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Michael Holmes first jumped from a plane when he was 16. Holmes loved the
experience and he started skydiving frequently. He jumped 1,000 times before
he was 19!
Later Holmes studied to become an instructor and be worked in New Zealand.
One morning at an airport near Lake Taupo, he prepared for a routine jump. First
of all, Holmes checked his equipment: his jumpsuit. goggles, gloves, helmet and
boots. After that he checked the most important parts of a skydiver's equipment:
his harness and his two parachutes. There was a main parachute and a smaller
safety parachute. Finally, he looked at his altimeter. There weren't any problems
and he was ready for the jump.
There were 16 students and instructors and the pilot on the plane. The plane
climbed slowly to 4,500 metres and then one of the instructors opened the door,
it was time to jump! There was a small camera on Holmes' helmet so that he
could film the instructors with their students. They wanted to freefall for 3,000
metres and then open their parachutes.
As soon as Holmes jumped out of the plane, be filmed the skydivers. Then he
looked at the altimeter on his wrist. It was time to open his own parachute, but
he couldn't! The cords from his parachute were stuck together. It was impossible
to open! Then he quickly tried to open the safety parachute but there was a
problem. He couldn't open it because of the cords from the main parachute. He
was only 1.000 metres from the ground and his life was in danger. He decided to
cut the cords with a penknife but it was too late.
Holmes looked down at the ground. He could see a car park and a park next to
it. He talked to the camera on his helinet. "I'm dead Rye, he shouted. Suddenly,
belanded in some bushes in the park. However, he wasn't dead! His left ankle
and a long were hart but he was alive thanks to the bushes. He was in hospital
for only two weeks!
2. Last Saturday my friend Lee and I decided to go to the cinema. We agreed to
meet at six at the café because we wanted to have a coffee before the film. 1 was
late so I jogged to the cafe and arrived at ten past six. Lee wasn't there. I waited
for a few minutes and then I phoned him on his mobile. Where are you?
I asked. Lee answered, I'm at the cinema. When I arrived at the cafe, you weren't
there, so i walked to the cinema. Be quick, the film starts in five minutes! So I
hurried to the cinema. But Lee wasn't there! phoned him again. I'm at the ABC
cinema. Where are you?r The ABC!? I'm at the Odeon Cinema!
3. Last Saturday my friend Lee and I decided to go to the cinema. We agreed to
meet at six at the café because we wanted to have a coffee before the film. 1 was
late so I jogged to the cafe and arrived at ten past six. Lee wasn't there. I waited
for a few minutes and then I phoned him on his mobile. Where are you?
I asked. Lee answered, I'm at the cinema. When I arrived at the cafe, you weren't
there, so i walked to the cinema. Be quick, the film starts in five minutes! So I
hurried to the cinema. But Lee wasn't there! phoned him again. I'm at the ABC
cinema. Where are you?r The ABC!? I'm at the Odeon Cinema!
4. A great scientist
Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867. Her father taught physics and
her mother was the head teacher of a girls' school. Marie was a very intelligent
student at secondary school, but she couldn't go to university because she was a
woman. So she worked as a governess for the children of a wealthy family and
studied secretly at a university in Warsaw. Marie was extremely hard-working
and she sometimes stayed awake all night to study. Later she moved to France
and studied science at the Sorbonne, a farnous university in Paris. In 1906, she
became the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne when she got the job of
Professor of Physics.
At the university laboratory at the Sorbonne she met another scientist, Pierre
Curie. They got married in 1895 and had two children. Pierre thought that Marie
was a genius and he was happy to help her. Together they did a lot of important
work on radioactivity and discovered radium and polonium. In 1903 they won
the Nobel Prize for Physics and they used the prize money they collected to help
needy students. Sadly, three years later Pierre died in a road accident, but Maric
didn't stop working. In fact, she won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. She
is the only woman to win two Nobel Prizes.
Marie Curic stayed in France for the rest of her life. She tried to use her
discoveries to help people who were ill in hospital. At that time people didn't
know that it was dangerous to work with radium. Marie became ill because of
the radioactivity and died of cancer in 1934. In 1995 the French government
moved the remains of Marie and her husband Pierre to the Panthéon, the
building in Paris where people can visit the tombs of the most famous people in
French history
5. Can eating be a sport?
Sonya Thomas is not a big woman. She's 155 cm tall and she only weighs about
45 idos. She usually eats healthy food -rice, vegetables, fruit, fish and chicken.
But once or twice a month she has a big meal-an enormous meal - and she eats it
very quickly Why? Because she participates in eating competitions. They are
very popular in the USA. One of the mont famous, a meat sandwich eating
competition in New York, started in 1916 and is now a tradition. And thanks to
TV coverage, some competitive eaters like Sonya Thomas are celebrities in fact,
she's one of the best competitive eaters is the world. For example, she can eat:
#65 bolled eggs in six minutes 40 seconds
#5 kilograms of cheesecake in nine minutes
#3.8 kilograms of baked beans in two minutes 47 seconds
#2.3 kilograms of chicken in 12 minutes
In this interview Sonya tells us about her life and her work.
Q:Why did you first take part in eating competitions?
A: When I was a chad I saw an eating competition on TV. A man ate 50 me
sandwiches in 12 minutes I wanted to be he him
Q:Your nickname in competitions is the ‘Black Widow’ .Why did you choose
that name?
A : Because in competions 'n smal but very dangerous like the black widow
Q: How do you prepare for a competition?
A: I often don't prepare a healty to eat a lot of food quicity And the night before
a competion fast so that I have a good appette the next day
Q: Do you do a lot of exercise?
A: Yes, I do rose for about ho hours a day five days a week
Q: How can you stay thin when you eat so much in competitions?
A: There are only one or two competitions a month. The rest of the time. I eat
healthy food
Q: Do you believe eating competitions are real sport?
A: Yes, of course! it's the most natural sport in the world.You need a strong body
and a strong mind for eating competitions-just like other sports
6. I have a dream
"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they
will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character
The third Monday of January each year is a national holiday in the USA. It is
called Martin Luther King Day
Martin Luther King was born in 1929 in Georgia, in the south of the USA. He
studied at college and got a job in Alabama.
At that time, black and white people in the USA were not considered equal. For
example, in Alabama, a black person had to stand up on a bus if a white person
wanted to sit down. One day, a brave black woman called Rosa Parks refused to
do this. Parks and King decided to work together to change the law. In the end
they won, and in 1956 Alabama changed the law
King continued to fight for the rights of black Americans. He made some
famous speeches, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, and was a hero for
millions of Americans. But some white people hated him. On 3rd April 1968, he
made a speech to a big Crowd in Memphis, Tennessee He talked about his
enemies and his own death. The next day, James Earl Ray shor Martin Luther
King had four children: two boys and two gels. They all decided to continue his
work and to fight for the rights of black Americans.
7. Living again!
Hilary Lister, 33, can't move her limba or her head - she is completely paralysed.
However, she has just sailed alone across the English Channell How did she do
it? Sam Wollaston finds out.
Where do you want to go? laughs Hilary Lister. We are on a boat going out of
Portsmouth Harbour, and Hilary is sailing it. Suddenly, she's happy and free.
Sailing does that to her 's given me my life again,' she says.
Hilary is paralysed because of an unusual disease, but she hasn't always been
