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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 102, 042612 (2020)

Hessian-based optimization of constrained quantum control

Mogens Dalgaard ,1 Felix Motzoi,2 Jesper Hasseriis Mohr Jensen,1 and Jacob Sherson 1,*
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 120, 8000 Arhus C, Denmark
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Quantum Control (PGI-8), D-52425 Jülich, Germany

(Received 1 June 2020; revised 16 September 2020; accepted 29 September 2020; published 21 October 2020)

Efficient optimization of quantum systems is a necessity for reaching fault-tolerant thresholds. A standard tool
for optimizing simulated quantum dynamics is the gradient-based GRAPE algorithm, which has been successfully
applied in a wide range of different branches of quantum physics. In this work, we derive and implement exact
second-order analytical derivatives of the coherent dynamics and find improvements compared to the standard of
optimizing with the approximate second-order Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm. We demonstrate
performance improvements for both the best and the average errors of constrained unitary gate synthesis on a
circuit-QED system over a broad range of different gate durations.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.042612

I. INTRODUCTION filtering [42], robustness [17,43], chopped random basis [44],

experiment design [45], and open quantum systems [46].
Nowadays, there exists a wide range of proposed technolo-
In addition, there exists many hybrid algorithms that com-
gies that utilize the potential of quantum mechanics in order to
bine GRAPE with, e.g., sequential updates [19] and global opti-
achieve improvements over their classical counterparts. These
mization algorithms [47,48]. Machine-learning-based control
include quantum variational eigensolvers [1,2], annealers [3],
[49–55] could also improve the solution exploration of local
simulators [4,5], Boltzman machines [6], and, perhaps most
quantum optimal control methods such as GRAPE, where ini-
promising, the quantum computer [7]. We may reach a point in
tial steps towards a hybrid algorithm have already been taken
time where the majority of these quantum-based technologies
in Ref. [55].
outperform their classical counterparts.
In this paper we show how GRAPE can further be enhanced
Reaching this quantum advantage requires, among other
to significantly increase its ability to reach high-fidelity so-
things, substantial improvements in our ability to control the
lutions, by incorporating the exact Hessian in the numerical
underlying quantum systems. On the theoretical side, quan-
optimization. We present here an efficient calculation of
tum optimal control theory addresses this issue [8–10]. Here
the Hessian and apply both gradient- and Hessian-based
optimization methods with respect to a chopped random basis
optimization to unitary gate synthesis for superconducting
(CRAB) [11,12] and individual pulse amplitudes (Krotov)
circuits. A previous calculation of the Hessian made use of the
[13,14] have been successful especially with respect to un-
auxiliary matrix method [56,57]. This approach requires the
constrained quantum optimization, where trapping has been
exponentiation of block matrices having three times the size of
shown to rarely occur [15,16].
the Hilbert space, which leads to an unfavorable scaling with
One of the most used, and widely successful, algorithms
respect to both the Hilbert space size and the number of con-
within quantum optimal control theory is the gradient ascent
trols. In this work, we present a derivation that only requires
pulse engineering (GRAPE) algorithm [17,18]. The original
exponentiation of matrices with the same size as the Hilbert
GRAPE algorithm used first-order approximated gradients in
space. In doing so, we show that every component needed to
combination with the steepest descent [17]. Later, significant
evaluate the gradient can be recycled to evaluate the Hessian
improvements were obtained when the analytical gradients
and thus that calculating an element of the Hessian is not much
were calculated and combined with Hessian approxima-
more expensive than evaluating the gradient. These results
tion methods such as the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
enable us to demonstrate improvements with Hessian-based
(BFGS) algorithm [18–20]. GRAPE has been widely success-
GRAPE in equal wall-time simulations without the explicit
ful providing its use in nuclear magnetic resonance [21–25],
need for any code parallelization. In addition to enhancing
superconducting qubit circuits [26–30], spin chains [31–34],
optimization, the Hessian can also be used to characterize the
nitrogen-vacancy centers [35,36], and ultracold atoms [37,38].
quantum optimal control landscape, which in Ref. [58] was
It has also become a standard integrated tool in many numeri-
done in the presence of noise.
cal packages aimed at quantum physicists [19,39–41]. Further,
Besides calculating the Hessian, we further seek to
one could mention the many extensions of GRAPE, which treat
benchmark analytical gradient- and Hessian-based numerical
optimization within constrained physical settings. Physically
realizable pulses are always constrained in amplitude due
to limitations of experimental equipment, but constraints are
* more often imposed to avoid undesirable processes such as

2469-9926/2020/102(4)/042612(11) 042612-1 ©2020 American Physical Society


leakage, ionization, heating, decoherence, and break down (a)

of theoretical models. For many quantum control problems,
optimal solutions contain segments that lie on the boundary of c6,k
c5,k c7,k

Control pulse k
the admissible region (see, e.g., Refs. [59,60]). Under certain
c2,k c4,k c9,k
assumptions, this has even been proven to more generally c1,k . . . cN,k
occur [61]. Therefore, it is important how the optimization | t
algorithms handle constraints. c3,k T
For the work presented here, we demonstrate our methods
by synthesizing the unitary dynamics of a superconduct-
ing transmon circuit [62]. The circuit consists of two fixed (b)
frequency transmon qubits dispersively coupled through a
microwave resonator [45,63,64]. This setup could be used as a
subpart of many of the aforementioned quantum technologies.

