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Ques: Where did the creation of "money" rst take place?


Ques: The concept of money was born of trade between countries using the
barter system.


Ques: Which of the following problems was observed in the barter system?

In ation and de ation was di cult to control

Ques: Modern "money" was created in this country in the 11th Century


Ques: Marco Polo described money in which of his books, published in the
Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: The Babylonians realized the problems and sought a way to prevent
their commodities from being devaluated and sought some other means of
commodity exchange.


Ques: Which among the following used Coins as their currency in around 11th

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: Marco Polo brought the idea of paper money from the _________, to the

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: From the _____ century to the ________ century, not much changed with
regards to currency.

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: Which of the following is called a tool that we use to store and transfer


Ques: The money that we deposit in the banks is actually in which of the
following form?

Computer Data
Ques: When we transfer money from one account to another account,
changes are made in digital record of both the accounts and no actual
"money" is involved.


Ques: The system of transferring money from one account to another is

commonly known as the credit system

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: Which of the following are brand names for intermediary systems that
move money from one account to another?

All of the above

Ques: If George wants to transfer money digitally to Geraldine, which of the

following is the correct choice?

The bank will update the account records of both George and Geraldine as

Ques: With digital currency, the currency is represented as which of the



Ques: With digital currency, transactions are stored and recorded in a

distributed ledger called _______. This contains the record of transactions ever
happened in the system.

The Blockchain

Ques: What is a distributed ledger?

A sort of giant table recording all the transactions that have ever happened

Ques: With a digital currency, this record is public and every computer that is
connected to the network can see the complete history of transaction


Ques: In which of the following transactional systems is the copy of the

transaction maintained by the bank and only seen by the individual
participants of the transaction?

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: In which of the following system/s are coins used to represent the
medium of transaction?

All of the above

Ques: What is a digital wallet?

A place to store digital currency

Ques: Which of the following is not true about digital wallet?

It is a digitized form of at currency

Ques: Each transaction in a digital wallet should be done with the same
address because using di erent address will result in loss of identity of the

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: The process of making information unreadable to humans is called:


Ques: Which of the following is usually required to decrypt the encoded


Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: Which of the cryptography process is used in Digital Currency?

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: Digital currencies use of encryption is what has led to many digital
currencies being called__________.


Ques: The address of a coin is not a public key and does not belong to the part
of public key encryption process.


Ques: The concept of money was born of trade between countries using the
barter system


Ques: Which of the following kinds of key is maintained by the receiver to help
in transferring value?

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: What happens after a particular transaction is complete?

The wallet broadcasts the message to all other nodes on the network

Ques: Which of the following is another name for the hashing process?

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: At what point does a transaction become a permanent part of the


Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: Which of the following information is contained in the transaction


Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: The signature is a part of the the encryption process that proves that
someone has the ___________ key

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: The mathematical process of mapping a public key with the private key
of a digital transaction is called


Ques: The transaction message & ________________ are dependent on each


Ques: The signature does not depend on the message and may or may not be
unique for every transaction


Ques: What will happen if the signature and message do not match?

It will be impossible to con rm the transaction

Ques: _________ on the network will reject transactions where the signature
and message do not match.

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: A false transaction can only happen if the nodes are somehow tricked
that the transaction is legitimate


Ques: It is infeasible to create a false transaction because:

It would require that a majority of the nodes on the network are compromised at
the same time

Ques: Which of the two characteristics of the network makes a fraudulent

transaction virtually impossible?

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: Coins are created through a competitive process called

Ques: Which of the following is not a function of Mining?

Creating coins by converting cash to digital currency

Ques: When a node nds the solution to a particular mathematical problem,

that node is awarded coins


Ques: Why is there a complicated mathematical process involved in the


All of the above

Ques: Which of the following is true about the number of coins in a

transactional system?

The number of coins in the digital currency is set at the creation of the currency

Ques: When all coins are allocated the only way to generate value from the
mining process will be

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: Digital currencies are restricted by geography and jurisdictional



Ques: Which of the following is/are the bene ts of a digital currency?

All of the above

Ques: Transaction fees are charges for which of the following transactions

Your answer is wrong for this question.

Ques: It is unlikely that a transaction could be linked to you unless:

You provide your personal information

Ques: The __________, is the underlying technology behind digital currencies

and tracks all nalized transactions across the network.


Ques: The cryptographic security featured of digital currencies also makes

forgery and fraud almost impossible, in security terms it is called?


Ques: Digital currency can be backed up and stored o ine


Ques: Which of the following is not a relevant reason for using digital

The return value to at is more bene cial and has higher value.

Ques: In the traditional card payment system which of the following cause
increased costs of accepting payments:

All of the above

Ques: The next level in this course series is

Your answer is wrong for this question.


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