like this. When she was a child she was always active, and she played a lot of
sports.But when she was 11, her legs started to hurt. By the time she was 15, she
couldn't walk any more.
About six years ago the disease spread to her arms and hands and she can't use
them any more. She thought her life was over. Then, two years ago, a friend took
her sailing for the first time. She loved it! But she didn't want to be a passenger.
She wanted to sail a boat hersell. So she took up sailing as a way to become
more confident. 1 had this mad dream to sail across the English Channel,' she
Hilary didn't know anything about boats or sailing. But she started to design her
own boat. Then she found a boat and some people to help her. The controls of
her boat come from her wheelchair and she can steer the boat with her mouth.
She sucks a tube to make the boat go left and brows into another tube to make it
go right. She has had some lessons, and she is now a very good sailor.
Last month Hilary's dream came true. She left Dover alone in her boat. It was
sunny but quite windy Six hours later she arrived in Calais, France She was
exhausted, but very happy it was the longest journey made by a completely
paralysed person. And she has become the first disabled person to sail across the
Channel Hitary says the experience has realy changed her life. Next I want to
sall around Britain, she says
8. Gap Years
This year, about 150,000 young people in the UK will take a 'gap year'. A gap
year is a break between school and university, or between school and starting
work in a profession. For most young people, it will be a chance to travel and to
have interesting experiences.
So how do young people spend their time? A lot of students finance their gap
years by working in the countries they visit and some do voluntary work. Here
are three young people who are going to do very different things.
A :Next year, I'm going to study physics at university. Before then, I want to
spend some time abroad and do something completely different. I've got a
student work visa for Thailand and I'm going to work at an animal rescue centre
for nine months. It will be a demanding job. My responsibilities will be to help
to look after the animals and I'll also show visitors around the centre. It will be a
great experience
B :Next summer, I'm going to start a job at a sports centre-it'll be my first full-
time job. But before that, I want to take a break and live abroad and I've found
the ideal job for me with Gap Sports. I'm going to live in Ghana, in Africa, for
six months and work as a school basketball coach. It will be a really rewarding
experience. As the company's website says, I won't just teach sport I'll probably
help with other lessons in school too. Oliver
C: I'm going to start work next October. It's an office job-a post in a bank.
Before that I want to spend a few months working with my hands outdoors. So
I've volunteered to work with a charity called Concordia I'm going to help to
restore an old castle in the west of France. There will be 16 other young people
from other countries, so it will be a great way to make inends and learn about
other cultures. And it'll be a great opportunity to practise my French too!
9: Million Dollar Idea
How can I become a millionaire? That's what Alex Tew, a British student, wrote
on a piece of paper. A few minutes later, he had an idea: 'I'll invent a new kind of
webpage! So he invented the 'million dollar homepage Companies pay Alex for
very small advertisements on his webpage $1 for one pixel Alex is going to
university next year. He'll need monet to pay for his studies- but he won't need a
million dollars. What will he do with all the extra money? I'll save some and I'll
spend some, he says.
About half of 16- and 17-year-olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters
of this age group also go to school. They do part-time jobs before or after school
and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with
girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are
also popular jobs.
In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a
school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are
not allowed to work before 7 a.m, or after 7 p.m. (but babysitters can work
later). They must have at least two weeks' holiday from school each year when
they don't work at all.
Teenagers do part-time jobs because they want to earn some money. However,
they don't usually earn very much. In the UK, there is a minimum wage for
adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16- and 17-year-olds, it is £3.40 an hour. For children
under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an
11 .
Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming was born in 1881 in Scotland. He went to a small school in a
village, and when he left school he didn't go to university. He worked for five
years in an office. But his brother, Tom, was a doctor and helped Fleming to go
to university and study medicine. So he went to London University and in 1906
he became a doctor. In 1915, Fleming married Sarah McElroy, an Irish woman.
They had. one son.
Fleming worked as a doctor in the First World War (1914-18). During the war,
many soldiers died in hospital because they didn't have the right medicines. So
after the war, Fleming tried to find a drug that could help them. He worked for
many years and in 1928 he discovered a new drug. It was the first antibiotic and
he called it 'penicillin. He later worked with an Australian and a German
scientist to develop a drug that doctors could use. In 1945, they won the Nobel
Prize for Medicine for their work on penicillin.
12. Ultra-marathon man
Dean Karnazes is an amazing runner. He takes part in marathons (42 kilometres)
and ultra-marathons (100 kilometres or more). In 2005, he ran 563 kilometres
without stopping. In 2006, he ran 50 marathons in 50 days. That's a total of
2,110 kilometres! In this interview,Dean talks about his life and his hobby.
When did you start running long distances?
It was the evening of my 30th birthday. I don't know why, but I decided to run
30 miles (48 kilometres) that evening. It was very difficult, but I did it. I ran all
night. 1 loved it!
Do you need to eat a lot?
I eat a lot when I'm running long distances. When I ran 563 kilometres, it took
me 80 hours and 44 minutes, and I ate about 40,000 calories during that time.
What kind of food do you eat?
When I'm running a long distance, I eat all kinds of food: sandwiches, chocolate,
pizza. I stay thin because I'm doing a lot of exercise at the same time. When I'm
not running, I eat healthy food, like fish and vegetables don't eat sugar or
Do you do any other sports?
Yes, I do. I love cycling and rock climbing. I also do weight training at the gym,
but I prefer to be outside.
Mark Inglis is 47 years old and is from New Zealand. He has just climbed
Mount Everest. Lots of people try to climb Everest but it isn't easy: every year,
climbers die. For Mark, it was even more difficult. Why? Because Mark hasn't
got any legs. Mark hasn't always been disabled. When he was young he loved
sports and he was always ___ But in 1982 he lost his legs in a climbing accident.
He couldn't walk and he certainly couldn't climb. He thought his life was __but
he had a mad dream to climb Everest, the world's highest mountain. So he
started climbing again, using legs made of metal and plastic. Last month, Mark's
dream came__He started climbing with three friends. The weather on Everest
was terrible.
It was very__and windy. The temperature was -30°C. But six days later they
arrived at the top of the mountain. Mark was very, ___, but very happy. He has
become the __ person with legs to climb Everest.
I'm going to start __next October. I've got a __ in a hair salon and I'm going to
be a hairdresser. It'll be my first job. Before that, I want to__some time abroad
and do something different. I'm going to go to the USA and work in a summer
camp for young children. I'll teach them basketball, swimming and volleyball.
There'll be lots of teenagers from other countries there too, so I'll __some new
'Next September I'm going to study French and German at___.Before then I
want to___ a gap year. I'm going to spend four months on a farm in France. I'll
be___, looking after animals, working with my hands. After that, I'm going to
backpack round Germany with Gary, my best friend from school. He's going to
study German too. It'll be a great____
Speak about grammar

