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1001 MOST USEFUL ee ee Marcella Offoleng hil Baxbdin DOVER BOOKS ON LANGUAGE Five Grear GERMAN SHORT Stories/Funr Dev7scHe MEsTexrezaanncm: A Duat-Languace Book, Stanley Appelbaum (ed.). (Available in LS. only.) (27619-8) ‘GREAT oon POETS OF THE Romantic Ex, Stanley Appelbaum fed). (2B497-2 IsrropucTION TO French PorTeY: A Dual-Lawouace Boox, Stanley Appelbaum (ed.). (26711-3) paresis AIRUNE PHRASE BOOK IN Sox Lanowlaces, Joseph Wi Bator. 017-6) Flowers oF Evi/FLEURS bu MAL, Charles Baudelaire. (270820) FRENCH Worp GAMES AND PUZZLES, Sister Chantal. (234814) FALLACIES AND PITFALLS OF LANGUAGE, Morris 5. Engel (282740) First Spanist READER, Angel Flores (ed.). (258105) Spats Portey/Poests EsraSoLa: A DUAL-Lancuace ANTHOLOGY, Angel Flores (ed.). (0171-5) SPANISH Srowres/Cuenros EspAROLES: A Duat-Lavcuace Boce Ange! Flores (ed.). (25399-6) INTRODUCTION TO SpanisH PoeTRY: A DuaL-Lanouace Boos, Eugenio Florit (ed.). (26712-1) FRENCH SORE ees FRaNcas: A Duat-Lasouace Boo Wallace Fowlie. (26443-2) ‘MOvERN FRexcu Poets, Wallace Powlle (ed.). (273337) Games ano Puzzies FoR ENGusH 4S 4 Secon Lanatace, Victoria Fremont and Brenda Flores. (2848-9) ae ae Lansum, Moses Hadas amd Thomas Suits. 7059 ITALIAN Stontes/NOVELLE ITALIANE: A Dual-LaNcuace Boos, Robert A. Hall, Jr. (ed.). (26180-8) Everypay ENGuSH-RUSSIAN CONVERSATIONS, Leonid Kossman. (29877-9) Frencit: How To SPEAK AND Were It, Joseph Lemaitre. (20268-2) INTRODUCTION TO GERMAN POETRY: A DUAL-Lanouace Book, Gustave Mathiew and Guy Stern (eds,). (26713-X) Best Shorr Sronies/Les Memieurs Contes, Guy de Maupassant. (289184) A New RUSSAN-ENGUSH AND ENGLISH-RUSSIAN DicnONa, M.A. Q’Brien, (20208-9) eae cease ‘A Basic Course (Book OnLy), Faculty off Peking University. (22755-3) Mobékn Cuinese; A Basic Course (CAsserTe Enmion), Faculty of Peking University, (99910-6) 3 cassettes, manual MOonerw Chinese: A Seconp Course, Peking University. (24155-6) (continued on back flap) 1001 Most USEFUL FRENCH WORDS Marcella Ottolenghi Buxbaum DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC. Mineola, New York Copyright Copyright © 2001 by Dover Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under Pan American and Intemational Copyright Conventions. Bibliographical Note 1001 Most Useful French Words is a new work, fist published hy Dover Publications, Inc: in 2001, His wrillen as an aid for students who wish to build their French vocabularies and. is pattemed after 1001 Most Useful Spanish Words by Seymour Resnick. It is he who devised its structure as a learning tool, ‘The section “Vocabulary Tips” uses examples for minor spelling changes from L.. C. Seibert & L. G. Crocker, Skills and Techniques for Reading French, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1958 {chapter 1). In the final stages of refining the book, Janet Kopito made helpful comments. Library of Consress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Buxbaum, Marcella Ottolenghi. 1001 most useful French words { Marcella Ottolenghi Buxbaum, cm. ISBN (-486-419444 (pbk.) 1, French language —Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. |. ‘Ville: One thou- sand one most useful French words. 11. Title: One thousand and one most useful French words, IIT, Title. PC2680 -B89 2001 448.2421 —de2 1 2001028621 Manufactured in the United States of Ametica Dover Publications, Inc., 31 Bast 2nd Street, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 Preface This book contains more than 1,000 of the-most useful words in the French language. ‘hey are presented in alphabetical order with simple sentences of practical value as illustrations. An English translation of each word and simple sentence follows. Below are examples: aiguillef; needle J'apporte toujours une aiguille avee moi quand je-voy- age. always carry.a needle with me when T travel. aimable pleasant Notre séjaur-a été res aimable. Our stay has been very pleasant. appareil m. appliance, camera [at apporté mon appareil photo, bien entendii. 1 brought my camera; of course. The mm. or f following cach noun indicates that the noun is mascu- line or feminine respectively. The abbreviation pl. stands for plural, We sugeest going through the alphabetical (or, dictionary) section quickly. checking off words that are of special interest to you. Cany this litle book with you and when you see or hear a new word, look it up: After the alphabetical list of words, ten categories of words are listed: family, days, months, seasons, numbers, colors, food, stores, professions and animals, You may wish to look through these groups of words. The vocabulary they contain is essential and is not repeated in the alphabetical section. Before going out to eat, you might check through the fond cate- gory, noting items you may want to order or to avoid. There is also a page of Vocabulary Tips showing how you can easily recognize hundreds of French/English cognates. Ttis advisable to spend a few minutes with this section as you begin, Bonne chance! Good luck! Contents Alphabetical (Dictionary) Section Category Section Vocabulary Tips 50) 5+ ALPHABETICAL (DICTIONARY) SECTION Sa in, at, to Il obéit a Vecole mais a la maison il est difficile. He obeys in school but at home he is difficult. @ accepter toaccept Acceptez-vous la carte Visa? [Do you acceptthe - Visa card? @ accompagner to accompany, go with Est-ce que je peux vous accompagner? May I go with you? accord m. accord, agreement Nous sommes d'aceord avec vous. ‘We agi¢e with you. @ acheter to buy Nous avons achelé beaucoup de timbres. We bought a lot of stamps. G@actionf action Ses actions me troublent. His actions disturb me. Dactiel present, current Le président actitel a beaucoup dennemis. _ ‘The current president has many enemies. addition 7. check, bill (restaurant) Lvaddition, s'il vous plait. ‘The check, please. Piadieu good-bye Adieu et bonne chance. Good-bye and good luck. S adresse f, address Je te donnerai l'adresse d'un bon hétel a Aix-en- ~ Praverice, 1 will give you the address of a good hotel in Aix-en- Provence, SS aéroportm. airport Liaéroport est loin de la ville. ‘The airport is far from the city. @ alfaire f. matter, affair’ Gest une affaive compliquée. 