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The SOLTEQ Film and Dropwise Condensation were used to conduct the experiment (Model: HE163).
It has been specifically designed for use in classroom instruction to give students a visual representation
of the heat transfer mechanism during condensation. On the other hand, gathering experimental data
will help us comprehend theory better. Condensation can occur in two ways: filmwise and dropwise. A
laminar film of vapour is formed on a surface during filmwise condensation. Then, as more vapour is
taken up along the way, it might travel downward and thicken. Along the route, they are followed by
dropwise condensation vapour droplets. This experiment's primary goal is to show how condensation
occurs in both a film and a drop. Determine the surface heat transfer coefficient and filmwise heat flux
at constant pressure as the second step. The third goal is comparable to the second goal, except it focuses
on dropwise condensation. Investigating the impact of air in the condenser on heat flux and surface heat
transfer coefficient is the final goal.


Steam has a long history of being used to produce power and transport heat, and these applications are
expected to persist for the foreseeable future. In all applications, steam must be condensed as it transfers
heat to a cooling medium, which might be sugar solution in a sugar refinery, hot water in a heating
calorifier, or cold water in a condenser of a generating station. Condensation allows for extremely large
heat fluxes, and heat exchangers can be small and efficient if the heat can be swiftly transported from
the condensing surface to the cooling medium.

The Filmwise condensation and the Dropwise condensation are two different ways that steam can
condense onto a surface. Dropwise condensation is several times more effective than filmwise
condensation for the same temperature differential between the surface and the steam, hence the former
is preferred even though it rarely lasts for extended durations in actual plants.

The SOLTEQ Film and Dropwise Condensation Unit (Model: HE163) is intended to aid students in
understanding a number of important concepts related to condensation, particularly the filmwise and
dropwise condensation processes. It gives students the chance to picture both phenomena and run a few
experiments to illustrate both ideas.

The objectives of this experiment are:

1. To demonstrate the filmwise and dropwise condensation.

2. To determine the filmwise heat flux and surface heat transfer coefficient at constant pressure.
3. To determine the dropwise heat flux and surface heat transfer coefficient at constant pressure.
4. To demonstrate the effect of air on heat transfer coefficient of condensation.


Mechanism of Condensation

A fluid with a high heat transfer coefficient changes phases when a vapour turns into a liquid or when
a liquid turns into a vapour. When a saturated vapour, such as steam, comes into contact with a solid
whose surface temperature is below the saturation temperature, condensation takes place, resulting in
the formation of a liquid, such as water.

In most cases, when a vapour condenses on a surface like a vertical or horizontal tube or another surface,
a film of condensate forms on the surface and flows over the surface due to gravity. The primary barrier
to heat transfer is this liquid coating that exists between the surface and the vapour. The term for this is
"filmwise condensation."

Dropwise condensation is a different kind of condensation in which tiny drops develop on the surface.
The liquid emerges from the surface as these drops enlarge and combine. Large sections of the tube are
left completely dry and exposed to the vapour during this condensation. On these bare surfaces,
extremely high rates of heat transmission take place. The average dropwise condensation heat transfer
coefficient is five to ten times greater than the filmwise values.

Making the surface dry (via coating) can encourage dropwise condensation. However, oxidation,
fouling, and coating degradation make it difficult to sustain dropwise condensation in industrial
applications, and finally film condensation sets in. As a result, the assumption of filmwise condensation
is frequently used in condenser designs.

General Start-up

1. Making sure the main switch is in the off position is important.

2. To set the power to the lowest setting, fully counterclockwise spin the power regular knob.
3. Checking the closed valves on V1 and V6 is necessary.
4. The chamber is filled with distilled water until it reaches the level between the combat plate
and the heater. Throughout the experiment, the heater must be completely submerged in the
water. Water will be poured into the chamber through the vent valve when V4 is opened. The
vent valve will thereafter be shut.
5. By adjusting the control valve in accordance with the experimental protocol, the water flow
rate to the condenser is controlled.
6. The heater switch as well as the main switch are both turned on. The power regulator is turned
in a clockwise direction to increase the heater power.
7. The water temperature is measured, and it will rise as the water begins to warm up.
8. The water is heated until it reaches the boiling point and the pressure is between 1.02 and 1.10
bar. To remove the air from the condenser, the valve V1 is opened right away, and the valve
V5 is then opened for a minute. V1 and V5 are then closed.
9. Allow the system to settle. For experimentational objectives, every pertinent measurement is
taken. If necessary, adjustments are made.

