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Array --->

A type of datastructure. It allows us to store multiple elements under

a single variable.

The arrays are helpful in creating a list of element of similar types.

The elements can be accessed based on the index number

below example shows how to create an array.

echo $new[2];

Types of arrays in PHP --->

there are three types of arrays : --->

1. Indexed or Numeric Arrays --->

2. Associative Arrays -->
3. Multidimensional Arrays -->

1. An array where values are stored linearly with a numeric index.

These type of arrays can be used to store any type of elements, but the condition
is an index
should always be a number.

By default the index will start from 0.

and use array function to create a new array.

how to create and use indexed array

echo "Accessing the elements directly";
echo $name[0];
echo $name[1];
echo $name[2];
echo $name[3];
echo $name[4];
echo $name[5];

2nd way to create and use indexed arrays

$name[0]="One Piece";
$name[4]="Death Note";
echo $name[0]."<br>";
echo $name[1]."<br>";
echo $name[2]."<br>";
echo $name[3]."<br>";
echo $name[4]."<br>";
echo $name[5]."<br>";

3rd way to create and use indexed arrays

$name[0]="One Piece";
$name[4]="Death Note";
foreach ($name as $value)
echo $value."<br>";

Associative Arrays --->

These are similar to indexed arrays but instead of index being a number every value
can be user
defined key of string type

example of creating and using associative arrays.

echo $name["One"];
echo $name["Two"];

Multidimensional Arrays -->

So, arrays which store another array at each index instead of single element are
multi dimensional arrays.

example of multidimensional arrays -->

echo $name[0]["mob"];

Functions in array -->

array function ---> used to create an array.

array_change_key_case --> this function changes the case of all keys in an array.
array_chunk function --> split array into chunks or many parts.


count function in PHP --->

it will count all the elements in an array.

echo count($name);

sort function in PHP -->

this function will sort the values

foreach($name as $n)
echo $n;

array_reverse function -->

so this function as the name suggests will return elements in reversed


foreach($r_name as $n)
echo $n." ";

array_search function -->

searches for the specified value in an array. it returns the key

if search is successful.


unshift function --> adds the element to the beginning of the array.

push function --> adds the element to the last.


print_r --> this will print the array in a readable format.

array_shift ===> will remove the first element of the array.


this will remove Newton.

array_pop --> will remove the last element of array.

Traversal functions of Arrays -->

key --> this will give the current key.

this will just print current key.

current --> this will give the value of the current key.
the value of the current key will be printed.
next ---> this will move the array pointer to the next value(not the key).

prev ---> this will go to the prev value.

reset --> this function as the name suggests will reset the value to the beginning.

example of next and reset function -->


use of constants in PHP

define("GREETING", "Welcome to!");

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