Our objective is to generate a target unitary V using a
set of piecewise constant pulses. However, it should be men-
tioned that the calculations given here are applicable to many
other control problems as well. These include state-to-state
transfer for pure quantum states [65] (see also Appendix A)
and density matrices in closed quantum systems, as well as
state-to-state transfer of density matrices in open quantum
systems [17,19]. FIG. 1. (a) An example of a piecewise constant control pulse.
The pulses consist of N constant-amplitude segments and Here individual updates are depicted as arrows. (b) An example
have a total duration, T . We assume access to a set of M con- of how Interior-Point with either BFGS or the Hessian searches
trol Hamiltonians {Hk }M k=1 such that a bilinear Hamiltonian,
differently. In addition we also compare to a simple gradient-descent
 algorithm. We elaborate on this figure in Appendix F.
H (t j ) = H0 + M k=1 j,k Hk , governs the system dynamics at
time step j. Here H0 and c j,k denote the drift Hamiltonian
and controls, respectively. We have depicted an example of a The search direction taken by GRAPE was originally pro-
control pulse in Fig. 1(a). The system starts from an initial uni- posed to be the steepest descent, pn = −∇J (cn ), where the
tary U0 , which is typically chosen to be the identity, and then gradient was approximated to first order in t [17]. The steep-
evolves through the unitary evolution U j = exp[−iH (t j )t], est descent only uses information about the first derivative and
where t = T /N and h̄ = 1. thus suffers from having no information about the curvature of
Replicating the target unitary V , up to a global phase, is the optimization landscape. Hence, it is often superior to use
achieved by maximizing the fidelity the second-order derivatives, i.e., the Hessian matrix
 2 ⎡ ∂2J ⎤
 1  ∂2J
. . . ∂c1,1∂ ∂cJ N,M

F =  † 
Tr[PU PV ] , (1) ∂c1,1
2 ∂c1,1 ∂c2,1
⎢ ∂2J ⎥
dim ⎢ ∂2J
. . . ∂c2,1∂ ∂cJ N,M ⎥

⎢ ∂c2,1 ∂c1,1 ∂c2,1


where U = UN UN−1 . . . U0 denotes the final unitary and P H=⎢ .. .. ... .. ⎥. (3)
⎢ . . . ⎥
is a projection into the subspace of interest, whose di- ⎣ ⎦
∂2J ∂2J ∂2J
mension is denoted as dim. This approach exploits that ∂cN,M ∂c1,1 ∂cM,N ∂c2,1
... ∂cN,M

quantum propagation can always be decomposed smoothly

into shorter, differential time segments. Equivalently, we If one has access to the Hessian, a standard search direc-
seek to minimize the infidelity J = 1 − F, which serves tion is given by Newton”s method pn = −[H(cn )]−1 ∇J (cn ).
as our cost function. We express a control vector as c = If the second-order derivatives are not available, one can
(c1,1 , c2,1 , . . . , cN,1 , c1,2 , . . . , cN,M ), where the first index de- approximate the Hessian B ≈ H via the BFGS Hessian-
notes the discretized time and the second denotes different approximation scheme [20] that gradually builds B using only
controls. Starting from an initial guess, c0 , we seek to make in- the gradient. The iterative BFGS update is of the form
cremental updates such that J (cn+1 ) < J (cn ), with n denoting
yk ykT Bk sk skT BTk
the iteration number. The incremental update is of the form Bk+1 = Bk + − , (4)
ykT sk skT Bk sk
cn+1 = cn + αn pn . (2)
where yk = ∇ f (xk+1 ) − ∇ f (xk ) and sk = xk+1 − xk . The
Here pn defines a search direction, while αn defines a step size derivation and use of an exact gradient enabled the precision
typically found through a line search. Figure 1(a) illustrates needed for BFGS to outclass its first-order counterpart [18].
an example of an incremental update depicted with arrows. It is now the standard within quantum optimal control theory
The initial seed could, e.g., stem from an analytical ansatz [19,40,41].
or be based on a random guess to explore the optimization Since physically realizable pulses are always constrained
landscape. The latter approach is termed multistarting [66]. in amplitude, we optimize via a constrained optimiza-


