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r e En | P A p p l E

Mystery in
r S an
F rancisco
G ina D. B. C lem en
Introduction —North Beach 4

c h a p t e r 1 Washington iq u are 7

CHAPTER 2 The Face at the Window 17

c h a p t e r 3 The Stewart Mansion 24

A Guide to San Francisco 31

c h a p te r 4 Chinese New Y ear 37

c h a p t e r 5 A Mysterious Magician 46
c h a p te r 6 The Gam e 53
Natural Resources and Pollution 62

c h a p te r 7 The Police Station 64

c h a p t e r 8 The Secret Form ula 71

U N D E R S T A N D IN G THE TEXT 14, 22, 29, 44, 51, 60, 69, 78

JW KET-style exercises K E T 14, 30, 44, 51, 52, 60, 69, 70, 79
<U J
_£E Trinity-style exercises (Grade 3) t: grade 3 15,30


^ Exit Test - Portfolio 79
(I) il Key to the Exit Test 80

The text is recorded in full.

IH fft B IB f These symbols indicate the
beginning and end of the extracts
linked to the listening activities.
The story you are going to read takes place
in S an F ra n c isc o , C a lifo rn ia . S an
F ra n c isc o is a b e a u tifu l city on the
Pacific Ocean. It is on a peninsula.
San Francisco is on the St Andreas fault
lin e. 1 T h is m ean s th at
so m e tim e s th ere are
earthquakes 2 in San Francisco.
A big earthquake in 1906 alm ost
destroyed the city. The last serious earthquake was
in 1989.
It doesn’t rain much and it is often foggy. 3 You can
see the fog arrive under the Golden Gate Bridge
in the late afternoon. It stays all night and
San Francisa 3 0 X*
■ ^ to c k t o n
n a t io n a l
then it leaves late in the m orning. At
3 PARK \
Sunnyvale ^ a n J6^e ' k in g s c anyc night you can hear fog horns. They
\ \ \San Joaquin JNATIQNAL
4 \ River P A R I^ fe
warn 4 ships on the ocean about
dangerous weather conditions.
MONUMEN" T he city h as b e a u tifu l
IFORNIA scenery because there
are many hills, a lot
o f v e g e tatio n and
San Bernardino
attractive buildings.

1. f a u l t lin e : a b ig , lo n g c r a c k in th e e a r th ’s s u r fa c e .
2. e a r t h q u a k e s : v io le n t m o v e m e n ts o f th e e arth . T h e y o fte n d a m a g e h o u se s
an d b u ild in g s.
3. fo g g y : w h en it is fo gg y it is d iffic u lt to se e b e c a u s e th e re are th ic k low
c lo u d s.
4. w a rn : tell so m e o n e a b o u t so m e th in g th a t m ay be d a n g e ro u s.
The North Beach neighborhood
fi© North Beach is a traditionally Italian neighborhood 1 with Italian food
sh ops, c a fe s and re sta u ra n ts. N orth B each w as one o f the first
settlements 2 because it was near the bay. In the 1950s many of the Beat
Generation, a group of artists, writers and poets, lived in North Beach.
City Lights Bookstore was the center for these writers and poets. Today
you can still visit this bookstore. During the Gold Rush, Telegraph Hill
was very important because it had a view of the bay. People on Telegraph
Hill looked for sailing ships on the bay. When a sailing ship arrived, a
messenger from Telegraph Hill went to tell the people. Today there is a
big tower on the hill. It is called Coit Tower. A woman called Lillie
Hitchcock Coit built it in honor of the fire fighters of San Francisco.
Washington Square is a lovely park and meeting place for the people of
North Beach. Often there are arts festivals in the square.

tsherm an ;

W. Pacific*'

Califomia St

Geary Bl
TufKSl <s>

alboaSt W EST ER N „
Fell St ^
— OaKSt FIL L M O R E §

HAIGHT- DuboceAv

16th St

17th St 17th St


Ortega St
24th St

Clipper St

1. n e ig h b o r h o o d : an a re a in a tow n w h ere p e o p le live.

2. se ttle m e n t : a p lace w here p eop le build h o u se s an d start a new com m unity.
A Are th ese sentences tru e (T) or (F)? Tick ( / ) the correct box.
C orrect the false ones.

a. San Francisco is on a peninsula on the A tlantic Ocean. □ □
b. It rains a lot in San Francisco but there are no
earthquakes. □ □
c. There are fog horns at night to warn ships on the
Pacific Ocean of dangerous w eather conditions. □ □
d. North Beach is tra dition a lly a Spanish area. □ □
e. The Beat G eneration were a pop group. □ □
t. Lillie Hitchcock Coit built Coit Tow er to honor the
fire fighters of San Francisco. □ □

Your teacher will give you the w eb-site address. In groups find out
inform ation about the follow ing places:
► Golden Gate Bridge ► Chinatown
► North Beach ► T e le g ra p h Hill
► A lcatraz Island
Look at the pictures and read about the place. Then w rite a few
sentences about what you saw and read. Present your report to the
class. Who had the most interesting report?

/ Ai ML&hUM


AY J&Lti

Washington Sq u a re

im Reilly was fourteen years old and he lived in the

beautiful city of San Francisco in California. He was
short, thin and wore glasses. He had brown hair and
blue eyes. His mother died when he was six years old
and his father lived in another city. Jim lived with his
grandfather. This was his first year in high school and
he liked it a lot. His favorite subject was science. On weeken
had a part-time job at a superm arket to make extra pocket money
Jim 's home was on Telegraph Hill near San Fran cisco Bay. From
his living room he could see the G olden G ate Bridge and the bay.
Every m orning he walked down Telegraph Hill. He m et his friends
at the bus stop at W ashington Square. They went to high school
W ashington Square was a historical landm ark and the people of
San Francisco loved to go there. It was a lovely park for children

1. p o c k e t m o n e y : a sm a ll a m o u n t o f m o n ey to bu y p e r so n a l th in g s.


Mystery in
and adults. There was a sm all playground for children. It was also a
p lace for the people o f the N orth B each neighborhood to m eet.
There were restauran ts, cafes and nice shops around W ashington
Square. Often there were m usic and arts festivals.
N orm ally, W ash ington S q u a re had green g rass and b e a u tifu l
flowers. But there was no rain for a long time, and the grass was
dry and yellow and the flowers were dead.
“Hi, Jim ,” said Brian. Brian W ilson was Jim ’s best friend. He was
fourteen too. He was a tall boy, with blond, curly hair and green
eyes. He played basketball on the high school team . His parents
had a grocery store 1 and he helped them on weekends.
“Hi, Brian. Did you finish your English hom ework?” said Jim .
“Yes, I did, but Sh akespeare w asn ’t easy. Look, there’s S u sa n ,”
said Brian.
“ H i, g u y s ,” sa id S u s a n . S u s a n H ard y w as a p re tty A frican -
Am erican girl. She was a good friend of both boys. She was also a
very good student. She had a part-tim e job as a babysitter for the
children of her neighbors, the M oreno family. H er brother Tom was
tw enty y e ars old. H e w as a b io lo gy stu d e n t at S a n F ra n c isc o
University and played on the university football team .
“Are you ready for the m ath test?” asked Susan .
“I studied all afternoon yesterday, but I’m not ready,” said Brian.
“I’m not either. I didn’t look at my n o tes,” said Jim .
The bus cam e and they got on. They saw their school friends
and started talking. The bus was always crow ded , 2 but the bus ride
was fun. W hen they got near G alileo High School they could sm ell

1. g r o c e r y s t o r e : a p la c e to b u y fo o d an d d rin k s.
2. c r o w d e d : fu ll o f p e o p le .

