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Unit 7

Standard Test

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5 Katy and Russell are getting married in May.

Katy and Russell have decided to get
1 Complete the sentences with the gerund or married in May.
infinitive form of the verbs in brackets. 5
1 Feeling (feel) down is common in the
winter, when there’s less sunlight. 4 Complete the questions with the correct form
2 I know skiing is dangerous, but I’m not afraid of of the verbs in brackets.
getting (get) hurt. 1 A: What helps you to relax ?
3 I’m saving up some money to buy (buy) (you / help to relax)
myself some new clothes. B: Things like exercising or listening to music.
4 George refuses to make (make) his mind up 2 A: Why did you change your mind ?
about the subjects that he wants to study. (you / change your mind)
5 I would like to get (get) my hair cut soon, B: Because I wasn’t sure.
as it’s getting quite long. 3 A: Who gave you that present ?
5 (you / give that present)
B: It was my brother.
2 Underline and correct one mistake in each 4 A: Which TV show made you feel down ?
sentence. (you / TV show make you feel down)
1 I don’t remember to see Rachel at the party last B: It was a drama about a family during a war.
night. remember seeing
5 A: What makes you feel annoyed ?
2 Don’t forget paying the electricity bill which is (you / make feel annoyed)
due tomorrow. forget to pay
B: People who don’t say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’.
3 Always remember being hopeful, even in a
difficult situation. remember to be 5
4 We stopped to watch the film, because we
couldn’t follow it. stopped watching 5 Tick (✓) the correct words in bold. Replace the
incorrect words.
5 I love spend time walking in the forest – it’s so
Ian: I know you were in two minds about
peaceful. love to spend / spending 1
focusing ✓ on either
5 Business or Computer Science.
Vicky: Well, I haven’t actually decided yet. I like
3 Complete the second sentence so that it has the
Computer Science but it might be hard
same meaning as the first.
to get ✓ a job designing
1 When I eat a nice meal, it makes me feel
computer games.
Eating a nice meal makes me feel satisfied. Ian: Really? What 3does make you
makes you think that? I think it’s
2 I think you should have a short holiday.
a growing industry.
I suggest having a short holiday.
Vicky: Not sure … however if I study Business, it
3 Thanking people if they do something nice for might be easier to find work. But I’m not
you is important. really interested in 4study studying
It’s important to thank people if they do Business. And I already 5need make
something nice for you. need to make my mind.
4 Seeing your new apartment would be really 10
I’m eager to see your new apartment.

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6 Complete the sentences with the words in the 9 Listen to a conversation between Emma and
box. You do not need all the words. Jack. Are the sentences T (true), F (false) or
DS (doesn’t say)?
annoyed hopeful hurt insecure 1 Emma is looking forward to a party. T
ridiculous satisfied thrilled
2 Jack is also eager to go. F
1 Mark feels insecure at being able to do the 3 Jack felt bad at a party he recently
job, because he isn’t experienced enough. went to. T
2 We were thrilled to hear about your new 4 Emma has failed a lot of exams. DS
baby – it’s such amazing news. 5 Jack didn’t find it useful to talk
3 It’s ridiculous to expect us to finish a week’s to Emma. F
worth of homework in a single weekend!
4 Tina said a lot of unpleasant things to me, which
really made me feel hurt .
10 4.12 Listen again. Complete the notes.
5 I’m hopeful that I’m going to do quite well
in the race, although I’m not going to win. Talking to a friend
• At first, Emma thinks that Jack is being
5 1 ridiculous .
• After Jack got an invitation he
Complete the words in the sentences.
started planning how to avoid the party.
1 I’ll manage to m a k e my mind up soon.
• At a previous party, Jack left after
2 I’m in two m i n d s about whether or not I 3 (about) an hour
should get any tickets for the festival.
• Jack is describing a fear of 4 social
3 Francesca always wanted to become an actress,
but I think she’s going to c h a n g e her mind.
• Emma’s worries are about her
4 Looking after parks and green spaces in cities is 5 writing .
a subject which is c l o s e to my heart.
5 Martin really p u t s his heart into his work and
makes a 100% effort. 10

8 Circle the correct options.

It 1… my father’s heart when he saw his garden.