Experiment 1: Demonstration of Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation

1. The basic procedure is followed as written in general start-up procedure. The equipment must
to make sure that it is connected to the service unit.

Experiment 2: The Filmwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient Determination at
Constant Pressure

1. Cooling water is circulated through the filmwise condenser starting with a minimum value of
0.1 LPM.
2. The heater power is adjusted to obtain the desired pressure at 1.01 bar.
3. When the condition is stabilized, the steam (Tsat) and surface temperature (Tsurf), Tin (T1)
and Tout (T2), and flowrate are recorded.
Experiment 3: The Dropwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient Determination at
Constant Pressure

1. Cooling water is circulated through the dropwise condenser starting with a minimum value of
0.4 LPM.
2. The heater power is adjusted to obtain the desired pressure at 1.01 bar.
3. When the condition is stabilized, the steam (Tsat) and surface temperature (Tsurf), Tin (T3)
and Tout (T4), and flowrate are recorded.

Experiment 4: The Effect of Air inside Chamber

1. Cooling water is circulated through the filmwise condenser at the highest flowrate until the
pressure is reduced to below 1 bar.
2. The discharge valve is opened and an amount of air is left to enter the chamber.
3. The water flow rate to the condenser is regulated starting with a minimum value of 0.4 LPM.
4. The heater power is adjusted to obtain the desired pressure at 1.01 bar.
5. When the condition is stabilized, the steam (Tsat) and surface temperature (Tsurf), Tin (T3)
and Tout (T4), and flowrate are recorded.
6. Step 1-5 is repeated for dropwise condensation.

General Shut-down

1. The voltage control knob is turn to 0 Volt position by turning the knob fully anticlockwise. The
cooling water flowing for at least 5 minutes through the condensers to cold them down.
2. The main switch and power supply are switch off. The power supply cable is unplugged
3. The water supply is closed and the cooling water connection tubes is disconnect if necessary.
Otherwise, leave the connection tubes for next experiment.
4. The water inside the chamber is discharge using the discharge value.

Experiment 1: Demonstration of Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation

Figure 1.1: (a) Filmwise condensation (b) Dropwise condensation

Type of condensation Characteristic Observation

Filmwise Low rate of condensation • Form a liquid film around
the surfaces
• The surface was wettable

Dropwise High rate of condensation • Form a small liquid

droplets over the surface
• It was non-wettable to the

Experiment 2: The Filmwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficinet Determination at
Constant Pressure
Flow Power Tin Tout Tsat Tsurf Tsat- ∆Tm Mass qx ɸ U
rate (W) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) Tsurf (°C) Flow (W) (W/m2) (W/m2.
(LPM) (°C) Rate K
0.1 340 31.2 33.3 61.7 32.3 29.4 29.4 1.667 14.654 2981.81 101.42
0.2 342 31.2 32.2 67.8 31.5 36.3 36.1 3.333 13.952 2838.97 78.64
0.3 338 31.1 31.7 69.3 31.5 37.8 37.9 5.000 12.558 2555.31 67.42
0.4 334 31.0 31.5 70.0 33.0 37.0 38.7 6.667 13.954 2839.37 73.37
0.5 333 31.0 31.4 70.2 34.1 36.1 39.0 8.333 13.953 2839.17 72.80
0.6 332 31.0 31.3 70.5 34.5 36.0 39.3 10.000 12.558 2555.31 65.02
0.7 338 31.1 31.3 70.6 35.2 35.4 39.4 11.667 9.768 1987.60 50.45
Heat Flux vs Temperature Difference


Heat Flux





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature Difference

Figure 2.1: Graph Heat Flux vs Temperature Difference

Heat Transfer Coefficient vs Temperature

Heat Transfer Coefficient






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature Difference

Figure 2.2: Graph Heat transfer coefficient vs Temperature difference

Experiment 3: The Dropwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficinet Determination at
Constant Pressure

Flow Power Tin Tout Tsat Tsurf Tsat- ∆Tm Mass qx ɸ U

rate (W) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) Tsurf (°C) Flow (W) (W/m ) (W/m2.

