecraft 2 Her answer combined honesty and require, advise, charge, bid, enjoin
diplomacy. » tact, tactfulness, sensitivity,
politeness, discretion, delicacy directionnoun 1 She left an hour later and went
off in another direction. » route, way, course,
diplomaticanective He tried to be diplomatic line, bearing, orientation 2 (directions) The
but the news was not good. » tactful, sensitive, nursing staff receive regular directions on new
considerate, discreet, subtle, polite, medicines. » instructions, guidelines,
understanding, politic, careful, delicate, guidance, indications, briefing, plans, orders
judicious, prudent, thoughtful
OPPOSITES AREtactless, outspoken directlyapvers 1 She will join us directly.
> immediately, at once, instantly, right away,
direapjective 1 The economy was in a dire state. straight away, in a moment, forthwith,
> terrible, dreadful, awful, appalling, presently 2 You can fly directly from here to
disastrous, catastrophic 2a dire warning Montreal. > straight, immediately, by a direct
> ominous, portentous, dreadful, gloomy, route
grim 3 in dire need ofhelp> urgent, desperate,
pressing, sore, serious, grave directornoun the directors of the main London
museums » head, chief, manager,
directapjective 1 Travel by the direct route. administrator, principal, (more informal) boss
> straight, undeviating, shortest, quickest,
nonstop, unswerving an opposite Isindirect dirtnoun 1 The area in front of the house was
2 We want a direct answer. » straightforward, covered in dirt. » grime, filth, muck, refuse,
honest, frank, candid, unequivocal, sincere, rubbish, garbage, dust, slime, sludge, mess,
blunt AN opposite isevasive 3 The sisters are mire, pollution 2 Chickens were scratching about
direct opposites in character. » absolute, exact, in the dirt. » earth, soil, mud, loam, clay

dirty > disappoint
dirty nective dirtier, dirtiest 1 not clean; disagree vere disagrees, disagreeing,
soiled 2 unfair; dishonourable e a dirty trick disagreed 1 have or express a different
3 indecent; obscene opinion from someone 2 have a bad effect
> dirtily apvers dirtiness Noun e Rich food disagrees with me.
> disagreement Noun
dis- prefix (changing to dif- before words
beginning withf, and to di- before some disagreeable anjective unpleasant
consonants) 1 not; the reverse of (as in
dishonest) 2 apart; separated (as in disarm, disappear vers disappears, disappearing,
disperse) disappeared stop being visible; vanish
> disappearance NOUN
disabled nective unable to use part of your
body properly because ofillness or injury disappointvers disappoints, disappointing,
> disability noun disablement noun disappointed fail to do what someone hopes
disadvantage noun disadvantages for
something that hinders or is unhelpful > disappointment Noun

dirty anjective 1 a dirty room; dirty clothes disagrees with everything he says. » Oppose,
> filthy, grimy, grubby, soiled, stained, mucky, contradict, counter, argue with, dissent from,
dingy, unwashed, squalid AN OPPOSITE Is clean object to, take issue with, be at variance with,
2 dirty water >» impure, muddy, murky, deviate from 3 disagree with Onions disagree
polluted, untreated, cloudy AN OPPOSITE IS pure with me. » make ill, make unwell, upset
3 dirty tricks » corrupt, dishonest, illegal, disagreeable spective a disagreeable taste;
mean, treacherous, unfair, ungentlemanly, a disagreeable person » unpleasant, nasty,
unsporting, (more informal) low-down horrible, horrid, offensive, repugnant,
OPPOSITES ARE honest, sporting 4a dirty joke revolting, repellent
> rude, indecent, obscene, coarse, crude, disagreement noun 1 The two brothers had a
smutty, suggestive, improper, risqué, disagreement. » argument, altercation, clash,
offensive, vulgar AN OPPOSITE |S clean 5.a dirty quarrel, dispute, contretemps,
look » angry, hostile, resentful, peeved, black misunderstanding, squabble, wrangle, (more
dirty vere Try not to dirty the towels. > soil, stain, informal) tiff, (more informal) barney
mess up, spoil, taint, tarnish AN OPPOSITE IS agreement 2 There is some
AN OPPOSITE IS clean disagreement between the two versions of the
disability youn A disability can make the most story. » difference, disparity, variance,
routine tasks extremely difficult. » handicap, dissimilarity, discrepancy, incompatibility,
incapacity, infirmity, disablement, divergence
impairment, affliction, complaint, & isappear vers 1 The crowd rapidly
abnormality, weakness disappeared. » vanish, disperse, recede, clear,
disable vers 1 The injury disabled her for several evaporate, fade, melt away, wane, dissolve,
months. » incapacitate, injure, immobilize, dwindle, cease to exist, ebb 2 She disappeared
cripple, debilitate, enfeeble, handicap, impair, round a corner. go,pass, withdraw, run away,
lame, maim, paralyse, weaken, (informal) walk away, depart, retire, escape, flee, fly
hamstring 2 The army succeeded in disabling the AN OPPOSITE IS appear 3.a way of life that has
device. » incapacitate, put out of action, almost disappeared » die out, become extinct,
deactivate, disarm, make useless, stop working vanish, perish OPPOSITES AREemerge, appear
OPPOSITES ARE restore, repair a.isappoint vers 1 We will try not to disappoint
disabled apective The house caters well for you. » let down, fail, dissatisfy, disillusion,
disabled visitors. » handicapped, physically disenchant, dishearten AN OPPOSITE IS satisfy
handicapped, physically impaired, 2 In the end their hopes were disappointed.
incapacitated, immobilized, bedridden, > thwarted, frustrate, dash, defeat, foil
crippled, deformed, lame, paralysed ="isappointed spective I was disappointed when
AN OPPOSITE IS able-bodied you didn't come. » saddened, unhappy, upset,
disadvantage noun Heavy traffic is a major let down, dissatisfied, dejected, despondent,
disadvantage of road travel. » drawback, snag, downcast, downhearted, crestfallen,
downside, inconvenience, weakness, nuisance, discontented, disenchanted, disgruntled,
handicap, hardship, liability, privation, trouble, disillusioned, frustrated OPPOSITES ARE satisfied,
hindrance, impediment, (more informal) minus contented
disagree vers 1 We constantly disagree. disappointment noun 1 She could not hide her
> dissent, differ, argue, conflict, clash, fall out, feeling of disappointment. » regret, sorrow,
quarrel, squabble, wrangle, bicker sadness, displeasure, dissatisfaction,
AN OPPOSITE IS agree: 2 disagree with She disapproval, dismay, disillusionment,
disapprove = disciple
disapprovevers disapproves, disapproving, disbeliefnoun refusal or unwillingness to
disapproved have an unfavourable opinion of believe something
something; not approve > disbelieve vers
> disapproval noun discnoun discs 1 any round flat object 2a layer
disarmvers disarms, disarming, disarmed of cartilage between vertebrae in the spine 3a
CD or record
1 reduce the size of armed forces 2 take away
someone’s weapons 3 overcome a person’s discerningapyctive perceptive; showing good rd
anger or doubt e Her friendliness disarmed their judgement
dischargevers discharges, discharging,
> disarmingADECIVE discharged 1 release a person 2 send
something out e discharge smoke 3 pay or do
disarmamentnoun reduction of a country’s
what was agreed e discharge the debt
armed forces or weapons
disciplenoun disciples 1 a person who
disasternoun disasters 1a very bad accident accepts the teachings of another whom he or
or misfortune 2a complete failure she regards as a leader 2 any of the original
> disastrous Apjective disastrously ADVERB followers of Jesus Christ

discontent 2 The exam result had been a disbelieve vers He disbelieved everything we
disappointment. » let-down, setback, said. >» doubt, mistrust, reject, suspect,
misfortune, blow, anticlimax discount, discredit, have no faith in, be
a.isapprovaloun Her face clearly showed her sceptical of AN opposite Isbelieve
disapproval. > dislike, displeasure, discnoun 1 the disc of the sun > circle, round,
dissatisfaction, criticism, anger, ring 2a new disc from the same band » CD,
disapprobation, disfavour, dissent, reproach, compact disc, record, album, single
hostility, censure, condemnation, reprimand
AN OPPOSITE ISapproval discardvers I decided to discard some old clothes.
> get rid of, dispose of, dispense with, throw
disapprovevers disapprove of They away, cast off, reject, eliminate, jettison, scrap,
disapprove ofgambling. » dislike, condemn, shed, dump, (more informal) chuck away, (more
deplore, deprecate, object to, frown on, look informal) ditch
askance at, bedispleased by, take exception to,
reject, criticize, denounce, censure, disparage, discernvers We discerned a tower in the distance.
make unwelcome, regret, (more informal) take > perceive, spot, make out, pick out, detect,
a dim view of AN OPPOSITE Isapprove of recognize, distinguish, become aware of

disarray noun The room was by now in some discernibleasnyectve His face was clearly
disarray. The opposition parties were in disarray. discernible to her all the time. » visible,
> disorder, confusion, chaos, mess, muddle perceptible, observable, noticeable, distinct,
manifest, conspicuous
disasternoun 1 the world’s worst air disaster
> catastrophe, calamity, tragedy, misfortune, dischargevers 1 Factories along the river were
mishap, affliction, cataclysm, blow 2 (informal) discharging thick smoke. » emit, give out, pour
It would be a complete disaster for him ifshe came out, give off, exude, belch, release, secrete,
back. » failure, fiasco, catastrophe, setback, produce, send out, eject, expel 2 He discharged
reversal AN OPPOSITE ISsuccess the gun by accident. » fire, shoot, detonate, let
off, explode 3 Three employees were discharged
disastrousapective a disastrous fire; a on the same day. » dismiss, fire, make
disastrous choice » catastrophic, calamitous, redundant, remove, sack, throw out 4 The
cataclysmic, devastating, ruinous, terrible, authorities discharged him from prison on a
tragic, crippling, destructive, dire, dreadful, Sunday.» release, liberate, free, allowtoleave,
fatal, bad opposites Are fortunate, successful dismiss, excuse
disband vers The team disbanded once the work dischargenoun 1 discharge from prison
was done. » break up, disperse, scatter, > release, liberation 2 the discharge of a duty
separate, part company, go your own way > accomplishment, execution, completion,
fulfilment, achievement
disbeliefnoun He looked at her in disbelief.
> incredulity, distrust, scepticism, doubt, disciplenoun a disciple of Aristotle » follower,
mistrust, suspicion Opposites ARE belief, pupil, adherent, devotee, student, supporter,
credence " acolyte, admirer, apostle

discipline — discourage
discipline noun disciplines 1 orderly and discontent noun lack of contentment;
obedient behaviour 2 a subject for study dissatisfaction
> disciplinary (dis- ip-lin- er- ee) ADJECTIVE > discontented ADJECTIVE discontentment
disc jockey Noun disc jockeys a person who
plays recorded music on the radio or at a disco discontinue vers discontinues,
or nightclub discontinuing, discontinued put an end to
disco Noun discos a place where CDs or records
are played for dancing discord noun discords 1 disagreement;
quarrelling 2 musical notes sounded together
discolour vers discolours, discolouring, and producing a harsh or unpleasant sound
discoloured spoil a thing’s colour; stain > discordant ADJECTIVE
> discoloration NOUN
discount noun discounts an amount by which
disconcert (dis- kon- sert) vers disconcerts, a price is reduced
disconcerting, disconcerted make a person
feel uneasy
discount vers discounts, discounting,
discounted ignore or disregard something
disconnect vers disconnects, disconnecting, e We cannot discount the possibility.
disconnected break a connection; detach discourage vers discourages, discouraging,
© The phone has been disconnected. discouraged 1 take away someone's
> disconnection NOUN enthusiasm or confidence 2 try to persuade
disconsolate (dis- kon- sol- at) ADJECTIVE someone not to do something
disappointed > discouragement NOUN

discipline noun 1 Good financial discipline is OPPOSITES ARE attach, connect 3 Televisions
important. » control, regulation, order, should be disconnnected at.night. » unplug,
authority, orderliness, management, self- deactivate opposites ARE connect, plug in
control, strictness, system, training, obedience disconnected anjctive a disconnected
2 Their mother had been responsible for argument » incoherent, disjointed, garbled,
administering discipline. » punishment, confused, disorganized, rambling,
chastisement, correction 3 Sociology is a fairly uncoordinated opposites ARE coherent, logical
new discipline. » field of study, field, branch of discount noun a £5 discount on the sticker price
knowledge, speciality > reduction, deduction, concession, cut,
discipline vers 1 Families have different ways of allowance, rebate, (more informal) markdown
disciplining their children. » train, control,
discount vers We discounted all these rumours.
instruct, educate, restrain, break in, drill
> disregard, reject, disbelieve, overlook,
2 Several staff have been disciplined. » punish, ignore
reprimand, reprove, penalize, chasten, chastise
disclaim vers The company disclaimed all discourage vers 1 The audience was
responsibility for the pollution. » deny, reject, discouraged from asking questions. » deter,
renounce, repudiate, disown, forswear dissuade, restrain, prevent, hinder, put off,
OPPOSITES ARE acknowledge, accept, admit : warn off 2 Her cool response discouraged them.
> dishearten, dispirit, demoralize, disappoint,
disclose vers This information should not be dismay, depress, unnerve, intimidate
disclosed to anyone outside this room. » divulge,
reveal, communicate, make known, pass on discouragement noun Strong police presence
discomfort voun Her arm felt numb but she is a discouragement to crime. » deterrent,
managed to hide the discomfort. » pain, disincentive, constraint, hindrance,
soreness, ache, irritation, distress, hardship impediment, restraint, obstacle, setback,
AN OPPOSITE Is Comfort (informal) damper (on)
AN OPPOSITE IS encouragement
disconcerting Anective He answered all the
questions with disconcerting honesty. discouraging Aojective The latest news is
> unsettling, unnerving, off-putting, discouraging. » depressing, dispiriting,
confusing, disturbing, perplexing, upsetting, disheartening, demoralizing, disappointing,
worrying AN OPPOSITE IS reassuring daunting
disconnect vere 1 The power company had discourse noun (with the stress on dis-) 1 They
disconnected the supply. » cut off, break off, continued their discourse well into the night.
stop OPPOSITES ARE reconnect, restore 2 The > conversation, disquisition, literature, speech
engine was disconnected at Crewe. » uncouple, 2 adiscourse on semantics > dissertation, essay,
detach, disengage, decouple, separate treatise, monograph, thesis, paper
discover = discriminate
discoververs discovers, discovering, are several discrepancies in the two
discovered 1 find or find out 2 be the first accounts.
person to find something
> discoverernoun discovery Noun discrete apectve separate; distinct from each
vers discredits, discrediting, USAGE Do not confuse with discreet.
discredited 1 cause something to be doubted
2 damage someone’s reputation discretion (dis-kresh-on) Noun 1 being
discreet; keeping secrets @ I hope I can count on
discredit noun damage to someone’s your discretion. 2 freedom to decide things and
reputation take action according to your own judgement
> discreditable ADjective © You can use your discretion.
discreetapectve 1 not giving away secrets
2 not showy discriminate vers discriminates,
> discreetly ADvers discriminating, discriminated 1 notice the
differences between things; distinguish; prefer
USAGE Do not confuse with discrete.
one thing to another 2 treat people differently
discrepancy (dis- krep- an- see) NOUN or unfairly, e.g. because of their race, sex, or
discrepancies lack of agreement between religion
things which should be the same e There > discriminationnoun

discourse vers (with the stress on -course) He discreetapective UsaGEDo not confuse this
likes to discourse on his favourite topics. » speak, word with discrete, which means ‘distinct’or
hold forth, expatiate, pontificate ‘separate’. I made a few discreet enquiries.
> careful, circumspect, cautious, guarded,
discourteousappctive It would be discourteous wary, tactful, judicious, prudent, considerate,
to refuse. » rude, impolite, bad-mannered, ill- delicate, diplomatic, sensitive, thoughtful,
mannered, disrespectful, uncivil, churlish, polite, politic opposites AREindiscreet, rash
ungracious, boorish
discrepancy noun There is a discrepancy
discourtesy noun He had committed the grave between the two versions of the story.
discourtesy of not turning up for the speech. > inconsistency, difference, disparity,
> rudeness, bad manners, ill manners, variance, conflict, dissimilarity, divergence,
disrespect, incivility, churlishness incompatibility, incongruity
AN OPPOSITE IS similarity
discoververs 1 The children had discovered a
secret door at the bottom of the garden. » find, discreteapective UsAGEDo not confuse this
locate, come across, uncover, chance on, word with discreet, which means ‘careful’ or
stumble on 2 We discovered that he had been ‘cautious’. teaching the course in discrete units
lying. » find out, learn, realize, come to know, > distinct, separate, individual, detached
come to realize, work out, perceive 3 Faraday discretionnoun 1 The police conducted their
discovered electricity. » originate, develop, enquiries with discretion. » diplomacy, tact,
pioneer, invent USAGE Note that discover and sensitivity, good sense, judgement, maturity,
invent do not mean quite the same: you prudence, responsibility, wisdom
discover something natural that was always AN OPPOSITE \Sindiscretion 2 Payment of interest
there (e.g. electricity), and you invent is at the Bank’s discretion. » choice, option,
something new that did not exist before (e.g. judgement, will, wish, preference
discriminate vers 1 It is hard to discriminate
discoverynoun 1a major new discovery between the two theories. » differentiate,
> invention, innovation, revelation, distinguish, make a distinction, tell the
breakthrough, disclosure, exploration, (more difference 2 Some employment practices still
informal) find 2 the discovery of the body discriminate against women. » be biased, be
> finding, location, locating, detection, prejudiced, show discrimination, be intolerant
uncovering, unearthing (towards)
discreditvers 1 His enemies are looking for discriminating spective a discriminating art
information that might discredit him. collector » discerning, perceptive, astute,
> disparage, defame, disgrace, smear, judicious, fastidious, critical, particular,
slander, dishonour, ruin the reputation of, slur, selective, (more informal) choosy
vilify 2 The new evidence discredits the witness’s AN OPPOSITE Is undiscriminating
. > disprove, prove false, invalidate, discriminationnoun 1 She shows
challenge, refute, raise doubts about, (more discrimination in her choice of music.
informal) explode, (more informal) show up > discernment, good taste, insight,

discus = disgust
discus noun discuses a thick heavy disc thrown disgrace noun 1 shame; loss of approval or
in athletic contests respect 2 something that causes shame
discuss vers discusses, discussing, discussed > disgraceful apjective disgracefully apvers
talk with other people about a subject disgrace vers disgraces, disgracing,
> discussion NOUN disgraced bring disgrace on someone
disease noun diseases an unhealthy condition;
an illness disguise vers disguises, disguising,
> diseased ADJECTIVE disguised 1 make a person orthing look
different in order to deceive people 2 conceal
disembark vers disembarks, disembarking, your feelings
disembarked get off a ship or aircraft
> disembarkation Noun disguise noun disguises something used for
disentangle vers disentangles, disguising
disentangling, disentangled free from
tangles or confusion disgust noun a feeling that something is very
unpleasant or disgraceful
disfigure vers disfigures, disfiguring,
disfigured spoil the appearance of a person or disgust vers disgusts, disgusting, disgusted
thing give someone a feeling of disgust
> disfigurement NouN > disgusted spective disgusting ADJECTIVE

judgement, perceptiveness, refinement, disgrace vere He very nearly disgraced his friends
selectivity, subtlety, taste 2 victims of by reciting an improper poem. » shame, bring
discrimination » prejudice, bias, bigotry, shame on, defame, humiliate, scandalize
intolerance, chauvinism, favouritism, male
chauvinism, racism, sexism, unfairness disgraceful apjective Their behaviour had been
disgraceful. » shameful, deplorable, shocking,
AN OPPOSITE IS impartiality
dreadful, despicable, dishonourable,
discuss vers It was good to discuss other people’s reprehensible, appalling, bad
problems. » debate, consider, talk about,
confer about, consult about, deliberate, disguise noun She looked quite convincing in her
examine, deal with nun’s disguise. » costume, outfit,
discussion noun a lively discussion about impersonation, camouflage, concealment,
funding universities » debate, deliberation, pretence, cloak, cover, fancy dress, make-up,
conference, dialogue, consultation, front, mask, (more informal) get-up
conversation, argument, discourse, disguise vers 1 Her long sleeves disguised her
consideration, examination, exchange of burns. » hide, conceal, cover, mask, screen,
views, symposium, talk shroud, veil, camouflage, dress up, make
disease noun suffering from a disease; a country inconspicuous 2 He made no attempt to disguise
afflicted by disease » illness, sickness, bad his anger.» hide, conceal, cover up, gloss over,
health, ailment, malady, disorder, infirmity misrepresent
RELATED ADJECTIVE morbid disguise yourself as I changed my identity and
disentangle vers 1 The cord had a knot that disguised myselfas one of the locals. » dress up
was difficult to disentangle. » untangle, undo, as, impersonate, pretend to be, pose as,
untie, untwist, sort out, straighten, unknot, counterfeit, imitate, mimic, (more informal)
unravel AN OPPOSITE Is entangle 2 She take off
disentangled his hand from her twisted clothing. disgust noun I couldn’t hide my disgust at his
> free, release, extricate, extract, remove,
behaviour. » revulsion, repugnance, repulsion,
disengage, liberate, separate abhorrence, distaste, aversion, antipathy,
AN OPPOSITE Is enmesh contempt, loathing, detestation, nausea,
disfigure vers A new motorway will disfigure the dislike, hatred opposites are liking, relish
landscape. » mar, scar, deface, deform,
mutilate, spoil, damage opposites ARE enhance, disgust vers The hospital food disgusted me.
beautify > revolt, nauseate, offend, appal, repel, sicken,
disgrace Noun 1 the public disgrace of being be distasteful to, displease, horrify, outrage,
prosecuted for shoplifting » dishonour, shame, put off, shock, (more informal) turn your
humiliation, ignominy, degradation, slur, stain stomach opposites ARE please, appeal to
stigma, discredit, embarrassment, disgusting apective The smell was disgusting.
opprobrium, scandal AN opposite is honour They showed disgusting bigotry. » revolting,
2 (informal) The local facilities for children were a nauseating, offensive, sickening, loathsome
disgrace. » outrage, scandal, affront, insult repugnant, repulsive, unpleasant
OPPOSITES ARE credit, asset OPPOSITES ARE pleasant, appealing, attractive
dish = dislike
dishwoun dishes 1a plate or bowl for food disinfectantnoun disinfectants a substance
2 food prepared for eating 3a satellite dish used for disinfecting things
dish vers dishes, dishing, dished (informal) disintegrate vers disintegrates,
dish out give out portions of something to disintegrating, disintegrated break up into
people small parts or pieces
dishevelled (dish- ev- eld) anjective ruffled and > disintegration NOUN
> dishevelment Noun disinterested nective impartial; not
influenced by the hope of gaining something
dishonest apctive not honest yourself e She gave us some disinterested advice.
> dishonestly Apvers dishonesty NOUN USAGE It is not accepted as part of standard
vers dishonours, dishonouring, English to use this word as if it meant ‘not
dishonoured disgrace someone interested’ or ‘bored’. Ifthis is what you mean,
> dishonournoun dishonourable ADJECTIVE use uninterested.
disillusion vers disillusions, disillusioning, disjointed spective (said about talk or writing)
disillusioned get rid of someone’s wrong not having parts that fit together well and so
beliefs difficult to understand
> disillusionment Noun
disinclined agectve unwilling to do something disknoun disks a computer storage device
consisting of magnetically coated plates
disinfect vers. disinfects, disinfecting,
disinfected destroy the germs in something dislike vere dislikes, disliking, disliked not
> disinfection Noun like somebody or something

dishwoun 1 He tipped the pasta into a dish. dishonourableagectve It would be
> plate, bowl, platter 2 a nutritious vegetarian dishonourable to refuse to pay. » disgraceful,
dish » food, recipe shameful, discreditable, ignominious,
dish vers (informal) contemptible, reprehensible
dish out The children helped by dishing out piles dishy anjective (informal) Judging by the
of books. » distribute, give out, hand round, photograph, the author’s dishy, too. attractive,
deal out, issue good-looking, charming, sexy, appealing
dish upShirley was busy dishing up burgers and disinfect vers An aromatic plant is used to
hot dogs. » serve, serve up, provide, dispense disinfect houses where malaria is present.
disheartenvers The result disheartened them so > sterilize, sanitize, clean, cleanse, purify,
much they almost gave up. » discourage, fumigate opposites AREinfect, contaminate
dispirit, dismay, depress, disappoint, deter, put disinfectant oun She wiped the surface down
off, sadden opposites AREhearten, encourage with disinfectant. » antiseptic, sterilizer,
dishevelledanyective She ran ahand through her germicide, carbolic, cleaner
dishevelled hair. » untidy, bedraggled, disintegrate vers The aircraft caught fire and
disordered, unkempt, scruffy, disarranged, disintegrated in the air. » break up, fall apart,
tangled, ruffled, rumpled, slovenly, tousled, fall to pieces, explode, come apart, decompose
uncombed, messy OPPOSITES ARE Neat, tidy disinterested spective Her advice would always
dishonestapective Their solicitor proved to be be disinterested. » impartial, neutral, unbiased,
dishonest. a dishonest statement » deceitful, unprejudiced, dispassionate, open-minded,
untruthful, lying, fraudulent, false, double- even-handed AN opposite Is biased
dealing, cheating, swindling, corrupt, USAGE Note that disinterested means ‘impartial’
underhand, untrustworthy, (more informal) and does not mean the same as uninterested.
crooked opposites AREhonest, truthful disjointed nective She turned her disjointed
dishonesty noun a charge of dishonesty against thoughts over in her mind. » disconnected,
former colleagues » corruption, fraud, incoherent, confused, disordered,
fraudulence, cheating, deceit, deception, unconnected, disorganized, jumbled,
deviousness, lying, falsity, falsehood, (more rambling, fitful, erratic AN OPPOSITE Is coherent
informal) crookedness, (more informal) dislike vers She dislikes me because I won’t do
shadiness AN opposite Is honesty what she says. » not like, detest, hate, object
dishonournoun I have no wish to bring to, abhor, disapprove of, despise
dishonour on you or your family. » disgrace, AN OPPOSITE IS like
shame, discredit, degradation, humiliation, dislikenoun He had a fear and dislike ofbig cities.
ignominy, stigma, opprobrium, indignity > aversion(to), distaste (for), antagonism (to),
opposites AREhonour, credit antipathy (to), contempt (for), disgust (for),

dislocate = disorder
dislocate vers dislocates, dislocating, dismiss vere dismisses, dismissing,
dislocated 1 move orforce a bone from its dismissed 1 send someone away 2tella
proper position in one of the joints 2 disrupt person that you will no longer employ him or
e Fog dislocated the traffic. her 3 put something out of your thoughts
> dislocation NOUN because it is not worth thinking about 4 geta
dislodge vers dislodges, dislodging, batsman or cricket side out
dislodged move orforce something from its > dismissal noun dismissive ADJECTIVE
disloyal anjective not loyal dismount vers dismounts, dismounting,
> disloyally apvers disloyalty Noun dismounted get off a horse or bicycle
dismal spective 1 gloomy 2 of poor quality disobey vers disobeys, disobeying,
> dismally apvers disobeyed not obey; disregard orders
dismantle vers dismantles, dismantling, > disobedient Apjective disobedience Noun
dismantled take something to pieces
dismay noun a feeling of surprise and disorder noun disorders 1 untidiness 2a
discouragement disturbance 3 an illness
> dismayed ADJECTIVE > disorderly ADJECTIVE

revulsion (from), detestation, disapproval, deject, depress, devastate, disappoint,
hatred, loathing AN opposite Is liking unnerve, frighten, scare
dislodge vers Several stones had been dislodged, AN OPPOSITE IS encourage
causing a hazard to passers-by. » displace, dismiss vers 1 Elaine dismissed her husband with
disarrange, dislocate, disturb, misplace, move, a wave of her hand, » send away, discharge,
shift, remove, knock out of place, knock out of free, let go, release 2 Three employees were
position dismissed on the spot. » give someone notice,
disloyal anjective His colleagues criticized him for discharge, lay off, (more informal) sack, (more
being disloyal in his comments. » unfaithful, informal) fire 3 She had dismissed Nina’s
faithless, treacherous, subversive, seditious, allegations as rubbish. » reject, discount,
dissident, false, traitorous OPPOSITES ARE loyal, disregard, set aside, repudiate, discard, spurn,
faithful drop, get rid of, give up, shelve, wave aside,
disloyalty voun She felt a sense ofguilt, of (more informal) pooh-pooh 4 He tried to dismiss
disloyalty. > unfaithfulness, infidelity, betrayal, these thoughts from his mind. » banish, dispel,
duplicity, faithlessness, falseness, inconstancy, remove, reject, shrug off
perfidy, treachery, treason, double-dealing disobedience noun They were punished for
AN OPPOSITE IS loyalty their disobedience. » insubordination,
dismal apective 1 She led them into a dismal little naughtiness, misbehaviour, bad behaviour,
room. » gloomy, dingy, dim, dreary, sombre, misconduct, unruliness, rebelliousness,
dark, drab, dull, murky opposites Are bright, wilfulness
cheerful 2 (informal) a row of dismal disobedient Apjectve The children had been
performances » dreadful, awful, terrible, disobedient and demanding. » naughty, badly
feeble, disgraceful 3 We looked at the dismal behaved, insubordinate, troublesome,
faces around us. » glum, gloomy, sad, disorderly, disruptive, fractious, rebellious,
miserable, melancholy, sombre, forlorn, unruly, wayward, intractable, obstreperous,
despondent, downcast, sorrowful, mournful, wilful, contrary AN OPPOSITE Is obedient
woeful disobey vers 1 The Queen was angry that so
dismantle vers Before they left, the soliders many people had disobeyed her orders. » defy,
dismantled the row of
huts. » take apart, take to flout, rebel against, contravene, disregard,
pieces, take down, knock down, break up, ignore, infringe, break, resist, transgress,
comanish. strip down OPPOSITES ARE assemble, violate 2 Remember never to disobey. » be
ui disobedient, rebel, revolt AN OPPOSITE Is obey
dismay noun Laura gave a yelp of dismay as she disorder youn 1 They were arrested for acts of
caught sight of the time on her watch. » alarm, public disorder. » disturbance, unrest,
shock, surprise, consternation, concern, agitation, disruption, upheaval, tumult,
distress, apprehension, agitation, trepidation, insurrection, rebellion OPPOSITES ARE order,
fright, horror peace 2 The house\is in total disorder.
dismay vere You should not be dismayed by these > untidiness, disarray, disorganization,
comments, >» alarm, daunt, horrify, shock, confusion, chaos, ajumble, a mess, amuddle, a
appal, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, distress, shambles OPPOSITES ARE order, tidiness
disorganized = display
disorganized anectve muddled and badly dispenser noun dispensers a device that
organized supplies a quantity of something @ a cash
> disorganization Noun dispenser

dispatch vers dispatches, dispatching, disperse vers disperses, dispersing,

dispatched 1 send off to a destination 2 kill dispersed scatter
> dispérsalNoun dispersion NOUN
dispatchwnoun dispatches 1 dispatching 2a
report or message sent 3 promptness; speed displace vers displaces, displacing,
displaced 1 shift from its phe 2takea
dispel vers dispels, dispelling, dispelled drive person’s or thing’s place
away; scatter e Wind dispels fog. > displacement Noun
dispensary Noun dispensaries a place where display vers displays, displaying, displayed
medicines are dispensed show; arrange something so that it can be
clearly seen
dispense vers dispenses, dispensing,
dispensed 1 distribute; deal out 2 prepare display icy displays 1 the displaying of
medicine according to prescriptions something; an exhibition 2 something
> dispensation NOUN displayed 3 (in computing) an electronic
dispense with do without something device for visually presenting data

disorderly apectve 1 behaving in a disorderly disband, separate, scatter, dissolve, disappear,
manner unruly, rowdy, rebellious, disruptive, vanish, melt away opposites ARE collect, gather,
undisciplined, disobedient, boisterous, rough, assemble 3 Birds disperse the seed. » scatter,
wild opposites Are orderly, disciplined 2a spread, disseminate, distribute, strew
disorderly arrangement > untidy, disorganized, AN OPPOSITE IS centralize
messy, muddled, confused, chaotic dispirited spective He felt tired and dispirited.
OPPOSITES ARE Orderly, tidy » disheartened, depressed, dejected,
disorganized apecive 1 The room looked downcast, despondent, downhearted,
completely disorganized. » untidy, disorderly, disconsolate, unhappy, sad, down, glum,
messy, muddled, confused, chaotic melancholy, miserable, cast down
OPPOSITES ARE Neat, systematic 2 Iwas accused of OPPOSITES ARE Cheerful, happy
being careless and disorganized. displace vers 1 The gales have displaced many
> unmethodical, slapdash, slovenly, absent- roof tiles. » dislodge, disarrange, dislocate,
minded, scatterbrained, inefficient disturb, misplace, move, shift, remove, knock
disown vers Her family disowned her when she out of place, knock out of position 2 The recent
married Jem, » reject, renounce, repudiate, land reforms have displaced thousands ofpeople.
cast off, abandon, end relations with > force out, drive out, eject, expel, oust,
dispatch noun A messenger brought dispatches. remove, supplant
> bulletin, communiqué, letter, message, display noun an air display a display of
report horsemanship » exhibition, demonstration,
dispatch vers 1 Reminders will be dispatched show, spectacle, pageant, presentation,
next week. » send, post, transmit, consign, parade
convey, forward 2 In the film the good guy has to display vers 1A room will be built to display the
dispatch a host of vicious villains. > kill, put an marbles. » exhibit, show, put on show, present
end to, put to death, dispose of, finish off 2 He displayed a good knowledge of the subject.
dispense vers 1 Waiters were there to dispense > show, reveal, demonstrate, manifest, flaunt,
drinks. > distribute, give out, pass round, mete produce, betray, air, evince
out, provide, allocate, allot, apportion, deal displease vers The decision clearly displeased
out, dole out, share 2 The local chemist dispenses him. » annoy, irritate, infuriate, incense,
medicines. » supply, prepare, make up anger, enrage, vex, exasperate, madden,
3 dispense with We can dispense with the aggravate, antagonize, inflame, make angry,
formalities. » waive, disregard, ignore, forgo, (more informal) needle, (more informal) rile,
do without, pass over, drop, omit, cancel, (more informal) bug, (more informal) rub up the
dispose of, get rid of wrong way
disperse vers. 1 Troops arrived to disperse the disposal noun 1 the disposal of troops for battle
demonstrators. » break up, split up, separate, > arrangement, disposition, order, grouping,
scatter, drive away, send away, disband, dispel, mustering 2 the disposal of radioactive waste
dismiss opposites ARE assemble, collect 2 The > removal, elimination, discarding,
crowd dispersed quickly. » breakup, split up, destruction, riddance

disposable = dissent
disposable apective made to be thrown away disregard vere disregards, disregarding,
after it has been used e disposable nappies disregarded ignore
dispose vers disposes, disposing, disposed disregard noun the act of ignoring something
1 make a person ready or willing to do
something e I feel disposed to help him. 2 place
disrepair youn bad condition caused by not
in position; arrange @ Dispose your troops in two doing repairs @ The old mill is in a state of
be well disposed be friendly disreputable spective not respectable
dispose of get rid of disrespect youn lack of respect; rudeness
disposition noun dispositions 1a person’s > disrespectful apjective disrespectfully
nature or qualities 2 arrangement ADVERB
agectve out of proportion; disrupt vere disrupts, disrupting, disrupted
too large or too small put into disorder; interrupt a continuous flow
disprove vers disproves, disproving, @ Fog disrupted traffic.
disproved show that something is not true > disruption noun disruptive spective
dispute vers disputes, disputing, disputed dissatisfied apective not satisfied
1 argue; debate 2 quarrel 3 raise an objection > dissatisfaction NOUN
to @ We dispute their claim.
dissect (dis- sekt) vers dissects, dissecting,
dispute noun disputes 1 an argument or dissected cut something up in order to
debate 2a quarrel examine it
in dispute being argued about > dissection Noun
disqualify vers disqualifies, disqualifying,
disqualified bar someone from a competition dissent noun disagreement over an idea,
etc. because he or she has broken the rules or is proposal, etc.
not properly qualified to take part dissent vers dissents, dissenting, dissented
> disqualification noun disagree

dispose vers 1A general disposes his troops for disqualify vere He was disqualified from driving
battle. >» arrange, array, group, place, position, for a year. » ban, bar, debar, prohibit, forbid
set out 2 dispose of Equipment was needed to (to drive), preclude
dispose of soiled nappies. » deal with, get rid of, disregard vers Anne tried to disregard the noise.
destroy, discard, jettison, scrap, sell, throw > ignore, take no notice of, pay no attention
away, (more informal) dump to, discount, overlook, pass over, make light of,
be disposed to Brian was not disposed to brush aside AN OPPOSITE Is heed
question this idea. » be inclined to, be ready to, disrespectful anective He was often
be willing to, be liable to, be likely to disrespectful towards his elders. » rude,
discourteous, impertinent, impolite, insolent,
disproportionate apjective Small tasks can impudent, cheeky OpposiTes ARE respectful,
take up a disproportionate amount of time.
> undue, uneven, unequal, unreasonable,
inordinate, excessive, unbalanced disrupt vers A strike of air-traffic controllers has
OPPOSITES ARE proportional, reasonable disrupted holiday travel. > interrupt, break up,
dislocate, disturb, upset, interfere with, throw
disprove vers New evidence has disproved the into disorder, break the routine of
original verdicts. » invalidate, refute, overturn, dissatisfaction noun There is widespread
confute, contradict, controvert, discredit, dissatisfaction with the quality of service.
negate, rebut, expose, (more informal) explode > discontent, discontentment,
OPPOSITES ARE prove, confirm disappointment, disquiet, disgruntlement,
frustration, annoyance, irritation,
dispute noun a matter of great dispute unhappiness, displeasure, anger, exasperation,
> debate, discussion, controversy, contention, chagrin, dismay, regret
argument, disagreement, conflict, dissension AN OPPOSITE IS satisfaction
dissatisfied nective They were clearly
dispute vers 1 We disputed with them deep into dissatisfied with our answer. » discontented,
the night. » debate, argue, contend, exchange disappointed, unsatisfied, unhappy,
views, quarrel 2 No one can dispute their claim. disgruntled, displéased, aggrieved (by),
> challenge, contest, question, oppose, deny, disaffected (by), frustrated (by), (more
doubt, contradict, controvert, impugn, argue informal) fed up, unfulfilled
against, quarrel with AN OPPOSITE Is accept OPPOSITES ARE Satisfied, contented

dissident — distinction
dissident youn dissidents a person who distance noun distances the amount of space
disagrees, especially someone who opposes between two places
their government in the distance far away but visible
> dissident apective dissidence noun distant apective 1 far away 2 not friendly; not
dissolute anjective having an immoral way of life sociable 3 not closely related e distant cousins
> distantly overs
dissolution voun dissolutions 1 putting an distaste noun dislike
end to a marriage or partnership etc. 2 the
formal ending of a parliament or assembly distasteful spective unpleasant
distemper noun 1a disease of dogs and
dissolve vers dissolves, dissolving, certain other animals 2. kind of paint
dissolved 1 mix something with a liquid so
that it becomes part of the liquid 2 make or distil vers distils, distilling, distilled purify a
become liquid; melt 3 put an end to a marriage liquid by boiling it and condensing the vapour
or partnership etc. 4 formally enda > distillation noun distiller youn
parliament, assembly, or other gathering distinct nective 1 easily heard or seen;
e Parliament was dissolved and a general election noticeable 2 clearly separate or different
was held. > distinctly apvers distinctness NouN
dissuade vers dissuades, dissuading, USAGE See the note at distinctive.
dissuaded persuade somebody not to do distinction noun distinctions 1 difference
something 2 excellence or honour 3 an award for
> dissuasion NOUN excellence; a high mark in an examination

dissimilar apjective 1 a wide range of dissimilar in the distance a church spire visible in the
tasks » different, differing, diverse, distinct, distance » far away, far off, in the background,
unrelated, varying, unlike, disparate, on the horizon, yonder
heterogeneous 2 dissimilar to This catfish distant apective 1 distant countries » far-off,
shows a parental care not dissimilar to that of the faraway, remote, outlying, isolated
cuckoo. » unlike, different from orto, unrelated AN OPPOSITE IS close 2 a distant memory
to AN OPPOSITE IS similar > vague, dim, faint, indistinct, obscure,
dissociate vers We decided to dissociate indefinite 3 a distant manner > aloof,
ourselves from the more extravagant claims being detached, impersonal, reserved, reticent,
made. » break away, back away, detach, unfriendly, withdrawn, cool
distance, separate , cut off, divorce, isolate OPPOSITES ARE friendly, warm
AN OPPOSITE IS associate distaste youn 1 George looked with distaste at
dissolve vers 1 The acids dissolve in water. the man sitting opposite. » disgust, revulsion,
> liquefy, become liquid, diffuse, disperse, abhorrence, repugnance, disdain, disfavour,
melt, deliquesce, disappear, disintegrate dislike 2 a distaste for politics » dislike (of),
2 Dissolve salts in the water to keep it pure. one (to), repugnance (for), disapproval
> liquefy, melt, disintegrate, disperse 3 His (o
anger began to dissolve. » disappear, vanish, distasteful spective The day was hot and their
evaporate, dissipate, subside, disperse work distasteful. » unpleasant, disagreeable,
OPPOSITES ARE grow, develop 4 The Assembly was offensive, repulsive, objectionable,
dissolved after the revolution. » disband, unappealing, unpalatable, repugnant,
terminate, abolish, close down, suspend, break abhorrent, unsavoury
up, dismiss, end, bring to an end, cancel, (more distinct spective 1 four distinct categories
informal) wind up > discrete, separate, individual, detached
dissuade vers dissuade from He dissuaded his OPPOSITES ARE indistinct, fuzzy 2 a distinct
colleagues from taking strike action. improvement » clear, definite, marked, sharp,
» discourage from, prevent from, deter from, decided, unmistakable, obvious, plain
divert from, disincline (to take), talk out of, distinction noun 1 There is a clear distinction
urge against, advise against, persuade not (to between politicians and the rest of us.
take) AN OPPOSITE IS persuade (to) > difference, contrast, dissimilarity,
distance noun. 1 the distance between the two divergence, variance, variation, differentiation,
vehicles » space, interval, gap, extent, length, discrimination, distinctiveness
range, reach, separation 2 She keeps her AN OPPOSITE IS similarity 2. writer of distinction
distance. » aloofness, reserve, detachment, > importance, significance, note,
reticence, coolness, remoteness, coldness consequence, account, greatness, renown,
AN OPPOSITE IS closeness ' celebrity, eminence, fame, reputation, repute,
distinctive — district
distinctive apective that distinguishes one something e distort the truth
thing from another or others @ The school has a > distortion NOUN
distinctive uniform.
> distinctively ADverB distract vers distracts, distracting,
USAGE Do not confuse this word with distinct. distracted take a person’s attention away
A distinct mark is a clear mark; a distinctive from something
mark is one that is not found anywhere distraction voun distractions 1 something
else. that distracts attention 2an amusement
distinguish vers distinguishes, 3 great worry or distress
distinguishing, distinguished 1 make or
notice differences between things 2 see or distress noun distresses great sorrow, pain, or
hear something clearly 3 bring honourto e He trouble
distinguished himselfby his bravery.
> distinguishable ADeEcTIvVE distribute vers distributes, distributing,
distributed 1 deal or share out 2 spread or
distinguished spective 1 important and scatter
famous 2 dignified in appearance > distribution Noun distributor
distort vers distorts, distorting, distorted
1 pull or twist out of its normal shape district noun districts part of a town or
2 misrepresent; give a false account of country

prestige, honour AN opposite is mediocrity distraction noun 1 the distractions of life in a
3 treating people without distinction of race, age, big city» amusement, entertainment,
creed, or sex > differentiation, discrimination diversion, pleasure, recreation, enjoyment,
(between) 4 He served with distinction in the fun, interest, pastime 2 The baby’s crying drove
war. honour, credit, merit, courage, valour her to distraction. » frenzy, distress, insanity,
distinctive anjective This duck has a distinctive madness, delirium
white neck. » distinguishing, characteristic, distraught anjective The poor woman looked
typical, individual, peculiar, unique, special, distraught. » upset, overwrought, distressed,
singular, different, original, idiosyncratic, distracted, agitated, frantic, (more informal)
unusual beside yourself
distinguish vers 1 the capacity to distinguish distress noun 1 She put her hand over her mouth
between good and bad in literature to hide her distress. » anguish, suffering,
> differentiate, discriminate, decide, tell the misery, torment, discomfort, wretchedness,
difference, pick out (good and bad), determine unhappiness, disquiet, despair, desolation,
(what is good and bad) 2 We could distinguish a agony, grief opposites ARE happiness, comfort
line of trees in the darkness. » make out, 2 the distress of extreme poverty » hardship,
identify, discern, perceive, recognize, observe, adversity, tribulation, destitution, privation,
notice, glimpse trial AN OPPOSITE Is prosperity
distinguished apctive a distinguished distress vers I was distressed by the fact that
statesman eminent, famous, prominent, well everyone seemed to turn against him. » upset,
known, celebrated, acclaimed, renowned, perturb, disturb, trouble, bother, worry,
illustrious, famed, notable, noteworthy, sadden, afflict, torment opposites ARE comfort,
esteemed, respected, honoured, outstanding soothe
distortvers 1 His face was distorted with distribute vers 1 They spent the day distributing
pain. > twist, contort, warp, deform, pamphlets. » circulate, issue, spread, disperse,
misshape, bend, wrench 2 That explanation hand out, make available 2 The house was sold
distorts the truth. » twist, misrepresent, and the money distributed among his heirs.
pervert, slant, falsify, misstate, garble, > share out, divide up, apportion, allocate
put a slant on, (more informal) put a 3 The seed should be distributed evenly.
spin on > scatter, spread, disperse, strew,
distorted spective a distorted version of the disseminate, arrange
events twisted, slanted, perverted, coloured, district Noun the shopping district of the town
false, biased, one-sided, prejudiced, inaccurate > area, region, quarter, locality, zone,
distractvers 1A noise across the street distracted neighbourhood, sector, vicinity, part
him. > divert, sidetrack, disturb 2 Helen distrust vers On the whole the public distrusts
appeared to be distracted by the politicians. » mistrust, suspect, be suspicious
back of the cereal packet. » puzzle, bewilder, of, be sceptical about, have misgivings about,
disconcert, confuse, perplex, trouble, have qualms about, be wary of, disbelieve,
worry doubt, question AN opposite Is trust

distrust — divine
distrust youn lack of trust; suspicion diversify vers diversifies, diversifying,
> distrustful Apjective diversified make or become varied; involve
distrust vers distrusts, distrusting, yourself in different kinds of things
distrusted have little trust in > diversification Noun

disturb vers disturbs, disturbing, disturbed diversion noun diversions 1 diverting

1 spoil someone’s peace or rest 2 cause something from its course 2 an alternative
someone to worry 3 movea thing from its route for traffic when a road is closed 3.a
position recreation or entertainment
> disturbance Noun
divert vers diverts, diverting, diverted
disuse noun the state of being no longer used 1 turn something aside from its course
> disused ADJECTIVE 2 entertain or amuse f
ditch noun ditches a trench dug to hold water > diverting ADJECTIVE
or carry it away, or to serve as a boundary [from
Old English] divide vers divides, dividing, divided
1 separate from something or into smaller
ditto noun (used in lists) the same again parts; split up 2 find how many times one
dive vere dives, diving, dived 1 go under number is contained in another @ Divide six by
water, especially head first 2 move down three (6 +3 = 2)
quickly > divider noun
> dive Noun divine spective 1 belonging to or coming from
diverse (dy-verss) Anective varied; of several God 2 like a god 3 (informal) excellent;
different kinds extremely beautiful
> diversity Noun > divinely Apvers divinity noun

disturb vere 1 He crept into the house quietly so miscellaneous, mixed, distinct, (more formal)
as not to disturb his sleeping parents. » bother, manifold
annoy, interrupt, intrude on, disrupt, upset,
alarm, wake 2 Try not to disturb the books and diversion noun 14a traffic diversion» detour,
papers. » muddle, mix up, disarrange, deviation, alternative route 2 large city with
disorganize, confuse plenty of diversions » entertainment,
disturbance noun People were injured in violent amusement, recreation, relaxation,
disturbances in the capital. » commotion, distraction, pastime, game, hobby, play, sport
uproar, racket, tumult, hullabaloo, hubbub,
rumpus, fracas, furore, upheaval, agitation, diversity voun a great diversity offruit and
excitement vegetables » variety, assortment, miscellany,
mixture, range, array, multiplicity
ditch noun Some sheep had fallen into a ditch and OPPOSITES ARE uniformity, similarity
had to be rescued, » trench, channel, gully,
watercourse, conduit, dike, drain, gutter, moat divert vers 1 The plane was diverted to another
ditch vers (informal) We will have to ditch that airport.» redirect, reroute, deflect, turn aside,
idea. » abandon, drop, scrap, jettison, throw switch 2 We tried to divert them with funny
out, shelve, discard, forget, (more informal) stories. » amuse, entertain, distract, occupy,
dump, (more informal) pull the plug on interest, cheer up, delight, keep happy,
dither vers He dithered over which suit to wear regale
that day. » hesitate, waver, be in two minds,
vacillate, (more informal) shilly-shally divide vers 1 The river divides north of the city.
We divided into two groups. » separate,
dive vers 1A young girl dived into the water. diverge, split, split in two, fork, branch
> plunge, leap, jump, drop 2 The hawk dived AN OPPOSITE IS converge 2 We divided the food
rapidly towards its prey. » swoop, plunge,
between us » share out, allocate, allot,
plummet, descend, nose-dive, drop, pitch apportion, distribute, pass round 3 We divide
diverge vers 1 The roads diverged at this point. the eggs according to size.» sort, classify, grade,
> separate, divide, part, split, branch, deviate, group, arrange, organize, categorize, sort out,
fork OPPOSITES ARE Converge, come together, separate, subdivide AN OPPOSITE Is Combine
join 2 Clearly our opinions diverge. » differ,
disagree, clash, be different divine spectre 1 divine worship» holy, sacred,
OPPOSITES ARE agree, coincide religious 2 a divine being ». supernatural,
diverse apjective information from diverse sources godlike, superhuman, heavenly, spiritual,
> various, varying, different, sundry, assorted, immortal
division = docker
divisionnoun divisions 1 dividing 2a dividing dovers does, doing, did, done This word has
line; a partition 3 one of the parts into which many different uses, most of which mean
something is divided: 4 (in Parliament) performing or dealing with something (Do your
separation of members into two sections for best. I can't do this. She is doing well at school.) or
counting votes being suitable or enough (This will do.) The verb
> divisional ADJECTIVE is also used with other verbs 1 in questions (Do
you want this?), 2 in statements with ‘not’ (He
divisive (div- I- siv) apjective causing does not want it.), 3 for emphasis (Idolike nuts.),
disagreement within a group 4 to avoid repeating a verb that has just been
divorcenoun divorces the legal ending of a used (We work as hard as they do.)
marriage do away with get rid of
do up 1 fasten e Do your coat up. 2 repair or
divorce vers divorces, divorcing, divorced redecorate e Do up the spare room.
1 end a marriage by divorce 2 separate; think
of things separately dock! youn docks a part of a harbour where
ships are loaded, unloaded, or repaired
Diwali (di- wah- lee) noun a Hindu religious
festival at which lamps are lit, held in October dock vers docks, docking, docked 1 bring or
or November come into a dock 2 when two spacecraft dock,
they join together in space
DIY asereviation do-it-yourself
dizzy nective dizzier, dizziest having or
dock? noun anenclosure for the prisoner on trial
in a lawcourt
causing the feeling that everything is spinning
round; giddy dock? noun aweed with broad leaves
> dizzilyapvers dizziness NOUN dock‘ vers docks, docking, docked 1 cut
DJ asereviaTion disc jockey short an animal’s tail 2 reduce or take away
part of someone’s wages or supplies etc.
DNA assreviaTion deoxyribonucleic acid; a
substance in chromosomes that stores genetic dockernoun dockers a labourer who loads and
information unloads ships

division noun 1 divisions in modern society > arrange, groom, style, brush, comb, wash,
> split, disunity, rupture, breach, disunion, fix 6 He will be doing languages at university.
schism, disagreement, conflict 2 the division of > study, read, learn, take a course in 7 She has
Germany after the war > dividing, splitting, been doing very well in the new job. » get on,
partitioning, separation 3 the overseas division progress, succeed
of the company » department, branch, arm, do.away with 1 We want to do away with
sector, office, bureau, subsidiary 4 the division outdated practices. » abolish, get rid of,
of the spoils » distribution, dividing up, sharing discontinue, put an end to, dispense with,
terminate, suppress 21 was afraid his enemies
out, allocation, apportionment, allotment
might want to do away with him. > kill, murder,
divorce noun One in three marriages ends in put to death, assassinate, eliminate,
divorce. » separation, annulment, (more exterminate
informal) break-up, (more informal) split-up do up 1 He stopped to do up his laces. > tie,
divorce vers Her parents divorced last year. fasten, secure 2 They have bought an old
> separate, end a marriage, (more informal) farmhouse to do up. » renovate, restore,
split up refurbish, decorate, revamp, (more informal)
make over
divulge vers The article did not divulge the do without! cannot do without my eight hours’
whereabouts of the individuals. » disclose, sleep. » forgo, dispense with, give up,
reveal, communicate, make known, pass on renounce, abstain from
dizzy nective All that leaping about made her feel docile apective Hannah has a docile nature.
dizzy. » giddy, faint, shaky, wobbly, light-
> gentle, compliant, meek, mild, obedient,
headed, (more informal) woozy
amenable, cooperative, submissive, deferential
dovers 1 Ihave a lot of work to do. » carry out,
undertake, perform, achieve, fulfil, complete, dockoun The boat was moored at the end of the
discharge 2 You can do as you please. » behave, dock. » harbour, quay, wharf, jetty, landing
act, conduct yourself 3 If there’s no tea, a glass stage, marina, dockyard, boatyard, waterfront
of water will do. » suffice, satisfy, serve, be dock vers 1 The ship docked the next morning.
enough, be adequate 4 Shall I do the lunch now? > moor, berth, tie up, put in, anchor, drop
> prepare, make, get ready, fix, organize, anchor 2 The dog’s tail had been docked. » cut
provide 5 She went upstairs to do her hair. short, cut off, crop, shorten 3 The company will

doctor => domain
doctor noun doctors 1a person whois trained dog vers dogs, dogging; dogged follow closely
to treat sick or injured people 2.a person who or persistently e Reporters dogged his footsteps.
holds an advanced degree (a doctorate) at a [from Old English]
university e Doctor of Music
dog-eared agective (said about a book) having
doctrine noun doctrines a belief held by a the corners of the pages bent from constant
religious, political, or other group use,
> doctrinal ADjEcivE
dogged (dog- id) ADecTive persistent or
document noun documents a written or obstinate
printed paper giving information or evidence > doggedly apvers
about something
> documentation Noun dogma noun dogmas a belief or principle that
a Church or other authority declares is true and
documentary Apecrive 1 consisting of must be accepted
documents e documentary evidence 2 showing
real events or situations dogmatic ADJECTIVE expressing ideas in a very
firm authoritative way
documentary vou documentaries a film > dogmatically Apvers
giving information about real events
dodge vers dodges, dodging, dodged move do-it-yourself spective suitable for an
amateur to do or make at home
quickly to avoid someone or something
dodge noun dodges 1a dodging movement dole vere doles, doling, doled
2 (informal) a trick; a clever way of doing dole out distribute
something dole noun (informal) money paid by the state to
dodgy 4nctive (informal) 1 awkward or tricky unemployed people
2 not working properly 3 dishonest doll noun dolls a toy model of a person
dodo noun dodos a large heavy bird that used dollar youn dollars a unit of money in the USA
to live on an island in the Indian Ocean but has and some other countries
been extinct for over 200 years
dolphin noun dolphins a sea animal like a small
doe noun does a female deer, rabbit, or hare whale with a beak-like snout [via early French
doesn't (mainly spoken) does not from Greek delphis]
See Noun dogs a four-legged animal that barks, domain (dom- ayn) Noun domains 1a
often kept as a pet kingdom 2 an area of knowledge, interest, etc.

dock your wages for any misdemeanour. looking sausage sandwich. » suspicious,
> reduce, cut, lessen, decrease suspect, dubious, unappealing, inferior, nasty
doctor Noun Jane is unwell and should see a dog Noun She was walking her dog along the beach.
doctor. » GP, physician, medical officer, > hound, mongrel, pedigree, pup, puppy,
consultant, (more informal) medic RELATED whelp, bitch, dingo
ADJECTIVE medical dogged spective She was found again by the
document noun a legal document » paper,
dogged efforts of her father. » determined,
persistent, resolute, persevering, tenacious,
certificate, contract, deed, record, charter,
steadfast, single-minded, unflagging,
(technical) instrument
dodge noun (informal) a clever dodge » ruse, dogma noun religious dogma > belief, creed,
ploy, trick, device, scheme, tactic, manoeuvre, doctrine, teaching, tenet, principle, conviction,
stratagem, (informal) wheeze orthodoxy, set of beliefs
dodge vere 1 He flicked his head to one side as if dogmatic apective He was far too dogmatic to
dodging a blow. » avoid, duck, fend off, evade, argue with. » opinionated, doctrinaire,
move out of the way of, swerve away from, turn assertive, peremptory, insistent, arrogant,
away from, veer away from 2 The Minister may categorical, overbearing AN OPPOSITE Is open-
try to dodge the issue. » avoid, evade, shun, minded
equivocate over, get out of, fudge, sidestep, dole noun (informal) He lived on the dole for three
(more informal) duck 3 He managed to dodge years. » unemployment benefit, state benefit,
between parked cars. » dart, dive, duck, leap, benefit, social security, income support
swerve, jump dole vers
dodgy aoective (informal) 1 Avoid dodgy travel dole out Mum started doling out cornflakes.
agents at all costs. » dishonest, suspect, > distribute, give out, share out, hand round,
unreliable, underhand 2 He took out a dodgy- dish up, issue

dome = dormouse
domenoun domes a roof shaped like the top doomnouwn a grim fate that you cannot avoid,
half of a ball especially death or destruction e a sense of
> domed ADJECTIVE impending doom
domesticapective 1 to dowith the home or doomed apective destined to fail or be
household 2 (said about animals) kept by destroyed
people, not wild doornoun doors a movable barrier on hinges
> domesticallyspvers domesticated ADJECTIVE (or one that slides or revolves), used to open or
dominate vers dominates, dominating, close an entrance
> doorknobnoun doormatnoun
dominated 1 control by being stronger or
more powerful 2 be conspicuous or prominent doorstepnoun doorsteps the step or piece of
e The mountain dominated the whole landscape. ground just outside a door
> dominantapective dominance Noun doorwaynoun doorways the opening into
domination Noun which a door fits
vers domineers, domineering, dopenoun dopes 1 (informal) a drug,
domineered behave in a dominating way especially one taken or given illegally
> domineering ADJECTIVE 2 (informal) a stupid person
dominionnoun dominions 1 authorityto rule dope vers dopes, doping, doped (informal)
others; control 2 an area over which someone
give a drug to a person or animal [from Dutch
rules; a domain doop = sauce]
dominownoun dominoes a small flat oblong dormantapectve 1sleeping 2 living or
piece of wood or plastic with dots (1. to 6) ora existing but not active; not extinct e a dormant
blank space at each end, used in the game of volcano
dominoes dormitory\oun dormitories aroom for
doar donkeys an animal that looks like several people to sleep in, especially ina school
a small horse with long ears or institution
dormitory townor suburba place from
donornoun donors someone who gives which people travel to work elsewhere
something e a blood donor
dormousenoun dormice an animal like alarge
don't (mainly spoken) do not mouse that hibernates in winter

domainnoun 1 the king’s domain » realm, domineeringanectve He had a domineering
kingdom, empire, dominion, territory, country mother. » overbearing, authoritarian,
2 the domain of science education » field, autocratic, tyrannical, dictatorial, despotic,
sphere, area, concern, speciality, department oppressive, harsh, strict
domesticanectve 1 fuel for domestic use donation noun The organization depends on
> household, home, family, private voluntary donations, » gift, contribution,
AN OPPOSITE IS public 2 goods for the domestic subscription, benefaction
market > national, inland, internal, local, state donornoun a large gift from an anonymous donor
AN OPPOSITE |Sforeign 3 a domestic type ofperson > benefactor, contributor, philanthropist,
> home-loving, homely, domesticated provider, sponsor, giver AN OPPOSITE ISrecipient
domesticated apjecnve domesticated animals doomwoun There was a feeling of doom about the
> tame, tamed, domestic, house-trained, place. > ruin, downfall, catastrophe,
trained AN opposite Iswild destruction, disaster
dominantapectve 1 She was the dominant doomedaoectve The project seemed doomed
member of the partnership. » leading, primary, from the start. > ill-fated, ill-omened,
prime, main, principal, foremost, uppermost, condemned, damned, fated, cursed, jinxed,
prominent, pre-eminent 2 The leader plays a hopeless, hapless
dominant role. » controlling, leading, doomsday noun He kept bomb-making
authoritative, powerful, influential, assertive equipment for a doomsday scenario.
3 the dominant feature of the landscape . apocalypse, end of the world, judgement
> conspicuous, prominent, imposing ay
dominate vere London no longer dominates the door noun She walked out through the door.
British arts scene. » control, monopolize, > doorway, entrance, exit
govern, rule, direct, overshadow, predominate dopenoun 1 (informal) smuggling dope» drugs,
in narcotics, cannabis, heroin 2 (informal)
He must
dose = down
dose noun doses an amount of medicine etc. doubt vers doubts, doubting, doubted feel
taken at one time doubt
dot noun dots a tiny spot > doubter Noun
doubtful spective 1 feeling doubt 2 making
dot vers dots, dotting, dotted marksomething you feel doubt
with dots > doubtfully spvers
double apective 1 twice as much; twice as many dough noun 1 athick mixture of flour and water
2 having two things or parts that forma paire a used for making bread, pastry, etc. 2 (slang)
double-barrelled gun 3 suitable for two people money
e a double bed > doughy Adjective
> doubly ADvers doughnut noun doughnuts a round bun that
double noun doubles 1a double quantity or has been fried and covered in sugar
thing 2a person or thing that looks exactly like dour (doo- er) apjective stern and gloomy-
another looking
> dourly Abvers
double vers doubles, doubling, doubled
1 make or become twice as much or as many dove noun doves a kind of pigeon
2 bend or fold in two 3 turn back sharply e The dovetail voun dovetails a wedge-shaped
fox doubled back on its tracks. [via early French used to join two pieces of wood
from Latin duplus] dovetail vers dovetails, dovetailing,
double bass noun double basses a musical dovetailed 1 join pieces of wood witha
instrument with strings, like a large cello dovetail 2 fit neatly together e My plans
dovetailed with hers.
double-cross vers double-crosses, double- dowager noun dowagers a woman who holds
crossing, double-crossed deceive or cheat
a title or property after her husband has died
someone who thinks you are working with
e@ the dowager duchess
sone ADJECTIVE dowdier, dowdiest shabby;
double-decker noun double-deckers a bus unfashionable
with two floors, one above the other > dowdily Apvers
doubt noun doubts a feeling of not being sure down | apvers 1 to orinalowerplace or position
about something or level e She fell down. 2 to a source or place

have looked a real dope. » fool, idiot, dolt, confusion, difficulty 2I was plagued by doubt.
dimwit, nincompoop > indecision, uncertainty, misgiving, lack of
dopey Apective (informal) He grew dopey and fell confidence, distrust, mistrust, suspicion,
asleep. » dazed, groggy, befuddled, drowsy reservation, qualm
dose noun a dose of cough mixture » measure, doubt vers 11 doubt whether they will be there.
prescribed amount, dosage, portion, quantity > question, think it unlikely 21 do not doubt
dot noun The picture consists of tiny dots. » spot, their motives. » disbelieve, distrust, question,
query, suspect 4
speck, point, mark, particle
double anyective double yellow lines on the road doubtful aoective 1 At first Iwas doubtful about
> dual, twin, duplicate, matched, matching, taking him with me. The woman sounded
doubtful. » hesitant, uncertain, unsure,
twofold, duple an opposite 's single
undecided, dubious, irresolute, ambivalent,
double noun It was either you or your double. wavering, tentative, sceptical, in two minds
> lookalike, clone, replica, spitting image OPPOSITES ARE Confident, assured 2 It was
double vers We must double our efforts. doubtful whether the witness would back him up.
> increase, multiply, magnify, enlarge, repeat > dubious, uncertain, questionable,
double back He doubled back, crossed the debatable, in doubt, open to question
bridge, and reached home. » turn back, AN OPPOSITE IS certain 3 We are very doubtful of
backtrack, retrace your steps, return the conclusions they reached. » suspicious,
double up She doubled up with pain. distrustful, mistrustful, cautious, wary, uneasy
> collapse, crumple up, fold over, fold up, (about), sceptical, unsure
bend over OPPOSITES ARE confident, trusting 4 The chances
double-cross vers He was double-crossing his of success are fairly doubtful. » unlikely,
friends. » cheat, betray, deceive, defraud, improbable, uncertain, dubious, remote
(more informal) two-time OPPOSITES ARE probable, likely
doubt noun 1 There was some doubt about the down apjctive He felt down all day.
identity of the father. » uncertainty, hesitation, > depressed, dejected, sad, unhappy,

down — dragon
etc. @ Track them down 3 in writing @ Take downward apyective, avers going towards
down these instructions. 4as a payment e We what is lower
will pay£5down and the rest later. 5 unhappy or > downwards Apvers
depressed dowrynoun dowries property or money
be down ondisapprove of e She is down on brought by a bride to her husband when she
smoking. marries him
downprerosiion downwards through or along doze vers dozes, dozing, dozed sleep lightly
or into e Pour it down the drain. dozenoun alight sleep
down? noun very fine soft feathers or hair b> dozy ADJECTIVE
> downy ADJECTIVE dozennoun dozens a set of twelve
USAGE Correct use is ten dozen (not ten dozens).
down? noun downs a grass-covered hill e the
South Downs drabapecive drabber, drabbest 1 not
> downlandnoun colourful 2 dull or uninteresting @ a drab life
> drablyspvers drabnessnoun
downhilllapvers, anjective down a slope draftnoun drafts 1 arough sketch or plan 2a
downloadvers downloads, downloading, written order for a bank to pay out money
downloaded transfer data from a large draftvers drafts, drafting, drafted 1 prepare
computer system to a smaller one a draft 2 select for a special duty e She was
downpournouyn downpours a heavy fall of drafted to our office in Paris.
rain USAGE This is also the American spelling of
downrightapvers & anjective complete or dragvers drags, dragging, dragged 1 pull
completely @ a downright lie something heavy along 2 search a river or lake
Down's syndromenoun a medical condition etc. with nets and hooks 3 continue slowly and
caused by a chromosome defect that causes tediously
intellectual impairment and physical dragnoun 1 something that is tedious or a
abnormalities such as short stature and a broad nuisance 2 (slang) women’s clothes worn by
flattened skull men
down-to-earthaoectve sensible and dragonnoun dragons 1a mythological
practical , monster, usually with wings and able to

miserable, downcast, despondent, dispirited, doze vers He began to doze by the fire. » sleep
disheartened, disconsolate, glum, melancholy, lightly, nap, catnap, drowse, (more informal)
cast down opposites AREcheerful, happy snooze, (more informal) have a snooze, (more
down and outapective down and out in the informal) have forty winks
streets of a big city > destitute, homeless, dozenoun She needed a short doze before her
penniless, vagrant, living rough guests arrived. » nap, catnap, light sleep,
OPPOSITES ARE prosperous, affluent, well off siesta, (more informal) snooze, (more informal)
downcastanective Their mother often looked forty winks
downcast.» dejected, depressed, despondent, drabaoective The room had a few pieces of drab
dispirited, disheartened, downhearted, furniture. » dowdy, shabby, dreary, dingy,
unhappy, sad, down, glum, melancholy, dull, shabby, sombre, lacklustre, unattractive,
miserable, cast down Opposites AREcheerful,
uninteresting, (more informal) tatty
happy OPPOSITES ARE bright, colourful
downheartedapyctive Steve tried not to look
too downhearted. » dejected, depressed, draftnoun usaceDo not confuse this word with
despondent, dispirited, disheartened, draught a draft of a speech » outline, sketch,
downcast, unhappy, sad, down, glum, abstract, first version, rough version, plan
melancholy, miserable, cast down dragvers 1 She dragged another chair over to the
opposites ARECheerful, happy table.» pull, draw, haul, heave, (more informal)
downpournoun On the way home we were yank AN OPPOSITE ISpush 2 Time began to drag.
caught in a downpour.» rainstorm, cloudburst, > become tedious, crawl, go slowly, move
deluge slowly, pass slowly OPPOSITES AREfly, pass
downrightanective They were telling half-truths quickly >
and downright lies. » utter, absolute, total, dragnoun (informal) Working six days a week can
complete, out-and-out, outright, positive, become a drag. » bore, nuisance, bother, pest,
categorical, sheer, unmitigated annoyance, trial, (informal) pain in the neck
dragonfly > draw
breathe out fire 2 a fierce person, especially a drasticapjctive having a strong or violent effect
woman > drastically apvers
dragonfly nou dragonflies an insect with a draught (drahft) youn draughts 1 a current of
long thin body and two pairs of transparent usually cold air indoors 2 the depth of water
wings needed to float a ship 3.a swallow of liquid
drainwoun drains 1a pipe or ditch etc. for > draughty Apjective
taking away water or other liquid 2 something
that takes away strength or resources draught (drahft) anective (said about beer)
> drainpipe noun served from a cask or barrel rather than a bottle
drain vere drains, draining, drained 1 take
away water etc. through a drain 2 flow or draughts noun a game played with 24 round
trickle away 3 empty liquid out of a container pieces on a chessboard
4 take away strength etc.; exhaust
draw vers draws, drawing, drew, drawn
> drainage noun
1 produce a picture or outline by making marks
drakenoun drakes a male duck ona surface 2 pull 3 take out e draw water
dramanoun dramas 1a play 2 writing or 4 attract e The fair drew large crowds. 5enda
performing plays 3a series of exciting events game or contest with the same score on both
> dramatic apective dramatist noun sides 6 move or come e The ship drew nearer.
dramatize vere 7 write out a cheque to be cashed
[from Greek drama, from dran = to do, to act] draw a conclusion form an opinion about
drape vers drapes, draping, draped hang something by thinking about the evidence
cloth etc. loosely over something drawnoun draws 1 the drawing oflots (sEElot)
draper oun drapers (old use) a shopkeeper 2 the drawing out of agun etc. e He was quick
who sells cloth or clothes on the draw. 3 an attraction 4a drawn game
> drapery Noun USAGE Do not confuse this word with drawer.

drain oun The drain had become clogged with drastic apyective drastic measures to reduce
leaves. » channel, conduit, culvert, pipe, pollution » extreme, harsh, severe, radical,
drainpipe, outlet, duct, gutter, sewer, rigorous, draconian, desperate, dire
draughtwoun UsAGE Do not confuse this word
drainvere 1 There is atap to drain water from the with draft. 1 The draught made her shiver.
tank. » draw off, empty, remove, bleed, clear, > current of air, puff, wind, breeze 2 He took
take off 2 Lisa drained the cocoa from her mug. another draught of his beer. » drink, gulp,
> empty, drink up, quaff, gulp, swallow, finish swallow, mouthful, (more informal) swig
off, polish off 3 The water drains through into
the river. » seep, leak out, ooze, strain, trickle draw noun She won a prize in the office draw.
4 The colour had drained from her face. » fade, > raffle, lottery
vanish, disappear, wane, evaporate 5 The
expense drained all my funds. » exhaust, draw vers 1 Neil drew a shape on his beer mat.
consume, deplete, use up, sap, spend > sketch, depict, trace, outline, mark out,
pencil, map out, (more formal) delineate 2 The
drama noun 1 Ruth is studying drama. secretary drew another chair up to the desk.
> acting, dramatics, dramatic art, the theatre,
> pull, drag, haul, heave, (more informal) yank
the stage, stagecraft 2 Hardly a day goes by
3 His aunt went over to draw the curtains.
without some family drama or other. » scene, > close, shut, pull together, open, part USAGE
incident, excitement, spectacle, crisis,
Note that draw can mean either ‘close’ or
commotion, disturbance, fracas ‘open’ when referring to curtains. 4 By
dramatic apjective 1 a dramatic production Saturday the show was drawing huge audiences.
> theatrical, stage 2a dramatic rescue at sea > attract, bring in, win, entice, allure,
> exciting, striking, thrilling, stirring persuade 5 That is the conclusion I drew.
OPPOSITES ARE unexciting, routine 3a dramatic > reach, arrive at, deduce, infer 6 The teams
change in the weather» substantial, significant, drew after extra time. » tie, be even, be equal
marked, pronounced draw outWe could draw out the conversation for
AN OPPOSITE IS insignificant hours. » prolong, extend, protract, stretch,
dramatize vere 1 The novel has been dramatized lengthen
for television.» adapt, make into a play, rewrite draw up 1 The lawyers will draw up a contract.
2 He tends to dramatize small difficulties. > formulate, compose, prepare, write, draft
> exaggerate, overplay, overstate, overdo, 2A car drew up outside the house. » stop, pull
make too much of ‘ up, come toa halt, come to a standstill
drawback = dress
drawbackwoun drawbacks a disadvantage 2 something imagined; an ambition or ideal
drawbridgenoun drawbridges a bridge over > dreamyAD/EcTIVe dreamily ADVERB
a moat, hinged at one end so that it can be dream vers dreams, dreaming, dreamt or
raised or lowered dreamed 1 have adream or dreams 2 have an
ambition 3 think something might happen e I
drawer Noun drawers 1 asliding box-like never dreamt she would leave.
compartment ina piece of furniture 2. a person
who draws something 3 someone who draws > dreamer NouN
dream upinvent or imagine a plan, idea, etc.
(= writes out) a cheque
dreary pective drearier, dreariest 1 dull or
drawing Noun drawings a picture or outline boring 2 gloomy
drawn > drearilyADvers dreariness
gamind pinNoun drawing pins a short pin dredge vers dredges, dredging, dredged
with a flat top to be pressed with your thumb, drag something up, especially by scooping at
used for fastening paper etc. to a surface the bottom of a river or the sea
drawing roomnoun drawing rooms a > dredgerNouN
sitting room dregspiural Noun the last drops of a liquid at the
drawl vers drawls, drawling, drawled speak bottom of a glass, barrel, etc., together with
very slowly or lazily any sediment
drawl noun drawls a drawling way of speaking drench vere drenches, drenching, drenched
dread noun great fear make wet all through; soak
dread\vers dreads, dreading, dreaded fear dress\oun dresses 1awoman’s or girl’s piece
something very much of clothing with a bodice and skirt 2 clothes;
costume e fancy dress
dreadful spective very bad e dreadful weather
dress vers dresses, dressing, dressed 1 put
> dreadfully ADverB clothes on 2 arrange a display in a window etc.;
dreadlocks piurat noun hair worn in many decorate e dress the shop windows 3 prepare
ringlets or plaits, especially by Rastafarians food for cooking or eating 4 put a dressing ona
dreamnoun dreams 1 series of pictures or wound
events in a sleeping person’s mind > dresser NOUN

drawback.noun The weather was rather a dreamvers 1 She dreamed she was on a journey.
drawback. ». disadvantage, snag, hitch, > havea dream, imagine, fantasize, fancy 21
nuisance, weakness, (more informal) fly in the have always dreamt ofplaying for England.
ointment opposites ARE advantage, benefit > long (to play), yearn (to play), hanker (after),
fantasize (about)
drawing Noun She made drawings of the dream up There’s not much time to dream up an
children. » sketch, picture, illustration, study,
excuse. » invent, devise, think up, concoct,
portrayal, design, outline
contrive, work out
dread vers He dreaded the telephone call that
might take her away from him. » fear, be afraid drearyspective 1a dreary story» dull,
uninteresting, drab, tedious, boring,
of, shrink from, be anxious about, worry about
monotonous, unexciting
dread Noun With a mounting feeling of dread I OPPOSITES ARE exciting, interesting 2 dreary
went to answer the door. » fear, trepidation, countryside » gloomy, dismal, bleak, drab,
apprehension, foreboding, anxiety sombre, murky
dreadfulapective 1 dreadful accident; a dressNoun 1 Guests must wear formal dress.
dreadful mistake » terrible, frightful, horrible, > clothes, clothing, costume, attire, apparel,
awful, fearful, ghastly, hideous, shocking, garb, garments, ensemble, outfit, (more
frightening, terrifying 2a dreadful person informal) gear RELATED ADJECTIVE Sartorial 2 She
> unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, awful, wore a beautiful red dress. » frock, gown, robe,
deplorable shift UsAGEA robe is usually along dress, and a
shift is usually a short one.
dreamwoun 1Ihad a dream about lizards.
> fantasy, nightmare, delusion, vision, dressvers 1 She had to dress her disabled
hallucination, illusion, reverie, trance 2 She was husband. » clothe, provide clothes for, put
walking around in a dream. » daydream, clothes on an opposite sundress 2 He dressed
reverie, trance, daze 3 It had always been his quickly and left the‘house. » put on clothes, get
dream to run a country pub. » ambition, wish, dressed 3 A nurse dressed the wound.
desire, yearning, aspiration, pipedream, > bandage, put a dressing on, bind up, tend,
daydream, ideal treat, attend to
dresser = drive
dresser noun dressers a sideboard with drill youn drills. 1.atool for making holes; a
shelves at the top for dishes etc. machine for boring holes or wells 2 repeated
dressing noun dressings 1 a bandage, plaster, exercises, e.g. in military training
or ointment etc. for a wound 2a sauce ofoil, drill vere drills, drilling, drilled 1 make ahole
vinegar, etc. fora salad 3 manure or other etc. with a drill 2 teach someone to:do
fertilizer for spreading on the soil something by making them do repeated
dressing gown noun dressing gowns a
loose garment for wearing when you are not drink vers drinks, drinking, drank, drunk
fully dressed 1 swallow liquid 2 drink a lot of alcoholic drinks
> drinker voun
dress rehearsal noun dress rehearsals a
rehearsal at which the cast wear their costumes drink youn drinks 1a liquid for drinking; an
amount of liquid swallowed 2 an alcoholic
dribble vers dribbles, dribbling, dribbled drink
1 let saliva trickle out of your mouth 2 (said drip vers drips, dripping, dripped fall or let
about a liquid) flowin drops 3 move the ball something fall in drops
forward in football or hockey with slight
touches of your feet or stick drip noun drips 1 liquid falling in drops; the
sound it makes 2 apparatus for dripping liquid
drift vers drifts, drifting, drifted 1 be carried into the veins of a sick person
gently along by water or air 2 move along drip-dry nective made of material that dries
slowly and casually 3 live casually with no easily and does not need ironing
definite objective
> drifter youn dripping noun fat melted from roasted meat
and allowed to set
drift vou drifts 1a drifting movement 2a drive vers drives, driving, drove, driven
mass of snow or sand piled up by the wind 1 make something or someone move
3 the general meaning of what someone says 2 operate a motor vehicle or atrain etc. 3 force
driftwood noun wood floating on the sea or or compel someone to do something e Hunger
washed ashore by it drove them to steal 4 force someone into a state

dribble vers 1A dog lay in the hearth dribbling. never drank » take alcohol, indulge, (more
> drool, slaver, slobber, salivate 2 Water informal) tipple, (more informal) booze
dribbled from the end of the hose. » trickle, seep,
drip, ooze, flow, leak, run drip noun 1 You could hear the drips from the
blocked gutters. » drop, dribble, splash, plop,
drift noun 1 a drift of deep snow > pile, heap, trickle 2 (informal) He thought he must have
bank, mass, mound, ridge, accumulation 2 the seemed a complete drip. » weakling, idiot,
drift of the story » gist, essence, core, (informal) ninny, (informal) wimp, (informal)
substance, thrust, import, tenor, purport weed, (informal) wally
drift vers 1 The boat began to drift downstream.
> be carried, be borne, float, stray, coast, drip vers Water was dripping on the floor.
move slowly 2 People drifted out into the > drop, plop, splash, dribble, leak, drizzle, fall
gardens. » wander, ramble, stray, meander, in drips, sprinkle, trickle
move casually, dawdle, potter 3 The snow had drive oun 1a short drive into town » trip, run,
drifted across the road. » pile up, bank up, heap ride, excursion, journey, outing, jaunt 2a
up, accumulate, gather, form drifts young woman with plenty of drive > motivation,
drill noun 1 three months of military drill ambition, initiative, enterprise, determination,
> training, instruction, discipline, exercise, enthusiasm, energy, keenness, persistence,
practice 2 Everyone knows the drill. » routine, zeal, (more informal) push 3a drive to recruit
procedure, system blood donors » campaign, crusade, effort,
drill vere 1 He filed the edges and drilled aseries of appeal
holes. » bore, make, pierce, penetrate 2A drive vers 111 drive them to the station. » take,
sergeant was drilling the new recruits. » train, transport, ferry, carry 2 Can you drive a tractor?
instruct, coach, teach, exercise > operate, control, manage, handle 3 She
drink oun 1 She had another drink of her coffee. drives everywhere. » go by car, travel by car,
> sip, swallow, gulp, swill, (more informal) swig (old-fashioned) motor 4 Most teachers drove
2 In the end he turned to drink. » alcohol, their students very hard. » work, push, urge,
liquor, alcoholic drink, strong drink, (more direct 5 Poverty drove them to.crime. » force,
informal) booze ; compel, urge, push 6 He drove a nail into the
drink vers 1 She drank her tea. » swallow, sip, wall. » hammer, bang, ram
gulp down, quaff, swill 2 an upright citizen who drive at What was he driving at? » imply,
drive = drumstick
© She is driving me crazy. 5 rush; move rapidly droppings tural noun the dung of animals or
© Rain drove against the window. birds
> driver NouN drought (drout) youn droughts a long period
drivenoun drives 1a journey inavehicle 2a of dry weather
hard stroke in cricket or golf etc. 3 the drownvers drowns, drowning, drowned
transmitting of power to machinery e four- 1 die or kill by suffocation under water 2 flood
wheel drive 4 energy or enthusiasm 5 an or drench 3 make so much noise that another
organized effort @ a sales drive 6 a track for sound cannot be heard
vehicles through the grounds of a house
drowsyaoective sleepy
drive-imanectve that you can use without > drowsilysbvers drowsiness NOUN
getting out of your car
drudgenoun drudgesa person who does hard
driveloun silly talk; nonsense or tedious work
drizzlewoun very fine rain > drudgery Noun
dronevers drones, droning, droned 1 makea drugNoun drugs 1a substance used in
deep humming sound 2 talk in.a boring voice medicine 2. a substance that affects your
senses or your mind, especially one causing
dronenoun drones 1a droning sound 2 amale addiction
drugvers drugs, drugging drugged givea
droolvers drools, drooling, drooled dribble drug to someone, especially to make them
drool over be very emotional about liking unconscious
drumnoun drums 1a musical instrument
droopvers droops, drooping, drooped hang made of a cylinder with a skin or parchment
down weakly stretched over one or both ends 2a cylindrical
dropnoun drops 1 atiny amount ofliquid 2a object or container e an oil drum
fall or decrease 3.a descent 4a small round drumvers drums, drumming, drummed
sweet 5 a hanging ornament 1 play a drum or drums 2 tap repeatedly on
dropvere drops, dropping, dropped 1 fall something
2 let something fall 3 become lower or less > drummerNoun
4 put down a passenger etc. e Drop me at the drum into drive a lesson, facts etc. into a
station person’s mind by constant repetition
drop invisit someone casually drumstickwoun drumsticks 1 a stick for
dropoutnoun dropouts a person who has beating a drum 2 the lower part of acooked
dropped out of society or a course of study bird’s leg

suggest, intimate, insinuate, allude to, refer to, from the team. » exclude, leave out (of),
hint at, (more informal) get at discard, expel 7 The aeroplane dropped a
aroopie The flowers began to droop. >» wither, thousand feet. » descend, fall, plunge,
wilt, flop, sag, slump, go limp, hang, bend, plummet, dive, nosedive, sink
dangle, fall drownvers 1 He fell into the water and nearly
dropnoun 14 drop of water > droplet, drip, drowned. » submerge, sink, go under 2 Noises
globule, bead, bubble 2 It needs a drop ofglue. from the street drowned our conversation.
> dash, spot, dab, trace, pinch, small amount > overwhelm, overpower, drown out, engulf,
3a drop of 100 metres » descent, fall, dive, make inaudible, silence
plunge 4 She walked to the edge of the cliff and drowsy Apective We became drowsy in the heat.
peered at the drop below her. » precipice, > sleepy, dozy, lethargic, somnolent, (more
chasm, gorge, abyss, slope 5.a drop in prices informal) snoozy
> reduction, decrease, cut, falling off,
downturn, slump AN opposite Isrise drugnoun 1 Her doctor prescribed a new drug.
> medicine, medication, medicament,
dropvers 1A maid had dropped a tray in the remedy, potion 2 under the influence of drugs
hallway. > \et fall, !et go of 2 They all dropped to > narcotic, hallucinogen, stimulant, (more
their knees. & sink, fall, go down 3 The union informal) dope, (more informal) junk
decided to drop some of its claims. » abandon,
give up, relinquish, discontinue 4 She dropped drugvers The victim seems to have been drugged
many of her friends after leaving university. before being » anaesthetize, knock
> desert, abandon, renounce, give up, disown, out, stupefy, (more informal) dope
reject, discard 5 Many outlets have dropped their drumwoun a drum ofoil > barrel, canister, cask,
prices. » reduce, lower, cut 6 He was dropped butt, keg, tub, tun
drunk = duet
drunk spective not able to control your duck vers ducks; ducking, ducked 1 bend
behaviour through drinking too much alcohol down quickly to avoid something 2 go or push
drunk noun drunks a person who is drunk quickly under water 3 dodge; avoid doing
drunkard youn drunkards a person who is
often drunk duckling noun ducklings a young duck
drunken spective 1 drunk e a drunken man duct noun, ducts a tube or channel through
2 caused by drinking alcohol e a drunken brawl which liquid, gas, air, or cables can pass
dry agective drier, driest 1 without water or ductile apective (said about metal) able to be
moisture 2 thirsty 3 boring or dull 4 (said drawn out into fine strands
about remarks or humour) said in a matter-of-
due apjective 1 expected; scheduled to do
fact or ironical way e dry wit
something or to arrive @ The train is due in ten
> drily Apvers dryness NOUN
minutes. 2 owing; needing to be paid 3 that
ay vers dries, drying, dried make or become ought to be given; rightful @ Treat her with due
ry respect.
dry-cleaning noun a method of cleaning due to as a result of
clothes etc. using a liquid that evaporates USAGE Traditionally, correct use is as in His
quickly lateness was due to an accident. Some people
dual carriageway Noun dual carriageways object to the use of ‘due to’ without a
a road with a dividing strip between lanes of preceding noun (e.g. ‘lateness’) to which it
traffic in opposite directions refers. However, such uses as He was late, due to
an accident are nowadays widely regarded as
dub vers dubs, dubbing, dubbed change or acceptable. But if you prefer, you can use
add new sound to the soundtrack ofafilm orto
because of or owing to instead.
a recording
dubious (dew- bee-us) anjective doubtful dure Apvers exactly e We sailed due east.
> dubiously spvers due noun dues 1 something you deserve or
duchess noun duchesses a duke’s wife or have a right to; proper respect e Give him his
widow due. 2a fee e harbour dues
duchy noun duchies the territory of aduke duel oun duels a fight between two people,
e@ the duchy of Cornwall especially with pistols or swords
duck noun ducks 1a swimming bird with a flat > duelling Noun duellist noun
beak; the female of this 2.a batsman’s score of duet noun duets a piece of music for two
nought at cricket 3 a ducking movement players or singers

drunk apective The men got drunk and waved the river. > dip, immerse, plunge, submerge,
bottles around. » intoxicated, inebriated, tipsy, lower
drunken, under the influence, (more informal)
plastered, (more informal) tight, (more informal) dud apjective (informal) The light bulb was dud.
sloshed > faulty, defective, useless
dry apective 1 Ahead lay miles of dry desert. dud noun (informal) Some of the fireworks were
> arid, parched, barren, waterless, desiccated, duds, » failure, flop, disappointment
scorched, torrid 2a dry story > dull, tedious,
boring, dreary, monotonous 3 dry humour due spective 1 Your subscription is due this week.
> droll, ironic, wry, sardonic, subtle > owing, owed, payable, outstanding 2 She
dry vers It wasn’t easy drying clothes in such a wet drove with due care. » proper, rightful, fitting,
climate. >» get dry, make dry appropriate, necessary, suitable, adequate
3 the respect due to an eminent statesman
dubious apjective 1 I was dubious about the idea. > deserved (by), merited (by), earned (by),
> doubtful, hesitant, uncertain, unsure, fitting, appropriate, suitable (for)
undecided, irresolute, ambivalent, wavering,
due to 1 Death was due to a heart attack.
tentative, sceptical, in two minds > caused by, the result of, attributable to
OPPOSITES ARE Confident, assured 2 a dubious 2 The game was cancelled due to bad weather.
excuse ® suspect, suspicious, untrustworthy, > owing to, because of, on account of, as a
unreliable, (more informal) fishy, (more consequence of, as a result of, in view of, thanks
informal) shady to
duck vers 1 The boys ducked behind a bush.
> crouch, stoop, bob down 21 ducked to avoid due noun We must give them their due.
an overhanging branch. » dodge, sidestep, > deserts, entitlement, rightful treatment,
bend, swerve, bob down 3 They ducked him in rights, merits, reward
duffel coat > dusk
duffel coatnoun duffel coats a thick overcoat said that his followers could not understand
with a hood, fastened with toggles new ideas]
duffernoun duffers a person who is stupid or dunenoun dunes a mound of loose sand
not good at doing something shaped by the wind
dukenoun dukes a member of the highest rank dungnoun solid waste matter excreted by an
of noblemen animal
> dukedomwNoun
dungareesp.urAl Noun overalls made of thick
[via early French from Latin dux = leader]
strong cloth [from Hindi dungri = the cloth they
dullapjectve 1 not bright or clear @ dull weather were made of]
2 stupid 3 boring e a dull concert 4 not sharp
e a dull pain; e a dull thud dungeon(dun-jon) noun dungeons an
> dullyaovers dullness Noun underground cell for prisoners
dumbapective 1 without the ability to speak duo (dew- oh) Noun duos a pair of people,
2 silent 3 (informal) stupid especially playing music
> dumblyapvers dumbnessNoun duodenum (dew- o- deen- um) Noun
dumbfound vers dumbfounds, duodenum the part of the small intestine
dumbfounding, dumbfounded astonish; that is just below the stomach
strike a person dumb with surprise > duodenal Adjective
dummynoun dummies 1 something made to dupevers dupes, duping, duped deceive
look like a person or thing 2 an imitation teat duplicate (dyoop-lik- at) noun duplicates
given to a baby to suck 1 something that is exactly the same as
dumpnoun dumps 1a place where something something else 2 an exact copy
(especially rubbish) is left or stored 2 (informal)
a dull or unattractive place
duplicate (dyoop- lik- ayt) vers duplicates,
duplicating, duplicated make or bea
dumpvers dumps, dumping, dumped 1 get duplicate
rid of something that is not wanted 2 put > duplicationNoun duplicator Noun
something down carelessly
duplicity (dew- plis- it- ee) noun deceitfulness
dumplingnoun dumplings a lump of dough
cooked in a stew etc. or baked with fruit inside durableapectve strong and likely to last
> durablyspvers durability Noun
dumpyagective short and fat
duncenoun duncesa person who is slow at duringprerosition while something else is going
learning [from John Duns Scotus, a Scottish on
philosopher in the Middle Ages. His opponents dusknoun dusks twilight in the evening

dullagective 1 dull colours » drab, dreary, model, counterfeit 2 a ventriloquist’s dummy
sombre, dark, lacklustre AN opposite Is bright > doll, puppet, manikin, figure
2. dull winter morning » gloomy, overcast,
dark, dim, dismal, bleak, murky, sunless dummiyanjective a dummy attack » simulated,
OPPOSITES ARESUNNY, bright 3 The report makes pretended, trial, mock, practice, bogus, (more
dull reading. » boring, tedious, uninteresting, informal) pretend
unexciting, monotonous, tiresome, insipid. dumpnoun 1 We've a lot to take to the dump.
OPPOSITES AREinteresting, exciting 4a dull pupil > tip, refuse dump, rubbish heap, junk yard
> stupid, slow, unintelligent, dim, slow- 2anammunition dump » cache, depot, hoard,
witted, dense opposites Areclever, bright store
dumbapyective 1 He kept dumb while the others
dumpvers 1 Worn-out cars had been dumped at
argued. » mute, silent, speechless, tongue- the side of the road. » dispose of, discard, get
tied, unable to speak 2 (informal) He’s not as rid of, jettison, reject, scrap, (more informal)
dumb as he makes out. » stupid, unintelligent, ditch 2 She dumped her shopping by the door.
foolish, slow-witted, dull, dim > put down, set down, throw down, deposit,
dumbfoundedapectve I gazed back at him, drop, tip, place, unload, (more informal) park
dumbfounded. » astonished, astounded,
amazed, surprised, staggered, startled, duplicatespjective The manager opened his room
nonplussed, disconcerted, speechless, with a duplicate key. » matching, identical,
shocked, flabbergasted, perplexed, stunned, twin, second, alternative, copied,
stupefied, bewildered, (more informal) corresponding ,
thunderstruck duplicatenoun The document in the file is a
dummynoun 1 The gun was only a dummy. duplicate. » copy, facsimile, photocopy,
> imitation, fake, sham, substitute, toy, copy, carbon copy, reproduction, replica
dust => dystrophy
dust noun tiny particles of earth or other solid dwarf vers dwarfs, dwarfing, dwarfed make
material something seem small by contrast e The ocean
liner dwarfed the tugs that were towing it.
dust vers dusts, dusting, dusted 1 wipe away
dust 2 sprinkle with dust or something dwelling noun dwellings ahouse etc. to live in
powdery dwindle vers dwindles, dwindling,
dwindled get smaller gradually
dustbin noun dustbins a bin for household
rubbish 5 vers dyes, dyeing, wa colour something
y putting it into a liqui
dustman noun dustmen a person employed to > dyer NOUN
empty dustbins and take away rubbish
dye woun dyes a substance used to dye things
dustpan noun dustpans a pan into which dust dynamic agective 1 energetic or forceful
is brushed from a floor 2 (said about a force) producing motion
dusty spective dustier, dustiest 1 covered > dynamically spvere
with dust 2 like dust dynamics oun the scientific study of force and
- dutiful aoective doing your duty; obedient motion
> dutifully Apvere dynamite noun 1a powerful explosive
2 something likely to make people very excited
duty noun duties 1 what you ought to do or or angry
must do 2a task that must be done 3a tax
charged on imports and on certain other things dynamo noun dynamos a machine that makes
on or off duty actually doing (or not doing) electricity
what is your regular work dynasty (din- a- stee) Noun dynasties a line of
rulers or powerful people all from the same
duvet (doo- vay) youn duvets a kind of quilt family
used instead of other bedclothes
> dynastic ADJECTIVE
DVD ssreviATION digital versatile disc (formerly dyslexia (dis- leks- ee- a) Noun special difficulty
digital videodisc); a disc used for storing large in being able to read and spell, caused by a
amounts of audio or video information, brain condition
especially films > dyslexic ADJECTIVE
dwarf noun dwarfs or dwarves avery small dystrophy (dis- trof- ee) noun a disease that
person or thing weakens the muscles

dust noun The surfaces were covered in dust. dwell vers dwell in Hermits used to dwell in these
> dirt, grime, grit, filth, smut, particles, caves. » inhabit, live in, populate, lodge in,
powder (more formal) reside in
dusty anjective 1 The tables were dusty. » dirty, dwindle vers After the war the population
filthy, grubby 2 a light dusty substance dwindled. » decrease, decline, diminish,
> powdery, chalky, crumbly, granular, sandy shrink, contract, peter out, wane, fall off, die
duty noun 1 He felt a strong sense of duty.
> responsibility, loyalty, obligation, dye noun a yellow dye » colouring, colourant,
allegiance, faithfulness, obedience, service pigment, stain, tint, tinge
2 One of his duties was to make the afternoon tea. diye vers She dyed the curtains to match the
> job, role, task, assignment, function, (more new paint. » colour, tint, stain, pigment,
informal) chore 3 an increased duty on cigarettes colour-wash
> tax, levy, tariff, excise, toll, dues
dymamniic anjective The country needs dynamic
dwarf apective a dwarf cactus » miniature, leadership. » energetic, vigorous, forceful,
small, little, undersized, diminutive spirited, positive, effective, bold, vital, active
dwarf vere The tower blocks dwarf the old dynasty Noun The ruling dynasty went back to
cathedral. » dominate, tower over, medieval times. » family, house, line, bloodline,
overshadow succession, regime

E. > earwig

e@arnvers earns, earning earned get
something by working or in return for what you
have done
earnestapective showing serious feelings or
E. ABBREVIATION east; eastern > earmestlyADvers earnestnessNOUN
@achadjéctive, PRONOUN every; every One @ each in earnest 1 more seriously or with more
child; @ each ofyou determination e We began to shovel the snow in
USAGEIn standard English, the pronoun each earnest. 2 meaning what you say
should be used with a singular verb and
singular pronouns: Each has chosen her own earshotnoun the distance within which a
outfit. sound can be heard
e@agerapective strongly wanting to do earthnoun earths 1 the planet (Earth) that we
something; enthusiastic live on 2 the ground; soil 3 the hole where a fox
> eagerlyADveRs eagermessNOUN or badger lives 4 connection to the ground to
eaglenoun eaglesa large bird of prey with very complete an electrical circuit
strong sight
earthvers earths, earthing earthed connect
ear! NouN ears 1 the organ of the body that is an electrical circuit to the ground
used for hearing 2 hearing ability @ She has a
good ear for music. earthenwarenoun pottery made of coarse
ear? Noun ears the spike of seeds at the top of a baked clay
stalk of corn earthlyapective concerned with life on earth
eardrumnoun eardrums a membrane in the rather than with life after death
ear that vibrates when sounds reach it
earthquakenouwn earthquakes a violent
earlnoun earlsa British nobleman movement of part of the earth’s surface
> earldomNoun
earlyapjective, aovers earlier, earliest 1 before earthyapective 1 like earth or soil 2 direct and
the usual or expected time 2 near the unembarrassed about bodily functions or
beginning @ early in the book sexual subjects
> earlinessNouN earwignoun earwigsa crawling insect with
earmarkvers earmarks, earmarking, pincers at the end of its body [called this
earmarked put something aside for a _ because it was thought to crawl into people’s
particular purpose ears]

e@agerapectve 1 It was good to see smiling, eager earmvers 1 She earns a six-figure salary.
faces. » keen, enthusiastic, avid, fervent, > receive, be paid, make, (more informal) bring
zealous OPPOSITES AREapathetic, unenthusiastic in, (more informal) take home 2 They have all
2 They were eager to find a seat near the front. earned our gratitude. » deserve, merit,
> keen, anxious, determined 3 The young ones warrant, justify, be worthy of, gain, secure,
are eager for more adventure. » longing, obtain opposites Arelose, forfeit
yearning, intent (on)
earnestapective 1 an earnest attempt to help
eagermessnoun Her eyes shone with eagerness. > committed, determined, resolute,
> enthusiasm, keenness, fervour, ardour, conscientious, devoted, diligent, purposeful,
earnestness, excitement, intentness, longing, eager, industrious, involved
Passion OPPOSITES AREapathy, indifference OPPOSITES ARECasual, flippant 2 He was an
earnoun He had the ear of the President. earnest, church-going man. » serious, serious-
> attention, heed, notice, consideration, minded, thoughtful, solemn, grave, sober,
regard RELATED ADJECTIVEaural staid, humourless opposites ARECasual, half-
earlyanjective 1 early symptoms of the disease
> initial, first, advance, preliminary, forward earningspiural Noun He looked for ways to
AN OPPOSITE ISlate 2 early civilizations supplement his earnings. » income, pay, salary,
> ancient, primitive, prehistoric wages, remuneration
USAGENote that prehistoric means ‘before the
time of written records. Primitive means ‘early earthnoun 1 life on earth » this world, the
in history’, but can also mean ‘not advanced, planet, the globe RELATED ADJECTIVEterrestrial
simple’, and soit is not always a good choice for 2 The fork turned the soft earth. » soil, topsoil,
the meaning shown here. loam, clay, sod, ground, humus, land
ease = eavesdrop
e@asenoun freedom from trouble or effort or Easternoun the Sunday (in March orApril) when
Pain e She climbed the tree with ease. Christians commemorate the resurrection of
at ease relaxed Christ; the days around it
eastwardapective, avvers towards the east
@ase vers eases, easing, eased 1 make less > eastwards ADvers
painful or less tight or troublesome 2 move
gently into position 3 become less severe @ The C@aSyADjecTiVE easier, easiest able to be done or
pressure eased. used or understood without trouble
> easiness NOUN
easel noun easels a stand for supporting a @asyaovers with ease; comfortably @ Take it
blackboard or a painting easy!
easily spvers 1 without difficulty; with ease eatvers eats, eating, ate, eaten 1 chew and
2 by far e easily the best 3 very likely @ He could swallow as food 2 have a meal e When do we
easily be lying. eat? 3 use up; destroy gradually e Extra
expenses ate up our savings. [from Old English]
eastnoun 1 the direction where the sun rises
@avespiurAl Noun the overhanging edges of a
2 the eastern part of a country, city, etc. roof
@astanjective, Advers towards or in the east; eavesdropvers eavesdrops, eavesdropping,
coming from the east eavesdropped listen secretly to a private
> easterly ADjeECTIVE easterm ADJECTIVE conversation
easterner Noun easternmost ADJECTIVE > eavesdropper NOUN

@asenoun 1 Most people can recognize road difficult 3 an easy manner » relaxed, easy-
symbols with ease. » effortlessness, going, affable, natural, friendly, tolerant,
straightforwardness, no trouble, no problem, informal, open, docile, amenable,
facility, simplicity AN Opposite Is difficulty accommodating, undemanding, (more
2 Notice the ease with which he completed the informal) laid-back Opposites AREdifficult,
task. » skill, dexterity, facility, naturalness, intolerant 41 long for an easy life.
deftness, mastery, cleverness 3 a life of ease > comfortable, carefree, untroubled, leisurely,
> affluence, comfort, contentment, peaceful, restful, serene, relaxed, contented,
enjoyment, relaxation, luxury, leisure, wealth, cosy, tranquil AN OPPOSITE ISstressful
prosperity AN OPPOSITE ISstress
e@asevers 1 The medicine will ease the pain. easy-goinganecve Despite his easy-going
> relieve, alleviate, mitigate, soothe, assuage, nature he was extraordinarily energetic.
allay, lessen, deaden, dull, calm, lighten, > relaxed, easy, affable, natural, friendly,
moderate, quell, comfort tolerant, informal, open, docile, amenable,
OPPOSITES AREaggravate, worsen 2 measures accommodating, undemanding, (more
taken to ease the tension » reduce, relax, informal) laid-back
decrease, slacken, take off
eatvers 1 The condemned man ate a hearty
AN OPPOSITE ISincrease 3 He eased the stopper
out of the bottle. » guide, slide, slip, edge, inch, breakfast. » consume, devour, swallow, (more
manoeuvre, move gradually informal) put away, (more informal) tuck into,
ease offThe rain eased off.» abate, subside, let (more informal) scoff, (more informal) polish off,
up, slacken off, die out, lessen (more informal) get stuck into RELATED ADJECTIVE
edible 2 Where shall we eat tonight? » havea
easily avvers 1 She is easily the brightest student meal, have dinner, dine, (more informal) feed
of her year. > by far, without doubt, 3 eat into Rust was eating into the bodywork.
undoubtedly, indubitably, indisputably, > corrode, erode, wear away, wear through,
undeniably, definitely, certainly, patently 2 In rot, decay
the end I managed the work easily.
> effortlessly, comfortably, with ease, simply, eatablesnyctive The food is a little overcooked,
straightforwardly, with no difficulty but still eatable. » palatable, wholesome,
e@asyAnective 1 an easy task > straightforward, edible, fit to eat, safe to eat, digestible
undemanding, effortless, light, pleasant, OPPOSITES AREuneatable, inedible USAGENote
painless, (more informal) cushy that edible does not mean quite the same as
OPPOSITES ARE difficult, heavy 2 easy instructions eatable. You say that something is edible when
to follow » simple, straightforward, you mean it is suitable as food and is not (for
elementary, clear, uncomplicated, example) poisonous, whereas you use eatable
understandable, plain, user-friendly, foolproof, about food that is good enough to eat and not
manageable opposites AREcomplicated, (for example) burnt or undercooked.
ebb = ecstasy
ebb noun ebbs 1 the movement of the tide economic (ee- kon- om- ik) Anjective 1 to do
when itis going out, away from the land 2 alow with economy or economics 2 profitable
point e Our courage was at a low ebb.
economical spective using as little of
eccentric (ik- sen- trik) Apjective behaving something as possible
strangely > economically Apvers
> eccentrically overs eccentricity (ek- sen-
triss-it- ee) NOUN economics noun the study of how money is
ecclesiastical (ik-lee- zee- ast- ik- al) AQECTIVE used and how goods and services are provided with the Church or the clergy and used
> economist NouN
echo noun echoes a sound that is heard again as
it is reflected off something economize vers economizes, economizing,
echo vers echoes, echoing,echoed 1 make an economized be economical; use or spend less
echo 2 repeat a sound or saying @ We need to economize on fuel.
eclair (ay- klair) noun eclairs a finger-shaped economy Noun economies 1a country’s or
cake of pastry with a creamy filling household’s income (e.g. from what it sells or
eclipse noun eclipses the blocking of the sun’s earns) and the way this is spent (e.g. on goods
or moon’s light when the moon or the earth is and services) 2 being economical 3.a saving
in the way © You need to make economies.
ecology (ee- kol- o- jee) noun the study of living ecstasy (ek-sta-see) Noun 1a feeling of great
things in relation to each other and to where delight 2 an illegal drug that makes people feel
they live very energetic and can cause hallucinations
> ecological Apjective ecologically Apvers > ecstatic (ik- stat- ik) ADjecTiVe ecstatically
ecologist NOUN ADVERB

ebb vers_ 1 The tide ebbed late in the morning. ‘providing good value or profit’ (the second
> go out, recede, fall back, flow back, retreat meaning below). If you mean ‘careful in. using
AN OPPOSITE IS come in 2 Her strength was money’ you should use economical or its
beginning to ebb. » dwindle, decline, fade, synonyms. 1 an outline of the government’s
wane, diminish, disappear, vanish, weaken economic policies » financial, monetary,
OPPOSITES ARE increase, revive commercial, fiscal, budgetary, business,
money-making, trading 2 The railway line was
eccentric anjective His eccentric behaviour was closed because it was no longer economic.
worrying. » unconventional, abnormal, > profitable, lucrative, fruitful, productive
irregular, odd, strange, peculiar, weird, bizarre,
extraordinary, idiosyncratic, capricious, quirky, economical apjective USAGE See the note at the
erratic OPPOSITES ARE Ordinary, conventional entry foreconomic. 1 It may be more
economical to use an alternative form offuel.
eccentric voun She had a reputation as an > inexpensive, cost-effective, reasonable
eccentric. » individualist, nonconformist, OPPOSITES ARE wasteful, expensive 2 She is very
oddity, (more informal) oddball, (more informal) economical with what money she has. » thrifty,
weirdo, (more informal) crackpot careful, prudent, provident, sensible, canny
echo noun The mountains are full of strange AN OPPOSITE IS extravagant
echoes. » reverberation, reiteration, reflection economize vers One way of economizing is to
of sound grow your own vegetables. » save, save money,
echo vers 1 The slightest sound echoes across the cut back, cut costs, cut expenditure, spend less
hall. The words echoed in Isabel's head. (more informal) tighten your belt
> reverberate, resound, ring, resonate 2 These AN OPPOSITE IS be extravagant
thoughts were echoed by another speaker. economy Noun 1 You can enjoy life and
> repeat, reiterate, reproduce, say again, ape, still exercise economy, > thrift, frugality,
copy, imitate, mimic prudence, parsimony, providence
ec verB 1 The sun is eclipsed by the moon. AN OPPOSITE 1S wastefulness 2 To avoid debt
> blot out, block out, obscure, veil, cloud, we had to make some economies. » saving, cut
cover, shade, darken, extinguish 2 This 3 the country’s economy > financial system,
achievement eclipsed all previous attempts. wealth, budget
> overshadow, outshine, surpass, excel, ecstasy noun He ran out in ecstasy, doing
outdo, put into the shade, dim cartwheels acrossthe grass. » rapture, bliss, joy,
economic Apjective USAGE The main meanings of delight,elation, euphoria, exultation
economic are ‘to do with economics or use of ecstatic apjective They were ecstatic as they
money’ (the first meaning below) and returned with the good news. » elated,
eddy = effect
eddynoun eddies a swirling patch of water or editorial noun editorials a newspaper article
air or smoke etc. giving the editor’s comments on something
edgenoun edges 1 the part along the side or educate vers educates, educating, educated
end of something 2 the sharp part of a knife or provide people with education
axe or other cutting instrument > educative apective educator NouN
be on edge be tense and irritable
educatedapective showing a high standard of
edgy nective tense and irritable knowledge and culture, as a result of agood
> edginess NOUN education
edible spective suitable for eating, not education noun the process of training
poisonous e edible fruits people’s minds and abilities so that they
editvers edits, editing, edited 1 be the editor acquire knowledge and develop skills
of a newspaper or other publication 2 make > educationalapective educationally apvers
written material ready for publishing 3 choose educationist noun
and put the parts of a film or tape recording etc. EECassreviation European Economic Community
into order (= the Common Market)
editionnoun editions 1 the form in which eel oun eels along fish that looks like a snake
something is published e a paperback edition
eerie spective eerier, eeriest strangeina
2 all the copies of a book etc. issued at the same
frightening or mysterious way
time e the first edition 3 an individual television > eerilyADvers eeriness NOUN
or radio programme ina series
effectnoun effects 1 achange that is produced
editornoun editors 1 the person in charge of a by an action or cause; a result 2 an impression
newspaper or a section of it 2a person who that is produced by something e a cheerful
edits something effect
editorial anective to do with editing or editors USAGE Do not confuse with affect.

rapturous, exultant, delighted, euphoric, instruction, tuition, coaching, curriculum,
enraptured, joyful, overjoyed, blissful, enlightenment, guidance
delirious, gleeful, happy, (more informal) over
the moon, (more informal) on top of the world eerie apjective an eerie silence » weird, strange,
edgenoun 1 We sat by the edge of the lake. uncanny, sinister, frightening, (more informal)
> border, bank, fringe, extremity, verge, spooky, (more informal) creepy, (more informal)
perimeter 2 They now have the edge over their scary
competitors. » advantage, upper hand, effectoun 1 The effect of all these
superiority announcements was to confuse everyone.
edgevers 1 dress edged with lace > trim, > result, consequence, upshot, outcome,
decorate, finish, fringe, border 2 She edged conclusion 2 Sandy and I were feeling the effect of
closer to the table. » creep, inch, slink, steal, our long day. » consequence, repercussion,
sidle, move stealthily result, influence, aftermath 3 The violence of
edible apjective usace See the note at the entry those years had a profound effect on people.
for eatable. The decorations on the tree were all > impression, impact 4 The drug was losing its
edible. » fit to eat, safe to eat, eatable, effect. » effectiveness, efficacy, power,
wholesome AN OPPOSITE |S inedible potency
edictnoun a royal edict » decree, order, in effectHe was now in effect a figurehead with
command, mandate, proclamation, dictum, little real power. » in fact, effectively, really,
enactment actually, in truth, to all intents and purposes
take effect The change takes effect next April.
educate vers They hired a tutor to educate the
children at home. » teach, tutor, instruct,
> come into force, be effective, become
coach, train, drill, cultivate, school operative, become valid, be implemented
educated apective an educated woman named
Fiona» learned, knowledgeable, cultivated, effect vers USAGE Do not confuse this word,
cultured, well read, informed, refined, which means ‘to achieve or bring about’, with
enlightened, civilized, erudite, literate, affect, which means ‘to cause a change in’. We
numerate, sophisticated need to effect a compromise. » achieve,
AN OPPOSITE IS uneducated accomplish, bring about, carry out, initiate,
educationnoun He had received a first-class make, put into effect, cause, create, execute,
education. » schooling, training, teaching, implement
effective = elastic
effective apjectve 1 producing the effect that is either nective, pronouN 1 one or the other of
wanted 2 impressive and striking two e Either team can win. e either of them
> effectively Anvers effectiveness NOUN 2 both of two e There are fields on either side of
effeminate spective (said about a man) having the river.
qualities that are thought to be feminine either apvere also; similarly e Ifyou won't go, I
> effeminacy NOUN won't either
efficient spective doing work well; effective either conjunction (used with or) the first of two
> efficiently Apvers efficiency NOUN possibilities e He is either ill or drunk. e Either
effort noun efforts 1 the use of energy; the come right in or go away.
energy used 2 something difficult or tiring
ejaculate vers ejaculates, ejaculating,
3 an attempt e This painting is a good effort.
ejaculated 1 (said about a man) produce
@.G. ABBREVIATION for example semen from the penis 2 (formal) suddenly say
USAGE Do not confuse withi.e. something
egg | Noun eggs 1amore or less round object > ejaculation Noun
produced by the female of birds, fish, reptiles,
and insects, which may develop into a new eject vere ejects, ejecting, ejected 1 send
individual if fertilized 2 a hen’s or duck’s egg something out forcefully 2 force someone to
used as food 3 an ovum leave 3 (said about a pilot) be thrown out of an
aircraft in a special seat in an emergency
GG” vers eggs, egging, egged encourage > ejection NouN ejector NOUN
someone with taunts or dares etc. e We egged
him on. elaborate (il- ab- er- at) apective having many
ego (eeg- oh) NouN egos a person's self or self- parts or details; complicated
respect > elaborately spvers elaborateness NOUN
Eid (eed) noun a Muslim festival marking the end elaborate (il- ab- er- ayt) vers elaborates,
of the fast of Ramadan elaborating, elaborated explain or work
eiderdown noun eiderdowns a quilt stuffed something out in detail
with soft material > elaboration Noun
eight Anjective, noun eights the number 8 elastic noun cord or material woven with
> eighth ADJECTIVE, NOUN strands of rubber etc. so that it can stretch
eighteen spective, noun the number 18 elastic 4pectve able to be stretched or
> eighteenth Apjective, NOUN squeezed and then go back to its original
eighty anective, noun eighties the number 80 length or shape
> eightieth Anjective, NOUN > elasticity NOUN

effective Apjctive 1 There is no effective (more informal) shot, (more informal) stab 2 It
alternative. » useful, workable, successful, took considerable effort to get the boiler working
fruitful, productive, worthwhile, potent, again. » exertion, energy, trouble, force,
powerful, effectual, efficient, real, strong, application, pains 3 It was a tremendous team
(more formal) efficacious effort. » achievement, accomplishment,
AN OPPOSITE IS ineffective 2 The government still performance, feat, undertaking, success
lacks an effective opposition. » capable, @gg vers egg on One of the group was egging the
competent, able, proficient, useful 3 He ° others on. » urge, goad, drive, provoke, incite,
produced several effective arguments. encourage
> convincing, cogent, persuasive, compelling,
telling, striking, meaningful eject vers 1 Two heavy bouncers arrived to eject
OPPOSITES ARE weak, unconvincing 4 The
him from the club. » expel, throw out, evict,
changes will be effective from midnight. remove, dismiss, (more informal) kick out 2A
> operative, in force, valid tall chimney was ejecting black smoke, » emit,
OPPOSITES ARE inoperative, invalid
discharge, send out, pour out, spew out, give
off, belch, disgorge
efficient spective 1 The housekeeping was elaborate apjective 1 elaborate schemes to raise
extremely efficient. » methodical, systematic, money » complicated, complex, intricate,
well organized, cost-effective detailed, extensive, well worked out, involved
AN OPPOSITE IS inefficient 2 She was lucky to have AN OPPOSITE IS simple 2 elaborate wood carvings
found such an efficient young assistant. > ornate, decorative, ornamental, intricate,
> capable, competent, proficient, able, well- fancy, baroque, rococo, showy
organized, businesslike OPPOSITES ARE simple, plain
effort noun 1.We will make an effort to complete elastic apjective 1 An elastic cord is tied to an
the task in time. » attempt, endeavour, try, ankle, » flexible, plastic, pliable, pliant,
elbow = element
elbow noun elbows the joint in the middle of electricity 3 thrill with sudden excitement
the arm > electrification NouN
elbow vers elbows, elbowing, elbowed push electrocute vers electrocutes,
with the elbow electrocuting, electrocuted kill by electricity
elder’ apjective older @ my elder brother > electrocution NouN
eldernoun elders 1 an older person e Respect electrode noun electrodes a solid conductor
your elders! official in certain Churches through which electricity enters or leaves a
elder? noun elders a tree with white flowers vacuum tube
and black berries electromagnet
oun electromagnets a
> elderberry Noun magnet worked by electricity
elderly nective rather old > electromagnetic ADJECTIVE
eldest pjctive oldest electron noun electrons a particle of matter
with a negative electric charge
elect vers elects, electing, elected 1 choose
by voting 2 choose to do something; decide electronicagective produced or worked by a
flow of electrons
election noun elections electing; the process > electronically Apvers
of electing Members of Parliament
electronic mail noun asystem of sending
electorate noun electorates all the electors messages and data from one computer to
electricanecve 1 to do with or worked by another by means of a network
electricity 2 causing sudden excitement e The electronics noun the use or study of electronic
news had an electric effect devices
> electrical apjective electrically Anvers
elegant nective graceful and dignified
electric chairoun anelectrified chair used for > elegantly Apvers elegance NOUN
capital punishment in the USA
elementwoun elements 1 each of the parts
electrician noun electricians a person whose that make up a whole thing 2 each of about
job is to deal with electrical equipment 100 substances composed of atoms that have
electricity youn a form of energy carried by the same number of protons 3a basic or
certain particles of matter (electrons and elementary principle e the elements of algebra
protons), used for lighting and heating and for 4awire or coil that gives out heat in an electric
making machines work fire or cooker etc. 5 the environment or
electrify vers electrifies, electrifying, circumstances that suit you best e Karen is
electrified 1 give an electric charge to really in her element at parties.
something 2 supply something with electric the elements the forces of weather, such as
power; cause something to work with rain, wind, and cold

rubbery, bendy, ductile, yielding, (more electricanjective The atmosphere in the room was
informal) bouncy, (more informal) springy, electric. » electrifying, exciting, dramatic,
(more informal) stretchy AN OPPOSITE IS rigid thrilling, tense, charged
2 The arrangements can be made more elastic if electrifying nective an electrifying
you wish. » flexible, adaptable, adjustable, performance > thrilling, exciting, astounding,
variable, accommodating OPPOSITES ARE rigid,
hair-raising, stimulating, amazing, astonishing,
fixed electric
elated apjective Her huge win left her feeling elegantanjcrive 1 Fire destroyed an elegant
elated. » thrilled, exhilarated, ecstatic, building in the Old Town. » handsome, stylish,
exultant, delighted, euphoric, overjoyed, (more graceful, gracious, smart, tasteful
informal) over the moon, (more informal) on AN OPPOSITE ISinelegant 2A tall elegant woman
top of the world walked in. » graceful, fashionable, beautiful,
elderly apjctive the increase in the number of chic, smart 3 an elegant solution to an awkward
elderly people » aged, ageing, old, senile problem » neat, ingenious, clever, deft,
elect vers The Party elects a leader every four
years. » choose, select, vote for, pick, adopt, elementwoun 1 That is only one element of the
situation. » component, factor, part,
appoint, decide on, name, nominate
ingredient, constituent, piece, strand, aspect
election noun 1 the election of a president 2 There is an element of truth in the story.
> selection, choosing, ballot (for), poll (for), > trace, hint, touch, suspicion, smattering,
vote (for) 2 She became an MP in the 1997 soupgon 3 James was in his element messing
election. » poll, vote, ballot RELATED NOUN about with old cars. » environment, domain,
psephology habitat, sphere

elementary — embarrass
elementary spective dealing with the simplest elope vers elopes, eloping, eloped run away
stages of something; easy secretly to get married
> elopement NouN
elephant noun elephants a very large animal
with a trunk and tusks eloquent spective speaking fluently and
expressing ideas vividly
elevate vers elevates, elevating, elevated |ift > eloquently Apvers eloquence NOUN
or raise something to a higher position
else avers 1 besides; other e Nobody else knows.
> elevation NOUN
2 otherwise; if not e Run or else you'll be late.
eleven spective, Noun elevens the number 11 elsewhere apvers somewhere else
> eleventh ADJECTIVE, NOUN
elude (il- 00d) vers eludes, eluding, eluded
elicit (ill- iss- it) vers elicits, eliciting, elicited avoid being caught by someone @ The fox
draw out information by reasoning or eluded the hounds.
questioning > elusive ADJECTIVE
USAGE Do not confuse with allude.
eligible (el- ij-ib-ul) apjective qualified or
suitable for something email youn electronic mail
> eligibility noun > email vers
emancipate (im- an- sip- ayt) vers
eliminate vers eliminates, eliminating, emancipates, emancipating, emancipated
eliminated get rid of something set free from slavery or other restraints
> elimination Noun
> emancipation Noun
elision (il-lizh- on) noun omitting part of a embalm vers embalms, embalming,
word in pronouncing it, e.g. in saying I’m forI embalmed preserve a dead body from decay.
am by using spices or chemicals
elite (ay- leet) Noun a group of people given embankment noun embankments along
privileges which are not given to others bank of earth or stone to hold back water or
support a road or railway
ellipse (il-ips) noun ellipses an oval shape
embargo noun embargoes an official ban,
elliptical (i1- ip- tik- al) apective 1 shaped like especially on trade with a country
an ellipse 2 with some words omitted e an embark vers embarks, embarking,
elliptical phrase embarked put or go on board a ship or aircraft
> elliptically adverse > embarkation Noun
elm noun elms a tall tree with rough leaves embark on begin e They embarked on a
dangerous exercise.
elocution (el- 0- kew- shon) noun the art of embarrass vers embarrasses,
speaking clearly and correctly
embarrassing, embarrassed make someone
elongated spective made longer; lengthened feel awkward or ashamed
> elongation Noun > embarrassment NouN

the elements We could brave the elements in eliminate many of their opponents. » get rid of,
our cagoules. » the weather, the wind and rain do away with, eradicate, exterminate, kill,
elementary apective 1 an elementary maths murder, stamp out
course > basic, rudimentary, fundamental, eloquent ADJECTIVE After dinner he made an
introductory, primary AN OPPOSITE Is advanced eloquent speech. » expressive, articulate,
2 The answer to the question is elementary. fluent, moving, stirring, forceful, potent,
> simple, easy, straightforward, persuasive, powerful, unfaltering
uncomplicated AN OPPOSITE IS inarticulate
elevated nective 1 an elevated roadway embark vers 1 Passengers may embark from
> raised, overhead, high 2 elevated discussions eight o'clock this evening. » board, go aboard,
> grand, dignified, noble, superior, exalted, go on board opposites ARE disembark, land
lofty 2 embark on He was ready to embark ona
eligible spective be eligible for You would be career in medicine. » begin, start, enter on,
eligible for tax relief on donations. » be entitled commence, undertake, take up, set about
to, qualify for, be allowed, be permitted embarrass vers He gazed at her until he realized
AN OPPOSITE IS ineligible he was embarrassing her. » make (someone)
eliminate vers 1 We can eliminate sabotage as a uncomfortable, make (someone) feel
cause of the accident. » exclude, discount, embarrassed, disconcert, distress, upset,
disregard, remove 2 The junta went on to shame, mortify, fluster, nonplus, humiliate
embassy => emit
embassy \oun embassies 1 an ambassador make it more interesting
and his or her staff 2 the building where they > embroidery Noun
embryo (em- bree- oh) noun embryos 1a
embellish vers embellishes, embellishing, baby or young animal as it starts to grow in the
embellished ornament something; add womb; a young bird growing in an egg
details to it 2 anything in its earliest stages of development
> embellishment Noun > embryonic (em- bree- on- ik) ADJECTIVE
embers pLurAL Noun small pieces of glowing coal
or wood ina dying fire emend vers emends, emending, emended
remove errors from a piece of writing
embezzle vers embezzles, embezzling,
embezzled take dishonestly money that was emerald youn emeralds 1a bright-green
left in your care precious stone 2 its colour
> embezzlement noun emerge vers emerges, emerging, emerged
emblem noun emblems a symbol that 1 come out or appear 2 become known
represents something @ The crown is a royal > emergence NOUN emergent ADJECTIVE
> emblematic ADjective
emergency Noun emergencies a sudden
serious happening needing prompt action
embody vers embodies, embodying,
embodied 1 express principles or ideas in a emigrate vers emigrates, emigrating,
visible form @ The house embodies our idea of a emigrated leave your own country and go and
modern home. 2 include or contain e Parts of the live in another
old treaty are embodied in the new one. > emigration NOUN emigrant NOUN
> embodiment noun USAGE People are emigrants from the country
they leave and immigrants in the country where
embrace vers embraces, embracing, they settle.
embraced 1 hold someone closely in your
arms 2 include a number ofthings 3 accept or eminent apjective 1 famous and respected
adopt a cause or belief 2 outstanding and conspicuous
embrace youn embraces a hug > eminently ADvers eminence NOUN
embroider vers embroiders, embroidering, emit vers emits, emitting, emitted send out
embroidered 1 decorate cloth with light, heat, fumes, etc.
needlework 2 add made-up details to a story to > emission NOUN

embarrassed apjctive Geoff's outspoken parks. » comprise, embody, include,
remarks left him feeling embarrassed. incorporate, bring together, contain,
> awkward, self-conscious, disconcerted, assimilate, take in
uncomfortable, abashed, mortified, ashamed,
emerge vers 1A cyclist emerged from the
confused, distressed, flustered, nonplussed, entrance. » come out, appear, come into view,
humiliated, shamed, upset, (more informal) red issue, emanate AN OPPOSITE IS disappear
in the face
2 Another version of the story later emerged.
embarrassing Apjective She was afraid of > become known, become evident, be
making an embarrassing mistake. » awkward, revealed, come to light, surface, unfold, (more
humiliating, shaming, shameful, informal) crop up
disconcerting, distressing, mortifying,
upsetting emergency Noun She offered a helping hand in
an emergency. » crisis, danger, difficulty,
embarrassment noun Jane tried to hide her predicament, urgent situation, extremity,
embarrassment. » awkwardness, self- (more informal) tight spot
consciousness, discomfort, unease,
mortification, humiliation, distress eminent apective an eminent scientist and
scholar » distinguished, famous, prominent,
emblem noun America’s national emblem, the well known, celebrated, acclaimed, renowned,
bald eagle » symbol, sign, token, mark, illustrious, famed, notable, noteworthy,
insignia, badge, crest, device, image, regalia, esteemed, respected, honoured, outstanding
embrace vers 1 The old man got up and emission noun carbon dioxide emissions
> discharge, release, issue, outpouring,
embraced his son. » hug, clasp, hold, cuddle,
grasp, squeeze 2 Imelda could not embrace the
idea of life without a husband. » accept, emit vers Vehicle exhausts emit hydrocarbons.
espouse, welcome, take on, receive 3 The > discharge, release, give off, give out, pour
county embraces the best part of two national out, radiate
emotion — encampment
emotion youn emotions a strong feelingin the employer noun employers a person or
mind, such as love or hate organization that employs people
> emotional spective emotionally apvers
empress youn empresses 1a woman who
emperor noun emperors aman whorules an rules an empire 2. an emperor's wife
empire empty gece 1 with nothing in it 2 with
nobody in it 3 with no meaning or no effect
emphasis (em- fa- sis) nou emphases © empty promises
1 special importance given to something > emptily spvers emptiness Noun
2 stress put on a word or part of aword
> emphasize vers empty vers empties, emptying, emptied
make or become empty
emphatic (im- fat- ik) apjective using emphasis
> emphatically spvers
emulsion youn emulsions 1 a creamy or
slightly oily liquid 2 a kind of water-based paint
empire youn empires 1 a group of countries 3 the coating on photographic film which is
controlled by one person or government 2a sensitive to light
large business organization controlled by one enable vers enables, enabling, enabled give
person or group the means or ability to do something
employ vers employs, employing, employed enamel youn enamels 1a shiny substance for
1 pay a person to work for you 2 make use of coating metal 2 paint that dries hard and shiny
@ Our doctor employs the most modern methods. 3 the hard shiny surface of teeth
> employment Noun encamp vers encamps, encamping,
encamped settle in a camp
employee noun employees a person
employed by someone encampment oun encampments a camp

emotion noun He spoke with a voice full of employees measures to improve working
emotion. » feeling, passion, sentiment, conditions for the employees » staff, workforce
intensity, warmth, agitation, excitement,
fervour AN OPPOSITE IS indifference employer noun 1 His employer was younger
than he was. » boss, manager, manageress,
emotional spective 1 an emotional tribute proprietor, chief executive, head 2 The Health
> poignant, passionate, impassioned, intense, Service is the country’s largest employer.
moving, touching, warm-hearted 2 an > business, management, company,
emotional woman » passionate, organization
demonstrative, fervent, sensitive,
temperamental, excitable, romantic employment noun She found employment as a
emphasis noun This year there is a special bank clerk. » work, a job, a post, a position, a
emphasis given to creative writing. situation, a livelihood
> importance, significance, prominence, empty apective 1 The house had been empty for
priority, urgency, weight, stress, attention
years. » vacant, unoccupied, uninhabited,
emphasize vers The spokesman emphasized the abandoned, deserted 2 Without him her lifefelt
need to remain calm. » stress, underline, focus empty. » aimless, futile, worthless,
on, highlight, point up, draw attention to, play purposeless, unimportant, hollow 3 These
up, make a point of OPPOSITES ARE understate, warnings were not just empty threats. » vain,
play down idle, meaningless, ineffectual
emphatic active an emphatic refusal empty vers 1 No one had troubled to empty the
> absolute, firm, forceful, vehement, vigorous, washing machine. » unload, unpack, clear
definite, unequivocal, direct, positive, OPPOSITES ARE fill, load 2 He emptied the glass for
energetic, out-and-out a second time. » drain, exhaust, drink up
employ vere 1 The business employs over a AN OPPOSITE Is fill
hundred people. » engage, hire, pay, take on,
retain, use the services of, give work to, have on enable vers 1 The new law will enable individuals
the payroll 2 This medical practice employs the to own shares in these companies. » authorize,
most modern techniques. > use, utilize, apply permit, allow, qualify, empower, equip, aid,
assist 2 Wells took time off work to enable him to
employee noun He was an employee of his own train twice a day. » allow, permit, let, help,
brother’s bank. » worker, member of staff, make it possible for, provide the means for
member of the workforce AN OPPOSITE IS prevent
enchant = endanger
enchant vers enchants, enchanting, help to develop e We need to encourage healthy
enchanted 1 put someone under a magic eating.
spell 2 fill someone with intense delight > encouragement Noun
> enchanternoun enchantmentnoun encroach vers encroaches, encroaching,
enchantress NOUN encroached intrude upon someone's rights;
encircle vers encircles, encircling, encircled go further than the proper limits @ The extra
surround work would encroach on their free time.
> encirclement
Noun > encroachment Noun
enclosevers encloses, enclosing, enclosed encrust vers encrusts, encrusting,
1 put a wall or fence round; shut in on all sides encrusted cover with a crust or layer
> encrustation NOUN
2 put something into a box or envelope etc.
encumber vers encumbers, encumbering,
enclosurenoun enclosures 1 enclosing encumbered be a burden to; hamper
enclosed area 3 something enclosed with a > encumbrance Noun
letter or parcel
encyclopedianoun encyclopedias a book or
encore (on- kor) Noun encores an extra item set of books containing all kinds of information
performed at a concert etc. after previous > encyclopedic Adjective
items have been applauded
endnoun ends 1 the last part or extreme point
encounter vers encounters, encountering, of something 2 the half ofasports pitch or
encountered 1 meet someone unexpectedly court defended or occupied by one team or
2 experience @ We encountered some difficulties. player 3 destruction or death 4a purpose
encounternoun encounters 1 an unexpected e@ She did it to gain her own ends.
meeting 24 battle endvers ends, ending, ended bring or come to
encourage vers encourages, encouraging, an end
encouraged 1 give confidence or hope; endanger vers endangers, endangering,
hearten 2 try to persuade; urge 3 stimulate; endangered cause danger to

enchantvers The scenery never ceased to enchant encouragementnoun All they need is a little
me. > delight, please, captivate, bewitch, encouragement. » reassurance, support,
charm, entrance, enthral, mesmerize inspiration, stimulation, cheering up
OPPOSITES ARE repel, disgust
encouraginganective The first results were very
enclose vers 1 A tall fence enclosed the garden. encouraging. » reassuring, heartening,
> surround, circle, encircle, bound, border, promising, favourable, gratifying, hopeful,
skirt, encompass, shut in, fence in, confine, auspicious, cheering, comforting, optimistic
contain 2 Please enclose payment with your
order. > include, insert, put in emdwoun 1 The shed was at the end ofthe garden.
> extremity, edge, boundary, limit 2 The end
encounter vers 1 One day, they encountered of the story is confusing. » conclusion, ending,
their friends. » meet, run into, come across, culmination, climax, denouement
chance on, (more informal) bump into 2 You AN OPPOSITE IS beginning 3 His end came when he
may encounter a few problems. » experience, contracted pneumonia. » death, demise,
be faced with, come up against, suffer, passing on, expiry, downfall 4 The plan was just
undergo a means to achieve an end. » aim, goal,
purpose, objective
encourage vers 1 The cries of support
encouraged the players. » hearten, cheer, emdvere 1 The programme ends at midnight. The
inspire, buoy up, uplift, motivate, stimulate, bus route ends at this point. » finish, conclude,
animate, invigorate, spur, rally, reassure terminate, come to an end, close
2 The government is keen to encourage small OPPOSITES ARE Start, begin 2 He wanted to end his
businesses. » support, promote, endorse, relationship with Greta. » break off, stop, halt,
stimulate, aid, advance, assist, foster, discontinue, wind up OPPOSITES ARE maintain,
strengthen 3 Clever marketing encourages continue 3 The government plans-to end the
sales. » promote, increase, boost, generate, benefit next year. » abolish, terminate, finish,
foster, further, be conducive to, be an extinguish, put an end to
incentive to, engender, help, induce 4 Her
mother encouraged her to take up medicine. endingnoun The story has an exciting ending.
> persuade, prompt, urge, invite > end, conclusion, finish, close, resolution,
AN OPPOSITE IS discourage y completion, climax, denouement
endless — engine
endless spective 1 never stopping 2 with the used for light and heat, the operation of
ends joined to make a continuous strip for use machinery, etc.
in machinery etc. @ an endless belt enforce vers enforces, enforcing, enforced
> endlessly apvers compel people to obey a law or rule
endow vers endows, endowing, endowed > enforcement Noun enforceable ApjecTivE
1 provide a source of income to establish engage vers engages, engaging, engaged
something @ She endowed a scholarship. 1 arrange to employ or use e Engage a typist.
2 provide with an ability or quality e He was 2 occupy the attention of e They engaged her in
endowed with great talent. conversation. 3 begin a battle with e We
> endowment noun engaged the enemy.
endure vers endures, enduring, endured
engaged spective 1 having promised to marry
1 suffer or put up with pain or hardship etc.
somebody 2 in use; occupied
2 continue to exist; last
> endurable apjective endurance NOUN engagement noun engagements
ememy Noun enemies 1 one who hates and 1 engaging something 2 a promise to marry
opposes or seeks to harm another 2 a nation or somebody 3 an arrangement to meet
army etc. at war with another somebody or do something 4a battle
energetic sgecrive full of energy engaging apyective attractive or charming
> energetically apvers engine noun engines 1a machine that
energy noun energies 1 strength to do things, provides power 2a vehicle that pulls a railway
liveliness 2 the ability of matter or radiation to train; a locomotive [from old French: it
do work. Energy is measured in joules 3 power originally meant ‘cleverness’ and is related to
obtained from fuel and other resources and ingenious]

endless apjective 1 an endless source ofgood ideas exuberance, strength, (more informal) zip
> boundless, infinite, unlimited, unbounded AN OPPOSITE IS lethargy 2 new and cleaner sources
2 He sipped endless cups of strong coffee. of energy » power, fuel
> ceaseless, countless, innumerable, constant, engage vers 1 engage in She is always eager to
perpetual, interminable, eternal engage in conversation. » participate in, take
endurance noun 1 The race is a test of part in, become involved in, go in for, enter
endurance. » stamina, staying power, into, share in 2 They decided to engage a nanny
fortitude, perseverance, determination, for the younger children. >»employ, hire, recruit,
tenacity, resoluteness, resolution, strength, take on, appoint, retain 3 These activities do not
(more informal) grit, (more informal) bottle always engage the imagination very well.
2 Such suffering is beyond anyone’s endurance. > occupy, absorb, engross, attract, interest,
> toleration, tolerance, bearing, sufferance, capture, captivate, grip 4 The infantry engaged
forbearance the enemy early the next day. » fight, do battle
with, clash with, encounter, enter into battle
endure vers 1 The pain is greater than anyone with 5 The lowest gear did not engage properly.
could endure. » tolerate, bear, withstand,
> connect, mesh, interlock
suffer, cope with, undergo, submit to 2 Their
love will endure for ever. » last, survive, abide, engaged apyctive 1 an engaged couple
persist, prevail, continue, remain, stay > betrothed, affianced, attached 2 He was
enemy Noun The country faces a new and more engaged in his work. » occupied, busy,
dangerous enemy. » foe, adversary, opponent, engrossed, absorbed, immersed, preoccupied
antagonist, opposition Opposites ARE friend, engagement 1 They have broken off their
ally engagement. » betrothal, promise to marry
energetic spective 1 an energetic young person 2 He had a business engagement that afternoon.
> dynamic, active, lively, spirited, animated, > appointment, arrangement, commitment,
enthusiastic, indefatigable, tireless, unflagging obligation, meeting, date 3A series of military
OPPOSITES ARE inactive, lethargic, lazy engagements followed. » battle, conflict,
2 energetic exercises » strenuous, vigorous, encounter, fight, clash, skirmish, offensive
rigorous, arduous, brisk 3 an energetic sales engaging Anective an engaging little girl
promotion » forceful, vigorous, aggressive, > charming, attractive, appealing, delightful,
determined, powerful opposites ARE feeble, lovely, pleasing, likeable, lovable
half-hearted engine noun 1acar engine > motor, power
energy noun 1 She felt full of energy. » vitality, unit, mechanism 2. railway engine
vigour, drive, liveliness, spirit, verve, zest, zeal, > locomotive
engineer = enquire
engineer noun engineers an expert in enlarge vers enlarges, enlarging, enlarged
engineering make bigger
engineer vers engineers, engineering, > enlargement Noun
engineered plan and construct or cause to enlighten vers enlightens, enlightening,
happen e He engineered a meeting between them. enlightened give more knowledge or
information to a person
engineering Noun the design and building or > enlightenment Noun
control of machinery or of structures such as
roads and bridges enlist vers enlists, enlisting, enlisted 1 join
the armed forces 2 obtain someone’s support
engrave vers engraves, engraving, or services etc. @ enlist their help
engraved carve words or lines etc. ona surface > enlistment Noun
> engraver NOUN engraving NOUN
enmity noun being somebody’s enemy;
enigma (in-ig- ma) NOUN enigmas something hostility
very difficult to understand; a puzzle enormous apective very large; huge
enigmatic(en- ig- mat- ik) Apjective mysterious > enormously ADvers enormousness NOUN
and puzzling enough anjective, NOUN, ADveRB as much or as
> enigmatically apvers many as necessary @ enough food e I have had
enjoy vers enjoys, enjoying, enjoyed get enough. e Are you warm enough?
pleasure from something enquire vers enquires, enquiring, enquired
> enjoyable ADEcTIVE enjoyment NouN 1 ask for information e He enquired ifIwas well.

engineer Noun the engineer’s drawings enlightened nective an enlightened attitude to
> designer, planner, inventor, architect funding the arts > informed, educated, liberal,
engravingNoun an engraving of the two younger sophisticated, knowledgeable, civilized,
children » etching, print, impression, cultivated, refined, open-minded
woodcut, carving enlist vers 1 Arafat enlisted thousands ofyoung
engrossed apective Fran was engrossed in her people in his army. » recruit, enrol, conscript,
book. » absorbed, immersed, involved, engage, muster 2 enlist in The brothers enlisted
interested, engaged, preoccupied (by), in the Royal Engineers. » enrol in, sign up for,
gripped (by), captivated (by), occupied (by), join, enter, join up for, volunteer (for) 3 In Paris,
enthralled (by), fascinated (by), riveted (by) he enlisted the aid of an influential American
physician. » obtain, secure, procure, engage,
enhance vers These successes enhanced his
reputation. » improve, further, increase,
heighten, reinforce, boost, intensify, enmity noun people who live in a state of enmity
strengthen, build up with one another > hostility, antagonism,
animosity, strife, opposition (towards),
enjoyvers 1 We all enjoy our outings. She enjoyed
antipathy (towards), acrimony (towards)
playing the piano. > like, love, appreciate, be
AN OPPOSITE IS friendship
fond of, be keen on, be pleased a take
pleasure from or in, delight in, indulge in, enormitynoun 1 the enormities ofthe Nazi years
rejoice in, relish, revel in, savour > atrocity, outrage, horror, crime,
OPPOSITES ARE dislike, hate 2 Visitors enjoy many abomination, wickedness 2 the enormity of the
privileges. » benefit from, have the benefit of, task» immensity, hugeness, magnitude,
have the advantage of, experience, use vastness, seriousness, enormousness USAGE
enjoy yourself have fun, have a good time, Note that enormity is not correct when the
celebrate, (informal) have a ball, (informal) let reference is simply to physical size, e.g. the
your hair down enormity of the building. |t’s better to say the
huge size of the building or use one of the
enjoyable nective You can have a good meal in synonyms given above.
enjoyable surroundings. » agreeable, pleasant,
delightful, gratifying, likeable, satisfying, enormous apective An enormous insect crept
delicious, pleasurable, rewarding, entertaining, across the floor. » huge, gigantic, immense,
amusing OPPOSITES ARE unpleasant, massive, colossal, (more informal) whopping,
disagreeable (more informal) ginormous
enlarge vers 1 The new emperor sought to enough agective Do you have enough food?
enlarge his territory to the east. » increase, > sufficient, adequate, ample, as much (food)
expand, augment, develop, add to, stretch as you need
2 enlarge on He didn’t want to enlarge on his enquire vers She enquired about times of the
remarks. » elaborate on, expand on, amplify, trains home. » ask, make enquiries, seek
develop, broaden, supplement, flesh out information, want to know USAGE Note that
enquiry > entertainment
2 investigate something carefully entail vers entails, entailing, entailed makea
USAGE See the note at inquire. thing necessary; involve e This plan entails
enquiry noun enquiries 1a question 2an > entailment Noun
entangle vers entangles, entangling,
enrage vers enrages, enraging, enraged entangled tangle
make someone very angry > entanglement noun
enrich vers enriches, enriching, enriched enter vers enters, entering, entered 1 come
make richer in or goin 2 put something into a list or book
> enrichment youn 3 type something into a computer 4 register as
a competitor
enrol vers enrols, enrolling, enrolled
1 become a member of a society etc. 2 make enterprise youn enterprises 1 being
someone into a member enterprising; adventurous spirit 2. an
> enrolment joun undertaking or project 3 business activity
© private enterprise
ensemble (on- sombl) noun ensembles 1a enterprising ayective willing to undertake
group of things that go together 2a group of
new or adventurous projects
musicians 3.a matching outfit of clothes
entertain vers entertains, entertaining,
enslave vers enslaves, enslaving, enslaved entertained 1 amuse 2 have people as guests
make a slave of someone; force someone into and give them food and drink 3 consider e He
slavery refused to entertain the idea.
> enslavement Noun > entertainer Noun
ensure vers ensures, ensuring, ensured make entertainment youn entertainments
certain of; guarantee e Good food will ensure 1 entertaining; being entertained 2 something
good health. performed before an audience to amuse or
USAGE Do not confuse with insure. interest them

inquire is normally used in the meaning ‘to enterprise youn 1a dangerous enterprise
make an official investigation’, as ina committee > undertaking, endeavour, venture, pursuit,
appointed to inquire into the incident. operation, project, adventure, business, effort
enquiry noun routine telephone enquiries 2. charitable enterprise » organization,
> query, question USAGE Note that inquiry is business, establishment, company, firm
normally used in the meaning ‘official 3 Success in the job calls for considerable
investigation’, as in The opposition called for a enterprise. > initiative, resourcefulness,
public inquiry into the incident. resource, adventurousness, spirit, drive,
enrage vers Such a casual attitude enraged her. determination, imagination
> anger, annoy, irritate, infuriate, exasperate, enterprising apecnve An enterprising buyer can
incense, vex, madden, aggravate, antagonize, get quite a bargain at this time of year.
displease, incite, inflame, make angry, (more > adventurous, resourceful, daring, bold,
informal) needle, (more informal) rile, (more enthusiastic, energetic, imaginative, inventive,
informal) bug, (more informal) rub up the creative AN OPPOSITE IS Unadventurous
wrong way OPPOSITES ARE pacify, placate entertain vers 1 He told stories to entertain his
ensure vere USAGE Note that ensure means ‘to children. » amuse, divert, delight, gladden,
make sure’ whereas insure means ‘to take out cheer up, make laugh, raise a smile, (more
insurance’. A mild sedative ensured a good informal) tickle 2 We will be entertaining friends
night’s sleep. » guarantee, make sure, secure, this Christmas. > receive, play host to, cater for,
confirm, make certain welcome 3 She refused to entertain the idea.
enter vers 1 Soldiers entered the building. » go > consider, contemplate, countenance,
in or into, come in or into, gain access to, set accept, agree to
foot in, pass into AN OPPOSITE IS leave 2 While entertainer oun a television entertainer
the sign is up please do not enter. » goin, come > performer, artiste, artist
in AN OPPOSITEIS leave 3 A bullet had entered his
chest. » penetrate, pierce, puncture, entertaining nective an entertaining story
perforate, make a hole in 4 That year the > amusing, enjoyable, witty, funny, diverting,
Americans entered the war. » join, take part in, pleasing
participate in 5 I’m going to enter a competition. entertainmentwoun The holiday includes free
> goin for, become a contestant in, enrol for evening entertainment. » amusement,
6 Please enter your details on the form. » record, diversion, enjoyment, recreation, pastime,
register, note, write down play, fun, pleasure, sport, distraction
enthusiasm = envelope
enthusiasm Noun enthusiasms a strong entrant\oun entrants someone who enters
liking, interest, or excitement for an examination or contest etc.
> enthusiast NOUN enthusiastic ADJECTIVE
entrench vers entrenches, entrenching,
entire apjective whole or complete entrenched 1 fix or establish firmly e These
> entirely ADvers ideas are entrenched in his mind. 2 settle ina
entirety (int-I- rit- ee) noun the whole of well-defended position
something > entrenchment Noun
in its entirety in its complete form entrust vers entrusts, entrusting, entrusted
entitle vers entitles, entitling, entitled give place a person or thing in someone’s care
the right to have something e This coupon entry \ouN entries 1 anentrance 2 something
entitles you to a ticket. entered ina list, diary, or reference book
> entitlement Noun 3 something entered in a competition e Send
entitled apecrve having as atitle e a short poem your entries to this address.
entitled ‘Spring’ entwine vers entwines, entwining,
~ entomology (en- tom- ol- o- jee) noun the entwined twine round
study of insects enumerate vers enumerates, enumerating,
> entomologist NOUN enumerated count; list one by one
entrance’ (en- trans) Noun entrances 1 the envelop (en- vel- op) vers envelops,
way into a place 2 entering @ Her entrance is the enveloping, enveloped cover or wrap round
signal for applause. something completely
entrance? (in- trahns) vers entrances, envelope (en- vel- ohp) Noun envelopes a
entrancing, entranced fill with intense wrapper or covering, especially a folded cover
delight; enchant for a letter

enthralling spective They watched an authorize to, allow, permit, warrant 2 The story
enthralling series of singles matches. » exciting, is entitled ‘A Day in the Life of My Dog’. > call,
fascinating, engrossing, captivating, dazzling name, title, designate
enthusiasm Noun 1 They will take on their new entrance Noun 1 The main entrance to the
role with enthusiasm. He has a new-found building is round the corner. » entry, way in,
enthusiasm for the game. » eagerness, access, door, doorway, gateway, approach
excitement, keenness, ardour, relish, 2 At the entrance of the hosts a silence fell on the
commitment, zeal, zest, fervour, ambition, room. » entry, appearance, arrival, approach,
drive, panache, spirit, verve coming in, going in, (more formal) ingress
AN OPPOSITE IS apathy 2 Their latest enthusiasm is 3 Several people were refused entrance.
swimming. > interest, pursuit, pastime, > admission, admittance, entry, access
diversion, hobby, passion, craze, (informal) fad
enthusiast youn an amateur radio enthusiast entrust vers 1 She entrusted her brother with the
> devotee, fan, fanatic, aficionado, follower, task. » charge, give responsibility for, put in
lover, (more informal) buff charge of, trust, (more informal) saddle 2 She
entrusted the task to her brother. » assign,
enthusiastic anjective The visitors got an allocate, commit, delegate, confer (on), turn
enthusiastic reception; a group of enthusiastic over
supporters » eager, keen, ardent, fervent,
devoted, passionate, fervent, whole-hearted entrynoun 1 The entry to the grounds was closed.
OPPOSITES ARE Unenthusiastic, apathetic > entrance, way in, access, door, doorway,
entice vers A friend of mine enticed me to go toa gateway, approach 2 They were allowed entry
club with him. » persuade, tempt, lure (into on production of a passport. » admission,
going), induce, coax admittance, entrance, access 3 the entry in the
diary » item, record, statement, note,
entire spective 1 He spent his entire life on the insertion 4 an entry in a competition
island.» whole, complete, total, full 2 The arch > candidate, competitor, contender,
of one of the gates is entire. » intact, complete, contestant, entrant, participant, player
entirely apvere I entirely agree with you. envelop vers A poison gas enveloped the place.
> completely, absolutely, fully, totally, utterly, > cover, surround, enfold, blanket, enwrap,
thoroughly engulf, cloak, cocoon
entitlevers 1 entitle to The voucher entitles you envelope noun He put the money in an envelope.
to free entrance to the gallery. » qualify for, > wrapper, wrapping, cover, sleeve
envious — equalize
envious Apective feeling envy epigram noun epigrams a short witty saying
> enviously 4pverB epilepsy youn a disease of the nervous system,
environment joun environments causing convulsions
1 surroundings, especially as they affect > epileptic ADjective, NOUN
people’s lives 2 the natural world of the land, epilogue (ep-il- og) noun epilogues a short
sea, and air section at the end of a book or play etc.
> environmental spective environmentally episode youn episodes 1 one event ina series
ADVERB of happenings 2 one programme ina radio or
environmentalist youn environmentalists television serial
a person who wants to protect or improve the epitaph youn epitaphs words written ona
environment tomb or describing a person who has died
environmentally friendly apecrve not epithet youn epithets an adjective; words
harmful to the environment expressing something special about a person
envy noun 1a feeling of discontent you have or thing, e.g. ‘the Great’ in Alfred the Great
when someone possesses things that you equal spective 1 the same in amount, size, or
would like to have for yourself 2 something value etc. 2 having the necessary strength,
causing this @ is the envy of all their courage, or ability etc. e She was equal to the
friends. task .
envy vers envies, envying, envied feel envy > equally Apvers
towards someone equal youn equals a person or thing thatis
enzyme noun enzymes a kind of substance equal to another e She has no equal
that assists chemical processes equal vers equals, equalling, equalled 1 be
epic noun epics 1along poem or story about the same in amount, size, or value etc. 2 match
heroic deeds or history 2 a spectacular film or be as good as e No one has yet equalled this
epicentre youn epicentres the point where an score.
earthquake reaches the earth’s surface equality youn being equal
epidemic youn epidemics an outbreak of a equalize vers equalizes, equalizing,
disease that spreads quickly among the people equalized make things equal
of an area > equalization Noun

enviable apyective She has the enviable job of equal spective 1a row of houses of equal size
entertaining celebrities. » attractive, desirable, > identical, similar, uniform, the same, like,
favourable corresponding, comparable, commensurate
OPPOSITES ARE unequal, different, varying
envious jective He was envious of his brother’s equal contest » even, balanced, level, evenly
success. » jealous, resentful, grudging,
matched OPPOSITES ARE unequal, uneven
begrudging, bitter (about), covetous,
3 equal to We thought he was equal to the task.
dissatisfied, (more informal) green with envy
(about or over) > capable of, fit for, adequate for, good
enough for, suitable for, suited for
environment oun 1 a natural environment for AN OPPOSITE IS incapable of
wild birds » habitat, location, setting, equality noun 1 an equality of supply and
surroundings, conditions, situation, milieu, demand » evenness, similarity, balance
territory 2 the environment industrial (between), parity, uniformity,
activities that threaten the environment » the correspondence, identity 2 equality before the
natural world, the earth, the planet, the world law > fairness, justice, equal rights,
we live in impartiality
equal noun They treated him as their equal.
envy noun He could not help feeling envy at her > peer, equivalent, counterpart, fellow
good luck. » jealousy, bitterness, resentment,
covetousness, cupidity, dissatisfaction, ill-will equal vers 1 Her performance almost equalled the
world record. » match, reach, be as good as,
envy vers He envied her success. » be jealous of, compete with, rival 2 Three and ten equals
be envious of, begrudge, grudge, resent thirteen. » total, amount to
equalize vers 1 The law equalizes pay for men
episode youn 1 happy episode in my life and women. » balance, make equal, level,
> incident, event, occurrence, happening, match, even up, (more informal) square 2 Celtic
occasion, circumstance 2 the final episode of the equalized after ten minutes. » level the score,
series » instalment, part, section, programme draw level
equation = escalate
equation Noun equations (in mathematics) a era (eer-a) NOUN eras a period of history
statement that two amounts etc. are equal, eradicate vers eradicates, eradicating,
e.g.3+4=2+5 eradicated get rid of something; remove all
equator Noun equators an imaginary line traces of it
round the Earth at an equal distance from the > eradication NOUN
North and South Poles erase vers erases, erasing, erased 1 rub
equatorial (ek- wa-tor- ee- al) anjective to do something out 2 wipe out a recording on
with or near the equator magnetic tape
equilateral (ee- kwi-lat- er- al) anjective (said > eraser NOUN
about a triangle) having all sides equal erect apjective standing straight up
equilibrium (ee- kwi-lib-ree-um) Noun 1a erect vers erects, erecting, erected set up or
balance between different forces, influences, build something
etc. 2a balanced state of mind > erection NOUN erector NOUN
equinox (ek- win- oks) NouN equinoxes the erosion Noun the wearing away of the earth’s
time of year when day and night are equal in surface by the action of water, wind, etc.
length (about 20 March in spring, about 22 erotic ADEcTive arousing sexual feelings
September in autumn) > erotically ADvers
> equinoctial ADJECTIVE errand Noun errands a short journey to take a
equip vers equips, equipping, equipped message or fetch goods etc.
supply with what is needed erratic (ir- at-ik) apective 1 not regular 2 not
equipment noun the things needed for a reliable
particular purpose > erratically ADVERB
equivalent apective equal in importance, FOr NOUN errors a mistake
meaning, value, etc. erupt vers erupts, erupting, erupted 1 burst
> equivalence NOUN out 2 when a volcano erupts, it shoots out lava
-er|and -ier suffix can form the comparative of > eruption NOUN
adjectives and adverbs (e.g. high/higher, lazy/ escalate vers escalates, escalating,
lazier) escalated make or become greater, more
er? suffix can form nouns meaning ‘a person or serious, or more intense e The riots escalated
thing that does something’ (e.g. farmer, into a war
computer) > escalation NOUN

equip vers 1 Each seat is equipped with a set of up 2 They were punished ifthey erred.
headphones. » provide, supply, furnish, fit, fit > misbehave, do wrong, be bad, be naughty,
up 2 qualifications that will equip you for your disobey, transgress
careers > qualify, prepare errand Noun They did errands for their parents.
equipment Noun equipment needed to record > task, job, duty, assignment, commission,
the concert » apparatus, appliances, tools, gear mission
equivalent nective a degree or an equivalent erratic apjective It is hard to explain such erratic
qualification » comparable, similar, identical, behaviour. » changeable, unpredictable,
corresponding inconstant, irregular, unstable, variable
@Fa NOUN anew era ofpeace > age, period, epoch OPPOSITES ARE consistent, stable
erase vers They erased a sentence that might cause error noun The report contained many factual
offence. » delete, remove, rub out errors. » mistake, inaccuracy, slip, blunder,
erect Adjective an erect posture » upright, rigid, fault, flaw, miscalculation
stiff erupt vers 1 Lava continued to erupt from the
erect vers They will erect a walkway to join the two volcano. » spew, spout, spurt, gush, issue,
buildings. » build, construct, assemble, put up pour out, shoot out, belch, be discharged, be
erode vers Rainwater
has eroded the soil. » wear emitted, be expelled 2 Violence erupted on the
away, wear down, eat away, corrode streets of the city, » break out, flare up
erotic Apectve erotic art » sensual, sexual, eruption noun 1 an eruption of Vesuvius; an
amatory, carnal, titillating, (disapproving) eruption of violence » outbreak, outburst,
pornographic, (disapproving) salacious, discharge, burst, explosion 2a skin eruption
(disapproving) lewd, (disapproving) suggestive > rash, inflammation
err vers 1 The authorities had erred in not making escalate vers The dispute might escalate into an
the information known. » be wrong, make a all-out war. » grow, develop, build up,
mistake, misjudge, miscalculate, blunder, slip heighten, intensify, accelerate
escalator = establishment
escalator youn escalators a staircase with an Esq. assrevarion (short for Esquire) a title
endless line of steps moving up or down written after a man’s surname where no title is
used before his name
escapade (es- ka- payd) Noun escapades a
reckless adventure ~@SS surFfix forms feminine nouns (e.g. lioness,
escape vers escapes, escaping, escaped 1 get
esSay (ess- ay) NOUN essays 1a short piece of
yourself free; get out or away 2 avoid
writing in prose 2. an attempt
something e He escaped punishment 3 be
forgotten by someone e Her name escapes me e@SSence noun essences 1 the most important
for the moment quality or element of something 2a
concentrated liquid
e@SCape noun escapes 1 escaping 2a way to
essential apjective not able to be done without
> essentially apvers
escapism noun escaping from the difficulties of essential youn essentials an essential thing
life by thinking about or doing more pleasant
-est or -iest surfix can form the superlative of
> escapist ADJECTIVE
adjectives and adverbs (e.g. high/highest, lazy/
escort (ess- kort) Noun escorts a person or establish vers establishes, establishing,
group accompanying a person or thing, established 1 set up a business, government,
especially to give protection or relationship etc. on a firm basis 2 show
escort (iss- kort) vers escorts, escorting, something to be true; prove e He established his
escorted act as an escort to somebody or innocence.
something the established Church a country’s national
especially apvers 1in particular 2 to a great Church, officially recognized as such by law
extent establishment youn establishments
1 establishing something 2 a business firm or
espionage (ess- pee- on- ahzh) noun spying other institution
espresso \oun espressos coffee made by the Establishment people who are
forcing steam through ground coffee beans established in positions of power and influence

escapade noun a dangerous escapade head injuries, become disoriented. » chiefly,
> adventure, exploit, prank, caper, mischief, mainly, principally, particularly, in particular,
romp, antic, spree, fling, scrape, stunt, (more above all, primarily
informal) lark
essay noun I have to write an essay by the end of
escape noun 1 an escape from prison the week. » article, piece of writing,
> breakout, getaway, absconding, bolt, flight, composition, assignment, study
flit, retreat, running away 2 an escape ofgas
> leak, leakage, emission, seepage, discharge essence noun 1 The essence ofgood detective
3 an escape from life’s troubles » distraction, work is patience. » nature, substance,
diversion, relief, avoidance, relaxation quintessence, core, kernel, basis, crux,
escape vers 1 They must have had help to escape. essential part 2 Add a little vanilla essence.
> get away, break free, break out, break loose, > extract, concentrate
run away, abscond, make a break for it 2 Oil was
essential apjective The leaflet provides essential
escaping from a crack in the hull. » leak, seep, travel information. » necessary, basic, vital,
ooze, discharge, drain, pour out, run out 3 The important, indispensable, crucial,
passengers all escaped serious injury. We fundamental, principal, key, primary, requisite,
managed to escape a lot of the work. » avoid, main AN OPPOSITE IS inessential
evade, elude, dodge, miss
escort noun 1 The police provided an escort. establish vers 1 The new evidence established
> guard, guide, bodyguard, convoy 2. royal their guilt. » prove, demonstrate,
escort » attendant, entourage, train, retinue substantiate, confirm, indicate, affirm, verify,
escort vers A representative will escort you to your certify, authenticate 2 The Bank aims to
seat. » accompany, conduct, guide, lead, take, establish branches throughout the world. » set
show, usher up, install, found, initiate, institute, organize,
inaugurate, create, base
especially overs 1 Property is especially
expensive in the central area of the city. established spective an established practice
> particularly, exceptionally, extremely, > accepted, confirmed, orthodox, traditional,
peculiarly, extraordinarily, remarkably, customary, prevailing, well known, well tried,
uncommonly 2 Patients, especially those with familiar, entrenched, long-standing, routine
estate — eulogy
estate youn estates 1 anarea of land witha set ether (ee- ther) noun 1a colourless liquid that
of houses orfactorieson it 2a large area of land evaporates easily into fumes that are used as an
owned by one person 3 all that a person owns anaesthetic 2 the upper air
when he or she dies 4 (old use) a condition or ethereal (ith- eer- ee- al) apjective light and
status e the holy estate of matrimony delicate
estate agent youn estate agents a person > ethereally apvers
whose business is selling or letting houses and ethical (eth- ik- al) ADjectIve 1 to do with ethics
land 2 morally right; honourable
esteem vers esteems, esteeming, esteemed > ethically advers
think that a person or thing is excellent ethics (eth- iks) piural Noun standards of right
esteem noun respect and admiration behaviour; moral principles
estimable apyective worthy of esteem ethnic agective belonging to a particular racial
estimate (ess- tim- at) Noun estimates a group within a larger set of people
rough calculation or guess about an amount or ethnic cleansing youn the mass expulsion or
value killing of one ethnic group by another in an area
estimate (ess- tim- ayt) vers estimates, etiquette (et-ik- et) voun the rules of correct
estimating, estimated make an estimate behaviour
> estimation Noun etymology (et- im- ol- o- jee) noun
estuary (ess- tew- er- ee) Noun estuaries the etymologies 1 an account ofthe origin ofa
mouth of a river where it reaches the sea and word and its meaning 2 the study of the origins
the tide flows in and out of words
> etymological apjective
etc. asereViATION (short for et cetera) and other
similar things; and so on EU ssereviTion European Union
etch vers etches, etching, etched 1 engrave a eucalyptus (yoo- kal- ip- tus) Noun
picture with acid ona metal plate, especially for eucalyptuses 1 a kind of evergreen tree 2a
printing 2 if something is etched on your mind strong-smelling oil obtained from its leaves
or memory, it has made a deep impression and Eucharist (yoo- ker- ist) noun the Christian
you will never forget it sacrament in which bread and wine are
> etcher noun consecrated and swallowed, commemorating
eternal apyctive lasting for ever; not ending or the Last Supper of Christ and his disciples
changing eulogy (yoo- loj- ee) noun. eulogies a piece of \
> eternally nvers eternity Noun praise for a person or thing

establishment youn 1 the establishment of a estimate vers The agents estimated the selling
new republic » creation, institution, price of the house at over a million pounds.
introduction, constitution, formation, > reckon, consider, assess, evaluate, calculate,
foundation, inauguration, inception, gauge, work out
composition 2 an old publishing establishment
eternal agective 1 eternal happiness
> business, concern, enterprise, venture, > everlasting, never-ending, unending,
undertaking, company undying, enduring, abiding, timeless, infinite
estatenoun 1 The family lived in a housing estate. OPPOSITES ARE transient, ephemeral 21’m tired
> development, area, land 2 Her grandfather ofyour eternal complaining. » constant,
had left an estate worth several millions. continual, interminable, ceaseless, unceasing,
> assets, possessions, wealth, property, incessant, everlasting, never-ending,
belongings, holdings perpetual, persistent, unremitting
OPPOSITES ARE occasional, intermittent
esteem noun She was held in high esteem by all
her friends, » respect, admiration, favour, eternity youn 1 the eternity after death
honour, regard, opinion, acclaim, estimation, > afterlife, eternal life, infinity, perpetuity,
credit, reverence, veneration immortality 2 an eternity (informal) We
waited an eternity for a train. » ages, hours, a
estimate youn 1 Our estimate of the situation is long time, for ever
fairly dire.» assessment, appraisal, evaluation,
estimation, judgement, opinion, view 2 The ethics piurai noun the ethics of medical research
painter will let us have an estimate. » price, > morality, moral code, morals, principles,
quotation, reckoning, specification, valuation, propriety, standards, values, ideals, rights and
calculation q
euphemism — event
euphemism (yoo- fim- izm) noun evaporate vers evaporates, evaporating,
euphemisms a mild word or phrase used evaporated 1 change from liquid into steam
instead of an offensive or frank one; ‘to pass or vapour 2 cease to exist e Their enthusiasm
away’ is aeuphemism for ‘to die’. had evaporated.
> euphemistic ADJECTIVE euphemistically > evaporation NOUN
ADVERB evasion NOUN evasions 1 evading 2 an evasive
@UFO NOUN euros OF euro the currency which answer or excuse
replaced the national currencies of several EU evasive Apective trying to avoid answering
states in 2002 something; not frank or straightforward
European Agective to do with Europe or its > evasively ADVERB evasiveness NOUN
people even Anjective 1 level and smooth 2 not varying
> European NOUN 3 calm; not easily upset @ an even temper
euthanasia (yooth- an- ay- zee- a) NOUN 4 equal e Our scores were even 5 able to be
causing somebody to die gently and without divided exactly by two e Six and fourteen are
pain, especially when they are suffering from a even numbers . COMPARE odd
painful incurable disease > evenly ADVERB evenness NOUN
evacuate vers evacuates, evacuating, get even take revenge
evacuated 1 move people away froma even Vers evens, evening, evened make or
dangerous place 2 make a thing empty ofairor become even
other contents
> evacuation NOUN
even Apvers (used to emphasize a word or
statement) e She ran even faster
@VaCUee NOUN evacuees a person who has
even so although that is correct
been evacuated
evade vers evades, evading, evaded avoid a even-handed spective fair and impartial
person or thing by cleverness or trickery evening NouN evenings the time at the end of
evaluate vers evaluates, evaluating, the day before most people go to bed
evaluated estimate the value of something; event Noun events 1 something that happens,
assess especially something important 2 a race or
> evaluation NOUN competition that forms part of a sports contest

ethnic Apective 1 people with different ethnic even ADJECTIVE 1 an even surface » flat, smooth,
backgrounds » cultural, national, indigenous, level, flush, true, unbroken AN opposite Is rough
genetic, tribal, racial 2 men and women in ethnic even temperament » calm, stable,
dress & local, traditional, national, folk equable, even-tempered, placid, composed,
evacuate vers 1 It is essential to evacuate serene, steady opposites ARE moody, excitable
everybody from the building. » remove, clear, 3 the even ticking of the clock » steady, regular,
move out, send away 2 Police decided to constant, uniform, unvarying
evacuate the area. » vacate, leave, quit, AN OPPOSITE Is irregular 4 The scores were even.
relinquish, withdraw from, abandon, decamp > level, equal, identical, balanced, the same
from, desert, empty AN OPPOSITE IS unequal
evacuation Noun 1 the evacuation of buildings even VERB
> clearance, vacation, abandonment 2 the even out! tried to even out the wrinkled carpet.
evacuation of civilians » removal, clearance, > smooth, straighten, flatten, level
eviction even up Another point will even up the scores
evade vers 1 Charlie was clearly guilty of evading > level, balance, equalize, (more informal)
his responsibilities. » avoid, shirk, shun, dodge, square
duck, sidestep, steer clear of, turn your back on evening Noun It was evening when we reached
AN OPPOSITE Is accept 2 They did all they could do home. > dusk, sunset, sundown, nightfall,
evade capture. » avoid, elude, escape, escape twilight, (poetic) eventide, (poetic) gloaming
from, fend off, circumvent event noun 1 an annual event » occurrence,
evaluate vers A panel of doctors will evaluate the happening, occasion, affair, episode,
treatment. » assess, value, gauge, appraise, experience, activity, function, business,
rate, calculate circumstance, contingency, eventuality,
evaporate vers 1 The water quickly evaporates. incident, chance 2a sporting event » game,
> disperse, dry up, vaporize match, competition, tournament
AN OPPOSITE Is condense 2 With this news all in the event In the event, the plan was
their hopes evaporated. » disappear, fade, abandoned. > as it turned out, as it happened,
vanish, melt away, come to an end, dissolve, in the end, in actual fact, as a result, as a
dissipate AN opposite is materialize consequence

eventful = ex-
eventful spective full of happenings evict vers evicts, evicting, evicted make
eventual anective happening at last @ his people move out from where they are living
> eviction Noun
eventual success
> eventually Apvers evidence noun 1 anything that gives people
reason to believe something 2 statements
ver apvers 1 at any time e@ the best thingIever
made or objects produced in a lawcourt to
did 2 always e ever hopeful 3 (informal, used for
prove something
emphasis)e Why ever didn’t you tell me?
evident spective obvious; clearly seen
evergreen spective having green leaves all the > evidently spvers
> evergreen NOUN evil apective morally bad; wicked
> evilly apvers
every apjective each without any exceptions
e We enjoyed every minute evil youn evils 1 wickedness 2 something
every one each one unpleasant or harmful G
every other day or week etc., each alternate evolution (ee-vol- 00-shon) noun 1 gradual
one; every second one change into something different 2 the ry
USAGE Follow with a singular verb, e.g. Every one development of animals and plants from earlier
of them is growing (not ‘are growing’). or simpler forms
everybody pronoun every person > evolutionary ADJECTIVE
evolve vers evolves, evolving, evolved
everyday ADJECTIVE Ordinary; usual @ everyday
develop gradually or naturally
ewe (yoo) noun ewes a female sheep
everyone pronoun everybody
@X- prefix (changing to ef- before words
everything pronoun 1 all things; all 2 the only beginning withf;shortened to e- before many
or most important thing @ Beauty is not consonants) 1 out; away (as in extract) 2 up,
everything. upwards; thoroughly (as in extol) 3 formerly (as
everywhere spvers in every place in ex- president)

eventfull anjective It had been a long and eventful evident apyective It was evident that he didn’t like
week.» busy, lively, active, full, action-packed, her. » obvious, apparent, clear, plain,
remarkable, noteworthy, momentous noticeable, observable, transparent,
OPPOSITES ARE routine, uneventful, dull discernible AN Opposite Is unclear
eventual anjective We will have to wait for the
eventual verdict. » final, ultimate, ensuing, evil Apective 1 an evil act; the most evil person he
resulting, prospective, future had met » wicked, bad, wrong, sinful, vile,
eventually spvers Eventually they agreed. » in immoral, depraved OPPOSITES ARE good,
the end, by and by, finally, at length virtuous 2 An evil smell came from the drains.
> nasty, foul, noxious, unpleasant, offensive,
everlasting Anective The gift would be an
everlasting reminder of her evening. » eternal, unspeakable, vile, pestilential, poisonous,
never-ending, unending, undying, enduring, troublesome AN OPPOSITE IS pleasant evil
abiding, timeless, infinite influence » harmful, hurtful, pernicious,
OPPOSITES ARE transient, ephemeral destructive, deadly, poisonous
everyday apective Road accidents were an evil youn 1.4 crime of the utmost evil
everyday occurrence. » commonplace, > wickedness, wrong, sinfulness, depravity,
common, frequent, ordinary, regular, familiar
immorality, vileness, vice, iniquity 2 a great
everyone pronoun She was afraid everyone social evil » catastrophe, affliction, disaster,
would know by now. » everybody, the whole enormity, calamity, curse, misfortune
world, every person, one and all, (more
informal) every Tom, Dick, and Harry evoke vers The scene evoked memories of her
everywhere apvers He looked everywhere for his childhood. » arouse, stir up, summon up, bring
keys. > all over, in every place, far and wide, to mind, call to mind, call up, raise, stimulate,
high and low inspire, awaken, conjure up, elicit, excite,
evidence noun 1 evidence of life on other planets kindle, produce, provoke, suggest
> confirmation, verification, proof,
corroboration, substantiation, authentication evolution noun the evolution of scientific
2 Her evidence helped convict all four of them. methods » development, emergence, growth,
> testimony, statement, information improvement, maturing, progress, unfolding
exact => excellent
exactanjective 1 correct 2 clearly stated; giving example Noun examples 1 anything that
all details @ exact instructions shows what others of the same kind are like or
> exactly ADVERB exactness NOUN how they work 2. person or thing good
enough to be worth imitating
exact vers exacts, exacting, exacted insist on
something and obtain it e He exacted obedience exasperate vers exasperates, exasperating,
from the recruits exasperated annoy someone
> exaction NOUN > exasperation NOUN

exaggerate vers exaggerates, excavate vers excavates, excavating,

exaggerating, exaggerated make excavated dig out; uncover by digging
something seem bigger, better, or worse etc. > excavation NOUN excavator NOUN
than it really is exceed vers exceeds, exceeding, exceeded
> exaggeration NOUN 1 be greater than; surpass 2 do more than you
need or ought to do; go beyond a thing’s limits
examination Noun examinations 1 test of © He has exceeded his authority.
a person’s knowledge or skill 2 examining
something; an inspection e a medical excel vers excels, excelling, excelled be better
examination than others at doing something
Excellency Noun Excellencies the title of high
examine vers examines, examining, officials such as ambassadors and governors
examined 1 test a person’s priamletoe orskill
2 look at something closely or in detail excellent apjective extremely good
> examiner NOUN > excellently ADvers excellence NOUN

evolve vers The plan evolved from quite a simple example noun 1a fine example of a Tudor
idea. » develop, grow, derive, progress, building » specimen, sample, case, exemplar,
mature, emerge, expand illustration, instance, occurrence 2 We ought to
exact Adjective 1 Stacey likes to be exact in her
follow their example. » precedent, model,
work. » careful, precise, accurate, meticulous, pattern, ideal, standard 3 They were convicted as
methodical, painstaking, rigorous 2 These are an example to others. » warning, lesson,
the exact measurements of the room. » precise, deterrent, caution
accurate, correct, definite 3 Is this an exact exasperate vers This stupid behaviour
copy? > identical, faithful, close exasperated us. > infuriate, incense, anger,
annoy, irritate, enrage, vex, (more informal) rile
exactly Apvers 1 She looks exactly like her mother
at that age. » precisely, entirely, absolutely, excavate vers 1 Moles had excavated tunnels
completely, totally, utterly, every inch under the grass. » dig, bore, burrow, hollow
2 Describe the scene exactly. » accurately, out 2A coin hoard was excavated from the
precisely, faithfully, in detail ancient site. » unearth, dig up, uncover,
discover, reveal
exaggerate vers The press reports exaggerated
the scale of the fire. » overstate, exceed vers 1 Total luggage weight must not
overemphasize, overestimate, overstress, exceed 300 kilos. » be more than, be greater
overdo, inflate, magnify, make too much of, than, go over 2 Police stopped her for exceeding
amplify, enlarge, maximize, (more informal) the speed limit. » break, go beyond, go faster
play up opposites are understate, than 3 The amount exceeded all our expectations.
underestimate > surpass, beat, outstrip, better, outdo, excel,
examination noun 1 the annual examination of pass, top
the accounts » inspection, scrutiny, study, exceedingly snvers an exceedingly good meal
scanning, analysis, appraisal 2 a written > extremely, exceptionally, especially,
examination in history » exam, test, paper 3.a supremely, outstandingly, immensely,
medical examination » check-up, check, amazingly, unusually, extraordinarily,
inspection, review tremendously, really, very
examine vers 1 The Fraud Squad will examine excel vers 1 One choir excelled all the others and
the company accounts for the last ten years. was invited back for next year. » surpass, outdo,
> inspect, scrutinize, study, investigate, outclass, outstrip, do better than, beat, exceed
check, analyse, review, scan, probe 2 Students 2 He excels at most things he turns his hand to,
are examined at the end of each year. » test, > shine, do well, ke good, stand out, be
assess, appraise 3 The defence counsel will outstanding
examine the witness tomorrow. » cross- excellent anjective an excellent idea; The book is
examine, interrogate, cross-question excellent. » outstanding, very good, first-class,
except — exclamation
except preposition excluding; not including exchange noun exchanges 1 exchanging 2a
@ They all left except me. place where things (especially stocks and
except vers excepts, excepting, excepted shares) are bought and sold e a stock exchange :
exclude; leave out e I blame you all, no one is 3 a place where telephone lines are connected a
excepted. to each other when a call is made
USAGE Do not confuse with accept. exchequer noun exchequers a national
exception noun exceptions a person or thing treasury4nto which public funds (such as taxes)
Hes is left out or does not follow the general are paid
rule excitable spective easily excited
take exception raise objections to something excite vers excites, exciting, excited 1 make
with the exception of except someone eager and enthusiastic about
exceptional nective 1 very unusual something e The thought offinding gold excited
2 outstandingly good them. 2 cause a feeling or reaction e The
> exceptionally apvers invention excited great interest.
@XCeSS NOUN excesses too much of something > excited Apjective excitedly apvers
in excess of more than excitement youn excitements a strong
excessive 4pjective too much or too great e Do feeling of eagerness or pleasure
not use excessive force. exclaim vers exclaims, exclaiming,
> excessively Apvers exclaimed shout or cry out in eagerness or
exchange vers exchanges, exchanging, surprise
exchanged give something and receive exclamation youn exclamations
something else for it 1 exclaiming 2. word or words cried out
> exchangeable apjective expressing joy or pain or surprise etc.

first-rate, superlative, superb, remarkable, exchange noun 1 The two sides agreed to an
exceptional, splendid, wonderful, marvellous, exchange of prisoners. » switch, interchange,
tremendous replacement, substitution, (informal) swap
except preposition The restaurant is open every 2 This misunderstanding led to a series of bitter
evening except Monday.» excluding, except for, exchanges. » argument, altercation,
apart from, other than, besides recrimination, war of words 3 Archaeological
evidence points to an exchange ofgoods between
exception noun Most countries are represented, the two areas. » trade, traffic, barter, dealing
although there are a few exceptions.
> abnormality, irregularity, oddity, exchange vers 1 The players exchanged shirts at
peculiarity, deviation, anomaly, departure, the end of the game. » swap, change, switch,
eccentricity, special case, freak, quirk, rarity interchange 21 exchanged my old bike for a
take exception to She takes exception to people smart new one. >» swap, barter, trade,
smoking in the house. » object to, disapprove
of, complain about, demur at, resent, be excite vers The prospect of a day out excited them.
offended by > thrill, exhilarate, elate, enliven, stimulate
exceptional spective 1a woman of exceptional
ability » outstanding, excellent, very good, excited apyective The children were becoming
first-class, first-rate, superlative, superb, excited. » animated, stimulated, worked up,
remarkable 2 exceptional weather patterns boisterous, lively, elated, restless,
> unusual, abnormal, untypical, overwrought, vivacious
extraordinary, strange, irregular, peculiar, excitement noun 1 They could hardly conceal
freakish their excitement. » enthusiasm, exhilaration,
@XCeSs NOUN 1 an excess of vitamin E » surplus, agitation, elation, eagerness, stimulation
surfeit, superfluity, oversufficiency, 2 There will be a lot of excitement at the party this
superabundance, abundance, glut afternoon. » commotion, activity, adventure
OPPOSITES ARE scarcity, deficit 2 a lifestyle exciting spective an exciting story » thrilling,
characterized by excess » extravagance, stirring, exhilarating, rousing, stimulating,
overindulgence, intemperance, lavishness, invigorating, enthralling, gripping, dramatic,
prodigality sensational opposites ARE dull, boring
excessive apjective 1 excessive drinking exclaim vers He exclaimed that he had never been
> immoderate, inordinate, extreme, there. » cry, cry out, call, yell, shout, shriek,
extravagant, disproportionate, superfluous scream
2 The cost proved excessive. » unreasonable, exclamation noun With an exclamation of
exorbitant, inordinate, (more informal) steep horror she rushed upstairs. » cry, yell, call,
exclamation mark = exhale
exclamation mark oun exclamation excuse (iks- kewss) NOUN excuses a reason
marks the punctuation mark (!) placed after an given to explain why something wrong has
exclamation been done
exclude vers excludes, excluding, excluded execute vers executes, executing, executed
1 keep somebody or something out 2 leave 1 put someone to death as a punishment
something out @ Do not exclude the possibility of 2 perform or produce something @ She
rain. executed the somersault perfectly.
> exclusion NOUN > execution NOUN
exclusive apective 1 allowing only certain [from Latin executare = to carry out, to punish]
people to be members etc. @ an exclusive club executive (ig- zek- yoo- tiv) NouN executives
2 not shared with others e This newspaper has a senior person with authority in a business or
an exclusive report. government organization
> exclusively ADvers exclusiveness NOUN
exclusive of excluding, not including @ This is exempt pective not having to do something
the price exclusive of meals. that others have to do e Charities are exempt
from paying tax.
excrement (eks- kri- ment) noun waste > exemption NOUN
matter from the body
exercise Noun exercises 1 using your body to
excrete vers excretes, excreting, excreted
make it strong and healthy 2 a piece of work
get rid of waste matter from the body
> excretion NOUN excretory ADJECTIVE
done for practice
[from ex- = out + Latin cretum = separated] exercise vers exercises, exercising,
excruciating (iks- kroo- shee- ayt- ing) exercised 1 do exercises 2 give exercise to an
ADJECTIVE extremely painful; agonizing animal etc. 3 use e You must exercise more
> excruciatingly ADVERB patience.
[from ex- = out + Latin cruciatum = tortured] exert vers exerts, exerting, exerted use
excursion Noun excursions a short journey power or influence etc. e He exerted all his
made for pleasure [from ex- = out + Latin cursus strength.
= course] > exertion NOUN
excuse (iks- kewz) vers excuses, excusing, exert yourself make an effort
excused 1 forgive 2 allowsomeone not to do exhale vers exhales, exhaling, exhaled
something or to leave a room etc. @ Please may breathe out
I be excused swimming? > exhalation NouN

shout, shriek, interjection, (old-fashioned) excuse vers 1 We cannot excuse bad behaviour.
ejaculation > justify, defend, condone, tolerate, overlook,
ignore, sanction, mitigate 2 She found it hard to
exclude vers 1 They were anxious to exclude the excuse them this time. » forgive, pardon,
inevitable gatecrashers from the house. » keep
out, deny access to, ban, disallow, prevent,
prohibit, deter, debar, reject 2 He excluded his execute vers 1 The manoeuvre is particularly
own name from the list. » omit, leave out, miss hard to execute in heavy traffic. » carry out,
out, fail to include, rule out 3 These figures ’ implement, perform, complete, accomplish,
exclude any allowance for inflation. » omit, be achieve, do, effect 2 The State no longer executes
exclusive of, not include convicted murderers. » put to death, apply the
death penalty to, hang, behead, electrocute
exclusive apective 1 The room is for your
exclusive use. > sole, unique, private, unshared, exercisenoun 1 Regular exercise will keep you fit.
undivided, unrestricted 2 one of London’s most > physical activity, working out, exertion,
exclusive clubs ® select, elite, fashionable, training 2 the exercise of authority > use,
restrictive, private, premier, (more informal) application, practice 3 exercises army
classy, (more informal) posh exercises » operations, manoeuvres
exercise vers 1 She exercises every day. » work
@XCUFrsiON NOUN an excursion to Brighton > trip, out, do exercises, keep fit 2 Please exercise a
outing, jaunt, journey, expedition, day out, little patience. > use, have, employ, apply 3 The
drive, run
problem continues to exercise us. » trouble,
excusenoun 1 He trotted out the usual feeble worry, bother, make anxious
excuses. » defence, pretext, explanation, alibi, exertvers 1 She exerts a considerable influence on
plea, reason 2 There is no excuse for what you the children. » exercise, wield, bring to bear,
did. > justification, vindication apply 2 exert yourselfHe exerted himselftoget

exhaust = exit
exhaust vers exhausts, exhausting, very happy and excited
exhausted 1 make somebody verytired 2 use > exhilaration Noun
up something completely
> exhaustion Noun exhort (ig- zort) vers exhorts, exhorting,
exhorted try hard to persuade someone to do
exhaust noun exhausts 1 the waste gases or something
steam from an engine 2 the pipe etc. through > exhorfation noun
which they are sent out
exile vers exiles, exiling, exiled banish
exhaustive apctive thorough: trying
everything possible e We made an exhaustive exile youn exiles 1 having to live away from
search. your own country e@ He was in exile for ten years
> exhaustively pvers 2a banished person
exhibit vers exhibits, exhibiting, exhibited exist vers exists, existing, existed 1 be
show or display something in public present as part of what is real e Do ghosts exist?
> exhibitor noun 2 stay alive e We cannot exist without food.
exhibit youn exhibits something on display in > existence NOUN existent ADJECTIVE
a gallery or museum exit youn exits 1 the way out of a building
exhibition youn exhibitions a collection of 2 going off the stage e The actress made her
things put on display for people to look at exit.
exhilarate (ig- zil- er- ayt) vers exhilarates, exit vere (in stage directions) he or she leaves
exhilarating, exhilarated make someone the stage [from Latin exit, = he or she goes out]

the job done on time. » strive, endeavour, try exhilarating Apective The ride was an
hard, make an effort, go to some trouble exhilarating experience. » exciting, thrilling,
exhaust vers 1 We exhausted the fuel supply stirring, rousing, stimulating, invigorating,
after only a week. » use up, consume, drain, enthralling, gripping, dramatic, sensational
empty, deplete, dry up, finish off, go through, OPPOSITES ARE dull, boring
spend, sap, void 2 Her day out had exhausted exhilaration noun a feeling of exhilaration
her. » tire out, wear out, fatigue, weary, tax, > excitement, enthusiasm, elation, eagerness,
strain stimulation
exhausted ,pecrive 1 They went to bed exile youn 1 The poet was punished with exile.
exhausted that night. » tired out, worn out, > banishment, expulsion, deportation,
weary, fatigued, (more informal) shattered, expatriation, extradition 2 a group of political
(more informal) dead tired, (more informal) exiles » émigré, exiled person, displaced
played out, (more informal) washed out person, deportee, expatriate, outcast, refugee
2 exhausted money reserves » depleted, used exile vers The new regime immediately exiled the
up, spent dictators. » expel, banish, deport, drive out,
exhausting apjctive an exhausting journey eject, expatriate, send away
> tiring, wearying, fatiguing, wearing, exist vers 1 animals that no longer exist > live,
arduous, strenuous, taxing, gruelling, occur, be alive, be in existence 2 They had to
demanding, laborious, punishing, sapping, exist for years on a meagre income. » survive,
difficult, hard, severe AN OPPOSITE IS refreshing subsist, live, hold out, keep going, continue,
exhaustion noun He had to stop from sheer endure, last
exhaustion. » fatigue, weariness, tiredness, existence noun 1 Thenew law threatens the very
debility, weakness AN OPPOSITE IS vigour existence of these old institutions. » survival,
exhibit vere 1 The gallery will exhibit a collection continuance, continuation, being, actuality,
of new paintings. » show, display, put on life, living, reality AN OPPOSITE IS non-existence
display, present, set up 2 He exhibited great 2a dreary existence in a remote part of the
pride in his family. » show, reveal, display, country » way of life, livelihood, lifestyle
demonstrate, manifest, disclose, express existing Apjective The existing arrangements were
OPPOSITES ARE hide, conceal proving inadequate. » current, present,
exhibition noun an exhibition of Greek sculpture available, prevailing, actual, existent, extant
> display, presentation, show, showing, usage Youcan also say the arrangements already
demonstration in place or the arrangements already in force.
exhilarated spective The day’s events left them exit youn 1A passage on the right leads to the exit.
feeling exhilarated. » excited, elated, thrilled, > way out, door, doorway, egress, gate,
animated, stimulated, worked up gateway AN OPPOSITE IS entrance 2 They made a
AN OPPOSITE IS dejected , quick exit. » departure, withdrawal, retreat,
exorcize > experienced
exorcize vers exorcizes, exorcizing, expedientnoun expedients a means of doing
exorcized drive out an evil spirit something, especially when in difficulty
> exorcism NOUN exorcist NOUN expedition noun expeditions 1 a journey
made in order to do something e a climbing
exotic anjective 1 very unusual e exotic clothes
expedition 2 speed or promptness
2 from another part of the world e exotic plants
> expeditionary ADJECTIVE
> exotically Advers
expel vers expels, expelling, expelled 1 send
expand vers expands, expanding, expanded or force something out e This fan expels stale
make or become larger or fuller air. 2 make a person leave a school or country
> expansion NOUN expansive ADJECTIVE etc.
expect vers expects, expecting, expected expendable spective able to be sacrificed or
1 think or believe that something will happen got rid of in order to gain something
or that someone will come 2 think that expenditure
youn expenditures the
something ought to happen e She expects spending or using up of money or effort
obedience. etc:
expectantapecive 1 expecting something to expense noun expenses the cost of doing
happen; hopeful 2 an expectant mother is a something
woman who is pregnant expensive spective costing a lot
> expectantlyspvers expectancy NOUN > expensively Apvers expensiveness NOUN
expectationnoun expectations 1 expecting experience
noun experiences 1 what you
something; being hopeful 2 something you learn from doing or seeing things 2 something
expect to happen or get that has happened to you
expedient (iks- pee- dee- ent) ADJECTIVE experience vers experiences, experiencing,
1 suitable or convenient 2 useful and practical experienced have something happen to you
though perhaps unfair experienced apjectve having great skill or
> expediently Apvers expediency NOUN knowledge from much experience

leaving, exodus Opposites ARE entrance, arrival believe, guess, judge, think, (more informal)
3 Take the exit marked Leeds. » turning, turn- reckon
off, turn, road expel vers 1 He was expelled from the country.
exoticanecive 1 exotic places in the Far East > banish, exile, deport, drive out, throw out,
> faraway, distant, remote, foreign, romantic, cast out, evict, expatriate 2 The machinery was
unfamiliar, alien AN opposite Is familiar 2 an expelling thick smoke. » discharge, emit, let
exhibition of exotic birds » foreign, non-native, out, release, disgorge, spew out
tropical, alien, unnaturalized, imported expense noun 1 the increasing expense of
AN OPPOSITE ISNative 3 exotic dress » colourful, running a car » cost, price, spending
striking, unusual, unfamiliar, unconventional, 2 unexpected expenses » expenditure,
outlandish AN OPPOSITE Is conventional outlay, charges, outgoings, overheads,
expand vers 1 a good opportunity to expand the payment
business » develop, enlarge, extend, broaden, expensive spective an expensive holiday
build up, diversify, increase, amplify, augment, > costly, dear, high-priced, extravagant,
elaborate, fill out, make bigger lavish, exorbitant, (more informal) pricey
OPPOSITES ARE contract, reduce 2 Metal expands OPPOSITES ARE Cheap, inexpensive
when heated. » increase in size, become larger, experiencenoun 1 You learn by experience
swell, dilate, grow, stretch, thicken, widen > practice, involvement, participation,
AN OPPOSITE IS contract familiarity, observation, taking part 2 Salary
expansive spective After a few drinks he became will depend partly on experience. » skill,
quite expansive. » talkative, communicative, knowledge, background, understanding, (more
forthcoming, outgoing, sociable, unreserved, informal) know-how 3 a terrifying experience
uninhibited, voluble, conversational, open > incident, event, episode, affair, happening,
OPPOSITES ARE curt, unfriendly occurrence, ordeal, adventure
expect vers 1 We expect a large number of experience vers She experienced some
visitors this year. » hope for, look for, look harassment at work. » meet, encounter,
forward to, envisage, predict, anticipate, await, undergo, face, run into, suffer
bank on 2 We expect complete discretion. experienced apjtrive 1 an experienced actor
> demand, insist on, require, call for, count on, > expert, skilled, skilful, qualified, trained,
rely on, want 31 expect they missed the train. practised, knowledgeable, professional,
> suppose, assume, presume, imagine, specialized, well versed
experiment = exploit
experimentyoun experiments a test made in explain ere explains, explaining, explained
order to find out what happens or to prove 1 make something clear to somebody else;
something show its meaning 2 account for something
> experimental apective experimentally © That explains his absence.
ADVERB > explanation youn
experiment vers experiments, explicit (iks- pliss- it) anjective stated or stating
experimenting, experimented carry out an something openly and exactly COMPARE
experiment implicit
> experimentation Noun > explicitly apvers
expert oun experts a person with great explode vers explodes, exploding, exploded
knowledge or skill in something 1 burst or suddenly release energy with a loud
expert apjective having great knowledge or skill noise 2 cause a bomb to go off 3 increase
> expertly Apvers expertness NOUN suddenly or quickly
expire vers expires, expiring, expired exploit (iks- ploit) vers exploits, exploiting,
1 come to an end; stop being usable e Your exploited 1 use or develop resources 2 use a
season ticket has expired. 2 die 3 breathe out air person or thing selfishly
> expiration NOUN expiry NOUN > exploitation Noun

AN OPPOSITE IS inexperienced 2 an experienced licence has expired. » run out, become invalid,
man of the world » mature, seasoned, lapse, finish
sophisticated, worldly wise, knowing, wise explain vers 11 will try to explain the problem.
OPPOSITES ARE innocent, naive > describe, clarify, make clear, spell out,
experiment youn 1 She conducted experiments elucidate, interpret, demonstrate, express, put
using laser technology. » test, investigation, into words 2 It is hard to explain such stupidity.
trial, enquiry, demonstration, observation, > account for, justify, excuse, defend,
analysis, piece of research 2 The new library vindicate, give reasons for, make excuses for,
hours are an experiment. > trial, trial run, try- rationalize
out explanation noun 11 owe you an explanation
experiment vers experiment with You need for what happened. > justification, reason,
to experiment with the camera’s different settings. account, excuse, defence, rationale 2 What on
> test, try out, investigate, explore, do tests earth can the explanation be? » cause, motive,
on, conduct an experiment on, do research on reason 3 The summary at the end gives a brief
explanation of the ideas discussed. » account,
experimental apjective 1 The new designs are clarification, elucidation, interpretation,
still at an experimental stage. » exploratory, demonstration
investigatory, provisional, tentative,
preliminary, speculative, trial, test explicit anjective 1 The advance party had
2 experimental forms of music» innovative, received explicit instructions to turn back.
innovatory, radical, avant-garde, original > clear, plain, direct, definite, express, precise,
distinct, exact, emphatic, specific, positive,
expertapectve 1 You can get independent expert categorical, unambiguous, unmistakable,
advice quite cheaply. > skilled, professional, unequivocal AN OPPOSITE IS vague 2 The film
qualified, specialist 2I am an expert swimmer. contains a number of sexually explicit scenes.
> skilful, skilled, accomplished, proficient, > candid, open, direct, frank, unreserved,
competent, talented, outstanding, undisguised, plain OPPOSITES ARE implicit,
exceptional, formidable suggestive
expertyoun 1 You need to get advice from an explode vers 1A bomb exploded in the centre of
expert. ® specialist, professional, authority, the city. » go off, blow up, detonate 2 The
(more informal) pro 2 He is an expert at board findings explode a number of myths about cancer
games. » authority, master, past master, treatment. » disprove, rebut, refute, expose,
connoisseur, genius, virtuoso, (more informal) debunk, discredit, destroy, put an end to
ace, (more informal) whizz, (more informal) exploit youn (with the stress on ex-) Their
wizard, (more informal) dab hand, exploits gave them a fearsome reputation. » feat,
(disapproving) know-all AN OPPOSITE IS novice deed, adventure, accomplishment,
expertise youn A high level of expertise is achievement
required. » skill, competence, proficiency, exploit vers (with the stress on -ploit) 1 The
ability, knowledge, capability, professionalism newcomers exploited the land’s mineral resources.
expire vers 1 The animals were expiring in the > make use of, utilize, use, take advantage of,
heat. > die, perish, pass away 2 Our television draw on, benefit from, capitalize on 2 They are
explore = extension
explore vers explores, exploring, explored Xpress ADJECTIVE 1 going or sent quickly
1 travel through a country etc. in order to learn 2 clearly stated e This was done against my
about it 2 examine a subject or idea carefully express orders.
@ We explored the possibilities. Xpress NOUN expresses a fast train stopping
> exploration NOUN explorer NOUN at only a few stations
exploratory ADJECTIVE
expan NouN explosions 1 the expioding Xpress VERB expresses, expressing,
of a bomb etc.; the noise made by exploding expressed 1 put ideas etc. into words; make
2 asudden great increase your feelings known 2 press or squeeze out
© Express the juice.
explosive Apective able to explode
explosive noun explosives an explosive expression oun expressions 1 the look ona
substance person’s face that shows his or her feelings 2a
word or phrase etc. 3 a way of speaking or of
exponent noun exponents 1a person who playing music etc. so as to show your feelings
puts forward an idea etc. 2 someone who is
4 expressing @ this expression of opinion
good at an activity 3 (in mathematics) the
raised number etc. written to the right of expressive spjctive full of expression
another (e.g. 3 in 23) showing how many times expulsion noun expulsions expelling or being
the first one is to be multiplied by itself; the expelled
exquisite (eks- kwiz- it) anjective very beautiful
export vers exports, exporting, exported
> exquisitely ADvers
send goods abroad to be sold
> exportation NOUN exporter NOUN extend vers extends, extending, extended
export noun exports 1 exporting things 1 stretch out 2 make something become
2 something exported longer or larger 3 offer or give e Extend a warm
e@XpOSe VERB exposes, exposing, exposed welcome to our friends.
> extendible Adjective
1 reveal or uncover 2 allow light to reach a
photographic film so as to take a picture extension oun extensions 1 extending or
> exposure NOUN being extended 2 something added on; an

accused of exploiting an impoverished workforce. express Apective 1 It was his express wish.
> take advantage of, mistreat, ill-treat, abuse, > explicit, clear, plain, direct, definite, precise,
oppress, manipulate, cheat, swindle, (more distinct, exact, emphatic, specific, positive,
informal) fleece categorical, unambiguous, unmistakable,
unequivocal 2 an express train » fast, rapid,
explore vers 1 an outing to explore the high-speed, non-stop
neighbourhood » tour, travel through,
reconnoitre, survey, inspect, take a look at expression noun 1 He liked to use old-fashioned
2 We'd like to explore the possibility of working expressions. » phrase, idiom, statement,
together. » investigate, examine, look into, saying, turn of phrase, phraseology, wording,
consider, study, review, probe, analyse cliché, formula, remark, term 2 She had a
puzzled expression. » look, countenance,
explosion noun A loud explosion shook the aspect, air, face, appearance, mien 3 She read
building. » blast, bang, boom, burst, crash, the letter without expression. » emotion,
report, detonation, discharge feeling, passion, intensity, poignancy,
explosive ADJECTIVE 1 explosive substances sensibility, sensitivity, sympathy,
> volatile, inflammable, combustible, understanding 4 The regime forbids the
unstable 2 an explosive situation » tense, expression of opposing ideas. » utterance,
highly charged, critical, fraught, hazardous, uttering, voicing, assertion
dangerous, perilous, sensitive exquisite apjective 1 ring with exquisite little
AN OPPOSITE IS Stable jewels» beautiful, lovely, delicate, dainty 2 She
always showed exquisite taste. » refined,
expose vers 1 The investigation exposed many discriminating, discerning, sensitive,
faults. » reveal, uncover, bring to light, impeccable
disclose, unveil, unmask 2 expose someone
to They were exposed to serious danger. > put at extend vers 1 The emperor sought to extend his
risk of, subject to, lay open to power. » expand, enlarge, develop, build up,
broaden, spread AN opposite Is reduce 2 The
express vers They expressed their wishes clearly. meeting was extended to allow for questions.
> communicate, articulate, utter, convey, > prolong, lengthen, continue, protract, draw
voice, vent, give vent to, release, air, phrase, out, make longer 3 We extend our thanks to all
put into words, ventilate contributors. > offer, proffer, advance, bestow,
extensive = extraterrestrial
addition to a building 3 one of a set of extort vers extorts, extorting, extorted
telephones in an office or house etc. obtain something by force or threats
> extortion NOUN
extensive apctive covering a large area or
range @ extensive gardens extortionate spective charging or demanding
> extensively anvers extensiveness NOUN far too much
extent noun extents 1 the area or length over extira apjective additional; more than is usual
which something extends 2 the amount, level, e extra strength
or scope of something e the full extent of his extra apvers more than usually e extra
power strong
exterior apective outer extra noun extras 1 an extra person or thing
2 a person acting as part of acrowd ina film or
exterior youn exteriors the outside of play
something extract (iks- trakt) vers extracts, extracting,
exterminate vers exterminates, extracted take out; remove
exterminating, exterminated destroy or kill > extractor NOUN
all the members or examples extract (eks- trakt) noun extracts 1 a passage
> extermination noun exterminator Noun taken from a book, speech, film, etc. 2a
substance separated or obtained from another
external spective outside
> externally apvers extraction youn 1 extracting 2someone’s
descent e He is of Chinese extraction.
extinct nective 1 not existing any more e The extraordinary agective very unusual or
dodo is an extinct bird 2 not burning; not active strange
@ an extinct volcano > extraordinarily pvers
extinction noun 1 making or becoming extrasensory apjective outside the range of
extinct 2 extinguishing; being extinguished the known human senses
extinguish vers extinguishes, extraterrestrial apective from beyond the
extinguishing, extinguished 1 put outa fire earth’s atmosphere; from outer space
or light 2 put an end to; destroy e Our hopes of extraterrestrial youn extraterrestrials a
victory were extinguished. being from outer space

confer, hold out, present, accord 4 The fields extra apjective. 1 She had.a second job to bring in
extend as far as the river.» reach, go, continue, extra money. » additional, more, further,
carry on, spread added, increased, supplementary, fresh
2 There was a lot of extra food in the house.
extension noun 1 The new owners built a huge > spare, excess, surplus, superfluous, unused,
extensiontothe house. » addition, annexe, wing
leftover 3 The large stores take on extra staff
2 We needed an extension of the deadline.
> postponement, deferral, delay 3 the before Christmas. » temporary, ancillary,
extension of the royal territories; the extension of auxiliary, supernumerary
knowledge » enlargement, increase, extra apvers He worked extra hard just before the
expansion, broadening, development, growth exams. especially, exceptionally, particularly,
extremely, unusually
extent youn 1 The estate is about three acres in
extent. » area, size, expanse, scope, extra youn The Monday holiday was a welcome
dimensions, spread, distance 2 It was only later extra. » addition, supplement, bonus,
that we saw the extent of the damage. » degree, extension
scale, scope, size, magnitude, amount, extract vers 1 The dentist extracted her tooth.
measure, quantity, range > pull out, take out, draw out, remove,
withdraw AN OPPOSITE IS insert 2 It was difficult
extermall spective an external surface » outer, to extract any information from them. » obtain,
outside, exterior, outermost wrest, draw, glean, elicit, derive, gather, get
extinct apjecive 1 an extinct volcano» inactive, extraordinary spective What an extraordinary
extinguished OPPOSITES ARE active, dormant story! Their behaviour was quite extraordinary.
2 an extinct species » lost, vanished, defunct, > remarkable, exceptional, amazing,
died out, dead, destroyed, obsolete, astonishing, astounding, wonderful, startling,
exterminated Opposites ARE extant, living, staggering, stunning, breathtaking, fantastic,
surviving phenomenal, incredible AN OPPOSITE Is ordinary
extravagant = eyewitness
extravagant spective spending or using too exultvers exults, exulting, exulted rejoice
much greatly,
> extravagantly ADvers extravagance NOUN > exultant Adjective exultation NOUN
extreme spective 1 very great or intense eye Noun eyes 1 the organ of the body thatis
e extreme cold 2 furthest away e the extreme used for seeing 2 the power of seeing e She has
north 3 going to great lengths in actions or sharp eyes 3 the small hole in a needle 4 the
opinions; not moderate centre of a storm
> extremely ADvers eye vers eyes, eyeing, eyed look at something
extreme Noun extremes 1 something with interest [from Old English]
extreme 2 either end of something eyeball noun eyeballs the ball-shaped part of
extricate (eks- trik- ayt) vers extricates, the eye inside the eyelids
extricating, extricated free someone or eyebrow noun eyebrows the fringe of hair
something from a difficult position or situation growing on the face above the eye
> extrication NOUN eyelash noun eyelashes one of the short hairs
extrovert noun extroverts a person who is that grow onan eyelid
generally friendly and likes company (The eyelid noun eyelids either of the two folds of
opposite is introvert) skin that can close over the eyeball
exuberant (ig- zew- ber- ant) ADjecive very eyepiece noun eyepieces the lens of a
lively and cheerful telescope or microscope etc. that you put to
> exuberantly Apvers exuberance NOUN your eye
exude vers exudes, exuding, exuded 1 give eyesight youn the ability to see
off moisture, a smell, etc. 2 display a feeling or eyewitness noun eyewitnesses a person who
quality openly e She exuded confidence. actually saw an accident or crime etc.

extravagance noun The new outfit was bought extremity noun 1 at the southern extremity of
in a fit of extravagance. » indulgence, the island » limit, edge, end, tip, boundary,
lavishness, prodigality, profligacy, excess, margin
squandering, improvidence, wastefulness extrovert noun Most of the volunteers are
AN OPPOSITE IS thrift extroverts by nature. » socializer, outgoing
person, mixer AN OPPOSITE IS introvert
extravagant spective an extravagant lifestyle
> indulgent, lavish, spendthrift, improvident, extrovert apjective an extrovert personality
squandering, wasteful an opposite Is thrifty > outgoing, extroverted, sociable, gregarious,
positive, active, confident
extreme apective 1a sure sign of extreme AN OPPOSITE IS introvert
tiredness » great, intense, exceptional, eyenoun 1He has a sharp eye. » eyesight,
extraordinary, utter, acute, downright vision, power of sight, visual perception RELATED
AN OPPOSITE IS Slight 2 The situation called for ADJECTIVES ocular, ophthalmic 2 Not much
extreme measures. » drastic, serious, radical, escaped her attentive eye.» watch, observation,
dire, desperate, severe, tough, harsh, strict vigilance, notice 3 eyes It was a dreadful
AN OPPOSITE IS mild 3 in the extreme north of mistake in our eyes. » opinion, view,
the country » farthest, furthest, far-off, pescrees way of thinking, viewpoint, (to our)
distant, remotest, faraway 4a person of min
extreme political opinions » radical, extremist, an eye for an eye for detail > an appreciation
fanatical, diehard, zealous of, an awareness of, an understanding of,
AN OPPOSITE IS moderate 2perception of, a sensitivity for, an instinct
extreme Noun These theories go from one eye vers He eyed the visitors carefully. » look at,
extreme to the other. an attitude pushed to its watch, observe, view, gaze at, glance at,
extreme & limit, extremity, height, end scrutinize, examine
fable = factory
3 covera surface with a layer of different
facetious (fas- ee- shus) apective trying to be
funny at an unsuitable time e facetious remarks
> facetiously spvers
fable noun fables a short story that teaches
about behaviour, often with animals as facilitate (fas-il-it- ayt) vers facilitates,
characters [from Latin fabula = story] facilitating, facilitated make something
easier to do
fabric youn fabrics 1 cloth 2 the basic > facilitation noun
framework of something, especially the walls,
floors, and roof of abuilding facility (fas- il- it- ee) voun facilities
1 something that provides you with the means
fabricate vers fabricates, fabricating, to do things e There are sports facilities. 2 ease
fabricated 1 construct or manufacture
or skill in doing something e She reads music
something 2invent @ fabricate an excuse with great facility.
> fabrication Noun
fabulous spective 1 wonderful 2 incredibly facsimile (fak- sim- il- ee) youn facsimiles
:an exact reproduction of adocumentetc. 2a
great e fabulous wealth 3 told of in fables and ax
> fabulously Apvers fact noun facts something that is certainly true
facade (fas- ahd) noun facades 1 the front of a the facts of life information about how babies
are conceived
building 2. an outward appearance, especially a
deceptive one faction noun factions a small united group
face noun faces 1 the front part of the head within a larger one, especially in politics
2 the expression on a person’s face 3 the front factor noun factors 1 something that helps to
or upper side of something 4a surface e A cube bring about a result e Hard work was a factor in
has six faces. her success. 2 a number by which a larger
face vers faces, facing, faced 1 look orhave the number can be divided exactly e 2 and 3 are
front towards something e Our room faced the factors of 6.
sea. 2 meet and have to deal with something; factory noun factories a large building where
encounter e Explorers face many dangers. machines are used to make things

fable noun the fable of the fox and the crow experience, confront
> story, tale, parable, moral tale face up to She faced up to all her obligations.
fabric oun 1 Special fabrics are often used for the > accept, come to terms with, recognize,
seats. » cloth, material, stuff, textile 2 The acknowledge, deal with, cope with
bomb did some damage to the fabric of the facet noun every facet of the situation » aspect,
building. » structure, framework, frame, feature, characteristic, detail, particular
construction, make-up facility voun 1 She has a great facility for singing.
fabricate vere The witness had fabricated his > aptitude, talent, flair, faculty, adeptness,
evidence. » invent, falsify, make up, concoct, skill (in), expertise (in) 2 This facility is used for
trump up copying music toa CD. » function, device,
fabulous spective 1 They had a fabulous time in provision 3 facilities the use of a sauna and
Morocco. » wonderful, marvellous, fantastic, sports facilities » amenities, resources,
splendid, magnificent 2 fabulous places you read services, equipment, provisions
about in stories » legendary, mythical, fact noun It is a fact that car use has risen steeply
imaginary, fictitious, fantastic in the last decade. » reality, truth, actuality,
face noun 1 She has a lovely face. » features, certainty, fait accompli AN OPPOSITE |S fiction
countenance, visage, profile, physiognomy the facts The jury has to take all the facts into
2 His face became angry. » expression, look, account.» evidence, information, details, data,
appearance, manner, bearing, countenance circumstances, particulars, aspects
3A cube has six faces. » side, surface, plane, factor Noun Cost was a key factor in the decision.
aspect 4 the north face of the house » aspect, > circumstance, element, feature,
facade 5 He put on a brave face for the sake of his component, ingredient, influence, aspect,
visitors. » front, show, display, act determinant
face vers 1 The hotel faces the lake. » overlook, factory noun I worked in a factory that made
be opposite (to), front, give onto 2 You will face parts for tractors. » manufacturing plant,
a lot of criticism. » meet, encounter, workshop, works, assembly line
faculty — fair
faculty Noun faculties 1 any of the powers of 4 not get enough marks to pass an examination
the body or mind (e.g. sight, speech, or 5 judge that someone has not passed an
understanding) 2 a department teaching a examination
particular subject in a university or college fail noun
@ the faculty of music without fail for certain; whatever happens
fad oun fads 1 person’s particular like or failing noun failings a weakness or a fault
dislike 2 a temporary fashion or craze
> faddy Adjective failure youn failures 1 not being able to do
fadevers fades, fading, faded 1 lose colour or something 2a person or thing that has failed
freshness or strength 2 disappear gradually faintapjective 1 pale or dim; not distinct 2 weak
3 make a sound etc. become gradually weaker or giddy; nearly unconscious 3 slight e a faint
(fade it out) or stronger (fade it in or up) hope.
faeces (fee- seez) PLURAL NOUN solid waste matter > faintly spvers faintness NOUN
passed out of the body faint vers faints, fainting, fainted become
Fahrenheit nective measuring temperature unconscious for a short time
ona scale where water freezes at 32° and boils USAGE Do not confuse with feint.
at 212° [named after G. D. Fahrenheit, a fair’ apective 1 right or just; according to the
German scientist, who invented the mercury rules @ a fair fight 2 (said about hair or skin)
thermometer] light in colour; (said about a person) having fair
fail vers fails, failing, failed 1 try todo hair 3 (old use) beautiful 4 fine or favourable
something but be unable to do it 2 become e fair weather 5 moderate; quite good e a fair
weak or useless; break down e The brakes failed. number ofpeople
3 not do something e He failed to warn me. > fairness NouN

factual nective a factual description ofthe events betray, desert AN OPPOSITE Is support 6 He
> truthful, accurate, historical, authentic, failed one ofhis exams. >» be unsuccessful in, not
genuine, realistic, faithful, objective Pass AN OPPOSITE IS pass
faculty oun 1 the faculty of speech >» power, failing noun She loved him despite his failings.
capability, capacity, facility 2 a faculty for > fault, weakness, shortcoming, flaw, defect
settling disputes » aptitude, talent, facility, OPPOSITES ARE strength, strong point
flair, adeptness, skill (in), expertise (in) failure noun 1 The negotiations ended in failure.
3 faculties >» senses, wits, intelligence, > disappointment, lack of success, defeat,
reason, powers disaster 2 The plan proved to be a failure.
fad noun Rap music was not just a passing fad. > disaster, catastrophe, fiasco, debacle,
> craze, fashion, trend, vogue, whim, passion, blunder, mistake, (more informal) flop, (more
enthusiasm, obsession, compulsion, (more informal) damp squib 3 a failure in the power
informal) rage, (more informal) thing supply » breakdown, fault, malfunction 4 To
fade vers 1 The light has faded the colours. do nothing might be regarded as a failure of duty.
> blanch, bleach, discolour, whiten > dereliction, neglect, omission, deficiency
AN OPPOSITE IS brighten 2 The music began to faintaojective 1 There was a faint smell of gas.
fade. >» weaken, decline, decrease, diminish, > slight, indistinct, vague, weak
dwindle, dim, wane, disappear, evanesce, fail, AN OPPOSITE ISstrong 2 The sky had a faint pink
melt away, pale, vanish AN OPPOSITE ISintensify colour. » pale, light, hazy, weak
3 The flowers had faded by now. » wither, wilt, AN OPPOSITE IS bright 3 We heard a faint cry from
droop, flag, perish, shrivel AN OPPOSITE 1S bloom the next room. » quiet, muted, muffled, feeble,
4 Their enthusiasm was fading. » decline, weak AN OpposiITE ISloud 4 There is a faint
diminish, dwindle, fail, flag, sink, disappear possibility of an improvement in the weather.
fail vers 1 In the end all attempts failed. » be > slight, slim, slender, remote, small, vague,
unsuccessful, go wrong, miscarry, fall through, doubtful AN opposite Isstrong 5 She was feeling
come to grief, collapse AN OPPOSITE Is succeed faint and had to lie down. » dizzy, giddy, light-
2 The business had failed and the family faced headed, weak, (more informal) woozy
ruin. » collapse, founder, go under, go faimtvers He grew pale and seemed about to faint.
bankrupt, (more informal) fold > pass out, lose consciousness, black out,
AN OPPOSITE IS prosper 3 She was angry with her collapse, (more informal) flake out, (literary)
daughter who had failed to contact her. swoon
> neglect, forget, omit 4 Her health was fair anjective 1 It doesn’t seem fair to blame the
failing. » deteriorate, decline, weaken, sink, children. » just, equitable, reasonable,
collapse AN OPPOSITE ISimprove 5 They believe honourable AN opposite isunfair 2 They gave a
we have failed them. » let down, disappoint, fair assessment of the situation. » honest,
fair > fallout
fair aovere fairly e Play fair! falcon noun falcons a kind of hawk often used
fair? noun fairs 1a group of outdoor in the sport of hunting other birds or game
entertainments such as roundabouts, > falconry noun
sideshows, and stalls 2 an exhibition or market fall vers falls, falling,
fell, fallen 1 come or go
> fairground noun down without being pushed or thrown etc.
fairly svvere 1 justly; according tothe rules 2 decrease; become lower e Prices fell. 3 be
2 moderately e It is fairly hard. capturedor overthrown e The city fell. 4diein
battle 5 happen e Silence fell. 6 become e She
fairy noun fairies an imaginary very small fell asleep.
creature with magic powers fall back retreat
> fairyland Noun fairy tale noun fall back on use for support or in an
faith noun faiths strong belief or trust emergency
in good faith with honest intentions fall for 1 be attracted by a person 2 be taken
faithful ayective 1 loyal and trustworthy 2 true in by a deception
to the facts e a faithful account 3 sexually loyal fall out quarrel
to one partner fall through fail e plans fell through
> faithfully overs faithfulness noun falll voun falls 1 the action of falling
Yours faithfully see yours 2 (American) autumn, when leaves fall
fake youn fakes something that looks genuine fallacy (fal-a- see) noun fallacies a false or
but is not; a forgery mistaken idea or belief
fake vers fakes, faking, faked 1make > fallacious (fal- ay- shus) ADJECTIVE
something that looks genuine, in order to Fallopian tube noun Fallopian tubes one of
deceive people 2 pretend to have or be the two tubes in a woman’s body along which
something e He used to fake illness to miss the eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus
games. fallout voun particles of radioactive material
> faker NouN carried in the air after a nuclear explosion

impartial, reasonable, objective, dispassionate, reliable, staunch, steadfast, trusty,
neutral, even-handed trustworthy, close, consistent, unswerving
OPPOSITES ARE unreasonable, biased 3 She OPPOSITES ARE unfaithful, disloyal 2 He kept a
believes she has a fair chance of success. He had faithful record of the events of that day.
achieved a fair result in his exams. » moderate, > accurate, true, truthful, precise, exact,
reasonable, average, satisfactory, adequate, authentic AN OPPOSITE IS inaccurate
acceptable, tolerable, respectable, decent fake apjective 1 You could tell the diamonds were
OPPOSITES ARE excellent, outstanding 4 There fake. > imitation, artificial, simulated,
was a fair amount of traffic going past. synthetic, unreal, false, bogus, sham, (more
> considerable, moderate, average 5 She had informal) phoney 2 He brought out a wad offake
blue eyes and fair hair. » blond(e), light, pale, banknotes. » counterfeit, forged, false, sham,
yellow 6 It was a good match played in fair bogus, fraudulent, (more informal) phoney
weather. > fine, dry, bright, clear, sunny, warm AN OPPOSITE IS genuine
OPPOSITES ARE bad, wet, inclement fake noun 1 One of the paintings was a fake.
fair noun 1.4 country fair » féte, gala, carnival, > forgery, copy, imitation, reproduction,
funfair, festival 2 an antiques fair » market, replica, duplicate, hoax, sham, simulation,
sale, mart, bazaar 3a book fair » exhibition, (more informal) phoney 2 The man who claimed
display, show, presentation to be a surgeon is a fake. » fraud, charlatan,
fairly aovere The news is fairly good. impostor, cheat, (more informal) quack, (more
> reasonably, moderately, tolerably, quite, informal) phoney
rather, somewhat, (more informal) pretty fake vers They would have to fake a death
AN OPPOSITE IS extremely certificate. » forge, fabricate, counterfeit,
fairy tale orfairy story Noun fairy tales about falsify, (more informal) fiddle
witches and dragons » folk tale, legend, myth, fall vers 1 He stumbled and fell. » tumble, fall
story over, topple, trip over, keel over, collapse
faith youn 1 His employers had complete faith in AN OPPOSITE IS get up 2 Flood levels began to fall
him.» trust, confidence, hope, belief, reliance at last. » drop, go down, subside, recede
2 Her faith is very precious to her. > religion, AN OPPOSITE IS rise 3 Bombs continued to fall all
belief, religious conviction night.» drop, descend, plummet, rain down
faithful anective 1 He wondered ifClara had a 4 Prices are expected to fall soon. » go down,
faithful partner waiting for her at home. > loyal, decrease, decline, diminish OPPOSITES ARE rise,
devoted, constant, dependable, dutiful, increase 5 The Empire in the East did not fall for
false > famously
false apective 1 untrue or incorrect 2 not familynoun families 1 parents and their
genuine; artificial e false teeth 3 treacherous or children, sometimes including grandchildren
deceitful and other relations 2 a group ofthings that are
> falsely Apvers falseness noun falsity noun alike in some way 3 a group of related plants or
animals e@ Lions belong to the cat family.
falter vers falters, faltering, faltered
1 hesitate when you move or speak 2 become family planning noun birth control
weaker; begin to give way e His courage began family treenoun family trees a diagram
to falter. showing how people in a family are related
famenoun being famous faminenoun famines a very bad shortage of
> famed Adjective food in an area
famished apective very hungry
familiar pjective 1 well known; often seen or
experienced 2 knowing something well e Are famousapective known to very many people
you familiar with this book? 3 very friendly famously apvers (informal) very well e They get
> familiarlyspvers familiarity oun on famously.

several more centuries. » decline, collapse, vacillate, flinch, hold back, lose confidence, be
disintegrate, deteriorate AN OPPOSITE ISflourish indecisive, get cold feet
6 Thousands fell in the war. » die, be killed, be AN OPPOSITE ISpersevere 2 He faltered for a
lost, lose your life, perish, (literary) be slain moment over an awkward name. » stammer,
7 Her birthday falls on a Saturday this year. stumble, stutter
> occur, come, happen, take place
fall apart The sheds fell apart in the high winds.
fame noun Their fame spread all over the world.
> renown, celebrity, stardom, popularity,
> collapse, disintegrate, break up, fragment,
notability, prestige, reputation, glory, name,
crumble, fall to pieces, shatter
stature, standing, prominence
fall asleepShe couldn’t help falling asleep.
> doze off, drop off, go to sleep, (more familiar nective 1 The room was full offamiliar
informal) nod off faces. » well known, recognizable,
fall in The roof has fallen in. » collapse, come accustomed, everyday, commonplace 2a
down, cave in familiar friend » close, intimate, dear 3 The
fall off Demand for these products has fallen off atmosphere in the house was friendly and
lately. » decline, slacken, decrease, lessen, familiar. » informal, casual, relaxed, natural,
drop off open, unreserved, free and easy,
fall out They fell out over money. » quarrel, unceremonious
argue, disagree, fight, squabble, bicker, clash
fall throughIn the end the plan fell through.
familiarity oun 1.A familiarity with at least
one European language is needed.
> come to nothing, fail, miscarry, founder,
> acquaintance, knowledge (of),
collapse OPPOSITES AREgo ahead, succeed
understanding (of) 2 They spoke to one another
fallvoun 1 He was hurt in a fall. » tumble, spill, with a great deal offamiliarity. » informality,
topple, stumble 2 Economists expect a fall in intimacy, closeness, friendliness, naturalness,
house prices. » drop, decline, fall-off, decrease, casualness
dip, lessening, reduction, slump
OPPOSITES ARErise, increase epic poem on family oun 1a large house divided to
the fall of Troy » surrender, capitulation, accommodate two families » household 2 She
submission, defeat 4 the fall of the Roman sends a yearly newsletter to family and friends.
Empire » downfall, collapse, ruin, failure, > relatives, relations, kin, kinsmen, clan
demise, destruction USAGE Kin and kinsmen are words you normally
find only in stories and literature 3 parents
falseanective 1. false alibi» untrue, fictitious, clearly devoted to their family » children,
invented, concocted, fabricated, invalid, offspring, sons and daughters
spurious AN OPPOSITE ISgenuine 2a false friend
> unfaithful, disloyal, unreliable, famine noun a country constantly threatened by
dishonourable, untrustworthy famine > hunger, malnutrition, scarcity,
AN OPPOSITE IS faithful 3 false hair > artificial, shortage, starvation, dearth, want
unreal, imitation, synthetic, simulated, fake, AN.OPPOSITE IS plenty
sham AN OPPOSITE ISreal 4 a false belief famousanecrive a famous singer » well known,
> incorrect, erroneous, mistaken, fallacious, celebrated, renowned, acclaimed, admired,
wrong AN OPPOSITE IS correct prominent, revered, distinguished, honoured,
falter vers 1 The country must not falter in the eminent, exalted, illustrious, great, notable,
face of such danger. » hesitate, waver, delay, noted opposites AREunknown, obscure
fan = fascinate
fan ' Noun fans an object or machine for making farce Noun farces 1 an exaggerated comedy
air move about so as to cool people or things 2 asituation orseries of events that is ridiculous
fan vere fans, fanning, fanned senda current of ora pretence e The trial was a complete farce.
air on something > farcical ADJECTIVE
fan out spread out in the shape of a fan fare noun fares 1 the price charged fora
fan noun fans an enthusiastic admirer or Passenger to travel 2 food and drink e There
supporter was only very plain fare.
fanatic noun fanatics a person who is very farewell iv7egection, Noun farewells goodbye
enthusiastic or too enthusiastic about farm Noun farms 1 an area of land where
something someone grows crops or keeps animals for
> fanatical ADJECTIVE fanatically ADvers food or other use 2 the farmer’s house
fanaticism NOUN > farmhouse NOUN farmyard NOUN
fanciful apectve 1 imagining things farm vers farms, farming, farmed 1 grow
2 imaginary crops or keep animals for food etc. 2 use land
fancy Noun fancies 1a liking or desire for for growing crops; cultivate
something 2 imagination farmer Noun farmers a person who owns or
fancy apjecive decorated or elaborate; not plain manages a farm
fancy vers fancies, fancying, fancied 1havea farther sovers, anjective at or to a greater
liking or desire for something 2 imagine distance; more distant
3 believe e Ifancy it’s raining. USAGE Farther and farthest are used only in
connection with distance (e.g. She lives farther
fancy dress noun unusual costume worn for a from the school than I do), but evenin such cases
party, often to make you look like a famous many people prefer to use further. Only
person further can be used to mean ‘additional’, e.g.
fantastic anecive 1 (informal) excellent in We must make further inquiries. If you are not
2 strange or unusual 3 designed in a very sure which is right, use further.
fanciful way farthest apvers, Apjective at or to the greatest
> fantastically ADverB distance; most distant
fantasy Noun fantasies something imaginary USAGE See the note at farther.
or fantastic farthing Noun farthings a former British coin
farapvers 1 at or toa great distance e We didn’t worth one-quarter of apenny
go far. 2 much; by a great amount e This is far fascinate vere fascinates, fascinating,
better. fascinated be very attractive or interesting to
far spective distant or remote e On the far side of somebody
the river. > fascination NOUN fascinator NOUN

fam noun 1a fan of rock music » devotee, 2 Ifancy a doughnut. » feel like, wish for, want,
enthusiast, admirer, lover, fanatic, addict, desire 3 This was the boy she had fancied for so
aficionado, (more informal) freak 2A ceiling fan long. > be attracted to, find attractive, have a
cooled the room. » ventilator, blower, crush on, desire, want
extractor, air conditioner
fantastic nective 1 We had a fantastic time.
fanaticnoun 14 religious fanatic» extremist, > wonderful, marvellous, fabulous, splendid,
zealot, militant, activist, diehard 2 a fitness magnificent 2 It’s a fantastic idea. » fanciful,
fanatic > enthusiast, devotee, admirer, lover, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable
fan, addict, aficionado, (more informal) freak
fanciful anjective full offanciful ideas fantasy Noun a fantasy about living on a desert
> unrealistic, far-fetched, fantastic, imaginary, island» dream, daydream, pipe dream,
whimsical, illusory, visionary, romantic delusion, fancy
fancy Apjective 1 The belts are decorated with fair Apective He’d been to many far places.
fancy patterns. » elaborate, decorative, > distant, faraway, far off, remote, out of the
ornamental, ornate 2 They don’t like wearing way, outlying
fancy clothes. » showy, ostentatious, gaudy fare NouN a standard- class rail fare > price,
fancy noun 1 The little cottage caught our fancy. charge, cost, payment, fee
> imagination, ingenuity, whim 2Ihad a fancy
they might be there. » notion, idea, belief, farm Noun a farm of200 acres » smallholding,
impression, suspicion, hunch farmstead, estate, grange
fancy vers 11 fancied I could see a light in the sky. fascinate vers Most people are fascinated by the
> imagine, think, suppose, believe, suspect way words change their meaning. > interest (in),
fascist = father
fascist NOUN fascists someone who believes in fast? vers fasts, fasting, fasted go without
or practises very oppressive and nationalistic food :
forms of government > fast NOUN
> fascism NOUN fasten vers fastens, fastening, fastened fix
[from fasces, the rods of office in ancient Rome, one thing firmly to another
used as. an emblem by the Italian Fascist party > fastener NOUN fastening NOUN
inthe 1920s]
fiat NouN fats 1 the white greasy part of meat
fashion Noun fashions 1 the style of clothes or 2 oil or grease used in cooking
other things that most people like at a the fat of the land the best food
particular time 2a way of doing something fat ADjecTive fatter, fattest 1 having a very thick
© Continue in the same fashion. round body 2 thick e a fat book 3 full of fat
fashionable apjctve following the fashion of > fatness NOUN
the time; popular fatal apjective causing death or disaster e@ a fatal
> fashionably ADveRB- accident
fast! apjective 1 movingor done quickly; rapid > fatally ADverB
2 allowing fast movement e a fast road fate noun fates 1a power that is thought to
3 showing a time later than the correct time make things happen 2 what will happen or has
e Your watch is fast 4 firmly fixed or attached happened to somebody or something; destiny
5 not likely to fade e fast colours [from Latin fatum = what has been spoken]
> fastness NOUN father noun fathers 1a male parent 2 thetitle
fast avvers 1 quicklyeRun fast! 2 firmly @ His of certain priests
leg was stuck fast in the mud. > fatherly ADjECTIVE
fast asleep ina deep sleep [from Old English]

engross, captivate, enthral, absorb, beguile, fasten all windows. » close, secure, lock, bolt
entrance, attract, charm AN opposite Is unfasten 3 Brackets are fastened
fascinating Anective a fascinating book about the to the wall. » fix, attach, secure, bolt
invention of the camera > interesting, AN OPPOSITE IS remove
engrossing, intriguing, captivating, fat Apective 1A fat woman came into the room.
enthralling, absorbing, beguiling, entrancing, > plump, stout, large, overweight, corpulent,
attractive, charming rotund, podgy, obese, tubby, portly
fashion noun 1 the fashion for long dresses opposites ARE thin, slim 2 He was reading a fat
> trend, vogue, craze 2 She was behaving in a book. » thick, bulky, chunky, substantial
very odd fashion. » way, manner, mode, 3 (informal) A fat cheque arrived just before
method Christmas. » large, substantial, sizeable,
fashionable apective a fashionable hotel in generous
central London stylish, popular, chic, elegant, fat oun He has a lot offat to get rid of. » fatness,
modish, (more informal) trendy obesity, blubber, (technical) adipose tissue,
AN OPPOSITE IS unfashionable (more informal) flab
fast Apjective She drives a fast car. The race was run fatal apjective 1 He delivered a fatal blow with the
at a fast pace. Delivery is always fast. » quick, axe.» deadly, mortal, lethal 2 She contracted a
rapid, speedy, swift, brisk, lively, sprightly, fatal illness in the Far East. » deadly, terminal,
flying, high-speed, (more informal) nippy mortal, incurable, malignant 3 That decision
an opposite is slow proved to be a fatal mistake. » disastrous,
fast apvere 1 The train was travelling fast towards catastrophic, calamitous, destructive
the tunnel. » quickly, rapidly, swiftly, speedily,
at full speed, at full tilt, briskly fate noun 11 am ready for whatever fate has to
AN OPPOSITE IS Slowly 2 The wheels were stuck fast offer. » destiny, chance, providence, fortune,
inthe mud. > tightly, securely, immovably 3 By the future, luck, the stars, karma, kismet 2 He
now she was fast asleep. » deeply, sound, was to meet a terrible fate. » death, demise,
completely end, ruin, doom
fast vers a month in which many people are fasting fated Anjective They were fated not to meet again.
> go without food, abstain, deny yourself > destined, doomed, predestined,
AN OPPOSITE IS Overeat preordained, predetermined, meant, bound,
fastem vere 1a sleeveless jacket that you fasten at certain, intended
the back» do up, tie, close, button up father noun His father was now living in Bristol.
OPPOSITES ARE unfasten, undo 2 We were told to > male parent, (more informal) dad, (more
father-in-law — fearsome
father-in-law noun fathers-in-law the father favour vers favours, favouring, favoured be
of a married person’s husband or wife in favour of something; show favourto a person
fatigue noun 1 tiredness 2 weaknessinmetals, favourable spective 1 helpful oradvantageous
caused by stress 2 showing approval
> fatigued ADECTIVE > favourably Apvers
fatten vers fattens, fattening, fattened make favourite specie liked more than others
or become fat
fatty apjctive like fat; containing fat favourite youn 1a person or thing that
fatuous apecrive silly or foolish someone likes most 2 a competitor that is
generally expected to win
> fatuously ADvers fatuousness Noun fatuity
NOUN fax NOUN faxes 1a machine that sends an exact
fault youn faults 1 anything that makes a copy of a document electronically 2a copy
person or thing imperfect; a flaw or mistake produced by this
2 the responsibility for something wrong e It fax vers faxes, faxing, faxed send a copy of a
wasn’t your fault. 3 a break in a layer of rock, document using a fax machine [a shortening of
caused by movement of the earth’s crust facsimile]
> faulty Adjective
at fault responsible for a mistake or failure
fear noun fears a feeling that something
unpleasant may happen
fault vere faults, faulting, faulted find faults in
something fear vers fears, fearing, feared feel fear; be
afraid of somebody or something
fauna noun the animals of a certain area or
period of time compare flora fearful anective 1 feeling fear; afraid 2 causing
favour Noun favours 1a kind or helpful act fear or horror e a fearful monster 3 (informal)
2 friendly support or approval e The visitors very great or bad
soon won the favour of the local people. > fearfully Apvers
be in favour of like or support fearsome apective frightening

informal) daddy, (more informal) pop, (old- favourable apective 1 CDs at favourable prices
fashioned) pater RELATED ADJECTIVE paternal > advantageous, beneficial, competitive,
fatty anective fatty food > greasy, oily, fat, convenient 2 a favourable assessment of their
(technical) oleaginous ability » positive, encouraging, enthusiastic,
fault noun 1 a fault in the manufacturing process complimentary, sympathetic, approving,
> defect, deficiency, failure, failing, flaw, agreeable
weakness, imperfection, shortcoming, favourite spective John was her favourite
blemish, malfunction, snag 2 There is a fault in nephew. » best-loved, most-liked, preferred,
their argument. » flaw, error, fallacy, favoured, treasured, dearest, special, chosen,
inaccuracy, miscalculation, mistake 3 He had pet
his faults, but carelessness was not one of them. favourite voun Sarah had always been one of his
> failing, weakness, shortcoming, flaw, defect favourites. » first choice, preference, darling,
OPPOSITES ARE Strength, strong point 4 The pet, idol, apple of your eye
problem was my fault. > responsibility, liability, fear oun 1I remember the shock offear when I
mistake, error heard her scream. » terror, fright, horror,
faulty anjective The light bulb was faulty. alarm, panic, dread, trepidation 2 He found it
> broken, defective, not working, hard to overcome his fears. » anxiety, concern,
malfunctioning, inoperative, out of order, foreboding, unease, misgiving
deficient fear vers 1 They all feared Ted and kept away from
favour Noun 1 She regards us with great favour. him. » be afraid of, be scared of, dread, be
> approval, approbation, commendation, terrified of, tremble at, worry about 2 We fear
goodwill, kindness, friendliness, benevolence, a bad outcome. I fear you may be right.
esteem OPPOSITES ARE disfavour, disapproval m suspect, expect, foresee, anticipate
2 Could you do me a favour? » good turn, fearful anjective 1 The generals were fearful of
benefit, kindness, kind act, courtesy, enemy reprisals. » afraid, frightened, scared,
indulgence, good deed nervous, apprehensive (about), anxious
favour vers 11 favour casual clothes. » prefer, (about), uneasy (about), (more informal) jittery
choose, opt for, approve of, like 2 The (about) 2 (informal) She felt a fearful pain in her
government favours a policy ofpeace. leg. » terrible, dreadful, frightful, horrible,
> recommend, support, back, subscribe to, awful 3 (informal) There would be a fearful row if
promote, advocate, espouse, endorse, anyone found out. » major, very great,
champion ; dreadful, terrible, awful
feasible — feeler
feasible apectve 1 able to be done; possible federal apective to do with a system in which
2 likely or probable e a feasible explanation several states are ruled by a central
> feasibly Apvers feasibility Noun government but are responsible for their own
USAGE The use of feasible to mean ‘likely or internal affairs
probable’ has not become generally accepted federation noun federations a group of
in standard English, so it is better to avoid it in federal states
writing or formal situations.
fee noun fees a charge for something
feast Noun feasts 1a large splendid meal 2a
religious festival feeble apjective weak; without strength
> feast vers > feebly Anvers feebleness NOUN
[from old French; related to féte] feed vers feeds, feeding, fed 1 give food toa
feather oun feathers one of the very light person or animal 2 take food 3 supply
coverings that grow from a bird’s skin something to a machine etc.
> feathery ADJECTIVE > feeder Noun
feather vers feathers, feathering, feathered feed noun food for animals or babies
cover or line something with feathers feedback noun 1the response you get from
feature youn features 1 any part of the face people to something you have done 2 the
(e.g. the mouth, nose, or eyes) 2. an important harsh noise produced when some of the sound
or noticeable part; a characteristic 3 a special from an amplifier goes back into it
newspaper article or programme that deals feel vers feels, feeling, felt 1 touch something
with a particular subject 4 the main film ina to find out what it is like 2 be aware of
cinema programme something; have an opinion 3 experience an
February noun the second month of the year emotion 4 give a certain sensation e the sand
[named after februa, the ancient Roman feast of feels warm
purification held in this month] feel like want
fed past tense of feed feeler oun feelers 1a long thin projection.on
fed up (informal) discontented an insect’s or crustacean’s body, used for

feasible apective With luck the plan might be helpless 3 Her brother was a feeble character. -
feasible. » practicable, practical, workable, > spineless, timid, weak, ineffective,
achievable, realizable, attainable, possible, ineffectual
viable opposites ARE impractical, impossible feed vers 1She has a large family to feed.
feast noun a feast fitfora king» banquet, meal, > nourish, sustain, provide for, cater for 2 He
dinner, (more formal) repast, (more informal) was feeding information to the enemy. » supply,
spread, (more informal) binge provide, deliver, present 3 They spend all their
feat noun a feat ofgreat daring » deed, exploit, time feeding and sleeping. » eat, take food, have
act, accomplishment, achievement, a meal, dine 4 feed on The local wildlife feeds on
undertaking, action, attainment, performance these plants. > eat, live on, exist on, consume,
feature noun 1 This latest incident has some devour
notable features. >» characteristic, feel vers 1 He felt the back of his head with his
circumstance, aspect, point, facet, detail,’ hand. » touch, stroke, finger, handle, caress,
peculiarity, quality, trait 2 a magazine feature fondle 2 She felt a hand on her shoulder.
> article, report, story, item, piece, column > sense, perceive, detect, be aware of, be
features Her coiled hair accentuated her fine conscious of, discern 3 Did you feel any pain?
features. » face, countenance, expression, > experience, suffer, undergo, endure, go
lineaments, look, (more formal) physiognomy through 4 We feel you should apologize to her.
fed up agective. 1 (informal) You look tired and > believe, think, consider, consider it right,
fed up. » depressed, dejected, dispirited, reckon, judge 5 The fabric feels soft. » seem,
despondent, disheartened, miserable, cast appear, strike you as
down, sad, down, glum 2 (informal) be fed up feel for She had had a bad time and Ifelt for her.
with I was totally fed up with all their whinging. > feel sorry for, sympathize with, pity,
> be sick of, be tired of, be weary of, have had commiserate with
enough of feel like Do you feel like a drink? » fancy, wish
feeble anjective 1 My feeble attempts to protest for, want, desire
were ignored. » weak, ineffective, inadequate, feel youn 1 The wood had a warm feel. » texture,
tame, poor, flimsy, shallow 2 The illness left him quality, surface, touch, impression 2 She has a
too feeble to stand. » weak, weakened, frail, good feel for the music. » aptitude, flair, talent,
delicate, sickly, poorly, infirm, incapacitated, gift, knack
feeling — ferry
feeling; an antenna 2a cautious question or the words referring to women
suggestion etc. to test people’s reactions > femininity Noun
feeling noun feelings 1 the ability to feel feminist Noun feminists a person who believes
things; the sense of touch 2 what aperson feels that women should have the same rights and
in the mind; emotion e I didn’t mean to hurt status as men
your feelings. 3 what you think about > feminism Noun
something e Ihave afeeling that we are going to fence noun fences 1 barrier made of wood or
win. wire etc. round an area 2 a structure fora horse
feint (faynt) voun feints a pretended attack or to jump over 3 a person who buys stolen goods
punch meant to deceive an opponent and sells them again
feint vers feints, feinting, feinted make afeint fence vers fences, fencing, fenced 1 puta
USAGE Do not confuse with faint. fence round or along something 2 fight with
fell ' past tense offall long narrow swords (called foils) as a sport
fell? vere fells, felling, felled make something > fencer NOUN
fall; cut or knock down @ They were felling the fend vers fends, fending, fended
trees. fend for yourself take care of yourself
fellow noun fellows 1a friend or companion; fend off keep a person or thing away from you
one who belongs to the same group 2. aman or ferment (fer- ment) vers ferments,
boy 3amember of a learned society fermenting, fermented bubble and change
fellow spective of the same group or kind e Her chemically by the action of asubstance such as
fellow teachers supported her. yeast
fellowship noun fellowships 1 friendship 2a > fermentation NouN
group of friends; a society ferment (fer- ment) noun 1 fermenting
felt ' past tense of feel excited or agitated condition
felt? noun a thick fabric made of fibres of wool or fern noun ferns a plant with feathery leaves and
fur etc. pressed together no flowers
female apjctive of the sex that can bear ferocious spective fierce or savage
offspring or produce eggs or fruit > ferociously apvers ferocity NOUN
female noun females a female person, animal, ferry vers ferries, ferrying, ferried transport
or plant people or things, especially across water
feminine apjective 1 to do with or like women; ferry noun ferries a boat or ship used for
suitable for women 2 (in some languages) transporting people or things across a short
belonging to the class of words which includes stretch of water

feeling noun 1 They enjoyed the feeling ofpower fence vers
and superiority.» sensation, sense, awareness, fence in You will need to fence in the hens.
consciousness, perception 21 had a feeling she > confine, pen in, coop up, shut in, close in,
wouldn't be coming. » suspicion, inkling, hedge in
notion, idea, hunch, fancy, premonition fence off More land would be fenced off.
3 There was a friendly feeling about the place. > enclose, surround, encircle, separate off,
> atmosphere, aura, air, ambience, climate, section off, partition off, cut off
quality, mood 4 She spoke with great feeling. fend vers
> emotion, passion, intensity, concern, fend for yourself They can fend for themselves
tenderness, warmth, ardour 5 He had lost all for afew days. » look after yourself, care for
feeling in his arm. » sensation, perception, yourself, take care of yourself, manage, cope,
sense of touch (more informal) get by
felll vers 1A guard felled him with a single blow. fend off A small force might not be enough to fend
> knock down, knock over, bring down, off an attack. » repel, repulse, resist, ward off,
flatten, prostrate, (more informal) floor 2 Dead beat off, fight off, hold back, thwart
trees have to be felled fairly quickly. » chop ferocious Anjective He was the victim of a
down, cut down ferocious attack. » fierce, brutal, violent,
savage, cruel, vicious, barbaric, callous,
fellow noun He’s a decent fellow, always ready to heartless, cold-blooded, pitiless, ruthless,
help out. » chap, man, boy, individual, (more merciless, vile, sadistic, brutish
informal) bloke, (more informal) guy OPPOSITES ARE gentle, humane
fence noun The area was surrounded by a tall ferocity noun The police were surprised by the
fence. > railing, enclosure, barrier, wall, paling, ferocity of the attack. » savagery, brutality,
hedge ' cruelty, viciousness, fierceness, barbarity,
fertile > few
fertile ayecnve 1 producing good crops efertile fetch vers fetches, fetching, fetched 1 go for
soil 2 able to produce offspring 3 able to and bring back e fetch some milk @ fetch a doctor
produce ideas e a fertile imagination 2 be sold for a particular price e The chairs
> fertility noun fetched £20.
fertilize vers fertilizes, fertilizing, fertilized f@te (fayt) voun fétes an outdoor entertainment
1 add substances to the soil to make it more with stalls and sideshows
fertile 2 put pollen into a plant or sperm into an fetter youn fetters a chain or shackle put round
egg or female animal so that it develops seed or a prisoner’s ankle
young fetus or foetus (fee- tus) noun fetuses or
> fertilization Noun foetuses a developing embryo, especially an
fertilizer youn fertilizers chemicals ormanure unborn human baby
> fetal Anjective
added to the soil to make it more fertile
[from Latin, = offspring]
fervent apjecrive strongly passionate feud (fewd) noun feuds a long-lasting quarrel,
festival voun festivals 1a time of celebration, especially between two families
especially for religious reasons 2 an organized feudal (few- dal) anjecrive to do with the system
series of concerts, films, performances, etc., used in the Middle Ages in which people could
especially one held every year farm land in exchange for work done for the
festivity youn festivities a festive occasion or owner
> feudalism noun
fever youn fevers 1an abnormally high body
festoon noun festoons a chain of flowers or temperature, usually with an illness
ribbons etc. hung as a decoration 2 excitement or agitation
festoon vers festoons, festooning, > fevered apjective feverish ADJECTIVE
festooned decorate something with feverishly apvers
ornaments few apjective not many

callousness, heartlessness, cold-bloodedness, summon, go for, get, bring 4 By this time he
ruthlessness AN OPPOSITE IS gentleness reckoned the house might fetch a cool million.
fertile spective 1 fertile soil > fruitful, > sell for, be sold for, be bought for, raise,
productive, prolific, rich, fecund realize, bring in, earn, go for, make, produce
AN OPPOSITE IS infertile 2 a fertile mind
féte youn a village fete » gala, fair, festival,
> imaginative, inventive, creative, resourceful,
pageant, bazaar, garden party, jubilee, carnival
fervent anecrive 1 fervent hope that we can be feud oun The family feud came to a head this
friends » heartfelt, earnest, eager, intense, week. > vendetta, dispute, conflict, rivalry,
keen, strong 2a fervent cricket supporter strife, quarrel , antagonism, hostility, enmity,
> eager, ardent, passionate, impassioned, animosity
avid, zealous, keen, enthusiastic
fever noun 1 He caught some sort offever and
festival youn The city has a music festival in the never got over it. » feverishness, high
spring. » jubilee, pageant, carnival, gala, féte, temperature, delirium 2 We were in a fever of
jamboree, celebration, festivities, anniversary impatience waiting for them to return. » frenzy,
festive anyective A festive atmosphere encourages ferment 3 World Cup football fever
the children to have a good time. » jolly, joyous, > excitement, agitation, passion, frenzy
joyful, happy, merry, cheerful, cheery, jubilant,
convivial, celebratory, gay, gleeful, jovial, light- feverish apjective 1 She looked flushed and
hearted OPPOSITES ARE gloomy, sombre feverish. » fevered, burning, hot, febrile,
festivities piurai noun The family returned home inflamed, delirious 2 The house was a scene of
in time for the New Year festivities. feverish activity. » frenzied, frantic, frenetic,
> celebrations, revels, revelry, festival, party, excited, hectic, agitated, hurried, hasty,
entertainments, amusements, fun, jollification impatient, restless OPPOSITES ARE calm, gentle
fetch vers 1 She went to fetch a bucket from the few spective ‘1 Few details are available about the
cupboard. » get, bring, collect, pick up, crash. A few people had gathered at the gates.
retrieve, obtain, bear, call for, carry, convey, > not many, hardly any, a small number of, a
import, transfer, transport 2 Will you fetch your handful of AN OPPOSITE IS many 2 Buses are few
brother from the station? » collect, pick up, at this time of night. » scarce, scant, meagre, in
transport, bring, get, convey, conduct 3 We short supply, thin on the ground, few and far
had better fetch the doctor. » send for, call for, between
few = fierce
few noun asmaff number of people or things or records dishonestly
quite a few ora good few a fairly large > fiddler noun
USAGE See the note at less. fidget vers fidgets, fidgeting, fidgeted make
small restless movements
fiancé (fee- ahn- say) noun fiancés a man who > fidgety Adjective
is engaged to be married
fiancée (fee- ahn- say) Noun fiancées a woman field noun fields 1a piece of land with grass or
crops growing on it 2 an area of interest or
who is engaged to be married
study @ recent advances in the field ofgenetics
fiasco (fee-as- koh) noun fiascos a complete 3 those who are taking part in a race or outdoor
failure game etc.
fibre noun fibres 1a very thin thread 2a field vers fields, fielding, fielded 1 stop or
substance made of thin threads 3 indigestible catch the ball in cricket etc. 2 be onthe side not
material in certain foods that stimulates the batting in cricket etc. 3 put ateam intoa
action of the intestines match, contest, etc. e They fielded their best
_ B® fibrous apjective
players for the final.
fibreglass noun 1 fabricmade from glass fibres > fielder noun fieldsman Noun
2 plastic containing glass fibres
fieldwork noun practical work or research
fickle anyective constantly changing; not loyal to done in various places, not in a library or
one person or group etc. museum or laboratory etc.
> fickleness youn
fiction noun fictions 1 writings about events fiend (feend) noun fiends 1 anevilspirit;adevil
that have not really happened; stories and 2 avery wicked or cruel person 3 an enthusiast
novels 2 something imagined or untrue @ a fresh-air fiend
> fictional Apjective fiendish spective 1 very wicked or cruel
fiddle noun fiddles 1 aviolin 2 (informal) a 2 extremely difficult or complicated
swindle > fiendishly Apvers
fiddle vers fiddles, fiddling, fiddled 1 play fierce apectve 1 angry and violent or cruel
the violin 2 fidget or tinker with something, 2 intense e fierce heat
using your fingers 3 (informal) alter accounts > fiercely Apvers fierceness NOUN

few noun I only have afew left. » small number, fiddle noun 1a group offiddle players » violin
handful, sprinkling, couple, one or two 2 (informal) He was involved in a huge tax fiddle.
AN OPPOSITE IS lot > fraud, swindle, cheat, trick
fib woun (informal) It was obvious that he was fiddle vers 1 fiddle with Stephen was fiddling
telling fibs. » lie, untruth, story, falsehood with the CD player. » tinker with, play about
with, tamper with, meddle with, twiddle,
fibre noun 1 The fibres are then spun, either by finger 2 (informal) The auditors will find out if
hand or by machine. » thread, strand, hair, anyone has fiddled the accounts. > falsify,
filament 2 clothes in natural fibres > cloth, misrepresent, rig, alter, interfere with, tamper
fabric, stuff, material, substance 3 a diet low in pit (more informal) doctor, (more informal)
fat and high in fibre » roughage, bulk, fibrous coo
material 4a person ofgreat moral fibre fidget vers The heat in the room made me fidget.
> character, backbone, toughness, courage,
> wriggle, twitch, jiggle, shuffle about, be
determination, spirit, tenacity jittery
fickle apjcrive His fickle supporters soon deserted field noun 1 There was a bull in the next field.
him. » changeable, disloyal, unfaithful, > enclosure, paddock, pasture 2 The field was
inconstant, changing, erratic, faithless, too wet to play on. > pitch, ground, sports field,
variable, unreliable, unstable, vacillating, playing field, (more informal) park 3 great
volatile, unpredictable opposites ARE loyal, names in the field of medicine > sphere, domain,
faithful, constant area, speciality, subject, discipline 4 The house
fiction noun 1 course in twentieth- century lay outside our field of vision. » range, scope,
fiction » novels, stories, creative writing extent
AN OPPOSITE IS Non-fiction 2 The allegations were fierce anjective 1a fierce dog » ferocious,
a total fiction. » invention, fabrication, vicious, savage, wild, brutal
concoction, deception, fantasy, figment, flight OPPOSITES ARE gentle, tame 2 fierce competition
of fancy, pack of lies, (more informal) tall story > strong, intense, powerful, keen, aggressive,
OPPOSITES ARE fact, truth } cutthroat AN opposite |S mild 3 fierce resentment
fifteen — filings
fifteem apective, Noun 1the number 15 2a figure vers figures, figuring, figured appear
team in rugby union football or take part in something e Shefigures in some
> fifteenth apjective, NOUN of the stories about King Arthur
fifth apective, noun fifths next after the fourth gure out work something out
> fifthly apvers figurehead youn figureheads 1 a'carved
fifty apjective, noun fifties the number 50 figure decorating the prow of a sailing ship 2a
person who is head of a country or organization
> fiftieth apjective, NOUN
but has no real power
fifty-fiftty acjective, avers 1 shared equally figure of speech youn figures of speech.a
between two people or groups e We'll’ split the
word or phrase used for special effect and not
money fifty- fifty. 2 evenly balanced e a fifty-fifty
intended literally, e.g. ‘a flood of letters’
filamentyoun. filaments a thread or thin wire,
fig oun figs a soft fruit full of small seeds
especially one ina light bulb
fight youn fights 1 a'struggle against file’ youn files a metal tool with a rough surface
somebody using hands, weapons, etc. 2 an that is rubbed on things to shape them or make
attempt to achieve or overcome something them smooth
e the fight against poverty
file vere files, filing, filed shape or smooth
fight vers fights; fighting, fought 1 havea something with a file
fight 2 attempt to achieve or overcome
something file? youn files 1 a folder or box etc. for keeping
> fighter youn papers in order 2.a collection of data stored
under one name ina computer 3 a line of
figure oun figures 1 the symbol of anumber people one behind the other amount or value 3 a diagram or
illustration 4 ashape 5 the shape of a person’s, file vere files, filing, filed 1 put something into
especially a woman's, body 6a person 7a afile 2 walk ina file e They filed out.
representation ofaperson or animal in filings piurat noun tiny pieces of metal rubbed
painting, sculpture, etc. off by a file e iron filings

> passionate, ardent, intense, strong, who fought for their basic freedoms » campaign,
powerful 4a fierce pain » acute, severe, battle, strive, crusade
strong, powerful, intense fighter youn an enemy fighter » soldier,
fiery anjective 1 fiery furnace » burning, combatant, fighting man, fighting woman,
blazing, flaming, raging, glowing, scorching, warrior
red-hot 2 She remained calm, despite her fiery figure youn 1 The final figure was higher than
temperament. » passionate, ardent, fervent, last year. » total, sum, amount, number 2 The
excitable, spirited, lively, volatile, explosive, third figure is an eight. » digit, numeral,
violent, hot-headed 3 The sky was a fiery red. character, number 3 It’s hard to put an exact
> bright, vivid, brilliant, intense, vibrant, rich, figure on it. » amount, price, cost, sum 4 Jane
strong has a lovely figure. » shape, physique, build,
fight oun 1He had got into a fight on the way proportions, body, frame 5 By now she had
home. » brawl, fracas, tussle, struggle 2 She become a public figure.» personality, character,
hated having fights with her boyfriend. celebrity, dignitary, person, individual,
> quarrel, argument, row, squabble, wrangle, personage 6 He did not want to be seen as a
contretemps, altercation, difference of figure offun. » symbol, personification,
opinion, (more informal) bust-up, (more embodiment, epitome
informal) slanging match 3 the fight for women’s figure vere an animal that figures in many ancient
rights > \struggle, battle, campaign, effort 4a myths » feature, appear, play arole, have a
championship fight » contest, match, bout, place
meeting, fixture file youn 1 He keeps his business letters in A4 files.
fight vers 1 Some men were fighting in the street. > folder, binder, portfolio, wallet, sleeve
> brawl, tussle, struggle, grapple, wrestle, 2 There is a file on these people at headquarters.
have a fight, exchange blows 2 Her sons all » dossier, record, set of notes 3A file of soldiers
fought in the war. > serve, bea soldier, join up, was walking up the road.» line, column, string,
take up arms 3 She and her boyfriend are always train, procession, convoy, stream
fighting. » quarrel, argue, row, squabble, fille vers 1:Completed forms are filed by year in the
wrangle 4 The unions will fight any proposals to top drawer. > classify, arrange, organize, putin
cut jobs. » oppose, resist, contest, challenge, order, enter, store, keep, archive 2 She was
defy, object to, combat, withstand 5 women sitting filing her nails. » smooth, shape, rub,
fill > finance
fill vers fills, filling, filled 1 make or become about traffic) move in a particular direction
full 2 block up a hole or cavity 3 holda while other traffic is held up
position, or appoint a person to a vacant post
> filler noun filth voun disgusting dirt
fill noun enough to filla person or thing e We ate filthy nective filthier, filthiest 1 disgustingly
our fill dirty 2 obscene or offensive
filling station noun filling stations a place > filthiness Noun
where petrol is sold from pumps
fin noun fins 1 thin flat part sticking out from
film noun films 1a movie, such as those shown afish’s body, that helps it to swim 2 a small part
in cinemas or on television 2 rolled strip or that sticks out on an aircraft or rocket etc., for
sheet of thin plastic coated with material that is helping its balance
sensitive to light, used for taking photographs
or making a movie 3 avery thin layer e a film of final apective 1 coming at the end; last 2 that
grease puts an end to an argument etc. e You must go,
_ film vers films, filming, filmed record and that’s final!
something on film; make a film of a story etc. > finally Apvers finality NouN
filter noun filters 1 device for holding back final voun finals the last in a series of contests
dirt or other unwanted material from a liquid or
gas etc. that passes through it 2.a system for finalist noun finalists a competitor in afinal
filtering traffic finance noun 1 the use or management of
filter vere filters, filtering, filtered 1 pass money 2 the money used to pay for something
through a filter 2 move gradually @ They filtered > financial ADJECTIVE
into the hall. e News began to filter out. 3 (said fimances PLURAL NOUN money resources; funds

polish 3 The children filed through the door into filthy apective 1 The house was filthy. » dirty,
the sunshine. » stream, troop, march, parade, grubby, mucky, squalid, uncleaned, unwashed
walk ina line, proceed in a line AN OPPOSITE IS Clean 2 Everyone agreed it was a
fill vers 1 She soon filled a suitcase with the things filthy trick. » nasty, mean, vile, despicable,
she needed.» pack, load 2 Fill the holes and gaps contemptible, disgusting, shabby 3 They were
before you start papering. » plug, stop, stop up, accused of using filthy language. » rude,
bung up, block up, seal 3 With thirty guests we indecent, coarse, vulgar, lewd, improper,
will fill the house. » crowd, throng, pack, pack obscene opposites ARE Clean, polite 4 He was in
into, congest 4A smell of coffee filled the room. a filthy mood. » bad, foul, bad-tempered,
> spread through, pervade, permeate, irritable
penetrate 5 Recruits will fill the new posts by the
end of the year. » occupy, take up, be final anjective 1 the final month of their course
> last, closing, concluding, finishing, end
appointed to, move into 6A bank loan will fill
their needs for now. > fulfil, satisfy, meet, OPPOSITES ARE first, initial 2 the final minutes of
the match > last, closing, dying 3 The judges’
supply, furnish
decision is final. » irrevocable, definitive,
fillin 1 You have to fill in this form. >»complete,
absolute, indisputable, unalterable, decisive,
fill out, answer 21 am filling in for Shirley while
she is away. » deputize, cover, stand in,
substitute 3 Ken will fill us in on the details. finalize vers We can now finalize the
> brief, inform (of), advise (of), apprise (of) arrangements for the trip. » complete,
filling Noun The cushion was losing its filling. conclude, settle, clinch, resolve, decide,
» stuffing, padding, wadding, insides, confirm, (more informal) wrap up
filling apjective a filling meal » satisfying, finally avers The bank finally agreed to loan the
nourishing, nutritious, ample, square, solid, money. ® eventually, ultimately, in the end, at
length, at last
filmwoun 1 There was a film of dust on the table. fimamce noun 1 He needs to learn more about
> layer, covering, coat, coating, dusting, finance. » economics, money management,
patina, sheet, veil, skin, screen 2 The boys are accounting, banking, fiscal matters 2 The
going to see a film this evening. » movie, company is seeking longer-term finance.
picture, feature, (old-fashioned) motion picture > funding, funds, capital, assets, revenue,
filth noun I needed a hose to get the filth off my income, financial backing 3 His finances are ina
boots. » dirt, muck, grime, mud, slime, sludge, fairly good state. » resources, assets, financial
garbage, excrement y affairs, money affairs
finance = fire
finance vers finances. financing, financed finger \ouN fingers 1 one of theseparate parts
provide the money for something atthe hand 2a narrow piece of something
> financier NOUN e fish fingers
finger vers = neste ,fingered touch
find vere finds. finding, found 1 getorsee or feel something with your tingers
something by looking for it or by chance
2 learn something by experience e Hefound fingernail Noun fingernails the hard covering
that digging was hard work. 3 decide and give a at the end of a finger
verdict @ The jury found him guilty. fingerprint Noun Anger rints a mark made
find out get or discover some information by the tiny ridges on the fingertip, used as a way
of identifying someone
find NouN finds something found finish vere finishes. finishing. finished bring
findings Piural Noun the conclusions reached or come to an end
from an investigation finish Noun finishes 1 the last stage of
fine | nective 1 of high quality; excellent 2 dry something; the end 2 the surface or coating on
and clear; sunny e fine weather 3 very thin; woodwork etc.
consisting of small particles 4in good health; finite (fy- nyt) Apjective limited; not infinite e We
well e I’m fine have only a finite supply of coal.
> finely ADVERB fineness NOUN finicky Apjective very fussy
fine Aovers 1 finely @ chop it fine 2 (informal) fiir NOUN firs an evergreen tree with needle-like
very well e That will suit me fine. leaves, that produces cones
fire NOUN fires 1 the process of burning that
fine 2 Noun fines money which has to be paid as produces light and heat 2 coal and wood etc.
a punishment burning in a grate or furnace to give heat 3a
fine vers fines, fining, fined make somebody device using electricity or gas to heat aroom
pay a fine 4 the shooting of guns e Hold your fire!

finance vers Private sponsors will finance the 6 He likes fine clothes. » elegant, stylish, smart,
venture. > fund, back, subsidize, support, chic, fashionable 7 The mechanism needs a fine
provide money for, invest in, underwrite, pay adjustment. » small, minor, subtle 8 It’s fine to
for, sponsor write to me here. » all right, acceptable,
financial apjective financial affairs » monetary, suitable, agreeable
fiscal, pecuniary, economic fime Noun He got a parking fine. » penalty,
find vere 1 found some old coins in the cupboard. charge
> discover, locate, retrieve, track down, come finger vers He fingered the ring on his finger.
across, chance on, unearth, uncover 2 We > touch, feel, handle, stroke, rub, fondle,
found it odd that there were so many complaints. caress, twiddle
> consider, think, believe, reckon, see as,
regard as, look onas, view as 3 You will find that finish Noun’ 1 The race had an exciting finish.
it’s helpful to number each paragraph. > realize, > ending, end, close, last stage, conclusion,
discover, learn, perceive, notice, become aware result 2 They went out to celebrate the finish of
4] hope you find the success you deserve. the work. » completion, conclusion, end,
> achieve, attain, win, obtain, acquire, reach, cessation, termination 3 Mix the paint well for
secure, get an even finish. » appearance, surface, texture,
find out 1 At last we will find out what lustre, polish, shine, gloss, smoothness
happened, » learn, ascertain, discover, finish vers 1 We have to finish the work today.
perceive 2 The culprits were soon found out. > complete, conclude, end, finalize 2 They
> reveal, expose, unmask, uncover, (more never seem to finish complaining. » stop, cease,
informal) rumble end 3 We’ve finished the biscuits. » use up, eat,
find An ancient ship burial was among the exciting consume, devour, exhaust, (more informal)
finds. » discovery, acquisition polish off 4 The film finishes at ten. > end,
filme Apjective 1 It was a fine achievement. conclude, terminate 5 Another year of losses will
> excellent, outstanding, admirable, finish the company. » destroy, ruin,
remarkable, exceptional, commendable, first- overwhelm, overpower
class, good 2 The next day was fine. » bright, fire Noun 1 The building was destroyed in a fire.
fair, dry, clear, sunny, warm, cloudless > blaze, conflagration, inferno, flames,
opposites ARE bad, wet, inclement 3 He brought burning, combustion, holocaust, pyre 2 She
out the fine china. » delicate, fragile 4.A pen spoke with fire in her eyes. » passion, feeling,
with a fine tip. » thin, narrow, slender, slim 5a enthusiasm, intensity, vigour, fervour, ardour,
beach offine warm sand » powdery, minute dynamism, exuberance

fire — fit
on fire burning 3 definite and not likelytochange @a firm belief
set fire to start something burning > firmly overs firmness NOUN
fire vers fires, firing, fired 1 set fire to 2 bake firm vers firms, firming, firmed make
pottery or bricks etc. ina kiln 3 shoot a gun; something become firm
send outa bullet or missile 4 (informal) dismiss
first apjective coming before all others in time or
someone from ajob 5 excite e fire them with order or importance
enthusiasm > firstly avers
> firer noun
first apvers before everything else @ Finish this
firearm noun firearms a small gun; a rifle,
work first.
pistol, or revolver
fire brigade noun fire brigades a team of first aid youn treatment given to an injured
people organized to fight fires person before a doctor comes
fire engine noun fire engines a large vehicle first-class pjective 1 using the best class of a
that carries firefighters and equipment to put service e first-class post 2 excellent
_ out large fires fish noun fish or fishes an animal with gills and
fire escape noun fire escapes a special fins that always lives and breathes in water
staircase by which people may escape from a fish vere fishes, fishing, fished 1 try to catch
burning building etc. fish 2 search for something; try to get
fire extinguisher vou fire extinguishers a something e He is only fishing for compliments.
metal cylinder from which water or foam can [from Old English]
be sprayed to put out a fire fisherman noun fishermen a person who tries
firefighter youn firefighters a member of a to catch fish
fire brigade fishmonger noun fishmongers a shopkeeper
fireplace noun fireplaces an open structure who sells fish
for holding a fire in a room fishy anjective fishier, fishiest 1 smelling or
firewood noun wood for use as fuel tasting of fish 2 (informal) causing doubt or
firework noun fireworks a device containing suspicion e a fishy excuse
chemicals that burn or explode attractively and > fishily apvers fishiness Noun
noisily fission noun 1 splitting something 2 splitting
firing squad noun firing squads a group of the nucleus of an atom so as to release energy
soldiers given the duty of shooting a fist voun fists a tightly closed hand with the
condemned person fingers bent into the palm
firm youn firms a business organization fit’ apjective fitter, fittest 1 suitable or good
firm apjective 1 not giving way when pressed; enough e a meal fitforaking 2 healthy, in good
hard or solid 2 steady; not shaking or moving physical condition @ Keep fit! 3 ready or likely

fire vers 1 The engine began to fire. » ignite, 5 Sally was a firm friend of hers. » devoted,
start, catch, (more informal) get going 2 The constant, faithful, loyal, reliable, dependable
guerrillas fired a rocket. » launch, discharge, firm oun Dave joined an accountancy firm.
shoot, detonate, set off, let off, let fly with > company, establishment, organization,
3 The idea fired their imagination. » excite, business, concern, corporation
stimulate, arouse, inspire, enliven, stir up first anjective 1 Our first attempts didn’t work.
4 (informal) They fired him for misconduct. > initial, opening, preliminary 2 The first
> dismiss, discharge, sack, give someone inhabitants were hunters. » original, earliest,
notice, lay off oldest, primeval, primitive 3 The first
consideration is the welfare of the children.
firm anective 1 The ground is fairly firm at this > principal, prime, paramount, primary, main,
point. » hard, solid, unyielding, hardened, chief, key, foremost, supreme, overriding
compact, compressed, resistant, stable firstly aovers Firstly, we must learn each other's
AN OPPOSITE IS soft 2 The house lacked firm names. » first, to begin with, to start with, at
foundations. » secure, steady, strong, sturdy, the outset, as a start
fast, fixed, stable, tight, anchored 3 Firm action fishy Anective (informal) The price was so low it all
is essential. » resolute, determined, decided, seemed a bit fishy. » suspicious, dubious,
steadfast, adamant, dogged, obstinate, doubtful, suspect, peculiar, strange, odd,
persistent, unshakeable, unwavering, queer, funny
unflinching 4 We need a firm commitment. fit apjective 1 She looked remarkably fit for a
> definite, agreed, settled, unchangeable seventy- two-year-old. » healthy, well, able-
fit => flag
@ They worked till they were fit to collapse. condition e He is fixing my bike.
> fitness NOUN > fixer NOUN
fit vers fits, fitting, fitted 1betherightsize and fix up arrange or organize something
shape for something; be suitable 2 put fix NOUN fixes 1 (informal) anawkward situation
something into place e Fit a lock on the door. e I’m ina fix 2 finding the position of
3 alter something to make it the right size and something, by using a compass, radar, etc.
shape 4 make suitable for something e His 3 (informal) an addict’s dose of a drug
training fits him for the job. fixedly sovers with a fixed expression
> fitter NOUN fixture noun fixtures 1 something fixed in its
fit voun the way something fits @ a good fit place 2a sports event planned for a particular
fit 2 noun fits 1a sudden illness, especially one day
that makes you move violently or become fizz vers fizzes, fizzing, fizzed make a hissing or
unconscious 2 an outburst e afit of rage spluttering sound; produce a lot of small
fitful apjective happening in short periods, not bubbles
steadily fizzy apjective (said about a drink) having a lot of
> fitfully ADvers small bubbles
fitting sojecrive proper or appropriate e This > fizziness NOUN
statue is a fitting memorial to an extraordinary flabby apjctive fat and soft, not firm
woman. > flabbily spvers flabbiness Noun
five ADJECTIVE, NOUN fives the number 5 flag | noun flags 1 piece of cloth witha
fix vers fixes, fixing, fixed 1 fasten or place coloured pattern or shape on it, used as a sign
firmly 2 make permanent and unable to or signal 2 a small piece of paper or plastic that
change 3 decide or arrange @ Wefixed a date looks like a flag
for the party. 4 repair; put into working > flagpole Noun flagstaff noun

bodied, robust, hale and hearty, in good form fix vers 1 You can fix the notice to a lamppost.
OPPOSITES ARE unfit, unhealthy 2 The vehicles are > fasten, tie, pin, attach, affix, secure 2 The
all fitfor commercial use. » suitable, farmer had fixed posts into the ground. > set,
appropriate, prepared, equipped, ready, embed, cement, place, position 3 I can fix itfor
proper, right, correct OPPOSITES ARE unfit, you to get an invitation. » arrange, organize,
unsuitable 3 Do you think he is fit to be a parent? manage 4 Let’s fix a date to meet. » set, decide
> competent, able, capable (of being), on, agree on, arrange, settle, determine 5 The
qualified, worthy opposites ARE unfit, incapable television needs to be fixed. » mend, repair, put
fit voun 1 He might have an epileptic fit at any right
time. » seizure, convulsion, paroxysm, spasm, fix voun (informal) I’m in abit ofafix» difficulty,
attack 2 She was having a fit of hysterics. predicament, mess, plight, dilemma, (informal)
> outbreak, outburst, spell, bout, attack, hole, (informal) jam, quandary, corner
explosion fixed anjective The licence is for a fixed period.
fitt vers 1 It takes a long time to fit all the pieces > set, definite, decided, established, settled,
together. » arrange, assemble, build, predetermined, firm
construct, dovetail, install, interlock, join, fizz vers She dropped in a tablet and the water
match, position, put in place, put together fizzed.» bubble, effervesce, foam, froth, fizzle,
2 Make the punishment fit the crime. > suit, sizzle, hiss
match, accord with, be appropriate to, fizzy aojective There are fizzy drinks in the garden.
correspond with or to, be fitting for, conform > sparkling, effervescent, bubbly, carbonated,
with foaming AN OPPOSITE |s still
fitted anjective 1 He clearly isn’t fitted for the job. flabbergasted anective He just stood there,
> suited, suitable, right, equipped, flabbergasted. » astonished, amazed,
appropriate 2 It was a modern house with fitted astounded, surprised, staggered, startled,
cupboards everywhere you looked, » built-in, disconcerted, dumbfounded, speechless,
integral, incorporated, customized shocked, perplexed, stunned, stupefied,
fitting Aojective The concert was afitting tribute to bewildered, (more informal) thunderstruck
a fine singer. » suitable, apt, appropriate, flabby apjective When he took her hand in his, it
apposite, proper, timely, felicitous was soft and flabby. » slack, limp, loose, floppy,
OPPOSITES ARE inappropriate, unsuitable flaccid, weak, feeble opposites are firm, stiff
fittings pLural Noun The bathroom fittings were flag Noun The route was decorated with flags.
cheap and flimsy. » fixtures, fitments, > banner, standard, ensign, pennant, pennon,
equipment, accessories, furnishings streamer, bunting, colours

flag = flat
flag vere flags, flagging, flagged 1 become flap vere flaps, flapping, flapped 1 wave
weak; droop 2 signal with a flag or by waving about 2 (informal) panic or fuss about
flag? noun flags a flat slab of stone used for something
paving flap noun flaps 1 a part that is fixed at one edge
flagrant (flay- grant) apjective very bad and on to something else, often to cover an
noticeable e flagrant disobedience opening 2 the action or sound of flapping
> flagrantly apvers flagrancy Noun 3 (informdl) a panic or fuss e Don’t get in a flap.
flagship noun flagships 1 ship that carries an flare vere flares, flaring, flared 1 blaze witha
admiral and flies his flag 2 a company’s best or sudden bright flame 2 become angry suddenly
most important product, store, etc. 3 become gradually wider e flaring nostrils
flair youn a natural ability or talent e Ian has a flare youn flares 1a sudden bright flame or
flair for languages. light, especially one used as a signal 2 a gradual
USAGE Do not confuse with flare. widening, especially in skirts or trousers
USAGE Do not confuse with flair.
flake noun flakes 1 very light thin piece of
something 2a small flat piece of falling snow flash noun flashes 1a sudden bright flame or
> fllakcy ADJECTIVE light 2 a device for making a sudden bright
light for taking photographs 3 asudden display
flamboyant spective very showy in appearance of anger, wit, etc. 4a short item of news
or manner
flash vere flashes, flashing, flashed 1 makea
flame noun flames a tongue-shaped portion of flash 2 appear suddenly; move quickly e The
fire or burning gas train flashed past us.
flame vers flames, flaming, flamed 1 produce flashback noun flashbacks going back ina
flames 2 become bright red film or story to something that happened
flamingo noun flamingoes a wading bird with earlier
long legs, a long neck, and pinkish feathers flashy apjective gaudy or showy
flammable apyctive able to be set on fire flask noun flasks 1 a bottle with a narrow neck
> flammability noun 2. avacuum flask
USAGE See note at inflammable.
flatapjective flatter, flattest 1 with no curves or
flank noun flanks the side of something, bumps; smooth and level 2 spread out; lying at
especially an animal’s body or an army full length e Lie flat on the ground. 3 (said about
flannel youn flannels 1 a soft cloth for washing a tyre) with no air inside 4 (said about feet)
yourself 2 a soft woollen material without the normal arch underneath

flag vers Our energy was beginning to flag. recur 2 They annoyed her and she flared up at
> fade, fail, decline, diminish, dwindle, sink, them. » lose your temper, lose control, fly into
disappear a rage, become angry
flair voun 1 He has a flair for games. » talent, flash vers Lights flashed in the distance. » shine,
aptitude, gift, ability, genius, faculty, capacity, blaze, flare, gleam, beam, glint, sparkle, spark
adeptness 2 She dresses with great flair. > style, flash oun 1 flash of light » blaze, burst, flare,
elegance, taste, discernment, panache, finesse glare, gleam, glint, sparkle, flicker, twinkle, ray
flake youn First remove any loose flakes of old 2a flash of inspiration » burst, wave, surge,
paint. » scale, sliver, chip, splinter, shaving, rush
bit, leaf, slice, wafer flashy apjective Lily held out her hand with a flashy
flamboyant spective He was well known for his ring on one finger. » showy, gaudy,
flamboyant appearance.» ostentatious, showy, ostentatious, vulgar, (more informal) tacky
colourful, gaudy, brilliant, resplendent, flat apjective 1 aflat surface > level, smooth,
extravagant even, horizontal, plane OPPOSITES ARE bumpy,
flap vers 1 The washing was flapping in the wind. uneven 2 She lay flat on the bed.
> flutter, sway, swing, quiver, wave about > outstretched, prostrate, spread out,
2 The swan flapped its wings angrily. » beat, recumbent 3a flat sea > calm, still, smooth,
flutter, shake, agitate, quiver, thrash waveless, tranquil OPPOSITES ARE rough, choppy
3 (informal) He tried hard to avoid flapping. 4 His voice was flat and lifeless. » dull,
> panic, fuss, become agitated, become monotonous, uninteresting, unexciting,
flustered tedious, boring, bland, dreary, insipid,
flare vers The match flared in his cupped hands. colourless, featureless, unexpressive, weak
» blaze, flame, flash, burn, erupt, sparkle AN OPPOSITE IS emotional 5 The request met with
flare up 1 This border war could flare up at any a flat refusal. » outright, direct, straight, plain,
time. » break out, burst out, erupt, blow up, absolute, positive
flat — fleet
5 absolute e aflat refusal 6 dull; not changing flavour vers flavours, flavouring, flavoured
7 (said about a drink) no longer fizzy 8 (said give something a flavour; season it
about a battery) unable to produce any more > flavouring Noun
electric current 9 (in music) one semitone flaw noun flaws something that makes a
lower than the natural note e E flat person or thing imperfect
> flatly Apvers flatness NOUN > flawed ADJECTIVE
flat voun flats 1a set of rooms for living in, flea youn fleas asmall jumping insect that sucks
usually on one floor ofabuilding 2 (in music) a blood
note one semitone lower than the natural note; fleck noun flecks 1 avery small patch of colour
the sign (,) that indicates this 3. a punctured 2 a particle; a speck e flecks of dirt
tyre > flecked ADJECTIVE
flatten vere flattens, flattening, flattened fledged spective (said about young birds)
make or become flat having grown feathers and able to fly
fully-fledged apjective fully trained e a fully-
flatter vere flatters, flattering, flattered fledged engineer
1 praise somebody more than he or she fledgeling noun fledgelings ayoung bird that
deserves 2 make a person or thing seem better is just fledged
or more attractive than they really are
> flatterer noun flattery noun fleece noun fleeces 1 the woolly hair of asheep
or similar animal 2 a warm piece of clothing
flaunt vere flaunts, flaunting, flaunted made from a soft fabric
display something proudly ina way that annoys > fleecy ADJECTIVE
people; show it off @ He liked to flaunt his fleece vere fleeces, fleecing, fleeced 1 shear
expensive clothes and cars. the fleece from a sheep 2 swindle a person out
USAGE Do not confuse this word with flout, of some money
which has a different meaning.
fleet voun fleets a number of ships, aircraft, or
flavour noun flavours the taste of something vehicles owned by one country or company

flat voun They lived in a small flat for several years. flattery noun We succumb to flattery because it
> apartment, maisonette, set of rooms, flatlet, makes us feel good. » praise, compliments,
penthouse adulation, blandishments, admiration,
fawning, obsequiousness, servility
flatten vers 1Tom flattened the crumpled paper USAGE Note that flattery is always insincere,
against his knee. » smooth, press, even out, whereas praise is usually genuine.
iron out, level out, roll OPPOSITES ARE roughen,
crumple 2 People had walked over the beds and flavour noun 1 The food had a spicy flavour.
flattened the plants. » squash, trample, crush, > taste, tang, savour 2a story with an oriental
compress, run over 3 The hurricane had flavour character, quality, atmosphere, aura,
flattened hundreds of buildings. » demolish, ambience, mood, feel, style, feeling, aspect
destroy, devastate, knock down, level, raze flavour vers You can flavour the stew with mixed
4 (informal) He’s quite capable offlattening you herbs. » season, spice, enliven, liven up, enrich
with a single blow. » knock down, knock over, flavouring oun Add some gentle flavouring.
fell, prostrate, (informal) floor, (informal) lay > seasoning, additive, spice, essence, extract
out flaw oun There is a flaw in this reasoning; a glass
flatter vers 1 He enjoyed teasing and flattering with a tiny flaw you can hardly see » defect,
her. > praise, compliment, humour, fawn on, blemish, fault, imperfection, deficiency,
play up to, (more informal) sweet-talk, (more weakness, failing, shortcoming
informal) butter up USAGE Note that to flatter is flawed apective The argument was obviously
to compliment someone in an insincere way, flawed, » defective, unsound, faulty,
whereas to praise is to pay genuine imperfect, weak, deficient
compliments. 2 She wore a dress that flattered flawless agyective Her skin was flawless.
her small figure. » suit, enhance, set off, look > perfect, faultless, immaculate,
good on, show to advantage unblemished, unmarked, spotless
flattering anective 1 flattering remarks flee vers She left the others and fled to her room.
> complimentary, favourable, appreciative, > run off, bolt, fly, take off, clear off, hurry off,
adulatory, effusive, obsequious, fawning, escape, disappear
fulsome, ingratiating OPPOSITES ARE insulting, fleet noun A large fleet of ships sailed out.
sincere 2. flattering outfit » becoming, > flotilla, armada, naval force, convoy, navy,
fetching, enhancing squadron, task force
fleeting — flirt
fleeting spective passing quickly; brief flight recorder youn flight recorders an
flesh youn 1 the soft substance of the bodies of electronic device in an aircraft that records
people and animals, consisting of muscle and technical information about its flight. It is used
fat 2 the body as opposed to the mind or soul after an accident to help find the cause
3 the pulpy part of fruits and vegetables flimsy anjecrive flimsier, flimsiest made of
> fleshy apjective something thin or weak
flex vers flexes, flexing, flexed bend orstretch > flimsily apvers flimsiness youn
something that is flexible e Try flexing your flinch vers flinches, flinching, flinched move
muscles or shrink back because you are afraid; wince
> flinch noun
flex woun flexes flexible insulated wire for fling vers flings, flinging, flung throw
carrying electric current something violently or carelessly
flexible anjective 1 easy to bend or stretch fling woun flings 1 short time of enjoyment
2 able to be changed or adapted e Our plans are © afinal fling before the exams 2 a brief romantic
flexible. affair 3.a vigorous dance e the Highland fling
> flexibility noun flint youn flints 1a very hard kind of stone 2a
flick youn flicks a quick light hit or movement piece of flint or hard metal used to produce
flick vers flicks, flicking, flicked hit or move > flinty aDjective
with a flick flip vers flips, flipping, flipped 1 flick 2 (slang)
flicker vers flickers, flickering, flickered become crazy or very angry
1 burn or shine unsteadily 2 move quickly to flip youn flips a flipping movement
and fro flippant nective not showing proper
flicker youn flickers a flickering light or seriousness
movement > flippantly overs flippancy noun
flirt vers flirts; flirting, flirted behave as
flight’ youn flights 1 flying 2a journey in an though you are sexually attracted to someone
aircraft 3a series of stairs 4a group of flying to amuse yourself
birds or aircraft 5 the feathers or fins on a dart > flirtation noun
or arrow flirt youn flirts a person who flirts
flight noun flights fleeing; an escape > flirtatious specie flirtatiously avers

flesh youn an animal's flesh » meat, muscle, AN OPPOSITE IS substantial 2 She wore a flimsy
tissue, carrion, fat USAGE Note that carrion is the nightdress. » light, lightweight, thin, fine,
decaying flesh of a dead animal. diaphanous, silky, filmy 3 We heard the usual
flex noun a flex for an electric iron » cable, lead, flimsy excuses. » feeble, weak, poor, thin,
wire unconvincing, implausible
flexible spjective 1 flexible working practices flinch vers She flinched as he put out his hand.
> adaptable, adjustable, variable, fluid, open > wince, recoil, start, shrink, pull back, draw
OPPOSITES ARE inflexible, rigid 2 a flexible rod back, shy away, shrink back
used as an aerial » bendable, pliable, pliant, flinch from He never flinches from his duty.
malleable, stretchable OPPOSITES ARE rigid, fixed > shrink from, shirk, avoid, evade, balk at
flick vere He flicked a finger lightly against her fling vere He flung the rope over the wall.
cheek. » stroke, wag, brush, wave, sweep, flip, > throw, hurl, toss, sling, cast, pitch, heave
jerk flip vers 1 He flipped a coin in the air. » toss,
flick oun 1 The king dismissed his page with a flick, spin, throw 2 The beetle flipped on to its
flick of his head. » jerk, toss, flip, sweep 2 He back. » turn, spin, tip, topple 3 flip through
gave the table a few flicks with a duster. » dab, She was flipping through the pages ofa magazine.
touch, brush, swipe, stroke > flick through, thumb through, skim
flight youn 1 short history offlight » flying, through, scan, peruse
aviation, aeronautics, air travel 2 the flight of a flirt vers flirt with 1 He loves flirting with the
missile > path, trajectory, track 3 the king's girls. » tease, trifle with, lead on, make up to,
flight to safety » escape , getaway, retreat, (more informal) chat up 2 an idea I had been
fleeing flirting with for some time » consider,
flimsy aojective 1 He moved the flimsy barrier and entertain, toy with, trifle with, dabble in
walked past. » fragile, rickety, shaky, flit vere insects flitting from plant to plant > dart,
makeshift, insubstantial, frail, weak flip, fly, flutter, whisk, skim, dance
float = flounce
float vers floats, floating, floated 1 stay or rooms at the same level
move on the surface of aliquid or in air 2 make USAGE In Britain, the ground floor of a building is
something float 3 launch a business by getting the one at street level, and the one above it is
financial support from the sale of shares the first floor. In the USA, the first floor is the one
> floater Noun at street level, andthe one above it is the second
float youn floats 1a device designed to float floor.
2a vehicle with a platform used for delivering floor vere floors, flooring, floored 1 puta
milk or for carrying a display in a parade etc. 3.a floor into a building 2 knock a person down
small amount of money kept for paying small 3 baffle somebody [from Old English]
bills or giving change etc.
flop vers flops, flopping, flopped 1 fall or sit
flock noun flocks a group of sheep, goats, or down clumsily 2 hang or sway heavily and
birds loosely 3 (informal) be a failure
flock vers flocks, flocking, flocked gather or > floppy ADJECTIVE
move ina crowd
flog vere flogs, flogging, flogged 1 beata floppy disk noun floppy disks a flexible disc
holding data for use in a computer
person or animal hard with a whip or stick as a
punishment 2 (slang) sell flora noun the plants ofaparticular area or
> flogging noun period COMPARE fauna
flood noun floods 1a large amount of water florist youn florists a shopkeeper who sells
spreading over a place that is usually dry 2a flowers
great amount e a flood of requests 3 the
movement of the tide when it is coming in floss noun 1 silky thread or fibres 2a soft
towards the land medicated thread pulled between the teeth to
clean them
flood vere floods, flooding, flooded 1 cover > flossy ADJECTIVE
with a flood 2 come in great amounts e Letters
flooded in flotsam noun wreckage or cargo found floating
floodlight youn floodlights a lamp that after a shipwreck
makes a broad bright beam to light up a stage, flotsam and jetsam odds and ends
stadium, important building, etc. flounce vers flounces, flouncing, flounced
> floodlit apjective go in an impatient or annoyed manner e She
floor youn floors 1 the part of a room that flounced out of the room.
people walk on 2a storey of a building; all the > flounce noun

float vers 1 little boats floating on the water flooded the room. » fill, swamp, saturate 3 The
> sail, bob, drift 2A cloud floated across the sun. loo flooded yesterday. » overflow, run over,
> drift, glide, hover, slip, slide, waft 3 We want brim over 4 The press flooded back into the
to float a few ideas. » suggest, propose, put courtroom. » pour, stream, surge, swarm,
forward, submit, raise, present, come up with, flock, crowd, throng
moot 4 The company was floated on the Stock floor youn. 1 The floor was sopping wet.
Market. » launch, set up, promote, initiate, > ground, flooring, base 2 Take the lift to the
offer third floor. > level, storey, stage, landing
flock youn 1a flock of sheep » herd, drove,
group 2a flock of birds » flight, group 3 a flock flop vere 1 His white hair flopped over his eyes.
of anxious relatives » crowd, throng, horde, > dangle, droop, hang down, slump, flag, sag,
gathering, bunch, huddle, mob, mass wilt 2.All she wanted was to flop into a chair.
> drop, fall, sink, slump, collapse, tumble
flock vers People flocked from all quarters.
3 (informal) The idea flopped spectacularly.
> gather, collect, assemble, come together, > fail, founder, misfire, be unsuccessful, fold
congregate, crowd, convene, converge, muster
flog vere The executioner flogged the woman on her flop noun. (informal) The show was a flop.
back. » whip, beat, flay, lash, scourge, thrash, > failure, disaster, debacle, fiasco, (more
flagellate, birch, cane informal) washout
flood noun 1 The flood cut off several villages. floppy spective a girl in pigtails, wearing a large
> inundation, deluge, torrent, downpour 2a floppy woollen hat » limp, droopy, drooping,
flood of protests » succession, torrent, barrage, dangling, loose, saggy, sagging, hanging
spate, storm, volley, excess, abundance, AN OPPOSITEJS stiff
profusion, plethora AN OPPOSITE |S trickle flounder vers The infantry floundered in the
flood vers 1 The dam burst, flooding the town. swampy ground. He was floundering in a
> inundate, swamp, submerge, engulf, situation of his own making. » struggle, falter,
overwhelm, drown, deluge, immerse 2 Light grope, wallow, stumble, fumble, stagger
flounder = fluorescent
flounder vers flounders, floundering, flower youn flowers 1 the part of a plant from
floundered 1 move clumsily and with which seed and fruit develops 2. a blossomand
difficulty 2 make mistakes or become its stem used for decoration, usually in groups
confused when trying to do something flower vers flowers, flowering, flowered
flour youn afine powder ofwheat or other grain, produce flowers
used in cooking flowery pjctive 1 full of flowers 2 (said about
> floury apjective language) elaborate, full of ornamental phrases
flourish vers flourishes, flourishing, flu youn influenza
flourished 1 grow or develop strongly 2:be fluctuate vers fluctuates, fluctuating,
successful; prosper 3 wave something about fluctuated rise and fall; vary e Prices fluctuated.
dramatically > fluctuation noun
flourish youn flourishes a showy or dramatic fluent (floo- ent) agjective 1 skilful at speaking
sweeping movement, curve, or passage of clearly and without hesitating 2 able tospeaka
music foreign language easily and well
flout vers flouts, flouting, flouted disobey a > fluently Apvers fluency noun
rule or instruction openly and scornfully e She fluff youn a fluffy substance
shaved her head one day, just because she loved to
flout convention. fluffy anjective having a mass of soft fur or fibres
USAGE Do not confuse this word with flaunt, > fluffiness youn
which has a different meaning. fluid youn fluids a substance that is able to flow
flow vers flows, flowing, flowed 1 move freely as liquids and gases do
along smoothly or continuously 2 gush out fluid apjective 1 able to flow freely 2 not fixed
e Water flowed from the tap 3 hang loosely ® Myplans for Christmas are fluid.
e flowing hair 4 (said about the tide) come in > fluidity youn
towards the land fluke youn flukes a success that you achieve by
flow woun flows 1a flowing movement or mass unexpected good luck
2 asteady continuous stream of something e a fluorescent (floo- er-ess- ent) ADjecTive
flow of ideas 3 the movement of the tide when creating light from radiation e a fluorescent
it is coming in towards the land e the ebb and
flow of the tide > tk
> Muorescence joun

flourish vere 1 Plants flourish in this good soil. fluent apjctive 1 She is fluent in five European
The farmers flourished, aided by good weather. languages. » articulate, able to speak 2 It is
> thrive, prosper, bloom, blossom, succeed, important to speak in a fluent and interesting
boom, be strong, be vigorous, progress 2 She manner. > articulate, natural, expressive,
went out, flourishing an umbrella. » brandish, eloquent, effortless, flowing, polished, ready,
wave, wield, swirl, swing, flaunt smooth, unhesitating, (disapproving) glib,
flout vers He had no intention offlouting a court (disapproving) facile AN OPPOSITE Is inarticulate
order. » disobey, defy, violate, contravene, fluffy anjective She padded into the bedroom
infringe, break, spurn, scorn wrapped in a big fluffy towel. » furry, woolly,
OPPOSITES ARE respect, observe fleecy, fuzzy, downy, velvety, soft
flow vere 1 Water was flowing through the pipes.
> run, stream, spurt, trickle, ooze, spurt,
fluid anjective 1 fluid substances » liquid,
squirt, gush, flood, cascade 2 Several issues flow aqueous, flowing, watery, running, gaseous,
from these proposals. » result, proceed, follow, liquefied, melted, molten, (more informal)
arise, spring, emerge, emanate runny AN OPPOSITE IS solid 2 fluid movements
> graceful, flowing, smooth 3 My plans are still
flow youn 1 Alcohol increases the flow of blood to fairly fluid. » flexible, adaptable, adjustable,
the brain. » movement, circulation, stream, variable, open, changeable, unstable,
motion, course, current, passage, surge 2a indefinite, unsettled OPPOSITES ARE firm, fixed,
steady flow of correspondence stream, current, definite USAGE Be careful when you use
deluge, cascade, flood, gush, spate changeable or indefinite, because they have
flower oun 1 Mandy picked flowers from the other meanings.
garden. » bloom, blossom, floret, bud 2 the
flower of a nation’s youth » finest, best, pick, fluid youn Drink lots offluids and eat fibre-rich
cream, choice, elite foods. > liquid, juice
fluctuate vere Their income fluctuates from year fluke youn By a lucky fluke she came along at that
to year. » vary, change, alter, shift, differ, rise moment. » chance, accident, piece of luck,
and fall 5 stroke of luck ry
fluoridation — focus
fluoridation youn adding fluoride to drinking 4 make something fly e They flew model aircraft
water in order to help prevent tooth decay 5 move or pass quickly e Time flies 6 flee from
fluoride youn a chemical substance that is e You must fly the country!
thought to prevent tooth decay > flyer noun
flurry youn flurries 1 a sudden whirling gust of fly noun flies the front opening of a pair of
wind, rain, or snow 2a short period of activity trousers
or excitement flying saucer noun flying saucers a
flush" vers flushes, flushing, flushed 1 blush mysterious saucer-shaped object reported to
2 clean or remove something with a fast flow of have been seenin the sky and believed by some
water people to be an alien spacecraft
flush youn flushes 1a blush 2a fast flow of flyleaf youn flyleaves a blank page at the
water 3(in card games) a hand of cards of the beginning or end of a book
same suit flyover youn flyovers a bridge that carries one
flush 2 apjective 1 level with the surrounding road or railway over another
surface @ The doors are flush with the walls flywheel youn flywheels a heavy wheel used
2 (informal) having plenty of money to regulate machinery
fluster vere flusters, flustering, flustered foal youn foals a young horse
make somebody nervous and confused foam noun 1a white mass of tiny bubbles ona
> fluster noun liquid; froth 2. a spongy kind of rubber or plastic
flute youn flutes a musical instrument > foamy ADJECTIVE
consisting of a long pipe with holes that are foam vers foams, foaming, foamed form
stopped by fingers or keys bubbles or froth
flutter yes flutters, fluttering, fluttered fob vers fobs, fobbing, fobbed
1 flap wings quickly 2 move or flap quickly and peta get rid of someone by an excuse ora
irregularly tric
flutter youn flutters 1 fluttering movement focal spective to do with or at a focus
2.anervously excited condition 3 (informal) a focus youn focuses or foci 1 the distance from
small bet e Have a flutter! an eye or lens at which an object appears
fly’ youn flies 1a small flying insect with two clearest 2 the point at which rays etc. seem to
wings 2a real or artificial fly used as bait in meet 3 something that is a centre of interest or
fishing attention etc.
fly2vers flies, flying, flew, flown 1 move in focus appearing clearly
through the air by means ofwings or in an out of focus not appearing clearly
aircraft 2 travel through the air or through focus vers focuses, focusing, focused 1 adjust
space 3 wave in the air @ Flags were flying the focus of your eye or a lens so that objects

flurry noun 1a snow flurry > swirl, whirl, gust athalf mast.» flutter, flap, wave 5 The ship was
2.a flurry of activity » spate, wave, burst, spell, fying a neutral flag. » display, show, exhibit
stir, spurt, outbreak, commotion y at Charley flew at him, shaking his fist.
flush ojective 1 He had just been paid and was > attack, assault, go for, set upon, weigh into,
feeling flush. > rich, wealthy, well off, let fly at, hit out at, lash out at
Prosperous 2 The opening needs to be flush with foam noun 1 The sea looked like white crests of
the wall. » level, flat, even, square, true foam.» froth, spume, surf, spray, lather, scum,
flush vers 1 Nancy flushed with embarrassment. suds 2 There was at least an inch offoam on his
> blush, go red, redden, colour, glow 2 Fruit beer. » head, bubbles, effervescence
helps flush toxins from the body. » cleanse, rinse
foam vers The water heaved and foamed.» froth,
out, wash out, swill 3 The police tried to flush the
fizz, seethe, ferment, bubble, effervesce,
suspects out. chase out, drive out, expel, send
lather, boil
flustered apjective She looked shocked and focus noun 1 Get the camera into focus. » clarity,
flustered. >» confused, bewildered, bemused, correct adjustment, sharpness 2 The television
perplexed, baffled, puzzled, mystified, has become a main focus of the living room.
disconcerted, confounded > centre, focal point, heart, hub, core, pivot
fly vers 1A flock of birds flew past. » glide, flit, focus vers focus on We need to focus on the events
flutter, hover, soar, wing 2A gull flew into the of this coming week. » concentrate on, direct
air.» rise, soar, ascend, mount 3 He refused to attention to, fix attention on, home in on, zero
fly the aircraft until it had been checked. » pilot, in on, spotlight, think about, aim at, centre on,
operate, take off in, travel in 4A flag was flying look mainly at

fodder = food
appear clearly 2 concentrate @ She focused her folk oun people
attention on the screen. folk dance nouns folk dances a dance in the
fodder noun food for horses and farm animals traditional style of a country
foetus (fee- tus) noun foetuses another folklore noun old beliefs and legends
spelling of fetus folk song noun folk songs asong in the
fog noun thick mist traditional style of a country
> foggy ADJECTIVE follow vere follows, following, followed
foghorn noun foghorns aloud horn for 1 go or come after 2 doa thing after
warning ships in fog something else 3 take a person orthing as a
foil’ youn foils 1a very thin sheet of metal guide or example 4 take an interest in the
@ cooking foil 2.a person or thing that makes progress of events or a sport or team etc.
another look better in contrast 5 understand e Did you follow what he said?
foil 2 youn foils along narrow sword used in the 6 result from something
sport of fencing > follower noun
- foil? vere foils, foiling, foiled prevent following preposiion after, as a result of
something from being successful e We foiled @ Following the burglary, we had new locks fitted.
his evil plan folly voun follies foolishness; a foolish action
foist vers foists, foisting, foisted make a etc.
person accept something inferior or fond apjctive 1 loving orliking a person or thing
unwelcome e They foisted the job on me 2 foolishly hopeful e fond hopes
fold vers folds, folding, folded bend or move > fondly Apvers fondness NouN
so that one part lies.on another part fondle vers fondles, fondling, fondled touch
fold noun folds a line where something is folded or stroke lovingly
folder noun folders a folding cover for loose food youn foods any substance that a person or
papers animal can eat in order to grow and be healthy

foggy anjective Outside it was dull and foggy. place of, take over from, supplant, supersede,
> misty, smoggy, hazy, murky, gloomy, dingy, step into someone's shoes 3 An undercover
dim AN OPPOSITE IS clear police officer followed him everywhere. » pursue,
foil vere She foiled their efforts by walking in at the stalk, track, shadow, trail, go after, (more
wrong moment. » thwart, frustrate, obstruct, informal) tail 4 Make sure you follow the
impede, hamper, hinder, baffle, scotch, check, instructions on the packet. » observe, comply
prevent, stop with, adhere to, carry out, obey, note, heed,
fold vers 1 Fold the sheets and put them in a conform to, keep to 5 Many benefits followed
drawer. » double, double over, turn over, from their membership of the community.
bend, tuck, overlap, crease, pleat 2 She stood > result, ensue, emanate, arise, develop 61
there, folding her arms. » clasp, wrap, cradle, found it hard to follow his meaning.
enfold, enclose, embrace, entwine, envelop, > understand, comprehend, grasp, fathom,
hug 3111 fold the chair and put it away, > close, take in, catch 7 Which team do you follow? >
collapse, let down, put down 4 The business support, be a fan of
folded during the recession. » fail, collapse, following spective She went home on the
crash, founder, close down following day. » next, ensuing, subsequent,
fold noun 1 Neatly arrange the folds in the succeeding OPPOSITES ARE preceding, previous
curtains. » pleat, crease, tuck, furrow, bend folly noun It would be an act offolly to start a war.
2 a fold for sheep» enclosure, pen, paddock, > foolishness, stupidity, senselessness,
compound recklessness, silliness, madness, lunacy, idiocy
folder noun I need a folder for these papers. fond apjective 1 her fond father > loving,
> file, binder, portfolio, wallet, sleeve adoring, devoted, doting, caring, attentive,
folk or folks pura noun 1 It was good news for kind 2 afond hope & foolish, unrealistic, naive,
the folk back home. » people, individuals, vain, empty 3 be fond of She’s fond of dancing.
citizens, inhabitants 2 She would visit her folks at I’m very fond of Jo. » be keen on, be partial to,
the weekend. » family, parents, relatives, be attached to, like, love, (more informal) be
people, kinsfolk hooked on, (more informal) be wild about,
(more informal) be crazy about
follow vers 1 He followed them as far as the
corner. » go after, come after, walk behind, fondle vers He stooped down to fondle the cat.
tread on the heels of, trace the footsteps of > stroke, caress, pat, pet, cuddle, play with
2 She hoped to follow her father as chief executive food noun 1 He had gone a week without food.
of the company. » succeed, replace, take the > nourishment, sustenance, nutriment,
food chain = forbear
food chain youn food chains a series of plants foothold youn footholds 1 place to put your
and animals each of which serves as food for foot when climbing 2.a small but firm position
the one above it in the series from which further progress can be made
fool youn fools 1 stupid person; someone footing noun 1 having your feet placed on
who acts unwisely 2a jester or clown e Stop something; a foothold e He lost his footing and
playing the fool. 3.a creamy pudding with slipped. 2 the status or nature of a relationship
crushed fruit in it e gooseberry fool e We are on a friendly footing with that country.
fool’s errand a useless errand
fool’s paradise happiness that comes only footlights pura. noun a row of lights along the
from being mistaken about something front of the floor of a stage
fool vers fools, fooling, fooled 1 behave ina footnote noun footnotes a note printed at the
joking way; play about 2 trick or deceive bottom of the page
foolish anjective without good sense or footpath noun footpaths a path for
judgement; unwise pedestrians
> foolishly apvers foolishness noun
footprint youn footprints a mark made bya
foolproof apective easy to use or do correctly foot or shoe
foot youn feet 1 the lower part of the leg below
the ankle 2 any similar part, e.g. one used by footstep noun footsteps 1a step taken in
certain animals to move or attach themselves walking or running 2 the sound of this
to things 3 the lowest part e the foot of the hill for preposition This word is used to show purpose
4a measure of length, 12 inches or about 30 or direction (This letter is for you; We set out for
centimetres @ a ten-foot pole; @ it is ten feet long home), distance or time (Walk for six miles or
5 a unit of rhythm ina line of poetry, e.g. each two hours), price or exchange (We bought it for
of the four divisions in Jack / and Jill /went up | £2; New lamps for old), cause (She was fined for
the hill. speeding), defence or support (He fought for his
on foot walking country; Are you for us or against us?), reference
foot-and-mouth disease noun a serious (For all her wealth, she is bored), similarity or
contagious disease that affects cattle, sheep, correspondence (We took him for a fool)
and other animals for ever for all time; always
football noun footballs 1a game played by
two teams which try to kick an inflated leather for conunction because e They hesitated, for they
ball into their opponents’ goal 2 the ball used were afraid.
in this game forbear vers forbears, forbearing, forbore,
> footballer youn forborne 1 refrain from something e We
foothill youn foothills a low hill near the forbore to mention it. 2 be patient or tolerant
bottom of a mountain or range of mountains >.forbearance Noun

subsistence RELATED ADJECTIVE alimentary foolish apective a foolish remark; She had been
2 Have you brought any food? » provisions, extremely foolish. » stupid, silly, ill-advised,
refreshments, eatables, something to eat, (old unwise, crazy, mad, insane, (more informal)
use) victuals, (more informal) grub daft OPPOSITES ARE wise, sensible
fool noun 1 He was acting like a fool. » idiot, ass, foolishness noun They shook their heads at her
halfwit, dimwit, blockhead, dunderhead, foolishness in going back to France. » stupidity,
nincompoop, imbecile, moron, clown, folly, senselessness, recklessness, silliness,
buffoon, clot, chump, (more informal) dope, madness, lunacy, idiocy
(more informal) prat, (more informal) ninny,
(more informal) twit, (more informal) twerp foolproof apjective The system is foolproof ifyou
2 (old-fashioned) a fool at the court of the king follow the instructions carefully. » infallible,
> jester, clown, buffoon, comic, stooge unfailing, dependable, straightforward,
simple, (more informal) idiot-proof
fool vers 1 We easily fooled him. » deceive, trick, foot noun 1 The animal had hurt its foot.» paw,
hoodwink, hoax, dupe 2 thought you were just
hoof, trotter, claw 2 The house was at the foot of
fooling. » pretend, joke, jest, tease, make
the hill. » bottom, base
believe, put on an act
fool about Some children were fooling about. footprint noun There were huge footprints in the
> play about, lark about, misbehave USAGE You snow. » footmark, footstep, track, print, trace,
can use around instead of about in all these spoor USAGE You use spoor only when referring
synonyms. to an animal.