Washington Sq u are

the chocolate from the chocolate factory 1 nearby. They loved the
smell of the chocolate. It m ade them hungry.
The math test was difficult. The students were happy when it
was finally lunchtim e. They all went to the big school cafeteria.
“Why is math so d ifficu lt?” said Jim . “I think M rs M iller m akes
the test difficult.”
“Don’t worry about the test and eat your lu n c h /’ said Brian.
In the aftern oon they had a long scie n c e le sso n . It w as very
interesting. They studied chem istry in the school laboratory. They
often did experim ents with their ch em istry teach er, M r W oods.
They liked Mr W oods.
At a quarter p ast three the school bell rang. It was time to go
home and it was Friday.
“What are you doing this w eekend?” asked Brian.
“I’m working at the superm arket tom orrow,” said Jim . “B ut on
Sunday I’m com ing to see your basketball gam e.”
“I hope we w in,” said Brian. “I’m working tomorrow as well, at
my p a re n ts’ grocery sto re. It’s alw ays a b u sy day. B u t I ’m free
tomorrow night.”
“Well, I’m babysitting for the M oreno children all w eekend,” said
“Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow night, Jim ? ” asked
“Yes, that’s a great id ea,” said Jim . “I’ll phone you.”

1. f a c t o r y : b u ild in g w h ere th in g s are m a d e , u su a lly in b ig q u a n titie s .


A, Are th ese sen ten ces “ R ig h t” (A) or “W ro n g ” (B)? If there is not enough
inform ation to answ er “ R ig h t” or “W ro n g ”, choose “D o esn ’t s a y ” (C).
There is an exam p le at the beginning (0).

0 Jim Reilly lives in San Francisco with his grandm other.

A Right (B) W rong C D oesn’t say

1 He works in a superm arket on w eekends.

A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say

2 W ashington Square is very big.

A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say

3 W ashington Square is always very busy in the evenings.

A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say

4 Brian plays football on the high school team.

A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say

5 Susan Hardy is one of Jim and B ria n ’s friends.

A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say

6 Mr W oods always gives the students a lot of hom ework.

A Right B Wrong C D oesn’t say

7 B ria n ’s parents have a superm arket.

A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say


C om plete the sen ten ces w ith the co rrect school subject from the box.

math geography history science English

a. I n study where places are.

b. In study language and literature.
c. In study the natural things around us.
d. In study what happened in the past.
e. I n study num bers and shapes.

W hat subjects do you study at school? Make a list and w rite

d efin itio n s for each one.

Look at the picture of Susan, Jim and Brian. Can you d escribe them ?
Use the w ords in th e box below to w rite som e sen tences about each

African-American blond, curly hair blue eyes brown hair

glasses green eyes pretty short tall thin brown eyes

a. Susan: .....................................................

b. Jim:

c. Brian:

Now d escrib e som eone you know.


Topic - Jobs
Jim has a p art-tim e job at a su p erm arket. Susan som etim es w orks as a
babysitter. Brian w orks in his p are n ts ’ grocery store. Bring in a picture
of a job that in terests you. Tell your class about the job. Use these
questions to help you.

a. W hat kind of job do you want to do?

b. W hat do you like about this job?
c. W hat subjects do you need to study to do thi£ job?
d. At w hat age can you start to work in your country?


Match th e w ords to w hat you can see in the picture.

1. □ m ansion 5. □ garden
2. □ fence 6. □ bat
n 9 at© 7 . D | pond
4. □ ghost 8. □ duck


The Face at the W indow

im walked slowly up Telegraph Hill. It was a foggy

afternoon in February. Every day Jim walked in front
o f an old m a n sio n . It w as a m y ste rio u s w ooden
building with a big garden and a fence around it.

Jim often looked at it and thought, “W hat’s inside?

Why d o esn ’t anyone live h ere?” T hat afternoon he
stopped in front of the gate. He looked at the garden and the trees.
What a strange place. No one took care of it. Then he looked up at
the old mansion. He looked at the window on the second floor. There
was a face behind it. He felt cold. It was the face of a little girl with
long, dark hair. But no one lived in that m ansion. Who was it? A
Jim didn’t believe in ghosts, but who was the girl at the window?
She looked down at him . H e co n tin u ed looking at the window.
Suddenly the face of the girl disappeared.
Jim could not see well because it was very foggy. He decided to go
home quickly.
Mystery in
^S an
He w alked in the door and into the living room . He saw his
grandfather in the corner of the room.
“G randpa!” he cried “I saw a ghost!”
“ Whatdid you say?” asked his grandfather with a smile.
“I saw the face of a little girl at the window of the old mansion. No
one lives there, but I saw a girl. She looked at m e!”
“Are you sure, Jim ? It’s a very foggy afternoon. Did you see her
clearly? N o one lives in the old Stew art m ansion. It’s about one
hundred years old. There’s a strange story about it, but I don’t think
there are any ghosts.”
“W hat story? Please tell m e!” said Jim .
“Well, Mr Stewart was a very rich, but very strange man. He was
very interested in science and experiments. He had a lot of enemies. 1
People thought his experim ents were m ysterious and sinister. 2 His
wife and daughter died in a mysterious accident. It was terrible. He
left San Francisco and returned to New York.”
“I saw a face, grandpa —I did!” said Jim .
“But, Jim , you don’t believe in ghosts,” said his grandfather.
“You’re right —but I saw that girl’s face,” said Jim .
“Maybe it was your im agination,” said his grandfather kindly.
Jim went to his room and turned on the radio. He listened to some
songs and then started doing his homework.

The next day Jim went to work at the supermarket. It was a busy
day. A strange man with long hair and a silver earrin g 3 came in. His
clothes were old. Custom ers were usually friendly but this man was

1. e n e m ie s : th e o p p o site o f frie n d s.
2. s i n i s t e r : b a d .

3. s ilv e r e a r r i n g :

The Face a t t h e W indow

not. He had an angry expression, paid quickly and left. There was
something strange about him.
When Jim went home that evening he phoned Brian.
“Hi. How was your day?”
“Very bu sy” said Brian.
“Yes, mine too. Do you want to see that new science fiction movie
on at The Big Screen movie theater? We can meet at 7 p.m. in front
of the park,” said Jim.
“OK. IT1 see you then,” said Brian, “at W ashington Squ are.”
“Don’t be late.”
Jim left the house and started walking to the park. He stopped in
front of the gate of the old Stewart m ansion again. There was no one
at the window. He stayed there a few minutes. It was windy and the
big trees in the garden made strange noises. 1 He looked at his watch.
It was nearly seven o’clock. He was late to meet Brian.

1. n o is e s : so u n d s.


A C hoose the co rrect answ er A, B or C.

1 . The Stew art mansion was 4 . Brian and Jim wanted to see
A about 100 years old. A a science fiction movie.
B very modern. B a thriller.
C in W ashington Square. C a rom antic movie.
2 . Jim saw the face of 5 . They decided to meet
A a teenage girl. A near B ria n ’s house.
B a young girl. B in front of the high school.
C old Mr Stewart. C in W ashington Square.
3 . Mr Stew art was a 6. Jim was
A poor scientist. A early to meet Brian.
B rich, kind man. B late to meet Brian.
C rich, but strange man. C on tim e to meet Brian.

W rite the tim es in num bers and w ords.

a ...... ha If .past nine b.

_ A Now listen to five short co n versatio n s. W hat tim es do you hear?
HUS' Choose from the clocks (a-f).

1. □ 2. □ 3. □ 4. □ 5. □

What do you do everyday? T hink of ten things you do everyday? Talk
with a partner and tell him or her w hat you do and w hat tim e you do it.
You can use som e of the events in the box to help you.

wake up get up have breakfast brush teeth

have a show er or bath get dressed go to school or work
catch a bus/train have lunch go home
play foo tb all/tennis/basketball go sw im m ing/jogging
play a musical instrum ent do hom ew ork have dinner
wash the dishes turn on the television go to bed

Match the w ords on the left w ith th eir opp o sites on the right.

1. □ rich a. small
2. enem ies b. new
3. □ late c. slow
4. □ old d. hot
5. quick e. friends
6. I I cold f. early
7. □ big g- poor
8. □ long h. short

W rite four sentences using one of the w ords from the list for each

Example: Mr Stewart was a rich man.



