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Class: Year-6
Subject: English

Unit-8 Entertainment
English PoS Translation Definition Example
(if necessary)
1. character noun the particular combination of qualities It's not in his character to be (= he is not
in a person or place that makes them usually) jealous.
different from others
2. actor noun someone who pretends to be someone She is one of the most versatile actors
else while performing in a film, play, or working today.
television or radio programme
3. plot noun the story of a book, film, play, etc. The movie has a very simple plot.
4. animation noun moving images created from drawings, Thanks to computer animation, it is now
models, etc. possible to make cartoons much more
quickly than in the past.
5. sound effect noun in a radio or television programme or a
film, one of the sounds other than
speech or music that are added to make
it seem more exciting or real
6. sound track noun one of several songs or pieces of music
on a CD or other musical recording
7. graphic adjective very clear and powerful a graphic description/account
8. cast noun the actors in a film, play, or show After the final performance the director
threw a party for the cast.
9. costume noun the set of clothes typical of a particular Singers performing Mozart's operas often
country or period of history dress in/wear historical costume.
10. setting noun the place where a film or play is The curtain eventually lifted on a new stage
recorded or performed, and the pictures, setting.
furniture, etc. that are used
11. projector noun a device for showing films or images on
a screen or other surface
12. audience noun the group of people together in one She lectures to audiences all over the world.
place to watch
13. screen noun a flat surface in a cinema, on a Our television has a 19-inch screen.
television, or as part of a computer, on
which pictures or words are shown
14. pianist noun someone who plays the piano a concert pianist
15. expression noun the act of saying what you think or He wrote her a poem as an expression of his
showing how you feel using words or love.
16. make-up noun coloured substances used on your face I put on a little eye make-up.
to improve or change your appearance
17. popcorn noun seeds of maize that are heated until they a tub of popcorn
break open and become soft and light,
usually flavoured with salt, butter, or
18. talkies noun a cinema film with speech and sound
made during the period when most
films were silent
19. bad-tempered adjective A bad-tempered person becomes angry She's very bad-tempered in the mornings!
and annoyed easily
20. sociable adjective Sociable people like to meet and spend Rob's very sociable - he likes parties.
time with other people
21. distract verb to make someone stop giving their Don't distract her (from her studies).
attention to something
22. addict noun a person who cannot stop doing or using a drug/heroin addict
something, especially something a gambling addict
23. science-fiction noun books, films, or cartoons about an a science-fiction novel/story
imagined future, especially about space
travel or other planets
24. comedy noun a (type of) film, play, or book that is His latest movie is described as a "romantic
intentionally funny either in its comedy".
characters or its action
25. horror noun an extremely strong feeling of fear and The crowd cried out in horror as the car burst
shock, or the frightening and shocking into flames.
character of something
26. adventure noun an unusual, exciting, and possibly She had some exciting adventures in Egypt.
dangerous activity, such as a trip or
experience, or the excitement produced
by such an activity
27. drama noun a play in a theatre or on television or She's starred in several TV dramas.
radio, or plays and acting generally
28. action noun the process of doing something, This problem calls for swift/prompt action
especially when dealing with a problem from the government.
or difficulty
29. historical adjective connected with studying or representing Many important historical documents were
things from the past destroyed when the library was bombed.
30. revenge noun harm done to someone as a punishment He is believed to have been shot by a rival
for harm that they have done to gang in revenge for the shootings last week.
someone else
31. sigh verb to breathe out slowly and noisily, She sighed deeply and sat down.
expressing tiredness, sadness, pleasure,
32. snigger verb to laugh at someone or something in a They spent half the time sniggering at the
silly and often unkind way clothes people were wearing.
33. insist verb to say firmly or demand forcefully, Please go first - I insist!
especially when others disagree with or
oppose what you say
34. whisper verb to speak very quietly, using the breath She leaned over and whispered something in
but not the voice, so that only the his ear.
person close to you can hear you
35. inhabit verb to live in a place These remote islands are inhabited only by
36. escape verb to get free from something, or to avoid Two prisoners have escaped.
37. imagery noun the use of words or pictures in books, The imagery in the poem mostly relates to
films, paintings, etc. to describe ideas or death.
38. fantastic adjective extremely good You look fantastic in that dress.
39. exhausted adjective extremely tired Exhausted, they fell asleep.
40. gleefully adverb happily and with excitement or pleasure She talks gleefully about her adventures.
41. beckoning verb to move your hand or head in a way that The customs official beckoned the woman to
tells someone to come nearer his counter.
42. mangrove noun a tropical tree, found near water, whose a mangrove swamp
twisted roots grow partly above ground
43. chirp verb (especially of a bird) to make a short "Morning!" she chirped.
high sound or sounds
44. rustling noun the sound that paper or leaves make I could hear (a) rustling in the bushes.
when they move
45. emerge verb to appear by coming out of something She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.
or out from behind something
46. hind adjective at the back of an animal's body a hind leg
47. cock noun an adult male chicken The cock started to crow.
48. salamander noun a small animal that looks like a lizard
but has soft skin and lives both on land
and in water
49. pinch verb to press something, especially Ouch! Stop pinching (me)!
someone's skin, strongly between two
hard things such as a finger and a
thumb, usually causing pain
50. palm noun the inside part of your hand from your This tiny device fits into the palm of your
wrist to the base of your fingers hand.
51. weight noun the amount that something or someone What weight can this lorry safely carry?
52. scramble verb to move or climb quickly but with She scrambled up the steep hillside and over
difficulty, often using your hands to the rocks.
help you

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