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新北市興南國小 107 學年度 第二學期 第 1 次定期評量 英語科

五年 班 號 姓名 Name 分數(Score)
A. Listen, Look and Circle (仔細聽,圈選出正確的答案。6%)

1. Look at the ( bride , prince ) on the ( plate , glass ).

2. Oh, no! The cat is chewing the ( blue , glue ).

3. This ( grass , dress ) is for you. It’s so pretty.

4. Where’s my ( , )? It’s next to the ( , ).

B. Listen and Number (注意聽,將圖片依序編號 1~5。5%)

C. Listen, Check and Write (仔細聽, 先勾選出正確的圖片,再寫出答案。9%)

1. 2. 3.

______________________ _______________________ _______________________

D. Listen and Write (注意聽,根據提示完成單字。6%)

wh ph bl cl tr gr pl dr br

1. Look! The ___ ___een ___ ___ale says “Thank you.”

2. My mother’s glue says, “Let’s go to America by ___ ___ain.”

E. Listen and Check (注意聽,勾選出最合適的回應。每題 2 分,共 8 分)

( ) Yes, he is. ( ) She is going to the classroom.

1. ( ) No, she can’t. 2. ( ) They are going to the restaurant.
( ) Yes, we are. ( ) He is in the MRT station.

( ) It’s eleven o’clock. ( ) You’re welcome.

3. ( ) It’s a piece of cake. 4. ( ) I can help you.
( ) They’re in the Golden Hall. ( ) Sure. Let’s go.

F. Listen, Look, Circle and Write (注意聽,圈出錯誤的地方,再將正確答案寫在( )內。每題 2 分,共 8 分)

1. Do Ken like cheese? ( ) 2. I can join the show this sunday. ( )

3. The clean glass is fall on the sand. ( ) 4. Its not my day. ( )

★★★ 聽力部分到此結束,請繼續作答 ★★★ Page 1 of 4


G. Read and choose (選擇題。12%)

1.( ) Where ______ her brothers going? ○

1 is ○
2 do ○
3 are ○
4 does

2.( ) They’re ______ books. ○

1 they ○
2 my ○
3 Amy ○
4 he

3.( ) _____ _____ we get to the river? ○

1 What, is ○
2 What, can ○
3 How, is ○
4 How, can

4.( ) ______ Jon walk there? ○

1 Can ○
2 Is ○
3 Do ○
4 Are

5.( ) They can get there ______ foot. ○

1 on ○
2 to ○
3 by ○
4 at

1 Yes, you are. ○
2 No, she doesn’t.
6.( ) Can May get to the museum by MRT?

3 Yes, you can. ○
4 Yes, she can.

H. Look, Read and Write (依照圖片提示填入正確答案,第 1.2 題為選擇題。共 17%)

We are going to the library in the morning. Where is Victor going?

1. ① ② ③ 2. ① He is going to the bedroom.

② He is going to the bathroom.
( ) ( )
③ She is going to the kitchen.
8:40 AM 6:40 PM 10:30 AM ④ I am going to the living room.

Q: _______ can Moana get to Q: Can Jason get to Taipei

the City of Music? by ____________?

3. 4.
A: She can get __________ A: No, he can’t. He can get

by _____________. to Taipei by _________.

Q: Where is your father?

A: _______________________________________________________________.

I . Look, Read, Choose and Write (依照圖片提示填入正確答案,第 1,2 題為選擇題。共 6%)

Xingnan Elementary School(興南國小) is between the bus stop and convenience store(便利商店).

A is in front of the convenience store.

1. ( ) Which one is Xingnan Elementary School?  a ? b? c?

2. ( ) Which one is ?  a ? b? c?

3. 請寫出 ______________

★ 請翻到下一頁繼續作答 ★
Page 2 of 4
新北市興南國小 107 學年度 第二學期 第 1 次定期評量 英語科

五年 班 號 姓名 Name

J . Unscramble the Sentences (重組句子,請注意字首的大小寫、空格及標點符號。每題 4 分,共 8 分)

1. wants / a / buy / Ann / to / Tracy / . / dress / for ______________________________________________

2. it / is / time / What / ? __________________________________________________________________

K. Look, Choose and Write (請閱讀以下文章並填入正確答案。10%)

Pikachu: Hi, Mozart. 1 are you going?

Mozart: I’m going to the 2 . Lily is sick.

Pikachu: Is she OK? Can I go with you?

Mozart: Sure! Let’s go there 3 bus.

Pikachu: There is no bus stop nearby. I have a 4 .

Let’s ride my 4 .

Mozart: Thank you. Do you have two helmets?

Pikachu: Yes, I do.

Mozart: Great! Let’s go together.

*Word bank: nearby 在附近, helmet 安全帽

( ) 1. (a) When (b) Who (c) Where (d) Why

( ) 2. (a) library (b) hospital (c) school (d) gym

( ) 3. (a) by (b) in (c) on (d) at

4. 是什麼交通工具? 請寫出 並 畫出!

字(2 分):__________________ 圖(2 分):

★ 請翻到下一頁繼續作答 ★
Page 3 of 4
L. Look and Write (依據中文提示拚寫出單字。興南英單範圍 1-290。 5%)

1. 他們的 _____________________ 2. 四十 _______________________ 3. 電腦 _______________________

4. 書店 ______________________ 5. 旁邊 _______________________

【加分題-1】How can you get to school? (自由回答,完整句。句 2 分,圖 2 分,共 4 分)


【加分題-2】(6 分) 挑 2 個發音(bl, gl, pl, cl, br, gr, pr, cr, tr, gr),請寫出例字,造句並畫圖。

例:The plant is eating the black cat.

★ 試題結束,寫完請再檢查一次 ★ Page 4 of 4

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