The Stewart M ansion

fter the movies the two boys went to eat an ice-cream
at Pier 39. It was a beautiful night. They stopped and
lo o k e d at A lc a tr a z I s la n d in th e m id d le o f S an
Francisco Bay.

Jim told Brian about the face at the window.

“W hat?” said Brian. “I don’t believe it. I want to come
with you next week. I want to see her too.”
“Really? T hat’s great,” said Jim . “It’s a strange place. I’m always a
little afraid when I go alone. Let’s go together soon.”
On M onday after school the two friends met Susan at the bus stop.
They got on the bus.
“Where are you going?” Susan asked.
“Can you keep a secret?” asked Jim .
“Why? Do you have a secret?” asked Susan.
“Yes, I do,” said Jim .
“Is it about Jenny L ee’s new boyfriend?” asked Susan . Jenny was a
Mystery in
. S an
very p o p u la r girl in th eir c la s s . S u sa n h o p ed Je n n y L e e ’s new
boyfriend w asn’t Jim .
He told her about the Stewart m ansion and about the face at the
window. Then he told his friends his grandfather’s story about the
m ansion, the scientist and the mysterious accident.
“S cary !” said S u san . “Old m an sions always have ghosts. C an I
come with you?”
Jim sm iled at her and said, “O f course, but prom ise not to tell
an yo n e.” Jim w as happy that S u san w anted to com e. S u san was
“Hey, com e on, it’s our stop,” said Brian. “L et’s get o ff.”
It was 4 .3 0 p.m . and it was a cold, sunny afternoon. The three
friends walked up Telegraph Hill. W hen they arrived at the Stewart
m ansion they stopped in front of the old gate.
“What a strange p lace,” said Susan .
“It’s cool!” 1 said Brian.
They looked at the window on the seco n d floor but they saw
They started talking and looking around.
“Hey, do you smell anything stran ge?” said Susan.
They stopped and sm elled the air. There was a very bad sm ell in
the air.
“W hat is that sm ell?” asked Brian.
“I don’t know. It sm ells like rotten eggs !” 2 said Jim .
“Yes, that’s true. But where is it coming from ?” asked Brian.
Susan and Brian looked at Jim . Then they looked at the window
on the second floor again.

1. I t ’s c o o l : (h ere) I like it.

2. r o t t e n e g g s : e g g s th a t are b ad .

“Are you sure you saw a face, Jim ?” asked Susan.
Jim didn’t know what to say. There was no one at the window now.
“This is a scary place but I don’t see any ghosts,” said Brian.
“This sm ell is terrible,” said S u san . “L e t’s go hom e and forget
about the ghost. It was probably your imagination, Jim .”
“Look!” cried Jim . “T h ere’s yellow sm oke over th ere.” N ear the
bottom window of the m ansion they saw strange yellow smoke in the
“Wow! You’re right,” said Susan.
“What’s happening here?” said Brian.
“It sm ells like a dead body. M aybe th ere ’s a dead body in the
mansion! Maybe this is a secret cemetery,” said Jim .

Mystery in
Brian’s face becam e white. The three friends looked at each other.
“A secret cem etery?” 1 they said softly.
They were curious but terrified at the sam e time. No one knew
what to say.
“Oh, please let’s go home. This place frightens m e,” said Susan.
“There’s something strange happening here,” said Brian.
They agreed to leave, and went to Jim ’s house to listen to his new
CD s. They sat in Jim ’s room and talked about the mansion.
Then Susan suddenly said, “Hey, there’s the big Chinese New Year
parade this Saturday night. I’m taking the M oreno children.”
“It’s always lots of fun,” said Jim . “I’m going to go.”
“Me too,” said Brian.

1. c e m e t e r y :


A Complete the fo llo w in g sentences. C hoose fro m the e n d in g s (a-f).

1. Jim and Brian went to eat an ice-cream

2. | | Jenny Lee was
3. O T h e y looked at the w indow on the second floor
4. Q] There was yellow smoke
5. □ Susan wanted to go home
6. O T h e Chinese New Year parade was

a. but they saw nothing.

b. near the bottom w indow of the mansion.
c. because she was frightened.
d. after the movie.
e. on Saturday night.
f. very popular.

Use the verbs in the box to co m p le te th is su m m a ry of C hapter Three.
You w ill need to p ut som e o f th e ve rb s in th e Past S im ple form . Be
careful, som e of th e ve rb s have irre g u la r Past S im p le fo rm s.

be (x 2) decide go look see (x 2) smell

stop _ te t1 " understand

Jim 0.....t<?Jd......... Brian about the face at the window . When they
1...................... Susan, they.2 ....................... to tell her too. So, on Monday
after school they all decided to 3 .......................and see the mansion.
When they arrived at the Stew art m ansion they 4 ....................... in front of
the old gate. They 5 ....................... at the w indow on the second floor, but
the little girl 6 ...................... not there. There was a horrible smell in the air.
It 7 ...................... like rotten eggs. Then they 8 ....................... some yellow
smoke coming from one of the window s of the m ansion.
Jim, Brian and Susan d id n ’t 9 They were very curious, but
they 10.......................also afraid.


A C o m p lete th e co n versatio n . W hat does Susan say to Brian? W rite the

co rrect letter next to the num ber.

Brian: Do you want to go to the Chinese New Y ear parade?

Susan: 0 E ..............
Brian: W hat tim e do you want to go?
Susan: 1 .............................
Brian: Jim is com ing too.
Susan: 2 .............................
Brian: Do you want to take the cable car to Chinatow n?
Susan: 3 .............................
Brian: OK. Is your brother com ing with us?
Susan: 4 .............................
Brian: W here is he going?
Susan: 5 .............................

A At about half past eight.

B No, le t’s walk.
C No, he d o e sn ’t.
D H e’s going to a football game
E Yes, le t’s go.
F Yes, I am.
G No, he c a n ’t come.
H Great!


Topic - Free tim e
In th eir free tim e Jim , Brian and Susan like listening to CDs, going to
th e m ovies, eating ice-cream on Pier 39 and som etim es they like going
to th e S tew art M ansion.
W hat do you like doing in your free tim e? T h ink of three things you
like doing and talk about them to th e class. Use these questions to
help you.

a. W hat three things are you going to talk about?

b. W hen do you do these things? «
c. W hy do you like them ?
d. Are they easy or difficult to do?

A Guide to San Francisco
USan Francisco is an international center for business, education, science
and the arts. Thousands of tourists visit the city every year because there
are many interesting places to see.
San Francisco is a very cosmopolitan city; people from all over the world
live there. There are a lot of multicultural neighborhoods.
Chinatown is a very big, colorful C hinese neighborhood on Grant
Avenue. The streets here are narrow. There are Chinese food shops,
souvenir shops and restaurants. There are also Chinese libraries and
Chinese schools. Many children from Chinese families go to Chinese
school after regular school. They want to learn to speak, read and write
their parents’ language. The street signs and shop signs in Chinatown are
in Chinese too.

The entrance in to C hinatow n.

> A view o f Alcatraz Island from above.

Alcatraz Island is a small island in San Francisco bay. It is a big tourist

attraction because it was a famous prison for many years. There was one
guard for every three to five prisoners. Some prisoners tired to escape
but they failed. 1 It was impossible to escape from Alcatraz by swimming
across to San Francisco because of the cold water. Alcatraz was home to
many dangerous criminals like the gangster 2 A1 Capone.
The prison was closed in 1963 because the conditions were very bad.
Now it is a museum. You can see photographs of some of the prisoners
there and read about them. There are many exciting movies about
Alcatraz Island and its prisoners.
Pier 39 is another fam ous attraction on the bay. There are many
different shops, games galleries, ice-cream stands and entertainments on
the pier. Many of the shops sell funny T-shirts.

1. fa ile d : cou ld not do it.

2. g a n g ste r : m em ber o f a violent group o f crim in als.


