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Sunflower International School

Academic Year 2022-23

Summative Assessment-1
English, Year-6
Student’s ID

Time Allowed: 45 minutes Date

Assessment Assessment
Assessment Type Given Score
Number Area
Section A MCQ Grammar 5
Word Search Vocabulary 5
Fill in the gaps Listening 5
MCQ Reading 5
Section E Short paragraph Writing 5
Total Score
Checked By

For Y6 (Go on to the next page)

Section A: Grammar
Read the statements carefully and choose the correct option. Write only number in the
provided bracket. (5x1=5marks)

1.What has Amara done so far today? She ____________ lunch with her family.

1. has had eating

2. has 4.eats ( )

2.One day, I got lost _________ a crowd of people, but my dad quickly found me!
1.on 4.from ( )
3.Which of the following sentences are used the form of first conditional?
A. If she trains hard, she’ll do in the competition.
B. Unless she eats well, she won’t have any energy.
C. If I had enough money, I would buy that diamond ring.
D. Unless you were clever, you had been sent to the office.

1.A,B,C,D 3.A,B
2.C,D 4.B,C,D ( )

4.In the following description, there are some errors and the correct answers are given.
The ice in the Antarctic cover an area of almost 14 million square km. The ice are five kilometers
deep and it’s the largest single mass of ice on Earth. It don’t rain very often and so it is in fact a desert!
1. covers, is, didn’t
2. cover, were, doesn’t
3. covers, is, doesn’t
4. cover, is, won’t ( )

5.This is Sunflower international school __________ you go to learn something new.

1. where 3.who
2. how 4. why ( )

For Y6 (Go on to the next page) 5

Section B: Vocabulary
Read the following clues and find the answers in the word search. (5x1=5marks)

1. one of the seven large land masses on the earth's surface, surrounded, or mainly surrounded,
by sea and usually consisting of various countries
2. the quality of being famous, especially for being a singer, actor
3. strong, healthy, and good at sports
4. all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment
5. a plant or animal that has been produced from two different types of plant

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Section C: Listening
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or two words or a
number or a date or a time. (5x1=5marks)
You will hear a girl called Susie talking about llama trekking trip she went on.

Llama Trekking Trip

The llama trek starts at a (1)____________
There were a total of (2)___________ people taking part in Susie’s trek.
Susie says that llama trekking is a very (3)__________ activity.
Walking near a (4)___________ was the most enjoyable part of Susie’s trek.
Susie bought (5)___________ as a souvenir.

For Y6 (Go on to the next page)

Section D: Reading
For each question, choose the correct answer. (5x1=5marks)

For Y6 (Go on to the next page)

For Y6 (Go on to the next page)
Section E: Writing (5marks)

Write an article about the short biography of your admirable person in your life. Express
his or her characters and personalities. Use interesting nouns and adjectives to describe
your reasons. Write 50 words or more for your description.


For Y6 (End of paper) 5


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