Aps Oel Report

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Table of Content

1. INTRODUCTION —--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. OEL Prompt —---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
3. Purpose —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
4. Equipment —------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
5. Procedure —------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
6. Data —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
7. Data Analysis —-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

7.1 Part 1

7.2 Part 2

7.3 Part 3

7.4 Part 4

7.5 Part 7

8. Conclusion —------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19

The purpose of statistical analysis is to extract meaningful information and draw conclusions from

data. It involves collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data in order to

uncover patterns, relationships, trends, and associations within the data. Statistical analysis helps

researchers and decision-makers make informed decisions, test hypotheses, and understand the

uncertainty associated with the data.

Some of the key purposes of statistical analysis include:

1. Descriptive Analysis: Statistical analysis provides descriptive statistics such as mean,

median, mode, standard deviation, and percentiles, which summarize and describe the
characteristics of a dataset. This helps in understanding the central tendency, dispersion,
and distribution of the data.
2. Inferential Analysis: Statistical analysis enables researchers to make inferences or
generalizations about a population based on a sample. It involves hypothesis testing and
estimation, where statistical techniques are used to determine if observed differences or
relationships are statistically significant and not due to random chance.

Open-Ended LAB (OEL) Prompt:

TOPIC: Performed Statistical Analysis on Real Life Data by using Minitab Software

Objective: To analyse the data by using statistical technique and interpret the results.


● A list of statistical tools used in the investigation.


Your experiment should design to investigate.

i) Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

ii) Interpret the results

Lab Report:

Your Lab report should include the following sections.


This is a statement of the problem to be investigated.


● A list of statistical tools used in the investigation.

● Step by step procedure carefully explained.
● All experimental variables identified and named.


● Source of Data should be included?

Data Analysis:

● How do you interpret data?

● Include observation table

● Include all graphs, analysis of graphs, calculations, and error


● Discuss and explain the results.


The objective is to gather the data which represents the change in temperature and average rainfall
over a century in Ponca city, USA. The statistical analysis is done to examine the changing
climate of Earth due to various human activities and to come up with possible solutions.This data
can be purposeful for various organizations throughout the world, to combat the effects of global
warming on the world.

The statistical tools that are used in the process of investigations include:

● Statistical Data
● Minitab (software for analysis)

The procedure for the statistical analysis includes;

● Interpreting all the gathered data of annual temperature(in Fahrenheit) and annual
rainfall(in inches) onto the worksheet.
● Making time series plot
● Performing all basic statistical functions(calculation of
Range,mean,median,mode,standard deviation, Variance etc)
● Making pie charts,bar charts,multiple bar charts ,component diagrams, normality charts.
● Making stem and leaf plots.

The data for the statistical analysis is taken from a reputable website
‘https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com’. The data consists of more than 100 year timeline of the
average rainfall and average temperature in Ponca City,USA from the year 1920-2022.

Data Analysis:

Year Rainfall(in) Temperature ( F) Year Rainfall(in) Temperature ( F)

1920 17.8 48.5 1940 31.2 50.0

1921 13.7 57.5 1941 43.2 59.5

1922 25.6 54.5 1942 37.4 51.5

1923 12.6 49.0 1943 32.2 51.5

1924 10.5 53.5 1944 42.7 56.5

1925 26.1 51.0 1945 38.6 54.0

1926 25.4 53.5 1946 25.2 55.5

1927 33.1 45.5 1947 29.8 49.0

1928 22.3 52.5 1948 30.2 51.0

1929 27.8 46.5 1949 35.0 48.0

1930 18.7 65.0 1950 24.1 51.5

1931 34.5 59.0 1951 43.7 52.5

1932 29.9 51.0 1952 19.5 60.0

1933 29.2 50.5 1953 22.3 58.0

1934 30.5 58.0 1954 20.7 58.5

1935 30.6 56.0 1955 27.9 56.0

1936 18.7 55.5 1956 14.6 57.5

1937 27.4 58.0 1957 46.0 56.0

1938 30.5 54.5 1958 33.8 48.5

1939 26.8 56.0 1959 42.8 42.5

Year Rainfall(in) Temperature ( F) Year Rainfall(in) Temperature ( F)

