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Name : Pablo Morales Cañas


I.- Complete the sentences from a brochure that participants received at a job fair. Use the simple
present or present progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. (12 pts.)

Representatives from over 30 big regional corporations 1) ___are participating ___(participate) in

today’s state job fair. The job fair 2) ____takes___(take) place every year. Every year, interviews 3)
____beggins___(begin) at 9:00 a.m. and 4) ___continues ____(continue) throughout the day until
6:00 p.m. The long list of participating companies is on the back of this brochure. This year,
companies A-G 5)____interviews___(interview) candidates in room 245 on the second floor.
Companies H-Z 6) ____are meeting___(meet) candidates in room 252.
Tips for job seekers
Interviews generally 7) ____takes___(take) about 30 minutes. An interviewer usually
8)___spends____(spend) a few minutes reading your resumé. He or she sometimes 9)
___asks____(ask) you to fill out an application. An interview typically 10) ____ends___(end) with a
question-and-answer period. The average employer 11)____are expecting___(expect) you to know a
lot about the company - this is an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge. Also, employers
12)___are____always____looking___(look) for new ideas, and these ideas may come from you!

II.- Simple past or past progressive? Find and correct eight grammar mistakes in the transcript from a
meeting. (8 pts.)
1) Disappointing (Has been disappointing)
2) Looking bad (Things were looking bad)
3) Discover (discovered)
4) showed (has been showing)
5) Create (Created)
6) arrived (were arriving)
7) rise (rose)
8) we increasing (we were increasing)

III.- Simple past, present perfect and present perfect progressive.

Complete the following podcast transcript with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible. Write your answers in bold. (9 pts.)

Zaha Hadid is an architect. She ___has designed____(design) many famous buildings around the
world, including the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati. Hadid was born in Iraq,
and she __has studied____(study) architecture in London in the late 1970s. Since the 1980s, she
___works____(work) at a design company, and she ___has been teaching____(teach) architecture at
several universities.

Richard Branson is one of the world’s most successful business people. He was born in England. He
___had____(have) a hard time in school because he had a learning disability. Reading was difficult
for him. As a result, he __has quit____(leave) school at age 16. After that, he ___started____(start)
his first business. Later, he ___has opened____(open) a record shop called Virgin Records. Since
then, he ___has started____(start) new businesses in many different industries, including
transportation, entertainment, and communications.

IV.- Cities. Compare the cities of New York and London. Write 5 sentences using different
comparative structures and the following comparative adjectives: lively, cosmopolitan,
fashionable, polluted and hot. (2 pts. each/10 pts.)
1) The city of New York is not as cosmopolitan as London.
2) people that has been in London thinks that is better to go on sightseeing in New York.
3) London is way more sophisticated than New York.
4) New York has a lot of skyscrapers, in contrary as London.
5) People in London are way too formal, in other hands people in New York are not.



V.- Appearance. Describe the people’s appearance in the following pictures using at least 4
collocations for each picture. (8 points each picture)

1.- 2.-

1-Firstly, this baby has a light tone of skin skin tone , he has blue eyes and blonde hair. Secondly, he
is wearing a tie and he has a dazzling smile that make makes people melt of love (this expression
does not exist in English ). To finish, he seems to have a boundless energy and a bubbly personality
with around people, he looks like he does not get angry with anything. 5/8

2- To begin with, she has beautiful red hair, she has freckles and she is wearing red lipstick. She is
also wearing earing earrings and his her clothes are very sophisticated. She seems warm and friendly,
but she looks like she has a stubborn streak with people that she does not know. To conclude, she has
a an oval face and she looks like she has abrasive manners, with a pet-up anger. 5/8

VI.- Character. How would you describe your ideal partner in terms of character? Write 30-40 words
and use 4 collocations and 3 less common adjectives. Highlight these words (10 pts.).
He has to be clever, hopefully with a bubbly personality, a warm smile, and a black expression
because I think is attractive. With a boundless energy we must face the world and get the happiness
that we deserve.

VII.- What can people do at the beach? Write 6 sentences, each one providing a different collocation.
Here is a picture to help you.

1) you You can swim with your family and have a lovely time.
2) you You can play volleyball to get some exercise and fun at the same time.
3) you can build a castle of sand with your friends.
4) you can run on the coast with no limits (?), that is fun to do.
5) you can eat some delicious food with you your friends or family.
6) you can go and take photos while you relax with the ocean sounds.

38 pts----3,1

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