1.To be in past simple

2. Can in past simple
3. Past simple affirmative
4. Regular verbs
5. İrregular verbs
6. Past simple negative
7. Past simple interrogative
8. Pronoun : some\any
9. How much\ how many
10.Indefinite article ( a,an)
11. Defnite article (the)
12. Present perfect affirmative
13. Present perfect negative
14. To be going to
15. Will
16. Should

2.Complete sentences with the words.

alive bush cord equipment experience film ground impossible

instructor land lungs main penknife pilot ready

1. I can..... my brother's wedding with my dad's new camera.

We've got a big tent and a lot of camping......
I passed my driving test but I haven't got any...... of driving. I've got to practise a
2.I studied all my books carefully and I think I'm......for the exam.
We always sit on the.......after playing football and eat a sandwich.
He couldn't run faster in the race. He couldn't take any more air into his......
3. He was in a very bad car accident but he's ......
My skiing ......was really good. I could ski after only three lessons with him.
We the airport at 10 o'clock this evening.
4. There was a...... between me and the next climber when we climbed the
This maths homework is really difficult! It's ........ to do.
There's a....... in the middle of our garden.
5.Can I borrow your cut this stick?
He wants to be a...... and fly planes.
The most important meal in Britain is dinner. It's the...... meal of the day.

3. Circle the correct word or words.

1 First I have breakfast. Then I have a shower. Later /Finally I brush my teeth.
First of all / After that, we stayed in Rome. Then we visited Florence.
2.As soon as / First of all we arrived home, we cooked dinner.First you stretch
out your arm. Then / After, you open your hand.
3.David was at Marlowe secondary school. As soon as /Later he studied at
Oxford University. We visited the museum. As soon as / After that, we
returned to school.
4.I studied French at school. Later / First of all, I worked in Paris.
5. Then/First of all he asked some questions. Then I replied.

4. Match the sentences with the expressions with time.

at times run out of time on time time-flies waste time take your time

1 The holidays finish very quickly.

We arrived at the start of the film.
2.I sometimes like cooking.
3 You don't have to hurry.
4. Finish the exam now!
5. He doesn't do any work!
5. Complete the sentences with the prepositions by, for, in, and on.

1.Our lives were ….. danger!

He's not in the office this week. He's…
2. Her dad takes us to school…
Let's go ……a walk in the park after lunch.
3.I can't chat now. I'm ….. a hurry.
My brother goes to work….foot.
4.I always listen to the news….the radio.
5.They make these clothes…..hand.

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the past simple.

arrive ask decide hurry park stop visit watch.

1.Three days ago I … art gallery. We ……TV last night.

2. Last Tuesday I was late so I … school. The day before yesterday we
… in a car park in the town centre.
3. Yesterday evening we ……to have a pizza for dinner. 'What time is it?
4.The bus …..opposite the library five minutes ago.
5.I….at the railway station at ten to seven.

7. Complete the sentences with words.

art gallery bus station car park cinema library post office
railway station theatre tourist information office town hall

1.You can catch a train at the……

You can borrow a book from the …..
2. You can buy stamps at the …..
You can get information about interesting places at the……
3.You can go for a walk with your dog in the ……
You can catch a bus at the……
4.You can park your car in the…..
You can watch a film at the……
5.You can see a play at the…..
You can look at paintings at the…..

8. Match the highlighted words in the text with these definitions.

governess wealthy extremely awake laboratory genius discover prize
collect needy rest ill remains government tombs

1.The part of something that is left.

The body of a dead person.
Went and got something from a place.
2.Not well.
Places where they put important dead people
Something that a person or team wins in a game or competition.
3.Found or learned something that people didn't know before.
The group of people who control a country.
Not sleeping.
4.A woman who teaches children in their home.
Having a lot of money.
A room where scientists do research and experiments.
5. A person who is much more intelligent than other people.
Not having enough money, food or clothes.

9. Complete these sentences with the words.

awake collected discovered extremely genius governess govemment

ill laboratory needy prize remains rest tomb wealthy
1.The…..put the dead king's… the centre of the city so that people could visit
2. I was……tired last night but I stayed….to watch the football match between
Liverpool and Milan.
3. Jack won first…. in the school chess competition. He…. it from the head
teacher's office on Friday.
4. I studied at school but the….. of my brothers and sisters studied with our……
After the earthquake there were a lot of….. people,who were hungry and…
Many….people gave money to help them.
5. He spent all his time in the university…..and his teachers thought he was a….
when he…a new chemical formula.

10. Match the words with the definitions.

1.research . undergraduate.
a. a class at university
b. a university qualification
c. a very important teacher at a university
d. a university student
e. a teacher at a university
f. information from class that you write on a piece of paper
g. someone who has a university qualification
h. a careful study of something

11. Complete the sentences with the verbs do, give, go and take.

1. I always …. lots of notes when I'm in a lecture.

2. Professor Roberts and Professor Williams…… lectures on nuclear physics.
3. Did you……to the lecture on Roman cities?
We want to…..research into chemicals in food.
4. My brother is planning to….to university and…..a degree in biology. But first
he is going to……a break and go travelling.
5. The careers office at school can…..advice about jobs or further education.
I'd like to …..a course on accounting, but maths is my worst subject!