(LPM) (°C) Rate K

0.4 332 22.0 33.3 71.0 42.1 28.9 43.1 6.667 315.361 64169 1488.9
0.6 342 24.9 33.4 71.0 47.1 23.9 41.7 10.000 355.81 72400 1736.2
0.8 322 24.9 32.9 71.1 43.2 27.9 42.1 13.333 446.496 90853 2158.0
1.0 328 24.9 33.1 71.2 47.2 24.0 42.1 16.667 572.098 116411 2765.1
1.2 312 24.9 32.7 71.1 42.9 28.2 42.2 20.000 653.016 132876 3148.7
1.4 329 24.9 32.9 71.0 47.1 23.9 42.0 23.333 781.376 158995 3785.6
1.6 322 24.9 32.5 71.2 43.5 27.7 42.4 26.667 848.373 172627 4071.4

Heat Flux vs Temperature Difference

Heat Flux

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Temperature Difference

Figure 3.1: Heat Fluc vs Temperature difference

Heat Transfer Coefficient vs Temperature
Heat Transfer Coefficient

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Temperature Difference

Figure 3.2: Heat transfer Coefficient vs Temperature difference

Heat Flux vs Temperature Difference

140000 Dropwise
Heat Flux

100000 Filmwise
60000 2 per. Mov. Avg.
20000 Linear (Filmwise)
0 10 20 30 40
Temperature Difference

Figure 3.3: Heat Fluc vs Temperature difference

Heat Transfer Coefficient vs Temperature
Heat Transfer Coefficient

2000 2 per. Mov. Avg.
1500 (Filmwise)
1000 Linear (Filmwise)
0 2 per. Mov. Avg.
0 10 20 30 40 (Dropwise)
Temperature Difference

Figure 3.4: Heat transfer Coefficient vs Temperature difference

Experiment 4: The Effect of Air inside Chamber


Flow Power Tin Tout Tsat Tsurf Tsat- ∆Tm Mass qx ɸ U

rate (W) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) Tsurf (°C) Flow (W) (W/m ) (W/m2.

(LPM) (°C) Rate K

0.4 540 30.1 41.5 68.1 31.4 36.7 31.96 6.667 318.15 64737 2025.6
0.5 542 30.0 42.5 70.3 36.7 33.6 33.66 8.333 436.02 88721 2635.8
0.6 539 30.1 43.1 70.9 40.6 30.3 33.89 10.000 544.18 110730 3267.3
0.7 543 30.1 43.6 71.1 42.5 28.6 33.80 11.667 659.31 134157 3969.1
0.8 545 30.1 45.2 71.2 45.9 25.3 32.98 13.333 842.76 171485 5199.7
0.9 556 30.1 50.3 71.3 47.5 23.8 29.97 15.000 1268.36 258087 8611.5
Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient vs Temperature
Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient 9000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature Difference

Figure 4.1: Graph Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient vs Temperature Difference


Flow Power Tin Tout Tsat Tsurf Tsat- ∆Tm ɸ U

rate (W) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) Tsurf (°C) (W/m2) (W/m2.
(LPM) (°C) K

0.4 195 31.8 38.8 101.0 70.7 30.3 65.6 48393 737
0.6 222 31.7 37.0 101.0 66.3 34.7 66.6 54960 825
0.8 234 31.6 35.8 101.2 64.2 37.0 67.5 58071 861
1.0 265 31.7 35.5 101.2 61.7 39.5 67.6 65676 972
1.2 226 32.0 34.7 101.3 60.1 41.2 67.9 55997 824
Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient vs Temperature
Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient





65 65.5 66 66.5 67 67.5 68 68.5
Temperature Difference

Figure 4.2: : Graph Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient vs Temperature Difference


