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Every student should receive an equal education, and the quality of the education

students receive is critical in ensuring that our students achieve their full potential. The quality
of the education is very essential in creating a global education in this twenty first century
learning. This has been stated in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 issued by the
Ministry of Education (2013) which is providing equal access to education quality standards
internationally. As a result, this is very significant , regardless of their family's economic
situation, all pupils should receive the same education. For instance, children from low-income
homes who have access to higher education have a better chance of earning a high salary as
adults.However, the Ministry's objective to achieve social mobility among impoverished students
would be difficult to fulfil as long as socioeconomic status remains a determinant of academic
success and a fundamental element in producing achievement inequalities among students.As
a result, teaching and learning institutions, particularly schools, are the most effective
organisations for providing children with an equal education and improving educational quality.
Aside from that, other improvements and infrastructure should be added to provide a conducive
learning environment. This is in line with Malaysia's Education Blueprint 2013-2025, which
requests for the effort national registration department, district education officer, and school to
provide solutions based on requirements. Accelerating school success improvement through a
structured approach is one of the initiatives. Despite what is mentioned in the Malaysian
Blueprint for Education, schools continue to struggle with a lack of infrastructure and
inconducive learning environments. Malhoit (2005) stated that it is impossible for teachers to
educate and kids to study in a rural Malaysian school with leaking roofs, crumbling flooring, and
insufficient lighting, heating, and air conditioning. As a result, students will experience an impact
on their academic performance. As a result, the primary goal of this paper is to explore the
absence of infrastructure and teachers' and community partnerships' measures taken to
address issue.

A library is a collection of books and other kinds of information. They make it easy for
people to access them for a variety of reasons. Every school should have a library with a
diverse assortment of books and educational resources. Books, periodicals, newspapers,
DVDs, manuscripts, and other materials are among them. The school library is designed to help
students gain knowledge and access to a variety of literature. . This will benefit the school's
students and teachers alike. In other words, they are a comprehensive information source. A
good library in the classrooms is absolutely essential.It benefits the school's students in a
variety of ways, including instilling the habit of reading in them. A students must be taught to
read in the library from an early age in school. A students considers the library to be a
fascinating place to visit and learn a great deal. It provides a tranquil and soothing setting for
students to study in, as well as a diverse collection of books. Some students are underprivileged
and cannot afford to purchase all of the required books. Certain students are unable to purchase
internet due to financial constraints. The school library provides them with the internet access
that they require. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, learning that used to be done in the classroom
has shifted to virtual learning. This circumstance has resulted in a significant shift in the growing
use of digital platforms (Mohd Fairuz Jaafar,, 2020). Today's students and teachers, for
example, are more exposed to and use multiple digital platforms in teaching and learning. As a
result, internet access is required in the library.
However, the current library at school is not very welcoming. Students avoid libraries
because of outdated materials and inadequate facilities, despite the fact that libraries should be
the ideal place to learn.There are numerous infrastructures in the library that are lacking, such
as a lack of desks and chairs, shelves that are sufficient for all books, and books that are in poor
shape.The library's atmosphere also plays an important role in developing a conducive library.
The mood at the library was a little dreary, gloomy , and dismal because the paint had faded and
there were fewer paintings and mural on the library walls to provide some cheer to the student
to spend more time doing work at the library. Schools in remote locations or those with limited
financial resources have poor library ventilation since utilising air conditioning would increase
the school's bill payment costs. As a result, several schools use the fan as an alternative to the
library because they could not afford the cost.However, the purpose of using the air conditioner
is to provide a cool environment for both the students and the books. This will help to keep the
books from becoming mouldy, and most students prefer a library with air conditioning because it
is much more effective for learning.In keeping with the goals of IR 4.0, also known as the Fourth
Industrial Revolution or Internet Of Things (IoT) (Hudson, 1992), where students can prepare
themselves with technological abilities, the use of technology in Learning and Teaching (PdP) is
quite prevalent.As a result, the student's use of the internet in the library is critical. School
libraries should provide a reliable internet connection since many people in remote areas could
not afford to pay for the internet, and school libraries should be the answer. School libraries, on
the other hand, provide students with slow internet access.Given the lack of infrastructure, the
school particularly teachers must take immediate action, such as collaborating with other
organisations or community to provide fund , human power, and contribution.