tion algorithm that uses either the actual Hessian or the consider an exact method, which is to solve it explicitly in the
gradient-based BFGS (see Appendix D). In Fig. 1(b) we il- eigenbasis {|n} of the Hamiltonian H (t j ). A direct calculation
lustrate the difference between these methods (Hessian-based reveals
and gradient-only) for a simple two-dimensional optimiza- ∂U j
tion problem (see Appendix F for a technical explanation). m| | n = m | Hk | nI (m, n). (8)
∂c j,k
The problem has a global minimum at (c1 , c2 ) = (0, 0). In
addition, there is also a local one above. We start the opti- Here we have defined
mization near the two solutions and plot how each method 
moves through the optimization landscape. The two gradient- −ite−iEm t , ifEm = En ,
I (m, n) = e−iEm t −e−iEn t (9)
based approaches converge toward the local solution, while Em −En
, ifEm = En ,
the Hessian-based method manages to avoid this solution and
converge towards the global optimum. A possible explanation where En denotes the eigenenergy of |n. This method re-
for this behavior is that Hessian-based optimization generally quires diagonalization of the Hamiltonian at each instance
has more information about the landscape curvature. This can of time, i.e., H (t j ) = RDR† , with R being the transformation
allow it to avoid suboptimal nearby solutions like the one de- matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors of H (t j ) and D
picted in Fig. 1(b). As we demonstrate later, the two different containing the eigenenergies D = Diag(E1 , E2 , . . .). One can
approaches (gradient-only and Hessian based optimization) use the diagonalization efficiently to first evaluate the matrix
often find different solutions although starting from the same exponential e−iH (t j )t = R Diag(−iE1 t, −iE2 t, . . .)R† and
initial pulse. However, we would like to stress that the Hessian subsequently use it to switch from one basis to another. If we
is not guaranteed to find the best solution of the two. define the matrix I with Im,n = I (m, n), Eq. (8) can be written
Moreover, Fig. 1(b) also illustrates how Hessian-based in the original basis as
optimization generally requires fewer iterations to converge ∂U j
[67]. If the cost function is sufficiently simple near an optimal = R[(R† Hk R)  I]R† , (10)
solution, x∗ , a nearby initial guess (seed), x0 , will converge as ∂c j,k
||xk+1 − x∗ ||  C||xk − x∗ ||q , where C  0 for the optimiza- where  denotes the Hadamard (elementwise) product. For
tion methods discussed here, with the Hessian being quadratic multiple controls {Hk }M
k=1 , each derivative {∂U j /∂c j,k }k=1 may
(q = 2) and BFGS being superlinear (1 < q < 2) [67]. †
be evaluated efficiently since R, R , and I need only be calcu-
In the following we derive exact analytical expressions for lated once. Note one can also exploit the symmetry Im,n = In,m
both the gradient and the Hessian of Eq. (1). The gradient when evaluating I.
has previously been derived (see, e.g., Refs. [18,19]), but is In the case of larger Hilbert spaces, the exact matrix di-
reproduced here for completeness. agonalization becomes intractable. In this case, there exist
other methods in the literature that may be more applicable
A. Gradient while still permitting analytical differentiation [65,69,70] and
The first step is to express the derivative of the fidelity, gradient- and Hessian-based optimization.
Eq. (1), in terms of the derivative of the unitary:

B. Hessian
∂F 2 ∂U
= Re Tr P PV Tr(V PU P ) .
† †
(5) We start by evaluating the derivative of Eq. (5), which
∂c j,k dim2 ∂c j,k reveals
It is only the unitary at the jth time step, U j , that depends on

∂ 2F 2 ∂U 2
c j,k and hence the derivative is = Re Tr P PV Tr(V PU † P )

∂ci,k ∂c j,k dim2 ∂ci,k ∂c j,k
∂U ∂U j L ∂U j
= UN . . . . . . U1U0 = U j+1 UR , (6) ∗
∂c j,k ∂c j,k ∂c j,k j−1 ∂U ∂U
+ Tr P PV † Tr P PV † . (11)
where we have defined the left and right unitaries as U jL = ∂c j,k ∂ci,k
UN UN−1 . . . U j and U jR = U j U j−1 . . . U0 , respectively. The left The first-order derivatives of the unitary have already been
and right unitaries must be calculated for each time step, but calculated when evaluating the gradient. What remains is
this can be done efficiently since U jL = U j−1 L
U j and U jR = hence to calculate the second derivatives of the unitary. Here
U j U j−1 . Thus, the gradient calculations scale as O(N ) in terms we distinguish between two cases: when the derivatives are
of the number of matrix multiplications rather than as the with respect to different time steps (i = j) or the same time
intuitive O(N 2 ). step (i = j). For different time steps ( j > i), the second-order
In order to evaluate the derivative ∂c j,kj we use the following derivatives become
expression for a general η-dependent matrix χ (η) [68]:  R † ∂Ui R
∂ 2U L ∂U j
 1 = U j+1 R
U j−1 Ui U . (12)
d χ (η) dχ (η) (1−α)χ (η) ∂ci,k ∂c j,k
∂c j,k ∂ci,k i−1
e = eαχ (η) e dα. (7)
dη 0 dη Here we have expressed the middle products of unitaries
There are many known ways to approximate this integral (see U j−1 . . . Ui+1 in terms of the right unitaries we defined when
Appendix C), especially relevant when state transfer or sparse calculating the gradient. Evaluating the second-order deriva-
matrices are optimized (see Appendix A). Here, however, we tives of the unitary with respect to the same time step is similar


to Eq. (6): This is done by differentiating Eq. (7):

∂ 2U j ∂ αX
= −it e Hk e(1−α)X dα
∂ 2U ∂ 2U j ∂c j,k c j,k 0 ∂c j,k
= U j+1
UR . (13)  1
∂c j,k ∂c j,k ∂c j,k ∂c j,k j−1 αX ∂ (1−α)X
− it e Hk e dα, (14)
0 ∂c j,k
Equations (12) and (13) imply that the Hessian may be evalu- where we have introduced the shorthand notation X =
ated efficiently by recycling already calculated quantities. All −iHt. In the last integral above, we make the substitution
that is left is to calculate the second-order derivatives of U j . 1 − α → α and then insert Eq. (7) to obtain

