6 Ethical Communities Worksheet

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Ethical Communities Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the four ethical communities
2. Apply the ethical communities to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation I talked about in Module 1 is a case of the absence of

clear direction. This has been a situation that has been going on for
some time now within the organization. It was a case of no clear
direction and a lack of a well defined goal that will drive the team
to productivity and profitability. This affects decision-making, lack
of communication, affects competence level, to name a few. My role is
to make sure that the team has a clear and common goal, is committed
to the common goal, and also makes sure that there is an environment
within which everyone contributes, and everyone benefits.

2) Describe how the ethics of the organization influenced the situation.

A well-structured organization should have a positive Organizational

Ethical Frame structure that its functions will be to effectively get
employees on board with the organization's vision and mission, improve
and enhance the organization's productivity and interests, be able to
maintain a healthy agenda to acquire, increase, and use ethics to act
as guidelines for the conducts of it employee behaviors, and also be
used to build the organization standard to help dictate what is
ethically right or wrong. Deeper use of organizational ethics and its
application can be used to guide the individual and group behavior in
an organization in order to avoid harmful behavior that will be
detrimental to the organization's identity, vision, mission, and
progress. Deeper use of ethical communities can be used in this
situation to motivate and build a general attitude among the employees
on what is done wrong and what is done right. This can be used to gain
the desired outcome on issues like this, and also solve employee
concerns and problems, and provide an acceptable workplace ethical
practice for all to follow to create a good working environment and

direction for productivity. My organization has good organizational
ethics and business ethics that have helped this situation and I
believe there is a good workable ethical practice in place that guides
and informs the actions of all team members to the leadership of the
organization. All these have yielded positive results, but it is not
enough when no one is being punished for their lack of vision and
clear direction. This would have been a key to the training process
for bad leadership and skills implementation.

3) Recommend how you would apply one of the ethical communities for an alternative
course of action regarding your case.

Ethics are considered a reflection of an organization's code of

conduct on how people behave according to a set of principles and
values that are recognized by the majority as a sound basis for the
common good. This includes trust, integrity, respect, fairness,
transparency, and honesty. I will use it to create consistent and
authentic behaviors that will foster a clear direction that the team
needs for productivity, relationship building, and consistency. I will
use this to affect all aspects of my organization, from punctuality
and tone to employee benefits and productivity, and also for them to
respond in ways that honor the needs, values, and goals of my
organization. When organizational ethics align with the employee,
they're more likely to feel more comfortable, productive, committed,
comfortable, supported and valued. I will also use this to create an
organizational ethical leadership that will be for honesty, justice,
respect, integrity, responsibility, and transparency in a way of using
it to develop and execute a plan with clear objectives that all
employees within the organization can work towards, measure, and adopt
for the greater good of the organization. This will help me build good
ethical principles of continuity that will deliver long-term benefits
across my organization and the community we serve.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about ethics.

All of these structural frames are very important to the success of

any organization and I believe all work hand-in-hand and technically
the same. What I will do is still the same thing I will do for all the
structural frames. What I will do is make sure that I have a
well-defined organizational ethical structure that everyone within and
outside the organization will follow, which will serve as a code of
conduct of behaviors within the organization. I will make sure that
Organizational Ethics emphasizes the need for organizational rules and
regulations that govern the way people conduct themselves within the

organization and the community they serve to help them to reach goals.
Good organizational ethics will always allow my organization to
function at its best which will foster good and better communication
within the organization and the community they serve and help foster
fast growth, which will help build a good organizational identity and
better relationship with all stakeholders and the community we serve.
This particular structure I will use to help understand the importance
of good organizational ethics and use it effectively to help motivate
and build a general attitude among all employees and the community.
What I will not do is not to have a well-defined organizational
structure as a guide to my organization that is needed for the
organization's values, beliefs, expectations, and good ethical
principles practice that will be in-form of a guide and inform action
for all team members to follow and how to relate to the community they
serve. This works for all the structural frames, with the
Organizational Ethics included.

Reference or References

Leight L. Thompson. Making a Team. A Guide for Managers 6th Edition

Horine. Project Management, Absolute Beginner’s Guide, 4th Edition.
OGL 481 Course Materials

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