Moving on to the efforts made by instructors and community collaborations to solve the
library's lack of infrastructure, there are organisations that might assist in making adjustments
for a better and more vibrant library. In order for this dream to come true, the community and
teachers must collaborate to raise funds and human resources. Collaboration with MPH
Bookstore is the first action that can be taken. MPH Bookstore is a viable option because of its
extensive network of publishers, both locally and internationally, as stated on their website. They
would assist organisations, large and small, in sourcing books based on their needs by
leveraging our extensive network of publishers, both domestically and abroad. As a result, it is
simpler to obtain that assistance in obtaining a book because they do supply that assistance.
Requesting updated books from them could help the library's reading materials by writing them
letter. This could aid in the replacement of all obsolete books and the addition of new books to
the library for the pupils. The school might run a "1 page a day" session every morning using
this collaboration. Indirectly, this will encourage students to borrow more of the books given by
MPH Bookstore.
Aside from that, raising finances is another option for expanding the library's
infrastructure, such as purchasing more book shelves and additional chairs and tables for
students. One way is by
making a place or corner in the school where students and teachers can give their no longer
usable books to the school is one way to raise revenue.In addition, students should inform other
possible donors, such as alumni and students from other schools, about the need for unused
but still good condition books. The primary goal of gathering these books is to sell them used at
the entrepreneurship carnival. During the carnival, the books will be sold for between RM5 and
RM10, so that students may afford to purchase them. Even if the book is inexpensive, the
proceeds serve to alleviate the financial load of library facilities. Selling used books not only aids
in establishing a love of reading in students who purchase the book, but kids who participate in
the sale also benefit since they are exposed to public communication and have the bravery to
sell to strangers.

The paint had faded and there were less paintings and murals on the library walls,
dealing with the mood was a touch drab, dark, and depressing and to provide some cheer to the
students to spend more time doing work at the library, we may write a letter to a hardware shop
such as Nippon Paint to ask for various paint in making more mural to increase the library's
environment.With the help of the painting donation, schools might utilise the paint to make
murals and repaint all of the walls in the library to improve the atmosphere. A bright and joyful
colour like pink or peach might encourage more students to visit the library.Despite the fact that
we have paint, we still require human labour that specialised in painting a wall. As a result, there
are two options for finding the specialised person: asking the PIBG if they know somebody or if
any parents have that experience in painting walls to help the school. Teachers and parents
should collaborate and work together to paint the library and make it more cheerful through this
programme. Another method of obtaining a painter is to write letters to companies that provide
painting or mural services, requesting volunteers to assist in the painting of the school library

Continuing on to the next issue, which is the library's internet connection. We might form
a collaborative partnership between students and the UNIFI Company by holding a
competition.The UNIFI Company was recommended since it is a well-known provider of the
greatest internet connection deals to schools and institution. This competition entails
constructing a website to promote the UNIFI company to others and to explain all of the
advantages of signing up for UNIFI for other schools as well as their primary internet
connection. UNIFI could use all of the specified websites for marketing purposes.In exchange,
UNIFI would receive publicity for the competition and partnership with the school, but they would
also be required to fund the school's internet connection and provide a stable internet
connection. They must also perform regular inspections on the internet connection as part of
this collaboration to ensure that a weak or unstable internet connection does not occur again.
In conclusion ,collaboration between the community and teachers has the potential to
exacerbate a significant infrastructural problem. This relationship has benefited both the funders
and the institution. Furthermore, having adequate library infrastructure would provide numerous
benefits, particularly in terms of student academic achievement. This asserts that there is a
clear link between school building condition and student learning quality (Malhoit, 2005) .This is
because the library is where students go to study at school, so having a decent internet
connection and adequate tables and chairs for students will encourage them to spend more
time in the library doing their work and studying for their exams.As a result, a suitable library
infrastructure could improve the school's academic performance.
Reference (2020). Corporate & Educational Services.

Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013 - 2025 1 Foreword - (2013).

Mohd Fairuz Jafar, (2020). "Kesediaan pembelajaran dalam talian semasa
pandemik Covid-19'. Seminar Darulaman 2020 Peringkat Kebangsaan.

Haji Harun, N. (2014). Digital Libraries in Malaysia: Problems Faced and Factors for
Future Growth.

Malhoit, Gregory. (2005). Providing Rural Students with a High Quality Education: The
Rural Perspective on the Concept of Educational Adequacy. Rural School and Community

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