forbid = foreign
forbid vers forbids, forbidding, forbade, fore noun the front part :
forbidden 1 order someone not to do to the fore to or at the front; inor toa cA
something 2 refuse to allow e We shall forbid prominent position
the marriage. forearm ' youn forearms the arm from the =
forbidding spective looking stern or unfriendly elbow to the wrist or fingertips
forearm 2,vers forearms, forearming,
force noun forces 1 strength or power 2(in forearmed prepare in advance against
science) an influence, which can be measured, possible danger
that causes something to move 3 an organized
group of police, soldiers, etc. forecast Noun forecasts a statement that tells
in or into force in or into effectiveness e The in advance what is likely to happen
new law comes into force next week. forecast vers forecasts, forecasting,
the forces a country’s armed forces forecast make a forecast
force vers forces, forcing, forced 1 use force > forecaster NOUN
in order to get or do something, or to make forefinger youn forefingers the finger next to
somebody obey 2 break something open by the thumb
force 3 cause plants to grow or bloom earlier foregone conclusion noun foregone
than is normal e You can force them in a conclusions a result that can be foreseen
greenhouse. easily or is bound to happen
forceful nective strong and vigorous foreground noun the part of a scene, picture,
> forcefully Apvers or view that is nearest to you
forcible anjective done by force; forceful forehand noun forehands a stroke made in
> forcibly Apvers tennis etc. with the palm of the hand turned
ford noun fords a shallow place where you can
walk across a river forehead (for- hed, forrid) noun foreheads
the part of the face above the eyes
ford vere fords, fording, forded cross ariver at
a ford foreign spective 1 belonging to or in another
country 2 not belonging naturally to a place or
fore Apjective, ADvere at or towards the front to someone’s nature e Lying is foreign to her
e@ fore and aft nature.

forbid vers She forbids the use of calculators > strength, cogency, effectiveness, validity,
in this exercise. » ban, prohibit, bar, disallow, persuasiveness, weight, rightness 5 a peace-
rule out, exclude, proscribe, veto, outlaw, keeping force » body, group, corps, unit, team,
refuse, preclude Opposites ARE permit, detachment, troops, army
force vere 1 If necessary we will force them to do
forbidden spective 1 Ball games are forbidden it. » compel, make, oblige, coerce, constrain,
on the grass outside the building. » banned, pressure, pressurize, order, impel, bulldoze,
prohibited, barred, disallowed, proscribed, drive, press-gang 2 The intruders had to force a
illegal, against the law, outlawed, door. » break open, burst open, prise open,
unauthorized, unlawful smash, use force on, wrench 3 They tried to
AN OPPOSITE IS permissible 2 This part of the force their opinions on us. » impose, inflict,
house is forbidden to them. » out of bounds, thrust
restricted, closed
forbidding anjctive The house has a dark, forceful apjctive 1 a forceful personality
forbidding appearance. » grim, ominous, > strong, dynamic, powerful, assertive,
menacing, threatening, gloomy, stern, commanding, self-assured, energetic
unfriendly, uninviting, unwelcoming 2 forceful arguments » strong, cogent,
AN Opposite IS friendly compelling, convincing, potent, plausible,
force Noun 1 It needed some force to get the door
open. strength, might, vigour, effort, energy, foreign spective 11 like travelling to foreign
muscle, power, drive, pressure, weight 2 The countries. » overseas, distant, remote,
force of the explosion was felt for miles. exotic, faraway, far-flung 2 the company’s
> intensity, impact, effect, shock, momentum foreign branches » overseas, international,
3 They used force to get their way. » violence, external AN opposite IS domestic 3 Jealousy is
coercion, compulsion, aggression, constraint, foreign to her nature. » unknown, familiar,
duress 41 could see the force of the argument. alien, strange AN OPPOSITE IS natural
foreigner — forgive
foreigner noun foreigners a person from foretaste youn foretastes an experience of
another country something that is to come in the future
foreman noun foremen 1a worker in charge foretell vers foretells, foretelling, foretold
of a group of other workers 2a member of a tell in advance; prophesy
jury who is in charge ofthe jury’s discussions forethought noun careful thought and
and who speaks on its behalf planning for the future
foremost apjectve, apvers first in position or foreword noun forewords a preface
rank; most important
foremsic (fer- en- sik) anjective to do with or forfeit (for- fit) vers forfeits, forfeiting,
forfeited pay or give up something as a
used in lawcourts
forensic medicine noun medical knowledge > forfeiture noun
used in legal matters or in solving crimes
forfeit voun forfeits something forfeited
forerunner noun forerunners a person or
thing that comes before another; a sign of what forge! noun forges a place where metal is
is to come heated and shaped; a blacksmith’s workshop
foresee vers foresees, foreseeing, foresaw, forge vers forges, forging, forged 1 shape
foreseen realize what is going to happen metal by heating and hammering 2 copy
foreshadow vers foreshadows, something in order to deceive people
foreshadowing, foreshadowed be a sign of > forger Noun forgery NOUN
something that is to come forge? vers forges, forging, forged
foreshorten vers foreshortens, forge ahead move forward by a strong effort
foreshortening, foreshortened show an forget vers forgets, forgetting, forgot,
object in a drawing etc. with some lines forgotten 1 fail to remember 2 stop thinking
shortened to give an effect of distance or depth about e Forget your troubles.
foresight noun the ability to foresee and forget yourself behave rudely or
prepare for future needs thoughtlessly
forest noun forests trees and undergrowth forgetful anjective tending to forget
covering a large area > forgetfully Aovers forgetfulness Noun
> forested ADJECTIVE forgive vers forgives, forgiving, forgave,
forestry youn planting forests and looking after forgiven stop feeling angry with somebody
them about something
> forester NOUN > forgiveness NOUN

foreigner noun Many foreigners come to live in duplicate, hoax, sham, simulation, (more
this city. » overseas visitor, visitor, immigrant informal) phoney
alien, outsider, newcomer, stranger forget vers 11 forgot my passport. » leave
AN OPPOSITE IS native behind, overlook, mislay
foremost nective the foremost musicians of the AN OPPOSITE IS remember 2 She forgot to lock the
day > leading, principal, chief, main, greatest, door. » omit, neglect, fail
supreme, primary AN OPPOSITE IS remember 3 This is not something
we can easily forget. » ignore, disregard,
foresight noun She had the foresight to write a overlook, dismiss, think no more of, stop
will. » forethought, prudence, perspicacity, thinking about
far-sightedness, prescience, vision, forgetful anjective As he grew older he became
circumspection, preparedness more forgetful. » absent-minded, inattentive,
AN OPPOSITE |S improvidence
neglectful, abstracted, oblivious, vague,
forge vers 1 The smithy forged swords and knives dreamy, lax, heedless
for the army. » work, cast, make, mould, forgive vers 1 He found it hard to forgive them.
shape, hammer out, beat into shape 2 He > excuse, pardon, exonerate, absolve, let off,
would have a go at forging the signature. » fake, spare, (more informal) exculpate 2 We cannot
falsify, counterfeit, imitate, copy, reproduce forgive such rudeness. » excuse, condone,
3 He had been highly successful in forging a strong overlook, ignore, disregard
team. » build, create, develop, establish, set forgiveness noun He begged their forgiveness,
up > pardon, absolution, exoneration,
forge ahead The Persians forged ahead through understanding, telerance, mercy
Thrace. » advance, make progress
forgo vere They would have to forgo their morning
forgery noun He thinks they sold him a forgery. swim. > do without, go without, miss, give up,
> fake, copy, imitation, reproduction, replica, sacrifice, eschew, abandon, renounce
fork — formulate
fork noun forks 1asmall device with prongs for format Noun formats. 1 the shape and size of
lifting food to your mouth 2 a large device with something 2 the way something is arranged or
prongs used for digging or lifting things 3.a organized 3 (in computing) the way data is
place where something separates into two or organized for processing or storage by a
more parts e a fork in the road computer
fork vere forks,forking,forked 1 lift or dig formation Noun formations 1 the act of
with afork 2 forma fork by separating into two forming something 2a thing formed 3a
branches 3 followone ofthese branches e Fork special arrangement or pattern e
flying in
left. formation
fork out (informal) pay out money former Apctive of an earlier time
fork-lift truck noun fork-lift trucks atruck > formerly ADVERB
with two metal bars at the front for lifting and the former the first of two people or things
moving heavy loads just mentioned
forlorn agective left alone and unhappy formidable (for- mid- a- bul) apjective
forlorn hope the only faint hope left 1 difficult to deal with or do e a formidable task
2 fearsome or frightening
form NoUN forms 1 the shape, appearance, or > formidably Apvers
condition of something 2 the way something
exists e Ice is a form of water 3 a class in school formula Noun formulae 1 set of chemical
oe ore 5 a piece of paper with spaces to be symbols showing what a substance consists of
illed in 2 a rule or statement expressed in symbols or
numbers 3 a list of substances needed for
form vers forms, forming, formed 1 shape or making something 4a fixed wording fora
construct something; create 2 come into ceremony etc. 5 one ofthe groups into which
existence; develop e Icicles formed racing cars are placed according to the size of
formal spective 1 strictly following the their engines e Formula One
accepted rules or customs; ceremonious e a formulate vers formulates, formulating,
formal occasion e formal dress 2 rather serious formulated express an idea or plan clearly and
and stiff in your manner exactly
> formally ADverB > formulation NouN

fork vers 1 The road forks at the bottom ofthe hill. 5 Six players form a team. » make up,
> branch, split, separate constitute, compose, comprise
fork out (informal) Ifnecessary they would just formal apective 1a formal manner > aloof,
have to fork out the money. » pay, produce, prim, staid, stiff, starchy, punctilious 2 a formal
(informal) cough up occasion >» solemn, official, ceremonious,
conventional, dignified 3 a formal education
form Noun 1a form of blackmail » kind, type, > prescribed, conventional, institutional
sort, class, order, variety 2 the human form
> body, frame, shape, figure, build 3 They formality noun 1 He behaved towards her with
wanted to know the correct form for these greater formality. » aloofness, remoteness,
occasions. » etiquette, custom, protocol, staidness, correctness, decorum, ceremony
usage, procedure, convention 4 There is a form 2formalities Certain formalities have to be
to fill in. » document, questionnaire, sheet observed. » procedures, conventions, rules,
5 Her son moved into a new form at school. customs, protocol
> class, year, grade, set, group, stream 6 The former Adjective 1 She met her former husband in
form of the landscape has hardly changed for town. ® ex-, past, one-time, previous, late
centuries. » appearance, shape, formation, 2 The fields were a lake in former times.» earlier,
configuration, structure, outline, silhouette past, bygone, ancient
7 He exercised hard to get into good form. formerly Aovers The work had formerly been
> condition, shape, health, fettle, fitness done by volunteers. » previously, in the past, at
one time, once, earlier, hitherto
form vers 1 We must form a plan. > devise,
formulate, develop, prepare, draw up, put formula noun 1a legal formula >» form of
together, work out, conceive 2 The pots were words, phrase, rubric 2.a formula for success
formed from clay. » make, fashion, shape, > recipe, prescription, blueprint, procedure,
model 3 The decided to form a club. » set up, method, rule, way
establish, found, launch, institute, begin 4 Ice formulate vers The party formulated a ten- point
was forming on the windows. » materialize, programme. » form, devise, develop, prepare,
appear, take shape, develop, emerge, grow draw up, put together, work out, conceive
fort — foster
fort noun forts a fortified building tell someone’s fortune predict what will
forth apvers 1 out; into view 2 onwards or happen to them in the future
forwards e from this day forth forty apjective, Noun forties the number 40
and so forth and so on > fortieth ADJECTIVE, NOUN
forty winks a short sleep; a nap
forthcoming nective 1 happening soon
© forthcoming events 2 made available when forward apectve 1 going forwards 2 placed in
needed @ Money for the trip was not the front 3 having made more than the normal
forthcoming. 3 willing to give information progress 4 too eager or bold
> forwardness NOUN
forthright ance frank and outspoken
forward Apvers forwards
fortification noun fortifications 1 fortifying
something 2. wall or building constructed to forward noun forwards a player in the front
make a place strong against attack line of a team in football, hockey, etc.
forwards apvers 1 to or towards the front 2in
forty vers fortifies, fortifying, fortified
1 make a place strong against attack, especially the direction you are facing
by building fortifications 2 strengthen fossil noun fossils the remains or traces of a
prehistoric animal or plant that has been buried
fortnight youn fortnights a period of two in the ground for a very long time and become
weeks hardened in rock
> fortnightly Apvers, ADJECTIVE > fossilized ADjECTIVE
fortress \oun fortresses a fortified building or fossil fuel youn fossil fuels a natural fuel such
town as coal or gas formed in the geological past
fortunate spective lucky foster vers fosters, fostering, fostered
> fortunately Apvers 1 bring up someone else’s child as if he or she
fortune noun fortunes 1 luck, especially good was your own 2 help to grow or develop
luck 2.a great amount of money > foster child Noun foster parent NOUN

fort oun A small garrison was left to defend the accident, providence 3 She decided she would
fort. > fortress, fortification, stronghold, leave her fortune to charity. » wealth, riches,
castle, citadel, tower property, possessions, (more informal) pile
forthcoming spective 1 He would be a fortune-teller noun He had the solemn voice of
candidate in the forthcoming election. a fortune-teller. » clairvoyant, crystal-gazer,
> imminent, impending, approaching, soothsayer, palmist, prophet
coming, future, next 2 She is not always forward spective 1 The animal’s long hind
particularly forthcoming. » communicative, legs enable a fast forward movement. » onward,
talkative, expansive, informative, voluble, advancing, frontal, front, leading, progressive
chatty, sociable AN OPPOSITE Is backward 2 forward planning
AN OPPOSITE |S uncommunicative 3 No reply was > advance, future, early, prospective, forward-
forthcoming. » available, ready, on offer, at looking AN OPPOSITE Is retrospective. 3 His
hand AN opposite |S unavailable manner on the phone had been a little too
fortify vers 1 The knights fortified the citadel. forward. » bold, brazen, barefaced, brash,
> strengthen, reinforce, secure, defend, | audacious, daring, presumptuous, familiar,
protect, garrison 2 She fortified herself with a uninhibited, precocious, assertive, over-
strong drink. » strengthen, support, sustain, confident, cheeky, (more informal) fresh,
invigorate, hearten, reassure, encourage, (more informal) pushy opposites ARE shy,
boost, cheer Opposites ARE Weaken, subdue diffident
fortuitous spective It was fortuitous that they forward vers 1 Will you forward my letter?
arrived on the same day. » accidental, > send on, redirect 2 The goods are forwarded
coincidental, unintentional, chance by air. » dispatch, send, transport, transmit,
fortunate anective 1 He was fortunate not to be convey, carry 31 will try to forward my plans
shown a red card. » lucky, favoured 2 These during my visit. » advance, progress, develop,
events provided them with a fortunate expedite, promote
opportunity. » favourable, advantageous, forwards or forward Aovers The car shot
auspicious, providential, welcome, happy, forwards. » ahead, in front, onwards
lucky foster vers 1 activities that foster good health
fortume noun 1a major change offortune > encourage, promote, cultivate, stimulate,
> fate, destiny, luck 2 By good fortune he was nurture, advance, further 2 The couple had
able to take up the offer. » chance, luck, fostered several children. » bring up, rear, raise,

foul = fracture
foul spective 1 disgusting; tasting or smelling foundered 2 stumble or fall 3 fail completely
unpleasant 2 (said about weather) rough; e Their plans foundered
stormy 3 unfair; breaking the rules of agame fountain youn fountains an ornamental
4 very disagreeable or unpleasant e a foul mood structure in which a jet of water shoots up into
> foully sovers foulness noun the air
foul youn fouls an action that breaks the rules of four anjecrig, noun fours the number 4
a game on all fours on hands and knees
foul vere fouls, fouling, fouled 1 make or fourteen pjctive, noun the number 14
become foul e Smoke had fouled the air > fourteenth spective, NOUN
2 commit a foul against a player ina game fourth jective next after the third
found! past tense of find > fourthly apvers
found? vers founds, founding, founded fourth you fourths 1 the fourth person or
1 establish; provide money for starting e They thing 2 one offour equal parts; a quarter
founded a hospital 2 base e This novel is founded fowl youn fowls a bird, especially éne kept ona
on fact farm etc. for its eggs or meat
foundation youn foundations 1 the solid fox oun foxes a wild animal that looks like a
base on which a building is built up 2 the basis dog with a long furry tail
for something 3 the founding of something > foxy ADJECTIVE
4a fund of money set aside for a charitable fraction youn fractions 1a number that is not
purpose a whole number, e.g. 1/2, 0.5 2. tiny part
> foundation stone youn > fractional spective fractionally spvers
founder’ youn founders a person who founds fracture youn fractures the breaking of
something e the founder of the hospital something, especially of a bone
founder? \ees founders, foundering, fracture vers fractures, fracturing,
foundered 1 fill with water and sink e The ship fractured break

care for, take care of, look after, nurture, found ere 1 He founded the business in the 1880s.
parent, mother USAGE You can also use adopt, > establish, set up, start, create, begin,
but it has a special legal meaning. institute, inaugurate, initiate, organize, endow,
fund 2 Democracy is founded on the principle of
foul spective 1 You can recognize the animal from free speech. » base, build, ground, construct,
its foul smell. » nasty, horrible, unpleasant, erect
disgusting, revolting, repulsive, repellent, foundation
oun 1 the foundation of the
dreadful, terrible, vile AN OPPOSITE IS pleasant company in the eighteenth century » founding,
2 There was a foul mess on the floor. > dirty, establishment, institution, inauguration,
filthy, unclean, nasty, mucky initiation, setting up, starting, beginning
AN OPPOSITE ISclean 3 He had committed a foul 2 There was no foundation for the claim. » basis,
crime. » wicked, evil, vile, contemptible, grounds, reason, justification, rationale
despicable, obnoxious, shameful, abhorrent, 3 foundations The building had weak
repellent, loathsome AN OPPOSITE IS pleasant foundations. » base, substructure, footing,
4 She had been subjected to taunts and foul underpinning, basis, bottom, cornerstone,
language. » obscene, indecent, coarse, vulgar, bedrock 4 foundations the foundations of the
offensive, crude, lewd AN OPPOSITE IS mild 5 The subject » fundamentals, rudiments, basic
game was spoilt by a series offoul tackles. principles, elements, essentials, origins
> illegal, unfair, prohibited OPPOSITES ARE legal, founder youn His grandfather had been the
fair 6 The weather was foul all day. founder of the college. » originator, creator,
> unpleasant, bad, vile, disagreeable, initiator, benefactor
inclement AN OPPOSITE ISfine 7 He apologized founder vers The scheme foundered for lack of
for having been so foul to her. » unkind, money. > fail, collapse, miscarry, come to grief,
unfriendly, unpleasant, disagreeable, bad- come to nothing, (more informal) fold
tempered OPPOSITES AREkind, friendly
fountain oun The fountains are switched off in
foul vers 1 Chemical waste was fouling the water. the cold months, » jet, spout, spray, spring,
‘> pollute, contaminate, dirty, soil, sully, stain fount
2 Silt was fouling the river mouth. » clog, choke, fox.vers The question completely foxed them.
block, obstruct, stop up 3 The ship had fouled its > baffle, confuse, perplex, bemuse,
own nets. » entangle, snarl, catch, ensnare, disconcert, confound, (more informal)
twist j flummox, (more informal) floor
fragile > fray
fragile spective easy to break or damage framework youn frameworks 1a frame
> fragility noun supporting something 2 a basic plan or system
fragment youn fragments 1a small piece franc youn francs aunit of money used in many
broken off 2 a small part countries and replaced in some by the euro in
> fragmentary apjective fragmentation Noun 2002
fragmented ADJECTIVE
frank spective making your thoughts and
fragrant spective having a pleasant smell feelings clear to people; candid
> fragrance Noun > frankly spvers frankness NouN
frail anjective 1 (said about people) not strong or frantic apjective wildly agitated or excited
healthy e a frail old man 2 (said about things) > frantically apvers
> frailty Noun fraud noun frauds 1 the crime of swindling
people 2a dishonest trick 3. an impostor; a
frame noun frames 1a holder that fits round person or thing that is not what he, she, or it
the outside of a picture 2a rigid structure that pretends to be
supports something 3 a human or animal body > fraudulent spective fraudulently pvers
© He has a small frame 4a single exposure ona fraudulence noun
cinema film
frame of mind the way you think or feel for a fray ' noun frays a fight or conflict e ready for
while the fray
frame vers frames, framing, framed 1 puta fray 2 vers frays, fraying, frayed 1 make or
frame on orround 2 construct or form e They become ragged so that loose threads show
framed the question badly. 3 make an innocent 2 (said about tempers or nerves) become
person seem guilty by arranging false evidence strained or upset

fragile apective 1 She put away her fragile china. frank apjective At least he is frank about his
> breakable, brittle, delicate, weak, easily opinions. » honest, candid, sincere, genuine,
damaged AN OPPOSITE IS strong 2 The fragile direct, open, forthright, ingenuous,
ceasefire was barely holding. » precarious, straightforward, straight, truthful, unequivocal
tenuous, insecure, flimsy, vulnerable, (more OPPOSITES ARE insincere, disingenuous
informal) dodgy
fragment noun (with the stress on frag-) frantic anjective 1 Her parents were frantic about
Fragments of broken pottery lay around.» piece, her safety. » anxious, agitated, worried,
bit, particle, chip, sliver, scrap, shiver, shred, distraught, fraught, overwrought, (more
remnant, snippet, speck, atom, crumb, part informal) beside yourself OPPOSITES ARE calm,
composed 2 There were frantic attempts to
fragment vers (with the stress on -ment) The locate the luggage. » hectic, feverish, frenzied,
impact made the glass fragment. » break, wild AN OPPOSITE IS calm
shatter, splinter, split, disintegrate, shiver,
crumble, come to pieces fraud youn 1 He was accused offraud.
> fraudulence, swindling, cheating, sharp
fragmentary spective They couldn’t tell much practice, deceit, deception 2 The offer turned
from the fragmentary information available. out to be a fraud. » swindle, deception, trick,
> scrappy, incomplete, piecemeal, partial,
hoax, sham 3 They exposed him as a fraud.
disconnected, disjointed, bittyUSAGE Be careful
> impostor, charlatan, cheat, trickster, (more
when you use partial, because it has other
meanings. informal) phoney

frame noun 1 The vehicle has a strong lightweight fraudulent spective fraudulent dealings on the
frame. » framework, shell, skeleton, chassis, stock exchange » dishonest, illegal, unlawful,
structure, construction, bodywork 2 a portrait illicit, corrupt, criminal, bogus, (more informal)
in a gilt frame » surround, mount, mounting, crooked AN OPPOSITE IS honest
border, setting, edging
fraught aoyective By the end of the day she looked
frame vers 1 The artists frame their own pictures. tired and fraughta» anxious, apprehensive,
> mount, surround, encase, set 2 The lawyers agitated, tense, worried, concerned, nervous,
will frame the proposals. » compose, fearful, uneasy, troubled, distressed
formulate, draw up, plan AN OPPOSITE IS calm

freak = freezing point
freak youn freaks avery strange or abnormal freehand spective (said about a drawing) done
person, animal, or thing without a ruler or compasses, or without,
> freakish spective tracing it e Draw a circle freehand.
freckle noun freckles a small brown spot on free-range apective 1 free-range hens are not
the skin kept in small cages but are allowed to move
> freckled apjective about freely 2 free-range eggs are ones laid by
[from Old Norse] these hens
free spective freer, freest 1 able to do what you freewheel vers freewheels, freewheeling,
want to do or go where you want to go 2 not freewheeled ride a bicycle without pedalling
costing anything 3 not fixed e Leave one end freeze vers freezes, freezing, froze, frozen
free. 4not having or being affected by 1 turn into ice; become covered with ice
something @ The harbour is free of ice. 2 make or be very cold 3 keep wages or prices
5 available; not being used or occupied etc. at a fixed level 4 suddenly stand
6 generous e She is very free with her money. completely still
> freely apvers
freezer youn freezers a refrigerator in which
free vere frees, freeing, freed set free food can be frozen quickly and stored
freedom noun freedoms being free; freezing point youn freezing points the
independence temperature at which a liquid freezes

frealkcanjctive The south of the country was unhindered, unlimited, clear, open
battered by freak storms. » unusual, exceptional AN OPPOSITE IS obstructed
abnormal, untypical, anomalous, free vers 1 The new government freed all political
unpredictable, extraordinary prisoners. » release, liberate, set free, set at
AN OPPOSITE IS normal liberty, let loose, set loose, turn loose, deliver
freak youn 1 The animal is a genetically OPPOSITES ARE confine, lockup 2 The jury freed
engineered freak. » oddity, aberration, all three accused. » acquit, clear, exonerate,
abnormality, irregularity, anomaly, quirk, absolve, discharge, pardon
monster, monstrosity, mutant, malformation AN OPPOSITE IS condemn 3 Firefighters managed
2 (informal) a weight-training freak » fanatic, to free the trapped victims. » rescue, release,
devotee, enthusiast, admirer, lover, fan, addict, extricate, remove, pull out, pull free 4 She
aficionado struggled hard to free her hand. » clear, loose,
extricate, disentangle, disengage, untie,
free apjective 1 Tickets to the concert are free. untangle AN OPPOSITE IS tangle
> without charge, free of charge, gratis,
complimentary, gratuitous, on the house freedom youn 1 The prisoners longed for their
AN OPPOSITE IS to be paid for 2 The people longed freedom. » liberty, liberation, release,
to be free. » independent, self-governing, deliverance OPPOSITES ARE captivity,
autonomous, emancipated confinement 2 Only a revolution would give the
OPPOSITES ARE subjugated, dependent 3 The country its freedom. » independence, self-
wanted man is still free. » at liberty, on the government, self-determination
loose, at large, unrestrained AN OPPOSITE IS dependence 3 Parents should
AN OPPOSITE IS captive 4 We don’t have much free have the freedom to choose the education for their
time. » spare, available, idle, unused 5 The children. » ability, opportunity, chance,
bathroom is free now. » vacant, unoccupied, facility, power, licence, scope, leeway
empty, available, not in use AN OPPOSITE IS restriction
OPPOSITES ARE occupied, engaged 6 She is very freely overs He found it hard to talk freely.
free with her money. » generous, lavish, liberal, > openly, candidly, frankly, plainly, honestly
unstinting, bounteous OPPOSITES ARE mean,
tight 7 Are you free on Friday? » available, freeze vers 1 In winter the river freezes. » ice
unoccupied, able to come AN OPPOSITE IS busy over, become ice, become solid, solidify,
8 They are free to choose. » able, allowed, harden 2 We had no fire and were beginning to
permitted, in a position, at leisure freeze. » feel cold, gonumb with cold 3 Ifyou
AN OPPOSITE IS unable 9 free of We are free of have too much fruit you can freeze it. » deep-
any commitments now. » relieved of, freeze, dry-freeze, refrigerate, chill, preserve
4a government plan to freeze prices » fix, peg,
unaffected by, unencumbered by, unhindered
by, lacking, without AN OPPOSITE IS encumbered hold, curb, limit, keep as they are
by 10 the free movement ofpeople and goods freightoun 1 a mixture ofpassenger and freight
> unrestricted, unimpeded, unobstructed, services ® cargo, goods, merchandise 2 Air
French window = fright
French window noun French windows a fret 2 noun frets a bar or ridge on the
long window that serves as a door on an fingerboard of a guitar etc.
outside wall
friar noun friars a man who is amember of a
frenzy noun wild excitement or agitation Roman Catholic religious order and has vowed
> frenzied spective frenziedly ADverB to live a life of poverty
frequency noun frequencies 1 being > friary NOUN
frequent 2 how often something happens friction noun 1 rubbing of one thing against
3 the number of vibrations made each second another 2 bad feeling between people;
by a wave of sound, radio, or light quarrelling
> frictional ADjecTivE
frequent (freek- went) apjective happening
often Friday noun the day of the week following
> frequently apvers Thursday [from Old English Frigedaeg = day of
frequent (frik- went) vers frequents, Frigga, a Norse goddess]
frequenting, frequented be in or gotoa fridge noun fridges a refrigerator
place often @ They frequented the club
friend noun friends 1a person you like who
fresh apectve 1 newly made or produced or likes you 2 a helpful or kind person
arrived; not stale @ fresh bread 2 not tinned or
friendly spective friendlier, friendliest
preserved @ fresh fruit 3 cool and clean e fresh
behaving like a friend
air 4(said about water) not salty
> friendliness NouN
> freshly apvers freshness NOUN
freshen vers freshens, freshening, friendship noun friendships being friends
freshened make or become fresh frieze (freez) noun friezes a strip of designs or
pictures round the top of a wall
fret! vers frets, fretting, fretted worry about
something fright noun frights 1sudden great fear 2a
> fretful apjective fretfully apvers person or thing that looks ridiculous

freight charges are extremely high. pal, (more informal) buddy, (more informal)
> transportation, shipment, carriage, chum
friendliness noun They liked him for his
frenzy noun 1 The audience was in a state of friendliness and humour. » kindness,
frenzy. > hysteria, fever, delirium, turmoil, sociability, goodwill, hospitality, warmth
agitation, mania, derangement 2 frenzy of
anger > fit, spasm, outburst, paroxysm, friendly anecrive 1 The staffare very friendly and
ferment helpful. >»pleasant, agreeable, kind, amiable,
frequent spective 1 An airport bus leaves at kindly, kind-hearted, well disposed, likeable,
genial, congenial, sympathetic, approachable,
frequent intervals. » regular, numerous,
receptive, sociable, outgoing 2 Volunteers are
repeated, constant, recurring, continual
on hand to give friendly advice. The hotel is small
2 Claire is a frequent visitor here. » habitual,
constant, regular, common ' with a friendly atmosphere. » cordial, good-
natured, sympathetic, amicable, warm,
fresh apjctive 1 Good eating habits include fresh welcoming 3 The girls had been friendly since
fruit and vegetables. >» natural, raw 2 The party their childhood. » close, affectionate, intimate,
needs new members and fresh ideas. » new, familiar, (more informal) chummy, (more
original, innovative, novel, recent, up-to-date informal) pally, (more informal) matey
3 The army has a batch offresh recruits.
> young, youthful, inexperienced, callow friendship noun 1 He thanked his colleagues for
4 Next day was fresh and bright. » cool, crisp, their friendship and support. » friendliness,
refreshing, clear 5 She was feeling fresh after her affection, goodwill, comradeship, cordiality
shower, » refreshed, rested, restored, revived, OPPOSITES ARE hostility, enmity 2 Their
invigorated 6 They walked out to a fresh wind. friendship grew over the coming months.
> cold, brisk, bracing, invigorating 7 He told > relationship, affection, intimacy, closeness,
him not to get fresh. » impudent, impertinent, love, attachment
insolent, cheeky, saucy, familiar, disrespectful, fright noun 1 The blast gave everyone a fright.
forward > scare, shock, surprise, start, turn, jolt 2Amy
friend noun He can stay with a friend while his was overcome by fright. » fear, alarm, terror,
parents are away. acquaintance, companion, trepidation, consternation, horror, dismay,
associate, (more informal) mate, (more informal) dread, panic
frighten => front
frighten vere frightens, frightening, fro Apvers
frightened make someone afraid to and fro backwards and forwards
be frightened of be afraid of
frock youn frocks a girl’s or woman’s dress
frightful apjective awful; very great or bad
> frightfully sovers frog noun frogs asmall jumping animal that can
frill voun frills 1a decorative gathered or live both in water and on land
pleated trimming ona dress, curtain, etc. a frog in Your throat hoarseness
2 something extra that is pleasant but frolic voun frolics a lively cheerful game or
unnecessary e a simple life with no frills entertainment
> frilled Apective frilly ADJECTIVE > frolicsome ADJECTIVE
fringe noun fringes 1 a decorative edging with
many threads hanging down loosely 2a frolic vere frolics, frolicking, frolicked play
straight line of hair hanging down over the about in a lively cheerful way
forehead 3 the edge of something from preposition This word is used to show
> fringed ADJECTIVE starting pointin space or time or order (We flew
> frisk vers frisks, frisking, frisked 1 jump or from London to Paris; We work from 9 to 5 o'clock;
run about playfully 2 search somebody by Count from one to ten), source or origin (Get
running your hands over his or her clothes water from the tap), separation or release (Take
frisky apecrve playful or lively the gun from him; She was freed from prison),
> friskily Apvers friskiness NOUN difference (Can you tell margarine from butter?),
fritter 'voun fritters a slice of meat or fruit or cause (I suffer from headaches)
potato etc. coated in batter and fried frond youn fronds aleaf-like part of a fern, palm
fritter vers fritters, frittering, frittered tree, etc.
waste something gradually; spend money or
front noun fronts 1 the part or side that comes
time on trivial things
first or is the most important or furthest
frivolous apectve seeking pleasure ina light- forward 2. road or promenade along the
hearted way; not serious seashore 3 the place where fighting is
> frivolously Apvers frivolity Noun happening in a war 4 (in weather systems) the
frizzy apjective (said about hair) in tight curls forward edge ofan approaching mass ofair
> frizziness NouN > frontal Adjective

frighten vere The noises outside began to frighten > edge, outskirts, limits, periphery, perimeter,
them. » scare, startle, alarm, terrify, shock, borders, margin AN OPPOSITE IS centre
agitate, disturb, fluster, panic, intimidate, fritter vers He frittered away all the money he had
disconcert AN OPPOSITE IS reassure been given. » squander, waste, misspend,
frightened Apjctive The children were tired and dissipate, get through
frightened. » scared, afraid, alarmed, terrified, frivolous spective They often made frivolous
petrified, fearful, shaken, shocked, panicky comments. » flippant, facetious, trivial, trifling,
frightening apecrve a frightening experience silly, shallow, stupid, foolish, jocular, flighty,
> terrifying, alarming, fearsome, daunting, ridiculous, superficial, unimportant, vacuous
(more informal) scary AN OPPOSITE IS serious
frightful anective 1 We had to eat frightful food. frock oun a red cotton frock » dress, gown,
> awtul, terrible, dreadful, ghastly, appalling, shift, robe
horrible 2a scene offrightful devastation
> shocking, horrible, terrible, gruesome,
frolic vers Lambs frolicked in the fields. » play,
cavort, frisk, caper, leap, jump, sport, spring,
harrowing, hideous, grisly, horrid, macabre
bounce, gambol, skip, bound
frigid apective 1 the frigid northern climate fromtnoun 1 the front of the house > facade,
> bitter, bitterly cold, freezing, frozen, icy,
arctic 2 Leo glared back in frigid indignation. facing, exterior AN OPPOSITE IS back 2 thefront of
> stiff, stony, formal, unfeeling, austere, a boat » prow, bow, forepart
OPPOSITES ARE back, stern 3 the front of a car
distant, aloof
> nose, forepart AN OPPOSITE IS rear 4 the front
frill voun 1 a skirt with deep frills » fringe, ruff, of the queue » head, start, beginning, lead
ruffle, flounce 2a small hotel with no frills OPPOSITES ARE back, end 5 Young recruits were
> extra, luxury, embellishment, extravagance sent to the front. » front line, battle line,
fringe oun 1 afringe round the edge of a curtain combat zone 6 He managed to keep up a brave
> border, edging, flounce, frill, gathering, front. >» appearance, manner, show, pose,
trimming, valance 2 on thefringe of the town bearing
front = fulfil
fromt spective of the front; in front fruitful anecrve producing good results
frontier youn frontiers the boundary between @ fruitful discussions
two countries or regions > fruitfully ADvers
frontispiece noun frontispieces an fruitless apjective producing no results
illustration opposite the title page of a book > fruitlessly apvers
frost noun frosts 1 powdery ice that forms on frustrate vers frustrates, frustrating,
things in freezing weather 2 weather with a frustrated prevent somebody from doing
temperature below freezing point something; prevent something from being
frosted apjective covered with frost successful @ A lack of money has frustrated our
frostbite noun harm done to the body by very plans.
cold weather > frustration NOUN
> frostbittem ADJECTIVE fry vers fries, frying, fried cook something in
frosty anective frostier, frostiest 1 cold with very hot fat
frost 2 unfriendly and unwelcoming e a frosty > fryer NOUN
look fudge noun a soft sugary sweet
> frostily ADverB
fuel youn fuels something that is burnt to
froth noun awhite mass of tiny bubbles ona produce heat or power
> frothy ADJECTIVE fuel vers fuels, fuelling, fuelled supply
something with fuel
frown vers frowns, frowning, frowned
wrinkle your forehead because you are angry or fugitive (few-jit- iv) noun fugitives a person
worried who is running away from something
frown noun frowns a frowning movement or fulcrum Noun fulcrums orfulcra the point on
look which a lever rests
fruit oun fruits orfruit 1the seed container fulfil vers fulfils, fulfilling, fulfilled 1 do what
that grows on a tree or plant and is often used is required; satisfy; carry out e You must fulfil
as food 2 the result of doing something e the your promises 2 make something come true
fruits of his efforts e It fulfilled an ancient prophecy. 3 give you
> fruity ADJECTIVE satisfaction
fruit vers fruits, fruiting, fruited produce fruit > fulfilment noun

front apective The front runners came into view. productive, beneficial, profitable, useful,
> first, leading, foremost, most advanced effective, worthwhile, gainful, rewarding
frosty anjective 1 a frosty autumn morning fruitless apjective three days offruitless
> freezing, bitter, ice-cold, crisp 2 I'm afraid negotiations » futile, vain, abortive,
we'll get a frosty reception. » unfriendly, unsuccessful, unfruitful, unproductive,
unwelcoming, unsympathetic, cool, stony profitless, unavailing, pointless, useless,
froth noun 1 Claude wiped the champagne froth disappointing, unprofitable, unrewarding
from his moustache. » foam, bubbles, AN OPPOSITE IS fruitful
effervescence, head 2 He shook his hand in the frustrate vers 1 The lack ofprogress was clearly
water to make a froth. » lather, suds, foam frustrating them. » exasperate, discourage,
frown vers The woman frowned at them. dispirit, irritate OPPOSITES ARE Satisfy, please
> scowl, glower, glare, lour, grimace, knit your 2 Bad weather frustrated all attempts at a rescue.
i look sullen, (more informal) give a dirty > thwart, foil, defeat, forestall, inhibit, prevent
loo fuel noun 1 Vehicles were running out offuel in the
frown on They frown on bad language. motorway jams. » petrol, propellant, diesel oil
> disapprove of, view with disfavour, look 2 The inspectors’ report added fuel to the war
askance at, object to, disfavour, dislike, cause. > encouragement, provocation,
discourage incentive
frozen Apjective 1 The lake is frozen. » iced over, fulfil vers 1 She was fulfilling her life’s ambition of
ice-covered, ice-bound, solidified 2 She felt seeing the world. » achieve, realize, carry out,
frozen in the keen wind. » freezing, very cold, accomplish, succeed in, attain, effect, perform
numbed 2 They have to work twelve hours a day to fulfil
fruitful apjective 1 fruitful crop » abundant, their obligations. » meet, complete,
copious, productive, rich, prolific, fertile, implement, execute, comply with, satisfy,
plenteous, profuse AN Opposite Is unproductive respond to, answer, conform to
2 Talks have proved fruitful. » successful, OPPOSITES ARE fail in, neglect
full = fund
full Apective 1 containing as much or as many as fume vers fumes, fuming, fumed 1 give off
possible 2 having many people or things e full fumes 2 be very angry
of ideas 3 complete e the full story 4the
greatest possible e at full speed 5 fitting fumigate (few- mig- ayt) ver fumigates,
loosely; with many folds e a full skirt fumigating, fumigated disinfect something
> fully Apvers fullmess NOUN by fumes,
=—. with nothing left out e We have paid in > fumigation NOUN
fuin Noun amusement or enjoyment
fulll apvers completely and directly @ It hit him make fun of make people laugh at a person or
full in the face. [from Old English] thing

full-blown agective fully developed function noun functions 1 what somebody or

something is there to do e The function ofaknife
full moon noun full moons the moon when is to cut things. 2 an important event or party
you can see the whole of it as a bright disc 3 a basic operation in a computer or calculator
4a variable quantity whose value depends on
full stop noun full stops the dot used as a the value of other variable quantities e X is a
punctuation mark at the end of a sentence or function of Y and Z.
an abbreviation
function vers functions, functioning,
fullly overs completely functioned perform a function; work properly
fumble vers fumbles, fumbling, fumbled fund noun funds 1 money collected or kept for
hold or handle something clumsily a special purpose 2 astock or supply
fume noun or fumes PLURAL NouN strong- fund vers funds, funding, funded supply with
smelling smoke or gas money

full apjecrive 1 His glass was still full. > filled, fumes PiuRAL NOUN fumes from an old tractor
loaded, topped up AN opposite Is empty 2 The > exhaust, smoke, gases, vapour, fog,
trains would be full on a Friday afternoon. pollution, smog
> crowded, packed, crammed, congested,
thronged, teeming, swarming, stuffed, fuming Apjective Dad was pacing back and forth,
mobbed, (more informal) jam-packed fuming. » angry, furious, enraged, seething,
AN OPPOSITE IS empty 3 By the end of the meal raging, incensed
they were too full to talk. » well fed, satisfied, fun voun After their exams they just wanted some
satiated, replete, sated, (more informal) fun. > enjoyment, entertainment,
bursting 4 The bureau can give you a full list of amusement, recreation, diversion, distraction,
local hotels and guest houses. » complete, relaxation, jollity, play
comprehensive, exhaustive, thorough, copious
5 The article did not tell the full story. » entire, function noun 1 The organization has several
complete, total, unabridged, unexpurgated functions. » role, responsibility, obligation,
6 She had led a full life and was looking forward purpose, concern, use, job, task 2I had seen
to a period of quiet. » exciting, eventful, him at an official function. » event, occasion,
interesting, busy, lively, hectic 7 The new piano party, gathering, reception, dinner, (more
had a full sound. » rich, resonant, sonorous, informal) do
full-bodied, deep function vers 1 To stop the machine functioning,
fully aovers We fully accept that there must be switch it off. » work, operate, run, perform
changes. I don’t think you fully understand. 2 function as The office also functions as an
advice centre. » actas, serve as, operate as,
> completely, entirely, wholly, totally,
constitute, form, have the role of
thoroughly, quite, altogether, positively,
without reserve AN OPPOSITE Is partially fund noun emergency fund for refugees
> pool, kitty, store, reserve, cache, source,
fumble vers 1 He fumbled for his wallet. supply 2 funds Funds are running low.
> grope, feel about, fish, delve 2 Without any > money, cash, capital, finances, assets,
light she could only fumble about. » stumble, reserves, savings
blunder, flounder, lurch, stagger, totter 3 Then,
unfortunately, the keeper fumbled the ball. fund vere Private capital will help fund the
> mishandle, miss, drop, fail to catch, fail to railways. » pay for, finance, capitalize,
keep sponsor, subsidize, back, endow, maintain
fundamental — fuss
fundamental spective basic furrow Noun furrows 1a long cutin the
> fundamentally ADvers ground made by a plough or other implement
2 agroove 3a deep wrinkle in the skin
funeral noun funerals the ceremony when a
dead person is buried or cremated furry apective like fur; covered with fur
further apvers, Adjective 1 at or toa greater
funfair noun funfairs a fair consisting of distance; more distant 2 more; additional
amusements and sideshows
@ We made further enquiries.
fungus Noun fungi (fung- I) a plant without USAGE See the note at farther.
leaves or flowers that grows on other plants or further vers furthers, furthering, furthered
on decayed material, such as mushrooms and help something to progress e This success will
toadstools [from Latin] further your career.
funnel youn funnels 1a metal chimney ona > furtherance NOUN
ship or steam engine 2a tube that is wide at further education noun education for people
the top and narrow at the bottom to help you above school age
pour things into a narrow opening [from Latin
furthest Apvers, Apjective at or to the greatest
fundere = pour]
distance; most distant
funmy ADective funnier, funniest 1 making you furry Noun furies wild anger; rage
laugh or smile 2 strange or odd e a funny smell
> funnily ADVERB fuse 'youn fuses a safety device containing a
short piece of wire that melts if too much
fur noun furs 1 the soft hair that covers some electricity is passed through it
animals 2 animal skin with the fur on it, used
for clothing; fabric that looks like animal fur fuse vers fuses, fusing, fused 1 stop working
because a fuse has melted 2 blend together,
furious apective 1 very angry 2 violent or especially through melting
intense @ furious heat
fuse? Noun fuses a length of material that burns
> furiously ADveRB easily, used for setting off an explosive
furnace Noun furnaces a device in which great fusion Noun 1 the action of blending or uniting
heat can be produced, e.g. for melting metals things 2 the uniting of atomic nuclei, usually
or making glass releasing energy
furnish vers furnishes, furnishing, furnished fuss NOUN fusses 1 unnecessary excitement or
1 provide a place with furniture 2 provide or bustle 2 an agitated protest
supply with something make a fuss of treat someone with great
furniture noun tables, chairs, and other kindness and attention
movable things that you need in a house or fuss vers fusses, fussing, fussed make a fuss
school or office etc. about something

fundamental apjctive fundamental political furniture voun After the fire they had to buy new
principles » basic, elementary, essential, furniture. » furnishings, fitments, fittings,
primary, underlying, axiomatic, key, prime, effects, household goods, equipment,
principal, important, main, necessary movables, possessions
OPPOSITES ARE Secondary, inessential
further apective We need further information
> more, additional, extra, fresh, new,
funny Apjective 14 funny story > amusing,
humorous, comic, comical, witty, hilarious,
facetious, droll, entertaining, silly, absurd, furry Noun 1 She could not hide her fury. » anger,
ridiculous, AN OPPOSITE Is Serious 2a funny rage, wrath, passion 2 The storm hit the town
coincidence » peculiar, strange, odd, curious, with immense fury. > force, ferocity, fierceness,
puzzling, queer, weird, bizarre violence, turbulence, severity, savagery

furious ADjective She was furious when she found fuss noun 1 There was a lot offuss about the
out. » angry, enraged, infuriated, incensed, missing money. » commotion, agitation,
fuming, annoyed, cross, displeased, irritated, excitement, confusion, upset, worry 2 He
wanted to get the job done with as little fuss as
irate, indignant, outraged
OPPOSITES ARE pleased, calm
possible. » bother, trouble, difficulty,
inconvenience, effort, (more informal) hassle
furnish vers They have furnished the rooms fuss vere He begged her not to fuss. » fret, worry,
tastefully. » decorate, appoint, fit out, fit up, get worked up, agitate, bother, complain,
equip (more informal) flap, (more informal) create
fussy > fuzzy
fussy apjective fussier, fussiest 1 fussing; inthe future, expressed by using ‘shall’, ‘will’, or
inclined to make a fuss 2 choosing very ‘be going to’
carefully; hard to please 3 full of unnecessary future apjective belonging or referring to the
details or decorations future
> fussily ADvers fussiness NOUN
fuzznoun something fluffy or frizzy
future noun 1 the time that will come; what is fuzzy apjective 11 like fuzz; covered with fuzz
going to happen then 2 (in grammar) the tense 2 blurred; not clear
of a verb that indicates something happening > fuzzily ADverB fuzziness NOUN

fussy anjective 1 They are both fussy about their future spective Future generations may find
food. > finicky, fastidious, particular, choosy, themselves living on a warmer planet. » later,
(more informal) picky 2 The menu is a little fussy following, coming, succeeding, subsequent,
and over-rich. » fancy, elaborate, ornate, prospective, approaching, forthcoming,
florid, detailed
impending AN OPPOSITE Is past
futile pjective In the end the rebels abandoned the
futile struggle. » fruitless, pointless, vain, fuzzy apjective 1 The baby had a large fuzzy head.
ineffectual, unsuccessful, useless, abortive, > downy, frizzy, fluffy, woolly, fleecy, velvety,
unavailing, unproductive, barren
feathery 2 good sound but a fuzzy picture
> blurred, bleary, unfocused, ill-defined,
futurenoun 1 There is a bright future for them.
> outlook, prospects, expectations, destiny indistinct, vague, hazy, shadowy, unclear,
2 our plans for the future » time to come, time cloudy, dim, faint, misty opposites Are clear,
ahead AN OPPOSITE |S past sharp
gabble — gallery

gain vers gains gaining gained 1 get
something that you did not have before; obtain
2.aclock or watch gains when it becomes
ahead of the correct time 3 reach; arrive at @ At
last we gained the shore
gabble vers gabbles ,gabbling ,gabbled talk gain on come closer to a person or thing when
so quickly that it is difficult to know what is chasing them or ina race
being said
gain NouN gains something gained; a profit or
gadget Noun gadgets any small useful tool
> gadgetry NOUN
[probably from French gachette, = lock > gainful ADJECTIVE
mechanism] galaxy Noun galaxies avery large group of
Gaelic (gay- lik) noun the Celtic languages of stars
Scotland and Ireland > galactic (ga- lak- tik) aDjecrive
gag NOUN gags 1 something putinto a person’s gale Noun gales avery strong wind
mouth or tied over it to prevent them from
speaking 2a joke gallant (gal- lant) anjective 1 brave or heroice a
gallant effort 2 (gal- lant, ga- lant) courteous
gag VERB gags gagging gagged 1putagag towards women
ona person 2 prevent someone from making > gallantly Aovers gallantry NOUN
comments @ We cannot gag the press 3 retch
gallery Noun galleries 1 aroom or building for
gaggle Noun gaggles a flock of geese showing works of art 2. platform jutting out
gaiety youn 1 cheerfulness 2 brightly coloured from the wall in a church or hall 3 the highest
appearance balcony ina cinema or theatre 4 along room or
Qailly Aovere ina cheerful way passage

gadget Noun a kitchen full ofgadgets » tool, reputation from the publicity. » earn, achieve,
utensil, appliance, contraption, contrivance, acquire, win, secure 3 Trevor raised his head to
device, implement, machine, invention, gain a better view. » get, achieve, attain 4 The
instrument car began to gain speed. » increase, gather, pick
gaffe noun Anne was taking a day off trying to up USAGE You can also say the car began to
forget her gaffe. » mistake, blunder, error, slip, accelerate.
indiscretion gain on We were gaining on the vehicle in front.
> catch up with, draw nearer to, narrow the
gag Noun His latest gag was quite funny for a gap between, creep up on, approach
change. » joke, jest, quip, funny remark,
witticism, wisecrack gain:noun 1 We are all motivated by the prospect
offinancial gain. There was no personal gain in it
gag vers 1 The food had a strange taste that made for me. > profit, earnings, income, advantage,
her gag. >» retch, choke, heave 2 The regime benefit, return, reward, proceeds, yield,
found effective ways ofgagging the press. acquisition, asset, attainment, dividend,
> silence, muzzle, stifle, keep quiet, suppress, increase, winnings AN opposite is loss 2gain or
smother, restrain, prevent from speaking gains Labour made modest gains in the local
gaiety Noun 1 There was gaiety in her voice. elections in the spring. » advances, progress,
> cheerfulness, cheer, joy, happiness, advancement, headway
merriment, jollity, delight 2 They headed for the gala Noun the annual summer gala » festival,
gaiety of a London bar. > festivity, fun, carnival, jamboree, féte, fair, fiesta,
celebration, revelry, jollification celebration, revelry, party
Gaiily Aovere 1 She waved gaily back. » merrily, gale Noun 1 Rain and gales are frequent.
cheerfully, cheerily, happily, joyfully, blithely > storm, squall, high wind, hurricane 2 She
OPPOSITES ARE Sadly, drearily 2 She wore a gaily collapsed in gales of laughter. » outburst, burst,
coloured sari. » brightly, brilliantly, eruption, paroxysm, fit, peal, howl, hoot, roar
flamboyantly an opposite is drably 3 There was gallant apjective 1a gallant band of soldiers
Ben, gaily waving the traffic past. » casually, > brave, courageous, valiant, daring, fearless,
nonchalantly, heedlessly, airily, breezily, intrepid, heroic, doughty, noble, manly
lightly, unthinkingly, uncaringly AN opposite Is AN OPPOSITE IS Cowardly 2A gallant gentleman
anxiously at the next table came over to help her.
gain vere 1 She gained a huge income from her > courteous, chivalrous, respectful,
investments. » earn, gross, clear, bring in, considerate, obliging, gracious opposites ARE
obtain, acquire, procure 2 They gained a wide discourteous, rude ;
gallon — gape
gallon oun gallons a unit used to measure game!’ 2 brave
liquids, 8 pints or 4.546 litres > gamely advers
gallopnoun gallops 1 the fastest pace that a gamekeeper noun gamekeepers a person
horse can go 2a fast ride ona horse employed to protect game birds and animals,
gallopvers gallops, galloping, galloped goor especially from poachers
tide at a gallop gamma noun the third letter of the Greek
gallows noun gallows a framework with a
noose for hanging criminals gamma rays P.urAl noun very short X-rays
emitted by radioactive substances
galoshes pura noun a pair of waterproof shoes
worn over ordinary shoes gander youn ganders a male goose
galvanize vers galvanizes, galvanizing, gang noun gangs 1 agroup of people who do
galvanized 1 stimulate someone into sudden things together 2 a group of criminals
activity 2 coat iron with zinc to protect it from gang vers gangs, ganging, ganged joinina
rust gang © gang together
> galvanization noun gang up on forma group to fight or oppose
. gambit youn gambits 1 kind of opening someone
move in chess action or remark intended gangling spective tall, thin, and awkward-
to gain an advantage looking
gamble vers gambles, gambling, gambled gangplank noun gangplanks a plank placed
1 bet on the result of a game, race, or other so that people can walk into or out of aboat
event 2 take great risks in the hope of gaining gangrene (gang- green) noun decay of body
something tissue in aliving person
> gambler noun gangster noun gangsters amemberofagang
gamble oun gambles 1a bet or chance e a of violent criminals
gamble on the lottery 2 arisky attempt gangway Noun gangways 1 a gap left for
gambol vexs gambols, gambolling, people to pass between rows of seats or
gambolled jump or skip about in play through a crowd 2a movable bridge placed so
game noun games 1 a form of play or sport, that people can walk on to or offaship
especially one with rules e a game offootball; gaol (jayl) noun gaols a different spelling of jail
© a computer game 2 asection of along game > gaol vers gaoler Noun
such as tennis or whist 3 ascheme or plan; a GaP Noun gaps 1a break or opening in
trick e Whatever his game is, he won’t succeed. something continuous such as a hedge or fence
4wild animals or birds hunted for sport or food 2. an interval 3 a wide difference in ideas
give the game away reveal a secret Qape vers gapes, gaping, gaped 1 have your
game apective 1 able and willing to do mouth open 2 stare with your mouth open
something e ‘Shall we swim to the island?’ ‘I’m 3 be open wide

gallop vers A horse galloped past. » race, run, gaNngnoun 1a gang of teenagers» band, group,
canter, rush, dash, speed, sprint crowd, pack, mob 2. gang working on the road
> team, squad, troop, shift, detachment,
gambit noun It was a daring gambit and might working party 31 was never a part of his gang.
just work. » plan, stratagem, tactic, ruse, > circle, set, group, ring, clan, clique
move, manoeuvre, trick
gang vers gang together or up They always
gamble vers 1 He drinks and gambles and chases gang up to get their way. » combine, conspire,
women.» bet, game, risk money, wager, (more cooperate, work together, team up
informal) have a flutter 2 We gambled and were
lucky. » take arisk, take a chance, try your luck,
gaol noun, vers another spelling of jail
speculate, venture Gap Noun 1a gap ina wall» opening, breach,
break, chink, space, hole, cleft, crack, cranny,
game noun 1 The children were playing a new crevice, rift, void 2 a gap in the fighting
game. » pastime, diversion, amusement, > pause, break, interruption, lull, intermission,
entertainment, sport, activity 21 know how to interval 3 the gap between rich and poor
deal with his little game. » scheme, trick, plot, > divide, gulf, rift, chasm, disparity, imbalance
plan, dodge 3 It was the big game on Saturday.
> match, contest, tournament, competition, gape vers He gaped at her in surprise. » stare,
event, meeting 4 They were just playing a game gaze, goggle, (more informal) gawk, (more
on us. & joke, trick, prank, hoax informal) gawp
garage = gatecrash
garage (ga-rahzh, ga-rij) NOUN garages 1a gas 1 youn gases 1 asubstance that (like air) can
building in which a motor vehicle or vehicles move freely and is not liquid or solid at ordinary
may be kept 2 a place where motor vehicles are temperatures 2a gas that can be burned, used
repaired or serviced and where petrol is sold for lighting, heating, or cooking
garbage noun rubbish, especially household gas vers gasses ,gassing,gassed 1 kill orinjure
rubbis someone with gas 2 (informal) talk idly for a
garble vere garbles,garbling ,garbled give a long time
confused account of a story or message so that gas * Noun (American) gasoline
itis misunderstood
gaseous (gas- ee- us) ADjecive in the form of a
garden Noun gardens a piece of ground where gas
flowers, fruit, or vegetables are grown
> gardener NOUN gardening NOUN gash noun gashes along deep cut or wound
argle vers gargles ,gargling gargled holda gash vers gashes ,gashing ,gashed make a
q liquid at the back of the mouth and breathe air gash in something
through it to wash the inside of the throat gasoline Noun (American) petrol
> gargle NOUN
gasp vers gasps gasping gasped 1breathein
gargoyle noun gargoyles an ugly or comical suddenly when you are shocked or surprised
face orfigure carved ona building, especially 2 struggle to breathe with your mouth open
ona water spout when you are tired or ill 3 speak in a breathless
garland Noun garlands a wreath of flowers way
worn or hung as a decoration > gasp NOUN
> garland vers gassy Anjective fizzy
garlic noun a plant with a bulb divided into gastric Apjective to do with the stomach
smaller bulbs «loves),which have a strong
smell and taste and are used forflavouring food gastronomy (gas- tron- om- ee) Noun the art
or science of good eating
garment noun garments a piece of clothing > gastronomic ADJECTIVE
garnish vers garnishes ,garnishing, gastropod Noun gastropods an animal (e.g. a
arnished decorate something, especially snail) that moves by means of a fleshy foot’ on
ood its stomach
garnish noun something used to decorate food gate noun gates 1a movable barrier, usually on
or give it extra flavour hinges, used as a door ina wall or fence 2a
barrier for controlling the flow of water ina dam
garret Noun garrets an attic
or lock 3 a place where you wait before you
garrison Noun garrisons 1 troops who stay in board an aircraft 4 the number of people
a town or fort to defend it 2 the building they attending a football match etc.
> garrison VERB
gatecrash vers gatecrashes, gatecrashing,
Fatesrane go to a private party without
garter Noun garters abandofelastictohold up eing invited
a sock or stocking > gatecrasher NOUN

garage Noun 1 The house had a large garage, gash noun Blood was pouring from a gash on his
which the new owner turned into a study. » car- head. > cut, slash, wound, injury, slit,
port 2 She had stopped to fill up the tank at a laceration, abrasion
local garage. > filling station, petrol station,
service station gash vere Frank gashed his hand ona broken glass.
> cut, slash, lacerate, wound, injure, gouge
garbled anective The story seems garbled and
may be nonsense. » confused, muddled, mixed gasp vers She gasped and sat back, her face pale.
be twisted, jumbled, scrambled AN opposite Is > catch your breath, pant, choke, gulp, blow
gasp Noun His breath was coming in gasps.
garden noun 14 house with a garden plot, > pant, heave, wheeze, puff, blow
allotment, patch, yard 2gardens a walk
through the gardens » grounds, park RELATED gate noun Some children came through the gate.
Apjective horticulturalRELATED NOUN > gateway, doorway, door, entrance, entry,
horticulture exit, (poetic) portal

gateway = gear
gateway noun gateways 1 an opening gauntlet2 youn
containing a gate 2.a way to reach something run the gauntlet have to suffer continuous
© The gateway to success severe criticism or risk
gauZe noun 1 thin transparent woven material
gather vers gathers, gathering, gathered 2 fine wire mesh
1 come or bring together 2 collect; obtain D> Qauzy ADJECTIVE
gradually e We've been gathering information. Gay apjecrwe 1 homosexual 2 cheerful
3 collect as harvest; pluck e Gather the corn 3 brightly coloured
when it is ripe. e gather flowers 4 understand or > gayness NOUN
learn e I gather you've been on holiday. 5 pull USAGE Nowadays the most common meaning
cloth into folds by running a thread through it of gay is ‘homosexual’. The older meanings
6 asore gathers when it swells up and forms ‘cheerful’ and ‘brightly coloured’can still be
pus used but are becoming less and less common
gather speed move gradually faster in everyday use. @ Gayness is the noun from
meaning 1 of gay. The noun that relates to the
gathering oun gatherings an assembly or other two meanings is galety.
meeting of people; a party QaZe vers gazes, gazing, gazed look at
gaudy apective too showy and bright something steadily for a long time
> gaudily apvers gaudiness noun gaze noun gazes along steady look
gazetteer (gaz- it- eer) noun gazetteers a list
gauge (gayj) noun gauges 1a standard of place names
measurement 2 the distance between a pair of GCSE assreviation General Certificate of
rails on a railway 3.a measuring instrument Secondary Education
gauge vers gauges, gauging, gauged gear noun gears 1a cogwheel, especially
1 measure 2 estimate; form a judgement one of a set in a motor vehicle that turn
power from the engine into movement of the
gaunt apective (said about a person) lean and wheels 2 equipment or apparatus @ camping
haggard gear
> gauntness NOUN gear vers gears, gearing, geared
gear to make something match or be suitable
gauntlet’ youn gauntlets a glove with a wide for something else @ Health care should be
cuff covering the wrist geared to people’s needs, not to whether they can
throw down the gauntlet offer a challenge pay.

gather vers 1A crowd gathered near the Gauge vers 1A special scoring table will gauge
entrance. » assemble, collect, come together, which competitor does best. » assess, evaluate,
congregate, crowd round, convene, converge, appraise, calculate, reckon 2 Instruments can
flock, group, muster AN OPPOSITE IS disperse gauge the distance precisely. » measure,
2 She spent some time gathering her books. calculate, compute, quantify, determine
> collect, assemble, accumulate, bring
gaunt apjective His arms were wrapped round his
together, heap up 3 They went into the garden
to gather flowers and berries. » pick, pluck, gaunt body. » haggard, drawn, lank,
garner, harvest 41 gather you have been unwell. emaciated, wasted, skinny, scrawny, shrivelled,
> understand, believe, be told, be given to skeletal, cadaverous
understand, learn, hear, be informed, deduce, gawky aojective She had been a thin, gawky
infer, surmise 5 You can gather the dress at the adolescent. » awkward, ungainly, inelegant,
waist. > pleat, fold, crimp, ruffle, pucker ungraceful, graceless, gangling, gauche, inept,
lumbering, bumbling, maladroit,
gaudy apyective She wore dull clothes, nothing uncoordinated AN OPPOSITE IS graceful
gaudy. » garish, lurid, flashy, loud, glaring, Qay apjective 1 a club for gay people
vulgar OPPOSITES ARE sober, dull > homosexual, (female) lesbian 2 He was so gay
and lively. » cheerful, happy, carefree, lively,
gauge noun 1 He checked the pressure gauge. merry, jolly, jovial, glad
> meter, instrument, dial, reading 2 The track
was the wrong gauge for the new rolling stock. Gaze vers He continued to gaze out of the window.
> size, width, measure, standard 3 The local > stare, look, gape
elections will be seen as a gauge ofpublic opinion. Gear noun (informal) You can put your gear in
> measure, indicator, test, guide (to), here. » equipment, paraphernalia, belongings,
touchstone, benchmark possessions, stuff, things, tackle
Geiger counter = genetic
gear up get ready for e We were all geared up to idea. 3 chief or head e the general manager
play cricket, but then it rained. in general as a general rule; usually
Geiger counter (gy- ger) Noun Geiger general noun generals a senior army officer
counters an instrument that detects and general election noun general elections an
measures radioactivity election of Members of Parliament for the
gel noun gels a jelly-like substance, especially whole country
one used to give a style to hair generally Aovere 1 usually 2 in a general sense;
gelatine noun a clear jelly-like substance made without regard to details e I was speaking
by boiling animal tissue and used to make jellies generally.
and other foods and in photographic film general practitioner noun general
> gelatinous (jil- at- in- us) ADJECTIVE practitioners a doctor who treats all kinds of
gem Noun gems 1a precious stone 2an diseases. He or she is the first doctor that
excellent person or thing people see when they are ill
gender noun genders 1 the group in whicha generate vers generates, generating,
noun is classed in the grammar of some generated produce or create
languages, e.g. masculine, feminine, or neuter generation noun generations 1 generating
2.a person’s sex @ Jobs should be open to all, 2 asingle stage in a family e Three generations
regardless of race or gender. were included: children, parents, and
gene (jeen) noun genes the part of a living cell grandparents. 3 all the people born at about
that controls which characteristics (such as the the same time e our parents’ generation
colour of hair or eyes) are inherited from generator noun generators 1 an apparatus
parents for producing gases or steam 2a machine for
genealogy (jeen- ee- al- o- jee) Noun converting mechanical energy into electricity
genealogies 1 list or diagram showing how generous Apective 1 willing to give things or
people are descended from an ancestor 2 the share them 2 given freely; plentiful e a
study of family history and ancestors generous helping
> genealogical (jeen- ee- a- loj- ik- al) > generously Abvers generosity NOUN
genetic (jin- et- ik) Apjective 1 to do with genes
genera (jen- e- ra) PLURAL NOUN plural of genus 2 to do with characteristics inherited from
general agectve 1 to do with or involving most parents or ancestors
people or things e This drug is now in general > genetically Apvers
use. 2 not detailed; broad e I’ve got the general genetically modified (said about an animal or

gem noun 1 a tiara made ofgems and pearls new jobs » creation, production, origination,
> jewel, precious stone, gemstone 2 The initiation, genesis
anthology contains some real gems. » pearl, generosity noun Thanks to the generosity of
wonder, treasure, masterpiece, outstanding sponsors the games can continue. » kindness,
example munificence, liberality, philanthropy,
general apective 1 The idea is sound in general benevolence, bounty, charity, largesse
terms. » broad, rough, sweeping, vague, generous Apective 14 person of a good and
loose, indefinite AN OPPOSITE IS specific 2 This generous nature > kind, kind-hearted,
model is more suitable for general use. magnanimous, benevolent, unselfish,
> widespread, universal, popular, regular, charitable, big-hearted, beneficent,
typical, normal, ordinary, everyday, philanthropic 2 She was always generous on the
conventional OPPOSITES ARE specialist, children’s birthdays. » bountiful, liberal, lavish,
restricted 3 a general pay increase munificent, indulgent, bounteous 3 a generous
> comprehensive, inclusive, overall, universal helping of pudding » large, lavish, ample,
generally sovers It is generally a mistake to copious, plentiful, abundant
ignore these factors. » normally, asa rule, by genius noun 1 They have a genius for getting
and large, on the whole, broadly, mainly, attention. » talent, gift, flair, aptitude, bent,
mostly, in the main, predominantly, usually intellect, knack 2 It doesn’t take a genius to work
generate vers a move to generate more business out his little game. » mastermind, great
> create, produce, bring about, make, cause, thinker, great brain, prodigy, past master,
give rise to, propagate, engender, beget, expert, intellectual
breed, (more informal) whip up gentle apective 1 The mild, gentle face looked
generation noun 1 people of an earlier back at him. » kind, kindly, tender,
generation» age,age group 2 the generation of sympathetic, compassionate, warm-hearted,
genetics => get
plant) containing genes that have been > geometric anjective geometrical Apjective
artificially altered geometrically apvers
genetics noun the study of genes and genetic gerbil (jer- bil) noun gerbils a small brown
behaviour rodent with long hind legs, often kept as a pet
genial (jee- nee- al) anjective kindly and cheerful geriatric (je- ree- at- rik) apjective to do with
> genially apvers geniality (jee- nee- al- it- the care of old people and their health [from
ee) NOUN Greek geras = old age + iatros = doctor]
genital (jen- it- al) apective to do with animal germ noun germs 1a micro-organism,
reproduction or reproductive organs especially one that can cause disease 2a tiny
living structure from which a plant or animal
genitals (jen- it- alz) pura. noun external sexual may develop 3 part of the seed of a cereal plant
organs [from Latin germen = seed or sprout]
genius youn geniuses 1 an unusually clever or German measles noun rubella
creative person 2 very great natural ability German shepherd dog noun German
e He has a real genius for music
shepherd dogs a large strong dog, often used
genocide (jen- o- syd) noun deliberate by the police
extermination of a race of people germinate vers germinates, germinating,
gentle apyective 1 mild or kind; not rough 2 not germinated when a seed germinates, it
harsh or severe e@ a gentle breeze begins to develop, and roots and shoots grow
> gently apvers gentleness noun from it
gentleman noun gentlemen 1 well- > germination noun
mannered or honourable man 2 aman of good gesticulate (jes- tik- yoo- layt) vers
social position 3 (in polite use) aman gesticulates, gesticulating, gesticulated
genuine spective real; not faked or pretending make expressive movements with your hands
> genuinely spvers genuineness noun and arms
> gesticulation noun
genus (jee- nus) noun genera (jen- er-a) a
group of similar animals or plants e Lions and
gesture (jes- cher) noun gestures 1a
tigers belong to the same genus. movement that expresses what a person feels
2 an action that shows goodwill e It would be a
geography (jee- og-ra- fee) noun the study of nice gesture to send her some flowers
the earth’s surface and of its climate, peoples, gesture vers gestures, gesturing, gestured
and products tell a person something by making a gesture
> geographer noun geographical spective
© She gestured me to be quiet.
geographically spvers
get vers gets, getting, got This word has many
[from geo- = earth + - graphy = description]
different uses, including: 1 obtain or receive
geology (jee- ol- o- jee) noun the study of the e She got first prize 2 become e Don't get angry!
structure of the earth’s crust and its layers 3 reach a place @ We got there by midnight.
> geological apjective geologically apvers 4 put or move e I can’t get my shoe on.
geologist youn 5 prepare e Will you get the tea? 6 persuade or
geometry (jee- om- it- ree) noun the study of order @ Get him to wash up. 7 catch or suffer
lines, angles, surfaces, and solids in from an illness 8 (informal) understand e Do
mathematics you get what I mean?

soft-hearted, placid, calm OPPOSITES ARE germs microbe, micro-organism, bacterium,
unkind, harsh 2A gentle breeze was blowing. (more informal) bug, virus
> light, faint, soft OPPOSITES ARE strong, fierce get vers 1 She got her degree at St Andrews.
3 There was a gentle slope up to the house. > obtain, receive, acquire, come by, achieve,
> gradual, slight, easy AN OPPOSITE |S steep procure 2 It's getting cold. » become, turn,
grow 3 We'll get there soon. » arrive, reach,
genuine spective 1A genuine Picasso hung on come to 4 Will you get my book? » fetch, bring,
the wall. » authentic, original, bona fide, collect, pick up 5I got a cold. » catch, come
actual, real, true, authenticated AN OPPOSITE IS down with, develop
fake 2 She’s a very genuine person. » sincere, get across It’s hard to get the idea across.
honest, unaffected, frank, truthful, devout, > communicate, convey, impart, transmit
candid, earnest, true AN OPPOSITE IS insincere get ahead people who want to get ahead
> succeed, prosper, flourish, get on well
germ noun 1 the germ of a great idea ' get along 1 They do seem to get along with
> beginning, nucleus, seed, start, genesis, each other.» agree, see eye to eye, be friendly,
embryo, cause, origin 2a cleaner that also kills be compatible 2 We are getting along quite well
geyser ~ giddy
get away with 1 escape with something ghoulish (gool-ish) agective enjoying things
2 avoid being punished for what you have done that are grisly or unpleasant
get by (informal) manage > ghoulishly spovers ghoulishness noun
get on 1 make progress 2 be friendly with [from Arabic gul = a demon that eats dead
somebody bodies]
get over recover from an illness etc. giant noun giants 1 (in myths or fairy tales) a
get up 1stand up 2 get out of your bed in the creature like a huge man 2a man, animal, or
morning 3 prepare or organize e We got up a plant that is much larger than the usual size [via
concert. : early French from Greek gigas]
get your own back (informal) have your gibberish (jib- er-ish) noun meaningless
revenge speech; nonsense
have got to must
gibbet (jib- it) youn gibbets 1a gallows 2 an
geyser (gee- zer, gy- zer) NOUN geysers 1a upright post with an arm from which a
natural spring that shoots up columns of hot criminal’s body was hung after execution, as a
water 2a kind of water heater [from Geysir = warning to others
gusher, the name of a geyser in Iceland]
gibbon noun gibbons asmall ape from south-
ghastly apective 1 very unpleasant or bad east Asia. Gibbons have very long arms to help
2 looking pale and ill them swing through the trees where they live
> ghastliness Noun giddy anyectve 1 feeling that everything is
[from Old English gaestan = terrify] spinning round and that you might fall
ghost noun ghosts the spirit of a dead person 2 causing this feeling e We looked down from
that appears to the living the giddy height of the cliff.
> ghostly Anjective > giddily apvers giddiness noun

now. ® manage, cope, get on, make out, early to leave for the airport. » rise, get out of
progress, advance bed
get at What are you getting at? » suggest,
getaway noun a quick getaway » escape,
imply, intend, insinuate, mean
breakout, breakaway
get away Tom and Fiona wanted to get away for
the weekend. » escape, leave, (more informal) ghastly spective 1 ghastly murder » terrible,
make off frightful, horrible, horrific, horrifying,
get back We won't get our money back. gruesome 2a ghastly time » unpleasant,
> recover, recoup, regain, retrieve disagreeable, nasty, horrid, revolting
get by (informal) We have enough money to get AN OPPOSITE IS lovely
by.» survive, manage, cope, make do, muddle ghost.voun 1 They say there’s a ghost in the house.
along, muddle through > phantom, spectre, spirit, wraith, vision 2a
get down All the talk of war got them down. ghost of a smile » trace, hint, suggestion,
> depress, deject, dishearten, dispirit, sadden glimmer, semblance, shadow
get in The train gets in at 7 o'clock. » arrive,
come ghostly anective The ghostly figure seemed to
geton 1 We’d better get on the bus. » board, belong to a dream. » unearthly, spectral, eerie,
embark, mount, ascend 2 How did they get on phantom, uncanny, weird, supernatural,
during their holiday? » cope, manage, fare, get (informal) spooky, (informal) creepy, (informal)
along, make out scary
get out Some of the prisoners had got out. giant oun A giant of aman stood in the doorway.
> escape, break out, break free, get away, flee > monster, colossus, titan, Goliath, ogre
get over 1 She’s just got over flu. » recover AN OPPOSITE IS dwarf
from, shake off, survive 2 difficulties that we can
never get over ® overcome, surmount, deal giant Anjective The thrust from the four giant
with engines pushed him back in his seat. » huge,
get round 1 aproblem they tried to get round enormous, gigantic, colossal, immense,
> avoid, evade, overcome, get the better of massive, mighty, vast, large, elephantine,
2 He always got round his mother when he needed gargantuan, mammoth, monstrous,
something. » persuade, cajole, prevail on, win prodigious, titanic, (more informal) whopping,
over, beguile (more informal) jumbo, (more informal) king-
get together Let’s get together next week. size OPPOSITES ARE tiny, miniature

> meet, meet up, see one another giddy avjective The heat ofthe sun made her giddy.
getup 1 She got up from her chair. > rise, > dizzy, faint, weak, light-headed, unsteady,
stand, stand up 2 They would have to get up wobbly, (more informal) woozy
gift > give
giftnoun gifts 1a present 2a natural talent 2 liveliness or energy 3 a reddish-yellow colour
@ She has a gift for music. > gimgerADJECTIVE
giftedanjecnve having a special talent gingervers gingers, gingering, gingered
Gignoun gigs (informal) alive performance bya make something more lively e This will ginger
musician, comedian, etc. things up! [via Old English, Latin, and Greek
from Dravidian (a group of languages spoken in
gigabyte (gi- ga- byt, ji- ga- byt) noun southermndia)]
gigabytes (in computing) a unit of
information equal to one thousand million
gingerlyaovers cautiously
bytes, or (more precisely) 23° bytes Giraffenoun giraffeor giraffes an African
animal with long legs and a very long neck, the
gigantic(jy- gan- tik) apjective extremely large; world’s tallest mammal [from Arabic]
girdernoun girders a metal beam supporting
gigglevers giggles, giggling, giggled laugh part of a building or a bridge
ina silly way girdlenoun girdles 1 a belt or cord wornround
gigglenoun giggles 1 asilly laugh 2 (informal) the waist 2 a woman's elastic corset covering
something amusing; a bit of fun from the waist to the thigh
gildvere gilds, gilding, gilded cover girlnoun girls 1.a female child 2a young
something with a thin layer of gold or gold woman
paint > girlhoodNoun girlishADjeEcTive
gilllsp.ura: noun the part of the body through girlfriendnoun girlfriends a person’s regular
which fish and certain other water animals female companion in a romantic or sexual
breathe relationship
giltnoun a thin covering of gold or gold paint giro (Gjy-roh) noun a system of sending money
directly from one bank account or post office
gimmicknoun gimmicks something unusual account to another
or silly done or used just to attract people’s
gist (jist) noun the essential points or general
sense of what someone says
ginnoun a colourless alcoholic drink flavoured Givevers gives, giving, gave, given 1 let
with juniper berries someone have something 2 make or do
gingernoun 1 the hot-tasting root of a tropical something e He gave a laugh. 3 be flexible or
plant, or aflavouring made from this root, used springy; bend or collapse when pressed
especially in drinks and Eastern cooking > giverNouN

giftnoun 1 He made the library a generous gift. convey, communicate, transmit, send, deliver
> present, donation, benefaction, 3 three brothers who had given their lives in the
contribution, largesse, handout, offering, Great War sacrifice, lose, relinquish, devote
grant, gratuity, bequest, endowment 2a gift 4 a note giving details of Christmas opening times
for languages > talent, flair, aptitude, capacity, > show, list, provide, display 5 The boys gave no
genius, knack, ability, bent, capability trouble. » cause, make, create, start 6 The
giftedanecnve a gifted young musician right herbs will give your food a better flavour.
> talented, able, accomplished, capable, > afford, produce, yield, lend 7 We are going to
skilful, skilled give a party. » hold, lay on, organize, arrange
8 He saw her and gave a shout. » utter, emit, let
giganticapectve a gigantic old building out 9 The roof was giving under the weight.
> huge, enormous, colossal, immense,
> collapse, yield, break, fallin 10 She would
massive, mighty, vast, large, giant, (more
give them a warning. > issue, deliver,
informal) whopping, (more informal) jumbo,
(more informal) king-size administer, impose on
give awayShe tried not to give away their secret.
gigglevers The silly hat made them giggle. > reveal, disclose, divulge, betray
> snigger, titter, chuckle, laugh give in They had to give in after a while.
girdlenoun They wore girdles round their waists. > submit, surrender, capitulate, yield,
> belt, sash, band, waistband, corset succumb, comply
girlnoun a pretty little girl» lass, daughter, give offThe fire gave offgrey fumes. » produce,
female child, (literary) maid, (literary) maiden emit, send out, discharge, exude, release
givevers 1 He would give them another hundred give out 1 Please give out the books. » hand
pounds. » provide with, present with, supply out, hand round, distribute, dole out, deal out
with, allow, award, bestow on, donate, make 2 The money gave out after four days. » runout,
over 2 Will you give her a message? » Pass on, be used up, be exhausted, dry up
given > glide
give in acknowledge that you are defeated; glare versglares glaring glared 1 shinewith
yield a bright or dazzling light 2 stare angrily or
give up 1stop trying 2 end a habit fiercely
given Apective named or stated in advance e All > glare NOUN
the people in a given area. glasmost noun the open reporting of news or
glacial (glay- shal) apjective icy; made of or giving of information, especially in the former
produced by ice Soviet Union [from Russian, = openness]
>glacially Apvers glass Nounglasses 1 ahard brittle substance
glacier (glas- ee- er) NouNglaciers amass of ice that is usually transparent 2a container made
that moves very slowly down a mountain valley of glass for drinking from 3a mirror 4alens
> glassy ADJECTIVE
glad apective 1 pleased; expressing joy 2 giving
pleasure e We brought the glad news. glasses pLurALNoun 1 pair of lenses ina frame,
> gladly ADvers gladness NOUN worn over the eyes to help improve eyesight
glad of grateful for or pleased with something 2 binoculars
gladden vers gladdens ,gladdening , glaze vere glazes glazing glazed 1fita
gladdened make a person glad window or building with glass 2 give a shiny
glade nounglades an open space ina forest surface to something 3 (said of aperson’s
eyes) lose brightness and animation
gladiator (glad- ee- ay- ter) noungladiators a
man trained tofight for public entertainment in gleam Noun gleams 1a beam of soft light,
ancient Rome especially one that comes and goes 2 a small
> gladiatorial (glad- ee- at- or- ee- al) ADJECTIVE amount of hope, humour, etc.
[from Latin gladius = sword] gleam versgleams gleaming ,gleamed shine
glamorous ADJECTIVE excitingly attractive brightly, especially after cleaning or polishing
glamour Noun an attractive and exciting glee noun great delight
quality > gleeful ApjecTive gleefully ADvers
glance vereglances glancing glanced 1 look glen Nounglens a narrow valley, especially in
at something briefly 2 strike something at an Scotland [from Scottish Gaelic or Irish]
angle and slide off it e The ball glanced off his glib Anective speaking or writing readily but not
bat. sincerely or thoughtfully
> glance NOUN >glibly Advers glibmness NOUN
gland noun glands an organ of the body that glide vere glides gliding glided 1 move
separates substances from the blood so that along smoothly 2 fly without using an engine
they can be used or secreted (passed out of the 3 birds glide when they fly without beating
body) their wings
> glandular ADJECTIVE > glide Noun

give up Don’t give up now. > quit, stop, glance Noun He gave us a quick glance. » look,
concede defeat, admit defeat, resign, despair peek, peep, glimpse
glad apjective 11am glad you came. > pleased, glare vere 1 She glared at him. » stare angrily,
happy, delighted, thrilled, overjoyed 2 They glower, scowl, frown 2 The lights of oncoming
were gladtohelp.e pleased, willing, eager, keen cars glared in the darkness. » dazzle, blaze, be
glamorous Adjective 1 glamorous woman blinding, flare, beam
> beautiful, elegant, captivating, alluring, glare noun 1an angry glare » stare, scowl,
gorgeous, smart, lovely, entrancing, stylish, glower, frown, black look 2 the glare of the lights
fashionableusace Be careful when you use > dazzle, shine, blaze, brilliance, beam, flare
smart, because it has another important
meaning. 2a glamorous lifestyle » exciting, glaring ADJECTIVE a glaring error » obvious,
colourful, dazzling, glittering, alluring, smart conspicuous, blatant, flagrant, patent, plain,
overt, inescapable
glamour Noun 1 She offered that extra bit of
glamour. > beauty, attractiveness, elegance, gleam vere The brass door knob gleamed in the
style, charm, seductiveness 2 the glamour of moonlight. » glimmer, glint, glow, shine, flash,
living in a big city » appeal, excitement, glisten, glitter, sparkle, shimmer
attraction, allure, glitter, lustre, magic gleam Noun the gleam of lights in the distance
glance vere 1 She glanced at her watch. » look, > glimmer, glint, glow, glitter, sparkle,
peek, peep, take a look at 2glance at or shimmer ‘
through I only had time to glance at the article. glide vers 1A boat glided past. » slide, move
> scan, skim, read quickly, run your eye over smoothly, slip, sail, coast, skim 2 The gulls were
glider — glory
glidernoun gliders an aircraft without an globalapectve 1 to do with the whole world;
engine that flies by floating on warm air worldwide 2 to do with the whole of a system
currents called thermals > globallyspvers
glimmer noun glimmers 1 faint light 2a global warmingnoun the increase in the
small sign or trace of something e a glimmer of temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, caused
hope by the greenhouse effect
glimmervers glimmers, glimmering, globenoun globes 1 something shaped like a
glimmered shine with a faint, flickering light ball, especially one with a map of the whole
glimpsenoun glimpses a brief view world on it 2 the world e She has travelled all
over the globe 3 a hollow round glass object
glimpsevers glimpses, glimpsing, glimpsed
see something briefly gloomwnoun 1 darkness 2 sadness or despair
glintnoun glints a very brief flash of light gloomy soecrve gloomier, gloomiest
1 almost dark 2 depressed or depressing
glintvers glints, glinting, glinted shine witha > gloomilyapvers gloominess NouN
flash of light
glorifyvers glorifies, glorifying, glorified
glisten (glis- en) vers glistens, glistening, 1 give great praise or great honour to 2 make a
glistened shine like something wet or oily thing seem more splendid or attractive than it
glittervers glitters, glittering, glittered really is @ It is a film that glorifies war.
shine with tiny flashes of light; sparkle > glorificationnoun
glitter oun tiny sparkling pieces used for glorious agective splendid or magnificent
decoration > gloriously,pvers

gloatvers gloats, gloating, gloated be glorynoun glories 1 fame and honour 2 praise
pleased in an unkind way that you have 3 beauty or magnificence
succeeded or that someone else has been hurt glory-vers glories, glorying, gloried rejoice;
or upset pride yourself e They gloried in victory.

gliding overhead. » drift, soar, wheel, hover, gloomnoun 1 They peered out into the gloom.
sail, float, fly > darkness, dimness, semi-darkness, murk,
glimmer vers The moonlight glimmered on the murkiness, shade, shadow, twilight,
great sweep of lawn. >» gleam, glint, glow, cloudiness, dullness, dusk, obscurity 2 Her
shine, flash, glisten, glitter, sparkle, shimmer, feeling ofgloom lifted. » depression, dejection,
twinkle despondency, low spirits, melancholy
glimmer noun There was afaint glimmer in his gloomyasoectve 1 They walked through the front
eyes. » gleam, glint, glow, glitter, sparkle, door into a gloomy hall. » dark, dingy, dim,
shimmer, twinkle dismal, dreary, dull, shadowy, sombre,
glimpse vers I glimpsed Auntie sitting on the cheerless AN OPPOSITE IS bright 2.a gloomy
bottom stair. » spot, spy, catch sight of, make expression ® miserable, downcast,
out downhearted, dejected, dispirited, glum,
unhappy Opposites ARE cheerful, happy 3a
glimpse noun I caught a quick glimpse of the gloomy outlook for the economy » pessimistic,
house. » glance, peep, look, sight, sighting, unfavourable, unpromising, depressing, bleak,
view, (more informal) squint downbeat opposites ARE optimistic, upbeat
glint vers Her blue eyes glinted like ice. » gleam,
glow, shine, flash, glisten, glitter, sparkle, glorious nective 1 glorious victory
> magnificent, splendid, illustrious,
celebrated, acclaimed, distinguished,
glint oun a glint in the mirror » gleam, renowned, great 2 a glorious view across the hills
glimmer, glow, glitter, sparkle, shimmer > wonderful, spectacular, magnificent,
global apectve 1 global communications superb, beautiful, stunning
> worldwide, international, world, glorynoun 1 the glory of competing for your
intercontinental, universal 2 a global solution to country; successes that bring much glory
the problem » total, comprehensive, general, > distinction, honour, renown, prestige,
all-inclusive, wide-ranging kudos, fame, credit, triumph, success 2 glory to
globenoun 1 people from all over the globe God» adoration, homage, praise,
> world, earth, planet 2 the shape of a globe thanksgiving, veneration, worship 3 the glories
> ball, orb, sphere, round of New England in the autumn » beauty,
gloss > go
gloss 'noun glosses the shine ona smooth glut noun gluts an excessive supply
surface glutinous (gloo- tin- us) apective glue-like or
gloss vers glosses ,glossing ,glossed make a sticky
thing glossy glutton oun gluttons a person who eats too
gloss 2 vere glosses ,glossing ,glossed much
gloss over mention a fault or mistake etc. only > gluttonous Apjecrive gluttony NOUN
briefly to make it seem less serious than it really glutton for punishment a person who seems
is to enjoy doing something difficult or
glossary Noun glossaries a list of difficult
words with their meanings explained GM ABBREVIATION gram
glossy spectiveglossier ,glossiest smooth and GMT asereviation Greenwich Mean Time
shiny gnarled (narld) anective twisted and knobbly,
> glossily Apvers glossiness NOUN like an old tree
glove noun gloves a covering for the hand, gnash (nash) vers gnashes ,gnashing,
usually with separate divisions for each finger gnashed grind your teeth together
and thumb gnat (nat) Noun gnats a tiny fly that bites
> gloved ADjECTIVE
gnaw (naw) vere gnaws ,gnawing ,gnawed
glow noun 1 brightness and warmth without keep on biting something hard so that it wears
flames 2a warm or cheerful feeling @ Wefelt a away
glow of pride
gnome (nohm) Noun gnomes a kind of dwarf
glow vers glows ,glowing ,glowed shinewith in fairy tales, usually living underground
a soft, warm light
GNVQ assreviation General National Vocational
glue noun glues a sticky substance used for Qualification
joining things together
QO vers goes ,going ,went ,gone This word has
many uses, including: 1 move from one place
glue versglues gluing glued 1 stickwithglue to another e Where are you going? 2 leave e I
2 attach or hold closely @ His ear was glued to must go. 3 lead from one place to another e The
the keyhole road goes to Bristol. 4 become e The milk has
glum pjective miserable or depressed gone sour. 5 make asound e The gun went bang.
> glumly Adverse glummess NOUN 6 belong in some place or position @ Plates go

: Thesaurus
magnificence, grandeur, majesty, radiance, glue noun a tube ofglue» adhesive, paste, gum,
splendour fixative, sealant, cement
gloss noun The new paint has a fine gloss. glue VERB Glue the pieces together. » fix, stick,
> shine, sheen, brightness, brilliance, lustre, fasten, affix, paste, cement, bond, gum, seal
burnish, polish
glum anjctive Tony looked glum. » miserable,
glossy Apective a glossy tiled floor » bright, downcast, downhearted, dejected, dispirited,
burnished, glassy, glazed, gleaming, lustrous, gloomy, unhappy opposites ARE cheerful,
polished, reflective, shiny, silky, sleek, smooth
AN OPPOSITE IS. dull happy
glow vers 1 Lights glowed from the windows. GO vers 1 She started to go towards the entrance.
e shine, gleam, glimmer, flicker, flare 2 She > move, advance, proceed, walk, make your
glowed with pleasure at having said the right way, progress 2 We are going to London on
thing. » shine, flush, blush, colour, redden Friday. » travel, journey, make atrip 3 Several
of the guests had already gone. » leave, depart,
glow Noun 1 the glow of the street lights» shine, go away, withdraw, make off, (more informal)
gleam, glimmer, radiance, luminosity, clear off 4 My purse had gone. » disappear,
brilliance 2 There was a distinct glow in her vanish, be taken, be stolen 5 The path goes to
cheeks, » flush, blush, rosiness, pinkness, the village. » lead, take you, continue, extend,
warmth 3 We felt a glow of excitement. stretch 6 All the money goes to charity. » be
> ardour, fervour, enthusiasm, feeling, given, be donated, be granted, be presented
intensity, passion 7 All our money has gone. » be used up, be
glowing Apective 1 glowing street lights spent, be exhausted 8 His hair had gone grey.
> bright, shining, luminous, radiant 2 glowing > turn, become, grow 9 [hope things go well for
cheeks ® bright, rosy, red, pink, blushing, them. » work out, turn out, develop 10 The
flushed 3 a glowing report » complimentary, coat and hat don’t go. » match, harmonize,
enthusiastic, highly favourable, fervent, blend, suit one another 11 The car won't go.
admiring, eulogistic, ecstatic > start, work, function, operate, run 12 Where
go => golden
on that shelf. 7 be sold e The house went very go-betweenwnoun go-betweens a person
cheaply. who acts as a messenger or negotiator
go off 1 explode 2 become stale or decayed between others
3 stop liking something
Godwoun the creator of the universe in Christian,
go oncontinue
Jewish, and Muslim belief
go outstop burning or shining
go through experience something unpleasant godnoun gods a male being that is worshipped
or difficult e Mars was a Roman god.
GONOUN goes 1 aturn or try e May I have a go? godchildnoun godchildrem a child that has a
2 (informal) energy or liveliness @ She is full of godparent
go. > god-daughternoun godsonnoun
make a go of make a success of something goddessnoun goddesses a female being that
on the go active; always working or moving is worshipped
goad noun goads astick with a pointed end for godparentnoun godparents a person at a
prodding cattle to move onwards child’s christening who promises to see that
goad vers goads, goading, goaded stir into the child has a religious education
action by being annoying @ He goaded me into > godfathernoun godmother noun
fighting. godsendnoun godsends a piece of
goal oun goals 1 the place where a ball must unexpected good luck
go to score a point in football, hockey, etc. 2a goggle vers goggles, goggling, goggled
point scored in this way 3 something that you stare with wide open eyes
are trying to reach or achieve going present participle of go
goalkeepernoun goalkeepers the player who be going to do something be ready or likely
stands in the goal to try and keep the ball from to do it
entering goldwoun golds 1a precious yellow metal 2a
goOatnoun goats amammal with horns anda deep yellow colour 3 a gold medal, awarded as
beard, closely related to the sheep. Domestic first prize
goats are kept for their milk [from Old English] b> gold Apjective
gobble vers gobbles, gobbling, gobbled eat goldenanctive 1 made of gold 2 coloured like
quickly and greedily [from early French gober = gold 3 precious or excellent e a golden
to swallow] opportunity

do these books go? » belong, be placed, be kept, witter, ramble, (more informal) rabbit
have a place 13 Has the bell gone? » sound, go over Shall we go over the figures? » study,
ring, chime, peal 14 The time will go quickly. check, review, examine, analyse, scrutinize,
> pass, go by, elapse, lapse investigate
go ahead The plan will go ahead. » begin, go throughIt’s hard to comprehend what they
proceed, continue, take place must have gone through. » suffer, experience,
go away She wanted them all to go away. undergo, endure, withstand
> leave, depart, (more informal) clear off go with 1 Will you go with them?
go backI1I have to go back and look for it. > accompany, escort 21’m not sure this tie goes
> return, turn round with my shirt. » match, suit, harmonize with,
go down Prices are expected to go down. > fall, blend with
drop, decrease, get lower goal noun The overall goal is to promote the use of
go for 1 Which one will you go for? » choose, good English. » aim, objective, object,
take, favour, prefer 2 He went for her with a ambition, intention, purpose, target,
hammer. » attack, assault, set on, lunge at aspiration, design, end
go in for We are going in for a competition.
> enter, take part in, participate in gobble vers He stopped talking to gobble his food.
go into The lawyers will go into it in detail. > guzzle, devour, bolt, gulp, eat
> discuss, consider, think about, investigate, god or goddess noun the gods and goddesses of
probe, delve into, review ancient Olympus > deity, divinity, divine being,
go off 1 A bomb went off.» explode, detonate,
immortal RELATED ADJECTIVE divine
blowup 2 The milk’s gone off. » go bad, go
sour, turn goldemanjective 1a golden carriage » gilt,
go on 1 The programme went on for over two gilded 2 golden hair » blond, blonde, yellow
hours. » continue, extend, carry on, run 2 She 3a golden opportunity » excellent, unique,
went on about how lucky we were. » chatter, special, promising, auspicious, propitious
golden wedding = goose pimples
golden. wedding nou golden weddings a good noun 1something good e Do good to
couple’s fiftieth wedding anniversary others. 2 benefit @ It’s for your own good.
goldfish noun goldfish a small red or orange for good for ever
no good useless
fish, often kept as a pet
USAGE In standard English,good cannot be
golf noun an outdoor game played by hitting a used as an adverb. You can say She’s a good
small white ball with a club into a series of holes player but not She played good. The adverb that
ona specially prepared ground (agolf course goes withgood iswell .
orgolf links )and taking as few strokes as
goodbye wrerection a word used when you
possible leave somebody or at the end of a phone call
> golfer noun golfing noun
goods pivrAL oun 1 things that are bought and
gong Noun gongs alarge metal disc that makes sold 2 things that are carried on trains or lorries
an echoing sound when it is hit
gOOSE Noun geese a long-necked water bird
G good spective better ,best 1 having the right with webbed feet, larger than a duck
qualities; of the kind that people like e a good
book 2 kind e It was good of you to help us. 3 well gooseberry noun gooseberries 1asmall
behaved e Be a good boy. 4 skilled or talented green fruit that grows ona prickly bush
e a good pianist 5 healthy; giving benefit 2 (informal) an unwanted extra person
e Exercise is good for you. 6 thorough e Give ita goose pimples orgoosebumps piural noun
good clean. 7 large; considerable e It’s a good skin that has turned rough with small bumps on
distance from the shops. it because a person is cold or afraid

good apective 1 She is basically a good person. goodbye noun Roddy said goodbye and left us.
> virtuous, exemplary, righteous, moral, > farewell, (more informal) cheerio, (French)
honest, upright, worthy, trustworthy adieu, (French) au revoir, (Italian) ciao
OPPOSITES ARE bad, wicked, immoral 2 Can you
recommend a good hotel? » fine, high-quality, good-humoured apective He was patient and
good-humoured. » genial, affable, cordial,
satisfactory, acceptable, excellent, superb,
congenial, amiable, easygoing AN OPPOSITE IS
outstanding AN OPPOSITE IS poor 3 The children ill-humoured
were exceptionally good all evening. » well
behaved, obedient, well mannered good-looking spective a good-looking woman
AN OPPOSITE IS naughty 4 That would be a good > attractive, handsome, nice-looking,
thing to do. » proper, right, correct, presentable, beautiful, pretty, lovely
appropriate, auspicious AN OPPOSITE IS AN OPPOSITE IS ugly
inappropriate 5 He is not a good swimmer. She good-natured apjective He had a blunt good-
has always been good at music. » capable, able, natured face. » kind, kindly, gentle, warm-
proficient, accomplished, talented, skilled hearted, amiable, friendly, neighbourly,
OPPOSITES ARE poor, inept 6 She was a good benevolent AN OPPOSITE IS. ill-natured
friend. > true, loyal, close, dear, trusty,
reliable, trustworthy, dependable goodness noun There is alot ofgoodness in these
people, criminals though they are. » virtue,
AN OPPOSITE IS distant. 7 It was a good party. good, uprightness, generosity, goodwill,
> enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, pleasing honesty AN OPPOSITE IS. wickedness
8 Tom gave the car a good clean. » thorough,
complete 9a good number ofpeople goods Piura noun 1 the supply ofgoods and
> considerable, substantial, appreciable, services » merchandise, produce, products,
sizeable, fair, ample 10 It isgood of you to come. articles, stock 2 The dead man’s goods did not
> kind, generous, considerate, obliging amount to much. » property, possessions,
effects, chattels
AN OPPOSITE IS unkind 11 When is a good time to
call? » convenient, suitable, appropriate, good-tempered Aojctive He remained patient
opportune, fitting OPPOSITES ARE bad, and good-tempered despite the difficulties.
unsuitable 12food that is good for you > calm, placid, equable, unflustered,
> healthy, wholesome, nutritious, nourishing composed, self-possessed, tranquil
OPPOSITES ARE bad, unhealthy 13 a pub that AN OPPOSITE |S bad-tempered
serves good food » delicious, appetizing, tasty goodwill noun People come here full of goodwill
14 There are several good reasons for going. and good intentions. » kindness, benevolence,
> valid, genuine, cogent, real, convincing generosity, friendliness, consideration
AN OPPOSITE IS poor OPPOSITES ARE hostility, ill will
gorge = grace
GOFgGe Noun gorges a narrow valley with steep govern vers governs, governing, governed
sides be in charge of the public affairs of a country or
QGOFrge vers gorges, gorging, gorged eat region
greedily; stuff with food
governess noun governesses a woman
gorgeous apective magnificent or beautiful employed to teach children in a private
> gorgeously Apvers household
gorilla noun gorillas a large powerful African
ape, the largest of all the apes governmentnoun governments 1 the group
USAGE Do not confuse with guerrilla, which can of people who are in charge of the public affairs
be pronounced in the same way. of a country 2 the process of governing
gospel noun > governmental ADjective
the Gospels the first four books of the New governornoun governors 1a person who
Testament, telling of the life and teachings of governs a state or a colony etc. 2a member of
Jesus Christ the governing body of a school or other
gospel musicnoun a fervent style of black institution 3 the person in charge of a prison
American religious singing
gossip vers gossips, gossiping, gossiped talk
QOWNNouN gowns 1 awoman’slongdress 2a
loose robe worn by lawyers, members of a
a lot about other people
university, etc.
gossip noun gossips 1 talk, especially
rumours, about other people 2a person who GPasereviaTion general practitioner
enjoys gossiping
> gossipy ADJECTIVE
grabvere grabs, grabbing, grabbed take hold
of something firmly or suddenly
got past tense of get
have got possess @ Have you got a car? gracenoun 1 beauty, especially of movement
Gothicwoun the style of building common in 2 goodwill or favour 3 dignity or good manners
Europe in the 12th-16th centuries, with @ At least he had the grace to apologize. 4a short
pointed arches and much decorative carving prayer of thanks before or after a meal 5 the
gouge (gow)) vers gouges, gouging, gouged title of a duke, duchess, or archbishop e His
scoop or force out by pressing Grace the Duke ofKent.
gourmet (goor- may) Noun gourmets a grace vers graces, gracing, graced bring
person who understands and appreciates good honour or dignity to something e The mayor
food and drink himself graced us with his presence.

gorgeous apective 1a gorgeous young woman regime, ministry 2a country that badly needs a
> beautiful, lovely, glamorous, dazzling, period of stable government > rule, direction,
pretty, stunning, striking 2 a gorgeous view leadership, management, guidance, regulation
> magnificent, spectacular, splendid, superb, governor noun 14a prison governor
glorious > administrator, director, principal,
gossip noun 1 He liked gossip and knew superintendent 2 the governor of a province
something about everybody. » idle talk, tittle- > ruler, overseer, viceroy, commissioner,
tattle, tattle, prattle, rumour, hearsay, chatter, administrator
scandal 2 The sisters were both dreadful gossips.
> scandalmonger, gossipmonger, talebearer,
grab vers 1 She grabbed him by his arm.
busybody, tattler > seize, grasp, catch, grip, take hold of,
clutch at 2 Someone grabbed her credit card
gossip vers The landlord was busy gossiping to while she wasn’t looking. » snatch, steal,
the other customers. » chat, chatter, prattle, take, (more informal) nab, (more informal)
spread stories, (informal) natter, (informal) pinch
grace noun 1 The dancers moved with
govern vers 1A coalition was formed to govern considerable grace. » elegance, poise,
the country. » run, rule, administer, be in gracefulness, refinement 2 He conceded the
charge of, conduct the affairs of, direct, point with good grace. » courtesy, civility,
manage, preside over 2 the rules that govern decorum, decency, charm, generosity 3 They
the way we treat each other » regulate, did not want to see another president fall from
determine, control, direct, affect, influence, grace. > favour, approval, esteem, regard,
shape support 4 by the grace of the monarch
governmentnoun 1 The new government takes > generosity, favour, benevolence,
office next week. > administration, executive, indulgence, goodwill
graceful — grandfather
graceful agective beautiful and elegant in graft youn grafts 1ashoot from one plant or
movement or shape tree fixed into another to form a new growth
> gracefully apvers gracefulnmess Noun 2a piece of living tissue transplanted by a
surgeon to replace what is diseased or
gracious qpecive behaving kindly and damaged e a skin graft
honourably graft vers grafts grafting grafted insert or
> graciously Apvers graciousness NOUN
transplant as a graft
grade youngrades 1 astep inascale of quality grain youn grains 1 asmallhard seed orsimilar
or value orrank 2 amark showing the quality of particle 2 cereal plants when they are growing
a student’s work or after being harvested 3 avery small amount
© agrain of truth 4 the pattern of lines made by
grade vers grades grading, graded sort or the fibres in a piece of wood or paper
divide into grades > grainy ADJECTIVE
gradient (gray- dee- ent) noun gradients a gram youn grams a unit of mass or weight in
slope or the steepness of a slope the metric system
grammar noun grammars 1 the rules for
gradual pyective happening slowly but steadily using words correctly 2 a book about these
> gradually apvers rules
graduate (grad- yoo- at) noun graduates a > grammatical 4pjective
person who has a university or college degree grammar school youn grammar schools a
secondary school for children with academic
graduate (grad- yoo- ayt) vers graduates , ability
graduating ,graduated be awarded a grand apyctive 1 splendid and impressive
university or college degree 2 most important or highest-ranking
graffiti youn words or drawings scribbled or 3 including everything; complete
> grandly Apvers grandness Noun
sprayed on a wall
USAGE Strictly speaking, this word is a plural grandchild youn grandchildren the child of a
noun (the singular isgraffito ), so it should be person’s son or daughter
used with a plural verb: There are graffiti all over > granddaughter noun grandson NouN
the wall. However, the word is widely used grandeur (grand- yer) Noun impressive
nowadays as if it were a singular noun and most beauty; splendour
people do not regard this as wrong: There is grandfather noun grandfathers the father of
graffiti all over the wall. a person’s father or mother

graceful anective Mary’s clothes were light and gradually aovere The colours fade gradually in
graceful. » elegant, flowing, stylish, tasteful, the sunlight. Gradually she eased the drawer back
smooth, beautiful in its place. » slowly, little by little, steadily,
gently, cautiously, progressively, imperceptibly
grade noun 1 She is trying for a higher grade
in the exam. » mark, score, level, grading, grain noun 1a good grain harvest » corn,
assessment, standard 2a hotel in the top grade cereal, seed 2 grains of sand » granule,
> class, category, classification 3 officers in particle, speck, crumb, fragment 3 not a grain
the lower grades > rank, level, status, echelon, of truth in the story » trace, hint, ounce, scrap
step 4 wood with a strong grain texture, marking,
surface, pattern
grade vers 1 Eggs are graded according to size.
> sort, classify, categorize, differentiate, grand apective 1a grand palace > magnificent,
group, range, arrange, rank 2.An external splendid, majestic, glorious, stately, imposing
examiner will grade the coursework. » mark, 2 grand old lady » distinguished, illustrious,
assess, evaluate, rank, rate august, eminent, prominent, celebrated
3 (informal) They are doing a grand job.
gradual anective 1a gradual change in the > excellent, very good, fine, splendid, first-
weather » steady, slow, moderate, class, first-rate
progressive, continuous, regular, step-by-step ‘
AN OPPOSITE IS sudden 2a gradual slope grandeur noun the grandeur of the royal
> gentle, moderate, slight, easy AN OPPOSITE IS ceremonies > splendour, magnificence, glory,
steep resplendence, stateliness

grandiose => grate
grandiose (grand- ee- ohss) anjective large and unofficially, with people passing it on from one «
impressive; trying to seem impressive to another
grandmother jouw grandmothers the graph noun graphs a diagram showing how
mother of a person’s father or mother two quantities or variables are related
grandparent joun grandparents a graphic ojective 1 to do with drawing or
grandfather or grandmother paintinge a graphic artist 2 giving a lively
grand piano youn grand pianos a large piano description
with the strings fixed horizontally > graphically apvers
grandstand noun grandstands a building grapple vers grapples, grappling , grappled
with a roof and rows of seats for spectators at a 1 struggle or wrestle 2 seize or hold firmly
racecourse or sports ground 3 try to deal with a problem etc. e I’ve been
grand total noun the sum of other totals grappling with this essay all day.
granite youn avery hard kind of rock used for grasp vers grasps grasping, grasped 1 seize
building and hold firmly 2 understand
grant vers grants granting granted 1 give or grasp noun 1a person’s understanding of
allow someone what they have asked for e We something e a good grasp of electronics 2 a firm
have decided to grant your request. 2 admit; hold
agree that something is true grasping Apjctive greedy for money or
take for granted assume that something is possessions
true or will happen grass noun grasses 1 a plant with green blades
grant youn grants something granted, and stalks 2 ground covered with grass; lawn
especially a sum of money D> Qassy ADJECTIVE
Granth (grunt) oun the sacred scriptures of grasshopper noun grasshoppers a jumping
the Sikhs insect that makes a shrill noise
grape noun grapes asmall green or purple grass roots piural noun the ordinary people in
berry that grows in bunches on a vine. Grapes a political party or other group
are used to make wine grate ' youn grates 1a metal framework that
grapefruit youn grapefruit a large round keeps fuel in a fireplace 2 a fireplace
yellow citrus fruit grate 2 vers grates, grating,grated 1 shred
grapevine noun grapevines 1 avine onwhich something into small pieces by rubbing it ona
grapes grow 2a way by which news spreads rough surface 2 make an unpleasant noise by

grant vers 1 The award body can grant you a with, tackle, attend to, cope with, deal with,
scholarship. » give, award, allow, confer on manage, handle, come to grips with, engage
you, pay, provide you with 2 The court granted with, get involved with, try to solve, (more
her request. » allow, consent to, accede to, informal) have a go at AN OPPOSITE IS avoid
permit 3 We grant that the difference is small. grasp vers 1 He got up and grasped her hand.
> admit, concede, acknowledge, agree, > grip, clasp, clutch, grab, seize, catch, snatch,
accept, confess hold, get hold of, hang on to 2 He got impatient
grant noun 1 They were given a local authority ifthey failed to grasp a point. » understand,
grant to repair their roof. » award, allowance, comprehend, follow, take in, apprehend,
subsidy, subvention, endowment, perceive, master, learn, realize, (more informal)
contribution, donation, allocation 2. student cotton on to
grant > bursary, scholarship, sponsorship, grasp noun 1 She managed to escape his grasp.
loan > grip, hold, clutch, embrace, control 2 His
graph noun a graph showing the rise in house ultimate goal was within his grasp. » reach,
prices » table, chart, diagram, grid, pie chart, power, command 3 They now have a good grasp
column graph of the subject. » understanding,
comprehension, perception, mastery,
graphic spective a graphic description of the familiarity (with)
accident » vivid, explicit, striking, forceful,
dramatic, lurid, detailed, colourful grass noun A notice told them to keep off the grass.
AN OPPOSITE IS vague > lawn, turf, green
grapple vers 1 They grappled for the gun on the grate vers 1 She started to grate some cheese.
wet grass. » struggle, wrestle, tussle, scuffle, pe shred, grind, cut up, mince 2 His whining
brawl, fight 2grapple with The Prime Minister voice began to grate. > irritate, jar, rankle, be
has a major problem to grapple with. » contend irksome
grateful > greed
rubbing 3 sound harshly gravity youn 1 the force that pulls all objects in
grate on have an irritating effect the universe towards each other 2 the force
grateful spective feeling or showing that you that pulls everything towards the earth
3 seriousness
are thankful for something that has been done
for you gravy noun a hot brown sauce made from meat
> gratefully apvers juices
gratify vers gratifies, gratifying, gratified graze vers grazes, grazing, grazed 1 feed on
1 give pleasure 2 satisfy a feeling or desire growing grass 2 scrape your skin slightly e I
@ May we gratify our curiosity and have a look? grazed my elbow on the wall. 3 touch something
> gratification noun lightly in passing
grating noun gratings a framework of metal graze noun grazes a raw place where skin has
bars placed across an opening been scraped
gratitude noun being grateful grease noun Tany thick oily substance
grave! youn graves the place where a dead 2 melted fat
body is buried > greasy ADJECTIVE
Grave? apective serious or solemn grease vers greases, greasing, greased put
> gravely ADverB grease on something
grave accent (rhymes with starve) NouN grave greatapectve 1 very large; much above average
accents a backward-sloping mark over a 2 very important ortalented e a great composer
vowel, as in vis-a-vis 3 (informal) very good or enjoyable e It’s great
gravel youn small stones mixed with coarse to see you again. 4 older or younger by one
sand, used to make paths generation e great-grandfather
> gravelled apecnve gravelly anjective > greatly apvers greatness NOUN
graveyard noun graveyards a burial ground greed noun being greedy

gratefull anjective The families are grateful for all greasy Apjective 1 She had greasy hair and
the support they have received. » thankful, worried about her weight. » oily, shiny, waxy
appreciative (of), indebted, obliged AN OPPOSITE IS dry 2 His hand left greasy
AN OPPOSITE IS ungrateful fingerprints on the glass. » fatty, oily, smeary,
gratitude youn His letter expressed gratitude for slimy, buttery
the help he had been given. » thanks, great apective 1A great hill rose before them.
appreciation (of), acknowledgement (of), > large, huge, big, enormous, gigantic,
indebtedenss massive, colossal AN OPPOSITE IS small
GFaVe aDjecTIvVe 1a grave error; grave matters 2 Speaking a foreign language is a great
> serious, important, significant, crucial, advantage. She is a person of great courage.
critical, momentous, vital, acute, weighty > considerable, special, much, extreme
AN OPPOSITE |S unimportant 2a grave offence OPPOSITES ARE small, little 3 He read through the
> criminal, indictable, punishable list ofgreat statesmen. » famous, eminent,
AN OPPOSITE IS minor 3a grave expression celebrated, distinguished, honoured,
> serious, solemn, sombre, earnest, severe, renowned, acclaimed, prominent, revered,
subdued, dignified, gloomy, thoughtful, exalted, illustrious OPPOSITES ARE unknown,
unsmiling, grim, long-faced AN OPPOSITE IS obscure 4 The invasion proved a great mistake;
happy a talk on the great advances in medicine
gravity noun 1 the gravity of the situation > important, significant, crucial, critical, big,
> seriousness, severity, acuteness, vital OPPOSITES ARE insignificant, unimportant
magnitude, momentousness, danger, 5 (informal) We went to a great party.
importance 2 the gravity of his manner > excellent, enjoyable, marvellous, wonderful,
> solemnity, dignity, sobriety, earnestness, fantastic, first-rate AN OPPOSITE IS poor
ceremony, pomp, sedateness 3 the force of greed noun 11 ate my supper with undisguised
gravity » gravitation, pull, weight, heaviness, greed.» hunger, gluttony, ravenousness,
downward force
overeating, over-indulgence 2 Material greed is
graze vers 1 She fell and grazed her knee. not one of their faults. » avarice,
> scrape, cut, scratch, scuff, abrade 2 Cattle acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity,
grazed in the fields. » feed, browse, crop, cupidity, craving, desire, selfishness 3 He was
ruminate, pasture clearly motivated by a greed for power.
GraZe noun a graze on his elbow > cut, abrasion, > appetite, desire, urge, need, lust, longing,
laceration, raw spot craving

greedy = grill
greedy spective greedier ,greediest wanting greet vers greets greeting ,greeted 1 speak
more food, money, or other things than you toapersonwho arrives 2 receive e They greeted
need the song with applause. 3 present itself to@ A
> greedily Apvers greediness Noun strange sight greeted our eyes.
green noun greens 1 the colour of grass, greeting noun greetings words or actions
leaves, etc. 2 an area of grassy land e the village used to greet somebody
green @ a putting green grey noun greys the colour between black and
green apjective 1 of the colour green white, like ashes or dark clouds
2 concerned with protecting the natural > grey ADJECTIVE greyness NOUN
environment 3 inexperienced and likely to greyhound noun greyhounds a slender dog
make mistakes with smooth hair, used in racing
> greenness NOUN grid noun grids 1a framework or pattern of
green belt youn green belts an area kept as bars or lines crossing each other 2 anetwork of
open land round a city cables or wires for carrying electricity over a
large area
greenery noun green leaves or plants grid reference youn grid references a set of
greengrocer youn greengrocers a person numbers that allows you to describe the exact
who keeps a shop that sells fruit and vegetables position of something ona map
> greengrocery NOUN grief youn deep sorrow, especially at a person’s
greenhouse youn greenhouses a glass death
building where plants are protected from cold come to grief suffer a disaster
grievance noun grievances something that
greenhouse effect youn the warming of the people are discontented about
earth’s surface when heat from the sun is
trapped in the earth’s atmosphere by gases grieve vere grieves grieving grieved 1 feel
such as carbon dioxide and methane deep sorrow, especially at a person’s death
2 make a person feel very sad
greems PiurAL NOUN green vegetables, such as grill youngrills 1.aheated element onacooker,
cabbage and spinach for sending heat downwards 2 food cooked
Greenwich Mean Time (gren- ich) noun the under this 3a grille
time on the line of longitude which passes grill vere grills grilling grilled 1cookundera
through Greenwich in London, used as a basis grill 2 question closely and severely @ The police
for calculating time throughout the world grilled him for an hour.

greedy anective 1agreedy eater> gluttonous, extrovert; friendly, convivial, companionable,
ravenous, voracious, insatiable 2 greedy for affable
money & avaricious, covetous, acquisitive,
grey Apjective 1 His grey beard had grown very
mercenary, grasping 3 greedy for power
long. > silver, silvery, slate-grey, whitish,
> eager, avid, longing, craving, (more informal)
greying, grizzled, grizzly, hoary 2 Her face was
grey with worry. » pale, ashen, leaden, wan,
green apecrive 1agreen garden» leafy, grassy, sallow, pasty, drawn 3 The day began grey and
verdant OPPOSITES ARE barren, bare 2 green with dull. » cloudy, overcast, gloomy, dismal,
envy » envious, covetous, jealous, resentful dreary, bleak
3.a green recruit » inexperienced, raw, naive,
innocent, immature, untried, credulous,
grid noun 1 He had broken the stone to which the
iron grid was fixed. » grating, grille, lattice,
gullible OPPOSITES ARE experienced, worldly-
mesh, framework 2 The information is shown in
wise 4 green issues » environmental,
the form of a grid. » graph, matrix, network
ecological, conservationist
greet vere She greeted her visitors one by one.
grief noun His letters made her grief for her
mother more bearable. » sadness, sorrow,
> welcome, say hello to, acknowledge, mourning, bereavement, unhappiness,
receive, give a greeting to, hail, salute
distress, misery, affliction, desolation
greeting noun 1 She called out a greeting. AN OPPOSITE IS joy
> hello, salutation, welcome 2greetings
grieve vers 1 She grieved for her mother
birthday greetings » good wishes, best wishes, constantly. » mourn, sorrow, lament, weep,
congratulations, compliments cry 2 They were deeply grieved by the unkind
gregarious spjective He is cheerful, hard- newspaper reports. > hurt, wound, upset,
working, and gregarious. » sociable, outgoing, sadden, distress
grim — gross
grim Apjective grimmer, grimmest 1 stern or gritnoun 1 tiny pieces of stone or sand
severe 2 unpleasant or unattractive e a grim 2 courage and endurance
prospect > grittyapective grittiness NOUN
> grimly apvers grimmess NOUN gritvers grits, gritting, gritted 1spreada
grimace (grim- ayss, grim- as) NouN grimaces road or path with grit 2 clench your teeth when
a twisted expression on the face made in pain in pain or trouble
or disgust grizzled anective streaked with grey hairs
grimace vers grimaces, grimacing, grizzly bear oun grizzly bears a large fierce
grimaced make a grimace bear of North America
grimenoun dirt ina layer ona surface or on the groan vers groans, groaning, groaned
skin 1 make along deep sound in pain, distress, or
> grimy ADJECTIVE disapproval 2 creak loudly under a heavy load
grinnoun grins a broad smile showing your > groanNoUN groaner NOUN
teeth grocer noun grocers a person who keeps a
grinvers grins, grinning, grinned smile shop that sells food and household goods
broadly showing your teeth groceries .ural Noun goods sold by a grocer
grind vers grinds, grinding, ground 1 crush groOmMnoun grooms 1 aperson whose job is to
something into tiny pieces or powder look after horses 2.a bridegroom
2 sharpen or smooth something by rubbing it groomers grooms, grooming, groomed
onarough surface 3 rub harshly together e He 1 clean and brush a horse or other animal
ground his teeth in fury. 2 make something neat and trim 3 traina
> grinder Noun person for a certain job or position e Evans is
grind to a halt stop suddenly with a loud noise being groomed for the captaincy.
grip vers grips, gripping, gripped 1 hold Groove noun grooves along narrow furrow or
something firmly 2 hold a person’s attention channel cut in the surface of something
e The opening chapter really gripped me. > grooved ADJECTIVE
gripnoun grips 1a firm hold 2a handle, grope vers gropes, groping, groped feel
especially on a sports racket, bat, etc. 3.a about for something you cannot see
travelling bag 4 control or power e The country gross (grohss) apjective 1 fat and ugly 2 very
is in the grip of lottery fever. obvious or shocking e gross stupidity 3 having
get to grips with begin to deal with bad manners; vulgar 4 (informal) disgusting
successfully 5 total; without anything being deducted e our
gristle noun tough rubbery tissue in meat gross income (Compare net 2)
> gristly ADJECTIVE D> grossly ADVERB grossmess NOUN

Grimm agective 1 His face bore a grim expression. everyone. » engross, enthral, absorb,
> stern, severe, harsh, dour, forbidding, sullen, captivate, fascinate, rivet, mesmerize
morose, gloomy OPPOSITES ARE cheerful, grip noun She kept a firm grip on the back of the
pleasant 2 the grim knowledge that she might die chair. » hold, grasp, clasp, clutch
> unpleasant, dreadful, terrible, grisly,
gruesome, macabre, distressing, fearsome, groan vers She heard him groaning in his sleep.
horrid, shocking 3a grim little mining town > moan, cry out, sigh, wail
> dreary, bleak, dismal, gloomy, dingy groan noun He let out a weary groan. » moan,
grimy apjective The other office was dark and sigh, cry, wail
grimy.» dirty, grubby, filthy, messy, smutty, grooOvenoun The water had worn a groove in the
soiled rock. » channel, furrow, hollow, rut,
grin vere She grinned at us and left the room. indentation, slot, track
> smile, beam, smirk
QGTOSS ADJECTIVE 1 a gross exaggeration
grinwoun He had a silly grin on his face. » smile, > extreme, blatant, flagrant, glaring, obvious,
smirk conspicuous, sheer, outright 2 gross indecency
grind vers 1 He ground the coffee into a fine > coarse, vulgar, crude, obscene, lewd,
powder. » crush, pound, grate 2 The kitchen improper 3 He looked gross and he knew it.
had a wheel for grinding knives. » sharpen, > obese, fat, corpulent, overweight, big
whet, hone, file 4 gross income > total, inclusive, overall,
Grip vers 1 He gripped Helen’s hand. » grasp, aggregate, whole, full 5 gross misshapen
clasp, clutch, grab, seize, catch, snatch, hold, versions of the human form » disgusting,
get hold of, hang on to 2 The story gripped repellent, abhorrent, loathsome, sickening
gross = growth
QFOSs NouN gross twelve dozen (144) of group vers groups ,grouping ,grouped put
something e ten gross = 1440 together or come together in a group or groups
grotesque (groh-tesk) agective fantastically grouse ' Noun grouse a bird with feathered s
ugly or very strangely shaped feet, hunted as game F
> grotesquely ADvers grotesqueness NOUN
[from Italian pittura grottesca = painting like
grouse 2 vers grouses ,grousing ,groused
(informal) grumble or complain
one found in a grotto]
> grouse NOUN grouser NOUN
grotto noun grottoes a small pretty cave,
especially an artificial one [from Italian] GrOVe NoUN groves a group of trees; a small
ground ' past tense ofgrind
grovel vers grovels ,grovelling ,grovelled
ground 2 youn grounds 1 the solid surface of 1 crawl on the ground, especially in a show of
the earth 2a sports field 3 land of acertain fear or humility 2.act in an excessively humble
kind e marshy ground 4the amount ofa way, for example by apologizing a lot
subject that is dealt with e The course covers a > groveller Noun
lot of ground
ground vere grounds grounding ,grounded
Grow vers grows ,growing ,grew ,grown
1 become bigger or greater 2 develop
1 prevent a plane from flying @ All aircraft are
3 cultivate; plant and look after e She grows
grounded because of the fog. 2 stop a child from
roses. 4 become e He grew rich.
going out, asa punishment 3 give a good basic
training to someone e Ground them in the rules
> grower NOUN
grow up become an adult
of spelling. 4 base e This theory is grounded on
reliable evidence. growl vers growls ,growling ,growled make
grounds piurat noun 1 the gardens of a large a deep angry sound in the throat
house 2 solid particles that sink to the bottom > growl NOUN
© coffee grounds 3 reasons @ There are grounds GrOWN-UP NoUN grown-ups an adult person
for suspicion. > grown-up ADJECTIVE
group Noun groups 1anumber of people, growth NOUN growths 1 growing or
animals, or things that come together or developing 2 something that has grown 3a
belong together in some way 2a band of lump that has grown on or inside a person’s
musicians body; a tumour

ground noun 1 The ground was wet and spongy. the books according to their size. » classify,
> earth, terrain, soil, turf, loam 2 The little categorize, sort, range, band
plane slowly rose from the ground. > land, grow vers 1 The baby grew fast. » get bigger,
surface 3grounds a large house in its own get larger, increase in size, fill out, put on
grounds » land, estate, gardens, surroundings growth 2 Their debts. are growing. » increase,
groundless Ajctive Their fears proved to be mount up, multiply AN opposite Is decrease
groundless. » baseless, needless, unfounded, 3 She grows roses in her garden. » cultivate,
unjustified, unwarranted, unsubstantiated, produce, propagate, farm 4 At about4 o'clock it
uncalled for, false, gratuitous, imaginary, grows dark. » become, turn, come to be 5 The
irrational AN OPPOSITE IS justifiable business was growing. » expand, develop,
flourish, thrive, prosper, succeed, boom
group Noun 1 Divide the children into groups for OPPOSITES ARE decline, fail
a game. > set, circle, section 2 The reading growl vere The dog growled at him. » snarl,
group meets once a month, » club, circle, snap, yap
society, association 3 a small group of islands off
the north-east coast » cluster, collection, grown-up apective Chris has a grown-up sister.
formation, bunch, mass, clump 4A group of > adult, fully grown, mature
fans waited at the stage door. » crowd, band, grown-up noun He wants to be treated like a
body, gathering, flock, assembly, gang, pack grown-up. » adult, grown person, mature
5 They sorted the books into different groups. person, grown man or woman
> category, class, type, sort, kind, set
growth noun 1a steady growth in population
group vers group together 1 Farmers began to > increase, expansion, development
group together to form cooperatives. > unite, opposites ARE decline, decrease 2 hormones
join together, join forces, team up, come that aid growth » growing, development,
together 2 Comfortable chairs are grouped maturing 3 measures to increase economic
around coffee tables. » arrange, organize, growth » expansion, development, progress,
dispose, assemble, collect, cluster 3 We group advance AN opposite Is decline 4 She has to have
grub = guardian
grubwnoun grubs 1a tiny worm-like creature guaranteenoun guarantees a formal promise
that will become an insect; a larva 2 (slang) to do something or to repair something you
food have sold if it breaks or goes wrong
grulbvers grubs, grubbing, grubbed 1 dig up guarantee vers guarantees, guaranteeing,
by the roots 2 turn things over or move them guaranteed 1 give a guarantee; promise
about while looking for something; rummage 2 make it certain that something will happen
@ Money does not guarantee happiness.
grubby apectve grubbier, grubbiest rather > guarantor NOUN
> grubbiness Noun guard vers guards, guarding, guarded
1 protect; keep safe 2 watch over and prevent
grudgenoun grudges a feeling of resentment from escaping
or ill will @ She isn’t the sort ofperson who bears a guard againsttry to prevent something
grudge. happening
grudgevers grudges, grudging, grudged guardwnoun guards 1 guarding; protection
resent having to give or allow something @ Keep the prisoners under close guard.
gruffanective having a rough or unfriendly voice 2 someone who guards a person or place 3.a
or manner group of soldiers or police officers etc. acting as
> grufflyApvers gruffmess NOUN a guard 4a railway official in charge of a train
5 a protecting device e a fireguard
grumblevers grumbles, grumbling, on guardalert for possible danger or difficulty
grumbled complain in a bad-tempered way
guardiannoun guardians 1 someone who
> grumblenoun grumbler noun guards 2a person whois legally in charge of a
gruntvers grunts, grunting, grunted 1 make child whose parents cannot look after him or
a pig’s gruff snort 2 speak or say gruffly her
> gruntNoun > guardianship Noun

a growth removed. » tumour, lump, swelling, grumble oun constant grumbles about the
cyst weather » complaint, moan, groan, protest,
grubnoun The fruit was riddled with grubs. objection
> larva, maggot, caterpillar grumpy apecrive I’m always grumpy early in the
grubbysoyective He had not yet changed out of
his morning. » bad-tempered, irritable, irascible,
grubby overalls. » dirty, filthy, grimy, soiled, testy, grouchy, touchy, crotchety,
messy cantankerous, peevish, fractious, cross, (more
informal) stroppy, (more informal) shirty
grudgenoun The letter was written by someone OPPOSITES ARE good-humoured, good-
with a grudge. » grievance, resentment, tempered
umbrage, pique, bitterness, rancour, bad
feelings guarantee noun 1 Used cars come with a six-
month guarantee. » warranty, warrant,
grudgevere He grudged the money he would have covenant 2 We cannot give a guarantee that
to pay out. » resent, begrudge, object to, be these measures will succeed. » assurance,
angry about pledge, promise, commitment, surety, oath
gruelling anectve a gruelling journey back from guarantee vers 1 He could not guarantee that
the Himalayas » exhausting, arduous, tiring, they would keep their jobs. » promise, swear,
wearying, exacting, demanding, punishing, pledge, assure, certify, give a guarantee, give
hard, taxing, strenuous, laborious, (more your word, vouch, vow 2 You need a reservation
informal) killing AN OPPOSITE IS easy to guarantee a seat. » secure, ensure, make
gruesomeapjective The gruesome remains had to sure of
be analysed. » grisly, gory, ghastly, bloody, guard vers 1 Troops guarded the house.
horrific, repulsive, frightful, hideous, macabre, > protect, stand guard over, watch over,
revolting, repellent shield, safeguard, defend, cover 2 An escort
gruff nective 1 His voice was gruff in the guarded the prisoners. » supervise, watch over,
darkness. » harsh, rough, hoarse, husky, control 3 guard against Take care to guard
throaty 2 his unique gruff manner > abrupt, against over-tiredness in the first few weeks.
brusque, curt, blunt, bad-tempered, churlish > beware of, be alert to, try to prevent
grumble vers Everyone was grumbling about the guardnoun 1 We were turned back by the guards
heat. » complain, carp, protest, whine, at the border. » sentry, sentinel, custodian,
grouch, moan, (informal) whinge, (more lookout, patrol, watchman 2 He felt the guard’s
informal) bellyache, (more informal) gripe hand on his shoulder. » jailer, prison officer,

guerrilla > guinea pig
guerrilla (ger-il- a) vouvguerrillas amember guide vers guides ,guiding ,guided show
of asmall unofficial army who fights by making someone the way or how to do something
surprise attacks
USAGE Do not confuse withgorilla . guidebook noun guidebooks a book of
information about places that tourists visit
QWeSS NOUN guesses an opinion or answer that
you give without making careful calculations or guide dog Noun guide dogs a dog trained to
without certain knowledge lead a blind person
QUESS VERB guesses ,guessing .guessed make guile (rhymes with mile) noun craftiness
a guess
> guesser NOUN guillotine (gil-ot- een) noun guillotines a
machine with a heavy blade for beheading
guesswork noun something you think of or criminals, formerly used in France [named after
work out by guessing
Dr Guillotin, who suggested its use in France in
guest Nounguests 1a person who is invited to 1789]
visit or stay at another’s house 2.a person
staying at a hotel 3.a person who takes part in guilt noun 1 the fact that you have committed
another’s show as a visiting performer an offence 2 a feeling that you are to blame for
something that has happened
guidance noun 1 guiding 2 advising or advice
on problems guilty apective 1 having done wrong e He was
found guilty ofmurder 2 feeling or showing guilt
Guide nounGuides amember of the Girl Guides
Association, an organization for girls @ a guilty conscience
> guiltily Abvers
guide noun guides 1a person who shows
others the way or points out interesting sights guinea pig Noun guinea pigs 1asmall furry
2.a book giving information about a place or animal without a tail 2 a person who is used as
subject the subject of an experiment

warder, warden guide vers 11 asked her to guide me back to the
off your guard oroff guard He was caught off town. > lead, direct, show, show the way, take,
guard for a moment and the water surged over accompany, escort, conduct 2 The students
him. » unprepared, unready, unsuspecting have to be guided carefully through this stage of
on your guard Thieves are operating in this their work. > advise, counsel, direct, supervise,
area, so be on your guard. » alert, watchful, instruct, teach
vigilant, heedful, circumspect, chary
guide noun 1 Your guide will show you the way.
guarded ADJECTIVE Their reaction was guarded > escort, leader, courier, navigator, pilot,
and unfriendly. » cautious, wary, chary, attendant 2 The sample is only meant to be a
unenthusiastic, non-committal, discreet guide. » model, indication, example, gauge,
guideline, pointer
guess vers 1 You have to guess the weight of a
large cake. » estimate, reckon, judge, predict, guilt noun 1 The jury was quite sure of his guilt.
gauge, determine 2 (informal) I guess I should > guiltiness, culpability, liability,
say sorry. » suppose, believe, think, imagine, responsibility, blame, blameworthiness,
expect, assume, consider, reckon wrongfulness, criminality AN OPPOSITE IS
innocence 2 There is no need to feel guilt about it.
guess Noun My guess was he would head for the > shame, remorse, self-reproach, self-
motorway. » theory, hypothesis, prediction, accusation, bad conscience, penitence,
feeling, belief, opinion, conjecture, contrition, dishonour, guilty feelings, regret
supposition, notion, idea, intuition AN OPPOSITE IS, virtue
guest noun 1 They joined their guests for dinner. guilty Apective 1 Brown was found guilty of
> visitor, company, caller 2 The hotel could take assault. » culpable, blameworthy, at fault,
up to thirty guests. » resident, patron, client, liable, responsible, blameable, in the wrong,
lodger, boarder, customer, tenant reprehensible AN opposite Is innocent 2 She felt
guilty about deceiving her friends. » ashamed,
guidance Noun His supervisor offered him remorseful, sorry, repentant, regretful,
guidance, » advice, direction, instruction, contrite, penitent, conscience-stricken,
help, counsel, teaching, support, pointers, shamefaced, sheepish AN OPPOSITE IS
guidelines unrepentant
guitar > gutter
guitarnoun guitars a musical instrument gunpowdernow an explosive made from a
played by plucking its strings powdered mixture of potassium nitrate,
> guitarist NOUN charcoal, and sulphur
gurglevers gurgles, gurgling, gurgled make
gulfnoun gulfs 1 a large area of the sea that is
a low bubbling sound
partly surrounded by land 2a wide gap; a great
> gurgleNoun
guruNoUN gurus 1a Hindu religious leader
gullnoun gulls a seagull [a Celtic word] 2 an influential teacher; a mentor
gullibleapective easily deceived gushvers gushes, gushing, gushed 1 flow
suddenly or quickly 2 talk too enthusiastically
gulpvers gulps, gulping, gulped 1 swallow or emotionally
hastily or greedily 2 make a loud swallowing > gushNoun
noise, especially because of fear qustnoun gusts a sudden rush of wind, rain, or
gulpnoun gulps 1 the act of gulping 2a large smoke
mouthful of liquid > gustyADECTIVe gustily ADVERB
gustvers gusts, gusting, gusted blowin
gum! noun gums the firm flesh in which your gusts
teeth are rooted
qutnoun guts the lower part of the digestive
gum? noun gums 1a sticky substance system; the intestine
produced by some trees and shrubs, used as gutvers guts, gutting, gutted 1 remove the
glue 2.a sweet made with gum or gelatine e a guts from a dead fish or other animal 2 remove
fruit gum 3 chewing gum 4a gum tree or destroy the inside of something e The fire
> gummy ADJECTIVE gutted the factory.
guimvers gums, gumming, gummed cover or gutsp.urALNoun 1 the digestive system; the
stick something with gum insides of a person or thing 2 (informal)
gum treenoun gum trees a eucalyptus
gutted anjective (informal) extremely
@umNoun guns 1a weapon that fires shells or disappointed or upset
bullets from a metal tube 2 a starting pistol 3.a gutternoun gutters along narrow channel at
device that forces a substance out of a tube e a the side of a street, or along the edge of a roof,
grease gun for carrying away rainwater
> gunfirenoun gunshotNoun
guttervers gutters, guttering, guttereda
GUM vers guns, gunning, gunned candle gutters when it burns unsteadily so that
gun downshoot someone with a gun melted wax runs down

gullffvoun 1 Here ships turn into the gulf. > bay, gushvers 1 Blood gushed from the wound in his
inlet, creek, estuary, sound 2 the gulf between head. » pour, spurt, squirt, stream, flow, rush,
rich and poor » gap, contrast, chasm, cascade, spout, surge Opposites ARE trickle,
divergence, divide, rift, split, division ooze 2 They gushed all afternoon about their
gullibleajective Wayne is very gullible when he’s holiday plans. » enthuse, rave, effuse, chatter,
had too much to drink. » credulous, over- jabber, (more informal) go on
trusting, trustful, suggestible, easily taken in
OPPOSITES ARE Suspicious, astute gushwoun Turning the tap slightly produced a
gush of scalding water. » rush, spurt, surge,
gulp vers Brian gulped his beer and stood to leave. stream, torrent, cascade, flood, flow, jet,
> swallow, swill down, (more informal) swig,
spout, squirt, burst
(more informal) knock back AN OPPOSITE IS sip
guilpnoun She finished her juice in one gulp. gutnoun 1 gutor guts (informal) He felt a sharp
> swallow, mouthful, (more informal) swig pain in his gut. » stomach, belly, bowels,
Guim noun You can stick the pictures in with gum. intestines, innards, insides RELATED ADJECTIVE
> glue, adhesive, paste visceral 2 guts (informal) It takes guts to say
what you think, » courage, nerve, bravery,
qumvers The photos were gummed to the page. audacity, boldness, daring, (informal) bottle
> stick, glue, paste, fix
qumnoun He threatened her with a gun. gutapjective Ihad a gut feeling Eric was the right
> firearm, weapon, pistol, revolver, rifle, man for us. » instinctive, intuitive, deep-
shotgun, (more informal) shooter seated, spontaneous, innate, reflex

guttural > gyroscope
guttural (gut- er- al) apective throaty and gymnastics prurai noun exercises performed to
harsh-sounding e a guttural voice develop the muscles or to show the
guy 'noun guys 1a figure representing Guy performer’s agility
Fawkes, burnt on 5 November in memory ofthe > gymnastic spective
Gunpowder Plot which planned to blow up Gypsy noun Gypsies amember of acommunity
Parliament on that day in 1605 2 (informal) a of people, also called travellers, who live in
man caravans or similar vehicles and travel from
guy * orguy-rope noun guys orguy-ropes a place to place [from Egyptian, because gypsies
rope used to hold something in place, were originally thought to have come from
especially a tent Egypt]
gym (jim) noun gyms (informal) 1a gyrate (jy- rayt) vers gyrates, gyrating,
gymnasium 2 gymnastics gyrated revolve; move in circles or spirals
gymkhana (jim-kah- na) noun gymkhanas a > gyration Noun
series of horse-riding contests and other sports gyroscope (jy- ro- skohp) Noun gyroscopes a
events [from Urdu] device used in navigation, which keeps steady
gymnasium noun gymnasia orgymnasiums because of a heavy wheel spinning inside it
a place equipped for gymnastics [from Greek [from Greek gyros =a ring or circle + skopein = to
gymnasion, from gymnos = naked (because look at (because gyroscopes were once used to
Greek men exercised naked)] study the earth’s rotation)]

Quy Noun (informal) He’s a clever guy. (more informal) scoff, (more informal) tuck into,
> (informal) bloke, chap, fellow, man, boy, (more informal) polish off
guzzle vers They came in and guzzled all the food.
> gobble, gobble up, wolf, wolf down, devour,
haberdashery => halcyon

haggard spective looking ill or very tired
haggis youn haggises a Scottish food made
from sheep’s offal
hail" youn frozen drops of rain
haberdashery noun small articles used in > hail vers hailstone youn hailstorm noun
sewing, e.g. ribbons, buttons, and thread hail rejection (old use) an exclamation of
> haberdasher noun greeting
habit youn habits 1 something that you do hail vers hails, hailing, hailed callout to
without thinking because you have done it so somebody
often; a settled way of behaving 2 something hail from come from e He hails from Ireland
that is hard to give up e a smoking habit 3 the
long dress worn by a monk or nun hair youn hairs 1a soft covering that grows on
> habitual spective habitually spvers the heads and bodies of people and animals
habitat youn habitats where an animal or 2 one of the strands that make up this covering
> hairbrush oun haircut youn hairstyle
plant lives naturally
habitation youn habitations 1 a place to live keep your hair on (informal) do not lose your
in 2inhabiting a place temper
hack vers hacks, hacking, hacked 1 chop or split hairs make petty or unimportant
cut roughly 2 (informal) break into a computer distinctions of meaning
p> hacker youn hairdresser noun hairdressers a person
whose job is to cut and arrange people’s hair
hackles piurat noun
make someone’s hackles rise make hairpin youn hairpins a U-shaped pin for
someone angry or indignant keeping hair in place
haddock youn haddock asea fish like cod but hairpin bend youn hairpin bends a sharp
smaller, used as food bend in a road
hadn’t (mainly spoken) had not hair-raising spective terrifying
haemoglobin (heem-a- gloh- bin) noun the hairy spective 1 with a lot of hair 2 (informal)
red substance that carries oxygen in the blood dangerous or risky
haemophilia (heem- o- fil- ee-a) Noun a
disease that causes people to bleed hajj oun the pilgrimage to Mecca which all
dangerously from even a slight cut Muslims are expected to make at least once
> haemophiliac noun halal youn meat prepared according to Muslim
haemorrhage (hem-er- ij) noun bleeding, law
especially inside a person’s body halcyon (hal- see- on) anjective happy and
hag noun hags an ugly old woman peaceful e halcyon days

habit youn 1 healthy eating habits » practice, 2 their habitual criticism of everything we did
custom, pattern, routine, tendency, way, rule > constant, persistent, continual, recurrent,
2 her habit of twirling her hair as she spoke incessant, interminable, unremitting, endless,
> mannerism, quirk, trick, gesture, custom, relentless AN OPPOSITE IS infrequent 3 habitual
practice 3 They stole money to fund their drug smokers » confirmed, regular, addicted,
habit. » addiction, dependence, craving, persistent, inveterate, hardened, compulsive,
fixation, compulsion, obsession, weakness 4a chronic AN OPPOSITE |S occasional
nun’s habit » costume, robe, garment, outfit,
attire, garb hair youn 1 She ran her hand through her hair.
in the habit of He was in the habit ofpractising > locks, tresses, curls, (more informal) mop 2a
his flute when he went to bed. » used to, dog with short hair » coat, fur, hide
accustomed to, given to, inclined to hairy apective His shirt was open, revealing a
habitat youn the panda’s natural habitat hairy chest. » shaggy, fuzzy, bristly, downy,
> environment, surroundings, element, hirsute, fleecy, furry, long-haired, stubbly,
territory, terrain, haunt, domain woolly OPPOSITES ARE hairless, smooth-skinned
habitual nective 1 She expected his habitual hall youn 1 The meeting will be in the village hall.
response to such suggestions. » usual, > assembly hall, meeting room, auditorium,
customary, normal, regular, characteristic, concert hall, theatre 2 You can leave your coat in
typical, fixed, routine, accustomed, the hall. » hallway, entrance hall, lobby, foyer,
established AN OPPOSITE IS unaccustomed corridor, passage, vestibule
half — hand
half youn halves one of the two equal parts or halo noun haloes a circle of light round
amounts into which something is or can be something, especially round the head of a saint
divided etc. in paintings
half pvers partly; not completely e This meat is halt vers halts, halting, halted stop
only half cooked. halt voun halts 1a stop or standstill e Work
not half (slang) extremely ¢ Was she cross? Not came to a halt 2a small stopping place ona
half railway +
half-brother noun half-brothers a brother to halve vers halves, halving, halved 1 divide
whom you are related by one parent but not by something into halves 2 reduce something to
both parents half its size
half-hearted apjcrive not very enthusiastic ham noun hams 1 meat froma pig’s leg
> half-heartedly apvers 2 (informal) an actor who overacts 3 (informal)
someone who operates a radio to send and
half-life oun half-lives the time taken for the receive messages as a hobby
radioactivity of a substance to fall to half its
hamburger noun hamburgers a flat round
original value :
cake of minced beef served fried, often ina
half mast noun a point about halfway up a bread roll
flagpole, to which a flag is lowered as a mark of hammer noun hammers a tool with a heavy
respect for a person who has died metal head used for driving nails in, breaking
halfpenny (hayp- nee) noun halfpennies for things, etc.
separate coins, halfpence for a sum of money hammer vers hammers, hammering,
a former coin worth half a penny hammered 1 hit something with a hammer
half-sister noun half-sisters a sister to whom 2 knock loudly @ Someone was hammering on the
you are related by one parent but not by both door. 3 (informal) defeat
parents hammock noun hammocks a bed made of a
half-term youn haif-terms a short holiday in strong net or piece of cloth hung by cords [via
the middle of a term Spanish from Taino (a South American
halfway spective, apvers between two others hamper ' youn hampers a large box-shaped
and equally distant from each basket with a lid
hall voun halls 1a space or passage just inside hamper 2 vers hampers, hampering,
the front entrance of a house 2a very large hampered hinder; prevent from moving or
room or building used for meetings, concerts, working freely
etc. 3. a large country house hamster youn hamsters a small furry animal
Halloween noun 31 October, traditionally a with cheek pouches for carrying grain
time when ghosts and witches are believed to hamstring noun hamstrings any of the five
appear tendons at the back of a person’s knee
hallucination noun hallucinations hand noun hands 1 the end part of the arm
something you think you can see or hear thatis below the wrist 2 a pointer onaclock or dial 3a
not really there worker; a member of a ship’s crew e All hands
> hallucinate vers on deck! 4 the cards held by one player in acard

halt vers 1A series ofstrikes halted production for > lessen by half or by fifty percent, decrease by
several weeks. » stop, terminate, obstruct, half or by fifty percent
arrest, impede, block, check, curb hammer noun He hit the nail with a hammer.
OPPOSITES ARE start, continue 2 Traffic halted on > mallet, gavel
the bridge. » stop, wait, come to a halt, come hammer vere The soldiers hammered on the door.
to rest, draw up, pull up OPPOSITES ARE start, > beat, batter, bash, pummel, pound, strike,
continue 3 Work on the building halted during knock
the holiday period. » cease, stop, break off,
end, terminate OPPOSITES ARE start, resume
hamper vers 1 Bad weather hampered the rescue
operation. » obstruct, hinder, hold up,
halt voun 1 The train came to a halt.» stop, interfere with, restrict, thwart, prevent, curb,
standstill, break, interruption, pause, stoppage curtail, foil AN OPPOSITE IS facilitate 2 Her
2 a halt in the output of spare parts stoppage, bandaged hand hampered her. » hinder,
cessation, break, interruption, pause encumber, impede, restrain, entangle,
halve vers 1 Halve the pears and remove the cores. handicap, hold back AN OPPOSITE IS aid
> cut inhalf, split in two, divide in two, bisect hand noun 1a person’s hand » fist, palm
2 Their income halved over the next year. RELATED ADJECTIVE manual 2 the hand of a gauge
hand =» handsome
game 5 side or direction @ the right-hand side handcuff vers handcuffs, handcuffing,
e on the other hand 6 help or aid @ Give me a handcuffed fasten with handcuffs
hand with these boxes. handful youn handfuls 1as muchas can be
at hand near carried in one hand 2a few people or things
by hand using your hand or hands 3 (informal) a troublesome person or task
give or receive a big hand applaud or be
applauded handicap noun handicaps 1 disadvantage
hands down winning easily 2 physical or mental disability
in good hands in the care or control of > handicapped spective
someone who can be trusted handkerchief
youn handkerchiefs a small
in hand in your possession; being dealt with square of cloth for wiping the nose or face
on hand available
out of hand out of control handle youn handles the part of a thing by
which it is held, carried, or controlled
hand vers hands, handing, handed give or
pate something to somebody e Hand it over. handle vers handles, handling, handled
and down pass something from one 1 touch or feel something with your hands
generation to another
2 deal with; manage e Will you handle the
handbag noun handbags a small bag for > handler noun
holding a purse and personal articles
handlebar youn or handlebars piura: noun
handbook noun handbooks asmall book that the bar, with a handle at each end, that steers a
gives useful facts about something bicycle or motorcycle etc.
handcuff noun handcuffs one of a pair of handsome agective 1 good-looking
metal rings linked by a chain, for fastening a 2 generous e a handsome offer
prisoner’s wrists together > handsomely apvers

> pointer, indicator 3 The factory took on more handicap vere They were handicapped by the fact
hands. » worker, employee, labourer 4 hands that they had not been taught science.» hamper,
The property came into his sister’s hands. impede, limit, disadvantage, restrict, hinder,
> possession, control, charge, custody, power, hold back AN OPPOSITE !S help
ator on orto hand close by, handy, handle noun The head flew off the handle and
accessible, available, present, waiting, within cracked our only mirror. » haft, shank, stock,
reach shaft, grip
give somebody a hand Let me give you a hand
with the dinner. » help, assist handle vers 1A notice asked visitors not to
hand vere He handed her a letter. » give, offer, handle the exhibits. » touch, feel, hold, finger,
Pass, present (her with a letter), submit (a letter fondle, pick up, grip, grasp 2 It would not be
to her), convey, deliver easy to handle such a tense meeting. He was
hand down The family property is handed down used to handling temperamental singers.
from one generation to the next. » pass down, > manage, deal with, cope with, control,
pass on, bequeath, leave as a legacy, will tackle, contend with 3 The firm handles a lot of
and out or round A flight attendant handed overseas business. » deal in, trade in, market
out forms. » distribute, circulate, give out, deal 4 He needed a smaller car that he could handle
out, share out
more easily. » control, drive, manoeuvre,
hand over 1 She handed over a large sum.
operate, steer
> pay, donate, tender, surrender 2 The
prisoners were handed over to the local police. handsome spective 1a handsome man
> deliver up, entrust, turn over
> good-looking, nice-looking, attractive,
handful youn a handful of complaining letters comely, personable, (more informal) dishy
> small number, smattering, sprinkling, trickle OPPOSITES ARE ugly, unattractive 2a handsome
handicap noun Their poor French was a building > elegant, striking, imposing, stately,
handicap when travelling. » disadvantage, well-proportioned, attractive OPPOSITES ARE
difficulty, drawback, shortcoming, hindrance, ugly, hideous 3 a handsome profit » large, big,
inconvenience, limitation, encumbrance, sizeable, substantial, considerable, ample
stumbling block, restriction, obstacle, AN OPPOSITE IS meagre 4a handsome offer
problem, nuisance opposites are advantage, > generous, gracious, liberal, magnanimous,
benefit munificent AN OPPOSITE IS mean
handstand = happy
handstand noun handstands balancing on hang up end a telephone conversation by
your hands with your feet in the air putting back the receiver
handwriting oun writing done by hand; a hang noun
person’s style of writing get the hang of (informal) learn how to do or
> handwritten ApjecTive use something
handy spective handier ,handiest hang-glider noun hang-gliders a framework
1 convenient or useful 2 good at using the in which’a person can glide through the air
hands > hang-gliding Noun
> handily Apvers handiness NOUN
hangover noun hangovers an unpleasant
hang vers hangs hanging, hung 1 fix the top feeling after drinking too much alcohol
or side of something to a hook or nail etc.; be
supported in this way 2 stick wallpaper to a hank nouv hanks acoil of piece of wool, thread,
wall 3 decorate with drapery or hanging
ornaments etc. @ The tree was hung with lights. hanker vere hankers hankering, hankered
4 droop or lean @ People hung over the gate. feel a longing for something
5 remain in the air or as something unpleasant haphazard apyective done or chosen at random,
e Smoke hung over the city. e The threat is still not by planning
hanging over him. 6 (with past tense & past
participlehanged) execute someone by happen vers happens, happening,
hanging them from a rope that tightens round happened 1 take place; occur 2do
the neck e He was hanged in 1950. something by chance e I happened to see him.
hang about (informal) 1 loiter 2 not go away happy pcre happier happiest 1 pleased or
hang back hesitate to go forward or to do contented 2 fortunate e a happy coincidence
something 3 willing e I’d be happy to help.
hang on 1hold tightly 2 (informal) wait > happily 4pvers happiness NouN

handy apective 1 The brush is handy for cleaning hang-up Noun (informal) Wally has a hang-up
up stubborn dust. » useful, convenient, about his appearance. » fixation, obsession,
practical, helpful, effective 2 He’s handy with a neurosis, inhibition, anxiety, (more informal)
screwdriver. » skilful, adept, dexterous, thing
proficient, practical, able, deft 3 Keep your
haphazard aoective the haphazard spray of
timer handy. » accessible, available, ready, at machine-gun fire things strewn about in a
or to hand, close by, nearby haphazard fashion » random, indiscriminate,
arbitrary, chaotic, disorderly, disorganized,
hang vers 1 Baskets offlowers hung from the lamp casual, irregular, unmethodical AN OPPOSITE IS
posts. » be suspended, dangle, swing, sway orderly
2 Rich exotic curtains hang from every window.
> drape, drop, droop, cascade, trail 3 Make happen vers 1 The collision happened as the
sure you hang the pictures at eye level. > fix, pursuing boat tried to turn. Something strange
attach, fasten, display, suspend, stick 4A damp was happening that day. » occur, take place,
mist hung in the air. » float, hover, drift, linger, come about, arise, result, ensue, transpire
cling, remain 2happen to We never knew what happened to
her. » become of, befall
hang about (informal) Don’t hang about ifyou
want to take advantage of this offer. » delay, happening noun There is a record of all the
wait, procrastinate happenings of that week. » event, incident,
hang around (informal) small groups hanging occurrence, circumstance, episode, affair
around coffee bars > \inger in, loiter in,
frequent, haunt happiness noun A feeling ofgreat happiness
hang back He hung back, afraid to go in. led her. » contentment, joy, joyfulness,
> hesitate, demur, hold back, recoil, shy away gladness, pleasure, bliss, elation, ecstasy
hang on If they can hang on a few more days it OPPOSITES ARE unhappiness, sorrow
will help us. » stay, persevere, remain, happy 4pjective 1 a room full of happy faces
continue, carry on, persist > contented, cheerful, joyful, jolly, delighted,
hang on to Ifyou have cash, hang on to it. merry, smiling 2] will be happy to help.
> keep, hold on to, retain, preserve > pleased, glad, willing, disposed, delighted
hang out (informal) She enjoyed hanging out 3 By a happy chance a film crew was there to
with members of the band. » associate, mix, record the scene. » fortunate, lucky, felicitous,
spend time, keep company, fraternize, socialize favourable, fitting
harangue = harm
harangue (ha- rang) vers harangues,° hard disknoun hard disks a disk fixed inside a
haranguing, harangued make along computer, able to store large amounts of data
aggressive speech to somebody harden vers hardens, hardening, hardened
> harangue noun make or become hard
harass (ha- ras) vers harasses, harassing, > hardener Noun
harassed trouble or annoy somebody often hardly Avvers only just; only with difficulty e She
> harassment (ha-ras- ment) NOUN can hardly walk
harbour youn harbours a place where ships USAGE It is not acceptable in standard English to
can shelter or unload use ‘not’ with hardly, as in ‘she can’t hardly
harbour vers harbours, harbouring, walk’.
harboured 1 give shelter to somebody, hardship noun hardships difficult conditions
especially a criminal 2 keep a strong or hostile that cause discomfort or suffering e a life of
thought in your mind e I think she still harbours hardship :
a grudge against them hardware noun 1 metal implements and tools
hard apjective 1 firm or solid; not soft 2 difficult etc.; machinery 2 the machinery of acomputer
e hard sums 3 severe or stern 4 causing as opposed to the software COMPARE software
suffering e hard luck 5 using great effort e a hard water noun water containing minerals
hard worker 6 hard drugs are strong and that prevent soap from making much lather
addictive ones
> hardness Noun hardy anjctve hardier, hardiest able to
hard of hearing slightly deaf endure cold or difficult conditions
hard up (informal) short of money > hardiness Noun
hard overs 1 soastobe hard @ The ground froze hare noun hares an animal like a rabbit but
hard 2with great effort; intensively e We larger
worked hard e It is raining hard 3 with difficulty harm vers harms, harming, harmed damage
e hard-earned or injure

harass vers: The men continued to harass her. energetically 2 It has been raining hard.
> pester, torment, badger, hound, persecute, > heavily, steadily, (more informal) cats and
trouble, harry, (informal) hassle, annoy, dogs 3 She looked hard at them. > intently,
vex intensely, closely, attentively, keenly
harassed apjective good news for harassed mums harden vers 1 The cement hardens after two
and dads » stressed, harried, worn, troubled, hours. » set, solidify, become hard, stiffen
exhausted AN OPPOSITE IS carefree 2 These experiences hardened their determination
to continue. » strengthen, reinforce, increase,
harbour noun Boats bobbed up and down in the intensify, fortify, toughen
harbour.» port, dock, marina, mooring, quay, hardly avvers 1 It is hardly surprising that so
waterfront many people have considered leaving. » not at
harbourvers 1 He was arrested for harbouring a all, by no means, barely, scarcely 2 John said he
criminal. » hide, protect, shelter, conceal, hardly knew her. » scarcely, barely, only just,
shield, give refuge to, give asylum to, give only slightly, only faintly
sanctuary to 2 Better not to harbour a grudge. hardship noun Drought caused the population
> bear, hold, nurse, nurture, entertain, foster, much hardship. » suffering, privation, misery,
cling to misfortune, adversity, affliction, austerity,
hard apective 1 The ground is too hard to play on. destitution, difficulty, need, trouble,
> solid, firm, unyielding, hardened, tough, unhappiness, want
compact AN OPPOSITE IS soft 2 three weeks of hard-wearing apjctive outdoor clothes that are
hard work » strenuous, arduous, exhausting, hard-wearing » durable, strong, tough,
fatiguing, demanding AN OPPOSITE IS easy 3. resilient, lasting, sturdy, well made, stout
hard problem to solve » difficult, complicated, OPPOSITES ARE flimsy, delicate
complex, involved, knotty, baffling, puzzling hardy anyective a good expedition for hardy
AN OPPOSITE IS simple 4a hard taskmaster walkers » fit, robust, sturdy, hearty, healthy,
> strict, harsh, firm, stern, demanding, severe tough, vigorous, strong, resilient, rugged
OPPOSITES ARE mild, easy-going 5 a hard blow opposites are tender, delicate
> heavy, forceful, strong, powerful, violent harm vers 1 Ifthey harmed any ofthe hostages the
police would have to go in. » hurt, injure,
hard pvers 1 She works hard at school. maltreat, mistreat, ill-treat, wound, molest,
> diligently, industriously, steadily, earnestly, abuse, (more informal) lay a finger on
harm = hatch
harm Noun damage or injury harsh apjective 1 rough andunpleasant 2 severe
> harmful ADJECTIVE harmless ADJECTIVE or cruel
harmonica Noun harmonicas amouth organ > harshly Aovers harshness NOUN
harmonious Apecrve 1 combining togetherin harvest Noun harvests 1 the time when
a pleasant, attractive, or effective way farmers gather in the corn, fruit, or vegetables
2 sounding pleasant 3 peaceful and friendly that they have grown 2the crop that is
gathered in
harmony ‘oun harmonies 1 pleasant
combination, especially of musical notes hash noun a mixture of small pieces of meat and
2 being friendly to each other vegetables, usually fried
make a hash of (informal) make a mess of
harness Nouv harnesses the straps putrounda something; bungle
horse’s head and neck for controlling it
hasn’t (mainly spoken) has not
harness vere harnesses ,harnessing,
harnessed 1 puta harness ona horse haste noun a hurry
2 control and use something e@ Could we make haste act quickly
harness the power of the wind? hasten vers hastens ,hastening ,hastened
harp Noun harps a musical instrument with hurry
strings stretched across a frame and plucked by hasty Apjective hurried; done too quickly
the fingers > hastily Aovers hastiness NOUN
> harpist NouN hat voun hats a covering for the head, worn out
harpoon Noun harpoons a spear attached toa of doors
rope, used for catching whales etc. keep something under your hat keep ita
> harpoon VERB secret
harrowing 4p¢crve very upsetting or hatch ' nouvhatches an opening ina floor, wall,
distressing or door, usually with a covering

2 chemicals that harm the environment > cruel, savage, brutal, despotic, hard, strict,
> damage, spoil, ruin, hurt, do damage to, do intolerant
harm to
harvest Noun a bumper harvest » crop, yield,
harm Noun 1a way of dealing with waste without produce, return
causing any harm to the public > injury,
damage, suffering, hurt, detriment, harvest vers crops that have to be harvested by
inconvenience AN opposite is benefit 2 We hand » gather, reap, take in, bring in, collect,
can’t see any harm in their idea. » wrong, garner, mow, pick
disadvantage, snag hassle noun 1 (informal) It’s always such a hassle
harmful Apjective the harmful effects of smoking trying to park. » bother, nuisance,
> damaging, detrimental, injurious, inconvenience, struggle, difficulty 2 (informal)
dangerous, noxious, destructive, unhealthy She started getting hassle from the kids coming to
opposites ARE harmless, beneficial her. » harassment, trouble, annoyance,
harmless Apective 1a harmless substance argument, (more informal) aggravation
> safe, innocuous, non-toxic, non-poisonous, hassle vers (informal) Some of the passengers
benign AN opposite Is harmful 2 It was just a bit were hassling the driver. » harass, pester,
of harmless fun. » safe, inoffensive, innocuous, badger, trouble, harry, annoy
unobjectionable, gentle AN opposite Is
objectionable haste noun He was working with great haste.
> speed, hurry, urgency, swiftness, rapidity,
harmony Noun 1 different ethnic groups living in promptness, impetuosity
harmony » friendship, agreement, concord,
peace, amity, fellowship, goodwill, unity hasten vers 1 The king hastened back from
OPPOSITES ARE disagreement, enmity 2 musical Berwick. » hurry, rush, speed, make haste 2A
harmony » tunefulness, euphony, concord, rise in interest rates will hasten the ruin of many
melody an opposite is discord small businesses. » quicken, accelerate, speed
up, bring nearer, precipitate
harsh Apjective 1 He spoke in a high, harsh
voice. & shrill, grating, strident, grasping hasty Apjective. 1 They made a hasty retreat back
2 harsh measures to combat street crime to the house. » hurried, swift, rapid, brisk,
> severe, punitive, strict, draconian 3 They quick, headlong 2 The decision seemed hasty.
exchanged harsh words. » sharp, bitter, > rash, precipitate, impulsive, imprudent,
unfriendly, unkind 4 the harsh rule of a tyrant impetuous, reckless
hatch = hay fever
hatch2 vers hatches, hatching, hatched hauntnoun haunts a place that you often visit
1 break out of anegg 2 keep an egg warm until e my favourite haunt
a baby bird comes out 3 plan e They hatched a have vers has, having, had This word has many
plot uses, including: 1 possess or own @ We have
hatchetnoun hatchets asmall axe two dogs. 2 contain e@ This tin has sweets in it.
hate vers hates, hating, hated dislike very 3 be obliged to do something e We have to go
strongly now. 4 experience e He had a shock. 5 allow e I
hate noun extreme dislike won't have him bullied. 6 receive or accept
e Will you have a sweet? 7 get something done
hatred noun extreme dislike e I’m having my watch mended. 8 (slang) cheat
hat-trickoun hat-tricks achieving three or deceive e We’ve been had!
goals, wickets, or victories one after the other have somebody on (informal) fool him or her
haughty spectve haughtier, haughtiest have uxiary vers used to form the past tense of
proud of yourself and looking down on other verbs, e.g. He has gone
> haughtily apvers haughtiness Noun haven noun havens a safe place or refuge
haul vers hauls, hauling, hauled pull or drag haven’t (mainly spoken) have not
with great effort havocnoun great destruction or disorder
> haulage Noun play havoc with disrupt something
haul oun hauls 1 hauling 2 the amount completely
obtained by an effort; booty e The thieves’ haul hawk noun hawks a bird of prey with very
came to £2 million 3 a distance to be covered strong eyesight
e along haul
hawthornnoun hawthorns athorny tree with
hauntvers haunts, haunting, haunted small red berries (called haws)
1 (said about ghosts) appear often in a place or
toaperson 2 visit a place often 3 stay in your hay noun dried grass for feeding to animals
mind e The memory haunts me still hay fever noun irritation of the nose, throat,
> haunted ADjective and eyes, caused by pollen or dust

hate vers 1 The brothers hated each other. haunting apecnve haunting and lyrical poetry
> loathe, detest, abhor, dislike, abominate, > evocative, touching, emotive, memorable,
(more informal) can’t bear, (more informal) can’t poignant, nostalgic, wistful, plaintive
stand 2] hate to bother them. » be sorry, AN OPPOSITE IS unmemorable
hesitate, regret, be reluctant
hate noun 1 feelings of hate » hatred, loathing, have vers 1 They have a house in France. » own,
detestation, dislike, distaste, revulsion, possess, be the owner of, boast, keep, enjoy
abhorrence 2 They made a list of their pet hates. AN OPPOSITE IS lack 2 We have coffee at eleven.
> dislike, bugbear, bane, béte noire > drink, take 3 What did you have for lunch?
> eat, consume 4 She had a letter from her
hateful anective Il never come back to this hateful boyfriend. » receive, get, be sent, obtain,
country. » detestable, loathsome, horrible,
acquire OPPOSITES ARE send, reject 5 They are
horrid, awful, nasty AN OPPOSITE IS lovable
having a party next door. » hold, give,
hatred noun The war left a legacy offear and organize, arrange, throw, provide, lay on 6 The
hatred. » hate, loathing, detestation, apartment has five rooms. » contain, comprise,
revulsion, repugnance, hostility, enmity, bad consist of, include, incorporate, be made up of
feeling OPPOSITES ARE love, liking 7 We had trouble parking. » experience,
haughty anective He walked out with a haughty encounter, undergo, meet with, run into,
toss of his head. » proud, arrogant, self- suffer, face 8 I have a bad cold. » be suffering
important, supercilious, disdainful, from, be afflicted by, be affected by, be
contemptuous, scornful, superior, lofty, troubled by 9 The boys had a lot offun. > enjoy,
overbearing AN OPPOSITE |S modest experience, go through 10 Mike had guests at
haul vers A special locomotive is needed to haul the weekend. » entertain, receive, be host to,
these trains. She hauled him up from the floor. cater for, invite 11 Julia has had her baby.
> pull, drag, heave, tug, tow AN OPPOSITE IS > give birth to, bear, produce, be delivered of,
push bring into the world
haunt vers 1 He likes to haunt old junk shops.
> frequent, spend time in, keep returning to, havenwoun 1 ahayen for ships on the north coast
visit frequently, (more informal) hang around in > harbour, port, anchorage, mooring 2a safe
2 Her words came back to haunt her. » obsess, haven in time of trouble » refuge, retreat,
torment, trouble, worry, prey on shelter, sanctuary, asylum

hazard = health
hazard noun hazards 1a danger or risk 2an headland noun headlands a large piece of
obstacle high land that sticks out into the sea
> hazardous ADjecrive headlight youn headlights a powerful light at
hazy apective 1 misty 2. vague or uncertain the front of a car, engine, etc.
> hazily overs haziness Noun
headline noun headlines a heading ina
he pronoun 1 the male person or animal being newspaper
talked about 2 a person (male or female) e He the headlines the main items of news
who hesitates is lost
head noun heads 1 the part of the body headlong overs, anjective 1 falling head first
containing the brains, eyes, and mouth 2 your 2 ina hasty or thoughtless way
brains or mind; intelligence @ Use your head! headmaster youn headmasters a male
3 a talent or ability e She has a good head for headteacher
figures. 4 the side of a coin on which someone’s headmistress noun headmistresses a female
head is shown e Heads or tails? 5 a person e It headteacher
costs £2 per head. 6 the top or front of
something e a pinhead e at the head of the head-on apvers, apjective with the front parts
procession 7 the chief; the person in charge 8a colliding @ a head-on collision
headteacher headquarters noun the place from which an
come to a head reach a crisis point organization is controlled
keep your head stay calm headstrong anective determined to do as you
off the top of your head without preparation want
or thinking carefully
headteacher youn headteachers the person
head vers heads, heading, headed 1 be at the in charge of a school
top or front of something 2 hit a ball with your
head 3 move ina particular direction e We headway noun
headed for the coast. 4 force someone to turn make headway make progress
aside by getting in front of them e Let’s see ifwe heal vers heals, healing, healed 1 make or
can head him off. [from Old English] become healthy flesh again e The wound healed
headache noun headaches 1 paininthe slowly. 2 (old use) cure @ healing the sick
head 2 (informal) a worrying problem healthnoun 1 the condition of aperson’s body
heading noun headings aword or words put at or mind e His health is bad. 2 being healthy e in
the top of a piece of printing or writing sickness and in health

hazard noun a serious health hazard » risk, off your head (informal) He was quite off his
threat, danger, menace head, spouting complete nonsense. » mad, crazy,
hazard vers 1 a business that is too risky to insane, out of your mind, unbalanced,
hazard money on > risk, chance, jeopardize demented, deranged
21 wouldn’t want to hazard a guess about that. head spective the head chef» chief, senior,
> offer, put forward, venture, advance principal, leading
hazardous spective He knew how hazardous the head vere 1 She headed a team of researchers.
road could be in the dark. » dangerous, risky, > lead, be in charge of, be at the head of,
perilous, precarious, uncertain, unpredictable, manage, direct, oversee, supervise 2 head for
unsafe, chancy, (more informal) dicey They were heading for the station. » go or move
OPPOSITES ARE Safe, secure towards, make for, aim for, point to
hazy apjective 1 The weather was good, ifa little heading oun 1 He turned the page and read the
hazy. » misty, cloudy, foggy, smoky 2 hazy chapter heading. » title, headline, caption,
memories ofchildhood » vague, indistinct, rubric 2 The subject is discussed under several
blurred, fuzzy, unclear, faint, dim headings. » category, division, section, class,
head noun 1 He hit his head on a beam. > skull, group
crown, cranium, (more informal) nut, (more heal vers. 1 Madra’s wounds began to heal. » get
informal) bonce RELATED ADJECTIVE cephalic 2 the better, recover, knit, mend, unite 2 an ointment
head of a publishing firm » chief, chairman, to heal her injured finger » make better, cure,
chief executive, president, principal 3 You need treat, remedy, restore 3 The rift between father
a good head for this work. » brain, intellect, and son was never completely healed. » mend,
intelligence, wit 4 She has quite a head for repair, put right, settle, remedy, reconcile,
figures. » aptitude, gift, talent, bent, knack patch up
lose your head Connie lost her head and ran off. health noun 1 He is now in excellent health and
> panic, lose control, go to pieces, (more back at work. » condition, shape, form, fettle,
informal) lose your cool ; constitution 2 Hormone levels are important to
healthy — hearty
healthy anecrve healthier, healthiest 1 being heart youn hearts 1 the organ of the body that
well; free from illness 2 producing good health makes the blood circulate 2 a person’s feelings
e Fresh air is healthy. or emotions; sympathy 3 enthusiasm; courage
> healthily Aovers healthiness Noun e Take heart. 4 the middle or most important
part 5a curved shape representing a heart 6a
heap noun heaps apile, especiallyanuntidy one playing card with red heart shapes on it
heaps PLURAL NOUN (informal) a great amount; break someone's heart make someone very
plenty e There's heaps of time. unhappy
heap vers heaps, heaping, heaped 1 make by heart memorized
things into a heap 2 to load heavily with e She heart attack youn heart attacks asudden
heaped the plate with food. failure of the heart to work properly, which
hear vers hears, hearing, heard 1 take in results in great pain or sometimes death
sounds through the ears 2 receive news or hearten vers heartens, heartening,
information etc. 3 listen to and try a case ina heartened make a person feel encouraged
> hearer Noun heartfelt snjective felt deeply
hear! hear! (in a debate) | agree hearth noun hearths the floor of a fireplace, or
not hear of refuse to allow something @ He the area in front of it
wouldn't hear of my paying for it.
heartless apective without pity or sympathy
hearing noun hearings 1 the ability to hear
2a chance to be heard; a trial in a lawcourt
hearty apective 1 strong and vigorous
2 enthusiastic and sincere e hearty
hearing aid noun hearing aids a device to congratulations 3 (said about a meal) large
help a deaf person to hear > heartily aovers heartiness NOUN

health. » fitness, well-being, healthiness, good hearing noun 1 He made the comment out of our
health RELATED ADJECTIVE sanitary hearing. » earshot, range, reach RELATED
ADJECTIVE acoustic 2 a judicial hearing » trial,
healthy spective 1 We try to promote a healthy court case, inquiry, investigation, tribunal,
lifestyle. » health-giving, wholesome, review, proceedings
beneficial, bracing, invigorating 21 think Iam
fit, healthy, and looking good again. » well, in heart youn 1 His heart had stopped beating.
good health, in good condition, in good shape, > organ of circulation, (more informal) ticker
in good trim 3a healthy respect for the opposite RELATED ADJECTIVE Cardiac 2 an air link into the
sex > sound, strong heart of the city centre, middle, nucleus, core,
hub, inside, kernel 3 the heart of the problem
heap noun 14 heap of old newspapers & pile,
> essence, nub, crux, root, focus 4 He won't
stack, mass, mound, mountain, collection,
allow his heart to rule his head. » feelings,
hoard 2heaps (informal) We've got heaps of
emotion, sentiment 5 The lack of support made
time. > plenty, alot, a great deal, (more
them lose heart. » enthusiasm, eagerness,
informal) lots, (more informal) masses, (more
courage, bravery, resolution, determination
informal) piles
6 She may be stern but she has a lot of heart.
heap vere 1 She heaped more cakes on their plates. > compassion, feeling, sympathy, tenderness,
> pile, stack, mass, bank, collect 2 The praise uncerStaaN Os affection, humanity, kindness,
heaped on them was well deserved. » lavish, ove
shower, bestow, confer
heartbreaking Agective heartbreaking sobs
hear vers 1 You canhear the trafficin the distance. from the bedroom » distressing, harrowing,
m make out, catch, listen to, perceive, discern, pitiful, saddening, tragic, grievous, heart-
detect USAGE Note that all these words, except rending
for listen to, can also be used about seeing, and
so you might need to make the meaning clear
heartbroken spective He was heartbroken at
by saying, for example, You can make out the having to sell his home. » broken-hearted,
sound of traffic in the distance. Note also that inconsolable, devastated, grief-stricken,
listen to implies something you try to do, desolate, despairing AN OPPOSITE IS happy
whereas hear can refer to sounds that you hearty apective 1 The remark brought a loud
might be aware of by chance. RELATED ADJECTIVE hearty laugh. » enthusiastic, sincere, warm,
audible 21 heard that you were leaving. » be jovial, cordial, exuberant, cheerful, uninhibited
told, be informed, learn, gather, find out, 2 Beth always had a hearty appetite. » big,
discover 3.A female judge heard the case. » try, healthy, strong, robust, vigorous 3 They looked
judge, sit in judgement on forward to a hearty meal and agood night’s sleep.
heat = heel
heat noun heats 1 hotness or (in scientific use) force etc. @ heavy rain e a heavy penalty
the form of energy causing this 2 hot weather 3 needing much effort e heavy work 4 full of
3 strong feeling, especially anger 4a race or sadness or worry e with a heavy heart
contest to decide who will take part in the final > heavily spvers heaviness Noun
on heat (said about a female mammal) ready
for mating heavyweight you heavyweights 1 aheavy
person 2a boxer of the heaviest weight
heat vere heats, heating, heated make'or > heavyweight apjective
become hot
heathen noun heathens a person who does Hebrew noun the language of the Jews in
not believe in any of the world’s chief religions ancient Palestine and modern Israel
heather youn an evergreen plant with small hectare (hek- tair) noun hectares a unit of
purple, pink, or white flowers area equal to 10,000 square metres or nearly
heatwave noun heatwaves a long period of 2 acres
hot weather hedge noun hedges a row of bushes forming a
_ heave vers heaves, heaving, heaved 1 lift or barrier or boundary
move something heavy 2 (informal) throw hedgehog noun hedgehogs a small animal
3 rise and fall 4 (said about the stomach) feel covered with long prickles
uncomfortable, making you want to vomit
> heave Noun heed noun
heave a sigh utter a deep sigh take or pay heed give attention to something
heaven noun heavens 1 the place where God
and angels are thoughtto live 2 avery pleasant > heedful anjective heedless ADjecTIVE
place or condition heel youn heels 1 the back part of the foot
the heavens the sky 2 the part round or under the heel of a sock or
heavy apective heavier, heaviest 1 weighinga shoe etc.
lot; difficult to lift or carry 2 great in amount or take to your heels run. away

> substantial, generous, sizeable, solid, large, heavenly spective 1 the sound ofjoyful, heavenly
ample, wholesome music » beautiful, celestial, divine, angelic,
heat youn 1 The fire gave out a lot of heat. blissful, exquisite OPPOSITES ARE devilish,
> warmth, hotness, glow RELATED ADJECTIVE infernal 2 They had a heavenly time.
thermal, calorific 2 The summer heat was > delightful, marvellous, wonderful, lovely, -
exhausting. » hot weather, warmth, humidity, pleasant
sultriness, swelter 3 There is too much heat in
these arguments. » passion, intensity, ardour, heavy Apective 1 too heavy to lift» weighty,
warmth, vehemence, anger, fury massive, bulky, hefty 2a heavy man large,
heat vers 1 You can heat the food under the grill,
fat, corpulent, overweight 3 heavy smoking
ifyou prefer. » cook, heat up, reheat 2 The > excessive, immoderate, intensive,
room has two external walls and is difficult to uncontrolled 4a heavy meal » substantial,
heat. » keep warm, warm up hearty, filling, sizeable, solid, stodgy 5 a heavy
blow & hard, forceful, violent, powerful, hefty
heated spective 1 The discussion soon became 6 heavy losses; a heavy fine > large, substantial,
heated. » passionate, vehement, animated, considerable 7 a heavy burden of responsibility
impassioned, bitter, tempestuous > onerous, demanding, formidable,
OPPOSITES ARE dispassionate, calm 2 Rachel challenging, severe 8 heavy work » arduous,
grew heated as she talked about her ordeal. strenuous, taxing 9 heavy reading » serious,
> excited, roused, worked up, keyed up, tedious, dull 10 heavy rain » strong, intense,
animated, impassioned AN OPPOSITE IS calm teeming, torrential
heave vers Two men heaved back the great iron
gates. > haul, drag, pull, throw, draw, tow, tug, hectic apjective We spent three hectic days getting
hoist, lift, lug, raise the house in order. » busy, frantic, feverish,
heaven noun 1 You might get your reward in frenzied, manic, chaotic OPPOSITES ARE
heaven, ifyou are lucky. » paradise, the next leisurely, quiet
world, the hereafter, the afterlife 2 In that heat
a cool drink was absolute heaven. » ecstasy, hefty anjective A hefty young man stood in their
bliss, joy, rapture, delight AN OPPOSITE|S hell way. » burly, beefy, sturdy, well built,
3 the heavens The moon caused a glow in the strapping, brawny, hulking, muscular,
heavens. » the sky, the skies, the firmament, powerful, stocky, stout, athletic, big, heavy
the blue RELATED ADJECTIVE celestial OPPOSITES ARE slight, thin
hefty — helpline
hefty anjective heftier, heftiest large and hell youn 1a place where, in some religions,
strong wicked people are thought to be punished
> heftily apvers after they die 2.a very unpleasant place or
height noun heights 1 how high somethingis;
hell for leather (informal) at high speed
the distance from the base to the top or from
head to foot 2.a high place 3 the highest or [from Old English]
most intense part @ at the height of the holiday hello wrerection aword used to greet somebody
season or to attract their attention
heighten vers heightens, heightening, helmet youn helmets a strong covering worn
heightened make or become higher or more to protect the head
intense help vere helps, helping, helped 1 do part of
heir (say as air) noun heirs a person who another person’s work for him or her 2 benefit;
inherits something make something better or easier @ This will help
you to sleep. 3 if you cannot help doing
heiress (air- ess) Noun heiresses a female heir, something, you cannot avoid doing it e I can’t
especially to great wealth help coughing. 4 serve food etc. to somebody
heirloom (air- loom) noun heirlooms a valued e@ just help yourself
possession that has been handed down ina > helper noun helpful apjecrive helpfully
family for several generations ADVERB
helicopter noun helicopters a kind of aircraft help noun 1 helping somebody 2a person or
with a large horizontal propeller or rotor [from thing that helps [from Old English]
Greek helix = coil + Greek pteron = wing] helping noun helpings a portion of food
helium (hee- lee- um) noun a light colourless helpless apective not able to do things
gas that does not burn > helplessly apvers helplessness Noun
hellix (hee- liks) noun helices (hee- liss- eez) a helpline vou helplines a telephone service
spiral [from Greek, = coil] giving advice on problems

height noun 1 We wanted to know the height of 5 She took aspirin to help her headache.
the tower. » tallness, highness, vertical & relieve, reduce, ease, soothe, alleviate,
measurement, elevation, altitude 2 heights remedy, lessen
reaching the mountain heights » summit, top, help noun 1 We could do with some help.
peak, crest, crown, tip 3 They were at the height > assistance, support, aid, guidance,
of their fame. » peak, high point, acme, climax, cooperation, advice AN OPPOSITEIS hindrance
zenith OPPOSITES ARE nadir, low point 2 Would a screwdriver be of help? » use,
heighten vers 1 The architects proposed service, benefit, utility
heightening the roof levels. » raise, make higher, helper noun 1A chain of
helpers passed buckets of
lift up, elevate, build up AN opposite Is lower water along. » supporter, volunteer, worker
2 The presence ofpolice heightened their sense of 2 All her helpers were away that day.
alarm. » increase, magnify, intensify, add to, > assistant, colleague, collaborator,
sharpen, strengthen, augment, boost, enhance subordinate, associate, co-worker
helpful anjective 1 The shop assistant was friendly
hell youn 1 religions that believe in a hell and helpful. > obliging, willing, cooperative,
> netherworld, eternal punishment, infernal thoughtful, considerate, sympathetic, eager to
regions, lower regions AN OPPOSITE IS heaven please, friendly 2A hammer might be helpful.
RELATED ADJECTIVE infernal 2 Living with Patrick A sceptical attitude won't be helpful. » useful, of
must be hell. » agony, torture, a misery, a use, beneficial, worthwhile, profitable,
nightmare, an ordeal, a torment productive, constructive, valuable
hellish spective It was a hellish experience they helping noun a good helping of pudding
wanted never to repeat. » dreadful, ghastly,
> portion, serving, plateful, bowlful, share,
horrible, terrible, frightful
amount, ration, (more informal) dollop
help vers 1 Will you help me move this bed?
> assist, aid, lend ahand 21 couldn’t help helpless anective She felt helpless and frustrated.
laughing. » prevent yourself, restrain yourself > powerless, impotent, incapable, dependent,
from, refrain from, resist 3 A small donation will weak, forlorn, vulnerable, defenceless,
help those in need. » support, contribute to, destitute
encourage, promote 4 Foreign visits will help hem noun She lowered the hem of her skirt.
your languages. » improve, enhance, bolster > hemline, edge, border, fringe
hem = hertz
hem noun hems the edge of a piece of cloth that heredity (hir- ed-it- ee) voun the process of
is folded over and sewn down inheriting physical or mental characteristics
hem vers hems, hemming, hemmed put a from parents or ancestors
hem on something heresy (herri- see) noun heresies an opinion
hem in surround and restrict that disagrees with the beliefs generally
hemisphere youn hemispheres 1 half a accepted
by the Christian Church or other
sphere 2 half the earth e Australia is in the authority
southern hemisphere heretic (herri- tik) noun heretics apersonwho
> hemispherical apjective supports a heresy
hen noun hens 1a female bird 2.a female fowl > heretical (hi- ret- ik- al) apjective
hence apvers 1 henceforth 2 therefore 3 (old heritage noun the things that someone has
use) from here inherited
henchman noun henchmen a trusty hermetically overs so as to be airtight © The
supporter tin is hermetically sealed.
her pronoun the form of she used as the object of hermit youn hermits a person who lives alone
a verb or after a preposition and keeps away from people
her apjective belonging to her e her book hero youn heroes 1a manor boy whois
herald youn heralds an official in former times admired for doing something very brave or
who made announcements and carried great 2 the chief male character in a story etc.
messages foraking or queen > heroic apecrive heroically apvers heroism
heraldry noun the study of coats of arms NOUN
> heraldic (hir- al- dik) ADjective heroin noun avery strong drug, made from
herb noun herbs a plant used for flavouring or morphine
for making medicine heroine youn heroines 1awoman or girl who
> herbal pjective is admired for doing something very brave or
herbivorous (her- biy- er- us) apjective plant- great 2 the chief female character in a story
eating COMPARE Carnivorous etc.
> herbivore noun heron noun herons a wading bird with long
herd noun herds 1 a group of cattle or other legs and along neck
animals that feed together 2 a mass of people; herring noun herring or herrings asea fish
amob used as food
> herdsman noun
hers possessive pronoun belonging to her e Those
herd vers herds, herding, herded 1 gather or books are hers
move or send in a herd @ We all herded into the USAGE It is incorrect to write her’s.
dining room. 2 look after a herd of animals
herself pronoun she or herand nobody else. The
here apvers in or to this place etc. word is used to refer back to the subject of a
here and there jn various places or directions sentence (e.g. She cut herself) or for emphasis
hereby apvers by this act or decree etc. (e.g. She herself
has said it)
hereditary spective 1 inherited e a hereditary by herself alone; on her own
disease 2 inheriting a position e Our Queen is a hertz noun hertz a unit of frequency of
hereditary monarch. electromagnetic waves, = one cycle per second

hem vere hem in We were hemmed in by a group hero noun 1 His father had been decorated as a
of tourist buses. » shut in, close in, box in, war hero. » champion, brave man 2 James had
enclose, surround, confine, restrict always been her hero. » idol, star, ideal,
paragon, favourite, darling 3 The story had no
herd youn 1 herds offarm animals » drove, real hero. » principal character, lead character,
pack, flock 2 She cut her way through the herd of protagonist
lunchtime drinkers. » crowd, mass, throng, heroic apective All his heroic efforts might come to
horde, crush nothing. » brave, courageous, noble, valiant,
bold, daring, gallant, intrepid AN OPPOSITE Is
herd vers 1 They herded the sheep into the pens. cowardly
> drive, lead, guide, round, gather, collect heroine oun the heroine of the film» leading or
2 We all herded into a meeting room. » crowd, principal female character, female lead, female
pack, throng, flock, huddle, squash star, leading lady
hesitate — high
hesitate vers hesitates, hesitating, hideous apyective very ugly or unpleasant
hesitated be slow or uncertain in speaking, > hideously apvers
moving, etc. hiding 'woun being hidden e She went into
> hesitant spective hesitation noun hiding
heterogeneous (het- er- o-jeen- ee- us) > hiding place noun
ADJECTIVE composed of people or things of hiding? noun hidings a thrashing or beating
different kinds hierarchy (hyr- ark- ee) youn hierarchies an
heterosexual agective attracted to people of organization that ranks people one above
the opposite sex; not homosexual another according to the power or authority
> heterosexual noun that they hold
hexagon noun hexagons a flat shape with six hieroglyphics (hyr- o- glif- iks) pLurat NOUN
sides and six angles pictures or symbols used in ancient Egypt to
> hexagonal ADjective represent words
hibernate vers hibernates, hibernating, hi-fi youn hi-fis (informal) 1 high fidelity
hibernated spend the winter in a state like 2 equipment for reproducing recorded sound
deep sleep with very little distortion
> hibernation youn higgledy-piggledy aspvers, anjective
[from Latin hiberna = winter quarters] completely mixed up; in great disorder
hiccup noun hiccups 1a high gulping sound high apective 1 reaching along way upwards
made when your breath is briefly interrupted e high hills 2 far above the ground or above sea
2 brief hitch or setback level e high clouds 3 measuring from top to
> hiccup vers hicups, hicupping, hicupped bottom e two metres high 4 above average level
in importance, quality, amount, etc. e high
hide! vers hides, hiding, hid, hidden 1 get rank @ high prices 5 (said about meat)
into a place where you cannot be seen 2 keep a beginning to go bad 6 (informal) affected by a
person or thing from being seen 3 keep a thing drug
it is high time it is already the time for
hide? youn hides an animal’s skin something to happen e It’s high time we left.
hide-and-seek youn a game in which one high Aovere at or to a high level or position etc.
person looks for others who are hiding e@ They flew high above us.

hesitant nective They were hesitant about what tried to hide his disapproval. » disguise,
to do next. He took a hesitant step back. conceal, keep hidden, suppress, repress, mask
> uncertain, tentative, cautious, faltering, OPPOSITES ARE disclose, flaunt 4 Passing clouds
doubtful, half-hearted, irresolute, indecisive, hid the moon. » obscure, shadow, block out,
undecided, dithering OPPOSITES ARE decisive, conceal, obstruct AN OPPOSITE IS reveal
resolute hide noun an animal's hide» skin, pelt, coat, fur,
hesitate vers She hesitated before searching in her leather
bag for her keys. » pause, delay, falter, dither, hideous spective 1 His mouth was twisted in a
hold back, vacillate, waver, wait, have second hideous grin. » ugly, unsightly, repulsive,
thoughts ; repellent, revolting, gruesome, disgusting,
hesitation oun He answered without any macabre AN OPPOSITEIS beautiful 2 It is one of
hesitation. » pause, delay, equivocation, the most hideous experiences we have had in our
reluctance, vacillation, misgivings, second lives. » horrible, ghastly, horrific, terrible,
thoughts, qualms, reservation, doubt, appalling, shocking, sickening, dreadful,
uncertainty frightful, grim, grisly, odious
hidden apjective 1a hidden entrance a hidden hiding noun I was given a good hiding.
camera > concealed, secret, unseen, invisible, > beating, thrashing, caning, spanking,
disguised, camouflaged, covered 2 The belting, whacking
message may have a hidden meaning. high aoective 1a high mountain; a high building
> unknown, obscure, cryptic, secret, abstruse, > tall, lofty, elevated, towering OPPOSITES ARE
mysterious, ulterior low, short 2. high position in the government
hide vers 1Sam hid in a cupboard. » conceal > senior, prominent, high-ranking, top-
yourself, take cover, keep hidden, lie low, keep ranking, leading, distinguished, important,
out of sight 2 Where did they hide the jewels? influential, powerful OPPOSITES ARE junior, low-
> conceal, secrete, store away, bury, (more ranking 3 high moral principles » noble, lofty,
informal) stash AN OPPOSITE IS expose 3 Richard honourable, high-minded AN OPPOSITE IS base
highbrow = hinge
highbrow spective intellectual hike youn hikes a long walk
higher education noun education at a > hike vers hiker noun
university or college hilarious apective very funny
high fidelity noun reproducing recorded > hilariously apvers hilarity noun
sound with very little distortion hill oun hills a piece of land that is higher than
the ground around it
high jump noun an athletic contest in which > hillside noun hilly apjective
competitors try to jump over a high bar
ht re hilts the handle of a sword, dagger, or
highlight noun highlights 1 the most nife
interesting part of something e The highlight of to the hilt completely
the holiday was the trip to Pompeii. 2 alight area
ina painting etc. 3 a light-coloured streak ina him pronoun the form ofhe used as the object of
person’s hair a verb or after a preposition
highly sovers 1 extremely e highly amusing himself pronoun he or him and nobody else
COMPARE herself
2 very favourably e We think highly of her.
hind apyective at the back e the hind legs
Highness noun Highnesses the title of a prince
or princess hinder vers hinders, hindering, hindered get
in someone's way or make things difficult for
high road youn high roads the main road them
high school noun high schools a secondary > hindrance noun
school hindquarters p.urainoun an animal's hind legs
high street youn high streets a town’s main and rear parts
street hindsight noun looking back on an event with
knowledge or understanding that you did not
high tea noun a meal eaten in the late have at the time
afternoon or early evening
Hindu noun Hindus a person who believes in
highway noun highways a main road or route Hinduism, which is one of the religions of India
highwayman noun highwaymen aman who hinge noun hinges a joining device on which a
robbed travellers on highways in former times lid or door etc. turns when it opens
hijack vers hijacks, hijacking, hijacked seize hinge vers hinges, hinging, hinged 1 fix
control of an aircraft or vehicle during ajourney something with a hinge 2 depend e Everything
> hijack noun hijacker noun hinges on this meeting.

4 high prices > inflated, excessive, exorbitant, hike noun a twenty-mile hike » trek, walk,
top, costly AN opposite IS low 5 the high notes ramble, tramp, trudge, slog
» high-pitched, soprano, treble, shrill, sharp, hilarious apjective A group clustered round a
piercing OPPOSITES ARE low, bass 6 the highest hilarious puppet show. » comical, funny,
standards » excellent, outstanding, amusing, entertaining, uproarious, riotous,
exceptional, exemplary OPPOSITES ARE low, (more informal) hysterical, (more informal) side-
poor 7 high winds » strong, powerful, violent, splitting
stiff, blustery AN OPPOSITE IS gentle 8I have a
high opinion of them. » favourable, positive, hill youn 1 the house at the top of the hill » high
good, approving OPPOSITES ARE low, ground, elevation, hillock, ridge, peak, mount
unfavourable 2 The car stalled on a steep hill. » slope, rise,
gradient, incline, ascent
highbrow spective highbrow tastes in music
> intellectual, sophisticated, cultivated, hinder vere Power failures have hindered
cultured, serious production. » hamper, hold up, interfere with,
obstruct, restrict, thwart, prevent, curb,
highly apvers a form of waste that is highly toxic curtail, foil AN OPPOSITE Is facilitate
> very, extremely, considerably, exceedingly,
distinctly, decidedly, immensely hindrance noun Our presence might be as much
a hindrance to you as a help. » impediment,
hijack vers A man was charged with hijacking a obstacle, obstruction, encumbrance,
Russian plane to Stockholm. > seize, handicap, restriction, limitation, restraint,
commandeer, take over, skyjack, expropriate inconvenience, complication, disadvantage,
hike vere They hiked across the moors for several drawback AN OpposITE IS help
miles, » trek, go on foot, walk , ramble, tramp, hinge vers Everything hinges on next month's
trudge, traipse, slog elections. » depend, rest, hang, revolve, turn

hint > hitch-hike
hint youn hints 1a slight indication or historic syective famous or important in
suggestion e Give me a hint of what you want history; likely to be remembered e@ a historic
2. a useful idea or piece of advice e household town @ a historic meeting
hints USAGE Do not confuse with historical.
hint vers hints, hinting, hinted make hint historical spective 1 to do with history 2 that
actually existed or took place in the past e The
hip! youn hips the bony part at the side of the
novel is based on historical events
body between the waist and the thigh USAGE Do not confuse with historic.
hip? oun hips the fruit of the wild rose historynoun histories 1 what happenedin the
hippopotamus noun hippopotamuses a past 2 study of past events 3 a description of
very large African animal that lives near water important events [from Greek historia=
learning orfinding out]
hire vers hires, hiring, hired 1 pay to borrow
something 2 lend something for payment @ He hit vers hits, hitting, hit 1 come thd
hires out bicycles against a person or thing; knock or strike
> hireroun 2 have a bad effect on e Famine has hit the poor
countries 3 reach e I can’t hit that high note
hire youn hiring something e bikes for hire hit on discover something by chance
hire purchase youn asystem of buying hit youn hits. 1 hitting; a knock or stroke 2a
something by paying for it in instalments shot that hits the target 3.asuccess 4a
successful song, show, etc.
his ADjective, POSSESSIVE PRONOUN belonging to hin
@ That is his book @ That book is his hitch vers hitches, hitching, hitched 1 raise or
pull with a slight jerk 2 fasten with a loop or
hiss vers hisses, hissing, hissed make a sound hook etc. 3 hitch-hike
like ans @ The snakes were hissing
> hiss Noun hitch youn hitches 1a slight difficulty causing
delay 2a hitching movement 3 a knot
histogram youn histograms a chart showing hitch-hike vers hitch-hikes, hitch-hiking,
amounts as rectangles of varying sizes
hitch-hiked travel by getting lifts from passing
historian youn historians a person who writes vehicles
or studies history > hitch-hiker youn

hint oun 1 She would drop a few casual hints history voun_1 their interest in history » the
about leaving. I can take a hint that I’m not past, former times, days of old, antiquity 2a
wanted. » clue, sign, signal, indication, history of the civil wars » chronicle, record,
reminder, inkling, intimation 2 His father kept narrative
turning up to offer handy hints. » tip, piece of hit vers 1 He hit the tree with his fist. » strike,
advice, pointer 3 There was a hint of sadness in smack, slap, thump, whack, (more informal)
her voice. » trace, tinge, touch, suggestion slug 2 Several lorries hit the central barrier.
hintvers 1 He hinted that a new project was being > crash into, run into, collide with, smash into
considered. » suggest, imply, indicate, 3 The industry has been hit by lightning strikes.
intimate 2 hint at I’m not sure what she was > affect, hurt, harm, damage 4 It suddenly hit
hinting at. > allude to, refer to, imply, suggest me that I should have confirmed the booking.
hire vers 1 We could hire a car and drive to > strike, occur to, dawn on, come to, cross
London. » rent, lease, book, charter 2 The new your mind 5 Contributions should hit the million
bosses want to hire more freelance workers. mark. » reach, achieve
> employ, engage, recruit, appoint hit noun 1He got a hit on the head. » blow,
hiss vere 1 She turned the tap until she heard the punch, thump, knock, smack, slap, whack
gas hiss. » fizz, fizzle, whistle 2 The audience 2 The party had been a huge hit. » success,
hissed and threw things on the stage. » jeer, boo, triumph, winner, best-seller, (more informal)
catcall knockout
historic anjecrive a historic meeting of the heads of hitch youn The moves all went without any hitch.
state famous, notable, epoch-making, > problem, difficulty, snag, setback,
celebrated, momentous, significant, important hindrance
AN OPPOSITE IS unimportant hitch vers 1 The farmer hitched a tractor to the
historical anective a story based on historical cart.» fasten, attach, hook, couple, connect
events > real, real-life, true, actual, authentic, 2 Diana hitched up her skirts and entered the
documented, attested, verifiable OPPOSITES ARE water. > pull, lift, raise; hoist, jerk, (more
fictitious, fictional informal) hike
hi-tech = hold
hi-tech apective using the most advanced hobby noun hobbies something you do for
technology, especially electronic devices and pleasure in your spare time
computers hobby horse youn hobby horses 1 a stick
hither avers to or towards this place with a horse’s head, used as a toy 2a subject
hitherto apvere until this time that a person likes to talk about whenever he or
she gets the chance
HIV agereviation human immunodeficiency virus; hobgoblin youn hobgoblins a mischievous or
a virus that causes Aids evil spirit
hive noun hives 1 a beehive 2 the bees living in hockey noun agame played by two teams with
a beehive curved sticks and a hard ball
hive of industry a place full of people working
hoe noun hoes a tool for scraping up weeds
hee vers hoes, hoeing, hoed scrape or dig with
hoard noun hoards a carefully saved store of ahoe
money, treasure, food, etc.
hog noun hogs 1amale pig 2 (informal) a
hoard vers hoards, hoarding, hoarded store greedy person
something away go the whole hog (informal) do something
> hoarder noun completely or thoroughly
USAGE Do not confuse with herde. Hogmanay noun New Year’s Eve in Scotland
hoarding noun hoardings a tall fence covered [perhaps from early French aguillanneuf = a gift
with advertisements at new year]
hoar frost noun a white frost hoist vers hoists, hoisting, hoisted lift
hoarse apjctive having a rough or croaking something up, especially by using ropes or
> hoarsely apvers hoarseness Noun hold vers holds, holding, held 1 have and
keep, especially in your hands 2 have room for
hoax vers hoaxes, hoaxing, hoaxed deceive @ The jug holds two pints. 3 support e This plank
somebody as a joke won't hold my weight. 4 stay the same; continue
> hoax noun hoaxer noun e Will the fine weather hold? 5 believe or
hobble vers hobbles, hobbling, hobbled limp consider @ We shall hold you responsible.
or walk with difficulty 6 cause something to take place e hold.a

hoard noun The tomb contained a huge hoard of wanted to hold her in my arms. » hug, embrace,
jewellery. » cache, store, stock, pile, stockpile, clasp, fold, cradle 3 Visitors must hold a valid
heap, supply, treasure trove passport. » possess, bear, have, own 4 The
hoard vers The refugees had hoarded their society holds a general meeting in March. > call,
supplies. » store, amass, accumulate, mass, convene, summon, conduct, assemble 5Police
put by, save, stockpile, pile up, collect, gather, are holding him pending further investigation.
keep, lay up, treasure, (more informal) stash > detain, keep in custody, imprison, lock up,
away AN OPPOSITE IS squander arrest 6 She held a senior position in a bank.
> occupy, fill, (more informal) hold down 7 The
hoarse spective a voice that was hoarse from house holds six to eight people. » take,
shouting » rough, harsh, gruff, husky, throaty, accommodate, have room for, have space for,
rasping, croaking, grating, gravelly, growling, contain 8 The sect holds that killing animals is a
raucous sin. » believe, consider, maintain, contend,
hoax noun The virus warning was ahoax. > joke, think, take the view 9I hope the good weather
practical joke, prank, trick, spoof, deception, will hold. » continue, last, carry on, persist,
fake, fraud, imposture, cheat, swindle, (more endure
informal) leg-pull, (more informal) con hold back 1 Joe held back his anger.
hobby noun Kevin took up fishing as a hobby. > suppress, control, restrain, curb, check, keep
> pastime, leisure activity, leisure pursuit, back, holdin AN OPPOSITE IS release 2 The lack of
recreation, diversion, interest, relaxation information held us back. » hinder, hamper,
inhibit, impede, thwart, restrain AN OPPOSITE Is
hoist vers The crew hoisted more cargo on deck.
help 3 There is no need to hold back ifyou have
> raise, lift, pull up, heave, winch up
things to say. » hesitate, pause, desist, shrink
hoist noun a hand- operated pneumatic hoist AN OPPOSITE IS proceed
> crane, jack, pulley, winch, lift, lifting gear, hold forth Ivor was holding forth about his
block and tackle, davit, windlass, derrick adventures. » discourse, declaim, speak at
hold vers ‘1 He was holding a black briefcase. length, spout, rant
> clasp, clutch, grip, cling to, cling onto 21 hold off 1 The rain held off until lunch time.
hold =» homage
meeting 7 restrain someone or stop them holiday noun holidays 1 day or week etc.
getting away e The police are holding three men when people do not go to work or to school 2a
for the robbery. time when you go away to enjoy yourself
hold forth make along speech holiness noun being holy or sacred
hold out refuse to give in His Holiness the title of the Pope
hold up 1 hinder 2 stop and rob somebody by hollow agective with an empty space inside; not
threats or force
hold with approve of e We don’t hold with
> hollowly Apvers
hold your tongue (informal) stop talking hollow noun hollows a hollow or sunken place
hollow vere hollows, hollowing, hollowed
hold noun holds 1 holding something; a grasp make a thing hollow
2 something to hold on to for support 3 the
part of a ship where cargo is stored, below the holly youn hellies an evergreen bush with shiny
deck prickly leaves and red berries
get hold of 1 grasp 2 obtain 3 make contact holocaust noun holocausts an immense
witha person destruction, especially by fire e the nuclear
hold-up noun hold-ups 1adelay 2arobbery the Holocaust the mass murder of the Jews by
with threats or force the Nazis from 1939 to 1945
hole youn holes 1a hollow place; a gap or hologram noun holograms a type of
opening 2a burrow 3 one of the small holes photograph made by laser beams that
into which you have to hit the ball in golf produces a three-dimensional image
4 (informal) an unpleasant place holy spective holier, holiest 1 belonging or
> holey ADJECTIVE devoted to God 2 consecrated e holy water
in a hole in an awkward situation > holiness Noun
hole vers holes, holing,holed 1 make ahole or homage noun homages an actor expression of
holes in something 2 hit a golf ball into one of respect or honour e We paid homage to his
the holes achievements.

> stay away, desist 2 He held the attackers offas ahole. » predicament, mess, difficulty, tight
long as he could. » resist, fend off, ward off, corner, quandary, plight, crisis, emergency
stave off, repel, rebuff holiday noun 1 Her doctor told her she needed a
hold out 1 Supplies will not hold out much holiday. » vacation, break, rest, time off, leave
longer. » last, remain, continue AN OPPOSITE |S 2 Monday is a public holiday. » bank holiday,
run out 2 The garrison held out for a whole festival, feast day
month. » resist, persevere, stand fast, hang on
holiness noun Her holiness affected everyone who
OPPOSITES ARE give in, yield saw her, » sanctity, devoutness, spirituality,
hold up 1 The bridge is held up by concrete piety, saintliness, godliness, righteousness
columns. » support, bear, shore up, carry, raise
2 Work on the roof was held up by bad weather. hollow apective 1.4 hollow space » empty,
> delay, detain, hinder, impede AN OPPOSITE IS concave, sunken, deep, depressed
facilitate AN OPPOSITEIS solid 2a hollow laugh » dull,
low, flat, muffled, muted 3 a hollow promise
hold noun 1 She released her hold on the handle. > insincere, artificial, false, empty, deceptive
> grip, grasp, clutch 2 Tim had some kind of AN OPPOSITEIS sincere 4a hollow victory
hold over them. » influence, power, control, > worthless, futile, vain, meaningless,
sway, (more informal) clout pointless, pyrrhic AN OPPOSITE IS worthwhile
hollow noun an ancient theatre built in the hollow
holder noun 1 She put the knife back in its holder. ofahillside » depression, cavity, dimple, dip,
> case, container, receptacle, casing, cover, crater, hole, indentation, bowl, concavity,
sheath, stand, rest 2 holders of EU passports dent, dint, dish
> bearer, possessor, owner
holy apjective 1 holy men and women > saintly,
hole noun 1 The work gang dug a large hole in the godly, pious, devout, religious, spiritual,
road. » opening, orifice, trench, ditch 2 There virtuous, pure 2a holy place » sacred,
were holes in the plaster caused by damp. > gap, hallowed, consecrated, sanctified, revered,
split, cavity, crack, fissure, pit, puncture, venerated y
hollow, depression, tear 3 The animal crawled homage noun an act of homage to the king
out of its hole. » burrow, lair, retreat > respect, recognition, acknowledgement,
4 (informal) We were out of money and in a bit of devotion, tribute, honour, admiration, esteem,

home = honest
home noun homes 1 the place where you live homesick anjective sad because you are away
2 the place where you were born or where you from home
feel you belong 3a place where those who > homesickness youn
need help are looked after e an old people’s homeward apective, anvers going towards
home 4 the place to be reached ina race or in home
certain games > homewards spvers
home spective 1 to dowith your own home or homewérk oun school work that has to be
country @ home industries 2 played ona team’s done at home
own ground e a home match homicide youn homicides the killing of one
home apvers 1 to or at home e Is she home yet? person by another
2 to the point aimed at e Push the bolt home. > homicidal apjective
bring something home to somebody make homogeneous (hom- o-jeen- ee- us) ADJECTIVE
him or her realize it formed of people or things of the same kind
home vers homes, homing, homed make fora homograph youn homographs a word thatis
target e The missile homed in. spelt like another but has a different meaning
home economics noun the study of cookery or origin, e.g. bat (a flying animal) and bat (for
and how to run a home hitting a ball)
homeless apyective having no home homonym (hom- o- nim) youn homonyms a
homely apjctive simple and ordinary e ahomely homograph or homophone
meal homophone youn homophones a word with
> homeliness youn the same sound as another, e.g. son, sun
home-made apjective made at home, not Homo sapiens youn human beings regarded
bought from a shop as a species of animal [Latin, = wise man or
homeopathy noun the treatment of disease person]
by tiny doses of drugs that in a healthy person homosexual jnective attracted to people of
would produce symptoms of the disease the same sex
p> homeopathic apjective > homosexual noun homosexuality noun
home page noun home pages the first page honest spective not stealing or cheating or
of an Internet website, with a summary ofall telling lies; truthful j
the information it gives > honestly apvers honesty noun 8

deference, veneration dishonest 2 business practices that are barely
pay homage to He paid homage to all who had honest » legal, lawful, ethical, legitimate, Pa
sacrificed their lives in the war. » honour, above-board, (more informal) on the level
praise, salute, acclaim, applaud AN OPPOSITE IS dishonest 3 It was an honest
home noun 1 People were forced to leave their mistake. » genuine, real, authentic, legitimate
homes. » house, dwelling, place of residence, AN OPPOSITE IS deliberate 4 Let us have your
address, accommodation RELATED ADJECTIVE honest opinion. I’ve tried to be perfectly honest
domestic 2 They had travelled thousands of miles with you. » sincere, objective, candid, direct,
from home. » native land, homeland, open, frank, truthful, impartial, unbiased,
birthplace, motherland, fatherland 3 He unprejudiced, balanced OPPOSITES ARE
refused to go into a home. » institution, nursing insincere, untruthful, biased
home, residential home, hospice, shelter honestly aovers 1 He said he had come by the
homeless apjective increasing numbers of money honestly. » fairly, legally, lawfully,
homeless people > destitute, vagrant, down- legitimately, honourably 2 She could honestly
and-out, outcast, unhoused, wandering, say she had had nothing to do with the incident.
evicted, forsaken, abandoned, itinerant, > frankly, sincerely, truthfully, genuinely
honesty noun 1 She demanded complete honesty
homely apective The hotel offers a warm welcome from her staff. > truthfulness, trustworthiness,
and a homely atmosphere. » friendly, informal, integrity, goodness, morality, honour,
relaxed, easy-going, familiar, intimate, uprightness, veracity, fairness, probity,
congenial, comfortable, cosy, natural, simple, rectitude, reliability, scrupulousness
unaffected, unpretentious, AN OPPOSITE |S AN OPPOSITE IS dishonesty 2 They were
formal encouraged to speak with complete honesty.
honest spective 1 He’s a fair and honest man. > sincerity, candour, directness, frankness,
> upright, honourable, virtuous, law-abiding, straightforwardness, bluntness,
high-minded, scrupulous, moral, decent, outspokenness, plainness AN OPPOSITE IS
principled, upstanding AN OPPOSITE IS insincerity
honey = hoot
honey noun a sweet sticky food made by bees honourable pcrve deserving honour;
honeycomb noun honeycombs a wax honest.and loyal
structure of small six-sided sections made by > honourably sdvers
bees to hold their honey and eggs USAGE Do not confuse with honorary.
honeycombed spective with many holes or hood noun hoods 1 a covering of soft material
tunnels for the head and neck 2a folding rooforcover
> hooded Apyective
honeymoon noun honeymoons a holiday
spent together by a newly married couple hoodwink vers hoodwinks, hoodwinking,
[from honey + moon (because the first hoodwinked deceive
intensely passionate feelings gradually wane hoof noun hoofs or hooves the horny part of
like the moon)] the foot of a horse etc.
honeysuckle noun a climbing plant with hook noun hooks a bent or curved piece of
fragrant yellow or pink flowers metal etc. for hanging things on orfor catching
honk noun honks aloud sound like that made hold of something
by a goose or an old-fashioned car horn hook vers hooks, hooking, hooked 1 fasten
> honk vers something with or ona hook 2 catcha fish etc.
honorary spective 1 given or received as an with a hook 3 hit a ball in a curving path
honour e an honorary degree 2 unpaid e the be hooked on something (slang) be addicted
honorary treasurer of the club toit
USAGE Do not confuse with honourable. hooked apyective hook-shaped
honour noun honours 1 great respect or hooligan noun hooligans a rough and violent
reputation 2a person or thing that brings
honour 3 something a person is proud to do
young person
> hooliganism Noun
@ It is an honour to meet you. 4 honesty and
loyalty @ a man of honour 5 an award for hoop noun hoops aring made of metal or wood
distinction hoot youn hoots 1 the sound made by an owlor
in honour of as an expression of respect for a vehicle’s horn or a steam whistle 2 a cry of
honour vers honours, honouring, honoured scorn or disapproval 3 an outburst of laughter
1 feel or show honour for a person 2 keep to 4 (informal) something funny
the terms of an agreement or promise > hoot vers hooter Noun

honour noun 1 He defended the President, hoodwink vers The man had hoodwinked him
calling him a man of honour. » honesty, into parting with a large sum of money.
integrity, morality, principle, distinction, > deceive, trick, dupe, cheat, swindle, fool,
decency, probity 2 She received many honours mislead, delude, (more informal) take in
from the film industry. » award, accolade,
tribute, distinction, commendation, hook noun 1 He hung his coat on one of the
acknowledgement, recognition 31 appreciate hooks. » peg, nail 2a dress fastened at the
the honour of speaking at this assembly. back with a hook and eye » fastener, fastening,
> privilege, distinction, cachet, kudos 4 They clasp, clip, hasp 3 a
fishing hook » barb,
were received with honour by the king. » praise, snare
acclaim, homage, admiration, adulation
hook vere 1 David hooked a 64-pound carp.
honour vers 1a grand parade to honour the > catch, take, land, net, bag 2 He hooked a
distinguished visitors » praise, applaud, trailer to the car. » hitch, fasten, attach,
acclaim, salute, celebrate, commend, pay couple, connect
homage to 2 They intend to honour their
commitment to the peace process. » fulfil, hoop noun a hoop of metal » band, loop, ring,
respect, observe, carry out, keep, round, circle, circlet, girdle
hoot vers 1 An owl hooted. » screech, call, tu-
honourable spective 1 No one doubted that her whit tu-whoo 2 The driver became impatient
motives were entirely honourable; honourable and hooted. » beep, toot, honk, soundthe horn
people who were fighting for the common good 3 The audience hooted in derision. » shout,
> honest, sincere, reputable, noble, worthy, shriek, yell, jeer, call out
just, straight, trustworthy, principled, virtuous, a
upright, proper 2. respected politician who has hoot noun 1 the hoot of an owl » screech, call,
done honourable service in the Treasury tu-whit tu-whoo 2 hoots of laughter » shriek,
> distinguished, illustrious, eminent, great shout, scream, yell, jeer

hop — horrid
hop! vers hops, hopping, hopped 1 jump on hopscotch noun a game of hopping into
one foot 2 (said about an animal) spring from squares drawn on the ground
all feet at once 3 (informal) move quickly horde noun hordes a large group or crowd
e Here’s the car—hop in! USAGE Do not confuse with hoard,
hop it (informal) go away
horizon youn horizons the line where the
hop noun hops a hopping movement earth and the sky seem to meet
hop2 noun hops a climbing plant used to give horizontal anyecrive level, so as to be parallel to
beer its flavour the horizon; going across from left to right (The
hope noun hopes 1 the feeling of wanting Ceeoee is vertical)
something to happen, and thinking that it will > horizontally apvers
happen 2a person or thing that gives hope hormone youn hormones a substance
e You are our only hope. produced by glands in the body and carried by
hope vers hopes, hoping, hoped feel hope; the blood to stimulate other organs in the body
want and expect something > hormonal apjective
hopeful apctive 1 feeling hope 2 likely to be horn youn horns 1 ahard substance that grows
good or successful into a point on the head of a bull, cow, ram, etc.
2 a pointed part 3 a brass instrument played by
hopefully avvers 1 itis to be hoped; |hope that blowing 4 a device for making a warning sound
2 in a hopeful way > horned qpective horny ADjectiVE
USAGE Some people say it is incorrect to use
hopefully to mean ‘I hope that’ or ‘et’s hope’, horoscope noun horoscopes an astrologer’s
and say that it should only be used to mean ‘in forecast of future events
a hopeful way’. This first use is very common in horrendous ADJECTIVE extremely unpleasant
informal language but you should avoid it horrible spective 1 horrifying 2 very
when you are writing or speaking formally. unpleeat or nasty
hopeless apjctive 1 without hope 2 very bad at > horribly apvers
something horrid spective horrible
> hopelessly apvers hopelessness noun > horridly apvers

hop vere He hopped along beside her. She hopped hopeless apjective 1 He looked at her in hopeless
on a bus and went home. » jump, leap, skip, bewilderment. » despairing, desperate,
spring, trip, bound, dance, flit, prance, caper dejected, downhearted, downcast, wretched,
pessimistic 2 The doctors regarded his case as
hope vers 11 hope to answer all your questions. hopeless. » impossible, incurable,
> aim, intend, plan, have it in mind, aspire irremediable, beyond hope, beyond recovery,
2 hope for We are hoping for a quick response. lost, unattainable 3 The situation seemed
> expect, look for, wish for, want USAGE It is hopeless, now that the food had run out.
better to avoid anticipate in this sense, because > desperate, critical, serious, dire, impossible,
it has other meanings. beyond hope, useless, futile 4 He is hopeless at
hope noun 1 She has the hope of being in the board games. » incompetent, ineffective,
national team. » ambition, aspiration, ineffectual, poor, inept, (more informal)
expectation, dream, desire, wish 2 There’s some pathetic, (more informal) useless, (more
hope of a better future. » prospect, informal) rubbish
expectation, likelihood, optimism, assumption horde noun A horde ofjournalists waited outside
hopeful spective 1 We are still hopeful about the house. » crowd, throng, pack, mob, swarm,
avoiding a conflict. » optimistic, confident, band, gang, group
positive, expectant, sanguine AN OPPOSITE IS horizon noun A ship was visible on the horizon.
pessimistic 2 hopeful signs of an economic > skyline, vista, range of view
recovery » promising, encouraging, horrible or horrid spective 1 horrible
favourable, heartening, reassuring, propitious, accident on the bypass » dreadful, horrific,
auspicious, cheering AN OPPOSITE |S horrifying, horrendous, frightful, fearful,
discouraging terrible, ghastly, hideous, sickening 2 Saturday
hopefully apvers 1 ‘Are we going back,’ she was a wet, horrible day. The smell was horrid.
asked hopefully. » expectantly, optimistically, > unpleasant, nasty, disagreeable, awful,
confidently, with hope AN OPPOSITE Is _ beastly, dreadful, ghastly, revolting, terrible
pessimistically 2 Hopefully the work will be OPPOSITES ARE pleasant, agreeable 3 Nora was a
completed next week. > all being well, most horrible person. The teachers were horrid to him.
likely, with luck, conceivably, probably > nasty, disagreeable, odious, objectionable,

horrify — hostile
horrify vers horrifies, horrifying, horrified hospital youn hospitals a place providing
1 make somebody feel very afraid or disgusted medical and surgical treatment for people who
2 shock are ill or injured
horror youn horrors 1 great fear or disgust 2a hospitality voun welcoming guests or
person or thing causing horror strangers and giving them food and
horse noun horses. 1 alarge four-legged animal entertainment
used for riding on and for pulling carts etc. 2a host! youn hosts 1 a person who has guests
framework for hanging clothes on to dry and looks after them 2 the presenter of a
on horseback mounted on a horse television or radio programme [from Latin
horse chestnut youn horse chestnuts a hospes]
large tree that produces dark-brown nuts host? voun hosts a large number of people or
(conkers) things [from Latin hostis = enemy or army]
horsepower noun a unit for measuring the host? youn hosts the bread consecrated at Holy
power of an engine, equal to 746 watts Communion [from Latin hostia = sacrifice]
horseshoe noun horseshoes a U-shaped
piece of metal nailed to a horse’s hoof hostage noun hostages a person who is held
prisoner until the holder’s demands are met
horticulture youn the art of cultivating
gardens hostel youn hostels a building where travellers,
> horticultural ADjective students, or other groups can stay or live
hose noun hoses 1 (alsohosepipe) a flexible hostess joun hostesses a woman who has
tube for taking water to something 2 (old use) guests and looks after them
breeches e doublet and hose hostile spective 1 unfriendly @ a hostile glance
hospitable spective welcoming; liking to give 2 opposed to something 3 to do with an
hospitality enemy e hostile aircraft
> hospitably Apvers > hostility noun

loathsome, hateful, offensive OPPOSITES ARE hospital youn Joe was lying in a bed in the
nice, kind hospital. » infirmary, clinic, nursing home,
horrific anective He died from horrific head sanatorium, medical institution, convalescent
injuries. » dreadful, appalling, horrifying, home, hospice
horrendous, frightful, fearful, terrible, hideous, hospitality noun 1 We needed hospitality for the
ghastly, sickening night. » accommodation, catering,
entertainment 2 Thank you for your hospitality.
horrify vers 1 He wrote stories that horrified his > -kindness, friendliness, sociability, welcome,
readers. » terrify, frighten, scare, alarm, conviviality, warm reception
petrify, terrorize 2 The news would have
horrified her. » shock, appal, outrage, host noun 1A host ofpeople headed for the town.
scandalize, offend, sicken, disgust, revolt, > crowd, throng, band, horde, swarm, group
nauseate, unnerve, alarm OPPOSITES ARE please, 2 The host of the restaurant welcomed his guests.
delight > proprietor, landlord 3 the host of a television
programme > presenter, compére,
horror youn 1 People screamed in horror. anchorman, anchorwoman, announcer, link
> terror, fear, fright, alarm 2 Public opinion person
reacted with horror. » shock, outrage, disgust, hostage noun The hijackers released some of the
revulsion, repugnance, consternation
hostages. » captive, prisoner, detainee
AN OPPOSITE IS delight 3 Newspaper reports
described the full horror of the attack. hostile apective 1 a hostile crowd; a hostile attack
> ghastliness, awfulness, frightfulness, > aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent,
hideousness, savagery, barbarity confrontational, bellicose, pugnacious, angry,
militant, unfriendly, malevolent, ill-disposed,
horse noun a woman on a horse » (for riding) warlike AN OPPOSITE IS friendly 2 a hostile
mount, (small breed) pony, (adult male) stallion, climate » harsh, unfavourable, adverse,
(young male) colt, (large and strong) cob, (adult inhospitable, bad, contrary, unpropitious
female) mare, (young female) filly, (new-born AN OPPOSITE IS favourable 3 hostile to They are
horse) foal RELATED ADJECTIVES equestrian, equine hostile to the idea. » opposed to, averse to,
hospitable spective a kind, hospitable family unsympathetic to, antagonistic to, against
> friendly, sociable, welcoming, congenial, hostility noun 1 They reacted with hostility.
cordial, convivial, amicable, generous, > antagonism, enmity, animosity, opposition,
gracious, receptive OPPOSITES ARE inhospitable, malice, hatred, ill will AN OPPOSITE IS friendship
unfriendly 2 their hostility to our suggestion » opposition,

hot > however
hot apecrive hotter, hottest 1 having great housekeeping noun 1 looking after a
heat ora high temperature 2 giving a burning household 2 (informal) the money for a
sensation when tasted 3 passionate or household's food and other necessities
excitable @ a hot temper housemaid youn housemaids a woman
> hotly apvers hotness noun servant in a house, especially one who cleans
in hot water (informal) in trouble or disgrace rooms
hotel youn hotels a building where people pay house-pfoud spective very careful to keep a
to have meals and stay for the night house clean and tidy
hound noun hounds a dog used in hunting or house-trained apycrive (said about an animal)
racing [from Old English] trained to be clean in the house
housewife youn housewives a woman who
hour youn hours 1 one twenty-fourth part of a does the housekeeping for her family
day and night; sixty minutes 2.a time e Why
are you up at this hour? housework noun the cleaning and cooking
hours piural noun a fixed period for work etc. done in housekeeping Surf

@ Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. housing noun housings 1 accommodation;

houses 2a stiff cover or guard for a piece of
hourly aovers, aojective every hour machinery
house (howss) noun houses 1 a building made housing estate youn housing estates a set
for people to live in, usually designed for one of houses planned and built together in one
family 2a building or establishment for a area
special purpose e the opera house 3a building hovel youn hovels a small shabby house
for a government assembly; the assembly itself hover vers hovers, hovering, hovered 1 stay
e@ the House of Commons @ the House of Lords in one place in the air 2 wait about near
4 one of the divisions of a school for sports someone or something
competitions etc. 5a family or dynasty @ the
royal house of Tudor hovercraft youn hovercraft a vehicle that
travels just above the surface of land or water,
house (howz) vers houses, housing, housed supported by a strong current of air sent
provide accommodation or room for someone downwards from its engines
or something [from Old English} how apvers 1 in what way; by what means
household youn households all the people e How did you do it? 2 to what extent or
who live together in the same house [from amount etc. e How high can you jump? 3in
house + an old sense of hold = possession] what condition e How are you?
how about would you like e How about a game
householder youn householders a person offootball?
who owns or rents a house how do you do? a formal greeting
housekeeper youn housekeepers a person however spvers 1 in whatever way; to
employed to look after a household whatever extent e You will never catch him,

antipathy, disapproval (of), aversion, house vers The cabins housed twenty people.
antagonism > accommodate, provide room for, lodge,
hot aojective 1 hot weather » warm, balmy, quarter, shelter, take in, billet, board, (more
summery, boiling, blazing, roasting, scorching, informal) put up
sweltering, sultry OPPOSITES ARE cold, chilly household noun a large household with lots of
2 What we need is a hot meal. » cooked, children » family, home, ménage,
heated, piping, sizzling 3 a hot dish with peppers establishment, (more informal) set-up
> spicy, peppery, piquant, pungent
AN OPPOSITE IS mild 4a hot temper » fierce, housing noun an acute need for better housing
angry, raging, intense, violent, passionate » accommodation, houses, homes,
hotel noun We stayed in a hotel by the river. habitation, shelter
> guest house, boarding house, inn, pension,
motel hovel youn The little cottage was not much better
than a hovel. » shack, shanty, shed, slum, hut
hound vers The reporters went on hounding her.
> harass, pursue, harry, (informal) hassle, hover vers 1A police helicopter hovered above the
pester, persecute, trouble crowd, » float, hang, flutter, drift, fly 2He
house noun 1a row of terraced houses » home, hovered outside the room waiting to be called in.
dwelling, abode, residence 2 the house of Stuart > linger, dally, pause, wait about, waver, loiter,
> dynasty, clan, family, tribe hesitate, (informal) hang about

howl = humble
however hard you try 2 all the same; hull Nouv hulks 1 the body or wreck of an old
nevertheless @ Later, however, he decided to go. ship 2. large clumsy person or thing
howl youn howls along loud sad-sounding cry > hulking Anjective
or sound, such as that made by a dog or wolf hull youn hulls the framework of a ship
howl vers howls, howling, howled 1 make a hullabaloo woun hullabaloos an uproar
howl 2 weep loudly
howler \oun howlers (informal) a foolish hum vers hums; humming, hummed 1 singa
mistake tune with your lips closed 2 make a low
continuous sound like that of a bee
HQ asereviaTion headquarters
hub noun hubs 1 the central part of a wheel human spective to do with human beings
2 the central point of interest or activity human being youn human beings aman,
hubbub noun aloud confused noise of voices woman, or child
huddle vers huddles, huddling, huddled humane (hew- mayn) apective kind-hearted
1 crowd together with other people, often for and merciful
warmth 2 curl your body closely > humanely spvers
> huddle noun
huff voun humanitarian apjecve concerned with
in a huff offended or sulking about something people’s welfare and the reduction of suffering
e@ She went away in a huff > humanitarian Noun
> huffy ADjective humanity noun 1 human beings; people
hug vers hugs, hugging, hugged 1 clasp 2 being human 3 being humane
someone tightly in your arms 2 keep close to humanities piurAl NOUN arts subjects such as
something e The ship hugged the shore. history, literature, and music, not sciences
hug noun hugs a tight embrace humble spective 1 modest; not proud or showy
huge apecrive extremely large; enormous 2 of low rank or importance
> hugely apvers hugeness NOUN > humbly Apvers humbleness youn

howl vere A dog howled in the distance. » yowl, hugeaoectve a huge building; a huge tax increase
bay, cry > enormous, gigantic, immense, massive,
colossal, vast, large, big, great, giant, (more
how! noun howls of laughter » shriek, hoot, informal) whopping, (more informal)
roar, gale, scream, yell
ginormous AN OPPOSITE IS tiny
hub noun 1 He gripped the hub of the rear wheel. hum vers The engine was still humming. > purr,
> centre, middle, pivot, axis 2 The foyer will be whirr, drone, murmur, throb, vibrate
the hub of activity in this part of the building. human spective 1 the human race
> focus, focal point, heart, pivot, nucleus > anthropoid 2 They are only human and make
huddle vers 1 They huddled together in twos and mistakes. » mortal, fallible, imperfect, weak
threes. crowd, gather, cluster, squeeze, pack, 3a very human reaction to the problem
throng, flock, herd, pile, press AN OPPOSITE IS > compassionate, humane, kind, considerate,
scatter 2 He huddled under the duvet.» cuddle, understanding, sympathetic, merciful,
curl up, nestle, snuggle philanthropic AN OPPOSITE IS inhuman
human beings » men and women,
hue noun 1 gloss paint in a range of hues humankind, humanity, mortals, people, folk
> colour, shade, tone, tint, tinge 2 people of all humane spective ahhumane way to control the fox
political hues» complexion, kind; type, nature, population » kind, compassionate,
character considerate, understanding, sympathetic,
huffy apjective They didn’t have an answer and merciful
became huffy when we asked. » irritable, humanity noun 1 Ifthey have a shred of
irritated, annoyed, unfriendly, grumpy, prickly, humanity in them they will hand over the suspects.
piqued, testy, petulant AN OPPOSITE IS friendly > compassion, understanding, sensitivity,
fellow feeling, sympathy, tolerance 2 a decision
hug vers Mary was kissed and hugged by her that could affect the whole of humanity
workmates.» embrace, clasp, cuddle, squeeze, > humankind, the human race, mankind,
cling to, enfold, fold in your arms, hold close, mortals, people
nurse, snuggle against
humble apjective 1He acted in a humble and
hug noun They met with tears and hugs. contrite manner. » meek, self-effacing,
> embrace, clasp, cuddle, squeeze unassuming, deferential, respectful,
humbug = hungry
humbug noun humbugs 1 insincere or humpback bridgenoun humpback bridges
dishonest talk or behaviour 2.a hard a small bridge that curves steeply upwards in
peppermint sweet the middle
humdrum spective dull and not exciting; humus (hew- mus) youn rich earth made by
commonplace decayed plants
humid (hew- mid) apjective (said about air) hunch! youn hunches a feeling that you can
moist and damp guess what is going to happen
> humidity noun hunch2 vers hunches, hunching, hunched
humiliate vers humiliates, humiliating, bend your shoulders upward so that your back
humiliated make a person feel disgraced or is rounded
ashamed hunchback youn hunchbacks someone with
> humiliation noun a hump on their back
humility youn being humble > hunchbacked apyective
hummingbird youv hummingbirds a small hundred oun, apective hundreds the number
tropical bird that makes a humming sound by 100
beating its wings rapidly > hundredth spective, Noun
humorous spective full of humour; amusing hundredweight you hundredweight a
humour noun 1 being amusing; what makes unit of weight equal to 112 pounds (about 50.8
people laugh 2 the ability to enjoy comical kilograms)
things @ asense of humour 3 amood e ina good hunger oun the feeling that you have when
humour you have not eaten for some time; need for
humour vers humours, humouring, food
humoured keep a person contented by doing hunger strike youn hunger strikes refusing
what he or she wants to eat, as a way of making a protest
hump nouv humps 1a rounded lump or hungry apecrve hungrier, hungriest feeling
mound 2 an abnormal outward curve at the hunger
top of a person’s back > hungrily apvers

submissive AN OPPOSITE IS proud 21 live ina unpretentiousness, lowliness AN OPPOSITE IS
humble house in the suburbs. » modest, simple, pride
plain, ordinary, unpretentious, unostentatious humorous spective a love story with humorous
OPPOSITES ARE grand, pretentious 3 She comes episodes » amusing, funny, comic, comical,
from a humble background. >» lowly, jocular, hilarious, entertaining
undistinguished, poor, common, ordinary
OPPOSITES ARE distinguished, noble humour youn 1 conversation spiced with
humour » wit, jocularity, badinage, repartee,
humid spective a hot and humid day » muggy, jokes, jesting, hilarity, comedy, drollery 2in a
clammy, sultry, sticky, damp, dank, moist, bad humour » mood, temper, frame of mind,
steamy, sweaty AN OPPOSITES fresh state of mind, disposition, spirits
humiliate vers He liked to humiliate them with hump noun a hump in the road » bump,
constant reminders of their mistakes. protuberance, bulge, mound, rise, curve, knob,
» embarrass, humble, mortify, demean, lump, swelling
shame, put to shame
hunch oun The theory was no more than a
humiliating nective Rome inflicted a hunch. » feeling, intuition, inkling, guess,
humiliating defeat on its neighbour. impression, suspicion, idea
> embarrassing, mortifying, ignominious,
degrading, demeaning, humbling, chastening, hunch vers He sat in a corner and hunched his
crushing, inglorious, discreditable, shoulders. » arch, curve, bend, hump, shrug,
dishonourable, shaming, undignified huddle, curl up
AN OPPOSITE IS glorious hungernoun 1 She had no feelings of hunger that
humiliation noun At immigration he suffered day.» appetite, desire for food 2 He grew faint
the humiliation of a body search. with hunger. » lack of food, malnutrition,
> embarrassment, indignity, ignominy, starvation, deprivation, famine 3 a hunger for
mortification, shame, disgrace, degradation, knowledge desire, yearning, longing, craving,
dishonour appetite, thirst
humility youn I’m not sure I have the humility to hungry apjective I was hungry again by 3 o’clock.
admit my mistakes. » modesty, deference, > in need of food, ravenous, famished,
humbleness, meekness, self-effacement, starving, (more informal) peckish

hunk = husk
hunk youn hunks 1 a large piece of something somebody or something be quick
2 (informal) a muscular, good-looking man > hurried spective hurriedly spvers
hunt vers hunts hunting hunted 1 chase and hurry noun hurrying; a need to hurry
kill animals for food or as a sport 2 search for hurt vers hurts, hurting, hurt 1 cause pain or
something injury to someone 2 suffer pain e My leg hurts.
> hunter youn huntsman joun
3 upset or offend e I’m sorry if Ihurt your
hurdle youn hurdles 1 an upright frame to be feelings.
jumped over in hurdling 2 an obstacle or hurt woun pinsical or mental pain or injury
difficulty > hurtful apjective
hurdling noun racing in which the runners hurtle vege hurtles hurtling, hurtled move
jump over hurdles rapidly e The train hurtled along
p> hurdler youn
husband noun husbands the manto whoma
hurl vere hurls, hurling, hurled throw woman is married [from Old Norse husbondi =
something with great force master of the house]
hurray orhurrah wregection a shout of joy or hush vers hushes, hushing, hushed make or
approval; a cheer become silent or quiet
hurricane youn hurricanes a storm with hush up prevent something from becoming
violent wind generally known
hurry vers hurries, hurrying, hurried 1move husk noun husks the dry outer covering of
quickly; do something quickly 2 try to make some seeds and fruits

hunk youn a hunk of bread » lump, chunk, criticism hurt her deeply. » upset, distress,
block, wedge, piece, portion, slab offend, grieve
hunt youn the hunt for clues » search, quest, hurt youn She loved him in spite of the hurt he had
pursuit (of), chase caused her. » distress, suffering, pain, wrong,
hunt vers 1 They hunt foxes and deer. » chase, sadness, anguish, torment
give chase to, stalk, track, trail, course, pursue
2 She spent ages hunting for her keys. » search, hurt apective 1A hurt animal lay in the road.
look, rummage, scour, root around > injured, wounded, maimed, bruised, scarred
2 He felt hurt by the words she had used. > upset,
hurdle youn 1 He hit the last hurdle and fell. pained, distressed, wounded
> fence, jump, barrier, obstacle 2 There was
one more hurdle to overcome before they could hurtful aoyective She forgot all the hurtful remarks
claim success. » obstacle, difficulty, handicap, and remembered the good times. » upsetting,
problem, snag, stumbling block distressing, unkind, spiteful, mean, cruel,
hurl vers She hurled a book at Roger. » throw, malicious, wounding, painful OPPOSITES ARE
fling, toss, cast, pitch, heave kind, comforting
hurried spective 1 hurried attempts to change hurtle vere 1A train was hurtling towards them.
the venue » hasty, hectic, rushed, speedy, > speed, rush, race, career, charge, dash, fly,
precipitate, swift, rapid 2 He gave the paper, a tear, chase, shoot 2 The plane hurtled to the
hurried read. » brief, cursory, superficial, swift, ground. » plunge, plummet, nosedive, drop
rapid husband noun Their husbands had taken their
hurry vers 1IfI don’t hurry I'll be late.» be cars to the rally. » spouse, partner, (more
quick, hurry up, hasten, make speed, move formal) consort, (more informal) man, (more
faster, (more informal) buck up, (more informal) informal) mate, (more informal) better half
shift, (more informal) step on it AN OPPOSITE Is
dawdle 2 Sarah hurried to the library. » rush, hush noun A hush fell on the room. silence,
hasten, dash, speed, chase, hurtle, hustle, quiet, quietness, calm, stillness, tranquillity
move quickly, (more informal) belt OPPOSITES ARE noise, clamour
OPPOSITES ARE go slowly, amble 3 She hurried hush vers She wanted to hush their fears. » calm,
the children into the bathroom. » hustle, hasten, soothe, allay, ease, assuage, quieten
push on, urge on, drive AN OPPOSITE IS delay hush up The government is accused ofhushing up
hurry noun In our hurry we forgot the food. the dangers. » conceal, cover up, keep secret,
> haste, bustle, confusion, urgency, agitation keep quiet, hide, stifle, suppress
hurt vers 1 My arm hurts. » be sore, be painful, hush-hush aoyective The news is still rather hush-
ache, throb, sting 2 Derek hurt his leg. » injure, hush. > secret, confidential, restricted,
wound, maim, bruise, damage, disable 3 The classified, (more informal) under wraps
husky = hysterical
husky spective huskier, huskiest 1 hoarse hyperbola (hy- per- bol- a) youn hyperbolas a
2 big and strong; burly kind of curve
> huskily aovers huskiness Noun
hyphen noun hyphens a short dash used to
hustle vers hustles, hustling, hustled 1 hurry join words or parts of words together (e.g. in
2 push or shove rudely hitch- hiker)
> hustle noun hustler noun
hypnosis (hip- noh- sis) youn a condition like a
hut Noun huts a small roughly made house or deep sleep in which a person’s actions may be
shelter controlled by someone else
hutch noun hutches a box-like cage for a pet hypnotize vers hypnotizes, hypnotizing,
rabbit etc.
hypnotized produce hypnosis in somebody
hybrid youn hybrids 1 plant or animal > hypnotism noun hypnotic Apjective
produced by combining two different species hypnotist youn
or varieties 2 something that combines parts
or characteristics of two different things hypochondriac (hy- po- kon- dree- ak) NouN
hypochondriacs a person who constantly
hydrant noun hydrants a special water tap to imagines that he or she is ill
which a large hose can be attached for fire- > hypochondria noun
fighting or street-cleaning etc.
hydraulic apective worked by the force of water hypocrite (hip- o- krit) youn hypocrites a
or other fluid e hydraulic brakes person who pretends to be more virtuous than
he or she really is
hydrochloric acid youn a colourless acid > hypocrisy (hip- ok- riss- ee) NOUN
containing hydrogen and chlorine hypocritical apjective
hydroelectric anjctive using water power to hypodermic apective injecting something
produce electricity under the skin e a hypodermic syringe
> hydroelectricity noun
hydrogen noun a lightweight gas that hypotenuse (hy- pot- i- newz) noun
combines with oxygen to form water hypotenuses the side opposite the right angle
in a right-angled triangle
hydrogen bomb now hydrogen bombs a
very powerful bomb using energy created’ by hypothermia noun the condition of havinga
the fusion of hydrogen nuclei body temperature well below normal
hyena noun hyenas a wild animal that looks like hypothesis (hy- poth- i- sis) noun hypotheses
a wolf and makes a shrieking howl a suggestion or guess that tries to explain
hygiene (hy-jeen) noun keeping things cleanin something
order to remain healthy and prevent disease hypothetical (hy- po- thet- i- kal) apjective
> hygienic apjective hygienically spvers based on a theory or possibility, not on proven
hymn noun hymns a religious song, usually one facts
praising God hysteria voun wild uncontrollable excitement,
> hymn book noun Panic, or emotion
hype noun (informal) extravagant publicity or > hysterics noun
advertising hysterical spective 1 ina state of hysteria
hyperactive apjctive unable to relax and 2 (informal) extremely funny
always moving about or doing things > hysterically overs

hut oun a hut inthe woods cabin, shack, shed, sterilized, sterile, aseptic, disinfected, healthy,
shelter, shanty, den, hovel pure, salubrious, unpolluted, wholesome
OPPOSITES ARE. unhygienic, insanitary, dirty
hybrid noun a hybrid of two species » cross,
cross-breed, mixed breed, blend, amalgam, hypnotize vers She was hypnotized by the flames
combination, composite, compound, mixture, of the camp fire. » mesmerize, bewitch,
fusion entrance, captivate, enthral, transfix, fascinate,
dominate, magnetize, stupefy
hybrid apyective hybrid roses » cross-bred,
composite, mixed, compound, mongrel hysterical spective 1 The fans were screaming
AN OPPOSITE IS pure-bred and hysterical. » overwrought, frenzied,
uncontrollable, uncontrolled, crazed, berserk,
hygiene noun acceptable standards of hygiene delirious, demented, frantic, wild, raving,
> cleanliness, sanitariness, sanitation, health, distraught 2 (informal)A dog set off the security
wholesomeness RELATED ADJECTIVE sanitary alarm with hysterical results. » hilarious, crazy,
hygienic spective Hygienic conditions are comical, funny, amusing, uproarious,
essential. » sanitary, clean, germ-free, (informal) killing, (informal) side-splitting
| > identity
:© icon (I- kon) Noun icons 1 asacred painting ofa
holy person 2a small symbol or picture ona
computer screen
icy apective icier,iciest 1 covered with ice
2 very cold
| pronoun a word used by a person to refer to > icily apvers iciness Noun
himself or herself
idea noun ideas 1a plan or thought formed in
-ible sce -able the mind 2 an opinion or belief 3 a feeling that
something is likely [from Greek, = form,
ice youn ices 1 frozen water, a brittle pattern]
transparent solid substance 2 anice cream
ideal ,njective perfect; completely suitable
ice age noun ice ages a period in the past when > ideally apvers
most of the earth’s surface was covered with ideal youn ideals a person or thing regarded as
perfect or a standard worth trying to achieve
iceberg noun icebergs a large mass of ice identical spective exactly the same
floating in the sea with most of it under water > identically spvers
[from Dutch ijs = ice + berg = hill]
identify vere identifies, identifying,
ice cream noun ice creams a sweet creamy identified 1 recognize as being a certain
frozen food person or thing 2 treat something as being
identical to something else e Don’t identify
ice hockey noun a form of hockey played onice wealth with happiness. 3 think of yourself as
ice rink youn ice rinks a place made for skating sharing someone’s feelings etc. e We can
identify with the hero of this play.
icicle youn icicles a pointed hanging piece of ice > identification noun
formed when dripping water freezes
identity youn identities 1 who or what a
icing noun a sugary substance for decorating person or thing is 2 being identical; sameness
cakes 3 distinctive character

icy apjective 1 An icy blast of air hit Dad full in the high ideals » principle, standard, value, belief,
face. > freezing, biting, bitter, frosty, arctic, conviction
cold 2 Few people had braved the icy streets. identical apjective 1 The two houses looked
> frozen, frozen over, ice-covered, glacial, identical. » alike, similar, the same,
glassy, slippery, (more informal) slippy 3 She indistinguishable 2 Successive tests produced
looked at him with an icy stare. » unfriendly, identical results. » the same, corresponding,
hostile, cold, frosty, stony matching, equal, equivalent
idea youn 1 The idea ofan afterlife appeals to him. identification youn 1 The Bank will need to see
> concept, notion, conception, image, your identification. » |D, proof of identity,
perception, hypothesis 2 Our idea is to go identity card, papers, credentials, documents
abroad this year. » plan, intention, scheme, 2 An early identification ofproblems is important.
object, objective, aim, goal, proposal, project > recognition, detection, diagnosis, discovery,
3] have other ideas on that subject. » view, classification, establishment 3 their
thought, opinion, viewpoint, theory, feeling identification with independence struggles in
4 Did you have an idea this might happen? Africa » association, sympathy, empathy,
> suspicion, feeling, fancy, inkling, involvement, rapport, fellow feeling
impression, notion 5 We need some idea of the identify vers 1 The suspect was identified by
cost. » estimate, estimation, approximation, three witnesses. » recognize, pick out, single
guess, (more informal) guesstimate out, name 2 The report identifies three areas for
action. » establish, determine, recognize,
ideal anective 1 The conditions for skiing were diagnose, detect, discover, distinguish,
ideal. » perfect, excellent, optimum,
pinpoint, spot
exemplary, suitable, best, classic, faultless, identify with Readers can easily identify with
model 2 Such things are only possible in an ideal
the chief character in the story. » empathize
world. » Utopian, visionary, unattainable,
with, relate to, feel for, sympathize with,
hypothetical, imaginary, unreal, impractical (informal) put yourself in the shoes of
ideal youn 1.n ideal to aim at » model, identity youn 1 There was nothing to show the
example, pattern, standard, yardstick, owner’s identity. » name, ID 2a case of
epitome, paradigm, archetype 2. person of mistaken identity » identification, recognition,
idiom = ilk
idiom noun idioms a phrase that means i.@. ABBREVIATION that is e The world’s highest
something different from the meanings of the mountain (i.e. Mount Everest) is in the Himalayas.
words in it, e.g. in hot water (= in disgrace), hell USAGE Do not confuse with e.g.
for leather (= at high speed) -ier SEE-er
> idiomatic apjective idiomatically Apvers
[from Greek idios = your own] if conjunction ‘1 on condition that; supposing that
He it ifyou pay him. 2 even though
idiosyncrasy (id- ee- o- sink-ra- see) NOUN e I'll finish this job ifit kills me. 3 whether e Do
idiosyncrasies one person’s own way of you know ifdinner is ready?
behaving or doing something [from Greek idios if only | wish e If only I were rich!
= your own + syn- = together + krasis = mixture]
ignite vers ignites, igniting, ignited catch fire,
idiot noun idiots a stupid or foolish person or set on fire
> idiocy Noun idiotic Apjective idiotically
ADVERB ignition voun ignitions 1 igniting 2 the part
[from Greek idiotes = private citizen, of a motor engine that starts the fuel burning
uneducated person] ignominious spective humiliating; bringing
idle nective 1 doing no work; lazy 2 not in use disgrace
© The machines were idle. 3 useless; with no > ignominy Noun
special purpose e idle gossip ignorant apjectve 1 not knowing about
> idly Apvers idleness noun something 2 knowing very little
idol noun idols 1 astatue or image that is > ignorantly Adverse ignorance NOUN
worshipped as a god 2 a famous person who is ignore vers ignores, ignoring, ignored take
widely admired [from Greek eidolon = image] no notice of a person or thing
idolize vere idolizes, idolizing, idolized ilk noun
admire someone greatly of that ilk (informal) of that kind

picking out 3 She might lose her identity ifshe idlle vers 1 Jane idled across the park. » saunter,
married him. » individuality, character, amble, dawdle, wander 2 Richard hadfinished
personality, selfhood, uniqueness, his work and idled until it was time to go home.
distinctiveness, singularity > do nothing, laze, take it easy, kill time, loaf,
slack 3A car was idling in the driveway. & tick
idiom noun 1 He uses ‘spiffing’ and other over
outdated idioms. » expression, phrase, turn of idle away We idled away an hour or two.
phrase, choice of words, manner of speaking,
> fritter away, while away, pass, spend
colloquialism, usage 2 the poet’s idiom
> language, mode of expression, style, usage, idol noun 1. temple in which idols were
phraseology worshipped » image, icon, statue, deity, god
2 the newest pop idols » star, superstar, icon,
idiomatic anjectve idiomatic expressions hero, heroine, favourite
> colloquial, natural, well phrased
ignorance noun 1 She seemed amused by
idiot Noun The mistake made him feel an idiot. Rashid’s obvious ignorance of the subject.
> fool, ass, dolt, imbecile, simpleton, > unawareness, unfamiliarity (with),
blockhead, ignoramus, dunderhead, dunce, incomprehension, lack of knowledge,
halfwit, moron, cretin, (more informal) dope, inexperience OPPOSITES ARE knowledge,
(more informal) dimwit, (more informal) nitwit, familiarity (with) 2 They could not hide their
(more informal) chump, (more informal) ninny ignorance. » foolishness, unintelligence,
naivety, stupidity
idiotic anjective How idiotic it seemed for a man of ignorant apjectve 1 He called the man an
his age to fall in love. » stupid, silly, foolish, ignorant peasant. » uneducated, illiterate,
absurd, senseless, nonsensical, (more informal) unread, unschooled, untaught, untutored,
daft AN OPPOSITE IS sensible simple, stupid 2 We are hopelessly ignorant of
events in this part of the world. » unaware,
idle apjctive 1 The chief problem with Jack was uninformed (about), unenlightened (about),
that he was idle. » lazy, indolent, slothful, work- ill-informed, oblivious, (more informal) clueless
shy 2 The computers had been idle all day. » out (about)
of use, unused, dormant, out of service,
inoperative 3 She refused to indulge in idle ignore vers 1 The complaints are too serious to
speculation. » futile, pointless, aimless, vain, ignore. » disregard, overlook, take no notice
meaningless, trivial, frivolous, fatuous of, neglect, pass over, set aside 2 Helen had
ill > imagination
ill apjective 1 unwell; in bad health 2 bador illusion youn illusions 1 something that
harmful @ There were no ill effects. seems to be real or actually happening but is
not, especially something that deceives the eye
ill aDvers badly e She was ill-treated. 2a false idea or belief compare delusion
ill at ease uncomfortable or embarrassed
> illusive spective illusory ADjectivE
illegal apjective not legal; against the law illustrate vere illustrates, illustrating,
> illegally spvere illegality noun illustrated 1 show something by pictures,
illegible spective Meo to read examples, etc. 2 put illustrations in a book
> illegibly apvers illegibility noun > illustrator youn
illegitimate apective born of parents who are illustration youn illustrations 1 apictureina
not married to each other book etc. 2illustrating something 3 an
> illegitimately apvers illegitimacy noun example that helps to explain something
illiterate pjective unable to read or write illustrious apjective famous and distinguished
> illiterately spvers illiteracy noun image noun images 1a picture or statue of a
person or thing 2 the appearance of
illmess youn illnesses 1 being ill 2a particular something as seen ina mirror or through a lens
form of bad health; a disease etc. 3.a person or thing that is very much like
illogical spective not logical; not reasoning another e He is the image of his father. 4a word
correctly or phrase that describes something in an
> illogically apvers illogicality youn imaginative way 5 a person’s public reputation
illuminate vers illuminates, illuminating, imaginary spjective existing only in the
illuminated 1 light something up 2 decorate imagination; not real
streets etc. with lights 3 decorate a manuscript imagination youn imaginations the ability
with coloured designs 4 clarify or help to to imagine things, especially in a creative or
explain something inventive way
> illumination youn > imaginative ApjectivE

ignored him, out of spite. » snub, spurn, shun, embellish 2.A few examples will illustrate the
give the cold shoulder to argument. » clarify, elucidate, throw or shed
ill apective 1 Jenny began to feel ill in the taxi home. light on, illuminate, clear up, enlighten, explain
> sick, unwell, poorly, out of sorts, off colour, illustration noun 1a children’s book with
indisposed, ailing, peaky, queasy, nauseous beautiful illustrations >» picture, drawing, plate,
2 She suffered no ill effects from her night out. sketch, photograph, figure, depiction 2 a good
> harmful, damaging, adverse illustration ofthe difficulties involved > example,
illegal acective Under-age drinking is illegal. instance, specimen, demonstration, case
> unlawful, prohibited, criminal, wrong,
image noun 1 There were images of the saints
forbidden, barred OPPOSITES ARE legal, lawful,
permitted along the church walls. » picture, portrait,
representation, likeness, icon, effigy, figure
illegible scective The signature was illegible. 2 The image on the screen was a little fuzzy.
> unreadable, indecipherable, unintelligible, > picture, reproduction 3 The image the
indistinct, obscure, unclear OPPOSITES ARE company gives is one of ruthless profiteering.
legible, readable ; > impression, perception, conception, idea,
illmess noun The doctors were unsure of the exact notion
nature of the illness. » disease, disorder,
sickness, infirmity, complaint, indisposition, imaginary spective a story set in an imaginary
ailment, malady, affliction country » imagined, fictitious, fictional,
illogical ADJECTIVE The conclusion, however illogical
invented, made-up, make-believe, fanciful,
it seems, was correct. » irrational, unreal, non-existent, hypothetical, mythical,
unreasonable, fallacious, invalid, unsound, fabulous OPPOSITES ARE real, actual
absurd, inconsequential, inconsistent, imagination noun The writing shows a great
senseless AN OPPOSITE IS logical deal ofimagination. » creativity, inventiveness,
illusion youn 1 an illusion created by mirrors originality, inspiration, vision, ingenuity,
> hallucination, apparition, mirage, insight, sensitivity, resourcefulness, artistry,
deception, delusion, fantasy, figment of the cleverness, fancy, thought
imagination, trick 2 We have no illusions about imaginative apyective an imaginative
the difficulty of the task. » delusion, dramatization for television » creative,
misapprehension, misconception, fantasy inventive, original, inspired, ingenious,
illustrate vers 1 The book is illustrated with resourceful, enterprising, fanciful, clever
photographs and drawings. » decorate, adorn, AN OPPOSITE IS unimaginative

imagine = immunize
imagine vere imagines, imagining, > immigration Noun immigrant Noun
imagined 1 form pictures or ideas in your USAGE See the note at emigrate,
mind 2 suppose or think e I don’t imagine
there'll be any tickets left. imminent apctive likely to happen at any
moment @ an imminent storm
imitate vers imitates, imitating, imitated > imminence Noun
copy or mimic something
> imitation noun imitator noun imitative immobilize vers immobilizes,
ADJECTIVE immobilizing, immobilized stop a thing
from moving or working
immaculate agectve 1 perfectly clean;
> immobilization noun
spotless 2 without any fault or blemish
> immaculately spvers immoral Agective morally wrong; wicked
immature spective not mature > immorally Abvers immorality oun
> immaturity noun immortal agectve 1 living for ever; not mortal
immediate spective 1 happening or done 2 famous for all time
without any delay 2 nearest; with nothing or > immortal Noun immortality noun i
no one between e our immediate neighbours immortalize vers
> immediately Aovers immediacy noun
immune Apeciive safe from danger or attack,
immense spective exceedingly great; huge especially from disease e immune from (or
> immensely abvers immensity Noun against or to) infection
immersion heater noun immersion > immunity noun
heaters a device that heats up water by means immunize vers immunizes, immunizing,
of an electric element in the water in a tank etc. immunized make a person immune from a
immigrate vers immigrates, immigrating, disease etc., e.g. by vaccination
immigrated come into a country to live there > immunization Noun

imagine vers 1 Can you imagine life on a desert forthwith, instantly, promptly, right away,
island? » visualize, envisage, picture, unhesitatingly 2 The wall has a damp patch
conceive, conceptualize 2 limagine you'd like us immediately below the window. » directly,
to pay you now. » suppose, assume, presume, exactly, precisely, squarely, dead, close
expect, take it immense spective a cathedral with two immense cj
imitate vers 1 June liked to imitate her mother’s towers » huge, great, enormous, gigantic, ;
social life. » copy, emulate, follow, model massive, colossal, vast, giant, (more informal)
yourself on, echo 2 He was good at imitating whopping, (more informal) ginormous
politicians. » mimic, impersonate, do an AN OPPOSITE IS. tiny
impression of, parody, caricature, send up,
spoof immerse vers You need to immerse your hair in
warm water. » plunge, submerge, submerse,
imitation noun 1a good imitation of the human bathe, dip, dunk, drench, douse, duck, lower
voice » impersonation, impression, parody,
travesty 2 The stolen jewels turned out to be immersed spective I was immersed in my work.
imitations. » copy, reproduction, replica, e absorbed, engrossed, preoccupied (by),
duplicate, fake, counterfeit occupied (by), busy (with), involved, wrapped
up, interested, engaged
imitation Apective The weapon was an imitation
firearm. » fake, artificial, simulated, sham, imminent apective An invasion of Crete seemed
counterfeit, dummy, mock, model imminent. » close, near, at hand, in the offing,
OPPOSITES ARE real, genuine in the air, impending, threatening, about to
immature spective an immature young man happen, approaching, looming, coming,
behaving in a silly way » childish, babyish, foreseeable
inexperienced, callow immoral apective immoral behaviour » wrong,
immediate spective 1 We need to take unethical, morally wrong, wrongful,
immediate action. » instant, instantaneous, disreputable, degenerate, sinful, wicked,
prompt, urgent, speedy, swift, quick, rapid, unscrupulous, unprincipled, evil, bad
direct, pressing, top-priority OPPOSITES ARE AN OPPOSITE IS moral
delayed, low-priority 2 our immediate immortal apective She might place her immortal
neighbours » nearest, closest, close, near, soul in deadly peril. » eternal, undying,
adjacent, next AN OPPOSITE IS remote © everlasting, ageless, timeless, deathless,
immediately spvers 11 went back to London endless, perpetual, unchanging AN OPPOSITE Is
immediately. » straight away, at once, directly, mortal
impact > impervious
impact youn impacts 1 a collision; the force of imperfect nective 1 not perfect 2 (said about
a collision 2 an influence or effect @ the impact a tense of a verb) showing a continuous action,
of computers on our lives e.g. She was singing
impale vers impales, impaling, impaled > imperfectly apvers imperfection noun
pierce or fix something on a sharp pointed imperial spective 1 to do with an empire or its
object rulers 2 (said about weights and measures)
formerly fixed by British law; non-metric
impartial spective not favouring one side more
> imperially apvers
than the other; not biased
> impartially overs impartiality noun imperious spective haughty and bossy
impatient spective not patient; in a hurry impermeable spective not allowing liquid to
> impatiently spvers impatience noun pass through it
impel vers impels, impelling, impelled impersonal apective 1 not affected by
1 urge or drive someone to do something personal feelings; showing no emotion 2 not
© Curiosity impelled her to investigate. 2 drive referring to a particular person
forward; propel > impersonally apvers
impending spective soon to happen; imminent
impersonal verb youn impersonal verbs a
verb used only with ‘it’, e.g. in It is raining
impenetrable spective 1 impossible to get impertinent apecrive insolent; not showing
through 2 incomprehensible proper respect
imperative spective 1 expressing a command > impertinently apvers impertinence noun
2 essential @ Speed is imperative. imperturbable spective not excitable; calm
imperative youn imperatives a command; > imperturbably apvers
the form of a verb used in making commands impervious spective 1 not allowing water,
(e.g. ‘come’ in Come here!) heat, etc. to pass through e impervious to water
imperceptible apjctive too small or gradual to 2 not able to be affected by something
be noticed @ impervious to criticism

impact noun 1 She suffered a broken ankle in the referring to sounds, and invisible when you are
impact. > crash, collision, smash, clash, blow, referring to sight.
jolt, bump, bang, knock 2 High street technology imperfect nective The goods were imperfect and
is having a huge impact on modern life. » effect, had to be sent back. » faulty, defective,
influence, impression, repercussions, deficient, flawed, damaged, broken,
consequences (for) incomplete, shop-soiled AN OPPOSITE IS perfect
impartial aoyective Counsellors are on hand to imperfection noun She handed over her work,
give you free and impartial advice. » objective, hoping they would not notice its many
unbiased, disinterested, dispassionate, imperfections. » defect, fault, deficiency,
balanced, detached, neutral, non-partisan, shortcoming, weakness, flaw, failing, blemish,
open-minded, equitable, even-handed, fair, inadequacy AN OPPOSITE !S perfection
fair-minded, just, unprejudiced AN OPPOSITE Is imperil vers He did not wish to imperil their
biased chances of success. » endanger, harm, risk,
jeopardize, threaten, compromise
impatience youn 1 There was a tremor of
impatience in her voice. » irritability, agitation, impersonal apjctive His manner was brusque
shortness, intolerance, brusqueness, and impersonal. » detached, aloof, distant,
frustration, nervousness 2 his impatience to formal, unemotional, unfriendly,
start work » eagerness, keenness, haste unsympathetic, businesslike, remote, cold,
cool AN OPPOSITE IS friendly
inpatient anjective 1 As time passed Michael impertinence noun They were unclear whether
grew impatient. » restless, agitated, fretful, the remark was a joke or a piece of impertinence.
irritated, tetchy, testy, anxious, ill at ease, > rudeness, cheek, insolence, impudence,
keyed up, jumpy 2 The army was impatient to effrontery, audacity, impoliteness,
engage the enemy. » anxious, eager, keen, avid discourtesy, disrespect AN OPPOSITE IS
imperceptible njective The movement was slow politeness
and imperceptible. » indiscernible, impertinent anective A question like that would
undetectable, indistinguishable, unnoticeable, seem impertinent from anyone else. » rude,
infinitesimal, insignificant, negligible, slight, impolite, insolent, impudent, disrespectful,
small, subtle AN OPPOSITE IS noticeable audacious, brazen OPPOSITES ARE respectful,
USAGE You can also use inaudible when you are polite

impetuous = imposing
impetuous nective acting hastily without unquestioning @ She expects implicit obedience
thinking > implicitly apvers
oun 1 the force that makes an object implore vers implores, imploring, implored
start moving and that keeps it moving 2 the beg somebody to do something
influence that causes something to develop
more quickly @ The ceasefire gave an impetus to imply vers implies, implying, implied
peace talks suggest something without actually saying it
implacable apjctve not able to be placated; > implication noun
relentless impolite spective not polite
> implacably apvers import vers imports, importing, imported
implant vege implants, implanting, bring in goods etc. from another country
implanted insert; fix something in
> implantation noun importyoun imports 1 importing; something
implant youn implants an organ or piece of imported 2 (formal) meaning or importance
@ The message was of great import
tissue inserted in the body
implement youn implements a tool important nective Vhaving or able to have a
implicate vers implicates, implicating, great effect 2 having great authority or
implicated involve a person in a crime etc.; influence
> importantly apvers importance noun
show that a person is involved @ His evidence
implicates his sister impose vers imposes, imposing, imposed
implication oun implications 1 implicating put or inflict @ It imposes a strain upon us
2 implying; something that is implied impose on somebody put an unfair burden on
implicit (im- pliss-it) aqjective 1 implied but him or her
not stated openly COMPARE explicit 2 absolute; imposing apective impressive

impetus youn 1 Their enthusiasm began to lose measures imply a need for better public transport.
impetus. » Momentum, force, power, drive, . > entail, involve, point to, indicate, suggest,
motivation, stimulus, energy, impulse, signify, necessitate
incentive, push, spur 2.A new product would
give the sales campaign an added impetus. impolite anective It would have been impolite to
> boost, stimulus, inducement, incentive, leave the party so early. » rude, bad-mannered,
push, spur discourteous, disrespectful, inconsiderate,
implausible secre The suggestion seemed
implausible. » unconvincing, improbable, importance youn 1 an event of the greatest
unlikely, questionable, unreasonable, doubtful, importance » significance, consequence,
dubious, far-fetched, incredible, fanciful, seriousness, import, substance, gravity,
suspect, flimsy, weak, feeble AN OPPOSITE IS urgency 2 person of importance » power,
plausible influence, authority, prominence, status,
implication noun 1 He did not like the distinction, eminence
implication that he had been dishonest. importantapective 1 an important decision
> suggestion, insinuation, intimation, > significant, momentous, crucial, critical,
imputation, innuendo USAGE Strictly, inference vital, far-reaching, consequential, historic 2 It
means ‘a conclusion you draw’ rather than ‘a is important to get there early. » crucial, vital,
conclusion you suggest’, so it is better to use essential 3 an important person >» powerful,
one of the other words given here. 2 They are influential, prominent, distinguished, eminent
suspected of implication in the crime.
> involvement, association, connection, impose vers: The library will impose a fine on the
entanglement, incrimination late return of books, » exact, enforce,
implore vere His family implored him to come introduce, fix, inflict, levy, prescribe, set, place
home. » beg, entreat, urge, appeal to, call on, impose on They were afraid they might be
exhort, (literary) beseech imposing on us. » intrude on, presume on,
inconvenience, encroach on, obtrude on, force
imply vere 1 He seemed to imply that we were yourself on, take advantage of
wrong. » suggest, hint, insinuate, intimate,
indicate USAGE You will sometimes see infer imposing Ayective an imposing mock-baronial
used as a synonym of imply, but infer properly building » grand, stately, impressive,
means ‘to draw a conclusion’rather than ‘to magnificent, majestic, splendid, distinguished,
suggest a conclusion’, so it is better to use one striking, dignified, grandiose OPPOSITES ARE
of the other words given here. 2 The traffic unimposing, modest
imposition — impromptu
imposition youn impositions 1something make pregnant 2 saturate; fill throughout
imposed; an unfair burden or inconvenience @ The air was impregnated with the scent.
2 imposing something > impregnation noun
impossible nective 1 not possible 2 (informal) impress vers impresses, impressing,
very annoying; unbearable e He really is impressed 1 make a person admire
impossible! something or think it is very good 2 fix
> impossibly spvers impossibility noun something firmly in the mind e He impressed on
impostor youn impostors a person who them the need for secrecy. 3 press a mark into
dishonestly pretends to be someone else something
impotent specnve 1 powerless; unable to take impression youn impressions 1 an effect
action 2 (said about a man) unable to have produced on the mind @ The book made a big
sexual intercourse impression on me. 2 avague idea 3 an imitation
> impotently spvers impotence Noun of a person ora sound etc. 4a reprint of a book
impoverish vers impoverishes, impressionable apecrve easily influenced or
impoverishing, impoverished 1 makea affected
person poor 2 make a thing poor in quality
© impoverished soil impressive spective making a strong
> impoverishment noun impression; seeming to be very good
impracticable snyctive not able to be done in imprison vers imprisons, imprisoning,
practice imprisoned put someone in prison; shut
impractical spective not practical someone up ina place
imprecise nective not precise > imprisonment Noun
impregnable apcrive strong enough to be improbable apecrve unlikely
safe against attack > improbably ,pvers improbability noun
impregnate vers impregnates, impromptu spective, apvers done without any
impregnating, impregnated 1 fertilize; rehearsal or preparation

imposition youn 1 the imposition of a windfall suspicion, conviction, awareness, notion, idea,
tax » introduction, levying, charging, hunch, inkling 2 The experience left a good
exacting, enforcing, fixing, setting 2 Asking for impression on him. » effect, impact, influence
help might seem an imposition. » intrusion, 3 He had formed a favourable impression ofthem.
encroachment, presumption, liberty, burden, > opinion, view, perception, assessment,
encumbrance estimation, judgement, verdict 4 She did a
good impression of the Queen Mother.
impossible apctive 1 The tears made speaking > imitation, impersonation, parody,
impossible. » impractical, hopeless, caricature, (more informal) send-up 5 The mug
inconceivable, unthinkable, out of the had left a circular impression in the cloth.
question, unachievable 2 They had succeeded > indentation, dent, hollow, stamp, mark,
against impossible odds.» unrealistic, hopeless, print, outline
overwhelming, insurmountable, implausible,
unbelievable, preposterous, ludicrous, impressive spective 1 She has made an
unattainable AN OPPOSITE IS possible impressive concert debut. » striking,
accomplished, masterly, first-class, exciting,
impostor noun The official turned out to be an stirring AN OPPOSITEIS insignificant 2 The
impostor. » impersonator, masquerader, conference is held in an impressive building near
charlatan, fraud, cheat, hoaxer, trickster, (more the university. » magnificent, imposing,
informal) phoney splendid, grand, stately, monumental
imprecise apjective an imprecise description imprison vers The judge imprisoned him for five
> vague, loose, inexact, inaccurate, hazy, years. > jail, incarcerate, send to prison, put in
woolly, equivocal OPPOSITES ARE precise, exact prison, detain, lock up, confine, (more informal)
impress vere 1 This evidence did not impress the put away, (more informal) send down
jury. > move, stir, influence, affect, excite, imprisonment noun The penalty is life
make an impression on, have an impact on, imprisonment. » incarceration, internment,
(more informal) grab Zimpress on We must detention, confinement, custody
impress on Chris what good work he has done. improbable anyctive The excuse was most
> emphasize to, bring home to, instil in, improbable. > unlikely, implausible, incredible,
inculcate in doubtful, questionable, far-fetched,
impression noun 1 We got the impression they unbelievable, unconvincing, preposterous
were hiding something. » feeling, sense, AN OPPOSITE IS probable
improper => in-
improper apecrve 1 unsuitable or wrong impulsive aoyectve done or acting on impulse,
2 indecent not after careful thought
> improperly spvers impropriety (im- pro- > impulsively sovers impulsiveness noun
pry- it- ee) Noun
impure spective not pure
improper fraction youn improper > impurity youn
fractions a fraction that is greater than 1, with
the numerator greater than the denominator, im preposition This word is used to show position
e.g. 7/5 or condition, e.g. 1 at or inside; within the
improve vers improves, improving, limits of something (in a box; in two hours),
improved make or become better 2 into (He fell in a puddle.), 3 arranged as;
> improvement Noun consisting of (a serial in four parts), 4 occupied
improvise vers improvises, improvising, with; a member of (He is in the army.), 5 by
improvised 1 compose or perform means of (We paid in cash.)
in all in total number; altogether
something without any rehearsal or
preparation 2 make something quickly with im apvers 1 so as to be insomething orinside (Get
whatever is available in) 2 inwards (The top caved in) 3 at home;
> improvisation Noun indoors (Is anybody in?) 4 inaction; (in cricket)
imprudent ayective unwise or rash batting 5 having arrived (The train is in)
impudent nective cheeky or disrespectful in for likely to get e You’re in for a shock
> impudently Apvers impudence noun in on (informal) aware of or sharing in e I want
to be in on this project.
impulse youn impulses 1 a sudden desire to
do something @ I did it on impulse. 2 a push or iin- prefix (changing to il- before 1, im- before b,
impetus 3 (in science) a force acting for a very m,p, ir- before r) 1 in; into; on; towards (as in
short time e electrical impulses include, invade) 2 not (as in incorrect, indirect)

improper spective 1 It would be improper to effrontery, audacity, rudeness, impoliteness,
accept payment. » wrong , inappropriate, discourtesy, disrespect AN OPPOSITE IS
unsuitable, irregular, out of place, politeness
unacceptable, unprofessional, incorrect,
inopportune, uncalled for, unwarranted 2 In impudent apective She thought him an impudent
those days such behaviour would have been bully. » rude, insolent, impertinent, impolite,
thought improper. » indecent, unseemly, disrespectful, audacious, brazen OPPOSITES ARE
indecorous, unbecoming, unfitting, shocking, respectful, polite
vulgar AN OPPOSITE IS proper
impulse youn 1 His first impulse was to call the
improve vers 1 We are always looking for ways police. > instinct, urge, inclination,
to improve the service. » make better, better, compulsion, whim, caprice, desire 2 His actions
enhance, reform, upgrade, develop 2 Relations were so often governed by impulse.
between the employers and unions have improved > impetuosity, spontaneity, rashness,
markedly. » get better, progress, advance, recklessness 3 Emotion is one of the main
develop, make headway, rally, (more informal) impulses of poetry. » stimulus, inspiration,
look up 3 Reduce the dose as soon as the patient motivation
begins to improve. » recover, get better,
recuperate, regain strength 4 They are hoping impulsive spective With an impulsive gesture she
to improve their offer shortly. » increase, raise, flounced out of the room. » impetuous,
supplement, enlarge, augment, top up spontaneous, rash, reckless, hasty,
improve on It will be hard to improve on work of uninhibited, instinctive, passionate
that quality. » surpass, outdo, do better than, AN OPPOSITE IS deliberate
impure spective 1 The water was found to be
improvement youn 1 The weather showed a impure. » contaminated, polluted, tainted,
little improvement; an improvement in East-West unclean, foul, defiled, dirty, filthy, infected,
relations » recovery, advance, upturn, unhygienic, unwholesome, adulterated
progress, enhancement, amelioration, 2 impure thoughts » immoral, indecent,
development, rectification, betterment, gain, unclean, corrupt, wicked, degenerate
rally, reformation 2 We have carried out a lot of
improvements to the house. » renovation, impurity youn 1 An instrument measured the
alteration, extension, modernization, impurity of the air. » contamination, pollution,
modification, (informal) face-lift dirtiness, uncleanliness, foulness, filthiness
impudence noun They soon forgave him his 2 water full of impurities » contaminant,
impudence. » cheek, insolence, impertinence, pollutant, adulterant, foreign matter
inability > incident
inability youn being unable incandescent apjective giving out light when
inaccessible apyective not able to be reached heated; shining
> incandescence Noun
inaccurate apjective not accurate incantation noun incantations a spoken spell
inadequate spective 1 not enough 2 not able or charm; the chanting of this
to cope or deal with something incapable apjctive not able to do something
> inadequately spvers inadequacy Noun @ They seem incapable of understanding
inadvisable apjective not advisable incapacitate vers incapacitates,
inanimate spective 1 not living 2 showing no incapacitating, incapacitated make a person
sign of life or thing unable to do something; disable
inappropriate spective not appropriate incarnate spective having a body or human
form e a devil incarnate
inarticulate spective 1 not able to speak or
> incarnation NouN
express yourself clearly e@ inarticulate with rage the Incarnation the embodiment of God in
2 not expressed in words e an inarticulate cry
human form asJesus Christ
inaudible apective not able to be heard incautious apective rash
> inaudibly apvers inaudibility noun
incendiary spective starting or designed to
inaugurate vers inaugurates, inaugurating, start a fire e an incendiary bomb
inaugurated 1 start or introduce something incentive youn incentives something that
new and important 2 formally establish a encourages a person to do something or to
person in office e inaugurate a new President work harder
> inaugural spective inauguration Noun
inaugurator NOUN imcest youn sexual intercourse between two
people who are so closely related that they
inborn apjcrve present in a person or animal cannot marry each other
from birth e an inborn ability > incestuous ADJECTIVE
inbred apctive 1 inborn 2 produced by inch noun inches a measure of length, one-
inbreeding twelfth of a foot (about 2 centimetres)
inbreeding noun breeding from closely related inch vers inches, inching, inched move slowly
individuals and gradually e I inched along the ledge. [from
incalculable apyective not able to be calculated Old English]
or predicted incident youn incidents an event

inability youn their inability to agree on a single > unsuitable, out of place, inapt, ill-suited,
point > incapacity, incapability, impotence, unfitting, untimely, ill-timed, improper,
powerlessness, lack of ability incongruous OPPOSITES ARE appropriate,
inaccessible apjective More of the countryside is suitable
becoming inaccessible. » unreachable, cut off, inaudible apjctive From that distance the voices
out of reach, isolated, remote, godforsaken, were inaudible. » indistinct, hard to hear,
hard to find, out-of-the-way, in the middle of unclear, quiet, silent, weak, undetectable,
nowhere, in the back of beyond, secluded, unidentifiable, muted, faint, low, muffled,
unfrequented, (informal) unget-at-able mumbled AN opposite IS audible
AN OPPOSITE IS accessible incapable spective Those who feel incapable in
inaccuracy noun The information is marred by their work can get advice. » incompetent,
inaccuracies. » mistake, error, miscalculation, ineffective, ineffectual, inadequate, impotent,
blunder, imprecision, fault, defect, flaw, slip, inept, unable, useless, weak AN OPPOSITE IS
oversight OPPOSITES ARE accuracy, precision capable
inaccurate apjective The road map is very incessant spective incessant noise from the road
inaccurate. » inexact, imprecise, incorrect, works outside » continuous, continual,
erroneous, faulty, imperfect, defective, constant, ceaseless, endless, unceasing,
unsound interminable, non-stop OPPOSITES ARE
inactive spective 1 Mness left me inactive for temporary, intermittent
several weeks. > idle, immobile, inert, lethargic, incident youn 1 He recalled an amusing incident
listless, sluggish 2 The alarm was inactive at the from his childhood. » event, episode,
time of the break-in. » inoperative, idle, non- occurrence, happening, occasion, affair,
functioning, turned off, out of action, out of experience, activity, business, circumstance
use 2 Police were called to an incident in the centre of
inappropriate spective The police decided a town. » disturbance, commotion, fracas,
prosecution would be inappropriate. scene, brawl, rumpus, fight

incidental — incomprehensible
incidental anyective happening as a minor part © The door is inclined to bang. e I’m inclined to
of something else e incidental expenses agree with you.
incidentally overs by the way include vere includes, including, included
incinerate vere incinerates, incinerating, make or consider something as part of agroup
incinerated destroy something by burning of things
> incineration noun > inclusion noun
incinerator youn incinerators a device for inclusive sojective including everything;
burning rubbish including allthe things mentioned e Read pages
incision noun incisions a cut, especially one 20 to 28 inclusive. co
made in a surgical operation incoherent spective not speaking or reasoning
incisive spective clear and sharp e incisive in an orderly way
comments imcome noun incomes money received
incisor (in- sy- zer) voun incisors each of the regularly from doing work or from investments
sharp-edged front teeth in the upper and lower
jaws income tax noun tax charged on income i

incite vere incites, inciting, incited urge a incomparable apjcrive without an equal; not
person to do something; stir up @ They incited a surpassed @ incomparable beauty
riot incompatible spective not able to exist or be
> incitement Noun used together
inclination noun inclinations 1a tendency incompetent apctive not able or skilled
2a liking or preference 3a slope or slant enough to do something properly
incline vere inclines, inclining, inclined
1 lean or slope 2 bend the head or body incomplete spective not complete
forward, asin anod or bow 3 cause orinfluence incomprehensible Apjctive not able to be
@ Her frank manner inclines me to believe her. understood
be inclined have a tendency or willingness > incomprehension NouN

inclination Noun 1 He showed no inclination to incompetent anjective They were all either too
leave. » readiness, desire, impulse, wish, lazy or too incompetent to do an honest day’s
disposition, predisposition, predilection work. » inept, incapable, unqualified,
AN OPPOSITE IS disinclination 2 She had no inefficient, unskilful, unfit, inadequate,
inclination for work that day. liking, partiality, unproficient, bungling, blundering, clumsy,
appetite, taste, fondness, penchant ineffectual AN OPPOSITE IS competent
AN OPPOSITE IS dislike incomplete sgective They have to move into the
incline vers The uprights incline slightly to the house even though it’s still incomplete.
right. » lean, slant, tilt, tip, slope, veer > unfinished, uncompleted, half-finished, not
be inclined We are inclined to believe him. » be finished, unready
disposed, be minded, be willing, be ready incomprehensible spective 1 She made some
include vere 1 Sports activities include swimming incomprehensible remark. » unintelligible,
and aerobics. » incorporate, involve, comprise, incoherent, unfathomable, baffling, confusing,
contain, embrace, encompass, consist of, take perplexing, obscure, cryptic, opaque,
in, make room for, subsume 2 The package mysterious, inscrutable, enigmatic
includes flights, hotels costs, and all outings. AN OPPOSITE 1S. comprehensible 2 The writing
> cover, allow for, take into account, add in was incomprehensible. » illegible,
AN OPPOSITE IS exclude indecipherable, unintelligible OPPOSITES ARE
incoherent spective The letter was long and intelligible, legible
incoherent. » unclear, confused, muddled, inconceivable apyective It was inconceivable
unintelligible, disorganized, incomprehensible, that the king would agree to these demands,
inarticulate, garbled, rambling, hard to follow, > unimaginable, unthinkable, implausible,
disjointed, disordered, illogical OPPOSITES ARE incredible, unbelievable, undreamed of, (more
coherent, intelligible informal) mind-boggling OPPOSITES ARE
imcome noun 1 Her income has gone up conceivable, credible
significantly in the last year. » earnings, salary, inconclusive apjective The opinion polls are
pay, remuneration, wages, money 2 taxes on inconclusive. » unconvincing, indefinite,
business income » revenue, receipts, takings, undecided, ambiguous, equivocal, indecisive,
profits, gains, proceeds, takeover indeterminate, uncertain, unsettled, open
OPPOSITES ARE expenditure, outgojngs AN OPPOSITE IS conclusive
incongruous = incredible
incongruous spective out of place or inconvenient apective not convenient
unsuitable incorporate vers incorporates,
> incongruously spvers incongruity NouN incorporating, incorporated include
inconsiderate spective not considerate something as a part of something larger
towards other people > incorporation NOUN
inconsistent apyective not consistent incorporated apective (said about a business
> inconsistently spvers inconsistency Noun firm) formed into a legal corporation
inconspicuous spective not conspicuous incorrect spective not correct
> inconspicuously Apvers > incorrectly apvers
incontinent spective not able to control the incorruptible agectve 1 not able to decay
bladder or bowels 2 not able to be bribed
> incontinence Noun
increase vers increases, increasing,
incontrovertible spective unable to be
denied; indisputable increased make or become larger or more
inconvenience noun inconveniences being increase noun increases increasing; the
inconvenient amount by which a thing increases
inconvenience vers inconveniences, incredible spective unbelievable
inconveniencing, inconvenienced cause > incredibly apvers incredibility noun
inconvenience or slight difficulty to someone USAGE Do not confuse with incredulous.

incongruous Anfective the incongruous sound of annoyance, disadvantage, drawback,
an electric doorbell » inappropriate, out of encumbrance AN OPPOSITE IS convenience
place, discordant, unsuitable, ill-suited, inconvenience vers We hope the delay will not
incompatible, inconsistent, conflicting, odd, inconvenience you too much. » trouble, bother,
clashing, contrasting, ill-matched, disturb, put out, incommode, annoy, irritate,
uncoordinated, irreconcilable AN OPPOSITE IS disadvantage, embarrass, (informal) put you
appropriate out
inconsiderate apjctive inconsiderate inconvenient spective Shirley arrived at an
behaviour; It was very inconsiderate of them. extremely inconvenient moment. » awkward,
> thoughtless, insensitive, unthinking,
difficult, unsuitable, inappropriate,
uncaring, unkind, discourteous, impolite, inopportune, untimely, ill-timed,
unconcerned, tactless embarrassing, annoying, bothersome,
inconsistent spective 1 Their attitudes are irritating, troublesome AN OPPOSITE IS
inconsistent and hard to understand. convenient
> changeable, unreliable, erratic, capricious,
incorporate vers 1 The peace treaty
unstable, variable, fickle, inconstant,
incorporated the region into Italy. » absorb,
unpredictable, (more informal) up-and-down
merge, assimilate, subsume, embody, include
2 There are several inconsistent versions of the
legend. > conflicting, contradictory, (in), contain (in) 2 The leaflet incorporates a
sponsorship form. » include, contain, embrace
incompatible, irreconcilable, discrepant,
incongruous, at variance, clashing, contrasting, incorrect spective The next three answers were
different AN OPPOSITE IS consistent incorrect. » wrong, erroneous, mistaken,
inconsolable apjective Lisa was inconsolable inaccurate, imprecise, inexact, false, untrue
when she arrived back from the accident. increase noun an increase in size an increase in
> heartbroken, broken-hearted, devastated, demand » growth, rise, development,
grief-stricken, desolate, despairing enlargement, expansion, swelling,
inconspicuous Apective 1 The building is small intensification, upsurge, upturn AN OPPOSITE IS
and inconspicuous. » unobtrusive, decrease
undistinguished, unremarkable, increase vers 1 Applications for jobs have
unostentatious, camouflaged, hidden, out of increased. » rise, grow, swell, multiply,
sight, insignificant, ordinary, invisible 2 Jane expand, spread, proliferate OPPOSITES ARE
did her best to remain inconspicuous. » retiring, decrease, decline 2 Prosperity increases
self-effacing, unassuming, modest, restrained consumer demand. » raise, heighten, boost,
OPPOSITES ARE conspicuous, noticeable enhance, add to, strengthen, intensify,
inconvenience noun The roadworks have develop, expand, escalate, augment
caused a great deal of inconvenience. » trouble, OPPOSITES ARE reduce, lower
bother, difficulty, disruption, awkwardness, incredible aoectve 1 an incredible feat of
nuisance, hindrance, irritation, fuss, upset, engineering » magnificent, marvellous,
incredulous => index
incredulous apectve not believing somebody; indefinite snective not definite; vague
showing disbelief
> incredulously apvers incredulity noun
indefinite article youn indefinite articles
(in grammar) the word ‘a’or ‘an’
USAGE Do not confuse with incredible.
incriminate vers incriminates, indefinitely spvers for an indefinite or
incriminating, incriminated show a person unlimited time
to have been involved in a crime etc. indelibleagectve impossible to rub out or
> incrimination Noun remove
incubate vers incubates, incubating, > indelibly apvers
incubated 1 hatch eggs by keeping them indelicate anectve 1 slightly indecent
warm 2 cause bacteria or a disease etc. to 2 tactless
develop > indelicacy noun
> incubation Noun independent apective 1 not dependent on any
incubator youn incubators 1 a device in other person or thing for help, money, or
which a baby born prematurely can be kept support 2 (said about a country) governing
warm and supplied with oxygen 2. device for itself 3 (said about broadcasting) not financed
incubating eggs etc. by money from licences
incur vers incurs, incurring, incurred bring > independently overs independence noun
something on yourself e I hope you don’t incur indestructible apjective unable to be
too much expense. destroyed
indebted agective owing money or gratitude to > indestructibility noun
indeterminate spective not fixed or decided
indecent apecrive not decent; improper exactly; left vague
> indecently Apvers indecency NouN
index noun 1 (indexes) an alphabetical list of
indecisive apective not decisive things, especially at the end of a book
indeed spvers 1 really; truly e I am indeed 2 (indexes) a number showing how prices or
surprised; (used to strengthen a meaning) wages have changed from a previous level
@ very nice indeed 2 admittedly e It is, indeed, 3 (indices) (in mathematics) the raised
his first attempt. number etc. written to the right of another
indefensible apective unable to be defended (e.g. 3 in 23) showing how many times the first
orjustified @ an indefensible decision one is to be multiplied by itself

spectacular, remarkable, wonderful, indefinite anective 1 The inspectors are here for
extraordinary, amazing, astounding 2 Their an indefinite period. » unspecified, unknown,
storyisincredible. » unbelievable, implausible, uncertain, unlimited AN Opposite Is definite 2a
far-fetched, improbable, unlikely, word like ‘get’, with an indefinite meaning
questionable, unreasonable, doubtful, dubious > vague, unclear, unspecific, imprecise, hazy
imcur vere actions that might incur a penalty indelible anjctive 1 indelible ink >»permanent,
> earn, sustain, attract, provoke, run up, ineradicable, fixed, lasting, fast, ingrained
suffer, get, expose you to, bring on yourself 2 The experience left an indelible impression on
her. >» unforgettable, ineradicable, lasting,
incurable apjective 1 an incurable illness enduring AN OPPOSITE IS erasable.
> untreatable, inoperable, irremediable,
irreparable, terminal, fatal, chronic, hopeless independence noun 1 The country gained its
AN OPPOSITE IS curable 2 Jenny is an incurable independence in the 1950s. » self-government,
romantic. » inveterate, incorrigible, hardened, autonomy, freedom, individualism, liberty,
dyed-in-the-wool nonconformity AN OPPOSITE IS dependence
indecision noun She wanted to act, but 2 The judges must be able to act with complete
indecision prevented her. » hesitation, independence. » impartiality, neutrality,
irresolution, indecisiveness, uncertainty, disinterest, detachment, objectivity, freedom
doubt, ambivalence, vacillation, equivocation
OPPOSITES ARE decisiveness, resolution independent pective 1 an independent
country » autonomous, sovereign, self-
indecisive apjectve 1He came across as an governing 2 an independent person » free,
indecisive leader. » hesitant, irresolute, unconstrained, self-reliant, self-sufficient, free-
tentative, equivocating, uncertain, weak, thinking, liberated AN opposite Is dependent
dithering 2 The result of the tests was indecisive. 3 an independent opinion » impartial,
> uncertain, doubtful, unsure, unbiased, disinterested, objective
indian — indisputable
Indian apective 1to do'with India or its people indigenous (in- dij- in- us) ADJECTIVE growing or
2 to do with Native Americans originating in a particular country; native e The
> indian noun koala bear is indigenous to Australia.
USAGE The preferred term for the descendants indigestible anecrve difficult or impossible to
of the original inhabitants of North and South digest
America is Native American. American Indian is
usually acceptable but the term Red Indian is indigestion noun pain or discomfort caused by
now regarded as offensive and should not be difficulty in digesting food
used. indignant apyective angry at something that
india rubber noun india rubbers a rubber seems unfair or wicked
> indignantly apvers indignation noun
indicate vers indicates, indicating, indicated
1 point something out or make it known 2 bea indignity noun indignities treatment that
sign of 3 when drivers indicate, they signal makes a person feel undignified or humiliated;
which direction they are turning by using their an insult
indicators indirect spective not direct
> indication NouN > indirectly apvers
indicative apective giving an indication
indirect speech noun someone’s words given
indicative noun the form of a verb used in in a changed form reported by someone else,
making a statement (e.g. ‘he said’ or ‘he is as in He said that he would come (reporting the
coming’), not ina command or question, or words ‘I will come’)
indiscreet spective 1 not discreet; revealing
indicator youn indicators 1 thing that secrets 2 not cautious; rash
indicates or points to something 2. flashing > indiscreetly apvers indiscretion NouN
light used to signal that a motor vehicle is
turning 3 (in science) a chemical compound,
indiscriminate spective showing no
discrimination; not making a careful choice
such as litmus, that changes colour in the
> indiscriminately Apvers
presence of a particular substance or condition
indifferent spective 1 not caring about
indispensable anective not able to be
dispensed with; essential
something; not interested 2 not very good
> indispensability noun
© an indifferent cricketer
> indifferently anvers indifference noun indisputable spective undeniable

indicate vers 1 A linesman raised his flag to angry, affronted, aggrieved, incensed,
indicate a goal. » signify, denote, register, outraged, resentful, offended, vexed, piqued,
record, designate 2 Good sales indicate the heated, furious, fuming
book’s popularity. » show, demonstrate, be a- indignation noun The false accusations filed
sign of, testify to, suggest, imply, attest him with indignation. » anger, fury,
3 Indicate your choice ofprize on the form. resentment, outrage, affront, umbrage,
> specify, point out vexation
indication noun 1 His secretary could give no indirect anjective 1 The convoy took a quieter
clear indication of when he was expected back. indirect route. » roundabout, circuitous,
> clue, hint, inkling, intimation, suggestion, meandering, out-of-the-way 2 It was an insult,
explanation 2 Pain may be an indication of ifonly an indirect one. » disguised, ambiguous,
injury. > sign, indicator, symptom, mark, equivocal, oblique, implicit, implied, inexplicit
evidence, manifestation AN OPPOSITE IS direct ;
indiscreet spective Her mum would never have
indifference noun He reacted with complete
indifference to their predicament. » unconcern, done anything so indiscreet. >»imprudent,
apathy, coolness, disregard, nonchalance, unwise, injudicious, tactless, ill-advised, ill-
inattention considered, ill-judged, unthinking, impolite,
impolitic, undiplomatic, careless, incautious,
indifferent nective 1 His voice showed how unguarded opposites ARE discreet, careful
indifferent he was. » unconcerned, apathetic, indisputable anjctive Charles returned in
uncaring, nonchalant 2 After an indifferent meal
triumph, indisputable King of Aquitaine.
he went off to bed. » mediocre, ordinary, > incontrovertible, incontestable,
inferior, unexceptional, average
acknowledged, undeniable, indubitable,
indignant apjective The newspaper received unassailable, unequivocal OPPOSITES ARE
indignant letters from outraged readers. » irate, questionable, debatable
indistinct - industry
indistinct apective not distinct substances induce sleep. 3 if a pregnant womanis
> indistinctly anvers indistinctness Noun induced, labour is brought on artificially with
nective not able to be told drugs
apart; not distinguishable > induction noun
individual apyctive 1 of or for one person indulge vers indulges, indulging, indulged
2 single or separate e Count each individual allow a person to have or do what they want
word. > Indulgénce noun indulgent apjective
> individually apvers indulge in allow yourself to have or do
individual youn individuals one person, something that you like
animal, or plant industrial anecrive to do with industry; working
individuality youn the things that make one or used in industry
person or thing different from another; > industrially apvers
distinctive identity industrial action youn ways for workers to
indivisible apjective not able to be divided or protest, such as striking or working to rule
separated industrialized spective (said about a country
> indivisibly spvers or district) having many industries
indoctrinate vers indoctrinates, > industrialization noun
indoctrinating, indoctrinated fill a person’s Industrial Revolution noun the rapid
mind with particular ideas or beliefs, so that expansion of British industry by the use of
they come to accept them without thinking machines during the late 18th and early 19th
> indoctrination joun centuries
indomitable spective not able to be overcome industrious spective working hard
or conquered > industriously spvers
indoor apyctive used or placed or done etc.
inside a building @ indoor games
industry youn industries 1 making or
producing goods etc., especially in factories
indoors apvere inside a building 2 a particular branch of this, or any business
induce vers induces, inducing, induced activity e the motor industry; @ the tourist
1 persuade 2 produce or cause e Some industry 3 being industrious

indistinct anjective 1 In the photocopies, some of cause, create, effect, instigate, engender,
the letters were indistinct. » blurred, fuzzy, develop, produce, lead to, give rise to, arouse,
unclear, out of focus, ill-defined, dim, faint, kindle
hazy, misty, obscure, vague, shadowy, bleary inducement
oun Paying off student loans is an
2 She murmured, but her voice was indistinct. inducement to join the profession. » incentive,
> muffled, muted, faint, weak, inaudible, encouragement, enticement, stimulus,
slurred AN OPPOSITE IS distinct motivation, spur, lure, bait
indistinguishable spective The boys are indulge vers 1 She decided to indulge her passion
indistinguishable. » identical, interchangeable, for music. » satisfy, gratify, fulfil, pander to, go
alike, the same AN OPPOSITE |S different alongwith, humour 2 She could notbe accused of
individual spective 1 music with an individual indulging her children. » spoil, pamper, cosset,
style » characteristic, distinctive, distinct, mollycoddle
particular, special, specific, unique, peculiar, indulge in Here we stopped and indulged in a
exclusive, idiosyncratic, private, personal cream tea. » enjoy, revel in
2 Individual countries can make their own indulgent apjective He could see the looks of
decisions. » separate, single, discrete indulgent amusement on their faces. » tolerant,
AN OPPOSITE IS. collective compliant, patient, permissive, easy-going,
individual noun In the corner sat a strange lenient, liberal, overgenerous, fond, genial,
individual. » person, being, human being, kind AN OPPOSITE IS strict
soul, mortal industrious Apectve an industrious and
indoctrinate vers With their psychological studious youth » diligent, hard-working,
techniques they were able to indoctrinate large conscientious, assiduous, enterprising,
numbers ofpeople. » brainwash, propagandize, painstaking, energetic, active, keen,
re-educate, instruct, train, teach productive, zealous, sedulous, tireless
induce vers 1 Their leaders induced them to OPPOSITES ARE lazy, indolent
continue fighting. » persuade, convince, prevail industry noun 1 the American oil industry
upon, press, urge, encourage 2 Conversations > business, trade, commerce, manufacturing
like these induce close friendship. » bring about, 2 The garden looked a hive of industry.
ineffective — infectious
ineffective apjective not effective; inefficient inexperience noun lack of experience
> ineffectively Apvers > inexperienced ADjEcTiVE
ineffectual apjective not achieving anything infallible apyective 1 never wrong 2 never
inefficient spective not efficient
failing @ an infallible remedy
> inefficiently Adverse inefficiency NOUN > infallibly Apvere infallibility noun
inept apjctive lacking any skill; clumsy infancy noun 1 early childhood; babyhood 2 an
> ineptly avers ineptitude noun early stage of development
imert apective not moving or reacting
infant noun infants a baby or young child
> inertly Apvers infantile apective 1 to do with infants 2 very
inert gas noun inert gases a gas that almost childish
never combines with other substances infantry noun soldiers who fight on foot
inertia (in-er- sha) Noun 1 inactivity; being COMPARE cavalry
inert or slow to take action 2 the tendency for infatuated apjctive filled with foolish or
a moving thing to keep moving ina straight line unreasoning love
> infatuation Noun
inevitable spective unavoidable; sure to
happen infect vers infects infecting infected pass on
> inevitably Apvers inevitability noun a disease or bacteria to a person, animal, or
inexhaustible agective so great that it cannot plant
be used up completely e Ben has an infection noun infections 1 infecting 2an
inexhaustible supply ofjokes. infectious disease or condition
inexorable (in- eks- er- a- bul) ADjective infectious spective 1 (said about a disease)
1 relentless 2 not able to be persuaded by able to be spread by air or water etc. COMPARE
requests or entreaties contagious 2 quickly spreading to others
> inexorably Apvers @ His fear was infectious.

