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4 Basic Principles of the IEP

Johns, B.H. (2016). Basic principles of the IEP. In Your Classroom Guide to Special Education
Law. (pp. 43-61). Paul H. Brooks Publishing Co.

A multidisciplinary team of school personnel comes together with the parents and the child
____________________ to review information about the child and determine his or her
individual needs.
The team specifically reviews the student’s ____________________of academic achievement
and functional performance, determines the student’s ____________________, and then
decides how to ____________________by setting goals and objects that will be implemented
for the year.
A child with a disability is ____________________necessarily eligible for
The disability must affect the student’s ____________________such that he or she requires
special education and related services.
There are other students with disabilities that require ____________________ delineated in a
Section 504 plan, but they do not need special education.
Accommodation plans are developed for students who require supports that provide them with
____________________to other students.
IEPs are based on ____________________, should incorporate accommodations for students,
and determine how to meet the student’s differing learning needs.
The IEP outlines the ____________________that is needed to ensure a student makes
____________________toward his or her educational goals.
____________________ and ____________________ are specifically designed for that
individual and are based on a thorough ____________________of the student’s needs.
Specially designed instruction should involve ____________________that are
____________________ is collected while the intervention is being delivered to ensure that the
intervention is effective.
The IEP team can have an eligibility meeting and then move right into the placement meeting at
the same scheduled time, provided they have furnished ____________________to the parent
in writing of the purpose of the meeting.
The team must consider a ____________________when deciding where the child should be
By law, the continuum of alternative placements available should include, but is not limited to,
instructions in the ____________________classroom, ____________________ classrooms, or
special ____________________; instruction in ____________________, or instruction in
hospitals or other ____________________, with the goal to place the student in the LRE
possible for him or her to succeed.
School personnel are allowed to come to the IEP meeting with a ____________________of the
IEP document for review by the parent and other school personnel, but it should always be
clear to the parent that this is only a draft and that the document is ____________________.
Best practice would say that if a draft is going to be discussed, then the draft should be sent to
the parents ____________________so they can review it to determine changes they would like
to see made and also to prepare any questions they may have.
Educators should consider their ____________________while talking at the IEP meeting to
make sure that they are not utilizing ____________________ that may be unfamiliar to the
parent or others in the meeting.
*Be familiar with the Checklist for Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team Members to
Prepare for an IEP.
*Be familiar with the 10 welcoming tips when holding an IEP meeting.
Who Participates in Developing and Implementing the IEP?
Legally mandated participants include the ____________________ of the child; at least one of
the student’s ____________________or service providers; the building
____________________or special education coordinator who supervises programs and
understands the availability of resources in the building; someone who can
____________________ and may be one of the other members of the team; other individuals
who, at the discretion of the parent or agency have ____________________regarding the child,
including related service personnel, and the ____________________with a disability.
The school district must invite the child with a disability to attend the IEP meeting if the
meeting is to consider ____________________for the child and the ____________________.
IEP team members may be excused from all or part of the meeting if the parent of the student
and the school ____________________that the attendance of the member
The individual who is excused from the meeting submits a ____________________about the
student’s performance in class, along with any other ____________________for the IEP team.
Schools must take steps to ensure that one or both of the ____________________ of a child
with a disability are present at each IEP team meeting or are ____________________
Parents should be notified about the meeting ____________________so that they can make
plans to attend, and the meeting should occur at a ____________________.
If the parent needs an interpreter in order to understand the proceedings of the IEP team
meeting, then the school must take whatever action is necessary to arrange for an interpreter
for a parent who is ____________________or whose native language is
The IEP team must consider the ____________________of the child; the
____________________for enhancing their child’s education; the ____________________of
the most recent evaluation of the child; and the ____________________,
____________________, and ____________________ needs of the child.
*Be familiar with Figure 4.2
1. Examine student data (background, evaluation, parent concerns, strengths)
a. Background
b. Instructional implications of evaluation
c. Parent concerns
d. Strengths
2. Based on data, develop ____________________
3. Based on ____________________, write measurable goals based on identified needs
4. Based on measurable goals: develop where and ____________________.
a. Specially designed instruction
b. Placement
c. Related services
d. Special considerations
e. Assessment plans
Special factors related to the individual child must be considered on a
____________________basis during the IEP process.
A number of key considerations are required by law when developing, implementing, and
revising the IEP. What 5 things must the team must consider?
The classroom teacher should come prepared to the IEP meeting with the following

 ____________________ in the classroom

 Recommended ____________________for the student
 Recommended ____________________
 ____________________that are needed for the student
 ____________________ and/or ____________________ that are needed for the
student to succeed.
 Any ____________________ that the teacher needs to successfully work with the

The IEP must include:

 A statement of ____________________ including how the disability affects

involvement and progress in the ____________________or
 A statement of ____________________
 A statement of how the child will be involved and make progress in the
 A statement of how progress toward meeting annual goals ____________________
 ____________________ progress will be reported
 A statement of ____________________and ____________________services
 A statement of ____________________or ____________________ for school
 An ____________________ of the extent, if any, to which the child will not participate
with typically developing children in the general education class.
 A statement of individual appropriate accommodations that are necessary for state
and district assessments
 Projected date for beginning
o Services
o Anticipated frequency
o Location
o Duration of services
 ____________________ services (age 16 or earlier)
 Notice of transfer of rights at the ____________________1 year prior)
Important IEP Timelines
A meeting to develop an IEP for a child is conducted ____________________of determining
that the child needs special education and related services (34.C.F.R. 300.323).
The How of the IEP
How Do We Ensure Parent Participation in the IEP?
The parents of a child with a disability and the school may agree to use alternative means of
meeting participation, such as ____________________ and ____________________ (34 C.F.R.
How Do We Implement an IEP for a Child Who has Moved into Our School District?
The new school in consultation with the parents must provide the child with a FAPE based on
____________________until the new school either adopts the child’s IEP from the previous
school or develops and adopts, and implements a new IEP.
How Do We Transmit the IEP When a Child Moves?
The new school must take ____________________to promptly obtain the child’s records.
The previous school must take reasonable steps to ____________________to the request from
the new school.
How Is an IEP Implemented When a Parent Does Not Agree?
Services ____________________ be initiated if a parent does not agree to his or child being
placed in special education or related services.
A school district that is responsible for making a FAPE available must obtain
____________________consent from the parent of the child ____________________ the initial
provision of special education and related services.
If the parent refuses to consent to services, then the public school may not use due process
procedures to obtain agreement or a ruling that the services may be provided to the child.
The school cannot use a parent’s refusal to consent to one service or activity to deny the parent
or child any other service, benefit, or activity of the school.
How Do We Make Changes to the IEP without Having a New Meeting?
The parent and the school may agree not to convene an IEP team meeting for the purposes of
making changes to the IEP after the annual IEP meeting and instead may develop a
____________________ to ____________________or ____________________the child’s
current IEP.
*Know the mnemonic INDIVIDUAL


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