He had 2… his heart into growing beautiful
flowers, but many of them were destroyed
because of the bad weather. My father felt 3… for
a while, but then, he got back to work. He was
… to start gardening again. After a month, he
was very 5… with the result – a beautiful garden,
full of life again.

1 a hurt b annoyed c broke

2 a put b crossed c made
3 a glad b down c ridiculous
4 a eager b hopeful c grateful
5 a insecure b peaceful c satisfied

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2 We shouldn’t always try to have negative
READING thoughts .
3 It can have a harmful effect if we only think
Is it positive to be positive? positively.
1 Being positive is good for us, or so we are often 4 Sometimes people who have negative thoughts
told. Feeling down and having a miserable are just being realistic about life.
outlook on life is surely bad for us, but by balance
5 It’s good to have a of positive
making up our minds to just be more positive,
and negative thoughts.
we become less depressed, and more satisfied
with life. According to some people, we can 10
change our problems into opportunities, we
can attract other positive people, and we can 12 Read the article again. Circle the correct
achieve greater success. But is all this really
1 What does the first paragraph want to say?
a We should avoid having negative thoughts.
2 Of course, it is ridiculous to suggest being
deliberately negative and insecure all the time. b Being positive might not always be good.
But, not having negative thoughts could have c There are many people who feel down.
a harmful effect, and there are actually times 2 Why might people who have negative thoughts
when we should be grateful for our negative have a better life?
thoughts. In fact, research shows that couples a They might work harder and do better.
who are extremely positive about their future b They avoid getting married.
tend to have weaker marriages. Also, very
c They don’t know how to be happy.
optimistic people seem to earn around 25%
3 Which is true about people who are too
less money.
positive, according to the article?
3 What happens when we are too positive or
a They work too much.
too confident? One result is that we take too
many risks. We think that we are safe, but the b They avoid taking any risks.
chances of getting into trouble increase. A c They are less likely to succeed at something.
positive-thinking person might go into an exam 4 Why is it better to call people ‘realistic’ rather
thinking that they will not fail. Conversely, what than ‘negative’?
does a more negative person do? They might a It’s not possible to predict the future.
think that they will fail, and will work harder b It’s realistic to say that bad things happen.
before the exam. In this kind of situation, the
c It makes people happier.
negative thinker might do better.
5 What is the final advice that the article gives?
4 Perhaps it is better to stop calling people
‘negative thinkers’, and call them ‘realistic’
a We should plan for different situations.
instead. Someone who believes that nothing b We should avoid thinking about bad things.
will go wrong is more likely to end up hurt than c Being hopeful for the future isn’t good.
someone who always bears in mind that bad
things may happen in the future.
5 We probably need a balance of positive and
13 Find words or phrases in the text that mean
negative thoughts in our lives. Bad things the following.
can (and will) happen. At the same time, it is 1 pleased because you have what you want
not good to imagine that only bad things will (paragraph 1) satisfied
happen to us. Perhaps the best solution is to
2 stupid and easy to laugh at (paragraph 2)
be hopeful for the best, but to prepare for the ridiculous
worst. That way, we can protect ourselves, and
3 in contrast (paragraph 3) conversely
remain cheerful, too.
4 considers (paragraph 4) bears in mind
5 happy, pleasant and positive (paragraph 5)
11 Read the article. Complete the sentences with cheerful
information from the text.
1 People often tell us to be positive .
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WRITING Students’ own answers

14 Useful language. Complete the sentences with

the words in the box.

better  definitely  recommend  suggest 


1 I would recommend talking to friends.
2 It would definitely help to explain down
your feelings.
3 Why don’t you suggest meeting in
a café?
4 It might be better not to tell too many
people about your feelings.
5 Whatever you do, don’t get annoyed with
your friend.

15 Write your own email, giving advice about this

problem: ‘Your friend is afraid of meeting new
people and avoids going to parties’. Use the
prompts below to help you.
Write at least 140 words.
• Give your opinion about the problem.
• Give three pieces of advice that the person
should or shouldn’t do.
• Finish the email in a positive way.



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