15a compli- cated matter. (@iaffaires m. pl. business dealings Cette compagnie a beaucoup daj- ' ‘faires @ Vetranger. Vhis company has many business dealings abroad, @ affectnenx (euse) affectionate [lest toujours tres affectuewx avec lex parents. He is always very affectionate with his relatives. @ agem, age Quel age as-tu? How ald are you? @ agent (de police) m. police officer Le criminel a éé arrété par ~~ deux agents de police. The criminal was arrested by two police officers. @aider tohelp Pouvez-vous nous aider? Can you help us? 1 oS 2 1001 French Words Saiguillef needle ['apporte toujours une aiguille avec moi quand je voyage. 1 always carry a needle with me when I travel. @ ailleurs; d’ailleurs elsewhere; besides, moreover I! habite ailleurs, Y en * ye . . i. et d'ailleurs je n’ai pas envie de le voir. He lives elsewhere and, moreover, I don't feel like seeing him. @aimable pleasant ~ Notre séjour a été tres dimable, Our stay has been very pleasant, @aimer to love, like I! aime tellement sa petite amie qu'il la voit tous tes jours. He loves his girlfriend so much that he sees her every day. Q@ainsi thus, this way Si vous stationnez ainsi, je ne pourrai pas sortir de Tauto. If you park this way, I will not be able to get out of the car. @airm. air Je vais ouyrir la fenéire pour avoir de Tair. I’m going to open the window to get some air. G@ajouter to add La valise est faite et je ne peux rien ajouter. The suitease is packed and I cannot add anything. Galler togo Nous pauvons aller au spectacle vendredi. We can go to ~ the show on Friday. @allumer tolight, totum on J'ai allumé la lampe. 1 tumed on the lamp. Qallumette f match Je n'ai pas d'alhimettes parce que je ne fume pas. * [have no matches because [ don’t smoke. & alors so,then,atthattime Alors, nous étions jeunes et forts, At that ~ time, we were young and strong. compagner @ faire une excursion, ‘The purpose of my visit is to per- suade you to take 2 trip with me: @ tacher, se to hide (oneself) La petite fille s'est cachée dans fannoire. The little girl hid in the closet. cadeau im. gift On peut acheter les eadeaux dans les grands magesins. We can buy the gifts in the department stores. cafétéria f cateteria Il y u ime cafétéria a Tuniversité. There'is a cafeteria in the university. cahier m notcbook J'ai apporté un petit cahier oti je vais ectire mes observations, | brought @ small notebook where 1am going to write my observations. caisef box, cashregister Payer ala caisse. Pay at the cash register. caissier (itre) cashier — Le caissier prendra le cent francs, Uhe cashier will take the one-hundred-frane bill. caleulatrice {calculator Nous utilisons une caleulatrice pour faire nos camptes. We use a calculator to do our accounts. calme calm, still, quiet Je désire diner dans-un restaurant calme. 1 want to eat dinner in a quiet restaurant. caméscope m. camcorder Nows apportons notre caméscope pour faire des filins pendant le voyage. We are bringing ourcamcorder {o take movies during the trip. eamion m. truck. Quand je conduis, j When I drive, T always avoid trucks: & campagne f country, countryside Nous allons d la campagne le week- end, We go to the country on weekends fe toujours les camions: § 1001 French Words G canapé m. couch Ce canapé est trés confortable. “T comfortable. 2 capital m. capital(money) Il aenvesti son capital dans le comimerce de Tacier. He invested his capital in the steel trade. capitalef, capital (city) Paris est la capitule de la France. Paris is the capital of France. earte f. card; map; menu |'ai regu une carte postale de mon ami a Lyon. I received a postcard from my friend in Lyon. Cele eurte routi¢re est trés utile, This road map is very useful. casm. case, matter C'est un cas curieux. I's a strange matter. cassé(e) broken La table est cassée; il faut la réparer. The table is broken; it must be repaired. cathédrale f. cathedral La cathédrale de Notre Dame @ Paris date du mayen-age. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris dates from the Middle Ages. ce, cetm (cette fi; ces pl.) this, that, these, those _ Je me souviens de ces beaux jours. I remember those beautiful day ceinture f belt I! faut attacher les ceintures de sécurité en avion. You must fasten your safety belts im a plane. célébre famous Victor Hugo est un trés célébre auteur francais. Victor Hugo is a very famous Mrench writer. célibataire m/f bachelor; single, unmarried S'il était eélibataire, je (épouserais.. If he were a bachelor, 1 would marry him. centre-ville m. business district Alfons au centre-ville pour faire nos achats. Let's go downtown to do our shopping. certain sure, certain Ii est certain qu’elle partira demain. Wt is sure that she will leave tomorrow. chacun(e) each one Chacun fait a sa guise. Hach one does as he likes, chaise f chair Cette chaive va bien pour Vordinateur. “This chair is suitable for the computer. chaleur f heat On ferme les magasins V'aprés-midi a cause de fa chaleur. Stores are closed in the aflemoon because of the heat. chambre f bedroom Toutes les chambres ont une salle de baing et un téléviseur. All the bedrooms have a bathroom and a television set. champ m. field Ce champ est ‘plein de blé. This field is full of wheat. chance f luck J'ai ew la bonne chance de le trouver chez lui. I had the good luck to find him at home, change m. exchange Allons au change pour échanger des dollars eri francs. Let's goto the exchange to exchange some dollars for francs. changer tochange la heaucoup change depuis sa visite a Nice. He has changed a lot since his visit to Nice. is couch is very 1001 French Words 0 S chanson f, song C'est ume chanson d'amour, [kis a love song. chanter tosing Mes enfants aiment chanter en yoitiie. My children like tosing in the car. chapeau m. hal IM a-acheté un chapeau de paille pour se réparer du soleil, He bought a straw hat to protect himself from the sun. chateau m. castle A Avignon on peut visiter le chateau du pape. In Avignon one can visit the Pope's castle. chaud(e) hot _Jutmerais du thé chaud, s'il vous plait. 