Sample calculation

Experiment 2: Flow rate =0.1LPM


A Diameter, D = 12.7 mm = 0.0127 m

Length, L = 120.0 mm = 0.120 m

A = πDL = π (0.0127 m)(0.120 m) = 0.00479 m2

Mass flow rate: (m)

(0.1)(1000)/60 =1.667g/s

Heater power, qx

qx = (1.667)(4.186)((33.3+273)-(31.2+273))

=14.654 W

Heat flux, ɸ

ɸ= (14.654)/(π)(0.0127)(0.12)+((π)(0.0127)2)/4

=2981.81 W/m2



Heat Transfer Coefficient, U

U= (2981.81)/29.4

=101.42 W/m2. K


Vapour condensation occurs on the cool surface in filmwise condensation. Due to gravity, the
condensation moistens the surface and tries to spread out. Condensate eventually sinks from the surface
due to gravity and the rising thickness of the liquid sheet. Filmwise condensation is not recommended
because it results in a layer of liquid being deposited on a cold surface that has a high heat flow
resistance, preventing heat from the vapour from being transferred to the cold surface. Low heat transfer
from the vapour to the cold surface results from the filmwise condensation.

Condensate does not spread out to form a liquid film on the cold surface when condensation occurs
dropwise. Instead, condensate creates a liquid droplet that enlarges and eventually separates from the
cold surface. Because the condensate does not create a liquid coating on the cool surface, the
condensation of vapour occurs most effectively. For efficient condensation, the cool surface is
continuously exposed to the vapour.

The goal of experiment 1 was to show the filmwise and dropwise condensation, and this was
accomplished. When condensation occurs at a low rate, as in the case of filmwise, water droplets flow
to the bottom directly, whereas when condensation occurs at a high pace, dropwise, the water droplets
flow to the bottom one at a time. This is so that dropwise condensation, which occurs when liquids wet
solid surfaces just partially, does not occur on vertical surfaces where filmwise condensation does.

The heat flux for dropwise and filmwise condensation is plotted against temperature variations in graphs
5 and 6, respectively. This graph demonstrates how steam pressure and the temperature differential
between the steam and condenser surface affect heat flux. It also demonstrates how dropwise
condensation produces higher heat flux values for each set of pressure values than filmwise
condensation under the same circumstances. Dropwise condensation produces discrete vapour drops
that are continuously generated and released, which causes the condenser's surface to
is also constantly revealed. The film produced through filmwise condensation, in contrast, is always

covers the condenser's exterior.

In order to prevent the heater from overheating while there is no water inside the vessel, the apparatus
should be allowed to cool down when the experiment is complete. To avoid clogging inside the
condenser, the used tap water needs to be clean.


In conclusion, dropwise condensation is a more efficient mode of heat transfer than filmwise
condensation, and the heat transfer in steam vapour is greatly diminished by the presence of air.
Dropwise condensation is more difficult to achieve even if the heat transfer rate is substantially higher
than what is attainable for filmwise condensation. Filmwise condensation is therefore anticipated when
constructing condensers, despite the minimal heat that could result from it.


1. Always opened the overflow valve to maintain or lower its pressure.

2. Make sure that the valve is closed tightly to ensure no leaking of water during experiment.
3. Make sure that the pressure switch to turn off the heater when chamber pressure exceeds 1.20
abs bar, pressure relief valve to discharge at 1.5 abs bar.
4. Make sure that when taking the reading of the floe rate, the eye level must be perpendicular
with the water inside the chamber.
5. Do not directly touch the over flow water that might have high temperature that can blistered.


1. Yunus, A.C, Michael, A.B. (2008). Thermodynamics: an engineering Approach. 7th Ed.
McGraw- Hill.
2. Travis M Hery, 2011. Heat Transfer rates for Filmwise, Dropwise and Superhydrophobic
Condensation on Silicon Substrates
3. Mayhew, Y, Rogers, G. (1992). Engineering Thermodynamics: Work and Heat Transfer. 4 th
Ed. Prentice Hall.

Figure: Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation

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