∂ 2U j 1 1 1 1
= (−it )2 dαα dβeβαX Hk e(1−β )αX Hk e(1−α)X + dαα dβe(1−α)X Hk eβαX Hk e(1−β )αX . (15)
∂c j,k c j,k 0 0 0 0

Similar to before, there are different ways to approximate this integral depending on how the exponential is propagated (see
 A and C). We derive here the exact solution by evaluating the elements of the eigenbasis of H. We insert the identity
1 = n |n  n | to evaluate the middle part, i.e., between the two Hamiltonians Hk and Hk in the above expression. This reveals
  1  1
∂ 2U j  (m,n ) (n ,n)
m| | n = (−it ) 2
Hk Hk dαα dβeβαλm e(1−β )αλn e(1−α)λn
∂c j,k c j,k n 0 0

1 1

+ Hk(m,n ) Hk(n ,n) dαα dβe(1−α)λm eβαλn e(1−β )αλn , (16)
0 0

where we have defined Hk(m,n) = m|Hk |n and λn = −iEn t. In the following sections, we test and benchmark gradient-
The two double integrals in the above expression turn out to only vs Hessian-based optimization on a standard quantum
be equivalent, which we calculate in Appendix B. This allows computational setup.
us to write
∂ Uj
As a testbed for the Hessian-based optimization, we have
m| | n
∂c j,k c j,k chosen two transmon qubits dispersively coupled through a
  (m,n ) (n ,n)  linear microwave resonator activated by a microwave field
= Hk Hk + Hk(m,n ) Hk(n ,n) I (n, n , m). (17) [45,63,64,71]. This type of setup is currently a frontier within
n superconducting circuit-based quantum information [72] and
could enable the realization of many of the quantum technolo-
gies outlined in the Introduction. Such a setup has previously
Here I (n, n , m) is given by Eq. (B9). The intuitive scaling for been studied for gradient and machine-learning-based optimal
calculating the analytical Hessian would be O(N 3 ), since one control [29,45,55,73].
would have to calculate the left, middle, and right sequence Transmons are insensitive to charge noise, but suffer from
of unitaries for each pair of time steps (i, j). However, having having relatively low anharmonicity [62,74]. We therefore
the left and right unitaries in advance reduces this to O(N 2 ) via include a third level for each transmon qutrit. We use an
Eq. (12). Note that this is also true for other methods for evalu- effective Hamiltonian, where we adiabatically eliminate the
ating the time-ordered integral (Appendix C). One can use the cavity and replace the qutrit-cavity coupling with an effective
transformation matrix R to switch from one basis to another qutrit-qutrit coupling [75]. Our starting point is to model each
similar to Eq. (10). Furthermore, Hessian-based optimization transmon as an anharmonic Duffing oscillator [76] and de-
generally converges in fewer iterations than gradient-only op- scribe the transmon-cavity coupling via the Jaynes-Cummings
timization, especially near the optimum where its convergence model, which in the absence of control is
is quadratic. Last but not least, the higher accuracy of the
calculation may help it altogether avoid local traps that can  δj
H0 = ω j b†j b j + b†j b j (b†j b j − 1) + ωr a† a
plague gradient-based quantum optimal control methods. 2
Hence, we expect Hessian-based optimization to be an 
improvement over gradient-only optimization unless the total + g j (ab†j + a† b j ). (18)
number of steps N is significantly large. We emphasize that j=1,2
for larger Hilbert spaces, the exact matrix diagonalization via
Eq. (8) becomes expensive, and other alternatives in the liter- Here b j (b†j ) denotes the annihilation (creation) operator for
ature might be preferable [65,69,70] though the same general the jth transmon in the {|00 , |01 , . . . , |22} basis. We
conclusions hold. choose the transmon frequencies to be ω1 /2π = 5.0 GHz


(a) (b) (c)

Mean walltime (s)


Mean infidelity
Best infidelity

10−7 101

10−1 Hessian
10−15 10−2
10 50 100 150 200 250 10 50 100 150 200 250 10 50 100 150 200 250
Gate duration (ns) Gate duration (ns) Gate duration (ns)

FIG. 2. The results of GRAPE optimizations using Interior-Point with either the Hessian or the gradient-based Hessian-approximation
scheme BFGS (denoted gradient) for the same 5000 seeds which we draw uniformly at random for each gate duration. The figure depicts
(a) the best infidelity, (b) the mean infidelity per seed, and (c) the mean wall time consumption per seed.