1 would like some hot tea, please. chauffeur m. driver Le chauffeur criait parce que la voiture devant lui ne bougeait pas. The driver was shouting because the car in front of him wasn't moving chaussette f, sock Apportez des chaussettes de laine pour la montagne. Bring wool socks for the mountains. chemin m. path, road Ce chemin parte a la riviere. This road leads to the river. chemin (de fer)m. railroad 'irai d'Ttalie en France par chemin de fer, [shall go‘from Italy to France by railroad. chemise j. shirt [été je porte les chemises de coton: In the summer, I wear cotton shirts. cheque m. check Je peux vous payer avec un chégue personnel? Can Tpay you with a personal check? cher expensive, dear Les vétements sont plus chers ici quiaux Btats- Unis, Clotlies are more expensive here than in the United States. thercher to look for Cherchez la elé de-cette malle, Anne. Look for the key to this trunk, Ann: eheveu m. hair fe dois me fatre couper les-cheveux, 1 mmst-get ‘my hair cut. thoisir to choose, select Nous avons choisi un hétel prés du métro. We chose a hotel near the subway. chosej. thing Cette estampe de Daumier est la plus belle choseaque j'ai uclietée comme: souvenir de Paris, This Daumier print is the most beautiful thing that | have bought as.a souvenir of Paris. ciel m. Sky Le ciel est couvert aujourd'hui, The sky is covered with clouds today. cinéma. movies, moyie theater Hier-sair, nous avons vu un film émon- Vantducmema. Last night, we saw a touching film at the movies. eaux im fl. scissors Crest une bonne:idée d'apporter des ciseaux a angles. 1's a good idea to bring nail scissors, clair light (color), clear Je préfére unt blew plus clair pour cette cham- bre; 1 prefera lighter blue for that bedroom. eiclasse f. class J'ai deux classes demain matin: 1 have two-classes ‘tomorrow morning. 10 1001 French Words @hreneter 5 key Je te donne la clé de fa maison mats ne la perd pas. Lam giving you the key to tht house but don't lose it ¢lient(e) client, customer Nous avons beaucoup de clients pendant (été. We have many customers in the summer. climat 7m. climate Le climat dans le Midi est idéal. ‘The climate in the south of France is ideal. cloche f, bell On entend ta cloche de Vézlise d'ici. We hear the church bell from here. coeur m. heart Quand j'ai su quelle était guérie, mon coeur s'est rem- plide gratitude, When | heard that she was cured, my heart was full of gratitude. coin m. corer L’arrét d’autabus est au coin de cette rue, The bus stop is at the corner of this street. coller to paste J'ai collé Vaffiche “Défense de fumer” sur ma porte. I pasted the sign “No smoking” on my door. collier m. necklace Le collier de diamants était faux. It was a fake diamond necklace. collision f (entreren) to collide, to crash Les deux yoitures sont entrées en collision a Vintersection, ‘The two cars collided at the intersection. combien? haw much? Combien codte ce livre? How much does this book cost? comme like, as Le nouveau film de Veber, “Le Diner des cons,” comme son film célébre “La Cage aux folles,” est tres amusant. Veber's new movie, Le Diner des cons (Dinner of Fools), like his famous film La Cage aux folles (The Birdcage), is very amusing. commencer to begin Elle commence déja a lire et a éerire. She is already beginning to read and write. commode f chest of drawers Il y a deux commodes dais cette cham- bre. ‘There are two chests of drawers in this bedroom, compagnie f company I. compagnie Coty vend des parfums, The Coty company sells perfumes. complet m. suit, outfit I! me semble qu'un complet. suffit paur ee voyage. It seems to me that one suit is sufficient for this trip. comprendre to understand Camprenez-vous le guide? Do you understand the guide? compter to count Comptez argent qui yous reste pour voir s'il faut aller la banque. Count how much money you have left to see if we must go to the bank. conduire to drive, to lead If va vous conduire a faéroport. He is going to drive you to the airport & conférence lecture. conference La conférence sur les artistes impres- ) sionistes était intéressante. ‘The lecture on the Impressionist painters Was interesting. 1001 Freneh Words I S&S onfortable comfortable Ce canapé n'est pas confortable. This couch is not comfortable. eonfus confused, embarrassed _Jo suts confus Ov doisje aller? lam confused. Where should | go? connaitre’ to know;tomeet Je conmats lesparents de mon étudiant. | know my student's parents. conseiller to advise le médevin ia conseillé dé ime teposer, ‘The doctor advised me to rest. eonsulatm. consulate Situ as perdu ton pasieport, va au consulat pour | en-obtenir un autre. Ifyou have lost your passport, go to the con- sulate to get-another one, slory, tale Les enfants aiment Tes contes de fées. Children content pleased, glad Je suis trés content deton progres. 1 am very \ pleased with your progress. continuer to continue, goon Contimyez & marcher taut droit et vous verrez Turret d'autobus au coin de la rue. Continue to walk straight ahead and you will see the bus stop at the corner of the street. contmire contrary Aw conéraire, if na jamais dit qu'il he nous widerait pas. On the contrary, he never said that he would not help us. contre against La plupart des Francais sont contre la peine capitale. Most French people are against capital punishment. copain, copine pal, good friend Jaime causer avec mes oppains apres Fécole. “Like to chat with my pals after school. ' corbeille basket Jat jeté les papiers dans (a corheille. | threw'the papers in the basket. corps. body Oi veapprendre les parties du conisen francais, We will learn the parts of the body in tench. correct correct Cette phrase n'est pus correcte. I y a time faute Porthographe. This sentence is not correct, There is a spelling mistake. f corriger to correct Voici le browillon du‘mamuserit mais il faut encore corrigertes fautes. Here is the rough draft of the manuseript but the eros still have to be corrected. cétef coast La Cote d'Azur a de tres beltes plages. The coast ofthe French Riviera has very beautiful beaches. : eotém. side Son bureau est de Vautre cété de la rae, Tis office is on the other side of the street. | coton mm. colton Jaime les vélements de coton [été T like cotton clothing in the summer. coum. neck Jui malau cou. My neck hurts, Be. coucher,se fo goto bed Nous devons nous coucher tétce soir. We * must go to bed early tonight. 12 1001 French Words Scoudre tosew Jen'aime pas coudre mais il faudra que je raccourcisse ce ~~ pantalon, 1 don’t like to sew but I shall have to shorten these trousers, coup m, blow Le yoleurd regu un coup de baton aux jambes et il a ete ‘awété, The thief received a blow to the legs from a billy club and he was arrested. coupe f, goblet, (sports prize) cup La France a gagné la Coupe du qionde au football en 1998. France won the World Cup in soccer in 1998. “ couper to cut Ce couleau ie coupe pas bien. ‘This knife doesn’t cut well. courir to run II faudra courir pour atiraper le train, We will have to jun to catch the train. courrier m. mail, past Je n'ai pas encore regu man courrier. [haven't received my mail yet. cours m. course, class Mon cours de littérature mintéresse beaucoup. My literature course interests me a lot. eourt short Viens parici. C'est plus court. Come this way. [t's shorter. coutean m. knife Jen'ai pase couteau. Idon't havea knife. cotter to cost Gombien cotite ce parapluie? How much does this umbrella cost? coutume om Les coulumes changent de région en région. The customs vary from region to region. couverture {blanket [aurai besoin d'une couverture de laine parce qu'il fait froid la nuit, 1 shall need a wool blanket because it is cold at night. couvrir to cover II faut couvrir les meubles avant de peindre les murs. We rnust cover the furniture before painting the walls. crvatef He J'ai acheté une halle cravate de soie pour mon oncle. 