12.Complete sentences with irregular past simple form.

1. The Spanish….. (bring)

Before Copernicus, people…..(think)
2. Marie Curie….(teach)
3. In 1626 Peter Minuit……(buy)
4. Rosa Parks…..(fight)
5 King Henry VIII……(catch)

13. Make these sentences negative.

1 I watched Live 9 on television. We went on holiday last year.

2 It rained last weekend.
3 I had breakfast this morning.
4 My sister broke my mobile phone.
5 England won the World Cup in 2006.

14. Match the highlighted words in the text with these definitions.

weighs healthy participates coverage tradition celebrate

boiled baked nickname widow spider fast appetite natural mind

1. Food cooked in a hot oven.

A small animal with eight legs that eats insects.
The part of our body that thinks, remembers and knows things.
2 Something that people started in the past and continue to do now.
To have a certain number of kilos.
Food cooked in very hot water.
3 A name your friends or family give you that isn't your real name.
The feeling of wanting to eat.
The time something appears on TV, the radio or in
4 To take part.
To eat no food for a period of time.
A woman whose husband is dead.
5.Not made by people.
Helping to produce a condition of being well and free from illness.
Famous people.
15. Complete these sentences with the words from the box.

appetite baked boiled celebrities coverage fast healthy mind

natural nickname participate spider tradition weighs widow

1.Einstein was a genius. He had a fantastic......

My name is Eduardo Ronaldo but my friends call me by my........,Ronnie.
I didn't take part in the last game but I want the next one.
2.He's got a very good......but his favourite food is pizza. 100 years old. They do it every year on 31st
He always eats a......egg for breakfast.
3.My grandmother is very........ . She walks for two hours
every day.
We always my house during Ramadan. We only
eat at night.
Oh no! There's a big. .....on my bed!
4.I hate sport and I think there's too much........of it on TV.
I love the smell of freshly ......bread.
My aunt became a....... last year. My uncle died in a car
5. He eats a lot of hamburgers and fast food. He ___ 120 kilos!
All our meals are made with. All the vegetables come from our own
Most TV...... are only famous for a short time.

16. Complete the sentences with the synonyms for the words in bold.

discover continue stretch complete stop collect participate return

1.We didn't take part in training last week but we want to tomorrow's race.
I can pick up the children on Friday but can you......them tomorrow?
2.He doesn't want to carry on with the work but I want to.......until 6 o'clock.
We always go back to the office at two o'clock but today we didn't...... until 3
3. In this exercise you push out your arms and ......your legs at the same time.
You find out his phone number and we can....... where he lives.
4.Anne gave up smoking but Peter can't. ....
5.Fill in this form for the gymnasium and then.....form for the tennis club,

17. Match the words in bold with the definitions.

1 I think pasta is bland.

She likes very sweet tea.
2.This meat is very tender.
3.The bread here is always fresh.
4.The food he cooks is always salty.
5.He prefers lean meat.

a It is easy to cut.
b They made it a very short time ago.
c There is a lot of salt.
d Without fat.
e It doesn't have a strong taste.
f With a lot of sugar.

18. Complete the sentence with some and any.

1.Is there...... pasta?

Let's make.......tomato sauce for the pasta.
2.We haven't got.......tomatoes.
3.Are there........mushrooms? No, there aren't.
4. But there's on the table.
5.Let's go out and buy_______chips!

19. Complete the questions with How much? or How many?

1........ homework do you do a day? have you got in your pocket?
2 .........cousins have you got?
......pizzas do you eat a week?
3......people are in this room?
.......time is there to the end of the lesson?
4.......sleep do you get a night?
5........text messages do you send a day?

20. Circle the correct words in the text.

In 2001, Richard Evans went to a/ the pizza parlour near his house and bought
a / the large, vegetarian pizza. When he got home, he opened a / the box and
saw that it was a / the meat pizza. He went back to a/ the shop and complained.
A/The waiter apologized but Richard was still angry, so he phoned his local
A / The reporter said that lots of people complained about getting a / the wrong
pizza from the same pizza parlour. A/The newspaper wrote an/the article about
"a/ the pizza parlour. Now a /the pizza parlour is very careful when it takes

21.Write the correct article.A,an or the.

1 He goes to..... work by train.

I went to ..... cinema last night.
2.He never eats anything before he goes
My sister is a nurse and often works at.....night
3.He usually does his homework in......morning.
Let's have..... snack before we go out.
4.What time do you usually have..... dinner?
I sometimes listen to..... radio on the bus.
5.I want to go to..... university when I leave school.
I never watch.....TV before breakfast.

22. Complete the sentences with many, much, any and some.
1 How.....children have they got?
There weren't......emails for you.
2.We've for lunch.
3 How ......milk do you drink every day?
4 Is there .....lamb in the fridge?
5 We've got......good films to watch this weekend.

23. Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in the box.

Be be become give go spend win write

Nicholas Harris'......born in 1934. He in London. His parents ......him a

violin. He ...... two years at a music school in Paris .He ....a prize for his
performances. He......a professional musician. Famous for

24. Complete the sentence with the words in the box.

A any many much some the
1.We need to make some pizzas for the party. Have we got......mushrooms?
No, we haven't. But we've got ........tomatoes.
2.Really?How.......tomatoes have we got?
3. Not really. Is there ...... supermarket near here?
4.Yes, there is. It's on West Street. And it's open in......evening.
5.Great ! How have you got?

25. Match the highlighted words with these definitions.

limbs paralysed disease spread over took up confident dream design
wheelchair steer sucks blow exhausted disabled
1 A chair with big wheels that someone who can't walk uses.
To gradually affect a bigger area.
2.Started doing something as a hobby.
Something that happens in your mind when you are sleeping.
When you can't use part of your body or brain normally.
3.An illness.
To decide how you will make something.
To control the direction that a vehicle moves.
4.To pull air or liquid into your mouth.
Extremely tired.
When you can't move your body or part of your body.
5To push out air from your mouth.
To be certain that you can do something and not nervous about it.
The arms and legs of a person.