and ω2 /2π = 5.5 GHz with equal anharmonicities δ1 /2π = which respectively show the best infidelity over the entire
δ2 /2π = −350 MHz. For the cavity resonance frequency we range of gate durations, the mean infidelity per seed, and the
choose ωr /2π = 7.5 GHz with equal transmon-cavity cou- mean wall time consumption per seed for each gate duration.
plings g1 /2π = g2 /2π = 100 MHz. These values are within The two approaches often find different solutions in the op-
typical experimental ranges (see, e.g., Ref. [77]). timization landscape, despite starting from the same initial
In Appendix E we derive an effective Hamiltonian where seed. This stresses the need for selecting the optimization
we eliminate the cavity and move into a rotating frame. We algorithm with care and also motivates the comparison given
further drive the first transmon directly, which leads to the in Appendix D.
effective Hamiltonian In Fig. 2(a), we see that, when the gate duration increases
 δj above 200 ns, the control problem becomes exactly solvable
Heff (t ) = b†1 b1 + b†j b j (b†j b j − 1) in the sense that the best infidelities become insignificantly
j=1,2 low. In the literature the minimal amount of time for which
 †  the problem becomes exactly solvable is termed the quantum
+ J b1 b2 + b1 b†2 + (t )(b†1 + b1 ), (19)
speed limit [44,45,59,78]. Here we see that the Hessian-based
where  denotes the detuning between the transmons and J optimization is able to come closer to the (unknown) quantum
denotes the effective coupling between the transmons (see speed limit relative to gradient-only optimization. Even in
Appendix E). Here denotes our control, which we limit the low-infidelity regime (i.e., below 10−8 ), Hessian-based
to be in the range of /2π = ±200 MHz. This constrained optimization reaches a few orders of magnitude improvement
amplitude, which will be enforced by the optimization, in part over gradient-only optimization.
determines the minimal time and the quantum speed limit Figure 2(b) depicts the mean infidelity for the two algo-
[78] for which the control problem becomes exactly solvable. rithms. The two algorithms perform equally well on average
For many control tasks, optimal solutions contain segments at shorter gate durations. In contrast, Hessian-based opti-
that lie on the constraint boundary; hence, how the optimiza- mization performs better at longer gate durations, with mean
tion algorithm handles constraints is of vast importance. In infidelities being 3–4 times lower than those of gradient-only
this work, we attempt to make a V = CNOT gate starting optimization.
from the identity U0 = 1 and so the projectors in Eq. (1) are
Figure 2(c) depicts the mean wall time consumption for
with respect to the qubit subspace P = i, j=0,1 |i, j i, j|. each gate duration. As already elaborated on, the com-
We steer the system via a single piecewise constant control, putational cost of the gradient scales linearly as (O(N ))
c j,1 = (t j ), as discussed in the previous section. while the Hessian scales quadratically as (O(N 2 )). How-
ever, Hessian-based optimization generally requires fewer
iterations for convergence than BFGS. For this reason,
Hessian-based optimization actually turns out to be com-
We consider here the control problem outlined in the pre- parable with gradient-only optimization at very short gate
vious section, where we use piecewise constant pulses that durations, where the Hessian is cheaper to calculate but the
consist of t = 2.0-ns segments, which is within the band- number of iterations needed remains significantly lower. For
width of standard microwave pulse generators. We compare longer gate durations, however, Hessian-based optimization
the two approaches, gradient-only optimization (i.e., BFGS) becomes 2–3 times slower than gradient-only optimization.
vs analytical Hessian-based optimization via an Interior-Point In summary, Fig. 2 shows that there are two distinct
algorithm (see Appendix D), over a wide range of different regimes, where the analytical Hessian of the unitary dynamics
gate durations using multistarting. For each gate duration we is preferable to its BFGS approximation, but for different
use the two approaches to optimize the same 5000 seeds, reasons. For fewer than 50 ns (or 25 control steps), the two
which we draw uniformly at random. The relative optimality approaches perform equally well with respect to infidelity;
and step tolerance was set to 10−9 and 10−10 , respectively (see however, the figure and scaling arguments indicate a potential
documentation [79]). We plot the results in Figs. 2(a)–2(c), speed advantage for the Hessian-based approach. Above this


FIG. 3. Distribution of infidelities (lower is better) at different gate durations. Blue depicts gradient-only optimization, while orange depicts
Hessian-based. Brown depicts the overlap of the two distributions. Gate durations are depicted in the figure.

time, and especially near the quantum speed limit, we see the ably complicated but still practical pulses that may easily be
exact Hessian will produce better gate infidelities, both on generated via modern arbitrary wave-form generators. How-
average and for the best case, although at the price of being ever, for a much larger number of parameters, Hessian-based
slower. optimization may become too slow to use at one point, even if
We plot in Fig. 3 histograms over the infidelity distributions the final result would be better. Hence, to include the Hessian
for the same data presented in Fig. 2. At 50 ns in Fig. 3(a) is a question of balancing the quantity and quality of found
we see two almost identical distributions. In contrast, at larger solutions. When using only a relatively few seeds (e.g., due
gate durations we see that Hessian-based optimization gener-
ally performs better than gradient-only optimization in terms 4,000
of both the quality and the quantity of the best solutions found. gradient
Inf. eval.