1 bought a beautiful silk tie for my uncle. crayon m. pencil Ne vous servez pas d'un erayon pour écri Don't use a pencil to write the exam. crim. shout Uneri dans la nuit ma fait peur. Ashoutin the night frightened me. erier to shout L'enfant @ erié, “Attention, un serpent!” ‘The child shouted, “Watch out, a snake!” crime m, crime Ila passé trois ans en prison pour son ernie. He spent three years in jail for his crime. eroire to believe, think fe erois qu'il jaut réfléchir avant de faire cette , décision, 1 think we must think it over before making this decision. t iS croix f cross Il n'y avait qu'une simple croix blanche pour marquer la / tombe du soldat. ‘There was only a simple white cross to mark the soldier's tomb. re l'examen. AN i“ Pic raw Sion peut lerdigérer. les lézumes crus font bien @ fa santé, TE ) 1007 French Words 13 you can digest them, raw vegetables are good for your health. cuiller/cuillére £ spoon Garcon, j'ai besoin d'une cuillére. Waiter, | need a spoon. : cuirm, leather Je cherche une senietie dé cuir [am looking for a leather briefcase. migiees cooking Cite cuisiie est tres moderne et jolie. This ¥ modern and pretty. cuisine, faire la to do the cooking uf fait la cuisine chez vous? Who does the cooking at your house? isinier (itre) cook Le cuisinier prépare-des repas déliciéux, The cook prepares delicious meal: euisimiére {| stove Cette cuisiniére est facile a utiliser This stove is easy to use. eurém. priest Le curé lesa marigs dimanche passé. “The priest mar tied ther last Sunday. cui ‘dame f- lady’ Messieurs, daiies, assevez-vous, s'il vous plait, Ladies and genilemen, please sit down, danger'm. danger Fvitez le danger de glisser sur te glace. Avoid the danger of slipping on the ice. dangereux(euse) dangerous Cette plage est dangereuse la nuit. This beach is dangerous at night, danser todance Oya dansé jusiu’a minuil. We danced until midnight, date date Quelle est la date aujaurd'hui? What is today’s date? de. of from Combien de kilometres y a-til d'icr a la gare? How many Kilometers is:it from here to the railroad station? décider todecide Eh bien, avezvous décidé? Well, have vou decided? découvrir to discover Jai découvert un restaurant prev-dici qui sert un bon repas: | have discovered a testaurant near here which serves a good meal, dedans inside A lextérieur cet immeuble n'est pas temarquable, muaig st vous regardez dedans il y a une cour avec un trés beau jardin. On the outside this building is not remarkable, bul if you look inside there is. a courtyard with # very beautiful garden. défendre todefend, to forbid Mest défendu de fumer, tis forbidden to smoke. ce outside Il fait froid dehors aujourd'hui, It is cold outside today, déja’ already Je savaix déja qu'elle sail fiancée, 1 already knew that she had become engaged. - = deéjeuner im lunch En France on prend le déjeuner vers deux heures. In Prance lunch is eaten al around two, 14 1001 French Words oe > déjeuncr, petit m. breakfast A cet hétel on sert le petit déjeuner de 7h ; 2 p 4 10h. In this hotel breakfast is served from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. déjeuner to eat lunch Bille déjewne:prés du bureau ot elle travaille. She eats lunch near the office where she works. demain tomorrow fe vous téléphonerai demain matin. Tl call you tomorrow morning. demander toask(for) J'ai demandé au gargon ou se trouve la poste. 1 asked the waiter where the post office is located: demi half Je me suis couché-a minuit et demi. I went to bed at half past midnight. dent f tooth [ai um mal de dents terrible. | have a terrible tooth- ache. départ m. leaving, departure Le départ de mon avion a eu un délai de deux heures, ‘The departure of my plane had a two-hour delay. dépécher, se to hurry Dépéchez-yous! Tl faut partir. Hurry up! We have to leave. dépendrede todependon ene sais pas: Ga dépend du prix. 1 don’t know, It depends on the price. dépenser tospend fe dois dépenser largent qui me veste seulement pour des choses essentielles. 1 must spend the money remaining to me only for essential things. depuis since [lest parti pour Paris et je ne Vai pas vu depuis. He left for Paris and | hayen’t seen him since. déranger {o disturb, to bother Ne me dérangez pas! Do not disturb me! dernier (ire) last C'est la dernidre fois que je Tai vu, That's the last time I saw him. denizte behind, in back-of Derriére le musée il y @ un joli pare. Behind the museum, there is @ pretty park. des some J'ai upporté des sandales. 1 brought some sa ndals. descendre to go down, get off Nous devons descendre & Varrét prochain. We must get off at the next stop. désirer to want, wish, desire Nous déstrons allera la plage. We want to go te the beach. desseinm. drawing Dans le Musée Picasso a Paris, il-y a des peintures et des desseins formidables! In the Picasso Museum in Paris, there are marvelous paintings and drawings! destination f, destination Prenez le train avec la destination Gare Montpamasse. Take the train that is going to the Montparnasse rail- toad station. 