> activity, hard work, industriousness, infallible spective 1 The idea works well, but it is
diligence, effort, toil, energy, vigour, not infallible. » foolproof, unfailing,
application, commitment, determination, guaranteed, perfect, certain AN OPPOSITE IS
keenness, labour, perseverance, persistence, fallible 2 Kate always adopted her infallible
tirelessness, zeal OPPOSITES ARE laziness, routine. » dependable, reliable, unerring,
indolence accurate

ineffective anjective 1 The protests were quite infant youn an age at which infants are learning
ineffective. » unsuccessful, unproductive, to walk » baby, child, tot, (informal) toddler
useless, futile, vain, fruitless, unavailing,
worthless OPPOSITES ARE effective, fruitful 2 an infect vers 1 The organism may infect the eye of
ineffective leader » inadequate, ineffectual, the infant with a ‘sticky eye’> cause aninfection
weak, feeble, inept, incompetent in, spread disease to 2 The water supply had
AN OPPOSITE IS. effective become infected. » contaminate, pollute,
poison, taint, blight 3 Her cheerful humour
inefficient anectve 1 He must be the world’s infects every one she meets. » affect, influence,
most inefficient gardener. » ineffective, inspire, animate, touch
ineffectual, unproductive, disorganized,
incompetent, inept, inexpert 2 The wood stoves infection noun 1 bladder infection» disease,
are extremely inefficient for cooking food. virus, disorder, complaint 2 The dressing will
> uneconomical, unproductive, extravagant, keep the wound free of infection.
wasteful, awkward, clumsy AN OPPOSITE |S > contamination, contagion, bacteria,
efficient poisoning
inevitable spective There have been the infectious spective 1 the conquest of infectious
inevitable delays. » unavoidable, inescapable, diseases » contagious, communicable,
obligatory, mandatory, ineluctable catching, transmissible, transmittable,
spreading 2 infectious laughter » contagious,
inexperienced spective School-leavers and irresistible, spreading
inexperienced people often get jobs in riding
schools, » inexpert, untrained, unskilled, infer vers What can we infer from the table of
unpractised, unaccustomed, immature, results? » conclude, deduce, extrapolate,
callow, amateur, fresh, green, raw reason, gather, assume, work out, guess,
AN OPPOSITE IS. experienced. understand USAGE See the note at imply.
inferior — influence
inferior ajective less good or less important; inflame vege inflames, inflaming, inflamed
low or lower in position, quality, etc. 1 produce strong feelings or anger in people
> inferiority youn 2 cause redness, heat, and swelling in a body
inferior youn inferiors a person whois lower in part
position or rank than someone else inflammable gpjctive able to be set on fire
infernal spective 1 to do with or like hell the USAGE This word means the same as
infernal regions 2 (informal) detestable or flammable, if you want to say that something
tiresome e that infernal noise is not able to be set on fire, use non-
> infernally pvers flammable,
inferno youn infernos a raging fire inflammation youn painful redness or
swelling in a part of the body
infertile spective not fertile inflate vers inflates, inflating, inflated 1 fill
> infertility youn
something with air or gas so that it expands
infest vere infests, infesting, infested (said 2 increase something too much 3 raise prices
about pests) be numerous and troublesome in or wages etc. more than is justifiable
a place inflation youn 1 inflating 2.a general rise in
> infestation youn prices and fall in the purchasing power of
infidelity youn unfaithfulness mone
> inflationary ADJECTIVE
infiltrate vere infiltrates, infiltrating,
infiltrated get into a place or organization inflect vers inflects, inflecting, inflected
gradually and without being noticed 1 change the ending or form of a word to show
> infiltration youn infiltrator youn its tense or its grammatical relation to other
words, e.g. sing changes to sang or sung; child
infinite spective 1 endless: withouta limit 2 too changes to children 2 alter the voice in
great to be measured speaking
> infinitely apvers
inflection youn inflections an ending or form
infinitesimal spective extremely small of aword used to inflect, e.g. -ed
> infinitesimally apvers inflexible spective not able to be bent or
infinitive youn infinitives (in grammar) the changed or persuaded
form of a verb that does not change to indicate > inflexibly apvers inflexibility youn
a particular tense or number or person, in influence youn influences 1 the power to
English used with or without to, e.g. goin ‘Let produce an effect 2 a person or thing with this
him go’ or ‘Allow him to go’ power
infinity youn an infinite number or distance or influence ves influences, influencing,
time influenced have influence ona person or thing

inferior apjectve 1 inferior rank > lesser, inflated the number of casualties. » exaggerate,
lower, subsidiary, subordinate, junior, magnify, overstate, overplay, overdramatize
secondary, second-class, ancillary, low, inflict vers 1 He was determined to inflict some
humble 2 inferior quality » poor, mediocre, sort ofpenalty on them. » impose, administer
substandard, shoddy, tawdry, bad, cheap, (to), mete out (to), deal out (to), apply (to),
indifferent perpetrate, wreak, enforce, force 2 No one
really wants an elderly relative inflicted on them
infinite spective 1 You will need infinite patience for months. » impose, foist, thrust, saddle
in detailed work like this. » endless, limitless, someone (with), burden someone (with)
boundless, immeasurable, unlimited,
incalculable, immense, prodigious imfluemce youn The local organizations can have
OPPOSITES ARE limited, finite 2 Along the roofs a large influence on the party at national level.
were infinite numbers of chimneys. » countless, > effect, impact, control, sway, hold, pressure,
innumerable, numberless, incalculable pull, power (over), direction (over), authority
OPPOSITES ARE limited, finite (over), dominance (over)
inflammation youn inflammation of the skin influence vers 1 Parents influence their children
> swelling, redness, soreness, burning, enormously in the first few years. » affect, have
tenderness, infection an effect on, guide, exert an influence on,
direct, control 2 There had been several attempts
inflate vers 1 We have ten minutes to inflate fifty to influence the jury. » sway, bias, coerce,
balloons. » pump up, blow up, puff up, dilate, pressurize, prejudice, suborn, lead astray,
distend, swell 2 News reports have greatly bribe, corrupt
influential — inherit
influential spective having great influence ingratiate vers ingratiates, ingratiating,
influenza noun an infectious disease that ingratiated
ingratiate yourself get yourself into favour
causes fever, catarrh, and pain
with someone, especially by flattering them or
inform vere informs, informing, informed always agreeing with their ideas or opinions
give information to somebody > ingratiation NouN
> informant Noun
ingratitude noun lack of gratitude
informal spective not formal
> informally Aovers informality noun ingredient noun ingredients one of the parts
USAGE In this dictionary, words marked informal of amixture; one of the things used in a recipe
are used in talking but not when you are writing inhabit vere inhabits, inhabiting, inhabited
or speaking formally. live in a place
information noun facts told or heard or > inhabitant noun
discovered, or put into a computer etc. inhale vers inhales, inhaling, inhaled breathe
informative spective giving a lot of useful in
information > inhalation noun
informed apjctive knowing about something inhaler youn inhalers a device used for
infra-red apjective below or beyond red in the relieving asthma etc. by inhaling
colour spectrum inherent (in- heer- ent) apjective existing in
infuriate vere infuriates, infuriating, something as one of its natural or permanent
infuriated make a person very angry qualities
ingenious apective 1 clever at inventing things > inherently Apvers inherence NOUN
2 cleverly made or thought out inherit vere inherits, inheriting, inherited
> ingeniously Aovers ingenuity NouN 1 receive money, property, ora title etc. when
i ingrained spective 1 (said about dirt) marking its previous owner dies 2 get certain qualities
a surface deeply 2 (said about feelings or habits etc. from parents or predecessors
etc.) firmly fixed > inheritance noun inheritor Noun

influential nective 1 a respected and influential informed apjective She seems highly informed on
politician » important, authoritative, leading, the subject. » knowledgeable, enlightened,
powerful, dominant OPPOSITES ARE conversant (with), familiar (with), abreast (of),
uninfluential, insignificant 2 a piece of writing au fait (with) OPPOSITES ARE ill-informed,
that has been highly influential » significant, ignorant
persuasive, pivotal, seminal, crucial, effective,
far-reaching, telling OPPOSITES ARE
infuriate vers His stubborn refusal began to
infuriate her. » anger, enrage, exasperate,
uninfluential, unimportant
incense, annoy, irritate, vex, madden,
inform vers 11'l inform them that we are ready aggravate, antagonize, displease, make angry,
to leave. > tell, notify, advise, let someone (more informal) needle, (more informal) rile
know, send word to, apprise 2inform on No OPPOSITES ARE placate, appease, please
one wants to inform on a friend. » denounce,
betray, report, incriminate, tell on, (more .
ingenious apjcrive an ingenious solution to the
difficulty » inventive, imaginative, creative,
informal) shop
clever, original, cunning, resourceful, astute,
informal spective 1 We were having an informal shrewd, inspired, skilful, subtle AN OPPOSITE IS
conversation. » casual, relaxed, natural, easy- unimaginative
going 2 The style of the article was very informal.
> colloquial, idiomatic, vernacular, demotic, inhabit vers a cave complex that hermits used to
popular 3 You can wear informal clothes. inhabit > live in, occupy, dwell in, people,
> casual, everyday, comfortable, leisure populate, settle in

information youn You can get more information

inhabitant noun the inhabitants of the town
from the website. » details, particulars, facts, > resident, citizen, native, local, occupant,
data, guidance, material, documentation, dweller, (plural) population, (plural) townsfolk
advice, knowledge, (more informal) info inherit vers His son will inherit the business on his
informative ADJECTIVE The two-day course is too death. » receive, be left, be bequeathed,
short to be informative. » instructive, useful, succeed to
helpful, communicative, enlightening, inheritance youn She bought a house with her
revealing, illuminating, factual OPPOSITES ARE inheritance. » legacy, bequest, estate, fortune,
uninformative, uncommunicative heritage

inhibition — inner
inhibition youn inhibitions a feeling of injure vege injures, injuring, injured harm or
embarrassment or worry that prevents you hurt someone
from doing something or expressing your > injury youn injurious (in-joor- ee- us)
emotions ADJECTIVE
> inhibited apjective injustice youn injustices 1 lack of justice 2 an
inhospitable gpjective 1 unfriendly to visitors unjust action or treatment
2 (said about a place) not giving any shelter or ink youn ifks a black or coloured liquid used in a
good weather writing and printing Ma
inhuman ADJECTIVE Cruel; without pity or inkling youn inklings a slight idea or suspicion
kindness e I had no inkling ofyour artistic talents.
> inhumanity youn inky spective 1 stained with ink 2 black like ink
@ inky darkness
inimitable spective impossible to imitate
inland apyective, apvers in or towards the interior
initial youn initials the first letter of a word or of a country; away from the coast
name Inland Revenue noun the government
~ initial nective at the beginning e the initial department responsible for collecting taxes
stages and similar charges inland (not at a port)
> initially avers in-laws piurat Noun (informal) relatives by
initiative (jn-ish-a-tiv) noun 1 the power or marriage
right to get something started 2 the ability to inlet youn inlets a strip of water reaching into
make decisions and take action on your own the land from a sea or lake
without being told what to do inmost spective most inward
take the initiative take action to start inn youn inns a hotel or public house, especially
something happening in the country
inject vers injects, injecting, injected 1 puta > innkeeper youn
medicine or drug into the body by means of a innards p.yeat noun the internal organs of a
syringe 2 add a new quality e Inject some person or animal; the inner parts of a machine
humour into the story. immer apjective inside; nearer to the centre
> injection youn > innermost apjective

inhibited spjctive He felt inhibited about initiative youn 1 Employers are looking for
discussing money. » shy, reticent, embarrassed, initiative in candidates for jobs. » enterprise,
awkward, self-conscious, reserved, diffident, resourcefulness, drive, inventiveness,
bashful, (more informal) hung-up innovativeness, energy, dynamism, leadership,
inhibition youn 1 The state places no inhibition originality, ambition 2 We are in danger of
losing the initiative. » advantage, upper hand,
on press freedom. » restraint, bar, check,
barrier, interference, impediment edge, lead 3 a new initiative for peace
> proposal, plan, scheme, strategy, measure
2 inhibitions Not everyone can overcome their
inhibitions so easily. » shyness, reticence, injure vers 1 He was injured in a street fight.
diffidence, reserve, self-consciousness, > hurt, harm, wound, maim, cripple, disfigure
insecurity, repression, (informal) hang-ups 2 She injured her arm. » hurt, damage, break,
inhuman spective the inhuman treatment of injury youn 1 Hishand injury had fully recovered.
political prisoners » inhumane, brutal, cruel,
> wound, cut, damage, fracture, lesion 2 The
barbaric, barbarous, harsh, callous, bestial,
suit will protect you from personal injury.
savage, merciless, pitiless, ruthless, unnatural,
> harm, hurt, suffering
bloodthirsty, diabolical, fiendish, heartless
OPPOSITES ARE humane, compassionate injustice youn 1 He shook his head at the cruel
injustice of the world. » unfairness, unjustness,
inhumane apectve It would be inhumane to take inequality, inequity, oppression,
away their freedom. » cruel, inhuman, harsh, discrimination, dishonesty, partiality,
callous, sadistic, barbaric, barbarous, wrongness AN OPPOSITE IS justice 2 She felt her
uncivilized AN OPPOSITE 1S humane treatment to be a grave injustice. » wrong,
initial acjective 1 Their initial reaction was one of injury, affront, grievance, offence, crime,
anger. » first, original, provisional, earliest iniquity, outrage
OPPOSITES ARE final, eventual 2 an initial immer apjective 1 the inner part of the building
payment of £100 » opening, preliminary, > interior, central, innermost, internal, inside
starting, commencing, inaugural, introductory AN OPPOSITE IS outer 2 She kept her inner feelings
OPPOSITES ARE final, closing j to herself. » private, secret, personal, intimate
innings > inseminate
innings noun innings the time when a cricket inquiry noun inquiries 1 an official
team or player is batting investigation 2a question
innocent spective 1 not guilty 2 not wicked; inquisitive spjecive always asking questions or
lacking experience of evil 3 harmless trying to find out things
> innocently Apvers innocence NOUN > inquisitively apvers
innocuous spective harmless inroads piurAl NOUN
innovation youn innovations 1 introducing make inroads on orinto use up large
new things or new methods 2a newly quantities of supplies or resources
introduced process or way of doing things insane apjective not sane; mad
> innovative Apjeciive innovator NOUN > insanely Apvers insanity Noun
innumerable apjective countless insanitary spective unclean and likely to be
inoculate vere inoculates, inoculating, harmful to health
inoculated inject or treat someone with a
vaccine or serum as a protection against a insatiable (in- say- sha- bul) apjective
disease impossible to satisfy @ an insatiable appetite
> inoculation noun inscribe vers inscribes, inscribing, inscribed
USAGE Note the spelling ofthis word. It has one write or carve words etc. on something
‘n’and one ‘c’. inscription noun inscriptions words written
inoffensive nective harmless or carved on a monument, coin, stone, etc. or
inorganic spective not of living organisms; of written in the front of a book
mineral origin insect Noun insects asmall animal with six legs,
input noun what is put into something, no backbone, and a body divided into three
especially data put into a computer parts (head, thorax, abdomen)
> input vers inputs, inputting, inputted insecticide noun insecticides a substance for
inquest Noun inquests an official inquiry to killing insects
find out how a person died
insectivorous apjective feeding on insects and
inquire vere inquires, inquiring, inquired other small invertebrate creatures
1 investigate something carefully 2 ask for > insectivore NouN
USAGE You can spell this word inquire or insecure spective 1 not secure or safe 2 lacking
enquire in either of its meanings. It is probably confidence about yourself
more common for inquire to be used for > insecurely Apvers insecurity NouN
‘investigate’ and enquire to be used for ‘ask for inseminate vers inseminates, inseminating,
information’, but there is no real need to follow inseminated insert semen into the womb
this distinction. > insemination Noun

innocent spective 1 He always swore that he was inquisitive apjective Gareth possessed a sharp
innocent. » guiltless, blameless, free from and inquisitive mind. » curious, questioning,
blame AN OPPOSITE IS guilty 2.At her age she inquiring, interested, probing, prying
looked so innocent. » pure, virtuous, chaste, imsane 4pjective 1 She was declared insane on the
fresh, childlike, trusting, guileless, artless recommendation of two doctors. » mad,
3 They claimed it had just been innocent fun. deranged, crazy, demented, mentally ill 2Jt
> harmless, innocuous, inoffensive would be insane to think they could do the journey
in a day. » crazy, foolish, stupid, senseless,
input noun They went to the meeting armed with ludicrous, absurd, mad
input from their survey. » information, data,
facts and figures, statistics
insanity woun 1 Insanity ran in the family.
> madness, mental disorder, mental illness,
inquire vere inquire into The committee will derangement, lunacy, dementia 2.A loan at
such a high rate of interest would be insanity.
inquire into all these matters. » investigate,
> folly, foolishness, stupidity, madness, lunacy
look into, examine, probe, scrutinize, explore
USAGE Note that enquire is normally used in the insect youn Some insects are disguised as a leaf or
meaning ‘to.ask for information’, as in She a twig. » bug, pest, (more informal) creepy-
enquired about his health. crawly
insecure spective “1 Police warned that the house
inquiry voun The government has set up a formal was insecure. » unsafe, unprotected, ill-
inquiry into the incident. » investigation, protected, vulnerable, exposed, ill-defended,
inquest, scrutiny, inquisition, inspection defenceless 2 All this bold talk made him feel

insensitive — inspector
insensitive spective not sensitive or thinking insincere spective not sincere
about other people’s feelings > insincerely apvers insincerity noun
> insensitively apvers insensitivity youn
insinuate veges insinuates, insinuating,
inseparable apectve 1 not able to be
separated 2 liking to be constantly together insinuated 1 hint something unpleasant
e inseparable 2 introduce a thing or yourself gradually or
> inseparably spvers craftily into a place
> insinuation noun
insert vers inserts, inserting, inserted put a
thing into something else insist vere insists, insisting, insisted be very
> insertion youn firm in saying or asking for something e I insist
inside youn insides the inner side, surface, or on seeing the manager.
art > insistent jpyective insistence noun
inside out with the inside turned to face insolent apyctive very rude and insulting
outwards > Insolently spvers insolence noun
insides (informal) the organs in the abdomen;
the stomach and bowels insoluble ,gectve 1 impossible to solve e an m
imside ,pvers, preposition on or to the inside of insoluble problem 2 impossible to dissolve
something; in @ Come inside. @ It’s inside that > insolubility youn om
insomnia youn being unable to sleep
insider youn insiders a member of a certain p> insomniac youn
group, especially someone with access to
private information inspect vers inspects, inspecting, inspected
insight youn insights being able to perceive examine something carefully and critically
> inspection youn
the truth about things; understanding
insignificant spective not important or inspector youn inspectors 1a person whose
influential job is to inspect or sao things 2. police
> insignificance youn officer ranking next above a sergeant

insecure. » anxious, worried, concerned, insistent apjective There were insistent requests LB
unconfident, diffident for financial support. » persistent, demanding,
insert vers He inserted a new film in the camera. unrelenting, unremitting, urgent, emphatic,
> put, place, push, slip, install, locate relentless, repeated, forceful, assertive
inside apyctive The inside walls of the house were insolence youn She accused him of insolence.
damp. > inner, interior, internal, innermost, > cheek, impertinence, impudence,
indoor OPPOSITES ARE outside, outer, exterior effrontery, audacity, rudeness, impoliteness,
inside youn The inside of the box should be lined discourtesy, disrespect
with silver paper. » interior, inner surface, insolent apective The boy was constantly insolent.
inner part, core > rude, impolite, impertinent, impudent,
insignificant apyective The differences are mostly disrespectful, audacious, brazen OPPOSITES ARE
insignificant. > unimportant, negligible, trivial, respectful, polite
trifling, small, footling, inconsequential, insoluble apjctve one of the world’s insoluble
inconsiderable, irrelevant, meaningless problems » unsolvable, unresolvable, WAS
AN OPPOSITE IS significant
inexplicable, unanswerable, unfathomable, -
insincere spective He flashed a gleaming, incomprehensible, mysterious, mystifying,
insincere smile. » false, deceitful, dishonest, baffling, enigmatic, puzzling AN OPPOSITE IS
disingenuous, pretended, feigned, soluble
hypocritical, devious AN OPPOSITE IS sincere
inspect vers The houses had been inspected by a
insist vers He insisted he had done everything they surveyor. » check, examine, investigate,
had asked. » maintain, contend, assert, hold, scrutinize, supervise, oversee
aver, claim, declare, state, stress
insist on parents who insist on an early bedtime inspection youn The machinery needs a regular
> demand, enforce, require, stipulate inspection. » examination, check, check-up,
insistence youn 1 her insistence that they should investigation, review, scrutiny, survey
go with her » demand, requirement, entreaty, inspector youn Inspectors are sent out each week
urging 2Jane’s insistence that she loved him to assess the work done. » examiner,
> assertion, declaration, contention, claim, investigator, supervisor, tester, controller,
avowal ,
official, superintendent
inspiration — instruction
inspiration youn inspirations 1asudden instant youn instants a moment e not an
brilliant idea 2 inspiring; an inspiring influence instant,too soon

inspire vere inspires, inspiring, inspired fill a instantaneous spective happening

person with enthusiasm or creative feelings or immediately
ideas e The applause inspired us with confidence > instantaneously Apvers
instead spvere in place of something else
install vere installs, installing, installed 1 put
something in position and ready to use e They instinct youn instincts a natural tendency or
installed central heating. 2 put a person into an ability e Birds fly by instinct.
important position with a ceremony e He was > instinctive spective instinctively apvers
installed as Pope. institute youn institutes a society or
> installation noun organization; the building used by this
instalment youn instalments each of the institution youn institutions 1 an institute; a
parts in which something is given or paid for public organization, e.g. ahospital or university
over a period of time e an instalment of a serial 2a habit or custom 3 instituting something
e You can pay by instalments. > institutional spective
instance youn instances an example e a instruct vers instructs, instructing,
serious instance of corruption instructed 1 teach a person a subject or skill
for instance for example 2 inform 3 tell a person what he or she must do
> instructive 4pjective instructor NOUN
instant anjective 1 happening immediately
@ instant success 2 (said about food) designed instruction youn instructions 1 teaching a
to be prepared quickly and easily e instant coffee subject or skill 2 an order or piece of
> instantly Advers information @ Follow the instructions carefully.

inspiration youn 1 writing that relies on instantly apvere He fell asleep instantly.
inspiration » creativity, imagination, > immediately, at once, straight away, right
inventiveness, ingenuity, enthusiasm, genius, away, there and then, ina trice, directly
influence 2 The success proved an inspiration to
everyone involved in the project. > stimulus, instinct youn Her instinct was to find out more
spur, motivation, boost 3 Emma had a sudden about them. » impulse, inclination, intuition,
inspiration. » idea, thought, brainwave, hunch, feeling, presentiment, sixth sense,
revelation tendency, urge
inspire vers a simple tune that inspired him to instinctive apjective Their instinctive reaction is
write a musical » stimulate, influence, to find someone to blame. » intuitive, natural,
motivate, prompt, encourage, enthuse, innate, automatic, reflex OPPOSITES ARE
galvanize, spur, stir, animate, arouse, (more deliberate, conscious
informal) egg on
install vers 1 We want to install central heating institution youn 1 the institution of a new
on all floors. » put in, establish, fix, introduce, language course » introduction,
set up 2install yourself She installed herselfin establishment, setting up, formation, creation,
a sofa by the fire. » ensconce yourself, settle, launching, inauguration, inception, initiation,
place yourself, plant yourself, (more informal) founding, opening 2 He did not want to spend
park yourself ‘ the rest of his life in an institution. » home,
hospital, asylum 3 an academic institution
instalment youn 1 You can pay for your licence > establishment, school, academy, college
in monthly instalments. » payment, part 2a 4A spring holiday has become a family
serial in four instalments » episode, part, institution. » custom, convention, tradition,
section routine, practice, ritual, habit
imstamce noun We could not find a single instance
of discrimination.» example, occurrence, case, instruct vers 1A private tutor instructed the
illustration, sample children in French.» coach, educate, train, drill,
instant njective The website gives you instant ground, teach 2 The officials instructed us to
access to the information you need. wait. » order, direct, command, require, call
> immediate, instantaneous, on-the-spot, on, advise
prompt, fast, quick, rapid, speedy, direct, swift instruction noun 1 It is important to listen out
instant oun The incident was over in an instant. for instructions. » \direction, directive, order,
> moment, second, minute, flash, split command, guidance 2 basic instruction in
second, (more informal) tick, (more informal) mathematics » education, tuition, teaching,
twinkling schooling, coaching, tutoring, grounding
instrument — intelligence
instrument oun instruments 1 a device for insure vers insures, insuring, insured protect
producing musical sounds 2a tool used for with insurance e Is your jewellery insured?
delicate or scientific
work 3 a measuring device USAGE Do not confuse with ensure.
instrumental spective 1 performed on intactapjctive not damaged; complete [from
musical instruments, without singing 2 being Latin intactum = not touched]
the means of doing something e She was intake noun intakes 1 taking something in
instrumental in getting me a job. 2 the number of people or things taken ine We
insubordinatepctve disobedient or have a high intake of students this year.
rebellious integer noun integers a whole number (e.g. 0,
> insubordination noun 3, 19), not a fraction
insufferable apjective unbearable integral (in- tig- ral) anjecrve 1 being an
insular apective 1 to do with or like an island essential part of awhole thing e@ An engine is an
2 narrow-minded integral part ofacar. 2 whole or complete
insulate vers insulates, insulating, insulated integrate vers integrates, integrating,
cover or protect something to prevent heat, integrated 1 make parts into a whole;
cold, or electricity etc. from passing in or out combine 2 bring people together
> insulation oun insulator Noun harmoniously into a single community
insulin noun a substance that controls the > integration NouN
amount of sugar in the blood. The lack of integrity (in- teg- rit- ee) noun honesty
insulin causes diabetes intellect oun intellects the ability to think
insult (in- sult) vere insults, insulting, and work things out with the mind
insulted hurt a person’s feelings or pride intellectual anectve 1 to do with or using the
insult (in- sult) youn insults an insulting intellect 2 having a good intellect and a liking
remark or action for knowledge
insuperable spective unable to be overcome > intellectually apvers
@ an insuperable difficulty intellectual
youn intellectuals an intellectual
imsuramce noun an agreement to compensate person
someone for a loss, damage, or injury etc., in intelligence noun 1 being intelligent
return for apayment (called a premium) made 2 information, especially of military value; the
in advance people who collect and study this information

instrument noun a sharp instrument indispensable, intrinsic, irreplaceable,
> implement, tool, device, utensil, necessary, requisite AN OPPOSITE |S incidental
contrivance, contraption, apparatus, 2 The equipment is sold as an integral system.
appliance, equipment, gadget, machine, > complete, integrated, combined, indivisible,
mechanism whole
integrity noun No one doubts their integrity.
insultoun (with the stress on in-) The two men
> honesty, honour, morality, sincerity,
threw insults at each other. » affront, abuse,
indignity, slight, snub AN OPPOSITE |S reliability, virtue, fidelity, uprightness,
honourableness, righteousness, goodness,
incorruptibility, loyalty, principle AN OPPOSITE IS
insult vers (with the stress on -sult) She put her dishonesty
head out of the window to insult passers-by. intellectyoun a story that appeals to the intellect
> abuse, affront, malign, revile, offend, mock, rather than the emotions » mind, reason,
snub, vilify, sneer at AN OPPOSITE IS compliment intelligence, judgement, wits
insulting aoective They directed their insulting intellectual apective 1 intellectual powers
remarks at anyone they happened to see. > mental, cerebral, rational, cognitive,
> abusive, rude, offensive, disparaging, conceptual 2 an intellectual person
contemptuous, deprecatory, scornful, > intelligent, academic, cultured, scholarly,
scurrilous, slanderous, insolent, studious, thoughtful, highbrow
condescending, mocking, patronizing, (more intellectual noun Opposition to the regime is
informal) snide OPPOSITES ARE polite, strongest among intellectuals. » academic,
complimentary scholar, highbrow, thinker, member of the
intact apjecrive Several buildings remained intact intelligentsia, intelligent person
despite heavy bombing. » whole, undamaged, intelligence noun 1 person ofgreat
untouched, unharmed, complete, entire intelligence » intellect, brainpower, powers of
integral apctive 1 Speech is an integral part of reasoning, perceptiveness, acumen, wisdom,
human interaction. » essential, constituent, wits, understanding, comprehension, (more
intelligent — interest
intelligemt apective able to learn and — direction between a computer system and its
understand things; having great mental ability user
> intelligently apvers interbreed vers interbreeds interbreeding ,
intend vers intends intending, intended interbred breed with each other; cross-breed
1 have something in mind as what you want to intercept vers intercepts, intercepting,
do 2 plan that something should be used or intercepted stop or catch a person or thing
understood in a particular way that is going from one place to another
intemse jpjective 1 very strong or great > interception Noun
2 feeling things very strongly and seriously interchange vers interchanges,
e He’s a very intense young man interchanging interchanged 1 put each of
> intensely Apvers intensity NOUN two things into the other’s place 2 exchange
intent youn intents intention things 3 alternate
> interchangeable apjective
intent apjecnve with concentrated attention;
interchange noun interchanges
very interested 1 interchanging 2 road junction where
> intently apvers
vehicles can move from one motorway etc. to
intent on eager or determined to do
intercourse joun 1 communication or
intention youn intentions what a person dealings between people 2 sexual intercourse
intends; a purpose or plan
interdependent apjctive dependent upon
intentional Apjective deliberate, not accidental each other
> intentionally apvers
interest youn interests 1 feeling of wanting
interact vers interacts , interacting, to know about or help with something 2a
interacted have an effect upon one another thing that interests somebody e Science fiction
> interaction NouN is one of my interests. 3. an advantage or benefit
interactive apjective (in computing) allowing @ She looks after her own interests. 4 money paid
information to be sent immediately in either regularly in return for money lent or deposited

informal) nous AN OPPOSITE IS stupidity intensive spective Police have made an intensive
2 constant intelligence regarding terrorist attacks search of the area. » thorough, exhaustive,
> information, report, warning, news, comprehensive, rigorous, detailed, complete,
notification, data, facts, knowledge, (more full, all-out, concentrated
informal) tip-off intent spective 1 She was intent on visiting her
intelligent apjctive She is a highly intelligent friends in Spain. » keen (to), resolved (to),
writer.» clever, bright, acute, sharp, determined (to), bent, fixed AN OPPOSITE IS
perceptive, profound, shrewd reluctant 2 He had an intent look on his face.
> attentive, engrossed, absorbed,
intelligible aojctive The message was barely preoccupied, steadfast OPPOSITES ARE vacant,
intelligible. » understandable, blank
comprehensible, coherent, decipherable,
legible, clear, lucid, meaningful OPPOSITES ARE intention noun Our intention is to accept the
unintelligible, incomprehensible offer. » aim, purpose, objective, object, plan,
ambition, design, end, goal
intend vers 11 intend to apply for a grant. intentional nective The remarks were
> propose, mean, plan, have it in mind, have a intentional. » deliberate, premeditated,
mind, aim, contemplate (applying), determine, intended, planned, calculated, conscious,
purpose 2 The book is intended for learners of considered, meant, designed, prearranged,
English. » design, destine, mean wilful AN OPPOSITE IS_ unintentional
intemse apjective She was suffering from intense interaction noun the interaction of two
pain. The experience rouses intense emotions. influences » effect on each other, exchange,
m extreme, acute, severe, fierce, sharp, strong, (informal) give and take, interplay, reciprocal
powerful, profound, potent OPPOSITES ARE effect, (informal) to and fro
moderate, mild
interest Noun 1 a matter ofgreat interest to both
intensify vers 1 The dizzy feeling in his head of them » importance, significance,
intensified. » increase, strengthen, grow, consequence, moment, note, value 2 Her
escalate AN OPPOSITE IS weaken 2 We must interests include rock- climbing. » activity,
intensify our efforts. » increase, escalate, step pursuit, hobby, pastime, diversion,
up, reinforce, sharpen, concentrate preoccupation
AN OPPOSITE IS. reduce show interest in John was showing interest in

interest — interpret
interest vers interests, interesting, internal-combustion engine noun
interested attract a person’s interest internal-combustion engines an engine that
> interested apnjective interesting ADJECTIVE produces power by burning fuel inside the
interface noun interfaces (in computing) a engine itself
connection between two parts of a computer
international snective to do with or belonging
to more than one country; agreed between
interfere vers interferes, interfering, nations
interfered 1 take part in something that has > internationally apvers
nothing to do with you 2 get in the way;
obstruct international youn internationals 1 asports
> interference noun contest between teams representing different
interior apjective inner countries 2. sports player who plays for his or
her country
interior youn interiors the inside of
something; the central or inland part of a Internet noun a computer network that allows |
country users all over the world to communicate and
interjection noun interjections a word or exchange information [from inter = among,
words exclaimed expressing joy or pain or between + net]
surprise, such as oh! or wow! or good heavens!
interplanetary apjcrive between planets
interlude youn interludes 1 an interval
2 something happening in an interval or interpolate vers interpolates,
between other events interpolating, interpolated 1 interjecta
intermediate spective coming between two remark in a conversation 2 insert words; put aX
things in time, place, or order terms into a mathematical series
> interpolation noun
interminable spective seeming to be endless;
long and boring interpose vers interposes, interposing,
> interminably apvers interposed place something between two
intermission youn intermissions an interval, things
especially between parts of a film interpret vers interprets, interpreting,
intermittent spective happening at intervals; interpreted 1 explain what something means
not continuous 2 translate what someone says into another
> intermittently spvers language orally 3 perform music etc. in a way
internal apyective inside that shows your feelings about its meaning
> internally apvers > interpretation joun interpreter Noun

PHESAlifie eee
sw teegna
the idea. » take notice of, pay attention to, be stimulating, exciting, intriguing, fascinating,
concerned about, be curious about, have thought-provoking
regard for, show involvement in, show
commitment to
interfere vers 1 interfere in She did not wish to
interfere in her friends’ lives. » intervene,
interest vers an idea that interests me » appeal intrude in, meddle in, butt into, pry into, snoop
to, attract, excite, fascinate, intrigue, engage, into, encroach on 2 interfere withA headache
engross, concern, stimulate, arouse the interfered with his thoughts. » inhibit, hinder,
curiosity of, capture the imagination of, divert, hamper, impede, get in the way of
entertain, involve, (more informal) turn on interference noun He would not tolerate any
interference. » intrusion, intervention,
interested apjctive 1 None of them appeared to meddling, snooping, involvement
be interested. » curious, enthusiastic, excited, interfering spective She blamed his interfering
keen, responsive, fascinated, absorbed,
brother. » meddlesome, meddling, nosy,
attentive, engrossed, intent AN OPPOSITE IS
prying, snooping, intrusive
uninterested. 2 At the meeting various problems
were explained to the interested parties. internal spective 1 The house was built round an
> affected, involved, concerned, connected internal courtyard. » inner, interior, inside,
AN OPPOSITE IS disinterested central AN OPPOSITE IS external 2 the country’s
be interested in The owners were interested in internal affairs » domestic, home, interior,
the idea of selling off part of the land. » like, be local, civil
attracted by, fancy : international nective the growth offast
interesting spective an interesting idea international travel » global, worldwide,
> attractive, appealing, engrossing, intercontinental, universal
interrogate — intoxicate
interrogate vere interrogates, interview noun interviews a formal meeting
interrogating, interrogated question with someone to ask him or her questions or to
someone closely or formally obtain information
> interrogation youn interrogator Noun interview vers interviews, interviewing,
interviewed hold an interview with someone
interrogative spective questioning;
> interviewer Noun
expressing a question
> interrogatory ADjECTIVE intestine youn intestines the long tube along
which food passes while being absorbed by the
interrupt vers interrupts, interrupting, body, between the stomach and the anus
interrupted 1 break in on what someone is
> intestinal Apjective
saying by inserting a remark 2 prevent
something from continuing intimate (in-tim- at) apjective 1 very friendly
> interruption Noun with someone 2 private and personal
e intimate thoughts 3 detailed e an intimate
intersect vers intersects, intersecting, knowledge of the country
intersected 1 divide a thing by passing or > intimately apvers intimacy NouN
lying across it 2 (said about lines or roads etc.)
cross each other intimidate vers intimidates, intimidating,
> intersection Noun intimidated frighten a person by threats into
doing something
interval youn intervals 1a time between two > intimidation youn
events or parts of a play etc. 2 a space between
ito preposition used to express 1 movement to
two things
at intervals with some time or distance the inside (Go into the house.), 2 change of
between each one condition or occupation etc. (It broke into
[from Latin intervallum = space between the pieces; She went into politics.), 3 (in division)4
ramparts of a fortification, from vallum = into 20 = 20 divided by4
rampart] intolerable spective unbearable
intervene vers intervenes, intervening, > intolerably apvers
intervened 1 come between two events e in intoxicate vers intoxicates, intoxicating,
the intervening years 2 interrupt a discussion or intoxicated make a person drunk or very
fight etc. to try and stop it or change its result excited
> intervention Noun > intoxication noun

interrogate vers The secret police wanted to > intermission, interlude, break, pause 2 The
interrogate them. » question, cross-examine, next class will be in a week’s time and you can
examine, investigate, (more informal) grill, revise-in the interval. » interim, meantime,
(more informal) quiz meanwhile, pause, delay
interrogation noun The police interrogation intimate apective 1 an intimate friendship
continued all morning. » questioning, cross- > close, loving, affectionate, personal,
examination, investigation, examination, (more familiar, friendly, informal, sexual 2 an intimate
informal) grilling atmosphere » friendly, welcoming, warm,
interrupt vers 1 He opened his mouth to informal, relaxed, cosy 3 intimate thoughts
interrupt. » butt in, break in, cut in, intervene > personal, private, secret, confidential
2 People at the back of the hall began to interrupt intimate knowledge of the area » detailed,
her. » heckle, disrupt, butt in on, cut in on exhaustive, profound, deep, in-depth
3 The news from home led them to interrupt their intimidate vers He wanted to get his way
holiday. » suspend, break off, discontinue, without appearing to intimidate them.
delay, postpone, put off, defer 4 The new > threaten, bully, frighten, coerce, browbeat,
building will interrupt the view. » break, break menace, persecute, scare, terrify, terrorize,
up, divide, disturb cow, daunt, hector, make afraid
interruption noun 1 There were several intolerable apctive The noise had become
interruptions during the speech. » intervention, intolerable. » unbearable, unendurable,
intrusion, disruption, cutting in, disturbance unacceptable, insufferable, insupportable,
2A note through the letterbox warned of excruciating, impossible OPPOSITES ARE
interruptions in the water supply. » break, tolerable, bearable
disruption, suspension, pause, check, hiatus, intolerant apjective He was extremely intolerant
stop about religion. » bigoted, dogmatic, narrow-
interval youn 1 There will be an interval of 20 minded, opinionated, prejudiced, chauvinistic,
minutes halfway through the show. illiberal AN OPPOSITE IS tolerant

intransitive => invade
intransitive spective (said about a verb) used thoughts and feelings with other people (The
without a direct object after it, e.g. hear in we opposite is extrovert)
can hear (but not in we can hear you) COMPARE intrude vers intrudes, intruding, intruded
transitive come in orjoin in without being wanted
> intransitively apvers > intrusion noun intrusive Apjective
intravenous (in- tra- veen- us) ADJECTIVE intruderoun intruders 1 someone who
directly into a vein intrudes 2.a burglar
intricate spective very complicated intuition youn the power to know or
> intricately Apvers intricacy noun understand things without having to think hard
intrigue (in-treeg) vers intrigues, intriguing, or without being taught
intrigued 1 interest someone very much > intuitive spective intuitively apvers
e@ The subject intrigues me 2 plot with someone Inuit (in- yoo- it) noun Inuit 1a member of a
in an underhand way people living in northern Canada and
introduce vers introduces, introducing, Greenland 2 the language of the Inuit
introduced 1 bring an idea or practice into USAGE This name is now preferred to Eskimo.
use 2 make a person known to other people inundate vers inundates, inundating,
3 announce a broadcast, speaker, etc. inundated flood or overwhelma place e We’ve
introduction youn introductions been inundated with letters about the
1 introducing somebody or something 2 an programme.
explanation put at the beginning of a book or > inundation noun
speech etc. invade vers invades, invading, invaded
> introductory ADjective 1 attack and enter a country etc. 2 crowdintoa
introvert youn introverts ashy person who place e Tourists invade Oxford in summer.
does not like to talk about his or her own > invader noun

intrepid spective The four intrepid climbers had introduction youn 1 the introduction of a
to turn back because offierce winds. » bold, democratic government > institution,
courageous, daring, brave, gallant, fearless, establishment, foundation, inauguration,
plucky, valiant beginning, development 2 The author thanks
his friends in the book’s introduction.
intricate anjective intricate designs; intricate > foreword, preface, preamble, front matter,
relationships » complex, elaborate, ornate, opening
detailed, complicated, convoluted, tangled,
delicate, involved, sophisticated, tortuous introvert noun He enjoyed a social life despite
AN OPPOSITE IS simple being an introvert. » shy person, reserved
person AN OPPOSITE IS extrovert USAGE For other
intrigue noun 1a leader vulnerable to jealousy synonyms see the words in the next entry.
and intrigue conspiracy, plotting, scheming,
machination, trickery, subterfuge 2 a family introverted spective a quiet and introverted
abuzz with romantic intrigues > affair, liaison, character » shy, reserved, retiring,
amour, flirtation, dalliance, intimacy introspective, inward-looking, thoughtful,
meditative, withdrawn, contemplative,
intrigue vers 1 These stories have always pensive, self-contained, unsociable
intrigued young children. » interest, fascinate, AN OPPOSITE IS extrovert
engross, captivate, enthral, absorb, beguile
2 The men were suspected of intriguing against intrude vers intrude on No one has the right to
the king. » plot, conspire, scheme, connive, intrude on a person’s privacy in this way.
manoeuvre > encroach on, breakin on, interrupt, interfere
with, butt in on, eavesdrop on, intervene in,
intriguing Apectve an intriguing account of a gatecrash
trip round the world » interesting, fascinating,
engrossing, captivating, enthralling, intruder youn Intruders had left the house in a
absorbing, beguiling mess. trespasser, interloper, invader, burglar,
housebreaker, prowler, robber, thief, raider
introduce vers 1 Jane introduced us to her intuition youn 1 He relied on his.intuition to get
husband. » present, make known, acquaint
him out of the difficulty. > instinct,
2 The new owners have introduced some new
features. » bring in, institute, initiate,
intuitiveness, sixth sense, insight 2 What you
say confirms all my intuitions. » feeling, gut
establish, set up, start, begin, create, offer,
feeling, hunch, suspicion, premonition
propose, suggest, pioneer 3 a new star to
introduce the show » present, host, compére, invade vers The allies invaded the country from
announce ’ the south. » march into, occupy, enter,

invalid = invisible
invalid (in- va- lid) Noun invalids a personwho invest vers invests, investing, invested 1 use
is ill or who is weakened by illness moneyto make a profit, e.g. by lending it in
> invalidity youn return for interest to be paid, or by buying
invalid (in- val- id) anjective not valid e This stocks and shares or property 2 give somebody
passport is invalid [from in- = not + Latin validus an honour, medal, or special title in a formal
= strong or powerful] ceremony
> investment joun investor noun
invaluable gpjcrive having a value that is too
great to be measured; extremely valuable investigate vers investigates investigating,
invariable spective not variable; never investigated find out as much as you can
changing about something; make a systematic inquiry
> investigation noun investigator noun
> invariably spvers
investigative ApEcTIvE
invasion youn invasions attacking and
entering a country etc. invigilate vers invigilates, invigilating,
invent vers invents, inventing, invented 1 be invigilated supervise candidates at an
the first person to make or think of a particular examination
thing 2 make up a false story e She had to invent > invigilation noun invigilator noun
an excuse invigorate vers invigorates, invigorating,
> invention noun inventor youn inventive invigorated give a person strength or courage
invertebrate youn invertebrates an animal
without a backbone invincible spyective not able to be defeated
> invertebrate Apjecrive > invincibly apvers invincibility noun
inverted commas piural Noun punctuation invisible ,pjective not visible; not able to be
marks “” or ‘’ put round quotations and seen
spoken words > invisibly apvers invisibility noun

penetrate, overrun, raid, subdue, violate, invention youn 1 the invention ofprinting
attack, descend on, encroach on > development, origination, creation,
invalid spective (With the stress on -val-) 1 His devising, innovation, pioneering 2 writing that
licence would be invalid in America. » void, shows a lot of invention » originality, creativity,
unacceptable, unusable, worthless, null and imagination, ingenuity, inventiveness,
void AN OPPOSITE IS valid 2 It was not difficult to resourcefulness, inspiration 3 The excuse was
prove the idea invalid. » false, fallacious, pure invention. » fabrication, fantasy, fiction,
unfounded, unreasonable, unsound, incorrect, deceit, concoction
untrue, illogical, irrational, unconvincing, inventor youn the inventor of the telephone
unscientific AN OPPOSITE IS valid > creator, originator, designer, discoverer,
invalid apjecrive (With the stress onin- )Kate has architect, author, maker
an invalid husband. » sick, ailing, infirm, invert vere A storm inverted the little boat.
disabled, incapacitated, bedridden > overturn, reverse, turn upside down, upset,
invaluable spective James is an invaluable — capsize
member of the team. » crucial, indispensable, investigate vere Police are investigating the
irreplaceable, precious, priceless, useful,
discovery of a body. » inquire into, look into,
valuable, incalculable, inestimable follow up, probe, examine, explore, consider,
AN OPPOSITE IS’ worthless USAGE Note that
study, gather evidence about, scrutinize, (more
invaluable is not the opposite of valuable: for informal) go into
this you should use valueless.
invasion youn 1 an air invasion of the island investigation noun The problem needs further
> attack (on), occupation, incursion, seizure, investigation. There will have to be an official
annexation, overrunning, onslaught, raid 2 the investigation. >» examination, inquiry, research,
annual invasion of tourists > influx, incursion, scrutiny, study, survey, inspection, inquisition,
inundation, flood, horde, spate, stream,
(informal) probing
swarm, throng, infestation invincible aoycrive the invincible power of the
invent vere 1 He invented a new board game. invading armies » unbeatable, unassailable,
> create, devise, conceive, formulate, indestructible, indomitable, unconquerable,
improvise, originate 2 They invented any excuse invulnerable, mighty
to avoid going near the swimming pool. » make invisible spective The house was invisible in the
up, concoct, fabricate, manufacture, (more dark. » hidden, obscured, concealed,
informal) cook up undetectable, unnoticeable, imperceptible,

invite = irrational
invite vers invites, inviting, invited 1 ask a IRA agsreviaTion Irish Republican Army
person to come or do something 2 be likely to iridescent anective showing rainbow-like
cause something to happen e You are inviting colours
disaster > iridescence noun
> invitation Noun iron noun irons 1a hard grey metal 2a device
invoice noun invoices a list of goods sent or with a flat base that is heated for smoothing
work done, with the prices charged clothes or cloth 3.a tool made of iron e a
involuntary apjcrive not deliberate; branding iron
unintentional > Irom ADJECTIVE
> involuntarily spvers iron vers irons, ironing, ironed smooth
involve vers involves, involving, involved clothes or cloth with an iron
1 have as a part; make a thing necessary @ The iron out sort out a difficulty or problem
job involves hard work. 2 make someone share irom Age noun the time when tools and
or take part in something @ They involved us in weapons were made of iron
their charity work. ironic (I-ron- ik) Anjective using irony; full of
> involvement youn irony
inward spective 1 onthe inside 2 going or > ironical apecnve ironically apvers
facing inwards ironmonger noun ironmongers a
inward pvers inwards shopkeeper who sells tools and other metal
imwards apvere towards the inside objects
> ironmongery NouN
iodine noun a chemical substance used as an
irony (I-ron-ee) noun ironies 1 saying the be
opposite of what you mean in order to
iON noun ions an electrically charged particle emphasize it, e.g. saying ‘What a lovely day’
ionosphere (I- on- os- feer) Noun a region of when it is pouring with rain 2 an oddly
the upper atmosphere, containing ions contradictory situation @ The irony of it is that I
1Q asereviaTion intelligence quotient; a number tripped while telling someone else to be careful.
showing how a person’s intelligence compares irrational spective not rational; illogical
with that of an average person > irrationally apvers

unnoticed, unseen, out of sight, covered, in crime. » implicate, associate, embroil,
disguised, inconspicuous AN OPPOSITE IS visible entangle
invitation youn 1 an invitation to attend the involved anective 1 long and involved story
conference > call, summons, request 2 An open > complex, complicated, convoluted,
door is an invitation to any passing thief. elaborate, intricate, tangled, confusing,
> temptation, encouragement, enticement, difficult, (more informal) knotty AN OPPOSITE Is
lure, provocation, inducement straightforward 2 She is totally involved in her
invite vers 1 They've invited us to dinner on work. » occupied, engrossed, absorbed,
Saturday. » ask, request the company of, engaged, preoccupied, caught up, committed
welcome, summon 2 Using emotive language (to), dedicated (to) AN OPPOSITE IS uninvolved
might invite trouble. » provoke, cause, involvement youn 1 her involvement in charity
generate, engender, foster, elicit work, » interest, participation, activity 2 There
inviting spective the inviting sight of a buffet was no doubting their involvement in the plot.
lunch » attractive, appealing, welcome, > complicity, connivance, participation,
pleasant, enticing, agreeable, appetizing, entanglement, association
irate apjective The helpline has to deal with
involuntary apjctive She gave an involuntary hundreds of irate callers. » angry, enraged,
shudder. » reflex, automatic, unconscious, furious, incensed, infuriated, indignant,
spontaneous, unthinking, unintentional, displeased, outraged
conditioned, impulsive, instinctive
AN OPPOSITE IS deliberate iromic apjective 1 The tone of Sarah’s voice was
involve vers 1 Her job involves a lot of travel. sharply ironic. » sarcastic, ironical, satirical,
wry, derisive, double-edged, mocking 2 It is
> necessitate, entail, require, demand, mean ironic that after criticizing London so much he
2 These are decisions that involve everybody. should end up living there. » paradoxical,
> affect, concern, interest, include, embrace, strange, peculiar, odd, weird, incongruous
take in, touch 3 The project involved them in
community work. » occupy, engage, absorb, irrational apective an irrational fear offlying
engross 4A drug habit can rapidly involve them > illogical, baseless, unreasonable, senseless,
irregular > isobar
irregular ADJECTIVE 1 not regular; uneven irrigate vere irrigates, irrigating, irrigated
2 against the rules or usual custom 3 (said supply land with water so that crops etc. can
about troops) not in the regular armed forces grow
> irregularly apvers irregularity noun > irrigation noun

irrepressible spective unable to be repressed; irritable jpjctive easily annoyed; bad-

always lively and cheerful > irritably spvers irritability youn
> irrepressibly apvers
irritate vers irritates, irritating, irritated
irreproachable apctive blameless or faultless 1 annoy 2 cause itching
> irreproachably apvers > irritation youn irritamt adjective, NOUN

irresistible gpjctive too strong or attractive to Islam noun the religion of Muslims
> Islamic apjective
be resisted
> irresistibly apvers island youn islands. ‘1 a piece of land
surrounded by water 2 something that
irrespective spective not taking something resembles an island because it is isolated or
into account e Prizes are awarded to winners, detached e a traffic island
irrespective of age. isn’t (mainly spoken) is not
irresponsible ADJECTIVE not showing a proper isobar (1- so- bar) youn, isobars a line ona map
sense of responsibility connecting places that have the same
> irresponsibly overs irresponsibility noun atmospheric pressure

arbitrary, unsound, absurd AN OPPOSITE IS irresponsible gpective 1 an irresponsible
rational attitude » reckless, rash, inconsiderate,
thoughtless, careless, immoral, selfish,
irregular spective 1 an irregular surface shiftless AN OPPOSITE IS responsible 2 They
> uneven, rough, coarse, bumpy, pitted 2 an sometimes behave like irresponsible teenagers.
irregular heartbeat; an irregular pattern > immature, unreliable, feckless, unthinking,
> variable, fluctuating, erratic, fitful, untrustworthy
haphazard, unsystematic, intermittent 3 Her
appointment was most irregular. >» improper, irreverent apjective an irreverent approach to
abnormal, unorthodox, anomalous, authority » disrespectful, discourteous,
unconventional, against the rules disdainful, insolent, impertinent, impudent,
scornful, flippant, casual, rude OPPOSITES ARE
irrelevant Apective Don’t waste time on reverent, respectful
irrelevant details, » inappropriate,
irrevocable apctive an irrevocable decision
unnecessary, inessential, extraneous,
> unalterable, unchangeable, irreversible,
peripheral, immaterial, inapplicable, pointless,
unconnected, unrelated AN OPPOSITE IS immutable, binding, final, firm, fixed, settled,
hard and fast AN OPPOSITE IS reversible
irritable apective Harry sat back with an irritable
irreparable apyctive A power failure can cause look on his face. » bad-tempered, irascible,
irreparable damage. » permanent, grumpy, testy, grouchy, touchy, tetchy,
irretrievable, irreversible, irremediable, crotchety, cantankerous, peevish, fractious,
unrectifiable, lasting, irrecoverable, cross, (more informal) stroppy, (more informal)
unalterable, incurable AN OPPOSITE Is reparable shirty OPPOSITES ARE good-tempered, good-
humoured, affable
irreplaceable spjectve a work of art that is
irreplaceable > unique, inimitable, irritate vers I was letting silly things irritate me.
indispensable, matchless, priceless, rare > annoy, displease, anger, infuriate, enrage,
OPPOSITES ARE replaceable, common exasperate, incense, peeve, vex, madden,
aggravate, antagonize, inflame, make angry,
irresistible aojective 1 The temptation to laugh (more informal) needle, (more informal) rile,
was irresistible. » overpowering, (more informal) bug, (more informal) rub up the
overwhelming, inescapable, inexorable, wrong Way OPPOSITES ARE please, gratify
powerful, seductive, unavoidable, compelling, irritation noun It Was hard to hide our irritation
persuasive 2 She has an irresistible laugh. at such rudeness. » annoyance, indignation,
> attractive, appealing, enticing, alluring, displeasure, exasperation, pique, chagrin,
seductive, fetching, captivating, beguiling vexation

isolate = -ize
isolate vere isolates, isolating, isolated place about circumstances etc. e It is raining e It is
a person or thing apart or alone; separate six miles to York 4 used as an indefinite object
> isolation noun e Run for it! 5 used to refer to a phrase e It is
isosceles ([- soss- il- eez) anjective an isosceles unlikely that she will fail
triangle has two sides of equal length italic (it-al-ik) anjective printed with sloping
isotope noun isotopes (in science) a form of an letters (called italics) like this.
element that differs from other forms in the itch vers itches, itching, itched 1 have orfeela
structure of its nucleus but has the same tickling sensation in the skin that makes you
chemical properties as the other forms want to scratch it 2 long to do something
ISP Agereviation Internet service provider, a item youn items 1 one thing ina list or group of
company providing individual users with a things 2 one piece of news or article etc. ina
connection to the Internet newspaper or bulletin
issue vere issues, issuing, issued 1 come or go its possessive pRonoUN belonging to it e The cat hurt
out; flow out 2 supply; give out e We issued one its paw
blanket to each refugee 3 send out e They issued USAGE Do not put an apostrophe into its unless
a gale warning 4 put out for sale; publish you mean ‘it is’ or ‘it has’ (see the next entry).
5 come or go out; flow out it’s (mainly spoken) 1 itis e It’s very hot 2it has
issue youn issues 1a subject for discussion or @ It’s broken all records
concern @ What are the real issues? 2a USAGE Do not confuse with its,
particular edition of a newspaper or magazine itself pronoun it and nothing else
© The Christmas issue of Radio Times 3 issuing by itself on its own; alone
something-e The issue of passports is held up ITV Agerevirion Independent Television
4 (formal) heirs e He died without issue ivory youn 1 the hard creamy-white substance
take issue with disagree with that forms elephants’ tusks 2 a creamy-white
isthmus (iss- mus) oun isthmuses a narrow colour
strip of land connecting two larger pieces of ivy noun ivies a climbing evergreen plant with
land shiny leaves
IT agerevation information technology -iZe or -iSe surrix forms verbs meaning ‘bring or
it pronoun 1 the thing being talked about 2 the come into a certain condition’ (e.g. civilize), or
player who has to catch others ina game ‘treat ina certain way’ (e.g. pasteurize), or ‘have
3. used in statements about the weather or a certain feeling’ (e.g. sympathize)

isolate vers 1 Their extreme political views issue vers 1 Smoke issued from the top of the
tended to isolate them from their contemporaries. building. » emerge, emanate, erupt, flow out,
> separate, set apart, keep apart, cut off, rise, appear, come out, gush, leak, spring 2 The
segregate, detach, insulate, seclude, alienate, ambassador issued a formal statement.
exclude, single out 2 Sophisticated cameras can > publish, publicize, release, circulate,
easily isolate offending vehicles. » identify, distribute, give out, print, produce, send out
recognize, pick out, single out, pinpoint, itch youn 11 have an itch on my back.
distinguish > itchiness, tickle, tingling, irritation, need to
scratch 2 She felt an itch to start painting.
isolated spective 1 an isolated town in eastern > desire, hankering, longing, yearning, urge,
Malaysia » remote, outlying, secluded, wish, impulse, lust, need, ache, impatience,
solitary, inaccessible, out of the way, deserted restlessness, (more informal) yen
AN OPPOSITE IS accessible 2 an isolated itch vers 1 The warmth made my skin itch.
occurrence » unique, special, exceptional, > tickle, tingle, beirritated 2 They were itching
untypical, abnormal to leave. » long, hanker, yearn, be eager, be
issue noun 1 The society debates political issues. keen
> matter, concern, subject, topic, affair, point, item noun 1 an item of equipment > article, bit,
question, argument, controversy, dispute, object, component, ingredient 2 a news item
problem 2. special issue of the: magazine > report, article, account, feature, notice,
> edition, number, instalment, publication, piece 3 several items on the agenda » topic,
printing subject
jab — jaunt

Jain (jayn) noun Jains a believer in an Indian
religion rather like Buddhism
jam youn jams 1a sweet food made of fruit
boiled with sugar until it is thick 2 a lot of
people, cars, or logs etc. crowded together so
jab vers jabs, jabbing, jabbed poke roughly; that movement is difficult
push a thing into something in a jam in a difficult situation
jack noun jacks 1 adevice for lifting something jam vers jams, jamming, jammed 1 make or
heavy off the ground 2a playing card with a become fixed and difficult to move e The
picture of a young man 3.asmall white ball window has jammed. 2 crowd or squeeze into a
aimed at in bowls space 3 push something forcibly e jam the
jack of all trades someone who can do many brakes on 4 block a broadcast by causing
different kinds of work interference with the transmission
jackdaw noun jackdaws a kind of small crow jamboree youn jamborees a large party or
jacket youn jackets 1a short coat, usually celebration
reaching to the hips 2.a cover to keep the heat jangle vere jangles, jangling, jangled make a
in a water tank etc. 3. a paper wrapper for a loud harsh ringing sound
book 4 the skin of a potato that is baked > jangle noun
without being peeled janitor youn janitors a caretaker
jackpot noun jackpots an amount of prize January noun the first month of the year
money that increases until someone wins it [named after Janus, a Roman god of gates and
hit the jackpot 1 wina large prize 2 have beginnings, usually shown with two faces that
remarkable luck or success look in opposite directions]
Jacuzzi (ja-koo- zi) noun Jacuzzis (trademark) jar’ noun jars a container made of glass or
a large bath in which underwater jets of water pottery
massage the body jar2 vers jars, jarring, jarred 1 cause an
jagged (jag- id) anective having an uneven edge unpleasant jolt or shock 2 sound harshly e Her
with sharp points voice really jars on me
jaguar noun jaguars a large fierce South Jal noun jars a jarring effect
American animal rather like a leopard [via jargon noun words or expressions used by a
Portuguese from Tupi (a South American profession or group that are difficult for other
language)] people to understand e computer jargon
jail noun jails a prison jaunt noun jaunts a short trip

jab vers He laughed and jabbed his friend in the jam vers 1 They try to jam too many people in the
ribs. » poke, prod, dig, nudge, elbow, shove lifts. » cram, pack, squeeze, stuff, crowd,
jack vere jack up He got a passer-by to help him crush, ram, squash 2 Protesters jammed one side
jack up the car and change the tyre. > lift, raise, of the motorway. » block, clog, obstruct,
hoist, lever up congest 3I7l jam the door open with a
newspaper. prop, stick, wedge 4 The window
jagged apyective He gashed his head against a,
has jammed. » stick, become stuck, become
jagged branch. » spiky, uneven, broken, wedged, become lodged, seize
irregular, ragged, rough, toothed, serrated,
Zigzag OPPOSITES ARE even, smooth jangle vers He jangled his keys as he walked to the
jail noun a building that used to be the town jail door. Bracelets jangled on her wrists. > jingle,
> prison, jailhouse, guardhouse, (more clink, tinkle, clang
informal) nick, (more informal) clink jar noun ajar ofhoney» pot, drum, glass, crock,
jail vere Ifhe’s found guilty he'll be jailed. » send container
to prison, putin prison, imprison, give a jar vers 1 jar on His whining voice jarred on me.
custodial sentence to > grate on, annoy, irritate, irk, exasperate, set
jam noun 1a long jam on the motorway your teeth on edge 2 The fall jarred her whole
> tailback, hold-up, obstruction, blockage, body. » jolt, jerk, shake, shock, vibrate
bottleneck 2 We’re in a bit of a jam.
> predicament, quandary, embarrassment,
jargon noun The instructions are full of difficult
difficulty, dilemma, tight corner, trouble, jargon. » technical language, parlance, idiom,
plight, (more informal) fix, (more informal) hole (more informal) gobbledegook
3 Have some home-made jam. » preserve, jaunt youn a jaunt round the old city » trip,
conserve, jelly, marmalade outing, excursion, tour, expedition, journey

jaunty — jettison
jaunty spective jauntier, jauntiest lively and jellyfish youn jellyfish asea animal with a body
cheerful like jelly
> jauntily apvers jauntiness youn jerk vers jerks, jerking, jerked 1 makea
javelin youn javelins a lightweight spear sudden sharp movement 2 pull something
Jaw noun jaws 1 either of the two bones that suddenly
form the framework of the mouth 2 the lower jerk youn jerks 1a sudden sharp movement
part of the face 3 something shaped like the 2 (slang).a stupid person
jaws or used for gripping things 4 (slang) > jerky apjective jerkily apvers
talking jerkin youn jerkins a sleeveless jacket
jazz youn akind of music with strong rhythm, jersey youn jerseys 1a pullover with sleeves
often improvised 2a plain machine-knitted material used for
> jazzy ADJECTIVE making clothes
jealous spective 1 unhappy or resentful jest youn jests ajoke [from Middle Englishgest=
because you feel that someone is your rival or is astory]
better or luckier than yourself 2 careful in jester youn jesters a professional entertainer at
keeping something e He is very jealous of his a royal court in the Middle Ages
own rights.
jet youn jets 1 astream of water, gas, flame, etc.
> jealously spvers jealousy noun
shot out from a narrow opening 2a spout or
Jeans pirat noun trousers made of strong nozzle from which a jet comes 3 an aircraft
cotton fabric driven by engines that send out a high-speed
Jeep noun Jeeps (trademark) a small sturdy jet of hot gases at the back
motor vehicle with four-wheel drive, especially jet lag noun extreme tiredness that a person
one used in the army feels after a long flight between different time
jeer vers jeers, jeering, jeered laugh or shout zones
at somebody rudely or scornfully jettison vers jettisons, jettisoning,
> jeer Noun jettisoned 1 throw something overboard
jelly noun jellies 1a soft transparent food 2 get rid of something that is no longer wanted
2 any soft slippery substance 3 release or drop something from an aircraft or
> jellied njective spacecraft in flight

jazzy apective 1 jazzy music » animated, lively, jeopardize vers He wouldn't jeopardize his
rhythmic, spirited, syncopated 2 a jazzy colour career by taking risks now. » threaten,
scheme & bright, bold, colourful, gaudy, endanger, put at risk, compromise, harm,
showy, loud, flashy OPPOSITES ARE sober, dull imperil, expose
jealous spective 1 Jason was jealous of her ability jeopardy youn injeopardy With the country at
to come up with good ideas. » envious, war the empire was in jeopardy » in danger, in
resentful, grudging, covetous, desirous peril, at risk, vulnerable, under threat
OPPOSITES ARE proud, admiring 2 the story of a AN OPPOSITE IS secure
beautiful woman who is locked away by her jerk vers 1 She jerked her hand from his and
jealous lover » suspicious, distrustful, turned away. > pull, tug, pluck, wrench, yank,
possessive, protective, dominating tweak 2 The car jerked forward. > jolt, lurch,
AN OPPOSITE IS trusting 3 They are very jealous of bump, bounce
their privileges. » protective, defensive, jerk noun 1He pulled away his hand with ajerk.
watchful, mindful AN OPPOSITE IS unconcerned > tug, pull, wrench, yank, twitch 2 The bus
(about) stopped with a jerk.» jolt, lurch, start, bump,
jealousy noun 1 He was overcome by jealousy at shock
their good fortune. » envy, resentment, jerky apjective Her voice had grown jerky and
bitterness, discontent, covetousness 2 She breathless. » fitful, spasmodic, convulsive,
could no longer stand her lover's jealousy. shaky, twitchy, jumpy, uncoordinated,
m suspicion, distrust, mistrust, possessiveness incoherent OPPOSITES ARE steady, smooth
jeer vere The demonstrators were jeering the jest noun The men talked and exchanged jests.
police. » mock, taunt, scoff, deride, sneer at, > joke, witticism, quip, banter
abuse, insult, barrack, heckle AN OPPOSITE IS jest vers He admitted that he had been jesting.
cheer > joke, fool, hoax, tease, (more informal) kid
jeer noun comments that brought jeers from his jet noun 1a jet of water » stream, spurt, squirt,
schoolmates » taunt, sneer, jibe, insult, boo, gush, spout, spray, flow, fountain, rush 2 He
hiss, ridicule, disapproval AN OPPOSITE IS cheer pointed the jet at the flames. » nozzle, sprinkler

jetty => join
jetty noun jetties a small landing stage job noun jobs 1 work that someone does
Jew noun Jews a member of a people regularlytoearna living 2.a piece of work to be
descended from the ancient tribes of Israel, or done 3 (informal) a difficult task e Youll have a
who practises the religion of this people job to lift that box. 4 (informal) a thing; a state
> Jewish Apjective of affairs @ It’s a good job you're here
just the job (informal) exactly what you want
jewel noun jewels 1 precious stone 2 an
or need
ornament containing precious stones
> jewelled apective jockey noun jockeys a person who rides horses
[from early French] in races
jewellery noun jewels and similar ornaments jodhpurs (jod- perz) purl Noun trousers for
for wearing horse riding, fitting closely from the knee to the
jigsaw noun jigsaws 14 picture cut into ankle [named after Jodhpur, a city in India,
irregular pieces which are then shuffled and where similar trousers are worn]
fitted together again for amusement 2a saw jOg vers jogs, jogging, jogged 1 run ortrot
that can cut curved shapes slowly, especially
forexercise 2 give something
jilt vers jilts, jilting, jilted abandon a boyfriend a slight push
or girlfriend, especially after promising to > jogger noun
marry him or her jog someone’s memory help someone to
jingle vere jingles, jingling, jingled make or remember something
cause to make a tinkling sound jogtrot youn aslow steady trot
jingle noun jingles 1 ajingling sound 2a very join vers joins, joining, joined 1 put or come
simple verse or tune, especially one used in together; fasten or connect 2 take part with
advertising others in doing something e We all joined in the
jitters purl noun (informal) a feeling of chorus. 3 become a member of a group or
extreme nervousness organization etc. @ Join the Navy
> jittery spective join up enlist in the armed forces

jewel noun 14a tiara encrusted with jewels house will be a long job. » task, piece of work,
> gem, gemstone, precious stone 2 His undertaking, operation, assignment, project,
girlfriend was a jewel. > treasure, angel, chore 3 It’s my job to lock up in the evenings.
paragon, pearl, wonder > responsibility, duty, task, concern, role,
jewellery noun A street fair was selling ethnic function 4 (informal) We had a job finding the
jewellery. » gems, jewels, ornaments, (more house. » problem, difficulty, difficult task, hard
informal) sparklers time, struggle
jilt vere Perhaps Hugh had done her a favour by jobless anyctive Two percent of the population is
jilting her. » reject, desert, discard, abandon, jobless. » unemployed, out of work, laid off,
(more informal) ditch redundant OPPOSITES ARE employed, in work
jingle noun 1 He could hear the jingle of her jocular anyective a few jocular remarks
bracelet. » jangle, clink, tinkle 2.An advertising > humorous, funny, witty, comical, amusing,
jingle kept coming into his head. » slogan, song, droll, joking AN OPPOSITE IS serious
catchline, ditty, refrain USAGE Remember that funny can mean
jingle vere The coins jingled in their pockets. ‘peculiar’ as well as ‘jocular’, and it is
> jangle, clink, tinkle, clang sometimes better to use another word.
jinx noun They wondered whether the jinx would jOg vers 1 He jogged her elbow as he walked past.
> nudge, prod, jolt, jar, bump, jostle 2I need a
strike again. » curse, spell, evil eye, bad luck
clue to jog my memory. » prompt, stir, arouse,
jinxed spective It was almost as ifthe house was stimulate, remind 3 They were jogging through
jinxed. » cursed, bewitched, bedevilled, under the park. > trot, run, jogtrot
a spell
join vers 1 Join the two pieces together.
jitters piura noun (informal) a fit ofjitters > connect, fasten, attach, couple, merge,
> nervousness, nerves, anxiety, agitation, stick, tie, glue 2 Her sonwanted to join the army.
tension, edginess, restlessness > enlist in, enrol in, sign up in, enter, volunteer
jittery spective He felt jittery about meeting her for, become a member of 3 We joined the peace
again. » nervous, anxious, agitated, tense, march along the route. » follow, go along with,
edgy, fretful, restless, ill at ease tag along with, accompany 4 The two roads join
job noun 1 The job involves some weekend work. here. » meet, come together, converge
> occupation, employment, position, join noun You have to look hard to see the join.
situation, post, work, career 2 Painting the > joint, connection, seam, knot, link, mend
joint > jubilant
joint youn joints 1a place where two things are joule (jo01) noun joules a unit of work or energy
joined 2 the place where two bones fit journal youn journals 1 a newspaper or
together 3. large piece of meat cut ready for magazine 2a diary
cooking 4 (informal) a cannabis cigarette
joint anjective shared or done by two or more journalist youn journalists a person who
people, nations, etc. © a joint project writes for a newspaper or magazine
> journalism youn journalistic spective
> jointly apvers
joke noun jokes something said or done to journey noun journeys 1 going from one Ci
make people laugh place to another 2 the distance or time taken
to travel somewhere e@ two days’ journey
joke vers jokes joking joked 1 make jokes
2 tease someone or not be serious @ I’m only journey vers journeys, journeying,
joking journeyed make a journey
joker youn jokers 1 someone who jokes 2 an jovial anective cheerful and good-humoured
extra playing card with a jester on it > jovially aovers joviality voun
_ jolly spjctive jollier jolliest cheerful and good- jOy noun joys 1a feeling of great pleasure or
humoured happiness 2 a thing that causes joy
> jollity noun > joyful anjective joyfully apvers joyfulness
jolly aovere (informal) very e jolly good NOUN Joyous Apjecive joyously ADvers
jolt vers jolts jolting, jolted 1 shake or joyride youn joyrides a drive ina stolen car for
dislodge something with a sudden sharp amusement
movement 2 move along jerkily, e.g. ona > joyrider youn joyriding noun
rough road 3 give someone a shock joystick youn joysticks 1 the control lever of
jolt youn jolts 1a jolting movement 2 a shock an aircraft 2 a device for moving a cursor or
jostle vers jostles, jostling, jostled push image ona VDU screen, especially in computer
roughly, especially in a crowd games
jot vere jots, jotting, jotted write something JP asereviation Justice of the Peace
quickly @ Let me jot down that phone number. jubilant spective rejoicing or triumphant
jotter youn jotters a notepad or notebook > jubilantly apvers jubilation noun

joint youn the joint between the wall and the flat jot vers jot down The man jotted down my details.
roof> join, connection, junction, seam > write down, note down, take down, scribble,
joint spective The two artists are holding a joint make a note of
exhibition. » combined, shared, common, journal youn 1 an academic journal
collaborative, coordinated, cooperative, > periodical, publication, magazine, gazette,
collective, communal, concerted, united, digest 2 She kept a journal of the voyage.
mutual OPPOSITES ARE separate, discrete, > diary, log, record, chronicle, account
journalist youn A journalist wanted to hear his
joke noun They sat all evening telling each other story. » reporter, correspondent, columnist,
jokes. » funny story, jest, witticism, wisecrack, feature-writer, contributor, writer
pleasantry, quip, (more informal) crack, (more
informal) gag journey noun The journey takes you through three
countries. » trip, route, itinerary, travels,
joke vers 1 He laughed and joked with his friends. voyage, peregrination USAGE You normally use
> tell jokes, crack jokes, jest, clown, have a voyage to mean a long journey by sea.
laugh, be facetious 2 From the look on her face
I'd say she was only joking. » fool, tease, hoax, joy noun There was a look ofjoy on her face.
(more informal) kid > delight, bliss, pleasure, happiness, gladness,
joker woun She seems quite a joker, but she has her ecstasy, elation, joyfulness, exultation, rapture,
serious side. » jester, comedian, comic, euphoria, exuberance OPPOSITES ARE sorrow,
humorist, wag, wit, clown misery

jolly anjective We had ajolly time. He was in a jolly joyfull nective Kate set off with joyful enthusiasm.
mood when he came back. » cheerful, merry, p> cheerful, happy, joyous, jubilant, bright,
cheery, happy, jovial, exuberant, hearty sunny, lively, elated, animated, contented,
buoyant, good-humoured, light-hearted,
jolt vers 1 The car jolted along the rough roads. chirpy AN OPPOSITE IS sad
> bump, bounce, jerk, jog, shake, shudder
2 The fierceness of his remarks jolted her. jubilant sojective Jubilant fans surged on to the
> startle, surprise, shock, disturb, disconcert, pitch.» delighted, joyful, overjoyed, exultant,
upset, discompose, astonish, nomplus joyous, elated, ecstatic, thrilled
jubilee > jump
jubilee (joo- bil- ee) noun jubilees a special juggernaut youn juggernauts a huge lorry
anniversary: silver (25th), golden (50th), and [named after a Hindu god whose image was
diamond (60th) jubilee dragged in procession on a huge wheeled
Judaism (joo- day-izm) noun the religion of the
Jewish people juggle vers juggles, juggling, juggled 1 toss
and catch anumber ofobjects skilfully for
judge noun judges 1a person appointed to entertainment, keeping one or more in the air
hear cases in a lawcourt and decide what at any time 2 rearrange or alter things skilfully
should be done 2 person deciding who has or in order to deceive people
won a contest or competition 3 someone who > juggler noun
is good at forming opinions or making
jugular spective to do with the throat or neck
decisions e@ She’s a good judge of character.
e the jugular veins
judge vers judges, judging, judged 1 actasa juice youn juices 1 the liquid from fruit,
judge 2 form and give an opinion 3 estimate vegetables, or other food 2a liquid produced
© He judged the distance carefully by the body e the digestive juices
judgement noun judgements 1 judging > juicy ADJECTIVE
2 the decision made by a lawcourt jukebox noun jukeboxes a machine that
3 someone's opinion 4 the ability to judge automatically plays a record you have selected
wisely 5 something considered as a when you put a coin in
punishment from God e It’s ajudgement on you! July noun the seventh month of the year [named
judicial spective to do with lawcourts, judges, after Julius Caesar, who was born in this month]
or judgements e the British judicial system jumble vers jumbles, jumbling, jumbled mix
> judicially Apvers things up into a confused mass
USAGE Do not confuse with judicious, jumble noun a confused mixture of things; a
judicious (joo- dish- us) anective having or muddle
showing good sense or good judgement jumble sale youn jumble sales a sale of
> judiciously apvers second-hand goods
USAGE Do-not confuse with judicial. jumbo noun jumbos 1 something very large; a
judo noun a Japanese method of self-defence jumbo jet 2 an elephant
without using weapons [from Japanese ju = jumbo jet youn jumbo jets a very large jet
gentle + do = way] aircraft
jUg Noun jugs a container for holding and jump vers jumps, jumping, jumped 1 move
pouring liquids, with a handle and a lip up suddenly from the ground into the air 2 go

jubilee noun a royal jubilee » anniversary, appraisal, evaluation, estimate, analysis, view,
celebration, festival, gala, carnival, opinion, belief
commemoration jUQ Noun a jug of water > pitcher, carafe, flagon,
judge noun 1 The judges could not agree on a ewer, crock, vessel
winner. » adjudicator, arbiter, arbitrator, juice noun Add the juice of a lemon. » liquid,
assessor, moderator, referee, umpire 2a good fluid, extract, essence
judge of art connoisseur, authority (on), Juicy spective 1 ajuicy pear» succulent, tender,
expert (on), critic moist, soft, ripe AN OPPOSITE IS dry 2a juicy
judge vers 1.A magistrate will judge the case. piece ofgossip » interesting, lurid, spicy,
> try, hear, sitin judgement on, adjudicate on, colourful, racy
decide 2 A panel of experts will judge the ten best jumble noun Clothes lay on the floor in a jumble.
entries. » assess, appraise, decide, evaluate, > muddle, hotchpotch, mess, clutter, chaos,
review, examine 3 We judged that she had been confusion, disorder
misled. » conclude, decide, consider, believe, jumble vere I try not to jumble the photographs.
think, reckon, determine, come to the view, > muddle, disorganize, mix up, shuffle,
form the opinion confuse, disarrange, (more informal) mess up
judgement noun 1 the judgement of the court AN OPPOSITE IS organize
> verdict, decision, adjudication, ruling, jump vers 1A dog jumped off the chair. » leap,
finding, pronouncement, sentence 2 He spring, bound, bounce, hop 2.All the horses
showed a lack ofjudgement. > understanding, jumped the first fence. » vault, clear 3 The
discernment, perception, wisdom, sense, children were jumping about in the garden.
common sense, acumen, prudence 3 my > skip, dance, frolic, prance, cavort 4A noise
judgement of the situation » assessment, made him jump. » start, jerk, jolt, flinch, recoil

jump => juvenile delinquent
over something by jumping e The horse jumped jury noun juries a group of people (usually
the fence 3 pass over something; miss out part twelve) appointed to give a verdict about acase
of abook etc. 4 move suddenly in surprise in a lawcourt
5 pass quickly to a different place or level > juryman joun jurywoman Noun
jump at (informal) accept something eagerly [from Latin jurare = take an oath]
jump on (informal) start criticizing someone just spective 1 giving proper consideration to
jump the gun start before you should everyone’s claims 2 deserved; right in amount
jump the queue not wait your turn etc. @ a just reward
jump nounjumps 1 ajumpingmovement 2an D> justly apvers justness youn
obstacle to jump over 3 a sudden rise or just apvers 1 exactly e It’s just what I wanted.
change 2 only; simply @ I just wanted to see him.
jumper noun jumpers ajersey [from French 3 barely; by onlyasmall amount e just below the
jupe = tunic] knee 4 at this moment or only alittle while ago
jumpy spective nervous and edgy @ She has just gone.
junction noun junctions 1a join 2a place justice youn justices 1 being just; fair
~ where roads or railway lines meet treatment 2 legal proceedings @ a court of
justice 3 a judge or magistrate [via early French
Jume noun the sixth month of the year [named from Latin jus = law]
after the Roman goddess Juno] justify vers justifies justifying, justified
jungle noun jungles a thick tangled forest, show that something is fair, just, or reasonable
especially in the tropics > justifiable spective justification noun
> jungly ApjecTive jut vers juts jutting, jutted stick out
[from Hindi]
jute noun fibre from tropical plants, used for
junior apective 1 younger 2 for young children making sacks etc.
@ a junior school 3 lower in rank or importance juvenile spective to do with or for young people
e junior officers [from Latin, = younger]
juvenile youn juveniles a young person, not
junk noun rubbish; things of no value old enough to be legally considered an adult
junk food noun food that is not nourishing juvenile delinquent noun juvenile
junk mail youn unwanted advertising material delinquents a young person who has broken
sent by post the law

5 Attendance had jumped by more than 20 equity, honesty, impartiality, legality, right
percent. » rise, increase, leap, go up, escalate AN OPPOSITE IS injustice 2 the administration of
juMPp noun 1 With a jump he reached the other justice » the law, legal proceedings
side. » leap, bound, spring, vault, hop 2 The justifiable apcnve a justifiable reaction
horse cleared the last jump comfortably. » fence, > reasonable, justified, valid, legitimate,
hurdle, ditch, barrier, obstacle, gap, gate 3.a defensible, excusable, well founded,
huge jump in house prices » rise, increase, understandable, warranted, acceptable
escalation, upturn 4 She woke up with a jump. AN OPPOSITE IS unjustifiable
> start, jerk, jolt, shock, shudder, lurch justification youn 1 There is no justification for
jumpy aoective He was tired and jumpy. such callousness. » excuse, reason, grounds,
> nervous, edgy, jittery, tense, anxious, basis, warrant, foundation 2 Such extreme
agitated, apprehensive measures call for some justification.
junior agectve a junior official » low-ranking, > explanation, defence, vindication,
lower-ranking, subordinate, subsidiary, argument, rationalization
younger, lesser, minor, secondary justify vers Tiredness cannot justify this kind of
AN OPPOSITE IS senior reckless behaviour. » excuse, defend, absolve,
junk noun a cupboard full of old junk » rubbish, mitigate, account for, vindicate, exonerate,
clutter, oddments, odds and ends, garbage, warrant, validate, uphold, support
refuse, scrap, trash, waste jut vers jut out A set of shelves jutted out on one
just apjecrive 1a just ruler; a just settlement wall, » project, protrude, stick out, extend,
> fair, equitable, fair-minded, honourable, overhang, poke out
even-handed, unprejudiced, unbiased, neutral, juvenile sgective 1 juvenile behaviour
non-partisan AN OPPOSITES unjust 2a just > immature, childish, babyish, infantile,
punishment » fair, fitting, deserved, merited, puerile AN OPPOSITEIS mature 2 juvenile novels
appropriate, suitable, reasonable, legitimate > adolescent, young, youthful
OPPOSITES ARE undeserved, unfair juvenile youn The people involved were all
justice noun 1 He appealed to their sense of juveniles. » youth, young person, minor,
justice. » fairness, justness, fair play, integrity, under-age person
kaleidoscope > key

2 stay or cause to stay in the same condition
etc. @ keep still; e keep it hot 3 do something
continually e She keeps laughing. 4 last without
going bad e How long will this milk keep?
5 respect and not break e keep a promise
kaleidoscope (kal-I- dos- kohp) Noun 6 make entries in @ keep a diary
kaleidoscopes atube that you lookthrough to keep to observe or respect
see brightly coloured patterns which change as keep up 1 make the same progress as others
you turn the end of the tube 2 continue something
> kaleidoscopic Apjective keep noun keeps 1 maintenance; the food etc.
kangaroonoun kangaroos an Australian that you need to live e She earns her keep. 2a
animal that jumps along on its strong hind legs strong tower ina castle
(See marsupial) [an Australian Aboriginal for keeps (informal) permanently; to keep e Is
word] this football mine for keeps?
karaoke youn (ka-ree- oh- ki) a form of keeper noun keepers 1a person who looks
entertainment in which people sing well- after an animal, building, etc. e the park keeper
known songs against a pre-recorded backing 2 a goalkeeper or wicketkeeper
[from Japanese, = empty orchestra] keeping noun care; looking after something
karate (ka- rah- tee) noun a Japanese method @ in safe keeping
of self-defence in which the hands and feet are keg noun kegs a small barrel
used as weapons [from Japanese kara = empty kelvin youn kelvins the SI unit of
+te=hand] thermodynamic temperature
KB or Kb agsrevarion kilobyte(s)
kennel youn kennels a shelter for a dog
keel youn keels the long piece of wood or metal
along the bottom of a boat
kerb noun kerbs the edge of a pavement
on an even keel steady kernel noun kernels the part inside the shell of
a nut etc.
keel vers keels, keeling, keeled
keel over fall down or overturn e The ship ketchuip noun a thick sauce made from
keeled over. tomatoes and vinegar etc. [probably from
keen apjctive 1 enthusiastic; very interested in
Chinese k’e chap = tomato juice]
or eager to do something e a keen swimmer kettle oun kettles a container with a spout
2 sharp e a keen edge 3 piercingly cold e a keen and handle, for boiling water in
wind kettledrum noun kettledrums a large drum
> keenly Apvers keemness NOUN shaped like a bowl
keep vers keeps, keeping, kept 1 have key noun keys 1 apiece of metal shaped so that
something and look after it or not get rid of it it will open a lock 2 device for winding up a

keen apjctive 1 Competition is keen and a good 5 These problems shouldn't keep you from
honours degree is essential. » intense, acute, continuing. » deter, constrain, hinder, impede,
fierce, extreme, strong 2 France was keen to obstruct 6 You must keep your promise.
attract more foreign investment. » eager, > observe, fulfil, comply with, obey, respect,
anxious, determined, impatient, ambitious; keep faith with 7 Where do you keep the coats?
intent (on attracting) 3 William is a keen devotee > store, put, stow, house 8 Keeping a family
of science fiction. » enthusiastic, eager, avid, can be expensive. » support, maintain, provide
fervent, impassioned, committed, for, look after, care for, be responsible for
conscientious 4 a knife with a keen cutting edge
> sharp, sharp-edged, razor-sharp, honed keeper noun 1 the keeper of the museum
5 Patience, nimble fingers, and keen eyesight are > curator, custodian, administrator,
needed to operate the tool. » sharp, acute, clear, superintendent 2 the prisoners and their keeper
sensitive, strong, powerful 6 She still displays a > jailer, warden, guard, custodian 3 He said he
keen sense of humour. » sharp, piercing, was not his brother’s keeper. » guardian,
incisive, penetrating, pungent, trenchant protector, minder

keep vers 1 an in-flight magazine for you to read

key noun 1 the key toa problem > clue,
and keep > retain, hold onto, hang on to,
indicator, pointer, lead, secret, solution,
answer, interpretation 2a key to a map
possess 2 They did their best to keep quiet.
> guide, legend, index, table, explanation,
> remain, stay, continue to be, carry on being
3 He keeps twitching his ears. » persistin, goon,
continue, carry on 4 We'll try not to keep you too key anjective the key question » fundamental,
long. > detain, delay, hold up, keep waiting crucial, vital, critical, essential, important

key => kin
clock or clockwork toy etc. 3.a small lever to be kick oun kicks 1 a kicking movement 2 the
pressed by a finger, e.g. on a piano, typewriter, recoiling movement of a gun 3 (informal) a
or computer 4 a system of notes in music e the thrill 4 (informal) an interest or activity e He’s
key ofCmajor 5a fact or clue that explains or on a health kick
solves something e the key to the mystery 6 alist
of symbols used in a map or table, showing
kick-off youn kick-offs the start of a football
match ,
what they mean
key vers keys, keying, keyed kid noun kids 1 (informal) achild 2a young
key in type information into a computer using goat 3 fine leather made from goatskin
a keyboard kidnap vers kidnaps, kidnapping,
keyboard noun keyboards the set of keys ona kidnapped take someone away by force,
piano, typewriter, computer, etc. especiallyinorder to obtain a ransom
> kidnapper noun
keyhole you keyholes the hole through
which a key is put into a lock kidney noun kidneys either of the two organs
in the body that remove waste products from
keyhole surgery woun surgery carried out the blood and excrete urine into the bladder
through a very small cut in the patient’s body,
using special instruments kill vers kills, killing, killed 1 make a person or
keypad noun keypads a small keyboard or set thing die 2 destroy or put an end to something
of buttons used to operate a telephone, > killer youn
television, etc. kill time occupy time idly while waiting
kg sssreviation kilogram(s) killing youn killings an act causing death
khaki youn a dull yellowish-brown colour, used kilo noun kilos a kilogram
for military uniforms [from Urdu khaki = dust- kilogram noun kilograms a unit of mass or
coloured] weight equal to 1,000 grams (about 22
kibbutz noun kibbutzim a commune in Israel, pounds) }
especially for farming [from Hebrew qibbus = kilometre (kil- o- meet- er, kil- om- it- er)
gathering] Noun kilometres a unit of length equal to
kick vers kicks, kicking, kicked 1 hit or move 1,000 metres (about ofamile)
a person or thing with your foot 2 move your kilowatt youy kilowatts a unit of electrical
legs about vigorously 3 (said about a gun) power equal to 1,000 watts
recoil when fired
kick off 1 start a football match 2 (informal) kilt youn kilts a kind of pleated skirt worn
start doing something especially by Scotsmen
kick out get rid of; dismiss > kilted spective
kick up (informal) make a noise or fuss kin piurat Noun a person’s family and relatives

kick noun 1 He gave the television a kick. » hit, words. 2 The war killed all hopes of continuing
boot, blow 2 (informal) Some people might get a archaeological investigation at the site. » end,
kick out of crossing the Atlantic in an old bath. destroy, put an end to, dash, extinguish, finish
> thrill, excitement, (informal) buzz 3 Take aspirin to kill the pain. » soothe,
kick vers 1 Merv kicked the ball out. » boot, hit , alleviate, assuage, deaden, suppress, dull,
drive, send, punt, heel 2 (informal) a habit I blunt, reduce, stifle, extinguish 4 (informal) She
have to kick > give up, quit, break, abandon, complained that her back was killing her. » hurt,
cease, desist from pain, torment, torture, give discomfort to, give
kid vere (informal) 11 think they were only pain to 5 We arrived early and had an hour to
kidding. » tease, fool, bluff, lie 2 Are you kill. » occupy, fill up, while away, pass, spend
kidding me? » hoodwink, pull your leg, have 6 (informal) She nearly killed herself getting the
you on, deceive work finished in time. » exhaust, wear out, tire
out, sap, debilitate
kidnap vers The group was allegedly preparing to
kidnap a businessman. » abduct, capture, killer youn A witness was able to identify the
seize, carry off, run away with, snatch killers. » murderer, assassin, gunman, (more
kill vers 1 The gang would not hesitate to kill the informal) hitman
prisoners. » murder, put to death, slay,
slaughter, dispatch, eliminate, exterminate, killing noun a brutal killing that shocked the
assassinate, (more informal) bump off USAGE community > murder, assassination, slaughter,
You use assassinate to refer to an important massacre, execution USAGE Note that slaughter
person, especially a statesman or and massacre refer to the killing of a large
stateswoman. Slay and dispatch are literary number of people.
kind = knack
kind | youn kinds a class of similar things or kinky spective involving peculiar sexual
animals; a sort or type behaviour
in kind (said about payment) made in goods or kiosk youn kiosks 1 telephone box 2a small
services and not in money hut or stall where newspapers, sweets, etc. are
kind of (informal) in away, to some extent e I sold
felt kind of sorry for him.
USAGE Correct use is this kind of thing or these kiss youn kisses touching somebody with your
kinds of things (not ‘these kind of things’). lips as a sign of affection
kiss vers kisses kissing, kissed give somebody
kind 2 apjective friendly and helpful; considerate a kiss
> kind-hearted apjecrive kindness youn
kiss of life youn blowing air from your mouth
kindergarten youn kindergartens a school into another person’s to help the other person
or class for very young children to start breathing again, especially after an
kindle vers kindles kindling, kindled 1 start
aflame; set light to something 2 begin burning kit youn kits 1 equipment or clothes fora
particular occupation 2. set of parts sold
kinetic spective to do with or produced by ready to be fitted together
movement e kinetic energy
kitchen youn kitchens a room in which meals
king youn kings 1amanwhois the ruler of a are prepared and cooked
country through inheriting the position 2a
person or thing regarded as supreme e the lion
kite youn kites 1 a light framework covered
with cloth, paper, etc. and flown in the wind on
is the king of beasts 3 the most important piece
the end of along piece of string 2.a large hawk
inchess 4a Paying.card with a picture of a king
> kingly apective kingship noun kitten youn kittens a very young cat
[from Old English]
kiwi youn kiwis a New Zealand bird that cannot
kingdom youn kingdoms 1 a country ruled by fly [from a Maori word]
aking or queen 2 a major division of the natural kleptomania youn an uncontrollable urge to
world e the animal kingdom steal things
kingfisher youn kingfishers 3 small bird with p> kleptomaniac youn
blue feathers that dives to catch fish Km AgereviaTion kilometre(s)
kink youn kinks 1 a short twist ina rope, wire, knack youn a special skill e There's a knack to
piece of hair, etc. 2 a peculiarity putting up a deckchair.

kind apjctive A kind friend helped him home. king youn After the war the country expelled its
It was kind of her to ring. » caring, good, king. » ruler, monarch, sovereign, crowned
kind-hearted, kindly, considerate, head RELATED ADJECTIVES regal, royal
sympathetic, thoughtful, obliging, tender- kingdom youn a small kingdom in Asia Minor
hearted, benevolent OPPOSITES ARE unkind, > monarchy, realm, dominion
kink youn 1 kink in the road. » bend, corner,
kind youn anew kind of rock music » sort, type, angle 2 kinks in the line » twist, curl, loop,
style, form, variety, category, genre knot, tangle
kindle vere 1 Bonfires are kindled on Midwinter’s kiss vers She stooped to kiss the little boy.
Day. > light, burn, ignite, fire, set fire to > caress, embrace, (more informal) peck
2 These events kindled strong feelings. » stir up, kiss youn He gave her a long kiss. » caress,
stimulate, arouse, give rise to, evoke, induce, embrace, (more informal) peck, (more informal)
inflame, call forth snog
kindly apective a kindly old man» kind, kind- kit youn 1.4 tool kit » equipment, gear,
hearted, benevolent, caring, good, implements, appliances, tackle 2 made
considerate, sympathetic, thoughtful, the furniture from kits. » outfit, set of parts,
obliging, tender-hearted self-assembly set, flatpack 3a football kit
kindness youn She had shown them much > outfit, strip, cofours, clothes
kindness over many years. » consideration, knack noun He has a knack of hitting the nail on
thoughtfulness, generosity, goodwill, the head. > gift, flair (for), talent (for), instinct
benevolence, favour, understanding (for), ability (to hit), skill (for)

knapsack > know
knapsack noun knapsacks a bag carried on small round piece of something e a knob of
the back by soldiers, hikers, etc. butter
kmave noun knaves ‘1 (old use) a dishonest > knobbly apjective knobby ,pjective
man; arogue 2a jack in playing cards knock vers knocks, knocking, knocked 1 hit
knead vers kneads, kneading, kneaded press a thing hard or so as to make a noise 2 produce
and stretch something soft (especially dough) by hittingre We need to knock a hole in the wall.
with your hands 3 (informal) criticize unfavourably e People are
knee noun knees the joint in the middle of the always knocking this country.
leg knock off 1 (informal) stop working 2 deduct
something from a price 3 (informal) steal
kneecap noun kneecaps the small bone knock out make a person unconscious,
covering the front of the knee joint especially by a blow to the head
kneel vers kneels, kneeling, knelt be or get
yourselfina position on your knees knockout youn knockouts 1 knocking
someone out 2a contest in which the loser in
knickers piura noun underpants worn by
each round has to drop out 3 (informal) an
women and girls amazing person or thing
knife youn knives a cutting instrument
consisting of asharp blade set in a handle knot youn knots. 1a place where a piece of
string, rope, or ribbon etc. is twisted round
knight youn knights 1a manwho has been itselforanother piece 2atangle or lump 3a
given the rank that allows him to put ‘Sir’ round spot on a piece of wood where a branch
before his name 2 (in the Middle Ages) a joined it 4a cluster of people or things 5 a unit
warrior of high social rank, usually mounted for measuring the speed ofships and aircraft,
and in armour 3 apiece in chess, with a horse’s equal to 2,025 yards (= 1,852 metres or 1
head nautical mile) per hour
> knighthood noun
knit vers knits, knitting, knitted or knit make knot vers knots, knotting, knotted 1 tie or
something by looping together wool or other fasten with a knot 2 entangle
yarn, using long needles or a machine know vers knows, knowing, knew, known
> knitter youn knitting needle noun 1 have something in your mind that you have
knit your brow frown learned or discovered 2,recognize or be
knob noun knobs 1 the round handle ofa door, familiar with a person or place e I’ve known him
drawer, etc. 2around lump on something 3a for years. 3 understand @ She knows how to
round button or switch ona dial or machine 4a please us.

kneel vere She knelt by the bed to pray. » bend, knock off (informal) 1 We knock off early
bow, crouch, stoop, squat, fall to your knees, tonight.» finish work, go home 2 Someone had
genuflect knocked off the vicar’s car. » steal, take,
knife vers The victim had been knifed repeatedly. (informal) pinch, (informal) nick
> stab, gash, slash, pierce, cut, wound knock out 11 hit him and knocked him out.
> stun, strike unconscious 2 (informal) The
knit vers knit together The new arrangements long walk knocked us out. » exhaust, tire out,
took a few months to knit together. » unite, wear out 3 (informal) music that knocked me out
become unified, come together, combine, > overwhelm, amaze, astound
knock noun The car has taken a few knocks.
knob noun 1He held the door knob as he looked > blow, bump, bang, shock, collision,
into the room. » handle 2 The gnarled old tree smash
was covered with knobs. » bump, lump, bulge,
swelling, boss, projection, protuberance
knockout youn The event was a knockout.
m success, sensation, triumph, winner,
knock vers 1 He swore as he knocked his knee on hit
the edge of the desk. » bump, hit, strike, bang, knot youn 1aknotina rope » tie, twist, splice,
crack, rap 2 The man knocked on the door and hitch 2 a knot of people » cluster, bunch,
waited. » bang, rap, tap, thump, pound clump, group
knock about (informal) He knocks about with
some lads from Walsall. » mix, associate, go knot vers She knotted a scarf round her neck.
around > tie, secure, bind, fasten, do up, entwine
knock down 1 They are going to knock down the OPPOSITES ARE unknot, untie
entire row of houses. » demolish, level, raze, know vers 1 Does she know we are here?
destroy 2 He knocked her down with one blow. > realize, be aware, understand, appreciate
> fell, topple, flatten, floor , 2 I speak French but don’t know any German.
knowing > kw
knowing apjective showing that you know knuckle vers knuckles, knuckling, knuckled
something e a knowing look knuckle down begin to work hard
knuckle under yield or submit
knowingly spvers 1 in a knowing way koala (koh- ah- la) oun koalas an Australian
2 deliberately animal that looks like a small bear [an
Australian Aboriginal word]
knowledge youn 1 knowing 2all that a
person knows 3 all that is known
Koran (kor- ahn) noun the sacred book of Islam,
written in Arabic, believed by Muslims to
to my knowledge as far as | know contain the words of Allah revealed to the
knowledgeable pective well informed prophet Muhammad
> knowledgeably ,pvers kosher apjctive keeping to Jewish laws about
the preparation of food e kosher meat
knuckle youn knuckles a joint in the finger Kw agerevisTion kilowatt(s)

> understand, speak, have knowledge of, be AN OPPOSITE IS innocent 2a knowing young
familiar with, be conversant with, have a grasp woman > clever, astute, crafty, cunning
of 3 Gerry knows me from our student days.» be
acquainted with, have met, be friendly with, knowledge noun 1 an extensive knowledge of
have had dealings with 4 He had known much the local history » understanding,
better times. » experience, live through, go comprehension, mastery, command, grasp
through, undergo 2 technical knowledge » expertise, skill,
proficiency, understanding, (more informal)
know-all youn He's such a know- all he’s bound to know-how 3 I have no knowledge of these people.
be able to tell us. » (informal) smart alec, > acquaintance (with), familiarity (with)
(informal) wise guy, show-off, wiseacre, expert, 4 people with a wide range of knowledge
pundit > learning, education, erudition, scholarship
know-how noun (informal) technical know-how knowledgeable apyctive 1a knowledgeable
m expertise, knowledge, skill, proficiency,
understanding man» educated, erudite, learned, well
informed 2 knowledgeable about modern art
knowing apjctive 1 She gave a knowing look. > well informed, versed (in), acquainted
> meaningful, expressive, significant, (with), conversant (with), familiar (with), au fait
suggestive, eloquent, shrewd, artful (with) AN OPPOSITE IS ignorant

label = ladle

Li labourer noun labourers a person who does

hard manual work, especially outdoors
laburnum noun faburnums atree with
hanging yellow flowers
labyrinth noun labyrinths a complicated

label noun labels a small piece of paper, cloth, arrangement of passages or paths; a maze
or metal etc. fixed on or beside something to
show what it is or what it costs, or its owner or lace noun laces 1 net-like material with ci
destination, etc. decorative patterns of holes in it 2 a piece of
thin cord or leather for fastening a shoe etc.
label vers labels, labelling, labelled puta label
on something lack noun being without something
laboratory noun laboratories a room or lack vers lacks, lacking, lacked be without
building equipped for scientific experiments something e He lacks courage.
laborious apjective 1 needing or using a lot of lacquer noun a hard glossy varnish
hard work 2 explaining something at great > lacquered Anjective
length and with obvious effort lacrosse noun agame in which players use a it
> laboriously apvers stick with a net on it (acrosse) to catch and
Labour noun the Labour Party, a British political throw a ball
party formed to represent the interests of lacy apjective made of lace or like lace *
working people lad noun lads a boy or youth j
labour Noun labours 1 hard work 2a task ladder noun ladders 1 two upright pieces of
3 working people 4 the contractions of the wood or metal etc. and crosspieces (rungs),
womb when a baby is being born used for climbing up or down 2. vertical
labour vers labours, labouring, laboured ladder-like flaw in a pair of tights etc. where a
T work hard 2 explain or discuss something at stitch has become undone
great length and with obvious effort e I will not ladle noun ladles a large deep spoonwithalong
labour the point. handle, used for lifting and pouring liquids

label youn 1 Always read the label on the packet. work, do your utmost, go all out 3 We have
> tag, tab, sticker, ticket, docket, marker 2a made our point and there is no need to labour it.
new independent record label » brand, > overdo, overemphasize, dwell on, elaborate,
company, organization exaggerate, make heavy weather of
label vers The authorities were too ready to label lace noun 1 cloth trimmed with lace
people as troublemakers. » identify, mark, > lacework, openwork, filigree, net, tatting
categorize, class, classify, define, describe, 2 One shoe had a lace missing. » shoelace,
regard, name, stamp, brand, call bootlace, shoestring, cord, string, thong
laborious spective Restoring your data is a long lace vers 1 He laced his shoes. » fasten, do up, tie
and laborious process. » arduous, hard, heavy,
up, secure 2 She laced her fingers into his.
difficult, stiff, tough, exhausting, fatiguing,
> twine, entwine, intertwine, interweave
gruelling, wearisome, onerous, strenuous,
burdensome, back-breaking, tiresome, uphill lack noun suffering from a lack of vitamins
OPPOSITES ARE easy, straightforward > deficiency, shortage, want, scarcity,
labour noun 1 Keeping the place clean involved a absence, dearth, paucity, deprivation, need,
lot of labour. » work , toil, effort, exertion, privation, famine OPPOSITES ARE sufficiency,
industry, drudgery, donkey work, (more abundance
informal) grind, (more informal) sweat 2 The lack vere The film lacks drama. » be without, be
company took on extra labour to cope with the short of, be deficient
in,miss, want, need, y
seasonal rush. » staff, workers, employees, require
workforce, (more informal) hands 3 Agnes went
into labour about lunchtime. » childbirth, lacking spective 1 relationship lacking in
labour pains, contractions, delivery, (technical) affection » wanting, needing, without,
parturition missing, short of, weak in, deficient in,
inadequate in, defective in 2 Convincing
labour vere 1 Levin laboured day and night on the arguments are lacking. » absent, missing,
project. » work, work hard, toil, drudge, grind, unavailable, non-existent
exert yourself, (more informal) beaver, (more
informal) slave, (more informal) sweat 2 As he lad noun a young lad of ten » boy, youth,
laboured to get back on course another blast threw youngster, schoolboy, fellow, (more informal)
the boat lopsided. » struggle, strive, endeavour, kid, (more informal) guy
lady > landmark
lady youn ladies 1 awell-mannered woman 2 a lamentable (Jam- in- ta- bul) Anective
woman of good social position 3 (in polite use) regrettable or deplorable
a woman lamp noun lamps a device for producing light
> ladylike spective ladyship noun from electricity, gas, or oil
Lady youn the title of anoblewoman > lamplight youn lampshade noun
[from Old English Macfosge = person who makes lamp post youn lamp posts a tall post ina
the bread (compare lord)| street etc., with a lamp at the top
ladybird youn ladybirds a small flying beetle, lance youn lances a long spear
usually red with black spots lance corporal youn lance corporals a
lag" vers lags, lagging, lagged go too slowly soldier ranking between a private and a
and fail to keep up with others corporal
laq2 vers lags, lagging, lagged wrap pipes or land youn lands 1 the part of the earth’s
boilers etc. in insulating material (lagging) to surface not covered bysea 2 the ground or soil;
prevent loss of heat an area of country e forest land 3 the area
lager (lah- ger) noun lagers a light beer occupied by a nation; a country
lagoon youn lagoons a salt-water lake land vere lands, landing, landed 1 arrive or
separated from the sea by sandbanks or reefs put on land from a ship or aircraft etc. 2 reach
the ground after jumping orfalling 3 bring a
laid past tense of lay fish out of the water 4 obtain e She landed an
laid-back apjective (informal) relaxed and calm excellent job 5 arrive or cause to arrive at a
lain past participle of lie? certain place or position etc. e They landed up
in jail. 6 present with a problem e He landed me
lair youn fairs a sheltered place where a wild
with this task. [from Old English]
animal lives
lake youn lakes a large area of water entirely
landing noun landings 1 the level area at the
top of a flight of stairs 2 bringing or coming to
surrounded by land [from Latin lacus = pool, land e The pilot made a smooth landing. 3a
lake] place where people can get on and off a boat
lamb youn lambs 1 a youngsheep 2 meat from landing stage youn landing stages a
alamb platform on which people and goods are taken
p> lambswool youn on and offaboat
lame apective 1 unable to walk normally landlady youn landladies 1 awomanwholets
2 weak; not convincing e a lame excuse rooms to lodgers 2a woman who runs a pub
> lamely apvers lameness youn landlord youn landlords 1a personwho lets a
lament youn laments a statement, song, or house, room, or land to a tenant 2.a person
poem expressing grief or regret who runs a pub
lament vers laments, lamenting, lamented landmark youn landmarks 1 an object thatis
express grief or regret about something easily.seen in a landscape 2 an important event
> lamentation noun in the history or development of something

laQ vers 1 Some of the runners were lagging hard to believe OPPOSITES ARE convincing,
behind. » straggle, trail, fall behind, drop . persuasive
behind, hang back, linger, dally, dawdle, bring land youn 1 large house with several acres of
up the rear, come last, idle OPPOSITES ARE keep land» grounds, ground, estate, property,
up, take the lead 2 material for lagging water farmland, open space 2 Egypt is a land steeped
pipes > insulate, wrap up in history. » country, nation, state, region
laid-back gpjective (informal) He took a laid-back 3 The ship reached land at last.» dryland, terra
attitude despite the difficulties. » relaxed, firma, shore
unruffled, nonchalant, philosophical, casual, land vere 1 Allied troops landed in Kuwait.
easygoing, at ease, informal OPPOSITES ARE > disembark, debark, go ashore, alight, arrive,
tense, uptight berth, come ashore, dock, end a journey, reach
lair youn 1 an animal's lair » den, burrow, landfall AN OPPOSITE IS embark 2 The ship will
haunt, hole, earth 2 criminal’s lair land at Calais. » dock, berth, moor, anchor,
> hideaway, hideout, hiding place, refuge, reach shore OPPOSITES ARE set sail, put to sea
retreat, shelter, sanctuary 3 The plane landed ten minutes ahead ofschedule.
lame ADJECTIVE 1 The horse was lame and would > touch down, come in to land AN OPPOSITE IS
not race that day. » crippled, limping 2 As take off
excuses went, this one was pretty lame. » feeble, landmark youn 1 The church steeple was a
weak, flimsy, thin, unconvincing, implausible, landmark visible for miles around. » feature,

landmine — large
landmine noun landmines an explosive mine lap ' youn laps 1 the level place formed by the
laid on orjust under the surface of the ground front of the legs above the knees when a person
landowner noun landowners a person who is sitting down 2 going once rounda
owns a large amount of land racecourse 3 one section of a journey e the last
landscape noun landscapes 1a viewofa lap
particular area of countryside or town 2a lap vers laps, lapping, lapped overtake
picture of the countryside another competitor in a race to become one or
landslide youn landslides 1a huge mass of more laps ahead
soil and rocks sliding down aslope 2an lap 2 vers laps, lapping,lapped 1 take up liquid
overwhelming victory in an election e She won by moving the tongue, as a cat does 2makea
the general election by a landslide. gentle splash against something e Waves
lane noun lanes 1 anarrow road, especially in lapped the shore
the country 2a strip of road for a single line of lapel (la- pel) noun lapels a flap folded back at
traffic 3 a strip of track or water for one runner, the front edge of a coat orjacket
swimmer, etc. in a race lapse noun lapses 1a slight mistake or failure
language noun languages 1 words and their @ alapse ofmemory amount oftime
use 2 the words used in a particular country or elapsed e after a lapse of six months
bya particular group of people 3.a system of lapse vers lapses, lapsing, lapsed 1 pass or
signs or symbols giving information, especially slip gradually e He lapsed into unconsciousness.
in computing 2 be no longer valid, through not being
languid spjctive slow because of tiredness, renewed @ My insurance policy has lapsed.
weakness, or laziness laptop noun laptops a portable computer for
> languidly Aovers languor NOUN use while travelling
languish vere languishes, languishing, larch oun larches a tall deciduous tree that
languished 1 live in miserable conditions; be bears small cones
neglected e He has been languishing in prison for lard noun awhite greasy substance prepared
three years. 2 become weak or listless from pig fat and used in cooking
lank apjctive (said about hair) long and limp larder youn larders a cupboard or small room
lanky agective lankier ,Jankiest awkwardly for storing food
thin and tall large apjctive of more than the ordinary or
> lankiness Noun average size; big
lantern oun lanterns a transparent case for > largeness NOUN
holding a light and shielding it from the wind at large 1 free to roam about, not captured

sight, spectacle, marker, high point 2a lap vers 1 Waves lapped against the rocks.
landmark in history » turning point, milestone, > wash, splash, dash, beat, strike, surge, rush
watershed, new era 2 The dog lapped a bowl of water. » drink, sip,
landscape noun 1 the landscape of the Scottish lick, slurp, gulp
Highlands. » scenery, countryside, lapse noun 1a temporary lapse of attention
topography, terrain, environment, rural scene, > failure, error, weakness, relapse, failing,
scene 2a landscape painting » panorama, fault, slip, mistake, omission, flaw,
vista, view, outlook, prospect shortcoming 2a lapse into crime » decline,
lane noun a country lane» road, byroad, byway, descent, fall, falling, deterioration 3 The friends
track, trail, path got back in touch after a lapse of ten years.
language noun 1 the language of the media > interval, gap, pause, break, interruption
> vocabulary, usage, style, speech 2 The forms lapse vers 1 They soon lapsed into their bad old
are written in plain language. » wording, habits. » slide, slip, drop, fall, decline,
phraseology, phrasing 3 the grammar of deteriorate, degenerate 2 Membership will
language » speech, writing, communication, lapse at the end of the month. » expire, run out,
utterance, discourse 4 How many languages do finish, stop, terminate, become invalid
you know? » tongue RELATED ADJECTIVE large nective 1 alarge house; elected with a large
linguistic majority » big, great, huge, sizeable,
lanky apjctive a lanky young man > tall, substantial, enormous, gigantic, immense,
gangling, gaunt, gawky, lean, spindly, scraggy massive, colossal, vast, giant, (more informal)
lap noun 1A cat was sitting on her lap. », knee or whopping, (more informal) ginormous 2 a large
knees, thighs 2 They managed three laps of the mane big, burly, hefty, bulky, stocky, hulking,
track. » circuit, round, orbit, circle, loop, strapping 3a large supply offood » plentiful,
stretch, course ; abundant, copious, generous, lavish, profuse,
largely — latent heat
@ The escaped prisoners are still at large. 2 in cattle etc. [via Spanish lazo from Latin laqueus =
general, as a whole e She is respected by the noose]:
country at large. last! apjective, ADvers 1 coming after all others;
[from Latin largus = abundant or generous] final 2 latest; most recent @ last night 3 least
largely apvers to a great extent e You are largely likely @ She is the last person I’d have chosen.
responsible for the accident. the last straw a final thing that makes
Jari’ youn larks a small sandy-brown bird; the problems unbearable
skylark last youn 1 aperson or thing that is last 2 the
lark? youn larks (informal) something end e He was brave to the last.
amusing; a bit of fun @ We did it for a lark. at last or at long last finally; after much delay
larva noun larvae an insect in the first stage of last? vere lasts, lasting, lasted 1 continue; go
its life, after it comes out of the egg on existing or living or being usable 2 be
> larval apjective enough for e The food will last us for three days.
[from Latin, = ghost or mask] lasting apjctive able to last for along time e a
laser youn lasers a device that makes a very lasting peace.
strong narrow beam of light or other lastly apvere in the last place; finally
electromagnetic radiation [from the initials of
‘light amplification by stimulated emission of latch youn latches a small bar fastening a door
radiation’] or gate, lifted by a lever or spring
> latchkey noun
lash woun lashes 1a stroke with a whip or stick
2 the cord or cord-like part of awhip latch vers latches, latching, latched fasten
eyelash with a latch
lash vers lashes, lashing, lashed 1 strike with latch onto 1 meet someone and follow them
awhip; beat violently 2 tie with cord etc. e Lash around all the time 2 understand something
the sticks together. late apective, apvers 1 after the usual or
lash down (said about rain) pour or beat down expected time 2 near the end e late in the
forcefully afternoon 3 recent e the latest news 4 who has
lash out 1 speak or hit out angrily 2 spend died recently e the late king
money extravagantly of late recently
lass youn lasses a girl or young woman lately aovers recently
> lassie noun latent heat youn the heat needed to change a
lasso youn lassoes or lassos arope witha solid into a liquid or vapour, ora liquid into a
sliding noose at the end, used for catching vapour, without a change in temperature

ample, liberal 4 large areas of conifers last vers The storm lasted all night. » continue,
> widespread, extensive, wide-ranging, large- carry on, keep on, persist, endure, linger,
scale remain, stay, hold, hold out, live, survive
largely apvers She was largely responsible for OPPOSITES ARE stop, cease, fade
getting us into this mess. » mainly, chiefly,
principally, primarily, mostly, to a large extent
lasting aojctive The reforms will produce lasting
change. » permanent, enduring, continuing,
lark noun (informal) It all seemed just a lark to long-lasting, long-standing, unceasing,
them. > prank, bit of fun, joke, laugh, game, undying, unending, long-term, long-lived,
escapade, amusement durable, indestructible, indissoluble, lifelong,
lash vers 1 Driving rain lashed down. » beat stable, abiding AN OPPOSITE IS temporary
against, dash against, batter, pound 2 She
lashed the poor donkey with a belt. » whip, beat, late apjective 1 The train was over an hour late.
thrash, lash out at 3 The speaker lashed out at his > overdue, delayed, slow, behind-hand,
critics. » attack, condemn, denounce, belated, dilatory, tardy, unpunctual
lambaste, castigate, censure AN OPPOSITE IS early 2 her father, the late king
last apjective 1 There was none of the violence > deceased, dead, departed, former 3 He had
associated with the last protest. » previous, taken part in the late conflict. » recent,
preceding, recent, former 2 She realized she was previous, preceding, former
still the last person in the queue. > final, later ADJECTIVE The issue would be dealt with at a
rearmost, endmost OPPOSITES ARE first, leading later meeting. » subsequent, future, following,
3 She decided to have one last look. » final, succeeding 3
concluding, ultimate OPPOSITES ARE initial,
opening 41 am the last person to complain. later overs We will meet you later.
> least likely, most unlikely OPPOSITES ARE first, > afterwards, in a while, subsequently,
most likely eventually, next

lathe => law
lathe (layth) noun lathes a machine for holding launch! vers launches, launching, launched
and turning pieces of wood while they are 1 send a ship from the land into the water
being shaped 2 send a rocket etc. into space 3 set a thing
lathernoun amass of froth moving by throwing or pushing it 4make a
lather vers lathers, lathering, lathered new product available for the first time e Our
1 cover with lather 2 form a lather new model,will be launched in April. 5 start into
action e launch an attack
Latinwoun the language of the ancient Romans
Latin Americanoun the parts of Central and launch? noun launches a large motor boat
South America where the main language is launderettenow launderettesa place fitted
Spanish or Portuguese with washing machines that people pay to use
latitudenoun latitudes 1 the distance of a laundrynoun laundries 1 place where
place from the equator, measured in degrees clothes etc. are washed and ironed for
2 freedom from restrictions on what people customers 2 clothes etc. needing to be washed
can do or believe or after being washed
- latrine(la- treen) noun latrines a lavatory ina laureate (lorri- at) ADjective
camp or barracks etc. Poet Laureatea person appointed to write
latterapjcrive later e the latter part of the year poems for national occasions
the latter the second of two people or things
just mentioned compare former laurelvoun laurels an evergreen shrub with
smooth shiny leaves
lattice noun lattices a framework of crossed
laths or bars with spaces between lavanoun molten rock that flows from avolcano;
laudable spective deserving praise the solid rock formed when it cools
> laudablyapvers lavatorynoun lavatories 1 toilet 2a room
laughvers laughs, laughing, laughed make containing a toilet
the sounds that show you are happy or think lavendernoun 1a shrub with sweet-smelling
something is funny purple flowers 2 light-purple colour
laughwoun laughs the sound of laughing lavishanectve 1 generous 2 plentiful
laughable spective deserving to be laughed at > lavishlyApvers lavishnessNouN
laughing stocknoun laughing stocks a lawwoun laws 1 arule or set of rules that
person or thing that is the object of ridicule and everyone must obey 2 the profession of
scorn lawyers 3 (informal) the police 4a scientific
oun the act, sound, or manner of statement of something that always happens
laughing @ the law ofgravity

latter apyective There are more games in the latter launchvere 1 In its heyday the dockyard launched
part of the month. » later, closing, concluding, a ship every year. » float, set afloat, put in the
last, recent, second AN OPPOSITE IS former water 2 It was decided to launch the shuttle from
laughvers Joe’s antics began to make them laugh. a different site.» fire, propel, send off, blast off,
> giggle, chuckle, chortle, snigger, titter, set off 3 The enemy launched a counter- offensive.
guffaw, (more informal) scream with laughter A new business will be launched next year.
laugh at I didn’t say anything in case the others > begin, start, initiate, open, set up, embark
laughed at me. » mock, ridicule, make fun of, on, establish, found, inaugurate
scoff at, deride, jeer lavatorywoun There’s another lavatory wy

laughwoun 1 She gave aloud laugh. » chuckle, downstairs. » toilet, cloakroom, convenience,
chortle, snigger, titter, guffaw 2 Being with (more informal) loo, (old-fashioned) WC
Henry was always a laugh. » joke, piece of fun, lavishapjective After the show there will be a lavish
adventure, (more informal) scream supper. » sumptuous, elaborate, copious,
laughableanctve 1 The money they were extravagant, luxurious, generous, liberal,
offering was laughable. » absurd, ridiculous, abundant, plentiful, bountiful, munificent,
ludicrous, preposterous, risible,-derisory opulent, unstinting AN OPPOSITE Is meagre
2 laughable attempts to steer the boat » funny, lawnoun 1 new law closing tax loopholes
comic, comical, amusing, hilarious, farcical > regulation, statute, act, bill, ruling, rule,
laughternoun sounds of conversation and enactment, edict USAGENote that a bill is a
laughter from the next room » laughing, mirth, government's proposal for a law, and an act is
laughs, chuckling, sniggering, hilarity, the bill after it has been passed and received
tittering, giggling, guffaws, merriment, (more the royal assent. RELATED ADJECTIVElegal, judicial
informal) hysterics ; 2 the laws of logic » rule, principle, precept,
law-abiding = lay-by —
law-abiding spective obeying the law lay ' vers lays laying laid 1 put something
down ina particular place or way 2 arrange
lawcourt noun lawcourts aroom or building things, especially for a meal e Can you lay the
in which a judge or magistrate hears evidence
and decides whether someone has broken the table? 3 place e He laid the blame on his sister.
law 4 form or prepare @ We laid our plans.
5 produce an egg
lawful apjective allowed or accepted by the law lay off 1 stop employing somebody fora while
> lawfully apvers 2 (informal) stop doing something
lawless apjctive 1not obeying the law lay on supply or provide
2 without proper laws @ a lawless country lay out 1 arrange or prepare 2 (informal)
> flawlessly Apvers lawlessness NOUN knock a person unconscious 3 prepare a dead
lawn noun lawns an area of closely cut grass in body for burial
a garden or park USAGE Do not confuselay/laid[/laying = ‘put
down’, withlie/lay/lain]lying = ‘be ina flat
lawnmower noun lawnmowers a.machine position’. Correct uses are as follows: e Go and
for cutting the grass of lawns
lie down. @ she went and lay down e please lay it
lawn tennis noun tennis played on an outdoor on the floor. ‘Go and lay down’ is incorrect.
grass or hard court
lay 2 past tense oflie 2
lawsuit vouvlawsuits a dispute or claim that is
brought to a lawcourt to be settled lay 3 acjective 1 not belonging to the clergy e.a
lawyer youn lawyers a person whois qualified lay preacher 2 not professionally qualified e a
to give advice in matters of law lay magistrate

laxative noun laxatives a medicine that lay-by oun lay-bys a place where vehicles can
stimulates the bowels to empty stop beside a main road

prescription, guideline, tenet, maxim, doctrine permissive, careless, loose, neglectful,
3 (informal) on the run from the law & police, negligent, remiss, vague AN OPPOSITE IS strict
authorities lay vers 1 He laid the map on the seat beside him.
law-abiding apective law-abiding citizens > put, place, set, set down, spread, deposit,
> well-behaved, respectable, honest, decent, leave 2 We began to lay plans for a spring
orderly, peaceable, peaceful, compliant, holiday. » form, make, devise, prepare, work
disciplined, good, obedient OPPOSITES ARE out, hatch, concoct 3 Be careful where you lay
lawless, criminal the blame for this. » assign, attach, attribute,
ascribe, allot, apportion, fix, impute 4 The
lawful apjective 1 The police were making a lawful landlady laid a table for breakfast. » arrange,
arrest. > legal, legitimate, permissible, set out, organize
permitted, allowable, allowed, just, right lay in The men laid in a supply of beer. » stock
2 people going about their lawful business up with, put aside, put by, collect, store
> legitimate, rightful, proper, valid, lay into (informal) His father laid into him when
recognized, authorized, regular, legal, he got home. » scold, rebuke, berate, castigate,
documented, prescribed AN OPPOSITE IS illegal criticize, censure
lawless apctive a lawless rabble » disorderly, lay off 1 (informal) You really should lay off
unruly, riotous, mutinous, wild, rowdy, smoking. » give up, stop, cut out 2 Over a
rebellious, disruptive, undisciplined, seditious, hundred staff were laid offjust before Christmas.
reckless, anarchic, anarchical, chaotic > make redundant, dismiss, discharge,
AN OPPOSITE IS law-abiding release, (more informal) sack
lay on His mother laid on a marvellous tea.
lawyer noun This is a matter for the lawyers. > provide, supply, furnish, give
> solicitor, legal practitioner, legal adviser, lay out 1 Richard laid out the plans on the table.
barrister, QC, advocate, attorneyUSAGE A > arrange, set out, spread, display 2 (informal)
barrister is a lawyer who presents a case ina The blow laid him out for an hour. » knock out,
lawcourt, and an advocate is aname for a make unconscious, flatten
barrister in Scotland, A QC (= Queen’s Counsel)
is a specially appointed senior barrister,
layabout noun It’s odd for such a lively lad to
Attorney has special meanings in the USA. have a layabout for a brother. » idler, loafer,
good-for-nothing, sluggard, (more informal)
lax Anjective lax discipline in schools » slack, slob, (more informal) couch potato
slipshod, casual, easy-going, lenient, OPPOSITES ARE hard worker, beaver

layer > league
layernoun layers a single thickness or coating lead? (led) noun leads 1 asoft heavy grey
metal 2 the writing substance (graphite) ina cf
laymannoun laymen 1 a person who does not pencil
have specialized knowledge or training (e.g. as > lead ADective
a doctor or lawyer) 2a person who is not
ordained as a member ofthe clergy leadernoun leaders 1 the person in charge of
a group of people; a chief 2 the person who is
layoutnoun layouts an arrangement of parts of winning 3.a newspaper article giving the
something according to a plan editor’s opinion
> leadership noun
lazy nective lazier, laziest not wanting to
work; doing little work leafioun leaves 1 flat, usually green, part ofa e
> lazily Apvers laziness Noun plant, growing out from its stem, branch, or
root 2 the paper forming one page of a book
lead! (leed) vers leads, leading, led 1 take or 3 avery thin sheet of metal e gold leaf 4a flap
guide someone, especially by going in front that makes a table larger
2 be winning ina race or contest etc.; be ahead > leafyapyective leafless ADjECTIVE
3 be in charge of agroup of people 4 be a way turn over a new leaf make a fresh start and
orroute e This path leads to the beach. 5 playthe improve your behaviour
first card in a card game 6 live or experience leaflet oun leaflets a piece of paper printed
e He leads a dull life. with information
lead to result in; cause league! noun leagues 1a group of teams who 4
lead (leed) noun leads 1a leading place or part compete against each other for a
or position e@ She took the lead on the final bend. championship 2.a group of people or nations
2 guidance or example e We should be taking a who agree to work together
lead on this issue. 3. a clue to be followed 4a in league with working or plotting together ae
strap or cord for leading a dog or other animal league? noun leagues an old measure of
5 an electrical wire attached to something distance, about 3 miles an

Thesaurus ————————i=>»
layernoun 1 an extra layer ofpaint » coating, leaders 1 She led her guests out on the terrace. o
coat, covering, surface, film, sheet, skin, > conduct, guide, show, escort, usher,
thickness 24 layer of rock » seam, stratum, marshal, shepherd, steer, pilot AN OPPOSITE IS 1)
substratum follow 2 Smith was appointed to lead the
layout oun The layout of the house takes some delegation. » head, be in charge of, be the
getting used to. » arrangement, organization, leader of, preside over, direct, manage,
command, govern, supervise, rule 3 The Oxford
design, plan, disposition, (more informal) set-up
boat was leading for most of the distance. » be in
laze vers Young girls lazed in the sun. > relax, front, be in the lead, head the field
idle, loaf, lounge, loll AN opposite Is work AN OPPOSITE IS trail 4 They have led a very happy
laziness oun His report mentioned lateness and life. » pass, spend, have, experience, undergo
laziness. » idleness, indolence, slothfulness, lead to Asking awkward questions might lead to
sloth, lethargy, loafing, lounging about, trouble. » cause, bring about, result in, give
dilatoriness, inactivity, slowness, sluggishness rise to, produce, generate, create, precipitate,
AN OPPOSITE IS industry induce, stimulate
lead on She was accused of leading them on.
lazy njective 1 No one can accuse them of being > mislead, deceive, entice, beguile, hoodwink,
lazy after all they’ve achieved. » idle, indolent, string along
slothful, work-shy, inactive, lethargic, slack
AN OPPOSITE IS industrious 2 They headed for a leadernoun 1 the leader of the marketing team
lazy weekend in the country. » quiet, relaxing, > head, chief, director, manager, principal,
peaceful superior, (more informal) boss 2 one of the
country’s former leaders > ruler, chief, governor
lead oun 1 The older students provide a lead for
the younger ones. » example, guidance, leadinganyctve The book is acknowledged as the
leadership, direction 2 Detectives are following leading authority on the subject. » principal,
an important new lead. » clue, hint, tip, tip-off, foremost, chief, major, key, main, primary, pre-
line of inquiry 3 One of the Ferrari team took the eminent, outstanding, dominant, important,
lead. » first place, front position, spearhead, inspiring, prominent, well known
vanguard 4 She will play the lead in his new film. leaguenoun 1 The countries came together to
> principal role, chief part, starring role, title form a league. » association, alliance,
role 5 The toaster needs a new lead. » cable, federation, confederation, confederacy,
flex, wire 6 He let the dog off the lead. » leash, syndicate 2 On Saturday they face the league
tether, rein, chain, strap, cord’ leaders. » group, class, championship
leak =» leave
leak noun leaks 1 ahole or crack etc. through USAGE Itis not acceptable in standard English to
which liquid or gas accidentally escapes 2 the uselearn to mean ‘to teach’.
revealing of secret information learned (ler- nid) apjective having much
> leaky ADjective knowledge obtained by study
leak versleaks leaking leaked 1 get out orlet learner youn learners a person whois learning
out through a leak 2 reveal secret information something, especially to drive a car
> leakage Noun learning noun knowledge obtained by study
lean | apjective 1 with little or no fat @ lean meat lease youn leases an agreement to allow
2 thin e a lean body someone to use a building or land etc. for a
lean 2 vers leans leaning leaned orleant fixed period in return for payment
1 bend your body towards or over something > leaseholder noun
2 put or be in a sloping position 3 rest against a new lease of life a chance to be healthy,
something 4 rely or depend on someone for active, or usable again
help lease vers leases leasing ,leased allow or
leaning noun leanings a tendency or obtain the use of something by lease
preference leash noun leashes adog’s lead
leap vere leaps leaping leaped orleapt jump least apjective, Abvers very small in amount etc.
vigorously @ the least bit; e the least expensive bike
> leap NouN atleast 1 not less than what is mentioned e It
leapfrog noun a game in which each player will cost at least £40. 2 anyway e He’s at home, or
jumps with legs apart over another who is at leastIthink he is.
bending down leather noun material made from animal skins
leap year noun leap years a year with an extra > leathery ADjective
day in it (29 February) leave versleaves,leaving left 1 goawayfrom
learn vers learns learning, learned orlearnt a person or place 2 stop belonging to a group
1 get knowledge or skill through study or or stop working somewhere 3 cause or allow
training 2 find out about something something to stay where it is or as itis e You left

lealk vers 1 Oil was leaking from the tank. » seep, months. > soar, rise, rocket, surge, increase
escape, 00ze, spill, trickle, drip, exude 2 We OPPOSITES ARE tumble, plummet, fall
still haven't discovered who leaked the leap at He leapt at the opportunity. » seize,
information. » reveal, disclose, divulge, pass grasp, accept eagerly, (more informal) go for
on, give away, let out, make known OPPOSITES ARE turn down, reject
learn vere 1It is important to learn the language
leak noun 1 several leaks in the roof > hole, when living in a foreign country. » master,
opening, crack, drip, perforation, puncture 2a
acquire a knowledge of, acquire, understand,
gas leak » escape, seepage, discharge 3a leak
assimilate, pick up 2 IfI want to learn a poem I
of information » disclosure, divulgence,
revelation stick it on the fridge. » memorize, learn by
heart, know
leaky apjective a leaky roof > leaking, dripping, learned ancrive a learned piece ofwriting
cracked, holed, perforated, punctured > scholarly, erudite, intellectual, academic,
AN OPPOSITE IS watertight cultured, educated, highbrow
leam spective 1 tall lean figure » thin, spare, learner noun At this stage he is just a learner.
skinny, slender, slim, gaunt, lanky, wiry, bony, > beginner, novice, apprentice, pupil, starter,
emaciated AN OPPOSITEIS fat 2a lean harvest newcomer, cadet, trainee, tiro
» meagre, scanty, sparse, poor, mean, barren, learning noun a person ofgreat learning
inadequate > scholarship, erudition, knowledge, culture,
lean vers 1 The trees were leaning in the wind. education, schooling, wisdom, information
> slant, incline, bend, tilt, tip, bank, heel over, least apjective 11 haven't the least idea what he
list, loll, slope 2 Mary leaned against the fence. means. > slightest, smallest, tiniest
> rest, support yourself, prop yourself up, AN OPPOSITEIS greatest 2 Choose a place that
recline involves the least travel. » minimum, minimal,
lean towards We lean towards a peaceful smallest amount of OPPOSITES ARE maximum,
solution. » favour, prefer, tend towards, incline most 2
towards leave vers 1 It is time to leave now. > depart, set
leap vers 1 The dog leapt over the gate. » jump, off, go, go away, go out, take your leave,
spring, vault, bound 2 Claire leapt to her feet withdraw, retire, say goodbye, (more informal)
> spring, jump 3 Prices have leapt in the last few disappear AN OPPOSITEIS arrive 2 She left the

leave = legible
the door open. 4 go away without taking make up leeway make up lost time; regain a _
something @I left my book at home. 5 let lost position a
someone deal with something e Leave the
washing-up to me 6 put something to be left! nective, overs 1 on or towards the west if Ly,
you think of yourself as facing north 2 (said -
collected or passed on e Would you like to leave
a message? about political groups) in favour of socialist or g
leave off cease radical views -
> left-hand Apjective
leave out omit; not include
leavenoun 1 permission 2 official permission to leftwoun the left-hand side or part etc. [from Old
English lyft=weak]
be away from work; the time for which this f(D
permission lasts e three days’ leave [from Old left? past tense of leave
English] left-handed spective using the left hand in
lecture noun lectures 1a talk about a subject preference to the right hand
to an audience or a class 2. along serious legnoun legs 1 one of the limbs ona person’s or 5
warning or reprimand given to someone animal’s body, on which it stands or moves ie
lecturevers lectures, lecturing, lectured give 2 the part of a piece of clothing covering a leg ae
alecture 3 each ofthe supports ofachair or other piece
> lecturer Noun of furniture 4 one part of a journey 5 one ofa
[from Latin lectura = reading, or something to Pair of matches between the same teams
be read] [from Old Norse]
led past tense of lead! legacynoun legacies 1 something left toa 1,
ledge noun ledges a narrow shelf © a window person in a will 2 something that results from wm
ledge e a mountain ledge what people have done in the past e a legacy of
ledger noun ledgers an account book
[probably from Dutch] legalapectve 1 lawful 2 to do with the law or
leechwnoun leeches a small blood-sucking > legally Apvers legality Noun
worm that lives in water
legend oun legends 1 an old story handed
leek oun leeks along green and white own from the past, which may or may not be nm
vegetable of the onion family true COMPARE myth 2a very famous person =
leer vere leers, leering, leered look at > legendary ADJECTIVE =
someone in a sly or unpleasant way [from Latin legenda = things to be read]
> leer Noun legible apective clear enough to read Pa
leeway noun 1 extra space ortime available 2a > legibly Apvers legibility Noun
drift to leeward or off course [from Latin legere = to read]

house that afternoon. » depart from, quit, students 2 Professor Jones will lecture on t
vacate 3 His wife has left him. » desert, advances in genetics. » give a lecture, speak,
abandon, forsake 4 He’s going to leave his job at talk, discourse, (more informal) hold forth 3 She Tt
the end of the month. » quit, give up, resign lectured us on our bad manners. » reprimand,
from, relinquish 5 I’ve left my case on the train. scold, rebuke, admonish, chide uy
> lose, mislay, leave behind 6 Leave it to me to
sort out. » entrust, refer, hand over, consign leg noun 1 the first leg of the journey » stage, Wy
7 When he died he left them the house. part, phase, stretch, lap, step 2 a table leg
> bequeath, will, endow > support, upright, prop
leavenoun 1 The judge granted him leave to
appeal against the verdict. » permission, legalapective 1 legal advice » judicial, judiciary
consent, authorization, approval, liberty 2 activity that is not legal » lawful, legitimate,
2 Greg was having some leave from the army. licit, permissible, authorized, permitted, above
> free time, time off, holiday, absence, board, allowable, allowed, rightful, proper,
sabbatical, vacation constitutional, valid AN opposite ts illegal
lecture noun 1a lecture on modern poetry legend noun legends from the past » myth,
> talk, discourse, speech, address, lesson 2 He story, folk tale, fable, tradition
got a stern lecture about being late.
> reprimand, scolding, rebuke, harangue legible anjective The writing was barely legible.
lecture vers 1 Anna lectures at the university. > readable, clear, decipherable, intelligible,
> teach, give lectures, give lessons, take distinct, neat, plain AN opposites illegible
legion => lesbian
legion woun legions 1 a division of the ancient thoroughness in an action @ They went to great
Roman army 2. group of soldiers or former lengths to make us comfortable.
soldiers atlength 1 after along time 2 taking along
legislate vers legislates legislating, time; in detail
legislated make laws lengthen vers lengthens lengthening,
p> legislation noun legislator noun lengthened make or become longer
legitimate anjectve 1 lawful 2 born when lengthy aspjctive going on for along time
parents are married to each other > lengthily spvers
> legitimately snvers legitimacy Noun lenient (lee- nee- ent) apective merciful; not
leisure youn time that is free from work, when severe
you can do what you like > leniently Apvers lenience Noun
> leisured apjective leisurely ADJECTIVE lems noun lenses 1a curved piece of glass or
at leisure having leisure; not hurried plastic used to focus things 2 the transparent
at your leisure when you have time part of the eye, immediately behind the pupil
lemming noun lemmings asmall mouse-like [Latin, = lentil (because of its shape)]
animal of Arctic regions that migrates in large Lent noun atime of fasting and penitence
numbers and is said to run headlong into the observed by Christians for about six weeks
sea and drown before Easter
lemon noun lemons 1 an oval yellow citrus > Lenten ADJECTIVE
fruit with a sour taste 2. pale yellow colour [from Old English lencten = the spring]
lemonade noun alemon-flavoured drink lent past tense oflend
lemur (lee- mer) Noun lemurs a monkey-like lentil voun lentils a kind of small bean
leopard (lep- erd) noun leopards a large
lend vers lends ,lending,lent 1 allowaperson spotted mammal of the cat family, also called a
to use something of yours for a short time panther
2 provide someone with money that they must > leopardess Noun
repay, usually in return for payments (called
interest) 3 give or add.a quality e She lent leper noun lepers a person who has leprosy
dignity to the occasion. leprosy noun an infectious disease that makes
> lender noun parts of the body waste away
lend a hand help somebody > leprous ADJECTIVE
USAGE Do not uselend to meanborrow. lesbian noun lesbians a homosexual woman
length noun lengths 1 howlong something is [named after the Greek island of Lesbos
2 a piece of cloth, rope, wire, etc. cut from a (because Sappho, a poetess who lived there
larger piece 3 the distance of aswimming pool about 600 BC, wrote poetry about love
from one end to the other 4 the amount of between women)]

legitimate apjcrive 1 They have legitimate length noun 1 The snakes grew to a length of
reasons for the action they took. » valid, sound, twenty feet or more. » extent, measurement,
cogent, admissible, well-founded, acceptable, stretch, distance 2 People began to grumble
justifiable 2 The Duke lacked a legitimate heir. about the length of the wait. » duration, extent,
> lawful, legal, rightful, acknowledged, true, protractedness, period, time
proper lengthen vers 1 The days begin to lengthen in
March. » grow longer, get longer, draw out,
leisure noun 1 They lead a life of leisure. » ease, stretch, enlarge, elongate, expand, extend,
relaxation, enjoyment, inactivity, pleasure, increase, prolong, pull out AN OPPOSITE IS
amusement, recreation, retirement 2 She never shorten 2 You will need to lengthen the cooking
had enough leisure to do the things she wanted. time. » extend, increase, prolong, continue
> free time, spare time, time off, freedom, AN OPPOSITE IS. shorten
liberty, rest
lengthy apjective The family faced a lengthy
leisurely soyctive a leisurely stroll through the journey. » long, protracted, drawn out,
park» slow, gentle, unhurried, relaxed, tedious, extended Opposites ARE short, brief
relaxing, restful, sedate, comfortable, easy,
lingering, peaceful opposites ARE brisk, hurried lenient aojctive He always said his mother had
been too lenient with him. » soft, easy-going,
lend vers He asked me to lend him the money. tolerant, soft-hearted, indulgent, merciful,
> loan, advance, let someone have forgiving, mild, kind OPPOSITES ARE strict,
an opposite is borrow severe

less => level
less ADjective, ADVERB smaller in amount; not so (rent) 5 leave e Let it alone. os
much e Make less noise. @ It is less important. let down 1 deflate 2 disappoint somebody a
USAGE Do not use less when you mean fewer. let off 1 cause to explode 2 excuse somebody
You should use fewer when you are talking from a duty or punishment etc. oD
about a number of individual things, and less let on (informal) reveal a secret
when you are talking about a quantity or mass let up (informal) relax
of something: e The less batter you make, the lethal (lee- thal) anjective deadly; causing death
Sewer pancakes youl get. > lethally Advers Ci
less Noun asmaller amount lethargy (leth- er- jee) noun extreme lack of
less preposition minus; deducting e She earned energy or vitality
£100, less tax. > lethargic (lith- ar-jik) ADJECTIVE
-less surrix forms adjectives meaning ‘without’ letter oun letters 1a symbol representing a
(e.g. colourless) or ‘unable to be...’ (e.g. sound used in speech 2a written message,
countless) usually sent by post ra!
lesser Apjecrive not so great as the other e the to the letter paying strict attention to every ’
lesser evil detail
lesson Noun lessons 1 an amount of teaching letter box oun letter boxes 1 aslotinadoor,
given at one time 2 something to be learnt by a through which letters are delivered 2 a postbox
pupil 3. an example or experience from which lettering oun letters drawn or painted
you should learn e Let this be a lesson to you! 4a lettuce noun lettuces a garden plant with
passage from the Bible read aloud as part of a broad crisp leaves used in salads
church service leukaemia (lew- kee- mee- a) noun adisease in
fest conjunction (old use) so that something which there are too many white corpuscles in
should not happen e Remind us, lest we forget. the blood [from Greek leukos = white + haima =
let vers lets, letting, let 1 allow somebody or blood]
something to do something; not prevent or level Apective 1 flat or horizontal 2 at the same m
forbid @ Let me see it. 2 cause to e Let us know height or position as something else
what happens. 3 allow or cause to come or go or level youn levels 1 height, depth, position, or n
pass @ Let me out! 4 allow someone to use a value etc. @ Fix the shelves at eye level. 2a level
house or building etc. in return for payment surface 3a device that shows whether O

lessen vers 1 He took an aspirin to lessen the pain. > pardon, forgive, excuse, spare, release
» reduce, lower, decrease, deaden, alleviate, let up The rain let up for a while. » ease,
assuage, mitigate, make less, minimize, tone subside, abate, slacken, diminish
down 2 Her love for him would never lessen. lethal apective execution by lethal injection
> diminish, decrease, abate, fade, dwindle, > deadly, fatal, mortal, poisonous
weaken, grow less, recede, shrink
AN OPPOSITE IS increase letter oun 1 She wrote a letter to her MP.
> message, note, communication, dispatch,
lesson noun 1a French lesson » class, period, missive, (more formal) epistle RELATED ADJECTIVE
lecture, seminar, tutorial, instruction 2 The epistolary 2 The wall was daubed with large
experience might be a lesson to all of them. letters. » character, figure, sign, symbol,
> example, warning, deterrent, moral device
let vers 1 His parents wouldn’t let him go on the level spective 1 Make sure the surface is level
trip. > allow, permit, give permission, before spreading the paper on it. » flat, even,
authorize, consent to, agree to USAGE If you use smooth, uniform, flush, regular, horizontal,
allow, permit, or authorize you have to add to, plane AN opposite Is uneven 2 The scores were
e.g. His parents wouldn’t allow him to go. If you level at half time. » equal, even, matching,
use give permission, you have to say His parents balanced, the same, (more informal) neck-and-
wouldn’t give him permission to go orHis parents neck
wouldn't give permission for him to go. Ifyou use
consent or agree you have to say His parents level noun 1 Soon she was promoted to a senior
wouldn’t agree or consent to his or him going. level. » rank, status, position, class, echelon
OPPOSITES ARE prevent, forbid 2 The landlord 2 There is a high level of absenteeism. » amount,
will let rooms for six months. » rent out, lease quantity, extent, degree, proportion 3 The
out, hire out AN opposite Is intensify water rose to a dangerous level. » height,
let down They felt the manager had let them elevation, altitude 4 There are offices on this level
down. > fail, disappoint, betray, abandon, of the building. » floor, storey, tier
desert level vers 1 He piled on the earth, levelling it with
let off They decided to let him offwith a warning. his hands. » smooth, even out, flatten, rake
level = liberty
something is level liable apjective 1 likely to do or suffer something
on the level (informal) honest © She isliable to colds. @ The cliff is liable to
level vers levels levelling, levelled 1 make or crumble. 2 legally responsible for something
become level 2 aim a gun or missile 3 direct an liaison (lee- ay- zon) NouN liaisons
accusation at a person 1 communication and cooperation between
level crossing noun level crossings a place people or groups 2 a person whois a link or go-
where a road crosses a railway at the same level between 3a sexual affair
liar youn liars a person who tells lies
lever woun levers 1 bar that turns ona fixed
point (the fulcrum) in order to lift something libel (1y- bel) noun libels an untrue written,
or force something open 2a bar used as a printed, or broadcast statement that damages
handle to operate machinery etc. e a gear lever a person’s reputation COMPARE slander
> libellous ADjective
lever vers levers, levering, levered lift or
move something by means of a lever libel vers libels, libelling,libelled make a libel
against someone
leverage noun 1 the force you need when you
use a lever 2 influence
liberal anjective 1 giving generously 2 givenin
large amounts 3 not strict; tolerant
levity noun being humorous, especially at an > liberally pvers liberality noun
unsuitable time Liberal Democrat noun Liberal Democrats
levy vers levies levying, levied impose or a member of the Liberal Democrat political
collect a tax or other payment by the use of party
authority or force liberate vers liberates, liberating, liberated
levy noun levies an amount of money paid in set free
tax > liberation noun liberator Noun
liability youn liabilities 1 being legally liberty noun liberties freedom
responsible for something 2a debt or take liberties behave too casually or in too
obligation 3 a disadvantage or handicap familiar away

2A series of violent tremors levelled the area. libel noun He said the newspaper article amounted
> raze, demolish, destroy, devastate, knock to libel. » defamation of character,
down, lay low 3 His hand was shaking, making it misrepresentation, an insult, a slur, a smear
difficult to level the gun. » aim, point, direct, USAGE You Can also use slander when the insult
train is spoken rather than printed.
level-headed anyctive Belinda was too level- libellous acjective Lawyers check whether there is
headed to fool herselfinthis way. » sensible, anything libellous in the writing. » defamatory,
balanced, practical, prudent, realistic, self- derogatory, false, insulting USAGE You can also
possessed, commonsensical, judicious use slanderous when the insult is spoken rather
lever oun You push the lever down and leave it than printed.
there. » switch, handle, knob, bar liberal agjective 1 liberal supply of liquid
lever vers He picked up a crowbar and levered refreshment » copious, generous, plentiful,
open the window. > prise, force, wrench, heave lavish, abundant, ample, bounteous, bountiful,
munificent, unstinting AN OPPOSITE IS mean
liability noun 1 The driver of the other car 2 liberal social attitudes » broad-minded,
admitted liability for the accident. tolerant, enlightened, moderate, easy-going,
> responsibility, blame, culpability, magnanimous, lenient, unbiased,
accountability 2 Taking the dog with us could unprejudiced, permissive, free AN OPPOSITE |S
prove a liability. » nuisance, inconvenience, narrow-minded 3 liberal political views
encumbrance, hindrance, burden, handicap, > progressive, radical, forward-looking
drawback, (more informal) drag AN OPPOSITE IS conservative
liable aoyective 1 The company is not liable for any liberate vers the intention to liberate all people
damage that might be caused. » responsible, from every kind of slavery » free, set free,
accountable, answerable, to blame release, discharge, deliver, rescue, save,
AN OPPOSITE IS exempt (from) 2 The shaft is emancipate, unfetter, loose, ransom, untie
liable to break under pressure. » likely, apt, OPPOSITES ARE enslave, subjugate
prone, inclined, given (to breaking), disposed, liberty youn You cqn enjoy the liberty to follow
predisposed, ready AN OPPOSITE IS. unlikely
your own interests. » freedom, independence,
liar voun Parkin was either a coward or a liar, or emancipation, liberation, release
both. » deceiver, fabricator, falsifier, (more atliberty 1 The escaped prisoners were at liberty
informal) storyteller, (more informal) fibber for three months. » free, onthe run, on the
librarian = lifestyle
librariannoun librarians a person in charge of island lies near the coast. e The machinery lay
or working in a library idle.
> librarianshipnoun lie low keep yourself hidden
library (ly- bra- ree) noun libraries 1a place USAGE See the note at lay!.
where books are kept for people to use or lieutenant (lef- ten- ant) noun lieutenants
borrow 2a collection of books, records, films, 1 an officer in the army or navy 2a deputy or
etc. chief assistant
lice plural of louse lifenoun lives 1 the period between birth and
licemcenoun licences 1 an official permit to do death 2 being alive and able to function and
or use or own something e a driving licence grow 3 living things e Is there life on Mars?
2 special freedom to avoid the usual rules or 4 liveliness e full of life 5a biography 6 the
customs length of time that something exists or
license vers licenses, licensing, licensed give functions e The battery has a life of two years.
a licence to a person; authorize e We are lifebelt oun lifebelts a ring of material that
licensed to sell tobacco. will float, used to support someone’s body in
lichen (ly- ken, lich- en) noun lichens a dry-
looking plant that grows on rocks, walls, trees, lifeboatwoun lifeboats a boat for rescuing
etc. people at sea
lick vers licks, licking, licked 1 move your life cyclenoun life cycles the series of changes
tongue over something 2 (said about a wave or in the life of a living thing
flame) move like a tongue; touch lightly lifeguard oun lifeguards someone whose
3 (slang) defeat job is to rescue swimmers who are in difficulty
a lick of painta light covering of paint life insurance noun insurance that pays out a
at a lick (informal) at a fast pace sum of money when the insured person dies
lid noun lids 1a cover fora box or pot etc. 2an life jacketnoun life jackets a jacket of material
eyelid that will float, used to support someone’s body
lie’ youn lies a statement that the person who in water
makes it knows to be untrue lifeless spective 1 without life 2 unconscious
lie vers lies, lying, lied tell a lie or lies; be > lifelessly anvers
deceptive lifelike apjective looking exactly like a real
lie vere lies, lying, lay, lain 1 be or get ina flat person or thing
or resting position e He lay on the grass. e The lifestylenoun lifestyles the way of life of a
cat has lain here all night. 2 be or remain e The person or a group of people

loose 2 She is at liberty to use her money as she 3 The town lies twenty miles from the coast.» be
wishes. » free, entitled, permitted, allowed, situated, be located, be placed, be found, be
authorized AN OPPOSITE IS forbidden sited
licemcenoun 1I needed a licence to play music in lifenoun 1 the joy ofgiving life > existence,
my shop. » permit, certificate, document, breath, being 2 Their dog still looked full of life.
authorization, warrant 2 the licence to act as you > vitality, energy, liveliness, vigour, verve,
see fit >» authority, authorization, permission, spirit, vivacity, zest, activity, (more informal) go
entitlement, prerogative, privilege 3 He’s reading a life ofJohn Lennon.
lick vers 1 Tessa was licking a lollipop. » suck, > biography, autobiography, life story 4 The
taste 2 (more informal) They licked the visiting contract covers the life of the project.» duration,
side 4-0. » beat, defeat, overcome, trounce, course, span, extent
rout, thrash 3 By now the flames were licking the
ceiling. » touch, reach, brush, flicker round, lifeless apjective 1 The lifeless body fell into the
dance round grave.» dead, deceased, inanimate, defunct,
lid oun The lid was stuck to the jar. » top, cap, comatose, inert AN OPPOSITE |S living 2 a lifeless
stopper, cover, covering desert » barren, arid, bare, sterile
AN OPPOSITE IS fertile 3 The voice was dull and
lie noun He can’t help telling lies. » untruth, lifeless. » lacklustre, lethargic, unexciting,
falsehood, falsification, fabrication, deception,
apathetic, tedious, boring, flat, slow
invention, falsity, deceit, fiction, (more
informal) fib OPPOSITES ARE truth, fact
lie vers 1 He lied about where he’d been. & tell an lifelike anjective The new portrait was unusually
untruth, invent a story, dissemble, (more lifelike. » realistic, true to life, authentic,
informal) fib 2 She was lying on the bed. natural, graphic, convincing, photographic
> recline, stretch out, rest, lounge, sprawl AN OPPOSITE IS unrealistic
lifetime — like
lifetime noun lifetimes the time for which light 2 apyective 1 having little weight; not heavy
someone is alive 2 small in amount orforce etc. @ light rain e a
lift vere lifts lifting lifted 1 raise or pick up light punishment 3 needing little effort e light
something 2 rise or go upwards 3 remove or work 4 cheerful, not sad e with a light heart
abolish something @ The ban has been lifted. 5 not serious or profound e light music
4 (informal) steal > lightly overs lightness noun
lift voun lifts ‘1 lifting 2.a device for taking light spvere lightly; with only a small load e We
people or goods from one floor or level to were travelling light [from Old English liht]
another ina building 3 a free ride in somebody lighten ' vere lightens , lightening , lightened
else’s vehicle @ Can you give me a lift to the make or become lighter or brighter
station? [from Old Norse]
lighten 2 vere lightens , lightening lightened
ligament noun ligaments a piece of the tough make or become lighter or less heavy
flexible tissue that holds your bones together
ds [from Latin ligare = bind] light-hearted snjctive 1 cheerful and free
light ‘noun lights 1 radiation that stimulates from worry 2 not serious
the sense of sight and makes things visible lighthouse noun lighthouses a tower witha
2 something that provides light, especially an right light at the top to guide or warn ships
electric lamp 3a flame lightning noun a flash of bright light produced
bring orcome to light make or become y natural electricity during a thunderstorm
known like lightning with very great speed
light apjective 1 full of light; not dark 2 pale lightning conductor noun lightning
Wy e light blue
conductors a metal rod or wire fixed ona
light vere lights lighting , lit orlighted 1-start building to divert lightning into the earth
a thing burning; begin to burn 2 provide light
for something oa year noun light years the distance that
light up 1 put lights on, especially at dusk ight travels in one year (about 95 million
2 make or become light or bright million km)
USAGE Say He lit the lamps; the lamps were lit (not like ' vere likes liking liked 1 think a person
‘lighted’), but She carried a lighted torch (not ‘a or thing is pleasant or satisfactory 2 wish e I'd
lit torch’). like to come.

lift vers 1 She lifted the twins into their special on in the bedroom. » lamp, lantern, torch, bulb
chairs. » raise, pick up, hoist, heave 3 She saw the problem in a new light. » aspect,
OPPOSITES ARE lower, drop 2 The plane lifted off complexion, angle, standpoint, point of view,
the ground. » rise, ascend, go up, soar slant, approachusAGE With the last five
OPPOSITES ARE land, touch down 3 The sight of synonyms you use from instead of in, e.g. She
the sea lifted their spirits. » raise, boost, buoy saw the problem from a new standpoint. 4In an
up, revive, enliven, perk up OPPOSITES ARE hour they would be working in the light.
lower, subdue 4 The six-month ban has now > daylight, light of day, daytime, sunlight
been lifted. » cancel, revoke, rescind, remove, light vers 1 The boys wanted to light a fire.
withdraw AN OPPOSITE IS impose 5 By now the > kindle, ignite, set alight, set burning, put a
mist had lifted. » clear, disperse, disappear, match to, set fire to, switch on OPPOSITES ARE
vanish, dissolve, rise OPPOSITES ARE Come down, put out, extinguish 2 Hundreds of searchlights
appear lit the sky. » illuminate, light up, lighten,
lift woun She took the lift to the top floor. brighten, irradiate, floodlight, cast light on,
> elevator, escalator, hoist shed light on, shine on AN OpPosiTE IS darken
light ADJECTIVE 1 alight load » slight, lighten vere 1 Pale streaks lightened the sky.
ightweight, portable, insubstantial, > light, light up, illuminate, brighten, irradiate
weightless, flimsy, feathery AN OPPOSITE IS AN OPPOSITEIS darken 2 The sky lightened in the
heavy 2a light blue» pale, faint, pastel, fair east. > brighten, grow lighter AN OPPOSITE IS
AN OPPOSITE IS dark 3. light meal » modest, darken 3 The gift lightened their financial
frugal, simple, skimpy, insubstantial burden. » ease, reduce, relieve, alleviate,
OPPOSITES ARE heavy, rich 4 light music; a little mitigate, moderate OPPOSITES ARE increase,
light reading » entertaining, lightweight, intensify
diverting, undemanding, easy 5 She looked light light-hearted anective His light-hearted banter
on her feet. » nimble, deft, agile, graceful had a serious side} » cheerful, carefree, jolly,
light noun 1 The gas lamp did not give out much playful, jovial, bright
light. » brightness, illumination, radiance, like vers 1I have always liked Rosamund. » be
luminescence, glow, lustre 2 There was a light fond of, be attached to, care for, adore, admire,
like => limp
like? apjective similar; having some or all of the limber vere limbers, limbering, limbered
qualities of another person or thing e They are limber up do exercises in preparation for an
as like as two peas. athletic activity
like noun a similar person or thing e We shall not lime! youn a white chalky substance (calcium
see his like again. oxide) used in making cement and as a fertilizer
like preposition 11 similar to; in the manner of lime? NouN limes 1 a green fruit like a small
e He swims like a fish. 2 in a suitable state for round lemon 2a drink made from the juice of |
@ It looks like rain. e Ifeel like a cup of tea. this fruit iit

likelihood noun being likely; probability lime? noun limes a tree with yellow flowers
likely ance likelier, likeliest 1 probable; limelight oun
expected to happen or be true etc. e Rain is in the limelight receiving alot of publicity and
likely. 2 expected to be suitable or successful attention
@ a likely spot limerick
oun limericks a type of amusing
liken vere likens, likening, likened compare poem with five lines [named after Limerick, a
e He likened the human heart to a pump. town in Ireland, possibly because people sang
‘will you come up to Limerick’ as a refrain]
oun likenesses 1 a similarity in
appearance; a resemblance 2a portrait limestone
noun a kind of rock from which lime
(calcium oxide) is obtained
liking oun a feeling that you like something limit youn limits 1 a line, point, or level where
@ She has a liking for ice cream.
something ends 2 the greatest amount
lilacnoun 1a bush with fragrant purple or white allowed e the speed limit
flowers 2 pale purple limiters limits, limiting, limited 1 keep
liltvoun lilts a light pleasant rhythm ina voice or something within certain limits 2 be a limit to
tune something
> lilting ADjective > limitation noun
lilyNOUN lilies a garden plant with trumpet- limited companynoun limited companies a
shaped flowers, growing from a bulb business company whose shareholders would
limb noun limbs 1 a leg, arm, orwing 2a large have to pay only some of its debts if it went
branch of a tree bankrupt
out on a limb isolated; without any support limp! vere limps, limping, limped walk lamely

respect, esteem, (old-fashioned) hold dear, liking noun a liking for rock music » fondness,
(more informal) have a soft spot for, (more partiality, taste, desire, attraction, weakness,
informal) take a shine to, (more informal) fancy penchant, predilection, fancy OPPOSITES ARE
2 Do you like dancing? » enjoy, care for, dislike (of), aversion (to)
appreciate, be keen on, be partial to, (more limbervers limber up She was limbering up for
informal) love, (more informal) fancy the next race. » warm up, loosen up, work out,
like apjective The cousins are very like each other. prepare, get ready, exercise
> similar to, the same as, identical
AN OPPOSITE IS unlike limmitwoun 1 There was a limit to what they could
do to help. There is a limit of ten thousand tickets
likeable apctive The person appointed needs to for away supporters. » restriction, maximum,
be likeable and a good mixer. » pleasant, ceiling, cut-off point, curb, restraint, limitation
personable, nice, friendly, attractive, 2 They drove out as far as the city limits.
charming, congenial, pleasing, endearing > boundary, border, edge, perimeter, confines
likely anjective 1 It was likely that there would be lirmit vers The organizers have to limit numbers in
the interests of safety. » restrict, curb, puta
an inquiry. » probable, possible, expected,
limit on, restrain, check, control, circumscribe,
foreseeable, envisaged, (more informal) odds- demarcate, confine, fix
on 2Try to think of a more likely explanation.
» credible, believable, plausible, convincing, limited apective Resources are limited.
reasonable 3 It was a likely place for them to > restricted, circumscribed, finite, short,
meet. > suitable, appropriate, proper, controlled, rationed, defined, determinate,
apposite, promising, hopeful fixed, inadequate, insufficient, narrow,
likemessnoun 1 The painting was a good likeness reduced, small OPPOSITES ARE unlimited,
of their mother. » representation, image, limitless
depiction, portrayal, picture, portrait, copy, limmpanyective The man held out a limp hand.
replica 2 The brothers’ likeness is remarkable. > soft, loose, flabby, drooping, slack, weak,
> resemblance, similarity, affinity, sagging, wilting, bendy, flexible, pliable,
correspondence AN OPPOSITE IS dissimilarity yielding, floppy OPPosiTES ARE firm, rigid
limp = lion
limp noun limps a limping walk liner youn liners a large passenger ship
limp 2 apjective 1 not stiff or firm 2 without linger vers lingers , lingering, lingered stay
strength or energy for along time, as if unwilling to leave; be slow
> limply Aovers limpness Noun to leave
limpet youn limpets a small shellfish that lingerie (lan-zher- ee) noun women’s
attaches itself firmly to rocks underwear
line ' youn lines 1along thin mark 2arow or linguistics youn the study of languages
series of people or things; a row of words 3a > linguistic Adjective
length of rope, string, wire, etc. used for a
special purpose e a fishing line 4a railway; a lining noun linings a layer that covers the inside
line of railway track 5 a company operating a of something
transport service of ships, aircraft, or buses 6a link noun links 1 one of the rings or loops ofa
way of doing things or behaving; a type of chain 2.a connection or relationship
business 7 a telephone connection
inline 1 forming a straight line 2 conforming link vers links , linking linked join things
together; connect
line vere lines lining ,lined 1 mark something > linkage noun
with lines e Use lined paper. 2 form something
into a line or lines @ Line them up. fimkks piural noun a golf course, especially one
near the sea
line 2 vere lines lining lined cover the inside of
something linoleum noun a stiff shiny floor covering
lineage (lin- ee- ij) noun lineages ancestry; a linseed noun the seed of flax, from which oil is
line of descendants from an ancestor obtained
linear (lin- ee- er) apjective 1 arranged ina line lint voun a soft material for covering wounds
2 to do with a line or length lion youn lions a large strong flesh-eating
linen noun 1 cloth made from flax 2 shirts, animal of the cat family found in Africa and
sheets, and tablecloths etc. (which were India
formerly made of linen) > lioness Noun

lismp vere She limped back into the house. lime vers 1 She lined the cat’s box with blankets.
> hobble, hop, falter, shuffle, stumble, totter > cover, face, pad, stuff, reinforce 2 The drive
was lined with trees. » border, edge, fringe,
line noun 1A line of cars was waiting at the lights. bound, skirt
> queue, row, file, column, procession, chain, line up The children lined up by the door.» form
string 2 He drew a line under his signature. From a line, form a queue, queue, queue up, fall in,
their window they could see lines in the sand. form a crocodile
> stroke, rule, underline, strip, band, bar,
streak 3 As she grew older the lines on her face linger vers 1 Most of the crowd leave promptly
increased. » crease, wrinkle, furrow, groove but some tend to linger. » wait around, lag
behind, loiter, dally, tarry, hang on, stay put,
4 They walked in a straight line across the field.
delay 2 An aroma of coffee lingered all morning.
> direction, path, route, course, track 5 The > persist, last, continue, remain, endure, stay
courts are taking a tough line with repeat
offenders. Cabinet members are obliged to support lining woun a coat with a thick lining » padding,
the government line. » approach, course, inner layer, interfacing, inlay, liner, interlining
course of action, procedure, policy, position,
stance, tactic 6 There aren’t many opportunities link noun 1 She fostered links between the two
in my line. » field, line of work, occupation, families. » bond, tie, relationship, attachment
business, calling, speciality, trade, work, 2a rail link between the city centre and the
province, domain 7 Mark attached a line to the airport» connection, communication, line
post. > cord, rope, string, cable, wire, thread, 3 an important link in the organization
flex 8 the handsome lines of a classical building > element, component, constituent, piece 4a
> shape, contour, profile, figure, features, chain of hardened steel links » loop, ring,
connector, connection
silhouette 9 The ball had not crossed the line.
> limit, boundary, border, edge, demarcation link vers 1 Police are linking this crime with a
10 She comes from a noble line related to the royal series of other robberies. » connect, associate,
family. » ancestry, family, descent, lineage, relate (to), draw a connection between 2 The
extraction, pedigree, genealogy, stock, two trains were linked together. » couple, join,
background connect, attach, fasten
lip = litter
lip noun lips 1 either of the two fleshy edges of listen vere listens, listening, listened pay
the mouth 2 the edge of something hollow, attention in ordertohear something
such as a cup or crater 3 the pointed part at the > listener Noun
top of a jug etc., from which you pour things listless apjective too tired to be active or
lip-read vere lip-reads, lip-reading, lip-read enthusiastic
understand what a person says by watching the > listlessly aovers listlessness Noun ;
movements of their lips, not by hearing lit past tense of light! J
lipstick oun lipsticks a stick of a waxy literacy noun the ability to read and write Fe
substance for colouring the lips
literal anective 1 meaning exactly what is said,
liqueur (lik- yoor) youn liqueurs a strong not metaphorical or exaggerated 2 word for
sweet alcoholic drink word @ a literal translation
liquid noun liquids a substance like water or oil literally avvers really; exactly as stated e The
that flows freely but (unlike a gas) has a noise made me literally jump out of my seat. ra
constant volume
literature youn books and other writings,
liquid apective 1 in the form of a liquid; flowing especially those considered to have been
freely 2 easily converted into cash e the firm’s written well
liquid assets
> liquidity voun litigation noun litigations a lawsuit; the
process of carrying on a lawsuit
liquor oun 1 alcoholic drink 2 juice produced
in cooking; liquid in which food has been litmus noun a blue substance that is turned red
cooked by acids and can be turned back to blue by
liquorice (lick- er-ish) noun 1 black alkalis ak
substance used in medicine and as a sweet litmus paper noun paper stained with litmus
2 the plant from whose root this substance is litre youn litres a measure of liquid, about 1.75
obtained pints
lisp noun lisps a fault in speech in which s and z litter youn litters 1 rubbish or untidy things
are pronounced like th left lying about 2 the young animals born to
> lisp vers one mother at one time 3 absorbent material
list voun lists a number of names, items, or put down on a tray for a cat to urinate and
figures etc. written or printed one after another defecate in indoors 4a kind of stretcher 0
list vere lists, listing, listed make a list of litter vers litters, littering, littered make a
people or things place untidy with litter

lip noun Coffee poured over the lip of the jug. lackadaisical, torpid, inert, apathetic,
> rim, brim, brink, mouth, edge unenthusiastic AN OPPOSITE IS lively
liquid noun The doctor says he can only take literal apective 1 literal translation » word-
liquids for a few days. » fluid, liquid substance, for-word, verbatim, faithful, strict, exact, close,
juice, drink, solution plain, prosaic, unimaginative 2 the literal truth
liquid anjective The pudding had become liquid in of the Bible » strict, plain, bare, exact, precise,
the heat. » runny, fluid, thin, watery, sloppy, straightforward, unvarnished, narrow
sloshy, wet, aqueous, molten, running, flowing literary pjective 1 a collection of literary works
AN OPPOSITE IS solid > written, printed, published, dramatic,
list oun I had a list of over 7,000 names. poetic, imaginative 2 a literary style of writing
> register, inventory, catalogue, index, file, > formal, stylish, ornate, polished,
roll, roster, schedule sophisticated, imaginative, recognized as
list vers 1 We have listed names of contributors in literature 3 a group of literary friends
alphabetical order. » record, register, iternize, > cultured, educated, literate, scholarly,
enter, index, file, enumerate, catalogue 2 The refined, well read, widely read, erudite, learned
ship was listing in the heavy seas. > tilt, lean, literature noun 1 class in English literature
lean over, tip, heel, pitch, keel over > writings, books 2 We can pick up some
listem vers I don’t think they were listening. » pay literature about the place from the tourist office.
attention, take notice > brochures, leaflets, pamphlets, handouts,
listen to a doctor who listens to what his patients circulars
tellhim» pay attention to, take notice of, hear, litter noun 1 It took days to clear up all the litter.
heed, attendto, concentrate on, (old-fashioned) > rubbish, refuse, junk, waste, debris, clutter,
hark AN OPPOSITE IS ignore garbage, mess, scraps, bits and pieces, odds
listless apjective a young woman clutching a pale, and ends, trash, jumble 2. litter ofpuppies
listless child » lethargic, sluggish, enervated, > brood, family, (more formal) progeny
little = llama
little apjective less least small in amount or size lively anjective livelier, liveliest full of life or
or intensity etc.; not great or big or much action; vigorous and cheerful
alittle 1a small amount e Have a little sugar. > liveliness noun
2 slightly @ I’m a little tired.
liver noun livers 1 a large organ of the body,
little by little gradually; bya small amount ata
found in the abdomen, that processes digested
food and purifies the blood 2 an animal's liver
little apvers not much e He was little known in used as food
this country.
live | (rhymes with give) vere lives living, lived livestock noun farm animals
1 have life; be alive 2 have your home e She livid anective 1 bluish-grey e a livid bruise
lives in Glasgow. 3 pass your life in a certain way 2 furiously angry
@ He lived as a hermit.
live down ifyou cannot live down a mistake or living Noun 1 being alive 2 the way that a
embarrassment, you cannot make people person lives @ a good standard of living 3a way
forget it of earning money or providing enough food to
live on use something as food; depend on for support yourself
your living living room noun living rooms aroom for
live 2 (rhymes with hive) Anjective 1 alive general use during the day
2 connected to a source of electric current
3 broadcast while it is actually happening, not lizard noun lizards a reptile with a rough or
from arecording 4 burning e live coals scaly skin, four legs, and a long tail
livelihood noun livelihoods a way of earning llama noun Ilamas a South American animal
money or providing enough food to support with woolly fur [via Spanish from Quechua (a
yourself South American language)]

little apjective 1 little book » small, tiny, swarming OPPOSITES ARE quiet, dead
minute, miniature, mini, petite, (Scottish) wee, attractive and lively young woman » vivacious,
(more informal) teeny 2a little person » small, high-spirited, exuberant, animated, alert,
slight, short, diminutive, (Scottish) wee 3in a active, spirited, exciting, cheerful
little while » short, brief, fleeting, (Scottish) OPPOSITES ARE lifeless, dull 3 a lively colour
wee 4 We have alittle problem. » minor, trivial, scheme bright, vivid, colourful, striking, bold
unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, OPPOSITES ARE dull, bland
negligible liven vers liven up The room needed a few
a little Add a little water. » some, asmall
pictures to liven it up. » brighten up, animate,
amount of, a bit of, a touch of, a spot of, a taste of
cheer up, vitalize, put life into, (more informal)
little noun You only need a little. » bit, dash, perk up, (more informal) pep up
pinch, small amount, touch, modicum
livery noun 1 the pageboys in their blue livery
little apvers The singers are little known in this > uniform, costume, outfit, suit, regalia, garb,
country.» scarcely, barely, hardly, slightly, not (more informal) get-up 2 railway coaches
much repainted in their old maroon livery » colours,
live vers 1 We live in Glasgow. » reside, havea colour scheme, paintwork
home, dwell, lodge 2 He hardly earns enough to
live on. » exist, subsist, survive, endure, stay livid anjective 1A row of livid bruises began to
alive 31’m not sure these plants will live much form on his skin. » bluish-grey, purplish, dark,
longer. > last, survive, stay alive 4 She has led a discoloured 2 He was livid with me. » furious,
happy life. > pass, spend, experience, undergo angry, fuming, seething, raging, enraged,
live Apjective 1 live animals > living, alive,
breathing, animate 2 live show > real-time, living Aoyective all living creatures > live, alive,
actual, unrecorded 3. live rail» electrified, breathing, animate, existing, vital, active,
charged, powered, connected 4 a live issue sentient, surviving, vigorous OPPOSITES ARE
> topical, current, relevant, pertinent, dead, extinct
contemporary, vital, controversial living noun He was washing cars for a living.
livelihood noun The printing business was his > livelihood, income, source of income, means
main livelihood. » income, source of income, of support, subsistence, occupation,
means of support, living, subsistence, employment —,
occupation, employment living room noun Music was playing in the living
lively anjective 1 The bars are lively late in the room. » sitting room, drawing room, lounge,
evening. » busy, hectic, bustling, crowded, reception room
load = local anaesthetic
load noun loads 1 something carried; a burden loathe (rhymes with clothe) vers loathes,
2 the quantity that can be carried 3 the total loathing, loathed feel great hatred and
amount of electric current supplied disgust for something
4 (informal) a large amount e It’s a load of > loathing noun
nonsense. @ You could earn loads of money. loathsome spective making you feel great
loads (informal) plenty e We’ve got loads of hatred and disgust; repulsive
time. lob vers lobs, lobbing, lobbed throw, hit, or
load vers loads, loading, loaded 1 put a load kick a ball etc. high into the air, especially ina
in or onsomething 2 fill heavily 3 weight with high arc
something heavy e loaded dice 4 puta bullet or lobby noun lobbies 1 an entrance hall 2a
shell into a gun; put a film into a camera 5 enter group who lobby MPs etc. e the anti-hunting
programs or data into a computer lobby
loaf! noun loaves a shaped mass of bread baked lobby vers lobbies, lobbying, lobbied try to
in one piece persuade an MP or other person to support
use your loaf (informal) think; use common your cause, by speaking to them in person or
sense writing letters
[from Old English] lobster noun lobsters a large shellfish with
eight legs and two long claws
loaf? vere loafs, loafing, loafed spend time
idly; loiter or stand about local nective belonging to a particular place ora
> loafer Noun small area
> locally apvere
loam noun rich soil containing clay, sand, and local noun locals (informal) 1 someone who
decayed leaves etc. lives in a particular district 2a pub near a
> loamy ADJECTIVE person’s home [from Latin locus = a place]
loan noun loans 1 something lent, especially local anaesthetic
noun local anaesthetics
money 2 lending; being lent e These books are an anaesthetic affecting only the part of the
on loan from the library. body where it is applied

load noun 1a load ofgoods » cargo, loan noun A bank loan would help develop the
consignment, freight, vanload, lorryload, business. » advance, credit, mortgage
truckload, shipment, boatload, (more formal) loan vers 1 We will loan you the money for a
lading 2.4 heavy load of work» burden, period of5years. » lend, advance, credit 2 The
commitment, obligation, weight gallery loans pictures all over the world. » lend,
a load of (informal) a load of rubbish » a lot of, give on loan, provide on loan
a great deal of, a wealth
load vers 1 We loaded the luggage into the car. loathe vers She loathed living in the suburbs.
> pack, stow, store, stack, cram, heap, pile > hate, detest, abhor, abominate, dislike,
AN OPPOSITE IS unload (from) 2 They’ve loaded despise Opposites ARE love, like, adore
me with more responsibilities. » burden, loathing Noun Loathing for the other woman rose
encumber, weigh down, saddle AN OPPOSITE IS inher chest.» hatred, detestation, abhorrence,
relieve (of) repugnance (for), revulsion (for) AN OPPOSITE IS
loaded apjective 1 He had a loaded gun in his love
hand. » primed, charged, filled, ready 2A loathsome spective a loathsome crime
loaded trolley trundled up the platform. » full, > detestable, horrible, horrid, awful, nasty
filled, laden, burdened, inundated, piled high, OPPOSITES ARE pleasant, likeable
weighed down, crammed 3 a loaded argument
> one-sided, biased, tendentious, prejudiced, lob vers He lobbed the ball in the air. » throw,
unfair, distorted, emotive, partial 4 (informal) toss, hurl, pitch, fling, loft, shy, bowl, cast,
Their parents are loaded and can easily afford the chuck, sling
fees. > wealthy, well-off, rich, affluent, local anective 1 the local library » nearby,
prosperous, moneyed neighbourhood, neighbouring 2 Try the local
loaf vere He can’t go on loafing around any longer. cuisine. » regional, district, provincial,
> laze, idle, lounge, waste time, kill time community OPPOSITES ARE national, global 3.4
OPPOSITES ARE work, toil local infection » confined, restricted, limited,
localized, circumscribed AN OPPOSITE IS general
loafer Noun (informal) education that produces a
generation of loafers » layabout, idler, lounger, local noun (informal) The restaurant is filled with
shirker, wastrel, (informal) skiver, (informal) locals. » inhabitant, resident, parishioner,
lazybones, (informal) good-for-nothing native

localized = logic
localized anyctive restricted to a particular locust noun locusts a kind of sae erthat
place e localized showers travels in large swarms which eat all the plants
locate vers locates locating located discover in an area
where something is @ I have located the fault. lodge noun lodges 1a small house, especially
be located be situated in a particular place at the gates of a park 2a porter’s room at the
e The cinema is located in the High Street. entrance to a college, factory, etc. 3.a beaver’s
location youn locations 1 the place where or otter’s lair
something is situated 2 discovering where lodge vere lodges, lodging, lodged 1 stay
something is; locating somewhere as alodger 2 provide a person with
on location filmed in natural surroundings, somewhere to live temporarily 3 become stuck
not ina studio or caught somewhere e The ball lodged in the
lock ' youn locks 1 fastening that is opened tree.
with a key or other device 2 a section of a canal lodge a complaint complain formally
or river fitted with sluice gates so that boats can lodger noun lodgers a person who pays to live
be raised or lowered to the level beyond each in another person’s house
gate 3 the distance that a vehicle’s front lodgings Piura Noun aroom or rooms, notin a
wheels can turn 4a wrestling hold that keeps hotel, rented for living in
an opponent’s arm or leg from moving
lock, stock, and barrel completely loft noun lofts a room or storage space under
the roof of a house or barn etc.
lock vers locks, locking, locked 1 fasten or
secure something by means of a lock 2 store lofty anjective 1 tall 2noble 3 haughty
something away securely 3 become fixed in > loftily anvers loftiness Noun
one place; jam log ' noun logs 1 alarge piece of a tree that has
lock 2 noun locks a clump of hair fallen or been cut down; a piece cut off this 2a
locker youn lockers asmall cupboard or detailed record kept of a voyage or flight, kept
compartment where things can be stowed in alogbook
safely log vers logs, logging, logged enter facts ina
locket noun lockets a small ornamental case log
for holding a portrait or lock of hair etc., worn log in (oron) start using a computer
ona chain round the neck log out (or off) finish using a computer
locks piurai noun a person’s hair log ? noun logs a logarithm e log tables
locomotive noun locomotives a railway logarithm noun logarithms one of a series of
engine numbers set out in tables which make it
locomotive apjctive to do with movement or possible to do sums by adding and subtracting
the ability to move e locomotive power instead of multiplying and dividing
> locomotion noun loggerheads piura noun
focus (loh- kus) noun loci (loh- ky) 1(in at loggerheads disagreeing or quarrelling
mathematics) the path traced by a moving logic noun 1 reasoning; a system or method of
point, or made by points placed in a certain way reasoning 2 the principles used in designing a
2 the exact place of something computer; the circuits involved in this

locality noun 1 There are several good schools in lock vers We lock the door at night. » fasten,
the locality. » region, area, neighbourhood, secure, shut, bolt, close, seal
vicinity, location, district, community, parish lock up He was locked up for causing criminal
2 new housing in an attractive locality damage. > jail, imprison, put behind bars
> position, location, setting, situation, place lodge noun a hunting lodge » cabin, cottage,
locate vers 1 He located the skylight window he hut, chalet
had noticed from the outside. » find, discover, lodge vers 1 The family lodged at a guest house
identify, pinpoint, track down, detect, light on for a few weeks. » board, stay, live, reside 21
2 The boiler room is located in the basement. will lodge a formal complaint. » submit,
> situate, site, position, place register, enter, place, present
lodger noun Her husband had once been a lodger
location noun The firm is moving to a new of hers. » boarder, paying quest, tenant,
location. » position, site, locality, locale, place, resident, inmate, Quest
point, situation, spot, venue, whereabouts
logic noun We accept the logic ofyour case.
lock noun 1. lock on a door » fastening, latch, > reasoning, rationale, sense, validity,
clasp 2. lock of hair > curl, tress, tuft argumentation, rationality, cogency
logical > look
logical nective using logic; reasoning or long 2vers longs, longing, longed feel a strong
reasoned correctly desire
> logically apvers logicality noun
long division noun dividing one number by
logo (loh- goh, log- oh) noun logos a printed another and writing down all the calculations
symbol used by a business company etc. as its longing noun longings a strong desire
emblem longitudé noun longitudes the distance east
loiter vers loiters, loitering, loitered linger or or west, measured in degrees, from the
stand about idly Greenwich meridian
> loiterer Noun long jump noun an athletic contest in which
lollipop noun lollipops a large round hard competitors jump as far as possible along the
sweet on a stick ground in one leap
long-sighted apcrive able to see distant
lonely Aoyecrive lonelier, loneliest 1 sad things clearly but not things close to you
because you are on your own 2solitary 3 far
from inhabited places; not often visited or used long wave noun a radio wave of a wavelength
e a lonely road above one kilometre and a frequency less than
> loneliness noun 300 kilohertz
long-winded aoctie talking or writing at
long! Agective 1 measuring alot from one end great length
to the other 2 taking a lot of time e a long
holiday 3 having a certain length @ The river is look vers looks, looking, looked 1 use your
10 miles long. eyes; turn your eyes in a particular direction
2 face in a particular direction 3 have a certain
long apvers 1 for along time e Have you been appearance; seem e@ You look sad.
waiting long? 2 at along time before or after look after 1 protect or take care of someone
@ They left long ago. 3 throughout a time e all 2 be in charge of something
night long look down on despise
as long as orso long as provided that; on look forward to be waiting eagerly for
condition that something you expect
before long soon look into investigate
no longer not any more look out be careful

logical anyective The conclusions are logical. longing noun He felt a longing for his home.
> rational, reasonable, cogent, coherent, > yearning, hankering (after), craving
clear, sound, valid, consistent, intelligent, desire, hunger, need, thirst, urge, wish,
methodical, sensible, systematic AN OPPOSITE IS (informal) yen
illogical long-lasting apjective We need long-lasting
loiter vers With so much to do there was no time solutions to these problems.» enduring, abiding,
to loiter in the shopping malls. » linger, dally, long-running, durable, permanent, prolonged
potter, dawdle, tarry, (more informal) loaf long-standing apjective a long-standing
about, (more informal) mooch about arrangement > well-established, long-
lone apjctive a lone cyclist; alone tree » solitary, established, time-honoured, firm
single, solo, isolated, individual, look vers 1 Everywhere you look there are trees.
unaccompanied, separate > see, observe, regard, survey, glance,
lonely apective 11 walked through the garden scrutinize, scan 2 Things looked difficult that day.
feeling very lonely. » alone, solitary, friendless, > seem, appear
abandoned, lonesome, neglected, forlorn look after Jane had to look after her father during
AN OPPOSITE IS popular 2 The cart drove along the his last illness. » take care of, care for, tend,
lonely road» deserted, unfrequented, remote, attend to, provide for, mind, nurse, supervise,
secluded, isolated, abandoned, desolate, watch over, (more informal) keep an eye on
forsaken, out of the way, uninhabited, (informal) look at I knew ifIlooked at her we'd both start
off the beaten track AN OPPOSITE IS crowded laughing. » glance at, watch, observe
long apjective 1 long blonde hair » flowing, look down on The family looked down on all their
shoulder-length, waist-length AN OPPOSITE Is neighbours. » despise, disdain, scorn, hold in
short 2a long wait » lengthy, prolonged, contempt, sneer at, (more informal) look down
extended, extensive, long-lasting your nose at
OPPOSITES ARE short, brief look for 11 was still looking for my wallet.
long vers long for We longed for the holidays. » search for, hunt for, seek, try to find
> yearn for, crave, dream of, hanker after, 2 Behaviour like that is looking for trouble. » ask
hunger for, pine for ' for, provoke, invite, attract, court, incite, tempt,
look =» lop
look up 1 search for information about loophole noun loopholes a way of avoiding a
something 2 improve in prospects e Things are law or-rule or promise etc. without actually
looking up. breaking it
look up to admire or respect
loose apective 1 not tight; not firmly fixed e a
look noun looks 1 the act of looking; a gaze or loose tooth 2 not tied up or shut in @ There’s a
glance 2 appearance e I don’t like the look of this lion loose! 3 not packed in a box or packet etc.
place 4 not exact e a loose translation
looking glass noun looking glasses a glass > loosely Apvers looseness NOUN
mirror at a loose end with nothing to do
lookout voun lookouts 1 looking out or on the loose escaped or free
watching for something 2. place from which
you can keep watch 3 a person whose job is to loosen vers loosens, loosening, loosened
keep watch 4a future prospect e It’s a poor make or become loose or looser
lookout for us. 5 (informal) a person’s own fault loot voun stolen things; goods taken from an
or concern e Ifhe wastes his money, that’s his enemy.
loom! youn looms a machine for weaving cloth loot vers loots, looting, looted 1 roba place or
an enemy, especiallyina time of war or disorder
loom2 vers looms, looming, loomed appear
suddenly; seem large or close and threatening 2 take something as loot
> looter Noun
e@ An iceberg loomed up through the fog.
[from a Hindi word, = to rob]
loop noun loops the shape made by a curve
crossing itself; a piece of string, ribbon, wire, lop vers lops, lopping, lopped cut away
etc. made into this shape branches or twigs; cut off

cause, encourage, generate, (more informal) stir > concern, responsibility, business, affair,
up problem
look into The official said he would look into the loom vers 1 The cathedral loomed above them.
complaint. » investigate, find out about, inquire > soar, tower, rise, appear, rear up 2 Blurred
into, study, explore, examine shapes loomed out of the mist. » appear,
look outA ball can easily hit you ifyou don’t look emerge, come into view, reveal itself 3 Without
out.» beware, watch out, be careful, be vigilant, action, big problems loom. » threaten, impend,
pay attention, keep your eyes open be imminent, menace, overshadow
look up 1 You can look up the answer in an
encyclopedia. » find, search for, research, track loop noun He slipped a loop ofwire over the handle
down 2 (informal) We can look up some friends on and pulled it tight. » coil, noose, ring, twist,
curl, hoop, turn, bend, circle, kink
our way home. > visit, call on, stop by, (informal)
drop in on, (informal) look in on 3 Things were loop vers Loop a rope round the animal’s neck.
beginning to look up. >» improve, progress, show > coil, wind, twist, bend, curl, entwine, turn
an improvement, revive loophole noun a loophole in the regulations
look up to Susan looked up to her father. > means of escape, ambiguity, flaw, (more
> admire, respect, esteem, revere, have a high informal) get-out, (more informal) let-out
regard for, have a high opinion of, think highly of loose anective 1a loose screw > insecure,
look noun 1 We had a look at the house. unfastened, untied, unfixed, wobbly
> glance, glimpse, peek, peep, sight (of), OPPOSITES ARE tight, secure 2 a wild animal loose
observation (of), view (of), (informal) squint in the grounds » free, at large, unconfined, on
2 You could see he was angry from the look on his - the loose, at liberty AN Opposite Is confined
face.» expression, mien 3 a house with a Tudor 3 loose trousers » baggy, slack, loose-fitting,
look » appearance, aspect, facade, guise, roomy OPPOSITES ARE tight, close-fitting 4a
quality, atmosphere, semblance 4 this year’s loose translation » free, imprecise, vague,
new look » fashion, vogue, style, trend, craze, inexact OPPOSITES ARE literal, exact
rage loosen vers 1 He tried to loosen the knots.
looks All the sisters enjoyed stunning good looks. > ease, free, slacken, undo, untie, unfasten,
> appearance, features release 2 She loosened her grip. » weaken,
lookalike noun a Madonna lookalike » double, relax, lessen AN OPPOSITE IS. tighten
twin, exact likeness, spitting image, replica, loot Noun a bag full of the thieves’ loot » booty,
clone, (more informal) spit spoils, plunder, haul, (more informal) swag
lookout oun 1 lookout on the bridge loot vers Soldiers looted the deserted buildings.
> sentry, guard, sentinel, scout, watchman > raid, plunder, pillage, ransack, rifle, rob,
2 It might not work but that’s their lookout. steal from
lopsided = lounge
lopsided spective with one side lower or smaller lot youn lots 1 alarge number or amount e You
than the other have a lot offriends. e There’s lots of time. 2 one
lord noun lords 1anobleman, especially one of a set of objects used in choosing or deciding
who is allowed to use the title ‘Lord’ in front of something by chance e We drew lots to see who
his name 2a master or ruler should go first. 3.a person’s share or fate
> lordly Apjective lordship noun 4 something for sale at an auction 5 a piece of
[from Old English hlaford = person who keeps land *
the bread (comparelady)| a lot very much e I feel a lot better.
the lot orthe whole lot everything; all
lorry noun lorries a large strong motor vehicle
eel NOUN lotions a liquid for putting on the
for carrying heavy goods or troops skin
lose vers loses,losing, lost 1 be without lottery voun lotteries a way of raising money
something that you once had, especially by selling numbered tickets and giving prizes to
because you cannot find it 2 fail to keep or people who hold winning numbers, which are
obtain something e We lost control. 3 be chosen by a method depending on chance
defeated in a contest or argument etc. 4 cause compare lot 2
the loss of e That one mistake lost us the game.
5 (said about a clock or watch) become behind loud apective 1 easily heard; producing much
the correct time noise 2 unpleasantly bright; gaudy e loud
> loser NouN colours
be lost orlose your way not know where you > loudly sovers loudness noun
are or which is the right path loudspeaker noun loudspeakers a device
lose your life be killed that changes electrical signals into sound, for
lost cause an idea or policy etc. that is failing reproducing music or voices
loss noun losses 1 losing something lounge noun lounges a sitting room
2 something lost lounge vers lounges lounging, lounged sit
be at aloss not know what to do or say or stand in a lazy and relaxed way

lopsided apjective a tractor pulling a lopsided (in), forfeiture 5 The army suffered heavy losses.
load >» uneven, unbalanced, tilting, askew, > casualty, fatality, mortality, victim
asymmetrical, crooked, (more informal) cock- lost anjective 1 The lost keys never turned up.
eyed > missing, mislaid, misplaced, vanished 21
lord noun 1 the lord of the manor » master, became lost in the complications of the plot.
overlord, leader, chief, prince 2 He has been > confused, baffled, bewildered, perplexed
made a lord. » peer, noble, baron, earl, duke 3 many lost opportunities » missed, neglected,
lordly apjctive 1 lordly titles » noble, wasted, squandered 4 She appeared to be lost in
aristocratic, princely, courtly 2 He spoke in a thought. » absorbed, engrossed, preoccupied
lordly manner. » haughty, imperious, lot youn 1a lot of orlots of She has a lot of
disdainful, condescending, domineering, friends. We need lots of money. » many, plenty
overbearing, high-handed of, a large amount or number of, a great deal of
lose vers 1I’ve lost my passport. » mislay, 2 On Monday a new lot of tourists arrives. » set,
misplace, lose track of, forget AN OPPOSITE IS collection, group, batch, crowd 3 He was not at
find 2 We’ve already lost a lot of time. They lost all happy with his lot. » fate, destiny, fortune,
money on the deal. » waste, use up, squander, future 4 The money was divided into three lots.
dissipate, forfeit, exhaust OPPOSITES ARE gain, > share, portion, allocation, quota
make 3 The home side lost 3-0. » be beaten, be lottery noun She won a thousand pounds in a
defeated, fail, suffer defeat AN OPPOSITE IS win lottery. » draw, raffle, sweepstake, sweep,
loser noun 1 There are many losers and few gamble
winners in this game. » runner-up loud Apective 1 loud music » noisy, blaring,
AN OPPOSITE IS winner 2 (informal) He’s a deafening, booming, thunderous
complete loser.» failure, non-achiever, nobody, AN OPPOSITE IS quiet 2 loud colours » gaudy,
(informal) no-hoper garish, bold, lurid, flashy, showy AN OPPOSITE IS
loss noun 1 The loss of all his money ruined the
holiday. » losing, theft, deprivation, lounge vere Miranda lounged on the sofa all
disappearance 2 The loss of her husband morning. » laze, loll, recline, relax, sprawl,
devastated her. » death, demise, passing, slump, slouch, luxuriate, idle, waste time
decease 3 The company faced a huge loss. lounge noun We will have our drinks in the
> deficit, debit, debt, lack of profit 4 Loss of the lounge. > living room, sitting room, drawing
game was a major blow. » defeat (in), failure room, day room
louse = lower
louse noun lice a small insect that lives as a lover noun lovers 1a person who someone is
parasite on animals or plants having a sexual relationship with but is not
lousy nective lousier, lousiest 1 full of lice married to 2 someone who loves something
2 (informal) very bad or unpleasant e an art lover
lout noun louts a bad-mannered man lovesickanjective longing for someone you love,
lovable apctive easy to love especially someone who does not love you
love noun loves 1 great liking or affection
2 sexual affection or passion 3 a loved person; low apective 1 only reaching a short way up; not
a sweetheart 4 (in tennis) no score; nil high 2 below average in importance, quality,
in love feeling strong love amount, etc. e low prices e of low rank
make love have sexual intercourse 3 unhappy e I’m feeling low. 4 not high-
love vers loves, loving, loved feel love for a pitched; not loud e low notes @ a low voice
person or thing > lowness NOUN
> lover noun lovingly Apvers
[from Old English] low Apvere at or to a low level or position etc.
e@ The plane was flying low
love affair youn love affairs a romantic or
sexual relationship between two people in love lower Apjective, apvers less high
lovely apjective lovelier, loveliest 1 beautiful
2 very pleasant or enjoyable lower vers lowers, lowering, lowered make
> loveliness NouN or become lower

lousy apjective (informal) He had been a lousy lovely apjective 1 a lovely young woman; You look
father. » awful, terrible, dreadful, atrocious, lovely. » beautiful, attractive, good-looking,
appalling, frightful, poor, bad OPPOSITES ARE exquisite, pretty, enchanting, charming,
wonderful, lovely delightful, appealing OPPOSITES ARE
unattractive, hideous, ugly 2 lovely spring
foutnoun a group of drunken louts » hooligan,
hoodlum, ruffian, (more informal) yob morning » pleasant, delightful, glorious,
fine opposites ARE horrible,
loutish apjective loutish behaviour » uncouth, unpleasant
rude, ill-mannered, coarse, crude, vulgar,
(more informal) yobbish lover noun There is a rumour that she has a secret
lovable spective a lovable little kitten lover. » admirer, sweetheart, boyfriend,
> adorable, dear, sweet, charming, appealing, girlfriend, man friend, lady friend
likeable, attractive, cuddly, enchanting,
endearing, engaging, lovely, pleasing, taking, loving Agective He adored her loving nature.
winning AN Opposite |s hateful > affectionate, tender, fond, friendly, kind,
warm, amorous, ardent, demonstrative,
love vers 1 She told him she loved him. » care for, devoted, doting, passionate AN OPPOSITE IS
feel deeply for, adore, cherish, hold dear, loveless
treasure OPPOSITES ARE hate, loathe, detest
2 We all love the holidays. > |ike, like very much, low Anjective 14 low wall» short, small, squat,
enjoy, take pleasure in, appreciate, desire, look shallow AN opposite Is high 2 Prices are now
lonward to, (more informal) fancy AN OPPOSITE IS low. » reasonable, cheap, inexpensive
islike OPPOSITES ARE high, exorbitant 3 Supplies were
love noun 1 He gave her flowers to show his love. getting low. sparse, scarce, meagre,
> fondness, affection, adoration, devotion, inadequate, depleted, paltry OPPOSITES ARE
admiration, ardour, desire, friendship, plentiful, abundant 4 He was feeling low that
infatuation, liking, passion 2 Emma was his true day.» depressed, dispirited, downcast,
love. » beloved, loved one, darling, dear, unhappy AN OpposiTE Is happy 5 a low trick
dearest, lover > mean, base, despicable, shameful,
in love with He had been in love with her all his contemptible AN opposite Is admirable 6 a low
life. » devoted to, enamoured with, fond of, rumbling sound » muted, soft, deep
infatuated with RELATED ADJECTIVES amatory, AN OPPOSITE IS loud
lower vers 1 The soldier lowered the flag.
loveless anjective a loveless marriage > bring down, drdp, let down, take down
> passionless, unloving, unfeeling, heartless, OPPOSITES ARE raise, hoist 2 a need to lower
unresponsive, cold, frigid, undemonstrative interest rates » reduce, decrease, bring down,
AN OPPOSITE IS loving lessen OPPOSITES ARE raise, increase
loyal > lumpsum
loyal nective always firmly supporting your lukewarm apecrive 1 only slightly warm; tepid
friends or group or country etc. 2 not very enthusiastic e lukewarm applause
> loyally Apvers loyalty noun Hull vere tulls ,fulling, lulled soothe or calm;
lozenge noun lozenges 1a small flavoured send someone to sleep
tablet, especially one containing medicine 2a lull oun tulls a short period of quiet or inactivity
diamond shape lullaby vown lullabies asong that is sung to
Ltd. aserevistion limited send a baby to sleep
lubricant youn lubricants a lubricating lumbago noun pain in the muscles of the lower
substance back
lubricate vers lubricates, lubricating, lumber noun 1 unwanted furniture etc.; junk
2 (American) timber
lubricated oil or grease something so that it
moves smoothly lumber vers lumbers, lumbering, lumbered
> lubrication Noun 1 leave someone with an unwanted or
unpleasant task 2 move in a heavy clumsy way
lucid apjctive 1 clear and easy to understand
2 thinking clearly; not confused in your mind luminous spective glowing in the dark
> lucidly sovers lucidity Noun > luminosity Noun
lump 'younlumps 1 asolid piece of something
luck noun 1 the way things happen without 2 aswelling
being planned; chance 2 good fortune e It will > lumpy ADJECTIVE
bring you luck.
lump vers lumps, lumping, lumped put or
lucky Apjctive luckier luckiest having or treat things together in a group because you
bringing or resulting from good luck regard them as alike in some way
> luckily apvers
lump 2 vers lumps, lumping, lumped
ludicrous apecnve ridiculous or laughable lump it (informal) put up with something you
> ludicrously Apvers dislike
luggage noun suitcases and bags etc. holding lump sum noun lump sums a single payment,
things for taking on a journey especially one covering a number of items

loyal Anecrive a loyal friend » faithful, true, luggage noun Trevor put his luggage on the rack.
devoted, steadfast, staunch, constant, > bags, cases, baggage, things, paraphernalia,
dependable, reliable, sincere AN OPPOSITE IS belongings
disloyal lukewarm spective 1 She pulled a face over her
loyalty noun His first loyalty was to his family. lukewarm tea. » tepid, warm 2a lukewarm
> allegiance, faithfulness, fidelity, devotion, response » unenthusiastic, indifferent, half-
constancy, dependability, fealty, honesty, hearted, offhand, cool, apathetic
patriotism, reliability, staunchness, lull noun a lull in the fighting » pause, respite,
steadfastness, trustworthiness AN OPPOSITE IS break, calm, gap, interval, rest, (more informal)
disloyalty let-up
luck noun 1 They could not believe their luck. lull vers The singing lulled her to sleep. » soothe,
> good fortune, good luck, success 2 She hopes calm, subdue, hush, pacify, quell, quieten,
her luck will change. » fate, fortune, lot, destiny tranquillize AN OPPOSITE IS agitate
3 It was luck that brought them here. » chance,
accident, serendipity lumber vere 1 (informal) We were lumbered with
paying the bill. » saddle, burden, encumber,
lucky nective 1 a lucky chance; a lucky guess load 2 Henry lumbered down the stairs.
> fortunate, auspicious, providential, > shamble, trudge, tramp, plod, shuffle,
opportune, expedient, timely 2 He is lucky to blunder, move clumsily
have such a good friend as you. » fortunate,
Jump noun 1alump of bread » chunk, hunk,
blessed, favoured, advantaged
block, wedge, piece, portion, slab, wad 2 The
ludicrous apjectve a ludicrous suggestion blow left a lump on his head. » swelling, bump,
> absurd, ridiculous, laughable, incredible, growth, protuberance
farcical, preposterous, risible, foolish, idiotic,
lump verb 1lump together The newspaper
(more informal) crazy, (more informal) daft, reports lumped together several stories.
(more informal) barmy, (more informal) zany > combine, amalgamate, merge, bunch
OPPOSITES ARE reasonable, sensible 2lump it (informal) We're not going and we'll
lug vers He lugged his old suitcase up the hill. just have to lump it. » acceptit, put up with it,
> drag, pull, haul, carry, heave, hump tolerate it, endure it
lunacy = luxury
lumacy noun lunacies insanity or great lurk vere lurks, lurking, lurked wait where you
Be foolishness cannot be seen
lunatic noun lunatics an insane person luscious (lush- us) apjective delicious
> lunatic Adjective > lusciously spvers Iusclousmess

lunch oun lunches a meal eaten in the middle lushagectve 1 growing thickly and strongly
of the day @ lush grass 2 luxurious
> lunch vers > lushly overs lushness Noun

lung noun lungs either of the two parts of the Just youn lusts powerful desire, especially
body, in the chest, used in breathing sexual desire
> lustful apjective
lunge vers lunges, lunging, lunged thrust the
body forward suddenly Just vers lusts, lusting, lusted have a powerful
> lunge noun desire for a person or thing e people who lust
after power
lupinwoun lupins a garden plant with tall spikes lusty spective lustier, lustiest strong and
of flowers vigorous
lurch! vere lurches, lurching, lurched > lustily overs lustiness NouN
stagger; lean suddenly to one side Jute youn lutes a stringed musical instrument
> lurchnoun with a pear-shaped body, popular in the 14th-
17th centuries
lurch? noun
leave somebody in the lurchleave somebody luxuriant apectve growing abundantly
in difficulties USAGE Do not confuse with luxurious.
lure vers lures, luring, lured tempt a person or luxurious apective expensive and comfortable
animal into a trap; entice > luxuriously Apvers
> lure noun USAGE Do not confuse with luxuriant.

lurid (lewr- id) apjective 1 in very bright colours; luxury voun luxuries 1 something expensive
gaudy 2 sensational and shocking e the lurid that you enjoy but do not really need
details of the murder 2 expensive and comfortable surroundings e a
> luridly Apvers turidness Noun life of luxury [from Latin luxus = plenty]

lunacy noun 1a scene of despair and lunacy lurk vers lions lurking in shadows » skulk, loiter,
> insanity, madness, mental disorder, mental lie in wait, lie low, crouch, hide
illness, derangement, dementia 2 It would be
lunacy to try a rescue in this weather. > folly, luscious apective luscious fruit hanging from the
foolishness, stupidity, madness, insanity trees > delicious, juicy, succulent, mouth-
watering, appetizing
lunaticnoun a dangerous lunatic » maniac,
madman, madwoman, (more informal) loony lush apective 1 lush vegetation » rich, luxuriant,
lunge vers The man lunged at him. » thrust, abundant, profuse, exuberant, prolific,
charge, pounce, rush, throw yourself, dash, flourishing 2a lush penthouse » luxurious,
dive, lurch sumptuous, grand, opulent, lavish

leurch vers James lurched into the bathroom. lust youn a lust for power > greed, desire,
> stagger, stumble, totter, reel, roll, list, craving, longing, hunger, appetite, itch
lunge, sway, pitch, heave, lean, plunge, wallow
luxurious sgective luxurious surroundings
lure vere Advertising can lure people into debt. > sumptuous, grand, opulent, lavish,
> tempt, entice, attract, induce, coax, seduce,
comfortable, lush, magnificent, plush, splendid
draw, inveigle, invite, lead on, persuade
OPPOSITES ARE austere, simple, spartan
lurid aojective 1 window blinds of lurid colours
> garish, gaudy, flashy, loud, glaring, vulgar luxury voun They led a life of luxury.
OPPOSITES ARE sober, dull 2 The report included > opulence, sumptuousness, splendour,
all the lurid details. » sensational, affluence, extravagance, comfort, ease,
melodramatic, graphic, salacious, gruesome, enjoyment, indulgence, pleasure, relaxation,
macabre self-indulgence
-ly = lyric
-ly surfx forms adjectives (e.g. friendly, heavenly, lynch vere lynches lynching lynched join
sickly), adverbs from adjectives (e.g. boldly, together to execute or punish someone
sweetly, thoroughly) violently without a proper trial, especially by
: hanging them
Lycra noun (trademark) athin stretchy material lyric (1i-rik) noun lyrics 1a short poem that
used especially for sports clothing expresses thoughts and feelings 2 the words of
lying present participle oflie ' andlie 2 > lyrical apjective lyrically apvers

lying spective He was just a lying schemer. lying noun She was-no good at lying, even to save
> deceitful, dishonest, double-dealing, two- her own skin. » falsehood, untruthfulness,
faced, false, untrustworthy, untruthful deceit, dishonesty, mendacity, (more formal)
AN OPPOSITE IS. truthful perjury
MA = magic
madam noun a word used when speaking
politely to a woman e Can I help you, madam?
mad cow disease noun BSE
madden vers maddens, maddening,
maddened make a person mad or angry
MA assreviation Master of Arts > maddeninganjctive
mMacCwoun macs (informal) amackintosh miafianoun 1 alarge organization of criminals in
macaroninoun pasta in the form of short tubes Italy, Sicily, and the United States of America
[via Italian from Greek makaria = food made 2 any group of people believed to act together
from barley] in a sinister way
Macaroonnoun macaroons a small sweet magazinenoun magazines 1 a paper-covered
cake or biscuit made with ground almonds publication that comes out regularly, with
machinenoun machines something with articles, stories, or features by several writers
parts that work together to do a job 2 the part of agun that holds the cartridges 3a
store for weapons and ammunition or for
machine gunnoun machine guns a gun that explosives 4 device that holds film for a
can keep firing bullets quickly one after another camera or slides for a projector [from Arabic
machinerynoun 1 machines 2the moving makhazin = storehouses]
parts of amachine 3 an organized system for magenta (ma-jen- ta) Noun a colour between
doing something @ the machinery of local bright red and purple [named after Magenta, a
government town in north Italy, where Napoleon Ill won a
mackerel youn mackerel a sea fish used as battle in the year when the dye was discovered
food (1859)]
mackintosh youn mackintoshes a raincoat maggotwnoun maggots the larva of some kinds
mad apjective madder, maddest 1 having of fly
something wrong with the mind; insane > maggoty ADJECTIVE
2 extremely foolish 3 very keen @ He is mad magicnoun 1 the art of making things happen
about football. 4 (informal) very excited or by supernatural powers 2 mysterious tricks
annoyed performed for entertainment 3 a mysterious
> madlyspvers madnessnoun madmannoun and enchanting quality @ the magic of the East
like mad (informal) with great speed, energy, > magicapjective magical ApjecTive magically
or enthusiasm ADVERB

macabre apjective the macabre business of the infuriated, irate 4 mad about(informal) Jenny is
switched bodies » gruesome, grisly, grim, gory, mad about jazz.» keen on, crazy about,
morbid, eerie, weird, lurid, dreadful, horrible, enthusiastic about, eager for, devoted to,
ghoulish addicted to
machinmenoun The machine started to make a maddenvers It’s their pretence that maddens me
noise. » apparatus, appliance, contrivance, most. > infuriate, exasperate, anger, enrage,
device, contraption, instrument, tool, gadget, incense, annoy, craze, irritate, vex, provoke
mechanism RELATED ADJECTIVE mechanical
maddening apective The traffic moved with
machinerywnoun 1a factory equipped with maddening slowness, » infuriating,
modern machinery » equipment, machines, exasperating, irritating, annoying, vexing,
plant, instruments, hardware, gear 2 the agreed irksome
machinery for resolving disputes » procedure,
organization, structure, system, constitution, madnessnoun 1 There was a gleam of madness
method in his eyes. » insanity, dementia, lunacy,
machonoun macho jobs like bricklaying delirium, frenzy, hysteria, derangement,
> manly, male, masculine, virile, (more eccentricity, mania, mental illness, psychosis
informal) butch, (more informal) laddish 2 It is madness to let children roam about after
dark. » foolishness, folly, stupidity, insanity,
mad apjective 1 He thought he was going mad. lunacy
> insane, mentally ill, deranged, demented,
crazy, (more informal) out of your mind, (more magazine noun 1a pile of magazines on the
informal) off your head, (more informal) potty, dining-room table » journal, periodical, colour
(more informal) nutty, (more informal) nuts 2 It supplement, weekly, monthly, comic 2a
was a mad idea but they liked it. » foolish, crazy, magazine of weapofis » arsenal, ammunition
insane, absurd, senseless, wild, preposterous dump, storehouse, depot
3 (informal) Is she still mad with you for ditching Magicnoun 1 It was so real it had to be magic.
her? » angry, cross, furious, enraged, > sorcery, wizardry, witchcraft, devilry, the
magician — mail order
magician noun magicians 1a person who magnify vers magnifies; magnifying,
does magic tricks 2.a wizard magnified make something look or seem
magistrate noun magistrates an official who bigger than it really is
hears and judges minor cases in a local court > magnification noun magnifier noun
> magistracy NouN magnifying glass youn magnifying glasses
[from Latin magister = master] a lens that magnifies things
magnanimous (mag- nan- im- us) ADJECTIVE magnitude youn magnitudes 1 size or extent
generous and forgiving, not petty-minded 2 importance
> magnanimously Apvers magnanimity magpie noun magpies a noisy bird with black
NOUN and white feathers, related to the crow [from
Mag (short for Margaret) + an old word pie =
magnate noun magnates a wealthy influential magpie]
person, especially in business
mahogany noun a hard brown wood
magnesium noun asilvery-white metal that maid noun maids 1 a female servant 2 (old use)
burns with a very bright flame
a girl
magnet noun magnets a piece of iron or steel > maidservant Noun
that can attract iron and that points north and maiden noun maidens (old use) a girl
south when it is hung up > maidenhood noun
> magnetism NOUN
maiden spective 1 not married e a maiden aunt
magnetic apectve 1 having the powers of a 2 first e a maiden voyage
magnet 2 having the power to attract people maiden name noun maiden names a
© a magnetic personality woman’s family name before she married
b> magnetically apvers
maiden over youn maiden overs a cricket
magnetize vers magnetizes magnetizing, over in which no runs are scored
magnetized 1 make into a magnet 2 attract mail ' youn letters and parcels sent by post
like a magnet
> magnetization Noun mail 2 noun armour made of metal rings joined
together e a suit of chain mail
magneto (mag- neet- oh) Noun magnetos a mailing list noun mailing lists a list of names
small electric generator using magnets and addresses of people to whom an
magnificent apective 1 grand or splendid in organization sends information from time to
appearance etc. 2 excellent time
> magnificently apvers magnificence noun mail order noun asystem for buying and
[from Latin magnificus = splendid] selling goods by post

black arts, the supernatural 2 No children’s magnify vers 1 The device magnifies the image.
party is complete without the magic. > enlarge, maximize, amplify, make larger,
> conjuring, conjuring tricks, illusion, sleight augment, expand, increase, intensify, (more
of hand, (technical) prestidigitation 3 The place informal) blow up AN OPPOSITE IS reduce 2 It is
had lost none of itsmagic. » charm, fascination, easy to magnify the difficulties involved. (informal)
appeal, allure, glamour > exaggerate, inflate, maximize, overdo,
overestimate, overstate, make too much of,
magic Apjective a magic spell » supernatural, blow up out of all proportion, dramatize
magical, miraculous AN OPPOSITE IS. minimize.
magical apjective They would remember this magnitude noun 1 They realized the magnitude
magical day for the rest of their lives. of the task » size, immensity, vastness,
> wonderful, marvellous, extraordinary, hugeness, extent, enormousness 2 events of
delightful, enchanting tragic magnitude » importance, significance,
consequence, import, moment
magician noun A magician would finish off the
day’s entertainment. » conjuror, entertainer, maid youn A maid cleared the room. » servant,
illusionist, wizard, sorcerer serving girl, maidservant, domestic
magnificent spective 1a magnificent view mail youn The letter came with the morning mail.
> spectacular, splendid, impressive, imposing, > post, letters, delivery, packages, packets,
noble, glorious, gorgeous, sumptuous 2a parcels, correspondence
magnificent achievement > brilliant, masterly, mail vers I'l! mail you the package tomorrow.
superb, marvellous, wonderful, very fine > post, send, dispatch, forward
maim = make
maim vers maims, maiming, maimed injurea maize noun a tall kind of corn with large seeds
person so that part of their body is made on cobs
useless majestic spective 1 stately and dignified
main apective largest or most important 2 imposing
> majestically Aovers
main noun 1 the main pipe or cable in a public
system carrying water, gas, or (usually called majesty noun majesties 1 the title of aking or
mains) electricity to a building 2 (old use) the queen e Her Majesty the Queen 2 being majestic
seas @ Drake sailed the Spanish main. major Apective 1 greater; very important
in the main for the most part; on the whole e major roads 2 of the musical scale that has a
semitone after the 3rd and 7th notes COMPARE
main clause Noun main clauses a clause that
can be used as a complete sentence COMPARE
subordinate clause major Noun majors an army officer ranking
next above a captain [from Latin, = larger,
mainland noun the main part of a country or greater]
continent, not the islands round it
maornty NOUN majorities 1 the greatest part
mainly apvers 1 chiefly 2 almost completely of a group of people or things COMPARE
3 usually minority 2 the amount by which the winner in
mainstream noun the most widely accepted an election beats the loser e She had a majority
ideas or opinions about something e Fascism is of 25 over her opponent. 3 the age at whicha
not in the mainstream of British politics. person becomes an adult according to the law
(now usually 18) @ He has attained his majority.
maintain vers maintains, maintaining, make vers makes, making, made 1 bring
maintained 1 cause something to continue; something into existence, especially by putting
keep in existence 2 keep a thing in good things together 2 cause or compel @ Make him
condition 3 provide money for a person to live repeat it. 3 gain or earn @ She makes £25,000 a
on 4state that something is true year. 4 achieve or reach e He made 25 runs
maintenance noun 1 maintaining or keeping e@ The swimmer just made the shore. 5 reckon
something in good condition 2 money for food © What do you make the time? 6 result in or add
and clothing 3 money to be paid by a husband up to @ 4 and 6 make 10 7 perform an action
or wife to the other partner after a divorce etc, @ make an effort 8 arrange for use @ make

maim vers Many people were killed or maimed in impressive, imposing, noble, glorious,
the attack. » injure, disable, mutilate, wound, gorgeous, sumptuous
disfigure, cripple, handicap majesty noun 1 The procession continued with
main Apective These are the main issues. » chief, great majesty. » dignity, stateliness,
principal, primary, prime, most important, solemnity, glory, splendour, grandeur, nobility
overriding, foremost, fundamental, key, 2 the Queen’s majesty » sovereignty, royalty,
crucial, central, paramount, predominant, dominion, authority
basic, essential major ADjecTive a major achievement
mainly aovers The staff are mainly trainees. > important, considerable, significant,
> chiefly, primarily, principally, mostly, noteworthy, substantial, sizeable, appreciable
predominantly, especially, essentially majority voun 1 The majority of older people are
maintain vers 1 The villagers pay to maintain poor. greater number, preponderance, bulk
the private road, » keep up, preserve, service, 2 the age of majority » adulthood, coming of
look after, take care of 2 We need to maintain age, manhood, maturity, womanhood
our links with industry. » sustain, continue, AN OPPOSITE IS minority
keep up, conserve, retain, preserve, prolong be in the majority > predominate,
3 They maintain that they were never there. preponderate, be greater, dominate,
> assert, claim, affirm, insist, make out, outnumber, prevail
declare, contend, argue
make vers 1 He makes reproduction furniture.
maintenance oun 1 The buildings need a good > build, construct, assemble, put together,
deal of regular maintenance. » upkeep, repairs, manufacture, produce 2 She made me tell her
preservation, care, servicing, conservation, the whole story. » force, coerce, oblige,
looking after 2 Absent fathers have to pay compel, prevail on, pressure, urge USAGE You
maintenance. » financial support, subsistence, need to use the word to after all these
alimony, allowance synonyms, e.g. She forced me to tell her the whole
majestic nective a majestic range of mountains story. If you use prevail you have to say She
> magnificent, grand, spectacular, splendid, prevailed on me to tell her the whole story. 3 The
make = malevolent
the beds 9 cause to be successful or happy @ Her make-up NOUN 1 cosmetics 2 the way
visit made my day. something is made up 3 a person’s character
make do manage with something that is not
maladjusted apjcrve unable to fit in or cope
what you really want
with other people or your own circumstances
make for go towards
make love 1 have sexual intercourse 2 (old malapropism NoUN malapropisms a comical
use) try to win someone’s love confusion-of words, e.g. usinghooligan
make off go away quickly instead of hurricane
make out 1 manage to see, hear, or malaria noun a feverish disease spread by
understand something 2 claim or pretend that mosquitoes
something is true > malarial apjective
make up 1 build or put together 2 invent a male agective 1 belonging to the sex that
story etc. 3 be friendly again after a reproduces by fertilizing egg cells produced by
disagreement 4 compensate for something the female 2 of men e a male voice choir
5 put on make-up
make up your mind decide male noun males a male person, animal, or
make noun makes 1 making; howsomethingis male chauvinist youn male chauvinists a
made 2a brand of goods; something made by. man who thinks that women are not as good as
a particular firm men
makeshift anctive improvised or used malevolent (ma-lev- ol- ent) anjective wishing
because you have nothing better e We used a to harm people
box as a makeshift table. > malevolently sovers malevolence noun

animals make such a noise. » cause, create, settle your differences, bury the hatchet, mend
generate, engender, give rise to’ 4 She made a fences AN OPPOSITE IS quarrel
little bow. » perform, execute, give, do, effect, make up for The fine acting made up for all the
carry out 5 The town made him their mayor. problems with the production. » compensate
> appoint, name, designate, nominate, elect, for, offset, counterbalance, counteract, make
vote 6 We seem to have made some mistakes. amends for, redress
> commit, perpetrate, be responsible for, be make noun a new make of car > brand, marque,
guilty of 7 The scheme is bound to make money. model, sort, kind, type, variety
> earn, bringin, gain, acquire AN OPPOSITE IS
lose 8 James's mother went out to make the lunch. make-believe youn The secret garden was only
> prepare, get ready, cook, put together, make-believe. >» fantasy, pretence, fiction,
concoct 91 make the total over £500. fancy, illusion, invention, imagination
> estimate, calculate, work outUSAGE You AN OPPOSITE IS reality
need to use the word at after all these make-believe apjctive a make-believe world of
synonyms, e.g. I estimate the total at over £500. elves and fairies » imaginary, fanciful,
10 We must make a decision. » reach, come to, pretended, sham, simulated, unreal, feigned,
arrive at, settle on 11 I think shel make a good made-up, mock, (more informal) pretend
leader. » be, constitute, act as, serve as AN OPPOSITE IS real
make off The thieves made off with the money.
> escape, run off, get away, leave, bolt, (more maker noun a maker of toy cars
informal) clear off > manufacturer, producer, creator, designer,
make out 1 We could make out a tower in the originator, constructor, builder
distance. » see, discern, distinguish, perceive, makeshift anecrive He arranged a row of chairs
detect, recognize, catch sight of, glimpse to form a makeshift bed. » temporary, standby,
2 They made out we owed them money. rough-and-ready, improvised, stopgap,
> maintain, assert, claim, affirm, insist, pernicious, hurtful
declare, contend, argue 3 How did you make
out at the interview? » manage, get on, get make-up noun 1 Ambition is an important part
along, do, cope, (more formal) fare 4 The old of his make-up. » character, nature,
man had made out a will. » draw up, write, temperament, constitution, disposition 2 Her
complete make-up started to run. » cosmetics, powder,
makeup 1 Such a story is not something anyone Paint
could make up. » invent, fabricate, contrive, malevolent nective the malevolent gaze of his
concoct, think up, devise, create, (more eyes ® malicious, hostile, spiteful, baleful,
informal) cook up 2 They decided to kiss and malign, vindictive, malignant, pernicious,
make up. » be friends again, make peace, hurtful, offensive, venomous
malfunction - management
malfunction noun malfunctions faulty maltreat vers maltreats, maltreating,
functioning @ a malfunction in the computer maltreated ill-treat
malfunction vers malfunctions, > maltreatment Noun
malfunctioning, malfunctioned fail to work mammal oun mammals any animal of which
properly the female gives birth to live babies which are
malice noun the desire to harm other people fed with milk from her own body
> malicious Apective maliciously ADvers > mammalian (mam- ay- lee- an) ADJECTIVE
malign (mal-I‘n) apective 1 harmful e a malign mammoth youn mammoths an extinct
influence 2 showing malice elephant with a hairy skin and curved tusks
> malignity (mal-ig- nit- ee) Noun mammoth apctive huge
malignant aoective 1 (said about a tumour) man Noun men 1a grown-up male human
growing uncontrollably 2 full of malice being 2 an individual person 3 mankind 4a
> malignantly Advers malignancy NOUN piece used in chess or other board games
malleable nective 1 able to be pressed or man vers mans, manning, manned supply
hammered into shape 2 easy to influence; with people to work something e Man the
adaptable pumps! [from Old English]
> malleability noun
manacle noun manacles a fetter or handcuff
malletvoun mallets 1 a large hammer, usually
made of wood 2 an implement with a long manacle vers manacles, manacling,
handle, used in croquet or polo for striking the manacled fasten with manacles
ball managevers manages, managing, managed
malnutrition noun bad health because you do 1 be able to cope with something difficult 2 be
not have enough food or the right kind of food in charge of a business or part of it, or a group
> malnourished ADJECTIVE of people
maltwoun dried barley used in brewing, making > manageable ADjective
vinegar, etc. managementnoun 1 managing 2 managers;
> malted ADJECTIVE the people in charge

malice noun actions prompted by malice individual, human being 3 the evolution of
> malevolence, ill will, spite, spitefulness, modern man» humanity, humankind,
animosity mankind, the human race, humans, Homo
malicious apjecrive malicious remarks sapiens 4 The men have gone on strike.
> malevolent, hostile, spiteful, baleful, malign, > worker, employee RELATED ADJECTIVES male,
vindictive, malignant, mischievous, pernicious, masculine
offensive, hurtful, venomous OPPOSITES ARE man vers We need to man the reception desk from
benevolent, kind 8 till 5. » staff, provide personnel for, provide
malignantapectve 1a malignant disease staff for, occupy
> fatal, incurable, terminal, virulent, manage vers 1 She manages a team of20.» be
destructive 2a malignant growth cancerous, in charge of, run, head, lead, supervise,
poisonous, non-benign, spreading ‘ oversee, control 2. course in managing money
AN OPPOSITE IS benign 3.4 malignant stare > organize, administer, deal with, regulate
> malevolent, hostile, spiteful, baleful, malign, 3 I could only just manage the extra work I had to
pernicious, offensive, hurtful, venomous do. » undertake, accomplish, achieve, finish,
OPPOSITES ARE benevolent, kind complete, carry out 41 don’t know how we'll
maltreat vers He was a bully and often manage without her. » cope, get along,
maltreated his wife. » ill-treat, mistreat, abuse, survive, fare, make do 5 a horse that’s difficultto
misuse, harm, injure, molest, (more informal) manage > control, handle, master, cope with,
knock about deal with
mammothappective It would be a mammoth task manageable spective 1 a manageable task
getting the house to rights again. » huge, > achievable, doable, practicable, feasible,
enormous, gigantic, immense, massive, reasonable, attainable, viable AN Opposite Is
colossal, vast, large, big, giant, (more informal) awkward 2 a manageable horse » controllable,
whopping, (more informal) ginormous obedient, tractable, compliant, amenable,
AN OPPOSITE IS. tiny disciplined, docile, opPosiTES ARE
mannoun 1a man ina smart suit» male, unmanageable, disobedient
gentleman, fellow, (more informal) chap, (more managementnoun 1 The local cinema is under
informal) bloke 2 All men are fallible. » person, new management. » administration, control,
manager = manoeuvre
manager noun managers a person who manifest apjective clear and obvious
manages something > manifestly apvers
> Manageress Noun managerial (man-a- manifesto noun manifestos a public
jeer- ee- al) ADJECTIVE statement of a group’s or person’s policy or
mandarin youn mandarins 1 an important principles
official 2 a kind of small orange
manifold apective of many kinds: very varied
Mane noun manes the long hair ona horse’s or
lion’s neck manipulate vers manipulates,
manipulating manipulated 1 handle or
manganese noun a hard brittle metal arrange something skilfully 2 get someone to
Manger noun mangers a trough ina stable for do what you want by treating them cleverly
horses or cattle to feed from > manipulation youn manipulator noun
mangle vers mangles ,mangling, mangled mankind noun human beings in general
damage something by crushing or cutting it
roughly manly apyctive 1 suitable fora man 2 brave and
mango noun mangoes a tropical fruit with
> manliness Noun
yellow pulp
manhandle vers manhandles, manner youn 1 the way something happens or
manhandling manhandled treat or push is done 2.aperson’s way of behaving 3 asort or
roughly type e all manner of things
manhole youn manholes a space or opening, mannerism youn mannerisms a person’s
usually with a cover, by which a person can get own particular gesture or way of speaking
into a sewer or boiler etc. to inspect or repair it manners Piura noun how a person behaves
manhood now 1 the condition of beingaman with other people; politeness
2 manly qualities manoeuvre (man- 0o0- ver) NOUN
mania noun manias 1 violent madness 2 great manoeuvres a difficult or skilful or cunning
enthusiasm e a mania for sport action
> maniac Noun manic ADJECTIVE manoeuvre vers manoeuvres,
manicure noun manicures care and manoeuvring ,manoeuvred move carefully
treatment of the hands and nails and skilfully
> manicure vers manicurist Noun > manoeuvrable Apjective

direction, supervision, charge, care 2 The union 2 manly deeds » brave, courageous, bold,
is in dispute with the management. heroic, valiant, gallant, chivalrous
manager noun a meeting of departmental man-made agective a man-made fibre
managers » director, administrator, head, > synthetic, artificial, manufactured,
executive, supervisor, principal, controller, simulated, imitation AN OPPOSITE IS natural
boss, chief
mangle vere Henry was staring at the man’s manner noun 1 They dealt with the problem ina
mangled hand. » maul, mutilate, maim, crush, very efficient manner. » way, fashion, style,
damage, disfigure, injure, wound, lacerate, method, means, procedure, process, mode 21
squash, tear don’t much like his unfriendly manner.
> attitude, demeanour, disposition, air, look,
maniac noun a homicidal maniac » lunatic, bearing, behaviour, character, conduct, mien
madman or madwoman, psychopath, (more
3 We've seen all manner of things there. » kind,
informal) loony sort, type, variety, category, class 4 manners
manipulate vers 1 You need to know how to He needs to learn some manners. » politeness,
manipulate all the machine’s knobs and levers. refinement, civility, courtesy, etiquette, good
> operate, work, wield, control, negotiate, behaviour, good conduct, breeding, gentility
twiddle 2 Governments try to manipulate the
economy before elections. » influence, control, manoeuvre noun 1 She parked the car with a
exploit 3 It is not difficult to manipulate the data deft manoeuvre. » movement, move, action,
to get the result you want. > alter, distort, operation 2a diplomatic manoeuvre
falsify, doctor, massage, tinker with, fiddle > stratagem, strategy, tactic, move, plan,
with, fudge, rig, (more informal) cook plot, ploy, ruse, dodge, gambit, trick 3 military
mankind noun They want to save nature from manoeuvres ® exercise, Movement, operation,
mankind. » humanity, humankind, the human training
race, humans, man, Homo sapiens manoeuvre vers He manoeuvred the trunk
manly spective 1a manly physique > virile, down the stairs. » manipulate, negotiate,
masculine, muscular, sturdy, robust, well-built move, engineer, guide, navigate, pilot, steer
manor => margin
manor noun manors 1a manor house 2 the map Noun maps a diagram of part or all of the
earth’ surface or of the sky
land belonging to a manor house
> manorial ADECTIVE
[from early French, related to mansion]
map vers maps, mapping, mapped make a
map of an area
manor housenoun manor houses a large map out plan the details of something
important house in the country
manpower noun the number of people who marathonwoun marathons a long-distance
are working or needed or available for work on running race, especially one covering 26 miles
something , 385 yards (42.195 km) [named after Marathon
in Greece, from which a messenger is said to
mansion noun mansions a large stately house have run to Athens (about 40 kilometres) to
[from Latin mansio = a place to stay, a dwelling] announce that the Greeks had defeated the
noun killing a person Persian army]
unlawfully but without meaning to
Marchwown the third month of the year [amed
mantelpiece vou mantelpieces a shelf after Mars, the Roman god of war]
above a fireplace
mantle youn mantles 1.acloak 2a covering marauding pective going about in search of
@ a mantle of snow plunder or prey
> marauder Noun
manual spective worked by or done with the
hands e a manual typewriter; manual work marblenoun marbles 1 small glass ball used
> manually Abvers j in games 2a kind of limestone polished and
manual oun manuals a handbook containing used in sculpture or building
instructions etc. march vers marches, marching, marched
manufacture vers manufactures, 1 walk with regular steps 2 make somebody
manufacturing, manufactured make things, walk somewhere e He marched them up the hill.
especially on a large scale > marcher Noun
> manufactureNouN manufacturer NOUN
march youn marches 1 marching 2 music
manure noun fertilizer, especially dung
suitable for marching to
manuscriptnoun manuscripts something
written or typed but not printed marenoun mares a female horse or donkey
Mamxapjective to do with the Isle of Man margarine(mar-ja- reen, mar- ga- reen) NOUN
Many ADJECTIVE more, most great in number; a substance used like butter, made from animal
numerous @ many people or vegetable fats
many Noun many people or things e Many were marginvoun margins 1 an edge or border
found. 2 the blank space between the edge of a page
Maori (rhymes with flowery) Noun Maoris 1a and the writing or pictures etc. on it 3 the
member of the aboriginal people of New difference between two scores or prices etc.
Zealand 2 their language e She won by a narrow margin.

manual apective manual work > labouring; map vers Aircraft were used to map the region.
physical, by hand > chart, survey
map out We mapped out a plan. > outline, set
manual noun a training manual » handbook, out, formulate, detail
guide, guidebook, reference book
mar vers His good looks were marred by stubble
manufacture vers The country could . and red eyes. » spoil, impair, disfigure, ruin,
manufacture a nuclear weapon within five years. deface, detract from, tarnish
> make, construct, create, build, prefabricate, march vers A company of soldiers marched past.
assemble, fabricate, mass-produce, process, > file, troop, parade, stride, pace, walk
(informal) turn out march woun 1a three-day march > trek, hike,
tramp, slog 2 protest march » procession,
mamy pjective There are many reasons. » alot rally, demonstration, parade, (more informal)
of, plenty of, numerous, countless, various,
copious, profuse, innumerable, umpteen, demo 3 the march of time» advance, progress,
(more informal) lots of AN OPPOSITE IS few progression, passage, evolution
ee NOUN 1 the margin of the lake » edge,
map Noun a map of Europe > chart, diagram, border, boundary, verge, perimeter, side
plan RELATED ADJECTIVE cartographic RELATED 2 They won by a narrow margin. » difference,
NOUN Cartography gap, surplus
marginal = marrow
marginal apectve 1 ina margin e marginal moving forward 2 occupy your time without
notes 2 very slight © a marginal difference making any progress
> marginally apvers mark 2 youn marks a German unit of money
marginal seat youn marginal seats a replaced by the euro in 2002
constituency where an MP was elected with marked apyective noticeable e a marked
only a small majority and may be defeated in improvement
the next election > markedly apvers
marine (ma-reen) apjective to do with the sea; market noun markets 1 place where things
living in the sea are bought and sold, usually from stalls in the
marine noun marines amember of the troops open air 2 demand forthings @ Is there a market
who are trained to serve at sea as well as on land for typewriters now?
> marketplace noun
marionette youn marionettes a puppet on the market offered for sale
worked by strings or wires
market research noun the study of what
marital apective to do with marriage people need or want to buy
maritime spective 1 to dowith the sea orships marksman noun marksmen an expert in
2 found near the sea shooting at a target
mark ' youn marks 1a spot, dot, line, or stain > marksmanship Noun
etc. on something 2anumber or letter etc. put marmalade noun jam made from oranges,
ona piece of work to show how good itis 3a lemons, or other citrus fruit
distinguishing feature 4 a sign or symbol maroon vers maroons,marooning,
e@ They all stood as a mark of respect. 5a target marooned abandon or isolate somebody ina
on your marks! a command to runners to get deserted place; strand
ready to begin a race
marquee (mar- kee) Noun marquees a large
up to the mark of the normal or expected
tent used for a party or exhibition etc.
marquis noun marquises a nobleman ranking
mark vers marks ,marking marked 1 put a next above an earl
mark on something 2 give a mark to a piece of
work 3 pay attention to something e Mark my marriage nounmarriages 1 thestate of being
words! 4 keep close to an opposing player in married 2a wedding
football etc. Marrow Noun marrows 1 alarge gourd eaten
> marker NouN as a vegetable 2 the soft substance inside
mark time 1 march on the spot without bones

marginal spective The extra cost is marginal. that evening. > assess, grade, correct, evaluate,
> negligible, minimal, insignificant, appraise
unimportant, borderline OPPOSITES ARE
significant, important marked apjective a marked improvement in
health » distinct, noticeable, decided,
mark noun 1 dirty mark > spot, stain, blot, pronounced, plain, clear, emphatic, palpable
blotch, smudge, blemish 2 a mark of respect AN OPPOSITE IS. slight
> sign, token, symbol, indication, proof,
evidence, gesture 3 Donations have passed the market noun 1 The local market is every
million mark. » stage, point, level 4a comment Saturday. » bazaar, fair, sale, marketplace
that hit the mark » target, objective, purpose, 2 The market for second-hand cars is thriving.
aim 5 He got a better mark for French than for > demand, call, need, requirement
German. » grade, grading, score, assessment,
evaluation market vers The firm markets reproduction
mark vers 1 She took great care not to mark her furniture. > sell, trade in, merchandise, retail
white dress. » stain, blemish, smudge, dirty, maroon vere a story about a group of boys
discolour, blot 2 All possessions should be clearly marooned on a desert island » strand, cast
marked. » label, tag 3 The capture of the rebel away, abandon, isolate, leave, desert, forsake
stronghold marked a new stage in the war.
> represent, signify, herald, denote, identify, marriage noun 1 The couple will celebrate their
characterize 4 a festival to mark the Golden 50 years of marriage. » matrimony, wedlock,
Jubilee » celebrate, recognize, observe, partnership, union 2 The marriage took place in
commemorate, remember 5 Mark my words the local register office. » wedding, wedding
carefully. » heed, note, mind, take notice of, ceremony, match, nuptialsRELATED ADJECTIVES
listen to, regard 6 She had exam papers to mark conjugal, marital, matrimonial, nuptial
marry = mass
marry vers marries, marrying, married mascotnoun mascots a person, animal, or
1 become a person’s husband or wife 2 join thing that is believed to bring good luck
two people as husband and wife; be in charge masculine spective 1 to do with men 2 typical
of a marriage ceremony of or suitable for men 3 (in some languages)
marshwoun marshes a low-lying area of very belonging to the class of words which includes
wet ground the words referring to men, such as garcon and
> marshy ADJECTIVE livre in French
marshal oun marshals 1 an official who > masculinity Noun
supervises a contest or ceremony etc. 2 an mashvers mashes, mashing, mashed crush
officer of very high rank @ a Field Marshal into a soft mass
marshmallow noun marshmallows a soft masknoun masks a covering worn over the
spongy sweet, usually pink or white face to disguise or protect it
marsupial (mar- soo- pee- al) Noun masochist (mas- ok- ist) Noun masochists a
marsupials an animal such as a kangaroo or person who enjoys things that seem painful or
wallaby The female has a pouch on the front of tiresome
its body in which its babies are carried > masochism Noun
martial apective to do with war; warlike masonnoun masons a person who builds or
martial arts piura noun fighting sports, such works with stone
as judo and karate masonrynoun 1 the stone parts of a building;
martial law oun government of a country by stonework 2a mason’s work
the armed forces during a crisis masqueradenoun masquerades a pretence
martyrnoun martyrs a person who is killed or masquerade vers masquerades,
made to suffer because of his or her beliefs masquerading, masqueraded pretend to be
> martyrdomnoun something e He masqueraded as a policeman.
marveloun marvels a wonderful thing Massnoun Masses the Communion service ina
> marvellous ADJECTIVE Roman Catholic church
marzipan noun a soft sweet food made of MasSSnoun masses 1a large amount 2a heap
ground almonds, eggs, and sugar or other collection of matter 3 (in science) the

marry vers 1 They never married. >» get lovely, delightful, smashing, (more informal)
married, wed, (more informal) tie the knot terrific OPPOSITES ARE awful, dreadful
OPPOSITES ARE Separate, divorce 2 He married masculineagectve 1 She wore a masculine shirt
Jessica in Italy. » wed, (more informal) get with rolled-up sleeves. » male, man’s or men’s,
hitched to OPPOSITES ARE separate from, manlike AN opposite Is feminine 2 a powerfully
divorce 3 The exhibition marries information masculine man » manly, virile, muscular, well-
with entertainment. » combine, unite, link, built, strapping, vigorous OPPOSITES ARE weak,
merge, connect, join, ally timid
marshwoun The car had plunged into a marsh. mashivers Mash the potatoes and put them on top.
> swamp, bog, marshland, wetland, mire, > crush, pulp, cream, purée, pulverize, pound,
morass, quagmire, quicksands, fen smash, squash, grind, mangle, beat
marshal vers The king marshalled a huge army. maskwoun They wore masks to hide their faces.
The police marshalled their evidence with great > disguise, veil, camouflage, cover, screen,
care.» gather, assemble, collect, organize, shield, facade
muster, set out, deploy, draw up, group, line
UP, arrange OPPOSITES ARE disperse, scatter mask vers A row of trees masked the view.
> conceal, cover, obscure, screen, shield, hide,
marvel vers marvel at Everyone marvelled at shroud, veil, blot out, camouflage, cloak,
their courage. » admire, be amazed by, wonder disguise
at, applaud, praise, appreciate, respect, be
astonished by, be surprised by M€ASSNOUN 14 mass of wet leaves pile, heap,
load, accumulation, collection,
marvellousapectve 1a marvellous conglomeration 2 a mass of cars heading for the
achievement » remarkable, amazing, coast multitude, throng, crowd, troop, mob,
extraordinary, wonderful, magnificent, quantity, large number 3 The mass ofpeople
astonishing, astounding AN OPPOSITE IS declined to vote at all.» majority, greater part,
ordinary 2 We had a marvellous time. bulk, body 4 an object having a large mass
> excellent, wonderful, fantastic, splendid, > weight, size, magnitude, bulk
mass = matador
quantity of physical matter that a thing master key noun master keys a key that will
contains open several different locks
mass ADjecTive involving a large number of masterly apective very skilful
people e mass murder
Master of Arts Noun Masters of Arts a
massacre Noun massacres the killing of alarge person who has taken the next degree after
number of people Bachelor ef Arts
> massacre VERB
master of ceremonies noun masters of
Massage (mas- ahzh) vers massages, ceremonies a person who introduces the
massaging, massaged rub and press the speakers at a formal event, or the entertainers
body to make it less stiff or less painful at a variety show
> massage NOUN masseur NOUN masseuse
NOUN Master of Science noun Masters of Science
a person who has taken the next degree after
massive apjective large and heavy; huge Bachelor of Science
mass media noun the main media of news masterpiece Noun masterpieces 1 an
information, especially newspapers and
excellent piece of work 2 a person’s best piece t
broadcasting : i

of work
mass production noun manufacturing goods
in large quantities mastery noun complete control or thorough
knowledge or skill in something
> mass-produced ADJECTIVE
mast Noun masts a tall pole that holds up a mastiff youn mastiffs a large kind of dog
ship’s sails or a flag or an aerial masturbate vers masturbates,
master NouN masters 1 amanwhois in charge masturbating, masturbated get sexual
of something 2a male teacher 3 a great artist, pleasure by rubbing your genitals
composer, sportsman, etc. 4 something from > masturbation NouN
which copies are made 5 (old use) a title put mat Noun mats 1a small carpet 2a doormat
before a boy’s name 3 a small piece of material put on a table to
masterful spective 1 domineering 2 very protect the surface
skilful matador noun matadors a bullfighter who
> masterfully ADvers fights on foot

mMAasSS ADJECTIVE a mass protest » wholesale, months. > learn, grasp, acquire, be expert in,
universal, large-scale, widespread, (more informal) get the hang of
comprehensive, general, popular
AN OPPOSITE IS small-scale masterful spective usAce Do not confuse this
word with masterly, which has a different
Mmass vers Spectators massed under the trees meaning. the most masterful sovereign in English
during the downpour. » gather, assemble, history » authoritative, commanding,
collect, flock powerful, domineering, overbearing, arrogant,
massacre Nou the massacre ofinnocent civilians dictatorial, tyrannical, bossy
> slaughter, killing, mass murder,
extermination, butchery, carnage, annihilation
masterly Anjective usacE Do not confuse this
word with masterful, which has a different
massacre vers The army massacred most of the meaning. a masterly survey of the subject
population. » slaughter, butcher, exterminate, > expert, skilful, adept, adroit, accomplished,
annihilate, murder, liquidate, eliminate consummate, intelligent, fine
Massive apjective a massive building; massive mastermind noun the mastermind behind the
debts » huge, enormous, gigantic, immense, robbery » originator, planner, creator,
colossal, vast, large, big, giant, (more informal) engineer, prime mover, architect, inventor,
whopping, (more informal) ginormous
ete (more informal) brain, (more informal)
AN OPPOSITE IS. tiny rains
master noun 1 He became master of the country
after a bloody coup. » ruler, chief, head, lord, mastermind vers They brought him back to
overlord, governor 2a dog’s master » owner, mastermind the new operation. » control,
keeper 3.a master of disguises » expert (at), direct, plan, organize, coordinate, conduct,
genius, past master, maestro, virtuoso supervise, carry through
master vers 1 He managed to master his feelings. mastery Noun 1a mastery of languages
> control, restrain, check, contain, curb, > command, knowledge, grasp,
confine, curb, keep in check, repress, subdue, comprehension, understanding, proficiency
suppress 2 She mastered the language after a few (in) 2 work done with great mastery
match = matter
match! youn matches a small thin stick witha maternity
oun motherhood
head made of a substance that gives a flame maternity apective to do with having a baby
when rubbed on something rough © a maternity ward
> matchboxnoun matchstick Noun mathematics oun the study of numbers,
match? vouv matches 1a game or contest measurements, and shapes
between two teams or players 2 one person or > mathematical apjecive mathematically
thing that matches another 3 a marriage ADVERB mathematician NOUN
match vers matches, matching, matched [from Greek mathema = science, from
1 be equal or similartoanother person orthing manthanein = to learn]
2 put teams or players to compete against each matriarch(may- tree- ark) NouN matriarchsa
other 3 find something that is similar or woman whois head of a family or tribe COMPARE
corresponding patriarch
mate! youn mates 1a companion orfriend > matriarchal apjective matriarchy NOUN
2 each of amated pair of birds or animals 3. an matrix (may-triks) Noun matrices (may- tri-
officer on a merchant ship seez) 1 (in mathematics) a set of quantities
mate vers mates, mating, mated 1 come arranged in rows and columns 2a mould or
together or bring two together in order to framework in which something is made or
breed 2 put things together as a pair or allowed to develop
because they correspond matronnoun matrons 1a mature married
mate? voun, vers (in chess) checkmate woman 2a woman in charge of nursing in a
material youn materials 1 anything used for schooletc. or (formerly) of the nursing staffina
making something else 2 cloth or fabric hospital
materialize vers materializes, > matronly ADJECTIVE
materializing, materialized 1 become matted spective tangled into a mass
visible; appear e The ghost didn’t materialize. matteryoun matters 1 something you can
2 become a fact; happen e The trip did not touch or see, not spirit or mind or qualities etc.
materialize. 2 asubstance e Peat consists mainly of vegetable
> materialization NOUN matter. 3 things of a certain kind e printed
maternalapectve 1 to do with a mother matter. 4 something to be thought about or
2 motherly done e It’s a serious matter. 5 a quantity e in a
> maternally Apvers matter of minutes