1960 34.4 49.0 1982 27.8 50.0

1961 45.4 51.5 1983 32.2 48.0

1962 25.3 47.5 1984 28.3 48.0

1963 28.6 42.5 1985 38.0 51.5

1964 44.1 56.0 1986 46.2 60.5

1965 34.8 58.5 1987 40.5 53.5

1966 25.3 44.5 1988 28.2 48.0

1967 41.2 51.5 1989 35.9 46.0

1968 37.3 52.0 1990 34.7 54.0

1969 41.4 57.5 1991 36.4 57.5

1970 25.3 54.5 1992 43.1 56.5

1971 41.0 54.0 1993 39.3 55.5

1972 28.6 49.5 1994 34.4 56.5

1973 38.7 49.0 1995 38.9 58.0

1974 41.0 57.0 1996 30.1 55.5

1975 33.2 53.5 1997 49.0 52.5

1976 22.6 52.5 1998 51.3 57.5

1977 35.7 48.5 1999 57.6 58.0

1978 26.4 52.5 2000 31.9 54.0

1979 28.9 46.5 2001 18.7 53.5

1980 27.8 51.0 2002 29.6 50.0

1981 31.1 53.0 2003 21.8 53.0

Year Rainfall(in) Temperature ( F) Year Rainfall(in) Temperature ( F)

2004 28.8 51.5 2013 28.6 53.0

2005 28.2 49.5 2014 27.4 49.5

2006 14.0 55.0 2015 32.7 53.5

2007 42.6 54.0 2016 29.4 49.5

2008 40.5 53.5 2017 34.0 54.0

2009 32.8 54.5 2018 30.7 51.0

2010 25.8 52.5 2019 37.6 54.5

2011 21.5 43.5 2020 29.3 57.0

2012 23.1 60.5 2021 25.6 41.5

2022 23.0 55.0

Time Series Plot of Amount of annual rain, Average temperature

Variable Mean StDev Variance CoefVar Minimum Q1 Median Q3

Average temperature 52.869 4.333 18.774 8.20 41.500 50.000 53.500 56.000

Amount of annual rain 31.264 8.767 76.852 28.04 10.500 25.600 30.200 37.400

N for

Variable Maximum Range Mode Mode

Average temperature 65.000 23.500 51.5, 53.5 7

Amount of annual rain 57.600 47.100 18.7, 25.3, 27.8, 28.6 3

Mean ST.DEV Var. C.V Min Q1 Med. Q3 Max Range Mode N for

52.869 4.333 18.74 8.20 41.5 50.0 53.5 56.0 65.0 23,5 51.5, 7
Average 53.5
(in F)

31.264 8.767 76.852 28.04 10.5 25.6 30.2 37.4 57.6 47.1 18.7, 3
Amount of 25.3,
annual 27.8,
rain(in 28.6

MTB > let k1=(sum(c1)*sum(c2))
MTB > print k1

Data Display

K1 653742463

MTB > let k2=sum(c1+c2)
MTB > print k2

Data Display

K2 206233

MTB > let k3=SQRT(sum(5*c1+c2))
MTB > print k3

Data Display

K3 1009.10

MTB > let k4=sum(ABSO(2*c1-5*c2))

MTB > print k4

Data Display

K4 389925

MTB > let k5=sum((c1+c2)**3)
MTB > print k5

Data Display

K5 827464278864

MTB > let k6=EXPO(sum(c1))
let k6=EXPO(sum(c1))
* WARNING * Values out of bounds during operation at J
* WARNING * Missing returned 1 times


Data Display

K6 *


Pie chart between year and annual amount of rain

Pie chart between year and average temperature:

Bar diagram of year and annual amount of rain

Bar diagram of year and average temperature

Multiple bar chart between year, annual amount of rain, and
average temperature

Component bar chart between year, annual amount of rain, and

average temperature

Stem-leaf display
MTB > Stem-and-Leaf 'Amount of annual rain'.