5 devant in front of J'espere que personne ne sassied devant nous. | = hope no one sits down in front of us. ~développer to develop, unfald Le gouvernement essaie de développer 1001 French Words 15 Vénergie solaire. "Vhe government is trying to:develop solar energy. laidonné la pellicule du voyage @ développer 1 gave the film of the @ tipto be developed. © Vdevoir to have to, must, to owe Les étudiants doivent étudier davan- \ tage. ‘The students must study more; j Dieu m. God Diew merci, il pleut enfin, ‘Vhank God, it is finally I taining, difficile difficult, hard Il est difficile de laivser sa patrie, Tes difficult to leave one’s homeland. dire’ to say, tell Tout ce qu'il dit est vrai, Everything he says is trite, direau revoir to say good-bye _Il faut dire au revoir a notre guide, We must say good-bye to our guide: distance f, ‘distance Quelle est la distance d'ici au Touvre? What is the distance from here to the Louvre? f doigtm. finger Il s'est coupé le doigt avec lecautean. He cut his fin- gerwith the knife. dollarm. dollar Lure vauta peu pres un dollar aujourd'hui, The Euira is worth approximately one dollar today. domestique m/f domestic, servant Cette famille riche.a beaucoup de | domestiques. “That rich family has many servants, j dommage m. harm, shame, pity Quel dommage qu'il soit tombel What a pity that he fell! donner to give’ Je donne toujours quelque chose aux charités. always give something to charities, I dorénavant from now on Dorénavant, n'oubliez pos ld'elé. Prom flow On, don't forget the key. dormir to sleep Malyré ta pluie, j'ai bien dormi la riuit deriiére, Despite the rain slept weil last night. dotane f- customs I] faut passer par la dowane a votre drives, Wis necessary to.go through customs at your arrival. douche {shower Je fais une douche tous les mating, 1 takea shower every morming: douleurf pain, ache J'ai une douleywrau cou. Vhavea pain in my néck: douter(de) todoubt Il dit que la chambre sera prdte dans vingt minutes miuis fen doute. He says the roam will be ready in twenty minutes butd doubt it. doux,donce sweet J'adore lex marrons glacés maisils sont tres doux, 1 love candied chestnuts but they are very sweet. douzainef dozen }'} suis allé une douzaine de fois. V've been there a dozen times, ; = drap mu sheet 1 faut demander des draps prapres. We must ask for <> clean sheets: 16 1001 French Words drapeau m, flag Le drapeau frangais est bleu, blane, et rouge. The French flag is blue, white, and red. droit straight Allez tout droit et vous verres la banque. Go straight ahead and you will see the bank. i droite f, right Le bureau de poste est 4 droite. The post office 1s to the right. dur hard, difficult, harsh Son enfance était dure. His childhood Q) was harsh. - durer to last Le régne de Louis XIV a duré soixante-douze ans. The reign of Louis XIV jasted sevenly-fwo years. eau f. water En France, dans les restaurants, on boit de [eau wninérale, en général. Tn France, mineral water usually is drank in restaurants. échanger to exchange Jiaimerais échanger cette robe que j'ai achetée lier. Lwould like to exchange this dress that | bought yesterday. échouer to fail Ila échoud a l'examen. He failed the exam. écolef, school Les écoles sont fermées paur Noél. Schools are closed for Christmas. écouter to listen to Il gcoute les nouvelles dla radio. He is listening to the news on the radio. écrixe townte Il écrit chaque jour dans san journal, He writes in his diary every day. écritean m. sign, notice Léertteau dit: “Fermé le lundi.” The sign says: “Closed on Mondays.” effet m. effect En effet, cest une belle surprise de vous voir ict. In fact, it’s a great surprise to see you here. effort. effori Il a soulevé le poids sans effort, He lifted the weight without effort. gal equal, same Cela lui est égal, It's all the same to him. également equally, likewise En France, leg ferumes ont obtenw beau coup de droits; lement, cela est arrivé aux Etats-Unis. In France, women have gained many rights; likewise, that has happened in the United States. église f. church Ily aune église catholique tres prés d'ici. There is a Catholic church very near here. cllef she Elle est partie. She left embassadef. embassy Les embassades de tous les pays étrangers sont a Paris. ‘The emnbassies of all the foreign countries are in Paris. -embrasser to embrace, hug, kiss Bile a embrassé ses parents avant de partir. She hugged her parents before she left. emploi m. employment, job Je cherche un emploi pres dechezmoi. | am looking for a job near my house. = 1001 French Words 17 sr employé(e}) employee Les emplayés d'Air Vrance étaient en greve leté passé. The employees of Air France were on strike last summer. enchanté delighted, enchanted Enchanté de faire votre connaissance. Delighted to meet you. encore still, again, yet Islle n'a pas encore fait ses devoirs,, She hasn't done her homework yet. encref, ink Herivez a Venere. Write in ink. endroitm. place, spot C'est un endrott parfait potir notre pigue-nique. li’s a perfect spot for our pienie. enfant m/f. child, kid Les enfants font trop de bruit. ‘The kids-are making too much noise. enlever to take away, to take off Enlevez les livres de la table, sil yous plait. “Take the books away from the table, please. ennuim. bother C'est un grand ennui de devoir faire cela. I's a great bother to have to do that. ennuyer to annoy, bore I m’enmuie toujours avec ses plaintes. He is always annoying me with his complaints. enseigner toteach [lmaenseignédconduire. He taughtme how to drive. ensemble together Nous pourons-voyager ensemble. We can travel together: ensuite then, next, after Nous avons déjeuné ensemble ef ensuite nous avons causé pendant une heure, We ate lunch together and then we chatted for an hour. entendre to hear; to understand Onentend le bruit du train pendant la nuit. We hear the noise of the train during the night. Alors, c'est entendu. So, it’s understood. entendu, bien of course Bien entendu nous: irons avec vous. OF course we'll go. with you. entracte m. intermission; interval On causera encore pendant [en- tracte. We'll chat some more-during intermission. entre between, among Entre notis, ce nest pas une bonne idée.d'aller le voir a Vhopital. Between us, its nol a good idea ta go see-him at the hospital. entrée f, entrance, admission Lvenérde es gratuite fe dimanche. Admission is free on Sundays. entrer toenter,come in Frappez a la porte avant d'entrer. Knock at the door before entering. enveloppe j, envelope J'ai trouyé une enveloppe pour ma lettre. 1 found an envelope for my letter, = envelopper to wrap [ai enveloppé ces verres. de sorte gqu'ils ne se = casseront pas. | have wrapped these. glasses so that they will nat break. 