> proficiency, capability, expertness, skill, > partner, wife or husband, spouse, lover,
adroitness, dexterity consort
matchnoun 1a cricket match» game, contest, mate vers The zoo is trying to get the pandas to
competition, fixture, test match, tie, mate. » breed, copulate, couple
tournament 2 The dress and shoes are a good
match. » combination, pair 3 She found a material
oun 1 material for making curtains
match for the tall vase. » copy, replica, > fabric, cloth, textile, stuff 2 organic material
complement, counterpart, duplicate, twin > matter, substance, stuff 3 We are collecting
4 The enemy tanks were no match for ours in: material for an article on surfing. » data,
speed and range. » equal, rival, equivalent, information, facts, statistics, evidence,
counterpart 5 a love match » marriage, union, particulars
friendship, partnership, relationship, alliance
materialapecive 1 the material world as
match vers 1 The hat matches her dress. » go distinct from the spiritual world » physical,
with, suit, harmonize with, tone with, blend corporeal, tangible, earthly, concrete
with, complement 2 The two versions of the OPPOSITES ARE Spiritual, abstract 2 information
story don’t match. » agree, correspond, tally that is material to our enquiries » relevant,
3 No one can match him at Scrabble. » equal, pertinent, applicable, germane OPPOSITES ARE
rival, compete with irrelevant, immaterial
matching nective The curtains have a matching matter oun 1 Excess vegetable matter can be
duvet cover. » corresponding, coordinating, kept in a separate waste bin. » material,
equivalent, harmonizing, toning, substance, stuff 2 The last sentence of his
complementing AN OPPOSITE IS incongruous statement goes to the heart of the matter.
miatenoun 1a plumber’s mate » assistant, > affair, business, subject, topic, issue,
helper, apprentice, colleague 2 He went to see a concern 3 It’s of little matter now.
film with his mates. » friend, pal, chum, > importance, consequence, significance,
companion 3 He’s still looking for his ideal mate. moment
matter — meagre
a matter of course the natural or expected Miay noun the fifth month of the year [named
thing e I always lock my bike, as a matter of after Maia, a Roman goddess]
may |AUXIARY VERB may, might used to express
as a matter of fact in fact permission (You may go ak possibility (It may
no matter it does not matter be true), wish (Long may she reign), uncertainty
what is the matter? what is wrong? (whoever it may be)
matter vers matters, mattering, mattered USAGE See note at can.
be important may? noun hawthorn blossom
matter-of-fact apective keeping to facts; not maybe apvers perhaps; possibly
imaginative or emotional @ She talked about meyny NOUN mayflies an insect that lives for
death in a very matter- of-fact way. only a short time, in spring
mattress Noun mattresses soft or springy mayhem noun violent confusion or damage
material in a fabric covering, used on or as a bed e The mob caused mayhem.
mature apecrive 1 fully grown or developed mayonnaise noun a creamy sauce made from
~ 2 grown-up eggs, oil, vinegar, etc., usually eaten with salad
> maturely ADvers maturity NOUN or in sandwiches
mature vers matures, maturing, matured mayor NouN mayors the person in charge of
make or become mature the council in a town or city
> mayoral ADJECTIVE mayoress NOUN
maul vers mauls, mauling, mauled injure by [from early French, related to major]
handling or clawing e He was mauled by a lion.
maze NOUN mazes a network of paths,
mauve (mohy) noun pale purple especially one designed as a puzzle in which to
maxim Noun maxims a short saying giving a try and find your way
general truth or rule of behaviour, e.g. ‘Waste Mib assrevition megabyte(s)
not, want not’ MID Assreviation Doctor of Medicine
maximize vers maximizes, maximizing, me pronoun the form of | used as the object of a
maximized increase something to a verb or after a preposition
maximum meadow (med- oh) noun meadows a field of
maximum Noun maxima or maximums the grass
greatest possible number or amount (The meagre ADective scanty in amount; barely
opposite is minimum) enough e a meagre diet

matter vers Does it matter what Iwear? » make fullest, largest, most, biggest, supreme
a difference, be important, count, signify AN OPPOSITE IS Minimum
mature ADEcTivVe 1a mature woman > adult, maximum Noun Production has reached its
grown-up, grown, full-grown, advanced, well- maximum. » upper limit, limit, peak, ceiling,
developed opposites ARE immature, highest point, pinnacle, top level an opposite Is
adolescent 2 He seems very mature for his age. minimum
> responsible, sensible, dependable, reliable mayhem noun I decided I’d caused enough
OPPOSITES ARE immature, childish 3 mature mayhem for one day. » confusion, chaos,
cheese; mature fruit » mellow, ready, ripened, disorder, muddle, bedlam, pandemonium,
seasoned AN OppOSITEIS unripe anarchy, disorganization, lawlessness,
mature vers 1 Bella had matured into a beautiful shambles, tumult AN opposite Is order
young woman. » grow, grow up, develop, maze NOUN a maze of rooms and corridors
blossom 2 Their friendship matured rapidly. > labyrinth, warren, network, web, tangle,
> develop, grow, blossom, bloom, flourish, confusion
meadow Noun sheep grazing in a meadow
maul vers 1 He pulled me to the ground and > field, paddock, pasture, (poetic) mead,
started mauling me on my back and neck. (poetic) lea
> savage, attack, claw, manhandle, molest,
meagre Apective 1 He had a few coins in his
maltreat, ill-treat, mutilate, lacerate 2 The new
pocket, his meagre earnings for the day. paltry,
production was mauled by the critics. > criticize, scanty, scant, sparse, negligible, pitiful,
attack, savage, pillory, lambaste, (more miserable, modest, (more informal) mingy,
informal) hammer, (more informal) slam (more informal) measly opposites ARE plentiful,
maximum Ap/EcTive a maximum speed of 80 kph abundant 2a tall, meagre youth > thin, lean,
> greatest, highest, top, full, utmost, extreme, skinny, scrawny, scraggy, lanky
meal — measure
meal ' youn meals food served and eaten at one [named after the Maeander, a river in south-
sitting [from Old English mael] west Turkey (now Mendere or Menderes)]
meal? youn coarsely ground grain meaning oun meanings what something
> mealy ADJECTIVE means
[from Old English melu] > meaningful spective meaningless ADJECTIVE
mean! vers means, meaning, meant (ment) means noun away of achieving something or
1 have as an equivalent or explanation producing a result @ a means of transport
@ ‘Maybe’ means ‘perhaps’ 2 have as a purpose; by all means certainly
intend e I mean to win. 3 indicate e Dark clouds by means of by this method; using this
mean rain. 4 have as aresult @ It means I'll have by no means not at all
to get the early train. mea;Ns PLURAL NOUN money or other wealth
live beyond your means spend more than
mean? ADJECTIVE meaner, meanest 1 not you can afford
generous; miserly 2 unkind or spiteful e a mean
trick 3 poor in quality or appearance e a mean
meantime noun
in the meantime in the time between two
little house
> meanly ADverB meanness NOUN events or while something else is happening
meanwhile Avvers in the time between two
mean? noun means a point or number midway events or while something else is happening
between two extremes; the average of a set of
numbers measles noun an infectious disease that causes
small red spots on the skin
mean apective midway between two points; measure vers measures, measuring,
average measured 1 find the size, amount, or extent
meander (mee- an- der) vers meanders, of something by comparing it with a fixed unit
meandering, meandered take a winding or with an object of known size 2 be a certain
course; wander size e The room measures 3 x 4 metres
> meander NouN > measurable sDjecTive measurement NOUN

meal oun A meal would be waiting for them when hollow, fatuous, nonsensical AN OPPOSITE IS
they got home. » bite to eat, (literary) repast, meaningful 2 Life seemed meaningless.
(more informal) spread, (more informal) feed > pointless, senseless, worthless,
RELATED ADJECTIVE prandial inconsequential, insignificant
mean ADJECTIVE 1 He was too mean to leave a tip. meansnoun 1 modern means of communication
> miserly, niggardly, stingy, parsimonious, > method, mode, way, medium, channel,
(more informal) mingy, (more informal) tight- vehicle, instrument, course 21 don’t have the
fisted, (more informal) penny-pinching 2 It was means for such a lifestyle. » resources, funds,
mean of them to leave her like that. » unkind, money, wherewithal, income, finance 3a
nasty, shameful, unpleasant, callous, cruel, person of means » wealth, riches, substance,
spiteful 3 His room was a cold mean affair. property
> squalid, shabby, wretched, dismal, humble, measly apecrive (informal) All he could find was a
lowly measly ten- pence piece. » meagre, paltry,
mean vers 1 The sign means you have to stop. scanty, scant, sparse, negligible, pitiful,
» indicate, signify, denote, convey, show miserable, modest, (more informal) mingy
2 What do you think they mean by these remarks? AN OPPOSITE IS generous
> intend, suggest, imply 31 mean tofind him measure oun 1 These successes earned them a
come what may. » intend, plan, aim, want, measure of glory. Add three measures of liquid.
wish, propose, purpose, aspire 4 Her promotion > share, portion, amount, allocation, quota,
meant a lot more travel. » involve, entail, ration, 2 personal income as a measure of success
necessitate, lead to, result in 5 Your help means » gauge, criterion, yardstick, standard,
alot to me. » matter, be important, have touchstone, meter, test 3 special measures to
importance monitor noise levels » step, action, procedure,
meaningnoun 11 didn’t understand the process, means, control, operation
meaning of her remarks. » significance, sense, measure vers 1 It’s not easy to measure the
import, implication, force, thrust, connotation effects of such a disaster. » evaluate, assess,
2 Some. words have several meanings. » sense, gauge, appraise, determine, fathom
definition, denotation, explanation 3 Life has 2 measure up to attempts to measure up to the
little meaning for them now. » value, worth, expected standards» achieve, meet, satisfy,
point, purpose, significance match, comply with
meaningless nective 1.4 meaningless measurementnoun 1 Measurements are given
compliment » empty, worthless, insincere, in metric units. » dimension, size, extent,
measure => medium
measure NOUN measures 1a unit used for commonly used with a singular verb, this is not
measuring e A kilometre is a measure of length. generally approved of. Say The media are (not
2a device used in measuring 3 the size or ‘is’) very influential. It is incorrect to speak of
quantity of something 4 something done for a one of them (e.g. television) as ‘this media’.
particular purpose e We took measures to stop
vandalism. mediate vers mediates, mediating,
mediated negotiate between the opposing
meatNoun meats animal flesh used as food sides in a dispute
> meaty ADJECTIVE > mediationNOUN mediator NOUN
mechanic Noun mechanics a person who medical spective to do with the treatment of
maintains or repairs machinery disease
mechanical apectve 1 to do with machines > medically overs
2 produced or worked by machines 3 done or
doing things without thought medicine noun medicines 1a substance,
usually swallowed, used to try to cure a disease
> mechanically ADvers 2 the study and treatment of diseases
mechanicsnoun 1 the study of movementand > medicinal (med- iss- in- al) aDjective
force 2 the study or use of machines medicinally ADverB
mechanismoun mechanisms 1 the moving medieval (med- ee- ee- val) apyective belonging
parts of a machine 2 the way a machine works to or to do with the Middle Ages
3 the process by which something is done
mediocre(mee- dee- oh- Ker) apjective not very
medal Noun medals a piece of metal shaped good; of only medium quality
like a coin, star, or cross, given to a person for
> mediocrity NOUN
bravery or for achieving something
meddle vers meddles, meddling, meddled meditate vers meditates, meditating,
linterfere 2 tinker e Don’t meddle with it. meditated think deeply and quietly
> meddler NOUN meddlesome ADJECTIVE > meditation NOUN meditative ADJECTIVE
media plural of medium Noun Mediterranean pectic to do with the
the media newspapers, radio, and television, Mediterranean Sea (which lies between Europe
which convey information and ideas to the and Africa) or the countries round it
public (See medium) medium apective neither large nor small;
usace This word is.a plural. Although it is moderate

proportions 2 an instrument used in the treatment of diseases 2 He poured a dose of the
measurement of air speed » calculation, medicine into the glass. » medication,
computation, mensuration, evaluation, medicament, remedy, cure, drug, prescription,
assessment treatment RELATED ADJECTIVES Clinical,
mechanical Apectve 1a mechanical doll pharmaceutical
> mechanized, automated, machine-driven, mediocre Apective Fred turned a mediocre
motor-driven, automatic AN Opposite Is Manual business into one that was thriving. » ordinary,
2 The voice sounded detached and mechanical. commonplace, indifferent, average,
> unemotional, unfeeling, matter-of-fact, undistinguished, middle-of-the-road, run-of-
perfunctory, unthinking, cold, inhuman, the-mill, unexceptional, middling, passable,
lifeless, routine, soulless AN OPPOSITE is tolerable, second-rate Opposites ARE
thoughtful exceptional, outstanding
mechanism noun 1A trigger mechanism meditation noun He fell silent for a while, as ifin
activates the bolt. » apparatus, machine, meditation. » contemplation, prayer,
device, appliance, system, tool 2 Mechanisms reflection, yoga
are in place for correcting mistakes. medium Apective She is of medium height.
> procedure, process, system, means, > average, middling, middle, normal,
channel, structure ordinary, standard, usual, intermediate,
medal noun Their son had won a medal for midway, moderate
bravery. » medallion, honour, decoration, medium noun 1 Television is a powerful medium
award, reward, trophy, prize of communication. » method, means, channel,
meddle vers We don’t want them meddling in mode, way, vehicle, instrument, course 2a
our affairs. » interfere, pry, intrude, poke, happy medium between quality and quantity
nose, snoop, (more informal) stick your nose in > average, midpoint, middle way, middle
medicine noun 1 examples of how modern ground, compromise 31 went to see a medium
medicine has helped to prolong life » medical and she told me I would be rich one day.
science, healing, surgery, therapeutics, > clairvoyant, spiritualist, psychic
medium = member
medium noun media 1a thing in which melancholy apectve sad; gloomy
something exists, moves, or is expressed @ Air melancholy noun sadness or depression [from
is the medium in which sound travels. @ Television Greek melas = black + chole = bile Black bile in
is used as a medium for advertising. (See media) the body was once thought to cause this
2 (mediums) a person who claims to be able feeling]
to communicate with the dead
medium wave noun a radio wave of a mellow spective mellower, mellowest 1 not
frequency between 300 kilohertz and 3 harsh; soft and rich in flavour, colour, or sound
2 having become more kindly and sympathetic
with age
meek spective meeker, meekest quiet and > mellowmness NOUN
> meekly ADvers meekmess NOUN mellow vers mellows, mellowing,
meet vers meets, meeting, met 1 come mellowed make or become mellow
together from different places e We all met in melodious Apcrive like'a melody; pleasant to
London. 2 get to know someone e@ We met ata listen to
party. 3. come into contact; touch 4 go to
melodrama noun’ melodramas a play full of
receive an arrival @ We will meet your train. dramatic excitement and emotion
5 pay a bill or the cost of something 6 satisfy or > melodramatic ADJECTIVE
fulfil e I hope this meets your needs.
meet Noun meets a gathering of riders and melody noun melodies a tune, especially a
hounds for a hunt pleasing tune
meeting \oun meetings 1 coming together melt vere melts, melting, melted 1 make or
2. anumber of people who have come together become liquid by heating 2 disappear slowly
for a discussion, contest, etc. @ The crowd just melted away. 3 soften e a
megabyte noun megabytes (in computing) a pudding that melts in the mouth
unit of information roughly equal to one million melting potnoun melting pots a place where
bytes people of many different races and cultures live
megalomania noun an exaggerated idea of and influence each other
your own importance member noun members 1 person or thing
> megalomaniac NouN that belongs to a particular society or group 2a
megaphone noun megaphones a funnel- part of something
shaped device for amplifying a person’s voice > membership Noun

meek apjective She seemed meek but could be together, junction, confluence, union,
fiercely passionate. » gentle, mild, demure, concourse
submissive, compliant, modest, docile, melancholy apective 1 melancholy music
unassuming, self-effacing, unassertive, > sad, sorrowful, mournful, reflective 2a
forbearing AN OPPOSITE IS assertive melancholy mood » unhappy, downhearted,
meet vers 1 She met an old friend in town. despondent, gloomy, dispirited, depressed,
> encounter, come across, run across, run dejected, downcast Opposites ARE joyful,
into, chance on, stumble on 21'll meet you'at happy, elated
the airport.» collect 3 They met the challenge melancholy oun a feeling of melancholy
bravely. » face, undergo, encounter, > sadness, sorrow, dejection, unhappiness,
experience, endure, suffer 4 The equipment depression, dejection, despondency, gloom
does not meet our requirements. » satisfy, fulfil, OPPOSITES ARE joy, happiness, elation
answer, measure up to, match up to, conform mellow apective 1a mellow voice » smooth,
to 5 The board meets every month. » gather, melodious, dulcet, tuneful, sweet 2. mellow
assemble, come together, convene, holda temperament » easy-going, tolerant, amiable,
meeting 6 The two roads meet north of the city. good-natured, affable, kind-hearted 3 mellow
pm join, converge, merge, come together, fruit > ripe, mature, juicy, tender, sweet
connect, intersect melt vers The sun soon melted the snow. The ice
meeting Noun 1 He rushed back to be in time for was beginning to melt. » thaw, unfreeze,
the meeting. » gathering, assembly, defrost, liquefy, soften, dissolve
conference, forum, convention 2 He adored her melt away The crowds rapidly melted away.
from their very first meeting. » encounter, » disperse, dissolve, dwindle, vanish,
rendezvous, contact, assignation, get- evaporate, disappear, fade
together, date 3 The town stands at the meeting member noun new members of the sports club
of three mighty rivers. » convergence, coming > associate, subscriber, fellow, adherent
membrane — mercenary
membraneNoun membranes a thin skin or mend oun mends arepair
similar covering on the mend getting better after an illness
> membranous ADJECTIVE menopause
Noun the time of life when a
memoir (mem- wahr) Noun memoirs a woman gradually ceases to menstruate
biography, especially one written by someone menstruate vers menstruates,
who knew the person menstruating, menstruated bleed from the
memorableapectve 1 worth remembering womb about once a month, as girls and women
2 easy to remember normally do from their teens until middle age
> memorably ADVERB > menstruationNOUN menstrual ADJECTIVE
memorandumsou memoranda or -mentsurrix used to make nouns, as in
memorandums 1 anote to remind yourself of amusement and oddments
something 2a note from one person to mentalapective 1 to do with orin the mind
another in the same firm 2 (informal) mad
> mentally ADvers
memorial Noun memorials something to
remind people of a person or event e a war mentality\ouv mentalities a person’s mental
memorial ability or attitude
> memorial ADJECTIVE mention vers mentions, mentioning,
mentioned speak or write about a person or
memorize vers. memorizes, memorizing, thing briefly; refer to
memorized get something into your memory
mention oun mentions an example of
memory oun memories 1 the ability to mentioning something e Our school got a
remember things 2 something that you mention in the local paper.
remember 3 the part of a computer where
menu (men- yoo) NOUN menus 1 list of the
information is stored
food available in a restaurant or served at a
in memory ofin honour of a person or event
remembered meal 2 (in computing) alist of possible actions,
shown on a screen, from which you decide
menace Noun menaces 1a threat or danger what you want a computer to do
2.a troublesome person or thing MEP zssreviation Member of the European
menace véRs menaces, menacing, menaced Parliament
threaten with harm or danger mercenary Active working only for money or
mend vers mends, mending, mended some other reward
1 repair 2 make or become better; improve mercenary
NOUN mercenaries a soldier hired
> mender NOUN to serve in a foreign army

memorial Noun a memorial to victims ofthe war straighten out, remedy, rectify, redress
> monument, remembrance, shrine, AN OPPOSITE IS Make worse
cenotaph, plaque, tablet menial Apjective Someone has to do the menial
memorize Noun Long numbers are hard to tasks. » humble, lowly, routine, unskilled, low-
memorize. » remember, commit to memory, grade, humdrum, inferior, degrading,
learn by heart, retain an opposite is forget demeaning opposites are Skilled, important
memory \oun 1 My mother always had a good mental apjective 1 The work calls for considerable
memory. ® recall, retention, ability to mental concentration. » intellectual, cerebral,
remember, recollection 2 happy memories of a abstract, rational, cognitive, theoretical 2 Your
lovely occasion » reminiscence, recollection, mental attitude affects your behaviour.
remembrance, reminder, souvenir, impression > psychological, temperamental, emotional,
3 a plaque in memory of local writers subjective
> commemoration, remembrance, tribute, mentality oun They seem to have an ostrich-like
honour, recognition mentality. > attitude, way of thinking, outlook,
menacenoun 1a menace to society » danger, predisposition, disposition, frame of mind,
threat, hazard, risk 2 That child is a menace. character, temperament, personality, (more
> nuisance, pest, annoyance 3a situation full informal) make-up
ofmenace » threat, ominousness, intimidation mentionvers 1 Nick mentioned that he would be
mend vers 1 An electrician was mending faulty here next week. ® state, say, remark, observe,
wiring. » repair, fix, restore, renovate reveal, indicate, disclose, divulge 2 Better not to
AN opposite Is break 2a pile of socks to mend mention the score. » refer to, allude to, touch
> patch, repair, darn 3.4 quarrel that a few kind on, speak about, comment on, disclose, hint at,
words can mend » put right, resolve, sort out, let out, reveal, (more informal) let drop
merchandise = mess
merchandise noun goods for sale merit Noun merits 1 quality that deserves
merchant vou merchants a person involved praise 2 excellence
in trade > meritorious ADJECTIVE
mermaid \oun mermaids a mythical sea
merchant navy noun the ships and sailors creature with a woman’s body but with a fish’s
that carry goods for trade tail instead of legs
merciful agective showing mercy > merman NOUN
> mercifully sovers monty ADJECTIVE merrier, merriest cheerful and
mercury noun a heavy silvery metal that is ively
usually liquid, used in thermometers > merrily ADver’ merriment NOUN
> mercuric ADJECTIVE merry-go-round Now merry-go-rounds a
mercy Noun mercies 1 kindness or pity shown roundabout at a fair
in not punishing a wrongdoer severely or not mesh youn meshes 1 the open spaces ina net,
harming a defeated enemy etc. 2 something to sieve, or other criss-cross structure 2 material
be thankful for madelikeanet ~
at the mercy of completely in the power of mesmerize vers mesmerizes, mesmerizing,
mere ADjective not more than e He’s a mere child. mesmerized 1 (old use) hypnotize 2 fascinate
merely Aovers only; simply or hold a person’s attention completely
> mesmerism NOUN mesmeric ADJECTIVE
merge vers merges, merging, merged
combine or blend mess NOUN messes 1 a dirty or untidy condition
or thing 2a difficult or confused situation;
merger Noun mergers the combining of two trouble 3 (inthe armed forces) a dining room
business companies etc. into one make a mess of bungle
meridian Noun meridians a line on a map or mess vers messes, messing, messed
globe from the North Pole to the South Pole mess about behave stupidly or idly
The meridian that passes through Greenwich is mess up 1 make a thing dirty or untidy
shown on maps as 0° longitude 2 bungle or spoil e They’ve messed up our plans.
meringue (mer- ang) Noun meringues a crisp mess with interfere or tinker with
cake made from egg white and sugar [from early French mes = a portion of food]

merciful apjective They believe in a merciful God. merit vers The idea certainly merits consideration.
> compassionate, forgiving, humane, > deserve, warrant, be worth, be worthy of, be
gracious, understanding, sympathetic, entitled to, justify, rate, earn, incur
ospenaus, beneficent OPPOSITES ARE merciless, merriment noun They could hear bursts of
crue laughter and ripples of merriment. > jollity,
merciless apjective a leader who was merciless to enjoyment, cheerfulness, mirth, festivity,
his enemies > cruel, pitiless, ruthless, heartless, conviviality, amusement, revelry, high spirits
unsparing, unforgiving, unrelenting, harsh, OPPOSITES ARE misery, gloom
severe AN OPPOSITE IS merciful merry ADJECTIVE merry crowds of holidaymakers a
mercy Noun 1 The prisoners begged for mercy. merry ringing of bells > jolly, cheerful, light-
> clemency, compassion, leniency, pity, ° hearted, carefree, joyful, joyous, festive, —
sympathy, forbearance, forgiveness, happy, gleeful
understanding AN Opposite Is cruelty 2Itis a mess Noun 1 There’s quite a mess in the kitchen.
mercy that more people weren't killed. > muddle, untidiness, disarray, jumble,
> blessing, godsend, boon, favour, piece of confusion, clutter, shambles 2 It was a mess of
good fortune his own making and he would have to find a way
merge vers 1 It seems a good idea to merge the out. » predicament, quandary, difficulty,
two organizations. » combine, amalgamate, trouble, (more informal) fix
integrate, unite, join together, consolidate, make a mess of I’m afraid I’ve made a mess of
coalesce, blend, fuse, link up, put together the assignment. » ruin, spoil, botch, bungle,
2 The two parties have agreed to merge. > unite, mishandle, mismanage, fluff, muff, mess up,
join together, come together, amalgamate, (more informal) make a hash of, (much more
unify, combine 3 The motorways merge ahead. informal) cock up, (much more informal) screw
> join, meet, converge OPPOSITES ARE split, UP OPPOSITES ARE succeed in, bring off
mess vers mess about or around They need to
merit voun writers of merit » excellence, stop messing around and get on with something.
goodness, value, virtue, worth, importance, > fool about or around, play about or around,
quality, credit, eminence (more informal) muck about or around
message — microbe
message Noun messages 1 a piece of meteorite youn meteorites the remains of a
information etc. sent from one person to meteor that has landed on the earth
another 2 the main theme or moral of a book,
film, etc. meter youn meters a device for measuring
something, e.g. the amount supplied e a gas
Messenger Noun messengers a person who meter
carries a message > metemvers
Messiah (mis-I-a) noun Messiahs 1the USAGE Do not confuse with metre.
saviour of the world expected by the Jewish methane (mee-thayn) noun an inflammable
people 2 Jesus Christ, who Christians believe to gas produced by decaying matter
be this saviour
> Messianic ADJECTIVE
method noun methods 1 procedure or way
[from Hebrew mashiah = anointed] of doing something 2 methodical behaviour;
MeSSy ADJECTIVE Messier, messiest dirty and
untidy methodical apective doing things in an orderly
or systematic way
> messily ADVERB messiness NOUN
> methodically Apvers
metabolism (mit- ab- ol-izm) noun the
process by which food is built up into living
methylated spirit or spirits noun a liquid
fuel made from alcohol
material in a plant or animal, or used to supply
it with energy metre youn metres 1a unit of length inthe
> metabolic spective metabolize vers metric system, about 39 inches 2 rhythm in
metal noun metals a chemical substance,
usually hard, that conducts heat and electricity USAGE Do not confuse with meter.
and melts when it is heated, e.g. gold, silver, metric apective 1 to do with the metric system
copper, iron, and uranium 2 to do with metre in poetry
> metallic ADJECTIVE > metrically apvers
metamorphosis (met- a- mor- fo- sis) noun metric system Noun a measuring system
metamorphoses (met- a- mor- fo- seez) a based on decimal units (the metre, litre, and
change of form or character, especially one gram)
made by a living thing metric ton voun metric tons 1,000 kilograms
> metamorphose vers
metronome noun metronomes a device that
metaphor noun metaphors using a word or makes a regular clicking noise to help a person
phrase in a way that is not literal, e.g. The keep in time when practising music
pictures of starving people touched our hearts‘
> metaphorical spective metaphorically mew vers mews, mewing, mewed make a
ADVERB cat’s cry
> mew NOUN
meteor (meet- ee- er) youn meteors a piece of
rock or metal that moves through space and mice plural of mouse
burns up when it enters the earth’s atmosphere microbe noun microbes a microorganism

mess up 1 They had messed up the garden in less > untidy, dishevelled, unkempt, disorganized,
than ten minutes. » jumble, muddle, make a chaotic, sloppy OPPOSITES ARE tidy, neat,
mess of, dirty, dishevel, disrupt, disarrange 2A organized
new assignment: try not to mess this one up.
> ruin, spoil, botch, bungle, mishandle, metal youn alump of metal > ingot, nugget
mismanage, fluff, muff, make a mess of, (more
informal) make a hash of, (much more informal) method noun a new method ofgathering vital
cock up, (much more informal) screw up data » way, approach (to), procedure (for),
manner, mode, technique (for), style, plan (for)
message noun Sarah sent a message with her
brother. » communication, note, letter, word, methodical anective a methodical approach to
memo, dispatch, missive working » organized, orderly, systematic,
messenger noun A messenger brought the news. meticulous, painstaking, efficient, businesslike,
> courier, emissary, go-between, envoy, meticulous, logical, tidy, precise, neat
runner, dispatch rider OPPOSITES ARE disorganized, inefficient
messy ADEcTIVE 1 All these jobs can be messy and meticulous spective He continued his meticulous
produce a lot of debris. » dirty, filthy, mucky, inspection of the machine. ® careful,
grubby, grimy 2 The bathroom had become very methodical, scrupulous, diligent, painstaking,
messy. Her hair was tangled and messy. systematic, thorough, rigorous
microchip — mighty
microchipnoun microchips avery small piece middle-agedanecrive aged between about 40
of silicon etc. made to work like a complex and 60
wired electric circuit Middle Agesnoun the period in history from
MicrocosmNouUN microcosms a world in about 1000 to 1400
miniature; something regarded as resembling middle class or classeswoun the class of
something else on a very small scale people between the upper class and the
working class, including business and
microfilmoun a length offilm on which professional people such as teachers, doctors,
written or printed material is photographed in and lawyers
greatly reduced size > middle-classADjECTIVe
MicromNoun microns a unit of measurement, Middle Eastnoun the countries from Egypt to
one millionth of ametre Iran inclusive
microphonenoun microphones an electrical Middle Englishwoun the English language
device that picks up sound waves for recording, from about 1150 to 1500
amplifying, or broadcasting [from Greek mikros middle schoolnoun middle schoolsa school
= small + phone = sound] for children aged from about 9 to 13
microprocessorNoun microprocessors the middlingagective of medium size or quality
central processing unit of a computer, middling,overs fairly or moderately
consisting of one or more microchips midgenoun midges a small insect like a gnat
MicrOSCOpeNoUN microscopes an instrument midgetnoun midgets an extremely small
with lenses that magnify tiny objects or details person orthing
[from Greek mikros = small + skopein = to look > midgetaAD/EcTive
at] midlandapective 1 to do with the middle part
of a country 2 to do with the Midlands
microscopicapective 1 extremely small; too
small to be seen without the aid ofa Midlandspiura noun the central part of
microscope 2 to do with a microscope England
midnightwoun twelve o'clock at night
microwavenoun microwaves 1a very short midstnoun
electromagnetic wave 2 a microwave oven
“ethe midst ofin the middle of or surrounded
microwave Oven\oun microwave ovensan y
oven that uses microwaves to heat or cook food in our midstamong us
very quickly midsummernoun the middle of summer,
miidagective in the middle of e mid-July e He’s in about 21 June in the northern hemisphere
his mid thirties midway,overs halfway
midday noun the middle of the day; noon
midwifevoun midwives a person trained to
look after awoman who is giving birth to a baby
middlenoun middles 1 the place or part of > midwifery (mid- wif- ri) Noun
something that is at the same distance from all might! woun great strength or power
its sides or edges or from both its ends with all your mightusing all your strength
2 someone’s waist and determination
in the middle ofduring or halfway through a might? auxiuiary vers used as the past tense of
process or activity @ I’m just in the middle of may! (We told her she might go), to express
cooking. f possibility (It might be true)
middleanectve 1 placed or happening inthe mighty gective very strong or powerful
middle 2 moderate in size or rank etc. > mightilyApvers mightiness Noun

middleasnective Remove the middle pin. midgetanjective a midget car » miniature,
> central, midway, mean, medial, median, baby, dwarf, small
half-way, inner, inside miffed anjective (informal) She felt miffed at being
middlenoun 1 There was a large table in the ignored. » annoyed, irritated, angry, cross,
middle of the room. » centre, midpoint displeased, vexed, infuriated, incensed,
Opposites ARE edge, border 2 a journey to the enraged, (more informal) put out
middle of the earth centre, core, heart, kernel mightwoun I hit it with all my might.
OPPOSITES ARE surface, circumference > strength, force, power, energy, vigour
middlingaoective She speaks middling to good mighty apective a mighty blow to the head
Japanese. » average, medium, fair, ordinary, > powerful, forceful, violent, vigorous,
moderate, everyday, modest, passable ferocious, hefty, savage AN OPPOSITE Is Weak
migraine => mimic
migraine (mee- grayn, my- grayn) Noun milkshake noun milkshakes a cold frothy
migraines a severe kind of headache drink made from milk whisked with sweet fruit
migrate vers migrates, migrating, migrated flavouring
1 leave one place or country and settle in
another 2 (said about birds or animals) move milky spective milkier, milkiest 1 like milk
periodically from one area to another 2 white
> migration Noun migratory ADJECTIVE Milky Way noun the broad band of stars
mild spective milder, mildest 1 gentle; not formed by our galaxy
harsh or severe 2 (said about weather) quite
warm and pleasant 3 (said about food) not mill oun mills 1 machinery for grinding corn to
strongly flavoured make flour; a building containing this
> mildly apvers mildness Noun machinery 2. grinding machine e a pepper
mildew noun a tiny fungus that forms a white mill 3 a factory for processing certain materials
coating on things kept in damp conditions © a paper mill
> mildewed ADjective millennium noun millenniums a period of
mile noun miles a measure of distance equal to 1,000 years
1,760 yards (about 16 kilometres) [from Latin
mille = thousand A Roman mile was reckoned as miliennium bug noun a fault in older
1,000 paces] computer systems that made it impossible for
milestone noun milestones 1a stone ofa programs to deal with dates later than 1999
kind that used to be fixed beside a road to mark million youn millions one thousand thousand
the distance between towns 2 an important (1,000,000)
event in life or history > millionth ADJECTIVE, NOUN
militant spective 1 eager to fight 2 forceful or
aggressive @ a militant protest millionaire youn millionaires a person who
> militant noun militancy Noun has at least a million pounds or dollars; an
military spective to do with soldiers or the extremely rich person
armed forces millipede noun millipedes a small crawling
the military a country’s armed forces creature with many legs
milk noun 1a white liquid that female
mammals produce in their bodies to feed their millstone noun millstones either of a pair of
babies 2 the milk of cows, sheep, or goats used large circular stones between which corn is
as food by human beings 3 a milky liquid, e.g. ground
that in a coconut a millstone around someone's neck a heavy
milk vere milks, milking, milked get the milk responsibility or burden
from a cow or other animal [from Old English] mimic vers mimics, mimicking, mimicked
milkman noun milkmen a man who delivers imitate someone, especially to amuse people
milk to customers’ houses > mimicry NOUN

mild apective 1 She spoke in a mild voice. > cloudy, chalky, misty, opaque, whitish
> gentle, soft, tender, calm, tender-hearted, AN OPPOSITE IS Clear RELATED ADJECTIVE lactic
easygoing, sympathetic AN opposite Is harsh
2 The weather turned mild. » warm, calm, fair,
mill youn 1a paper mill » factory, plant,
temperate OPPOSITES ARE severe, cold processing plant, works, workshop 2 a pepper
mill » grinder, crusher, roller
militant spective militant opponents of the
regime » belligerent, active, aggressive, mill vers The wheat is milled into flour. > grind,
combatant, assertive, positive OPPOSITES ARE crush, roll, pulverize, powder
restrained, peaceful mill about or around Outside, people were still
milling about. » throng, swarm, stream, surge,
military ADJECTIVE a military command; military wander about, move aimlessly
units » fighting, service, armed, martial,
belligerent, enlisted, uniformed AN opposite Is mime vers She mimed a telephone conversation.
> act out, mimic, simulate, gesture,
milk vers Unscrupulous moneylenders can milk
unwary clients. » exploit, take advantage of, mimic vers She could mimic anyone after a few
cash in on, squeeze, bleed minutes listening to them. » imitate,
impersonate, copy, ape, caricature, do an
milky apective 1 her beautiful milky skin » pale, impression of, patody, parrot, pretend to be,
white, cream, creamy 2a milky liquid simulate, (more informal) take off
mimic = miniature
mimicnoun mimics a person who mimics mine! possessive pronoun belonging to me
others mine? Noun mines 1 a place where coal, metal,
mince vers minces, mincing, minced 1 cut precious stones, etc. are dug out of the ground
into very small pieces ina machine 2 walk in an 2 an explosive placed in or on the ground or in
affected way with short quick steps the sea etc. to destroy people or things that
> mincer NOUN come close to it
not to mince matters speak bluntly mine vere mines, mining, mined 1 dig froma
mince noun minced meat mine 2 lay explosive mines in a place
mincemeatnoun asweet mixture of currants, minefield
youn minefields 1 an area where
raisins, apple, etc. used in pies explosive mines have been laid 2 something
mince pie Noun mince pies a pie containing with hidden dangers or problems
mincemeat, traditionally eaten at Christmas minernoun miners a person who works ina
mindnoun minds 1 the ability to think, feel, mine
understand, and remember, originating in the mineral oun minerals 1 a hard inorganic
brain 2. a person’s thoughts, opinion, or substance found in the ground 2a cold fizzy
intention e Have you made your mind up? e I non-alcoholic drink
changed my mind
mingle vers mingles, mingling, mingled mix
in two minds not able to decide or blend
out of your mind insane
mind vers minds, minding, minded 1 look mingy Active mingier, mingiest (informal)
after e He was minding the baby. 2 be careful not generous; mean
about e Mind the step. 3 be sad or upset about miniature apecive 1 very small 2 copying
something; object to e We don’t mind waiting. something ona very small scale e a miniature
> minder Noun railway
mindless anpective done without thinking; miniature oun miniatures 1 a very small
stupid or pointless portrait 2 a small-scale model

mimicnoun He was entertaining and a good careful of opposites are heedless of, oblivious
mimic. » impersonator, impressionist, to
imitator mindlessapjective 1 The occasion was spoilt by
mince vers 1 He took the meat and minced tt. incidents of mindless violence. » senseless,
> grind, chop, dice, crumble, cube 2 not wanton, gratuitous, thoughtless 2 People are
mince words She doesn’t mince her words when reduced to mindless automatons, unable to think
she’s angry.» speak plainly, speak straight, get for themselves. » stupid, idiotic, brainless,
to the point, not pull your punches witless, foolish
mindwoun_1 people with brilliant minds brain, minenoun 1.4 coal mine > pit, colliery,
intellect, intelligence, sense, wits, coalfield, deposit, mineshaft 2 He was killed by
understanding, mentality, power of reasoning, amine. » landmine, explosive 3 The book is a
(more informal) grey matter RELATED ADJECTIVE mine of information. » store, wealth, fund,
mental 2 It’s hard to keep my mind on my work. treasury, repository, hoard, rich supply
> attention, concentration, thinking 31
minevers Gold is mined in these hills. » excavate,
couldn’t get her words out of my mind.
> memory, recollection, remembrance 4 I’ve extract, quarry, dig for, remove
a mind to go and complain. » inclination, wish, mingle vers 1 Guests mingled in the gardens.
desire, fancy, intention, disposition, tendency > socialize, circulate, get together, merge,
mind vers 1111 mind your bags while you’re gone. mix, fraternize, associate, move about, rub
> look after, watch, guard, take care of, attend shoulders, intermingle 2 Open air smells
to, (more informal) keep an eye on 2 You'd mingled with the aroma offood cooking.
> combine, merge, fuse, unite, join, coalesce
better mind what they say. » be careful of,
beware of, heed, pay attention to, look out for, mingy AmEcTIve (informal) All Igot was a mingy
watch out for, take notice of, note, remember five pounds. » meagre, measly, paltry,
3 Will you mind ifI eat my lunch? » care, miserable, scanty, scant, sparse, negligible,
object, bother, disapprove, grumble, take pitiful, modest, (informal) mouldy
offence, worry, be resentful, complain AN OPPOSITE IS generous
mindful anective mindful of Rob flew with care, miniature spective a miniature village > tiny,
mindful of the lives of his crew. » aware of, small-scale, scaled-down, diminutive, minute,
conscious of, heedful of, alive to, attentive to, baby, model
minim = miracle
minim noun minims a note in music, lasting mint! Noun mints 1 a plant with fragrant leaves
twice as long as a crotchet (written 4) that are used for flavouring things
minimize vers minimizes, minimizing, 2 peppermint or a sweet flavoured with this
minimized make something as small as [from Latin mentha = mint]
possible mint? woun mints the place where a country’s
coins are made
minimum Noun minima or minimums the
in mint condition in perfect condition, as
lowest possible number or amount (The though it had never been used
opposite is maximum)
> minimal ADJECTIVE mint vers mints, minting, minted make coins
[from Latin moneta = money]
minister Noun ministers 1 person in charge minus preposition with the next number or thing
of a government department 2 a member of subtracted e Ten minus four equals six (10 - 4 =
the clergy
> ministerial ADJECTIVE 6)
minus apective less than zero e temperatures of
ministry voun ministries 1a government minus ten degrees (-10°) [from Latin, = less]
department e the Ministry of Defence 2 the minute! (min- it) Noun minutes 1 one-
work of the clergy sixtieth of an hour 2a very short time; a
minnow Noun minnows a tiny freshwater fish moment 3a particular time @ Come here this
minor Apective 1 not very important, especially minute! 4 one-sixtieth of a degree (used in
when compared to something else 2 to do with measuring angles)
the musical scale that has a semitone after the minute? (my- newt) Apjective 1 very small e a
second note COMPARE major minute insect 2 very detailed e a minute
minor noun minors a person under the age of > minutely abvers
legal responsibility
minutes pLuraL Noun a written summary of what
minority noun minorities 1 the smallest part was Said at ameeting
of a group of people or things 2.asmall group miracle noun miracles something wonderful
that is different from others compare majority and good that happens, especially something
minstrel youn minstrels a travelling singer believed to have a supernatural or divine cause
and musician in the Middle Ages > miraculous ADECTIVE miraculously ADVERB

minimal spective Increases in rent this year have inconsequential, negligible, secondary, lesser,
been minimal. » very little, negligible, slight, trifling, petty AN OPPOSITE IS major
least, smallest, minimum, token, nominal minority noun A minority voted for a return to
minimize vers 1 They banned smoking to work. » small number, lesser number, smaller
minimize the danger offire. » reduce, keep number
down, cut down, lessen, curtail, diminish be ina minority > be outnumbered, be less,
OPPOSITES ARE maximize, increase 2 He should be the smaller number
not minimizes the value of their contribution. mint apective in mint condition » brand new,
> underestimate, gloss over, make light of, pristine, immaculate, perfect, new,
play down opposites ARE maximize, exaggerate unblemished, unmarked, unused, fresh
minimum spective The pay is well above the mint noun (informal) They made a mint from the
minimum wage. > lowest, least, smallest, deal. » fortune, heap, (informal) packet,
minimal, bottom (informal) pile, (informal) stack
minimum Noun Costs are kept to a minimum. mint vers Special coins were minted to celebrate
> lower limit, limit, base, lowest point, bottom the jubilee. » strike, cast, manufacture, stamp
level AN OPPOSITE IS Maximum out, coin, forge, make
minute spective a minute insect > tiny,
minister youn 1. minister of the church
minuscule, infinitesimal, diminutive, miniature
> clergyman, clergywoman, cleric, parson,
priest, vicar, preacher 2a government minister minute noun Il only be a minute. » moment,
> official, office-holder, executive, secretary of short while, second, (more informal) tick
state USAGE A secretary of state is a head of a miracle noun a miracle of modern technology
government department (such as transport) > marvel, wonder, sensation, phenomenon,
and a member of the cabinet; not all ministers feat
are secretaries of state. : miraculous apecnve a miraculous escape
minor Apjective minor alterations to the treaty > amazing, astounding, astonishing,
> small, trivial, unimportant, insignificant, extraordinary, unbelievable, incredible,
mirage = miserable
mirage (mi-rahzh) Noun mirages an illusion; miscellaneous (mis- el- ay- nee- us) ADJECTIVE
something that seems to be there but is not, of various kinds; mixed
especially when a lake seems to appear ina > miscellany (mis- el- an- ee) NOUN
mischief oun 1 naughty or troublesome
Mirror Noun mirrors a device or surface of behaviour 2 trouble caused by this
reflecting material, usually glass > mischievousAD/ECTIVE mischievously ADVERB
mirror vers mirrors, mirroring, mirrored
reflect in or like a mirror misconception Noun misconceptions a
mistaken idea
mnis-= preFix badly or wrongly compare amiss
misconduct oun bad behaviour by someone
misbehave vers misbehaves, misbehaving, in a responsible position e professional
misbehaved behave badly misconduct
> misbehaviour NOUN
miscalculate vers miscalculates, miserNoun misers a person who hoards money
miscalculating, miscalculated calculate and spends as little as possible
incorrectly > miserlyADEcTivVe miserliness NOUN
> miscalculation NOUN miserable agecive 1 full of misery; very
miscarriageNoun miscarriages 1 the birth of unhappy, poor, or uncomfortable
a baby before it has developed enough to live 2 disagreeable or unpleasant e miserable
2 failure to achieve the right result @ a weather
miscarriage ofjustice > miserably Abvers

inexplicable, marvellous, wonderful, mischief oun 1 He was always plotting some
mysterious mischief with his brother. » misbehaviour,
mirage Noun The lake turned out to be a mirage. naughtiness, bad behaviour, mischievousness,
> illusion, optical illusion, hallucination, vision, misconduct, disobedience, pranks 2.A faulty
delusion fuel pipe can cause much mischief. » trouble,
mirrornoun 1 She took a quick look in the mirror difficulty, harm, damage, injury, bother,
on her way out. > looking glass, glass, reflector nuisance
2 art as a mirror of life > reflection, image, mischievous Apjective 1 mischievous children
likeness, copy, double > naughty, badly behaved, misbehaving,
mirror vers Jody’s views mirrored her own. disobedient, insubordinate, troublesome,
> reflect, correspond to, match, imitate, copy, vexatious 2 There was a mischievous grin on his
echo face. > playful, impish, roguish, teasing 3 The
mirth voun sounds of mirth from the terrace house was full of mischievous rumours.
> merriment, amusement, revelry, jollity, > malicious, malevolent, hostile, unfriendly,
enjoyment, cheerfulness, festivity, conviviality, spiteful, vicious, pernicious
high spirits opposites ARE Misery, gloom miser Noun an old miser who kept his money
misbehave vers Little Mary was misbehaving hidden under the floorboards » scrooge, penny-
again. » behave badly, be naughty, be pincher, hoarder, niggard, (informal) skinflint
disobedient, (more informal) play up, (more. AN OPPOSITE IS Spendthrift
informal) fool about
miserable apective 1 She was too miserable to
voun In those days any form of eat. » unhappy, sad, dejected, despondent,
misbehaviour was punished. » bad behaviour, downcast, downhearted, down, disheartened,
misconduct, naughtiness, disobedience, disconsolate, glum, melancholy, cast down
indiscipline, insubordination, mischief, 2 The house was cramped and miserable.
mischief-making, wrongdoing > dreary, dismal, gloomy, cheerless, joyless,
miscalculate vers We miscalculated the amount squalid 3 It was a miserable way to treat people.
offuel we would need. » misjudge, make a > contemptible, despicable, disgraceful,
mistake over, get wrong, underestimate or deplorable, shameful 4 They kept us waiting for
overestimate, blunder over hours and all we got was a miserable cup of tea.
miscalculation Noun The problem arises from > measly, paltry, meagre, wretched,
miscalculations by officials. » mistake, error, niggardly, pitiful, (more informal) mingy, (more
error of judgement, blunder informal) mouldy
miscellaneous Apjective He made money from miserly Apective He'was miserly for all his life and
gardening and miscellaneous jobs, » various, died rich as a result. » mean, niggardly, penny-
varied, different, assorted, mixed, sundry, pinching, parsimonious, tight, stingy
multifarious AN OPPOSITE IS generous
misery = misshapen
misery Noun miseries 1 great unhappiness or mislead vers misleads, misleading, misled
discomfort or suffering, especially lasting for a give somebody a wrong idea or impression
long time 2 (informal) a person who is always deliberately
unhappy or complaining misnomer
Noun misnomers an unsuitable
misfire vers misfires, misfiring, misfired name for something
1 fail to fire 2 fail to function correctly or to misogynist (mis- oj- in- ist) youn
have the required effect e The joke misfired. misogynists a man who hates women
> misogyny NOUN
misfit oun misfits a person who does not fit in
well with other people or who is not well suited misplaced apecive 1 placed wrongly
to his or her work 2 inappropriate e misplaced loyalty
> misplacement NouN
misfortune oun misfortunes 1 bad luck
2 an unlucky event or accident misprintnoun misprints a mistake in printing
misgiving Noun misgivings a feeling of doubt misrepresent vers misrepresents,
or slight fear or mistrust misrepresenting, misrepresented
represent in a false or misleading way
misguided apecte guided by mistaken ideas > misrepresentation NOUN
or beliefs
Miss Noun Misses a title put before a girl’s or
mishap (mis- hap) noun mishaps an unlucky unmarried woman’s name [short for mistress]
accident miss vers misses, missing, missed 1 fail to hit,
misinterpret vers misinterprets, reach, catch, see, hear, or find something 2 be
misinterpreting, misinterpreted interpret sad because someone or something is not with
incorrectly you 3 notice that something has gone
> misinterpretation NOUN miss out 1 leave out 2 not get the benefit
mislay vers mislays, mislaying, mislaid lose miss NOUN misses missing something e Was
something forashort time because you cannot that shot a hit or a miss?
remember where you put it misshapen apective badly shaped

misery Noun 1 the misery of unemployment mishap Noun an unfortunate mishap in the
> hardship, suffering, privation, affliction, kitchen » accident, misfortune, misadventure,
distress, misfortune, tribulation, anguish 2 She setback, problem, difficulty
put her hands to her face in silent misery. misjudge vers He misjudged the distance and hit
> unhappiness, distress, wretchedness, a parked car.» miscalculate, overestimate,
despair, grief, suffering 3 (more informal) He underestimate, get wrong, guess wrongly,
can be fun but a lot of the time he’s a real misery. make a mistake about, misinterpret,
> spoilsport, killjoy, pessimist, (more informal) misunderstand
wet blanket mislay vere I seem to have mislaid my passport.
misfire vers The plan had misfired. > fail, fall > lose, misplace, lose track of, forget
through, founder, miscarry, go wrong, (more mislead vere Colin had evidently tried to mislead
informal) flop AN Opposite Is succeed her.» deceive, delude, fool, hoodwink, take in,
misguide, misinform, lead astray
misfit noun a bunch of misfits and weirdos misleading apjctive a misleading answer
> eccentric, nonconformist, maverick, > confusing, deceptive, equivocal,
dropout, individualist, (more informal) oddball ambiguous, evasive, dishonest, unreliable
misfortune noun Bruce had the misfortune to mismamnage vers The redundancies had been
break a bone in his wrist. The family had suffered badly mismanaged. » mishandle, bungle,
several generations of misfortune » bad luck, botch, ruin, spoil, fluff, muff, mess up, make a
mischance, mishap, trouble, setback, mess of, (more informal) make a hash of, (much
tribulation, hardship AN opposite is good luck more informal) cock up, (much more informal)
screw up
misgiving noun We agreed to the proposal with
several misgivings. » doubt, reservation, miss vers 1 The bullet missed him by inches. > fail
qualm, scruple, diffidence AN opposite Is to hit, fall short of 2 It was an easy catch but he
confidence still missed it. » drop, fumble, fail to catch, let
slip, mishandle 3 Ifwe’re not careful we'll miss
misguided apjctive a misguided policy on the last train. » be toolate for, fail tocatch 4 He
immigration » mistaken, misconceived, was ill and had to miss the party. » be absent
erroneous, fallacious, unsound, unfounded, ill- from, skip 51 will miss Debbie terribly. » pine
judged, ill-considered , for, long for, yearn for, feel the loss of 6 He
missile > misunderstand
missile voun missiles aweapon or other object mistaken apective 1 incorrect 2 having an
for firing or throwing at a target incorrect opinion
missing 4p €cTIve 1 lost; not in the proper place mister Noun (informal) a form of address to a
2 absent man
mission Noun missions 1 an important job
that somebody is sent to do or feels they must mistletoe noun a plant with white berries that
do 2 aplace or building where missionaries grows as a parasite on trees
work 3a military or scientific expedition
mistress \ouN mistresses 1 awomanwhoisin
missionary Noun missionaries a person who charge of something 2 awoman whois aman’s
is sent to another country to spread a religious lover but not his wife 3a woman teacher 4 the
faith woman owner of a dog or other animal
misspell vers misspells, misspelling,
misspelt or misspelled spell a word wrongly mistrust vers mistrusts, mistrusting,
mistrusted feel no trust in somebody or
mist NOUN mists 1 damp cloudy air near the something
ground 2 condensed water vapour ona > mistrust NOUN
window, mirror, etc.
© mist VERB misty AQEcTIve mistier, mistiest. 1 full of mist
2 not clear or distinct
mistake oun mistakes 1 something done
wrongly incorrect opinion > mistily ADverRs mistiness NOUN

mistake vers mistakes, mistaking, mistook, misunderstand vers misunderstands,

mistaken 1 misunderstand e Don’t mistake misunderstanding, misunderstood get a
my meaning. 2 choose or identify wrongly e We wrong idea or impression of something
mistook her for her sister. > misunderstanding NOUN

swerved and managed to miss an oncoming car. mistreat vers Some of the prisoners had been
> avoid, dodge, evade, escape, circumvent mistreated. > ill-treat, maltreat, abuse, misuse,
7 Don’t miss your chance. » \et slip, let go, harm, injure, molest, (more informal) knock
forfeit, pass by, pass up, disregard about
missing ApecTive A few books are still missing.
> lost, mislaid, misplaced, gone astray, mistrust vers I mistrust their intentions.
straying, unaccounted for, absent, disappeared > distrust, suspect, be suspicious of, be
sceptical about, have misgivings about, have
mission Noun 1a mission to Africa
qualms about, be wary of, disbelieve, doubt,
> expedition, assignment, operation,
exploration, journey, sortie, voyage 2 his question AN opposite Is trust
mission in life » calling, vocation, goal, aim,
misty ADEcTIvVe 1 misty weather » hazy, foggy,
purpose, function
murky, cloudy AN opposites clear 2a misty
mist Noun 1 The sun was breaking through the window » misted, clouded 3 misty memories
early morning mist. » haze, fog, vapour, cloud, > indistinct, vague, hazy, unclear, obscure,
mistiness 2 She wiped a hole to peep through the nebulous opposites are sharp, distinct
mist on the windows. » condensation, film,
steam misunderstand vers I must have
mistake noun It’s easy to make mistakes when misunderstood; I thought you were coming with
you are tired. » error, slip, blunder, lapse, us. » make a mistake, misapprehend,
misjudgement, miscalculation, oversight, misinterpret, mishear, get it wrong, (more
(more informal) gaffe informal) get hold of the wrong end of the stick
mistake vers I mistook the meaning of the misunderstanding Noun 1 The suggestion
instruction. » misunderstand, misinterpret, was based on a misunderstanding of the issues.
confuse, get wrong, misjudge, misread, > misapprehension, misconception,
misconstrue, (informal) get the wrong end of misinterpretation, misjudgement, false
the stick about, mix up impression, delusion (about), (informal) mix-
mistaken Apective These conclusions are up 2It wasn’t a row, just a slight
mistaken, in our view. » wrong, incorrect, misunderstanding. » difference of opinion,
erroneous, misguided, unfounded, unsound, disagreement, dispute, quarrel , squabble,
ill-judged, inappropriate argument, contretemps
misuse => mock
misuse (mis- yooz) vers misuses, misusing, moatnoun moats a deep wide ditch round a
misused 1 use incorrectly 2 treat badly castle, usually filled with water
> misuse (mis- yooss) NOUN > moated ADJECTIVE
mitten voun mittens a kind of glove without mobnoun mobs 1a large disorderly crowd 2a
separate parts for the fingers gang
mix vers mixes, mixing, mixed 1 put different mobile apgcrve moving easily
things together so that they are no longer > mobility VouNn
distinct; blend or combine 2 (said about a mobile oun mobiles 1 a decoration for
person) get together with others hanging up so that its parts move in currents of
> mixer NOUN air 2a mobile phone
mix up 1 mix thoroughly 2 confuse mobile home noun mobile homes a large
mix NOUN mixes a mixture caravan permanently parked and used for living
mixed Apective containing two or more kinds of
things or people mobile phone noun mobile phones a phone
you can carry about that uses a cellular radio
mixture Noun mixtures 1 something made of system
different things mixed together 2 the process
of mixing mobilize vers mobilizes, mobilizing,
mobilized assemble people or things for a
mnemonic (nim- on- ik) NoUN mnemonics a particular purpose, especially for war
verse or saying that helps you to remember > mobilization Noun
something [from Greek mneme = memory]
mock vers mocks, mocking, mocked. 1.make
moan véRs moans, moaning, moaned 1 make fun of aperson or thing 2 imitate someone or
along low sound of pain or suffering 2.grumble something to make people laugh
> moan NOUN > mockery NOUN

misuse Noun. 1.the misuse. of confidential moan vers 1 The injured man was moaning with
information » wrong use, misappropriation, pain. » groan, cry, howl, whimper 2 Everyone
misapplication, exploitation: 2 the misuse of moaned about the food. » complain, grumble,
innocent people » ill-treatment, maltreatment, grouse, grouch, carp, whine, (more informal)
mistreatment 3 the misuse of drugs » abuse, whinge
careless use, ill-use, mishandling moOanNoun 1 moans ofpain groan, cry, howl,
whimper 2 moans about the awful food
misuse vers 1 He was accused of misusing public > complaint, grumble, grouse, grouch,
money.» misapply, misemploy, embezzle, put carping, whining, (more informal) whinging
to wrong use 2.She had been misused by
successive partners. > ill-treat, maltreat, mob noun (informal) An angry mob gathered at
mistreat, abuse, harm, injure, molest, (more the gate.» crowd, throng, mass, horde, rabble,
informal) knock about swarm, bunch, gang, group, herd, pack, riot
mixvers 1 Mix the ingredients together. Oil and mob vers Her fans mobbed her all the way to her
water don’t mix. » blend, mingle, combine, car. crowd round, swarm round, throng
merge, fuse, unite, coalesce, amalgamate 2 He round, jostle, surround, besiege, hem in,
mixes with all sorts ofpeople. » associate, harass, hassle
consort, fraternize, socialize, mingle, (more mobile apjective 1 She was soon mobile again
informal) hang about with after her operation. » moving, walking, able to
mix up!’ve mixed up the two dates. » confuse, move 2 The village is visited by a mobile library
muddle, muddle up, jumble up, mistake once a week. » travelling, itinerant, peripatetic,
mixed Adjective 1a mixed collection » assorted, roving, wandering 3 It helps to be mobile in
varied, diverse, miscellaneous, heterogeneous, furthering a career. » adaptable, flexible,
different 2. mixed ingredients » combined, versatile, adjustable
integrated, amalgamated, united, composite, mobilize vers 1 The army was mobilized to fight
hybrid; joint 3 Their reactions were mixed. the rebels. » summon, assemble, call up, enlist,
> ambivalent, equivocal, uncertain, unsure, levy, marshal, muster 2 The spin doctors
confused, muddled, ambiguous mobilize support for government policy. » rally,
generate, activate, stir up, stimulate, promote,
mixture Noun a strange mixture ofpeople galvanize, organize
> assortment, variety, medley, combination,
blend, miscellany, jumble, hotchpotch, mock vers Her brother had grinned and mocked
assemblage, gathering ‘ her behind her back. > ridicule, jeer, make fun
mock = moist
mock apjective imitation, not real e mock exams modern apectve 1 belonging to the present or
mock-up noun mock-ups a model of recent times 2 in fashion now
something, made in order to test or study it > modernity Noun
mode noun modes 1 the way a thing is done modernize vers modernizes, modernizing,
2 what is fashionable modernized make a thing more modern
model noun models 1a copy of an object, > modernization NOUN
usually on a smaller scale 2 a particular design modest apectve 1 not vain or boastful
3a person who poses for an artist or displays 2 moderate in size or amount e@ a modest income
clothes by wearing them 4a person or thing 3 not showy orsplendid 4 behaving ordressing
that is worth copying decently or decorously
model vers models, modelling, modelled > modestly ADvers modesty NOUN
1 make a model of something 2 design or plan modify vers modifies, modifying, modified
something using another thing as an example 1 change something slightly 2 describe a word
3 work as an artist’s model or a fashion model or limit its meaning @ Adjectives modify nouns.
modem (moh- dem) noun modems a device > modification NOUN
that links a computer to a telephone line for
transmitting data modulate vers modulates, modulating,
modulated 1 adjust or regulate 2 varyin pitch
moderate apjctive 1 medium; not extremely ortone etc. 3 alter an electronic wave to allow
small or great or hot etc. @ a moderate climate signals to be sent
2 not extreme or unreasonable @ moderate > modulation Noun modulator NouN
> moderately Abvers module noun modules 1 an independent part
of a spacecraft, building, etc. 2 a unit; a section
moderate (mod- er- ayt) vers moderates, of a course of study
moderating, moderated make or become
> modular ADJECTIVE
> moderation NouN moist apjecrive slightly wet
in moderation in moderate amounts > moistly Abvers moistness NOUN

of, laugh at, taunt, scorn, sneer at, deride, moderate vers 1 The wind has moderated.
disparage, tease > abate, die down, ease off, subside, decrease,
mock apjective He shook his head in mock disbelief. become less extreme 2 Can we do something to
> pretend, imitation, simulated, false, fake, moderate the noise? » control, curb, check,
sham, feigned reduce, lessen, mitigate, alleviate, allay,
mockery noun 1 There was a note of mockery in
her voice. > ridicule, derision, contempt, scorn, modern apjectve 1 modern art
sarcasm, disdain 2 The trial was a mockery of > contemporary, present-day, current 2 She
justice. > travesty, parody, caricature, sham wears very modern clothes. » fashionable,
stylish, modish, voguish, advanced
model spective 1 a model railway > miniature, modernize vers (informal) The factory needs to
toy, replica 2a model pupil » ideal, perfect, modernize its production methods. » update,
exemplary, impeccable, faultless renovate, refurbish, regenerate, improve,
model noun 1 working model of a high-speed rebuild
train > replica, copy, representation, modest apjective 1a modest increase in income
facsimile, imitation 2 a model ofgood behaviour > moderate, reasonable, limited, slight, small
> ideal, paragon, epitome, personification AN OPPOSITE IS large 2 He is always modest about
3 laws based on the American model » pattern, his achievements. » unassuming,
example, type, standard, paradigm, prototype, unpretentious, humble, reserved, discreet,
version, mould retiring, bashful An opposite ts boastful
model vers 1 The artist modelled the figure in modesty woun She shows admirable modesty
bronze. » form, make, fashion, mould, sculpt, about her abilities. » humility, reserve,
design 2 Characters who are modelled on real reticence, discretion, self-effacement, shyness,
life. » base, draw (from), derive (from) lack of pretension
moderate apjective 1a moderate success modify vers These events have led us to modify
> average, modest, mediocre, tolerable, our views. » change, alter, amend, adapt,
passable 2. moderate drinker; Prices are revise, adjust, reform
moderate this year. » reasonable, sensible, moist apjective He dug into the dark moist earth.
restrained, controlled, modest, fair > damp, soggy, clammy, wet, watery
moisten = monolith
moisten vers moistens, moistening, monarchnou monarchs king, queen,
moistened make or become moist emperor, or empress ruling a country
moisture noun waterin the air or making a > monarchicADECrive
thing moist monarchy Noun monarchies a country ruled
moisturizer oun a cream used to make the by a monarch
skin less dry > monarchist NOUN
mole! noun moles 1asmall furry animal that monastery Noun monasteries a building
burrows under the ground 2 spy working where monks live and work
within an organization and passing information > monastic ADJECTIVE
to another organization or country Monday Noun the day of the week following
mole? noun moles asmall dark spot on skin Sunday [from Old English monandaeg= day of
the moon]
molecule noun molecules the smallest part
into which a substance can be divided without monetary AD/ECTIVe to do with money
changing its chemical nature; a group of atoms money Noun 1 coins and banknotes 2 wealth
> molecular (mo-lek- yoo- ler) ADJECTIVE mongrel (mung: rel) NouUN mongrels a dog of
molehill oun molehills asmall pile of earth mixed breeds
thrown up by a burrowing mole monitornoun monitors 1 a device for
molest vers molests, molesting, molested watching or testing how something is working
1 annoy or pester 2 attack or abuse someone 2 ascreen that displays data and images
sexually produced by acomputer 3 a pupil who is given
molluscnoun molluscs any of a group of a special responsibility in a school
animals including snails, slugs, and mussels, monitorvers monitors, monitoring,
with soft bodies, no backbones, and monitored watch or test how something is
sometimes external shells working
moltenagective melted; made liquid by great monknoun monks a member of a community
heat of men who live according to the rules ofa
momentnouv moments 1 avery short time religious organization COMPARE nun
2. a particular time e Call me the moment she monkeynouv monkeys 1 an animal with long
arrives. arms, hands with thumbs, and often a tail 2a
momentary Apecrive lasting for only a mischievous person, especially a child
moment monoclenoun monocles alens worn over one
> momentarily ADVERB eye, like half of a pair of glasses
momentous (mo- ment- us) ADJECTIVE very monogramNoun monograms a design made
important up of a letter or letters, especially a person’s
momentumoun 1 the ability something has initials
to keep moving or developing 2 (in science) > monogrammed ADJECTIVE
the quantity of motion of a moving object, monolithwoun monoliths a large single
measured as its mass multiplied by its velocity upright block of stone

moisten vers Moisten the compost ifit becomes momentary Apecrive He had a momentary
dry.» dampen, wet, damp, soak, moisturize, glimpse of her face. » brief, fleeting, passing,
make moist, humidify An opposite is dry quick, temporary, transient, transitory
AN OPPOSITE IS permanent
moisture voun The windows were covered in momentous DEcTive a momentous decision
moisture. » dampness, condensation, damp, > important, significant, fateful, epoch-
humidity, liquid, steam, vapour, wetness, wet making, historic, critical, crucial, decisive
AN OPPOSITE IS unimportant
molest vers The woman had been molested by a
group of men. » harass, pester, beset, torment, momentumNoun The car began to gain
persecute, harry momentum. a momentum for change » impetus,
force, velocity, power, impulse, incentive,
momentnoun 1 She waited for a moment before thrust
going in. » minute, second, little while, short money Noun 11 don’t have enough money to buy
time 2 We can leave the moment the rain stops. it. » cash, means, funds, capital, finance,
> instant, minute, second, point 3 These change, (more informal) dosh 2 How much
matters are of little moment to most people. money shall we take on holiday? » currency,
> importance, import, significance, cash RELATED ADJECTIVES financial, monetary,
consequence, interest, weight, value pecuniary
monolithic — moor
monolithic nective 1to dowith or like a monstrous 4gective 1 like a monster; huge
monolith 2 huge and difficult to move or 2 very shocking or outrageous
change month noun months each of the twelve parts
monologue nou monologues along speech into which a year is divided
by one person monthly spective, avers happening or done
monopolize vers monopolizes, once a month
monopolizing, monopolized take the whole monument youn monuments a statue,
of something i yourself e One girl building, or column etc. put up as a memorial of
monopolized my attention some person or event
> monopolization Noun monumental apective 1 built as a monument
monopoly noun monopolies the exclusive 2 very large or important
right to own something or to provide a service MOO vers Moos, mooing, mooed make the low
monosyllable vouv monosyllables a word deep sound of a cow
with only one syllable > moo NOUN
> monosyllabic ADJECTIVE
mood noun moods the way someone feels
monotone noun a level unchanging tone of @ She is in a cheerful mood.
voice in speaking or singing era th moodier, moodiest 1 gloomy
monotonous spective boring because it does or sullen 2 having sudden changes of mood for
not change @ monotonous work no apparent reason
> monotonously sDver8 monotony NOUN > moodily ADvers moodiness NOUN
mOMsOONn Noun monsoons 1a strong wind in moon Noun moons 1 the natural satellite of the
and near the Indian Ocean, bringing heavy rain earth that can be seen in the sky at night 2a
in summer 2 the rainy season brought by this satellite of any planet
wind > moonbeam noun moonlight Noun moonlit
monster youn monsters 1 large frightening ADJECTIVE
creature 2.a huge thing 3 a wicked or cruel moor! youn moors an area of rough land
person covered with heather, bracken, and bushes
monster spective huge > moorland Noun
monstrosity noun monstrosities a moor? vers moors, mooring, moored fastena
monstrous thing boat etc. to a fixed object by means of a cable

monotonous ADJECTIVE a monotonous piece of monument noun 1a monument to local heroes
work » boring, tedious, dull, dreary, > memorial, obelisk, statue, shrine,
uninteresting, tiresome, wearisome, mausoleum 2a monument over his grave
repetitive, repetitious OPPOSITES ARE > gravestone, headstone, tombstone 3 The
interesting, varied book is a monument to years of research.
monotony Noun the monotony of their working > testament, record, token, evidence
lives > dullness, boredom, tedium, sameness, monumental spective 1a monumental plaque
repetitiveness, repetitiousness, weariness, > commemorative, memorial 2a monumental
dreariness, routine, uniformity task » huge, great, enormous, immense,
monster youn 1a huge monster of a man awesome, grand, impressive
> giant, colossus, mammoth, leviathan 2 He
was behaving like a monster. » beast, brute, mood noun 1 He was in a bad mood for most of
fiend, savage, ogre the day. » temper, humour, disposition, spirit,
frame of mind, state of mind, vein 2 The music
monster apjective She came in eating a monster sets the right mood for the story. » atmosphere,
ice cream. The film was a monster hit. » huge, feeling, tone, spirit, ambience
enormous, massive, colossal, gigantic,
immense, (informal) ginormous moody apective Charles was quiet and moody,
monstrous apective 1A monstrous wave loomed and this worried her. » changeable,
over the ship. » huge, enormous, massive, temperamental, volatile, unpredictable, sulky,
colossal, gigantic, immense, (informal) sullen, gloomy, morose
ginormous 2a monstrous winged creature MOON Noun by the light of a full moon RELATED
> grotesque, hideous, gruesome, horrible, ADJECTIVElunar =,
grisly, repulsive 3 a monstrous injustice
> appalling, dreadful, shocking, outrageous, MOON vers There was not much to do and the
abominable, disgraceful, scandalous, hideous, young ones were mooning about. » mope, loaf,
wicked, vile, foul, evil idle, waste time, (more informal) mooch
mooring = mortar
mooringNoun moorings a place where a boat MOFe ADJECTIVE (comparative of muchand many)
can be moored greater in amount etc.
MOpPNouN mops 1a bunch or pad of soft MOFreNouN a greater amount
material fastened on the end of a stick, used for moreabvers 1 toa greater extent e more
cleaning floors etc. 2.a thick mass of hair beautiful 2 again e once more
MOP VER. mops, mopping, mopped clean or more or Jess 1 approximately 2 nearly or
wipe with a mop etc. practically
Sil» up 1 wipe or soak up liquid 2 deal with moreover Aovers besides; in. addition to what
the last parts of something e The army is has been said
mopping up the last of the rebels. Mormonnoun Mormons a member of a
mope vers mopes, moping, moped be sad religious group founded in the USA
moped (moh- ped) Noun mopeds a kind of MOrningnoun mornings the early part of the
small motorcycle day, before noon or before lunchtime
MOFONNOUN morons (informal) avery stupid
moral apjective 1 connected with what is right person
and wrong in behaviour 2 good or virtuous > moronicaDjEcrive
> morally Advers morality NOUN
moral supporthelp in the form of morose (mo-rohss) apjective bad-tempered
encouragement and miserable
> moroselyADVERs moroseness
moralnoun morals a lesson in right behaviour Morse codenown asignalling code using short
taught by a story or event and long sounds or flashes of light (dots and
USAGE Do not confuse with morale. dashes) to represent letters
morale (mor- ahl) youn the level of confidence morselNoun morsels a small piece of food
and good spirits in a person or group of people mortalapjectve 1 not living for ever e All of us
e Morale was high after the victory. are mortal. 2 causing death; fatal e a mortal
usAGE Do not confuse with moral. wound 3 deadly e mortal enemies
morals piurat noun standards of behaviour > mortallyAovers mortality NOUN
morbidapectve 1 thinking about gloomy or mortalnoun mortals a human being, as
unpleasant things 2 (in medicine) unhealthy compared to a god or immortal spirit
@ a morbid growth mortarnouv mortars 1a mixture of sand,
> morbidly overs morbidity NOUN cement, and water used in building to stick

mop vers A man was mopping the floor. » wash, MOFeADECTIVE They want more money.
clean, sponge, wipe > additional, extra, further, added, increased,
fresh, supplementary, other AN opposite Is less
pope vers She realized it was no use moping.
> brood, fret, sulk, pine, be miserable, grieve morning\oun It was nearly morning when they
finally reached home. » daybreak, dawn,
moralapective 1 moral issues » ethical, social,
daylight, sunrise, first light
behavioural 2a very moral person » good,
honest, virtuous, upright, principled, moroseApjective Back home dad was looking very
honourable, decent, proper, pure, blameless, morose. » sullen, gloomy, bad-tempered, ill-
upstanding, responsible, trustworthy tempered, glum, sour, surly, moody, tetchy,
AN OPPOSITE IS immoral 3 moral support crabby an opposite ts cheerful
> emotional, psychological
morselwoun a few morsels offood » bite,
moral noun There’s a clear moral to this story. mouthful, nibble, taste, fragment, piece, scrap,
> lesson, message, meaning, point, crumb, titbit
significance, import, principle
mortalanective 1 The coffins contained the
morality NOUN standards of morality » ethics, mortal remains of the victims. » physical, bodily,
morals, ideals, principles, integrity, honesty, corporeal, earthly, worldly, perishable 2 She
goodness, propriety, conduct, behaviour, struck him a mortal blow. » deadly, fatal, lethal
manners AN OpposiTE Is immorality 3 mortal enemies » deadly, bitter,
irreconcilable 4 living in mortal fear
morbidaoectve 1a morbid obsession with death > extreme, intense, grave, dire
> macabre, ghoulish, unhealthy, gruesome,
grisly, unwholesome 2 The thought of old age mortalwoun a tale of mortals battling with divine
made her morbid. » gloomy, depressed, forces » human being, human, mortal
dejected, melancholy, downhearted, creature, individual, person, man orwoman,
pessimistic an opposite is cheerful earthling
mortgage = motorcycle
bricks together 2.a hard bowl in which mostly overs mainly
substances are pounded with a pestle 3 a short motel youn motels a hotel providing
cannon for firing shells at a high angle accommodation for motorists and their cars
mortgage (mor- gij) NouUN mortgages an moth noun moths an insect rather like a
arrangement to borrow money to buy a house, butterfly, that usually flies at night
with the house as security for the loan
mother youn mothers a female parent
mortgage vers mortgages, mortgaging, > motherhood Noun
mortgaged offer a house etc. as security in
return for a loan mother vers mothers, mothering, mothered
look after someone in a motherly way [from
mortify vers mortifies, mortifying, Old English]
mortified humiliate someone or make them
feel very ashamed mother-in-law vou mothers-in-law the
> mortification NouN mother of a married person’s husband or wife
motherly spective kind and gentle like a
mortuary noun mortuaries a place where
dead bodies are kept before being buried or
> motherliness NOUN
motion noun motions 1a way of moving;
mosaic (mo- zay- ik) NouN mosaics a picture or movement 2a formal statement to be
design made from small coloured pieces of discussed and voted on at a meeting
stone or glass
motion vers motions, motioning, motioned
mosque (mosk) noun mosques a building signal by a gesture @ She motioned him to sit
where Muslims worship beside her.
mosquito noun mosquitoes a kind of gnat motivation noun what gives a persona reason
that sucks blood for doing something
MOSS NOUN mosses a plant that grows in damp > motivate vers
places and has no flowers motive noun motives what makes a person do
D> mossy ADJECTIVE something @ a motive for murder
most Apective (superlative of much and many) motor noun motors a machine providing
greatest in amount or degree e Most people power to drive machinery etc.; an engine
came by bus.
motor vers motors, motoring, motored go or
most noun the greatest amount @ Most of the take someone in a car
food was eaten.
motorcycle or motorbike noun
most Abvers 1 to the greatest extent; more than motorcycles or motorbikes a two-wheeled
any other e most beautiful 2 very or extremely road vehicle with an engine
® most impressive > motorcyclist Noun

mostly apvere She reads books all day, mostly motionless anecrive 1 The traffic ahead was
novels. » mainly, chiefly, predominantly, motionless. » static, stationary, immobile, still,
primarily, principally, normally, typically, at a standstill, at rest AN OPPOSITE IS Moving
usually, generally, largely Opposites ARE rarely, 2 They stood motionless for several minutes,
hardly neither wanting to speak first. » still, stock-still,
mother noun Her mother picked her up every day immobile, unmoving, paralysed, rooted to the
from school. » female parent, (more informal) spot, frozen, inert OPPOSITES ARE moving, active
mum, (more informal) mummy, (more informal)
ma, (old-fashioned) mater RELATED ADJECTIVE
motivate vers Money is what motivated them
most. » prompt, drive, urge, stimulate,
provoke, influence, activate, incite, persuade,
mother vers. She was fond of mothering the impel
residents when they were sick. » look after, care
for, nurse, comfort, pamper, protect, cherish, motivation noun the motivation to learn
fuss over > incentive, stimulus, impulse, drive,
motherly anjective a motherly woman inspiration, inducement, encouragement, spur
> maternal, protective, caring, kind, loving motive noun The police could not establish any
motion noun The motion of the bus made her motive for the attacks. » reason, grounds,
queasy.» movement, moving, action, shifting, rationale, motivation, object, intention,
progress RELATED ADJECTIVES dynamic, kinetic purpose, thinking, aim, cause
motorist = moustache
motoristvoun motorists a person who drives mounted. 4 place or fix in position for use or
acar display @ Mount your photos in an album.
motorwaynoun motorwaysa wide road for mountainnoun mountains 1 a very high hill
fast long-distance traffic 2 large heap or pile or quantity
mottonoun mottoes 1 ashort saying used as a > mountainousAD/ECTIVe
guide for behaviour e Their motto is ‘Who dares, -

wins’. 2 ashort verse or riddle etc. found inside mountaineernoun mountaineers a person
a cracker who climbs mountains
> mountaineeringNoun
mould! youn moulds a hollow container of a
particular shape, in which a liquid or soft mountedapective serving on horseback
substance is put to set into this shape © mounted police
mouldvers moulds, moulding moulded
make something have a particular shape or mournvers mourns, mourning, mourned be
character sad, especially because someone has died
> mournerNouNn
~ mould? noun a furry growth of very small fungi
> mouldyAD/Ecrive mournfulapective sad and sorrowful
mouldervers moulders, mouldering > mournfullyApvers
mouldered rot away or decay into dust
MOuUSeNOUN mice 1a small animal with along
moultvers moults, moulting moulted shed thin tail and a pointed nose 2 (mousesor
feathers, hair, or skin etc. while a new growth mice) a small device which you move around
forms on a mat to control the movements of a cursor
moundnoun mounds 1 a pile of earth or onaVDU screen
stones etc. 2.a small hill > mousetrapNOUN mousyADJECTIVE
mountnouv mounts 1a mountain e Mount
Everest 2 something on which an object is mousse(mooss) NOUN mousses 1a creamy
mounted 3a horse etc. for riding [from Latin pudding flavoured with fruit or chocolate 2a
mons = mountain] frothy creamy substance put on the hair so that
it can be styled more easily
mountvers mounts, mounting, mounted
1 climb or go up; ascend 2 get ona horse or moustache (mus-tahsh) youn moustaches
bicycle etc. 3 increase in amount e Our costs hair allowed to grow on a man’s upper lip

mottonoun Their guiding motto was ‘You scratch platform. » climb onto, jump on to, get on, get
my back, and I'll scratch yours’. » saying, up on, get astride opposites Are get off, climb
maxim, watchword, dictum, proverb, adage, down from 3 Our savings were mounting at last.
precept, slogan, axiom > grow, increase, accumulate, pile up
mouldnoun 1 The cheese had mould on it. opposites ARE dwindle, decrease
> mildew, fungus, must, growth 2 The molten
metal is poured into a mould. » cast, die, form, mountainnoun 1 several mountains to climb in
matrix, template the area peak, summit, height RELATED
mouldvere 1 The figures are moulded in bronze. ADjEcTIVEalpine 2.a mountain of work to get
> shape, form, fashion, forge, model, create, through » heap, pile, load, mound, stack,
sculpt 2 Education helps to mould your character. mass, great deal, backlog
> form, shape, influence, determine, direct
mountainousapective 1 mountainous country
mouldyanjectve 1 a hunk of mouldy bread > hilly, craggy, rocky, alpine, highland,
> mildewed, mildewy, mouldering, decaying, precipitous 2 mountainous waves » huge,
musty, rotten, stale 2 (informal) The prize was enormous, gigantic, colossal, immense,
just a mouldy book token. » measly, paltry, towering, (more informal) ginormous
miserable, meagre, wretched, niggardly,
pitiful, (informal) mingy mournvers 1 He hid himself away, mourning his
moundnoun 14 mound of dirty. socks > pile, dead wife.» grieve for, sorrow over, lament for,
heap, stack 2 The common had several mounds weep for, pine for 2 We all mourn the loss of so
to climb. & hill, hillock, hummock, rise, ridge, many precious artefacts. » regret, deplore,
embankment bewail AN opposite Is rejoice over
mountvers 1 The gallery mounts a special
exhibition every year. » put on, organize, mournfulapective mournful music; a mournful
present, display, show, exhibit 2 June mounted cry » sad, sorrowful, melancholy, unhappy,
her pony. The guest of honour mounted the doleful, desolate, heartbroken, tragic, sombre
mouth = much
mouth noun mouths 1 the opening through main divisions of a symphony or other long
which food is taken into the body 2 the place musical work
where a river enters the sea 3. an opening or MOW vers Mows, Mowing, mowed, mown
outlet cut down grass etc.
> mouthful noun > mower NOUN
mouth organ noun mouth organs a small mow down knock down and kill
musical instrument that you play by blowing MIP assreviation Member of Parliament
and sucking while passing it along your lips Mr (mist- er) noun Messrs a title put before a
mouthpiece youn mouthpieces the part of a man’s name
musical instrument or other device that you
Mirs (mis-iz) noun Mirs a title put before a
put to your mouth
married woman’s name
move vers moves, moving, moved 1 take or
go from one place to another; change a Mis (miz) noun a title put before a woman’s
person’s or thing’s position 2 affect a person’s name
feelings e Their sad story moved us deeply. 3 put USAGE You put Mis before the name of awoman
forward a formal statement (amotion) to be if she does not wish to be called ‘Miss’ or ‘Mrs’,
discussed and voted on at a meeting or if you do not know whether she is married.
> mover NOUN IM.Se. apereviation Master of Science
smoOve Noun moves 1 amovementor action 2a [it agsreviATION Mount or mountain
player’s turn to move a piece in chess or other
mutch apecrive more, most existing in a large
amount @ much noise
get a move on (informal) hurry up
en the move moving or making progress much noun a large amount of something
movement youn movements 1 moving or much apvers 1 greatly or considerably e much to
being moved 2a group of people working my surprise 2 approximately e It is much the
together to achieve something 3 one of the same.

mouth youn 1 He opened his mouth. » jaws, move noun 1 The group got together to talk over
lips, (more informal) gob RELATED ADJECTIVE oral their next move. » step, action, initiative,
2 the mouth of the cave » entrance, opening, tactic, ploy, ruse 2 It’s your move. » turn, go,
entry, aperture 3 the mouth ofa river > outfall, opportunity, chance
outlet, estuary, firth
movement youn 1 the movement of goods and
mouth vers Thank you, I answered, mouthing the animals » transportation, carrying, relocation,
words carefully.» utter, enunciate, pronounce, conveyance, transferral, repositioning 2 She
articulate, form, say joined a left-wing political movement in her
student days. » party, organization, faction,
mouthful noun 1a mouthful offood > bite,
group, grouping, campaign 3A movement in
taste, morsel, nibble, gobbet, spoonful,
the bushes caught his eye. » motion, move,
swallow 2.4 mouthful of water > gulp, draught,
sip, swallow, (more informal) swig activity, action 4 There has been little movement
on our grant application. » progress, change,
move vers 1 He got up and moved to the bench advance 5a movement towards equal pay for
under the tree. » go, walk, march, proceed, men and women » trend, tendency, swing,
advance, stroll, amble 2 The traffic moved slowly current
forward. » edge, creep, crawl, slide 3171 move
the chair closer to the table. » carry, take, shift, MOVING ADECTIVE 1.4 moving train » travelling,
transport 4 We need to move quickly to secure a mobile, active, on the move, under way
place. > act, take action, take steps, make a OPPOSITES ARE stationary, motionless 2a
move, take the initiative 5 At long last things are moving story » touching, affecting, poignant,
starting to move. » progress, make progress, emotive, stirring, emotional, heart-warming,
make headway, develop, (more informal) get inspiring, exciting, stimulating AN OPPOSITE IS
somewhere 6 She moved from London to the unemotional
country last year. > relocate, move house,
move home, migrate, decamp, depart 7 The much noun We don’t have much to do. » alot, a
beautiful performance moved them deeply. great deal, plenty,
» touch, affect, impress, disturb, agitate 8 The
language course moved her to find out about living mutch spective Do youneed much help? » alotof,
abroad. » prompt, stimulate, motivate, a great deal of, plenty of, considerable,
persuade, rouse, impel, induce, inspire substantial
muck = mull
muck noun 1 farmyard manure 2 (informal) muffin oun muffins 1 flat bun eaten toasted
dirt or filth 3 (informal) amess and buttered 2 a small sponge cake, usually
p> moucley ADJECTIVE containing fruit, chocolate chips, etc.
muck vers muffle vers muffles, muffling, muffled
muck about (informal) méss about 1 cover or wrap something to protect it or keep
muck out clean out the place where an animal it warm 2,deaden the sound of something e a
is kept muffled scream
muck up (informal) 1 make dirty 2 make a muffler youn mufflers a warm scarf
mess of; spoil
[probably from a Scandinavian language] mug Noun mugs 1a kind of large cup with
straight sides 2 (slang) a fool; a person who is
mud noun wet soft earth easily deceived 3 (slang) a person’s face
> muddy ADEcIve muddiness NOUN
mug vers mugs, mugging, mugged attack
muddle vers muddles, muddling, muddled andirob somebody in the street
1 jumble or mix things up 2 confuse > mugger NOUN
> muddler Noun
mule oun mules an animal that is the offspring
muddle noun muddles amuddled condition or of a donkey and a mare, known for being
thing; confusion or disorder stubborn
mudguard noun mudguards a curved cover > mullish ADJECTIVE
over the top part of the wheel of a bicycle etc. mull vers mulls, mulling, mulled heat wine
to protect the rider from the mud and water or beer with sugar and spices, as a drink
thrown up by the wheel e mulled ale
muff youn muffs a short tube-shaped piece of mull? vere mulls, mulling, mulled
warm material into which the hands are pushed mull something over think about something
from opposite ends carefully; ponder

muckwoun 1 He went out to clean the muck off the muddy apctive 1 They came in to change their
windows. » dirt, grime, filth, slime, sludge, muddy boots. » dirty, messy, mucky, filthy,
mess, mud, (more informal) gunge 2 spreading grubby, soiled, foul, grimy AN opposite Is clean
muck in the fields » manure, dung 2 The ground was wet and muddy.
> waterlogged, boggy, marshy, sodden, soft,
muck vers muck about or around (informal) spongy, sloppy 3 The water looked muddy.
John was mucking about with an old engine. > cloudy, misty, opaque, messy AN OPPOSITE IS
> fool about or around, play about or around; clear
tinker, (informal) mess about or around
muffle vers 1 muffle up She went out, muffling
mucky Apjective She took off her mucky shoes. herselfup against the cold. » wrap up, cover up,
> dirty, messy, muddy, filthy, grubby, soiled, envelop, swathe, enclose 2 He muffled the
foul, grimy AN OPPOSITE Is clean sound of the gun with cushions. » deaden, dull,
mud noun He slipped and fell in the mud. dampen, smother, soften, suppress, muzzle
> sludge, slime, slurry, clay, soil, dirt, mire, muffled apective a muffled cry > faint,
muck, ooze, silt indistinct, muted, deadened, dull, unclear
muddle noun 1.4 muddle over the time of the OPPOSITES ARE distinct, loud
train >» confusion, misunderstanding, mug Noun 1 We drank tea from mugs. » beaker,
mistake, mix-up 2 Look at the muddle in the cup 2 He was rather a mug to drive so fast.
kitchen. » mess, shambles, jumble, clutter, > fool, simpleton, idiot, clot
chaos, untidiness, disorder, tangle
mug vers They were mugged on their way home.
muddle vers 1 Her explanation merely muddled > attack, assault, molest, rob, steal from, set
him. » confuse, bewilder, mix up, perplex, on, jump on
puzzle, disorientate, mislead AN OPPOSITE IS mug up He’s mugging up for his driving test.
enlighten 2 Don’t muddle the papers on the desk. > study, learn, read up, cram
> disorganize, disarrange, mix up, mess up,
jumble up, make a mess of, disorder muggy 4D/ECTIVe muggy weather » humid, close,
OPPOSITES ARE tidy, clear up clammy, sultry, oppressive, sticky, stuffy,
muddled spective He felt muddled and couldn't
think what to do. » confused, disorganized, mull vere mull over a few suggestions to mull over
bewildered, mixed up, perplexed, puzzled, > consider, ponder, think about, contemplate,
disorientated ' reflect on, weigh up, turn over in your mind
multicultural > murder
multicultural anective made up of people of multiracial agecnve consisting of people of
many different races, religions, and cultures many different races
multilateral spective (said about an multitudenoun multitudes a great number of
agreement or treaty) made between three or people or things
more people or countries etc. > multitudinous ADJECTIVE
multimedia Apective using more than one
medium e a multimedia show with pictures, mumble ver’ mumbles, mumbling,
lights, and music
mumbled speak indistinctly so that you are
not easy to hear
multimedianoun a computer program with > mumbleNouN mumbler NOUN
sound and still and moving pictures linked to
the text mumbo-jumbo now talk that sounds
mysterious but has no real meaning
multimillionaire oun multimillionaires a
person with a fortune of several million pounds mummy NOUN mummies a corpse wrapped in
or dollars cloth and treated with oils etc. before being
multinational youn multinationals a large buried so that it does not decay, as was the
business company which works in several custom in ancient Egypt
countries > mummify VERB
multiple agective having many parts or mumps Noun an infectious disease that makes
elements the neck swell painfully
multiple voun multiples a number that munitions PiuraL Noun military weapons,
contains another number (a factor) an exact ammunition, and equipment
amount of times with no remainder e 8 and 12
are multiples of 4. mural AQective on or to do with a wall
multiple sclerosis Noun a disease of the mural Noun murals a picture painted on a wall
nervous system which makes a person unable
to control their movements, and may affect murder ver8 murders, murdering,
their sight murdered kill a person unlawfully and
multiply vers multiplies, multiplying, > murdererNOUN murderess NOUN
multiplied 1 take a number a given quantity
of times @ Five multiplied by four equals twenty murder oun murders the murdering of
(5 x 4 =20).2make or become many; increase somebody
> multiplication NOUN multiplier NOUN > murderous ADJECTIVE

multiply vers 1 The problems began to multiply. unexceptional opposites ARE extraordinary,
> increase, proliferate, grow, mount up, exceptional
spread, become numerous OPpPosiTES ARE
decrease, diminish 2 The hedgehogs multiplied murder oun Reports are coming in of a brutal
rapidly. » breed, propagate, reproduce, murder. > killing , homicide, slaughter
procreate (= killing of many people), assassination
multitude oun a multitude ofpeople; a (= killing of an important person), fratricide
multitude of questions to answer » mass, host, (= killing of a brother), infanticide (= killing
myriad, swarm, throng, lots, large number, of a child), matricide (= killing of a mother),
legion parricide (= killing of a parent or close relative),
mumble vers She walked off, mumbling quietly. patricide (= killing of a father), regicide (= killing
> mutter, murmur, whisper, burble of a king or queen)
mumbo-jumbonoun The form was covered in murder vers A gang had tried to murder him.
mumbo-jumbo. » jargon, gobbledegook, > kill, put to death, assassinate
gibberish, nonsense
munch vers The children waited, munching their murderer Noun The murderer was never caught.
rolls. » chomp, crunch, eat, bite, chew, > killer, assassin
mundane apective She hoped such mundane murderous ADEcrive a murderous assault
matters would keep him occupied for a while. > homicidal, deadly, lethal, brutal,
> everyday, routine, commonplace, day-to- bloodthirsty, barbarous, savage, ferocious,
day, humdrum, tedious, dull, boring, vicious
murky = mutual
murky apectve murkier, murkiest dark and mustardwoun ayellow paste or powder used to
gloomy give food a hot taste
> murknoun murkiness NOUN mustard and cress small green plants eaten in
MUrmMuUr vers murmurs, murmuring,
murmured 1 make alow continuous sound musteroun musters an assembly of people or
2 speak in a soft voice things *
> murmur NOUN pass muster be up to the required standard
muscle youn muscles 1 band or bundle of mustn't (mainly spoken) must not
fibrous tissue that can contract and relax and so musty ADeEcrive mustier, mustiest smelling or
produce movement in parts of the body 2 the tasting mouldy or stale
power of muscles; strength > mustiness NOUN
> muscular ADJECTIVE muscularity NOUN
mutation noun mutations a change in the
mUseUM NOUN museums a place where form of a living creature because of changes in
interesting, old, or valuable objects are its genes
displayed for people to see [from Greek > mutate vers mutant NOUN
mouseion = place of the Muses, the goddesses of
the arts and sciences] mute spective 1 silent; not speaking or able to
speak 2 not pronounced e Theg in ‘gnat’is
mush noun soft pulp mute,
> mushy AD/ECTIVE > mutely Apvers muteness NOUN
mushroom noun mushrooms an edible mutilate vers mutilates, mutilating,
fungus with a stem and a dome-shaped top mutilated damage something by breaking or
musicnoun 1a pattern of pleasant or cutting off part of it
interesting sounds made by instruments or by > mutilation Noun
the voice 2 printed or written symbols which mutineer oun mutineers a person who
stand for musical sounds [from Greek mousike mutinies
tekhne = art of the Muses (see museum)]
mutiny \oun mutinies rebellion against
musical spective 1 to do with music authority, especially refusal by members of the
2 producing music 3 good at music or armed forces to obey orders
interested in it > mutinous AD/écTive mutinously ADVERB
> musically Apvers
mutiny vers mutinies, mutinying, mutinied
musical noun musicals a play or film take part in a mutiny
containing a lot of songs
mutter vers mutters, muttering, muttered
musiciannoun musicians someone who plays 1 speak in alow voice 2 grumble
a musical instrument > mutter NOUN
Muslim noun Muslims a person who follows mutton youn meat froma sheep [from early
the religious teachings of Muhammad (who French, probably from Celtic]
lived in about 570-632), set out in the Koran mutual (mew- tew- al) apjective 1 givenordone
MUSE AUXILIARY verB Used to express 1 necessity or to each other e mutual destruction 2 shared by
obligation (You must go), 2 certainty (You must two or more people e a mutual friend
be joking!) > mutually Apvers

murky apective The sky was murky and drizzle musician noun A small group of musicians were
was falling. » gloomy, grey, dark, overcast, playing on the terrace. » performer, player,
leaden, misty, dim, dull, cloudy, foggy, sombre instrumentalist
AN OPPOSITE IS Clear mutiny Noun a mutiny on board ship; a mutiny by
murmur vers He murmured an apology and left. government MPs » rebellion, revolt, protest,
> mutter, mumble, whisper, burble uprising, insurrection
mutiny vers The troops mutinied over pay.
muscular apective He’s tall and muscular. > rebel, revolt, rise up, protest, go on strike
> brawny, muscly, athletic, strong, well built,
beefy, strapping, sinewy mutter vers Her husband mutters in his sleep.
> mumble, murmur, whisper, burble
musical apjecnve musical sounds » tuneful,
melodic, melodious, euphonious, harmonious, mutual apjective an agreement based on mutual
lyrical, pleasant, sweet-sounding AN OPPOSITE |S trust » joint, shared, reciprocal, reciprocated,
discordant ' common, complementary
muzzle > mythology —
muzzle Noun muzzles 1 an animal’s nose and > mystical ADJECTIVE mystically ADVERB
mouth 2a cover put over an animal’s nose and mysticism NOUN
mouth so that it cannot bite 3 the open end of mystic oun mystics a person who seeks to
agun obtain spiritual contact with God by deep
muzzle vers muzzles, muzzling, muzzled religious meditation [from Greek mystikos =
1 put a muzzle on an animal 2 silence; prevent secret]
a person from expressing opinions mystify vers mystifies, mystifying,
my 4p/ective belonging to me mystified puzzle or bewilder
myself pronoun |or me and nobody else > mystification NOUN
mysterious nective full of mystery; puzzling myth (mith) noun myths 1 an old story
> mysteriously ADVERB containing ideas about ancient times or about
supernatural beings compare legend 2 an
mystery NOUN mysteries something that untrue story or belief
cannot be explained or understood; something
puzzling [from Greek mysterion = a secret thing mythical aojective imaginary; found only in
or ceremony] myths e a mythical animal
mystic apecive 1 having a spiritual meaning mythology voun myths or the study of myths
mysterious and filling people with wonder > mythological ADjECTIVE

mysterious Apctive His friends had mythical apjctive a story based on mythical
isappeared in mysterious circumstances. events » legendary, mythological,
> strange, puzzling, odd, peculiar, curious, imaginary, fabled, fabulous, fictional, invented,
weird, obscure, baffling, unexplained, fanciful, make-believe AN opposite Is
unknown AN opposite Is straightforward real
mystery voun 1 Their disappearance remains a
mystery. puzzle, enigma, riddle, conundrum mythological nective mythological gods and
2 events surrounded in mystery » secrecy, heroes » mythical, fabled, legendary,
obscurity, uncertainty, ambiguity traditional
mystify vers The work he did mystified his
contemporaries. » puzzle, perplex, baffle, mythology voun creatures in mythology
bewilder, bamboozle, confuse > legend, myth, tradition, folklore
N. = narrow
name the day decide when something,
especially a wedding, is to take place or happen
e Have you two named the day yet?
namely apvers that is to say e My two favourite
subjects are sciences, namely chemistry and
N.sereviaTion 1 north 2 northern
biology. *
mag vers nags, nagging, nagged 1 pestera
person by keeping on criticizing, complaining, nanny Noun nannies a woman employed to
or asking for things 2 keep on hurting or look after young children
bothering you e a nagging pain Map oun naps ashort sleep
nail oun nails 1 the hard covering over the end catch a person napping catch a person
of a finger or toe 2. a small sharp piece of metal unprepared for something or not alert
hammered in to fasten pieces of wood etc. napkinvoun napkins 1 piece of cloth or
together paper used at meals to protect your clothes or
_ Mail vers nails, nailing, nailed 1 fasten with'a for wiping your lips or fingers 2 (old use) a
nail or nails 2 (informal) catch; arrest nappy
naked spective 1 without any clothes or nappy Nun nappies a piece of cloth or other
coverings on 2 obvious; not hidden e the naked fabric put round a baby’s bottom
> nakedlyApvers nakedness NOUN narcoticnoun narcotics a drug that makes a
naked eye noun the eye when itis not helped person sleepy or unconscious
by a telescope or microscope etc. > marcoticADJECTIVE narcosis NOUN
[from Greek narke = numbness]
mamenoun names 1 the word or words by
which a person, animal, place, or thing is narrativewoun narratives a spoken or written
known 2a person’s reputation account of something
nmamevers names, naming, named 1 givea Marrow ADective 1 not wide or broad
name to 2 state the name or names of 3 say 2 uncomfortably close; with only a small
what you want something to be e Name your margin of safety e a narrow escape
price. > narrowly ADvers

nabvere (informal) A police car nabbed him on his Mamevers 1 Her father had wanted to name her
way home. » catch, arrest, apprehend, take Clio. » call, dub, style, christen, baptize 2 The
into custody victim will not be be named until relatives have
mag vers He’s been nagging me about it for weeks. been notified. » identify, specify 3 The king has
> harass, badger, pester, chivvy, hound, (more to name a successor. » choose, designate,
informal) keep on at, (more informal) go on at, nominate, decide on, specify, appoint
(more informal) moan at nameless anjective pictures by a nameless artist
> unnamed, unidentified, anonymous,
nailnoun 1 The nail’s fallen out so I'l have to use unheard of
ascrew. ® tack, pin, stud 2 He broke his nail
opening a carton. RELATED ADJECTIVE ungual map noun He was on the sofa, having a nap.
> snooze, doze, sleep, rest, lie-down, (more
mail vere Nail it to the wall. » hammer, pin, tack, informal) forty winks
fasten, attach, secure, fix
narrate vers The story is narrated by the
Naive spective I was very naive in those days but governess. > tell, relate, recount, report,
I’ve learned a lot since then. » innocent, describe, unfold, detail, relay, chronicle
ingenuous, unsophisticated, inexperienced,
narrative noun a chronological narrative of the
credulous, artless, raw, green events ofthe last five years account, summary,
OPPOSITES ARE Sophisticated, experienced, narration, commentary, description, sketch
Marrow ADecTIVe 1a narrow path; She was
naked apjctive 1.4 naked statue » nude, bare, elected by a narrow majority. > slim, thin,
unclothed, uncovered, undressed, unclad slender, fine 2.a narrow space » tight, close,
AN Opposite Is clothed 2 the naked truth confined, cramped, enclosed, limited,
> plain, undisguised, unadorned, constricting AN OPPOSITE Iswide 3.a narrow
unvarnished, simple, bald, unmitigated point of view » narrow-minded, intolerant,
mame noun His name is Carl. » first name, conservative, illiberal, insular, parochial,
forename, (more formal) denomination, (more small-minded, bigoted, hidebound
formal) appellation RELATED ADJECTIVES nominal, OPPOSITES ARE broad-minded, open-minded,
onomastic : tolerant
narrow-minded — natural science
narrow-minded agective not tolerant of national park voun national parks anareaof
other people’s beliefs and ways natural beauty which is protected by the
government and which the public may visit
masal Apective to do with the nose [from Latin
nasus = nose] nationwide apjective & apvers over the whole of
a country
nasty ADEcTIVe nastier, nastiest 1 unpleasant
native noun natives a person born ina
2 unkind
particular place e He is a native of Sweden
> mastily ADVERs nastiness NOUN
mative apective 1 belonging to a person
nation Noun nations a large community of because of the place of his or her birth e my
people most of whom have the same native country 2 grown or originating ina
ancestors, language, history, and customs, and particular place e a plant native to China
who usually live in the same part of the world 3 natural; belonging to a person by nature
under one government © native ability
> national AD/ECTIVE, NOUN nationally ADVERB
Native American Noun Native Americans
national anthem noun national anthems a one ofthe original inhabitants of North and
nation’s official song, which is played or sung South America
on important occasions USAGE See note at Indian.
national curriculum noun an official list of natural apectve 1 produced or done by nature,
the subjects that must be taught by state not by people or machines 2 normal; not
schools surprising 3 having a quality or ability that you
nationalist youn nationalists 1a person who were born with e a natural leader 4 (said about
is very patriotic 2 a person who wants his or her a note in music) neither sharp nor flat
country to be independent rather than being > naturally Abvers naturalness NOUN
part of another country e Scottish Nationalists natural youn naturals 1a person who is
> nationalism NOUN nationalistic ADJECTIVE naturally good at something 2 a natural note in
nationality youn nationalities the condition music; a sign (+) that shows this
of belonging to a particular nation e Whatis his natural history noun the study of plants and
nationality? animals
nationalize vers nationalizes, nationalizing, naturalist youn naturalists an expert in
nationalized put an industry or business natural history
under state ownership or control natural science noun the study of physics,
> nationalization NOUN chemistry, and biology

narrow-minded spective a narrow-minded nationalism Noun the surge of nationalism in
outlook » small-minded, intolerant, narrow, Europe » patriotism, (disapproving)
bigoted, conservative, illiberal, insular, chauvinism, (disapproving) jingoism,
parochial, short-sighted, hidebound (disapproving) xenophobia
OPPOSITES ARE broad-minded, open-minded,
tolerant native spective 1 native inhabitants > original,
aboriginal, indigenous 2 a native instinct for
masty ADjective 1 The pudding had a nasty taste
> unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, politics > innate, inherent, inborn, inbred,
natural, congenital, hereditary, inherited
horrible, repellent opposites ARE pleasant, nice,
lovely 2 He can be very nasty at times. » unkind, native Noun a native of New York » inhabitant,
unfriendly, unpleasant, disagreeable, resident, citizen, national
malicious, mean, spiteful, vindictive 3 The
weather turned nasty. » unpleasant, rough, matter vers They nattered on for hours.
squally opposites ARE fine, pleasant > chatter, chat, prattle, blather, burble, talk
nation noun 1 The president will broadcast to the
nation. » people, population, country, natural apecrive 1 a natural tendency to self-
community, society 2 the nations of the world preservation » innate, inborn, instinctive,
> country, people, civilization, land, power, intuitive, inherent 2 Her manner is fresh and
race, state RELATED ADJECTIVE ethnic natural. » genuine, sincere, unaffected,
uninhibited, ingenuous, open 3 It was natural
national apecnve 1 a national strike for them to want more information.
> nationwide, countrywide, general, > understandable, reasonable, logical,
widespread 2 national costume » ethnic, unsurprising, predictable 4 Kim proved to be a
popular, domestic naturalleader.» born,spontaneous, untaught
national noun an Italian national » citizen, 5 The bay forms a natural port on this side of the
subject, native, resident, inhabitant island. » ready-made
natural selection > nebulous
natural selection oun Darwin’s theory that Mavynoun navies 1a country’s warships and
only the plants and animals suited to their the people trained to use them 2 (also navy
surroundings will survive and breed blue) a very dark blue, the colour of naval
naturenoun natures 1 everything in the world uniform
that was not made by people 2 the Nazi (nah-tsee) noun Nazis a member of the
characteristics of a person or thing e She has a National Sécialist Party in Germany in Hitler’s
loving nature. 3 a kind or sort of thing e He likes time, with fascist beliefs
things of that nature. > Nazismnoun
naughty pectve naughtier, naughtiest NB assreviation. take note that (Latin nota bene
1 badly behaved or disobedient 2 slightly rude = note well)
or indecent e naughty pictures
> naughtilyspvers naughtiness Noun NE asereviation 1 north-east 2 north-eastern
nausea (naw- zee- a) Noun a feeling of sickness Mea ADvers, ADJECTIVE not far away
or disgust near by not far away e They live near by.
> MaUSeOUSAD/ECTIVE nauseating ADECTIVE mearprerosition not far away from e near the
nautical apective to do with ships or sailors shops
nautical milenoun nautical miles ameasure nearby spective near @ a nearby house
of distance used at sea, equal to 2,025 yards nearly apvers almost @ We have nearly finished.
(1852 kilometres)
neataspjective neater, neatest 1 simple and
gable Ue to do with a navy [from Latin navis
clean and tidy 2 skilful 3 undiluted e neat
= ship
navel vouv navels the small hollow in the > neatlyspvers neatnessNouN
centre of the abdomen, where the umbilical
cord was attached [from Old English] neatenvers neatens, neatening, neatened
make or become neat
navigate vers navigates, navigating,
navigated 1 sail in or through a river or sea nebulanoun nebulae a bright or dark patch in
etc. e The ship navigated the Suez Canal. 2 make the sky, caused by a distant galaxy or a cloud of
sure that a ship, aircraft, or vehicle is going in dust or gas
the right direction nebulousagective indistinct or vague
> navigationnoun navigator Noun e nebulous ideas

naturenoun 1 the beauties of nature > the mearapective 1 She is a near neighbour of ours.
natural world, the living world, the > nearby, close, adjacent, adjoining, next-
environment, the countryside, the landscape door, bordering, connected, neighbouring
2 It’s not in his nature to make complaints. OPPOSITES AREdistant, faraway 2A decision is
> character, personality, temperament, near. > close, approaching, imminent,
disposition, constitution, make-up 3 decisions coming, forthcoming, impending, (more
that by their nature cause resentment » essence, informal) round the corner 3 near relatives
characteristics 4 coins, medals, and things of > close, dear, familiar, intimate
that nature » kind, type, sort, category,
description nearby overs Her children all live nearby.
> close by, not far away, at hand, within reach,
naughtyapectve a naughty child» badly
in the vicinity
behaved, mischievous, misbehaving,
disobedient, insubordinate, troublesome, nearlyapvers The work is nearly finished.
vexatious > almost, practically, virtually, about, more or
mauseanoun He had a bad headache and a feeling less, as good as, just about, around
of nausea. » sickness, queasiness, biliousness, meatapjective 1 The room was neat and newly
retching, vomiting decorated. » tidy, orderly, trim, spick-and-
nauseatingapectives She disliked his nauseating span, spruce, immaculate OPPOSITES AREuntidy,
self-importance. » sickening, disgusting, messy 2 hair tied in a neat bun at the back
revolting, repulsive, repellent, loathsome, > compact, elegant, trim, well formed, simple
offensive OPPOSITES AREClumsy, awkward 3 neat writing
> regular, precise, well formed, elegant 4a
nautical spective eating seafood in a nautical neat solution to the problem clever, ingenious,
atmosphere » maritime, naval, marine, adroit, deft, inventive, resourceful, slick
seafaring, seagoing AN OPPOSITE ISinept 5 a glass of neat whisky
NaVYNouN an officer in the navy» fleet, armada, > undiluted, straight, pure, unmixed,
convoy, flotilla, naval force unadulterated AN opposite |S diluted
necessary = neglect
necessary Apective not able to be done needle noun needles 1 avery thin pointed
without; essential piece of steel used in sewing 2 something long
> necessarily ADVERB and thin and sharp e a knitting needle @ pine
needles 3 the pointer of a meter or compass
necessity noun necessities 1 need @ the
necessity of buying food and clothing needlework noun sewing or embroidery
2 something necessary
needy nective needier, neediest very poor;
meck noun necks 1 the part of the body that lacking things necessary for life
joins the head to the shoulders 2 the part of a > neediness NOUN
garment round the neck 3 a narrow part of
something, especially of a bottle negative Apjective 1 that says ‘no’ e a negative
neck and neck almost exactly together ina answer 2 looking only at the bad aspects of a
race or contest situation e Don’t be so negative. 3 showing no
sign of what is being tested for e Her pregnancy
necklace noun necklaces an ornament worn test was negative. 4 less than nought; minus
round the neck
5 (in science) to do with the kind of electric
necktie voun neckties a strip of material worn charge carried by electrons
passing under the collar of a shirt and knotted > negatively ADvers
in front USAGE The opposite of sense 1 is affirmative,
and of senses 2, 3, 4 positive.
need vers needs, needing, needed 1be
without something you should have; require negative noun negatives 1a negative
e We need two more chairs. 2 (as an auxiliary statement 2 a photograph on film with the
verb) have to do something e@ You need not dark parts light and the light parts dark, from
answer. whicha positive print (with the dark and light or
colours correct) can be made
need noun needs 1 something needed; a
necessary thing 2a situation where something neglect vers neglects, neglecting, neglected
is necessary @ There is no need to cry. 3. great 1 not look after or pay attention to a person or
poverty or hardship thing 2 not do something; forget e He
> needful Apjective needless ADJECTIVE neglected to shut the door.

necessary ADJECTIVE necessary repairs to the needless apective a lot of needless expense
bridge » essential, indispensable, vital, > unnecessary, unwanted, inessential,
unavoidable, requisite, needed, needful, unneeded, gratuitous, superfluous, pointless
obligatory, imperative, compulsory,
mandatory AN OPPOSITE IS Unnecessary needy anective day centres for the frail and needy
> poor, deprived, destitute, impoverished,
necessitate vers Measures as drastic as these underprivileged, penniless
would necessitate legislation. » require, involve,
entail, demand, call for, mean, compel negate vers The decision negates years of hard
work. > nullify, invalidate, undo, reverse,
necessity noun 1A mobile phone is now cancel, neutralize, abrogate, countermand
regarded as a necessity by most people.
> essential, requirement, prerequisite negative apective 1 negative response
2 Necessity compelled thousands to emigrate. > dissenting, saying ‘no’, rejecting, refusing
> need, poverty, hardship, destitution, OPPOSITES ARE affirmative, positive 2 They have
penury, deprivation 3 the necessity for caution been criticized for their negative attitudes.
> need, demand, indispensability (of) > pessimistic, unenthusiastic, uncooperative,
meed vers 1 The room needs redecorating. defeatist, dismissive, antipathetic
> require, want, bein need of, demand, call for AN OPPOSITE IS positive
2 We need more milk. » require, want, be short
neglect vers 1 He'd been neglecting his work for
of, lack 3 He needed her so much now. » yearn the past week. » pay no attention to, ignore, let
for, long for, pine for, crave, depend on, rely on
slide, shirk, skip, disregard, overlook, forget,
4need to Do we need to come? » have to, be
leave alone AN OPPOSITE IS Concentrate on 2 She
obliged to, be required to, be compelled to, be neglected her son and had a succession of
under an obligation to
boyfriends. » fail to take care of, fail to look
need noun 1 There is no need to say anything. after, abandon, spurn, forsake
> necessity, obligation, call, requirement AN OPPOSITE IS look after 3 He was being
2 basic human needs like food and water neglected by all his friends. » ignore, disregard,
> requirement, essential, necessity, want, abandon, rebuff, disdain, slight
prerequisite AN OPPOSITE IS appreciate
neglect — nervous
neglect noun neglecting or being neglected Neither he nor his children like it. Use a singular
> neglectful ADECTIVE verb (e.g. likes) unless one of its subjects is
negligence noun lack of proper care or plural (e.g. children).
attention; carelessness neither Apvers, CONUNCTION
> negligent ADECTIVE negligently aDvers neither ... nor not one thing and not the other
negligible apctve not big enough or e@ She neither knew nor cared
important enough to be worth bothering USAGE SayIdon’t know that either (not ‘neither’.
neolithic (nee- o- lith- ik) anective belonging to
negotiable spective able to be changed after the later part of the Stone Age
being discussed e The salary is negotiable.
negotiate vers negotiates, negotiating, meon noun a gas that glows when electricity
negotiated 1 bargain or discuss with others in passes through it, used in glass tubes to make
order to reach an agreement 2 arrange after illuminated signs
discussion e They negotiated a treaty. 3 get over nephew noun nephews the son of a person’s
an obstacle or difficulty brother or sister
> negotiation NOUN negotiator NOUN
neigh vers neighs, neighing, neighed make nerve NouN nerves 1 any of the fibres in the
the high-pitched cry of a horse body that carry messages to and from the
> neigh Noun brain, so that parts of the body can feel and
move 2 courage; calmness in a dangerous
neighbour noun neighbours a person who situation e Don’t lose your nerve 3 impudence
lives next door or near to another e You've got a nerve!
> neighbouring ADECTIVE neighbourly get on someone's nerves irritate someone
ADJECTIVE nerves PLURAL NOUN Nervousness
[from Old English neahgebur = near dweller]
neighbourhood noun neighbourhoods merve vers nerves, nerving, nerved give
1 the surrounding district or area 2 a part ofa strength or courage to someone bai

town where people live e a quiet neighbourhood mervous ADecTIve 1 easily upset or agitated;
neither (ny-thernee- ther) ADJECTIVE, PRONOUN not excitable 2 slightly afraid; timid 3 to do with
either the nerves e a nervous illness
USAGE Correct use is Neither of them likes it. > nervously ADVERs nervousness NOUN

neglect noun The building had suffered from neighbouring spective The neighbouring
years of neglect. » negligence, carelessness, buildings have parking facilities. » nearby,
dereliction of duty, inattention, indifference, adjacent, adjoining, nearest, closest, next-
slackness opposites ARE attention, care door, bordering, close opposites Are distant,
neglected ADJECTIVE 1 The back of the house remote
overlooked a neglected garden. » untended,
uncared for, derelict, dilapidated, run-down,
neighbourly apecnve a neighbourly offer of
> friendly, amiable, obliging, considerate,
ramshackle, overgrown kind, helpful, genial, sociable, companionable
negligible apctive The difference in price is
negligible. » tiny, trifling, trivial, insignificant, nerve Noun 1 The manoeuvre takes some nerve
unimportant, inconsequential, imperceptible, and a good sense of timing. He lost his nerve at the
inconsiderable, minor, slight, small last moment and couldn’t go through with it.
Opposites ARE considerable, significant > courage, bravery, boldness, daring,
negotiate vers 1 We would like to negotiate a gallantry, determination, fearlessness,
better deal. » work out, hammer out, agree on, fortitude, heroism, (more informal) bottle,
reach agreement on, settle, transact 2 The (more informal) grit, (more informal) guts,
other side refused to negotiate. » consult, (more informal) pluck, (much more informal)
confer, discuss terms, deal, talk, parley 3 The spunk 2 They had the nerve to ask for more
road has several sharp bends to negotiate. » get money. >» cheek, audacity, effrontery,
round, clear, pass round, deal with, overcome temerity, impertinence, impudence, insolence,
presumptuousness, shamelessness, (more
negotiation noun The negotiations will begin in informal) sauce 3 the nerves in your body
Rome next week. > discussion, consultation,
bargaining, arbitration, mediation,
conciliation, transaction, debate, diplomacy MeEFVOUS ADJECTIVE 1a nervous girl who always
neighbourhood noun a quiet neighbourhood wore black » highly-strung, nervy, anxious,
> district, area, locality, vicinity, region, place, excitable 2 He was getting a little nervous out
community, environs, surroundings, zone there, all by himself. » anxious, worried,
nervous breakdown — new
nervous breakdown noun nervous nettleyers nettles, nettling, nettled annoy or
breakdowns a state of severe depression and provoke someone
anxiety, so that the person cannot cope with network oun networks 1a net-like
life arrangement or pattern of intersecting lines or
nervous system Noun nervous systems the parts e the railway network 2 an organization
system, consisting of the brain, spinal cord, and with many connecting parts that work
nerves, which sends electrical messages from together e a spy network 3 a group of radio or
one part of the body to another television stations which broadcast the same
programmes 4a set of computers which are
=mess surrix forming nouns from adjectives (e.g. linked to each other
kindness, sadness)
neuron or HReUrone NOUN neurons Or
nest oun nests 1a structure or place in which neurones a cell that is part of the nervous
abird lays its eggs and feeds its young 2 aplace system and sends impulses to and from the
where some small creatures (e.g. mice or brain
wasps) live 3.a set of similar things that fit
neurotic (newr- ot- ik) Apjective always very
inside each other e a nest of tables
worried about something
nestvers nests, nesting, nested 1 have or
neuter apective 1 neither masculine nor
make a nest 2 fit inside something
feminine 2 (in some languages) belonging to
nest EggnouN nest eggs asum of money the class of words which are neither masculine
saved up for future use nor feminine, such as Fenster in German
nestle vers nestles, nestling, nestled curl up neuter vers neuters, neutering, neutered
comfortably remove an animal’s sex organs so that it cannot
net! youn nets 1 material made of pieces of breed
thread, cord, or wire etc. joined together ina neutral apective 1 not supporting either side in
criss-cross pattern with holes between a war or quarrel 2 not very distinctive e a
2 something made ofthis neutral colour such as grey 3 neither acid nor
the Net the Internet alkaline
net vers nets, netting, netted cover or catch > neutrally Apvers neutrality NOUN
with a net neutral gearnoun a gear that is not connected
net? apjective remaining when nothing more is to to the driving parts of an engine
be deducted e The net weight, without the box, is meutron noun neutrons (in science) a particle
100 grams. COMPARE gross of matter with no electric charge
met vers nets, netting, netted obtain or mever Abvers 1 at no time; not ever 2 not at all
produce as net profit nevertheless apvers, CoNUNCTION in spite of
netball noun a game in which two teams try to this; although this is a fact
throwa ball into a high net hanging from a ring mew Apjective not existing before; just made,
netting noun a piece of net invented, discovered, or received etc.
nettlenoun nettles a wild plant with leaves that > newly AbdverB newness NOUN
sting when they are touched mew ADverB newly @ newborn;e new-laid

apprehensive, agitated, concerned, (more » network; the rail network » system, complex,
informal) jumpy, (more informal) jittery organization
nestle vers The children nestled together in the neutral apjective 1 He would be the perfect
back of the car. » huddle, cuddle, nuzzle, neutral umpire. » impartial, unbiased,
snuggle, curl up, lie comfortably objective, disinterested, uprejudiced, even-
metNoun The gardener put nets on the trees to handed opposites Are biased, prejudiced
catch falling fruit. » mesh, netting, webbing, 2 neutral colours > dull, indefinite,
lattice indeterminate, intermediate, characterless,
nettle vere remarks that began to nettle him colourless, middle AN opposite is distinctive
> annoy, irritate, displease, anger, infuriate, MEW ADJECTIVE 1 new ways of beating crime
enrage, exasperate, incense, vex, madden, > modern, recent, up-to-date, advanced 2 We
aggravate, antagonize, inflame, make angry, need some new ideas. » fresh, original,
(more informal) needle, (more informal) rile, innovative, novel, creative, different 3 The
(more informal) bug, (more informal) rub up the school has had some new labs built. » additional,
wrong way extra, more, further, supplementary, fresh
metworkwnoun 1 anetwork of tiny tubes » web, 4 After the operation Ifelt a new person.
grid, mesh, net, netting, crisscross pattern, > changed, improved, restored, revived,
labyrinth, lattice, maze, tracery 2.a computer invigorated
newcomer — nine
newcomer Noun newcomers a person who nick oun nicks 1a small-cut or notch
has arrived recently 2 (informal) a police station or prison
newfangled apectve disliked because it is new in good nick (informal) in good condition
in method or style in the nick of time only just in time
newly overs 1 recently 2 in anew way nickel noun nickels 1a silvery-white metal
mew MOON NOUN new moons the moon at the 2 (Americgn) a 5-cent coin
beginning of its cycle, when only a thin crescent nickname noun nicknames aname giventoa
can be seen person instead of his or her real name
mews noun 1 information about recent events nicotine Noun a poisonous substance found in
or a broadcast report of this 2.a piece of new tobacco [from the name of J Nicot, who
information e That's news to me. introduced tobacco into France in 1560]
newsagent noun newsagents a shopkeeper niece Noun nieces the daughter of a person’s
who sells newspapers brother or sister
newspaper NOUN newspapers 1 a daily or niggardly spective mean or stingy
weekly publication on large sheets of paper, > niggardliness Noun
containing news reports, articles, etc. 2the night noun nights 1 the dark hours between
sheets of paper forming a newspaper @ Wrap it sunset and sunrise 2a particular night or
in newspaper. evening e the first night of the play
mewt Noun newts a small animal rather like a nightclub noun nightclubs a place that is
lizard, that lives near or in water [from Old open at night where people go to drink and
English: originally an ewt] dance
newton Noun newtons a unit for measuring nightstess NOUN nightdresses a loose dress
force that girls or women wear in bed
New Year’s Day noun 1 January nightingale noun nightingales asmall brown
mextapective nearest; coming immediately after bird that sings sweetly
@ on the next day nightmare NOUN nightmares 1 a frightening
mextaovers 1in the next place 2 on the next ream 2 an unpleasant experience e The
occasion @ What happens next? journey was a nightmare.
next door pvers, ADJECTIVE in the next house or > nightmarish ADJECTIVE
room [from night + Middle English mare = an evil
nib noun nibs the pointed metal part of a pen spirit thought to lie on people asleep and
suffocate them]
nibble vers nibbles, nibbling, nibbled take
small, quick, or gentle bites nil noun nothing or nought
nice ADJECTIVE nicer, nicest 1 pleasant or kind nimble spective able to move quickly; agile
2 precise or careful @ Dictionaries make nice > nimbly ADvers
distinctions between meanings of words. mine ADJECTIVE, NOUN nines the number 9
> nicely ADVERB miceness NOUN > minth ADJECTIVE, NOUN

Mews NouN The news of his death stunned his nick vers 1 He had nicked his skin while shaving.
colleagues. » report, announcement, story, > cut 2 (informal) Someone nicked my pen.
account, tidings, information (about), > steal, take, (informal) pinch
disclosure (about), statement, revelation nick noun 1 nick in the wood » cut, notch,
mextapective 1 Her friend lived in the next street. chip, groove, scar 2 (informal) The car is in good
> adjacent, neighbouring, adjoining, nick, » condition, shape, repair, order, trim,
connecting, closest, nearest fettle
AN OPPOSITE IS distant 2 The next train is not for nickname noun Her nickname is ‘Posh’. » pet
another hour. » following, soonest, name, sobriquet, tag, alias
succeeding, subsequent night noun It had rained in the night. » night-
AN OPPOSITE IS previous time, dark RELATED ADJECTIVE Nocturnal
nibble vers She nibbled her sandwich while she nightmare noun 1 After the accident he had a
waited. » munch, pick at, gnaw, eat series of nightmares. » bad dream 2 Getting the
mice ADjEctIVe 1 We had a nice time in Greece. tyre fixed had been a nightmare. » ordeal, trial,
> pleasant, agreeable, enjoyable, marvellous, torment
wonderful, delightful, splendid 2 They are such nimble apjective He was surprisingly light and
nice people. » pleasant, likeable, agreeable, nimble on his feet. » agile, lithe, lively, sprightly,
personable, friendly, congenial, genial deft, quick, graceful, (informal) nippy
nineteen = non-
nineteen voun, apjective the number 19 character or qualities e a noble king 3 stately or
> nineteenth Adjective, NOUN impressive @ a noble building
ninety aoective, Noun nineties the number 90 > nobly Adverse nobility NouN
> ninetieth ADJECTIVE, NOUN noble noun nobles a person of high social rank
nip vers nips, nipping, nipped 1 pinch or bite > nobleman oun noblewoman Noun
quickly 2 (informal) go quickly nobody pronoun no person; no one
nip Noun nips 1a quick pinch or bite 2 sharp nobody noun nobodies (informal) an
coldness @ There’s a nip in the air. 3.a small unimportant or unimpressive person; a
drink of a spirit © a nip of brandy nonentity
Nippers Purl Noun pincers nocturnal apjective 1 happening at night
nipple oun nipples the small part that sticks 2 active at night e Badgers are nocturnal
outat the front of aperson’s breast, from which animals.
babies suck milk nod vers nods, nodding, nodded 1 move the
nirvana noun (in Buddhism and Hinduism) the head up and down, especially as a way of
highest state of knowledge and agreeing with somebody or as a greeting 2 be
understanding, achieved by meditation [from drowsy
Sanskrit] > mod NouN
nit Noun nits a parasitic insect or its egg, found noise Noun noises a sound, especially one that
in people’s hair is loud or unpleasant
> noisy ADeECTIVE noisily ADvers noiseless
nit-picking noun pointing out very small faults ADJECTIVE
nitrate youn nitrates 1a chemical compound nomad noun nomads a member of a tribe that
containing nitrogen 2 potassium or sodium
moves from place to place looking for pasture
nitrate, used as a fertilizer for their animals
nitrogen (ny- tro- jen) noun a gas that makes > nomadic ADJECTIVE
up about four-fifths of the air no man’s land noun an area that does not
MOADEcTIVE not any @ We have no money. belong to anybody, especially the land
mOAodverB 1 used to deny or refuse something between opposing armies
e Will you come? No. 2 not at all @ She is no nominate vers nominates, nominating,
better. nominated propose someone as a candidate
No. or MO.ABBREVIATION Nos. or nos. number in an election or to be appointed to a post
nobleaoectve nobler, noblest 1 of high social > nomination NouN nominator NouN
rank; aristocratic 2 having a very good MOM PREFIX not

nip vers 1 The dog nipped her leg. » bite, peck, noblewoun War was the principal activity of
snap at, pinch, tweak 2 (informal) Il nip round many of the nobles in Edward's reign.
and see how he’s getting on. » go, dash, drop, > aristocrat, nobleman, noblewoman, lord,
(informal) pop peer, grandee, lady, peers
nippy Apective 1 (informal) She drives a nippy nod vers 1 She nodded to him to go in. » signal,
two-seater.» speedy, fast, nimble, quick, rapid gesture, indicate, sign 2 He nodded his head in
2 (informal) The weather's quite nippy for June. agreement. » incline, bob, dip, lower
> chilly, cold, raw nod off She nodded off and started to snore.
nobility oun 1 actions that showed true nobility > fall asleep, go to sleep, doze off, drop off
> honour, dignity, nobleness, uprightness,
nod noun He gave us a discreet nod. » signal,
virtue, worthiness, greatness, integrity, gesture, cue
magnanimity, morality 2 The king had the
support of the nobility. » aristocracy, gentry, noise noun The noise from below battered her
nobles, lords, peerage eardrums. » sound, din, clamour, racket,
noble spective 1 He came from a noble family. uproar, tumult, commotion, crash, clatter,
> aristocratic, high-born, patrician, princely, clash, (more informal) hullabaloo
(informal) blue-blooded AN opposite is humble AN OPPOSITE IS silence
2 anoble deed» honourable, virtuous, worthy, Noisy ADJECTIVE 1 He loved this noisy, busy city.
brave, chivalrous, courageous, gallant, > loud, clamorous, rackety, tumultuous,
glorious, heroic, magnanimous turbulent, deafening 2 The plane completed its
AN OPPOSITE IS ignoble 3 a noble building noisy take- off.» |qud, deafening, ear-splitting,
> imposing, impressive, magnificent, elegant, thunderous 3 They were disturbed by the noisy
grand, majestic, splendid, stately, dignified, argument going on in the next room. » loud,
distinguished, great vociferous, raucous, rowdy, strident, shouting,
AN OPPOSITE IS unimpressive shrieking

non-commissioned officer => Norman
non-commissioned officer noun non- nonplussed apjctive puzzled or confused
commissioned officers a member of the nomsensenoun 1 words put together in a way
armed forces, such as a corporal or sergeant, that does not mean anything 2 stupid ideas or
who has not been commissioned as an officer behaviour
but has been promoted from the ranks of > nonsensical (non- sens- ik- al) ADjECTIVE
ordinary soldiers NON-Stopad/ective, ADvERB 1 not stopping
non-committal spective not committing @ They talked non-stop for hours. 2 not stopping
yourself; not showing what you think between two main stations © a non-stop train
nondescript apectve having no special or noodles piural Noun pasta made in narrow
distinctive qualities and therefore difficult to strips, used in soups etc. [from German Nudel]
describe nookwnoun nooks a sheltered corner; a recess
mome PRONOUN 1 not any 2no one e None can moon oun twelve o’clock midday
tell. NO OMe Noun No person; nobody
USAGE It is better to use a singular verb (e.g. NOOSE NOUN. nooses aloop ina rope that gets
None ofthem is here), but the plural is not smaller when the rope is pulled
incorrect (e.g. None of them are here).
MOF CONUNCTION and not e She cannot do it; nor
nonentity (non- en- tit- ee) Nouv nonentities can I. .
an unimportant person
normal agective 1 usual or ordinary 2 natural
non-existentapective not existing or unreal and healthy; without a physical or mental
non-fiction noun writings that are not fiction; illness
books about real people and things and true > normally ADvers normality NOUN
events Norman noun Normans a member of the
non-flammable apeczve not able to be set on people of Normandy in northern France, who
fire conquered England in 1066
USAGE See note at inflammable. > Norman ADjECTIVE

nonchalant apectve Kate leant back, trying to nonsensical apective The suggestion was
look nonchalant. » unconcerned, detached, nonsensical and shouldn't be taken seriously.
relaxed, indifferent, dispassionate, > absurd, ludicrous, meaningless, ridiculous,
unemotional, unruffled, blasé, calm, casual, senseless, unreasonable, incomprehensible,
cool, (more informal) laid-back foolish, crazy, laughable, silly, stupid, fatuous,
AN OPPOSITE IS anxious inane, illogical, irrational an opposite Is sensible
non-committal ayective He held up a hand in non-stop Apective 1 non-stop fun and laughter
a non- committal gesture. » guarded, cautious, > continuous, constant, endless,
wary, discreet, (more informal) cagey uninterrupted, unending, never-ending,
nondescript nective The town was a non-stop overs 1 We worked non-stop to get
nondescript, cheerless place. » ordinary, the job finished. » continuously, all the time,
undistinguished, commonplace, average, dull, unceasingly, incessantly, steadily, round the
uninspiring opposites ARE distinctive, clock
norm Noun Society imposes its own norms of
non-existent Apjective The danger was non- behaviour. » standard, principle, yardstick,
existent. » imaginary, fictitious, mythical, benchmark, pattern, basis, guide (to)
supposed, unreal, hypothetical, imagined, normal anective 1 They seem like a perfectly
legendary, made-up AN OPPOSITE Is existing normal couple. » ordinary, average, typical,
run-of-the-mill, standard, conventional,
nonplussedapective The confusion left us feeling everyday 2 During the holidays you can borrow
nonplussed. » surprised, disconcerted, books in the normal way. » usual, customary,
astonished, astounded, bewildered, stunned, standard, regular, routine, habitual,
flummoxed, stupefied, perplexed, (more established
informal) thunderstruck
normality Noun The household returned to
nonsense noun 1 They’re talking nonsense. something like normality. » routine, regularity,
> rubbish, balderdash, gibberish, claptrap, typicality, usualness
drivel, gobbledegook, (more informal) rot, normally overs 1 Reminders are normally sent
(more informal) twaddle 2 The idea was a out at the beginning of the month. > usually,
complete nonsense. » absurdity, folly, mistake, ordinarily, customarily, typically
inanity t AN OPPOSITE Is exceptionally 2 They just wanted
north = notice
north noun 1 the direction to the left of a not Apvers used to change the meaning of
person who faces east 2 the northern part of a something to its opposite or absence
country, city, etc. notation noun notations a system of symbols
north apective, abvers towards or in the north representing numbers, quantities, musical
> northerly Apjective northern ADJECTIVE notes, etc.
northerner NOUN northernmost ADJECTIVE notch noun notches a small V-shape cut into a
north-east noun, apjective, &ADVERB midway surface
between north and east mote noun notes 1 something written down as
> north-easterly ADecTive north-eastern a reminder or as acomment or explanation 2a
ADJECTIVE short letter 3. a banknote e a £5 note 4asingle
northward apective, avers towards the north sound in music 5 any ofthe black or white keys
> northwards ADvers ona piano etc. (see key 3) 6 a sound or quality
that indicates something e a note of warning
north-west Noun, ADJECTIVE ,& ADVERB Midway
7 notice or attention e Take note
between north and west
> north-westerly ADEcTive north-western note vers notes, noting, noted 1 make a note
ADJECTIVE about something; write down 2 notice or pay
attention to e Note what we say.
Nos. or nos. plural of No. orno
notebook oun notebooks a book with blank
nose NOUN noses 1 the part of the face that is pages on which to write notes
used for breathing and for smelling things
2 the front end or part notepaper noun paper for writing letters
nothing Noun 1 nothing; not anything 2no
nosedive noun nosedives a steep downward amount; nought
dive, especially of an aircraft
> nosedive vers for nothing 1 without payment, free
2 without a result
nostalgia (nos- tal- ja) noun sentimental notice Noun notices 1 something written or
remembering or longing for the past
printed and displayed for people to see
> nostalgic ADjecTiVe nostalgically Apvers
2 attention e It escaped my notice. 3 warning
nostril voun nostrils either of the two that something is going to happen 4 formal
openings in the nose information that you are about to end an
NOSY AD/ECTIVE nosier, nosiest inquisitive agreement or a person’s employment etc.
> mosily ADvERs nosiness NOUN @ We gave him a month’s notice.

to be able to live normally again. » as normal, in annotation, gloss, remark 4a writer of some
the normal way note » importance, distinction, renown,
mose Noun 1 He stood scratching the side of his eminence, acclaim
nose. » nostrils, (technical) proboscis, snout mote vers 1 Note the new cafeteria built since our
RELATED ADJECTIVE nasal 2 The nose of a boat last visit.» observe, notice, see, remark 2 I'll be
gereared at the harbour entrance, » prow, bow, happy tonote your suggestion. >». consider, heed,
ront bear in mind, make a note of, take into account
nose vers He nosed the car into a gap in the traffic. 3 Note the dates in your diary. > write down, jot
> ease, inch, edge, move, manoeuvre down, enter, record, scribble
nosy Apjective He always wanted to help, but notebook noun She wrote the details in a
sometimes he seemed too nosy for his own good. notebook. » exercise book, jotter, writing book,
> inquisitive, prying, intrusive, curious, (more diary
informal).snoopy noted apective a noted local celebrity » famous,
notable apective 1 Musicians (with some notable well-known, renowned, notable
exceptions) are highly practical people. OPPOSITES ARE obscure, unknown
> significant, noteworthy, remarkable, noteworthy apjective a noteworthy addition to
important, memorable his collection » important, significant, notable,
AN OPPOSITE|S insignificant 2 a notable American remarkable, striking
statesman » prominent, famous, OPPOSITES ARE insignificant, unimportant
distinguished, noted, eminent, illustrious notice Noun 1 There was a notice pinned on the
OPPOSITES ARE Obscure, unknown classroom door. » announcement, message,
note noun 1 Leave me a note before you go. note, information sheet, poster, sticker, sign,
> message, communication, letter, memo, placard, warning 2 Nothing escaped her notice
line 2111 make a note of her new address. that day.» attention, observation, awareness,
> record, entry, reminder 3 Someone had perception, heed
written notes in the margin. » comment, take no notice of Take no notice of the shouting.
notice = nowhere
notice vers notices, noticing, noticed see or novelistvoun novelists a person who writes
become aware of something novels
noticeable ance easily seen or noticed noveltynoun novelties 1 newness and
> noticeably ADvers originality 2 something new and unusual 3a
notionnoun notions an idea, especially one cheap toy or ornament
that is vague or incorrect November
oun the eleventh month of the
potoHous sen well-known for something year [from Latin novem = nine, because it was
a the ninth month ofthe ancient Roman
> notoriously Advers notoriety (noh- ter- I- calendar]
it- ee) NOUN novice noun novices 1a beginner 2a person
notwithstanding rrerosmion in spite of preparing to be a monk or nun

nought (nawt) noun 1 the figure 0 2 nothing mow overs 1 at this time 2 by this time
3 immediately e You must go now. 41 wonder,
NOUNNOUN nouns a word that stands for a or! am telling you e Now why didn’t Ithink of
person, place, or thing. Common nouns are that?
words such as boy, dog, river, sport, table, which now and againoOr now and thensometimes;
are used of a whole kind of people or things; occasionally
proper nouns are words such as Charles, Thames,
and London which name a particular person or MOW CONUNCTION as a result of or at the same
thing time as something e Now that you have come,
we'll start.
nourish vere nourishes, nourishing, now noun this moment e They will be at home by
nourished keep a person, animal, or plant
alive and well by means of food now.
> nourishingAD/ECTVE nourishment NOUN nowadaysv~overs at the present time, as
contrasted with years ago
novel Noun novels a story that fills a whole
book nowhere apvers not anywhere
novel apective of a new and unusual kind e a nowherewoun no place e Nowhere is as
novel experience [from Latin novus = new] beautiful as Scotland.

> ignore, disregard, pay no attention to, pass nourish vers They had just enough money to
over nourish their children. » feed, provide for,
support, sustain, maintain
notice vers 1 Did you notice the window was
open? » observe, perceive, see, spot 2 I noticed nourishing spective a nourishing diet
a smell ofgas in the kitchen. » detect, perceive, > nutritious, wholesome, sustaining, healthy,
note nutritive, beneficial, health-giving
noticeableapecive a noticeable reduction in the
cost » perceptible, appreciable, observable, nourishmentnoun the nourishment that elderly
people require » sustenance, nutriment,
conspicuous, recognizable, distinct, marked,
significant, unmistakable nutrition, diet, food, subsistence, goodness
AN OPPOSITE Is imperceptible movel apjective a novel idea for its time » new,
notifyvers Parents will be notified of any changes. original, innovative, unconventional,
> inform, advise, tell, apprise, let somebody unfamiliar, unusual, fresh, imaginative,
know different, singular, surprising, uncommon
OPPOSITES AREfamiliar, common, hackneyed
motionnoun 1 Paul was a dreamer, his head full
of wild notions. » idea, belief, concept, noveltyoun 1 the beauty and novelty of the
thought, image, perception, opinion 2 He had poetry » freshness, originality, unfamiliarity,
no notion of what her words meant. unconventionality, imaginativeness, newness
> understanding, idea, knowledge, clue 2. little shop selling sweets and novelties
notional apectve the notional line along the & knick-knack, trinket, souvenir, bauble,
horizon » theoretical, hypothetical, curiosity, gimmick
conjectural, putative, imaginary mow Apvers 1 You need to decide now.
noughtnoun 1 Her card number has a'lot of > immediately, straight away, here and now,
noughts in it. » zero, nil, O 2 One of the on the spot, without delay 2 The box office is
contestants scored a resounding nought. > nil, closed now. » at present, at the moment, at the
zero, nothing, (more informal) zilch minute, currently
nozzle = nursemaid
nozzle noun nozzles the spout of a hose, pipe, number vers numbers, numbering,
or tube numbered 1 mark with numbers 2 count
nuclear Apjective 1 to do with a nucleus, 3 amount to e The crowd numbered 10,000.
especially of an atom 2 using the energy thatis numeral noun numerals a symbol that
created by reactions in the nuclei of atoms represents a certain number; a figure
@ nuclear power @ nuclear weapons numerate (new- mer- at) apjective having a
nucleus Noun nuclei 1 the partin the centre of good basic knowledge of mathematics
something, round which other things are > numeracy NOUN
grouped 2 the central part of an atom or of a numerator Noun numerators the number
seed or a biological cell above the line ina fraction, showing how many
nude apjective not wearing any clothes; naked parts are to be taken, e.g. 2 in ? COMPARE
> nudity NOUN denominator
nudge vers nudges, nudging, nudged 1 poke numerical (new- merri- kal) apjective to do
a person gently with your elbow 2 push slightly with or consisting of numbers e in numerical
or gradually order
> nudge NouN > numerically Aovers
nugget Noun nuggets 1a rough lump of gold numerous ADJECTIVE many
or platinum found in the earth 2a small but
nun NOUN nuns amember of acommunity of
useful fact women who live according to the rules of a
nuisance Noun nuisances an annoying person religious organization comPARE monk
or thing
nunnery Noun nunneries a convent
numb apjective unable to feel or move
> numbly Advers numbness NOUN nurse Noun nurses 1a person trained to look
after people who are ill or injured 2 (old use) a
number Noun numbers 1a symbol or word woman employed to look after young children
indicating how many; a numeral orfigure 2a
numeral given to a thing to identify it e a nurse vers nurses, nursing, nursed 1 look
telephone number 3 a.quantity of people or after someone who is ill or injured 2 feed a
things e the number ofpeople present 4 one baby at the breast 3 have a feeling for along
issue of amagazine or newspaper 5a song or time @ She’s been nursing a grudge against him
piece of music for years. 4hold carefully
USAGE Note that a number of, meaning ‘several’, nursemaid Noun nursemaids (old use) a
should be followed by a plural verb:Anumber of young woman employed to look after young
problems remain. children

nub voun Money is the nub of the problem. » crux, numb-vers Sheer terror had numbed her senses,
essence, central point, core, gist > deaden, paralyse, desensitize, freeze,
immobilize, make numb, anaesthetize
nucleus Noun These three chapters form the
nucleus of the description. » heart, core, centre,
number noun 1 The paper had a line of numbers
written on it. > figure, numeral, integer, digit,
unit RELATED ADJECTIVE numerical 2 a large
number of children » quantity, amount,
nude apjctive Nude bathing is forbidden. collection, sum, total, crowd, multitude,
> naked, unclothed, undressed, uncovered,
bare aggregate 3 The film included a few musical
numbers. » item, piece, song 4 the spring
nudge vers Every time he laughed she nudged him number of the magazine > issue, edition,
in his side.» poke, prod, shove,
jog, jolt, bump, publication, impression, printing
hit , touch number vers Visitors to the city this year
numbered over ten million, » total, add up to,
nuisance Noun 1 What a nuisance for you, amount to, come to
having to go back into hospital. numeral noun Items over a hundred are written
> inconvenience, annoyance, bother, bore, in numerals. » figure, digit, integer, number
trial, irritant, irritation, worry, pest, vexation,
trouble, (more informal) pain 2I’m sorry if numerous ApDjective Numerous reasons have been
I'm being a nuisance. » pest, bother, trial, given to justify the invasion. » many, several, a
burden lot of, plenty of, copious, abundant, profuse,
multitudinous, diverse, sundry
numb apective My hands were numb with cold. AN OPPOSITE IS few
> dead, frozen, numbed, benumbed, murse vers 1 She nursed her old father for years.
insensitive, unfeeling AN OPPOSITE Is sensitive > look after, care for, take care of, tend, treat
nursery => NZ
nursery NOUN nurseries 1a place where nutrition (new- trish- on) oun
young children are looked after or play 2a 1 nourishment 2 the study of what nourishes a
place where young plants are grown and are people
usually for sale > nutritional ADECTIVE nutritionally ADveRs
nursery rhyme Noun nursery rhymes a nutritious (new- trish- us) ADJECTIVE
simple rhyme or song of the kind that young nourishing; giving good nourishment
children like > nutritiousness NOUN
nursery school Noun nursery schools a nutshell youn nutshells the shell of a nut
school for children below primary school age in a nutshell stated very briefly
nursing home Noun nursing homes a small muzzle vers nuzzles, nuzzling, nuzzled rub
hospital or home for invalids gently with the nose
mut Noun nuts 1a fruit witha hard shell 2a NVQ assreviation National Vocational
kernel 3a small piece of metal with a hole in Qualification
the middle, for screwing onto a bolt 4 (slang)
NNW assreviATION 1 north-west 2 north-western
the head 5 (slang) a mad or eccentric person
> mutty ADJECTIVE nylon noun a synthetic, strong, lightweight
cloth or fibre
nutcrackers piural Noun pincers for cracking
nuts NZ assreviaTion New Zealand

2.A woman was nursing a baby. » breastfeed, nutritious Apective nutritious food
feed, suckle 3 hopes that have to be nursed until > nourishing, wholesome, sustaining, healthy,
they become reality » preserve, sustain, nutritive, beneficial, health-giving
support, cherish, maintain, encourage 4 They
went on nursing their grievance all their lives.
> harbour, foster, bear
O = objective

obey vers obeys, obeying, obeyed do what
you are told to do by a person, law, etc.
obituary \oun obituaries an announcement
in a newspaper ofaperson's death, often with a
short account of his or her life
OunteR/EcTION oh object (ob-jikt) noun objects 1 something
that can be seen or touched 2a purpose or
Oaf oun oafs a stupid lout intention 3 a person or thing to which some
oaknoun oaks alarge deciduous tree with seeds action or feeling is directed @ She has become an
called acorns object of pity. 4 (in grammar) the word or words
> Oakem ADJECTIVE naming who or what is acted upon by a verb or
by a preposition, e.g. him in the dog bit him and
OaFNOUN oars apolewitha flat blade at one end, against him
used for rowing a boat object (ob-jekt) vers objects, objecting,
> OarsmanNouN oarsmanship NouN objected say that you are not in favour of
Oasis (oh- ay- sis) NOUN oases a fertile place ina something or do not agree; protest
desert, with a spring or well of water > objector Noun
objectionnoun objections 1 objecting to
oathwoun oaths 1a solemn promise to do something 2a reason for objecting
something or that something is true,
sometimes appealing to God as witness 2a objectionable spective unpleasant or nasty
swear word > objectionably spvers
onor under oathhaving sworn to tell the truth objectivenoun objectives what you are trying
in a lawcourt to reach or do; an aim
Oats PLURAL NOUN a cereal used to make food (oats objectiveapectve 1 real or actual e Is there any
for horses, oatmeal for people) objective evidence to prove his claims? 2 not
influenced by personal feelings or opinions
obedient agecnve doing what you are told; © an objective account of the quarrel COMPARE
willing to obey subjective
> obediently overs obedience noun > objectively overs objectivity NouN

Oaf noun She called him a loud-mouthed oaf. purpose, intention, aim, point, target, end,
> lout, fool, dolt, ass, idiot, clod, clot goal, intent
oathwoun 1 The nobles refused to take the oath of objectvers 11l open a window ifyou don’t
allegiance to the king. » vow, pledge, promise, object. » mind, protest, demur 2 object tol
affirmation, avowal 2 He uttered a terrible oath. hope they don’t object to us coming. » oppose,
> swear word, profanity, expletive, protest against, be against, disapprove of, take
imprecation, curse, obscenity exception to
obedient anective She was described as a good
girl, always obedient. » dutiful, compliant, objection oun The scheme went ahead despite
deferential, respectful, well-behaved, many objections. » protest, protestation,
subservient, submissive, acquiescent, challenge, complaint, exception, dissent,
amenable, biddable, tractable AN OPPOSITE IS disapproval, opposition, remonstration
objectionable nective He can be objectionable
obese apective The proportion of obese men has when he wants to be. There was an objectionable
risen to 8 percent. » fat, overweight, outsize, smell in the room. » unpleasant, offensive,
corpulent, rotund disagreeable, obnoxious, intolerable,
obey vers 11 obeyed him without question. » do unacceptable, nasty, repellent, distasteful
what someone says, take orders from, submit
to, defer to 2 He was not too good at obeying objective spective 1 The case lacks objective
orders. > follow, carry out, perform, discharge, evidence. » impartial, unbiased, disinterested,
execute 3 Her legs wouldn't obey her brain’s neutral, detached, dispassionate AN OPPOSITE IS
command to move. >» respond to, respect, abide subjective 2a research programme based on
objective investigation » factual, scientific,
by rational ‘
objectnoun 1 It’s an object Ifound on the beach.
> article, body, item, thing 2 Research is objective youn The main objective is to build a
published regularly with the object ofproviding strong business. » object, purpose, intention,
the most up-to-date findings. » objective, aim, point, target, end, goal, intent
obligation > observe
obligation noun obligations 1 being obliged oboe Noun oboes a high-pitched woodwind
to do something 2 what you are obliged to do; instrument
a duty > oboist NOUN
under an obligation owing gratitude to
someone Shines helped you obscene (ob- seen) anjective indecent in a very
offensive way
obligatory (ob-lig- a- ter- ee) ADJECTIVE > obscenely ADvers obscenity NOUN
compulsory, not optional
obscure Apectve 1 difficult to see or to
oblige vere obliges, obliging, obliged 1 force understand; not clear 2 not well-known
or compel 2 help and please someone e Can > obscurely ADvers obscurity NOUN
you oblige me with a loan?
be obliged to someone feel gratitude to a obscure vers obscures, obscuring, obscured
person who has helped you make a thing obscure; darken or conceal
@ Clouds obscured the sun.
obliging apectve polite and helpful
oblique (ob- leek) Anjectve 1slanting 2 not observant agective quick at observing or
saying something straightforwardly e an noticing things
oblique reply > observantly ADVERB
> obliquely ADvers observation Noun observations 1 observing
obliterate vers obliterates, obliterating, or watching 2a comment or remark
obliterated blot out; destroy and remove all observatory vou observatories a building
traces of something with telescopes etc. for observing the stars or
> obliteration NouN weather
oblong spective rectangular in shape and observe vers observes, observing, observed
longer than it is wide
1 see and notice; watch carefully 2 obey a law
> oblong NOUN 3 keep or celebrate a custom or religious
obnoxious Apjective very unpleasant; festival etc. 4 make a remark
objectionable > observer NOUN

obligation Noun She believed she had an impropriety, pornography, licentiousness,
obligation to help. » responsibility, duty. grossness, indelicacy 2 The crime was an
liability, commitment, requirement, need obscenity. » atrocity, abomination, outrage,
obligatory Anective Use of seat-belts in the back enormity, evil 3 louts uttering obscenities
seats is now obligatory. » compulsory, > swear word, profanity, curse, expletive
mandatory, binding, required, stipulated, obscure spective He was suffering from an
unavoidable, de rigueur, imperative, imposed, obscure disease that made his hand shaky.
incumbent, inescapable, official An Opposite Is > unknown, little-known, unheard-of,
optional mysterious, dubious
oblige vers We cannot oblige them to agree, but obscure vers 1 Clouds obscured the sun. > hide,
we can persuade them. » force, compel, conceal, cover, veil, shroud, mask, envelop
require, constrain, make 2 Their evidence has merely obscured the issues.
obliged anjective We'd be obliged ifyou would let > confuse, complicate, muddle, obfuscate
us know when you arrive. » grateful, indebted, observant AQective Her observant eye took in
gratified, appreciative, thankful every detail. » alert, attentive, vigilant,
obliging nective Richard is an obliging sort of watchful, perceptive, percipient, eagle-eyed,
chap. » helpful, accommodating, considerate, sharp-eyed, heedful, quick AN OPPOSITE IS
cooperative, thoughtful, willing, agreeable, inattentive
civil, courteous, friendly, kind, neighbourly, observation oun 1 He was sent to hospital for
polite opposites ARE disobliging, unhelpful observation. » monitoring, scrutiny,
obliterate vers The explosion might obliterate examination, inspection, surveillance,
the entire building. » destroy, demolish, wipe attention 2 Put any further observations on a
out, ruin, wreck, devastate, shatter, blow up separate sheet of paper. » remark, comment,
obscene Apective obscene literature statement, opinion
> pornographic, indecent, improper, observe vers 1 She observed her friends over by
immodest, immoral, depraved, salacious, the bar. » notice, see, perceive, discern, spot,
shocking, suggestive descry, behold 2 James observed that Rachel
obscenity noun 1 laws against obscenity looked unhappy. » remark, comment,
> indecency, immodesty, impurity, mention, note, declare, announce, state
obsolescent = occasional
obsolescent spective becoming obsolete; obtain vers obtains, obtaining, obtained get
going out of use or fashion or be given something
> obsolescence NOUN > obtainable apjective
obsolete spective not used any more; out of obtrusive spective unpleasantly noticeable
date > obtrusiveness NOUN
obstacle noun obstacles something that obtuse angle oun obtuse angles an angle of
stands in the way or obstructs progress more than 90° but less than 180° COMPARE
obstinate spective 1 keeping firmly to your acute angle
own ideas or ways, even though they may be obvious spective easy to see or understand
wrong 2 difficult to overcome or remove e an > obviously Apvers
obstinate problem occasion noun occasions 1 the time when
> obstinately Aovers obstinacy NouN something happens 2a special event 3a
obstreperous (ob- strep- er- us) ADJECTIVE noisy suitable time; an opportunity
and unruly on occasion from time to time
obstruct vere obstructs, obstructing, occasional spective 1 happening from time to
obstructed stop a person or thing from time but not regularly or frequently 2 for
getting past; hinder special occasions @ occasional music
> obstruction noun obstructive ADJECTIVE > occasionally ADvers

3 From her window she could observe what was obstruct vere 1 The opposite side of the road was
going on in the street. » watch, view, survey, obstructed by cars. » block, jam, clog up, choke
regard, monitor, witness, scrutinize up 2 He was charged with obstructing the course
observer noun Brian was merely an observer and
ofjustice. >» impede, hinder, hamper, frustrate,
took no part in the action. » spectator, thwart, hold up, inhibit, retard, interfere with
onlooker, looker-on, bystander, viewer,
OPPOSITES ARE assist, further
watcher, commentator, eye-witness, witness obstruction noun an obstruction to learning
> barrier, hurdle, hindrance, stumbling block,
obsess vers 1 Thoughts of death obsessed him. drawback, difficulty, impediment, problem,
> preoccupy, dominate, haunt, prey on, snag, bar, interference
engross, possess, take ahold on 2 be
obsessed with or by! was totally obsessed with obstructive spective He accused her of being
food and controlling my weight. » be fixated deliberately obstructive. » uncooperative,
with or by, be preoccupied with or by, (more unhelpful, awkward, difficult, disobliging,
informal) be hung up on stalling opposites ARE helpful, cooperative
obsession noun These memories rapidly became obtain vers You will need to obtain the necessary
an obsession. > fixation, preoccupation, mania, permission. I obtained the books at half price.
passion, infatuation, compulsion, addiction > get, acquire, secure, procure, come by,
obsessive anective His jealousy was becoming obvious apective It’s obvious that she’s keen on
obsessive. » compulsive, consuming, all-
Bill. He spoke with an obvious French accent.
consuming, dominating, controlling, fanatical,
addictive > clear, plain, evident, self-evident, patent,
apparent, glaring, perceptible AN OPPOSITE IS
obsolete anjective The machinery installed in the imperceptible
1990s had become obsolete. » out of date, obviously overs She was obviously very upset.
outdated, outmoded, anachronistic, > clearly, plainly, patently, evidently,
antiquated, extinct, superseded, old- discernibly, indubitably, manifestly,
fashioned, passé, disused, dated, primitive unmistakably, without doubt
OPPOSITES ARE Current, up to date
occasion noun 1 She had spoken to him on
obstacle noun a major obstacle in the peace several occasions. » instance, point, time,
process> barrier, hurdle, hindrance, stumbling moment 2 His eighteenth birthday would be a
block, obstruction, drawback, difficulty, special occasion. » event, affair, celebration
impediment, problem, snag, bar, interference 3 I'l mention it ifthe occasion arises.
obstinate apjective They were too obstinate to see > opportunity, chance, opening, right
the advantages of the scheme. » stubborn, moment 4 I’ve never had any occasion to
inflexible, intractable, immovable, complain. » reason; cause, grounds, excuse,
intransigent, unbending, unyielding, dogged, need, justification, pretext
headstrong OPPOSITES ARE amenable, open- occasional apjctive There were still occasional
minded air raids. » intermittent, periodic, sporadic,
occult — oddity
occult apective to do with the supernatural or o'clock avers by the clock e Lunch is at one
Magic e occult powers o'clock.

occupation Noun occupations 1a person’s octagonnou octagons a flat shape with eight
job or profession 2 something you do to pass sides and eight angles
yourtime 3 capturing a country etc. by military > octagonal ADJECTIVE
octave Nou octaves the interval of eight steps
occupational apective caused by an between one musical note and the next note of
occupation e an occupational disease the same name above or belowit

occupational rherapy NOUN creative work October noun the tenth month of the year
designed to help people to recover from [from Latin octo = eight, because it was the
certain illnesses eighth month of the ancient Roman calendar]
OCCUPpy VERB occupies, occupying, occupied OctOpus NOUN octopuses a sea creature with
1 live ina place; inhabit 2 filla space or position eight long tentacles [from Greek okto = eight +
3 capture a country etc. and place troops there pous = foot]
4 keep somebody busy
> occupier NOUN oculist Noun oculists a doctor who treats
diseases of the eye
OCCUF VERB occurs, occurring, occurred
1 happen or exist 2 be found; appear e These odd apyective 1 strange or unusual 2 (said about
plants occur in ponds. 3 come into a person’s a number) not able to be divided exactly by 2;
mind e An idea occurred to me. not even 3 left over from a pair or set @ I’ve got
one odd sock. 4 of various kinds; not regular
Ocean NOUN oceans the seas that surround the © odd jobs
continents of the earth, especially one of the > oddly ADver’ oddness NOUN
large named areas of this @ the Pacific Ocean
> oceanic ADJECTIVE oddity noun oddities a strange person or thing

infrequent, irregular, isolated, odd, rare, occur vers 1 We need to know everything that
random occurred that morning. » happen, take place,
occasionally aovers Tess turned her head come about 2 The disease occurs only in tropical
occasionally to look at him. » sometimes, from climates. » be found, exist, be prevalent,
time to time, now and then, every so often, appear, showitself, manifestitself 3 occur tolt
intermittently, periodically, sporadically, occurred to him that she might still be waiting
infrequently, irregularly there. It never occurred to us that we'd have to pay
occupantwNoun The apartment had two extra. » cross your mind, enter your head
occupants at the time. » resident, inhabitant,
tenant, occupier, lodger, householder occurrence Noun Bicycle theft has become a
occupation noun 1 Passports no longer specify common occurrence. » event, happening,
your occupation. » job, profession, work, line of incident, experience, circumstance, affair,
work, walk of life, employment, business 2 The occasion, phenomenon
occupation of the country continued for much
longer than predicted. » invasion, annexation, odd apjective 1 It was an odd thing to do.
seizure, takeover, occupancy, possession 3a > strange, peculiar, weird, unusual, bizarre,
house built for multiple occupation» occupancy, curious, eccentric 2 His friends thought him
residence, habitation, tenancy, possession, use quite odd.» eccentric, strange, peculiar,
4 Swiming is my favourite leisure occupation. abnormal, weird 3 the odd numbers » uneven
> pastime, hobby, interest, activity, diversion 4 Do you have any odd change you could give
occupy vers 1 Colin occupies the top floor. » live him? » spare, leftover, miscellaneous, sundry,
in, inhabit, be the tenant of, reside in, lodge in, available 5 She noticed he was wearing odd socks.
possess, have possession of, own 2 These > unmatched, different, unpaired, clashing
problems occupied her mind for several days.
p absorb, engage, hold, preoccupy, engross, oddity oun 1 people remembered chiefly for
divert 3 The army occupied the country in the their oddity » strangeness, abnormality,
spring. » capture, seize, invade, take over, take peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, quirkiness 2 He is
possession of, overrun, annex, conquer, regarded as a bit of an oddity. » eccentric,
garrison ’ crank, misfit, maverick, curiosity, character
oddments = offensive
oddments pirat noun scraps or pieces left over off apvers 1 away or down from something e His
from a larger piece or set hat blew off. 2 not working or happening e The
odds piuraL noun 1 the chances that a certain heating is off. e The match is off because of snow.
thing will happen 2 the proportion of money 3 to the end; completely @ Finish it off. 4 as
that you will win ifa bet is successful e When the regards money or supplies e How are you off for
odds are 10 to 1, you will win £10 ifyou bet £1 cash? 5 behind or at the side of astage e There
odds and ends oddments were noises off. 6 (said about food) beginning to
odious (oh- dee- us) Apjective extremely go bad e The milk was going off.
unpleasant; hateful
> odiously Advers odiousmess NOUN offal noun the organs of an animal (e.g. liver or
kidneys) sold as food
odour noun odours a smell, especially an
unpleasant one off-colour apective slightly unwell
> odorous ADJECTIVE odourless ADJECTIVE
odyssey (0d-iss- ee) Noun odysseys along offence youn offences 1 an illegal action 2a
adventurous journey feeling of annoyance or resentment
give offence hurt someone's feelings
O’@F PREPOSITION, ADVERB (poetic) over
take offence be upset by something said or
oesophagus (ee- sof: a- gus) NouN oesophagi done
(ee- sof: a- gl) the tube leading from the throat
to the stomach; the gullet offend vers offends, offending, offended
oestrogen (ees- tro- jen) Noun ahormone 1 cause offence to someone; hurt a person’s
which develops and maintains female sexual feelings 2 do wrong or commit a crime
and physical characteristics > offender noun
of preposition (used to indicate relationships) offensive spective 1 causing offence; insulting
belonging to @ the mother of the child; 2 disgusting e an offensive smell 3 used in
concerning; about e news of the disaster; made attacking e offensive weapons
from e built of stone; from e north of the town
> offensively Apvers offensiveness NOUN
Off preposition 1 not on; away or down from e He
fell off the ladder 2 not taking or wanting e She offensive noun offensives an attack
is off herfood 3 deducted from e £5 off the price take the offensive be the first to attack

oddments Piura noun oddments left over froma offence noun 1 The company might even be guilty
jumble sale » bits and pieces, odds and ends, of a. criminal offence. » crime, misdemeanour,
scraps, fragments, remnants, leftovers, offcuts wrong, wrongdoing, misdeed, fault,
transgression 2 We don’t want to cause any
odids piurat noun The odds are that they have left offence. » annoyance, anger, resentment, hard
the country. » likelihood, probability, chances feelings, indignation, irritation, upset,
usage If you use likelihood or probability you displeasure, disgust
should use a singular verb, e.g. The likelihood is take offence She made it clear she had taken
that they have left the country. offence. » be or feel offended, be upset, be or
feel aggrieved, be or feel affronted, take
odious Anjective odious methods of dealing with
their political opponents » hateful, offensive, umbrage
repulsive, repellent, obnoxious, unpleasant, offend vers 1I didn’t mean to offend you. » give
abhorrent, detestable, abominable or cause offence to, upset, hurt, displease,
annoy, affront, insult, anger, irritate, disgust,
Off apjective 1 The milk is off. » bad, rotten, make angry, outrage, provoke, rile, vex 2A
putrid 2 The game is now off. » postponed, large percentage of prisoners released early went
cancelled 31 think their remarks were a bit off, to on to offend again. » break the law, commit a
put it mildly. » unacceptable, objectionable, crime, do wrong, transgress be or feel offended
unsatisfactory, disappointing > take offence, be upset, be or feel aggrieved,
be or feel affronted, take umbrage
offbeat apective an offbeat humour
> unconventional, unorthodox, idiosyncratic, offensive apjective The remarks were clearly
strange, weird, bizarre, quirky offensive. » insulting, derogatory,
depreciatory, disrespectful, abusive,
off colour anjective He was feeling a bit off colour objectionable, provocative, discourteous,
and decided to stay at home. » unwell, poorly, insolent, uncivil, rude OPPOSITES ARE
ill, queasy, peaky, nauseous complimentary, courteous
offer = ohm
offer vers offers, offering, offered 1 present Official Noun officials a person who holds a
something so that people can accept it if they position of authority
want to 2 say that you are willing to do or give
something or to pay a certain amount offing Noun
in the offing|ikely to happen soon
offernoun offers 1 offering something 2an
amount of money offered 3 aspecially reduced off-licence
oun off-licences a shop with a
price licence to sell alcoholic drinks to be drunk away
from the shop
offhand apective 1 said or done without
preparation 2 (said about a remark etc.) rather off-putting spective making you less keen on
casual and rude; curt something; disconcerting
> offhanded ADJECTIVE offshootnoun offshoots 1a side shoot ona
office Noun offices 1a room or building used plant 2a by-product
for business; the people who work there 2a
offside apjective, avers (said about a player in
government department e the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office 3. an important
job or football etc.) in a position where the rules do
position not allow him or her to play the ball
be in office hold an official position oftem~overs many times; in many cases
officer Noun officers 1a person who isin OGFeNOUN ogres 1acruelgiantin fairytales 2a
charge of others, especially in the armed forces errifying person
2 an official 3 a member of the police
OlnTERECTION an exclamation of pain, surprise,
official anective 1 done or said by someone delight, etc., or used for emphasis e Oh yes I
with authority 2 done as part of your job or will!
Position e official duties
> officially ADvers ohmnoun ohms a unit of electrical resistance

offervers. 1 Counsellors are on hand to offer advice certified, formal 2 They were dressed for an
and support. » provide, give, extend, make official function. » formal, ceremonial
available, put forward, hold out, suggest
2 Many local people offered to help in the search. official oun An official came down to escort us to
> volunteer, come forward, present yourself, the president’s office. » officer, functionary,
show willing 3 The job offers good career office-holder, representative, executive,
prospects. » provide, afford, present, hold out, administrator
involve, entail OfficiousADECTIVE An officious waiter led us to a
offernoun 1a business offer > bid, proposal, table in a poky corner. » self-important,
tender, proposition, submission 2 kind offers of bumptious, bossy, over-zealous, dictatorial,
help » proposal, proposition, overture interfering, meddling, (more informal) pushy
offering Noun an offering of a few silver coins off-putting nective She tried to think of some
> contribution, donation, gift, benefaction, off-putting remark to make them go away.
present > discouraging, unpleasant, intimidating,
offhand apective His manner was most offhand. unnerving, unsettling, disconcerting,
> casual, indifferent, cool, cavalier, brusque, unappealing, unattractive, disagreeable,
abrupt, aloof, curt, uncooperative, perfunctory distasteful
OPPOSITES ARE polite, courteous
offshootnoun The business has offshoots all over
officenoun 1 Her office was just a few blocks Europe. » branch, subsidiary, (more informal)
away. » workplace, place of work, place of spin-off
business, bureau 2 The new Prime Minister took
up his office immediately. » post, position, offspringNoun 1 the core of the family: parents
appointment, function, task, duty, and their offspring » children, sons and
responsibility, situation daughters, progeny, family 2 Their latest
officer Noun The trade union had few full-time offspring was playing in the garden. » child,
Officers. > official, functionary, office-holder, baby, infant, little one, son, daughter,
representative, executive, administrator youngster

official apjective 1 There were calls for an official oftemanvers She often asks about you.
inquiry into the matter. a member of an official > frequently, regularly, repeatedly,
organization » authorized, accredited, constantly, again and again, many times, time
approved, proper, authentic, authenticated, after time
oil > on
oil Noun oils 1 a thick slippery liquid that willnot olive branch noun olive branches something
dissolve in water 2 a kind of petroleum used as you do or offer that shows you want to make
fuel 3 oil paint peace [from a story in the Bible, in which a dove
brings Noah an olive branch as a sign that God
oil vere oils, oiling, oiled put oil on something, is no longer angry with the human race]
especially to rn it work smoothly
oilfield oun an area where oil is found Olympic Games or Olympics Piurac noun a
series of international sports contests held
oil rig Noun oil rigs a structure with equipment every four years in a different part of the world
for drilling for oil
omega (oh- meg-a) Noun. the last letter of the
oil well youn oil wells a hole drilled in the Greek alphabet, a longo
ground or under the sea to get oil
oily nective 1 containing or like oil; covered or omelette oun omelettes eggs beaten
soaked with oil 2 behaving in an insincerely together and cooked ina pan, often with a
polite way filling
> oiliness NOUN omen Noun omens an event regarded as.a sign
ointment noun ointments a cream or slippery of what is going to happen
paste for putting on sore skin and cuts ominous Apjective suggesting that trouble is
OK or okay aovers, ADJECTIVE (informal) all right coming
old apective 1 not new; born or made or existing
> ominously ADveRs
from along time ago 2 ofaparticular age e I’m omit vers. omits, omitting, omitted 1 miss
ten years old. 3 former or original e in its old something out 2 fail to do something
place 4 (informal) used casually or for emphasis > omission NOUN
© good old mum! omnibus noun omnibuses 1 single book,
> oldness NOUN television programme, etc., containing several
[from Old English] instalments that were previously published or
old age noun the time when a person is old broadcast separately 2 (old use) a bus
Old English noun the English language from omniscient (om- niss- ee- ent) ADJECTIVE
about 700 to 1150, also called Anglo-Saxon knowing everything
old-fashioned spective of the kind that was > omniscience NOUN
usual a long time ago; no longer fashionable omnivorous (om- niv- er- us) ADJECTIVE feeding
Old Norse noun the language spoken by the onall kinds of food compare carnivorous,
Vikings, the ancestor of modern Scandinavian herbivorous
languages OM PREPOSITION 1 supported by; covering; added
olive noun olives 1 an evergreen tree witha or attached to e the sign on the door 2 close to;
small bitter fruit 2 this fruit, from which an oil towards e The army advanced on Paris.
(olive oil) is made 3 a shade ofgreen like an 3 during; at the time of e on my birthday 4 by
unripe olive reason of @ Arrest him on suspicion of murder,

oil vere She went to the shed to oil her bike. old apjctive 1 an old man» elderly, aged,
> lubricate, grease advanced in years, senile 2 old buildings
> antiquated, dilapidated, ramshackle, ruined,
oily ADJECTIVE 1 oily skin; an oily substance historic 3 old clothes » worn, shabby,
> greasy, oleaginous, slimy oily manner threadbare, frayed, moth-eaten 4 in the old
> smooth, unctuous, fawning, ingratiating, days » past, former, bygone, early, ancient,
obsequious, (more informal) smarmy olden 5 an old practice » long-standing, time-
OK or okay anjctive (informal) Is everything OK honoured, traditional, established, familiar
now? The film is OK. » all right, satisfactory, 6 an old joke » hackneyed, stale, tired,
fine, in order, acceptable, adequate, overworked
old-fashioned anective a big old-fashioned
OK or okay izeREcTion (informal) OK, Il go with bathroom with noisy pipes » outdated, out of
you. > all right, very well, very good, right you date, outmoded, antiquated, obsolescent
are, right, fine OPPOSITES ARE up to date, modern, fashionable
OK or okay noun (informal) The manager gave his
OK. » permission, approval, consent, omit vers 1 Someone had omitted her name from
authorization, agreement, assent
the list. > leave out, miss out, exclude, ignore,
cut, drop, overlook, edit out, eliminate
OK or okay vers (informal) Get a parent to okay OPPOSITES ARE include, add, insert 21 omitted to
your proposal. » agree to, approve, authorize, tell you. » forget, neglect, fail AN OPPOSITE IS
consent to, endorse, ratify remember
on = open
5 concerning @ a book on butterflies 6 in a state only apjecrive being the one person or thing of a
of; using or showing e The house was on fire. kind; sole @ my only wish
OM ADvers 1s0 asto be on something e Put it on only child a child who has no brothers or
2 further forward e Move on 3 working; in sisters
action e Is the heater on? only abvers no more than; and that is all e There
on and off not continually are only three cakes left.
once abvers 1 for one time or on one occasion only conjunction but then; however e He makes
only @ They came only once. 2 formerly They promises, only he never keeps them.
once lived here. onomatopoeia (on- om- at- o- pee- a) NOUN
Once Noun one time e Once is enough. the formation of words that imitate what they
stand for, e.g. cuckoo, plop
ONCE CONJUNCTION as soon as. @ You can go.once I > onomatopoeic ADJECTIVE
have taken your names.
onshore pctive from the sea towards the land
oncoming spective approaching; coming @ an onshore breeze
towards you @ oncoming traffic
onslaught now onslaughts a fierce attack
one Apjective 1 single 2 individual or united onto preposition to.a position on
one noun 1the smallest wholenumber, 1 2a onward pvers, ADJECTIVE going forward; further
person or thing alone on
one another each other > onwards ADVERB
OMe PRONOUN any person or thing e I need a pen OOZe VERB oOzeS, oozing, oozed 1 flow out
but Ican’t find one. @ One likes to help. slowly; trickle 2 allow something to flow out
> oneself PRONOUN slowly @ The wound oozed blood.
one-sided spective 1 with one side or personin 00zZe NOUN mud at the bottom of a river or sea
a contest, conversation etc. being much Opal youn opals a kind of stone in which small
stronger or doing alot more than the other e a points of shifting colour can be seen
one-sided match 2 showing only one point of > opalescent ADJECTIVE
view in an unfair way @ This is a very one-sided
Opaque (0- payk) Apjective not able to be seen
account of the conflict. through; not transparent or translucent
onion Noun onions around vegetable witha Open apective 1 allowing people or things to.go
strong flavour in and out; not closed or fastened 2 not
> oniony ADJECTIVE covered or blocked up 3 spread out; unfolded
onlooker \oun onlookers a spectator 4 not limited or restricted e an open

omce abvers We were good friends:once. >» at one Open adjective open door » unclosed, ajar,
time, in the past, formerly, previously unlocked AN OPPOSITE IS closed 2 an open box
one-sided spective 1a one-sided account of the > uncovered, unfastened, unsealed, lidless
conflict » biased, prejudiced, partisan, partial, opposites ARE closed, fastened 3 open access
preferential, slanted, unfair OPPOSITES ARE > free, unrestricted, clear, unobstructed,
impartial, fair 2.a one-sided argument wide, available AN opposite IS restricted 4 open
> unequal, uneven, unbalanced. AN OPPOSITE IS country » sweeping, rolling, broad, extensive,
even unenclosed 5 an open secret » plain, evident,
overt, obvious, conspicuous, noticeable
ONGOING ADECTIVE 1 an ongoing problem with
noisy neighbours > continuous, continuing,
AN OPPOSITE IS Closed 6 an open question
persistent, constant, ceaseless 2A road > unresolved, unsettled, undecided,
improvement programme is ongoing. » under debatable, moot AN opposite !s closed 7 open
way, in progress, developing, progressing, about his feelings » frank, honest, candid,
evolving, continuing, current, extant, existing unreserved, natural OPPOSITES ARE reserved,
guarded 8a procedure open to abuse
only anyective She is their only child. » sole, > vulnerable, subject, susceptible, liable
single, solitary, lone, unique
ooze vers Blood oozed from a wound on his arm. open vers 1A young woman opened the door.
> seep, leak, issue, exude, escape, flow, > unfasten, unlock, unbolt 2 He started to open
dribble the packet. » unwrap, undo, untie, unseal 3A
opaque pjeective The glass of the bottle was new superstore will open next month, » start
opaque so the contents could not be seen: trading 4 The story opens with a train journey.
> cloudy, non-transparent, obscure, blurred, > begin, start, (more formal) commence 5 The
misty, dark, hazy, unclear OPPOSITES ARE Clear, chairman then opened the meeting. » begin,
transparent ¢ start, inaugurate, set in motion
open = oppose
championship 5 letting in visitors or customers operation oun operations 1 piece of work
6 with wide empty spaces e open country or method of working 2 something done to a
7 honest and frank; not secret or secretive e Be patient’s body to take away or repair a
open about the danger. 8 willing to listen to damaged part 3a planned military activity
other ideas @ an open mind @ I’m open to > operational ADJECTIVE
suggestions. in operationworking or in use e When does the
> openness NOUN new system come into operation?
in the open air not inside a house or building operator Noun operators a person who works
Open vers opens, opening, opened 1 make or something, especially
atelephone switchboard
come open or more open 2 begin or exchange
> opener NOUN opinion oun opinions what you think of
opencastapective (said about a mine) worked something; a belief or judgement
y removing layers of earth from the surface,
not underground
opinion poll oun opinion polls an estimate
of what people think, made by questioning a
Opening oun openings 1 4 space or gap; a sample of them
place where something opens 2 the beginning
of something 3 an opportunity opium Noun a drug made from the juice of
certain poppies, used in medicine
openly Aovers without secrecy opponentoun opponents a person or group
Opera Noun operas a drama set to music, with opposing another in a contest or war
singers acting the story
> operatic ADJECTIVE Oppel NOUN opportunists a person
who is quick to seize opportunities
operate vers operates, operating, operated
1 make a machine work 2 be in action; work > opportunism NOUN
3 perform a surgical operation on somebody opportunityNoun opportunities a good
> operable ADJECTIVE chance to do a particular thing
operating system Noun operating systems Oppose VERB Opposes, opposing, opposed
Fincomputing) the software that controls a argue or fight against; resist 2 contrast
computer’s basic functions @ ‘Soft’ is opposed to ‘hard’.

OpeningNoun 1 an opening in the wall judgement, view, point of view, viewpoint,
> doorway, gateway, entry, aperture, breach, thought, attitude, standpoint, stance, idea,
chink, crack, cleft, hole, fissure 2 looking for notion, feeling
openings in accountancy » opportunity,
opponentnoun 1 He threw the ball at an
chance, (more informal) break opponent’s head. » adversary, opposer, rival,
opening ADJECTIVE the opening line of the poem antagonist, competitor, contestant, enemy,
> first, initial, beginning, introductory, foe, opposition opposites Are ally, partner
inaugural AN opposite Is final opponent of reform » objector (to), opposer,
operate vere 1 The alarms had been switched off dissident, dissenter
and were not operating. » work, function, run, opportune Apectve It was an opportune
act, perform, be operative, go 2.a machine moment to speak out. » appropriate, suitable,
that's difficult to operate » work, use, utilize, timely, auspicious, convenient, favourable,
handle, manage, deal with, drive 3 X-rays will propitious, advantageous, lucky, right
show whether doctors will need to operate on him.
OPPOSITES ARE unsuitable, inconvenient
> perform surgery, carry out an operation
operationnoun 1 There are few other business opportunity Noun (informal) This was a good
operations the size of ours. » enterprise, opportunity to make some money. » chance,
undertaking, procedure, proceeding, process, occasion, possibility, moment, opening, time,
transaction 2 Military operations have been (more informal) break
delayed by the weather. » campaign, exercise, Oppose vers 1 There was a large group of
action, activity, manoeuvre, movement, effort protesters who opposed the plans for a new
3 a committee to ensure the smooth operation of runway. » object to, be against, protest
the system > running, functioning, working, against, disapprove of, take exception to
direction, control, management 4a surgical OPPOSITES ARE Support, defend 2 Ifyou want to
operation » biopsy, surgery, transplant goIshan’t oppose you. » resist, counter,
operative spective Perhaps you’re right: the withstand, take issue with, defy, confront
operative word is ‘perhaps’. > key, significant, opposed aojctive opposed to The village was
important, principal, relevant, crucial, effective opposed to the scheme for a new hostel.
opinion noun You can have an opinion but you > against, hostile to, antagonistic to,
must back it up with facts or reasons. » belief, antipathetic to, unsympathetic to
opposite — optional
as opposed to in contrast with Opt vers opts, opting, opted choose
be opposed to be strongly against e We are opt out decide not to take part in something
opposed to parking in the town centre.
optical spective to do with sight; aiding sight
Opposite apective 1 placed on the other or e optical instruments
urther side; facing @ on the opposite side of the > optically apvers
road 2 moving away from or towards each
other e The trains were travelling in opposite
optical ilfusion noun optical illusions a
deceptive appearance that makes you think
directions. 3 completely different e opposite you see something that is not really there
optician noun opticians a person who tests
Opposite noun opposites an opposite person people’s eyesight and makes or sells glasses
or thing and contact lenses
opposite preposition opposite to e They live optimist youn optimists a person who
opposite the school. expects that things will turn out well COMPARE
’ Opposition noun 1 opposing something; > optimism Noun optimistic ADjecTive
resistance 2 the people who oppose optimistically spvers
the Opposition the chief political party optimum apective best; most favourable
opposing the one that is in power > optimum Noun optimal Adjective

OPPFess vers oppresses, oppressing, option noun options 1 the right or power to
oppressed 1 govern or treat somebody choose something 2 something chosen or that
cruelly or unjustly 2 weigh somebody down may be:chosen
with worry or sadness optional apective that you can choose, not
> oppression NOUN oppressive ADJECTIVE compulsory
Oppressor NOUN > optionally Apvers

opposite spective 1 She lived in a house opposite authoritarian, despotic, brutal, cruel, harsh,
the church. » facing, across from 2 There is a repressive, tyrannical 2 oppressive weather
long mirror on the opposite wall. » opposing, > humid, muggy, sultry, stuffy, airless, close,
facing 3 They were brothers who had fought on hot, stifling, heavy
opposite sides in the civil war. » rival, opposing, oppressor Noun The angry mob thirsted for the
conflicting, contrary, enemy AN OPPOSITE IS blood of its oppressors. » persecutor,
allied intimidator, tormentor, despot, tyrant,
opposite noun He always says one thing and does autocrat
the opposite. » contrary, reverse, other
extreme, antithesis, converse AN OPPOSITE IS optimism noun Despite the difficulties he tried to
keep up a note of optimism. » confidence,
hopefulness, hope, positiveness, cheerfulness,
Opposition noun 1 The suggestion met with good cheer AN OPPOSITE IS pessimism
fierce opposition. » resistance, hostility,
antagonism, disapproval, scepticism, optimistic nective 11 am really optimistic
unfriendliness, competition AN OPPOSITE IS about winning the match tomorrow. » cheerful,
support 2 In the argument she quickly won over confident, positive, hopeful, upbeat, sanguine,
the opposition. » opponents, opposing side, cheerful, buoyant AN OPPOSITE IS pessimistic
other side 2 The accounts included an optimistic assessment
of the financial outlook. » favourable,
oppressvers 1 He could not get rid of the gloomy encouraging, hopeful, upbeat, bright, rosy
feelings that oppressed him. » depress, cast AN OPPOSITE IS pessimistic
down, weigh down, burden, hang over, dispirit
2.a people that had been oppressed by successive optimumapective The announcement is timed to
invaders » persecute, abuse, maltreat, have the optimum effect. » best, maximum,
tyrannize, repress, suppress, subjugate, most favourable, most advantageous, highest,
subdue, keep down ideal, perfect AN OPPOSITE IS worst
oppressed apjctive oppressed minorities in the option noun We had little option but to agree.
community » persecuted, downtrodden, > choice, alternative, possibility
repressed, abused, maltreated, tyrannized, optional anective The exam consists of two
suppressed AN OPPOSITE |S privileged compulsory questions and an optional essay.
oppressive spective 1 an oppressive > voluntary, discretionary, non-compulsory,
dictatorship » dictatorial, autocratic, elective OPPOSITES ARE compulsory, obltgubey
or = ordinal number
OF CONUNCTION used to show that there is a choice orchestra oun orchestras a large group of
or an alternative @ Do you want a bun or a people-playing various musical instruments
biscuit? together
Or SUFFIX forms nouns meaning ‘a person or > orchestral ADJECTIVE
thing that does something’ (e.g. tailor, [from Greek, = the space where the chorus
refrigerator) danced during a play]
oracle Noun oracles 1a shrine where the orchid noun orchids a kind of plant with
ancient Greeks consulted one of their gods for brightly coloured, often unevenly shaped,
advice or a prophecy 2a wise or flowers
knowledgeable adviser ordain vers ordains, ordaining, ordained
> oracular (or- ak- yoo- ler) ADJECTIVE 1 make a person a member of the clergy in the
Christian Church e He was ordained in 2001.
oral apective 1 spoken, not written 2 todo with
or using the mouth 2 declare or order something by law
> orally ADVERB ordeal noun ordeals a difficult or horrific
usAcE Do not confuse with aural. experience
OFange NOUN oranges 1a round juicy citrus order noun orders 1acommand 2arequest
fruit with reddish-yellow peel 2a reddish- for something to be supplied 3 the way things
yellow colour are arranged e in alphabetical order 4a neat
arrangement; a proper arrangement or
orangeade noun an orange-flavoured drink
condition e in working order 5 obedience to
orang-utan Nou orang-utans a large ape of rules or laws @ law and order 6 a kind or sort
Borneo and Sumatra © She showed courage of the highest order. 7a
orator Noun orators a person who is good at group of monks or nuns who live by certain
making speeches in public religious rules
> oratorical ADJECTIVE oratory NOUN in order that Or in order to for the purpose of
orbit youn orbits 1 the curved path taken by order vers orders, ordering, ordered
something moving round a planet, moon, or 1 command 2 askforsomething to be supplied
star 2 the range of someone’s influence or 3 put something into order; arrange neatly
control orderly Apective 1 arranged neatly or well;
> orbital ADJECTIVE methodical 2 well-behaved and obedient
orbit vers orbits, orbiting, orbited move in an > orderliness NOUN
orbit round something e The satellite has been ordinal number noun ordinal numbers a
orbiting the earth since 1986. number that shows a thing’s position ina
orchard Noun orchards a piece of ground series, e.g. first, fifth, twentieth, etc. COMPARE
planted with fruit trees cardinal number

oral ADective Witnesses give oral evidence to the demand, application 5 the lowest orders in
inquiry. » spoken, unwritten, verbal, by society » class, rank, hierarchy 6 an ancient
mouth, said an opposite is written order of craftsmen association, society, guild,
orbit oun 1 the earth’s orbit round the sun company, lodge, brotherhood, sisterhood
> course, path, circuit, track, trajectory, 7 skills of a very high order » type, kind, sort,
rotation, revolution 2 This question is outside the nature, variety, category out of order 1 The
orbit of the ordinary officials. » domain, sphere, ticket machine was, as usual, out of order.
range, scope, ambit > broken, not working, inoperative 2 Remarks
like that would be ruled out of order.
orbit vers other planets that orbit the sun > improper, uncalled-for, unacceptable,
> circle, go round, travel round irregular, unwarranted
ordeal noun She helped nurse him back to health
after his four-year ordeal as a captive. > trial, order vers 1 She ordered them to leave the room.
tribulation, suffering, difficulty, test, torture, > instruct, command, direct, charge, enjoin
unpleasant experience, nightmare 21 ordered the tickets on the Internet. » book,
reserve, apply for, requisition 3 He tried hard to
order noun 1 He gave the order to charge. order his thoughts. » arrange, organize, sort
> command, directive, instruction, direction, out, set in order, regulate
decree, edict 2 It would not be easy to restore
order. » peace, control, calm, quiet, law and orderly spective 1The army began an orderly
order, discipline, harmony 3 The plants were withdrawal. » methodical, systematic,
putinina set order.» sequence, arrangement, ordered, regular, well organized, well regulated
disposition 4I’ve put in an order for a hundred AN OPPOSITE IS disorganized 2 The children were
storage boxes. » request, requisition, booking, told to form an orderly queue. » neat, tidy,
ordinary = origin
ordinary apjctive normal or usual; not special organizing of something
> ordinarily Apvers > organizational ADECTIVE
out of the ordinary unusual organize vers organizes, organizing,
ordination noun ordinations ordaining or organized 1 plan and prepare something
being ordained as a member of the clergy e We organized a picnic. 2 form people into a
Ordnance Survey noun an official survey group to work together 3 put things in order
organization that makes detailed maps of the > organizer NOUN
British Isles Orgasm Noun orgasms the climax of sexual
OFe NOUN ores rock with metal or other useful excitement
substances in it @ iron ore OFGY NOUN orgies 1a wild party that involves a
OfgaNnoun organs 1a musical instrument lot of drinking and sex 2 an extravagant
from which sounds are produced by air forced activity e an orgy of spending
through pipes, played by keys and pedals 2a oriental spective to do with the countries east
part of the body with aparticularfunction e the of the Mediterranean Sea, especially China and
digestive organs Japan
Organicapective 1 to do with the organs of the orientate vers orientates, orientating,
body @ organic diseases 2 to do with or formed orientated 1 place something or face ina
from living things @ organic matter 3 organic certain direction 2 get your bearings e I’m just
food is grown or produced without the use of trying to orientate myself.
chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. e organic > orientation NOUN
farming origami (o- rig- ah- mee) noun folding paper
> organically sbvers into decorative shapes [from Japanese ori= fold
organism Noun organisms a living thing; an + kami = paper]
individual animal or plant origin noun origins 1 the start of something;
organist oun organists a person who plays the point or cause from which something
the organ began 2.a person’s family background e a man
organization noun organizations 1 an of humble origins 3 the point where two or
organized group of people, such as a business, more axes ona graph meet [from Latin oriri = tb
charity, government department, etc. 2 the to rise]

controlled, well behaved AN OPPOSITE IS > institution, enterprise, operation, company,
disorderly (more informal) outfit, (more informal) set-up
ordinary nective 1 just an ordinary day's work organize vers 1 The protesters used mobile
> usual, normal, typical, habitual, customary phones and the Internet to organize a
OPPOSITES ARE unusual, abnormal 2 Susan is not demonstration. » arrange, coordinate, plan,
like ordinary women. » average, normal, make arrangements for, assemble, bring
typical, conventional opposites ARE abnormal, together, run 2 Try to organize your ideas on
unconventional 3 My life seemed so ordinary; I paper. » order, marshal, structure, assemble,
needed a change. » routine, humdrum, run-of- develop, coordinate, establish, systematize,
the-mill, dull, routine, unremarkable, put in order, form, shape
uninteresting, unexceptional, unexciting, organized spective a well organized sales
commonplace OPPOSITES ARE exceptional, promotion » systematic, coordinated,
unique efficient, well ordered, well planned, well run,
organicapjective 1 an organic substance meticulous, methodical, orderly, scientific,
> natural, animate, live, living, biological structured OPPOSITES ARE disorganized,
AN OPPOSITE IS inorganic 2 organic foods inefficient
> natural, additive-free, pesticide-free, non- orientor orientate vers 1 After her dad left she
chemical 3 society as an organic whole had to orientate herselftoa new way of life.
» integrated, organized, structured, coherent, > adapt, adjust, accommodate, familiarize,
systematic, harmonious AN OPPOSITE IS acclimatize, accustom 2 orientor orientate
disparate yourself They looked out for landmarks to orient
themselves. » get your bearings, get the lie of
organization noun. 1 Sara is responsible for the the land
organization of trips and visits. » planning,
administration, coordination, running oriental njective oriental countries » eastern,
2 Organization is an important aspect of essay Far Eastern, Asian, Asiatic
writing. » structure, planning, arrangement, origin Noun 1a discussion of the origin of the
composition 3 an international organization universe » beginning, start, birth, genesis,
with branches throughout the world dawning, emergence, inception, source
original = otter
original spective 1 existing from the start; oscillate vere oscillates, oscillating,
earliest e the original inhabitants 2 new in its oscillated 1 move to and fro like a pendulum;
design etc.; not a copy 3 producing new ideas; vibrate 2 waver or vary
inventive > oscillation NOUN oscillator NOUN
> originally Abvers originality NOUN osmosis noun the passing of fluid through a
originate vers originates, originating, porous partition into another more
originated 1 cause something to begin; concentrated fluid
create 2 have its origin e The quarrel originated
ostentatious Apective making a showy display
in rivalry. of something to impress people
> origination NOUN originator NOUN
> ostentatiously ADvERs ostentation NOUN
ornament joun ornaments an object
displayed or worn as a decoration osteopath noun osteopaths a person who
> ormamental ADJECTIVE treats certain medical conditions, diseases, etc.
by manipulating a patient’s bones and muscles
ornament vers ornaments, ornamenting, > osteopathy NOUN osteopathic ADJECTIVE
ornamented decorate something with
beautiful things ostrich Noun ostriches a large long-leqged
> ornamentation NOUN African bird that can run very fast but cannot
fly. It was said to bury its head in the sand when
ornithology oun the study of birds pursued, in the belief that it cannot then be
> ornithologist NOUN ornithological ADJECTIVE
orphan Noun orphans a child whose parents other apecnve 1 different e some other tune
are dead
2 remaining e Try the other shoe. 3 additional
orthodox apecive 1 holding beliefs that are e my other friends 4 just recent or past e I saw
correct or generally accepted 2 conventional him the other day.
or normal
> orthodoxy NOUN other Pronoun, Noun others the other person or
thing @ Where are the others?
Orthodox Church noun the Christian
Churches of eastern Europe otherwise apvers 1if things happen
differently; if you do not e Write it down,
orthopaedics (orth- o- pee- diks) noun the otherwise you'll forget. 2 in other ways e It
treatment of deformities and injuries to bones
and muscles rained, but otherwise the holiday was good.
3 differently e We could not do otherwise.
> orthopaedic ADJECTIVE
[from Greek orthos = straight+ paideia = rearing otter Noun otters a fish-eating animal with
of children (because the treatment was webbed feet, a flat tail, and thick brown fur,
originally of children)] living near water [from Old English]

OPPOSITES ARE end, conclusion 2.4 man ofIrish frill, frippery, finery, garnish, jewel, tracery 2a
origins » descent, ancestry, parentage, shelf covered with ornaments > trinket, knick-
extraction, family, pedigree, background, knack, bauble, gewgaw
ornamental apjective an ornamental ceiling
original nective 11 the original inhabitants of > decorative, fancy, attractive, ornate,
North America » earliest, first, indigenous, ornamented, showy
native, aboriginal, initial AN opposite is recent
2 an original idea for a story > new, creative, ornate ADJECTIVE ornate mirror over the
innovative, novel, fresh, unfamiliar, unique, fireplace >» ornamented, decorated, elaborate,
unusual, first-hand, imaginative, inventive, showy AN opposite (s plain 2 ornate language
unconventional opposites ARE unoriginal, > elaborate, florid, fancy, grandiose, affected,
commonplace 3 an original painting by Picasso pretentious
> authentic, genuine, real
originate vers 1 Where did the rumour orthodox apjective He has orthodox views on
originate? » arise, start, begin, emerge, most things. » conventional, mainstream,
emanate, evolve, be born, crop up 2 It is not established, conservative, standard,
clear who originated the idea. » conceive, traditional, conformist opposites ARE
unorthodox, unconventional
invent, create, initiate, introduce, inaugurate,
discover, inspire, pioneer, be the inventor of, ostentatious Apective Their ostentatious
give birth to, institute, launch attempts to look busy fools nobody. » showy,
ornament noun 14a plain style of clothing pretentious, conspicuous, flamboyant,
without ornament » decoration, adornment, obtrusive, vulgar, theatrical, overdone
embellishment, trimming, accessory, filigree, AN OPPOSITE IS modest
ought = outfit
ought auxiiary vers expressing duty (We ought USAGE Use hyphens when out of date is used as
to feed them), rightness or advisability (You an adjective before a noun, e.g. out- of- date
ought to take more exercise), or probability (At information (but The information is out of date).
this speed, we ought to be there by noon) out and outapective thorough or complete
oughtn’t (mainly spoken) ought not @ an out and out villain
OUNCeNoOUN ounces a unit of weight equal to outboard motornouw outboard motors a
one sixteenth of a pound (about 28 grams) motor fitted to the outside of a boat’s stern
Ourapective belonging to us outbreakwoun outbreaks the start of a
OUTS possessive PRONOUN belonging to us @ These disease or war or anger etc.
seats are ours. outburstnoun outbursts a sudden bursting
USAGE It is incorrect to write our’s. out of anger or laughter etc.
ourselves pronoun we or us and nobody else outcastnoun outcasts a person who has been
oustvers ousts, ousting, ousted drivea person rejected by family, friends, or society
out from a position or office outcrop noun outcrops a piece of rock froma
outapvers 1 away from or not in a particular lower level that sticks out on the surface of the
place or position or state etc.; not at home ground
2 into the open; into existence or sight etc. outcry Noun outcries a strong protest
© The sun came out. longer burning or outdovers outdoes, outdoing, outdid,
shining 4 in error e Your estimate was 10% out. outdone do better than another person
5 to or at an end; completely @ sold out e tired outdoors apvers in the open air
out 6 without restraint; boldly or loudly e Speak
out! 7 (in cricket) no longer batting outerapective outside or external; nearer to the
be out foror out tobe seeking or wanting outside
> outermost ADJECTIVE
e They are out to make trouble.
be out of have no more of something left outer spacenoun the universe beyond the
out of date 1 old-fashioned 2 not valid any earth’s atmosphere
more outfitvoun outfits 1 a set of clothes worn
out of doorsin the open air together 2a set of equipment 3 (informal) a
out of the way remote team or organization

oust vers The president knew that his opponent outdated apjective an outdated road network
would never unite to oust him. » depose, > out-of-date, obsolete, old-fashioned, dated,
overthrow, remove, drive out, expel, unseat, decrepit, antiquated, ancient
defeat outdovere Everyone tried to outdo each other
out-and-outapjpctive an out-and-out success
with stories of how exciting their holidays had
> complete, utter, outright, thoroughgoing, been. > surpass, outstrip, outshine, exceed,
downright, absolute, thorough, unmitigated eclipse, excel, be better than, outclass, beat
outdoor spective an outdoor sport such as
outbreaknoun 1 an outbreak of Sars; new archery ® open-air, outside, alfresco
outbreaks of violence » eruption, upsurge,
outer,njective 1 It was so hot they began to shed
outburst, epidemic, rash, spate 2 the outbreak
of war > start, beginning, onset their outer clothing. » outermost, exterior,
external, outside, outward, surface, superficial
outburstyoun At this there was a loud outburst 2 superstores built in the outer areas of cities
of laughter. » eruption, burst, explosion, > outlying, distant, remote, peripheral,
outbreak, surge, spasm further, suburban AN OPPOSITE IS inner
outcastnoun a social outcast » reject, pariah, outfitwoun 14 complete photography outfit
leper, outsider, exile, outlaw, castaway > equipment, kit, apparatus, (more informal)
outclass vers She won every game, outclassing gear, (more informal) set-up 2 The weather was
every rival. » surpass, outdo, outstrip,
still too cold for summer outfits. » costume,
outshine, beat, exceed, eclipse, excel, be better
ensemble, suit, dress, clothing, (informal) get-
up, (informal) turn-out, (more informal) gear,
(more informal) togs
outcome noun speculation about the outcome of outgoinganective 1 She was in a bright,
the next election » result, consequence, outgoing mood that day. » sociable, friendly,
conclusion, upshot, issue, conclusion amiable, genial, congenial, demonstrative,
outcry Noun an outcry about the state of the pleasant, agreeable, kind, kindly, kind-hearted,
railways > protest, complaint, furore, well-disposed, sympathetic, likeable,
clamour, tumult ' approachable, receptive 2 the outgoing
outgrow = outrage
outgrow vers outgrows, outgrowing, outline noun outlines 1a line round the
outgrew, outgrown 1 grow out of clothes or outside of something, showing its boundary or
habits etc. 2 grow faster or larger than another shape 2a summary
person or thing outlook noun outlooks 1a view on which
people look out 2 a person’s mental attitude to
outhouse noun outhouses a small building something 3 future prospects e The outlook is
(e.g. ashed or barn) that belongs to a house but
is separate from it
outlying spective far from the centre; remote
outing Noun outings a journey for pleasure @ the outlying districts
outmoded spective out of date
outlandish apectve looking or sounding outnumber vers outnumbers,
strange or foreign outnumbering, outnumbered be more
numerous than another group
outlast vers outlasts, outlasting, outlasted
last longer than something else outpatient noun outpatients a person who
visits a hospital for treatment but does not stay
outlaw Noun outlaws a person who is there
punished by being excluded from legal rights outpost noun outposts a distant settlement
and the protection of the law, especially a output oun outputs 1 the amount produced
robber or bandit 2 the information or results produced by a
outlay noun outlays what is spent on
something outrage Noun outrages 1 something that
shocks people by being very wicked or cruel
outlet voun outlets 1a way for something to 2 great anger
get out 2 a way of expressing strong feelings > outrageous AD/ECTIVE outrageously ADVERB
3 a place from which goods are sold or outrage vers outrages, outraging, outraged
distributed shock and anger people greatly

president » departing, leaving, retiring, were totally different in character and outlook.
former, ex- AN OPPOSITE IS incoming > attitude, way of thinking, standpoint,
outing Noun family outings to the coast » trip, viewpoint, frame of mind, point of view
excursion, jaunt, expedition, drive, run, ride, 3 Lower interest rates will improve the economic
joyride outlook, » prospects, expectations, forecast,
outlandish spective We could dream up all sorts hopes, future, prognosis, prediction, (more
of outlandish ideas. » weird, strange,
informal) lookout
extraordinary, odd, queer, eccentric, bizarre, outnumber vers On these occasions males
quirky usually outnumber females. >»exceed, be more
than, outstrip
outlaw noun those notorious outlaws Jesse and
Frank James » bandit, brigand, fugitive, out-of-date anjective 1 He handed over an out-
desperado, renegade, robber, marauder, of- date passport. » expired, lapsed, invalid,
criminal, outcast void 2 She was using a machine that was totally
outlaw vers The state in effect outlawed political out of date. » old-fashioned, outdated,
opposition. » ban, prohibit, bar, forbid, © obsolete, dated, obsolescent
disallow, banish, embargo, condemn, veto out-of-the-way apjective out- of- the- way places
outlet youn 1 The boiler has an outlet for fumes. > distant, outlying, faraway, remote, isolated,
> vent, duct, channel, opening, orifice, exit, far-flung, far-off
mouth, way out 2 We need a better outlet for output noun a marked increase in industrial
complaints. » channel, process, means 3 High output » production, productivity, product,
Street outlets for these goods » shop, store, yield, manufacture
retailer, market outrage noun 11 was outraged by the way he
outline noun 1 the outline of a low building spoke to me. » anger, indignation, fury,
> profile, silhouette, shape, form, contour, disgust, affront, horror 2 The country’s suffering
shadow, figure 2 (informal) He sat down and is an outrage. » scandal, disgrace, atrocity,
wrote an outline of his essay. » summary, enormity, barbarity, infamy
sketch, framework, skeleton, plan, draft, rough outrageous Apective 1 an outrageous slur on his
idea, bare bones character » disgraceful, shocking, scandalous,
outlook noun 1 The house has a glorious outlook appalling, monstrous, shameful, dreadful,
over the downs. » view, vista, prospect, intolerable, wicked, heinous AN OppOSITE Is
panorama, aspect, vantage point 2 The sisters mild 2 We were invited to tell outrageous stories

outright — over
outright apvers 1 completely; not gradually outskirts puraL noun the outer parts or
e This drug should be banned outright. 2 frankly districts, especially of a town ra
© We told him this outright. outsrenct ADJECTIVE Speaking or spoken very
outright apjctive thorough or complete e an frankly
outright fraud oufsrenaing ADJECTIVE 1 extremely good or
outrun vers outruns, outrunning, outran, distinguished 2 not yet paid or dealt with
outrun run faster or further than another outstrip vers outstrips, outstripping,
outset oun the beginning of something e from outstripped 1 run faster or further than
the outset of his career another; outrun 2 surpass in achievement or
outside noun outsides the outer side, surface,
or part outward apectve 1 going outwards 2 on the
at the outside at the most e a mile at the outside
outside > outwardly ADvers outwards ADVERB
outside apective 1 on or coming from the outwit vers outwits, outwitting, outwitted
outside'e the outside edge 2 greatest possible deceive somebody by being crafty
© the outside price 3 remote or slight e an Ova plural of ovum
outside chance oval anjective shaped like a 0, rounded and
outside spvers on or to the outside; outdoors longer than it is broad
@ Leave it outside e It’s cold outside > oval NouN
Ovary Noun ovaries 1 either of the two organs
outside preposition on or to the outside of
e Leave it outside the door.
in which ova or egg cells are produced ina
woman’s or female animal’s body 2 part ofthe
outside broadcast ow outside pistil in a plant, from which fruit is formed
broadcasts a broadcast made on location and Oven NOUN ovens a closed space in which things
not ina studio are cooked or heated
outsider noun outsiders 1 person'who does Over PrePosiTION 1 above 2 more than e It’s over
not belong to acertain group 2a horse or a mile away. 3 concerning e They quarrelled
person thought to have no chance of winning a over money. 4 across the top of; on or to the
race or competition other side of e They rowed the boat over the lake.
outsize Apjective much larger than average 5 during @ We can talk over dinner. 6 in

about people we knew. » far-fetched, outskirts PLural Noun a group of buildings on the
extravagant, preposterous, unlikely, outskirts of the city » outer areas, outlying
questionable, dubious AN OPPOSITE IS districts, edge, fringe, suburbs, margin,
reasonable 3 Ifyou’re not careful about the periphery, purlieus Opposites ARE centre, heart
extras the cost can become outrageous.
> excessive, exorbitant, extortionate outspoken Anjective some outspoken remarks
> frank, forthright, candid, direct, blunt, plain-
outright spective By now it was clear the whole. speaking, straightforward, unequivocal
story was an outright fabrication. » complete, OPPOSITES ARE guarded, diplomatic
utter, out-and-out, thoroughgoing,
downright, absolute, thorough, unmitigated outstanding Apjctive 1 She is an outstanding
AN OPPOSITE IS indefinite musician. » excellent, exceptional, superb,
superlative, fine, extraordinary, distinguished,
outside aneciive 1 An outside light will improve celebrated opposites ARE mediocre,
security. » exterior, external, outer, outdoor, unexceptional 2.All outstanding questions will be
outward AN opposite Is inside 2 We must resist answered.» unresolved, unsettled, remaining,
all outside interference. » external, extraneous, pending
foreign, alien AN opposite Is inside 3 There is an
outside chance of thunder. » slight, remote, outweigh vers The benefits of the scheme have to
slender, slim, faint, negligible outweigh the costs. » exceed, be better than, be
greater than, prevail over, override, have the
outside noun The outside of the building is edge on
covered inivy. exterior, facade, surface, outer
surface, shell, skin AN OPPOSITE IS inside outwit vers The besieged garrison managed to
outwit the enemy. » outsmart, dupe, fool,
outsider noun I still felt an outsider after years of hoodwink, hoax, cheat, deceive, trick, (more
living in the village. » stranger, visitor, informal) take in, (more informal) outfox
foreigner, alien, newcomer, incomer, ’
interloper, intruder, immigrant; non-resident, Oval apjective an oval lawn » egg-shaped,
outcast AN OpposiTE!S insider elliptical, ovoid
over = overlay
superiority or preference to e their victory over overcome VER. overcomes, overcoming,
United overcame, overcome 1 win a victory over
Over Apvers 1 out and down from the top or somebody; defeat 2 have a strong physical or
edge; from an upright position @ He fell over. emotional effect on someone and make them
2so that a different side shows @ Turn it over. helpless e He was overcome by the fumes. 3 find
3 at or to a place; across e Walk over to our a way of dealing with a problem etc.
house. 4 remaining e@ There is nothing left over. overdo vers overdoes, overdoing, overdid,
5 all through; thoroughly e Think it over. 6 at overdone 1 do something too much 2 cook
an end e The lesson is over. food for too long
over and over many times; repeatedly
overdosenoun overdoses too large a dose of
OVeEFNOUN overs a series of six balls bowled in a drug
cricket [from Old English]
overdraftnoun overdrafts the amount by
overact vers overacts, overacting, which a bank account is overdrawn
overacted (said about an actor) act in an
exaggerated manner overdraw vers overdraws, overdrawing,
overdrew, overdrawn draw more money
overall apective including everything; total from a bank account than the amount you have
@ the overall cost init
overalls piural noun a piece of clothing like a overdueapjecrive late; not paid or arrived etc. by
shirt and trousers combined, worn over other the proper time
clothes to protect them
overhaul vers overhauls, overhauling,
OverarmADECTIVE, ADveRB with the arm lifted overhauled 1 examine something thoroughly
above shoulder level and coming down in front and repair it if necessary 2 overtake
of the body e bowling overarm > overhaul NOUN
Overawe VERE overawes, overawing, overhead apjective, Apvers 1 above the level of
overawed overcome a person with awe your head 2 inthe sky
overbalance vers overbalances, overheads pura noun the expenses of running
overbalancing, overbalanced lose balance a business
and fall over
overhear vere overhears, overhearing,
overbearing nective domineering overheard hear something accidentally or
overblownapective 1 exaggerated or without the speaker intending you to hear it
pretentious 2 (said about a flower) too fully overjoyed apective filled with great joy
open; past its best
overlap vere overlaps, overlapping,
overboard apvers from in or ona ship into the overlapped 1 lie across part of something
water e She jumped overboard. 2 happen partly at the same time
overcastapective covered with cloud > overlap NOUN
Overcoat Noun overcoats a warm outdoor overlay vers overlays, ererains. overlaid
coat cover with a layer; lie on top of something

overall anective It was a good overall result. overdue pjective 1 The train is overdue. > late,
> general, all-inclusive, all-embracing, ° delayed, behind time, tardy, unpunctual, slow
comprehensive, inclusive AN OPPOSITE IS AN OPPOSITE Is early 2 Our phone bill is overdue.
specific > unpaid, unsettled, outstanding, owing, in
overall apvers Things have improved overall. arrears
> generally, in general, generally speaking, overeat vers The food was so dreadful at least
altogether, all in all, for the most part, on the there was no danger of them overeating.
whole, in the main, on balance, on average > overindulge, eat too much, be greedy,
overcome vers 1 Neither army was strong gorge, guzzle, binge, (more informal) stuff
enough to overcome the other. » defeat, beat, yourself, (more informal) make a pig of yourself
conquer, overpower, vanquish, overwhelm, OPPOSITES ARE diet, fast, undereat
trounce 2 It would be be easy to overcome his fear overflow vers The water tank overflowed,
offlying. » control, master, get the better of, causing damage to the roof. » spill over, flow
repress, subdue over, pour over, run over, brim over, flood
overdo vers She spoilt her case by overdoing the pd ed anjective Brian was overjoyed at the
emotion. » exaggerate, overstate, overplay, birth of his daughter. » thrilled, delighted,
overemphasize, overdramatize opposites ARE ecstatic, pleased, excited, happy, glad
underplay, play down OPPOSITES ARE dejected, disappointed
overload = overturn
overload vere overloads, overloading, OVeFrrun vers overruns, overrunning,
overloaded put too great a load on someone overran, overrun 1 spread over and occupy a
or something or harm something e Mice overran the place.
2 go on for longer than it should e The us
overlook vers overlooks, overlooking, broadcast overran by ten minutes.
overlooked 1 not notice or consider
something 2 deliberately ignore something oversee vers oversees, overseeing, oversaw,
wrong; not punish an offence 3 have a view overseerf watch over or supervise people
over something working
> overseer NOUN
Overpower vers overpowers,
overpowering, overpowered defeat oversight oun oversights a mistake made by
not noticing something j-
someone by greater strength or numbers
overtake vers overtakes, overtaking,
overpowering 4DEcTive very strong overtook, overtaken 1 passa moving vehicle Gi
or person etc. 2 catch up with someone
Overrate vers overrates, overrating,
overrated have too high an opinion of overthrow vers overthrows, overthrowing,
something overthrew, overthrown remove someone
from power by force @ They overthrew the king.
override vers overrides, overriding, overtime noun time spent working outside the
overrode, overridden. 1 overrule 2 be more normal hours; payment for this A
important than e Safety overrides all other
overture oun overtures 1 a piece of music le
> overriding ADJECTIVE
written as an introduction to an opera, ballet,
etc. 2a friendly attempt to start a discussion
overrule vers overrules, overruling, © They made overtures ofpeace.
overruled reject a suggestion etc. by using overturn vers overturns, overturning, m
your authority @ We voted for having a disco but overturned 1 turn over or upside down
the headteacher overruled the idea. 2 reverse a legal decision

overlook vere 1a mistake we are willing to overtake vers 1 Huge lorries were overtaking Dp
overlook > ignore, disregard, take no notice of, one another. » pass, pull ahead of, go past, :
pay no attention to, discount, overlook, pass overhaul, catch up with 2 Fruit had overtaken oil a
over, let pass, excuse, forget, make light of, as the country’s main export. » outstrip,
brush aside, (more informal) turn. blind eye to exceed, surpass, outdo 3 Another disaster fi
AN OPPOSITE IS penalize 2 The house overlooks a overtook the family. » befall, overwhelm,
car park. » look out on, have a view of, look on overpower, strike, hit, afflict, engulf
to, look over, face, front overthrow vers The emperor was finally
overthrown by his own guard. » depose, oust,
overpowering spective 1 an overpowering remove, drive out, expel, unseat, defeat
feeling of sorrow » overwhelming, overthrow noun the overthrow of the tyrant
irrepressible, irresistible, uncontrollable, > downfall, defeat, removal, fall, collapse, ‘
oppressive, intense Opposites ARE slight, weak deposing, ousting, expulsion, unseating v
2 The smell was overpowering. > stifling, overtone noun The word ‘compulsory’ has saa
suffocating, nauseating, sickening, pungent threatening overtones. » connotation, vu
AN OPPOSITE IS mild 3 overpowering evidence of association, implication, undertone,
their guilt » compelling, irrefutable, undercurrent, reverberation, suggestion
undeniable, incontrovertible, conclusive, overturn vers 1 The boat overturned in a squall.
forceful, powerful, strong OPPOSITES ARE > capsize, turn over, tip over, keel over, turn
unconvincing, inconclusive turtle, overbalance 2 Someone had overturned a
box of tools over the garage floor. » upset, spill,
overrule vers A higher court overruled the knock over, tip over, topple 3 The decision was
decision. » overturn, override, revoke, reverse, overturned in the House of Lords. » overrule,
cancel, rescind, quash, set aside, countermand override, revoke, reverse, cancel, rescind,
OPPOSITES ARE confirm, endorse, allow quash, set aside, countermand
overweight pjctive Ihad put on two stone and
oversight noun The delay was caused by was noticeably overweight. » fat, obese,
oversight. » omission, lapse, carelessness, corpulent, gross Opposites ARE underweight,
neglect, error undernourished
overwhelm = ozone layer
overwhelm vers overwhelms, — . OWN VERB owns, owning, owned 1 possess;
overwhelming, overwhelmed 1 bury or have something as your property
drown beneath a huge mass 2 overcome 2 acknowledge or admit something e I own
completely that I made a mistake.
> overwhelming ADJECTIVE own up confess; admit guilt
ovum (oh- vum) Noun ova a female cell that can owner Noun owners the person who owns
develop into a new individual when it is something
fertilized [from Latin, = egg] > ownership NOUN
own goal noun own goals a goal scored bya
Owe VERB owes, owing, owed 1 havea duty to member of a team against their own side
pay or give something to someone, especially
money 2 have something because of the OX NOUN oxen a large animal kept for its meat
action of another person or thing @ They owed and for pulling carts
their lives to the pilot’s skill. oxide noun oxides a compound of oxygen and
owing to because of; caused by one other element
USAGE The use of owing to as a preposition oxygen Noun acolourless odourless tasteless
meaning ‘because of’ is entirely acceptable, gas that exists in the air and is essential for
unlike this use of due to, which some people living things
object to. See note at due.
oyster Noun oysters a kind of shellfish whose
owl noun owls a bird of prey with large eyes, shell sometimes contains a pearl
usually flying at night ozone noun a form of oxygen with a sharp smell
own apjective belonging to yourself or itself ozone layer noun a layer of ozone high in the
get your own back get revenge atmosphere, protecting the earth from
on your ownalone harmful amounts of the sun’s radiation

overwhelm vers 1 The home side payable, owed, unsettled, overdue
overwhelmed the visitors in the league game. owing to He would not use the lifts, owing to his
> defeat, overcome, crush, overpower, rout, claustrophobia. » because of, as a result of, on
trounce, win against, conquer, vanquish, account of, as a consequence of, by reason of,
subdue, get the better of, (more informal) thanks to
thrash 2 @ Monsoons would soon overwhelm the
region. » overrun, inundate, submerge, own vers Many more people own their own house.
engulf, flood, deluge, bury 3 She bent her > possess, be the owner of, have, hold
head, overwhelmed by grief. » overcome, own up to He was waiting for a good moment to
overpower, strike, crush own up to the mistake. » confess, admit,
overwhelming nective 1 The campaign acknowledge, tell the truth about, (more
received overwhelming support. » strong, informal) come clean about, (more informal)
massive, formidable, sweeping, forceful, make a clean breast of
powerful 2 The army suffered another ownernoun 1 Maintenance of the service road is
overwhelming defeat. » crushing, devastating, the responsibility of the properties’ owners.
great, overpowering > possessor, proprietor, freeholder, landlord,
Owing ADECTIVE There is a small amount of money landlady 2 Dog owner should not let their pets
still owing. » due, outstanding, unpaid, ° foul the pavements. » keeper, master, mistress
p > pad

pack vers packs, packing, packed 1 put things
into a suitcase, bag, or boxetc. in orderto move
or store them 2 crowd together; fill tightly
pack off (informal) send a person away
are a person packing (informal) dismiss him
P ABBREVIATION penny or pence or her
[P- ABBREVIATION pp. page package oun packages 1a parcel or packet
Pace noun paces 1 one step in walking, 2a number of things offered or accepted
marching, or running 2 speed e He set a fast together
pace. > packaging NOUN
pacemaker noun pacemakers 1a person package holiday noun package holidays a
who sets the pace for another in a race 2 an holiday with all the travel and accommodation
electrical device to keep the heart beating arranged and included in the price
pacifist (pas-if-ist) youn pacifists a person packet youn packets a small parcel
who believes that war is always wrong
> pacifism Noun pack ice noun a mass of pieces of ice floating in
pacify vers pacifies, pacifying, pacified the sea
1 calm a person down 2 bring peace to a pad oun pads 1a soft thick mass of material,
country or to people who are fighting used e.g. to protect or stuff something 2a
> pacification Noun
piece of soft material worn to protect your leg
pack.oun packs 1 bundle or collection of in cricket and other games 3 a set of sheets of
things wrapped or tied together 2. set of paper fastened together at one edge 4 the soft
playing cards (usually 52) 3.a bag carried on fleshy part under an animal’s foot or the end of
your back 4a large amount e a pack of lies 5a a finger or toe 5 a flat surface from which
group of hounds or wolves etc. 6 a group of rockets are launched or where helicopters take
people; a group of Brownies or Cub Scouts off and land

Pacenoun 1 She moved back a few paces, » step, quit, (informal) chuck in
stride 2 The traffic was moving at a slow pace. pack up 1 (informal) The microwave chose that
> speed, rate, velocity, movement, quickness, very moment to pack up. » break down, stop
gait, (informal) lick 3 They quickened their pace working, go wrong, fail, develop a fault, (more
toa run. » stride, gait, tread, walk, march, formal) malfunction, (informal) play up,
speed, progress (informal) act up 2 (informal) Ifyou’re not
Pace vers Richard paced up and down for ages having a good time perhaps it’s time to pack up.
before going in. » walk, stride, tread, march > stop, break off, call it a day
pacify vers It was too late to pacify her now, and
she stormed off. » appease, placate, calm, package noun A strange package arrived by
conciliate, mollify, soothe, assuage, propitiate, special delivery. » parcel, packet, container,
quieten AN OPPOSITE IS anger consignment
pack oun 1 The bookshelves come in a self-
assembly pack. A pack of cigarettes lay on the packed a packed room » crowded, full,
table. » package, packet, container, carton, crammed, jam-packed, chock-a-block
box, parcel, bundle 2a group of walkers
with packs on their backs » backpack, rucksack, packet woun 1 a packet ofsugar> pack, carton,
knapsack, kitbag 3a pack of wolves >» group, bag, box, container 2 a packet (informal) new
herd, troop 4a pack ofyouths » group, shoes that cost a packet » a fortune, a small
crowd, band, gang, set, throng, horde, fortune, a huge amount, a king’s ransom,
mob (informal) an arm and aleg
pack vers 1 The children helped to pack the
hamper. > fill, load, stuff, put things in 2 She pact noun The two countries signed a non-
decided to pack her belongings and leave. aggression pact. » treaty, alliance, agreement,
> bundle, parcel, wrap, stow, store 3 On rainy settlement, truce, protocol, understanding
days visitors pack the local museums. » throng,
crowd into, cram into, squash into, squeeze padwoun 1 Take a pad to sit on as the seats are
into, fill, jam ' hard. » cushion, pillow, padding, squab,
pack in (informal) James has decided to pack in bolster, wad 2 She made notes on a small pad.
his job. » give up, leave, resign from, (informal) > notebook, notepad, jotter, sketchbook
pad = pain
pad vers pads, padding, padded put a pad on In Christian Latin the word was used of anyone
or in something who was a civilian in the sense of not being in
pad out make a book, speech, etc. longer than the ‘army’ of Christ.]
it needs to be page! noun pages a piece of paper that is part
padding noun material used to pad things of a book or newspaper etc.; one side of this
paddle" vers paddles, paddling, paddled Page’ Noun pages 1a boy or man employed to
walk about in shallow water go on errands or be an attendant 2 ayoung boy
> paddle Noun attending a bride at a wedding
paddle? now paddles a short oar with a broad
blade; something shaped like this pageant noun pageants 1 a play or
entertainment about historical events and
paddle vers paddies, paddling. paddled people 2 procession of people in costume as
move a boat along with a paddle or paddles;
row gently an entertainment
> pageantry NOUN
paddock noun paddocks a small field where
horses are kept pagoda (pag- oh- da) noun pagodas a
padlockwnoun padlocks a detachable lock with Buddhist tower, or a Hindu temple shaped like
a metal loop that passes through a ring or chain a pyramid, in India and the Far East [via
etc. Portuguese from Persian]
> padiock vers paid past tense of pay
paediatrics (peed- ee- at- riks) noun the study put paid to (informal) put an end to
of children’s diseases someone’s activity or hope etc.
> paediatric AD/ECTIVE paediatrician NOUN
[from Greek paidos = of a child + iatros = doctor] pail noun pails a bucket
pagan (pay- gan) Noun pagams a person who painoun pains 1 anunpleasant feeling caused
does not believe in one of the chief religions; a by injury or disease 2 suffering in the mind
heathen > painful ADQECTIVE painfully ADvers painless
[from Latin paganus = country dweller, civilian. take pains make a careful effort with work etc.

pad vers 1 You can pad the cushion with plastic Pagan ADJECTIVE pagan festivals » heathen,
foam. > stuff, pack, fill, line, upholster 2 He infidel, ungodly, atheistic, godless, idolatrous,
padded along to the bathroom. » walk, creep, irreligious, unchristian
tiptoe USAGE See the note at the previous entry.
pad out Try not to pad out your letter with Page Noun 1He had written a whole page by the
irrelevant detail. » expand, inflate, fill out, time she returned. » side, sheet, folio, leaf
elaborate, lengthen, spin out, stretch out 2 Clare’s little brother had been a page at her
padding noun 1 The sofa burst open and masses es wedding. » pageboy, attendant, train-
of grey padding fell out. » stuffing, wadding, earer
filling, cushioning 2 The story could be much pain Noun 1 The pain in his tooth was fading.
shorter but for all the tedious padding. > ache, soreness, hurt, tenderness, throb,
> verbiage, verbosity, prolixity, wordiness, discomfort 2 How could anyone be expected to
(informal) waffle put up with so much pain? » suffering,
paddlenoun You'll need to use the paddle to reach discomfort, agony, affliction 3 the pain oflosing
the shore. » oar, scull a child » grief, sorrow, distress, torment,
anguish, misery, trauma 4 (informal) Younger
paddle vers 1 We paddled furiously to get to brothers could be a pain at times like this.
safety.» row, scull, pull 2 You can paddle along > nuisance, pest, bother, bore, trial,
way out at low tide. » dabble, wade, splash tribulation, inconvenience
pain vers It pained him to think of all the trouble
Pagan Noun pagans who worshipped nature they had been through. » hurt, sadden, grieve,
> heathen, infidel, non-believer, unbeliever distress, mortify
USAGE You should only use pagan with
reference to people in the past. It is an painful apjective 1 The knight had a painful
unfavourable term used by Christians and wound in his side. » sore, hurting, tender,
other believers in God to refertonon-believers. agonizing, excruciating 2 The journey had been
Itis not an ordinary equivalent to words suchas a painful experience. » unpleasant, traumatic,
atheist, which is a more neutral term for disagreeable, bitter, wretched
someone who believes there is no God. OPPOSITES ARE pleasant, agreeable
painkiller — pamper
painkillernoun painkillers a medicine or drug forwards, e.g. radar or Madam, I’m Adam [from
that relieves pain Greek palindromos = running back again]
painstaking apjective very careful and paling oun palings a fence made of wooden
thorough posts or railings; one of its posts
paintnoun paints a liquid substance put on
something to colour it pall’ (pawl) noun pals 1a cloth spread overa
> paintboxnoun paintbrushnoun coffin 2 a dark covering e A pall of smoke lay
over the town.
paintvers paints, painting, painted 1 put
paint on something 2 make a picture with pall? (pawl) vers palls, palling, palled become
paints uninteresting or boring to someone e The
painting oun paintings 1 painted picture novelty of the new computer game soon began to
2 using paints to make a picture pall.
pairnoun pairs 1 set of two things or people; palliative noun palliatives something that
a couple 2 something made of two joined parts lessens pain or suffering
@ a pair of scissors > palliative aDjective
pairvers pairs, pairing, paired put two things palmwoun palms 1 the inner part of the hand,
together as a pair between the fingers and the wrist 2 apalm tree
pair off or up forma couple palm off deceive a person into accepting
palace noun palaces a mansion where aking, something
queen, or other important person lives
palm treenoun palmtrees a tropical tree with
palatable apecrve tasting pleasant large leaves and no branches
palate noun palates 1 the roof of your mouth
2 a person’s sense of taste palpitate vers palpitates, palpitating,
palpitated 1 (said about the heart) beat hard
pale! apjective 1 almost white e a pale face 2 not and quickly 2 (said about a person) quiver with
bright in colour or light e pale green e the pale fear or excitement
moonlight > palpitation noun
> palelyapvers paleness Noun
pale? noun pales a boundary Ppampasnoun wide grassy plains in South
beyond the pale beyond the limits of good America
taste or behaviour etc. pamper vers pampers, pampering,
palindrome noun palindromes a word or pampered treat or look after someone very
phrase that reads the same backwards as kindly and indulgently

| Thesaurus
paint noun They chose a bright paint for the palace noun a royal palace open to the public
walls. » colour, pigment, tint, colouring, > official residence, chateau, mansion, stately
stain home, castle RELATED ADJECTIVE palatial
pale soctive 11 He frowned and turned pale.
paintvers 1 Kim couldn’t make up her mind > pallid, white, wan, ashen, anaemic, sallow
whether to paint the room or paper it. » colour, AN OPPOSITE IS flushed 2 pale shade ofpink
tint, use paint on, coat with paint, apply paint > light, soft, muted, pastel, faint, weak
to, decorate 2 The article paints a vivid picture of OPPOSITES ARE dark, strong 3. pale light » dim,
life in rural Wales. » describe, depict, portray, weak, watery, feeble opposites ARE bright,
present, sketch, outline, delineate strong
painting Noun She was eager to buy one of his pally apjective The two men had become quite pally
larger paintings. » picture, oil painting, over the years.» friendly, close, on goodterms,
watercolour intimate, (informal) matey, (informal) chummy
palmivers palm off They palmed off the worst
pairnoun 1a pair of earrings > set, set of wines on their visitors. » foist, fob off, get rid of,
two 2 The guests drank to the happy pair. dispose of, offload, (more informal) unload
> couple, partners, husband and wife, man
paltry apjctive All he gave was a paltry five
and wife 3 The pair sang, one standing and the
pounds. » meagre, negligible, pitiful,
other at the piano. » couple, duo, two,
miserable, modest, scanty, scant, sparse, (more
informal) mingy, (more informal) measly
pal noun (informal) The boys had been pals OPPOSITES ARE generous, extravagant
since primary school. » friend, companion, pamper vers His mother tended to pamper him.
(informal) mate, (informal) buddy, (informal) > spoil, indulge, overindulge, cosset,
chum mollycoddle, coddle, humour, pander to
pamphlet — parabola
pamphiet youn pamphlets a leaflet or booklet pant vers pants, panting, panted take short
giving information on a subject [from quick breaths, usually after running or working
Pamphilet, the name of along 12th-century hard
poem in Latin] panther noun panthers a leopard, especially a
black one
pam Noun pans 1 a wide container with a flat
base, used for cooking etc. 2 something pantomime noun pantomimes 1 a Christmas
shaped like this 3 the bowl of a lavatory entertainment, usually based on a fairy tale
pancake noun pancakes a thin round cake of pantry noun pantries a small room for storing
batter fried on both sides
food; a larder
panda noun pandas a large bear-like black-and- pamts piural Noun (informal) 1 underpants or
white animal found in China knickers 2 (American) trousers
pandemonium noun uproar and complete Paper NOUN papers 1a substance made in thin
confusion [from Pandemonium, John Milton’s sheets from wood, rags, etc. and used for
name for the capital of hell in his poem writing or printing or drawing on or for
‘Paradise Lost’, from pan- = all + demon] wrapping things 2 a newspaper 3 wallpaper
Pane noun panes a sheet ofglass in a window 4adocument 5 aset of examination questions
© ahistory paper
panel youn panels 1a long flat piece of wood,
metal, etc. that is part of adoor, wall, piece of Paper vers papers, papering, papered covera
furniture, etc. 2.a flat board with controls or wall or room with wallpaper
instruments on it 3 a group of people chosen paperback noun paperbacks a book witha
to discuss or decide something thin flexible cover
> panelled apjective panelling NouN papier maché (pap- yay mash- ay) Noun
Pang Noun pangs a sudden sharp pain paper made into pulp and moulded to make
models, ornaments, etc.
panic noun sudden uncontrollable fear
> panic-stricken ADJECTIVE panicky ADJECTIVE parable noun parables a story told to teach
people something, especially one of those told
Pamic vers panics, panicking, panicked fill or by Jesus Christ
be filled with panic parabola (pa- rab- ol-a) noun parabolas a
panorama Noun panoramas a view or picture curve like the path of an object thrown into the
of a wide area air and falling down again
> panoramic ADJECTIVE > parabolic ADJECTIVE

pamphlet youn a pamphlet on bee-keeping judges. » group, team, body, board, council,
> leaflet, brochure, booklet, handout, folder, commission
panic Noun They rushed out in panic. » alarm,
pan noun Fry the mushrooms and onions in a large fright, fear, trepidation, consternation, horror,
pan.» frying-pan, saucepan, container, vessel, terror, frenzy
pamic vers There is no need to panic yet. » be
pan vere (informal) The reviews all panned the film
mercilessly. » criticize, attack, lambaste, alarmed, take fright, lose your head, lose your
censure, (informal) hammer, (informal) take nerve, overreact, (more informal) flap
apart, (informal) knock OPPOSITES ARE Praise, panicky apjective Her voice became breathless and
commend, recommend panicky. » panicstricken, alarmed, frantic,
panache noun Julian produced the flowers with hysterical, frightened, overexcited, terror-
all the panache of a successful conjuror. stricken, unnerved AN OPPOSITE Is calm
> confidence, enthusiasm, flourish, spirit, pants Noun a pair ofpants >» underpants, briefs,
style, verve, zest trunks, shorts, (for men) boxer shorts, (for men)
pandemonium noun The meeting ended in Y-fronts, (for women) panties, (for women)
pandemonium. » chaos, uproar, bedlam, knickers
mayhem, confusion, disorder, muddle
Paper Noun 1 They had to show their papers at
pander vers the border. » document, credentials,
pander to Susan was prepared to pander to some identification, authorization, certificate 2 Il go
of their foibles, but there were limits. » gratify, and buy a paper. » newspaper, daily,
indulge, satisfy, caterto broadsheet (= large newspaper), tabloid (=
panel noun’ 1 He stared at the control panel, small newspaper), magazine 3 Her father was
looking for the right switch. » console, fascia, writing a paper for a medical journal. » article,
board 2 The case will be decided by a panel of essay, study, lecture, dissertation, thesis
parachute - parcel
parachute noun parachutes an umbrella-like paralyse vers paralyses, paralysing,
device on which people or things can float paralysed 1 cause paralysis in a person etc.
slowly to the ground from an aircraft 2 make something be unable to move e She
> parachute vers parachutist noun was paralysed with fear.
parade noun parades 1a procession that paralysis noun being unable to move,
displays people or things 2 an assembly of especially because of a disease or an injury to
troops for inspection, drill, etc.; a ground for the nerves
this 3a public square, promenade, or row of > paralytic (pa- ra- lit- ik) ADJECTIVE
paramedic youn paramedics a person who is
parade vers parades, parading, paraded trained to do medical work, especially
1 move ina parade 2 assemble for a parade emergency first aid, but is not a fully qualified
paradise noun 1 heaven; a heavenly place doctor
2 the Garden of Eden
parameter (pa- ram-it- er) Noun parameters
paradox noun paradoxes a statement that a quantity, quality, or factor that is variable and
seems to contradict itself but is in fact true affects other things by its changes
> paradoxical apective paradoxically Apvers USAGE Do not confuse with perimeter.
paraffin voun akind of oil used as fuel
paramount spective more important than
paragraph noun paragraphs one or more anything else e Secrecy is paramount.
sentences ona single subject, forming a
section of apiece of writing and beginningona parapet noun parapets alow wall along the
new line, usually slightly in from the margin of edge of a balcony, bridge, roof, etc.
the page paraphernalia oun numerous pieces of
parallel nective 1 (said aboutlines etc.) side by equipment, belongings, etc.
side and the same distance apart from each paraphrase vers paraphrases,
other for their whole length, like railway lines paraphrasing, paraphrased give the
2 similar or corresponding e When petrol prices meaning of something by using different words
rise there is a parallel rise in bus fares. > paraphrase Noun
> parallelism Noun
parasite noun parasites an animal or plant that
parallel youn parallels 1 something similar or lives in or on another, from which it gets its food
corresponding 2.acomparison e You can draw > parasitic ADjective
a parallel between the two situations. 3 aline that [from Greek parasitos = quest at a meal]
is parallel to another 4 line of latitude
USAGE Take care with the spelling of this word: paratroops p.ural Noun troops trained to be
one ‘t’, two ‘I’s, then one ‘1’. dropped from aircraft by parachute
parallelogram noun parallelograms a > paratrooper NOUN
quadrilateral with its opposite sides equal and parcel youn parcels something wrapped up to
parallel be sent by post or carried

parade noun a military parade » procession, standstill, immobilize, bring to.a halt, cripple,
march, cavalcade, spectacle, display, pageant, halt, freeze
review, show paralysed apjctive I had a paralysed right arm.
parade vers 1 The teams will parade through the > disabled, handicapped, incapacitated,
city. » process, troop, march past 2 He immobilized, crippled, lame, unusable
paraded up and down in the corridor. » stride,
strut, walk 3 She was eager to parade her paralysis noun 14a disease that can cause
knowledge. » display, show off, demonstrate, paralysis » immobility, incapacity, paraplegia
2 paralysis of the country’s transport system
exhibit, make a show of > shutdown, immobilization, stopping,
paradise noun 1 non-Christian theories about standstill
Paradise » heaven, Utopia, Eden, Elysium,
nirvana 2 Their holiday had been absolute parameter noun It is important to define the
paradise. » bliss, heaven, joy, delight, ecstasy parameters for this research. » criterion,
guideline, framework, limit, boundary
parallel vere Their lives parallel each other in
many respects. » resemble, match, be similar paramount spective an issue ofparamount
to, compare with, correspond to importance » supreme, prime, primary,
central, pre-eminent, highest, cardinal,
paralyse vers 1 The injury paralysed his right leg
foremost, utmost
for atime. > disable, immobilize, cripple,
incapacitate, deaden 2 The country was parcel noun a parcel offood » package, packet,
paralysed by a wave of strikes. » bring toa pack, consignment, bale, bundle, carton

parcel — part
parcel ers parcels, parcelling parcelled parkwoun parks 1a large garden or recreation
1 wrap something up as a parcel 2 divide ground for public use 2 an area of grassland or
something into portions @ parcel out the work woodland belonging to a country house
[from old French, related to particle] parkvers parks, parking parkedleavea
vehicle somewhere for a time
parchedypective very dry or thirsty
parliamentyoun parliaments the assembly
parchmentyoun parchmentsa kind of heavy that makes a country’s laws
paper, originally made from animal skins [from > parliamentary Adjective
the city of Pergamum, now in Turkey, where [from early French parlement = speaking]
parchment was made in ancient times] parlournouy parlours (old use) a sitting room
pardonwoun 1 forgiveness 2 the cancelling of parodynoun parodiesan amusing imitation of
a punishment e a free pardon the style of a writer, composer, literary work,
pardonvers pardons, pardoning pardoned
1 forgive or excuse somebody 2 cancel a parodyvers parodies, parodying parodied
person’s punishment make or be a parody of a person or thing
> pardonableapective pardonablyspvers parolenoun the release of a prisoner before the
end of his or her sentence on condition of good
pardommrerection used to mean ‘| didn’t hear behaviour @ He was on parole.
or understand what you said’ > parolevers
parentyoun parents 1 a father or mother; a paroxysm(pa-roks-izm) Noun paroxysmsa
living thing that has produced others ofits kind sudden outburst of rage, jealousy, laughter, etc.
2 a source from which others are derived e the parrotyoun parrots a brightly coloured
parent company tropical bird that can learn to repeat words etc.
> parenthoodyoun parentingnoun parsleywoun a plant with crinkled green leaves
parental (pa- rent- al) ADjECTIVE used to flavour and decorate food
parenthesis(pa- ren- thi- sis) noun parsnipyoun parsnipsa plant with a pointed
parentheses 1 something extra that is pale yellow root used as a vegetable
inserted in a sentence, usually between parsOmnoun parsonsa member of the clergy,
brackets or dashes 2 either ofthe pair of especially a rector or vicar
brackets (like these) used to mark off words
partyoun parts 1 some but not all of athing or
from the rest of a sentence
number of things; anything that belongs to
> parenthetical apjective
something bigger 2 the character played by an
parishwoun parishes a district with its own actor or actress 3 the words spoken by a
church character in a play 4 how much a person or
> parishionernoun thing is involved in something e She played a
[from Greek paroikia = neighbourhood] huge part in her daughter’s success. 5 one side in

parcelvers parcel outLand was parceled out in parkvers She parked the car outside her friend’s
small plots. » divide up, distribute, share out, house. » leave, position, station, stop, place
apportion, portion out, split up parliamentnoun The country’s parliament dates
pardonvers 1 The king would pardon them if back to the Middle Ages. > legislature, congress,
they admitted their guilt. » forgive, excuse, assembly, council, government, senate,
absolve, grant a pardon to, reprieve, amnesty, conclave, convocation
acquit AN OPPOSITE ISpunish 2 These are faults parodynoun 1 He swivelled his hips in a parody
we can forgive and even admire. » forgive, of the belly dance.» caricature, lampoon, comic
excuse, condone imitation, mimicry, mockery, skit, (more
pardomnoun A pardon was offered to the rebels. informal) take-off, (more informal) spoof, (more
> amnesty, reprieve, release, discharge informal) send-up 2 The article was no more than
a parody of the truth. » travesty, distortion,
parentwoun She had an elderly parent to look mockery, caricature
after. » mother or father, guardian
ParSOMnoun The parson shook hands outside the
paremtagenoun a young man of Indian church. » clergyman, clergywoman, cleric,
parentage > origin, ancestry, lineage, minister, priest, vicar, preacher
pedigree, extraction, descent, heredity, roots, Partyoun 1 This is only one part of the story.
stock, derivation, blood, ancestors, forebears > bit, piece, portion, segment, section,
parknoun The children went off to play in the episode, chapter, constituent
park. » recreation ground, public gardens, OPPOSITES AREWhole, entirety 2A part of the
playground, parkland house had been closed off. » section, portion
part = partisan
an agreement or in a dispute or quarrel an adjective (e.g. a guided missile; a guiding
take in good part not be offended at light) The past participle (e.g. gone, guided).
something describes acompleted action or past condition.
take part join in an activity The present participle (which ends in -ing)
part vers parts, parting, parted separate or describes a continuing action or condition.
divide particle noun particles avery small piece or
part with give away or get rid of something amount
part exchange noun giving something that particular anective 1 of this one and no other;
you own as part of the price of what you are individual @ This particular stamp is very rare.
2 special @ Take particular care of it. 3 giving
partial anjective 1 not complete or total e a something close attention; choosing carefully
partial eclipse 2 favouring one side more than e@ He is very particular about his clothes.
the other; biased or unfair > particularly Apvers particularity NOUN
> partially apvers partiality Noun
be partial to be fond of something particular noun particulars a detail orsingle
fact e Can you give me some particulars of the
participate vers participates, participating, job?
participated take part or have a share in in particular 1 especially e We liked this one in
something particular. 2 special e We did nothing in
> participant Noun participation noun particular.
participator NOUN
parting noun partings 1 leaving or separation
participle noun participles a word formed 2. line where hair is combed away in different
from a verb (e.g. gone, going; guided, guiding)
and used with an auxiliary verb to form certain
tenses (e.g. It has gone. It is going.) or the partisan noun partisans 1a strong supporter
Passive (e.g. We were guided to our seats), or as of a party or group etc. 2a member of an

3 The washing machine has broken and needs a particular spective 1 The article criticized a
new part. » component, element, unit particular group of companies. » specific,
4 Deborah would take the lead part in the school certain, distinct, definite, discrete 2 This is a
play. » role, character 5 Her parents lived in matter ofparticular interest to us. » special,
another part of town. » region, district, exceptional, marked, unusual, uncommon,
neighbourhood, quarter, section, sector noteworthy, remarkable 3 He was not too
6 Their part in the affair had not been very
particular about the methods they used. > fussy,
distinguished. » involvement, role, function,
concern, responsibility, contribution (to) discriminating, finicky, fastidious, (more
informal) choosy
part vers 1 They did not want to part on such bad
terms. » separate, leave, say goodbye, say particulars Piura. oun A police officer will call to
farewell, break up, go away OPPOSITES ARE meet, take your particulars. » details, facts,
reunite 2 The authorities are anxious not to part information, circumstances
the children. » separate, divide, split
part with advertising designed to persuade particularly aovers The river trip is particularly
shoppers to part with their money. » give up, enjoyable. » especially, exceptionally,
relinquish, hand over, let go of, give up, forgo, remarkably, unusually, distinctly, notably
surrender, discard
parting noun 1 It will be an emotional parting.
partial spective 1 The economic collapse was > farewell, goodbye, departure, leaving
followed by a partial recovery. » incomplete, OPPOSITES ARE meeting, reunion 2 They would
qualified, limited, restricted, imperfect, tell their son and daughter that evening about
unfinished AN OpPosITE IS complete their intended parting. » separation, breakup,
be partial to She had always been partial to a split-up, divorce AN Opposite Is reconciliation
cream tea. » like, love, enjoy, be fond of, have a
fondness for, be keen on, appreciate, (more partisan noun The country was swarming with
informal) go for Tito’s partisans, » supporter, follower,
adherent, devotee, champion, guerrilla, fighter
particle noun There was not a single particle of
food left. » bit, piece, morsel, scrap, shred, partisan apecrive the bitterly partisan nature of
crumb, drop, fragment, grain, iota, jot, sliver, the debate » biased, one-sided, prejudiced,
speck coloured, partial, slanted, factional
partition = pass
organization resisting the authorities in a part-timespjpctive, aovers working for only
conquered country some of the normal hours
> part-timernoun
partitionnoun partitions 1 a thin wall that
divides a room or space 2 dividing something, partynoun parties 1 gathering of people to
especially a country, into separate parts enjoy themselves @ a birthday party 2.a group
working or travelling together 3 an organized
partitionvers partitions, partitioning, group of people with similar political beliefs
partitioned 1 divide something into separate e the Labour Party 4a person whois involved in
parts 2 divide a room or space by means of a an action or lawsuit etc. @ the guilty party
PasSvers passes, passing, passed 1 go past
partlysovers to some extent but not something; go or move in a certain direction
completely 2 move something in a certain direction @ Pass
partnernoun. partners 1 one of a pair of the cord through the ring. 3 give or transfer
people who do something together, such as something to another person e Could you pass
dancing or playing agame 2a person who the butter? 4 (in ball games) kick or throw the
jointly owns a business with one or more other ball to another player of your own side 5 be
people 3 the person that someone is married successful in a test or examination 6 approve
to or is having a sexual relationship with or accept @ They passed a law. 7 occupy time
> partnershipnoun e They passed several hours chatting together.
8 happen e We heard what passed when they
part of speechnoun parts of speech any of met. 9come to anend 10 utter e Pass a
the groups (also called word classes) into remark. 11 (ina game, quiz, etc.) let your turn
which words are divided in grammar (noun, go by or choose not to answer
pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, pass out 1 complete your military training
conjunction, and interjection) 2 faint
partridgenoun partridges a game bird with PASSNOUN passes 1 passing something 2a
brown feathers success in an examination 3 (in ball games)

partitionnoun 1 the partition of the country 3a search party » team, crew, squad,
after the war > division, dividing, splitting, company, group
breaking-up 2A partition separated the two
parts of aroom. » screen, panel, divider, Passvers 1 Lots of heavy traffic passed through the
barrier, dividing wall village. » drive, go, move, stream, progress
2 She went to pass him the sugar and spilled it.
partitionvers A UN resolution partitioned the > hand, give, deliver 3 Eventually the storm
country into two states. » divide, split, passed. » blow over, go away, fade, fade away,
subdivide, separate disappear, come to an end 4 As time passed he
partlyaovers The work was now partly finished gradually forgot her. » elapse, go by, advance,
> partially, in part, to some extent, up to a progress, tick by
point pass away He passed away in his sleep. » die,
partnernoun 1 Jack had been his business Pass on, lose your life, meet your end, breathe
partner for many years. » colleague, associate, your last, expire
collaborator, ally, confederate, comrade, pass off The meeting passed off without any
companion 2 Staff were encouraged to bring’ trouble. » happen, take place, go off, occur,
their partners to the party. » girlfriend or turn out
boyfriend, husband or wife, spouse, consort, pass outShe must have passed out. » faint, lose
mate consciousness, black out, (more informal) flake
partnershipnoun 1 business partnership Pass overPerhaps we can pass over these
> company, firm, corporation, organization, mistakes. » disregard, overlook, ignore, forget,
syndicate, alliance, combination, cooperative, take no notice of, pay no attention to, discount
affiliation 2 a partnership between nations pass upHe was not one to pass up a chance of a
> cooperation, association, coalition,
free holiday. » forgo, reject, refuse, turn down,
collaboration miss out on
partynoun 1a flat-warming party
> celebration, gathering, festivity, function, PASSNoUN 1 pass through the mountains
merrymaking, (humorous) jollification, (more > route, way, defile, gap, gorge, ravine,
informal) get-together, (more informal) do 2a canyon 2 Your pass.will get you into all the city’s
political party » faction, group, grouping, museums. > permit, ticket, warrant, authority,
league, alliance, association, cabal, coalition authorization, licence
passage = past
kicking or throwing the ball to another player of active 3 (in grammar, said about a form of a
your own side 4a permit to go in or out of a verb) used when the subject of the sentence
place 5a route through a gap ina range of receives the action, e.g. was hit in ‘She was hit
mountains 6 a critical state of affairs e Things on the head’. compare active 4 (said about an
have come to a pretty pass! activity) that you get the effect of because
Passage NouN passages 1a way through other people are doing it © passive smoking
something; a corridor 2 a journey by sea or air > passively ADVERB passiveness NOUN
3 a section of a piece of writing or music passivity NOUN
4 passing e the passage of time
> passageway NOUN Passover Noun a Jewish religious festival
Passenger Noun passengers a person who is commemorating the freeing of the Jews from
driven or carried in a car, train, ship, or aircraft slavery in Egypt [from pass over, because
etc. according to the Bible God spared the Jews
from the fate which affected the Egyptians]
passer-by noun passers-by a person who
happens to be going past something passport noun passports an official document
Passion NouN passions 1strong emotion that entitles the person holding it to travel
2 great enthusiasm abroad
the Passion the sufferings ofJesus Christ at the
Crucifixion password Noun passwords 1 asecret word or
[from Latin passio = suffering] phrase used to distinguish friends from
enemies 2a word you need to key in to gain
passionate apective full of passion
access to certain computer files
> passionately ADverB
passive apective 1 not resisting or fighting past nective of the time gone by e during the
against something 2 acted upon and not past week

passable apective 1 The food was no more than commitment (to) opposites ARE indifference
passable.» adequate, acceptable, satisfactory, (to), apathy 2 He recalled the passion with which
tolerable, moderate, ordinary, sufficient, all she had kissed him. » feeling, ardour, intensity,
right, fair, mediocre, middling, (more informal) emotion, fervour, love, longing, craving,
SO-SO AN OPPOSITE IS Unacceptable 2 The road is desire, excitement, fire, heat
passable again after being closed because offloods. AN OPPOSITE IS detachment 3 He spoke with a
> traversable, navigable, open, usable, fierce passion. » emotion, feeling, vehemence,
unblocked, clear AN opposite Is impassable anger, rage, fury, frenzy, paroxysm
Passage Noun 1 the passage of time » passing, OPPOSITES ARE coolness, indifference
advance, course, march, progress,
progression, moving on 24 sea passage passionate apjective 1 passionate appeal for
> crossing, journey, voyage, trip, cruise, sail help » impassioned, emotional, heartfelt,
3 a narrow passage leading to the garden intense, ardent, fervent, impulsive
> corridor, passageway, walkway, opposites ARE half-hearted, cool 2 a passionate
thoroughfare, hallway, way through 4a embrace » loving, amorous, sensual, (more
passage between the two houses > alley, informal) steamy AN opposite Is cold 3 His
alleyway, path, pathway, way, lane, track 5a
passionate temperament got the better of him.
passage from The Amber Spyglass » excerpt,
> excitable, hot-blooded, intense, fiery, wild,
extract, section, episode, scene, paragraph,
piece, quotation violent opposites ARE placid, phlegmatic
passenger noun Passengers were told to get out Passive ADecTive 1 a passive acceptance of
at the next station. » traveller, commuter, hardship » submissive, resigned, compliant,
voyager, rider impassive, docile, long-suffering, non-violent,
passer-by noun Passers-by stopped and looked. indifferent, patient, unresisting
> bystander, onlooker, observer, spectator, OPPOSITES ARE active, lively 2 Tim had played a
watcher, witness, eyewitness passive role in the affair. » inactive, uninvolved,
passing Apjctive a passing feeling of regret non-participating OPPOSITES ARE active,
> brief, temporary, short-lived, transient, assertive
momentary, cursory, short
passion noun 1 You could talk about your passion past ADecTIVE memories of past happiness
for hang-gliding. » fondness, enthusiasm, > bygone, former, previous, earlier, ended,
eagerness, keenness (on), mania, appetite, finished, gone, (more informal) over and done
interest (in), fanaticism, zeal, craving, with opposirTes ARE present, future
past - patchy
pastnoun the time gone by pasturenoun pastures land covered with grass
etc. that cattle, sheep, or horses can eat
pastprerosirion 1 beyond e Walk past the school.
2 after @ It is past midnight. pasture vers pastures, pasturing, pastured
past it (slang) too old to be able to do put animals to graze in a pasture
something pasty’ (pas- tee) Noun pasties pastry with a
pastenoun pastes 1 soft, moist, and sticky filling of meat and vegetables, baked without a
substance 2 aglue, especially for paper 3 a soft dish to shape it
edible mixturee tomato paste 4a hard glassy pasty? (pay- stee) apjective looking pale and
substance used to make imitation jewellery unhealthy
paste vers pastes, pasting, pasted 1 stick patvers pats, patting, patted tap gently with
something onto a surface by using paste 2 coat the hand open or with something flat
something with paste 3 (slang) beat or thrash
someone patwoun pats 1a patting movement or sound
2 asmall piece of butter or other soft substance
pastelvoun pastels 1 a crayon thatis like chalk a pat on the backpraise
2 light delicate colour
patchnoun patches 1 a piece of material or
vers pasteurizes, pasteurizing, metal etc. put over a hole or damaged place
pasteurized purify milk by heating and then 2 an area that is different from its surroundings
cooling it [named after Louis Pasteur, a 19th- 3 a piece of ground e the cabbage patch 4a
century French scientist who invented the small area or piece of something e There are
process] patches offog.
pastillenoun pastilles a small flavoured sweet nota patch on(informal) not nearly as good as
for sucking patchvers patches, patching, patched puta
pastimenoun pastimes something you do to patch on something
make time pass pleasantly; a hobby or game patch up 1 repair something roughly 2 settle
pastoral agective to do with country life e a a quarrel
pastoral scene patchworkwoun needlework in which small
pastrynoun pastries 1 dough madewith flour, pieces of different cloth are sewn edge to edge
fat, and water, rolled flat and baked patchy sojctive occurring in patches; uneven
2 something made of pastry > patchilysbvers patchinessNoun

pastnoun She was trying hard to forget the past. patapyective His answers sounded pat, as ifhe’d
> antiquity, days gone by, history, old days, rehearsed them. > glib, slick, facile, simplistic,
olden days, past times OPPOSITES AREpresent, smooth, unconvincing, perfunctory,
future superficial
pastenoun 1 He used paste to fix his photos in an pataovers 1 She trotted out her suggestion pat.
album. » glue, gum, adhesive, fixative 2 Mix > opportunely, at the right moment, in.a
the ingredients into a smooth paste. » purée, timely way
spread, mixture, pulp off pat They have the right language offpat.
> by heart, by rote, word for word, parrot-
pastevers She was busy pasting wallpaper. > fix, fashion
fasten, glue, gum, hang
patchwoun 1 old jeans covered in patches
pastimeoun a time when art was a rich man’s
> mend, repair 2 The family was going through
pastime » hobby, activity, recreation, a difficult patch. » period, time, spell, phase,
diversion, amusement, entertainment,
stretch 3 Harry had a vegetable patch up the
occupation, game, sport, relaxation
road. » plot, piece of ground, strip, row, area
pastoralapective 1 a pastoral scene of trees and patchhivers He had got someone to patch his jacket
cows > rural, rustic, country, outdoor,
at the elbow. » mend, repair, reinforce, puta
agrarian, bucolic, farming, idyllic patch on, cover, darn, fix, sew up, stitch up
AN OPPOSITE ISurban 2 the pastoral duties of a
vicar’s wife > ecclesiastical, priestly, parochial, patchyanycrive 1 They drove through stretches of
ministerial, caring patchy fog. » irregular, uneven, sporadic,
intermittent, variable, erratic, inconsistent,
pasty pecrive a row ofpeople with pasty faces unpredictable, bitty, changeable
> pale, pallid, white, wan, sickly, anaemic,
AN OPPOSITE ISconstant 2 a piece ofpatchy grass
unhealthy. opposites AREhealthy, ruddy
> uneven, speckled, mottled, dappled,
patvers Les leaned forward to pat her hand. multicoloured 3 Their story was patchy and
> tap, touch, dab, stroke, rub, fondle confusing. » fragmentary, deficient, variable,

pate — patron
paté (pat- ay) Noun patés paste made of meat patience noun 1 being patient 2a card game
or fish for one person
paté de foie gras (pat- ay der fwah grah) patient apective able to wait or put up with
NOUN a rich paste made from goose liver trouble or inconvenience without becoming
patent (pat- ent, pay- tent) Noun patents the anxious or angry
official right given to an inventor to make or sell > patiently Apvers
his orher invention and to prevent other people patient \oun patients a person who has
from copying it treatment from a doctor or dentist etc.
patent vers patents, patenting, patented get Patio Noun patios a paved area beside a house
a patent for something [from Spanish, = courtyard]
patent apective obvious patriarch (pay- tree- ark) noun patriarchs
> patently ADVERB 1 the male who is head of a family or tribe 2a
paternal apective 1 to dowitha father bishop of high rank in the Orthodox Christian
2 fatherly churches
> paternally ADvers > patriarchal ADJECTIVE
paternalistic anective treating people ina patriot (pay- tree- ot, pat- ree- ot) Noun
paternal way; providing for people’s needs but patriots a person who loves his or her country
giving them no responsibility and supports it loyally
> paternalism NOUN > patriotic ADJECTIVE patriotically ADvers
patriotism NOUN
paternity Noun 1 fatherhood 2 being the
father of a particular baby patrol vere patrols, patrolling, patrolled
walk or travel regularly over an area in order to
path noun paths 1a narrow way along which guard it and see that all is well
people or animals can walk 2 aline along which
patrol noun patrols 1 patrolling group of
a person or thing moves 3a course of action
people, ships, aircraft, etc. 2 a group of Scouts
pathetic apective 1 making you feel pity or or Guides
sympathy 2 miserably inadequate or useless on patrol patrolling
© a pathetic attempt
patron (pay- tron) Noun patrons 1someone
> pathetically spvers who supports a person or cause with money or
pathos (pay- thoss) oun a quality of making encouragement 2a regular customer
people feel pity or sympathy > patronage (pat- ron- ij) Noun

limited, inadequate OPPOSITES ARE impatient, intolerant 2 The task
OPPOSITES ARE Comprehensive, complete called for a great deal ofpatient work. » diligent,
path noun 1a path by the railway line persistent, persevering, tenacious,
> footpath, pathway, track, alley, lane 2 His determined, dogged, resolved, purposeful
path was blocked by the barricades. » way, patient noun the relation between doctor and
route, course, passage, progress patient > invalid, sick person, sufferer, case
pathetic nective 1 a pathetic wave of the hand
> pitiful, pitiable, poignant, plaintive, sad, patriotic anective Many of his patriotic songs
touching, moving, affecting, distressing, have a stirring lilt. » nationalistic, loyal, flag-
heartrending, lamentable, wretched waving, (disapproving) jingoistic, (disapproving)
2 (informal) He added up his pathetic savings. chauvinistic
> inadequate, paltry, meagre, feeble, patrol noun 1 Security guards remain on patrol
derisory, miserable, wretched, worthless all night. » surveillance, watch, guard, duty
patience noun 1 Great care and patience is 2A four-man patrol set off through the jungle.
needed to avoid damaging the plants. v ge rd, lookout, party, task force, convoy,
> diligence, perseverance, persistence, self- etai
control, stoicism, endurance, fortitude 2 Will’s
behaviour was stretching their patience to the patrol vers Guards with dogs patrol the estate.
limit. » toleration, forbearance, composure, > police, tour, inspect, keep watch on, be on
calmness, restraint, equanimity, resignation patrol on, go the rounds of
patient apective 1 She tried to be patient while patron noun 1 (informal) a patron of the arts
her husband hunted for the key. » composed, > sponsor, supporter, benefactor, champion,
calm, self-controlled, restrained, forbearing, backer, defender 2 Parking outside the shops is
indulgent, tolerant, lenient, understanding, for patrons only. » client, customer, (more
forbearing, philosophical informal) regular
patronize — pawnbroker
patronize (pat- ron- I’z) vers, patronizes, pause vers pauses, pausing, paused 1 stop
patronizing, patronized 1 bea regular speaking or doing something for a short time
customer of a particular shop, restaurant, etc. 2 temporarily interrupt the playing of a CD,
2 talktosomeone ina way that shows you think videotape, etc.
they are stupid or inferior to you
Pave vers paves, eying. paved lay a hard
patter! noun aseries of light tapping surface on a road or path etc.
sounds > paving stoneNOUN
pave the way prepare for something
patter vers patters, pattering, pattered pavementnou pavements a paved path
make light tapping sounds e Rain pattered on along the side of a street
the window panes.
pavilionnoun pavilions 1 a building for use by
patter? Noun the quick talk of a comedian, players and spectators etc., especially at a
conjuror, salesperson, etc. [originally = recite a cricket ground 2 an ornamental building or
prayer: from Latin pater noster = Our Father, the shelter used for dances, concerts, exhibitions,
first words of a Christian prayer] etc.

patternoun patterns 1a repeated Paw Noun paws the foot of an animal that has
arrangement of lines, shapes, or colours etc. claws
2. thing to be copied in order to make paw vers paws, pawing, pawed touch or
something e a dress pattern 3 the regular way scrape something with a hand or foot
in which something happens e Our French
classes follow a set pattern. 4an excellent
pawn! noun pawns 1 the least valuable piece
in chess 2a person whose actions are
example or model
controlled by somebody else
> patterned ADJECTIVE
pawn? vers pawns, pawning, pawned leave
paunchwoun paunches a large belly something with a pawnbroker as security for a
PaUlpernoun paupers a person who is very
poor pawnbrokernoun pawnbrokers a
shopkeeper who lends money to people in
PAUSENOUN pauses a temporary stop in return for objects that they leave as security
speaking or doing something > pawnshop Noun

patronize vere 1 The parents ofgirls like Sally norm, original, precedent, archetype,
patronized the little shop.» do business with, be criterion, prototype, sample, specimen 3 The
a customer of, frequent, shop at, buy from, insects have a special behaviour pattern.
deal with 2 The nobility patronized music and the > system, order, method, scheme
arts. » sponsor, support, finance, back, foster, paupernoun The revolution left the family almost
encourage 3 She accused them of patronizing paupers. » beggar, bankrupt, insolvent, down
her. » condescend to, talk down to, look down and out
on, put down
Pause vers She paused for a moment before going
Ssatronizinganective The British should learn to in. > hesitate, wait, stop, delay, halt, waver,
adopt a less patronizing tone. » condescending, hang back, break off, rest, have a pause
supercilious, superior, disdainful, haughty, .
pausenoun There was a short pause while the
lofty, paternalistic, snobbish band regrouped. » break, interruption,
Opposites AREhumble, modest interval, delay, rest, wait, interlude,
pattervers 1 Rain pattered against the window. intermission, lull, stoppage, respite, stop,
> beat, tap, rattle, clatter, pitter-patter 2 The suspension, (more informal) breather
children pattered up to their rooms. ® scurry, pavevere She decided to pave part of the garden to
scamper, scuttle put a table on. » cover, concrete, flag, tile,
pattervoun 1 the patter offeet > pattering, asphalt
pitter-patter, scurrying, scuttling 2a pave the way forTax cuts paved the way for an
salesman’s patter » chatter, babble, line, (more economic recovery. » prepare for, lay the
informal) spiel foundations for, clear the way for, herald,
pattermnoun 1 patterns drawn in the sand
> design, device, figure, motif, shape, pavementwoun A parked car was blocking the
figuration, arrangement, decoration, pavement. » footpath, path, walkway,
ornamentation 2 Their actions might set a (American) sidewa
pattern » example, model, standard, guide, Paw Noun She stroked the cat’s paw. » foot, pad
pay > peal
Pay vers pays, paying,paid 1 give money in peace noun 1atime when there is no war,
return for goods or services 2 give what is violence, or disorder 2 quietness and calm
owed e pay your debts e pay the rent 3be peaceable spective fond of peace; not
profitable or worthwhile e It pays to advertise quarrelsome or warlike
4 give or express e Try to pay attention e It’s > peaceably apvers
time we paid them a visit e He doesn’t often pay
people compliments 5 suffer a penalty 6 let outa
peaceful anective quiet and calm
> peacefully snvers peacefulness Noun
rope by loosening it gradually
> payer NOUN peach noun peaches 1around soft juicy fruit
pay off 1 pay in full what you owe 2be with a pinkish or yellowish skin and a large
worthwhile or have good results e All the stone 2 (informal) an extremely good thing e a
preparation she did really paid off. peach of a shot
pay up pay the full amount you owe peacock noun peacocks a large male bird with
along brightly coloured tail that it can spread
Pay Noun salary or wages out like a fan
payable apyctive that must be paid > peahen Noun
Payment youn payments 1 paying 2 money peak noun peaks 1 pointed top, especially of
paid a mountain 2 the highest or most intense part
of something e Traffic reaches its peak at 5 p.m.
payphone noun payphones a public 3 the part of a cap that sticks out in front
telephone operated by coins or a card > peaked apjective
PC assreviaTion 1 personal computer 2 police peak vers peaks, peaking, peaked reach its
constable highest point or value
PE agsreviarion physical education peal noun peals 1 the loud ringing ofabell or
Pea noun peas the small round green seed of a set of bells 2 aloud burst of thunder or laughter
climbing plant, growing inside a pod and used peal vers peals, pealing, pealed (said about
as a vegetable; the plant bearing these pods bells) ring loudly

Pay noun Her pay would go up in April. peaceable apyctive a peaceable nation > peace-
> income, earnings, salary, wages, payment, loving, unwarlike, non-violent, pacific,
(more formal) remuneration, (more formal) peaceful, placid, conciliatory, cooperative,
emolument friendly, harmonious OPPOSITES ARE aggressive,
Pay vers 11d rather pay more and get a better warlike, belligerent
machine. » spend, expend, pay out, part with, peacefull anyective 1 a peaceful part ofthe country
(more informal) shell out, (more informal) dish > quiet, restful, serene, tranquil, secluded,
out 2 He said he’d pay me for the broken window. undisturbed, unruffled, untroubled, calm, still,
> reimburse, recompense, refund, repay, pay pleasant, relaxing, balmy OPPOSITES ARE noisy,
back 3 Stella is trying to pay her debts. troubled 2 The country wants to resolve the
> discharge, settle, pay off, meet, clear, dispute in a peaceful manner. » calm, cordial,
honour 417] make them pay for this. » suffer, amicable, friendly, orderly 3 Tanya had a
make amends, atone, answer 5 It would pay us peaceful temperament. » serene, calm, placid,
to wait until the new model comes out. » benefit, amicable, friendly, unruffled, pacific, gentle
profit, be an advantage to OPPOSITES ARE turbulent, agitated
payment noun 1 You can settle in six or twelve
monthly payments, > instalment, contribution, peak youn 1 the peaks of the mountains
remittance 2 There is a discount for prompt > summit, tip, top, crest, pinnacle, crown,
payment. » settlement, remittance 3 You get point 2 Ruth had reached the peak of her career.
extra payment for working late. » pay, wages, > height, highest point, zenith, acme, climax,
income, remuneration culmination OPPOSITES ARE nadir, trough
peace noun 1 It’s not easy to get any peace in this pealky apyective Josh had been looking peaky all
house. > tranquillity, calm, quiet, silence, morning, and stayed at home. > pale, pallid,
relaxation, hush OPPOSITES ARE disturbance, pasty, unwell, sickly, poorly, queasy, out of
noise 2 The country longed for peace after years sorts
of civil unrest. » order, harmony, peal youn apeal of bells » chime, carillon,
harmoniousness, non-violence
ringing, clang
AN OPPOSITE IS disorder 3A peace will be signed
and the war ended. » armistice, truce, peal vere The bells pealed » chime, ring, toll,
ceasefire, treaty, agreement, concord resound, resonate
peanut — peel
peanutyoun peanutsa small round nut that pedalvers pedals pedalling pedalleduse a
grows ina pod in the ground pedal; move or work something, especially a
bicycle; by means of pedals
pearnoun pearsa juicy fruit that gets narrower
near the stalk pedanticagyective too concerned with minor
details or with sticking strictly to formal rules
pearlvoun pearlsa small shiny white ball found > pedanticallyapvers
in the shells of some oysters and used as a jewel
> pearlyADjecTiVve peddlevers peddles peddling peddled 1 go
from house to house selling goods 2 sell illegal
peasantnoun peasantsa person who belongs drugs 3 try to get people to accept an idea, way
to a farming community, especially in poor of life, etc.
areas of the world
> peasantryNoun pedestalvou pedestals
the raised base on
[from Latin paganus = country dweller] which a statue or pillar etc. stands
put someone on a pedestaladmire him or
peatwoun rotted plant material that can be dug her greatly
out of the ground and used as fuel or in
gardening pedestrianyoun pedestriansa person who is
D> peatyAdjective walking
[from Latin peta, probably from a Celtic word] pedestriamagecmve ordinary and dull
pebblenouy pebblesa small round stone pedestrian crossingyoun pedestrian
> pebblyapyective crossingsa place where pedestrians can cross
the road safely
peckvers pecks pecking pecked 1 bite at
something quickly with the beak 2 kiss pedigreenoun pedigreesa list of a person’s or
someone lightly on the cheek animal’s ancestors, especially to show how well
an animal has been bred [from early French pé
peckwoun pecks 1a quick bite by abird 2a de grue = crane’s foot (from the shape made by
light kiss on the cheek the lines on a family tree)]
peckishoyective (informal) hungry pedlarnoun pedlarsa person who goes from
peculiarapjective 1 strange or unusual house to house selling small things [from
2 belonging to a particular person, place, or Middle English ped = a hamper or basket (in
thing; restricted e This custom is peculiar to this which a pedlar carried his goods)]
tribe. peelyoun peelsthe skin of certain fruits and
> peculiarlyapvers peculiaritynoun vegetables
pedalyoun pedalsa lever pressed by the foot to peelvers peels peeling peeled 1 remove the
operate a bicycle, car, machine, etc. or in peel or covering from something 2 come off in
certain musical instruments strips or layers 3 lose a covering or skin

peasamtnoun 1 There were rows of peasants characteristic, eccentricity 2 We will have to
picking tomatoes in the fields. » countryman, accept the peculiarity of this arrangement.
rustic, farmhand, yokel 2 (informal) He became > strangeness, abnormality, oddness, oddity,
angry and called them a bunch ofpeasants. eccentricity, bizarreness
> lout, oaf, bumpkin
pedanticanyective 1 He has a pedantic style of
peculiarapjective 1 Something peculiar was writing. » academic, bookish, formal,
happening to her computer. » strange, odd, humourless, learned, old-fashioned, pompous,
unusual, weird, curious, funny, extraordinary, scholarly, schoolmasterly, stilted
bizarre, abnormal, OPPOSITES AREnormal, AN OPPOSITE ISinformal 2 a pedantic application
ordinary 2 By that stage of the journey we were of the rules » inflexible, precise, strict, over-
all feeling a bit peculiar. » unwell, ill, sick, scrupulous, unimaginative, (more informal) nit-
poorly, queasy, out of sorts 3 Norman had his picking AN opPOsITE Isflexible
own peculiar way of doing things. » special,
characteristic, distinctive, individual, peekvers A face peeked round the doorway.
particular, singular, unique, idiosyncratic, > peep, peer, glance, look
(more informal) wacky, (more informal) screwy peekwoun He took a quick peek at the recipe.
peculiaritynoun 1 Find out about the > peep, glance, glimpse, look
peculiarities of the local weather when you go
peelwoun Orange peel lay in a spiral on the table.
abroad. He had a strange physical peculiarity.
> rind, skin, covering, zest
> oddity, peculiar or special feature,
abnormality, foible, idiosyncrasy, quirk, trait, peelvere Jeff peeled an apple. » pare, skin, strip
peelings > pending
peelings p.urai noun strips of skin peeled from pelican crossing noun pelican crossings a
potatoes etc. place where pedestrians can cross a street
safely by operating lights that signal traffic to
Peep vers peeps, peeping, peeped 1 look stop
quickly or secretly 2 look through a narrow
opening 3 come slowly or briefly into view pellet noun pellets a tiny ball of metal, food,
e The moon peeped out from behind the clouds. Paper, etc.
> peep Noun peephole noun pelt'vers pelts, pelting, pelted 1 throwalot
of things at someone 2 run fast 3 rain very
peer |vers peers, peering, peered look at hard
something closely or with difficulty at full pelt as fast as possible
peer? oun peers 1anoble 2someone who is pelt 2 noun pelts an animal skin, especially with
equal to another in rank, merit, or age etc. the fur still on it
e@ She had no peer. pen ' youn pens an instrument with a point for
> peeress NOUN peerage NOUN writing with ink
pen noun pens an enclosure for cattle, sheep,
peer group noun peer groups a group of hens, or other animals
people of roughly the same age or status
pen vers pens, penning, penned shut animals
peerless spective without an equal; better than etc. into a pen or other enclosed space
the others penalize vers penalizes, penalizing,
penalized punish; give someone a penalty
peevish apecrve irritable > penalization Noun
Peg Noun pegs apiece of wood or metal or penalty youn penalties 1apunishment 2a
plastic for fastening things together or for point or advantage given to one side in a game
hanging things on when a member ofthe other side has broken a
rule, e.g. a free kick at goal in football
Peg vers pegs, pegging, pegged 1 fix
something with pegs 2 keep wages or prices at
a fixed level pencil oun pencils an instrument for drawing
peg away work diligently; persevere or writing, made of a thin stick of graphite or
peg out (slang) die coloured chalk etc. enclosed in a cylinder of
wood or metal
Pekinese orPekingese noun Pekinese or pendant noun pendants an ornament worn
Pekingese a small kind of dog with short legs, hanging on a cord or chain round the neck
a flat face, and long silky hair [from Peking, the
old name of Beijing, the capital of China (where pending preposition 1 until e Please take charge,
pending his return. 2 during @ pending these
the breed came from)] discussions
pelican youn pelicans alarge bird with a pouch pending apective 1 waiting to be decided or
in its long beak for storing fish settled 2 about to happen

peep vers Jane peeped through the keyhole. will be pegged for six months. » fix, hold, hold
> peek, peer, glance, look down, keep down, freeze, control
peep noun Have a peep at the baby. » peek,
glance, glimpse, look pelt vers 1 The men were pelting each other with
snowballs. » bombard, shower, attack, assail,
peer vers A woman peered at us from a corner of batter 2 It was pelting down outside. » pour,
the room. » gaze, look, glance, squint, peep, teem, rain cats and dogs 3 The players pelted
peek back to the dressing room. » rush, dash, run,
peeved spective Paula still felt peeved about it. hurry, sprint, charge, streak
> annoyed, irritated, angry, cross, displeased,
vexed, infuriated, incensed, enraged, (more peM noun 1 sheep ina pen» enclosure,
informal) miffed, (more informal) put out compound, paddock, stockade 2 He wrote it
AN OPPOSITE IS pleased down with a pen. > ballpoint, biro, felt-tipped
pen, fountain pen
Peg Noun She put her coat on a peg. » hook, pin,
spike, knob penalty noun a fixed penalty for illegal parking
peg vers 1 Make sure you peg the tent to the > punishment, fine, forfeit
ground, » fasten, fix, secure, attach 2 Prices AN OPPOSITE IS reward
pendulum — pepper
pendulumwoun pendulumsa weight hung so pensionnouy pensionsan income consisting
that it can swing to and fro, especially in the of regular payments made to someone who is
works of a clock retired, widowed, or disabled
penetratevers penetrates penetrating pensionernow pensionersa person who
penetrated make orfind a way through or into receives a pension
something; pierce pentagomnoun pentagonsa flat shape with
> penetrationnoun penetrativesDjecrive five sides and five angles
> pentagonal(pent-ag- on- al) ADJECTIVE
penfriendyoun penfriendsa friend you write the Pentagona five-sided building in
to regularly without meeting Washington, headquarters of the leaders of the
penguinnoun penguinsan Antarctic seabird American armed forces
that cannot fly but uses its wings as flippers for [from Greek pente = five + gonia = angle]
swimming pentameternoun pentametersa line of verse
penicillimnoun an antibiotic obtained from with five rhythmic beats [from Greek pente =
mould five + metron = measure]
pentathlonvoun pentathlonsan athletic
peninsulanoun peninsulasa piece of land contest consisting of five events [from Greek
that is almost surrounded by water pente = five + athlon = contest]
> peninsularADjecrive
[from Latin paene = almost + insula = island] Pentecostnoun 1 the Jewish harvest festival,
fifty days after Passover 2 Whit Sunday [from
pemnis(peen- iss) noun penisesthe part of the Greek pentekoste = fiftieth (day)]
body with which a male urinates and has sexual pent-upaoective shut in e pent-up feelings
penultimatespectve last but one
penitencenoun regret for having done wrong peonynoun peoniesa plant with large round
> penitentapective penitentlyapvers red, pink, or white flowers
penknifenoun penknivesa small folding knife peoplepiura: noun human beings; persons,
especially those belonging to a particular
pen-namenoun pen-namesa name used by
country, area, or group etc.
an author instead of his or her real name
peoplenoun peoples acommunity or nation
pennilessapective having no money; very poor © a warlike people e the English-speaking peoples
penmynoun penniesfor separate coins, pencefor peppernoun peppers 1 a hot-tasting powder
asum of money 1a British coin worth one used to flavour food 2 bright green, red, or
hundredth of apound 2 a former coin worth of yellow vegetable
a shilling > pepperyAd/ecTive

penetratevers 1 Make sure the screws do not humans, folk, mortals, humanity, humankind,
penetrate the top surface of the shelf. » pierce, mankind usaGENote that humanity, humankind,
puncture, perforate, bore through, make a and mankind are all singular nouns and you use
hole in 2.An advance force penetrated the city’s a singular verb with them, e.g. Humankind likes
outer defences. » infiltrate, enter, get through, to read books like these. 2 The government will
slip through, probe 3 Damp had penetrated the appeal to the people in a general election.
stone- work. impregnate, permeate, pervade, > nation, electorate, voters, electors,
seep into community 3 a shopping centre that serves the
people of the area; a proud and brave people
penetratingpective 1 She looked away from > populace, population, citizens, inhabitants,
his penetrating dark eyes. » piercing, probing,
staring, sharp, keen 2 The students asked some public, society, common people, community,
penetrating questions. » perceptive, sharp,
electorate, nation RELATED ADJECTIVESethnic,
acute, intelligent, incisive, profound, searching national 4 Her people live in Ireland. » family,
3 The silence was interrupted by a penetrating relatives, relations, parents, clan, kith and kin
scream. » shrill, piercing, strident, ear- usage Note that family and clan are singular
splitting, deafening verbs but you can use a singular or plural verb
with them, e.g. Her family lives in Scotland or
pennilessapective Epstein was a penniless Her family live in Scotland.
student in Paris.» poor, impoverished, Pepnoun The project needed a lot more pep.
destitute, poverty-stricken, moneyless, (more > energy, vigour, vitality, spirit, verve,
informal) skint exuberance, fizz
peoplenoun 1 By mid-afternoon many people pepvers .
were hungry. People like to read books like these. pep upHe added some herbs to pep up the
> persons, individuals, human beings, flavour. > liven up, vitalize, enhance, intensify
pepper — perfect
pepper vers peppers, peppering, peppered percolate vers percolates, percolating,
1 sprinkle with pepper 2 pelt with many small percolated flow through small holes or spaces
objects > percolation Noun
peppermint noun peppermints 1a kind of percolator noun percolators apot for making
mint used for flavouring 2a sweet flavoured coffee, in which boiling water percolates
with this mint through coffee grounds
per preposition for each e The charge is £2 per percussion noun 1 musical instruments (e.g.
person. drums or cymbals) played by being struck or
perceive vers perceives, perceiving, shaken 2 the striking of one thing against
perceived see, notice, or understand
something > percussive ADJECTIVE

per cent spvers for or in every hundred e three

perdition noun eternal damnation
per cent (3%) peregrine noun peregrines a kind of falcon
percentage noun percentages an amount or perennial apjcrive lasting for many years;
rate expressed as a proportion of 100 keeping on recurring
> perennially apvers
perceptible apectve able to be seen or noticed
> perceptibly overs perceptibility noun perennial noun perennials a plant that lives
for many years
perception noun perceptions the ability to
see, notice, or understand something perfect (per- fikt) apjective 10 good that it
cannot be made any better 2 complete e a
perceptive apjective quick to notice or perfect stranger 3 (in grammar, said about a
understand things tense of a verb) showing a completed action,
perch ' youn perches 1 aplace where a bird sits e.g. He has arrived.
orrests 2a seat high up > perfectly Apvers

perch vere perches, perching, perched rest or perfect (per- fekt) vers perfects, perfecting,
place on a perch perfected make a thing perfect
> perfection Noun
perch 2noun perch an edible freshwater fish to perfection perfectly

perceive vers 1 Those in the room perceived perfect apjective (with the stress on per-) 1 It
voices outside. » hear, discern, distinguish, was the start to a perfect day. » superb,
make out, notice, recognize, become aware of excellent, superlative, wonderful, marvellous,
2 Some animals cannot perceive colour. » see, idyllic, blissful 2 a second-hand book in perfect
discern, distinguish, recognize, observe, condition » impeccable, flawless, immaculate,
identify 31 began to perceive her meaning, spotless, pristine OPPOSITES ARE imperfect,
> understand, comprehend, apprehend, flawed 3 a copy so perfect you can’t tell itfrom the
grasp, realize, sense, deduce, gather, know original » exact, precise, faithful, accurate,
4 We all perceive the world in different ways. true, close AN OPPOSITE IS inaccurate 4A digital
> regard, consider, view, judge, deem, think radio will make a perfect birthday present.
of, look on > ideal, suitable, fitting, apt, appropriate,
perception noun 1 The public’s perception ofthe OPPOSITES ARE unsuitable, inappropriate 5 He
government's honesty has changed. felt a perfect fool. They had never met; they were
> impression, consciousness, apprehension, perfect strangers. » complete, absolute, utter,
sense, view, awareness, cognition, total, entire, thoroughgoing
comprehension, understanding, recognition,
sensation 2 She speaks with great perception on perfect vere (with the stress on -fect) He is
these problems. » insight, perceptiveness, spending some time perfecting his speech.
discernment, understanding, perspicacity, > improve, make perfect, refine, complete,
astuteness, shrewdness, intelligence, finish, fulfil, realize
observation perfection noun 1 the perfection of her
perceptive apjctive A few perceptive questions complexion » faultlessness, flawlessness,
can liven up the interview. » discerning, astute, excellence, beauty, completeness, ideal,
shrewd, intelligent, insightful, perspicacious wholeness AN OPPOSITE IS imperfection 2 the
OPPOSITES ARE obtuse, inept perfection of their plans » completion,
perch vers A monkey came in and perched on a consummation, fulfilment, realization,
table. » sit, settle, rest, balance, alight accomplishment, fruition, achievement
perfectionist — periscope
perfectionistvoun perfectionists aperson perhapsvovers it may be; possibly
who is only satisfied if something is done
perilvoun perils danger
> perilousaADecTive perilouslyspvers
perforatevers perforates, perforating at your perilat your own risk
perforated 1 make tiny holes in something, perimeternoun perimeters 1 the outer edge
especially so that it can be torn off easily or boundary of something 2 the distance
2 pierce round the edge
> perforatedApective perforationNoun USAGEDo not confuse with parameter.
performvers performs, performing periodnoun periods 1a length of time 2 the
performed 1 do something in front of an time allowed for a lesson in school 3 the time
audience e The school will perform a play. 2 do when awoman menstruates 4 (in punctuation)
or carry out something e Surgeons had to a full stop
perform an emergency operation.
> performanceNouN performerNoun periodicagective occurring at regular intervals
> periodicallyApvers
perfumenoun perfumes 1 pleasant smell
2 aliquid for giving something a pleasant smell; periodicalnoun periodicalsamagazine
scent published at regular intervals (e.g. monthly)
> perfumevers perfumeryNouN periodic tablenoun a table in which the
[originally used of pleasant-smelling smoke chemical elements are arranged in order of
from something burning: via French from old increasing atomic number
Italian parfumare = to smoke through]
periscopenoun periscopesa device witha
perfunctoryapjective done without much care tube and mirrors with which a person ina
orinterest e a perfunctory glance trench or submarine etc. can see things that are
> perfunctorilyapvers otherwise out of sight

perfectionistwoun He was such a perfectionist perfumenoun 1 With a final spray of exotic
he wouldn’t allow any mistakes. » idealist, perfume she left the room. » scent, toilet water,
purist, precisionist, (more informal) stickler eau de cologne 2 the fresh, sweet perfume of
perfectlyapvers 1 He brought in a perfectly roses » smell , scent, fragrance, aroma, odour,
baked cake.» superbly, impeccably, faultlessly, whiff
flawlessly, beautifully, excellently 2 I’m
perfectly happy to let them use the house. He can perfunctorysnjctive They greeted each other
be perfectly horrid at times. » absolutely, with perfunctory grunts. > cursory, desultory,
completely, entirely, totally, utterly 3 You know fleeting, casual, hurried, offhand, half-hearted,
perfectly well what Imean. » very, quite, full, unthinking, mechanical, automatic
(more informal) jolly opposites AREenthusiastic, careful
performvers 1 The two devices perform the same perhapsapvers Perhaps they took the train to
function. She has her duties to perform. > fulfil, Glasgow. » maybe, possibly, conceivably,
exercise, carry out, execute, discharge, feasibly
accomplish, achieve 2 The company formed the
new play in London. » present, stage, put on, perilvoun 1 the perils of the sea» danger,
produce, mount 3 The speakers perform best at hazard, risk, menace, uncertainty
a fairly high volume. » function, operate, work, OPPOSITES ARESecurity, safety
behave in perilThe climbers found themselves in great
performancenoun 1 the performance of their peril. > in danger, at risk, in jeopardy
duties » execution, carrying out, discharge,
accomplishment, fulfilment, completion, perimeternoun, 1 The airport perimeter is
closely guarded. » boundary, periphery,
implementation 2 The music received a fine
confines, edge, fringe, border, margin,
performance. » rendition, interpretation,
rendering, account 3 The review praised the new borderline, bounds, circumference 2 The
perimeter is about twelve miles.
range of cars for their performance. » operation,
> circumference, outer edge
running, functioning, behaviour 4 He made a
huge performance of thanking them. » fuss, periodnoun 1 They suffered from several long
exhibition, act, scene, parade periods of separation. » spell, interval, stretch,
performernoun The song was sung by the term, bout, run, span, phase, session 2 the
original performers. » singer, entertainer, Hanoverian period ofEnglish history » age, era,
artist, artiste, musician, player, star, actor, years, epoch, time 3 There was a double period
actress of maths on Monday. » lesson, class, session

perish — perplex
perish vers perishes, perishing, perished permissible apctive permitted or allowed
1 die; be destroyed 2 rot e The rubber ring has
perished. permission noun the right to do something,
> perishable ADjEcTivE given by someone in authority; authorization
perjure vers perjures, perjuring, perjured permissive spective letting people do what
perjure yourself commit perjury they wish; tolerant or liberal

perjury noun telling a lie while you are on oath permit (per- mit) vers permits, permitting,
permitted give permission or consent or a
to speak the truth
chance to do something; allow
perk'vers perks, perking, perked permit (per- mit) noun permits written or
perk up make or become more cheerful
printed permission to do something or go
perk? noun perks (informal) something extra somewhere
given to a worker @ Free bus travel is one of the permutation \oun permutations
perks of the job. 1 changing the order of a set of things 2a
perky apective lively and cheerful changed order e 3, 1, 2 is a permutation of 1, 2, 3
> perkily ADvers Peroxide Noun a chemical used for bleaching
perm or permanent Wave NOUN air
permanent waves treatment of the hair to perpendicular agecrve upright; at a right
give it long-lasting waves angle (90°) to a line or surface
permafrost noun a permanently frozen layer of perpetrate vers perpetrates, perpetrating,
soil in polar regions perpetrated commit or be guilty of
permanent spective lasting for always or fora © perpetrate a crime
very long time > perpetration NOUN perpetrator NOUN
> permanently Apver8 permanence NOUN perpetual apctve lasting for along time;
permeate vers permeates, permeating, continual
permeated spread into every part of > perpetually Apvers
something; pervade e Smoke had permeated the perplex vers perplexes, perplexing,
hall. perplexed bewilder or puzzle somebody
> permeation NouN > perplexity NouN

perish vers 1 Many people perished in the floods. authorize, endorse, agree to, consent to,
> die, be killed, lose your life, pass approve of, give permission for, sanction,
away 2 The tyres had started to perish.» decay, license, tolerate OPPOSITES ARE prohibit,
decompose, disintegrate, crumble away, prevent, ban 2 His club will permit him to play in
rot the national side. » allow, authorize, give an
opportunity, make it possible
perk noun (informal) company cars and other OPPOSITES ARE forbid, prohibit (from)
perks » benefit, extra, bonus, (more formal)
perquisite, (more informal) plus permit noun The warden asked to see his permit.
perk up vers He perked up when he saw Susan > authorization, licence, pass, warrant,
coming. » cheer up, liven up, brighten, take certification, passport, visa, charter
heart, pick up, bounce back perpetual anective 1 The Arctic is in almost
permanent spective 1 We are looking for a perpetual daylight. » continuous, everlasting,
permanent solution to the problem. eternal, non-stop AN OPPOSITE Is temporary
> continuing, lasting, durable, fixed, long- 2 the perpetual evolution of humanity
term, unchangeable, irreversible, everlasting, > constant, permanent, continuous,
perpetual, eternal 2 Leslie has got his first ceaseless, eternal, unending, uninterrupted
permanent job. » stable, fixed, established, OPPOSITES ARE transitory, temporary 3 Their
secure, firm perpetual rows upset the children. » continual,
permission noun We will need permission to interminable, incessant, constant, eternal,
miss the afternoon classes. » authorization, endless, ceaseless OPPOSITES ARE Occasional,
authority, leave, consent, approval, intermittent
agreement, licence, assent, clearance, perplex vere a helpline that answers any
dispensation, (more informal) the go-ahead, questions that perplex you » baffle, bewilder,
(informal) the green light puzzle, mystify, confuse, bemuse, disconcert,
permit vers 1 The authorities would not confound, fox, (more informal) flummox, (more
permit release of the documents. » allow, informal) floor

persecute = personnel
persecutevers persecutes, persecuting, person(s) spoken about
persecuted be continually cruel to somebody, in personbeing actually present oneself @ She
especially because you disagree with his or her hopes to be there in person.
beliefs [from Latin persona = mask used by an actor]
> persecutionNOUN persecutorNOUN personalapectve 1 belonging to, done by, or
perseverevers perseveres, persevering, concerning a particular person e personal
persevered go on doing something even belongings 2 private e We have personal business
though it is difficult to discuss. 3 criticizing a person’s appearance,
> perseveranceNoOuN character, or private affairs e making personal
Persiamagective to do with Persia, a country in remarks
the Middle East now called Iran > personallyAodvers
USAGEDo not confuse with personnel.
Persiannoun the language of Persia
persistvers persists, persisting persisted personal computernoun personal
1 continue firmly or obstinately @ She persists in computers a small computer designed to be
breaking the rules. 2 continue to exist @ The used lyone person at atime
custom persists in some countries. personalityvoun personalities 1 a person’s
> persistentADEcTIVE persistently ADVERB character e She has a cheerful personality. 2a
persistenceNOUN persistencyNOUN well-known person @ a TV personality
personnoun peopleor persons 1 ahuman personifyvers personifies, personifying
being; aman, woman, or child 2 (in grammar) personified represent a quality or idea etc. as
any of the three groups of personal pronouns
a person
and forms taken by verbs The first person(= |
> personificationNouN
me, we, us) refers to the person(s) speaking;
the second person(= you) refers to the personnelwoun the people employed byafirm
person(s) spoken to; the third person(= he, or other large organization
him, she, her, it, they, them) refers to the USAGEDo not confuse with personal

persecutevers 1 In Rome, Christians were being > continue, carry on, keep on, go on, linger,
persecuted by the Emperor Nero. » oppress, last, remain AN Opposite Iscease 3 persist in
victimize, martyr, discriminate against, He would persist in interrupting her. » keep on,
maltreat, ill-treat, tyrannize 2 He thought insist on
everyone was persecuting him. » harass, hound,
pester, pursue, bother, plague, torment, persistemtapective 1 The company should
intimidate, bully, terrorize respond to its more persistent critics.
persecutionnoun victims ofpolitical > determined, tenacious, persevering,
persecution » oppression, victimization, resolute, single-minded 2 They were
discrimination, harassment, maltreatment, interrupted by a persistent knocking at the door.
martyrdom, tyranny, abuse > continuing, constant, steady, incessant,
perseveranmcenoun The job required endless, non-stop
perseverance and patience. » persistence,
tenacity, determination, resolve, doggedness, persomvoun We must find the person responsible.
diligence, dedication, application, She was the first person to arrive. There was not.a
commitment, endurance, stamina person to be seen, » individual, man or woman,
persevere vers He decided to persevere, in spite
being, human being, soul, body
of some early failures. » persist, continue, keep
going, carry on, press on, endure, (more personalapective 1a story based on the author’s
informal) soldier on, (more informal) hang on, personal experiences » own, individual,
(more informal) keep at it, (informal) stick at it, particular, special, exclusive
(more informal) plug away OPPOSITES AREGive OPPOSITES AREGeneral, public 2 The letter was
up, stop marked ‘personal’. » private, confidential,
persistvers 1 The officer persisted with his secret
questions. » persevere, continue, keep
going, carry on, press on, endure, (more personalityoun 1 He has a warmth of
informal) soldier on, (more informal) hang personality. and a generous nature. » character,
on, (more informal). keep at it, (informal) stick nature, disposition, temperament, identity,
at it, (more informal) plug away 2 individuality, (more informal) make-up 2a
OPPOSITES AREdesist, give up, stop 2 If the television personality » celebrity, star,
pain persists, you should see a doctor. superstar, name
perspective = pestle
perspectivenoun perspectives 1 the pervert(per- vert) vers perverts, perverting
impression of depth and space in a picture or perverted 1 turn something from the right
scene 2a person’s point of view course of action @ By giving false evidence they
in perspectivegiving a well-balanced view of perverted the course ofjustice. 2 make a person
things behave wickedly or abnormally
> perversionNoun
perspirevers perspires, perspiring,
pervert(per- vert) NOUN perverts a person
perspired sweat
whose sexual behaviour is thought to be
> perspirationNoun
unnatural or disgusting
persuadevers. persuades, persuading pessimistnoun pessimistsaperson who
persuaded make someone believe or agree to expects that things will turn out badly compare
do something optimist
> persuasionNoOuN persuasiveADJECTIVE > pessimismNOUN pessimisticaDjecTive
pertapective cheeky pestnoun pests 1 a destructive insect or
> pertlyAdvers pertnessNOUN animal, such as a locust ora mouse 2a
perturbvers perturbs perturbing pestervers pesters, pestering pesteredkeep
perturbed worry someone annoying someone by frequent questions or
> perturbationNoun requests
pervadevers pervades, pervading pesticidenoun pesticidesa substance for
pervaded spread all through something killing harmful insects and other pests
> pervasionNoUN pervasiveADj/ECTIve pestilencenoun pestilences adeadly
perverseapective obstinately doing something pestle(pes- el) woun a heavy tool with a
different from what is reasonable or required rounded end, used for crushing substances ina
> perverselyADVvers perversityNOuN mortar [from Latin pinsere = to pound]

perspectivenoun Since the war we see history unreasonable, tiresome, capricious, wilful,
from a different perspective. » outlook, obstinate, stubborn, unhelpful, rebellious
viewpoint, point of view, slant, view, angle OPPOSITES AREreasonable, obliging
in perspectiveTo put this in perspective, ten
percent of buyers admitted to being dissatisfied pessiimismoun His pessimism prevented him
with what they had bought. » in context, in from taking any risks.» despondency, fatalism,
proportion negativeness, hopelessness, gloom, despair,
persuiadevers Will you be able to persuade Susie resignation, unhappiness, cynicism
to go back to England? » prevail on or upon, AN OPPOSITE Isoptimism
induce, coax, convince, make, entice,
influence, pressure, pressurize, tempt, urge, pessimisticapjective Manufacturers are
bring round, cajole, inveigle, talk into pessimistic about the economic future.
AN OPPOSITE ISdissuade > negative, fatalistic, gloomy, downbeat,
downhearted, unhopeful, defeatist,
persuasionnoun 11 shall need a lot of despairing, despondent, resigned, unhappy,
persuasion to change my mind. » persuading,
coaxing, coercion, convincing, inducement, cynical AN opposite isoptimistic
exhortation, cajolery, enticement, argument
2 people with a wide range ofpolitical persuasions pestnoun 1 Vincent's demands for attention were
> belief, conviction, view, opinion, faith becoming a pest. » nuisance, bother,
annoyance, irritation, curse, trial, bore, bane,
persuasivespective There’s a lot ofpersuasive vexation, (more informal) pain, (more informal)
talk but not much action. » convincing, painin the neck 2 the rise in crop pests > insect,
compelling, cogent, sound, valid, plausible, bug, parasite, (more informal) creepy-crawly
reasonable, forceful, strong, telling, credible,
effective, eloquent, influential, logical, pestervoun Claire was nice and didn’t pester him
watertight opposites AREUNCOnvincing, with silly questions. » badger, harass, annoy,
unpersuasive bother, irritate, nag, harry, chivvy, hound,
perverseanjective He has the perverse habit of trouble, besiege, (more informal) hassle, (more
calling all young girls ‘madam’ and all older informal) bug, (more informal) keep on at, (more
women girls. » ‘contrary, wayward, awkward, informal) go on at
pet — phenomenon
pet noun pets 1a tame animal kept for petty cash noun cash kept by an office for small
companionship and pleasure 2 a person payments
treated as a favourite @ a teacher’s pet pew noun pews along wooden seat, usually
pet apective favourite e my pet subject fixed in‘rows, in a church
pet vere pets, petting, petted treat or fondle pewter noun a grey alloy of tin and lead
someone affectionately pH noun a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of
a solution Pure water has a pH of 7, acids havea
petal noun petals one of the separate coloured pH between 0 and 7, and alkalis have a pH
outer parts of a flower between 7 and 14
peter vers peters, petering, petered phantom noun phantoms 1a ghost
peter out become gradually less and cease to 2 something that does not really exist
exist Pharaoh (fair- oh) noun Pharaohs the title of
petition noun petitions a formal request for the king of ancient Egypt
something, especially a written one signed by pharmacy noun pharmacies 1 shop selling
many people medicines; a dispensary 2 the job of preparing
petrify vers petrifies, petrifying, petrified medicines
1 make someone so terrified that he or she phase noun phases a stage in the progress or
cannot move 2 turn to stone development of something
> petrifaction NOUN phase vers phases, phasing, phased do
petrol noun a liquid made from petroleum, something in stages, not all at once e a phased
used as fuel for engines withdrawal
petroleum noun an oil found underground Ph.D. assreviation Doctor of Philosophy; a
that is refined to make fuel (e.g. petrol or university degree awarded to someone who
paraffin) or for use in dry-cleaning etc. has done advanced research in their subject
pheasant (fez- ant) noun pheasants a game
petticoat noun petticoats awoman’s or girl’s bird with a long tail
dress-length piece of underwear worn under a
skirt or dress phenomenal spective amazing or remarkable
> phenomenally Apvers Pr
petting noun affectionate touching or fondling phenomenon noun phenomena an event or
petty spective pettier, pettiest 1 unimportant fact, especially one that is remarkable
or trivial @ petty regulations 2 mean and small- USAGE Note that phenomena is a plural. It is
minded incorrect to say ‘this phenomena’ or ‘these
> pettily apvers pettiness NouN phenomenas’.

pet noun (informal) They teased him and called petulant apjctive He sounded as petulant as an
him teacher’s pet. > favourite, darling, treasure, obstinate child. » peevish, bad-tempered,
blue-eyed boy or girl irritable, fractious, irascible, fretful, touchy,
pety apective 1 Whoever heard of a pet sullen, snappy, crotchety OPPOSITES ARE good-
rattlesnake? » tame, domestic 2 The shop was humoured, agreeable
very much his own pet scheme. » favourite,
cherished, prized, precious, special, personal phantom noun 14 phantom that appeared at
night » ghost, spectre, spirit, apparition,
pet vers 1 Kim sat holding the kitten and petting
wraith, (more informal) spook 2 He realized that
it. » pat, stroke, pamper, caress, cuddle,
what he had seen had been a phantom of his own
fondle, kiss, touch 2 She wouldn't let boys pet
her on their first date.» fondle, caress, kiss and mind. » hallucination, figment, illusion,
cuddle delusion, vision 3.a phantom pregnancy
> imaginary, imagined, false, unreal
peter out vers The traffic began to peter out.
> dwindle, diminish, decrease, subside, phase noun 1 the final phase of the war» stage,
disappear, fall off, die out, wane, shrink part, period, step, chapter 2 The marriage was
petition noun a petition protesting at the new going through a difficult phase. » period, stage,
building plans » appeal, list of signatures, spell, time, state
application, supplication, entreaty, plea
petty apjective 1 The meeting was called for petty phenomenal anective Lutyens had a
reasons. > trivial, minor, trifling, unimportant, phenomenal memory for detail. » remarkable,
insignificant, slight, secondary, paltry 2 The extraordinary, outstanding, amazing,
criticisms were unfair and petty. » spiteful, astonishing, astounding, staggering,
small-minded, vindictive, mean, ungenerous, sensational, breathtaking
grudging OPPOSITES ARE ordinary, run-of-the-mill
phial = physical
phialoun phialsa small glass bottle phonetic(fon- et- ik) anjective 1 to do with
philanthropywoun concern for fellow human speech sounds 2 representing speech sounds
beings, especially as shown by kind and > phoneticallyApvers
generous acts that benefit large numbers of phosphorusnown a chemical substance that
people glows in the dark
> philanthropistvoun philanthropic
ADJECTIVE photonoun photosa photograph
philistine(fil-ist- In) oun philistinesa photographwoun photographsa picture
person who dislikes art, poetry, etc. made bythe effect of light or other radiation on
film or special paper, using acamera
philosophernoun philosophersan expert in
philosophy photographvers photographs
photographing photographedtake a
philosophicalapectve 1 to do with photograph of a person orthing
philosophy 2 calm and not upset after a > photographernoun
misfortune or disappointment e Be
philosophical about losing. photographynowy taking photographs
_ © philosophicallyaovers > photographicapjective
philosophynoun philosophies 1 the study of Photayyashsstsicu) the process by which
truths about life, morals, etc. 2 aset of ideas or green plants use sunlight to turn carbon
principles or beliefs dioxide and water into complex substances,
giving off oxygen
phobia(foh-bee-a) noun phobias great or
abnormal fear of something phrasenoun phrases 1a group of words that
form a unit in a sentence or clause, e.g. in the
phonenoun phonesa telephone garden in The Queen was in the garden’ 2a
phonevers phones phoning phoned short section of a tune
telephone physicalagectve 1 to do with the body rather
phone-innoun phone-insa radio or television than the mind or feelings 2 to do with things
programme in which people telephone the that you can touch or see 3 to do with physics
studio and take part in a discussion > physicallyabvers

philosophicalapecive 1 anew approach to old phoneyapectve He gave a phoney name.
philosophical ideas » theoretical, analytical, > false, bogus, sham, fake, made-up,
rational, reasoned, abstract, academic, invented, fictitious, assumed, spurious
metaphysical, ideological, intellectual, OPPOSITES AREgenuine, authentic
learned, logical, wise, erudite 2 Hefelt in a phoneynoun The lawyer was a phoney.
philosophical mood. » thoughtful, reflective, > impostor, sham, fraud, fake, charlatan,
contemplative, meditative, introspective, swindler
studious, ruminative 3 Jane was philosophical photographwoun She published her best
about life’s problems. » calm, composed, photographs in a magazine. » photo, picture,
collected, resigned, unemotional, unruffled, snapshot, snap, image, print, slide,
stoical, self-possessed, patient transparency
AN OPPOSITE Isemotional photographvvers I photographed them as people
first and models second. » shoot, snap, take a
philosophynoun 1 a student ofphilosopi.y picture of
> thinking, reasoning, metaphysics, wisdom,
knowledge, logic 2 Taylor spent his life
phrasenoun He searched in his mind for the right
phrase to describe his feelings. » expression,
promoting his philosophy. » convictions, wording, group of words, form of words,
beliefs, ideology, principles, theories, credo, construction, idiom
attitudes, viewpoint
phrasevers She thought about how to phrase the
phobianoun He has a phobia about noise. question. » express, word, put in words,
> aversion (to), dread (of), fear (of) , anxiety, formulate, couch, frame, present
obsession, neurosis, revulsion, dislike (of), physicalaojctive 1 It is hard to describe his
hatred (of), horror, (more informal) hang-up, physical appearance » bodily, corporal,
(more informal) thing corporeal, carnal AN Opposite Ismental 2 our
physical existence » earthly, material, mortal,
phonevere She tried to phone home on her mobile. terrestrial, tangible, fleshly, substantial
> call; ring, telephone, reach, dial AN OPPOSITE ISspiritual
physical education — picture
physical education orphysical training someone into a vehicle 4 manage to hear
NOUN exercises and sports done to keep the something 5 get better or recover
body healthy pick noun 1 choice e take your pick 2 the best of
physician noun physicians a doctor, especially a group
one who is not a surgeon pick? oun picks 1a pickaxe 2a plectrum
physicist (fiz-i- sist) youn physicists an expert pickaxe noun pickaxes a heavy pointed tool
in physics with a long handle, used for breaking up hard
physics (fiz-iks) noun the study of the ground etc.
properties of matter and energy (e.g. heat,
picket noun pickets 1a striker or group of
light, sound, movement) [from Greek physikos
strikers who try to persuade other people not
= natural]
to go into a place of work during a strike 2a
physiotherapy (fiz- ee- o- therra- pee) Noun pointed post as part of a fence
the treatment of a disease or weakness by
massage, exercises, etc. picket vers pickets picketing, picketed stand
> physiotherapist noun outside a place of work to try to persuade other
people not to go in during a strike
physique (fiz- eek) noun physiques a person’s
uild pickle noun pickles 1a strong-tasting food
pi noun the symbol (p) for the ratio of the made of pickled vegetables 2 (informal) amess
circumference of a circle to its diameter The pickle vers pickles, pickling, pickled preserve
value of pi is approximately 3.14159 food in vinegar or salt water
pianist noun pianists a person who plays the pickpocket noun pickpockets, a thief who
piano steals from people’s pockets or bags
piano noun pianos a large musical instrument pick-up noun pick-ups 1an open truck for
with a keyboard carrying small loads 2 the part of a record
piccolo noun piccolos a small high-pitched player that holds the stylus
flute picnic noun picnics a meal eaten inthe open air
pick vere picks, picking, picked 1 separate a away from home
flower orfruit from its plant e We picked apples. picnic vers picnics, picnicking, picnicked
2 choose; select carefully 3 pull bits off or out have a picnic
of something 4 open a lock by using > picnicker Noun
something pointed, not with a key
pick a quarrel deliberately provoke a quarrel picture noun pictures 1a representation of a
with somebody person or thing made by painting, drawing, or
pick holes in find fault with photography 2a film at the cinema 3 how
pick on single someone out for criticism or something seems; an impression
unkind treatment in the picture fully informed about something
pick someone's pocket steal from it picture vers pictures, picturing, pictured
pick up 1liftortake up 2 collect 3 take 1 showin a picture 2 imagine

pick vers 1 We spent the afternoon picking fruit. get better, brighten 6 Be careful you don’t pick
> gather, collect, pluck, harvest, garner 2 He up an infection. » catch, contract, get, come
picked a card and held it to his chest. Pick a time down with
and place that suit you. » choose, select, take,
decide on, opt for, settle on, fix on, single out pick noun 1 Take your pick. » choice,
pick on They are always picking on Freddie. preference, selection, option 2 the pick of the
> victimize, bully, persecute, tease, (more bunch > best, finest, prime, top, cream,
informal) get at choicest, élite
pick out It was difficult to pick anything out in
picture noun 1 the famous picture of Bubbles
the fog. » see, discern, spot, distinguish, make > painting, portrait, likeness, portrayal,
out, recognize, identify representation, depiction, profile, image
pick up 1 It was too heavy to pick up. > \ift, 2 Kevin wanted to take a picture of them.
raise, take up, hoist 2 You can pick up a bargain > photograph, snapshot, snap, shot
at the car-boot sales. » find, discover, obtain,
acquire, get hold of, buy, purchase 3 Lisa picked picture vers 1 Charles is pictured on the right
up some Spanish during her stay abroad. receiving his prize. » depict, show, portray,
> learn, acquire, absorb, get to know, master illustrate, represent, delineate, outline 21 can
4 He offered to pick up the children from school. picture him now, athin tall figure smoking his
> collect, fetch, go to get, call for 5 The pipe. » visualize, imagine, call to mind, see in
weather began to pick up. » improve, recover, your mind, conceive, envisage, think up
picturesque = pile
picturesqueapectve 1 forming an attractive someone greedy, dirty, or unpleasant
scene @ a picturesque village 2 vividly > PiggyAD/ECTIVE, NOUN
described; expressive e picturesque language pigeonnoun pigeonsa bird witha fat body and
> picturesquelyspvers a small head
Pienoun piesa baked dish of meat, fish, or fruit pigeonholenou pigeonholesa small
covered with pastry
compartment above a desk etc., used for
piecenoun pieces 1 part or portion of holding letters or papers
something; a fragment 2. separate thing or
example e afine piece of work 3 something
piggybackaovers carried on somebody else’s
back or shoulders
written, composed, or painted etc. e a piece of > piggybacknoun
music 4 one of the objects used to play agame
ona board e a chess piece 5acoin e a 50p piece pig-headedanctve obstinate
piecevers pieces piecing pieced put pieces pigletvoun pigletsa young pig
together to make something pigmentyoun pigmentsa substance that
piecemealagective, avers done or made one colours something
piece at a time > pigmentedapective pigmentationnoun
pie chartnoun pie chartsa circle divided into Pigstynoun pigsties 1 a partly covered pen for
sectors to represent the way in which a pigs 2a filthy room or house
quantity is divided up pigtailvoun pigtailsa plait of hair worn
pieroun piers 1 along structure built out into hanging at the back of the head
the sea for people to walk on 2a pillar pikenoun pikes 1a heavy spear 2( pike a
supporting a bridge or arch large freshwater fish
piercevers pierces piercing piercedmakea pile! youn piles 1a number of things on top of
hole through something; penetrate one another 2 (informal) a large quantity; a lot
pietynoun being very religious and devout; of money 3 (informal) a large impressive
Piousness building
pignoun pigs 1a fat animal with short legs and pilevers piles piling piledput things into a
a blunt snout, kept for its meat 2 (informal) pile; make a pile

picturesquespecrve 1 He had spent the piercingapecive 1 From the wood comes a
morning painting picturesque views ofhis master. piercing screech. » shrill, sharp, penetrating,
> attractive, pretty, beautiful, charming, shattering, ear-splitting, high-pitched,
pleasant, scenic AN OPPOSITE ISugly 2 She was strident, deafening, loud 2a piercing wind
trying to find a more picturesque way to describe > freezing, bitter, biting, wintry, stinging 3.a
it. > colourful, graphic, descriptive, piercing pain» stabbing, intense, excruciating,
expressive, vivid, imaginative, poetic agonizing, stinging
pietywoun a priest respected for his piety
piecenoun 1 a piece of cheese; a piece of stone > devoutness, devotion, piousness, holiness,
> bit, chunk, lump, hunk, portion, fragment, godliness, saintliness, sanctity, religion, faith
morsel, particle 2 a piece offurniture > item, AN OPPOSITE ISimpiety
article 3 She wrote a piece for the local
newspaper. » article, story, feature, essay, pignoun 1 (informal) He was always a bit of a pig
account when it came to food. » glutton, guzzler,
piecevers piece togetherlt is difficult to piece gourmand, (informal) greedy guts 2 Her
the evidence together into a convincing case. husband can be a real pig at times. » brute,
> assemble, compose, fit together, join monster, beast, fiend, animal, demon
together pilenoun 1 pile of stones » heap, stack, mass,
piedapectve » dappled, flecked, mottled, mound, mountain, collection, hoard 2 We have
particoloured, piebald, spotted, variegated piles of work to do. » plenty, alot, a great deal,
piernoun 1 Boats were tied up at the pier. (more informal) lots, (more informal) masses,
> jetty, quay, wharf, dock, landing stage, (more informal) heaps
breakwater 2 Immense piers supported a high pilevers 1 They piled everything into a corner.
vault. » column, pillar, support, buttress, > heap, stack, pack, jam, accumulate, amass,
upright, pile load, mass, store, collect, gather, hoard
piercevers a spear that could pierce the thickest pile upProblems were beginning to pile up.
armour » penetrate, puncture, perforate, > build up, mount up, increase, grow,
make a hole in, probe, enter, transfix, impale accumulate
pile — pincushion
pile 2 noun piles a heavy beam made of metal, pilot spective testing on a small scale how
concrete, or timber driven into the ground to something will work e a pilot scheme [from
support something Greek pedon = oar or rudder]
pile 3 youn a raised surface on fabric, made of pilot light noun pilot lights 1 small flame
upright threads e@ a carpet with a thick pile that lights a larger burner on a gas cooker etc.
2 an electric indicator light
pile-up noun pile-ups a road accident that pimp noun pimps aman who gets clients for
involves a number ofvehicles prostitutes and lives off their earnings
pilfer vers pilfers, pilfering, pilfered steal pimple noun pimples asmall round raised spot
small things on the skin
> pilferer youn pilferage Noun > pimply Abjective
PIN assreviation personal identification number;
pilgrim noun pilgrims a person who travels to a number used as a person’s password so that
a holy place for religious reasons he or she can use a cash dispenser, computer,
> pilgrimage noun etc.
pill noun pills asmall solid piece of medicine for pin noun pins 1a short thin piece of metal with
swallowing a sharp point and a rounded head, used to
the pill a contraceptive pill fasten pieces of cloth or paper etc. together 2a
pointed device for fixing or marking something
pillage vers pillages pillaging, pillaged carry pins and needles a tingling feeling in the skin
off goods using force, especially in a war; pin vers pins, pinning, pinned 1 fasten
plunder something with a pin or pins 2 make a person
> pillage noun or thing unable to move e He was pinned under
pillar youn pillars a tall stone or wooden post the wreckage. 3 fix blame or responsibility on
someone e They pinned the blame on her sister.
pillar box noun pillar boxes a postbox pincer youn pincers the claw of a shellfish such
standing in a street as a lobster
pillion youn pillions a seat behind the driver on pincers Piura noun a tool with two parts that
a motorcycle are pressed together for gripping and holding
pillow noun pillows a cushion for a person’s pinch vers pinches, pinching, pinched
head to rest on, especially in bed [from Latin
1 squeeze something tightly or painfully
pulvinus = cushion]
between two things, especially between the
pillowcase orpillowslip noun pillowcases finger and thumb 2 (informal) steal
orpillowslips a cloth cover for a pillow pinch youn pinches 1 a pinching movement
2 the amount that can be held between the tips
pilot youn pilots 1a person who works the of the thumb and forefinger e a pinch ofsalt
controls for flying an aircraft 2.a person at a pinch in time of difficulty; if necessary
qualified to steer a ship in and out of a port or feel the pinch suffer from lack of money
through a difficult stretch of water 3. a guide
pincushion noun pincushions a small pad
pilot vere pilots piloting piloted 1 be pilot of into which pins are stuck to keep them ready
an aircraft or ship 2 guide or steer for use

pilfer vers People were pilfering bricks from pilot vers He piloted the little plane to the island.
building sites. » steal, take, snatch, pinch, filch, > fly, guide, lead, navigate, steer, direct, drive
(more informal) swipe, (more informal) nick,
(more informal) knock off pimple noun a face covered in pimples » spot,
blackhead, swelling, (more informal) zit
pillar voun A row ofpillars supports the roof.
> column, pier, support, buttress, upright, pile Pin noun The notice was attached by a pin.» tack,
pillow noun She rested her head on a pillow. nail, spike, brad, skewer
> cushion, bolster, headrest, pad Pin vere She pinned a badge on him. » fasten,
pilot youn 1 the pilot of an aircraft » airman or attach, fix, stick
airwoman, (old-fashioned) aviator 2 a harbour
pilot > navigator, helmsman, steersman,
pinch vers 1 She pinched his arm. » nip,
squeeze, crush, tweak 2 Someone has pinched
coxswain, guide
my pen. > steal, take, pilfer, snatch, filch, (more
pilot apective a pilot scheme » experimental, informal) swipe, (more informal) nick, (more
trial, test, sample, model informal) knock off
pine = pirate
pine! youn pinesan evergreen tree with plousapyective very religious; devout
needle-shaped leaves > plouslyapvers piousmessnoun
pine? vers pines pining pined 1 feel an Pipvoun pips 1a small hard seed of an apple,
intense longing for somebody or something pear, orange, etc. 2 one ofthe stars on the
2 become weak through longing for somebody shoulder of an army officer’s uniform 3a short
or something high-pitched sound e She heard the six pips of
pineapplenoun pineapplesa large tropical the time signal on the radio.
fruit with a tough prickly skin and yellow flesh Pipvers pips pipping pipped(informal)
ping-pongnown table tennis defeat someone by a small amount
pinionyoun pinionsa bird’s wing, especially pipenoun pipes 1a tube through which water
the outer end or gas etc. can flow from one place to another
pinionvers pinions pinioning pinioned 2. a short narrow tube with a bowl at one end in
1 clip a bird’s wings to prevent it from flying which tobacco can burn for smoking 3a tube
2 hold or fasten someone’s arms or legs in forming a musical instrument or part of one
order to prevent them from moving the pipesbagpipes
pinkapyctive pale red pipevers pipes piping piped 1 send
’ p pinkmessnoun something along pipes 2 transmit music or
pinkyoun pinks 1a pink colour 2.agarden other sound by wire or cable 3 play music ona
plant with fragrant flowers, often pink or white pipe or the bagpipes 4 decorate a cake with
pinnacleyoun pinnacles 1a pointed thin lines of icing, cream, etc.
ornament on a roof 2a high pointed piece of pipe down(informal) be quiet
pipe upbegin to say something
tock. 3 the highest point of something e It was
the pinnacle of her career. pipe dreamwoun pipe dreamsan impossible
pinpointapectve exact or precise e with wish
pinpoint accuracy pipelinenoun pipelinesa pipe for carrying oil
pinpointvers pinpoints pinpointing or water etc. a long distance
pinpointedfind or identify something in the pipelinein the process of being made or
precisely organized
pinstripenoun pinstripesone of the very pipingnoun 1 pipes; alength of pipe 2a
narrow stripes that form a pattern in cloth decorative line of icing, cream, etc. ona cake or
> pinstripedapectve other dish 3 along narrow pipe-like fold
pintyoun pintsa measure for liquids, equal to decorating clothing, upholstery, etc.
one-eighth of a gallon pipingsoective shrill e a piping voice
pin-upyoun pin-ups(informal) a picture of an piping hotvery hot
attractive or famous person for pinning ona pirateyoun pirates 1a person ona ship who
wall attacks and robs other ships at sea 2 someone
pioneernoun pioneersone of the first people who produces or publishes or broadcasts
to go to a place or do or investigate something illegally @ a pirate radio station e pirate videos
> plioneervers > pifaticabneenie piracynoun

pinevere He thinks you were pining from love. OPPOSITES AREimpious, irreligious 2 The remark
> languish, wither, fade, droop, sicken was no more than a pious platitude.
pine for The Smiths were pining for their home. > sanctimonious, insincere, self-righteous
> long for, yearn for, hanker after, miss, crave AN OPPOSITE ISsincere
pioneervoun 1 pioneers of the American West pipenoun a water pipe » duct, channel, tube,
> settler, colonist, colonizer, discoverer, conduit, hose, pipeline
explorer 2 a pioneer of birth control pipevers 1 The liquid is piped into containers.
> developer, innovator, originator, pathfinder, > channel, funnel, siphon, carry, run 2 birds
groundbreaker piping » chirp, cheep, tweet, trill, peep,
pioneervers a scientist who pioneered genetic chirrup, sing
fingerprinting » develop, introduce, evolve, pipe downinformal He got annoyed and told
create, discover, invent, originate, initiate, them to pipe down. » be quiet, be silent,
spearhead quieten down, stop talking, hush
piousapectve 1 His second wife was a piratenoun Pirates attacked the ship.
remarkably pious woman. » religious, devout, > freebooter, marauder, privateer, (historical)
devoted, spiritual, dutiful buccaneer, (old-fashioned) corsair
pirouette — pity
pirouette (pir-oo- et) noun pirouettes a cricket) strike the ground
spinning movement of the body made while pitch In (informal) start working or doing
balanced on the point of the toe or on one foot something vigorously
> pirouette vers pitch 2 youn a black sticky substance rather like
[from French, = spinning top] tar
pistill youn the female organs of a flower pitch-black orpitch-dark apjecrives very black
pistol youn pistols a small handgun or very dark
piston youn pistons a disc or cylinder that fits pitched battle noun pitched battles a battle
inside a tube in which it moves up and down as between troops in prepared positions
part of an engine or pump etc.
pitcher youn pitchers a large jug
pit youn pits 1adeep hole 2ahollow 3a coal
mine 4 the part ofarace circuit where racing pitchfork youn pitchforks a large fork with
cars are refuelled and repaired during a race two prongs, used for lifting hay
pit vers pits pitting, pitted 1 make holes or pitchfork vers pitchforks, pitchforking,
hollows in something e The ground was pitted pitchforked 1 lift something with a pitchfork
with craters. 2 put somebody in competition 2 put a person somewhere suddenly
with somebody else @ He was pitted against the
champion in the final.
- pitfall youn pitfalls an unsuspected danger or
> pitted apective difficulty
pitch ' youn pitches 1a piece of ground pitiable spective making you feel pity
marked out for cricket, football, or another pitiful apjective 1 making you feel pity 2 very
game 2 the highness or lowness of a voice or a bad or inadequate
musical note 3 intensity or strength > pitifully apvers
e Excitement was at fever pitch. 4 the steepness
of a slope e the pitch of the roof pity noun 1 the feeling of being sorry because
someone is in pain or trouble 2 a cause for
pitch. vers pitches, pitching pitched 1 throw
regret e It’s a pity that you can’t come.
or fling 2set up a tent or camp 3 fall heavily
take pity on feel sorry for someone and help
@ He pitched forward as the bus braked suddenly.
4 move up and down on a rough sea 5 set
something at a particular level e They pitched pity vers pities pitying, pitied feel pity for
their hopes high. 6 (said about a bowled ball in someone

pit youn 1A deep pit had been dug in the ground. pitiful anjective 1 She was a pitiful sight, still lying
> hole, ditch, trench, shaft, hollow, where she had fallen. » pathetic, pitiable, sad,
depression, trough, cavity, chasm, abyss sorrowful, wretched, touching, affecting,
2 increasing pit closures » mine, coal mine, distressing, heartbreaking, heartrending 2 He
colliery, quarry, shaft, working trudged off with the pitiful few pounds he had
pitch youn 1 Their voices rose in pitch with the made that day. » meagre, negligible, paltry,
excitement. » tone, timbre, key, modulation miserable, modest, scanty, scant, sparse, (more
2 His anger reached such a pitch that he became informal) mingy, (more informal) measly
almost violent. > level, point, height, degree, OPPOSITES ARE generous, extravagant
intensity 3 the pitch of the roof > steepness, pitiless apjecnve Dinah did not break under the
angle, gradient, incline, slope, slant, tilt 4 The pitiless criticism. » merciless, relentless,
referee ordered the players off the pitch. ruthless, unrelenting, callous, cruel, hard,
> playing field, field, park, ground heartless, inexorable, unfeeling
pitch vers 1 This is where we pitch our tents for the OPPOSITES ARE merciful, compassionate
night, » put up, raise, fix, erect, set up 2 She
picked up the ball and pitched it into the pity noun 1 He had never felt pity for anyone in his
neighbouring garden. » throw, fling, toss, hurl, life. » compassion, sympathy, commiseration,
lob, sling, bowl, heave, cast, (more informal) tenderness, understanding, feeling,
bung, (more informal) chuck 3 Several lads forbearance, mercy, forgiveness, humanity,
pitched into the water. » plunge, dive, kindness OPPOSITES ARE indifference, animosity
plummet, drop, topple 4 The boat was pitching 2a pity It’s a pity it was dark and we couldn’t see
in the storm. » lurch, toss, wallow, rock, roll, the garden. » ashame, unfortunate, a piece of
reel, flounder, dip up and down bad luck, a cause for regret
pitfall youn Drama producers no longer need to pity vers He always pitied people who had to ask
fear the pitfalls of live television. » hazard, snag, for money. > feel sorry for, feel pity for, feel for,
hin ie peril, snare, difficulty, drawback, sympathize with, commiserate with, take pity
catc on
pivot => plain
pivotnoun pivots a point or part on which out of place Tin the wrong position
something turns or balances 2 unsuitable
> pivotal ADECTIVE
placevers places, placing, placed put
pivotvers pivots, pivoting, pivoted turn or something in a particular place
place something to turn ona pivot > placement Noun
pixel (piks- el) youn pixels one of the tiny dots
on a computer display screen from which the placid apjctve calm and peaceful; not easily
image is formed [short for picture element] made anxious or upset
pixienoun pixies asmall fairy; an elf > placidlyApvers placidity noun
pizza(peets- a) Noun pizzas an Italian food that plagiarize (play-jee- er-I’z) vers plagiarizes,
consists of a layer of dough baked with a plagiarizing, plagiarized take someone
savoury topping [from Italian, = pie] else’s writings or ideas and use them as if they
pizzicato (pits- i- kah- toh) ADjective, ADVERB were your own
plucking the strings of a musical instrument > plagiarismNoun plagiarist noun
placardnoun placards a poster or notice, plaguenouy plagues 1 adangerous illness
especially one carried ata demonstration [from that spreads very quickly 2 a large number of
early French plaquier = to lay flat] pests e@ a plague of locusts
placate vers placates, placating placated
make someone feel calmer and less angry plaguevers plagues, plaguing, plagued
placenoun places 1a particular part of space, pester or annoy @ We’ve been plagued by wasps
all afternoon.
especially where something belongs; an area or
Position 2.aseat e Save me a place. 3 a job; plaimanjective 1 simple; not decorated or
employment 4a building; a home e Come elaborate 2 not beautiful 3 easy to see or hear
round to our place. 5 aduty or function It’s not orunderstand 4 frank and straightforward
my place to interfere. 6 a point in aseries of > plainlyaovers plainnessNoun
things @ In the first place, the date is wrong.
in place 1 in the right position 2 suitable plainnoun plains a large area of flat country
in place of instead of USAGE Do not confuse with plane.

