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Question/Activity 1: Laptops are responsible for what percent of the profit?

Answer: 83.54%

Question/Activity 2: Which brands have the most variance per item?

Answer: MSI and ASUS

Question/Activity 3: Which items from Corsair bring in the most profit?

Answer: COR-KEY-5985 and COR-HEA-538

Question/Activity 23: We want the bar representation to be further broken down by month. How will
you do this?

Answer: By ticking the Month Field

Question/Activity 28: What is the Net Sales for the Davao Region during the first quarter (Months 1 to 3)?
Answer: 62.15 Million, which accounts for 19.18% of all sales for that period
Question/Activity 37: What happens when you change the Slicer to cover the months of April to June
(Months 4 to 6)?

Answer: The Average line changes from 12.99M to 11.92M. Wherein, the line changes Dynamically,
depending on the data.

Question/Activity 45: What happens if you increase the Sensitivity property from 70 to 90?

Answer: It will make the algorithm more sensitive, resulting in the detection of more anomalies.
Question/Activity 49: You want to add a Bar Chart visualization that shows the total Profit but
segmented by month. What do you type in the Q&A text box to achieve this?

Answer: Type “Profit by brand and month stacked bar chart”

Question/Activity 55: In addition to the Total Profit, you want to add an explanation that will show
which brand has the highest Net Sales and by how much. How do you phrase it using text boxes?

Answer: Most Net Sales Brand: What Brand has the Highest Amount of Net Sale

Most Net Sales Value: highest net sales by brand

Question/Activity 56: What happens when you change the Month coverage from April to June to July to

Answer: The worded explanation will automatically change values to reflect the new set of data being
considered due to the change in Month coverage.

Question/Activity 63: Create a Smart Narrative for the Pie Chart, by using the Smart Narrative
visualization from the Visualization Pane.
Question/Activity 68: The Table is currently sorted in ascending order by item group. Change it so that
the table is arranged such that the highest profit is displayed first?

Answer: Find the Sort By option and make sure that Profit is selected

Question/Activity 69: We need another table that will allow us to see and compare the Profit generated
by each of the company’s Sales People per Month. How do we create this chart? Also rearrange Page 6
as seen in the expected outcome.

Answer: In the Visualizations Pane, click on Matrix. Once the visual is added, add the Sales Person
Field to the Rows, Month to the Columns, and Profit to the Values.
Question/Activity 70: What happens if you add the Region field to the Rows of the Matrix, under the
Sales Person field?

Answer: The Sales Person will have a + sign to its left, denoting that it is now collapsible/expandable
to show/hide the Sales of that particular Sales Person per Region

Question/Activity 82: Use Conditional Formatting to format the rest of the fields so that each row
follows the same color.

Answer: Repeat Step 78, but instead of Profit select the other fields. Repeat Steps 79-81, but change
the Based on Field option to be Profit.
Question/Activity 83: What happens when you include all item groups in the coverage of the data?

Answer: The table will now only show Green and Red, because the inclusion of Laptops made it such
that no item group falls into

Question/Activity 90: Still on page 7, make the column chart just show sales people who sold more than
2,000,000 in Profit. This is on top on our laptop restriction.

Answer: Change the operators to “is greater than” then specify the value to be 2000000. Click Apply
Question/Activity 93: Change the ranking so that the Bottom 5 Sales People according to Profit will be
shown. The result will be blank. Why is this?

Answer: Because there the Bottom 5 Sales People were excluded by our Profit Filter. This means that
none of those people had a profit greater than 2,000,00 Because conflicts in filter conditions result in
a blank visualization, it is best to keep filtering simple.

Question/Activity 94: How do we solve this so that the bottom 5 performers can be seen?

Answer: Clear the Profits filter by clicking on the eraser icon.

Question/Activity 101: What happened to the chart?

Answer: The Y-axis changed from Brands to Item Groups. The Title of the chart changed.

Question/Activity 102: Is this behavior different from our initial drill down activity?

Answer: Yes, it is different behavior. Unlike the initial activity, there was no Brand filter that got added
to the visualization.
Question/Activity104: What happened to the chart?

Answer: The Y-axis changed from Brands to the combination of item groups and each brand that sells
items from those groups.

Question/Activity105: Is this behavior different from our previous drill down activity?

Answer: Yes, it is different behavior. While they both don’t add a filter to the visualization and they
both go down to the next level in the hierarchy, this one combines categories from the different levels,
resulting in more bars of data.
Question/Activity112: What happened to the data in the Pie Chart?

Answer: The pie chart was filtered according to the ASUS brand, as evidenced by the reduced numbers
on the data labels. However, no actual filter was created in the Filters Pane.

Question/Activity117: What happened to the Pie Chart?

Answer: The pie chart was filtered (as can be seen in its Filter Pane when selecting the pie chart) even
when the interactivity is set to be highlighting.
Question/Activity138: Can you add Insights to Dashboards? Why or why not?

Answer: Insights can be added to dashboards because they count as visualizations. However, when
they are added to the Dashboard, they lose the worded explanation and clicking on a pinned insight
does nothing.

Question/Activity 140: How do you pin an entire report page into the dashboard?

Answer: When editing a report, make sure that no visualization is selected, then in the menu bar,
select Pin to Dashboard.
Question/Activity 141: Is interactivity preserved when the page is pinned to the dashboard?

Answer: Yes, interactivity is preserved. However, it only applies to the pinned page. The other tiles in
the dashboard is unaffected.
Question/Activity 150: Scan the QR Code you generated using the mobile app. What happens?

Answer: The user is directly shown the contents of the report.

Question/Activity 151: Add a new, blank page to the report and save it. After about a minute, scan your
QR Code again. What happens?

Answer: The user is directly shown the contents of the report, and the additional page is visible. This
means that the QR Code refers to the report itself, and any changes to it is still captured.
Question/Activity 157: The Sales Data MicroOctagon Hub dashboard is blank. How do we remove it from
the app?

Answer: Under the Include in app column, make sure that it is set to No for the Sales Data MicroOctagon
Hub dashboard. Then press on the Update app button. Then click on Update app again. There might be
a delay before the app is updated.

Question/Activity 166: Using the Power BI Mobile

App, go to the workspace where the report
belongs and refresh the list. Open the report. Is
interactivity preserved?

Answer: Yes, interactivity is preserved without

Question/Activity167: Still on Page 1, want to see the original layout of the report as it was created in
the browser. How do we change the display?

Answer: Turn the mobile device sideways / activate landscape mode.

Question/Activity169: Go to Page 2. Were you immediately able to see the report?

Answer: No. Because mobile layouts were defined only for Pages 1 and 4 of the report, any pages
without a mobile layout will need to have the device on landscape mode to view its contents.

Question/Activity 172: Did you have to create a Mobile Layout from scratch?

Answer: No. The layout was automatically created.

Question/Activity 173: The pie chart is no longer needed for the mobile layout. How can it be removed?

Answer: Hover to the visualization, then click on the “unpin” button on its upper right hand corner.
Question/Activity 174: Access the dashboard using the mobile app. How can the original layout as
created in the Browser be shown?

Answer: Similar to the reports: turn the device sideways / enable landscape mode.

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