Fisherman’s Wharf is on the bay, too. There are hundreds of fishing
boats and outdoor food stands with good seafood. There are also many
street artists and souvenir shops. At Fisherman’s Wharf you can take an
exciting boat ride on the bay. Remember to wear warm clothes because
it’s sometimes very windy on the bay.
The cable car is a common form of transportation in San Francisco. It
climbs up and down the city’s hills. It is great fun to ride the cable car.
Golden Gate Park is a big park in the middle of the city. There are many
excellent museums, a famous aquarium and a flower conservatory. 1 You

1. c o n se rv a to r y : (h ere) b u ild in g you c a n v isit to se e lo ts o f flo w e rs.

Cable cars traveling up and down the h ills.

b /-/ 33 V
can also ride your bike or go jogging in this beautiful park. A great
symbol of San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge. It is a spectacular
bridge with its red-orange color. It was very difficult to build it in 1937,
because of the strong winds and rough 1 sea. It connects San Francisco
to northern California. Another bridge connects the city to eastern
California. This is called the Bay Bridge.
Union Square is in the city center. It is an international shopping area
with many famous designer shops and big department stores.
There are many tall buildings in the center of San Francisco. They are
called skyscrapers. One skyscraper looks like a giant triangle.
The weather in San Francisco is often foggy and windy, it doesn’t rain a
lot. A lot of people go to live in San Francisco because it has so many
attractions. The people of San Francisco are very popular in America
because they are usually very friendly and outgoing. 2


A view o f the San Francisco skyline.

1. r o u g h : (h ere) v io le n t, d a n g e ro u s.
2. o u t g o in g : so c ia b le . E n jo y b e in g w ith o th e r p e o p le .

| A C om p lete the notes about each of the places below.

C h in a to w n
a. The main area is on ....................................
b. There are many C h in e s e ......................... ,
.........................a n d ............................ in the area.

A lc a tra z
c. It is a tourist attraction because there was
.........................on the island.
d. Im possible to escape because o f ...........................
e............................. was one of the prisoners on the
f. It closed in ...........................

F is h e rm a n ’s W h a rf
g. You can find a lot o f ......................... here.
h. An exciting ...........................around the bay leaves
from here.

G o ld e n G a te B rid g e
i. The bridge is a ...........................color.
j. When the people built it in .........................., they had
many problem s because of t h e ...........................and


A Listen to th e first part of C h ap ter Four. Are the follow ing sentences
(B U tru e (T) or false (F)?

t. Many people go to see the Chinese New Year parade. □ □
2. Jim and Brian took the bus to G rant Avenue. □ □
3. Jenny Lee’s boyfriend was the captain of th e ?football
team. □ □
4. Susan was at the parade. □ □
5. The little girl played with the big paper dragon. □ □
6. Jim and Brian did not see the little girl. □ □


Chinese N ew Y e a r

L his w as the Year o f the D ragon . T he C h in e se believe

that the dragon brings good luck.
The C h in ese New Year Parade is a very big event in San
F ra n c isc o . It alw ays tak es p lac e on a S a tu rd a y n igh t
betw een Jan u ary 2 1 and February 19. The date depends
on the p osition o f the m oon. T h o u san d s of people go to
see the parade every year. T h ere are m any b e a u tifu l co stu m e s,
C hinese m u sic an d G ra n t A ven ue is d e c o r a te d w ith c o lo r fu l
lanterns. 1 A long paper dragon m oves along G ran t Avenue. There
are firecrackers 2 and lots o f noise.
Jim and B rian to o k the c a b le c a r to G ra n t A ven u e. It w as
always fun to ride the ca b le car. S u sa n and th eir high sch o o l
friends were at the p arad e. Jen n y L ee w as there with her new
boyfriend. He w as the cap tain o f the football team and he was
handsome. There was a big crowd everywhere. Suddenly, on the

1. la n te r n s : f i 2. f i r e c r a c k e r s : r,tf //*

Mystery in
^S an
other side o f the street Jim saw the face o f the little girl at the
window in the crowd. 1 Jim told Brian.
“L e t’s follow her,” said Brian.
It w as d iffic u lt to m ove b e c a u se th ere w ere lots o f p eo p le
everywhere. T hen the big p aper dragon ap p eared in the parade.
The little girl suddenly disap p eared behind the long dragon.

1. c r o w d : a lo t o f p e o p le to g e th e r in on e p la c e .
Mystery in

“How can anyone disappear so quickly?” said Jim. They went back
to watch the parade. “Maybe she is a ghost,” he thought.
The weekend p assed quickly. It was Monday morning and they
were at school. Brian and Jim told Susan about the girl. Now she
wanted to explore the Stewart mansion too. They made plans during
“ L e t ’s go th is e v e n in g a f t e r d in n er. R e m e m b e r to b r in g a
flashlight1 and wear dark clothes,” said Jim.
They were very excited. When school finished at 3.15 p.m. they
ran out. They wanted to go home quickly. At about 7 p.m. they met
in front of Jim ’s house on Telegraph Hill.
When they arrived at the Stewart mansion everything was dark. It
was a foggy, windy night. They looked at the window on the second
floor, but there was no one there. They climbed over the fence and
went into the garden. The tall trees moved in the wind.
“I don’t smell anything this time,” said Susan.
“Me neither,” agreed Jim.
“And now what do we do?” asked Brian.
“I don’t know,” said Jim.
“ L e t ’s look inside. T here are windows near the g ro u n d ,” said
Susan. “And let’s remember to be very quiet,” she whispered.
“O K ,” said Jim.
The three friends went to a window and looked inside. The glass
was old and dirty. Brian turned on his flashlight and looked. There
was a small room with an old desk and some chairs.
“This was probably the study,” said Brian;
Su san turned on her flashlight. “Look at the newspaper on the
desk ,” said Susan . “I c a n ’t see well, but it I think it’s yesterday’s

1. f l a s h l ig h t :

Chinese IV e W Y e a r

newspaper. Look at the headline: 1 ‘Water sc a r c e 2 in San Francisco .”

“But no one lives here,” said Jim.
They looked inside another window and saw a big room with old
furniture. It looked like the living room. On the wall there was a big
painting of a man, a woman and a little girl.
“Look, that’s probably a painting of the Stewart family,” said Susan.
“Yes, before the mysterious accident,” said Jim.
“And the little girl has long, dark hair. She looks like the girl at the
window,” said Susan.
“But we saw the little girl at the parade,” said Brian. “How can she
be a ghost?”
“Remember, she disappeared behind the dragon very quickly,” said
They went to the other side of the mansion. There was a broken
window3 near the bottom of the house. They looked inside. They saw
a big dark basement. 4 No one was there. Then Jim turned on his
flashlight too. In the basement they saw some long tables. There were
test tubes,5 glass bottles and other laboratory equipment.
“This looks like our chemistry lab,” said Jim.
“Maybe someone is using it,” said Susan. “But why?
“Maybe someone is experimenting... with something secret,” said
“I don’t like this place,” said Susan. “It gives me a bad feeling.”
“Are you scare d ?” asked Brian.
“No, I want to come back again, but in the daytime,” said Susan.
“OK,” said Jim. “Let’s go then.”

, i ii. . i r . 3. b ro k e n w in d o w : the window was in

1. h e a d lin e : a title or a story in a
~ r i n .iii. 4. b a s e m e n t : a room under a house.
2. s c a r e [sk e a sj : not available in
large am ounts. 5. te st tu b e s : jj

Mystery in
r S an
Crash! There was a loud noise. It came from one of the rooms
“What was that?” cried Susan.
“We’re not alone here. Someone or something is here/’ said Jim.
“L e t’s get out of here!” said Brian. They started running to the
fence. They ran under the trees and suddenly heard a strange sound
from the branches 1 above their heads. They looked up.
“Eek!” cried Susan. “Bats!”
They climbed over the fence quickly and ran away.

Read th e paragraph below and ch o o se the best word (A, B or C) for

each space (1-8).