placenoun 1 She rose quietly from her place at the plague vere 1 The fears which had menaced her
table. » seat, chair, position, space 2 They before returned to plague her. & afflict, bedevil,
would choose a foreign place for their next holiday. beset, torment, hound, torture, persecute
> locality, region, resort, city, town, village 2 He was being plagued with questions. > pester,
3 Seaview is the ideal place to write and work badger, harass, trouble, annoy, bother, disturb,
quietly. » locale, location, venue, spot, point irritate, molest, vex, worry, (more informal) nag
4 They badly wanted a place of their own.
> home, house, residence, dwelling, property, plaimapective 1 The forms are written in plain
flat, apartment, establishment, English. » clear, simple, straightforward,
accommodation 5 She was offered a place on the understandable, intelligible, direct
company’s board. » position, post, OPPOSITES AREObscure, unclear 2 It was plain
appointment, situation 61 know my place and that someone had been in the house before them.
won't interfere. » status, position, station, > obvious, clear, evident, apparent, manifest
standing, rank 3 They thought some plain speaking was needed.
> frank, candid, outspoken, blunt, direct,
placevers 1 He placed the shopping on the table. explicit, unequivocal 4 The house had a rather
> put, set, lay, deposit, leave, (more informal) plain appearance. » unattractive, ordinary,
stick, (more informal) dump, (more informal) unprepossessing, ugly AN OPPOSITE ISattractive
plonk 2 The judges placed her second overall. 5 The room was decorated in a plain style.
> rank, grade, position 3 The face was familiar > simple, basic, restrained, unadorned,
butIcouldn’t quite place it. » recognize, unembellished, unelaborate, unpretentious
identify, remember opposites ARE elaborate, fancy
plainnoun the movement of wildebeest across the
plaguenoun 1a study of the effects of the plague plains of Africa » grassland, flatland, prairie,
on two major cities » pestilence, blight, savannah, steppe
epidemic, contagion, infestation, outbreak 2.a
plague offlies » infestation, invasion, nuisance, plaimapvers Many people are just plain scared of
scourge, swarm 3 the plague of street crime in making the change. » downright, completely,
the area » bane, curse, blight, scourge, totally, utterly, really, thoroughly, absolutely,
affliction, cancer simply
plain clothes — plaster
plain clothes noun civilian clothes worn plank noun planks along flat piece of wood
instead of a uniform, e.g. by police
plankton noun microscopic plants and animals
plaintiff youn plaintiffs the person who brings that float in the sea, lakes, etc.
a complaint against somebody else to a
lawcourt compare defendant
plant noun plants 1a living thing that cannot
move, makes its food from chemical
plaintive anjctive sounding sad e a plaintive cry substances, and usually has a stem, leaves, and
roots 2asmall plant, not a tree or shrub 3a
plait (plat) vere plaits, plaiting, plaited weave factory or its equipment 4 (informal)
three or more strands of hair or rope to form something deliberately placed for other people
one length to find, usually to mislead people or cause
plait youn plaits alength of hair orrope that has
been plaited plant vere plants, planting, planted 1 put
something in soil tor growing 2 fix somethin
plan noun plans 1a way of doing something firmly in place 3 place something where it will
thought out in advance 2a drawing showing be found, usually to mislead people or cause
the arrangement of parts of something 3.a trouble
map of a town or district > planter NOUN
plan vers plans, planning, planned make a plantation noun plantations 1 alarge area of
plan for something land where cotton, tobacco, or tea etc. is
> planner NOUN planted 2a group of planted trees
plane'noun planes 1 anaeroplane 2a tool for plaque (plak) noun plaques 1 flat piece of
making wood smooth by scraping its surface metal or porcelain fixed on a wall as an
3 flat or level surface ornament or memorial 2 a filmy substance that
plane vers planes, planing, planed smooth forms on teeth and gums, where bacteria can
wood with a plane live

plame appctive flat or level @ a plane surface plaster voun plasters 1a small covering put
usace Do not confuse with plain. over the skin around a cut or wound to protect
it 2a mixture of lime, sand, and water etc. for
plane? noun planes a tall tree with broad leaves covering walls and ceilings 3 plaster of Paris, or
a cast made of this to hold broken bones in
planet noun planets one of the bodies that place
move in an orbit round the sun. The main
planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, plaster vere plasters, plastering, plastered
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto 1 cover a wall etc. with plaster 2 cover
> planetary ADJECTIVE something thickly; daub

plan noun 1 (informal) a plan of the building plank noun a plank of wood » board,
> chart, diagram, map, layout, blueprint, floorboard, beam, timber
representation 2 a clever plan for raising money
> scheme, idea, proposal, project, plant NOUN 1 plants » greenery, growth,
programme, strategy, suggestion, proposition flora, undergrowth, vegetation 2 industrial
plant » machinery, machines, equipment,
plan vers 1 She began planning tomorrow’s apparatus 3 a plant of British intelligence
journey. » organize, arrange, work out, think & Ait informant, spy, agent, infiltrator,
out, prepare 2 some tips for anyone planning a mole
new garden » design, devise, contrive, sketch
out 3 We plan to go abroad this year. » intend, plant vers 1 Plant the seeds in September. » sow,
propose, aim, mean, envisage, contemplate, bury, set out, put inthe ground 2 Someone had
be thinking of usAGE If you use any of the last planted the idea in her mind. » establish,
three synonyms, you need to say going instead introduce, fix, put, lodge, impress, instil,
of to go, e.g. We envisage going abroad this year. imprint
plane noun 1 The plane rose gently in the air. plaster noun 1 He stripped the wall down to the
> aeroplane, aircraft, jet, airliner, craft 2 The plaster. » plasterwork, mortar, stucco 2A
thought that came to her now was on a more nurse put a plaster on the cut. » dressing,
creative plane. > level, stage, degree, position sticking plaster, bandage
planet noun the population of the planet plaster vers The floor was plastered with mud.
> globe, world, orb > cover, daub, coat, smother, smear, spread
plaster of Paris > play
plaster of Pariswoun a white paste used for flat surface above the level of the floor,
making moulds
or for casts round a broken leg especially one from which someone speaks to
or arm an audience 3 the policies that a political party
plasticnoun plastics a strong light synthetic puts forward
substance that can be moulded into a platinumwoun a valuable silver-coloured metal
permanent shape that does not tarnish
plasticanective 1 made of plastic 2 soft and platitudenoun platitudes atrite or over-used
easy to mould e Clay is a plastic substance. remark»
> plasticity Noun > platitudinousspjective
[from Greek plastos = moulded or formed] plausible spective seeming to be honest or
plastic surgerywoun surgery to repair worth believing but perhaps deceptive e a
deformed or injured parts of the body plausible excuse
> plastic surgeonNoun > plausiblysovers plausibilitynoun
platenoun plates 1 an almost flat usually playvers plays, playing, played 1 take part in
circular object from which food is eaten or a game, sport, or other amusement 2 make
served 2.a thin flat sheet of metal, glass, or music or sound with a musical instrument,
other hard material 3 an illustration on special be player, etc. 3 perform a part ina play or
paper in a book ilm
> plateful noun > playernoun
play aboutor play aroundhave fun or be
platevers plates, plating, plated 1 coat metal mischievous
with a thin layer of gold, silver, tin, etc. 2 cover play downgive people the impression that
something with sheets of metal something is not important
plateau (plat- oh) noun plateaux(plat-ohz) a play up(informal) tease or annoy someone
flat area of high land ee a plays 1 astory acted onastageoron
platformnoun platforms 1 flat raised area radio or television 2 playing or having fun
along the side of a line at a railway station 2a [from Old English]

plasticapjective They were drinking warm beer freedom of movement, looseness, flexibility,
from plastic tumblers. » PVC, polystyrene, latitude, leeway
polyurethane, celluloid
playvers 1 The children were playing in the
platewnoun 1 She helped herselftoa plate offood. garden. » amuse yourself, have fun, enjoy.
> dish, platter, dinner plate, plateful, helping, yourself, play games, romp, frolic, caper 21
serving, portion, bowl 2 Someone had removed enjoy playing indoor sports. » take part in,
the plates from the end of the book. > illustration, engage in, participate in, join in, compete in
picture, print, photograph, lithograph 3 There 3 The two sides play each other next week.
was a brass plate by the front door. » plaque, > compete against, take on, challenge,
nameplate, sign oppose, vie with 4 We need someone to play
Hamlet. » act, perform, portray, act the part
platform 1A speaker addressed the audience of, play the part of, take the role of 5 He
from the platform. » dais, rostrum, podium, regretted not being able to play a musical
stand, stage 2 the Liberal Democrats’ election instrument. » perform on, make music on
platform » policy, programme, manifesto, play downThe Government played down the
plan, party line effect of the tax increases. >» minimize, make
plausibleapectve 1 He knew he had presented a light of, gloss over, underplay
plausible explanation. » credible, reasonable, OPPOSITES AREexaggerate, play up
believable, convincing, persuasive, tenable, play onadvertising that plays on people’s
likely, feasible, probable, possible, acceptable, anxieties » exploit, take advantage of, make
conceivable AN opposite ISimplausible 2 He use of, capitalize on, trade on
had the sort ofplausible charm that Georgina was play up 1 Some of the children began to play up.
wary of. » smooth, smooth-talking, glib, > misbehave, behave badly, benaughty, cause
specious trouble 2 The newspapers played up the scandal.
> emphasize, accentuate, exaggerate,
playnoun 1 balance between work and play underline, highlight, give prominence
to, stress
> amusement, entertainment, relaxation, OPPOSITES AREminimize, play down
recreation, enjoyment, leisure, pleasure,
diversion, fun 2 a playby Shakespeare >» drama, playernoun 1 The team has bought some new
theatrical work, stage play, tragedy, comedy, players. » team member, sportsman or
production, performance, show 3 There was sportswoman, competitor, contestant
some play in the mechanism. » movement, 2 players on stage » actor or actress,
playful - pledge
playful spective 1 wanting to play; full of fun plead vers pleads, pleading, pleaded 1beg
2 done in fun; not serious : someone to do something 2 state formally ina
> playfully apvers playfulness Noun lawcourt that you are guilty or not guilty of a
playground noun playgrounds a piece of crime-3 give something as an excuse @ She
ground for children to play on didn’t come on holiday with us, pleading poverty.
playgroup noun playsraups a group of very pleasant apective pleasing; giving pleasure
young children who play together regularly, > pleasantly apvers pleasantmess NOUN
supervised by adults
playing card noun playing cards each of aset please vers pleases, pleasing, pleased
of cards (usually 52) used for playing games 1 make a person feel satisfied or glad 2 (used to
make a request or an order polite) @ Please ring
playing field noun playing fields a field used the bell. 3 like; think suitable e Do as you please.
for outdoor games
playmate noun playmates a person you play pleasure noun pleasures 1a feeling of
games with satisfaction or gladness; enjoyment
play-off noun play-offs an extra match that is 2 something that pleases you
played to decide a draw or tie plectrum noun piectra a small piece of metal
plaything noun playthings a toy or bone etc. for plucking the strings of a
playwright noun playwrights a person who musical instrument
writes plays
PLC orp.l.c. agsreviation public limited company
pledge noun pledges 1a solemn promise
2a thing handed over as security for a loan or
plea noun pleas 1a request or appeal e a plea contract
for mercy 2 an excuse e He stayed at home on the
plea of a headache. 3a formal statement of pledge vers pledges, pledging, pledged
‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ made in a lawcourt by. 1 promise solemnly to do or give something
someone accused of a crime 2 hand something over as security

performer, artist, entertainer 3 players in an entertain 2 Do what you please » want, like,
orchestra » musician, performer, wish, desire, feel like
instrumentalist, soloist, artist
pleased anjective We were so pleased to see you.
playful apjective 1 She came back from the party > happy, glad, delighted, satisfied, overjoyed,
in a playful mood. » frisky, lively, jolly, spirited thrilled opposites ARE displeased, annoyed
2 a few playful remarks » light-hearted, joking,
teasing, jocular, frivolous pleasing apjctives a very pleasing result
> pleasant, agreeable, gratifying, satisfying,
playground noun a playground behind the welcome, acceptable
school » play area, recreation ground,
amusement park pleasure noun 1 She found great pleasure in
fashionable clothes. » enjoyment, gratification,
playing field noun The train passed a playing happiness, satisfaction, amusement,
field where a game was going on. » sports contentment, fulfilment, delight, comfort,
ground, ground, pitch, recreation ground entertainment, gladness, joy, solace 2 the
plea noun 1a plea for mercy» appeal, petition, pleasures that children bring » joy, delight,
request, entreaty, supplication, invocation, enjoyment
prayer 2 His plea was that he had been ill. pledge noun 1 Labour's pledge to spend billions
> claim, excuse, defence, justification, pretext on education. » promise, undertaking,
plead vers The prisoners pleaded for their lives. assurance, commitment, guarantee 2 She gave
> beg, implore, entreat, petition, request, her rings as a pledge. » surety, security, bond,
solicit, appeal, ask, importune deposit, bail
pleasant anjective 1 It was a pleasant afternoon. pledge vere They all pledged their loyalty to the
> enjoyable, pleasing, agreeable, satisfying, Queen. » promise, swear, vow, guarantee,
delightful, lovely, nice AN OPPOSITE IS undertake
unpleasant 2 The assistants are all very pleasant.
> friendly, agreeable, congenial, likeable,
plentiful apectve a plentiful supply offruit
> abundant, copious, ample, liberal, profuse,
personable, good-humoured, nice
generous, lavish, rich, bountiful, prolific,
OPPOSITES ARE unpleasant, disagreeable
inexhaustible opposites ARE sparse, scarce
please vers 1 She did her best to please them. be plentiful The flowers are plentiful at this time
> make happy, satisfy, give pleasure to, ofyear. >» abound, proliferate, be abundant,
gladden, gratify, amuse, content, delight, flourish, thrive
plenty > plucky
plentywoun quite enough; as much as is plopwoun plops the sound of something
needed or wanted dropping into water
> plopvers
plenty overs (informal) quite or fully e It’s
plenty big enough. plotyoun plots 1 secret plan 2the story ina
play, novel, or film 3.asmall piece of land
pliablespective 1 easy to bend: flexible 2 easy plotvers plots, plotting plotted 1 makea
to influence or control secret plan 2 make a chart or graph of
> pliabilitynoun something.e We plotted the ship’s route on our
pliersp.urat oun pincers that have jaws with flat map.
surfaces for gripping things ploughwoun ploughsa farming implement for
turning the soil over, in preparation for planting
plightnoun plights a difficult or dangerous seeds
ploughvers ploughs, ploughing, ploughed
plimsolloun plimsollsa canvas sports shoe 1 turn over soil with a plough 2 go through
with a rubber sole [same origin as Plimsoll line something with great effort or difficulty e He
(because the thin sole reminded people of a ploughed through the book.
Plimsoll line)] > ploughmanwnoun
Plimsoll lineyoun Plimsoll lines a mark ona plough backreinvest profits in the business
ship’s side showing how deeply it may legally that produced them
go down in the water when loaded [named pluckvers plucks, plucking plucked 1 picka
after an English politician, S. Plimsoll, who in flower or fruit 2 pull the feathers off a bird
the 1870s protested about ships being 3 pull something up or out 4 pulla string (e.g.
overloaded] on a guitar) and let it go again
pluck up couragesummon up courage and
PLO sssreviaTion Palestine Liberation overcome fear
Organization pluckwoun courage or spirit
plodvers plods, plodding plodded 1 walk pluckyapective pluckier, pluckiest brave or
slowly and heavily 2 work slowly but steadily spirited
> ploddernoun > pluckilyspvers

plentynoun 14 time ofplenty » affluence, plotvers 1 The president’s brother was plotting his
prosperity, wealth, opulence, luxury, well- downfall. >»plan, scheme, concoct, devise,
being, comfort 2 plenty of There is plenty of hatch 2 He was accused ofplotting against the
time before they arrive.» alot of, a great deal of, government. » conspire, scheme, intrigue
much, enough, (more informal) lots of, (more 3 They plotted their course on the map. » chart,
informal) heaps of, (more informal) loads of, mark, map
(more informal) masses of
ploughivers 1 Farmers ploughed the fields.
pliableanectve 12 pliable material » flexible, > cultivate, till, work, turn over 2A van had
bendable, pliant, supple, plastic, springy, (more ploughed into a shop window. » plunge, crash,
informal) bendy AN OPPOSITE ISstiff 2 a pliable career, smash, bulldoze
mind » adaptable, impressionable,
responsive, suggestible, compliant, flexible, ploynoun It was just a ploy to get rid of Doreen.
tractable, biddable, accommodating > ruse, trick, move, device, stratagem,
AN OPPOSITE ISrigid manoeuvre
plightwoun the plight of the homeless pluckwoun It must have taken a lot ofpluck to
> difficulty, predicament, danger, trouble, walk along a path marked ‘danger’. » courage,
extremity, quandary, straits daring, nerve, audacity, boldness, heroism,
(more informal) bottle, (more informal) grit,
plodvers 1 Mary plodded up the path. » trudge, (more informal) guts
tramp, lumber, stomp 2 It will take hours to
plod through the whole book. » plough, wade, pluckvers 1 She began to pluck hairs offher skirt.
trawl, labour, persevere, grind on > pick, pull, take off, snatch 2 He sang and
plucked a guitar. » pick, twang, strum, finger
plotnoun 1 He grew vegetables in a plot behind 3 The girls stood plucking fruit from the trees.
the house. » piece of ground, patch, allotment, > pick, gather, collect, harvest, garner
smallholding, lot 2 The novel has a complicated
plot.» storyline, story, outline, action, thread, pluckyajective a plucky young woman's tale of
scenario, narrative 3 A plot was revealed against escape » brave, courageous, bold, daring,
the government. » conspiracy, intrigue; plan, intrepid, valiant, resolute OPPOSITES AREtimid,
scheme, cabal, machination cowardly
plug = plush
plug noun plugs 1 something used to stop up a plummet vers plummets, plummeting,
hole e a bath plug 2a device that fits into a plummeted 1 drop downwards quickly
socket to connect wires to a supply of 2 decrease rapidly in value @ Prices have
electricity 3 (informal) a piece of publicity for plummeted.
something plump !apecrive slightly fat; rounded
plug vers plugs, plugging, plugged 1 stop up > plumpness Noun
ahole 2 (informal) publicize something plump vers plumps, plumping, plumped
plug in put a plug into an electrical socket make something rounded e plump up a cushion
plum noun plums 1a soft juicy fruit with a plump 2vers plumps, plumping, plumped
pointed stone in the middle 2 a reddish-purple plump for (informal) choose
colour 3 (informal) something very good e a
plum job plunder vers plunders, plundering,
plundered rob a person or place using force,
plumb vers plumbs, plumbing, plumbed especially during a war or riot
1 measure how deep something is 2 get to the > plunderer Noun
bottom of a matter e We could not plumb the
mystery. 3 fit aroom or building with a plunder noun 1 plundering 2. goods etc. that
plumbing system have been plundered
plumb aoyective exactly upright; vertical e The plunge vers plunges, plunging, plunged
wall was plumb 1 go or push forcefully into something; dive
plumb apvere (informal) exactly e It fell plumb in 2 fall or go downwards suddenly 3 go or force
the middle. into action etc. e They plunged the world into
plumber noun plumbers a person who fits and
mends plumbing plunge noun plunges a sudden fall or dive
plumbing noun 1 the water pipes, water tanks, take the plunge start a bold course of action
and drainage pipes ina building 2 the work ofa plural youn plurals the form of a noun or verb
plumber used when it stands for more than one person
plumb line oun aline with a heavy object tied or thing e The plural of ‘child’ is ‘children’.
to it, used forfinding a vertical line on an COMPARE singular
upright surface or for testing the depth of > plural apjective plurality Noun
water plus prerosition with the next number or thing
plume noun plumes 1a large feather added e 2 plus 2 equals four (2 + 2=4) [from
2 something shaped like a feather e a plume of Latin, = more]
smoke plush woun a thick velvety cloth used in
plummet youn plummets a plumb line or the furnishings
weight on its end > plushy ADecTive

plug noun 1 He put a plug in the top of the bottle. overweight, stout, portly, pudgy
> stopper, cork, bung 2 (informal) They put in OPPOSITES ARE thin, slim, skinny
a plug for their new song. » advertisement,
piece of publicity, mention, (informal) puff, plump vere Jill plumped down on the sofa and fell
(informal) boost asleep. » sink, drop, flop, fall, collapse
plug vers 1 The first thing to do was plug the leak. plump for I’m going to plump for the vegetarian
> seal, stop up, block up, close 2 (informal) He meal. » choose, opt for, go for, pick, decide on
wanted to plug the new film. » publicize, plunder vere Pirates plundered towns and
promote, advertise, mention frequently villages near the coast. » despoil, loot, pillage,
plug away He plugged away at the work he had raid, ransack, ravage, rifle, rob, sack, steal from
to do. » toil, labour, soldier on, plod on
plumb apvere The arrow hit the target plumb in plunder noun The army was bent on plunder and
the middle. » exactly, precisely, dead, (more murder. » looting, robbery, pillage, pillaging,
informal) slap marauding
plumb vers They seem to have plumbed the depths plunge vers 1 The plane plunged to the ground.
of despair.» penetrate, probe, sound, explore, > dive, plummet, fall, hurtle, drop, crash, dive,
measure swoop, nosedive 21 plunged into the lake.
plummet vers A stone came loose and plummeted > dive, leap, jump, throw yourself, hurl
to the ground. » plunge, fall, hurtle, drop, yourself 3 He plunged the knife into the ripe fruit.
crash, dive > thrust, force, stab, shove, stick, push 4 She
plump apective a plump little boy » chubby, plunged a hand in the water. > dip, immerse,
podgy, tubby, fat , dumpy, rotund, round, submerge, sink
plutonium — point
plutoniumyoun a radioactive substance used > pocketfulyoun
in nuclear weapons and reactors [named after be out of pockethave spent more money than
the planet Pluto] you have gained
ply! noun plies 1 a thickness or layer of wood or
cloth etc. 2a strand in yarn e 4-ply wool pocketaoectve small enough to carry ina
pocket e a pocket calculator
ply? vers plies, plying plied 1 use or wielda
tool or weapon 2 work at e Tailors plied their pocketyrrs pockets, pocketing pocketed
trade. 3 keep offering e They plied her with food put something into a pocket [from old French
or with questions. 4 go regularly e The boat plies pochet = little pouch]
between the two harbours. 5 drive or wait about
looking for custom e Taxis are allowed to ply for pocket moneynoun money giventoa child to
hire. spend as he or she likes
plywoodnoun strong thin board made of podyoun podsa long seed container of the kind
layers of wood glued together found ona pea or bean plant
PMlsesreviation Prime Minister
POeMyoun poemsa piece of poetry
_ pneumatic(new- mat- ik) agective filled with poetnoun poetsa person who writes poetry
or worked by compressed air @ a pneumatic drill > poetessvoun
> pneumatically spvers
poetrynoun writing arranged in short lines,
[from Greek pneuma = wind]
usually with a particular rhythm and
pmeumonia(new- moh- nee- a) Noun aserious sometimes with rhymes
illness caused by inflammation of one or both > poeticanecive poeticalsnyective poetically
lungs [from Greek pneumon = lung] ADVERB
POssereviTion 1 Post Office 2 postal order
poachyers poaches, poaching poached poignant(poin- yant) apjective very
1 cook an egg (removed from its shell) in or distressing; affecting the feelings e poignant
over boiling water 2 cook fish or fruit etc. ina
> poignancynoun
small amount of liquid 3 steal game or fish
from someone else’s land or water 4 take pointyoun points 1 the narrow or sharp end of
something unfairly e One club was poaching something 2a dot e the decimal point 3a
members from another. particular place or time @ At this point she was
> poachernoun winning. 4 a detail or characteristic e He has his
pocketyoun pockets 1a small bag-shaped good points. 5 the important or essential idea
part, especially in a piece of clothing 2a e Keep to the point! 6 purpose or value @ There
person’s supply of money @ The expense is is no point in hurrying. 7 an electrical socket 8a
beyond my pocket. 3 an isolated part or area device for changing a train from one track to
@ small pockets of rain another

poachers The new company was poaching staff poeticanective poetic language » expressive,
from its rivals. » steal, purloin, filch, (more lyrical, poetical, emotive, metrical, imaginative
informal) pinch, (more informal) nick AN OPPOSITE ISprosaic

pocketyoun There were some pockets of poetrynoun a book ofpoetry » poems, verses,
resistance to the new regime. » area, patch, rhymes
centre, cluster
pointvoun 1 the point of the needle » tip, end,
pocketyers e The management was accused of sharp end, spike, extremity 2 points of light
pocketing all the profits. » appropriate, steal, > spot, speck, dot, fleck 3 At this point, the
help yourself to, take for yourself door opened. » moment, instant, time, stage
41 wish they would get to the point. » essence,
podgysoyective She looked a bit podgy. » plump, crux, meaning, thrust 5 a few points of detail
chubby, tubby, fat ,dumpy, rotund, round, > detail, item, issue, factor, consideration,
overweight, pudgy OPPOSITES AREthin, slim, particular, facet, feature 6 She admitted he had
skinny some good points. » characteristic, feature,
poemyoun He read her some of his poems. attribute, aspect, peculiarity, side 7 There
> verse, rhyme, poetry didn’t seem much point in staying. » purpose,
reason, object, aim, goal, advantage, benefit
poetyoun She wrote stories and was a poet. 8 They could get on the train at a point further up
> writer of verse, rhymester, rhymer, lyricist, the line. » place, position, location, spot, site,
versifier, bard locality
point > poker
point vere points, pointing, pointed 1 show poise vere poises, poising, poised balance
where something is, especially by holding out a poise youn. 1a dignified self-confident manner
finger etc. towards it 2 aim or direct e She 2 balance
pointed her finger at me. 3 fillin the parts
poison youn poisons a substance that can
between bricks with mortar or cement
harm or killa living thing if swallowed or
point out draw attention to something
absorbed into the body
point-blank apecrve 1 aimed orfired from > poisonous ADJECTIVE
close to the target 2 direct and straightforward poison vers poisons, poisoning, poisoned
e@ a point-blank refusal 1 give poison to; kill somebody with poison
point-blank apvere ina point-blank manner 2 put poison in something 3 corrupt or spoil
@ He refused point-blank. something e He poisoned their minds.
> poisoner NOUN
pointed spective 1 witha point at the end [via early French from Latin potio = potion]
2 clearly directed at a person e a pointed
remark poke vers pokes, poking, poked 1 prod or
> pointedly apvers jab 2 push out or forward; stick out 3 search
e I was poking about in the attic.
pointer youn pointers 1a stick, rod, or mark poke fun at ridicule
etc. used to point at something 2a dog that
points with its muzzle towards birds that it poke noun pokes a poking movement; a prod
scents 3 an indication or hint poker ' youn pokers astiff metal rod for poking
pointless spective without a point; with no a fire
purpose poker? noun a card game in which players bet
> pointlessly apvers on who has the best cards

point vers 1 point orpoint to An official pointed self-assured, self-confident, dignified,
the way. He pointed to a picture on the stairs. composed, graceful, elegant
> indicate, point out, draw attention to, show, poison noun 1A gram of the poison is enough to
signal 2 She saw the man was pointing a gun at killa man. » toxin, venom 2a poison in society
her. » aim, direct, level, train 31 point you in > blight, contamination, contagion, cancer
the right direction. » direct, guide, lead, steer
Poison vere 1 to poison someone > kill
point-blank spective 1 The gun was fired at 2 Chemicals are poisoning the country’s rivers.
point-blank range. » close 2 Their request met > pollute, contaminate, infect, foul, taint
with a point-blank refusal. > blunt, direct, 3 The media were accused of trying to poison
straight, plain, frank, open, explicit, forthright people’s minds. » prejudice, subvert, corrupt,
point-blank pvers She told him point-blank embitter, colour, warp, affect, pervert
that it was over. > bluntly, directly, straight, poisonous apective 1 poisonous insect
straight out, frankly, openly, plainly, clearly, > venomous, deadly, virulent 2a cloud of
forthrightly poisonous gases » toxic, lethal, noxious, fatal,
pointed spjective 1 He used the pointed end of a mortal 3 a poisonous remark » malicious,
stick.» sharp, tapered, spiky 2 Kathleen greeted malevolent, hostile, vicious, spiteful, vitriolic
this pointed remark with a smile. » cutting, poke vers They poked burning sticks at him. He
biting, trenchant, caustic, acerbic, scathing, poked her with his elbow. » prod, dig, jab,
barbed, sharp, insinuating, hurtful nudge, thrust, stab, shove, stick
AN OPPOSITE IS bland poke about oraround Someone was poking
pointless apjective The country was being about in the cupboard. » search, rummage,
dragged into a pointless military conflict. It was root around
pointless to try to catch them now. » futile, poke fun at They laughed and poked fun at him.
senseless, fruitless, useless, needless, vain, > ridicule, mock, make fun of, jeer at
aimless, meaningless, unprofitable poke out A hand was poking out of the back
OPPOSITES ARE useful, valuable window. » protrude, stick out, jut out, peek,
poise noun Claudia admired her poise. project
> composure, calmness, equanimity, aplomb, poke noun Amy gave him a poke. » prod, dig,
assurance, self-confidence, self-control, jab, nudge, shove
coolness, dignity, elegance, equilibrium pokcy anjective a poky room with one chair
poised nective 1 Both forces were poised to take > confined, cramped, tiny, small,
the city. » prepared, ready, set, waiting, keyed uncomfortable, restrictive
up 2 She gave a poised performance. » assured, AN OPPOSITE IS spacious
polar = poll
polar apjective 1 to do with or near the North > policeman noun police officer noun
Pole or South Pole 2 to do with either pole of a policewoman Noun
> polarity noun police vers polices, policing, policed keep
order in a place by means of police
polar bear youn polar bears a white bear policy ' noun policies the aims or plan of action
living in Arctic regions
of aperson or group
polarize vers polarizes, polarizing,
polarized 1 keep vibrations of light waves etc. policy? noun policies a document stating the
terms of a contract of insurance
toasingle direction 2 divide into two groups of
completely opposite extremes of feeling or polish vers polishes, polishing, polished
opinion e Opinions had polarized. 1 make a thing smooth and shiny by rubbing
> polarization youn 2 make a thing better by making corrections
Polaroid camera noun Polaroid cameras and alterations
(trade mark) a camera that takes a picture and > polisher youn
polish off finish off
produces the finished photograph a few
seconds later polish youn polishes 1a substance used in
_ pole’ youn poles along slender rounded piece polishing 2a shine 3 elegance of manner
of wood or metal polite anective having good manners
pole? youn poles 1 point on the earth’s > politely apvers politeness noun
surface that is as far north (North Pole) or as political anective connected with the governing
far south (South Pole) as possible 2 either of of a country or region
the ends of a magnet 3 either terminal of an > politically apvers
electric cell or battery politician youn politicians a person who is
pole star youn the star above the North Pole involved in politics
pole vault youn an athletic contest in which politics youn political matters; the business of
competitors jump over a high bar with the help governing a country or region
of along flexible pole poll (rhymes with pole) noun polls 1 voting or
police noun the people whose job is to catch votes at an election 2 an opinion poll 3 (old use)
criminals and make sure that the law is kept the head

pole youn 1 The fence was held up by a series of polish off The boys polished off a plate of
poles. » post, pillar, stake, stick, upright, > finish, eat up
support, shaft, spar 2 Their opinions are at polish up She sat down to polish up her essay.
opposite poles. » extreme, extremity, limit > improve, refine, enhance, brush up
poles apart Our political views are poles apart. polish oun 1 The table had a lovely bright polish.
> completely different, worlds apart, like chalk > shine, sheen, gloss, lustre, patina, finish
and cheese, irreconcilable, incompatible 2 His years abroad had given him polish.
police noun The police soon arrived at the scene. > refinement, sophistication, suavity,
> police force, constabulary, (more informal) urbanity, class, finesse, grace, style, elegance
the Law, (more informal) the Fuzz, (more polished spective 1 polished table » shiny,
informal) the Bill shining, bright, glossy, gleaming, lustrous,
police vere It would be difficult to police such a burnished, glassy OPPOSITES ARE dull, tarnished
large area. » control, supervise, watch over, 2 polished manners » refined, sophisticated,
monitor, patrol, keep in order, keep the peace suave, urbane, polite, cultured, elegant,
at, provide a police presence at gracious, perfected, (more informal) posh
policeman or policewoman noun » police OPPOSITES ARE rough, crude 3a polished
officer, officer, constable, (more informal) performance » accomplished, skilful, masterly,
bobby, (more informal) cop, (more informal) expert, flawless, faultless
copper polite anyective They were too polite to complain.
policy noun 1 the school’s policy on truancy > well-mannered, courteous, respectful, civil,
> strategy, code of practice, approach (to), well behaved, considerate, cultivated
procedure 2 It’s always a good policy to read the AN OPPOSITE IS rude
instructions carefully. » practice, habit, poll noun 1 There would have to be a second poll
custom, rule to decide the winner. » ballot, vote, election
polish vers 11 must polish my shoes. » shine, 2 The store organized a poll to determine views on
brush up, clean, buff up, burnish, brighten, rub smoking. » survey, opinion poll, sampling,
down, rub up, wax ; census, plebiscite, referendum
poll — pop
poll vers polls, polling, polled 1 vote at an pomp noun the ceremonial splendour that is
election 2 receive a stated number of votes in traditional on important public occasions
an election pompous spective full of excessive dignity and
> polling booth noun polling station noun self-importance
> pompously Apvers pomposity noun
pollen youn powder produced by flowers,
containing male cells for fertilizing other pond youn ponds asmall lake
flowers ponder vere ponders, pondering, pondered
think deeply and seriously
pollen count youn pollen counts a ponderous spective 1 heavy and awkward
measurement of the amount of pollen in the 2 laborious and dull e He writes in a ponderous
air, given as a warning for people who are
allergic to pollen > ponderously Apvers
pollinate vege pollinates, pollinating, pontificate vers pontificates, pontificating,
pollinated fertilize a plant with pollen pontificated give your opinions in a pompous
> pollination noun wa
poll tax youn poll taxes a tax that every adult > Dontificatian NOUN
has to pay regardless of income pony noun ponies asmall horse
pollute vers pollutes, polluting, polluted ponytail youn ponytails a bunch of long hair
tied at the back of the head
make the air, water, etc. dirty or impure
> pollutant oun pollution noun poodle youn poodles a dog with thick curly
polygamy (pol-ig- a- mee) noun having more pool' youn pools 1apond 2apuddle 3a
than one wife at a time swimming pool
> polygamous apective polygamist noun
pool? youn pools 1 the fund of money staked
polygon noun polygons a shape with many inagambling game 2a group ofthings shared
sides. Hexagons and octagons are polygons byseveral people 3 agame resembling billiards
> polygonal spective the pools gambling based on the results of
polyhedronnoun polyhedrons a solid shape football matches
with many sides pool vere pools, pooling, pooled put money or
things together for sharing
polytechnic youn polytechnics a college POOF apective 1 with very little money or other
giving instruction in many subjects at degree resources 2 not good; inadequate e a poor
level or below. In 1992 the British polytechnics piece of work 3 unfortunate; deserving pity
were able to change their names and call @ Poor fellow!
themselves universities > poorness NOUN
polythene noun a lightweight plastic used to poorly Apvere ina poor way e We've played
make bags, wrappings, etc. poorly this season.
pomegranate noun pomegranates a tropical poorly spective rather ill e You look poorly.
fruit with many seeds [from Latin pomum = Pop! youn pops 1asmall explosive sound 2a
apple + granatum = having many seeds] fizzy drink

pompous spective He sounded so pompous I POOF Apective 1 The scheme was intended to
couldn't help giggling. » self-important, rehouse poor families. » impoverished, poverty-
grandiose, overbearing, haughty, arrogant, stricken, badly off, impecunious, hard-up,
conceited, pretentious, puffed up, destitute, penniless OPPOSITES ARE rich, wealthy
condescending, domineering 2 The workmanship was of poor quality.
AN OPPOSITE IS modest > inferior, substandard, deficient, defective,
ponder vers ponder or ponder about It was a unsatisfactory, mediocre, second-rate, shoddy
good time to ponder the events of the last week. OPPOSITES ARE superior, fine 3 The poor man had
> consider, think about, contemplate, reflect to wait ten hours for a train. » unfortunate,
on, meditate on, review, mull over unlucky, luckless, wretched, pitiful, unhappy
ponderousapective 1 He spoke in a slow OPPOSITES ARE fortunate, lucky
ponderous way. > clumsy, awkward, poorly apyective She began to feel poorly in the taxi
lumbering, cumbersome, ungainly
home. > ill, unwell, sick, out of sorts, off colour,
OPPOSITES ARE elegant, graceful
indisposed, ailing, peaky, queasy, nauseous
poolnoun 1a pool of water » pond, puddle,
lake, mere, tarn 2 a pool of hire cars » supply, POP NouN the pop ofan air rifle » crack, bang,
stock, reserve explosion, burst, snap

pop = portion
POP vers pops, popping, popped 1 makea att NOUN meat from a pig [from Latin porcus =
pop 2 (informal) go or put quickly e Pop down pig
to the shop. e Ill just pop this pie into the
pornography (porn- og- ra- fee) Noun
obscene pictures or writings
POp? noun modern popular music > pornographic ADjECTIVE
Pope noun Popes the leader of the Roman
Catholic Church porpoise (por- pus) noun porpoises asea
animal rather like a small whale
pop-eyed spective with bulging eyes
poplar youn poplars a tall slender tree porridgenoun a food made by boiling oatmeal
to a thick paste [from an old word pottage =
poppadom noun poppadoms a thin crisp soup]
biscuit made of lentil flour, eaten with Indian
food port! youn ports 1aharbour 2a city or town
POppy noun poppies a plant with large red with a harbour 3 the left-hand side of a ship or
flowers aircraft when you are facing forward COMPARE
starboard [from Latin portus = harbour]
popular ance 1 liked or enjoyed by many
people 2 believed by many people e popular port? youn astrong red Portuguese wine [from
opinion 3 intended for the general public the city of Oporto in Portugal]
> popularly Apvers popularity noun portable apjecrve able to be carried [from Latin
populate vers populates, populating, portare = carry]
populated supply with a population; inhabit
portcullis youn portcullises a strong heavy
population you populations the people vertical grating that can be lowered in grooves
who live in a district or country; the total to block the gateway to a castle [from early
number of these people French porte coleice = sliding door]
porcelain noun the finest kind of china
porter! youn porters a person whose job is to
porch oun porches a shelter outside the carry luggage or other goods [from Latin
entrance to a building portare = carry]
porcupine noun porcupines a small animal
covered with long prickles porter? youn porters a person whose job is to
look after the entrance to a large building [from
pore! youn pores atiny opening onthe skin Latin porta = gate]
through which moisture can pass in or out
pore? vers pores, poring, pored porthole youn portholes a small window in
pore over study with close attention e He was the side of a ship or aircraft
poring over his books. portion oun portions a part or share given to
USAGE Do not confuse with pour. somebody

POP vers Corks were popping everywhere. port noun A large liner had entered the port.
> crack, go bang, explode, go off, burst, snap > harbour, seaport, marina, anchorage, dock,
poppycock noun (informal) They rejected the dockyard, haven
charges as poppycock. » nonsense, rubbish,
claptrap, gibberish, drivel portable anective a portable computer
> transportable, mobile, movable,
popular apective 1 popular student > well-
liked, favoured, favourite, liked, admired, lightweight, compact, easy to carry, handy,
accepted 2a popular line in women’s fashion light, manageable, small
> modish, sought-after, well-known, current,
porter oun 1 The apartment block had its own
(more informal) trendy
porter. » caretaker, doorkeeper, doorman,
popularize vers 1 to popularize a new product janitor, commissionaire, concierge 2A porter
> make popular, bring into vogue or fashion, helped her with her luggage. » baggage-carrier,
promote, spread 2 There are several good books baggage-handler, baggage-attendant, bearer,
that popularize the subject. » simplify, make carrier
accessible, make easy, present in a popular
way, universalize portionwoun 1 alarge portion ofrice> helping,
population noun the population of the country serving, plateful, bowlful, share, amount,
> inhabitants, people, populace, residents, ration, (more informal) dollop 2 Use the rear
citizens, occupants, community portion of the train. » section, part, segment
pore vers pore over She was poring over a map 3 Her portion of the inheritance came to several
of Greece. » study, peruse, scan, scrutinize, be millions. » share, allocation, quota, division,
absorbed in, be engrossed in 5 ration, percentage
portion = possess
portion vers portions, portioning, position to help you. 4 paid employment; a job
portioned divide something into portions > positional ADjecTive
@ Portion it out. 5
portly nective portlier, portliest rather fat positive spective 1 definite or certain e Are you
> portliness NOUN positive you saw him? @ We have positive proof
that he is guilty. 2 agreeing; saying ‘yes’ e We
portrait youn portraits 1 a picture of a person
received a positive reply. 3 confident and
or animal 2a description:in words
hopeful 4 showing signs of what is being tested
POSE NOUN poses 1a position or posture of the for e Her pregnancy test was positive. 5 greater
body, e.g: fora portrait or photograph 2 a way than nought 6 to do with the kind of electric
of behaving that someone adopts to give a charge that lacks electrons 7 (in grammar, said
particular impression
about an adjective or adverb) in the simple
pose vers poses, posing, posed 1 take upa form, not comparative or superlative e The
pose 2 put someone into a pose 3 pretend positive form is big’, the comparative is ‘bigger’,
4 put forward or present e It poses several the superlative is ‘biggest’.
problems for us. > positively apvers
posh spective (informal) 1 very smart; high-class USAGE The opposite of senses 1-4 is negative.
© a posh restaurant 2 upper-class @ a posh
accent POSSESS vers possesses, possessing,
position noun positions 1 the place where possessed 1 have orown something 2 control
something is or should be 2 the way a person someone’s thoughts or behaviour e I don’t
or thing is placed or arranged e in a sitting know what possessed you to do such a thing!
position 3a situation or condition e I am in no > possessor NOUN

portrait youn a portrait of the Prince Regent position noun 1 The map shows the position of
> Painting, picture , drawing, portrayal, the house. » location, situation, setting,
N depiction, representation, image, likeness locality, site, point 2 She rose to a standing
portray vers 1 The artist portrayed her in profile. position. » posture, pose, stance, attitude
> paint, draw, sketch, depict, show 2 The novel 3 His lack of money left him in an awkward
portrays London life in Victorian England. position. » situation, circumstances,
> depict, describe, picture , characterize, predicament, plight 4 They well knew their
represent, illustrate, show, delineate, evoke position in society. » status, standing, level,
role, rank, grade 5 advertisements for positions
pose vers 1 River levels pose a threat at this time in banking » job, post, situation, appointment,
ofyear. present, constitute, create, produce vacancy 6 the opposition’s position on the war
2 The article poses a number of important > point of view, viewpoint, attitude, policy,
questions. > raise, put forward, advance, offer, stand, standpoint, stance, outlook
posit, broach, suggest 3 She posed for a local
artist on Saturday afternoons. » sit, model, bea position vers Chairs had been positioned along
model 4 From his manner it was clear he was the walls. » put, arrange, deploy, dispose,
only posing. » pretend, put on an act, strike a
locate, place, settle, situate, stand, station
pose, put on airs, feign, masquerade 5 pose as positive spective 11 was positive they would
He decided to pose as a police officer. come back. » certain, sure, convinced,
> impersonate, pretend to be, masquerade as, confident, satisfied, assured
pass yourself off as OPPOSITES ARE uncertain, unsure 2 The case
lacked positive proof. » definite, conclusive,
POse noun 1a model in a suggestive pose
> attitude, position 2 His behaviour was only a categorical, unequivocal, incontrovertible,
irrefutable, indisputable, clear, explicit
pose. » pretence, act, affectation, facade,
show, front, masquerade, posture OPPOSITES ARE doubtful, unclear 3 The criticism
was positive. » helpful, constructive, practical,
poser noun. 1 (informal) How to get home in time useful AN OPPOSITE IS negative 4a positive
was a bit of a poser.» problem, difficulty, advantage » definite, conclusive, clear,
dilemma, puzzle 2 (informal) The bar was full of unmistakable, emphatic, unequivocal,
posers showing off to the girls. » exhibitionist, undeniable AN OPPOSITE IS vague 5.a positive
poseur, (informal) phoney, (informal) pseud, attitude » optimistic, confident, hopeful,
(informal) show-off assured AN OPPOSITE IS pessimistic 6 The journey
posh njecrive (informal) The car was parked was a positive nightmare. » absolute, utter,
outside a posh hotel. » smart, stylish, high- complete, sheer, perfect
class, luxury, luxurious, fashionable, elegant, POssess vers 1 The family possessed a house in
plush, showy, (informal) classy, (informal) France. » own, have, be in possession of
swanky, (informal) snazzy, (informal) swish 2 Foreign armies possessed the country » seize,

possessed = poster
possessed spective seeming to be controlled post? noun posts 1 position of paid
by strong emotion or an evil spirit e He fought employment; ajob 2 the place where someone
like a man possessed. is on duty e a sentry post 3 a place occupied by
POssession noun possessions 1 something soldiers, traders, etc.
you possess or own 2 owning something
posters posts, posting, posted place
possessive apjective 1 wanting to possess and someone on duty e We posted sentries.
keep things for yourself 2 (in grammar)
showing that somebody owns something e a postage noun the charge for sending
possessive pronoun (see pronoun) something by post
possibility vow possibilities 1 being postage stamp Noun postage stamps a
possible 2 something that may exist or happen stamp for sticking on things to be posted,
etc. showing the amount paid
possible apecrive able to exist, happen, be
done, or be used postal apectve to do with or by the post
possibly apvers 1 inany way e I can’t possibly do postal ordernoun postal orders adocument
it. 2 perhaps bought from a post office for sending money by
post! youn posts 1 an upright piece of wood,
concrete, or metal etc. set inthe ground 2 the postbox,oun postboxes a box into which
starting point orfinishing point of a race e He letters are put for collection
was left at the post.
postcard noun postcards a card for’sending
posters posts, posting, posted put upa messages by post without an envelope
notice or poster etc. to announce something
post? noun 1 the collecting and delivering of postcode noun postcodes a group of letters
letters, parcels, etc. 2 these letters and parcels and numbers included in an address to help in
etc. sorting the post

post vere posts, posting, posted put aletter or poster noun posters a large sheet of paper
parcel etc. into a postbox for collection announcing or advertising something, for
keep me posted keep me informed display in a public place

occupy, take over, acquire, control, dominate, AN OPPOSITE IS impossible 2 There is another
govern, rule 3A strange feeling possessed him. possible explanation. » conceivable,
> preoccupy, obsess, dominate, haunt, imaginable, plausible, likely, believable,
consume tenable, credible opposites ARE unlikely,
possessionnoun 1 She came into possession of inconceivable 3 He is regarded as a possible
the fortune. » ownership, control, title, tenure, party leader. » potential, prospective,
custody 2 possessions She put her few probable, promising, likely
possessions in the van. » belongings, things, OPPOSITES ARE Unlikely, improbable
property, chattels, effects, assets, goods, bits
and pieces possibly apvers 1 Possibly Jane will be there too.
> maybe, perhaps, conceivably 2 Could you
possessive spective He was very possessive and
possibly bring some food? » conceivably, by any
grew angry when she wanted to leave.
> proprietorial, overprotective, clinging, chance, at all
domineering, jealous, selfish postnoun 1 a flat roof supported by wooden posts
possibility noun 1 There was still a possibility > pole, pillar, stake, stick, upright, support,
they might come. » chance, likelihood, shaft, spar 2 The post hasn't come yet. > mail,
probability, prospect, hope, fear 2 the letters, delivery 3 The post will be advertised in
possibility ofstarting their own business the local newspaper. » job, position, situation,
> feasibility, practicality, capability, appointment, vacancy
potentiality 3 They even considered the
possibility ofgoing to war. > option, alternative, postvers 1 An announcement had been posted on
choice all notice boards. » display, pin up, put up, stick
possible spective 1 An improvement next year up, advertise, announce 21 must go and post a
might be possible. » feasible, practicable, letter. » mail, send, dispatch, put in the post,
achievable, attainable, viable, workable send off, get off
posterity — pounce
posterity voun future generations of people potassium noun a soft silvery-white metal
e These letters and diaries should be preserved for substance that is essential for living things
posterity . potato noun potatoes a starchy white tuber
postman noun postmen a person who delivers growing underground, used as a vegetable [via
or collects letters etc. Spanish from a Caribbean word]
postmark noun postmarks an official mark potentate (poh- ten- tayt) youn potentates a
put on something sent by post to show where powerful monarch or ruler
and when it was posted potential (po- ten- shal) anjective capable of ’
post-mortem Noun post-mortems an happening or being used or developed e a
examination of a dead body to discover the potential winner
cause of death > potentially apvers potentiality Noun
posthumous (poss- tew- mus) ADJECTIVE potential oun 1 the ability of a person or
coming after a person’s death e a posthumous thing to develop in the future 2 (in science) the
award for bravery voltage between two points
> posthumously ADverB
pothole noun potholes 1a deep natural hole
post office noun post offices 1a building or inthe ground 2a hole in a road
room where postal business is carried on 2 the
national organization responsible for postal potion noun potions a liquid for drinking as a
services medicine etc.

postpone vers postpones, postponing, potted spective 1 shortened or abridged e a

postponed fix a later time for something potted account of the story 2 preserved in a pot
e They postponed the meeting for a fortnight. @ potted shrimps
> postponement NOUN potter 'youn potters a person who makes
postscript youn postscripts something extra pottery
added at the end of a letter (after the writer’s potter VER potters, pottering, pottered
signature) or at the end of a book work or move about in a leisurely way e I spent
posture noun postures a particular position of the afternoon pottering around in the garden.
the body, or the way in which a person stands, pottery voun potteries 1 cups, plates,
sits, or walks ornaments, etc. made of baked clay 2 the craft
post-war apjective happening during the time of making these things 3 a place where a potter
after a war works
pot! noun pots 1adeep, usually round, pouch noun pouches 1 asmall bag 2a fold of
container 2 (informal) alot of something e He skin in which a kangaroo etc. keeps its young
has got pots of money. 3 something shaped like a bag
go to pot (informal) lose quality; be ruined poultry woun birds (e.g. chickens, geese, and
take pot luck (informal) take whatever is turkeys) kept for their eggs and meat
pounce vers pounces, pouncing, pounced
pot vers pots, potting, potted put into a pot jump or swoop down quickly on something
pot? noun (informal) cannabis > pounce NOUN

postpone vers The game was postponed potent spective 1a potent drug» strong,
for a fortnight. » put off, defer, delay, put powerful, pungent, intoxicating 2 a potent
back, adjourn, hold over, suspend, put on influence > strong, powerful, vigorous,
ice compelling, impressive, dominant,
overpowering, weighty
posture noun He bent his head forward in a
posture of respect. » position, stance, pose, potty Apjective 1 (informal) Maybe I’m going
attitude, bearing, deportment potty. » mad, insane, crazy, (informal) round
the bend, (informal) bonkers 2 potty about
Posy NOUN a posy of violets and freesias She’s potty about her two sons. » devoted to,
> bouquet, bunch, spray, nosegay, infatuated with, smitten with, mad about,
buttonhole, corsage crazy about

pot Noun. a pot of stew » pan, saucepan, vessel, pounce vers pounce on The animal pounced on
casserole, cauldron, stewpot, stockpot, crock, its prey. » jump on, spring on, leap on, swoop
urn on, bound at, lunge at, attack, ambush
pound = practical
pound! noun pounds 1a unit of money (in powdervers powders, powdering,
Britain = 100 pence) 2 a unit of weight equal to powdered 1 put powder on something
16 ounces or about 454 grams [from Old 2 make something into powder
English pund] poOwernoun powers 1 strength or energy
2 the ability to do something e the power of
pound? noun pounds 1a place where stray speech 3 political authority or control 4a
animals are taken 2.a public enclosure for powerful country, person, or organization
vehicles officially removed [origin unknown] 5 mechanical or electrical energy; the
pound? vers pounds, pounding, pounded electricity’supply e There was a power failure
1 hit something often, especially in order to after the storm. 6 (in science) the rate of doing
crush it 2 run or go heavily e He pounded down work, measured in watts or horsepower 7 (in
the stairs. 3thump e My heart was pounding. mathematics) the product of a number
[from Old English punian] multiplied by itself a given number of times
© The third power of2=2x2x2=8
pour vers pours, pouring, poured 1 flow or > powered ADJECTIVE: powerless ADJECTIVE
make something flow 2 rain heavily e It poured powerful agectve having great power,
all day. 3 come or go in large amounts e Letters strength, or influence
poured in. > powerfully Apvers
> pourer NOUN power station oun power stations a
USAGE Do not confuse with pore. building where electricity is produced
poutvers pouts, pouting, pouted push out
your lips when you are annoyed or sulking practicableaspyctive able to be done
> poutNouN usAGE Do not confuse with practical.
practical apjectve 1 able to do or make useful
poverty noun 1 being poor 2a lack or scarcity things e a practical person 2 likely to be useful
© a poverty of ideas © avery practical invention 3 actually doing
something, rather than just learning or
powdernoun powders 1 amass of fine dry thinking about it e She has had practical
particles of something 2a medicine or experience.
cosmetic etc. made as a powder 3 gunpowder > practicality Noun
> powdery AD/ECTIVE USAGE Do not confuse with practicable.

pound vers 1 Hans pounded his huge fists on the 4a speech ofgreat power » force, strength,
desk and glared. » beat, strike, thump, thud, potency, vigour, intensity, energy
batter, bang, bash 2 pound onHe pounded on AN OPPOSITE IS weakness
the gates, shouting wildly. » batter, beat, powerfulanyctive 1a powerful blow> violent,
thump, pummel, bang on, strike, hit 3 Her hard, strong, forceful AN opposite isweak 2a
heart was pounding. » throb, pulsate, thump, powerful ruler» dominant, commanding,
thud, race 4 Pound the garlic with a little salt. forceful, strong, vigorous, effective
> crush, grind, powder, mash, pulverize OPPOSITES AREWeak, ineffective 3 a powerful
physique » strong, muscular, sturdy, hefty,
pour vers 1 Blood poured from his wound. > spill, mighty, solid, burly opposites ARE weak, puny
issue, stream, run, discharge, flow, gush, spout 4 powerful argument > strong, convincing,
2 She poured milk from the jug. » serve, tip, compelling, cogent, overwhelming
decant OPPOSITES ARE Weak, unconvincing
poverty noun The region suffered from years of powerless 1 We felt powerless in the face of such
poverty. » want, penury, privation, determination. » impotent, helpless,
destitution, hardship, shortage, need, ineffectual, ineffective, incapable, defenceless,
necessity AN OPPOSITE IS wealth feeble, weak opposites ARE powerful, strong
powdery Apective a white powdery deposit 2 The police were powerless to act. » unable,
> dusty, sandy, grainy, chalky, crumbly, fine, incapable (of acting), without power
granular, loose, pulverized practicableapective Such a detailed plan would
powernoun 1 His father had a stroke and lost the not be practicable. » realistic, feasible, viable,
power of speech.» faculty, property, capability, workable, achievable, attainable, possible,
capacity, ability, competence 2 Who knows sensible, practical opposites AREimpracticable,
where the real power lies. » control, authority, impractical
influence, dominance, mastery, domination practical apjective 1 You need practical
3 The governor has the power to impose a curfew. experience ofthe work before you apply for the job.
> right, prerogative, authorization, authority > real, actual, hands-on, empirical, relevant
practical > preach
practical Noun practicals a lesson or praise vers praises, praising, praised 1 say
examination in which you actually do or make that somebody or something is very good
something rather than reading or writing about 2 honour God in words
it © a chemistry practical praise woun words that praise somebody or
practical joke noun practical jokes a trick something
played on somebody > praiseworthy ADJECTIVE
practically sovers 1 ina practical
way 2 almost pram NOUN prams a four-wheeled carriage fora
e I've practically finished. baby, pushed by’a person walking
practice NOUN practices 1 doing something prance Vers prances, prancing, pranced
repeatedly in order to become better at it move about in a lively or happy way
@ Have you done your piano practice? 2 actually prank Noun pranks atrick played formischief; a
doing something; action, not theory e It works practical joke
well in practice. 3 the professional business of a > prankster NOUN
doctor, dentist, lawyer, etc. 4a habit or custom prattle vers prattles, prattling, prattled
@ It is his practice to work until midnight. chatter like a young child
out of practice no longer skilful because you > prattle NOUN
have not practised recently
usaGe See the note on practise. prawn NOUN prawns an edible shellfish like a
large shrimp
practise vers practises, practising, practised
1 do something repeatedly in order to become ray VER8 prays, praying; prayed 1 talktoGod
better at it 2 do something actively or : 2 te earnestly for something 3 (formal) please
habitually @ Practise what you preach. 3 work as © Pray be seated.
a doctor, dentist, or lawyer prayer Noun prayers praying; words used in
usace Note the spelling: practice is a noun, praying
practise is averb, pre- prefix before (as in prehistoric)
practised apective experienced or expert preach vers preaches, preaching; preached
prairie NOUN prairies a large area of flat grass- give a religious or moral talk
covered land in North America > preacher NOUN

AN opposite |s theoretical 2 We can’t think ofany > follow, carry out, perform, put into practice,
practical alternatives. » workable, feasible, observe, apply, engage in
realistic, viable, reasonable, sensible, possible, praise vers 1 The judge praised her for her
achievable an opposite is impractical 3 Let’s be bravery. » commend, applaud, pay tribute to,
practical and not try far-fetched ideas. express approval of, compliment,
> pragmatic, sensible, realistic, down-to- congratulate, admire, acclaim, acknowledge,
earth, commonsensical, hard-headed eulogize 2 They praised God for the good harvest.
AN OpposITE Is impractical 4 a cute little gadget > worship, glorify, honour, exalt, adore
but also practical » handy, functional, useful,
serviceable, utilitarian praise noun 1 The rescue services deserve all our
OPPOSITES ARE impractical, useless praise. > approval, acclaim, admiration,
practically apvers The place was practically commendation, applause, adulation,
deserted. » almost, nearly, virtually, just about, recognition, tribute 2 Give praise to God.
more or less, close to > homage, honour, worship, thanks,
practice Noun 1 Ithas become a common prattice thanksgiving, glory, adoration
to use robots to disarm devices. » custom, praiseworthy Anjective a praiseworthy attempt
procedure, convention, policy, routine, to put things right » commendable, laudable,
method, system 2 It takes a lot ofpractice to admirable, creditable, worthy, estimable,
play that well. » training, rehearsal, exemplary, deserving, honourable,
preparation, exercise, drill 3 He was better at the meritorious opposites ARE deplorable,
theory than the practice of medicine. blameworthy
> application, exercise, use, execution, prank Noun It had been a prank that had gone
implementation 4in practice The idea is good tragically wrong. » escapade, trick, practical
but probably won’t work in practice. >» in real joke, game, hoax, stunt, (more informal) lark
life, for real, in reality, in actuality, in effect, in
operation pray VERB pray to The village prayed to God for a
practise vers 1 They practised these pieces for good harvest. » ask, beg, call upon, entreat,
weeks. » do exercises, drill, exercise, prepare, beseech, invoke, supplicate, say prayers to
rehearse, train, warm up 2 These customs are prayer Noun The priest murmured some prayers.
still practised in some parts of the world. > invocation, devotion, supplication, entreaty
precarious — prefect
precarious (pri- kair- ee- us) Apective not very predecessor (pree- dis- ess- er) NOUN
safe or secure predecessors an earlier person or thing, e.g.
> precariously apvers an ancestor or the former holder of a job
precaution noun precautions something predicate noun predicates the part of a
done to prevent future trouble or danger
sentence that says something about the
> precautionary ADJECTIVE subject, e.g. ‘is short’ in life is short
precede vers precedes, preceding, preceded
come or go before someone or something else predicative (prid- ik- a- tiv) nective forming
USAGE Do not confuse with proceed. part of the predicate, e.g. oldin e The dogisold.
COMPARE attributive
precedence (press-i- dens) noun the right of > predicatively apvers
someone or something to be first
take precedence have priority predict vers predicts, predicting, predicted
say what will happen in the future; foretell or
precedent (press-i- dent) noun precedents a prophesy
previous case that is taken as an example to be > predictable ApecTive prediction noun
followed predictor Noun
precinct (pree- sinkt) noun precincts 1 the predispose vers predisposes, predisposing,
arearounda place, especially round a cathedral predisposed make you likely to be in favour of
2a part of a town where traffic is not allowed something @ We are predisposed to help them.
@ a shopping precinct > predisposition Noun
precious apectve 1 very valuable 2 greatly predominate vers predominates,
loved predominating, predominated be the
> preciousness NOUN
largest or most important or most powerful
precious Apvers (informal) very e We have > predominant ADEcTive predominance NouN
precious little time.
pre-eminent apective excelling others;
precipice noun precipices a very steep place, outstanding
such as the face of a cliff > pre-eminently Abvers pre-eminence NOUN
précis (pray- see) noun précis (pray-seez) a preen vers preens, preening, preened (said
summary about a bird) smooth its feathers with its beak
precise apjctive exact; clearly stated preen yourself smarten your appearance
> precisely ADvers precision NOUN preface (pref- as) noun prefaces an
precocious (prik- oh- shus) apjective (said introduction at the beginning of a book or
about a child) very advanced or developed for speech
his or her age > preface verB
> precociously ADvers precocity NOUN
prefect noun prefects 1asenior pupilina
predator (pred-a-ter) noun predators an school, given authority to help to keep order
animal that hunts or preys upon others 2 a regional official in France, Japan, and other
> predatory ADJECTIVE countries

precaution noun As an extra precaution, tell a workmanship is very precise. » meticulous,
neighbour when you are going to be away. careful, exact, detailed, finicky, punctilious,
> safeguard, safety measure, insurance, scrupulous AN OPPOSITE IS careless
protection, defence, provision
precious spective 1 a collection ofprecious precisely apvers 1 The plane took off at three
paintings » valuable, priceless, choice, costly, o'clock precisely. » exactly, on the dot,
promptly 2 The house is precisely what we are
inestimable, rare 2 The ring was her most
precious possession. » treasured, cherished, looking for. » exactly, absolutely, entirely,
valued, prized, favourite, dearest, beloved altogether, in every way
3 This action gained them a few precious minutes. predict vers The polls predicted a landslide
> valuable, priceless, vital victory. » forecast, prophesy, foretell, foresee,
precise apective 11 don’t know the precise time. divine, forewarn, anticipate, envisage
Here are the precise measurements of the room.
> exact, accurate, correct, detailed, definite predictable spective David’s reaction was
OPPOSITES ARE imprecise, approximate, rough entirely predictable. » foreseeable, to be
2 The train stopped at that precise moment. expected, likely, probable, certain
> exact, particular, specific, actual 3 The AN OPPOSITE IS unpredictable
prefer — preparation
prefer vers prefers, preferring, preferred premature specie too early; coming before
1 like one person or thing more than another the usual or proper time
2 (formal) put forward e They preferred charges > prematurely spvers
offorgery against him. premeditated spective planned beforehand
> preferencenoun @ a premeditated crime
preferable (pref- er- a- bul) anjective liked premiernyoun premiers a prime minister or
better; more desirable other head of government
> preferably pvers
premiere (prem-yair) noun premiéres the
prefixnoun prefixes a word or syllable joined first public performance of a play or film
to the front of a word to change or add to its
meaning, as in disorder, outstretched, unhappy premisespzurat
Noun a building and its grounds
pregnant apyective having a baby developing in premiumyouy premiums 1 an amount or
the womb instalment paid to an insurance company 2 an
> pregnancy noun extra charge or payment
prehensile apctive (said about an animal’s at a premiumin demand but scarce
foot or tail etc.) able to grasp things Premium Bondjoun Premium Bonds a
prehistoricapcnve belonging to very ancient savings certificate that gives the person who
times, before written records of events were holds it a chance to win a prize of money
made premonitionyoun premonitions a feeling
> prehistory Noun that something is about to happen, especially
prejudiceyoun prejudices an unfavourable something bad
opinion or dislike formed without examining
the facts fairly preoccupied spective having your thoughts
> prejudiced pjective completely busy with something
> preoccupationnoun
preliminary apctive coming before an
important action or event and preparing for it Prep noun (informal) homework
preludeyoun preludes 1 thing that preparationyoun preparations 1 getting
introduces or leads up to something else 2a something ready 2 something done in orderto
short piece of music, especially one that get ready for an event or activity e last-minute
introduces a longer piece preparations

prefervers 11 prefer tea thanks. > like better, prejudicevers 1 He feared the accused’s attitude
would rather have, favour, go for, opt for, might prejudice the jury. » influence, bias,
plump for 2 prefer to We'd prefer to travel by sway, predispose, colour 2 The reports might
car. » would rather, would sooner, would like prejudice his election chances. » damage, harm,
better injure,be detrimental to, adversely affect,
preferable acyective Many people find self-
catering preferable. » advantageous, better, prejudiced pctv 1 Racially prejudiced
more desirable, more suitable, superior, nicer, attitudes are thought to be widespread.
advisable, preferred > biased, discriminatory, chauvinistic,
OPPOSITES AREdisadvantageous, undesirable intolerant, partial 2 The staff seemed prejudiced
against the poor. » biased, intolerant (of),
preferencenoun 1 Our preference is for winter partial, conditioned
holidays. » liking, choice, inclination, option, preoccupied aoective 1 He looked anxious and
partiality, predilection, leaning, wish, fancy preoccupied. » pensive, thoughtful, lost in
2 Preference will be given to applicants with a thought, absent-minded, rapt 2 preoccupied
foreign language. » precedence, priority, withSarah became more and more preoccupied
favour, advantage with her child. » engrossed in, absorbed in,
pregnantagecrive It is probably best to cut out obsessed with, involved with, taken up with,
alcohol altogether when pregnant.» expectinga concerned with, wrapped up in, engaged in,
immersed in
baby, carrying a child, expectant, (more
informal) expecting preparationnoun 1 They devoted the next week
to the preparation ofplans. » devising, drawing
prejudicenoun They were the victims of up, putting together, development,
widespread prejudice. » bigotry, bias, formulation 2 More staff were taken on to help
discrimination, partisanship, chauvinism, with the preparations for the hotel’s opening.
favouritism, intolerance, racialism, racism, > arrangements, plans, provisions,
sexism AN OPPOSITE IStolerance preliminaries, groundwork

preparatory school = present
preparatory school youn preparatory prescription noun prescriptions 1a doctor’s
schools a school that prepares pupils for a written order for amedicine 2 the medicine
higher school prescribed 3 prescribing
prepare vers prepares, preparing, prepared presence noun 1 being present ina place
get ready; make something ready @ Your presence is required. 2 a person’s
be prepared to be willing to do something impressive appearance or manner
preposition noun prepositions a word used presence of mind noun the ability to act
with a noun or pronoun to show place, quickly afd sensibly in an emergency
position, time, or means, e.g. at home, in the present! apectve 1 ina particular place e No
hall, on Sunday, by train one else was present. 2 belonging or referring to
Syn ean ADjecTIVve completely absurd or what is happening now; existing now e the
ridiculous present Queen
prep school noun prep schools a preparatory present noun present times or events
school at present now, for the time being
Presbyterian (prez- bit- eer- ee- an) NOUN present? oun presents something given or
Presbyterians amemberof a Christian Church received without payment; a gift
governed by elders who are all of equal rank, present (priz- ent) vers presents, presenting,
especially the national Church of Scotland presented 1 give something, especially witha
prescribe vers prescribes, prescribing, ceremony e Who is to present the prizes?
prescribed 1 advise a person to.usea 2 introduce someone to another person
particular medicine or treatment etc. 2 say 3 introduce a radio or television programme to
what should be done an audience 4 put on a play or other

prepare vere 1 Students have to prepare their > authorization, order, instruction, direction
presentations well in advance. » draw up, write, 2 She ran to the chemist to fetch her prescription
compose, construct, put together, get ready, before closing time. » medicine, medication,
make ready 2 The cooks have to start preparing mixture, pills, tablets, drug
the food early each morning. » make ready, get presence noun 1 She could not explain the
ready, make, assemble, cook 3 We should begin presence of Richard’s car outside her flat.
to prepare for the future. » plan, make > existence, being there 2 He requested the
arrangements, make provision or provisions, presence of a solicitor. » attendance, company,
get ready appearance, support 3 She had a strong
prepared spective 1 We are prepared to wait for presence which gave her added authority. » aura,
the right person to be found. » willing, ready, air, demeanour, bearing, manner, appearance,
disposed, predisposed, inclined, able, set charisma 4 the presence of her family in the area
AN OPPOSITE IS unwilling 2 His solicitor read out a > proximity, nearness, closeness, vicinity
prepared statement. » pre-arranged, arranged, 5 They felt some sort ofpresence in the room
agreed, organized > spirit, ghost, spectre, phantom
preposterous spective Anyone who maintained present apctive (with the stress on pres-) 1A
such a preposterous theory would be considered police officer should be present whenever possible.
mad. » absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, > in attendance, at hand, nearby, attending,
laughable, incredible, farcical, risible, foolish, available, there or here AN opposite |s absent
idiotic, (more informal) crazy, (more informal) 2 The shares are not expected to maintain their
daft, (more informal) barmy, (more informal) present high value. » current, present-day,
Zany OPPOSITES ARE reasonable, sensible existing, prevailing, contemporary
prerequisite Apective prerequisite qualifications at present or at the present time We have no
for entry to college » compulsory, plans to increase taxes at present. » just now,
indispensable, mandatory, necessary, right now, at the moment, at this time,
prescribed, required, requisite, specified, currently
stipulated AN OPPOSITE |S optional present noun (with the stress on pres-) 1a
prescribe noun 1 The doctor decided to prescribe history of the family from the sixteenth century to
penicillin. » write a prescription for, authorize, the present» present day, moderntimes, today
advise, recommend 2 The teachers would 2 She let him keep the pen as a present. > gift,
prescribe the topics to be dealt with. » stipulate, donation, gratuity, contribution, offering
specify, lay down, assign, fix, impose, ordain, present vers (with the stress on-sent) 1 She
dictate presented a prize to the winners. » hand out,
prescription noun 1 Some of these medicines give out, hand over, award, grant, bestow (on)
can be bought without a prescription. 2 The committee has presented its report.
presently > presumptuous
entertainment 5 show 6 cause or provide a things 3 firm that prints or publishes books
problem or difficulty etc. @ Oxford University Press 4 newspapers;
> presentationnoun presenter NOUN journalists
presently vvers 1so0n e Ishall be with you pressing apectve needing immediate action;
presently. 2 now e the person who is presently in urgent e a pressing need
charge press-Up Noun press-ups an exercise in which
preservative youv preservatives a you lie face downwards and press down with
substance added to food to preserve it your hands to lift your body
preserve vers preserves, preserving, pressure noun pressures 1 continuous
preserved keep something safe or in good pressing 2 the force with which something
condition presses 3 the force of the atmosphere on the
> preserverNoun preservation NouN earth’s surface e a band of high pressure 4an
preserve noun preserves 1 jam made with influence that persuades or compels you to do
preserved fruit 2 an activity that belongs to a something
particular person or group
prestige (pres- teej) Noun good reputation
presidevers presides, presiding, presided be > prestigious ADJECTIVE
in charge of a meeting etc. [from Latin praestigium = an illusion, glamour]
presidentyoun presidents 1 the person in
charge of a club, society, or council etc. 2 the presumably overs according to what you may
head of a republic presume
> presidency Noun presidential apjective presumevers presumes, presuming,
press vers presses, pressing, pressed 1 put presumed 1 suppose; assume something to
weight orforce steadilyonsomething; squeeze be true e I presumed that they were dead.
2 make something by pressing 3 make clothes 2 (formal) take the liberty of doing something;
smooth by ironing them 4 urge; make venture @ May we presume to advise you?
demands e They pressed for an increase in wages. > presumption Noun
Ppressnoun presses 1a device for pressing presumptuous apjecive too bold or confident
things e a trouser press 2 amachine for printing > presumptuously pvere

> submit, tender, hand in, offer, proffer, squeeze, compress, mash, pulp 5 People
publish 3 The situation presents some novel pressed round to see what was going on.
features.» show, demonstrate, display, exhibit > gather, cluster, crowd, swarm, throng 6 You
4A compére presented each act. » introduce, must press them to give you an answer. » urge,
announce pressure, persuade, compel, plead with, force,
presently overs 1 We'll be there presently. insist on USAGEIf you use insist on you say You
> shortly, soon, directly, in awhile, (more must insist on them giving (or their giving) you an
informal) ina bit 2 The family is presently abroad. answer.
> currently, at present, at the moment, now pressurenoun 1 The pressure on the foundations
preserve vers 1 Local action can also preserve caused them to crack. » force, load, weight,
wildlife. » safeguard, secure, protect, burden, strain, stress 2 The team is working
conserve, maintain, sustain, uphold, defend, under severe pressure. > stress, strain,
guard OPPOSITES AREendanger, neglect 2 She difficulty, (more informal) hassle 3 She was
wanted to preserve him from harm. » protect, under a lot of pressure to accept the offer.
defend, guard, safeguard, shield 3 special > constraint, coercion, duress, harassment,
containers for preserving fruit » conserve, compulsion, intimidation
bottle, store, keep, save prestige noun Achieving an agreement would
presidevers We elect a chairman to preside at the bring the president added prestige. » status,
meeting. » officiate, take charge, be in charge, reputation, standing, credit, kudos, renown,
take the chair esteem, fame, glory, honour, importance
preside over The finance director presides over presumevers 1 We presume there will be a call-
the annual budget review. » be in charge of, out charge. » assume, expect, suppose,
direct, have responsibility for, manage, be in imagine, take it, dare say, guess, conjecture,
control of surmise, believe 2 Don’t presume to take charge
pressvers 1 She pressed his hand. » squeeze, yourself. » venture, dare, have the nerve, have
grip, clutch, clinch 2 He pressed some clothes into the temerity, have the audacity, be so bold as,
a suitcase. » squash, stuff, cram, push, go so far as
squeeze, force 3 Donna needed time to press her presumptuousapjective It was presumptuous
clothes. » iron, smooth, smooth out, flatten to make a decision without consulting us.
4 The next process is to press the grapes. » crush, > arrogant, audacious, forward, bold,
presuppose = price
presuppose vers presupposes, pretty specie prettier, prettiest attractive in
presupposing, presupposed suppose or a delicate way
assume something beforehand > prettily Apvers prettiness NOUN
> presupposition NOUN
pretty overs (informal) quite e It’s pretty cold.
pretence Noun pretences an attempt to [from Old English]
pretend that something is true prevent vers prevents, preventing,
false pretences pretending to be something prevented 1 stop something from happening
that you are not in order to deceive people 2 stop a person from doing something
e You've invited me here under false pretences. > preventable ADeEcTIVe prevention NOUN
pretend vers pretends, pretending, preventive ADJECTIVE
pretended behave as if something is true or preview Noun previews a showing of afilm or
real when you know that it is not, either in play play etc. before it is shown to the general public
or so as to deceive people
previous Apective coming before this;
pretender noun pretenders a person who preceding
claims a throne or title > previously ADVERB
pretentious Apective 1 trying to impress by prey (rhymes with pray) Noun an animal that is
claiming greater importance or merit than is hunted or killed by another for food
actually the case 2 showy or ostentatious prey vers preys, preying, preyed
> pretentiously ADvers pretentiousness prey on 1 hunt or take as prey 2 cause to
NOUN worry @ The problem preyed on his mind.
pretext Noun pretexts a reason put forward to price noun prices 1 the amount of money for
conceal the true reason which something is bought or sold 2 what

impudent, insolent, bumptious, unwarranted, prevail vere 1 attitudes that prevailed in the
conceited, impertinent, overconfident, 1960s > exist, hold, obtain, be prevalent, be
shameless, (more informal) pushy, (more current 2 Common sense prevailed in the end.
informal) cheeky > win, win through, triumph, reign, rule,
predominate 3 The Greek army prevailed
pretence noun Their self-confidence turned out to against all the odds. » be victorious, triumph,
be just a pretence. » make-believe, act, show, win
display, front, affectation, deception, prevail on or upon Can you prevail on her to
posturing, facade, masquerade, charade, change her mind? » persuade, induce, urge,
subterfuge, falsehood, sham, pose, ruse, bluff, pressure, pressurize, tempt
cover, faking, dissembling
prevent vers 1 It was too late to prevent the
pretend vere 1 She pretended to understand, but accident. » stop, avert, avoid, head off,
we were all confused. » affect, profess, claim, forestall, frustrate, hinder 2171 try to prevent
purport 2 Let’s pretend we’re ghosts.» imagine, them from coming in before you’re ready. > stop,
make believe, suppose, play being restrain, check, inhibit, block, bar
previous Apective a review of the previous three
pretend spective (informal) He made his room years » preceding, foregoing, antecedent,
into a pretend cave.» imaginary, make-believe, last, earlier, former, prior
fantasy, fanciful, mythical, pretended AN OpPOSITE 1s following
previously apvers Previously she had worked in
pretentious anctive The best food can often be a chemist. » formerly, earlier, in the past, at
found in smaller, less pretentious restaurants. one time, before this or that, hitherto
> ostentatious, showy, affected, conspicuous,
prey Noun Lions are often slower than their prey.
flashy, grandiose, extravagant > quarry, victim, game, kill
OPPOSITES ARE Modest, unassuming
prey vers poy on 1 Wild dogs will also prey on
pretty Apective a pretty little garden cattle. » hunt, catch, kill, eat, feed on 2 The
> attractive, lovely, good-looking, beautiful, thought kept preying on his mind. » trouble,
charming, appealing, pleasing, (more informal) oppress, disturb, distress, haunt, beset,
cute opposites ARE plain, ugly, hideous burden, weigh down, worry
price noun 1 The price ofyour holiday is fully
pretty Apvere (informal) It was a pretty daft thing guaranteed. » cost, terms, rate, amount,
to do. » rather, quite, somewhat, fairly, charge (for), outlay (on) 2 What price should
moderately, (more informal) kind of you charge? » amount, figure, sum, fee, rate,

priceless — primate
must be given or done in order to achieve priest oun priests 1 amember of the clergyin
something : certain Christian Churches 2 a person who
conducts religious ceremonies in a non-
priceless aojective 1 very valuable 2 (informal) Christian religion
very amusing > priestess Noun priesthood Noun priestly
prick vers pricks, pricking, pricked 1 makea ADJECTIVE
tiny hole in something 2 hurt somebody with a prig Noun prigs a self-righteous person
pin or needle etc. > priggish Adjective
> prick Noun
prick up your ears start listening suddenly prim Apective primmer, primmest formal and
correct in manner; disliking anything rough or
pricklenoun prickles 1 asmallthorn 2 a sharp rude
spine on a hedgehog or cactus etc. 3.a feeling > primly Apvers primmess NOUN
that something is pricking you i
> prickly ADECTIVE primary spjecrive first; most important COMPARE
prickle vers prickles, prickling, prickled feel > primarily (pry- mer- il- ee) ADvere
or cause a pricking feeling primary colour ou primary colours one
pridenoun prides 1 feeling of deep pleasure of the colours from which all others can be
or satisfaction when you have done something made by mixing (red, yellow, and blue for paint;
well 2 something that makes you feel proud red, green, and violet for light)
3 dignity or self-respect 4 too high an opinion primary school oun primary schools a
of yourself 5 a group of lions school for the first stage of a child’s education
pride of place the most important or most
honoured position primate (pry- mayt) noun primates
1 an animal of the group that includes
pride vers prides, priding, prided human beings, apes, and monkeys 2 an
pride yourself on be proud of archbishop

charge, levy 3 Isolation was one price of their pridenoun 1 Pride prevented him from accepting
peaceful existence. » consequence, result, the offer. » conceit, vanity, arrogance,
penalty, sacrifice, downside snobbery 2 She took great pride in her work.
priceless 4njective 1a priceless collection of
> satisfaction, pleasure, delight, joy, comfort,
watercolours; a priceless away goal » precious, sense of achievement 3 Their victory was a
valuable, irreplaceable, inestimable, treasured, source of great pride to them. » self-esteem,
prized, costly 2 (informal) a priceless remark self-respect, gratification, honour, dignity
that made them all laugh » hilarious, riotous, priest\oun > clergyman or clergywoman,
uproarious, funny, (more informal) hysterical minister, pastor, vicar, padre RELATED ADJECTIVE
prick vers 1 He pricked the lid and put it in the
microwave. » pierce, puncture, perforate, priggish spective She too was in danger of
make a hole in, stab, jab, punch 2 The smoke seeming priggish and opinionated. > self-
made my eyes start to prick. » sting, smart, righteous, smug, sanctimonious, sententious,
prickle, hurt 3 His conscience was pricking him. prudish, prim, strait-laced, stuffy, starchy
> trouble, worry, disturb, distress, oppress, prim apjective She sat behind her desk looking
torment, afflict prim. » demure, proper, formal, strait-laced,
prissy, prudish, starchy, fastidious
pricklewoun 1 The bush was covered with AN OPPOSITE IS broad-minded
prickles. » thorn, spike, needle, spine, quill,
barb 2 The shuffling sound outside sent a prickle primarily overs The work is primarily fundedby
down my spine. » tingle, tingling, prickling, a grant from the Lottery Fund. » chiefly,
chill, thrill principally, mainly, mostly, predominantly,
basically, in the main
pricklevers The grass prickled their legs. » sting, primary apective. 1Their primary aim was to
prick, tickle make money. » main, chief, principal, key,
prickly nective 1a prickly bush > spiky, spiny, prime, paramount, overriding, ultimate,
thorny, bristly, scratchy, sharp 2 (informal) He’s supreme 2 the primary cause of the infection
quite a prickly character. > irritable, irascible, > original, initial, first
peevish, testy, edgy, touchy, grumpy, short- primeapective 1 The prime reason for his decision
tempered, fractious was a wish for change. > main, chief, principal,

prime — print
prime apective 1 chief; most important @ the principal apective chief; most important
prime cause 2 excellent; first-rate e prime beef > principally ADvers
prime noun the best time or stage of something principal oun principals the head of acollege
e in the prime of life
or school [from Latin principalis = first or chief]
prime vers primes, priming, primed usacE Do not confuse with principle.
1 prepare something for use or action 2 puta
coat of liquid on something to prepare it for principlevoun principles 1a general truth,
painting 3 equip a person with information belief, or rule @ She taught me the principles of
geometry. 2 arule of conduct e Cheating is
prime minister Noun prime ministers the against his principles.
leader of a government
in principle as a general idea, without going
prime number noun prime numbers a into details
number (e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11) that can be divided on principle because of your principles of
exactly only by itself and one behaviour
primeval (pry- mee- val) apjective belonging to [from Latin principium = source]
the earliest times of the world usAGE Do not confuse with principal.
primitive apective 1 at an early stage of print vere prints, printing, printed 1 put
civilization 2 at an early stage of development; words or pictures on paper by using a machine
not complicated or advanced e primitive 2 write with letters that are not joined together
technology 3 press a mark or design etc. on a surface
primrose Nou primroses a pale yellow flower 4 make a picture from the negative of a
that blooms in spring [from Latin prima rosa = photograph
first rose]
print oun prints 1 printed lettering or words
prince Noun princes 1 the son of aking or 2a mark made by something pressing ona
queen 2a man or boy ina royal family surface 3 a printed picture, photograph, or
> princely ADJECTIVE design
princess Noun princesses 1 the daughter of a in print available from a publisher
king or queen 2a woman or girl in a royal out of print no longer available from a
family 3 the wife of a prince publisher

key, primary, paramount, overriding, ultimate, > in theory, theoretically, in general, in the
supreme 2 a hundred acres ofprime agricultural main, by and large
land» best, choice, select, superior, first-class, principles piurat oun 1 They were praised for
high-grade, top-quality sticking to their principles. » morals, values,
primitive spective 1 primitive peoples morality, standards, moral standards, code of
> ancient, early, earliest, prehistoric behaviour 2 the first principles of a subject
AN opposite Is developed 2 primitive tools > essentials, fundamentals, basics, elements,
> crude, basic, rudimentary, simple, laws
undeveloped, elementary, rough printvers 1 The company logo is printed at the top
OPPOSITES ARE Sophisticated, advanced of each page. » mark, stamp, imprint, impress,
engrave, reproduce 2 The books are printed in
principal spective Traffic noise is the principal the Far East. » set in print, run off, produce,
objection to the new road scheme. » chief, main, reproduce, manufacture 3 The publishers plan
primary, prime, most important, overriding,
to print ten thousand copies of the book. > issue,
foremost, fundamental, key, crucial, central, publish, produce 4 Print your name at the top of
paramount, predominant, basic, essential the form. » write in capital letters or large
principally sovers The place was full of letters
foreigners, principally Americans. » chiefly, print Noun 1 The print was difficult to read.
mainly, primarily, mostly, predominantly, > type, typeface, printing, lettering, letters,
especially, essentially characters 2 There were prints offeet in the sand
principle noun 1. woman ofprinciple > impression, imprint, mark, indentation,
> honour, integrity, morality, ideals, stamp 3A print would be less costly than an
conscience, scruples, decency, virtue 2 a basic original painting. » reproduction, engraving,
principle ofphysics » rule, law, formula, canon, lithograph, copy, duplicate, photograph
dictum, axiom, tenet ; priority Noun 1 Traffic from the right has
in principle In principle the idea is a good one. priority. » right of way, precedence

printed circuit — probation
printed circuit Noun printed circuits an private hospital
electric circuit made by pressing thin metal > privately ADvers privacy (priv- a- see) NOUN
strips on to a board in private where only particular people can see
or hear; not in public
printer Noun printers 1a machine that prints
on paper from data ina computer 2 someone gee NOUN privates a soldier of the lowest
who prints books or newspapers ran
printout oun printouts information etc. privatize vers privatizes, privatizing,
produced in printed form by a computer privatized transfer the running of a business
priority Noun priorities 1 being earlier or or industry from the state to private owners
more important than something else; > privatization NOUN
precedence 2 something considered more privilege \oun privileges a special right or
important than other things @ Safety is a advantage given to one person or group
> privileged ADJECTIVE
prise vers prises, prising, prised lever
something out or open e Prise the lid offthe Privy Council noun a group of distinguished
people who advise the sovereign
prism (prizm) Noun prisms 1a solid shape prize noun prizes award given to the
with ends that are triangles or polygons which winner of a game or competition etc.
are equal and parallel 2 a glass prism that 2 something taken from an enemy
breaks up light into the colours of the rainbow prize vers prizes, prizing, prized value
> prismatic ADJECTIVE something greatly
prison Noun prisons a place where criminals
are kept as a punishment [from early French] PFONOUN pros (informal) a professional
prisoner oun prisoners 1a person kept in probable apective likely to happen or be true
prison 2a captive > probably Advers probability NOUN
private spective 1 belonging to a particular probation noun the testing of a person's
person or group e private property character and abilities, e.g. to see whether they
2 confidential @ private talks 3 quiet and are suitable for a job they have recently started
secluded 4@ot holding public office e a private > probationary ADJECTIVE
citizen 5 in@ependent or commercial; not run on probation being supervised by a probation
by the government e private education e a officer instead of being sent to prison

2 Education will have priority at this year’s > reserved, withdrawn, intimate, reticent,
conference. » precedence, preference, first unsocial
place, first importance, primacy, privilege noun 1 Full members enjoy special
predominance privileges. » benefit, entitlement, advantage,
prison noun They would spend the next three prerogative, concession, right 2 It had been a
years in prison. & jail, confinement, detention, privilege to meet them. » honour, pleasure
custody, place of detention, penitentiary privileged anjctive He enjoyed a privileged social
position. » advantaged, affluent, prosperous,
prisoner oun The prisoners staged a wealthy, favoured, fortunate, special, superior,
demonstration on the prison roof. » detainee, élite, powerful opposites are disadvantaged,
convict, captive, hostage, inmate, internee, underprivileged
(more informal) jailbird
prize noun Helen won the prize three years in a
privacy Noun The little room gave her some row. » award, reward, trophy, honour,
privacy. » seclusion, solitude, tranquillity, accolade
peace and quiet, quietness, secrecy, isolation prize vere They prize their freedom above all else.
> value, appreciate, cherish, esteem, treasure,
private spective 1 He had amassed a huge
private fortune. » personal, exclusive, hold dear, regard, rate, approve of, revere, like
individual, special 2 Private talks were held at probable anective Engine failure was the most
Chequers. » confidential, secret, covert, probable cause of the crash. It is probable that this
clandestine opposites ARE public, open 3 She road was heavily guarded. » likely, plausible,
had her own private thoughts on the matter. credible, feasible, believable, expected,
> personal, secret, hidden, intimate 4 They possible, predictable, presumed, (more
needed somewhere private to talk. » secluded, informal) odds-on, (more informal) onthe cards
undisturbed, out of the way, isolated, solitary, OPPOSITES ARE improbable, unlikely
quiet, peaceful, tranquil aN opposite is busy probe vers 1 The inquiry will probe the
5 John is a very private sort ofperson. circumstances of the accident. » investigate,
probation officer — prod
probation officer oun probation officers proceeds Piural Noun the money made from a
an official who supervises the behaviour of a sale or event
convicted criminal who is not in prison process (proh- sess) NOUN processes a series of
probenoun probes 1 along thin instrument actions for making or doing something
used to look closely at something such as a in the process of in the course of doing
wound 2 an unmanned spacecraft used for something
exploring 3 an investigation PrOCess vers processes, processing,
probe vers probes, probing, probed processed put something through a
1 explore something with a probe manufacturing or other process @ processed
2 investigate cheese
problemow problems 1 something difficult procession Noun processions a number of
to deal with or understand 2 something that people orvehicles etc. moving steadily forward
has to be done or answered following each other
> problematic ADJECTIVE Processornoun processors 1a machine that
procedurenoun procedures an orderly way of processes things 2 the part of acomputer that
doing something controls all its operations
proceed vers proceeds, proceeding, proclaim vers proclaims, proclaiming,
proceeded 1 go forward or onwar proclaimed announce something officially or
2 continue; go on to do something e She publicly
proceeded to explain the plan. > proclamation Noun
USAGE Do not confuse with precede. prod vers prods, prodding, prodded 1 poke
proceedings riurA.Noun 1 thingsthat happen; 2 stimulate someone into action
activities 2 a lawsuit > prod Noun

examine, inquire into, look into, scrutinize, to proceed with the changes. » implement, carry
analyse, study, go into 2 Unmanned underwater out, go ahead with, put into effect
vehicles probed the ocean depths. » sound,
processnoun 1 Sending email attachments is a
plumb, penetrate, explore, feel simple process. » operation, procedure,
probenoun 1a space probe » exploration, activity, exercise, affair 2.a new process for
expedition 2a police probe » inquiry, producing colour pictures » system, method,
investigation, examination, study, research, technique, procedure 3 The learning process
scrutiny continues for many years. » progression,
course, development, experience, evolution
problem noun 1 He gave them a page of
problems to solve. » puzzle, question, riddle, process vers 1 Officials hope to process asylum
conundrum, enigma, mystery, (more informal) claims more quickly. » deal with, attend to,
brainteaser, (more informal) poser 2 Money was handle, expedite, treat, see to, sort out 2 The
becoming a big problem for them. » burden, crude oil is processed at this refinery. » refine,
complication, difficulty, dilemma, dispute, convert, make usable, prepare, transform,
(informal) headache, predicament, quandary, treat
set-back, snag, trouble, worry procession noun A procession passed through
problematicapjective Unravelling this the town. » parade, march, cavalcade,
argument can be problematic. » difficult, spectacle, display, pageant, review, show
complicated, complex, problematical, proclaimvers 1 She proclaimed her love for him.
intractable, tricky, thorny, knotty, taxing, > declare, announce, profess, make known,
involved, enigmatic, controversial affirm, assert, give out, pronounce 2 The
OPPOSITES ARE Straightforward, simple, easy president proclaim the day a public holiday.
procedurenoun There is a special procedure for > decree, declare, pronounce
dealing with complaints. » course of action, proclamation noun The Queen issues a
process, routine, system, policy, strategy, proclamation dissolving Parliament. » decree,
approach, proceeding edict, order, command, ruling, announcement,
proceed vers 1 We still don’t know how to
proceed. » begin, make a start, act, take prod vers 1 The cook grumbled as he prodded the
action, make a move, progress 2 They turned potatoes. He continued to prod her palms with the
off the main road and proceeded as far as the needle. » jab, poke, stab, dig, nudge, push 2 He
village. » advance, continue, progress, make always needs someone to prod him into action.
your way, carry on, press on ft > goad, spur, stir, rouse, prompt, urge,
proceed with Despite opposition, they decided stimulate, egg on, incite, provoke
prodigal — profit
prodigal spective wasteful or extravagant profanity youn profanities words or language
> prodigally ADvers prodigality NOUN- that show disrespect for religion
prodigious spective wonderful or enormous professionnoun professions 1 an occupation
> prodigiously ADVERB that needs special education or training, such
as medicine or law 2 a declaration e They made
prodigy Noun prodigies 1a person with professions of loyalty. [from Latin professio =
wonderful abilities 2. a wonderful thing public declaration]
produce vers produces, producing, professional pcre 1 to dowitha profession
produced 1 make or create something; bring 2 doing a certain kind of work as a full-time job
something into existence 2 bring something for payment, not as an amateur e a professional
out so that it can be seen 3 organize the footballer 3 done with a high standard of skill
performance of a play, making of a film, etc. > professional NOUN professionally ADvERB
4 supervise the making of a musical recording
> producer NOUN professor Noun professors a university
lecturer of the highest rank
produce (prod- yooss) noun things produced, > professorship NOUN
especially by farmers
profile noun profiles 1 aside view ofa person’s
product Noun products 1 something face 2a short description of a person’s
produced 2 the result of multiplying two character or career
numbers compare quotient keep a low profile try not to attract attention
production noun productions 1 the process [from early Italian profilare = draw in outline]
of making or creating something 2 the amount profit Noun profits 1 the extra money
produced e Oil production increased last year obtained by selling something for more than it
productive spective producing a lot of useful cost to buy or make 2 an advantage gained by
things or results doing something
> productivity Noun D> profitable ADjecTive profitably ADVERB

prod noun _1 She gave him a prod that woke him fruitless 2 a productive area of land » fertile,
up. jab, poke, stab, dig, nudge, shove, push fruitful, rich, prolific, lush
2 The phone call was a prod to remind him to put OPPOSITES ARE unproductive, barren
the bins out that night. » prompt, reminder, profession noun 1 She was no longer attracted
stimulus by the teaching profession. » career,
produce vers (with the stress on -duce) 1 The occupation, vocation, line of work, business,
remark produced a wave of sniggers through the calling, employment, work 2a profession of
room. > cause, give rise to, occasion, provoke, loyalty » declaration, acknowledgement,
bring about, resultin, generate, effect 2 He had affirmation, avowal, confession, statement,
failed to produce an essay for the third week protestation
running. » present, submit, offer, hand in, professional apectve 1 the study of modern
supply, provide 3 He put his hand in his pocket languages as a preparation for professional life
and produced his passport. » show, display, > working, business, executive 2 the use of
present, bring out, take out 4 It would be professional judgement » expert, qualified,
difficult to produce the required output that year. skilled, trained, competent, efficient, proficient
> yield, supply, deliver, provide 5 The company 3 The plays were recorded in a studio with
produced Hamlet at the Edinburgh Festival. professional actors. » paid, salaried, full-time
> stage, mount, present, put on, show OPPOSITES ARE amateur, voluntary 4 He was a
produce Noun (with the stress on prod-) an thoroughly professional journalist.
increase in organically grown produce » food, > conscientious, businesslike, proficient,
crops, harvest, output, products, dutiful, responsible
commodities, vield,fruit, vegetables AN OPPOSITE Is unprofessional
product noun 1 The company will announce its profile noun 1 a beautiful woman with a perfect
new product at the trade fair.» commodity, profile > shape, side view, contour, figure,
output, production, artefact, produce, end- outline, silhouette 2 a profile ofJohn F Kennedy
product, goods, merchandise 2 The story was > biography, sketch, portrait, study, account
the product of a vivid imagination. » result, 3 The company has raised its profile in Eastern
consequence, outcome, effect, fruit, upshot Europe. > influence, presence, image
productive spective 1 He still had years of profit youn 1 The company made a modest profit
productive work ahead. » useful, valuable, in the last financial year. » return, surplus,
worthwhile, constructive, creative, effective, yield, excess 2 prafits Two percent ofprofits
gainful, profitable, profitmaking, rewarding, contribute to the social fund. » revenue, income,
beneficial, busy opposites ARE unproductive, takings, earnings, proceeds 3 There would be no
profit > project
profitvers profits, profiting, profited gain an progress (proh- gress) noun 1 forward
advantage or benefit from something movement; an advance 2 a development or
profiteernoun profiteers a person who makes improvement
a great profit unfairly in progress taking place
> profiteering Noun progress (pro- gress) vers progresses,
profoundagectve 1 very deep orintense e We progressing, progressed 1 move forward
take a profound interest in it..2 showing 2 improve
considerable knowledge or thought e a > progressionNOUN progressive ADJECTIVE
profound remark
> profoundly overs profundity Noun prohibitvers prohibits, prohibiting,
prohibited forbid or ban e Smoking is
prognosis (prog-noh- sis) Noun prognoses a prohibited.
forecast or prediction, especially about a > prohibition noun
> prognostication Noun prohibitive spective 1 prohibiting 2 (said
programoun programs (in computing) a about prices) so high that people will not buy
series of coded instructions for a computer to things
carry out project (proj- ekt) noun projects 1a plan or
program vers programs, programming, scheme 2 the task offinding out as much as
programmed put instructions into a you can about something and writing about it
computer by means of a program project (pro-jekt) vers projects, projecting,
> programmer NOUN projected 1 stick out 2 showa picture ona
programmenouy programmes 1 alist of screen 3 give people a particular impression
planned events 2 leaflet giving details of a e@ He likes to project an image of absent-minded
play, concert, match, etc. 3 a show, play, or talk brilliance.
etc. on radio or television > projection Noun

profit in continuing. » advantage, benefit, further progress difficult. » travel, headway,
value, use, gain, point, purpose advance, movement ,
profitvers 1 It would profit us to wait for a while. progressvers (with the stress on -gress) The
> benefit, advantage, be an advantage to, pay, plans are progressing slowly. » advance,
help 2 profit by or fromNo one profited from develop, move forward, make progress, make
these changes. » benefit from, gain advantage headway, proceed, prosper, mature, improve,
from, do well out of (more informal) come on OPPOSITES AREregress,
profitable active a profitable undertaking
> moneymaking, profitmaking, remunerative, progressivespective 1 a progressive
lucrative, paying, productive, fruitful, gainful, improvement in health » continuous,
rewarding, advantageous, beneficial, continuing, steady, increasing, ongoing,
commercial, useful, valuable, worthwhile accelerating, growing, escalating
AN OPPOSITE IS unprofitable OPPOSITES ARE faltering, fluctuating, unsteady
2 a party leader with progressive ideas > liberal,
profoundagectve 11 offered my profound advanced, radical, modern, go-ahead,
sympathy. » sincere, deep, heartfelt, intense forward-looking, enlightened, avant-garde,
AN OPPOSITE ISinsincere. 2a profound contemporary, enterprising, up-to-date
disagreement » complete, total, utter, AN OPPOSITE IS conservative
absolute, extreme 3.a profound argument prohibitvers 1a law prohibiting the advertising
> learned, wise, erudite, intelligent, of tobacco products. » forbid, ban, disallow,
perceptive, penetrating, thoughtful proscribe, outlaw, make illegal 2 Her
programme noun 1a varied programme of commitments prohibited her from attending the
events » schedule, agenda, timetable, funeral. >» prevent, preclude, rule out, restrict,
calendar, listing, plan, order, scheme, (more impede, obstruct
informal) line-up 2 a television programme project oun (with the stress on proj-) 14
> broadcast, transmission, performance, project to create more conservation areas
production, show > scheme, undertaking, plan, proposal,
progressnoun (with the stress on pro-) venture, enterprise, idea 2 They’re doing a
1 major progress in medical research» advance, history project. » assignment, piece of
development, headway, improvement, research, piece of work, activity, task
movement, progression, breakthrough, (more project vers (with the stress on -ject) 1 Balconies
informal) step forward 2 The heavy rain made project from the upstairs windows. » protrude,
projectile = prompt
projectile youn projectiles a missile prominentapecrve 1 easily seen; conspicuous
e@ The house stood in a prominent position.
projector noun projectors a machine for 2 sticking out 3 important
showing films or photographs on a screen
> prominently Apvers prominence NOUN
prolific apective producing alot e a prolific
author promiscuous Apective 1 having many casual
> prolifically ADvers sexual relationships 2 indiscriminate
> promiscuously ADveRs promiscuity NOUN
Prologue (proh- log) Noun prologues an
introduction to a poem or play etc. promise noun promises 1a statement that
you will definitely do or not do something 2 an
prolong vers prolongs, prolonging, indication of future success or good results
prolonged make a thing longer or make it last e His work shows promise.
for along time
> prolongation NOUN promise vers promises, promising,
prom Noun proms (informal) 1a promenade promised make a promise
2.a promenade concert promote vers promotes, promoting,
promenade (prom- in- ahd) noun promoted 1 movea person toa higher rank or
promenades 1a place suitable for walking, position 2 help the progress of something e He
especially beside the seashore 2 leisurely has done much to promote the cause ofpeace.
walk > promoter NOUN promotion NOUN
> promenade vers
prompt spective 1 without delay e a prompt
promenade concert noun promenade reply 2 punctual
concerts aconcert where part of the audience > promptly ADvers promptness NOUN
may stand or walk about promptitude Noun

stand out, stick out, extend, jut out, overhang, promise noun 1 You have my promise.
bulge 2 The torch projected a strong beam. > assurance, word, word of honour, pledge,
> cast, throw, throw out, flash, shine 3 You can undertaking, commitment, guarantee, oath,
project the year’s income from these monthly vow 2a group of pupils showing outstanding
figures. » estimate, reckon, forecast, predict, promise » potential, ability, aptitude, talent,
extrapolate capability
proliferate vers The problems proliferated.
> multiply, increase, escalate, build up, promising Apjective 1 There are promising signs
mushroom, intensify, snowball, spread of an improvement. » encouraging, hopeful,
prolific apective 1 a prolific crop of vegetables favourable, auspicious, propitious, talented
> plentiful, abundant, copious, profuse, 2 a promising young talent » budding, gifted,
productive, rich, bountiful, fertile, fruitful up-and-coming, able
AN OPPOSITE |S unproductive 2 a prolific writer
> productive, creative, inventive promote vers 1 She was promoted in the recent
prolong vers She didn’t want to prolong the cabinet reshuffle. » upgrade, move up, give a
argument. » lengthen, protract, extend, promotion to, advance, honour 2 He will
continue, perpetuate, spin out, draw out, |
promote his new novel on the television.
increase, make longer, stretch out > advertise, publicize, push, sponsor, boost,
OPPOSITES ARE Shorten, curtail (more informal) plug organization
promoting equal opportunities » champion,
prominent apective 1a prominent member of further, advance, sponsor, encourage,
the government > important, well known, stimulate, foster, nurture, boost
leading, eminent, distinguished, notable,
noteworthy, celebrated
promotion noun 1 He is hoping for a promotion
promise vers 1 He promised to pay for the next year. » advancement, upgrading,
damage. » undertake, guarantee, agree, elevation, preferment, rise 2 the promotion of
contract 2 He promised she’d be there. » give her new film » marketing, publicity,
your word, say, pledge, swear 3 The bright sky advertising, backing, selling, pushing, (more
promised a fine day » indicate, presage, informal) plugging
suggest, signify, augur, predict
Promiscuous ADJECTIVE She was promiscuous in prompt Apective We hope for a prompt response.
her younger days. » licentious, loose, immoral, > quick, swift, rapid, speedy, early, punctual,
dissolute, abandoned, wanton, casual immediate, expeditious opposites are late,
OPPOSITES ARE Moral, chaste slow
prompt — proper
promptyers prompts, prompting, pronunciationnoun pronunciations the
prompted 1 cause or encourage a person to way a word is pronounced
do something 2 remind an actor or speaker of USAGE Note the spelling; this word should not
words when he or she has forgotten them be written or spoken as ‘pronounciation’.
> prompter youn proofnoun proofs 1a fact or thing that shows
prome apective something is true 2 a printed copy of a book or
be prone tobe likely to do or suffer from photograph etc. made for checking before
something e He isprone to jealousy other copies are printed
prongnoun prongs one of the spikes ona fork proofappctive able to resist something or not be
> pronged apeEctive penetrated e a bulletproof jacket
Prop! youn propsa support, especially one
PronouNnnoun pronouns a word used instead
made of a long piece of wood or metal
of anoun. Demonstrative pronouns are this,
that, these, those; interrogative pronounsare PrOPvers props, propping, propped support
who?, what?, which?, etc.; personal pronouns something by leaning it against something else
are I, me, we, us, thou, thee, you, ye, he, him, she, Prop? noun props an object or piece of
her, it, they, them; possessive pronouns are furniture used on a theatre stage or in a film
mine, yours, theirs, etc.; reflexive pronouns propagandanown biased or misleading
are myself, yourself, etc.; relative pronounsare publicity intended to make people believe
who, what, which, that something
Pronounce vers pronounces, pronouncing, propelvcrs propels, propelling, propelled
pronounced 1 say asound or wordina push something forward
particular way e ‘Two’ and ‘too’ are pronounced propelleryoun propellers a device with
the same. 2 declare something formally e Inow peat that spin round to drive an aircraft or
pronounce you man and wife. ship
pronounced spective noticeable e This street properapective 1 suitable or right @ the proper
has a pronounced slope. way to hold a bat 2 respectable e prim and

promptvers 1 We are not sure what prompted confirmation, verification, authentication,
such an angry outburst. » cause, give rise to, certification, corroboration, demonstration
bring about, occasion, lead to, produce, bring Propnoun 1 The bridge is supported by steel
on, precipitate, trigger, spark off props. > post, strut, upright, support,
OPPOSITES ARE deter, prevent 2 A noise prompted buttress, bolster 2 She had become the family’s
her to turn round. » cause, lead, induce, emotional prop. » support, mainstay, pillar,
stimulate, prod, provoke anchor, backbone
AN OPPOSITE IS discourage (from) 3 He forgot
Propvers He propped his bike against the wall.
what to say and his wife had to prompt him.
> lean, rest, stand
> remind, cue, prod, jog the memory prop up The old tree was propped up with posts.
prome,pective 1A man was lying prone on the > support, hold up, brace, strengthen,
floor » face down, on your front, prostrate reinforce, shore up, buttress
AN OPPOSITE ISupright 2 People here are prone to propagatevers 1 They were accused of
exaggerate. » apt, inclined, susceptible, propagating false reports. » spread, transmit,
predisposed, disposed, given, liable disseminate, pass on, communicate, put
OPPOSITES AREresistant, immune
about, circulate, proliferate 2 The plants are
PFONG oun the prong of a fork > point, spike, propagated in large greenhouses. » breed,
spur, tine grow, cultivate, generate 3 Wild flowers thrive
pronounce vers 1 The name is difficult to and propagate. » reproduce, multiply,
pronounce. » say, enunciate, articulate, sound, proliferate, procreate
speak, utter, get your tongue round 2 The propelvers 1 He propelled the ball high into the
doctor pronounced me well. » declare, proclaim, air. » throw, toss, fling, hurl, pitch, launch,
judge, announce, affirm, assert USAGEIf you use shoot, kick, punt 2 The little craft was propelled
affirm or assert you say The doctor affirmed or by a small outboard motor. » drive, move,
asserted that I was well. power, impel, set in motion, push
pronunciation oun The key to pronunciation properapective 1 It was about time he found a
of long words is often the stress. » enunciation, proper job. » real, genuine, bona fide 2 She
articulation, intonation, accent, diction, doesn’t think it proper that the children all share
elocution, inflection aroom. » right, correct, decent, respectable,
proofnoun Ifthere is a problem, return the goods decorous 3 You have to apply through the proper
with proof ofpurchase. » evidence, channels. » correct, right, appropriate, official,

proper fraction — prospect
proper 3 (informal) complete or thorough proportional representation youn a
@ You're a proper nuisance! : system in which each political party has a
> properly ADverB number of Members of Parliament in
proper fraction noun proper fractions a proportion to the number ofvotes for all its
fraction that is less than 1, with the numerator candidates
less than the denominator, e.g. 5 proposal noun proposals 1 something that is
proper noun noun proper nouns the name of proposed; a formal suggestion 2 an offer of
an individual person or thing, e.g. Mary, marriage
London, Spain, usually written with a capital first propose vers proposes, proposing,
letter proposed 1 suggest an ideaor plan etc. 2 plan
property voun properties 1a thing or things or intend to do something 3 ask a person to
that belong to somebody 2a building or marry you
someone’s land 3a quality or characteristic proposition noun propositions 1a
e It has the property of
becoming soft when heated. suggestion or offer 2a statement 3 (informal)
prophecy noun prophecies 1a statement an undertaking or problem e a difficult
that prophesies something 2 the action of proposition
prophesying proprietor youn proprietors the owner of a
prophesy vers prophesies, prophesying, shop or business
prophesied say what will happen in the future; > proprietress NOUN
foretell prosaic apjecrive plain or dull and ordinary
prophet noun prophets 1a person who > prosaically ADverB
makes prophecies 2a religious teacher who is prose noun writing or speech that is not in verse
believed to be inspired by God
> prophetess Noun prophetic ADJECTIVE prosecute vers prosecutes, prosecuting,
the Prophet Muhammad, who founded the prosecuted 1 make someone gotoalawcourt
Muslim faith to be tried for a crime 2 continue with
something; pursue e prosecuting their trade
proportion noun proportions 1a part or > prosecution NOUN prosecutor NOUN
share of awhole thing 2a ratio 3 the correct
relationship in size, amount, or importance prospect noun prospects 1 possibility or
between two things e You’ve drawn his head out expectation of something @ There is no prospect
ofproportion. of success. 2a wide view
> proportional apjective proportionally prospect (pro- spekt) vers prospects,
ADVERB proportionate ADJECTIVE prospecting, prospected explore in search of
proportions PLURAL NOUN size @ a ship of large gold or some other mineral
proportions > prospector NOUN

established, usual 4 (informal) He felt a proper proposal noun There is a proposal to build a ring
fool. » complete, utter, perfect, absolute, road. » plan, scheme, proposition,
positive suggestion, project, bid, motion, offer,
property noun 1 He left all his property to his
nephew. » possessions, belongings, assets, propose vers 1 Charles proposed Greece for their
worldly goods, wealth, valuables, chattels, next holiday. » suggest, put forward,
effects, fortune 2 Brits looking for property
,to recommend, offer, come up with, submit, ask
buy abroad. » buildings, premises, houses, for, present AN OPPOSITE Is withdraw 2 How do
estate 3 the medicinal properties ofgarlic you propose to find the money? » plan, intend,
> quality, attribute, characteristic, power, mean, aim, have in mind 3 Six candidates have
peculiarity, trait, feature been proposed for election. » nominate, put up
proposition noun 1 They discussed the
prophet noun an Old Testament prophet > seer, proposition that war was inevitable. » theory,
soothsayer, clairvoyant, oracle, forecaster, hypothesis, premiss, notion, idea 2a business
fortune teller proposition » proposal, plan, scheme,
suggestion, project
proportion noun 1 the proportion of girls to
boys in a class » ratio, balance, relationship, prosecute vers The police are going to prosecute
distribution 2 Alarge proportion ofthe country is him for dangerous driving. » charge, prefer
forested. » part, portion, amount, quantity, charges against, institute legal proceedings
percentage, section, share, piece, quota against, bring to trial, take legal proceedings
proportions a building of huge proportions against, indict =
> dimensions, measurements, size, prospect noun 1 She went to India with every
magnitude prospect of a long stay. » chance, expectation,
prospective > proud
prospective spective expected to be or to © They protested their innocence.
happen; possible e prospective customers > protestationyoun
prospectusyoun prospectuses a booklet Protestantyoun Protestants a member of
describing and advertising a school, business any of the western Christian Churches that are
company, etc. separate from the Roman Catholic Church
Pprosperous,pecrve successful or rich protonyoun protons a particle of matter with
> prosperity
oun a positive electric charge
prostituteyoun prostitutes a person who prototypenoun prototypes the first model of
takes part in sexual acts for payment something, from which others are copied or
> prostitutionjoun developed
protectvers protects, protecting, protected protractorjoun protractors a device for
keep safe from harm or injury measuring angles, usually a semicircle marked
> protectionyoun protectivespjecive off in degrees
protector youn protrudeyce protrudes, protruding,
protruded stick out from a surface
proteinyoun proteins a substance that is
found in all living things and is an essential part proudapecve 1 very pleased with yourself or
of the food of animals with someone else who has done well e We are
all so proud of you. 2 causing pride @ This is a
protest(proh- test) youn protests a statement proud moment for us. 3 full of self-respect and
or action showing that you disapprove of independence e They were too proud to ask for
something help. 4 having too high an opinion of yourself
protest (pro-test) vers protests, protesting > proudlyspvers
protested 1 make a protest 2 declare firmly [via Old English from old French prud = brave]

likelihood, possibility, probability, promise, protective,pctive 1 protective clothing
hope 2 There is a magnificent prospect from the > protecting, insulating, shielding, sheltering,
penthouse apartment. » view, vista, outlook, defensive 2 Her parents had always been
panorama, landscape, perspective, scene, protective towards her. » caring, solicitous,
sight, spectacle 3 prospects His job prospects watchful, vigilant, jealous, defensive,
were looking good. » future, potential, outlook, possessive
possibilities, hopes
prosper vers The market in mobiles continues to
protestyoun (with the stress on pro-) 1 The
violence shown in the programme caused a wave
prosper. > thrive, do well, flourish, boom, of protests. » complaint, objection, outcry,
blossom, expand, succeed, progress, make protestation, remonstrance, cry of disapproval
progress 2 There will be a large protest in the town square.
prosperity youn The future prosperity of inner > demonstration, rally, march, sit-in, (more
cities depends on how safe they are to live in. informal) demo
> success, welfare, wealth, affluence, growth,
plenty, profitability protestvers (with the stress on -test) 1 People
Pprosperowus,pjective She took out a dress she had protested against the export of animals.
bought in more prosperous times, > thriving, > demonstrate, object, make a protest,
prospering, flourishing, affluent, well-off, well- remonstrate, express disapproval (of) 2 The
to-do, wealthy, fortunate, successful, neighbours protested that the music was too loud.
booming, buoyant, profitable, rich > complain, object, grumble, expostulate,
AN OPPOSITE ISunsuccessful fulminate, argue, take exception 3 He
continued to protest his innocence. » maintain,
protectyers 1 The men were anxious to protect insist on, claim, profess, proclaim, assert,
their women and children. The city fought a war
to protect its democracy. » defend, safeguard,
keep safe, preserve, secure, shield, guard, save proudapective 1 He’s too proud to admit his
2 An armed guard protected the convoy. mistake. » conceited, arrogant, vain, big-
> escort, guard, accompany, defend, cover, headed, self-important, full of yourself,
shield presumptuous, boastful OPPOSITES AREmodest,
protectionyoun 1 They looked for some form of unassuming, humble 2 They are a proud people.
protection from the wind and rain. » shelter, > noble, dignified, honourable, self-
refuge, security, shield 2 Military strength respecting 3 proud ofAnna was so proud of her
would be no protection against terrorist activities garden.» pleased with, delighted with, thrilled
of that sort. » barrier, buffer, screen, bulwark, with, satisfied with, happy about, glad about,
security, insurance gratified at, fond of AN OPPOSITE Isashamed of
prove = PS
prove vers proves, proving, proved 1 show provisions piurat noun supplies of food and
that something is true 2 turn out @ The forecast drink
proved to be correct. provoke vers provokes, provoking,
> provable ADjecTiVe provoked 1 makea person angry 2 cause or
proverb youn proverbs a short well-known give rise to something @ The joke provoked
saying that states a truth, e.g. ‘Many hands laughter.
make light work’ > provocation Noun provocative ADjECTIVE
proverbial spective 1 referred to ina proverb Prow noun prows the front end of a ship
2 well known
provide vers provides, providing, provided prow! vere prowls, prowling, prowled move
1 make something available; supply 2 prepare about quietly or cautiously, like a hunter
for something e Try to provide for emergencies. > prowl noun prowler noun
> provider Noun Proxy noun proxies a person authorized to
provided conyunction on condition e You can represent or act for another person e I will be
stay provided that you help. abroad, so I have arranged to vote by proxy.
providing coyunction provided prude noun prudes a person who is easily
province youn provinces 1 a section ofa shocked
country 2 the area of a person’s special > prudish spective prudery NouN
knowledge or responsibility @ I’m afraid prudent spectre careful, not rash or reckless
carpentry is not my province. > prudently apvers prudence NOUN
> provincial ADjective prudential Apjective
the provinces the parts of a country outside
its capital city prune | youn prunes adried plum
provision youn provisions 1 providing prune vers prunes, pruning, pruned cut off
something 2a statement in a document e the unwanted parts of a tree or bush etc.
provisions of the treaty
pry vers pries, prying, pried look into or ask
provisional spective arranged or agreed upon about someone else’s private business
temporarily but possibly to be altered later
> provisionally apvers PS asereviaTion postscript

prove vers 1 The new evidence proves your provisions Piura Noun » supplies, food and
innocence. » confirm, corroborate, drink, foodstuff, stores, subsistence, rations,
demonstrate, establish, substantiate, attest, groceries, requirements
authenticate, bear out, show to be true, verify
AN OPPOSITE IS disprove 2 The story proved to be provocation noun He refused to react despite
true. » turn out, happen, be found extreme provocation.(informal) » annoyance,
proverb noun the old proverb about too many goading, aggravation, irritation, harassment,
taunting, incitement, inducement, grounds,
cooks ® saying, maxim, adage, dictum,
justification, motivation
byword, catchphrase ;
provide vers 1 The hotel can provide a picnic. provoke vere 1 Plans for a new ring road have
> supply, furnish, serve, produce, present, provoked a lot of interest. » arouse, rouse,
contribute, lay on, arrange for 2, provide for prompt, cause, kindle, instigate, spark off,
He now made enough money to provide for his stimulate, stir up, (more informal) whip up
family. » support, maintain, feed, keep, AN OPPOSITE IS allay 2 She was provoked into
sustain, provide food for 3 provide for The making comments that she later regretted.
agreement provides for arbitration in the case of > goad, spur, prick, sting 3 Better not to
disputes. > allow for, make provision for, provoke him while he’s ina good mood. » annoy,
stipulate, specify, require, call for, arrange for irritate, anger, incense, offend, tease, taunt
provincial spective 1 the provincial government
> local, regional, district, territorial 2 the prudent apjective 1 It’s not always prudent to
provincial attitudes of the middle classes speak to strangers. » wise, advisable, sensible,
> unsophisticated, insular, parochial, shrewd AN OPPOSITE Is unwise 2 a prudent
suPUP aD, small-town, narrow-minded, dreary, attitude to money » cautious, careful, shrewd,
u far-sighted, thoughtful, wary
provisional anective The provisional total is over pry vere I didn’t mean to pry, I was just curious.
a million dollars. » interim, temporary, > delve, interfere, meddle, poke about, nose
tentative, conditional, stopgap about, ferret about, be inquisitive, snoop,
OPPOSITES ARE definite, permanent (informal) stick your nose in
psalm = puddle
psalm (sahm) Noun psalms a religious song, puberty (pew- ber- tee) noun the time whena
especially one from the Book of Psalms in the young person is developing physically into an
Bible adult
> psalmist NOUN public njective belonging to or known by
pseudonym Noun pseudonyms a false name everyone, not private
used by an author > publicly Apvers
public noun people in general
psychiatrist (sy- ky- a- trist) noun in public openly, not in private
psychiatrists a doctor who treats mental
illnesses publication noun publications 1 publishing
2a published book or newspaper etc.
> psychiatry Noun psychiatric AD/ECTIVE
public house noun public houses (formal) a
psychic (sy- kik) apective 1 supernatural pu
2 having supernatural powers, especially being publicity noun public attention; doing things
able to predictthefuture 3 to do with the mind (e.g. advertising) to draw people’s attention to
or soul something
> psychical ADJECTIVE
public school noun public schools 1a
psychoanalysis noun investigation of a secondary school that charges fees 2 (in
person’s mental processes, especially in the Scotland and the USA) a school run by a local
treatment of mental illness authority or by the state
> psychoanalyst NOUN publish vers publishes, publishing,
“ebisint tsNouN the study of the mind and published 1 have something printed and sold
how it works to the public 2 announce something in public
> psychological ADEcTIVE psychologist Noun > publisher Noun
pucker vers puckers, puckering, puckered
PT assreviaTion physical training wrinkle
pterodactyl (te- ro- dak- til) noun pudding nou puddings 1a cooked sweet
pterodactyls an extinct flying reptile food eaten at the end of ameal 2 the sweet
course of a meal 3.a savoury food made with
PTO sssreviATION please turn over suet and flour
pub noun pubs a building licensed to serve puddle noun puddles a shallow patch of liquid,
alcoholic drinks to the public especially of rainwater on a road

psychic nective She seemed to have psychic publicity noun 1 The film was launched in a
powers and knew exactly what would happen. blaze of publicity. » attention, media attention,
> clairvoyant, telepathic, extrasensory, publicinterest, exposure 2 Publicity will include
supernatural, mystic, occult, psychical television advertising. >»promotion, marketing,
advertising, (more informal) hype
psychological spective The effects are mostly
psychological. » mental, subconscious, publicize vere The event is being publicized weeks
emotional, subjective, irrational in advance. » advertise, make known,
AN OPPOSITE Is physical announce, report, (more informal) plug
public apective 1 public gardens » communal, OPPOSITES ARE Suppress, conceal
open, free, community, unrestricted publish vere 1 A sequel to the story was published
AN OPPOSITE IS private 2a public figure last year. » issue, bring out, produce, print
> prominent, well known, celebrated, leading, 2 The letters should be published as soon as
eminent, important, distinguished, notable, possible. » make public, make known,
famous opposites ARE unknown, obscure 3 This publicize, disseminate, put out, make available
is all public knowledge by now. » general,
common, recognized, widely known, open pucker vers She felt her lips pucker and her eyes
public voun houses open to the public» people, grow moist. wrinkle, screw up, crease, purse,
the populace, the community, the country, the tighten, compress
nation, citizens
pudding noun When Steve arrived the others
publicationsoun 1 Publication ofthe report will were starting their pudding. » dessert, sweet,
be in July. » issuing, appearance, publishing, (more informal) afters
printing, production, dissemination 2 list of
the latest publications » book, volume; title, puddle woun He woke up to find a puddle ofwater
work, tome, opus, newspaper, magazine on his sleeping bag. » pool, splash, spill
puff - puma
puffvoun puffs 1a short blowing of breath, pulleynoun pulleys a wheel with a rope, chain,
wind, or smoke etc. 2. soft pad for putting or belt over it, used for lifting or moving heavy
powder on the skin 3 a cake of very light pastry things
filled with cream pullover nowy pullovers a knitted piece of
puff vers puffs, puffing, puffed 1 blow out clothing for the top half of the body
puffs of smoke etc. 2 breathe with difficulty; pulpnoun 1 the soft moist part of fruit 2 any
pant 3 inflate or swell something e He puffed soft moist mass
out his chest. > pulpy ADJECTIVE
puffy anective puffed out; swollen pulpitnoun pulpits a small enclosed platform
> puffiness NOUN for the preacher in a church or chapel
pugnaciousapective wanting to fight; pulsate vers pulsates, pulsating, pulsated
aggressive expand and contract rhythmically; vibrate
> pugnaciously ADvers pugnacity NOUN > pulsation NOUN
puke vers pukes, puking, puked (informal) pulse! noun pulses 1 the rhythmical
vomit movement of the arteries as blood is pumped
pull vers pulls, pulling, pulled 1 make a thing through them by the beating of the heart e The
come towards or after you by using force on it pulse can be felt in a person’s wrists. 2. a throb
2 move by a driving force @ The car pulled out pulse vers pulses, pulsing, pulsed throb or
into the road. pulsate
> pull Noun
pull a face make a strange face pulse noun pulses the edible seed of peas,
pullin 1 (said about a vehicle) move to the side beans, lentils, etc.
of the road and stop 2 (said abouta train) come
to a station and stop
pulverize vers pulverizes, pulverizing,
pulverized crush something into powder
pull somebody's leg tease him or her > pulverization Noun
pull off achieve something
pull through recover from an illness pumanoun pumas a large brown animal
pull up (said about a vehicle) stop abruptly of western America; a mountain lion [via
pull yourself together become calm or Spanish from Quechua (a South American
sensible language)]

puffxoun 14 puffof wind» gust, blast, breath, make space for the new complex. » demolish,
rush, draught, flurry 2a puff
of grey smoke knock down, tear down, bulldoze, dismantle
> cloud, whiff pull someone’s leg They stopped pulling his leg
when they realized he was upset. » tease, rag,
puff vers He was puffing when he reached the top make fun of, play tricks on
of the stairs. » gasp, pant, wheeze, breathe pull off The gang have pulled off another bank
heavily, blow robbery.» achieve, accomplish, manage, carry
puff out The curtains puffed out in the draught. out, bring off, succeed in
> swell, distend, become inflated, billow, rise pull out The army will pull out by the end of the
puke vers She had eaten something that upset her year. >» withdraw, retreat, leave, depart, quit,
and went off to puke. » vomit, be sick, retch, move out
heave, (informal) throw up pull through She is likely to pull through despite
severe injuries. » recover, get better, improve,
pull vers 1 She pulled another chair to where she come through, recuperate
was sitting. » drag, draw, tug, heave, (more pull together Everyone has to pull together ifwe
informal) yank 2 Cars were pulling trailers and are going to succeed. » cooperate, work
caravans. > tow, haul, lug, drag, trail 3 The together, work as a team, collaborate
match will pull huge crowds. » attract, draw,
bring in, entice, allure, tempt 4 He had pulled a pullwoun 1 He gave the handle a pull.» tug, jerk,
muscle and was forced to withdraw. > strain, heave, (more informal) yank 2 The beauty of the
sprain, wrench, dislocate 5 A dentist might need place exerted quite a pull. » attraction, lure,
to pull the tooth. » extract, take out, remove, draw, influence, enticement
pull out
pull apart Only pull the machine apart ifyou pulpwoun afruit with a juicy pulp » flesh, mash,
know how to put it together again. » dismantle, mush, paste, pap
take apart, take to pieces, dismember, i)
separate pulse noun The music lacked a regular pulse.
pull downA row of
houses will be pulled down to > beat, rhythm, throb, oscillation, vibration
pump — purchase
pump |Noun pumps a device that pushes air or puncture noun punctures asmall hole made
liquid into or out of something, or along pipes by something sharp, especially in a tyre
Pump vers pumps, pumping, pumped puncture vers punctures, puncturing, i.
1 move air or liquid with a pump 2 (informal) punctured make a puncture in something
question a person to obtain information pungent (pun-jent) anjecrive 1 having astrong
pump up inflate taste or smell 2 (said about remarks) sharp
> pungently Advers pungency NOUN A
pump? oun pumps a canvas sports shoe with
a rubber sole punish veré punishes, punishing, punished -
make a person suffer because he or she has
pumpkin vouv pumpkins a very large round done something wrong
fruit with a hard orange skin [from Greek pepon, > punishable spective punishment Noun
a kind of large melon] punk youn punks 1 (also punk rock) aloud
PUN NOUN puns a joking use of a word sounding aggressive style of rock music 2.a person who
the same as another, e.g. ‘Deciding where to likes this music
bury him was a grave decision’. punt! youn punts a flat-bottomed boat, usually
moved by pushing a pole against the bottom of
_ punch! vers punches, punching, punched a river while standing in the punt
1 hit someone with your fist 2 make a hole in
something punt vers punts, punting, punted movea punt
with a pole
punch noun punches 1ahit witha fist 2a punt? vere punts, punting, punted kick a
device for making holes in paper, metal, football after dropping it from your hands and i
leather, etc. 3 vigour before it touches the ground
punch? noun a drink made by mixing wine or pupa (pew- pa) Noun pupae a chrysalis
spirits and fruit juice in a bowl pupil youn pupils 1 someone who is being
punchline youn punchlines words that give taught by a teacher, especially at school 2 the
the climax of a joke or story opening in the centre of the eye
puppet youn puppets 1 akind of doll that can
punctual apective doing things exactly at the be made to move by fitting it over your hand or
time arranged; not late working it by strings orwires 2.a person whose
> punctually apvers punctuality Noun actions are controlled by someone else
punctuate vers punctuates, punctuating, > puppetry Noun
punctuated 1 put punctuation marks into PUPpPy Noun puppies a young dog
something 2 put something in at intervals purchase vers purchases, purchasing,
@ His speech was punctuated with cheers. purchased buy
punctuation noun marks such as commas, full > purchaser NouN
stops, and brackets put into a piece of writing purchase noun purchases 1 something
to make it easier to read bought 2 buying 3. firm hold or grip

pump vers The crew rushed to pump the water out puncture noun Her bike had a puncture on the
of the boat. » drain, draw off, empty, force, way home. > flat tyre, burst tyre, (more
drive, raise, siphon informal) flat
pump up We’d better pump up the tyres. puncture vers Vandals had punctured her tyres.
> inflate, blow up, fill > make a hole in, pierce, rupture, let down,
pumnnoun > double meaning, wordplay, play on deflate
words punish vers The culprits would be punished.
> penalize, discipline, correct, chastise, scold,
punch vers 1 Ken punched him in the stomach. make an example of
> hit, strike, bash, thump, box, sock, clout,
jab, poke, prod, beat, cuff, slog 2 He punched a punishment youn The punishment has to be
hole in the wall. » pierce, puncture, perforate reasonable. » penalty, discipline, correction,
chastisement RELATED ADJECTIVE penal
punch noun a punch on the nose » blow, bash, puny Apjective He looked small and puny for his
thump, box, poke ; age.» weak, feeble, frail, sickly, undersized,
punctual apjective We’re expected to be punctual. undernourished, stunted Opposites ARE sturdy,
> ontime, prompt, in good time, (more strong
informal) onthe dot opposires ARE unpunctual, pupil youn She is an able pupil. » student,
late scholar, schoolgirl orschoolboy, learner
pure = push
pure apjective 1 not mixed with anything else purr vers purrs, purring, purred make the low
e pure olive oil 2 clean or clear @ pure spring murmuring sound that a cat does when it is
water 3 free from evil or sin 4 mere; nothing pleased
but e pure nonsense > purr NOUN
> purely Apvers pureness NOUN purity NOUN PUISE NOUN purses a small pouch for carrying
purée (pewr- ay) Noun purées fruit or money
vegetables made into pulp purse vers purses, pursing, pursed
purse your lips draw them tightly together
purge vers purges, purging, purged get rid of because you are annoyed or frustrated
unwanted people or things
> purge NOUN pursue vers pursues, pursuing, pursued
1 chase someone in order to catch them
purify vers purifies, purifying, purified make 2 continue with something; work at e We are
a thing pure pursuing our enquiries.
> purification Noun purifier noun > pursuer NOUN
Puritan noun Puritans a Protestant in the 16th pursuit noun pursuits 1 pursuing 2a regular
and 17th centuries who wanted simpler activity
religious ceremonies and strictly moral puis noun a thick yellowish substance produced
behaviour ininflamed orinfected tissue, e.g. inan abscess
or boil
purple noun adeep reddish-blue colour
push vers pushes, pushing, pushed 1 makea
PUFrpOSe Noun purposes 1 what you intend to thing go away from you by using force on it
do; a plan or aim 2 determination e walk with 2 move yourself by using force e He pushed in
purpose front of me. 3 try to force someone to do or use
> purposeful ApjecTive purposefully ADvers something; urge
on purpose by intention, not by accident push off (informal) go away

pure apective 1 pure gold > unalloyed, pursue vers 11 pursued a fox to the end of the
unmixed, genuine, natural lane. » chase, go after, run after, follow, track
OPPOSITES ARE impure, adulterated 2 places 2 It was an ambitious objective to pursue.
where the air is pure » clean, fresh, clear, > strive for, work towards, aim at, aspire to
untainted, unpolluted, uncontaminated 3 She is determined to pursue a career in politics.
OPPOSITES AREimpure, polluted 3a pure mind > follow, undertake, take up, engage in 4 He
> virtuous, moral, chaste, good, innocent, pursues a number of interests in his spare time.
righteous, blameless OPPOSITES ARE immoral, > carry on, maintain, follow, continue, devote
dirty yourself to
purely apvers The lights are purely for show. pursuit noun 1 Police gave up the pursuit when
> simply, only, solely, entirely, totally, they lost the trail in London. » chase, hunt,
completely, exclusively search, tracking 2 The family enjoy their outdoor
purity noun 1 the purity of the water pursuits. » activity, pastime, diversion,
> cleanliness, clearness, freshness, amusement 3 the pursuit of knowledge
naturalness, wholesomeness 2 the purity of > search (for), quest (for), striving (for), aim,
their thoughts » virtue, morality, goodness, goal, objective
rightness, uprightness, integrity, honesty '
push vere 1 She pushed a chair against the door.
purposenoun 1 They made their purpose clear. > shove, thrust, press, propel, nudge
> intention, motive, justification 21 can’t see AN OPPOSITE IS pull 21 pushed a few things into a
any purpose in doing that. » point, advantage, bag. > pack, cram, squash, squeeze, jam, ram,
benefit, gain 3 Their actions show a lot of crush, put, insert 3 He tried to push his way
purpose. » determination, resolution, resolve, through the crowd. » force, thrust, shove,
single-mindedness, tenacity, enthusiasm elbow, jostle, shoulder, prod, press 4 Better not
on purpose He says it was an accident but I’m to push them to come ifthey don’t want to.
sure he did it on purpose. » deliberately, > press, pressure, pressurize, put pressure on,
intentionally, purposely, consciously, urge, persuade, cajole, browbeat, coerce,
knowingly bully, compel, (more informal) lean on 5 Each
pursenoun 1 Keep your foreign money in a software company wants to push its own product.
separate purse. » pouch, wallet, money bag, > promote, publicize, advertise, popularize,
bag 2 activities that are paid for out of the public make known, market, (more informal) plug
purse fund or funds, resources, money, kitty, push around He was fed up with being pushed
finances, resources, exchequer around. » bully, domineer, boss about or
push = put
push NOUN pushes a pushing movement or experience something or be in a certain
effort condition @ Put the light on. e The news put me
at a push if necessary but only with difficulty in a good mood. 3 express in words e She put it
weethe push (informal) be dismissed froma tactfully.
be hard put have difficulty in doing something
pushchair youn pushchairs a folding chair on put off 1 postpone 2 dissuade 3 stop
wheels, for pushing a young child along someone wanting something e The smell puts
pusher noun pushers a person who sells illegal me off.
drugs put out 1 stop afire from burning or a light
pushy apjective unpleasantly self-confident and from shining 2 annoy or inconvenience e Our
eager to do things lateness has put her out.
PUSS NOUN (informal) a cat put up 1 construct or build 2 raise 3 give
put vers puts, putting, put 1 move a person someone a place to sleep @ Can you put me up
or thing to a place or position e Put the lamp on for the night?
the table. 2 make a person or thing do or put up with endure or tolerate

around, trample on, mistreat AN OPPOSITE |S bring forward
push for Trade unions are pushing for the repeal put by She wanted to put something by each week
of some of these laws. » demand, insist on, press for emergencies. » save, set aside, keep,
for, urge earmark
push off (informal) She was busy and told us to put down 1I'd better put down some details.
push off. » go away, leave, be off, run along, > write down, record, enter, note down, make
depart, (informal) beat it, (informal) scram a note of 2 The army quickly put down the
push oun 1 She felt a push in her back. » shove, rebellion. » suppress, crush, quell, quash,
thrust, prod, nudge, jolt, poke, knock 2 The defeat 3 He enjoyed putting people down,
enemy’s push was aimed at reaching the coast. especially in public. » criticize, belittle,
> advance, thrust, drive, offensive, onslaught, disparage, humiliate, mortify 4 You can put it
down to laziness. » attribute, ascribe, blame
pushy nective He needed to appear in control put forward Stella put forward a new
without seeming too pushy. » assertive, suggestion. » advance, offer, propose, suggest,
dominating, dominant, aggressive, forceful, present, submit AN OPPOSITE IS withdraw
officious put in You have to put in a new ink cartridge
put vers 1 He put the case on the table. They put a > insert, install, fit OPPOSITES ARE remove, take
guard on the door. » place, leave, set, deposit, out
position, stand, settle, station, post 21 wanted put off 1 The noise put her off.» deter,
to say something but I wasn’t sure how to put it. discourage, disconcert, unnerve, repel,
> express, word, phrase, formulate, couch distract, intimidate AN OPPOSITE Is attract
3 The government will put a tax on it.» impose, 2 We'd better put off a decision. » postpone,
inflict, levy, apply (to), assign (to) 4 They put defer, delay, hold over, shelve, reschedule
the cost at over a million. » estimate, reckon, AN OPPOSITE IS bring forward
calculate, assess, evaluate, measure, judge put on 1 He put on an air of importance.
5 We have some ideas to put to you. » submit, > assume, affect, simulate, feign, sham 2 The
present, propose, advance, offer, suggest gallery is putting on a special exhibition.
put across The government needs to put its > mount, organize, stage, produce, present
message across clearly. » communicate, put out 1 Nina was put out by this criticism.
convey, get across, spell out, make clear, > offend, annoy, anger, irritate, affront, insult
express 21 hope it won’t put you out ifI stay a few days.
put aside We have put aside some money. > inconvenience, bother, trouble, impose on
m save, set aside, put by, keep, keep in reserve, 3 The BBC put out an appeal. » announce,
reserve publish, broadcast, circulate
put away 1 The judge put him away for life. put up 1 He put up a shed in the garden.
> jail, imprison, send to prison, lock up, put > erect, build, construct, assemble
behind bars, incarcerate, commit 2 Did you see OPPOSITES ARE take down, demolish 2 We can
how much food they put away? » eat, consume, put you up for a few days. » accommodate,
devour house, lodge, take in, give a bed to, shelter
put back 111 put the book back. » replace, 3 They have put up their prices. » increase,
return 2 The meeting has been put back for a raise, lift, (more informal) bump up
week. » postpone, defer, delay, hold over put up with She is not prepared to put up with
putt — python
putt vers putts, putting, putted hit a golf ball pyjamas pirat noun a loose jacket and trousers
gently towards the hole worn in bed [from Persian or Urdu pay = leg +
> puttnoun putter noun putting green NOUN jamah = clothing]
putty noun a soft paste that sets hard, used for pylon noun pylons a tall framework made of
fitting the glass into a window frame strips of steel, supporting electric cables [from
puzzle youn puzzles 1a difficult question or Greek, = monumental gateway, which a
problem 2.agame ortoy that sets a problem to modern pylon resembles in shape]
solve or a difficult task to complete 3 a jigsaw
puzzle pyramid NOUN pyramids 1 astructure witha
square base and with sloping sides that meetin
puzzle vers puzzles, puzzling, puzzled 1 give a point at the top 2 an ancient Egyptian tomb
someone a problem so that they have to think shaped like this
hard 2 think patiently about how to solve
> pyramidal (pir- am-id- al) ADECTIVE
> puzzlement Noun python noun pythons alarge snake that kills its
pygmy (pig- mee) noun pygmies 1 avery prey by coiling round and crushing it [from the
small person or thing 2a member of certain name of a large serpent or monster in Greek
unusually short peoples in parts of Africa legend, killed by Apollo]

such behaviour. » tolerate, stand for, accept, resolve, decide, get to the bottom of, make
bear, take, endure, stomach sense of
puzzle noun It is a hard puzzle to solve. puzzled spective Freda had a puzzled look on her
face.» confused, baffled, perplexed, mystified,
> problem, riddle, question, enigma, paradox
bewildered, at a loss, nonplussed, (more
puzzle vers 1 Mike’s angry response puzzled me. informal) stumped
> confuse, perplex, baffle, mystify, bewilder, puzzling spective There was something puzzling
disconcert, confound, fox, (more informal) about the shape of the house. » confusing,
flummox baffling, bewildering, perplexing, mystifying,
puzzle out She was trying to puzzle out who the mysterious, inexplicable, extraordinary
caller might have been. » work out, figure out, OPPOSITES ARE straightforward, comprehensible
QC = quarantine

Quaker youn Quakers a member ofa religious
group called the Society of Friends, founded by
George Fox in the 17th century [originally an
insult, probably from George Fox’s saying that
people should ‘tremble at the name of the
QC psereviaTiON Queen’s Counsel Lord’]
QED agereviation quod erat demonstrandum qualification youn qualifications 1 a skill or
(Latin, = which was the thing that had to be ability that makes someone suitable for a job
proved) 2 an exam that you have passed or a course of
quack’ vers quacks, quacking, quacked make study that you have completed 3 something
the harsh cry of aduck that qualifies a remark or statement
p> quack Noun qualify vers qualifies, qualifying, qualified
[imitating the sound] 1 make or become able to. do something
quack? youn quacks a person who falsely through having certain qualities or training, or
claims to have medical skill or have remedies to by passing an exam 2 make a remark or
cure diseases [from Dutch quacken = to boast] statement less extreme; limit its meaning 3 (in
grammar, said about an adjective) add
quadratic equation youn quadratic meaning to a noun
equations anequation that involves quantities
or variables raised to the power of two, but no quality youn qualities 1 how good or bad
higher than two somethingis 2 a characteristic; something that
is special in a person or thing
quadrilateral youn quadrilaterals a flat
geometric shape with four sides qualm (kwahm) noun qualms a misgiving or
quadruped youn quadrupeds an animal with
four feet quandary youn quandaries a difficult
situation where you are uncertain what to do
quagmire (kwog-mire) noun quagmires a
bog or marsh quantity youn quantities 1 how muchthereis
of something; how many things there are of
quail’ youn quail or quails a bird related to the one sort 2a large amount
quantum leap or quantum jump noun
quail? yrs quails, quailing, quailed feel or quantum leapsor quantum jumps a sudden
show fear large increase or advance
quaint apjective attractively odd or old- quarantine youn keeping a person or animal
fashioned isolated in case they have a disease which could
> quaintly apvers quaintness
spread to others [from Italian quaranta = forty
quake vers quakes, quaking, quaked (because the original period ofisolation was 40
tremble; shake with fear days)]

quaint spective a quaint little shop that served qualify vers 1 The course qualifies you to teach
teas » charming, picturesque, antiquated, young children. » authorize, permit, allow,
strange, sweet, old-world, (more informal) entitle, prepare, equip, fit AN OPPOSITE |S
twee disqualify (from) 21 may qualify for a discount.
qualification oun 1 You need a professional > beeligible, be entitled (to), be allowed
qualification in social work. » certificate, 3 He qualified his conclusion with a few
diploma, degree, training, skill, competence, reservations. » moderate, modify, restrict,
eligibility, fitness 2 He agreed without any mitigate, limit
qualification. » reservation, hesitation,
restriction, exception, condition, modification quality youn 1 work of a high quality
> standard, calibre, class, grade, rank, sort,
qualified anective 1 His two sons were both value, condition, excellence 2 He has many
qualified doctors. » certified, chartered, skilled, good qualities. » characteristic, feature,
trained, professional, graduate, competent attribute, point, aspect, peculiarity, property,
AN OPPOSITE IS unqualified 2 She could only give trait
the idea qualified approval. > limited, modified,
conditional, cautious, guarded, reserved, quantity youn A huge quantity of stolen goods
restricted, equivocal, half-hearted was recovered, » amount, number, total,
OPPOSITES ARE unqualified, unconditional volume, lot, portion, proportion, consignment
quarrel —> queer
quarrel youn quarrels an angry disagreement quartz youn ahard mineral, often in crystal
form [via German from a Polish dialect word
quarrel vers quarrels, quarrelling, -
kwardy = hard]
quarrelled have a quarrel
> quarrelsome ApjECTIVE quaver vers quavers, quavering, quavered
tremble or quiver
quarry’ noun quarries an open place where
stone or slate is dug or cut out of the ground quaver youn quavers 1 aquavering sound 2a
note in music (J) lasting half as long as a
quarry vers quarries, quarrying, quarried
dig or cut from a quarry
quay (kee) noun quays a landing place where
quarry? youn quarries an animal etc. being ships can be tied up for loading and unloading;
hunted or pursued a wharf
quart youn quarts two pints, a quarter of a > quayside youn
gallon queasy spective feeling slightly sick
quarter youn quarters 1 each of four equal > queasily apvers queasiness Noun
parts into which a thing is or can be divided queen youn queens 1 awomanwhois the ruler
2 three months, one-fourth of a year 3a of a country through inheriting the position
district or region @ People came from every 2 the wife of aking 3.a female bee or ant that
quarter. produces eggs 4 an important piece in chess
at close quarters very close together 5 a playing card with a picture of a queen onit
give no quarter show no mercy > queenly ADJECTIVE
quarter vers quarters, quartering, [from Old English]
quartered 1 divide something into quarters Queen’s Counsel youn Queen’s Counsels a
2 put soldiers etc. into lodgings senior barrister
quarter-final youn quarter-finals eachofthe queer apjective 1 strange or eccentric 2 slightly
matches or rounds before a semi-final, in which ill or faint
there are eight contestants or teams > queerly apvers queerness NOUN
quarters piural noun lodgings queer vers queers, queering, queered
quartet youn quartets 1 a group of four queer a person’s pitch spoil his or her chances
musicians 2 a piece of music for four musicians beforehand
3 a set of four people or things [perhaps from German quer = perverse]

quarrel youn A quarrel developed in which Kemp failed to quash rumours. » put an end to,
was struck over the head. » argument, row, stamp out, suppress, crush, quell, subdue,
disagreement, altercation, difference of overthrow
opinion, dispute, squabble, clash, tiff
OPPOSITES ARE agreement, reconciliation quaver vere She broke off as her voice began to
quaver. » tremble, quiver, waver, shake,
quarrel vers 1 They were always quarelling. flutter, vibrate, pulsate
> argue, disagree, row, have a row, squabble,
bicker, fall out, tiff, fight AN OPPOSITE Is agree qay noun Overlooking the quay was a small hotel.
2 quarre! with Jcan’t quarrel with your version > dock, wharf, pier, harbour, jetty, landing-
of what happened. » disagree with, find fault stage, berth
with, criticize, oppose ,
quarrelsome apjctive He didn’t want to stay queasy spective He had been feeling tired and
with such a quarrelsome family. queasy for the past few days. » nauseous,
> argumentative, contentious, belligerent, bilious, sick, unwell, poorly, queer, out of
disputatious, aggressive, factious, sorts
confrontational, ill-tempered
AN OPPOSITE IS peaceable queen noun She knew she would be queen one day.
> ruler, monarch, sovereign, crowned head
quarter youn 1 a house in the poor quarter ofthe
city > district, locality, neighbourhood,
vicinity, area, region, part, sector 2 There was Queer Apjective 1 There was something queer
help from an unexpected quarter. » source, going on. > odd, strange, unusual, weird,
direction, point, location peculiar, funny, curious, bizarre, puzzling,
quash vers 1 The Court ofAppeal may quash the mysterious, remarkable OPPOSITES ARE ordinary,
sentence. > overrule, revoke, rescind, overturn, normal 2 I was feeling a bit queer. » sick,
set aside, cancel, retract, repeal, nullify 2 The unwell, poorly, queasy, out of sorts, nauseous,
rebellion was brutally quashed. The statement bilious, faint, dizzy
quell = quick
quell vers quells, quelling, quelled 1crusha that you are doubtful about something
rebellion 2 stop yourself from feeling fear, > questioner NOUN
anger etc.; suppress questionable spective causing doubt; not
quench vers quenches, quenching, certainly true or honest or advisable
quenched 1 satisfy your thirst by drinking question mark noun question marks the
2 put out a fire or flame punctuation mark ? placed after a question
query (kweer- ee) NouN queries 1a question questionnaire noun questionnaires a
2 a question mark written set of questions asked to provide
information for a survey
query vers queries, querying, queried
queue (kew) Noun queues a line of people or
question whether something is true or correct vehicles waiting for something
[from Latin quaere = ask!]
quewe vers queues queueing queued wait in
quest noun quests along search for something a queue [via French from Latin cauda = tail.
e@ the quest for gold Queue originally meant ‘an animal’s tail’ as a
question noun questions 1a sentence asking term in heraldry.]
something 2.a problem to be discussed or quibble youn quibbles a trivial complaint or
solved e Parliament debated the question of objection
education. 3 doubt e Whether we shall win is quibble vers quibbles, quibbling, quibbled
open to question. make trivial complaints or objections
in question being discussed or disputed @ His quick spective 1 taking only a short time to do
honesty is not in question. something 2 done ina short time 3 able to
out of the question impossible notice or learn or think quickly 4 (old use) alive
question vers questions, questioning, e@ the quick and the dead
questioned 1 ask someone questions 2 say > quickly advers quickness NOUN

quell vers Troops were sent in to quell the rising. questionable spect All these arguments are
> suppress, put an end to, stamp out, crush, highly questionable. » debatable, doubtful,
quash, subdue, overthrow dubious, suspect, unreliable, disputable,
query noun Please send a stamped addressed uncertain, unclear, unprovable, (more informal)
envelope with any queries. » question, enquiry, iffy, (more informal) shady
problem, doubt, uncertainty OPPOSITES ARE unquestionable, indisputable,
query vere She had to query the wisdom of such a
plan. » question, doubt, suspect, have doubts queue noun 1 To my surprise there was no queue
about, have reservations about, feel uneasy at the Post Office. > line, line of people 2 There
about, challenge, dispute AN OPPOSITE IS accept were traffic queues all down the motorway.
quest noun a quest to find Iron-Age remains > jam, tailback, file, column, procession
> expedition, mission, search, hunt, crusade
question noun 1 You haven’t answered the queue vers They queued for hours to be sure of
question. » enquiry, query, problem tickets. » line up, forma queue, wait ina queue
AN OPPOSITE IS answer 2 There is the question of quibble vers He accepted the offer without
all his debts. » issue, matter, business, point, quibbling. » complain, find fault, carp, cavil,
subject, problem 3 There’s some question about object , equivocate, split hairs, nit-pick
who will be in charge. » uncertainty, doubt,
misgiving, argument, reservation, debate, quibble noun Her only quibble was about the cost.
dispute, controversy, objection > objection, complaint, reservation, doubt,
out of the question Sending them more money query, criticism
was out of the question. » impossible,
inconceivable, unthinkable, unrealistic, not quick apjective 1 She gave a quick glance at her
feasible, impractical, (more informal) not on watch. » hasty, brief, cursory, furtive, fleeting,
OPPOSITES ARE possible, feasible rapid OPPOSITES ARE long, careful 2 He was
question vers 1A man is being questioned at always a quick worker. » fast, swift, rapid,
Gloucester police station. » interrogate, speedy, lively, sprightly, prompt
interview, cross-examine, investigate, (more AN OPPOSITE IS slow 3 There is no quick solution to
informal) quiz, (more informal) grill, (more the problem. » instant, instantaneous, ready,
informal) pump 2 She never questioned his right sudden 4 Kevin wasn’t as quick as some of the
to be there. » query, doubt, suspect, have others in the class. » bright, clever, intelligent,
doubts about, have reservations about, feel gifted, able, sharp, alert, acute, (more informal)
uneasy about, challenge, dispute on the ball an opposite |s dull

quicksand = quiz
quicksand noun quicksands an area of loose quirk oun quirks 1a peculiarity of aperson’s
wet deep sand that sucks in anything resting or behaviour 2 a trick of fate
falling on top of it [from quick in the old sense > quirky ADJECTIVE
‘alive’ (because the sand moves as if it were
alive and ‘eats’ things)] quitvers quits, quitting, quitted or quit
1 leave or abandon 2 (informal) stop doing
quid noun quid (informal) £1 something
> quitter Noun
quietapective 1 silent e Be quiet! 2 with little
sound; not loud or noisy 3 calm and peaceful; quite overs 1 completely or entirely e Iam
without disturbance e a quiet life 4 (said about quite all right. 2 somewhat; to some extent
colours) not bright © She is quite a good swimmer. 3 really e It’s
> quietly apvers quietness NOUN quite a change.

quiet noun quietness quits apjective even or equal after retaliating or

paying someone back e I think you and I are
quieten vers quietens, quietening, quits now.
quietened make or become quiet , quiver’ Noun quivers a container for arrows
quill oun quills 1 alarge feather 2 a pen made quiver? vers quivers, quivering, quivered
from a large feather 3 one of the spines ona tremble
hedgehog > quiver NouN
quiltnoun quilts a padded bedcover [from Latin quiznoun quizzes a series of questions,
culcita = mattress or cushion] especially as an entertainment or competition
quintet noun quintets 1a group of five quizvers quizzes, quizzing, quizzed (informal)
musicians 2a piece of music for five musicians gestion someone closely

quickemvere 1 The pace quickened.» speedup, quirkoun One of his quirks is that he checks
accelerate, get or go faster, hasten, hurry things over and over again. » peculiarity,
OPPOSITES ARE Slow, slow down 2 The oddity, idiosyncrasy, foible, whim, caprice
programme quickened their interest in
archaeology.» arouse, rouse, stimulate, excite, quitvers 1 She’s much too determined to quit now.
revive, galvanize AN opposite Is dull > give up, stop, leave, depart, go, cease
2 (informal) It’s time you quit smoking. » give
quickly apvers 1 She began to walk more quickly. up, stop, cease, discontinue, drop, (more
> fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily informal) packin 3 He decided to quit his job and
AN OPPOSITE IS slowly 2 We quickly realized they
go-abroad. > leave, resign from, retire from,
had gone. » soon, at once, straight away, right
away, rapidly, immediately, instantly, directly, renounce, forsake, abandon
quite overs. 1 The two sisters are quite different
quietanective 1 The house is in a quiet village in appearance. »- completely, totally, wholly,
near the river. » peaceful, tranquil, secluded, entirely, utterly 2 It was quite late by now.
isolated, calm, restful, pleasant > rather, fairly, a bit, somewhat,
OPPOSITES ARENOisy, busy 2 He spoke in a quiet comparatively, relatively, (more informal)
voice. » soft, low, muted, muffled pretty
OPPOSITES ARE loud, raised 3 Can we have a quiet
word together? » private, confidential, secret quits anjective After four games we were quits.
4 Fiona’s a lovely, quiet person. » shy, reserved, > level, even, square, equal
private, subdued, taciturn, withdrawn, calm,
placid, serene, composed, untroubled, quiver vers The trees quivered in the wind. I sat
unruffled AN OPPOSITE IS Outgoing 5 It’s hard to quivering with fright. » shake, tremble,
keep rumours like that quiet. » secret, silent,
shudder, shiver, quaver, flutter
private, confidential, undisclosed
AN OPPOSITE {S public quiznoun The day ended with a quiz between the
quieten vers 1 The audience quietened when the two teams. » competition, questionnaire, test,
curtain went up. > go quiet, fall silent, grow examination, questioning
silent, hush, shush, (more informal) shut up
2 He was so excited it was impossible to quieten quiz vers (informal)The police are quizzing a
him. » calm, calm down, pacify, mollify, suspect. » question, interrogate, interview,
appease, assuage cross-examine, investigate
quoit — quotient
quoit (koit) youn quoits a ring thrown at a peg quote vers quotes, quoting, quoted 1 repeat
in the game of quoits words that were first written or spoken by
someone else 2 mention something as proof
quota Noun quotas 1 afixed share that must be 3 state the price of goods or services that you
given or received or done 2a limited amount can supply
quotation youn quotations 1 quoting quote noun quotes a quotation
2 something quoted 3 a statement of the price
of goods or services that can be supplied quotient {kwob- shent) noun quotients the
result of dividing one number by another
quotation marks piri youn inverted compare product [from Latin quotiens = how
commas, used to mark a quotation many times?]

quotation Noun 1 a quotation from Shakespeare quote vers 1 She quoted a few lines from a
> citation, quote, reference, excerpt, extract, poem. ® cite, recite, recall, repeat, mention,
piece, passage 2
First we need a quotation for refer to 2 The figure the builder quoted was
the work. » estimate, price, quote, figure, too high. » estimate, offer, tender, bid,
tender specify
rabbi = radiation

rack' noun racks 1a framework used as a shelf
or container 2 a bar or rail with cogs into which
the cogs of a gear or wheel etc. fit ancient
device for torturing people by stretching them
rack vere racks, racking, racked torment e He
rabbi (rab-1) noun rabbis a Jewish religious was racked with guilt.
leader rack your brains think hard in trying to solve a
rabbit youn rabbits a furry animal with long problem
ears that digs burrows rack? noun
go to rack and ruin gradually become worse
rabble noun rabbles a disorderly crowd or mob in condition from neglect
rabid (rab- id) apjective 1 fanatical @ a rabid [a different spelling of wreck]
tennis fan 2 suffering from rabies racket! noun rackets a bat with strings
rabies (ray- beez) noun a fatal disease that stretched across a frame, used in tennis,
affects dogs, cats, etc. and can be passed to badminton, and squash [from Arabic rahat
humans by the bite of an infected animal = palm of the hand]
race! Noun races 1 acompetitionto be the first racket? youn rackets 1a loud noise; a din
to reach a particular place or to do something 2 (informal) a dishonest or illegal business e a
2. astrong fast current of water e the tidal race drugs racket [perhaps imitating the sound of
race vers races, racing, raced 1 compete ina
race 2 move very fast racy Apjective racier, raciest lively and slightly
> racer NOUN shocking in style e She gave a racy account of
[from Old Norse] travels.
radar noun asystem or apparatus that uses
Face? Noun races avery large group of people radio waves to show on a screen etc. the
thought to have the same ancestors and with
position of objects that cannot be seen because
physical characteristics (e.g. colour of skin and of darkness, fog, distance, etc.
hair, shape of eyes and nose) that differ from
those of other groups radiant spective 1 radiating light or heat etc.
> racial ADJECTIVE 2 radiated e radiant heat 3 looking very bright
[via French from Italian razza] and happy
> radiantly ADvers radiance NOUN
racehorse noun racehorses a horse bred or
radiate vers radiates, radiating, radiated
kept for racing
1 send out light, heat, or other energy in rays
racetrack noun racetracks a track for horse or 2 give out a strong feeling or quality e She
vehicle races radiated confidence. 3 spread out from a central
racism (ray-sizm) noun 1 belief that a point like the spokes of awheel
particular race of people is better than others radiation oun 1 light, heat, or other energy
2 discrimination against or hostility towards radiated 2 the energy or particles sent out by a
people of other races radioactive substance 3 the process of
> racist NOUN radiating

rabble noun He was met by a rabble of angry, racism Noun the struggle to end racism in all its
noisy youths. » crowd, throng, horde, mob, forms > discrimination, racialism, racial
gang, group, herd, swarm hatred, intolerance, prejudice, xenophobia,
Face Noun 1 people of many different races bigotry, chauvinism
> ethnic group, nation, people, clan, tribe racist pjective racist attitudes » discriminatory,
RELATED ADJECTIVES ethnic, racial 2 Donald won racialist, intolerant, prejudiced, xenophobic,
the race easily. » contest, competition, chase, biased, bigoted, chauvinist
heat, event OPPOSITES ARE tolerant, unbiased
race vers 1 The children were racing each other in rack noun a vegetable rack; a luggage rack
the garden. » have a race with, run against, > stand, shelf, support, framework, frame
compete with, try to beat 2 She raced towards racket noun 1 The machines make afrightful
the house. » dash, rush, shoot, sprint, streak, racket. » noise, din, commotion, hubbub,
dart, hare, hasten, hurry, run, tear, zoom, clamour, tumult, rumpus, uproar 2 (informal)
career, fly, gallop, move fast 3 All kinds of He was involved in a stolen car racket. » swindle,
thoughts raced through my mind. » rush, dart, fraud, dodge, fiddle, deception, (more informal)
fly, shoot, zoom con, (informal) scam
racial spective laws against racial discrimination radiant apective 14 radiant moon > bright,
> ethnic, national, cultural shining, brilliant Opposites ARE dark, dull 2a
radiator = raid
radiator noun radiators 1 device that gives or distance from a central point @ The school
out heat, especially a metal case that is heated takes pupils living within a radius of ten
electrically or through which steam or hot kilometres.
water flows 2 device that cools the engine of radon noun a radioactive gas used in
a motor vehicle radiotherapy
radical spective 1 basic and thorough e radical
changes 2 wanting to make great reforms e a raffle youn raffles a kind of lottery, usually to
radical politician raise money for a charity
> radically Apvers raffle vers raffles, raffling, raffled offer
radical youn radicals a person who wants to something as a prize ina raffle
make great reforms raft youn rafts a flat floating structure made of
radio noun radios 1 the process of sending and wood etc., used as a boat
receiving sound or pictures by means of rafter youn rafters any of the long sloping
electromagnetic waves 2 an apparatus for pieces of wood that hold up a roof
receiving sound (a receiver) or sending it out (a
transmitter) in this way 3 sound broadcasting rag! noun rags 1 anold ortorn piece of cloth
[from Latin radius = a spoke or ray] 2 a piece of ragtime music
radioactive spective having atoms that break Fag? Noun rags aseries of entertainments and
up spontaneously and send out radiation which activities held by students to collect money for
produces electrical and chemical effects and charity
penetrates things rag vers rags, ragging, ragged (slang) tease
> radioactivity noun
Frage Noun rages great or violent anger
radiocarbon dating noun the use of a kind of all the rage very popular or fashionable for a
radioactive carbon that decays at a steady rate, time
to find out how old something is
radio telescope noun radio telescopes an rage vers rages, raging, raged 1 be very angry
instrument that can detect radio waves from 2 continue violently or with great force e A
storm was raging.
radiotherapy noun the use of radioactive ragged nective 1 torn or frayed 2 wearing torn
substances in treating diseases such as cancer clothes 3 irregular or uneven e a ragged
radish noun radishes a small hard round red performance [from Old Norse roggvathr =
vegetable, eaten raw in salads tufted]
radium noun a radioactive metal, often used in raid youn raids 1 asudden attack 2a surprise
radiotherapy [from Latin radius = a spoke or visit by police etc. to arrest people or seize
ray] illegal goods
radius youn radii orradiuses 1 a straight line raid vers raids, raiding, raided make a raid on
from the centre of a circle or sphere to the a place
circumference; the length of this line 2 a range > raider Noun

radiant smile » beautiful, glowing, dazzling, angry 2A fierce blizzard raged for days.» blow,
sparkling, beaming, joyful, elated, happy storm, thunder, rampage
OPPOSITES ARE faint, weak
ragged apective 1 She spent the morning
radical apective 1 a radical course of action mending ragged clothes. » tattered, torn,
> fundamental, drastic, thoroughgoing, frayed, threadbare, ripped, shabby, tatty,
thorough, comprehensive, sweeping, rigorous, unkempt, worn out 2 He drilled his ragged
complete, basic AN OPPOSITE IS superficial 2a collection of men. » disorganized, disordered,
government committed to radical change disorderly, erratic, irregular, uneven
> revolutionary, extreme, extremist, militant
OPPOSITES ARE moderate, conservative raid youn 1 Sentries watched out for any air raids.
raffle youn She won a prize in a raffle. » draw, > attack, assault, strike, swoop, blitz, foray,
lottery, tombola, sweepstake sortie, onslaught, invasion 2 He had killed a
guard during a bank raid. » robbery, burglary,
rage noun 1 He stormed out of the room in a burst
break-in, hold-up, (more informal) heist
of rage. » anger, fury, temper, outrage,
passion, pique, exasperation 2 the rage for raid vers 1 The army raided towns on the border.
portable DVD players » craze, vogue, trend, > pillage, loot, plunder, ransack, maraud,
fashion, passion assault, attack, storm, descend on 2 Burglars
rage vers 1 He raged on for a while about loyalty. raided local jewellers for the second time. » rob,
> fume, storm, seethe, rant, fulminate, be hold up, burgle, break into 3 Police raided

rail > ramble
rail! youn rails 1a level or sloping bar for joke. 6 put forward e We raised objections.
hanging things on or forming part ofafence, 7 end a siege [from Old Norse]
banisters, etc. 2a long metal bar forming part raisin Noun raisins a dried grape [from French,
of a railway track = grape]
by rail ona train rake youn rakes a gardening tool with a row of
[from old French; related to rule] short spikes fixed to a long handle
rail vers rails, railing, railed protest angrily or rake vers rakes, raking, raked 1 gather or
bitterly [via French from Latin rugire = to smooth with a rake 2 search
bellow] rake up 1 collect 2 remind people of an old
raillimgs pLurAL NouN..a fence made of metal bars scandal etc. that would be best forgotten
e Don’t rake that up.
railway voun 1 the parallel metal bars that rally noun rallies 1 a large meeting to support
trains travel on 2 (railways) a system of
something or share aninterest 2 acompetition
transport using rails to test skillin driving @ the Monte Carlo Rally 3a
rain noun drops of water that fall from the sky series of strokes in tennis before a point is
> rainy ADJECTIVE scored 4a recovery
rain vers rains, raining, rained 1 fall as rain or rally vers rallies, rallying, rallied 1 bring or
like rain 2 send down like rain @ They rained come together
for a united effort e They rallied
blows on him. support. e People rallied round. 2 revive; recover
rainbow Noun rainbows an arch of all the strength
colours of the spectrum formed in the sky RAM assrewsTion (in computing) random-access
when the sun shines through rain memory, with contents that can be retrieved or
rainfall youn the amount of rain that falls ina stored directly without having to read through
particular place or time items already stored
rainforest youn rainforests a dense tropical ram Noun rams 1a male sheep 2a device for
forest in an area of very heavy rainfall ramming things
ram vers rams, ramming, rammed push one
raise vers raises, raising, raised 1 move
thing hard against another
something to a higher place or an upright
position 2 increase the amount or level of Ramadan noun the ninth month of the Muslim
something @ We are trying to raise standards. year, when Muslims do not eat or drink
3 collect; manage to obtain e They raised £100 between dawn and sunset [Arabic, from ramida
for charity. 4 bring up young children or = to be parched]
animals e She had to raise her family alone. ramble youn rambles a long walk in the
5 rouse or cause e He raised a laugh with his country

homes and offices in the area. » search, swoop > collect, get, obtain, gather, net, amass,
on scrape together, yield, assemble 6 This good
railings piural noun A notice had been put on the news raised their hopes. » arouse, rouse, excite,
railings. » fence, paling, barrier increase, improve, encourage 7 She raised three
children on her own. » bring up, provide for,
railway noun They were warned not to cross the nurture, look after, educate 8 Charles raised
railway. » track, line, rails several objections to the idea. » present, bring
rain Noun The rain had started again. » rainfall, up, introduce, advance, put forward, pose,
wet weather, drizzle, shower, downpour, offer 9 The incident raises questions about rail
cloudburst, raindrops, rainstorm, squall, safety. > give rise to, occasion, cause, bring
deluge, (more formal) precipitation about, produce, engender
rain vers It rained all afternoon. » pour, bucket,
teem, pelt, drizzle, spit
rally noun an anti-war rally » demonstration,
meeting, protest, march, (more informal) demo
rainy Adjective a rainy day » wet, showery,
drizzly, damp. AN opposite Is dry rally vers’ 1 The king rallied his troops at the
border. They tried to rally support for the election.
raise vers 1 Ben raised his hand. » put up, lift
> muster, assemble, marshal, amass, gather,
2A crane will raise the load to the top of the
round up, organize 2 Our spirits rallied.
building, > lift, hoist 3 The company was forced
> recover, improve, pick up, get better, look
to raise its prices. » increase, put up, push up,
up, perk up
lift 4 United will need to raise their game for the
away match. » improve, enhance, strengthen, ram vers The getaway van rammed a police car.
heighten, boost, step up, put more life into > hit, strike, smash into, be in collision with,
5 We need to raise five thousand pounds. slam into, collide with, crash into
ramble = ransom
ramble vers rambles, rambling, rambled gun can shoot, an aircraft can travel, a sound
1 go for a ramble; wander 2 talk or write a lot can be heard, etc. 4a place with targets for
without keeping to the subject shooting practice 5 a line or series of
> rambler noun mountains or hills 6 a large open area of
ramifications piura noun 1 the branches of a grazing land or hunting ground 7 a kitchen
structure 2 the many effects of a plan or action fireplace with ovens
ramp noun ramps a slope joining two different range vers ranges, ranging, ranged 1 exist
levels [from French ramper = to climb] between two limits; extend e Prices ranged
rampage vers rampages, rampaging, from £1 to £50 2 arrange 3 move over a wide
rampaged rush about wildly or destructively area; wander
on the rampage rampaging raNger noun rangers someone wholooks after
rampant apective 1 growing or spreading or patrols a park, forest, etc.
uncontrollably e Disease was rampant in the rank' youn ranks 1a line of people or things
poorer districts. 2 (said about an animal on 2 a place where taxis stand to await customers
coats of arms) standing upright on a hind leg 3a position in a series of different levels e He
e a lion rampant holds the rank of sergeant.
- Fampart joun ramparts a wide bank of earth
built as a fortification or a wall on top ofthis rank vers ranks, ranking, ranked 1 put things
in order according to their rank 2 have a certain
ramshackle apjctive badly made and rickety rank or place e She ranks among the greatest
@ a ramshackle hut novelists.
ranch noun ranches a large cattle farm in
America rank? spective ranker, rankest 1 growing too
thickly and coarsely 2 smelling very unpleasant
rancid spective smelling or tasting unpleasant 3 unmistakably bad e rank injustice
like stale fat > rankly Apvers rankness NOUN
random noun
at random using no particular order or rank and file youn the ordinary people or
method e numbers chosen at random soldiers, not the leaders
random apectve done or taken at random ea ransack vers ransacks, ransacking,
random sample ransacked 1 search thoroughly or roughly
range noun ranges 1 aset of different things of 2 rob or pillage a place
the same type e a wide range ofbackgrounds e a FansOM Noun ransoms money that has to be
lovely range of colours 2 the limits between paid for a prisoner to be set free
which things exist or are available; an extent hold to ransom hold someone captive or in
@ the age range 15 to 18 3 the distance that a your power and demand a ransom

ramble vers 1 We spent a week rambling in the range noun 1a range of mountains » chain,
countryside. » walk, roam, trek, tramp, hike, row, line, series, string, file 2a wide range of
rove, stroll 2 He was rambling on about his food > variety, assortment, selection, array,
schooldays. » chatter, blather, prattle, drift, scope, choice, spectrum, extent 3 an age range
run, maunder, (more informal) rabbit, (more between 20 and 30 » span, scope, compass,
informal) witter radius
rambling apectve 1 long rambling speech range vers 1 Prices range between £100 and £600.
> verbose, long-winded, diffuse, disjointed, > extend, vary, differ, fluctuate, reach 2 Sheep
disconnected, incoherent, roundabout, ranged over the hills. » roam, rove, wander,
digressive stray, travel 3 Pupils are ranged by ability.
ramp noun There’s a ramp for wheelchairs. > classify, class, categorize, rank, order, group
> slope, incline, gradient, rise, sloping surface
rank youn 1 She was promoted to the rank of
ramshackle spective a ramshackle old house assistant manager. » level, grade, position,
> dilapidated, tumbledown, derelict, oaks status, standing, station, title, class, degree 2a
rickety, shaky, unsafe, broken down, ruined, family of rank » high standing, distinction,
tottering, crumbling AN OPPOSITE IS sturdy importance, nobility, aristocracy 3 The front
random apective Her house came up in a random rank began to move forward. » row, line, file,
sample of houses in the area. » indiscriminate, column
arbitrary, chance, haphazard, casual,
unplanned, accidental, unconsidered, ramlk vers He’s ranked number two in the world.
unpremeditated, fortuitous, irregular > grade, class, categorize, classify, designate,
AN OPPOSITE IS systematic list
ransom = rate
ransom vers ransoms, ransoming, rare! ADECTIVE rarer,rarest 1 unusual; not
ransomed 1 free someone by paying a often found or happening 2 (said about air)
ransom 2 get a ransom for someone thin; below normal pressure
rant vers rants, ranting, ranted speak loudly > rarely ADVERB rareness NOUN rarity NOUN
and violently [from Dutch ranten = talk rare 2 pjective (said about meat) only lightly
nonsense] cooked; undercooked
rap vers raps, rapping, rapped 1 knock loudly rarefied apective 1 (said about air) rare
2 (informal) reprimand 3 (informal) chat 2 remote from everyday life @ the rarefied
4 perform rap music atmosphere of the university
rap NOUN raps 1a rapping movement or sound rascal Noun rascals a dishonest or mischievous
2 (informal) blame or punishment e take the person; a rogue
rap 3 (informal) achat 4a type of popular > rascally ADJECTIVE
music in which words are spoken rhythmically rash | apjective doing something or done without
to an instrumental backing thinking of the possible risks or effects
rapacious (ra- pay- shus) Apjective 1 greedy > rashly ADvers rashness NOUN
2 using threats or force to get everything you rash? oun rashes 1 an outbreak of spots or
can patches onthe skin 2. a number of (usually
> rapaciously ADvers rapacity NOUN unwelcome) events happening in a short time
rape | Noun rapes the act of having sexual e@ arash of accidents
intercourse with a person without their consent rasher noun rashers aslice of bacon
rape vers rapes, raping, raped force someone rasp NouN rasps 1a file with sharp points on its
to have sexual intercourse against their will surface 2a rough grating sound
> rapist NOUN rasp vers rasps, rasping, rasped 1 scrape
[from Latin rapere = take by force] roughly 2 make a rough grating sound oreffect
rape? noun a plant with bright yellow flowers, reaprerty NOUN raspberries a small soft red
grown as food for sheep and for its seed from ruit
which oil is obtained [from Latin rapum = turnip Rastafarian noun Rastafarians a member ofa
(to which it is related)] religious group that started in Jamaica
rapid apjective moving very quickly; swift rat Noun rats 1 an animal like a large mouse
> rapidly Abvers rapidity NOUN 2 (informal) an unpleasant or treacherous
rapids p.ural Noun part of a river where the person
water flows very quickly rate Noun rates 1 speed e The train travelled at
rapt apjective very intent and absorbed a great rate. 2 a measure of cost, value, etc.
> raptly ADVERB © Postage rates went up. 3 quality or standard
rapture noun very great delight @ first-rate
> rapturous ADJECTIVE rapturously ADVERB at any rate anyway

ramsoOm Noun The ransom was set at four million > scamp, scallywag, monkey, mischief-maker,
dollars. » pay-off, release money, payment, wretch, monster
ransom vere The kidnappers demanded a million rash apjective He regretted making such a rash
pounds to ransom the girl. » obtain the release promise. » reckless, impulsive, impetuous,
of, release, redeem, liberate, free foolhardy, hasty, precipitate, imprudent,
rap vers rap on He rapped on the big oak door. incautious, injudicious, indiscreet, ill-advised,
> knock on, strike, tap, hit ill-considered, headstrong, unthinking,
rapid apjective They made rapid progress. » fast, heedless, hot-headed, hurried
quick, swift, speedy, brisk, lively, smooth,
sharp, prompt, headlong opposites Are slow, OPPOSITES ARE Cautious, considered, prudent
rash oun 1 Her skin broke out ina rash. » spots,
rare ADJECTIVE 1a rare moment ofpeace
eruption, hives 2 a rash of break-ins in the area
> infrequent, uncommon, scarce, occasional,
sporadic, odd, singular opposites ARE frequent, > outbreak, spate, series, succession
common 2a person of rare abilities
> exceptional, remarkable, incomparable, rate noun 1 They were pedalling at a furious rate.
unusual, uncommon, special, abnormal > speed, pace, tempo, velocity, (more
rascal noun 1 One of the rascals had stolen money informal) lick 2 You can hire a boat for a
from the till. » rogue, scoundrel, ne’er-do-well reasonable daily rate. » charge, amount, price,
2 Dad asked, ‘What’s the little rascal been up to?’ cost, payment, fare, fee, figure
rate = rave
rate vers rates, rating,rated 1 puta value on spelling have failed. 2 justify something by
something 2 regard as e He rated me among his inventing a reasonable explanation for it e They
iends rationalized their meanness by calling it economy.
rates piurat Noun a local tax paid by owners of 3 make an industry etc. more efficient by
commercial land and buildings reorganizing it
rather pvere 1 slightly or somewhat e It’s > rationalization noun
rather dark 2 preferably or more willingly rations PLURAL NOUN a fixed daily amount of food
e I would rather not go 3 more exactly; issued to’a soldier etc.
instead of e He is lazy rather than stupid
4 (informal) definitely, yes @ ‘Will you come?’ rattle vers rattles, rattling, rattled 1 makea
Rather!’ series of short sharp hard sounds 2 make a
rating noun ratings 1 the way something is person nervous or flustered
rated 2 a sailor who is not an officer rattle off say or recite rapidly
ratio (ray-shee- oh) noun ratios 1 the rattle noun rattles 1 arattlingsound 2a
relationship between two numbers, given by device or baby’s toy that rattles
the quotient © The ratio of 2to 10 = 2:10 =
= 2proportion e Mix flour and butter in the rattlesnake now rattlesnakes a poisonous
ratio of two to one (= two measures of flour to American snake with a tail that rattles
one measure of butter)
raucous (raw- kus) spective loud and harsh e a
ration noun rations an amount allowed to one
raucous voice
ration vers rations, rationing, rationed share FaVvages piurAl noun damaging effects e the
something out in fixed amounts ravages of war
rational spective 1 reasonable or sane 2 ableto
rave vers raves, raving,raved 1 talk wildly or
> rationally Apvers rationality noun angrily or madly 2 talk enthusiastically about
rationalize vers rationalizes, rationalizing,
rationalized 1 make a thing logical and FaVe Noun Faves a large party or event with
consistent e Attempts to rationalize English dancing to loud fast electronic music

rate vers 1 They do not rate our chances very > reasoned, logical, sensible, coherent,
highly. » assess, evaluate, appraise, judge, cogent, reasonable, balanced, sane, intelligent,
regard, value, count, weigh, estimate, judicious, lucid, normal OPPOSITES ARE irrational,
calculate, consider, measure 2 The suggestion illogical 2 In the last year of his life he was often
only rated a brief mention. » merit, deserve, barely rational. » lucid, coherent, sane,
warrant, be worthy of 3 (informal) I don't rate intelligible, in your right mind
this stuff likeyou do. » think much of, think rattle vers 1 He rattled the coins in his purse.
highly of, admire, value, enjoy > jangle, clink, clunk 2A row oftrucks rattled
along the track, > clatter, jolt, shake, bounce
rather Aovers 1 It sounds rather difficult. 3 The wind rattled at the doors and windows
> fairly, somewhat, quite, slightly, > shake, batter, beat 4 This news had rattled
moderately, relatively, (more informal) pretty her badly. » disconcert, disturb, unnerve,
2 I'd rather leave it until the weekend. » sooner, fluster, shake, discomfit, (more informal) throw
preferably rattle off He rattled off the words he had learned.
ratio noun The ratio of men to women has > recite, run through, reel off, repeat, list
changed. » proportion, balance, relationship, rattle youn the rattle of crockery in the kitchen
correlation, correspondence > clatter, clattering, clank, clanking
‘ration noun They decided not to increase their FaUCOUS ADJECTIVE the raucous clamour of alarm
daily ration of biscuits. » allowance, allocation, bells » harsh, shrill, strident, jarring, grating,
quota, share, measure, helping, portion noisy, loud, rough
rations The expedition might soon run out of rave vers 1 He was raving and swearing at
rations. » supplies, provisions, stores, food, them. » rage, rant, shout, roar, bellow, storm
necessaries, necessities 2rave about Everyone raved about Leeds that
ration vere Fuel is strictly rationed in wartime. day. » praise, idolize, be ecstatic about, go
> control, limit, restrict, conserve, allocate, into raptures over
allot, apportion rave apjective The film got a rave review.
rational apjctive 1 Feelings are so high it’s > enthusiastic, rapturous, glowing, ecstatic,
difficult to have a rational discussion. wonderful
ravenous = reader
ravenous Apective very hungry your hand to get or touch something
> ravenously ADVERB 3 succeed in achieving something e The
cheetah.can reach a speed of 70 m.p.h. e Have you
ravine (ra- veen) NOUN ravines a deep narrow
reached a decision?
gorge or valley
> reachable ADjective
ravishing pjective very beautiful
reachwnoun reaches 1 the distance a person or
rawAoective 1 not cooked 2 in the natural state;
thing can reach 2a distance you can easily
not yet processed e raw materials 3 without
travel e We live within reach of the sea. 3.a
experience e raw recruits 4 with the skin
straight stretch of a river or canal [from Old
removed e@ a raw wound 5 cold and damp e a
raw morning
> rawness NOUN reactvers reacts, reacting, reacted 1 respond
araw deal (informal) unfair treatment to something; have a reaction 2 (in science)
raw materialnoun raw materials natural undergo a chemical change
substances used in industry e rich in iron ore, reaction Noun reactions 1 an effect or feeling
coal, and other raw materials etc. produced in one person or thing by
rayNoun rays 1 athinline of light, heat, or other another 2 (in science) a chemical change
radiation 2 each of a set of lines or parts caused when substances act upon each other
extending from a centre 3a slight trace of
reactionary ADEcTive opposed to progress or
something © a ray of hope
raZe VERB razes, razing, razed destroy a
building or town completely @ The fort was reactor Noun reactors an apparatus for
razed to the ground. producing nuclear power in a controlled way
raZOFNOUN razors a device with a very sharp read vers reads, reading, read (red) 1 lookat
blade, especially one used for shaving something written or printed and understand it
re=preFix 1 again (as in rebuild) 2 back again, to orsay it aloud 2 (in computing) copy, search, or
an earlier condition (as in reopen) 3 in return; to extract data 3 indicate or register e The
each other (as in react) 4 against (as in rebel) thermometer reads 20° Celsius.
5 away or down (as in recede) > readable ADjective
reachvers reaches, reaching, reached 1 goas readernoun readers 1 a person who reads 2a
far as; arrive at a place or thing 2 stretch out book that helps you learn to read

TAWADECTIVE 1 She ate a piece of raw onion. reachnoun 1 The station is within easy reach.
> uncooked, fresh 2 the high cost of raw > distance, range, compass, scope 2 The
materials » natural, untreated, unprocessed, fugitives were now beyond the reach of the law.
basic 3 His skin had become raw. > sore, > jurisdiction, authority, control, sway,
inflamed, red, tender 4 You could sense the raw command 3 Aim at achievements that are within
passion. » strong, intense, powerful, fervent, your reach. » capabilities, abilities, capacity
unrestrained 5 They walked against the raw
pei > cold, bitter, biting, freezing, piercing, react vers Zoe wondered how he would react ifshe
chilly told him everything. » respond, reply, answer,
behave, take it, act
ray Noun 1A ray of light shone through the |
branches.» beam, shaft, stream, streak, finger,
reaction Noun His reaction had puzzled her.
glint, glimmer 2 There was one ray of hope left. > response, manner of response, reply,
answer, rejoinder, retort, behaviour
> glimmer, flicker, gleam, spark, trace, sign,
hint, indication read vers 1 He sat on the sofa, reading the papers.
> peruse, study, scan, skim, glance at, pore
reachvers 1 After a while the walkers reached a over, dip into 2\She promised to read them a
village. > arrive at, get to, come to, goas far as, story. » read out, tell, say aloud, recite 3 The
(more informal) end up at, (more informal) make writing is not hard to read. » decipher, make
itto 2 The Government has not reached any of its out, make sense of, understand, decode
major targets yet.» achieve, attain, succeedin,
(more informal) hit, (more informal) make 31 readableapective 1 readable book
can’t reach the switch. » get hold of, grasp, get > enjoyable, entertaining, interesting, well
your hand to, take, touch 4 You can reach me on written, compulsive, gripping
my mobile. » contact, get in touch with, Opposites ARE boring, unreadable 2 readable
communicate with handwriting » legible, clear, decipherable,
reach out She reached out her hand. » stretch understandable, neat, plain
out, stick out, hold out, put out, extend, raise AN opposite Is illegible
readily > realm
readily (red-il-ee) avvers 1 willingly 2 easily; realistic anectve 1 true to life; showing things
without any difficulty as they really are 2 sensible and practical about
reading noun readings 1 reading books 2 the what is possible
figure shown on a meter, gauge, or other > realistically apvers
instrument 3a gathering of people at which
something is read aloud e a poetry reading reality youn realities 1 whatis real e You must
ready apective readier, readiest able or willing face reality. 2something real e Her worst fears
to do something or be used immediately; had become a reality.
realize vers realizes, realizing, realized 1be
> readiness Noun
at the ready ready for use or action fully aware of something; accept something as
true 2 make a hope or plan etc. happen e She
ready spvers beforehand e This meat is ready realized her ambition to become a racing driver.
> ready-made ADJECTIVE 3 obtain money in exchange for something by
selling it
real apctive 1 existing or true; not imaginary > realization Noun
2 genuine; not an imitation e real pearls 3 (said
about food or drink) regarded as superior really pvers 1 truly or infact 2 very e She’s
because it is produced by traditional methods really clever
e real ale
realism noun seeing or showing things as they realm (relm) noun realms 1akingdom 2an
really are area of knowledge, interest, etc. @ in the realms
> realist youn of science

readily apvers 1 Janet readily agreed. idiot. » complete, utter, absolute, total,
> willingly, gladly, happily, unhesitatingly, (informal) right, (informal) proper
promptly, eagerly, freely, voluntarily
AN OPPOSITE IS reluctantly 2 The town is readily realistic nective 1 The film was meant to be a
reached from the shore. » easily, quickly, realistic portrayal of the events. » authentic,
without difficulty truthful, true to life, faithful, lifelike, natural,
reading noun 1 He gave the letters a hurried genuine, convincing, recognizable,
reading. » study, perusal, scrutiny, scan, representational, graphic OPPOSITES ARE
browse, glance, look through 2 This is our fictional, imaginary 2 To stand any chance the
reading of the evidence. » interpretation, plan has to be realistic. » practical, sensible,
understanding, construal, reconstruction pragmatic, reasonable, commonsensical
OPPOSITES ARE impractical, idealistic 3 Wage
ready apjctive 1 We are ready to leave. He wasn’t
rises have to be realistic. » reasonable,
ready for the answer he got. » prepared, set,
primed, (more informal) psyched up 2 They moderate, acceptable, adequate, fair,
were more than ready to take us to the station. justifiable OPPOSITES ARE unrealistic, excessive
> willing, prepared, happy, pleased, eager,
keen, agreeable, disposed 3 Everything was reality noun He sometimes finds it hard to
ready to start the game. » prepared, in place distinguish reality from fantasy. » truth, fact,
4ready to By the time she got home she was actuality, certainty, the real world
ready to collapse. » about to, close to, likely to, AN OPPOSITE IS fantasy
on the point of, on the verge of, on the brink of
5 He has a ready answer to all criticisms. realize vers 1 I realized it was going to be difficult.
> prompt, quick, immediate, telling, > understand, grasp, register, comprehend,
perceptive, sharp, astute appreciate, recognize, accept, (more informal)
twig 2 They will realize their life’s ambition at
real spective 1 Is that real cream? » genuine,
last. » achieve, accomplish, fulfil, attain, bring
natural, authentic, bona fide, (German) echt
OPPOSITES ARE false, artificial 2 Some viewers about, bring off, complete 3 The picture could
treat characters in soaps as ifthey were real realize thousands at auction. » fetch, sell for, be
people. » actual, physical, existing, sold for, earn, bring in, produce
unimaginary OPPOSITES ARE imaginary, made-
up 3 ‘Carl’ is not his real name. » true, actual, realm noun 1 the defence of the realm
proper AN OPPOSITE IS assumed 4 She began to > kingdom, monarchy, state, empire,
feel real remorse for what had happened. principality 2 the realm of scientific research
> sincere, genuine, honest, heartfelt > sphere, domain, field, area, activity,
AN OPPOSITE IS insincere 5 (informal) I felt a real department
reams = rebel
F@ANNS PLURAL NOUN a large quantity of writing reason is that we both have flu (not The reason is
because ...’).
reap vers reaps, reaping, reaped 1 cut down
and gather corn when it is ripe 2 obtain as the reason vers reasons, reasoning, reasoned
result of something done e They reaped great 1 use your ability to think and draw conclusions
benefit from their training . 2 try to persuade someone by giving reasons
> reaper NOUN © We reasoned with the rebels.
rear! oun the back part
reasonable apcive 1 ready to use or listen to
rear Apjective placed at the rear reason; sensible or logical 2 fair or moderate;
rear vers rears, rearing, reared 1 bring up not expensive e reasonable prices 3 acceptable
young children or animals 2 rise up; raise itself or fairly good @ a reasonable standard of living
onhind legs e The horse reared in fright. 3 (said > reasonably ADVERB
ofa building) appear very large or high
reassure vers reassures, reassuring,
rearguard Noun rearguards troops reassured restore someone's pa Bes by
protecting the rear of an army removing doubts and fears
fight a rearguard action go on defending or > reassuranceNOUN
resisting something even though you are losing
rearrange vers rearranges, rearranging, rebel (rib- el) vere rebels, rebelling, rebelled
rearranged arrange ina different way or order refuse to obey someone in authority, especially
> rearrangement NOUN the government; fight against the rulers of your
own country
r@aSOMNOUN reasons 1 cause or explanation
of something 2 reasoning; common sense rebel (reb- el) youn rebels someone who rebels
e You must listen to reason. against the government, or against accepted
USAGE Do not use the phrase the reason is with standards of behaviour [from re- = again + Latin
the word because (which means the same bellum = war (originally referring to a defeated
thing). Correct usage is We cannot come. The enemy who began to fight again)]

rear noun 1 There is a door at the rear of the reasonable apjectve 1 Any reasonable person
house. » back, back part, other end, other side would have to agree with you. » sensible,
2 We went to the rear of the queue. » end, tail, rational, logical, fair-minded
back 3 He gave the horse a slap on the rear. OPPOSITES ARE Unreasonable, irrational 2 Itwas.a
> bottom, backside, behind, rump, buttocks, reasonable explanation. » logical, cogent,
(more informal) bum convincing, compelling, sound, credible,
plausible, viable opposites ARE unreasonable,
rearapjective The animal had hurt one of its rear illogical 3 They charge a reasonable fee for this
legs. >»back, hind, hindmost, rearmost service: » modest, moderate, acceptable,
AN OPPOSITE IS front tolerable opposites ARE Unreasonable,
rear vers I was born and reared in Liverpool. excessive
> bring up, raise, educate, care for, nurture reasoning Noun I couldn’t follow his reasoning.
reasoOnnoun 1 Money was his main reason for > thinking, logic, train of thought, rationality,
changing jobs. » cause, ground or grounds, rationale, argumentation, arguments,
justification, excuse, pretext, case, motive, ° hypothesis, interpretation
explanation, apology, argument, incentive, reassure vers Danny tried hard to reassure us.
occasion, rationale 2 arguments based on reason > comfort, calm, hearten, support,
rather than emotion » reasoning, logic, sense, encourage, assure, bolster up, inspirit, give
rationality, intellect, judgement, common confidence to opposites ARE unnerve,
sense 3 She was terrified of losing her reason. disconcert
> sanity, mind, mental faculties, senses, wits,
(more informal) marbles RELATED ADJECTIVE rebel noun (with the stress on reb-) The rebels
rational took control of the region. » revolutionary,
insurgent, revolutionist, guerrilla, dissenter,
reason vers 1 John reasoned that it was too malcontent, mutineer, renegade
late to reach home in time now. » calculate,
conclude, come to the conclusion, work rebel nective (with the stress on reb-) Rebel
out, deduce, judge, consider, infer 2 Her forces captured the town. » insurgent,
husband tried to reason with her. » persuade, revolutionary, rebellious, mutinous
talk round, bring round, prevail on, debate rebel vers (with the’stress on -bel) The people of
perilargue with, remonstrate with, discuss the south rebelled. » revolt, mutiny, riot, rise up,
wit mount a rebellion
rebellion = recess
rebellion youn rebellions organized armed receipt (ris- eet) noun receipts 1a written
resistance to the government; a revolt statement that money has been paid or
> rebellious apjective something has been received 2 receiving
reboot vers reboots, rebooting, rebooted something [via early French from Latin recipire
switch a computer off and then on again = to receive]
rebound vers rebounds, rebounding, receive vers receives, receiving, received
rebounded bounce back after hitting 1 take or get something that is given or sent to
something you 2 siren something e He received
> rebound noun injuries to his face and hands. 3 greet someone
rebuff youn rebuffs an unkind refusal; a snub who comes
> rebuff vers receiver youn receivers 1a person or thing
[from re- = again + Italian buffo = a gust] that receives something 2a person who buys
rebuke vrs rebukes, rebuking, rebuked and sells stolen goods official who takes
speak severely to a person who has done wrong charge of a bankrupt person’s property 4a
> rebuke youn radio or television set that receives broadcasts
5 the part of a telephone that receives the
recalcitrant jpective disobedient or sound and is held to a person’s ear
> recalcitrance Noun recent spective happening or made or done a
[from Latin recalcitrare = to kick back] short time ago
recall vers recalls, recalling, recalled 1 bring > recently apvers
back into the mind; remember 2 ask a person reception noun receptions 1 the way a
to come back 3 ask for something to be person or thing is received 2.a formal party to
returned receive guests @ a wedding reception 3a place
> recall noun in a hotel or office etc. where visitors are
recapitulate vers recapitulates, received and registered 4 the first class in an
recapitulating, recapitulated state again the infant school 5 the quality of television or radio
main points of what has been said signals
> recapitulation youn receptionist youn receptionists a person
recapture vers recaptures, recapturing, whose job is to greet and deal with visitors,
recaptured 1 capture again 2 bring or get clients, patients, etc.
back a mood or feeling receptive apective quick or willing to receive
> recapture NOUN ideas etc.
recede vers recedes, receding, receded go recess youn recesses 1asmall space set back
back from a certain point e The floods have ina wall 2 a time when work or business is
receded. stopped forawhile

rebellion youn Troops were sent in to crush the > delivery, arrival, receiving
rebellion. » uprising, revolt, rising, receipts receipts from the sale of council houses
insurrection, insurgency, sedition, mutiny, > income, proceeds, revenue, earnings,
insubordination, resistance, revolution profits, takings, gains
rebellious spective 1 rebellious troops receive vers 1 He received an award for
> mutinous, insurgent, rebel, rebelling, gallantry.» begiven, earn, get, accept, collect,
mutinying, subversive 2 rebellious staff obtain, gain, take, acquire, be sent
> defiant, insubordinate, unruly, OPPOSITES ARE give, present 2 He received some
ungovernable, unmanageable, uncontrollable, minor injuries in the accident. » sustain, suffer,
recalcitrant, obstreperous experience, undergo, bear AN OPPOSITE IS inflict
rebound vers 1 The ball rebounded offthe wall. 3 She received the news in complete silence.
> bounce, bounce back, ricochet, recoil, > hear, listen to, respond to, react to, take,
boomerang 2 His devious tactics rebounded on greet
him. » backfire, misfire, recoil, boomerang, recent apyective Recent events have caused them to
come back change their minds. » new, current, fresh,
recall vere She could not recall what he had said. latest, present-day, up-to-date, contemporary,
&» remember, recollect, call to mind, think, modern, novel OPPOSITES ARE old, earlier
cast your mind back to an opposite is forget reception noun 1 We got a friendly reception.
receipt youn 1 Make sure you keep the receipt. m greeting, welcome 2A reception will be held
> sales slip, proof of purchase, bill, ticket, at the local hotel. » party, function, gathering,
counterfoil, stub 2 Receipt ofyour tickets is celebration, get-together, social event, (more
guaranteed within three working days. informal) do

recession => recommend
recessiom NOUN recessions 1a reduction ina didn’t reckon with the train strike when we
country’s trade or prosperity 2 receding froma planned our journey.
point reclaim vere reclaims, reclaiming, reclaimed
recharge vers recharges, recharging, 1 claim or get something back 2 make a thing
recharged refill or reload something, usable again e reclaimed land
especially put an electric charge into a used > reclamation NOUN
battery recognize vers recognizes, recognizing,
recipe (ress- ip- ee) NOUN recipes instructions recognized 1 know who someone is or what
for preparing or cooking foo something is because you have seen that
reciprocal (ris- ip- rok- al) apjecrive given and person or thing before 2 realize e She
received; mutual @ reciprocal help recognized the truth of what he was saying.
> reciprocally Abvers reciprocity NOUN 3 accept something as genuine, welcome, or
reciprocal Noun reciprocals a reversed lawful etc. e Nine countries recognized the
fraction, 3 is the reciprocal of 3 island’s new government.
> recognition NOUN recognizable ADJECTIVE
recital oun recitals 1 reciting something 2a
musical entertainment given by one performer recoil vers recoils, recoiling, recoiled 1 move
or group back suddenly in shock or disgust 2 (said about
recite vers recites, reciting, recited say a a gun) jerk backwards when it is fired
poem etc. aloud from memory recollect vers recollects, recollecting,
> recitation NOUN recollected remember
reckless apjective rash; ignoring risk or danger > recollection NOUN
> recklessly Apvers recklessness NOUN recommend vers recommends,
reckon vers reckons, reckoning, reckoned recommending, recommended say that a
1 calculate or count up 2 have as an opinion; person or thing would be good or suitable for a
feel confident e I reckon we shall win. particularjob or purpose
reckon with think about or deal with e We > recommendation NOUN

recipe Noun 1 She would try out her new soufflé reckoning Noun By my reckoning we should
recipe. » method, procedure, directions, make a small profit. » calculation, estimation,
instructions 2 The measures might prove to be a estimate, judgement, evaluation
recipe for disaster. » prescription, formula, reclaim vers 1 You can reclaim your travelling
procedure, likely cause (of) expenses. > get back, claim back, recover,
recital noun 1 She gave her first piano recital at (more informal) put in for 2 an area of land
the age of eight.» concert, public performance, reclaimed from the sea » recover, restore, save,
programme 2a recital of poems ® recitation, make usable, regenerate
rendering, saying aloud, delivery, narration recognize vers 11 didn’t recognize him in his
recite vers 1 She announced that she would recite smart suit. » identify, place, know, remember,
a poem. » say aloud, read out, deliver, recall, call to mind, put a name to 2 They
perform, declaim 2 It would take too long to recognize his abilities without liking his work very
recite all the events of the week. > list, much. » acknowledge, admit, accept,
enumerate, detail, recount, relate, repeat, run concede, grant, allow, appreciate, confess,
through, reel off, specify realize 3 The qualification is not recognized in
Britain. » approve, acknowledge, accept,
reckless apective For such a mild man he could be accredit, admit, endorse, support
amazingly reckless behind the wheel of a car.
> rash, careless, heedless, mindless, recoil vers 1 She recoiled instinctively as he put his
thoughtless, negligent, foolhardy, daredevil hand out. » flinch, draw back, shy away, jerk
back, start, wince, shrink back 2 Their deception
reckon vers 1 They reckoned the cost at about will recoil on them. » rebound, backfire,
three thousand pounds. » assess, estimate, misfire, boomerang, come back
calculate, work out, figure out, gauge,
evaluate, count, add up, compute, total recollect vers I don’t recollect any such promise.
2 (informal) I reckon she’s keen on him. » think, > remember, recall, call to mind, think, cast
believe, suspect, consider, dare say, have an your mind back to AN opposite Is forget
idea, fancy, guess 3 These animals are reckoned recollection noun She had no recollection of
the most dangerous. » consider, regard as, what happened. » memory, remembrance,
deem, judge, count recall, impression
reckon on We didn’t reckon on such stiff recommend vers 1 His doctor recommended
opposition. » expect, foresee, plan for, bargain surgery. > advise, counsel, propose, advocate,
for, figure on suggest, urge, prescribe 2 This book is
reconcile = recruit
reconcile yes reconciles, reconciling, e He holds the record for the high jump. 4 facts
reconciled 1 make people who have known about a person’s past life or career etc.
quarrelled become friendly again 2 persuade a @ She has a good school record.
person to put up with something e New frames record (rik- ord) vers records, recording,
reconciled him to wearing glasses. 3 make things
recorded 1 put something down in writing or
agree e I cannot reconcile what you say with what
other pegmanent form 2 store sounds or
you do.
> reconciliation noun scenes (e.g. television pictures) on a disc or
magnetic tape etc. so that you can play or show
recondition vers. reconditions, them later
reconditioning, reconditioned overhaul and
recorder youn recorders 1 akind of flute held
repair downwards from the player’s mouth 2a
reconnaissance (rik- on-i- suns) NouN an person or thing that records something
exploration of an area, especially in order to recover vers recovers, recovering,
gather information about it for military recovered 1 get something back again after
purposes losing it; regain 2 get well again after being ill
reconstruct ers reconstructs, or weak
reconstructing, reconstructed 1 construct > recovery NouN
or build something again 2 create or act past recreation youn recreations 1 refreshing or
events again e Police reconstructed the robbery. entertaining yourself with an enjoyable activity
> reconstruction youn 2a game or hobby etc. that is an enjoyable
record (rek- ord) Noun records 1 information pastime
kept in a permanent form, e.g. written or > recreational apjective
printed 2a disc on which sound has been recruit youn recruits 1 a person who has just
recorded 3 the best performance in a sport joined the armed forces 2a new member ofa
etc., or the most remarkable event of its kind society, company, or other group

recommended by teachers. » approve of, record vers (with the stress on -cord) 1 He
advocate, endorse, commend, suggest, praise, recorded everything he heard in a notebook.
speak well of, vouch for, (more informal) plug > note, register, enter, put down, set down,
write down, transcribe, log, minute 2 They
recommendation youn 1 The governors wanted to record the song and send it in. » tape,
accepted the main recommendation of the
tape-record, make a recording of, video,
committee. » advice, counsel, guidance,
proposal, suggestion 2 She supported him with preserve, keep
her personal recommendation. reCOVEF vers 1 She was recovering from a mild
> commendation, endorsement, advocacy, stroke. » recuperate, convalesce, get better,
testimonial, reference, blessing improve, heal, mend, rally, revive, pull round or
through, (more informal) be on the mend
reconnoitre vers Helicopters reconnoitred the 2 Police say they have recovered some of the stolen
area ahead ofground troops. » survey, patrol, property. » trace, find, get back, track down,
scout, spy out, explore, investigate, scan, retrieve, reclaim, recoup, repossess, salvage
examine, gather intelligence about, inspect FecOvery noun 1 Her recovery is proving slow.
> recuperation, convalescence, return to
reconstruct vere 1 They will have to reconstruct health, improvement, healing, cure 2 The
alarge part ofthe building. » rebuild, renovate, economy is showing signs of recovery.
restore, reassemble AN OPPOSITE IS demolish > improvement, revival, upturn, picking up
2 Police will reconstruct the incident using actors. 3A reward will be paid on recovery of the stolen
> recreate, re-enact paintings. » retrieval, repossession,
record youn (with the stress on rec-) 1 You restoration, recapture, reclamation, salvaging
should keep a record of everything they say. recreation youn a study of the use of the
> account, report, note, log 2 records There countryside for recreation » relaxation,
are more historical records for these years. amusement, diversion, enjoyment, pleasure,
> documents, archives, evidence, accounts, leisure, entertainment, fun, play, games,
documentation, annals 3 She stayed in listening pastime
to records. » CD, disc, compact disc, album, recruit youn 1 The Army is trying to attract more
recording, LP 4 There is not a single mistake to recruits. » initiate, new member, conscript
tarnish his record. » background, career, CV 2 Many recruits to the industry turn out to be
5 The new time was a world record. » best unsuitable. » new entrant, trainee, apprentice,
performance, fastest time f novice, new member, newcomer
recruit > redundant
recruit vers recruits, recruiting, recruited redden vers reddens, reddening, reddened
enlist recruits make or become red
> recruitment NOUN redeem vers redeems, redeeming,
rectangle noun rectangles a shape with four redeemed 1 buy something back or pay offa
sides and four right angles debt 2 save a person from damnation
> rectangular ADJECTIVE e Christians believe that Christ redeemed us all.
rector Noun rectors amember of the Church of 3 make up for faults @ His one redeeming feature
England clergy in charge of a parish is his kindness.
rectum Noun rectums the last part of the large > redeemer NOUN redemption NOUN
intestine, ending at the anus red-handed apctive
recuperate vers recuperates, recuperating, catch red-handed catch while actually
recuperated get better after an illness committing a crime
> recuperation NOUN red herring Noun red herrings something
recur vers recurs, recurring, recurred happen that draws attention away from the main
again; keep on happening subject; a misleading clue
> recurrent ADJECTIVE recurrence NOUN red-hot apjective very hot; so hot that it has
recurring decimal Noun recurring turned red
decimals (in mathematics) a decimal fraction
in which a digit or group of digits is repeated
Red Indian noun Red Indians (old use) a Native
American from North America
indefinitely, e.g. 0.666 ...
USAGE See note at Indian.
recycle vers recycles, recycling, recycled
convert waste material into a form in which it red tape Noun use of too many rules and forms
can be reused in official business
red Apective redder, reddest 1 of the colour of reduce vers reduces, reducing, reduced
blood ora colour rather like this 2 to do with 1 make or become smaller or less 2 force
communists; favouring communism someone into a condition or situation e She was
> redness NOUN reduced to tears.
red noun 1red colour 2a communist > reduction NOUN
in the red in debt (because debts were entered redundant apective no longer needed,
in red in account books) especially for a particular
see red become suddenly angry > redundancy NOUN

recruit vers 1 The services recruit a high redeem yourself He failed the first test but
proportion ofgraduates. » enlist, enrol, draft, redeemed himselfin the second. » vindicate,
conscript 2 The Company provides training for absolve
the staff it has recruited. » hire, employ, enrol,
engage, take on, advertise for reduce vers 1 The goal is to reduce carbon
OPPOSITES ARE dismiss, lay off, make redundant emissions by 20 percent. » lessen, lower,
decrease, bring down, curtail, moderate
recur vers The problem is certain to recur ifwe
don’t do something about it. » return, happen
OPPOSITES ARE increase, enlarge 2 The novel has
been greatly reduced in the television adaptation.
again, reappear, come again, be repeated, .
> shorten, abridge, condense
AN OPPOSITE IS expand 3 The father’s gambling
recycle vers The department is advising debts reduced the family to poverty. » drive,
customers on how to recycle their waste. » reuse, force, bring to the point of
reprocess, reclaim, recover, salvage, use again
red Apjective 1 She wore a red dress. » scarlet, reduction noun 1a reduction in pollution
vermilion, ruby, crimson, cherry, claret, > decrease, drop, fall, lessening, lowering,
maroon, flame-coloured 2 He was red in the diminution AN opposite Is increase 2 a series of
face with embarrassment. » flushed, blushing, price reductions » cut, discount, (more
flaming, ruddy, florid, glowing, inflamed, rosy, informal) slash AN OPPOSITE Is increase
rubicund 3 The chemicals in the water made his
eyes red. » bloodshot, inflamed, swollen, sore
redundant apjctive There are three redundant
churches in the area. » unnecessary, unwanted,
redeem vers 1 Freddie had to redeem his oboe superfluous, surplus, excessive, too many
from the pawnbroker’s. » reclaim, retrieve, an opposite is necessary
recover, repossess, buy back 2 You can redeem make someone redundant They plan to make
your voucher at any branch of the store. twenty members of the workforce redundant just
> exchange, cashin, exchange forcash, return, before Christmas. » lay off, dismiss, sack,
trade in discharge

re-echo = reflect
re-echo vers re-echoes, re-echoing, someone's abilities and qualities
re-echoed echo; go on echoing in or with reference to concerning or about
reed Noun reeds 14 tall plant that grows in reference book noun reference books a
water or marshy ground 2a thin strip that book (such as a dictionary or encyclopedia)
vibrates to make the sound in a clarinet, that gives information systematically
saxophone, oboe, etc. referendum oun referendums or
reef Noun reefs a ridge of rock, coral, or sand, referenda a vote ona particular question by all
especially one near the surface of the sea the people ofacountry [from Latin, =
reek vers reeks, reeking, reeked smell something to be referred]
strongly or unpleasantly refill vere refills, refilling, refilled fill again
> reek NOUN refill youn refills a container holding a
reel Noun reels 1a round device on which substance which is used to refill something
cotton, thread, film, etc. is wound 2 alively @ This pen needs a refill.
Scottish dance refine vere refines, refining, refined 1 purify
reel vers reels, reeling, reeled 1 wind 2 improve something, especially by making
something on to or off areel 2 stagger 3 feel small changes [from re- = again + Middle
giddy or confused e I am still reeling from the English fine = make pure] _
shock. refined apectve 1 purified 2 having good taste
reel off say something quickly or good manners
refer vers refers, referring, referred pass a refinementnoun refinements 1 the action of
problem etc. to someone else @ My doctor refining 2 being refined 3 something added to
referred me to a specialist. improve a thing
> referral NOUN refinery Noun refineries a factory for refining
refer to 1 mention or speak about e I wasn’t something e an oil refinery
referring to you. 2 look in a book etc. for reflect vers reflects, reflecting, reflected
information e We referred to our dictionary. T send back light, heat, or sound etc. from a
referee Noun referees someone appointed to surface 2 form an image of something as a
see that people keep to the rules of a game mirror does 3 think something over; consider
reference Noun references 1 referring to 4 be a sign of something; be influenced by
something e There was no reference to recent something e Prices reflect the cost ofproducing
events. 2 a direction to a book or page orfile things.
etc. where information can be found 3 a letter > reflection NOUN reflective ADJECTIVE
froma previous employer describing reflector NOUN

reel vers A woman reeled towards him clutching a illustration (from), instance (of), mention (of)
half- eaten burger. » stagger, stumble, sway, 2 His teacher had given him a glowing reference.
totter, lurch, swerve > testimonial, recommendation,
reel from When the worst happens you reel from endorsement, backing
it and the shock is enormous. » be shaken by, be with reference to She spoke to him with
shocked by, be stunned by, be staggered by, be reference to his recent.conduct. » about, with
aghast at regard to, in relation to, a propos of, on the
reel off He reeled off one joke after another. subject of
> recite, rattle off, fire off, run off refined Apecive 1 refined sugar » purified,
refer vers 1 His GP referred him to a specialist. pure, processed, clarified, distilled,
The manager referred the matter to head office. concentrated 2a refined man» cultivated
> pass, send, transfer, direct, entrust, hand on, reflect vers. 1 The window reflected their faces
send on 2refer to The police officer referred to staring in. » mirror, send back, shine back,
her notes. » consult, look up, turn to, look in, throw back 2 The looks on their faces reflected
search in 3 refer to The third paragraph of the their feelings. » indicate, show, reproduce,
article refers to new publications. » mention, demonstrate, correspond to, echo, exhibit,
detail, list, touch on, describe, allude to, cite match, reveal, bear witness to
referee noun 1 The referee blew. his whistle. reflect on She reflected on the promises she had
> umpire, judge, adjudicator, arbitrator, (more made to herfriends. » think about, consider,
informal) ref 2 Your CV must include the names of contemplate, meditate on, ponder, brood on,
two referees. » supporter, character witness, ruminate on, mull over, muse on, reminisce
backer, advocate 3 about, (more informal) chew over
reference Noun 1 The title ‘Brave New World’ is reflection oun 1 We could see our reflections in
a reference to Shakespeare. » allusion, the water. » image, likeness 2 The test will
quotation (from), citation (from),example (of), provide an accurate reflection of a child’s ability.
reflex = refund
reflex oun reflexes a movement or action refrain ' vers refrains, refraining, refrained
done without any conscious thought stop yourself from doing something e Please
reflexive pronoun youn reflexive refrain from talking.
pronouns any of the pronouns myself, refrain2 youn refrains the chorus of a song
herself, himself, etc. (as in ‘She cut herself’), refresh vers refreshes, refreshing, refreshed
which refer back to the subject of the verb make a tired person etc. feel fresh and strong
reflexive verb youn reflexive verbs a verbin again
which the subject and the object are the same refresh someone’s memory remind
person or thing, as in They hurt themselves’, someone of something by going over previous
The cat washed itself information
reform vers reforms, reforming, reformed refreshing spective 1 producing new strength
1 make changes in something in order to e a refreshing sleep 2 pleasantly different or
improve it 2 give up a criminal or immoral unusual e refreshing honesty
lifestyle, or make someone do this refreshments piural noun drinks and snacks
> reformer youn reformative ApjEcTIVE provided at an event
reformatory ADJECTIVE
refrigerator youn refrigerators a cabinet or
reform noun reforms 1 reforming 2a change room in which food is stored at a very low
made in order to improve something temperature
reformation youn reforming refuge youn refuges a place wherea person is
the Reformation a religious movement in safe from pursuit or danger
Europe in the 16th century intended to reform take refuge go somewhere or do something
certain teachings and practices of the Roman so that you are protected
Catholic Church, which resulted in the
establishment of the Reformed or Protestant refugee youn refugees someone who has had
Churches to leave their home or country and seek refuge
elsewhere, e.g. because of war or persecution
refract vers refracts, refracting, refracted or famine
bend a ray of light at the point where it enters
water or glass etc. at an angle
refund vers refunds, refunding, refunded
> refraction youn refractor noun refractive pay money back
ADJECTIVE refund youn refunds money paid back

> indication, demonstration, manifestation, refreshing spective 1 refreshing drink: a
expression, evidence, echo, result 3 After some refreshing breeze » invigorating, revitalizing,
reflection, he decided to accept the offer. reviving, enlivening, stimulating, bracing,
> deliberation, consideration, contemplation, exhilarating, cool, restorative, thirst-
thought, thinking, meditation, rumination, quenching, tingling 2 a refreshing change
pondering, musing > welcome, stimulating, different, interesting,
reform vere 1 He realized he would have to fresh, new, original
reform. » mend your ways, turn over a new
leaf, improve, do better 2 Everyone agrees on
refreshments piurai noun You can get some
refreshments in the interval. » food and drink,
the need to reform the prison system.
sustenance, snacks, (more informal) eats, (more
> reconstitute, regenerate, remodel,
informal) nibbles
reorganize, revolutionize, purge
reform noun the need for reform refuge noun 1 The homeless seek refuge in
> improvement, betterment, change, doorways and under bridges. » shelter,
adjustment, reorganization, (more informal) protection, safety, sanctuary, security, cover,
shake-up hideout, hiding place, retreat 2 The mountains
refrain vers refrain from Please refrain from provide a refuge for the freedom fighters.
shouting comments during the speeches. » desist
> sanctuary, shelter, haven, retreat, hideaway,
from, avoid, do without, forgo, abstain from, hideout, hiding place, (more informal) bolt-hole
eschew, forbear, (more informal) quit, (more refusal youn 1 There have been two refusals to the
informal) leave off, stop
invitation so far. » rejection, negative reply,
refresh vers 1A bit of air will refresh us. non-acceptance, regrets, no
> invigorate, cool, freshen, revive, revitalize, AN OPPOSITE IS acceptance 2 Her refusal to see
restore, enliven, renew 2 Revisiting the scene him again caused great distress.
might refresh my memory. » prompt, jog, > unwillingness, disinclination, reluctance,
stimulate, remind, prod aversion
refuse = register
refuse (ri- fewz) vers refuses, refusing, something
refused say that you are unwilling to do orgive > regeneration NOUN
or accept something
> refusal NouN regent Noun regents a person appointed to
rule a country while the monarch is too young
refuse (ref- yooss) noun waste material or unable to rule
e Lorries collected the refuse.
regain vers regains, regaining, regained
reggae (reg- ay) Noun a West Indian style of
music with a strong beat
1 get something back after losing it 2 reacha
place again regime (ray-zheem) Noun regimes a system of
Pegalis (rig- ayl-i- a) PLURAL NOUN the emblems government or organization e a Fascist regime
of royalty or rank @ The royal regalia include the regiment Noun regiments an army unit,
crown, sceptre, and orb. usually divided into battalions or companies
regard vers regards, regarding, regarded > regimental ADJECTIVE
1 think of in a certain way; consider to be e We region Noun regions an area; a part of a
regard the matter as serious. 2 look or gaze at country or of the world e in tropical regions
regardnoun 1a gaze 2 consideration or heed > regional ADeEcTIVE regionally ADverB
e You acted without regard to people’s safety. in the region of near e The cost will be in the
3 respect e We have a great regard for her. 4a region of £100.
with regard to concerning gr sto! NOUN registers 1 an official list of
things or names etc. 2a book in which
regarding preposition concerning e There are information about school attendances is
laws regarding drugs. recorded 3 the range of a voice or musical
regardless apvers without considering instrument
something e Do it, regardless of the cost.
register vers registers, registering,
regards piural noun kind wishes sent ina registered 1 list something in a register
message e Give him my regards. 2 indicate; show e The thermometer registered
regatta Noun regattas a meeting for boat or 100°. 3 make an impression on someone’s
yacht races mind 4 pay extra for a letter or parcel to be sent
regenerate vers regenerates, regenerating, with special care
regenerated give new life or strength to > registration NOUN

refuse vere (with the stress on -fuse) 1 He regardless of age or fitness. > irrespective
refused several invitations that week. » decline, of, without regard to, disregarding, no
turn down, reject, say no to, rebuff, spurn, matter opposites are mindful of, taking
baulk at, give a negative reply to account of
AN OPPOSITE IS accept 2 The local council refused
permission for the building to go ahead. regime noun 1 members of the former military
regime » government, administration, rule,
> withhold, deny, not grant, deprive of
reign, jurisdiction, command 2Slimmers
usually start a new health regime on a Monday.
regard vers 1 She regarded them closely for a > programme, plan, system, arrangement,
while. » look at, observe, eye, gaze at, stare at, scheme, diet
watch, contemplate, scrutinize, view
AN Opposite Is disregard 2 We regard these region Noun The family came from the coastal
paintings as the best from the 11-14 age groun. region. » district, area, territory,
> consider, look on, view, judge, rate, deem, neighbourhood, locality, sector, quarter, zone,
reckon, account, esteem, value terrain, land
in the region of It will cost in the region offive
regard Noun 1 Good planning must have due million dollars. » about, approximately,
regard for the costs involved. » attention, care, roughly, in the neighbourhood of
concern, consideration, deference, heed,
notice, respect, thought 2 They have a high register oun The local authority keeps a register
regard for your opinions. » respect, esteem, of disabled people. » list, official list, directory,
appreciation (of), approval (of), estimation record, index, file
(of), admiration, affection register vers 1 We wish to register a protest. The
regardless overs 1 The cliff walk was car is registered in his wife’s name. » record, put
dangerous, but we carried on regardless: on record, file, log, list, enter, submit, report
> anyway, anyhow, nonetheless, nevertheless, 2 You can still register for a place on the course.
even so, just the same 2 regardless of > enrol, enlist, put your name down, check in,
Dinghy sailing has something to offer everyone, apply, enter 3 Their faces registered relief.
register office — reinforce
register office youn register offices an office rehabilitation youn restoring a person toa
where marriages are performed and records of normal life or a building etc. to a good
births, marriages, and deaths are kept condition
USAGE The name registry office is also used, and > rehabilitate vers
is the official name in Scotland. rehearse vers rehearses, rehearsing,
regret youn regrets a feeling of sorrow or rehearsed practise something before
disappointment about something that has performing to an audience
happened or been done > rehearsal youn
> regretful apjective regretfully apvers reign vers reigns, reigning, reigned 1 rulea
regret vers regrets, regretting, regretted country as king or queen 2 be supreme; be the
feel regret about something strongest influence e Silence reigned
> regrettable spective regrettably Apvers reign youn the time when someone reigns
regular apective 1 always happening or doing reimburse vers reimburses, reimbursing,
something at certain times e Try to eat regular reimbursed repay money that has been spent
meals. 2 even or symmetrical e regular teeth @ Your travelling expenses will be reimbursed.
3 normal, standard, or correct @ the regular > reimbursement noun
procedure 4 belonging to a country’s rein youn reins a strap used to guide a horse
permanent armed forces @ a regular soldier reincarnation youn being born again into a
> regularly spvers regularity youn new body
regulate vers regulates, regulating, reindeer youn reindeer a kind of deer that
regulated 1 control, especially by rules lives in Arctic regions
2 make a machine work at a certain speed reinforce vers reinforces, reinforcing,
> regulator youn reinforced strengthen by adding extra people
regulation youn 1 regulating 2arule or law or supports etc.

> show, display, express, indicate, exhibit, regulate vers 1 a body that regulates the
betray, manifest railways ® supervise, oversee, monitor,
regret vers 1 You may come to regret your administer, manage, control, (more informal)
decision. » be sorry about, repent, rue, deplore keep an eye on 2 The clocks need to be regulated
2 She said how much she regretted her uncle’s every so often. » control, manage, adjust, alter,
death. » lament, mourn, grieve over, feel change, moderate
sorrow for, be upset about regulation youn 1 copy of the regulations
regret youn 1 Both men expressed regret for their about working hours is pinned on the notice
actions. » remorse, sorrow, shame, contrition, board. » rule, ruling, law, order, requirement,
repentance, guilt 2 We left our old home with a procedure, ordnance, statute, decree, edict
feeling of regret. » sadness, sorrow, 2 the regulation of traffic in the city centre
unhappiness, disappointment > control, management, supervision,
regretful anjective She was regretful about what direction, monitoring, overseeing,
had happened. » sorry, remorseful, apologetic, administration
repentant, contrite, penitent, ashamed,
sorrowful, disappointed, sad rehearse vers We need to rehearse the last scene
OPPOSITES ARE unrepentant, happy a bit more. » practise, go over or through, run
through, try out, prepare, (informal) run over
regrettable apjctive It was a regrettable thing
to say but it was too late to change it. reigN vers Victoria reigned for sixty-four years.
> undesirable, unfortunate, unwelcome, ill- > rule, be queen or king, be on the throne,
advised, inappropriate, unsuitable, distressing, wear the crown, govern, be in power RELATED
upsetting, lamentable, shameful ADJECTIVE regnal
OPPOSITES ARE fortunate, suitable
regular apjctive 1 She hada regular route to
FeigM noun She had a long and successful reign.
> rule, monarchy, sovereignty
work each morning. » routine, habitual,
customary, typical, usual, normal, established reinforce vere 1 Two stone supports reinforce the
2 There were regular complaints about the noise. old wall. These events reinforced all our suspicions.
> frequent, periodic, constant, continual, > strengthen, fortify, support, bolster,
persistent OPPOSITES ARE rare, occasional 3.a buttress, underpin, prop up, hold up, stiffen,
regular procedure for dealing with enquiries toughen, back up, give strength to 2 Two more
> systematic, methodical, efficient, well legions were sent to reinforce the army on the
organized, established, approved, Rhine. » strengthen, supplement, increase,
conventional AN OPPOSITE IS haphazard augment
reinforcements => relay race
reinforcements Piura: youn extra troops or relation oun relations 1 relative 2 the way
ships etc. sent to strengthen a force one thing is related to another
reiterate vers reiterates, reiterating, relationship oun relationships 1 how
reiterated say something again or repeatedly people or things are related 2 how people get
> reiteration NOUN on with each other 3 an emotional or sexual
association between two people
reject (ri-jekt) vers rejects, rejecting,
rejected 1 refuse to accept a person or thing relative oun relatives a person whois related
2 throw away or discard to another
> rejection NOUN relative apjective connected or compared with
reject (ree jekt) NOUN rejects a person or thing something; compared with the average e They
that is rejected, especially because of being live in relative comfort.
faulty or poorly made > relatively Advers
relative pronounsee pronoun
rejoice vers rejoices, rejoicing, rejoiced feel
or show great joy relax vers relaxes, relaxing, relaxed 1 stop
working; rest 2 become less anxious or worried
rejuvenate vers rejuvenates, rejuvenating, 3 make a rule etc. less strict or severe 4 make a
rejuvenated make a person seem young again limb or muscle less stiff or tense
> rejuvenation NOUN > relaxation NOUN
relapse vers relapses, relapsing, relapsed relay (ri- lay) vers relays, relaying, relayed
return to a previous condition; become worse pass on a message or broadcast
after improving
relay (re- lay) Noun relays 1a fresh group
> relapse NOUN
taking the place of another e Thefiremen
relatevers relates, relating, related 1 narrate worked in relays. 2 arelay race 3 a device for
2 connect or compare one thing with another relaying a broadcast
3 understand and get on well with e Some relay race Noun relay races a race between
people cannot relate to animals. teams in which each person covers part of the
related agective belonging to the same family distance

reinforcements Plural Noun The police unit pertain to, involve 4 relate to They wanted a
badly needed reinforcements. » support, worker who could communicate with the young
back-up, additional help and relate to them. » identify with, sympathize
reject vers 1 The union rejected the new offer. with, understand, feel for, have a rapport with
> turn down, refuse, decline, say no to, relationshipnoun 1 the relationship between
dismiss, veto AN OPPOSITE Is accept 2 Although religion and politics » connection, relation,
she loved him, in the end she rejected him. link, association, correlation, correspondence,
> rebuff, spurn, jilt, repudiate, cast aside, affinity 2 Her relationship with her stepmother
(more informal) dump had deteriorated. » rapport, friendship,
rejectionnoun 1 Their leaders urged rejection of understanding, attachment, closeness
the offer. > refusal, non-acceptance, dismissal, relativeapjective 1 Assess the relative importance
turning down AN opposite is acceptance 2 Her of each fact. » comparative, respective,
rejection of Clive hurt him deeply. » spurning, corresponding 2 relative to evidence relative to
repudiation, rebuff, shunning, (more informal) the incident » related to, relevant to, pertinent
dumping to, connected with, germane to, associated
rejoice vers Scientists rejoiced at the new with
iscovery. » celebrate, delight, exult, revel, be
happy opposites ARElament, be sad relativenoun She’s a relative of mine. > relation,
member of the same family, (more formal)
rejoicing Noun It was a time for rejoicing. kinsman or kinswoman
> celebration, festivity, jubilation, euphoria,
gladness, happiness AN OPPOSITE Is Mourning relax vers. 1 Yoga helps you to relax. » unwind,
unbend, ease up, let up, take it easy 2 She
relate vers 1 They have many stories to relate relaxed her grip on the handle. » loosen,
about their adventures abroad. > tell, recount, slacken, loose, let go, weaken, reduce 3 His
narrate, report, present, describe, recite presence helped to relax her. » calm, calm
2 Police are relating the two crimes. & link, down, soothe, pacify
connect, associate, see a connection between
3 relate to The questions relate to an incident relaxation noun a few hours left for relaxation
that took place the previous week. » refer to, > recreation, relaxing, rest, unwinding,
concern, have to do with, apply to, bear on, enjoyment, loosening up
release = relish
release vers releases, releasing, released relief youn reliefs 1 the ending or lessening of
1 set free or unfasten 2 let a thing fall or fly or pain, trouble, boredom, etc. 2 something that
go out 3. make a film or record etc. available to gives relief or help 3 help given to people in
the public need e a relief fund for the tsunami victims 4a
release youn releases 1 being released person who takes over a turn of duty when
2 something released, such as a new film or CD another finishes 5 a method of making a
3.a device that unfastens something design etc. that stands out from a surface
relegate vers relegates, relegating, relief map noun relief maps amap that shows
relegated 1 put into a less important place hills and valleys by shading or moulding
2 put a sports team into a lower division of a relieve vers relieves, relieving, relieved give
league relief to a person or thing
> relegation Noun relieve of take something from a person e The
relent vers relents, relenting, relented thief relieved him of his wallet
become less severe or more merciful
religion noun religions 1 what people believe
relentless apjecive not stopping or relenting; about God or gods, and how they worship 2a
pitiless particular system of beliefs and worship
> relentlessly avers
relevant spective connected with what is being religious apctive 1 to do with religion
discussed or dealt with (The opposite is 2 believing firmly ina religion and taking partin
irrelevant) its customs
> relevance NOUN > religiously Apvere
reliable apjective able to be relied on; relish youn relishes 1 great enjoyment 2a
trustworthy tasty sauce or pickle that adds flavour
to plainer
> reliably apvers reliability oun food
relic noun relics something that has survived relish vers relishes, relishing, relished enjoy
from an earlier period of history greatly

release vers 1 The guerrillas promised to release release, recreation, amusement,
one hostage. > free, liberate, let go entertainment 4 Aircraft brought relief to the
OPPOSITES ARE imprison, detain 2 The names of beleaguered inhabitants. » help, aid, assistance,
the victims were released when the families had succour, deliverance
been informed. » make public, make known,
publish, reveal, divulge, disclose, publicize, relieve vers 1 The pills helped to relieve her
circulate, communicate headache. > alleviate, ease, lessen, assuage,
OPPOSITES ARE withhold, keep secret mitigate, diminish 2 A video might relieve the
relevant spective Take a note of any relevant boredom ofthe afternoon. » reduce, counteract,
information. » pertinent, applicable, lighten, dispel 3 It relieved us to know she was
significant, apposite, material, suitable safely home. » reassure, comfort, console,
AN OPPOSITE |S irrelevant soothe, please, gladden 4 The army sent in
supplies to relieve the townspeople. » help, aid,
reliable agjective 1 The case lacked any reliable support, assist, sustain 5 Her spell of duty was
evidence. » dependable, valid, trustworthy, nearly over and a colleague would soon relieve her.
sound, genuine, authentic > replace, take over from, stand in for
AN OPPOSITE IS unreliable 2 John was his most
reliable friend. » trustworthy, dependable, religion noun the country’s official religion
faithful, devoted, staunch, constant, true, > faith, belief, form of worship
relic youn 1 The book was a relic of her schooldays. religious aojctive 1 religious beliefs; religious
> survival (from), souvenir, memento, music > spiritual, sacred, holy, theological
remnant, reminder, token, vestige 2relics a AN OPPOSITE IS secular 2 a religious person
saint’s relics » remains, sacred objects > devout, pious, reverent, holy, saintly, God-
fearing AN OPPOSITE |S irreligious
relief youn 1 Iéwas a relief to find the village after
miles of empty countryside. » reassurance, relish noun He ate his meal with relish.
consolation, comfort, solace 2 The medicine > appetite, delight, enjoyment, enthusiasm,
offered some relief from the pain. > alleviation gusto, zest opposites are disgust, dislike
(of), easing (of), lessening (of), remedy (for),
assuagement (of), mitigation (of) relish vers He was relishing his moment of
AN OPPOSITE IS intensification 3 He needed a little triumph. » enjoy, delight in, revel in, take
light relief from his work. » respite, diversion, pleasure in, savour, appreciate, like, love
relive > remind
relivevers relives, reliving, relivedremember while further evidence is being gathered
something that happened very vividly, as > remandNoun
though it was happening again on remandin prison while waiting for a trial
reluctantapecive unwilling or not keen remarkwoun remarks something said; a
> reluctantly bvers. reluctance NOUN comment
relyvere relies, relying, relied remark-vers remarks, remarking, remarked
rely on 1 trust a person or thing to help or 1 make a remark; say 2 notice
support you 2 be dependent on something remarkableapctive unusual or extraordinary
e Many people rely on this local bus service. > remarkably overs
remainvers remains, remaining, remained remedialapective 1 helping children who learn
1 be there after other parts have gone or been slowly 2 helping to cure an illness or deficiency
dealt with; be left over 2 continue to be in the remedynoun remedies something that cures
same place or condition; stay or relieves a disease etc. or that puts a matter
remaindernoun 1 the remaining part or right
people or things 2 the number left after remembervers remembers, remembering,
subtraction or division remembered 1 keep something in your mind
remainsp.ural Noun 1 all thatis left over after 2 bring something back into your mind
other parts have been removed or destroyed > remembrance Noun
2 ancient ruins or objects; relics 3. a dead body remind vers reminds, reminding, reminded
remand vers remands, remanding, 1 help or make a person remember something
remanded send a prisoner back into custody © Remind me to buy some stamps. 2 make a

reluctantapectt I was reluctant to admit where remark anything unusual. » note, mark, notice,
Thad been. » unwilling, disinclined, averse, observe, heed, see, perceive
hesitant (about), resistant, opposed, loath remarkableapectve 1 They were bubbling with
OPPOSITES ARE Willing, ready, eager excitement after their remarkable journey.
rely vers We can rely on them to help us. > extraordinary, amazing, astonishing,
> depend on, count on, trust, have confidence memorable, unforgettable, wonderful,
in, (more informal) bank on marvellous, breathtaking, fantastic, strange,
incredible, astounding, startling, staggering,
remainvers 1 He remained in hospital for several stunning AN opposite iSordinary 2 It was
weeks, » stay, continue, stop, linger 2 Even certainly a remarkable achievement.
after the revolution the chief ofpolice remained in > outstanding, striking, impressive,
power. & survive, continue, persist, prevail, noteworthy, exceptional, memorable,
endure 3 By the end of the evening only a handful phenomenal, distinguished
of guests remained. » be left, be present, remedynoun 1afluremedy» cure, treatment,
survive, stay around medicine, medication, relief, antidote 2 He
remaindernoun 1 They were excused duties for suggested a day out as a remedy for their
the remainder of the day. » rest, residue, boredom. » answer, solution, cure, relief,
balance 2 Finish what you can and do the corrective, palliative
remainder tomorrow. » rest, extra, difference, remedyvers The government will pass a bill to
remnant, residue, what is left remedy the problem. » put right, correct,
remaining,ojective 1 She wanted to remove any rectify, solve, resolve, fix, deal with, sort out,
remaining doubts. » persisting, surviving, redress, counteract
lingering, abiding, continuing, residual 2 Melt remembervers 1 a lot offacts to remember
the remaining butter and brush it over the pastry. > memorize, learn, commit to memory 2Do
> left over, unused, surplus, extra you remember my cousin Alice? I can’t remember
where I put my keys. » recall, recollect,
remainsp.ursl noun 1 He ate the remains of his
sandwich in one huge mouthful. » remainder, recognize 3 Remember that she won't be here for
rest, residue, remnant 2 The saint’s remains are several days yet. » bearin mind, keep in mind,
in the crypt. » body, corpse, ashes, relics take into account, not forget 4 They sat on the
terrace remembering their childhoods.
remarknoun We had the usual conversational > reminisce about, recall, recollect, look back
remarks about the weather. » comment, on, muse on, be nostalgic about
observation, thought, utterance, reflection, remind vers 1A note on the fridge reminded me
statement, word, opinion to feed the cat. » prompt, nudge, hint at, tell
remarkvers 1 He remarked that it was very quiet 2 remind you of something The music
in the room. » comment, observe, mention, reminded me of my holiday. » make you think
note, say, state, declare, reflect 2We did not of, take you back to
reminisce = renounce
person think of someone or something remove noun removes a distance or degree
because of being similar e She reminds me of my away from something e That is several removes
history teacher. from the truth.
> reminder Noun Renaissance (ren- ay- sans) Noun the revival of
reminisce (rem- in- iss) vers reminisces, classical styles of art and literature in Europe in
reminiscing ,reminisced think or talk about the 14th-16th centuries [from French, = new
things that you remember birth]
> reminiscence NouN reminiscent ADJECTIVE rename vers renames, renaming, renamed
give anew name to a person or thing
remiss apjective negligent; careless about doing
render vers renders, rendering, rendered
what you ought to do
1 cause to become e This news rendered us
remmant youn remnants a part or piece left speechless, 2 give or perform something e The
over from something local community was quick to render help to the
remonstrate vers remonstrates , victims.
remonstrating,remonstrated make a rendezvous (rond- ay- voo) noun rendezvous
protest e We remonstrated with him about his (rond- ay-vooz) 1a meeting with somebody
behaviour. 2. place arranged for this [from French, =
present yourselves]
remorse noun deep regret for having done renew vers renews, renewing, renewed
1 restore something to its original condition or
> remorseful spective remorsefully apvers
replace it with something new 2 begin or make
remote Apjective 1 far away or isolated 2 some or give again e We renewed our request.
but very little; unlikely e a remote chance > renewal NouN
> remotely Apvers remoteness NOUN renewable resource youn renewable
remote control youn controlling something resources a resource (such as power from the
from a distance, usually by electricity or radio sun, wind, or waves) that can never be used up,
or which can be renewed
removal youn removing or moving something
renounce vers renounces, renouncing,
remove vers removes, removing, removed renounced give up or reject
take something away or off > renunciation NOUN

reminder youn 1 She forgot about him and remove vers 1 It took ten minutes to remove the
needed a reminder to phone. » prompt, nudge, tooth. » extract, pull out, take out, withdraw
cue, hint, suggestion 2 The photo was a 2 She decided to remove the last sentence from her
reminder of a happy time. » memento, letter, > delete, erase, expunge, efface, rub
souvenir out, strike out AN OPPOSITE IS restore (to) 3 He
remorse noun He was filled with remorse for the tidied up the garden and removed some dead
harm he had done. » contrition, guilt, shame, branches. » cut off, pull off, detach, strip off
sorrow, repentance, penitence, compunction, 4 Karen went into the bathroom and removed her
regret, bad conscience clothes. » take off, peel off, slip out of, shed,
remote spective 1 The works would be sited at a cast off AN OPPOSITEIS put on 5 The more severe
remote place for safety. » isolated, outlying, penalties had been removed. » abolish, get rid
secluded, out-of-the-way, distant, faraway, of, eliminate, withdraw, do away with, (more
inaccessible, cut-off AN OPPOSITE IS central informal) axe OPPOSITES ARE impose, restore
2 There was a remote chance the decision would be render vers 1 The blow rendered him
overruled. > slight, small, slim, slender, faint, unconscious. » make, leave, cause to be
unlikely, doubtful, improbable, negligible 2 People were eager to render assistance. » offer,
AN OPPOSITE IS strong 3 His manner was remote give, provide, tender, furnish, supply 3 Scholars
and unfriendly. » aloof, detached, distant, rendered the Latin original into modern English.
withdrawn, reserved, stand-offish, > translate, transcribe, adapt
uncommunicative OPPOSITES ARE warm, friendly Frenmew vers 1 It was time to renew her interest in
removal youn 1 Alocal company would take care the countryside. » refresh, revive, restore,
of the removal. » relocation, transfer, revitalize, resurrect, awaken 217 have to renew
transportation 2 The nail took some removal. my passport next month. » extend, prolong
> extraction, withdrawal, taking out, drawing 3 The interior of the building was completely
3 The king insisted on the Prime Minister’s renewed in the eighteenth century. » renovate,
removal from office. » dismissal, expulsion, restore, rebuild, modernize, refurbish, revamp,
displacement, elimination, ejection, ousting reconstruct, redecorate, make over,
OPPOSITES ARE restoration, appointment recondition, overhaul, transform
renovate — repetitive
renovate vers renovates, renovating, repeal vers repeals, repealing, repealed
renovated repair a thing and make it look new cancel a law officially
> renovation NOUN > repeal Noun
renowned spective well known or famous repeat vers repeats, repeating, repeated
1 say or do the same thing again 2 tell another
rent |youn rents a regular payment for the use person about something told to you
of something, especially a house that belongs > repeatedly Aovers
to another person
repeat Noun repeats 1 the action of repeating
rent vers rents, renting, rented have or allow 2 something that is repeated, especially a
the use of something in return for rent television programme
rent? Noun rents atorn place; a split repel vers repels, repelling, repelled 1 drive
reorganize vers reorganizes, reorganizing, back or away e They fought bravely and repelled
reorganized change the way in which the attackers. 2 push something away from
something is organized itself by means of a physical force e One north
> reorganization NOUN
magnetic pole repels another. 3 disgust
repair vers repairs, repairing, repaired put > repellent ADJECTIVE, NOUN
something into good condition after it has repent vers repents, repenting, repented be
been damaged or broken etc. sorry for what you have done
> repairable Apjective > repentance NOUN repentant ADJECTIVE
repair Noun repairs 1 repairing e closed for repercussion Noun repercussions a result or
repair 2 a mended place e The repair is hardly reaction produced indirectly by something
repertoire (rep- er- twahr) noun a stock of
in good repale in good condition; well songs or plays etc. that a person or company
maintaine knows and can perform
repartee noun witty replies and remarks repetition noun repetitions 1 repeating
repatriate vers repatriates, repatriating; 2something repeated
repatriated send a person back to his or her > repetitious AD/ECTIVE
own country repetitive spective full of repetitions
> repatriation NOUN > repetitively Apvers

renovation noun the renovation of an old redo, re-experience, reproduce, duplicate
building » improvement, modernization, 2 The tale became more colourful every time
overhaul, reconditioning, redevelopment, someone repeated it. » say again, restate,
refit, refurbishment, renewal, repair, reiterate, reproduce, recite, relate
restoration, transformation, updating repeat noun 1 We are hoping for a repeat of last
rent vere 1 You can rent a car at the airport. week’s successes. ® repetition, repeating,
> hire, lease, charter 2 They rent out their recurrence, reiteration, rerun, return 21
apartment during the Festival. » let, lease, watched a repeat of the programme. > replay,
sublet rerun, reshowing, rebroadcast, repetition
fepale verB Public money will be spent to repair the repel vers 1 The invaders were repelled at the
mage. He longed to get back with Maggie and border. » repulse, drive back, beat back, push
repair their broken marriage. » mend, fix, put back, ward off, parry, put to flight 2 a device for
right, rectify, overhaul, patch up, renew, repelling cats » deter, keep away, scare off
renovate AN OPPOSITE IS attract 3 Such selfishness repelled
repair oun 1 The engine is in dire need of repair. me. & revolt, disgust, sicken, offend, nauseate
> mending, fixing, overhaul, maintenance, OPPOSITES ARE delight, please
renovation 2 The building is in good repair. repellent spective Reviewers found the
> condition, state, shape, fettle programme repellent. » revolting, disgusting,
repay vers 1 The debt has been completely repaid. sickening, repulsive, offensive, repugnant,
> pay off, pay back, settle, expunge, nauseating
extinguish 2 We must repay your train fare. repetition noun The authorities do not want to
> refund, reimburse, pay back, recompense, see any repetition of last week’s incident.
compensate, remunerate, settle 3 He was > repeat, repeating, recurrence, reiteration,
eager to repay their kindness. » reciprocate, rerun, return, reappearance, duplication
return, recompense, requite repetitive anective To him fixing tiles was
repeat vers 1 Neither of them had any wish to repetitive and boring. » monotonous, tedious,
repeat their experience. » have again, do again, boring, humdrum, mechanical, repetitious,
replace = representative
replace vers replaces, replacing, replaced reported speech noun indirect speech
1 put a thing back in its place 2 take the place reporter youn reporters a person whose jobis
of another person or thing 3 put anew or to collect and report news for a newspaper,
different thing in place of something radio or television programme, etc.
> replacement Noun repose noun calm, rest, or sleep
replay noun repiays 1 asports match played repose vers reposes, reposing, reposed rest
again after a draw 2 the playing or showing or lie somewhere
again of arecording repossess vers repossesses, repossessing,
> replay vers
repossessed take something back because it
replica youn replicas an exact copy [from has not been paid for
Italian] reprehensible apecnve extremely bad and
reply noun replies something said or written to deserving blame or rebuke
deal with a question, letter, etc.; an answer represent vers represents, representing,
reply vers replies, replying, replied give a represented 1 help someone by speaking or
reply to; answer doing something on their behalf 2 symbolize
report vers reports, reporting, reported or stand for e In Roman numerals, V represents 5.
1 describe something that has happened or 3 be an example or equivalent of something
that you have done or studied 2 make a 4showa person orthing ina picture or play etc.
complaint or accusation against somebody 5 describe a person or thing in a particular way
3 go and tell somebody that you have arrived or > representation NOUN
are ready for work representative youn representatives a
reportyoun reports 1 adescription or account person or thing that represents another or
of something 2a regular statement of how others
someone has worked or behaved, e.g. at school representative spective 1 representing
3 an explosive sound others 2 typical of a group

unchanging, unvaried, (more informal) samey report noun 1 There is a full report of the incident
AN OPPOSITE IS varied in today’s newspaper. » account, description,
replace vers 1 She replaced the book on the shelf. review, article, announcement, record,
> put back, return, reinstate, restore 2 He did statement, story, (more informal) write-up
not need to look far for someone to replace him 2 We heard the report of a gun. » bang, blast,
when he left. » succeed, follow, take over from, crack, noise, explosion, detonation, pop
take the place of, supersede, supplant, be a reporter noun A group of reporters waited
substitute for, come after 3 a scheme to replace outside the house. > journalist, correspondent,
dying trees » renew, change, provide a newspaperman or newspaperwoman
substitute for represent vers 1 The picture represents a winter
replacement noun Thomas had lost his mobile scene.» depict, describe, portray, show,
and bought a replacement. » substitute, illustrate, delineate, draw, paint, picture,
alternative, successor, surrogate, stand-in exhibit, enact 2 Each character in the play
replica noun Katie wore a replica of her sister's represents a particular human quality.
dress. » copy, duplicate, imitation, p> embody, stand for, symbolize, typify,
reproduction, likeness, double, clone, personify, epitomize, exemplify 3 They chose a
facsimile, model, reconstruction spokesperson to represent their views. » speak
reply vers 1 She replied that they would just have for, express, present, be an example of
to wait. answer, respond, retort, counter representation noun a representation of a
2reply to He never replies to letters. » answer, young woman » portrayal, depiction, likeness,
acknowledge, give a reply to, respond to, react image, picture, portrait, resemblance,
to delineation
reply noun My letter called for a reply. » answer, representative spective 1 representative
response, acknowledgement, reaction, sample of British society » typical,
rejoinder, retort characteristic, average, archetypal, illustrative,
report vers 1 She threatened to report him to the normal AN OPPOSITE 1S abnormal 2 The Greeks
police. » inform on, make a complaint against devised forms of representative government.
2 You must report for duty at 9 o'clock. » present > democratic, elected, elective, popular,
yourself, arrive, appear, turn up, checkin, clock chosen x
in 3 The government has reported an increase in representative youn 1 the queen’s
exports. » announce, proclaim, declare, representative abroad» ambassador, delegate,
communicate, notify, relate, recount, note deputy, consul, diplomat, spokesperson,
repress = reputation
repress vers represses, repressing, reprove vers reproves, reproving, reproved
repressed 1 keep down; control by force rebuke or reproach
2 restrain or suppress > reproof Noun
> repression NOUN repressive ADJECTIVE ropine NOUN reptiles a cold-blooded animal
reprieve noun reprieves postponement or that has a backbone and very short legs or no
cancellation of a punishment etc., especially legs at all, e.g. asnake, lizard, crocodile, or
the death penalty tortoise [from Latin reptilis = crawling]
reprimand noun reprimands a rebuke, republic oun republics a country that has a
especially a formal or official one president, especially one who is elected
COMPARE monarchy
reprimand vers reprimands, reprimanding, > republican ADJECTIVE
reprimanded give someone areprimand [from Latin res publica = public affairs]
reprisal youn reprisals an act of revenge repudiate vers repudiates, repudiating,
reproach vers reproaches, reproaching, repudiated reject or deny
reproached tell someone you are upset and > repudiation noun
disappointed by something he or she has done dr reson ADJECTIVE 1 disgusting 2 repelling
> reproach NOUN reproachful ADjEcTIVE things (The opposite is attractive)
reproachfully apvers > repulsively Apvers repulsiveness NOUN.
reproduce vers reproduces, reproducing, reputable (rep- yoo- ta- bul) anjective having a
reproduced 1 cause to be seen or heard or good reputation; respected
happen again 2 make a copy of something > reputably sbvers
3 produce offspring reputation oun reputations what people
> reproduction NOUN reproductive ADJECTIVE say about a person or thing

spokesman or spokeswoman, proxy, stand-in reproof \oun He tutted at her in mild reproof.
2. sales representative » agent, salesperson, > reprimand, rebuke, admonishment,
salesman or saleswoman, (informal) rep admonition, censure AN OPPOSITE IS approval
reprimand vers They were reprimanded for their repudiate vers 1 He repudiated all the charges
bad behaviour. » rebuke, admonish, reprove, made against him. » dispute, rebuff, reject,
reproach, upbraid, censure, scold, chide, deny, disagree with, renounce, refute
criticize, reprehend, (more informal) tell off, OPPOSITES ARE accept, acknowledge 2 She did
(more informal) tick off OPPOSITES ARE praise, not want to repudiate their agreement.
commend > disown, go back on, recant, rescind, retract,
reverse, revoke
reprimand noun The police gave them a formal repugnant spective Polygamy may seem
reprimand. » rebuke, admonishment, repugnant to us. » abhorrent, repulsive,
admonition, reproof, scolding, (more informal) revolting, repellent, offensive, disgusting,
telling-off, (more informal) ticking-off, (more loathsome
informal) talking-to
repulse vers 1 The rebels attacked and were
reproachful apjective She gave him a reproachful repulsed. » repel, drive back, beat back, push
frown. » disapproving, reproving, scornful, back, ward off, parry, put to flight 2 He showed
accusatory, censorious, critical, withering her affection but was repulsed. » reject, rebuff,
AN OPPOSITE IS approving spurn, snub, jilt
reproduce vers 1 The drawings are reproduced repulsive spective His appearance was repulsive.
in beautiful colour illustrations. » copy, reprint, > revolting, disgusting, repugnant, repellent,
duplicate, transcribe, print, simulate, reissue, loathsome, obnoxious, hideous
repeat, photocopy 2 These animals reproduce in AN OPPOSITE IS attractive
large numbers. » breed, bear young, produce reputable apjctive Make sure you get a reputable
offspring, multiply, propagate, procreate, builder to do the work. » dependable, reliable,
spawn, increase highly regarded, well thought of, tried and
trusted, respectable, respected, trustworthy,
reproduction noun 1 methods of reproduction creditable AN Opposite Is disreputable
in fish » breeding, propagation, procreation,
multiplying 2 The portraitisonly a reproduction. reputation noun His reputation had been
> copy, replica, duplicate, facsimile, imitation, damaged by the affair. » good name, name,
fake, forgery, likeness, print standing, stature, character, esteem, honour,
AN OPPOSITE IS original , repute, image, prestige
reputed — reserve
reputed spyecrive said or thought to be something [from early French recerche = careful
something e This is reputed to be the best hotel. search]
> reputedly Aovers resemblance noun resemblances likeness or
request vers requests, requesting, similarity
requested 1 askforathing 2ask a person to resemble vers resembles, resembling,
do something resembled be like another person or thing
request noun requests 1 asking for something resent vers resents, resenting, resented feel
2a thing asked for indignant about or insulted by something
require vers requires, requiring, required > resentful spective resentfully apvers
1Tneed 2 make somebody do something; resentment NOUN
oblige e Drivers are required to pass a test. reservation youn reservations 1 reserving
requirement noun requirements what is 2 something reserved @ a hotel reservation 3 an
required; aneed area of land kept for a special purpose 4a limit
on howfar you agree with something e I believe
rescue vers rescues, rescuing, rescued save most of his story, but I have some reservations.
from danger, harm, etc.; free from captivity
reserve vers reserves, reserving, reserved
> rescuer NOUN
1 keep or order something for a particular
rescue noun rescues the action of rescuing person or a special use 2 postpone e reserve
research noun careful study or investigation to judgement
discover facts or information reserve Noun reserves 1 a person orthing kept
research (ri- serch) vers researches, ready to be used if necessary 2 an extra player
researching, researched do research into chosen in case a substitute is needed in ateam

request noun Our request for assistance has been correspondence, conformity, agreement,
accepted. » appeal, plea, petition, entreaty, comparison, equivalence, likeness
application, call, supplication OPPOSITES ARE difference, dissimilarity
request vers 1 We requested immediate help. resemble vers The garden resembled a
> ask for, appeal for, call for, seek, plead for, wilderness. » look like, be like, remind you of,
require, solicit 2 They requested us to stop. be similar to, mirror AN OPPOSITE IS differ from
> ask, call on, require, implore, beseech resent vers Jack resented his mother’s
require vers 1 One of the victims required interference. » begrudge, take exception to,
immediate surgery. » need, have to have 2 The take umbrage at, object to, be annoyed about,
situation required extreme care. > call for, need, be resentful of, dislike
necessitate, involve, entail 3 An official required resentful spective Her parents’ constant
me to show my passport. » order, instruct, complaining left her feeling resentful.
direct, command, oblige, request > aggrieved, indignant, disgruntled,
requirement noun One of the requirements for discontented, offended, bitter, hurt, irritated,
this work is a quiet place to go and doit.» need, antagonistic, sour, jealous, (more informal) put
necessity, essential, requisite, prerequisite, os ree informal) peeved, (more informal)
stipulation, condition, proviso miffe
rescue vers 1 Ina few hours someone would come resentment noun The appointment of an
and rescue them. > set free, free, release, save, outsider caused intense resentment among the
liberate, deliver, extricate, ransom 21 went workforce. » indignation, discontent, bad
back to the house to rescue some ofmy belongings. feelings, disgruntlement, rancour,
> recover, retrieve, salvage, get back, bring antagonism, irritation
reservation noun 1 You will need to make a
rescue noun The news was all about a dramatic reservation ifyou come on a Friday. » booking,
sea rescue. » saving, rescuing, recovery, advance booking, prior arrangement 2 Some
release, deliverance, liberation members of the group had reservations about the
research noun More research is needed into the plan. > misgiving, doubt, scepticism, unease,
causes of violent crime. » investigation, scruple, qualification, hesitation, qualm
experimentation, testing, exploration, inquiry, reserve vers 1 Demand will be high so make sure
analysis, searching, study your newsagent reserves you a copy.» keep, put
research vers The disease has been widely aside, set aside, hold, retain, earmark 2 Chuck
researched. » investigate, study, inquire into, reserved a room at the local hotel. » book,
explore, probe, look into secure, arrange for, order
resemblance noun There is a close resemblance reserve noun 1 Her reserve of money was
between the two accounts. » similarity, running out. » supply, fund, stock, store,
reservoir = resolution
3 an area of land kept for a special purpose e a resign vers resigns, resigning, resigned give
nature reserve 4 shyness; being slow to reveal up your job or position
Opinions or emotions > resignation NOUN
reservoir (rez- er- vwar) NOUN reservoirs a beresignedor resign yourself to something
place where water is stored, especially an accept that you must put up with it
artificial lake resist vers resists, resisting, resisted oppose;
fight or act against something
residence noun residences a place where a
person lives resistance noun 1 resisting e The troops came
up against armed resistance. 2 the ability of a
resident oun residents a person living ina substance to hinder the flow of electricity
particular place > resistant ADJECTIVE
> resident ADJECTIVE
resolute anjective showing great determination
residential apective 1 containing people’s > resolutely avers
homes e a residential area 2 providing
accommodation e a residential course resolutionnouy resolutions 1 being resolute
2 something you have resolved to do e New
residue youn residues what is left over Year resolutions 3 a formal decision made by a
> residual ADJECTIVE committee etc. 4 the solving of a problem etc.

reservoir, hoard, accumulation 2 wildlife resilient anecrve 1 Use a resilient material for
reserve ® preserve, reservation, sanctuary, harder wear. » flexible, supple, pliable, pliant,
park 3 His reserve prevented him from joining in durable, tough, elastic, springy
the fun. » reticence, shyness, diffidence, AN OPPOSITE IS inflexible 2 She was still young and
timidity, restraint, modesty, aloofness resilient. >» adaptable, buoyant, irrepressible,
tough, hardy, strong Opposites ARE vulnerable,
reserved apectve As a young man he had been sensitive
rather reserved. » shy, reticent, diffident, resist vers 1 He resisted all our attempts to
retiring, unforthcoming, quiet, timid, persuade him. » oppose, withstand, stand up
restrained, distant, aloof to, defy, balk at, fend off, confront, fight
OPPOSITES ARE forthcoming, outgoing OPPOSITES ARE yield to, submit to 2a hard
reside vers reside in Most students reside in halls varnish that resists wear for years » withstand,
during their first year. > live in, stayin, havea be proof against, combat, weather, endure,
room in, dwell in, lodge in, settle in, occupy, keep out AN opposite Is be susceptible to 3 The
have as a home, inhabit temptation was so strong he was unable to resist
residence noun They spent the summer in their any longer.» hold out, desist, restrain yourself,
country residence. » home, house, dwelling, forbear OPPOSITES ARE yield, give in
domicile, abode, address, mansion, quarters, resistant apecive 1 resistant to a material
habitation that is resistant to heat » impervious to, proof
against, repellent to,immune to, unaffected by
resident oun 1 the residents of Boston AN OPPOSITE IS susceptible to 2 resistant to He
> inhabitant, citizen, townsman or was always resistant to change. » opposed to,
townswoman, denizen, native 2 The hotel’s first averse to, hostile to, suspicious of
duty is to ensure the safety of its residents. OPPOSITES ARE receptive to, attracted to
> guest, boarder, lodger, client, occupant
AN OPPOSITE IS non-resident resolute 4pective The local people put up a
resolute resistance. » determined, purposeful,
resign vers 1 The manager resigned at the end of resolved, firm, steadfast, staunch, tenacious,
the season. » leave, stand down, step down, unflinching, undaunted
give in your notice, (informal) quit, (more OPPOSITES ARE irresolute, half-hearted, feeble
informal) call it a day, give up 2 She resigned all resolutionoun 1 They showed great resolution
her rights in the matter. » renounce, relinquish, in the face of danger. » determination, resolve,
abandon, surrender, cede, give up, forsake spirit, boldness, courage, firmness, fortitude,
AN OPPOSITE IS take up commitment, perseverance, doggedness,
resignation noun 1 They faced an uncertain staunchness, steadfastness, tenacity, will
future with resignation. » patience, power 2 The committee passed the resolution by
forbearance, tolerance, stoicism, endurance, a large majority. » motion, proposal,
fortitude, sufferance, acceptance, fatalism proposition, declaration, decision, judgement
2 There would be many resignations from the 3 Let’s hope financial aid can be a resolution ofthe
right wing of the party. » departure, notice, country’s difficulties. » settlement, solution,
standing down, retirement, relinquishment answer (to)
resolve — respirator
resolve vers resolves, resolving, resolved or consideration e Have respect for people’s
1 decide firmly or formally 2 solve a problem feelings. 3 a detail or aspect @ In this respect he is
etc. 3 overcome doubts or disagreements like his sister. 4 reference e The rules with respect
resolve noun 1 something you have decided to to bullying are quite clear.
do; aresolution 2 great determination respect vers respects, respecting, respected
resort vers resorts, resorting, resorted turn have respect for a person or thing
to or make use of something @ They resorted to respectable spective 1 having good manners
violence. and character etc. 2 fairly good e a respectable
resort Noun resorts 1 a place where people go score
for relaxation or holidays 2 resorting @ without > respectably Apvers respectability noun
resort to cheating respectful apjective showing respect
the last resort something to be tried when > respectfully Apvers
everything else has failed respective apjctive belonging separately to
resounding apectve 1 loud and echoing each one of several e We went to our respective
2 very great; outstanding e a resounding victory rooms
resOurce NOUN resources 1 something that respectively sovers in the same order as the
can be used; an asset @ The country’s natural people or things already mentioned e Ruth and
resources include coal and oil. 2 an ability; Emma finished first and second respectively.
ingenuity respiration noun breathing
resourceful apjctive clever at finding ways of > respiratory ADJECTIVE
doing things respirator noun respirators 1a device that
> resourcefully Apvers resourcefulness NOUN fits over a person’s nose and mouth to purify air
respect noun respects 1 admiration fora before it is breathed 2 an apparatus for giving
person’s or thing’s good qualities 2 politeness artificial respiration

resolve vers 1 It will take months to resolve the innovative, original, talented, clever
matter completely. > settle, sort out, work out, AN OPPOSITE IS unimaginative
solve, put right, straighten out, rectify, deal F@SOUPCeS PLURAL NOUN The business had to survive
with 2 The boys resolved to keep going until dark. on limited resources. » assets, funds, wealth,
> determine, decide, make up your mind, take money, riches, capital, reserves
a decision
respect noun 1 He showed the respect due to such
resolve noun Opposition to his ideas only a great writer. » esteem, regard, honour,
strengthened his resolve. » resolution, deference, homage, admiration, awe,
determination, firmness of purpose, reverence, veneration, consideration 2 The
steadfastness, tenacity conclusions were correct in every respect.
OPPOSITES ARE indecision, hesitancy > aspect, regard, particular, point,
resort Noun 1 Going on strike would be a last characteristic, detail, facet, feature, way
resort. » option, choice, alternative, course of respect vers 1 We respected them for their
action, expedient, recourse, refuge 2a seaside honesty. » admire, esteem, think well of,
resort on the south coast » holiday town, tourist appreciate, regard, commend
spot, retreat, spa : AN OPPOSITE IS despise 2 She promised to respect
resort vers resort to I don’t want to have to her father’s wishes. » comply with, abide by,
resort to threats. » have recourse to, fall back observe, honour, obey, follow, conform to,
on, make use of, turn to, adopt, utilize, use, sink adhere to
to, stoop to respectable anjctive 1 He came froma
resound vers Thunder resounded in the hills, respectable family in New England. » reputable,
> resonate, reverberate, ring, echo, boom, honourable, respected, upright, worthy,
vibrate decent AN Opposite Is disreputable 2 She found
resounding apjcmve 1 His fist hit the table with a job and now earns a respectable income.
a resounding thump. » resonant, vibrant, > decent, reasonable, substantial,
reverberating, clear, ringing, echoing, considerable, sizeable
booming 2 The show had been a resounding respectful apective Two chambermaids were
success. » decided, emphatic, decisive, standing at a respectful distance. » deferential,
thorough, complete, outstanding, courteous, polite, dutiful, reverential, gracious,
tremendous, great civil OPPOSITES ARB disrespectful, rude
resourceful apective They were resourceful in respective spective We handed the horses back
using the few materials available. > imaginative, to their respective lads. » separate, individual,
enterprising, inventive, creative, ingenious, own, various, particular, several
resplendent = restore
resplendent apective brilliant with colour or supported e@ Rest the ladder against the wall.
decorations 4 be left without further investigation etc.
respond vers responds, responding, e And there the matter rests.
responded 1 reply 2 act in answer to, or rest? youn
because of, something; react the restthe remaining part; the others
response noun responses 1areply 2a
reaction restvers rests, resting, rested remain e Rest
assured, it will be a success.
oun responsibilities 1 being rest with be left to someone to deal with e It
responsible 2 something for which a person is rests with you to suggest a date.
responsibleapectve 1 looking after a person restaurantwoun. restaurants a place where
or thing and having to take the blame if you can buy a meal and eat it
something goes wrong 2 reliable and restful spective giving rest or a feeling of rest
trustworthy 3 with important duties e a
responsible job 4 causing something e His restiveapyective restless or impatient because of
delay, boredom, etc.
carelessness was responsible for their deaths.
> responsibly Apvers restless apjctive unable to rest or keep still
rest! youn rests 1a time of sleep or freedom > restlessly Apvers
from work as a way of regaining strength 2a restore vers restores, restoring, restored
support @ a chin rest 3 an interval ofsilence 1 put something back to its original place or
between notes in music condition 2 clean and repair a work of art or
restvers rests, resting, rested 1 have arest; be building etc. so that it looks as good as it did
still 2 allow to rest e Sit down and rest your feet. originally
3 lean or place something so it is supported; be > restoration Noun

respond vers respond to He responded to each a nap, have a snooze 2 Her hand rested on his
question with a shrug. i answer, react to, reply shoulder. » lie, be laid 3 She rested her bike
to, acknowledge, greet, counter against the wall. » prop, lean, stand, support,
place, put 4 The success of the idea rests on the
respOnsenoun The comment brought an angry
financial support they can bring in. » depend,
response. > answer, reply, retort, reaction,
rely, hang, hinge
rejoinder, riposte, acknowledgement, counter,
(more informal) comeback restaurantwoun She wondered ifthe restaurant
responsibleapectve 1 He is responsible for the had a sushi bar. » eating place, eating house,
day-to-day running of the computer system. (more informal) noshery
> accountable, answerable, in charge of 2 Kim restful spective He enjoyed the most restful
was responsible for the damage. » culpable, night he could remember. » relaxing, soothing,
guilty, liable 3 Mr Jones was one of her most calm, peaceful, placid, quiet, tranquil,
responsible tenants. » trustworthy, reliable, leisurely, untroubled opposites ARE restless,
dependable, conscientious, honest, sensible disturbed
AN OPPOSITE ISirresponsible 4 She has a restlessapjctve 1 My mother was restless,
responsible position in a city bank. » important, waiting for the family to return. >» agitated,
powerful, influential, authoritative, executive anxious, edgy, nervous, restive, fidgety,
responsive Apective Educational institutions impatient, jittery, jumpy, worried
must become more responsive to the needs of AN OPPOSITE ISrelaxed. 2a restless night of
students. » alert, alive, aware, impressionable, tossing and turning » sleepless, disturbed,
interested, open, perceptive, receptive, troubled, uncomfortable, unsettled,
sympathetic, warm-hearted, willing interrupted AN opposite ISrestful
OPPOSITES ARE insensitive, apathetic
restore vers 1 The interim government wished to
restyoun 1 The rest of the group went to visit a restore democracy as soon as possible.
gallery. » remainder, balance, remains, others > reinstate, bring back, reinstitute, reinstall,
2 You need a rest, Fran, you look tired. » break, give back, put back, replace, return
breathing space, time off, lie-down, nap, AN OPPOSITE ISabolish 2 We must restore the
snooze, respite, pause, (more informal) property to its rightful owners. » return, give
breather 3 alternating periods of rest and back, hand back, take back, replace
exercise » relaxation, leisure, respite, AN OPPOSITE ISretain 3 The building has been
inactivity, ease, calm, tranquillity beautifully restored. » renovate, repair, rebuild,
restvers 1 She went to rest in her room. > relax, recondition, reconstruct, refurbish, clean,
take a rest, lie down, ease up, have asleep, have (more informal) do up, renew
restrain = retinue
restrain vers restrains, restraining, resuscitate vers resuscitates, resuscitating,
restrained holda person or thing back; keep resuscitated revive a person from
under control unconsciousness or apparent death
> restraint NOUN > resuscitation NOUN
restrict vers restricts restricting, restricted retail Noun selling to the general publiccomPaRE
keep within certain limits wholesale
> restriction NOUN restrictive ADJECTIVE > retailer Noun
result youn results 1 something produced by retain vers retains, retaining, retained
an action or condition etc.; an effect or 1 continue to have something; keep in your
consequence 2 the score or situation at the possession or memory etc. 2 hold something
end of agame, competition, or race etc. 3 the in place
answer to a sum or calculation retaliate vers retaliates, retaliating,
result vers results, resulting, resulted retaliated repay an injury or insult etc. witha
1 happen as a result 2 have a particular result similar one; attack someone in return for a
@ The match resulted in a draw. similar attack
> resultant ADJECTIVE > retaliation NOUN
resurrect vers resurrects, resurrecting,
reticent (ret- i- sent) apjective not telling people
resurrected bring back into use or existence what you feel or think; discreet
@ It is time to resurrect this old custom.
> reticence NOUN
resurrection noun 1 coming back to life after
being dead 2 the revival of something retina noun retinas a layer of membrane at the
the Resurrection in the Christian religion, the back of the eyeball, sensitive to light
resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his retinue noun retinues a group of people
death accompanying an important person

