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Name – Sena Mekonin Negeri – ETS 1466/14


SUBMITTED TO – Ashebir Feyisa.
Questions – Write 15 applications statics and probability have in Electromechanical
Department with brief explanation and examples.

Answer : - 1.Reliability Analysis : Engineers use probabilistic models to estimate the probability
of component failures and optimize system design to enhance reliability. This analysis helps
minimize downtime and maintenance costs.
For example, in a power distribution system, probability theory is used to assess the failure
rates of electrical components and optimize maintenance schedules.

2. System Optimization :By modeling uncertainties and incorporating probabilistic constraints,

electromechanical engineer can find optimal system parameters that maximize performance or
minimize costs.
For examples, in a robotic welding system, probability theory is used to optimize welding
parameters considering variations in joint dimensions and material properties..

3 Load Distribution : Statics and probability helps to analyze the load distribution. This analyze
helps engineer to ensure that the force and loads are distributed evenly among the components.
For example, In a crane system. The load distribution among the various cables and supporting
structures is calculated using statics.

4 Energy Efficiency : - By considering the forces, torques, and energy consumption, engineers can
optimize system design and control strategies to minimize energy waste. This analysis contributes
to sustainable and cost-effective operation.
For example, in an HVAC( Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning – it refers to a system in
building, Vehicles and other enclosed spaces to control and maintain the indoor environment for
comfort and air quality ) system, statics is used to determine the airflow requirements and
optimize fan sizes to achieve energy-efficient ventilation.

5 Error analysis : Analysis of measurement errors and uncertainties in electromechanical

systems is done by using probability theory.
For examples, in a precision machining process.

6 Risk analysis : - By quantifying the probabilities and consequences of risks, Electromechanical

engineers can implement risk mitigation strategies and ensure system safety.
For examples,In the design of a medical robotic surgery system. Its used to assess the
probability of surgical errors and implement safety feature to minimize risks to patients.

7 Control System analysis : - By considering the uncertainties and noise in the system,
electromechanical engineer can evaluate the system stability, robustness and response time. This
analysis ensure reliable and accurate control of electromechanical system.
For examples, In a motion system for a robotic assembly line.

8 Structural Stability : Statics helps to analyze forces and moments to determine the strength
and stability of components. For examples, In a tall building with mechanical systems.
9 Gear Design : - Statics is crucial in designing gear system for electromechanical applications.
It analyze forces and torques to determine appropriate gear size and ratios. For example, in a
wind turbine. It calculate the forces on the gears and optimizes their design for efficient power
10 Motion Control: Statics is used in motion control systems to analyze forces and torques for
precise positioning and control of electromechanical systems. For example, in a robotic arm.

11 Sensor Calibration: In electromechanical systems, sensors are calibrated using the probability
principle. For accurate measurements, it aids in estimating sensor accuracy and uncertainty.
For Example, in a system for controlling temperature.

12 Design for Manufacturability : Statics and probability play a crucial role in designing
electromechanical systems for ease of manufacturing and assembly. By analyzing forces, stresses,
and tolerances, Electromechanical engineers can optimize component designs to simplify
manufacturing processes and reduce assembly errors.
For example, in the design of an electric motor.

13 Component Sizing: Statics is crucial in sizing electromechanical components such as motors,

gears, and bearings. By analyzing forces and torques, engineers can select components that can
handle the anticipated loads.
For Examples, in a conveyor system.

14 Kinematics and Dynamics: Statics and probability are used to analyze the motion and forces
in electromechanical systems, allowing for efficient design and optimization.
For example, Analyzing the movement and forces in a robotic arm to ensure precise and smooth

15 Friction Analysis: Statics is utilized to analyze and minimize friction in mechanical systems,
enhancing performance and reducing wear and tear.
For example, Determining the coefficient of friction between moving parts in a machine to
optimize their design and reduce energy losses.

SCIENTISTS - Fifth Edition – By Sheldon M. Ross
Reliability Engineering: Probabilistic Models and Maintenance Methods - By K.S.
Krishnamoorthi (1)
Probabilistic Design for Optimization and Robustness for Engineers - By Bryan R. S. Simpson.(2)
Structural Analysis - By Russell C. Hibbeler (3)
Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Principles and Practice" by Adrian Pitts and Alan J. Lewis (4)
Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements - By John
R. Taylor (5)
Engineering Risk Analysis - By Ronald D. Matthews (6)
Control Systems Engineering - By Norman S. Nise (7)
Structural Analysis" by Aslam Kassimali (8)
Mechanical Engineering Design - by Joseph Edward Shigley and Charles R. Mischke (9,12,13)
Motion Control Systems - By George Ellis (10)
Sensor Calibration Handbook - By R. A. Jones and C. M. Coleman (11)
Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics - By Grant R. Kermode and David G. Pritchard (14)
Friction: An Introduction to Tribology - By Bharat Bhushan (15)

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