18 1001 French Words S”envief, desire Je n'ai pas envie aller au cinéma ce soir [don't feel like going to the movies tonight. envoyer to send Je désire envoyer des cartes postales a mex amis aux KialsUnis. I want to-send some postcards to my friends in the United States. épaulef, shoulder Ifamala [épaule parce qu’il ¢ porté une valise trés jourde. His shoulder hurts because he carried a very heavy suitease. épicé spicy Les plats de la cuisine créole sont plutat épicés, Creole cookery is rather spicy. équipe f team L’équipe de football de ton frere a gagné la partie el est en train de céléhrer. “Your brother's soccer team won the game and is celebrating right now. escalier m. stairs, staircase Si vous montez l'escalier el tournee a droite ‘vous trouverez votre chambre. If you go upstairs and turn right you will find your room. espace m. space II faut avoir assez d'espace entre yous et la voiture devant vous. ‘There must be enough space between you and the car in front of you, Espagne f. Sp. ‘Nous sommes allés de France en Espagne en traversant les Pyrénées, We went from France to Spain by crossing the Pyrenees, espagnol m, Spanish Avant dialler au Mexique j'ai étudié Vespagnol. Before going to Mexico | studied Spanish. espérer ta hope |'yspere fe revoir un jour. I hope to see you again some day. essayer to try, to taste Essayer cette crepe et dites-moi si ellé vous plait. Try this pancake and tell me if you like it, est n. east La Suisse est le pays & Vest de la France. Switzerland is the country to the east of France. estomac m, stomach Nous avons tous mal a lestomac. We all have a stomachache. et and Lui et moi, nous viendrons ensemble He and I will come together, étage m,_ story, floor Cet édifice a sept étages, “This building has seven floors. @atm. state, condition [L’élat du Texas a @ peu pres les mémes dimen- sions que la France. ‘The state of Texas is almost the same size as France Etats-Unis m. pl. United States Dans état de Louisiane aux Etats- Unis beaucoup de gers parlent encore francais. In the state of Louisiana in the United States many people still speak French. éeindre to turn off, extinguish I! faut éteindre la lumiére avant de-sor- fir, You must tum off the light before you go out. étoffe f, cloth, fabric C'est une belle étojfz. I's a beautiful fabric. a | be i 1001 Freneh Words 19 > Facile f star Les étoiles brillent dans lecel, ‘The'stars are shining in the'sky. Gtrange strange C'est étrunge qué nos amis né soient pas ie). Tes strange that our friends are not here. étranger m. foreigner; stranger Gest un-étranper qui ne parle pas frangais, He isa foreigner who does not speak French, Ghe tobe Quelle estta valise? Which is your suitcase? étroit narrow, tight La porte au jardin est tres éttoite, “Vhe door ta the garden is very narrow, eludiant(e) student Les étudiants de la Sorbonne se trouvent dans lex cafés. The Sorbonne students meetin the cafés. étudier to study Avent d'aller en France mon fils va étudier fe francais. Before going to Prance my son is going to study French. Europe f. Europe La Communauté européenne unit beaweoup des pays d'Europe avec ur seul passeport. Vhe European Community unites‘ many of the countries of Harope witli a single passport, anouir,s’ lo faint Quand elle a-entendu ta mativaise nouvelle; elle sest €vanouie. When she heard the bad news, she fainted, €vantailm. fan Cette dame aun dental parce quil faitchaud ‘That lady has a fan because itis hot. Semen m exam Note professeur a annoncé un examen pour fa prochaine. Our teacher announced an exam for next week. exemplaire m. sample Voici in exemplaire du travail d'un de nos ouy- fiers. Hereis a sample of the work of one of our workmen. exemple rm. example Ceci est un exemple de se traduction. T) an example of his translation, exiger to demand, to require Il exige que les exercices de laboratoire snient remis avant Vexamen final. He requires that the laboratory exercises be handed in before the final exam. " expliquer toexplain Il a expligué qu'il iavait pas éent parce qu'il avait perdu notre adresse. He explained that he hadn't written because he had lost our address, : face (en __de) opposite, facing Mn face de nots, nous voyons.l' Hotel deville, Facing us, we see City Hall. facile’ casy Ces ‘exercices de francais ne sont pas’ fitciles. “These French exercises are not easy, faible weak Ilse sent faible dprév’sa maladie. He feels weak after his illness. faim f hunger Nous avons une faim de loup. We are hungry as a wolf. faire to-do, make’ Nous avons beaucoup d'achaty a faire, We have many purchases to: make, 20 1001 French Words = = famille f family Fille va tous les étés chez sa famille en France. She goes to her family’s home in France every summer. fatigue tired Je suis fatigué apres cette longue promenade, | am tired after that long walk. faute f mistake Il y a des fautes de grammaire dans cette composition. There are grammar mistakes in this composition. félicitations f, pl. congratulations Mes félicitutions pour la naissance de yotre fils, Congratulations on the birth of your son. femme f woman; wile Cette jeune femme est s ant-abri, ‘This young, woman is homeless. femme de chambre f chambermaid La femme de chambre: vous apportera du sayon. ‘The chambermaid will bring you some soap. fenétre f. window Les fenétres de ma chambre donnent sur la cour. “The windaws of my bedroom face the courtyard. fermé closed Le hindi beaucoup de musées sont fermés. Many mu- seums are closed on Mondays. fermer to close Fermez la porte, s'il vous plait, Close the door, please. = féte f holiday, celebration Le quatorze juillet est la fete nationale francaise. July fourteenth is the French national holiday. feu fire, (traffic) light II ne faut pas traverser s'il y a le feu rouge, You must not cross if there isa red light. fiancé(e) m/f. fiancé{e), boyfriend, girlfriend Mon fils aime sa jeune fiancée. Myson loves his young fiancée. fier A, se to trust Il faut se fier a notre guide. We must trast our guide. fitvre f- fever Tu as mal a la gorge et de Ta fievre. Ne sorte pas, You haye a sore throat and fever. Don't go out. figuref face Elle a la figure tres jolie. She has.a very pretty face. fil, un coupdem. call, ring Donne-noi un coup defildemain. Give me a call tomorrow. finf end La fin de l'été est ici. The end of the summer is here: finir to finish II finit ses devoirs avant de se coucher. He finishes his homework before going to bed. fleur flower [ai envoye des fleurs a la mere du bébé. | sent flowers to the baby’s mother. fleuve m. @re f) river La Loire est le plus fong des fleuves de France. ‘The Loire is the longest river in France. foi f faith Le chef du gouyemement doit inspirer Ia foi du peuple. ‘The head of the government must inspire the faith of the people. fois time (occasion) Une fois ne suffit pas. Once 15 nol enough. ~@ fonctionner to work, function Cet ordinateur fonetionne bien main- tenant, ‘This computer works well now. cetiew, You are crazy if you continue to work in that place. fourchette 7. fork Apportez-moi une autre fourchette, je vous-en