AN OPPOSITE IS neglect 4 An operation was product, end-product 2 the result of a trial
needed to restore the girl's sight. » bring back, > verdict, decision, judgement 3 the result of
re-establish, rehabilitate, reinstate, an exam» mark, grade, score, assessment,
reintroduce, revive ranking 4 the result of a calculation » answer,
restrain vers 1 The dogs were restrained by leads. solution
> bind, fetter, confine, restrict, tie, shackle result vers What resulted from your interview?
2 She found it hard to restrain her laughter. > arise, come about, culminate, develop,
> control, hold back, suppress, check, curb, emanate, emerge, ensue, eventuate, follow,
prevent OPPOSITES ARE encourage, stimulate happen, issue, occur, proceed, spring, stem,
3 He had to restrain himself from jumping up and take place, turn out
looking out of the window. » stop, keep, result in The accident resulted in serious injuries.
prevent, hold back AN OPPOSITE |S force > end in, cause, involve, bring about, lead to,
restrained spective He was unusually restrained give rise to, achieve, provoke
and conventional. » self-controlled, muted, resume vers It is essential to resume talks to reach
unemotional, undemonstrative, inhibited, anagreement. > restart, reopen, recommence,
quiet, discreet, reserved, reticent, repressed, continue, begin again, start again, carry on,
subdued AN opposite Is uninhibited proceed with, reconvene
restrict vers 1A busy working life restricted her retain vers 1 When he retired he retained his
opportunities to get away. > limit, constrain, shares in the company.» keep, hold onto, hang
impede, hinder, hamper, restrain, curtail on to, preserve AN OPPOSITE IS surrender 2 She
AN OPPOSITE IS increase 2 The prisoners were retained her composure despite much provocation.
restricted to their cells. » confine, restrain, > keep control of, maintain, preserve
enclose, imprison, keep, shut AN OPPOSITE IS lose 3 Some students are good at
AN OPPOSITE |S free retaining facts from their reading. » remember,
restriction Noun 1 There is a restriction on the memorize, keep in mind, learn, recall, recollect
number ofplaces available. > limit, limitation, AN OPPOSITE IS forget
constraint, control, curb, restraint, check 2a retaliate vers After the attack the Egyptians were
society that imposes restrictions on personal powerless to retaliate. » fight back, strike back,
freedom > |imitation, reduction, diminution, hit back, respond, reciprocate, take revenge,
curtailment, cutback get even \
result noun 1 The water shortage is a result of the retaliation noun The best safeguard is the power
hot weather. » consequence, effect, outcome, to threaten retaliation. » reprisal, retribution,
sequel, repercussion, upshot, fruit, issue, revenge, counter-attack, vengeance
retire = return
retire vers retires ,retiring,retired 1give up retribution youn retributions a deserved
your regular work when you reacha certain age punishment
2 retreat or withdraw 3 go to bed or to your retrieve vers retrieves retrieving ,retrieved
private room 1 bring or get something back 2 rescue
> retirement Noun
> retrievable apjective retrieval Noun
retiring spective shy; avoiding company retriever youn retrievers a kind of dog that is
retort noun retorts 1a quick or witty or angry often trained to retrieve game
reply 2a glass bottle with a long downward retrograde spective 1 going backwards
bent neck, used in distilling liquids 3a 2 becoming less good
receptacle used in making steel etc. retrospect noun
retort vers retorts ,retorting ,retorted make in retrospect when you look back at what has
a quick, witty, or angry reply happened
retrospective spective 1 looking back on the
retract vers retracts ,retracting ,retracted
past 2 applying to the past as well as the future
1 pull back or in e The snail retracts its horns.
© The law could not be made retrospective.
2 withdraw an offer or statement
> retrospection NOUN
> retraction joun retractable Apjective
return vers returns, returning ,returned
retreat vers retreats retreating ,retreated 1 come back or go back 2 bring, give, put, or
go back after being defeated or to avoid danger send back 3 elect to parliament
or difficulty etc.; withdraw
return youn returns 1 returning 2something
retreat youn retreats 1 retreating 2a quiet returned 3 profit e He gets a good return on his
place to which someone can withdraw savings. 4a return ticket

retire vers 1 She retired two years ago after along retrieve vers 1 She went next door to retrieve her
career in teaching. » stop working, give up ball. » get back, fetch back, bring back,
work 2 Jane retired to her room for the evening. recover, regain, rescue, find, reclaim,
> withdraw, adjourn, retreat, decamp repossess, track down, salvage, save, trace 2 It
3retire from He intended to retire from would not be easy to retrieve such an awkward
Parliament at the next election. » resign from, situation. » put right, set right, rectify,
withdraw from, give up, leave, quit remedy, sort out, straighten out, put to rights
retort noun She intended to make a sharp retort. return vers 1 They returned to Paris the next day.
> response, answer, reply, riposte, rejoinder, > go back, come back, get back, depart (for),
comeback, counter set off (for), set out (for) 2I7l see you when I
retort vers ‘It’s worth a try, surely,’ Jenkins return. » come back, get back, arrive back,
retorted. » reply, answer, respond, counter, come home, get home, reappear 3 She had
react, snap back found a stray cat and wanted to return it to its
retract vers 1 The landing gear is retracted on owner. » give back, send back, take back,
takeoff. » pullin, drawin, pull back 2 She restore, deliver, reunite (with) 4 Things will
apologized and retracted the accusations. soon return to their normal state. » go back, be
> withdraw, take back, abandon, rescind, back, revert 5 After a while the headaches
reverse, revoke, recant, renounce, cancel, returned. » happen again, recur, reappear
disclaim, disown, repeal, repudiate 6 Neil came to return the money I had lent him.
retreat youn 1 Before he could say anything I > give back, repay, refund, reimburse 7 Jenny
made a hasty retreat.» departure, withdrawal, was eager to repay the favour. » reciprocate,
escape, exit, flight 2 The family had a holiday repay, requite, recompense
retreat in the hills. » refuge, resort, haven, return noun 1 Their return was delayed by bad
hideaway, hideout, sanctuary, shelter weather. » setting off back, departure 2 We
retreat vers 1 The army retreated in disarray. look forward to your return. > arrival,
> withdraw, retire, draw back, fall back, move homecoming, reappearance 3 the country’s
back, back away, depart, go away, leave, (more return to normality after the war » reversion,
informal) run away, (more informal) turn tail restoration (of), re-establishment (of) 4 There
AN OPPOSITE IS advance 2 The tide retreated is every danger of a return of the problem.
rapidly. » recede, shrink back, go out, ebb, > recurrence, reappearance, repetition 5 We
flow back AN OPPOSITE IS come in 3 The all want a good return on our investments.
management had to retreat over their > income, profit, gain, interest 6 There was a
modernization plan. » back down, climb down, notice requesting the return of all library books.
change your mind, backtrack, do a U-turn, > replacement, bringing back, giving back,
withdraw AN OPPOSITE IS persevere restitution
return match = reverse
return match youn return matches a second revenue noun revenues 1 a country’s income
match played between the same teams from taxes etc., used for paying public
return ticket \oun return tickets a ticket for expenses 2a company’s income
a journey to a place and back again reverberate vers reverberates,
reunion youn reunions 1 reuniting 2a reverberating, reverberated resound or re-
meeting of people who have not met for some echo
time > reverberation NouN
reunite vers reunites, reuniting, reunited
unite again after being separated reverence youn a feeling of awe and deep or
religious respect
reuse vers reuses, reusing, reused use
something again Reverend noun the title of a member of the
> reusable spective clergy e the Reverend John Smith
reuse noun using something again USAGE Do not confuse with reverent.
reveal vers reveals, revealing, revealed let reverent spective feeling or showing reverence
something be seen or known > reverently Apvers
revel vers revels, revelling, revelled 1 take USAGE Do not confuse with Reverend.
great delight in something 2 hold revels
> reveller youn reverie (rev- er- ee) Noun reveries a daydream
revelation youn revelations 1 revealing reversal youn reversals 1 reversing or being
2 something revealed, especially something reversed 2a piece of bad luck; a reverse
revels piural noun lively and noisy festivities reverse apjective opposite in direction, order, or
manner etc.
revenge noun harming somebody in return for
harm that they have done to you reverse youn reverses 1 the reverse side,
revenge vers revenges, revenging, order, manner, etc. 2.a piece of misfortune
revenged @ They suffered several reverses.
revenge yourself take vengeance in reverse the opposite way round

reveal vers 1 Kenny revealed the truth at last. reverberation youn 1 The hall had along
> admit, confess, impart, divulge, tell, reverberation period, making it unsuitable for
disclose, communicate, expose their music. » resonance, resounding, echo,
OPPOSITES ARE hide, conceal 2 The police were echoing, re-echoing, ringing 2 The scandal had
unwilling to reveal the man’s whereabouts. reverberations for years. » repercussion,
> disclose, divulge, publicize, broadcast, ramification, consequence, result, aftermath
publish, betray OPPOSITES ARE conceal, keep
secret 3 He removed the cloth to reveal a revere vers They still revere him as a national
beautiful bronze statuette. » expose, display, hero. » respect, honour, esteem, admire,
exhibit, show, uncover, unveil venerate, pay homage to, idolize, exalt, feel
AN OPPOSITE IS cover : reverence for AN OPPOSITE IS despise
revenge noun 1 The family is seeking revenge for
Nino’s killing. » vengeance, retribution, reverence noun a deep reverence for their
retaliation, reprisal, satisfaction 2 They shot country’s heroic past » respect, esteem,
Maria's brother out of revenge. » vengefulness, veneration, awe, homage, admiration,
vindictiveness, spite, malice, maliciousness, adoration (of), devotion (to), deference (to)
hatred OPPOSITES ARE disrespect, contempt
revenge vers He was determined to revenge his
brother's ill-treatment. » avenge, take revenge reverent apective A reverent silence fell on the
for, retaliate for, have satisfaction for, repay, room. > respectful, reverential, deferential,
(more informal) get your own back for awestruck, awed, solemn, devout, dutiful,
be revenged He would be revenged on them pious OPPOSITES ARE irreverent, disrespectful
before the year was out.» take revenge on, have
revenge on, retaliate against, get even with reverse noun 1 The story turned out to be the
revenue noun The government is looking to reverse of the truth » opposite, contrary,
increase its revenue from taxes on tobacco. converse, inverse, antithesis 2 Last year saw a
> income, proceeds, receipts, return, yield, mixture of successes and reverses. » failure,
gain, profits, takings, money misfortune, setback, defeat, reversal, upset
reverse = revolve
reverse vers reverses reversing reversed 2 alter or correct something
1 turn in the opposite direction or order etc.; > revision Noun
turn something inside out or upside down revive vers revives, reviving ,revived come or
2 move backwards 3 cancel a decision or bring back to life, strength, activity, or use etc.
decree > revival youn
> reversible apjective
revolt vers revolts revolting, revolted
reverse gear noun a gear that allows a vehicle 1rebel 2 disgust somebody
to be driven backwards
revolt youn revolts a rebellion
review nounreviews 1 aninspectionorsurvey
2.a published description and opinion of a revolting spective disgusting
book, film, play, etc. revolution noun revolutions 1 arebellion
review vers reviews, reviewing reviewed that overthrows the government 2.acomplete
1 write a review of a book, film, play, etc. change 3 revolving or rotation; one complete
2 reconsider 3 inspect or survey turn of a wheel, engine, etc.
> reviewer NOUN > revolutionary ADJECTIVE
USAGE Do not confuse withrevue. revolve vers revolves revolving, revolved
revise vers revises revising revised 1 go 1 turnin a circle round a central point 2 have
over work that you have already done, something as the most important element
especially in preparing for an examination e@ Her life revolves around her work

reverse vers 1 We can reverse the order of events resuscitate, refresh, freshen up, renew, restore,
ifyou like. » turn round, swap round, change bring back to life
round, transpose, invert, alter 2 He reversed the revoke vers The new regime revoked his passport.
car into a tree. The lorry reversed into the opening. > cancel, withdraw, rescind, abrogate,
> back, go or drive backwards 3 The referee invalidate, retract, nullify
refused to reverse his decision. » rescind, retract, revolt vers 1 The island revolted against Athenian
revoke, undo, countermand, negate, overturn, rule. > rebel, rise up, defect, mutiny 2 Their
repeal cruelty revolted us. » disgust, sicken, shock,
outrage, offend, repel, nauseate
review noun 1a review of the year’s
achievements » survey, report, reappraisal, revolt noun a revolt in the Netherlands
study, analysis, reassessment, look back (at) > rebellion, uprising, revolution, defection,
2 On Saturday the paper has book reviews. mutiny
> criticism, critique, notice, appreciation, revolting anective There was a revolting mess on
(informal) write-up 3 The research is described in the floor. >» disgusting, repulsive, nauseating,
a Scientific review. » journal, periodical, offensive, sickening, loathsome, repugnant,
magazine, publication 4a military review unpleasant
> inspection, parade, display, demonstration revolution noun 1A revolution brought the
review vers 1 Let’s review the situation and democrats to power again. » rebellion, revolt,
decide what to do. » consider, survey, assess, rising, uprising, coup, coup d’état, mutiny, civil
evaluate, appraise, weigh up, go over, study, war 2a revolution of the earth » rotation,
reconsider, re-examine, scrutinize 2 She circuit, cycle, orbit, turn 3 a revolution in
reviewed the book on a television arts programme. information technology » transformation,
> criticize, discuss, assess, evaluate dramatic change, sea change, shift
revolutionary spective 1 Revolutionary forces
revise vers 11am not about to revise my opinion. attacked the city.» rebel, rebellious, renegade,
> reconsider, reassess, rethink, change, alter seditious, subversive, extremist 2a
2 She spent the weekend revising for her exam. revolutionary idea for traffic control » original,
> study, read up, cram, (more informal) swot, innovative, innovatory, radical, novel, new,
(more informal) bone up unconventional, progressive, inventive,
revival noun a revival of interest in politics advanced, experimental, avant-garde,
> resurgence, reawakening, renewal, challenging AN OPPOSITE IS conservative
recovery, restoration, resurrection, upsurge, revolve vers 1 The ceiling fan began to revolve.
rebirth, renaissance, return, revitalization > turn, go round, rotate, spin, whirl 2 The
AN OPPOSITE IS decline moon revolves round the earth. » circle, orbit,
revive vers 1 The man was unconscious but soon gyrate 3revolve around Their lives revolved
revived. > regainconsciousness, recover, come around their dogs. » concentrate on, centre on,
round, come to, awake 2 Hot drinks soon focus on or be focused on, be absorbed in, be
revived us. » reinvigorate, revitalize, preoccupied with
revolver = rice
revolver youn revolvers a pistol witha onits nose [from Greek rhinos = of the nose +
revolving mechanism that makes it possible to keras =horn]
fire it a number of times without reloading rhizome noun rhizomes a thick underground
revue Noun revues an entertainment stem which produces roots and new plants
consisting of songs, sketches, etc., often about rhododendron now rhododendrons an
current events evergreen shrub with large trumpet-shaped
USAGE Do not confuse with review. flowers [from Greek rhodon = rose + dendron =
revulsion youn a feeling of disgust tree]
reward youn rewards 1 something given in rhombus youn rhombuses a shape with four
return for something good you have done 2a equal sides but no right angles, like the
sum of money offered for help in catching a diamond on playing cards
criminal or finding lost property rhubarb youn a plant with thick reddish stalks
reward vers rewards, rewarding, rewarded that are cooked and eaten as fruit
give a reward to someone rhyme youn rhymes 1 a similar sound in the
endings of words, e.g. bat/fat/mat or batter/
rewarding spective giving satisfaction and a fatter/matter 2 a poem with rhymes 3a word
feeling of achievement @ a rewarding job that rhymes with another
rewind vers rewinds, rewinding, rewound rhyme vers rhymes, rhyming, rhymed
wind a cassette or videotape backto or towards 1 form arhyme 2 have rhymes
the beginning
rhythm noun rhythms a regular pattern of
rhetorical question noun rhetorical beats, sounds, or movements
questions aquestion asked for dramatic effect > rhythmic spective rhythmical apjective
and not intended to get an answer, e.g. ‘Who rhythmically apvers
cares?’ (= nobody cares) rib youn ribs 1 each of the curved bones round
rheumatism noun a disease that causes pain the chest 2.a curved part that looks like a rib or
and stiffness in joints and muscles supports something e the ribs of an umbrella
> rheumatic 4pjecive rheumatoid Apjective > ribbed apjective
[from Greek rheuma, a substance in the body ribbon youn ribbons 1 a narrow strip of silk or
which was once believed to cause rheumatism] nylon etc. used for decoration or for tying
rhino noun rhino or rhinos (informal) a something 2.along narrow strip of inked
rhinoceros material used in a typewriter etc.
rhinoceros youn rhinoceros or rhinoceroses rice noun a cereal plant grown in flooded fields in
a large heavy animal with a horn or two horns hot countries, or its seeds

revulsion youn a feeling of revulsion against the another way, express differently, revise,
savagery of these acts » disgust, repulsion, redraft, edit
abhorrence, repugnance, horror, loathing, rhetoric oun 1 a statesman renowned for his
nausea, contempt (for) rhetorice oratory, eloquence, powerofspeech
reward noun 1 areward for years of loyal service 2 Ignore the rhetoric and there are some
> honour, award, remuneration, prize, bonus, interesting things in these speeches.
return, decoration, medal 2 The dog’s owners > pomposity, bombast, extravagant
have offered a reward for its safe return. language, grandiloquence, verbosity,
> recompense, payment, compensation, wordiness, exaggeration, hyperbole
inducement, present, bounty rhetorical apjective His manner of.speaking tends
AN OPPOSITE IS punishment to be rhetorical. » extravagant, grandiloquent,
reward vers 1 All three soldiers were rewarded bombastic, oratorical, high-flown, ornate,
for their bravery. » decorate, honour, artificial, pretentious, verbose, wordy, flowery
recognize AN OPPOSITE IS punish 2 You will be OPPOSITES ARE plain, direct
well rewarded for your work. » recompense, rhyme noun She tried to remember the words of
remunerate, pay, repay, compensate, give a the rhyme. » poem, verse, ditty, ode, song,
reward to AN OPPOSITE IS punish jingle
rewarding apectve The trip proved to be a rhythm noun 1 the rhythm of the poem
rewarding experience, » satisfying, > metre, measure, accent, flow 2 the heavy
worthwhile, pleasing, gratifying, fulfilling, rhythm of the rock music upstairs » beat, throb,
fruitful, valuable OPPOSITES ARE unrewarding, pulse )
thankless rhythmic spective the rhythmic beat of the music
reword vers Do you think you should reword the > pulsing, rhythmical, metrical, throbbing,
last sentence? » rephrase, recast, rewrite, put steady, regular, lilting AN OPPOSITE Is irregular

rich => rifle
rich apective 1 having alot of money or the town ofrats.
property; wealthy 2 having a large supply of get rid of remove something or throw it away
something e The country is rich in natural riddle ' youn riddles a puzzling question,
resources. 3 (said about colour, sound, or smell) especially as a joke
pleasantly deep or strong 4 (said about food) riddle 2 vere riddles, riddling, riddled pierce
containing a lot of fat, butter, eggs, etc. with many holes e The car was riddled with
5 expensive or luxurious bullets. —
> richness Noun ride vers rides riding
,rode, ridden 1sitona
richly apvers 1 ina rich or luxurious way 2 fully horse, bicycle, etc. and be carried along on it
or thoroughly e This award is richly deserved. 2 travel in a car, bus, train, etc. 3 float or be
supported on something e The ship rode the
rickety pjctive shaky; likely to break or fall waves.
ride noun rides 1a journey ona horse, bicycle,
rickshaw joun rickshaws a two-wheeled etc. orina vehicle 2 aroundabout etc. that you
carriage pulled by one or more people, used in ride on at a fair or amusement park
the Far East [from Japanese jin- riki- sha =
ridge noun ridges 1 long narrow part higher
than the rest of something 2a long narrow
ricochet (rik- osh- ay) vere ricochets, range of hills or mountains
ricocheting , ricocheted bounce off > ridged apjective
something; rebound e The bullets ricocheted off ridicule vers ridicules, ridiculing, ridiculed
the wall. make fun of a person or thing
> ricochet noun > ridicule youn
[from French, = the skipping of a flat stone on ridiculous apective so silly that it makes people
laugh or despise it
ricotta youn akind of soft Italian cheese made > ridiculously pvers
from sheep’s milk [from Italian] rifle youn rifles along gun with spiral grooves
rid vers rids, ridding, rid make a person or (called rifling) inside the barrel that make the
place free from something unwanted e He rid bullet spin and so travel more accurately

rich apyective 1 Rich people pay higher rates of tax. riddle youn The authorities want to solve the
> wealthy, affluent, moneyed, well-off, well- riddle of the man’s identity. » enigma, mystery,
to-do, prosperous, opulent, (more informal) puzzle, question, problem, conundrum, (more
flush, (more informal) loaded informal) poser
OPPOSITES ARE poor, impoverished 2. room of riddle vers 1 The gunman riddled the door with
rich furnishings » sumptuous, opulent, holes. » perforate, puncture, pepper, pierce
luxurious, ornate, lavish, costly, fine, gorgeous, 2 Her body was riddled with arthritis.
elaborate, splendid 3 acres of rich agricultural > overrun, infest, permeate, pervade, cripple
land » fertile, productive, fruitful, lush
OPPOSITES ARE infertile, unproductive 4 a rich ride vers 1 I’mlearning to ride a horse. > control,
output of music dramas » plentiful, abundant, handle, manage, sit on 2 She rode through the
copious, prolific, profuse, plenteous, ample, town on a bicycle. » travel, pedal, drive, steer,
teeming 5 the rich colours of autumn » deep, progress
full, strong, intense, vibrant, vivid, warm ride youn The house is a short ride from the city
AN OPPOSITE IS pale centre.» journey, trip, drive, run, jaunt, outing,
(more informal) spin
" riches pxura. woun He spoke dreamily of the riches
of America. » wealth, money, affluence,
ridicule noun We will be open to ridicule ifwe get
things wrong. » derision, mockery, scorn,
fortune, treasure, assets, means, property
contempt, taunting, jeering, banter, teasing
rickety spective a small wild garden with a ridicule vere I did not ridicule him as the others
rickety greenhouse » shaky, unsteady, did.» deride, mock, make fun of, laugh at, jeer
unstable, wobbly, flimsy, decrepit, ramshackle, at, sneer at, scoff at, humiliate, taunt
dilapidated, broken-down ridiculous apyective It was ridiculous to feel so
rid vers The builders should rid the house of worried. » absurd, preposterous, ludicrous,
asbestos and all dangerous substances. » clear, senseless, silly, stupid, unreasonable,
free, strip, purge, cleanse nonsensical, incredible, irrational, insane, mad
get rid of Scotland had got rid of its usurper. rife spective Terror and torture were rife then.
> dispose of, expel, remove, eject, evict, throw > widespread, common, prevalent, general,
out, dispense with, (more informal) dump universal, endemic, abundant
rifle - rigorous
rifle vers rifles, rifling, rifled search and rob appropriately e Did I do that right?
@ They rifled his desk. right away immediately
rift valley noun rift valleys asteep-sided right youn rights 1 the right-hand side or part
valley formed where the land has sunk etc. 2 what is morally good or fair or just
3 something that people are allowed to do or
rig'vers rigs, rigging, rigged 1 providea ship have e People over 18 have the right to vote in
with ropes, spars, sails, etc. 2 set something up
quickly or out of makeshift materials e We
managed to rig up a shelter for the night. right vere rights, righting, righted 1 make a
rig out provide with clothes or equipment thing right or upright e They righted the boat.
2 put right @ The fault might right itself.
rig Noun rigs 1a framework supporting the
machinery for drilling an oil well 2 the way a right angle woun an angle of 90°
ship’s masts and sails etc. are arranged rightful acjective deserved or proper e in her
3 (informal) an outfit of clothes [probably from rightful place
a Scandinavian language] > rightfully apvers
rig 2 vers rigs, rigging, rigged arrange the right hand noun right hands the hand that
result of an election or contest dishonestly most people use more than the left, on the
[origin unknown] right side of the body
rigging noun the ropes etc. that support a right-handed apecrve using the right hand in
ship’s mast and sails preference to the left hand
right Apective 1 on or towards the east if you right of way noun rights of way 1 a public
think of yourselfasfacing north 2 correct; true path across private land 2 the right of one
@ the right answer 3 morally good; fair or just vehicle to pass or cross a junction etc. before
e Is it right to cheat? 4 (said about political another
groups) conservative; not in favour of socialist rigid apjcrve 1 stiff or firm; not bending e a
reforms rigid support 2 strict e rigid rules
> right-hand Apective rightly Apvers > rigidly apvers rigidity Noun
rightness NOUN rigmarole youn rigmaroles 1 alongrambling
right overs 1 on or towards the right-hand side statement 2a complicated procedure
e Turn right here. 2 straight e Go right on. rigorous Apjective 1 strict or severe 2 careful
3 completely e Turn right round. 4 exactly and thorough
@ right in the middle 5 correctly or > rigorously Apvers

rift youn 1 a rift in the ice » crack, fault, flaw, freedom, liberty, privilege (of saying), facility
fracture, split, break, fissure 2 a rift between the 2 We believe we have right on our side. » justice,
two leaders » breach, division, disagreement, virtue, fairness, goodness, legality, integrity,
difference of opinion, falling-out, morality, honesty
estrangement, schism, alienation right vers We will do our best to right the
rig Noun 1 He was wearing the rig of an army situation. » remedy, rectify, put right, set
captain. » uniform, dress, outfit, livery 2 She right, redress, repair, resolve, correct, sort out,
was busy setting up the recording rig for the make amends for
afternoon. » equipment, apparatus, rightful anjective 1 The car was returned to its
machinery, gear, system, kit, tackle rightful owner. > lawful, legal, legitimate,
rig vers They were accused of rigging the election. genuine, approved, authorized, proper, real,
> manipulate, falsify, tamper with, interfere true, valid AN OPPOSITE IS wrongful 2 Hefelt he
with, gerrymander, influence had been denied his rightful place in the company.
right apjective 1 What is the right thing to do? Are > deserved, due, merited, earned, proper,
you sure he’s the right person for the job? fitting, just, right
> proper, appropriate, suitable, fitting, ideal rigid anjctive 1 It’s best to keep your lunch ina
OPPOSITES ARE wrong, unsuitable 2 She gave the rigid container. » stiff, hard, firm, inflexible
right answer. » correct, accurate, exact, 2 He had not yet established a rigid routine for his
precise, true, actual, real, apposite, work. » fixed, set, firm, definite, unvarying,
appropriate, apt, factual, genuine, proper hard-and-fast 3 She had a reputation as a rigid
OPPOSITES ARE wrong, incorrect 3 It’s not right disciplinarian. » strict, stern, severe, harsh,
for them to be treated in this way. » fair, just, uncompromising, unyielding
equitable, lawful, ethical, honourable, moral AN OPPOSITE IS flexible
AN OPPOSITE IS unjust rigorous spective 1 a rigorous attention to detail
right oun 1 Everyone should have the right to say > meticulous, thorough, careful, scrupulous,
what they believe. » entitlement, prerogative, painstaking, conscientious, diligent, fastidious,
rim = ripple
rim noun rims the outer edge of a cup, wheel, or rinse youn rinses 1 rinsing 2a liquid for
other round object colouring the hair
rind youn the tough skin on bacon, cheese, or riot youn riots wild or violent behaviour bya
fruit crowd of people
ring |! youn rings 1 acircle 2a thin circular run riot behave or spread in an unruly or
piece of metal worn on a finger 3 the space uncontrolled way
where a circus performs 4 a square area in
which a boxing match or wrestling match takes riot vers riots, rioting rioted take part ina riot
place riotous spjctive- disorderly or unruly
ring vers rings, ringing, ringed put aring 2 boisterous @ riotous laughter
round something; encircle RIP asereviaTion may he or she (or they) rest in
ring 2 vers rings ,ringing,rang,rung 1 causea peace 5
bell to sound 2 make a loud clear sound like
that of a bell 3 be filled with sound e The hall rip vers rips, ripping, ripped 1 tear roughly
rang with cheers 4 telephone e Please ring me 2rush
tomorrow. rip off (informal) swindle or charge too much
> ringer Noun rip youn atorn place
ring noun rings the act or sound of ringing ripe pjecrve riper, ripest 1 ready to be
give someone a ring (informal) telephone harvested or eaten 2 ready and suitable e The
someone time is ripe for revolution.
ringleader youn ringleaders a person who > ripeness Noun
leads others in rebellion, mischief, crime, etc. a ripe old age a great age
ringmaster youn ringmasters the person in ripen vers ripens, ripening, ripened make or
charge of a performance ina circus ring become ripe
ring road youn ring roads a road that runs
around the edge of a town so that traffic does rip-off oun rip-offs (informal) a swindle or
not have to go through the centre excessive charge
rink noun rinks a place made for skating ripple youn ripples a small wave or series of
rinse vers rinses, rinsing, rinsed 1 wash Waves
something lightly 2 wash in clean water to ripple vers ripples, rippling, rippled form
remove soap ripples

stringent OPPOSITES ARE lax, careless 2a tomorrow evening. » phone, call, telephone,
rigorous climate » harsh, severe, inclement, ring up, (informal) give a buzz
extreme, inhospitable, unfriendly, unpleasant rinse vers Campers were rinsing their plates in the
stream. » wash, wash out, swill, bathe, clean,
rile vere (informal) His companions seemed sluice
determined to rile him. > irritate, annoy, anger,
enrage, exasperate, incense, upset, peeve, vex, riot youn The authorities were reluctant to make
(more informal) needle, (more informal) bug, arrests for fear of sparking a riot. » uproar,
(more informal) rub up the wrong way insurrection, uprising, rising, tumult,
rim youn They stared over the rim of the crater. commotion, brawl, street fight, fracas
> brim, edge, lip, border, brink, verge, riot vers The crowd rioted and pulled down the
circumference gates. » rampage, run riot, create a riot, run
rind youn the rind ofalemon» peel, skin, husk, amok, go berserk, revolt, rise up, mutiny, rebel
crust, outer layer riotous spective a riotous party » wild, lively,
ring noun 1A ring offire would protect her. boisterous, roisterous, loud, noisy, uproarious,
> circle, loop, round, circuit, halo 2 a spy ring rollicking OPPOSITES ARE orderly, restrained
> network, organization, syndicate, rip vers She read the note and ripped it into little
association, gang, group, cell, cartel 3 a ring of pieces. The travellers ripped a way through the
spectators» circle, band, group, crowd, throng foliage. » tear, slash, cut, rend, gash
4 circus ring » arena, enclosure RELATED
ADJECTIVE annular ripe spective 1a ripe melon » mature, ripened,
ring vere 1 Riot police ringed the area. tender, juicy OPPOSITES ARE unripe, green 2 an
> surround, circle, encircle, confine, enclose, area ripe for development » ready, suitable, fit
encompass, form a ring round 2 Church bells AN OPPOSITE IS unsuitable
rang all morning. » peal, chime, toll, clang, ripen vers The apples need time to ripen.
resound, jangle, reverberate 31'll ring you > become ripe, mature, develop, mellow

rise => roar
rise vers rises, rising, rose,risen 1 go upwards rival Noun rivals a person or thing that
2 increase e Prices are expected to rise. 3. get up competes with another or tries to do the same
from lying, sitting, or kneeling 4 get out of bed thing
5 rebel e They rose in revolt against the tyrant. > rivalry noun
6 (said about bread or cake etc.) swell up by the [from Latin rivalis = someone using the same
action of yeast 7 (said about a river) begin its stream (from rivus = stream)]
course 8 (said about the wind) begin to blow river NouN rivers a large stream of water
more strongly flowing in a natural channel
rivet Noun rivets astrong nail or bolt for holding
rise Noun rises 1 the action of rising; an upward pieces of metal together. The end opposite the
movement 2. an increase in amount etc. or in head is flattened to form another head when it
wages 3 an upward slope isin place
give rise to cause
rivet vere rivets, riveting, riveted 1 fasten
rising Noun risings a revolt with rivets 2 hold firmly e He stood riveted to the
spot. 3 fascinate @ The concert was riveting.
risk noun risks a chance of danger or loss > riveter NOUN
road noun roads 1a level way with a hard
risk vers risks, risking, risked 1 take the surface made for traffic to travel on 2 a way or
chance of damaging or losing something course @ the road to success [from Old English]
© They were risking their lives. 2 accept the risk
of something unpleasant happening e@ He risks roadblock noun roadblocks a barrier across a
road, set up by the police or army to stop and
check vehicles
risky apective riskier, riskiest full of risk road rage noun violent or aggressive behaviour
by a driver towards other drivers
rissole noun rissoles a fried cake of minced roadworthy spective safe to be used on roads
meat or fish
roam vers roams, roaming, roamed wander
ritual youn rituals the series of actions used in > roam NOUN
a religious or other ceremony rOar NOUN roars aloud deep sound like that
> ritual ADjecTive ritually ADvers made by alion

rise vers 1 The little plane rose into the air. ritual youn 1 a religious ritual» ceremony, rite,
> ascend, go up, fly up, climb ceremonial, observance, service, liturgy 2 The
OPPOSITES ARE fall, descend 2 The castle walls rose Sunday outing had become something of a ritual.
above us. » tower, soar, loom, reach up > custom, tradition, habit, formality
3 Incomes have risen by an average 3 percent. rival oun Leo was his main rival for the job.
> increase, grow, go up, get higher, escalate > competitor, adversary, challenger,
4 She rose from her chair. » stand up, get up, opponent, contender, contestant
jump up, leap up rival aqective A rival supermarket has opened.
rise noun 1 We walked up the rise to the castle. > competing, competitive, opposing
> slope, incline, elevation, ascent, hill, ramp, rival vers Few countries rival Greece for its beauty.
bank 2 another rise in interest rates » increase, > compete with, contend with, compare with,
jump, leap, upturn equal, match, be as good as, emulate, vie with
risk noun 1 She faced the risk of being stopped by rivalry Noun There was growing rivalry between
the police. » chance, likelihood, possibility, the two teams. » competitiveness,
danger 2 Travelling at such a high speed involved competition, contention, opposition, conflict,
risk. » hazard, peril, danger, speculation, antagonism AN OPPOSITE IS cooperation
uncertainty, gamble river Noun a trip down the river » stream,
risk vers 1 He didn’t want to risk leaving her alone. waterway, watercourse, brook, rivulet, creek
> chance, dare, venture 2 She risked everything road noun a busy road» roadway, route, way,
to meet him again. » endanger, jeopardize, put highway, motorway, street, avenue, boulevard
at risk, put in peril, chance, imperil, hazard roadworthy spective a roadworthy vehicle
risky apective 1 Any project involving rockets is > safe, usable
always risky. » dangerous, hazardous, unsafe, roam vers People like to roam over the hills.
perilous, (more informal) dodgy > wander, rove, ramble, stroll, amble, walk,
AN OPPOSITE IS Safe 2 Farming is a risky business. meander, travel, stray, range
> precarious, uncertain, chancy, touch-and- roar NouN the roars of the crowd » yell, shout,
gO AN OPPOSITE IS Secure clamour, bellow, howl
roar => rodent
roar vers roars ,roaring,roared 1 make aroar rock noun 1arocking movement 2 rock music
2 laugh loudly
rock and roll orrock ‘n’roll youn akind of
do a roaring trade do very good business popular dance music with a strong beat,
roast vers roasts,roasting,roasted 1 cook originating in the 1950s
meat etc. in an oven or by exposing it to heat
rock-bottom apctive at the lowest level
2 make or be very hot e@ rock-bottom prices
roast Apective roasted e roast beef
rockery noun rockeries a mound orbankina
roast Noun roasts 1 meat for roasting 2 roast garden, where plants are made to grow
meat [from early French] between large rocks
rob vers robs robbing ,robbed take or steal rocket noun rockets 1 firework that shoots
from somebody e He robbed me of my watch. high into the air 2.a structure that flies by
> robber noun robbery Noun expelling burning gases, used to send up a
robe noun robes along loose garment missile or a spacecraft
robin noun robins asmall brown bird with a red rocket vers rockets rocketing, rocketed
breast [from early French, = Robert] move quickly upwards or away
robot noun robots 1a machine that looks or rocking horse noun rocking horses a model
acts like a person 2.a machine operated by ofahorse that can be rocked by a child sitting
remote control onit
> robotic ADJECTIVE
[from Czech robota = forced labour] rock music noun popular music with a heavy
robust apjctve strong and vigorous
> robustly sbvers robustness NOUN rocky | apective rockier ,rockiest 1 like rock
2 full of rocks
rock ' youn rocks 1a large stone or boulder
2 the hard part of the earth’s crust, under the rocky 2 spective rockier,rockiest unsteady
soil 3 a hard sweet usually shaped like a stick > rockiness NOUN
and sold at the seaside rod noun rods 1 alongthin stick or bar 2astick
rock 2 vers rocks, rocking,rocked 1 move with a line attached for fishing
gently backwards and forwards while rodent noun rodents an animal that has large
supported on something 2 shake violently front teeth for gnawing things. Rats, mice, and
© The earthquake rocked the city. squirrels are rodents

roar vers 1 Bill roared at them to stop. » bellow, rugged, athletic, brawny, healthy, sound 2 The
yell, shout, bawl, clamour, shriek 2A motorbike tools will need to be very robust. » sturdy,
roared past. » speed, zoom, whizz, flash 3 He durable, strong, tough, serviceable
had the audience roaring. » guffaw, howl, hoot, AN OPPOSITE IS fragile
(more informal) split your sides, (more informal) rock noun 1a castle high up on a rock > cliff,
kill yourself laughing crag, outcrop 2 Rocks were strewn across the
rob vers 1 The gang had robbed banks all over the road. » boulder, stone
south-east.» burgle, hold up, steal from, break
into, raid, loot, rifle 2 She was attacked and rock vers 1 The woman rocked gently in her chair.
robbed on her way home that evening. » mug, > sway, swing, move gently 2 The ship rocked
steal from, hold up 3 They thought they had been in the storm. » toss, lurch, sway, pitch, plunge,
robbed of their victory. » deprive, cheat, roll 3 News of the disaster rocked the nation.
defraud, swindle > stun, shake, stagger, astound, astonish,
startle, dumbfound
robber noun Robbers attacked the travellers on
the road north. » thief, brigand, bandit, raider, rocket vers Prices have rocketed under this
highwayman, marauderusAGE You can also use government. » shoot up, soar, escalate, spiral,
burglar and housebreaker for robbers who steal increase rapidly, (more informal) go through
from buildings, and mugger for robbers who the roof
attack people in the street. rocky apective 1 rocky hillside » stony, rock-
robbery noun a wave of robberies and other strewn, craggy, shingly, pebbly, rugged 2 The
crimes » burglary, theft, thieving, stealing, table is rocky. » unsteady, shaky, wobbly,
housebreaking, shoplifting, pilfering, hold-up, rickety, tottery 3 The marriage had become
mugging, (more informal) stick-up decidedly rocky. » precarious, difficult,
robot \oun » automaton, computerized problematic, unstable
machine, automated machine, android rod noun 1aniron rod» bar, pole, baton, staff,
robust spective 1a man with a robust physique shaft, sceptre 2 He was beaten with a rod.
> strong, vigorous, hardy, muscular, powerful, > cane, switch
rodeo — romantic
rodeo (roh- di- oh) Noun rodeos a display of roller coaster youn roller coasters a type of
cowboys’ skill in riding, controlling horses, etc. railway used for amusement at fairgrounds etc.
with a series of alternate steep descents and
roe! youn amass of eggs or reproductive cells in
a fish’s body ascents
roller skate youn roller skates a framework
roe \NouN roes or roe a kind of small deer of with wheels, fitted under a shoe so that the
Europe and Asia. The male is called a roebuck wearer can roll smoothly over the ground
rogue noun rogues 1 a dishonest person 2a > roller-skating noun
mischievous person rolling pin oun a heavy cylinder for rolling
> roguery NOUN over pastry to flatten it
role noun roles 1 a performer’s part ina play or ROM aserewation (in computing) read-only
film etc. 2 someone’s or something’s purpose memory, a type of memory with contents that
or function @ the role of computers in education can be searched or copied but not changed
role model youn role models a person Roman apective to do with ancient or modern
admired by others as an example of how to Rome or its people
behave > Roman noun
roll vere rolls, rolling, rolled 1 move along by Roman alphabet now the alphabet used by
turning over and over, like a ball or wheel the ancient Romans, in which most European
2 form something into the shape of a cylinder languages are written
or ball 3 flatten something by rolling a rounded Roman Catholic apjective belonging to or to
object over it 4 rock from side to side 5 pass do with the Christian Church that has the Pope
steadily @ The years rolled on. 6 make along as its leader
vibrating sound e The thunder rolled. Roman Catholic youy Roman Catholics a
roll youn rolls 1acylinder made by rolling member of this Church
something up 2a small individual portion of romance (ro- manss) NOUN romances
bread baked in a rounded shape 3 an official list 1 tender feelings, experiences, and qualities
of names 4 along vibrating sound e a drum roll connected with love 2a love story 3.a love
affair 4 an imaginative story about the
roll-call youn roll-calls the calling of a list of adventures of heroes @ a romance of King
names to check that everyone is present Arthur’s court
roller youn rollers 1a cylinder for rolling over Roman numerals pirat noun letters that
things, or on which something is wound 2a represent numbers (I= 1, V=5, X= 10, etc.),
long swelling sea wave used by the ancient Romans COMPARE arabic
Rollerbladenoun Rollerblades (trade mark) a numerals
boot like an ice-skating boot, with a line of romanticapecive 1 todowith love or romance
wheels in place of the skate, for rolling 2 sentimental or idealistic; not realistic or
smoothly on hard ground practical
> rollerblading noun > romantically apvers

rogue noun Inthe story, everyone is either a fool or friends just as we were leaving. » arrive, appear,
a rogue. > villain, scoundrel, rascal, good-for- come, show your face, (informal) turn up,
nothing, reprobate, crook , (informal) show up
rolenoun 1 The director took a small role in th romance noun 14a historical romance » love
film. » part, character, portrayal 2 He story, romantic novel, fantasy 2 the romance of
his role ofgovernment adviser. » capacity, travel » glamour, excitement, adventure,
function, position, office, post, job fascination, mystique 3 Romance was in the air.
roll youn 1.4 roll offilm» reel, spool, cylinder, > love, passion, ardour 4 They were having a
drum, scroll 2 an electoral roll » register, list, wild romance, » love affair, relationship,
record, index, catalogue, schedule, inventory attachment
roll vers 1 The can rolled into the gutter. The huge romantic spective 1 He was handsome and
wheels began to roll. » rotate, revolve, turn, romantic. » amorous, passionate, loving,
spin, whirl, gyrate 2 She rolled the paper into a tender-hearted, affectionate 2 romantic stories
ball. > wind, fold, coil, twist, curl, screw 3 The set in the Far East » imaginary, fanciful,
ship began to roll. » rock, sway, lurch, pitch, sentimental, (more informal) soppy 3 a pretty
toss, reel 4 He was in the kitchen, rolling pastry. village in a romantic landscape » idyllic,
> smooth, flatten, level, even out 5 Thunder picturesque, fairy-tale 4 Their notions about life
rolled in the distance. » rumble, boom, were highly romantic. » idealistic, idealized,
resound, reverberate, thunder starry-eyed, unrealistic, visionary, utopian,
roll up (informal) e He rolled up with some fanciful, dreamy

romp — rotor
romp vers romps, romping, romped play ina rOpe Noun ropes a strong thick cord made of
lively way twisted strands of fibre
> romp NOUN show someone the ropes show him or her
roof Noun roofs 1 the part that covers the top of how to do something
a building, shelter, or vehicle 2 the top inside rope vers ropes, roping, roped fasten witha
surface of something e the roof of the mouth rope
rook ! noun rooks a black crow that nests in rope in persuade a person to take part in
large groups something
rose ' youn roses 1a shrub that has showy
rook vers rooks,rooking, rooked (informal) flowers, often with thorny stems 2 a deep pink
swindle; charge people an unnecessarily high colour 3 a nozzle with many holes, e.g. ona
price watering can or hosepipe
rook? noun rooks a chess piece shaped like a rose ? past tense of rise
castle Rosh Hashanah orRosh Hashana noun the
FOOM NOUN rooms 1 a part of a building with its Jewish New Year
own walls and ceiling 2 enough space e Is there roster Noun rosters a list showing people’s
room for me? turns to be on duty etc.
> roomful Noun rosy ADECTIVE rosier,rosiest 1 deep pink
roost vers roosts, roosting, roosted (said 2 hopeful or cheerful e a rosy future
about birds) perch or settle for sleep > rosiness NOUN
rot vers rots, rotting,rotted go soft or bad and
roost noun roosts a place where birds roost become useless; decay
root ' youn roots 1 that part of a plant that rot Noun 1 rotting or decay 2 (informal)
grows under the ground and absorbs water and nonsense
nourishment from the soil 2 a source or basis rota (roh- ta) Noun rotas alist of people to do
© The love of money is the root ofall evil 3a things or of things to be done in turn
number in relation to the number it produces
when multiplied by itself e 9 is the square root of rotate vers rotates, rotating, rotated 1g0
81 (9 x 9 =81) round like a wheel; revolve 2 arrange or
take root 1 grow roots 2 become established happen in a series; take turns at doing
root vers roots, rooting, rooted 1 take root; > rotation NouN rotary ADJECTIVE rotatory
cause something to take root 2 fix firmly e Fear ADJECTIVE
rooted us to the spot rote noun
root out get rid of something by rote from memory or by routine, without
root vers roots, rooting, rooted 1 (said full understanding of the meaning e We used to
about an animal) turn up ground in search of learn French songs by rote.
food 2 rummage; find something by doing this rotor Noun rotors a rotating part of a machine
e I’ve managed to root out some facts and figures. or helicopter

romp vers The children romped in the garden. root vers root out The magistrates were
> cavort, caper, leap about, run about, skip determined to root out corruption. » discover,
about, bound about, frisk, frolic, gambol unearth, dig out, ferret out, remove, eliminate,
room Noun 1 There wasn’t enough room for a bed.
rope noun A rope attached the boat to the
> space, capacity, volume 2 We need more
quayside. » cable, cord, line, halyard, hawser,
room to live our own lives. » freedom, latitude,
leeway, allowance, elbow room 3 There’s
always room for improvement. » scope, rot noun 1 The surveyor found traces of rot in the
capacity, margin, opportunity roof timbers. » decay, decomposition, mould,
mildew, dry rot, wet rot 2 (informal) You’re
roomy spective The apartment was bright and talking rot » nonsense, rubbish, gibberish,
roomy. ® spacious, capacious, large, sizeable, drivel, codswallop, claptrap
extensive, commodious, voluminous rot vers The floorboards had begun to rot.
OPPOSITES ARE cramped, poky > decay, decompose, perish, become rotten,
root noun 1 The plant had long stringy roots. degenerate, deteriorate, crumble, disintegrate
» tuber, radicle, rhizome, rootlet 2 Money is rotate vers The arms of the windmill were
the root of the problem. » source, origin, cause, rotating. » revolve, turn round, go round,
basis, starting point, seed, germ, move round, spin, gyrate, twirl, swivel, roll
rotten — round
rotten apjective 1 rotted e rotten apples round pvers Vina circle or curve; round
2 (informal) very bad or unpleasant e rotten something e Go round to the back of the house.
weather 2 in every direction or to every person @ Hand
> rottenness NOUN the cakes round. 3 ina new direction e Turn
rouble (roo- bul) noun roubles the unit of your chair round. 4to someone's house or
money in Russia office etc. e Go round after dinner.
come round become conscious again
FrOUGe (roozh) Noun a reddish cosmetic for round about 1 near by 2 approximately
colouring the cheeks
> rolige VERB round preposition 1 onall sides of e Put a fence
round thefield. 2in a curve or circle at an even
rough Apjective rougher, roughest 1 not distance from e The earth moves round the sun.
smooth; uneven 2 not gentle or careful; violent 3 to all parts of e Show them round the house.
@ arough push 3 not exact e a rough guess 4 on the further side of e The shop is round the
4 (said about weather or the sea) wild and corner.
> roughly pvers roughness NOUN round youn rounds 1 aseries of visits made by
a doctor, postman, etc. 2 one section or stage
rough vers roughs, roughing, roughed inacompetition e Winners go on to the next
rough it do without ordinary comforts round. 3a shot or volley of shots from a gun;
rough out draw or plan something roughly ammunition for this 4a whole slice of bread; a
rough up (slang) treat a person violently sandwich made with two slices of bread 5a
roughen vers roughens, roughening, song in which people sing the same words but
roughened make or become rough start at different times 6.a set of drinks bought
round apjective 1 shaped like a circle or ball or for all the members of agroup
cylinder; curved 2 full or complete e a round round vers rounds, rounding, rounded
dozen 3 returning to the start e a round trip 1 make or become round 2 travel round e The
> roundness NouN car rounded the corner.
in round figures approximately, without round off finish something
giving exact units round up gather people or animals together

rotten 4pjective 1 Some of the wood looked rotten. unpolished, unskilful AN OPPOSITE IS skilful
> decayed, decaying, decomposed, 8 This gives you a rough idea of what we mean.
crumbling, disintegrating 2 the stench of rotten > approximate, imprecise, inexact, estimated,
meat » mouldy, mouldering, putrid, decayed, hazy, crude, vague AN OPPOSITE IS exact 9 He
decaying, foul, tainted AN OPPOSITE Is fresh went home. He was feeling rough. > ill, unwell,
3 (informal) They had a rotten time. sick, poorly, out of sorts, queasy, off colour,
> unpleasant, disagreeable, terrible, bad (more informal) lousy, (more informal) grotty
OPPOSITES ARE pleasant, good 4 (informal) The OPPOSITES ARE well, fit
builders had done a rotten job. He would make a roughly spvers 1 There were roughly equal
rotten teacher. ® poor, inferior, inadequate, numbers of men and women. » about, around,
bad, low-grade, (informal) crummy, (informal) approximately, nearly, close to 2 Geoffrey
ropy, (informal) lousy OPPOSITES ARE fine, good pulled his arm roughly away. » violently,
forcefully, forcibly, abruptly
rough spective 1 She picked her way over the
rough ground. » bumpy, rugged, uneven, round spective 1a round window > spherical,
broken, irregular, rocky, stony, coarse, craggy circular, bulbous, curved, cylindrical, globular
AN OPPOSITE IS even 2 rough skin » dry, 2a man with a short round figure » rounded,
chapped, coarse, hairy, bristly, shaggy, plump, chubby, rotund, ample, full, fat
unshaven AN OPPOSITE IS smooth 3 rough round youn 1 the most exciting tie of the second
treatment; It was pretty rough on your mother. round » stage, game, series, sequence,
> harsh, severe, hard, tough, stern 4a rough contest 2 an endless round ofradio and television
sea; the ability to withstand rough weather interviews » cycle, series, succession,
> choppy, turbulent, agitated, stormy, sequence
tempestuous, violent, wild AN OPPOSITE IS calm round vere A large van rounded the corner.
5 arough voice » harsh, grating, gruff, rasping, > travel round, skirt, turn
hoarse, husky AN OPPOSITE IS soft 6 She doesn’t round off We rounded the evening off with some
like rough kids.» rowdy, boisterous, disorderly, drinks. » end, finish, complete, conclude, cap,
unrestrained AN OPPOSITE IS polite 7 The toweris top s
of rough workmanship. » amateurish, careless, round onJo rounded on her. ‘You’re supposed to
clumsy, crude, hasty, imperfect, inept, be looking after this place.’ turn on, snap at,
(informal) rough and ready, unfinished, attack, weigh into, let fly at

roundabout — royalty
roundabout noun roundabouts 1a road route (root) noun routes the way taken to get
junction where traffic has to pass round a toa place
circular structure in the road 2a circular routine (roo- teen) noun routines a regular
revolving ride at a fair way of doing things
roundabout apective indirect; not using the > routinely apvers
shortest way of going or of saying or doing rove vers roves, roving, roved roam or wander
something e I heard the news in a roundabout > rover NOUN
row ' (rhymes with go) Noun rows a line of
rounders noun a game in which players try to people or things
hit a ball and run round a circuit
row 2 (rhymes with go) vers rows, rowing,
round-the-clock agective lasting or rowed make a boat move by using oars
happening all day and all night > rower NouN rowing boat noun
round trip noun round trips a trip to one or row 3 (rhymes with cow) Noun rows 1aloud
more places and back to where you started noise 2a quarrel
round-up noun round-ups 1a gathering-up rowdy apective rowdier, rowdiest noisy and
of cattle or people e a police round-up of disorderly
suspects 2asummary @ a round-up of the news > rowdiness Noun
rouse vers rouses, rousing,roused 1 make or royal spective to do witha king or queen
become awake 2 cause to become active or > royally apvers
excited [via early French from Latin regalis]
rousing spective loud or exciting e three rousing royalty noun 1 being royal 2.a royal person or
cheers people e in the presence of royalty 3 (royalties)
rout vers routs, routing, routed defeat and a payment made to an author or composer etc.
chase away an enemy for each copy of a work sold or for each
> rout NOUN performance

round up His dog, Nell, rounded up 300 sheep. drill, habit 2 I’ve been practising a new dance
> herd, drive together, muster, marshal, routine. » act, performance, programme,
assemble number, turn
roundabout spective He reached the town routine apjctive It is now a fairly routine
square by a roundabout route. » indirect, operation done under local anaesthetic.
circuitous, devious, winding, rambling, > standard, normal, ordinary, everyday, run-
meandering, tortuous, twisting, long of-the-mill
roundabout noun 1 Let’s play on the row noun (rhymes with crow) a row of small
roundabout. » merry-go-round, carousel plants > line, string, chain, series, sequence,
2 Turn right at the next roundabout. > traffic cordon, file
circle, rotary row (rhymes with cow) 1 She and Paul had had
rouse vers 1 Next morning he was roused by the a row. quarrel, argument, squabble, fight,
clanging of church bells. » arouse, awaken, scrap, altercation, disagreement, dispute,
wake up 2 His words roused feelings ofsympathy (more informal) slanging match
inher. arouse, provoke, stir up, trigger, spark AN OPPOSITE IS reconciliation 2 The crowd was
off, kindle, cause 3 He can be violent when he’s making a dreadful row. » noise, racket,
roused. ® anger, annoy, provoke, incite, rumpus, tumult, din, disturbance, uproar,
inflame, incense, work up commotion
rousing AoecTIvE a rousing speech > stirring, row vere (rhymes with cow) They had been
inspiring, moving, stimulating, exciting shouting and rowing all evening. » quarrel,
rout vers They went on to rout the Royalist argue, wrangle, bicker, squabble, fight, scrap
forces. » crush, defeat, overwhelm, trounce,
thrash, put to flight, drive off, (more informal) rowdy apjctive a bunch of rowdy men > unruly,
hammer disorderly, riotous, noisy, badly behaved,
route oun This route is direct but gets tedious in’ rough, wild, disruptive, boisterous
OPPOSITES ARE quiet, peaceful
the later stages. » way, road, course, direction,
path, passage, itinerary, journey royal apjective 1 the royal family » regal,
routine noun 1 Their evening routine never imperial, kingly, princely, queenly, majestic,
varied. » procedure, pattern, way, method, stately 2 We received a royal welcome
course of action, practice, system, custom, > magnificent, splendid, excellent, fine
RSVP = rugby
RSVP sssreviation répondez s'il vous plait rude spective ruder, rudest 1 impolite
[French, = please reply] 2 indecent or improper 3 roughly made; crude
rub vers rubs, rubbing, rubbed move e arude shelter 4 vigorous and hearty e in rude
something backwards and forwards while health
pressing it on something else > rudely spvers rudeness NOUN
> rub Noun rudimentary spective 1 to do with rudiments;
rub out remove something by rubbing elementary 2 not fully developed @ Penguins
rubber youn rubbers 1 strong elastic have rudimentary wings.
substance used for making tyres, balls, hoses, rudiments (rood-i- ments) PLurAl NoUN the
etc. 2a piece of rubber for rubbing out pencil basic principles of asubject e She taught me the
or ink marks rudiments of chemistry
> rubbery Adjective
ruff youn ruffs 1a starched pleated frill worn
rubbish youn 1 things that are worthless or not round the neck in the 16th century 2 collar-
wanted 2 nonsense like ring of feathers or fur round a bird’s or
rubble noun broken pieces of brick or stone animal’s neck
rubella (roo- bel- la) noun an infectious disease ruffian youn ruffians a violent lawless person
which causes ared rash, and which can damage > ruffianly Apjective
a baby if the mother catches it early in
pregnancy [from Latin rubellus = reddish] ruffle vers ruffles, ruffling, ruffled 1 disturb
the smoothness of athing 2 upset or annoy
ruby noun rubies a red jewel [from Latin rubeus
= red]
rucksack noun rucksacks a bag on straps for ruffle youn ruffles a gathered ornamental frill
carrying on the back [from German Riicken= rug Noun rugs 1a thick mat forthe floor 2a
back + Sack = bag, sack] piece of thick fabric used as a blanket
rudder noun rudders a hinged upright piece at rugby or rugby football youn a kind of
the back of a ship or aircraft, used for steering football game using an oval ball that players
ruddy spective ruddier, ruddiest red and may carry or kick [named after Rugby School in
healthy-looking e a ruddy complexion Warwickshire, where it was first played]

rub vers 1 John rubbed the back of his leg. disrespect, impoliteness, bad manners,
> stroke, knead, massage, caress, smooth incivility, impertinence, impudence, insolence,
2 She rubbed lotion on the children’s backs. churlishness, cheek
> apply (to), smear, smooth, spread, put on rudimentary Apective 1 You'll need a
3 His new shoes were rubbing dreadfully. rudimentary knowledge offirst aid. » simple,
> chafe, pinch, abrade, graze, scrape, hurt basic, elementary, primitive, fundamental,
4 Stella rubbed the table with polish. » polish, crude AN OPPOSITE IS advanced 2 The
buff, shine, wipe pelycosaurs tended to develop rudimentary teeth.
rub out Someone had rubbed out his name. > incomplete, embryonic, primitive 3a
> erase, remove, delete, efface, expunge, blot rudimentary language course » introductory,
out basic, elementary, preliminary, initial
rubbish oun. 1 Household rubbish is collectedon ruffian youn A group of ruffians assaulted a
Wednesdays. » refuse, waste, garbage, debris, university student on his way home. » thug,
junk, leavings, litter, trash 2 They are talking hoodlum, hooligan, lout, rogue, scoundrel,
rubbish. » nonsense, balderdash, gibberish, brute, bully, villain, mugger, (more informal)
claptrap, drivel, gobbledegook, (more informal) tough, (more informal) yob
rot, (more informal) twaddle
ruffle vers 1A light wind ruffled the leaves of the
rubble noun Often he had to clear away piles of trees. stir, agitate, ripple, disturb 2 Isobel took
rubble before he could continue. » debris, ruins, off her scarf and ruffled her hair. » rumple,
remains, wreckage, fragments tousle, run your fingers through, dishevel,
rude oun 1 He was sometimes rude, but always mess up AN OPPOSITE IS smooth 3 Don’t let their
honest. » impolite, discourteous, stupid remarks ruffle you. » annoy, upset,
disrespectful, impertinent, impudent, insolent, unsettle, disconcert, fluster, irritate, vex,
ill-mannered, ill-bred, uncivil, offensive, worry, (more informal) nettle, (more informal)
abusive OPPOSITES ARE polite, civil 2 a rude joke rattle AN OPPOSITE IS calm
> vulgar, coarse, dirty, smutty, filthy FUG NouN 1 The children sat on a rug on the floor.
AN OPPOSITE IS clean > mat, runner, matting 2 She was wrapped ina
rudeness noun ‘You,’ she called, with rug to keep out the cold. » blanket, coverlet,
uncharacteristic rudeness. » discourtesy, throw

rugged => rumour
rugged spective 1 having an uneven:surface or ruling youn rulings a judgement
outline; craggy 2 sturdy rum youn a strong alcoholic drink made from
rugger noun rugby football sugar or molasses
ruin voun ruins 1 severe damage or rumble vers rumbles, rumbling, rumbled
destruction to something 2 building that has make a deep heavy continuous sound like
fallen down thunder
ruin vers ruins, ruining, ruined damage or > rumble youn
destroy a thing so severely that it is useless ruminant spective ruminating
> ruination Noun ruminant youn ruminants an animal that
ruinous spective 1 causing ruin 2in ruins; chews the cud (see cud)
ruined ruminate vers ruminates, ruminating,
rule youn rules 1 something that people have ruminated 1 chewthecud 2 meditate or
to obey 2 ruling; governing @ under French rule ponder
3 acarpenter’s ruler > rumination noun ruminative Apjective
as arule usually; more often than not rummage vers rummages, rummaging,
rule vers rules, ruling, ruled 1 govern or reign rummaged turn things over or move them
2 make a decision e The referee ruled that it was about while looking for something
afoul. 3 drawa straight line with a ruler or other > rummage NOUN
straight edge [from early French] rumour youn rumours information that
ruler youn rulers 1a person who governs 2a spreads to a lot of people but may not be true
strip of wood, metal, or plastic with straight ruMOUF vers
edges, used for measuring and drawing be rumoured be spread as a rumour
straight lines [from Latin rumor = noise]

rugged apjctive 1a Spanish village nestling in precept, principle, routine, practice, custom
rugged hills » rough, uneven, rocky, craggy, 2 British rule had ended in 1947. » jurisdiction,
stark, bumpy, jagged, irregular control, administration, sovereignty, mastery,
OPPOSITES ARE smooth, gentle 2 The only softness command, domination, dominion, authority,
about his rugged face was in his lips. » strong, government, supremacy, sway 3 The normal
sturdy, rough, tough, robust, hardy, burly, rule is to apply for tickets by letter.» procedure,
husky, muscular, weather-beaten practice, protocol, form, custom, convention
ruin noun 1 They now face financial ruin. rule vers 1 How could a city-state like Rome rule
> bankruptcy, insolvency, failure, breakdown, an empire? » govern, administer, manage,
collapse, downfall, ruination, undoing 2 It was run, control, direct, command, dominate, lead,
the ruin of all their hopes. » destruction, reign over 2 The king’s successor ruled for less
disintegration, devastation, overthrow, failure, than a year. > reign, be ruler, be in power, be
undoing, ruination 3 Crackpot Hall is a sad ruin monarch 3 The judge ruled that the defendant
in a beautiful location. » remnant, shell, group should be awarded the costs of the case.
of remains 4ruins They explored the ruins of the > decree, order, direct, pronounce, resolve,
castle. » remains, rubble, debris, wreckage decide, determine, adjudicate, determine,
ruin vers 1 Once again the rain has ruined what find, judge
promised to be a good contest. » spoil, wreck, rule out We cannot rule out suicide as a cause of
destroy, shatter; blight, wreak havoc on, death. » exclude, discount, reject, eliminate,
torpedo, (more informal) mess up dismiss, preclude, disregard
OPPOSITES ARE Save, rescue 2 He would be ruined ruler youn a much-respected ruler » leader,
if he had to pay. » bankrupt, impoverish, sovereign, overlord, governor, dynast,
financially cripple monarch, president (ofarepublic), head of
ruined apctive the gateway to a ruined fortress state
> derelict, dilapidated, ramshackle, ruined, ruling noun A ruling came from the president
tumbledown, crumbling himself. » decision, pronouncement,
ruinous apectve 1 activity that has a ruinous resolution, decree, judgement, adjudication,
effect on the environment » disastrous, order, command, instruction
catastrophic, devastating, calamitous, rumble vers Thunder rumbled in the distance.
destructive, cataclysmic, dire, fatal 2 They > boom, reverberate, resound, echo
found the building in a ruinous condition. rumour youn 1A rumour had started that the
> ruined, dilapidated, derelict company would close. » report, story, piece of
rule youn 1 the rules governing procedures in case gossip, whisper 2 The suggestion was only
offire » regulation, law, code, convention, rumour. » gossip, hearsay, talk, tittle-tattle
rump = runner bean
rump noun rumps the hind part of an animal run Noun runs 1 the action of running; atime
spent running eI went for a run 2a point
rumple vers rumples, rumpling, rumpled scored in cricket or baseball 3 a continuous
crumple; make a thing untidy series of events, etc. e She had a run of good
ruimp steak voun rump steaks a piece of luck. 4 an enclosure for animals e a chicken run
meat from the rump of a cow 5 a series of damaged stitches in a pair of tights
or stockings 6 a track @ a ski run
rUMPpUS NOUN rumpuses (informal) an uproar; on the run running away, especially from the
an angry protest police
TUM vers runs, running, ran, run 1 move with [from Old English]
quick steps so that both or all feet leave the runaway Noun runaways someone who has
ground at each stride 2 go or travel; flow run away
e Tears ran down his cheeks. 3 produce a flow of
liquid e Run some water into it. 4 work or runaway spective 1 having run away or out of
function e The engine was running smoothly. control 2 won easily e a runaway victory
5 manage or organize @ She runs a corner shop. run-down spective 1 tired and in bad health
6 compete in a contest @ He ran for President. 2 in bad condition; dilapidated
7 extend e A fence runs round the estate. 8 go or
take in a vehicle e Ill run you to the station. rung | noun rungs one of the crossbars on a
run a risk take a chance ladder
run away leave a place secretly or quickly rung past participle of ring?
rundown 1 run over 2 stop gradually; decline
3 (informal) say unkind or unfair things about rummer youn runners 1a personor animal that
someone runs, especially ina race 2.a stem that grows
run into 1 collide with 2 happen to meet away from a plant and roots itself 3 a groove,
run out 1 have used up your stock of rod, or roller for a thing to move on; each of the
something 2 knock over the wicket of a long strips under a sledge 4 along narrowstrip
running batsman of carpet or covering
run over knock down or crush with a moving runner bean noun runner beans a kind of
vehicle climbing bean with long green pods which are
run through examine or rehearse eaten

rumpus noun A terrible rumpus was going on run after Jill ran after him with his keys.
outside. » commotion, uproar, racket, tumult, > chase, pursue, follow
hullabaloo, hubbub, fracas, furore, upheaval, run away He threw down his shield and ran
agitation, excitement away. > escape, flee, bolt, abscond, (more
informal) make off
rum vers 1 We ran across the field. » sprint, race, run down 14 dog ran into the road and he ran
jog, tear, dash, rush, hasten, speed, streak, it down. » run over, knock over, hit, struck
bolt, scamper, scoot 2 The buses don’t run on 2 (informal) She didn’t want to run him down in
Sundays. » operate, function, go, provide a public. > criticize, denigrate; disparage,
service 3 The car has been running erratically. belittle, find fault with
> function, perform, work, behave 4 His car run into Did you run into any ofyour friends?
was stolen because he had left the engine running. > meet, encounter, come across, run across,
> operate, tick over, go 5 Water ran down the chance on
wall, » stream, trickle, flow, flood, pour, spill, run out My subscription runs out in December.
gush, cascade, dribble, leak 6 She was running > expire, terminate, end, come to an end,
a small business in Leeds. » manage, be in cease, dry up
charge of, direct, control, administer, conduct,
ruN NOUN Tarun across the park » jog, dash,
supervise, govern, look after, maintain, rule
sprint, spurt, trot, gallop, canter, race 2arunin
7 He could no longer afford to run a car.
the car > drive, ride, trip, excursion, journey,
> maintain, keep, own, use, drive 8 She ran me
(more informal) spin 3.a run of bad luck
back to my house. > drive, take, bring, ferry,
> sequence, stretch, series, chain, course 4a
give alift to 9 It is important to run exhaustive
chicken run» enclosure, compound, coop, pen
tests. » carry out, perform, complete, do, fulfil
10A sharp pain ran up her arm. » pass, move, runaway noun a safe house for young runaways
shoot, travel, go 11 The road runs north. > fugitive, escapee, refugee, absconder
> extend, reach, stretch, go, continue runner noun 1 There are seven runners in the
run across I ran across your sister in Paris. next race. » competitor, entrant, participant,
> meet, encounter, come across, run into, athlete 2 The commanding officer sent a runner
chance on to headquarters. » courier, messenger

runner-up => rye
runner-up noun runners-up someone who rusk noun rusks a kind of hard, dry biscuit,
comes second in a competition especially for feeding babies
running present participle of run rust noun 1 aredor brown substance that forms
in the running competing and with a chance on iron or steel exposed to damp and corrodes
of winning it 2 a reddish-brown colour
running ADJECTIVE continuous or consecutive; rust vers rusts, rusting, rusted make or
without an interval e It rained for four days become rusty
rustic apective 1 rural 2 made of rough timber
runny adjective runnier, runniest 1 flowinglike or branches e a rustic bridge
liquid e runny honey 2 producing a flow of
liquid e a runny nose rustle vere rustles, rustling, rustled 1 makea
sound like paper being crumpled 2 (American)
runway noun runways along hard surface on steal horses or cattle @ cattle rustling
which aircraft take off and land > rustle youn rustler noun
rural apecrive to do with or belonging to the rustle up (informal) produce e rustle up.a meal
countryside rusty apjctive rustier, rustiest 1 coated with
ruse NOUN ruses a deception or trick rust 2 weakened by lack of use or practice e My
rush! vers rushes, rushing, rushed 1 move or French is a bit rusty.
do something quickly 2 make someone hurry > rustiness NOUN
3 attack or capture by dashing forward rut noun ruts 1a deep track made by wheels in
suddenly soft ground 2a settled and usually dull way of
rush noun rushes 1a hurry 2asudden life e We are getting into a rut.
movement towards something 3. asudden > rutted Adjective
great demand for something ruthless spective pitiless, merciless, or cruel
rush? noun rushes a plant with a thin stem that > ruthlessly apvers ruthlessness Noun
grows in marshy places [from Middle English ruth = pity]
rush hour noun rush hours the time when rye noun a cereal used to make bread, biscuits,
traffic is busiest ete:

running noun 1A private company has taken rust vere a special coating to prevent the iron from
over the running of the school. » administration, rusting » corrode, become rusty, oxidize,
management, direction, controlling, crumble away, decay, rot
supervision 2 These measures will ensure the
smooth running of the organization. rustic spective 1 a house in rustic surroundings
> operation, working, functioning > rural, country, pastoral, agricultural,
FrunMy ADECTIVE a runny mixture of egg and milk agrarian, countrified AN OPPOSITE IS urban 2. She
sat down on a rustic wooden seat. » plain,
> watery, thin, fluid, liquid, free-flowing
OPPOSITES ARE Solid, viscous simple, crude, rough, artless, unsophisticated

rural apjective The majority lived in rural rusty apective 1 Nothing causes more blisters than
communities outside London. » country, rustic, using a rusty trowel. » corroded, rusted,
pastoral, agricultural, agrarian, countrified oxidized, rotten, tarnished, discoloured 2 My
AN OPPOSITE IS urban French is a little rusty. » unpractised,
rush vers She rushed into the garden. » hurry, neglected, below par, deficient, weak, unused,
hasten, dash, run, sprint, race, tear, streak, bolt (more informal) creaky
OPPOSITES ARE dawdle, saunter
ruthless 1 ruthless dictator » merciless,
rush Noun 1 a frantic rush to put out the flames pitiless, brutal, cruel, callous, unfeeling,
> hurry, haste, dash, race, scramble 2 It heartless, vicious, violent, ferocious, fierce
stopped the rush of water for a time. » flood, AN OPPOSITE IS Compassionate 2 He carried out
gush, spate, cataract 3 There was a sudden rush his instructions with ruthless efficiency.
for the doors. » charge, stampede, surge > relentless, unrelenting, inexorable,
(towards) unremitting, intense, implacable
S. = sad

sack 2 vers sacks, sacking, sacked (old use)
plunder a captured town ina violent
destructive way
> sack NOUN
[from French mettre a sac = put (booty) ina
S. ABBREVIATION 1 south 2 southern sack]
sacrament noun sacraments an important
sabbath noun sabbaths a weekly day for rest Christian religious ceremony such as baptism
and prayer, Saturday for Jews, Sunday for
or Holy Communion
Christians [from Hebrew shabat = rest]
sacred apjective holy; to do with God ora god
sabotage noun deliberate damage or
sacrifice youn sacrifices 1 an offeringtoagod
disruption to hinder an enemy, employer, etc.
> sabotage vers saboteur NOUN of akilled animal or other special thing 2 giving
[from French saboter = make a noise with sabots up a thing you value, so that something good
(=wooden clogs)] may happen 3a thing sacrificed
> sacrificial apjective
saccharin (sak- er- in) noun a very sweet sacrifice vers sacrifices, sacrificing,
substance used as a substitute for sugar sacrificed offer something or give it up asa
sack ' youn sacks a large bag made of strong sacrifice
material sacrilege (sak-ril- ij) noun disrespect or
> sacking NOUN damage to something people regard as sacred
the sack (informal) dismissal from a job e He > sacrilegious ADJECTIVE
got the sack.
sad apective sadder, saddest unhappy;
sack vers sacks, sacking, sacked (informal) showing or causing sorrow
dismiss someone from a job [via Old English > sadly Apvers sadness NOUN
and Latin from Greek sakkos] [from Old English]

sabotage noun The crash was probably caused by sacrifice youn 1 The festival involved a sacrifice
engine failure and not sabotage. » wilful of a ram and seven lambs. » offering, ritual
damage, deliberate destruction, vandalism, slaughter, votive offering, oblation 2 The
wrecking, disruption, treachery building was rebuilt with some sacrifice of its
sabotage vers 1A gang had sabotaged the cash earlier features. » loss, abandonment,
machines in the shopping mall. » wreck, discarding, rejection, surrender, giving up,
deliberately damage, destroy, disable, put out yielding, renunciation, renouncing
of action, cripple, vandalize 2 Are you telling me
he deliberately set out to sabotage your work?
sacrifice vers 1 They have sacrificed their
principles and lost their good name. a memorial to
> wreck, ruin, spoil, thwart, undermine,
the bomber crews who sacrificed their lives in the
war > give up, forfeit, relinquish, surrender,
sack noun 1 The flour was in an open sack on the forgo, go without 2 The goat had been sacrificed
floor. » bag, pack, pouch 2 When she at the shrine. » offer up, kill, slaughter,
complained she promptly got the sack. » notice, immolate
dismissal, discharge, your cards, (more
informal) the boot sacrilege noun Wearing armour in a holy place
was sacrilege. » blasphemy, desecration,
sack vers 1 Unbelievably, he sacked his son-in-law impiety, profanity, irreverence, disrespect,
and replaced him with Trevor. » dismiss, give ungodliness OPPOSITES ARE piety, respect
notice to, get rid of, lay someone off, let
someone go, (more informal) fire, (more sad spective 11 Everyone was sad to be leaving. He
informal) kick out 2 Edward I had sacked the looked at her sad face. » unhappy, sorrowful,
town in 1296. » destroy, raid, loot, plunder, dejected, downcast, despondent,
pillage, ravage downhearted, depressed, miserable, glum, in
low spirits 21 told my brother and sister the sad
sacred apjective 1 The new pope was enthroned in news. The story is sadder than we realized.
the most sacred place in the basilica. » holy, > distressing, upsetting, depressing, grave,
blessed, consecrated, sanctified, hallowed, tragic, unfortunate, regrettable, serious,
dedicated, venerated heart-rending 3 This sad state of affairs does not
AN OPPOSITE IS unconsecrated 2 The recital have to continue. » sorry, wretched,
mixed operatic arias with traditional sacred unfortunate, regrettable, shameful,
melodies. » religious, spiritual, devotional, disgraceful 4 (informal) They live in a sad little
ecclesiastical AN OPPOSITE IS secular house. » pathetic, pitiful, inadequate
sadden = sailor
_ sadden vere saddens, saddening, saddened safety pin oun safety pins a U-shaped pin
make a person sad with a clip fastening over the point
saddle noun saddles 1 aseat for putting on the Sag vers sags, sagging, sagged hang or go
back of a horse or other animal 2 the seat of a down in the middle from its own weight or

bicycle 3 a ridge of high land between two because something heavy is pressing on it
peaks > Sag NOUN
saddle vers saddles, saddling, saddled put a Saga (sah: ga) NOUN sagas a long story with gi
saddle on a horse etc.. many episodes or adventures i
saddle someone with burden someone with sage |youn akind of herb used in cooking and
a task or problem formerly used in medicine
sadist (say- dist) youn sadists a person who Sage ADJECTIVE Wise
enjoys hurting or humiliating other people > sagely Apvers
> sadism NouN sadistic ADjective
[named after an 18th-century French novelist, SAGE NouN Sages a wise and respected person bs
the Marquis de Sade, noted for the cruelties in $agoO Noun a starchy white food used to make 1.
his stories] puddings . .
safari youn safaris an expedition to see or hunt said past tense of say
wild animals [from Arabic safar = a journey] sail youn sails 1 a large piece of strong cloth ;
safari park youn safari parks a park where attached to a mast etc. to catch the wind and i
wild animals are kept in large enclosures to be make a ship or boat move 2. short voyage
seen by visitors arm of a windmill
set sail start on a voyage ina ship
Safe apjective 1 not in danger 2 not dangerous
© asafe speed sail vere sails, sailing, sailed 1 travel in a ship
> Safely Apvers safeness Noun safety NouN or boat 2 start a voyage e We sail at noon.
3 control a ship or boat 4 move quickly and rr
Safe youn safes a strong cupboard or box in smoothly
which valuables can be locked safely > sailing ship noun ry
safeguard noun safeguards a protection sailboard noun sailboards a flat board with a
safe sex voun sexual activity using a condom or mast and sail, used in windsurfing
other precautions to prevent the spread of sailor youn sailors a person who sails; a
infection member of a ship’s crew or of a navy

Thesaurus: ———$——__—_——__ 4
sadden vers That brief reminder of her husband safety noun 1 The safety ofpassengers is
saddened her. » dispirit, distress, upset, grieve, paramount. » security, protection, welfare,
dishearten AN OPPOSITE IS cheer up well-being AN OPPOSITE IS danger 2 The refugees
sadistic apjctive asadistickiller> callous, cruel, looked for a place of safety. » refuge, shelter,
brutal, brutish, pitiless, cold-blooded, ruthless, sanctuary, protection
merciless, vile
youn > safety-harness, seat-belt u
sadness noun She could not hide her sadness.
> unhappiness, sorrow, dejection, misery, Sag vers 1 The ceiling sags in the middle. » hang
melancholy, low spirits, depression, regret down, sink, slump, dip, droop, fall 2 His spirits
Safe apjective 1 The building was safe from attack. were beginning to sag. » falter, fade, weaken, Way
> secure, protected, guarded, invulnerable, wilt, shrivel sie!
impregnable 2 The missing children were all safe.
> unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, out of danger Saga NouN They longed to tell the saga of their
3 She is a safe driver. Better safe than sorry. day’s adventures. » tale, story, catalogue,
> prudent, cautious, circumspect, attentive rigmarole
4 He's a safe person to be with. » trustworthy,
reliable, responsible, sensible, level-headed, sail vere 1 John loves sailing his boat. pilot,
upright 5. medicine that is safe for young navigate, skipper, steer, captain 2 We had a
children » harmless, innocuous, proven holiday sailing in the Mediterranean. » cruise,
voyage, boat, yacht, go sailing, navigate 3 The
safeguard noun Burglar alarms are an ferry sails at midday.» puttosea, set sail, leave
additional safeguard. » protection, defence, harbour, weigh anchor
guard, shield, precaution, security, assurance
safeguard vers The charter safeguards your sailor youn He did not make a very good sailor.
human rights. » protect, preserve, defend, > seaman, seafarer, mariner, boatman,
secure, look after, shield, guard yachtsman or yachtswoman
saint — sanctimonious
saint youn saints a holy or very good person compound of a metal and an acid
> saintly spective saintliness Noun > salty ADJECTIVE
sale noun salt vers salts, salting, salted flavour or
for the sake of so as to help or please a person, preserve food with salt
get a thing, etc. salt cellar youn salt cellars a small dish or
for someone's sake so as to help or please perforated pot holding salt for use at meals
them e Don’t go to any trouble for my sake. salute vers salutes, saluting, saluted 1 raise
salad noun salads a mixture of vegetables your right hand to your forehead as a sign of
eaten raw or cold respect 2 greet 3 say that you respect or
admire something @ We salute this achievement.
salary noun salaries a regular wage, usually for
a year’s work, paid in monthly instalments salute noun salutes 1 the act of saluting 2 the
> salaried ADjecTIVE firing of guns as a sign of greeting or respect
sale noun sales 1 selling 2.a time when things salvage vers salvages, salvaging, salvaged
are sold at reduced prices save or rescue something such as a damaged
for sale or on sale available to be bought ship’s cargo so that it can be used again
> salvage NOUN
salient (say-lee- ent) Apjecrive most important
salvation noun 1 saving from loss or damage
or noticeable e the salient features of the plan
etc. 2 (in Christian teaching) saving the soul
saliva noun the natural liquid in a person’s or from sin and its consequences
animal’s mouth same apjective 1 of one kind, exactly alike or
> salivary ADJECTIVE equal 2 not changing; not different
sallow apective (said about the skin) slightly > sameness NOUN
yellow Samosa Noun samosas a triangular, thin pastry
> sallowmess NOUN case filled with spicy meat or vegetables, fried
salmon (sam- on) Noun salmon a large edible and eaten as a snack
fish with pink flesh sample noun samples a small amount that
salon noun salons 1alarge elegant room 2a shows what something is like; a specimen
room or shop where a hairdresser etc. receives sample vers samples, sampling, sampled
customers 1 take a sample of something 2 try part of
saloon noun saloons 1 acarwitha hard roof something
and a separate boot 2.a comfortable room inva sanatorium noun sanatoriums orsanatoria
pub or bar a hospital for treating long-term diseases or
salt noun salts 1 sodium chloride, the white people recovering from diseases
substance that gives sea water its taste and is sanctimonious spective making a show of
used for flavouring food 2a chemical being virtuous or pious

saintly apjective a saintly priest » holy, godly, same Apyective 1 Is that the same person?
pious, devout, spiritual, God-fearing, blessed, > actual, identical, selfsame 2the same The
virtuous AN OPPOSITE IS unholy witnesses’ versions were all essentially the same.
> similar, identical, alike, comparable,
sake noun for the sake of He did itfor the sake of equivalent, matching, indistinguishable
his family. » forthe good of, in the interests of, OPPOSITES ARE different, unalike 3 the same The
for the benefit of, for the advantage of, on timetable tends to remain the same from year to
behalf of year. » unchanged, constant, unvarying,
sale noun laws to control the sale of drugs identical 4 Let’s celebrate again on the same day
> selling, marketing, trading (in), dealing (in), next year. » corresponding, analogous
traffic (in), disposal AN OPPOSITE IS purchase sample noun 1 Finalists will submit samples of
salty spective a thick salty paste used for their photographic work. » specimen, example,
flavouring > salt, salted, piquant, saline, briny, representative piece, selection,
tangy, spicy OPPOSITES ARE fresh, bland demonstration, illustration, indication,
instance, model, pattern 2 The survey was based
salute vers 1 You call me ‘sir’ but you don’t salute on a sample of a thousand voters. » cross
me, OK? » greet, acknowledge, hail, address, section, sampling
welcome 2] salute them for having the courage sample vers Guests will sample some of the great
to admit their mistakes. » pay tribute to, wines of the world with their dinner. » try out,
acknowledge, celebrate, recognize, honour try, test, check out, inspect, taste
salute noun He gave a quick salute. » greeting, sanctimonious spective What happened to all
acknowledgement, salutation, wave the sanctimonious talk about putting his family
sanction = satellite
sanction oun sanctions 1 action taken Same spective 1 having a healthy mind; not mad
against a nation that is considered to have 2 sensible
broken an international law etc. e Sanctions > sanely Apvers sanity voun
against that country include refusing to trade sanitary anectve 1 free from germs and dirt;
with it. 2.a penalty for disobeying a law hygienic 2 to do with sanitation
3 permission or authorization sanitary towel youn sanitary towels an
sanction vers sanctions, sanctioning, absorbent pad worn by women during
sanctioned permit or authorize menstruation
sanctity youn being sacred; holiness Sanitation youn arrangements for drainage
and the disposal of sewage
sanctuary noun sanctuaries 1 a safe place; sanity voun being sane
a refuge 2 an area where wildlife is protected
e a bird sanctuary 3a sacred place; the part of Sanskrit youn an ancient language of India
a church where the altar stands Sap noun the liquid inside a plant, carrying food
to allits parts
sand noun the tiny particles that cover the Sap vers saps, sapping, sapped take away a
ground in deserts, seashores, etc. person’s strength gradually
sand vere sands, sanding, sanded smooth or sapling noun saplings a young tree
polish with sandpaper or some other rough sapphire youn sapphires a bright blue jewel
material sarcastic spective saying amusing or
> Sander NOUN
contemptuous things that hurt someone’s
sandal youn sandals a lightweight shoe with feelings
straps over the foot > sarcastically apvers sarcasm NOUN
> sandalled spective sardine youn sardines a small sea fish, usually
sandpaper noun strong paper coated with sold in tins, packed tightly in oil
sand ora similar substance, rubbed on rough Sari oun saris a length of cloth worn wrapped
surfaces to make them smooth round the body asa dress, especially by Indian
women and girls [from Hindi]
sandwich noun sandwiches two or more
slices of bread with jam, meat, or cheese etc. sash oun sashes a strip of clothworn round the
between them waist or over one shoulder [from Arabic shash =
sandwich vers sandwiches, sandwiching, satchel youn satchels a bag worn on the
sandwiched put a thing between two other shoulder or the back, especially for carrying
things [named after the Earl of Sandwich books to and from school [from Latin saccellus =
(1718-92), who invented them so that he could little sack]
eat while gambling] satellite youn satellites 1a spacecraft putin
sandy apective 1 like sand 2 covered with sand orbit round a planet to collect information or
3 yellowish-red @ sandy hair transmit communications signals 2 amoon
> sandiness Noun moving in an orbit round a planet 3 a country

first? » self-righteous, holier-than-thou, sanity youn He was not sure enough of his own
smug, superior, moralizing, priggish, sanity to take these risks. » reason, senses,
mealy-mouthed, pious, unctuous rationality, balance of mind, mental health,
AN OPPOSITE IS modest lucidity
sanctions piural noun The UN will vote on Sap vere a fever that sapped his strength and
whether to lift the sanctions. » restrictions, depressed his mind » drain, exhaust, deplete,
penalties, embargo, boycott, prohibition erode, bleed, wear away
sanctuary Noun an escape route provided by SafrCasM Noun She spoke with more than a hint of
sanctuary north of the border » protection,
sarcasm in her voice. » ridicule, derision,
refuge, asylum, safety, security, shelter
mockery, irony, scorn, scoffing
sand youn The children played on the sand for
hours. » beach, sands, shore, seaside, strand sarcastic spective Tfbosses are sarcastic, try not
to react. » sardonic, ironic, derisive, scornful,
Same spective Humour was what helped keep them scathing, scoffing, sneering, withering
sane. ® rational, lucid, normal, balanced,
reasonable, sensible, (informal) compos sash oun She wore a girlish blue sash round her
mentis, level-headed, sound, stable waist. » girdle, belt, band, waistband,
AN OPPOSITE IS mad cummerbund
satellite dish — savage
that is under the influence of a more powerful Saturday noun the day of the week following
country Friday [from Old English Saeternesdaeg = day of
satellite dish noun satellite dishes a Saturn, a Roman god]
bowl-shaped aerial for receiving broadcasting sauce Noun sauces 1 a thick liquid served with
signals transmitted by satellite food to add flavour 2 (informal) being cheeky;
satin noun a silky material that is shiny on one impudence [from Latin salsus = salted]
side saucepan Noun saucepans a metal cooking
> satiny ADJECTIVE pan with a handle at the side
[from an Arabic word = ‘from Tsinkiang’, a town
in China] saucer NOUN saucers a small shallow object on
which a cup etc. is placed [from early French
Satire oun satires 1 using humour or saussier = container for sauce]
exaggeration to criticize people in authority
2 a play or sketch that does this Saucy ADJECTIVE saucier,sauciest cheeky or
> satirical Apjecrive satirically Apvers satirist impudent
NOUN Satirize VERB > saucily ADverB sauciness NOUN
satisfaction noun 1 satisfying a need or want SaUMa NOUN saunas aroom or compartment
2 a feeling of pleasure arising from having what filled with steam, used as a kind of bath [from
you need or want 3 something that satisfies a Finnish]
desire etc. saunter vers saunters, sauntering,
satisfactory spective good enough; sufficient sauntered walk slowly and casually
> satisfactorily ADvers > saunter NOUN
satisfy vers satisfies, satisfying, satisfied SaUSAaGe NOUN sausages a tube of skin or plastic
1 give someone what they need or want stuffed with minced meat and other filling
2 make someone feel certain; convince @ The [from early French; related to sauce]
police are satisfied that the death was accidental.
3 fulfil e You have satisfied all our requirements. savage Apjective wild and fierce; cruel
> savagely ADvERs Savageness NOUN
saturate vers saturates, saturating,
saturated 1 make a thing very wet 2 make savagery NOUN
something take in as much as possible of a SaVaGe NOUN savages 1 asavage person 2 (old
substance or goods etc. use) a member of a people thought of as
> saturation NOUN primitive or uncivilized

satire Noun a smutty satire about marriage reasonable, tolerable, fair, passable, sufficient,
> parody, lampoon, burlesque, caricature, (more informal) all right, (informal) up to
invective, irony, mockery, (more informal) scratch AN OPPOSITE IS unsatisfactory
spoof, (more informal) send-up, (more informal) satisfy vers 1 There are not enough terminals to
take-off satisfy demand. » fulfil, gratify, answer, meet,
satirical spective a satirical cartoon series. fill, service, provide for AN OPPOSITE IS frustrate
> ironical, irreverent, mocking, critical, 2 Neither place had fully satisfied him.
disparaging, disrespectful, sarcastic > content, make happy
AN OPPOSITE IS dissatisfy
satirize vers an attempt to satirize films and
film-makers» mock, parody, ridicule, © saturate vers Heavy rainfall had saturated the
caricature, burlesque, criticize, deride, ground. The Colombian cartel saturated the
lampoon, travesty, make fun of, (more market with cocaine. » soak, drench,
informal) send up, (more informal) take off impregnate, permeate, suffuse, steep, wet
satisfaction noun 1 This year, she thought with saturated apjctive 1 Saturated soil lacks air.
satisfaction, she was well-prepared. Job > soaked, sodden, waterlogged, steeped (in)
satisfaction tends to be high. » contentment, 2 Her clothes had become saturated in the
comfort, happiness, pleasure, pride, downpour. » soaked, soaking wet, sopping,
self-satisfaction, sense of achievement, drenched, wringing
enjoyment, fulfilment, gratification SAUCY ADJECTIVE 1 saucy postcards > titillating,
AN OPPOSITE IS dissatisfaction 2 They may have to suggestive, rude, lewd 2 saucy child
turn to the courts for satisfaction. » settlement, > cheeky, impudent, insolent, impertinent,
reparation, compensation, recompense, disrespectful, pert, brazen, cocky,
reparation, amends, justice, redress presumptuous OPPOSITES ARE polite, respectfu
satisfactory apjective There was no satisfactory SaVaGe ADJECTIVE 1 savage peoples of the past
method of dealing with trivial complaints. > primitive, uncivilized, barbarian,
> adequate, acceptable, satisfying, suitable, uncultivated, uneducated
Savage = scale
Savage vers savages, savaging, savaged Say vers says, saying, sald 1 speak or express
attack by biting or wounding e The sheep had something in words 2 give an opinion

been savaged by a dog. Say oun the powerto decide something e Ihave
SaVe vere saves, saving, saved 1 keep safe; free no say in the matter.
a person or thing from danger or harm 2 keep
something, especially money, so that it can be saying noun sayings a well-known phrase or
used later 3 avoid wasting something e This proverb or other statement
will save time. 4 (in computing) keep data by scab noun ‘seabs a hard crust that forms over a
storing it inthe computer’s memory or ona cut or pier while it is healing
disk 5 (in sports) prevent an opponent from > scabby apjective
scoring [from Old Norse]
> Save NOUN Saver NOUN scaffold youn scaffolds a platform on which
SaViNGS PLURAL NOUN Money saved criminals are executed
saviour youn saviours a person who saves scaffolding woun a structure of poles or tubes
someone and planks making platforms for workers to
the or our Saviour(in Christianity) Jesus Christ stand on while building or repairing a house
SaVOUTFY specie 1 tasty but not sweet etc.
2 having an appetizing taste or smell
scald vere scalds, scalding, scalded 1 burn
Saw 'youn saws a tool with a zigzag edge for yourself with very hot liquid or steam 2 heat
cutting wood or metal etc. milk until it is nearly boiling 3 clean pans etc.
SaW vers saws, sawing, sawed, sawn 1 cut with boiling water
something with a saw 2 move to.and fro as a > scald youn
saw does [from Old English]
scale! youn scales 1 aseries of units, degrees,
SaW? past tense of see or qualities etc. for measuring something 2a
sawdust oun powder that comes from wood series of musical notes going up or down ina
cut by a saw fixed pattern 3 proportion or ratio @ The scale of
saxophone noun saxophones a brass wind this map is one centimetre to the kilometre. 4 the
instrument with a reed in the mouthpiece relative size orimportance of something e They
b> saxophonist youn organize parties on a large scale.
[named after a 19th-century Belgian to scalewith the parts in the same proportions
instrument maker, Adolphe Sax, who invented as those of an original e The architect’s plans
it] were drawn to scale.

AN OPPOSITE IS civilized 2 Savage dogs roamed the Savoury pjective Sun- dried tomatoes give a pizza
streets. » fierce, wild, ferocious, vicious, a savoury taste. » piquant, spicy, appetizing,
untamed AN OPPOSITE IStame 3 a savage assault mouth-watering, delectable, delicious,
> fierce, ferocious, brutal, cruel, sadistic luscious
AN OPPOSITE IShumane 4 The speech was a
savage attack. » fierce, scathing, vitriolic, ‘Say vers 1 She could not say his name. » speak,
harsh, blistering, searing utter, voice, articulate, enunciate 2 ‘It’s
snowing,’ he said » observe, remark, declare,
SaVe vers 1 They wanted to save money for a state, announce, answer, reply, respond
holiday. » put by, set aside, store up, conserve, 3 Hugh says he didn’t do it. » maintain, claim,
reserve, retain, scrape together, (more assert, insist, contend 4 He lit a candle and said
informal) stash away OPPOSITES ARE waste, a prayer. > recite, utter, speak 5 What are you
squander 2 Try to save petrol during the fuel trying to say? » express, put into words,
crisis. » economize on, cut back on, be sparing communicate, make known 6 We cannot say
with, use wisely AN OPPOSITE IS waste 3 The crew what might happen. » guess, foretell, imagine,
managed to save all the passengers after an judge, estimate
emergency landing. » rescue, free, release,
liberate, recover, retrieve, salvage, set free 4A sayingnoun You know the saying about too many
bit of help would have saved me from exhausting cooks? » proverb, adage, maxim, dictum,
myself. > prevent, preserve, protect, aphorism
safeguard, defend, guard, shield
scalenoun 1 people at different ends of the social
SaVviNg Noun a saving of 20% on the regular price scale » hierarchy, ladder, spectrum, ranking,
> reduction, cut, discount sequence, progression 2 the scale of a map
savings With all his savings gone he could not > proportion, ratio, measure, relative size
afford to work for nothing. » nest egg, funds, 3 the scale of the tragedy » extent, size, scope,
reserves, resources magnitude, degree, range
scale = scar
scale vers scales, scaling ,scaled climb @ She text or pictures into digital form for storing ina
scaled the ladder. computer
scale down orup reduce or increase at a fixed sca NOUN scans 1 scanning 2an examination
rate, or in proportion to something else using a scanner @ a brain scan
[from Latin scala = ladder]
scandal noun scandals 1 something shameful
scale 2 noun scales 1 each of the thin or disgraceful 2 gossip about people’s faults
overlapping parts on the outside of fish, snakes, and wrongdoings
etc.; a thin flake or part like this 2 a hard > scandalous ADJECTIVE
substance formed in a kettle or boiler by hard [from Greek skandalon = stumbling block]
water, or on teeth
> scaly ADJECTIVE scandalize vers scandalizes,scandalizing,
scandalized shock a person by something
scale vers scales scaling scaled remove scales considered shameful or disgraceful
or scale from something [from old French;
related toscales| scanner Noun scanners 1amachine that
examines things by means oflight or other rays
scale model noun scale models a model of 2.a machine that converts printed text,
something, made to scale pictures, etc. into a form that can be stored ina
scales piural noun a device for weighing things computer
[from Old Norse skal = bowl] scant apjective barely enough or adequate e We
scalp noun scalps the skin on the top of the paid scant attention.
head scanty spective scantier ,scantiest small in
SCamMp NOUN scamps a rascal amount or extent; meagre e a scanty harvest
> scantily advers scantiness NOUN
scamper vers scampers scampering,
scampered run quickly, lightly, or playfully scapegoat Noun scapegoats a person who is
> scamper NOUN made to bear the blame or punishment for
what others have done [from escape and goat,
Scam vers scans, scanning,scanned 1 look at
every part of something 2 glance at something after the goat which the ancient Jews allowed
3 count the beats of a line of poetry; be correct to escape into the desert after the priest had
in rhythm e This line doesn’t scan. 4sweep a symbolically laid the people’s sins upon it]
radar or electronic beam over an area to Scar NOUN scars 1 the mark left by a cut or burn
examine it or in search of something 5 (in etc. after it has healed 2 a lasting bad effect left
computing) use a scanner to convert printed by an unpleasant experience

scale vers The intruders had to scale a 10-foot has to close. » disgrace, outrage, injustice,
fence. » climb, ascend, clamber up, scramble affront, insult, shame
up, shin up, go up, go over, mount scandallize vers behaviour that scandalized polite
scamp Noun He was an idle young scamp in those society » shock, outrage, horrify, disgust,
days. » rascal, scallywag, devil, monkey, imp appal, sicken, insult
scamper vers Sam scampered off and waited at scandalous apjctive 1 This is a scandalous way
to treat people who have risked their lives for the
the gate. > scurry, scuttle, dash, dart, scoot,
run, rush, hasten, hurry sake of their country. » shameful, disgraceful,
scamper about Dogs scampered about the shocking, outrageous, monstrous, appalling,
churchyard. » gambol, frisk, frolic, run about, wicked 2 This was scandalous behaviour and the
romp Palace gave her a firm warning. » discreditable,
disreputable, improper, shameful 3 The
Scam vers 1 We scanned the trees and caught sight scandalous rumours had been quickly forgotten.
of a magpie. » study, examine, regard, view, > scurrilous, malicious, libellous, slanderous,
watch, gaze at, look at, scrutinize, survey, defamatory
search, stare at 2 Mungo scanned the books to see scanty apjective 1 conclusion based on scanty
what Vic might like. » skim, glance through, evidence » meagre, sparse, scant, paltry,
flick through, have a look at minimal, negligible, pitiful, miserable, modest,
scandal noun 1 The tabloids loved reporting (more informal) mingy, (more informal) measly
scandal. » gossip, rumour, aspersions, AN OPPOSITE IS plentiful 2 They looked bored and
notoriety, sensation, slander, calumny, (more cold in their scanty dresses. » skimpy, revealing,
informal) tittle-tattle 2 The college had been insubstantial, short, thin
involved in a drugs scandal. » wrongdoing, SCafr NOUN a scar on his left cheek » mark, injury,
affair, business 3 It’s a scandal that the hospital wound , disfigurement, blemish, cicatrix
scar = scenery
SCafr Vers scars, scarring, scarred make a scar scary apjective (informal) frightening
or scars on skin etc. scathing (skayth- ing) apjective severely
SCarce ADECTIVE scarcer, scarcest 1 notenough criticizing a person or thing
to supply people 2 rare scatter vers scatters, scattering, scattered
> scarcity NOUN 1 throw or send or move in various directions
make yourself scarce (informal) go away; 2 run or leave quickly in all directions
keep out of the way scavenge’vers scavenges, scavenging,
scarcely Aovere only just; only with difficulty scavenged 1 search for useful things amongst
e She could scarcely walk. rubbish 2 (said about a bird or animal) search
for decaying flesh as food
Scare vers scares, scaring, scared frighten > scavenger NOUN
SCare Noun scares 1a fright 2asudden sceme noun scenes 1 the place where
widespread sense of alarm about something something has happened e the scene of the
e abomb scare [from Old Norse] crime 2a part of a play or film 3 a view as seen
Scarecrow Noun scarecrows a figure of a by a spectator 4 an angry or noisy outburst
person dressed in old clothes, set up to frighten e He made a scene about the money, 5 stage
birds away from crops scenery 6 an area of activity @ the local music
scarf noun scarves astrip of material worn
round the neck or head scenery noun 1 the natural features of a
landscape 2 things put on a stage to make it
scarlet apjective, noun bright red look like a place

Scar vers 1 The wound scarred his face. vitriolic, devastating, harsh
> disfigure, mark, leave a scar on, deface, AN OPPOSITE Is complimentary
brand, damage, spoil 2 He was scarred for life by
his mother’s early death. » traumatize, disturb, scatter vers 1 The crowd quickly scattered.
distress, upset, damage > disperse, break up, disband, separate,
disintegrate, dissolve, go off in all directions
S$Carce ADJECTIVE (informal) When money became 2 She scattered breadcrumbs across the path.
scarce, he tried to go on welfare. » sparse, > strew, sprinkle, spread, throw, fling, toss,
meagre, in short supply, hard to find, hard to shower AN OPPOSITE IS gather
come by, scanty, at a premium, rare, lacking,
deficient AN OpPosITE |S plentiful scatterbrained apjective She was scatterbrained
scarcely Apvere There was scarcely enough to go about such things and left everything to Tod.
round. > barely, hardly, only just e absent-minded, disorganized, forgetful,
dreamy, feather-brained, muddled,
scarcity noun a scarcity ofgood job opportunities empty-headed, unsystematic, vague, (more
> shortage, dearth, deficiency, want, paucity, informal) scatty
inadequacy, insufficiency, lack
OPPOSITES ARE abundance, surplus scene noun 1 Police were called to the scene of the
scare vers 11 didn’t mean to scare you. Ijust accident. » location, site, place, position,
wanted to talk. » alarm, startle, shake, point, spot, setting, locale, locality,
unnerve, dismay, shock AN OPPOSITE IS calm whereabouts 2 a beautiful scene by the lake
2 The bogeyman could not scare him any more. > view, vista, outlook, prospect, panorama,
> frighten, intimidate, terrorize, threaten, landscape, picture, tableau, sight, spectacle 3
make afraid, menace, panic, bully, cow > backdrop, scenery, set, stage 4 The last scene
AN OPPOSITE IS reassure of the novel is set in France. » part, section,
episode, sequence 5 He lost his money and there
scare Noun Finding the door unlocked gave her a
was a scene at the checkout. » fuss, Commotion,
scare. » fright, shock, start, turn, jolt, alarm
disturbance, outburst, row, contretemps,
scared apjective Many of us are too scared to go exhibition, argument, quarrel, drama, (more
out alone.» frightened, afraid, fearful, anxious, informal) to-do, (more informal) carry-on
alarmed, terrified, panicstricken
SCary ADEcTIve It’s not so scary now with all these
scenery Noun They stopped to admire the scenery.
people around. » frightening, scaring, p> landscape, terrain, panorama, scene, vista,
alarming, eerie, spooky, creepy, terrifying, outlook, surroundings
chilling, spine-chilling, intimidating scenic apjective There is a scenic route through the
scathing Apective There followed a scathing mountains, » picturesque, panoramic, pretty,
attack on the government for its lack of action. pleasing, attractive, beautiful, lovely,
> critical, scornful, cutting, withering, caustic, spectacular, striking
scent = science park
scent youn scents 1 apleasant smell 2a liquid takes place in a school @ School begins at 9 a.m.
perfume 3 an animal’s smell that other animals 4a group of people who have the same beliefs
can detect or style of work etc.
> scented Apjective
school vers schools ,schooling, schooled
sceptical (skep- tik- al) apjective inclined to teach or train e She was schooling her horse for
question things; not believing easily the competition. [from Greek skhole]
> sceptically apvers scepticism Noun
sceptre (sep-ter) noun sceptres arod carried school 2 youn schools a shoal of fish or whales
by a king or queen as a symbol of power etc. [from early German or Dutch schole = a
schedule (shed- yool) noun schedules a troop]
programme or timetable of planned evénts or schoolchild noun schoolchildren a child who
work goes to school
schematic (skee- mat- ik) anective inthe form > schoolboy noun schoolgirl noun
of adiagram or chart
schooling noun 1 training 2 education,
scheme noun schemes a plan of action especially in a school
scheme vers schemes, scheming, schemed
make plans; plot schoolteacher noun schoolteachers a
> schemer noun person who teaches in a school
> schoolmaster noun schoolmistress noun
scholar youn scholars 1a person who has
studied a subject thoroughly 2a person who science youn the study of the physical world by
has been awarded a scholarship means of observation and experiment [from
> scholarly apjective Latin scientia = knowledge]
scholarship noun scholarships 1 a grant of
money given to someone to help to pay for his science fiction noun stories about imaginary
or her education 2 scholars’ knowledge or scientific discoveries or space travel and life on
methods; advanced study other planets
school 'younschools 1 aplace where teaching science park noun science parks an area set
is done, especially of pupils aged 5-18 2 the up for industries using science or for
pupils in a school 3 the time when teaching organizations doing scientific research

scent youn 1 The scent of rose water hung in the 3.a bright colour scheme » design,
air.» smell, odour, perfume, fragrance, arrangement, pattern, layout
aroma, redolence 2 a bottle of scent scheme vers The emperor's wife schemed to
> perfume, toilet water, lavender water, exercise power through her son. » plot, intrigue,
cologne 3 The dogs picked up the scent. » trail, connive, conspire, collude, plan
scholar noun a leading classical scholar
sceptical apjective He was initially sceptical about > academic, authority, expert, savant,
her abilities but soon changed his mind. intellectual, intellect, man or woman of letters
> dubious, doubtful, distrustful, mistrustful,
disbelieving, incredulous, suspicious, scholarly anyective a serious, scholarly woman
uncertain, unconvinced, unsure, cynical > intellectual, learned, erudite, academic,
AN OPPOSITE IS confident lettered, knowledgeable
scepticism noun Others expressed scepticism scholarship youn 1. music scholarship worth
about using this method. » distrust, mistrust, £2,000 a year ® award, grant, bursary,
disbelief, suspicion, doubt, incredulity, lack of exhibition 2 a person ofgreat scholarship
confidence, cynicism AN OPPOSITE IS confidence > learning, erudition, knowledge, wisdom,
schedule noun There was hardly any spare time academic achievement, intellectual
in her busy schedule. I will organize a schedule of attainment
visits. » timetable, agenda, programme, school youn Have you asked them what makes a
scheme, calendar, diary, list, plan good school? » college, academy, educational
scheme youn 1 Pitt proposed a national scheme institution, centre of learning, institute
of cash allowances for children. » plan, project,
proposal, programme, venture, enterprise,
schooling noun the last two years of schooling
> education, instruction, tuition, teaching,
strategy, system, blueprint, idea, method,
training, coaching
procedure 2a scheme to steal the jewels » plot,
conspiracy, intrigue, secret plan, ruse, ploy, science noun the science offorensic medicine
(more informal) racket, (more informal) scam > technology, discipline, field, technique, art

scientific = scorn
scientific anective 1 to do with science or scooter youn scooters 1 a kind of motorcycle
scientists 2 studying things systematically and with small wheels 2.a board with wheels and a
testing ideas carefully long handle, which you ride on by scooting
> scientifically apvers ScOpe Noun 1 opportunity or possibility for
scientist noun scientists 1 anexpertinscience something, @ There is scope for improvement.
2 someone who uses scientific methods 2 the range or extent of a subject
scintillating apective 1 shining brightly; scorch vers scorches, scorching, scorched
sparkling 2 very lively and witty make something go brown by burning it
SCiSSOFS PLURAL NOUN a cutting instrument used slightly
with one hand, with two blades pivoted so that scorched-earth policy noun the burning of
they can close against each other crops and destruction of anything that might
scoff vere scoffs, scoffing, scoffed 1 jeer: be useful to an opposing army
speak contemptuously 2 (informal) eat SCOFe NOUN scores or, in sense 2, score 1 the
greedily number of points or goals made in a game; a
> scoffer noun result 2 (old use) twenty @ ‘Three score years
- scold vers scolds, scolding, scolded speak and ten’ means 3 x 20 + 10 =70 years. 3 written
angrily; tell someone off or printed music
> scolding noun on that score for that reason, because of that
scone (skon, skohn) Noun scones a soft flat e You needn’t worry on that score,
cake, usually eaten with butter Score vers scores, scoring, scored 1 get a
SCOOP Noun scoops 1 akind of deep spoon for point or goal ina game 2 keep a count of the
servingice cream etc. 2. adeep shovel for lifting score 3 mark with lines or cuts 4 write out a
grain, sugar, etc. 3 a scooping movement 4 an musical score
important piece of news published by only one > scorer NOUN
newspaper [from Old Norse]
SCOOP vers scoops, scooping, scooped lift or SCOFES PLURAL NOUN many; a large number
hollow something out with a scoop SCOFNM Noun contempt
scoot vers scoots, scooting, scooted 1 propel > scornful spective scornfully Apvers
a bicycle or scooter by sitting or standing on it SCOFN vers scorns, scorning, scorned 1 treat
and pushing it along with one foot 2 (informal) someone with contempt 2 refuse something
run or go away quickly scornfully

scientific anectve 1 scientific research scrape out, spoon out, extract 3 scoop up She
m science-based, technical, technological scooped up her things and left hurriedly. » pick
2 Our methods are not scientific enough. up, gather up, grab, collect
pm systematic, methodical, analytical, SCOPe noun 1 issues that are beyond the scope of
organized, precise, rigorous, thorough, theinquiry® extent, limit, range, competence,
regulated terms of reference, remit, ambit, capacity,
scientist youn the accusation that scientists are compass, sphere, reach 2 There is plenty of scope
‘playing God’ » researcher, scientific expert, for new ideas, » opportunity, chance, latitude,
technologist, (more informal) boffin leeway, freedom, room, space
scoff vers scoff at 1 Experts are inclined to scoff scorch vere Some ofthe walls had been scorched by
at such theories. » mock, ridicule, sneer at, jeer fire. > burn, singe, char, blacken *
at, scorn, deride, make fun of, poke fun at score noun 1 The final score did not reflect the
2 (informal) You feel guilty when you scoff a sherry balance of the game. » result, tally, total, mark,
trifle. » eat up, guzzle, gobble up, wolf, wolf number of points 2 They had a score to settle.
down, devour, (more informal) tuck into, (more > debt, grievance
informal) polish off score vers 1a move that scored double points
scold vers Busy young mothers scolded their > earn, win, gain, achieve, make, (more
children. » reprimand, rebuke, admonish, informal) chalk up 2 A pattern had been scored in
reprove, reproach, upbraid, censure, chide, the surface. » cut, engrave, incise, mark,
criticize, reprehend, (more informal) tell off, gouge, scratch, scrape, slash
(more informal) tick off OPPOSITES ARE praise, SCOFN NOUN She treated that remark with the scorn
commend it deserved. » contempt, disdain, derision,
SCOOP vers 1 scoop out They would scoop out disparagement, ridicule, mockery
holes in the sand. » gouge, dig, scrape, AN OPPOSITE IS admiration
excavate, hollow, cut 2 scoop out Scoop out the SCOFMN vers Their haircuts are severe and they scorn
flesh of the pineapple halves. » remove, take out, make-up. » deride, despise, scoff at, ridicule,
scorpion = scramble
Scorpion noun scorpions an animal that looks scourge (skerj) Noun scourges 1a whip for
like a tiny lobster, with a poisonous sting flogging people 2 something that inflicts
Scot noun Scots a person who comes from suffering or punishment
Scotland Scout youn Scouts a member of the Scout
scotch ' youn whisky made in Scotland Association, an organization for boys
scotch 2 vers scotches ,scotching, scotched scout youn scouts someone sent out to collect
put an endto an idea or rumour etc.
scout vers scouts scouting scouted 1 actas
scot-free apective without harm or punishment
a scout 2 search an area thoroughly
Scots apective from or belonging to Scotland
USAGE See note at Scottish. scowl noun scowls a bad-tempered frown
Scottish anjecrive to do with or belonging to scowl vers scowls, scowling ,scowled makea
Scotland scowl
USAGE Scottish is the most widely used word for scrabble vers scrabbles,scrabbling,
describing things to do with Scotland: Scottish scrabbled 1 scratch or clawat something with
education, Scottish mountains. Scots is less the hands or feet 2 grope or struggle to get
common and is mainly used to describe something
people: a Scots girl. Scotch is only used in fixed scraggy spective thin and bony
expressions like Scotch terrier, a breed of terrier
with rough hair. scramble vers scrambles, scrambling,
scrambled 1 move quickly and awkwardly
scoundrel noun scoundrels a wicked or 2 struggle to do or get something 3 (said
dishonest person about aircraft or their crew) hurry and take off
scour | vers scours, scouring,scoured 1rub quickly 4 cook eggs by mixing them up and
something until it is clean and bright 2 clear a heating them in a pan 5 mix things together
channel or pipe by the force of water flowing 6 alter a radio or telephone signal so that it
through it cannot be used without a decoding device
> scourer NOUN > scrambler Noun
SCOUT 2 vers scours, scouring, scoured search scramble youn scrambles 1 a climb or walk
thoroughly over rough ground 2a struggle to do or get

mock, spurn, look down on, dismiss scourge noun High interests were the scourge of
AN OPPOSITE IS admire those years. > affliction, bane, curse,
scornful aoyective Richard was prepared to put up misfortune, torment
with the scornful disapproval of Eve and Ted. scout noun Scouts came back with information
> contemptuous, derisive, disdainful, about the enemy positions. » lookout, outrider,
supercilious, scathing, disparaging, mocking, advance guard, spy
scoffing, sneering, withering scout vers scout about oraround Iasked Claire
OPPOSITES ARE admiring, respectful to scout around to find him a place to stay.» look
about, reconnoitre, search, explore, hunt,
scotch vers Hopes of trying a first kiss were investigate, cast about, get information
scotched when she fell asleep the moment she got
into the car.» end, bring toanend, put paidto, scowl vers She scowled at him and told him to go
frustrate, shatter, wreck, destroy, scupper away. > glower, frown, glare, grimace
scrabble vers She scrabbled about in her pockets
scot-free apjective You wouldn't want to see the until she found her glasses. » rummage, grope,
real villains getting off scot-free. » unpunished, root, fumble, claw, dig
unscathed, unharmed, unhurt, safe
scraggy apjective She kept out of the way of her
scoundrel noun It wasn’t her fault she had a sister’s scraggy old cat. » scrawny, skinny, thin,
scoundrel for a grandson. » rascal, rogue, lanky, gaunt, lean, bony, emaciated, underfed
ruffian, ne’er-do-well, good-for-nothing, OPPOSITES ARE plump, fat
villain, knave, scallywag, scamp scram vere (informal) Scram or I'll call the police.
SCOUF vers 1 They were made to scrub kitchen > go away, leave, get going, get moving,
floors and scour out pans. » scrub, clean, (informal) beat it, (informal) shove off,
scrape, wash, buff up, burnish, polish, rub (informal) clear off
2 Rita scoured the junk shops for second-hand scramble noun Getting there in time proved quite
pieces to fill the rooms. » ransack, rummage a scramble. » struggle, rush, hustle, dash
through, search, comb, forage through, hunt scramble vers 11 scrambled down the slope
through towards the car. Daniel scrambled to his feet and
scrap = screen
something 3 a motorcycle race over rough something sharp 2 rub the skin with fingernails
ground or claws because it itches 3 withdraw from a
scrap' Noun scraps 1asmall piece 2 rubbish; race or competition
waste material, especially metal that is suitable scratch youn scratches 1 a mark made by
for reprocessing scratching 2 the action of scratching
SCrap vers scraps, scrapping, scrapped get rid > scratchy Apjecrive
of something that is useless or unwanted start from scratch start from the beginning or
Scrap? noun scraps (informal) a fight with nothing prepared
up to scratch up to the proper standard
SCrap vers scraps, scrapping, scrapped
(informal) fight scratch card oun scratch cards alottery card
Scrape vers scrapes, scraping, scraped on which you scratch off part of the surface to
1 clean or smooth or damage something by see if you have won a prize
passing something hard over it 2 make a harsh scrawl noun scrawls untidy handwriting
sound by rubbing against a rough or hard scrawl vers scrawls, scrawling, scrawled
surface 3 remove by scraping e Scrape the mud write in a scrawl
offyour shoes. 4.get something by great effort scrawny Adjective scraggy
or care e@ They scraped together enough money for
a holiday. Scream oun screams 1 aloud cry of pain, fear,
> scraper NOUN anger, or excitement 2a loud piercing sound
scrape through only just succeed, pass an 3 (informal) avery amusing person or thing
exam, etc. scream vers screams, screaming, screamed
Scrape noun scrapes 1 a scraping movement make a scream
orsound 2a mark etc. made by scraping screech youn screeches a harsh high-pitched
3 (informal) an awkward situation caused by scream or sound
mischief or foolishness > screech vers
Scrappy spective 1 made of scraps or bits or ScreeM Noun screens 1 special surface for
disconnected things 2 carelessly done displaying films, television pictures, or
> scrappiness Noun computer data 2 a movable panel used to hide,
scratch vers scratches, scratching, scratched protect, or divide something 3a vehicle’s
1 mark or cut the surface of a thing with windscreen

leftthe room. » clamber, climb, crawl, scrabble, SCrape noun Try not to get into any scrapes
move awkwardly 2 She saw the two men > predicament, difficulty, tight spot, mischief,
scramble for the fallen gun. » scuffle, struggle, trouble
tussle, fight, jostle 3 They quickly scrambled into scrappy spective The game turned out to be a
the plane. » dash, hasten, hurry, run, rush scrappy affair. » disorganized, disjointed,
uneven, slipshod, unsatisfactory
scrap noun 1 There were a few scraps offood on AN OPPOSITE IS well-organized
the table. » bit, piece, morsel, particle, crumb,
speck, fragment, mouthful 2 Not a scrap of scratch vers 1 Be careful not to scratch the table
evidence could be found. » shred, speck, iota, top. » scrape, mark, score, gash, cut, damage
jot, ounce, trace 3.a lorry loaded with scrap the surface of, gouge 2 The thorns were
> junk, refuse, rubbish, salvage, waste, litter, scratching his legs. » graze, chafe, prick, cut,
odds andends 4 He wanted to avoid a scrap with lacerate
Kevin. » fight, quarrel, disagreement, tussle, scratch oun 1 There were scratches in the
brawl paintwork. » gash, groove, line, mark, scoring,
scrape 2 He had a long scratch down one side of
scrap vers 1 Local residents want the road plan to his face. » graze, laceration, wound , cut
be scrapped. » abandon, cancel, discard, up to scratch The work was not up to scratch.
(informal) ditch, drop, give up, jettison, throw > satisfactory, adequate, acceptable, good
away, write off 2 The younger children are enough, passable, all right
always scrapping. » fight, quarrel, argue, brawl scream vers She screamed at them to stop. yell,
Scrape vers 1 Elaine had scraped her skin against shriek, shout, bawl, screech, roar, howl, wail
the wall. » graze, scratch, scuff, abrade, bark, scream noun He let out a scream ofpain. > yell,
lacerate 2 He scraped his boots before going shriek, shout, screech, roar, howl, wail
inside. » scrub, scour, rub, clean screen noun 1a computer with a 17-inch screen
scrape together We scraped enough money > monitor, display, VDU or visual display unit
together to get home » collect, amass, rake 2A screen divided the room in two. ® partition,
together, dredge up divider, curtain, blind
screen = scrupulous
SCreen vers screens screening screened scroll vere scrolls, scrolling, scrolled move
1 protect, hide, or divide with a screen 2 show the display on a computer screen up or down to
a film or television pictures on a screen 3 carry see what comes before or after it
out tests on someone to find out if they have a Scrounge vers scrounges ,scrounging,
disease 4 check whether a person is suitable for scrounged get something without paying for
ajob it
screenplay noun screenplays the script of a > scrounger NOUN
film, with instructions to the actors etc. scrub | vers scrubs scrubbing , scrubbed
1 rub with a hard brush, especially to clean
SCreW Noun Screws 1a metal pin with a spiral something 2(informal) cancel
ridge (thethread )round it, holding things > scrub Noun
together by being twisted in 2 a twisting scrub 2 youn 1lowtrees and bushes 2 land
movement 3 something twisted 4 a propeller,
covered with these
especially for a ship or motor boat
scruff woun the back of the neck
SCFeW vers screws ,screwing screwed scruffy spective shabby and untidy
1 fasten with a screw or screws 2 fit or turn > scruffily apvers scruffiness Noun
something by twisting Scrum Noun scrums 1 (alsoscrummage) a
screwdriver Noun screwdrivers a tool for group of players from each side in rugby
turning screws football who push against each other and try to
kick back the ball when it is thrown between
scribble vers scribbles scribbling scribbled them 2. crowd pushing against each other
1 write quickly or untidily or carelessly 2 make scruple youn scruples a feeling of doubt or
meaningless marks hesitation when your conscience tells you that
> scribble noun an action would be wrong
script youn scripts 1 handwriting 2 the text of scruple vers scruples, scrupling, scrupled
a play, film, broadcast talk, etc. have scruples e He would not scruple to betray
us. [from Latin scrupum, literally = rough
scripture noun scriptures 1 sacred writings pebble]
2 (in Christianity) the Bible
scrupulous apective 1 very careful and
scroll youn scrolls 1a roll of paper or conscientious 2 strictly honest or honourable
parchment used for writing on 2a spiral design > scrupulously spverB

screen vers 1A low hedge screened the dustbins. scrounger noun He was neither a scrounger nor
> hide, conceal, mask, shield, shelter 2 Staff a.misfit. » cadger, sponger, parasite
are regularly screened in the interests of security.
> vet, scrutinize, examine, investigate scrub vers 1 She decided to scrub the bathroom
floor. » scour, wash, clean, rub, brush
Screw vers 1 She screwed the lid on the jar.
2 (informal) Ifinterest rates went up again they
> fasten, tighten, twist, turn 2 James screwed
would have to scrub their holiday. » cancel,
the piece ofpaper into a tight ball. » twist, wind,
scrap, go without, do without, call off, drop,
wring 3 The last thing to do was screw the boards
abandon, (informal) ditch
back down. > fix, fasten, secure 4 (informal) He
was not going to let them screw him for money like scruffy aojecrive 1 He had worn scruffy jeans and
that again. » cheat, swindle, defraud, a T-shirt to his Downing Street breakfast.
pressurize, extort, squeeze USAGE If you use > shabby, worn, ragged, worn-out, dirty
extort or squeeze you have to say (for example) AN OPPOSITE IS smart 2 He was standing in a bar,
He was not going to let them extort money from scruffy and long-haired. » unkempt, untidy,
him like that again. dishevelled, ungroomed, messy, bedraggled
scribble vers He quickly scribbled a shopping list. AN OPPOSITE IS tidy
> scrawl, dash off, jot down, write
scrupulous apjctive 1 The story had been
scribe noun He would need to get a scribe to write written with a scrupulous attention to historical
his letter for him. > copyist, clerk, transcriber, accuracy. » conscientious, diligent, fastidious,
amanuensis, scrivener, secretary meticulous, minute, painstaking, precise,
script noun, 1 The note had been written in an punctilious, rigorous, strict, systematic,
elegant script.» handwriting, hand, autograph thorough 2 The accounts will be reviewed by the
2 The film was spoilt by a poor script. most scrupulous auditor.» honest, honourable,
> screenplay, text, dialogue upright, upstanding, principled, right-minded,
SCFOUNGE vers Street urchins scrounged money fair-minded, ethical
from the tourists. » beg, cadge, sponge AN OPPOSITE IS unscrupulous
scrutinize — sealing wax
scrutinize vers scrutinizes, scrutinizing, S@a noun seas 1 the salt water that covers most
scrutinized look at something carefully of the earth’s surface; a part of this 2a large Da

> scrutiny Noun lake @ the Sea of Galilee 3.a large area of
scuba diving noun swimming underwater something e a sea offaces
using a tank of air strapped to your back [from at sea 1 onthe sea 2 not knowing what to do
the initials of self: contained underwater sea anemone youn sea anemones a sea
breathing apparatus] creature with short tentacles round its mouth
scuff vers scuffs, scuffing, scuffed 1 drag your seaboard youn seaboards a coastline or
feet while walking 2 scrape with your foot; coastal region
mark or damage something by doing this
seafaring apjective, Noun working or travelling
scuffle youn scuffles a confused fight or on the sea
struggle > seafarer youn
scuffle vers scuffles, scuffling, scuffled take seafood youn fish or shellfish from the sea
part ina scuffle [probably from a Scandinavian eaten as food
seagull youn seagulls a seabird with long
scullery oun sculleries a room where dishes wings
etc. are washed up
sculptor youn sculptors a person who makes seal! youn seals a sea mammal with thick fur or
sculptures bristles, that breeds on land [from Old English]
> sculpt vers seal? youn seals 1 piece of metal with an
sculpture youn sculptures 1 making shapes engraved design for pressing on a soft
by carving wood or stone or casting metal 2a substance to leave an impression 2. an
shape made in this way impression made ona piece of wax
> sculpture vers 3 something designed to close an opening and
prevent air or liquid etc. from getting in or out
scumM noun 1 froth or dirt on top of a liquid 4a confirmation or guarantee e a seal of ¥
2 worthless people approval ;

scuttle! youn scuttles a bucket or container seal vere seals, sealing, sealed 1 close
for coal in a house
something by sticking two parts together
scuttle? vers scuttles, scuttling, scuttled 2 close securely; stop up -3 press a seal on
scurry; hurry away something 4 settle or decide e His fate was
scuttle? vere scuttles, scuttling, scuttled sink sealed.
a ship deliberately by letting water into it seal off prevent people getting to an area
scythe noun scythes a tool with a long curved [from early French; related to sign]
blade for cutting grass or corn sea level youn the level of the sea halfway
scythe vers scythes, scything, scythed cut between high and low tide
with a scythe sealing wax oun a substance that is soft
SE assreviaTion 1 south-east 2 south-eastern when heated but hardens when cooled, ised

scuff vers The toe was scuffed and the shoes would SCA ADJECTIVE Sea creatures; a sea voyage; a sea port
need mending. » scrape, scratch, rub, graze, > aquatic, marine, maritime, nautical, naval,
brush oceangoing, oceanic, saltwater, seafaring,
scuffle youn There was a scuffle and the sound of
people running. > fight, fracas, brawl, struggle, S@anoun 1 They caught sight of the sea in the
tussle, scrap, rumpus, commotion, argument distance. » water, ocean, waves RELATED
ADJECTIVES marine, maritime, nautical, naval
scuffle vers Three teenage boys were scuffling and 2 sea creatures » aquatic, marine, seafaring,
messing around. » fight, brawl, struggle, ocean, salt 3 a sea offriendly faces » mass,
tussle, scrap, come to blows host, multitude, profusion
sculpture youn a marble sculpture of Venus seal youn the queen’s seal » emblem, crest,
> carving, figure, statue, effigy, image USAGEA insignia, symbol, stamp
small sculpture is called a statuette. A bust is a seal vers 1 She folded the letter and sealed the
sculpture ofthe top part of a person. envelope. & stick down, close, fasten, secure
SCUM NouN The water had a thick scum on it.
2 He filled the jar and sealed it. » stop up, close,
> froth, foam, film, impurities plug, stopper 3 He held out a hand to seal the
agreement, » confirm, clinch, complete,
SCUFTY vers Officials scurried about. » scamper, secure, (more informal) sew up
scuttle, dash, dart, rush, hurry seal off Police sealed off the city centre.
sealion = seaweed
for sealing documents or for marking with a happens e the football season
sea in season available and ready for eating
sea lion noun sealions a kind of large seal that e Strawberries are in season in the summer.
lives in the Pacific Ocean Season vers seasons , seasoning seasoned
seam Noun seams 1 the line where two edges 1 give extra flavour to food by adding salt,
of cloth or wood etc. join 2 a layer of coal in the pepper, or other strong-tasting substances
ground 2 dry and treat timber etc. to make it ready for
seamanship noun skill in seafaring use
seasonable apective suitable for the season
e Hot weather is seasonable in summer.
seamy side the less attractive side or part
e Police see a lot of the seamy side of life > seasonably Apvers
USAGE Do not confuse withseasonal.
[originally, the ‘wrong’ side of a piece of
sewing, where the rough edges of the seams seasonal apjctive 1 for or to do with a season
show] 2 happening in a particular season
Sear vers sears ,searing seared scorchor burn e@ Fruit- picking is seasonal work.
the surface of something > seasonally spvers
USAGE Do not confuse withseasonable.
search vers searches searching ,searched
look very hard or carefully in order to find seasoning noun seasonings a substance used
something to season food
> search noun searcher NOUN season ticket noun season tickets a ticket
search engine noun search engines (in that can be used as often as you like throughout
computing) a program that searches for data, a period of time
especially on the Internet seat noun seats 1 thing made or used for
searchlight noun searchlights a light with a sitting on 2 the right to be amember of a
strong beam that can be turned in any council, committee, parliament, etc. e She won
direction the seat ten years ago. 3 the buttocks; the part
search party noun search parties a group of of askirt or trousers covering these 4 the place
people organized to search for a missing where something is based or located e London
person or thing is the seat of our government.
search warrant youn search warrants an seat vers seats seating, seated 1 place in or
official document giving the police permission ona seat 2 have seats for e The theatre seats
‘to search private property
3,000 people.
seasick apjective sick because of the movement seat belt noun seat belts astrap to holda
of aship person securely in a seat
> seasickness NOUN seating noun 1 the seats ina place e seating for
seaside noun aplace by the sea where people 400 2 the arrangement of seats e a seating plan
go for holidays sea urchin noun sea urchins asea animal with
Se@asOM noun seasons 1 each of the four main a round shell covered in sharp spikes
parts of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and seaweed noun aplant or plants that growin the
winter) 2 the time of year when something sea

search vers 1 We searched for clues. » explore, season vers 1 herbs for seasoning fish > flavour,
ferret about, hunt, look, nose about, poke spice, salt, add seasoning to 2 The wood should
about, prospect, pry, seek 2 Security staff will be well seasoned. » mature, age, temper,
search passengers and their luggage. » check, condition
examine, investigate, scrutinize, inspect, (more
informal) frisk 3 I searched the house for my keys. seat noun 1 There were not enough seats for
> scour, comb, ransack, rummage through, everyone to sit on. » chair, bench, stool, pew,
forage through, hunt through place 2 The capital city is not always the seat of
search noun We began our search for a place to government. > centre, headquarters, location,
eat. >» hunt, quest, exploration, investigation, site, base, nucleus, heart, hub 3.a country seat
look, check in Scotland » residence, ancestral, mansion,
abode, stately home
seaside noun a trip to the seaside » coast,
beach, seashore, shore RELATED ADJECTIVE littoral seat vers 1 She seated her guests round a large
season noun The holiday season lasts until oval table. > place, position, put, settle 2 The
October these days.» period, time of year, time, smaller cinema seats-thirty. » accommodate,
phase hold, take, have seats for, sit
seaworthy — secret service
seaworthy apjcmive (said about a ship) fit fora second-hand apecrive 1 bought or used after
sea voyage someone else has owned it 2 selling used
> seaworthiness Noun goods e a second-hand shop
secateurs purAl Noun clippers held in the hand second nature noun behaviour that has
for pruning plants become automatic or a habit e Lying is second
secluded spective quiet or sheltered from view nature to him.
e@ a secluded beach -

> seclusion Noun second-rate apecmve inferior; not very good ra

second! spective 1 next after the first secret apective 1 that must not be told or
2 another @ a second chance 3 less good shown to other people 2 not known by
@ second quality everybody 3 working secretly
> secondly apvers > secretly ADvers secrecy NOUN Tt
have second thoughts wonder whether a secret noun secrets something secret
decision you have made was the right one
secretary (sek- rit- ree) Noun secretaries 1a
second noun seconds 1 person or thing that person whose job is to help with letters, answer
issecond 2 anattendant of a fighter in a boxing the telephone, and make business
match, duel, etc. 3a thing that is not of the arrangements for a person or organization
best quality, often sold cheaply 4 one-sixtieth 2 the chief assistant of a government minister
of aminute of time or of adegree used in or ambassador
measuring angles > secretarial ADJECTIVE i
second vers seconds, seconding, seconded [from Latin secretarius = an officer or servant
1 assist someone 2 support a proposal, allowed to know his employer’s secrets]
motion, etc.
> seconder NOUN secrete (sik- reet) vers secretes, secreting,
secreted 1 hide something 2 produce a
second? (sik- ond) vers seconds, seconding, substance in the body e Saliva is secreted in the :
seconded transfer a person temporarily to mouth. ag
another job or department etc. > secretion NOUN
> secondment Noun
secondary apective 1 coming after or from secretive (seek- rit- iv) apjective liking or trying
something 2 less important 3 (said about to keep things secret -
> secretively Apvers secretiveness NOUN vy
education etc.) for children of more than about
11 years old @ a secondary school COMPARE secret service noun agovernment ry
primary department responsible for espionage ~

secede vers secede from The southern states > indirect, secondary, derivative
seceded from the Union. » withdraw from, AN OPPOSITE IS personal.
separate from, break away from, leave, quit,
split with second-rate spective a second-rate holiday ‘
camp entertainer » second-class, second-best,
second apective 1 There won't be a second substandard, mediocre, middling, ordinary,
chance. » another, further, additional, below par, commonplace, indifferent, inferior,
repeated, alternative, extra 2 We keep a second low-grade
set of data in another building. » spare, extra,
alternative, backup secret apective 1 secret information
> confidential, classified, restricted, (more
second oun 1 They were only gone for a second. informal) hush-hush AN opposite 1s public
> moment, instant, bit, flash, (more informal) 2 They met at a secret location. » private,
jiffy, (more informal) tick 2 Chris was acting as secluded, hidden, isolated, remote, unknown,
his second. » assistant, attendant, supporter,
undisclosed Opposites ARE public, well-known
right-hand man or woman, helper 3.a secret operation » clandestine, covert,
secondary apjectve 1 issues that are regarded as undercover, surreptitious AN OPPOSITE IS overt
secondary » subsidiary, subordinate, minor,
lesser, lower, inferior, second-rate 2A secretary noun She called in her secretary to take
secondary action was started in support of the notes of the meeting. » assistant, personal
main attack. » ancillary, auxiliary, assistant or PA, clerk, typist
supplementary, supportive, reinforcing, extra, secretive apjective He was being very secretive
second, reserve about his intentions, » uncommunicative,
second-hand apective 1 second-hand car unforthcoming, reticent, tight-lipped, cagey,
> used, pre-owned, old AN OPPOSITE IS new close, withdrawn
2 She was relying on second-hand information. AN OPPOSITE 1S Communicative

sect = see
sectnoun sects a group of people whose beliefs sedentary (sed- en-ter- ee) Anjective done
differ from others in the same religion sitting down e sedentary work
sectionnoun sections 1a part of something Seder (say-der) noun Seders (in Judaism) a
2 across-section ritual and a ceremonial meal to mark the
sector Noun sectors 1 one part of an area 2a
beginning of Passover
part of something e the private sector of sedgenoun a grass-like plant growing in
industry 3 (in mathematics) a section of a circle marshes or near water
between two lines drawn from its centre to its sediment own fine particles of solid matter
circumference that float in liquid or sink to the bottom of it
secular apjective to do with worldly affairs, not sedimentary Apctive formed from particles
spiritual or religious matters that have settled on a surface @ sedimentary
S@CUFeAD/ECTIVE 1 safe, especially against attack rocks
2 certain not to slip orfail 3 reliable sedition oun speeches or actions intended to
> securely ADVERB make people rebel against the authority of the
S@CUFe VERB secures, securing, secured State
1 make a thing secure 2 fasten something > seditious ADJECTIVE
firmly 3 obtain e We secured two tickets for the seduce vers seduces, seducing, seduced
show. 1 persuade a person to have sexual intercourse
security noun securities 1 being secure; 2 attract or lead astray by offering temptations
safety 2 precautions against theft or spying > seducerNoun seductionNoun seductive
etc. 3 something given as a guarantee that a ADJECTIVE
promise will be kept or a debt repaid S@@ VERB sees, seeing, saw, seen 1 perceive
4 investments such as stocks and shares with the eyes 2 meet or visit somebody e See a
doctor about your cough. 3 understand e She
sedate apjective calm and dignified
saw what I meant. 4 imagine e Can you see
> sedatelyAdvers sedateness NOUN
yourselfasa teacher? 5 consider e I will see what
sedate vere sedates, sedating, sedated give a can be done. 6 make sure e See that the windows
sedative to are shut. 7 discover e See who is at the door
> sedation NouN 8 escort @ See her to the door.
sedative (sed- a- tiv) Noun sedatives a see through not be deceived by something
medicine that makes a person calm see toattend to

sectionnoun 1 You must complete every section AN OPPOSITE IS vulnerability 2 The president's
of the application form» part, division, portion, visit called for unprecedented levels of security.
paragraph 2 the reference section ofyour local > safety measures, safeguards, protection,
library » department, part, division surveillance
secullarapjective secular music; a secular sedate apective 1 The procession moved forward
ceremony » non-religious, temporal, worldly, at a sedate pace. » steady, unhurried,
earthly, civil, lay OPPOSITES ARE sacred, religious deliberate, gentle, easy-going, comfortable,
S@cure apjective 1 Check that all doors and slow opposites ARE brisk, lively 2 They enjoyed
windows are secure. » locked, sealed, closed their sedate suburban life and didn’t hanker after
tight, impregnable, invulnerable the bright lights. » calm} staid, prim, sober,
OPPOSITES AREinsecure, vulnerable 2 We felt seemly, demure, dignified, serene
secure indoors during the storm. » protected, sedentary apjective People with sedentary
safe, unharmed, unhurt, unscathed lifestyles need to take exercise. » seated, sitting,
OPPOSITES ARE exposed, in danger 3 The ladder desk-bound, immobile, inactive
needs to be made secure. » stable, steady, firm, AN OPPOSITE IS active
fast, fixed, immovable opposites ARE insecure, seductive apective 1 Lori gave him one of her
unsteady most seductive smiles. » sexy, alluring,
secure vers 1 Secure the front door when you captivating, ravishing, bewitching, appealing,
leave. » fasten, close, lock, shut, seal, bolt 2a attractive, enticing, irresistible, provocative,
charter that secures the rights of the individual tempting opposites ARE repulsive, repellent
> ensure, assure, guarantee, protect, confirm 2 the seductive warmth of a coal fire
3 Jenny secured a senior post in the company. > attractive, appealing, enticing, comforting
> obtain, acquire, gain, get, be given See vers 1 She saw Eve waiting for her. Did you see
security Noun 1 The first priority is the security who got into the car with him? » discern,
of passengers. » safety, protection, care, perceive, glimpse, make out, pick out,
guarding, freedom from harm recognize, identify, distinguish RELATED
seed = seize
seed noun seeds or seed 1a fertilized part of a > seemliness Noun
plant, capable of growing into a new plant [from an old sense of seem = be suitable]
2 (old use) descendants 3.a seeded player S@ePp vers seeps, seeping, seeped ooze slowly
seed vers seeds, seeding, seeded 1 plant or out or through something
sprinkle seeds in something 2 name the best > seepage NOUN
players and arrange-for them not to play S@@-SaW NOUN see-saws a plank balanced in
against each other in the early rounds of a the middle so that two people can sit, one on
tournament each end, and make it go up and down
seedling noun seedlings a very young plant seethe vers seethes, seething, seethed
growing from a seed 1 bubble and surge like water boiling 2 be very
seedy spective seedier, seediest 1 fullof seeds angry or excited
2 shabby and disreputable segmentyoun segments a part that is cut off
> seediness NOUN or separates naturally from other parts @ the
segments of an orange
seeing conjunction considering e Seeing that we > segmented ADJECTIVE
have all finished, let’s go.
segregate vers segregates, segregating,
seek vers seeks, seeking, sought 1 search for segregated 1 separate people of different
2 try to do or obtain something e to seek fame religions, races, etc. 2 isolate a person or thing
seem vers seems, seeming, seemed give the > segregation NouN
impression of being something e She seems seismic (sy- zmik) apective to do with
worried about her work. earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth
> seemingly Apvers
seize vers seizes, seizing, seized 1 take hold of
seemlly agyective (old use) (said about behaviour a person or thing suddenly or forcibly 2 take
etc.) proper or suitable possession of something by force or by legal

ADJECTIVE visible 2 She could see how difficult it seek vers 1 The fleet sailed south to seek the
might be. » understand, follow, know, enemy. » look for, search for, pursue, follow,
comprehend, realize, recognize, take in, grasp, try to find, hunt 2 They will need to seek advice
appreciate, fathom 31 can see trouble ahead. from a lawyer. > callon, ask for, get 3 Spain is
> foresee, envisage, picture, visualize, predict, seeking the extradition ofthe suspects. » request,
imagine, anticipate, conceive 4 We'll see what solicit, try to obtain 4 We seek to please our
we can do. » consider, think about, reflect on, customers. » try, attempt, endeavour, strive,
weigh up, decide, investigate 5 They are going aspire
to see the game on Saturday. » watch, attend, seem vers The woman seemed too afraid to speak.
be a spectator at 6 Is she still seeing Stephen? > appear, look, sound, give the impression of
> go out with, be dating, meet, visit 7 Keith being
offered to see her home. » escort, accompany,
take, conduct 8 Stuart went to see the doctor —y VERB Smoke seeped into the auditorium.
about his leg. » visit, consult, confer with, talk > le‘ak, ooze, escape, exude, flow, trickle,
to, speak to 91 saw an old friend in town. dribble
> encounter, meet by chance, run into, run seething anjctive Rose was seething about what
across, chance on, (more informal) bump into had happened. » fuming, furious, angry, livid,
10 I must go and see what the dog is up to.» find infuriated, incensed, outraged
out, discover, ascertain, establish segregate vers The school agreed to segregate
see to Will you see to the repairs? » attend to, them for swimming lessons. » separate, isolate,
deal with, take care of, look after, sort out, keep apart, set apart, put apart, exclude, cut off
organize, manage
segregationnoun 1 Racial segregation has been
seed oun 1 The male provides the seed to fertilize outlawed. » apartheid, discrimination,
the female egg. » sperm, semen, seminal fluid separation 2 the segregation of smokers and
2 The birds feed on insects, seed, and shoots. non-smokers in public places > isolation,
> grains 3 The fruit was full of seeds. > pip, separation, keeping apart
stone 4 The conflict was the seed for all future seize vers 1 He seized the remote and turned up
troubles. » source, origin, cause, basis RELATED the volume. » grab, snatch, take hold of
ADJECTIVE seminal OPPOSITES ARE release, let go of 2 Rebels have
seized an outpost in the jungle. » capture, take,
seedy ADjective a seedy hotel on the seafront take possession of, take over, overrun
> sleazy, squalid, shabby, run-down, sordid, OPPOSITES ARE abandon, relinquish 3 Customs
seamy, rough A officers seized a large cache of drugs.
seizure => self-raising
authority @ Customs officers seized a lot of self-contained spective (said about
smuggled goods. 3 take eagerly @ Seize your accommodation) complete in itself; containing
chance! 4 havea sudden effect on e Panic seized all the necessary facilities
us. self-control oun the ability to control your
seize up become jammed, especially because own behaviour
of friction or overheating > self-controlled ADJECTIVE
seizure noun seizures 1 seizing 2 asudden fit, self-denial noun deliberately going without
as in epilepsy or a heart attack things you would like to have
seldomapvers rarely; not often self-determination
oun a country’s right to
selectvers selects, selecting, selected choose rule itself and to choose its own method of
a person or thing government
> selector NOUN self-employed spective working
select anective 1 carefully chosen e a select independently, not for an employer
group 2 (said about a club etc.) choosing its self-esteem
youn your own opinion ofyourself
members carefully; exclusive and your own worth
selection noun selections 1 selecting; being self-evident anjectve obvious and not needing
selected 2 a person or thing selected 3 agroup proof or explanation
selected from a larger group 4a range of
goods from which to choose self-important nective pompous
self voun selves 1a personas an individual 2a selfish anective doing what you want and not
person’s particular nature e She has recovered thinking of other people; keeping things for
and is her old self again. 3 a person’s own yourself
advantage e He always puts self first. > selfishly Apvers selfishness NOUN
self-assured apjective confident selfless apective unselfish
self-catering noun catering for yourself self-made apective rich or successful because
(instead of having meals provided) of your own efforts
self-centred apjecive selfish selenite NOUN too much sorrow and pity for
self-confident apjectve confident of your own yourself and your own problems
abilities self-possessed anjecrive calm and dignified
self-conscious spective embarrassed or self-raising pjective (said about flour) making
unnatural because you know that people are cakes rise without needing to have baking
watching you powder etc. added

> confiscate, appropriate, impound confident, positive, assertive, assured, poised
OPPOSITES ARE return, give back 4 Bandits seized AN OPPOSITE IS diffident
his wife and children. » kidnap, abduct, take self-conscious apective He felt self conscious
prisoner, capture, (more informal) snatch about having to borrow money from his father.
OPPOSITES ARE release, let go > embarrassed, bashful, diffident, uneasy,
seldom overs She was seldom away from home awkward, uncomfortable, unnatural, coy, shy,
for long. » rarely, not often, hardly ever, illat ease, nervous OPPOSITES ARE Natural,
infrequently AN opPosiTE Is often confident
select vers The committee met to select a self-control noun He lost self-control and
chairperson. » choose, pick, appoint, name, shouted at her. » composure, restraint,
elect, vote for, nominate, decide on self-discipline, calmness, coolness,
selectionnoun 1 There’s a wide selection offood selfish anjective People are seen as being more
to choose from. » range, variety, assortment
selfish and less tolerant. » self-centred,
2 Mike put a coin in the machine and made his egocentric, inconsiderate, self-absorbed,
selection. » choice, pick, option self-obsessed opposites ARE unselfish,
selective anjective She’s very selective in her considerate, generous, selfless
reading. » discerning, discriminating, selfishness oun They were motivated by greed
particular, careful, (more informal) choosy and selfishness. » egotism, self-obsession,
AN OPPOSITE IS indiscriminate self-interest, thoughtlessness, meanness
self-confident apjective In self-confident mood, OPPOSITES ARE unselfishness, generosity
Franco pressed ahead with this plans. selfless anjective He made a selfless sacrifice for his
> self-assured, self-possessed, sure of yourself, country. » generous, magnanimous, unselfish
self-respect > send
oun your own proper respect for semicircle noun semicircles half a circle
yourself > semicircular ADJECTIVE
self-righteous anjecrive smugly sure that you semicolon noun semicolons a punctuation
are behaving virtuously mark (;) used to mark a break that is more than
self-service nective where customers help that marked by a comma
themselves to things and pay a cashier for what semiconductor oun semiconductors a
they have taken substance that can conduct electricity but not
self-sufficient anjcrive able to produce or as well as most metals do
provide what you need without help from semi-detached spective (said about a house)
others joined to another house on one side £
self-supporting spective earning enough to semifinal youn semifinals a match or round
keep yourself without needing money from whose winner will take part in the final G
sell vere sells, selling, sold 1 exchange
seminar oun seminars a meeting for t
something for money 2 be on sale at a certain advanced discussion and research on a subject a
price e It sells for £5.99. semiquaver noun semiquavers a note in
> seller noun music (§), equal in length to one quarter of a
sell out 1 sell all your stock of something crotchet
2 (informal) betray someone 3 abandon your
principles for reasons of convenience because it Semitic (sim- it- ik) Anjective to do with the
suits you Semites, the group of people that includes the
Jews and Arabs
sell noun > Semite (see- my’t) NOUN
hard sell putting pressure on someone to buy
something semitone youn semitones half a tone in music
sell-by date a mark on the packaging of food semolina noun hard round grains of wheat
showing the date by which it must be sold used to.make milk puddings and pasta j=
soft sell selling by gentle persuasion
senate noun senates 1 the governing council i
sell-out youn sell-outs an entertainment, in ancient Rome 2 the upper house of the :
sporting event, etc. for which all the tickets parliament of the United States, France, and
have been sold certain other countries
selves plural of self > senator NOUN
semaphore noun asystem of signalling by send vere sends, sending, sent 1 make a
holding flags out with your arms in positions person or thing go or be taken somewhere rf
that indicate letters of the alphabet 2 cause to become e The noise is sending me
semen (seem- en) Noun a white liquid produced
> sender NOUN
by males and containing sperm
send for order a person or thing to come or be
semibreve noun semibreves the longest brought to you
musical note normally used (,, ), lasting four send up (informal) make fun of something by cs
times as long as a crotchet imitating it al

Thesaurus ¥
self-respect oun Under the new president, the > dispose of, put on the market, (more formal)
country prospered and recovered its self-respect. vend Wf
> pride, dignity, self-confidence, self-esteem
seller youn sellers of household goods » supplier,
self-righteous apjectve He called her a trader (in), dealer (in), vendor, retailer, stockist, y
stuck- up, self-righteous Miss Perfect. purveyor
& sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, priggish, send vers 111 send you a letter. » dispatch,
smug, self-satisfied, moralizing, unctuous post, mail, convey, forward 2 She sent John a
self-satisfied apjecnive Hilary relaxed and gave a message. » transmit, fax, email, wire 3 The
little self-satisfied smile. » smug, complacent, space programme will be sending a satellite into
self-congratulatory orbit. > launch, propel, shoot, direct, fire 4 It’s
the sort of remark that sends you mad. » make,
sell vers 1 The corner shop sells basic provisions. drive, cause to be
> stock, trade in, dealin, retail, handle, peddle send for They decided to send for the police.
2 They are having problems selling their house. > call, fetch, summon, ask to come
senile = sensitive
senile (seen- I'll) anjective weak or confusedand wise decisions @ Hasn’t he got the sense to come
forgetful because of old age in out-of the rain? 4meaning e The word ‘run’
> senility Noun has many senses
make sense 1 havea meaning 2 be asensible
senior pective 1 older than someone else
2 higher in rank 3 for older children e a senior
school sense vers senses, sensing, sensed 1 feel; get
> seniority NOUN an impression @ I sensed that she did not like me.
2 detect something e This device senses
senior oun seniors 1 a person who is older or
higher in rank than you are e Heismy senior. 2a radioactivity.
member of a senior school senseless apective 1 stupid; not showing good
senior citizen oun senior citizens an elderly sense 2 unconscious
person, especially a pensioner SENSES PLURAL NOUN sanity @ He is out of his senses.
sensation noun sensations 1 feeling e a sensible apective wise; having or showing good
sensation of warmth 2 avery excited condition; sense
something causing this e The news caused a > sensibly Apvers
great sensation.
sensitive anectve 1 affected by something
sensational anectve 1 causing great e Photographic paper is sensitive to light
excitement, interest, or shock 2 (informal) very 2 receiving impressions quickly and easily
good; wonderful e sensitive fingers 3 easily hurt or offended
> sensationally ADvers @ She is very sensitive about her age.
SeMSe NOUN senses 1 the ability to see, hear, 4 considerate about other people's feelings
smell, touch, or taste things 2 the ability to feel 5 needing to be dealt with tactfully e a sensitive
or appreciate something e a sense ofguilt e a subject
sense of humour 3 the power to think or make > sensitively Apvers sensitivity NOUN

senile apjective Her husband was becoming senile semse vers We sensed that they didn’t trust us.
and difficult to cope with. » old, aged, > discern, feel, suspect, perceive, realize, get
doddering, infirm, feeble, decrepit, (more the impression, appreciate, guess, notice, be
informal) past it AN Opposite Is in his or her aware, detect
prime senseless Apjective 1 It was.a senseless crime.
senior spective 1a senior pupil » older, elder > pointless, futile, needless, aimless, absurd,
2a senior official » high-ranking, superior, nonsensical, foolish, stupid 2 They found him in
chief OPPOSITES ARE junior, subordinate the morning, senseless but alive. » unconscious,
sensation noun 1 She felt a sensation offloating. comatose, stunned, out cold
> feeling, sense, awareness, impression 2 The sensible apjctive 1 Joanna was sensible enough
affair caused a sensation. » commotion, to listen. Everyone agreed that this was a sensible
excitement, stir, furore, outrage, scandal, decision. >» prudent, thoughtful, far-sighted,
surprise, thrill shrewd, wise, judicious, intelligent, pragmatic,
sensational apecrive 1 a sensational murder responsible, realistic, rational, level-headed
trial» shocking, horrifying, lurid, scandalous, OPPOSITES ARE foolish, unwise 2 She liked to wear
thrilling, blood-curdling, breathtaking, sensible clothes. » practical, functional,
exciting, hair-raising 2 Her singing was comfortable, useful, (informal) no-nonsense
sensational. » amazing, extraordinary, OPPOSITES ARE impractical, fashionable
remarkable, wonderful, fabulous, fantastic, sensitive spective 1 The human eye is very
magnificent, great, marvellous, spectacular, sensitive to green. ® responsive, reactive,
superb susceptible, affected (by), conscious (of)
semse noun 1 She has a strong sense of rhythm. AN OPPOSITE IS insensitive 2 The problem needs
> sensation, feeling, perception 2 Hefelt a sensitive handling. » tactful, thoughtful,
sense of guilt. » awareness, feeling, sensation, considerate, sympathetic, understanding,
perception 3 They had the sense to get out in perceptive OPPOSITES ARE insensitive, tactless
time. » wisdom, common sense, intelligence, 3 She’s a very sensitive girl, so take care what
wit, shrewdness 41 couldn’t see the sense of you say. » emotional, easily offended,
leaving then. » point, purpose, advantage, easily upset, volatile, thin-skinned, touchy
benefit 5 I didn’t grasp the sense oftheir message. AN OPPOSITE IS thick-skinned 4 Take care in the
> meaning, significance, substance, sun ifyou have a fair sensitive skin. » delicate,
implication, import, drift, gist, point soft, tender, fragile, fine OPPOSITES ARE tough,
make sense of It’s hard to make sense of these resilient 5 The court ruling comes at a sensitive
remarks. » understand, grasp, comprehend time for the government. » awkward, tricky,
sensor = septic
SeEMSOFNOUN sensors a device or instrument for emotion
detecting a physical property such as light, > sentimentallysovers sentimentality
heat, or sound
sentinel youn sentinels a guard or sentry
sentence noun sentences 1 group of words sentry oun sentries a soldier guarding
that express a complete thought and form a something
statement, question, exclamation, or
command 2 the punishment announced to a separate aojective 1 not joined to anything
convicted person in a lawcourt 2 not shared
> separately Apvers
sentence vers sentences, sentencing,
sentenced give someone a sentence ina separate vers separates, separating,
lawcourt @ The judge sentenced him to a year in separated 1 make or keep separate; divide
prison. [from Latin sententia = opinion] 2 become separate 3 stop living together as'a
married couple
sententious specie giving moral advice ina > separationNouN separator NOUN
pompous way
pen eget the ninth month of the year
sentimentnoun sentiments 1 an opinion [from Latin septem = seven, because it was the
2 sentimentality seventh month of the ancient Roman calendar]
sentimental apctive showing or arousing septicanectve infected with harmful bacteria
tenderness or romantic feeling or foolish that cause pus to form

controversial, delicate OPPOSITES ARE together, united 2 You may prefer
AN OPPOSITE IS uncontroversial to have the kitchen separate from the dining area.
sentencenoun 1 The judge will decide on a The reports may have been referring to two
sentence next week. » judgement, ruling, separate events, » distinct, detached, different,
decision, verdict 2 Her husband is serving a discrete, unattached (to), unconnected (to)
three-year sentence for robbery. » prison term, AN OPPOSITE IS joined
(more informal) stretch
separate vers 1 They were arguing so fiercely it
sentence vers The men will be sentenced at a was difficult to separate them. The war separated
later date. » pass judgement on, pronounce us for many years.» divide, part, break up, split
sentence on, punish up, segregate AN OPPOSITE ISunite 2 Only a
sentimentnoun 11 agree with the sentiments short distance separated them. » divide, come
expressed in your letter. » view, opinion, belief, between AN OPPOSITE IS unite 3 We separated at
thought, attitude, idea, judgement 2 There's the station and I went home. » part company,
not much room for sentiment in this kind of go different ways, split up AN OPPOSITE IS meet
business, » sentimentality, emotionalism, finer 4 The path separated and went up the hill.
feelings, sensibility, soft-heartedness, > diverge, fork, branch off AN OPPOSITE IS
mawkishness merge 5 Separate the yolks of the eggs from the
sentimental apectve 1 The family held a whites. » extract, remove, isolate, abstract,
sentimental attachment to their old home. filter out AN OPPOSITE Is mix 6 When his parents
> nostalgic, emotional, affectionate, tender, separated he lived with his mother. » split up,
romantic, soft-hearted 2. sentimental story break up, divorce, part, become estranged,
about separated twins » maudlin, mawkish, part company 7 separate from She separated
over-emotional, sickly, saccharine, syrupy, herself from the company and formed her own
indulgent, gushing, corny, (more informal) business. » withdraw from, break away from,
soppy, (more informal) mushy, (more informal) leave, quit, dissociate yourself from
treacly OPPOSITES ARE unsentimental, realistic AN OPPOSITE 1S join
sentry noun A sentry was on duty at the gate. separationwoun 1 the separation of church and
> guard, sentinel, lookout, watchman, patrol, state » division, splitting, dissociation,
picket severance, detachment, disconnection,
separable spective The components are parting, isolation, removal, segregation,
separable and can be replaced individually. cutting off OPPOSITES AREmerging, unification
Teaching and research are not completely 2 The separation of the prince and princess has
separable activities. » separate, distinct, been formally announced.(informal) » break-up,
detachable, divisible, removable, split, parting, rift, estrangement
distinguishable AN OPPOSITE IS marriage
separateapectve 1 The guards took care to keep septicanjctive One of her toes looked septic.
the two groups separate. » apart, segregated, > infected, poisoned, putrefying, festering,
cut off, divided, divorced, fenced off, isolated putrid, inflamed, purulent, suppurating
sepulchre = serve
sepulchre (sep- ul- ker) voun sepulchres a serial killer youn serial killers a person who
tomb commits a series of murders
sequel youn sequels 1a book or film etc. that serial number youn serial numbers a
continues the story of an earlier one number put onto an object, usually by the
2 something that follows or results from an manufacturers, to distinguish it from other
earlier event identical objects
sequence Noun sequences 1 the following of series Noun series 1a number of things
one thing after another; the order in which following or connected with each other 2a
things happen 2a series of things number of games or.matches between the
same competitors 3.a number of separate
seraph noun seraphim or seraphs a kind of
radio or television programmes with the same
characters or on the same subject
serenade noun serenades a songor tune of a
serious Apective_ 1 solemn and thoughtful; not
kind played by a man under his lover’s window
smiling 2 sincere; not casual or light-hearted
serenade vers serenades, serenading, @ aserious talk @ a serious attempt 3 causing
serenaded sing or play a serenade to someone anxiety, not trivial @ a serious accident
serene apjective calm and cheerful > seriously Abvers seriousness NOUN
> serenely ADvers serenity NOUN sermon Noun sermons a talk given bya
serf youn serfs a farm labourer who worked for preacher, especially as part of a religious service
a landowner in the Middle Ages, and who was serpent noun serpents a snake
not allowed to leave serried apjective arranged in rows close together
> serfdom NouN e serried ranks of troops
sergeant (sar-jent) Noun sergeants a soldier servant oun servants a person whose job is to
or policeman who is in. charge of others work or serve in someone else’s house
sergeant major Noun sergeant majors a serve vers serves, serving, served 1 work for
soldier who is one rank higher than a sergeant a person or organization or country etc. 2 sell
serial youn serials a story or film etc. that is things to people ina shop 3 give out food to
presented in separate parts people at a meal 4 spend time in something;
USAGE Do not confuse with cereal. undergo e He has served a prison sentence. 5 be

sequel noun 1 The immediate sequel was a riot in OPPOSITES ARE unimportant, frivolous 3 She
the capital. » consequence, result, outcome, suffered serious injuries when she fell from her
upshot 2 a sequel to Daphne du Maurier’s horse. robbery, assault, theft, and other serious
‘Rebecca’. » continuation, (more informal) crimes > severe, critical, bad, acute, shocking,
follow-up terrible, appalling, dreadful, grave, grievous
sequence noun 1A similar sequence of events AN OPPOSITE IS trivial 4 He said he was only
occurred in the Baltic States. » succession, interested in serious literature. » profound,
order, course, progression, series, chain, cycle intellectual, scholarly, learned, highbrow,
2 Here is a short sequence from her new film. (more informal) heavy 5 Are you serious about
> excerpt, scene, clip, extract, section, leaving? » sincere, in earnest, genuine,
episode committed, wholehearted
serene apective Her eyes lit up, and a serene smile AN OPPOSITE IS uncommitted
spread across her face. » calm, composed, seriously spvers 1 He looked at her seriously,
contented, untroubled, unruffled, placid, frowning deeply. » solemnly, earnestly,
tranquil, peaceful, imperturbable, quiet thoughtfully, sternly, dourly 2 The baby was
AN OPPOSITE IS agitated seriously ill in hospital. » severely, critically,
series noun 1 Guerrillas carried out a series of badly, acutely, gravely 3 Do you seriously expect
kidnappings. » succession, sequence, string, me to believe you? » really, actually, honestly
chain, wave, spate, rash, outbreak, run servant noun A servant appeared, carrying a
2 Filming has started on a six-part drama series. tray. >» attendant, retainer, domestic, valet,
> serial, run of programmes butler, maid, menial, helper, (more informal)
serious Apective 1 She wore a serious expression. skivvy, (more informal) flunkey
> solemn, grave, earnest, thoughtful, pensive, serve vers 1 They served their masters well.
sombre, unsmiling, grim, dour > attend, assist, look after, minister to, work
OPPOSITES ARE jovial, cheerful 2A serious for 2 He claimed to use his business skills to serve
disagreement arose between them. » important, the public interest. » further, advance, benefit,
significant, momentous, critical, urgent, advantage, support 3 The book served as a useful
weighty, crucial, grave guide to the city’s attractions. a slogan that would
serve = set
suitable for something @ This will serve our of Parliament. 2 a time spent doing one thing
aa es 6 start play in tennis etc. by hitting the ® a recording session
set vers sets, setting, set 1 put or fixe Set the
> server NOUN vase on the table. e They’ve set a date for the
it serves you right you deserve it
wedding. 2 make ready to work e I'd better set
Serve noun serves a service in tennis etc. the alarm. 3 make or become firm or
service youn services 1 working for a person harde Leave the jelly to set. 4 give someone a
or organization or country etc. 2 something taske This sets us a problem. 5 put into a
that helps people or supplies what they want conditione Set them free. 6 go down below the
© a bus service 3 the army, navy, or air force horizone The sun was setting.
e the armed services 4a religious ceremony set about 1 start doing something
5 providing people with goods, food, etc. e The 2 (informal) attack somebody
service at the restaurant was slow. 6 a set of set off 1 begin a journey 2 start something
dishes and plates etc. for a meal e a dinner happening 3 cause something to explode
service 7 the servicing of a vehicle or machine set out 1 begin a journey 2 display or make
etc. 8 the action of serving in tennis etc. known
set sail begin a voyage
service vers services, servicing, serviced set to 1 begin doing something vigorously
1 repair or keep a vehicle or machine etc. in 2 begin fighting or arguing
working order 2 supply with services set up 1 place in position 2 arrange or
serviceable ance usable; suitable for establish e set up house 3 cause or start @ set up
ordinary use or wear a din
service station noun service stations a place set youn sets 1 a group of people or things that
beside a major road where motorists can stop belong together 2 a radio or television receiver iM

for fuel, light meals, etc. 3 (in mathematics) a collection of things that
have acommon property 4 the way something
serviette noun serviettes a piece of cloth or is placed e the set of his jaw 5 the scenery or
paper used to keep your clothes or hands clean stage for a play or film 6a group of gamesina
at a meal tennis match 7 a badger’s burrow
serving noun servings a helping of food set apective 1 fixed or arranged in advance e a
session youn sessions 1 a meeting or series of set time 2 ready or prepared to do something
meetings @ The Queen will open the next session set on determined about doing something

serve for the whole range ofproducts » function, session noun 1 The council held its first session in
be adequate, be useful 4 a tool that serves a October. » meeting, sitting, assembly,
special purpose » fulfil, answer, perform, conference, discussion, hearing 2 More practice
satisfy, complete, discharge 5 At that point he sessions were needed. » period, time, spell, bout
went in to serve the food. » give out, dish up, set noun 1 There was a set ofkeys on the table. The
distribute, provide 6 Molly spent the summer government will announce a set of new proposals
serving in a local shop. » assist, be an assistant, on human rights. » collection, group , series,
sell 7 serve on He had served on the committee batch, bunch, assortment, array 2 She belonged
for tenyears.» workon, beamember
of, sit on, to a fashionable London set. & circle, clique,
contribute to group, crowd, coterie, company 3a television
set » apparatus, receiver 4a chemistry set
service noun 1 The contract lists the terms of > kit, outfit, apparatus 5 The production
service.» employment, work, business, labour, boasted a spectacular set and lavish costumes.
duty 2 They have done us quite a service. > staging, setting, scenery, stage furniture
> favour, benefit, assistance, kindness, good
turn 3 products that will give years of service set vers 1 She set the bags on a bench in the porch.
> use, usage, utility 4 She took the car in for a > put, place, deposit, position, stand, leave,
service. » overhaul, maintenance check 5a settle, station, post 2 We should set a date for
church service» ceremony, worship, ritual, rite, the next meeting. » fix, decide on, agree on,
observance establish, choose, select, name, arrange,
schedule 3 She set the alarm for five the next
service vers A local garage services their car. morning, > adjust, regulate, programme,
> overhaul, maintain, repair, check, mend synchronize 4 The sun was setting. » go down,
sink, subside, vanish, disappear 5 Leave the jelly
serving noun a large serving ofpasta > portion, in the fridge to set. » harden, solidify, thicken,
helping, plateful, plate, share, amount, ration, stiffen, gel
(more informal) dollop ; set about 1 He set about the task with gusto.

setback = seventeen
setbackwoun setbacks something that stops comfortable or orderly; stop being restless
progress or slows it down Stop.chattering and settle down! 3 go andlive
set book oun set books a book that must be somewhere e They settled in Canada. 4 sink;
studied for a literature examination come to rest on something e Dust had settled
on his books. 5 pay a bill or debt
set square Noun set squares a. device shaped
like a right-angled triangle, used in drawing settlement oun settlements 1 settling
lines parallel to each other etc. something 2 the way something is settled
settee noun settees along soft seat with a back 3 a small number of people or houses
and arms established in a new area
setter Noun setters a dog of along-haired settler voun settlers one of the first people to
breed that can be trained to stand rigid when it settle in a new country
scents game
setting \oun settings 1 the way or place in set-up Noun (informal) the way something is
which something is set 2 music for the words organized or arranged
of a song etc. 3 aset of cutlery or crockery for
one person at a meal SEVEN NOUN, ADJECTIVE sevens the number 7
settlevers settles, settling, settled 1 arrange;
decide or solve something e That settles the seventeen Noun, Apjective the number 17
problem. 2 make or become calm or > seventeenth ADJECTIVE, NOUN

> begin, start, make a start on, get down to, > pay, square, clear 4 Jack settled into an
embark on, tackle 2.A gang set about them in a armchair by the fire. » sink, fall, drop, subside
dark alley. » attack, assault, assail, fall.on, lay 5A bird settled on a branch. > land, alight,
into descend 6 He needed something to settle his
set aside 1 Daphne set aside money each month nerves. » calm, soothe, compose, pacify, quell
towards her holiday. » save, put by, keep, AN OPPOSITE IS agitate
earmark 2 The decision was set aside in the settle down Why can’t you settle down?
Appeal Court. » overrule, overturn, reverse, > calm down, quieten down, be quiet, be still,
revoke, quash, annul relax
set off or out We set off early for the airport. settle down to Rachel wanted her to settle down
> set out, start out, leave, depart to something. » get down to, apply yourself to,
set out He set out his collection of coins. » lay concentrate on, focus on
out, arrange, display, exhibit, present settle for Shelby wasn’t a man to settle for a dull
set up 1A statue will be set up in the main life. » agree to, accept, acquiesce in,
square. » erect, put up, raise, construct 2 The compromise on
company plans to set up a branch in New York. settle in After the war the family settled in
> establish, found, start, institute 3 Her Liverpool. » set up home, make your home,
secretary set up a meeting for the following week. move to, establish yourself in
> organize, arrange, fix, schedule settle onIt was high time they settled on a date
setback noun He had survived a whole series of for the wedding. » decide, choose, fix, agree
setbacks. > difficulty, problem, hitch, delay, on, name, arrange, organize, schedule
hold-up, obstacle, reverse, snag, blow, upset, settlement oun 1 a legal settlement
disappointment, complication, misfortune, > agreement, deal, arrangement, treaty,
(more informal) glitch, (more informal) hiccup contract 2 The dispute is no nearer settlement.
opposites ARE advance, breakthrough > resolution, solution, sorting out, settling
setting Noun 1a relaxing holiday in a quiet 3 an Iron-Age settlement near the modern trunk
setting» surroundings, location, position, site, road » community, colony, encampment,
background, environment, locale 2 diamonds commune, town, village
in a silver setting » mounting, mount, fixture,
surround 3. drama in a historical setting set-up Noun a modern communications set-up; a
> backdrop, context, (French) mise en scéne, new-constitutional set-up for the EU » system,
scene, set arrangement, framework, organization,
business, operation
settlevers 1 Further talks will be held today in an
attempt to settle the dispute. » resolve, sever vers 1 The arm had been severed at the
conclude, clear up, put an end to, finda shoulder. » cut off,cut, chop off, hack off,
solution to, reach an agreement about 2 The shear off, slice off»separate, amputate,
solicitors will settle their affairs. » arrange, disconnect, remove 2 Henry VIII severed his
organize, sort out, putin order, order, relationship with the Church of Rome. » break
complete 3 We can settle the bill in the morning. off, cut off, terminate, disconnect, cease

seventy = shack
seventy noun, apjective seventies the number reproduction 2 the instinct that causes
70 members of the two sexes to be attracted to te
> seventieth apjective, NOUN one another 3 sexual intercourse
several ADJECTIVE, NOUN more than two but not sexism noun discrimination against people of a
many particular sex, especially women
severe apective 1 strict; not gentle or kind > sexist E
2 intense or forceful @ severe gales 3 very plain sexual spective 1 to do with sex or the sexes
@ a severe style of dress 2 (said about reproduction) happening by the
> severely apvers severity Noun fusion of male and female cells
SEW vers sews, sewing, sewed, sewn or > sexually apvers sexuality Noun
sewed 1 join things together by using aneedle sexual intercourse youn an intimate act
and thread 2 work with a needle and thread or between two people, in which the man puts his
with a sewing machine penis into the woman’s vagina, to express love,
USAGE Do not confuse with sow. for pleasure, or to conceive a child
sewage (soo- ij) noun liquid waste matter SeXy ADJECTIVE Sexier, sexiest (informal)
carried away in drains 1 sexually attractive 2 concerned with sex
sewer (soo- er) NOUN sewers a large SFasereviation science fiction
underground drain for carrying away sewage shabby apctive shabbier, shabbiest 1ina
sewing machine you sewing machines a poor or worn-out condition; dilapidated
machine for sewing things 2 poorly dressed 3 unfair or dishonourable e a
S@X Noun sexes 1 each of the two groups (male shabby trick
and female) into which living things are placed > shabbily apvers shabbiness noun
according to their functions in the process of shack noun shacks a roughly built hut

several apective 1 The cable is split into several seX noun 1 The disease affects children of both
strands. He had admitted the murder several sexes. » gender 2 There is nothing wrong in
times. » anumber of, many, some, a few asking questions about sex. » the facts of life,
2 There are several ways of looking at the problem. sexual activity, reproduction, sexual
> various, miscellaneous, anumber of, sundry, reproduction 3 Unsafe sex in this age group was
assorted increasing. » sexual intercourse, intercourse,
making love, lovemaking, sexual relations
severe apjective 1 The region faced a severe threat have sex Derek said they’d been having sex.
of mass starvation. Wreckage covered the road, > have sexual intercourse, make love, go to
causing severe traffic disruption. » serious, bed together, (more informal) go all the way
acute, grave, extreme, critical, dire, grievous
AN OPPOSITE IS minor 2 Many birds were found sexual apjective 1A bit ofpetting had been the
injured or dead after the severe weather. only sexual activity. » erotic, physical, sensual,
> harsh, hard, extreme, turbulent, stormy carnal, sexy 2.A diagram of the sexual organs
AN OPPOSITE IS mild 3 Oliver developed a severe might help. » reproductive, procreative,
stomach ulcer. The pains could be severe and genital
disruptive. » acute, intense, painful,
excruciating AN OPPOSITE IS slight 4 The SEXY ADJECTIVE 1 ‘You’re young,’ he said coolly,
expedition will be a severe test of their stamina. beautiful, sexy, and intelligent.’ » sexually
> demanding, hard, formidable, difficult, attractive, desirable, seductive, sensual
onerous, burdensome OPPOSITES ARE simple, 2 Louise stripped to her sexy lace underwear.
easy 5 She did not expect the criticism to be so > titillating, erotic, suggestive, salacious,
severe. » fierce, harsh, sharp, scathing, caustic lewd, racy, sexually explicit, (more informal)
AN OPPOSITE 1S mild 6 More severe penalties were steamy
needed for hit-and-run drivers. They deplored the
imposition of such severe censorship. » strict, shabby spective 1 Florrie straightened the lapel
harsh, draconian, ruthless AN OPPOSITE IS mild of her shabby coat. » worn, scruffy, ragged,
7 It was described as neoclassical architecture in a tattered 2 She went into a shabby coffee bar in the
severe style. » plain, simple, spare, stark, centre of town. » run-down, scruffy,
unadorned OPPOSITES ARE ornate, elaborate dilapidated, seedy, dingy, dirty, poky, tatty
3 He hated resorting to such shabby lying.
SEW vers His aunt sewed the badge on his sleeve. > shameful, mean, cheap, contemptible,
> stitch, tack, attach, fasten despicable, rotten
OPPOSITES ARE unpick, remove
sew up You need to sew up the hole in your sleeve. shack noun a shack in the woods » hut, cabin,
> darn, stitch, mend, patch, repair shanty, shed, hovel
shackle = shake
shacklenoun shackles an iron ring for Shadow Cabinet noun members of the
fastening a prisoner’s wrist or ankle to Opposition in Parliament who each have
something responsibility for a particular area of policy
shackle vers shackles, shackling, shackled shady “oecTive shadier, shadiest 1 giving
shade e a shady tree 2 in the shade e a shady
put shackles on a prisoner
place 3 (informal) not completely honest;
shadenoun shades 1 slight darkness produced disreputable e a shady deal
where something blocks the sun’s light 2a shaft noun shafts 1a long slender rod or
device that reduces or shuts out bright light 3 a straight part e the shaft of an arrow 2a ray of
colour; how light or dark a colour is 4 a‘slight light 3 a deep narrow hole e a mine shaft
difference e The word had several shades of
meaning. 5 (poetical) a ghost sha ADJECTIVE shaggier, shaggiest 1 having
peed hs hair or fibre 2 roug thick: and
shade vers shades, shading, shaded 1 shelter untidy @ shaggy hair
something from bright light 2 make part of a
drawing darker than the rest 3 move gradually shake vers shakes, shaking, shook, shaken
from one state or quality to another e evening 1 move quickly up and down orfrom side to
shading into night side 2 shock or upset @ The news shook us.
3 tremble; be unsteady e His voice was shaking.
shadow noun shadows 1 the dark shape that > shaker Noun
falls on a surface when something is between shake hands clasp a person’s right hand with
the surface and a light 2 an area of shade 3.a yours in greeting or parting or as a sign of
slight trace @ a shadow of doubt agreement
> shadowy ADJECTIVE shake noun shakes shaking; a shaking
shadow vers shadows, shadowing, movement
shadowed 1 cast a shadow on something > shaky AD/ECTIVE shakily ADVERB
2 follow a person secretly in two shakes very soon

shade noun 1 They spend most of the day lying in shadow vers He continued to shadow the van
the shade. » shadow, shelter, cover 2. The until forced to return. » follow, trail, track,
shades of evening drew on.» darkness, twilight, stalk, pursue
gloominess, dimness, obscurity, shadow 3 She shadowy “pcre 1 They made out a shadowy
pulled the shade down over the window. » blind, form in front of them. » indistinct, hazy, vague,
screen, curtain, awning, canopy 4a blurred, blurry, nebulous, unsubstantial,
indeterminate, indistinguishable,
mass-produced shirt in a harsh shade of blue
unrecognizable 2 She let herself out into the
> hue, tinge, tint, tone, colour 5 There was a shadowy hall. » dark, shady, shaded
shade of distrustinher voice. > hint, trace, dash,
shady spective 1 Mrs Halliday took Dot down a
suggestion, suspicion, tone, nuance 6
shady footpath. » shaded, shadowy, sheltered,
shades of opinion were represented. » variety, dark, shrouded, sunless opposiTes ARE Sunny,
variation, form, nuance, subtlety 7 a shade bright 2 Blake had been authorized to do shady
Silvio laughed a shade too heartily. » alittle, a deals with Russian intelligence. » dubious,
bit, a touch, rather, (more informal) a tad suspect, suspicious, disreputable, unethical,
dishonest, untrustworthy, (more informal)
shade vers 1A tall fence shaded most of the fishy, (more informal) dodgy, (more informal)
garden. » overshadow, cast a shadow over, shifty aN opposite Is honest
screen, shield, shroud, veil, conceal, obscure, shaft voun 1. wooden shaft » pole, rod, stick,
mask, protect 2 You can shade the background staff, shank, post 2 The shaft of a pickaxe lay on
with a dark pencil. » colour in, darken, block in the ground. » handle, stem, stock 3 The first
shaft of light broke through the window. » ray,
shadow Noun 1 He lingered in the shadow of the beam, gleam, bar, finger 4a shaft in a mine
corridor outside the room. » shade, darkness, > passage, mineshaft, tunnel, duct
dimness, semi-darkness, gloom 2 She saw a shaggy ADJECTIVE The dog had a shaggy coat. The
shadow on the wall. » silhouette, outline, big shaggy head turned to look at me. » hairy,
shape, profile, contour 3 There’s not a shadow of bushy, thick, woolly, fleecy, unkempt,
doubt that they were there at the time ofthe crime. dishevelled, unshorn, hirsute
> trace, slightest bit, scrap, shred, crumb, OPPOSITES ARE Smooth, sleek
ounce, particle, iota, jot 4 There was a shadow shake vers 1 The whole building seemed to shake.
of a smile across her face. > hint, flicker, We were shaking with fear. » tremble, quiver,
suspicion, trace, suggestion, sign shudder, shiver, convulse, judder, heave,
shall = shanty town
shall auxiwary vers 1 used with land weto refer shame that it rained.
to the future e I shall arrive tomorrow 2 used > Shameful apective shamefully Apvers
with land we in questions when making a shame vers shames, shaming, shamed make
suggestion or offer or asking for advice e Shall I a person feel ashamed
shut the door? 3 (old-fashioned use) used with
words other than | and we in promises or to shameless spective not feeling or looking
express determination @ Trust me, you shall ashamed,
have a party. > shamelessly apvers
shampoo noun shampoos 1a liquid
shallow apecrve shallower, shallowest 1 not substance for washing the hair 2 a substance
deep e shallow water 2 not capable of deep for cleaning a carpet etc. or washing acar 3a
feelings @ a shallow character wash with shampoo e a shampoo and set
> shallowness noun
shampoo vers shampoos, shampooing,
sham noun shams something that is not shampooed wash or clean with a shampoo
genuine; a pretence [originally = to massage: from Hindi champo
> sham ADEcTIVE = press]
sham vers shams, shamming, shammed shan’t (mainly spoken) shall not
pretend shanty'youn shanties a shack [from Canadian
shamble vers shambles, shambling, French]
shambled walk or run ina lazy or awkward way shanty? youn shanties a sailors’ song with a
shame noun 1a feeling of great sorrow or guilt chorus [probably from French chanter = sing]
because you have done wrong 2 dishonour or shanty townnou shanty towns a
disgrace 3 something you regret; a pity e It's a settlement consisting of shacks

wobble 2 The wind shook the window frame. sham vers He wasn't shamming, he was obviously
> rattle, vibrate 3 She shook her umbrella at an injured. » pretend, fake, dissemble
approaching taxi. » wave, waggle, wag,
brandish, flourish, jiggle, joggle 4 The news shambles noun (informal) The room was a
shook them. » shock, startle, unnerve, shambles. The loans scheme had degenerated into
a shambles. » mess, muddle, chaos, confusion,
unsettle, upset, alarm, distress, disturb,
frighten, perturb disorder
shake something off Bobby finally shook off his shamewnoun 1 He couldn't face the shame of being
flu and was able to play again. » get over, found out.» humiliation, opprobrium,
recover from, get rid of, (more informal) see the dishonour, disgrace, stigma, remorse, guilt,
back of embarrassment, ignominy, mortification,
shake someone off He looked round to see ifhe degradation, discredit OPPOSITES ARE honour,
had shaken off his pursuer. » escape, elude, get pride 2a shame It’s a shame he didn’t stick to
away from, leave behind, give someone the slip chess instead of cards. » a pity, unfortunate, a
shaky apjective 1 They sat at a shaky table. piece of bad luck, a cause for regret
> unsteady, flimsy, wobbly, rickety, rocky, OPPOSITES ARE fortunate, lucky
weak, frail, ramshackle 2 She let out a deep,
shame vers 1 He had been shamed in public.
shaky breath. » trembling, shaking, faltering,
> humiliate, mortify, humble, chasten,
quivering 3 His voice was shaky with emotion.
embarrass, (more informal) show up 2 You have
> faltering, nervous, quavering, tremulous,
shamed your family name. He would have shamed
unsteady AN OPPOSITE IS steady 4 He had to
an angel with his table manners. » disgrace,
admit it was a shaky alibi, but he got away with
dishonour, discredit, degrade, taint, tarnish
it. » precarious, uncertain, unpromising, OPPOSITES ARE honour, do credit to
doubtful, unsound
shallow spective 11 do not agree with that shameful spective The scheme had been a
shallow view of the situation. » superficial, shameful waste of money. » disgraceful,
facile, oversimplified, simplistic, narrow, deplorable, contemptible, outrageous,
flimsy, lightweight, surface reprehensible, scandalous, unworthy, wicked,
OPPOSITES ARE profound, deep vile AN OPPOSITE IS honourable
sham noun The lad’s appearance and manner shameless apective 1 People said he was a
could be a sham. » pretence, act, fake, fraud, shameless sponger. » brazen, bold, audacious,
fiction, lie ANOPPOSITEISrealthing forward, incorrigible, abandoned
sham apective She felt trapped in a sham OPPOSITES ARE reticent, bashful 2 They knew it
marriage. >» false, fake, bogus, pretended, was a shameless lie. » flagrant, blatant,
simulated, imitation AN OPPOSITEIS genuine barefaced, unashamed, overt
shape = sharp practice
shape noun shapes 1a thing’s outline; the sharkwoun sharks a large sea fish with sharp
appearance an outline produces 2 properform teeth «
or condition e Get it into shape. 3 the general
sharp apjective 1 with an edge or point that can
form or condition of something @ the shape of cut or make holes 2 quick at noticing or
British industry learning things e sharp eyes 3 steep or pointed;
not gradual e.a sharp bend 4 forceful or severe
shape vers shapes, shaping, shaped 1 make @ a sharp frost 5 distinct; loud and shrill e a
into a particular shape 2 develop e The plan is sharp cry 6 slightly sour 7 (in music) one
shaping up nicely. [from Old English] semitone higher than the natural note e C
shapeless apctive having no definite shape sharp
> sharply ADver8 sharpness NOUN
shapely spective shapelier, shapeliest having sharp Apvers_1 sharply e Turn sharp right here
an attractive shape 2 punctually @ Ill see you at six o’clock sharp
3 (in music) above the correct pitch e You were
share noun shares 1 a part given to one person
singing sharp.
or thing out of something that is being divided
2 each of the equal parts forming a business sharp Noun sharps (in music) a note one
company’s capital, giving the person who semitone higher than the natural note; the sign
holds it the right to receive a portion (a (#) that indicates this
dividend) of the company’s profits sharpen vers sharpens, sharpening,
share vers shares, sharing, shared 1 give sharpened make or become sharp
> sharpener NOUN
portions of something to two or more people
2 have or use or experience something jointly sharp practice noun dishonest or barely
with others e She shared a house with me. honest dealings in business

shape noun 1 The shape of their bodies changes in, take partin, participate in, joinin, cooperate
with astonishing speed. » form, figure, in
configuration, physique, outline, profile,
silhouette, pattern 2 For his age he was in pretty sharp apctive 1A sharp knife is essential.
good shape. » condition, health, state, trim, p keen-edged, keen, pointed, spiky
fettle, (more informal) nick AN OPPOSITE IS blunt 2 Kittens can strike out with
shape vers She shaped the clay into a tall pot. their sharp claws. » pointed, jagged, cutting
A number offactors have shaped their ideas. 3 She felt a sharp pain in her arm. » acute,
> form, fashion, mould, cast, make, piercing, intense, fierce, stabbing, severe
sculpt OPPOSITES ARE gentle, mild 4 a cheese with a
sharp flavour » strong, piquant, pungent,
shapeless apjctive 1 This shapeless mass
was my dinner. » amorphous, formless, bitter opposites ARE mild, mellow 5 There was a
indeterminate, irregular, nebulous, undefined, sharp cry from outside. There was a series ofsharp
unformed, vague AN opposite Is defined. raps on the door. > loud, piercing, shrill,
2 Gladys removed a shapeless cardigan and hung high-pitched an opposite Is soft 6 A sharp wind
it over the chair. » baggy, saggy, sagging, blew outside. » cold, chilly, bitter, keen, brisk,
unshapely, formless, dumpy biting, cutting opposites aRE gentle, warm
AN OPPOSITE IS shapely 7 Ifhe disapproves there will be frowns and
sharp words. » harsh, bitter, cutting, scathing,
shapely apective advertisements full of shapely caustic, acerbic, tart 8 She adjusted the focus
hips and pretty faces » well-proportioned,
to make the image sharper. » distinct, clear,
elegant, graceful, attractive, trim
crisp Opposites ARE blurred, indistinct 9 There
could be a sharp drop in prices. » abrupt, rapid,
share Noun We will get a share of the profits. steep, sudden AN opposite Is gradual 10 His
> portion, part, division, quota, allocation, sharp eyes spotted something moving. » keen,
allowance perceptive, observant, keen-sighted, acute
share vers 1 Member countries will have to share AN OPPOSITE IS Weak 11 He had a quick wit and a
the costs. » divide, split, deal out, distribute, sharp mind. » perceptive, incisive, discerning,
ration out, share out, apportion, allocate, percipient opposites are dull, slow
allot, go halves with 2 She had to share a room x

with two other people. > use jointly, live in sharpen vers You will need to sharpen the knife.
3 share in It is important for everyone to share > make sharp, whet, hone, grind, strop, file
in the decision-making process. » be involved AN OPPOSITE Is blunt

shatter — shelf
shatter vers shatters, shattering, shattered shed! youn sheds a simply made building used
1 break violently into small pieces 2 destroy for storing things or sheltering animals, or as a
e It shattered our hopes. 3 upset greatly e We workshop
were shattered by the news. shed? vers sheds, shedding, shed 1 let
shave vers shaves, shaving, shaved 1 scrape something fall or flow e The tree shed its leaves.
growing hair off the skin with a razor 2 cut or © We shed tears. 2 give off e The candle shed soft
scrape a thin slice off something light on the table. 3 get rid of e The company has
> shavenapjecrve shaver Noun shed 200 workers.
sheen youn a shine or gloss
shave noun shaves the act of shaving the face
close shave (informal) a narrow escape sheepyoun sheep an animal that eats grass and
has a thick fleecy coat, kept in flocks for its wool
shavings p.ura: noun thin strips shaved off a and its meat [from Old English]
piece of wood or metal sheepdognoun sheepdogs a dog trained to
shawl oun shawls a large piece of material guard and herd sheep
worn round the shoulders or head or wrapped sheepish apectve 1 bashful 2 embarrassed or
round a baby [from Persian or Urdu] shamefaced
she pronoun the female person or animal being > sheepishly pvers sheepishness
talked about sheer! apjective 1 complete or thorough e sheer
stupidity 2 vertical, with almost no slope e a
sheaf oun sheaves 1 a bundle of cornstalks
sheer drop 3 (said about material) very thin;
tied together 2 a bundle of arrows, papers, etc. transparent
held together
sheer? vers sheers, sheering, sheered
shear vers shears, shearing, sheared or, in swerve; move sharply away
sense1, shorn 1 cut or trim; cut the wool off a USAGE Do not confuse with shear.
sheep 2 break because of a sideways or
twisting force e One of the bolts sheared off.
sheetnoun sheets 1 a large piece of
lightweight material used on a bed to sleep
> shearer Noun
under 2a whole flat piece of paper, glass, or
USAGE Do not confuse with sheer,
metal 3 a wide area of water, ice, flame, etc.
shears piura Noun a cutting tool shaped like a sheikh (shayk, sheek) noun shetkhs the leader
very large pair of scissors and worked with both of an Arab tribe or village
hands shelf oun shelves 1 flat piece of wood,
sheathwoun sheaths 1 a cover for the blade of metal, or glass etc. fixed to a wall or ina piece of
a knife or sword etc. 2a close-fitting cover 3.a furniture so that things can be placed on it 2a
condom flat level surface that sticks out; a ledge

shatter vers 1 The blast was loud enough to discard, let fall, shower 2 We went indoors and
shatter windows. The glass shattered like an shed our coats. » take off, discard, peel off, slip
eggshell. » break, smash, blow out, splinter, out of
crack 2 The silence was shattered by a warning sheen oun Using the right polish will give the
shout from the alley. » destroy, wreck, ruin, surface a delicate sheen. » shine, gloss, lustre,
dash, overturn, upset brightness, gleam, patina, burnish, polish
shattered apective 1 She seemed shattered by the
refusal. > upset, devastated, stunned, sheer apective 1 It was sheer chance that Beverley
shocked, staggered, distraught 2 By the time he had been to the same hotel. The offence was an act
reached home he felt shattered. » exhausted, of sheer desperation. » utter, complete,
tired out, worn out, weary, fatigued, (more absolute, total, pure, unmitigated, unqualified,
informal) dead tired, (more informal) played out-and-out 2A few yards ahead was a sheer
out, (more informal) washed out drop. » precipitous, vertical, abrupt,
perpendicular 3 Sheer fabrics look great in a
shave vers His shot shaved the near post. bathroom setting. » diaphanous, fine, gauzy,
> brush, graze, touch, glance off flimsy, see-through, transparent, thin
shave off Michael shaved off his moustache.
> cut off, snip off, crop sheetyoun 1a sheet of paper piece, leaf,
shed youn Marion kept her rabbits in a garden page, folio 2a sheet of ice » layer, film,
shed, » hut, shack, shelter, storehouse, covering, strip, expanse, surface 3a sheet of
lean-to, outhouse, potting shed ( glass » pane, panel, place
shed vers 1A lorry had shed its load on the inside shelf Noun She put the vase back on the shelf.
lane. » spill, throw off, drop, scatter, cast off, > ledge, mantelpiece, sill, rack
shell = shilly-shally
shell youn shells 1 the hard outer covering of sheriff youn sheriffs the chief law officer of a
an egg, nut, etc., or of an animal suchas a snail, county, whose duties vary in different countries
crab, or tortoise 2 the walls or framework of a sherry noun sherries akind of strong wine
building, ship, etc..3.a metal case filled with
explosive, fired from a large gun
Shetland pony noun Shetland ponies a kind
of small, strong, shaggy pony, originally from
shell vere shells, sifellisy: shelled 1 take the Shetland Isles
something out of its shell 2 fire explosive shells shield noun shields 1a large piece of metal,
at something wood, etc. carried to protect the body 2a
shell out (informal) pay out money model ofatriangular shield used as atrophy 3. a
shellfish youn shellfish a sea animal that has a protection
shell shield vers shields, shielding, shielded
protect from harm or from being discovered
shelter voun shelters 1 something that shift vers shifts, shifting, shifted 1 move or
protects people from rain, wind, danger, etc. cause to move 2 (said about an opinion or
e@ The bus stop has a shelter beside it. situation) change slightly
2 protection e The villagers sought shelter from shift for yourself manage without help; rely
the storm. on your own efforts
shelter vers shelters, sheltering, sheltered shift noun shifts 1a change of position or
1 provide with shelter 2 protect 3 finda shelter condition etc. 2a group of workers who start
e@ They sheltered under the trees. work as another group finishes; the time when
they work e the night shift 3 a straight dress
shelve vers shelves, shelving, shelved 1 put with no waist
things on a shelf or shelves 2 fit a wall or
cupboard etc. with shelves 3 postpone or shifty aojective evasive, not straightforward;
reject a plan etc. 4slope e The bed of the river untrustworthy
shelves steeply. > shiftily Aovers shiftiness NOUN
shilling noun shillings a former British coin,
shepherd noun shepherds a person whose job equal to 5p
is to look after sheep
shilly-shally vers shilly-shallies,
shepherd vers shepherds, shepherding, shilly-shallying, shilly-shallied be unable to
shepherded guide or direct people make up your mind

shell noun 1 an insect that has no hard shell to one side, suspend, abandon, mothball, (more
protect it» pod, casing, case, crust, husk, hull informal) put on ice, (more informal) put on the
2 All that was left of the building was its shell. back burner opposites ARE implement, revive
> skeleton, frame, framework, hull shield noun One coating will afford the metal a
shelter voun 1 Their house provided shelter for shield against corrosion. » protection,
countless escapees. » protection, refuge, safeguard, guard, screen, shelter, barrier,
sanctuary, safety, cover, haven, lee, asylum defence, bulwark
2 We set up a shelter against the wind. » shield,
screen, barrier, cover 3 She ran a shelter for the shield vere She tried to shield her eyes from the
homeless. » sanctuary, refuge, haven, safe , glare of the sun. » protect, shade, screen,
haven, retreat cover, defend, guard, keep safe, safequard,
shelter vers 1 The hut sheltered us from the
storm. » protect, keep safe, shield, cover, shift vers 1 Les shifted the furniture to make more
safeguard, screen, guard 2 The walkers space.» move, rearrange, reposition, relocate,
sheltered in doorways. » take shelter, take adjust, transfer, switch round, haul, lug 2 It
refuge, seek protection, take cover 3 His family wouldn't be easy to shift all that dirt. » remove,
took it in turns to shelter him. » harbour, dislodge, budge 3 Their opinions had shifted
accommodate, give shelter to, hide somewhat. » change, alter, modify, vary,
sheltered apectve 1a sheltered spot behind the
sand dunes » protected, enclosed, screened, shift voun 1 constant shifts in public opinion
shielded, covered, calm, quiet, windless > change, alteration, variation, fluctuation
AN OPPOSITE IS exposed. 2 She had led a sheltered 2 His mum was working on the night shift.
life. » secluded, withdrawn, cloistered, > period, stint, stretch
reclusive, isolated, unadventurous, unexciting shifty anjective She had seen that shifty look before.
AN OPPOSITE IS adventurous > untrustworthy, dishonest, deceitful, furtive,
shelve vere The plans had to be shelved for the underhand, shady, wily, scheming, dubious
time being. » postpone, defer, put off, put to AN OPPOSITE IS Straightforward
shimmer = shock
shimmer vers shimmers, shimmering, shipyad NOUN shipyards a place where ships
shimmered shine with a quivering light e The are built or repaired
sea shimmered in the moonlight.
> shimmer Noun
shire noun shires a county
the Shires the country areas of (especially
shin oun shins the front of the leg between the central) England, away from the cities
knee and the ankle
shirk vers shirks, shirking, shirked avoid a
shin vers shins, shinning, shinned climb by duty or work etc. selfishly or unfairly
using the arms and legs, not on a ladder > shirker Noun
shine vers shines, shining, shone or, in sense 4, [probably from German Schurke = scoundrel]
shined 1 give out or reflect light; be bright shirt youn shirts a piece of clothing for the top
2 be excellent e He doesn’t shine in maths. 3 aim half of the body, made of light material and
a light @ Shine your torch on it. 4 polish e Have with a collar and sleeves
you shined your shoes? in your shirtsleeves not wearing a jacket over
shingle noun pebbles ona beach your shirt
shingles noun a disease caused by the chicken shiver vers shivers, shivering, shivered
Pox virus, producing a painful rash tremble with cold or fear
shiny apecrve shinier, shiniest shining or > shiver Noun shivery ADJECTIVE
glossy shoal | youn shoals a large number of fish
ship noun ships alarge boat, especially one that swimming together
goes to sea shoal? oun shoals 1 shallow place 2 an
ship vers ships, shipping, shipped transport underwater sandbank
goods etc., especially by ship shock 'oun shocks 1a sudden unpleasant
-shilp surrix forms nouns meaning ‘condition’ surprise 2 great weakness caused by pain or
(e.g. friendship, hardship), position (e.g. injury etc. 3 the effect of a violent shake or
chairmanship), or skill (e.g. seamanship) knock 4an effect caused by electric current
shipping noun 1 ships e Britain’s shipping passing through the body
2 transporting goods by ship shock vers shocks, shocking, shocked 1 give
shipshape apecrve in good order; tidy someone a shock; surprise or upset a person
de scious NOUN shipwrecks 1 the wrecking greatly 2 seem very improper or scandalous to
of a ship by storm or accident 2.a wrecked ship a person
> shipwrecked AD/ECTIVE shock? noun shocks a bushy mass of hair

shimmer vere The lights shimmered on the ship vers Twenty flamingoes were shipped from
surface of the water. » glimmer, glint, gleam, Tanzania to London. » send, consign,
glow, glisten, glitter, sparkle, shine, flash transport, post, mail
shine vere 1 The sun shone through the windows. shipment noun There’s a grain shipment due out
> beam, gleam, glow, glisten, glint, sparkle, tomorrow. » load, cargo, consignment,
flash 2 He had forgotten to shine his shoes. freight, vanload, lorryload, truckload,
> polish, brush, buff, brighten 3 There was one boatload, (more formal) lading
thing they all shone at. » excel, stand out, be shirk vers We've got responsibilities, and we can’t
outstanding shirk them. » dodge, duck, evade, avoid, shun,
get out of, shrink from, neglect
shine noun a shine on the furniture » polish, shiver vers Maria stood at the door shivering.
sheen, lustre, patina, burnish, gleam > tremble, quiver, shake, shudder, palpitate,
shining nective 1a knight in shining armour flutter
> gleaming, brilliant, radiant, glittering, shock noun 1 the shock of an explosion » blow,
glowing, luminous, shiny, sparkling 2 a shining vibration, impact, collision, concussion, jolt
example » conspicuous, outstanding, 2 The news came as a shock. » blow, upset,
splendid, eminent, glorious, praiseworthy, surprise, bombshell, bolt from the blue 3 The
resplendent state of the room always gave her a shock.
> surprise, fright, scare, jolt, start, (more
shiny Anective He liked her shiny black boots. informal) turn 4 She was in a state of shock for
> bright, glossy, gleaming, shining, glistening, several days. » trauma, distress,
polished, burnished, lustrous
OPPOSITES ARE dull, matt shock vere The brutal attack shocked the whole
community. » horrify, appal, stun, stagger,
ship noun Another very big wave hit the ship. alarm, outrage, dismay, scandalize, repel,
> vessel, craft, boat, liner, steamer offend, disgust, sicken, revolt
shocking — short
shocking apective 1 causing indignation or > shopper Noun
disgust 2 (informal) very bad @ shocking shop around compare goods and prices in
weather several shops before buying
shock wavewoun shock waves a sharp shop floornoun 1 the workers ina factory, not
change in pressure in the air around an the managers 2 the place where they work
explosion-or an object moving very quickly shopkeeper
noun shopkeepers a person who
shod past tense of shoe owns or manages a shop
shoddy apctive shoddier, shoddiest of poor shoplifter youn shoplifters a person who
quality; badly made or done e shoddy work steals goods from a shop after entering as a
> shoddily snvers shoddiness noun customer
shoe noun shoes 1 strong covering for the > shoplifting noun
foot 2a horseshoe 3 something shaped or
used like a shoe
shopping oun 1 buying goods in shops 2 the
be in somebody’s shoes be in his or her goods bought
situation shore! youn shores the land along the edge of
shoe vers shoes, shoeing, shod fit with a shoe a sea or of a lake [from early German or Dutch
or shoes schore]
shoelace noun shoelaces a cord for lacing up shore? vers shores, shoring, shored prop
and fastening a shoe something up with a piece of wood etc. [from
shooters shoots, shooting, shot 1 fire agun early German or Dutch schoren]
or missile etc. 2 hurt or kill by shooting 3 move shorn past participle of shear
orsend very quickly e The car shot past us 4 kick short apective 1 not long; occupying a small
or hit a ball at a goal 5 (said about a plant) put distance or time e a short walk 2 not tall e a
out buds or shoots 6 slide the bolt of a door short person 3 not enough; not having enough
into or out of its fastening 7 film or photograph of something e Water is short in hot weather
something e The film was shot in Africa. © Weare short ofwater 4 bad-tempered or curt
shoot oun shoots 1a young branch or new 5 (said about pastry) rich and crumbly because
growth of a plant 2 an expedition for shooting it contains a lot of fat
animals > shortness Noun
shooting star youn shooting stars a meteor for short as an abbreviation e Raymond is
shop noun shops 1 building or room where called Ray for short.
goods or services are on sale to the public 2a short for an abbreviation of @ ‘Ray’ is short for
workshop 3 talk that is about your own work or Raymond.
job @ She is always talking shop. short of without going to the length of e IT do
shop vers shops, shopping, shopped go and anything to help, short of breaking the law
buy things at shops short ADVERB suddenly e She stopped short.

shocking apctive 1 Next day they heard the shopping oun She put her shopping in the back
whole shocking story. » horrifying, horrific, of the car. » goods, purchases
appalling, alarming, distressing, terrible,
dreadful, awful, frightening, upsetting 2 Their shore noun They stopped for a picnic near the
language was quite shocking. » offensive, shore. » seashore, beach, sands, coast,
disgusting, outrageous foreshore, seaboard, shingle, bank, strand
shoddy anjctive 1 the shoddy state of our RELATED ADJECTIVE littoral
national services » inferior, poor-quality,
second-rate, cheap, trashy, rubbishy, (more short aojctive 1 a short piece of string » small,
informal) tacky AN OPPOSITE |S well-made 2 The little AN OPPOSITE ISlong 2a short person
workmanship was noticeably shoddy. » careless, > small, little, petite, squat, stocky cainitnutive
slapdash, slipshod, sloppy AN OPPOSITE IS tall 3 a short account of the voyage
OPPOSITES ARE painstaking, careful > brief, concise, succinct, pithy
OPPOSITES ARE long, elaborate, lengthy 4 Take a
shoot vers 1 The gunman had been daring the short look at this. » brief, cursory, fleeting,
police to shoot him. » hit, kill, gun down, snipe momentary OPPOSITES ARE prolonged, lengthy
at, pick off 2.A motorcycle shot past. » race, 5 Supplies were short. » low, meagre, scant,
dash, zoom, career, fly, rush, streak, hare deficient, inadequate, insufficient
3 They plan to shoot the outdoor scenes on location OPPOSITES ARE plentiful, abundant 6 She was
in Africa. > film, make, capture rather short with me. > curt, abrupt, sharp,
shop noun His father opened a shop in the town. blunt, brusque, snappy, impatient
> store, retail store, outlet, emporium OPPOSITES ARE courteous, patient

shortage = shove
shortage noun shortages lack or scarcity of attempt @ Have a shot at the crossword. 8 an
something; insufficiency injection of adrug or vaccine
shortbread noun arich sweet biscuit, made
with butter : shot apjective (said about fabric) woven so that
different colours showat different angles @ shot
short circuit youn short circuits a fault in an silk
electrical circuit in which current flows along a
shorter route than the normal one should avkiwary vers 1 used for saying what
> short-circuit vers someone oughtto do e You should have told me.
shortcoming Noun shortcomings a fault or 2 used for saying what someone expects
failure to reach a good standard @ They should be here by ten o’clock. 3 used for
short cut oun short cuts a route or method saying what might happen e If you should
that is quicker than the usual one happen to see him, tell him to come. 4 used with |
and weto make a polite statement (Ishould like
shorten vers shortens, shortening, to come) or in a conditional clause (Ifthey had
shortened make or become shorter supported us we should have won)
_ shorthand noun aset of special signs for USAGE In sense 4, although should is strictly
writing words down as quickly as people say correct, many people nowadays use would
them and this is not regarded as wrong.
short-handed spective not having enough
workers or helpers shoulder noun shoulders 1 the part of the
body between the neck and the arm, foreleg,
shortly apvere 1 ina short time; soone They
or wing 2 aside that juts out @ the shoulder of
will arrive shortly. 2 in afew words 3 curtly the bottle
shorts plurAl Noun trousers with legs that do not
reach to the knee shoulder vere shoulders, shouldering,
short-sighted spective 1 unable to see things shouldered 1 take something on your
clearly when they are further away 2 lacking shoulder or shoulders 2 push with your
imagination orforesight shoulder 3 accept responsibility or blame
short-tempered spective easily becoming shoulder blade noun shoulder blades either
angry of the two large flat bones at the top of your
short wave Noun a radio wave of a wavelength back
between 10 and 100 metres and a frequency of
about 3 to 30 megahertz shouldn’t (mainly spoken) should not
shot 'past tense of shoot shout oun shouts a loud cry or call
shot? noun shots 1 the firing of agun or missile shout vers shouts, shouting, shouted give a
etc.; the sound of this 2 something fired froma shout; speak or call loudly
gun; lead pellets for firing from small guns 3a
person judged by skill in shooting @ He’s a good shove vers shoves, shoving, shoved push
shot. 4a heavy metal ball thrown as a sport 5a roughly
stroke in tennis, cricket, billiards, etc. 6a > shove NouN
photograph; a filmed scene 7 (informal) an shove off (informal) go away fh

shortage Noun a shortage of water > scarcity, > narrow-minded, narrow, improvident,
sparseness, dearth, deficiency, insufficiency, intolerant, conservative, illiberal, insular,
lack, want, paucity, shortfall parochial, small-minded
AN OPPOSITE Is abundance
shot noun 1A shot rang out. » report, bang,
shortcoming Noun He was well aware of his blast, explosion 2 This is a shot ofus on the
own shortcomings. » defect, failing, fault, beach. » photo, photograph, snap, snapshot
imperfection, weakness, drawback, foible, vice 3 He managed a winning shot. » stroke, hit,
AN OPPOSITE IS Strength strike, throw 4 (informal) He wanted a shot at
shorten vers The composer shortened the work for ie the car. > attempt, try, go, (informal)
a concert performance. » cut down, reduce, as
condense, compress, cut, trim, abridge
OPPOSITES ARE lengthen, expand shout vers ‘Come on,’ she shouted. » cry, call,
yell, exclaim, shriek, scream, bawl
shortly apvere A note arrived shortly afterwards.
> soon, presently, directly, before long, by and shove vers 1 She shoved the boy into the back of
by " the van. » push, thrust, drive, propel, force
short-sighted spective The media tend to be 2 Several large men shoved past them. » push,
short-sighted when dealing with the arts. barge, elbow, jostle, hustle, shoulder, crowd
shovel — shriek
shovel Noun shovels atool like a spade with the showman noun showmen 1 a person who
sides turned up, used for lifting coal, earth, presents entertainments 2 someone who is
snow, etc. good at attracting attention
> showmanship noun
shovel vers shovels, shovelling, shovelled
1 move or clear with a shovel 2 scoop or push show-off noun show-offs (informal) a person
roughly e He was shovelling food into his mouth who tries to impress people boastfully
show vers. shows, showing, showed, shown showpiece youn showpieces a fine example
1 allow or cause something to be seen e Show of something for people to see and admire
me your new bike. 2 make a person understand;
demonstrate e Show me how to use it. 3 guide showy apective showier, showiest likely to
@ Show him in. 4 treat in a certain way e She attract attention; brightly or highly decorated
showed us much kindness. 5 be visible @ That > showily apvers showiness Noun
scratch won’t show. 6 prove your ability to shrapnel noun pieces of metal scattered from
someone e We'll show them! an exploding shell
show off 1 show something proudly 2 try to
impress people shred youn shreds 1 a tiny piece torn or cut off
show up 1 make or be clearly visible; reveal a something 2.asmall amount e There is not a
fault etc. 2 (informal) arrive shred of evidence.
show noun shows 1a display or exhibition e a shred vers shreds, shredding, shredded cut
flower show 2 an entertainment 3 (informal) into shreds
something that happens or is done e He runs > shredder noun
the whole show.
shrew noun shrews 1a small mouse-like
showdown noun showdowns a final test or animal 2 (old use) abad-tempered woman who
confrontation is constantly scolding people
shower noun showers 1 brief fall of rain or > Shrewish apjective
snow 2a lot of small things coming or falling shrewd spective having common sense and
like rain @ a shower of stones 3.a device or good judgement; clever
cabinet for spraying water to wash a person’s > shrewdly sovers shrewdness noun
body; a wash in this
shriek youn shrieks a shrill cry or scream
shower vere showers, showering, showered
1 fall or send things in a shower 2 wash under a shriek vers shrieks, shrieking, shrieked give
shower a shriek

show noun 1 Thousands came to watch the show. shower vers 1A passing lorry showered mud
> entertainment, performance, production, over the pavement. » spray, spatter, splash,
presentation, spectacle, pageant 2 They had to sprinkle, rain 2 The awards committee showered
put on a show of strength. » display, exhibition, praise on the winners. > lavish, pour, heap, load
demonstration, appearance, impression, show-off youn a show-off with a big flashy car
facade, pretence, illusion, affectation > exhibitionist, boaster, poser, bragger,
show vers 1 Shall I show you how to do it? showy apctive showy fake jewellery
> demonstrate, explain, point out, clarify
> ostentatious, pretentious, gaudy, flashy,
2 There’s a hole in the sleeve but it won’t show. flamboyant, conspicuous, garish, tawdry,
> bevisible, be seen, be obvious, appear 3 This
(more informal) tacky OPPOSITES ARE sober,
shows you what you can achieve with limited restrained
resources. » demonstrate, reveal, illustrate,
prove, exemplify 4 They are showing his shred noun Not a shred ofevidence could be found.
watercolours at the local gallery. » exhibit, > scrap, speck, iota, jot, ounce, trace
display 5 Finn began to show her impatience. shreds The dress had been torn to shreds.
> reveal, manifest, convey, indicate, > tatters, ribbons, rags, strips
communicate, expose 6A girl showed them to shrewd apective a shrewd politician; a shrewd
their seats. » escort, accompany, take, sense of timing » astute, sharp, acute, canny,
conduct, walk prudent, clever, intelligent, quick-witted,
perceptive, discerning, crafty, wily
shower noun 1 shower of rain > fall, drizzle, AN OPPOSITE IS stupid
downpour 2 shower of compliments » spate, shriek vers The audience shrieked with laughter.
wave, flood, rush, volley, barrage, torrent, ‘Come and see, quick!’ Mary shrieked. » scream,
flurry screech, squeal, roar, howl, bellow, yell
shrill — shutter
shrill anjective sounding very high and piercing > shrug NouN
> shrilly Adverse: shrillmess NOUN shrug something off treat it as unimportant
shrimp Noun shrimps a small shellfish, pink shudder vere shudders, shuddering,
when boiled shuddered 1 shiver violently with horror, fear,
or cold 2 make a strong shaking movement
shrine voun shrines an altar, chapel, or other
> shudder Noun
sacred place -

shuffle vers shuffles, shuffling, shuffled

shrink vers shrinks, shrinking, shrank, 1 walk without lifting the feet from the ground
shrunk 1 make or become smaller 2 move 2 slide playing cards over each other to get
back to avoid something 3 avoid doing them into random order 3 shift or rearrange
something because of fear, conscience, > shuffle Noun
embarrassment, etc.
> shrinkage Noun shrunken AD/ECTIVE shun vers shuns, shunning, shunned avoid;
deliberately keep away from something
shrivel vers shrivels, shrivelling, shrivelled shuntvers shunts, shunting, shunted 1 move
make or become dry and wrinkled a train or wagons on to another track 2 divert
shroud oun shrouds 1 aclothinwhichadead to aless important place or position
body is wrapped 2 each of a set of ropes > shunt Noun shunter NOUN
supporting a ship’s mast shutvers shuts, shutting, shut 1 move a door,
Shrove Tuesday noun the day before Lent, lid, or cover etc. so that it blocks an opening;
when pancakes are eaten, originally to use up make or become closed 2 bring or fold parts
fat before the fast together e Shut the book.
shrub noun shrubs a woody plant smaller than shut down 1 stop something working 2 stop
a tree; a bush business
shut up 1 shut securely 2 (informal) stop
> ‘shrubby ADJECTIVE
talking or making a noise
shrubbery noun shrubberies an area planted shutternoun shutters 1 a panel or screen that
with shrubs can be closed over awindow 2 the device ina
shrug vers shrugs, shrugging, shrugged raise camera that opens and closes to let light fall on
your shoulders as a sign that you do not care, the film
do not know, etc. > shuttered ADJECTIVE

shrill active ‘That’s not true!’ she protested in a shudder noun Another mighty shudder passed
shrill voice. » piercing, penetrating, through the ship. » tremor, spasm, convulsion,
high-pitched, screaming, sharp, strident, trembling, tremble, quiver
screechy opposites ARE Soft, gentle
shuffle vers 1 He shuffled over to the fireplace.
shrink vers 1 Your sweater has shrunk in the wash » shamble, hobble, scuffle, stumble, teeter,
> become smaller, contract, dwindle, shrivel, totter 2 She shuffled the cards and began dealing.
wither aN opposite is expand 2 The woman > mix, mix up,jumble, rearrange, reorganize
shrank in alarm. » draw back, cower, cringe,
flinch, hang back, back off, recoil shun vere The group shunned all forms ofpublicity.
shrivel vers The plants were shrivelling in the > avoid, shy away from, stay clear of, evade,
heat. » shrink, wilt, wither, droop, become steer clear of, keep away from
parched, dehydrate, dry up, wrinkle
shut vers I'll shut the window. > close, fasten,
shroud Noun a shroud of mist over the sea; The latch, lock, push to, bolt, seal, secure
outfit operates behind a shroud of secrecy. shut down They will have to shut down the
> covering, blanket, mantle, pall, veil operation in South Africa. » close down,
shroud vers A mist shrouded the seafront. discontinue, terminate, cease, suspend
> cover, envelop, wrap, blanket, cloak, OPPOSITES ARE Open up, activate
enshroud, hide, mask, conceal, screen, swathe, shut in or up She closed the door to shut the dogs
veil in. » keep in, confine, detain, enclose,
imprison, incarcerate
shrug vers shrug off She shrugged offsuggestions shut off They had been shut off without food for
that she had been unfair. » dismiss, disregard, two days.» cutoff, isolate, separate, segregate
ignore, take no notice of, pay no heed to, set shut out 1 He shut them out of the house by
aside mistake. » lock out, keep out, exclude
shudder vers She still shuddered at the thought of AN Opposite IS let in 2 She tried to shut out those
what had happened. » quiver, shake, shiver, bad memories. » exclude, keep out, suppress,
tremble, be horrified, convulse, quake, squirm forget AN OPPOSITE Is recall
shuttle - sidelong
shuttle youn shuttles 1a holder carrying the sickly apecrive 1 often ill; unhealthy 2 making
weft thread across a loom in weaving 2 atrain, people feel sick © a sickly smell 3 weak e a sickly
bus, or aircraft that makes frequent short smile
journeys between two points sickness youn sicknesses 1 illness 2.a disease
shuttle vers shuttles, shuttling, shuttled 3 vomiting
move, travel, or send backwards and forwards side youn sides 1 asurface, especially one
shy apective shyer, shyest afraid to meet or talk joining the top and bottom of something 2a
to other people; timid line that forms part of the boundary of a
> shyly apvers shyness NouN triangle, square, etc. 3 either of the two halves
into which something can be divided by a line
shy vers shies, shying, shied jump or move down its centre 4 the part near the edge and
suddenly in alarm away from the centre 5 the place or region
SI youn an internationally recognized system of next to a person or thing e He stood at my side.
metric units of measurement, including the 6 one aspect or view of something e Study all
metre and kilogram sides of the problem. 7 one of two groups or
Siamese cat youn Siamese cats a cat with teams etc. who oppose each other
short pale fur with darker face, ears, tail, and on the side as a sideline
feet side by side next to each other
take sides support one person or group ina
Siamese twins p.urAL Noun twins who are born dispute or disagreement and not the other
with their bodies joined together
side vers sides, siding, sided
wr sick apective 1 ill; physically or mentally unwell side with take a person’s side in an argument
2 vomiting or likely to vomit e I feel sick.
3 distressed or disgusted 4 making fun of side effect noun side effects an effect,
death, disability, or misfortune in an especially an unpleasant one, that a medicine
unpleasant way has on you as well as the effect intended
sick of tired of sidelight youn sidelights 1 a light at the side
sicken vers sickens, sickening, sickened of a vehicle or ship 2 light from one side
1 begin to be ill 2 make or become distressed sideline youn sidelines 1 something done in
or disgusted @ Vandalism sickens us all. addition to your main work or activity 2 each of
> sickening ADJECTIVE the lines on the two long sides of a sports pitch
sickle noun sickles a tool with a narrow curved sidelong apctive towards one side; sideways
blade, used for cutting corn etc. e asidelong glance

shy agective He was too shy to say his name. walls werepainted a sickly green. > insipid, pale,
> coy, reserved, diffident, bashful, sheepish, wan
inhibited, embarrassed, modest,
self-conscious, hesitant, timid, retiring sickness youn 1 She was away because of
OPPOSITES ARE assertive, forward, bold, sickness. > illness, disease, ailment, disorder
confident 2 The spells of sickness lasted four or five days.
> biliousness, nausea, queasiness, vomiting
Sick apective 1 He had been sick and had to stay at
home. » ill, unwell, poorly, out of sorts, off side noun 1 The box has an address label on one
colour, indisposed, ailing, peaky, queasy, side. » surface, face, facet, elevation, flank 2A
nauseous 2 be sick of We are all sick of having hut stood by the side of the lake. » edge, border,
to wait so long. » be fed up with, be tired of, be verge, boundary, margin, fringe, brink, limit,
weary of, have had enough of perimeter, rim 3 He was driving over the limit on
the wrong side of the road. » half, part,
sicken vers It sickened us to see so much waste. carriageway 4] could see both sides in the
> make someone sick, disgust, revolt, argument. » point of view, aspect,
nauseate, repel, put off perspective, standpoint, opinion, stance,
sickening spective The stench of burnt fuel oil is angle, view, viewpoint, slant 5 The family had
sickening. There was a sickening sound of tearing backed the winning side in the civil war.
metal. » nauseating, revolting, disgusting, > faction, camp, army, team 6 The home side
offensive, repulsive, repellent, appalling was one player short, » team, squad, lineup
sickly apective 1 He was a sickly child with a bad
chest. » unhealthy, poorly, sick, ill, infirm, frail, side vers side with They didn't know who to side
feeble, weak 2 She had a sickly complexion. with. » support, favour, prefer, take the side
> pale, wan, pasty, sallow, pallid, ashen 3 The of, agree with
sidetrack = signal
sidetrack vers sidetracks, sidetracking, catch sight ofto see or glimpse for a moment
sidetracked take someone’s attention away in sight 1 visible 2 clearly near e Victory was in
from the main subject or problem sight.
sidewaysaovers, Adjective 1 to or from one side USAGE Do not confuse with site.
© Move it sideways. 2 with one side facing sight vers sights, sighting, sighted 1 see or
forwards e We sat sideways in the bus. observe something 2 aim a gun or telescope
siding oun sidings a short railway line by the etc. [from Old English]
side of a main line sighted spective able to see; not blind
siege Noun sieges the surrounding of a place in sight-reading Noun playing or singing music
order to capture it or force someone to at sight, without preparation
lay siege to begin a siege of a place sightseeing Noun visiting interesting places in
a town etc.
sieve (siv) NOUN sieves a device made of mesh > sightseerNouN
or perforated metal or plastic, used to separate
the smaller or soft parts of something from the sign NOUN signs 1 something that shows that a
larger or hard parts thing exists e There are signs of decay. 2 amark,
device, or notice etc. that gives a special
Sieve vers sieves, sieving, sieved put meaning @ a road sign 3 an action or
something through a sieve movement giving information or a command
siftvere sifts, sifting, sifted 1 sieve 2 examine etc. 4 any of the twelve divisions of the zodiac,
and analyse facts or evidence etc. carefully represented by a symbol
> sifter NOUN Sign vere signs, signing, signed 1 make a sign
sighwoun sighs a sound made by breathing out or signal 2 write your signature on something;
eavily when you are sad, tired, relieved, etc. accept a contract etc. by doing this 3 use
sigh vers sighs, sighing, sighed make a sigh signing
gine sights 1 the ability to see 2a thing sign on 1 accept a job etc. by signing a
that can be seen or is worth seeing @ Our contract 2 sign a form to say that you are
gardenisa lovely sight in May. 3 something ugly unemployed and want to claim benefit
or ridiculous to look at @ You do look a sight in signal Noun signals 1 device, gesture, or
those clothes! 4 a device looked through to help sound etc. that gives information or a
aim a gun or telescope etc. command 2 amessage made up ofsuch things
at sight Or on sight as soon as.a person or 3 a sequence of electrical impulses or radio
thing has been seen waves

sieve Noun Use a sieve to strain the fruit. observe, perceive, distinguish, recognize, see,
> strainer, sifter, colander, filter, riddle, screen behold
sieve vers Sieve the mixture into a bowl. > strain, sign NOUN 1 There are no signs yet of a change in
sift, filter, riddle, screen the weather. » indication, intimation, hint,
siftvers 1 Sift the flour over the eggs and milk. warning, forewarning, promise, threat, omen,
> sieve, strain, filter, riddle, screen 2 sift pointer, portent, presage, augury 2 He gave the
through Police have been sifting through piles of sign to begin. » signal, cue, gesture , nod
evidence.» examine, inspect, sort out, analyse, 3 There were signs of a much earlier occupation at
scrutinize, investigate, review the site. » trace, vestige, clue, proof, reminder
sigh vers 1 She sighed with relief. » breathe out, 4 Cards are sent as a sign of affection. » token,
exhale 2 ‘Not again,’he sighed. » moan, marker, manifestation, symptom 5 We'll have
complain, lament, grumble to put a sign in the window. » notice, placard,
sight NOUN 1 His sight was failing. » eyesight, poster, publicity, signboard, advertisement
6 The walls were daubed with signs and pictures. .
vision, seeing, visual perception RELATED
> symbol, mark, device, emblem, insignia,
Abjectives visual, optic or optical 2 The enemy
was almost in sight. » range, view, field of badge, logo, cipher, trademark
vision 3 In the early afternoon they had their first sie vers 1 She signed her name at the bottom of
sight of land. » view, glimpse, appearance, the page. » autograph, inscribe, write, initial,
look (at), glance (at) 4 Thousarids ofvisitors endorse
enjoy the sights every year. » place of interest, sign up 1 The brothers all signed up in the army.
landmark 5 The fireworks were an impressive > enlist, enrol, register, join 2 The company has
sight. » spectacle, display, show, exhibition, signed up many more clerical staff. » enrol,
showpiece, scene enlist, recruit, engage, take on, hire
sight vers A spotter plane sighted the survivors. signalwoun 1 The captain gave the signal to move
> spot, discern, make out, glimpse, notice, orward. » sign, gesture, wave, prompt, cue,
signal = silk
signal vere signals, signalling, signalled Sikh (seek) noun Sikhs amember of a religion
make a signal to somebody founded in northern India, believing in one God
> signaller noun and accepting some Hindu and some Islamic
USAGE Do not use this word in mistake forsingle beliefs
in the phrase to single out. > Sikhism noun
signal box noun signal boxes a building from silemce noun silences absence of sound or
which railway signals, points, etc. are speaking
controlled in silence without speaking or making a sound
signature youn signatures 1 aperson’s name silence vers silences, silencing, silenced
written by himself or herself 2 (in music) a set make a person or thing silent
of sharps and flats after the clef in a score,
showing the key the music is written in (the key silencer youn silencers a device for reducing
signature), orthe sign, often a fraction such as the sound made by a gun or avehicle’s exhaust
(the time signature), showing the number of system etc.
beats in the bar and their rhythm silent spective 1 without any sound 2 not
signature tune youn signature tunes a speaking
special tune always used to announce a > silently apvers
particular programme, performer, etc. silhouette (sil- o0- et) noun silhouettes a dark
significant spective 1 having a meaning; full of shadow seen against a light background
meaning 2 important e a significant event > silhouette vers
> significantly apvers significance noun silicon youn a substance found in many rocks,
signing or sign language noun a way of used in making transistors, chips for
communicating by using movements ofthe microprocessors, etc.
arms and hands, used mainly by and for deaf silk oun silks 1 afine soft thread or cloth made
people from the fibre produced by silkworm
signpost youn signposts a sign at a road caterpillars for making their cocoons 2 alength
junction etc. showing the names and distances of silk thread used for embroidery
of places down each road > silken apjective silly ADJECTIVE

nod, (more informal) go-ahead 2 The city mob silence youn 1 There was silence for a time, while
took Edward's flight as the signal for an orgy of they thought. » quiet, quietness, stillness,
destruction. » cue, prompt, occasion, excuse, tranquillity, peace, peacefulness, calm, hush
stimulus. AN OPPOSITEIS noise 2 The criticism reduced him
signal vers 1A police officer signalled to him to to silence. » speechlessness, dumbness,
stop. > gesture, indicate, motion, sign, wave, muteness, reticence, taciturnity,
beckon, communicate, flag, gesticulate, give a uncommunicativeness OPPOSITES ARE speech,
signal 2 The pointed gun signalled his intentions verbosity
very clearly. » indicate, express, reveal,
announce, proclaim, declare, show silence vers 1 The menace in his voice silenced
significance youn He thought hard about the them. » quieten, keep quiet, make silent,
significance of her remarks. » importance, suppress, muzzle, shut up, gag 2A special
import, force, purport, implication, meaning, muffler helps to silence exhaust noise » deaden,
relevance, sense, point, signification, message muffle, quieten, mute
AN OPPOSITE IS insignificance
silent spective 1 George was silent until they
significant spjective 1 The tests produced reached the car park. » speechless, quiet,
some significant results. » meaningful, unspeaking, voiceless, dumb, mute, taciturn,
revealing, informative, important, indicative, reticent 2 It was totally silent in the kitchen.
expressive, (more informal) tell-tale 2 The > quiet, hushed, peaceful, tranquil, noiseless,
measures would have a significant effect on prices. soundless
> considerable, important, noteworthy,
serious, sizeable, remarkable, influential, big silhouette youn I made out the long silhouette of
AN OPPOSITE IS insignificant a tall man. » outline, profile, contour, shape,
signify vers 1 Red signifies danger. » mean, figure, form, features
denote, symbolize, represent, indicate, stand oY

for, imply 2 Signify your agreement by signing silly aoyective She ran her fingers through her dark
your name at the bottom of the letter. » indicate, silky hair. » smooth, soft, sleek, velvety,
express, show, declare glossy, fine, satiny
silly > simultaneous
silly anectve sillier, silliest foolish or unwise simper vers simpers, simpering, simpered
> silliness Noun smile ina silly affected way
silt noun sediment laid down by a river or sea etc. > simper NOUN

silt vers silts, silting, silted simple spective simpler, simplest 1 easy e a
at up block or clog or become blocked with simple question 2 not complicated or elaborate
silt 3 plain, not showy e a simple cottage 4 without
much sense or intelligence 5 not of high rank;
silver noun 1 ashiny white precious metal 2 the ordinary e a simple countryman
colour of silver 3 coins or objects made of silver > simplicity noun
or silver-coloured metal 4 a silver medal,
usually given as second prize simple-minded spective not having much
> silver ADECTIVE silvery ADJECTIVE intelligence
silver vers silvers, silvering, silvered make or simplify vers simplifies, simplifying,
become silvery simplified make a thing simple or easy to
silver wedding noun silver weddings a understand
couple’s 25th wedding anniversary > simplification Noun
similar spective 1 nearly the same as another simply aovers 1 ina simple way e Explain it
person or thing; of the same kind 2 (in simply. 2 without doubt; completely e It’s
mathematics) having the same shape but not simply marvellous, 3 only or merely e It’s simply
the same size e similar triangles a question of time.
> similarly apvers similarity Noun simulator noun. simulators:a machine or
simile (sim-il- ee) noun similes a comparison device for simulating actual conditions or
of one thing with another (e.g. He is as strongas events, often used for training e a flight
a horse or We ran like the wind.) simulator
simmer vers simmers, simmering, simultaneous (sim- ul- tay- nee- us) ADJECTIVE
simmered boil very gently happening at the same time
simmer down calm down > simultaneously ADvers

silly spective 1 ‘I’m not quite as silly as you think,’ > unpretentious, unsophisticated, ordinary,
she said. » stupid, foolish, crazy, mad, (more unassuming, innocent, artless
informal) daft 2 People often do silly things.
> foolish, unwise, stupid, imprudent, rash,
simplicity noun 1 The solution was amazing for
its simplicity, » straightforwardness,
reckless, foolhardy, senseless, idiotic, (more simpleness, ease AN OPPOSITE |S difficulty 2 The
informal) daft house appealed because of the simplicity of its
simian apective » monkey-like style. » plainness, unpretentiousness,
restraint, purity, austerity
similar apjective 1 The boys are similar in AN OPPOSITE IS ornateness
appearance. > alike, identical,
indistinguishable, close, like, the same simplify vers The rules are difficult to apply and
OPPOSITES ARE dissimilar, different 2 hills and need to be simplified. » make simple, clarify,
similar features » comparable, analogous, disentangle, streamline
equivalent 3 similar to Her views are similar to AN OPPOSITE Is complicate
my own. » like, comparable to, close to simply Aovers 1 It was simply impossible to tell
OPPOSITES ARE unlike, dissimilar to, different the difference. » wholly, absolutely,
from completely, utterly 2 She did it simply because
similarity youn There is a startling similarity we asked her to. » merely, just, purely, solely,
between them. » resemblance, likeness, only 3 It is important to dress simply and avoid
affinity, closeness, correspondence, congruity, flamboyance. » plainly, soberly, without fuss,
similitude, sameness, uniformity without frills, with restraint 4 He writes simply
AN OPPOSITE IS difference and effectively.» clearly, plainly,
straightforwardly, intelligibly 5 They lived
simple apective 1 simple method offixing up simply.» modestly, unpretentiously, naturally,
shelving » straightforward, easy, quietly
uncomplicated, elementary, undemanding
OPPOSITES ARE complicated, difficult 2 The forms simultaneous apjective There were three
are written in simple language. » clear, plain, simultaneous bomb attacks in the city.
straightforward, unambiguous, direct 3 They > concurrent, coinciding, synchronized,
led simple, honest lives. He is a simple sort ofguy. synchronous, contemporaneous, parallel
sin => sink
sinwoun sins 1 the breaking of a religious or 3 separate @ We sold every single thing. 4 not
moral law 2. very bad action married 5 for the journey to a place but not
sinvers sins, sinning, sinned commita sin back again @ a single ticket
> sinner NOUN > singly Apvers
simceconunction 1 fromthe time when e Where single noun singles 1 a single person or thing
have you been since I last saw you? 2 because 2 asingle ticket 3 a record with one short piece
© Since we have missed the bus we must walk of music on each side
home. single vers singles, singling, singled
since preposition from a certain time e She has single out pick out or distinguish from other
been here since Christmas people or things
simce overs between then and now e He ran single file noun
away and hasn’t been seen since. in single file in a line, one behind the other
sincere apjective without pretence; truly felt or single-handed apective without help
meant e my sincere thanks single-minded apectve with your mind set on
> sincerely abvers sincerity NOUN one purpose only
Yours sincerely SEE yours singsong nective having a monotonous tone
sine noun sines (in a right-angled triangle) the orrhythm e a singsong voice
ratio of the length of a side opposite one of the singular noun singulars the form of a noun or
acute angles to the length of the hypotenuse verb used when it stands for only one person or
COMPARE cosine thing @ The singular is ‘man’, the plural is ‘men’
sinew oun sinews strong tissue that connects singular pect 1 to do with the singular
a muscle to a bone 2 uncommon or extraordinary e a woman of
> simewy ADJECTIVE singular courage
sinful apective 1 guilty of sin 2 wicked > singularly Apvers singularity Noun
> sinfully Apvers sinfulmess NouN sinister apectve 1 looking evil or harmful
sing vers sings, singing, sang, sung 1 make 2 wicked e a sinister motive [from Latin, = on
musical sounds with the voice 2 perform a the left (which was thought to be unlucky)]
song sink vers sinks, sinking, sank, sunk 1 go or
> singer NOUN
cause to go under the surface or to the bottom
singe (sinj) vers singes, singeing, singed burn of the sea etc. e The ship sank. @ They sank the
something slightly ship. 2 go orfall slowly downwards e He sank to
single spective 1 one only; not double or his knees. 3 push something sharp deeply into
multiple 2 suitable for one person e single beds something soft @ The dog sank its teeth into my

sinnoun 1It was a sin against their gods. single spective 1 All the chocolates were gone
> offence, wrong, transgression, evil, iniquity apart from a single orange cream. » solitary,
2a powerful sermon on the dangers of sin lone, sole, isolated AN OPPOSITE |S plural. 2 He
> wickedness, wrongdoing, sinfulness, had remained single all his life. » unattached,
immorality, evil AN OPPOSITE IS virtue unmarried, a bachelor, unwedded
sim vers He confessed he had sinned and incurred AN OPPOSITE IS married 3 She listened to every
the wrath of his God. » do wrong, be guilty of single word. > individual, particular
sin, transgress, err, go astray, offend single vers single out It would be invidious to
sincere apjective 1 Their praise was completely single out any individual for praise. » pick out,
sincere. » heartfelt, honest, candid, genuine, choose, select, fix on, separate out
truthful, wholehearted, open singular apjective They acted with singular
AN OPPOSITE ISinsincere 2 Jane is a very sincere determination. » extraordinary, remarkable,
person. » honest, genuine, truthful, exceptional, uncommon, unusual,
straightforward, ingenuous, artless conspicuous, notable
sincerity noun I trust the sincerity of their sinister His words had a sinister undertone.
intentions. » honesty, genuineness, integrity, > menacing, threatening, ominous,
openness, straightforwardness, disturbing, alarming, disquieting, malevolent,
trustworthiness, truthfulness baleful, (more informal) scary, (more informal)
sinful apjective Such behaviour was sinful. creepy
> wicked, wrong, evil, iniquitous, unrighteous, sink vers 1 The sun’sank below the horizon.
ungodly AN OPPOSITE IS virtuous > descend, dip, fall, drop, disappear, vanish
sing vers To cheer herselfup she began to sing. AN OPPOSITE ISrise 2 Their hopes began to sink.
> chant, croon, hum, intone, trill > dwindle, fade, flag, fail, weaken, lessen,
sink = sixteen
leg. 4 dig or drill e They sank a well. 5 invest sit vers sits, sitting, sat 1rest with your body
money in something supported onthe buttocks; occupy a seat e We
sink in become understood were sitting in the front row. 2 seat; cause
sink oun sinks a fixed basin with a drainpipe someone to sit 3 (said about birds) perch; stay
and usually a tap or taps to supply water on the nest to hatch eggs 4 be a candidate for
an examination 5 be situated; stay 6 (said
Sip vers sips, sipping, sipped drink in small
mouthfuls about Parliament or a lawcourt etc.) be
> sip Noun
assembled for business
sitcom Noun sitcoms (informal) a radio or
“sel NouN siphons 1 a pipe or tube in the television comedy based on characters
orm of an upside-down U, arranged so that reacting to unusual or comic situations [short
liquid is forced up it and down to a lower level for situation comedy]
2 a bottle containing soda water which is
released through a tube Site Noun sites the place where something
happens or happened or is built etc. e a
siphon vers siphons, siphoning, siphoned camping site [from Latin situs = position]
ow or draw out through a siphon USAGE Do not confuse with sight.
sirvoun 1 aword used whenspeaking politelyto sit-in Noun sit-ins a protest in which people sit
aman e Please sir, may Igo? 2 Sir the title given down or occupy a public place and refuse to
to a knight or baronet e Sir John Moore move
siren oun sirens 1 device that makes along sitter youn sitters a person who looks after
loud sound as a signal 2.a dangerously children, pets, or a house while the owners are
attractive woman [named after the Sirens in away
Greek legend, women who by their sweet sitting oun sittings the time when people are
singing lured seafarers to shipwreck on the served a meal or when an official body of
rocks] people does business
Sissy NouN sissies (informal) a timid or cowardly sitting roomnoun sitting rooms aroom with
person [from sis, a shortening of sister] comfortable chairs for sitting in
sister oun sisters 1a daughter of the same situation oun situations 1 a position, with its
parents as another person 2a woman whois a surroundings 2. state of affairs at acertain
fellow member of an association etc. 3.a nun time e The police faced a difficult situation. 3a
4a senior hospital nurse, especially one in job
charge of a ward SIX NOUN, ADJECTIVE sixes the number 6
> sisterly ADJECTIVE > sixth ADJECTIVE, NOUN
[from Old English] at sixes and sevens in disorder or
oun sisters-in-law 1 the sister disagreement
of a married person’s husband or wife 2 the sixteen Noun, Apjective the number 16
wife of a person’s brother > sixteenth ADJECTIVE, NOUN

subside, collapse AN OPPOSITE IS revive 3 The Site vers Bus stops are sited at intervals ofno more
ship sank with the loss of many lives. » founder, than halfamile. » position, place, situate,
go under, submerge, capsize OPPOSITES ARE rise, locate, erect, station, install
sitting noun a sitting of Parliament » session,
Sip vers She sat sipping tea.» drink slowly, taste, assembly, meeting, period
sample, (more informal) slurp
Sip Noun He took another sip of his beer. sitting roomoun > livingroom, drawing
> mouthful, drink, drop, taste, (more informal) room, lounge, front room, reception room
slurp situated spective a hypermarket situated near
sister oun » sibling RELATED ADJECTIVE sororal the bypass » located, positioned, sited, built,
sit vers 1 Julian sat in an armchair. settle, placed, established
perch, flop, ensconce yourself 2 The hall sat situation oun 1 new houses in a pleasant
about a hundred people. » seat, accommodate, situation > locality, location, position, setting,
have seats for, hold, take, has room for site, spot, place 2 Their financial situation had
3 Parliament sits again in a week’s time. » meet, improved significantly. » circumstances,
assemble, convene, gather, be in session 4 She position, state, state of affairs, condition,
sits her exams this year. » take, goin for, bea plight, predicament usace You use plight and
candidate in predicament about bad situations 3 She applied
site noun the site for the new hospital » location, for a situation with an estate agent. » job,
situation, setting, spot, plot, locality, ground position, post, employment
sixth form = skill
sixth form oun sixth forms a form for > skeletal ADJECTIVE
students aged 16-18 in a secondary school [from Greek skeletos = dried-up]
sixth sense noun the ability to know sketch oun sketches 1a rough drawing or
something by instinct rather than by using any painting 2a short account of something 3a
of the five senses; intuition short amusing play
sixty noun, Anjective sixties the number 60 sketch vers sketches, sketching, sketched
> sixtieth ADJECTIVE, NOUN make a sketch
size noun sizes 1 the measurements or extent sketchy spective rough and not detailed or
of something 2 any of the series of standard carefu
measurements in which certain things are
made e a size eight shoe
skewer noun skewers along pin pushed
through meat to hold it together while it is
size vers sizes, sizing, sized arrange things being cooked
according to their size > skewer VERB
size up 1 estimate the size of something
2 form an opinion or judgement about a person ski (skee) noun skis each ofa pairoflong narrow
or thing strips of wood, metal, or plastic fixed under the
feet for moving quickly over snow
sizeable apective large or fairly large
sizzle vere sizzles, sizzling, sizzled make a ski vere skies, skiing, skied travel on skis
> skier NOUN
crackling or hissing sound
[from Norwegian]
skate noun skates 1 a boot with a steel blade
attached to the sole, used for sliding smoothly skid vers skids, skidding, skidded slide
over ice 2a roller-skate accidentally
skate vers skates, skating, skated move on skid noun skids 1 askidding movement 2a
skates runner on a helicopter, for use in landing
> skater NOUN [probably from Old Norse skith = ski]
skateboard oun skateboards a small board ski jump noun ski jumps a steep slope with a
with wheels, used for standing and riding on as sharp drop where it levels out at the bottom,
asport for skiers to jump off as a sport
> skateboarder, skateboarding Nouns skilful apjective having or showing great skill
skein noun skeins a coil of yarn or thread > skilfully apvers
skeleton noun skeletons 1 the framework of skill noun skills the ability to do something well
bones ofthe body 2 the shell or other hard part > skilled ADJECTIVE
of a crab etc. 3. a framework, e.g. of a building [from Old Norse]

size noun 1 the vast size of the main bedroom represent
> dimensions, proportions, scale, magnitude, sketch out We will sketch out our plan.
area, volume 2 the size of the job » scale, > outline, describe, summarize, rough out,
extent, scope, range, immensity draft, give the gist of
sizeable active A sizeable reward is being
offered. » large, substantial, considerable, sketchy apjecrive The information was too sketchy
significant, decent, generous, worthwhile, , to act on. » incomplete, imperfect,
(more informal) tidy perfunctory, bitty, scrappy, skimpy, meagre,
rough, vague, imprecise, scanty
sizzle vers Food sizzled in the pan. » crackle, OPPOSITES ARE detailed, comprehensive
frizzle, hiss, sputter
skeleton noun 1 the skeleton of a building skilful agective a skilful negotiator; a skilful use of
> framework, frame, bones, structure 2a the materials » expert, skilled, able, capable,
skeleton of the plan» outline, draft, abstract, accomplished, proficient, adroit, deft,
blueprint, sketch talented, clever, masterly, consummate
sketch oun 1 She drew a sketch of the scene. AN OPPOSITE IS incompetent
> drawing, outline, picture , diagram, plan 2a
biographical sketch » description, portrait,
skill noun work that needs a lot of skill
> expertise, ability, skillfulness, aptitude,
profile, cameo 3a brief sketch of the main events
adeptness, dexterity, competence, talent
> outline, summary, synopsis, rundown 4a
AN OPPOSITE IS incompetence
comic sketch from the television series » scene,
skit, turn, routine, number skilled anective a skilled engineer
sketch vers He decided to sketch the garden > experienced, trained, qualified, skilful,
instead of taking a photograph. » draw, make a proficient, accomplished, expert, practised,
drawing of, portray, depict, rough out, versed OPPOSITES ARE unskilled, inexperienced
skim = slacken
skim vers skims, skimming, skimmed skirt oun skirts 1a piece of clothing fora
1 remove something from the surface of a woman or girl that hangs down from the waist
liquid; take the cream off milk 2 move quickly 2 the part of a dress below the waist
over a surface or through the air 3 read skirt vers skirts, skirting, skirted go round
something quickly [from early French escume = the edge of something
scum] skittish spective frisky; lively and excitable
skimp vers skimps, skimping, skimped skulk vers skulks, skulking, skulked loiter
supply or use less than is needed e Don’t skimp stealthily
on the food. soon skulls the framework of bones of the
skimpy oectve skimpier, skimpiest scanty ea
or too small skunk oun skunks a North American animal
skin oun skins 1 the flexible outer covering of with black and white fur that can spray a
a person’s or animal’s body 2 an outer layer or bad-smelling fluid [from a Native American
covering, e.g. ofafruit 3 a skin-like film formed word]
on the surface of a liquid sky oun skies the space above the earth,
skin vers skins, skinning, skinned take the appearing blue in daylight on fine days [from
skin off something Old Norse]
skinny spective skinnier, skinniest very thin skylight noun skylights a window ina roof
skip! vers skips, skipping, skipped 1 move skyline oun skylines the outline of buildings
along lightly, especially by hopping on each etc. against the sky
foot in turn 2 jump with a skipping rope 3 go skyscraper noun skyscrapers a very tall
quickly from one subject to another 4 miss building
something out e You can skip chapter six. slab oun slabs a thick flat piece
skipwoun skips a skipping movement [probably slackapective 1 not pulled tight 2 not busy; not
from Scandinavian] working hard
kip: NOUN skips a large metal container for > slacklyApvers slackness NOUN
taking away builders’ rubbish etc. [from Old slack vers slacks, slacking, slacked avoid
Norse skeppa = basket] work; be lazy
skipping rope noun skipping ropes.a rope, > slacker NOUN
usually with a handle at each end, that is swung slackenvere slackens, slackening, slackened
over your head and under your feet as you jump make or become slack

skim vers 1 The boat skim across the water. sky noun Suddenly the whole sky around them was
> glide, skate, plane, slide, float, coast 2 skim filled with birds. » heavens, atmosphere, blue
through He skimmed through a picture book. yonder RELATED ADJECTIVE celestial
> scan, skip through, flick through, look slab noun slabs of rock cut from the quarries
through, riffle through, read quickly > block, piece, tablet, chunk, hunk, lump, slice
skimp vers Despite the low price you won't skimp Slack anjective 1 The rope suddenly went slack.
on comfort here. » stint on, be frugal with, > limp, loose aN opposite istight 2A slack
economize on, cut corners on defence let in several goals. » disorganized,
negligent, careless, undisciplined, inattentive,
skimpy apjective I’d rather have my clothes too
lax, lazy, listless, easygoing OPPOSITES ARE alert,
long than looking skimpy. » scanty, short,
diligent. 3 Business tends to be slack just after
flimsy, low-cut
Christmas. » sluggish, slow, quiet, inactive,
skinnoun 1 The animal has a tough skin. » hide, slow-moving, depressed opposites are brisk,
pelt 2 the skin of an apple > peel, rind, outside busy
skin vers She skinned three tomatoes. » peel, slack vere This was no time for slacking. » idle,
pare, strip shirk, be lazy, (more informal) skive
skinny Anjective We have to find skinny people to slacken vers 1 The boat lurched as he slackened
try our designs on. » thin, scrawny, scraggy, his grip on the wheel. » loosen, relax, release,
lean, lanky, spindly, emaciated ease off AN opposite istighten 2 The rain might
skip vers 1 Cathy skipped along the path. just have slackened by now. » decrease, ease,
> prance, trip, frisk 2 We can skip these details. lessen, abate, lower, moderate, reduce, slow
> pass over, ignore, omit, leave out, miss out, down
dispense with, forget 3 We skipped school to go slacker noun There was no room for slackers.
on the demo. » miss, be absent from, play ~ > layabout, idler, shirker, loafer, malingerer,
truant from, absent yourself from, cut sluggard
slacks = slaughterhouse
slacks piurAt Noun trousers for informal slap vers slaps, slapping, slapped 1 hit with
occasions the palm of the hand or with something flat
slag noun waste material separated from metal 2 put forcefully or carelessly e We slapped paint
in smelting on the walls.
> slap Noun
slag heap noun slag heaps a mound of waste
matter from a mine etc.
slapdash apectve hasty and careless
slapstick youn comedy with people hitting
slain past participle of slay each other, falling over, etc.
slake vere slakes, slaking, slaked quench slash vere slashes, slashing, slashed 1 make
@ slake your thirst large cuts in something 2 cut or strike with a
slam vere slams, slamming, slammed 1 shut long sweeping movement 3 reduce greatly
loudly 2 hit violently e Prices were slashed.
> slam NOUN slash oun slashes 1 aslashing cut 2 aslanting
slander noun slanders a spoken statement line (/) used in writing and printing
that damages a person’s reputation and is slate youn slates 1 kind of grey rock that is
untrue compare libel easily split into flat plates 2 a piece of this rock
> slanderous ADJECTIVE used in covering a roof or (formerly) for writing
slander vers slanders, slandering, slandered on
make a slander against someone > slaty ADJECTIVE
> slanderer Noun slate vers slates, slating, slated 1 cover a roof
slang noun words that are used very informally with slates 2 (informal) criticize severely
to add vividness or humour to what is said, slaughter vers slaughters, slaughtering,
especially those used only by a particular group slaughtered 1 kill an animal for food 2 kill
of people e teenage slang people or animals ruthlessly or in great
> slangy ADJECTIVE numbers
slant vers slants, slanting, slanted 1 slope > slaughter voun
2 present news or information etc. from a slaughterhouse noun slaughterhouses a
particular point of view place where animals are killed for food

slam vers 1 He stormed out and slammed the diagonal, listing, raked, askew, skewed,
door. » bang, shut, fling shut, crash slantwise, tilted OPPOSITES ARE straight, level
slander oun He’d sue me for slander ifI made the slap vers 1 Anne was at the end of her patience
accusations publicly. » defamation, and wanted to slap him. » smack, strike, hit,
misrepresentation, calumny, libel, slur, clout, whack, spank 2 She had slapped a parking
aspersion, malicious gossip, scandalmongering ticket on his Mercedes. » fling, throw, toss, hurl
OPPOSITES ARE compliment, praise 3 Slap some varnish on to seal the surface.
slander vers She discovered that her friend had > daub, plaster, spread, apply
been slandering her behind her back. » defame, slap noun He heard the sound of a slap from the
libel, smear, vilify, besmirch next room. » smack, clout, whack, blow,
slanderous spective The truth can often be, thump
slanderous ifyou put it in a certain way. slash vers 1 Someone had slashed the tyres.
> defamatory, libellous, disparaging, > cut, slit, gash, rip, tear, knife 2 Prices will be
pejorative, scurrilous, malicious, abusive slashed out of the high season. » reduce, cut,
slant noun 1 The floor seemed to be on a slant. drop
> slope, angle, incline, diagonal, gradient, list, slash noun He had a deep slash across his arm.
rake, ramp, pitch, tilt 2 The Youth Theatre brings > cut, gash, laceration, wound, injury
anew slant to Christmas shows. » point of view, slate vers (informal) The critics all slated the
viewpoint, standpoint, angle, perspective, production, though they liked the music.
emphasis, bias > criticize, pillory, lambaste, revile, (informal)
slant vers 1 The handwriting slants to the right. pan
Joe slanted his gaze towards the door. > tilt, lean, slaughter noun The senseless slaughter of
slope, incline, be at an angle, be skewed 2 He dolphins takes place merely to catch a few extra
slanted his version of the story to avoid awkward tuna. » massacre, carnage, killing, butchery,
admissions. > bias, distort, twist, warp, weight, murder, bloodshed
colour, prejudice slaughter vers A whole legion was ambushed and
slanting spective The slanting sunlight cast long slaughtered. » massacre, butcher, kill,
shadows. » oblique, sloping, angled, inclined, annihilate, eliminate, murder, slay
slave = slice
slave noun slaves a person who is owned by sleepernoun sleepers 1 someone who is
another and obliged to work for him or her asleep 2 each of the wooden or concrete
without being paid beams on which the rails ofa railway rest 3a
> slavery NOUN railway carriage with beds or berths for
slave vers slaves, slaving, slaved work very passengers to sleep in; a place in this
hard [from Latin sclavus = captive] sleepwalkernoun sleepwalkers a person
Slavishapectve 1 like aslave 2 showing no who walks about while asleep
independence or originality > sleepwalking Noun
pay verB Slays, slaying, slew, slain (poetical) sleepy nective feeling a need or wish to sleep
i > sleepilyApvers sleepiness NOUN
sledgenoun sledges a vehicle for travelling sleetnoun a mixture of rain and snow or hail
over snow, with strips of metal or wood instead sleevenoun sleeves 1 the part of a piece of
of wheels clothing that covers the arm 2 the cover of a
> sledging Noun record
. sledgehammer noun sledgehammers a up your sleevehidden but ready for you to use
very large heavy hammer sleight (rhymes with slight) noun
sleelcapjective smooth and shiny sleight of hand skill in using the hands to do
conjuring tricks etc.
sleepnoun the condition or time of rest in which
the eyes are closed, the body relaxed, and the slenderapective 1 slim and graceful 2 slight or
mind unconscious small @ a slender chance
go to sleep (said about part of the body) > slenderness NOUN
become numb
sleuth (slooth) youn sleuths a detective [from
put to sleep kill an animal painlessly, e.g. with Old Norse sloth = a track or trail]
an injection of a drug
sleepvers sleeps, sleeping, slept have a sleep slew past tense of slay
sleep with have sexual intercourse with slicenoun slices 1 thin piece cut off
[from Old English] something 2 portion

slave noun Most of the work was done by slaves at sleepwoun She often had a sleep in the afternoon.
that time. » serf, thrall, vassal, drudge, servant > snooze, nap, rest, doze, catnap, siesta, (more
RELATED ADJECTIVE servile informal) kip, (more informal) forty winks
slave vers That’s all the thanks you get for slaving sleep vers He had slept for about an hour.
over a hot stove all morning. » toil, labour, > snooze, doze, rest, slumber, (more informal)
grind, sweat, work , drudge, exert yourself, kip, (more informal) drop off, (more informal)
work your fingers to the bone, (more informal) nod off, (more informal) doss down
work your socks off opposites ARE relax, skive
sleepy anective 11 wasn't sleepy, so I decided to
slavery oun They were being sent back to walk round for a bit. » drowsy, somnolent,
torture, slavery, and death. » bondage, lethargic, weary, tired, torpid, sluggish,
enslavement, servitude, captivity, serfdom soporific, heavy-eyed, (informal) dopey, ready
AN OPPOSITE IS freedom to sleep AN opposite Isawake 2 sleepy little
slay vers Thousands of men and women were slain town near the border » quiet, peaceful,
in the reprisals, > kill, slaughter, massacre, tranquil, inactive, dull, unexciting
butcher, murder, put to death, exterminate, OPPOSITES ARE lively, busy
annihilate, cut down, (informal) finish off slenderapective 1 a slender youth with dark hair
sleazy Anjecrive a sleazy little cafe on the edge of > slim, lean, slight, thin, graceful, svelte
town > dirty, squalid, shabby, run-down, AN OPPOSITE ISfat 2a slender thread » fine,
sordid, seamy, rough fragile, tenuous, feeble AN OPPOSITE Is strong
3 slender hopes faint, slim, remote, flimsy 4a
sleek aojective 1 She combed her sleek dark hair. verdict based on slender evidence » meagre,
> silky, glossy, shiny, smooth, brushed, soft, scanty, flimsy, tenuous, inadequate
velvety, well-groomed An opposite Is dull 2a AN OPPOSITE IS adequate
sleek sports car » streamlined, graceful,
elegant, aerodynamic 3 a group of sleek young slice noun a slice of bread » piece, sliver (=thin
men in smart suits » stylish, well-groomed, slice), chunk (= thick slice), hunk (= thick slice),
Prosperous AN OPPOSITE ISunkempt tranche, slab
slice = slither
slice vere slices, slicing, sliced 1 cut into slices sling vers slings, slinging, slung Thang or
2 cut froma larger piece @ Slice the top off the support something so that it hangs loosely
egg. 3cut cleanly e The knife sliced through the 2 (informal) throw carelessly
apple. Slink vers slinks, slinking, slunk move ina
slick apjective 1 done or doing things quickly and stealthy or guilty way
cleverly 2 slippery > Slinky ADJECTIVE
slick oun slicks 1 large patch of oil floating slip vers slips, slipping, slipped 1 slide
on water 2a slippery place accidentally; lose your balance by sliding
2 move or put quickly and quietly e Slip it in
Slide vere slides, sliding, slid 1 move or cause your pocket. e We slipped away from the party.
to move smoothly ona surface 2 move quietly 3 escape from e The dog slipped its leash. It
or secretly @ The thief slid behind a bush. slipped my memory.
slide noun slides 1a sliding movement 2a slip up make a mistake
smooth surface or structure on which people slip noun slips 1 an accidental slide or fall 2a
or things can slide 3. a photograph that can be mistake 3a small piece of paper 4 a petticoat
projected onascreen 4a small glass plate on 5 a pillowcase
which things are placed to be examined under give someone the slip escape or avoid
a microscope 5a fastener to keep hair tidy someone skilfully
slight anjecrve very small; not serious or slipper youn slippers a soft comfortable shoe
important to wear indoors
> slightly apvers slightmess NouN
slippery spective smooth or wet so that it is
slim apective slimmer, slimmest 1 thin and ifficult to stand on or hold
graceful 2 small; hardly enough e a slim chance > slipperiness NOUN
> slimmess NOUN
slipshod apecmve careless; not systematic
slim vere slims, slimming, slimmed make
yourself thinner, especially by dieting sapeeeae NOUN Slipstreams a current of air
> slimmer Noun riven backward as an aircraft or vehicle is
propelled forward
slime noun unpleasant wet slippery stuff
> slimy ADecTivE Sliminess NOUN slit youn slits a narrow straight cut or opening
sling noun slings 1a loop orband placed round slit vere slits, slitting, slit make a slit or slits in
something to support or lift it e He had his arm something
in a sling. 2 alooped strap used to throw a slither vers slithers, slithering, slithered slip
stone etc. or slide unsteadily

slice vere She sliced the cheese into thin pieces. sling vere He slung his coat on a chair. » throw,
> cut, cut up, chop, carve, divide hurl, toss, fling, cast, pitch, heave
slick anyective a slick marketing campaign slimlc vers He slunk round to the back of the house.
> smooth, efficient, smart, polished, > creep, sneak, slip, steal, edge, sidle
streamlined, skilful, professional
AN OPPOSITE IS inept slip vers 1 People were slipping on the icy ground.
> slide, slither, fall, trip, stumble 2 He got up
Slide vers The spoon slid across the table. » glide, and slipped quietly out of the door. » creep,
slither, skim, skid, slip sneak, slink, steal, edge, sidle 3 He slipped some
slight apjective 1 There was aslight problem with vite into his pocket. » put, tuck, stick, shove,
this plan. > small, modest, tiny, imperceptible, stu
insignificant, negligible, slim, minor, trivial
2 her slight figure » slim, slender, delicate, slip noun 1 slip ofpaper > piece, scrap, chit,
dainty, graceful, petite, svelte sheet 2 Did you mean to write ‘yes’ or was that a
AN OPPOSITE IS big slip? » mistake, error, gaffe, lapse, blunder
slightly apvers The new models are slightly bigger. slippery spective 1 The floor was wet and
He was slightly taken aback by this. » alittle, a slippery. > slithery, greasy, slimy, slippy 2.a
bit, rather, somewhat, a shade, moderately slippery character » devious, unreliable,
AN OPPOSITE IS very dishonest, crafty, cunning
slim apective 1 She is tall, slim, and dignified. slit oun 1 He peeped through a slit ina fence.
> slender, lean, slight, thin, graceful, svelte 2a > opening, chink, gap, crack, aperture, slot
slim chance ofwinning » faint, slender, remote, 2 She made a slit in the side of the box. » cut,
flimsy incision, gash, tear, slash
slimy spective He slid helplessly down the slimy slit vere Henry looked for a knife to slit open his
walls, » slithery, slippery, sticky, oozy, greasy letter. > cut, tear, rip, slice
sliver = slump
sliver (sliv- er) noun slivers athin strip of wood slovenly (sluv- en- lee) anective careless or
or glass etc. untidy
slog vers slogs, slogging, slogged 1 hit hard > slovenliness Noun fhe
2 work or walk hard and steadily slow apective 1 not quick; taking more time

> slog noun slogger Noun than is usual 2 showing a time earlier than the
sloganwoun slogans a phrase used to advertise correct time e Your watch is slow. 3 not clever;
something orto sum up the aims of acampaign not able to understand quickly or easily
etc. e Their slogan was ‘Ban the bomb!’ [from > slowly apvers slowness NOUN G
Scottish Gaelic sluagh- ghairm = battle-cry] slow spvers slowly e Go slow.
slope vers slopes, sloping, sloped lie or turn at
an angle; slant slow vere slows, slowing, slowed go more
slope off (informal) go away slowly; cause to go more slowly e The storm
slowed us down.
slope noun slopes 1 asloping surface 2 the
amount by which something slopes slow-worm noun slow-worms a small
European legless lizard that looks like a snake,
_ sloppy nective sloppier, sloppiest 1 liquid and gives birth to live young
and splashing easily 2 careless or slipshod
e sloppy work 3 weakly sentimental e a sloppy sludge noun thick mud
story slug oun slugs 1a small slimy animal like a
> sloppily apvers sloppiness Noun snail without a shell 2 a pellet for firing from a
slotnoun slots a narrow opening to put things in gun
> slotted ADjECTIVE sluggish aoective slow-moving; not alert or
slotvers slots, slotting, slotted put something lively
into a place where it fits
sluice gate noun sluice gates a sliding barrier
sloth (rhymes with both) noun sloths 1 laziness for controlling a flow of water
2 a South American animal that lives in trees
and moves very slowly slum noun slums an area of dirty overcrowded
> slothful ADJECTIVE houses
slot machine noun slot machines a machine slumber vers slumbers, slumbering,
worked by putting a coin in the slot slumbered sleep
> slumber noun slumberer noun
slouch vers siouches, slouching, slouched
slumberous or slumbrous ADJECTIVE
stand, sit, or move in a lazy awkward way, not
with an upright posture slump vers slumps, slumping, slumped fall
> slouch noun heavily or suddenly

slog oun (informal) The work was a year’s hard slovenly apjective 1 He was criticized for his
slog. » toil, labour, struggle, work, (informal) slovenly appearance. » untidy, scruffy, messy,
grind dishevelled, frowzy AN OPPOSITE IS careful 2 The
slope noun 1A flat roof must have a slope for work is slovenly and needs to be redone.
drainage. » incline, gradient, slant, angle, > careless, slapdash, slipshod, untidy,
pitch 2 They had their picnic on a grassy slope. thoughtless
> hillock, hill, bank, rise slow apjective 1 They walked on at a slow pace.
slope vers The garden slopes gently away from the > leisurely, unhurried, measured, moderate,
house. > slant, fall or rise, fall away, shelve, steady, deliberate, plodding 2 It was slow work.
bank, incline > lengthy, prolonged, protracted, tedious
sloppy apective 1 The cement mixture was much 3 He could be extremely slow at times. » obtuse,
too sloppy. » liquid, runny, slushy, watery, stupid, slow-witted, dim, (more informal) dense
messy, wet AN OPPOSITE IS solid 2 sloppy work slow vers The huge vehicle slowed to a halt.
> careless, slovenly, slapdash, slipshod > decelerate, go slower, slow down, reduce
AN OPPOSITE IS careful speed, brake OPPOSITES ARE accelerate, speed
slosh vers 1 Michael threatened to slosh anyone up
else who said anything. » hit, thump, bash, sluggish apjectve He woke up feeling sluggish
clout 2 Water was sloshing about. » splash, after a sleepless night. » lethargic, lifeless,
slop, spill, splatter listless, torpid, unresponsive, dull, idle, lazy,
slot noun 1 She put another coin in the slot and slothful opposites ARE lively, vigorous
waited. & slit, chink, aperture, opening 2a slump vers 1 House values have slumped in the
weekly radio slot for listeners’ comments » spot, last few months, » decline, drop, fall off,
time, place, space collapse, plummet, plunge, sink, worsen
slump — smart card
slumpwoun slumps a sudden great fall in prices smack? noun smacks a slight flavour of
or trade something; a trace
Slurvers slurs, slurring, slurred 1 pronounce smackvers smacks, smacking, smacked have
words indistinctly by running the sounds a slight flavour or trace @ His manner smacks of
together 2 mark with a slur in music conceit.
smallapective 1 not large; less than the usual
slurnoun slurs 1aslurred sound 2 something size 2 not important or significant
that harms a person’s reputation 3 (in music) a
> smallness Noun
curved line placed over notes to show that they
the small of the backthe lower part of a
are to be sung or played smoothly without a
person’s back, where the spine curves in
smallholdingnoun smallholdings a small
slurpvers slurps, slurping, slurped eat or area of land used for farming
drink with a loud sucking sound > smalliholdernoun
> slurp Noun
small hourspiurat noun the early hours of the
slush woun partly melted snow on the ground morning, after midnight
> slushy AD/ECTIVE
small-mindedapective selfish; petty
slyapective slyer, slyest 1 unpleasantly cunning smallpoxwoun a serious contagious disease
or secret 2 mischievous and knowing e a sly that causes a fever and produces spots that
smile leave scars on the skin
> slylyApvers slyness NOUN
smarmy AgEcTIVe (informal) trying to win
smack! noun smacks 1aslap 2.a loud sharp someone’s favour by being friendly in an
sound e It hit the wall with a smack. 3 (informal) insincere or exaggerated way
a loud kiss
smartapecive 1 neat and elegant; dressed well
smack vers smacks, smacking, smacked 2 clever 3 forceful; brisk e She ran at a smart
1slap 2 smash into pace.
smack your lips close and then part them > smartlyApvers smartnessNOUN
noisily in enjoyment smart cardnoun smart cards a card like a
smackapvers (informal) forcefully or directly credit card, which stores information or
e@ The ball went smack through the window. enables you to use a cash machine etc.

OPPOSITES ARESOar, rise 2 Joanna slumped into a 4 They wanted to complain about the small
chair. » flop, loll, droop, sag, slouch, collapse portions. » meagre, inadequate, paltry,
3 He slumped to the ground, clutching his leg. insufficient opposites ARElarge, generous,
> fall, sink, collapse, drop ample
slumpwoun a financial crisis and a slump in world small-mindedanectve a lot of small-minded
trade » decline, depression, downturn, chauvinists » narrow-minded, intolerant,
collapse, drop, fall, tumble, crash, trough narrow, bigoted, conservative, illiberal, insular,
AN OPPOSITE Is boom parochial, short-sighted, hidebound
slurnoun This is a slur on one of our great national OPPOSITES AREbroad-minded, open-minded,
heroes. » insult, slight, slander, libel, tolerant
sly Anjective The master was a devious, sly man.
smarmvy,ojective His manner was over- polite and
smarmy. » smooth, oily, unctuous,
> cunning, crafty, clever, wily, foxy, canny,
obsequious, fawning
knowing, shifty, sneaky, furtive, scheming,
conniving smartapective 1 He looked smart in his new suit.
smack vers She smacked the dog. » slap, strike, > elegant, well dressed, stylish, spruce, trim,
hit, clout, whack, spank chic, fashionable an opposite isscruffy 2 Jenny
smackwoun It was a hard smack smack. > slap, had always been the smart member of the family.
clout, whack, blow, thump > clever, bright, intelligent, sharp, shrewd,
astute AN Opposite |sstupid 3 They would stay in
small anective 1A small packet lay on the mat. a smart hotel and eat out every night.
> little, tiny, minute, compact, baby, > fashionable, high-class, exclusive, fancy,
diminutive, minuscule an opposite Is large (more informal) posh AN opposite |Slow-class
2 His mother was a small woman. > short, little, 4 They set off at a smart pace. > brisk, fast,
slight, petite opposites ARE big, large, tall 3 We quick, lively, spirited AN opposite isslow
will need to make some small changes. » minor,
trivial, trifling, insignificant, unimportant, smartvers The smoke made her eyes smart.
negligible opposites AREMajor, substantial > sting, tingle, prickle, prick, hurt
smarten = smokescreen
smarten vers smartens, smartening, smilenoun smiles an expression on the face
smartened make or become smarter that shows pleasure or amusement, with the
smash vers smashes, smashing, smashed lips stretched and turning upwards at the ends
1 break noisily into pieces 2 hit or move with smile vers smiles, smiling, smiled give a smile
great force 3 destroy or defeat completely
smirk youn, smirks a self-satisfied smile
smash oun smashes 1 the action or sound of
smirk vers smirks, smirking, smirked give a
smashing 2 collision between vehicles smirk
smash hit oun smash hits (informal) a very smite vers smites, smiting, smote, smitten
successful song, show, etc. (old use) hit hard
smashing pctv (informal) excellent or smith youn smiths 1 a person who makes
beautiful things out of metal 2a blacksmith
> smasher Noun
smithereens Piura noun small fragments
smear vers smears, smearing, smeared 1 rub [from Irish]
something greasy orsticky or dirty ona surface
2 try to damage someone’s reputation smockwoun smocks 1 an overall shaped like a
> smeary ADJECTIVE very long shirt 2. aloose top with the upper
part gathered into stitched pleats
smear noun smears 1 smearing; something SMOQ\oun a mixture of smoke and fog
smeared 2 material smeared on a slide to be
examined under a microscope 3 false smoke noun 1 the mixture of gas and solid
accusation 4a smear test particles given off by a burning substance 2a
period of smoking tobacco e He wanted a
smear test oun smear tests the taking and smoke.
examination of a sample of the cervix lining, to > smoky ADJECTIVE
check for faulty cells which may cause cancer
smoke vers smokes, smoking, smoked 1 give
smell vers smells, smelling, smeltorsmelled out smoke 2 have a lighted cigarette, cigar, or
1 be aware of something by means of the sense pipe between your lips and draw its smoke into
organs of the nose e I can smell smoke. 2 give your mouth; do this as a habit 3 preserve meat
out a smell or fish by treating it with smoke @ smoked
smell oun smells 1 something you can smell; haddock
a quality in something that makes people able > smoker Noun
to smell it 2. an unpleasant quality of this kind smokescreennoun smokescreens 1a mass
3 the ability to smell things of smoke used to hide the movement of troops
> smelly ADJECTIVE 2 something that conceals what is happening

smartenvers 1 smarten up The house had been smearnoun 1asmear ofpaint » streak,
smartened up before it was put on the market. smudge, daub, mark 2 smears about them in the
> refurbish, renovate, do up, improve, press » slander, libel, defamation, imputation,
redecorate 2 smarten yourself up Eleanor false report
went to smarten herselfupfor dinner. » dress, smell oun 1 the fresh smells of spring
spruce yourself up, freshen yourself up, make > fragrance, scent, perfume, aroma 2a smell
yourself smart of cooking » aroma, odour 3a bad smell
> odour, stench, stink, reek, (more informal)
smash vers 1 He dropped the glass and smashed
pong, (more informal) niff RELATED ADJECTIVE
it. > break, shatter, crack 2 smash intoA car olfactory
had smashed into the lamppost. » crash into,
collide with, smack into, bash into, thump into, smell vers 1 Smell the flowers. » scent, sniff
hit 2 (informal) The milk was starting to smell.
> stink, whiff, pong, reek
aery ADJECTIVE They had a smashing time. smelly apective The room was damp and smelly.
> marvellous, excellent, wonderful, splendid, > smelling, stinking, malodorous, reeking,
lovely, delightful, (more informal) terrific foul, putrid, (more informal) pongy
smear vers 1 He smeared grease on the bearings. smile vers Jo smiled at her. » beam, grin,
> daub, spread, wipe, plaster, rub, dab, simper, smirk, leer USAGE Note that smirk and
smudge 2 The canvas was smeared with paint. leer are unpleasant expressions.
> cover, coat, rub, streak 3 The newspapers smoke vers 1 The fire was smoking. » smoulder,
tried to smear his reputation. » sully, besmirch, emit smoke, fume, reek 2 He was smoking a
tarnish, blacken, defame, malign; vilify cigar. » puff on, draw on, inhale
smooth => snap
smoothapectve 1 havinga surface without any smug pyective self-satisfied; too pleased with
lumps, wrinkles, roughness, etc. 2 moving your own good fortune or abilities
without bumps orjolts etc. 3 not harsh e a > smugly ADvers smugness NOUN
smooth flavour 4 without problems or
smuggle vers smuggles, smuggling,
difficulties smuggled bring something into a country etc.
> smoothlyabvers smoothness NOUN secretly or illegally
> smuggler NouN
smooth vers smooths, smoothing,
smoothed make a thing smooth smackwoun snacks 1asmall meal 2 food eaten
between meals
smote past tense of smite
SMaQNoun snags 1 anunexpected difficulty 2a
smother vers smothers, smothering, sharp orjagged part sticking out from
smothered 1 suffocate 2 put out a fire by something 3a tear in material that has been
covering it 3 cover thickly @ The buns were caught on something sharp
smothered in sugar. 4 restrain or conceal @ She
smothered a smile. snail oun snailsa small animal with a soft body
and a shell
vers smoulders, smouldering,
smouldered 1 burn slowly without a flame snakenoun snakes a reptile with along narrow
2 feel an emotion strongly without showing it body and no legs
e He was smouldering with jealousy > smaky AD/ECTIVE

smudgenoun smudges a dirty mark made by sMap vers snaps, snapping, snapped 1 break
rubbing something suddenly or with a sharp sound 2 bite suddenly
> smudgy ADJECTIVE or quickly 3 say something quickly and angrily
4 take something or move quickly 5 take a
smudgevers smudges, smudging, smudged snapshot of something
make a smudge on something; become snap your fingers make a sharp snapping
smudged sound with your thumb and a finger

smoothapectve 1a smooth road > even, level, smudgevers 1 Her hand slipped and she
flat, horizontal OPPOSITES ARE uneven, rough 2a smudged the writing. » blur, smear, streak
smooth surface » shiny, polished, glossy, silky 2 The wall was smudged with heavy drops ofrain.
AN OpposiTE Is dull 3.4 smooth sea » calm, still, > mark, stain, blot, dirty
tranquil, placid, serene, glassy AN OPPOSITE IS smug nective He tried not to look smug when the
rough 4a smooth talker » suave, articulate, results were announced. » self-satisfied,
glib, slick, smarmy, plausible, persuasive conceited, superior, self-righteous,
AN OPPOSITE |S awkward 5 the smooth running complacent, priggish aN opposite is humble
of the engine » regular, steady, rhythmic,
smutty Apjective They had been telling each other
flowing, fluent opposites ARE irregular, jerky
smutty jokes. » dirty, rude, filthy, crude,
6a smooth operation » straightforward, indecent, coarse, obscene
efficient, well-run, trouble-free, untroubled
OPPOSITES ARE troubled, fraught smackwoun They had a quick snack before leaving.
> bite, bite to eat, light meal, refreshments,
WW smoothvers 1 He took his clothes out of the bag (more informal) nibble
and smoothed them before putting them away. snag Noun The snag was that nobody wanted to
> flatten, press, iron 2 Use sandpaper to smooth make the first move. » disadvantage, catch,
the surface. » plane, sand, polish, level 3 Extra hitch, obstacle, problem, setback,
support would smooth their progress. » ease, complication, hindrance, difficulty, (informal)
facilitate, help, assist, expedite stumbling-block

smother vers~1 He tried to smother the flames smapvers 1 The rope snapped and the trailer
slipped backwards. » break, split, separate
with his coat. » put out, extinguish, snuff out,
2 The dogs were snapping at them. » snarl,
damp down, dampen, douse 2A young mother growl, bark, bite 3 ‘I wasn’t there,’ Ginny
was accused ofsmothering her baby. » suffocate, snapped. > retort, bark, snarl, say angrily,
stifle, asphyxiate, strangle, choke rejoin 4 After years of suffering she finally
snapped. » crack, lose control, go to pieces,
smudge noun His thumb left a smudge on the (more informal) lose your cool, (more informal)
paper. > smear, mark, stain, blot, streak freak out
snap = snivel
Snap Noun snaps 1 the action or sound of smeervers sneers, sneering, sneered speak or
snapping 2a snapshot 3 Snapa card game in behave in a scornful way
which players shout ‘Snap!’ when they see two > sneer NouN
similar cards smeeze vers sneezes, sneezing, sneezed send
ora pence 1 snapping at people 2 quick out air suddenly and uncontrollably through
and lively the nose and mouth in order to get rid of
> snappily Apvers something irritating the nostrils ,
snapshotnoun snapshots an informal > smeeze NOUN Ci
photograph [from Old English fneosan, imitating the sound]
smarenoun snares 1 atrap for catching birds or sniff vers sniffs, sniffing, sniffed 1 make a
animals 2 something that attracts someone sound by drawing in air through the nose
but is a trap or a danger 2smell something ;
snare vers snares, snaring, snared catch ina
> sniffnoun sniffer noun
snare sniffle vers sniffles, sniffling, sniffled 1 sniff uy
- snarl vers snarls, snarling, snarled 1 growl slightly 2 keep on sniffing
angrily 2 speak in a bad-tempered way > sniffle noun
> snarl Noun sniggervers sniggers, sniggering, .
[imitating the sound] sniggered giggle slyly i
snatchvers snatches, snatching, snatched > snigger Noun
seize; take quickly, eagerly, or by force snip vers snips, snipping, snipped cut with
snatchnoun snatches 1 snatching 2a short scissors or shears in small quick cuts ,
and incomplete part of a song, conversation, > snipNoun I
etc. snipe vers snipes, sniping, sniped 1 shoot at
sneakers sneaks, sneaking, sneaked people from a hiding place 2 attack someone
1 move quietly and secretly 2 (informal) take with critical remarks
secretly e He sneaked a biscuit from the tin. > sniperNoun neh
3 (informal) tell tales snippetnoun snippets a small piece of news,
sneakwnoun sneaks (informal) a telltale information, etc.
sneaky spective dishonest or deceitful snivel vere snivels, snivelling, snivelled cry or
> sneakilyApvers sneakiness NOUN complain in a whining way

smapnoun 1 He closed the case with a snap. sneaky apective (informal) a sneaky trick sly,
> click, crack 2 There is often a cold snap just cunning, crafty, clever, wily, foxy, canny,
after Christmas. » spell, period, interval, knowing, shifty, sneaky, furtive, scheming,
stretch 3 She showed us her holiday snaps. conniving opposites AREhonest, open
> photo, photograph, picture, image
smeervers sneer att is easy to sneer at their first
smapapective a snap decision » instant, efforts.» scoff at, mock, scorn, ridicule, deride,
on-the-spot, off-the-cuff, abrupt jeer at, laugh at, look down on
snappy nective 1 We need a snappy answer.
> quick, prompt, brisk 2. snappy dresser snide apjective His snide remarks became
> smart, stylish, fashionable, chic, (more irritating. » disparaging, deprecating,
informal) trendy 3 The campaign needs a slogan sarcastic, scornful, sneering, spiteful, mocking,
that’s snappy. » pithy, crisp, memorable nasty AN OPPOSITE Is complimentary
snarl vers ‘Leave me alone,’ he snarled. » growl, sniggervers They might snigger at him behind his
snap, bark, say angrily back. » snicker, giggle, laugh, titer, chuckle,
smatch vers Thieves had snatched her handbag sneer
near the station. » steal, seize, grab, take, snip vers 1 She snipped the ends off the stalks.
grasp, pluck, wrench away, wrest away > cut, clip, trim, crop, chop, dock 2 The
sneak vers 1 The boys sneaked in when nobody inspector snipped our tickets. > clip, nick, notch,
was about. » creep, steal, slink, slip, sidle snick
2 sneak on (informal) Someone must have
sneaked on me. » inform on or against, report, snippet noun snippets of information » piece,
tell tales about, (informal) grass on scrap, bit, morsel, fragment, particle, shred,
sneakinganective 1 She has a sneaking fondness
for Turkish delight. » secret, private, hidden, snivel vers Ifyou get caught, don’t snivel about the
concealed, inward, unexpressed 2 Claudia had consequences. » complain, grizzle, moan,
a sneaking feeling that Myra could be right. grouse, whine, make a fuss, (more informal)
> nagging, niggling, lingering, lurking whinge
snob =» soak
snobwoun snobs a person who despises those snowstorm \oun snowstorms a storm in
who have not got wealth, power, or particular which snow falls
tastes or interests snub vers snubs, snubbing, snubbed treat ina
> snobbery noun snobbish ADjecTive scornful or unfriendly way
snooker youn agame played with cues.and 21 snub oun snubs scornful or unfriendly
balls on a special cloth-covered table treatment
SNOOP vers shoops, snooping, snooped pry; snub-nosed apective having a short turned-up
ask or look around secretly
> snooper NOUN
SNOOZENOUN snoozes (informal) ashort sleep snuff" youn powdered tobacco for taking into
> snooze VERB the nose by sniffing
snore vers snores, snoring, snored breathe snuff? vers snuffs, snuffing, snuffed put outa
very noisily while sleeping candle by covering or pinching the flame
> snore NOUN > snuffer NOUN
snortvere snorts, snorting, snorted make a snuffle vers snuffles, snuffling, snuffled sniff
rough sound by breathing forcefully through in a noisy way
the nose > snuffle noun
> snortNouN SMUG ADJECTIVE snugger, snuggest 1 cosy
smoutnoun snouts an animal’s projecting nose 2 fitting closely
and jaws > snugly ADVERB snugness NOUN
SmoOw Noun frozen drops of water that fall from — vers snuggles, snuggling, snuggled
the sky in small white flakes curl up ina warm comfortable place
SMOW VERS snows, snowing, snowed come SOADveERB 1 in this way; to such an extent e Why
down as snow are you so cross? 2very @ Cricket is so boring.
be snowed under be overwhelmed with a 3 also e I was wrong but so were you.
mass of letters or work etc. and so onand other similar things
snowball youn snowballs a ball of snow or soor about that number
pressed together for throwing so far up to now
snowball vers snowballs, snowballing, so long! (informal) goodbye
snowballed grow quickly in size or intensity so what? (informal) that is not important
snowdrop Noun snowdrops a small white SO CONJUNCTION for that reason @ They threw me
flower that blooms in early spring out, so I came here.
snowdriftoun snowdrifts a large heap or soak vers soaks, soaking, soaked make a
bank of snow piled up by the wind person or thing very wet
snowflake noun snowflakes a flake of snow > soak Noun
snowshoenoun snowshoes a frame rather soak up take in a liquid in the way that a
like a tennis racket for walking on soft snow sponge does

snobbery noun Forget the snobbery and SMUGADECTIVE 1 The cottage was warm and snug.
mystique that is associated with choosing wine. > cosy, comfortable, homely, cheerful,
> snobbishness, snootiness, arrogance, welcome, reassuring, (more informal) comfy
affectation, pretension, superciliousness opposites ARE forbidding, unwelcoming 2 She
wore a snug long dress. > close-fitting, tight,
snobbish apjctive She dislikes the snobbish and
materialistic attitudes ofmany people. » snooty, figure-hugging
snobby, pretentious, superior, condescending,
(more informal) stuck up, (more informal) soak vers 1 You need to soak the beans overnight
toffee-nosed AN OPPOSITE IS unpretentious in liquid. » immerse, steep, wet, submerge
2 Days of rain had soaked the ground. » drench,
snoop vers You shouldn’t snoop into our affairs. saturate, swamp, inundate
> pry, meddle (in orwith), nose, sneak, soak into Ink had soaked into the paper.
(informal) stick your nose (in or into) > permeate, penetrate, saturate
snooze vers (informal) There he was snoozing by soak upA sponge soaks up water. » absorb,
the fire. > sleep, doze, rest, nap, take a nap, take up, draw up, suck up
soaking aecrives By the time they returned their
snub vers They snubbed the hosts by leaving the clothes were soaking. » drenched, soaked, wet
party early. > insult, affront, offend, rebuff, through, dripping, wringing, sodden, sopping
reject, scorn, (more informal) put down AN OPPOSITE IS dry
soap = sofa
SOaPNOUN soaps 1 asubstance used with water industries and trade etc. are controlled by the
for washing and cleaning things 2 asoap opera government COMPARE capitalism
socialistnoun socialists a person who believes
SOap Operanoun soap operas a television in socialism
serial about the everyday lives of a group of
people [originally American, where the serials social securitynoun money and other
were sponsored by soap manufacturers] assistance provided by the government for
SOarvers soars, soaring, soared 1 rise high in those in need through being unemployed, ill, or e~%hnebs
the air 2 increase by a lot @ Prices are soaring.
sobvers sobs, sobbing, sobbed make a social servicesiural noun welfare services
gasping sound when crying provided by the government, including
> sobnoun schools, hospitals, and pensions
[probably from early Dutch] societynoun societies 1 a community; people Ci
soberapective 1 not drunk 2 serious and calm living together in a group or nation e We live in a
3 (said about colour) not bright or showy a multiracial society. 2 a group of people
> soberlyspvers sobriety(so- bry- it- ee) NouN organized for a particular purpose e the school
sobervers sobers, sobering, sobered make or dramatic society 3 company or companionship
become sober e We enjoy the society of our friends.
so-called apecnve named in what may be the sockwoun socks a piece of clothing that covers
wrong way @ This so-called gentleman slammed your foot and the lower part of your leg [from
the door. Old English] ke
SOCCernoun Association football [short for socketnoun sockets 1a hollow into which
Association] something fits @ a tooth socket 2 a device into
sociableapycnie liking to be with other people; which an electric plug or bulb is put to make a
friendly connection wa)
> sociablyapvers sociabilitynoun soda waternoun water made fizzy with carbon
socialapective 1 living ina community, not dioxide, used in drinks
alone e Bees are social insects. 2 to do with life in
a community e social science 3 concerned with soddemanective made very wet Oo
people’s welfare e a social worker 4 helping sodiumwoun a soft white metal
people to meet each other e a social club
5 sociable sodium bicarbonatewoun a soluble white :
> socially apvers powder used in fire extinguishers and fizzy ri
[from Latin sociare = unite, associate] drinks, and to make cakes rise "
socialismwoun a political system where wealth sofanoun sofas along soft seat with a back and E
is shared equally between people, andthe main arms [from Arabic suffa = long stone bench]

Thesaurus —————___—_
SOarvers 1 Birds soared overhead. » climb, social apjective 1 Ants are social creatures.
ascend, wing, glide, drift 2 Prices have continued > gregarious, organized, civilized,
to soar. » rise, escalate, rocket collaborative AN opposite Issolitary 2 a range of v;
sobvers He turned his face to the wall and began cultural and social interests » communal, ;
to sob. » weep, cry, shed tears, blubber, snivel community, public, group
soberapjective 1 Matt craved a drink but knew he AN OPPOSITE ISindividual
had to stay sober. » temperate, abstemious,
not drunk AN opposite isdrunk 2 After sober socialnoun The club has a social every month.
reflection I decided to stay the way I was. > party, gathering, function
> serious, thoughtful, calm, level-headed,
sensible, sombre, grave, earnest, society Noun 1 In our society, men historically
down-to-earth, commonsensical have occupied the positions ofpower.
AN opposite ISlight-hearted 3 She dressed in a > civilization, nation, culture, community
sober style. » subdued, sombre, austere, 2 We must remember our position in society.
severe, staid AN opposite ISflamboyant > the community, the population, the
sociableapyctve She had been a lively, bright, public 3 They enjoy the society of their friends.
and sociable girl before the accident. » friendly, > company, fellowship, friendship,
outgoing, companionable, convivial, companionship, camaraderie 4 He joined a local
gregarious, clubbable, cordial, affable, history society. » association, club, group,
amicable opposites AREunsociablé, unfriendly organization, circle, fraternity
soft = solids
soft apjective 1 not hard or firm; easily pressed sole’ noun soles 1 the bottom surface of afoot
2 smooth, not rough or stiff 3 gentle; not loud orshode 2a flat edible sea fish
4 (said about drugs) not likely to be addictive sole vers soles, soling, soled put asole ona
> softly Advers softness NOUN shoe
soft drink voun soft drinks a cold drink that is sole? anecrive single; only e She was the sole
not alcoholic survivor.
soften vers softens, softening, softened > solely ADvers
make or become soft or softer solemn apective 1 not smiling or cheerful
> softener NOUN 2 dignified or formal
software noun (in computing) programs and > solemnly Advers solemnity NOUN
data, which are not part of the machinery of a solicit vers solicits, soliciting, solicited ask for
computer compare hardware or try to obtain e I’ve been soliciting opinions
G SOGGY AD/ECTIVE soggier, soggiest very wet and from rail users.
heavy e soggy ground [from a dialect word sog = solicitor youn solicitors a lawyer who advises
swamp] clients, prepares legal documents, etc.
soil youn soils 1 the loose earth in which plants solid anctive 1 not hollow; with no space inside
grow 2territory e on British soil [from early
2 keeping its shape; not liquid or gas
3 continuous e for two solid hours 4 firm or
solar panel noun solar panels a panel strongly made; not flimsy e a solid foundation
designed to catch the sun’s rays and use their 5 showing solidarity; unanimous
energy for heating or to make electricity > solidly Apvers solidity NouN
solar power noun electricity or other forms of solid noun solids 1a solid thing 2a shape that
power derived from the sun’s rays has three dimensions (length, width, and
solar system noun the sun and the planets height or depth)
that revolve round it solids piural Noun solid food; food that is not
soldier oun soldiers a member of an army liquid e Is your baby eating solids yet?

soft apective 14 soft pillow » supple, pliable, soil noun 1 The tiny eggs can also be picked up in
springy, yielding, flexible, malleable, squashy garden soil. » earth, loam, ground, humus,
AN OPPOSITE IS hard 2 soft ground » squelchy, topsoil 2 English troops withdrew from Scottish
swampy, marshy, boggy, heavy AN OPPOSITE IS soil. » territory, land, space, jurisdiction
firm 3 soft music » gentle, soothing, soil vers Try not to soil your clothes. » dirty, make
melodious An opposite is harsh 4 a soft voice dirty, stain, tarnish, contaminate, defile,
> quiet, low, faint, muted, subdued pollute
AN OPPOSITE IS loud 5 soft colours > pale, pastel, soldier youn The town was surrounded by enemy
muted, subtle opposites are bright, lurid 6a soldiers. » serviceman or servicewoman,
soft fabric » velvety, silky, smooth, downy, fighting man orwoman, trooper RELATED
fleecy 7 Some teachers are too soft with their ADJECTIVE military
pupils. » lenient, easygoing, indulgent, sole anjective The sole intention is to raise money.
permissive, forbearing OpposiTES ARE strict, > one, only, single, solitary, exclusive,
severe singular, individual, unique
soften vers 1 Lower interest rates might soften
solemmanective 1 He was tall with a thin, solemn
face. » serious, earnest, sombre, staid, sober,
the effect of the tax increases. » moderate,
thoughtful, reverential, glum, grave, grim
temper, alleviate, ease, relieve, assuage
AN OpPOsITE IS Cheerful 2 The ceremony was a
AN OPPOSITE IS intensify 2 The butter softened in
solemn occasion. » dignified, formal, grand,
the warmth of the kitchen. » melt, liquefy, go
stately, majestic, impressive, pompous,
soft AN opposite Is harden awe-inspiring, ceremonious, imposing
soft-hearted apjective You were always too AN OPPOSITE IS frivolous
soft-hearted to tell them what you thought. solid apjective 1 The floor was ofsolid concrete. The
> kind, kind-hearted, gentle, easygoing, metal below him was quite solid. » hard, firm,
generous, charitable dense, rigid, fixed, unyielding
OPPOSITES ARE liquid, gaseous, hollow 2. solid
SOGGY ADJECTIVE a pile of soggy clothes » sodden, sort of person » dependable, reliable,
sopping, saturated, soaked, drenched, wet trustworthy, honest, upright, level-headed
through aN opposite Is dry OPPOSITES ARE Unreliable, dishonest 3 The police
soliloquy = son-in-law
soliloquy (sol-il- ok- wee) noun soliloquies a point in time e You must come round for a meal
speech in which a person speaks his or her some time. :
thoughts aloud when alone or without some Pronoun a certain number or amount that
addressing anyone is less than the whole e Some of them were late.
> soliloquize vers
[from Latin solus = alone + loqui = speak] somebody pronoun 1some person
important or impressive person
solitary specie 1 alone, without companions somehow apvers in some way
2 single e a solitary example
someone pronoun somebody
solitary confinement noun a form of
punishment in which a prisoner is kept alone in somersault noun somersaults a movement
a cell and not allowed to talk to others in which you turn head over heels before
landing on your feet
solonoun solos something sung, played, > somersault vers
danced, or done by one person [from Latin supra = above + saltus = a leap]
something noun some thing; a thing which
- soluble apective 1 ableto be dissolved 2 ableto you cannot or do not want to name
be solved something like 1 rather like e It’s something
> solubility noun like a rabbit. 2 approximately e It cost something 5

solution noun solutions 1a liquid in which like £10.

something is dissolved 2 the answer to a sometimes Aovers at some times but not
problem or puzzle always @ We sometimes walk to school.
solve vere solves, solving, solved find the somewhat spvers to some extent e He was
answer to a problem or puzzle [from Latin somewhat annoyed.
solvere = unfasten] somewhere overs in or to some place
solvent apective 1 having enough money to pay SOM NOUN sons a boy or man who is someone’s
all your debts 2 able to dissolve another child
substance sonata noun sonatas a piece of music for one
> solvency NOUN instrument or two, in several movements
solvent youn solvents a liquid used for SONGNOUN songs 1 atuneforsinging 2 singing
dissolving something e He burst into song.
sombre spective dark and gloomy a song and dance (informal) a great fuss
some spective 1a few; alittle e some apples for a song bought or sold very cheaply
@ some money 2. an unknown person or thing sonic boom noun sonic booms a loud noise
e Some fool left the door open. 3 about e We caused by the shock wave of an aircraft
waited some 20 minutes. travelling faster than the speed of sound
some time 1 quite along time e I’ve been son-in-law noun sons-in-law a daughter's
wondering about it for some time. 2 at some husband

needed solid evidence. » real, genuine, solution noun 1 There is no easy solution to
substantial 4 a ring of solid gold » pure, the problem. » answer, resolution, key, solving
genuine, unalloyed AN opposite Is alloyed 5 He (of), explanation (of) 2a solution of ammonia
can expect solid support from a third of the in water » mixture, mix, blend, compound
delegates. » firm, united, unanimous
solve vers This will solve our immediate problem.
> resolve, answer, settle, sort out, put right,
deal with
solidify vere As the liquid cools it rapidly
solidifies. » harden, set, thicken, stiffen, sombre apective 1sombre colours » dark, dull,
congeal, clot, coagulate AN opposite Is liquefy sober, drab, dreary, gloomy
AN Opposite IS cheerful 2 His face bore a sombre
solitary anective 1 He leads a solitary existence. expression. » solemn, thoughtful, reverential,
> lonely, unsociable, friendless, isolated, glum, grave
cloistered, companionless
AN OPPOSITE IS Sociable 2 a solitary survivor sometimes pvers He sometimes seems
preoccupied. » occasionally, from time to time,
> single, sole, one, only 3 afew solitary villages
at times, now and then, now and again
dotted on the landscape » isolated,
out-of-the-way, remote, secluded, hidden, SONG NOUN She sang an old song. > air, strain,
sequestered, unfrequented, desolate melody, tune, number
sonnet = sort
sonnetnoun sonnets a kind of poem with 14 Sorcerer Noun sorcerers a person who can
lines [from Italian sonetto = a little sound] perform magic
> sorceressNOUN sorcery NOUN
sOomabvers 1inashort time from now 2 not
long after something sordidapective 1 dirty and nasty
as soonas willingly @ I’d just as soon stay here. 2 dishonourable; selfish and mercenary
as soon as at the moment that e sordid motives
sooner or Jater at some time in the future > sordidlypvers sordidness NOUN
soreapective 1 painful or smarting 2 (informal)
sootnoun the black powder left by smoke ina annoyed or offended 3 serious or distressing
chimney or on a building etc. @ in sore need
> soreness NOUN
soothe vers soothes, soothing, soothed SOFe NOUN sores a sore place
1 calm or comfort 2 ease pain or distress SOFFOW NOUN sorrows 1 unhappiness or regret
> soothingly Abvers caused by loss or disappointment 2 something
SOP VERB sops, sopping, sopped that causes this
sop up soak up liquid like a sponge > sorrowful ADjective sorrowfully Apvers
SOFTy ADJECTIVE sorrier, sorriest 1 feeling regret
sophisticated spjective 1 having refined tastes e I’m sorry Iforgot your birthday. 2 feeling pity
or experienced about the world 2 complicated
or sympathy 3 wretched e His clothes were in a
@ a sophisticated machine
> sophistication NouN
sorry state.
sortnoun sorts a group of things or people that
SOpping pective very wet; drenched are similar; a kind or variety
SOPPY ADJECTIVE 1 very wet 2 (informal) out of sorts slightly unwell or depressed
sentimental in a silly way sort of (informal) rather; to some extent e I
sort of expected it.
SOpraNONoUN sopranos a woman, girl, or boy USAGE Correct use is this sort of thing or these
with a high singing voice sorts of things (not ‘these sort of things’).