From Figs. 2 and 3 we see that the two approaches con- Hessian
verge to different minima although starting from the same 2,000
initial seed. We also see that the Hessian-based solutions 1,000 (a)
tend to be better, i.e., reach lower infidelity compared to 0
gradient-only optimization, which is clear from the bimodal 10 50 100 150 200 250
distributions in Fig. 3. We attribute this to the fact that Gate duration (ns)
Hessian-based optimization obtains more information about
the curvature of the optimization landscape through the sec-
ond derivative relative to gradient-only optimization, which
only has approximate knowledge of the second derivatives.
This can lead gradient-only optimization to slow down, or
even be unable to converge at all. It may also cause trapping
in local suboptimal solutions as illustrated in Fig. 1(b).
In Fig. 4(a), we also depict the average number of infi-
delity evaluations used by either approach. Here we clearly
see that the Hessian-based optimization uses fewer infidelity
evaluations in comparison to the gradient-only optimization.
This illustrates the difference between quadratic convergence
(Hessian) vs superlinear convergence (gradient) as elaborated
on in Sec. II.
To verify that the two approaches indeed do find different
FIG. 4. (a) The average number of infidelity evaluations for
solutions, we plot in Fig. 4(b) a scatter plot of the optimized gradient-only and Hessian-based optimization. The figure verifies
infidelities for the two approaches at 176 ns. If a given point that gradient-only optimization scales worse than Hessian-based op-
lies on the dashed diagonal it would imply that the two ap- timization with respect to the number of infidelity evaluations. (b) A
proaches (most likely) found the same solution, as the figure scatter plot of the optimized infidelities from Fig. 3 at 176 ns. The x
shows this is most often not the case. axis is the Hessian-based optimized solutions while the y axis is for
Although the Hessian is more expensive to calculate than the gradient-only method. Solutions that lie on the dashed diagonal
the gradient, we showed that Hessian-based optimization can line corresponds to gradient-only and Hessian-based optimization
be advantageous over gradient-only optimization for even doing equally well. Above the diagonal is where the Hessian did best
over 100 optimization parameters, which allows for reason- and vice versa.


to a large amount of optimization parameters or complicated incorporating the Hessian provided a higher percentage of
state spaces that require more exploration), it may be very good solutions, often accompanied by bimodal distributions
unlikely to reach near the global optimum for a practical wall pointing to avoiding local trapping. Thus, the best-case error
time: In this case a gradient-only approach may be expected was also seen to be improved.
to produce faster if less reliable results.
Even so, many optimization tasks within quantum control ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
have less than 125 optimization parameters. For some control
The authors would like to thank Jens Jakob Sørensen
tasks, like the one considered here, increasing this number
for participating in constructive scientific discussions.
would make experimental implementation and calibration in-
The numerical results presented in this work were ob-
feasible. Hence, we believe that explicitly incorporating the
tained at the Centre for Scientific Computing, Aarhus,
analytical Hessian of the unitary dynamics is advantageous This work was funded by the
for many quantum control tasks.
ERC, H2020 Grant No. 639560 (MECTRL), the John Tem-
Finally, one may link the apparent utility of the Hessian to
pleton Foundation, and the Carlsberg Foundation.
the nature of the control landscape. Indeed, the smoothness of
the landscape [80] has earlier been argued to provide a com- APPENDIX A: STATE TRANSFER
putational advantage for quantum optimization [12,15,78]. In
the present work, we have explored the case where the cost When only multiplication is needed in the propagation (as
functional is strongly constrained. Although such constraints for typical expansions, see Appendix C), then this can be a
formally remove the possibility of a global convergence preferred method to use for propagation of only one or a few
[48,81], in our context the functional smoothness can nonethe- orthogonal states [essentially specified by the projector P in
less provide a mechanism to greatly speed up convergence Eq. (1)]. More concretely, we can rewrite Eq. (1) as
alongside a multistarting strategy with analog controls [61].  
 1  dim

F =  ψk | V U |ψk   .

V. CONCLUSION  dim k=1 

In this paper, we have obtained the Hessian of the unitary In this case, the propagator scales as O(n2 ), with n being
dynamics as an extension to the widely used gradient-based, the linear dimension, rather than exponentiation and matrix-
quantum optimization algorithm GRAPE. Our calculations, matrix multiplication which typically scale as O(n3 ) [or
which were based on diagonalization, revealed that the Hes- O(n2.8 )] for dense matrices. Our method is easily adaptable
sian may be computed efficiently, with a high level of by replacing the left U jL and right U jR unitaries by left ψ Lj | =
reusability of already-calculated quantities obtained when ψtarg | U jL = ψ0 | V †U jL and right |ψ Rj  = U jR |ψ0  states, re-
evaluating the gradient. We believe our efficient calculation spectively. ψ Lj | and |ψ Rj  were dynamically calculated, as
is advantageous to previous proposals and it allowed us to
demonstrate improvements over gradient-only optimization in were U jL and U jR , using a recursive approach. Similarly, the
equal wall-time simulations without any code parallelization. second derivatives can recursively use the time-propagated
We optimized a CNOT gate on a circuit-QED system consisting first-order derivatives, as needed for Eq. (12), as in
of two coupled transmon qubits. Here we demonstrated that a ∂ 2 ψ Rj ∂U j ∂Ui  R 
fast CNOT gate is, in principle, feasible using only a single = U j−1 . . . Ui+1 ψ
∂ci,k ∂c j,k ∂c j,k ∂ci,k i−1
control on one qubit driven cross-resonantly.
For the numerical optimization, we used an Interior-Point ∂U j  ∂ψ Rj−1
= , (A2)
algorithm, with either an analytically exact Hessian or the ∂c j,k  ∂ci,k
Hessian-approximation scheme BFGS that only relies on the
gradient. We compared the two approaches, Hessian-based or which uses only matrix-vector multiplication. Thanks to the
∂ψ R ∂ψ R
gradient-only, for a wide range of different gate durations. recursive definition | ∂c j+1  = U j+1 | ∂c j , this ends up once
i,k i,k
Since the Hessian contains squared the number of elements again reducing the algorithm complexity with respect to the
of the gradient, it is more expensive to calculate per iteration. number of time steps (as in the main text) from O(N 3 ) to
However, Hessian-based optimization generally uses fewer O(N 2 ). Using state propagation thus permits avoiding matrix-
iterations to converge. Moreover, the convergence occurs with matrix multiplication. See also the original Khaneja et al.
greater accuracy, which can improve the quality as well as the GRAPE paper [17].
quantity of good solutions.
We have found that, depending on the number of con-
trols, either the wall time or the fidelity of the solutions APPENDIX B: HESSIAN CALCULATION
can be improved compared to the gradient. This appears to USING EIGENBASIS
be generally true, although for very complex spaces where The starting point of these calculations is Eq. (16), which
multistarting is not appropriate the gradient may be the only can be written as
practical choice. Nonetheless, for over 100 controls, we were   (m,n ) (n ,n)
∂ 2U j
still able to collect statistics over many seeds. We found that m| | n = Hk Hk I (n, n , m)
below 25 controls, the Hessian enabled faster convergence ∂c j,k c j,k n