The Chinese New Y ear parade is an im portant 0 ....P .... in San Francisco.
There 1 beautiful costum es and colorful lanterns. There is also
2 of noise. A long paper dragon m oves 3 G rant Avenue.
Jim and Brian 4 the cable car to C hinatown and had fun. 5 ............
the parade they saw the face of the little girl at the window. They
follow ed 6 but it was d ifficult to move. Suddenly the little girl
disappeared 7 the long dragon. So they continued 8 the

0 A engagem ent (B) event C m atter

1 A be B is C are
2 A lots B much c many
3 A at B by c along
4 A held B took c brought
5 A At B For c Of
6 A she B her c it
7 A behind B front c back
8 A seeing B looking c watching

C hoose the co rrect w ords for each sentence. Then put the sentences
in order to m ake a sum m ary of the second part of C hapter Four.

a. Q In the living room/dining room there was a painting on the

b. O Susan, Brian and Jim put on dark/new clothes and brought a
ra dio/flashligh t.
c Q T h e y saw a book/newspaper on the desk/floor.
d. | | A loud voice/noise came from a room upstairs/downstairs.
e. Q They clim bed over/under the fence/gate and went into the mansion.
f. Q T h e y met in front of/behind Jim ’s house at 7 p.m.
g. O There was laboratory/sports equipm ent in the dark basem ent.

Try and co n tinu e the story. W rite th ree m ore sentences.

Com plete B ria n ’s diary with w ords from the box.

basem ent fence fla shligh t mansion

t new spaper noise painting place

* Monday, February 10
^ Today was caal. Susan, 41m and I went ta the aid 1...................
I Jim discovered so we could explore. It was really scary.
All foggy and dark. We climbed over the 2 ...................... and
:Sr went in.
, , turned on my 3 ........................ We saw an old study and Susan
^ saw a 4 .....................on a desk. There was a big 5 .....................
Tndfc of the S te w a rt family in the living room! Then we discovered a

I ^ dark S ...................... with a chemistry lab. We were really

scared when we heard a loud 7 the mansion so
we ran away. W h a t a scary 3 ..................... !


jfll Listen to the first part of C hapter Five and decide if the sentences are
true (T) or false (F).

1. The c h ild ’s voice came from inside the m ansion. □ □
2. The man touched Jim ’s hand. □ □
3. The man was not happy to see Jim. □ □
4. He had long, gray hair. □ □
5. Jim d id n ’t recognize the man. □ □
6. The man was around forty years old. □ □
7. The man was dangerous. □ □

A W hat do you th in k happens next? D iscuss w ith the class.


W elcome

A Mysterious M agician

im heard the voice of a child in the fog.

"Help! H e lp !”

It w as a c o ld n ig h t. J i m s t o o d in fro n t o f the
Stewart m ansion. There was fog everywhere.
T h e v o ic e c a m e fro m i n s i d e th e m a n s i o n . H e
d id n ’t know w hat to do. He w anted to help the
child, but he also wanted to run away.
Suddenly he felt a hand on his arm. For a m oment his heart
stopped. He could not turn around. He was too scared.
An angry voice behind him said, “W hat do you w an t?”
Jim turned around slowly. He saw a big man with long, dark
hair and angry eyes. “It’s the sam e man I saw at the superm arket
two weeks a g o ,” he thought.
H e w as a b o u t fifty y ears old. He had a silver tooth an d it
A Mysterious M agician

shone 1 in the dark. He also had a silver earring. He was awful.

“Well, what do you want h ere?”
Jim looked at him and said, “Noth... nothing... Who are you?”
“D on’t ask qu estio n s. Stay away from here. I ’m a dan gero u s
man. I eliminate problem s and you’re a problem. Go away now.”
He pushed Jim to the ground and disappeared in the fog.

Jim woke up. He was scared.

“Phew! 2 It was only a d re a m ,” he thought. He looked at his
alarm clock. It was 3 a.m.

The next day Jim, Brian and Susan went back to the mansion in
the afternoon. They went to the basement window. No one was there.
But there was a big black book on one of the tables.
“Someone was here last night or this morning. There’s a book on
the table. It wasn’t here last night,” said Jim.
“You’re right!” said Brian.
“And who has the keys to the mansion?” asked Susan.
“That’s a good question,” said Brian.

The days p a s se d and so m eth in g else h ap p en ed . The g rass in

Washington Square was green again and there were flowers! Everyone
in the neighborhood was surprised and happy.
Jim talked with his grandfather about this.
“Grandpa, it’s amazing. Washington Square is beautiful again. The
grass and the flowers are growing. But how? There’s no rain. How can
grass and flowers grow without water?” said Jim.

1. s h o n e : (sh in e, s h o n e , sh o n e ) gave ou t brig h t light.

2. P h e w [ fju :] : J i m u s e s this e x p r e ssio n b e c a u s e he is h a p p y it w as only a
d ream .

Mystery in
- S an
“You’re right. I t ’s s tr a n g e . T h e r e ’s no rain b u t the g r a s s is
growing,” said G randpa. “T h e re ’s an article in today’s new spaper
about it.”
Jim started reading.

Washington Square:
who is th e magician?
he grass and flowers A rtis ts fro m all o v e r
T are growing again in
W ashington Square. T he
California are coming this
square was dry for m onths Som e p e o p le b e lie v e
but now it is beautiful and so m eth in g m y ste rio u s is
green. happening in W ashington
The organizer of the Jazz Square.
F e stiv a l, M ike M u rp h y , One person said, "There's
says, “I thought it w asn't no rain, but the grass and
possible to have the Jazz the flowers are growing. I
Festival this year, but now don't believe in magic, but
it's b eau tifu l and we can it's very strange."
h a v e th e fe s tiv a l as we Who is the m agician? Mr
always do. M agician, can you b rin g
San Francisco som e rain


Choose the correct answer A, B or C. There is an example at the

beginning (0).

0 Jim had a bad dream and 3 During the next few days
woke up at A the grass and flow ers in
A m idnight. W ashington Square
B 2 a.m. started growing.
® 3 a.m. B it started raining.
C a m agician came to
1 When they returned to the
W ashington Square.
mansion, they found a big
black book 4 Jim ’s grandfather
A in the garden. A was afraid.
B in the basem ent. B was surprised.
C in one of the rooms C was bored.
5 The organizer of the Jazz
2 This was strange because Festival
A the book w asn’t there A is Mr W oods.
before. B wants to have the festival.
B they w anted to read the C is a m agician.
C som eone lived in the
m ansion.

Complete the crossword.

2. A title of a story in a
3. The man had a silver i □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
one of these. 2 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
4. A verb m eaning to 3 □ □ □ □ □
become bigger. < □ □ □ □
5. You use this to open a
=□ □ □
6. A very com m on green 3 □ □ □ □ □
plant in the park. 2 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
7. A room under a house.
8. W hat can you find in
the park again?

Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)?

0 Your parents can come here at 8 p.m. (C)

1 You ca n ’t mail a letter here every day.
2 Keep the park clean.
3 You can buy a French dictionary here.
4 You cannot take dogs inside this building.
5 You cannot buy tickets in the afternoon.

Washington Post Office

Square Park closed on
D o n ’t L i t t e r !
Sundays J
B m A .
City M useum J a z z C a fe ,
NO ANIMALS Opwv evweryydm ,
ALLOWED 10 —HddKU]kt\
*** / v . * i

[telegraph HilP
?Mh,fs - TidcMtrs Bookshop
M66f/K^s ok f'/icld.ij
(roirf)1- yw. b 1 Monday - Saturday
9 a.m. - 11 p.

m m
T h e a te r
Slow! Tickets
Cable Car
Crossing On sale every


The G am e

W a sh in g to n S q u a r e . T h ey p lay e d in the sm a ll
p layground. T h en they went to the d uck pond.
The children liked feeding the ducks in the pond.
But the ducks were not hungry.
“ S u sie, why a r e n ’t the ducks eating the b r e a d ? ”
asked little Sally Moreno.
“I d o n ’t know. It’s stran ge. T h e y ’re u su ally hungry. T he fish
aren’t hungry either,” said Su san . “Well, it’s half p ast five and it’s
time to go h o m e.”

The next morning there was a big crowd at W ashington Square.

