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Octopus Solutions was developed collaboratively between AviNardia Academy and Emil Sade owner of

Sadex Ltd. and his idea to set None Lethal program as part of the security-training project sponsored by
Gemini Company in Angola.
The project coordinator was Avi Nardia (AviNardia Academy). This idea received significant input
from Christopher Cotter, Feras Faur (Avi Nardia Academy) and Aleksandra Nardia (Avi Nardia Academy).
The project team would like to thank other contributors for sharing their expertise, tools and very useful
remarks with us. The Octopus Project acknowledges the breadth of contributions made and willingness of
organizations and individuals to be involved.

While many military manuals and programs are designed as a compendium of techniques hinging upon
action-reaction based specific scenarios, this fails to provide the student with any understanding of the
adaptive and evolutionary nature of potentially high-intensity scenarios. In real-life scenarios, there isn’t a
simple action, reaction, reset. There are numerous variables which can come into play during an
altercation, not least of which are unexpected introduction of weapons, ‘chemical cocktails’ of hormonal and
stress responses, multiple opponents, rapidly escalating scenarios, unpredictable and, at times, illogical
changes in the type, angle and direction of attack and more. Any one of these variables has the potential of
rendering any studied techniques irrelevant and ineffective.

Given these limitations on traditional manual organization and development, this programl has been
designed as a theoretical guide regarding the application and conceptual formulation of non-lethal solutions
tools and principles. It is not designed to be a hands-on practical guide of techniques and drills, rather a
framework from which a student can derive numerous applications based on the situations endemic to their
field or area of focus. Through the study of the 8 areas and points , there are nearly limitless techniques
that can be developed and drilled, with some examples used for reference and to generate further ideas,
but that should by no means be seen as the extent of applicable maneuvers.

Finally, Octopus solutions is only designed to deal with scenarios that do not exceed the threshold for the
application of lethal force. While there is a level of escalation from speaking to direct physical action, the
primary goal of this manual is to provide a foundation for dealing with non-lethal threats, given that in the
law enforcement and legal areas, the threshold for application of lethal force is clearly defined and
thoroughly practiced. The purpose of this program is to ensure that a fatality does not occur where the
threshold for application of legal force has not been crossed. That is to say, to employ a conceptual
framework and guidelines to prevent unsafe and a potentially lethal response from law enforcement
personnel even in high-stress scenarios.

This program has been designed primarily for security teams and law enforcement and military personnel,
but can be used by civilians as well who may work in high-risk environments or who are students of martial
or combative arts and wish to supplement their knowledge with the concepts outlined here. While the 8
concepts provided here are versatile and lend themselves to a variety of applications, depending on your
role, you may wish to approach this manual in a different way.

If you are a studying this program as part of your journey in martial arts, find a training partner with whom
you can develop ideas and drills based on concepts already existing within your field of study. Take any
one of the 8 areas laid out here and apply it to a situation or technique you are working on within in your
style and play with different applications to see what is effective. Gradually add resistance and speed once
you have developed a proficiency and can consistently and effectively repeat the technique.

If you work or live in a high-risk environment, ensure that you are exercising situational awareness to be
cognizant of any threats in your vicinity. In his book, The Gift of Fear, Gavin de Becker recommends,
“Listen to your intuition. I don’t know what might be best for you in some hazardous situation because I
don’t have all the information, but you will have all the information.” It is critical that you be aware of early
warning signs of danger and seek to remove yourself from those situations to the extent possible. Where
this is not possible, try to develop a key set of skills to protect against common threats. When it comes to
theft, always concede to the demands, only fighting when absolutely unavoidable.

If you are part of a group or team working in a security or law enforcement capacity. Try to replicate
scenarios you are likely to encounter in your field and apply the concepts outlined here to address those
scenarios. As you become more adept, your training partner can begin to provide resistance to ‘stress test’
the techniques and potentially lead to downstream scenarios, which you can continue to develop responses
If you are an instructor of a security or law enforcement group, use the techniques here to supplement your
current curriculum and develop a more robust system of combative. Actively seek out scenarios that went
wrong, be it the application of excessive force in a scenario or in a fatality of law enforcement personnel as
a result of misapplication or ill preparation and see how these concepts can be applied to address those
concerns. Gradually add stressors and intensity (following safety guidelines) to ensure the techniques are
able to withstand resistance.

For more information contact Sadex security consulting company

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