SOOMADvERB We'll be there soon. » shortly, SOFe ADJECTIVE 1a sore arm painful, hurting,
presently, quickly, before long, ina while, ina aching, smarting, tender, stinging, burning,
moment or minute injured, wounded 2 (informal) They were sore at
us for leaving them like that. » annoyed, angry,
soothe vers She patted him gently to soothe him.
> calm, comfort, console, pacify, mollify,
upset, aggrieved, peeved (with), (more
settle, subdue, quiet, still opposites ARE agitate, informal) miffed (with)
disturb sore noun There were sores all down his leg.
> swelling, inflammation, abscess, laceration,
soothingsnectve 1 a soothing ointment contusion, lesion, boil, carbuncle, ulcer
> palliative, comforting, emollient, balmy, SOFrOW NOUN 1 The loss caused him great sorrow.
healing, mild 2 soothing words » calming, > sadness, unhappiness, regret, misery, grief,
relaxing, restful, gentle, peaceful, pleasant distress, anguish, heartbreak, tribulation
sophisticated nective 1 sophisticated AN OPPOSITE IS joy 2 He related all the sorrows of
techniques for crime detection » advanced, his life. > trouble, difficulty, affliction, problem
developed, complex, elaborate 2a sorrowful spective She gave a sorrowful smile.
sophisticated person » urbane, worldly, > sad, unhappy, dejected, miserable,
experienced, cultivated, refined despondent, disconsolate opposites ARE happy,
SOppy Apjective (informal) 1a soppy story cheerful
> sentimental, mawkish, maudlin, sugary, SOFFry ADJECTIVE 1 He called his parents to say he
corny 2a soppy child » silly, daft, feeble, soft, was sorry for what he had done. » apologetic,
foolish ashamed (of), penitent, regretful, remorseful,
repentant, conscience-stricken, contrite 2 He
sorcereror sorceressnoun Come and see the felt rather sorry for his father. » sympathetic,
sorcerer’s workshop. » wizard or witch, compassionate, full of pity, pitying,
magician, conjuror, enchanter or enchantress, understanding 3 The house was in a sorry state
warlock, witch doctor
> pitiful, pitiable, wretched, unfortunate,
sorcery noun She was charged with sorcery by his pathetic, dismal »
successor, Richard III, and made to do public sortnoun 1 What sort offilms do you like to see?
penance. » magic or black magic, charms, > type, kind, variety, category, class, genre,
witchcraft, wizardry, conjuring, magic, voodoo style, nature
sort = south
sortvers sorts, sorting, sorted arrange things sound spective 1in good condition; not :
in groups according to their size, kind, etc. damaged 2 healthy; not diseased 3 reasonable a
> sorter NOUN or correct @ His ideas are sound. 4 reliable or
sort out 1 deal with and solve a problem or secure @ a sound investment 5 thorough or
difficulty 2 (informal) deal with and punish deep e a sound sleep
someone > soundly ADVERB Soundness NOUN Cc
sortie youn sorties 1 an attack by troops [from Old’English gesund = healthy]
coming out of a besieged place 2 an attacking sound barrier
oun the resistance of the air to G
expedition by a military aircraft [from French abies moving at speeds near the speed of
sortir = go out] soun ie
SOS noun SOSs an urgent appeal for help [the sound bite youn sound bites a short piece
international Morse code signal of extreme taken from a speech or statement because it
distress, chosen because it is easy to recognize, has a special interest
but often said to stand for ‘Save Our Souls’]
sound effects piura noun sounds produced qj
sought past tense of seek artificially to make a play, film, etc. seem more :
soul oun souls 1 the invisible part of a person realistic Be
that is believed to go on living after the body soundtrackwoun soundtracks the sound that
has died 2a person’s mind and emotions etc. goes with a cinema film
3 aperson e There isn’t a soul about. 4a kind of
popular music that originated in gospel music SOUPNOUN soups liquid food made from stewed
bones, meat, fish, vegetables, etc.
sound’ youn sounds 1 vibrations that travel in the soup (informal) in trouble
through the air and can be detected by the ear; [from early French soupe = broth poured on
the sensation they produce 2 sound bread, from Latin suppa]
reproduced ina film etc. 3 amentalimpression
© We don’t like the sound of his plans. SOUP ADJECTIVE 1 tasting sharp like unripe fruit
2 stale and unpleasant, not fresh e sour milk a
sound vers sounds, sounding, sounded 3 bad-tempered Ys
1 produce or cause to produce asound 2give > sourly ADVERB sourness NOUN
an impression when heard e He sounds angry.
3 test by noting the sounds heard e A doctor SOUFrCce NOUN sources 1 the place from which
sounds a patient’s lungs with a stethoscope. [from something comes 2 the starting point of a river
Latin sonus] Sour grapes P.uRAL Noun pretending that \
sound? vers sounds, sounding, sounded test something you want is no good because you
the depth of water beneath a ship know you cannot have it i
sound out try to find out what a person thinks south woun 1 the direction to the right of a
or feels about something person who faces east 2 the southern part of a
[from Latin sub = under + unda = a wave] country, city, etc.

sort vers The eggs are sorted by size and colour. sound out The survey will sound out public f
> class, grade, group, categorize, classify, opinion. » Canvass, Measure, gauge, test, r
divide investigate
sort out It took a long time to sort out the
difficulties. » resolve, settle, put right, deal sound apective 1 sound advice > valid,
with well-founded, reasonable, dependable v
AN OPPOSITE IS unsound 2 The foundations seem
soulnoun 1 the immortality of the soul» psyche, sound. » firm, sturdy, solid, well built, VW
spirit, inner being 2 (informal) The poor soul had substantial, stable AN OPPOSITE IS unsafe 3a
to wait for hours to be seen. » person, individual, sound investment wise, judicious, well chosen 4
creature AN OPPOSITE IS unwise 4 She fell into a sound
sound Noun They could hear the sound of traffic in sleep. » deep, prolonged, unbroken,
the street. » noise, din, hubbub, racket, tone uninterrupted opposites ARE light, shallow
RELATED ADJECTIVES aural, acoustic, sonic
SOUF ADJECTIVE 1.4 sour taste » sharp, acid, tart,
sound vers 1A signal sounded. p be heard, bitter 2. sour look » embittered, resentful,
become audible, resound, resonate, peevish, acrimonious, disagreeable
reverberate, make anoise 2 Opening a door or
window will sound the alarm. » set off, operate, source NOUN 1 the source of the problem
blast 3 He sounded angry. » seem, appear, give > origin, originator, initiator, author, cause,
the impression of being 4 You can sound the fount, root, derivation, starting point 2the .
depth of a river with a pole. » measure, gauge, source of the river » spring, origin, head,
plumb, determine, probe, test, try beginning, start
south — spare
southapyective, avers towards or in the south spaceship noun spaceships a spacecraft,
> southerly (suth- er- lee) Adjective southern especially one carrying people
ADJECTIVE southerner
NOUN southernmost space shuttle youn space shuttles a
ADJECTIVE spacecraft for repeated use to and from outer
south-east noun, Apjective, & ADVERB midway space
between south and east space station oun space stations a satellite
> south-easterly Apjecrive south-eastern which orbits the earth and is used as a base by
ADJECTIVE scientists and astronauts
southward apective, abvers towards the south spacious nective providing a lot of space;
> southwards ADVERB roomy
> spaciousness NOUN
south-westwoun, ADJECTIVE, & ADVERB midway
between south and west spade’ youn spades a tool with a long handle
> south-westerly spective south-western and a wide blade for digging
ADJECTIVE spade? noun spades a playing card with black
shapes like upside-down hearts on it, each with
souvenir (soo- ven- eer) NOUN souvenirs
something that you keep to remind you of a a short stem
person, place, or event spaghetti noun pasta made in long thin sticks
[from Italian, = little strings]
sovereign oun sovereigns 1 aking or queen
who is the ruler of acountry; a monarch SpaN oun spans 1 the length from end to end
old British gold coin, originally worth £1 or across something 2 the part between two
uprights of an arch or bridge 3 the length ofa
sow’ (rhymes with go) vers sows, sowing, period of time 4 the distance from the tip of
sowed, sownor sowed 1 put seeds into the the thumb to the tip of the little finger when
ground so that they will grow into plants the hand is spread out
2 cause feelings orideas to develop e Her words
sowed doubt in my mind.
Span vers spans, spanning, spanned reach
from one side or end to the other e A bridge
> sower NOUN
spans the river.
[from Old English sawan]
USAGE Do not confuse with sew. spaniel youn spaniels a kind of dog with long
ears and silky fur [from early French espaigneul =
sow? (rhymes with cow) NOUN sows a female pig Spanish (because the dog originally came from
[from Old English sugu] Spain)]
soy Sauce or Soya Sauce Noun a Chinese or spank vers spanks, spanking, spanked smack
Japanese sauce made from fermented soya a person several times on the bottom as a
beans [from Chinese words meaning ‘salted punishment
beans’ and ‘oil’] spanner noun spanners a tool for gripping and
Space NOUN spaces 1 the whole area outside turning the nut on a bolt etc. [from German
the earth, where the stars and planets are 2 an spannen = tighten]
area orvolume e This table takes too much space. Spar’ Noun spars a strong pole used for a mast
3 an empty area; a gap 4 an interval of time or boom etc. ona ship [from Old Norse]
e within the space of an hour
Spar? vers spars, sparring, sparred 1 practise
Space vers spaces, spacing, spaced arrange boxing 2 quarrel or argue [from Old English]
things with spaces between e Space them out. Spare vers spares, sparing, spared 1 afford to
spacecraft youn spacecraft a vehicle for , give something or do without it e Can you spare
travelling in outer space a moment? 2 be merciful towards someone;

SOW verB Sow the seeds in parallel rows. » plant, Span vers An old iron bridge spans the river.
scatter, spread, distribute, put in the ground > cross, straddle, bridge, pass over, reach over,
stretch over, extend across, traverse, arch over
spacenoun 1A minibus would have space for ten spank vers She warned him that next time she
people. » room, capacity, accommodation, would spank him. » smack, slap, chastise, give
seating, seats, volume 2 The city has very few someone a spanking
green spaces left. » area, stretch, expanse
3 There are spaces between the houses. » gap, spare vers 1 We can’t spare all that money.
interval, opening, aperture > afford, manage, part with, do without 2 The
captors would not spare any of the hostages.
spacious spective A spacious hallway leads to the > pardon, show mercy to, let off, be lenient
living rooms. » roomy, sizeable, ample, with, leave unharmed or unhurt
capacious, commodious, extensive, generous, Spareapective 1 Our neighbours have a spare set
large, big OPPOSITES ARE cramped, poky of house keys. » extra, additional,
spare — speaker
not hurt or harm a person or thing 3 avoid SPpaSMNoun spasms 1a sudden involuntary
making a person suffer something @ Spare me movement of a muscle 2 a sudden brief spell of
the details. 4 use or treat economically e No activity etc. [from Greek spasmos, from span =
expense will be spared. to pull]
to spare left over without being needed e We Spasmodicapective happening or done at
arrived with five minutes to spare. irregular iptervals
Spareapective 1 not used but kept ready in case > spasmodically Advers
itis needed; extra e a spare wheel 2 thin; lean Spasticnoun spastics (offensive) a person
> sparely ADVERs spareness NOUN suffering from spasms of the muscles and jerky
go spare (slang) become very annoyed movements, especially caused by cerebral
spare time noun time not needed for work palsy
Sparing (spair- ing) ADective careful or Spat past tense of spit’
economical; not wasteful spate noun spates a sudden flood or rush
> sparingly ADvers
spatter vers spatters, spattering, spattered
_ sparkwoun sparks 1 tiny glowing particle 2a 1 scatter in small drops 2 splash e spattered
flash produced electrically 3 atrace e a spark of with mud
hope > spatter NOUN
spark vers sparks, sparking, sparked give off Spawnnoun 1 the eggs of fish, frogs, toads, or
a spark or sparks shellfish 2 the thread-like matter from which
sparkle vers sparkles, sparkling, sparkled fungi grow
1 shine with tiny flashes of light 2 show brilliant Spawn vers spawns, spawning, spawned
wit or liveliness 1 produce spawn 2 be produced from spawn
> sparkle noun 3 produce something in great quantities
sparklernoun sparklers a hand-held firework speak vers speaks, speaking, spoke, spoken
that gives off sparks 1 say something; talk 2 talk or be able to talkin
spark plug oun spark plugs a device that a foreign language e Do you speak French?
makes a spark to ignite the fuel in an engine speak up 1 speak more loudly 2 give your
SParrOW NOUN sparrows a small brown bird opinion
sparse apjective thinly scattered; not numerous speakernoun speakers 1 person who is
© a sparse population speaking 2 someone who makes aspeech 3a
> sparsely ADVERs sparseness NOUN loudspeaker

supplementary, alternative, backup 2 Do you Sparse aDective an area of sparse vegetation
have any spare paper? » surplus, leftover, odd, > meagre, sparse, scarce, scant, paltry,
unwanted, superfluous, unused, unnecessary minimal, negligible An opposite is dense
3. spare figure » slender, slim, lean, slight,
spartan apective They led a spartan life.
thin AN opposite is fat > austere, harsh, frugal, ascetic, arduous,
go spare (informal) They'll go spare ifthey find stringent, strict, stern OPPOSITES ARE luxurious,
out. » lose your temper, be or become angry, opulent
go wild, (informal) hit the roof, (informal) go
bananas, (informal) go ballistic SpasMNoun 1aspasm of coughing > fit, attack,
outbreak, eruption, seizure 2 a muscular spasm
sparkwoun a spark of light » flash, gleam, glint, > convulsion, contraction, twitch
flicker, sparkle, twinkle
spasmodic apyective The night was interrupted
spark vers The comments sparked a furious row. by spasmodic gunfire. » intermittent, fitful,
» cause, give rise to, bring about, occasion, set sporadic, occasional, irregular, erratic
off, stir up, provoke, stimulate, precipitate OPPOSITES ARE regular, continuous
spate noun a spate of burglaries » series,
sparkle vers Lights sparkled in the distance. succession, run, string, outbreak, wave
> glitter, glint, glisten, glimmer, twinkle, AN OPPOSITE |S trickle
gleam, shimmer
speak vers 11 She left before anyone could speak,
sparkling ojctive 1 sparkling jewellery He refused to speak about the incident. » talk,
> glittering, glinting, glistening, twinkling, say anything, converse, communicate 2 We
flashing, scintillating, brilliant, shining, shiny must speak the truth. > tell, utter, express,
AN OPPOSITE IS dull 2.a sparkling drink ° declare, voice 3 The chairman spoke for an hour.
> effervescent, fizzy, bubbly, bubbling, > declaim, lecture, give-a speech, hold forth
aerated, carbonated, foaming 4 speak to She promised to speak to them soon.
opposites are still, flat ¢ He did not speak to her for six months after that.

spear > sped
the Speaker the person who controls the specific gravity oun the weight of
debates in the House of Commons ora similar something as compared with the same volume
assembly of water or air
Spear Noun spears a weapon for throwing or specimen oun specimens 1a sample 2 an
stabbing, with a long shaft and a pointed tip example e a fine specimen of an oak tree
special spective 1 not ordinary or usual; speck oun specks a small spot or particle
exceptional e a special occasion;e Take special
care of it 2 meant for a particular person or speckle noun speckles a small spot or mark
purpose @ You need a special tool for this job. > speckled ADJECTIVE
special effects Piura: noun illusions created for spectacle oun spectacles 1 an impressive
films or television by using props, trick sight or display 2 a ridiculous sight
photography, or computer images spectacles Piura. noun a pair of glasses
specialist vou specialists an expert in one > spectacled ADJECTIVE
subject e a skin specialist spectacular spective impressive or striking
youn specialities 1 something in spectator oun spectators a person who
which a person specializes 2 a special product,
watches a game, show, incident, etc. [from
especiallyafood |
Latin spectare = to look at]
specialize vers specializes, specializing,
specialized give particular attention or study spectre Noun spectres a ghost
to one subject or thing e She specialized in > spectral ADJECTIVE
biology. spectrum oun spectra 1 the bands of colours
> specialization Noun seen in a rainbow 2a wide range ofthings,
special needs piuraL Noun educational needs ideas, etc.
resulting from special reasons such as learning speculate vers speculates, speculating,
difficulties or physical disability speculated 1 form opinions without having
species (spee- shiz) Noun species a group of any definite evidence 2 invest in stocks,
animals or plants that are very similar property, etc. in the hope of making a profit but
with the risk of loss
specific anective definite or precise; of or for a
> speculation oun. speculator NouN
particular thing e The money was given for a
: speculative ADJECTIVE
specific purpose.
> specifically Apvers sped past tense of speed

> communicate with, say something or spectaclenoun 1 The parade proved quite a
anything, converse with, contact spectacle. » display, show, performance,
special apjective 1 special occasion pageant, extravaganza, exhibition 2 The group
> important, exceptional, significant, did look quite an odd spectacle. » sight, scene,
particular, remarkable, extraordinary 2a vision, picture 3 I think we’re making a spectacle
perfume with a special smell » distinct, of ourselves. » exhibition, laughing stock, fool
distinctive, characteristic, peculiar, unique, spectacular apjctive a spectacular display
exclusive > magnificent, splendid, impressive,
specific anjective There is no specific evidence to sensational, dazzling, showy, stunning,
support the allegations. » definite, particular, outstanding
explicit, precise, special, clear-cut, detailed, spectator woun Spectators lined the streets.
exact AN OPPOSITE IS general > onlooker, watcher, viewer, observer,
specify vers He would not specify the source of his bystander, looker-on
information. » name, identify, state, mention, speculate vere 1 His colleagues tended to
spell out, indicate, designate, detail, be specific speculate about his private life. » conjecture,
about theorize, wonder, hypothesize, make guesses,
specimen noun They asked for a specimen of his meditate, reflect, muse 2 People have been
handwriting. > sample, illustration, example, speculating on the stock exchange. » gamble,
demonstration, instance, model, pattern, copy venture, hazard
speck noun a speck of dust > particle, bit, fleck, speculative apjective 1 Their conclusions are
grain, speckle, spot, trace, dot merely speculative.» conjectural, theoretical,
speckled nective a speckled brown egg hypothetical, notional, tentative 2a series of
> flecked, speckly, spotted, freckly, freckled, speculative investments » risky, hazardous,
mottled unpredictable, unsafe, unsound
speech — sperm
speechnoun speeches 1 the action or power spell noun spells saying or action etc.
of speaking 2 atalktoan audience 3 a group of supposed to have magical power [from Old
lines spoken by a character in a play English spel = speech, story]
speechiessapctive unable to speak because of spell? youn spells 1 a period of time 2 aperiod
great emotion spent doing a certain task or activity etc. [from
speednoun speeds 1a measure of the time in Old English spelian = take someone’s place,
which something moves or happens take over a task]
2 quickness or swiftness
at speed quickly spell? vers spells, spelling, spelledor spelt
1 put letters in the right order to make a word
speed vers speeds, speeding, sped(in sense 3 or words 2 (said about letters) form a word
speeded) 1 go quickly e The train sped by. © C-A-T spells ‘cat’. 3 have as a result e Wet
2 make or become quicker e This will speed weather spells ruin for crops.
things up. 3 drive faster than the legal limit > speller Noun
_ speed cameranoun speed camerasa camera [from early French]
y the side of a road which automatically
photographs any vehicle which is going too fast spellbound nective entranced as if by a magic
speed limitnoun speed limits the maximum
speed at which vehicles may legally travel ona spendvers spends, spending, spent 1 use
particular road money to pay for things 2 use up e Don’t spend
speedometernoun speedometers a device too much time on it. 3 pass time e We spent a
ina vehicle, showing its speed holiday in Spain.
qe nage speedier, speediest quick or SpermNoun spermsor sperm the male cell
swi that fuses with an ovum to fertilize it [from
> speedily ADvers Greek sperma = seed]

speechnoun 1 the power of speech speaking, spellvoun 1.4 magic spell» incantation, charm,
talking, verbal communication RELATED magic formula, bewitchment, sorcery,
ADJECTIVES oral, phonetic 2 His speech was witchcraft, conjuration, conjuring,
slurred. » diction, articulation, enunciation, enchantment 2 She cast her spell on all around
utterance, elocution, delivery 3 an after-dinner her. » allure, charm, magic, fascination,
speech > talk, address, lecture, oration, influence, glamour 3 a spell of dry weather
discourse > period, interval, stretch, run, patch, turn,
speechless apjective She was speechless with
rage. » dumbfounded, dumbstruck, spell vers Lack of rain has spelt disaster for the
thunderstruck, aghast, tongue-tied natural life ofthe region. » mean, lead to, result
OPPOSITES ARE talkative, verbose in, signal, signify, presage, herald, foretell,
indicate, suggest
speednoun 1 It’s important to check your speed spell outLet me spell out what I plan to do.
on this piece of road. » velocity, pace, rate, > explain, elucidate, clarify, make plain, set
tempo 2 They completed the work with amazing out, specify, detail
speed. » rapidity, swiftness, alacrity, celerity,
rier 2 expeditiousness, promptness, spellbound apective The audience was Wii

eetness, dispatch spellbound by the performance. » enthralled,

entranced, captivated, enchanted, transfixed,
speedvers 1 We sped back home > hurry, mesmerized, gripped, bewitched, charmed,
asten, rush, dash, chase, hurtle, hustle, move fascinated, hypnotized, transported
quickly, (more informal) belt opposites AREgO
slowly, amble 2 He was over the limit and spendvers 1 You needn't spend more than £50 on
speeding. » break the speed limit, go or drive it. » pay, pay out, expend, disburse, fritter,
too fast squander, (more informal) fork out, (more
speed upHe called to them to speed up. » hurry informal) shell out 2 They spent all their time
up, go faster, increase speed, get a move on, arguing. » pass, occupy, fill, while away
quicken, accelerate
spendthriftvoun He was a spendthrift and lived
speedy apjctive We got a speedy response. luxuriously.» big spender, profligate, prodigal,
> quick, rapid, swift, fast, prompt, immediate, wastrel, squanderer OPPOSITES AREmiser,
brisk ' scrooge, skinflint
sphere — spiral
sphere noun spheres 1a perfectly round solid spin. out make something last as long as
A shape; the shape of a ball 2 field of action or possible
interest etc. e That country is in Russia’s sphere spinach noun a vegetable with dark green
of influence. leaves [via early French from Persian]
> spherical ADJECTIVE spinal cord noun spinal cords the thick cord
sphinx noun sphinxes a stone statue with the of nerves enclosed in the spine, that carries
body of alion anda human head, especially the impulses to and from the brain
huge one (almost 5,000 years old) in Egypt spindly apectve thin and long or tall
[named after the Sphinx in Greek mythology, a spin doctor noun spin doctors a person who
mi winged creature with a woman’s head anda works for a political party and publishes
lion’s body] information in a way that shows it in the best
spice noun spices 1 a strong-tasting substance possible light
spine oun spines 1 the line of bones down the
G used to flavour food, often made from dried
parts of plants 2 something that adds interest middle of the back 2a thorn or prickle 3 the
or excitement e Variety is the spice of life. back part of a book where the pages arejoined
H > spicy ADJECTIVE together
spick and span apyctive neat and clean [spanis spineless apecrive 1 without a backbone
from Old Norse; spick is probably from early 2. lacking in determination or strength of
Dutch] character
spider youn spiders a small animal with eight spinney noun spinneys asmall wood or thicket
legs that spins webs to catch insects on which it spin-off noun spin-offs something extra
feeds [from Old English spithra = spinner] produced while making something else
spike noun spikes a pointed piece of metal; a spinster youn spinsters awoman who has not
sharp point married [the original meaning was ‘someone
> spiky ADJECTIVE who spins’ Many unmarried women used to
earn their living by spinning, which could be
spill vere spills, spilling, spilt or spilled 1 let
done at home]
something fall out of a container @ Try not to
spill your drink. 2 become spilt @ The coins came spiny Apjective covered with spines; prickly
spilling out. spiral agective going round and round a central
> spillage Noun point and becoming gradually closer to it or
spin vers spins, spinning, spun 1 turn round
further from it; twisting continually round a
and round quickly 2 make raw wool or cotton central line or cylinder etc.
into threads by pulling and twisting its fibres > spirally apvers
3 (said about a spider or silkworm) make a web spiral youn spirals a spiral line or course
or cocoon out of threads from its body spiral vers spirals, spiralling, spiralled
spin a yarn tell a story 1 move ina spiral 2 increase or decrease

sphere noun 1A glass sphere hung from the bath. >» overflow, flow, brim, run, pour 3A
ceiling. » ball, globe, orb, spheroid, globule lorry had spilled its load. » shed, tip, scatter,
2 She has a lot of experience in this sphere discharge, drop 4 People spilled into the streets.
> domain, field, milieu, area, department, > stream, pour, surge, swarm, throng
scope, subject, province, range, territory Spin vers 1A wheel spins on an axle. » rotate,
spice noun 1 Add some spices to liven up your revolve, gyrate, turn, whirl, twirl 2 My head was
dish. » herb, seasoning, flavouring 2 The risk of spinning. » reel, swim, whirl, go round
getting caught added spice to the adventure. spindle noun The yarn is spun on a spindle.
> excitement, interest, zest, colour > axle, rod, shaft
spiel youn (informal) He gave the usual spiel about spine noun 1 The posture puts an unnecessary
raising standards. » speech, monologue, stress on the spine. » backbone, spinal column,
rigmarole, patter, line vertebrae 2 the spines of a hedgehog » needle,
quill, spike, bristle, point
spike noun She tore her dress ona spike. » prong, spiral nective a spiral column of smoke » coiled,
point, barb, stake, skewer, spit curling, winging, corkscrew, turning
spike vers He spiked another pea with his fork. spiral noun a spiral ofsmoke» coil, twist, whorl,
> pierce, spear, skewer, impale corkscrew, screw*
spill vers 1 Keith slipped and spilled his drink. spiral vers’ 1 Costs continued to spiral. » soar,
> knock over, tip over, upset, slop, overturn, rise, mount, escalate, shoot up 2 Feelings of
splash about 2 Water spilled over the top of the anger and jealousy can spiral violently out of
spire — splay
continuously and quickly @ Prices are spiralling Spit’ vers spits, spitting, spat or spit 1send
[from Greek speira = winding] out drops of liquid etc. forcibly from the mouth
spire noun spires a tall pointed part on top of a @ He spat at me. 2 fall lightly e It’s spitting with
church tower rain.

spirit youn spirits 1the soul 2a person’s spit noun saliva

mood or mind and feelings e He was in good

spit? noun spits 1a long thin metal spike put

spirits. 3.a ghost or a supernatural being through meat or vegetables to hold them
4 courage or liveliness e She answered with together while they are being roasted 2a
spirit. 5 a kind of quality in something e the narrow strip of land sticking out into the sea
romantic spirit of the book 6 a strong distilled
alcoholic drink spite oun a desire to hurt or annoy somebody
> spiteful ADeEcTive spitefully Apvers
Spirit vers spirits, spiriting, spirited carry off spitefulness Noun
quickly and secretly e They spirited her away. in spite of not being prevented by e We went
spirit level noun spirit levels a'device out in spite of the rain.
consisting ofatube of liquidwith an air bubble spitting image Noun an exact likeness
in it, used to find out whether something is
level splash vers splashes, splashing, splashed
1 make liquid fly about in drops 2 (said about
spiritual spective 1 to do with the human soul; liquid) fly about in drops 3 make wet by
not physical 2 to do with religion splashing e The bus splashed us.
> spiritually Aovers spirituality Noun
splashwoun splashes 1 the action or sound or
spiritual youn spirituals a religious folk song, mark of splashing 2. bright patch of colour or
originally sung by black Christians in America light
make a splash attract a lot of attention
spiritualism noun the belief that the spirits of
dead people communicate with living people splay vers splays, splaying, splayed spread or
> spiritualist Noun slope apart

control. » deteriorate, decline, degenerate, Spit vers Don’t spit in public. » expectorate,
worsen, nosedive hawk
spit out He spat out alemon pip. » eject, spew
spiritwoun 1a philosophy of reconciling the body
and the spirit » soul, psyche, inner self, inner spit noun He wiped the spit from his face.
being 2 They went about their task with a good > spittle, saliva, dribble, sputum
deal of spirit. » enthusiasm, vigour, energy,
vivacity, ardour, zest, keenness, eagerness, spite noun He publicly criticized her out of spite.
liveliness, animation, resolution 3 There is a > malice, maliciousness, spitefulness,
legend of spirits haunting the place. » ghost, animosity, vindictiveness, rancour, ill will, ill
spectre, phantom, apparition, wraith, shadow feeling, resentment, malevolence
4 We need to approach this challenge with a spiteful nective The speech contained many
positive spirit. » attitude, frame of mind, spiteful remarks, » malicious, malevolent,
outlook 5 My spirit was dampened by these ill-natured, hostile, hurtful, vicious, venomous,
setbacks. » mood, morale, temperament, wounding, unkind, snide, cruel, nasty
disposition, humour 6 an action that breaks the
spirit of the law ifnot the letter » substance, splash vere 1A passing van splashed water over
essence, true meaning us. > splatter, spray, shower, spatter, slosh,
slop, sprinkle, squirt, wash 2 Children splashed
spirited spective The team gave a spirited about in the water. » paddle, wade, dabble,
performance; an attractive and spirited young wallow, slosh 3 The newspapers splashed the
persoti > lively, vivacious, vibrant, animated, story across their front pages. » blazon, display,
energetic, high-spirited, vigorous, dynamic, spread, flaunt, trumpet, plaster, publicize
sparkling, vital Opposites ARE timid, lifeless splash out (informal) He was tempted to splash
out on a Porsche. » spend money, splurge, be
spiritual agective 1a spiritual existence extravagant
> non-material, incorporeal, unworldly,
other-worldly, metaphysical splashwoun 1a splash of colour » spot, patch,
OPPOSITES ARE physical, material 2 spiritual splodge, speck, burst, touch, dash 2 The
music » religious, sacred, holy, divine, scandal made quite a splash. » effect, impact,
devotional ' display
splendid — sponge
splendidagectve 1 magnificent; full of spluttervers splutters, spluttering,
splendour 2 excellent spluttered 1 make a quick series of spitting
> splendidly advers sounds 2 speak quickly but not clearly
> splutter Noun
splendour oun a brilliant display or
appearance [imitating the sound]
spoil vers spoils, spoiling, spoiltorspoiled
splintnoun splints a straight piece of wood or 1 damage something and make it useless or
metal etc. tied to a broken arm or leg to hold it unsatisfactory 2 make someone selfish by
firm always letting them have what they want
splinter oun splinters a thin sharp piece of spoke’ noun spokes each of the bars or rods
wood, glass, stone, etc. broken off a larger that go from the centre of a wheel to its rim
piece spoke? past tense of speak
splinter vers splinters, splintering, spokespersonnoun spokespersons a person
who speaks on behalf of a group of people
splintered break into splinters > spokesmannoun spokeswoman NouN
splitvers splits, splitting, split 1 break apart, SPongenoun sponges 1 asea creature with a
especially along the length of something soft porous body 2 the skeleton of this
2 divide something into parts creature, or a piece of a similar substance, used
split up 1 enda marriage or other relationship for washing or padding things 3a soft
4} 2 go in different directions lightweight cake or pudding
splitnoun splits 1 the splitting or dividing of
something 2 a place where something has split sponge vers ee sponging, sponged
the splits an acrobatic position in which the 1 wipe or wash something with a sponge
legs are stretched widely in opposite directions 2 (informal) get money or food off other
people without giving anything in return,
split secondwoun avery brief moment of time; e He’s always sponging off his friends.
an instant > sponger NOUN

splendidanjctive 1 The roses can be enjoyed ina > break-up, separation (from), parting,
splendid park setting. » magnificent, estrangement (from)
impressive, imposing, noble, glorious, splitvers 1 The child had pulled the curtain and
spectacular, gorgeous, sumptuous 2 He is a split it. » tear, rip, slash, slit 2 He split the log
splendid police officer. » distinguished, with an axe. » chop, cut, hew, break, cleave
outstanding, remarkable, exceptional, 3 They worked out a system for splitting the
celebrated, acclaimed 3 He had clearly had a proceeds. » divide, share, distribute, allocate,
splendid day out. » wonderful, marvellous, apportion 4 Further on the paths split. » fork,
excellent, lovely, delightful divide, diverge, branch AN opposite ismerge
5 The proposal would split the Party. » divide,
splendour oun the classical splendour of the disunite
viceroy’s palace » magnificence, grandeur, split up Her parents had split up when she was
sumptuousness, brilliance, resplendence, small. » separate, break up, part, divorce
majesty, richness, pomp, spectacle, stateliness spoil vers 1 She stayed off the beach because she
splice vers The cables were spliced in mid- ocean didn't want to spoil her shoes. » damage, harm,
> join, unite, connect, interweave, mesh, mar, hurt, blemish, disfigure, deface
entwine OPPOSITES AREimprove, enhance 2 An
splinternoun a splinter ofwood; small splinters of emergency at a time like this could spoil
glass > sliver, chip, flake, shard, fragment, everything. > ruin, wreck, upset, mess up,
shaving, shiver destroy, undo, scupper, sabotage, scotch
AN OPPOSITE ISfurther 3 She decided to spoil
splinter vers She had a voice that could splinter a herself with a vintage champagne. > indulge,
glass. » shatter, shiver, crack, fracture, chip, pamper, cosset AN OPPOSITE IS neglect
smash, split spongevers 1 He asked his nephew to sponge the
splitwoun 1 There was a large split in the rock. windows. >» wash, clean, swab, mop, rinse,
> crack, fissure, crevice, breach, break, cleft swill, wipe 2 sponge onHe didn't want to be
2 His t-shirt was stained and had a split in the sponging on his parents any longer. > live off,
side. > tear, rip, cut, slash, slit 3 The policy impose on, cadge from, scrounge from
might produce a split in the party. » division, Spongy Apjective The material was light and
schism, rift, breach AN opposite Is union 4 After spongy. > soft, springy, squashy, cushioned,
the split with her partner she moved to London. absorbent, porous opposites ARE solid, hard

sponsor = spotty
SPOMSOFr NOUN sponsors 1 a person or person who behaves fairly and generously
organization that provides money for anarts or © Thanks for being such a good sport.
sports event or for a broadcast in return for sporting chancenoun areasonable chance of
advertising 2 someone who gives money toa success
charity in return for something achieved by
another person sports Carnoun sports cars an open low-built
fastcar »
> sponsorship Noun
sportsman Noun sportsmen 1aman who
SPOMSOF vers sponsors, sponsoring, takes part in sport 2 a person who shows
sponsored be a sponsor for a person or thing sportsmanship
[from Latin sponsum = promised]
sportsmanship noun behaving fairly and
sponta neous (spon- tay- nee- us) ADJECTIVE generously to rivals
appening or done naturally; not forced or
suggested by someone else sportswoman Noun sportswomen 1a
> spontaneously ADvers spontaneity NOUN woman who takes part in sport 2a woman
who shows sportsmanship
_ spool noun spools a rod or cylinder on which
something is wound spotnoun spots 1 asmall round mark 2a
pimple 3 asmall amount e We had a spot of
SPOON NOUN spoons a small device with a trouble. 4a place 5a drop e a few spots of rain
rounded bowl ona handle, used for lifting on the spot without delay or change of place;
things to the mouth orfor stirring or measuring under pressure to take action e This really puts
things him on the spot!
> spoonful Noun spoonfuls spot on (informal) exactly right or accurate
spoonerism oun spoonerisms an accidental spot vers spots, spotting, spotted 1 mark
exchange ofthe initial letters of two words, e.g. with spots 2 (informal) notice or recognize
by saying a boiled sprat instead of a spoiled brat @ We spotted her in the crowd. 3 watch for and
[named after Canon Spooner (1844-1930), take note of e trainspotting
who made mistakes of this kind] > spotter NOUN
SPOFe NOUN spores a tiny reproductive cell of a spotlightnoun spotlights 1 astronglight that
plant such as a fungus orfern can shine on one small area 2 public attention
sportnoun sports 1 anathletic activity; agame e The Royal Family are used to being in the
or pastime, especially outdoors 2. games of this spotlight.
kind @ Are you keen on sport? 3 (informal) a spotty spective marked with spots

spontaneousapecive 1 The March Revolution smear 2 He had a small spot on the side of his
was a spontaneous uprising. » unplanned, nose. » pimple, freckle, mole, blemish 3a
unpremeditated, unprepared, unrehearsed, bright fabric with small spots» dot, speck, fleck
voluntary, impromptu, impulsive, 4We stopped at a quiet spot near the sea.
unconstrained, unforced > place, position, location, locality, setting,
AN OPPOSITE IS premeditated 2 The verdict was site 5 Money problems left them in a bit of a spot.
announced to cheers and spontaneous applause. > predicament, difficulty, plight, mess,
> involuntary, automatic, natural, reflex, corner, trouble, awkward situation, quandary,
instinctive 3 She always seems to friendly and dilemma, (more informal) jam, (more informal)
spontaneous. » natural, uninhibited, fix
unaffected, open, genuine
AN OPPOSITE IS inhibited spotvers 1 My apron was spotted with splashes of
grease. > stain, mark, smudge, spatter,
spooky nective I bet this place is really spooky, speckle, streak, blot, discolour, fleck, mottle
late at night. » eerie, sinister, creepy, 2 She spotted Jack weeding in the garden.
frightening, ghostly, weird, (more informal) > notice, observe, glimpse, spy, see, make
scary out, discern, detect
sportnoun 1 They showed a lot of interest in
sport. » games, competitive games, physical spotlessapjecrive 1 He was wearing his spotless
recreation, physical exercise white shirt. » unmarked, perfectly clean,
sporting Anecrive It was sporting of them to pay immaculate, gleaming 2 They had a spotless
the bill. » generous, considerate, decent, reputation for fair dealing. » unblemished,
sportsmanlike AN OPPOSITE IS unsporting unsullied, untarnished, blameless, faultless,
pure, immaculate, irreproachable, pure, (more
sporty apective They look sporty in their jogging
informal) whiter than white
suits, » athletic, fit, healthy, energetic
spotnoun 1 There was a dirty spot in the middle spotty Anjective a spotty face > pimply, pimpled,
of the carpet. » stain, mark, smudge, blotch, potmarked, spotted, blotchy, freckled
spouse = spring
SPOUSE NOUN spouses a person’s husband or spread oun spreads 1 the action or result of
wife spreading 2a thing’s breadth or extent 3a
spoutnoun spouts 1 a pipe or similar opening paste for spreading on bread 4 (informal) a
from which liquid can pour 2 jet ofliquid large or grand meal
spoutvers spouts, spouting, spouted 1 come spreadeagled spective with arms and legs
or send out as a jet of liquid 2 (informal) speak stretched out e He lay spreadeagled on the bed
[A spread eagle was originally a picture of an
for along time
eagle with legs and wings stretched out, used
sprain vers sprains, spraining, sprained as an emblem in heraldry]
injure a joint by twisting it
> sprain Noun
spreadsheet oun spreadsheets (in
computing) a program for handling
sprawl vers sprawls, sprawling, sprawled information, especially figures, displayed in a
1 sit or lie with the arms and legs spread out table
loosely 2. spread out loosely or untidily Spree noun sprees something you do with a lot
> sprawl NOUN of freedom and enjoyment e a shopping spree
Spray’ vers sprays, spraying, sprayed scatter Sprig Noun sprigs a small branch; a shoot [from
tiny drops of liquid over something early German]
Spray Noun sprays 1 tiny drops of liquid sent sprightly apecrve sprightlier, sprightliest
through the air 2 a device for spraying liquid ively and full of energy
3 aliquid for spraying e fly spray spring vers springs, springing, sprang,
Spray? Noun sprays 1 a single shoot with its sprung 1 jump; move quickly or suddenly
leaves and flowers 2.asmall bunch of flowers e He sprang to his feet. 2 originate or develop
spread vers spreads, spreading, spread e@ The trouble has sprung from carelessness.
1 open or stretch something out to its full size e Weeds have started to spring up. 3 present or
@ The bird spread its wings. 2 make something produce suddenly e They sprang a surprise on
cover a surface @ We spread jam on the bread. us.
3 become longer or wider @ The stain was spring Noun springs 1a springy coil or bent
spreading. 4 make or become more widely piece of metal 2.a springing movement 3a
known or felt or distributed etc. e We spread place where water comes up naturally from the
the news e The story quickly spread round the ground 4 the season when most plants begin
village. to grow [from Old English]

spoutnoun Water poured from the spout. country » stretch, expanse, extent, sweep,
> nozzle, outlet, jet, sprinkler span 3 (informal) There was a good spread on the
spout vers 1 Molten lava was spouting from the table. > meal, feast
crater. » spurt, gush, spew, pour, stream, spread vers 1 He sat back and spread his arms.
shoot, surge, discharge, issue 2 He spouted > extend, stretch 21 found a map and spread it
endlessly about how much better life used to be. on the table. » open out, unfurl, unroll, display
> hold forth, sound off, go on, pontificate, 3 She spread seeds along the edge of the flower
declaim, (more informal) mouth off, (more bed. > scatter, strew, diffuse 4 new ways of
informal) rabbit on spreading information» diffuse, communicate,
spraimvers see wound vers propagate, broadcast, transmit, circulate,
advertise 5 These feelings of resentment were
sprawl vers 1 He sprawled on a huge armchair. beginning to spread. » grow, increase,
> stretch out, lounge, recline, slump, slouch, proliferate, escalate, develop, broaden
flop 2 The woods sprawled across the hillside.
> spread, stretch, straggle, be scattered sprightly spective He’s very sprightly for his age.
> lively, active, spry, agile, nimble, spirited,
spray Noun 1a fine spray of water » shower, vivacious, Vigorous OPPOSITES ARE doddering,
sprinkling, fountain, splash, mist 2. spray of lethargic
flowers » bouquet, bunch, posy, nosegay,
garland 3. paint spray » aerosol, atomizer,
Springnoun 1 With a sudden spring he was out
of the door. » leap, jump, bound, vault 2 The
spray gun, sprinkler
cushion had lost its spring. » bounce,
spray vers 1A sprinkler was spraying water over springiness, resilience, elasticity, flexibility
the grass. » sprinkle, spread, shower, disperse, spring vers 1 Steve sprang to his feet. » leap,
diffuse 2 Water sprayed into the air. » spout, jump, bound, bounce 2 Some ofthese ideas
gush, spurt, shoot spring from earlier research. » originate, derive,
spread noun 1 the spread of civilization arise, develop, come
> expansion, extension, growth, proliferation, spring up New hotels are springing up all along
diffusion, advance 2a vast spread of open the coast.» appear, develop, emerge, shoot up

springboard = squall
springboard oun springboards a springy on the spur of the moment on an impulse;
board from which people jump in diving and without planning
gymnastics SPUI vers spurs, spurring, spurred urge on;
spring-clean vers spring-cleans, encourage
spring-cleaning, spring-cleaned clean a Spuriousapecive not genuine
house thoroughly in springtime SPUFN VER spurns, spurning, spurned reject
springy ApEcrve springier, springiest able to scornfully
spring back easily after being bent or squeezed spurtvers spurts, spurting, spurted 1 gush
> springiness NOUN out 2 increase your speed suddenly
sprinkle vere sprinkles, sprinkling, spurtnoun spurts 1a sudden gush 2asudden
sprinkled make tiny drops or pieces fall on increase in speed or effort
something SPy Noun spies someone who works secretly for
> sprinkler Noun one country, person, etc. to find out things
sprintvers sprints, sprinting, sprinted run about another
very fast for a short distance Spy vere spies, spying, spied 1 be aspy 2 keep
> sprintNoun sprinter Noun watch secretly e Have you been spying on me?
[from Old Norse] 3 see or notice @ She spied a house in the
sprout vers sprouts, sprouting, sprouted distance. [from early French espier=catch sight
start to grow; put out shoots of]
sSproutnoun sprouts 1a shoot of aplant 2a squabble vers squabbles, squabbling,
Brussels sprout squabbled quarrel or bicker
> squabble noun
spruce’ noun spruces a kind of fir tree
squad oun squads a small group of people
spruce? apective neat and trim; smart working or being trained together
Spruce vers spruces, sprucing, spruced squadronnoun squadrons part of an army,
smarten @ Spruce yourself up. navy, or air force
SPIy ADJECTIVE spryer, spryest active, nimble, squalid apecnve dirty and unpleasant
and lively > squalidlypvers squalor Noun
SPUrNouN spurs 1 a sharp device worn on the squall oun squalls 1 asudden storm or gust of
heel of a rider’s boot to urge a horse to go faster wind 2a baby’s loud cry
2 astimulus or incentive 3 a ridge that sticks squall vere squalls, squalling, squalled (said
out from a mountain about a baby) cry loudly

springy Apjective 1 The floor felt springy under spur vers The boy’s frantic calls spurred her to
their feet. » elastic, stretchy, pliable, resilient, action. » stimulate, encourage, drive, prompt,
spongy, supple, bendy, flexible goad, incite
AN OPPOSITE ISrigid 2 He walked on with a spurt vers Blood spurted from his finger and he
springy step. » jaunty, bouncy, buoyant, lively, swore. ® squirt, gush, shoot, stream, pour,
light spew, erupt, surge
Spy Voun He had never thought of himselfasa
sprinkle vers 1 He sprinkled sugar over his traitor, or a spy. » secret agent, undercover
cereal. » scatter, strew, shower 2 Sprinkle the
agent, double agent, (more informal) plant,
grass with seed. » dust, powder, pepper (more informal) mole
sprintvers She sprinted up the road. » run, dash, Spy vers 1 spy on She sent you to spy on me.
tear, shoot, dart, (more informal) belt > snoop on, keep a watch on, watch, shadow,
trail 2 We heard a rustle and spied a baby adder
sprout vers The seeds began to sprout. » grow, slithering away. » notice, observe, glimpse,
germinate, shoot up, spring up, bud, develop, spot, see, make out, discern, detect
emerge squabble vere Every evening a crowd gathered to
squabble over politics. » argue, quarrel, bicker,
SPUF NOUN Music can become a spur to our wrangle, dispute, clash, fight
imaginations. » stimulus, incentive, impetus, squalidapectve 1 a depressing mixture of cheap
encouragement, enticement, filip housing and squalid surroundings » dirty, filthy,
on the spur of the momentHe decided to go grimy, grubby, sordid, seedy, dingy
with her on the spur of the moment. » on AN OPPOSITE IS Clean 2 squalid attempts to rig the
impulse, impulsively, impetuously, election » improper, shameful, sordid,
spontaneously, allofasudden + dishonest, corrupt AN OPPOSITE Is honourable
squander — squeeze
squander vers squanders, squandering, of shape 2 force into a small space; pack tightly
squandered spend money or time etc. 3 suppress or quash
wastefully squash noun squashes 1 a crowded condition
square Noun squares 1a flat shape with four 2a fruit-flavoured soft drink 3a game played
equal sides aa four right angles area with rackets and a soft ball in a special indoor
surrounded by buildings e Leicester Square court
3 the result of multiplying a number byitselfe 9 squat vere squats, squatting, squatted 1 sit
is the square of 3(9 =3 x3) on your heels; crouch 2 live in an unoccupied
square apective 1 having the shape of a square building without permission
> squatNouN squatter NOUN
2 forming a right angle e The desk has square
corners. 3 equal or even @ The teams are all squat apective short and fat
square with six points each. squawk vers squawks, squawking,
> squarely ADVERB squareness NOUN squawked make a loud harsh cry
square foot, square metre etc. the area of a > squawk NOUN
surface with sides that are one foot or one squeak vers squeaks, squeaking, squeaked
metre etc. long make a short high-pitched cry or sound
square vers squares, squaring, squared > squeak NouN squeaky ADEcTIVE squeakily
1 make a thing square 2 multiply a number by ADVERB
itself e 5 squared is 25 3 match; make or be squeal vers squeals, squealing, squealed
consistent e His story doesn’t square with yours. make a long shrill cry or sound
4 settle or pay > squeal Noun
square deal noun a deal that is honest and fair squeamish apjctve easily disgusted or
square meal noun square meals a good shocked
> squeamishness NOUN
satisfying meal
squeeze vers squeezes, squeezing, squeezed
square root oun square roots the number 1 press something from opposite sides,
that gives a particular number if it is multiplied especially to get liquid out of it 2 force into or
by itself e 3 is the square root of 9(3x3=9) through a place e We squeezed through a gap in
squash vers squashes, squashing, squashed the hedge.
1 press something so that it becomes flat or out > squeezer NOUN

squander vers The servant girl he married things into his case. » stuff, force, cram, ram,
squandered every penny of his. » waste, pack 3 The uprising was ruthlessly squashed.
misspend, fritter away, dissipate, (more > suppress, quash, quell, put down 4 He
informal) blow AN OPPOSITE IS save meanly squashed them in front of everyone.
Square Apective 1 They sat at a square table. > humiliate, humble, show up, put down,
> rectangular, right-angled, quadrilateral mortify, snub
2 The sides were still square at full time. » level, squat vers The children squatted on the floor to
even, neck and neck 3 All they wanted was a listen. » crouch, stoop, sit
square deal. » fair, honest, just, equitable, squawk< vere A bird squawked overhead.
genuine, above-board, (more informal) > screech, shriek, squeal, cry, call
on-the-level squeak vers 1 The door squeaked. » creak,
squarenoun 1 They arranged to meet in the town grate, rasp. 2 The bird squeaked in its cage.
square. » piazza, plaza 2 (informal) He must > chirp, peep, cheep
have seemed such a square to them. » old fogy, squeal vers She squealed with pain. > cry, yell,
conservative, traditionalist, conformist, yelp, screech, scream, shriek
conventional person, (informal) squeamish Apjctive Her father had always been
stick-in-the-mud squeamish about changing nappies. » queasy,
square vers 1 He went in to square his bill. nauseated, fastidious, finicky, fussy, choosy,
> settle, pay, clear, discharge 2 He needed to particular, prim, prissy
square a few things with his dad. » resolve, squeeze vers 1 Katherine squeezed her
settle, sort out, clear up, put right, remedy, daughter’s hand affectionately. » clasp, press,
reconcile 3 These facts don’t quite square with grip, hug, squash, wring, compress, crush,
the accepted version of what happened. » agree, embrace, enfold 2 She put her arm round him
tally, accord, harmonize and squeezed him. ® hug, embrace, cuddle,
squash vers 1 Someone had squashed the flowers hold, clasp 3 They squeezed the audience into a
in the garden. » crush, flatten, press, mangle, room that was obviously too small. She squeezed
trample on, compress 2 He squashed a few herself into a bright red minidress. » cram, push,
squeeze = stag
squeeze noun squeezes 1 the action of stabnoun stabs 1 the action of stabbing 2a
squeezing 2a drop of liquid squeezed out sudden sharp pain @ She felt a stab offear.
@ Add a squeeze of lemon. 3 a time when money 3 (informal) an attempt e Il have a stab at it.
is difficult to get or borrow stability oun being stable
squelchvers squelches, squelching, stable’ spective 1 steady and firmly fixed 2 not
squelched make a sound like someone likely to change or end suddenly e a stable
treading in thick mud relationship 3 sensible and dependable
> squelch noun > stably apvers
squidnoun squids asea animal with eight short stable? oun stables a building where horses
tentacles and two long ones are kept
squintvers squints, squinting, squinted 1 be stable vers stables, stabling, stabled put or
cross-eyed 2 peer; look with half-shut eyes at keep in a stable
> squint Noun stackwoun stacks 1a neat pile 2.a haystack
3 (informal) alarge amount e I have a stack of
~ squirenoun squires 1 the manwho owns most work to do. 4a single tall chimney; a group of
of the land in.a country parish or district 2a small chimneys
young nobleman in the Middle Ages who
served a knight stack vers stacks, stacking, stacked pile
things up [from Old Norse]
squirm vers squirms, squirming, squirmed
wriggle about, especially when you feel stadiumnoun stadiums a sports ground
embarrassed surrounded by seats for spectators [via Latin
from Greek stadion]
squirrel noun squirrels a small animal witha staffoun staffs or, insense4,staves 1 the
bushy tail and red or grey fur, living in trees [via
people who work in an office, shop, etc. 2 the
early French from Greek skia = shade + oura =
teachers in a school or college 3. stick or pole
used as a weapon or support or as a symbol of
squirtvers squirts, squirting, squirted send authority 4a set of five horizontal lines on
or come out in ajet of liquid which music is written
> squirtNoun
staffvere staffs, staffing, staffed provide with
St. or StassreviaTion 1 Saint 2 Street a staff of people e The centre is staffed by
stabvers stabs, stabbing, stabbed pierce or volunteers.
wound with something sharp stagnoun stags a male deer

ram, shove, stuff, thrust, crowd, wedge 4 Two stabvers 1 One of the gang stabbed him in the
elderly Americans squeezed past her chair. arm.» knife, spear, pierce, jab, stick, thrust,
> push, force your way 5 The government seems wound 2 She stabbed at the ground with a spade.
determined to squeeze as much money out of the > thrust, jab, prod, lunge, poke
motorist as it can. » wring, wrest, extort, stable anjective 1 Make sure the equipmentis
extract, force, milk stable. » steady, firm, secure, balanced, fixed,
solid opposites AREunstable, flimsy 2 Their
squeezenoun 1 He gave her hand a squeeze. power and authority depend on a stable regime.
> press, pinch, grip, grasp, clasp 2 Three of us > well-founded, well-established, secure, firm,
in the back of the car was quite a squeeze. enduring, durable, lasting, sound, strong
> crush, jam, huddle, crowd OPPOSITES AREunstable, changeable
stacknoun 1 The publisher had a stack of unsold
squirtvers 1 The first bite made jam squirt down copies on his hands. » heap, pile, mound, mass,
my chin. » spurt, shoot, gush, spout, spray, load, accumulation, stockpile, mountain 2a
erupt, surge 2 She squirted me with water. stack of hay > rick, stook, haycock
> splash, spray, shower, spatter, splatter, stack vers The boxes were stacked on desks and
sprinkle tables. » pile, heap, load, mass, assemble,
collect, accumulate, build up, gather
stabnoun 1 He got a stab in the leg. » wound, staffoun 1 We have extra staff on duty over the
wounding, blow, jab, cut, prick, thrust 2 She felt busy period. » personnel, assistants,
a brief stab ofpain. » twinge, pang, sting, employees, workers, workforce, crew, officers,
throb, spasm 3 (informal) I7l have a stab at it. team 2 Magistrates carried-a staff as a sign of
> try, go, attempt, (informal) bash, (informal) their authority » cane, crosier, pole, rod,
shot ’ sceptre, stave, stick
stage => stalemate
stage noun stages 1a platform for stainless steel youn steel that does not rust
performances ina theatre or hall 2.a point or easily:
part of a process, journey, etc. e Now for the stair noun stairs each of the fixed steps ina
final stage. series that lead from one level or floor to
the stage the profession of acting or working another ina building
in the theatre staircase noun staircases a set of stairs
stage vers stages, staging, staged 1 presenta stake noun stakes 1a thick pointed stick to be
performance ona stage 2 organize e We driven into the ground 2 the post to which
decided to stage a protest. people used to be tied for execution by being
stagecoach noun stagecoaches a burnt alive 3. an amount of money bet on
horse-drawn coach that formerly ran regularly something 4 aninvestment that gives a person
from one point to another along the same a share or interest in a business etc.
route at stake being risked
stage manager noun stage managers the stake vers stakes, staking, staked 1 fasten,
person in charge of the scenery, lighting, support, or mark out with stakes 2 bet or risk
sound, etc. in a theatre during a performance money etc. on an event
stake a claim claim or obtain a right to
stagger vers staggers, staggering,
staggered 1 walk unsteadily 2 amaze or
shock deeply @ We were staggered at the price. stalactite noun stalactites a stony spike
3 arrange things so that they do not all happen hanging like an icicle from a cave roof [from
together e Please stagger your holidays so that Greek stalaktos = dripping]
there is always someone here. USAGE See note at stalagmite.
> stagger NOUN stalagmite noun stalagmites a stony spike
standing like a pillar on the floor of a cave [from
stagnantapective 1 not flowing 2 not active or
Greek stalagma = a drop]
developing e business is stagnant
USAGE Remember that a stalagmite stands up
Stain Noun stains 1a dirty mark on something from the ground, while a stalactite hangs
2.a blemish on someone’s character or past down from the ceiling.
record 3a liquid used for staining things stale apective 1 not fresh 2 bored and not
Stain vers stains, staining, stained 1 make a having any good ideas
stain on something 2 colour with a liquid that > staleness NOUN
sinks into the surface [from an old word distain stalemate noun 1a drawn position in chess
= dye] when a player cannot make a move without
stained glass noun pieces of coloured glass putting his or her king in check 2a deadlock; a
held together in a lead framework to make a Situation in which neither side in an argument
picture or pattern will give way

stage noun 1 They faced the long last stage oftheir stain vers 1 Sweat had stained his shirt.
journey. > part, section, phase, portion, > discolour, mark, blemish, dirty, sully, spoil,
stretch, lap 2 The treaty marks a new stage in blacken 2 There is a product that will stain and
relations between the two countries. » point, varnish in one go. » dye, colour, tinge, tint,
phase, step, juncture paint
stage vers 1 They even staged an opera.
> mount, put on, present, perform, arrange stake noun 1 The soldier had been speared witha
2 Workers staged a two-hour strike on 5 wooden stake. » pole, post, spike, stave, stick,
November. » organize, mount, set up, go paling, pile 2 The multinational has bought a 40%
through with stake in the company. » share, interest,
involvement 3 Ifyou win, you get your stake back
stagger vers 1 He staggered up the stairs to bed. plus ten times its value. » bet, pledge, wager
> totter, stumble, lurch, reel, sway, falter, walk
unsteadily, waver, wobble 2 Rory was staggered stale apective 1 You can make the pudding with
by his answer. » astonish, amaze, astound, stale bread and milk. » dry, hard, old, musty,
surprise, dumbfound, flabbergast, shock, mouldy 2 The war had already become stale
startle, stun, stupefy news. » worn out, jaded, hackneyed,
stain noun 1 Her eyes alighted on a milk stain on out-of-date, uninteresting, unoriginal,
the tablecloth. » mark, spot, smear, blemish, overused AN OPPOSITE |S fresh
smudge, blot, blotch, discoloration 2 It was not
seen as a stain on their character. » blemish, stalemate noun The negotiations ended in a
taint, blot, slur, disgrace, discredit stalemate. » deadlock, impasse, standstill
stalk = stand
stalk’ noun stalks astem ofa plant etc. marks made by this 3.a distinctive
stalk? vers stalks, stalking, stalked 1 track or characteristic e His story bears the stamp of
hunt stealthily 2 walk in a stiff or dignified way truth.
stallnoun stalls 1 atable or counter from which stamp vers stamps, stamping, stamped
things are sold 2a place for one animal ina 1 bang your foot heavily on the ground 2 walk
stable or shed with loud,heavy steps 3 stick a postage stamp
stall vers stalls, stalling, stalled 1 delay things on a letter or packet 4 press a mark or design
or avoid giving an answer to give yourself more etc. on something
time 2 stop suddenly from lack of power e The stamp out 1 put outa fire by stamping 2 stop
car engine stalled. 3 put an animal into a stall something e We have stamped out bullying.
stallionnoun stallions a male horse stampedenoun stampedes a sudden rush by
stalls pLurat voun the seats in the lowest level of animals or people
a theatre > stampede vers
stalwart pectve strong and faithful e my [from Spanish estampida = crash, uproar]
stalwart supporters stand vers stands, standing, stood 1 be on
stamen oun stamens the part of a flower your feet without moving @ We were standing
bearing pollen [from Latin, = thread] at the back of the hall. 2 rise to your feet e Please
stamina noun strength and ability to endure all stand now. 3 set or be upright; place e We
hard effort over a long time [from Latin, plural stood the vase on the table. 4 stay the same e My
of stamen (referring to the threads of life spun offer still stands. 5 be a candidate for election
by the Fates, three mythological godesses who @ She stood for Parliament. 6 tolerate or endure
were believed to determine each person’s birth e I can’t stand that noise. 7 provide and pay for
e Il stand you a drink,
and death)]
it stands to reasonit is reasonable or obvious
stammer vers stammers, stammering, stand by be ready for action
stammered keep repeating the same syllables stand for 1 represent @ ‘US’ stands for ‘United
when you speak States’. 2 tolerate
> stammer NOUN stand in for take someone's place
stamp oun stamps 1a small piece of stand out be clear or obvious
gummed paper with a special design on it;.a stand up for support or defend
postage stamp 2:asmall device for pressing stand up to 1 resist bravely 2 stay in good
words or marks on something; the words or condition in spite of prolonged use

stall voun the stalk of a plant » stem, shoot, racism. » eliminate, eradicate, extinguish,
branch, trunk, twig end, put an end to, suppress
stalk vers 1 The cat began to stalk her through the stampedenoun In the stampede that follows, the
long grass. > track, trail, hunt, pursue, shadow, young elephants can easily get trampled.
tail, follow 2 He rose and stalked out of the door. > charge, rush, dash, rout, panic
> stride, strut, march, flounce, sweep stampede vers The audience panicked and
stall noun The school will have a stall at Fun in the stampeded for the exit. » dash, bolt, charge,
Parks. » stand, booth, kiosk rush, flee f
stall vers He clearly believed she was only stalling. stand vers 1 The choir stood for the final chorus.
> procrastinate, prevaricate, temporize, play
> rise, get to your feet, get up 2A house once
for time, delay, hang back stood on this spot. » be situated, be located, be
sited, exist, sit, be 3 She stood the packet on the
stamp oun 1 The licence needs an official stamp table. » put, place, set, deposit, position,
to be valid. » mark, seal, brand, imprint 2 She situate, station, locate, (more informal) plonk
left her stamp on history as an inspired visionary. 4 The offer still stands. » remain in force,
> mark, impression 3 The new head was ofa remain valid, be unchanged, stay, continue
different stamp from her predecessor. » type, 5 Her heart could not stand the strain.
kind, sort, brand, character > withstand, endure, handle, cope with 61
stamp vers 1 ‘Bad girl,’ she said.and stamped her can’t stand noise. » bear, abide, endure,
foot. > strike, bring down, thump 2 Sir George tolerate, put up with, suffer, (more informal)
had stamped his authority firmly on the subject. stick, (more informal) stomach, (more informal)
> imprint, mark, print, brand, engrave, wear
impress , stand by He was determined to stand by his
stamp on Ellie moved forward and:stamped on friends. » support, defend, stand or stick up
the creature. » tread on, crush, trample for, be faithful to, be loyal to, adhere to, stay
stamp out The police are trying to stamp out with, stick to opposites ARE betray, let down
stand = starfish
stand noun stands 1 something made for staple? anjctive main or usual @ Rice is their
putting things on e a music stand 2a stall staple food.
where things are sold or displayed 3.a > staplenoun
grandstand 4a stationary condition or starnoun stars 1a large mass of burning gas
position e He took his stand near the door. that is seen as a speck of light in the sky at night
5 resistance to attack e The time has come to 2 a shape with points or rays sticking out from
make a stand. it; an asterisk 3 an object or mark of this shape
standardwnoun standards 1 how good showing rank or quality e a five-star hotel 4a
something is e a high standard of work 2a famous performer; one of the chief performers
thing used to measure orjudge something else ina play, film, or show
3. aspecial flag @ the royal standard 4an
star vers stars, starring, starred 1 be one of
upright support
the main performers in a film or show 2 have
standardapective 1 of the usual or average someone as a main performer 3 mark with an
G quality or kind 2 regarded as the best and asterisk or star symbol
widely used e the standard book on spiders
4} standbynoun starboardwoun the right-hand side of a
ship or aircraft when you are facing forward
on standby ready to be used if needed
COMPARE port" [from Old English steor = paddle
stand-innoun stand-ins a deputy orsubstitute for steering (usually mounted on the
standing ordernoun standing orders an right-hand side), + board]
instruction to a bank to make regular
payments, or to a trader to supply something starchnoun starches 1a white carbohydrate
ve regularly in bread, potatoes, etc. 2 this or a similar
substance used to stiffen clothes
stand-offishapjectve cold and formal; not > starchy Adjective
standpointnoun. standpoints a point of view starchvers starches, starching, starched
stiffen with starch
MI standstill youn a stop; an end to movement or
activity stare vers stares, staring, stared look at
staple’ noun staples 1a small piece of metal something intensely
pushed through papers and clenched to fasten > stareNouN
them together 2 a U-shaped nail starfishnoun starfishor starfishes asea
> staple vers stapler Noun animal shaped like a star with five points

stand down He would have to accept standardaoyctive The fee is subject to VAT at the
responsibility and stand down. » resign, step standard rate. The council said the letter was part
down, retire, (more informal) quit of their standard procedure. » normal, usual,
stand for What do the initials stand for? typical, customary, conventional
> mean, represent, signify, denote, indicate, standardwoun 1 The standard of music-making
symbolize, be a sign for can be very high indeed. » quality, level, calibre,
stand in for She stood in for the lead singer who grade, excellence 2. standard of behaviour
was unwell. » replace, substitute for, take over > norm, principle, yardstick, criterion,
from, be a substitute for, deputize for, cover benchmark, example 3 Next day at dawn they
Y for, understudy raised the regimental standard for the last time.
stand out He stands out in that suit. > be > flag, banner, pennant, colours, ensign
prominent, be obvious, catch the eye, show,
stick out standing oun The superintendent has to be a
medical practitioner of high standing.
“ stand up forIt is important to stand up for our
> reputation, distinction, status, repute, rank,
é principles. >» support, defend, champion, stand
stature, seniority, eminence
or stick by, be faithful to, be loyal to, adhere to,
stay with, stick to AN OPPOSITE Is betray starnoun 1a sky full of stars » celestial body,
stand up to The little band stood up bravely to heavenly body RELATED ADJECTIVES astral, stellar
the attack. » resist, withstand, confront, face 2 She was an international star by the age of
up to, defy, oppose OPPOSITES ARE give in to, nineteen. > celebrity, famous person, public
succumb to figure, big name, idol
starevers She seemed stunned and sat staring in
standnoun 1a large vase ona stand» base, front of her.» gaze, gape, glare, goggle, look
pedestal, support, tripod, trivet, rack 2a fixedly, peer b
newspaper stand > stall, booth, kiosk 3 They stare atSimon was staring at him. » gaze at,
are taking a bold stand. » attitude, stance, eye, scrutinize, study, watch, contemplate,
viewpoint, position, policy, posture examine

stark = state
stark apjective 1 complete or unmistakable startlevers startles, startling, startled
e@ stark nonsense 2 desolate and bare e the stark surprise or alarm someone
lunar landscape
> starkly apvers starkmess NOUN starvevers starves, starving, starved 1 suffer
or die from lack of food; cause to do this
stark apvers completely e stark naked 2 deprive someone of something they need,
starlingnoun starlings a noisy black bird with © She was starved of love.
speckled feathers > starvation Noun

starry pective full of stars starving nective (informal) very hungry

starry-eyedapecnve made happy by foolish state noun states 1 the quality of a person’s or
dreams or unrealistic hopes thing’s characteristics or circumstances;
starters starts, starting, started 1 begin or condition 2 an organized community under
cause to begin 2 make an engine or machine one government (the state of Israel) or forming
begin running, e Il start the car. 3 begina part of a republic (the 50 states of the USA) 3a
journey 4 make a sudden movement because country’s government e Help for the earthquake
of pain or surprise victims was provided by the state. 4a grand style
> starter NOUN @ She arrived in state 5 (informal) an excited or
upset condition e Don’t get into.a state about the
startnoun starts 1 the beginning; the place robbery.
where a race starts 2 an advantage that
someone starts with e We gave the young ones state vers states, stating, stated express
ten minutes’ start. 3 a sudden movement something in spoken or written words

starkapective 1 Those who survived had the stark snakes. » alarm, frighten, scare, surprise, give
choice of submitting or fleeing into exile. » grim, you a start, take by surprise, catch unawares,
blunt, harsh, plain, bald 2 Their barracks area make you start, shake, shock
stark contrast to the brightness elsewhere. AN OPPOSITE IS calm
> absolute, complete, utter, total, sheer
startlingapectve It was startling to see hundreds
Startvers 1 The film starts at 8.» begin, (more ofpeople toiling up and down the hill. The letter
formal) commence 2 She wants to start a contained some startling news. » surprising,
reading group. » set up, establish, found, astonishing, amazing, staggering,
launch, begin, institute, originate, activate, disconcerting, unsettling
create, embark on, inaugurate, initiate,
instigate, introduce, open AN opposite is finish starvation oun The civil war left most of the
3 The bus was ready to start. » depart, leave, population facing starvation. » hunger,
move off, set off, set out, (more informal) get malnutrition, undernourishment,
going AN opposITE IS stop 4 We’d better start if malnourishment, deprivation, famine
we are going to finish in time. » make a start,
begin, (more informal) get going, (more starve vers Many starved in the famine. » die of
informal) get cracking 5A crash in the kitchen starvation, go hungry, go without, perish
made us start. » jump, recoil, flinch, spring up, Starving apective 1 She devoted her energies to
blench, jerk, twitch, wince helping the starving children of the world.
start out They would have to start out before > starved, underfed, undernourished,
breakfast. » set off, set out, set forth, make a emaciated 2 Let’s go and eat, I’m starving.
start, depart, leave, (more informal) get going, > very hungry, famished, ravenous
(more informal) hit the road
startnoun 1 It was the start of a long process. state oun 1 The closure reflects the state of the
> beginning, outset, inception, birth, dawn, town’s economy. » condition, situation, shape,
initiation, inauguration OPPOSITES AREend, circumstances, predicament, position, health
conclusion 2A good education gives you a start 2 a sovereign state » country, nation, land,
in life. » advantage, opportunity, (more formal) polity
encouragement, helping hand 3 This was the in a state Try not to get in a state. » agitated,
start of all our problems. » origin, cause, flustered, anxious, panicky, frenzied, (more
source, starting point OPPOSITES ARE end, informal) uptight
culmination 4 The doorbell rang, giving me a state vers In the speech she stated her company’s
start » shock, jump, surprise objectives. » declare, express, communicate,
startle vers Some caterpillars manage to startle voice, utter, tell, say, affirm, make known,
their attackers by raising themselves up like small reveal, disclose, divulge

stately > stay
stately nective statelier, stateliest dignified, statistician (stat- is- tish- an) NOUN
imposing, or grand statisticians an expert in statistics
> stateliness Noun statistics noun 1 the study of information
statementnoun statements 1 words stating based on the numbers of things 2 facts
something 2. formal account of facts e The obtained from studying statistics
witness made a statement to the police. 3a statuenoun statues a model made of stone or
written report of a financial account e a bank metal etc. to look like a person or animal
statement statuettenoun statuettes a small statue
state school oun state schools a school stature oun 1 the natural height of the body
which is funded by the government and which 2 greatness gained by ability or achievement
does not charge fees to pupils status (stay- tus) Noun statuses 1 a person’s or
statesman noun statesmen a person, thing’s position or rank in relation to others
especially a man, who is important or skilled in 2 high rank or prestige
governing a country statute noun statutes a law passed bya
> statesmanshipnoun stateswoman Noun parliament
staticanective not moving or changing > statutory ADJECTIVE
static electricity oun electricity that is staunch apectve firm and loyal @ our staunch
present in something, not flowing as current supporters
stationnoun stations 1 a stopping place for > staunchly Advers
trains, buses, etc. with platforms and buildings stave vers staves, staving, stavedor stove
for passengers and goods 2 building dent or break a hole insomething e The collision
equipped for people who serve the public or for stove in the front of the ship.
certain activities e@ the police station 3a stave off keep something away e We staved off
broadcasting company with its own frequency the disaster.
4a place where a person or thing stands or is stave noun staves a set of five horizontal lines
stationed; a position [from Latin statio =a on which music is written
stand, standing] stay vere stays, staying, stayed 1 continue to
stationary apective not moving e The car was be inthe same place or condition; remain
stationary when the van hit it. 2 spend time ina place as a visitor 3 satisfy
USAGE Do not confuse with stationery. temporarily e We stayed our hunger with a
stationery noun paper, envelopes, and other sandwich. 4 pause 5 show endurance in a race
articles used in writing or typing or task
USAGE Do not confuse with stationary. stay put (informal) remain in place

stately anective a stately procession through the station vers She used to date John when he was
town» dignified, majestic, ceremonious, stationed in Berlin. » post, base, assign (to),
grand, splendid, imposing, noble deploy, locate, establish

statementwoun The minister issued a brief stationary Apjective One moment we were
statement. » announcement, declaration, stationary, the next moving forward smoothly.
account, report, communication, utterance > still, at a standstill, motionless, standing,
immobile, at rest, halted, static
staticanective 1a static display of work and AN OPPOSITE IS moving
photographs » stationary, immobile,
motionless, fixed, still, unmoving statistics noun a comprehensive volume offacts,
AN OPPOSITE IS Mobile 2 Prices have remained records, and statistics » data, figures,
static for several years. » unchanged, steady, information, numbers
stable, constant, invariable, stagnant
AN OPPOSITE IS variable statue oun a bronze statue of a Roman emperor
> figure, sculpture, effigy, carving, bronze
stationmnoun 14 nuclear power station in
Armenia; a research station funded by the EU Stay vers 1 The officer told him to stay where he
> establishment, facility, base, depot, post, was. ® wait, remain, continue, (more informal)
plant, headquarters, office 2 a radio station hang on opposites AREleave, depart 2 It was
> channel, transmitter, wavelength, company vital to stay calm. » remain, keep, continue,
3 It’s one of the busiest railway stations in the carry on being 3 He said it would be better to
world. » stopping place, terminus, halt, stay in a hotel. » live, lodge, reside, settle,
platform 4 a grand station in life» standing, board, dwell, be accommodated, be a guest,
status, position, rank, situation, calling be housed, sojourn, stop, visit
stay > steep
stay oun stays 1a time spent somewhere steamers steams, steaming, steamed
e@ We made a short stay in Rome. 2a 1 give off steam 2 move by the power of steam
postponement e a stay of execution @ The ship steamed down the river. 3 cook or
stead noun treat by steam e a steamed pudding
in a person’s or thing's stead instead of this steam up be covered with mist or
person or thing condensation

stand a person in good stead be very useful steam enginenoun steam engines an engine
to him or her driven by steam
steadfastapectve firm and not changing e a steamrollernoun steamrollers a heavy
steadfast refusal vehicle with a large roller used to flatten
steady pcre steadier, steadiest 1 not surfaces when making roads [so called because
shaking or moving; firm 2 regular; continuing the first ones were powered by steam]
the same e a steady pace steedwoun steeds (old or poetical use) a-horse
> steadily apvers steadiness NOUN [from Old English] ie:

steakwoun steaks a thick slice of meat steel youn steels 1a strong metal made from
(especially beef) or fish [from Old Norse] iron and carbon 2a steel rod for sharpening
stealvers steals, stealing, stole, stolen 1 take knives
and keep something that does not belong to steel vers steels, steeling, steeled
you; take secretly or dishonestly 2 move steel yourself find courage to face something
secretly or without being noticed e He stole out difficult
of the room. steely anective 1 like or to do with steel 2 cold,
stealthy (stelth- ee) anective stealthier, hard, and severe e a steely glare
stealthiest quiet and secret, so as not to be steep! apjective 1 sloping very sharply, not
noticed gradually 2 (informal) unreasonably high e a
> stealthnoun stealthilyApvers stealthiness steep price
NOUN > steeply Apvers steepness NOUN
steamoun 1 the gas or vapour that comes [from Old English]
from boiling water; this used to drive steep? vers steeps, steeping, steeped soak
machinery 2 energy @ He ran out of steam. thoroughly; saturate
> steamy ADJECTIVE be steeped inbe completely filled or familiar

staynoun 1 [had several suitcases, in preparation snaffle 2 stole quietly out of the room. » creep,
for a long stay. » visit, stop, stopover, break, slink, sneak, move stealthily, tiptoe 3 Carson
holiday, sojourn stole sideways glances at his passenger. snatch,
steadyanecrve 1 The ladder doesn’t look steady. sneak, take
> secure, stable, settled, fixed, balanced, fast, stealingnoun They were convicted of stealing.
firm, solid, safe AN opposite isunsteady. 2 The > theft, thieving, robbery, burglary, pilfering,
Middle East has provided Wimpey with a steady shoplifting
stream of work. » continuous, regular,
constant, even, reliable, uninterrupted, stealthy apjctive a lot of stealthy movement from
consistent, dependable, ceaseless, non-stop one room to another furtive, secretive, covert,
AN OPPOSITE ISintermittent 3 Talk in a firm secret, surreptitious, sneaking, sly, slinky,
steady voice without shouting. » regular, even, clandestine AN opposite Is blatant
invariable, rhythmic, smooth, uniform 4 He
didn’t then have a steady girlfriend. » regular, steam oun The kitchen was full of steam.
habitual, settled, established, devoted, > vapour, condensation, moisture, haze, mist
faithful, loyal, serious, steadfast
steamy nective 1 The windows were steamy.
steadyvers 1 Alec steadied himselfasthe ground > misty, cloudy, hazy 2 the hot steamy jungle
shook again. » stabilize, balance, brace, make > humid, muggy, sticky, close, sultry, sweaty,
steady, secure 21 needed something to steady damp, moist
my nerves. » calm, soothe, settle, quieten,
quell, control steepanjective 1 steep cliffs overlooking the sea
steal vers 1 He rushed in to help when a mugger > precipitous, sheer, abrupt, perpendicular,
tried to steal a fan’s camera. He had been caught vertical, sudden, sharp AN opposite is gentle
stealing from a friend. » thieve, pilfer, purloin, 2 The costs seem rather steep. » expensive, dear,
appropriate, rob, run off with, (more informal) costly, exorbitant, extortionate, (more
filch, (more informal) pinch, (more informal) informal) pricey, (more informal) stiff
nick, (more informal) swipe, (more informal) OPPOSITES ARE reasonable, moderate

steepen = sterile
with something, e The story is steeped in in step 1 stepping in time with others in
mystery. marching or dancing 2in agreement
[probably from a Scandinavian language] watch your step be careful
steepen vers steepens, steepening, step vers steps, stepping, stepped tread or
steepened make or become steeper walk
steeplenoun steeples a church tower with a step In intervene
spire on top step on it (informal) hurry
steer vers steers, steering, steered make a step up increase something
car, ship, or bicycle etc. go in the direction you stepfather youn stepfathers a man who is
want; guide married to your mother but is not your natural
> steersman NOUN
steer clear of take care to avoid
steering wheel youn steering wheels a stepladder
noun stepladders a folding ladder
wheel for steering a car, boat, etc. with flat treads
stem noun stems 1 the main central part of a stepmother noun stepmothers a woman
tree, shrub, or plant 2.a thin part on which a who is married to your father but is not your
leaf, flower, orfruit is supported 3 a thin natural mother
upright part, e.g. the thin part of a wineglass
between the bowl and the foot 4 the main part stepping stone noun stepping stones
of a verb or other word, to which endings are 1 each of a line of stones put into a shallow
attached 5 the front part of a ship e from stem stream so that people can walk across 2. a way
to stern of achieving something, or a stage in achieving
it @ good exam results can be a stepping stone to a
stem vers stems, stemming, stemmed
stem from arise from; have as its source
[from Old English] stereo noun stereos 1 stereophonic sound or
stem? vers stems, stemming, stemmed recording 2.astereophonic CD player, record
stop the flow of something [from Old player, etc.
stereophonicapycmive using sound that comes
stench noun stenches avery unpleasant smell from two different directions to give a natural
stencil noun stencils a piece of card, metal, or effect
plastic with pieces cut out of it, used to produce
a picture or design etc. stereotype noun stereotypes a fixed idea or
image of a person orthing e The stereotype of a
step noun steps 1a movement made by lifting hero is one who is tall, strong, brave, and
the foot and setting it down 2 the sound of a good-looking.
person putting down their foot when walking > stereotypical Apjective
orrunning 3a level surface for placing the foot
on in climbing up or down 4 each of a series of sterile spective 1 not fertile; barren 2 free from
things done in some process or action e The germs
first step is to find somewhere to practise. > sterility noun

steer vers She steered the huge vehicle into the step vers I stepped over several mounds of brick
garage. > direct, drive, guide, navigate, and rubble. » tread, put your foot, walk,
control, pilot stamp, trample
steer clear of The rickety old barn was a place to step down The minister would step down at the
steer clear of. » avoid, keep away from, give a next election. » resign, stand down, retire,
wide berth to (more informal) quit
step up The army stepped up the attack.
step noun 1 She took a step backwards. » pace, > intensify, increase, escalate, augment, boost
stride, footstep 2 Anyone seeking political
asylum is taking a major step.» decision, move, sterile spective 1sterile soil » infertile, barren,
unproductive, arid, dry, lifeless
action, course, measure 3 This was a good first
AN OPPOSITE IS fertile 2 a sterile bandage
step towards retaining her title. » phase, stage,
> sterilized, antiseptic, aseptic, clean,
action, measure, manoeuvre 4 an important disinfected, germ-free, hygienic, uninfected
step towards achieving peace » advance, AN OPPOSITE IS unsterilized 3 a sterile discussion
movement, progress, progression 5 steps! > fruitless, unfruitful, pointless, unprofitable,
climbed the steps and knocked on the door. useless, abortive, hopeless
> stairs, staircase AN OPPOSITE IS fruitful
sterilize > sticky
sterilizevere sterilizes, sterilizing, sterilized stick’ oun sticks 1 along thin piece of wood
1 makea thing free from germs, e.g. by heating 2a walking stick 3 the implement used to hit
it 2 make a person or animal unable to the ball in hockey, polo, etc. 4 along thin piece
reproduce of something e a stick of rock
> sterilizationnoun sterilizernoun stick? vers sticks, sticking, stuck 1 pusha
thing into something e Stick a pin in it. 2 fix or
sterlingwoun British money be fixed by glue or as if by this e Stick stamps on
porinigcme 1 genuine e sterling silver the parcel. 3 become fixed and unable to move
2 excellent; of great worth e her sterling @ The drawer keeps sticking. 4 (informal) endure
qualities or tolerate e I can’t stick that noise!
stick out 1 come or push out from a surface;
stern’ ADective strict and severe, not lenient or stand out from the surrounding area 2 be very
kindly noticeable
> sternlyAbdvers sternness NOUN stick to 1 remain faithful to a friend or promise
etc. 2 keep to and not alter e He stuck to his
Stern? noun sterns the back part of a ship story.
stewvers stews, stewing, stewed cookslowly stick together 1 stay together 2 support
in liquid each other
stick up for (informal) stand up for
stewnoun stews a dish of stewed food, be stuck with (informal) be unable to avoid
especially meat and vegetables something unwelcome
in a stew (informal) very worried or agitated sticklernoun sticklers a person who insists on
something e a stickler for punctuality
stewardnoun stewards 1 aman whose
job is to look after the passengers on a ship stickysnective stickier, stickiest 1 able or
or aircraft 2 an official who keeps order or likely to stick to things 2 (said about weather)
looks after the arrangements at a large public hot and humid, causing perspiration
event 3 (informal) difficult or awkward e a sticky
stewardessnoun stewardesses a woman > stickilyAovers stickinessNouN
whose job is to look after the passengers ona come toa sticky end (informal) die orendina
ship or aircraft painful or unpleasant way

sterilizevere 1 The room should be clean but you (informal) bung, (informal) dump 5 The wheels
don’t have to sterilize everything. » disinfect, stuck in the soft mud. » become trapped, jam
fumigate, decontaminate, make sterile, 6A particular memory stuck in his mind.
pasteurize, purify, clean, cleanse > remain, linger, persist, stay 7 (informal)I
OPPOSITES AREContaminate, infect 2 In the couldn't stick it any longer. » tolerate, put up
poorest families both husband and wife have been with
sterilized. » make infertile, give a stick at (informal) Ifyou want to learn a
hysterectomy or vasectomy to language, you'll have to stick at it. » persevere
stermapective 1 Their father looked stern for a with, persist with, keep at, work hard at
while, but soon went to them. » severe, strict, stick outHe had his hands on his hips and his
harsh, grim, grave, serious, austere, chin stuck out. » jut out, protrude, project
authoritarian, dour opposites ARE genial, kindly stick to She advises her staff to stick to six basic
2 Stern measures were needed. » strict, severe, safety guidelines. » abide by, adhere to, keep,
stringent, rigorous, harsh, drastic, tough hold to, fulfil
opposites ARE lenient, lax stick upThe monument sticks up above the trees.
stewnoun stew for dinner casserole, hot-pot, > rise, stand out, loom, tower
ragout, goulash, hash stick up for! was born here and I try to stick up
stickwoun 14a pile of dry sticks » twig, branch, for Britain. » support, defend, stand up for
stalk 2 She threatened him with a stick. » rod,
cane sticky Apective 1 She tied up the package with
stickvers 1 Iris stuck her fork in the earth. sticky tape. » adhesive, gummed,
> poke, prod, dig, jab, stab, thrust 2 He stuck a self-adhesive, glued 2 There was a patch of
message on her computer screen. » affix, attach, sticky fluid on the carpet. » gluey, tacky,
fasten, fix, glue, paste, pin 3 The plastic seats gummy, treacly, (more informal) gooey
stuck to her skin. » adhere, cling, bond, fuse AN OPPOSITE ISdry 3 It was a hot sticky afternoon.
4 (informal) I’ve got some stewed fruit I stuck in > humid, muggy, sultry, clammy, close
the freezer. » put, place, leave, deposit, drop, opposites ARE fresh, cool
stiff -> stingy
Stiff anjectve 1 not bending or moving or stillborn apective born dead
changing its shape easily 2 not fluid; hard to stir still life noun still lifes a painting of lifeless
e a stiff dough 3 difficult e a stiffexamination things such as ornaments and fruit
4 formal in manner; not friendly 5 severe or stilted apjective stiffly formal
strong @ a stiff breeze
stilts pxural noun a pairofpoles with supports for
> stiffly apvers stiffmess Noun
the feet so that the user can walk high above
stiffen vers stiffens, stiffening, stiffened the ground
make or become stiff
> stiffener noun stimulate vers stimulates, stimulating,
stimulated 1 make someone excited or
stifle vere stifles, stifling, stifled 1 suffocate enthusiastic 2 cause or arouse @ The
2 suppress e She stifled a yawn. programme has stimulated a lot of interest in her
stigma noun stigmas 1 mark of disgrace work.
2 part of aflower’s pistil that receives the pollen > stimulant noun stimulation noun
[from Greek] sting noun stings 1a sharp-pointed part of an
stile noun stiles an arrangement of steps or bars animal or plant, often containing a poison, that
for people to climb over a fence can cause a wound 2a painful wound caused
stiletto heel youn stiletto heels a high by this part
pointed shoe heel sting vers stings, stinging, stung 1 wound or
still ayective 1 not moving e still water 2 silent hurt with a sting 2 feel a sharp pain 3 make
3 not fizzy someone feel upset or hurt e I was stung by this
> stillness noun criticism. 4 (slang) cheat a person by
still overs 1 without moving e Stand still. 2 up overcharging; extort money from someone
to this or that time e He was still there. 3ina stingy (stin- jee) anjecrive stingier, stingiest
greater amount or degree e You can do still mean, not generous; giving or given in small
better. 4nevertheless e They’ve lost. Still, they amounts
tried, and that was good. > stingily Aovers stinginess NOUN

stiff anjectve 1 YouTl need a sheet of stiff noiseless, wind-free OPPOSITES ARE windy,
cardboard. » rigid, firm, hard OPPOSITES ARE stormy
limp, flexible 2 Make a stiff paste. » thick, firm, stimulate vere 1 The literature course stimulated
semi-solid, viscous 3 Her muscles were stiff. I their interest in modern fiction. » trigger,
was So stiffitwas difficult to climb upstairs. activate, kindle, rouse, arouse, stir, increase,
> achy, aching, arthritic, painful, immovable, enhance AN OPPOSITE IS discourage 2 The right
rheumatic, taut, tight AN OPPOSITE IS supple 4a words from you might stimulate them to keep
ae long stiff climb up the hillside » arduous, trying. » encourage, prompt, motivate,
strenuous, difficult, tough, exacting, hard, inspire, provoke
tiring AN OPPOSITE IS easy 5 We will face some stimulating apectve a stimulating lecture by
stiff competition later this year. » strong, Professor Smithers » thought-provoking,
powerful, severe 6 His manner was stiff interesting, entertaining, challenging, exciting,
and aloof. » formal, reserved, unfriendly, cool, rousing, stirring, exhilarating, inspiring,
awkward AN OPPOSITE IS relaxed 7 The judge inviao ating: provoking OPPOSITES ARE boring,
handed out stiff sentences. » harsh, severe,
punitive, strict, hard, swingeing AN OPPOSITE IS stimulus noun Cash is the best stimulus to
lenient 8A stiff breeze made it hard going. economic development in the region. » spur,
stimulant, encouragement, incentive,
> fresh, strong, brisk AN OPPOSITE IS gentle
inducement, impetus, fillip
9 They all needed a stiff drink. » strong, potent, AN OPPOSITE IS deterrent
alcoholic AN OPPOSITE Is weak
sting noun 1 an ointment to soothe a wasp sting
stifle vers 1 The heat can stifle you. » suffocate, > bite, prick, wound 2 He felt the sting of the
choke, smother 2 Margaret stifled a cough. The wound still. » smarting, stinging, pain, burn,
policy has stified realistic thinking. » suppress, pricking
check, smother, restrain, muffle, curb sting vers 1 an insect that stings. > bite, nip,
prick 2 The salt water began to sting. » smart,
still apective 1 Paul stood still and looked around. tingle, hurt, burn
> motionless, immobile, stationary, stingy spective Derek was notoriously stingy.
unmoving, static, inert, lifeless > mean, miserly, niggardly, penny-pinching,
AN OPPOSITE IS moving 2 The evening was warm parsimonious, (more informal) tight-fisted
and still » quiet, calm, silent, soundless, AN OPPOSITE IS generous

stink = stodgy
stink oun stinks 1 an unpleasant smell plant 7 the base, holder, or handle of an
2 (informal) an unpleasant fuss or protest implement, weapon, etc. 8 a garden flower
stink vers stinks, stinking, stankor stunk with a sweet smell 9 a kind of cravat
have an unpleasant smell stock vers stocks, stocking, stocked 1 keep
stintvoun stints 1a fixed amount of work to be goods in stock 2 provide a place with a stock of
done 2 limitation of a supply or effort e They something,
gave help without stint. stock up buy a supply of goods etc.
stint vers stints, stinting, stinted be sparing; stockadenoun stockades a fence made of
restrict to a small amount e Don’t stint on the stakes
stockbrokeroun stockbrokers a broker
Stirvers stirs, stirring, stirred 1 mixa liquid or who deals in stocks and shares
soft mixture by moving a spoon etc. round and
round in it 2 move slightly; start to move stock exchange Noun stock exchanges a
3 excite or stimulate @ They stirred up trouble. country’s central place for buying and selling
stocks and shares
_Stirnoun 1the action of stirring 2a
disturbance; excitement e The news caused a stockingnoun stockings a piece of clothing
stir. covering the foot and part or all of the leg
sin iy vers stir-fries, stir-frying, stir-fried stock marketnoun stock markets 1 a stock
cook by frying quickly over a high heat while exchange 2 the buying and selling of stocks
stirring and tossing and shares #1D
> stir-fry NOUN stockpile oun stockpiles a large stock of
Stirrup oun stirrups a metal part that hangs things kept in reserve xX .
from each side of a horse’s saddle, for a rider to > stockpile vers
put his or her foot in
stocks pLurAl NouN a wooden structure in
stitch oun stitches 1 aloop of thread made in which people used to be locked as a public
sewing or knitting 2. a method of arranging the punishment
threads e cross stitch 3. a sudden sharp pain in
the side of the body, caused by running stock-still nective quite still
stitch vers stitches, stitching, stitched sew or stocktaking oun the counting, listing, and
fasten with stitches checking of the amount of stock held by a shop
or business
stoat oun stoats a kind of weasel
stock oun stocks 1a number of things kept stocky nective stockier, stockiest short and
ready to be sold or used 2 livestock 3.a line of solidly built @ a stocky man
ancestors @ a man of Irish stock 4a number of stodgy nective stodgier, stodgiest 1 (said
shares in a company’s capital 5 liquid made by about food) heavy and filling 2 dull and boring
stewing meat, fish, or vegetables, used for e a stodgy book
making soup etc. 6 the main stem of a tree or > stodginess NOUN

stink vers 1 The room stank of smoke. » reek, anger. » whip up, work up, rouse, arouse,
smell, (more informal) pong trigger, spark off, provoke
stinkwoun The stink hits you as soon as you open stitch vers He stitched a patch on his jeans.
the door. » stench, reek, foul smell, odour, > sew, tack, darn, mend, repair
(more informal) pong, (more informal) niff stocknoun 1a stock offuel; a stock ofjokes
> supply, store, hoard, reserve, quantity,
stint youn a three-month stint on night duty cache, fund 2 During winter the stock is kept in
> spell, stretch, period, term, turn, shift, run,
session sheds. » livestock, farm animals, cattle, beasts
3 The shop will be closed for a day to review its
stir noun The arrival of the royal car caused quite stock. » merchandise, goods, wares,
astir. » commotion, fuss, excitement, commodities, 4 He is descended from Italian
disturbance, sensation, to-do stock. » descent, ancestry, origins, parentage,
stirvers 1 Use a wooden spoon to stir the mixture. pedigree, heritage
> mix, blend, beat, agitate, whisk, fold in stodgypectve 1a rich stodgy pudding
2 Mary stirred in her sleep. » quiver, tremble, > starchy, indigestible, heavy, lumpy, soggy,
twitch, move slightly 3 A gentle breeze stirred. solid, filling AN opposite islight 2 a stodgy story
> rustle, shake, flutter 4a thought to stir our about his childhood » boring, dull, tedious,
imaginations » kindle, rouse, arouse, turgid, unexciting, unimaginative,
stimulate, excite, inspire, trigger, activate uninteresting, stuffy opposites AreElively,
stir up These remarks stirred up considerable exciting
stoical = store
stoical (stoh-ik- al) apjective bearing pain or e He would not stoop to cheating.
difficulties etc. calmly without complaining > st0op NOUN
> stoically apvers stoicism NOUN stop vere stops, stopping, stopped 1 bring or
stoke vers stokes, stoking, stoked put fuel in come to an end; no longer do something 2 be
a furnace or ona fire no longer moving or working @ A car stopped in
> stoker Noun front of us. 3 prevent or obstruct something
stole past tense of steal 4stay fora short time 5 filla hole
stolid apjective not showing much emotion or stop noun stops 1 stopping; a pause or end 2a
excitement place where a bus or train etc. regularly stops
> stolidly apvers stolidity noun 3 a punctuation mark, especially a full stop 4a
stomach noun stomachs 1 the part of the lever or knob that controls pitch in a wind
body where food starts to be digested 2 the instrument or allows organ pipes to sound
abdomen stopcock noun stopcocks a valve controlling
stomach vers stomachs, stomaching, the flow of liquid or gas in a pipe
stomached endure or tolerate stopgap noun stopgaps a temporary
stone oun stones 1 apiece of rock 2 stones or substitute
rock as material, e.g. for building 3 a jewel stoppage noun stoppages 1 an interruption
4 the hard case round the kernel of plums, in the work of a factory etc. 2a blockage 3 an
cherries, etc. 5a unit of weight equal to 14 amount taken off someone’s wages
pounds (635 kg) @ She weighs 8 stone. stopper youn stoppers a plug for closing a
stome vers stones, stoning, stoned 1 throw bottle etc.
stones at somebody 2 remove the stones from
stopwatch noun stopwatches a watch that
fruit [from Old English]
can be started and stopped when you wish,
Stone Age noun the earliest period of human used for timing races etc.
history, when tools and weapons were made of
store noun stores 1a supply of things kept for
future use 2 a place where things are kept until
stone-cold anective extremely cold they are needed 3. shop, especially a large
stone-deaf anjective completely deaf one
stony Apective 1 full of stones 2 like stone; hard in store 1 being stored 2 going to happen
3 unfriendly and not answering e a stony silence e There’s a surprise in store for you.
stool youn stools 1 a movable seat without set store by something value it greatly
arms ora back 2a footstool 3 alump offaeces store vers stores, storing, stored keep things
stoop vers stoops, stooping, stooped 1 bend until they are needed
your body forwards and down 2 lower yourself > storage NOUN

stomach noun I was hungry and my stomach cease, desist from, refrain from, quit
started to rumble.» gut, belly, abdomen, (more OPPOSITES ARE begin, start, resume 3 The
informal) tummy RELATED ADJECTIVE gastric bus stopped near the corner. » halt, come toa
stone noun 1A gang threw stones. » rock, stop, come to a halt, pull up, draw up, pull in,
pebble, boulder 2 a ring with a bright red stone come to rest 4 He tried to stop her leaving the
» gem, gemstone, jewel 3.A memorial stone house. » prevent, intercept, hinder, obstruct,
stood by the grave. » gravestone, headstone, bar 5a special dressing to stop the escape of
tombstone, tablet pm stem, staunch, check, restrict, block, arrest
stony Apjective 1a stony path » rocky, pebbly, Stop Noun 1 Business came to a stop for the day.
rough, shingly 2a stony silence » unfriendly, > halt, end, finish, standstill, conclusion,
cold, chilly, frosty, icy, hostile, stern, severe, stoppage, cessation 2 They had a short stop at
unfeeling, heartless AN OPPOSITE Is friendly the motorway services. » break, pause,
stopover, rest
stoop vers 1 Fred stooped to pick up the dog.
> crouch, bend, kneel, lean, squat, bow, duck store noun 1a store offood > supply, stock,
21 would never stoop to accepting such an idea. hoard, reserve, quantity, cache, fund 2 the coal
> lower yourself, sink, descend, condescend, store » storeroom, storehouse, repository,
deign depository 3. DIY store » shop, outlet, retail
Stop vers 1 measures taken to stop tax fraud business, retailers, supermarket, mart
> check, prevent, thwart, frustrate, reduce, store vers a place to store food for the winter
put and end to, puta stop to > stow, keep, save, put aside, hoard,
OPPOSITES ARE Start, encourage 2 He wanted accumulate, amass, lay by, deposit, (more
to stop smoking. » give up, discontinue, informal) stash
storehouse — straighten
storehouse noun storehouses a building for stove? past tense of stave
storing goods acs

storey Noun storeys one whole floor of a stow vers stows, stowing, stowed pack or
building store something away
USAGE Do not confuse with story. > stowage NouN
stow away hide ona ship or aircraft so as to
storkwoun storks a large bird with long legs travel without paying stowaway NOUN
anda long beak
storm\oun storms 1a very strong wind straddlevers straddles, straddling,
usually with rain, snow, etc. 2a violent attack straddled have a position across or astride (a
or outburst e a storm ofprotest something
> stormy ADJECTIVE
a storm ina teacup a great fuss over stragglevers straggles, straggling,
something unimportant straggled 1 grow or spread in an untidy way
2 lag behind; wander on your own
storm vers storms, storming, stormed > stragglerNouNn straggly ADJECTIVE
~ 1 move or behave violently or angrily e He
stormed out of the room. 2 suddenly attack and straightapecnve 1 going continuously in one
capture a place e@ They stormed the castle. direction; not curving or bending 2 level or
story oun stories 1 an account of a real or upright @ Is the picture straight? 3 tidy; in
imaginary event 2 the plot of a play or novel proper order 4 honest and frank e a straight f
etc. 3 (informal) alie e Don’t tell stories! [from answer
Latin historia = history] > straightness NouN
USAGE Do not confuse with storey.
stoutapectve 1 rather fat 2 thick and strong
straightaovers 1 ina straight line or manner
2 directly; without delay e Go straight home.
3 brave and determined e a stout defender of
human rights straight away immediately
> stoutlyAdvers stoutness NOUN USAGE Do not confuse with strait.
stove’ noun stoves 1a device containing an straightenvers straightens, straightening,
oven or ovens 2a device for heating a room straightened make or become straight

stormwoun 1A storm blew up out at sea. stow vers He left her to stow the shopping in the
> tempest, gale, squall, hurricane, typhoon, fridge.» store, load, put, stack, (more informal)
deluge 2a storm ofprotest» outburst, outcry, stuff, (more informal) stash
uproar, clamour, commotion, furore
straightapectve 1 They were driving along a
stormers 1 Police decided to storm the building. straight stretch of road » direct, smooth,
> attack, assault, rush, charge 2 He stormed undeviating, unswerving OPPOSITES ARE
out in a rage. » march, stomp, stalk, flounce winding, crooked 211] make the room straight
stormy ADjEcTIve 1 The weather was wet and
for our visitors. > tidy, neat, orderly, shipshape,
stormy. » blustery, squally, tempestuous, organized, right AN Opposite isuntidy 3 They
turbulent, gusty, wild AN opposite Iscalm have staged something of a comeback with three
straight victories. » consecutive, continuous,
storynoun 1 the dramatic story ofa rescue at sea; unbroken, uninterrupted, non-stop 4 John is a
What happened that night turned out to be a long straight character and very much his own man. I'll
story. > tale, account, narrative, history, yarn, give you a straight answer ifI can. » honest,
(more informal) spiel 2 a novel with a gripping direct, frank, straightforward AN OPPOSITE IS
story » plot, storyline, scenario 3 She read the evasive
newspaper stories. » news item, report, article,
feature, piece straightapvers We would be walking straight
into a trap. She looked straight into his face.
stoutanectve 1 YouTl need a stout pair of boots. > directly, squarely, plumb, (more informal)
> sturdy, strong, substantial, robust, solid, slap bang
thick, tough, reliable, sound AN OPPOSITE IS straight away He went to see her straight away
flimsy 2 The small stout man marched on ahead. when he got the news. » at once, directly,
> fat, plump, stocky, portly, beefy, bulky, immediately, instantly, now, without delay
burly, chubby, heavy, tubby, well-built
opposites ArEthin, slender 3 The defenders put kal dig vers Rick straightened his tie.
up a stout resistance. » brave, courageous, > adjust, arrange, put straight, neaten, order
determined, spirited, valiant, strong, forceful, straighten outIt will take a while to straighten
staunch, resolute, firm AN opposite isfeeble out all the confusion. » sort out, put right,
straightforward — strata
straightforward spective 1 easy, not strand? vere strands, stranding, stranded
complicated 2 honest and frank be stranded 1 (said about a boat) run onto
sand or rocks in shallow water 2 be leftina
strain’ vers strains, straining, strained difficultorhelpless position e We were stranded
1 injure or weaken something by stretching or when our car broke down.
working it too hard 2 stretch tightly 3 make a
great effort 4 put something through a sieve or strange spective 1 unusual or surprising 2 not
filter to separate liquid from solid matter known or seen or experienced before
strain noun strains 1 straining; the force of
> strangely Apvers strangeness NOUN
straining 2 an injury caused by straining stranger Noun strangers a person you do not
3 something that uses up strength, patience, know, or who is in a place they do not know
resources, etc. 4 exhaustion 5 apart of atune
strangle vers strangles, strangling,
strain? Noun strains 1a breed or variety of strangled 1 kill by squeezing the throat to
animals, plants, etc.; aline of descent 2 an prevent breathing 2 restrict something so that
inherited characteristic e There’s an artistic it does not develop
strain in the family. > strangler NOUN
strait oun straits a narrow stretch of water strap noun straps a flat strip of leather or cloth
connecting two seas etc. for fastening things or holding them in
USAGE Do not confuse with straight. place
Straits pLuraL Noun 1 astrait e the Straits ofDover strap vers straps, strapping, strapped fasten
2a difficult condition e We were in dire straits with a strap or straps; bind
when we lost our money.
strapping ppctive tall and healthy-looking e a
strand'noun strands 1 each of the threads or strapping lad
wires etc. twisted together to form a rope,
yarn, or cable 2a single thread or hair 3 one strata (strah- ta, stray- ta) pLuRAL NouN layers or
idea or theme of several in a story levels, especially of rock

settle, disentangle, make straight, clear up, stranded spective 1 marks left by jellyfish
tidy, unbend, untwist stranded on the beach » grounded, run
straightforward agectve It is hard to resist aground, marooned, beached 2 The waiting
one straightforward conclusion. They seem rooms were filled with stranded passengers.
straightforward enough. » blunt, candid, : helpless, abandoned, deserted, forsaken,
direct, easy, forthright, frank, genuine, honest, ost
intelligible, lucid, open, plain, simple, sincere, strange apective 11 heard a strange noise
straight, truthful, uncomplicated outside. » odd, unusual, weird, peculiar,
AN OPPOSITE IS devious curious, funny, extraordinary, unexplained
AN OPPOSITE IS ordinary 2 They wear strange
strain vers 1 The dog strained at its leash. » tug, clothes. » weird, eccentric, bizarre,
pull, stretch, haul, tighten 2 Martha strained to unconventional, idiosyncratic, (more informal)
' hear but heard only faint sounds. » strive, , oddball, (more informal) wacky AN OPPOSITE |S
struggle, make an effort, endeavour, exert normal 3 He found it hard to get to sleep ina
yourself, attempt, try 3 Try not to strain strange house. » unfamiliar, unknown, new,
yourself. » weaken, wear out, exhaust, tire out, alien AN OPPOSITE Is familiar 4 She began to feel a
weary 4She had strained a muscle in the last little strange and went to the bathroom.
race. >» pull, sprain, twist, wrench, rick, > unwell, ill, sick, poorly, indisposed, (more
damage, hurt, injure 5 Strain the liquid to informal) funny AN OPPOSITE Is well
remove impurities. » sieve, sift, filter, separate
stranger noun They were strangers in the town.
strain Noun the strain of doing jobs for which they > newcomer, outsider, visitor, alien, foreigner ,
are unsuited » stress, pressure, tension, worry, guest
anxiety, burden, difficulty, effort
strangle vers 1 The bird had been strangled by
straimed spective the strained relations between the wire fence. » throttle, asphyxiate, choke,
Russia and Japan; The dark gaze was intent on her suffocate, strangulate 2 She strangled a cry of
strained face. » tense, awkward, uneasy, alarm, » suppress, smother, stifle, restrain,
fraught, uncomfortable, troubled choke back >
AN OPPOSITE IS relaxed strap Noun The package was tied with straps.
strand noun Sibyl frowned, absent-mindedly > thong, tie, belt, cord
twirling a strand of hair round her fingers. strap vers He strapped the bag to his bicycle.
> fibre, filament, string, thread, wire > fasten, secure, tie, bind, lash
strategy = stress
strategynoun strategies 1a plan or policy or of things or people 3.a group in which
to achieve something e our economic strategy children of similar ability are placed in a school
2 the planning ofawar or campaign
compart tactics [from Greek strategos =a streamers streams, streaming, streamed
general] 1 move in or like a stream 2 produce a stream
of liquid SZarrange schoolchildren in streams
woun a layer of the atmosphere according to their ability
between about 10 and 60 kilometres above the
earth’s surface streamlinevers streamlines, streamlining,
strawoun straws 1 dry cut stalks of corn 2a streamlined 1 give something a smooth
narrow tube for drinking through [from Old shape that helps it to move easily through air or
English] water 2 organize something so that it works
more efficiently
strawberrynoun strawberries a small red > streamlined ADecrive
juicy fruit, with its seeds on the outside
_ Strayvers strays, straying, strayed leave a streetnoun streets aroad with houses beside it
group or proper place and wander; get lost ina city or village [via Old English from Latin
strayapective that has become lost or separated
strata via = paved way]
@ a stray cat @ a stray sock strengthwoun strengths 1 howstronga
> stray NOUN
person or thing is; being strong ability or
streakwoun streaks 1 along thin line or mark good quality e Patience is your great strength.
2a trace e a streak of cruelty 3. a spell of
success, luck, etc. @ on a winning streak strengthenvers strengthens,
> streaky ADjEcTIVE strengthening, strengthened make or
become stronger
streakvers streaks, streaking, streaked
1 mark with streaks 2 move very quickly 3 run stressnoun stresses 1 a force that acts on
naked in a public place for fun or to get something, e.g. by pressing, pulling, or
attention twisting it; strain 2 emphasis, especially the
> streaker Noun extra force with which you pronounce part of a
streamnoun streams 1 water flowing ina word or phrase 3 distress caused by having too
channel; a brook or small river 2 a flow ofliquid many problems or too much to do QW

Strayvers 1 The aircraft had strayed into strengthnoun 1 Physical strength is important.
unauthorized airspace. » wander, drift, roam, > power, brawn, muscle, toughness,
meander 2 We are rather straying from the main sturdiness, robustness, vigour, might
point. » digress, diverge, drift, wander, AN OPPOSITE Isweakness 2 She has enormous
deviate, be sidetracked strength of character. » courage, firmness,
resolution, spirit, commitment
streakwoun 1 His hair had several streaks of AN OPPOSITE ISfeebleness
white. » strip, stripe, vein, band, line, smear,
stain 2 She admits to having a competitive streak strengthenvers 1 The exercises will help
in her. » element, trace, component strengthen your back. » build up, fortify,
streakvers 1 Their dirty faces were streaked with toughen, make stronger, harden, tone up
tears. » stain, smear, smudge, daub 2 Huge AN OPPOSITE Isweaken 2 Stone supports
lorries streaked past him. » hurtle, rush, speed, strengthen the massive walls. » bolster,
tear, flash, zoom, whistle reinforce, support, brace, buttress, prop up
3 The police want to strengthen their links with the
streakcyanective The windows were streaky from local communities. » consolidate, reinforce,
the rain. » smeary, smudged, streaked, lined, substantiate, bolster, fortify, enhance, backup,
stripy, veined increase, invigorate AN OPPOSITE Isundermine
streamwNoun 1a mountain stream » brook, strenuousapjective 1 Success was the result of
burn, beck, rill, river, rivulet, watercourse, three years’ strenuous work. » hard, tough,
channel 2 stream of water » jet, flow, rush, demanding, arduous, taxing, gruelling,
gush, surge, spurt, spout exhausting 2 He has made strenuous efforts to
streamnvers Rain streamed through the hole. get to know the area. » vigorous, determined,
> flow, pour, gush, surge, spurt, flood resolute, energetic, active, forceful
streetnoun The streets are deserted at this time of stress\oun 1 She was obviously under a lot of
night. » road, avenue, boulevard; stress. » anxiety, difficulty, hardship, pressure,
thoroughfare strain, tension, trauma, worry 2 We need to lay

stress = string
stress vere stresses, stressing, stressed steady pace of working
1 emphasize a point or idea e I must stress the take something in your stride manage or
importance of arriving on time. 2 pronounce deal with something without difficulty
part of a word or phrase with extra emphasis strife noun conflict; fighting or quarrelling
3 cause stress to someone
strike vers strikes, striking, struck 1 hit
stretch vers stretches, stretching, stretched 2 attack suddenly @ Plague struck the village.
1 pull something or be pulled so that it 3 make an impression on someone’s mind
becomes longer or wider or larger 2 extend or @ She strikes me as truthful. 4 light a match by
be continuous e The wall stretches right round rubbing it against a rough surface 5 refuse to
the estate. 3 push out your arms and legs as far work as a protest against pay or conditions
as you can 4 make use of all your ability or 6 produce by pressing or stamping something
intelligence e This course should really stretch e They are striking some special coins. 7 sound
you. e The clock struck ten. 8 find gold or oil etc. by
stretch out lie down with your arms and legs at digging or drilling 9 go ina certain direction
full length © We struck north through the forest.
stretch noun stretches 1 the action of strike off or out cross out
stretching 2.a continuous period of time or strike up 1 begin playing or singing 2starta
area of land or water friendship or conversation
stretcher voun stretchers a framework for
carrying a sick or injured person strike noun strikes 1 ahit 2 anattack e an air
strike 3 refusing to work as a way of making a
strict apective 1 demanding obedience and protest 4a sudden discovery of gold or oil etc.
good behaviour e a strict teacher 2 complete or on strike (said about workers) striking
exact e in strict confidence e the strict truth
> strictly ADvers strictness NOUN striking apjective attractive or impressive
stride vers strides, striding, strode, stridden > strikingly ADvers
walk with long steps string Noun strings 1 thin cord made of
stride Noun strides 1 along step when walking twisted threads, used to fasten or tie things; a
orrunning 2 progress piece of this or similar material 2 a piece of wire
get into your stride settle into a fast and or cord etc. stretched and vibrated to produce

greater stress on accuracy. » accent, beat, > exact, precise, scrupulous, rigid, rigorous
emphasis, importance, weight AN OPPOSITE IS loose
stress vers I stressed the importance of a balanced strident apjctive a strident voice» harsh, shrill,
diet. >» accentuate, assert, emphasize, insist jarring, grating, raucous, rasping, screeching,
on, lay stress on, put the stress on, repeat, loud OPPOSITES ARE soft, quiet
underline strike noun The dispute ended in a prolonged
stressfull spective She’d had an extremely strike. » stoppage, withdrawal of labour,
stressful day. » anxious, difficult, tense, industrial action, work-to-rule, walkout
traumatic, worrying AN OPPOSITE IS. easy strilke vers 11 struck my head on the low ceiling.
stretch noun 14a five-hour stretch on duty ' > hit, knock, bump, smack, thump 2 The
> spell, stint, period, run, term, time 2 a fine commandos struck without warning. » attack,
stretch of moorland » expanse, sweep, spread, raid, pounce 3 The two sides struck a deal at the
tract, area last moment. » agree, agree on, reach,
stretch vers 1 He stretched the rubber until it endorse, settle on, sign 4 (informal) The
snapped. » pull, strain, tighten, extend, workforce threatened to strike. » down tools,
lengthen AN opposite Is compress 2 The road stop work, come out, take industrial action,
stretched into the distance. » extend, continue, withdraw your labour
spread 3 stretch to My money won't stretch toa striking Aojective She has a striking resemblance
two-week holiday. » be enough for, cover, to her sister. » noticeable, conspicuous,
reach to outstanding, prominent, distinctive,
stretch out She stretched out on a couch. impressive, memorable, obvious, stunning,
> recline, lean back, lie down, sprawl, relax telling, unmistakable
strict apjective 1 Their parents could be too strict AN OPPOSITE IS inconspicuous
at times. » severe, stern, harsh, authoritarian, string youn 1a piece of string » twine, cord,
rigid, austere AN Opposite Is lenient 2 strict line, rope 2a string of vehicles » row,
controls on public spending » stringent, succession, series, file, line; procession, queue
rigorous, severe, tough, extreme AN OPPOSITE IS 3 a string of misfortunes » sequence, series,
liberal 3 a strict interpretation of the rule chain, progression
string => structure
sounds in a musical instrument 3a line or Strivevers strives striving strove striven
series of things e a string of cars 1 try hard to do something 2 carry ona conflict
stringvers strings, stringing strung 1 fit or stroke’ noun strokes 1a hit 2amovement; a
fasten with string 2 thread ona string style of swimming action or effort e a
3 remove the tough fibre from beans stroke ofgenius 4 the sound made by a clock
string alongmislead someone overa period of striking 5a sudden illness that often causes
time paralysis
string out 1 spread out ina line 2 cause stroke? vers strokes, stroking stroked move
something to last a long time your hand gently along something
Strimgspiural Noun musical instruments with > strokenoun
strings strollvers strolls, strolling strolled walk ina
stringyapectve 1 like string 2 containing leisurely way
tough fibres > strollvoun strollernoun
- Strip" vers strips, stripping stripped 1 take a stromgapjective 1 having great power, energy,
covering or layer off something 2 undress oreffect 2 not easy to break, damage, or defeat
3 deprive a person of something 3 great in intensity e strong feelings 4havinga
lot of flavour or smell 5 having a certain
stripnoun the distinctive clothes worn by a number of members e an army 5,000 strong
sports team while playing
> stronglyApvers
strip? noun stripsa long narrow piece or area be going strongbe making good progress
strip cartoonnoun strip cartoonsa series of strongholdwoun strongholds 1 a
drawings telling a story place 2 an area where many people live or think
stripenoun stripes 1 along narrow band of in a particular way e a Tory stronghold
colour 2a strip of cloth worn on the sleeve of a strove past tense of strive
uniform to show the wearer’s rank structurenoun structures 1 something that
> stripedapjective stripy ADjECTIVE has been constructed or built 2 the way
stripteasenoun stripteasesan entertainment something is constructed or organized
in which a person slowly undresses > structuralapective structurallyspvers

stringvers Lights had been strung across the road. strokevers You can stroke the dog ifyou like.
> hang, link, thread, connect, join, line up > pat, caress, fondle, touch, brush, pass your
hand over, pet gq

stripnoun 1a strip ofpaper; a narrow strip of

land > slip, band, ribbon, belt, sliver, narrow strollvers They strolled together round the
piece, stripe, swathe, lath, line, shred, slat grounds. » saunter, amble, wander, meander,
2 The team were sporting a new strip. » outfit, ramble, dawdle
kit strollvoun There was time for a stroll in the
woods. » saunter, amble, ramble, walk, turn
stripvers 1 He stripped and climbed into the
shower. » undress, take off your clothes, stromgapjective 1 strong lad of nineteen
remove your clothes, (more informal) peel off > tough, muscular, powerful, brawny, well
2 Thieves had completely stripped the house. built, strapping, burly opposites AREWeak, puny
> empty, clear out, ransack, loot, pillage, 2 The door needs a strong lock » robust, sturdy,
burgle firm, durable, sound, secure AN OPPOSITE IS VlW
strip downMechanics were busy stripping down weak 3 She had a strong interest in what they
the engine. » dismantle, take to pieces, take were doing. » keen, eager, deep, dedicated,
apart, disassemble passionate, fervent, zealous AN OPPOSITE IS
strip offFirst you must strip off the old paint. feeble 4a cup of strong coffee » highly
> peel off, remove, take off, scrape off, flake flavoured, pungent, piquant AN OPPOSITE |S
off weak 5 We have a strong case to make.
> forceful, persuasive, convincing, cogent,
stripenoun tracksuit bottoms with a stripe down effective OPPOSITES AREWeak, unconvincing
the side line, strip, band, bar, flash stroppyapjective (informal) I hope he doesn’t
get stroppy with us, » bad-tempered,
strokenoun 1 aswift stroke of the axe » blow, irritable, grumpy, cross, peevish, truculent,
swipe, hit, knock 2 a stroke ofgenius > feat, sulky
accomplishment, achievement, attainment
3 She gave the cat a gentle stroke. » pat, rub, structurenoun a tall structure offive storeys
caress > construction, edifice, building, erection, pile
struggle — study
struggle vers struggles, struggling, remove or deal with @ stubborn stains
struggled 1 move your arms, legs, etc. in > stubbornly Abvers stubbornness NOUN
trying to get free 2 make strong efforts to do stubby apective short and thick
something 3 try to overcome an opponent ora
— ADJECTIVE (informal) conceited or
problem etc. snobbis
struggle Noun struggles the action of stud noun studs 1 asmall curved lump or knob
struggling; a hard fight or great effort 2a device like a button ona stalk, used to
strum vers strums, strumming, strummed fasten a detachable collar to a shirt
sound a guitar by running your fingers across student Noun students a person who studies a
its strings subject, especially at a college or university
strut vers struts, strutting, strutted walk studio noun studios 1 the room where a
proudly or stiffly painter or photographer etc. works 2.a place
strut NOUN struts 1a bar of wood or metal where cinema films are made 3a room from
strengthening a framework 2.a strutting walk which radio or television broadcasts are made
or recorded
stub noun stubs 1 ashort stump left when the
rest has been used or worn down 2a studious Apective keen on studying; studying
counterfoil of a cheque, ticket, etc. hard
> studiously ADvers studiousmess NOUN
stub vers stubs, stubbing, stubbed bump your study vere eee ,studied 1 spend
toe painfully time learning about something 2 look at
stub out put out a cigarette by pressing it something carefully
against something hard
study Noun studies 1 the process of studying
stubble noun 1 the short stalks of corn left in 2a subject studied; a piece of research 3.a
the ground after the harvest is cut 2 short hairs room used for studying or writing 4a piece of
growing after shaving music for playing as an exercise 5a drawing
stubborn Agectve 1 determined not to change done for practice or in preparation for another
your ideas or ways; obstinate 2 difficult to work

struggle vers 1 We struggled to get free. (more informal) snooty, (more informal) uppish,
> strive, strain, toil, try, work hard, endeavour, (more informal) toffee-nosed
exert yourself, labour, wrestle, make an effort, student noun 1a student at the university
move violently, wriggle about, writhe about >. undergraduate, postgraduate, scholar 2a
2 They had to struggle with a determined enemy. student at the local school » pupil, schoolboy or
> fight, contend, battle, grapple, wrestle, vie schoolgirl, schoolchild, scholar 3.a nursing
3 She struggled over the wet rocks. » scramble, student > learner, novice, trainee
flounder, stumble, labour studied apjective He spoke with studied politeness.
struggle noun 1It was a struggle to finish the > deliberate, intentional, considered,
work in time. » effort, challenge, difficulty, calculated, affected, thoughtful
endeavour, exertion, labour, problem 2 The studio Noun the artist’s studio » workroom,
police arrested the gang without a struggle. workshop, atelier
> fight, scuffle, brawl, fracas, affray studious Anjctive a studious young pupil
stub noun 1a cigarette stub » butt, end, (more > scholarly, serious-minded, hard-working,
informal) dog-end 2 the stub of a ticket diligent, industrious, thoughtful, intellectual,
> counterfoil, slip academic, bookish, brainy, earnest
stubborn apective He was too stubborn to admit study noun 1 two years of study in the sixth form
he was wrong. » obstinate, obdurate, > learning, education, schooling, reading,
strong-willed, headstrong, wilful, pig-headed academic work, (informal) cramming 2 a study
OPPOSITES ARE Compliant, yielding of the causes of conflict » investigation (into),
inquiry (into), survey, examination, research
stuck apjective 1 The door was stuck and (into) 3 The study deals with all aspects of the
wouldn’t open. » jammed, fixed, fast, subject. » essay, article, report, review
immovable 2 He admitted he was stuck and
needed help. » baffled, beaten, at a loss, study vers 1 She studied the information carefully.
bewildered, (more informal) stumped > examine, analyse, survey, consider,
investigate, inspect, scrutinize, look into,
stuck-up Apjective a bunch of stuck-up peruse 2 They both wanted to study languages.
businessmen » arrogant, conceited, snobbish, > learn, work at, be taught, read 3 Alan had
snobby, haughty, supercilious, overweening, studied hard at school. » work, apply yourself
stuff — stupid
stuffvoun 1a substance or material 2 things stumpvers stumps, stumping, stumped
e Leave your stuff outside. 1 put a batsman out by knocking the bails off
stuffvers stuffs, stuffing, stuffed 1 fill tightly the stumps while they are out of the crease
2 fill with stuffing 3 push a thing into 2 be too difficult or puzzling for
something e He stuffed the notebook into his somebodye The last question stumped everyone.
pocket. 4 (informal) eat greedily stump up (informal) produce the money to
pay for something
stuffingwoun 1 material used to fill the inside
of something; padding 2 asavoury mixture put stumpyanjecrive short and thick
into meat or poultry etc. before cooking > stumpinessnoun
stuffy spective stuffier, stuffiest 1 badly stunvers stuns, stunning, stunned 1 knock a
ventilated; without fresh air 2 with blocked person unconscious 2 daze or shock @ She was
breathing passages e a stuffy nose 3 formal and stunned by the news.
> stuffilyapvers stuffiness noun stunt vers prevent a thing from growing or
stumblevers stumbles, stumbling, developing normally e a stunted tree [froma
stumbled 1 trip and lose your balance 2 speak dialect word meaning ‘foolish’ or ‘stubborn’]
or do something hesitantly or uncertainly stunt? Noun stunts something unusual or
> stumblenoun difficult done as a performance or part ofafilm,
stumble acrossor onfind accidentally or to attract attention [originally American:
stumbling blockwoun stumbling blocks an origin unknown]
obstacle; something that causes difficulty
stupendousapecmve amazing or tremendous
stumpnoun stumps 1 the bottom ofa tree > stupendouslyapvers
trunk left in the ground when the rest has fallen
or been cut down 2 something left when the stupidaoecive 1 not clever or thoughtful
main part is cut off or worn down 3 each of the 2 without reason or common sense
three upright sticks of a wicket in cricket > stupidlyapvers stupiditynoun

stuffivoun 1 There was some wet stuff on the floor. stumvers 1A hard blow had stunned him.
> matter, substance 2 The skirt was made of a » daze, knock out, knock senseless, make
tough lightweight stuff. » material, fabric, cloth, unconscious 2 The election results stunned
textile 311 put all my stuff in a suitcase. everyone. » amaze, astonish, astound, stagger,
> belongings, effects, possessions, things, stupefy, shock, dumbfound, flabbergast,
(more informal) gear bewilder, confound
stuffvers 11 stuffed everything in a drawer. stunningapective 14 stunning victory
> pack, push, cram, ram, shove, squeeze, > remarkable, sensational, spectacular,
force, jam 2 Use foam to stuff the cushions. > fill, extraordinary, staggering, incredible 2 She
pad, pack looked stunning in a red dress. >»beautiful,
stuff yourselfThey had been stuffing themselves dazzling, gorgeous, ravishing, sensational,
all day and were no longer hungry. » gorge, lovely AN OPPOSITE ISunattractive
guzzle, cram, overindulge, eat stuntwoun a circus stunt > trick, exploit, feat,
turn, performance
stuffyapjctive 1 a stuffy atmosphere > airless,
close, muggy, sultry, musty, stifling, stupendousapective a stupendous achievement
oppressive, unventilated AN OPPOSITE ISairy 2a > amazing, astounding, astonishing,
stuffy lecture on citizenship » staid, prim, extraordinary, remarkable, wonderful,
strait-laced, pompous, conventional, stodgy, staggering, breathtaking, (more informal)
dull, boring AN opposite Isinformal mind-boggling AN OPPOSITE ISordinary
stupidanectve 1 They are not as stupid as they
stumblevers 1 She stumbled on a loose paving seem. foolish, silly, foolhardy, unintelligent,

stone. » trip, totter, tumble, lose your balance dim-witted, half-witted, empty-headed,
2 He stumbled back to his house. » stagger, vacuous, dim, dumb, thick OPPOSITES ARE
totter, lumber, lurch, blunder, bumble, hobble intelligent, wise 2 It was a stupid thing to do.
3 The speaker stumbled through the rest of the > foolish, silly, unwise, senseless, mindless,
speech. » stammer, stutter, falter, flounder, idiotic, crass, absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous
hesitate AN OPPOSITE ISsensible
stump vers One of the questions stumped us. stupiditynoun Their stupidity had been
> baffle, puzzle, perplex, mystify, bewilder, breathtaking. » foolishness, folly, silliness,
outwit, confound, confuse, defeat, (more irresponsibility, ineptitude, idiocy
informal) flummox OPPOSITES AREWisdom, intelligence
sturdy — submerge
sturdyapecrive sturdier, sturdiest strong and subjectto 1 having to obey 2 liable to e Trains
vigorous or solid are subject to delays during fog. 3 depending
> sturdilyApvers sturdiness NOUN upon e Our decision is subject to your approval.
stuttervers stutters, stuttering, stuttered subject (sub- jekt) vers subjects, subjecting,
stammer subjected 1 make a person or thing undergo
> stutter Noun something e They subjected him to torture.
stylewnoun styles 1 the way something is done, 2 bring a country under your control
made, said, or written 2 fashion or elegance > subjection Noun
> stylistic ADJECTIVE [from Latin subicere = bring under, include
stylish spective ina fashionable style under a heading]
subconsciousapectve to do with mental subjective apjective 1 existing in a person’s
processes of which we are not fully aware but mind and not produced by things outside it
which influence our actions 2 depending on a person’s own taste or
> subconsciousNouN opinions etc. COMPARE objective
subdividevers subdivides, subdividing, subjunctivenoun subjunctives the form of a
subdivided divide again or into smaller parts verb used to indicate what is imagined or
> subdivisionNoun wished or possible There are only a few cases
where it is commonly used in English, e.g.
subduevers subdues, subduing, subdued ‘were’ in if Iwere you’ and ‘save’ in ‘God save the
1 overcome or bring under control 2 make
quieter or gentler
> subdued adective sublimeapectve 1 noble or impressive
2 extreme; not caring about the consequences
subjectnoun subjects 1 the person or thing e with sublime carelessness
being talked or written about or dealt with
2 something that is studied 3 (in grammar) the submarine spective under the sea e We laid a
word or words naming who or what does the submarine cable.
M action of a verb, e.g. ‘the book’ in @ The book fell submarinenoun submarinesa ship that can
off the table. 4 someone who is ruled by a travel under water
monarch or government submergevers_ submerges, submerging,
subjectapectve ruled by a monarch or submerged go under or put under water
government; not independent > submergencenoun submersionnoun

sturdyagective 1 sturdy and handsome young serious, silent, sober, solemn, depressed,
man» strapping, strong, big, brawny, grave, reflective, thoughtful AN OpPosiTE Is
well-built, muscular AN OPPOSITE ISweak 2 He lively 2 They spoke in subdued tones. » hushed,
packed a sturdy pair of shoes for the walk. muted, quiet, soft, low, faint, calm
> stout, strong, substantial, robust, solid, AN OPPOSITE |Sloud
thick, tough, reliable, sound
AN OPPOSITE ISflimsy subjectnoun 1 a British subject » citizen,
national, passport-holder 2 a subject for
stylenoun 1 an old-fashioned style of writing discussion » theme, topic, affair, business,
> manner, technique, mode, method, fashion, issue, matter, point, question 3 a subject of
tone, way 2 the latest styles in the fashion study » discipline, field, branch, course, area
magazines » design, pattern, fashion, mode,
vogue, cut, taste 3 She always dresses with style. subjectapective 1 subject nations
> elegance, refinement, flair, panache, > subjugated, dependent, subservient,
stylishness, smartness, sophistication, tributary AN opposite Isindependent 2 The
refinement, taste trains are subject to constant delays. > liable,
stylish njctive stylish clothes » chic, prone, disposed, vulnerable 3 subject toThe
fashionable, modish, trendy, snappy, elegant, decision is subject to approval by the board.
smart, (more informal) snazzy > dependent on, contingent on, conditional
opposites AREUNfashionable, dowdy
subduevers 1 The army quickly subdued all subjectiveanectve It is difficult to build a theory
opposition. » overcome, defeat, quell, on such subjective criteria. » biased, prejudiced,
suppress, crush, overpower 2 It was difficult to personal, individual, intuitive, idiosyncratic
subdue their excitement. » restrain, suppress, OPPOSITES AREODjestive, unbiased
check, curb, repress, hold back, keep under, submergevers 1 The utter darkness submerged
them. » inundate, overwhelm, immerse,
subduedapective 1 Sylvie was in a subdued engulf, inundate, flood, swamp, cover, drown
mood. » sombre, downcast, restrained, 2 Submerge the vegetables in cold water.
submit — substantial
submitvers submits, submitting submitted cannot subscribe to this theory.
1 let someone have authority over you; > subscribernoun subscriptionnoun
surrender 2 put forward for consideration, subsequentapecrve coming after in time or
testing, etc. e Submit your plans to the order; later
committee > subsequently apvers
> submissionnoun
subsidevers subsides, subsiding subsided
subnormalapecive below normal 1 sinkinto the ground 2 become quieter
or less
subordinateanectve 1 lessimportant 2 lower intense e Her fear subsided.
in rank > subsidencenoun
subordinatenoun subordinates a person subsidiaryanectve 1 less important;
working under someone’s authority or control secondary 2 (said abouta business) controlled
subordinatevers subordinates, by another e a subsidiary company
subordinating subordinated treat as being > subsidiarynoun
less important than another person or thing subsidizevers subsidizes, subsidizing
> subordinationnoun subsidized pay a subsidy to a person or firm
subordinate clausenoun subordinate etc.
clausesa clause which adds details to the main subsidynoun subsidies money paid to an
clause of the sentence, but cannot be used as a industry etc. that needs help, or to keep down
sentence by itself the price at which its goods etc. are sold to the
sub-plotnoun sub-plots a secondary plot ina public
play etc. ye soil lying just below the surface
subscribevers subscribes, subscribing ayer
subscribed 1 pay regularly in order to bea substancenoun substances 1 matter of a
member of a society, receive a periodical, have particular kind 2 the main or essential part of
the use of a telephone, etc. 2 contribute something @ We agree with the substance ofyour
money to a project or charity etc. 3 apply to report but not with its details.
take part in somethinge The course is already substantialanectve 1 of great size, value, or
fully subscribed. 4 say that you agree e We importance @ a substantial sum of money

> immerse, dip, plunge, dunk 3 The submarine subordinateapctve It would not be easy to
had no time to submerge. » dive, go down accept a subordinate role. » inferior, lower,
lesser, secondary, subservient, subsidiary,
submissionnoun 1 Complete submission was minor, junior
the key point of women in the eighteen-forties.
> compliance, submissiveness, acquiescence, subordinatenoun There stood the manager
passivity, docility, meekness 2 The enemy’s with her three subordinates. » assistant, junior,
submission was only a matter of time. inferior, dependant, employee, (more informal)
> surrender, capitulation, defeat 3 There was underling AN OPPOSITE ISsuperior
an alternative submission that the money had
been paid under duress. » contention, claim, subscribevers subscribe to 1 There are so
proposal, argument, suggestion, theory many good causes to subscribe to. » contribute
to, support, donate to, give to 2 How many
submissiveanctive Be polite, but not magazines do they subscribe to? » buy regularly,
submissive. » acquiescent, compliant, servile, pay a subscription to, take, read 31 don’t
deferential, ingratiating, subservient, docile, subscribe to that view at all. » agree with,
uncomplaining, humble, meek, passive accept, endorse, support, approve of, believe
OPPOSITES AREdomineering, assertive in, advocate, give your blessing to
submitvers 1 She had only submitted under subsidevers 1 We'd better wait for the storm to
duress. » give in, yield, accede, back down, subside. » abate, diminish, moderate, slacken,
surrender, capitulate, relent, succumb, die down, quieten, ease up, let up
comply, (more informal) knuckle under 2 The AN OPPOSITE ISintensify 2 The flood waters had
union agreed to submit their disagreement to begun to subside.» recede, fall back, ebb 3 Paul
arbitration. » present, offer, tender, put subsided into a chair. » collapse, sink, settle,
forward, suggest, propose drop AN OPPOSITE ISrise
submit toWe refuse to submit to political
pressure. Applicants have to submit to a full substancenoun 1a strange sticky substance
medical examination. » accept, agree to, > material, matter, stuff, chemical 2 The
succumb to, undergo, tolerate, endure, substance of the story is not hard to follow.
comply with, conform to, defer to, bow to, m essence, gist, theme, meaning, content,
keep to, obey subject-matter 3 We may wonder how much
substitute — successful
2 solidly built @ substantial houses or number from a greater one
> substantially Aovers > subtraction Noun
substitutenoun substitutes a person orthing suburb.noun suburbs a district with houses
that acts or is used instead of another that is outside the central part of a city
substitute vers substitutes, substituting, > suburban Adjective
substituted put or use a person or thing as a subway oun subways an underground
substitute passage for pedestrians
> substitution Noun
succeed vers succeeds, succeeding,
subterraneamapectve underground succeeded 1 do or get what you wanted or
subtitle noun subtitles 1a secondary or intended 2. come after another person or
additional title 2 words shown on the screen thing; become the next king or queen @ She
during a film, e.g. to translate a foreign succeeded to the throne. e Edward VII succeeded
language Queen Victoria.
subtle (sut- el) anjective 1 faint or delicate e a SUCCESSNOUN successes 1 doing or getting
subtle perfume 2 slight and difficult to detect or what you wanted or intended 2.a person or
describe e a subtle distinction 3 ingenious; not thing that does well e The show was a great
immediately obvious e a subtle joke success.
> subtly apvers subtlety Noun successful pjective having success; being a
subtractvers subtracts, subtracting, success
subtracted deduct; take away a part, quantity, > successfully ADvers

substance there was in many of the accusations. suburbamapectve The couple disappeared
> meaning, force, weight, significance from their suburban house about two weeks
substantialapectve 1 substantial building ago. > residential, outlying, provincial,
> strong, sturdy, hefty, solid, well-made, outer
durable, sound an opposite isflimsy 2 Ifyou succeed vers 1 For some people, happiness is to
make substantial improvements to your home they compete and succeed no matter how. » be
might increase its value. » significant, sizeable, successful, do well, prosper, thrive, flourish,
worthwhile, big, considerable, generous, large triumph, be victorious, accomplish your
AN OPPOSITE |Strivial objective, (more informal) get on, (more
substitute apjctive a substitute teacher informal) make it 2 The scheme might still
> acting, replacement, deputy, relief, reserve, succeed. > be effective, produce results, work,
standby, surrogate, temporary (more informal) catch on AN opposite Isfail
substitute noun 1 There is no substitute for 3 Kim’s ambition to succeed Roh as President
practical experience.» replacement, alternative > replace, take the place of, take over from,
(to) 2 Nurses can often be effective substitutes for supersede, come after, follow
doctors, » alternative, replacement, stand-in,
AN OPPOSITE Is precede
proxy, surrogate successNoun 1 The criteria for judging success
would not be the same for all pupils.
substitutevers 1 You can substitute yoghurt for > accomplishment, achievement, attainment,
cream cheese in this recipe.» change, exchange,
fame, prosperity AN opposite ISfailure 2 Links
interchange, swop, switch, replace usAGEIf you
with industry are essential for the success of the
use replace, you have to say You can replace
programme. » effectiveness, successful
cream cheese with yoghurt. 2 Maggie agreed to
outcome, completion opposites ArEfailure,
substitute for her boss for few days. » deputize,
collapse 3 (informal) Her first novel was an
stand in, act as a substitute
instant success. > triumph, hit, sensation,
subtleapective 1 Add a subtle yet striking change victory, (more informal) winner
to your hair. » mild, slight, faint, delicate, opposites ArEfailure, disaster 4 This
elusive, unobtrusive 2 a subtle hint » gentle, performance alone might well have made him a
tactful, indirect, understated success. > celebrity, star, big name, household
AN OPPOSITE |Stactless 3 subtle colours name, sensation
> muted, subdued, delicate, faint, pale successfulapjective 1 Blazer, the successful
AN opposite |Slurid 4 a subtle distinction » fine, menswear chain » flourishing, prosperous,
nice, precise, tenuous AN OPPOSITE Iscrude
thriving, effective, profitable, fruitful, lucrative,
subtractvers Halfapint of skimmed milk productive, profit-making
supplies 100 calories, which must be subtracted OPPOSITES AREUNSUccessful, unprofitable 2 He
from your daily total. » deduct, take away, had been a successful prize fighter at the time. This
remove, debit AN opposite isadd wooden aeroplane was one of the most successful

succession — sugar
successionnoun successions 1 a series of suctionnoun 1 sucking 2 producing a vacuum x
people or things 2 the process of following in so that things are sucked into the empty space ci
order 3 succeeding to the throne; the right of e Vacuum cleaners work by suction.
doing this
in successionone after another
suddemapectve happening or done quickly or
without warning ‘
successiveapective following one after another > suddenlyspvers suddennessnoun A
© on five successive days sudspiurat noun froth on soapy water
> successivelyspvers
Suevers sues suing suedstart a lawsuit to
succumb(suk- um) vers succumbs, claim money from somebody e€
succumbing succumbed give way to suetwoun hard fat from cattle and sheep, used in
something overpowering cooking
suchapective 1 of the same kind; similar suffervers suffers suffering suffered 1 feel C
e Cakes, biscuits, and all such foods are fattening. pain or sadness 2 experience something bad =
2 of the kind described e There’s no such person. @ The house suffered some damage. e She suffers 5
3 so great or intense e It gave me such a fright! from hay fever. 3 be badly affected @ She’s not
such asfor example sleeping and her work is suffering. 4 (old use)
allow or tolerate
such-and-suchypctve particular but not > sufferernoun sufferingnoun
now named e He promises to come at sufficevers suffices, sufficing sufficedbe
such-and-such a time but is always late. enough for someone’s needs
suckvers sucks, sucking sucked 1 take in sufficientapective enough
liquid or air through the mouth with the lips > sufficientlyspvers sufficiencynoun i
almost closed 2 squeeze something in your suffixyoun suffixes. letter or set of letters
mouth by using your tongue e sucking a toffee joined to the end of a word to make another
3 draw in e The canoe was sucked into the word (e.g. in forgetful, lioness, rusty) or a form
whirlpool. of a verb (e.g. singing, waited) nm
> sucknouNn suffocatevers suffocates, suffocating
suck up to(informal) flatter someone in the suffocated 1 make it difficult orimpossible for
hope of winning their favour someone to breathe 2 suffer or die because
breathing is prevented
suckernoun suckers 1 an organ or device that
> suffocationnoun
can stick to a surface by suction 2a shoot
coming up from a root or underground stem SUgQarnoun a sweet food obtained from the
3 (informal) a person who is easily deceived juices of various plants, such as sugar cane or
sugar beet
sucklevers suckles, suckling suckledfeedon > SUgarvERB SUGAFYADJECTIVE
milk at the mother’s breast or udder [via early French from Arabic]

Thesaurus ,
aircraft of all time. » victorious, triumphant, unforeseen, unlooked for, impulsive, quick,
winning, effective OPPOSITES AREUnsuccessful, rash OPPOSITES AREexpected, gradual /
suffervers 1 She loved him too much to see him
successionnoun He drifted into a succession of
suffer. > feel pain, hurt, be in pain, bein
menial jobs. » sequence, series, string, chain,
run, line, cycle, course, progression distress 2 England suffered a humiliating defeat.
> undergo, experience, meet with, receive, be
suckvers 1 The boys sat sucking their drinks. subjected to, sustain, encounter 3 Dustin’s
> sip, sup, slurp, drink 2 Extra roads can suck relationship with Anne did suffer. >» deteriorate,
people away from buses and trains. » draw, decline, be damaged, be impaired
entice, attract, pull
suck upHe fetched a cloth to suck up the water. sufferingyoun Damage and suffering are
> soak up, absorb, draw up, pull up inflicted on the population. » hardship, distress,
suck up to(informal) They suck up to him, misery, anguish, pain, unhappiness, sorrow,
hanging on his every word. » flatter, grovel to, grief
kowtow to, behave obsequiously towards
suddemapective 1 Lydia emitted a sudden giggle. sugalryanjective a rather sugary Broadway
a sudden increase in student numbers musical » sentimental, cloying, mawkish,
> unexpected, startling, abrupt, sharp, sickly, saccharine, (more informal) soppy
suggest > summit
suggest vers suggests, suggesting, sullen apjctive sulking and gloomy
suggested 1 put forward an idea or plan for > sullenly Apvers sullenness NOUN
someone to consider 2 cause an idea or sulphurwoun a yellow chemical used in
possibility to come into the mind industry and in medicine
> suggestion NOUN suggestive ADJECTIVE > sulphurous ADJECTIVE
suicide oun suicides 1 killing yourself sultry spective 1 hotand humide sultry weather
deliberately e He committed suicide. 2a person 2 suggesting passion or sexual desire @ her
who deliberately kills himself or herself sultry smile
> suicidal ADJECTIVE > sultriness NOUN
Suit NOUN suits 1a matching jacket and SUM NOUN sums 1a total 2a problemin
trousers, or a jacket and skirt, that are meant to arithmetic 3 an amount of money
be worn together 2a set of clothing for a
particular activity e a diving suit 3 any of the SUM VERB sums, summing, summed
four sets of cards (clubs, hearts, diamonds, and sum upgive a summary at the end of a talk etc.
spades) in a pack of playing cards 4a lawsuit summarize vers summarizes, summarizing,
USAGE Do not confuse with suite. summarized make or give a summary of
suit vers suits, suiting, suited 1 be suitable or something
convenient for a person or thing 2 make a summary Noun summaries a statement of the
person look attractive main points of something said or written
suitable spective satisfactory or right for a summary Agective 1 brief 2 done or given
particular person, purpose, or occasion etc. hastily, without delay e summary punishment
> suitably Advers suitability NOUN > summarily ADverB
suitcase NouN suitcases a rectangular
container for carrying clothes, usually with a summer Noun summers the warm season
hinged lid and a handle between spring and autumn
> summery ADJECTIVE
suite (rhymes with sweet) Noun suites 1 a set of
furniture 2.aset of rooms 3'aset of short summer house Noun summer houses a
pieces of music small building providing shade in a garden or
USAGE Do not confuse with suit. park
sulk vers sulks, sulking, sulked be silent and summitnoun summits 1 the top of a
bad-tempered because you are not pleased mountain or hill 2a meeting between the
> sulks PLURAL NOUN sulky ADJECTIVE sulkily leaders of powerful countries @ a summit
ADVERB sulkimess NOUN conference

suggestvere 1 Connie suggested an outing to the sulk vers Dave was sulking in his room. » mope,
lake. » propose, recommend, advise, brood, be sullen, pout
propound, put forward, raise, advocate, moot, sulky apjective A row of sulky faces greeted him.
move 2 The evidence suggests we could be right. > sullen, surly, moody, morose, glum,
> imply, indicate, hint, intimate, mean, signal moping, pouting, disgruntled
suggestionnoun 1 We have a few suggestions to AN OPPOSITE Is Cheerful
consider. » proposal, proposition, sumnoun 1a large sum of money » amount,
recommendation, idea, plan 2 There has been quantity 2a sum you can do in your head
no suggestion of dishonesty. » hint, trace, > calculation, problem 3 These books were the
suspicion, sign, implication, insinuation sum of her life’s work. » total, entirety, totality,
suit noun He wore a dark suit with a cream shirt. sum total, whole, aggregate
> outfit, set of clothes, ensemble, clothing
summarize vers The ideas can be summarized
suit vers 1 credit terms to suit all pockets very easily. » sum up, outline, review, precis
> accommodate, be suitable for, please,
satisfy, gratify, fit 2 Black doesn’t really suit me. summary noun 1 There is a summary of the
> look attractive on, look right on, become, main arguments at the end of the article.
flatter > resumé, review, summing-up, summation,
suitable spective 1 Would tomorrow afternoon outline, recapitulation, abstract, digest 2a
be a suitable time? » convenient, appropriate, summary of a story » synopsis, precis,
fitting, acceptable, satisfactory, apposite abridgement
AN OPPOSITE ISuNsuitable 2 a film that is summitnoun This year thirty-two people reached
considered suitable for all age groups the summit of Everest. » top, peak, crest,
‘ coaaae (to), suited (to), right, relevant crown, apex, pinnacle opposites are foot,
to bottom
summon => superficial
SUMMONvers summons summoning sundryapyctive various or several
summoned 1 order someone to come or all and sundryeveryone
appear 2 call people together e A meeting of the sunglassespiural noun dark glasses to protect
governors was quickly summoned. your eyes from strong sunlight
summon upgather together your strength in
sunkemapjective sunk deeply into a surface P
order to do something e@ She summoned up all
e@ Their cheeks were pale and sunken.
her courage and knocked on the door.
sunlampyoun sunlampsa lamp which uses al
sumptuousagective splendid and ultraviolet light to give people an artificial tan *
expensive-looking sunlightwoun light from the sun
> sumptuouslys,pvers > sunlitanjective
suMNoun suns 1 the star round which the earth SuMMyApective sunnier sunniest 1 full of
travels 2 light and warmth from the sun e Go sunshine 2 cheerful e She was in a sunny mood.
and sit in the sun. 3 any star in the universe > sunnilyspvers
round which planets travel sunriseyoun sunrisesthe rising of the sun;
SUMNverB suns sunning sunned dawn
sun yourselfsit or lie in the sunshine sunsetyoun sunsetsthe setting of the sun
sunshadeyoun sunshadesa parasol or other
sunbathevers sunbathes sunbathing
sunbathed expose your body to the sun, device to protect people from the sun
especially to get a tan sunshinenoun sunlight with no cloud between
the sun and the earth 5
sunbeamwoun sunbeamsa ray of sun sunstrokenoun illness caused by being in the ie
sunburmyoun redness of the skin caused by too sun too long re
much exposure to the sun suntanmyoun suntansa brown colour of the
> sunburntapective skin caused by the sun
sundae(sun- day) noun sundaesa mixture of > suntannedapective
ice cream and fruit, nuts, cream, etc. supefapjective (informal) excellent or superb
superbapective magnificent or excellent m
Sundaynown the first day of the week, observed > superblyspvers "
by Christians as a day of rest and worship [from superficialapectve 1 on the surface e a
Old English sunnandaeg = day of the sun}
superficial cut 2 not deep or thorough e a
sundialyoun sundialsa device that shows the superficial knowledge of French
time by a shadow on a dial > superficiallyspvers superficialitynoun

summonivers 1 Coleman was summoned to superapective There is a super kitchen with a
Washington for a final briefing. » send for, call, traditional tiled stove. » excellent, superb,
order, command, demand, invite 2 The lawyers superlative, first-class, first-rate, marvellous,
then summoned a meeting. » convene, magnificent, wonderful, splendid, fine,
assemble, convoke, gather together, call, remarkable, (more informal) brilliant, (more
announce informal) fantastic, (more informal) terrific, Tt
SUMwouN Enjoy the sun while you can. » sunlight, (more informal) awesome
sunshine RELATED ADJECTIVEsolar superbypyctive The large bay has a superb
sunbathevere Jill was sunbathing on the beach. backdrop of mountains. » excellent, af
> sun yourself, bask, get a tan superlative, marvellous, magnificent, wy
sunburntapective His neck and shoulders were wonderful, splendid, fine, remarkable, (more
sunburnt. » burnt, inflamed, peeling, red, informal) fantastic, (more informal) awesome
blistered AN OPPOSITE ISpale
superficialapjective 1 He sustained superficial
summyapective 1 It will be a day of sunny spells injuries which soon disappeared. Time spent on
and showers. » bright, clear, fine, cloudless, repairing superficial damage is well worthwhile.
summery, sunlit AN OPPOSITE ISdull 2 There was
> surface, exterior, external, slight, moderate
rage beneath the sunny smile. » cheerful, happy, OPPOSITES AREsevere, deep 2 These similarities
joyful, joyous, smiling, beaming, bright, jolly are purely superficial. » apparent, cosmetic,
OPPOSITES AREmiserable, gloomy slight, shallow, specious OPPOSITES ARE
sunrisenoun A farmer's day begins at sunrise. significant, meaningful 3 At a superficial level
> dawn, daybreak, daylight, crack of dawn these categories appear to be the same.
sunsetyoun Walk along the beach at sunset. > shallow, surface AN OPPOSITE ISdeep 4 It was
> dusk, twilight, sundown, evening, close of no more than a superficial examination of the
day, half-light, (literary) gloaming subject. » cursory, casual, perfunctory,
superfluous => supple
superfluous Apjective more than is needed supermarket Noun supermarkets a large
> superfluity Noun self-service shop that sells food and other
superhuman spective 1 beyond ordinary
human ability e their superhuman strength supermodel Noun supermodels a very
2 higher than human; divine successful and famous fashion model
supernatural spective not belonging to the
superimpose vers superimposes, ; natural world or having a natural explanation
superimposing, superimposed place a thing © supernatural beings such as ghosts
on top of something else
> superimposition NOUN superpower Noun eel tye one of the
most powerful nations of the world, suchas the
superintend vers superintends, : USA
superintending, superintended supervise supersede vere supersedes, superseding,
superintendent Noun superintendents 1a superseded take the place of something
supervisor 2 a police officer above the rank of supersonic spective faster than the speed of
inspector sound
superior Agective 1 higher in position or rank superstition Noun superstitions a belief or
© She is your superior officer. 2 better than action that is not based on reason or evidence,
another person or thing 3 showing conceit e.g. the belief that it is unlucky to walk under a
> superiority NOUN ladder
> superstitious AD/ECTIVE
superior Noun superiors a person who is
higher in position or rank than someone else supervise vers supervises, supervising,
supervised be in charge of a person or thing
superlative spective of the highest degree or and inspect what is done
quality e superlative skill > supervision NOUN supervisor NOUN
> superlatively ADverB supervisory ADJECTIVE
superlative youn superlatives the form of Supper NOUN suppers a meal eaten in the
an adjective or adverb that expresses ‘most’ evening
@ The superlative of ‘great’ is ‘greatest’. supple nective bending easily; flexible
COMPARE positive & comparative > supplely ADvER. suppleness NOUN

desultory, hurried, lightweight su Ips ee verB Steel began to supersede iron in
opposites ARE thorough, rigorous the 1880s. » replace, supplant, take the place
superfluous Apective 1 Superfluous material of, displace, oust, succeed
can be trimmed from around the edges. » excess, superstition voun the old superstition that
surplus, spare, redundant, unwanted 2 This is seagulls were the souls of dead sailors » myth,
so obvious that at first sight it might seem superstitious belief, delusion, illusion, old
superfluous to state it.» unnecessary, needless, wives’ tale
pointless, gratuitous, redundant
superstitious nective 1 a haze ofsuperstitious
Rf superior Agjective 1 Lewis watched, aware of his beliefs and practices » irrational, mythical,
superior status. » senior, higher, higher-level, traditional, unfounded, unprovable,
higher-ranking, greater, more important groundless, illusory opposites ARE rational,
OPPOSITES ARE inferior, lower 2 Superior rooms factual, scientific 2 I’m not superstitious like
are all recently renovated. The Americans have some people I could mention. » credulous,
superior technology. > first-class, first-rate, gullible an opposite is sceptical
high-quality, top-quality, better, exclusive,
choice, fine, select, surpassing supervise vers People are needed during the
OPPOSITES ARE inferior, low-quality 3 He found summer to supervise children and organize
her cold and superior. » haughty, arrogant, activities. » oversee, watch over, superintend,
disdainful, condescending, patronizing, be in charge of, be responsible for, direct,
supercilious, self-important, stuck-up, manage
(informal) snooty, (informal) hoity-toity supervision Noun These tasks should be carried
OPPOSITES ARE Modest, approachable out under the supervision of a senior member of
su \gollacatli The professional troops soon proved staff. > oversight, surveillance, control,
their technical superiority over the poorly trained direction, care, charge, oversight,
local forces. » advantage, supremacy,
dominance, predominance, ascendancy, supervisor Noun The housewife is her own
pre-eminence, edge, lead supervisor. » manager, director, overseer,
AN OPPOSITE Is inferiority superintendent, controller, boss
supplement — suppose
supplement \oun supplements support vers supports, supporting,
1 something added as an extra extra supported 1 keep a person or thing from
section added to a book or newspaper e the falling or sinking; hold something up 2 give
colour supplement strength, help, or encouragement to someone
> supplementary ADJECTIVE @ Support your local team. 3 provide with the
necessities of life e She has two children to
supplement vers supplements, support.
supplementing, supplemented add to > supporter NOUN supportive ADJECTIVE
something @ She supplements her pocket money supportnoun supports 1 the action of
by working on Saturdays. supporting 2a person or thing that supports
supply VERB supplies, supplying, supplied SUPPOSE VERB supposes, supposing,
give or sell or provide what is needed or wanted supposed 1 think that something is likely to
> supplier Noun happen or be true 2 assume; consider as a
suggestion e Suppose the world were flat.
supply Noun supplies 1 an amount of > supposedly ADvers supposition NOUN
something that is available for use when be supposed to be expected to do something;
needed 2 the action of supplying something have as a duty

supplementnoun 1 A supplement is payable for enough to support his family. » maintain,
rooms with a sea view. » surcharge, additional nourish, provide for, sustain, feed, keep
payment, excess 2 the newspaper’s new travel AN OPPOSITE Is neglect 4 The company supports
supplement > insert, pull-out, addendum, research into the causes of back pain. » sponsor,
addition subsidize, fund, patronize, contribute to,
supplement vers the need to supplement the encourage AN Opposite Is discourage 5 They
family income » augment, increase, boost, both support some sort offees. The Socialist Party
enlarge, swell, add to, top up, complement, agreed to support the bill. There is no evidence to
reinforce support such a notion. » advocate, endorse,
promote, substantiate, uphold, agree with,
supply noun As a breeder, I give one week's supply argue for, confirm, corroborate, defend, justify
0 Pod with each puppy. » stock, store, AN OPPOSITE IS Oppose
quantity, amount, stockpile, reserve
supplies Many people use their cars to buy a supporter noun 1 The perpetrators were
hole week’s supplies. » provisions, stores, unlikely to be genuine rugby supporters. q
rations, materials, shopping, food, necessities > enthusiast, follower, devotee, fan 2 The
pepe! VERB 11 studios set up to supply United States became an important supporter of 5
cheaply-made films » produce, provide, the project. » champion, advocate, adherent,
purvey, sell, contribute 2 The reservoir supplies defender, seconder, upholder, apologist (for)
water to an area of about five hundred square 3 Labour’s supporters in business » backer,
miles. » serve, provide, furnish 3 They were adherent, ally, sponsor, henchman
unable to supply us with what we needed. supportive apjectve Alan and Ian were the most
> equip, provide, furnish 4A supermarket that supportive friends in her life. » encouraging,
supplies all your needs. » provide, fulfil, fill helpful, caring, concerned, reassuring,
support noun 1 The group offers emotional sympathetic, understanding, protective,
support to members in times of stress. interested, kind, loyal, positive
> encouragement, solace, comfort, succour, opposites ARE unhelpful, discouraging
relief, strength, friendship, protection 2 The
Arts Council eventually withdrew all financial suppose vers 11 suppose it would be nice for you
support. » backing, funding, funds, aid, to earn a little pin money. » assume, expect,
subsidy, donations, money 3 The shelf was guess, infer, dare say, presume, imagine, fancy,
resting on three supports. » prop, brace, surmise, suspect, think, conclude, conjecture,
bracket, pillar, foundation judge 2 just suppose I saw her again » imagine,
pretend, hypothesize, fancy, assume
support vers 1 The walls were too weak to
support the weight of the roof. He supported the supposed apjective Where is this supposed cousin
old man over to his bed. » carry, bear, sustain, of yours? » alleged, assumed, presumed,
hold up, prop up, provide a support for, rumoured, reputed, imagined, conjectural,
underpin 2 She was determined to support Alice hypothetical, reported, putative
during these difficult weeks. » comfort, be a be supposed to You are supposed to read the
support to, sustain, encourage, hearten, whole book. » be meant to, be expected to, be
console, fortify, reassure, succour required to, be obliged to, have to, need to,
AN opposite is abandon 3 His land was not fertile ought to
suppress = surpass
suppresSvers suppresses, suppressing surfeit(ser- fit) noun too much of something
suppressed 1 put an end to something > surfeitedapjective
forcibly or by authority @ Troops suppressed the
rebellion. 2 keep something from being known surfingnoun balancing yourself ona board that
or seen @ They suppressed the truth. is carried to the shore on the waves
> suppressionnoun suppressornoun > surfernoun
supremespective 1 most important or highest surf-ridingnoun surfing
in rank 2 greatest e supreme courage > surf-ridervoun
> supremelyspvers SupremacyNouN
surgevers surges surging surged 1 move
surespective 1 completely confident that you
are right; feeling no doubt 2 certain to happen forwards or upwards like waves 2 increase
or do something e Our team is sure to win.
suddenly and powerfully
3 reliable; undoubtedly true
> surgeNoUN
> surenessnoun surgeonnoun surgeonsa doctor who treats
for suredefinitely disease or injury by removing or repairing the
make sure 1 find out exactly 2 make affected parts of the body
something happen or be true @ Make sure the
door is locked. surgerynoun surgeries 1 the work of a
surely,pvers 1 ina sure or certain way 21 feel surgeon 2 the place where a doctor or dentist
sure e Surely we met last year. etc. regularly gives advice and treatment to
surfoun the white foam of waves breaking ona patients 3 the time when patients can visit the
doctor etc.
rock or shore
> surgicalapjective surgicallyspvers
surfvers surfs, surfing surfed 1 go surfing
2 browse through the Internet surlyspective surlier, surliestbad-tempered
surfaceyoun surfaces 1 the outside of and unfriendly
something 2 any of the sides of an object, > surlinessyoun
especially the top part 3 an outward
surmameyoun surnamesthe name held by all
appearance @ On the surface he was a kindly
members of a family
surfboardyoun surfboardsa board used in SUIPasSvers surpasses, surpassing
surfing surpasseddo or be better than all others; excel

suppositionnoun Terry had gone to bed happy convincing, precise, proven, inevitable,
in the supposition that he would get revenge. accurate, true OPPOSITES AREuncertain,
> belief, assumption, presumption, notion, doubtful, unsure 4 James was always a sure
suspicion, expectation, conjecture, idea, friend. » dependable, steadfast, steady,
hunch, feeling reliable, faithful, firm, solid, trusty,
suppressvers 1 The National Guard was trustworthy, effective, loyal, safe, secure,
established to suppress anti-government unfailing, unswerving OPPOSITES AREfickle,
demonstrations. » quash, quell, crush, subdue, unreliable.
overcome, overthrow, conquer, put an end to, surfvere surfing the Internet » browse, explore,
put down, stamp out, stop 2 She had been search, probe, research, survey, scrutinize
advised to suppress all critical remarks. McGuire surfacenoun 1 The surface of the door had
made a conscious effort to suppress his emotions. become rotten. » outside, exterior, facade,
> conceal, hide , restrain, stifle, repress, veneer, covering, face AN OPPOSITE ISinside 2A
control, contain, hold back, smother, silence, cube has six surfaces. » face, side, facet, plane
cover up, bottle up, choke back
surfacevers A submarine surfaced in the loch. A
sureapjective 1 I’m sure Dan will be perfectly safe.
new idea has surfaced » come up, rise, appear,
> certain, convinced, confident, positive, emerge, materialize, come to light, (informal)
assured, definite, persuaded, satisfied, Pop up AN OPPOSITE ISdive
decided, resolute OPPOSITES AREdoubtful,
uncertain 2 He’s sure to ask us what we were SUFGenouN 14 surge of water » gush, rush,
doing. » bound, certain, likely, destined, sweep, flow, wave 2. surge of excitement
compelled, obliged, required > outburst, upsurge, outpouring, rush, gush,
AN OPPOSITE ISunlikely 3 He left in the sure increase, onrush
knowledge that he would be returning. He was SUTGEvers 1 Water surged into people’s houses.
pacing the floor, a sure sign of anxiety. » clear, > gush, rush, stream, flow, swirl, roll 2 The
undoubted, indisputable, inescapable, crowd surged forward » rush, sweep, push,
undeniable, undisputed, guaranteed, stampede
surplus = survey
surplus oun surpluses an amount left over surreptitious (su- rep- tish- us) ADjecTiVE
after spending or using all that was needed stealthy
> surplus ADJECTIVE > surreptitiouslyADvers
surrogate mother Noun surrogate
surprise noun surprises 1 something mothers woman who agrees to conceive and
unexpected 2 the feeling caused by something give birth to a baby for awoman who cannot do
that was not expected so herself, using a fertilized egg of the other
take someone by surprise happen to woman or sperm from the other woman’s
someone unexpectedly partner
surprise vers surprises, surprising, surround vers surrounds, surrounding,
surprised 1 bea surprise; make someone feel surrounded come or be all round a person or
surprise 2 come upon or attack somebody. thing @ Police surrounded the building.
unexpectedly surroundings p.ural noun the conditions or
> surprisingly ADverB area around a person or thing
surrender vers surrenders, surrendering, survey (ser- vay) NOUN surveys 1a general
surrendered 1 stop fighting and give yourself look at something 2 an inspection of an area,
up to an enemy 2 hand something over to building, etc.
another person, especially when compelled to survey (ser- vay) vers surveys, surveying,
do so surveyed make a survey of something; inspect
> surrender NOUN > surveyor NOUN

surplus Noun a fruit surplus » excess, surfeit, surrender personal freedoms in the national
glut, superfluity, oversupply, oversufficiency, interest. » relinquish, give up, forgo, cede,
superabundance, profusion abandon, renounce, waive
surprisenoun 1 Alice looked at him in surprise. surroundvers 1 The garden surrounds the ruins
> amazement, astonishment, incredulity, of a fourteenth-century castle. » encircle, ring,
wonder, alarm, consternation, bewilderment, skirt, encompass 2 Anabelle found herself
dismay 2 This might come as a surprise to you. surrounded by angry faces. » besiege, beset,
> shock, revelation, bolt from the blue, (more engulf, girdle, hedge in, hem in
informal) bombshell, (more informal)
eye-opener surroundings
Noun The hotel is set in the
spre vers 1 Here’s a piece ofinformation that beautiful surroundings of a country park.
will surprise you. » astonish, amaze, astound, > environment, location, setting, vicinity,
shock, stupefy, dumbfound, stagger, neighbourhood, background, ambience,
disconcert, flabbergast, nonplus, take your milieu
breath away, take aback, (more informal) bowl surveillance noun Police surveillance prevented
over, (more informal) gobsmack 2 He surprised us from contacting your sister-in-law. » check,
an intruder, who. ran off. » discover, take observation, scrutiny, supervision, vigilance,
unawares, take by surprise, come upon, catch watch
out, catch in the act, catch red-handed, detect
surprised apctive I was surprised to see Lisa surveyNoun 1 In our main survey, people were
sitting up in bed reading. » astonished, asked where they would go for aloan. » poll,
amazed, astounded, dumbfounded, investigation, appraisal, inquiry, census, count,
flabbergasted, nonplussed, shocked, evaluation, study, assessment, examination,
speechless, staggered, disconcerted, inspection, scrutiny, (technical) triangulation
incredulous, startled, stunned, taken aback, 2 asurvey ofrecent work on the subject » review,
taken by surprise, thunderstruck, (more overview, synopsis, summary 3 Be sure to get a
informal) obese kel survey of the house before making an offer.
> inspection, assessment, appraisal,
surprisingapective They completed the task with
examination, valuation
surprising speed. » astonishing, amazing,
astounding, unexpected, extraordinary, surveyvers 1 Those who wish can survey the scene
remarkable, incredible, staggering, startling, from a panoramic tower. » observe, view, look
stunning opposites Are predictable, at, look over 2 The artist stood back to survey his
unsurprising work. » examine, inspect, study, scrutinize,
vers 1 The rebels surrendered after consider, review 3 Engineers arrived to survey
months offierce fighting. » capitulate, submit, the area.» doasurvey of, reconnoitre, plot,
yield, succumb, give up, resign, (more informal) map out, plan out, measure, (technical)
throw in the towel 2 We are being asked to triangulate
survival = sustain
survivalnoun- survivals 1 surviving; the stop something temporarily 3 remove a
likelihood of surviving 2 something that has person from ajob or position for a time 4 keep
survived from an earlier time something from falling or sinking in air or
survivevers survives, surviving survived
liquid, @ Particles are suspended in the fluid.
1 stay alive; continue to exist 2 remain alive suspendernoun suspenders a fastener to
after an accident or disaster @ Only two people hold up a sock or stocking by its top
survived the crash. 3 continue living after suspemsenoun an anxious or uncertain feeling
someone has died while waiting for something to happen or
> survivornoun become known
susceptible(sus- ept- ib- ul) apjective likely to suspensionnoun 1 suspending 2 the springs
be affected by something @ She is susceptible to etc. in a vehicle that lessen the effect of rough
colds. road surfaces 3 aliquid containing small pieces
> susceptibilitynoun of solid material which do not dissolve
suspect(sus- pekt) vers suspects, suspecting suspicionnoun suspicions 1 suspecting or
suspected 1 think that a person is not to be being suspected; distrust 2. slight belief
trusted or has committed a crime; distrust suspiciousapecnve feeling or causing
2 have a feeling that something is likely or suspicion
possible > suspiciously spvers
suspect(sus- pekt) Noun. suspectsa person sustainvers sustains, sustaining sustained
who is suspected of a crime etc. 1 keep someone alive 2 keep something
> SuspectADJ/ECTIVE happening 3 undergo or suffer e We sustained
suspendvers suspends, suspending another defeat. 4 support or uphold
suspended 1 hang something up 2 postpone; > sustainableapective

survivevers 1 They had enough water to survive anticipation, expectation, expectancy,
until help came. » remain alive, live, last, carry excitement, apprehension, drama
on, keep going, sustain yourself, continue,
endure AN OPPOSITE ISperish 2 Some of the suspicionnoun 1 The KGB did not need proof:
workers’ cottages still survive. » remain, exist suspicion was more than enough. » intuition,
3 Six people survived the crash. » withstand, conjecture, speculation, supposition, belief,
come through, live through, weather caution, wariness 2 As we drank our coffee I
AN OPPOSITE ISsuccumb to 4 She is survived by outlined my suspicions about Martinez.
her husband and three sons. » outlast, outlive >. misgiving, doubt, qualm, uncertainty,
susceptibleanyective Network cables are reservation 3A suspicion of a grin appeared on
susceptible to electrical interference. her face. » trace, hint, glimmer, shadow,
suggestion, tinge, touch
> vulnerable, prone, liable, subject, sensitive,
inclined, predisposed OPPOSITES AREresistant, suspiciousapecnve 1 It was clear that he was
immune increasingly suspicious of his visitor. » doubtful,
suspectanjective Two suspect packages stood by distrustful, mistrustful, unsure, sceptical,
the door. » suspicious, doubtful, dubious,’ apprehensive, wary, chary, disbelieving,
questionable, (more informal) fishy, (more incredulous, unconvinced (about), uneasy
informal) dodgy (about) OPPOSITES AREtrusting, credulous
suspectvers 1 The plan’s only going to be 2 He’s a highly suspicious character and we
successful ifthey don’t suspect anything. haven’ t spoken for years. At first the police treated
> distrust, mistrust, call into question, have the case as a suspicious death. » questionable,
doubts about, doubt 21 suspect another visit suspect, dubious, disreputable, unreliable,
may not be possible. » expect, surmise, untrustworthy, peculiar, irregular, (more
presume, assume, imagine, dare say, think, informal) fishy, (more informal) shady
fancy, guess, infer, conclude, conjecture, judge OPPOSITES AREstraightforward, innocent
suspendyvers 1 Long sacks were suspended from sustaimvers 1 The country would have to sustain
hooks on the wall. » hang, sling, swing, dangle, a large population. » maintain, keep, continue,
drape 2 The Stock Exchange decided to suspend preserve, provide for, nurture 2 She had some
trading. » adjourn, discontinue, interrupt, bread and cheese to sustain her. » nourish, feed
break off, postpone, put off, defer, delay 3 Two 3 They were sustained by these happy memories.
directors were suspended for a year. » exclude, > comfort, support, encourage, succour,
debar, remove, dismiss, expel hearten, (more informal) buck up 4 It was
suspensenoun There is an art to building up doubtful whether the structure could sustain the
suspense. > tension, uncertainty, doubt, increased weight. » support, bear, carry

SW = swear
SW assreviTion 1 south-west 2 south-western SWapP vers swaps, swapping, swapped
swab(swob) noun swabs 1a mop or pad for (informal) exchange one thing for another
cleaning or wiping something; a small pad for > swap Noun
cleaning a wound 2a specimen offluid from [formerly = seal a bargain by slapping each
the body taken ona swab for testing other’s hands; imitating the sound]
swabvers swabs, swabbing, swabbed clean SWarmNoun swarms a large number of insects
or wipe with a swab or birds etc. flying or moving about together
swagger vers swaggers, swaggering, swarm vers swarms, swarming, swarmed
swaggered walk or behave ina conceited way; 1 gather or move in a swarm 2 be crowded
strut with people etc. @ The town is swarming with
> swagger NOUN tourists in the summer.
swallow’ vers swallows, swallowing, swarthy apective having a dark complexion
swallowed 1 make something go down your > swarthiness Noun
throat 2 believe something that ought not to swastikanoun swastikas an ancient symbol
be believed formed by a cross with its ends bent at right
> swallow Noun angles, adopted by the Nazis as their sign [from
swallow uptake in and cover; engulf e She was Sanskrit svasti = well-being, luck]
swallowed up in the crowd. swatvers swats, swatting, swatted hit or
[from Old English swelgan] crush a fly etc.
swallow? noun swallows a small bird with a > swatter Noun
forked tail and pointed wings [from Old English
swealwe] swathe(swayth) vers swathes, swathing,
swathed wrap in layers of bandages, paper, or
SwWaMp Noun swamps a marsh clothes etc.
> swampy ADJECTIVE
swathenoun swathes a broad strip or area
SWaMpvers swamps, swamping, swamped @ vast swathes of countryside
1 flood 2 overwhelm with a great mass or
number of things swayvers sways, swaying, swayed 1 move or
swing gently from side to side 2 influence e His
Swannoun swans a large white water bird with speech swayed the crowd.
along neck > Sway Noun
swank vers swanks, swanking, swanked SWearvers swears, swearing, swore, sworn
(informal) boast or swagger; show off 1 make a solemn promise @ She swore to tell the
swankwoun (informal) showing yourself or your truth. 2 make a person take an oath e We swore
Possessions off in a conceited way him to secrecy. 3 use curses or coarse words in
SWaNsSONgGNoUN swansongs a person’s last anger or surprise etc.
performance or work swear by have great confidence in something

swallowvers 1 He was finding it hard to swallow swarimnvers Reporters were swarming all over the
food. > eat, drink, consume, devour, gulp place. » crowd, throng, flock, mass, cluster,
down, guzzle 21 was a little surprised when they congregate
swallowed my story. » accept, believe, (more be swarming with The beaches were swarming
informal) buy with tourists. » be overrun with, be crawling
swallow upThe darkness swallowed them up. with, be teeming, be full of, be infested with, be
» engulf, enfold, envelop, absorb, enclose invaded by, abound in
Swamp oun The rains had turned the fields into sway vers 1 The branches swayed in the breeze.
a huge swamp. » marsh, bog, quagmire, mire, > swing, bend, rock, wave, lurch, lean from
fen, marshland, morass, wetland, slough side to side, move to and fro, oscillate 2 Many
people are swayed by what they read in the
swamipvers 1A tidal wave swamped the coastal newspapers. > influence, persuade, affect,
regions. » flood, inundate, overwhelm, engulf, govern 3 She would not sway in her resolve to go
drench, saturate, submerge, waterlog through with it. » fluctuate, waver, swerve,
2 Journalists had swamped the unfortunate vacillate, hesitate, veer, divert, go off course
village. » overrun, overwhelm, besiege, beset
swearvers 1 He swore he had told the truth.
Swapvere Helen swapped her Spanish stamps for > vow, pledge, promise, give your word,
some Belgian ones she didn’t have. » exchange, affirm, attest, declare, state on oath, take an
barter, bargain, switch oath, testify 2 She spilled her drink and swore.
Swarmnoun There were swarms of police > blaspheme, curse, use bad language
everywhere. » crowd, horde, mass, throng, swearwordnoun In those days you never heard
multitude, host a swear word on television. » expletive,
sweat = swill
Sweat(swet) noun moisture given off by the sweetnoun sweets 1a small shaped piece of
body through the pores of the skin; sweet food made with sugar, chocolate, etc.
perspiration 2 a pudding; the sweet course ina meal 3a
> sweaty ADJECTIVE beloved person
sweatvers sweats, sweating sweated give sweetenvers sweetens, sweetening
off sweat; perspire sweetened make or become sweet
> sweetenerNouN
sweaternoun sweaters a jersey or pullover
sweatshirtyoun sweatshirts a thick cotton sweetheartnoun sweethearts a person you
love very much
jersey worn for sports or casual wear
sweepvers sweeps, sweeping swept 1 clean swellvers swells, swelling swelled, swollen
or clear with a broom or brush etc. 2 move or or swelled 1 make or become larger e My
remove quickly @ The floods swept away the ankle was starting to swell. 2 increase in
bridge. 3. go smoothly and quickly @ She swept amount, volume, or force
out of the room. 4 spread quickly over an area swellvoun swells 1 the process of swelling
e A new craze is sweeping the country. 2 the rise and fall of the sea’s surface
> sweepernouN swellingwoun swellings a swollen place
sweepnoun sweeps 1 the process of sweeping swervevers swerves, swerving, swerved
© Give this room a good sweep. 2.a sweeping
turn to one side suddenly
movement 3 a chimney sweep 4 asweepstake
> swervenouNn
sweepingappective general or wide-ranging
swiftapjective quick or rapid
e He made sweeping changes.
> swiftlyspvers swiftmessNoun
sweetapectve 1 tasting as if it contains sugar;
swiftnoun swifts a small bird rather like a
not bitter 2 very pleasant e a sweet smell
3 charming or delightful
> sweetlyspvers sweetnessnoun swillvers swills, swilling, swilled pour water
a sweet tootha liking for sweet things over or through something; wash or rinse

obscenity, profanity, curse, oath, four-letter delightful 7 Dora has a sweet nature. » loving,
word appealing, affectionate, adorable, lovely,
swearwordsp bad language, foul language, charming
profanity, swearing sweetemnvers 1 You may need to sweeten the
sweatvers He had begun to sweat in the heat. juice-a little. » make sweeter, sugar 2 She was
> perspire, swelter, exude furious and he had no idea how to sweeten her.
sweatnoun 1 By now he was drenched in sweat. > mollify, pacify, calm, soothe, appease,
> perspiration, moisture, dampness mellow
2 (informal) We were in a sweat to get away. swellvers 1 He could almost feel his stomach
> panic, fluster, state of agitation, state of swelling. » expand, dilate, distend, enlarge,
anxiety 3 (informal) Taking all the children home bloat, bulge, balloon, inflate, puff up, billow
had been quite a sweat. » chore, task, labour, OPPOSITES AREContract, shrink 2 The droning in
ordeal her head swelled and faded. » intensify,
sweatyapyective He shook Karl’s sweaty hand. increase, heighten, surge 3 The population
> sweating, perspiring, sticky, clammy, damp, swelled with immigration after the war.
moist > increase, enlarge, expand, grow or get
sweepvers 1 It was time to sweep the kitchen bigger, build up, extend
floor. » brush, clean, scrub, wipe, hoover OPPOSITES AREdecrease, decline
2 Another bus swept past them. & sail, glide, swelloun a heavy swell in the Channel» surge,
streak, tear, hurtle, whizz roll, billow, undulation
sweetapective 1 The tea was too sweet.
> sweetened, sugary, saccharine, honeyed, swervevers The car swerved to avoid a squirrel.
cloying 2 the sweet perfume of roses » fragrant, > turn aside, deviate, swing, weave, change
aromatic, sweet-smelling, balmy, scented direction, veer, take avoiding action
3 She sang a sweet song. » melodious, lyrical, swiftanjective 1 Her letter brought a swift reply.
mellifluous, sweet-toned 4 Life can be sweet. > quick, rapid, prompt, immediate, instant,
> pleasant, pleasing, enjoyable, satisfying, speedy, fast, instantaneous, punctual
delightful, agreeable 5 the sweet air of the AN OPPOSITE ISslow 2 They all made swift
mountains » fresh, pure, wholesome, clear, progress. » rapid, quick, speedy, fast, brisk,
clean 6a sweet little baby » cute, pretty, lively
swim = swollen
Swim vers swims, swimming, swam, swum electronic reading device when making a
1 move the body through the water; be in the payment
water for pleasure 2 cross by swimming @ She > swipenoun
swam the Channel. 3 float 4 be covered with or swirlvers swirls, swirling, swirled move
full of liquid @ Our eyes were swimming with round quiekly in circles
tears. 5 feel dizzy e His head swam. > swirlNoun
> swimmernoun [probably from early German or Dutch]
swimnoun swims the action of swimming swishvers swishes, swishing, swished move
@ We went for a swim. with a hissing sound
> swimsuitnoun > swishnoun
swimming bathnoun swimming baths a Swiss rollyoun Swiss rollsa thin sponge cake
public swimming pool spread with jam or cream and rolled up
swimming poolnoun swimming pools an switchwoun switches 1a device that is
artificial pool for swimming in pressed or turned to start or stop something
swindlevers swindles, swindling, swindled working, especially by electricity 2. a change of
cheat a person in business etc. opinion, policy, or methods 3 a mechanism for
> swindlenoun swindlernoun moving the points on a railway track 4a
[from German Schwindler = a fool, a cheat] flexible rod or whip
swinenoun swine 1a pig 2 (informal) avery switchvers switches, switching switched
unpleasant person 1 turn something on oroffbymeans of aswitch
swingvers swings, swinging swung 1 move 2 change or replace something
back and forth while hanging 2 move orturnin switchbackwoun switchbacks a'railway at a
a curve e The door swung open. 3 change from fair, with steep slopes up and down alternately
one opinion or mood etc. to another
switchboardyoun switchboardsa panel!
SWiNgnoun swings 1a swinging movement with switches etc. for making telephone
2.a seat hung on chains or ropes etc. so that it connections or operating electric circuits
can be moved backwards and forwards 3 the
amount by which votes or opinions etc. change swivelvers swivels, swivelling swivelled
from one side to another 4a kind ofjazz music turn round
in full swingat the height of activity swivelnoun swivelsa device joining two
en VERB swipes, swiping, swiped 1 hit things so that one can revolve without turning
with a swinging blow 2 (informal) steal the other
something 3 pass a credit card through an swollen past participle of swell

swindlevers The company had been swindled out oscillation, variation 2 a swing of the pendulum
of a large sum of money. » cheat, defraud, trick, > oscillation
fleece, dupe, deceive, (more informal) con,
swipevers 1 He threatened to swiped at her with
(more informal) diddle, (more informal) do,
the towel. » hit, strike 2 (informal) Someone
(more informal) bamboozle swiped my pen, » steal, take, filch, snatch,
swindlenoun an insurance swindle » fraud, (informal) nick, (informal) pinch
fiddle, racket, deception, sham, (more informal) Swipenoun She took a playful swipe at his face.
con > blow, strike, swing, slap, smack, clout, hit
swindlernoun Thousands ofpensioners had switchwoun Whitlock activated the switch on the
fallen victim to the swindlers. » fraudster, dashboard. » button, control, key, lever,
confidence trickster, confidence man, trickster, handle
imposter, cheat, charlatan, (more informal) con
man switchers She managed to switch places so she
was sitting next to Neil. » change, swap,
swingvers 1 The inn sign swung in the wind. exchange, replace, shift, substitute
> sway, flap, dangle, hang loose, rock, swivel, switch onor offThe user must not switch off the
oscillate, turn, wave about 2 The van swung computer before this option is chosen. » turn on
across the carriageway. » swerve, veer, turn or off, put on or off, activate or deactivate,
aside, deviate, weave 3 Public opinion was power up or down
swinging in favour of the war. » fluctuate, shift,
change, waver, move, alter, oscillate swollemaoyctive I climbed the ladder despite my
swollen foot. » inflamed, distended, bloated,
Swingnoun 1a huge swing in public opinion enlarged, puffed up, puffy, tumescent
> shift, fluctuation, movement, change, opposites AREshrunken, shrivelled
swoon = symptom
SWOON ERs swoons, swooning, swooned sign with a special meaning (e.g. +, -, and x, in
(old use or poetical) faint mathematics)
D> SWOONNOUN USAGE Do not confuse with cymbal.
SWOOP vers swoops, swooping, swooped symbolicagectve acting as asymbol of
1 come down with a rushing movement something; representing something
2 make a sudden attack or raid > symbolicalapjective symbolically apvers
> SWOOPNOUN symbolize vers symbolizes, symbolizing,
sword (sord) noun swords a weapon with a symbolized make or be a symbol of
long pointed blade fixed in a handle or hilt something
> swordsmannoun
swordfish oun swordfish a large sea fish symmetrical apecnve able to be divided into
two halves which are exactly the same but the
with a long sword-like upper jaw
opposite way round
Swormapfective 1 given under oath, @ sworn > symmetricallysovers symmetry Noun
a testimony 2 determined to remainso e They are
sworn enemies. sympathize vers sympathizes,
sympathizing, sympathized show or feel
swotvers swots, swotting, swotted (slang)
study hard
D> swotnoun
> sympathizer noun
[originally a dialect word for sweat] sympathynoun sympathies 1 the sharing or
sycamorenoun sycamores a tall tree with understanding of other people’s feelings,
winged seeds, often grown for its timber opinions, etc. 2 feeling of pity or tenderness
syllablenoun syllables a word or part of aword towards someone who is hurt, sad, or in
that has one vowel sound when you say it trouble
e@ ‘Cat’ has one syllable, ‘el-e-phant’ has three > sympatheticapjeciive sympathetically
syllables. ADVERB
> syllabic apjective symphonynoun symphonies a long piece of
syllabusyoun syllabuses a summary of the music for an orchestra
things to be studied by a class or for an > symphonic apjective
examination etc. [via Latin from Greek sittuba symptomoun symptoms a sign that a
= label The tt was misread in Latin as 1] disease or condition exists e Red spots are a
symbolnoun symbols 1 thing used as a sign symptom of measles.
@ The crescent is a symbol of Islam. 2 a mark or > symptomaticaDjEctive

Swoopvers Wagtails swooped across my path. 3 sympathetic toSome of the republics seem to
> dive, sweep, plunge, plummet, drop, have been sympathetic to this idea. » in favour
descend, fly down, lunge of, in sympathy with, in agreement with,
swoop onFifty police officers swooped on a supportive of, receptive to
group offarm buildings. » descend on, pounce
on, raid, besiege, search sympathize vers sympathize with 1 We
sympathize with the views of the people living in
swordwoun James had armed himself with the the area. » understand, agree with, approve
sword of Robert the Bruce. » blade, foil, rapier, of, support, commend, appreciate 2 Many
sabre, broadsword, cutlass, scimitar trade unionists instinctively sympathized with the
symbol oun 1 Snakes were seen as symbols of plight of the miners. » commiserate with, show
sexuality. » emblem, token, sign, image, sympathy for, be sympathetic towards, be
figure, representation, mark 2 Too many sorry for, identify with, empathize with, feel
symbols make the timetable difficult to use ifyou for, side with, pity
are in a hurry. » sign, character, hieroglyph
3 The Red Cross symbol was painted on the roof of sympathy noun Friends expressed sympathy for
the vehicle. » logo, badge, mark, crest, insignia those who died or were injured. Don’t waste your
sympatheticapective 1 She managed a sympathy on them. » commiseration, pity,
compassion, condolences, feeling,
sympathetic smile. » commiserating,
comforting, supportive, understanding, fellow-feeling, tenderness, understanding,
appreciative, consoling, caring, consideration, empathy
compassionate, considerate, tender symptomnoun 1 Several patients suffered from
OPPOSITES AREUNsympathetic, unfeeling symptoms such asnausea and vomiting.
2 sympathetic to All the parents felt very > manifestation, indicator, indication, feature
sympathetic to what their daughters were going 2 The first symptom of a frozen waste pipe is that
through. > understanding of, appreciative of, the water won’t flow out. » sign, evidence,
concerned about, well-disposed towards indication, warning, testimony
synagogue = systematic
synagogue (sin- a- gog) NOUN synagogues a synthesizer noun synthesizers an electronic
place where Jews meet for worship musical instrument that can make a large
variety of sounds
syndicate noun syndicates 1 group of
people or firms who work together in business synthetic apecive artificially made; not natural
2a group of people who buy something > synthetically Adverse
together, or who gamble together, sharing the syringe NOUN syringes a device for sucking ina
cost and any gains liquid and squirting it out [from Greek syrinx = a! cals
syndrome noun syndromes aset of signs that pipe, tube]
are characteristic of a condition, especially of a syrup Noun a thick sweet liquid fg)
disease > syrupy ADJECTIVE
synonym (sin- o- nim) Noun synonyms aword [from Arabic sharab = drink]
that means the same or almost the same as system Noun systems 1 a set of parts, things,
another word e ‘Large’ and ‘great’ are synonyms or ideas that are organized to work together
of big’. 2. a way of doing something e a new system of
> synonymous (sin- on- im- us) ADJECTIVE training motorcyclists
syntax (sin- taks) Noun the way words are systematic spective methodical; carefully
arranged to make phrases or sentences planned
> syntactic ADJECTIVE syntactically ADVERB > systematically Abvers

synthetic apjective The whole pitch has been arrangement, means (of), method,
replaced by a synthetic surface. » artificial, methodology, plan, structure, set of rules 3.4
imitation, manufactured, simulated, system ofgovernment that commands the
substitute, man-made, unnatural, concocted, confidence of all the people » philosophy,
mock, ersatz, fabricated, fake regime, science, constitution, principles
OPPOSITES ARE Natural, real, genuine
system noun 14 reform of the criminal justice systematic spective Citizenship should be taught
system » organization, structure, framework, in every school in a systematic way.
network, institution, (informal) set-up 2a > methodical, ordered, orderly, organized,
system for recording accidents at work structured, planned, systematized, coherent,
> procedure, process, routine, scheme, scientific, logical AN OPPOSITE Is unsystematic

tab = tactics

taken when tacking 4 course of action or
policy e I think we need to change tack.
tackvers tacks, tacking tacked 1 nail
something down with tacks 2 fasten material
together with long stitches 3 sail a zigzag
tabwoun tabsa small flap or strip that sticks out course to take advantage of what wind there is
tabbynoun tabbies a grey or brown cat with tack on(informal) add an extra thing
dark stripes tack? noun harness, saddles, etc.
tablenoun tables 1 piece of furniture with a tacklevers tackles, tackling tackled 1 try to
flat top supported on legs 2a list of facts or do something that needs doing 2 try to get the
figures arranged in order 3.a list of the results ball from someone else in a game of football or
of multiplying a number by other numbers hockey 3 talk to someone about a difficult or
e multiplication tables awkward matter
tableclothnoun tablecloths acloth for tacklenoun tackles 1 equipment, especially
covering a table, especially at meals for fishing 2 a set of ropes and pulleys
tablespoonnoun tablespoons a large spoon 3 tackling someone in football or hockey
for serving food ‘ tackyapective sticky, not quite dry @ The paintis
> tablespoonfulNoun still tacky.
tabletnoun tablets 1 pill 2a solid piece of > tackinessNoun
soap 3 flat piece of stone or wood etc. with tactwoun skill in not offending people
words carved or written on it > tactfulapective tactfullyapvers tactless
table tennisnoun agame played onatable ADJECTIVE tactlesslyApvers
divided by a net, over which you hit a small ball tacticsnoun 1the method of arranging troops
with bats etc. skilfully for a battle 2 the methods you use
tabooapective not to be done or used or talked to achieve something or gain an advantage
about > tacticalapjective tacticallyapvers tactician
> taboonoun NOUN
[from Tongan (South Pacific) tabu = sacred] [from Greek taktika = things arranged]
tack’ noun tacks 1 short nail with a flat top USAGE Strategy is a general plan for a whole
2a tacking stitch 3 (in sailing) the direction campaign; tactics is for one part of this.

tablenoun 1 He put the glasses on the table. implements, kit, outfit, paraphernalia, rig,
> dining table, kitchen table, worktop, tools 2 The referee penalized him for a late tackle.
working surface, coffee table 2 The table on > challenge, interception, attack, block
page three shows monthly rainfall in the region.
> chart, diagram, graph, list tacklevers 1 The Government is determined to
tackle the issue of tax avoidance. » deal with,
tabletnoun 1 There is a stone tablet over the grapple with, address yourself to, confront,
doorway. plaque, slab, plate, sign 2 She rang cope with, face up to, sort out, handle,
reception and asked for another tablet of soap. manage, attend to, combat, set about,
> bar, piece, block, chunk, slab 3 He went to his undertake 2 An opposing player tackled him
room and took a headache tablet. » pill, capsule, near the touchline. » challenge, intercept, stop,
caplet confront, attack, take on 3 Lettie decided to
taboonoun There is a taboo against doing tackle him directly about her pay. » confront,
W business on the sabbath. » ban, prohibition, approach, challenge, address
proscription, veto, restriction, anathema
tabooapecriv Politics were a taboo subject at the tack yanjectve 1 The paint was still tacky.
dinner table. » forbidden, prohibited, banned, > sticky, wet, gluey AN OPPOSITE ISdry 2 tacky
proscribed, unacceptable, disapproved of, quizzes and game shows » vulgar, coarse,
unmentionable crude, tawdry, garish, trashy
tackwoun 1 The carpet was held down with a row
of tacks. » pin, drawing-pin, nail, tin tack 2 tactnoun A police officer told her the news with
tackvers 1 He tacked a photo to the notice board. great tact.» discretion, consideration,
> pin, nail, fix 2 She tacked the hem and tried it sensitivity, tactfulness, delicacy, diplomacy,
on for length. » stitch, sew thoughtfulness, understanding
tack onA few maps and plans are tacked on at OPPOSITES AREindiscretion, tactlessness
the back of the book. » attach, add, append tactfullaojective Molly gave them a tactful
tacklenoun 1 He wanted to buy new fishing reminder about the rent. » discreet, judicious,
tackle. » gear, equipment, apparatus, considerate, polite, delicate, diplomatic,
tadpole => take
tadpole noun tadpoles a young frog or toad taint noun taints a small amount of decay,
that has developed from the egg and lives pollution, or a bad quality that spoils
entirely in water something
tag'Noun tags 1 alabel tied on or stuck into taint vere taints, tainting, tainted give
something 2a metal or plastic point at the end something a taint
of a shoelace take vers takes, taking, took, taken 1 get
tag vers tags, tagging, tagged 1 label something into your hands or possession or
something with a tag 2 add as an extra thing control etc,e Take this cup. e We took many
e A postscript was tagged on to her letter. prisoners. 2 carry or convey e@ Take this parcel to
3 (informal) go with other people e Her sister the post. 3 make use of e Shall we take a taxi?
tagged along. 4 indulge in or undertake e You need to take a £
holiday. 5 perform or deal with e When do you q
ttag? noun a game in which one person chases take your music exam? 6 study or teacha
the others subjecte Who takes you for maths? 7 make an
tail noun tails 1 the part that sticks out from the effort @ Thanks for taking the trouble to see me.
rear end of the body of a bird, fish, or animal 8 experience a feeling e Don’t take offence.
2 the part at the end or rear of something 3 the 9 accept or enduree Il take a risk. 10 require
side of a coin opposite the head e Heads or e It takes a strong man to lift this. 11 write
tails? downe take notes 12 make a photograph
13 subtracte take 4from 10 14 assume e I take
tail vers tails, tailing, tailed 1 remove stalks it that you agree.
etc. from fruit e top and tail gooseberries > taker Noun
2 (informal) follow someone closely take after be like a parent etc.
tail off become fewer, smaller, or slighter etc.; take in deceive somebody
cease gradually take leave of say goodbye to
tailor oun tailors a person who makes men’s take off (said about an aircraft) leave the
clothes ground and become airborne

sensitive, thoughtful opposites ARE tactless, take vers 1 Many prisoners were taken. » catch,
indiscreet seize, capture, take captive, arrest 2 He took her
tactless anjective She was plainly upset by his hand gently. » clasp, clutch, grasp, grab, grip,
tactless remark. » indiscreet, insensitive, take hold of, lay hold of 3 Someone had taken his
thoughtless, unthinking, indelicate, clumsy car. » steal, remove, make off with,
OPPOSITES ARE tactful, discreet appropriate, (more informal) pinch, (more
informal) nick, (more informal) filch, (more
tag vere Each bottle was tagged with a different informal) swipe 4 Take ten percent from the total.
coloured label. » label, mark, identify, ticket » subtract, deduct, knock off, discount 5It
tag onA note was tagged on at the end of the takes a long time to recover from an illness like
letter. » add, attach, append, tack on this.» need, require, call for, necessitate 6 The
tag along Sometimes he let me tag along. pain was more than he could take. » bear, putup
> follow, go along, accompany with, endure, tolerate, suffer, stomach 7 I'll
tail noun They waited at the tail of the queue. take you home. » accompany, drive, bring,
> back, end, rear, extremity, tail end convey, conduct, escort, guide, transport,
tail vers A squad ofreporters had tailed him for five carry
years. » follow, shadow, stalk, pursue, track, be taken with Tanya was rather taken with the
trail idea. » be interested in, be attracted by, be
tail off Her words tailed off at the expression in captivated by, be fascinated by, be delighted
his eyes. » fade, wane, ebb, peter out, drop by, be enchanted by
away, subside, dwindle, decline, decrease, take aback This suggestion took us aback.
lessen, reduce, slacken > surprise, astonish, astound
take apart a cot that can be easily taken apart
taint noun free from the taint of corruption > dismantle, take to pieces, disassemble
> stain, smear, hint, trace, blight, take back I took back everything I had said.
contamination > withdraw, retract, disown, recant,
taint vers 1 an area tainted by pollution repudiate, deny
> contaminate, pollute, poison, soil, take downA police officer took down the details.
adulterate, dirty, infect 2 These unhappy events > write down, note, jot down, record
tainted their reputation for ever. » tarnish, take in 1 a confidence trick that took everyone in
stain, sully, besmirch, blacken, dishonour, > fool, deceive, mislead, dupe, trick,
smear, ruin, slander hoodwink, cheat 2 It was too much information
takeaway — tambourine
take on 1 begin to employ someone 2 play or talkvers talks, talking, talked speak; have a
fight against someone 3 (informal) show that conversation
you are upset > talkernoun
take overtake control talkwoun talks 1a conversation or discussion
take place happen or occur 2. an informal lecture
take up 1 start something 2 occupy space or talkative apectve talking a lot
time etc. 3 accept an offer
[from Old Norse] tall nective 1 higher than the average e a tall
tree 2 measured from the bottom to the top
takeawaynoun takeaways 1 aplace that sells @ It is 10 metres tall.
cooked meals for customers to take away 2a
> tallmess Noun
meal from this
tall storynoun tall stories (informal) a story
talenoun tales a story [from Old English] that is hard to believe
talentnoun talents a special or very great
tallyvers tallies, tallying, tallied correspond
or agree with something else e Does your list
> talented ADECTIVE
tally with mine?
[from Greek talanton = sum of money. The
meaning in English is based on the use of the talonnoun talons a strong claw
word ina parable in the New Testament tambourinenoun tambourines a circular
(Matthew 25:14-30), in which a man gives his musical instrument with metal discs round it,
servants ‘talents’ of money to put to good use] tapped or shaken to make it jingle

to take in at once. » understand, comprehend, communicate with one another 4 He refused to
grasp, absorb, assimilate, digest 3 a cruise that talk. » give information, confess, admit
takes in the main Greek islands » include, anything 5 People were beginning to talk.
incorporate, encompass, comprise, cover > gossip, spread rumours, make remarks, pass
take it] take it you want to stay.» assume, comments
infer, deduce talk ofShe talked of leaving and settling abroad.
take off 11 took off my shoes before going in. > speak about, mention, refer to
> remove, shed, throw off, discard 2a plan talk toHe talked to an eager audience. » speak
that might never take off » succeed, do well, to, address, lecture
catch on 3 The man took off at a run. » run off,
run away, leave, escape, depart, disappear talkwoun 1 too much talk and not enough action
> conversation, speaking, chatter, discussion,
take onShe took on more responsibilities that
year. » accept, assume, undertake, acquire, dialogue, (more informal) yakking 2 There was
shoulder talk of an affair. » rumour, gossip (about),
take up 1 She took up painting in her forties. (more informal) tittle-tattle 3 a talk in the village
> engage in, practise, become interested in hall» lecture, address, speech, presentation,
2. cupboard that takes up a lot of space discourse 4 talks Peace talks will resume next
> occupy, absorb, use up, fill week. ® negotiations, discussions,
take-offxoun 1 The flight was bumpy for a while
after take-off. > lift-off, departure, ascent 2 The talkative apjective He had chanced on an
sketch is a take- off of the American President. unusually talkative taxi driver » chatty,
> parody, imitation, pastiche, satire, lampoon loquacious, garrulous, voluble, effusive, vocal,
talewoun a tale about dragons and heroes communicative, forthcoming, articulate
> story, narrative, narration, history, account, OPPOSITES AREtaciturn, unforthcoming
yarn talking-towoun (informal) He was given a severe
talentnoun a talent for playing the violin > gift, talking-to and told not to come back.
aptitude, ability, accomplishment, flair, genius, > reprimand, lecture, scolding, (informal)
skill, capacity, expertise, knack, prowess telling-off, (informal) dressing-down
talented pcre a talented young player tallapective 1 tall man large, big 2a tall
> gifted, able, accomplished, skilful, skilled, building » high, lofty, towering, soaring,
artistic, brilliant, clever, distinguished, expert elevated
OPPOSITES AREinept, unskilful
talkvers 11 was talking to a friend. » speak, tallynoun a final tally of twenty goals scored
chat, converse (with) 2 They were talking during the season» total, count, reckoning,
complete rubbish. » speak, utter, express,
articulate, communicate 3 They looked for a tally vers Her explanation did not tally with the
quiet spot to talk. » havea talk, have a chat, evidence before their eyes. » agree, accord,
converse, confer, speak to one another, correspond (with to), concur, fit
tame = tantrum
tame apective 1 (said about animals) gentle and go off at a tangent move away suddenly from Ps
not afraid of people; not wild or dangerous a subject or line of thought being considered a
2 not exciting; dull
> tamely Advers tameness NOUN tangerine noun tangerines a kind of small D
tame vers tames, taming, tamed make an
animal become tame tangle verb tangles, tangling, tangled make
> tamer NOUN or become twisted into a confused mass 4
tamper vers tampers, tampering, tampered > tangle youn Ga
meddle or interfere with something
tango noun tangos a ballroom dance with fas
tampon noun tampons a plug of soft material gliding steps
that a woman puts into her vagina to absorb
the blood during her period tank youn tanks 1 large container for a liquid
tan noun tans 1 alight brown colour 2a brown or gas 2a heavy armoured vehicle used in war
colour in skin that has been exposed to sun tankard noun tankards a large mug for
tan vers tans, tanning, tanned 1 make or drinking beer from, usually made of silver or by
become brown by exposing skin to the sun pewter
2 make an animal’s skin into leather by treating
it with chemicals tanker noun tankers 1 a large ship for carrying f
oil 2a large lorry for carrying a liquid
tandem noun tandems a bicycle for two riders,
one behind the other tantalize vers tantalizes, tantalizing, ,
in tandem one behind another; together tantalized tease or torment a person by le
[Latin, = at length] showing him or her something good but zs
tang Noun tangs a strong flavour or smell keeping it out of reach 4
tangent noun tangents a straight line that tantrum noun tantrums an outburst of bad
touches the outside of a curve or circle temper mm

Thesaurus n
tame apjective 1 The animal was so tame that it | tanglenoun a tangle of wires and cables» mass, 0
shinned up his leg and dived into a deep pocket. muddle, jumble, confusion, maze, jungle, knot,
> domesticated, gentle, manageable, twist c=)
disciplined, trained, meek, obedient, safe,
subdued, submissive, tractable tangle vere 1 She had managed to tangle her
AN OPPOSITE IS wild 2 Aren’t you Joe’s tame hair. » entangle, knot, twist, ravel
reporter? » cooperative, willing, amenable, OPPOSITES ARE untangle, disentangle 2 A dolphin
biddable AN opposite \s uncooperative 3 It had become tangled in the net. » trap, ensnare,
turned out to be a tame evening after all. » dull, entrap, catch, enmesh 3 Better not to tangle =
tedious, boring, unexciting, uninteresting, with people like that. » become involved with, +
humdrum, bland, feeble, flat, lifeless, come into conflict with, confront, quarrel with,
uninspiring, unadventurous cross swords with
AN OPPOSITE IS exciting tangled nective 1 Later they emigrated, but
tame vers 1 Wild rabbits can be tamed in could never escape their tangled past.
captivity. » domesticate, break in, train, > complicated, complex, confused,
discipline, house-train, master 2 She made convoluted, involved, entangled, intricate
strenuous efforts to tame her behaviour. AN OPPOSITE IS straightforward ues
> control, subdue, curb, conquer, master, undergrowth of tangled bushes and trees wv
moderate, mitigate, quell, repress, subjugate, > knotted, matted, convoluted, dishevelled,
suppress, temper tousled, unkempt, untidy AN OPPOSITE Is tidy
tamper vere tangy Apective Citrus adds a tangy taste to all yy
tamper withA student was able to enter the sorts of savoury dishes. » sharp, pungent,
cockpit of an empty aircraft and tamper with the piquant, appetizing, spicy, strong, tart, fresh,
controls. » interfere with, meddle with, tinker refreshing OPPOSITES ARE insipid, bland
with, alter, change, adjust, play about with,
fiddle about with, make adjustments to tankwoun 1 hot water tank > container,
tam Adjective a tan overcoat » light brown, pale cistern, reservoir, basin 2 a tank offish
brown, tawny > aquarium, bowl
tangible spective The experiment brought no tantrum noun He threw a tantrum and rolled on
tangible results. » definite, solid, substantial, the floor, kicking and screaming. » fit of rage, fit
concrete, actual, real, material, positive, of temper, scene, outburst, (more informal)
discernible AN opposite Is intangible paddy, (more informal) wobbly
tap — tassel
tap' noun taps adevice for letting out liquid or targetnoun targets something aimed at; a
gas ina controlled flow thing that someone tries to hit or reach
tap vers taps, tapping, tapped 1 take liquid tariff oun tariffs a list of prices or charges
out of something, especially through a tap
2 obtain supplies or information etc. from a tarmacnoun anarea surfaced with a mixture of
source 3 fixa device to a telephone line so that tar and broken stone (called tarmacadam),
you can overhear conversations on it especially on an airfield
tap? Noun taps a quick light hit; the sound of tarnishvers tarnishes, tarnishing, tarnished
this 1 make or become less shiny @ The silver had
tap vers ae tapping, tapped hit a person or tarnished. 2 spoil or blemish e The scandal
thing quickly and lightly tarnished his reputation.
tapenoun tapes 1 anarrowstrip of cloth, > tarnishNoun
paper, plastic, etc. 2. a narrow plastic strip tarpaulinnoun tarpaulins a large sheet of
coated with a magnetic substance and used for waterproof canvas
making recordings 3 a tape recording 4a tape
measure tarry’ (tar- ee) ADJECTIVE covered with or like tar
tape vers tapes, taping, taped 1 fix, cover, or tarry? (ta- ree) vers tarries, tarrying, tarried
surround something with tape 2 record (old use) stay for
awhile longer; linger
something on magnetic tape
getor have something taped (slang) know or tart’ Noun tarts an open pastry case with a
understand it; be able to deal with it sweet filling
tape measureNoun tape measures along tart? apjective 1 sour 2 sharpin manner e a tart
strip marked in centimetres or inches for reply
measuring things > tartlyADvers tartness NOUN
taper vers tapers, tapering, tapered 1 make
tartannoun a pattern with coloured stripes
or become thinner towards one end 2 make or crossing each other, especially one that is used
become gradually less
by a Scottish clan
tape recordernoun tape recorders a
machine for recording music or sound on tartar’ youn tartars a person who is fierce or
magnetic tape and playing it back difficult to deal with
> tape recording NOUN
tartar? noun tartars a hard chalky deposit that
tapestry ia) tapestries a piece of strong forms on teeth
cloth with pictures or patterns woven or
embroidered on it taskoun tasks a piece of work to be done
tapeworm NOUN tapeworms along flat worm take a person to task rebuke him or her
that can live as a parasite in the intestines of tassel oun tassels a bundle of threads tied
people and animals together at the top and used to decorate
tarnoun a thick black liquid made from coal or something
wood etc. and used in making roads > tasselled ADJECTIVE

tapnoun 1 awatertap faucet, stopcock, valve targetnoun 1a target of £100,000 » goal,
2 There was a tap at the window. » knock, rap, objective, aim, ambition, end, intention 2 the
knocking, touch target of attacks > victim, butt, object, quarry,
tap vers 1 She tapped on the door. » knock, rap, prey
strike 21 leaned forward to tap her shoulder. tartapjective 1 the tart taste of cooked apples
> pat, touch, poke, nudge > sharp, sour, acid, tangy, piquant, pungent
tapenoun 1 The parcel was bound with tape. OPPOSITES ARESWeet, bland 2 He regretted his
> band, binding, strip, braid, ribbon 2 They rather tart response. » acerbic, sharp, biting,
listened to music on tapes. » cassette, tape cutting, caustic, scathing
taskwoun Finishing the book in time proved a
tapevers I'll tape up the parcel. » bind, tie, seal daunting task. » job, undertaking, enterprise,
exercise, chore, duty, charge, burden, labour,
taper vers 1 The leaves taper to a point. work, mission, requirement
> narrow, thin, become narrower 2 Their take to taskHe took his advisers to task for
enthusiasm soon tapered off.» decrease, lessen, misleading him. » criticize, rebuke, reproach,
dwindle, wane, diminish, die down, peter out reprove, upbraid, censure, admonish
taste > tea bag
taste vere tastes, tasting, tasted 1takea taut apective stretched tightly
small amount offood or drink to try its flavour > tautly apvers tautness Noun
2 be able to perceive flavours 3 have a certain tautology noun tautologies saying the same
flavour thing again in different words, e.g. You can get
taste noun tastes 1 the feeling caused in the the book free for nothing (where free and for
tongue by something placed on it 2 the ability nothing mean the same)
to taste things 3 the ability to enjoy beautiful tavern youn taverns (old use) aninn or public
things or to choose whatis suitable e She shows house
good taste in her choice of clothes. 4 aliking e I’ve tawny spective brownish-yellow
developed quite a taste for skiing. 5 a very small
amount of food or drink tax oun taxes 1 money that people or business
firms have to pay to the government, to be
tasteful apective showing good taste used for public purposes 2 strain or burden
> tastefully overs tastefulness noun e@ The long walk was a tax on his strength
tasteless spective 1 having no flavour tax vers taxes, taxing, taxed 1 put a tax on
2 showing poor taste something 2 charge someone a tax 3 pay the
> tastelessly apvers tastelessness noun tax on something e I have taxed the car up to
tasty apective tastier, tastiest having a strong June. 4 puta strain or burden ona person or
pleasant taste thing @ This will tax your strength. 5 accuse @ I
tattered spjctive badly torn; ragged taxed him with leaving the door open.
> taxable apjective taxation noun
tatters piural noun rags; badly torn pieces
in tatters torn to pieces e My coat was in taxi oun taxis a car that carries passengers for
payment, usually with a meter to record the
fare to be paid
tattoo’ vers tattoos, tattooing, tattooed > taxicab noun
mark a person’s skin permanently with a
taxi vers taxies, taxiing, taxied (said about an
picture or pattern by using a needle and dye
aircraft) move along the ground or water,
tattoo noun tattoos a tattooed picture or especially before or after flying
pattern [from a Polynesian (South Pacific) teanoun teas 1a drink made by pouring hot
language] water on the dried leaves of an evergreen shrub
tattoo? noun tattoos 1 adrumming or tapping 2 these dried leaves 3.a drink made with the
sound 2 an entertainment consisting of leaves of other plants e camomile tea 4a meal
military music, marching, etc. [from Dutch in the afternoon or early evening
taptoe = close the tap of a cask] > teacup oun tea leaf youn teatime noun
taunt vers taunts, taunting, taunted jeer at or [via Dutch from Chinese] LH

insult someone tea bag now tea bags a small bag holding
p> taunt NOUN about a teaspoonful of tea

tastenoun 11 don’t much like the taste of raisins. remark » crude, indelicate, uncouth, vulgar,
> flavour, savour, character 2 Would you like a tactless, crass, injudicious, unseemly
taste of my pudding? » mouthful, bite, morsel, OPPOSITES ARE tasteful, delicate
nibble, bit, piece, sample 3.a millionaire with a
taste for travel» liking, appreciation, fondness, tasty Apjective a tasty meal » delicious,
desire, inclination, preference 4 Hilary is a appetizing, luscious, mouth-watering, (more
person of taste. The decoration was done with informal) yummy, (more informal) scrumptious
taste. » judgement, discernment, discretion,
discrimination, perception, refinement, taumntvers People taunted him about his marriage.
sensitivity, style > tease, torment, jeer at, mock, ridicule, bait
taste vers Anna tasted her drink and smiled.
taut pjctive The rope should be taut. » tight,
> sample, test, try, sip, check
tense, firm, rigid, stretched AN OPPOSITE IS slack
tasteful spective a plain and tasteful decor
> discriminating, refined, restrained, taxnoun The new government immediately
sensitive, smart, stylish, well-judged, elegant, imposed a tax on imports. » duty, tariff, charge,
fashionable, in good taste, judicious, fastidious, imposition, levy RELATED ADJECTIVE fiscal
proper AN OPPOSITE IS tasteless
tasteless pjective 1 The vegetables were taxvers 1 It seems unfair to many people to tax
overcooked and tasteless. » flavourless, bland, pensions.» impose ataxon, levy ataxon 2 The
insipid, weak, watery, characterless, mild, long walk taxed them severely. > tire, strain,
uninteresting AN OPPOSITE !Stasty 2 a tasteless exhaust, burden, make heavy demands on
teach — teenage
teach vers teaches, teaching, taught 1 give a tea towel noun tea towels a cloth for drying
person knowledge or skill; train 2 give lessons, washed dishes, cutlery, etc.
especially in a particular subject 3 show technicalapective 1 to dowith technology 2 to
someone what to do or avoid e That will teach do with a particular subject and its methods
you not to meddle! e the technical terms of chemistry 3 using
teacher noun teachers a person who teaches language that only experts can understand
others, especially in a school > technically Advers
teamnoun teams 1 aset of players forming one technical college noun technical colleges a
side in certain games and sports 2 a set of college where technical subjects are taught
people working together 3 two or more
animals harnessed to pull a vehicle or a plough technicality youn technicalities 1 being
technical 2a technical word, phrase, or detail
teapot noun teapots a pot witha lid anda technician oun technicians a person whose
handle, for making and pouring tea job is to look after scientific equipment and do
practical work in a laboratory
tear’ (teer) noun tears a drop of the water that
r4 comes from the eyes when a person cries
> teardrop NOUN
technique noun techniques the method of
doing something skilfully
in tears crying technology Noun technologies the study of
tear? (tair) vers tears, tearing, tore, torn machinery, engineering, and how things work
1 pull something apart, away, or into pieces > technological ADECTIVE technologist NOUN
2 become torn e Newspaper tears easily.
teddy bear noun teddy bears a soft furry toy
3 (informal) run or travel hurriedly
tear Noun tears a split made by tearing
tedious apective annoyingly slow or long;
tear gas oun a gas that makes people’s eyes boring
water painfully
> tediouslyAbvers tediousness NOUN tedium
tease vers teases, teasing, teased 1 amuse NOUN
yourself by deliberately annoying or making
fun of someone 2 pick threads apart into tee noun tees 1 the flat area from which golfers
separate strands strike the ball at the start of play for each hole
2.a small piece of wood or plastic on which a
ttease NouN teases a person who often teases golf ball is placed for being struck
teaspoon Noun teaspoons a small spoon for teem vers. teems, teeming, teemed be full of
stirring tea etc. something e The river was teeming with fish.
> teaspoonful Noun teenage spective to do with teenagers

teachers 1 He taught me to swim in the holidays. the book from my hands. » snatch, grab, seize,
> instruct, train, coach 2 She teaches children wrench, wrest 4 (informal) James tore round to
with special needs. » educate, tutor, instruct, the shop. » rush, hurry, race, speed, sprint,
coach shoot, bolt AN opposite is stroll
teacher noun He had been a teacher all his , tear noun (rhymes with bear )There’s a tear in
working life. » educator, tutor, instructor, my jeans. > rip, hole, split, slit, rent, gash
schoolteacher, schoolmaster schoolmistress,
tearfulanjective 1 Glenda was tearful. > intears,
pedagogue, academic RELATED ADJECTIVE crying, weeping, close to tears, upset
pedagogic pedagogical opposites ARECheerful, happy 2a tearful
team noun 1 the local cricket team » squad, farewell » emotional, distressing, upsetting,
x side, line-up 2 the BBC’s production team sorrowful, sad, heartbreaking
> group, crew, company, body, gang
tease vers His friends teased him about his hair.
team vers team up She teamed up with her fellow
> make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at, mock,
artists for a joint exhibition. » join forces,
taunt, provoke, torment
collaborate, cooperate, get together, band
together, work together, combine, unite tedious apective The work is tedious and time-
tearnoun usAcerhymes with fearThere was a tear consuming. » dull, boring, monotonous,
in his eyes. » teardrop, droplet uninteresting, dreary, humdrum, laborious,
tears She was so upset she was close to tears. irksome, tiresome, unexciting, wearisome
> crying, weeping, sobbing, blubbering OPPOSITES ARE interesting, exciting
tear vers (rhymes with bear) 1 Take care you teem vers teem with The pond teemed with fish.
don't tear your clothes. > rip, slit, snag, split > be full of, abound in, seethe with, swarm
2 She tore the packet open. rip, pull 3 He tore with, be infested with, be crawling with
teenager = temper
teenager Noun teenagers a person in his or televise vers televises, televising, televised
her teens to show a programme on television
teems PLuraL Noun the time of life between 13 '
and 19 years of age television youn televisions 1a system using
teething noun (said about a baby) having its radio waves to reproduce a view of scenes,
events, or plays etc. on a screen 2 an apparatus
first teeth beginning to grow through the gums
for receiving these pictures 3 televised
teetotal apectve never drinking alcohol programmes [from Greek tele- = far + vision] 2
> teetotaller noun
telecommunications piural noun tell vers tells, telling, told 1 make a thing
communications over a long distance, e.g. by known to someone, especially by words
telephone, telegraph, radio, or television 2 speak e Tell the truth. 3 order e Tell them to
telegram noun telegrams a message sent by wait. 4 reveal a secret e Promise you won't tell.
telegraph 5 decide or distinguish e Can you tell the
telegraph NOUN a way of sending messages by difference
6 produce between
s Theand margarine?
eofain besatt to B60 H
using electric current along wires or by radio hin
> telegraphic Apective telegraphy Noun Padi
; all told in all, all together @ There are ten
telepathy (til- ep- ath- ee) noun them, all told. 9 sal icdin
communication of thoughts from one person’s
mind to another without speaking, writing, or tare chr nd re
tell tales report something wrong or bad that
> telepathic ADJECTIVE someone has done :
telephone noun telephones a device or telling anective having a strong effect or it
system using electric wires or radio etc. to meaning e It was a telling reply.
enable one person to speak to another who is
some distance away tell-tale apective revealing or indicating
telephone vers telephones, telephoning, something e There was a tell-tale spot ofjam on iv
telephoned speak to a person on the his chin.
-crea ; temper Noun tempers 1 aperson’s mood e He si
telescope noun telescopes an instrument is in a good temper. 2 anangry mood e She was
using lenses to magnify distant objects in a temper.
> telescopic ADJECTIVE lose your temper become angry
telescope vere telescopes, telescoping,
telescoped 1 make or become shorter by temper vers tempers, tempering, tempered
sliding overlapping sections into each other 1 harden or strengthen metal etc. by heating
2 compress or condense something so that it and cooling it 2 moderate or soften the effects
takes less space or time [from Greek tele- = far of something e Justice needs to be tempered with
+ skopein = look at] mercy.

tell vers 1 Tell me what happened. » inform, telling-off noun (informal) They were lucky to
advise, notify (of), let know, acquaint (with) escape with a mild telling- off. » reprimand, é
2 She told us there would be another train in an scolding, rebuke, caution, admonishment,
hour. » assure, promise, advise, inform 317 (informal) ticking-off
tell you a secret. » disclose, reveal, confess, ’
admit 4He became more and more excitedashe temper noun 1 He walked out in a temper.
told his story. » recount, narrate, relate, > rage, fury, fit of rage, passion, tantrum
describe, communicate, speak 5 Colintoldusto 2Jenny’s temper flared. » anger, fury, rage,
leave. » order, instruct, command, direct, call annoyance, irritation, irritability, petulance
on 6It’s not easy to tell them apart. 3 Both children had a calm temper.
> distinguish, differentiate, identify, > temperament, disposition, nature,
recognize, discern character, personality
tell off (informal) He told them offfor being late. lose your temper Diana was capable of losing
> reprimand, scold, rebuke, upbraid, censure, her temper, » become angry, fly into a rage,
berate, (informal) tick off lose control, blow up, go berserk, (more
informal) go mad, (more informal) go crazy,
telling anective The argument is expressed in a (more informal) go bananas, (more informal) fly
few telling phrases. » revealing, forceful, off the handle, (more informal) go through the
striking, persuasive, potent, compelling, roof, (more informal) have a fit, (more informal)
effective aN opposites insignificant see red
temperament — tender
temperament noun temperaments a doing something wrong or unwise
person’s nature as shown in the way he or she > temptation nouvtempter nountemptress
usually behaves e a nervous temperament NOUN
temperamental spective 1 likely to become tem noun, Apjective tens the number 10
excitable or moody suddenly 2to do witha tenacious (ten-ay-shus) apjective 1 holding or
person’s temperament clinging firmly to something 2 obstinate and
> temperamentally Apvers persistent
temperate spective neither extremely hot nor > tenaciously Apvers tenacity NouN
extremely cold Britain has a temperate tenant youn tenants a person who rents a
climate. house, building, or land etc. from a landlord
temperature Nouvtemperatures 1howhot > tenancy NOUN
or cold a person or thing is 2. an abnormally tend ' vers tends ,tending ,tended be inclined
high temperature of the body or likely to do something e Prices tend to rise.
tempest noun tempests a violent storm tend 2 vers tends ,tending ,tended look after
template youn templates a thin sheet of @ Shepherds were tending their sheep.
shaped metal, plastic, etc. used as a guide for tendency noun tendencies the way a person
cutting or shaping things or thing is likely to behave e She has a tendency
temple ' youn temples a building where a god to be lazy.
is worshipped [from Latin templum = tender ‘spective 1 easy to chew; not tough or
consecrated place] hard 2 easily hurt or damaged; sensitive or
temple ? youn temples the part of the head delicate e tender plants 3 (said about a part of
between the forehead and the ear [from Latin the body) painful when touched 4 gentle and
tempora = sides of the head] loving @ a tender smile
tempo noun tempos ortempi the speed or > tenderly apvers tenderness NOUN
rhythm of something, especially of a piece of tender 2 vers tenders tendering tendered
music [Italian, from Latin tempus = time] offer something formally e He tendered his
temporary apective lasting for a limited time resignation.
only; not permanent tender youn tenders a formal offer to supply
> temporarily Apvers goods or carry out work at a stated price e The
tempt vers tempts tempting tempted try to council asked for tenders to build a school.
persuade or attract someone, especially into legal tender kinds of money that are legal for

temperamental apective 1 The new king enticing, appealing, beguiling, tantalizing,
proved to be a temperamental despot. » moody, irresistible
excitable, emotional, volatile, unpredictable, tenable apjective This theory is disproved by
highly-strung, sensitive, capricious, mercurial, modern science and is no longer tenable.
touchy, neurotic OPPOSITES ARE placid, > credible, defensible, plausible, reasonable,
phlegmatic 2 He had a strong temperamental sensible, viable, sound, feasible, justifiable,
dislike of all conflict. » natural, inherent, innate, arguable, legitimate, logical, rational
inborn, characteristic, congenital, OPPOSITES ARE untenable, indefensible
constitutional tend vers 1 She spends many hours in the garden
temporary apjective The restrictions on imports tending her flowers, » look after, attend to,
were a temporary measure only. » short-term, manage, take care of, care for, cultivate, mind
interim, provisional, stop-gap, short-lived, 2 Nurses tend the sick. and wounded in the field
transitory, momentary, transient, ephemeral hospitals. » look after, attend to, care for,
AN OPPOSITE IS permanent minister to, treat, nurse 3tend to At this time
tempt vers Window displays tempt shoppers into ofyear, our appetites tend to favour rich, stodgy
their stores. » entice, lure, allure, attract, puddings. » be inclined to, be apt to, be liable
persuade, coax, woo, inveigle, seduce to, have a tendency to, be disposed to
OPPOSITES ARE deter, repel, discourage tendency noun John has a tendency to put his
temptation noun 1 She had to resist the foot in it. » propensity, proclivity, readiness,
temptation to call him from her mobile. » urge, susceptibility, predilection, predisposition,
desire, impulse, inclination 21 could see the disposition, inclination, liability, partiality,
dangers in the temptations of life in London. penchant, trends
> attraction, appeal, lure, pull, fascination, tender aojective 1 She liked him tender, gentle like
seduction, allurement, draw, enticement this. » kind, caring, compassionate,
tempting spective It was a tempting package, considerate, humane, affectionate, sensitive,
and I bought the whole deal. » attractive, warm-hearted Opposites ARE hard-hearted,

tendril — terminate
making payments e Pound notes are no longer octopuses), used for feeling or grasping things
legal tender. or for moving
tendril noun tendrils 1a thread-like part by tentative spective cautious; trying something
which a climbing plant clings to a support 2a out e a tentative suggestion
thin curl of hair etc. > tentatively Apvers
tennis noun a game played with rackets anda tenth apective, noun next after the ninth
ball on a court with a net across the middle
tenor noun tenors 1a male singer with a high tenuous spective very slight or thin e tenuous
threads @ a tenuous connection
voice 2 the general meaning or drift of
something @ What was the tenor of her speech? tepid anectve only slightly warm; lukewarm
tenpin bowling noun a game inwhich players e@ tepid water
try to knock over ten skittles set up at the end of term noun terms 1 the period of weeks when a
a track by rolling hard balls down it school or college is open 2 a definite period e a
temse’ noun tenses the form of a verb that term of imprisonment 3 a word or expression
shows when something happens, e.g. he came @ technical terms
(past tense), he comes or is coming (present term vers terms, terming, termed name; call
tense), he will come (future tense) something by a certain term e This music is
tense? apjective 1 tightly stretched 2 nervous or termed jazz.
worried and unable to relax 3 making people terminal youn terminals 1 the place where
tense @ a tense moment something ends; a terminus 2 a building where
> tensely Apvers tenseness NOUN air passengers arrive or depart 3 a place where
tense vers tenses, tensing, tensed make or a wire is connected in an electric circuit or
become tense battery etc. 4a monitor and keyboard used for
tension noun tensions 1 howtightly stretched putting data into a computer, or for receiving it
arope or wire is 2.a feeling of anxiety or terminal spective 1 to do with or at the end or
nervousness about something that is just about boundary of something 2 (said of a disease)
to happen 3 voltage e high-tension cables leading to death
ttemt noun tents a shelter made of canvas or > terminally apvers
other material terminate vers terminates, terminating,
tentacle youn tentacles along flexible part of terminated end; stop finally
the body of certain animals (e.g. snails or > termination Noun

callous, uncaring 2 He pressed a tender loving > fraught, uncomfortable, strained, charged
kiss on her fingertips. » fond, loving, AN OPPOSITE IS relaxed
affectionate 3 In my tender pre-teen years, I tension noun 1 the tension of the ropes
hadn't yet learned to be critical. » young, > tightness, tautness, strain, stretching
youthful, early, callow, immature, green, AN OPPOSITE IS Slackness 2 The tension was
inexperienced, impressionable unbearable. » stress, strain, anxiety, suspense,
OPPOSITES ARE advanced, mature 4 Alan’s voice apprehension, excitement, nervousness,
cut into the tender little scene coldly. This is one of unease, worry AN OPPOSITE IS relaxation.
the author’s most tender passages. » romantic, tentative apjectve 1 This conclusion can only be
touching, moving, poignant 5 Cook the rice in tentative. » provisional, unconfirmed,
boiling salted water until tender. » soft, cautious, diffident, doubtful, halfhearted 2a
succulent, juicy, fleshy opposites ARE hard, few tentative steps » hesitant, indecisive,
tough 6 He lifted her up with tender care, holding indefinite, nervous, timid, uncertain
her head to his cheek. » gentle, fond, loving AN OPPOSITE IS decisive
7 Her ankle felt tender. » sore, painful,
tenuous ADjeéctive a tenuous argument slight,
sensitive, inflamed, raw
insubstantial, flimsy, thin , weak, unconvincing
ttemse Apective 1 The muscles in his neck were
tense. » taut, tight, strained, stretched term noun 1a technical term > word,
AN OPPOSITE IS slack 2 Angela was feeling tense expression, name, designation 2 afive-year
and nervy. » anxious, nervous, edgy, on edge, term ofoffice» period, duration, interval, spell,
strained, stressed, agitated, apprehensive, session
jittery, fidgety, ill at ease, jumpy, (more terminal apectve a terminal illness > incurable,
informal) uptight opposites ARE calm, relaxed untreatable, inoperable, fatal, mortal, lethal,
3 There was a tense atmosphere in the room. deadly
terminology = test
terminology \oun terminologies the terrific Anjective (informal) 1 very great e a
technical terms of a subject terrific storm 2 excellent
> terminological ADJECTIVE > terrifically Abvers
terminus vountermini orterminuses the last terrify vere terrifies terrifying ,terrified fill
station on a railway or bus route someone with terror
termite Noun termites a small insect that is territory \oun territories an area of land,
very destructive to timber especially one that belongs to a country or
terms pura oun 1 a relationship between > territorial Adjective
people e They remained on friendly terms.
2 conditions offered or accepted @ peace terms terror vounterrors 1very great fear 2a
come to terms with become reconciled toa terrifying person or thing
difficulty or unwelcome situation terrorist youn terrorists a person who uses
terrace nounterraces 1alevel area onaslope violence for political purposes
or hillside 2a paved area beside a house 3.a > terrorism Noun
row of houses joined together 4a series of terrorize vers terrorizes terrorizing ,
steps for spectators at a sports ground terrorized fill someone with terror; frighten
> terraced ADJECTIVE someone by threatening them
terrestrial apjective to do with the earth or land > terrorization Noun

terrible apjectve very bad; awful test noun tests 1ashort examination 2a way
> terribly Apvers of discovering the qualities, abilities, or
presence of a person or thing e a test for
terrier youn terriers a kind of small lively dog radioactivity 3.a test match

terms piurAL Noun 1 She was on good terms with terrified spjective She gave them a terrified
all her staff. » relations, standing, footing glance, and then bolted. » petrified, frightened,
2 The two kings came to terms. » agreement, scared, alarmed, terror-stricken, horror-
understanding, deal 3 The terms of the contract stricken, panicstricken
prevented this. » conditions, provisos,
stipulations, specifications 4 The hotel offers terrify vers The prospect of all that responsibility
good terms out of season. » rates, prices, tariff, terrified him. » frighten, petrify, scare, horrify,
charges appal, dismay, shock, unnerve
terrestrial anjective one of the factors that give terrifying aoective Water was pouring in with
rise to intelligent terrestrial life » earthly, terrifying speed. » frightening, horrifying,
worldly, mundane, earthbound, ordinary petrifying, dreadful, hair-raising, blood-
OPPOSITES ARE heavenly, extraterrestrial curdling, spine-chilling, appalling, unnerving,
USAGE Mundane has the special meaning (more informal) scary
‘ordinary’. Also, be careful how you use the
opposite word heavenly, which has a common territory noun 1 France sought to locate the
second meaning ‘wonderful’. i launching site on French territory. » land,
terrible anjectve 1Ihad a terrible fall which left country, terrain, ground 2a Dutch territory in
me with two broken legs. » dreadful, frightful, the East » domain, state, dependency,
horrible, awful, fearful, ghastly, hideous, dominion, colony, possession
shocking, frightening, terrifying 2 There was a terror noun Men were driven to do these things by
terrible smell in the kitchen. » disgusting, nasty, hunger and terror. > fear, extreme fear, alarm,
unpleasant, dreadful, horrible fright, horror, panic, shock, trepidation
terribly overs 1 This is terribly important.
> very, extremely, exceptionally, exceedingly, terrorize vere In the 1820s, Romney Marsh was
dreadfully, awfully 2 In the next game they openly terrorized by armed gangs of smugglers.
played dreadfully. » badly, atrociously, awfully, > threaten, intimidate, torment, tyrannize,
appallingly, dismally menace, persecute, victimize, oppress, terrify,
terrific apjective 1 We heard a terrific thud.
> tremendous, huge, mighty, massive, test noun 1 They will have to pass a test to
colossal, enormous, gigantic 2 The novel continue to be paid for the work. » exam,
provides the basis for a terrific movie. examination, appraisal, assessment, evaluation
> excellent, wonderful, marvellous, 2 We'll be conducting a series of scientific tests.
outstanding, magnificent, superb, splendid, > trial, experiment, study, evaluation,
first-class, first-rate investigation, analysis, probe

test = thankless
test vere tests, testing, tested carry out a test tetrahedron noun tetrahedrons a solid with
on a person or thing four triangular sides (i.e. a pyramid with a
> tester NouN triangular base)
testament youn testaments 1a written
statement 2 either of the two main parts of the text oun texts 1 the words of something
Bible, the Old Testament or the New Testament written or printed 2 a sentence from the Bible
testicle youn testicles either of the two glands used as the subject of a sermon etc.
where semen is produced textbook noun textbooks a book that teaches
testify vers testifies, testifying, testified you about a subject
1 give evidence; swear that something is true
2 be evidence or proof of something [from text message noun text messages a written
Latin testis = witness] message sent on a mobile phone
testimonial youn testimonials 1 a letter
describing someone’s abilities, character, etc. texture noun textures the way that the surface
2 a gift presented to someone as a mark of of something feels
than comunction compared with another person
test match noun test matches a cricket or or thing e His brother is taller than he is or taller
rugby match between teams from different than him.
testosterone (test- ost-er-ohn) noun a male thank vers thanks, thanking, thanked tell
sex hormone someone that you are grateful to him or her
test tube youn test tubes a tube of thin glass thank you an expression of thanks
with one end closed, used for experiments in
chemistry etc. thankful nective grateful
tether vers tethers, tethering, tethered tie an thankfully sovers 1 in a grateful way
animal so that it cannot move far 2 fortunately e Thankfully, John remembered to
tether youn tethers a rope for tethering an bring some money.
at the end of your tether unable to endure thankless spective not likely to win thanks from
something any more people e a thankless task

test vers 1 Psychologists have developed texture noun The dough should have a soft
experiments to test their ideas. » check, spongy texture. » consistency, composition,
appraise, evaluate, validate, examine, analyse, quality, feel, constitution, structure, touch
assess, study, screen, try out 2 Here’s a chance
to test your DIY skills. » try out, put to the test, thank vers 11 want to thank all those people who
explore, trial 3 These demands tested his patience have supported us over the years.
to breaking point. » strain, tax, put a strain on, > acknowledge, express thanks to, show or
stretch, make demands on, sap, drain express gratitude to, express appreciation of,
testify vere 1 I may be called on to testify in court. recognize 2 He only had himselftothank for the
pm give evidence, be awitness, go into the dock mess he was in. » blame, hold responsible
2 He testified that he had not been present at the
time of the incident. » swear, state on oath, thankful agective She was thankful for the
attest, declare, affirm, give evidence 3 testify moonlight, without which she would never have
to The latest finds testify to the great wealth of the found her way. » grateful, appreciative (of),
city in antiquity. » confirm, attest to, pleased (about), relieved (about), happy
demonstrate, substantiate (about) Opposites ARE disappointed, ungrateful
testy anjective I would get very testy ifthings USAGE Note that thankful and thankless are not
weren't exactly right. » irritable, bad- opposites: thankful is normally used about a
tempered, irascible, grumpy, grouchy, touchy, person, whereas thankless is used about an
tetchy, crotchety, cantankerous, peevish, activity.
fractious, cross, (more informal) stroppy, (more
informal) shirty AN OPPOSITE Is good-humoured thankless apjective America inherited Britain’s
text oun 1 Supplying material on disk saves thankless task of maintaining stability in the
having to retype the text. » words, wording, region. » unenviable, unappreciated,
content 2a literary text » piece of writing, unrecognized, unrewarding, fruitless
work, book, textbook 3 a text from the Bible OPPOSITES ARE worthwhile, rewarding
> passage, extract, reading, quotation USAGE See the note at thankful.
thanks = theory
thanks piurat noun 1 statements of gratitude thee pronoun (old use) you (referring to one
2 (informal) thank you person and used as the object of a verb or after
thanks to as a result of; because of e Thanks to a preposition)
your help, we succeeded. theft noun thefts stealing
that apective, pronoun those the one there their spective 1 belonging to them e Their coats
e That book is mine e Whose is that? are over there 2 belonging to a person
© Somebody has left their coat on the bus. [from
that Apvers to such an extent e I'll come that far Old NorseUsAce Do not confuse withthere or
but no further. they re.
that revarive pronoun which, who, orwhom e This theirs possessive pronoun belonging to them
is the record that I wanted. @ We liked the people e These coats are theirs
that we met on holiday. USAGE It is incorrect to write their’s.
that conunction used to introduce a wish, them pronoun the form ofthey used as the
reason, result, etc. @ I hope that you are well object of a verb or after a preposition e We saw
e@ The puzzle was so hard that no one could solve them.
it. theme nounthemes 1 the subject about which
thatch noun straw or reeds used to make a roof a person speaks, writes, or thinks 2 a melody
thatch vers thatches ,thatching ,thatched themselves pronoun they or them and nobody
make a roof with thatch else
> thatcher noun then aovers 1 at that time e We were younger
thaw versthaws thawing thawed melt; stop then. 2 after that; next e Make the tea, then pour
being frozen it out. 3in that case e If this is yours, then this
must be mine.
thaw noun thaws a period of warm weather theology noun the study of religion
that thaws ice and snow [from Old English] > theological Apjective theologian NOUN
the aoective (called the definite article) a [from Greek theos = a god]
particular one; that or those theorem noun theorems a mathematical
theatre vouv theatres 1a building where statement that can be proved by reasoning
plays etc. are performed to an audience 2 the theoretical apctive based on theory not on
writing, acting, and producing of plays 3.a practice or experience
special room where surgical operations are > theoretically Apvers
done e the operating theatre [from Greek theory oun theories 1an idea or set of ideas
theatron = place for seeing things] put forward to explain something @ Darwin’s
theatrical spective 1 to do with plays or acting theory of evolution. 2 the principles of a subject
2 (said about a person’s behaviour) rather than its practice
exaggerated and done for showy effect in theory according to what should happen
> theatrically Apvers rather than what may in fact happen

thanks noun Julia smiled her thanks and then theft noun a report of the theft ofjewels from a
turned to accept David's invitation. » gratitude, hotel room » robbery, stealing, thieving,
appreciation, acknowledgement, recognition, pilfering, burglary
thanksgiving theme noun 1 Public services have become the
thaw vers The snow was beginning to thaw. dominant theme of domestic politics. » topic,
> melt, unfreeze, soften, liquefy, defrost issue, subject, concern, question, matter 2 The
AN OPPOSITE IS freeze theme is played by the orchestra and then picked
theatre noun 1 This is a work that needs to be up by the soloist. » melody, motif, subject,
heard in a theatre. » playhouse, auditorium tune, air
2 What made you take up the theatre? » acting, theoretical apective 1 theoretical physics
drama, theatricals, performing > conceptual, pure, abstract, academic
theatrical spective 1 She wanted a theatrical OPPOSITES ARE practical, applied 2 a theoretical
career. > dramatic, acting, stage, thespian possibility » hypothetical, notional,
2 ‘My dear,’ cried Ruby making a theatrical conjectural, suppositional, speculative,
gesture. » affected, exaggerated, postulated Opposites ARE concrete, actual, real
ostentatious, melodramatic, showy, stagy, theory Noun 1 His theories are based on
stilted, unnaturalAN Opposite IS naturalUSAGE In observations and experiments. » argument,
the first meaning, be careful how you use assumption, belief, conjecture, explanation,
dramatic, which has a common second guess, hypothesis, idea, notion, speculation,
meaning ‘sudden and exciting’. supposition, surmise, thesis, view 2 the theory
therapy = thimble
therapy noun therapies a way of treating a they pronoun 1 the people or things being wes
physical or mental illness, especially without talked about 2 people in general e They say the a
using surgery or medicines show is a great success. 3 he or she; a person e I
> therapeutic apjective am never angry with anyone unless they deserve it.
there avers 1 in or to that place etc. 2 used to
call attention to something (There’s a good boy!) they're (mainly spoken) they are
or to introduce a sentence where the verb USAGE Do not confuse with their or there.
comes before its subject (There was plenty to thick anective 1 measuring a lot between
eat) opposite surfaces 2 measuring from one side
USAGE Do not confuse with their or they're. to the other e The wall is ten centimetres thick.
thereabouts apvers near there 3 (said about a line) broad, not fine 4 crowded ¢
with things; dense e a thick forest @ thick fog
therefore spvers for that reason
5 fairly stiff, not flowing easily @ thick cream
thermodynamics noun the science dealing 6 (informal) stupid
_ withthe relation between heat and other forms > thickly overs thickness noun
of energy
thicken vers thickens, thickening, thickened
thermometer youn thermometers a device make or become thicker
for measuring temperature
thermostat you thermostats a piece of thicket youn thickets a number of shrubs and
equipment that automatically keeps the small trees etc. growing close together
temperature of a room or piece of equipment thief oun thieves a person who steals things i
steady > thievish apjecnve thievery noun thieving
> thermostatic spective thermostatically NOUN
thesaurus (thi- sor-us) youn thesauruses or thigh oun thighs the part of the leg between m
the hip and the knee af
thesauri a kind of dictionary containing sets of
words grouped according to their meaning thimble youn thimbles a small metal or plastic od
[from Greek thesauros = storehouse, treasury] cap worn on the end of the finger to push the ¢
these plural of this needle in sewing 0


of quantum physics » laws, principles, rules, condensed, clotted, coagulated, viscous

science AN OPPOSITE IS practice OPPOSITES ARE thin, watery 6 (informal) ‘Some of
these councillors are so thick,’ said the woman.
therefore spvers This is only a story and
therefore you shouldn’t believe a word of it. > stupid, foolish, dull, slow, dim-witted,
> consequently, accordingly, for this or that brainless OPPOSITES ARE clever, bright
reason, as a result, as a consequence, so, thus, thicken vere Put a little flour in to thicken the
hence sauce. > stiffen, concentrate, condense,
thesis youn 1 The facts do not bear out his thesis. reduce, set AN OPPOSITE IS thin out ul
> theory, hypothesis, argument, premise or thickness oun 1 You can use paper of similar
premiss, proposition, idea 2 Her research was thickness. » breadth, width, bulk 2 The
presented in her PhD thesis. » dissertation, thickness of the smoke made it impossible to see.
monograph, paper, treatise > density, denseness, murkiness 3 Great
thick anjectve 1 He was stuffing a thick wad of thicknesses ofpumice and ash had piled up on the
notes into his jacket pocket. The thick felt curtains slopes of Vesuvius. » layer, coating, stratum,
were closely fastened. » fat, chunky, broad, seam
wide, hefty, bulky, solid, stout, sturdy,
substantial AN OPPOSITE ISthin 2 The lava thick-skinned spective He was too thick-
deposit was no more than a few metres thick. He skinned to notice the insult. » insensitive,
was a good-looking man with a head ofthick black unfeeling, hardened, tough, (informal) hard-
hair. >»deep, heavy 3 The collision occurred in boiled OPPOSITES ARE sensitive, thin-skinned
thick fog. The path wound through thick oak and thief oun The 28-year-old thief was arrested
pine forests. » dense, solid, impenetrable when he returned to collect his dog. » robber,
OPPOSITES ARE sparse, clear, open 4 The shallow burglar, housebreaker, shoplifter, pilferer,
water was thick with paddling children. bandit
> crowded, filled, packed, swarming,
teeming, covered 5 Beat the mixtyre into a thick thievingwoun alife ofthieving» theft, robbery,
smooth paste. » stiff, heavy, concentrated, stealing, pilfering, burglary
thin = this
thin versthins thinning thinned make or third apjective next after the second
become less thick >thirdly Apvers
>thinner NOUN third vounthirds 1 the third person or thing
thin out make or become less dense or 2 one of three equal parts of something
crowded Third World noun the poorer countries of Asia,
thin soectivethinner thinnest 1 not thick; not Africa, and South America, also called
fat 2 feeble e a thin excuse ‘developing countries’
> thinly Advers thinness NOUN thirst noun 1a feeling of dryness in the mouth
thiime ADJECTIVE, POSSESSIVE PRONOUN (old use) yours and throat, causing a desire to drink 2. a strong
(referring to one person) desire e a thirst for adventure
thing Nounthings an object; something which > thirsty AdECTIVEthirstily ADVERB
can be seen, touched, thought about, etc. thirteen Noun, spective the number 13
> thirteenth NOUN, ADJECTIVE
think versthinks thinking thought 1 use
your mind; form connected ideas 2 have as an thirty Noun, apjectivethirties the number 30
idea or opinion @ Do you think we have enough > thirtieth AD/ECTIVE, NOUN
time? this spective, pronouNthese the one here e This
>think NouN thinker NOUN house is ours. @ Whose is this?

thin vers Thin the paint with water before use. gear, (more informal) stuff 2 Things improved
> dilute, water down, weaken once I had a job. » circumstances, conditions,
thin out The crowds began to thin out. life
> decrease, diminish, dwindle, disperse, think vers 1 Do you think Molly will come? We
scatter thought Rose must have gone home. » believe,
thin spective 1 Frankie was small and thin for his expect, imagine, consider, surmise, conclude
age. He wore a silk shirt with a cravat tucked in 2 Jennifer thought hard for a few moments.
round his thin neck. > slim, slender, lean, slight, > concentrate, ponder, contemplate,
skinnyan opposite Is fat 2 She was clad only in a deliberate, cogitate, reflect, muse
thin nightgown. Thermal underwear keeps you think about It was time to start thinking about.
warm by trapping a thin layer of air in its fibres. the future. » consider, contemplate, weigh up,
> fine, delicate, light, filmy, flimsy, deliberate about
diaphanous, insubstantial, wispy think of He thought of all the good times they had
opposites ARE thick, heavy 3 When the paint is had together. » recall, remember, recollect,
nearly dry, apply another thin coat. » light, call to mind
runny, watery, dilute, flowing, fluid think over Think over what we have said.
opposites Are thick, heavy 4a thin spread of > consider, reflect on, muse on, ponder, mull
butter » sparse, meagre, scanty, scarce over, (more informal) chew over
AN opposite IS thick 5 The soft thin mist gave a think to be She was thought to be worthy ofhigh
mysterious air to the scene. » light, rarefied office. » consider, deem, judge, hold, reckon
AN OPPOSITE IS dense 6 ‘Get on with it,’ said a think up We tried to think up a convincing
thin, peevish voice. » weak, faint, feeble excuse. » concoct, invent, contrive, devise
OPPOSITES ARE Strong, loud 7 a thin excuse '
> feeble, tenuous, unconvincing, implausible thin-skinned apjectve He is thin-skinned and
AN OPPOSITE IS Convincing hates criticism. » sensitive, touchy, defensive,
paranoid AN Opposite Is insensitive
thing Noun 1 The cupboard was full of weird
things. » object, item, artefact, article, body, thirst noun 1 We needed a drink to quench our
device, entity, implement 2A strange thing raging thirst. » dehydration, thirstiness,
happened today.» event, occurrence, incident, dryness 2 their thirst for knowledge » appetite,
eventuality, happening, phenomenon, affair, hunger, longing, love (of), yearning, craving,
circumstance, deed 3 He didn’t have a single hankering, desire, eagerness, passion
thing to add. » idea, point, statement,
thought, concept, detail, fact, factor 4 There’s thirst vers thirst for They thirsted for power.
a thing we have to do. » job, task, deed, act, > be thirsty for, crave, strive after, long for,
action 5 (informal) He’s got this thing about have a thirst for, hunger after, yearn for
wasps. » obsession, preoccupation, phobia, thirsty Apjective 1 The boys were hot and thirsty
fear (of), terror (of), dislike (of), (informal) after their run. » ‘dehydrated, dry, parched,
hang-up (more informal) gasping (for a drink), (more
things 1 Susan put her things in the back of the informal) panting 2 They were thirsty for
car.» belongings, possessions, baggage, adventure. » eager, hungry, yearning, greedy,
clothing, luggage, equipment, (more informal) itching, longing, avid
this = thread
this aovers to such an extent e I’m surprised he though apvers however e She's right, though.
got this far.
thought’ noun thoughts 1 something that
thistle noun thistles a prickly wild plant with you think; an idea or opinion 2 the process of
purple, white, or yellow flowers thinking @ She was deep in thought.
thong Noun thongs a narrow strip of leather
etc. used for fastening things thought? past tense of think
thornwoun thorns 1 asmall pointed growth on thoughtful spective 1 thinkinga lot 2 showing
the stem of a plant 2a thorny tree or shrub thought for other people’s needs; considerate
thorny Apectve thornier, thorniest 1 having > thoughtfully aovers thoughtfulness Noun
many thorns; prickly 2 difficult e a thorny oa ADJECTIVE 1 careless; not thinking
problem of what may happen 2 inconsiderate
proroum ADJECTIVE 1 done or doing things > thoughtlessly Apvers thoughtlessness
carefully and in detail 2 complete in every way NOUN
© a thorough mess thousand noun, Apjctive thousands the
> thoroughly Abvers thoroughness NOUN number 1,000
thoroughbred apecmve bred of pure or > thousandth ADJECTIVE, NOUN
pedigree stock
> thoroughbred noun
thrash vers thrashes, thrashing, thrashed
1 beat someone with a stick or whip; keep
thoroughfare noun thoroughfares a public hitting very hard 2 defeat someone thoroughly
road or path that is open at both ends 3 move violently e The crocodile thrashed its tail.
those plural of that thrash something out discuss a matter
thou Pronoun (old use) you (referring to one thoroughly
person) thread noun threads 1 thin length of any
though conjunction in spite of the fact that; substance 2. length of spun cotton, wool, or
even if e We can try phoning her, though she’s nylon etc. used for making cloth or in sewing or
probably left by now. knitting 3 the spiral ridge round.a screw 4a

thorny spective 1 They had to scramble through comments after the lecture. » profound,
thorny undergrowth. > prickly, bristly, sharp, studious, intelligent, scrupulous, thorough,
spiky, spiny, scratchy, barbed 2 the thorny diligent, meticulous an opposite Is superficial
question of who would pay » tricky, difficult, 3 It was thoughtful ofyou to visit. » considerate,
problematic, awkward, delicate kind, caring, attentive, helpful, concerned,
friendly, good-natured, unselfish
thorough apectve 1 thorough inquiry AN opposite 1s thoughtless
> rigorous, exhaustive, thoroughgoing,
detailed, in-depth An opposite is superficial. thoughtless apjecrive 1 She realized it was
2 He was slow but very thorough. » meticulous, thoughtless of her to rush off like that.
scrupulous, conscientious, assiduous, > inconsiderate, insensitive, unthinking,
methodical, diligent 3 He’s being a thorough unkind, unfeeling, uncaring
nuisance. » utter, complete, downright, AN OPPOSITE IS considerate 2 One thoughtless
absolute, perfect, thoroughgoing, total remark can prompt a feeling of depression.
thought oun 1 She appeared to be lost in > unthinking, careless, unmindful, injudicious,
thought. It only needs a moment’s thought. ill-considered, unwise, rash
> thinking, contemplation, deliberation, AN Opposite Is thoughtful
meditation, reflection, pondering, regard,
consideration, introspection 2I had a sudden thrash vers 1 The boy was thrashed by his
thought. » idea, notion, belief, concept, exasperated mother. » punish, beat, whip, flog,
spank, cane, strap, birch 2 She thrashed her
conception, perception, conjecture,
arms, attempting to swim towards him. » jerk,
conviction, opinion 3 We’ve given up all thought
of extending the project. » hope, expectation, toss, flail 3 (informal) They were thrashed by six
wickets in the final. » defeat, beat, trounce,
intention, aspiration, aim, plan, purpose,
design, objective 4 They seem tohave no thought overwhelm
for others. » consideration, sympathy, regard, thrash out! must thrash things out with him
concern, caring, understanding, compassion
over the next few months, » resolve, settle, sort
out, clarify
thoughtfulapective 1 The thoughtful look on his
face did not change. » pensive, reflective, thread noun 1He sewed it up with a needle and
contemplative, introspective, absorbed, thread in his girlfriend’s flat. » cotton, yarn,
preoccupied opposites Are blank, vacant fibre, strand, twine 2] lost the thread of the
2 Members of the audience added thoughtful argument. » train of thought, line of thought,
thread = throne
theme or idea running through a story, thrift youn 1 careful spending or management
argument, etc. e I’m afraid I’ve lost the thread. of money or resources 2a plant with pink
thread vers threads, threading, threaded > thrifty apjective thriftily apvers
1 put a thread through the eye of a needle
2 pass a strip of film etc. through or round thrill youn thrills a feeling of excitement
something 3 put beads ona thread thrill vere thrills, thrilling, thrilled have or
give a feeling of excitement
threadbare spective (said about cloth) with the > thrilling Apjective
surface worn away so that the threads show thriller youn thrillers an exciting story, play, or
threat youn threats 1a warning that you will film, usually about crime
g punish, hurt, or harm a person orthing 2asign thrive vers thrives, thriving, throve, thrived
; of something undesirable 3 a person or thing orthriven grow strongly; prosper or be
causing danger successful [from Old Norse, = grasp, get hold
: threaten vers threatens, threatening,
throat youn throats 1 the tubeinthe neck that
je threatened 1 make threats against someone
takes food and drink down into the body 2 the
2 be a threat or danger to a person or thing front of the neck [from Old English]
three woun, apective threes the number 3 throb vers throbs, throbbing, throbbed beat
or vibrate with a strong rhythm e My head
j three-dimensional apyctive having three throbbed with pain.
dimensions (length, width, and height or > throb noun
depth) thrombosis youn the formation of a clot of
threshold noun thresholds 1a slab of stone blood in the body
or board etc. forming the bottom of a doorway; throne noun thrones 1a special chair fora
the entrance 2 the point at which something king, queen, or bishop at ceremonies 2 the
begins to happen or change e@ We are on the position of being king or queen e the heir to the
threshold of a great discovery. throne

drift, tenor, continuity, course, direction, thrill vere She knew he was hers and it thrilled her.
theme > excite, delight, rouse, stimulate, exhilarate,
cf stir, electrify, titillate AN OPPOSITE IS bore
threadbare spective He inched his way along the
threadbare strip of carpet. » worn, frayed, thrilling acective a thrilling boat ride to the base
ragged, shabby, tattered, tatty of Niagara falls » exciting, electrifying,
riveting, gripping, stirring, rousing,
‘ threat you 1 We got bomb threats against our sensational, spectacular, stimulating, (more
: building. » warning, ultimatum, menace 2 It is informal) hair-raising OPPOSITES ARE unexciting,
T a brutal regime that poses a threat to world peace. boring
> danger, risk, hazard, menace
thrive vers Plants often thrive when the same
U threaten vers 1 When they came in they species are massed together. Two- year-olds thrive
threatened us. » intimidate, menace, make on attention. » flourish, burgeon, grow,
\/ threats against, browbeat, bully, terrorize, prosper, succeed, be vigorous, develop
frighten, pressurize 2 The freedom fighters strongly, do well opposiTes ARE decline, wither
' threatened reprisals. A mass of rain clouds thriving aojective By Tudor times distilling was a
threatened a dramatic change in the weather. thriving industry in Scotland. » flourishing,
> warn of, forebode, foreshadow, forewarn of, growing, prosperous, booming, burgeoning,
give warning of, portend, presage, indicate vigorous, developing, expanding, successful,
3 Dumping waste here will threaten the safety and healthy, affluent, lively, profitable
well-being of the region. » endanger, imperil, OPPOSITES ARE failing, dying
jeopardize, put at risk
throaty aoycrive Lucinda’s smile gave way toa
threatening apjctive The dog was baring its throaty laugh. > gruff, guttural, deep, hoarse,
teeth in threatening snarls. » ominous, husky, croaky, gravelly, rasping, rough, thick
menacing, sinister, forbidding, grim, minatory, throb woun the annoying dull throb of a
stern, unfriendly AN OPPOSITE IS comforting neighbour’s stereo.» beat, rhythm, pulsation,
thrill noun Just to work with him was a thrill. pounding, thud, thump, thrum, vibration
> adventure, excitement, sensation, pleasure, throb vere A vein started to throb in his forehead.
tingle, tremor, (more informal) buzz, (more > pound, pulsate, pulse, beat, thump,
informal) kick palpitate
throng => thumb
throng noun throngs a crowd of people throw vers throws, throwing, threw,
thrown 1senda person or thing through the
Prond vers throngs, thronging, thronged air 2 put something in a place carelessly or
crowd @ People thronged the streets.
hastily 3 move part of your body quickly e He
throttle oun throttles a device that controls threw his head back and laughed. 4 put someone
the flow of fuel to an engine; an accelerator in a certain condition etc. e It threw us into
confusion. 5 confuse or upset e Your question
throttle vers throttles, throttling, throttled threw me. 6 move a switch or lever in order to
strangle operate it. 7 shape a pot ona potter’s wheel
throttle back or downreduce the speed of an 8 holda party
engine by partially closing the throttle > throw Noun thrower Noun
through preposiion 1 from one end or side to throw away 1 get rid of something because it
the other end or side of @ Climb through the is useless or unwanted 2 waste e You threw
window. 2 by means of; because of e We lost it away an opportunity.
through carelessness. 3 at the end of; having throw up (informal) vomit
finished successfully e He is through his exam. thrush noun thrushes a songbird witha
speckled breast
through apovers. 1 through something e We
squeezed through. 2 with a telephone inte vers thrusts, thrusting, thrust push
connection made e Il put you through to the ar
president. 3 finished e Wait till I’m through with > thrustnoun
these papers. thud vers thuds, thudding, thudded make the
dull sound of aheavy knock or fall
through apectve 1 going through something > thud noun
@ no through road 2 going all the way toa thug noun thugs a rough and violent person
destination e a through train > thuggery NouN
throughout preposiion, Apvere all the way thumb noun thumbs the short thick finger set
through; from beginning to end apart from the other four
be under a person’s thumb be completely
throve past tense of thrive under his or her influence

throng noun Vehicles mingled with the throng of throw up He was tempted to throw up his job
foot passengers. » crowd, mass, horde, mob, and go abroad. » abandon, relinquish, give up,
crush (more informal) quit, (more informal) chuck in
throng vers Tourists thronged the streets and throw noun With one mighty throw the ball went
canals. » pack, cram, fill, press into, squeeze over the fence. » heave, fling, toss, lob, pitch
throttle vers You’re lucky Lewis didn’t throttle thrust vers 1 He thrust a mug of tea into my
you. » strangle, choke, stifle, smother, hands. » push, shove, force, press, stick, poke
suffocate, asphyxiate 2 His attacker thrust at him with a knife.
> lunge, jab, prod, stab, plunge, poke, stick
throw vers 1 They asked her to throw their ball
back. > toss, fling, hurl, pitch, lob, cast, (more thrustwoun 1 He gave the door a firm thrust.
informal) chuck, (more informal) sling 2 He > shove, push, prod, poke 21 strongly support
threw a quick glance at them. » direct, cast, the thrust ofyour argument. » gist, substance,
send, shoot, dart 3 The horse threw its rider. drift, burden, force
> unseat, dislodge, upset, bring down 4 The
torch threw a beam of light across the passage. thudvers Heavy footsteps thudded across the front
> cast, project, send, emit, radiate porch. » thump, clump, stomp, crash
throw away He cleared out his room and threw thud noun He was hammering on the door, thud
lots of stuff away.» discard, throw out, dispose after thud. » thump, bang, rap, clunk, clonk,
of, get rid of, (more informal) ditch
throw off He hoped he had thrown off his
pursuers. » shake off, escape, elude, give the thug noun (informal) A fight broke out between
slip to, get away from two armies of thugs. » ruffian, hoodlum, tough,
throw outHe tried to get in the house but was bully
thrown out. The government might be thrown out
at the next election. » eject, expel, remove, thumb vers She thumbed through her notes.
force out, oust, get rid of ‘ > browse, flick, flip, leaf, riffle, scan
thump — tidy
thump vers thumps, thumping, thumped checked 2. regular clicking sound, especially
1 hit or knock something heavily 2 punch that made by a clock or watch 3 (informal) a
> thump NouN moment e I won't be a tick.
thunder noun 1 the loud noise that is heard tick vere ticks, ticking, ticked 1 puta tick by
with lightning 2.a similar noise e a thunder of something 2 make the sound of a tick
applause tick off (informal) reprimand someone
> thunderous Apjective thunderstorm NOUN tick 2 noun ticks a bloodsucking insect
thundery ADjective ticket Noun tickets 1a printed piece of paper
thunder vers thunders, thundering, orcard that allows a person to travel ona bus or
thundered 1 sound with thunder 2 make a train, see a show, etc. 2a label showing a
noise like thunder; speak loudly thing’s price
thunderbolt noun thunderbolts a lightning tickle vere tickles, tickling, tickled 1toucha
flash thought of as a destructive missile person’s skin lightly in ordertoproduce a slight
Thursday woun the day of the week following tingling feeling and laughter 2 (said about a
Wednesday [from Old English thuresdaeg = day part of the body) have a slight tingling or
of thunder, named after Thor, the Norse god of itching feeling 3 amuse or please somebody
thunder] ticklish apecrive 1 likely to laugh or wriggle
when tickled 2 awkward or difficult @ a ticklish
thuss apvers 1 in this way e Hold the wheel thus.
2 therefore
tidal wave noun tidal waves a huge sea wave
thwart vers thwarts, thwarting, thwarted
frustrate; prevent someone from achieving tide noun tides 1 the regular rise and fall in
something the level of the sea which usually happens
twice a day 2 (old use) a time or season
thy aoyective (old use) your (referring to one © Christmas-tide
tide vers tides, tiding, tided
tiara (tee-ar- a) noun tiaras awoman’s jewelled tide a person over provide him or her with
crescent-shaped ornament worn like a crown what is needed, fora short time
tic Noun tics an unintentional twitch of a muscle, tidy anecrve tidier,tidiest 1 with everythingin
especially of the face its right place; neat and orderly 2 (informal)
tick’ youn ticks 1.amark (usually )put by fairly large e It costs a tidy sum.
something to show that it is correct or has been > tidily Apvers tidiness Noun

thump noun 1 He sat down with a painful thump moment, in a minute, in a second, ina trice,
on the floor. » thud, bang, clunk, clonk, crash very soon, very shortly, (informal) in a jiffy
2 The heavy thump of acid house music was tick vers 1 It was so quiet I could hear my watch
everywhere. » beat, rhythm, pulsation, ticking. » click, make a tick, beat 2 Tick the box
pounding, throb, thud, thrum, vibration against your preferred method ofpayment.
thump vere The woman thumped the table with > mark, check off, indicate
her fist. » bang, hit, strike, pound, beat, rap, tick off (informal) She ticked off the children for
batter, wallop, knock | making a noise. & tell off, scold, reprimand,
thunder noun Her musings were interrupted by admonish, rebuke
the thunder of hooves. » rumble, rumbling, ticket Noun 1a ticket to the game » pass,
boom, booming, roar, roaring, thud, thump, permit, token, voucher, coupon 2a price ticket
ringing > label, tag, sticker, marker, slip, tab
thunder vers Fighter aircraft thundered tickle vers 1 He tickled her toes until she gurgled
overhead. » roar, boom, rumble, blast happily. » touch, stroke, pet 2 The little story
thunderous anective The speech was greeted by tickled us. » amuse, entertain, delight, cheer
thunderous applause and standing ovations. ticklish Acyective 1 ‘It’s lucky I’m not ticklish,’ she
> deafening, tumultuous, resounding, loud, squealed. » giggly, wriggly, sensitive 2 He had
booming the ticklish problem of explaining where he had
thwart vers He stayed in power as long as he been all night. » tricky, awkward, delicate,
could, just to thwart his main rival. » frustrate, thorny, difficult, hazardous, risky, touchy,
hinder, impede, foil, obstruct, prevent, standin (more informal) dodgy
the way of, stop OPPOSITES ARE help, further tide Noun The tide of opinion was turning against
tick noun 1 Put a tick in the box marked ‘no’. the government. » trend, tendency, current,
> mark, stroke, dash, line 2 They heard the tick course, drift, movement
of a clock. » ticking, clicking tidy anective 1 Each desk should be tidy and have
in a tick (informal) Il be back in a tick. » ina a place card, » neat, orderly, uncluttered,

tidy — tilt
tidy vere tidies, tidying, tidied make a place tighten vers tightens, tightening, tightened
tidy make or become tighter
tie vere ties, tying, tied 1 fasten something tightrope oun tightropes a tightly stretched
with string, ribbon, etc. 2 arrange something rope high above the ground, on which acrobats
into a knot or bow 3 make the same score as perform _
another competitor
be tied up be busy tights xura. noun a piece of clothing that fits
tie noun ties 1a strip of material worn passing tightlyover the feet, legs, and lower part of the
under the collar of a shirt and knotted in front ody
2 a result when two or more competitors have tile voun tiles a thin square piece of baked clay
equal scores 3 one of the matches ina or other hard material, used in rows for
competition 4a close connection or bond covering roofs, walls, or floors
@ the ties offriendship > tiled ADjective
tier (teer) Noun tiers each of a series of rows or till’ preposition, conjunction until [from Old
levels etc. placed one above the other English til = to]
> tiered ADECTIVE USAGE It is better to use until rather than till
tiffoun tiffs a slight quarrel when the word stands first in a sentence (e.g.
Fger oun tigers a large wild animal of the cat Until last year we had never been abroad.) or
‘amily, with yellow and black stripes [from when you are speaking or writing formally.
Greek tigris] till? youn tills a drawer or box for money ina
Maht seme 1 fitting very closely 2 firmly shop; a cash register [origin unknown]
astened 3 fully stretched; tense 4 in short
tilt vers tilts, tilting, tilted move into a sloping
supply e Money is tight at the moment. 5 stingy
© He is very tight with his money. 6 severe or
strict @ tight security 7 (slang) drunk tilt youn a sloping position
> tightly advers tightness Noun at full tilt at full speed or force

shipshape, smart, spick and span AN opPOSITE ISleaking 4 The bed had to fit into a
OPPOSITES ARE untidy, messy 2 He tried to be tidy tight space. » small, compact, constricted,
in his new apartment. » methodical, snug, poky 5 He can be very tight with his money.
meticulous, organized, systematic, house- > mean, stingy, niggardly, miserly,
proud opposites ARE untidy, disorganized parsimonious, (more informal) tight-fisted,
3 (informal) All those books will cost a tidy sum. (more informal) penny-pinching
> sizeable, considerable, substantial, AN OPPOSITE IS generous 6 There is tight security
appreciable, large, (informal) hefty at the airport. > strict, stringent, rigorous,
tidy vers The girls started to wash up and tidy. severe, tough, scrupulous AN OPPOSITE IS lax
> clean up, putin order, set straight, arrange, tighten vers 1 Jane tightened her grip on the rail.
smarten, spruce up, neaten, straighten > strengthen, squeeze, tense, stiffen, increase
OPPOSITES ARE untidy, muddle OPPOSITES AREloosen, relax 2 You need to tighten
tie vers 1 The dog was tied to a lamppost. your shoelaces. » make tight, pull tighter,
> fasten, secure, attach, tether, bind, hitch tauten, stretch AN OPPOSITE ISslacken 3 Tighten
AN OPPOSITE IS untie 2 Her new job tied her to the all screws when the chair is assembled. » make
office. » restrict, limit, confine, restrain 3 The tighter, screw up, give another turn to
home side tied its next game. » draw, finish level AN OPPOSITE IS loosen
tie up 1 He tied up the boat at the jetty. » moor, tighten up Security will be tightened up during
tether, fasten, attach 2 We were keen to tie up the peak season. » increase, heighten,
the deal. » complete, finalize, conclude, settle strengthen, intensify, escalate
3 be tied up The manager is still tied up I’m tight-fisted anjective We were too tight-fisted
afraid. > be busy, be occupied, be engaged to pay a motorway toll. » mean, stingy,
tie Noun Family ties are important. » bond, niggardly, miserly, parsimonious, (more
connection, link, attachment, relationship, informal) penny-pinching
association tilt vere He tilted his hat to one side. The wall tilted
tight nective 1 The rope was pulled tight. alarmingly. » lean, slant, slope, tip, angle
> taut, stretched, rigid, stiff, tense tilt voun The tray was on a tilt. » slant, slope,
OPPOSITES ARE Slack, loose 2 Her grip was tight. incline, angle
> firm, fast, secure, clenched at full tilt They ran at full tilt down the bank.
AN OpPOSITE IS relaxed 3 The joint was completely > headlong, pell-mell, at full speed, at full pelt,
tight. > sealed, airtight, impervious at a gallop, fast
timber = tiny
timber noun timbers 1 wood for building or timing oun 1 the choice of time to do
making things 2a wooden beam something 2 the time when something
time noun times 1 all the years of the past,
present, and future; the continuous existence timpani Piura noun kettledrums
of the universe 2 a particular point or portion tin Noun tins 1a silvery-white metal 2 a metal
of time 3 an.occasion e the first time I saw him container for food
4a period suitable or available for something
e Is there time for a cup of tea? 5a system of
tinge vers tinges,tingeing,tinged 1 colour
something slightly 2 add a slight amount of
measuring time e Greenwich Mean Time 6 (in
music) rhythm depending on the number and
another feeling @ Our relief was tinged with
stress of beats in the bar 7 (times) multiplied sadness.
> tinge NOUN
by e Five times three is 15 (5 x 3 =15)
at times orfrom time to time sometimes; tingle vers tingles,tingling,tingled have a
occasionally slight pricking or stinging feeling
intime 1 not late 2 eventually > tingle Noun
on time punctual tinker vers tinkers , tinkering, tinkered work
time vers times ,timing,timed 1 measure at something casually, trying to improve or
how long something takes 2 arrange when mend it
something is to happen tinkle vers tinkles ,tinkling,tinkled make a
> timer NOUN gentle ringing sound
[from Old English] > tinkle Noun
timeless spective not affected by the passage of timmy pective 1 like tin 2 (said about a sound)
time; eternal unpleasantly thin and high-pitched
timely apective happening ata suitable or useful
tinsel youn strips of glittering material used for
time e a timely warning
timetable oun timetables alist showing the
times when things will happen, e.g. when buses tint noun tints a shade of colour, especially a
or trains will arrive and depart, or when school pale one
lessons will take place tint vers tints, tinting tinted colour
timid anjective easily frightened something slightly
> timidly Apvers timidity Noun tiny Apjective tinier, tiniest very small

timber oun Houses built of timber and mud timorous, faint-hearted, weak, fearful
would be very damp. » wood, planks, planking, OPPOSITES ARE bold, brazen
beams, laths, boarding, boards, logs, lumber, tinge noun 1 The light took on a green tinge.
trees > tint, shade, hue, colour 2 There was a tinge of
time Noun 1 in the time of Queen Mary » age, amusement on his face. » trace, touch, note,
era, period, generation 2 He lived here for a suggestion, flavour, streak
time. » while, period, spell 3 It took a long time tingle noun 1 There was a strange tingle in her
to fix the problem. » while, interval, duration, fingers. » prickling, stinging, tickle, tickling,
4 When is the best time to come? I didn’t know itch, itching, pins and needles 2 Melissa felt a
what to do at that time. » moment, point, tingle of excitement. » quiver, tremor, thrill,
juncture, stage, date, occasion RELATED sensation, shiver
ADJECTIVES temporal, chronic, chronological tingle vers His shoes were so tight they made his
time vers 1 She had timed her arrival for half an feet tingle. > itch, prickle, sting, tickle
hour after the party was due to start.» regulate, tinker vers He watched Nathan tinkering with his
choose, fix, set, schedule 2 The nurse timed ten bike. » fiddle, play, meddle, tamper, dabble,
minutes. » measure, count trifle, interfere, (more informal) mess about,
timely Apjective The incident was a timely (more informal) play about
reminder of how dangerous these waters had timt noun smooth glossy paper with a yellowish tint
become. » opportune, fitting, suitable, pm tinge, shade, hue, colour
appropriate, apt, prompt
timy Apjective 1 We've got a tiny pond in the front
timetable noun They established a timetable for garden. » minute, miniature, diminutive,
elections and political reform. » schedule, midget, mini, very small, (more informal) teeny,
agenda, programme, calendar, diary, roster, (more informal) titchy AN opposite Is huge
rota 2 These man-made gases are present in the
timid Aojective Elaine handed him her bag with a atmosphere only tiny amounts. » minute,
timid smile. » shy, diffident, bashful, modest, insignificant, negligible, paltry, meagre
tip — title
tip’ oun tips the part right at the top or end of tired pcre feeling that you need to sleep or
something rest
tip vers tips, tipping, tipped put atip on be tired ofhave had enough of something and
something feel impatient or bored with it
peice having a lot of energy; not
tip? oun tips 1a small present of money given tiring easily
to someone who has helped you 2 a small but
useful piece of advice; a hint tiresomeapectve annoying
tissuenoun tissues 1 tissue paper 2.a paper
tipvers tips, tipping, tipped 1 give a persona handkerchief 3 the substance forming any part
tip 2 name someone as a likely winner e Which of the body of an animal or plant e bone tissue
team would you tip to win the championship?
> tippernoun tissue papernoun very thin soft paper used for
tip off give a warning or special information wrapping and packing things
about something tit’ youn tits a kind of small bird
- tip? vere tips, tipping, tipped 1 tilt or topple tit? voun
2 empty rubbish somewhere tit for tat something equal given in return;
tipwoun tips 1 the action of tipping something titbitvoun titbits a nice little piece of
2a place where rubbish etc. is tipped something, e.g. of food, gossip, or information
tipsy apectve slightly drunk titillate vers titillates, titillating, titillated
stimulate or excite you pleasantly
tiptoe vers tiptoes, tiptoeing, tiptoed walk > titillationnoun
on your toes very quietly or carefully
on tiptoe walking or standing on your toes titlexoun titles 1 the name of a book, film,
song, etc. 2a word used to show a person’s
tirevers tires, tiring, tired make or become rank or position, e.g. Dr, Lord, Mrs 3.a
tired championship in sport e the world heavyweight
> tiringADECTIVe title 4a legal right to something

tipnoun 1He ran the tip of his finger along the refreshed 2 tired old debates about nature and
handlebar. The tip of the arrow couldn’t be far nurture stale, hackneyed, overworked, banal
into the tree. » end, point, extremity, sharp OPPOSITES AREfresh, new
end, nib 2 The tip ofamountain was visible above tired of They grew tired of waiting. » bored
the clouds. » summit, peak, pinnacle, top, with, fed up with, sick of, impatient with
apex, cap, crown, head 3 He paid his bill, left a
good tip, and walked home. » gratuity, gift tirelessanyective a tireless campaigner on behalf of
4 My tip is to go for really good-quality ski pants. chimpanzees in the wild » vigorous, energetic,
p hint, suggestion, advice, clue, information, determined, unflagging, untiring,
warning 5 To most people the rubbish tip is an indefatigable, persistent, zealous, diligent,
eyesore. » dump, heap, pit sedulous, unceasing AN OPPOSITE ISlazy
USAGE Note that tireless and tiresome are not
tipvers 1 He tipped his head back to look. The van opposites.
was tipping to one side. » lean, incline, list,
slant, slope, tilt, keel over 2 She tipped the fish tiresome apective Richard was back from work
into the sink and began to clean them. » empty, after a tiresome day. > irritating, annoying,
dump, pour out, spill, unload 3 He decided to tip wearisome, troublesome, trying, irksome,
the driver after all. » give a tip to, remunerate, bothersome, vexing, distracting, exasperating
reward OPPOSITES AREStimulating, exciting
tip overA whale is capable oftipping over a small . USAGE See the note at tireless.
boat. » overturn, capsize, topple, turn over, tirimganjective Infant care can be tiring.
upset, knock over > exhausting, exacting, taxing, wearying,
tip-off oun (informal) The police received a tip- fatiguing, demanding, difficult, hard
off about a shipment of cocaine. » alert, clue, AN OPPOSITE ISrefreshing
prompt, piece of information
title noun 1 The title of the picture was printed
tirevers The long walk tired us. » exhaust, underneath. » caption, heading, name
fatigue, weary, tire out, wear out, drain 2 Specify the title you want to be known by.
OPPOSITES ARErefresh, invigorate > form of address, designation, appellation,
tiredapective 1 He was tired from his hectic battle rank, status, office, position 3 He sought to
with the goblins. » exhausted, fatigued, prove his title to the land. » right, entitlement,
wearied, worn out OPPOSITES AREenergetic, claim, ownership (of), tenure (of)
titter — tolerable
titter vers titters ,tittering ,tittered giggle [via Canadian French from a Native American
> titter NOUN language]
to preposition This word is used to show direction today noun this present day @ Today is Monday.
or arrival at a position (We walked to school. He today Aovere on this day e Have you seen him
rose to power), limit (from noon to two o'clock), today?
comparison (We won by six goals to three), toddler noun toddlers a young child who has
receiving or being affected by something (Give only recently learnt to walk
it to me. Be kind to animals) Also used before a > toddle vers
verb to form an infinitive (Iwant to see him) or to
show purpose etc. (He does that to annoy us), or to-do noun to-dos a fuss or commotion
alone when the verb is understood (We meant toe Nountoes 1 any of the separate parts (five in
to go but forgot to) humans) at the end of each foot 2 the part ofa
shoe or sock etc. that covers the toes
to Apvers 1 to orin the proper or closed position
on your toes alert
or condition e Push the door to. 2 into a state of
activity @ We set to and cleaned the kitchen. toffee noun toffees a sticky sweet made from
to and fro backwards and forwards heated butter and sugar
toad Noun toads a frog-like animal that lives together pvers with another person or thing;
mainly on land with each other e They went to the party
toadstool noun toadstools a fungus (usually toil vers toils toiling toiled. hard
poisonous) with a round top ona stalk 2 move slowly and with difficulty
toast vere toasts toasting toasted 1 heat > toiler NOUN
bread etc. to make it brown and crisp 2 warm toil noun hard work
something in front of a fire etc. 3 drink in
honour of someone toilet noun toilets 1a bowl-like object,
connected by pipes to a drain, which you use to
toast Nountoasts 1 toasted bread 2 the call to get rid of urine and faeces 2 aroom containing
drink in honour of someone; the person a toilet 3 the process of washing, dressing, and
honoured in this way tidying yourself
tobacco Noun the dried leaves of certain plants token noun tokens 1 a piece of metal or plastic
prepared for smoking in cigarettes, cigars, or that can be used instead of money 2a voucher
pipes or for making snuff [via Spanish from a or coupon that can be exchanged for goods 3.a
Central American language] sign or signal of something e a token of our
tek eh NOUN poke dpi a small sledge friendship
used for sliding downhill tolerable agycrive able to be tolerated
> tobogganing NOUN > tolerably Abvers

toast vers 1 They toasted bread by the fire. (more informal) loo 2 She was taking ages over
> grill, brown, heat, warm 2 The guests then her toilet. » washing, bathing
toasted their host. » drink a toast to, drink the token noun 1 Saladin’s ring was sent as a token of
health of, raise your glass to, salute, honour good faith. » symbol, sign, mark, expression,
together spvers 1 They were all speaking testimony, evidence, indication, proof,
together. » simultaneously, at the same time, reminder 2 He had her name tattoed on his arm
at once, collectively, concurrently, in chorus, in as a token of their love. » memento, souvenir,
unison, jointly opposites ARE independently, record, keepsake 3 a book token ® voucher,
separately 2 Naim and I work together. coupon, counter
> jointly, with each other, in concert, side by token pjcrive 1 She did the work for a token fee.
side opposites ARE separately, alone 3 Nothing > nominal, minimal, trivial, slight
happened for days together. » in arow, in AN OPPOSITE IS Substantial 2 The garrison offered
succession, continuously, consecutively only token resistance. » perfunctory,
toil Noun years of hardship and toil» work , insignificant, superficial, symbolic
labour, donkey work, slaving, drudgery, effort, AN OPPOSITE IS Considerable
exertion, industry tolerable anjective 1 The pain was barely
tolerable. » bearable, acceptable, endurable,
toil vers The team needed to toil all day. » work,
sufferable, supportable
labour, slave, sweat, struggle, (more informal)
slog, (more informal) grind away AN opposite Is intolerable 2 He was fond of music
and had a tolerable voice. » adequate, passable,
toilet noun 1 There is a toilet on the first floor. middling, ordinary, satisfactory, fair,
> lavatory, WC, convenience, facilities, privy, mediocre, indifferent
tolerant — tonic
tolerant apjctive willing to accept or tolerate ton Noun tons 1 aunit of weight equal to 2,240
other people’s behaviour and opinions even if pounds or about 1,016 kilograms 2a large
you do not agree with them amount @ There’s tons of room. 3 (slang) a
> tolerantly Apvers tolerance NOUN speed of 100 miles per hour
tolerate verstolerates tolerating tolerated tome Noun fones 1asound in music or of the
1 allow something even if you do not approve voice 2 each of the five larger intervals
of it 2 bear or put up with something between notes in a musical scale (the smaller
unpleasant intervals aresemitones ) 3 a shade of a colour
> toleration Noun 4 the quality or character of something e a
cheerful tone
toll ’ (rhymes with hole) noun tolls 1a charge > tonal ADEcTIVE tonally ADverB
made for using.a road, bridge, etc. 2 loss.or
damage caused e The death toll in the tone vers tones toning toned 1 givea
earthquake is rising. particular tone or quality to something 2 be
harmonious in colour
~ toll (rhymes with hole) vers tolls tolling, tone down make a thing quieter or less bright
tolled ring a bell slowly or less harsh
> toll Noun [from Greek tonos = tension]
tom NOUN toms a male cat tongs PLURAL NOUN a tool with two arms joined at
> tomcat NOUN one end, used to pick up or hold things
tomato Noun tomatoes a soft round red fruit tongue Nountongues 1 thelong soft muscular
eaten as a vegetable [via French, Spanish, or part that moves about inside the mouth 2.a
Portuguese from Nahuatl (a Central American language 3 the leather flap on a shoe or boot
language)] underneath the laces 4 pointed flame [from
tomb (toom) noun tombs a place where Old English]
someone is buried; a monument built over this tongue-tied sjecrive too shy to speak
tomboy nountomboys a girl who enjoys rough tonic noun tonics 1a medicine etc. that makes
noisy games etc. a person healthier or stronger 2 anything that
makes a person more energetic or cheerful 3.a
tombstone noun tombstones a memorial fizzy mineral water with a bitter taste, often
stone set up over a grave mixed with gin 4a keynote in music
tomorrow Noun, Abvers the day after today > tonic ADJECTIVE

tolerance noun He has always preached catacomb, crypt, mausoleum RELATED ADJECTIVE
tolerance for people of whatever religion. sepulchral
> toleration, forbearance, sufferance,
acceptance, open-mindedness, broad- tone noun 1 He objected to the arrogant tone of
mindedness, liberalism, understanding, the letter. » manner, mood, spirit, attitude,
permissiveness tenor, quality 2 She called out in an angry tone of
voice. » expression, timbre, quality, sound,
tolerant apjecrive He’s a tolerant chap who didn’t modulation, intonation 3 emulsion paint with a
seem to mind ifI got it wrong. » understanding, rosy tone > tint, tinge, hue, shade, blush,
open-minded, long-suffering, forbearing, colour
sympathetic, fair, magnanimous, charitable
OPPOSITES ARE intolerant, unsympathetic tone vers tone with The pastel shades of the
tolerate vers 1 At work she will not tolerate wallpaper tone beautifully with the light wood of
interference. » put up with, bear, endure, the furniture. » harmonize with, coordinate
stand, abide, stomach, suffer, take, (more with, match, go well with, suit
informal) stick 2 This sort of behaviour is difficult tone down He was unwilling to tone down his
to tolerate. » accept, condone, countenance, criticisms of the management. » moderate,
admit, brook, make allowances for, permit, modify, temper, mitigate, soften, restrain,
sanction dampen, subdue, play down
AN OPPOSITE IS intensify
toll voun 1aroad toll» charge, fee, levy, tariff,
payment, duty, tax 2 the death toll from the tongue Noun He spoke in a foreign tongue.
accident » count, tally, total, reckoning > language, vernacular, idiom, talk, speech,
toll vers We heard a bell toll. » ring, peal, chime,
sound tongue-tied nective He is often tongue-tied in
tomb noun the tomb of Ramesses If > burial company. » lost for words, inarticulate,
chamber, burial place, sepulchre, grave, dumbstruck, speechless, mute, silent
tonight > tornado
tonight noun, Aovers this evening or night top? oun tops atoy that can be made to spinon
tonne noun tonnes a metric ton (1,000 its point
kilograms) top hatnoun top hats a man’s tall stiff black or
grey hat worn with formal clothes
tooapvers 1 also e Take the others too. 2 more
than is wanted orallowed etc. e That's too much toprheayecins too heavy at the top and
sugar for me. likely to overbalance
tool oun tools 1 device that helps you to do topicnoun topics a subject to write, learn, or
a particular job e A saw is a tool for cutting wood talk about
or metal. 2. a thing used foraparticular purpose topical nective connected with things that are
e An encyclopedia is a useful study tool. happening now e a topical film
tooth oun teeth 1 one of the hard white bony > topically spvers topicality Noun
parts that are rooted in the gums, used for topmost apjective highest
biting and chewing things 2 one of a row of topple vers topples, toppling, toppled 1 fall
sharp parts @ the teeth of a saw over; totter and fall 2 make something fall;
> toothachenoun toothbrushnoun toothed overthrow
fight tooth and nail fight very fiercely top secret Apjecrive extremely secret @ top
secret information
toothpaste vouv toothpastes a paste for
cleaning your teeth topsy-turvy spvers, apjective upside down;
top’ noun tops 1 the highest part of something
2 the upper surface 3 the covering or stopper torchwoun torches 1 a small electriclamp that
of a bottle, jar, etc. 4a piece of clothing forthe you can carry in your hand 2a stick with
upper part of the body burning material on the end, used as a light
on top of in addition to something torment vers torments, tormenting,
topanyective highest © at top speed tormented 1 make someone suffer greatly
2 tease; keep annoying someone
top vers tops, topping, topped 1 put atop on > tormentornoun
something 2 be at the top of something @ She
tops the list 3 remove the top of something tormentnoun torments great suffering
top upfill up something that is half empty tornado (tor- nay- doh) noun tornadoes a
@ top up your glass violent storm or whirlwind

tool oun 1a set ofgarden tools » implement, topical anjective Choose a news item of topical
utensil, device, gadget, appliance, contraption interest each week. » current, contemporary,
2 The tabloid press became a tool of the recent, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute,
government. » dupe, pawn, puppet, creature, newsworthy
stooge, minion, (more informal) poodle
topnoun 1 The top of the mountain was still
topple vers 1 The heavy winds toppled several
pylons, causing power cuts. » knock down,
covered in snow. » summit, peak, pinnacle, tip,
overturn, tip over, throw down, upset 2 She
apex, cap, crown, head AN OPPOSITE IS foot’ saw a man topple sideways into the gutter. If
2 The top of the jar was stuck. > lid, cap, cover,
covering AN OPPOSITE IS bottom kangaroos had no tails, they would topple over.
> fall, overbalance, tumble 3 A party revolt had
tOpPADjEcTIve 1 an office on the top floor » highest, toppled the conservative leadership. » bring
topmost, uppermost, upper down, overthrow, oust, unseat, depose
OPPOSITES AREbottom, lowest 2 some of the
world’s top golf professionals » leading, finest, topsy-turvy spective The carts lay in a topsy-
foremost, principal, chief, pre-eminent, prime turvy heap at the bottom of the hill. My emotions
3 the top Paris restaurants » best, prime, are all topsy-turvy. » disordered, confused,
superior, leading, foremost, finest mixed up, muddled, jumbled, untidy, higgledy-
AN OPPOSITE IS inferior piggledy opposites AREordered, neat
topvers 1 The cake can be topped with chopped
nuts.» cover, cap, decorate, finish off, garnish, torment vers 1 The urge to express her feelings
crown 2 Sales are expected to top the million tormented her. Sometimes, he was tormented by
mark. » exceed, beat, be higher than, outdo, jealousy. » afflict} torture, distress, persecute,
surpass, better, cap, excel plague, bedevil, bother, be a torment to, pain,
topicnoun An article on this topic appeared last vex 2 Marjory loved tormenting her younger
month. » subject, theme, issue, matter, brother. » tease, bait, pester, harass, annoy,
question, talking-point bully, victimize
torpedo = touch
torpedo noun torpedoes along tube-shaped total spective 1 including everything e the total
missile that can be fired under water to destroy amount 2 complete e total darkness
ships > totally Advers
torrent noun torrents 1 arushing stream; a total noun totals the amount you get by adding
great flow 2.a heavy downpour of rain everything together
> torrential ADJECTIVE total vers totals , totalling, totalled 1 add up
torso noun torsos the trunk of the human body the total 2 amount to something e The cost of
the damage totalled £500.
tortoise noun tortoises a slow-moving animal
with a shell over its body totalitarian apective using a form of
government where people are not allowed to
tortoiseshell (tort- as- shell) noun form rival political parties
tortoiseshells 1 the mottled brown and
yellow shell of certain turtles, used for making totem pole vountotem poles a pole carved or
combs etc. 2. cat or butterfly with mottled painted by Native Americans with the symbols
brown colouring (totems) of their tribes or families
torture vers tortures, torturing, tortured totter vers totters tottering, tottered walk
make a person feel great pain or worry unsteadily; wobble
> torture NOUN torturer NOUN > tottery ADJECTIVE

Tory Noun Tories a Conservative touch vers touches touching,touched 1 put

> Tory ADJECTIVE your hand or fingers etc. on something lightly
2 be or come together so that there is no space
toss vers tosses; tossing, tossed 1 throw between 3.come into contact with something
something, especially up into the air 2 spina or hit it gently 4 move or meddle with
coin to decide something according to which something 5 reach e The thermometer touched
side of it is upwards after it falls 3 move 30° Celsius. 6 affect someone’s feelings, e.g. by
restlessly or unevenly from side to side making them feel sympathy e The sad story
> toss NOUN touched our hearts.
toss-up noun toss-ups 1 the tossing of a coin touch and go an uncertain situation
2 an even chance touch down 1 (said about an aircraft) land
2 (in rugby football) touch the ball on the
tot’ oun tots 1asmall child 2 (informal) a ground behind the goal line
small amount of spirits @ a tot ofrum touch on discuss a subject briefly
tot 2vers tots, totting ,totted touch up improve something by making small
tot up (informal) add up additions or changes

torrent noun 1 The sky opened and a heavy > twist and turn, move restlessly, flail, thrash
torrent fell down. » downpour, deluge, flood, about, wriggle, fidget
shower, flow AN OPPOSITE IS trickle 2 These toss Noun atoss ofa coin flip, fling, throw, jerk,
points are lost to the reader in a torrent of words. heave
> cascade, gush, rush, outburst, spate, tot vers tot up He was totting up some figures.
stream, tide > add up, calculate, count, total, find the total
torture noun 1 Human rights groups claimed of, reckon up, totalize, work out
that torture ofprisoners had taken place. total anective 1 The total volume of sales reached
> maltreatment, persecution, cruelty, five million. » complete, comprehensive,
torment, humiliation, degradation, inquisition entire, full, gross, overall, whole 2A senior fire
2 The rest of the journey was torture. » agony, officer said it was total carnage. » sheer, utter,
torment, misery, affliction absolute, downright, thorough, unmitigated,
torture vers 1 They were out to torture their unqualified, perfect, out-and-out
victims. » persecute, inflict pain on, inflict total noun The airport will handle a total of a
suffering on, be cruel to, degrade, humiliate, million passengers in the week before Christmas.
hurt, torment 21 was having thoughts that > sum, totality, aggregate, amount, whole
tortured me. > afflict, torment, distress, total vers The cash bag totalled £1,200.
persecute, plague, bedevil, bother, be a > amount to, come to, add up to, make, reach
torment to, pain, vex total up Total up your scores. » add up,
toss vers 1 He tossed a ball high in the air. calculate, count, tot up, find the total of, reckon
> throw, fling, hurl, cast, pitch, heave 2 The up, totalize, work out
boat was tossing about in shallow water. » \urch, touch vers 1 She touched his arm and he turned.
pitch, reel, rock, roll, bob, shake, wallow, > pat, brush, contact, feel, rub, stroke, tap,
welter, writhe 3 Marion tossed restlessly in bed. caress, dab 2 Their sorrow touched him.

touch = towards
touch noun touches 1 the action of touching 5 difficult e a tough decision
2 the ability to feel things by touching them 3a > toughly advers toughness NouN
small amount; a small thing done e thefinishing toughen vers toughens, toughening,
touches 4a special skill or style of workmanship toughened make or become tough
@ She hasn't lost her touch. 5 communication tour youn tours a journey visiting several places
with someone e We lost touch with him 6 the
tour vers tours, touring, toured make a tour
part of a football field outside the playing area
tourism noun the industry of organizing
touching pective causing you to have kindly holidays and visits to places of interest
feelings such as pity or sympathy
tourist youn tourists a person who makes a
touchline youn touchlines one of the lines tour or visits a place for pleasure
that mark the side of a sports pitch tournament youn tournaments a series of
touchstonenoun touchstones atest by which games or contests
the quality of something is judged ttow (rhymes with go) vers tows, towing,
touchy nective touchier, touchiest easily towed pull something along behind you
offended D> tow NOUN
> touchily Aovers touchiness NOUN on tow being towed
tough agective 1 strong; difficult to break or toward preposition towards
damage 2 difficult to chew 3 able to stand towards preposition 1 in the direction of e She
hardship; not easily hurt 4 firm or severe walked towards the sea. 2in relation to;