26. Complete these sentences with the words from the box.
blew confident design disabled disease dream exhausted limbs
over paralysed spread steer suck taken up wheelchair

1. Some people suffer from a .........which leaves them.....and in need of help.

When I finish university, I want to work for a car company.I want to.....
2. It's sunny in the south at the moment and the good weather is going to....... to
the rest of the country this afternoon.
We are not allowed to eat in the classroom, but the teacher lets us...... sweets
when we need to concentrate.
3 My granddad was 80 last week. We made a cake for him with 80 candles on it
and he.......them all out!
I've .......Kung Fu. I started three months ago and I go three times a week. At
first, after every class my........ hurt! I couldn't move my arms or legs!
4. My brother is...... because of a motorcycle accident. He can't move his legs at
all and he has to use a ....... sports cars the kind of sports cars that
people........about when they go to bed!
5.At first, I found it difficult to..... my car into small parking spaces. But now
I've got more driving experience and I'm more I don't usually have any
Our grandfather is very old. When I take him shopping he gets...... quickly and
he has to sit down. The shopping trip is usually ........wants to go home again!

27. Match the words with the definitions.

1.A chilly. showery
4. mild
5. severe

a weather that changes a lot and that often becomes rainy

b warm and pleasant weather c very bad weather
d weather with frequent short periods of rain
e hot and wet weather
f quite cold weather

28. Circle the correct adjectives.

1 They say we're going to have chilly/severe weather this weekend. They're
expecting very strong winds.
2 Take your umbrella. It's been mild / showery all day. We're having a showery /
mild autumn. It's not cold at all
3 Well, it was sunny for a few days, but since then the weather has been quite
mild / unsettled.
4 You'll need to put a blanket on your bed tonight. It's really chilly/humid.
5 .I like hot weather, but I hate it when it's humid / severe.
I want to shower all the time!

29. Match the expressions with "come" with the definitions

1 come true . come and go
2. come apart
3 come on
4 come out
5 come round

a when a new book, CD or film becomes available

b when someone visits you at home
c when something breaks into pieces
d when something you hope for becomes reality
e when you tell someone to hurry up
f when something is present for a short time and then goes

30. Match the highlighted words with these definitions.

charity coach demanding finance full-time ideal opportunity
outdoors post profession responsibilities restore rewarding
visa voluntary

1 To provide the money for an event or activity.

A job.
The best for a person or situation.
2 An official document that lets you enter or leave a country.
Needing a lot of work, time and energy.
A job that needs special training and education.
3 Working the number of hours that people normally work every week.
Not in a building.
Giving pleasure or satisfaction.
4 To clean and repair something that is old and dirty
Work that is done for no pay.
A person that trains someone in a sport.
5 A chance to do something.
The things you have to do in your job.
An organization that gives money and helps people.
31.Complete the sentences with the words.

charity coach demanding finance full-time ideal opportunity

outdoors post profession responsibilities restore rewarding visa

1 I work for a......that looks after children without parents. My dad has bought an
old sports car but he says he's going so that it looks new again. He hurt
his leg five years ago and he can't play any more, so now he's the team. .....
2.My mother has got a good teaching....... university. She really likes it.
When we were at the seaside we had go sailing. We really enjoyed it.
Your...... in the job will be to meet visitors and show them the museum.
3.When I leave university I don't want to work in an office. I want to work......
It isn't a..... job. He only works 15 hours a week.
We want to travel around the world, so we're working for six months to.......the
4.I really had a good time on the course and I learnt a lot .It was very.......
They don't pay him to train the school football team. It's a........job.
Sam likes his job but he works 12 hours a day and he's always exhausted. It's
5.You need a passport and go to China.
The internet is an _____ place to find information about jobs. All the
information is there.
My brother's a doctor and he's been in the medical......for three years.

32. Match the work expressions with the definitions.

1 to apply for a job

to offer someone a job
2 to resign from a job
to be in charge of a department
3 to have an interview
to give someone the sack go on a training course
5. to work part-time

a to work fewer hours than people normally work

b to go to a meeting about a possible job
c to have a position of responsibility
d to tell someone they can't work for a company any more
e to attend a series of lessons to learn about a job
f to tell a person he / she can work in your company
g to ask to work for a company
h to leave a company

33. Complete the sentences with "job, jobs or work".

1 My brother's got a new ..... in an office.

They're doing voluntary......with young people
2.I want to leave......early today.
3.She likes her.......but the pay isn't very good.
4.There are lots of good.......on the internet.
5. The people at.....bought me a birthday present.

34. Write sentences in the present perfect affirmative .

1 we/finish / our dinner

2 my friend/go/home
the rain/stop
3.I/see / a terrible film
4.I/ hear / a great joke
5. he/book/ a holiday
35. Complete the text with the correct form of will and the verbs in brackets.
The Space Hotel ...... (open) in 2020. It ....... (have) 350 rooms, each with a view
of planet Earth from the widow.Guests....(arrive)by spaceship,and during they
stay,they......(enjoy) a wide variety of activities.They certainly.....(not get bored).

36. Order the words to make sentences.

1 uncle / in a shop / works / my

2 pizza / brother / loves / my
lives / New York / in / my friend's aunt
3 to school / go / we / by bike
me/my/like/ classmates
4 grandmother / french / his / speaks cousins/I/football/play/and

37. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

Cook drive get up live read speak teach work
1 My dad......the newspaper every morning.
I....... French and English. a small house.
Paul and Kate...... in London. work.
My mum is a teacher. She.....English at my school
4. My sister sometimes.....dinner six o'clock every morning.
38. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1 you / do / swimming / like?

play/computer games / do / you?
2 work / does / your mum?
3 chess/ your best friend / play / does?
4 do / speak / you / Russian?
5 go/ you and your friends / do / to the cinema?

39. Rewrite the sentences using the past simple.

1 I walk to school every day.

Sally phones her friend on her mobile.
2 They agree to meet at six o'clock.
Fred helps his mum with the washing up.
My dad works in Manchester.
3 Kevin jogs in the park before breakfast.
We live in London.
We arrive at school at quarter to nine.
4 Sue studies maths at school.
The football match starts at seven o'clock.
5 The bus stops near the school.
Jim watches television after dinner.
40. Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. school this morning because he was late.(run)
I...... my dad a book for his birthday. (give)
2.She........ pizzas for dinner last night. (make)
We...... to the cinema last weekend. (go)
3.They.....their teacher in town yesterday. (see)
My parents.....on holiday last week.(be)
4.I......hello to the girl next door when I left the house .(say)
I had to take my new mobile phone back to the shop, because it....... after a
week. (break)
5.This lesson....... 10 minutes ago. (begin)
I......the bus to school this morning. (catch)
41. Put the words in the correct order to make negative sentences.