towards extrema. For more controls (and for the experimen- 

tally most interesting regime near the quantum speed limit), + Hk(m,n ) Hk(n ,n) I (m, n, n ) . (B1)


Here we have defined The third one, which is m = n = n, gives

 1  1  1
I (n, n , m) = (−it )2 eλn dααeα(λn −λn ) dβeβα(λm −λn ) . I (n, m, m) = (−it )2 eλn dααeα(λm −λn ) . (B5)
0 0 0
(kx−1) kx
The antiderivative of xekx is k2
e , which can be used to
In order to evaluate the above we must consider the the
evaluate the above:
five different scenarios: m = n = n , m = n = n , m = n = n,
m = n = n , and m = n = n . We start with the first one, [−it (Em − En ) − 1]e−iEm t + e−iEn t
I (n, m, m) = .
which is m = n = n . A direct calculation reveals (Em − En )2
I (n, n , m)
 −iEm t  The fourth one is m = n = n, which gives
1 e − e−iEn t e−iEn t − e−iEn t
= − .
Em − En Em − En En − En e−iEm t + [−it (Em − En ) − 1]e−iEn t
I (n, n, m) = . (B7)
(B3) (Em − En )2
Note that the above expression is invariant under any per- And the last one, which is m = n = n , gives
mutation of the indices. Similarly, the second one, which is
[−it (En − En ) − 1]e−iEn t + e−iEn t
m = n = n , gives I (n, n , n) = . (B8)
(En − En )2
(−it ) −iEn t
I (n, n, n) = e . (B4) We can summarize the above results by writing

⎧ 1
⎪ [I (n3 , n2 ) − I (n2 , n1 )], if n1 = n2 = n3 ,
⎪ E −E
⎪ n3 n2

⎪ −it

⎨ 2 I (n1 , n1 ), if n1 = n2 = n3 ,

I (n1 , n2 , n3 ) =
⎨if n = n1 = n2 = n3 = m,
⎪ (B9)

⎪ 1
[I (n, m) − I (m, m)], or if n = n2 = n1 = n3 = m,

⎩ En −Em ⎪

or if n = n3 = n1 = n2 = m.

We may evaluate the above integral efficiently by storing the already calculated integrals I (m, n) from Eq. (9). Also note that the
above integral is independent of the order of coefficients n1 , n2 , and n3 . This implies that we may calculate the above efficiently
and in advance of evaluating the matrix elements of the second derivative. Since I (n1 , n2 , n3 ) is independent of the order of the
indices, we may also take the integral out of parentheses in Eq. (B1) and hence we obtain Eq. (17).


The analytical gradient and Hessian of the propagation are intricately linked to how the evolution is calculated. In the main
text we used eigenbasis decomposition, which is exact to numerical precision. In certain cases with, e.g., large and/or sparse
Hamiltonians, approximate expansions such as Taylor, BCH, Pade, Suzuki-Trotter, or Chebychev may be preferable (especially
in combination with matrix-vector algebra, Appendix A) [65,70,82].
As a supplementary example to the diagonalization-based approach, we consider here also the case using Taylor expansion
of the propagation [70]. Let such an expansion as Ũ j be given by (with c j,0 = 1)
M l
1 L
U j ≈ Ũ j = [−iH (t j )t] =
−ic j,k Hk t (C1)
l! l=0
l! k=0

1  l! M
= (−ic j,k Hk t )lk , (C2)
l! l l0 !l1 ! . . . lM ! k=0
l=0 0 +l1 +···+lM =l

where we have used the multinomial theorem for the last equality. Here L denotes a truncation parameter. The gradients and
Hessians are calculated exactly as before in the main text, i.e., Eqs. (12) and (13), where only the first and second derivatives of
the single-step unitaries need to be calculated differently. Then,