> move, affect, concern, disturb, influence, wearing, indestructible, lasting, unbreakable,
inspire, stir, upset 3 Their speed touched 100 well-made opposites Are flimsy, delicate 2 He is
m.p.h. » reach, rise to, attain 4 (informal) tall with a tough physique.(informal) » sturdy,
Nothing could touch them for good value. muscular, strong, beefy, brawny, burly, hardy,
> equal, match, compare with, rival, come up robust, stalwart AN OPPOSITE IS weak 3 They
to, parallel proved to be tough rivals. She’s a tough, single-
touch on The programme touched on recent minded woman. » determined, tenacious,
concerns. » refer to, deal with, mention, treat, unyielding, resilient, resolute, resistant, stiff,
raise, cover stubborn AN opposite Is weak. 4 The meat was
touch up The room had been touched up and overcooked and tough. » chewy, leathery,
given a new carpet. » improve, repaint, gristly, rubbery, hard, uneatable
renovate, refurbish, redecorate AN OPPOSITE IS tender 5 There was a tough climb
touch noun 1 Animals communicate by touch. ahead. » difficult, arduous, strenuous,
> feeling, touching, contact 2 She jumped exacting, exhausting, gruelling, stiff, hard,
under his touch. » pat, stroke, tap, caress, laborious AN OPPOSITE IS easy 6 They had some
contact, dab 3 Funny speeches need a bubbly, tough questions to answer. > difficult, baffling,
light touch. » manner, style, technique, flair, intractable, puzzling, perplexing, (more
knack, feel, sensitivity 4 There was a touch of informal) thorny, (more informal) knotty
genius in the way he talked that night. » hint, AN OPPOSITE IS easy
suggestion, suspicion, tinge, trace 5A gift of toughen VERB ways of toughening wood
flowers can be a nice touch. » feature, detail, > arden, strengthen, make tougher,
extra 6 He and Carol kept in touch. » contact, reinforce AN OPPOSITE IS weaken
communication, correspondence RELATED
ADJECTIVE tactile tour Noun a tour round the castles of southern
Bavaria » journey, expedition, trip, ride, drive,
touched spective I was touched by their outing, excursion
generosity. » moved, affected, impressed,
stirred, responsive (to) tour vers The town is well situated for touring the
area. » travel round, visit, explore, sightsee,
touching pectve She was beautiful, her face go round, make a tour of
crossed by a touching sadness. » moving,
affecting, poignant, emotional, tender tourist noun Tribal dances are performed for the
touchy spective Like most tired children she was tourists. » sightseer, holidaymaker, visitor,
touchy and uncooperative. » irritable, bad- tripper, traveller
tempered, irascible, grumpy, grouchy, testy, tournament oun He was due to take part in a
tetchy, crotchety, cantankerous, peevish, celebrity golf tournament. » competition,
fractious, cross, (more informal) stroppy, (more contest, championship, match, meeting, series
informal) shirty AN OPPOSITE Is good-humoured tow vers The rope seemed too slender to tow the
tough agective 1 It was my first outing in my forty-foot barge. » pull, drag, tug, draw, haul,
tough new boots. » strong, stout, durable, hard- transport, trail
towel = tract
regarding e He behaved kindly towards his trace vers traces ,tracing,traced 1copya
children. 3 as a contribution to e Put the money picture or map etc. by drawing over it on
towards a new bicycle. 4near e towards four transparent paper 2 follow the traces of a
o'clock ; person or thing; find e The police have been
towel noun towels a piece of absorbent cloth trying to trace her.
for drying things > tracer NOUN
> towelling noun tracery noun a decorative pattern of holes in
tower noun towers a tall narrow building stone, e.g. ina church window
tower vers towers, towering, towered be track youn tracks 1amark or marks left by a
very high; be taller than others @ Skyscrapers moving person or thing 2a rough path made
towered over the city. by being used 3 a road or area of ground
town Noun towns a place with many houses, specially prepared for racing 4 a set of rails for
shops, offices, and other buildings trains or trams etc. 5 one of the songs or pieces
town hall noun town halls a building with of music ona CD, tape, etc. 6a continuous
offices for the local council and usually a hall for band round the wheels of a tank or tractor etc.
public events keep orlose track of keep or fail to keep
towpath noun towpaths a path beside a canal yourself informed about where something is or
or river, originally for use when a horse was what someone is doing
towing a barge etc. track vere tracks, tracking, tracked 1 follow
toxic apjective poisonous; caused by poison the tracks left by a person or animal 2 follow or
> toxicity Noun observe something as it moves
toy noun toys a thing to play with > tracker Noun
toy Apjective 1 made as atoy 2 (said about a dog) track down find a person orthing by searching
of a very small breed e a toy poodle tract ’youn tracts 1 an area ofland 2 a series of
toy vers toys, toying, toyed connected parts along which something
toy with handle a thing or consider an idea passes @ the digestive tract [from Latin tractus =
casually drawing, draught]
trace noun traces 1a mark left by a person or tract? oun tracts a pamphlet containing a
thing; asign e There was no trace of the thief. 2a short essay, especially about religion or politics
very small amount [via Old English from Latin]

tower noun We passed two abbeys, one with a toyed with the idea of walking to the station to
tower and one without. » steeple, turret, meet her. » think about, play with, consider
column, pillar, belfry
trace noun 1 ‘No,’ he said with a trace of
tower vers Clouds towered on every side. He stood irritation. >» hint, touch, suggestion, suspicion
up, and he towered above her. » loom, rear, rise, 2 The animal had left no trace. > trail, track,
dominate, stand out, stick up, ascend mark, sign, spoor, indication 3 The investigators
towering spective towering crags and cliffs could find no trace of blood. » sign, remnant,
> tall, high, lofty, soaring, mighty, colossal, remains, vestige
gigantic, imposing trace vers 1 Police are trying to trace the owner of
town noun The family moved to an industrial the car. » track down, find, discover, uncover,
town. » conurbation, urban area, borough, unearth, detect 2 It would be best to trace the
city, municipality, settlement RELATED ADJECTIVE map from an atlas. » copy, draw, outline, mark
urban, civic, municipal out, sketch, make a copy of
toxic anective You have two minutes to get out track youn 1.An animal had left clear tracks.
before the heat and toxic fumes overcome you. > trace, trail, mark, scent, spoor, footmark,
> poisonous, noxious, lethal, deadly, footprint 2 a track across the fields » path, way,
dangerous, harmful opposites ARE harmless, pathway, footpath, route, lane, trail 3.a racing
safe track ® course, circuit, dirt-track, race-track
toy apective giant toy animals » model, 4 Passengers were seen walking along the tracks.
imitation, make-believe, simulation, (more > rail, line
informal) pretend
track vers He tracked a bear all day. » follow,
toy woun The children can bring their favourite toy. trail, pursue, stalk, chase, hunt, dog, shadow,
> plaything, game, doll trace
toy vers toy with 1 She picked up her fork and track down It took years to track everyone down.
toyed with her food. » play with, fiddle with, > discover, trace, find, detect, recover,
fidget with, tinker with, peck at, pick at 2 He retrieve
tractor — train
tractor noun tractors a motor vehicle for traffic lights pura noun coloured lights used
pulling farm machinery or other heavy loads as a signal to traffic at road junctions etc.
trade noun trades 1 buying, selling, or traffic warden noun traffic wardens an
exchanging goods 2 business of a particular official who assists police to control the
kind; the people working in this 3 an movement and parking of vehicles
occupation, especially a skilled craft tragedy noun tragedies 1 a play with unhappy
trade vers trades, trading, traded buy, sell, or events or a sad ending 2. very sad or
exchange things distressing event [from Greek tragos = goat +
> trader NOUN oide = song The connection with goats is not
trade in give a thing as part of the payment for known]
something new e He traded in his motorcycle for tragicapjective 1 very sad or distressing 2 todo
a car. with tragedies e a great tragic actor
> tragically Abvers
trade mark oun trade marks a firm’s
registered symbol or name used to distinguish trail youn trails 1a track, scent, or other sign
ai its goods etc. from those of other firms left where something has passed 2 path or
track made through the countryside or a forest
tradesman noun tradesmen a person
employed in trade, especially one who sells or trail vers trails, trailing, trailed 1 follow the
delivers goods trail of something; track 2 drag or be dragged
along behind; lag behind 3 follow someone
trade union oun trade unions a group of more slowly or wearily 4 hang down or float
workers organized to help and protect workers loosely 5 become fainter @ Her voice trailed
in their own trade or industry away.
tradition oun traditions 1 the passing down trailer youn trailers 1 truck or other
of beliefs or customs etc. from one generation container pulled along by a vehicle 2a short
to another 2 something passed on in this way piece from a film or television programme,
> traditional ADeEcTVe traditionally Abvers shown in advance to advertise it
trafficnoun 1 vehicles, ships, or aircraft moving train Noun trains 1a railway engine pulling a
along a route 2 trading, especially when it is line of carriages or trucks that are linked
illegal or wrong e drug traffic together 2 a number of people or animals

trade noun 1 international trade » commerce, tragedy noun the tragedy of their son’s death
buying and selling, dealing, trading, traffic, > disaster, calamity, catastrophe, affliction,
transactions, barter, business, marketing blow, misfortune, misadventure
RELATED ADJECTIVE mercantile 2 He wanted to be
trained in a trade. » craft, occupation, job, tragicapjective 1 tragic accident» disastrous,
career, profession, calling, pursuit, line of work catastrophic, calamitous, dreadful, fatal,
appalling, terrible, unfortunate
trade vers 1 The family traded in diamonds. AN opposite Is fortunate 2 a tragic expression on
> deal, traffic, buy and sell, do business 2 She her face > sad, sorrowful, woeful, wretched,
traded her old car for a new model. » exchange, distressed, grief-stricken, hurt, pathetic,
part-exchange, barter, swap, switch piteous, pitiful AN OpPosiTE is comic
trader nouns local high-street traders » dealer,
merchant, retailer, tradesman, shopkeeper, trail noun 1 The fox followed the trail of its prey.
stockist, supplier, vendor > track, footprints, mark, scent, signs, spoor,
traces 2a nature trail» path, pathway, route,
tradition oun the old tradition offirst-footing track, road 3 They left a trail of clues. » series,
> custom, practice, convention, institution,
string, stream, chain, line
observance, habit, routine
traditional apecnve 1 a traditional white trail vers. 1 The car was trailing a large caravan.
wedding » conventional, customary, > draw, haul, drag, pull, tow 2 His feet were
established, accustomed, familiar, time- trailing in the water.» dangle, hang 3 She
honoured, typical, orthodox, regular, usual suspected someone was trailing her. » follow,
AN OPPOSITE IS unconventional 2 traditional pursue, shadow, stalk, track, trace, tail, chase
beliefs > popular, folk, oral, unwritten, 4 The smaller children were trailing behind.
historical opposites ARE Modern, contemporary 5‘ftragale, linger, lag, fall behind, dawdle,
traffic noun 1 Road traffic is not allowed in the ally 8

park. » vehicles, cars, transport 2 goods traffic trainnoun 1 strange train of events » chain,
> transport, transportation, movement series, sequence, succession 2 The minister had
3 illegal traffic in antiquities » trade, trading, a train of attendants. » entourage, retinue,
dealing, commerce, peddling cortége, following, suite
train = transform
moving ina line e a camel train 3a series of trampoline Noun trampolines a large piece of
things e a train of events 4 part of along dress canvas joined to a frame by springs, used by
or robe that trails on the ground at the back gymnasts for jumping on
train vers trains, training, trained 1givea trance youn trances a dreamy or unconscious
person instruction or practice so that they state rather like sleep
become skilled 2 practise, especially for a tranquil Apective calm and quiet
sporting event e She was training for the race. > tranquilly Apvers tranquillity noun
3 make something grow in a particular tranquillizer youn tranquillizers a medicine
direction @ We’d like to train roses up the walls . used to make a person feel calm
4 aim a gun or camera etc.
transatlantic apjective across or on the other
trainer youn trainers 1a person who trains side of the Atlantic Ocean
people or animals 2 a soft rubber-soled shoe of transcript youn transcripts a written copy
the kind worn for running or by athletes etc.
while exercising
transfer vers transfers, transferring,
transferred 1 move a person or thing to
traitor youn traitors a person who betrays his another place 2 hand over
or her country or friends > transterable apjecrve transference youn
> traitorous ADJECTIVE transfer youn transfers 1 the transferring of a
tram youn trams a public passenger vehicle person or thing 2a picture or design that can
running on rails in the road be transferred onto another surface
transfigure vers transfigures,
tramp joun tramps 1 apersonwithoutahome
transfiguring, transfigured change the
or job who walks from place to place 2a long
appearance of something greatly
walk 3 the sound of heavy footsteps
> transfiguration youn
tramp vers tramps, tramping, tramped transfix vers transfixes, transfixing,
1 walk with heavy footsteps 2 walk for along transfixed 1 make a person or animal unable
distance to move because of fear or surprise etc.
trample ves tramples, trampling, trampled 2 pierce and fix with something pointed
tread heavily on something; crush something transform vers transforms, transforming,
by treading on it transformed change the form or appearance

train vers 1 Now she had three assistants to train. trample vers trample on Her dog had trampled
> teach, instruct, tutor, coach, educate, on his tulips. » tread on, stamp on, walk over,
prepare 2 The team was training hard. crush, flatten, squash
> practise, exercise, prepare yourself, get fit, trance youn She was lost in a trance. » daze,
(more informal) work out 3 The guns were dream, hypnotic state, reverie, day-dream,
trained on a position in the hills. » aim (at), ecstasy, spell
point (at), direct (at), level (at)
tranquil spective 1 the tranquil and pretty
trainer noun a fitness trainer » instructor, hamlet of Blore » peaceful, quiet, calm, restful,
coach, teacher, tutor, mentor placid, serene, still, undisturbed, unruffled
training noun Next week he would report for OPPOSITES ARE noisy, busy 2 He felt relaxed and
training. » exercise, exercises, physical tranquil. » calm, placid, sedate, sober,
exercise, fitness routine, (more informal) unemotional, unexcited, untroubled,
working out collected, composed, dispassionate, (more
informal) laid-back AN OPPOSITE |S excited
traitor youn Thousands of students denounced
Kimasa traitor.» betrayer, defector, deserter, transfer vers (with the stress on -fer) The books
double-crosser, apostate, blackleg, turncoat, will be transferred to the central library.» move,
collaborator, informer, quisling, renegade remove, shift, relocate, take over, take across,
convey, transmit
tramp noun 1 the ritual tramp across Ilkley Moor
pe trek, trudge, march, walk, (more informal) transfer youn (with the stress on trans-) the
slog 2 He remembered an old tramp he used to transfer of rights to the new owner » change,
see by the tube station. » beggar, vagrant, changeover, shift, shifting, handover,
homeless person, destitute person, (more transferral, transmission
informal) dosser, (more informal) down and out transform vers The new owners transformed the
tramp vers We tramped across the wet grass and property into a lovely family house. » convert,
bracken. » trudge, trek, traipse, hike, march, change, alter, develop, renovate, reorganize,
plod, stride, toil (more formal) metamorphose
transformer — trap
or character of a person or thing transmission youn transmissions
> transformation NOUN 1 transmitting something 2.a broadcast 3 the
gears by which power is transmitted from the
transformer Noun transformers a device engine to the wheels of a vehicle
used to change the voltage of an electric
current transmit vers transmits, transmitting,
transmitted 1 send or pass on from one
transfusion noun transfusions putting blood person or place to another 2 send out a signal
taken from one person into another person’s or broadcast etc.
body > transmitter NOUN
> transfuse VERB
tranmsmute vers transmutes, transmuting,
transistor Noun transistors 1a tiny transmuted change something from one
semiconductor device that controls a flow of form or substance into another
electricity 2 (also transistor radio) a > transmutation NOUN
portable radio that uses transistors
> transistorized ADJECTIVE
transparent apective able to be seen through
transit noun the process of travelling from one
transplant vers transplants, transplanting,
transplanted 1 remove a plant and put it to
place to another e The goods were damaged in grow somewhere else 2 transfer a part of the
body to another person or animal
transition Noun transitions the process of > transplantation NOUN
changing from one condition or form etc. to transplant oun transplants 1 the process of
another transplanting 2 something transplanted
> transitional ADJECTIVE
transport vers transports, transporting,
transitive spective (said about a verb) used transported take a person, animal, or thing
with a direct object after it, e.g. change in from one place to another
change your shoes (but not in change into dry > transportation NOUN transporter NOUN
shoes) COMPARE intransitive
> transitively Advers
transport noun the process or means of
transporting people, animals, or things e The
translate vers translates, translating, city has a good system ofpublic transport.
translated put something into another transpose vers transposes, transposing,
language transposed 1 change the position or order of
> translatable ADecTive translation NOUN something 2 put a piece of music into a
translator NOUN different key
transliterate vers transliterates, > transposition NOUN
transliterating, transliterated write a word trap Noun traps 1a device for catching and
in the letters of a different alphabet or language holding animals 2 a plan ortrick for capturing,
> transliteration NOUN detecting, or cheating someone 3a two-
translucent (tranz-loo- sent) ADJECTIVE wheeled carriage pulled by a horse 4a bend in
allowing some light to shine through but not a pipe, filled with water to prevent gases from
transparent rising up from a drain

transformation Noun There was a send out 2 Short-wave radios are used to
transformation in her attitude. » change, transmit messages. » communicate, convey,
conversion, alteration, improvement, dispatch, disseminate, emit, pass on
revolution, transfiguration, transition, (more AN OPPOSITE IS receive
formal) metamorphosis, (more informal) turn- transparent Apjective a transparent fabric
about > see-through, translucent, diaphanous, clear,
translate vers a poem by Goethe translated into sheer, filmy, gauzy, limpid, pellucid
English » render, convert, interpret, express, transport vers (with the stress on - port) The
paraphrase, transcribe larger components will be transported by rail.
translation voun an English translation of the > take, carry, convey, ship, transfer, bring,
Iliad > version, rendering, transcription, fetch, haul, move, shift
interpretation, gloss, paraphrase transport noun (with the stress on trans-) The
transmission noun The programme was village has limited access to public transport.
scheduled for transmission after 9 o'clock. > conveyance, haulage, shipping,
> broadcast, relaying, diffusion, transportation
dissemination, sending out trap oun 1 Some kinds ofanimal traps are illegal.
transmit vers 1 The broadcast will be > snare, noose, net, gin 2 The cavalry rode
transmitted next Saturday. » broadcast, relay, straight into a trap » ambush, lure, decoy,
trap = treason
trap verstraps trapping trapped 1 catch or trawl vers trawls trawling ,trawled fish by
hold a person or animal inatrap 2 prevent dragging a large net along the seabed |
someone from escaping @ The driver was trawler Nountrawlers a boat used in trawling
trapped in the wreckage.
bad NOUNtrays 1 a flat piece of wood, metal, or
> trapper NOUN plastic, usually with raised edges, for carrying
trapdoor nountrapdoors a door ina floor, cups, plates, food, etc. 2 an open container for
ceiling, or roof - holding letters etc. in an office
trapeze Nountrapezes a bar hanging from two treacherous Apective 1 betraying someone;
ropes as a swing for acrobats disloyal 2 dangerous or unreliable e It’s
trapezium Nountrapeziums ortrapezia a snowing and the roads are treacherous.
quadrilateral in which two opposite sides are > treacherously ADvers treachery NOUN
parallel and the other two are not treacle noun athick sticky liquid produced
when sugar is purified
trash noun rubbish or nonsense
> trashy ADJECTIVE
> treacly ADJECTIVE
[originally = ointment for an animal bite; from
trauma (traw- ma) NouNtraumas a shock that Greek therion = wild or poisonous animal]
produces a lasting effect on a person’s mind tread vers treads treading ,trod ,trodden
> traumatic AD/ECTIVEtraumatize VERB walk or put your foot on something
travel verstravels travelling travelled move tread nountreads 1asound orway of walking
from place to place 2 the top surface of a stair; the part you put
> travel NOUN your foot on 3 the part of a tyre that touches
traveller Nountravellers 1a person who is the ground
travelling or who often travels 2.a gypsy, ora treadmill vountreadmills 1.awide mill wheel
person who does not settle in one place turned by the weight of people or animals
traveller ’cheque nountraveller $ cheques treading on steps fixed round its edge
. acheque for a fixed amount of money that is 2 monotonous routine work
sold by banks and that can be exchanged for treason noun betraying your country
money in foreign countries > treasonable AD/éCTIve treasonous ADJECTIVE

ambuscade 3 The last question might be a trap. traveller noun 1 refreshments for the weary
> trick, ploy, deception, artifice traveller» voyager, passenger, tourist, tripper,
trap vers 1 They had to find a way of trapping the holidaymaker, sightseer 2 ground set aside for
fox before it did any more damage. » snare, travellers’ camps ® gypsy, itinerant, nomad
capture, catch, ensnare, entrap, corner 2 The treacherous Apective 1 She did not believe him
question was designed to trap them. » trick, capable of such treacherous behaviour.
deceive, fool, dupe > traitorous, disloyal, deceitful, faithless, false,
trash noun 1 The cleaners shake out your carpets unfaithful, perfidious, double-dealing,
and empty your trash. » rubbish, waste, refuse, duplicitous An opposite IS loyal 2 There was a
garbage, litter 2 He despised himself for having mile of deep treacherous water separating him
to write such trash. » rubbish, nonsense, drivel, from the mainland. » dangerous, hazardous,
gibberish, junk perilous, unsafe, unreliable, deceptive,
misleading, risky, shifting, unpredictable,
trash vers He went to a phone box but it had been unstable opposites are safe, reliable
trashed. » vandalize, wreck, ruin, destroy
trashy nective (informal) a trashy horror movie treachery Noun His resignation from the party
from the sixties » inferior, poor-quality, would be seen as an act of treachery. » betrayal,
second-rate, rubbishy, worthless disloyalty, infidelity, perfidy, treason,
dishonesty, double-dealing, duplicity,
traumatic spective She talked about her faithlessness, untrustworthiness
traumatic divorce from Ronnie. » distressing, AN OPPOSITE IS: loyalty
stressful, disturbing, shocking, upsetting,
hurtful, painful an opposite 1s soothing tread vers There is erosion along the route and
travel noun When he retired he had much more walkers should tread carefully. » step, walk,
time for travel. » travelling, touring, tourism, proceed, pace, stride
journeying, sightseeing, excursions, tread on His father accidentally trod ona model .
globetrotting boat he’d been making. » step on, walk on,
trample, crush, squash, stamp on
travel vers With this ticket you can travel as many
miles as you wish. » journey, go, ramble, treason Noun In July 1540 he was beheaded for
wander, rove, tour, move, proceed, progress treason. » treachery, betrayal, sedition,

treasure — tremor
treasure youn treasures 1 store of precious treaty noun treaties a formal agreement
metals or jewels 2.a precious thing or person between two or more countries
treasure vers treasures, treasuring, treble spective three times as much or as many
treasured value greatly something that you treble youn trebles 1a treble amount 2a
have person with a high-pitched or soprano voice
treasurer youn treasurers a person in charge treble vers trebles, trebling, trebled make or
of the money of a club, society, etc. become three times as much or as many [from
treasury noun treasuries a place where early French; related to triple]
money and valuables are kept tree youn trees a tall plant with a single very
the Treasury the government department in thick hard stem or trunk that is usually without
charge of a country’s income branches for some distance above the ground
[from Old English]
treat vers treats, treating, treated 1 behave
in a certain way towards a person or thing trek youn treks along walk or journey
2 deal with a subject etc. 3 give medical care in trek vers treks, trekking, trekked go onalong
order to cure a person or animal 4 put walk or journey [from South African Dutch
something through a chemical or other process trekken = to pull, to travel]
@ The fabric has been treated to make it trellis youn trellises a framework with crossing
waterproof. 5 pay for someone else’s food, bars of wood or metal etc. to support climbing
drink, or entertainment @ Il treat you to an ice plants
cream. tremble vers trembles, trembling, trembled
treat youn treats 1 something special that shake gently, especially with fear
gives pleasure 2 the process of treating > tremble noun
someone to food, drink, or entertainment tremendous apctive 1 very large; huge
[from Latin tractare = to handle or manage] 2 excellent
treatment youn treatments 1 the process or > tremendously apvers
manner of dealing with a person, animal, or tremor youn tremors 1 a shaking ortrembling
thing 2 medical care movement 2a slight earthquake

rebellion, mutiny OPPOSITES ARE loyalty, treatment oun 1 She found it difficult to accept
allegiance his treatment of her. » care, handling,
treasure noun 1 The treasure sank to the bottom management, behaviour (towards), conduct
(towards), dealing (with), use 2 He was
of the sea, along with the ship that held it.
> hoard, cache, jewels, riches, fortune, gold, responding well to the treatment. » therapy,
treasure trove, valuables, wealth 2 Rosie was a medical care, medication, nursing, healing
treasure who had brought happiness to the house. 3 The book’s treatment of this topic is extremely
> gem, paragon, angel, prize, star thorough. » coverage, handling, explanation,
analysis, discussion
treasure vers It’s a very special photo and well treaty noun The two countries signed a treaty of
treasure it for ever. » prize, value, cherish, mutual support. » agreement, settlement,
esteem, guard, keep safe, adore, appreciate, pact, deal, entente, alliance, compact,
love concordat, convention, protocol,
treat oun 1 Add some prawns to the dish for a understanding
special treat.» indulgence, extravagance 2 She trek noun a long trek through the hills > journey,
would give the children a birthday treat next year. trip, expedition, march, hike, slog, tramp,
> celebration, surprise, entertainment, outing trudge, walk
3 The ballet is a treat to the eye. » pleasure, trek vers They've trekked all over the Greek
delight, joy, thrill oa > hike, tramp, march, journey, walk,
treat vers 1 They didn’t treat her badly, but she slog
was made to feel a nuisance. » behave towards, tremble vers 1 His hands were trembling.
deal with, look after, care for, use, serve, attend > shake, shiver, quake, quaver, quiver 2 Heavy
to 2 The lectures treat all broad aspects of the traffic outside makes the ornaments tremble.
subject. » deal with, discuss, cover, consider, > vibrate, shake, wobble, shudder, waver
tackle 3 attempts to treat illness by radiation tremendous apjctive 1It had been a
> cure, heal, medicate, dress, tend 4 People tremendous achievement. » great, wonderful,
tend to treat the videos as entertainment rather marvellous, sensational, stupendous,
than information. » regard, consider, view 5 If extraordinary, considerable, significant,
you like, Il treat you to a film. » give, pay for, immense OPPOSITES ARE insignificant, trivial
provide for, entertain 2 There was a tremendous crash. » terrible,
trench = trick
trench nountrenches 1alongnarrowhole cut triangle noun triangles 1 flat shape with
in the ground 2a ditch dug by troops to three sides and three angles 2 a percussion
protect them from enemy fire instrument made from a metal rod bent into a
trench vere dig a trench or trenches triangle
> triangular ADjeEcTiVE
trend nountrends the general direction in
which something is going tribe nouvtribes 1a group of families living in
one area as a community, ruled by a chief 2a
trendy apjective (informal) fashionable; set of people
following the latest trends > tribal apective tribally Apvers tribesman
> trendily Apvers trendiness NOUN NOUN tribeswoman NOUN
trespass vers trespasses ,trespassing ,
trespassed 1 goon someone’s land or
tribunal (try- bew- nal) youn tribunals a
property unlawfully 2 (old use) do wrong; sin committee appointed to hear evidence and
> trespasser NOUN give judgements when there is a dispute

trespass Noun trespasses (old use) tributary noun tributaries a river or stream
wrongdoing; sin that flows into a larger one or into a lake

tress nountresses alock of hair tribute nountributes 1 something said, done,

or given to show respect or admiration
trestle noun trestles each of aset of supports 2 payment that one country or ruler was
on which a board is rested to form a table formerly obliged to pay to a more powerful
> trestle table noun one
trial vountrials 1 the process of examining the trice Noun (old use)
evidence in a lawcourt to decide whether a in atrice inamoment
person is guilty of a crime 2 testing a thing to [from early Dutch trisen = to pull quickly, to tug]
see how good itis 3 a test of qualities or ability
4 an annoying person or thing; a hardship trick nountricks 1acrafty or deceitful action;
ontrial 1 being tried in a lawcourt 2 being a practical joke e Let’s play a trick on Jo. 2a
tested skilful action, especially one done for
trial and error trying out different methods entertainment e magic tricks 3 the cards
of doing something until you find one that picked up by the winner after one round of a
works card game such as whist

terrific, frightful, awful, fearful, fearsome, tribute noun 1 Tributes came in from friends and
alarming, appalling, frightening, horrifying, colleagues. » praise, accolade, eulogy,
shocking opposites ARE faint, slight testimonial, appreciation, commendation,
recognition, compliment, panegyric 2 Their
trend noun 1a downward trend in
unemployment » tendency, movement, shift, eventual success was a tribute to their courage and
bias, leaning, direction, inclination 2 the latest determination. » testimony, evidence (of),
trend in rock music » fashion, vogue, craze, proof (of) 3 The city had to pay an annual tribute
rage, mode, style, fad, way to the king. » tax, payment, levy, duty,
trendy apjctve (informal) trendy clothes pay tribute to She paid tribute to her staff for
> fashionable, stylish, up-to-date, their hard work. > praise, commend, applaud,
contemporary, latest, modern, (more informal)
celebrate, honour, pay homage to, respect
cool, (more informal) in
AN OPPOSITE IS unfashionable trick Noun 1He entertained the children with
conjuring tricks >» feat, stunt, illusion, magic
trial noun 1 The trial will last about a month. 2 He saw through every trick she used. » ruse,
> lawsuit, court case, hearing, tribunal,
scheme, stratagem, deceit, deception,
proceedings, examination 2 The latest model is
undergoing trials. » test, testing, experiment, subterfuge, manoeuvre, ploy, pretence, fraud,
pilot, try-out 3 Such a long meeting was a real wile, cheat, (more informal) con 3 My favourite
trick was to hide above everyone and jump on
trial. » ordeal, problem, tribulation, difficulty,
trouble, burden, worry, affliction, hardship them. Who else would play a trick like that on me?
4 Joan can be a trial at times. » nuisance, pest, > joke, practical joke, prank, stunt, (informal)
bother, (more informal) pain leg-pull 4 The essential trick is to think backwards
and write forwards. » knack, secret, skill,
tribe noun nomadic tribes » people, race, device, dodge, technique, art, craft, expertise,
nation, group, horde, stock, clan gimmick, (informal) know-how
trick = trip
trick vers tricks, tricking, tricked 1 deceive or trill vers trills, trilling, trilled make a quivering
cheat someone by a trick 2 decorate e The musical sound
building was tricked out with little flags. > trill noun
trickery noun the use of tricks; deception trillion noun trillions 1a million million 2 (old
use) amillion million million
trickle vere trickles, trickling, trickled flow or
move slowly trim apjective neat and orderly
> trickle Noun > trimly Aovers trimmess NOUN

tricky anectve trickier, trickiest 1 difficult; trim vere trims, trimming, trimmed 1 cut the
needing skill e a tricky job 2 cunning or edges or unwanted parts off something
deceitful 2 decorate a hat or piece of clothing by adding
> trickimess Noun lace, ribbons, etc. 3 arrange sails to suit the
tricycle noun tricycles a vehicle like a bicycle
but with three wheels trim youn trims 1 cutting or trimming e Your
beard needs a trim. 2 lace, ribbons, etc. used to
trifle oun trifles 1a pudding made of sponge decorate something
cake covered in custard, fruit, cream, etc. 2a in good trim in good condition; fit
very small amount 3 something that has very
little importance or value Trinity noun God regarded as three persons
(Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
trifle vere trifles, trifling, trifled treat aperson
or thing without seriousness or respect @ She is trinket youn trinkets a small ornament or
not a woman to be trifled with. piece of jewellery
trifling apective small in value or importance trio Noun trios 1a group of three people or
things 2. group of three musicians or singers
trigger noun triggers a lever that is pulled to 3 a piece of music for three musicians
fire a gun
trip vers trips, tripping, tripped 1 catch your
trigger vers triggers, triggering, triggered foot on something and fall; make someone do
trigger off start something happening this 2 move with quick light steps 3 operate a
trigonometry (trig- on- om- it-ree) noun the switch
calculation of distances and angles by using trip up 1 stumble 2 make a mistake 3 cause a
triangles person to stumble or make a mistake

trick vers He was furious with himself forbeing trifle oun It cost a mere trifle. » small amount,
tricked so easily. » fool, deceive, cheat, dupe, next to nothing, pittance, (more informal)
hoodwink, swindle, trap, outwit, hoax, bluff, peanuts
mislead, catch out, defraud, (informal) con, a trifle He looked a trifle embarrassed. > alittle,
(informal) bamboozle a bit, somewhat, a touch, a spot
trickery oun The excuses he makes sound like the trifling apective We shouldn't bother them with
old trickery. » deception, pretence, cheating, such a trifling matter. > trivial, unimportant,
chicanery, deceit, mischief, dishonesty, insignificant, inconsequential, minor, petty
bluffing, fraud, (informal) monkey business,
(informal) jiggery-pokery, (informal) trim vers 1 He had trimmed his hair and beard.
shenanigans > cut, crop, clip, tidy, shape, shear 2 The
trickle vers Sweat trickled down his sides despite Chancellor will have either to increase taxes or
the cold. » drip, dribble, seep, ooze, leak, flow trim his budget. » reduce, cut, prune, scale
slowly, percolate, run OPPOSITES ARE pour, gush down 3 The silk curtains were trimmed with gold.
trickle noun She saw a trickle of blood flow over > decorate, embellish
her fingers. » dribble, seepage, thin stream
OPPOSITES ARE flood, gush trim apjective 1 a housing estate with trim gardens
> neat, tidy, orderly, smart, spruce, well-
trickster noun I shall reveal you for the sly groomed, well-kept AN OPPOSITE Is untidy
trickster that you are. » cheat, swindler, fraud, 2 Trousers help to accentuate a trim figure.
fraudster, impostor, charlatan, deceiver, > slim, slender, lean
dissembler a

tricky spective 1 Tony was a tricky individual. trip vers 1 Angela tripped along in her red mac
> cunning, crafty, wily, artful 2 Tricky and hood. » run, skip, walk 2 She tripped over
negotiations were taking place. » difficult, and gashed her knee.» stumble, totter, tumble,
complicated, awkward, delicate, sensitive catch your foot, fall, stagger
trip > tropical
trip Noun trips 1ajourney or outing 2 the trivial aojective small in value or importance
action of tripping; a stumble 3 (informal) > trivially Aovers triviality Noun
hallucinations caused by taking a drug
troll (rhymes with hole) noun trolls (in
tripe noun 1 part of an ox’s stomach used as Scandinavian mythology) a supernatural being,
food 2 (slang) nonsense either a giant or a friendly but mischievous
dwarf [originally = witch: from Old Norse]
triple aective 1 consisting of three parts
2 involving three people or groups e a triple trolley vountrolleys 1asmall table on wheels rt
alliance 3 three times as much or as many or castors 2a small cart or truck 3.a basket on
> triply Apvers wheels, used in supermarkets ry

triple vers triples tripling tripled make or trombone noun trombones a large brass
become three times as much or as many musical instrument with a sliding tube
triplet youn triplets each of three children or troop Noun troops 1 an organized group of
animals born to the same mother at one time soldiers, Scouts, etc. 2a number of people
moving along together
triplicate noun USAGE Do not confuse withtroupe.
in triplicate as three identical copies
troop vers troops ,trooping ,trooped move
Piped (try- pod) noun tripods astand with along as a group or in large numbers e They all
three legs, e.g. to support.a camera trooped in. [from Latin troppus = herd]
trite (rhymes with kite) anjective worn out by trooper noun troopers a soldier in the cavalry
constant repetition; unoriginal e a few trite or in an armoured unit
remarks troops piural Noun armed forces
triumph noun triumphs 1 great success or trophy noun trophies 1a cup etc. givenasa
victory; a feeling of joy at this 2 a celebration of prize for winning a competition 2 something
a victory taken in war or hunting as a souvenir of success
> triumphal spective triumphant ADjECTIVE
triumphantly Apvers tropic noun tropics a line of latitude about 23°
north of the equator (tropic of Cancer )or 23°
triumph vers triumphs ,triumphing, south of the equator (tropic of Capricorn )
triumphed 1 be successful or victorious the tropics the hot regions between these two
2 rejoice in success or victory latitudes
trivia p.ural Noun unimportant details or pieces tropical anective to do with the tropics
of information e tropical fish

trip oun He met the Czar during a trip to Russia conquering, winning
in 1908. » journey, visit, voyage, excursion, AN OPPOSITE IS unsuccessful 2 He gave her a
expedition, holiday, jaunt, outing, tour knowing, triumphant look. » exultant, jubilant,
boastful, joyful, elated, gleeful, gloating,
trite spective However trite it may sound, there is immodest, proud OPPOSITES ARE modest,
joy to be found in a spring day. » banal, humble
commonplace, ordinary, hackneyed, clichéd,
stale trivial aojctive The offence was regarded as
triumph noun 1 He was a key figure in the trivial, > insignificant, unimportant,
party’s election triumph. » victory, win, inconsequential, minor, trifling, incidental
conquest, (informal) walkover OPPOSITES ARE important, significant
AN OPPOSITE IS defeat 2 She smiled in triumph.
troop noun A troop of tourists crossed the square.
> celebration, joy, exultation, jubilation,
> group, party, band, body, company
elation 3 The visit to Wales had been a triumph.
m success, accomplishment, achievement, troop vers Rod looked up as Sara and the others
master stroke, (more informal) hit trooped in. » march, file, flock, parade,
triumph vere triumph over He had triumphed straggle
over disease and misfortune. » overcome,
defeat, conquer, prevail over, succeed against, trophy noun 1 trophies of war » souvenir,
be victorious over, win over memento, reward, spoils, booty, loot 2 a sports
trophy > award, cup, medal, prize
triumphant spective 1 The communists
emerged triumphant from the revolution. tropical apjcrive tropical areas such as East
> successful, victorious, dominant, Africa » equatorial, hot, humid, sultry, torrid
trot — truce
trot vers trots, trotting, trotted 1 (said about low part between two waves or ridges 4a long
a horse) run, going faster than when walking region of low air pressure
but more slowly than when cantering 2 run
troupe (rhymes with troop) Noun troupes a
gently with short steps
company of actors or other performers
trot out (informal) produce or repeat e He
~ USAGE Do not confuse with troop.
trotted out the usual excuses.
trot noun atrotting run trousers p.urAL Noun a piece of clothing worn
on the trot (informal) one after the other over the lower half of the body, with a separate
without a break @ She worked for ten days on the part for each leg [from Irish or Scottish Gaelic]
trout Noun trout a freshwater
fish that is caught
trouble youn troubles 1 difficulty, as a sport and for food
inconvenience, or distress 2 a cause of any of
these trowel noun trowels 1asmall garden tool
take trouble take great care in doing with a curved blade for lifting plants or
something scooping things 2a small tool with a flat blade
for spreading mortar etc. [from Latin trulla =
trouble vers troubles, troubling, troubled scoop]
1 cause trouble to someone 2 give yourself
trouble or inconvenience etc. e Nobody troubled truant noun truants a child who stays away
to ask ifhe needed help. from school without permission
troublesome apecive causing trouble or > truancy NOUN
annoyance play truant be a truant
[from early French, = criminal]
trough (trof) noun troughs 1a long narrow
open container, especially one holding water or truce noun truces an agreement to stop
food for animals 2.a channel for liquid 3 the fighting for a while

trot vers Danny trotted into the house. » run, troublemaker noun She was branded a
scurry, scamper, scuttle, hurry troublemaker for complaining about a colleague
who harassed her. » mischief-maker, agitator,
trouble noun 1 See what trouble you've caused. rabble-rouser, ringleader, wrongdoer
> difficulty, bother, problems, inconvenience,
distress, anxiety 2 He recounted his troubles and troublesome agective 1 Craig was recovering
asked for advice. » problem, misfortune, from a troublesome knee injury. » annoying,
difficulty, tribulation, trial, affliction, suffering, itritating, irksome, tiresome, trying,
bothersome, vexing, distressing, inconvenient,
hardship 3 We took some trouble to help them.
upsetting Opposites ARE trouble-free, harmless
> care, effort, bother, exertion, pains 4] hope
2 The younger boy was being particularly
I wasn’t a trouble to you. » nuisance, bother, troublesome. » badly behaved, naughty,
irritation 5 The trouble with these machines is the unruly, disobedient, disorderly, uncooperative,
lack of spare parts. » problem, difficulty, rowdy
disadvantage, weakness, failing
OPPOSITES ARE advantage, benefit 6 There was trousers noun He was wearing a pair ofpale
crowd trouble after the match. » disturbance, trousers. » pants, slacks
disorder, unrest, conflict, fighting, violence truancy noun We are determined to crack down
OPPOSITES ARE Order, peace 7 She suffered from on truancy. » absenteeism, malingering,
back trouble. » ailment, disorder, complaint, shirking, (more informal) skiving
illness, disability AN OPPOSITE IS attendance
trouble vers 1 Something was troubling him. truant Noun I was a truant from a Youth Custody
> bother, worry, distress, concern, pain, vex, Centre. » absentee, non-attender, runaway,
torment, upset 21I’m very sorry to trouble you. malingerer, shirker, (more informal) skiver
> disturb, interrupt, bother, inconvenience play truant 52 percent admitted to playing
truant for the odd lesson now and then. » be
troubled apectve 1 Tara looked troubled. absent, stay away, desert, malinger, (more
> anxious, worried, bothered, concerned, informal) skive off
disturbed, perturbed, uneasy, unhappy, vexed, truce noun The enemy broke the truce and
restless OPPOSITES ARE untroubled, peaceful resumed the war. > ceasefire, armistice,
2 We live in troubled times. » difficult, moratorium, pact, peace, suspension of
unsettled, uncertain hostilities, treaty
truck = trust
truck ‘youn trucks 1a lorry 2an open trumpet vers trumpets ,trumpeting ,
container on wheels for transporting loads; an trumpeted 1 blowatrumpet 2 (said about an
open railway wagon 3 an axle with wheels elephant) make a loud sound with its trunk
attached, fitted under a skateboard 3 shout or announce something loudly
> trumpeter Noun
truck 2 noun
have no truck with refuse to have dealings truncheofi youn truncheons a short thick
with e Ill have no truck with fortune tellers! stick carried as a weapon, especially by police
trudge vers trudges trudging trudged walk trundle vers trundles ,trundling ,trundied
slowly and heavily roll along heavily e He was trundling a
true apjective truer truest 1 representing what wheelbarrow. e A bus trundled up.
has really happened or exists @ a true story trunk youn trunks 1the main stem ofa tree
2 genuine or proper; not false @ He was the true 2 an elephant’s long flexible nose 3 a large box
heir. 3 accurate 4 loyal orfaithful e Be true to with a hinged lid for transporting or storing
your friends. clothes etc. 4the human body except for the
> trueness NOUN head, arms, and legs
come true actually happen as hoped or
predicted trunk road youn trunk roads an important
main road
truffle youn truffles 1a soft sweet made with
chocolate 2 a fungus that grows underground trunks p.ura. oun shorts worn by menand boys
and is valued as food because of its rich flavour for swimming, boxing, etc.
truly spvere 1 truthfully 2 sincerely or genuinely truss youn trusses 1a framework of beams or
e Weare truly grateful. 3 accurately 4 loyally or bars supporting a rooforbridge etc. 2.a bundle
faithfully of hay etc.
Yours truly seeyours
truss vers trusses ,trussing trussed 1 tieupa
trump nountrumps a playing card of a suit that person or thing securely 2 support a roof or
ranks above the others for one game bridge etc. with trusses
trump verstrumps ,trumping trumped beat trust vers trusts trusting trusted 1 believe
a card by playing a trump that a person or thing is good, truthful, or
trump up invent an excuse or an accusation strong 2 let a person have or use something in
etc. the belief that they will behave responsibly
trumpet noun trumpets 1a metal wind e Don’t trust him with your CD player! 3 hope
instrument with a narrow tube that widens e I trust that you are well.
near the end 2 something shaped like this trust to rely on e We’re trusting to luck.

truck noun The truck was skidding all over the 3 Tell us truly what you think. » truthfully,
motorway. » lorry, heavy goods vehicle, frankly, candidly, honestly
trumpet youn a part for solo trumpet » bugle,
true spective 1 The story turned out to be true. clarion, cornet
> correct, right, accurate, factual, authentic, blow your own trumpet He was blowing his
confirmed, proper, veracious, veritable own trumpet and promoting his new show.
OPPOSITES ARE untrue, false 2 The document was > boast, brag, sing your own praises,
certified as a true copy. » exact, faithful, congratulate yourself, show off, swank
genuine, real, actual AN OPPOSITE Is false
3 Anne, true friend though she was, would never trunk youn 1A squirrelleapt on a branch and ran
give in to him. » loyal, faithful, devoted, firm, up the trunk. » stem, bole, stock 2A slit in his
constant, sincere, steady, trustworthy, shirt revealed his powerful trunk. » torso,
dependable, honest, honourable
frame, body 3 He locked the trunk and stored it
OPPOSITES ARE false, unfaithful 4 He was acting
in a shed. » chest, case, coffer, box, crate,
under the authority of the property’s true owner.
> legal, legitimate, rightful, authorized, valid suitcase
5 Such studies do not give a true reflection of
trust vers 1He doesn’t trust me not to do it again.
people’s needs. » accurate, precise, exact,
perfect, unerring AN OPPOSITE IS inaccurate > believe in, have confidence in, have faith in,
rely on, be sure of, bank on, count on, depend
trully aovers 1 truly remarkable woman on 2 We trust they will be here soon. » hope,
> really, absolutely, extremely, very 2 I’m truly expect, presume, suppose, assume, imagine,
glad for you. » sincerely, genuinely, honestly surmise AN OPPOSITE |S doubt
trust => tuck
trust youn trusts 1 the belief that a person or T-shirt ortee shirt noun T-shirts ortee-
thing can be trusted 2 responsibility; being shirts a short-sleeved casual shirt
trusted e Being a prefect is a position oftrust. 3a tub noun tubs a round open container holding
legal arrangement in which money is entrusted liquid, ice cream, soil for plants, etc.
to a person with instructions about how to use tubby spective tubbier, tubbiest short and fat
it > tubbiness Noun
> trustful apective trustfully Abvers tube noun tubes 1 along hollow piece of metal,
trustworthy spective able to be trusted; plastic, rubber, glass, etc., especially for liquids
reliable or air etc. to pass along 2.a container made of
flexible material with a screw cap e a tube of
trusty apjective (old use) trustworthy or reliable
toothpaste 3 the underground railway in
@ my trusty sword
truth noun truths 1 something that is true tuber noun tubers a short thick rounded root
2 the quality of being true (e.g. of adahlia) or underground stem (e.g. of a
truthful spective 1 telling the truth e a truthful potato) that produces buds from which new
boy 2 true e a truthful account ofwhat happened plants will grow
> truthfully aovers truthfulness Noun tuberculosis noun a disease of people and
try vers tries, trying, tried 1 make an effort to animals, producing small swellings in the parts
do something; attempt 2 test something by affected by it, especially in the lungs
using or doing it @ Try sleeping on your back. > tubercular ADJECTIVE
3 examine the evidence ina lawcourt to decide tuck vers tucks, tucking, tucked 1 pusha
whether a person is guilty of acrime 4bea loose edge into something so that it is hidden
strain on @ You are trying my patience. or held in place 2 put something away ina
try on put on clothes etc. to see if they fit small space e Tuck this in your pocket.
try out use something to see if it works tuck in (informal) eat heartily
ty try Noun tries 1 anattempt 2 (in rugby football) tuck someone in orup make someone
putting the ball down behind the opponents’ comfortable in bed by folding the edges of the
goal line in order to score points bedclothes tightly
trying Apective putting a strain on someone’s tuck noun tucks 1 flat fold stitched in a piece
patience; annoying of clothing 2 (informal, dated) food, especially

trust noun 11 am grateful to you for your trust. accurate, correct, true, valid
> confidence, faith, belief, reliance, certainty, AN Opposite IS dishonest
credence 2 She enjoyed a position of trust in the try vers 1 Always try to respond positively. » aim,
City. » responsibility, obligation attempt, endeavour, essay, exert yourself,
make an effort, strain, strive, struggle, venture
trusting apjective The trouble with me is I’m too 2 Why not try another school? (informal)
trusting. » trustful, credulous, gullible, > check out, evaluate, examine, experiment
unquestioning, unsuspecting, ingenuous, with, investigate, test, try out, undertake
innocent opposites ARE suspicious, cynical
try noun I'll have another try. >» attempt,
trustwortliy Apective Harriet was always endeavour, effort, experiment, test, trial, (more
trustworthy and hard-working. > reliable, informal) bash, (more informal) go, (more
dependable, responsible, honest, upright, informal) shot
steadfast OPPOSITES ARE untrustworthy, trying spective 1 This could be quite a trying
deceitful evening. » difficult, stressful, taxing,
truth noun 1 He doubted the truth ofsome ofthese frustrating, troublesome, vexatious 2 Clare can
statements. » veracity, accuracy, validity, be very trying. » annoying, irritating, tiresome,
truthfulness, correctness, candour, honesty, exasperating, infuriating
authenticity, reliability AN opposite Is falseness tub noun 1 Corbett bathed in the guest house’s one
2 Elizabeth had been telling the truth. » fact and only tub. » bath, bathtub 2. plastic tub of
facts, reality, actuality 3 an acknowledged truth sandwiches » pot, barrel, drum, cask, keg, vat
> fact, axiom, maxim, certitude, truism tubby apective (informal) A short tubby man was
AN OPPOSITE IS lie waiting at the front door. » chubby, podgy,
truthful apective 1 Clive had been less than plump, fat , dumpy, rotund, round,
truthful. » honest, sincere, candid, frank, overweight, stout, portly, pudgy
reliable, straight, forthright, credible, OPPOSITES ARE thin, slim, skinny
straightforward, trustworthy, veracious 2 The turch vers He tucked his shirt into his jeans.
truthful answer has to be ‘no’. » proper, right, > push, ease, insert, stuff, shove, cram, (more
tug => turmoil
sweets and cakes etc. that children enjoy tune vers tunes tuning,tuned 1 puta musical
> tuck shop Noun instrumentin tune 2 adjusta radio or television
tug vers tugs, tugging tugged 1 pull set to receive a certain channel 3 adjust an
something hard or suddenly 2 towa ship engine so that it runs smoothly
tug Noun tugs 1ahard orsudden pull 2.a small > tuner NOUN
powerful boat used for towing others tune up (Said about an orchestra) bring the
instruments to the correct pitch
tug of war noun acontest between two teams
pulling a rope from opposite ends tunic noun tunics 1 jacket worn as part of a
uniform 2 apiece of clothing reaching from the
tuition noun teaching, especially when given to
one person or a small group shoulders to the hips or knees
tulip voun tulips alarge cup-shaped flower ona tunnel noun tunnels an underground passage
tall stem growing from a bulb [from Persian tunnel vers tunnels, tunnelling, tunnelled
dulband = turban (because the flowers are this make a tunnel [from early French tonel = barrel]
shape)] turban noun turbans a covering for the head
tumble vers tumbles, tumbling tumbled made by wrapping a strip of cloth round a cap
1 fall or roll over suddenly or clumsily 2 move turbine noun turbines a machine or motor
or push quickly and carelessly driven by a flow of water, steam, or gas
> tumble Noun
tumble to (informal) realize what something turbulence noun violent and uneven
means movement of air or water @ We experienced
tumbler youn tumblers 1a drinking glass turbulence during the flight.
with no stem or handle 2 part ofa lock that is turbulent spective 1 moving violently and
lifted when a key is turned to open it 3. an unevenly e turbulent seas 2 involving much
acrobat change and disagreement or violence e a
tummy noun tummies (informal) the stomach turbulent period of history
> turbulently spvers
tumour (tew- mer) Noun tumours an
abnormal lump growing on or in the body turf voun turfs orturves 1 short grass and the
earth round its roots 2 piece of this cut from
tumult (tew- mult) voun an uproar; a state of
the ground
noisy confusion and agitation
> tumultuous ADJECTIVE the turf horse racing
tune noun tunes a short piece of music; a turkey oun turkeys a large bird kept for its
pleasant series of musical notes meat
> tuneful Apjective tunefully apvers turmoil youn wild confusion or agitation e Her
in tune at the correct musical pitch mind was in turmoil.

informal) pop tune Noun She sang a tune to the baby.» melody,
tuck into We tucked into plates offish and chips. song, air, strain, theme
> eat up, consume, devour, gobble up, wolf tuneful anjective She spoke in a quiet, tuneful
down voice. » musical, melodious, mellifluous,
tug vers 1 Lee tugged the rope. > pull, heave, pleasant, sweet, rhythmical, catchy
rag, draw, haul, lug, tow 2tug at A litte boy OPPOSITES ARE tuneless, discordant
tugged at her skirt. » jerk, pluck, twitch, tunnel oun a tunnel under the Thames
wrench, yank > underpass, passage, passageway, subway,
shaft, gallery
tumble vers 1 He let out a yell as he tumbled into
the water. » topple, collapse, pitch, stumble, tunnel vers A dog had tunnelled under the fence.
plummet, drop, fall, flop, trip up 2 Most of the > burrow, dig, excavate, mine, penetrate
audience then tumbled out of the room. » hurry, turbulent apectve 1 Her turbulent feelings got
rush, pile, scramble the better of her. » passionate, excited, violent,
volatile, seething, unrestrained 2 an
tumult youn His voice could not be heard above increasingly turbulent part of the world
the tumult. » noise, din, commotion, hubbub, > unstable, unsettled, troubled, restless,
clamour, racket, rumpus, uproar explosive, anarchic AN OPPOSITE IS peaceful
tumultuous spective John Knox returned to a 3 The ship was in turbulent waters. » rough,
tumultuous welcome. » loud, excited, stormy, tempestuous, choppy, violent, wild
uproarious, boisterous, unrestrained, AN OPPOSITE IS calm
deafening, passionate, tempestuous, hectic, turmoil youn (informal) Her mind was in state of
turbulent, wild AN opposite Is restrained turmoil. » confusion, chaos, disorder,
turn = turnout
turn vers turns, turning, turned 1 move turnmyoun turns 1 the action of turning; a
round; move to a new direction 2 change in turning movement 2a change; the point
appearance etc.; become e He turned pale. where something turns 3 an opportunity or
3 make something change e You can turn milk duty etc. that comes to each person in
succession e It’s your turn to wash up. 4 ashort
into butter. 4 move a switch or tap etc. to
performance in an entertainment 5 (informal)
control something e Turn that radio off. 5 pass an attack of illness; a nervous shock e It gave me
a certain time e It has turned midnight. 6 shape a nasty turn.
something on a lathe a good turna helpful action
turn down 1 fold down 2 reduce the flow or in turnin succession; one after another
sound of something 3 reject e We offered her a turningwoun turnings a place where one road
job but she turned it down. meets another, forming a corner
turn out 1 send out 2 empty something, turnipyoun turnips a plant with a large round
especially to search or clean it 3 happen white root used as a vegetable
4 prove to be e The visitor turned out to be my turnoutyoun turnouts the number of people
uncle. who attend a meeting, vote at an election, etc.
turn up 1 appear or arrive 2 increase the flow @ Despite the rain, there was a pretty good
or sound of something turnout.

upheaval, turbulence, agitation, disruption, turn out 1 Her father might well turn her out of
disturbance, mayhem, unrest, upset the house. » throw out, expel, evict, eject, drive
OPPOSITES AREcalm, peace out OPPOSITES AREadmit (to), welcome (to) 2 It
was a relief that things turned out so well.
turmyvers 1 The big wheel started to turn. » go
> occur, happen, evolve, develop, end up,
round, revolve, rotate, whirl, roll 2 The gates
come out, work out 3 Don’t forget to turn out
turned ona set ofmassive hinges.» swivel, hinge
3 She turned to return home. » change the light. » switch off, turn off, put out,
direction, change course, turn round 4 The van extinguish OPPOSITES AREturn on, switch on
turned the corner and disappeared. » go round, turn over 1 The car skidded and turned over.
negotiate, take 5 The path turned to the right. > overturn, roll over, keel over, capsize 2 I’ve
> bend, curve, twist, loop, snake 6Ellie turned been turning it over in my mind. » consider,
pale.» become, go, grow 7 The house will be ponder, deliberate, think about, weigh up, mull
turned into luxury apartments. » convert, over, chew over
adapt, transform, modify, change, rebuild turn up 1 Several guests failed to turn up.
8 The milk had turned. » go off, gosour, curdle > arrive, appear, putin an appearance 2A
9 turn toShe turned to her neighbour for help. gardener in Oxfordshire has turned up a hoard of
> resort to, appeal to, approach, have ancient coins. » discover, unearth, uncover,
recourse to, apply to bring to light, dig up, find 3 The voices are
turn away Reporters were turned away from the inaudible unless you turn the sound up.
house. » send away, dismiss, rebuff, reject > increase, raise, amplify
AN OPPOSITE IS admit (to)
turn down The panel turned down her turmyoun 1 hot water at the turn of a tap
application. » reject, refuse, decline, dismiss, > twist, spin, twirl, whirl, rotation, revolution,
spurn AN OPPOSITE ISapprove circle, cycle 2 The car came to a turn in the road.
turnin 1 I decided to turn in early.» goto bed, > bend, corner, curve, angle, deviation,
retire 2 He was ordered to turn in his passport
hairpin bend, junction, loop, twist 3. an
> hand in, hand over, surrender, submit
turn off 1 They had to turn off the motorway. unexpected turn of events » reversal, shift,
> leave, branch off, deviate from change of direction, turning point 4 It’s your
AN OPPOSITE ISjoin 2 She turned off the lights and turn to speak. » chance, opportunity,
left the building. » switch off, turn out, put out, occasion, time, stint, spell 5 She was trying to
extinguish OPPOSITES AREturn on, switch on do James a good turn. » favour, support 6a
3 The violence in the film turned many people off. comic turn in a concert > act, performance,
> deter, put off, discourage, disconcert, show 7 His sudden appearance gave her quite a
unnerve, repel, distract OPPOSITES AREappeal turn. > shock, start, surprise, fright, scare, jolt
to, attract in turnThe Eastern capital in turn influenced the
turn on 1 She turned on the radio. » switch on, culture of Venice. » in succession, successively
put on AN OPPOSITE ISturn off 2 Rick always
turned her on. » excite, arouse, stimulate, turningwoun Take the second turning on the
titillate AN OPPOSITE ISturn off right. » turn-off, turn, exit
turnover = twinkle
turnover noun turnovers 1 the amount of tweed noun thick woollen twill, often woven of
money received by a firm selling things 2 the mixed colours
rate at which goods are sold or workers leave
tweet noun tweets the chirping sound made
and are replaced 3 a small pie made by folding
by a small bird
pastry over fruit, jam, etc.
> tweet vers
turnstile noun turnstiles a revolving gate that tweezers P.urAL Noun small pincers for picking
lets one person in at a time up or pulling very small things
turntable noun turntables a circular revolving twelve noun, apjective twelves the number 12
platform or support, e.g. for the record ina > twelfth Adjective, NOUN
record player
twenty noun, Adjective twenties the number
turquoise noun turquoises 1 asky-blue or 20
greenish-blue colour 2a blue jewel > twentieth ADjective, NOUN
turret voun turrets 1a small tower onacastle twice spvers 1 two times; on two occasions
or other building 2. revolving structure 2 double the amount
containing a gun twiddle vers twiddles, twiddling, twiddled
> turreted ADJECTIVE turn something round or over and over in an
turtle noun turtles a sea animal that looks like idle way e He tried twiddling the knob on the
a tortoise radio.
turn turtle capsize > twiddle noun twiddly Apjective
twiddle your thumbs have nothing to do
turtle dove noun turtle doves a wild dove
twig Noun twigs asmall shoot ona branch or
tusk youn tusks along pointed tooth that sticks stem of a tree or shrub
out from the mouth of an elephant, walrus, etc.
twilight youn dim light from the sky just after
tussle noun tussles a struggle or conflict over sunset orjust before sunrise
something twin noun twins 1 either of two children or
tussock noun tussocks a tuft or clump of grass animals born to the same mother at one time
tutor youn tutors 1a private teacher, 2 either of two things that are exactly alike
especially of one pupil or a small group 2a twin vers twins, twinning, twinned 1 put
teacher of students in a college or university things together as a pair 2 ifatown is twinned
with a town in a different country, the two
TV asereviaTion television towns exchange visits and organize cultural
twain noun, Anjective (old use) two events together
twang vers twangs, twanging, twanged twine vers twines, twining, twined twist or
make a sharp sound like that of a wire when wind together or round something
plucked twinge NOUN twinges a sudden pain or
> twang NOUN unpleasant feeling
tweak vers tweaks, tweaking, tweaked twinkle vers twinkles, twinkling, twinkled
pinch and twist or pull something sharply shine with tiny flashes of light; sparkle
> tweak noun > twinkle noun

tussle noun His glasses were broken in the tussle. twin Apjective twin towers on the French pattern
> fight, scuffle, fracas, brawl, struggle, scrap, > identical, matching, balancing,
rumpus, commotion, argument corresponding, duplicate, paired, similar,
symmetrical, indistinguishable
tussle youn Some of the crowd tussled with police.
> fight, scuffle, brawl, struggle, scrap, come to twin noun Fiona drove her own car, the twin of
Harry’s. » double, duplicate, clone, match,
(more informal) lookalike
tweak vers She tweaked Peter’s ear. » twist, twinge noun 11 was getting sharp twinges in one
pinch, nip, pull, squeeze knee. & pain, stab, spasm 2 She felt a twinge of
sadness. » pang, prick, qualm
twiddle vere Link your fingers in your lap so twinkle vers I could see Beverly Hills twinkling in
you’re not tempted to twiddle them. » fiddle the distance. » glimmer, glitter, glint, glow,
with, fidget with, twirl, twist f
shine, flash, glisten, gleam, sparkle, shimmer
twig vers (informal) Ifinally twigged where they twinkle noun the twinkle of a thousand lights
had come from. » realize, understand, grasp, > sparkle, glimmer, glitter, glint, glow,
comprehend shimmer
twirl = typical
twirlvere twirls, twirling, twirled twist twonoun, apjective twos the number 2
quickly be in two minds be undecided about
> twirlvoun something
two-faced apjctive insincere or deceitful
twist vers twists, twisting, twisted 1 turn
the ends of something in opposite directions tycoonwoun tycoons a rich and influential
2 turn round orfrom side to side e The road business person [from Japanese taikun = great
twisted through the hills, 3 bend something out prince]
of its proper shape 4 pass threads or strands tying present participle of tie
round something or round each other 5 distort typenoun types 1a kind or sort 2 letters or
the meaning of something @ You’re twisting my figures etc. designed for use in printing
words. typevers types, typing, typed write
> twister Noun something by using a typewriter
> typistvoun
twistyoun twists a twisting movement or typewriteryoun typewriters a machine with
action keys that are pressed to print letters or figures
p> twisty Adjective etc. ona piece of paper
> typewritten Apjective
twitch vers twitches, twitching, twitched
move or pull with a slight jerk typhoonwoun typhoons a violent hurricane in
> twitch oun the western Pacific or East Asian seas [from
Chinese tai fung = great wind]
twitter vers twitters, twittering, twittered typical spective 1 having the usual
make quick chirping sounds characteristics or qualities of a particular type
> twitter Noun of person or thing e a typical school playground

twirlvers 1 They twirled round the room arm in twitchyoun She suppressed an involuntary twitch
arm. > spin, turn, twist, whirl, wheel, gyrate, of her lip. » spasm, jerk, tremor, tic, blink,
pirouette, revolve, rotate 2 He twirled his empty convulsion, flutter, jump
glass in his hands. » twiddle, twist, play with twitch vers The bushes twitched again. » start,
tremble, jerk, jump, fidget, flutter
twistvers 1 Huge girders had been twisted in the
explosion. » crush, buckle, mangle, misshape, two-faced apective I consider you have been a
deform 2 He twisted a strand of her hair round two-faced liar. » deceitful, insincere, double-
his fingers. » coil, curl, wind, entwine, twine dealing, dishonest, duplicitous, hypocritical
3 Twist the cork slowly as you pull it. » turn,
OPPOSITES AREsincere, honest
screw, revolve 4 She fell off her bike and twisted tycoomnoun a newspaper advertisement
her ankle. » sprain, wrench, rick 5 He accused sponsored by an oil tycoon » magnate, mogul,
the newspaper of twisting his words. » distort, industrialist, baron, supremo, big businessman
change, alter, misrepresent, garble, contott, typenoun 1 This type of injury could happen to
pervert any player at any time. » kind, sort, category,
class, form, variety, classification, description,
twistyoun 1 Give the lid a firm twist. » turn, designation, genre, group, species 2 Footnotes
screw, jerk, spin 2a twist in the rope » coil, are printed in small type. » print, characters,
curl, loop, kink, tangle, knot 3 a twist in the typeface, font, letters
road > bend, turn, zigzag 4There was an typhoon oun aid for victims of the typhoon
unexpected twist to the story. » development, > cyclone, tornado, hurricane, whirlwind
surprise, quirk, oddity
typical apyective 1 Decorative carving is a typical
feature of late Gothic architecture.
twisted spective 1A mass of twisted metal
> characteristic, distinctive, particular,
barred the way. crumpled, buckled, crushed,
representative, special OPPOSITES AREuntypical,
mangled, distorted, misshapen, deformed, uncharacteristic 2 It had been a fairly typical
warped 2 It seemed to be the product of a twisted week, average, ordinary, normal, usual,
mind» perverted, depraved, warped, deviant, conventional, orthodox, predictable, standard,
corrupt unsurprising OPPOSITES AREuntypical, unusual
usage There is a slight difference in meaning
twvitwoun (informal) You're an ignorant little twit. between untypical and atypical: untypical
> fool, idiot, clot, ass, halfwit, dimwit, means ‘not typical, unusual’, whereas atypical
blockhead, dunderhead, nincompoop means ‘not belonging to this type’.
tyranny => tyre
2 usual in a particular person or thing e He tyrant (ty-rant) Noun tyrants a person who
worked with typical carefulness. rules cruelly and unjustly; someone who insists
> typically Apvers on being obeyed [from Greek tyrannos = ruler
tyranny (tirran- ee) Noun tyrannies with full power]
1 government by a tyrant 2 the way a tyrant tyre noun tyres a covering of rubber fitted
behaves towards people round a wheel to make it grip the road and run
> tyrannical Apeciive tyrannous ADJECTIVE more smoothly

typify vers The village typifies the beauty of the tyrannize vers He tyrannized his family.
Lake District. » epitomize, exemplify, > dominate, domineer over, oppress, bully,
characterize, embody, represent intimidate
tyrannical apective His father is portrayed as a sp "ale itdabso Shean ee aray
stern, tyrannical disciplinarian. » authoritarian, pelea ie 6 sdatas at pa 4
autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, domineering, Pp OPM
oppressive, overbearing, cruel, brutal, harsh, tyrant noun She was a tyrant to the girls.
imperious, ruthless, severe, tyrannous, unjust > despot, autocrat, dictator, oppressor, slave-
OPPOSITES ARE liberal, tolerant, easygoing driver
ubiquitous = unanimous

ultrasound oun sound of a frequency beyond
the range of human hearing, used in medical
ultraviolet spective (said about light rays)
beyond the violet end of the spectrum and so
ubiquitous (yoo- bik- wit- us) apjective found not visible to the human eye
everywhere e Mobile phones are ubiquitous these umbilical cord youn umbilical cords the
days. tube through which a baby receives
> ubiquity youn nourishment before it is born, connecting its
udder noun udders the bag-like part of a cow, body with the mother’s womb
ewe, female goat, etc. from which milk is taken umbrellayoun umbrellas 1 a circular piece of
ugly apective uglier, ugliest 1 unpleasant to material stretched over a folding frame with a
look at; not beautiful 2 hostile and threatening central stick used as a handle, or a central pole,
@ The crowd was in an ugly mood. which you open to protect yourself from rain or
> ugliness Noun sun 2a general protection [from Italian
[from Old Norse uggligr = frightening] ombrella = a little shade]
UKagereviation United Kingdom umpire youn umpires a referee in cricket,
ulcerjyoun ulcers asore onthe inside or outside tennis, and some other games
of the body umpire vere umpires, umpiring, umpired act
> ulcerated spective ulceration oun as an umpire
ulterior spective beyond what is obvious or UN asereviation United Nations
stated e an ulterior motive UMN-=preFiX 1 not (as inuncertain) 2 (before averb)
ultimate spective furthest in a series of things; reversing the action (as in unlock = release from
final e Our ultimate destination is London. being locked) Many words beginning with this
> ultimately apvere prefix are not listed here iftheir meaning is obvious.
[from Latin ultimus = last] unable jpective not able to do something
ultimatum (ul- tim- ay- tum) noun unaccountable spective 1 unable to be
ultimatums a final demand or statement that explained e For some unaccountable reason I
unless something is done by a certain time completely forgot your birthday. 2 not
action will be taken or war will be declared accountable for what you do
ultramarine youn a deep bright blue [from > unaccountably apvers
Latin ultra mare = beyond the sea (because it unanimous (yoo- nan- im- us) ADJECTIVE with
was originally imported ‘across the sea’ from everyone agreeing @ a unanimous decision
the East)] >: unanimously Apvers unanimity (yoo- nan-

ugly nective 1 He may be ugly, but at least he umpire noun They all abided by the umpire’s
writes good songs. » unattractive, unsightly, decision. » referee, adjudicator, arbiter, judge,
deformed, repulsive, hideous, plain, grisly, linesman, arbitrator, moderator, (more
unpleasant, monstrous informal) ref
AN OPPOSITE IS attractive 2 an ugly iron bedstead umpteen spective (informal) He had to tell the
> unsightly, hideous, inelegant, tasteless, story umpteen times. » many, numerous,
unattractive, unpleasant, displeasing, plenty of, countless, innumerable
inartistic, plain AN OPPOSITE |S beautiful 3 There
were a number ofugly scenes behind the goalposts. unacceptable spective Public opinion has
> angry, dangerous, threatening, ominous, rejected this strategy as shortsighted and
unpleasant, sinister, unfriendly, forbidding, unacceptable. » intolerable, unsatisfactory,
hostile, menacing AN OPPOSITE IS pleasant inadmissible, inappropriate, unsuitable,
inadequate OPPOSITES ARE acceptable,
ultimate spective the decline and ultimate
disappearance of the city-state > eventual, final,
consequent unaided spective by your own unaided efforts
ultimately overs Perhaps these problems will > single-handed, alone, by yourself, without
ultimately prove too great. » eventually, finally, help, independently
in the end, in the long run, in time unanimous spective The resulting decision was
umbrage noun unanimous. >» united, harmonious, of one mind
take umbrageHe amused them without taking unarmed spective Troops shot at unarmed
umbrage when they laughed at him. » take civilians. » defenceless, undefended,
offence, take exception, be offended, be weaponless, unprotected, exposed, vulnerable
annoyed, be aggrieved, be insulted, bridle AN OPPOSITE IS armed
unassuming = uncharitable
im- it- ee) Noun unblock vers unblocks, unblocking,
[from Latin unus = one + animus = mind] unblocked remove an obstruction from
unassuming Apjecrive modest; not arrogant or something
pretentious unborn spective not yet born
unavoidable apective not able to be avoided unbroken pcre not broken or interrupted
unawares pvers unexpectedly; without
warning @ His question caught me unawares.
uncalled for pjective notjustified or necessary
@ Such rudeness was quite uncalled for.
unbearable apjecrive not able to be endured
> unbearably Apvers uncanny Adjective uncannierz, uncanniest
strange or mysterious e an uncanny coincidence
unbeaten apectve not defeated or surpassed > uncannily Apvers uncanniness NOUN
unbecoming apjctve 1 not making a person uncertain apectve 1 not known certainly 2 not
look attractive 2 not suitable or fitting sure about something 3 not reliable e His aim
unbelievable spective not able to be believed; is rather uncertain.
incredible > uncertainly avers uncertainty NouN
> unbelievably apvers in no uncertain terms clearly and forcefully
unbend vers unbends, unbending, unbent uncharitable spective making unkind
1 change from a bent position; straighten up judgements of people or actions
2 relax and become friendly > uncharitably Apvers

unassuming apjective Sparks was an dispassionate, neutral, independent
unassuming and kindly man. » modest, OPPOSITES ARE biased, partial
retiring, humble, self-effacing, unobtrusive unbroken spective 1 an unbroken night’s sleep
unavoidable apctivt Job losses are unavoidable. > continuous, uninterrupted, constant 2a
> inevitable, inescapable, certain, necessary, world record that remains unbroken
obligatory, mandatory > unbeaten, unsurpassed, unequalled,
opposites are avoidable, unnecessary unrivalled
unaware apyective They seemed to be unaware of uncalled-for apjective Such strict rules are totally
everything that had happened. » ignorant, uncalled-for. » unnecessary, gratuitous,
oblivious, unconscious, unmindful, heedless needless, inappropriate, unwarranted,
OPPOSITES ARE aware, conscious unjustified, unreasonable, unwelcome
OPPOSITES ARE Opportune, appropriate
unbalanced apecive 1 We must not give an
unbalanced picture. » unfair, unjust, biased, uncanny apective 1 The silence was uncanny.
one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced > eerie, unnatural, weird, creepy, unreal,
OPPOSITES ARE balanced, fair 2 She said her ghostly, unaccountable AN opposite IS normal
husband had become unbalanced and capable of uncertain spective 1 The side effects of the
doing nasty things. » unstable, disturbed, treatment are uncertain. » unknown, unclear,
deranged, demented, crazy, insane indefinite, undetermined, unforeseeable,
unbearable spective The pain was unbearable. unresolved, undecided, inconclusive,
> unendurable, intolerable, excruciating, ambiguous, imprecise, indeterminate,
agonizing, insufferable, unmanageable speculative OPPOSITES ARE known, definite 21
OPPOSITES ARE bearable, tolerable was uncertain what to say. » unsure,
undecided, doubtful, unconvinced (about),
unbeatable spective 1 When in good form the ambivalent (about), dubious (about), hazy
side is unbeatable. » invincible, unassailable, (about), wavering (about), in two minds
indestructible, indomitable, unconquerable, (about) 3 Workers in the industry face an
matchless, supreme 2.As a flavour enhancer, uncertain future. » changeable, variable,
lemon is unbeatable. » incomparable, erratic, unpredictable, unreliable, precarious
unrivalled, unsurpassed, matchless, supreme AN OPPOSITE IS certain
unbelievable spective 1 You may find the story uncertainty noun 1 He tried to disguise his
bizarre, even unbelievable. » incredible, uncertainty. » doubt, misgiving,
improbable, implausible, far-fetched, , apprehension, qualm, hesitation, scruple
unconvincing, preposterous 2 He acted with OPPOSITES ARE Certainty, positiveness 2 Some
unbelievable recklessness. » incredible, degree of uncertainty is bound to ensue.
unimaginable, inconceivable, unthinkable > unpredictability, unreliability,
unbiased spective Every effort is made to obtain changeability, risk, danger
an unbiased opinion. » impartial, objective, OPPOSITES ARE certainty, assurance
uncivilized > undecided
uncivilized nective not civilized; not having unconscious apective 1 not conscious 2 not
much culture aware of things
uncle youn uneles the brother of your father or > unconsciously apvers unconsciousness
mother; your aunt’s husband NOUN
uncomfortable apjective not comfortable
> uncomfortably avers
uncouth (un- kooth) apective rude and rough
in manner
UNCOMMON ADeEcTIVE not common; unusual
uncompromising (un- komp- rom- - zing) UNCOVEF vers uncovers, uncovering,
ADJECTIVE not allowing a compromise; inflexible uncovered 1 remove the covering from
unconcerned spective not caring about something 2 reveal or expose @ They uncovered
something; not worried a plot to kill the king.
unconditional spective without any
conditions; absolute @ unconditional surrender undecided spective 1 not yet settled; not
> unconditionally
apvers certain. 2 not having made up your mind yet

uncivilized apective Iam sorry to see such the danger. » unaware of, heedless, ignorant
uncivilized behaviour. » uncouth, primitive, of, disregardful of, disregarding, ignoring,
barbaric, rough, boorish, antisocial, barbaric, impervious to 3 He carries with him an
barbarous, uncultured, uneducated, unconscious guilt for his little sister’s death.
unenlightened, unsophisticated, wild > subconscious, repressed, suppressed,
OPPOSITES ARE civilized, respectable involuntary, latent, subliminal, instinctive
unclear apjective 1 The answers are all very unconventional apjctive A wide range of
unclear. » vague, obscure, ambiguous, colours can be used to create unconventional
equivocal, puzzling, opaque, cryptic, hazy, patterns. » unusual, unorthodox, unfamiliar,
imprecise OPPOSITES ARE clear, straightforward, innovative, original, experimental, individual
unambiguous 2 It was unclear whether the move OPPOSITES ARE conventional, orthodox
was backed by the government. » uncertain,
debatable, unsure, unsettled, doubtful, unconvincing apjective They found that an
dubious OPPOSITES ARE clear , obvious unconvincing explanation. She put on a smile, but
it was unconvincing. » dubious, doubtful,
uncomfortable apjctive 1 The lecture room implausible, incredible, strained, forced,
had uncomfortable plastic chairs. » hard, feeble, weak
cramped, restrictive, stiff, tight, ill-fitting,
tight-fitting, lumpy AN OPPOSITE IS comfortable uncooperative spective The lawyers were
2 Carrying the bike over your shoulder is proving to be uncooperative. » unhelpful,
uncomfortable in the extreme. > painful, disobliging, awkward, obstructive,
disagreeable, excruciating, inconvenient unaccommodating, inflexible, unwilling
3 British workers felt uncomfortable about the AN OPPOSITE IS cooperative
slogans common in Japanese factories. » uneasy, uncouth apjective They were rough uncouth men
embarrassed, awkward, troubled, worried, with the air of outcasts. » coarse, rude, ill-
distressed, nervous, restless mannered, uncivilized, unrefined
UNCOMMON ADEcTivE Two or three nights AN OPPOSITE IS refined
without sleep were not uncommon. > unusual, UuNCOVEF vers 1 The earth had to be scraped away
infrequent, rare, exceptional, abnormal to uncover a trap door, » reveal, disclose,
OPPOSITES ARE Common, usual
expose, lay bare, exhibit, show, strip, unmask,
unconditional aoective All four offered their unveil, unwrap OPPOSITES ARE cover, conceal
unconditional support. » unqualified, 2 The intention was to uncover the causes of
unrestricted, unlimited, unreserved, human social behaviour. » detect, discover,
unquestioning, total, outright, absolute, locate, unearth, expose, make known, come
complete AN OPPOSITE IS conditional across, make public, dig up
unconnected spective The two events were OPPOSITES ARE conceal, cover up
unconnected. She has since died from causes undecided apjctive 1 The question of where to
unconnected with the incident. » unrelated (to), hold the trial remained undecided. » uncertain,
distinct (from), irrelevant (to), independent, unresolved, undetermined, unsettled, unclear,
discrete, disparate indefinite OPPOSITES ARE decided, settled 2 She
UNCONSCIOUS AD/ECTIVe 1 My mother was still stood undecided in the rain, wanting to find
unconscious in hospital. » concussed, knocked Simon but not daring to step inside. » hesitant,
out, insensible, senseless, comatose wavering, indecisive, unsure, uncertain,
2 unconscious of He ranted on, unconscious of dithering, in two minds AN OPPOSITE IS certain
undeniable = underprivileged
undeniable spective impossible to deny; undergo vers undergoes, undergoing,
undoubtedly true underwent, undergone experience or
> undeniably spvers endure something; be subjected to e The new
aircraft underwent intensive tests.
under preposition 1 below or beneath e Hide it
under the desk. 2 less than e under 5 years old undergraduate noun undergraduates a
3 governed or controlled by e The country student at a university who has not yet taken a
prospered under his rule. 4 in the process of; degree
undergoing @ The road is under repair. 5 using underground agective, aovers 1 under the
e He writes under the name of ‘Lewis Carroll’. ground 2 done or working in secret
6 according to the rules of e This is permitted underground noun a railway that runs
under our agreement. through tunnels under the ground
under way in motion or in progress undergrowth noun bushes and other plants
_ under apvere in or to a lower place or level or growing close together, especially under trees
condition e Slowly the diver went under. underhand apyctive done or doing things in a
under apyctive lower e the under layers sly or secret way
undercarriage noun undercarriages an underline vees underlines ,underlining,
aircraft’s landing wheels and their supports underlined 1 drawa line under a word etc.
2 emphasize something
undercover apecrive done or doing things
secretly e an undercover agent underlying apctive 1 forming the basis or
explanation of something e the underlying
undercurrent youn undercurrents 1a causes of the trouble 2 lying under something
current that is below the surface or below @ the underlying rocks
another current 2 an underlying feeling or undermine vers undermines, undermining,
influence e an undercurrent offear undermined weaken something gradually
undercut vers undercuts, undercutting, underneath preposition, apvers below or
undercut sellsomething fora lower price than beneath
someone else sells it
underpants piural noun apiece of men’s
underdone agective not thoroughly done; underwear covering the lower part of the body,
undercooked worn under trousers
underestimate vers underestimates, underprivileged spective having less than the
underestimating , underestimated make normal standard of living or rights in a
too low an estimate of a person or thing community

undeniable apyctive The undeniable fact is that underground opposition groups have decided to
chlorine is building up in the atmosphere. unite. > secret, clandestine, covert,
> indisputable, irrefutable, unquestionable, surreptitious, undercover, unofficial
incontrovertible, undoubted, proven, certain
OPPOSITES ARE questionable, debatable underline vere The killings underlined the need
for political talks to resume. » emphasize,
undercover apective Undercover agents are
highlight, stress, accentuate, point up
suspected of the assassination. » secret, covert, OPPOSITES ARE minimize, play down
clandestine, underground, surreptitious,
hidden, furtive undermine vers He denied that the change
underestimate vers 1 Radiation fallout was would undermine local democracy. » weaken,
underestimated by 40 times. » misjudge, subvert, threaten, compromise, enfeeble, sap,
miscalculate, set too low wear away, destroy, ruin OPPOSITES ARE support,
OPPOSITES ARE overestimate, exaggerate 2 Sara enhance, boost
puzzled him; he had underestimated her.
> underrate, undervalue, misjudge, belittle, underprivileged spective Many children from
disparage, minimize, dismiss underprivileged families have been able to join
OPPOSITES ARE overestimate, overrate youth clubs.» needy, deprived, disadvantaged,
undergo vers He may have to undergo more
impoverished, destitute, poor
OPPOSITES ARE privileged, wealthy
surgery. ® experience, endure, go through,
submit to, be subjected to, put up with, face, underrate vers Most of us have a tendency to
bear, suffer, withstand underrate our own skills. » underestimate,
underground apctive 1 the waters of an undervalue, belittle, disparage, minimize,
underground river » subterranean, buried, dismiss, misjudge OPPOSITES ARE overrate,
sunken AN OPPOSITE IS surface 2 The two main exaggerate
understand = undo
ers understands, to do something 2 take on a task or
understanding understood 1 know what responsibility
something means or how it works or why it undertakernoun undertakers a person
exists 2 know and tolerate a person’s ways whose job is to arrange funerals and burials or
3 have been told e I understand that you would cremations
like to speak to me. 4 take something for
granted e Your expenses will be paid, that’s undertonenoun undertones 1 alow of quiet
understood tone e They spoke in undertones. 2 an
> understandableapjeciive understandably underlying quality or feeling etc. e His letter has
ADVERB a threatening undertone.
understandingnoun 1 the power to underwearnoun clothes worn next to the
understand or think; intelligence 2 sympathy. skin, under indoor clothing
or tolerance 3 agreement in opinion orfeeling underweightaoectve not heavy enough
e a better understanding between nations
underwent past tense of undergo
understatementnoun understatementsan
incomplete or very restrained statement of underworldwoun 1 the people who are
facts or truth e To say they disagreed is an regularly involved in crime 2 (in myths and
understatement: they had a violent quarrel legends) the place for the spirits of the dead,
under the earth
understudynoun understudies an actor who
learns a part in order to be able to play it if the undevelopedapective not yet developed
usual performer is ill or absent undovers undoes, undoing, undid, undone
undertakevees undertakes, undertaking, 1 unfasten or unwrap 2 cancel the effect of
undertook, undertaken 1 agree or promise something e He has undone all our careful work.

understandyers 1 They were unusually quiet, commence, embark on, take on, take up,
and I could not understand why. He began to engage in, take responsibility for, manage,
understand the story in its full horror. handle
> comprehend, grasp, perceive, discern, undertakingwoun 1 Finding a suitable site is a
apprehend, fathom, follow, take in 2 Do they difficult undertaking. » enterprise, venture,
not understand how much people like me love project, operation, endeavour, business, task,
Morrissey? » appreciate, realize, recognize, affair, scheme 2 Booksellers agreed to sign an
acknowledge 3 We understand that the undertaking not to sell the book. » agreement,
university doesn’t have a science park. » believe, commitment, pledge, assurance
think, suppose, conclude, surmise, fancy undervaluevers He seemed to undervalue his
own work. » underestimate, underrate,
understandingnoun 1 Coins can contribute to misjudge, belittle, disparage, minimize,
our understanding of the past. » knowledge, dismiss OPPOSITES AREoverestimate, overrate
comprehension, perception, grasp underwater apctive Underwater sonar
AN OPPOSITE ISignorance 2 We should look on equipment was used to test for the presence of
them with deep understanding. » compassion, Nessie. » undersea, subaquatic, submarine,
sympathy, feeling, consideration submerged, immersed
AN OPPOSITE ISindifference 3 My understanding
was that there is a three-year guarantee. undesirablepective 1 These undesirable side
> belief, perception, conviction, notion, idea, effects cannot be disregarded. » unpleasant,
conclusion 4 She is a woman ofacute unwelcome, unwanted, disagreeable
understanding. » intelligence, intellect, OPPOSITES AREdesirable, pleasant 2 Adam had
intuition, discernment, judgement 5 The allowed some undesirable people access to the
various groups had come to an understanding. place. » nasty, repellent, objectionable,
> agreement, arrangement, deal, settlement, disagreeable, distasteful
pact, treaty, entente OPPOSITES AREpleasant, agreeable
undivided nective Be prepared to give your
understatevers The level of complaints received undivided attention and listen carefully.
may well understate the scale of the problem. > complete, unqualified, unreserved,
> play down, underplay, minimize, belittle, unbroken, full, total, whole, absolute
make light of, soft-pedal OPPOSITES AREdivided, partial
OPPOSITES AREOverstate, exaggerate
undovers 1 She hardly had time to undo her
undertakevers 1 He undertook to guarantee her safety belt and get out of the car.» unfasten,
son’s safety. » agree, promise, guarantee, release, untie, unbutton, unlock, unhitch,
pledge, consent 2 Some students undertake an loosen OPPOSITES AREfasten, tie up 2 Human
industrial placement in their third year. » begin, error undid years of endeavour in a few seconds.
undoing > unequal
undoing noun something by digging 2 find something by
be someone $s undoing be the cause of their searching
ruin orfailure
unearthly apective 1 unnatural; strange and
undress vers undresses, undressing, frightening 2 (informal) very early or
undressed take your clothes off inconvenient e We had to get up at an unearthly
undue apjective excessive; too great
> unduly apvers uneasy apective 1 worried or anxious
2 uncomfortable
undulate vers undulates, undulating, > uneasily pvers uneasiness NOUN
undulated move like a wave or waves; have a
wavy appearance unemployed spective without a job
> undulation noun > unemployment noun
- undying spective everlasting unequal spective 1 not equal in amount, size,
orvalue 2 not giving the same opportunities to
unearth vers unearths, unearthing, everyone @ an unequal society
unearthed 1 dig something up; uncover > unequalled apjective unequally Apvers

> undermine, subvert, overturn, nullify, AN OPPOSITE IS comfortable 2 Moore was uneasy
scupper, sabotage 3A higher court might undo about the coat. » anxious, nervous,
this decision. » reverse, overturn, revoke, apprehensive, troubled, worried, concerned,
overrule, disallow, rescind, annul fearful, jittery AN OPPOSITE IS confident 3 There
undoing noun At this point fear was his undoing. was an uneasy atmosphere in the room. » tense,
> ruin, downfall, ruination, destruction, awkward, fraught, strained, edgy,
overthrow, weakness, failing uncomfortable
undoubtedly apvers There will undoubtedly be uneducated active The superstition was by no
things you do well already. » definitely, means confined to uneducated people. > ill-
doubtless, indubitably, certainly, of course, educated, untaught, ignorant, ill-informed,
surely, undeniably, unquestionably uninformed, uncultured, unsophisticated
AN OPPOSITE IS possibly OPPOSITES ARE educated, learned
undress vers The patient has to undress slowly unemployed spective I don’t know what his job
and carefully. » take off your clothes, strip, is; is he unemployed at the moment? » out of
disrobe, (more informal) peel off work, jobless, on the dole, not working,
AN OPPOSITE IS dress redundant OPPOSITES ARE employed, working, in
undressed apyective She was half undressed when work
the doorbell rang. » naked, unclothed, unending spective Her work seemed to be
disrobed, nude, stripped, bare unending. » endless, interminable, never-
undue apcrive Ifpeople are under undue stress, ending, everlasting, unceasing, incessant
they make mistakes. » excessive, extreme, unenthusiastic spective He was distinctly
unwarranted, unreasonable, disproportionate, unenthusiastic about the idea. » indifferent,
unnecessary OPPOSITES ARE due, appropriate apathetic, half-hearted, lukewarm
unduly apvers Perhaps you think me unduly harsh unenviable apective The job of being a project
to express these things so openly. » excessively, leader is an unenviable one. >» unpleasant,
unreasonably, inordinately, immoderately, disagreeable, undesirable, unwelcome,
unnecessarily thankless
unearth vere They have done all they can to unequal spective 1 The chair had four legs of
unearth the truth. » uncover, detect, discover, unequal length. > different, differing, varying,
expose, make known, make public, dig up uneven, dissimilar, disparate
OPPOSITES ARE conceal, cover up AN OPPOSITE IS equal 2 the unequal distribution of
unearthly apective 1 She was a lady ofunearthly power and resources in society > unfair, unjust,
beauty. » eerie, uncanny, strange, inequitable, disproportionate
supernatural, otherworldly, weird OPPOSITES ARE fair, equitable 3 Should I give up
OPPOSITES ARE ordinary, mundane 2 (informal)I the unequal struggle? » unbalanced, uneven,
had a job that involved getting up at an unearthly unfair, ill-matched, one-sided
hour. » unreasonable, abnormal, unusual, OPPOSITES ARE equal, well-balanced 4unequal
(informal) ungodly OPPOSITES ARE reasonable, to Melanie felt unequal to the task she had been
comfortable ‘ given. » inadequate for, incapable of,
uneasy apjective 1 The uneasy peace lasted a few unqualified for, not up to, (more informal) not
months. » precarious, insecure, unsettled cut out for
unerring = unfold
unerring (un- er- ing) apjective making no unfasten vers unfastens, unfastening,
mistake e unerring accuracy unfastened open the fastenings of something
umnevenapective 1 not level or regular 2 not unfavourable pective not favourable
equally balanced @ an uneven contest > unfavourably overs
> unevenly Apvers unevenness NOUN unfeeling apecrve not caring about other
people’s feelings; unsympathetic
unfair apjective not fair; unjust
> unfairly apvers unfairness Noun unfittapjective 1 unsuitable 2 notin perfect
health from lack of exercise
unfaithful aojective not faithful; disloyal
unfold vers unfolds, unfolding, unfolded
unfamiliar apective not familiar 1 open; spread out 2 make or become known
> unfamiliarity youn slowly e as the story unfolds

unequalled spective Gregory of Tours provides unfashionable spective Now they were
evidence of unequalled richness. unfashionable, maybe it would be OK to get a
> incomparable, unmatched, unparalleled, personal organizer. » old-fashioned,
unrivalled, unsurpassed, inimitable, supreme, outmoded, out ofdate, passé, obsolete
surpassing, matchless, peerless OPPOSITES ARE fashionable, trendy
umevenapective 1 Be careful when wheeling a
trolley over uneven ground. » bumpy, rough, unfavourable apjctive 1A new head would
rutted, undulating, bent, broken, crooked, face unfavourable comparison with his
irregular, jagged, jerky, pitted, wavy predecessor. > critical, hostile, unfriendly,
AN OPPOSITE ISsmooth 2 The demand for adverse, negative, uncomplimentary,
electricity is uneven throughout the day. unsympathetic OPPOSITES ARE favourable,
> inconsistent, variable, spasmodic, positive 2A high cost of living and unfavourable
unpredictable, varying, erratic, fitful, exchange rates ate into their holiday funds.
fluctuating AN OPPOSITE ISconsistent. 3 Uneven > bad, adverse, unsatisfactory, undesirable,
steps led down to a rocky cove. > irregular, unenviable OPPOSITES AREfavourable,
unsteady, lopsided, unbalanced 4 He soon gave advantageous
up the uneven contest. » unequal, unfair, ill-
matched, one-sided, unbalanced unfeeling nective He smiled, but it was a cool,
AN OPPOSITE IS balanced unfeeling smile. » insensitive, heartless, hard-
unexpected pjctive An unexpected error had hearted, callous, uncaring
occurred, » unforeseen, accidental, OPPOSITES AREsensitive, sympathetic
unpredictable, chance, fortuitous, sudden,
surprising, unhoped for, unlooked for, unfinished spective The work remained
unplanned, unusual OPPOSITES ARE expected, unfinished on his death. » incomplete,
predictable uncompleted, imperfect, rough, sketchy,
unpolished AN OPPOSITE Iscomplete
unfairanective 1 It was so unfair that she could
never see him. » unjust, unreasonable, unfitapjective 1 The house was rapidly becoming
inequitable OPPOSITES AREfair, just 2It seemed
unfit for habitation. They were unfit to pass
to Watson a cruel, unfair remark. He claims I have
judgement on modern architecture. » unsuited,
unfair advantages. » undeserved,
ill-equipped, inadequate, unsatisfactory,
unwarranted, uncalled-for, unreasonable,
unjustified, unwarranted OPPOSITES AREfair, useless, incapable (of) 2 Kevin was also unfit,
justified 3 The law was placing an unfair burden leaving the defence weakened. » out of
on small businesses. » unreasonable, condition, out of shape, unhealthy, feeble
discriminatory OPPOSITES AREreasonable, OPPOSITES AREfit, healthy
legitimate 4 The rules relating to unfair play
need to be tightened up. > illegal, unsporting, unfold vers 1 Mick unfolded the space blanket.
dishonourable, illegitimate OPPOSITES ARE fair, > open out, spread out, straighten out, unfurl
honourable AN OPPOSITE ISfold up 2 Come and see history
unfold before your eyes. » happen, evolve,
unfaithfulsojective He could not deny that he had develop, take place, progress, emerge
been an unfaithful husband. » adulterous,
disloyal, untrustworthy, deceitful, duplicitous, unforeseen apective Many of the long-term
faithless opposites AREfaithful, loyal results were unforeseen. » unexpected,
unfamiliar spective An unfamiliar smell was unpredicted, unthought of, surprising,
drifting from the flat. » strange, unusual, unanticipated OPPOSITES ARE foreseen,
curious, novel, different predictable
unfortunate = unicorn
unfortunate anectve 1 unlucky 2-unsuitable unguarded spective 1 not guarded 2 without
or regrettable e an unfortunate remark thought or caution; indiscreet e He said this in
> unfortunately pvers an unguarded moment.
unfounded apecrve not based on facts unhappy apective 1 not happy; sad
2 unfortunate or unsuitable e an unhappy
unfriendly spective not friendly coincidence
> unfriendliness noun > unhappily apvers unhappiness noun
unfurl vers unfurls, unfurling, unfurled
unhealthy apecrive not healthy
> unhealthiness noun
unroll; spread out e They unfurled a large flag.
unheard of apjective never known or done
ungainly spective awkward-looking or clumsy before; extraordinary
> ungainliness noun
unhinge vers unhinges, unhinging,
ungodly spective 1 not giving reverence to unhinged cause a person’s mind to become
God; not religious 2 (informal) outrageous; unbalanced
very inconvenient @ She woke me at an ungodly unicorn noun unicorns (in legends) an animal
hour. that is like a horse with one long straight horn
> ungodliness noun growing from its forehead

unforgettable apjective The recreation park will person at least had benefited from these unhappy
provide hours offun and an unforgettable events. > unlucky, unfortunate, luckless, ill-
experience. » memorable, striking, fated AN OPPOSITE IS fortunate 3 Clearly it has
noteworthy, remarkable, impressive, been an unhappy compromise. » inappropriate,
distinctive OPPOSITES ARE forgettable, unsuitable, inapt, unsatisfactory, unfortunate
unexceptional OPPOSITES ARE happy, Satisfactory 4 Graham was
very unhappy with his performance.
unforgivable spective Losing your temper with > dissatisfied, disappointed, displeased,
him was unforgivable. » inexcusable, discontented
reprehensible, shameful, unjustifiable,
unpardonable, unwarrantable unharmed spective Almost all the population
AN OPPOSITE IS forgivable seem to have escaped unharmed. » sate, safe and
unfortunate spective 1 Some of these sound, uninjured, unhurt, unscathed, intact
unfortunate prisoners were later found to be OPPOSITES ARE harmed, injured
innocent. » unlucky, hapless, wretched, poor, unhealthy spective 1 He was looking tired and
unhappy, ill-fated, luckless 2 The incident led to unhealthy. » sickly, ill-looking, ailing, unwell,
the most unfortunate disagreement between the poorly, frail, weak OPPOSITES ARE healthy, well
Allies. » disastrous, disadvantageous, 2 They lived in an unhealthy environment.
unwelcome, inopportune, harmful, > insalubrious, dirty, insanitary, polluted,
regrettable, lamentable, deplorable 3 He said unhygienic, unwholesome
it would be most unfortunate ifone year’s results OPPOSITES ARE healthy, salubrious 3 As a nurseI
were regarded as typical. » regrettable, knew it was unhealthy to be so overweight.
inappropriate, unsuitable > harmful, unnatural, deleterious
unfriendly scjective He glowered back in an AN OPPOSITE IS healthy
unfriendly manner. » hostile, aggressive,
disagreeable, unpleasant, antagonistic, unheard of apjective It was unheard of in those
unsociable, standoffish, aloof days for anyone to get so much money.
OPPOSITES ARE friendly, amiable > unprecedented, inconceivable,
unimaginable, exceptional, extraordinary,
ungainly apjctive A kangaroo must use a lot of unusual, uncommon AN OPPOSITE Is common
energy in its lopsided and ungainly walk.
> awkward, clumsy, ungraceful, graceless, unhelpful apective The bank cashier had been
inelegant OPPOSITES ARE elegant, graceful unhelpful. » uncooperative, disobliging,
ungrateful spective I’m going to seem so inconsiderate, uncivil, unwilling, negative, slow
ungrateful ifIrefuse the offer.» unappreciative, OPPOSITES ARE helpful, obliging
unthankful, ungracious, ill-mannered, selfish unidentified aqective An unidentified vandal
OPPOSITES ARE grateful, thankful drew a Hitler moustache on the portrait.
unhappy apective 1 Her absence made Thomas > unknown, unnamed, nameless,
unhappy. » sad, sorrowful, melancholy, unrecognized, unspecified, anonymous,
miserable, dejected, despondent, dispirited, incognito, unfamiliar OPPOSITES ARE identified,
depressed OPPOSITES ARE happy, pleased 2 One known, named
uniform = unite
uniform noun uniforms special clothes > uniquely Adverse
showing that the wearer is a member of a [from French, from Latin unicus = one and only]
certain organization, school, etc.
unison noun
uniform apectve always the same; not varying in unison 1 with all sounding or singing the
e The desks are of uniform size. > uniformly same tune etc. together, or speaking in chorus
ADVERB Uniformity NOUN 2 in agreement
unilateral spective done by one person or
group or country etc. e a unilateral decision unitoun units 1 an amount used as a standard
in measuring or counting things e Centimetres
uninhabitable apective unfit to live in are units of length. 2 a group, device, piece of
union voun unions 1 the joining of things furniture, etc. regarded as a single thing but
together; uniting 2a trade union forming part of a larger group or whole e an
Union Jack noun Union Jacks the flag of the army unit e a sink unit 3 (in mathematics) any
United Kingdom whole number less than 10

unique (yoo- neek) anective being the only one unite vers unites, uniting, united join
of its kind @ This jewel is unique. together; make or become one thing

uniformapective A thermostat will maintain a unintentional spective Sometimes the
uniform temperature. » regular, consistent, harassment may be unintentional.
unvarying, homogeneous, identical, > unintended, inadvertent, accidental,
indistinguishable, similar, single involuntary, unconscious, unplanned,
OPPOSITES ARE varying, inconsistent unwitting, fortuitous AN OPPOSITE IS intentional
uniformyoun He had never worn a uniform in his
uninterrupted spective A few extra hours of
life. > outfit, livery, regalia, costume uninterrupted sleep can remedy the situation.
unify vers He was concerned to unify the country. > continuous, unbroken, undisturbed,
> unite, integrate, harmonize, bring together, constant, sustained, consecutive
combine, consolidate, amalgamate, bind, fuse, OPPOSITES AREinterrupted, intermittent, broken
join, merge, weld together
OPPOSITES ARE divide, separate, split uNniONnoun 1 A union was formed to fight the war
unimaginable spective He was motivated by with Persia. » alliance, coalition, league,
the promise of unimaginable rewards. federation, confederation, confederacy 2 The
> inconceivable, unbelievable, incredible, company was formed from the union of three
unthinkable, unheard of, untold, mind- smaller firms. » merger, merging,
boggling amalgamation, fusion, combination,
unimaginative aoecnve The drawings were flat unification, uniting, joining
and unimaginative. » boring, dull, uninspired,
uncreative, uninventive, uninteresting, unique apjective 1 Each file has got a unique
unexciting, unoriginal, pedestrian, prosaic; name. » distinctive, special, individual,
stale, trite, banal, derivative, ordinary peculiar, single, singular, (more informal) one-
OPPOSITES AREimaginative, creative off AN OPPOSITE IScommon 2 The production
unimportant pcre The size of the power was a unique opportunity to hear the music in its
supply is unimportant. » insignificant, original form. » remarkable, outstanding,
inconsequential, immaterial, irrelevant, trivial, incomparable, extraordinary, unparalleled,
trifling, minor, of no account, of no unprecedented, unusual
consequence, of no moment AN OPPOSITE IS unremarkable
AN OPPOSITE IS important
unit youn The family is a fundamental unit of
uninhabited pjective The centre of the island is society. » Component, constituent, element,
vast and uninhabited. » empty, unoccupied, entity, item, portion, section, segment
unpeopled, unsettled, deserted, depopulated,
deserted, uncolonized, vacant unite vers 1 They tried to unite the population in
AN OPPOSITE IS inhabited a common war effort against the English.
unintelligible ojctive The conversation was > unify, integrate, combine, bring together,
unintelligible to Gina. » incomprehensible, bind, join AN OPPOSITE ISdivide 2 Police and
incoherent, unfathomable, baffling, publicans united to solve the problem.
perplexing, obscure, cryptic, opaque, > combine, joinforces, cooperate, collaborate
mysterious, confusing, inscrutable, enigmatic 3 Mother and son were united after the war.
OPPOSITES ARE intelligible, comprehensible > bring together, join
unity = unload
unity youn 1 being united; being inagreement unleaded spective (said about petrol) without
2 something whole that is made up of parts added lead
3 (in mathematics) the number one
unleash vers unleashes, unleashing,
universal apctive to do with or including or unleashed 1 set adog free fromaleash 2 leta
done by everyone or everything strong feeling or force be released
> universally apvers
unless conjunction except when; if... not e We
universe noun everything that exists, including cannot go unless we are invited.
the earth and living things and all the stars and
planets unlike preposition not like e Unlike me, she enjoys
university youn universities a place where
people go to study at an advanced level after unlike spective not alike; different e The two
leaving school [from Latin universitas, literally = children are very unlike
the universe, and later = a community of unlikely spective unlikelier, unlikeliest not
teachers and students] likely to happen or be true
unjust pjecrve not fair orjust unlimited spective not limited; very great or
unkempt agective looking untidy or neglected very many
[from un- = not + an old word kempt = combed] unload vers unloads, unloading, unloaded
unkind spective not kind remove the load of things carried by a ship,
> unkindly apvers unkindness noun aircraft, vehicle, etc.

united pyective the potential power of a united unknown reason, the blinds were always drawn.
Germany » unified, integrated, merged, The date of their marriage is unknown.
amalgamated, combined > unspecified, unidentified, unnamed,
an opposite is disunited undisclosed, mysterious, strange,
beunited They were united on this one issue. unrecognized, anonymous, nameless
> agree, be in agreement, be in accord, be AN OPPOSITE IS named 2 Lowell began a search for
unanimous, be of the same mind, have the this unknown planet. » undiscovered,
unfamiliar, unexplored, unmapped,
same opinion OPPOSITES ARE be disunited,
uncharted, alien, foreign AN OPPOSITE IS familiar
disagree 3 The part was taken by the then unknown Maria.
unity noun 1 Creating national unity is a > unheard of, obscure, little known,
fundamental task for our people. » agreement, undistinguished, lowly, inconsequential,
harmony, accord, consensus, concord insignificant, unimportant
OPPOSITES ARE discord, disagreement 2 the issue AN OPPOSITE IS famous
of European unity » union, unification,
federation OPPOSITES ARE division, disunity unlikely apjctive 1 It is unlikely that they will
universal apective A sudden fall in house prices is attend, being so busy. » doubtful, improbable,
a universal fear. » common, general, dubious AN opposite IS likely 2 They would
ubiquitous, widespread, worldwide, global, all- hardly believe such an unlikely explanation.
embracing, all-round OPPOSITES ARE restricted, > implausible, improbable, far-fetched,
local incredible, suspect, suspicious, dubious,
unjust apjective 1 She was still smarting from her questionable, unbelievable, unconvincing
unjust dismissal. » unfair, unjustified, AN OPPOSITE |S likely
undeserved, unmerited, unreasonable, unlimited spective 1 The President emphasized
unwarranted, unlawful, wrong, wrongful, that the USA did not have unlimited funds.
indefensible, inequitable OPPOSITES ARE just, > limitless, inexhaustible, infinite,
justified 2 The report was widely criticized for unbounded, boundless, bottomless
being unjust. > unfair, biased, one-sided, OPPOSITES ARE limited, finite 2 All parts carry a
partial, partisan, prejudiced, bigoted 12-month unlimited mileage warranty.
OPPOSITES ARE just, fair, balanced > unrestricted, unqualified, unconditional,
unkind apective He says unkind things that cause open, unhindered, clear OPPOSITES ARE limited,
her pain. » cruel, thoughtless, unfeeling, restricted
callous, uncharitable, unpleasant,
inconsiderate, unfriendly, malicious, unload vers 1 Unload the box of essential items
malevolent, spiteful, harsh OPPOSITES ARE kind, first. » remove, take off, offload, drop off,
considerate ‘ unpack, discharge AN OPPOSITE IS load 2 About
unknown agective. 1 Some of the civilians were thirty men would be needed to unload the ship.
transferred to unknown destinations. For some > unpack, empty, unburden
unlock = unprecedented
unlock vere unlocks, unlocking, unlocked unnecessary Apjective not necessary; more
open something by undoing a lock than is necessary
unlucky spective not lucky; having or bringing unorthodox apecrve not generally accepted
bad luck © an unorthodox method
> unluckily apvers
unpack vers unpacks, unpacking, unpacked
unmask vers unmasks, unmasking, take things out of a suitcase, bag, box, etc.
unmasked 1 removea person’s mask 2 reveal
what a person or thing really is unpaid spective 1 not yet paid e an unpaid bill
unmentionable spective too bad or 2 not receiving payment for work you do
embarrassing to be spoken of unpick vere unpicks, unpicking, unpicked
unmistakable pective not able to be undo the stitching of something
mistaken for another person or thing unpleasant agective not pleasant
> unmistakably apvers > unpleasantly sovers unpleasantness NOUN
unmitigated spective absolute e an
unmitigated disaster unpopular spective not popular
unnatural spective not natural or normal unprecedented (un- press- id- en- tid)
> unnaturally Apvers ADJECTIVE that has never happened before

unlock vers He took the keys from his pocket and dispensable, redundant
unlocked the boot. » open, release, unfasten, OPPOSITES ARENecessary, obligatory
undo opposites ARE lock, fasten unofficial spective 1 She acted as an unofficial
unlucky apective 1 You could be ruined as a bank, cashing cheques for customers. » informal,
result of some unlucky accident. » chance, casual, private, personal, unauthorized
untimely, unfortunate, unintended, disastrous, OPPOSITES ARE Official, formal 2 Unofficial figures
dreadful, tragic, calamitous, unwelcome put the dead and wounded at over 300.
OPPOSITES ARE lucky, timely, fortunate 2 Miss > unconfirmed, unauthenticated,
Hill was unlucky not to get a medal. Phil was unsubstantiated OPPOSITES ARE official,
again unlucky with injuries. » unfortunate, confirmed
hapless, luckless, unhappy, unsuccessful, unpaid ojective. 1 There were unpaid bills spread
wretched opposites ARElucky, fortunate 3 The all over the table. » outstanding, overdue,
13th proved to be unlucky for one American skier. unsettled, owing, due OPPOSITES ARE paid,
> inauspicious, ominous, unfavourable, jinxed, settled 2 Some staff also did unpaid charity work.
cursed, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred > voluntary, unremunerative
OPPOSITES ARE lucky, auspicious OPPOSITES ARE paid, professional
unmistakable apective Then came the unpleasant agective 1 It reminded him of an
unmistakable sound of a shot. » distinct, earlier unpleasant experience. » disagreeable,
distinctive, clear, plain, obvious, unambiguous, distressing, distasteful, nasty, horrible, horrid,
telltale OPPOSITES ARE uncertain, unclear uncomfortable OPPOSITES ARE pleasant,
agreeable 2 They were the most unpleasant
unnatural apective 1 It was an unnatural crime: people I had ever met. » unlikable,
was the man mad? He was uneasy in this disagreeable, objectionable, unattractive,
unnatural silence. » abnormal, unusual, unfriendly, obnoxious, repugnant, repulsive,
uncanny, weird, bizarre, strange, odd, revolting, repellent, ill-natured
unaccountable, inexplicable, extraordinary OPPOSITES ARE friendly, agreeable 3 substances
AN OPPOSITE IS normal 2 Her voice sounded that give rise to unpleasant odours » repulsive,
unnatural. » affected, self-conscious, revolting, unappealing OPPOSITES ARE pleasant,
mannered, stilted, theatrical, unspontaneous, appealing
feigned, (more informal) put on unpopular nective 1 The tax proved deeply
OPPOSITES ARE natural, normal 3 The white fur unpopular and was later abolished. » hated,
looked unnatural. » artificial, fabricated, disliked, detested, unwelcome, unwanted,
imitation, man-made, manufactured, rejected, despised AN OPPOSITE IS popular 2 He
simulated, synthetic OPPOSITES ARE natural, was unpopular at school. » disliked, friendless,
genuine unliked, shunned |
unnecessary Apjective 1 Don’t let’s take any unpredictable nective 1 The weather is
unnecessary risks. » inessential, non-essential, unpredictable in the hills. » changeable,
needless, uncalled-for, unjustified, unneeded, variable, erratic, uncertain, unreliable,
unwanted, excessive, extra unforeseeable, unexpected
OPPOSITES ARENecessary, essential 2 A deposit is AN OPPOSITE IS predictable 2 She was
unnecessary with this order. » superfluous, unpredictable and likely to say anything.
unprepared = unroll
unprepared spective not prepared unreal apjective not real; existing in the
beforehand; not ready or equipped imagination only
unprintable anjective too rude or indecent to > unreality Noun
be printed
unreasonable apjectve 1 not reasonable
unprofessional apjcrive not professional; not 2 excessive or unjust
worthy of a member of a profession > unreasonably Apvers
unqualified anjective 1 not officially qualified unrelieved nective without anything to vary it
to do something 2 not limited e We gave it our
e unrelieved gloom
unqualified approval.
unravel vers unravels, unravelling, unreserved pective 1 not reserved 2 without
unravelled 1 disentangle 2 undo something restriction; complete e unreserved loyalty
that is knitted 3 investigate and solve a > unreservedly ApverB
mystery etc.
unrest oun trouble or rioting caused because
unready spective not ready; hesitating people are dissatisfied
USAGE In the title of the English king Ethelred the
Unready the word means ‘lacking good advice unroll vers unrolls, unrolling, unrolled open
or wisdom’. something that has been rolled up

> unreliable, fickle, erratic, volatile, capricious, unrecognizable nective He's unrecognizable
moody, unstable AN opposite Is predictable as the boy we once knew. » unidentifiable,
unknowable, changed (from), altered (from)
unqualified spective 1 Too many nursing AN OPPOSITE IS recognizable
lectures are given by unqualified lecturers.
> untrained, inexperienced, incapable, unrelated nective 1 Two men had been charged
incompetent, unsuitable, ineligible after the match in unrelated incidents.
OPPOSITES ARE qualified, competent 2 The > separate, distinct, unconnected 2 He was
experiment was an unqualified success.
assigned to a menial post unrelated to his abilities,
> absolute, unreserved, complete, outright, > irrelevant, unconnected (with), dissimilar
total, utter, unmitigated
OPPOSITES ARE qualified, partial unrelenting nective Success came through
unravel vers 1 He cut the climbing rope and unrelenting hard work. » constant, continuous,
started to unravel its strands. » disentangle, relentless, remorseless, persistent,
untangle, unwind, untwist, undo, separate unremitting, unflagging, merciless, ruthless
AN OPPOSITE ISentangle 2 the sequence of events AN OPPOSITE IS intermittent
that archaeologists attempt to unravel» resolve,
sort out, solve, puzzle out, interpret, explain, unreliable spjctve 1 The official figures are
elucidate, clarify unreliable for gauging levels of unemployment.
> inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, suspect,
unreal apjctive It is a curiously unreal state of false, implausible, unconvincing
affairs. » false, artificial, fake, sham, illusory, OPPOSITES ARE reliable, accurate 2 The more he
imaginary OPPOSITES ARE real, genuine defended himself, the more unreliable he sounded.
unrealistic apjctive It would be unrealistic to > untrustworthy, irresponsible,
think of removing road congestion entirely. undependable, changeable, inconsistent,
> impractical, unreasonable, unworkable, unpredictable, unsound, unstable, fallible,
fanciful, impracticable, over-ambitious, fickle Opposites ARE reliable, dependable
idealistic, impossible OPPOSITES ARE realistic,
practical, pragmatic
unrivalled nective From the hotel you look out
on unrivalled views of Venice. » incomparable,
unreasonable spective 1 I knew I was being unequalled, unmatched, unparalleled,
unreasonable. > unfair, unjust, unhelpful, unsurpassed, inimitable, supreme, surpassing,
uncooperative, obstructive matchless, peerless
OPPOSITES ARE reasonable, helpful, fair 2 It was
unreasonable of him to expect her to know the unrufflled anjective Matthew’s unruffled manner
answer. & irrational, illogical, perverse, had evidently soothed them. » calm, composed,
unwarranted, absurd OPPOSITES ARE reasonable, collected, self-possessed, cool, poised,
sensible 3 They were making unreasonable unperturbed, unflustered, unbothered,
demands. » excessive, immoderate, untroubled, (more informal) unflappable, (more
exorbitant, extortionate informal) laid-back opposites are excited,
OPPOSITES ARE reasonable, moderate anxious, upset
unruly > unstable
unruly apective difficult to control; disorderly unshakeable apyecrive not able to be shaken;
> unruliness noun firm
unsavoury apjctive unpleasant or disgusting unshaven spective (said about aman) not
recently shaved
unscrew vers.unscrews, unscrewing,
unsightly spective not pleasant to look at; ugly
unscrewed unfasten something by twisting it
> unsightliness noun
or loosening screws
unskilled anective not having or not needing
unscrupulous agective having no scruples special skill or training
about wrongdoing
unsolicited spective not asked for e unsolicited
unseemly apective not proper or suitable; advice
unsound spective 1nor reliable or firm 2not
unseen spective not seen; invisible healthy
uNSEeeN NOUN UNseens a passage fortranslation unspeakable apyecrive too badto be described;
without previous preparation very objectionable
unsettled apyective 1 not settled or calm 2 (said unstable spectre not stable; likely to change or
about weather) likely to change become unbalanced

unruly apective A military unit had been stoned by variable, changing, unreliable, unpredictable,
a hungry and unruly mob. » disorderly, rowdy, unsteady OPPOSITES ARE settled, calm 2 He
wild, rebellious, disruptive, undisciplined, looked anxious and unsettled. » disturbed,
disobedient, boisterous, rough upset, troubled, agitated, restless, uneasy,
OPPOSITES ARE orderly, disciplined flustered OPPOSITES ARE settled, composed
unsafe apective 1 They agreed it would be unsafe unsociable apjective He was grumpy and
to try to get a message to London. » dangerous, unsociable. » unfriendly, aloof, distant,
risky, hazardous, precarious, insecure taciturn, reclusive, uncommunicative,
OPPOSITES ARE safe, harmless The verdicts were uncongenial OPPOSITES ARE sociable, friendly
unsafe because they were based entirely on
confessions. » unreliable, unsound, insecure, unsound spective 1 Many of the older buildings
doubtful, unstable OPPOSITES ARE safe, reliable, were structurally unsound. » unsafe, unstable,
secure unsteady, flimsy, weak OPPOSITES ARE sound,
strong 2 These arguments are obviously unsound.
unsatisfactory apective It was an > untenable, flawed, erroneous, defective, ill-
unsatisfactory conclusion to an otherwise useful founded, fallacious OPPOSITES ARE sound,
visit. » disappointing, dissatisfying, cogent
unacceptable, unhappy, displeasing,
inadequate, unworthy, poor, unsatisfying unspeakable aqyective The gang was guilty of
AN OPPOSITE IS satisfactory the most unspeakable acts. » indescribable,
unscathed apyective Richard walked away awful, dreadful, appalling, repellent, frightful,
unscathed from the wreckage of his car. unutterable, inexpressible, monstrous
> unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, safe, intact unstable spective 1 The buildings are highly
OPPOSITES ARE injured, hurt unstable. >»unsteady, shaky, rickety, wobbly,
unscrupulous ,pective He showed himselftobe flimsy, insecure, unsafe, precarious 2 an
a cunning and unscrupulous politician. emotionally unstable young student named Karl
> dishonest, dishonourable, unprincipled, > unbalanced, disturbed, insecure, deranged,
unethical, immoral, improper, self-interested, demented 3 The country has a history of unstable
shameless OPPOSITES ARE honest, principled government. » unreliable, changeable, erratic,
unseen apjective The magician made the box unsettled, volatile
disappear as though by unseen hands. » hidden,
unsteady spective 1 She balanced her cup onan
concealed, invisible, unnoticed, obscured,
imperceptible OPPOSITES ARE visible, seen unsteady iron table. He smelled of alcohol and was
unsteady on his feet. » shaky, rickety, unstable,
unselfish aoective They were motivated by wobbly, insecure, unsafe, precarious
entirely unselfish motives. » kind, selfless, OPPOSITES ARE steady, firm 2 She took a deep
thoughtful, altruistic, disinterested, unsteady breath. » irregular, uneven,
magnanimous, charitable, considerate, caring, changeable, erratic, inconstant, intermittent,
generous, humanitarian, philanthropic variable OPPOSITES ARE steady; regular 3 He read
AN OPPOSITE |S selfish by the unsteady light of a candle. » flickering,
unsettled apjctive 1 Unsettled weather makes a fluctuating, wavering, quavering, quivering,
long painting session impossible. » changeable, trembling, tremulous AN OPPOSITE IS steady
unstuck = unwarranted
unstuck apjective untold agective 1 not told 2too much or too
come unstuck 1 cease to stick 2 (informal) fail many to be counted e untold wealth
or go wrong
untruthyoun untruthsan untrue statement; a
umsure pjecrive not sure or confident lie yr
unthinkable pyctive too bad or too unlikely to > untruthful adjective untruthfully apvers
be worth considering unused apecrive 1 (un-yoozd) not yet used
© an unused stamp 2 (un-yoost) not
unthinking Apective thoughtless accustomed @ He is unused to eating meat.
untidy apective untidier, untidiest not tidy unusualapective not usual; strange or
> untidilypvers untidiness youn exceptional
untie vers unties, untying, untied undo > unusually spvers
something that has been tied unveil vers unveils, unveiling, unveiled
~ untill preposition, CONJUNCTION up to a particular 1 remove a veil or covering from something
time or event [from an Old Norse word und = as 2 reveal
far as, added to till] unwarranted spective notjustified; uncalled
USAGE See the note on till”. for

unsuccessful aojective He was the leader of an untidy sojective 1 He staggered out of his untidy
unsuccessful military coup against the previous bedroom. The handwriting was untidy.
government. » failed, abortive, fruitless, futile, > disorganized, messy, cluttered, muddled,
ill-fated, vain, ineffective, ineffectual, disordered, chaotic OPPOSITES AREtidy, orderly
unproductive, unsatisfactory, useless 2 Her hair looked untidy. » dishevelled, scruffy,
opposites are successful, effective bedraggled, uncombed, ungroomed,
unkempt, rumpled, shabby, tangled, tousled,
unsuitable,pective I think the proposed new site uncared for OPPOSITES AREtidy, neat
is unsuitable. » inappropriate, unsuited, ill-
suited, inapt, unsatisfactory, unfitting, unfit, untievere She began to untie the string around the
out of keeping, ill-chosen, ill-judged, mistaken, box.» undo, loosen, unfasten, unknot, release,
inapposite OPPOSITES ARE suitable, appropriate unbind, disentangle, free, untether
unsureapjective I was unsure of my welcome when
I visited the cottage the next afternoon. untrueapjective The claims were completely
> uncertain, doubtful, dubious, sceptical, untrue. » wrong, false, inaccurate, erroneous,
suspicious, mistrustful, distrustful incorrect, mistaken, unfounded, fallacious
AN OPPOSITE IS confident OPPOSITES ARE true, correct
unsure of yourself She was still alittle unsure of unusual apective 1 The town had electric
herselfinformal society. » unconfident, lighting, unusual in those days. » uncommon,
hesitant, diffident, timid, timorous rare, unfamiliar OPPOSITES AREusual, Common
OPPOSITES AREsure of yourself, self-confident 2 It was an unusual story. » strange, odd,
unsympathetic pce 1 The planning curious, weird, queer, bizarre, peculiar,
authority showed an unsympathetic attitude to exceptional, unconventional
applications for new homes. ® uncaring, OPPOSITES AREnormal, conventional 3 Vera was
unconcerned, unresponsive, indifferent, a woman of unusual quality. » remarkable,
insensitive, unfeeling, hostile, antagonistic exceptional, extraordinary, untypical
AN OPPOSITE ISsympathetic 2 unsympathetic AN OPPOSITE IS typical
to The new assembly was quite unsympati.ue > unwanted spective 1 Lila kept guard dogs to
these views. » opposed to, hostile to, ward off unwanted visitors. » unwelcome,
unconcerned about, antagonistic towards, ill- undesirable, undesired, unsolicited, uninvited,
disposed towards OPPOSITES ARE sympathetic rejected OPPOSITES AREWelcome, wanted,
to, understanding of desirable 2 The ants will bring dead ants and
unsystematicapectve Their use of data was unwanted rubbish from their nests.
unsystematic. » disorganized, unmethodical, > superfluous, discarded, redundant, unused
disorderly, haphazard, muddled, jumbled, OPPOSITES AREneeded, useful, wanted
unstructured, indiscriminate, inconsistent unwary apective Deep potholes can bring down
AN OPPOSITE IS systematic , an unwary rider and his horse. » careless,
unthinkable spective Ina free society sucha ban unthinking, inattentive, absent-minded,
would be unthinkable. » inconceivable, thoughtless, unguarded, incautious
unimaginable, unbelievable, undreamed of, OPPOSITES ARE wary, attentive
incredible, absurd, preposterous, implausible unwelcome spective 1 As she went downstairs,
OPPOSITES ARE conceivable, plausible an unwelcome voice reached her ears.
unwell - upon
unwell spective not in good health adjective before a noun, e.g. up-to-date
information (but The information is up to date).
unwholesome apjective not wholesome
UIP preposition upwards through or along or into
unwieldy spective awkward to move or control © Water came up the pipes. [from Old English]
because of its size, shape, or weight
upbringing noun the way someone is trained
> unwieldiness noun
during childhood
unwind vers unwinds, unwinding, update vers updates, updating, updated
unwound 1 unroll 2 (informal) relax aftera bring a thing up to date
time of work or strain > update noun
unwise ,pjective not wise; foolish upgrade vers upgrades, upgrading,
> unwisely Apvers upgraded improve a machine by installing
unworthy agective not worthy or deserving new or better parts in it
> upgrade noun
UNWrap vers unwraps, unwrapping,
unwrapped open something that is wrapped upheaval noun upheavals a sudden violent
change or disturbance
UP Apvers 1 to or ina higher place or position or
level @ Prices have gone up. 2 so as to be upright
uphill overs up a slope
e Stand up 3 out of bed @ It’s time to get up. uphill agective 1 going up aslope 2 difficult e It
4 completely e Eat up your carrots. 5 finished was an uphill struggle.
e Your time is up. 6 (informal) happening uphold vers upholds, upholding, upheld
© Something is up. support or maintain a decision or belief etc.
up against 1 close to 2 (informal) faced with upholster vers upholsters, upholstering,
difficulties, dangers, etc. upholstered put a soft padded covering on
ups and downs alternate good and bad luck furniture
up to 1 until 2 busy with or doing something > upholstery Noun
e What are you up to? 3 capable of e I don’t
upkeep noun keeping something in good
think I’m up to it. 4needed from e It’s up to us
condition; the cost of this
to help her.
up to date 1 modern or fashionable 2 giving uplifting aojctive making you feel more
recent information etc. cheerful
USAGE Use hyphens when this is used as an UPON PREPOSITION on

» disagreeable, unacceptable, undesirable, advised, crazy, mad, insane, (more informal)
unwanted AN OPPOSITE IS welcome 2He had daft OPPOSITES ARE wise, sensible
been made to feel unwelcome. » unwanted,
unpopular, excluded, spurned, uninvited unworthy agective 1 His was an unworthy
unwell spective She told the ambulance service she remark. » shameful, discreditable,
was feeling unwell. > ill, sick, poorly, dishonourable, undeserving, unsuitable,
indisposed, out of sorts, under the weather despicable, disreputable, ignoble,
OPPOSITES ARE well, in good health ; inappropriate AN OPPOSITE IS worthy 2 Such
claims are unworthy of consideration.
unwieldy spective He would also need to > undeserving, unfit (for), ineligible (for)
transport some unwieldy equipment. OPPOSITES ARE worthy, deserving
> awkward, cumbersome, clumsy, bulky,
unmanageable, ungainly, heavy, massive update vere You should continually update your
OPPOSITES ARE manageable, handy information. » review, amend, upgrade, bring
unwilling spective 1 He called together his up to date, correct, revise, modernize
group of unwilling helpers. » unenthusiastic,
grudging, reluctant, uncooperative, half- upgrade vers You can upgrade our system free of
hearted, hesitant OPPOSITES ARE willing, keen charge. » improve, enhance, update, make
2A spokesman was unwilling to give a precise better, renovate, expand
date. > reluctant, disinclined, averse, loath
OPPOSITES ARE willing, ready upheaval noun Further changes could be made
without major upheaval. » disruption,
unwind vers 1 Kittie unwound balls ofpink and
commotion, disturbance, confusion, disorder,
blue wool. > unroll, unreel, unravel, untwist, turmoil
undo, uncoil, untwine 2 He found the farm a
place to unwind and let himself go. » relax, ease uphill anjective We are all facing an uphill
up, loosen up struggle. » hard, arduous, strenuous, taxing,
unwise spective You would be unwise to ignore tough, difficult, exhausting, gruelling,
the warning signs. » foolish, stupid, silly, ill- laborious, stiff AN OPPOSITE IS easy
upper => uptight
upperapjective higher in place or rank etc. normal working of something; disrupt @ This
upper classyoun upper classes the highest has really upset my plans.
class in society, especially the aristocracy upsetapective 1 unhappy or distressed
> upper-class ADjecTIVE 2 slightly ill e an upset stomach
uppermostapective highest upsetnoun upsets 1 aslightillness @ a stomach
uppermostypvers on or to the top or the upset 2 an unexpected result or setback
highest place @ Keep the painted side uppermost. © There has been a major upset in the quarter-
uprightanectve 1 vertical or erect 2strictly upshotnoun upshots the eventual outcome
honest or honourable
upside downmaovers, Adjective 1 with the upper
uprightyoun uprightsa post or rod etc. placed part underneath instead ofon top 2 in great
upright, especially as a support disorder; very untidy @ Everything had been
uprisingnoun uprisings a rebellion or revolt turned upside down.
uproarnoun an outburst of noise or excitement upstairs overs, Adjective to or ona higher floor
or anger upstartyoun upstarts a person who has risen
uprootvers uproots, uprooting, uprooted suddenly to a high position, especially one who
1 remove a plant and its roots from the ground then behaves arrogantly
2 make someone leave the place where he or uptakenouv
she has lived for a long time quick on the uptake quick to understand
upsetvers upsets, upsetting, upset slow on the uptakeslow to understand
1 overturn; knock something over 2 make a uptightapectve (informal) tense and nervous or
person unhappy or distressed 3 disturb the annoyed

upperapective There are lifts to the upper floors of affect, throw out, ruin OPPOSITES AREmaintain,
the building. » higher, upstairs, raised, restore 3 He upset a pot of soup. » tip over,
elevated, superior knock over, spill, overturn
uprightanjective 1 Crude figures are incised on upsetnoun The youngsters put the upset behind
upright stones. » perpendicular, vertical, erect them. » distress, worry, trouble, upheaval,
2 upright Victorians with a strong sense offamily bother, anxiety
pride » honourable, honest, respectable, upsetapective 1 She was upset about missing all
reputable, righteous, upstanding, moral, the excitement. » distressed, dismayed,
principled, virtuous, trustworthy disturbed, troubled, unsettled, disconcerted,
OPPOSITES AREdishonourable, corrupt worried, anxious, grieved 2 He rang in to say he
uprisingnoun The uprising was soon suppressed had an upset stomach. » queasy, disordered,
by the army. » rebellion, revolt, rising, (more informal) gippy
insurrection, insurgence, revolution, mutiny
usage You use mutiny about members of the upside-dowmapective 11 could read the
armed forces. writing upside-down on his desk. » the wrong
way up, inverted, topsy-turvy, upturned
uproarnoun 1 There was an uproar when the
OPPOSITES AREupright, the right way up
council refused to hear the delegation. » outcry, 2 Somebody broke in and turned the place
clamour, protest, furore, rumpus 2 They found upside-down. It is traumatic having one’s life
the place in uproar. » turmoil, confusion, turned upside-down like this. » into disarray,
disorder, pandemonium, mayhem, into chaos, into a muddle, untidy, chaotic
commotion AN OPPOSITE IStidy
uprootvers 1 He always imagined himselfas
some great monster uprooting trees. > pull up, uptightagyctive (informal) When Ian gets
tear up, rip out, root out, weed out, remove, uptight it can affect his game. » tense, anxious,
destroy, (more formal) extirpate nervous, edgy, on edge, strained, stressed,
AN OPPOSITE ISplant 2 Building a dam would agitated, apprehensive, jittery, fidgety, ill at
uproot over a million people. » displace, disrupt, ease, jumpy OPPOSITES AREcalm, relaxed
remove up-to-dateanective 1 None of the disks
upsetvers 11 would never want to upset anyone. contained up-to-date programs, » current,
> distress, trouble, agitate, disturb, unsettle, latest, recent, new, modern, present-day,
disquiet, disconcert, unnerve, dismay, grieve, advanced AN OPPOSITE |Sout-of-date 2 Use the
perturb, fluster, confuse Internet to keep yourselfup to date on this topic.
OPPOSITES AREreassure, put at ease 2 Grazing > informed (about), in touch (with),
sheep is prohibited so as not to upset the natural conversant (with), (more informal) up to speed
balance. » disrupt, disturb, interfere with, AN OPPOSITE ISuninformed
upward = use
upward apyctive, apvers going towards what is UFrM NOUN uUFMs 1 large metal container with a
higher tap, in which water is heated 2 a container
> upwards ADVERB shaped like a vase, usually with a foot,
uranium youn a heavy radioactive grey metal especially a container for holding the ashes ofa
used as a source of nuclear energy [named after cremated person
the planet Uranus]
US agereviation United States (said about
urban spective to do with a town or city [from America)
Latin urbis = of a city]
urchin youn urchins. 1a poorly dressed or us pronoun the form of we used when it is the
mischievous boy 2a sea urchin [via early object of a verb or after a preposition
French from Latin hericius = hedgehog]
USA assreviATION United States of America
urge vers urges,urging,urged 1tryto
persuade a person to do something 2 drive uSe (yooz) vers uses, using, used perform an
people or animals onward 3 recommend or action orjob with something e Use soap for
advise washing.
Urge Noun urges a strong desire or wish > user NOUN
urgent apective needing to be done or dealt used to 1 was or were in the habit of doing
with immediately e We used to go by train. 2 accustomed to or
> urgently apvers urgency NOUN familiar with e I’m used to his strange behaviour.
use up use all of something
urinate (yoor- in- ayt) vers urinates,
urinating, urinated pass urine out of your uS@ (yooss) NOUN uses 1 the action of using
body something; being used @ the use of computers in
> urination Noun schools 2 the purpose for which something is
urine (yoor- in) noun waste liquid that collects used e Can you find a use for this crate? 3 the
in the bladder and is passed out of the body quality of being useful e These scissors are no use
> urinary ADJECTIVE at all. [via early French from Latin uti]

urban apctive greenfield sites on the edge of usable anjective 1 thousand square metres of
urban areas » built-up, town, city, densely usable floor space » functional, working,
populated, metropolitan, suburban, municipal available, practical, serviceable, fit for use,
functioning, operating, operational
urge vers 1 We would urge people to be aware AN‘OPPOSITE IS unusable. 2 The ticket is usable
and alert with fireworks. » encourage, entreat, at all the country’s museums and galleries.
exhort, advise, counsel, appeal to, entreat, > valid, acceptable, current
beg, press, plead with, beseech, implore, AN OPPOSITE IS invalid
recommend OPPOSITES ARE deter, discourage uSe NouN 1 What’s the use of arguing? » point,
2 The working group urged caution in advantage, purpose, benefit, value, sense,
implementing any changes. » advise, usefulness, reason (for) 2 There isn’t much use
recommend, counsel, advocate, suggest 3 He for mechanical calculators any more. » need,
urged his crew on through the mountainous call, demand, necessity, reason, justification
waves. » drive, spur, press, force, compel, 3 There was trial and error in the use of video
impel, propel, push equipment. » utilization, employment,
operation, application, usage 4 People have to
urge noun The urge to give him a hug was almost make the best use of their time. » application,
impossible to resist. » desire, wish, need, utilization, employment, exercise
impulse, inclination, eagerness, compulsion, use vers 1 They use the garden like an extra room.
craving, fancy, instinct, longing, yearning, > utilize, make use of, employ, avail yourself
(more informal) itch, (more informal) yen of, put to use 2 He learned to use a word
processor. » work, operate, utilize, handle,
urgent Apective 1 The buildings are in urgent manage, make use of 3 You will need to use all
need of renovation. » immediate, pressing, your judgement. » exercise, apply, employ,
draw on, make use of, implement 4 How much
acute, grave, dire, desperate, critical, serious,
milk did you use? B use up, consume, exhaust,
essential, drastic, extreme, instant, top-priority waste
2 He was roused from sleep by the urgent calls of to use up By now Billy had used up all his money.
his mother. > insistent, persistent, earnest, > spend, get through, exhaust, deplete,
determined, eager, pleading squander, consume USAGE You use squander
AN OPPOSITE IS casual when you are talking about wasting something

used = U-turn
usedypyective not new: second-hand e used cars utilitynoun utilities 1 usefulness 2 an
usefullapjctive able to be used a lot or to do organization that supplies water, gas,
something that needs doing electricity, etc. to the community
> usefullyApvers usefulmessjoun utilize vers utilizes, utilizing utilized use;
uselessapjctive not useful; producing no effect find a use for something
© Their efforts were useless. > utilizationnoun
> uselesslyApvers uselessmessnoun utmostapective extreme or greatest @ Look
user-friendly spective designed to be easy to after it with the utmost care.
> utmostnoun
use do your utmostdo the most that you are able
ushernoun ushersa person who shows people to
to their seats in a cinema, theatre, or church
Utopia (yoo-toh- pee-a) noun Utopias an
ushervers ushers, ushering ushered lead imaginary place or state of things where
someone in or out; escort someone as an usher everything is perfect
[via early French from Latin ostiarius = > Utopianapyective
utter vers utters, uttering uttered say or
usheretteyoun usherettes a woman who speak; make a sound with your mouth
shows people to their seats in a cinema or > utterancenvoun
theatre [from early Dutch]
usualapjective such as happens or is done or utter? apective complete or absolute e utter
used etc. always or most of the time misery
> usuallyspvers > utterlyspvers
utensil (yoo- ten- sil) noun utensils a tool, [from Old English uttra = outer]
device, or container, especially one for use in uttermostapjecive, noun utmost
the house e cooking utensils U-turnyoun U-turns 1a U-shaped turn made
utilitarian sgyective designed to be useful inavehicle so that it then travels in the opposite
rather than decorative or luxurious; practical direction 2. a complete change of policy

or using it extravagantly. You use consume spelling. » bad, inept, no good, incompetent,
when you are talking about food. ineffective, untalented, incapable (of)
used toHe was used to being woken up in the OPPOSITES AREuseful, competent
middle of the night. iaccustomed to, familiar usualapective Today he didn’t take his usual route
with, in the habit of, no stranger to
home. » normal, customary, habitual, regular,
usedagyctive They always bought used cars. routine, typical, familiar, accustomed,
> second-hand, pre-owned, nearly new, old conventional, traditional, standard, orthodox
OPPOSITES AREunused, new OPPOSITES AREunusual, exceptional
usefulspjctive 1 These specialists can offer useful usuallyspvers Usually he lingered by the stream
advice and practical support. » helpful, to throw in stones. » normally, generally,
beneficial, worthwhile, valuable, profitable, habitually, as a rule, customarily, routinely,
advantageous, positive, constructive, good, regularly, often OPPOSITES AREexceptionally,
invaluable OPPOSITES AREuseless, unhelpful seldom, rarely
2 This is a useful tool for working in tight spaces.
> handy, practical, convenient, effective, utterapyective Amy stared at him in utter disbelief.
efficient, powerful, productive, utilitarian > absolute, complete, total, sheer, positive,
OPPOSITES AREuseless, awkward 3 They had thorough, outright, downright, out-and-out,
some useful players. > skilful, talented, unmitigated
competent, capable, proficient, effective, uttervers They were all too stunned to utter a
successful OPPOSITES AREuseless, incompetent word. » say, speak, express, voice, articulate,
uselessapective 11’m full of useless bits of enunciate
knowledge like that. Further inquiries would be utterlysovers The whole exercise seems utterly
useless. » worthless, pointless, futile, fruitless, pointless. » absolutely, completely, totally,
vain, hopeless, unavailing, unprofitable, perfectly, quite, unquestionably, unreservedly
unsuccessful Opposites AREuseful, helpful,
practical 2 It was a useless suggestion. U-turnwoun It had been the most dramatic U-
> impractical, unusable, unworkable, turn of her political career. » change of mind,
ineffective, hopeless, (more informal) dud reversal of policy, volte-face, about-face,
OPPOSITES AREuseful, positive 3 She’s useless at about-turn, shift
vacant — valley
vagina (va-jy- na) Noun vaginas the passage

V that leads from the vulva to the womb

vagrant (vay- grant) Noun vagrants a person
with no settled home or regular work; a tramp
> vagrancy NOUN
vacant spective 1 empty; not filled or occupied
© a vacant seat e a vacant post 2 without vague apyecrive 1 not definite or clear 2 not
expression; blank e a vacant stare thinking clearly or precisely
> vacantly Apvers vacancy NOUN > vaguely Apvers vagueness NOUN
[from Latin vacans = being empty] vain spective 1 conceited, especially about your
vacation (vak- ay- shun) Noun vacations 1a appearance 2 useless e They made vain
holiday, especially between the terms at a attempts to save her.
university 2 vacating a place etc. > vainly avers
vaccinate (vak- sin- ayt) vers vaccinates , in vain with no result; uselessly
vaccinating , vaccinated inoculate someone USAGE Do not confuse withvane orvein.
with a vaccine valency noun valencies (in science) the power
> vaccination Noun of an atom to combine with other atoms,
vaccine (vak- seen) noun vaccines a substance measured by the number of hydrogen atoms it
used to give someone immunity against a is capable of combining with
disease [from Latin vacca = cow (because serum valentine youn valentines 1a card sent on St
from cows was used to protect people from the Valentine’s day (14 February) to someone you
disease smallpox)] are fond of 2 the person you send this card to
VacuUM Noun vacuums 1a completely empty
space; a space without any air in it 2 (informal) valiant apyective brave or courageous
a vacuum cleaner > valiantly Apvers
Vacuum vers vacuums vacuuming, valid spective 1 legally able to be used or
vacuumed to clean a floor with a vacuum accepted e a valid passport 2 (said about
cleaner reasoning) sound and logical
vacuum cleaner youn vacuum cleaners an > validity noun
electrical device that sucks up dust and dirt etc. valley noun valleys 1a long low area between
vagabond noun vagabonds a person with no hills 2 an area through which a river flows e the
settled home or regular work; a vagrant Nile valley

vacant apjective 1 There is a plan to build offices uninformed OPPOSITES ARE certain, informed
on a vacant site in the city centre. » unused, 4 Our plans are fairly vague at this stage.
unoccupied, unfilled, empty, bare, blank, clear, > unsettled, uncertain, inexact, open, unsure,
free, available AN OPPOSITE IS occupied 2 Guns indefinite OPPOSITES ARE firm, definite
and ammunition were found in a planned search vain anjective 1 They are vain and ostentatious by
of a vacant house. » empty, unoccupied, nature. » conceited, arrogant, self-satisfied,
i} deserted AN OPPOSITE IS occupied 3 She self-important, boastful, egotistical
maintained a vacant expression. » blank, AN OPPOSITE IS modest 2 Dr Neil made vain
expressionless, deadpan, absent-minded,
attempts to stop the bleeding. » unsuccessful,
vacuous, abstracted, inattentive, dreamy, far ineffective, futile, abortive, fruitless, unavailing
away OPPOSITES ARE attentive, alert OPPOSITES ARE successful, effective
vacate vers They must vacate the premises by the
end of the month. » leave, evacuate, quit, valid anective 1 This may be a valid conclusion.
withdraw from, abandon, depart from, give up > legitimate, reasonable, rational, sound,
AN OPPOSITE IS occupy cogent, convincing, acceptable
OPPOSITES ARE invalid, spurious 2 Make sure you
vacation noun Although I’m officially on
have a valid passport and a visa ifnecessary.
vacation, I’m actually working. » holiday, leave, > current, up-to-date, legal, certified,
time off approved, authorized, official, suitable, bona
Vague spective 1 He was full of vague promises. fide, genuine AN OPPOSITE |S invalid
> indefinite, imprecise, inexact, unspecific, ill-
defined, generalized OPPOSITES ARE specific, valley youn Pupils.will be taught in the school
definite 2 Vague shapes could be made out in the across the valley.» dale, glen, dell, vale, hollow,
distance. » hazy, unclear, indistinct, indefinite, gorge, gulch
blurred OPPOSITES ARE distinct, clear 3 He valour youn The medals are awarded for acts of
always seemed vague about money. » uncertain, valour. > bravery, courage, daring, gallantry,
unclear, unsure, confused, indecisive, heroism AN OPPOSITE IS cowardice
valuable — vapour
valuable apecrive worth a lot of money; of great > vandalism youn
value [named after the Vandals, a Germanic people
> valuably apvers who invaded the Roman Empire in the 5th
valuables piurai noun valuable things century, destroying many books and works of
art] »
value oun values 1 the amount of money etc.
that is considered to be the equivalent of vandalize vere vandalizes, vandalizing,
something, or for which it can be exchanged vandalized damage things as a vandal
2 how useful or important something is e They
learned the value of regular exercise. 3 (in VaMe youn vanes 1a weathervane 2 the blade
mathematics) the number or quantity ofapropeller, sail of awindmill, or other device
represented by a figure etc. e What is the value that acts on or is moved by wind or water [from
of x? Old English]
value vere values, valuing, valued 1 think USAGE Do not confuse with vain or vein.
that something is valuable 2 estimate the
vanilla youn a flavouring obtained from the
value of athing > valuationvoun valuernoun
pods of a tropical plant [from Spanish vainilla
valve noun valves 1a device for controlling the = little pod]
flow ofgas or liquid through a pipe or tube 2a
structure in the heart or in a blood vessel vanish vers vanishes, vanishing, vanished
allowing blood to flowin one direction only 3.a disappear completely
device that controls the flow of electricity in old
televisions, radios, etc. 4 each piece ofthe shell vanity noun conceit; being vain
of oysters etc.
> valvular apjective
vanquish vers vanquishes, vanquishing,
vanquished defeat thoroughly
Vampirenoun vampires a dead creature that is
supposed to leave its grave at night and suck vantage point oun vantage points a place
blood from living people [from Hungarian from which you have a good view of scenery or
vampir, perhaps from a Turkish word uber = something interesting [from Middle English
witch] vantage = advantage]
Van youn vans 1 a covered vehicle for carrying
vaporize vers vaporizes, vaporizing,
goods 2a railway carriage for luggage or
vaporized change or be changed into vapour
goods, or for the use of the guard [short for
> vaporizationnoun vaporizer Noun
vandaloun vandals a person who deliberately Vapour youn vapours a visible gas to which
breaks or damages things, especially public some substances can be converted by heat;
property steam or mist

valuable pective 1 You need separate insurance who valued his wise advice. » appreciate, prize,
cover for the more valuable jewellery. » costly, rate highly, esteem, hold in high regard, have a
high-priced, expensive, precious, priceless, high opinion of, set store by
dear OPPOSITES ARE valueless, worthless 2 The OPPOSITES ARE neglect, disregard
work provided them with valuable experience. values p.ural noun Each generation has its special
> helpful, beneficial, advantageous, _
values. » principles, standards, morality,
constructive, invaluable, positive, profitable,
morals, moral code, code of behaviour
useful, valued, worthwhile, good
AN OPPOSITE IS worthless USAGE Note that vanish vers 1 Maria had vanished into the
invaluable is not an opposite of valuable, but garden. > disappear, leave, withdraw, clear off
means ‘too great to be valued’, i.e. ‘extremely OPPOSITES ARE appear, reappear 2 All thoughts of
valuable’, as in an invaluable member of the her vanished in the excitement. » evaporate,
team. melt away, dissolve, end, come to an end,
dwindle, fade, go away, disperse, pass
value youn 1 Houses in the area have practically OPPOSITES ARE materialize, endure
doubled in value. » price, cost, worth, market
value 2 The value of regular exercise cannot be vanity youn A divorce would hit her vanity and
overestimated. » importance, merit, benefit, her pocket. » pride, self-regard, self-
advantage, significance, usefulness, use admiration, conceit, arrogance, egoism
value vers 1 The vineyard is valued at £160
million. » assess, evaluate, price, cost, Vapour noun His breath formed a vapour on the
estimate the value of, (more informal) put a air. » mist, haze, fog, smoke, steam, fumes,
figure on 2 His honesty endeared him to many gas, miasma
variable — vegetarian
variable apyective likely to vary; changeable vast ADjective very great, especially in area e a
> variably Apvers variability Noun vast expanse of water
> vastly ADvers vastness NOUN
variable noun variables something that varies
or can vary; a variable quantity
VAT assreviaTion value added tax; a tax on goods
and services
variant spective differing from something vat noun vats a very large container for holding
© ‘Gipsy’ is a variant spelling of ‘gypsy’. liquid
> variant NOUN
vault vers vaults, vaulting, vaulted jump over
variation noun variations 1 varying; the something, especially while supporting
amount by which something varies 2a yourself on your hands or with the help of a pole
different form of something vault noun vaults 1a vaulting jump 2an
varied spective of different sorts; full of variety arched roof 3 an underground room used to
variegated (vair- ig- ay- tid) anjective with store things 4a room for storing money or
patches of different colours valuables 5 a burial chamber
> variegation NOUN vaulted spective having an arched roof
variety noun varieties 1 a quantity of different vaunt vers vaunts, vaunting, vaunted (old use
kinds of things 2 the quality of not always or poetical) boast
> vaunt NOUN
being the same; variation 3 a particular kind of
something e@ There are several varieties of VCR assreviaTion video cassette recorder
spaniel. 4 an entertainment that includes short VDU aserewaTion visual display unit
performances of various kinds veal noun calf’s flesh used as food
various spective 1 of several kinds; unlike one vector noun vectors (in mathematics) a
another e for various reasons 2 several e We quantity that has size and direction, such as
met various people. velocity (which is speed in a certain direction)
> variously ADVERB > vectorial ADJECTIVE
varnish noun varnishes a liquid that dries to [from Latin, = carrier, traveller]
form a hard, shiny, clear coating veer vers veers, veering, veered change
direction; swerve
varnish vers varnishes, varnishing,
varnished coat something with varnish vegetable noun vegetables a plant that can
be used as food [from Latin vegetare = enliven,
Vary vers varies, varying, varied 1 make or animate]
become different; change 2 be different vegetarian noun vegetarians a person who
VaSe NOUN vases an open, usually tall, container does not eat meat
used for holding cut flowers or as an ornament > vegetarianism NOUN

variable pjctive The photos are of variable varieties of drinking chocolate. » kind, sort,
quality. » changing, varying, changeable, type, form, brand, category, class, strain,
fluctuating, irregular, inconsistent, make, species, breed
unpredictable, vacillating, unstable, unsteady, various Apjective 1 The job can be done in various
temperamental OPPOSITES ARE constant, ways. > different, differing, diverse, distinct,
uniform varying, varied, assorted, dissimilar,
variation noun 1 There was considerable miscellaneous AN OPPOSITE IS similar 2.An
regional variation in these findings. » diversity, uneasy truce existed between the various political
deviation, diversification, disparity, inequality, parties. » numerous, many, several,
difference, discrepancy 2 Prices are subject to innumerable, countless, multifarious, sundry
variation. » change, alteration, adjustment, vary vers 1 Prices vary enormously for group
modification holidays. » differ, fluctuate, range, change,
varied apective There is a varied choice of shift, go up and down, (more formal) oscillate
restaurants and tavernas. » diverse, assorted, OPPOSITES ARE be static, be fixed 2 The routine
wide-ranging, miscellaneous, mixed, sundry, never varies. » change, alter, differ, deviate,
motley, (more formal) heterogeneous diverge, fluctuate 3 You can vary the size ofyour
variety noun 1It is hard work, but the variety pictures. » alter, adapt, adjust, modify,
makes it stimulating. » diversity, variation, diversify AN OPPOSITE IS fix
diversification, change, many-sidedness, vast apjective 1 The birds fly over vast distances.
unpredictability 2 one-day courses on a variety > huge, great, extensive, enormous,
of cookery themes » assortment, array, immense, colossal, tremendous
miscellany, mixture, multiplicity, range, OPPOSITES ARE small, short 2 The vast majority of
collection, medley 3 The list offers sixteen patients are elderly. » great, huge, large
vegetation = venture
vegetationyouy 1 plants that are growing venerable aoyective worthy of respect or
2 vegetating | honour, especially because of great age
vehement (vee- im- ent) Anjective showing venerate vers venerates, venerating,
strong feeling e a vehement refusal venerated honour with great respect or
> vehemently sovers vehemence oun reverence»
vehiclenoun vehicles a means of transporting > veneration Noun
people or goods, especially on land venereal disease youn venereal diseases a
veil youn veils a piece of thin material worn to disease passed on by sexual intercourse
cover the face or head vengeance
noun revenge
take the veil become a nun with a vengeance with great intensity
veil vers veils, veiling, veiled 1 cover venison noun deer’s flesh as food
something with a veil 2 partially conceal Venn diagram oun Venn diagrams (in
something e veiled threats mathematics) a diagram in which circles are
vein oun veins 1 any of the tubes that carry used to show the relationships between
blood from all parts of the body to the heart different sets of things
COMPARE artery 2 line or streak ona leaf, Vvenomyoun 1 the poisonous fluid produced by
rock, insect’s wing, etc. 3.a long deposit of snakes, scorpions, etc. 2 strong bitterness or
mineral or ore in the middle of arock 4amood spitefulness
or manner e She spoke in a serious vein. > venomous ADj/ECTIVE
USAGE Do not confuse with vainor vane.
ventyoun vents an opening in something,
velocity oun velocities speed ina given especially to let out smoke or gas etc.
direction give vent to express your feelings openly
velvetoun a woven material with very short ventvers vents, venting, vented 1 makea
soft furry fibres on one side vent in something 2 give vent to feelings
> velvety ADjective ventilate ves ventilates, ventilating,
vendettanoun vendettas a long-lasting bitter ventilated let air move freely in and out of a
quarrel; a feud [from Italian, from Latin vindicta room etc.
= vengeance] > ventilationyouy ventilator youn
vending machinenoun vending machines ventriloquist
youn ventriloquists an
a slot machine from which you can obtain entertainer who makes his or her voice sound
drinks, chocolate, cigarettes, etc. as if it comes from another source
veneer youn veneers 1 a thin layer of good > ventriloquism youn
wood covering the surface of acheaper wood in [from Latin venter =abdomen + loqui = speak]
furniture etc. 2 an outward show of some good venturejoun ventures something you decide
quality @ a veneer ofpoliteness to do that is risky

vehementapective We are quite vehement in our with such venom she recoiled. » malice,
pursuit of safety procedures. Opposition to the malevolence, rancour, ill-will, acrimony, Ha
whale hunt drew vehement criticism from the animosity, bitterness, vitriol, virulence, hatred
islanders. » fierce, passionate, forceful, venomousapective 1 The only mammals with
impassioned, intense, ardent, eager, fervent, venomous bites are certain moles and shrews.
vigorous, violent, enthusiastic, animated, > poisonous, toxic, noxious, deadly
excited, heated, strong, powerful, urgent AN OPPOSITE ISharmless 2 He wrote a venomous
OPPOSITES ARE mild, apathetic criticism of their work. » vicious, spiteful,
vehicle youn Vehicles are not allowed in the town malicious, malevolent, vindictive, baleful,
centre. » motor vehicle, car, automobile, vitriolic, rancorous AN OPPOSITE IS friendly
wheeled transport venture noun This new venture holds great
vengeance noun He swore vengeance when he promise for the future. » enterprise,
was banished four years ago. » revenge, undertaking, project, scheme, endeavour,
retribution, retaliation, reprisal operation, adventure
venture vers 1 Harry ventured an opinion.
vengeful spective He felt vengeful towards his > put forward, suggest, offer, dare, risk,
attackers. » revengeful, unforgiving, spiteful, chance 2 We venture to ask you for your
bitter, avenging, vindictive, rancorous permission. » dare, presume, be so bold as to
AN OPPOSITE IS forgiving 3 When darkness came he ventured out.
venom youn 1 Snake venom is usially clear > journey, set forth, proceed, dare to go, risk
yellow. » poison, toxin 2 She was told to leave going
venture = verve
venture vers ventures, venturing, ventured rats and fleas
dare or be bold enough to do or say something > verminous ADJECTIVE
or to go somewhere @ We ventured out into the vernacular (ver- nak- yoo- ler) noun
snow. vernaculars the language of a country or
venturesome apjective ready to take risks; district, as distinct from an official or formal
daring language
veracity (ver- as- it-ee) noun truth versatile spective able to do or be used for
> veracious (ver- ay- shus) ADJECTIVE many different things
veranda noun verandas a terrace with a roof > versatility NOUN
along the side of a house [via Hindi from verse NouN verses 1 writing arranged in short
Portuguese varanda = railing, balcony] lines, usually with a particular rhythm and often
verb noun verbs a word that shows what a with rhymes; poetry 2a group of lines forming
person or thing is doing, e.g. bring, came, sing, a unit ina poem or song 3 each of the short
were [from Latin verbum = word] numbered sections ofachapterin the Bible [via
verbal spective 1 to dowith orin words; spoken, Old English from Latin versus =a line of writing]
not written e a verbal statement 2 to do with version Noun versions 1 a particular person’s
verbs account of something that happened 2a
> verbally apvers translation e modern versions of the Bible 3.a
verdict noun verdicts a judgement or decision special or different form of something @ the
made after considering something, especially latest version of this car
that made by a jury VEFSUS PREPOSITION against; competing with
verge Noun verges a strip of grass along the e The final was Germany versus Brazil.
edge of a road or path vertebra noun vertebrae each of the bones
on the verge of very nearly doing something that form the backbone
e@ I was on the verge of tears.
vertebrate youn vertebrates an animal that
verge vers verges, verging, verged has a backbone (The opposite is invertebrate)
verge on border on something; be close to
something e This puzzle verges on the impossible. vertical spective at right angles to something
horizontal; upright
veritable spective real; rightly named e a
> vertically abvers
veritable villain
> veritably apvers vertigo noun a feeling of dizziness and loss of
vermin pLurAl NouN animals or insects that balance, especially when you are very high up
damage crops or food or carry disease, such as verve noun enthusiasm and liveliness

verbal Agyective A verbal exchange was recorded of, validate, authenticate, corroborate, check
between two people. » spoken, oral, word-of- out, ascertain AN OPPOSITE IS refute
mouth, unwritten AN OPPOSITE IS written
versatile apective 1 She was a gifted and
verbose apjctive Parts of the speech were versatile teacher. » adaptable, many-sided, all-
repetitive and verbose. » wordy, loquacious,
round, flexible, resourceful, talented, skilful
diffuse, effusive, garrulous, talkative, long- 2 The property offers spacious and versatile
winded, rambling AN OPPOSITE Is succinct accommodation. » flexible, adaptable,
verdict noun The verdict was suicide, but many modifiable, all-purpose
people thought he was murdered. » judgement, AN OPPOSITE IS restricted
decision, finding, ruling, adjudication,
assessment, conclusion, opinion Verse NOUN a story written in verse » rhyme,
lines, lyrics, metre, stanza
verge noun 1 Cars were parked on the grass
verge. » edge, bank, kerb, margin, border, version noun 1 Would you like to tell us your
roadside, shoulder, side, wayside 2 The country version of the story? » account, record,
was on the verge of bankruptcy. » brink, point, explanation, interpretation, rendering 2a new
threshold version of the machine » form, type, model,
verge vers verge on By this time the urgency design
verged on desperation. » border on, tend
vertical nective 1 Pull the lever back to its
towards, approach, come close to
vertical position. » upright, perpendicular,
verify vers There was no one around to verify what standing, erect AN OPPOSITE IS horizontal 2 The
happened. » prove, support, confirm, passageway ended with a vertical drop into
substantiate, establish, uphold, show the truth darkness. » sheer, steep, precipitous
very = vibrate
veryapvers 1 to a great amount or intensity; veterinary (vet-rin- ree) apjective to do with
extremely @ It was very cold. 2 (used to the medical and surgical treatment of animals
emphasize something) e on the very next day e a veterinary surgeon
@ the very last drop veto (vee-toh) noun vetoes 1 refusal to let
very nective 1 exact or actual e It’s the very something happen 2 the right to prohibit
thing we need. 2 extreme e at the very end something
vessel youn vessels 1a ship or boat 2a vetoOvers vetoes, vetoing, vetoed refuse or
container, especiallyforliquid 3 atube carrying prohibit something [from Latin, =| forbid]
Dope or other liquid in the body ofan animal or VeX vers vexes, vexing, vexed annoy; cause
plant somebody worry
vestwoun vests a piece of underwear covering > vexationyoun vexatious spective
the trunk of the body VHF eereviaion very high frequency
vest vers vests, vesting, vested 1 give Via (vy- a) preposition through; by way of e The
something as a right e The power to make laws train goes from London to Exeter via Bristol.
is vested in Parliament. 2 (old use) clothe [from Latin, = by way of]
vested interestyoun vested interests a Viableppective able to work or exist successfully
e a viable plan
strong reason for wanting something to
> viability voun
happen, usually because you will benefit from it
viaductyoun viaducts a long bridge, usually
vet oun vets a person trained to give medical with many arches, carrying a road or railway
and surgical treatment to animals over a valley or low ground [from Latin via =
vet vers vets, vetting, vetted make a careful road + ducere = to lead]
check of a person or thing, especially of vibrantapective full of energy; lively
someone’s background before employing
vibrate vers vibrates, vibrating, vibrated
1 shake very quickly to and fro 2 make a
veteramnoun veterans a person who has long throbbing sound
experience, especially in the armed forces > vibrationnoun

very apvers He felt very ashamed. » extremely, bar, blackball, forbid, prohibit, say no to, vote
highly, deeply, exceedingly, acutely, truly, against AN OPPOSITE ISapprove
(more informal) terribly AN OPPOSITE IS slightly
veX vers His remarks had vexed her deeply.
Veryapective 1 The key on the floor was the very > annoy, irritate, displease, anger, infuriate,
one he had lost the week before. Those were her enrage, exasperate, incense, madden,
very words, » actual, same, selfsame, identical, aggravate, nettle, antagonize, inflame, make
exact, precise 2 The very thought of it made him angry, (more informal) needle, (more informal)
tremble. » mere, sheer, simple rile, (more informal) bug, (more informal) rub
vesselyoun 1 Pour the liquid into a sterile vessel. up the wrong way OPPOSITES ARE please, gratify
> container, receptacle, flask, bottle, jar, jug,
holder 2 Small vessels were bobbing about in the vexed apjctive 1 She was still vexed with me for
harbour. > craft, boat, ship USAGE Note that bringing Frankie. » annoyed, irritated, angry,
craft can be singular or plural (e.g. a small craft cross, displeased, peeved, infuriated, incensed,
was bobbing about or small craft were bobbing enraged, (more informal) miffed, (more
about). informal) put out AN OPPOSITE ISpleased 2 The
note was about the vexed question of sexism.
vet vers Peter vetted all the outfits and knew
> controversial, difficult, contentious,
exactly what would suit Tara. » inspect,
disputed, thorny, knotty
examine, screen, assess, evaluate, appraise,
scrutinize, investigate, check out vibrantanectve 1 Green plants provide splashes
veteramapjective He handled it all like a veteran of vibrant colour, » bright, vivid, brilliant,
superstar. » established, seasoned, mature, intense, striking OPPOSITES AREdull, pale 2 She
hardened, master, expert made the most of her cheerful and vibrant
vetOnoun He had in effect acquired a right of veto personality. » vivacious, spirited, dynamic,
over all sales of land. » rejection, refusal, alert, alive, energetic, electric
embargo, prohibition, ban, (more informal) OPPOSITES ARErestrained, reserved
thumbs down AN OPPOSITE ISapproval vibrate vers 1 The room was vibrating from the
vetOvers The government had vetoed the proposal sounds of rock music. » reverberate, throb,
in late July. » reject, turn down, overrule, rule pulsate, resonate, resound, thud, ring, boom
out, throw out, disallow, refuse, dismiss, ban, 2 The machinery began to vibrate alarmingly.
vicar => view
vicar Noun vicars amember of the Church of victor noun victors the winner
England clergy who is in charge of a parish Victorian spective belonging to the time of
vice ‘Noun vices 1 evil or wickedness 2 an evil Queen Victoria (1837-1901)
or bad habit; a bad fault > Victoriam NOUN
vice ? noun vices a device for gripping victory Noun victories success won against an
something and holding it firmly while you work opponent in a battle, contest, or game
on it > victorious ADJECTIVE
vice versa apvers the other way round e Which video noun videos 1 the recording on tape of
do you prefer- blue spots on a yellow background pictures and sound 2a video recorder or
or vice versa? [from Latin, = the position being cassette 3a television programme or a film
turned round] recorded on a video cassette
vicinity voun the area near or round a place e Is video vers videos, videoing, videoed record
there a newsagent in the vicinity? [from Latin something on videotape [from Latin, =| see]
vicinus = neighbouring, a neighbour] video cassette recorder noun video
vicious apjective 1 cruel and aggressive 2 severe cassette recorders a device for recording
or violent television programmes on videotape and for
> viciously ADvers viciousmess NOUN playing video cassettes
vicious circle noun vicious circles a situation videotape NOUN videotapes magnetic tape
in which a problem produces an effect which in suitable for recording television programmes
turn makes the problem worse vie vers vies, vying, vied compete; carry ona
victim noun victims someone who is injured, rivalry e vying with each other
killed, robbed, etc. view Noun views 1 what can be seen from one
victimize vers victimizes, victimizing, place, e.g. beautiful scenery 2 sight; range of
victimized single someone out for cruel or vision e The ship sailed into view. 3 an opinion
unfair treatment e@ She has strong views about politics.
> victimization NOUN in view of because of

> tremble, shake, shudder, judder, quiver, victim noun 1 It’s thought she was the victim of a
oscillate, rattle, shiver, wobble, quake random attack by a thief. He is the third victim of
vibration Noun The special smoke detector this tough new policy. » target, casualty,
produces vibration as well as flashing light. sufferer, injury, fatality, scapegoatUsAGE You
> reverberation, oscillation, pulsation, use fatality about someone who has died as a
throbbing, trembling, juddering, quivering, result of an incident. 2 At their feet, a white-clad
rattling, shaking, shivering, shuddering, sacrificial victim, was the body. » offering,
tremor, wobbling martyr, prey, sacrifice
vice noun 1 They are determined to put an end to victimize vers The company had been victimizing
vice and prostitution. » immorality, depravity, workers for reporting safety concerns.
corruption, wickedness, wrongdoing, > discriminate against, persecute, intimidate,
degeneracy, evil-doing, evil, sin, (more formal) oppress, mistreat, harass, treat unfairly, bully,
venality, (more formal) iniquity , terrorize, torment, (more informal) pick on
AN OPPOSITE IS virtue 2 Cowardice isn’t the worst victorious apective He emerged victorious in the
vice. failing, fault, weakness, shortcoming, second round of voting. » triumphant,
bad habit, blemish, defect, deficiency, successful, first, top, winning, leading,
imperfection OPPOSITES ARE virtue, strength prevailing, undefeated, unbeaten
vicinity voun There are several castles and abbeys OPPOSITES ARE defeated, unsuccessful
in the vicinity. » neighbourhood, area, district, victory noun Her well-deserved victory in this
locality, region, locale, environs, outskirts, year’s Olympics was a boost for the British team.
proximity > win, success, triumph, conquest, knockout,
vicious apective 1 He was finally captured in the mastery, superiority, achievement, (more
vicious street fighting in Berlin in 1945. » brutal, informal) walkover AN Opposite IS defeat
savage, fierce, ferocious, wild, barbaric view noun 1 From the top floor you get a
OPPOSITES ARE gentle, humane 2 He hadn’t the magnificent view across the city. » outlook,
vicious streak that showed in his brother. » cruel, prospect, panorama, perspective, vista, scene,
malicious, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive, aspect, picture, landscape, scenery, spectacle
sadistic, brutish, callous, heartless, cold- 2 She caught a brief view of her top halfin the
blooded, aggressive, pitiless, ruthless, mirror. » look, sight, glance, peek, vision
merciless, inhuman, vile OpposITES ARE kind, 3 Luke came into view. » sight, vision, range of
benevolent vision, perspective 4 He declined to give any
view = violate
on view displayed for inspection villainyoun villains a wicked person ora
with a view towith the hope or intention of criminal
Viewvers views, viewing viewed 1 look at > villainous,pjecrive villainyyoun
something 2 consider or regard e He viewed us vindicateyce vindicates, vindicating
with suspicion. > viewerNoun vindicated 1 clear a person of blame or
viewpointyoun viewpoints an opinion or suspicion 2 prove something to be true or
point of view worthwhile
> vindicationnoun
Vigorous spective full of strength and energy
> vigorouslyspvers vinenoun vinesa climbing ortrailing plant
whose fruit is the grape
Vikingnoun VikingsaScandinavian trader and
pirate in the 8th-10th centuries [from Old vinegafyoun a sour liquid used to flavour food
Norse] or in pickling
vilesnjective 1 extremely disgusting 2. very bad vintagenoun vintages 1 the harvest of a
or wicked season’s grapes; the wine made from this 2 the '.
> vilelyapvers vilenessnoun period from which something comes at
Villanoun villasahouse, especially a holiday vintage caryoun vintage cars a car made
home abroad [from Latin, = country house] between 1917 and 1930
villagenoun villages a group of houses and viola(vee- oh-1a) noun violas amusical
other buildings in a country district, smaller instrument like a violin but slightly larger and
than a town and usually having a church with a lower pitch le
> villagernoun violateycrs. violates, violating, violated
[from early French; related to villa] 1 break a promise, law, or treaty etc. 2 treata

official view of the situation. » opinion, vigournoun 1 Geoffrey supported his wife’s cause
viewpoint, point of view, belief, judgement, with vigour. » energy, force, forcefulness,
notion, perception, idea, thought, attitude, spirit, vitality, gusto, verve, animation,
conviction dynamism. 2 He recovered from the illness with
in view of]n view of the length of time since the renewed vigour. » energy, fitness, vitality,
incident, no action was taken. » because of, on stamina, robustness, life, strength, health,
account of, considering, as a result of, as a resilience, potency
consequence of, owing to, due to vile pjective 1 It’s ironic that such afine building
viewers 1 He set out at ten and viewed as many should house so vile an organization. » wicked,
houses as possible. A drop from a pond, viewed evil, foul, contemptible, despicable, obnoxious,
through a microscope, swarms with tiny shameful, abhorrent, repellent, loathsome
organisms. > look at, inspect, survey, examine, AN OPPOSITE ISpleasant 21 drank three cups of
observe, behold, eye, scan, gaze at, stare at vile, greyish coffee. » nasty, horrible, foul,
2 She viewed him with dislike. » regard, unpleasant, disgusting, revolting, repulsive,
repellent, dreadful, terrible ey
contemplate, consider, perceive, behold
3 Some of the guests were viewing a television
AN OPPOSITE ISpleasant 3 The vile weather had ze
programme. » watch, look at, see emptied the streets. » unpleasant, bad, foul, ae
disagreeable, inclement AN OPPOSITE ISfine V
vigilantanjective Everyone should be vigilant and villainoun Did not two of history's greatest
report anything of a suspicious nature. villains come from beautiful surroundings?
> watchful, observant, alert, attentive, awake, > wrongdoer, evil-doer, rogue, scoundrel,
on the lookout, on your guard, on the watch, criminal, reprobate, (more formal) malefactor,
sharp-eyed, eagle-eyed, careful, wide-awake, (more formal) miscreant
(more informal) on your toes vindicatevers 1 He left claiming that history
AN OPPOSITE ISnegligent would vindicate him. » clear, exonerate,
Vigorous,pective 1 Regular vigorous exercise absolve, acquit, excuse, endorse, support,
can help to reduce blood pressure. » strenuous, rehabilitate OPPOSITES AREblame, censure 2 She
energetic, animated, brisk, full-blooded was desperate to vindicate her decision to be an
AN OPPOSITE ISfeeble 2 The child is strong and artist. » justify, uphold, defend, sustain,
vigorous. » healthy, in good health, energetic, maintain, assert AN OPPOSITE IScompromise
vivacious, active, lively, lusty, virile, vital 3 He violatevers 1 Uses of these weapons against
made a vigorous case for controlling the money civilian targets violate international law.
supply. » strong, spirited, forceful, effective, > breach, break, contravene, infringe,
robust, energetic, dynamic, active transgress, flout, defy, disobey, disregard,
violence = vision |
person or place with disrespect and violence > virtuous ADJECTIVE virtuously ADVERB
> violation Noun violator NOUN by virtue of because of
violence noun 1 physical force that does harm virtuoso (ver- tew- oh- soh) Noun virtuosos or
or damage 2 strength or intensity e the violence virtuosi a person with outstanding skill,
of the storm especially in singing or playing music
> violent Apjective violently ADveRB > virtuosity NOUN
violet youn violets 1asmall plant with purple [from Italian, = skilful]
or blue flowers 2 purple Virus Noun viruses 1a very tiny living thing,
violin noun violins a musical instrument with smaller than a bacterium, that can cause
four strings, played with a bow disease 2 a disease caused by avirus 3. ahidden
> violinist NouN set of instructions in a computer program that
[from Italian violino = small viola] is designed to destroy data
Viper Noun vipers a small poisonous snake visa (vee- za) Noun visas an official mark put on
virgin noun virgins a person, especially agirl or someone’s passport by officials of a foreign
woman, who has never had sexual intercourse country to show that the holder has permission
> virginal Apjective virginity NouN to enter that country
virgin nective not yet touched or used e virgin viscount (vy- kownt) noun viscounts a
snow nobleman ranking below an earl and above a
virtual spective being something in effect baron
though not strictly in fact e His silence was a > viscountess NOUN
virtual admission ofguilt. visibility oun the distance you can see clearly
virtually spvers nearly or almost @ Visibility is down to 20 metres.
virtual reality voun a computer image or visible apyective able to be seen or noticed e The
environment that is so realistic it appears to be ship was visible on the horizon.
real > visibly apvers
virtue noun virtues 1 moral goodness, ora USAGE Do not confuse withvisual.
particular form of this e Honesty is a virtue. 2a vision noun visions 1 the ability to see; sight
good quality or advantage e Jamie’s plan has 2 something seen in a person’s imagination or
the virtue of simplicity. inadream 3 foresight and wisdom in planning

ignore AN OPPOSITE IS comply with 2 Several of virtually aovers Once on, paint is virtually
the royal tombs had been violated. » desecrate, impossible to remove. » effectively, in effect,
defile, vandalize, deface 3 did not like having practically, as good as, almost
my privacy violated. » invade, disturb, virtue youn 1 the virtue of a simple life
encroach on, interfere with, abuse > goodness, righteousness, virtuousness,
AN OPPOSITE IS respect 4 He set out to trap and rectitude, integrity, honesty, dignity,
violate women. » rape, abuse, indecently uprightness, worthiness, decency, morality,
assault, sexually assault, molest, interfere with honour, nobility, principle, rectitude
violation noun the violation of human rights AN OPPOSITE IS iniquity 2I can see no virtue in
throughout the world » contravention, breach, such an arrangement. » merit, advantage,
infringement, flouting, defiance, benefit, point AN Opposite IS disadvantage
transgression, offence (against) 3 Punctuality is not one of her virtues.
> strength, quality, good point, redeeming
violence noun 1A whole generation had been feature OPPOSITES ARE failing, weakness
brought up in violence. » brutality, brute force, virtuous apjective Sam’s virtuous and superior
savagery, cruelty, barbarity, destructiveness tone was beginning to irritate him. » moral,
2 The violence of the blow made him reel. » force, righteous, upright, worthy, honourable,
forcefulness, strength, power, might, ferocity exemplary, high-minded, right-minded, high-
violent apective 1 There were violent clashes principled opposites ARE wicked, sinful
between police and demonstrators. » brutal, visible anyective There is no visible pattern in the
vicious, rough, aggressive, forceful paper. Kim received the news without any visible
AN OPPOSITE IS mild 2 Too often violent criminals signs of emotion. » noticeable, perceptible,
do not get sent to prison as they should. » rough, discernible, obvious, apparent, conspicuous,
brutal, wild, fierce, vicious, aggressive, recognizable, evjdent, manifest, clear,
bloodthirsty, headstrong AN OPPOSITE IS gentle detectable, distinct AN opposite Is invisible
3 He felt a rush of violent jealousy. » intense, vision noun 1 Symptoms include blurred vision
extreme, acute, forceful, devastating and sensitivity to bright lights. >» eyesight, sight,
AN OPPOSITE IS Weak seeing 2 The Great Society remained more a
visionary = vocation
things 4a person or thing that is beautiful to vitality oun liveliness or energy
vitamin (vit- a- minvy- ta- min) nouvvitamins
visionary ADJECTIVE extremely imaginative or any of a number of substances that are present
fanciful in various foods and are essential to keep
visionary Noun visionaries a person with people and animals healthy
extremely imaginative ideas and plans vivacious ’(viv- ay- shus) anectve happy and
visit vere visits , visiting, visited 1gotoseea lively
person or place 2 stay somewhere for a while > vivaciously Apvers vivacity NOUN
> visitor NOUN
vivid apectve 1 bright and strong or clear
visit vounvisits 1 goingtoseeapersonorplace e vivid colours e a vivid description 2 active and
2 ashort stay somewhere lively @ her vivid imagination
vista noun vistas a pleasing view [from Italian, = > vividly Adverse vividness NouN
view] vivisection noun doing surgical experiments
visual apective to do with or used in seeing; to on live animals
do with sight
vixen Noun vixens a female fox [from Old
> visually Apvers
USAGE Do not confuse with visible.
visual aid noun visual aids a picture, slide, vocabulary noun vocabularies 1 all the
film, etc. used as an aid in teaching words used in a particular subject or language,
or that an individual person uses 2a list of
visual display unit noun visual display words with their meanings
units a device that looks like a television screen
and displays data being received from a vocal cords p.ural noun two strap-like
computer or fed into it membranes in the throat that can be made to
vibrate and produce sounds
visualize vers visualizes, visualizing,
visualized forma mental picture of something vocalist noun vocalists a singer, especially ina
> visualization Noun pop group
vital anjective 1 connected with life; necessary vocation noun vocations 1a person’s
job or
for life to continue e vital functions such as occupation 2a strong desire to do a particular
breathing 2 essential; very important kind of work, or a feeling of being called by God
> vitally apvers to do something

vision than a reality. » ideal, fantasy, fundamental, imperative, important,
apparition, illusion, mirage, phantasm, necessary, indispensable
daydream, delusion, ghost, hallucination, OPPOSITES ARE unimportant, inessential 2 He
phantom, spectre 3 The plan made sense but was a vital force in British music. » dynamic,
lacked vision. » foresight, farsightedness, lively, energetic, vibrant, vigorous, vivacious,
insight, imagination life-giving, invigorating, exuberant, sparkling,
visit noun 1 Mrs Curdle paid her final visit to the spirited, animated, sprightly, zestful
place. » call, stay 2 It was their first visit to AN OPPOSITE |S lifeless
Rome. > trip, outing, excursion, day out vitality voun For all her vitality, Faye was only
visit vers 1 He was ten years old when he first five feet four inches tall. » energy, vivacity,
started visiting the old woman. » call on, come vigour, spirit, gusto, verve, dynamism,
to see, make a visit to, pay a call on, stay with, exuberance, zest, (more informal) go
descend on, (more informal) drop in on, go to AN OPPOSITE IS lethargy
see, (more informal) look up 2 The chairman of vivid anjective 1a bouquet with four vivid blue
the airline recently visited Moscow. » travel to, flowers > bright, brilliant, colourful, vibrant,
make a trip to, spend time in, stay in showy, striking, gaudy AN opposite Is dull
Visitor youn 1 Edward was a frequent and 2 Wilson’s autobiography gives a vivid account of
welcome visitor. » guest, caller 2 The site will his experiences. » clear, graphic, dramatic,
attract visitors during the festival. » tourist, lively, powerful, evocative, lucid, memorable,
holidaymaker, sightseer, tripper, globetrotter imaginative, lifelike, realistic
visualize vers I like to visualize the mood of the AN OPPOSITE IS lifeless
song and take it from there. » picture, imagine, vocal spective 1 animals capable of vocal sounds
envisage, conceive, dream up ; > voiced, spoken, oral, said, articulated 2 The
vital apjective 1 It’s vital to keep momentum going. students were becoming the most vocal critics of
The college is expected to play a vital role in reform. » outspoken, vociferous, forthright,
promoting these languages. » essential, crucial, plain-spoken, candid
vocational — vote
vocational spective teaching you the skills you volley vers volleys, volleying, volleyed send
need for a particular job or profession or hit something in a volley or volleys
@ vocational training volt oun volts a unit for measuring electric
vodkawoun vodkas a strong alcoholic drink force
very popular in Russia voltagenoun voltages electric force measured
voguewnoun vogues the current fashion @ Very in volts
short hair for women seems to be the vogue. volumenoun volumes 1 the amount of space
in voguein fashion e Stripy dresses are filled by something 2 an amount or quantity
definitely in vogue. @ The volume of work has increased. 3 the
voiceyoun voices 1 sounds formed by the strength or power of sound 4 a book, especially
vocal cords and uttered by the mouth, one of aset [from Latin volumen =a roll
especially in speaking, singing, etc. 2 the (because ancient books were made in the form
ability to speak or sing @ She has lost her voice. of rolled parchment)]
3 someone expressing a particular opinion voluntaryapectve 1 done or doing something
about something e Emma’s the only dissenting willingly, not because you are forced to do it
voice. 4 the right to express an opinion or desire 2 unpaid e voluntary work
e Ihave no voice in this matter. [via early French > voluntarily apvers
vois from Latin vox] voluntary,oun voluntaries an organ solo,
voidapyective 1 empty 2 having no legal validity often improvised, played before or after a
voidnoun voids an empty space or hole church service
volatile (vol- a-tyl) agective 1 evaporating volunteer
vers volunteers, volunteering,
quickly e a volatile liquid 2 changing quickly volunteered give or offer something of your
from one mood or interest to another own accord, without being asked or forced to
> volatility youn volunteeryoun volunteers a person who
volcanonoun volcanoes a mountain or hill volunteers to do something, e.g. to serve in the
with an opening at the top from which lava, armed forces
ashes, and hot gases from below the earth’s vomitvers vomits, vomiting, vomited bring
crust are or have been thrown out up food etc. from the stomach and outthrough
> volcanic Adjective the mouth; be sick
volewoun voles a small animal like a mouse > vomitnoun
[from Norwegian vollmus = field mouse] voodoonoun a form of witchcraft and magical
volley oun volleys 1anumber of bullets or rites, especially in the West Indies [from a West
shells etc. fired at the same time 2 hitting back African language]
the ball in tennis etc. before it touches the vote vers votes, voting, voted show which
ground person or thing you prefer by putting up your

Vvoguenoun Small-scale farmingisenjoying a new AN OPPOSITE ISinvoluntary USAGE Note that
vogue. » fashion, mode, trend, style, craze, involuntary is an opposite of voluntary only in
rage, taste the third meaning.
in vogue Suddenly it was in vogue to have an all-
over tan. » fashionable, in fashion, stylish, volunteer
vers Having promised his help, he had
modish, smart, chic, (more informal) trendy, better volunteer at least. » offer your services,
(more informal) all the rage, (more informal) present yourself, step forward, make an offer,
cool, (more informal) hip propose yourself, show willing

voicenoun 1 There was no emotion in his voice.

vomnitvers He rushed towards the drain before the
> speaking, speech, utterance, tone, urge to vomit overcame him. » be sick,
inflection 2 They were able to have a voice in regurgitate, retch, heave, bring up, spew up,
choosing the chairman. » opinion, view, say, (more informal) throw up, (more informal) puke
input, vote votenoun People suspected the vote of being
rigged. » ballot, poll, election, plebiscite,
voluntary agective 1 Voluntary work tends to
referendum, show of hands
carry higher prestige than paid work.
> optional, unpaid, willing AN OPPOSITE IS paid votevers 1 Less than a third ofthe electorate voted
2 The pay cuts will be voluntary. » optional, in the last election, » cast a vote, go to the polls,
discretionary, unforced ballot 21 vote we play another round.
OPPOSITES ARE obligatory, compulsory 3 Her > suggest, propose, recommend, move
decision had been a voluntary act.» deliberate, vote for You may vote for one candidate only.
conscious, intentional, intended, wilful > choose, pick, select, opt for, nominate
vote = vying
hand, making a mark ona paper, etc. voyage vers voyages, voyaging, voyaged
> voter NOUN make a voyage
vote noun votes 1 the action of voting 2 the > voyager NOUN
right to vote VSO asereviaTion Voluntary Service Overseas
vouch vers vouches, vouching, vouched
vouch for guarantee that something is true or vulgar ance rude; without good manners
certain e I will vouch for his honesty. > vulgarfy apvers vulgarity NouN
voucher noun vouchers a piece of paper that
[from Latin vulgus = the common or ordinary
can be exchanged forcertain goods or services; people]
a receipt vulnerable apectve able to be hurt or harmed
VOW Noun vows asolemn promise, especially to or attacked
God ora saint > vulnerability noun
VOW vers vows, vowing, vowed make a vow [from Latin vulnus = wound]
vowel noun vowels any of the letters a, e, i, 0, vulture youn vultures a large bird that feeds
u, and sometimes y, which represent sounds in on dead animals
which breath comes out freely COMPARE
consonant vulva noun vulvas the outer parts of the female
voyage Noun voyages along journey on water oop
or in space vying present participle ofvie

vouch vers vouch for I can vouch for the accuracy vulgar agective 1 She sent him a postcard with a
of these figures. » guarantee, verify, affirm, vulgar picture on the back. » rude, indecent,
attest to, testify to, corroborate, endorse, lewd, suggestive, racy, risqué 2 The decor was
confirm, support, speak for new and vulgar. » tasteless, gaudy, garish,
voucher noun You get a wallet ofvouchers to pay tawdry, flashy, (more informal) tacky 3 He was a
for the various parts ofyour holiday. » coupon, bit too vulgar for her taste. It was considered
ticket, token, certificate vulgar to smoke in public. > ill-mannered,
VOW Noun The monks take a vow of silence. unrefined, unseemly, impolite, indecorous,
> pledge, oath, promise, commitment, coarse, ill-bred
avowal, assurance, guarantee, undertaking, vulnerable spective 1 We are most vulnerable
word of honour when we are asleep. » defenceless, exposed,
vow vers She vowed to do better. » promise, unguarded, unprotected, at risk, weak, wide
pledge, swear, take an oath, give an assurance, open AN opposite Is invulnerable 2vulnerable
give your word, guarantee to More people are vulnerable to age
voyage noun The voyage lasted two weeks. discrimination. » in danger of, at risk of,
> journey, passage, crossing, trip, expedition, exposed to, open to, liable to, prone to,
excursion susceptible to AN OPPOSITE IS immune to
W. = wait
Wage noun or Wages pLuRAL NOUN a regular

Ww payment to someone in return for his or her work

Wage vers wages, waging, waged carry ona
war or campaign ‘
wager (way- jer) Noun wagers a bet
WV. ApereviATION 1 west 2 western > wager vers
wad (wod) noun wads a pad or bundle of soft waggle vers waggles, waggling, waggled
material or banknotes, papers, etc. [from move quickly to and fro
Dutch] > wagglenoun
waddle vers waddles, waddling, waddled Wagon noun wagons 1 a cart with four
walk with short steps, swaying from side to wheels, pulled by a horse or an ox 2. an open
side, as a duck does railway truck, e.g. for coal
> waddlenoun waif oun waifs a homeless and helpless
wade vers wades, wading, waded walk person, especially a child
through water or mud etc. wail vers wails, wailing, wailed make along
p> wader Noun sad cry
[from Old English] . > wail Noun
wafer youn wafers a kind of thin biscuit [from wainscot or wainscoting noun wooden
early French] panelling on the wall of aroom near the floor
waffle’ (wof- el) noun waffles a small cake waist youn waists the narrow part in the
made of batter and eaten hot [from Dutch] middle of your body
USAGE Do not confuse with waste.
waffle? (wof- el) youn (informal) vague wordy waistcoat oun waistcoats a short close-
talk or writing fitting jacket without sleeves, worn over a shirt
> waffle vers
and under.a jacket
[from a dialect word waff= to bark or yelp]
waistline xoun waistlines the amount you
waft (woft) vers wafts, wafting, wafted carry measure around your waist, which indicates _
or float gently through the air or over water how fat or thin you are
[originally = escort a ship: from early German or wait vers waits, waiting, waited 1 stay
Dutch] somewhere or postpone an action until
Wag! vers wags, wagging, wagged move something happens; pause 2 be left to be dealt
quickly to and fro e a dog wagging its tail with later e This question must wait until next
> Wag NouN week, 3 wait on people
[from Old English] wait on 1 hand food and drink to people ata
WaG? Noun wags a person who makes jokes meal 2 be an attendant to someone
[from an old word waghalter = someone likely wait oun an act or time of waiting e We had a
to be hanged] long wait for the train.

wadwoun 1 He took a wad of notes from his pocket Wage vers The country lacks any means to wage
and began to count them. » bundle, roll, pad, war. » carry on, conduct, engage in, fight,
(more informal) wodge 21 needed a wad of undertake
cotton wool. » lump, mass, chunk, hunk Wages PLURAL NOUN He was pleased to be earning
wadding noun sleeping bags insulated with regular wages at last. » earnings, income, pay,
wadding » padding, lining, packing, filling, recompense
stuffing wail vers He was tearing at his hair and wailing
‘Why me?’> howl, bawl, weep, moan, sob,
waffle youn (informal) My panic reduced the shriek, whimper, snivel, cry, lament, yowl
interview to waffle. » blather, prattle,
nonsense, verbosity, wordiness, evasiveness, wail youn Tom let out a wail. » howl, bawl,
padding, prevarication moan, sob, shriek, cry, whimper, yowl
wait oun The photos were ready after a short
waffle vers (informal) She waffled on for a while wait. > interval, pause, delay, hold-up, break,
about things that didn’t matter. » blather, hiatus, halt, hesitation, rest, stay
prattle, ramble, babble, chatter on, gibber,
wait vers She left the room and waited outside. I
can’t wait for you any longer. » remain, rest,
wagvers 1 The dog’s tail began to wag frantically. linger, stay, stop, halt, delay, mark time, stand
> shake, swing, wave, waggle 2 ‘You see what I by, hold back, pause, hesitate, (old-fashioned)
mean,’ Eleanor said, wagging her finger. » wave, tarry, (more informal) hang about
shake, waggle, brandish AN OPPOSITE IS proceed
waiter = waltz
waiter youn waiters aman who serves people walkover noun walkovers an easy victory
with food and drink in a restaurant wall noun walls 1a continuous upright
waiting list noun waiting lists alist of people structure, usually made of brick or stone,
waiting for something to become available forming one of the sides of a building or room
waiting room noun waiting rooms aroom or supporting something or enclosing an area
provided for people who are waiting for 2 the outside part of something e the stomach
something wall
Waitress noun waitresses awoman who wall vers walls, walling, walled enclose or
serves people with food and drink ina block something with a wall e a walled garden
wallet youn wallets asmall flat folding case for
wake’ vers wakes, waking, woke, woken holding banknotes, credit cards, documents,
1 stop sleeping @ I woke when I heard the bell. etc.
2 make someone stop sleeping @ You have
woken the baby. wallflower noun wallflowers a garden plant
with fragrant flowers, blooming in spring
wake noun wakes (in Ireland) a party held after
a funeral [from Old English] wallop vere wallops, walloping, walloped
wake ? youn wakes 1 the track left on the (informal) hit or beat someone
> wallop noun
water by a moving ship 2 currents of air left
behind a moving aircraft wallow vers wallows, wallowing, wallowed
in the wake of following or coming after 1 roll about in water, mud, etc. 2 get great
[probably from an Old Norse word = opening in pleasure by being surrounded by something
the ice (made by a ship)] e a week wallowing in luxury
wakeful apective unable to sleep > wallow Noun
[from Old English]
waken vers wakens, wakening, wakened
wake obo. NOUN wallpapers paper used to
walk vers walks, walking, walked move coverthe inside walls of rooms
along on your feet at an ordinary speed walnut noun walnuts 1 an edible nut witha
> walker Noun wrinkled surface 2 the wood from the tree that
walk noun walks 1a journey on foot 2the bears this nut, used for making furniture
of walking 3a path or route
for walking walrus noun walruses alarge Arctic sea animal
walking stick noun walking sticks a stick with two long tusks [probably from an Old
used as a support while walking Norse word = horse-whale]
walk of life noun walks of life a person’s waltz noun waltzes a dance with three beats to
occupation or social position a bar

wake vers 1 Sara woke to find Rodney’s arm stride, pace, trudge, proceed, promenade 31
round her. When I woke up I was in the back of a walk the children home. » accompany, escort,
car. » awake, awaken, waken, become take, see, show
conscious, come round, stir, get up, rise 2 Be walk all over (informal) You don't want to let
careful not to wake the baby. » waken, rouse, the cops walk all over you. » take advantage of,
disturb, stir, awaken, arouse make use of, exploit, impose on, manipulate
wake up to Parliament finally woke up to the walk away or off with (informal) Someone had
electronic age. » become aware of, appreciate, walked off with his wallet. » steal, pilfer,
comprehend, realize purloin, filch, take
USAGE See the note at awake vers walk out on (informal) He had just walked out
walk noun 1 Go for short walks near your home. on his girlfriend. » leave, abandon, desert, run
> stroll, ramble, saunter, march, hike, tramp, out on, (informal) jilt
trek 2 There is a pretty walk round the cathedral. wall noun There was a noticeboard on the wall.
> path, pathway, walkway, lane, alley, > partition, screen, room dividerThe east wall
footway, promenade 3 He observed her elegant of the castle had been breached. » fortification,
walk. » gait, tread, carriage, stride rampart, barricade, palisade, barrier, bulwark,
walk of life There are cheats in every walk of life. stockade RELATED ADJECTIVE mural
> sphere, class, field, calling, profession,
activity wallet noun The wallet contained some money in
euros. » purse, notecase, pouch, pocketbook
walk vers 1 She decided to save her bus fare and
walk to work. » go on foot, travel on foot, be a wallop vers She walloped his back with her hand.
pedestrian 2 They walked together along the > thump, hit, strike, pound, beat, bang, rap,
sands, and talked. » stroll, amble; saunter, batter, knock
waltz > warm
waltz vers waltzes, waltzing, waltzed dance serious struggle or effort against crime,
a waltz disease, poverty, etc.
wand noun wands athin rod, especially one at war taking part in a war
used by a magician war crime a crime committed during a war
wander vers wanders, wandering, that breaks the international rules of war
wandered 1 go about without trying to reach warble vers warbles, warbling, warbled sing
a particular place 2 leave the right path or with a trilling sound, as some birds do
direction; stray 3 be distracted or digress @ He > warble noun
let his attention wander. ward oun wards 1 aroom with beds for
> wanderer noun patients in a hospital 2 a child looked after bya
wane vers wanes, waning, waned 1 (said guardian 3 an area electing a councillor to
about the moon) show a bright area that represent it
becomes gradually smaller after being full (The ward vers wards, warding, warded
opposite is wax) 2 become less, smaller, or ward off keep something away
weaker @ His popularity waned.
warden noun wardens an official who is in
wangle vers wangles, wangling, wangled charge of a hostel, college, etc., or who
(informal) get or arrange something by trickery supervises something
or clever planning @ He’s managed to wangle
himselfa trip to Paris. warder noun warders an official in charge of
> wangle noun prisoners in a prison
want vers wants, wanting, wanted 1 wishto wardrobe noun wardrobes 1 a cupboard to
have something 2 need e Your hair wants hang clothes in 2.a stock of clothes or
cutting. 3 be without something; lack costumes
wantyoun wants 1a wish to have something warhead noun warheads the head of a missile
2 lack or need of something [from Old Norse] or torpedo etc., containing explosives
wanted spective (said about a suspected warlike spective 1 fond of making war
criminal) that the police wish to find or arrest 2 threatening war
WAP agsreviation Wireless Application Protocol, warm apective 1 fairly hot; not cold or cool
a means of enabling a mobile phone to be 2 keeping the body warm e a warm coat
connected to the Internet 3 friendly or enthusiastic e a warm welcome
War noun wars 1 fighting between nations or 4 close to the right answer, or to something
groups, especially using armed forces 2a hidden e You’re getting warm now.

wand noun No magic wand can solve these drugs » campaign, crusade, battle, fight,
problems. » baton, stick, rod, staff, sceptre struggle
wander vers 1 We spent the day wandering ward vers ward off 1 e Garlands of garlic are
about the old town. » ramble, roam, meander, worn to ward off evil spirits. ifend off, drive
range, rove, stray, walk, wind 2 She had away, beat off, repel, avert, stave off, thwart,
wandered away from the main group. » stray, turn aside, repulse 2 e He brought up his arm to
deviate, digress, drift, veer 3 wander off I’ve ward off the blow. i deflect, parry, block, check
told you not to wander off like that. » go away, wardrobenow 1 Large areas ofwardrobe doors
drift off, leave, get lost can look plain. » cupboard, clothes cupboard,
wantwnoun 1 The client always has wants and closet, cabinet 2 Her mother organized her
feelings. » demand, desire, need, requirement, wedding and her wardrobe. » clothes, outfit,
wish 2 The bridge is decaying for want of repair. attire
» absence, lack, need warfare noun thirty years of continuous warfare
want vers 1A clever alien wants to steal the > fighting, hostilities, war, conflict, combat,
spaceship. » wish, desire, hope, long 2 That is bloodshed, action, battle, arms RELATED
exactly what he wanted. » wish for, desire, long ADJECTIVES martial, belligerent
for, yearn for, hanker after, crave, covet, fancy, warlike apjective Tethlis was another warlike
hunger for, thirst for 3 want to (informal) You ruler. » belligerent, aggressive,
want to keep an eye on them. » need to, ought warmongering, warring, combative,
to, should pugnacious AN OPPOSITE IS peaceable
War noun 1 During the war he joined the police Warm pjective 1She strolled in warm winter
force. They had been badly affected by the chaos of sunshine towards San Marco. The sun was already
war. > conflict, fighting, hostilities, struggle, warm on their backs. » hot, balmy, summery,
warfare, action, military action, strife RELATED sultry, sunny, temperate, tropical, warmish
ADJECTIVES martial, belligerent 2a war against AN OPPOSITE IS cold 2 the warm waters of the
warm = wash
> warmly Abver8 warmness NOUN warmth live and breed 2. building or place with many
NOUN winding passages
Warm vers warms, warming, warmed make warrior noun warriors a person who fights in
or become warm battle; a soldier
warm-blooded anyctve having blood that warship noun warships a ship used in war
remains warm permanently wart nounawarts a small hard lump on the skin,
Warn vers warns, warning, warned tell caused by a virus
someone about a danger or difficulty that may wary (wair- ee) ApjecTive cautious; looking
affect them, or about what they should do e I carefully for possible danger or difficulty
warned you to take your boots. > warily Apvers wariness NOUN
> warning NOUN
warn off tell someone to keep away or to avoid wash vers washes, washing, washed 1 clean
a thing something with water or other liquid 2 suitable
for washing e Cotton washes easily. 3 flow
warp (worp) vers warps, warping, warped against or over something @ Waves washed over
1 bend or twist out of shape, e.g. by dampness the deck. 4 carry along by a moving liquid e A
2 distort a person’s ideas, judgement, etc. wave washed him overboard. 5 (informal) be
e Jealousy warped his mind. accepted or believed e That excuse won’t wash.
warrant noun warrants a document that be washed out (informal) (said about an
authorizes a person to do something (e.g. to event) be abandoned because of rain
search a place) or to receive something wash up wash dishes and cutlery etc. after use
warrant vers warrants, warranting, > washing-up Noun
warranted 1 justify e Nothing can warrant wash noun washes 1 the action of washing
such rudeness. 2 guarantee 2 clothes etc. being washed 3 the disturbed
Warren Noun warrens 1 apiece of ground water behind a moving ship 4a thin coating of
where there are many burrows in which rabbits colour

western Mediterranean » heated, lukewarm, forewarning, hint, indication, omen,
tepid 3 She was dressed in warm clothes. premonition, presage, sign, signal, threat,
> thick, cosy, woolly, thermal, winter 4 He augury, (informal) tip-off 2 The remarks were a
gave them a warm welcome. » friendly, cordial, warning ofwhat might be in store. >»omen, sign,
amiable, enthusiastic, affable, genial, signal, presage, portent, premonition,
affectionate, loving, sympathetic, warm- foreboding, prediction, token 3 The warning in
hearted, pleasant OPPOSITES ARE cool, his voice was clear. » caution, reservation,
unfriendly caveat, doubt 4 England received their third and
Warm vere 1 She was in the kitchen warming final warning. » caution, reprimand,
some soup. » heat (up), reheat, thaw admonition
OPPOSITES ARE cool, chill 2warm to Anne was by warrior youn a mighty warrior » fighter,
now warming to her theme. » take to, become soldier, fighting man, combatant
enthusiastic about, get on with, feel attracted Wary Apjective She had been wary of making
by known her name. » cautious, chary, careful,
warm-hearted apjective She is a generous, circumspect, suspicious, apprehensive, vigilant
warm-hearted person. » kind, caring, good, (about), watchful (about), alert (to),
kind-hearted, kindly, considerate, distrustful, heedful OPPOSITES ARE unwary,
sympathetic, thoughtful, obliging, tender- heedless
hearted, benevolent opposites ARE unkind, wash noun 11 said I needed to go for a wash.
unfriendly > bath, shower, rinse, shampoo 2 They give all
warmth noun 1 Despite the warmth of the fire, the cars a wash each morning. » clean,
Isabel began to shiver. » heat, warmness, shampoo, hosing-down
comfort AN Opposite Is coldness 2 The warmth wash vers 1 She took a couple of minutes to wash
of their welcome took them by surprise.
her face and comb her hair. Wash all fruit and
> friendliness, cordiality, geniality,
vegetables thoroughly before use. » clean,
enthusiasm AN opposite Is hostility
cleanse, rinse, scrub, shampoo, mop, sluice,
warn vers The manufacturers had failed to warn swill, wipe OPPOSITES ARE dirty, soil 2 It was time
doctors of the possible side effects. > advise, alert, to wash the dog. » soap down, sponge down,
notify, inform, caution, remind, forewarn, give swab down, hose down 3 He found the soap and
a warning about, (more informal) tip off began to wash. » bath, bathe, shower 4 She
warning noun 1 The changes were announced washed, dried, and ironed the clothes.» launder,
without warning. » notice, advance notice, clean, scrub, rinse, sponge
washable = water
washable spective able to be washed without waste youn wastes 1 wasting a thing, not
becoming damaged using it well e a waste of time 2 things that are
washbasin noun washbasins a small’sink for not wanted or not used 3 an area of waste land
washing your hands etc. @ the wastes of the Sahara Desert
> wasteful nective wastefully pvers
washer youn washers 1 asmall ring of rubber wastefulness Noun
or metal etc. placed between two surfaces (e.g. USAGE Do not confuse with waist.
under a bolt or screw) to fit them tightly watch vers watches, watching, watched
together 2a washing machine 1 look at a person or thing for some time
washing noun clothes etc. that need washing on guard or ready for something to happen
or have just been washed e Watch for the traffic lights to change. 3 pay
washing machine noun washing machines careful attention to something e Watch where
a machine for washing clothes etc. you put your feet. 4 take care of something
@ His job is to watch the sheep.
wasn’t (mainly spoken) was not > watcher Noun
Wasp Noun wasps a stinging insect with black watch noun watches 1 device like a small
and yellow stripes round its body clock, usually worn on the wrist 2 the action of
wastage noun loss of something by waste watching 3a turn of being on duty ina ship
waste vers wastes, wasting, wasted 1 use watchful spective watching closely; alert
something in an extravagant way or without > watchfully anvers watchfulness noun
getting enough results 2 fail to use something watchman youn watchmen a person
e You are wasting a good opportunity. 3 become employed to look after an empty building etc.,
gradually weaker or thinner from lack of especially at night
nourishment watchtower noun watchtowers a tall tower
waste spective 1 left over or thrown away used as an observation post
because it is not wanted 2 not used; not usable water youn waters 1 a colourless liquid that is
e waste land a compound of hydrogen and oxygen 2 a lake
lay waste destroy the crops and buildings etc. orsea 3 the tide e at high water
of an area pass water urinate

wash your hands of something They cannot wasteful spective a wasteful use of resources
wash their hands of social problems. » disown, > extravagant, prodigal, profligate,
renounce, have nothing to do with, disclaim, spendthrift, lavish, reckless, thriftless,
reject, abandon AN OPPOSITEIS embrace excessive, improvident, imprudent,
washing noun Even the washing hanging from uneconomical, needless
the windows seemed to be fluttering a welcome. AN OPPOSITE Is economical
> laundry, clothes, wash watch youn 1 David checked the time by his new
waste vers He didn’t want to waste money on a watch. » wristwatch, pocket watch, timepiece,
taxi fare. » squander, fritter away, misspend, chronometer, clock, timer 2 One of us should
misuse, throw away, lavish, consume, exhaust, keep watch at the back of the house. > guard,
dissipate, use wastefully, use up vigil, lookout, surveillance, heed
AN OPPOSITE IS Conserve , on the watch Be on the watch for jellyfish.
waste away Many people wasted away from > alert, vigilant, attentive
disease and malnutrition. » wither, become watch vers 1 She watched him as he cleaned the
emaciated, become weaker, decline, pine, room. » look at, observe, keep your eyes on,
weaken AN OPPOSITE IS thrive contemplate, eye, gaze at, survey, heed,
waste Apjective 1 Energy savings are achieved by regard, see, stare at, take notice of, view, pay
recycling waste materials. » unwanted, attention to, concentrate on, attend to, mark,
discarded, superfluous, unused, extra 2 There note 2 We need someone to watch the children for
was a patch of waste ground for them to play on. afew hours. » look after, mind, supervise, keep
> bare, wild, empty, overgrown, barren, an eye on, keep watch on, care for, tend, guard,
derelict, undeveloped, run-down, uncared for, protect, safeguard, shield
uncultivated watch out Watch out for snakes. » look out for,
waste noun 1 Sewage and industrial waste still be alert, be vigilant, be attentive, (more
enter the North Sea. » refuse, rubbish, debris, informal) keep an eye open for
effluent, garbage, dross, detritus, trash, junk, water noun 1 glass ofwater drinking water,
litter, scraps 2 The trip had been a waste of time tap water, mineral water 2 a picnic by the water
and money. » squandering, misuse, frittering > river, lake, sea, ocean, loch, pond, pool
away, misspending, dissipation RELATED ADJECTIVES aquatic, hydraulic
water > wax
water vers waters, watering, watered watery apective 1 like water 2 full of water
1 sprinkle or supply something with water 3 containing too much water
2 produce tears or saliva e It makes my mouth
watt noun watts a unit of electric power
water down dilute Wave NouN waves 1 aridge moving along the
surface ofthe sea etc. or breaking on the shore
watercolour Noun watercolours 1 paint 2 a curling piece of hair 3 (in science) the wave-
made with pigment and water (not oil) 2a like movement by which heat, light, sound, or
painting done with this kind of paint electricity etc. travels 4 the action of waving
waterfall youn waterfalls a place where a Wave VERB waves, waving,waved 1 move
river or stream flows over the edge of a cliff or your hand to and fro as a greeting or signal etc.
large rock 2 move loosely to and fro or up and down
waterlogged spective completely soaked or 3 make a thing wavy 4 be wavy
swamped in water wavelength noun wavelengths the size of a
waterproof apective that keeps out water e a sound wave or electromagnetic wave
waterproof jacket waver vers wavers wavering, wavered 1 be
> waterproof vers unsteady; move unsteadily 2 hesitate; be
waterskiing noun the sport of skimming over uncertain
the surface of water on a pair of flat boards Wavy 4njective full of waves or curves
(waterskis )while being towed by a motor > wavily ADVERB waviness NOUN
boat wax 'NOUN waxes 1 asoft substance that melts
watertight spective 1 made or fastened so easily, used to make candles, crayons, and
that water cannot get in or out 2 so carefully polish 2 beeswax
put together that it cannot be changed or set D> waxy ADJECTIVE
aside or proved to be untrue e a watertight Wax VERB waxes ,waxing waxed coat or polish
excuse something with wax
waterworks piri Noun a place with pumping Wax ? vers waxes ,waxing, waxed 1 (said
machinery etc. for supplying water to a district about the moon) show a bright area that

water vers She went out to water the plants. crowd. » surge, upsurge, outbreak, current,
> sprinkle, wet, moisten, dampen, hose, soak, flood, rash, sweep, stream, swell 3 She gave a
douse, drench, flood, irrigate, souse wave of her hand as he sped past. » gesture,
water something down 1 He asked her to shake, signal, flourish, gesticulation 4 Her hair
water down his drink. » dilute, add water to, flowed in long waves. > curl, twist, kink
weaken, thin 2 The proposals had to be watered
down to stand any chance of success. wave vers 1 Jill waved at us to go over.
> moderate, tone down, soften, mitigate, > beckon, gesture, signal, motion, indicate
temper, mellow, weaken 2 He waved his umbrella at them. » shake,
brandish, flourish, waggle, wiggle, wag 3 Aflag
waterfall voun They looked down from the top of waved in the breeze. » flap, flutter, ripple,
the waterfall. » cascade, cataract, shower, quiver, move to and fro
torrent, falls, rapids, chute wave aside All these objections were waved
waterproof anjective a waterproof jacket aside. » dismiss, reject, disregard, ignore,
> water-repellent, water-resistant, discount, brush aside, shrug off
weatherproof, watertight, damp-proof,
impermeable, impervious wavelength noun Tune your radio to the right
wavelength. » channel, station, waveband
watertight spective 1 Use a watertight
container. » sealed, hermetic, sound, waver vers 1 Her voice began to waver and she
waterproof AN opposite Is leaky 2 a watertight looked faint. » tremble, falter, quaver, quiver,
excuse » foolproof, unassailable, flawless, become unsteady, change, quake, shake,
conclusive, perfect AN opposite Is flawed shiver, shudder, sway, teeter, totter, wobble
watery spective 1.4 bowl of watery porridge 2 He could see I was wavering. » hesitate, be
> runny, sloppy, thin, watered down, weak, undecided, be indecisive, dither, equivocate,
insipid, liquid, tasteless, (more informal) wishy- vacillate 3 the wavering light from the candle
washy 2 His eyes looked watery. > damp, moist, > flicker, quiver, tremble, glimmer
tear-filled, tearful, wet Wavy Apjective She ran her hand through her wavy
wave noun 1 Surfers were riding the waves. hair. > curly, curling, curving, rippling,
> breaker, roller, billow, crest, ridge, surf, sinuous, undulating, winding, zigzag
white horse 2 A wave ofpanic seemed to grip the AN OPPOSITE IS straight
waxwork = wealth
becomes gradually larger (The opposite is waylay vers waylays, waylaying, waylaid|ie
wane) 2 become stronger or more important in wait for a person or people, especially in
order to talk to them or rob them
waxworkwoun waxworks a model of a wayside youn
person etc. made in wax fall by the wayside fail to continue doing
Way woun ways 1 how something is done; a
method or style 2a manner e She spoke in a
wayward spective disobedient; wilfully doing
what you want
kindly way 3 a line of communication between
Wepronoun a word used by a person to refer to
places, e.g. apath orroad 4 aroute ordirection
himself or herself and another or others
5 a distance to be travelled e Is it a long way
weak apective 1 having little power, energy, or
away? 6 arespect e It’s a good idea in some
effect 2 easy to break, damage, or defeat 3 not
ways. 7. acondition or state e Things were in a great in intensity
bad way. > weaknessjoun
get or have your own way make people let weaken vers weakens, weakening,
you do what you want weakened make or become weaker
give way 1 collapse 2 let somebody else move weaklingnoun weaklings a weak person or
first 3 yield animal
in the wayforming an obstacle or hindrance wealthyoun 1a lot of money or property;
no way (informal) that is impossible! riches 2 alarge quantity e The book has a wealth
under waysee under of illustrations.

Waynoun 1 His engine overheated on the way bland, thin, tasteless AN OPPOSITE ISstrong
home.» road, route, journey, direction 2 There 7 The light was becoming weak. » dim, pale,
was a long way to go.» distance, length, faint, feeble OPPOSITES AREstrong, bright
measurement 3 It was the best way of dealing
with the problem. » method, means, manner, weakenvers 1 Their purpose was to weaken the
approach, mode, procedure, process, avenue, unions’ power. » reduce, sap, enfeeble, erode,
course, system, technique, mechanism 4 He impair, lessen, diminish, lower, debilitate,
knew he had to change his ways. » habit, destroy, emasculate, enervate, make weaker,
practice, routine, custom, fashion, style, ruin, soften, undermine
tradition 5 The arts benefit society in several OPPOSITES AREstrengthen, boost 2 Our resolve
ways. ® respect, particular, aspect, had weakened. » dwindle, ebb, fade, flag,
circumstances, detail, feature wane, abate, become weaker, decline,
decrease, give way OPPOSITES AREstrengthen,
way-outapectve (informal) He introduced some increase, intensify
way- out visual ideas that no one had tried before.
> unconventional, offbeat, eccentric, quirky, weaknessjoun 1 There is an obvious weakness
bizarre, weird, odd, (informal) wacky in your argument. » fault, flaw, defect,
imperfection, weak point, blemish, error,
weak anjcrive 1 The bridge was weak as a result failing, mistake, shortcoming
of metal fatigue. » unsafe, unsound, fragile, OPPOSITES AREstrength, strong point 2 The
unsteady, rickety, shaky, flimsy, decrepit, economy is showing signs ofweakness. » fragility,
substandard AN OPPOSITE |Sstrong 2 He was still frailty, flimsiness, inadequacy, softness 3 Her
too weak to get up by himself. » frail, feeble, illness left her with a permanent physical
poorly, ill, infirm, sickly, debilitated, helpless, weakness. > infirmity, debility, feebleness,
delicate, enervated, exhausted, listless, puny illness, impotence, lassitude, vulnerability
AN OPPOSITE ISstrong 3A weak man, when OPPOSITES AREstrength, vigour 4 He has a
provoked, is often more dangerous than a violent weakness for chocolate cake. » liking, fondness,
one. » timid, timorous, irresolute, spineless, inclination, penchant, predilection, (more
ineffectual, pusillanimous, cowardly, fearful, informal) soft spot
impotent, indecisive, ineffective
OPPOSITES AREstrong, brave 4 His mistakes had wealthnoun 1 We want to see wealth passed
put him in a weak position. » vulnerable, down from generation to generation.
exposed, defenceless, unguarded, > affluence, assets, opulence, property,
unprotected OPPOSITES AREstrong, powerful prosperity, capital, fortune, money,
5 The weak joke fell hollowly. » feeble, lame, possessions, richés AN OPPOSITE IS poverty
unconvincing, unsatisfactory 6 She sipped the 2 You realize the wealth of information inside the
sweet, weak tea and began to feel better. government. » abundance, profusion,
> watery, diluted, watered down, insipid, plethora, store, plenty
wealthy => weave
wealthy apecrve wealthier, wealthiest Weary ADEcTIVE wearier, weariest 1 tired
having wealth; rich 2 tiring @ It’s weary work.
> wealthiness Noun > wearily ADvers weariness NOUN
Weary vers wearies, wearying, wearied
Wea? Vers weans, weaning; weaned make a
make or become weary
baby take food other than its mother’s milk
wean off make someone give up a habit etc. weasel noun weasels asmall fierce animal with
gradually a slenderbody and reddish-brown fur
weather noun the rain, snow, wind, sunshine
Weapon Noun weapons something used to etc. at a particular time or place
harm or kill people in a battle or fight under the weather feeling ill or depressed
> weaponry NOUN weather vers weathers, weathering,
weathered 1 expose something to the effects
Wear VER. wears, Wearing, wore, worn of the weather 2 come through something
T have clothes, jewellery, etc. on your body successfully @ The ship weathered the storm.
2 have a certain look on your face e She wore a
frown. 3 damage something by rubbing or weathercock or weathervane noun ;
using it often; become damaged in this way weathercocks orweathervanes a pointer, ry
© The carpet has worn thin. 4 last while in use often shaped like a cockerel, that turns in the
e It has worn well. wind and shows from which direction it is
> wearable AD/ECTIVE wearer NOUN blowing
wear off 1 be removed by wear or use Weave VERB weaves, weaving, wove, woven
2 become less intense 1 make material or baskets etc. by crossing
wear on pass gradually e The night wore on. threads or strips under and over each other
wear out 1 use or be used until it becomes 2 puta story together e She wove a thrilling tale.
weak or useless 2 exhaust 3 (past tense & past participleweaved) twist
and turn e He weaved through the traffic.
wear Noun 1 what you wear; clothes e evening > weaver NOUN
wear 2 (alsowear and tear) gradual damage Weave Noun weaves a style of weaving e aloose
done by rubbing or using something weave

wealthy spective Her mother was a very wealthy 2 The brakes showed signs of wear. » damage,
woman. > rich, affluent, prosperous, well-off, deterioration, friction, erosion, wear and tear f
well-to-do, moneyed, comfortable, (more 3 The guests were dressed in formal wear. i
informal) flush, (more informal) loaded > dress, clothes, clothing, costume, outfit
OPPOSITES ARE poor, impoverished wearing apjective The care of others can be a
wear vere 1 Did you have to wear any special kind wearing business. > tiring, exhausting,
of clothing? Ruth wore a pale lavender cotton tiresome, fatiguing, wearying, wearisome,
dress. He often wore dark glasses to hide the bags trying, taxing AN opposite Is refreshing
under his eyes. » dress in, be dressed in, clothe
Weary Apjective I have been too sad and too weary
yourself in, put on, have on, present yourself in,
wrap up in, don 2 He wore his usual benign to write anything. » tired, exhausted, fatigued,
expression. » show, assume, present, exhibit wearied, worn out, sapped, drained, spent,
3 Years ofpassing footsteps had badly worn the (more informal) knackered
carpet. » damage, fray, scuff, mark, weaken weather oun She was tempted to use the
4 The tyres have worn well. » last, endure, weather as an excuse to postpone her visit. All
survive, hold up, (more informal) stand the test farmers are exposed to the vagaries of the
of time weather. » climate, the elements,
wear away Most of the grass had been worn meteorological conditions, atmospheric
away by the spectators. » rub away, erode, conditions
grind down, abrade, corrode, eat away under the weather She felt under the weather
wear off The effect of the tranquillizers was and went to rest. » unwell, poorly, indisposed,
wearing off. » fade, subside, dwindle, reduce, out of sorts, ill, sick Opposites ARE well, in good
lessen, diminish, peter out, disappear health RELATED ADJECTIVE meteorological
wear out 1 His shoes wear out twice as fast when weave vers 1 The design had been woven into the
he’s working. » become worn, deteriorate, carpet. > intertwine, interweave, knit, plait,
become damaged, become scuffed 2 They sew, entwine, interlace 2 Victorian novelists
cheered until their lungs were worn out. weave romances round great houses. She wove a
m exhaust, fatigue, tire out : spell over him, so that he slept for ever and never
Wear Noun 1 Repairs were made necessary by grew old. » create, compose, make, plot, put
heavy wear. » use, service, utility, wearing together 3 He dragged himself out of bed and
web = weight
web oun webs 1a cobweb 2 a network weedy anjective weedier, weediest 1 full of
the Web the World Wide Web weeds 2 thin and weak
[from Old English webb = a piece of woven week youn weeks a period of seven days,
cloth] especially from Sunday to the following
webbed or web-footed spective having toes Saturday
joined by pieces of skin, as ducks and frogs do weekday noun weekdays a day other than
websitenyoun websites a place on the Internet Saturday or Sunday
where you can get information abouta subject, weekend oun weekends Saturday and
company, etc. Sunday
wed vers weds, wedding, wedded 1 marry weekly apjctive, apvers happening or done
2 unite two different things once a week
wedding oun weddings the ceremony when weep vers weeps, weeping, wept 1 shed
aman and woman get married tears; cry 2 00ze moisture in drops
wedgewnoun wedges 1a piece of wood or > WeepNoUN Weepy ADJECTIVE
metal etc. that is thick at one end and thin at weeping apective (said about a tree) having
the other It is pushed between things to force drooping branches @ a weeping willow
them apart or prevent something from moving
2 a wedge-shaped thing weighvers weighs, weighing, weighed
1 measure the weight of something 2 havea
wedge vers wedges, wedging, wedged certain weight e What do you weigh? 3 be
1 keep something in place with a wedge 2 pack
important or have influence @ Her evidence
tightly together e Ten of us were wedged in the
weighed with the jury.
lift. : weigh anchor raise the anchor and start a
Wednesday noun the day of the week voyage
following Tuesday [from Old English weigh down 1 keep something down by its
Wodnesdaeg = day of Woden or Odin, the chief weight 2 depress or trouble somebody
Norse god] weigh up estimate or assess something
weed youn weeds a wild plant that grows weightyoun weights 1 howheavy something
where it is not wanted is; the amount that something weighs 2a
weed vers weeds, weeding, weeded remove piece of metal of known weight, especially one
weeds from the ground used onscales to weigh things 3 aheavy object

weaved his way to the bathroom. » thread, weep vers I began to weep, burying my face in my
wind, work, dodge, zigzag hands. » cry, sob, shed tears, whimper,
blubber, snivel, wail
webnoun 1 The webs are built to a definite
pattern. » mesh, net, netting, network, weigh vers 1 The man weighed some vegetables
crisscross, lattice 2 Their lives were caught up in and put them in a bag. » measure the weight
a web of deception. » network, nexus, maze, of, measure out, put on the scales 21 weigh the
complex same now as when I married. » have a weight
of, tip the scales at 3 weighor weigh upThese
wedding oun The wedding went ahead with were considerations that she weighed carefully. I
two hundred guests. » marriage, marriage weighed up my chances and decided to go.
ceremony, nuptials, union RELATED ADJECTIVE > consider, evaluate, assess, examine, think
nuptial, bridal about, give thought to, ponder, study, mull
wedgenoun 1 He put a huge wedge ofgleaming over, meditate on 4 Two other matters weigh in
white pudding on her plate. » slice, segment, their favour. » be important, count, have
triangle, chunk, lump 2 The window was held weight
open with a wedge. » chock, block, door stop weigh down 1 No one wants to be weighed
down with heavy gear. » burden, weight,
wedge vers She wedged the string bag between saddle, load, overload 2 She walked to her room,
her feet and took out a book. The children were mentally weighed down by her thoughts.
wedged so tightly that it was difficult to move. > depress, oppress, trouble, bother, beset,
> squeeze, jam, cram, push, force, thrust, afflict, prey on
stick, push, fasten, (more informal) shove
weightjoun 1 The supports could no longer
weedy apjctive 11 walked up through the weedy sustain the weight
ofthe bridge, and it collapsed.
garden. » untidy, unweeded, overgrown, > heaviness, load, burden, mass, pressure,
unkempt, wild, rank 2 (informal) He was short strain 2 The Prime Minister has attached a lot of
and physically weedy. » weak, puny, feeble, frail weight to the scheme. » importance,
weight — wellingtons
4 importance or influence pressing or hammering them together 2 unite
> weighty ApjecTive weightless ADJECTIVE people or things into a whole
weight vers weights, weighting, weighted welfare noun people’s health, happiness, and
put a weight on something comfort
weir (weer) NOUN weirs asmall dam across a welfare state noun asystem in which a
river or canal to control the flow of water country’s government provides money to pay
for healtlf care, social services, benefits, etc.
weird apective very strange; uncanny
> weirdly ADvers weirdness NOUN well noun wells 1 deep hole dug to bring up
USAGE When spelling this word, note that the ‘e’ water or oil from underground 2 a deep space,
comes before the ‘i’, not the other way round. e.g. containing a staircase
well vers wells, welling, welled rise or flow up
welcome noun welcomes a greeting or e Tears welled up in our eyes.
reception, especially a kindly one
well ? overs better, best 1 inagoodor suitable
welcome spective 1 that you are glad to way @ She swims well. 2 thoroughly e Polish it
receive or see @ a welcome gift 2 allowed or well. 3 probably or reasonably @ This may well
invited to do or take something e You are be our last chance.
welcome to come. well off 1 fairly rich 2 ina good situation
welcome vers welcomes, welcoming, well apective 1 in good health e He is not well.
welcomed 1 show that you are pleased when 2 satisfactory e All is well.
a person or thing arrives 2 be glad to receive or well-being noun good health, happiness, and
hear of something @ We welcome this decision. comfort
weld vers welds, welding, welded 1 join wellingtoms piurat noun rubber or plastic
pieces of metal or plastic by heating and waterproof boots

seriousness, significance, authority, emphasis, welcome noun Make for the Visitors’ Centre,
gravity, substance where you can be sure of a warm welcome.
> reception, greeting, hospitality
weight vers 1 Driftwood can be sealed and
weighted in the same way. » weigh down, make welcome vers 1 Sophie welcomed her warmly
heavy, ballast, hold down, keep down, load and pulled out a chair. » greet, receive, hail,
2 The odds were weighted against them. » bias, meet 2 His colleagues welcomed his cheerfulness.
load, slant, balance > appreciate, approve of, delightin, like, want,
weighty anyective 1A pile of books can be very welfare noun the safety and welfare ofpeople at
weighty. » heavy, bulky, cumbersome, work > well-being, good, security, prosperity,
massive, clumsy 2 The weighty question, what is comfort, benefit, happiness, health, interests
happiness? » serious, important, significant, well apective Mary was looking well.» healthy, in
momentous, far-reaching, consequential 3 It is good health, fit, fine, sound, strong, thriving,
a weighty responsibility to be given. flourishing, hearty, lively, robust, vigorous
> demanding, onerous, exacting, taxing,
troublesome well aovers 1 They behaved well.» satisfactorily,
correctly, nicely, properly AN opposite Is badly
weird spective 1 Some pretty weird things seemed 2 She sings well. » ably, skilfully, expertly
to be happening. » uncanny, eerie, unearthly, OPPOSITES ARE badly, poorly 3 Mix the
unnatural, ghostly, mysterious, scary, ingredients well. » thoroughly, fully,
supernatural, unaccountable, (more informal) completely, rigorously AN opposite Is lightly
spooky; (more informal) creepy 4 You have been working well. » carefully,
OPPOSITES ARE normal, ordinary 2 They wouldn’t diligently, conscientiously, attentively
make those weird garden ornaments ifthey'd ever OPPOSITES ARE badly, poorly 5 He has made
seen a real gnome. The fridge made some really enough money to live well. » comfortably, in
weird noises yesterday. » strange, peculiar, comfort, prosperously
bizarre, grotesque, odd, curious, eccentric, well vers The tears welled in her eyes. » flow,
outlandish, queer, unusual, abnormal, quirky, stream, spring, course, surge, flood, gush, rise,
unconventional, (more informal) wacky, (more run, trickle
informal) freaky, (more informal) way-out well-behaved apective You will have to be quiet
AN OPPOSITE IS conventional and well-behaved. » well-mannered, polite,
welcome spective We’ve received some welcome obedient, respectful, courteous, cooperative,
news. » pleasant, pleasing, gratifying, good, dutiful, nice AN opposite Is naughty
encouraging, good, nice well-being noun The medical staff are
OPPOSITES ARE unwelcome, disappointing responsible for the well-being of the patients.
wellknown = wheel-
> wellies PLURAL NOUN (informal) e wet paint 3 rainy @ wet weather
[named after the first Duke of Wellington > wetlyApvers wetness NOUN
(1769-1852), whowore long leather boots] wetvers wets, wetting, wetor wetted makea
well known agective known to many people thing wet
well-mannered apjctive having good whalenoun whales a very large sea animal
manners a whale of a (informal) very good or great
e We had a whale of a time.
well-meaning apective having good
intentions whaling noun hunting whales
well-read apjective having read a lot of good whatapecive used to ask the amount or kind of
books something (What kind of bike have you got?) or
to say how strange or great a person or thing is
well-to-do apectve fairly rich (What a fool you are!)
weren't (mainly spoken) were not what pronoun 1 what thing or things e What
oun werewolves (in legends and did you say? 2 the thing that e This is what you
stories) a person who sometimes changes into must do.
a wolf [from Old English wer = man + wolf] what’s what (informal) which things are
westnoun 1 the direction where the sun sets, important or useful
opposite east 2: the western part of a country, whatever pronoun. 1 anything or everything
city, etc. © Do whatever you like. 2 no matter what @ Keep
westapective 1 situated in the west @ the west calm, whatever happens.
coast 2 coming from the west e a west wind whatever apective of any kind or amount
west apvers towards the west @ We sailed west. e Take whatever books you need. @ There is no
doubt whatever.
westerly apective to or from the west
wheat noun a cereal plant from which flour is
western apectve of or in the west made
westernoun westerns a film or story about > wheaten ADJECTIVE
cowboys or American Indians in western North wheedle vers wheedles, wheedling,
America during the 19th and early 20th wheedled persuade by coaxing or flattering
wheel vers wheels, wheeling, wheeled
westward spective, avvers towards the west 1 push a bicycle or trolley etc. along on its
> westwards spvers wheels 2. move ina curve or circle; change
wetapecrve wetter, wettest 1 soaked or direction and face another way @ He wheeled
covered in water or other liquid 2 not yet dry round in astonishment.

> welfare, good, security, prosperity, comfort, weather at harvest time. » rainy, raining,
benefit, happiness, health, interests drizzly, showery, pouring, humid, misty
well-dressed apjective A well-dressed young OPPOSITES ARE dry, fine 4 The paint was still wet.
woman came in. » smart, stylish, elegant, > runny, sticky, tacky OPPOSITES ARE dry, set
fashionable, well-groomed, chic, trim 5 (informal) Some ofthe trainees seemed a bit wet.
> feeble, weak, silly, soft, (informal) weedy,
well-knowmapectve 1 They played well-known (informal) wimpish OPPOSITES ARE tough, strong
types such as the domineering wife and the
henpecked husband. » familiar, widely known, wetwoun The front wheels were prone to locking in
popular, common, typical 2 She came from a the wet. » rain, dampness, wet weather, damp
well-known North London family. » famous, weather, drizzle
notable, prominent, leading, distinguished, wet vers There is no need to wet your hair first.
eminent > dampen, damp, douse, drench, soak, spray,
well-off spective dream gardens of well- off sprinkle, water, steep, irrigate, moisten,
homeowners > rich, wealthy, well-to-do, saturate AN OPPOSITE IS dry
affluent, moneyed, prosperous, opulent whack vers I saw him take a stick and whack his
AN OPPOSITE IS poor dog. > hit, strike, smack, slap, thump, (more
wet apjecrive 1 Her jacket was soaking and clung informal) slug
to her like a wet tea towel. » damp, soaked, whackwoun She gave him a hefty whack across his
saturated, drenched, moistened, sopping, shoulders. » blow, hit, slap, punch, thump,
dripping AN OPPOSITE IS dry 2 The mowers could knock, smack *
not be used because the ground was too wet. wheel vers 1 He grabbed a trolley and began to
> waterlogged, sodden, boggy, soggy, wheel the luggage away. » push, trundle, roll
spongy, swampy, squelchy OPPOSITES ARE dry, 2A flock of birds wheeled above them. > circle,
firm 3 They were unlucky enough to meet wet gyrate, turn, orbit
wheel = whip
wheel noun wheels 1 around device that turns which agectve what particular e Which way did
ona shaft that passes through its centre 2a he go?
horizontal revolving disc on which clay is made which pronoun 1 what person or thing e Which
into a pot is your desk? 2 the person or thing referred to
wheelbarrow noun wheelbarrows a small e@ The film, which is a western, will be shown on
cart with one wheel at the front and legs at the Saturday.
back, pushed by handles whichever pronoun, Apjective no matter which;
wheelchair noun wheelchairs a chair on any which e Take whichever you like.
wheels for a person who cannot walk whiff voun whiffs a puff or slight smell of
wheeze vers wheezes, wheezing, wheezed smoke, gas, etc.
make a hoarse whistling sound as you breathe while conjunction 1 during the time that; as
> wheeze Noun wheezy ADJECTIVE long as @ Whistle while you work. 2 although;
when apvers at what time; at which time but @ She is dark, while her sister is fair.
e@ When can you come to tea? while noun a period of time e a long while
when conunction 1 at the time that e The bird while vers whiles, whiling, whiled
flew away when I moved. 2 although; while away pass time e We whiled away the
considering that e Why do you smoke when you afternoon on the river.
know it’s dangerous? whim noun whims asudden wish to do or have
whence apvers from where; from which something
whenever conunction at whatever time; every whimper vers whimpers, whimpering,
time @ Whenever I see it, I smile whimpered cry or whine softly
where apvers in or to what place or that place > whimper Noun
@ Where did you put it? Leave it where it is. whimsical ayectve quaint and playful
whereabouts apvers in or near what place > whimsically Apvers whimsicality noun
@ Whereabouts are you going? whine vers whines, whining, whined 1 make
whereabouts pirat noun the place where along high miserable cry ora shrill sound
something is e Do you know the whereabouts of 2 complain in a petty or feeble way
my radio? > whine Noun
whereas conjunction but in contrast e Some whip noun whips 1a cord or strip of leather
people enjoy sport, whereas others hate it. fixed to a handle and used for hitting people or
animals 2 an official of a political party in
whereupon conunction after which; and then Parliament 3 a pudding made of whipped
wherever Apvere in or to whatever place cream and fruit or flavouring
whet vers whets, whetting, whetted whip vers whips, whipping, whipped Thita
whet your appetite stimulate it person or animal with a whip 2 beat cream
USAGE Do not confuse with wet. until it becomes thick 3 move or take
whether conjunction as one possibility; if e I something suddenly @ He whipped out his pen.
don’t know whether to believe her or not. 4 (informal) steal something

wheel round Elinor wheeled round, a look of whimper noun The dog made off with a
horror on her face. > turn, swing round, change whimper. » whine, cry, snivel
direction, swerve, veer whine noun There was a whine from the engines.
whereabouts noun Despite inquiries, his > drone, whimper, hum
whereabouts remain unknown. » location, whine vers 1 Mosquitos whined in my ears.
position, situation, vicinity, address, site > drone, hum 2 (informal) I’m sick of him
whining to me about you.» grumble, complain,
whiff voun 1 He caught a whiff of expensive carp, grouch, moan, beef, (informal) whinge
perfume. » scent, aroma, smell , breath, puff,
odour USAGE You normally use odour when you whip noun He threatened to use a whip on any
mean an unpleasant smell. 2 At the slightest intruders. » lash, scourge, cat, cat-o’-nine-
whiff of trouble he takes to his bed. » hint, trace, tails, horsewhip, riding-crop, switch
suggestion, suspicion, intimation whip vers 1 He whipped the boys and sent them
away. thrash, beat, flog, lash, scourge 2 Why
whim noun It was silly to waste a whole morning can you whip cream but not milk? » whisk, beat,
on a foolish whim. » impulse, notion, urge, stir vigorously 3 (informal) She whipped a piece
fancy, caprice, desire, quirk ; of paper out of her pocket. » pull, whisk, pluck,
whimper vere He began to whimper with fear. tug, take 4 (informal) I can always whip round to
> snivel, wail, moan, cry, groan,,weep, (more the corner shop. » dash, hurry, shoot, run,
informal) grizzle sprint, rush, race, tear
whirl = whole
whip up stir up people’s feelings etc. @ She turns white when it is cooked 3. a person witha
whipped up support for her plans. light-coloured skin
whirl vers whirls, whirling, whirled turn or white spective 1 of the colour white 2 (said of a
spin very quickly person) having light-coloured skin 3 very pale
> whirl youn from the effects of illness or fear etc. 4 (said
whirlpool youn whirlpools a whirling current about coffee) with milk
of water > whiteness noun
whirlwind noun whirlwinds a strong wind white elephant youn white elephants a
that whirls round a central point useless possession, especially one that is
whit vers whirrs, whirring, whirred make a expensive to keep
continuous buzzing sound white-hot apective extremely hot; so hot that
> whirr Noun heated metal looks white
whisk vers whisks, whisking, whisked white lie youn white lies a harmless or trivial
1 move or brush something away quickly and lie that you tell in order to avoid hurting
lightly e A waiter whisked away our plates. someone’s feelings
2 beat eggs etc. until they are frothy whiten vers. whitens, whitening, whitened
whisk youn whisks 1a kitchen tool used for make or become whiter
whisking things 2. a whisking movement [from
Old Norse]
whitewash noun 1a white liquid containing
lime or powdered chalk, used for painting walls
whisker youn whiskers 1 a hair of those and ceilings etc. 2. concealing mistakes or other
growing ona man’s face, forming a beard or unpleasant facts so that someone will not be
moustache if not shaved off 2a long bristle punished
growing near the mouth of a cat etc. > whitewash vers
> whiskery ADjective
whither apvers (old use) to what place
whisky noun whiskies a strong alcoholic drink USAGE Do not confuse with wither.
[from Scottish Gaelic uisge beatha = water of
life] whittle vers whittles, whittling, whittled
whisper vers whispers, whispering, 1 shape wood by trimming thin slices off the
whispered 1 speak very softly 2 talk secretly surface 2 reduce something by removing
> whisper Noun various things from it e We need to whittle down
the cost.
whist youn acard game usually for four people
whizz or whiz vers whizzes, whizzing,
whistle vers whistles, whistling, whistled whizzed 1 move very quickly 2 sound like
make a shrill or musical sound, especially by something rushing through the air
blowing through your lips
> whistler youn who pronoun which person or people; the
whistle youn whistles 1 awhistlingsound 2a particular person or people e This is the boy who
device that makes a shrill sound when air or stole the apples.
steam is blown through it whoever pronoun 1 any or every person who
white youn whites 1 the very lightest colour, 2 no matter who
like snow or salt 2 the transparent substance whole spective 1 complete 2 not injured or
(albumen) round the yolk of an egg, which broken

whirl youn 1 His mind was in a whirl and he was whisper vers Anne whispered something in his
worried. » daze, spin, muddle, stupor, state of ear. » murmur, breathe, mutter, mumble
confusion 2 (informal) The only way to find out AN OPPOSITE IS shout
was to give ita whirl. » try, test, (informal) shot, whisper noun 1 He spoke in a whisper.
(informal) bash > murmur, mutter, undertone, hushed voice
whirl vers The dancers appear to whirl round with 2I heard a whisper that he’s left the country.
their hands on their hips. » circle, gyrate, twirl, > rumour, report, piece of gossip, piece of
spin, rotate, pirouette, reel, revolve, swivel, hearsay
turn, twist, wheel white aojctive 1 He rested his ‘fingers on the white
whisk vers 1 Whisk the sugar and eggs together. keys. ivory, snowy, chalky, pale , snow-white,
> beat, mix, stir, whip 2 You will be whisked off cream 2 Her face was white with fear. » pale,
to a studio for a photo session. » rush, speed, pallid, ashen, colourless, bloodless
hurry, sweep, shoot, hurtle 3 He whisked a whole apjective 11 don’t have time to read the
blanket off the nearest trolley. » pull, pluck, tug, whole book. » entire, complete, full, total, full-
take, (more informal) whip length, unabridged, uncut, unexpurgated
whole = wide
ows NOUN 1 the full amount 2a complete whopping spyective (slang) very large or
thing remarkable e a whopping lie
on the whole considering everything; mainly
who’s (mainly spoken) who is; who has
wholefood noun food that is free of additives USAGE Do not confuse with whose,
and has been processed as little as possible
wholehearted spective without doubts or whose pronoun belonging to what person or
reservations @ You have my wholehearted people; of whom; of which e Whose house is
support. that? :
wholemeal apjctive made from the whole USAGE Do not confuse with who's,
grain of wheat why Aovers for what reason or purpose; the
whole number youn whole numbers a particular reason on account of which e This is
number without fractions why I came.
wholesale noun selling goods in large wickwoun wicks 1 the stringthat goes through
quantities to be resold by others Compare retail the middle of acandle and is lit 2 the strip of
> wholesaler youn material that you light in a lamp or heater etc.
wholesale apjctive, aovers 1 ona large scale; that uses oil
including everybody or everything e wholesale
destruction 2 in the wholesale trade wicked spective 1 morally bad or cruel
2 mischievous @ a wicked smile 3 (informal)
wholesome apective good for health; healthy very good
e wholesome food
> wickedly apvers wickedness Noun
> wholesomeness noun
wholly aovers completely or entirely wicket youn wickets 1 a set of three stumps
whom pronoun the form of who used when it is and two bails used in cricket 2 the strip of
ground between the wickets
the object of a verb or comes after a
preposition, as in e the boy whom I saw or to wicketkeeper
youn wicketkeepers the
whom we spoke fielder in cricket who stands behind the
whoop (woop) noun whoops a loud cry of batsman’s wicket
excitement wide apective 1 measuring a lot from side to
> whoop vers side; not narrow 2 measuring from side to side
whooping cough (hoop- ing) youn an e The cloth is one metre wide. 3 covering a great
infectious disease that causes spasms of range e a wide knowledge of birds 4 fully open
coughing and gasping for breath e eyes wide with excitement 5 missing the target
whopper noun whoppers (slang) something e The shot was wide of the mark.
very large > widely spvers wideness Noun

OPPOSITES AREincomplete, partial 2 The marvellous, wonderful, superb
archaeologists uncovered a Greek vase that turned AN OPPOSITE IS lousy
out to be whole. » intact, in one piece,
unbroken, undamaged, unharmed, unscathed, wickedness noun the sheer wickedness of their
perfect OPPOSITES ARE broken, fragmentary plan» evil , enormity, iniquity, vileness,
baseness, foulness, heinousness, immorality,
wholehearted spective You have our infamy, sinfulness, villainy, turpitude, wrong,
wholehearted support. » total, complete, wrongdoing AN OPPOSITE Is goodness
unreserved, unqualified, committed, absolute,
outright, utter OPPOSITES ARE half-hearted, wide apective 1 The river was fast and wide.
partial Players are spread over a wide area. » broad,
whopping nective The bill came to a whopping expansive, extensive, vast, large, spacious,
£500.» huge, enormous, gigantic, mammoth, spread out, outspread AN OPPOSITE IS narrow
immense, massive, colossal 2 There is a wide choice of dinner menu. The
programmes reach a wide audience.
wicked anjective 1a wicked person a wicked act > extensive, comprehensive, wide-ranging,
> evil, bad, sinful, base, immoral, corrupt, inclusive, all-embracing, broad, ample,
depraved, heinous, iniquitous universal OPPOSITES ARE narrow, limited 3 Wide
OPPOSITES ARE moral, good, upright 2 It was trousers became fashionable again. » baggy,
wicked ofyou to say such things. » naughty, loose, full, flared OPPOSITES ARE narrow, tight
wrong, nasty, mischievous, unkind 4 The shot went wide. » off course, off target,
OPPOSITES ARE good, kind 3 There was a wicked off the mark AN OPPOSITE IS on target
gleam in his eye. » mischievous, playful,
rascally, impish, devilish, cheeky 4 (informal) wide overs Her eyes opened wide. » fully,
He makes a wicked fruit salad. » excellent, completely
wide = will
wide overs 1 to the full extent; far apart e Open wigwam noun wigwams atent formerly used
wide. 2 missing the target @ The shot went wide. by Native Americans, made by fastening skins
3 over a large area @ She travelled far and wide. or mats over poles
widen vers widens, widening, widened wild apective 1 living or growing in its natural
make or become wider state, not looked after by people 2 not
widespread agective existing in many places cultivated e a wild landscape 3 not civilized
or over a wide area e a widespread belief © the Wild West 4 not controlled; very violent
orexcited 5 very foolish or unreasonable e You
widow noun widows a woman whose do have wild ideas.
husband has died > wildly Abvers wildness NOUN
widowed apyective made a widow or widower wilderness noun wildernesses a wild
widower noun widowers aman whose wife uncultivated area; a desert
has died wildfire noun
width noun widths how wide something is; spread like wildfire (said about rumours etc.)
wideness spread very fast
wield vers wields, wielding, wielded 1 hold wildlife noun wild animals in their natural
and use a weapon or tool e wielding a sword setting
2 have and use power or influence wilful apectve 1 obstinately determined to do
wife noun wives the woman to whom a manis what you want e a wilful child 2 deliberate
married [from Old English wif= woman] e wilful murder
Wig Noun wigs a covering for the head, made of > wilfully advers wilfulmess NOUN
real or artificial hair will" auxiviary vers used to express the future
wiggle vers wiggles, wiggling, wiggled tense, questions, or promises e They will arrive
move from side to side soon. @ Will you shut the door? e I will get my

widen vers 1 There are plans to widen parts of the foolhardy opposites ARE sensible, practical 4A
motorway. » broaden, make wider, expand, wild urge rose up inside her to tell everything.
enlarge, extend, open out, spread, stretch pm reckless, rash, intense, extreme
AN OPPOSITE IS Narrow 2 Her smile widened. OPPOSITES ARE gentle, mild 5 My father liked
> broaden, become wider, spread these wild people. » primitive, savage,
AN OPPOSITE IS Narrow 3 They must widen the barbarous, uncivilized, uncultured
scope of the inquiry. » expand, extend, AN OPPOSITE IS Civilized 6 She said she was sorry
broaden, enlarge, increase for her wild behaviour. » unruly, rowdy, violent,
OPPOSITES ARE Narrow, restrict, limit disorderly, uncontrolled, unrestrained,
widespread apective 1 These incidents undisciplined, unconstrained, unbridled
provoked widespread protest. » general, OPPOSITES ARE Calm, restrained 7 The parties
extensive, universal, wholesale, far-reaching, involve loud music and wild dancing. > lively,
global aN opposite is uncommon 2 Death and flamboyant, boisterous, exuberant, animated
disease were widespread in these years. > rife, AN OPPOSITE IS restrained 8 Don’t plan to go out
prevalent, endemic, pervasive, common in really wild weather. » rough, stormy,
tempestuous, blustery, foul, inclement
width noun Two white lines should be drawn
across the width of the pitch. » breadth, span, AN OPPOSITE IS Calm 9 the beautiful wild scenery of
girth, diameter the Highlands » rugged, rough, desolate,
uncultivated, unpopulated, barren 10 His team
wife noun His new wife is a Parisian. » spouse, mates were wild with joy. » excited, ecstatic,
partner, (more formal) consort, (more informal) delirious, frantic, frenzied 11 Without knowing
woman, (more informal) mate, (more informal) the answer I decided to risk a wild guess.
better half > arbitrary, random, haphazard, hit-or-miss
wiggle vers He removed his shoes and wiggled his AN OPPOSITE IS considered 12 (informal) Being
toes. » wriggle, waggle, jiggle disturbed at this time made him wild. » furious,
wild apective 1 He began attacking me like a wild angry, enraged, irate, cross, livid, (more
animal. > fierce, feral, ferocious, untamed, informal) hopping mad AN opposite Is pleased
undomesticated AN opposite Is tame 2 There 13 wild about (informal) I’m not wild about the
are many wild flowers that can be legally picked. music. > keen on, enthusiastic about,
> natural, uncultivated, indigenous (informal) mad about, (informal) crazy about
AN OPPOSITE IS Cultivated 3 Even seemingly wild wilful spective 1 He was charged with wilful
ideas may be aired at this point. » crazy, damage and assault, » deliberate, intentional,
ridiculous, madcap, absurd, foolish, silly, premeditated, intended, planned, calculated,
outrageous, extravagant, impractical, rash, conscious, voluntary AN OPPOSITE IS accidental
will = wind
revenge. [from Old English] USAGE See the entry win vere wins, winning, won 1 defeat your
for shall. opponents ina battle, game, or contest 2 get
will? youn wills 1 the mental power to decide or achieve something by a victory or by using
and control what you do 2.a desire; a chosen effort or skill etc. @ She won the prize.
decision @ I wrote the letter against my will. win over gain someone’s favour or support
3 determination to do something e They set to e By the end he had won over the audience.
work with a will. 4 awritten statement of howa win noun “wins a victory
person’s possessions are to be disposed of after wince vers winces, wincing, winced make a
his or her death slight movement because of pain or
at willwhenever you like e You can come andgo embarrassment etc.
at will.
wind! (rhymes with tinned) noun winds 1a
will vere wills, willing, willed use your will current ofair 2 gas inthe stomach or intestines
power; influence something by doing this e I that makes you feel uncomfortable 3 breath
was willing you to win! [from Old English willa] used for apurpose, e.g. for running or speaking
willing agective ready and happy to do what is 4 the wind instruments of an orchestra
wanted get or have the wind up (informal) feel
> willingly apvers willingness Noun frightened
willow noun willows a tree or shrub with get wind of hear a rumour of something
flexible branches, usually growing near water wind vers winds, winding, winded puta
will power noun strength of mind to control person out of breath e The climb had winded us.
what you do wind? (rhymes with find) vers winds, winding,
willy-nilly sovers whether you want to or not wound 1 go or turn something in twists,
curves, or circles 2 make a clock or watch work
wilt vers wilts, wilting, wilted lose freshness by tightening its spring
or strength > winder noun
wily (wy- lee) anjective cunning or crafty wind up 1 make a clock or watch work by
> wiliness Noun tightening its spring 2 close a business

2 She checked her wilful and impulsive self. perk up 2 Their joy soon wilted. » fail, flag,
> headstrong, self-willed, strong-willed, wane, dwindle, evaporate, weaken, diminish,
obstinate, stubborn, perverse, determined, sink AN OPPOSITE IS grow
dogged, intransigent, obdurate wily appective He was constantly in danger ofbeing
AN OPPOSITE IS amenable outwitted by his wily opponents. > clever, crafty,
willyoun 1 Corruption exists when politicians shrewd, artful, astute, cunning, devious,
have lost the will to enforce the law. guileful, knowing, scheming, shifty, foxy, sly,
> determination, resolve, resolution, underhand AN OPPOSITE IS naive
intention, purpose, aim, desire, inclination, winvers 1 She had a good chance of winning.
volition, will-power, wish 21 don’t think it’s the > be victorious, be the winner, succeed,
will of the people. » desire, wish, choice, triumph, come first, finish first, prevail,
preference 3 She had died without making a will. conquer, overcome AN OPPOSITE ISlose 2 Next
> testament, last wishes year they would win first prize. » achieve,
will vers 1 He willed them not to panic. receive, acquire, (more informal) carry off,
> encourage, inspire, influence, wish 2 She (more informal) come away with, (more
willed her money equally to all her nephews and informal) pick up, (more informal) walk away
nieces. » bequeath, leave, pass on with 3 Charles II managed to win the support of
willing apective 1 Let us know ifyou are willing the Scots. gain, secure, obtain, earn, deserve,
to make cakes or prepare sandwiches.
> prepared, ready, disposed, agreeable, eager, win oun His win ended eleven years ofAmerican
inclined, content, pleased, (more informal) domination of the championship. » victory,
game OPPOSITES ARE unwilling, reluctant, triumph, success, conquest
disinclined 2 You'd be surprised what can be AN OPPOSITE IS defeat
achieved by willing hands eager to do good turns. wind noun (rhymes with pinned )She shivered in
> enthusiastic, helpful, obliging, cooperative, the chill wind. » breeze, air current, gust, blast,
amenable, compliant, consenting puff, breath, draught, gale, squall
OPPOSITES ARE unwilling, unhelpful wind vere (rhymes with mind) 1He wound the
wilt vers 1 The flowers had begun to wilt. cord tightly. » coil, loop, twist, twine, curl,
> droop, fade, shrivel, wither, become limp, curve, furl, turn, roll 2 The Saigon River begins to
flop, languish, sag OPPOSITES ARE thrive, revive, wind like a serpent.» twist, snake, bend, curve,

windfall — wiper
3 (informal) end up ina place or condition e He more extreme opinions than the others
wound up in jail. on the wing flying
windfall noun windfalls 1 a piece of take wing fly away
unexpected good luck, especially a sum of under your wing under your protection
money 2a fruit blown off a tree by the wind the wings the sides of a theatre stage out of
sight of the audience
wind instrument Noun wind instruments a
musical instrument played by blowing, e.g. a wing vers wings, winging, winged 1 fly;
trumpet travel by means of wings e The bird winged its
way home. 2 wound a bird in the wing or a
windmill noun windmills a mill worked by the person in the arm
wind turning its sails
window Noun windows 1 anopeningina wall winged anjctive having wings
or roof etc. to let in light and often air, usually wink vers winks, winking, winked 1 close _
filled with glass 2 the glass in this opening 3 (in and open your eye quickly, especially as a signal
computing) an area ona VDU screen used for a to someone 2 (said about a light) flicker or
particular purpose [from Old Norse vind = twinkle
wind, air + auga = eye] wink oun winks 1 the action of winking 2a
windpipe noun windpipes the tube by which very short period of sleep e I didn’t sleep a wink.
air passes from the throat to the lungs winkle vers winkles, winkling, winkled
windscreen noun windscreens the window winkle out extract or obtain something with
at the front of a motor vehicle difficulty e Imanaged to winkle out some
windsurfing noun surfing on a board that has information.
asail fixed to it winner Noun winners 1a personor animal
> windsurfer NOUN etc. that wins 2 something very successful
windy apective with much wind e It’s windy e Her latest book is a winner.
outside. winnings PiuRAL NOUN money won
wine noun wines 1 an alcoholic drink made winter noun winters the coldest season of the
from grapes or other plants 2a dark red colour year, between autumn and spring
> wintry ADJECTIVE
wing Noun wings 1 one of the pair of parts
used by a bird, bat, or insect for flying 2 one of wipe vere wipes, wiping, wiped dry or clean
the pair of long flat parts that stick out from the something by rubbing it
side of an aircraft and supportit while it flies 3 a > wipe NOUN
part of a large building that extends from the wipe out 1 cancel e wipe out the debt
main part 4 the part of amotor vehicle’s body 2 destroy something completely
above a wheel 5a player whose place is at one wiper Noun wipers a device for wiping
of the far ends of the forward line in football or something, especially on a vehicle’s
hockey etc. 6 a section of a political party, with windscreen

meander, ramble, twist and turn, zigzag winner noun The points system produces an
wind up (informal) We could wind up paying the overall winner. » victor, champion, conqueror,
whole lot. » end up, finish up, land up, find first, prizewinner AN opposite Is loser
yourself winning apective 1 For the fourth time her was
wind someone up (informal) I’m sure he’s just on the winning side. » victorious, successful,
doing it to wind me up. » tease, annoy, triumphant, champion, conquering, prevailing,
disconcert, trick leading, top-scoring AN opposite Is losing 2 The
windy apective 1 It was too cold and windy to sit show lacks a really winning song. » appealing,
and wait. » blowy, breezy, blustery, gusty, attractive, fetching, charming, engaging
squally, boisterous, draughty, stormy winnings Noun She used part of her winnings to
AN OPPOSITE IS calm buy a new house. » prize money, gains, money
wing noun 1 The maternity department is in the wintry apjective He opened a window, letting in
north wing of the hospital. » section, annexe, damp wintry air. » chilly, frosty, cold, bleak,
end, extension 2 the military wing of the freezing, icy, biting, snowy
organization » section, faction, branch, group
wipe vers She wiped the table with a damp cloth.
wink vere The red light winked. » flash, gleam, Nathan wiped the crumbs from his mouth. » rub,
flicker, sparkle, twinkle brush, clean, mop, sponge, swab, wash
wipe out Two hurricanes almost wiped out the
wink noun Then, in a wink, it all turned to dust. flourishing egg industry. » destroy, obliterate,
> instant, moment, second, flash annihilate, eradicate, exterminate, demolish

wire = withdrawal
wirewoun wires 1a strand or thin flexible rod wispwoun wisps 1 a few strands of hair or bits
of metal 2 a piece of wire used to carry electric of straw etc. 2 asmall streak of smoke or cloud
current 3a fence etc. made from wire 4a etc.
telegram > Wispy ADJECTIVE
wire vers wires, wiring, wired 1 fasten or wistful Agective sadly longing for something
strengthen something with wire 2 fit or > wistfully overs wistfulness oun
connect something with wires to carry electric wityoun wits 1 intelligence or cleverness @ Use
your wits. 2.a clever kind of humour 3a witty
wireless youn wirelesses (old use) a radio person
wiringwnoun the system of wires carrying at your wits’ end not knowing what to do
electricity in a building or in a device keep your wits about youstay alert
Wiryapective 1 like wire 2 lean and strong witch youn witches a person, especially a
wisdomyoun 1 being wise 2 wise sayings or woman, who uses magic to do things
writings witchcraftoun the use of magic, especially
wisdom toothnoun wisdom teeth a molar for evil purposes
tooth that may grow at the back of the jaw ofa witch-huntyoun witch-hunts a campaign to
person aged about 20 or more find and punish people who hold views that are
wise apjective knowing or understanding many considered to be unacceptable or dangerous
things, and making good judgements with prerosiion used to indicate being in the
> wisely pvers company or care etc. of (Come with me), having
wish vers wishes, wishing, wished 1 feel or (a man with a beard), using (Hit it with a
say that you would like to have ordosomething hammer), because of (shaking with laughter),
or would like something to happen 2 say that feeling or showing (We heard it with pleasure),
you hope someone will get something e Wish towards or concerning (Iwas angry with him), in
me luck! opposition to; against (Don’t argue with your
wishoun wishes 1 something you wish for; a father), being separated from (We had to part
desire 2 the action of wishing e Make a wish with it)
when you blow out the candles. withdraw vers withdraws, withdrawing,
wishbonenjoun wishbones a forked bone withdrew, withdrawn 1 take back or away;
between the neck and breast of a chicken or remove e She withdrew money from the bank.
other bird 2 go away from a place or people e The troops
wishful thinking oun believing something withdrew from the frontier.
because you want it to be true rather than withdrawal oun withdrawals 1 taking
because it is likely something out, especially money from a bank

wisdomyoun He would persuade them of the wish vers Ifguests wish to eat out, there are several
wisdom of adopting this course. » sense, pubs in the village. » want, hope
prudence, common sense, good sense, wish for! wish for a really good night's sleep.
intelligence, judgement, astuteness, sagacity, > desire, want, long for, yearn for, crave,
discernment, insight, reason fancy, hanker after
Witwoun 1 The speech was improved by moments
Wiseanective 1 Wise parents are able to give of great wit. » humour, wittiness, banter,
support and advice. » sensible, prudent, repartee, drollery, badinage, facetiousness,
shrewd, perceptive, intelligent, sagacious, ingenuity, comedy, jokes 2 Jack was regarded
sage, clever, astute, informed, judicious, as the club wit. » joker, comedian, wag, comic,
discerning, enlightened OPPOSITES ARE unwise, humorist, jester 3 She was a woman of great wit
foolish 2 The action they took seemed wise and and wisdom. > intelligence, shrewdness,
reasonable. » sensible, prudent, advisable, wisdom, cleverness, sense, understanding
appropriate, proper, fair, just, right, sound
OPPOSITES ARE unwise, foolish, ill-advised witchwyoun. 1 She must look for the witch’s hat.
> sorceress, enchantress 2 What are you
wishwoun 1 It was her parents’ dearest wish that talking about, you stupid witch? » hag, crone,
she should be happy. » desire, ambition, harpy
objective, want, longing, inclination, aim, withdraw vers 1 She withdrew the photo
aspiration, craving, fancy, hankering, hope, abruptly and returned it to the folder.» take
yearning 2 He had no wish to appear impolite. back, remove, snatch 2 All the objections were
> desire, inclination 3 We will respect your eventually withdrawn. » retract, rescind,
wishes. » request, bidding, direction, will, revoke, take back, cancel, remove, disclaim,
order ' renounce, take away AN OPPOSITE ISintroduce
withdrawn = womb
2 the process of stopping taking addictive witticism noun witticisms a witty remark
drugs e withdrawal symptoms witty nective wittier ,wittiest clever and
withdrawn apyective very shy or reserved amusing; full of wit
wither vers withers, withering, withered > wittily Advers wittiness NOUN
1 shrivel or wilt 2 make something shrivel or wizard noun wizards 1a male witch; a
wilt magician 2a person with amazing abilities
USAGE Do not confuse with whither. > wizardry NOUN
withering spective scornful or sarcastic @ a wobble vers wobbles, wobbling, wobbled
withering remark move unsteadily from side to side; shake
withhold vers withholds, withholding, slightly
withheld refuse to give or allow information > wobble noun wobbly Adjective
or permission Woe NOUN woes 1 sorrow 2 misfortune
within preposition, Aovers inside; not beyond > woeful ADJECTIVE woefully ADvERB
something woebegone spective looking unhappy
without preposition 1 not having e without food wok noun woks a Chinese cooking pan shaped
2 free from e without fear 3 (old use) outside like a large bowl [from Chinese]
@ without the city wall
wolf youn wolves a fierce wild animal of the
without apvers (old use) outside e We looked at dog family, often hunting in packs
the house from within and without.
withstand vers withstands, withstanding, wolf vers wolfs, wolfing, wolfed eat
something greedily
withstood endure something successfully;
resist woman Noun women a grown-up female
witness Noun witnesses 1a person who sees human being
or hears something happen e There were no > womanhood NouN
witnesses to the accident. 2 a person who gives [from Old English]
evidence in a lawcourt womanly apjective having qualities that are
witness vers witnesses, witnessing, thought to be typical of women
witnessed 1beawitness of something e Did womb (woom) noun wombs the hollow organ
anyone witness the accident? 2 sign a document ina female’s body where babies develop before
to confirm that it is genuine they are born

3 The rebels were forced to withdraw into the hills. present at, be a witness to, notice, view, watch,
> retreat, retire, draw back, move back, fall attend, behold, look on
back AN opposite Is advance 4 One of the
witty apjective Dolly is witty and entertaining.
representatives decided to withdraw from future
> humorous, amusing, funny, quick-witted,
discussions. » pull out, back out, drop out,
sharp-witted, waggish, droll, comic, facetious,
secede, (more informal) cry off
sparkling AN OPPOSITE IS dull
wither vers The flowers had withered in the wizard noun 1 We were still under the wizard’s
spell.» magician, sorcerer, enchanter, warlock
strong sun. » wilt, droop, become limp, ,
2 He’s an absolute wizard with engines.
dehydrate, dry up, sag, shrivel, waste away,
> expert, genius, adept, master, (more
flag, flop AN opposite Is thrive informal) star
withhold vers He had deliberately withheld the wobble vers 1 She reached out and caught it
fact that he couldn’t sail. » suppress, repress,
without so much as wobbling. » shake, sway,
conceal, hide, hold back, keep back, keep
secret, retain
teeter, totter, be unsteady, oscillate, quake
2 Once more the glass wobbled. » tremble,
withstand vere The boat must be strong enough shake, quiver, vibrate, rock
to withstand the roughest weather. » resist,
endure, hold out against, last out against, bear wobbly aojctive 1 The table had a wobbly leg.
> unsteady, loose, rickety, rocky, unstable,
up against, stand up to, survive, tolerate,
shaky, insecure, unbalanced, unsafe
brave, cope with AN opposite Is succumb to
AN OPPOSITE IS steady 2 He felt wobbly and had to
witness noun The only witness was the office sit down. » giddy, dizzy, faint, grogay,
cleaner. » observer, bystander, onlooker, unsteady .
spectator, eyewitness, looker-on, watcher
woman Noun The car pulled up and a woman got
witness vers He said he has witnessed several out. » female, lady, girlRELATED ADJECTIVES
instances ofpolice brutality. » see, observe, be female, feminine
women’s lib = word
womens libor women's liberationnoun woodwind oun wind instruments that are
the freedom of women to have the same rights, usually made of wood, e.g. the clarinet and
opportunities, and status as men oboe
wonderyoun wonders 1 a feeling of surprise woodworkwow 1 making things out of wood
and admiration or curiosity 2 something that 2 things made out of wood
causes this feeling; a marvel woodwormyouy woodworms the larva of a
no wonderit is not surprising kind of beetle that bores into wood; the
wondervers wonders, wondering, damage done by this
wondered 1 feel that you wanttoknow; try to woodyapective 1 like wood; consisting of wood
decide e We are still wondering what to do next. 2 full of trees
2 feel wonder
woolyoun wools 1 the thick soft hair of sheep
wonderful apective marvellous or excellent and goats etc. 2 thread or cloth made from this
> wonderfully spvers
wont (mainly spoken) will not
woollemapective made of wool
woolly ,pective 1 covered with wool or wool-
WOOvers woos, wooing, wooed (old use)
like hair 2 like wool; woollen 3 not thinking
1 court awoman 2 seek someone's favour or
clearly; vague or confused @ woolly ideas
> woollinessjoun
> wooer Noun
wood woun woods 1 the substance of which wordyoun words 1 set of sounds or letters
that has a meaning, and when written or
trees are made 2 many trees growing close
together printed has no spaces between the letters 2a
brief conversation e Can Ihave a word with you?
wooded pyective covered with growing trees 3.a promise e He kept his word. 4a command
woodenapective 1 made of wood 2stiff and or spoken signal e Run when I give the word. 5a
showing no expression or liveliness message; information e We sent word of our
> woodenly,pvers safe arrival.
woodlousenoun woodlice a small crawling have words quarrel
creature with seven pairs of legs, living in rotten word for wordin exactly the same words
wood or damp soil etc. wordyzrs words, wording, worded express
woodpeckeryoun woodpeckers a bird that something in words @ Word the question
taps tree trunks with its beak to find insects carefully.

wonderyoun 1 We were speechless with wonder. woodenapective 1 wooden furniture > timber,
> awe, admiration, amazement, wonderment, wood 2 The acting and production were wooden.
astonishment, fascination, respect, reverence, > stiff, unnatural, stilted, lifeless, leaden,
surprise 2. wonder of nature > marvel, deadpan, emotionless, unemotional,
miracle, sensation, spectacle, prodigy 3 It’s a expressionless, awkward, clumsy, graceless
wonder there were no casualties. » marvel, AN OPPOSITE ISlively
miracle, extraordinary thing woollyapective 1a woolly hat» woollen, wool,
wondervere I was beginning to wonder ifthey fleecy 2. sheep’s woolly coat » fleecy, furry,
would ever come. » ponder, speculate, ask downy, fuzzy, hairy, shaggy, soft 3 woolly
yourself, be curious about, reflect on thinking » vague, ill-defined, unfocused,
wonder at We wondered at such bravery. unclear, imprecise, confused, muddled, blurry,
> marvel at, admire, be amazed by, feel hazy, foggy
wonder at, stand in awe of wordwoun 1 She wanted to find another word for
wonderfull spective We had a wonderful time. ‘chuckle’. » expression, term, locution RELATED
> excellent, marvellous, fantastic, splendid, ADJECTIVESverbal, lexical 2 Have you had any
lovely, delightful, smashing, (more informal) word from the hospital? » news, information,
terrific OPPOSITES AREawful, dreadful communication, report, comment, advice 3 I'll
have a word with them in private. » talk,
woodyoun 1 There is a nature trail through the conversation, chat, discussion, consultation,
wood, » forest, woodland, woods, trees, exchange of views, téte-a-téte USAGE Note that
coppice, copse, thicket, grove, spinney RELATED téte- d-téte is normally used about a personal
ADJECTIVEsylvan 2a little cabin made from wood conversation between two people. 41 gave her
> timber, planks, planking, lumber RELATED my word. » promise, guarantee, pledge,
ADJECTIVEligneous assurance, word of honour, oath
wooded)ypective a wooded valley > tree- word ere The book has advice on how to word
covered, forested afforested, woody, your CV. » phrase, express, construct,
timbered, (poetic) sylvan j formulate, frame, couch, write, say, put
word class = workforce
word class noun word classes any of the out of work having no work; unable to find
groups (also calledparts of speech )into which paid employment
words are divided in grammar (noun, pronoun,
adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, work vers works ,working, worked 1do
conjunction, and interjection) work 2 have a job; be employed e She works in
wording noun the way something is worded abank 3 act or operate correctly or successfully
word of honour noun asolemn promise e Is the lift working? 4 make something act;
word-perfect apecrive having memorized operate e Can you work the lift? 5 shape or
every word perfectly e He was word- perfect at press etc. e Work the mixture into a paste.
the rehearsal. 6 gradually move into a particular position or
word processor Noun word processors, a state e The screw had worked loose.
type of computer or program used for editing work out 1 find an answer by thinking or
and printing letters and documents calculating 2 have a particular result
wordy ADJECTIVE using too many words; not work up make people become excited; arouse
wore past tense of wear workable spective that can be used or will work
work noun works 1 something you have to do worker noun workers 1a person who works
that needs effort or energy @ Digging is hard
work. 2.a job; employment 3 something 2.amember ofthe working class 3 a bee or ant
produced by work e The teacher marked our etc. that does the work ina hive or colony but
work. 4 (in science) the result of applying a does not produce eggs
force to move an object 5a piece of writing,
painting, music, etc. e the works of William workforce noun workforces the number of
Shakespeare people who work in a particular factory,
at work working industry, country, etc.

wording noun The wording of the contract was be successful, work out, take effect, (more
unclear. » phrasing, phraseology, language, informal) pay off, (more informal) do the trick
choice of words, mode of expression, AN OPPOSITE IS fail 6 farmers who work the land
terminology, style, diction > cultivate, till, dig, farm 7 You can work
{ i\, wordy apjective a wordy essay; a wordy speaker
miracles with the right ingredients. » achieve,
> long-winded, verbose, diffuse, rambling, accomplish, produce, perform, bring about,
repetitious, protracted, prolix, garrulous, cause, (more informal) pull off 8 Work the
loquacious, talkative opposites ARE brief , mixture into a thick dough. » knead, form,
succinct USAGE You would normally use the last mould, mix, blend, stir, shape
three synonyms about.a person. work out 1 The idea should work out.
> succeed, be successful, work, (more
work noun 1 The plastering will be several days’ informal) pay off, (more informal) do the trick
work. » labour, effort, exertion, toil, industry, AN opposite Is fail 2 Things didn’t quite work out
(more informal) slog 2 Stella's looking for work as expected. » turn out, occur, happen, evolve,
abroad. » employment, a job, an occupation, a develop, end up, come out
career, business 3 He had finished all his work by work out at The cost worked out at over a
lunchtime. » tasks, jobs, assignments, million dollars. » amount to, add up to, come
projects, commissions 4 He has written a new to, total, reach
work for mixed choir. » composition, piece, work something out 1 Let’s work out a plan.
opus, oeuvre, production 5 It is a fine literary > devise, draw up, formulate, prepare, put
work. > creation, achievement, together 21 can’t work out the answer.
accomplishment > calculate, determine, reckon up, resolve,
work vers 1 Some staff were still working at nine solve 3 We’re trying to work out what all this
in the evening. » labour, toil, exert yourself, be means. » understand, comprehend, make
at your desk, slave, (more informal) keep at it sense of, puzzle out, figure out, clear up
AN OPPOSITE IS rest 2 Margaret works in a bank. work up It’s hard to work up any enthusiasm.
p> havea job, be employed, earn a living 3 The > raise, rouse, generate, stimulate, stir up
dishwasher was working again, thank goodness.
> function, operate, perform, run, in working worker noun 1A strike by clerical workers
order, (more informal) behave brought the system to a standstill. » employee,
AN OPPOSITE IS break down 4 He showed me how member of staff, operative, working person
to work the coffee machine. » operate, use, 2 She was a tireless worker for the party.
manipulate 5 The plan had worked. » succeed, > labourer, campaigner, supporter
working class — worry
working class Noun working classes people and documents which can be accessed using
who work for wages, especially in manual or the Internet
industrial work WOFMNoUN worms 1a small animal witha
workmannoun workmen amanemployedto long thin soft body 2 (informal) an unpleasant
do manual labour person
workmanship noun a person’s skill in > WOFmy ADJECTIVE
working; the result of this WOFrmM vers Worms, worming, wormed move
work of art youn works of arta fine picture, along by wriggling or crawling
building, etc. worm out gradually get someone to tell you
workout oun workouts a session of physical something by constantly and cleverly
exercise or training questioning them e We eventually managed to
works piural noun 1the moving parts of a
worm the truth out of them.
machine 2 factory or industrial site WOFMN past participle of wear
workshop noun workshops a place where worn-out apjective 1 exhausted 2 damaged by
things are made or mended too much use
world youn worlds 1 the earth with all its worried spective feeling or showing worry
countries and peoples 2 all the people on the
earth; everyone e He felt that the world was WOFTY vers worries, worrying, worried 1 be
against him. 3 a planet e creatures from another troublesome to someone; make a person feel
world 4 everything to do with a certain subject slightly afraid 2 feel anxious 3 hold something
or activity @ the world of sport 5 a very great inthe teeth and shake it @ The dog was worrying
amount e It will do him a world ofgood. a rat.
worldwide spective & apvere over the whole > worrier Noun
world Worry noun worries 1 the condition of
World Wide Web noun an international worrying; being uneasy 2 something that
information system that connects related sites makes a person worry

working apective 1 extra support for working WOPFMN ApDjEcTivE His coat was old and worn.
mothers » employed, in work, salaried, waged > shabby, threadbare, tattered, frayed, worn
AN OPPOSITE IS unemployed 2 a working model of out, moth-eaten, ragged, scruffy, (more
a steam engine » functioning, operational, informal) tatty AN OPPOSITE IS smart
operating, running, usable, going, in use, in worn outBy the time they got home they were all
working order AN OPPOSITE IS non-functioning worn out. » exhausted, tired out, weary,
workmanship noun The quality of fatigued, shattered, (more informal) dead tired,
workmanship is of a high standard. (more informal) played out, (more informal)
> craftsmanship, artistry, handiwork, washed out
technique, expertise, skill worried apective 1 She had a worried look on her
works youn 1 Visitors can explore the glass works face. You seem worried about something.
and blacksmith’s shop. » factory, workshop, > anxious, troubled, disturbed, uneasy,
foundry, plant 2 The works of the clock needed distraught, apprehensive, bothered, tense,
cleaning. » mechanism, movement, action, strained, nervous 21 was worried that our
parts, machinery, insides money would run out. > afraid, fearful,
concerned, frightened, scared
world noun 1 The university has links with
academic institutions around the world. » earth, WOFTY vers 1 Try not to worry Dad while he’s
globe, planet 2 Representatives came from the working. » bother, pester, disturb, annoy 2A
world of high finance » sphere, domain, field, dog had been worrying the sheep. » attack,
area, realm, circle, milieu 3 The world knows torment, savage 31 was trying not to. worry.
that these people need help. » everyone, > be anxious, be troubled, be disturbed, fret,
everybody, people, humankind, humanity panic AN OPPOSITE IS be unconcerned
4 Something was worrying her. » trouble,
worldly spective 1 He had no ambitions for bother, disturb, distress, upset, concern
worldly power. » earthly, terrestrial, temporal,
physical, material, materialistic, mundane, WOITYy Noun 11 was too affected by worry to
avaricious, greedy, selfish concentrate on the work. » anxiety, agitation,
AN OPPOSITE IS spiritual 2 She was worldly enough apprehension, unease, distress, fear,
to understand what was going on. misgiving, tension 2 Each day seems to bring
> sophisticated, experienced, worldly-wise, another worry. » problem, difficulty, trouble,
knowing AN OPPOSITE ISnaive =, concern, care, burden, misgiving

worse = wound
WOFSE ADJECTIVE, ADVERB More bad or more badly; worthy spective having great merit; deserving
less good or less well respect or support @ a worthy cause
worse off less fortunate or well off > worthiness NouN
worship vers worships, worshipping, worthy of deserving e This charity is worthy of
worshipped 1 give praise or respect to God or your support.
agod 2 love or respect a person or thing would auxiary vers 1 used as the past tense of
greatly will ' (We said we would do it.), in questions
> worshipper NOUN (Would you like to come?), and in polite requests
(Would you come in, please?) 2 used instead of
worship noun worships 1 worshipping; should with! andwe and the verbslike, prefer
religious ceremonies 2a title of respect for a be glad, etc. (e.g. I would like to come. We would
mayor or certain magistrates e His Worship the be glad to help.) 3 used of something to be
expected (That's just what he would do!)
worst Apjective, ADverB most bad or most badly; USAGE For sense 2, see the note on should 4.
least good or least well would-be spective wanting or pretending to be
worth spective 1 having a certain value e This e a would-be comedian
stamp is worth £100. 2 deserving something; wouldnt (mainly spoken) would not
good or important enough for something wound '(woond) noun wounds 1 an injury
e@ That book is worth reading. done by a cut, stab, or hit 2 an injury toa
worth noun 1 value or usefulness 2 the person’s feelings
amount that a certain sum will buy e a pound’s wound vers wounds, wounding, wounded
worth of stamps 1 cause awound to a person or animal 2 hurta
worthwhile pectve important or good person’s feelings e She was wounded by these
enough to deserve the time or effort needed remarks.
© a worthwhile job wound 2 (wownd) past tense of wind ?

worrying Apjective There was a worrying smell of > good-for-nothing, useless, contemptible,
gas. >» alarming, disturbing, worrisome, despicable, miserable, wretched, vile, (more
disquieting, distressing, perturbing, informal) no-good AN OPPOSITE IS worthy
troublesome AN OPPOSITE IS reassuring worthwhile apective 1 I’ve never done anything
worsen vers 1 Development of the site would worthwhile like writing a book. » useful,
worsen traffic problems. » aggravate, valuable, worthy, meaningful, significant,
exacerbate, make worse, intensify, magnify, positive, productive, important, invaluable
increase AN OPPOSITE |S improve 2 The economic OPPOSITES ARE worthless, useless 2 It might be
situation was beginning to worsen. » get or worthwhile to join a local archaeology society.
become worse, deteriorate, decline, > advantageous, beneficial, helpful, useful,
degenerate, weaken, slide profitable, rewarding OPPOSITES ARE pointless,
OPPOSITES ARE improve, recover useless
worship noun Christianity forbade the worship of
these deities. » adoration, veneration, worthy apective 1 Our support extends to worthy
reverence (for), adulation, exaltation, devotion causes around the country. » worthwhile,
(to), idolatry ; praiseworthy, deserving, creditable,
honourable, reputable, commendable,
worship vers 1 They worshipped the sun as the respectable, admirable
giver of life. » revere, reverence, venerate,
OPPOSITES ARE unworthy, disreputable 2a
glorify, exalt, laud, pray to 2a materialistic
worthy member of society » virtuous,
society that worships consumer goods » idolize,
honourable, honest, upright, moral, decent
revere, adore, dote on, be devoted to, look up
OPPOSITES ARE unworthy, disreputable
to, love AN OPPOSITE IS despise
3 worthy of The site yielded pottery worthy of
worth noun 1 She knows her own worth. study and publication. » deserving, meriting,
> value, merit, excellence, worthiness, quality, warranting, good enough for
calibre, talents, strengths 2 He was forced to sell
the car for a fraction of its true worth. » value, wound noun 1 There was a deep wound in the
cost, selling price animal's forehead. > injury, scar, gash, cut,
worthless apjecrive 1 The certificate turned out abrasion, disfigurement, hurt 2 She survived
to be worthless. > valueless, of no value these wounds inflicted by fate. » blow, insult,
AN OPPOSITE IS valuable 2 Their advice proved trauma, slight, affront, hurt
worthless. » useless, futile, ineffective, wound vers He was trying to rescue a colleague
ineffectual, pointless OPPOSITES ARE useful, who had been wounded. » injure, hurt, harm,
worthwhile She regarded him as a worthless slob. maim, disable, damage, disfigure
wrap => wrinkle
Wrap vers wraps, wrapping, wrapped put home was a great wrench. adjustable tool
Paper or cloth etc. round something as a rather like a spanner, used for gripping and
covering turning bolts, nuts, etc.
wrap up put on warm clothes wrestle vers wrestles, wrestling, wrestled
Wrapper noun wrappers a piece of paper etc. 1 take part in a fight in which opponents grapple
wrapped round something with each other and try to throw each other to the
Wrapping oun wrapping paper or other ground 2Struggle with a problem etc.
material for wrapping things in > wrestle noun wrestler youn
wreath (reeth) noun wreaths 1 flowers or wretch noun wretches 1a person who is very
leaves etc. fastened into a circle e wreaths of unhappy or who you pity 2.a person who is
holly 2 a curving line of mist or smoke disliked
wreathe (reeth) vers wreathes, wreathing, wretched apectve 1 miserable or unhappy
wreathed 1 surround or decorate something 2 of bad quality 3 not satisfactory; causing a
with a wreath 2 cover e Their faces were nuisance e This wretched car won't start.
wreathed in smiles. 3 move in a curve e Smoke > wretchedly overs wretchedness Noun
wreathed upwards. wriggle vers wriggles, wriggling, wriggled
wreck vers wrecks, wrecking, wrecked move with short twisting movements
damage or ruin something so badly that it > wrigglenoun wriggly Apjective
cannot be used again wriggle out ofavoid work or blame etc.
wrecknoun wrecks 1awrecked ship or
building or car etc. 2a person who is in a very wring vers wrings, wringing, wrung 1 twist
bad state e a nervous wreck 3 the wrecking of and squeeze a wet thing to get water etc. out of
something it 2 squeeze something firmly or forcibly 3 get
something by a great effort e We wrung a
wreckage noun the pieces of a wreck promise out of him.
WFreN oun wrens a very small brown bird > wring NOUN
wrench vers wrenches, wrenching, wringing wet so wet that water can be
wrenched twist or pull something violently squeezed out of it
wrench oun wrenches 1a wrenching wrinkle youn wrinkles 1a small furrow or
movement 2 pain caused by parting e Leaving ridge in the skin 2. a small crease in something

wrapvers 1She wrapped a rug round her legs. 2 It was a wrench leaving the children behind with
> fold, swathe, wind, pack, place 2 Harry Polly. » trauma, painful experience
wrapped himselfin a towel. » cover, swathe, wrench vers Charlotte heard her wrench the door
envelop, sheathe, enfold 311l wrap the open. > pull, jerk, tug, force, prise, lever, wrest,
sandwiches in foil. » cover, pack, fold, enclose (informal) yank
Wrapper noun The chocolate bar had ‘extra wretch oun 1 He was a lonely, miserable wretch.
value’ printed on its wrapper. » wrapping, > poor creature, down and out, beggar,
cover, packaging pauper 2 He had been mugged by some wretches
wreckwoun 1 The wreck of an ancient gallery was in the park. » ruffian, scoundrel, rogue, villain,
discovered off Sicily. » wreckage, shipwreck, rascal, delinquent
remains, hulk, skeleton 2 It was the wreck ofall wretched apective 1 She had seldom felt so tired
their hopes. » ruin, destruction, undoing, or so wretched. » miserable, unhappy, sad,
demolition, devastation, overthrow, despondent, melancholy, cast down, unwell,
termination poorly 2 The weather was wretched all week. The
wreck vers 1 The ship had been wrecked in a family had to endure wretched living conditions.
storm. » shipwreck, sink, destroy, break up > atrocious, appalling, dreadful, dismal, bleak
2 He had wrecked his car when it skidded off the wriggle vers 1 He wriggled further back on the
road. » crash, smash, demolish, shatter, bed till he was leaning up against the wall.
crumple, crush, (more informal) write off 3A > twist, writhe, squirm, waggle, wiggle, worm
freak virus wrecked their holiday plans. » ruin, wriggle out of He tried to wriggle out of work,
spoil, disrupt, undo, dash, put an end to as usual, » avoid, shirk, dodge, evade, escape
wreckagenoun 1 One person had to be cut from from
the wreckage by firemen. » wreck, debris, wring vers 1 He went to the sink to wring out the
rubble, remains, ruin 2 Wreckage from the socks.» squeeze, twist, compress, crush, press
aircraft was scattered for miles. » debris, 2 They managed to wring more money out of the
fragments, remains, detritus, pieces, relics government. » extract, coerce, force, wrest,
wrenchwnoun 1 With a wrench he tore himself exact, extort 3 The look on his face wrung her
free.» jerk, jolt, pull, tug, twist, (informal) yank heart. » stab, tear, pierce, rend, distress, pain, hurt
wrinkle = wry
wrinkle vers wrinkles, wrinkling, wrinkled writing noun writings something you write;
make wrinkles in something; form wrinkles the way you write
wrist noun wrists the joint that connects the wrong spective 1 incorrect; not true e the
hand and arm wrong answer 2 not fair or morally right @ It is
wristwatch noun wristwatches a watch for wrong to cheat. 3 not working properly
wearing on the wrist © There’s something wrong with the engine.
> wrongly ADverB wWrongness NOUN
write vers writes, writing, wrote, written
1 put letters or words etc. on paper or another wrong spvers wrongly e You guessed wrong
surface 2 be the author or composer of wrong Noun wrongs something morally
something 3 senda letter to somebody 4 (in wrong; an injustice
computing) enter data into a computer in the wrong having done or said something
memory wrong
> writer NouN Wrong vers wrongs, wronging, wronged do
write off think something is lost or useless wrong to someone; treat a person unfairly
write up write an account of something Wry Apective wryer,wryest 1 slightly mocking
writhe vers writhes, writhing, writhed or sarcastic e a wry smile 2 twisted or bent out
1 twist your body because of pain 2 wriggle of shape COMPARE awry
3 suffer because of great shame > wryly ADVERB wryness NOUN

wrinkle noun Despite being carefully ironed the in his writings. » literary texts, literature, texts,
shirt was full of wrinkles. The wrinkles on her neck works
moved when she swallowed. » crease, fold, Wrong ApDective 1 It was wrong to take the books
pucker, crinkle, ridge, furrow, dimple, gather, without asking. » bad, dishonest,
line, pleat blameworthy, reprehensible, sinful, wicked
wrinkle vere You have to wrinkle your nose to AN OPPOSITE IS right 2 The law lays down limits
break the spell. » crease, crinkle, pucker up, and it is wrong to exceed them. » unlawful,
crumple, fold, furrow, ridge, ruck up, rumple illegal, criminal, delinquent
AN OPPOSITE IS smooth OPPOSITES ARE lawful, legal 3 She knew she had
wrinkled spective His hands were white and very given a wrong answer. The visitor pressed the
wrinkled. » creased, wrinkly, crinkly, wrong buzzer. » incorrect, erroneous,
crumpled, furrowed, shrivelled, lined, pleated, inaccurate, mistaken OPPOSITES ARE correct,
ridged, rumpled, wavy, wizened right 41 must have said something wrong.
write vers 1 He wrote the details in a notebook. > inappropriate, unsuitable, inapt, ill-advised,
> write down, jot down, take down, put down, ill-judged, unfitting AN OPPOSITE |S appropriate
record, transcribe, make a note of, note down, 5. There’s something wrong with the equipment.
scribble, register 2 After a while she stopped > faulty, defective, amiss, broken down, out of
writing to him. » communicate (with), send order, unusable AN opposite Is right
letters, keep in touch 3 The music was written wrong noun 1He had done many wrongs that
one summer at the lakeside retreat. » compose, needed putting right. » misdeed, bad deed,
create, set down, compile, pen, draft offence, crime, injury, injustice
write off He wrote offfor a free voucher. AN OPPOSITE IS good deed 2 We know the
> apply, send off, send away difference between right and wrong.
write something off 1 The Inland Revenu > immorality, badness, sinfulness,
wrote off millions of pounds in unpaid taxes. wickedness, evil OPPOSITES ARE goodness, virtue
> disregard, cancel, delete, annul 2 (informal) Wrong vere She was determined to forget the man
He wrote off his car on a Belgian motorway. who had wronged her. » mistreat, abuse, be
> crash, smash, wreck unfair to, maltreat, ill-treat, treat unfairly,
writer noun one of the great writers of the 20th cheat, do an injustice to, harm, hurt,
century » author, novelist, dramatist, essayist, misrepresent, traduce
wordsmith wrongful anjctive She is claiming damages for
writhe vers I tossed and writhed on the hard bed. wrongful dismissal. > unjust, unfair, unlawful,
> wriggle, squirm, thrash about, toss, flail, unjustified, unwarranted, undeserved,
struggle, twist, contort unreasonable, uncalled-for
writing noun 1 Her writing is neater than mine. OPPOSITES ARE rightful, fair
> handwriting, penmanship, calligraphy, wry Apjective 1 Robbie sipped his drink and pulled
script, letters, longhand, scribble, scrawl 2 She awry face. » twisted, distorted, contorted,
took up writing in old age. » composition, crooked, uneven, bent 2 Lawrence allowed
literature, letters himselfawry smile. » mocking, sardonic,
writings His political views are clearly reflected derisive, dry, ironic, droll
Xmas = xylophone
radiation (called X-rays) that can penetrate
solid things
X-ray vers X-rays, X-raying, X-rayed make an
X-ray of something
Xmas oun (informal) Christmas xylophone (zy-lo-fohn) noun xylophones a
X-ray oun X-rays a photograph or musical instrument made of wooden bars that
examination of the inside of something, you hit with small hammers [from Greek xylon =
especially a part of the body, made by a kind of wood + phone = sound]

xenophobianoun Feelings of xenophobia canso xenophobicapective the triumphs ofxenophobic
easily be whipped up. » nationalism, jingoism, right-wing parties » nationalistic, jingoistic,
racism racist
yacht = yield

of roughly the same age
yearn vers yearns, yearning, yearned long for
yeast noun a substance that causes alcohol and
yacht (yot) noun yachts 1a sailing boat used carbon dioxide to form as it develops, used in
for racing or cruising 2. private ship making beer and wine and in baking bread etc.
> yachting Noun yachtsman Noun
yachtswoman NOUN yell vere yells, yelling, yelled give a loud cry;
[from Dutch jaghtschip = fast pirate ship] shout
> yell noun
yak oun yaks an ox with long hair, found in
central Asia [from Tibetan] yellow noun yellows the colour of buttercups
and ripe lemons
yank vers yanks, yanking, yanked (informal)
pull something strongly and suddenly yellow apective 1 of yellow colour 2 (informal)
> yank Noun cowardly
> yellowness NOUN
Yankee noun Yankees (informal) an American,
especially of the northern USA yellow pages piural noun a special telephone
directory giving addresses and telephone
yap vers yaps, yapping, yapped bark shrilly numbers of businesses, arranged according to
> yap NOUN what services they provide
yard oun yards 1a measure of length, 36 yelp vere yelps, yelping, yelped give a shrill
inches or about 91 centimetres 2a long pole bark or cry
stretched out from a mast to support a sail > yelp NOUN
[from Old English gerd]
yen" noun yen a unit of money in Japan [from
yard 2 noun yards an enclosed area beside a Japanese en = round]
building or used for a certain kind of work e a
timber yard [from Old English geard] yen? noun yens a longing for something [from
yarn noun yarns 1 thread spun by twisting
yes Apvers used to agree to or accept something
fibres together, used in knitting etc.
2 (informal) a tale or story or as an answer meaning ‘lam here’
yawn vers yawns, yawning, yawned 1 open yesterday noun, Apvers the day before today
the mouth wide and breathe in deeply when yet apvers 1 up to this time; by this time e The
feeling sleepy or bored 2 form a wide opening post hasn't come yet. 2 eventually e Ill get even
e A pit yawned in front of us. with him yet! 3 in addition; even e She became
> yawn NOUN yet more excited.
ye PRONOUN (old use) you (referring to two or more yet conjunction nevertheless e It is strange, yet it
people) is true.
year Noun years 1 the time the earth takes to YEW NouN yews an evergreen tree with dark
go right round the sun, about 365 days 2the green needle-like leaves and red berries
time from 1 January to 31 December; any yield vers yields yielding, yielded 1 giveinor
period of twelve months 3 a group of students surrender 2 agree to do what is asked or

yank vere (informal) He yanked the door open and yearn vers They yearned to be home. » long,
stumbled inside. > pull, force, jerk, tug, wrench, crave, pine, desire, hanker, wish
prise, wrest yearning Noun She had always had a yearning to
yap vers A dog yapped frantically somewhere play the piano. » longing, desire, craving,
inside. » yelp, bark, woof hankering, wish, (more informal) yen
yard noun A pony stood in the middle of the yard. yell vers He yelled at them to stop. » shout, cry
> court, courtyard, enclosure, quadrangle, out, call, shriek, scream, bawl, exclaim
(more informal) quad yell noun She gave a yell of pain. » cry, shriek,
yardstick noun They regard the family as the scream, screech
yardstick to measure values by. » standard, yelp vers He yelped with delight. » squeal,
criterion, benchmark, gauge, guideline, squawk, shriek, scream, howl, yell
measure yelp noun The dog let out a yelp. » yap, bark,
yarn noun 1 This is a lovely soft yarn. » thread, woof ‘
wool, fibre, strand, twine 2 (informal) He rang yield vers 1 The contest continues until one side
with a yarn about problems at his hotel. » story, yields. » surrender, succumb, capitulate,
tale, rigmarole, anecdote, narrative submit, give in, give way, concede defeat,
yoga => Yule
ordered; give way e He yielded to persuasion. yourapective belonging to you
3 produce as a crop or as profit etc. USAGE Do not confuse with you're.
yoga (yoh- ga) noun a Hindu system of
meditation and self-control; a system of you're (mainly spoken) you are
physical exercises based on this USAGEDo not confuse with your,

yoghurt (yog- ert) noun milk thickened by the YOurSpossessive PRONOUN belonging to you
action of certain bacteria, giving it a sharp taste Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely ways of
[from Turkish] ending a letter before you sign it (Yours
yokenoun yokes 1 a curved piece of wood put faithfully is more formal than Yours sincerely)
across the necks of animals pulling a cart or USAGE It is incorrect to write your’s.
plough etc. 2 a shaped piece of wood fitted
across a person’s shoulders, with a pail or load yourselfprovoun yourselves you and nobody
hung at each end 3 aclose-fitting upper part of else
a piece of clothing, from which the rest hangs
youthyoun youths 1 being young; the time
yokevers yokes, yoking, yoked harness or join
things by means of a yoke [from Old English] when you are young 2.a young man 3 young
USAGE Do not confuse with yolk people
> youthfulapjective youthfulnessyoun
yolk(rhymes with coke) noun yolks the round
yellow part inside an egg youth hosteloun youth hostels a place
USAGE Do not confuse with yoke where young people can stay cheaply when
yonder apyective, anvers over there they are hiking or on holiday
yoOurronoun 1 the person or people being
yO-YOnoun yo-yos a round wooden or plastic
spoken to e Who are you? 2 anyone or
everyone; one e You can’t tell what will happen toy that moves up and down on astring that
next. you hold [probably from a language spoken in
the Philippines]
youngapective having lived or existed for only a
short time; not old Yulle youn (old use) the Christmas festival, also
youngsteryoun youngsters a young person; called Yuletide[originally the name of apagan
a child festival: from Old English or Old Norse]

(more informal) cave in, (informal) throwinthe youngnoun 1 Parents have an instinct to protect
towel, (informal) throw up the sponge 2 The their young » offspring, family, progeny,
allotment yields a fine crop of root vegetables. brood, issue, litter 2 the young They enjoyed
> produce, grow, bear, supply 3 an investment talking to the young. » young people, youths,
yielding a high interest » earn, generate, youngsters, juveniles, minors RELATED ADJECTIVE
provide, return, pay, attract juvenile
yieldwoun 1 The farm has produced a good yield.
> crop, harvest, produce, product 2 I’m youthyoun 1She had spent most of her youth
looking for a savings bond with a high yield. abroad. » early life, early years, teenage years,
> return, interest, earnings, income, profit adolescence, boyhood girlhood, childhood,
yobnoun A gang ofyobs were making a nuisance infancy, (informal) teens 2a group ofyouths
of themselves. » hooligan, hoodlum, lout, > young person, teenager, youngster,
ruffian, troublemaker, vandal, thug, bully, adolescent, boy girl, juvenile, (more informal)
delinquent, tough, rough, tearaway kid, (more informal) lad
yoOunganeciive 1 She enjoyed working with young
people. » youthful, juvenile, teenage, youthful anjective 1 They sang before a youthful
adolescent OPPOSITES ARE old, elderly 2 They audience. » young 2 He had a youthful
seem young for their age. » immature, childish, appearance. » young-looking, fresh, lively,
babyish AN OPPOSITE ISmature sprightly, vigorous, well-preserved
zap — zoomiens
Zip vers zips zipping zipped 1 fasten

Zz something with a zip fastener 2 move quickly

with a sharp sound
zip fastener orzipper noun zip fasteners or
zippers a fastener consisting of two strips of
Zap vers zaps zapping ,zapped (slang) material, each with rows of small teeth that
1 attack or destroy something forcefully,
interlock when a sliding tab brings them
especially in electronic games 2 use a remote
control to change television channels quickly
zeal noun enthusiasm or keenness zodiac (zoh- dee- ak) Noun a strip of sky where
> zealous (zel- us) ADjecTive zealously ADVERB the sun, moon, and main planets are found,
zebra (zeb- ra) noun zebras an African animal divided into twelve equal parts (calledsigns of
of the horse family, with black and white stripes the zodiac), each named after a constellation
all over its body [from Italian, Spanish, or [from Greek zoidion = image of an animal]
Portuguese] ZONE NOUN zones an area of a special kind or for
zebra crossing noun zebra crossings a place a particular purpose @ a war zone e a no-
for-pedestrians to cross a road safely, marked parking zone [from Greek, = girdle]
with broad-white stripes
ZOO NOUN zoos aplace where wild animals are
Zero NOUN zeros nought; the figure 0 2 the kept so that people can look at them or study
point marked 0 on a thermometer etc. [from them
Arabic sifr = cipher] aS
zero hour noun the time when something is zoology (zoh- ol- 0- jee) noun the scientific
planned to start study of animals
> zoological ADjecTive zoologist NOUN
zest noun 1 great enjoyment or interest 2 the
coloured part of orange or lemon peel [from Greek zoion = animal]
> zestful Apjective zestfully ADvers ZOOM vers Zooms ,zooming ,zzoomed 1 move
zigzag Noun zigzags aline or route that turns very quickly, especially with a deep buzzing
sharply from side to side sound 2 rise quickly e Prices had zoomed. 3 (in
zigzag vers zigzags ,zigzagging ,zigzagged photography) use a zoom lens to change from
move ina zigzag a distant view to a close-up
zinc noun a white metal [from German Zink] > Zoom NOUN
[imitating the sound]
zip NOUN zips 1azip fastener 2a sharp sound
ike a bullet going through the air 3 liveliness or zoom lens noun zoom lenses acamera lens
vigour that can be adjusted continuously to make
> zippy ADJECTIVE things appear close up or far away

Zamy ADJECTIVE a zany thriller about ecological zest noun After his recovery he had a renewed zest
disaster » crazy, weird, bizarre, eccentric for life.» eagerness, energy, enjoyment,
OPPOSITES ARE Serious, sensible enthusiasm, zeal, liveliness, pleasure
zeal noun a zeal to improve society> enthusiasm, zigzag Adjective Some escaping animals take a
fervour, ardour, zest, passion, devotion, zigzag course. » winding, meandering,
keenness, eagerness, dedication serpentine, twisting, weaving, bendy, crooked
zealous apjective Bran was a zealous patriot and zigzag vers A narrow path zigzagged steeply
served his country well. » keen, fervent, down to the shore. » wind, meander, snake,
enthusiastic, fanatical, passionate, twist, weave, curve, bend
conscientious, committed, diligent, eager, zome NOUN He decided to leave the war zone and
earnest AN OPPOSITE IS apathetic get back to his family. » area, sector, section,
zenith noun The country was then at the zenith of region, sphere, district, vicinity, locality,
its power. » peak, pinnacle, height, top, acme, neighbourhood, territory, tract
apex, climax AN OPPOSITE IS nadir ZOOM vers (informal) A motorbike zoomed across
zero NOUN Opportunities for further education their path. » race, rush, speed, dash, hurry,
might be reduced to zero. » nothing, nought, nil hurtle, (informal) whiz, (informal) zip

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ible spective \I having the power or skill or

opportunity tp do something 2 skilful or clever
tour to
> ably aovers
find words e surFix (also -ble, - ,and-uble) forms
adjectives (e.g. readable, legible) The nouns
formed from these end in -bility (e.g.
readability, legibility)

ability noun 1An unexpected inheritance gave

him the ability to travel the world. » power,
aiction | resources, capability, capacity, means,
thesaurus entries | opportunity, potential, wherewithal
new employers had received good reports of her
re on ability. » capability, competence, aptitude,
page r CUI expertise, proficiency, (more informal) know-
é how 3 You have the ability to do well in life.
> capacity, talent, intelligence, skill, aptitude,
flair 4 He has many unusual abilities. » talent,
skill, accomplishment, gift, qualification Antonyt
able anjecrive 1a group ofthe most able students to extend
> talented, accomplished, proficient, efficigp :
VYoCca b ulary
gifted, capable, clever, skilled, co |
ps | intelligent, effective AN OPPOSIT further
ver 150,000 incompetent 2able e you able to come?
> allowed to, free to, prépared to, in a position
to, (more informal) up to (coming
choose2 from F

els to
accurate use
of language

ISBN 0-19-911307-6


780199°1 1307, | £9.99 rrp

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