1 last night/watch/ didn't/ TV / they

win/he/ a Nobel Prize / didn't / see /1/ didn't/ at the party
Harry / yesterday evening / tidy / didn't/ his room
3.forget your birthday / didn't/I
didn't/ we / to school / yesterday / go / at university / she / French / didn't
5.a new sweatshirt / you /buy/ didn't

42. Write the verbs past simple in brackets.

1.I......any photos. (take)
Dad.......the washing this morning. (do)
2.My friend...... me an email last week. (send)
They..... the match yesterday afternoon. (win)
3.We..... very hard last year. (work)
I..... dinner at home. (have)
4.She..... her name in the book. (write)
He...... President three years ago. (become)
5.They....... three months in England. (spend) homework before dinner. (finish)
43. Choose some or any with these uncountable nouns.
1 There's some/ any toast on the table.
I didn't have some / any coffee for breakfast this morning.
2.Is there some / any milk?
We need some / any bread.
3.Have you got some / any money?
You didn't buy any / some lettuce.
4.Let's have any / some tea.
5.Is there any / some cheese?

44. Write some or any with these countable nouns.

1 There are ......apples on the table.
Have we got us .......eggs?
2.John ate......... chips.
We didn't buy .......onions.
3.Did you cook....... carrots?
We don't need...... bananas.
4.Are there....... tomatoes?
5.There aren't .......sandwiches in my bag.

45. Complete the questions with How much ...? and How many...?
1......people live in your house?
..........time is there until the end of the school day?
2.......lessons do you have a day?
3........ money do you spend a day on snacks?
4.........water do you usually drink in a day?
5........ pages are there in this book?
46. Write a, an or the.
1. I've got and......'s name is Lucky and...... dog's name is Bouncer.
2. I've got and..... sister.
Where are ........chocolates? I need.......snack!
'We need...... egg.
.......eggs are in the fridge."
3. We've got...... maths exam and .....English exam tomorrow.
...... maths exam is in ....morning and ........English exam is in.......afternoon.
4. I went into town this morning and bought.......
T-shirt and...... jacket .
.......jacket was expensive but..... T-shirt was cheap.
5. I had....... chicken sandwich and...... banana for lunch. ........sandwich was
delicious, but .......banana was horrible. Tomorrow I'm going to have
47. Write a, an, the or nothing.
1.I want to play...... football.
Jack is listening to..... radio.
2.Let's go to.... cinema.
I'm thirsty. Can I have..... drink, please?
3.'What time does your mum go" 'At seven o'clock in evening."
My brother broke his leg and had to go to ......... hospital.
4. Dave eats.....chicken and.... tomatoes.
What time do you have.....lunch?
5 If you're hungry, have......sandwich.
I went to...... bed very late last night.
48. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the present perfect.
Cook cycle decide land phone start study
1.The lesson.....
We........ to go to France on holiday.
2 She....... him three times, but he never answers.
I'm really tired. I....... ten miles today.
3. We....... nine units of this book.
4. Please stay for dinner. My mum...... a lot of food!
5. The plane.......
Where are the passengers?

49. Make the sentences negative.

1 Harry has had breakfast.
I've lost my mobile phone.
2.Rachel and I have spent all our money.
You've eaten the apple.
3.Vicky has taken the train to Leeds.
Luke and Emily have visited Spain.
4.I've done my homework.
5. He's gone to New York by ship.

50. Complete the sentences with the verbs ,use the simple past form .
go to order park repair watch
1 The mechanic ...... the car at the garage last week.
2 'What did they do?' 'They..... the cinema.'
3. We were hungry so we..... to a pizza.
4 They........ a really boring film at the cinema.
5 We .......the car in the city centre when we went shopping

51. Make complete sentences.

1 They kill a lot of whales every year. They are in

We were on
2.I don't like going by
We always go for
3. I think she was late. She was in
We always go to school on
4. My dad likes listening to football matches on
5. My grandmother makes my jumpers by

a hand. They're very warm.

b a hurry when I phoned her.
c holiday in New York last week. It was fantastic.
d the radio.
e a walk by the river.
f danger!
g car in the city. I prefer the bus.
h foot. It isn't far away.

52. Complete the dialogue with was, were, wasn't or weren't. at the football match last night?
No,I ..........I couldn't go
2........ you at home?
3.........Freddy and Peter with you at the match?
4.No, they....... They....... at the cinema.
5........the match good?
Yes, it.......great.
53. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the past simple.
study visit watch arrive decide jog
1 Peter ....... to play a computer game.
Sally......... the Natural History Museum in London.
2 Tom school at nine o'clock.
3 We......... a great film on TV last night.
4 Valerie........ in the park yesterday afternoon.
5 My brother at university.

54. Rewrite the sentences. Use the past simple and the time expressions in
1. I walk to school every day. (yesterday morning)
I play basketball at weekends. (last weekend)
2. I cycle to the sports centre every evening. (last night)
I listen to music every morning. (yesterday morning)
3. My dad usually cooks dinner. (yesterday)
Steve sometimes phones his cousin on Sunday evenings. (on Saturday evening)
4. It always rains a lot in Manchester. (last month)
5. The bus stops at the end of our road. (two minutes ago﴿

55. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

At at on on from to
1 You can phone him...... 34568.
James phoned ......Australia.
2 He wants to talk....... you.
3.Can you phone her to...... Alex's?
4 Olivia phoned .......quarter past three.
5 Can you phone Luke....... his mobile?

56. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

became born died invented moved studied was worked
1 László Bíró was ...... in Budapest in 1899.
He.......very rich.
2 In the 1930s he a journalist.
He ........the 'Magic Cube' in his spare time.
3. In 1945 he and his brother....... to Argentina.
4 He ........ in Buenos Aires in 1985.
He........ architecture and design at the Technical University.
5 Ernő Rubik's father....... an engineer.

