Assessment Practical 02

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Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP)


Summative Assessment - (Event 02)

Demonstration – Job Specification Sheet

Qualification PHP with Laravel Framework Time: 4 Hours

Candidate Name
Assessor Name
Assessment Centre
Date of Assessment
Time of Assessment
Task Create a project where a user can create & manage product with image and
a website that can show the product with product details page. User can
show hide product from admin panel & create new user.
Read and understand the directions carefully:

▪ This practical demonstration is based on the performance criteria from all or some of the units
of competency in Web Development PHP.
▪ This assessment activity will be used to measure your underpinning skills.
▪ You will have fifteen (15) minutes to familiarize yourself with the resources to be used.
▪ You have Three Hours and Forty Five (3.45) Minutes to complete this demonstration.


▪ Observe and wear personal protective equipment (PPE) as required for the task to be
▪ Read the specification information provided.
▪ Collect all materials needed to complete the task.
▪ Perform the task within the given time.
▪ Observe and follow all health and safety (OHS) requirements at all times.
Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP)

Job Specification Information:

1. Open computer and check Internet & Local Server (xampp) Connection & Others.

2. Collect required supplies, materials, tools and equipment (like front end and admin panel
template) required for the job from Web & Local.
3. Create a project folder inside xmapp - htdocs folder and name it with your name & SEIP
registration number. (Example: mohosin_484123)
4. Install a fresh copy of Laravel or you prepare object oriented or procedural PHP project.
5. Prepare Website / Front end by using predefine fronted template.
6. Prepare home / landing page and product details page.
7. Prepare an admin login page.
8. Use predefines admin template to create login page.
9. If you use Laravel for the project then you can use Laravel Jetstream Package. Otherwise,
you can use your own way to create admin login system.
10. Use MySQL database for the project and connect you project to MySQL Database Server.
11. Register first user or create a user for login.
12. Prepare login system, admin dashboard & it must be secure.
13. From admin dashboard, admin can create a product add form & by this form submission
create new product. Inside the database there must be a table for storing product data.
14. Prepare edit, update function of product.
15. Show product into the website and dynamic product details page.
16. In admin dashboard prepare an admin user registration form & by this form submission create
new user. Inside the database there must be a table for storing user data.
17. Prepare admin user edit, update function.
18. Prepare status field for product & if the value of status is 1 then product will be shown in the
website and if the value of status filed is 0 then product will not show in the website.
19. After task completed convert it to zip file.
20. Email your Completed task (Zip) to Email which Email address is given by Assessor.
Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP)

Follow the Database & Form Design

users products
id int (11) primary key autoincrement, id int (11) primary key autoincrement,
name varchar (255), name varchar (255),
email varchar (255), category_name varchar (255),
password varchar (255), brand_name varchar (255),
description text,
image text,
status tinyinteger (1) default (1)

For form design and whole practical project please visit the following link.
Admin panel login credential:
Password: 12341234

Demo Project URL:

Demo Admin URL:

Website Template


Admin Template


Tools: Follow Job Specification Section

Equipment: Follow Job Specification Section

Materials: Follow Job Specification Section

PPE: Follow Procedure Section

Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP)

The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Feedback to candidate:

The candidate’s overall performance was: Satisfactory  Not yet Satisfactory 

Candidate’s Signature Date:

Assessor’s Signature Date:

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