Jim , B r ia n a n d S u s a n w ere t h e r e w ith m a n y o t h e r p e o p l e .
Everyone was at the duck pond. Som e of the ducks were dead and
others were sick. Lots of fish were dead too.
“This is terrible,” said Susan .

Mystery in
r S an
“ Som eone poisoned 1 those poor d u ck s,” said Jim .
At that m om ent the bus cam e and the students got on. On the
bus everyone continued talking about the ducks.

E a r l y th e n e x t m o r n i n g J i m ’s g r a n d f a t h e r b o u g h t th e
newspaper. During breakfast this is what they read:

Dead ducks at popular

City Square
ight ducks and m any more toxic. Greenex was a
E fish w ere found dead
in the pond in Washington
popular fertilizer 2 tw enty
years ago. It is illegal to use
Square yesterday morning. it today," the scientist said.
Only last week people came The volunteer organization
to see the Jazz Festival. It H e lp in g H a n d s is now
was a great success. looking after the sick ducks.
A s c ie n tis t a n a ly z e d th e V o lu n te e rs c an call th is
grass and the water in the number: 392-0369.
p o n d , a n d fo u n d a h ig h T he San Francisco Police
quantity of a new chemical. D epartm ent are investiga­
“T h e n ew c h e m ic a l is ting the case.
similar to Greenex, but it is

1. p o i s o n e d : gav e a d a n g e r o u s s u b s t a n c e .
2. f e r t i li z e r : this s u b s t a n c e h e lp s p la n ts to grow.
The Gam e

“W o w !” e x c fa im e d J i m . “T h is m y s t e r io u s new c h e m i c a l is
r e s p o n s i b l e fo r the g re e n g r a s s . S o s o m e o n e c r e a t e d a new
fertilizer and it’s toxic.”
“W hat irresponsible p e o p le,” said J i m ’s grandfather. “Think of
the children. They play in W ashington S q u a r e .”
On T hursday evening Jim and Brian were at S u s a n ’s house.
“This fertilizer thing is so strange. Maybe it’s a m ad scien tist,”
said Brian.
“Maybe they can make a lot of money with this new fertilizer,”
said Jim .
“Yes, a lot of money. And they’ll poison all the an im als,” said
S u san was quiet for a few m inutes, then she said, “1 want to
solve this mystery. I th in k t h e r e ’s a c o n n e c tio n b e tw e e n the
Stewart m ansion and this fertilizer, but I do n ’t know...”
On Friday evening S u s a n w ent to see her b r o th e r’s fo otball
game. It was San Francisco University versus Monterey University.
Tom was a good player. The stadium was almost full. Su san found a
good seat to watch the game.
S u s a n liked fo o tb a ll g a m e s. S h e alw ays w ent to w atch her
brother play. It was a cold night and she put her hands in her
pockets. “I’m glad I have a warm ja c k e t,” she thought. Then she
looked at her watch. It was alm ost h alf past eight. It was time for
the big game to start. She was excited.
S u d d e n l y two p e o p l e b e h i n d h e r s t a r t e d t a l k i n g a b o u t
W a s h i n g t o n S q u a r e . B u t s h e c o u l d n o t h e a r a ll o f t h e i r
c o n v e r s a t i o n b e c a u s e th e re w as lo ts o f n o i s e . S h e l i s t e n e d
“ ...can’t test anymore... not now...” said one young woman.
“ ...too dangerous...” said the other.

Mystery in
.S a n

“T h e se p e o p le know s o m e t h in g ,” th o u g h t S u s a n . She
continued listening but she did not look at them.
“’s illegal... but the experim ent... alm o st f in ish e d ...” said
one voice.
“ ...alright... on Lom bard S tr e e t...” said the other voice.
“Lom bard Street! The Stew art m ansion is on Lom bard Street.
So there is a conn ection between the m ansion and W ashington
S q u a re ,” S u san thought.
S u d d e n ly she u n d e rsto o d . “ I m u st tell Jim and B r ia n ,” she
thought. She was very excited and looked at her watch.
The gam e finished on time and San Francisco University won.
A f t e r th e g a m e s h e p h o n e d J i m . S h e t o l d h im a b o u t th e
conversation between the two young women.
“You’re a great detective S u sa n . You’re right. It’s that secret
laboratory,” said Jim .
“L e t’s tell police immediately,” said Su san .
“Yes, th a t’s the right thing to do. T om orrow ’s Saturday. L e t ’s
meet early in the m orn in g,” said Jim . “I’ll call the superm arket
and tell them I c a n ’t work.”
“O K ,” said S u san . “I’ll call Brian now.”
“It was lucky I went to Tom ’s football g a m e ,” she thought.

A Are th e fo llo w in g sen ten ces “R ig h t” (A) or “W ro n g ” (B)? If there is not
enough inform ation to answ er “ R ig h t” (A) or “W ro n g ” (B), choose
“ D o esn ’t s a y ” (C).

0 The M oreno children wanted to feed the ducks in the pond.

® Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
1 There w ere fifteen ducks in the pond.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
2 S cientists found a dangerous chem ical in the w ater in the pond.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
3 The name of a new fe rtilize r is Helping Hands.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
4 Tom played on the M onterey U niversity football team.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
5 At the stadium Susan heard two people talking about W ashington
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
6 The football team played for an hour.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
7 The wom en lived on Lom bard Street.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
8 A fter the gam e Susan phoned the police.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say

These w ords are connected to W ashington Square:

ducks fertilize r festival fish flow ers grass

landm ark playground rain w ater

Can you find them in the word square? C ircle them in red. How are
they connected? W rite a sen ten ces using each one.


Listen to C hapter Seven. Are the fo llo w in g sentences true (T) or

( E f t false (F)?

1. Jim, Brian and Susan went to the police station on
Sunday morning. □ □
2. They talked to Sergeant Chan. □ □
3. He did not believe their story. □ □
4, Jim lived on Lom bard Street. n □
5. Jim met his friends and the policem en at 5 o ’clock. □ □
6. Jim went inside the mansion. □ □
7. There was the smell of sulphur outside the mansion. □ □
8. The policem en clim bed over the gate. n □


Look at the pictures. Match the w ords to the pictures.

1 air pollution 2. w ater 3. soil 4. w ildlife 5. forest

^N atural Resources
and Pollution 1

Natural resources are the most important things

on our planet. We cannot live without them.
There are many kinds of natural resources:
light, air, water, soil, plants and wildlife are all
natural resources.
Water is an essential natural resource. Water is
becoming scarce and many people continue to
waste 2 it, especially in Western countries. In
many countries people do not have enough. Sometimes
people die in these countries because they cannot find clean
water to drink.
Air is another essential natural resource. Cars, factories and
toxic chemicals all create air pollution. Pollution damages
/ the quality of our air, especially in big cities. This means
that some children and adults have problems when they
breathe. Air pollution also contaminates the rain because of
the large quantity of acid. Acid rain can destroy forests.

1. p o l l u t i o n : c o n t a m i n a t i o n o f
the en v iro n m e n t.
2. w a s t e : u s e in e x c e ss w hen
not n e c e ssa r y .
Our plants and wildlife are in danger too.
Trees give us the oxygen we breathe. But
people do not always respect our forests or
wildlife. People cut down many trees every
year to make paper and other things. When
we use pesticides 1 they go into the soil.
This is dangerous becau se we eat foods
from soil.
Fires can also destroy plants and wildlife.
Some people are careless and create fires.
Sometimes these fires burn for several days.
They destroy trees and kill a lot of animals and birds.
So if we want to help conserve our
natural resources, we must be careful
and look after the environment. We
must not use too much water. When
we are o u tsid e we m u st not drop
things in the street or throw things in
rivers or in the sea. Remember, we can
help conserve our natural resources
only when we work together.