57. Complete the text with the words.

research graduate degree go take notes lectures
professor lecturers undergraduate
I'm an ......... at Oxford University and I'm doing a......... in mathematics. I like it
very much but there's lots of work...! I.......... to two or three...... a day and I......
lots of ........when I'm listening to the .........I sometimes write thirty pages! Now
I'm also doing a special study. I'm doing....... into mathematics in computers and
I have to talk about it with the most important maths teacher at the
university,...........Richards. When I finish university and I am a........ I want to
work with computers.
58. Complete the sentences.
artist doctor broker judge scientist surgeon
1 A/An....... works in a laboratory.
A/ An in a studio.
2.A/An........ works in a court.
3.A/ in a stock exchange.
4 A/An in a surgery.
5 A/An........ works in an operating theatre.

59. Rewrite the sentences in the past tense.

1 I wear jeans to school.
2 Maria and I buy a lot of clothes.
3 Jason reads books in bed.
4 I send lots of emails at the weekend.
5 My mum makes my bed.
My parents get up early.

60.Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

My dad, Frank Barrett, ...... (be) born in Tullamore,a small town in Ireland.
He ........(grow) up on a farm with his mum, dad and four brothers and sister.
Sadly, his parents, my grandparents, ........(die) when he was seventeen and he.....
(move) to the capital city of Ireland, Dublin. He ....... (want) to study at
university but it was very expensive, so he....... (find) a job at the Irish
Telegraph, a famous newspaper. He ......(wake) up at five o'clock every day
and...... (go) to work.

61. Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 She....... (wear) a new dress at her sister's wedding.
They .......(pay) a lot of money for their new car.
2 We .......(speak) to our family in Chicago last week.
When Tom was at school, he always.......... (fight) with the other boys.
3.Anne.......(sell) her flat on the internet yesterday.
I....(run) a lot faster when I was younger.
4.He .......(give) his mum a box of chocolates on her birthday.
5.I.......(come) home late last night.

62. Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs.
be eat see give meet go buy have

On Friday I....... shopping and I .......a birthday present. On Saturday

dad's birthday.We...... lunch at an Italian restaurant and we..... some very good
pasta dishes. At the restaurant dad his birthday present. In the evening
I some friends. We ........a film, but it was terrible!

63. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
collect stop stretch complete discover return participate continue

1.I always ....... my legs before I start running.

He weighs 95 kilos, but he can't....... eating fast food.
2. I went to bed, but my brother........ watching TV until 1 a.m.
We didn't....... in the last competition, but we want to play in the next.
3.Scientists........ water on Mars in 2007.
I usually walk home, but my yesterday.
4. She lived in London for five years, but then she......home to Canada.
5. I didn't do my English homework, but I........ all the maths exercises.
64. Complete the text with the words in the box.
fresh sweet tender bland salty

A lot of people say that pasta hasn't got a taste. They say it's........ but I don't
...... pasta from a shop that makes pasta every day has got a good taste. And of
course, you have to put lots of salt in the water when you cook it so that it's quite
.......when you finish. You also have to be very careful to cook it for the right
time. It has to be...... If you can't cut it with your teeth easily, it's horrible. You
can also use some pasta to make..... dishes with sugar. In fact, you can use it for
lots of different meals.

65. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1 I didn't have ......breakfast this morning.
There's....... in money on the table.
2 Have we got .......homework this weekend?
3 There aren't....... books in my bag.
He never does...... in housework.
4 We bought ........postcards at the hotel.
5.They gave him......bread and cheese for lunch.
Is there...... sugar in this coffee?

66. Complete the mini-dialogues. Write a, an or the, or a tick() if they are

correct without an article.

1 Should we take.... bus?

No, let's go by.... car.
I'm hungry. Let's have.... lunch now.
OK. We can have..... sandwich at home.
2 We don't have to go to.... school today.
Great! Let's go to...... cinema!
3. Can I watch ......DVD?
No, you can't. I'm listening to ...... radio.
4. Does your sister work during...... day?
No, she works at ......night.
Why did you go to...... work late yesterday?
Because I went to ..... doctor's in the morning.
5. Do you want to play...... tennis this afternoon?
I can't. I'm going to...... university.
Do you want..... snack?
Yes, please. I'd

67. Circle the correct words.

1 We haven't got any / some tea.
How much / many eggs are there?
2 Is there some / any cream in the fridge?
We've got any / some DVDs at home.
3 How much / many money did he give you?
There's some / any food in the fridge.
4 How many / much sauce is there?
5. Do you know some / any good books

68. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

design harbour illness paralysed passenger rare wheelchair

1 After the accident, he was completely.........

He couldn't move his arms or legs.
2 .Our boat arrived at the..... in Calais.
3 I couldn't go to school for three months because of a.........
4 There are only two seats in this car: one for the driver and one for a .......
5 She helped to........ a new kind of .......

69. Use the present perfect negative.

1 Luke/not send / any postcards
they / not visit / a museum
2.Mandy / not phone / her parents
3. they/ not buy / a guidebook
4. Chris/ not take / a boat trip
5. they /not watch /TV

70. Complete the phrases with the words in the box.

All back best forward hope love next see soon time soon.
........ to see you soon.
2 Write .......
Look......... to seeing you.
3 That's....... for now.
See you .......week.
4 ........wishes.
Lots of........
5.I'm having a lovely London.
I'll phone you when I'm........
71. Rewrite the sentences in the present perfect affirmative form.
1. I made coffee for everyone.
She bought a new DVD.
2. We did our homework.
3. Jack drank all the milk.
4. Dad wrote a letter to my teacher.
You spoke to Richard.
5. They had a good time.
We missed the train.

72. Write negative and affirmative sentences in Present Perfect

1.John has been to school.
Diana has bought a new dress.
2 My mum and dad have visited my grandparents.
They've eaten pizzas.
3 Mike has drunk a cup of tea.
Sara has spoken to Anne.
4 We've done the washing-up.
5 They've just caught the train.

73. Complete the texts with the words in the box.

Experience university job work make outside spend take
'I'm going to start October. I've got ....... a hair salon and I'm going to
be a hairdresser. It'll be my first job. Before that, I want to .......some time abroad
and do something different I'm going to go to the USA and work in a summer
camp for young children. I'll teach them basketball, swimming and volleyball.
There'll be lots of teenagers from other countries there too, so I'll.......... some
new friends."
'Next September I'm going to study French and German at ........Before then I
want to .........a gap year. I'm going to spend four months on a farm in France. I'll
be........ looking after animals, working with my hands. After that, I'm going to
backpack round Germany with Gary, my best friend from school. He's going to
study German too. It'll be a great.......

