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Assessment 2 Details and Submission

Trimester 1
Unit Code ICT306
Unit Title Advanced Cyber Security
Assessment Type Group Assessment
Assessment Title Capturing and Analyzing network traffic using Wireshark

Purpose of the ULO 2. Analyze IT systems and their security weaknesses

assessment (with ULO 3. Devise and execute cyber security attacks on IT systems
ULO Mapping) ULO 4. Critically analyze remediation steps and countermeasures to
prevent damage to systems
Objectives of • Gain an understanding of capturing the live packet data.
Assignment • Learn how to filter packets and analyzing it
• Generate Statistics
Weight Assignment 1 40%
Total Marks Assignment 1 40 marks
Word limit 1500
Due Dates TBA

Submission • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along
Guidelines with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing,
11pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of
your page with appropriate section headings.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and
listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE
referencing style.
Extension • If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special
Consideration Application must be submitted. You must
submit this application within four working days of the
assessment due date.
• Further information is available at: Microsoft Word - QA20
Student Assessment 2.0 (3).doc (
Academic • Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on
Misconduct the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a
written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course
or rescinding the degree.
• Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy
and procedure available at: Microsoft Word - Student Academic
Integrity.docx (

Assessment 2

Brute Force Attack On WordPress Web Site To Enumerate Users Names

and Passwords

1. Install Kali Linux on your own PC or Lab’s Visual Environment .

2. Log in with username as ‘kali’ and password ‘kali’.
3. Update APT
You must update APT before installing Wireshark on Kali Linux, “sudo” stands for root
privileges, you need to enter a password for kali

Type $ sudo apt update

4. install Wireshark, Type the command

$ sudo apt-get install wireshark

5. Check if Wireshark has been installed. Type the command, explain: what this command
will display?

$ wireshark -h

6. Start using Wireshark by typing the command.

$ Wireshark

7. After opining Wireshark start capturing the network traffic

a- Select the interface you want to capture in the list. To do this, select Capture >
b. Using the filter to display only the packets using the port 80 (TCP traffic). Choos
the correct filter
c. Filter the IP address (analyse only devices on your network)

8. Analyze Network Performance

To inspect your network and analyze all active traffic, you have to reduce traffic to a
minimum to see clearly what is happening in your network
- close all active applications on your network. You’ll still have a mass of packets being
sent and received.

9. Visualizing Network Packets With IO Graphs

Click on the statistics menu and select IO graphs. You’ll then be met by a graph
window. Display the window output

10. Save the captured packets in a file called packet sniffing

Presubmit condition:
Student needs to show the following information belonging to a computer that nmap or dig
commands used in your answer this assignment for lecturer/tutor to record.

1) MAC
2) IP addresses
3) Submit a similar exemplar for any questions that require to submit a snapshot to prove it is
your own work

Marking Guide:

Criteria Description Marks

Updating APT 3 marks for screen shot 3
Installation of 3 marks for screen shot 3
Checking if 5 marks for screen shot 5
Wireshark has
been installed

Using the filter

3 marks for description and 3 marks for screen shot 6

Analyze 3 marks for description and 3 marks for screen shot 6


Visualizing 3 marks for description and 3 marks for screen shot 6

With IO

3 marks for description and 3 marks for screen shot 6

Saving the 5 marks for description and screen shot 5


Marking Rubric for Exercise Answers:

Grade HD D CR P Fail

Mark 80%+ 70%-79% 60%-69% 50%-59% < 50%

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Q1 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q2 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q3 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q4 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q5 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q6 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q7 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q8 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q9 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing
Q10 Explanation is Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
clear and easy logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
to follow with convincing and conviction disjointed
strong convincing

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