..A Are th ese statem ents true (T) or false (F)? C orrect the false ones.

a. There are only a few kinds of different natural resources. □ □
b. Some people waste a lot of water. □ □
c. Pollution levels are higher in the country than in the city. □ □
d. Acid rain destroys the sea. □ □
e. Oxygen com es from trees. □ □
f. Many fires start because people a re n ’t careful. □ □

1. p e s t i c i d e s : artific ial c h e m i c a l s . T h e s e help p la n ts grow.


The Police Station

n Saturday morning Jim , Brian and S u san went to
Chinatow n Police Station.

“G ood aftern oon ,” Brian said to the policem an at

the door.
“W hat can I do for you ?” asked the policem an.
“We want to report som eth in g,” said Brian.
“C o m e to my office and sit dow n ,” said the policem an . “ Pm
Sergeant C h a n .”
They explained everything to Sergean t Chan. He was interested
and a little surprised.
“Why were you at the Stewart m an sio n ?” asked Sergeant Chan.
“One day I saw the face of a little girl at the window,” said Jim.
“I told my friends and we wanted to explore it.”
“Did you see anyone inside this ‘secret lal> ?” asked Sergean t

“No, we didn’t,” said Jim .

The Police Station

“I understand/* said Sergeant Chan. “The mansion is very close

to W a s h i n g t o n S q u a r e . P e r h a p s you d i s c o v e r e d s o m e t h i n g
interesting that night. IT1 send some officers to investigate. I want
you to come too. You know where the laboratory is. I ll phone you.”
“Yes, S e rg e an t,” answered Jim .

In the afternoon the phone rang at J i m ’s house.

“ H e llo , this is S e r g e a n t C h a n o f the S a n F r a n c is c o P olice
Departm ent. May I speak to Jim Reilly?”
“This is Jim Reilly. Hello Sergean t C h a n .”
“Jim , my o fficers and I are going to in v estigate the Stew art
mansion. C an we meet you at 5 o ’clock this aftern oo n ?”
“O f course. L e t’s meet in front of my house at 325 Lom bard
Street. T hen we can go together,” said Jim .
“You and your friends wait outside your house. We’ll go in a
police car,” said Sergeant Chan. “We’ll see you at 5 o ’clock then.
G oodbye.”
Jim was excited. He told his grandfather about the phone call.
“I’m very proud 1 of you and your friends. You’re doing the right
thing,” said his grandfather. He smiled, but he was worried.
“Thanks, gran d p a.”
Jim called Brian and Su san . “M eet me outside my house. The
police are going to drive us to the m an sio n .”

It was 5 p.m. Jim saw two police cars in front of his house. He
and his friends got into the police car with Sergean t Chan.
“Good evening. This is Sergean t L o p ez,” said Sergeant Chan.
“P leased to meet you, sir,” said Jim , Brian and S u san .

1. p r o u d : p le a s e d a n d s a ti s fie d with s o m e t h i n g /s o m e o n e .

Mystery in
, S an

“Now this is our plan. We’ll drive to the mansion and my officers
and I will go in. Jim, you will show us the basem ent window. After
that you must stay outside the mansion. Only the police will enter
because it can be dangerous. Do you u nderstand?”
“Yes I do sir, I’ll wait outside with my frien d s,” said Jim .
The police car drove up Telegraph Hill. When they arrived in
front of the Stewart m ansion, Jim , Sergean t C h an and Sergeant
Lopez got out of the car. Three policem en got out of the second
car. The five men followed Jim . He took them to the gate. The
policem an looked around.
“You go around the back of the house and w e’ll go around the
front,” said Sergeant C h an to the other policem en.
“Where did you see this laboratory?” Sergean t C h an asked Jim.
“Over there by the window,” replied Jim .
They saw yellow smoke near the basem en t window. There was
a bad smell like before.
“T h a t ’s the sm ell of su lp h u r,” said S e rg e a n t C h an . “And it’s
very strong.”
He opened the gate and went in. The other policem en followed
him. Jim rem ained outside with his friends and waited.

J k Read the paragraph below and choose the best word (A, B or C) for
each space. •

Susan, Brian and Jim went 0 B Chinatown Police Station and

talked to a policem an. 1 .............. name was S ergeant Chan. 2 ............... told
him 3 ............... the S tew art M ansion. The policem an was 4 ............... in their
story. He 5 investigate. He asked Jim to help. 6 ................. five
o ’clock a police car stopped 7 ............... J im ’s house. Jim and his friends
got 8 the car and drove to the mansion.

0 A in (D to C at
1 A His B He C Him
2 A Their B Them c They
3 A about B around c in
4 A interest B interested c interesting
5 A deciding B decision c decided
6 A At B On c In
7 A front B out c outside
8 A off B into c on

Look at this sentence from C hapter Seven:

I told my friends and we w anted to explore it.

In this sentence and
is a co njunction: it joins the tw o ideas.
C om plete the follow ing sen ten ces w ith one of the co njunctions from
the box. Use each co njunction once.

and but or so because

1 . There were many flow ers in W ashington Square, now there

are none.
2. Jim was th ir s t y ............... he drank some juice.
3. Did he play basketball was he too tired?
4. Y esterday Susan studied a l o t .................she has an exam today.
5. They stayed h o m e .................watched the game on television.

Susan writes an email to her best friend Kelly. Complete the email. Write
one word for each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
*4 , Send Now {§£ Send Later t f a Save as Draft ^ U n k T Q Delete Add Attachments g / Signature ’ i^y Options ’ ^ In s e r t T [jj. Categories T

F ro m :_______________________________________________ _»J

To @

► Attachments: Photo collegue.jpg

Hi Kelly,
I’ve got so much 0 ..t£ ... tell you.
Do you rem em ber th a t boy I like at school, Jim? W ell, I w ent with 1 ......... and
our friend Brian to explore this really old mansion on Telegraph Hill.
W e discovered a secret lab 2 the basement. Scary! Many strange things
3 ......... happening in W ashington Square. Someone 4 ..........testing a toxic
fertilizer 5 the park. Now some of the ducks are dead and the fish too. It’s
Yesterday I 6 to Tom ’s football game. I heard 7 ......... secret information
about 8 lab. Today we’re going 9 ..........the Chinatown Police Station to talk
to 1 0 ......... police.
W rite soon.
Susan :-)

Jk Listen to the first part of C hapter Eight and choose the correct answ er
A, B, or C.

How many young people One young man and his

were in the laboratory? friend
A four A ran to another door.
B two B ran to the window.
C three C ran upstairs.
How old were they? Barbara Dell is
A about thirty A a scientist.
B between tw enty and B a university student.
tw enty-five C a crim inal.
C tw enty-three
Ben Bradfey
The little girl was with A sleeps in the mansion.
A her brother. B works in the garden.
B her sister. C is B arbara’s boyfriend.
C a man.


The Secret F o rm u la

E S h ere w ere fo u r y o u n g p e o p le in the lab o rato ry , two

women and two men. They were in their early twenties
and they were very busy with an experiment. They stood
around the long table. One woman wrote som ething in
the big black book. T he other three worked with the
test tubes. There was a portable co m p uter on a small
desk. N ear the desk there was a little girl. The little girl was with
the m an with long hair and a silver earring.
S e rg e an t C h an looked inside the b a se m e n t window and saw
people in the laboratory.
“Jim Reilly was right. There is an illegal laboratory here. L e t ’s
go in!” said Sergean t C h an to his men.
The police broke the front door and went into the m ansion.
They im m ediately went to the basem en t.
“This is the San F ran cisco Police D epartm ent! Put your hands
over your h e a d s / ’ Se rg ean t Lopez cried. “You have the right to

jm 1 rrj
Mystery in

rem ain silent. Anything you say can be u sed again st y o u ...” 1
The young people were surprised and angry.
Oh, no!” cried one young man. He and his friend ran to another
door but the police stopped them.
“Who are you and what are you doing here? Do you know you
are on private property?” said Sergean t Chan.
One of the young women spoke. She was very nervous.
“ My nam e is B arbara Dell. We aren ’t criminals. We’re students
at San Fran cisco University in the D epartm ent of Chemistry.”
“W ho’s that man? He doesn ’t look like a student,” said Sergeant
“H e ’s Ben Bradley. He has the key to the m ansion becau se his
g r a n d f a t h e r w as a g a r d e n e r h e re m an y y e a r s ag o . N ow B e n
d o esn ’t have a home. He sleeps here at night,” said Barbara Dell.
“Oh, shut u p !” said Ben Bradley angrily.
“Be qu iet!” said Sergean t Chan. “Now continue your story.”
“ D o n ’t tell them anything, B a r b a r a !” cried one of the young
men. “The form ula is our se cre t.”
“I want to tell the truth ,” said Barbara. “We discovered a new
m olecule at the university. With this m olecule we created a new
fo rm u la for a pow erful fertilizer. People can u se this fertilizer
without water. We knew that no one lived in this m ansion. And
we k new th a t t h e r e w as an old la b o r a t o r y in the b a s e m e n t
b e c a u se Mr Stew art was a scientist. We w anted to keep this a
secret b e c a u s e ...”
“ B e c au se you wanted to sell it to a com pany and make a lot of