prie. Bring me another fork, please. francais m. French Ii enseigne le frangais @ New York. He teaches French in Nes York. France f France La France est séparée de I'Halie par les Alpes. France is separated from Ttaly by the Alps. frit(es) fried Des pommies frites, sil vous plait. Some French fies, please. froid: cold Le potege est fraid. The soup is.cold. front forehead; (military) front Tl a frappé Ia front contre ler branche dm arbre, He hit his foréhead against the branch ofa tree. frontitre ff border A fa frontiére. él faut monirer son passeport. At the border you have to show your passport. fumée fi smoke On yoyart la funde de l'ineendie de forét de: trés loin: The smoke trom the forest fire was seen from very far away. farmer fosmoke ar conseillé.a-ries él ty pupils not to stoke, fur m., au, ct A mesure progressively, gradually Au fur eb @ mesure guils marchaient et courdient ensemble, sa tristesse a disparu. Gridually, as they walked and ran together, her sadness dis- appeared. es de ne pas fuer. | advised gagner. to carn, win Tl gugne beaucoup d'argent, He eamsa lotof maney. gant m, glove Noublie pas tes gants, if fait froid, Don’t forget your gloves—it's cold. gareon m. boy, x check, please. gardem/f guard, wateliman Le garde de nwit@unchienloup. ‘The night watchman has a police dog. gare f railroad station Vous pativez trouver un taxi d la gare. You can find a taxi at the railroad station. garer to park On peut garer Ia voiture devant la maison sauif le jeudi de dix heures 4 quatorze heures. You ean park the: car in front of the hotise except Thursdays from 10.004... to 2:00 p.m. Se esuche left Au carrefour, tourner-d gauche; - At the crossroads, turn left. 1001 French Words 21 @ footballim. soccer Le football est Ie sport favori des Frangais, Soccer is the favorite sport of the French. fort strong Ce porteur de bagage ext trés fort. This luggage porter is very strong. fou, folle crazy, insane, mad Tu es fou st tu continues a traveiller dans t | iter Garcon, addition s'il yous plait. Waiter, the ries 1001 French Words on genou(x) m, kneels) Al lise beaucoup de gens se metfent a genour pour prier. In church many people get on their knees to pray. gens m, pl, people ily avait heaucoup de gens @ Giverny pour voir la maison et les jardins de Monet. ‘Vhere were many people at Giverny to sce Monet's house and gardens gérant m. manager I! est devenu le gérant de Ventreprise. He has become the manager of the business glacef mirror; ice,icc creamy On voyait la mer reflétée dans la glace du ' restaurant, We saw the sea reflected in the mirror of the restaurant. J'aimerais une glace au chocolat. I would like a chocolate ice cream. gorge, throat Je vais prendre deux aspirines avant deme coucher parce que j'ai mal a la gorge. V'm going to take hwo aspirins before going to bed because | have a sore throat. gotiterm. afternoon snack Les enfimnts prennent le gotiter aprés Pécole. Ghildren have a snack after school. goutte f- drop Ila bu fa derniére goutte d'eau. He drank the Jast drop of water. gouvernement m. government Le premier ministre est le chef du gou- semement de France. The prime minister is the head of the govern- ment of France. grand tall, large; great Charles de Gauile était un grand homme et aussi un homme grand, Charles de Gaulle was a great man and also a tall man grand magasinm. department store Je cherche un grand magasin pour faire mes achais. I'm looking for a department store to make my purchases. greve f. strike Les pilotes d’ of Air France went on strike. gros (grosse) fat [lle doit suivre un résime parce qu'elle est trap grosse. She must go ona diet because she is too fat groupe m. group If y a frente étudiants dans le groupe des com- menganis, ‘There are thirty students in the beginner's group. guerre f, war La guerre entre la France et VAngleterre a duré cent ans. "The war between France and England lasted one hundred years. guichet m. ticket office Iya une queue au guichet, There isa line at the ticket office. guidem. guide; guidebook Notre guide nous montré tous les aspects intéressants de Chartres. Our guide showed us all the interesting aspects of Chartres. ir France sont allés en greve. ‘The pilots + habiller, s’ ‘to get dressed Je me suis, habillé de bonne heure mats les 0” owriers ne sont pas encore arrivés. 1 got dressed early but the work 4 men have not yet arrived. L001 French Words 23 a iP hair to hate Il ya des gens-qui haissent Vidée de la Communauté = iv européenne. There are some people who hate the idea of the Buropean Community, hasard m. chance, coincidence Connaisséz-vous, par hasard, le pro- fesseur Arditty? Do you know Professor Arditty by any chance? haut tall, high La Tour Eiffel est tres haute. The [iffel Tower is very tall, haut, en upstairs, above La salle de buins exten haut. ‘The bath- toom is upstairs. 7 heure hour; time ‘Quelle heure est-il? What time is it? heureux (euse) happy Ove je suis heureux! How happy lam! hier yesterday Hier je me suis fatigué et j'ai besoin de me reposer Yesterday | got tired ont and I need to rest. homme m, man Les hommes ef les femmes de vette université par- tierpent heaucoup aux sports. The men and women of that university take part in sports a lot. homme/femme d'affaires m/f businessman/ -woman [Les hommes affaires vont souvent 4 ce restaurant. Businessmen often go to this restaurant. honte {shame ai honte davouer que le travail n'est pas termind, 1 am ashamed to say that the job is not finished. horaire m. schedule, timetable Voici lhoraire des trains de Pans a Lyon, Here is the Paris—Lyon train schedule. hors (de) outside Getteligne'd’autabus va hors de te ville, “I line goes out of the city. hotel de ville m. city hall, town hall Us yontse marier dens l'hotel de ville. ‘They are going to get marred in the town hall, 15 bus ici here Ici on vend fes timbres, Stamps are sold here. iim he Ilest parti. He left. ilya there is, there are My w tellement de beaux musées at de beaux monuments & voir que je ne sais pas ok commencer, “There are so many beautiful museums and beautiful monuments to see that I don't know where to begin. ils i. (elles £) they Je pense qu’ils nous suivront | think that they will follow us: immédiatement immediately Descends du train immédiatement. Get off the train immediately. imperméable m. raincoat Mettez yotre imperméable parce qu il pleut deja. Wear your raincoat because it’s already taining, importer to matter, to be imporiant Qu’importe? What does it matter? impotm