∂ r Ũ j 1 L  l! lk (lk − 1)r−1 
= (−ic j,k Hk t ) ,
(∂c j,k ) r l! l l1 !l2 ! . . . lM ! (c j,k )r
l=0 1 +l2 +···+lM =l k=0


where r = 1 or r = 2. Meanwhile

∂ 2Ũ j L
1  l! lk lk 
= (−ic j,k Hk t ) ,
∂c j,k ∂c j,k l! l +l +···+l l1 !l2 ! . . . lM ! c j,k c j,k k=0
l=0 1 2 M =l

when k = k . MATLAB’s fminunc, where we instead impose constraint

Any such expansion for the unitary evolution has its own bounds by adding a penalty term to the cost function. We
exact analytical formulas for the gradient and the Hessian of choose a quadratic penalty function that is zero inside the
the evolutions with respect to the controls. Note also that even admissible region and grows quadratically outside Jpenalty =
for a very complex method one can always use automatic σ ( − min / max )2 , where we set the penalty factor to
differentiation as a substitute, which is also exactly as above, σ = 105 .
though we believe this is not strictly necessary or faster in For the comparison we consider the same control problem
any particular case. Thus in both cases, regardless of how the as in the main text with a gate duration of T = 200 ns. We let
Hamiltonian exponential is calculated, one can still benefit each optimization algorithm optimize the same 300 random
from the derivatives (12) and (13). seeds, which are drawn uniformly at random. The results are
Note that, while the analytical gradient and Hessian are plotted in Fig. 5 where we plot the infidelity for each seed
exact, the expansions themselves are not, which means fixed as a function of wall time consumption, which we limit to
expansions must be used if monotonic convergence is to be 1000 s. From the figure we see that Interior-Point generally
guaranteed (i.e., keeping L fixed above) or else machine- converges faster and at lower infidelity solutions. This justifies
precision-level error tolerance must be enforced. Otherwise, our choice of using Interior-Point for the results presented in
the directions of the gradient and the Hessian may change the main text.
when, e.g., an extra term is added to the expansion or a term
is modified (as would be needed to satisfy adaptive error APPENDIX E: CIRCUIT QED CALCULATIONS
tolerance criteria for the expansion).
The following derivation to some extent resembles the one
APPENDIX D: BENCHMARKING DIFFERENT given in Ref. [75]. The starting point is the drift Hamiltonian
OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS given by Eq. (18). Here we eliminate the cavity by going to a
frame rotating at ωr via R = exp [−iωr (b†1 b1 + b†2 b2 + a† a)].
In the main text we considered synthesizing a CNOT gate This gives
using piecewise constant pulses with t = 2.0 ns via the 
GRAPE algorithm. GRAPE relies on a numerical optimization
δj †
H=  j b†j b j + b b j (b†j b j − 1)
algorithm at its back end, for instance, in the main text we j=1,2
2 j
used Interior-Point [83,84] implemented in MATLAB’s library 
fmincon [79]. Interior-Point can be supplied either with the + g j (ab†j + a† b j ), (E1)
gradient and the Hessian-approximation scheme BFGS or j=1,2
with the exact Hessian.
where  j = ω j − ωr . Then we perform a Schrieffer-Wolff
To justify this specific choice we benchmark Interior-  g
Point with other conventional optimization algorithms. An- transformation [87] using S = j=1,2 jj (ab†j − a† b j ) in or-
other choice, also implemented in MATLAB’s fmincon [79] der to eliminate the cavity. The resulting Hamiltonian, when
for constrained optimization, is the Trust-Region-Reflective any constant energy shifts have been removed and the cavity
algorithm [85,86]. Similar to Interior-Point, Trust-Region- neglected, is
Reflective can be supplied with either the gradient or the  δj †
Hessian. We also benchmark against an unconstrained op- H= ω̃ j b†j b j + b b j (b†j b j − 1) + J (b†1 b2 + b1 b†2 ).
timization algorithm quasi-Newton [20] implemented in j=1,2
2 j
Here we see that the transmon-cavity coupling has
been replaced with an effective transmon-transmon cou-
pling where J = g1 g2(1 1 +
and ω̃ j = ω j + jj is now the
dressed transmon state. The last step when transforming
Eq. (E2) into Eq. (19) is doing a second rotation, R =
exp [−iω̃2 (b†1 b1 + b†2 b2 )], such that the detuning becomes
 = ω̃2 − ω̃2 . We also add a direct drive on the first transmon,
Hc (t ) = (t )(b†1 + b1 ) (see, e.g., Ref. [75]).


FIG. 5. A comparison between different optimization algorithms In Fig. 1(b), we illustrated three optimization methods
with and without the Hessian (see text). based on gradient descent and Interior-Point with either BFGS


or the Hessian for a two-dimensional optimization problem. in Ref. [88]. For instance, the figure depicts a suboptimal
Here we have implemented a simple gradient descent algo- solution at (c1 , c2 ) = (0.000, 2.285). We start the optimiza-
rithm using a fixed step size, where the step size is chosen tion near the two optima at (c1 , c2 ) = (−0.915, 2.251) and
to illustrate typical differences between the gradient descent plot the subsequent optimization. The two gradient-based
and BFGS. We briefly elaborate on what Fig. 1(b) depicts. We optimization approaches fall into the nearest trap (i.e., sub-
consider the two-level Hamiltonian H (t ) = σx + c(t )σz , with optimal solution), while the Hessian optimization manages to
the goal of synthesizing a X gate. We limit the control to two avoid this solution. We attribute this result to the fact that the
steps N = 2, which reveals an analytical solution at TQSL = Hessian-based optimization has more information about the
π /2 with c1,1 = c1 = 0 and c2,1 = c2 = 0. At T = 3TQSL the landscape curvature, which enables it to avoid the local trap
same solution is still optimal, but now several other solutions and instead reach the optimal solution. The reader should of
emerge in the optimization landscape, an effect also studied course keep in mind that this is but one example.

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