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Purpose of the Study: As part of the requirements for Sports Management & Coaching at
TUD, I must carry out a research study. The study is concerned with flying sprints and
whether they have a correlation to performance in the 100 metres.

What will the study involve? The study will involve one testing session. In this testing
session, athletes participating will have flying sprints timed at three separate distances:
1. 10m
2. 20m
3. 30m
In order to facilitate maximal effort and avoid fatigue, athletes will run only one sprint at each
distance. The session will last 1 hour 30 mins to 2 hours, depending on the number of
participating athletes from your training group and / or if you have chosen to join up with other
training groups / athletes.

Please note: Participants will need at least one official, wind-legal 100m time from the 2022
outdoor season.

Why have you been asked to take part? You have been asked because there are athlete(s)
in your training group that fit the categories laid out to provide data for this study.

Do you have to take part? No – participation is voluntary. A consent form is required.

Coaches and athletes will have access to the information sheet and a copy of the consent
form. You have the option of withdrawing before the study commences (even if you have
agreed for your athlete(s) to participate, or discontinuing after data collection has started, i.e.,
during the session.
March 2023
Will your participation in the study be kept confidential? Yes. I will ensure that no clues
to your athlete’s identity appear in the thesis. Any reference to times ran in the thesis will be
entirely anonymous.

What will happen to the information which you give? The data will be kept confidential for
the duration of the study, available only to me and my research supervisor. It will be securely
stored on an encrypted laptop device. On completion of the project, they will be retained for
minimum of a further ten years and then destroyed.

What will happen to the results? The results will be presented in the thesis. They will be
seen by my supervisor, a second marker and the external examiner. The thesis may be read
by future students on the course. The study may be published in a research journal.

What are the possible disadvantages of taking part? I don’t envisage any negative
consequences for you in taking part. The only perceived risk is that an athlete gets injured
during these sprints. However, athletes will be required to complete their full warm-up routine
to decrease this risk.

What if there is a problem? At the end of the procedure, I will discuss with you how you
found the experience and how you are feeling. Should any issues occur, feel free to contact
me or my supervisor via the details below (see the any further queries section).

Who has reviewed this study? Approval must be given by TU Dublin’s School of Global
Business before studies like this can take place.

Any further queries? If you need any further information, you can:

● Contact me: Emmanuel Ilori (089 252 7617) and/or

● My supervisor: Eugene Eivers – (

March 2023
If you agree to take part in the study, please sign the consent form overleaf.

March 2023

I……Janine Boyle……agree to participate in Emmanuel’s research study.

The purpose and nature of the study has been explained to me in writing.

I am participating voluntarily.

I give permission for my sprint times to be used by Emmanuel.

I understand that I can withdraw from the study, without repercussions, at any time, whether before it
starts or while I am participating.

I understand that I can withdraw permission to use the data within two weeks of the testing session, in
which case the material will be deleted.

I understand that anonymity will be ensured in the write-up by disguising my identity.


(Please tick one box:)

I agree to participating in this testing session x
I do not agree to participating in this testing session 

Signed: …Janine Boyle…. Date: …03/04/2023..

PRINT NAME: Janine Boyle

March 2023
March 2023

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