tax On a augmenté les impéts sur les parfums francais aux = (oo f 24 1001 French Words Etats-Unis. ‘Taxes on French perfumes have been increased in the United States. v incendie m. fire C7était un incendie criminel. It was a fire by arson. indiquer to indicate, show Voulez-vous bien m’indiquer ot) se trouve la Banque de France? Would you please show me where the Banque de France is located? ingénieur m; engineer Mon pere était ingénieur. “My father was an engineer. inquiéter, s’ to worry Ne vous inquidtez pas! Don't worry! intérét m. interest’ La Bibliothéque nationale est sans doute un des points dintérét. The National Library is undoubtedly one of the points of interest. intérieur m. inside, interior Il est plus confortable ici, @ Tintérieur, It’s more comfortable here inside. inutile useless If est inutile de faire une gréve maintenant. It is use- less to go on strike now. invité(e) m./f guest Elle avait quatre invités @ diner She had four guests for dinner. ivre drunk Ce monsieur est tout a fait ivre. That man ts completely drunk. jamais ever, never Avez-vous jamais mangé les huitres? Have you ever eaten oysters? Jamuis. Never: Je n'ai jamais visité Séte, ot Valéry a écrit “Le Cimetiére marin.” I never have visited Séte, where Valéry wrote “The Cemetery by the Sea.” jambef leg J'ai mala la jambe droite. My right leg hurts. jardin m. garden Visitez Ie Jardin. du Luxembourg! Visit the Luxem- bourg Gardens! je I Je suis trée impatienie de savoir fa nouvelle. Tam very impatient to hear the news. jeter to throw, throw away Ne jetez pus la balle prés des fenétres. Don’t throw the ball near the windows, Ne jetez pas. ce journal, Je ne Lai pas encore lu. Do not throw away this newspaper. | have not read it yet. jeu m. game Le jeu d'échees exige heaucoup de concentration et de maitrise. The game of chess requires much concentration and expertise. jeune young A som jeune dge, il a déja beaucoup accompli. At his young age, he has already accomplished a lot. joli(e) ‘pretty Ta nouvelle rabe est tres jolie, Your new dress is very pretty. jouer to play Quiva jouer au tennis? Who is going to play tennis? 1001 French Words 25. iF bar e jouct m, toy Le enfants ont trop de jouets aujourd’hui. Children have too many toys today. ‘ jouirde to enjoy Ils jouissent d'une vie same a le campagne. “Whey are enjoying a healthy life in the country. jour m. day Quel jour’sommes-nous aujourd'hui? What day is it today?/ What is today’s date? journal mi. newspaper Je sors paur acheter le journal, Lam going out to buy the newspaper. juge m. judge A ce procts, le juge est tres respecté. At this tal, the judge is very respected. Juif(ve) Jew Cest un Jif italien qui habite en France depuis longtemps. He is an Ttalian Jew who has lived in Prance fora long time, qupe fi skirt On porte les jupes courtes ou longues comme on préfere cette otinée, Skirts are worn short or long as one prefers this year. jurer fo swear Ils ont juré de dire'la vénité au proces. They swore to tell the truth at the tial. jusqua until I! a dori jusgu'd dix heures He slept until ten o'clock. - Kilo(gramme) 7m. kilo(gram) (2.2 Ibs.) Les péches cotitent douze france fekilo, The peaches cost twelve francs a kilo. kilometre mi. kilometer (3/8 ofa mile) On peut aller a cent kilamétres a Uheure sur lautoroute, You can go one hundred kilometers an hour on the highway. laf the; her it Ona sonneé ala porte; c'est la bonne. Someone rang will find her very nice. Ja there J‘aimerdis diner Ia. T-would like to eat there. jacm, lake [ly @ un grand lac @ Honfleur, preside Paris, here is.a ig lake in Honfleur, near Paris aid ugly Ce chien est vraiment laid, That dog is really ugly. lainé# wool On fait des chandails magnifiques de (a laine des moutons francais, Magnificent sweaters are made from the wool of French sheep. laisser to let, permit, allow, leave On ne laisse entrer personne sans permission spéciale. “They don't let anyone enter. without special permission. Jampe {lamp ‘Tout le long de la Stine il ya des lampes, All along the Seine, there are lamps. = langue f tongue, language Mon bureau est dans le Département de langues élrangeres. My office is in the Foreign Languages Department. the doorbell; it’s the maid. Vous fa trouverez tres atmable. You 26 1001 French Words large wide Les rues principales sont larges et belles. ‘he main streets are wide and beautiful. lavabo m. sink, lavatory Je cherche les lavabos. 1 am looking for the lavatories, laver, se- to wash (oneself) Il faut faver le plancher. We must wash the floor. lem:laf, the, it, him, her Le guide et les touristes américains vont yi- siter les chateaux dela Loire. The guide and the American tourists are going to visit the castles of the Loire valley. Je Ia vois tous les jours, see her every day. leconf, lesson Le lecon sur les yerbes réfléchis est toujours difficile pour les Gtudiants, The lesson on teflexive verbs is always difficult for the students. léger, tre light (weight) Un impermdéable léger est idéal pour le voy- age, A light raincoat is ideal for the trip. : lentement slowly Parlez plus lentement, je vous en prie, Speak more slowly, please. lequel which, which one Lequel apportez-yous? Which one are you bringing? les mif pl. the, them Ces enfants ont jeté les miettes de pain aux canards: jé les ai vus. ‘These children threw the bread crumbs to the ducks; I saw them. lettre f letter J'ai enfin vegu une lettre de mon ami en France. have finally received a letter from my friend in France, lever to lift, raise Levez fa main si yous avez fini la composition. Raise your hand if you have finished the composition. levref lip Elle a les lévres a Cupidon. She has Cupid lips. libre free Apres l'université, elle était libre de choisir son sort. Alter the university, she was free to choose her destiny. lieu. place Je connais un liew qui est tres agréable: | know a place that is very pleasant. lignef line Commencez a lire a la ligne treize. Start reading on line thirteen. limite f limit Quelle est la limite de vitesse 1c1? What is the speed Jimit here? lire to read [aime lire avant de m'endormir. 1 like to read before going to sleep. liste f list Voici une liste de restaurants a prix modéré. Here isa list of moderately priced restaurants. litm, bed Jedésire une chambre adeux fits. I want a room with two beds. litre m. liter (1.06 quarts) Un litre de lait et une douzaine d'oeufs, il yous plait. A liter of milk and a dozen eggs, please,

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