Inglês Comercial (Simple Future e Be Going To)

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Inglês Comercial

(Simple future e Be going to)

O Simple Future (Futuro
Simples), também chamado de
Future Simple, é um tempo
verbal usado para expressar
ações futuras que irão ocorrer,
Simple Future ou seja, que ainda não
Em português, esse tempo
verbal corresponde ao Futuro
do Presente do Modo
Simple Future usando o “Going To”

★ O futuro usando o going to é uma das formas mais usadas para

formar o futuro em inglês.

★ O futuro com o "going to" é dividido em 3 formas: afirmativa,

negativa e interrogativa e a seguir vamos estudar cada uma
destas formas.
1) Affirmative Form (Forma “Going to” na Forma Afirmativa
Afirmativa) Afirmativa Contração

Sujeito + Verbo To Be + Going To + I am going to I'm going to

Verbo principal + Complemento
You are going to You're going to
Exemplo: He is going to He's going to
★ I am going to travel. She is going to She's going to
★ No exemplo acima também It is going to It's going to
poderíamos ter usado a forma
contraída, para isto basta contrairmos
o verbo to be (am, is, are) We are going to We're going to

Exemplo: You are going to You're going to

★ I’m going to travel The are going to They're going to
2) Negative Form (Forma Negativa) “Goin to” na Forma Negativa

Sujeito + Verbo To Be + Not + Going To Negativa Contração

+ Verbo principal + Complemento
I am not going to ("am" + "not" não
tem contração)
★ She is not going to travel. You are not going to You aren't going to

★ No exemplo acima também poderíamos He is not going to He isn't going to

ter usado a forma contraída, para isto
basta contrairmos o verbo to be (am, is,
are) com o "not". She is not going to She isn't going to

Is + Not = Isn't It is not going to It isn't going to

Are + Not = Aren't
Am + Not = (Não tem contração) We are not going to We aren't going to

Exemplo: You are not going to You aren't going to

★ She isn't going to travel. They are not going to They aren't going to
“Going to” na Forma Interrogativa
3) Interrogative Form (Forma
Interrogativa) Afirmativa Interrogativa

Verbo To Be + Sujeito + Going To + Verbo I am going to Am I going to?

principal + Complemento
You are going to Are you going to?

He is going to Is he going to?

She is going to Is she going to?

It is going to Is it going to?

★ Is she going to travel? We are going to Are we going to?

You are going to Are you going to?

They are going to Are they going to?

"Going To" em respostas curtas (short
answers). Para respostas curtas com o
"going to" nós usamos o verbo to be.
No futuro com o going to
também é possível usarmos Exemplo:
respostas curtas (short

★ Is she going to travel? Yes, she is.

★ Is she going to travel? No, she isn't.

“Going to” na forma Afirmativa, Negativa e Interrogativa

(To travel) (To travel) (To travel)

Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa

I am going to travel I am not going to travel Am I going to travel?

You are going to travel You are not going to travel Are you going to travel?

He is going to travel He is not going to travel Is he going to travel?

She is going to travel She is not going to travel Is she going to travel?

It is going to travel It is not going to travel Is it going to travel?

We are going to travel We are not going to travel Are we going to travel?

You are going to travel You are not going to travel Are you going to travel?

They are going to travel They are not going to travel Are they going to trave?
Futuro com Going To - Exemplos:

★ I am going to study more tonight. ★ You aren't going to be


★ John is going to come with us.

★ I think it's going to rain.

★ Sarah isn't going to come. ★ When are you going to travel?

★ They are going to watch a movie. ★ Is he going to play soccer? Yes,

he is.
1 - (Afirmativa) - I _____to France in October.
(A)going to travel
(B)am going to travel
(C)going to
(D)be going to

2 - (Negativa) - She is going to travel.

(A)She not going to travel.
(B)She not is going to travel.
(C)She is not going to travel.
(D)She doesn't going to travel.
3 - (Interrogativa) - They are going to come with us.
(A)Are they going to come with us?
(B)They are going to come with us?
(C)Do they going to come with us?
(D)They going to come with us?

4 - (Negativa / Contração) - John and Sarah ____ going to travel.


5 - (Resposta curta) - Is he ___ work tomorrow? Yes, he ___.

(A)going , is
(B)going to , does
(C)going to , is
(D)going to , yes

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C

Thank you for your attention!!!

Grupo: Anderson
Maria Vitória
Mayara Patrícia

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