1. Y o u h a v e th e r ig h t to r e m a in s il e n t . A n y th in g y o u s a y c a n b e u s e d
a g a i n s t y o u : in the U S A p o l ic e m e n m u s t say th e se th in g s to p ro te c t the
p e o p le they are arre stin g .

The Secret Fo rm u la

money. And you tested the fertilizer in W ashington Square. You

polluted the water of the duck pond. You killed the ducks and the
fish. Your new fertilizer is toxic and very dangerous. Do you know
th a t c h il d r e n p lay in th e p a r k n e a r the d u c k p o n d ? ” a s k e d
Sergean t C han angrily.
“We didn ’t want to pollute the water in the pond or the grass in
the park ,” said one of the young men. “We ju st wanted to test the
new fertilizer.”
“And you decided to test it in a public park! D idn ’t you think
about the people and the wildlife? You four m ust come with us to
the Police S ta tio n ,” said Sergean t Chan. “We will also take all the
chem icals you are using in this laboratory.”
The little girl at the desk was scared and started crying. She
ran to B arbara Dell.
“Who is sh e ?” asked Sergean t Lopez.
“ S h e ’s my litt le s is te r . I b r in g h er h e re s o m e t i m e s , ” s a id
Then the policem en, the university students and Ben Bradley
cam e out o f the m an sion . Jim , Brian and S u s a n were outside.
When Jim saw Ben Bradley he was very surprised. “It’s the man
from the su perm ark et,” he thought.
T he little girl looked at Jim . “Well, s h e ’s not a ghost. S h e ’s
real,” he thought.
Sergean t C h an smiled at Jim , Brian and S u sa n and said, “You
helped us a lot. T hank you. Com e to the Police Station tomorrow
and I’ll explain everything. T hank you ag a in .”
The police cars drove away.

The next day the three friends went to talk to Sergeant Chan.
“T h o se u n iversity s tu d e n ts w ere very in t e llig e n t,” said Jim .

Mystery in
.S a n

“They created a new fo rm u la.”

“Yes, but they were also very irre sp o n sib le . We fo u n d many
illegal c h e m ic a ls in th at b a s e m e n t. T h o se c h e m ic a ls are very
toxic. Now we m u st close W ashington S q u a re for a few weeks.
T h e r e will be a lot o f w ork fo r o u r c h e m i c a l e x p e r t s , ” s a id
Sergean t Chan.
“W hat will happen to the university stu d e n ts?” asked Susan .
“There will be a trial,” 1 said Sergean t Chan. “They could go to
p rison .”
“How are the other d u c k s?” asked Brian.
“T h e v o lu n te e r s at H e lp in g H a n d s are lo o k in g a fte r them .
T hey’re feeling better,” said Sergean t Chan.
Jim , B rian and S u s a n left the p o lice statio n . They were all
“Pizza for everyone tonight,” said Jim .
“G reat id e a,” said Brian.
“ L e t ’s go to N ic o ’s Pizza P lace on W ashington S q u a r e ,” said
Susan .
Jim and Brian looked worried.
“D o n ’t worry, I’m only jo k in g ,” said S u san laughing.

1. t r i a l : a legal p r o c e s s to d e c id e w h at will h a p p e n to th em .


Ak C hoose the co rrect ending to com plete these sentences.

1. □ Four young people a. so he slept at the

mansion at night.
2. □ Sergeant Chan and his officers
broke the front door b. a new powerful and
3. Ben Bradley did not have a toxic fertilizer.

home, c. a large quantity of illegal
4. Barbara Dell and her friends chem icals.

discovered a new m olecule d. were busy with an
5. They created experim ent.

They tested it e. her little sister to the
6. □
7. □ Barbara Dell som etim es brought
f. and went into the
8. □ The police took the four
university students
g* at the university.
9. □ In the secret laboratory the
police found h. in W ashington Square.
10. Susan, Jim and Brian were i. they solved the mystery.

happy because j- to the Chinatown Police

U nscram ble each of the w ords. Copy the letters in the num bered cells
to the cells with the sam e num ber to d iscover the m ystery words.

1. M ITE C S Y R H mnnnmnn
8 10

2. T IL R A □ □ □ □ □
9 6

3. D IILE W LF □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

4. TYEVURNIIS nmnnnnnm
5. N M N IS A O nnnnnnn3 11

6. MBNESTEA □ □2 □1 □ □ □ □7 □

□1 □2 3□ □4 □5 □6 7□ 8□ 9□ □10 □11

A Are the fo llo w in g sen ten ces “R ig h t” (A) or “W ro n g ” (B)? If there is not
enough inform ation to answ er “ R ig h t” or “W ro n g ”, choose “D o esn ’t
say ” (C).

1 Jim, Brian and Susan go to G alileo High School in San Francisco.

A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
2 W ashington Square is a historical landm ark.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
3 It is never foggy in San Francisco.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
4 There are fifteen boys on B rian’s basketball team.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
5 Jim saw the face of a little girl at the window of the Stewart mansion.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
6 Jim, Brian and Susan saw the ghost of an old man there.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
7 They discovered a secret cem etery in the garden.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
8 The ducks and fish at W ashington Square died because of a new
toxic chem ical.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
9 The new toxic fe rtilize r was responsible for the green grass at
W ashington Square.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
10 Susan heard an im portant conversation at T om ’s basketball game.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
11 Sergeant Chan and Sergeant Lopez are thirty years old.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
12 Four university students discovered a new m olecule and created a
new form ula.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say
13 The police did not find any illegal chem icals in the secret laboratory.
A Right B W rong C D oesn’t say

B ftM slsI /1 3

Complete this crossword.
2. When there are a lot of
people in one place, we say
that it i s ......
1. mi
7. The money you get from a 4- U
part-time job. 6 . The title of a story in the
This substance helps plants newspaper.
grow. 8 . A very big house.

10. 11 .

□ 3 4

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□ □ □ 3 □
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1 1 / j v - v . r y in

San Francisco

A new toxic chemical is causing panic in San Francisco. One night Jim Reilly
and his teenage friends explore an abandoned mansion with a mysterious
history, and discover something terrible...

• Easy reading in American English

• Wide range of fun activities in the four skills
• KET-style exercises
• Trinity-style exercises (Grade 3)
• Informative dossiers on A Guide to San Francisco and Natural Resources
and Pollution
• Project work using the Web
• Exit test with answer key
• Full recording of the text

QUALITY CONTROL ISBN 8 8 -5 3 0 -0 2 1 5 -8
j Step One
This volume without the side coupon is to
be considered a sample copy not for sale.
cmUNI EN ISO 9001

9 " 78 885 3 0 0 2 1 5 0 "



1 1 A /2 A /3 B /4 C /5 A /6 B /7 B /8 A /9 A /1 0 B /1 1 C/12A/13B
2 Across: 2. crowded / 5. gate / 7. pocket money / 9. fertilizer / 10. lantern /
12. flashlight
Down: 1. firecrackers / 3. dragon / 4. silver earring / 6. headline / 8. mansion /
11. bat

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