. 74. Complete the text. Use going to, affirmative or negative

After my exams I '........... (do) nothing for a week. I........(not work) and I...........
(not read) any books. Then I..... (work) in a café as a waiter. My friend
Steve........... (get) a job there too,but he........ (not be) a waiter - he .......(wash)
dishes in the kitchen. After that, Steve and I.........(travel) around Scotland.
We........(not stay) in hotels - they're too expensive. We........ (backpack) and stay
in youth hostels.

75. Choose from the jobs in the box.

a.bus driver
b.farmer . doctor
c.nurse . computer programmer
e.waiter . chef
1. I work in the countryside. I work outside. I work with my hands.
2. I don't work in a building, but I don't work outside. I work with customers. I
don't earn a lot of money.
3 I work with computers. I don't work outside. I work as part of a team. I earn a
lot of money.
4 I work with the general public. I'm on my feet all day. I work as part of a team.
I work with nurses.
5 I work in a café. I don't work with customers. I'm on my feet all day. I work in
a kitchen.

76. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 'll/before /home/I/midnight / be
2 at home / we / this evening / be / won't
win/will/the next / World Cup / Brazil
3 late / be / we / for school/ won't
4 January/be/my/38/in/ dad / will
5 won't/Danny/all / pass / his exams

77. Write sentences with will, affirmative or negative.

1 people / live / on the moon
2 computers/be/ more intelligent than people
we/go/to school
3.Russia/be/ in the European Union
4.people/live/ more than 120 years
5.people/go/to Mars on holiday
people/buy/ everything on the internet

78. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions.
1 my/We're / brother/ this/to/visit/weekend / going
2 isn't/us/tell / He/ anything/to/ going
3 is/Sara/ an /to/week/do/ next / exam / going
going / aren't/My/to/shopping/parents/go
4 to/Helen/to/ Is/work/drive/ going
for /is/a/cook/ Mum/lunch / going / pizza / to
5 home/going/at/to/ tomorrow / She's / stay
the/win/match/to/ we / going / Are
79. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
active activities martial arts popular
sports club top weather

1 Kate does gymnastics at a . ...... every evening.

2 Harry is very........ He plays football, hockey and basketball.
3 Is football........with girls in your country.?
Karate and judo are.....
4. The .........isn't very good, so we can't play tennis
5 I do lots of ........with my friends: for example, rollerblading, jogging and
What are the .........a three sports in your school?

80. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

enemies equal hero nation national holiday
refused rights shot

1 Martin Luther King fought for the....... of black Americans.

2 Martin Luther King had a lot of ........
Martin Luther King Day is....... in the USA.
3.Black and white people are now....... in the USA.
Rosa Parks........ to stand up for a white person on the bus.
4. James Earl Ray......... Martin Luther King.
5. Martin Luther King is a....... for millions of black people in the USA. another word for 'country'.
1.and /worked/ in /instructor /to /Later Holmes/ studied /become /an /be / New
2.parachute /was / main /safety /and /there /a /parachute /and /a /smaller
3.for/ there /problems /weren't /jump./ he /any /and / was /ready/ the
4.there/ the/ on / were/ 16/ plane /and /students/ and /instructors / pilot / the.
5. and /could / next/ car /he /see /a/ a / to /park /it /car/ park
6. from /the/ were / together/cords / his/ parachute/ stuck
7. to /he /penknife / it/ the /decided / cut / cords/ with /a/ but /was/ late /too.
8. to/ helinet/he/ camera /talked /the /on /his/
9. go/ my /last /cinema /Saturday/ friend /lee /and/ I /decided/ to/ to/ the/
10. the /coffee /because / at/ have / the /wanted /we/ six/ agreed/ to/ meet /at/
café /we to /a/ before /film.
11. phoned /his / few /minutes / and /mobile /for/ I /waited /a /then /I/ him/ on
12. night /hard-working/ stayed / sometimes/ all /Marie / extremely/ she/ awake/
to/ study/ was/ and
13. woman/ she/ two /only/ is/ the/ to/ win/ Nobel Prizes.
14. her /for /Marie Curic / France /of / stayed /in / the /rest/ life.
15. hospital /use / ill /who /she/ tried /to/ her/ discoveries /to/ help /people /were/
16. ill / 1934/cancer /radioactivity / died /Marie/ became /because /of /the /and
/of /in
17. woman/ big/ Sonya/ is /Thomas / not /a
18. they/ popular / USA/ very/ the / are/ in
19. competitions / or/ only / month/there/ two/ are /one / a
20. believe /sport ?/ you/ competitions / are /do/ eating/ real
21. USA /the/ third /Monday /of/ January /each/ year/ is/ a/ national/ holiday /in/
22. King/ called/ Martin/ is/ Luther / it/ Day
23. Alabama / at/ college /he in /and /a/ job /studied/ got
24. the /Parks/ and /King / to /work/ change/ to /law/ decided/ together
25. two/ two /King/ boys /had/ and /four / gels /children /:
26. she / sail /wanted/ boat /hersell / to/ a
27. sailing /know /Hilary/ about /didn't /anything /boats/ or
28. alone /left/ boat / she/ Dover/ in/ her /
29. at /I'm / university/ going/ physics/ to
30. be /it/ a / experience /will / great/
31. to /October /I'm/ work/ next / going/ start
32. in /a / post /office /It's/ a /bank/ an/ job
33. life/ thought /she /over/ her/ was
34. some/ people/ boat /then/ she /help/ her/ found/ a/ and/ to
35. the /will/ he / all / with/ extra /money/?/ do/ what
36. 1881/was /Alexander/ born / Scotland Fleming /in / in
37. for /he/ years/ office/ worked /five /in/ an
38. First/ Fleming / doctor /worked /World /as/ a/ in/ War/ the
39. is / runner /Dean / amazing / Karnazes / an/
40. you/ do/ do / other /?/ sports/ any
41. he/ Mount / just /has / Everest/ climbed
42. been /Mark /disabled/ always / hasn't
43. Germany/ Gary / going /backpack/ I'm/ round / to /with
44. hobby / about /Dean /life/ and / his /his /talks
45. I'm / time /exercise / of /doing/ same a/ lot/ at /the
46. later /he /worked /an /Australian/ with
47. an /worked/ he /five for/ in /years /office
48. the / on/ was / Everest/ weather/ terrible
causes / for/kill/to/that

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