Stem-and-Leaf Display: Amount of annual rain

Stem-and-leaf of Amount of annual rain N = 103

Leaf Unit = 1.0

5 1 02344
10 1 78889
19 2 011222334
50 2 5555555566677777788888888999999
(22) 3 0000001112222333444444
31 3 555677788889
19 4 0011112223334
6 4 5669
2 5 1
1 5 7

Descriptive Statistics: Amount of annual rain

Variable N N* Mean StDev Variance Median Range

Amount of annual rain 103 0 31.264 8.767 76.852 30.200 47.100

N for
Variable Mode Mode
Amount of annual rain 18.7, 25.3, 27.8, 28.6 3

Descriptive Statistics: Average temperature (in F)

N for
Variable Mean StDev Variance Median Range Mode Mode
Average temperature (in 52.869 4.333 18.774 53.500 23.500 51.5, 53.5 7

Mean ST.DEV Variance Median Range Mode N for


Amount of 31.264 8.767 76.852 30.2 47.10 18.7,25.3, 3

annual rain 27.8,28.6

Average 52.869 4.333 18.774 53.500 23.500 51.5,53.5 7


Stem-and-Leaf Display: Amount of annual rain

Stem-and-leaf of Amount of annual rain N = 103

Leaf Unit = 1.0

5 1 02344
10 1 78889
19 2 011222334
50 2 5555555566677777788888888999999
(22) 3 0000001112222333444444
31 3 555677788889
19 4 0011112223334
6 4 5669
2 5 1
1 5 7

MTB > LET K1= 1+3.33*LOGTEN(COUNT(C2))

MTB > LET K2=57.6-10.5
MTB > LET K3=K2/K1

K1 7.70275
K2 47.1000
K3 6.11470

Tally for Discrete Variables: C3

C3 Count Percent CumCnt

10.5-16.5 5 4.85 5
16.5-22.5 10 9.71 15
22.5-28.5 24 23.30 39
28.5-34.5 31 30.10 70
34.5-40.5 16 15.53 86
40.5-46.5 14 13.59 100
46.5-52.5 2 1.94 102
52.5-58.5 1 0.97 103
N= 103

DATA> 13.5:55.5/6

Data Display

Class Percentage Cumulative

Row interval Frequency frequency frequency Midpoint
1 10.5-16.5 5 4.8544 5 13.5
2 16.5-22.5 10 9.7087 15 19.5
3 22.5-28.5 24 23.3010 39 25.5
4 28.5-34.5 31 30.0971 70 31.5
5 34.5-40.5 16 15.5340 86 37.5
6 40.5-46.5 14 13.5922 100 43.5
7 46.5-52.5 2 1.9417 102 49.5
8 52.5-58.5 1 0.9709 103 55.5

Descriptive Statistics: Amount of annual rain

Variable Mean StDev Variance

Amount of annual rain 31.264 8.767 76.852

Descriptive Statistics: Average temperature (in F)

Variable Mean StDev Variance

Average temperature (in F) 52.869 4.333 18.774

Mean Standard deviation Variance

Amount of rain (in 31.264 8.767 76.852


Average temperature 52.869 4.333 18.774

(in F)


MTB > %'C:\Users\DELL\3D Objects\Practical 1\APSOELLAB4.txt'

Data Display

A.M= 31.2641
RANGE= 47.1000
VARIANCE= 76.1062
S.D= 8.72389
C.V= 27.9039


Normality test for annual amount of rain (in inches)

Normality test for average temperature (in F)

In summary, the statistical analysis of yearly temperature and rainfall revealed a long-term
warming trend with increasing average temperatures. Rainfall patterns exhibited significant
variations from year to year, indicating unpredictability. There was a correlation between
temperature and rainfall, but further investigation is needed. Seasonal variations showed higher
temperatures and lower rainfall in summers compared to winter. These findings have implications
for sectors like agriculture and water resource management, emphasizing the need to adapt to
changing weather conditions. Continued monitoring and analysis are necessary to understand
long-term trends and address climate change challenges.


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