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Jose Emil C.

Calabio September
Metacognitive Reading Report 2 (MRR2)

1. What three concepts remain unclear or difficult for you to understand?

a) As I read the article or the text, the first thing I noticed that became hard for me
to understand is the concept of “negative liberty”.
b) I also haven’t been able to depict the two orders that is present in the freedom
of will and the concept of the person.
c) Additionally, I had a hard time understanding that for the concept of the person,
there where only two orders mentioned.

2. What three significant insights did you gain in studying this text?
a) By reading the text, I learned that an action will become virtuous only if the
person willingly or voluntarily decides in doing it.
b) I came across the statement that utilitarianism is a special case of
consequentialism that refers to the actions that increase the total amount of
pleasure which I then understood.
c) Lastly, I then realized that with virtuous actions, our freedom will never falter.

3. What three questions do you want to ask about the text?

a) If the said “weak part” would be the only ones isolated or the target population
of the implemented lockdowns, would everyone never have to worry about the
b) If a person determines something is beneficial to him yet it would out others at
a disadvantage, would it still be a virtue of prudence?
c) In times like this pandemic, being a coward as to never leave your home would
keep a person safe. So, is cowardice not counted as a virtue?

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