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Useful signal

⚫ She suffers from
edema as well as
incontinence and
⚫ As well as only tolerates fluids
⚫ Master Chein was
admitted with
⚫ As a result of Meningoencephaliti
s as a result of a
following Mumps
⚫ As a result ⚫ Please be noted(inform
you) that the patient has
proven to be
uncooperative during
his dental treatments.
As a result, it is
recommended that the
treatments be carried
out with a general
⚫ On vaginal examination
cervical excitation was
⚫ Along with
noted along with
tenderness in the right
⚫ She looked very anxious
and was having trouble
sleeping. Apart from
this ,no abnormalities
were found on rectal ,
⚫ Apart from this cardiovascular and
⚫ The patient has smoked
40 cigarettes a day for
25-30 years. Besides
that he has type 2
⚫ Besides that diabetes.
⚫ Because of this ⚫ He smokes 20 cigarettes
and drinks 2 beers
everyday . Because of
this ,he has been told to
cease smoking and to
reduce alcohol.

⚫ Furthermore ,a fine
⚫ Based on that needle aspiration was
taken and investigated.
Based on that , it has
developed lymphoma.
⚫ Consequently ⚫ The depth of
,therefore, periodontal pocket
hence , for this was 3.4mm .
reason Consequently , he
has undergone
extensive treatment
for carious lesions
and oral hygiene
⚫ During hospitalization ,
⚫ During ………. his vital signs have been
monitored and has been
assisted with his

⚫ On 15/2/08,she
⚫ duration presented complaining
of lower abdominal pain
of 1 day duration.
Despite various dental
⚫ Despite treatments and regular
dental cleaning, his general
gum condition is only fair.

Mr Fox ‘s blood pressure

was elevated and has
overweight . For this reason
the patient was advised to
⚫ For this reason do exercise and follow a
healthy diet.
⚫ The carious lesions on 65
⚫ Hence reasonably deep and hence
the tooth has to be extracted.

⚫ The patient regularly visits the

dentist and her oral hygiene
status is good . However ,her
gums are inflamed.

⚫ However
⚫ In terms of her medical
⚫ In terms of history , she has mild
hypertension and a 12
year history of
⚫ Doctor has prescribed
agleam in order to
reduced anxiety.
⚫ In order to ⚫ Regarding the medical
history, Alfie has a
⚫ In addition history of thumb
sucking until the age of
5. In addition , he is
epileptic and uses
dylantin to control the
⚫In the A plan has made to review
him in two months to
meantime monitor his blood pressure
and smoking reduction . In
the meantime, it is
necessary that he shall do
neurological assessment.
In case of any irritation,
redness or swelling of the
skin , discontinue the
⚫In case of treatment and consult your
doctor immediately
⚫ Main concern ⚫ There is a main
concern that the
patient is reluctant
to breast feed and
confident in caring
⚫ It should be for her baby.
noted that ⚫ It should be noted
that they may have a
problem with
communicating in
English as they
understand limited
⚫ Over the past week
⚫ Over the past , she has remained
week free from severe
pain and has been
tolerating a fluid
⚫ On review today ,
⚫ On review today the patient has
reduced smoking to
10 cigarettes per day
, attended gym
twice a week and
lost 7 kg so far.
⚫ Please note ⚫ Please note that he has
an allergic reaction to
nuts/ he is allergic to

⚫ Regarding his medical

history , Jordan
⚫ Regarding suffers from eczema
and asthma , for which
he receives treatment
twice a year.
⚫ Regrettably ⚫ Regrettably, she
complaints of mild
constipation and

⚫ Recently , she has been

prescribed Karvea
150mg and Oroxine
0.1mg per day, Timoptol
⚫ Recently EYE drops 0.5% twice a
day and Normison
10mg as required.
⚫ His urinalysis and
⚫ Since then examination were
normal except obesity
and borderline
hypertension . Since
then,he has been doing
regular exercise and has
managed to lose 8kg of

⚫ Her vital signs were

normal ,but she was
⚫ Therfore overweight(85
kg).Therefore she was
advised to reduce weight
and do exercise
⚫ The reason ⚫ The reason for the
referral is to
consider a possible
prostate biopsy
regarding the
patient’s condition

⚫ Up until now
⚫ Up until now ,
Mr Hutton leads
very unhealthy life
⚫ Unfortunately , she is
not expected to survive
⚫ Unfortunately more than 3 months/ she
cannot breast feed even
though she wishes to
give .

⚫ I am writing with regard

to this patient , a 57
–year-old married man
⚫ With regard to who has been receiving
care with the diagnosis
of myasthenia gravis.
⚫ He smokes 20 cigarettes
and 2 beers every day.
Because of this, he has
been told to cease
smoking and to reduce
⚫ Because of this alcohol

⚫ Furthermore , a fine
needle aspiration was
taken and investigated.
Based on that , the dog
⚫ Based on has developed lymphoma

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